

DIN 32503-1979 用于焊接、切割和相关工艺的外壳直径为63mm的压力测量仪( 压力表)的保护罩. Protective caps for pressure gauges with case diameter 63 mm used in welding, cutting and allied processes
DIN 75554-1992 压力表 Pressure gauges
DIN EN 12645-1998 压力表.汽车轮胎的压力和充气检验设备.计量、要求和试验 Pressure gauges - Apparatus for inspection of pressure and/or inflation of tyres for motor vehicles - Metrology, requirements and testing; German version EN 12645:1998
DIN 14421-2001 消防泵用压力表(测压表) Pressure gauges (manometer) for fire pumps
DIN EN 562-2003 气焊设备.焊接、切割和相关工艺用压力表 Gas welding equipment - Pressure gauges used in welding, cutting and allied processes; German version EN 562:2003
DIN 16284-2004 压力表及其附件用螺纹接套连接 Nipple connections for pressure gauges and their accessories
DIN 16287-2004 压力表用阀门和旋塞的试验连接用盖 Caps for test connection on valves and cocks for pressure gauges
DIN 16283-2004 压力表及其附件用调整螺母 Adjusting nuts for pressure gauges and their accessories
DIN 16271-2004 压力表用带试验连接的PN 250和PN 400阀门 PN 250 and PN 400 valves with test connection for pressure gauges
DIN 16272-2004 压力表用带关闭试验连接的PN 250和PN 400阀门 PN 250 and PN 400 valves with shut-off test connection for pressure gauges
DIN 16282-2004 压力表及其附件用弯管 Siphons for pressure gauges and their accessories
DIN 16261-2004 压力表用带内螺纹/内螺纹和内螺纹/外螺纹连接的PN 16旋塞 PN 16 cocks with female/female and female/male connection for pressure gauges
DIN 16262-2004 压力表用带调节螺母和轴套式连接的PN 6和PN 16旋塞 PN 6 and PN 16 cocks with adjusting nut and male connection for pressure gauges
DIN 16263-2004 压力表用带调节螺母、轴套式连接和试验连接的PN 16旋塞 PN 16 cocks with adjusting nut and male connection and test connection for pressure gauges
DIN 16270-2004 压力表用不带试验连接的PN 250和PN 400阀门 PN 250 and PN 400 valves without test connection for pressure gauges
DIN 6697-1979 带压力卸料装置的散装料运货车.带板簧的压力计.径向的底部法兰盘连接 Bulk freight wagons with pressure discharge; pressure gauge with plate spring, radial bottom flange connection
DIN 6698-1979 带压力卸料装置的散装料运货车.护板和支撑架与测试压力计的连接 Bulk freight wagons with pressure discharge; guard and support with test connection of pressure gauge
DIN 75551-1988 汽车的压力计 Pressure gauges for automobiles
DIN EN 837-3-1997 压力计.第3部分:膜片和膜盒式压力计.尺寸、测量技、要求和试验 Pressure gauges - Part 3: Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges; dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing; German version EN 837-3:1996
DIN EN 12094-10-2003 固定消防系统.气体灭火系统元件.第10部分:压力计和压力开关的要求和试验方法 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 10: Requirements and test methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches; German version EN 12094-10:2003
DIN 58653-1960 气象仪器.最低温度计 Meteorological devices - Minimum thermometer
DIN 58654-1960 气象仪器.最高温度计 Meteorological devices - Maximum thermometer
DIN 58660-1966 气象仪器.干湿球温度计用370型温度计 Meteorological instruments - Thermometer 370 for psychrometer
DIN 58661-1966 气象仪器.干湿球温度计用280型温度计 Meteorological instruments - Thermometer 280 for psychrometer
DIN 58664-1968 气象仪器.地表温度计 Meteorological instruments - Earth thermometers
DIN 12775-1975 实验室玻璃仪器.实验室温度计.刻度值为0.1℃、0.2℃和0.5℃ Laboratory glassware; laboratory thermometers, scale values 0,1 °C, 0,2 °C and 0,5 °C
DIN 12778-1975 实验室玻璃仪器.最小刻度值为1摄氏度和2摄氏度的实验室温度计 Laboratory glassware; laboratory thermometers, smallest scale division 1 °C and 2 °C
DIN 12799-1975 实验室玻璃仪器.棒式通用温度计 Laboratory glassware; solid stem general purpose thermometers
DIN 12771-1971 实验室玻璃仪器.量度范围6摄氏度封装式带刻度比色温度计 Laboratory glassware; enclosed scale colorimeter thermometers of 6 degC range
DIN 12789-1972 实验室玻璃仪器.贝克曼温度计.量度范围可调的封装式带刻度温度计 Laboratory glassware; Beckmann thermometers, adjustable range enclosed scale thermometers
DIN 12776-1976 实验室玻璃仪器.阿林(Allihn)温度计组 Laboratory glassware; Allihn thermometer set
DIN 12777-1976 实验室玻璃仪器.保护温度计组 Laboratory glassware; Anschuetz thermometer set
DIN 13402-1977 医用电子温度计 Medical electronic temperature meter
DIN 12785 Bb.1-1978 实验室玻璃仪器.专用实验室温度计.附加说明 Laboratory glassware; special purpose laboratory thermometers, additional remarks
DIN 12779-1978 实验室玻璃仪器.实验室温度计.快速显示(蒸馏温度计) Laboratory glassware; laboratory thermometers, quickly indicating (distillation thermometers)
