用Win32::OLE和Microsoft Graph画图

use strict; use Win32::OLE qw( with in ); use Win32::OLE::Const "Microsoft Graph 9.0 Object Library"; my (%t,@CELLS,$Value,$Point); $t{TIME} = time(); $t{WIDTH} = 640; $t{HEIGHT} = 400; ( @CELLS ) = ( 'a'..'zz' ); $t{File} = "c:\\temp\\test.gif"; srand( time() ); $t{Class} = "MSGraph.Application"; $t{Chart} = new Win32::OLE( $t{Class} ) || die "GO Away. Can not create '$t{Class}'\n"; $t{Chart}->{Visible} = 1; $t{Data} = $t{Chart}->DataSheet(); $t{Graph} = $t{Chart}->Chart(); $t{Graph}->{Width} = $t{WIDTH}; $t{Graph}->{Height} = $t{HEIGHT}; $t{Graph}->{HasLegend} = 0; $t{Graph}->{Type} = xlLine; # Align the chart so it starts on the origin $t{Graph}->ChartGroups(1)->{HasUpDownBars} = 1 ; $t{Graph}->ChartGroups(1)->{HasUpDownBars} = 0; # Add data to the graph foreach $Value ( 0 .. 22 ) { $t{Date} = localtime( $t{TIME} + 3600 * $Value ); $t{Data}->Range( "$CELLS[$Value]0" )->{Value} = $t{Date}; $t{Data}->Range( "$CELLS[$Value]1" )->{Value} = rand( 50 ); } # Config the x-axis if( $t{Axis} = $t{Graph}->Axes( xlCategory ) ) { $t{Axis}->{HasMajorGridlines} = 0; $t{Axis}->{TickLabels}->{orientation} = xlUpward; with( $t{Axis}->{TickLabels}->{Font}, Name => "Tahoma", Bold => 0, Italic => 0 ); } # Config the y-axis if( $t{Axis} = $t{Graph}->Axes( xlValue ) ) { $t{Axis}->{HasMajorGridlines} = 1; $t{Axis}->{MajorGridlines}->{Border}->{Weight} = 1; # The color index 48 == 40% gray $t{Axis}->{MajorGridlines}->{Border}->{ColorIndex} = 48; $t{Axis}->{MajorGridlines}->{Border}->{LineStyle} = xlContinuous; with( $t{Graph}->Axes( xlValue )->{TickLabels}->{Font}, Name => "Tahoma", Bold => 0, Italic => 0 ); } # Configure the data point labels for the series collection $t{Graph}->SeriesCollection( 1 )->{HasDataLabels} = 1; if( $t{Labels} = $t{Graph}->SeriesCollection(1)->DataLabels() ) { with( $t{Labels}, NumberFormat => "#.0", Type => 'xlDataLabelsShowValues' ); with( $t{Labels}->{Font}, Name => "Tahoma", Bold => 0, Italic => 0, ); } # Remove any data point labels if they are redundant foreach $Point (in( $t{Graph}->SeriesCollection( 1 )->Points())) { $t{Text} = $Point->{DataLabel}->{Text}; $Point->{MarkerStyle} = xlMarkerStyleDot; $Point->{DataLabel}->{Font}->{Background} = xlBackgroundOpaque; $Point->{HasDataLabel} = 0 if( $t{Text} eq $t{PrevText} ); $t{PrevText} = $t{Text}; } $t{Graph}->Export( $t{File}, "GIF", 0 ); `start $t{File}`;