
  1. 未解决问题:如何任意选择一张图贴在Sheet的任意位置
  2. 如何改变X轴和Y轴交叉点的位置

$t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets(4); Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x8002000b: "インデックスが無効です。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Worksheets" at get_excel.pl line 194 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets->Add(4); Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a03ec in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Add" at get_excel.pl line 194 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets->Add(); ==>OK -------------------------------------------------------- 1号问题解决,把"グラフ 1"配置到$t{left},${top}坐标上。 with ($t{sheet}->Shapes->{"グラフ 1"}, 'Left' => $t{left}, 'Top' => $t{top}); 犯错信息==> $t{chart}->Shapes("グラフ 4")->{IncrementLeft} = 429.75; ----------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80070057: "パラメータが間違っています。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Shapes" at test.pl line 112 $t{sheet0}->Shapes->AddPicture("グラフ 4",0,1,150,200,150,113); ----------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a03ec in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "AddPicture" at test.pl line 111 $t{sheet0}->Shapes->{"グラフ 2"}->{IncrementLeft} = 0; ----------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "グラフ 2" at test.pl line 111 $t{sheet0}->Shapes->{"グラフ 1"}->{IncrementLeft} = 0; ----------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020003: "メンバが見つかりません。" in PROPERTYPUT "IncrementLeft" at test.pl line 111
#一些设定 use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Office .* Object Library'; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:DEFAULT :LANG :SUBLANG); # set perl's OLE module to return Unicode(这个设定不能忘) Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8, Warn=>3); # 起动EXCEL $t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n"; # 显示模式(0为非显示模式) $t{ex}->{Visible} = 1; # 不跳出是否允许的窗口 $t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False'; # 打开CSV文件,打开EXCEL文件时用(Open) # DIR的设定例子(从其他TXT文件中读)=>C:\csv2excel\output\ # $$ref{outputf}=>CSV文件名 eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "$t{dir}$$ref{outputf}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $t{dir}$$ref{outputf}.\n"; } # 把CSV文件改成XLS文件并保存 $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs({Filename => "$t{dir}$$ref{outputfexcel}", Fileformat => xlWorkbookNormal}); # 选择book $$ref{book1} = $t{ex}->Workbooks->Open({Filename => "$t{dir}$$ref{outputfexcel}"}); # 选择Sheet=>注意Sheet名 $t{sheet1} = $$ref{book1}->Worksheets("$$ref{output}"); # 选择画图的范围 $t{Range} = $t{sheet1}->Range("B1:C10,G1:G10"); # 追加Graph $t{chart} = $$ref{book1}->Charts->Add; $t{chart}->{ChartType} = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; $t{chart}->SetSourceData({Source => $t{Range}, PlotBy => xlColumns}); # 这张图布置在该Sheet的中间 $t{chart}->Location({where=>xlLocationAsObject,Name=>"$$ref{output}"}); # 激活该图 $t{chart} = $$y_ref{book1}->ActiveChart; # 有显示例 $t{chart}->{HasLegend} = 1; # 显示例放在图的下方 with ($t{chart}->{Legend}, 'Position' => xlBottom); $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, '時刻'); $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, 'TAP位置'); # X轴的一些设定 with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory), 'MinimumScale' => '0', 'MaximumScale' => '100', 'MajorUnit' => '10', 'MinorUnit' => '5', 'Crosses' => xlAutomatic, 'HasMajorGridlines' => 'True', 'HasMinorGridlines' => 'True', 'ReversePlotOrder' => 'False', 'ScaleType' => xlLinear, 'DisplayUnit' => xlNone); # 对一条线作设定 with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(1)->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '1', 'Weight' => xlMedium, 'LineStyle' => xlContinuous); # 对一条线作设定 with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(2)->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '3', 'Weight' => xlMedium, 'LineStyle' => xlContinuous); # 画一批图 $t{NO} = 0; $t{NO2} = 0; for $n ( 'L' .. 