美国软管标准(ANSI hose standards)

ANSI |  BS |  DIN |  EN |  GB |  ISO |  JIS |  NF |  DIC
ANSI Z21.15-1997 煤气设备、设备连接阀和软管终端阀的手动煤气阀(同 CGA 9.1) Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appliances, Appliance Connector Valves and Hose End Valves (same as CGA 9.1)
ANSI Z21.15b-2006 煤气设备、设备连接阀和软管端部阀的手动操作煤气阀 Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appliances, Appliance Connector Valves and Hose End Valves (same as CSA 9.1b)
ANSI Z21.54-2002 便携式户外燃气器具用气体软管连接器(同 CSA 8.4) Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas-Fired Appliances (same as CSA 8.4)
ANSI Z21.54a Addenda-1992 便携式室外燃气器具的软管连接器.补充件 Gas hose connectors for portable outdoor gas-fired appliances; Addenda
ANSI/ASAE S553-2001 伸缩式排放软管.规范和性能试验 Collapsible Emitting Hose (Drip Tape) - Specifications and Performance Testing
ANSI/ASME B1.20.7-1991 英制软管连接螺纹 Hose Coupling Screw Threads - Inch
ANSI/ASSE 1011-2004 软管连接真空轧碎机 Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers
ANSI/ASSE 1052-2004 软管连接防回流装置的性能要求 Performance Requirements for Hose Connection Backflow Preventers
ANSI/ASTM E2226-2002 软管流使用规程 Practice for Application of Hose Stream
ANSI/ASTM F1347-1997 手动燃料软管卷盘规范 Specification for Manually Operated Fueling Hose Reels
ANSI/ASTM F1546/F 1546M-1996 消防软管喷嘴的规范 Specification for Fire Hose Nozzles
ANSI/ASTM F2165-2002 预绝缘软管规范 Specification for Flexible Pre-insulated Piping
ANSI/ASTM F2290-2003 医疗气体用ISO 5359低压软管组件的采用 Adoption of ISO 5359 Low-pressure Hose Assemblies for Use with Medical Gases
ANSI/ASTM F450-2001 真空吸尘器软管耐热性及可靠性试验方法(塑料线增强) Methods for Testing Vacuum Cleaner Hose for Durability and Reliability (Plastic Wire Reinforced)
ANSI/ASTM F481-1996 化粪池沥滤场用热塑塑料管和波纹软管安装惯例 Practice for Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe and Corrugated Tubing in Septic Tank Leach Fields
ANSI/ASTM F585-1994 聚乙烯软管插入现有下水道的惯例 Practice for Insertion of Flexible Polyethylene Pipe into Existing Sewers
ANSI/ASTM F595-2001 真空吸尘器软管耐用性及可靠性试验方法(全塑软管) Methods for Testing Vacuum Cleaner Hose for Durability and Reliability (All-Plastic Hose)
ANSI/CLSI H1-A 5-2003 静脉取血样用软管和附件;第5版 Tubes and Additives for Venous Blood Specimen Collection; Approved Standard- Fifth Edition
ANSI/IAS NGV4.2-1999 天然气车辆和分装系统用软管 Hoses for Natural Gas Vehicles and Dispensing Systems
ANSI/NFPA 14-2003 供水管、专用消防栓和软管系统的安装标准 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrants, and Hose Systems
ANSI/NFPA 1961-2006 消防软管 Fire Hose
ANSI/NFPA 1965-2003 软管设备标准 Standard for Hose Appliances
ANSI/SAE J1231-1998 卷管的软管接头 Beaded Tube Hose Fittings
ANSI/SAE J1401-1993 道路车辆.使用非石油基液压油的液压制动软管组件 Road Vehicle - Hydraulic Brake Hose Assemblies for Use with Non-Petroleum Base Hydraulic Fluids
ANSI/SAE J1406-1993 汽车辆液压制动软管的应用 Application of Hydraulic Brake Hose to Motor Vehicles
ANSI/SAE J1508-1993 软管夹规格 Hose Clamp Specifications
ANSI/SAE J1527-1993 船用燃料软管 Marine Fuel Hoses
ANSI/SAE J1737-1997 通过反复流动测定燃料管、软管、配件、和燃料组件烃损失的试验程序 Test Procedure to Determine the Hydrocarbon Losses from Fuel Tubes, Hoses, Fittings, and Fuel Line Assemblies by Recirculation
ANSI/SAE J188-1998 动力转向压力软管.高容积膨胀型 Power Steering Pressure Hose - High Volumetric Expansion Type
ANSI/SAE J189-1998 动力转向回流软管.低压 Power Steering Return Hose - Low Pressure
ANSI/SAE J190-1998 金属丝编织的动力转向压力软管 Power Steering Pressure Hose-Wire Braid
ANSI/SAE J191-1998 动力转向压力软管.低容积膨胀型 Power Steering Pressure Hose - Low Volumetric Expansion Type
ANSI/SAE J20-1997 制冷系统软管 Coolant System Hoses
ANSI/SAE J2045-1998 管/软管组件 Tube/Hose Assemblies
ANSI/SAE J2050-1993 高温助力转向压力软管 High-Temperature Power Steering Pressure Hose
ANSI/SAE J2064-1998 汽车用R134a制冷空气调节软管 R134a Refrigerant Automotive Air Conditioning Hose
ANSI/SAE J2076-1993 高温动力转向回程软管.低压 High-Temperature Power Steering Return Hose - Low Pressure
ANSI/SAE J2387-1997 制冷系统软管尺寸和公差 Dimensions and Tolerances for Coolant System Hoses
