Win32::OLE::NLS - OLE National Language Support


NAME Win32::OLE::NLS - OLE National Language Support SYNOPSIS missing DESCRIPTION This module provides access to the national language support features in the OLENLS.DLL. Functions CompareString(LCID,FLAGS,STR1,STR2) Compare STR1 and STR2 in the LCID locale. FLAGS indicate the character traits to be used or ignored when comparing the two strings. NORM_IGNORECASE Ignore case NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE Ignore hiragana/katakana character differences NORM_IGNORENONSPACE Ignore accents, diacritics, and vowel marks NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS Ignore symbols NORM_IGNOREWIDTH Ignore character width Possible return values are: 0 Function failed 1 STR1 is less than STR2 2 STR1 is equal to STR2 3 STR1 is greater than STR2 Note that you can subtract 2 from the return code to get values comparable to the "cmp" operator. LCMapString(LCID,FLAGS,STR) LCMapString translates STR using LCID dependent translation. Flags contains a combination of the following options: LCMAP_LOWERCASE Lowercase LCMAP_UPPERCASE Uppercase LCMAP_HALFWIDTH Narrow characters LCMAP_FULLWIDTH Wide characters LCMAP_HIRAGANA Hiragana LCMAP_KATAKANA Katakana LCMAP_SORTKEY Character sort key The following normalization options can be combined with "LCMAP_SORTKEY": NORM_IGNORECASE Ignore case NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE Ignore hiragana/katakana character differences NORM_IGNORENONSPACE Ignore accents, diacritics, and vowel marks NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS Ignore symbols NORM_IGNOREWIDTH Ignore character width The return value is the translated string. GetLocaleInfo(LCID,LCTYPE) Retrieve locale setting LCTYPE from the locale specified by LCID. Use LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE | LCTYPE to always query the locale database. Otherwise user changes to "win.ini" through the windows control panel take precedence when retrieving values for the system default locale. See the documentation below for a list of valid LCTYPE values. The return value is the contents of the requested locale setting. GetStringType(LCID,TYPE,STR) Retrieve type information from locale LCID about each character in STR. The requested TYPE can be one of the following 3 levels: CT_CTYPE1 ANSI C and POSIX type information CT_CTYPE2 Text layout type information CT_CTYPE3 Text processing type information The return value is a list of values, each of wich is a bitwise OR of the applicable type bits from the corresponding table below: @ct = GetStringType(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, "String"); ANSI C and POSIX character type information: C1_UPPER Uppercase C1_LOWER Lowercase C1_DIGIT Decimal digits C1_SPACE Space characters C1_PUNCT Punctuation C1_CNTRL Control characters C1_BLANK Blank characters C1_XDIGIT Hexadecimal digits C1_ALPHA Any letter Text layout type information: C2_LEFTTORIGHT Left to right C2_RIGHTTOLEFT Right to left C2_EUROPENUMBER European number, European digit C2_EUROPESEPARATOR European numeric separator C2_EUROPETERMINATOR European numeric terminator C2_ARABICNUMBER Arabic number C2_COMMONSEPARATOR Common numeric separator C2_BLOCKSEPARATOR Block separator C2_SEGMENTSEPARATOR Segment separator C2_WHITESPACE White space C2_OTHERNEUTRAL Other neutrals C2_NOTAPPLICABLE No implicit direction (e.g. ctrl codes) Text precessing type information: C3_NONSPACING Nonspacing mark C3_DIACRITIC Diacritic nonspacing mark C3_VOWELMARK Vowel nonspacing mark C3_SYMBOL Symbol C3_KATAKANA Katakana character C3_HIRAGANA Hiragana character C3_HALFWIDTH Narrow character C3_FULLWIDTH Wide character C3_IDEOGRAPH Ideograph C3_ALPHA Any letter C3_NOTAPPLICABLE Not applicable GetSystemDefaultLangID() Returns the system default language identifier. GetSystemDefaultLCID() Returns the system default locale identifier. GetUserDefaultLangID() Returns the user default language identifier. GetUserDefaultLCID() Returns the user default locale identifier. SendSettingChange() Sends a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all top level windows. SetLocaleInfo(LCID, LCTYPE, LCDATA) Changes an item in the user override part of the locale setting LCID. It doesn't change the system default database. The following LCTYPEs are changeable: LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE LOCALE_SDATE LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS LOCALE_SDECIMAL LOCALE_ICURRENCY LOCALE_SGROUPING LOCALE_IDIGITS LOCALE_SLIST LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK LOCALE_SLONGDATE LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP LOCALE_ILZERO LOCALE_SMONGROUPING LOCALE_IMEASURE LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP LOCALE_INEGCURR LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN LOCALE_INEGNUMBER LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE LOCALE_SSHORTDATE LOCALE_ITIME LOCALE_STHOUSAND LOCALE_S1159 LOCALE_STIME LOCALE_S2359 LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT LOCALE_SCURRENCY LOCALE_SYEARMONTH You have to call SendSettingChange() to activate these changes for subsequent Win32::OLE::Variant object formatting because the OLE subsystem seems to cache locale information. MAKELANGID(LANG,SUBLANG) Creates a lnguage identifier from a primary language and a sublanguage. PRIMARYLANGID(LANGID) Retrieves the primary language from a language identifier. SUBLANGID(LANGID) Retrieves the sublanguage from a language identifier. MAKELCID(LANGID) Creates a locale identifies from a language identifier. LANGIDFROMLCID(LCID) Retrieves a language identifier from a locale identifier. Locale Types LOCALE_ILANGUAGE The language identifier (in hex). LOCALE_SLANGUAGE The localized name of the language. LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE The ISO Standard 639 English name of the language. LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME The three-letter abbreviated name of the language. The first two letters are from the ISO Standard 639 language name abbreviation. The third letter indicates the sublanguage type. LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME The native name of the language. LOCALE_ICOUNTRY The country code, which is based on international phone codes. LOCALE_SCOUNTRY The localized name of the country. LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY The English name of the country. LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME The ISO Standard 3166 abbreviated name of the country. LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME The native name of the country. LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE Language identifier for the principal language spoken in this locale. LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY Country code for the principal country in this locale. LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE The ANSI code page associated with this locale. Format: 4 Unicode decimal digits plus a Unicode null terminator. XXX This should be translated by GetLocaleInfo. XXX LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE The OEM code page associated with the country. LOCALE_SLIST Characters used to separate list items (often a comma). LOCALE_IMEASURE Default measurement system: 0 metric system (S.I.) 1 U.S. system LOCALE_SDECIMAL Characters used for the decimal separator (often a dot). LOCALE_STHOUSAND Characters used as the separator between groups of digits left of the decimal. LOCALE_SGROUPING Sizes for each group of digits to the left of the decimal. An explicit size is required for each group. Sizes are separated by semicolons. If the last value is 0, the preceding value is repeated. To group thousands, specify 3;0. LOCALE_IDIGITS The number of fractional digits. LOCALE_ILZERO Whether to use leading zeros in decimal fields. A setting of 0 means use no leading zeros; 1 means use leading zeros. LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS The ten characters that are the native equivalent of the ASCII 0-9. LOCALE_INEGNUMBER Negative number mode. 0 (1.1) 1 -1.1 2 -1.1 3 1.1 4 1.1 LOCALE_SCURRENCY The string used as the local monetary symbol. LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL Three characters of the International monetary symbol specified in ISO 4217, Codes for the Representation of Currencies and Funds, followed by the character separating this string from the amount. LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP Characters used for the monetary decimal separators. LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP Characters used as monetary separator between groups of digits left of the decimal. LOCALE_SMONGROUPING Sizes for each group of monetary digits to the left of the decimal. An explicit size is needed for each group. Sizes are separated by semicolons. If the last value is 0, the preceding value is repeated. To group thousands, specify 3;0. LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS Number of fractional digits for the local monetary format. LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS Number of fractional digits for the international monetary format. LOCALE_ICURRENCY Positive currency mode. 0 Prefix, no separation. 1 Suffix, no separation. 