DIN 12781-1978 实验室玻璃仪器.实验室用部分浸入式封闭刻度温度计 Laboratory glassware; straight enclosed scale laboratory thermometers for partial immersion
DIN 43729-1978 电气温度传感器.热电偶式温度计和电阻式温度计用接线头 Electrical temperature sensors; connection heads for thermocouple-thermometers and resistance-thermometers
DIN 43724-1979 电气温度传感器.热电偶温度计的陶瓷保护套管和夹环 Electrical temperature sensors; ceramic protecting tubes and holding rings for thermocouple thermometers
DIN 12770-1982 实验室玻璃仪器.液体玻璃温度计.一般要求 Laboratory glassware; liquid-in-glass thermometers; general requirements
DIN 12784-1984 实验室玻璃仪器.带可互换磨口接头的温度计 Laboratory glassware; thermometers with interchangeable ground joint
DIN 43732-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.热电偶温度计用热电偶 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; thermocouples for thermocouple thermometers
DIN 43733-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.无可互换敏感元件的直观热电偶温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; straight thermocouple thermometers without interchangeable sensor units
DIN 43734-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.热电偶温度计和电阻温度计用止动法兰 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; stop flanges for thermocouple thermometers and resistance thermometers
DIN 43735-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.热电偶温度计用传感元件 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; Sensor units for thermocouple thermometers
DIN 43762-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.电阻温度计用传感元件 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; sensor units for resistance thermometers
DIN 43764-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.带有可互换传感元件的直观温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; straight thermometers with interchangeable sensor units
DIN 43765-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.带有G1/2安装螺纹的旋入式温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; threaded-stem thermometers with G 1/2 mounting thread
DIN 43766-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.带有G1安装螺纹的旋入式温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; threaded-stem thermometers with G 1 mounting thread
DIN 43767-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.焊接杆式温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; welded-stem thermometers
DIN 43769-1986 测量和控制.电温度传感器.无附加保护管的温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; thermometers not fitted with protecting tubes
DIN 16160-1990 温度计.术语 Thermometers; concepts
DIN 58655-1960 气象仪器.20至310mm地表温度计 Meteorological devices - Ground thermometer 20 up to 310 mm
DIN 75575-1992 汽车用温度计 Temperatur gauges for motor vehicles
DIN 43771-1989 测量和控制.调节.电温度感受器.快速感应温度计 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; fast response thermometers
DIN 12786-1981 实验室玻璃仪器.火力发电站测量用的封闭式刻度温度计 Laboratory glassware; enclosed scale thermometers for measurements in heatengine generating stations
DIN 16167-1991 工业用标称规格160,带圆形壳的直棒式玻璃内液体温度计.尺寸和标称范围 Industrial straight stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with round case, of nominal size 160; dimensions anf nominal ranges
DIN 16168-1991 工业用标称规格160、圆壳体90°角棒式玻璃内液体温度计.尺寸和标称范围 Industrial 90 angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with round case, of nominal size 160; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16175-1991 工业用标称规格250、圆壳体90°角棒式玻璃内液体温度计.尺寸和标称范围 Industrial 90 angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with round case, of nominal size 250; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16176-1991 工业用标称规格250、圆壳体135°角棒式玻璃内液体温度计.尺寸和标称范围 Industrial 135 angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with round case, of nominal size 250; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16182-1991 公称尺寸110、V字形顶部90°角型玻璃温度计.