ANSI/SAE J30-1998 燃料和燃油软管 Fuel and Oil Hoses
ANSI/SAE J51-1998 汽车空调软管 Automotive Air Conditioning Hose
ANSI/SAE J516-1997 液压软管配件 Hydraulic Hose Fittings
ANSI/SAE J517-1998 液压软管 Hydraulic Hose
ANSI/SAE J518-1993 四螺栓拼合法兰型液压法兰管、管道及软管接头 Hydraulic Flanged Tube, Pipe, and Hose Connections, Four-Bolt Split Flange Type
ANSI/UL 1660-2004 不透液体的非金属软管的安全标准 Standard for Safety for Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit
ANSI/UL 330-1999 配送易燃性液体用软管和软管组件的安全性标准 Standard for Safety for Hose and Hose Assemblies for Dispensing Flammable Liquids
ANSI/UL 401-2004 防火服务用便携式喷雾软管喷嘴的安全标准 Standard for Safety for Portable Spray Hose Nozzles for Fire-Protection Service (bulletin dated February 16, 2004)
ANSI/UL 536-2000 柔性金属软管 Flexible Metallic Hose
ANSI/UL 92-1999 灭火器和增压器软管 Fire Extinguisher and Booster Hose
ASME B1.20.7-1991 软管联结螺纹(英制) (Hose coupling screw threads (inch))
ASTM ANS/ISO 5359-2000 与美国国家标准有偏差的ASTM国际标准认可的与医疗气体一起使用的低压软管组件 Low-Pressure Hose Assemblies for Use with Medical Gases Approved as an American National Standard with Deviations by ASTM International
ASTM D 1050-2005 橡胶绝缘软管的标准规范 Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Line Hose
ASTM D 3572-1986 家用洗衣机和洗碗机用排水软管 Consumer Product Household Laundry and Dishwasher Drain Hose
ASTM D 3573-1986 家用水槽喷洒软管 Consumer Product Sink Spray Hose
ASTM D 380-1994 橡胶软管的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Hose
ASTM D 3901-1990 民用园林软管 Consumer Product Garden Hose
ASTM D 3902-1990 液化石油气气体扩散用橡胶软管的试验方法 Test Method for Rubber Hose for Gas Diffusion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
ASTM D 3952-1987 太阳能系统用橡胶软管 Rubber Hose Used in Solar Energy Systems
ASTM D 4237-1990 蒸汽设备用橡胶软管的试验方法 Test Methods for Rubber Hose Used for Steam Applications
ASTM D 4264-1990 室内储水管用橡胶衬里的消防软管和橡胶增强软管的组合件的压力试验方法 Test Method for Pressure Testing of Assemblies of Rubber-Lined Fire Hose and Rubber Booster Hose in Service on Interior Standpipes
ASTM D 622-1999 汽车空气制动和真空制动用橡胶软管的试验方法 Test Methods for Rubber Hose for Automotive Air and Vacuum Brake System
ASTM E 2226-2002 软管流使用规程 Standard Practice for Application of Hose Stream
ASTM F 1347-1991 手工操作的加燃料软管卷盘标准规范 Standard Specification for Manually Operated Fueling Hose Reels
ASTM F 2072-2001 薄膜开关软管洗涤的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Hosedown of a Membrane Switch
ASTM F 450-2001 真空吸尘器软管的耐热性及可靠性的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Vacuum Cleaner Hose - Durability and Reliability (Plastic Wire Reinforced)
ASTM F 478-1992 绝缘线路软管及覆盖物的使用保养 In-Service Care of Insulating Line Hose and Covers
ASTM F 481-1997 化粪池沥滤场用热塑性管道和波纹软管的安装标准实施规范 Standard Practice for Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe and Corrugated Pipe in Septic Tank Leach Fields
ASTM F 585-1994 聚乙烯软管同现有污水管插接 Standard Practice for Insertion of Flexible Polyethylene Pipe Into Existing Sewers
ASTM F 595-2001 真空吸尘器软管的耐用性及可靠性试验(全塑软管)的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Vacuum Cleaner Hose - Durability and Reliability (All-Plastic Hose)
UL 181B-1995 用于空气软管和空气连接器的密封系统 (Closure systems for use with flexible air ducts and air connectors )
UL 19-2001 带衬的消防软管和软管组件 (Lined fire hose and hose assemblies )
UL 21-1995 液化石油气软管 (LP-gas hose )
UL 219-1993 室内竖管用衬里软管 (Lined fire hose for interior standpipes )
UL 330-1996 用于配送可燃液体的软管和软管组件 (Hose and hose assemblies for dispensing flammable liquids )
UL 401-1993 防火用移动喷水软管喷头 (Portable spray hose nozzles for fire protection service )
UL 47-1993 半自动消防软管存储装置 (Semiautomatic fire hose storage devices )
UL 536-1997 挠性金属软管 (Flexible metallic hose )
UL 569-1995 液化石油气用引线和挠性软管连接器 (Pigtails and flexible hose connectors for LP-gas )
UL 668-1995 消防用软管阀门 (Hose valves for fire-protection service )
UL 92-1993 灭火器和助推器用软管 (Fire extinguisher and booster hose )
