

COMMERCIAL INVOICE的DISC没有计算! SHIPPING INV $t{excel_pat} eq 'shipping' if ($t{excel_pat} eq 'invoice') { 的$t{disc}部分复写过来! 增加如下段落:(注意,不能对应复数shipping的情况!) if ( $t{disc} ) { $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{'Value'} = 'Disc'; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{XY1} = "G" . $t{Y1}; with ($t{sheet}->Range($t{XY1}), HorizontalAlignment => xlRight ); $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{NumberFormatLocal} = "@"; $$moneyref{one} = $t{disc}; $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{disc}; ($moneyref)=money_show($moneyref); $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{'Value'} = $$moneyref{one}; $t{Y1}++; $t{Y1}++; }
INVOICE输出时,增加消费税 if ( $t{tax1} != 1 ) { $t{total} = $t{total} . '(+TAX)'; } if ( $t{tax1} != 1 ) { $t{addtax1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT tax1 FROM tax_ok WHERE id = $t{tax1}"); $t{total1} = $t{total1}*(1+$t{addtax1}/100); }
QTN文件输出时, TOTAL EUR 153.35 变成 TOTAL EUR 153 发现"セルの書式設定"的种类时"通货",要改为"文字列" $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{NumberFormatLocal} = "@"; # 设为文字列 $t{XY1} = "G" . $t{Y1}; # 放在右边 with ($t{sheet}->Range($t{XY1}), HorizontalAlignment => xlRight );
几个不同的DISC输出时,EXCEL按disc0处的数字显示,但是总价需要按照各个不同的disc来计算! Bug!删除这些if文。 程序似乎没有问题,就是在EXCEL显示时,按照dis0处的数据显示!
增加ti_ok輸出 ($t{memo},$t{pi_ok}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo,pi_ok from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id} and memo is not NULL"); if ( $t{pi_ok} == 1 ) { $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} + 1; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; # $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{WrapText} = "False"; $t{XY1} = 'C' . $t{Y1}; $t{XY2} = 'G' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XY1}:$t{XY2}")->{MergeCells} = "True"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{'Value'} = 'THE PRICE IS NOT INCLUDING PACKING & HANDING CHARGE.'; } ====> ($t{memo},$t{pi_ok},$t{ti_ok}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo,pi_ok,ti_ok from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id}"); } elsif ( $t{ti_ok} == 1 ) { $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; # $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{WrapText} = "False"; $t{XY1} = 'E' . $t{Y1}; $t{XY2} = 'G' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XY1}:$t{XY2}")->{MergeCells} = "True"; $t{word1} = '已提供業界最低價,無法再降.'; $t{word1} = decode("utf8",$t{word1}); $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{'Value'} = Variant(VT_BSTR, $t{word1}); }
Argument "C" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at ./pro/ line 434 434: if ( $t{seri2} != 1 ) { 要把所有series是'C'的enq1全部置换成'1' mysql> update enq1 set seriesid = '1' where seriesid ='C'; Query OK, 9625 rows affected (0.34 sec) Rows matched: 9625 Changed: 9625 Warnings: 0 mysql> select id,seriesid from enq1 where seriesid ='C'; Empty set (0.03 sec) mysql> select id,seriesid from enq1 where id = 12395; +-------+----------+ | id | seriesid | +-------+----------+ | 12395 | 1 | +-------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
# $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{'Value'} = 'THE PRICE IS NOT INCLUDING PACKING & HANDLING CHARGE.'; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{'Value'} = 'THE PRICE IS NOT INCLUDING PACKING & BANK CHARGE.'; 点击选择后seriesid变成了1 ----------------------------------------------------------- mysql> select * from enq1 where id = 12399\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 12399 time: 2012-01-19 ourref: C011901 owner: 171 ownerno: NULL hullnoid: 1 type1id: 11 partsid: 179 QTY: 2 memo: NULL LANGUAGEid: 1 makerid: 1 enq2s: 13949 seriesid: 1 tmp_pname: tmp_pcode: tmp_pqty: 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 一个为什么会是4? ----------------------------------------------------------- mysql> select * from enq1 where id = 12399\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 12399 time: 2012-01-19 ourref: C011901 owner: 171 ownerno: NULL hullnoid: 1 type1id: 11 partsid: 179 QTY: 2 memo: NULL LANGUAGEid: 1 makerid: 1 enq2s: 13949 seriesid: 4 tmp_pname: tmp_pcode: tmp_pqty: 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
[client] Argument "1856,400" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at ./pro/ line 666, 665: $$moneyref{one} =~ s/\,//; 666: $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$$moneyref{one}; 修改如下: 665: $$moneyref{one} =~ s/\,//g; # 增加g 666: $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$$moneyref{one};

[error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in multiplication (*) at ./pro/ line 637, [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at ./pro/ line 1289, 637: $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$t{pri1}; 1264: ($t{memo},$t{pi_ok}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo,pi_ok from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id} and memo is not NULL"); 1289: if ( $t{pi_ok} == 1 ) { ==>修改如下 ($t{memo},$t{pi_ok}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo,pi_ok from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id}");
[error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./pro/ line 695, [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./pro/ line 777, 695: $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{disc} + $t{packing_charge} + $t{freight_charges} + $t{delivery_charge}; 777: $t{delivery_place} = 'TO ' . $t{delivery_place}; ==>修改如下 $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{pcharges}; # 总和 if ( $t{delivery_place} ) { $t{delivery_place} = 'TO ' . $t{delivery_place}; } else { $t{delivery_place} = 'TO '; } [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./pro/ line 337, 337: $t{ownerno} = 'ENQ: ' . $t{ownerno}; ==>修改如下 if ( $t{ownerno} ) { $t{ownerno} = 'ENQ: ' . $t{ownerno}; } else { $t{ownerno} = 'ENQ: '; }
[error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./pro/ line 260, [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./pro/ line 805, [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./pro/ line 807, 260: $t{word3} = 'YOUR REF. ' . $t{makerref}; 805: $t{disc} = $t{disc1} + $t{disc2}; 807: $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{disc} + $t{charges}; ==>修改如下 if ( $t{makerref} ) { $t{word3} = 'YOUR REF. ' . $t{makerref}; } else { $t{word3} = 'YOUR REF. '; } if ( $t{disc2} ) { $t{disc} = $t{disc1} + $t{disc2}; } else { $t{disc} = $t{disc1}; } if ( $t{charges} ) { $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{disc} + $t{charges}; } else { $t{total1} = $t{total1} + $t{disc}; }
[error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at ./pro/ line 1577, 1577: if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { ==>修改如下 sub money_show { my($moneyref) = @_; if ( $$moneyref{one} ) { # 增加判断语句 if ( $$moneyref{moneyid} == 1 ) { if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { $$moneyref{one} = int($$moneyref{one}+0.5); } else { $$moneyref{one} = int($$moneyref{one}-0.5); } } else { if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { $$moneyref{one} = int(($$moneyref{one}*100+0.5))/100; } else { $$moneyref{one} = int(($$moneyref{one}*100-0.5))/100; } $$moneyref{one} = sprintf("%.02f",$$moneyref{one}); } $$moneyref{one} = commify($$moneyref{one}); } else { $$moneyref{one} = 0; } return($moneyref); } [error] [client] Argument "P2" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at ./pro/ line 1574, 1574: if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { 原因:price还没有任何输入,是P2! mysql> select * from quo2 where id = 12396\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 12396 time: 2011-01-03 ORIGINid: 1 PRICEid: 2 PAYMENTid: 5 DELIVERY: money: 1 percent0: 115 discount0: 