excel write


#!C:/perl/bin/perl # excelwrite.pl # 07.11.27 use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Encode; # set perl's OLE module to return Unicode Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8, Warn=>3); my (%t,$n,$e_ref,@fld); # Read data (unicode) open(IN,"C:\\temp\\map.txt") or die "Can't open the file map.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ last if (/^END/); if ( /^ITEM/ ) { @fld = split; push(@{ $$e_ref{NO} },$fld[1]); push(@{ $$e_ref{Ns} },decode("utf8",$fld[2])); push(@{ $$e_ref{Cs} },decode("utf8",$fld[3])); } } close(IN); # データ生成 for $n ( 1 .. 20 ) { $t{name} = 'NO' . $n; push(@{ $$e_ref{list} },$t{name}); $$e_ref{input}{$t{name}} = $n+100; } # Excel ファイルに出力 ($e_ref) = write_excel($e_ref); sub write_excel { my($e_ref) = @_; my(%t,$n); # Get the object $t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n"; $t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False'; # open the sample file map.xls $t{book} = $t{ex}->Workbooks->Open("C:\\TEMP\\map.xls"); # write to a particular cell $t{sheet} = $t{book}->Worksheets('Sheet1'); # EXCELファイルにデータを書き込む for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $$e_ref{list} } ) { $t{name1} = $$e_ref{list}[$n]; $t{value1} = $$e_ref{input}{$t{name1}}; $t{X1} = 3; $t{Y1} = 10+$n; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},$t{X1})->{'Value'} = $t{value1}; } $t{Y1}++; $t{XX} = 'C' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XX}:$t{XX}")->Borders(xlEdgeBottom)->{LineStyle} = xlDouble; $t{Y1}++; $t{C1} = $$e_ref{Cs}[0]; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},$t{X1})->{'Value'} = Variant(VT_BSTR, $t{C1}); # 中国語(Unicode)OK # Save the excel file $t{book}->SaveAs("C:\\TEMP\\map1.xls"); undef $t{book}; undef $t{ex}; print "The output file is C:\\TEMP\\map1.xls\n"; return($e_ref); } 1; __END__