经济性标准(Economic standards)


GB/T 4754-2002 国民经济行业分类 Industrial classification for national economic activities
ANSI Z94.7-1998 工程经济学 Engineering Economy
ASTM D 6202-2002 在系列VIA火花点火发动机客车和轻型卡车的燃料经济学中汽车发动机油的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Automotive Engine Oils on the Fuel Economy of Passenger Cars and Light-Duty Trucks in the Sequence VIA Spark Ignition Engine
ASTM E 1185-2002 建筑物和建筑系统中投资评价的经济方法选择的标准指南 Standard Guide for Selecting Economic Methods for Evaluating Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
ASTM E 1369-2002 建筑物和建筑系统经济评估中处理不确定性和风险的技术选择的标准指南 Standard Guide for Selecting Techniques for Treating Uncertainty and Risk in the Economic Evaluation of Buildings and Building Systems
ASTM E 2137-2001 评定环境情况的经济成本和负债的标准指南 Standard Guide for Estimating Monetary Costs and Liabilities for Environmental Matters
ASTM E 2156-2004 与独院附联式和独建式住宅性能标准指南相一致的比较设计、系统和材料的经济效能评价的标准指南 Standard Guide for Evaluating Economic Performance of Alternative Designs, Systems, and Materials in Compliance with Performance Standard Guides for Single-Family Attached and Detached Dwellings
ASTM E 2204-2005 建筑相关项目经济影响概述的标准指南 Standard Guide for Summarizing the Economic Impacts of Building-Related Projects
ASTM E 833-2004 建筑经济学标准术语 Standard Terminology of Building Economics
BS 1000[620]-1990 国际十进分类法.英文版.材料试验.商业材料.电站.能源经济学 Universal Decimal Classification - English full edition - Materials testing - Commercial materials - Power stations - Economics of energy
BS 3843-1-1992 泰罗制资产经济管理导则.第1部分:泰罗制简介 Guide to terotechnology (the economic management of assets) - Introduction to terotechnology
BS 3843-2-1992 泰罗制资产经济管理导则.第2部分:技术和应用说明 Guide to terotechnology (the economic management of assets) - Introduction to the techniques and applications
BS 3843-3-1992 泰罗制资产经济管理导则.第3部分:适用技术指南 Guide to terotechnology (the economic management of assets) - Guide to the available techniques
BS 6143-1-1992 质量经济学指南.第1部分:过程成本模型 Guide to the economics of quality - Process cost model
BS 6143-2-1990 质量经济学导则.第2部分:预防、评估和失效模式 Guide to the economics of quality - Prevention, appraisal and failure model
BS 7450-1991 动力电缆尺寸最经济值测定方法 Method for determination of economic optimization of power cable size
BS EN 60249-2-14-1990 规范.限定燃烧特性的酚醛多孔覆铜层压板(垂直燃烧试验),经济性 Specifications - Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality
BS EN 60249-2-2-1990 规范.经济型酚醛纤维素纸覆铜箔层压板规范.第2号规范:经济型酚醛纤维素纸覆铜箔层压板规范 Specifications - Specification for phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality - Specification No 2: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality
BS EN 61249-2-1-2005 印制板和其它互连结构用材料.包被和非包被增强基材.酚醛纤维素纸增强铜包被经济级叠层板 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper-clad
BS EN 61249-2-23-2005 印制板和其他互连结构用材料.包被和非包被增强基材.铜包被的经济级非卤化酚醛纤维素纸增强层压板 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets , economic grade, copper-clad
CR 12968-1997 关于允许工业界公司自愿参加欧共体经济环境管理和审核计划的1993年6月欧洲理事会法规与ISO14000系列的对比 Comparison document between Council Regulations (EEC) 1836/93 of June 1993 allowing voluntary participation by companies in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit scheme, and the ISO 14000 series
DIN 1422-1-1983 科学、技术、经济和管理出版物.手稿和打字原稿格式 Publications in sciences, technology, economy and administration; presentation of manuscripts and typoscripts
DIN 1422-2-1984 科学、技术、经济和管理出版物.复制用誉清稿格式 Publications in sciences, technology, economy and administration; presentation of clean copies for reprographic use
DIN 1422-3-1984 科学、技术、经济和管理出版物.书版印刷格式 Publications in sciences, technology, economy and administration; typographical presentation
DIN 1422-4-1986 科学、技术、经济及管理出版物.第4部分:科技报告介绍 Publications in sciences, technology, economy and administration; presentation of scientific and technical reports
DIN 4108-7-2001 建筑物绝热和能量经济学.第7部分:建筑物气密性.计划和执行的要求、推荐标准和实例 Thermal insulation and energy economy of buildings - Part 7: Airtightness of building, requirements, recommendations and examples for planning and performance
DIN 85005-33-1998 造船和海上技术.技术文献的图形符号.第33部分:经济设备 Ships and marine technology - Graphical symbols for technical documentation - Part 33: Economic equipment
