
# word_test1.pl use warnings; use strict; use Win32::OLE; my $word = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'Word.Application' or die $!; $word->{'Visible'} = 1; my $document = $word->Documents->Add; my $selection = $word->Selection; $selection -> TypeText("Hello World"); $selection -> TypeParagraph; $selection -> TypeText("How do you feel today"); $selection -> TypeParagraph; $selection -> TypeText("Some header"); $selection -> {'Style'} = "Heading 1"; $selection -> TypeParagraph; my $heading_1 = $document->Styles("Heading 1"); my $heading_1_font = $heading_1 -> Font; # Can't call method "Font" on an undefined value at word_test1.pl line 26. $heading_1_font -> {Name} = "Bookmann"; $heading_1_font -> {Size} = 20; $heading_1_font -> {Bold} = 1;
# word_test2.pl use warnings; use strict; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft.Word'; # wd constants use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Office'; # mso constants my $cur_style = 'a'; my $cur_bookmark = 'a'; my $word = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'Word.Application' or die $!; $word->{'Visible'} = 1; my $document = $word->Documents->Add; # selection is the insertion point. my $selection = $word->Selection; my $st_bold_10_arial = create_style($document, "Arial", 10, 1, 0); my $st_italic_10_arial = create_style($document, "Arial", 10, 0, 1); my $st_italic_20_arial = create_style($document, "Times new Roman", 20, 0, 1); set_style($document, $st_bold_10_arial); text ($document, "This text is bold, 10 points and arial"); enter ($document); set_style($document, $st_italic_10_arial); text ($document, "This text is italic, 10 points and arial"); enter ($document); set_style($document, $st_italic_20_arial); text ($document, "This text is italic, 20 points and Times"); # insert something into the header switch_view($document, "wdSeekCurrentPageHeader"); my $st_header = create_style($document, "Verdana", 8, 0, 0); set_style($document, $st_header); text ($document, "this is the document's header, it will be repeated on all pages"); # insert something into the footer switch_view($document, "wdSeekCurrentPageFooter"); my $st_footer = create_style($document, "Verdana", 8, 0, 0); set_style($document, $st_footer); text ($document, "this is the document's footer, it will be repeated on all pages"); # Inserting current page, total page text ($document, " Page "); $selection->Fields->Add ($selection->{Range}, "wdFieldPage" ); text ($document, " of "); $selection->Fields->Add ($selection->{Range}, "wdFieldNumPages"); # go back to body of document switch_view($document, "wdSeekMainDocument"); my $picture = insert_picture($document, 'c:\temp\image001.gif', 100, 100, 100, 30); my $st_12_arial = create_style($document, "Arial", 12, 0, 0); ############################# Demonstrating Bookmarks ##### enter ($document); # set_style($document, $st_12_arial); # text ($document, "Not bold"); # bold ($document, 1); # text ($document, " but this IS bold "); # bold ($document, 0); # text ($document, "this is not bold anymore"); # enter ($document); # # my $first_bookmark = insert_bookmark($document); # text ($document, "here's a bookmark"); # enter ($document); # text ($document, "Writing some lines"); # enter ($document); # text ($document, "Before going to the bookmark"); # enter ($document); # # my $second_bookmark = insert_bookmark($document); # goto_bookmark($document, $first_bookmark); # text ($document, "Went back to first bookmark"); # goto_bookmark($document, $second_bookmark); # text ($document, "Went back to second bookmark"); # ############################################################# ############### indenting ############## my $st_indent = create_style($document, "Arial", 10, 0, 0); style_indents($document, $st_indent, 100, 200); enter ($document); set_style ($document, $st_indent); text ($document, join " ", 1 .. 100); enter ($document); text ($document, join " ", 'a' .. 'cz'); items ($document, "Fruits", $st_indent, qw(Apple Pear Peach Cherry Nectarine Orange)); items ($document, "Shapes", $st_indent, qw(Triangle Rhombus Trapezoid Pentagon Circle)); ## inserting a box my $st_box = create_style($document, "Arial", 8, 0, 1); style_indents($document, $st_box, 0, 0); my $box = insert_box($document, 350, 550, 140, 40); set_style($document, $st_box); text ($document, "hello out of the box"); save_doc_as($document, 'c:\temp\generated.doc'); ## uncomment the following two if word should shut down # close_doc($document); # $word->Quit; sub text { my $document = shift; my $text = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection -> TypeText($text); } # aka new line, newline or NL sub enter { my $document = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection -> TypeParagraph; } sub set_style { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection -> {Style} = $style_arg -> {name}; } sub create_style { my $document = shift; my $fontname = shift; my $font_size = shift; my $bold = shift; my $italic = shift; my $style = $document->Styles->Add($cur_style); my $style_font = $style->{Font}; $style_font -> {Name } = $fontname; $style_font -> {Size } = $font_size; $style_font -> {Bold } = $bold; $style_font -> {Italic} = $italic; my %style; $style{name} = $cur_style++; return \%style; } # use switch_view to change to header, footer, main document and so on... # possible constants for view are: wdSeekCurrentPageFooter # # o wdSeekCurrentPageHeader # o wdSeekEndnotes # o wdSeekEvenPagesFooter # o wdSeekEvenPagesHeader # o wdSeekFirstPageFooter # o wdSeekFirstPageHeader # o wdSeekFootnotes # o wdSeekMainDocument # o wdSeekPrimaryFooter # o wdSeekPrimaryHeader # sub switch_view { my $document = shift; my $view = shift; $document -> ActiveWindow -> ActivePane -> View -> {SeekView} = $view; } sub insert_picture { my $document = shift; my $file = shift; my $left = shift; my $top = shift; my $width = shift; my $height = shift; my $picture = $document-> Shapes -> AddPicture ( $file, msoFalse, # link to file msoTrue, # save with document $left, $top, $width, $height, $document->ActiveWindow->Selection->{Range} ); return $picture; } sub bold { my $document = shift; my $bold = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection->{Font}->{Bold} = $bold ? msoTrue : msoFalse; } sub goto_bookmark { my $document = shift; my $bookmark = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection -> GoTo("wdGoToBookmark", 0, 0, $bookmark->{Name}); } sub insert_bookmark { my $document = shift; my $bookmark = $document -> Bookmarks -> Add ($cur_bookmark++, $document->ActiveWindow->Selection->Range); return $bookmark; } sub style_indents { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $first_line_indent = shift; my $other_line_indent = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->ParagraphFormat->{LeftIndent } = $other_line_indent; $style->ParagraphFormat->{FirstLineIndent} = -$other_line_indent + $first_line_indent; } sub items { my $document = shift; my $title = shift; my $style = shift; my @array = @_; enter($document); set_style($document, $style); bold($document, 1); text($document, $title); bold($document, 0); text($document, "\x09"); foreach my $a (@array) { text($document, $a); text($document, "\x0b"); } } sub insert_box { my $document = shift; my $left = shift; my $top = shift; my $width = shift; my $height = shift; my $shape = $document->Shapes->AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, $left, $top, $width, $height); $shape -> Select; my $selection = $word->Selection; $selection -> ShapeRange -> Line -> {DashStyle} = msoLineRoundDot; return $shape } sub close_doc { my $document = shift; $document -> Close; } sub save_doc_as { my $document = shift; my $filename = shift; $document->SaveAs($filename); } sub style_keep_with_next { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->{ParagraphFormat}->{KeepWithNext} = msoTrue; } sub style_keep_together { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->{ParagraphFormat}->{KeepTogether} = msoTrue; } sub style_border { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $border = shift; my $border_style = shift; my $border_width = shift; my $border_color = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->Borders($border) -> {LineStyle} = $border_style; $style->Borders($border) -> {LineWidth} = $border_width; $style->Borders($border) -> {Color } = $border_color; } sub style_tab_at_position { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $position = shift; my $left_or_right= shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->ParagraphFormat->{TabStops}->Add($word->InchesToPoints($position), $left_or_right); } sub style_space_before { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $space = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->ParagraphFormat->{SpaceBefore} = $space; } sub style_space_after { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $space = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->ParagraphFormat->{SpaceAfter} = $space; } sub style_alignment { my $document = shift; my $style_arg = shift; my $alignment = shift; my $style = $document->Styles($style_arg->{name}); $style->ParagraphFormat->{Alignment} = $alignment; } sub goto_end_of_document { my $document = shift; $document->ActiveWindow->Selection->{Range} -> EndKey("wdStory"); #my $selection = $word->Selection; #$selection -> EndKey (wdStory); } sub insert_page_break { my $document = shift; #my $selection = $word->Selection; #$selection -> InsertBreak(wdPageBreak); $document->ActiveWindow->Selection->{Range} -> InsertBreak("wdPageBreak"); } sub landscape { my $document = shift; $document->PageSetup->{Orientation} = "wdOrientLandscape"; } __END__ C:>perl word_test2.pl Bareword "wdGoToBookmark" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at word_test2.p l line 206. Bareword "wdSeekCurrentPageHeader" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at wor d_test2.pl line 34. Bareword "wdSeekCurrentPageFooter" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at wor d_test2.pl line 40. Bareword "wdFieldPage" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at word_test2.pl l ine 47. Bareword "wdFieldNumPages" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at word_test2. pl line 49. Bareword "wdSeekMainDocument" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at word_tes t2.pl line 52. Execution of word_test2.pl aborted due to compilation errors.