
# pro1.pl ファイルの全ての英小文字を英大文字に変換する use strict; my(%t); open(IN,"../txt/p1.txt") or die "Can't open the file p1.txt.\n"; open(OUT,">../txt/p2.txt"); while(<IN>){ $t{line} = uc($_); print OUT $t{line}; } close(OUT); close(IN); -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro2.pl, Ordering use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/p3.txt") or die "Can't open the file p3.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( $. == 1 ) { $t{filename} = $_; } if ( /^PARTS/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/==>/); push(@{ $t{name}{$fld[1]} }, $fld[2]); $t{code}{$fld[2]} = $fld[3]; } } close(IN); open(OUT,">../txt/p1.txt"); print OUT $t{filename}; for $n ( sort keys %{ $t{name} } ) { %{ $t{list} } = ();   # 初期化! @{ $t{list1} } = (); for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $t{name}{$n} } ) { $t{list}{$t{name}{$n}[$n1]}++; } @{ $t{list1} } = sort keys %{ $t{list} }; for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $t{list1} } ) { print OUT 'PARTS==>'; print OUT $n,'==>'; print OUT $t{list1}[$n1],'==>'; print OUT $t{code}{$t{list1}[$n1]},"\n"; } } close(OUT); -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro3.pl, 主機タイプの抽出とSQLファイル作成 use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/p2.txt") or die "Can't open the file p2.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( /^PARTS/ ) { @fld = split(/==>/); $t{type}{$fld[1]}++; if ( length($fld[1]) >= 100 ) { print $.,'===>',$_; exit; } } } close(IN); @{ $t{types} } = sort keys %{ $t{type} }; open(OUT,">../sql/main_type1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_type1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE main_type1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name CHAR(100),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{types} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO main_type1 (name,memo) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{types}[$n],'","'; print OUT 'X");'; print OUT "\n"; } print "The output file is ../sql/main_type1.sql\n"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro4.pl parts1のテーブルを生成する use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/p2.txt") or die "Can't open the file p2.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( /^PARTS/ ) { @fld = split(/==>/); push(@{ $t{name}{$fld[1]} },$fld[2]); push(@{ $t{code}{$fld[1]} },$fld[3]); if ( length($fld[2]) >= 100 ) { print $.,'===>',$_; exit; } } } close(IN); @{ $t{types} } = sort keys %{ $t{type} }; open(OUT,">../sql/parts1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parts1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE parts1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name CHAR(100),',"\n"; print OUT ' code CHAR(100),',"\n"; print OUT ' engine CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' DWG CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n ( sort keys %{ $t{name} } ) { for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $t{name}{$n} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO parts1 (name,code,engine,DWG,memo) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{name}{$n}[$n1],'","'; print OUT $t{code}{$n}[$n1],'","'; print OUT $n,'","'; print OUT 'X","X");'; print OUT "\n"; } } print "The output file is ../sql/parts1.sql\n"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- c:\database\sql>mysql cookbook < parts1.sql -u cbuser -p Enter password: ****** ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 3143: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to us e near 'Y", WP210, 9A, L800MM, ONE END C3/8, ANOTHER END B3/8","F4-12704-08 ","0","X","X' at line 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro5.pl, Ordering use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/e2.txt") or die "Can't open the file e2.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( $. == 1 ) { $t{filename} = $_; } if ( /^ENGINE_MAKER/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/==>/); $t{list}{$fld[1]}++; } } close(IN); @{ $t{list1} } = sort keys %{ $t{list} }; open(OUT,">../txt/e3.txt"); print OUT $t{filename}; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{list1} } ) { print OUT "ENGINE_MAKER==>"; print OUT $t{list1}[$n],"\n"; } close(OUT); -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro6.pl, エンジンメーカーのSQL作成 use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/e3.txt") or die "Can't open the file e3.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( $. == 1 ) { $t{filename} = $_; } if ( /^ENGINE_MAKER/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/==>/); push(@{ $t{list} },$fld[1]); } } close(IN); open(OUT,">../sql/main_maker1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_maker1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE main_maker1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name CHAR(50),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{list} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO main_maker1 (name,memo) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{list}[$n],'","'; print OUT 'X");'; print OUT "\n"; } print "The output file is ../sql/main_maker1.sql\n"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro7.pl, Ordering use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/d2.txt") or die "Can't open the file d2.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( $. == 1 ) { $t{filename} = $_; } if ( /^ENGINE_NAME/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/==>/); $t{list}{$fld[1]}++; } } close(IN); @{ $t{list1} } = sort keys %{ $t{list} }; open(OUT,">../txt/d1.txt"); print OUT $t{filename}; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{list1} } ) { print OUT "ENGINE_NAME==>"; print OUT $t{list1}[$n],"\n"; } close(OUT); -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pro8.pl, 主機種類SQL作成 use strict; my(%t,@fld,$n,$n1); open(IN,"../txt/d1.txt") or die "Can't open the file d1.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ if ( $. == 1 ) { $t{filename} = $_; } if ( /^ENGINE_NAME/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/==>/); push(@{ $t{list} },$fld[1]); if ( length($fld[1]) >= 80 ) { print $.,"\n"; exit; } } } close(IN); open(OUT,">../sql/main_name1.sql"); print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_name1;',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE main_name1',"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT ' id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,',"\n"; print OUT ' name CHAR(80),',"\n"; print OUT ' memo CHAR(200),',"\n"; print OUT ' PRIMARY KEY (id)',"\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{list} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO main_name1 (name,memo) VALUES("'; print OUT $t{list}[$n],'","'; print OUT 'X");'; print OUT "\n"; } print "The output file is ../sql/main_name1.sql\n"; --------------------------------------------------------------------