
》 test30.m ??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure. ソリューション: ご使用のコンピュータ自体のネットワーク設定で "localhost" の名前解決ができていない場合にこのような現象になります。まず、使用中のコンピュータ自体の名前解決の確認を行うために MATLAB 上で以下のコマンドを実行します。 または、コンピュータ自体に "ping" を送信し、応答があるかを確認します。 エラーとなる場合は、 /etc/hosts にホスト名を追加するなどの方法で名前解決します。 Don't put the .m after the test30. It's thinking that you have a structure called test30 and that you're trying to display the value of the "m" member of that structure in the command window. Simply type m3 and hit enter. -------------------------------------------------------------------- % fft001.m fid = fopen('fftinput001.csv','r'); header1 = fgetl(fid); %header1 header2 = fgetl(fid); %header2 header3 = fgetl(fid); %header3 header4 = fgetl(fid); %header4 header = fgetl(fid); header D1 = fread(fid); fclose(fid); whos D1 --------------------------------------------- 》 fft001 header = TIME,ch1,ch2,, Name Size Bytes Class D1 326337x1 2610696 double array Grand total is 326337 elements using 2610696 bytes
%fft2.m t = 0:1/100:10-1/100; x = sin(2*pi*50*t); y = fft(x); m = abs(y); p = unwrap(angle(y)); f = (0:length(y)-1)'*100/length(y); subplot(2,1,1), plot(f,m), ylabel('Abs. Magnitude'), grid on subplot(2,1,2), plot(f,p*180/pi) ylabel('Phase [Degrees]'), grid on xlabel('Frequency [Hertz]') f=45Hz


傅立叶变换 %fft1.m t = 0:1/100:10-1/100; x = sin(2*pi*15*t) + sin(2*pi*40*t); y = fft(x); m = abs(y); p = unwrap(angle(y)); f = (0:length(y)-1)'*100/length(y); subplot(2,1,1), plot(f,m), ylabel('Abs. Magnitude'), grid on subplot(2,1,2), plot(f,p*180/pi) ylabel('Phase [Degrees]'), grid on xlabel('Frequency [Hertz]')
龙格库塔法 % sim2_2.m A = [0 1; -1 -1]; B = [0;1]; u = 1; dt = 0.05; tf = 20; x = [0 0]'; xx = []; i = 0; for t = 0:dt:tf i = i + 1; xx(:,i) = x; xt = x; for j=1:4 f = A*x + B*u; d(:,j) = f*dt; x = xt + d(:,j)*0.5; if j==3 x = xt + d(:,j); end end x = xt + (d(:,1) + d(:,2)*2 + d(:,3)*2 + d(:,4))/6; end t = 0:dt:tf; figure(1) plot(t,xx) grid on
欧拉法 % sim2_1.m A = [0 1; -1 -1]; B = [0;1]; u = 1; dt = 0.05; tf = 20; x = [0;0]; xx = []; i = 0; for t = 0:dt:tf i = i + 1; xx(:,i) = x; dx = A*x + B*u; x = x + dx*dt; end t = 0:dt:tf; plot(t,xx) grid on