
# すべてのOURREFを抽出,SQLファイルを生成 # get_ourref.pl 2007.10.08 use strict; my (%t,$s_ref,$n,$n1,@fld,$file1); # Read setting data while(<DATA>){ if ( /^SQL/ ) { chomp; @fld = split(/==>/); $$s_ref{E_DIR} = $fld[1]; $$s_ref{T_DIR} = $fld[2]; } } close(DATA); # Do one by one ($s_ref) = sfiles($s_ref); # Making TXT file $t{file1} = 'ourrefs.sql'; $t{txt_file} = '../sql/' . $t{file1}; open(OUT,"> $t{txt_file}"); print "The output file is $t{txt_file}\n"; print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS our_ref;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE our_ref',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' ourref CHAR(40),',"\n"; print OUT ' states CHAR(20),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $$s_ref{files} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO our_ref (ourref,states) VALUES("'; print OUT $$s_ref{refs}[$n1],'",'; print OUT '"0");'; print OUT "\n"; } close(OUT); sub sfiles { my($s_ref) = @_; my (%t); $t{Dir} = '../' . $$s_ref{E_DIR}; # Open the directory opendir(BIN,$t{Dir}) or die "Can't open $t{Dir}.\n"; # Deal with files one by one while (defined ($t{file} = readdir BIN) ) { next if $t{file} =~ /^\.\.?$/; if ( $t{file} =~ /^ENQ\s(\w*)\s/ ) { if ( length($1) >= 7 ) { push(@{ $$s_ref{files} },$t{file}); push(@{ $$s_ref{refs} },$1); } } } closedir(BIN); return($s_ref); } __DATA__ C E_DIR T_DIR SQL==>共同work==>txt -------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS our_ref ERROR: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the ma nual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use n ear 'CREATE TABLE our_ref ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, ourref CHAR(40), states' at line 2 -------------- # すべてのHULL_NOを抽出,SQLファイルを生成 # get_hullno.pl 2007.10.08 use strict; my (%t,$s_ref,$n,$n1,@fld,$file1); # Read setting data while(<DATA>){ if ( /^SQL/ ) { chomp; @fld = split(/==>/); $$s_ref{E_DIR} = $fld[1]; $$s_ref{T_DIR} = $fld[2]; } } close(DATA); # Do one by one ($s_ref) = sfiles($s_ref); # Making TXT file $t{file1} = 'hullnos.sql'; $t{txt_file} = '../sql/' . $t{file1}; print "The output file is $t{txt_file}\n"; open(OUT,"> $t{txt_file}"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hull_no;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE hull_no',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' HULL_NO CHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' name CHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' built DATE,',"\n"; print OUT ' flag CHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(100),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $$s_ref{hullnos} } ) { # print OUT 'INSERT INTO our_ref (ourref,states,memo) VALUES("'; # print OUT $$s_ref{refs}[$n1],'",'; # print OUT '"0","0");'; print OUT "$n1==>$$s_ref{hullnos}[$n1]"; print OUT "\n"; } close(OUT); sub sfiles { my($s_ref) = @_; my (%t,$ref,$n); use Spreadsheet::Read; $t{Dir} = '../' . $$s_ref{E_DIR}; # Open the directory opendir(BIN,$t{Dir}) or die "Can't open $t{Dir}.\n"; # Deal with files one by one $t{NO} = 0; while (defined ($t{file} = readdir BIN) ) { next if $t{file} =~ /^\.\.?$/; if ( $t{file} =~ /^ENQ\s(\w*)\s/ ) { # HULL_NOを読む # ファイルをオープン $t{NO}++; $ref = ReadData("$t{Dir}/$t{file}") or die "Can't open the file $t{Dir}/$t{file}\n"; # B列のすべてのデータを読む for $n ( 1 .. $#{ $ref->[1]{cell}[2] } ) { $t{XY1} = 'B' . $n; $t{one1} = $ref->[1]{$t{XY1}}; if ( $t{one1} =~ /^HULL/ ) { push(@{ $$s_ref{hullnos} },$t{one1}); last; } } # ファイルをクローズ undef $ref; print "NO====>$t{NO}\n"; } } closedir(BIN); return($s_ref); } __DATA__ C E_DIR T_DIR SQL==>共同work==>txt -------------- Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet/Read. pm line 74. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet/Read. pm line 74. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 82. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 83. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 83. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet/Read. pm line 74. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet/Read. pm line 74. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 82. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 83. Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at C:/Perl/site/lib/Spreadsheet /Read.pm line 83.