英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,D/28515)


船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9
  1. D abundance ==> 氘丰度
  2. D action, derivative action ==> 微分作用,D-作用
  3. D and D/2 pressure tappings ==> D和D/2取压口
  4. D atom ==> 重氢原子
  5. d c electrode ==> 直粮条
  6. D cock ==> 排水旋塞
  7. D colony ==> 微小型菌落
  8. D flip-flop ==> Dフリップフロップ
  9. D layer ==> D層
  10. D port ==> D型端口
  11. D site ==> 给位
  12. D value ==> D值,杀灭水中90%的微生物所需要的时间
  13. D&C, display and control ==> 表示と制御
  14. D&O Directors And Officers (Insurance Policy) ==> 主管与负责人(保险政策)
  15. d'Alembert characteristic ==> 达朗伯性质
  16. d'Alembert formula ==> ダランベールの公式, Jeanle Rond d'Alembert, 1717-1783,In our text we encounter his original idea for solving the wave equation, which evolved into the method of characteristics. He also contributed to celestial mechanics, geometry, hydrodynamics, and complex analysis. His most important scientific writing was his Trait de Dynamique (1743), but perhaps his greatest contribution to mankind was his development of the theory of the construction of eyeglasses.
  17. d'Alembert's principle ==> 达朗贝尔原理=>ダランベールの原理は、1743年にフランスの数学者ジャン・ル・ロン・ダランベールが著書「力学論」において発表した古典力学の原理。
  18. D'Alembert's principle ==> 达朗伯原理
  19. d'alembert's principle ==> 达兰贝尔原理
  20. d'Alembert's wave equation ==> ダランベールの波動方程式
  21. d'Alembertian ==> 达朗贝尔算符
  22. D'Arcet metal ==> 达塞特铋铅锡低熔点合金
  23. D'Arsonval galvanometer ==> 达松伐耳电流计=>ダルソンバル検流計
  24. D'Arsonval movement ==> 达松伐耳传动机构
  25. d-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 饱和绝热直减率
  26. D-amino oxidase ==> D-氨基氧化酶
  27. d-axis ==> 直轴
  28. d-axis open-circuit sub-transient time constant Tdo'' ==> 直軸開路初期時定数
  29. d-axis open-circuit transient time constant Tdo' ==> 直軸開路時定数
  30. d-axis reactance ==> 直轴电抗=>d軸リアクタンス
  31. d-axis sub-transient reactance xd'' ==> 直軸初期過渡リアクタンス
  32. d-axis synchronous reactance xd ==> 直軸同期リアクタンス
  33. d-axis transient reactance xd' ==> 直軸過渡リアクタンス
  34. D-BOX, distribution box ==> ディストリビューションボックス
  35. D-cable ==> 半圆导线双芯电缆
  36. d-camphorsulfonic acid ==> 右旋樟脑磺酸
  37. D-D soil fumigant ==> 滴滴混剂
  38. d-i offset system ==> 图像直接转换胶印法
  39. D-IA, Diamant-IA ==> ディアマン竏棚A型ロケット
  40. D-iron ==> 圆角槽铁
  41. D-normality test ==> 正态性D检验法
  42. d-phenylalanine mustard ==> 右旋丙氨酸氮芥
  43. d-q axis theory ==> dq軸理論
  44. d-q frame based control ==> d-q制御
  45. d-region ==> D領域
  46. D-ring ==> D型环
  47. d-scope ==> Dスコープ
  48. D-shaped spalling ==> 半球形碎石片
  49. d-T bridge ==> 桥接T形电桥
  50. D-trio flow table ==> 二-三重流程表
  51. d-type fuse ==> 栓形ヒューズ
  52. D-value ==> 差值
  53. D-α-tocopherol acetate ==> 醋酸生育酚
  54. d.c. ==> 直流
  55. D.C. compound generator ==> 复励直流电动机
  56. d.c. compound generator ==> 复励直流电动机
  57. d.c. distributing panel ==> 直流配电屏
  58. d.c. distribution circuit ==> 直流配电线路
  59. d.c. leakage ==> 直流泄漏
  60. d.c. main bus ==> 直流主母线
  61. D.C. noise of tape ==> 磁带直流噪声
  62. d.c. positive and negative poles ==> 直流电的正负极
  63. d.c. single-arm electric bridge , Wheatstone bridge ==> 直流单臂电桥
  64. d.c. source ==> 直流电源
  65. d.c. switchboard (distribution panel) ==> 直流配电屏
  66. d.c. testing of cables ==> 电缆的直流测试
  67. D.C., droplet combustion ==> 飛沫燃焼
  68. d.c.bridge for measuring high resistance ==> 直流高阻电桥
  69. d.c.bridge for measuring resistance ==> 测量电阻用的直流电桥
  70. d.c.comparator potentiometer ==> 直流比较仪式电位差计
  71. d.c.comparator type bridge ==> 直流比较仪式电桥
  72. D.C.directional relay ==> 定向直流继电器
  73. d.c.potentiometer ==> 直流电位差计
  74. d.c.power voltage ripple ==> 直流电源电压纹波
  75. d.c.resistance box ==> 直流电阻箱
  76. d.c.resistor volt ratio box ==> 直流电阻分压箱
  77. d.c.voltage calibrator ==> 直流电压校准器
  78. D.F.Arago ==> アラゴーの実験,1821年,アラゴーはイギリスの物理学会において,磁石の下で銅板を回転させると,磁石がその方向に回転する実験を示した。この実験は10年後のファラデーの誘導電流発見の端緒となったし,誘導電動機の根本原理を暗示したものとして重要である。
  79. d.l.sintering machine dl ==> 型带式烧结机
  80. D.P., dynamic programming ==> ダイナミックプログラミング
  81. d.p.p. Dirty Petroleum Products ==> 污石油产品
  82. D.S., directional solidification ==> 方向性凝固
  83. d/a converter ==> 数字模拟转换器
  84. d/a converter 数 ==> 模转换器
  85. D/A converter, digital analogue converter ==> 数—模转换器,D/A转换器
  86. D/A, digital to analog ==> デジタルからアナログへの変換
  87. D/C, down-converter ==> 周波数逓降変換器
  88. D/D converter ==> D/D转换器
  89. D/I, Digital Input ==> ディジタル入力
  90. D/L, data line ==> データライン
  91. D/L, downlink ==> ダウンリンク、下り回線
  92. D/O fee ==> 换单费
  93. D/O, Digital Output ==> ディジタル出力
  94. d/q axes equivalent circuits ==> d,q軸等価回路
  95. D/U, desired signal to undesired signal ratio ==> 希望信号対妨害信号比
  96. D51 ==> 母線分離リレー
  97. da ==> 设计自动化
  98. DA after date ==> 出票远期承兑交单
  99. Da Costa's syndrome ==> 精经性循环衰弱
  100. DA Double-Acting ==> 搭档演出
  101. da, deca ==> 10の1乗(デカ)
  102. DA, deployment assembly ==> 展開アセンブリー
  103. DA, design automation ==> 電気回路の設計,検証を自動的に行うこと
  104. DA, Disk Accessory ==> Macintoshのアップルメニューから選んで使えるソフトウェアで「デスクアクセサリ」と呼ばれる。MacOSに付属してくるDAには計算機,時計,スクラップブック,セレクタなどがある。
  105. DA, distribution amplifier ==> 配電増幅器
  106. DA, double amplitude ==> 倍振幅
  107. DA, driver amplifier ==> 増幅励振器
  108. DA, dry air ==> ドライエアー
  109. DAA, designated approving authority ==> 許認可権威筋
  110. dab chick ==> 刚孵出的雏鸡
  111. dabber ==> 捣锤
  112. dabble in real estate ==> 不動産に参入する
  113. dabble in shares ==> 思惑買いをする,株に手を出す
  114. dabble in speculation ==> 相場に手を出す
  115. dabble speculation ==> 小试投机
  116. dabble with ==> 水を跳ねかける
  117. dac ==> 数字模拟转换器
  118. DAC, Data Acquisition and Control Unit ==> 回線単位制御装置
  119. DAC, digital to analogue converter ==> ディジタル/アナログ変換器
  120. Dacca cotton ==> (孟加拉国)达卡棉
  121. DACMO, DACMO (Documentation and Configration Management Office) ==> ドキュメンテーションコンフィギュレーション管理局
  122. dacq ==> 数据采集
  123. Dacron color-sealed black staple and tow ==> 大可纶色封型黑色短纤维和丝束
  124. dacron terylene condenser ==> 涤纶电容器
  125. dacron-made artificial blood vessel ==> 涤纶人造血管
  126. DACU, data acquisition and control unit ==> データ取得制御装置
  127. Dading second year pillow ==> 大定二年虎枕
  128. dado capping ==> 护壁板压顶线
  129. dado plane ==> 开槽刨,平槽刨,沟槽刨
  130. dado rail ==> 护壁板顶木条
  131. dado-head machine ==> 开槽机
  132. Daelen mill ==> 戴伦轧机
  133. DAF Delivered At Frontier Cargo ==> 边境交货
  134. DAF, data acquisition facility ==> データ取得施設
  135. DAF, delivered at frontier ==> 国境持込渡条件
  136. DAFCS, digital automatic flight control system ==> デジタル自動航行制御システム
  137. daffodil ==> 黄水仙,野黄水仙=>ラッパズイセン
  138. daga limestone ==> 奥嫩达加灰岩
  139. dagger board ==> 中插板
  140. dagger fibre ==> 达格尔叶纤维
  141. dagger mark ==> 钢叉记
  142. daghestan sweet clover ==> 草木樨
  143. daghestan sweet clover seed ==> 草木樨籽
  144. daghestan sweet clover seed meal ==> 草木犀米粉,草木樨籽粉
  145. daghestan sweetclover ==> 草木犀
  146. Daguan glaze ==> 大观釉
  147. dahlgren Polar Monitoring Service (DPMS) ==> 达尔格连地极监测服务
  148. dahlia ==> 大丽花,天竺牡丹=>ダリア
  149. dahurian rhododendron leaf ==> 满山红
  150. Dahurican Patrinia Tablets ==> 败酱片
  151. daicon leaf beetle ==> 小猿叶虫
  152. Daido's planetary mill ==> 大通式单辊行星轧机
  153. daidzein ==> 大豆甙元
  154. daily ==> 日常的
  155. daily aberration ==> 周日光行差
  156. daily account ==> 日计表
  157. daily accounting report ==> 会计日报表
  158. daily affairs ==> 雑事
  159. daily allowance ==> 每日给饲量,每日津贴
  160. daily analysis ==> 日常分析
  161. daily audit ==> 日常审计
  162. daily average ==> 日平均,日平均数
  163. daily average maximum allowable concentration ==> 日平均最高容许浓度
  164. daily average maximum concentration ==> 日平均最高浓度
  165. daily averaged pollutant concentration ==> 污染物日平均浓度,地面上某一特定点大气中污染物在24小时内的平均浓度
  166. daily balance method ==> 每日余额计算法
  167. daily best seller report ==> 每日畅销商品报告
  168. daily capacity ==> 每日生产量
  169. daily cash report ==> 现金日报
  170. daily change ==> 日变化
  171. daily check ==> 每日检查
  172. daily checking ==> 日常点検
  173. daily climate chart ==> 每日天气图
  174. daily compensation period ==> 每日补偿期
  175. daily consumption ==> 每日消费量,日耗量
  176. daily course ==> 日变程
  177. daily diversity power ==> 日参差功率
  178. daily dose ==> 一日量
  179. daily duration curve ==> 日持续曲线
  180. daily earning ==> 日工资
  181. daily expense ==> 每日费用
  182. daily extremes ==> 日极值
  183. daily feed intake ==> 每日采食量
  184. daily flow ==> 每日流量,日产量,日流量
  185. daily flow capacity ==> 每日输送能力
  186. daily flow volume ==> 每日输送量
  187. daily flucturation in soil temperature ==> 土温的日变化
  188. daily grain allowance ==> 每日谷物给量
  189. daily inspection ==> 日常检查,日常检验,日检查,经常检查,经常检查,例行测试=>日常点検
  190. daily instalment ==> 每日分期付款
  191. daily intake ==> 每日采食量
  192. daily interest ==> 每日利息
  193. daily keying element ==> 日变键控单元
  194. daily labor report ==> 人工日报表
  195. daily life ==> 日常生活
  196. daily limit of price changes ==> 每日价格变动限幅,每日价位变动限幅
  197. daily load ==> 日负载,昼夜负荷
  198. daily load curve ==> 日负载曲线,日负荷曲线,按一天中0时至24时的时序出现的电力系统负荷大小绘出的曲线=>日負荷曲線
  199. daily load factor ==> 日负载率,日负载系数=>日負荷率
  200. daily lunch special ==> 优胃午餐=>日替わり定食
  201. daily maintenance ==> 日常保养,每日保养
  202. daily maintenance task ==> 每日保养工作
  203. daily maintenance work ==> 日常维护
  204. daily management ==> 日常管理
  205. daily market ==> 日間市場
  206. daily materials and spoilage report ==> 材料废料日报表
  207. daily maximum load utilization hours ==> 日最大负荷利用小时,日发电量与日最高负荷之比值
  208. daily mean ==> 逐日平均,日平均
  209. daily mean temperature ==> 日平均温度
  210. daily milk yield ==> 每日产奶量
  211. daily money ==> 日拆
  212. daily necessaries ==> 日用必需品
  213. daily necessities ==> 生活必需品
  214. daily output ==> 日出力,日产量
  215. daily pay ==> 日给工资,日工资
  216. daily peak load ==> 最大電力需要
  217. daily per capita consumption ==> 每人每日耗量
  218. daily plan ==> 日计划
  219. daily postweaning gain ==> 断奶后日增重
  220. daily precipitation ==> 日降雨量
  221. daily premium ==> 每日保费,每日保险费,每日升水,每日贴水
  222. daily price limit ==> 每日价格限幅
  223. daily procelain ware ==> 日用瓷器
  224. daily process management ==> 日常工艺管理
  225. daily production ==> 日产量
  226. daily products ==> 日产量
  227. daily progression rate ==> 日进度率
  228. daily rainfall ==> 日降雨量
  229. daily range ==> 日变化,日差程,日较差,逐日差程
  230. daily rate ==> 钟表的快慢,日速
  231. daily rate of pay ==> 日工资率
  232. daily receipts ==> 日收入
  233. daily regime ==> 生活制度
  234. daily regulation ==> 日调节,在一昼夜内将天然径流进行重新分配的调节
  235. daily report ==> 日报
  236. daily report on loans from branch offices ==> 分行贷款日报
  237. daily retardation ==> 潮迟
  238. daily return ==> 日报
  239. daily run ==> 每日运转
  240. daily sales ==> 日销售额
  241. daily sales report ==> 売上日報
  242. daily schedule ==> 日課表
  243. daily SDR rate ==> 特别提款权的逐日汇率
  244. daily service fuel tank level switch ==> 日用油缸液位掣
  245. daily sheet ==> 日报表
  246. daily sperm output ==> 每日精子排出量,精子每日排出量,精子每日排出量
  247. daily sperm production ==> 精子日产量,精子日产量,每日精子产量
  248. daily statement of account ==> 每日对帐单,每日帐表
  249. daily subsistence allowance ==> 每日生活津贴
  250. daily sucrose loss ==> 日蔗糖损失
  251. daily supplies ==> 日常供给
  252. daily time card ==> 每日工作时间登记卡
  253. daily traffic volume ==> 日交通量
  254. daily trial balance ==> 日计表
  255. daily turnover ==> 日周转量
  256. daily variation ==> 日变化,日内变动=>日間変動
  257. daily wage ==> 日工资
  258. daily wage rate ==> 日工资率
  259. daily water consumption ==> 日用水量
  260. daily weather chart ==> 每日天气图
  261. daily work ==> 每日作业
  262. daily work load ==> 日工作量
  263. daily yield ==> 日产量
  264. daily yielding ==> 日产奶量
  265. daily-solar-irradiance curve ==> 日日射量曲線
  266. daily[average]load ratio 51 ==> 日[平均]负荷率,一天内的平均负荷与最大负荷的比率
  267. daily[minimum]load ratio ==> 日[最小]负荷率,一天内最小负荷与最大负荷的比率
  268. DAIP, danger area information plan ==> 危険区域情報計画
  269. dairy ==> 牛奶场=>酪農場
  270. dairy and dual-purpose ==> 乳用及肉兼用
  271. dairy animal ==> 乳畜
  272. dairy bacteriology ==> 乳业细菌学
  273. dairy bacterium ==> 乳品细菌
  274. dairy beef ==> 肉用乳牛
  275. dairy breed ==> 乳用品种
  276. dairy bronze ==> 贮乳凄铜
  277. Dairy bronze ==> 戴利黄铜,戴利铜
  278. dairy bull ==> 乳用品种公牛
  279. dairy by-product ==> 乳製品副産物
  280. dairy calf ==> 乳用子牛
  281. dairy cattle ==> 乳牛,奶牛=>乳牛
  282. dairy cattle husbandry ==> 乳牛业
  283. dairy character ==> 产乳性能
  284. dairy cow ==> 乳牛
  285. dairy cream ==> 生クリーム
  286. dairy dessert ==> 乳製品デザート
  287. dairy employee ==> 酪農従業員
  288. dairy equipment ==> 乳品加工设备
  289. dairy ewe ==> 乳用羊
  290. dairy farm ==> 乳牛场,奶场
  291. dairy farmer ==> 奶农
  292. dairy farming ==> 乳牛业
  293. dairy goat ==> 乳用羊
  294. dairy heifer replacement ==> 后备乳用小母牛
  295. dairy heifers ==> 未経産乳牛
  296. dairy herd ==> 乳牛群
  297. dairy herd improvement ==> 乳牛群改良
  298. dairy house ==> 乳品贮藏室
  299. dairy husbandry ==> 乳牛业
  300. dairy hygiene ==> 乳品卫生
  301. Dairy Improvement Association ==> 乳牛改良协会
  302. Dairy Improvement Registry ==> 乳牛改良登记制
  303. dairy industry ==> 乳业
  304. dairy machinery ==> 制酪机
  305. dairy maid ==> 奶场女工
  306. dairy man ==> 奶场场主
  307. dairy microorganism ==> 乳品微生物
  308. dairy pasture ==> 乳牛用草地
  309. dairy performance ==> 产乳性能
  310. dairy plant ==> 乳品加工厂
  311. dairy processing ==> 乳品加工
  312. dairy product ==> 乳制品
  313. dairy products ==> 奶产品
  314. dairy quality ==> 泌乳特性
  315. dairy refinement ==> 乳用细致体型
  316. dairy science ==> 乳牛学
  317. Dairy Science Abstracts ==> (英)乳业文摘
  318. dairy stock ==> 乳牛,奶牛
  319. dairy temperament ==> 乳用气质
  320. dairy-bred ==> 乳用种的
  321. DAIS, Daido Oxygen Co. Ltd. ==> 大同酸素
  322. daisy ==> 雏菊
  323. daisy chain ==> 菊花链,菊链=>デイジー・チェーン
  324. daisy chain acknowledge ==> 菊花链应答
  325. daisy chain bus ==> 菊瓣式链接总线,菊花链总线
  326. daisy chain bus arbitration ==> 菊花链总线判优
  327. daisy chained priority mechanism ==> 菊花全连式优先权机构,菊花全连式优先权机构
  328. daisy printer ==> デイジー・プリンター
  329. daisy wheel ==> 菊花轮,菊轮
  330. daisy wheel printer ==> 菊花轮打印机
  331. Dakin's solution ==> 台金氏溶液
  332. daktarin ampoule ==> 达克宁注射液
  333. dalbergia wood ==> 降香
  334. dale ==> 山谷,溪谷,峪
  335. dali ginseng ==> 大力参
  336. Dalian (Talien) natural color woolen carpet ==> 大连天然色羊毛地毯
  337. Dalian locomotive & rollingstock co. LTD ==> 大連機車車両有限公司
  338. Dalina (Talien) natural color woolen carpet ==> 大连天然色羊毛地毯
  339. Dalkeith Eureka cotton ==> 达尔科斯尤里卡棉
  340. Dallis grass ==> 雀稗草
  341. dallying receiver ==> 空转接收机
  342. dalmatian chrysanthemum ==> 除虫菊
  343. Dalmatian wet-tability ==> 多尔玛型润湿性
  344. dalta function ==> 德尔塔函数
  345. Dalton's alloy ==> 道尔顿铋铅锡易熔合金
  346. Dalton's atomic theory ==> 道尔顿原子学说=>ドルトンの原子論
  347. Dalton's law ==> 道尔顿法则=>ドルトンの法則,分圧の法則
  348. Dalton's law of partial pressures ==> 道尔顿分压定律
  349. Dalton's temperature scale ==> 道尔顿温标=>ドルトンの温度目盛
  350. Dalton, John (1766-1844) ==> 道尔顿=>ドルトン,イギリス科学者
  351. Dalton-Cameron method ==> ダルトン・カメロン法
  352. daltonides ==> 道耳顿式化合物
  353. Daly detector ==> 戴利检测器
  354. dam ==> 水坝,坝,截断河流用以拦蓄调节水流、抬高水位的挡(壅)水及沿岸设置用以挑挡水流的建筑物=>ダム
  355. dam abutment ==> 坝肩,坝头岸坡,坝座
  356. dam and conduit type power plant ==> ダム水路式発電所
  357. dam and conduit type power station ==> ダム水路式発電所
  358. dam axis ==> 坝轴线,简称“坝线”。坝顶横河上游边线(混凝土坝)或坝体中心线(土石坝)
  359. dam back ==> 坝的背水面
  360. dam baffle ==> 堰板
  361. dam base ==> 坝基
  362. dam block ==> 坝块,坝段,两横缝间的坝块
  363. dam board ==> 挡板
  364. dam body ==> 坝身,坝体
  365. dam breach ==> 垮坝,溃坝
  366. dam breaking ==> 坝溃决
  367. dam core ==> 坝的心墙
  368. dam crest ==> 坝顶,坝的顶部,包括路面、防浪墙、拦杆、排水沟、灯柱等建筑物
  369. DAM Damage ==> 损失
  370. dam deflection ==> 坝体挠度
  371. dam deformation ==> 坝体变位
  372. dam deterioration ==> 大坝损坏
  373. dam discharge alarm system ==> ダム放流警報装置
  374. dam face ==> 坝面
  375. dam failure ==> 坝失事,垮坝,溃坝
  376. dam for water supply ==> 供水用坝
  377. dam foundation ==> 坝基,建坝的地基,它包括河床和两岸放置坝体的部位,及其邻近承受坝体及水体等作用的部位
  378. dam heel ==> 坝踵,上游坝面与坝基的交接处
  379. dam height ==> 坝高,按坝型规定部位的坝的最低建基面到坝顶面的高差
  380. dam inspection ==> 大坝检查
  381. dam length ==> 坝长
  382. dam location ==> 坝的位置
  383. dam plate ==> 出铁口隔渣板
  384. dam production cycle ==> 母畜生产周期
  385. dam roadway ==> 坝上道路
  386. dam shell ==> 坝壳
  387. dam shoulder ==> 坝肩,坝两岸放置坝体及其邻近受力部位的坝基
  388. dam site ==> 坝址,坝的地址。一般每个规划利用的河段上可有几个坝址,每个坝址包含有几条适于布置的坝线,经技术经济比较先选定坝址后,再选坝线
  389. dam site investigation ==> 坝址勘查
  390. dam site survey ==> 坝址测量
  391. dam slope ==> 坝坡,坝的迎水坡面或下游坡面
  392. dam thickness ==> 坝的厚度
  393. dam toe ==> 坝脚,坝趾,下游坝面与坝基的交接处
  394. dam top ==> 坝顶
  395. dam type ==> 坝型,坝的型式。按坝体材料、结构及传力方式、泄洪方式、施工方法、坝的位置等分成不同坝型
  396. dam type hydroelectric station ==> 堤坝式水电站
  397. dam type pouring basin ==> 闸板式浇口杯
  398. dam type pouring ladle ==> 闸板式挡渣浇包,茶壶式浇包
  399. dam type power plant ==> 堰堤式水力发电厂
  400. dam type power station ==> ダム式発電所
  401. dam volume ==> 坝体积
  402. dam water-level constant operation ==> ダム水位一定運転
  403. DAM, disable mode ==> ディセーブルモ竏茶h
  404. dam-break ==> 坝的溃决,垮坝,溃坝
  405. dam-type hydropower station ==> 坝式水电站,在河道上拦河筑坝壅高水位,形成发电水头的水电站
  406. dam-type power plant ==> 堰堤式发电站
  407. dam-type power station ==> 堤坝式水电站
  408. damage ==> 损伤,损毁
  409. damage accident ==> 損傷事故
  410. damage amount ==> 被害高
  411. damage analysis ==> 被害解析
  412. damage area ==> 损伤区
  413. damage assessment ==> 损坏查定
  414. damage assessment routine (DAR) ==> 故障估价例行程序,故障恢复程序,故障恢复例行程序
  415. damage by acid ==> 酸害
  416. damage by lightning ==> 闪电害
  417. damage by nuclear weapon ==> 核武器损伤
  418. damage by severe frost ==> 严重霜害
  419. damage by the virus ==> ウイルスによる被害
  420. damage by vibration ==> 振動障害
  421. damage capability ==> 破坏能力
  422. damage caused by fire ==> 火災による損害
  423. damage control ==> 损害管制
  424. damage crops ==> 损害庄稼,糟害庄稼
  425. damage curve ==> 损坏曲线
  426. damage effect ==> 损伤效应
  427. damage fault ==> 损坏性故障,一种引起故障点设备损坏,为恢复正常运行需要对其进行修理或更换的故障
  428. damage line test ==> 损伤线试验
  429. damage of articular surface ==> 关节面破坏
  430. damage of materials ==> 材料损害
  431. damage parameter ==> 破坏参数
  432. damage probability ==> 损伤概率
  433. damage radius ==> 破坏半径
  434. damage ratio ==> 损伤率
  435. damage report ==> 损坏报告书
  436. damage situation of the substation ==> 変電設備の被害状況
  437. damage situation of the transmission line ==> 送電設備の被害状況
  438. damage study ==> 破坏研究
  439. damage suit ==> 损坏赔偿诉讼
  440. damage survey ==> 损坏调查
  441. damage the seedling ==> 伤害小苗
  442. damage to cow ==> 击伤母牛
  443. damage to crops ==> 危害作物
  444. damage to crops by drought ==> 旱情
  445. damage to facilities and recovery ==> 設備被害と復旧
  446. damage to soybean ==> 对大豆的危害
  447. damage to the optic disc ==> 視神経乳頭障害
  448. damaged ==> 破,破损
  449. damaged and spoiled commodities ==> 残损变质商品
  450. damaged article ==> 残品
  451. damaged bank note ==> 破损银行券
  452. damaged beyond repair ==> 损坏难修
  453. damaged cargo report ==> 受损货物报告书
  454. damaged circuit ==> 故障回路
  455. damaged goods ==> 受损货物,残损货品
  456. damaged market value ==> 残损品市价,受损货物市价
  457. damaged member ==> 損傷要素
  458. damaged stability ==> 破舱稳性
  459. damaged Thoroughfare and Conception Vessels ==> 冲任损伤
  460. damaged value ==> 受损后价值
  461. damaging range ==> 危害范围
  462. damaging stress ==> 损伤应力
  463. damascene processing ==> 嵌入式工艺
  464. damascening ==> 大马士革钢生产法
  465. Damascus blade ==> 大马士革钢刀
  466. Damascus bronze ==> 大马士革铅锡青铜
  467. damascus steel ==> 大马士革钢
  468. Damascus steel ==> 大马士革钢=>ダマスク鋼
  469. Damascus ware ==> (高硅质施釉陶瓷)达玛斯卡士器皿
  470. Damask steel ==> 大马士革钢
  471. damaskeening ==> 大马士革钢生产法
  472. DAMFORDET Damages for Detention ==> 滞留损失
  473. dammar varnish ==> (玻璃装饰用)达玛胶漆
  474. Dammar varnish ==> 达马清漆
  475. damming shield ==> 挡水防护体
  476. damning wire ==> 拉筋
  477. damourite ==> 变白云母,细鳞白云母
  478. damp ==> 阻尼,压火,矿井瓦斯,矿内毒气,潮气,潮湿,潮湿的,湿的,减幅,减振,湿度=>湿気,落胆,鉱山ガス,ダンプ
  479. DAMP ==> 直流系統解析などにおける発電機軸ねじれ現象を解析する周波数応答計算プログラム(東電送変電グループ開発)
  480. damp air ==> 潮湿空气,高湿度空气
  481. damp atmosphere ==> 高湿度空气
  482. damp coefficient ==> 阻尼系数
  483. damp condition ==> 衰减条件
  484. damp course ==> 防潮层
  485. damp down ==> 封火
  486. damp grain ==> 潮湿谷物
  487. damp haze ==> 湿霾
  488. damp heat test ==> 耐湿試験
  489. damp mass ==> 软材
  490. damp material ==> 湿った材料
  491. damp out ==> 湿っぽい
  492. damp proof course ==> 防潮层
  493. damp proof machine ==> 防潮电机
  494. damp proof tile ==> 防潮砖
  495. damp proofing of ground ==> 地面防潮
  496. damp proofness ==> 防湿性
  497. damp sand ==> 湿砂
  498. damp sheet ==> 风帘
  499. damp steam ==> 湿蒸气
  500. damp-proof ==> 防水
  501. damp-proof coating ==> 防潮面层
  502. damp-proof course ==> 防水层
  503. damp-proof insulation ==> 防湿绝缘
  504. damp-proof machine ==> 防潮电机=>耐湿形電機
  505. damp-proof masonry ==> 防潮圬工
  506. damp-proof packing ==> 防潮包装
  507. damp-proof paint ==> 防潮漆
  508. damp-proofing ==> 防潮的
  509. damp-proofing admixture ==> 防潮剂
  510. damp-proofing basement ==> 防潮地下室
  511. damp-proofing foundation ==> 防潮基础
  512. damp-proofing ground floor ==> 防潮地坪
  513. damp-proofing of wall ==> 墙身防潮
  514. damp-proofing wall ==> 防潮墙
  515. damp-storage closet ==> (养护混凝土用的)高温度养护室
  516. damp-wood termite ==> 湿木白蚁
  517. damped ==> 衰减的,阻尼的
  518. damped alternating current ==> 减幅交流,衰减交流
  519. damped angular frequency ==> 衰减角频率
  520. damped balance ==> 减震天平,阻尼天平=>ダンパー付き秤
  521. damped ballistic galvanometer ==> 阻尼冲击减流计
  522. damped cosine function ==> 阻尼余弦函数
  523. damped discharge ==> 減衰放電
  524. damped electron oscillator ==> 衰减电子振荡器
  525. damped exponential ==> 衰减指数
  526. damped exponential curve ==> 减幅指数曲线
  527. damped factor ==> 阻尼系数,衰减系数
  528. damped free vibration ==> 減衰自由振動
  529. damped frequency ==> 阻尼频率
  530. damped harmonic motion ==> 阻尼谐动=>減衰調和振動
  531. damped harmonic system ==> 减幅线性振荡系统
  532. damped impedance ==> 阻尼阻抗,衰减阻抗=>制動インピーダンス
  533. damped inductance ==> 阻尼电感=>ダンプされたインダクタンス
  534. damped magnet ==> 阻尼磁铁
  535. damped motion ==> 阻尼运动
  536. damped natural frequency ==> 阻尼固有频率
  537. damped oscillating waveform ==> 減衰振動波形
  538. damped oscillation ==> 阻尼振荡,减幅振荡=>減衰振動
  539. damped oscillator ==> 阻尼振荡器
