茶叶标准(Tea standards)


BS 6049-1-1980 茶叶试验方法.第1部分:已知干物质含量研碎样品制备 Methods of test for tea - Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content
BS 6049-2-1980 茶叶试验方法.第2部分:103℃时质量损失测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of loss in mass at 103 °C
BS 6049-3-1994 茶叶试验方法.第3部分:水萃取物测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of water extract
BS 6049-4-1988 茶叶试验方法.第4部分:总灰分含量测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of total ash
BS 6049-5-1989 茶叶试验方法.第5部分:水可溶和不溶灰分含量测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash
BS 6049-6-1988 茶叶试验方法.第6部分:酸不溶灰分含量测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of acid-insoluble ash
BS 6049-7-1980 茶叶试验方法.第7部分:水可溶灰分碱度测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash
BS 6049-9-1999 茶叶的试验方法.粗纤维含量的测定 Methods of test for tea - Determination of crude fibre content
BS 7804-1-1995 茶叶袋.第1部分:托盘和集装箱茶叶运输用的基准袋规范 Tea sacks - Specification for a reference sack for palletized and containerized transport of tea
BS 7804-2-1999 茶叶装箱袋.托板装载运输和集装箱运输茶叶装箱袋的性能规范 Tea sacks - Performance specification for sacks for palletized and containerized transport of tea
DIN 10800-1992 茶叶的试验.未磨碎茶叶在103℃下的质量损失的测定 Analysis of tea; determination of loss in mass of unground tea at 103 °C
DIN 10802-1989 茶叶的分析.灰分总量的测定 Analysis of tea; determination of total ash
DIN 10805-1985 茶叶的检验.不溶于酸的灰分的测定 Analysis of tea; determination of acid insoluble ash
DIN 10806-1992 茶叶的试验.规定干物质含量的粉碎试样的制备 Analysis of tea; preparation of ground sample of defined dry matter content
DIN 10807-1996 茶叶分析.氟化物含量测定.电位法 Analysis of tea - Determination of fluoride content - Potentiometric method
DIN 10809-1988 茶叶检验.感官检验用茶叶沏泡 Analysis of tea; preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests
DIN 10810-1996 茶叶分析和茶叶产品.固体茶萃取物和速溶茶萃取物可可硷和咖啡因含量测定.高压液相色谱法 Analysis of tea and tea products - Determination of theobromine and coffeine content of instant tea in solid form and instant tea products - HPLC-method
DIN ISO 10727-2004 茶叶和固体速溶茶.咖啡因含量的测定.高效液相色谱法 Tea and instant tea in solid form - Determination of caffeine content - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography (ISO 10727:2002)
DIN ISO 1576-1992 茶叶.水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分的测定 Tea; determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash; identical with ISO 1576:1988
DIN ISO 9768-1999 茶叶.水萃取物的测定 Tea - Determination of water extract (ISO 9768:1994)
GB/T 14487-1993 茶叶感官审评术语 The terms of tea sensory tests
GB/T 18795-2002 茶叶标准样品制备技术条件 Technology requirement for making standard samples of tea
GB/T 18797-2002 茶叶感官审评室基本条件 General requirement of the tea sensory test room
GB/T 5009.176-2003 茶叶、水果、食用植物油中三氯杀螨醇残留量的测定 Determination of dicofol residues in tea,fruits,edible vegetable oils
GB/T 5009.57-2003 茶叶卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of tea
ISO 10727-2002 茶叶和固体速溶茶.咖啡因含量测定.高效液相色谱分析法 Tea and instant tea in solid form - Determination of caffeine content - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
ISO 11286-2004 茶叶.用粒度分析法进行等级分类 Tea - Classification of grades by particle size analysis
ISO 15598-1999 茶叶 粗纤维含量的测定 Tea - Determination of crude fibre content
ISO 1572-1980 茶叶 已知干物质含量的磨碎样品的制备 Tea; Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content
ISO 1573-1980 茶叶 103℃时质量损耗的测定 Tea; Determination of loss in mass at 103 degrees C
ISO 1575-1987 茶叶 总灰分的测定 Tea; Determination of total ash
ISO 1576-1988 茶叶 水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分的测定 Tea; determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash
ISO 1577-1987 茶叶 酸不溶性灰分的测定 Tea; Determination of acid-insoluble ash
ISO 1578-1975 茶叶 水溶性灰分碱度的测定 Tea; Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash
ISO 1839-1980 茶叶 取样 Tea; Sampling
ISO 3103-1980 茶叶 用于感官试验的茶汁的制备 Tea; Preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests
ISO 9768 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998 茶叶 水萃取物的测定 技术勘误1 Tea - Determination of water extract; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 9768-1994 茶叶 水萃取物的测定 Tea - Determination of water extract
ISO 9884-1-1994 茶叶袋 规范 第1部分:茶叶码垛和容器运输的标准袋 Tea sacks - Specification - Part 1: Reference sack for palletized and containerized transport of tea
ISO 9884-2-1999 茶叶袋 规格 第2部分:茶叶码垛和容器运输袋的性能规范 Tea sacks - Specification - Part 2: Performance specification for sacks for palletized and containerized transport of tea
JB/T 10808-2007 茶叶加工成套设备 Tea equipment whole set technical
JB/T 10809-2007 茶叶微波杀青干燥设备 Tea microwave to kill out drying equipment
JB/T 10810-2007 茶叶蒸青机 Steaming tea water-removing machine
JB/T 5676-2007 茶叶抖筛机 Tea vibrating-shifting machine
JB/T 6674-2007 茶叶烘干机 Tea drying machine
JB/T 7321-2007 茶叶风选机 Tea winnowing machine
JB/T 7863-2007 茶叶机械 术语 Tea machine-Terminology
JB/T 8575-2007 茶叶炒干机 Tea roasting machine
JB/T 9810-2007 转子式茶叶揉切机 Rotor-vane type tea rolling-cutting machine
JB/T 9811-2007 茶叶平面圆筛机 Tea plane-surface round sifter
JB/T 9812-2007 茶叶滚筒杀青机 Tea cylinder water-removin machine
JB/T 9813-2007 阶梯式茶叶拣梗机 Gradient type tea stalk-sorting machine
JB/T 9814-2007 茶叶揉捻机 Tea twisting machine
NF V03-340-1981 茶叶.取样 (Tea. Sampling.)
NF V03-341-1981 茶叶.已知干物质含量的茶叶末样品的制备 (Tea. Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content.)
NF V03-342-1981 茶叶.103℃时重量损失的测定 (Tea. Determination of loss in mass at 103 degrees C.)
NF V03-343-1994 茶叶.水萃取物的测定 (Tea. Determination of water extract.)
NF V03-346-1981 茶叶.水溶灰分碱度的测定 (Tea. Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash.)
NF V03-355-1981 茶叶.味觉检查用茶液的制备 (Tea. Preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests.)
NF V05-323-1995 茶叶和固体速溶茶.咖啡因含量测定.高压液相色谱法 (Tea and instant tea in solid form. Determination of caffeine content. Method using high-performance liquid chromatography.)
QB/T 1458-2005 非热封型茶叶滤纸 ()
QB/T 2595-2003 热封型茶叶滤纸 ()
