美国变电站标准(ANSI substation standards)

ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  IEC |  JIS |  NF |  DIC
编号 中文名称 英文名称
ANSI CC1-2005 变电站的电力连接 Electric Power Connection for Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1127-1998 符合环境要求的安全、可靠变电站的设计、建造和运行指南 Guide for the Design, Construction, and Operation of Safe and Reliable Substations for Environmental Acceptance
ANSI/IEEE 1240-2000 HVDC变电站可靠性的评价指南 Guide for the Evaluation of the Reliability of HVDC Converter Stations
ANSI/IEEE 1246-2002 变电站用瞬间防护接地系统指南 Guide for Temporary Protective Grounding Systems Used in Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1264-2004 变电站动物防范指南 Guide for Animal Deterrents for Electric Power Supply Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1267-2005 指定承包变电站项目规范的指南 Guide for Development of Specification for Turnkey Substation Projects
ANSI/IEEE 1268-2005 变电所移动设备的安全安装指南 Guide for the Safe Installation of Mobile Substation Equipment
ANSI/IEEE 1378-1997 高压直流(HVDC)变电站和相关传输系统的调试导则 Guide for Commissioning High-Voltage Direct-Current (HVDC) Converter Stations and Associated Transmission Systems
ANSI/IEEE 1379-2000 变电所中远程终端设备和智能电子设备之间数据通信的推荐实施规程 Recommended Practice for Data Communications Between Remote Terminal Units and Intelligent Electronic Devices in a Substation
ANSI/IEEE 1402-2000 变电所的物理和电子安全性指南 Guide for Electric Power Substation Physical and Electronic Security
ANSI/IEEE 1416-2004 现有气体隔绝变电站中新气体隔绝设备接口的推荐规程 Recommended Practice for the Interface of New Gas-Insulated Equipment in Existing Gas-Insulated Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1427-2006 空气绝缘电力变电站适宜电间隙和绝缘水平指南 Guide for Recommended Electrical Clearances and Insulation Levels in Air Insulated Electrical Power Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1613-2009 安装在电力变电站的通信网络设备用环境标准及测试要求 Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for Communications Networking Devices Installed in Electric Power Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1615-2007 变电所网络通信的推荐实施规程 Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations
ANSI/IEEE 1646-2004 电力变电所自动化用标准通讯传输时间性能要求 Standard Communication Delivery Time Performance Requirements for Electric Power Substation Automation
ANSI/IEEE 1686-2008 变电站智能电子装置(IEDs)网络安全性能标准 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) Cyber Security Capabilities
ANSI/IEEE 450-2002 发电站和变电站的大型铅蓄电池组的维护、试验和更换实施规程 Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations, Practice for
ANSI/IEEE 525-2007 变电站电缆系统的设计和安装 Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations
ANSI/IEEE 525Corrigendum 1-2008 变电站电缆设备的设计和安装指南.技术勘误1 Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations - Corrigendum 1
ANSI/IEEE 693-2005 变电站抗震设计的推荐实施规程 Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations
ANSI/IEEE 80-2000 交流变电站接地安全性 AC Substation Grounding, Safety in
ANSI/IEEE 837-2003 变电站接地用固定连接器的认证 Qualifying Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding
ANSI/IEEE 979-1994 变电站的防火指南 Fire Protection, Guide for Substation
ANSI/IEEE 980-1994 变电站油溢污染与控制指南 Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations
ANSI/IEEE 998-1996 变电所直接雷击防护指南 Guide for Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations
ANSI/IEEE C37.115-2003 用于评价变电所保护、控制和数据采集集成系统中智能电子设备之间信息通信的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Use in the Evaluation of Message Communications Between Intelligent Electronic Devices in an Integrated Substation Protection, Control and Data Acquisition System
ANSI/IEEE C37.121-1989 开关装置.单元变电所.要求 Switchgear – Unit Substations – Requirements
ANSI/IEEE C37.122-2002 气体绝缘变电站标准 Standard for Gas-Insulated Substations
ANSI/IEEE C37.122.1-2002 气体绝缘变电站导则 Guide for Gas-Insulated Substations
ANSI/IEEE C37.123-1997 气体绝缘变电站设备规范指南 Guide to Specifications for Gas-Insulated, Electric Power Substation Equipment
ANSI/NEMA CC1-2009 变电站用电力连接 Electric Power Connection for Substations
IEEE 1106-1995 发电站及变电所用镍-镉蓄电池组的维护,试验及更换用推荐规程 (Recommended practice for installation, maintenance, testing, and replacement of vented nickel-cadmium batteries for stationary applications)
IEEE 1109-1990 用户变电站和供电局互联用指南 (Guide for the interconnection of user-owned substations to electric utilities)
IEEE 1158-1991 高压直流变电站功率损失测定用推荐规范 (Recommended practice for determination of power losses in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations)
IEEE 1246-2002 变电所临时接地保护系统用指南 (Guide for temporary protective grounding systems used in substations)
IEEE 1264-1993 变电站防范动物指南 (Guide for animal deterrents for electric power supply substations)
IEEE 1267-1999 包揽承建变电所项目用规范的指定指南 (Guide for the development of specifications for turnkey substation projects)
IEEE 1268-1997 移动变电所设备安全安装指南 (Guide for the safe installation of mobile substation equipment)
IEEE 1300-1996 气体绝缘变电所电缆连接指南 (Guide for cable connections for gas-insulated substations)
IEEE 1378-1997 高压直流(HVDC)变电所和相关传输系统的试运转指南 (Guide for commissioning high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) converter stations and associated transmission systems)
IEEE 1379-2000 变电所中远程终端设备和智能电子设备之间数据通信的推荐实施规程 (Recommended practice for data communications between remote terminal units and intelligent electronic devices in a substation)
IEEE 1402-2000 变电所的物理和电气安全指南 (Guide for electric power substations physical and electronic security)
IEEE 1416-1998 已有气体绝缘变电所中新气体绝缘设备用接口的推荐实施规程 (Recommended practice for the interface of new gas-insulated equipment in existing gas-insulated substations)
IEEE 525-1992 变电站电缆系统设计和安装指南 (Guide for the design and installation of cable systems in substations)
IEEE 605-1998 变电所刚性总线结构的设计 (Design of substation rigid-bus structures)
IEEE 693-1997 变电站抗震设计推荐规程 (Recommended practices for seismic design of substations)
IEEE 80-2000 交流变电站接地安全指南 (Guide for safety in AC substation grounding)
IEEE 837-2002 变电站接地中使用的永久性连接的鉴定 (Qualifying permanent connections used in substation grounding)
IEEE 979-1994 变电所防火指南 (Guide for substation fire protection)
IEEE 980-1994 变电站油泄漏防止与控制指南 (Guide for containment and control of oil spills in substations)
IEEE 998-1996 变电站的直接防雷击遮避物 (Direct lightning stroke shielding of substations)
IEEE C 37.122-1993 气体绝缘变电站 (Gas-insulated substations)
IEEE C 37.123-1996 气体绝缘变电站设备规范 (Specifications for gas-insulated, electric power substation equipment)
UL 1062-1997 单元变电所 (Unit substations )
编号 中文名称 英文名称