  540. damped oscillatory component ==> 衰减振荡成分
  541. damped oscillatory mode of motion ==> 阻尼振荡运动
  542. damped pendulum ==> 阻尼摆
  543. damped periodic element ==> 阻尼摆动部分
  544. damped periodic instrument ==> 阻尼周期性仪表
  545. damped pressure ==> 减震压力计
  546. damped pressure ga(u)ge ==> 带缓冲器的压力计
  547. damped ratio ==> 減衰比
  548. damped resisor ==> 阻尼电阻
  549. damped sawtooth oscillation ==> 阻尼钜齿波振荡
  550. damped sine function ==> 阻尼正弦函数
  551. damped sinusoid ==> 阻尼正弦曲线
  552. damped sinusoidal quantity ==> 衰减正弦量
  553. damped transient ==> 衰减过度过程
  554. damped vibration ==> 衰减振动,阻尼振动
  555. damped wave ==> 阻尼波,减幅波=>減衰波
  556. damped wave detector ==> 减幅波检波器
  557. damped wave equation ==> 衰减波动方程
  558. dampen ==> 弄湿,吸音,减震,阻尼
  559. dampen pipe ==> 消音器
  560. dampener ==> 湿润器
  561. dampening ==> 回潮
  562. dampening chamber ==> 湿润室
  563. dampening machine ==> 增湿机
  564. damper ==> 现金记录器,潮湿器,调节风门,气流调节器,阻颤器,阻尼器,烟道挡板,避震器=>ダンパ,制動子,制動器
  565. damper adjustment ==> 挡板调节
  566. damper applicator roller ==> 抑制敷料滚筒,湿润剂施加辊
  567. damper bar ==> 阻尼条
  568. damper box ==> 风挡箱
  569. damper brake ==> 制动闸
  570. damper cage ==> 阻尼笼
  571. damper cage starting ==> 阻尼笼启动
  572. damper circuit ==> 阻尼电路
  573. damper coefficient ==> 阻尼系数
  574. damper coil ==> 阻尼线圈
  575. damper control ==> 挡板控制,风门调节=>ダンパー制御,ダンパー調節
  576. damper counter weight ==> 减震器平衡锤
  577. damper current ==> 阻尼电流
  578. damper cylinder ==> 减振筒
  579. damper cylinder arm ==> 减震筒臂
  580. damper cylinder body ==> 减震简体
  581. damper cylinder piston ==> 减震筒活塞
  582. damper frame ==> 阻尼框
  583. damper hole ==> 阻尼孔
  584. damper in nuclear power structures ==> 核动力装置结构减震器,为减少或消除由于介质的不规则流动、风阻、流态瞬变(水锤或汽锤)、地震或机械等原因引起的管道和设备的周期性的振动、摆动或瞬时冲击载荷的机械装置。它通常有弹簧式和轮鼓式两种
  585. damper link ==> 减震器连杆
  586. damper linkage ==> 风闸联动装置
  587. damper loss ==> 阻尼损失=>ダンパー損失
  588. damper lug ==> 挡板拉耳
  589. damper motor ==> 风闸马达
  590. damper of chimney ==> 烟囱风门
  591. damper pedal ==> 阻尼踏板
  592. damper pipe union nut ==> 减震器管联结螺母
  593. damper piston ==> 缓冲活塞
  594. damper plate ==> 节流板,风挡
  595. damper reactance ==> 制動巻線リアクタンス
  596. damper regulator ==> 调节挡板,气闸调节器
  597. damper rigging lever ==> 抽阀开关杆
  598. damper rigging rod pin ==> 挡板杆销
  599. damper ring ==> 阻尼环
  600. damper segment ==> 阻尼片
  601. damper shaft ==> 减震器轴=>ダンパー軸
  602. damper shaft arm ==> 减震器轴臂,减震器轴节
  603. damper spring ==> 缓冲弹簧
  604. damper strut ==> 缓冲支柱
  605. damper system ==> 阻尼系统
  606. damper travel indicator ==> ダンパー開度指示計
  607. damper tube ==> 阻尼管
  608. damper valve ==> 减振阀
  609. damper vibrator roller ==> 减振滚筒,湿润剂摆动传递辊
  610. damper weight ==> 挡板平衡锤
  611. damper winding ==> 阻尼绕组=>制動巻線
  612. damper winding start system ==> 制動巻線始動方式
  613. damper wire ==> ダンパー線
  614. damper with remote control device ==> 遥控风门机构
  615. damping ==> 制动,衰减,消声,阻尼,阻压,湿润加工,受潮=>減衰,制動,ダンピング
  616. damping action ==> 减震作用
  617. damping adjustment ==> 阻尼调整
  618. damping area ==> 减振面
  619. damping arrangement ==> 节制设备
  620. damping balance ==> 阻尼天平
  621. damping bar ==> 阻尼条
  622. damping bearing of highway bridge ==> 公路桥梁减震支座
  623. damping broadening ==> 阻尼致宽
  624. damping by friction ==> 摩擦阻尼,摩擦减震
  625. damping capacity ==> 阻尼能力,减震力,吸震能力,减震能量,(材料吸收振动的能力)减振能力
  626. damping chamber ==> 减振室
  627. damping characteristic ==> 阻尼特性
  628. damping circuit ==> 阻尼电路
  629. damping coefficient ==> 阻尼因数,阻尼系数,衰减系数,减幅系数=>減衰係数
  630. damping coil ==> 阻尼线圈=>減衰コイル
  631. damping cone ==> 阻尼锥体
  632. damping constant ==> 衰减常数,阻尼常数,阻尼衰减常数=>減衰定数
  633. damping constant vs. changing gain ==> 減衰定数-可変ゲイン特性
  634. damping control ==> 湿润控制,加湿控制器,阻尼调整
  635. damping control surface ==> 阻尼控制面
  636. damping current ==> 阻尼电流
  637. damping curve ==> 阻尼曲线
  638. damping decrement ==> 衰减率,阻尼减幅,减幅量
  639. damping deflection period ==> 阻尼比
  640. damping device ==> 阻尼装置=>減衰装置
  641. damping diode ==> 阻尼二极管
  642. damping disc ==> 减震盘
  643. damping disk(-isc) ==> 减振盘
  644. damping down ==> 休风,压火
  645. damping due to rotation ==> 旋转阻尼
  646. damping effect ==> 阻尼效应
  647. damping factor ==> 衰减因数,阻尼系数,阻尼因数,衰减率,减幅系数=>減衰率,減衰係数
  648. damping fin ==> 阻尼片
  649. damping fluid ==> 减震液,减振液
  650. damping for rolling oscillations ==> 滚转振动阻尼
  651. damping force ==> 减振力
  652. damping frame ==> 阻尼架
  653. damping harmonic motion ==> 阻尼谐振动
  654. damping hole ==> 阻尼孔
  655. damping in roll ==> 滚动阻尼
  656. damping key ==> 阻尼电键
  657. damping liquid ==> 阻尼液
  658. damping log decrement ==> 阻尼对数衰减率
  659. damping machine ==> 调湿机,给湿机,喷雾机,(自动控制用)阻尼机
  660. damping magnet ==> 阻尼磁铁=>減衰磁石
  661. damping mat ==> 阻尼垫
  662. damping material ==> 隔音材料
  663. damping matrix ==> 阻尼矩阵
  664. damping measurement ==> 阻尼测量
  665. damping mechanism ==> 阻尼机构
  666. damping moment ==> 衰减矩
  667. damping moment coefficient ==> 阻尼力矩系数
  668. damping of pulsation ==> 脉动阻尼
  669. damping of vibration ==> 减震
  670. damping off of pine seedlings ==> 松苗猝倒病
  671. damping oil ==> 阻尼油=>制動油
  672. damping oscillation ==> 阻尼振荡
  673. damping pad ==> 加湿垫
  674. damping pad holder ==> 加湿垫托架
  675. damping parameter ==> 减震
  676. damping period ==> 衰减周期,激后复原期,阻尼时间
  677. damping piston ==> 减震活塞
  678. damping pressure roller ==> 加湿压力滚筒,湿润压辊
  679. damping radiation ==> 阻尼辐射
  680. damping rate ==> 阻尼速率
  681. damping ratio ==> 阻尼比=>減衰係数
  682. damping reistance ==> 制動抵抗
  683. damping resistance ==> 阻尼电阻=>ダンピング抵抗
  684. damping resistor ==> 阻尼电阻器=>制動抵抗
  685. damping ring ==> 阻尼环=>制動環
  686. damping screen ==> 整流栅,缓冲屏
  687. damping spring ==> 阻尼弹簧
  688. damping system ==> 阻尼装置
  689. damping term ==> 阻尼项
  690. damping test ==> 减震试验,减振试验
  691. damping time ==> 阻尼时间
  692. damping to half amplitude ==> 半幅阻尼
  693. damping torque ==> 制动转矩=>制動トルク
  694. damping torque coefficient ==> 阻尼力矩系数
  695. damping transduser ==> 阻尼型探头
  696. damping transient ==> 衰减瞬变量
  697. damping tube ==> 阻尼管
  698. damping turn ==> 阻尼线匝
  699. damping value ==> 阻尼值
  700. damping vane ==> 阻尼叶片=>制動羽根
  701. damping vibration ==> 阻尼振动
  702. damping washer ==> 减震垫圈
  703. damping wave ==> 阻尼波
  704. damping width ==> 阻尼宽度
  705. damping width selector ==> 加湿宽度选择器,湿润宽度选定器
  706. damping winding ==> 阻尼绕组,在汽轮发电机中,用以抑制与该绕组匝链的磁通的快速变化,提高发电机承担不平衡负荷能力的笼型的短路绕组=>制動巻線,乱調防止巻線
  707. damping wire ==> 减震拉筋=>ダンピングワイヤ
  708. damping-off ==> 猝倒病,立枯病=>立ち枯れ病(植物)
  709. damping-off of seed ling ==> 苗木立枯病
  710. dampness ==> 潮湿,湿度
  711. Dampness may be removed by drugs dry in property ==> 燥可胜湿
  712. dampproof ==> 防湿の
  713. dampproof course ==> 防湿層
  714. damsel bug ==> マキバサシガメ
  715. dan anchor ==> 浮标锚
  716. dan shu capsule ==> 胆舒胶囊
  717. dan, a unit of weight (50 kilograms) ==> 市担
  718. danaite ==> 钴毒砂
  719. danburite ==> 赛黄晶
  720. dance ==> 舞蹈
  721. dance (dancing) hall ==> 舞厅
  722. dance floor ==> 舞池
  723. dance floor lighting ==> 舞池照明
  724. dance fly ==> 午虻
  725. dance of bee ==> 蜜蜂舞
  726. dancer roll ==> 跳动辊
  727. dancer rolls ==> 张力调节辊,调节辊
  728. dancer-roll ==> ダンサロール
  729. dancery ==> 舞厅
  730. dancette moulding ==> 曲折线脚
  731. dancing pulley ==> 均衡轮,均衡轮,调整轮
  732. dancing step ==> 扇形踏步
  733. Danckwerts model ==> 丹克韦尔兹模型
  734. DAND, DST active nutation damper ==> DST能動ニューテーションダンパー
  735. Dandelion ==> 丹德利昂铅基轴承合金
  736. dandelion ==> 蒲公英,药用蒲公英=>タンポポ
  737. dandelion greens ==> タンポポの若葉
  738. Dandelion metal ==> 丹得来昂轴承合金,铅基白合金,铅基锑锡轴承合金
  739. dandelion puff ==> タンポポの綿毛
  740. dandered coal ==> 天然焦
  741. Dando brick ==> 丹多盛钢桶用砖
  742. dandy fever ==> 登革热
  743. dandy finisher ==> 末道粗纱机,头道粗纺机
  744. dandy loom ==> 脚踏式织机
  745. dandy note ==> 出库证书
  746. dandy reducer ==> 二道粗纱机
  747. dandy roll ==> 压胶辊,水印辊
  748. dandy rover ==> 末道粗纱机
  749. dandy roving ==> 末道粗纱
  750. Danforth anchor of high holding power ==> 丹福尔大抓力锚
  751. Danfoss ==> 丹麦丹佛斯=>ダンフォス(デンマーク)
  752. danger ==> 危险
  753. danger angle ==> 危险角,水平方向危险角
  754. danger area ==> 危险区域
  755. danger bearing ==> 危险方位
  756. danger bearing transmitter ==> 警戒发射机,警戒发射机
  757. danger board ==> 危险符号,火险报导板
  758. danger buoy ==> 危险浮标
  759. danger button ==> 紧急按钮
  760. danger class ==> 火险级
  761. danger classes ==> 危险等级
  762. danger coefficient ==> 危险系数
  763. danger index ==> 火险指标
  764. danger light ==> 危险信号灯
  765. danger limit ==> 危险极限
  766. danger line ==> 危险线
  767. danger meter ==> 火险计算尺
  768. danger money ==> 危险工作津贴
  769. danger of soil blowing ==> 风蚀的危险
  770. danger protecting function ==> 保险功能=>危険防止機能
  771. danger sign ==> 危险标志
  772. danger signal ==> 危险讯号,危险信号=>停止信号
  773. danger sounding ==> 危险探测
  774. danger tables ==> 火险计算表
  775. danger to vegetables ==> 危害蔬菜
  776. danger unmber ==> 危险量指数
  777. danger zone ==> 危险地带
  778. dangerous area ==> 危険領域
  779. dangerous articles ==> 危险品
  780. dangerous articles package ==> 危险品包装
  781. dangerous building ==> 危险房屋
  782. dangerous cargo warehouse ==> 危险品库
  783. dangerous consequences of a crime ==> 犯罪的危害后果
  784. dangerous cross-section ==> 危险截面
  785. dangerous drugs clause ==> 危险药物条款
  786. dangerous earth potential ==> 危险性对地电势
  787. dangerous goods ==> 危险货物,危险品
  788. dangerous mark ==> 危险品标志
  789. dangerous period ==> 危险期
  790. dangerous point ==> 危险点
  791. dangerous pressure ==> 危险压力
  792. dangerous section ==> 危险断面
  793. dangerous space ==> 危险区
  794. dangerous structure ==> 危险结构
  795. dangerous to man and animals ==> 对人牲畜有危险
  796. dangerous to the animal to remove its horns ==> 去角对牲口很危险
  797. dangerous voltage ==> 危险电压,危及人身安全或电气设备安全的电压
  798. dangerous work ==> 危险工作
  799. dangerous zone ==> 危险区
  800. dangling ==> 懸垂
  801. dangling bond ==> 悬空键=>ダングリングボンド
  802. dangling page ==> 悬挂网页
  803. dangling participle ==> 懸垂分詞
  804. dangling preposition ==> 懸垂前置詞
  805. Dangshan (Tang Shan) pear ==> 砀山梨
  806. Daniell cell ==> ダニエル電池
  807. daniell cell ==> 丹聂耳电池
  808. Danish ==> デニッシュ
  809. Danish architecture ==> 丹麦建筑
  810. Danish cultivalor ==> 丹麦式中耕机
  811. Danish Landrace ==> 丹麦长白猪
  812. Danish pastry ==> デニッシュ
  813. Danish running line trolling ==> 丹麦式循环曳绳钓
  814. Danish tong ==> 丹麦鱼夹
  815. Danneberg kiln ==> (环形窑)丹奈伯格窑
  816. Danner process ==> 丹纳法
  817. Dano composting plant ==> 丹诺混合肥料厂
  818. danshen cream ==> 丹参膏
  819. danshui shell carving picture ==> 淡水贝雕画
  820. dansyl chloride ==> 二甲氨基萘磺酰氯
  821. Danysz reaction ==> 丹尼兹反应
  822. DAOCE, digital attitude & orbit control electronics ==> デジタル姿勢軌道制御電子機器
  823. daonil tablet ==> 达安疗片
  824. DAPAD, Data Processing and Analysis Division ==> 資料処理解析部
  825. daphne ==> 瑞香
  826. Daphne genkwa poisoning ==> 芫花中毒
  827. daposit of title deeds ==> 权利证书托存
  828. dapped joint ==> 嵌槽接头,互嵌接合
  829. dapped shoulder joint ==> 互嵌肩接合
  830. dappled glaze ==> 斑纹釉
  831. dapsone tablet ==> 氨苯砜片
  832. Daqing crude oil ==> 大庆原油
  833. DARA, Deutschen Agentur fur Raumfahrtangelegenheiten GmbH ==> ドイツ航空宇宙機関
  834. daraf(reciprocal of farad) ==> 拉法
  835. darby float ==> 木杠
  836. Darcet's alloy ==> 达塞特易熔合金
  837. darcy (unit of permeability of porous medium) ==> 达西
  838. Darcy flow regime ==> 达西流态
  839. Darcy number 1 ==> 第一达西数
  840. Darcy number 2 ==> 第二达西数
  841. Darcy velocity ==> 达西速度
  842. Darcy's equation ==> 达西方程,达西公式
  843. Darcy's law ==> 达唯律,(流速与压力差的关系)达西定律=>ダルシーの法則
  844. Darcy-Weisbach coefficient ==> 第一达西数
  845. Darcy-Weisbuch roughness coefficient ==> 达西-韦斯巴赫糙率系数
  846. Darfur ==> 达尔富尔(苏丹)
  847. Darjeeling ==> ダージリン,ダージリン茶(後発酵茶)
  848. dark ==> 暗,黑暗的=>暗黑
  849. dark adaptation ==> 暗順応
  850. dark adapted eye ==> 暗适应眼
  851. dark adaptometer ==> 暗适应计
  852. dark air-curing ==> 室内吹干
  853. dark atom ==> 暗原子
  854. dark background luminance ==> 暗背景亮度
  855. dark banana aphid ==> 香蕉黑蚜病
  856. dark band ==> 暗带
  857. dark blue ==> 藏青色,深蓝色
  858. dark brown ==> 棕褐色
  859. dark brown color ==> 暗褐色
  860. dark brown glaze ==> 胡麻釉
  861. dark brown soil ==> 暗棕土
  862. dark burn ==> 暗烧,疲劳,(荧光屏发光效率降低)烧暗
  863. dark burn fatigue ==> 发光衰退
  864. dark cathode ==> 暗色阴极
  865. dark cell of collecting tubule ==> 集合小管暗细胞
  866. dark change ==> 暗换场
  867. dark cherry heat ==> 暗樱红热
  868. dark cloud ==> 暗云
  869. dark coloured ==> 深黑色的
  870. dark companion ==> 暗伴天体,暗伴星
  871. dark conductance ==> 暗电导
  872. dark conduction ==> 暗电导
  873. dark conductivity ==> 暗电导率
  874. dark contrast ==> 暗反差
  875. dark current ==> 暗电流=>暗電流
  876. dark current noise ==> 暗电流噪声,暗电噪声
  877. dark current shot noise ==> 暗电流散粒噪声
  878. dark currentvoltage curve ==> 暗电流-电压曲线
  879. dark diffuse nebula ==> 暗弥漫星云
  880. dark discharge ==> 暗放电,无光放电
  881. dark distiller's grain ==> 暗酒糟
  882. dark dome ==> 暗拱
  883. dark dust nebula ==> 暗尘星云
  884. dark energy ==> 暗能量=>ダークエネルギー,暗黒エネルギー
  885. dark face ==> 暗面,灰色荧光屏
  886. dark fibers ==> 暗纤维
  887. dark field ==> 暗场,暗区,暗视场,暗视野
  888. dark field condenser ==> 暗场聚光器
  889. dark field electron image ==> 暗场电子象
  890. dark field image ==> 暗场像
  891. dark field interferogram mode ==> 暗场干涉模式
  892. dark field line ==> 暗场线
  893. dark field microscope ==> 暗场显微镜,超显微镜
  894. dark field microscopy ==> 暗视场显微观察
  895. dark field of view ==> 暗视场
  896. dark field reflection microscope ==> 暗场反射显微镜
  897. dark fish meal ==> 褐鱼粉
  898. dark flame ==> 暗焰
  899. dark flocculus ==> 暗谱斑
  900. dark forest soil ==> 暗色森林土
  901. dark Fraunhofer line ==> 夫琅和费吸收线
  902. dark galactic nebula ==> 暗银河星云,银河暗星云
  903. dark glowing ==> 暗红炽热
  904. dark grain ==> 暗酒糟
  905. dark gray pig iron ==> 暗灰色生铁
  906. dark green ==> 黛绿,深绿,深绿色,墨绿
  907. dark ground ==> 暗视场
  908. dark ground illuminator ==> 暗场照明器
  909. dark ground method of observation ==> 暗场观察法
  910. dark ground microscope ==> 暗场显微镜,暗视场显微镜
  911. dark headed stemborer ==> 台湾稻螟
  912. dark heart ==> 暗色心材
  913. dark heat ==> 暗红热,暗热,光谱的红外部分
  914. dark heater ==> 旁暗阴极加热器
  915. dark jade ==> 墨玉
  916. dark lane ==> 暗带
  917. dark light ==> 暗光,不可见光
  918. dark lighting ==> 暗闪电
  919. dark lightning ==> 黑闪电效应
  920. dark limb ==> 暗边缘
  921. dark line ==> 暗线
  922. dark line detection ==> 暗线探测
  923. dark line spectrum ==> 暗线光谱
  924. dark matter ==> 暗物质=>暗黒物質
  925. dark matter halo ==> 暗黒物質ハロー
  926. dark mealworm ==> 黑粉虫
  927. dark meat ==> 深色肉
  928. dark mildew ==> 煤烟病
  929. dark mirror ==> 暗镜
  930. dark mottle ==> 暗日芒
  931. dark nebula ==> 暗星云
  932. dark noise ==> 暗噪声,背景噪声=>暗騒音
  933. dark of the moon ==> 无月光期,月暗期
  934. dark orange heat ==> 暗橙黄热
  935. dark period ==> 阴影周期
  936. dark picture area ==> 图像暗区
  937. dark plaster ==> 黑石膏
  938. dark pulse ==> 暗脉冲
  939. dark pulse spectrum ==> 暗脉冲谱
  940. dark purple ==> 暗紫色
  941. dark ray ==> 暗射线
  942. dark reaction ==> 暗反应,黑暗反应
  943. dark reaction time ==> 暗反应时间
  944. dark reactivation ==> 暗复活作用
  945. dark red ==> 暗红的
  946. dark red heat ==> 暗红热
  947. dark red silver ore ==> 深红银矿
  948. dark region ==> 暗区,暗区
  949. dark repair ==> 暗修复,黑暗修复
  950. dark resistance ==> 暗电阻
  951. dark resistivity ==> 暗电阻率
  952. dark room ==> 暗房
  953. dark room lamp ==> 暗室灯
  954. dark room ophthalmic lamp ==> 暗室检眼灯,暗室眼灯
  955. dark room test ==> 暗室试验
  956. dark ruby ore ==> 深红银矿
  957. dark satellite ==> 暗卫星,哑卫星
  958. dark seed ==> 需暗种子
  959. dark segment ==> 暗弓
  960. dark signal ==> 暗信号
  961. dark sky background ==> 夜天背景
  962. dark slide ==> 遮光滑板
  963. dark soil ==> 深色土壤
  964. dark space ==> 暗区
  965. dark speck ==> 暗斑
  966. dark spot ==> 暗斑,暗点,黑斑=>黑点
  967. dark spot signal ==> 黑点信号
  968. dark stage ==> 暗摄影棚
  969. dark stain ==> 暗斑
  970. dark stained nucleus ==> 核深染
  971. dark star ==> 暗星
  972. dark tint face ==> 暗淡面
  973. dark trace ==> 暗迹,暗行扫描
  974. dark trace screen ==> 暗迹屏
  975. dark trace tube ==> 暗迹电子射线管,暗迹管,暗迹阴极射线管
  976. dark yellow ==> 暗黄色
  977. dark-adaptation test ==> 暗适应试验
  978. dark-adapted retina ==> 暗适应视网膜
  979. dark-and-light ==> 明暗
  980. dark-coloured stocks ==> 暗色原料
  981. dark-current ==> 暗电流
  982. dark-current pulse ==> 暗电流脉冲
  983. dark-eclipsing variables ==> 暗食变星
  984. dark-field amplitude mode ==> 暗场振幅模式
  985. dark-field condenser ==> 暗视野聚光镜
  986. dark-field elements ==> 暗视野配件
  987. dark-field illumination ==> 暗场照明,暗视野映光法
  988. dark-field microscopy ==> 暗视野镜检
  989. dark-field stop ==> 暗视野光阑
  990. dark-ground illumination ==> 暗场照明
  991. dark-line spectrum ==> 暗线光谱
  992. dark-matter annihilation ==> 暗黒物質消滅
  993. dark-matter particle ==> 暗黒物質粒子
  994. dark-noise signal ==> 暗噪声信号
  995. dark-red heat ==> 暗红炽热
  996. dark-room camera ==> 暗室式照相机
  997. dark-tint screen ==> 中灰滤光屏
  998. dark-tint valve ==> 深色彩色电视管
  999. dark-trace screen ==> 暗迹屏,暗迹荧光屏,暗线荧光屏
  1000. dark-trace screen tube ==> 黑迹管
  1001. dark-trace tube ==> 黑迹管,暗迹管
  1002. Darken equation ==> 达尔肯方程
  1003. darkening ==> 变黑
  1004. darkening rate ==> 变暗速率
  1005. darkening towards the limb ==> 临边昏暗
  1006. darkening wavelength ==> 变暗波长
  1007. darkflex ==> 吸收敷层
  1008. darkish ==> 浅黑的
  1009. darkish brown ==> 暗褐色
  1010. darkish complexion ==> 面色苍黑
  1011. darkish red ==> 暗红
  1012. darkline ==> 暗线
  1013. darkling ground beetle ==> 伪步行虫
  1014. darkness ==> 盲度,黑暗,暗度
  1015. darkness acuity ==> 暗敏度
  1016. darkness tremor ==> 暗光眼球震颤
  1017. darkroom ==> 暗室
  1018. darkroom clock ==> 暗室定时器
  1019. darkroom filter ==> 安全灯滤光片,暗室滤光器
  1020. darkroom lamp ==> 暗室灯
  1021. darkroom processor ==> 暗室显影机
  1022. darkroom timer ==> 暗室定时器
  1023. Darlington ==> 复合晶体管
  1024. Darlington amplifier ==> 达林顿放大器
  1025. Darlington connection ==> 达林顿接法=>ダーリントン接続
  1026. Darlington emitter follower ==> 达林顿射极跟随器
  1027. Darlington pair ==> 复合晶体管对
  1028. Darlington resistor ==> 达林顿电阻器
  1029. Darlington transistor ==> 达林顿晶体管
  1030. DARM, decoder acceptance/reporting mode ==> 複合器受信/送信モード
  1031. darning needle ==> 蜻蜒
  1032. DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Program Agency ==> 国防高等研究計画局
  1033. Darren Crowdy ==> 达伦·克劳迪,扩展了施瓦茨—克里斯托费尔映射公式,有洞孔的情形等可以被考虑进去。
  1034. Darrieus efficiency ==> ダリウス効率
  1035. Darrieus generator ==> 达利涡斯发动机
  1036. Darrieus savonius rotor generation system ==> ダリウス型風車
  1037. Darrieus turbine ==> ダリウス形タービン,ダリウス風車
  1038. DARS, data acquisition and recording system ==> 数据采集和记录系统
  1039. dart configuration ==> 后尾式构型
  1040. dart leader ==> 直窜先导
  1041. dart moth ==> 鸣夜蛾
  1042. dart union ==> 活络管子节
  1043. Dartmouth Project ==> 达特茅斯项目
  1044. Darwin ellipsoid ==> 达尔文椭球
  1045. Darwin Medal ==> ダーウィン・メダル
  1046. Darwin turning indicator ==> 达尔文旋转式指示器
  1047. Darwin's theory of evolution ==> ダーウィンの進化論
  1048. Darwinian fitness ==> 达尔文氏适合度=>ダーウィン適応度
  1049. Darwinian microcosmos ==> ダーウィンの小宇宙
  1050. Darwinian selection ==> 达尔文选择
  1051. Darwinian theory ==> ダーウィン説
  1052. Darwinian theory of evolution ==> ダーウィンの進化論
  1053. darwinian tubercle ==> 耳廓结节
  1054. Darzens condensation ==> 缩水甘油酯缩合
  1055. DAS, data access storage ==> 直接存取存储器
  1056. DAS, data acquisition system ==> 数据采集系统=>データ収集処理システム
  1057. DAS, Dissipation Array System ==> 雷保護システム,多数の針状突起によるコロナ放電で雷雲の電荷を中和する
  1058. DAS, distribution automation system ==> 配電自動化システム
  1059. DAS, Distribution Automation System (Distribution SCADA) ==> DAS
  1060. DAS, Dive and Ascent Satellite ==> ダイブアンドアセント衛星
  1061. DAS, Dynamic Security Assessment ==> ダイナミックセキュリティ評価
  1062. dasd ==> 直接存取存储器
  1063. DASD, direct access storage device ==> 直接アクセス記憶装置(磁気ディスク装置)
  1064. dasen tablet ==> 达先片
  1065. dash ==> 冲击,长划,破折号,阴影线,划=>長点(電信符号)
  1066. dash adjustment ==> 杠杆调整
  1067. dash board ==> 遮水板,挡泥板,表板
  1068. dash board facing ==> 仪表板护面
  1069. dash coat ==> 泼涂层
  1070. dash control ==> 按钮控制,缓冲控制
  1071. dash current ==> 超值电流,冲击电流
  1072. dash dot line ==> 点划线
  1073. dash insulator ==> 前隔板绝缘体
  1074. dash line ==> 虚线=>破線
  1075. dash plate ==> 缓冲板
  1076. dash post ==> 前隔板柱
  1077. dash pot ==> 缓冲器,减振器
  1078. dash receiver ==> 接收板
  1079. dash side panel ==> 前隔板侧板
  1080. dash unit ==> 仪表板装置
  1081. dash valve ==> 冲击阀
  1082. dash-dot-line ==> 点划线
  1083. dash-pot relay ==> ダッシュポット継電器
  1084. dashboard ==> 挡泥板,仪表盘,防波板,操纵盘=>泥除板(電車の)
  1085. dashboard light ==> 仪表板灯,仪表灯
  1086. dashed area ==> 阴影部分,阴影线部分
  1087. dashed line ==> 短划线=>破線,一点鎖線
  1088. dashed spaced line ==> 跳び破線
  1089. dasheen ==> 芋头
  1090. dasher ==> 反射板
  1091. dashing lines ==> (车身的)运动速率线
  1092. dashkesanite ==> 氯闪石
  1093. dashmats ==> 轿车驾驶操纵板护罩
  1094. dashpot ==> 消振器,减震器,缓冲筒=>ダッシュポット
  1095. dashpot check valve ==> 缓冲单向阀
  1096. dashpot control lever ==> 缓冲筒控制杆
  1097. dashpot piston ==> 减震活塞
  1098. dashpot plunger ==> 缓冲活塞
  1099. dashpot relay ==> 缓冲器
  1100. dashpot rotameter ==> 带有阻尼器的转子流量计
  1101. dashpot solenoid unit ==> 缓冲筒螺线管调整器
  1102. dashpot time-delay relay ==> ダッシュポット時延リレー
  1103. dashpot-type shock absorber ==> 缓冲筒式减震器
  1104. Dasikong Cun type pottery ==> 大司空村类型陶器
  1105. DASM, Doubly-fed Asynchronous Machine ==> DASM
  1106. DAST, damping strip ==> 減衰材料
  1107. DAT, design assurance test ==> 設計確認試験
  1108. DAT, digital audio tape ==> 幅4ミリ弱の磁気テープに音声信号をディジタル記録する装置。もともと音楽用として開発されたが,データ記録用に使用される。
  1109. data ==> 数据,资料=>データ
  1110. data (communication) adapter unit ==> 数据通信转接器
  1111. data accepted flag ==> 数据接收标志
  1112. data access ==> 数据存取
  1113. data access method ==> 数据存取法,数据存取方式
  1114. data access path ==> 数据存取通路
  1115. data accumulator ==> 数据存储器,数据累加器
  1116. DATA ACQ, data acquisition and processing ==> データ取得と処理
  1117. data acquisition ==> 数据采集=>データ収集
  1118. data acquisition and processing ==> 数据采集与处理
  1119. data acquisition and recording system ==> 数据集合和记录系统
  1120. data acquisition camera ==> 数据采集照相机
  1121. data acquisition equipment ==> 数据采集设备
  1122. data acquisition instrument ==> 数据采集记录器
  1123. data acquisition probe ==> 数据采集探测
