VBA ==> Perl变换
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlDouble
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
End Sub
$t{sheet}->Range("E11:I11")->Borders(xlEdgeBottom)->{LineStyle} = xlDouble;
安装Microsoft的Microsoft Visual Basic
Microsoft Formsオブジェクトリファレンス
マルチ ページ コントロール、タブ ストリップ コントロールの場合
Set Object = object.Add( [ Name [, Caption [, index]]])
Set Control = object.Add( ProgID [, Name [, Visible]])
$ex = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n";
$ex->Amethod("arg")->Bmethod->{'Property'} = "foo";
# EXCELを起動
$t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n";
# 「xxへの変更を保存しますか?」が出ない
$t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False';
$t{book} = $t{ex}->Workbooks->Add;
$t{sheet} = $t{book}->Worksheets(1);
$t{sheet}->Cells(2,2)->{Value} = "This is a dog.";
$t{sheet}->Cells(3,3)->{Value} = "That is alos a dog";
# $ex->Cmethod(undef,undef,$Arg3);
#$t{ex}->{Visible} = 1; # 表示する
$ex->Dmethod($RequiredArg1, {NamedArg1 => $Value1, NamedArg2 => $Value2}
# write a 2 rows by 3 columns range
$t{sheet}->Range("A8:C9")->{Value} = [[ undef, 'Xyzzy', 'Plugh'],
[ 42, 'Perl', 3.1415]];
# print
# |Xyzzy|Plugh|
# 42|Perl|3.1415|
$array = $t{sheet}->Range("A8:C9")->{Value};
for (@$array) {
for (@$_) {
print defined($_) ? "$_|" : "|";
print "\n";
use Win32::OLE::Enum;
# 追加BOOK
my $book = $excel->Workbooks->add() ;
my $sheet = $book->ActiveSheet;
$sheet->Range("B1")->{Value} = "OLE Sample" ;
my $data = $sheet->Range("B1")->{Value};
print "(" . $data . ")\r\n";
my $array = $sheet->Range("A1:C1")->{Value};
print "(" . $$array[0][1] . ")\r\n"; # @@$arrayの2次元配列
$sheet->Range("A1")->Interior->{ColorIndex} = 6;
$sheet->Range("A8:G8")->Interior->{ColorIndex} = 6;
#Const xlContinuous = 1;
$sheet->Range("C2")->Borders(xlDiagonalUp)->{LineStyle} = 1;
$sheet->Range("C3")->Borders(xlDiagonalDown)->{LineStyle} = 1;
$sheet->Columns("A:A")->{ColumnWidth} = 4.00;
$sheet->Range("A1")->{WrapText} = 1;