Excel to SQL 変換


# Transfer Excel data to sql file # excel2sql.pl 2007.07.28 use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use File::Copy; $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # die on errors.. my (%t,$s_ref,$n,$n1,@fld); # Read setting data open(IN,"set.txt") || die "Can't open the file set.txt.\n"; while(<IN>){ last if (/^LAST/); @fld = split; if ( /^SQL/ ) { push(@{ $$s_ref{NAME} }, $fld[1]); push(@{ $$s_ref{DO} }, $fld[2]); push(@{ $$s_ref{NEW} }, $fld[3]); push(@{ $$s_ref{E_DIR} }, $fld[4]); push(@{ $$s_ref{S_DIR} }, $fld[5]); } } close(IN); # Do one by one for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $$s_ref{DO} } ) { # Obtaining data from Excel files $$s_ref{NAME1} = $$s_ref{NAME}[$n]; $$s_ref{E_DIR1} = $$s_ref{E_DIR}[$n]; ($s_ref) = g_excel($s_ref); # Making SQL file $t{sql_file} = lc($$s_ref{NAME1}) . '.sql'; $t{sql_file} = '../sql/' . $t{sql_file}; open(OUT,"> $t{sql_file}"); if ( $$s_ref{NEW}[$n] ) { ($s_ref) = write_sqlheader($s_ref); } for $n1 ( 0 .. $#{ $$s_ref{hu_nos} } ) { print OUT 'INSERT INTO ',$$s_ref{NAME1}; print OUT ' (name) VALUES('; print OUT "'",$$s_ref{hu_nos}[$n1],"'"; print OUT ');',"\n"; } close(OUT); exit; } sub write_sqlheader { my($s_ref) = @_; print OUT 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '; print OUT $$s_ref{NAME1},';',"\n"; print OUT 'CREATE TABLE '; print OUT $$s_ref{NAME1},"\n"; print OUT '(',"\n"; print OUT "\t",'id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,', "\n"; print OUT "\t",'name VARCHAR(40),', "\n"; print OUT "\t",'PRIMARY KEY (id)', "\n"; print OUT ');',"\n\n"; return($s_ref); } sub g_excel { my($s_ref) = @_; my (%t,$n,$n1,$array,$Excel,$Book,$Sheet,$ref_array,$scalar,@fld); $t{Dir} = '../' . $$s_ref{E_DIR1}; $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application','Quit'); # Open the directory opendir(BIN,$t{Dir}) or die "Can't open $t{Dir}.\n"; # Deal with files one by one while (defined ($t{file} = readdir BIN) ) { next if $t{file} =~ /^\.\.?$/; if ( $t{file} =~ /^ENQ/ ) { $t{file1} = $t{Dir} . '/' . $t{file}; copy($t{file1},"tmp.xls"); # 漢字ファイル名対策 $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("C:\\database\\perl\\tmp.xls"); $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets(1); $array = $Sheet->Range("B14:B16")->{'Value'}; $Book->Close; # print "file=$t{file}\n"; foreach $ref_array (@$array) { foreach $scalar (@$ref_array) { if ( $scalar =~ /^HULL/ ) { $t{hull1}{$scalar}++; } } # print "\n"; } } } closedir(BIN); undef $Excel; # List hull no: @{ $t{hulls} } = keys %{ $t{hull1} }; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{hulls} } ) { $_ = $t{hulls}[$n]; @fld = split; $t{hu1} = $fld[2]; for $n1 ( 3 .. $#fld ) { $t{hu1} = $t{hu1} . ' ' . $fld[$n1]; } push(@{ $$s_ref{hu_nos} },$t{hu1}); }; return($s_ref); } __END__ ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(40), PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 2: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the ma nual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use n ear 'INSERT INTO hull_no (name) VALUES('SOTODA SHIPBUILDING 237')' at line 7 ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(40), PRIMARY KEY (id) );