  1124. data acquisition stage ==> 数据获取级
  1125. data acquisition station ==> 数据采集站
  1126. data acquisition system ==> 数据采集系统,数据获得系统
  1127. data adapter unit ==> 数据转接器
  1128. data address ==> 数据地址
  1129. data administrator ==> 数据管理员
  1130. data age ==> 取数据时间
  1131. data agent ==> 数据代理终端
  1132. data alignment ==> 数据调整
  1133. data alignment attribute ==> 数据调整属性
  1134. data alignment network ==> 数据调整网络
  1135. data analysis ==> 数据分析,资料分析
  1136. data area ==> 数据范围,数据区域
  1137. data area number ==> 数据区编号
  1138. data array ==> 数据阵列
  1139. data assimilation ==> 数据同化
  1140. data association message ==> 数据相关信息
  1141. data assurance unit ==> 确信数据接收部件
  1142. data at seal ==> 轴封处数据
  1143. data attribute list ==> 数据属性表
  1144. data automation system ==> 数据自动处理系统
  1145. data bandling system ==> 数据处理设备
  1146. data bank ==> 数据库,数据总库,资料库=>データバンク
  1147. data base ==> 资料库,数据库,信息基=>データベース
  1148. data base abstraction ==> 数据库抽象化,抽象数据库
  1149. data base access language ==> 数据库存取语言
  1150. data base availability ==> 数据库有效率
  1151. data base consistency(-tance) ==> 数据库一致性
  1152. data base data model ==> 数据库数据模型
  1153. data base data name ==> 数据库数据名
  1154. data base description entry ==> 数据库描述项
  1155. data base exception condition ==> 数据库异常条件
  1156. data base interpretation ==> 数据库翻译
  1157. data base key ==> 数据库关键码,数据库码
  1158. data base key item ==> 数据库码项
  1159. data base management system (local DBMS) ==> 局部数据库管理系统,局部数据库管理系统
  1160. data base modifier ==> 数据库修饰符
  1161. data base portability ==> 数据库可移植性
  1162. data base practitioner ==> 数据库设计员
  1163. data base procedure ==> 数据库程序,数据库过程
  1164. data base utility ==> 数据库实用程序
  1165. data bit ==> 数据位
  1166. data board ==> 记录板
  1167. data book ==> 数据手册,参考资料手册,标准产品手册
  1168. data branch ==> データ分岐
  1169. data buffer ==> 数据缓冲器
  1170. data bulk ==> 数据数量
  1171. data buoy system ==> 数据浮标系统
  1172. data bus ==> 数据总线=>データバス
  1173. data bus coupler ==> 数据总线耦合器
  1174. data cable ==> 数据传输电缆,数据同步传输电缆
  1175. data capacity ==> 数据容量
  1176. data capsule ==> 数据容器
  1177. data capture ==> 数据采集
  1178. data capture system ==> 数据收集系统
  1179. data card ==> 数据卡片
  1180. data carrier ==> 数据记录介质,数据记录媒体,数据记录载体,数据载体,数据载子
  1181. data carrier storage ==> 数据载体存储器
  1182. data cartridge ==> 盒式数据,盒式数据盘
  1183. data cell ==> 数据单元
  1184. data cell device ==> 磁带鼓
  1185. data cell drive ==> 磁带卷
  1186. data cell unit ==> 磁带卷,磁卡片机,数据单元存储器
  1187. data center ==> 数据中心=>データセンター
  1188. data chaining ==> 数据链,数据链接,数据链取
  1189. data channel ==> 数据电路,数据信道
  1190. data channel cycle ==> 数据通道周期
  1191. data channel cycle stealing ==> 数据通道周期挪用
  1192. data channel interrupt ==> 数据通道中断
  1193. data channel line printer ==> 数据通道行式打印机
  1194. data channels ==> 数据通道
  1195. data circuit ==> 数据线路=>データ回線
  1196. data circuit transparency ==> データ回線透過性
  1197. data circuit-terminating equipment ==> データ回線終端装置
  1198. data clause ==> 数据子句
  1199. data clustering ==> 数据分组
  1200. data code ==> 数据代码=>データコード
  1201. data code translation ==> 数据代码转换
  1202. data coding ==> 数据符号化
  1203. data collection ==> 数据采集
  1204. data collection station ==> データ収集端末
  1205. data collector ==> 数据收集器
  1206. data collector terminal ==> 数据收集终端
  1207. data communication ==> 数据传输,数据通信,在数据处理机之间按照达成的协议传送数据信息的通信方式=>データ通信
  1208. data communication monitor ==> 数据通信监督端
  1209. data communication system ==> 数据传送系统
  1210. data communication terminal ==> 数据通信终端
  1211. data compaction ==> 数据精简
  1212. data comparator ==> 数据比较器
  1213. data compensation routine ==> 数据补偿程序
  1214. data compilation ==> 数据搜集
  1215. data complexity ==> 数据复杂性
  1216. data component ==> 数据成份
  1217. data component of simple OS ==> 简单操作系统的数据成分
  1218. data compression ==> 数据压缩
  1219. data concentration ==> 数据集中
  1220. data concentration formatting ==> 数据集中格式
  1221. data concentrator ==> 数据集中分配器,数据集中器=>データ集線装置
  1222. data consistency ==> 数据一致性
  1223. data control block ==> 数据控制块
  1224. data control interval ==> 数据控制间隔
  1225. data conversion ==> 数据转换
  1226. data conversion feature ==> 数据转换特性
  1227. data conversion hardware ==> 数据换算硬件
  1228. data conversion line ==> 数据转换线
  1229. data conversion system ==> 数据转换系统
  1230. data converted to English system ==> 换算成英制资料
  1231. data converter ==> 数据变换器,数据转换器=>(データ)変換器
  1232. data copy ==> 数据副本
  1233. data coupler ==> 数据耦合器
  1234. data declaration statement ==> 数据说明语句
  1235. data degradation ==> 数据消减
  1236. data delimiter ==> 数据定界符
  1237. data demand protocol ==> 数据要求协议
  1238. data description entry ==> 数据描述记入项,数据描述项
  1239. data descriptor ==> 数据描述符
  1240. data design layout ==> 数据设计方案
  1241. data directed transmission ==> 数据定向传输
  1242. data direction register ==> 数据流向寄存器
  1243. data discrepancy ==> データ不一致
  1244. data display ==> 数据显示
  1245. data display equipment ==> 数据显示器
  1246. data division ==> 数据部分
  1247. data drawing list ==> 资料图纸清单
  1248. data driven ==> 数据驱动
  1249. data dump ==> 数据转储
  1250. data edition ==> 数据编辑
  1251. data element ==> 数据类目,数据元
  1252. data element dictionary ==> 数据元字典
  1253. data encoding system ==> 数据编码系统,数据译码系统
  1254. data encryption ==> 数据加密
  1255. data end command ==> 数据结束指令
  1256. data entry ==> 数据登记项,数据进入项
  1257. data evaluation ==> 数据估计=>データ評価
  1258. data evaluation technique ==> 数据评价法
  1259. data exception ==> 数据异常
  1260. data exchange ==> 数据交换
  1261. data exchange program ==> 数据换算程序
  1262. data exchange service ==> 数据交换业务
  1263. data extent block ==> 数据扩充块
  1264. data extractor ==> 数据分离器
  1265. data fetch ==> 取数据
  1266. data field ==> 数据区
  1267. data file ==> 数据外存储器,数据文件,固定数据文件
  1268. data file converter ==> 数据文件转换
  1269. data filtering ==> 数据滤波
  1270. data filtering network ==> 数据滤波网络
  1271. data fitting ==> 数据拟合
  1272. data flow ==> データ流れ
  1273. data flow chart ==> 数据流程图
  1274. data flow diagram ==> 数据流图
  1275. data flow instruction ==> 数据流指令
  1276. data flow operator ==> 数据流操作符
  1277. data flow procedure ==> 数据流过程
  1278. data form ==> 资料记录表
  1279. data format ==> 数据格式
  1280. data formatting ==> 数据格式编排
  1281. data gathering ==> 数据采集
  1282. data given in tabular form ==> 表列数据,表列资料
  1283. data handler ==> 数据信息处理器,数据自动处理器
  1284. data handling ==> 数据处理
  1285. data handling capacity ==> 数据处理能力
  1286. data handling component ==> 数据处理元件,数据转换元件
  1287. data handling equipment ==> 数据处理装置
  1288. data handling system ==> 数据处理系统
  1289. data header ==> 数据标题
  1290. data hierarchy ==> 数据层次
  1291. data highway ==> 数据公路
  1292. data highway system ==> データハイウェイシステム
  1293. data hold ==> 数据保持装置
  1294. data information line ==> 数据信息线路
  1295. data initialization statement ==> 数据预置语句
  1296. data input ==> 数据输入
  1297. data input bus (DIB) ==> 数据输入总线
  1298. data input pin ==> 数据输入端
  1299. data input station ==> データ入力端末
  1300. data inputting methodology ==> 数据输入分类法
  1301. data inscriber ==> 数据记录器
  1302. data inserter ==> 数据插入,数据插入程序
  1303. data integrity ==> 数据完整性,通信系统以一个可接受的残留差错率,把数据从它的源发地传送到它的目的地的能力=>データの完全性
  1304. data interface ==> 数据界面
  1305. data inversion ==> 数据反演
  1306. data item ==> 数据细目,数据项
  1307. data item validation ==> 数据项验证
  1308. data key ==> 数据键
  1309. data layout ==> 数据打印格式
  1310. data level ==> 数据级
  1311. data level access ==> 数据级存取
  1312. data line ==> 数据电路
  1313. data link ==> 数据传输线路,数据链路,数据传输器,数据链路,数据通信线路,数据自动传输器,数据自动传输装置=>データリンク
  1314. data link configuration ==> 数据链路配制
  1315. data link control ==> 数据传输控制,数据链路控制
  1316. data link control procedure ==> 高级数据链路控制规程
  1317. data link escape ==> 数据传送换码,数据通信换码
  1318. data link escape character ==> 伝送制御拡張文字
  1319. data link layer ==> 数据链路层
  1320. data link layer(DLL) ==> 数据链路层
  1321. data link protocol specification ==> 数据链路协议规范
  1322. data link service definition ==> 数据链路服务定义
  1323. data link system ==> 数据传输系统
  1324. data list ==> 数据列表
  1325. data list structure ==> 数据表结构
  1326. data location ==> 数据单元
  1327. data locking ==> 数据联锁
  1328. data logger ==> 数据记录表,数据记录器,记录装置,巡回检测器,巡回检测器=>データロガー
  1329. data logger checker ==> 数据输出校验器
  1330. data logging ==> 数据记录,数据采集=>データロギング
  1331. data logging instrument ==> 数据采集记录器
  1332. data logging-recording equipment ==> 数据存入和记录设备
  1333. data management ==> 数据管理
  1334. data management common code ==> 数据管理公共代码
  1335. data management function ==> 数据管理功能
  1336. data management program(me) ==> 数据管理程序
  1337. data manipulation ==> 数据操作,数据处理
  1338. data manipulation language ==> 数据操罪言
  1339. data materialization ==> 数据实体化
  1340. data medium ==> 数据记录媒体,数据记录载体,数据媒质,数据载体=>データ媒体
  1341. data message switching system ==> 数据通路交换系统
  1342. data migration ==> 数据迁移=>データ移送
  1343. data mining ==> データマイニング
  1344. data mode ==> 数据传送方式,数据状态
  1345. data modem ==> 数据调制解调
  1346. data multiplexer ==> データ多重変換装置
  1347. data name ==> 数据名,数据名称=>データ名
  1348. data network ==> 数据网,数据网络=>データ網
  1349. data number ==> 数据编号
  1350. data object ==> データ対象物
  1351. data of cross-section comparison ==> 截面对比资料
  1352. data of dark-line spectrum ==> 暗线光谱数据
  1353. data of wire electrode path correction ==> 电极丝补偿量
  1354. data of wire path compensation ==> 电极丝补偿量
  1355. data on flows ==> 流量数据
  1356. data organization ==> 数据组织
  1357. data origination ==> 数据初始加工,数据起点
  1358. data output ==> 数据输出
  1359. data output channel ==> 数据输出通路
  1360. data overrun ==> 数据过量运行
  1361. data ownership ==> 数据谱系关系
  1362. DATA package ==> 数据包
  1363. data packet switching ==> 数据包交换
  1364. data panel ==> 数据处理盘
  1365. data path ==> 数据通路
  1366. data pattern ==> 数据模式
  1367. data permutation ==> データ置換
  1368. data pick-up ==> 数据传感器
  1369. data plate ==> 铭牌
  1370. data plotter ==> 数据绘图仪
  1371. data pointer ==> 数据指针
  1372. data pool ==> 数据源
  1373. data potentiometer ==> 数据输出分压器
  1374. data preparation ==> 数据准备
  1375. data preprocessing ==> 数据预处理
  1376. data presentation ==> 数据显示
  1377. data presentation device ==> 数据表达装置
  1378. data presentation technique ==> 数据显示技术
  1379. data printer ==> 数据打印器
  1380. data process subsystem, DPS ==> 数据申报子系统,在电力市场运营系统中,依据市场规则接受和管理市场参与者注册和申报数据的子系统
  1381. data processing ==> 数据处理=>データ処理
  1382. data processing activity ==> 数据处理活动
  1383. data processing algorithm ==> 数据处理算法
  1384. data processing device ==> 数据处理装置
  1385. data processing equipment ==> 数据处理设备
  1386. data processing flow of disconnection control ==> 解列制御の流れ
  1387. data processing rate ==> 数据处理速度
  1388. data processing sequence ==> 数据处理序列
  1389. data processing system ==> 数据处理器[机],数据处理系统=>データ処理システム
  1390. data processing time ==> 数据处理时间
  1391. data processor ==> 数据处理器
  1392. data pulse ==> 数据脉冲
  1393. data purification ==> 数据精化,数据精练,数据提纯
  1394. data qualification ==> 数据分类,数据条件,数据限制
  1395. data quality ==> 数据质量
  1396. data reader ==> 数据阅读器
  1397. data readout setup ==> 数据读出装置
  1398. data ready ==> 数据收发准备状态
  1399. data ready flag ==> 数据就绪标记
  1400. data realm ==> 数据区域
  1401. data rearrangement ==> 数据重排列
  1402. data receiver ==> 数据接收机
  1403. data record ==> 数据记录
  1404. data record size ==> 数据记录长度
  1405. data recorder ==> 数据记录器=>データレコーダ
  1406. data recording capability ==> 数据记录能力
  1407. data recording head ==> 数据记录头
  1408. data reducer ==> 数据变换器,数据简化器
  1409. data reduction ==> 数据压缩,数据简化,数据简缩,数据整理,资料归算
  1410. data reduction and distribution ==> 数据处理与分布
  1411. data reduction center ==> 数据处理中心
  1412. data reduction system ==> 数据简化系统
  1413. data register ==> 数据寄存器
  1414. data release update time ==> 信息发布更新时间,电力市场信息发布的更新周期
  1415. data reliability ==> 数据可靠性
  1416. data repeater ==> 数据传送放大器,数据信号放大器,数据重发器
  1417. data report ==> 资料报告
  1418. data reproduction ==> 数据复制,数据再生
  1419. data restructuring ==> 数据再构成
  1420. data retrieval ==> 数据检索
  1421. data sampling switch ==> 数据采样开关
  1422. data sampling unit ==> 数据取样仪
  1423. data save mode ==> 数据保存方式
  1424. data security ==> データの安全保護
  1425. data segment ==> 数据段
  1426. data separation ==> 数据区分,信息区分
  1427. data separator ==> 数据区分符号
  1428. data sequence ==> 数据序列
  1429. data set ==> 数据传输转换器,数据集
  1430. data set access ==> 数据集存取
  1431. data set allocation ==> 数据集分配
  1432. data set clocking ==> 数传机同步,数据装置同步,数据组定时
  1433. data set control block ==> 数据集控制块
  1434. data set coupler ==> 数据集联接器
  1435. data set entry ==> 数据集入口
  1436. data set I-O (in-out) ==> 数据集输出入
  1437. data set identification ==> 数据集识别
  1438. data set information ==> 数据集信息
  1439. data set instruction ==> 数据集指令
  1440. data set label ==> 数据集标号
  1441. data set migration ==> 数据集迁移
  1442. data set name ==> 数据集名
  1443. data set organization ==> 数据集结构
  1444. data set ready ==> 数据集就绪,数据装置就绪
  1445. data set reference number ==> 数据集引用号
  1446. data set sequence number ==> 数据集顺序号
  1447. data set serial number ==> 数据集序列号
  1448. data set utility ==> 数据集实用程序
  1449. data sharing ==> 数据共享=>データ共有
  1450. data sheet ==> 数据表,数据单,记录表,一览表
  1451. data shift right ==> 数据右移
  1452. data signaling ==> 数据信号传输
  1453. data signaling rate ==> 数据通信速度,数据信号速率=>データ信号速度
  1454. data signaling rate transparency ==> 数据通信速率透明性
  1455. data signalling rate ==> 数据传信率
  1456. data simulation ==> 数据模似
  1457. data sink ==> 数据宿,数据接收器=>データ受信装置
  1458. data size ==> 数据量
  1459. data slice ==> 位片微处理机
  1460. data slit ==> 数据间隙
  1461. data slot ==> 数据时间片
  1462. data smoothing ==> 数据平滑
  1463. data smoothing network ==> 数据滤波网络,数据平滑网络
  1464. data sorting system ==> 数据分拣设备
  1465. data source ==> 数据源=>データ送信装置
  1466. data source and sink ==> 数据收发装置
  1467. data spacing error ==> 数据间距错
  1468. data specification ==> 数据指定
  1469. data stabilization ==> 数据稳定
  1470. data stack ==> 数据栈
  1471. data staging ==> 数据分级
  1472. data statement ==> 数据语句
  1473. data station ==> 数据站=>データステーション
  1474. data storage ==> 数据存储
  1475. data storage area ==> 数据存储区
  1476. data storage device ==> 数据存储器
  1477. data storage system ==> 数据存储系统
  1478. data stream ==> 数据流
  1479. data strobe pulse ==> 数据选通脉冲
  1480. data structure ==> 数据结构
  1481. data structure choice ==> 数据结构选择
  1482. data structure diagram ==> 数据结构图
  1483. data structure mapping ==> 数据结构变换
  1484. data sublanguage ==> 数据子语言
  1485. data submodel ==> 数据子模型
  1486. data subset ==> 数据子集
  1487. data switch ==> 数据转接
  1488. data switching ==> 数据交换
  1489. data switching exchange ==> データ交換装置
  1490. data switching network ==> データ交換網
  1491. data synchro ==> 数据同步器,数据自整角机
  1492. data synchronization ==> 数据同步
  1493. data system interface ==> 数据系统接口
  1494. data system specifications ==> 数据系统规范
  1495. data systems integration ==> 数据系统集合
  1496. data tablet ==> 数据图形输入板
  1497. data taken signal ==> 取数据信号
  1498. data tape ==> 数据带
  1499. Data Telecommunication Center ==> (日本)全国银行电汇电脑中心
  1500. data terminal ==> 数据终端
  1501. data terminal equipment ==> データ端末装置
  1502. data terminal equipment (simple DTE) ==> 简易终端
  1503. data terminal ready ==> 数据终端就绪
  1504. data time ==> 数据存取时间
  1505. data to evaluate monetary policy ==> 金融政策评价资料
  1506. data to leaf analysis ==> 叶片分析数据
  1507. data track ==> 数据磁道,数据道
  1508. data transcription ==> 数据副本,数据转录
  1509. data transcription equipment ==> 数据转录设备
  1510. data transfer ==> 数据传送,数据传递
  1511. data transfer phase ==> データ転送段階
  1512. data transfer rate ==> 数据传送率,数据传输速率=>データ転送速度
  1513. data transmission ==> 数据传输,数据传送=>データ転送
  1514. data transmission bauds ==> 数据传输速度
  1515. data transmission channel ==> 数据传输通道=>伝送回線
  1516. data transmission interface ==> 数据传输接口
  1517. data transmission link ==> 数据传输线路
  1518. data transmission package ==> 数据传输装置
  1519. data transmission rate ==> データ転送速度
  1520. data transmission setup ==> 数据传输装置
  1521. data transmission system ==> 伝送システム, 情報伝送方式
  1522. data transmission testing set ==> 数据传送系统测试器
  1523. data transmission utilization measure ==> 数据传输效率
  1524. data transmission video display unit ==> 数据传输视频显示器
  1525. data type ==> 数据类型=>データ型
  1526. data type of a variable ==> 变量的数据类型,变量数据类型
  1527. data under voice (DUV) ==> 低于音频的数据
  1528. data unit ==> 数据单位,数据机
  1529. data use identifier ==> 数据使用标识符,数据应用标识符
  1530. data validation ==> 数据有效性=>データ検証
  1531. data validity ==> 数据有效性
  1532. data verifying program ==> 数据校验程序
  1533. data volume ==> 数据卷宗
  1534. data warehousing ==> データウェアハウジング
  1535. data way model ==> 数据通路模型
  1536. data window ==> 数据窗,从故障发生到模数转换器将输入的模拟量转换成足够精度的采样数据所需的时间间隔
  1537. data wire ==> 数据线
  1538. data withdrawal ==> 数据撤出,数据抽出
  1539. data word ==> 数据字
  1540. data-acquisition system ==> 数据获取系统
  1541. data-addressed memory ==> 数据地址存储
  1542. data-base management system (DBMS) ==> 数据库管理系统
  1543. data-based microinstruction ==> 以数据为基础的微指令
  1544. data-based microinstruction cycle ==> 以数据为基础的微指令周期
  1545. data-code ==> 数据编码系统
  1546. data-code indexing ==> 数据码检索
  1547. data-directed input-output ==> 直接数据输入输出
  1548. data-directed output ==> 数据定向输出
  1549. data-driven controller design ==> データ駆動型制御器設計
  1550. data-handling capacity ==> 数据处理能力
  1551. data-hold ==> 数据保持
  1552. data-in ==> 输入数据,数据输入
  1553. data-initiated control ==> 数据启动控制
  1554. data-input unit ==> 数据输入器
  1555. data-logging ==> 巡回检测,巡回检测
  1556. data-logging equipment ==> 动力装置参数自记仪,数据巡回检测装置
  1557. data-mining engine ==> データマイニングエンジン
  1558. data-oriented testing ==> 面向数据的检验
  1559. DATA-PHONE ==> 得它风
  1560. data-phone ==> 数据电话
  1561. DATA-PHONE adapter ==> 得它风适配器
  1562. DATA-PHONE digital service (DDS) ==> 得它风数字服务
  1563. data-processing inventory ==> 数据处理清单
  1564. data-sensitive fault ==> データ依存形障害
  1565. data-set ==> 数据传输机
  1566. data-signal ==> 数据信号
  1567. data-signalling rate ==> 数据传输率
  1568. data-switching center ==> 数据交换中心,数据转换中心
  1569. data-translating system ==> 数据翻译系统
  1570. data-transmission system ==> 数据传递系统
  1571. database ==> 数据库=>データベース
  1572. database engine ==> データベースエンジン
  1573. database identifier ==> 数据库标识符
  1574. database management system ==> 文献数据管理系统
  1575. datachable system stereo radio cassette recorder ==> 分离式立体声收录机
  1576. datagram ==> データグラム
  1577. datagram service ==> データグラムサービス
  1578. Datang International Power Generation Co, Ltd. ==> 大唐国際発電股★有限公司
  1579. Dataphone adaptor ==> 数据电话适配器
  1580. datasheet ==> 数据表
  1581. dataway ==> 机箱数据路
  1582. dataway operation ==> 机箱数据路操作
  1583. date ==> 日期,海枣,枣椰树=>期日
  1584. date closing ==> 结算日期
  1585. date commenced ==> 开始日期
  1586. date declaration ==> 宣布日期
  1587. date draft ==> 发票日后付款汇票
  1588. date indicator ==> 日历指示器
  1589. date issued ==> 发出日期
  1590. date kernel oil ==> 海枣油
  1591. date line ==> 日界线
  1592. date mark ==> 日戳,日期戳记,瓷器制造日期印记
  1593. date of approval of the contract ==> 批准合同之日
  1594. date of balance sheet ==> 资产负债表日期
  1595. date of clearance ==> 票据交换日期
  1596. date of completion of discharge ==> 卸讫日期
  1597. date of declaration ==> 宣布日
  1598. date of delivery ==> 交割日期,交货期,交货日期
  1599. date of discharge ==> 卸货日期
  1600. date of draft ==> 出票日期
  1601. date of exigibility of the obligation ==> 债务到期日
  1602. date of heading ==> 抽穗期
  1603. date of installation required ==> 要求安装日期
  1604. date of issue ==> 出票日期,发证日
  1605. date of landing ==> 卸货日期
  1606. date of payment ==> 支付日期
  1607. date of record ==> 截止过户日期
  1608. date of retirement ==> 报废期,(固定资产)报废日期
  1609. date of seeding ==> 播期
  1610. date of settlement ==> 决算日期,决算日期
  1611. date of shipping ==> 装船期限
  1612. date of substantial completion ==> 实际完工日期
  1613. date of tax levied ==> 纳税日期
  1614. date of test ==> 试验日期
  1615. date on which the claim becomes due ==> 债务到期日
  1616. date palm ==> 枣椰树,海枣
  1617. date payable ==> (股票)派息日
  1618. date rate ==> 日工资率
  1619. date stamp ==> 日期戳
  1620. date terms ==> 日期条件
  1621. date test ==> 播种期试验
  1622. date tested ==> 试验日期
  1623. date time group ==> 时序分组,日期时间组
  1624. date weighed of lamb ==> 羔羊称重日期
  1625. date-compiled ==> 编译完成日期
  1626. date-flower turbidity of the lens ==> 枣花翳
  1627. date-letter ==> 瓷器制造日期印记
  1628. dated ==> 保险日期
  1629. dated consumption claims ==> 标时消费请求权
  1630. Datel circuit ==> 得泰尔线路
  1631. dating ==> 定年龄,测定年代,信贷延期,年代测定=>年代測定
  1632. dating ahead ==> 日期填早
  1633. dating backward ==> 日期填迟
  1634. dating forward ==> 日期填早,开票日期提前
  1635. dating machine ==> 日付印字器
  1636. dating pulse ==> 整步脉冲
  1637. dating routine ==> 记日期程序
  1638. dating subroutine ==> 记日期子程序
  1639. dative bond ==> 配位键
  1640. datum ==> 基准,数据,资料,已知数
  1641. datum axis ==> 基线,基准轴线
  1642. datum axle ==> 底座轴
  1643. datum diameter ==> 基准直径
  1644. datum drag ==> 基本阻力
  1645. datum drift ==> 基准偏差,基准漂移
  1646. datum error ==> 数据误差
  1647. datum for reduction of sounding ==> 测深折算基点
  1648. datum grade ==> 基准标高
  1649. datum hole ==> 基孔,基准孔
  1650. datum level ==> 基准水平线,基准面,基准液面,零电平,海平面
  1651. datum line ==> 基准线
  1652. datum mark ==> 标高=>基准点
  1653. datum node ==> 参考结点,基准节点
  1654. datum of elevation ==> 高程基准面
  1655. datum of tidal level ==> 潮位基准面
  1656. datum plane ==> 基面,基线面,假设零位面,数据基准面,基准面=>基準面
  1657. datum plane for construction ==> 施工基准面
  1658. datum plane for sounding ==> 基准水平面
  1659. datum plane of gauge ==> 测站基面
  1660. datum plane position ==> 基准平面位置
  1661. datum point ==> 基准点
  1662. datum profile ==> 基准齿廓
  1663. datum quantity ==> 基准量,参考量
  1664. datum ray ==> 基准光线
  1665. datum reference ==> 参考基准
  1666. datum setting ==> 基准位置装定,基准线确定
  1667. datum speed ==> 给定速度
  1668. datum surface ==> 数据基准面
  1669. datum target ==> 基准目标
  1670. datum temperature ==> 基准温度
  1671. datum time ==> 起始时间
  1672. datum water level ==> 基准水平面
  1673. datum-centered ellipsoid ==> 参数共轴椭球
  1674. datum-plane ==> 基准水平
  1675. datura ==> 曼陀罗
  1676. datura flower ==> 洋金花