DIN EN 60249-2-14-2001 印制电路基材.第2部分:规范.第12号规范:经济质量的规定燃烧性的酚酸纤维素覆铜层压板. Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2: Specifications; Specification No. 14: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality (IEC 60249-2-14:1988 + A2:1990 + A3:1993 + A4:1994 + A5:2000); German version EN 60249-2-14:1994 + A3:1994 + A4:1995 + A5:2000
DIN EN 60249-2-16-2001 印制电路基材.第2部分:规范.第16号规范:规定燃烧性的聚酰胺织物纤维铜涂覆层片经济质量 Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2: Specifications; Specification No. 16: Polyamide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality (IEC 60249-2-16:1992 + A1:1993 + A2:1994 + A3:2000); German version EN 60249-2-16:1994 + A1:1994 + A2:1995 + A3:2000
DIN EN 60249-2-2-2000 印制电路基材.第2部分:规范.第2号规范:经济质量酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板 Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2: Specifications; Specification No. 2: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality (IEC 60249-2-2:1985 + A1:1989 + A2:1990 + A3:1993 + A4:1994 + A5:2000); German version EN 60249-2-2:1994 + A3:1994 + Corrig.:1994 + A4:1995 + A5:2000
DIN EN 61249-2-1-2005 印制板和其它互连结构用材料.第2-1部分:包被和非包被增强基材.经济级包铜酚醛纤维素纸增强叠层板材 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-1: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper clad (IEC 61249-2-1:2005); German version EN 61249-2-1:2005
DIN EN 61249-2-23-2005 印制板和其他互连结构用材料.第2-23部分:包被和非包被增强基材.经济级包铜非卤化酚醛纤维素纸增强层压板材 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-23: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper-clad (IEC 61249-2-23:2005); German version EN 61249-2-23:2005
DIN V 4108-4/A1-2006 建筑物的热绝缘和能源经济.第4部分:湿热值;修改件1 Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Part 4: Hygrothermal design values; Amendment A1
DL/T 904-2004 火力发电厂技术经济指标计算方法 ()
DL/T 985-2005 配电变压器能效及经济技术评价导则 ()
EN 60249-2-14-1994+A3-1994 +A4-1995+A5-2000 印制电路用基材 第2-14部分:规范 阻燃型酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板(垂直燃烧试验) 经济型  Base materials for printed circuits; part 2: specifications; specification no. 14: phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality (IEC 60249-2-14:1988 + A2:1990)
EN 60249-2-2-1994+A3-1994 +A4-1995+A5-2000 印制电路用基材 第2-2部分:规范 酚醛纤维素纸覆铜箔层压板 经济型 Base materials for printed circuits; part 2: specifications; specification No. 2: phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality (IEC 60249-2-2:1985 + A2:1990)
GB 4407.1-1996 经济作物种子纤维类 Seeds of economic crops--Fibres
GB 4407.2-1996 经济作物种子油料类 Seeds of economic crops--Oil crops
GB/T 12402-2000 经济类型分类与代码 Classification and code for economic categories
GB/T 12497-2006 三相异步电动机经济运行 Three-phase induction motor's economic operation
GB/T 13462-1992 工矿企业电力变压器经济运行导则 Guides for the power transformers energy saving operation in factories and mines
GB/T 13466-2006 交流电气传动风机(泵类、空气压缩机)系统经济运行通则 The general principles of economic operation for AC driven fan (pump, air compressor) system
GB/T 13469-1992 工业用离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵与旋涡泵系统经济运行 Economical operation for industrial centrifugal,mixed flow,axial flow and vortex pump systems
GB/T 13470-1992 通风机系统经济运行 Economical operation of the fan system
GB/T 13471-1992 节电措施经济效益计算与评价方法 Methods for calculating and evaluating the economic benefits of electricity saving measures
GB/T 17824.2-1999 中、小型集约化养猪场经济技术指标 Economic and technical targets of middle and small intensive pig farms
GB/T 17954-2007 工业锅炉经济运行 ()
GB/T 17981-2000 空气调节系统经济运行 Economical operation of air conditioning systems
GB/T 18292-2001 生活锅炉经济运行 Economical operation of boilers for daily life
GB/T 19065-2003 电加热锅炉系统经济运行 Economic operation for electric boiler system
GB/T 3533.1-1983 标准化经济效果的评价原则和计算方法 Assessing principles and calculating methods for the economic effect of standardization
GB/T 3533.2-1984 标准化经济效果的论证方法 Verifying methods for economic effects of standardization
GB/T 3533.3-1984 评价和计算标准化经济效果数据资料的收集和处理方法 Assessing and calculating the economic effects of standardization--Methods of data collecting and processing
GB/T 6721-1986 企业职工伤亡事故经济损失统计标准 Statistical standard of economic losses from injury-fatal accidents of enterprise staff and workers
GB/T 9649.24-2001 地质矿产术语分类代码地质经济学 The terminology classification codes of geology and mineral resources--Geoeconomy
GB/Z 19024-2000 质量经济性管理指南 Guidelines for managing the economics of quality
