

# $t{sql} .= ',"1","1","1","1","115","100","P1","D","P2","100","D0","P0")'; # $t{sql} .= ',"1","1","5","1","115","100","P1","D","P2","100","D0","P0")'; $t{sql} .= ',"1","4","5","1","115","100","P1","D","P2","100","D0","P0")';
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at ./pro/ line 37 ==> if ( $t{mode} eq 'new' or $t{mode} eq 'copy' or $t{mode} eq 'copy2' ) {
sub mscenq1_start { my $self = shift; my(%t,@rec,$n,$a_ref,$enq1ref,$aref,%seen,$item,$row); # 读取数据 $t{q} = $self->query(); $t{mode0} = $t{q}->param("mode0"); $t{word1} = $t{q}->param("word1"); if ( !($t{word1}) ) { $t{word1} = '9999999999999999'; } else { $t{word1} = lc($t{word1}); } # 最大IDを読む $t{enq1_maxid} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(id) FROM enq1"); $t{enq1_id} = $t{enq1_maxid} + 1; $t{mode} = $t{q}->param("mode"); # 生成新的enq1项目 if ( $t{mode} eq 'new' or $t{mode} eq 'copy' or $t{mode} eq 'copy2' ) { $t{oldid} = $t{q}->param("oldid"); # 取得时间 $a_ref = obtain_time($a_ref); $t{time1} = $$a_ref{time1}; # 读取表格enq1最大号码的ourref $t{ourref1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT ourref FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{enq1_maxid}"); # 自动生成一个ourref $t{ourref2} = $$a_ref{ymd} . '01'; $t{tmp1} = substr($t{ourref1},-2); if ( $t{tmp1} eq '99' ) { # 最大は99 $t{ourref0} = $t{ourref1}; $t{ourref0_OK} = 'NG'; } elsif ( ($t{ourref1} - $t{ourref2}) >= 0 ) { $t{ourref0} = $t{ourref1} + 1; $t{ourref0_OK} = 'OK'; } else { $t{ourref0} = $t{ourref2}; $t{ourref0_OK} = 'OK'; } # enq2の最大id $t{enq2_maxid} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(id) FROM enq2"); $t{enq2_id} = $t{enq2_maxid} + 1; if ( $t{mode} eq 'new' or $t{mode} eq 'copy2') { # 新的情况 # 插入enq2的新项目 $t{sql} = "INSERT INTO enq2 ("; $t{sql} .= 'time,enq1id,LANGUAGEid,ORIGINid,PRICEid,PAYMENTid,makerid,DELIVERY,type1id,partsid,QTY,price,discount,discount0,money,price1) VALUES('; $t{sql} .= '"' . $t{time1} . '","'; $t{sql} .= $t{enq1_id} . '","1","1","1","1","1","","B","C","C","P","D","100","1","P1")'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); # enq2の最大idをenq1に追加する # 写入enq1操作 if ( $t{mode} eq 'new' ) { $t{sql} = "INSERT INTO enq1 ("; $t{sql} .= 'time,ourref,owner,hullnoid,type1id,partsid,QTY,LANGUAGEid,makerid,enq2s,seriesid) VALUES("'; $t{sql} .= $t{time1} . '","'; $t{sql} .= $t{ourref0} . '",1,1,"B","C","C","1","1","' . $t{enq2_id} . '","C")'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); } else { # COPY enq1的owner,hullnoid ($t{owner1},$t{ownerno1},$t{hullnoid1}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT owner,ownerno,hullnoid FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{oldid}"); $t{sql} = "INSERT INTO enq1 ("; $t{sql} .= 'time,ourref,owner,ownerno,hullnoid,type1id,partsid,QTY,LANGUAGEid,makerid,enq2s,seriesid) VALUES("'; $t{sql} .= $t{time1} . '","'; $t{sql} .= $t{ourref0} . '","'. $t{owner1} . '","' . $t{ownerno1} . '","' . $t{hullnoid1} . '","B","C","C","1","1","' . $t{enq2_id} . '","C")'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); } # 写入quo2操作 $t{sql} = "INSERT INTO quo2 ("; $t{sql} .= 'time,ORIGINid,PRICEid,PAYMENTid,money,percent0,discount0,percent,discount,price,disc0,disc,price0) VALUES('; $t{sql} .= '"' . $t{time1} . '"'; $t{sql} .= ',"1","1","1","1","115","100","P1","D","P2","100","D0","P0")'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); # 写入order1操作 $t{sql} = "INSERT INTO order1 ("; $t{sql} .= 'time,ORIGINid,PRICEid,PAYMENTid,consignee,changeprice,LANGUAGEid) VALUES('; $t{sql} .