
ASTM | BS | DIN | EN | GB | IEC | ISO | JIS | NF

UL 1105-1998船用过滤器、净化器和分离器(Marine use filters, strainers and separators )
UL 1129-1999船用发动机排湿部件(Wet exhaust components for marine engines )
UL 1102-1999非整体船用燃料贮罐(Nonintegral marine fuel tanks )
UL 1130-1999船用机械和电子控制燃油泵(Mechanically and electrically operated fuel pumps for marine use )
UL 1112-1997船用电动机和发电机(启动、外驱动倾角、配平片、发电机、交流发电机)(Marine electric motors and generators (cranking, outdrive tilt, trim tab, generators, alternators) )
UL 1121-1998船用贯穿船身的配件和舷侧进水阀(Marine through-hull fittings and sea-valves )
UL 1128-1997船用鼓风机(Marine blowers )
UL 1426-2001船用电缆(Electrical cables for boats )
UL 1111-1988船用化油器火焰消除装置(Marine carburetor flame arresters )
UL 1149-1994船用低压照明设备(Low voltage marine lighting fixtures )
UL 458-1993陆上车辆和船用电源变换器及其系统(Power converters/inverters and power converter/inverter systems for land vehicles and marine crafts )
UL 1123-1996船用浮力救生器材(Marine buoyant devices )
ASTM F 1298-1990船用柔性扩展型球连接Standard Specification for Flexible, Expansion-Type Ball Joints for Marine Applications
ASTM F 1338-1991船用主动力中速柴油发动机覆盖性能和机组最小工作范围Main Propulsion Medium Speed Marine Diesel Engines Covering Performance and Minimum Scope of Assembly
ANSI/SAE J620-1993与配备驱动环型偏心离合器及安装船用齿轮发动机的工业动力输出轴一起使用的工业发动机的飞轮Flywheels for Industrial Engines Used With Industrial Power Take-Offs Equipped With Driving-Ring Type Overcenter Clutches and Engine Mounted Marine Gears
ANSI/AGMA 6032-A-1994船用齿轮装置标准:等级Standard for Marine Gear Units: Rating
ANSI/ASTM F1166-1995船用系统、设备和设施人机工程学设计惯例Practice for Human Engineering Design for Marine Systems, Equipment and Facilities
ANSI/ASTM F1073-1987船用防水、防气体/防空气和防风雨门配件和非密封门规范Specification for Door Fittings, for Watertight/Gastight/Airtight, Weathertight, and Non-Tight Doors, for Marine Use
ANSI/ASTM F1070-1987船用非锁闭门规范Specification for Doors, Non-Tight, for Marine Use
ANSI/ASTM F1069-1987船用单扇防水、防气体/防空气和防风雨门规范Specification for Doors, Watertight, Gastight/Airtight and Weathertight, Individually Dogged, for Marine Use
ANSI/ASTM F826-1994顶盖、家具船用钢规范Specification for Tops, Furniture, Marine, Steel
ANSI/ASTM F825-1993抽屉、家具船用钢规范Specification for Drawers, Furniture, Marine, Steel
ANSI/ASTM F824-1993桌子、餐厅船用钢规范Specification for Tables, Mess, Marine, Steel
ANSI/ASTM F823-1993带客舱的甲板和计程仪的船用钢规范Specification for Desk, Log, Marine, Steel, with Cabinet
ANSI/ASTM F822-1993抽屉箱船用钢规范Specification for Chest of Drawers (Chiffonier), Steel, Marine
ANSI/ASTM F1121-1987船用火灾设备的国际海岸连接方式规范Specification for International Shore Connections for Marine Fire Applications
ANSI/ASTM F1384-1993船用接合门着火试验惯例Practice for Fire Tests of Marine Joiner Doors
ANSI/SAE J1527-1993船用燃料软管Marine Fuel Hoses
ANSI/ASTM F1068-1990船用单扇固定防气体/防空气的双层门的规范Specification for Doors, Double, Gastight/Airtight, Individually Dogged, for Marine Use
ANSI/ASTM F1309-1998船用机械基座固定楔安装程序惯例Practice for Installation Procedures for Fitting Chocks to Marine Machinery Foundations
ANSI/ASTM F1322-1990船用焚烧装置选用指南Guide for Selection of Shipboard Incinerators
ANSI/ASTM F1323-2001船用焚烧装置规范Specification for Shipboard Incinerators
ANSI/ASTM F906-1985海船用字母和数字规范Specification for Letters and Numerals for Ships
ANSI/ASTM F840-1983垂向固定梯子船用钢的规范Specification for Ladders, Fixed, Vertical, Steel, Ships
ANSI/ASTM D2481-1996用小尺寸样品加速评定船用木材防腐剂的方法Method for Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Service by Means of Small-Size Specimens
ANSI/ASTM F782-2001船用家具门规范Specification for Doors, Furniture, Marine
ANSI/ASTM F1006-1997船用管道装置用液滴分离器规范Specification for Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications
ANSI/ASTM F1007-1997船用套装滑动型管道膨胀节规范Specification for Pipe-Line Expansion Joints of the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application
ANSI/ASTM F1020-1997船用管路截流阀惯例Practice for Line Blind Valves for Marine Applications
ANSI/ASTM F1134-1997船用电动机和发电机绝缘电阻监测器规范Specification for Insulation Resistance Monitor for Shipboard Electrical Motors and Generators
ANSI/ASTM F1173-2001船用热固树脂玻璃纤维管和配件规范Specification for Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings to be Used for Marine Applications
ANSI/ASTM F1716-1997船用软件系统性能和转换维护指南Guide for Transition and Performance of Marine Software Systems Maintenance
ANSI/ASTM F1669M-1997船用电气系统绝缘监视器规范(米制)Specification for Insulation Monitors for Shipboard Electrical Systems (Metric)
ANSI/ASTM F1338-1997船用主动力中速柴油发动机覆盖性能和机组最小工作范围指南Guide for Main Propulsion Medium Speed Marine Diesel Engines Covering Performance and Minimum Scope of Assembly