'P' ) { # 跳过一行的处理 $t{NO}++; $t{N1} = $t{NO} % 2; next unless ( $t{N1} == 1 ); # 给图编号 $t{NO2}++; $$ref{PLOT1} = $n; $$ref{graph} = '电流' . $t{NO2}; # 用子程序画图 ($ref) = plot_current($ref); } # 保存EXCEL文件 $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs({Filename => "$t{dir}$$ref{outputfexcel}", Fileformat => xlWorkbookNormal}); # 关闭EXCEL $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->Close(); $t{ex}->Quit(); sub plot_current { my ($ref) = @_; my(%t); $t{plot} = 'B1:B10,' . $$ref{PLOT1} . '1:' . $$ref{PLOT1} . '10'; $t{sheet1} = $$ref{book1}->Worksheets("$$ref{output}"); $t{Range} = $t{sheet1}->Range("$t{plot}"); $t{chart} = $$ref{book1}->Charts->Add; $t{chart}->{ChartType} = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; $t{chart}->SetSourceData({Source => $t{Range}, PlotBy => xlColumns}); # 一张图一张Sheet的设定方法 $t{chart}->Location({where=>xlLocationAsNewSheet,Name=>"$$ref{graph}"}); $t{chart} = $$ref{book1}->ActiveChart; $t{chart}->{HasLegend} = 0; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, '时间'); $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, '电流[A]'); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory), 'MinimumScale' => '0', 'MaximumScale' => '100', 'MajorUnit' => '10', 'MinorUnit' => '5', 'Crosses' => xlAutomatic, 'HasMajorGridlines' => 'True', 'HasMinorGridlines' => 'True', 'ReversePlotOrder' => 'False', 'ScaleType' => xlLinear, 'DisplayUnit' => xlNone); with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(1)->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '1', 'Weight' => xlMedium, 'LineStyle' => xlContinuous); return($ref); } ColorIndex的定义请看==>ColorIndex值一览
# 指定任意位置的文字为图的题目(Title) # R->Row,C=>Column,Sheet的第3行,第$$ref{PC}(变数)列的文字 $t{chart}->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->ChartTitle->{Text} = "=csv!R3C$$ref{PC}"; # 增加一条曲线 $t{chart}->SeriesCollection->NewSeries(); $t{chart}->SeriesCollection(2)->{XValues} = "=$$ref{output}!R1C2:R2C2"; $t{chart}->SeriesCollection(2)->{Values} = "=$$ref{output}!R1C3:R2C3";
一些错误信息 with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlValue), 'Crosses' => xlCustom, 'CrossesAt' => 'MinimumScale'); -------------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in PROPERTYPUT "CrossesAt" at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/Lite.pm line 201 $t{chart}->SeriesCollection(2)->{XValues} = "=$$y_ref{output}\!\$CC\$1:\$CC\$2"; -------------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in PROPERTYPUT "XValues" at VRdata1.pl line 336 グラフ 1のfontはUTF-16LE(BOM付き)である! Can't locate object method "Worksheets" via package "ActiveWorkbook" (perhaps yo u forgot to load "ActiveWorkbook"?) at test.pl line 63. $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets($$y_ref{outputf}); -------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x8002000b: "インデックスが無効です。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Worksheets" at test.pl line 66 $t{book1} = $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->Select; -------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020003: "メンバが見つかりません。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "" at test.pl line 64 $t{book1} = $t{ex}->Select; -------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020011: "コレクションをサポートしません。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "" at test.pl line 64 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets->Add(1); -------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a03ec in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Add" at test.pl line 80 $t{chart} = ActiveSheet->ChartObjects("グラフ 1")->Activate; -------------------------------------------------------- Can't locate object method "ChartObjects" via package "ActiveSheet" (perhaps you forgot to load "ActiveSheet"?) at test.pl line 80. $t{chart}->Paste; -------------------------------------------------------- Can't