  1677. Daubechies wavelet ==> Daubechiesウエーブレット
  1678. Daubenton's plane ==> 道本顿平面
  1679. daubing ==> 炉底打结
  1680. daubing mud ==> 搪料
  1681. daught stud ==> 种羊繁场
  1682. daughter ==> 子体
  1683. daughter average ==> 女儿平均值法
  1684. daughter bacteria ==> 子菌
  1685. daughter bulb ==> 子鳞茎
  1686. daughter cell ==> 子细胞
  1687. daughter cells of the apical cell ==> 顶端细胞的子细胞
  1688. daughter chromatid ==> 子染色单体
  1689. daughter chromosome ==> 子染色单体
  1690. daughter colony ==> 子菌落
  1691. daughter lines ==> 子代品系
  1692. daughter nuclei ==> 子细胞核
  1693. daughter nucleus ==> 子核
  1694. daughter pox ==> 子痘
  1695. daughter product ==> 子体产物
  1696. daughter radioisotope ==> 派生放射性同位素
  1697. daughter redia ==> 子雷蚴
  1698. daughter sporocyst ==> 子胞蚴
  1699. daughter substance ==> 子系物质
  1700. daughter system ==> 子系统
  1701. daughter-cyst ==> 子囊
  1702. daughter-dam comparison ==> 母女比较法
  1703. daughter-dam regression ==> 母女回归
  1704. daul distribution ==> 双轨销售
  1705. daunting ==> 気力を失わせるような
  1706. daunting challenge ==> 手ごわい挑戦
  1707. daunting departure ==> 有去无回
  1708. daunting problem ==> 困難な問題
  1709. daunting responsibilities ==> 大変な責任
  1710. daunting task ==> 艰难的任务=>手ごわい課題
  1711. Dauphine hand ==> 道芬针
  1712. Dauphine law ==> 多菲定律
  1713. Dauphine twin ==> 道芬双晶
  1714. Dauphine twin law ==> 道芬双晶律
  1715. daurian rhododendron oil ==> 满山红油
  1716. Davenport law ==> ダベンポートの法則
  1717. David Deutsch ==> デイヴィッド・ドイッチュ
  1718. David Hilbert ==> 大卫·希尔伯特=>ダフィット·ヒルベルト
  1719. Davidon-Flecher-Powell variable metric method ==> 大卫顿-佛拉歇-鲍威变尺度法
  1720. Daviel's spoon ==> 晶状体匙
  1721. Davis bronze ==> 戴维斯镍青铜
  1722. Davis correction ==> デービスの補正
  1723. Davis Gibson filter ==> 戴维斯-吉布逊液体滤光器
  1724. Davis magnetic tester ==> 戴维斯磁性测定仪
  1725. Davis raft ==> 戴维斯排
  1726. Davis-Gibson filter ==> デビス・ギブソンフィルタ
  1727. Davisson coordinate ==> 戴维森坐标
  1728. davit ==> 吊杆,吊柱,吊锚柱
  1729. davit guy ==> 吊杆牵索
  1730. Davy lamp ==> 德氏安全灯
  1731. davy's lamp ==> 达维氏安全灯
  1732. davy's safety lamp ==> 达维氏安全灯
  1733. Dawes limit ==> 道斯极限
  1734. Dawes' limit ==> 道斯极限
  1735. dawn ==> 黎明
  1736. dawn shift ==> 清晨班
  1737. dawn side ==> 黎明侧
  1738. dawnside magnetosphere ==> 晨侧磁层
  1739. dawnside magnetotail ==> 晨侧磁层
  1740. Dawson's bronze ==> 道森轴承青铜,道氏青铜
  1741. Daxi culture pottery ==> 大溪文化陶器
  1742. daxk box ==> 暗箱
  1743. day ==> 白昼,昼,日
  1744. day ahead market ==> 1日前市場
  1745. day ahead power market ==> 前日市場シミュレーション
  1746. day airglow ==> 白昼大气辉光
  1747. day and night ==> 昼夜
  1748. day arc ==> 昼弧
  1749. day beacon ==> 昼标
  1750. day blindness ==> 昼盲
  1751. day book ==> 日记簿
  1752. day break ==> 拂晓
  1753. day breeze ==> 日风
  1754. day call ==> 日拆
  1755. day cell ==> 干电池
  1756. day clock ==> 日钟
  1757. day counter ==> 周历计数器
  1758. day degree ==> 日度
  1759. day disk(-sc) ==> 周历盘
  1760. day finger ==> 周历拨爪
  1761. day free of frost ==> 无霜日
  1762. day hand ==> 周历针
  1763. day hospital ==> 日间医院
  1764. day indicator ==> 周历盘
  1765. day labo(u)r ==> 短工
  1766. day labor ==> 日工
  1767. day length ==> 日长度,日照时间
  1768. day letter (DL) ==> 日间书信电报
  1769. day light ==> 日光
  1770. day lily ==> 黄花菜
  1771. day lily buds ==> 金针菜
  1772. day load ==> 日间负载=>昼間負荷
  1773. day loan ==> 日拆
  1774. day mineral ==> 地面矿
  1775. day neutral ==> 光期钝感,光照钝感的
  1776. day neutral plant ==> 光期钝感植物
  1777. day night rhythm ==> 昼夜节律
  1778. day nursery ==> 日间托儿所,日托托儿所
  1779. day of clear sky ==> 晴空日
  1780. day of due date ==> 满期日
  1781. day of hail ==> 雹日
  1782. day of maturity ==> 满期日
  1783. day of reckoning ==> 结帐日期
  1784. day of shipment price ==> 装运日价格
  1785. day of snow ==> 雪日
  1786. day of year ==> 积日
  1787. day on demurrage ==> 超过装御期限之日期,超过碇泊日期数
  1788. day order ==> 即日指示
  1789. day output ==> 日产量
  1790. day position ==> 白昼位置
  1791. day quick setting ==> 周历快速调整
  1792. day range ==> 白昼作用距离,日变化
  1793. day rate ==> 日工资,日工资率
  1794. day rate plan ==> 日给制
  1795. day release ==> 休工培训日
  1796. day roller ==> 周历盘
  1797. day shift ==> 白班
  1798. day sleep ==> 昼睡
  1799. day star ==> 启明星
  1800. day tank ==> 日槽,日池窑
  1801. day trade ==> 即日买卖
  1802. day trading ==> 日间交易
  1803. day value ==> 白天值
  1804. day wage system ==> 日给制
  1805. day with fog ==> 雾器
  1806. day with snow ==> 雪日
  1807. day with wind of gale force ==> 大风日
  1808. day without frost ==> 无霜日
  1809. day work system ==> 日工制,计时制
  1810. day worker ==> 日工
  1811. day's receivables ==> 平均应收帐款日期
  1812. day's run ==> 周日航程
  1813. day's work ==> 周日航行定位工作,每日工程
  1814. day-ahead trade subsystem, DATS ==> 日前交易子系统,根据相关电力市场信息和电力系统运行数据,依据市场规则制订次日的交易计划并对交易过程进行管理的子系统
  1815. day-ahead trading ==> 日前交易,相对实时运行提前一天进行的次日24小时的电能交易(为了与特指日内交易的现货交易相区别,一般又称日前现货交易)
  1816. day-and-date device ==> 双历装置
  1817. day-and-night shop ==> 日夜商店
  1818. day-care center ==> 日托中心,白日护理中心
  1819. day-date ==> 双历
  1820. day-light filling ==> 白昼装片
  1821. day-neutral plant ==> 中性植物
  1822. day-night cycle ==> 全日循环
  1823. day-night neutral plant ==> 日夜兼适植物
  1824. day-night temperature ==> 昼夜温度
  1825. day-nurse ==> 日班护士
  1826. day-old to death system ==> 终生制
  1827. day-to-day accommodation ==> 日拆
  1828. day-to-day account ==> 流水帐
  1829. day-to-day business ==> 日常业务
  1830. day-to-day goods ==> 日用品
  1831. day-to-day loss control ==> 每天燃料损耗的确定
  1832. day-to-day maintenance ==> 日常维修
  1833. day-to-day test ==> 每天试验
  1834. day-to-day work ==> 日常工作
  1835. Dayan ==> (西班牙)达扬尼龙6纤维
  1836. Dayao ==> 大窑
  1837. daybreak ==> 黎明
  1838. dayflower ==> 鸭跖草
  1839. dayflying moth ==> 天蚕蛾
  1840. dayglow ==> 白天气辉,日辉
  1841. Dayi kilns ==> 大邑窑
  1842. daylight ==> 昼光
  1843. daylight change ==> 日照时间变化
  1844. daylight controls ==> 日光控制
  1845. daylight display ==> 昼間負荷
  1846. daylight effect ==> 昼光效应
  1847. daylight factor ==> 采光系数,昼光因数,日光系数,日光照明率=>昼光
  1848. daylight film ==> 日光型彩色胶片
  1849. daylight filter ==> 昼光滤光器
  1850. daylight fireball ==> 白昼火流星
  1851. daylight glass ==> 日光玻璃
  1852. daylight illumination ==> 日光照明
  1853. daylight lamp ==> 日光灯
  1854. daylight opening ==> 压板间距,压机压板间距,采光口
  1855. daylight opening DLO ==> (压机的)台面距
  1856. daylight operation ==> 亮室操作
  1857. daylight overdraft ==> 日间透支
  1858. daylight press ==> 多层压机
  1859. daylight ratio ==> 天然照明率
  1860. daylight saving meridian ==> 日光节约子午线
  1861. daylight saving noon ==> 日光节约正午
  1862. daylight saving time ==> 日光节约时间
  1863. daylight saving time (DST) ==> 夏令时间
  1864. daylight saving time (即夏令时) ==> 经济时,经济时
  1865. daylight speed ==> 日光感光度
  1866. daylight stream ==> 白昼流星群
  1867. daylight tyep colour film ==> 日光型彩色胶片
  1868. daylight vision ==> 明视觉,昼光觉,昼视觉
  1869. daylight width ==> 采光宽度
  1870. daylighting ==> 采光=>高輝度表示
  1871. daylighting area ==> 采光面积
  1872. daylighting band ==> 采光带
  1873. daylighting design ==> 采光设计
  1874. dayloan ==> 一天贷款
  1875. daymark ==> 白昼标志
  1876. days after planting ==> 播后日数
  1877. days dry ==> 停奶日数
  1878. days inventory ratio ==> 每日存货比率
  1879. days of average inventory ==> 平均存货期,平均库存天数
  1880. days of grace ==> 延期宽限日,宽限日,宽延期,恩惠日
  1881. days of operation ==> 运转天数
  1882. days when available ==> 可使用的日数
  1883. dayside ==> 白昼侧
  1884. daytime ==> 白昼,昼
  1885. daytime meteor ==> 白昼流星
  1886. daytime radiance ==> 白昼辐射率
  1887. daytime resolution ==> 白昼分辨率
  1888. daytime sensitivity ==> 白昼灵敏度
  1889. daytime stream ==> 白昼流星群
  1890. daytime train ==> 白昼流星余迹
  1891. daytime transparency ==> 白昼天空透明度
  1892. dazzle ==> 眩目
  1893. dazzle lamp ==> 汽车头灯,强光前灯
  1894. dazzling white ==> 炽白光
  1895. DB ==> Double-Bottom双钮
  1896. DB, data base ==> 数据库=>データベース
  1897. DB, data buffer ==> データバッファ
  1898. DB, data bus ==> 数据总线
  1899. db, decibel ==> デシベル
  1900. DB, detonating block ==> 伝爆ブロック
  1901. DB, diode box ==> ダイオードボックス
  1902. DB, distribution box ==> デストリビューションボックス
  1903. DB, dry bulb temperature ==> 乾球温度
  1904. db-loss ==> 分贝衰减
  1905. dB-normal distribution ==> dB-正規分布
  1906. DBA, data base administrator ==> データベース管理者
  1907. DBA, despin bearing assembly ==> デスピン部軸受機構
  1908. DBC, data bus coupler ==> データバスカップラー
  1909. DBD, dielectric barrier dischage ==> 誘電体バリア放電
  1910. DBE, dynamic balance electronics ==> ダイナミックバランス電子装置
  1911. DBH Destroyed By Hurricane ==> 被飓风毁坏
  1912. DBI, database interface ==> "The DBI is a database interface module for Perl. It defines a set of methods, variables and conventions that provide a consistent database interface independent of the actual database being used."
  1913. dBi, decibel with reference to isotropic gain ==> 等方性アンテナと比較したアンテナの利得
  1914. DBIA, data bus isolation amplifier ==> データバス絶縁増幅器
  1915. dbjective state ==> 目标状态
  1916. DBK, data book ==> データブック
  1917. dbl, double ==> 重複
  1918. DBM(S), Data Bace Maintenance (System) ==> データベースの統合管理(システム)。
  1919. DBM, data base management ==> 数据库管理=>データベース管理
  1920. DBM, Data Base Management (Unix) ==> データベース
  1921. dBm, decibels above one milliwatt ==> 1mWに対するデシベル,電力利得
  1922. DBM, dynamic balance mechanism ==> ダイナミックバランス機構(機械軸とスピン軸のズレを修正する)
  1923. DBMS computer ==> 数据库管理系统计算机
  1924. DBMS, data base management system ==> 数据库管理系统=>データベース管理システム
  1925. DBS Destroyed By Storm ==> 被暴风雨毁坏
  1926. DBS, data bus system ==> データバスシステム
  1927. DBS, direct broadcast sounder ==> 直接放送サウンダー
  1928. DBS, Direct Broadcasting Satellite ==> 直接放送衛星
  1929. DBTF, dynamic bench test facility ==> ダイナミックベンチテスト装置
  1930. dBW, decibels above one watt ==> 電力利得
  1931. dc ==> 直流
  1932. DC amplifier ==> 直流放大器
  1933. DC amplifier circuit ==> 直流増幅回路
  1934. dc arc welder ==> 直羚弧焊机
  1935. dc arc welding ==> 直羚弧焊
  1936. DC arrester ==> 直流避雷器
  1937. DC auxiliary power system analysis ==> DC補助回路解析
  1938. DC bias voltage ==> 直流バイアス,直流成分が増大する方向に1kVの直流電圧をバイアスした時の直流成分の常規使用電圧を印加した時の値からの増加分
  1939. DC biomedical signal ==> 直流生地信号
  1940. DC breakdown voltage ==> 直流击穿电压
  1941. DC brushless motor ==> ブラシレスモータ,ブラシレスDCモータ
  1942. DC bus arrester ==> 直流母線避雷器
  1943. DC bus current detection ==> 直流母線電流検出
  1944. DC cable ==> 直流ケーブル
  1945. DC capacitor voltage ==> 直流コンデンサ電圧
  1946. DC choke charging ==> 扼流圈直流充电
  1947. DC circuit breaker ==> 直流遮断器
  1948. DC compensating network ==> 直流补偿网络
  1949. DC component ==> 直流分量
  1950. DC component current ==> 直流成分,絶縁体の交流充電電流に含まれる微小直流成分
  1951. DC composite insulator ==> 直流复合绝缘子
  1952. DC compound motor ==> 直流复激电动机
  1953. DC conducting ==> 直流通電
  1954. DC control circuit ==> 直流操作回路
  1955. DC converter ==> 直流変換回路
  1956. DC corona ==> 直流电晕
  1957. DC corona loss ==> 直流电晕损失
  1958. DC coupled ==> 直流耦合的
  1959. DC coupling ==> 直流耦合
  1960. dc current interruption ==> 直流電流遮断
  1961. DC current transformer ==> 直流変流器
  1962. DC damping circuit ==> 線路用ダンピング回路
  1963. DC De-Icer system ==> 直流融冰装置,直流融冰主要是通过对输电线路施加直流电压并在输电线路末端进行短路,使导线发热对输电线路进行融冰,从而避免线路因结冰而倒杆断线
  1964. DC decay testing method ==> 直流試験法
  1965. DC Direct Current ==> 直流电
  1966. dc distributed system ==> 直流分散システム
  1967. DC distribution ==> 直流配電
  1968. DC drive ==> 直流传动,直流驱动
  1969. dc ecm ==> 恒羚解加工
  1970. DC electric railway ==> 直流電気鉄道
  1971. DC electric rolling stock ==> 直流電気車
  1972. dc electronic motor ==> 离子式直流电动机
  1973. DC electronic motor ==> 离子式直流电动机
  1974. DC emergency oil pump ==> 直流事故润滑油泵,在厂用电消失,或主油泵发生故障,交流备用油泵无法起动时,由直流电动机驱动供给润滑用油的备用油泵
  1975. DC feeding system ==> 直流き電回路
  1976. DC filter ==> 直流フィルタ
  1977. DC form factor ==> 直流波形因数,整流电流波形因素
  1978. DC gap ==> 直流ギャップ
  1979. dc generator ==> 直立电机
  1980. DC generator ==> 直流発電機
  1981. DC generator regulator ==> 直流发电机调节器
  1982. DC glow discharge ==> 直流グロー放電
  1983. DC high-voltage system ==> 高压直流系统
  1984. DC interconnection ==> 直流連系
  1985. DC leakage current ==> 直流漏れ電流,絶縁体に直流電圧を印加したときの吸収電流と漏れ電流の絶対値,電流-時間特性,特異点の有無
  1986. DC line arrester ==> 直流線路避雷器
  1987. DC line fault ==> 直流线路故障
  1988. DC line surge diverter ==> 直流線路避雷器
  1989. DC link ==> 直流連系
  1990. DC linked system ==> 直流接続システム
  1991. DC machine ==> 直流機
  1992. dc machine ==> 直龙
  1993. DC machine for electric mining shovel ==> 电矿铲用直流电机
  1994. DC machine, direct current machine ==> 直流电机,直流电机是一种将直流电能转换成机械能(直流电动机)或将机械能转换成直流电能(直流发电机)的旋转电机
  1995. DC magnetization ==> 直流偏磁
  1996. DC method ==> 直流法
  1997. DC method of power flow calculation ==> 潮流计算直流法,计算电力系统有功潮流分布的一种基于线性模型的简化快速算法
  1998. DC motor ==> 直流電動機,直流モータ
  1999. dc motor ==> 直羚动机
  2000. DC offset ==> 直流分。asymmetry of the voltage or current waveform caused by presence of an important dc component.
  2001. DC potential transformer ==> 直流変成器
  2002. DC power network ==> 直流電力ネットワーク
  2003. DC power supply ==> 直流電源
  2004. DC power transmission ==> 直流输电,以直流形式输送电能的方式
  2005. DC push pull amplifier ==> 直流推挽放大器
  2006. DC rate ==> 发展中国家优惠关税税率
  2007. DC reactor ==> 直流リアクトル
  2008. DC reclosing relay ==> 直流再閉路リレー
  2009. DC resistance measurement for stator and rotor winding ==> 定、转子绕组直流电阻的测量,用直流电源对定子的三相绕组和转子绕组分别测量其直流电阻
  2010. DC restorer diode ==> 钳位电路二极管
  2011. dc series motor ==> 串激直流电动机
  2012. DC series motor ==> 串激直流电动机
  2013. DC servo motor ==> 直流伺服电动机=>直流サーボモータ
  2014. DC servomechanism ==> 直流伺服机构
  2015. DC servomotor ==> 直流伺服电动机
  2016. DC solenoid ==> 直流ソレノイド
  2017. DC static convertor ==> 直流静止变流
  2018. DC superposition ==> 直流電圧重畳,活線下で直流電圧を重畳した時の直流漏れ電流
  2019. DC surge capacitor ==> サージキャパシタ
  2020. DC tachogenerator ==> 直流测速发电机
  2021. DC train ==> 直流電車
  2022. DC transmission line ==> 直流送電線
  2023. DC transmission line fault locator ==> 直流线路故障定位装置,利用测量故障行波到达两端换流站的时间差,并由全球卫星定位系统(GPS)统一定时,用以判定直流线路故障位置的检测装置
  2024. DC voltage abnormality protection ==> 直流电压异常保护,当直流电压发生过电压或欠电压时,按预定进行有关设备的投切或启仃,以保护换流器和所有需承担直流电压的设备
  2025. dc voltage balancing ==> 直流電圧バランス
  2026. DC voltage ratio ==> 直流分圧比
  2027. DC voltage transformer ==> 直流計器用変圧器
  2028. DC voltage withstand test ==> 直流耐压试验,利用直流电压对绝缘(物体)进行耐压能力考核的试验
  2029. DC voltmeter ==> 直流电压表
  2030. DC withstand voltage test and leakage current measurement for stator winding ==> 定子绕组直流耐压试验和泄漏电流试验,对定子的三相绕组逐相地施加规定的直流高电压,并在升压的每一阶段分别测定其泄漏电流,对各相每一阶段的电流数值进行自身比较和三相之间互相比较,以发现绝缘局部缺陷的电气试验
  2031. DC&RMO, display console & radar master oscillator ==> 表示盤とレーダ主発信振器
  2032. DC, chopper system, DC pulse converter system ==> 直流チョッパ方式
  2033. DC, data cell ==> 数据单元
  2034. DC, data channel ==> 数据通道
  2035. DC, data collection ==> 数据收集
  2036. DC, data communication ==> 数据通信=>データ通信
  2037. DC, delayed command ==> 遅延コマンド
  2038. DC, Direct Current ==> 直流
  2039. DC, direct current ==> 直流电
  2040. DC, district center ==> 中心局
  2041. DC, dow corning ==> ダウコーニング
  2042. DC, down-converter ==> 周波数逓降変換機
  2043. DC, downrange controller ==> ダウンレンジ主任
  2044. DC, drawing change ==> 图纸更改
  2045. DC, drill collar ==> 钻铤
  2046. DC, loop type distribution system ==> 直流ループ型配電システム
  2047. DC, network analyzer ==> 直流計算盤
  2048. DC-AC converter ==> 直流交流变换机
  2049. DC-AC inverter ==> 直流交流逆变器
  2050. DC-AC power inversion ==> 直流交流功率交换
  2051. DC-based de-icer ==> 直流融冰装置
  2052. DC-based deicing ==> 直流融冰
  2053. dc-dc converter ==> DC-DCコンバータ
  2054. DC-DC LVDT displacement transducer ==> 直流差动变压器式位移传感器
  2055. DC-DC power conversion ==> DC-DC電力変換
  2056. DC-Electrified railways ==> 直流電気鉄道
  2057. dc-link voltage balancing ==> 直流電圧バランス
  2058. DC-link voltage control ==> 直流母線電圧制御
  2059. DC-RF deflector system ==> 静电-射频偏转系统,静电-射频偏转系统
  2060. dc-to-ac inverter ==> 逆变器
  2061. DC/AC converter ==> 直流电/交流电转换器
  2062. DC/DC converter ==> DC/DCコンバータ
  2063. DC/DC, direct current to direct current converter ==> 直流/直流電圧変換器
  2064. DCA, Dynamic Channel Assignment ==> 動的割当方式
  2065. DCAA, Defense Contract Auditing Agency ==> 防衛契約に関する会計検査院
  2066. DCASR, defense contract administrative service region ==> 防衛契約に関する行政サービス地域
  2067. DCB, directional comparison blocking ==> DCB
  2068. DCC, differential cross-current compensator ==> 差動横流補償装置
  2069. DCC, duty cycle controller ==> 分割周期制御器
  2070. DCCB, design change control board ==> 設計変更管理委員会
  2071. dccd ==> 数字电荷耦合装置
  2072. dccl ==> 直接电荷耦合逻辑
  2073. DCDP, design certification data package ==> 設計許可に関するデータ集
  2074. DCE, data circuit terminating equipment ==> 数据电路终接设备=>データ回線終端装置
  2075. DCE, Data Circuit-terminating Equipment ==> データ回線終端装置
  2076. DCE, despin control electronics ==> デスピン制御電子回路
  2077. DCE, Distributid Computing Environment ==> OSF(Open Software Foundation)が提唱する分散コンピューティング環境の枠組みと,これの実現のためにOSFが開発したソフトウェア群のこと。
  2078. DCEC, Dongfeng Cummins Engine Co., Ltd ==> 东风康明斯发动机有限公司
  2079. DCFC, carbon-air fuel cell ==> ダイレクトカーボン燃料電池
  2080. DCG, Development Coordination Group ==> DCG(EMTP協同開発組織)
  2081. DCHG, discharge ==> 放電
  2082. DCHV, direct current high voltage ==> 直流高圧
  2083. DCI, document change instruction ==> 文書改訂指示書
  2084. DCL ==> 直流リアクトル
  2085. DCLS, data collection and location system ==> データ収集と所在地システム
  2086. DCLT, dynamic closed loop test ==> 動的閉ループ試験
  2087. DCLV, direct current low voltage ==> 直流低電圧
  2088. DCM, data control module ==> データコントロールモジュール
  2089. DCM, Display Control Module ==> 表示制御モジュール
  2090. DCMC ==> ダイオードクランプ形マルチレベル変換器
  2091. DCMO, Documentation and Configuration Management Office ==> ドキュメンテーションコンフィギュレーション管理局
  2092. DCN, document change notice ==> 文書改定通知=>文書改訂通知書
  2093. DCO, document change order ==> 文書変更指示書
  2094. DCO, double command ==> DCO
  2095. DCOM, Distributed Commponent Object Model ==> MS社が策定したコンポーネント技術のCOMを拡張し分散環境に対応させたもの。
  2096. DCP, data collection platform ==> 資料収集局
  2097. DCPI, data collection platform interrogation ==> 資料収集局呼出
  2098. Dcppio movimento ==> 加快一倍
  2099. DCPR, data collection platform report ==> 資料収集局報告
  2100. DCPRS, data collection platform radio set ==> 遠隔気象データ収集局無線器
  2101. DCPS, Defense Communications Satellite Program ==> 国防通信衛星計画
  2102. DCR, design certification review ==> 設計許可審査会,設計確認審査
  2103. DCr, directional comparison protection relay ==> 方向比較保護継電装置
  2104. DCR, drawing change request ==> 図面変更指示書
  2105. DCREO, drawing change request engineering order ==> 技術変更指示書,(図面変更要求技術指示書)
  2106. DCS, data collection system ==> データ収集システム
  2107. DCS, data communication system ==> データ通信システム
  2108. DCS, decompression sickness ==> 潜水病,減圧病
  2109. DCS, directory catalog service ==> ディレクトリカタログサービス
  2110. DCS, Distributed Control System ==> 分散控制系统,集散控制系统
  2111. DCS-ANT, DCS antenna ==> DCS用アンテナ
  2112. DCSR, dual channel scanning radiometer ==> 二波長走査放射計
  2113. DCST, data collection system transponder ==> データ収集システム用中継器
  2114. DCT, differential current transformer ==> 差動変流器
  2115. dctecting element ==> 检测端
  2116. dctl ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑
  2117. dctl gate ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑门
  2118. DCTL system ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑系统
  2119. DCU, data control unit ==> データコントロールユニット
  2120. DCU, dedicated control unit ==> 専用制御装置
  2121. DD Dry-Docking ==> 干船坞
  2122. DD&E, DOD research and engineering ==> 国防省リサーチとエンジニアリング
  2123. DD, data set definition ==> データセット定義
  2124. DD, direct drive ==> 直接駆動
  2125. DD/DS, data dictionary and directory system ==> データディクショナリディレクトリシステム
  2126. DDA, digital differential analyzer ==> デジタル微分解析器
  2127. DDC, data distribution channel ==> DDC
  2128. DDC, Defense Documentation Center ==> 国防ドキュメンテーションセンター
  2129. DDC, Direct Digital Cotrol ==> DDC
  2130. DDC, direct drag control ==> 直接抗力制御
  2131. Dderlein's bacillus ==> 德得来因氏杆菌
  2132. DDF, dynamic degree of freedom ==> 動的自由度
  2133. DDK, device driver kit ==> DDK
  2134. DDL, data definition language ==> データ定義言語
  2135. DDM, design drafting and manufacturing ==> 設計製図及び製造
  2136. DDP Delivered Duty Paid ==> 缴付递送货物税款
  2137. DDP, deliverable data package ==> 引渡し可能データパッケージ
  2138. DDPS, digital data processing system ==> デジタルデータ処理システム
  2139. DDR, diversity data receiver ==> ダイバシティデータ受信機
  2140. DDRTS, digital dynamic real time simulator ==> 数字动态实时仿真系统(北京博电殷图)
  2141. DDS, data demodulator subsystem ==> データ復調器系サブシステム
  2142. DDS, data display system ==> データディスプレイシステム
  2143. DDS, Drug Delivery System ==> 薬物送達システム
  2144. DDT poisoning ==> 滴滴涕中毒,二二三中毒
  2145. DDT&E, design development test and evaluation ==> 設計,開発,試験及び評価
  2146. DDT, Deflagration to Detonation Transition ==> 燃焼状態がデフラグレーション(亜音速燃焼)からデトネーション(爆轟)へ遷移すること
  2147. DDTC ==> 国務省・防衛取引管理局
  2148. DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid ==> 未缴付递送货物税款
  2149. DDU, data display unit ==> データ表示ユニット
  2150. DDX, digital data exchange system ==> デジタルデータ交換システム
  2151. de Beurmann-Gougerot disease ==> 孢子丝菌病
  2152. de Broglie equation ==> 德布罗意关系式
  2153. De Broglie equation ==> 德布罗意方程
  2154. de Broglie frequency ==> 德布罗意频率
  2155. De Broglie wave ==> 德布罗意波
  2156. de Brun-van Eckstein rearrangement ==> 德布隆-范埃克施泰因重排
  2157. de Gua's rule ==> 德古阿法则
  2158. de Hass-Schubnikov oscillation ==> 德哈斯-舒尼科夫振动
  2159. de Hass-Van Alphen effect ==> 德哈斯-范阿耳芬效应
  2160. de Hass-Van Alphen oscillation ==> 德哈斯-范阿耳芬振动
  2161. de la Rue and Miller's law ==> 德拉鲁和弥勒定律
  2162. de la Tour method ==> 德拉图尔法
  2163. De Laval centrifuger ==> 德拉伐乳液离心机
  2164. De Laval noz(zle) ==> 拉伐尔喷管,缩放喷管
  2165. De Laval spool dryer ==> 德拉伐耳式筒管丝烘干机
  2166. De Laval turbine ==> 德拉伐尔式汽轮机,单级冲动式汽轮机
  2167. De Lima's operation ==> 经上颌窦筛窦手术,经上颌窦筛窦手术
  2168. de luxe ==> 豪华本
  2169. De Marre formula ==> 德马尔公式
  2170. De Meritens alternator ==> 德梅里登同步发电机
  2171. de Moivre's formula ==> ド・モアブルの公式,Abraham de Moivre, 1667-1754,De Moivre is remembered for his formula for (cos x + i sin x)**n which took trigonometry into analysis.Despite de Moivre's scientific eminence his main income was by tutoring mathematics and he died in poverty.