ANSI/ASTM F1245-1997船用压缩和自闭型单式与双式水龙头规范Specification for Faucets, Single and Double, Compression and Self-Closing Type, Shipboard
ANSI/ASTM F1298-1997船用柔性扩展型球连接规范Specification for Flexible, Expansion-Type Ball Joints for Marine Applications
ANSI/ASTM F998-2004船用离心泵规范Specification for Centrifugal Pump, Shipboard Use
ANSI/ASTM F1014-2002船用闪光灯规范Specification for Flashlights on Vessels
ANSI/ASTM F1455-1992造船用结构部件的选择指南Guide for Selection of Structural Details for Ship Construction
ANSI/ASTM F1370-1992舰船用水系统减压阀的规范Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Water Systems, Shipboard
ANSI/ASTM F1099-1998船用防鼠装置的标准规范Specification for Rat Guards, Ship's
ANSI/ASTM F1507-2000船用电涌抑制器标准规范Specification for Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use
ANSI/ASTM F1755/F 1755M-1996船用固态线条图形测量器标准规范(米制)Specification for Solid State Bargraph Meters for Shipboard Use [Metric]
ANSI/ASTM F940-2000海上建筑物及造船用保护性涂料的质量控制验收检验程序的标准操作规程Practice for Quality Control Receipt Inspection Procedures for Protective Coatings (Paint), Used in Marine Construction and Shipbuilding
ASTM F 906-1985船用字母及数码Standard Specification for Letters and Numerals for Ships
ASTM F 1007-1986套装滑动成型或船用管道膨胀节Standard Specification for Pipeline Expansion Joints of the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application
ASTM F 1006-1986船用管道装置用液滴分离器Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications
ASTM F 1020-1986船用暗线阀Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications
ASTM F 1070-1987船用非密闭门Standard Specification for Doors, Non-Tight, for Marine Use
ASTM F 1069-1987船用水密,气密/不透气和不透风各扇单独安夹扣的门Standard Specification for Doors, Watertight, Gastight/Airtight and Weathertight, Individually Dogged, for Marine Use
ASTM F 1073-1987船用水密,气密/不透气和防风雨及无夹扣门的门配件Standard Specification for Door Fittings, for Watertight/Gastight/Airtight, Weathertight, and Non-Tight Doors, for Marine Use
ASTM F 1068-1990船用耐气密造/不透气双层单独安夹扣的门标准规范Standard Specification for Doors, Double, Gastight/Airtight, Individually Dogged, for Marine Use
ASTM F 1099-1990船用防鼠装置Rat Guards, Ship's
ASTM F 840-1983船用垂直固定式钢舷梯Standard Specification for Ladders, Fixed, Vertical, Steel, Ship's
ASTM F 1507-1994船用电涌抑制器标准规范Standard Specification for Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use
ASTM F 826-1994钢制船用家具顶盖Standard Specification for Tops, Furniture, Marine, Steel
ASTM F 823-1993船用木制有钢柜的办公桌Standard Specification for Desk, Log, Marine, Steel, with Cabinet
ASTM F 822-1993船用钢橱柜(碗碟柜)Standard Specification for Chest of Drawers (Chiffonier), Steel, Marine
ASTM F 1134-1994船用电动机和发电机绝缘电阻监测器Standard Specification for Insulation Resistance Monitor for Shipboard Electrical Motors and Generators
ASTM F 1455-1992造船用结构部件选择的标准导则Standard Guide for Selection of Structural Details for Ship Construction
ASTM F 824-1993船用钢制餐桌Standard Specification for Tables, Mess, Marine, Steel
ASTM F 765-1993船用锚链及锚链轮Standard Specification for Wildcats, Ship Anchor Chain
ASTM D 880-1992船用集装箱的冲击试验的试验方法Test Method for Impact Testing for Shipping Containers and Systems
ASTM F 1716-1996船用软件系统的性能和转换维护用标准导则Standard Guide for Transition and Performance of Marine Software Systems Maintenance
ASTM F 1323-2001船用焚烧装置标准规范Standard Specification for Shipboard Incinerators
ASTM F 1309-1998船用机械基础制动器的安装程序的标准操作规程Standard Practice for Installation Procedures for Fitting Chocks to Marine Machinery Foundations
ASTM F 1099M-1998船用米制雷达警戒装置的标准规范Standard Specification for Rat Guards, Ship's (Metric)
ASTM F 940-1999海上建筑物及造船用保护性涂料的质量控制验收检验程序的标准操作规程Standard Practice for Quality Control Receipt Inspection Procedures for Protective Coatings (Paint), Used in Marine Construction and Shipbuilding
ASTM D 642-2000确定船用集装箱、组合件和单体加载的抗压缩能力的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers, Components, and Unit Loads
ASTM F 782-2001船用家具门的标准规范Standard Specification for Doors, Furniture, Marine
ASTM F 1510-2001商业船用旋转式正排量泵标准规范Standard Specification for Rotary Positive Displacement Pumps, Commercial Ships Use
ASTM A 131/A 131Ma-2004船用结构钢的标准规范Standard Specification for Structural Steel for Ships
ASTM F 998-2004船用离心泵标准规范Standard Specification for Centrifugal Pump, Shipboard Use
ASTM D 2481-2005用小尺寸样品加速评定船用木材防腐剂的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Accelerated Evaluation of Wood Preservatives for Marine Services by Means of Small Size Specimens

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