100 percent: P1 discount: D price: P2 D_FEE: NULL total: NULL memo: disc0: 100 disc: D0 price0: P0 pi_ok: 2 1 row in set (0.00 sec) $t{pp1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT price FROM quo2 WHERE id = $t{enq1_id}"); ==>修改如下 $t{pp1} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT price FROM quo2 WHERE id = $t{enq1_id}"); if ( $t{pp1} eq 'P2' ) { $t{pp1} = 0; } [error] [client] Argument "C" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at ./pro/ line 419 419: if ( $t{seri2} > 1 ) { ==>修改如下 if ( $t{seri2} ne 'C' ) { [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./pro/ line 288, 288: $t{DELIVERY} = 'DELIVERY TIME: ' . $t{DELIVERY}; ==>修改如下 if ( $t{DELIVERY} ) { $t{DELIVERY} = 'DELIVERY TIME: ' . $t{DELIVERY}; } else { $t{DELIVERY} = 'DELIVERY TIME: '; } [error] [client] Useless use of hash element in void context at ./pro/ line 502. 502 $t{sheet}->Rows($t{Y1})->{AutoFit}; ==>AutoFit的作用不清楚。加#暂时退出 # $t{sheet}->Rows($t{Y1})->{AutoFit};
# QTNにNOTEを出力 if ( $t{excel_pat} eq 'quo2' ) { $t{memo} = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id} and memo is not NULL"); if ( $t{memo} ) { if ( $t{memo} =~ /==/ ) { @{ $t{memos} } = split(/==/,$t{memo}); $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} + 1; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{WrapText} = "True"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{'Value'} = $t{memos}[0]; for $n ( 1 .. $#{ $t{memos} } ) { $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} + 1; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{WrapText} = "True"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{'Value'} = $t{memos}[$n]; } } else { $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} + 1; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{WrapText} = "True"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"B")->{'Value'} = $t{memo}; } } ====> ($t{memo},$t{pi_ok}) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("select memo,pi_ok from quo2 where id = $t{enq1_id} and memo is not NULL"); if ( $t{pi_ok} == 1 ) { $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} + 1; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{Font}->{Size} = "9"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False"; # $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"E")->{WrapText} = "False"; $t{XY1} = 'C' . $t{Y1}; $t{XY2} = 'G' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XY1}:$t{XY2}")->{MergeCells} = "True"; $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"C")->{'Value'} = 'THE PRICE IS NOT INCLUDING PACKING & HANDING CHARGE.'; } ##------写入excel,生成给船东的QTN文件 } elsif ( $t{pat} eq 'excel' ) { $$e_ref{excel_pat} = 'quo2'; $$e_ref{excel} = $t{q}->param("excel"); $$e_ref{enq1_id} = $t{quo2_id}; ($e_ref,$self) = write_excel($e_ref,$self);
恢复DWG.的写入 -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $t{DWG1} eq 'XXXDWG' ) { # 没有图纸号的情况 # $t{line1} = 'DWG. NO. '; $t{line1} = 'DWG. '; $t{line1} = ''; } else { # $t{line1} = 'DWG. NO. ' . $t{DWG1}; $t{line1} = 'DWG. ' . $t{DWG1}; $t{line1} = $t{DWG1}; } 取消DWG.NO.的写入 -------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $t{DWG1} eq 'XXXDWG' ) { # 没有图纸号的情况 # $t{line1} = 'DWG. NO. '; $t{line1} = ''; } else { # $t{line1} = 'DWG. NO. ' . $t{DWG1}; $t{line1} = $t{DWG1}; } -------------------------------------------------------------- # $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$t{pri1}; $$moneyref{one} =~ s/\,//; $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$$moneyref{one}; -------------------------------------------------------------- 格式问题 Excelの「折り返して全体を表示」と印刷レイアウト 折り返し位置を編集画面と印刷レイアウトで一致させる MSゴシックは等幅フォント・MSPゴシックはプロポーショナルフォント デフォルトのフォントはMSPゴシック。 MSゴシックにすると編集画面と印刷レイアウトはほぼ一致 ==>我的情况是数字! 