  2172. De Moivre's theorem ==> ド・モアブルの定理
  2173. de Morgan's law ==> ド・モルガンの法則
  2174. De Morgan's laws ==> 德摩根定律
  2175. De Morgan's rule ==> 德摩尔根法则
  2176. De Morgan's test ==> 德摩尔根检验准则
  2177. De Morgans law ==> 德摩根定理
  2178. de novo synthesis ==> 从头合成
  2179. De Salle's line ==> 鼻线
  2180. De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome ==> 干皮性痴呆综合征
  2181. De Sauty method ==> 德绍蒂法
  2182. De Sauty's bridge ==> 德绍蒂电桥
  2183. de Sitter space ==> 德西特空间
  2184. de Sitter universe ==> 德西特宇宙
  2185. DE Subcommittee on Ship Design and Equipment (IMO) ==> 船只设计和设备小组委员会
  2186. de Vaucouleurs-Sandage classification ==> 伏古勒-桑德奇分类
  2187. DE, development engineering ==> 開発技術
  2188. DE, directory entry ==> ディレクトリ登録
  2189. DE, dose equipment ==> 線量装置
  2190. DE, dose equivalent ==> 線量当量(等価吸収線量)
  2191. DE, Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment ==> 設備設計小委員会
  2192. de-aired brick ==> 去气砖
  2193. de-aired clay ==> 去气粘土
  2194. de-aired concrete ==> 去气混凝土
  2195. de-airing auger ==> 脱气挤泥机
  2196. de-airing mixer ==> 真空搅拌机
  2197. de-airing of clay ==> 泥料真空处理
  2198. de-airing pug mill ==> 真空捏土机
  2199. de-blocking scheme system ==> 解除闭锁方案的系统
  2200. de-burring machine ==> 除草籽机
  2201. de-editor program ==> 反编辑程序
  2202. de-efferented state ==> 传出径路切断状态
  2203. de-electrifying ==> 去电
  2204. de-electronation ==> 去电子作用
  2205. de-embryonated egg ==> 去胚卵
  2206. de-emphasis ==> 去加重=>デエンファシス
  2207. de-emphasis network ==> 去重网络,反预斜网络
  2208. de-emulsification ==> 脱乳化,乳浊澄清
  2209. de-energize ==> 消磁
  2210. de-etherization ==> 脱醚法
  2211. de-excitation system ==> 灭磁系统
  2212. de-excitation time-constant ==> 灭磁时间常数
  2213. De-Forest coil ==> 蜂巢线圈
  2214. de-icing ==> 融冰
  2215. De-Icing and/or-Snowing of Transmission Line by Shock Force ==> 衝撃による電力線着氷雪除去に関する研究
  2216. de-icing solvent ==> 除冰溶剂
  2217. de-icing system ==> 除氷装置
  2218. de-ionization ==> イオン消失
  2219. de-ionization rate ==> イオン消失率
  2220. de-ionized water ==> 去离子水
  2221. de-iron ==> 去铁
  2222. de-ironing separator ==> 除铁器
  2223. de-Lavaud process ==> 离心铸管法
  2224. de-nol tablet ==> 德诺片
  2225. de-oiling ==> 脱油
  2226. de-piling crane ==> 叠板卸垛吊车
  2227. de-piling equipment ==> 储料卸出台
  2228. de-skilling ==> 降低作业的技术程度
  2229. De-vanning charge ==> 拆箱费
  2230. DEA, data envelopment analysis ==> 包絡分析法
  2231. deacidification ==> 除酸
  2232. Deacon process ==> 迪肯法
  2233. deactivation ==> 灭活作用,钝化
  2234. deactivation column ==> 减活化柱
  2235. deactivation constant ==> 钝化常数
  2236. deactivation of support ==> 栽体的纯化,载体钝化
  2237. deactivation process ==> 去激活过程
  2238. deactuate pressure ==> 反工作压力
  2239. dead ==> 不带电,静的,固定连接的,失效的,不灵敏的
  2240. dead abutment ==> 隐蔽式桥台,止推轴承
  2241. dead ahead ==> 正前方
  2242. dead air ==> 闭塞空气,静空气,静空气,静止空气,静止空气,死空气
  2243. dead air insulation ==> 静止空气绝缘,静止空气绝缘
  2244. dead and down ==> 死倒木
  2245. dead angle ==> 死角
  2246. dead annealing ==> 完全退火
  2247. dead arc ==> 残留岛弧
  2248. dead area ==> 死滞区,遮蔽面积
  2249. dead arm ==> 死枝
  2250. dead arm of grape ==> 葡萄蔓割病
  2251. dead axle ==> 静轴,静轴,从动轴,定轴,不动车轴,不转轴,固定车轴
  2252. dead band ==> 死区=>不感帯
  2253. dead band error ==> 死区误差
  2254. dead bank ==> 停煤燃烧
  2255. dead banking ==> 长期封炉
  2256. dead bargain ==> 卖价极便宜的交易
  2257. dead beat ==> 不摆
  2258. dead beat discharge ==> 不摆放电
  2259. dead beat escapement ==> 不摆擒纵机
  2260. dead beat galvanometer ==> 不摆检流计
  2261. dead block ==> 缓冲器,(拉丝机的)固定卷筒
  2262. dead body ==> 死身
  2263. dead bolt ==> 锁定插销
  2264. dead bolt lock ==> 弹子门锁
  2265. dead born ==> 死胎
  2266. dead brake lever ==> 固定闸杆
  2267. dead brake lever guide ==> 固定闸杆导承
  2268. dead burning ==> 死烧,死角燃烧,僵烧
  2269. dead burnt limestone ==> 死烧石灰石
  2270. dead burnt magnesite ==> 重烧镁
  2271. dead card ==> 停用卡片
  2272. dead cast ==> 钢丝盘卷均匀
  2273. dead center ==> 死点,车床尾顶尖,止点
  2274. dead center ignition ==> 死点发火
  2275. dead center mark ==> 死点记号
  2276. dead center of lathe ==> 车床尾顶尖
  2277. dead center position ==> 死点位置
  2278. dead channel ==> 残遗河段
  2279. dead circuit ==> 空路,死电路
  2280. dead coil ==> 死线圈,无效线圈=>あきコイル
  2281. dead color ==> 暗色
  2282. dead colour ==> 不鲜明的色彩
  2283. dead conjugation ==> 廃用活用
  2284. dead contact ==> 开路接点,死接触,闲接点=>あき接点
  2285. dead door ==> 假门
  2286. dead earth ==> 完全接地=>安全接地,全地気
  2287. dead earthed neutral system ==> 中性点接地系统
  2288. dead end ==> デッドエンド(音響)
  2289. dead end effect ==> 空匝效应
  2290. dead expense ==> 非生产性费用
  2291. dead eye ==> 孔板伸缩节,轴承眼圈
  2292. dead faint ==> 失神
  2293. dead fallowing ==> 秋耕休闲
  2294. dead fault ==> 死断层
  2295. dead fetus syndrome ==> 胎儿死亡综合征
  2296. dead file ==> 停用文件
  2297. dead flat hammer ==> 矫平面锤,平正锤
  2298. dead frame yarn ==> 埋入绒头垫纱
  2299. dead freight ==> 空舱费
  2300. dead from first larvae ==> 第一代幼虫致死
  2301. dead front switchboard ==> 面板无接线的配电盘
  2302. dead front type switchboard ==> 固定面板式配电盘
  2303. dead furrow ==> 死沟,堵头沟
  2304. dead germ ==> 死胚
  2305. dead glacier ==> 死冰川
  2306. dead glass ==> 不流动玻璃液
  2307. dead groove ==> 闭口式轧槽
  2308. dead ground ==> 射击死角,直通地,完全接地,盲区,无矿地层
  2309. dead halt ==> 完全停机
  2310. dead hand ==> 死手
  2311. dead hearth generator ==> 死膛发生炉
  2312. dead hole ==> 死孔,盲孔,不通孔,(爆炸后的)残眼
  2313. dead horizon ==> 死土层
  2314. dead in line ==> 轴线重合
  2315. dead joint ==> 不可分连接,死连接,固定连接
  2316. dead key ==> 静键,静键
  2317. dead knife ==> 底刀
  2318. dead knot ==> (木材的)腐节
  2319. dead layer ==> 死层
  2320. dead leg ==> 盲管段
  2321. dead length ==> 截止长度
  2322. dead level ==> 空层,静水位,静水位,静态电平,静态电平,绝对高程,绝对高程,绝对水平,绝对水平,零电平=>あき段
  2323. dead lever ==> 固定杆
  2324. dead lever trunk ==> 空层中继线
  2325. dead line ==> 停电线路,安全界线,静线,静线,截止线,截止行
  2326. dead line date ==> 締切日
  2327. dead line effect ==> 截止时间作用
  2328. dead load ==> 结构自重,静负荷,静负荷,静荷载,静荷载,静载荷,静载荷,死荷载,固定负荷,固定负载,恒载,自重=>むだ負荷,死荷重
  2329. dead loading ==> 恒载
  2330. dead loss ==> 净亏损额,净亏损额,净损失,净损失,纯损失,固定损失,空匝损耗=>むだ損
  2331. dead man ==> 死铁
  2332. dead margin ==> 边缘枯萎
  2333. dead matter ==> 待拆活字版
  2334. dead melt ==> 静熔,静熔
  2335. dead melted steel ==> 镇静钢
  2336. dead melting ==> 静炼,静炼
  2337. dead memory ==> 静止存储器,静止存储器
  2338. dead metal ==> 废玻璃液
  2339. dead metal region ==> 死金属区
  2340. dead mild steel ==> 超低碳钢,极软碳钢
  2341. dead milled rubber ==> 重压橡皮
  2342. dead milling ==> 重压
  2343. dead motor ==> 关闭的电动机
  2344. dead mouth ==> 硬口马
  2345. dead nettle ==> 野芝麻
  2346. dead network ==> 去源网络
  2347. dead number ==> 空号=>むだ番
  2348. dead pass ==> 空轧孔型
  2349. dead pile yarn ==> 埋头绒头纱
  2350. dead plant part ==> 植物残体
  2351. dead plaster ==> 无水硫酸钙
  2352. dead plate ==> 盲板,障热板,固定板,(行列式制瓶机)固定冷却板
  2353. dead point ==> 静点,哑点,止点,死点,又称“固定点”。转子和汽缸在热胀和冷缩过程中的基准点=>死点
  2354. dead point of conversion gain ==> 变换增益的死点
  2355. dead position ==> 静局势,静局势
  2356. dead program(me) ==> 停用程序
  2357. dead pulley ==> 惰轮
  2358. dead pulp ==> 坏死性牙髓
  2359. dead quartz ==> 贫矿石英
  2360. dead rail ==> 非测重钢轨
  2361. dead rear axle ==> 固定式后轴
  2362. dead reckoning ==> 推算定位,航位推算,盲航法=>推測航法
  2363. dead reckoning analog indicator ==> 航迹推算模拟指示器
  2364. dead reckoning computer ==> 航迹推算计算机,航位推算计算机
  2365. dead reckoning indicator ==> 航迹推算指示器
  2366. dead reckoning tracer ==> 航迹推算描绘仪
  2367. dead rent ==> 矿山固定租金
  2368. dead resistance ==> 整流电阻,消耗电阻,吸收电阻,寄生电阻
  2369. dead ring ==> 绝缘环,绝缘环,紧固环=>デッドリング(プラグ)
  2370. dead rise ==> (航空,航海)底部升高量
  2371. dead roasting ==> 死烧
  2372. dead room ==> 消声室,静室,静室,沉寂室=>無響室
  2373. dead runner ==> 盲浇口
  2374. dead sea ==> 死海
  2375. dead section ==> 死线圈,死元件,无电段,备用段=>デッドセクション
  2376. dead setting steel ==> 脱氧钢
  2377. dead shore needle ==> 固墙竖撑
  2378. dead short ==> 金属性短路,又称"直接短路"
  2379. dead short circuit ==> 完全短路
  2380. dead short-circuit ==> 完全短絡
  2381. dead size ==> 定规尺寸
  2382. dead slot ==> 空槽
  2383. dead small ==> 细末
  2384. dead smooth ==> 镜面,镜面,极光滑,极平滑
  2385. dead smooth cut file ==> 光锉
  2386. dead smooth equalling file ==> 光扁锉
  2387. dead smooth file ==> 最细锉,光锉
  2388. dead smooth knife file ==> 光刀锉
  2389. dead smooth mill saw file ==> 光锯锉
  2390. dead soaking pit ==> 均热坑,均热坑,加热保温坑
  2391. dead soft steel ==> 极软碳钢
  2392. dead soil ==> 死土
  2393. dead space ==> 死空间,死腔,死区,死隙,死域,盲区,无效区,不灵敏区=>デッドスペース
  2394. dead space of respirator ==> 呼吸器死腔
  2395. dead spindle ==> 静轴,静轴
  2396. dead spot ==> 哑点=>デッドスポット
  2397. dead spring ==> 压下弹簧,失效弹簧
  2398. dead square ==> 准正方形
  2399. dead state ==> 停滞状态
  2400. dead steam ==> 排汽,乏汽
  2401. dead steel ==> 全镇静钢,软钢,不能热处理钢
  2402. dead storage ==> 死库容
  2403. dead storage capacity ==> 死库容,水库死水位以下的水库容积
  2404. dead storage of sedimentation ==> 长期沉积
  2405. dead stroke ==> 冲程死区,不反跳
  2406. dead stroke hammer ==> 不反跳弹簧锤
  2407. dead tank oil circuit breaker ==> 多油断路器
  2408. dead terminal ==> 失效终端
  2409. dead time ==> 不动时间,停顿时间,停机时间,停滞时间,滞后时间,纯时滞,静寂时间,静寂时间,死时间,无电压时间,自动重合闸期间电力线或相未联接任何网络电压的时间=>むだ時間,無電圧時間,不感時間
  2410. dead time component ==> むだ時間要素
  2411. dead time correction ==> 不感時間補正
  2412. dead time delay ==> 纯时滞
  2413. dead time loss ==> 空载时间损耗,空载损耗
  2414. dead time voltage ==> デッドタイム電圧
  2415. dead track ==> 失效磁道,无电区段
  2416. dead turns ==> 死匝
  2417. dead valley ==> 干谷
  2418. dead volume ==> 死体积,静容量=>デッドボリューム
  2419. dead wall ==> 实墙
  2420. dead water level ==> 死水位,水电站正常运行的情况下,允许水库消落的最低水位
  2421. dead weight ==> 自重,静重,胴体重,本身自重=>静荷重,死荷重
  2422. dead weight (load) machine ==> 基准测力机
  2423. dead weight capacity ==> 载重量
  2424. dead weight cargo ==> 重量货物
  2425. dead weight scale ==> 载重表尺
  2426. dead weight tester ==> 活塞式压力计
  2427. dead weight ton ==> 重量吨
  2428. dead weight tonnage ==> 载重吨位
  2429. dead wheel ==> 固定齿轮
  2430. dead wire ==> 死线,不载电导线
  2431. dead wood ==> 枯木
  2432. dead wood of fallen trees ==> 树木采伐后的死木
  2433. dead work ==> 非直接性生产工作
  2434. dead zone ==> 死区域,静区,输出不变区,不工作区,不灵敏区,空区,滞区,不灵敏区,盲区,死区,在应该保护的范围内但保护装置却无法反映或动作的区域(原因可能是原理上的或其他方面)=>不動帯,不感帯
  2435. dead zone error ==> 死区误差
  2436. dead zone unit ==> 不工作单元,静区部件,静区部件,静区装置,静区装置
  2437. dead-air space ==> 气流停滞区,闭塞空间
  2438. dead-band ==> 迟缓率,由于调速系统各部件连接之间存在间隙、摩擦等原因,以致在静态特性曲线上出现转速微量变化而不会引起负荷变化的迟缓现象,此转速微量变化的总量与额定转速之百分比称为迟缓率
  2439. dead-band regulator ==> 静区调节器,静区调节器,非线性调节器
  2440. dead-beam pass ==> 闭口梁形轧槽
  2441. dead-beat ==> 直进式
  2442. dead-beat controller ==> 命中型控制器
  2443. dead-beat galvanometer ==> 速示电流计,不摆电流计
  2444. dead-beat instrument ==> 不摆式仪表
  2445. dead-beat measurement ==> 不摆测量,速示测试
  2446. dead-beat meter ==> 速示仪表,不摆仪表
  2447. dead-beat response ==> 速示响应
  2448. dead-beat stability ==> 非周期稳定性
  2449. dead-birth ==> 死产
  2450. dead-bright ==> 抛光
  2451. dead-burn ==> 透彻煅烧
  2452. dead-centre lathe ==> 死顶尖车床
  2453. dead-cold chilling ==> 激冷完全淬火
  2454. dead-drawn ==> 强拉
  2455. dead-drawn wire ==> 强拉钢丝,多次拉拔钢丝
  2456. dead-end cap ==> 端末カバー
  2457. dead-end clamp ==> 耐拉线夹
  2458. dead-end effect ==> 空端效应
  2459. dead-end fracture ==> 不连通裂缝
  2460. dead-end insulator ==> 耐张绝缘子
  2461. dead-end loss ==> 闲匝损失
  2462. dead-end main ==> 死头管,尽头管,干管尽端,闷头主管
  2463. dead-end pipe ==> 行止り管
  2464. dead-end pole ==> 终端杆=>引留柱
  2465. dead-end pore ==> 不连通孔隙
  2466. dead-end pressure ==> 支点压力,死点压力
  2467. dead-end switch ==> 终端开关,空端开关
  2468. dead-end tie ==> 导线的终端扎结
  2469. dead-end tower ==> 终端塔
  2470. dead-fall ==> 翻斗机
  2471. dead-file ==> 扁三角锉,失效存储器
  2472. dead-front ==> 空正面,正面不带电的部件,死面
  2473. dead-glacier ==> 化石冰川,不动冰川
  2474. dead-hard steel ==> 高强度钢,高强钢,高硬钢
  2475. dead-lever trunk ==> 备用段干线
  2476. dead-load ==> 本底负载,底负载,静载,静载,静重,静重
  2477. dead-load deflection ==> 固定静负荷挠曲
  2478. dead-load lever ==> 起重杆
  2479. dead-load moment ==> 自重力矩
  2480. dead-load stress ==> 恒载应力,静载应力,静载应力
  2481. dead-man's handle ==> 安全手柄
  2482. dead-melted steel ==> 全脱氧钢
  2483. dead-reckoning ==> 推测航行法
  2484. dead-reckoning analyzer ==> 航位推算装置
  2485. dead-reckoning equipment ==> 航位推算装置
  2486. dead-reckoning position ==> 航位推算装置
  2487. dead-reckoning tracer ==> 航位推算描绘仪
  2488. dead-reckoning track ==> 航位推算航迹
  2489. dead-rolled rubber ==> 重压橡皮
  2490. dead-short-circuit ==> 全短路
  2491. dead-smooth file ==> 磨光锉
  2492. dead-space characteristic ==> 静区特性,静区特性
  2493. dead-space error ==> 静区误差,静区误差
  2494. dead-stop end point method ==> 永停终点法
  2495. dead-stroke ==> 死冲程
  2496. dead-stroke hammer ==> 无反跳击锤
  2497. dead-time ==> デッドタイム
  2498. dead-time compensation ==> デッドタイム補償
  2499. dead-time correction ==> 死时间校正
  2500. dead-top ==> 死梢
  2501. dead-weight capacity ==> 负载容量
  2502. dead-weight debt ==> 不能减轻的负债
  2503. dead-zone regulator ==> 死区调节器
  2504. deadbeat control ==> デッドビート制御,速示制御
  2505. deadbeat response ==> 不摆
  2506. deadener ==> 隔声材料
  2507. deadening effect ==> 缓冲作用
  2508. deadening fabric ==> 隔音布
  2509. deadening felt ==> 隔音毡
  2510. deadhead coiler ==> 轴心进线的卷线机
  2511. deadhead pressure ==> 零流量压力
  2512. deadhead resistance ==> 废阻力
  2513. deadline ==> 最后期限,空线,停电线路,闲置线路=>期限,期日
  2514. deadline delivery date (DDD) ==> 交货最后期限
  2515. deadline factor (车辆) ==> 失修的因素
  2516. deadline for acceptance of tenders ==> 投标最后期限
  2517. deadline for delayed delivery ==> 延期交货的截止日期
  2518. deadline game ==> 不可逾越界线对策,不可越界对策
  2519. deadlock ==> 锁扭,固定栓=>固着
  2520. deadlock avoidance ==> 避免死锁=>デッドロック回避
  2521. deadlock over ==> 行き詰まる
  2522. deadlock property ==> 死锁特性
  2523. deadlock recovery ==> デッドロック再起動
  2524. deadly condition ==> 非常情况
  2525. deadly night-shade ==> 颠茄
  2526. deadly temperature ==> 致死温度
  2527. deadman control ==> 停车闸,刹车
  2528. deadman's brake ==> 安全制动器
  2529. deadman's handle ==> 带安全钮的手柄
  2530. deadweight ==> 自重,重载=>積載重量
  2531. deadweight brake ==> 平衡重块制动器
  2532. deadweight cargo tonnage ==> 载货重量吨
  2533. deadweight carrying capacity ==> 重量輸送能力
  2534. deadweight loss ==> 额外损失
  2535. deadweight piston pressure gauge ==> 底重式活塞压力计
  2536. deadweight safety valve ==> 静载荷保安阀,静载荷保安阀,杠杆式安全阀,荷重式安全阀,重锤式安全阀
  2537. deadweight testing machine ==> 重锤式万能试验仪
  2538. deadweight ton ==> 净吨,净吨,净吨,净吨
  2539. deadweight ton(s) (DWT) ==> 总载重吨位
  2540. deadweight valve ==> 重量保安阀
  2541. DEAE-cellulose ==> 二乙氨基乙基纤维素,二乙基氨基乙基纤维素
  2542. deaerated concrete ==> 去气混凝土
  2543. deaerated solution ==> 去气溶液
  2544. deaerating chamber ==> 除气室
  2545. deaerating feed heater ==> 除氧给水加热器
  2546. deaerating heater ==> 除氧加热器
  2547. deaerating plant ==> 除氧装置
  2548. deaerating tank ==> 脱气槽
  2549. deaeration ==> 除气
  2550. deaerator ==> 除气器,脱气塔,脱氧槽,去气器,去气桶,除氧器,给水回热系统中使给水加热到饱和温度能去除给水中溶解气体的混合式加热器=>脱気器,DEA
  2551. deaerator extraction pump ==> 除氧器凝水抽出泵
  2552. deaerator rated output ==> 除氧器额定出力,在额定条件下运行时的除氧器输出符合规定溶解氧含量的给水量
  2553. deaerization plant ==> 除气器,除氧器
  2554. deaf and dumb alphabet ==> 聋哑(用)字母表
  2555. deaf ore ==> 含矿脉壁泥
  2556. deaf point ==> 聋点
  2557. deafness due to deficiency of blood ==> 血虚耳聋
  2558. deafness due to yin-deficiency ==> 阴虚耳聋
  2559. deal at arm's length ==> 彼此独立的交易
  2560. deal at arms length ==> 彼此独立的交易
  2561. deal board ==> 松木板
  2562. deal butt ==> 厚窄板头
  2563. deal drawing ==> 分解図
  2564. deal flooring ==> 松木地板
  2565. deal frame ==> 往复式排锯
  2566. deal in exchange ==> 為替の取引をする
  2567. deal on credit ==> 信用交易
  2568. deal sub-floor ==> 松木毛地板
  2569. deal with a big problem ==> 大きな問題を処理する
  2570. deal with a blown fuse ==> 切れたヒューズに対処する
  2571. deal with change easily ==> 変化に対応する
  2572. deal with issues arising from ==> ~より生じる諸問題を取り扱う
  2573. dealer ==> 经销商,经销商,自营商,贩子
  2574. dealer aids ==> 推销员,协助推销人
  2575. dealer contest ==> 竞销,竞销
  2576. dealer distribution analysis ==> 配销分析
  2577. dealer helps ==> 推销员
  2578. dealer in spices ==> 香料商
  2579. dealer price ==> 批发价格
  2580. dealer tie-in ==> 销售商网广告,商人介入
  2581. dealing slip ==> 交易记录单
  2582. dealuminizing ==> 脱铝
  2583. Dean and Stark apparatus ==> 迪安-斯塔克设备,迪安-斯脱克水分测定仪
  2584. Dean cotton ==> (美)迪安棉
  2585. Dean number ==> 狄恩数
  2586. deanol aceglumate ==> 地阿诺醋谷酸盐
  2587. deaphragm gas meter ==> 膜式煤气表
  2588. deaphragm(pressure)gauge ==> 膜片压力表
  2589. dear money policy ==> 高利政策
  2590. dearer-money policy ==> 高息政策
  2591. Dearing cotton ==> 迪林高产棉
  2592. dearing spool ==> 安装轴承的间距套管
  2593. death ==> 死亡
  2594. death assemblage ==> 死亡组合
  2595. death by poisoning ==> 中毒死
  2596. death due to trussing up ==> 捆绑死
  2597. death from aging ==> 老衰死
  2598. death from hanging ==> 缢死
  2599. death from illness ==> 病故
  2600. death from lightning ==> 雷击死
  2601. death from manual strangulation ==> 扼死
  2602. death from starvation ==> 饿死
  2603. death head moth ==> 人面天蛾
  2604. death instinct ==> 死的本能
  2605. death insurance ==> 死亡保险
  2606. death phase ==> 死亡期
  2607. death point ==> 死亡点,冲程止点,止点
  2608. death rate ==> 死亡率
  2609. death ray ==> 死光,杀伤性射线
  2610. death ray weapon ==> 死光武器
  2611. death struggle ==> 濒死挣扎
  2612. death tick ==> 食虫虻
  2613. death watch beetle ==> 窃蠹
  2614. death-feigning ==> 拟死
  2615. death-trance ==> 死状迷睡
  2616. deathnium centre ==> 复合中心
  2617. debacle ==> 総崩れ,崩壊,瓦解
  2618. debalance of preparation and winning work ==> 采掘失调
  2619. debase the value of ==> 贬值
  2620. debatable time ==> 受损时间,有争议时间
  2621. debate in court ==> 法庭辩论
  2622. debending roll ==> 板直辊
  2623. debenture ==> 信用债券,海关退税凭单,(海关)退税凭单
  2624. debenture bonds ==> 信用公司债,信用债券
  2625. debenture capital ==> 信用资本,债券资本,借入资本
  2626. debenture certificate ==> 债券
  2627. debenture convertible at par ==> 可按面值转换股票的公司信用债
  2628. debenture convertible to stock at market price ==> 可按市价转换股票的公司信用债
  2629. debenture holder ==> 信用债券持有人
  2630. debenture interest ==> 借款股份股息
  2631. debenture stock ==> 借款股份,信用股票
  2632. debenture stock (DS) ==> 借款股票
  2633. debenture trust deed ==> 信用债券
  2634. debentures stock ==> 信用债券
  2635. debility of lumbus ==> 腰无力
  2636. debit ==> 借,借方,借方帐户,借记,收方
  2637. debit advice ==> 借贷通知单,借记通知书,出帐报单
  2638. debit and credit ==> 借与贷
  2639. debit and credit accounting system ==> 借贷记帐法
  2640. debit and credit conventions ==> 借贷法则
  2641. debit and credit guarantee ==> 借贷担保
  2642. debit balance ==> 借差,借方余额,借余
  2643. debit bank ==> 借方银行
  2644. debit bank balance ==> 票据交换后银行借差
  2645. debit card ==> 签帐卡,提款卡
  2646. debit column ==> 借方栏
  2647. debit customers ==> 借方欠户
  2648. debit entry ==> 借方分录,借项
  2649. debit factor ==> 負債係数
  2650. debit interest ==> 欠息
  2651. debit item ==> 借项
  2652. debit memo ==> 借项凭单=>借り方伝票
  2653. debit memoradum ==> 借记通知书
  2654. debit memorandum ==> 借项通知单=>借り方伝票
  2655. debit note ==> 借记通知书,借据=>借方票
  2656. debit note (DN) ==> 借项通知单
  2657. debit row ==> 借方列
  2658. debit schedule ==> 发料清单
  2659. debit side ==> 借方,(簿记)收方
  2660. debit slip ==> 支払伝票
  2661. debit-credit bookkeeping method ==> 借贷记帐法
  2662. debit-credit mechanism ==> 借贷机制
  2663. debiteuse bubble ==> 槽子气泡
  2664. debiteuse seed ==> 槽子气泡
  2665. debitor interest ==> 借方应付利息
  2666. deblock ==> 起動
  2667. deblocking ==> デブロック
  2668. deblocking antibody ==> 去封闭性抗体
  2669. deblocking factor ==> 去封闭因子
  2670. deblurring filter ==> 去模糊滤光器
  2671. deblurring method ==> 去模糊法
  2672. debonding unit ==> 分离装置
  2673. Debot effect ==> 德博特效应
  2674. debounce circuit ==> 去反击电路
  2675. debounce logic ==> 防反跳逻辑
  2676. Debove's membrane ==> 内皮下膜
  2677. debranching enzyme ==> 脱支酶,支链淀粉酶
  2678. Debre-Fibiger syndrome ==> 混合性肾上腺病
  2679. debridement of craniocerebral wound ==> 颅脑伤清创术
  2680. debris ==> 破片,堆积物,岩屑,洗涤残余物,残骸
  2681. debris avalanche ==> 土石流,岩屑崩落
  2682. debris barrier ==> 砂防ダム
  2683. debris basin ==> 沉砂砾池
  2684. debris clearing cost ==> 清除残损物费用
  2685. debris collection area ==> 碎屑收集范围
  2686. debris cone ==> 冲出锥,冲积扇,冲积锥,岩屑堆,冰川岩屑锥
  2687. debris dam ==> 冲积堤,拦砂坝
  2688. debris dump ==> 废渣堆
  2689. debris fall ==> 岩屑崩坍
  2690. debris flood ==> 土石流
  2691. debris flow ==> 岩屑流,碎石流,泥石流=>土石流
  2692. debris glacier ==> 崩落冰川
  2693. debris guard ==> 碎片防护板
  2694. debris line ==> 冲痕
  2695. debris plain ==> 岩屑平原
  2696. debris slide ==> 岩屑滑动
  2697. debris storage capacity ==> 沉沙容积
  2698. debris utilization ==> 废品利用
  2699. debris-laden stream ==> 含大量沙砾河流,含砂砾河流
  2700. debrisoquine ==> 异哇胍,异喹胍
  2701. debristling machine ==> 刨毛机
  2702. Debrun candle ==> 直角弧光灯
  2703. debt and credit ==> 借贷
  2704. debt balance ==> 负债余额
  2705. debt cancellation ==> 取消债务
  2706. debt capacity ==> 借债能力
  2707. debt capital ==> 借入资本
  2708. debt collector ==> 收债人
  2709. debt coverage ratio ==> 债务抵补率
  2710. debt discount ==> 债务折扣
  2711. debt factor ==> 负债系数,(指债务总额对资产总额的比率)债务系数
  2712. debt financing ==> 债务筹资,债务周转信贷,借款融资,以举债方式筹措资金,(以发行债券或期票筹集资金)举债筹资,举债筹资