= '"' . $t{time1} . '",'; $t{sql} .= '"1","1","1","1","1","2")'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); } elsif ( $t{mode} eq 'copy' ) { # COPY1的情况 # COPY enq1 $$a_ref{table} = 'enq1'; $$a_ref{oldid} = $t{oldid}; $$a_ref{time1} = $t{time1}; $$a_ref{ourref0} = $t{ourref0}; ($a_ref,$self) = copy_one2($a_ref,$self); # COPY enq2 # 首先取得enq2的id一览 $t{enq2s} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq2s FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{oldid}"); @{ $t{enq2ss} } = split(/=/,$t{enq2s}); # COPY各个enq2,同时增加enq2的符号 $t{enq2_id} = $t{enq2_id} - 1; @{ $t{enq2list} } = (); for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{enq2ss} } ) { $t{enq2_id}++; push(@{ $t{enq2list} },$t{enq2_id}); $t{enq2id1} = $t{enq2ss}[$n]; $$a_ref{table} = 'enq2'; $$a_ref{oldid} = $t{enq2id1}; $$a_ref{enq1id} = $t{enq1_id}; ($a_ref,$self) = copy_one22($a_ref,$self); } # 更新enq1的enq2s项目 $t{enq2s} = join('=',@{ $t{enq2list} }); $t{sql} = 'UPDATE enq1 set enq2s = "'; $t{sql} .= $t{enq2s} . '" WHERE id = "' . $t{enq1_id} . '"'; $t{insert} = $self->dbh->do("$t{sql}"); # COPY quo2 $$a_ref{table} = 'quo2'; $$a_ref{oldid} = $t{oldid}; ($a_ref,$self) = copy_one1($a_ref,$self); # COPY order1 $$a_ref{table} = 'order1'; $$a_ref{oldid} = $t{oldid}; ($a_ref,$self) = copy_one1($a_ref,$self); if ( $t{mode0} eq 'work1' ) { $t{enq1s1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s1 FROM enq1list"); $t{enq1s1} = $t{enq1_id} . '=' . $t{enq1s1}; $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s1 = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{enq1s1} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); } elsif ( $t{mode0} eq 'work2' ) { $t{enq1s2} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s2 FROM enq1list"); $t{enq1s2} = $t{enq1_id} . '=' . $t{enq1s2}; $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s2 = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{enq1s2} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); } } } # mode0 mode $t{enq1_maxid} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT MAX(id) FROM enq1"); $t{enq1_id} = $t{enq1_maxid} + 1; $t{SEARCH_OK} = 0; @{ $t{list_id} } = (); @{ $t{list_time} } = (); @{ $t{list_ourref} } = (); @{ $t{list_ownerno} } = (); @{ $t{list_shipname} } = (); # start mode if ( $t{mode0} eq 'start' ) { $t{end1} = 20; # 显示项目的最大数量 $aref = $self->dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id,time,ourref,ownerno,hullnoid from enq1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $t{end1}"); for $row ( @$aref ) { ($t{id1},$t{time1},$t{ourref1},$t{ownerno1},$t{hullnoid1}) = @$row; $t{shipname} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM hull_no WHERE id = $t{hullnoid1}"); $t{orderno} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT orderno FROM order1 WHERE id = $t{id1} and orderno is not NULL"); $t{post} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT post FROM order1 WHERE id = $t{id1} and post is not NULL"); push(@{ $t{list_id} }, $t{id1}); push(@{ $t{list_time} }, $t{time1}); push(@{ $t{list_ourref} }, $t{ourref1}); push(@{ $t{list_ownerno} }, $t{ownerno1}); push(@{ $t{list_shipname} }, $t{shipname}); push(@{ $t{list_orderno} }, $t{orderno}); push(@{ $t{list_post} }, $t{post}); } # work1 mode } elsif ( $t{mode0} eq 'work1' ) { $t{enq1s1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s1 FROM enq1list WHERE enq1s1 != 'NO'"); if ( $t{enq1s1} ) { $t{enq1s1_word} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s1_word