call method "Paste" on an undefined value at test.pl line 85. $t{ex} = ActiveWindow->{Visible} = 'False'; -------------------------------------------------------- Can't use bareword ("ActiveWindow") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at test.pl line 84. $t{ex}->{ActiveChart}->Paste; -------------------------------------------------------- Can't use string ("1") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at test.pl lin e 89. $t{chart} = $t{sheet0}->ChartObjects("グラフ 1")->Activate; -------------------------------------------------------- Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a03ec in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "ChartObjects" at test.pl line 83 $t{chart}->SeriesCollection->NewSeries = 1; -------------------------------------------------------- Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at test.pl line 172. Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in PROPERTYPUT "ColorIndex" at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/Lite.pm line 201
# make_xls.pl use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use utf8; # set perl's OLE module to return Unicode Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8, Warn=>3); my(%t,$n,$h_ref,@fld); print "Please input the directory name="; chop($t{root}=<STDIN>); $$h_ref{dir} = 'vF' . $t{root}; $t{inputf} = $t{root} . '_vF.csv'; open(IN,"./$$h_ref{dir}/$t{inputf}") or die "Can't open the file /$$h_ref{dir}/$t{inputf}.\n"; while(<IN>){ next if ( $. == 1 ); chop; @fld = split(/,/); next unless $fld[1]; $t{T1} = sprintf("%10.6f",$fld[0]); push(@{ $$h_ref{Time} },$t{T1}); push(@{ $$h_ref{k_files} },$fld[1]); push(@{ $$h_ref{Start} },$fld[2]); } close(IN); for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $$h_ref{Time} } ) { $t{file1} = $$h_ref{k_files}[$n]; $$h_ref{csv1} = $t{file1}; $t{file1} =~ s/csv/xls/; $$h_ref{xls1} = $t{file1}; $t{file1} =~ s/xls/gif/; $$h_ref{gif1} = $t{file1}; ($h_ref) = csv2excel($h_ref); # last if ($n > 5); } sub csv2excel { my ($h_ref) = @_; my(%t,$n); # EXCEL起動 $t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n"; # 「xxへの変更を保存しますか?」が出ない $t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False'; eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "C:\\output\\$$h_ref{dir}\\$$h_ref{csv1}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $$h_ref{csv1}.\n"; } # シートを選択 $t{sheet} = $t{ex}->ActiveSheet; $t{Range} = $t{sheet}->Range("A1:C102"); # Graphを追加 $t{chart} = $t{ex}->Charts->Add; $t{chart}->{ChartType} = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; $t{chart}->SetSourceData({Source => $t{Range}, PlotBy => xlColumns}); $t{chart}->{HasLegend} = 1; $t{chart}->Location(xlLocationAsNewSheet, "vF"); $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, 'k(%)'); $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, 'v(PU)'); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlValue), 'HasMajorGridlines' => 'True', 'HasMinorGridlines' => 'False'); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory), 'HasMajorGridlines' => 'True', 'MaximumScale' => '100', 'MajorUnit' => '10', 'Crosses' => xlAutomatic, 'ReversePlotOrder' => 'False', 'ScaleType' => xlLinear, 'DisplayUnit' => xlNone); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlValue)->{MajorGridlines}->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '57', 'Weight' => xlHairline, 'LineStyle' => xlDot); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory)->{MajorGridlines}->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '57', 'Weight' => xlHairline, 'LineStyle' => xlDot); with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(1)->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '3', 'Weight' => xlMedium, 'LineStyle' => xlContinuous); with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(2)->{Border}, 'ColorIndex' => '1', 'Weight' => xlMedium, 