

#!C:/perl/bin/perl # change_main_type1.pl 07.12.10 use strict; use DBI; my (%t,@rec); $t{dsn} = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook"; $t{dbh} = DBI->connect($t{dsn}, "cbuser", "cbpass") or die "Cannot connect to server\n"; if(!$t{dbh}){ print "SQL read ERROR!\n"; exit; } open(OUT,">main_type1_tmp.txt"); $t{sth} = $t{dbh}->prepare("select * from main_type1"); $t{sth}->execute; while (@rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array) { $t{line} = join("==>",@rec); print OUT $t{line},"\n"; } $t{sth}->finish; $t{dbh}->disconnect; close(OUT); print "The output file is main_type1_tmp.txt.\n"; __END__ -------------------------------------------------------------- #!C:/perl/bin/perl # change_main_type2.pl 07.12.10 use strict; my (%t,@fld,$n); # データを読む open(IN,"main_type1_tmp.txt"); while(<IN>){ chop; @fld = split(/==>/); next unless $fld[1]; push(@{ $t{name} },$fld[1]); } close(IN); # テーブルを生成 open(OUT,">../sql/main_type1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_type1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE main_type1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name VARCHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' series VARCHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' DWG VARCHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo VARCHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; # データを挿入 for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{name} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO main_type1 (name) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{name}[$n],'");',"\n"; } close(OUT); print "The output table is main_type1.sql.\n"; __END__ -------------------------------------------------------------- # make_ptables.pl # パーツテーブルの生成 use strict; use DBI; my(%t,$n,@fld); print "This is make_ptables.pl.\n"; # テーブルの名前を生成する open(IN,"main_type1_tmp.txt") or die "Can't open the file main_type1_tmp.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ chop; @fld = split(/==>/); next unless $fld[1]; $t{NO5} = sprintf("%06d",$fld[0]); push(@{ $t{ID} },$t{NO5}); } close(IN); # データベースに連結 $t{dsn} = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook"; $t{dbh} = DBI->connect($t{dsn}, "cbuser", "cbpass") or die "Cannot connect to server\n"; $t{dbh}->do("SET NAMES utf8"); if(!$t{dbh}){ print "SQL read ERROR!\n"; exit; } for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{ID} } ) { #for $n ( 0 .. 0 ) { $t{NO5} = $t{ID}[$n]; $t{table} = 'a' . $t{NO5}; # 同名テーブルが存在している場合,削除 $t{sql} = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $t{table} . ';'; $t{dbh}->do($t{sql}); # テーブルを作成する $t{sql} = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $t{table}; $t{sql} .= ' ('; $t{sql} .= 'id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,'; $t{sql} .= 'name VARCHAR(50),'; $t{sql} .= 'code VARCHAR(50),'; $t{sql} .= 'engine INT,'; $t{sql} .= 'price VARCHAR(50),'; $t{sql} .= 'money INT,'; $t{sql} .= 'memo TEXT,'; $t{sql} .= 'PRIMARY KEY (id));'; $t{dbh}->do($t{sql}); print "The table $t{table} is created.\n"; } $t{dbh}->disconnect; __END__; -------------------------------------------------------------- #!C:/perl/bin/perl # change_main_type1.pl 07.12.10,16 use strict; use DBI; use utf8; my (%t,@rec); $t{dsn} = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook"; $t{dbh} = DBI->connect($t{dsn}, "cbuser", "cbpass") or die "Cannot connect to server\n"; $t{dbh}->do("SET NAMES utf8"); if(!$t{dbh}){ print "SQL read ERROR!\n"; exit; } open(OUT,">main_type1_tmp.txt"); $t{sth} = $t{dbh}->prepare("select * from main_type1"); $t{sth}->execute; while (@rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array) { $t{line} = join("==>",@rec); print OUT $t{line},"\n"; } $t{sth}->finish; $t{dbh}->disconnect; close(OUT); print "The output file is main_type1_tmp.txt.\n"; __END__ -------------------------------------------------------------- #!C:/perl/bin/perl # change_main_type2.pl 07.12.10,16 use strict; my (%t,@fld,$n); # データを読む open(IN,"main_type1_tmp.txt"); while(<IN>){ chop; @fld = split(/==>/); next unless $fld[0]; push(@{ $t{name} },$fld[1]); } close(IN); # テーブルを生成 open(OUT,">../sql/main_type1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_type1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE main_type1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name VARCHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' series VARCHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' GR TEXT,',"\n"; print OUT ' DWG TEXT,',"\n"; print OUT ' memo VARCHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; # データを挿入 for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{name} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO main_type1 (name) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{name}[$n],'");',"\n"; } close(OUT); print "The output table is main_type1.sql.\n"; __END__ --------------------------------------------------------------