  2713. debt limit ==> 债务限额
  2714. debt of honor ==> 信用贷款,信用借款,信誉借款
  2715. debt on bond ==> 借据
  2716. debt payable ==> 应付债款
  2717. debt proportion ==> 负债比重
  2718. debt ratio ==> 负债比率,负债率
  2719. debt relief ==> 免偿债务,债务免除
  2720. debt restructuring ==> 债务重订
  2721. debt service ==> 债务还本付息,借款服务
  2722. debt service payments ==> 债务偿还的开支
  2723. debt service requirement ==> 负债资金需要量
  2724. debt subject to statutory limit ==> 法定限额的债务
  2725. debt tables ==> 债务表
  2726. debt to export ratio ==> 负债对出口比率
  2727. debt to net worth ratio ==> 负债对净值比率,负债与净值比率
  2728. debt to total assets ==> 负债总额对资产总额的比率
  2729. debt to total assets ratio ==> 负债对资产总额比率
  2730. debt trap ==> 债务陷阱
  2731. debt warrant bond ==> 附买回条款债券
  2732. debt with interest ==> 有利子負債
  2733. debt-consolidators ==> 协助清理债务人
  2734. debt-equity ratio ==> 负债产权率,债务权益比率
  2735. debt-equity swap ==> 债务与股本交换
  2736. debt-for-nature swap ==> 债务与自然掉换
  2737. debt-service figures ==> 债务偿还数字
  2738. debt-service obligation ==> 债务偿付义务
  2739. debt-service ratio ==> 债务偿还比率
  2740. debt-to-asset ratio ==> 负债与资产比率
  2741. debtor bank ==> 票据交换轧差银行
  2742. debtor corporation ==> 债务公司
  2743. debtor's petition ==> 债务人破产申请书
  2744. debtors sharing an obligation ==> 分担债务的各债务人
  2745. debts are rolling up ==> 债台高筑
  2746. debts of equal degree ==> 同等级债权
  2747. debts of the deceased paid ==> 已偿还遗债
  2748. debts provable in bankruptcy ==> 可证明的破产债务
  2749. debts-provable in bankruptcy ==> 破产时认可的债务
  2750. debug command ==> 调试命令,调试指令
  2751. debug function ==> 调试功能
  2752. debug line ==> 排错行
  2753. debug machine ==> 调试机
  2754. debug macro instruction ==> 排障宏指令
  2755. debug monitor ==> 调试监督程序
  2756. debug on-line ==> 联机调试,联机检错,联机排除错误
  2757. debug program ==> 调试程序
  2758. debug routine ==> 调试程序
  2759. debug switch ==> 调试开关
  2760. debug system ==> 调试系统
  2761. debug time ==> 调试时间
  2762. debug, to ==> デバッグする
  2763. debugging ==> 调试=>デバッギング
  2764. debugging aid program ==> 调试辅助程序
  2765. debugging module ==> 查错模块
  2766. debugging on-line ==> 联机程序的调试
  2767. debugging packet ==> 调试程序包
  2768. debugging period ==> 早期失效期,调整期
  2769. debugging program ==> 调试程序
  2770. debugging routine ==> 调试程序
  2771. debugging statement ==> 调试语句
  2772. debugging system ==> 调试系统
  2773. debugging tool ==> 调试工具
  2774. debugging utility ==> 调试实用程序
  2775. debugging-aid routine ==> 诊断程序,排故障程序
  2776. debunched (beam) pulse ==> 散聚脉冲
  2777. debunched beam ==> 散聚束,去聚束
  2778. debunched beam pulse ==> 去聚束脉冲
  2779. debunching ==> 離群
  2780. debunching action ==> 离散作用,散束作用
  2781. debunching correction ==> 散束校正
  2782. debunching effect ==> 散聚效应
  2783. debunching factor ==> 離群率
  2784. debunching force ==> 分散力,散束力
  2785. debunching of a beam ==> 束立聚
  2786. debunk ==> 誤りを暴く
  2787. deburrer ==> 去毛刺机
  2788. deburring ==> 去毛刺
  2789. deburring blade ==> 去毛刺刀片
  2790. deburring machine ==> 去毛刺机
  2791. deburring operation ==> 去毛刺工序
  2792. deburring robot ==> 毛刺清除机器人
  2793. Debye (unit of electric dipole moment) ==> 德拜
  2794. Debye dispersion formula ==> 德拜色散公式
  2795. Debye effect ==> 德拜效应
  2796. Debye equation ==> 德拜方程=>デバイ方程式
  2797. Debye equation for polarization ==> 德拜积化方程
  2798. Debye force ==> 诱导力
  2799. debye frequency ==> 德拜频率
  2800. Debye length ==> 德拜长度,德拜屏蔽距离=>デバイ距離
  2801. Debye potentials ==> 德拜势
  2802. Debye radius ==> 德拜半径
  2803. Debye relaxation time ==> 德拜弛豫时间
  2804. Debye ring ==> 德拜晶体衍射图
  2805. Debye Scherrer method ==> 粉末照相法
  2806. debye scherrer method ==> 粉末法
  2807. Debye shielding distance ==> 德拜屏蔽距离
  2808. Debye specific heat ==> 德拜比热
  2809. Debye sphere ==> 德拜球
  2810. Debye temperature ==> 德拜温度=>デバイ温度
  2811. Debye T3 law ==> 德拜T3定律
  2812. Debye unit ==> 德拜单位
  2813. Debye wave ==> 特超声波
  2814. Debye's specific heat formula ==> デバイの比熱式
  2815. Debye-Falkenhagen effect ==> 德拜-法尔肯哈根效应
  2816. Debye-Hukel model ==> 德拜-许克尔模型
  2817. Debye-Jauncey scattering ==> 德拜-姜西散射
  2818. Debye-Scherrer method ==> 德拜-谢列尔X射线粉末照相法
  2819. Debye-Sears ultrasonic cell ==> 德拜-席尔斯超声成像
  2820. Debye-Waller factor ==> 德拜-瓦勒因数=>デバイ-ウォーラー因子
  2821. DEC, command decoder ==> コマンドデコーダ
  2822. DEC, decimal ==> 10進数、10進法
  2823. DEC, decoder ==> 復号器,符号解読器,デコーダ
  2824. DEC, decrease ==> 減少
  2825. DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation ==> DEC社
  2826. decabromodiphenyl ether ==> 十溴二苯醚=>デカブロモジフェニルエーテル
  2827. decade ==> 十进位
  2828. decade box ==> 十进位箱,十进箱
  2829. decade capacitance box ==> 十进电容箱
  2830. decade counter ==> 十进数计数器=>10進カウンタ
  2831. decade counter circuit ==> 十进制计数电路
  2832. decade counter tube ==> 十进计数管
  2833. decade counting unit ==> 十进计数器单元
  2834. decade dial ==> 十进位表盘
  2835. decade divider ==> 十进除法器,十进制除法器
  2836. decade inductance box ==> 十进电感箱
  2837. decade inductive voltage divider ==> ディケード変成器
  2838. decade rate multiplier ==> 十进制比率乘数
  2839. decade ratio transformer ==> ディケード変成器
  2840. decade resistance ==> 十进制电阻=>ディケード抵抗器
  2841. decade resistance box ==> 十进位电阻箱,十进电阻箱
  2842. decade resistor ==> 十进电阻器
  2843. decade ring ==> 十进计数环,十进制计数环
  2844. decade scalar ==> 十进算量
  2845. decade scaler ==> 十进定标器,十进制计数器
  2846. decade scaling ==> 十进换算,十进制刻度
  2847. decade switch ==> 十进位开关
  2848. decade unit ==> 十进制单元,十进制器件,(十进电阻箱或十进电感箱)十进仪器
  2849. decade voltage divider ==> 十进制分压器
  2850. decadent art ==> 颓废派艺术
  2851. decadent style ==> 颓废派艺术形式
  2852. decadent wave ==> 减幅波
  2853. decadic signal ==> 十进位信号
  2854. decadienoic acid ==> 癸二烯酸
  2855. decal paper for ceramic ware ==> 陶瓷贴花纸
  2856. decalcification of bone ==> 骨脱钙
  2857. decalcomania ==> 转印法
  2858. decalcomania paper ==> 印刷模写纸
  2859. decalcomania transfer ==> 贴花纸转印
  2860. decalescence ==> 等温吸热
  2861. decalescence point ==> 吸热点
  2862. decalibration ==> 标定降级
  2863. decametric wave ==> 十米波=>デカメートル波
  2864. decane dicarboxylic acid ==> 癸烷二羧酸
  2865. decanedioic acid ==> 癸二酸
  2866. decanic acid ==> 癸酸
  2867. decanoyl acetaldehyde ==> 癸酰乙醛
  2868. decanoyl chloride ==> 癸酰氯
  2869. decanoylacetaldehyde sodium hydrosulfite ==> 癸酰乙醛亚硫酸氢钠
  2870. decant ==> 满流浇注,倒包浇注,倒入,转包,滗
  2871. decant(-ation) ==> 移注
  2872. decantation ==> 撤除,沉淀分取法,倾滤,倾析,倾泻,滗析
  2873. decantation method ==> 撤离法
  2874. decantation test ==> 洗涤试验
  2875. decantation washing ==> 倾注洗涤
  2876. decanted solution ==> 倾析溶液
  2877. decanter ==> 倾泻器,倾注洗涤器,细颈盛水瓶,滗析器=>デカンター
  2878. decanth larva ==> 十钩幼虫
  2879. decanting glass ==> 倾析瓶
  2880. decanting point ==> 注入点
  2881. decanting tank ==> 澄清罐
  2882. decantion ==> 缓倾法
  2883. decapacitation factor ==> 出能因子,精子去能因子
  2884. decapacitation factor (DF) ==> 精子去能因子
  2885. decapitating hook ==> 胎儿断头钩,断胎头钩
  2886. decapsulation ==> 解封装
  2887. decarbonization ==> 脱碳=>脱炭
  2888. decarburization ==> 脱碳
  2889. decarburization depth ==> 脱碳厚度
  2890. decarburized cast iron shot ==> 脱碳铸铁粒
  2891. decarburized depth ==> 脱碳深度
  2892. decarburized layer ==> 脱碳层
  2893. decarburized structure ==> 脱碳组织
  2894. decarburizer ==> 脱碳剂
  2895. decarburizing ==> 脱碳
  2896. decarburizing annealing ==> 脱碳退火
  2897. decarburizing medium ==> 脱碳介质
  2898. decarburizing reaction ==> 脱碳反应
  2899. decastyle building ==> 十柱式建筑
  2900. decastyle portico ==> 十柱式门廊
  2901. decating machine ==> 蒸呢机
  2902. decatizing machine ==> 蒸呢机
  2903. decatoic acid ==> 癸酸
  2904. decatron ==> 十进制计数管,十进制计数管
  2905. decatyl alcohol ==> 癸醇
  2906. decay ==> 放射性衰变,没落,裂变,余辉,腐烂,腐朽,蜕变,衰变,衰减,衰解,(电荷存储管的)电荷减少
  2907. decay angle ==> 衰变角
  2908. decay area ==> 衰减区
  2909. decay chain ==> 放射性系
  2910. decay characteristic ==> 衰变特性
  2911. decay characteristic phosphor ==> 磷光体衰变特性,荧光屏余辉特性
  2912. decay coefficient ==> 衰耗系数
  2913. decay constant ==> 衰变常数=>崩壊定数
  2914. decay cooling ==> 衰变冷却
  2915. decay curve ==> 衰变曲线,衰减曲线
  2916. decay daughter ==> 衰变产物,衰变子体
  2917. decay decomposition ==> 化学风化作用
  2918. decay distance ==> 衰减距离
  2919. decay energy ==> 衰变能量
  2920. decay factor ==> 衰变因数
  2921. decay family ==> 放射性系
  2922. decay heat ==> 衰变热
  2923. decay heat cooler ==> 衰变冷却器
  2924. decay heat removal ==> 衰变热排出
  2925. decay heat removal circuit ==> 衰变热排出回路
  2926. decay heat removal process ==> 衰变热排出过程
  2927. decay heating ==> 衰变发热
  2928. decay instability ==> 衰变不稳定性
  2929. decay interaction ==> 衰变相互作用
  2930. decay lag ==> 衰变迟滞
  2931. decay law ==> 衰变定律,衰减定律,衰减律,蜕变定律
  2932. decay length ==> 衰变长度
  2933. decay line ==> 衰变管线,滞留管线
  2934. decay method ==> 衰减法
  2935. decay mode ==> 衰变方式,衰变类型,衰变型
  2936. decay of lumber ==> 木材糟朽
  2937. decay of luminescene ==> 发光衰变
  2938. decay of power ==> 功率降低
  2939. decay of turbulence ==> 湍(tuān)流衰减
  2940. decay of variability ==> 变异性的减退
  2941. decay of wave ==> 波的衰减
  2942. decay ooze ==> 腐泥
  2943. decay oscillation ==> 衰变振荡
  2944. decay pattern ==> 混响衰减图=>残響図形
  2945. decay period ==> 蜕变周期
  2946. decay phase ==> 衰变相,衰减相位
  2947. decay photon ==> 衰变光子
  2948. decay power ==> 衰变功率
  2949. decay prevention ==> 防朽
  2950. decay process ==> 衰变过程
  2951. decay product ==> 衰变产物,分解产物,子体,子体产物
  2952. decay property ==> 衰变性能
  2953. decay rate ==> 衰变率,衰变速率
  2954. decay ratio ==> 衰变率
  2955. decay resistance ==> 耐腐性
  2956. decay scheme ==> 衰变图
  2957. decay series ==> 衰变系,衰变族,放射性系
  2958. decay tank ==> 冷却槽
  2959. decay time ==> 衰变期,衰变时间,衰减时间,衰落时间=>減衰時間,消滅時間
  2960. decay time of scintillation ==> 起伏衰落时间
  2961. decay tube ==> 衰变管
  2962. decayed ==> 腐败
  2963. decayed area ==> 龋损区
  2964. decayed knot ==> 木材朽节,腐节
  2965. decayed rock ==> 风化岩
  2966. decayed tooth ==> 龋齿
  2967. decaying ==> 衰减,衰退
  2968. decaying conduction current ==> 衰减传导电流
  2969. decaying current ==> 减幅电流,衰减电流
  2970. decaying datalyt ==> 失活催化剂
  2971. decaying exponential ==> 衰减指数
  2972. decaying pulse ==> 衰变脉冲
  2973. decaying shock wave ==> 衰减激波
  2974. decaying transient ==> 衰减瞬态
  2975. decaying vector ==> 衰减矢量,山村昌在发展螺旋矢量理论(spiral vector theory)的初期提出的概念,后改为螺旋矢量(spiral vector),论文见http://www.geocities.jp/ps_dictionary/yamamura/paper5.htm
  2976. decaying wave ==> 衰变波,衰减波,减幅波
  2977. decaying-vector method ==> 減衰ベクトル法(スパイラルベクトル理論の前身)
  2978. decaying-vector symmetrical component method ==> 減衰ベクトル対称座標法(スパイラルベクトル対称座標法の前身)
  2979. decaymodular ==> 衰减,衰退
  2980. DECC ==> 英国気候変動エネルギー省
  2981. Decca chain ==> 台卡导航网,台卡电台链
  2982. decca flight log ==> デッカ飛行ログ
  2983. Decca lane ==> 台卡导航航线
  2984. decca navigator ==> デッカ
  2985. decca navigator system ==> デッカ
  2986. DECCA, Decca navigator system ==> デッカ
  2987. Deccan basalt ==> 德干玄武岩
  2988. Deccan trap ==> 德干玄武岩
  2989. deceased family members ==> 遺族
  2990. deceased's family ==> 遺族
  2991. decelerate ==> 减速
  2992. decelerated plasmoid ==> 慢化等离子粒团
  2993. decelerating ==> 减速性能=>減速
  2994. decelerating conveyer ==> 减速运输机
  2995. decelerating effect ==> 减速作用
  2996. decelerating electrode ==> 减速电极=>減速電極
  2997. decelerating field ==> 减速场
  2998. decelerating flow ==> 减速流
  2999. decelerating relay ==> 减速继电器
  3000. decelerating screen ==> 减速栅
  3001. decelerating torque ==> 减速力矩
  3002. decelerating valve ==> 减速阀
  3003. decelerating voltage ==> 减速电压
  3004. deceleration ==> 减速
  3005. deceleration area ==> 减速区段
  3006. deceleration characteristic ==> 减速特性
  3007. deceleration contactor ==> 減速接触器
  3008. deceleration method ==> 制动法
  3009. deceleration of electrons ==> 电子制动
  3010. deceleration parameter ==> 减速因子
  3011. deceleration period ==> 减速期
  3012. deceleration radiation ==> 减速辐射
  3013. deceleration relay ==> 減速リレー
  3014. deceleration system ==> 减速系统
  3015. deceleration test ==> 减速度试验
  3016. deceleration time ==> 减速时间
  3017. deceleration valve ==> 减速阀
  3018. deceleration valves ==> 减速阀
  3019. decelerative force ==> 减速力
  3020. decene dicarboxylic acid ==> 癸烯二羧酸
  3021. decenedioic acid ==> 癸烯二酸
  3022. decent ==> まともな,適正な,上品な
  3023. decent answer ==> まともな返事
  3024. decent apartment ==> まともなアパートメント
  3025. decent treatment ==> 適切な治療
  3026. decent view ==> しかるべき見解
  3027. decentered lens ==> 偏轴透镜
  3028. decentering distortion ==> 偏心畸变
  3029. decentral statistics ==> 非集中统计
  3030. decentrality ==> 分散性
  3031. decentralization ==> 分散化
  3032. decentralization of power ==> 分权制
  3033. decentralization of power and interest ==> 权力和利益的分散
  3034. decentralization of power and transfer of profits ==> 放权让利
  3035. decentralization principle ==> 分散原则
  3036. decentralize power on minor issues ==> 小权分散
  3037. decentralized ==> 非集中的,分散的
  3038. decentralized accounting ==> 分权制会计,分散制会计
  3039. decentralized adaptive control ==> 分散適応制御
  3040. decentralized administration ==> 分散管理
  3041. decentralized algorithm ==> 分散アルゴリズム
  3042. decentralized arbiter ==> 分散判优器
  3043. decentralized autonomous control ==> 自律分散制御
  3044. decentralized branch accounting ==> 分店独立会计制
  3045. decentralized commodity markets ==> 分散的商品市场
  3046. decentralized company ==> 分权制公司
  3047. decentralized computer network ==> 非集中式计算机网络
  3048. decentralized computer system ==> 分散式计算机系统
  3049. decentralized control ==> 分散控制
  3050. decentralized control structure ==> 分散控制结构
  3051. decentralized control system ==> 分散控制系统
  3052. decentralized controller ==> 分散控制器
  3053. decentralized controller design ==> 分散控制器设计
  3054. decentralized cooperation control ==> 分散協調制御
  3055. decentralized coordination ==> 分散協調
  3056. decentralized copy station ==> 分散复印站
  3057. decentralized data ==> 分散データ
  3058. decentralized data processing ==> 非集中式数据处理,分散数据处理,分散型数据处理
  3059. decentralized decision making ==> 分权决策
  3060. decentralized deta processing ==> 分散数据处理
  3061. decentralized exchange economy ==> 分散的市场经济
  3062. decentralized gain matrix ==> 分散增益矩阵
  3063. decentralized innovative unit ==> 分权创新单位
  3064. decentralized issue system ==> 分散发行制
  3065. decentralized management ==> 分权管理,分散管理,分散经营
  3066. decentralized management organization ==> 分权的管理组织
  3067. decentralized management pattern ==> 分权管理模式
  3068. decentralized model ==> 分散模型
  3069. decentralized multiaccess ==> 分散多路存取
  3070. decentralized network ==> 非集中式网络,分布网络
  3071. decentralized optimization ==> 分散最优化
  3072. decentralized organization ==> 分权制组织
  3073. decentralized planning ==> 分散计划
  3074. decentralized planning control ==> 分散计划管理
  3075. decentralized planning department ==> 分散计划部门
  3076. decentralized processing ==> 分布处理,分散处理
  3077. decentralized production control ==> 分散生产管理
  3078. decentralized profit control system ==> 分权的利润管理系统,分散的利润控制系统
  3079. decentralized regulator ==> 分散调整器
  3080. decentralized reserve system ==> 分散准备制
  3081. decentralized robust control ==> 分散鲁棒控制
  3082. decentralized solar power station ==> 分布式光伏发电系统=>分散型太阳能电站
  3083. decentralized statistical system ==> 分散型统计制度
  3084. decentralized statistics ==> 分散统计
  3085. decentralized stochastic control ==> 分散随机控制
  3086. decentralized structure ==> 分散化结构
  3087. decentralized summary ==> 非集中汇总,分散汇总
  3088. decentralized system ==> 分散型システム
  3089. decentralizing management on a household basis ==> 分户经营
  3090. deception equipment ==> 干扰施放装置
  3091. deceptive conformity ==> 假整合
  3092. deceptive mark ==> 欺骗性标记
  3093. decerbrated animal ==> 去脑动物
  3094. decerebrate ==> 除脳動物,除脳された
  3095. decerebrate state ==> 去大脑状态
  3096. deci-ampere balance ==> 分安培秤
  3097. decibel ==> 分贝=>デジベル
  3098. decibel above I volt ==> 伏特分贝
  3099. decibel adjusted ==> 调整分贝
  3100. decibel based on one milliwatt (dBm) ==> 基于一毫瓦的分贝数
  3101. decibel curve ==> 分贝曲线
  3102. decibel gain ==> 分贝增益
  3103. decibel loss ==> 分贝衰减
  3104. decibel measurement ==> 分贝测定
  3105. decibel meter ==> 分贝表,分贝计=>デジベル計
  3106. decibel potentiometer ==> 分贝电位计
  3107. decibel-log frequency characteristic ==> 分贝-对数频率特性,分贝对数频率特性
  3108. decibelmeter ==> 分贝计
  3109. decibels above I milliwatt ==> 毫瓦分贝
  3110. decibels above picowatt (dBp) ==> 微微瓦分贝
  3111. decibels above reference coupling ==> 超过基准耦合度的分贝数
  3112. decibels above reference noise ==> 超出参考噪声分贝数,超过基准噪声的分贝数
  3113. decibels relative to one volt ==> 伏特分贝
  3114. decide ==> 判定,决,决
  3115. decide against somebody ==> 判决某人败诉
  3116. decide as circumstances require ==> 依照情况而定
  3117. decide in favor of somebody ==> 判决某人胜诉
  3118. decide on a verdict ==> 安案
  3119. decide on awards through discussion ==> 评奖
  3120. decidua capsularis ==> 包蜕膜
  3121. deciduous ==> 脱落的,凋落的
  3122. deciduous canine ==> 乳尖牙
  3123. deciduous cuspid ==> 乳尖牙
  3124. deciduous dental germ ==> 乳牙胚
  3125. deciduous dentition ==> 乳牙列
  3126. deciduous forest ==> 落叶林
  3127. deciduous fruit tree ==> 落叶果树
  3128. deciduous hardwood tree ==> 落叶硬材树
  3129. deciduous incisors ==> 乳切齿
  3130. deciduous lateral incisor ==> 乳侧切牙
  3131. deciduous molar ==> 乳磨牙
  3132. deciduous premolors ==> 乳前臼齿
  3133. deciduous remnant ==> 乳牙残余
  3134. deciduous teeth ==> 乳齿,乳牙,暂牙,蜕齿
  3135. deciduous tooth eruption ==> 乳牙萌出
  3136. deciduous tooth retention ==> 乳牙滞留
  3137. deciduous tree ==> 落叶树
  3138. decile interval ==> 十分位距
  3139. decimal ==> 十进位的=>10進法
  3140. decimal accumulator ==> 十进制累加器
  3141. decimal add ==> 十进制加法
  3142. decimal add circuit ==> 十进制加法电路
  3143. decimal adder ==> 十进制加法器
  3144. decimal addition ==> 十进制加法
  3145. decimal address ==> 十进制地址
  3146. decimal adjust accumulator ==> 十进制调整累加器
  3147. decimal adjust accumulator instruction (DAA) ==> 十进制调整累加器指令
  3148. decimal adjust instruction ==> 十进制调整指令
  3149. decimal alignment ==> 十进制定位,十进制对位,十进制对准
  3150. decimal arithmetic ==> 十进制算术运算
  3151. decimal arithmetic capability ==> 十进制运算能力
  3152. decimal arithmetic instruction ==> 十进制算术指令
  3153. decimal arithmetic operation ==> 十进运算操作,十进制算术运算,十进制运算
  3154. decimal arithmetic trap mask ==> 十进制算术运算自陷屏蔽
  3155. decimal arithmetic(al) ==> 十进制算术
  3156. decimal attenuator ==> 十进衰减器
  3157. decimal attribute ==> 十进制属性
  3158. decimal balance ==> 十进天平
  3159. decimal base ==> 十进制
  3160. decimal candle ==> (即国际烛光)十进位烛光
  3161. decimal carry ==> 十进制进位
  3162. decimal classification ==> 十进分类法,十进制分类法
  3163. decimal code ==> 十进代码,十进码,十进制代码,十进制码=>デシマルコード
  3164. decimal coded system ==> 十进制编码系统
  3165. decimal computation ==> 十进制计算
  3166. decimal computer ==> 十进位计算机
  3167. decimal constant ==> 十进制常数
  3168. decimal conversion ==> 十进制转换
  3169. decimal currency ==> 十进制通货,小通货
  3170. decimal decoder ==> 十进制译码器
  3171. decimal digit ==> 十进码,十进制数,十进制数字=>10進数字
  3172. decimal divide exception ==> 十进制除法异常
  3173. decimal division ==> 十进位主题分类,十进制除法
  3174. decimal equivalent table ==> 十进位等值表
  3175. decimal feature ==> 十进制特点,十进制运算机构
  3176. decimal fixed-point constant ==> 十进位定点常数
  3177. decimal fixedpoint constant ==> 十进制定点常数
  3178. decimal floating point constant ==> 十进制浮点常数
  3179. decimal floating point data ==> 十进制浮点数据
  3180. decimal floating-point constant ==> 十进位浮点常数
  3181. decimal fraction ==> 十进小数,十进制分数,十进制小数,小数,小数
  3182. decimal fraction format ==> 十进制小数格式
  3183. decimal fraction notation ==> 十进位小数标记符号
  3184. decimal ga(u)ge ==> 十进制规
  3185. decimal integer ==> 十进制整数
  3186. decimal location ==> 十进制单元,十进制数位
  3187. decimal marker ==> 十进制标记,十进制小数点标记
  3188. decimal multiple ==> 十进倍数
  3189. decimal multiplier ==> 十进制乘法器
  3190. decimal normalization ==> 十进制规格化
  3191. decimal notation ==> 十进制记数法=>10進表記法
  3192. decimal number ==> 十进位数
  3193. decimal number base ==> 十进制小数基
  3194. decimal number format ==> 十进制数格式
  3195. decimal number system ==> 十进数制,十进小数制,十进制记数制=>十进数数系
  3196. decimal numbering system ==> 十进制数制
  3197. decimal numeral ==> 10進数表示
  3198. decimal numeration system ==> 10進記数法
  3199. decimal operator ==> 十进制运算符
  3200. decimal overflow ==> 十进制数溢出
  3201. decimal overflow exception ==> 十进制溢出异常
  3202. decimal overflow trap ==> 十进制数溢出自陷
  3203. decimal part ==> 十进制小数部分
  3204. decimal picture data ==> 十进制图像数据,数字字符数据
  3205. decimal place ==> 小数位
  3206. decimal point ==> 小数点,十进位小数点,十进小数点,十进制小数点=>10進小数点
  3207. decimal point alignment ==> 十进制对位,小数点调准,小数点对位
  3208. decimal processor ==> 十进制计算机
  3209. decimal product generator ==> 十进制乘积发生器
  3210. decimal radix ==> 十进制基数
  3211. decimal representation ==> 十进制表示
  3212. decimal rheostat ==> 十进变阻器
  3213. decimal ringtype adder ==> 十进环式加法器
  3214. decimal scale ==> 十进计数法
  3215. decimal selection ==> 十进选择,十进制选择=>10進選択
  3216. decimal sequence ==> 十进序列
  3217. decimal storage system ==> 十进制存储系统
  3218. decimal string ==> 十进制数串