2 Prefix, 1-character separation. 3 Suffix, 1-character separation. LOCALE_INEGCURR Negative currency mode. 0 ($1.1) 1 -$1.1 2 $-1.1 3 $1.1- 4 $(1.1$) 5 -1.1$ 6 1.1-$ 7 1.1$- 8 -1.1 $ (space before $) 9 -$ 1.1 (space after $) 10 1.1 $- (space before $) LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE The type of calendar currently in use. 1 Gregorian (as in U.S.) 2 Gregorian (always English strings) 3 Era: Year of the Emperor (Japan) 4 Era: Year of the Republic of China 5 Tangun Era (Korea) LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR The additional calendar types available for this LCID. Can be a null-separated list of all valid optional calendars. Value is 0 for "None available" or any of the LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE settings. XXX null separated list should be translated by GetLocaleInfo XXX LOCALE_SDATE Characters used for the date separator. LOCALE_STIME Characters used for the time separator. LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT Time-formatting string. LOCALE_SSHORTDATE Short Date_Time formatting strings for this locale. LOCALE_SLONGDATE Long Date_Time formatting strings for this locale. LOCALE_IDATE Short Date format-ordering specifier. 0 Month - Day - Year 1 Day - Month - Year 2 Year - Month - Day LOCALE_ILDATE Long Date format ordering specifier. Value can be any of the valid LOCALE_IDATE settings. LOCALE_ITIME Time format specifier. 0 AM/PM 12-hour format. 1 24-hour format. LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN Whether the time marker string (AM|PM) precedes or follows the time string. 0 Suffix (9:15 AM). 1 Prefix (AM 9:15). LOCALE_ICENTURY Whether to use full 4-digit century. 0 Two digit. 1 Full century. LOCALE_ITLZERO Whether to use leading zeros in time fields. 0 No leading zeros. 1 Leading zeros for hours. LOCALE_IDAYLZERO Whether to use leading zeros in day fields. Values as for LOCALE_ITLZERO. LOCALE_IMONLZERO Whether to use leading zeros in month fields. Values as for LOCALE_ITLZERO. LOCALE_S1159 String for the AM designator. LOCALE_S2359 String for the PM designator. LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR Specifies which week of the year is considered first. 0 Week containing 1/1 is the first week of the year. 1 First full week following 1/1is the first week of the year. 2 First week with at least 4 days is the first week of the year. LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK Specifies the day considered first in the week. Value "0" means SDAYNAME1 and value "6" means SDAYNAME7. LOCALE_SDAYNAME1 .. LOCALE_SDAYNAME7 Long name for Monday .. Sunday. LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1 .. LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7 Abbreviated name for Monday .. Sunday. LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1 .. LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12 Long name for January .. December. LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13 Native name for 13th month, if it exists. LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 .. LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12 Abbreviated name for January .. December. LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13 Native abbreviated name for 13th month, if it exists. LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN String value for the positive sign. LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN String value for the negative sign. LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN Formatting index for positive values. 0 Parentheses surround the amount and the monetary symbol. 1 The sign string precedes the amount and the monetary symbol. 2 The sign string precedes the amount and the monetary symbol. 3 The sign string precedes the amount and the monetary symbol. 4 The sign string precedes the amount and the monetary symbol. LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN Formatting index for negative values. Values as for LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN. LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES If the monetary symbol precedes, 1. If it succeeds a positive amount, 0. LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE If the monetary symbol is separated by a space from a positive amount, 1. Otherwise, 0. LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES If the monetary symbol precedes, 1. If it succeeds a negative amount, 0. LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE If the monetary symbol is separated by a space from a negative amount, 1. Otherwise, 0. AUTHORS/COPYRIGHT This module is part of the Win32::OLE distribution.