FROM enq1list"); # @{ $$enq1ref{list} } = split(/=/,$t{enq1s1}); @{ $t{enq1s} } = split(/=/,$t{enq1s1}); $t{end1} = $#{ $t{enq1s} } + 1; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{enq1s} } ) { $t{e1_id} = $t{enq1s}[$n]; @rec = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{e1_id}"); $t{shipname} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM hull_no WHERE id = $rec[5]"); $t{orderno} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT orderno FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); $t{post} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT post FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); push(@{ $t{list_id} }, $rec[0]); push(@{ $t{list_time} }, $rec[1]); push(@{ $t{list_ourref} }, $rec[2]); push(@{ $t{list_ownerno} }, $rec[4]); push(@{ $t{list_shipname} }, $t{shipname}); push(@{ $t{list_orderno} }, $t{orderno}); push(@{ $t{list_post} }, $t{post}); } } # work2 mode } elsif ( $t{mode0} eq 'work2' ) { $t{enq1s2} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s2 FROM enq1list WHERE enq1s2 != 'NO'"); if ( $t{enq1s2} ) { $t{enq1s2_word} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT enq1s2_word FROM enq1list"); # @{ $$enq1ref{list} } = split(/=/,$t{enq1s2}); @{ $t{enq1s} } = split(/=/,$t{enq1s2}); $t{end1} = $#{ $t{enq1s} } + 1; for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{enq1s} } ) { $t{e1_id} = $t{enq1s}[$n]; @rec = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{e1_id}"); $t{shipname} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM hull_no WHERE id = $rec[5]"); $t{orderno} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT orderno FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); $t{post} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT post FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); push(@{ $t{list_id} }, $rec[0]); push(@{ $t{list_time} }, $rec[1]); push(@{ $t{list_ourref} }, $rec[2]); push(@{ $t{list_ownerno} }, $rec[4]); push(@{ $t{list_shipname} }, $t{shipname}); push(@{ $t{list_orderno} }, $t{orderno}); push(@{ $t{list_post} }, $t{post}); } } # search mode } elsif ( $t{mode0} eq 'search' ) { # search ourref and ENQ的编号 $aref = $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT id FROM enq1 WHERE ourref LIKE \'\%$t{word1}\%\' OR ownerno LIKE \'\%$t{word1}\%\' ORDER BY id DESC"); @{ $t{list1} } = @$aref; $t{enq1_word} .= 'Search_word=>'; # search 船名 $aref = $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT FROM enq1,hull_no WHERE LIKE \'\%$t{word1}\%\' AND = enq1.hullnoid ORDER BY DESC"); @{ $t{list2} } = @$aref; # search ORDER NO $aref = $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT id FROM order1 WHERE orderno LIKE \'\%$t{word1}\%\' ORDER BY id DESC"); @{ $t{list3} } = @$aref; # 两个搜索结果合并(可能有相同id的情况) @{ $t{list3} } = (@{ $t{list1} },@{ $t{list2} },@{ $t{list3} }); @{ $t{list4} } = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @{ $t{list3} }; # 排序 @{ $t{enq1s} } = reverse sort {$a<=>$b} @{ $t{list4} }; # enq1 の出力 if ( $t{enq1s}[0] ) { for $n ( 0 .. $#{ $t{enq1s} } ) { $t{e1_id} = $t{enq1s}[$n]; @{ $t{one1} } = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM enq1 WHERE id = $t{e1_id}"); $t{shipname} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM hull_no WHERE id = $t{one1}[5]"); $t{orderno} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT orderno FROM order1 WHERE id = $t{e1_id} and orderno is not NULL"); $t{post} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT post FROM order1 WHERE id = $t{e1_id} and post is not NULL"); push(@{ $t{list_id} }, $t{e1_id}); push(@{ $t{list_time} }, $t{one1}[1]); push(@{ $t{list_ourref} }, $t{one1}[2]); push(@{ $t{list_ownerno} }, $t{one1}[4]); push(@{ $t{list_shipname} }, $t{shipname}); push(@{ $t{list_orderno} }, $t{orderno}); push(@{ $t{list_post} }, $t{post}); } $t{end1} = $#{ $t{list_id} } + 1; $t{SEL1} = $t{q}->param("SEL1"); if ( $t{SEL1} == 1 ) { $t{enq1s1} = join('=',@{ $t{list_id} }); $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s1 = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{enq1s1} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); $t{word1} = uc($t{word1}); $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s1_word = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{word1} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); $t{enq1s1_word} = $t{enq1_word} . $t{word1}; $t{mode0} = 'work1'; } elsif ( $t{SEL1} == 2 ) { $t{enq1s2} = join('=',@{ $t{list_id} }); $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s2 = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{enq1s2} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); $t{word1} = uc($t{word1}); $t{sql1} = 'UPDATE enq1list set enq1s2_word = "'; $t{sql1} .= $t{word1} . '" where id = "1"'; $t{DO1} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql1}); $t{enq1s2_word} = $t{enq1_word} . $t{word1}; $t{mode0} = 'work2'; } } } # 输出enq1 for $n (1 .. $t{end1} ) { $t{NO} = $n - 1; my %row = ( enq1_id => $t{enq1_id}, id => $t{list_id}[$t{NO}], # time => $t{list_time}[$t{NO}], ourref => $t{list_ourref}[$t{NO}], ownerno => $t{list_ownerno}[$t{NO}], shipname => $t{list_shipname}[$t{NO}], orderno => $t{list_orderno}[$t{NO}], post => $t{list_post}[$t{NO}] ); push(@loop, \%row); } # Get CGI query object $t{q} = $self->query(); if ( $t{mode0} eq 'work1' ) { $t{template} = $self->load_tmpl('mscenq1_start1.htm') || die "error loading tmpl"; $t{template}->param(enq1s1_word => $t{enq1s1_word}); } elsif ( $t{mode0} eq 'work2' ) { $t{template} = $self->load_tmpl('mscenq1_start2.htm') || die "error loading tmpl"; $t{template}->param(enq1s2_word => $t{enq1s2_word}); } else { $t{template} = $self->load_tmpl('mscenq1_start.htm') || die "error loading tmpl"; } # $t{template}->param(pro => ""); $t{template}->param(pro => $t{ourref1}); $t{template}->param(enq1_id => $t{enq1_id}); $t{template}->param(mode0 => $t{mode0}); $t{template}->param(word1 => $t{word1}); $t{template}->param(THIS_LOOP => \@loop); return $t{template}->output; } # 取得现在时间的子程序 sub obtain_time { my($a_ref) = @_; my(%t); ($t{day},$t{month},$t{year1}) = (localtime)[3,4,5]; $t{year} = substr($t{year1},-1); $t{month} = $t{month} + 1; $t{month} = sprintf("%02d",$t{month}); $t{day} = sprintf("%02d",$t{day}); $t{year1} = $t{year1} + 1900; $t{time1} = $t{year1} . '-' . $t{month} . '-' . $t{day}; $$a_ref{time1} = $t{time1}; $$a_ref{ymd} = $t{year} . $t{month} . $t{day}; return($a_ref); } # COPY一个项目(time一项也COPY) sub copy_one1 { my($a_ref,$self) = @_; my(%t,@rec,$n); # 取出COLUMNS $t{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $$a_ref{table}"); $t{sth}->execute; while ( @rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array ) { push(@{ $t{columns} },$rec[0]); } $t{sth}->finish; # 取出数据(同时记住不是NULL的项目) @{ $t{one} } = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $$a_ref{table} WHERE id = $$a_ref{oldid}"); for $n ( 1 .. $#{ $t{one} } ) { $t{name} = $t{columns}[$n]; $t{value} = $t{one}[$n]; if ( $t{value} ) { $t{value} = '"' . $t{value} . '"'; push(@{ $t{names} },$t{name}); push(@{ $t{values} },$t{value}); } } $t{name1} = join(',',@{ $t{names} }); $t{value1} = join(',',@{ $t{values} }); # 插入新项目 $t{sql} = 'INSERT INTO ' . $$a_ref{table} . '('; $t{sql} .