'LineStyle' => xlContinuous); $t{chart}->Export("C:\\output\\$$h_ref{dir}\\$$h_ref{gif1}", 'GIF'); # XLS保存 $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs({Filename => "C:\\output\\$$h_ref{dir}\\$$h_ref{xls1}", Fileformat => xlWorkbookNormal}); $t{ex}->ActiveWorkbook->Close(); $t{ex}->Quit(); sleep(1); return($h_ref); } __END__; 错误信息: Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020003: "メンバが見つかりません。" in PROPERTYPUT "MinimumScalelsAuto" at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/Lite.pm li ne 201 Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020003: "メンバが見つかりません。" in PROPERTYPUT "MinorUnitlsAuto" at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/Lite.pm line 201 Undefined subroutine &main::SeriesCollection called at make_xls.pl line 70. with ($t{chart}->{SeriesCollection}->{1}->{Border}, OLE exception from "Microsoft Excel": <No description provided> Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "1" at make_xls.pl line 70 with ($t{chart}->{SeriesCollection}->{Border}, <No description provided> Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020009: "例外が発生しました。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Border" at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/Lite.pm line 19 8 正确的写法是 ==>with ($t{chart}->SeriesCollection(1)->{Border}, ----------------------------------------------------------- $t{chart}->{HasLegend} = 0; ------------------------------------ Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a01a8 in PROPERTYPUT "HasLegend" at xx.pl line 39 $t{sheet} = $t{books}->Worksheets("node")->Add; ------------------------------------ Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x80020003: "メンバが見つかりません。" in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "" at xx.pl line 30 Win32::OLE(0.1704) error 0x800a03ec in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Location" at yhou130_in.pl line 103 my $sheet = $book->Worksheets("Dashboard") or die "N'a pas pu récupérer la feuille Dashboard\n";


# EXCEL启动 $t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n"; # 禁止跳出 $t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False'; # 打开一个CSV文件 eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "$$ref{dir}$$ref{file}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $$ref{dir}$$ref{file}.\n"; } # 选择Sheet $t{ex}->ActiveSheet->Cells->Select; # 选择复写 $t{ex}->Selection->Copy; # 新Book $t{book1} = $t{ex}->Workbooks->Add; # 新Sheet $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets(1); # Paste $t{sheet1}->Paste; # 改名 $t{sheet1}->{name} = 'graph'; $t{sheet} = $t{book1}->Worksheets("graph"); $t{Range} = $t{sheet}->Range("A:A,B:B"); # 追加Graph $t{chart} = $t{book1}->Charts->Add; $t{chart}->{ChartType} = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers; $t{chart}->SetSourceData({Source => $t{Range}, PlotBy => xlColumns}); $t{chart}->Location({where=>xlLocationAsObject,Name=>'graph'}); $t{chart} = $t{book1}->ActiveChart; $t{chart}->{HasLegend} = 0; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, '时间(秒)'); $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->{HasTitle} = 'True'; $t{chart}->Axes(xlValue,xlPrimary)->AxisTitle->Characters->{Text} = Variant(VT_BSTR, '电压(V)'); with ($t{chart}->Axes(xlCategory), 'MinimumScale' => '0', 'MaximumScale' => '300', 'MajorUnit' => '10', 'Crosses' => xlAutomatic, 'ReversePlotOrder' => 'False', 'ScaleType' => xlLinear, 'DisplayUnit' => xlNone);
CSV格式转换成XLS格式并画图 删除文件的一行 open IN, '<', $filename or die; my @contents = <IN>; close IN; splice(@contents, 0, 1); open OUT, '>', $filename or die; print OUT @contents; close OUT; ------------------------------------------------ use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Office .