英語等幅系 Courier New 英語セリフ系 Times New Roman -------------------------------------------------------------- ship price的乘的问题 # $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$t{pri1}; $$moneyref{one} =~ s/\,//; $t{pris} = $t{Q1}*$$moneyref{one}; 需要用出现在表格上的数字,注意要把逗号去掉。 -------------------------------------------------------------- $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"F")->{NumberFormatLocal} = "@"; 3420=>3,420 -------------------------------------------------------------- 把money的显示子程序化 $$moneyref{one} = $t{packing_charge}; ($moneyref)=money_show($moneyref); $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{'Value'} = $$moneyref{one}; sub money_show { my($moneyref) = @_; if ( $$moneyref{moneyid} == 1 ) { if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { $$moneyref{one} = int($$moneyref{one}+0.5); } else { $$moneyref{one} = int($$moneyref{one}-0.5); } } else { if ( $$moneyref{one} > 0 ) { $$moneyref{one} = int(($$moneyref{one}*100+0.5))/100; } else { $$moneyref{one} = int(($$moneyref{one}*100-0.5))/100; } $$moneyref{one} = sprintf("%.02f",$$moneyref{one}); } $$moneyref{one} = commify($$moneyref{one}); return($moneyref); } --------------------------------------------------------------- 小于0的整数处理! if ($t{disc} > 0 ) { $t{disc} = int($t{disc}+0.5); } else { $t{disc} = int($t{disc}-0.5); } --------------------------------------------------------------- # order1, 2010/08/16追加 if ( $t{moneyid} == 1 ) { # $t{total1} = int($t{total1}+0.5); # 2010/08/21修正 } else { $t{total1} = sprintf("%.02f",$t{total1}); } --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $t{moneyid} == 1 ) { # $t{disc} = int($t{disc}+0.5); $t{disc} = int($t{disc}+0.5); # 2010/08/16恢复 } else { $t{disc} = sprintf("%.02f",$t{disc}); } # order1, 2010/08/16追加 if ( $t{moneyid} == 1 ) { $t{total1} = int($t{total1}+0.5); } else { $t{total1} = sprintf("%.02f",$t{total1}); } $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{NumberFormatLocal} = "@"; $t{XY1} = "G" . $t{Y1}; with ($t{sheet}->Range($t{XY1}), HorizontalAlignment => xlRight ); --------------------------------------------------- 删除双引号 $t{name1} =~ s/^\"//; #削除2010/08/12 $t{name1} =~ s/\"$//; ---------------------------------------------------------------- EXCEL文件的逗号问题!!! 该子程序在 sub commify { my $text = reverse $_[0]; $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; return scalar reverse $text; } 输入指定数值单元 $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{NumberFormatLocal} = "@"; 输入字体加粗 $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{Font}->{Bold} = "True"; 输入字体不加粗 $t{sheet}->Cells($t{Y1},"G")->{Font}->{Bold} = "False";
插入图像文件 # MSC mark $t{Y1} = $t{Y1} - 7; $t{XY1} = 'C' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XY1}")->Select; $t{sheet}->Pictures->Insert("E:\\wwwexcel\\samples\\msc_mark.jpg")->Select; $t{ex}->Selection->ShapeRange->IncrementLeft("10.5"); $t{ex}->Selection->ShapeRange->IncrementTop("6.75"); # SIGN $t{XY1} = 'E' . $t{Y1}; $t{sheet}->Range("$t{XY1}")->Select; $t{sheet}->Pictures->Insert("E:\\wwwexcel\\samples\\sign.jpg")->Select; EXCEL 的Micro登记 Sub Macro2() ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("C:\wwwexcel\samples\sign.GIF").Select Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft -125.25 Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 327.75 Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft -59.25 End Sub Sub Macro4() Range("G40").Select ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("C:\wwwexcel\samples\sign.GIF").Select End Sub PERL sample use strict; use warnings; use Win32::OLE; my $excel = Win32::OLE->CreateObject('Excel.Application'); $excel->{Visible} = 1; my $wb = $excel->Workbooks->Add; $wb->ActiveSheet->Pictures->Insert( "C:\\s\\x.png" )->Select; $excel->Selection->ShapeRange->IncrementLeft( 40 ); $excel->Selection->ShapeRange->IncrementTop( 40 ); PERL实现 $t{excel_pat} eq 'invoice'
问题解决,把'置换掉! $t{name1} =~ s/^\'//; #削除2009/08/14 $t{name1} =~ s/\'$//; Parts的引用符号问题?印刷时有吗? excel 文字 引用符