尺寸及公称显示范围 Industrial 90° angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 110; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16185-1991 公称尺寸150、V字形顶部直式玻璃温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial straight stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 150; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16186-1991 公称尺寸150、V字形顶部90°角型玻璃温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial 90° angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 150; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16189-1991 公称尺寸200、V字形顶部直式玻璃温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial straight stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 200; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16190-1991 公称尺寸200、V字形顶部90°角型玻璃温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial 90° angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 200; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16191-1991 公称尺寸200、V字形顶部135°角型玻璃温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial 135° angle stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 200; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN 16195-1991 工业用圆形或V形壳体玻璃内液体温度计.要求和检验 Industrial liquid-in-glass thermometers with round or V-shaped cade; requirements and testing
DIN 12785-1977 实验室玻璃仪器.专用实验室温度计 Laboratory glassware; special purpose laboratory thermometers
DIN 12769-1980 液体玻璃温度计.概要 Liquid-in-glass thermometers; survey
DIN 12878-1980 电气实验室设备.可调节的玻璃体内液体接触温度计和控制装置.概述和安全性要求,试验 Electrical laboratory equipment; adjustable liquid-in-glass contact thermometers and control devices; general and safety requirements, testing
DIN 16196-1991 带电气极限触点装置的指针式温度计.填充系统温度计和双金属片温度计 Dial indicating thermometers with electrical limit contact devices; filled system thermometers and bimetallic-thermometers
DIN 12770 Bb.1-1982 实验室玻璃器具.玻璃液体温度计.一般要求.补充说明 Laboratory glassware; liquid-in-glass thermometers; general requirements; additional remarks
DIN 16174-1991 工业用标称规格250,带圆形壳的直棒式玻璃内液体温度计.尺寸和标称范围 Industrial straight stem liquid-in glass thermometer with round case, of nominal size 250; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN EN 60751-1996 工业铂电阻温度计传感器 Industrial platinum resistance thermometer sensors (IEC 60751:1983 + AMD 1:1986 + AMD 2:1995); German version EN 60751:1995 + A2:1995
DIN 16181-1991 带V形外壳的公称尺寸110工业用直柄式玻璃液体温度计.尺寸和公称显示范围 Industrial straight stem liquid-in-glass thermometers with V-shaped case, of nominal size 110; dimensions and nominal ranges
DIN EN 61152-1994 金属护套温度计元件的尺寸 Dimensions of metal-sheathed thermometers elements (IEC 61152:1992, modified); German version EN 61152:1994
DIN EN 12830-1999 冷藏、冷冻、深度冷冻/速冻食品与冰激淋的运输、储藏与配送用温度计.试验、性能与适用性 Temperature recorders for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice-cream - Tests, performance, suitability; German version EN 12830:1999
DIN 43772-2000 控制技术.玻璃管液体温度计、度盘式温度计、热电耦和电阻温度计用保护管和伸缩管.尺寸、材料和试验 Control technology - Protective tubes and extension tubes for liquid-in-glass thermometers, dial thermometers, thermocouples and resistance thermometers - Dimensions, materials, testing
DIN 43772 Bb.1-2000 控制技术.玻璃管液体温度计、度盘式温度计、热电耦和电阻温度计用保护管和伸缩管.指定保护管/温度计的一般 Control technology - Protective tubes and extention tubes for liquid-in-glass thermometers, dial thermometers, thermocouples and resistance thermometers - General review; assignment protective tube/thermometer
DIN EN 12470-1-2000 体温计.第1部分:大刻度的玻璃内有金属液体的温度计 Clinical thermometers - Part 1: Metallic liquid-in-glass thermometers with maximum device; German version EN 12470-1:2000
DIN EN 12470-3-2000 体温计.第3部分:大刻度的小型电测温度计的性能(可预测和不可预测的) Clinical thermometers - Part 3: Performance of compact electrical thermometers (predictive and non-predictive) with maximum device; German version EN 12470-3:2000
DIN EN ISO 10211-2-2001 建筑结构热桥.热流和表面温度计算.第2部分:线性热桥 Thermal bridges in building construction - Calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 2: Linear thermal bridges (ISO 10211-2:2001); German version EN ISO 10211-2:2001
DIN EN 13486-2002 冷冻、深冻/速冻食品和冰淇淋的运输、储存和配送用温度计记录仪和温度计.定期验证;德文版本 EN 13486:2001 Thermometer recorders and thermometers for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice cream - Periodic verification; German version EN 13486:2001
DIN EN 13485-2002 冷冻、深冻/速冻食品和冰淇淋运输、储存和配送的空气和产品温度测量用温度计.试验、性能、适合性; 德文版本 Thermometers for measuring the air and product temperature for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice cream - Test, performance, suitability; German version EN 13485:2001