  3219. decimal string divide by zero trap ==> 十进数串被零除俘获,十进数串被零除自陷
  3220. decimal string overflow trap ==> 十进数串溢出自陷
  3221. decimal subtracter ==> 十进制减法器
  3222. decimal subtraction ==> 十进制减法
  3223. decimal symbol ==> 十进制符号,十进制小数点符号
  3224. decimal system ==> 十进数字法,十进位制,十进制,十进制系统=>10進式
  3225. decimal tabulator key ==> 十进制制表键
  3226. decimal time ==> 十进计时表
  3227. decimal to binary conversion ==> 十二进制转换
  3228. decimal-binary ==> 十进-二进制
  3229. decimal-binary conversion ==> 十进制-二进制转换
  3230. decimal-coded ==> 十进编码,十进编码的
  3231. decimal-coded digit ==> 十进编码数字,十进制编码数
  3232. decimal-to-binary ==> 十翻二
  3233. decimal-to-binary conversion ==> 十进制到二进制转换
  3234. decimalize the currency ==> 使货币成为十进制
  3235. decimation ==> 抽取
  3236. decimation filter ==> デシメーションフィルタ
  3237. decimeter continuum ==> 分米波连续谱
  3238. decimeter height finder ==> 分米波测高计
  3239. decimeter radio ==> 分米波无线电通信
  3240. decimeter range ==> 分米波段
  3241. decimeter test equipment ==> 分米波测试器
  3242. decimeter tube ==> 分米波电子管
  3243. decimeter wave radar ==> 分米波雷达
  3244. decimeter-wave antenna ==> 分米波天线
  3245. decimeter-wave continuum ==> 分米波连续谱
  3246. decimeter-wave mixer ==> 分米波段混频器
  3247. decimeter-wave therapy ==> 分米波疗法
  3248. decimeter-wave transmitter ==> 分米波发射机
  3249. decimeter-wave triode ==> 分米波段三极管
  3250. decimeter-wave tube ==> 分米波电子管
  3251. decimetric wave ==> 分米波=>デジメートル波
  3252. decimetric wave oscillator ==> 分米波振荡器
  3253. decimever television ==> 分米波电视
  3254. decimillimetric wave ==> デジミリメートル波
  3255. decipher ==> 判読,読み解く
  3256. decipher manual ==> 説明書を解読する
  3257. deciphering machine ==> 译密码机
  3258. decision ==> 判定,决策,决定,断定,裁决
  3259. decision & action analysis ==> 决策和活动分析
  3260. decision accounting ==> 决策会计,判定计算
  3261. decision action ==> 决策行动
  3262. decision analysis ==> 决策分析
  3263. decision analysis process ==> 决策分析过程
  3264. decision analysis(DA) ==> 决策分析
  3265. decision band method ==> 决策层次作业评价法
  3266. decision behavior ==> 决策行为
  3267. decision block ==> 决策块,判定块
  3268. decision box ==> 判定框,决策块,决策箱
  3269. decision center ==> 决策中心
  3270. decision circuit ==> 判定电路
  3271. decision computer ==> 决策计算机
  3272. decision content ==> 選択情報量
  3273. decision cost ==> 决策费用
  3274. decision criteria ==> 决策衡量准则
  3275. decision criterion ==> 决策基准,决策准则
  3276. decision data ==> 决策资料
  3277. decision diagram ==> 决策图
  3278. decision dynamics training ==> 决策动态训练法
  3279. decision element ==> 判定元件,解算元件,判定元素
  3280. decision feedback system ==> 判定反馈系统,决策反馈系统
  3281. decision formulation ==> 决策配制
  3282. decision function ==> 判定函数
  3283. decision game ==> 决策博奕,决策模拟推断
  3284. decision gate ==> 决策门
  3285. decision grid chart ==> 判定网格表
  3286. decision in a case ==> 安案
  3287. decision in the face of risk ==> 风险决策,冒险性的决策
  3288. decision information system ==> 决策资讯系统
  3289. decision instant ==> 判定瞬间
  3290. decision instruction ==> 判别指令,判断指令,决策指令,条件转移,判定指令=>判断命令
  3291. decision instruction, discrimination instruction ==> 判定指令
  3292. decision integrator ==> 判定积分器,决策记分器,决策记分器
  3293. decision lag ==> 决策时间滞差,决策时滞
  3294. decision logic ==> 决策逻辑
  3295. decision loop ==> 决策环
  3296. decision maker ==> 决策人员,决策者
  3297. decision making ==> 决策,作出判定
  3298. decision making complex ==> 决策复合体
  3299. decision making relation to social choice problem ==> 关于社会选择问题的决策
  3300. decision making system ==> 决策系统,表决系统
  3301. decision making under certainty ==> 确定条件下的决策
  3302. decision making unit ==> 意思決定主体
  3303. decision making with experimentation ==> 借助试验的决策
  3304. decision marking ==> 标识决定
  3305. decision marking system ==> 标识判定系统
  3306. decision matrix ==> 决策矩阵,决策矩阵
  3307. decision mechanism ==> 决策机理,决策机制,判定机构
  3308. decision model ==> 决策模
  3309. decision model base ==> 判定模型库
  3310. decision model in traditional decision theory ==> 传统决策理论中的决策模型
  3311. decision networks ==> 决策网络
  3312. decision node ==> 决策点,决策结点
  3313. decision of controller state ==> 内部状態の決定
  3314. decision of maximization ==> 最大化判定
  3315. decision of refusal ==> 拒絶査定
  3316. decision of the court ==> 法院裁决
  3317. decision package ==> 决策单元,决策组
  3318. decision parameters ==> 决策参数
  3319. decision phase ==> (价值工程的工作计划的阶段之一)决策阶段,决策阶段
  3320. decision plan ==> 判定方案
  3321. decision point ==> 决策点,决策点
  3322. decision problem ==> 决策问题,决定问题,真伪判定问题
  3323. decision procedure ==> 决策程序,决策程序,决策过程,决策过程,判定程序,判定方式
  3324. decision process ==> 判定过程,决策过程,决策过程,决定过程,决定过程
  3325. decision program ==> 决策程序
  3326. decision region ==> 决策区域,决策区域
  3327. decision rule ==> 决策规则,决策规则,判定规则,判决规则
  3328. decision rules ==> 决策规则,决策规则
  3329. decision scheme ==> 判定方案
  3330. decision science ==> 决策科学,决策科学
  3331. decision scoring table ==> 决策计算表,决策计算表
  3332. decision set ==> 决策集,决策集
  3333. decision situation ==> 决策情况,决策情况,决策形势,决策形势,决策状况,决策状况
  3334. decision space ==> 决策空间
  3335. decision speed ==> 临界速度
  3336. decision split ==> 决策分解
  3337. decision statement ==> 决策陈述,决策陈述,判定语句
  3338. decision strategy ==> 决策战略,决策战略
  3339. decision structure ==> 决策结构,决策结构
  3340. decision support system ==> 决策支持系统=>導入決定支援システム,意思決定支援システム
  3341. decision support system (DSS) ==> 决策辅助系统,决策支持系统
  3342. decision support tools ==> 决策辅助系统=>意思決定支援
  3343. decision table ==> 决策表,判定表=>決定表
  3344. decision table compiler ==> 判定表编译程序
  3345. decision table processor ==> 判定表处理程序
  3346. decision test ==> 决策检验,决策检验
  3347. decision theoretical analysis ==> 决策理论性分析,决策理论性分析
  3348. decision theory ==> 决策(理)论,判定理论
  3349. decision theory approach ==> 决策理论学说,决策理论学说
  3350. decision theory framework ==> 决策论结构,决策论结构
  3351. decision theory school ==> 决策理论学派,决策理论学派
  3352. decision thesis of probability ==> 概率的决策论点
  3353. decision to grant a patent ==> 特許査定
  3354. decision to refuse a patent ==> 拒絶査定
  3355. decision tree ==> 决策树,决策体系,决策宗谱=>決定木
  3356. decision tree analysis ==> 决策树分析,决策树分析,决策体系分析,决策体系分析,分层次决策分析,分层决策分析
  3357. decision tree method ==> 决策体系法,决策体系法
  3358. decision under conflict ==> 竞争决策,竞争决策
  3359. decision under risk ==> 风险型决策
  3360. decision under uncertainty ==> 非确定型决策,不确定型决策
  3361. decision unit ==> 决策单位,决策单位
  3362. decision value ==> 决策值,决策值
  3363. decision variable ==> 决策变量,决策变量
  3364. decision-assisting analysis ==> 决策支援分析,决策支援分析
  3365. decision-making ==> 决策效果,决策效果
  3366. decision-making accounting ==> 决策会计,决策会计
  3367. decision-making authority ==> 决策权,决策权
  3368. decision-making continuum ==> 决策持续性,决策持续性
  3369. decision-making management ==> 决策管理,决策管理
  3370. decision-making model ==> 意志決定モデル
  3371. decision-making period ==> 决策周期,决策周期
  3372. decision-making power in operation and management ==> 经营管理自主权,经营管理自主权
  3373. decision-making process ==> 决策程序,决策程序,决策过程,决策过程
  3374. decision-making steps ==> 决策步骤,决策步骤
  3375. decision-making system ==> 判定系统
  3376. decision-making technique ==> 决策方法,决策方法,决策技术,决策技术
  3377. decision-making theory ==> 决策论,决策论
  3378. decision-making types ==> 决策的类型,决策的类型
  3379. decision-making under certainty ==> 肯定情况下决策
  3380. decision-making under risk ==> 风险下的决策
  3381. decision-making under uncertainty ==> 易变情况下的决策
  3382. decision-oriented task ==> 面向决策的任务
  3383. decision-theoretic approach ==> 决策理论方法,决策理论方法,判别推理方法
  3384. decision-theoretic approach to pattern recognition ==> 模式识别的判定理论法
  3385. decision-theory formulation ==> 决策论公式化,决策论公式化
  3386. decisional management school ==> 决策管理学派,决策管理学派
  3387. decisive ==> 明白な,疑う余地のない
  3388. decisive act ==> 決定的な行為
  3389. decisive action ==> 断行
  3390. decisive advantage ==> 決定的な優位性
  3391. decisive effect ==> 决定性作用,决定性作用
  3392. decisive factor ==> 决定因素,决定因素
  3393. decisive model of organization ==> 决策组织模型,决策组织模型
  3394. decisive set ==> 决定性集,决定性集
  3395. deck ==> 甲板,舱面,机芯,中楞,卡片组,磁带机,桥面,平台,楞堆,楞垛,装车台,叠,录音座=>デック,甲板
  3396. deck ankles ==> 船员踝肿
  3397. deck barge ==> 甲板驳=>甲板艀,デッキはしけ
  3398. deck base ==> 筛框
  3399. deck beam ==> 上承梁
  3400. deck bolt ==> 甲板螺栓,平圆柱头螺栓
  3401. deck bridge ==> 上承式桥
  3402. deck cantilever bridge ==> 上承式悬臂桥
  3403. deck cargo ==> 舱面货,舱面货物
  3404. deck cargo certificate ==> 舱面货物证明书
  3405. deck cargo insurance ==> 舱面货物保险
  3406. deck cargo rates ==> 甲板货运费率
  3407. deck cargo shipper's account ==> 舱面货物由货主担风险
  3408. deck chair ==> 躺椅
  3409. deck charge ==> 分段装药法
  3410. deck composition ==> 甲板敷料
  3411. deck construction ==> 地板构造
  3412. deck crane ==> 甲板起重机=>デッキ(甲板)クレーン
  3413. deck decompression chamber (DDC) ==> 甲板减压舱
  3414. deck door ==> 后层门
  3415. deck erection ==> 甲板上层建筑物
  3416. deck glass roof ==> 玻璃平屋顶
  3417. deck height ==> 甲板型高
  3418. deck house ==> 舱面室
  3419. deck iron ==> 甲板铁
  3420. deck joint ==> 面板接缝
  3421. deck lamp ==> 煤水车灯
  3422. deck line ==> 甲板线
  3423. deck load per square metre ==> 每平方米舱面负荷
  3424. deck loading ==> 分段装药法
  3425. deck lock ==> 后层门锁
  3426. deck log ==> 航海日志
  3427. deck machinery ==> 舱面机械=>甲板機械
  3428. deck name ==> 卡片组名
  3429. deck passage ==> 统舱
  3430. deck plate ==> 波纹钢板,台面板,瓦垄钢板
  3431. deck plate girder ==> 上承板梁
  3432. deck pump ==> 舱面泵
  3433. deck rate ==> 舱面运费率
  3434. deck red ==> 甲板红漆
  3435. deck reinforcement ==> 面板钢筋
  3436. deck roller ==> 打捆台禾谷输送辊
  3437. deck roof ==> 台式屋顶
  3438. deck sash ==> 顶栅窗
  3439. deck spillway ==> 盖板溢洪道
  3440. deck step ==> 后层梯蹬
  3441. deck switch ==> 同轴开关
  3442. deck tape ==> 磁带机
  3443. deck truss ==> 上承桁架
  3444. deck twin crane ==> 并列式甲板起重机
  3445. deck watch ==> 精密航海表
  3446. deck welding ==> 重力焊
  3447. deck-girder steel dam ==> 板梁式钢坝
  3448. deck-plate ==> 铁甲板,钢甲板
  3449. decked explosive ==> 分层爆炸
  3450. decken structure ==> 叠瓦构造
  3451. decking gear ==> 装罐机
  3452. deckle ==> 稳纸框
  3453. deckle board ==> 框板
  3454. deckle edge ==> 纸边
  3455. deckle strap ==> 框带
  3456. deckle straps ==> 定边带
  3457. Declamando ==> 朗诵般的
  3458. declaraction of dividend ==> 宣布分配股息
  3459. declaration ==> 声明,申报,说明,(保险)启运通知书=>公表,布告,デクラレイション,宣言,宣言書
  3460. declaration card ==> 申告書,申告カード
  3461. declaration date ==> 通知日
  3462. declaration day ==> 记息日
  3463. declaration directive ==> 宣言
  3464. declaration for exportation ==> 出口报单
  3465. declaration for importation ==> 进口报关单
  3466. declaration form ==> 申报表
  3467. declaration insurance ==> 通知保险
  3468. declaration of alienage ==> 放弃国籍声明
  3469. declaration of avoidance ==> 宣告无效
  3470. declaration of blockade ==> 封锁宣言
  3471. declaration of conformity ==> 符合标准声明
  3472. declaration of estimated tax ==> 納税申告
  3473. declaration of export ==> 輸出申告書
  3474. declaration of forfeiture ==> 没收公告
  3475. declaration of hatches ==> 舱口报关单
  3476. declaration of inability to pay ==> 宣告无力偿债
  3477. declaration of inventorship ==> 发明人的声明
  3478. declaration of non-infringement ==> 非侵权的申明
  3479. declaration of trust ==> 信托协议
  3480. declarative array ==> 说明数组
  3481. declarative macro instruction ==> 说明宏指令
  3482. declarative operation code ==> 说明操作码
  3483. declarative statement ==> 说明语句
  3484. declarator definition ==> 说明符定义
  3485. declarator name ==> 说明符名称
  3486. declare a ban on ==> 取缔
  3487. declare a dividend ==> 通告分红
  3488. declare bankruptcy ==> 宣告破产
  3489. declare goods for duty ==> 货物报税
  3490. declared capital ==> 申报资本额,法定资本
  3491. declared dividend ==> 已宣布分配的股息
  3492. declared efficiency ==> 标称效率
  3493. declared engine speed ==> 定格回転速度
  3494. declared profit ==> 已宣布利润
  3495. declared value ==> 申报价格
  3496. declared value for carriage ==> 申报货载价值
  3497. declassified cost ==> 重分类成本
  3498. declinating point ==> 罗盘修正台
  3499. declination ==> 偏角=>偏角,赤緯
  3500. declination angle ==> 偏向角
  3501. declination arc ==> (罗盘仪上的)磁偏角弧
  3502. declination axis ==> 赤纬轴
  3503. declination circle ==> 赤纬度盘,赤纬圈
  3504. declination compass ==> 磁偏计,磁偏针
  3505. declination difference ==> 赤纬差
  3506. declination error ==> 罗盘变动误差
  3507. declination flying ==> 偏向飞行
  3508. declination of grid north ==> 格网偏角
  3509. declination of magnetic needle ==> 磁偏角
  3510. declination of the sun ==> 太陽赤緯
  3511. declination parallel ==> 赤纬圈
  3512. declinational tide ==> 赤纬潮
  3513. decline ==> 下倾,低落,衰,衰退=>下落,減少,断る,辞退する
  3514. decline an offer ==> 不接受报价
  3515. decline an order ==> 谢绝订货=>注文を断る
  3516. decline curve ==> 衰退曲线,递减曲线
  3517. decline in economic usefulness ==> 经济效用减低,经济效用减低
  3518. decline in judgement ==> 判断力下降
  3519. decline loan ==> 拒绝贷款,拒绝贷款
  3520. decline of groundwater level ==> 地下水位的降落
  3521. decline of real growth rate ==> 实际增长水平的下降
  3522. decline of sale ==> 销路不佳
  3523. decline of the fire from the gate of life ==> 命门火衰
  3524. decline of water table ==> 地下水位下降
  3525. decline period ==> 衰退期
  3526. decline phase ==> 衰退期
  3527. declined risk ==> 拒受的保险业务,拒受的保险业务
  3528. declining average variable cost ==> 平均变动成本下降
  3529. declining balance depreciation ==> 衰减平衡折旧
  3530. declining balance method of depreciation ==> 折旧余额递减法
  3531. declining metered rate system ==> 逓減従量料金制
  3532. declinometer ==> 磁偏计
  3533. decloxizine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸去氯羟嗪
  3534. declutch ==> 分离,脱开,松闸=>クラッチを切る
  3535. declutch carrier ==> 分离座架
  3536. declutch driving clutch ==> 分离传动离合器
  3537. declutch shaft ==> 分离轴
  3538. declutch shaft bearing gasket ==> 分离轴轴承盖垫密片
  3539. declutch shaft carrier ==> 分离轴座架
  3540. declutch shaft carrier gasket ==> 分离轴座架垫密片
  3541. declutch shaft gear ==> 分离轴齿轮
  3542. declutch shift lever ==> 换档操纵杆
  3543. declutch shift shaft ==> 拨叉轴,分离移动轴
  3544. declutch shift shaft lock ball ==> 拨叉轴紧锁钢球
  3545. declutch sliding clutch ==> 分离滑动离合器
  3546. declutch(ing) bearing ==> 离合器轴承
  3547. declutcher control lever ==> 分离杆
  3548. declutching lever ==> 分离杆
  3549. declutching safety device ==> 使离合器分离的安全装置
  3550. Decobra alloy ==> 德可布拉铜镍锌合金
  3551. decoct a drug wrapped ==> 包煎
  3552. decoction ==> 煎法,煎剂,汤药,煎煮
  3553. Decoction for Discharging Blood Clots ==> 下瘀血汤
  3554. Decoction for Reliving Dryness of the Lung ==> 清燥救肺汤
  3555. Decoction for Removing Heat from the Lung Channel ==> 清络饮
  3556. Decoction for Removing the Heart-fire ==> 泻心汤
  3557. Decoction for Strengthening the Spleen-yang ==> 真武汤
  3558. decoction made from powder ==> 煮散
  3559. Decoction of Capejasmine and Fermented Soybean ==> 栀子豉汤
  3560. Decoction of Capejasmine and Phellodendron ==> 栀子柏皮汤
  3561. Decoction of Gentian to Purge the Liver ==> 龙胆泻肝汤
  3562. Decoction of Immature Bitter Orange ==> 枳实薤白桂枝汤
  3563. Decoction of Red Halloysite and Limonite ==> 赤石脂禹余粮汤
  3564. Decoction of Seven Valuable Drugs for Malaria ==> 截疟七宝饮
  3565. decoction to be taken cold ==> 饮
  3566. decodable code ==> 可解码,可译码
  3567. decode logic ==> 译码逻辑
  3568. decode operation ==> 译码操作
  3569. decode, to ==> 復号する
  3570. decoded mode ==> 译码方式
  3571. decoded operation ==> 译码操作
  3572. decoded signal ==> 译码信号
  3573. decoded trigger pulse ==> 译码触发脉冲
  3574. decoder ==> 解码器=>復号器,デコーダ
  3575. decoder circuit ==> 译码电路
  3576. decoder connector ==> 译码机连接器
  3577. decoder matrix ==> 译码矩阵
  3578. decoding ==> 译码=>復号(化)
  3579. decoding circuit ==> 译码电路
  3580. decoding constraint length ==> 解码约束长度
  3581. decoding gate ==> 译码门
  3582. decoding information ==> 译码信息
  3583. decoding logic ==> 译码逻辑
  3584. decoding machine ==> 译码机
  3585. decoding matrix ==> 译码矩阵
  3586. decoding matrix(matrice) ==> 译码矩阵
  3587. decoding network ==> 译码网络
  3588. decoding relay ==> 译码继电器
  3589. decoding scheme ==> 译码电路
  3590. decoding table ==> 译码表
  3591. decoherence ==> 退相干=>デコヒーレンス
  3592. decoherence time ==> 緩和時間
  3593. decoherer ==> デコヒーラ
  3594. decohesion ==> 减聚力
  3595. decohesion element ==> 分離要素
  3596. decoic acid ==> 癸酸
  3597. decoiler ==> 开卷机
  3598. decoiler roll ==> 开卷机带材板直辊
  3599. decoiling ==> 开卷
  3600. decoiling equipment ==> 开卷装置
  3601. decoiling unit ==> 开卷机
  3602. decollement ==> 剥离,剥离术,脱顶构造,滑脱构造=>脱落,剥離術
  3603. decollement fold ==> 脱顶褶皱
  3604. decollement zone ==> 滑脱构造带
  3605. decoloring agent ==> 脱色剂
  3606. decolourizing agent ==> 退色剂
  3607. DECOM, decommutator ==> 多重信号分離装置
  3608. decometer ==> デコメータ
  3609. decommission pay ==> 复员费
  3610. decommissioning ==> 解除运作,停止运作
  3611. decommissioning of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂退役,核电厂在商业运行结束后,经过去污、拆除和解体、环境整治等若干阶段,达到厂址有限制或无限制开放和重新利用。各阶段均要对产生的放射性废物和其他有害物质进行处理和处置
  3612. decomposability attribute ==> 可分解的属性
  3613. decomposable and crystalline erosion index ==> 分解结晶复合侵蚀指标
  3614. decomposable erosion ==> 分解性侵蚀
  3615. decomposable erosion index ==> 分解性侵蚀指标
  3616. decomposable game ==> 可分解对策
  3617. decomposable model ==> 可分解模型
  3618. decomposable process ==> 分解过程
  3619. decomposable production system ==> 可分解的产生式系统
  3620. decomposable system ==> 可拆体系
  3621. decompose ==> 分解,分裂,破坏,离解
  3622. decompose tony skeleton ==> 白骨化
  3623. decomposed erosion ==> 分解性侵蚀
  3624. decomposed gas ==> 分解ガス(ガス遮断器)
  3625. decomposed granite ==> 风化花岗岩
  3626. decomposed manure ==> 沤肥
  3627. decomposed out crop ==> 风化分解露头
  3628. decomposed product ==> 分解产物
  3629. decomposed rock ==> 风化岩
  3630. decomposer ==> 分解槽,分解器,分解者
  3631. decomposing furnace ==> 分解炉
  3632. decomposing material ==> 分解物質
  3633. decomposing organic material ==> 分解中的有机物体
  3634. decomposing organic matter ==> 分解有機物
  3635. decomposing pot ==> 分解釜
  3636. decomposing state ==> 腐敗状態
  3637. decomposition ==> 分解,分解产物,分解作用,腐解,腐烂作用,离解作用,蜕变,解体,分析,溶解,腐烂=>分解,腐敗
  3638. decomposition activity ==> 分解活性
  3639. decomposition agent ==> 分解剤
  3640. decomposition aggregation analysis ==> 分解集结分析
  3641. decomposition algorithm ==> 分解算法=>分解アルゴリズム
  3642. decomposition and reconstruction ==> 分解和重构
  3643. decomposition axiom ==> 分解公理
  3644. decomposition by combustion ==> 燃烧分解法
  3645. decomposition by fusion ==> 熔融分解法
  3646. decomposition catalyst ==> 分解催化剂=>分解触媒
  3647. decomposition chamber ==> 分解室
  3648. decomposition channel ==> 分解チャンネル
  3649. decomposition characteristic ==> 分解特性
  3650. decomposition characteristics ==> 分解特性
  3651. decomposition chart ==> 分解图
  3652. decomposition coefficient ==> 分解系数
  3653. decomposition combustion ==> 分解燃烧
  3654. decomposition constant ==> 分解常数
  3655. decomposition course ==> 分解过程
  3656. decomposition curve ==> 分解曲线
  3657. decomposition decay ==> 分解风化
  3658. decomposition effect ==> 分解作用
  3659. decomposition efficiency ==> 分解效率
  3660. decomposition group ==> 分解群
  3661. decomposition heat ==> 分解热
  3662. decomposition in linear programming ==> 线性规划中的分解
  3663. decomposition in sealed vessel ==> 封闭分解法
  3664. decomposition intensity ==> 分解强度
  3665. decomposition mechanism ==> 分解机理
  3666. decomposition method ==> 分解法
  3667. decomposition of erection ==> 解体安装
  3668. decomposition of force ==> 力的分解
  3669. decomposition of forces ==> 力的分解
  3670. decomposition of fraction ==> 分式分解
  3671. decomposition of query ==> 查询分解
  3672. decomposition of relation schema ==> 关系模式的分解
  3673. decomposition of variation ==> 变差分解
  3674. decomposition of wastewater ==> 废水分解
  3675. decomposition of white light ==> 白光分解
  3676. decomposition peak ==> 分解峰
  3677. decomposition point ==> 分解点
  3678. decomposition potential ==> 分解電圧
  3679. decomposition pressure ==> 分解压力
  3680. decomposition principle ==> 分解原理
  3681. decomposition product ==> 分解产物
  3682. decomposition reaction ==> 分解反应
  3683. decomposition rule ==> 分解规则
  3684. decomposition run ==> 分解试验
  3685. decomposition technique ==> 分解技术
  3686. decomposition temperature ==> 分解温度
  3687. decomposition texture ==> 分解结构
  3688. decomposition theorem ==> 分解定理
  3689. decomposition value ==> 分解值
  3690. decomposition vibration ==> 分解振动
  3691. decomposition voltage ==> 分解电势,分解电压=>分解電圧
  3692. decomposition water ==> 分解水
  3693. decomposition with overlapping ==> 重叠分解
  3694. decomposition-coordination ==> 分解-协调
  3695. decompound ==> 分解,多回分裂
  3696. decompounded motor ==> 差复励电动机
  3697. decompounding winding ==> 差复激绕组
  3698. decompresseion of orbit ==> 眼眶减压术
  3699. decompression ==> 潜水减压,减压,减压术,降压=>減圧,復元,解凍
  3700. decompression cabin ==> 减压室
  3701. decompression cabinet ==> 减压箱
  3702. decompression chamber ==> 减压室
  3703. decompression drainage ==> 减压引流
  3704. decompression experiment ==> 減圧実験
  3705. decompression illness ==> 減圧障害(DCI)
  3706. decompression incision ==> 減圧切開
  3707. decompression injury ==> 減圧傷害
  3708. decompression lever ==> 减压杆
  3709. decompression of endolymphatic sac ==> 内淋巴囊减压术
  3710. decompression of intestine ==> 肠减压术