IEC 60249-2-14 AMD 5-2000 印制电路用基材 第2部分:规范 第14号规范:阻燃型酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板(垂直燃烧试验) 经济型 修改件5 Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2: Specifications; Specification No. 14: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality; Amendment 5
IEC 60249-2-14-1988 印制电路用基材 第2部分:规范 第14号规范:阻燃型酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板(垂直燃烧试验) 经济型 Base materials for printed circuits. Part 2: Specifications. Specification No. 14: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality
IEC 60249-2-2 AMD 3-1993 印制电路用基材.第2部分:规范.第2号规范:酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板,经济质量.修改件3 Base materials for printed circuits; part 2: specifications; specification 2: phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality; amendment 3
IEC 60249-2-2 AMD 5-2000 印制电路用基材 第2部分:规范 第2号规范:酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板 经济型 修改5 Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2: Specifications - Specification No. 2: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality; Amendment 5
IEC 60249-2-2-1985 印制电路用基材 第2部分:规范 第2号规范:酚醛纤维素纸覆铜箔层压板 经济型 Base materials for printed circuits. Part 2 : Specifications. Specification No. 2: Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality
IEC 60287-3-2 AMD 1-1996 电缆 电流定额的计算 第3部分:运行条件的章节 第2节:电力电缆尺寸最佳经济选择 修改1 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 3: Sections on operating conditions - Section 2: Economic optimization of power cable size; Amendment 1
IEC 60287-3-2-1995 电缆 电流定额的计算 第3部分:运行条件的章节 第2节:电力电缆尺寸最佳经济选择 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Part 3: Sections on operating conditions - Section 2: Economic optimization of power cable size
IEC 61249-2-1-2005 印制板和其它互连结构用材料.第2-1部分:包被和非包被增强基材.酚醛纤维素纸增强铜包被经济叠层板 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-1: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper clad
IEC 61249-2-23-2005 印制板和其他互连结构用材料.第2-23部分:包被和非包被增强基材.铜包被的经济级非卤化酚醛纤维素纸增强层压 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-23: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper clad
ISO 22762-3 Technical Corrigendum 1-2006 人造橡胶地震防护隔离物.第3部分:用于建筑物设备.规范.经济书勘误1 Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators - Part 3: Applications for buildings - Specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1
JB/T 10181.6-2000 电缆载流量计算 第3部分:有关运行条件的各节 第2节:电力电缆截面的经济优化选择 ()
JB/T 7450-1994 组合夹具经济效益评估方法 ()
NF C93-752-1996 印制电路用基材.第2部分:规范.第2号规范:高经济质量的酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板 (Base materials for printed circuits. Part 2 : specifications. Specification number 2 : phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality.)
NF C93-752/A1-2001 印制电路用基材.第2部分:规范.第2号规范:酚醛纤维素纸覆铜箔层压板.经济型 (Base materials for printed circuits - Part 2 : specification - Specification n o 2 : phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality.)
NF C93-764-1996 印制电路用基材.第2部分:规范.第14号规范:经济质量的规定易燃性的酚醛纤维素纸覆铜层压板(垂直燃烧试验) (Base materials for printed circuits. Part 2 : specifications. Specification number 14 : phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test), economic quality.)
NF E60-182-2002 制造系统.性能读数.高架设备效率.球体设备效率.经济设备效率 (Manufacturing systems - Performance indications - Overall equipment effectiveness (TRS) - Global equipment effectiveness (TRG) - Economic equipment effectiveness (TRE).)
SY/T 0042-2002 防腐蚀工程经济计算方法 ()
SY/T 10023.1-1999 海上油(气)田开发项目经济评价的推荐作法 第1部分:自营油(气)田 ()
SY/T 10023.2-2000 海上油(气)田开发项目经济评价的推荐作法 第2部分:合作油(气)田 ()
SY/T 5841-2005 钻井技术经济指标及计算方法 ()
SY/T 5849-2002 油水井化学剂解堵经济效果评价方法 ()
SY/T 6373-1998 油气田供配电系统经济运行规范 ()
SY/T 6374-1998 机械采油系统经济运行 ()
SY/T 6567-2003 天然气输送管道系统节能经济运行规范 ()
SY/T 6569-2003 油田注水系统经济运行 ()
XP D36-114-2000 家用经济.使用丙烷和丁烷的装置外连接用增强橡胶管 (Household economy - (Reinforced) rubber tubing for the external connection of appliances using butane or propane.)
prEN 61249-2-1-2002 印制板和其它互连结构用材料 第2-1部分:包被和非包被增强基材分规范集 酚酝纤维纸增强层压薄板、经济级 IEC 61249-2-1, Ed. 1: Materials for printed boards and other interconnection structures - Part 2-1: Sectional specification set for reinforced base materials, clad and unclad; Phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminate sheet, economic grade,copper clad