DIN EN 13190-2002 指针式温度计; 德文版本 EN 13190:2001 Dial thermometers; German version EN 13190:2001
DIN EN 50216-4-2002 电力变压器和电抗器配件.第4部分:基本附件(接地终端、排放和填充设备、温度计套和轮组件); 德文版本 EN 502 Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 4: Basic accessories (earthing terminal, drain and filling devices, thermometer pocket, wheel assembly); German version EN 50216-4:2002
DIN ISO 16622-2003 气象学.声呐风速计/温度计.平均风速计验收试验方法 Meteorology - Sonic anemometers/thermometers - Acceptance test methods for mean wind measurements (ISO 16622:2002)
DIN EN 12470-5-2003 体温计.第5部分:耳蜗式红外温度计(和最大器件)的性能 Clinical thermometers - Part 5: Performance of infra-red ear thermometers (with maximum device); German version EN 12470-5:2003
DIN 32503-1979 用于焊接、切割和相关工艺的外壳直径为63mm的压力测量仪( 压力表)的保护罩. Protective caps for pressure gauges with case diameter 63 mm used in welding, cutting and allied processes
DIN 4000-61-1992 压力测量仪和测量仪配件的产品特性图表 Tabular layouts of article characteristics for pressure gauges and their fittings
DIN EN 472-1994 压力测量仪.词汇; 德文版本 EN 472:1994 Pressure gauges - Vocabulary; German version EN 472:1994
DIN EN 61518-2002 差动压力测量仪器和压强可达413巴(41,3 MPa)带凸缘的关闭装置之间的配合尺寸 (IEC 61518:2001); 德文版本 E Mating dimensions between differential pressure (type) measuring instruments and flanged-on shut-off devices up to 413 bar (41,3 MPa) (IEC 61518:2001); German version EN 61518:2001 + Corrigendum:2002
DIN EN ISO 15616-3-2003 高质量焊接和切割用CO2激光机验收试验.第3部分:气体流量和压力测量仪校正 Acceptance tests for CO<(Index)2>-laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting - Part 3: Calibration of instruments for measurement of gas flow and pressure (ISO 15616-3:2003); German version EN ISO 15616-3:2003
DIN 16086-2006 电动压力测量仪器.压力传感器、压力测量仪.数据单的概念、规范 Electrical pressure measuring instruments - Pressure transmitters, pressure measuring instruments - Concepts, specifications on data sheets
DIN 19021-2-1985 白炽灯幻灯放映机的评价.第2部分:幻灯片放映区的温度测量 Evaluation of still projectors with incandescent lamps; measurement of temperature in the picture area of slides
DIN 53548-1983 橡胶的检验.按照Gehman试验通过模量-温度测量来测定硫化橡胶冻凝性能 Testing of rubber; determination of the freezing behaviour of vulcanized rubbers by moduls-temperature measurement (Gehman test)
DIN IEC 60510-1-5-1991 卫星地面站无线电设备测量方法.第1部分:分系统和分系统组合件通用测量.第5节:噪声温度测量 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations; measurement common to sub-systems and combinations of sub-systems; noise temperature measurements; identical with IEC 60510-1-5:1988
DIN 19021-3-1987 白炽灯幻灯放映机的评价.第3部分:字幕片放映机投影区的温度测量 Evaluation of still projectors with incandescent lamps; measurement of temperature in the projection area of overhead projectors
DIN EN ISO 13916-1996 焊接.预热温度、层间温度和预加热维持温度测量导则 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996); German version EN ISO 13916:1996
DIN 51866-1-2000 温度测量.第1部分:激光光谱学测量法的测量图 Temperature measurement - Part 1: Survey of laser spectroscopic methods
DIN EN 61788-10-2003 超导性.第10部分:临界温度测量.用电阻法测量Nb-Ti-、 Nb3Sn-和Bi-系氧化物复合超导体的临界温度 Superconductivity - Part 10: Critical temperature measurement; Critical temperature of Nb-Ti-, Nb<(Index)3>Sn-, and Bi-system oxide composite superconductors by a resistance method (IEC 61788-10:2002); German version EN 61788-10:2002
DIN EN 12697-13-2001 沥青混合物.热混合沥青的试验方法.第13部分:温度测量:德文版本 EN 12697-13:2000 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 13: Temperature measurement; German version EN 12697-13:2000
DIN 51866-2-2001 温度测量.第2部分:瑞利和喇曼散射 Temperature measurement - Part 2: Rayleigh- and Raman scattering
DIN EN 13485-2002 冷冻、深冻/速冻食品和冰淇淋运输、储存和配送的空气和产品温度测量用温度计.试验、性能、适合性; 德文版本 Thermometers for measuring the air and product temperature for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice cream - Test, performance, suitability; German version EN 13485:2001
DIN 13905-1-2004 牙科学.牙科用炉.第1部分:用分离式热电偶进行温度测量的动态试验方法 Dentistry - Dental furnace - Part 1: Dynamic test method for temperature measurement with separate thermocouple

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