= $t{name1} . ') VALUES('; $t{sql} .= $t{value1} . ')'; $t{DO} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql}); # print "DO=$t{DO}\n"; return($a_ref,$self); } # COPY一个项目(time/ourref两项不COPY) sub copy_one22 { my($a_ref,$self) = @_; my(%t,@rec,$n); # 取出COLUMNS $t{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $$a_ref{table}"); $t{sth}->execute; while ( @rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array ) { push(@{ $t{columns} },$rec[0]); } $t{sth}->finish; # 取出数据(同时记住不是NULL的项目) @{ $t{one} } = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $$a_ref{table} WHERE id = $$a_ref{oldid}"); $t{names}[0] = 'time'; $t{values}[0] = '"' . $t{one}[1] . '"'; for $n ( 3 .. $#{ $t{one} } ) { $t{name} = $t{columns}[$n]; $t{value} = $t{one}[$n]; if ( $t{value} ) { $t{value} = '"' . $t{value} . '"'; push(@{ $t{names} },$t{name}); push(@{ $t{values} },$t{value}); } } $t{name1} = join(',',@{ $t{names} }); $t{value1} = join(',',@{ $t{values} }); # 插入新项目 $t{sql} = 'INSERT INTO ' . $$a_ref{table} . '(enq1id,'; $t{sql} .= $t{name1} . ') VALUES("'; $t{sql} .= $$a_ref{enq1id} . '",'; $t{sql} .= $t{value1} . ')'; $t{DO} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql}); # print "DO=$t{DO}\n"; return($a_ref,$self); } # COPY一个项目(time/ourref两项不COPY) sub copy_one2 { my($a_ref,$self) = @_; my(%t,@rec,$n); # 取出COLUMNS $t{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $$a_ref{table}"); $t{sth}->execute; while ( @rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array ) { push(@{ $t{columns} },$rec[0]); } $t{sth}->finish; # 取出数据(同时记住不是NULL的项目) @{ $t{one} } = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM $$a_ref{table} WHERE id = $$a_ref{oldid}"); for $n ( 3 .. $#{ $t{one} } ) { $t{name} = $t{columns}[$n]; $t{value} = $t{one}[$n]; if ( $t{value} ) { $t{value} = '"' . $t{value} . '"'; push(@{ $t{names} },$t{name}); push(@{ $t{values} },$t{value}); } } $t{name1} = join(',',@{ $t{names} }); $t{value1} = join(',',@{ $t{values} }); # 插入新项目 $t{sql} = 'INSERT INTO ' . $$a_ref{table} . '(time,ourref,'; $t{sql} .= $t{name1} . ') VALUES("' . $$a_ref{time1} . '","'; $t{sql} .= $$a_ref{ourref0} . '",'; $t{sql} .= $t{value1} . ')'; $t{DO} = $self->dbh->do($t{sql}); # print "DO=$t{DO}\n"; return($a_ref,$self); } 1; __END__

旧程序(start mode)这部分效率较低,读取所有的项目,新程序用"LIMIT",只读"20次"

$t{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM enq1 ORDER BY id DESC"); $t{sth}->execute; while ( @rec = $t{sth}->fetchrow_array ) { $t{shipname} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM hull_no WHERE id = $rec[5]"); $t{orderno} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT orderno FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); $t{post} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT post FROM order1 WHERE id = $rec[0]"); push(@{ $t{list_id} }, $rec[0]); push(@{ $t{list_time} }, $rec[1]); push(@{ $t{list_ourref} }, $rec[2]); push(@{ $t{list_ownerno} }, $rec[4]); push(@{ $t{list_shipname} }, $t{shipname}); push(@{ $t{list_orderno} }, $t{orderno}); push(@{ $t{list_post} }, $t{post}); } $t{sth}->finish; $t{end} = $#{ $t{list_id} } + 1; if ( $t{end} < $t{max} ) { $t{end1} = $t{end}; } else { $t{end1} = $t{max}; }