* Object Library'; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:DEFAULT :LANG :SUBLANG); use utf8; use File::Copy; # set perl's OLE module to return Unicode Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8, Warn=>3); use Encode; my(%t,@fld,$n); print "This is get_excel.pl\n"; # 读set.txt open(IN,"set.txt") or die "Can't open the file set.txt\n"; while(<IN>){ last if (/^END/); @fld = split; if (/^INPUTDIR0/){ $t{inputdir0} = $fld[1]; } elsif ( /^INPUTDIR1/ ) { $t{inputdir1} = $fld[1]; } elsif ( /^INPUTFILE/ ) { $t{inputf} = $fld[1]; } elsif (/^OUTPUTDIR/){ $t{outputdir} = $fld[1]; } elsif (/^CALDIR/){ $t{caldir} = $fld[1]; } } close(IN); $t{inputdir} = $t{inputdir0} . $t{inputdir1} . '/'; $t{caldir} = $t{caldir} . $t{inputdir1} . '/'; # 读复数文件指定 open(IN,"$t{inputdir}$t{inputf}") or die "Can't open the file $t{inputdir}$t{inputf}\n"; $t{NO} = 0; while(<IN>){ if ( /^file1/ ) { chop; @fld = split(/=/); push(@{ $t{list} },$fld[1]); $t{NO}++; $t{N2} = sprintf("%02s",$t{NO}); $t{job1} = 'work00' . $t{N2}; push(@{ $t{jobs} },$t{job1}); $t{output1} = $t{inputdir1} . '_' . $fld[1] . '.xls'; push(@{ $t{outputs} },$t{output1}); $t{output2} = $t{inputdir1} . '_' . $fld[1] . '.txt'; push(@{ $t{outputs2} },$t{output2}); } } close(IN); # CSV文件项目数 $t{GAG0} = 'ga1.csv'; $t{GPG0} = 'gp1.csv'; $t{GQG0} = 'gq1.csv'; $t{GAG} = 'gag.csv'; $t{GPG} = 'gpg.csv'; $t{GQG} = 'gqg.csv'; # 复写文件 for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{jobs} } ) { $t{job1} = $t{jobs}[$n]; $t{out1} = $t{outputs}[$n]; $t{out2} = $t{outputs2}[$n]; # 复写文件 copy("$t{caldir}$t{job1}/sys1/out1.lst","$t{outputdir}$t{out2}") or die "Copy failed:$!"; print "caldir=$t{caldir}$t{job1}\n"; # EXCEL的起動 $t{ex} = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application') or die "oops\n"; # 「xxへの変更的保存しますか?」 $t{ex}->{DisplayAlerts} = 'False'; # AG open(IN,"$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GAG0}") or die "Can't open $t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GAG0}\n"; my @contents = <IN>; close IN; splice(@contents, 0, 1); open(OUT, ">$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GAG}") or die; print OUT @contents; close OUT; eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GAG}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GAG}.\n"; } # sheet的选择 $t{ex}->ActiveSheet->Cells->Select; # sheet的复写 $t{ex}->Selection->Copy; # 新Book的作成 $t{book1} = $t{ex}->Workbooks->Add; # 新しいSheet的追加 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets(1); # Paste $t{sheet1}->Paste; # sheet名的変更 $t{sheet1}->{name} = 'AG'; # PG open IN, '<', "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GPG0}" or die; my @contents = <IN>; close IN; splice(@contents, 0, 1); open OUT, '>', "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GPG}" or die; print OUT @contents; close OUT; eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GPG}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GPG}.\n"; } # sheet的选择 $t{ex}->ActiveSheet->Cells->Select; # sheet的复写 $t{ex}->Selection->Copy; # 新しいSheet的追加 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets(2); # Paste $t{sheet1}->Paste; # sheet名的変更 $t{sheet1}->{name} = 'PG'; # QG open IN, '<', "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GQG0}" or die; my @contents = <IN>; close IN; splice(@contents, 0, 1); open OUT, '>', "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GQG}" or die; print OUT @contents; close OUT; eval { $t{ex}->Workbooks->OpenText({Filename => "$t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GQG}"}); }; if ($@) { die "Can't open the file $t{caldir}$t{job1}/result/$t{GQG}.\n"; } # sheet的选择 $t{ex}->ActiveSheet->Cells->Select; # sheet的复写 $t{ex}->Selection->Copy; # 新しいSheet的追加 $t{sheet1} = $t{book1}->Worksheets(3); # Paste $t{sheet1}->Paste; # sheet名的変更 $t{sheet1}->{name} = 'QG'; $t{book1}->SaveAs({Filename => "$t{outputdir}$t{out1}", Fileformat => xlWorkbookNormal}); $t{book1}->Close(); $t{ex}->Quit(); print "The output files of $t{job1} are $t{outputdir}$t{out1} and $t{out2}.\n"; sleep(3); } __END__;