  3711. decompression of recurrent nerve ==> 喉返神经减压术
  3712. decompression of saccule ==> 球囊减压术
  3713. decompression of spinal cord ==> 脊髓减压术
  3714. decompression osteonecrosis ==> 减压性骨坏死
  3715. decompression pain ==> 减压痛
  3716. decompression release lever ==> 减压杆
  3717. decompression retractor ==> 减压牵开器,减压术牵开器
  3718. decompression sickness ==> 减压病,潜水员病
  3719. decompression sphere ==> 球形减压室
  3720. decompression valves ==> 泄压阀
  3721. decompression wave ==> 减压波
  3722. deconstruction ==> 解构=>分解する
  3723. decontaminating agent ==> 去污剂
  3724. decontaminating column ==> 去污染柱,净化柱,净化柱,提纯柱
  3725. decontamination ==> 净化,去污=>汚染除去,除染
  3726. decontamination area ==> 消除污染区域
  3727. decontamination arrangement ==> 汚染除去装置
  3728. decontamination capacity ==> 汚染除去能
  3729. decontamination cell ==> 去污小室
  3730. decontamination chamber ==> 消除室=>汚染浄化室
  3731. decontamination cycle ==> 净化循环
  3732. decontamination device ==> 去污设施
  3733. decontamination equipment ==> 去污设备
  3734. decontamination factor ==> 纯化系数
  3735. decontamination factor (D.F.) ==> 去污因数
  3736. decontamination index ==> 去污因数,净化指标,净化指标
  3737. decontamination plant ==> 去污装置,净化装置
  3738. decontamination statement ==> 删密声明
  3739. decontamination system ==> 净化系统,净化系统
  3740. decontrol of foreign exchange ==> 解除外汇管制
  3741. decontrol of the market ==> 放开市场
  3742. deconvolution ==> 反卷积,反卷褶积,反旋卷,解卷积,重叠合法=>解析,逆コンボリューション,デコンボリューション
  3743. deconvolution algorithm ==> デコンボリューションアルゴリズム
  3744. deconvolution filter ==> デコンボリューションフィルター
  3745. decoppering ==> 脱铜
  3746. decoppering agent ==> 除铜剂
  3747. decoppering cleaning agent for gun barrel ==> 火炮炮管除铜擦拭剂
  3748. decopperized lead ==> 除铜铅
  3749. decopperized lead bullion ==> 除铜粗铅
  3750. decorated border ==> 边缘饰
  3751. decorated bracket ==> 雀替
  3752. decorated pottery ==> 彩陶
  3753. decorated pulp cement board ==> 饰面纸浆水泥板
  3754. decorated style ==> (英国哥特式建筑之第二阶段)盛饰建筑形式
  3755. decorating machine ==> 印花机
  3756. decoration ==> 染色
  3757. decoration carved on paste ==> 雕花装饰
  3758. decoration lamp ==> 装飾用電球
  3759. decoration method ==> 染色法
  3760. decoration with liquid gold ==> 描金
  3761. decorative alloy ==> 装饰合金
  3762. decorative coat ==> 装饰涂覆
  3763. decorative color painting ==> 彩画
  3764. decorative illumination ==> 装饰照明
  3765. decorative lighting ==> 装饰照明,灯饰
  3766. decorative openwork window ==> 漏窗
  3767. decorative painting ==> 彩画
  3768. decorative period ==> 盛饰时期
  3769. decorative porcelain ==> 彩瓷
  3770. decorative veneer ==> 饰面薄板,装饰单板=>装飾ベニヤ板
  3771. decorative web ==> 彩饰面纸
  3772. decorative wood veneer ==> 饰面薄板
  3773. decorrelation radar ==> 抗相关干扰雷达
  3774. decortical state ==> 去皮质状态
  3775. decortication of lung ==> 胸膜纤维板剥脱术
  3776. decorticator ==> 去皮机
  3777. decoupled approximation ==> 解耦近似法
  3778. decoupling ==> 去耦,解耦,摘钩=>減結合,分離,デカプリング,非干渉化
  3779. decoupling agent ==> 解偶联剂
  3780. decoupling capacitor ==> 減結合コンデンサ
  3781. decoupling control ==> 解耦控制=>非干渉制御
  3782. decoupling design ==> 非干渉化設計
  3783. decoupling device ==> デカップリングデバイス
  3784. decoupling effect ==> デカップリング効果
  3785. decoupling efficiency ==> デカップリング効率
  3786. decoupling filter ==> 去耦滤波器=>減結合フィルタ
  3787. decoupling identification ==> 非干渉化同定
  3788. decoupling network ==> 抗耦合网络=>減結合回路網
  3789. decoupling phenomenon ==> デカップリング現象
  3790. decoupling stock ==> 保险性库存
  3791. decoy discrimination ==> 假目标辨别
  3792. decoy discrimination radar ==> 目标鉴别雷达
  3793. decoy return ==> 假目标反射信号,假目标回波信号
  3794. decoy transponder ==> 假应答器
  3795. decrating machine ==> 出箱机
  3796. decrease ==> 递减,损,亏短数,减少
  3797. decrease in demand ==> 需要低迷
  3798. decrease in population ==> 人口减少
  3799. decrease in the interest rate ==> 降低货币利息
  3800. decrease of hilus of lung ==> 肺门缩小
  3801. decrease of input power ==> 入力電力低減
  3802. decrease of load ==> 负荷降落,降低负荷
  3803. decrease of plasma colloid osmotic pressure ==> 血浆胶体渗透压下降
  3804. decrease of sensitivity ==> 敏感度降低
  3805. decrease the surface tension of the stool ==> 便の表面張力を減少させる
  3806. decreased emotion ==> 情緒の減退
  3807. decreased overhead ==> 削减管理费
  3808. decreasing amplitude ==> 降幅,减幅
  3809. decreasing credit ==> 紧缩贷款
  3810. decreasing failure rate ==> 递减故障率
  3811. decreasing failure rate (DFR) ==> 递减失效率,初值故障率
  3812. decreasing forward wave ==> 衰减前向波
  3813. decreasing function ==> 递减函数,单调非增函数,下降函数
  3814. decreasing hazard rate ==> 下降机率
  3815. decreasing lead screw ==> 减螺距螺杆
  3816. decreasing mode ==> 递减模式
  3817. decreasing natural resources ==> 減少していく天然資源
  3818. decreasing of standard deviation ==> 标准差降低
  3819. decreasing pressure ==> 递减压力
  3820. decreasing profits ==> 收益递减
  3821. decreasing progression ==> 递减级数
  3822. decreasing returns ==> 报酬递减
  3823. decreasing series ==> 递减级数
  3824. decreasing time function ==> 减少时间函数
  3825. decreasing vibration ==> 降振
  3826. decree ==> 判決,命令
  3827. decree of completion of the bankruptcy proceeding ==> 破产终结判决
  3828. decree of distribution ==> 分配判决
  3829. decree of management of narcotic drugs ==> 管理毒品法令
  3830. decrement ==> 衰减量=>減少量
  3831. decrement angle ==> 齿根角
  3832. decrement conduction ==> 減衰伝導
  3833. decrement effect ==> 減衰効果
  3834. decrement field ==> 减量字段
  3835. decrement jump ==> 减量转移
  3836. decrement load ==> 减量装入
  3837. decrement measurement ==> 衰减量测量
  3838. decrement of oscillation ==> 振荡衰减量
  3839. decrement of velocity ==> 减速
  3840. decrement ratio ==> 减幅比
  3841. decremental arc ==> 渐缩环形山弧
  3842. decremental chain ==> 渐缩环形山链
  3843. decrementless conduction ==> 不减衰传导
  3844. decremeter ==> 衰减计
  3845. decrescendo type ==> 渐退型
  3846. decrescent function ==> 渐减函数
  3847. decrustation pliers ==> 剥线钳
  3848. dectaphone ==> 漏水探知器
  3849. decubitus calculus ==> 久卧结石,久卧结石
  3850. decubitus paralysis ==> 久卧性麻痹,久卧性麻痹
  3851. decumbent corydalis tuber ==> 夏天无
  3852. decumbent stem ==> 偃伏茎
  3853. decurtate pulse ==> 缓退脉
  3854. decussate leaf ==> 十字型对出叶
  3855. decussating fibers ==> 交叉纤维
  3856. decussatio nervorum trochlearium ==> 滑车神经交叉
  3857. decussatio pyramidum ==> 锥体交叉
  3858. decussation of fillet ==> 丘系交叉
  3859. decussation of pyramid ==> 锥体交叉
  3860. decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles ==> 结合臂交叉
  3861. decussation of trochlear nerve ==> 滑车神经交叉
  3862. decyclic acid ==> 癸酸
  3863. decyl acetate ==> 乙酸癸酯
  3864. decyl alcohol ==> 癸醇
  3865. decyl amine ==> 癸胺
  3866. decyl bromide ==> 癸基溴
  3867. decyl iodide ==> 癸基碘
  3868. decylenic acid ==> 癸烯酸
  3869. decylic acid ==> 癸酸
  3870. decynoic acid ==> 癸炔酸
  3871. Dedekind cut ==> 狄德金分割
  3872. dedendum angle ==> 齿根角
  3873. dedendum circle ==> 齿根圆
  3874. dedendum cone ==> (圆锥齿轮啮合)齿根锥
  3875. dedendum line ==> 齿根线
  3876. dedendum line of contact ==> 齿根接触线
  3877. dedendum of the tooth ==> 齿根高
  3878. dedicated autonomous module ==> 专用自主模件
  3879. dedicated autonomous unit ==> 专用自主部件
  3880. dedicated channel ==> 专用信道
  3881. dedicated chip ==> 专用芯片
  3882. dedicated circuit ==> 专线=>専用回路
  3883. dedicated computer ==> 专用计算机
  3884. dedicated connection ==> 专用连线
  3885. dedicated data ==> 专用数据
  3886. dedicated data set ==> 专用数据集
  3887. dedicated integrated circuit ==> 专用芯片
  3888. dedicated low-voltage wiring ==> 专用低压接线,变电站二次设备和二次接线的一部分,与某一指定的一次回路(线路、变压器等)实质上相关联
  3889. dedicated memory ==> 专用存储区,特用存储区
  3890. dedicated network ==> 専用網
  3891. dedicated pin ==> 专用引线
  3892. dedicated program(me) ==> 专用程序
  3893. dedicated ramp ==> 専用ランプ
  3894. dedicated space ==> 存储空间
  3895. dedicated storage ==> 专用存储器
  3896. dedicated system ==> 专用系统
  3897. dedm ==> 电火花穿孔机
  3898. deduce ==> 推定する
  3899. deduce rule ==> 演绎规则
  3900. deduce the meaning of a word ==> 単語の意味を推測する
  3901. deduct a percentage from a sum of money ==> 提成
  3902. deductible allowance ==> 可扣除免税项目
  3903. deductible average ==> 绝对免赔额,绝对免赔额
  3904. deductible contributions ==> 可扣除借款
  3905. deductible expenditure ==> 可扣除支出
  3906. deductible expenditure-business ==> 可扣除营业支出
  3907. deductible loss ==> 可减损失,可扣除损失
  3908. deductible medical expenses ==> 可扣除医疗费用
  3909. deductible medicines and drugs ==> 可扣除药费
  3910. deductible moving expenses ==> 可扣除迁移费
  3911. deductible tax ==> 可扣除税款
  3912. deducting payments ==> 扣除借支
  3913. deduction ==> 扣除,扣除额,扣除项目,扣减,减除数,减去,折扣额,推断,推轮,演绎,演绎法,抵扣=>控除,推論,結論
  3914. deduction amount ==> 控除額
  3915. deduction at source ==> 减计收入=>源泉徴収
  3916. deduction carried forward ==> 繰越控除額
  3917. deduction exemption certificate ==> 免扣预提税证
  3918. deduction from gross income ==> 可从毛收入中扣除的项目
  3919. deduction from income ==> 可从收入中扣除的项目
  3920. deduction from net income ==> 可从净收人中扣除的项目
  3921. deduction method ==> 扣除法
  3922. deduction of the tax-exempt items ==> 扣除免税项目
  3923. deduction solid solution ==> 缺位固溶体
  3924. deduction theorem ==> 归约定理,演绎定理
  3925. deduction tree ==> 演绎树
  3926. deductions before distribution ==> 先做各种扣除后个人分配
  3927. deductions from net income ==> 净收往年减除数,净收往年减除数
  3928. deductive ==> 推论的
  3929. deductive approach ==> 演绎法
  3930. deductive coverage clause ==> 可减保额条款
  3931. deductive inference ==> 演绎推理,演绎推论
  3932. deductive logic ==> 演绎逻辑
  3933. deductive method ==> 演绎法
  3934. deductive model ==> 演绎模型
  3935. deductive operation on structured object ==> 结构化事物的演绎运算
  3936. deductive philosophy ==> 演繹哲学
  3937. deductive procedure ==> 演绎过程
  3938. deductive reasoning ==> 演绎推论
  3939. deductive simulation ==> 演绎模拟
  3940. deductive simulator method ==> 演绎模拟法
  3941. deductive value (DDV) ==> 扣减价格
  3942. dedusting by filtration ==> 过滤除尘法
  3943. dedusting equipment ==> 除尘设备
  3944. deed indented ==> 锯齿边契约,锯齿边契约
  3945. deed of bargain and sale ==> 卖契
  3946. deed of purchase ==> 卖据
  3947. deed of sale ==> 卖据,卖契
  3948. deed of separation ==> 分居协议
  3949. deed of settlement ==> 分家书,财产托管书
  3950. deed of surrender ==> 交产权契据
  3951. deed of trust ==> 信托契约
  3952. deed tax ==> 契税
  3953. Deeley friction machine ==> 迪来摩擦机
  3954. deemed paid credit ==> 信得过信贷
  3955. deemphasis circuit ==> 去加重电路
  3956. deemphasis network ==> 去加重网络
  3957. deenergize ==> 去激励
  3958. deenergized line ==> 断开线路
  3959. deenergized period ==> 释放周期,(继电器的)释放期间
  3960. deenergizing ==> 断电路
  3961. deenergizing by short circuit ==> 短路释放
  3962. deenergizing circuit ==> 去激电路,消除激励电路
  3963. deentrainment column ==> 除雾末柱
  3964. deentrainment filter ==> 除雾沫过滤器
  3965. deentrainment tower ==> 除雾塔
  3966. deep ==> 海渊,深,深的,深刻
  3967. deep abscess of neck ==> 颈深部脓肿,颈深部脓肿
  3968. deep absorption ==> 深吸收
  3969. deep acceptor ==> 深受主
  3970. deep air cell ==> 深气升浮选机
  3971. deep artery of penis ==> 阴茎深动脉
  3972. deep auricular artery ==> 耳深动脉
  3973. deep bar ==> 深鼠笼条
  3974. deep bar motor ==> 深槽电动机
  3975. deep bar rotor ==> 深槽转子
  3976. deep basement ==> 深部基盤
  3977. deep basin gas trap ==> 深盆气圈闭
  3978. Deep Bay Buffer Zone ==> 后海湾缓冲区
  3979. Deep Bay Environmental Management Committee ==> 后海湾环境管理委员会
  3980. Deep Bay Water Control Zone ==> 后海湾水质管制区
  3981. Deep Bay Water Quality--Regional Control Strategy Study ==> 后海湾水质──地域管制策略研究
  3982. deep bead ==> 挡风板
  3983. deep beam ==> 深梁
  3984. deep bed drier ==> 厚层谷物干燥机
  3985. deep bed filter ==> 袋式过滤器
  3986. deep bed filtration ==> 深層ろ過
  3987. deep bending ==> 深弯
  3988. deep biosphere ==> 深部地下生物圏
  3989. deep book ==> 難解な本
  3990. deep bore well pump ==> 深钻井泵
  3991. deep boundary current ==> 深層境界流
  3992. deep brachial artery ==> 肱深动脉
  3993. deep brain stimulation ==> 脳深部電気刺激法
  3994. deep brain structure ==> 脳深部構造物
  3995. deep branch ==> 深枝
  3996. deep branch of peroneal nerve ==> 腓骨神経深枝
  3997. deep camber ==> 深弯度
  3998. deep carburizing ==> 深度渗碳
  3999. deep cementing ==> 深渗碳
  4000. deep center ==> 深杂质中心
  4001. deep cervical artery ==> 颈深动脉,颈深动脉
  4002. deep cervical vein ==> 颈深静脉,颈深静脉
  4003. deep circumflex iliac vein ==> 旋髂深静脉
  4004. deep colo(u)r ==> 深色
  4005. deep colour ==> 纯色
  4006. deep convection ==> 深い対流
  4007. deep cooling ==> 深度冷却,深冷=>深冷処理
  4008. deep cubital lymph nodes ==> 肘深淋巴结
  4009. deep cultivator ==> 深松土中耕机
  4010. deep culture ==> 深层培养,深耕
  4011. deep cut ==> 深挖
  4012. deep cutting ==> 深刻,立锯,立剖
  4013. deep dentin caries ==> 牙本质深龋
  4014. deep depletion ccd ==> 深耗尽层电荷耦合装置
  4015. deep depletion transistor ==> 深耗尽层晶体管
  4016. deep diffusion ==> 深扩散
  4017. deep digger ==> 深松土器
  4018. deep digging ==> 深松土
  4019. deep discount bond ==> 高折价债券,巨额折价债券,巨额折价债券
  4020. deep dome ==> 深部穹窿
  4021. deep donor ==> 深施主
  4022. deep dormancy ==> 深休眠,熟休眠
  4023. deep dorsal vein of penis ==> 阴茎背深静脉
  4024. deep draft lock ==> 深水船闸
  4025. deep draft vessel ==> 深喫水船,喫水の深い船
  4026. deep drawability ==> 深拉性
  4027. deep drawing ==> 深拉
  4028. deep drawing die ==> 深压模
  4029. deep drawing press ==> 深拉压力机
  4030. deep drawing sheet ==> 深冲薄板
  4031. deep drawing steel ==> 深冲钢
  4032. deep drawng ==> 拉伸
  4033. deep easterlies ==> 赤道东风带
  4034. deep emotion ==> 感激,感慨
  4035. deep erosion ==> 强度侵蚀
  4036. deep etch test ==> 深腐蚀试验
  4037. deep etching ==> 深腐蚀
  4038. deep facial vein ==> 面深静脉
  4039. deep fade ==> 强衰落
  4040. deep fascia ==> 深筋膜
  4041. deep fat thermometer ==> 熬油温度计
  4042. deep faulting ==> 深部断層運動
  4043. deep femoral artery ==> 股深动脉
  4044. deep femoral vein ==> 股深静脉
  4045. deep fill ==> 深填
  4046. deep fillet welding ==> 深角焊
  4047. deep flexor muscle of fingers ==> 指深屈肌
  4048. deep floor ==> 加强肋板
  4049. deep focus ==> 深源
  4050. deep foundation ==> 深基础=>深い基礎
  4051. deep foundation method ==> 深基础施工法
  4052. deep fracture ==> 深部断裂
  4053. deep fracture zone ==> 深断裂带
  4054. deep freezer ==> 深度冷冻器,深度致冷器,冰柜
  4055. deep freezing ==> 冰冷处理,冷处理
  4056. deep freezing of semen ==> 精液冷冻
  4057. deep greenhouse ==> 地下温室
  4058. deep groove ball bearing ==> 深槽滚珠轴承
  4059. deep handrail ==> 深扶手
  4060. deep hibernation ==> 深度冬眠
  4061. deep hole drill ==> 深孔钻头
  4062. deep hole drilling ==> 深孔钻孔
  4063. deep hole drilling machine ==> 深孔钻床
  4064. deep holography ==> 深全息术
  4065. deep in debt ==> 债台高筑
  4066. deep in the money ==> 极具实值
  4067. deep inelastic transfer ==> 拟裂变
  4068. deep infrapatellar bursa ==> 髌下深囊
  4069. deep inguinal ring ==> 腹股沟管深环
  4070. deep inland sea ==> 深内陆海
  4071. deep inspiration ==> 深吸気
  4072. deep kerf ==> 深槽
  4073. deep lead ==> 深海砂矿
  4074. deep learning ==> 深度学习,机器学习研究中的一个新的领域,其动机在于建立、模拟人脑进行分析学习的神经网络,它模仿人脑的机制来解释数据,例如图像,声音和文本。同机器学习方法一样,深度机器学习方法也有监督学习与无监督学习之分.不同的学习框架下建立的学习=>ディープラーニング
  4075. deep level ==> 深层,深能级
  4076. deep litter ==> 厚垫草
  4077. deep litter system ==> 积聚法废物处理,厚褥草法
  4078. deep meniscus ==> 深弯月形
  4079. deep mining ==> 深井开采
  4080. deep molten bath ==> 深熔池
  4081. deep of planting ==> 播种深度
  4082. deep of sowing ==> 播种深度
  4083. deep out of the money ==> 极失值
  4084. deep pain ==> 深部痛觉
  4085. deep palmar arch ==> 掌深弓
  4086. deep palmar branch ==> 掌深支
  4087. deep penetration ==> 深穿透
  4088. deep penetration electrode ==> 深熔焊条
  4089. deep penetration welding ==> 深熔焊
  4090. deep penetration welding electrode ==> 深熔焊条
  4091. deep percussion ==> 重叩诊
  4092. deep perineal space ==> 会阴深隙
  4093. deep peroneal nerve ==> 腓深神经
  4094. deep petroleum reservoirs ==> 深部石油貯留層
  4095. deep petrosal nerve ==> 岩深神经
  4096. deep placement ==> 深施
  4097. deep plant management ==> 深根作物管理
  4098. deep plantar branch of dorsalis pedis artery ==> 足背动脉足底深支
  4099. deep plough ==> 深层犁
  4100. deep plough and intense cultivation ==> 深耕细作
  4101. deep plough level ==> 深耕层
  4102. deep ploughing ==> 深耕
  4103. deep popliteal lymph nodes ==> 浅淋巴结
  4104. deep punching ==> 深冲
  4105. deep punching steel ==> 深冲钢
  4106. deep red ==> 深红色
  4107. deep reflex ==> 深层反射
  4108. deep rooted plant ==> 深根作物
  4109. deep scattering layer ==> 深散射层
  4110. deep sea cable ==> 深水电缆=>深海線
  4111. deep sea instrument capsule ==> 深海仪器舱
  4112. deep sea vehicle ==> 深潜器
  4113. deep seal ==> (一种反虹吸存水弯)深存水弯
  4114. deep seawater ==> 海洋深層水
  4115. deep seeding ==> 深播
  4116. deep sleep ==> 深睡
  4117. deep slot effect ==> 深槽效应
  4118. deep slot motor ==> 深槽式电动机
  4119. deep slot squirrel cage induction motor ==> 深槽鼠笼式感应电动机
  4120. deep slot type rotor ==> 深槽式转子,采用深槽结构以提高起动性能的电动机
  4121. deep slotting ==> 深切槽
  4122. deep socket wrench ==> 长套管型套筒扳手
  4123. deep soil ==> 深层土壤
  4124. deep sounding apparatus ==> 深水测深仪
  4125. deep sounding machine ==> 测深机
  4126. deep space ==> 深宇宙
  4127. deep space communications complex ==> 深宇宙通信施設
  4128. deep space exploration ==> 深宇宙探査
  4129. deep space instrumentation system (DSIS) ==> 深空探测系统
  4130. Deep Space Network ==> 遠距離宇宙通信網
  4131. Deep Space Network (DSN) ==> 太空跟踪网
  4132. deep space observation ==> 深宇宙観測
  4133. deep space telecommunication ==> 深宇宙通信
  4134. deep spout ==> 供料机料盆
  4135. deep stamping sheet ==> 深冲薄板
  4136. deep state ==> 深能态
  4137. deep subsoil water ==> 深层土壤水
  4138. deep tank ==> 深舱=>ディープタンク
  4139. deep tank capacity ==> 深舱容积
  4140. deep tense pulse ==> 脉沉紧
  4141. deep therapy ==> 深部疗法
  4142. deep thready pulse ==> 脉沉细
  4143. deep tillage ==> 深翻
  4144. deep tillage area ==> 深耕地
  4145. deep tillage field ==> 深耕田
  4146. deep tillage with fertilizer application ==> 深耕施肥法
  4147. deep tooth form ==> 长齿高制
  4148. deep tooth gear ==> 长齿高制齿轮
  4149. deep trades ==> 赤道东风带
  4150. deep transverse metacarpal ligament ==> 掌骨深横韧带
  4151. deep transverse perineal muscle ==> 会阴深横肌
  4152. deep trap ==> 深陷阱
  4153. deep uv exposure ==> 远紫外线曝光
  4154. deep uv light ==> 远紫外线
  4155. deep uv lithography ==> 远紫外线光刻
  4156. deep uv mask ==> 远紫外线掩模
  4157. deep uv projection aligner ==> 远紫外线投影曝光对准器
  4158. deep uv rays ==> 远紫外线
  4159. deep uv resist ==> 远紫外线灵敏抗蚀剂
  4160. deep veins of penis ==> 阴茎深静脉
  4161. deep venous palmar arch ==> 掌深静脉弓
  4162. deep volar arch ==> 掌深弓
  4163. deep water ==> 深层水
  4164. deep water muck ==> 深水腐泥土
  4165. deep waterline ==> 满载吃水线
  4166. deep web shearer ==> 深截式采煤机
  4167. deep welding ==> 深焊
  4168. deep well ==> 深井,深水井
  4169. deep well piston pump ==> 深井活塞泵
  4170. deep well pump ==> 深井泵
  4171. deep wiry pulse ==> 脉沉弦
  4172. deep within the seed ==> 在种子内部深处
  4173. deep wool ==> 长壮羊毛
  4174. deep work ==> 深耕
  4175. deep X-ray therapy room ==> 深度X光疗室
  4176. deep-bar cage winding ==> 深条鼠笼式绕组
  4177. deep-bar effect ==> 深槽效应
  4178. deep-bar motor ==> 深槽鼠笼式电动机
  4179. deep-cage-bar rotor ==> 深鼠笼转子
  4180. deep-casting ==> 深层采水
  4181. deep-cutting ==> 深切削
  4182. deep-diving vessel ==> 深潜船
  4183. deep-domed piston ==> 凸顶形活塞
  4184. deep-draft vessel ==> 深水货轮
  4185. deep-draw ==> 深拉
  4186. deep-drawing material ==> 深冲材料
  4187. deep-drawing steel ==> 深拉钢
  4188. deep-etch ==> 深度浸蚀
  4189. deep-etch printing ==> 平凹版印刷
  4190. deep-etch process ==> 凹版腐蚀法
  4191. deep-etching ==> 深侵蚀,强腐蚀
  4192. deep-flavored coffee ==> 深煎り珈琲
  4193. deep-focus earthquake ==> 深源地震
  4194. deep-focus earthquake plane ==> 深源地震面
  4195. deep-freezing plant ==> 速冻装置
  4196. deep-frozen food ==> 深冻食品
  4197. deep-frozen goods ==> 深冻货物
  4198. deep-furrow drill ==> 沟播机
  4199. deep-groove (ball) bearing ==> 深槽滚珠轴承
  4200. deep-hardening ==> 深度淬火,深硬化
  4201. deep-hole blasting ==> 深孔爆破,炮孔深度大于5m的爆破
  4202. deep-litter house ==> 厚褥草鸡舍
  4203. deep-litter nest ==> 厚垫草产卵箱
  4204. deep-lying impurity level ==> 深位杂质能级
  4205. deep-penetration bomb ==> 深孔炸弹
  4206. deep-pit cage house ==> 深坑笼养鸡舍
  4207. deep-pit sewage pump ==> 深井污水泵
  4208. deep-plow ==> 深耕犁
  4209. deep-recessed part ==> 深腔零件
  4210. deep-rooted crop ==> 深根性作物
  4211. deep-rooting habit ==> 深根习性
  4212. deep-sawing ==> 深锯,剖锯
  4213. deep-sea basin ==> 深海盆地
  4214. deep-sea bathy thermograph ==> 深海水深温度自记仪
  4215. deep-sea cable ==> 深水电缆
  4216. deep-sea channel ==> 深海谷,(海底峡谷)深海水道
  4217. deep-sea cone ==> 深海锥
  4218. deep-sea diving dress ==> 深海潜水服
  4219. deep-sea fan ==> 深海扇
  4220. deep-sea lead ==> 深水测深锤
  4221. deep-sea plain ==> 深海平原
  4222. deep-sea reversing thermometer ==> 深水反转温度计
  4223. deep-sea robot ==> 深海遥控设备
  4224. deep-sea submarine cable ==> 深海海底电缆
  4225. deep-sea terrace ==> 深海台地
  4226. deep-sea thermometer ==> 深海温度计
  4227. deep-sea trench ==> 深海沟
  4228. deep-sea velocimeter ==> 深海流速仪
  4229. deep-sea work boat ==> 深海作业船
  4230. deep-seal trap ==> 深存水弯,防虹吸存水弯
  4231. deep-seated blowhole ==> 内部气孔
  4232. deep-seated clay flowage ==> 深部粘土流
  4233. deep-seated deposit ==> 深部矿床
  4234. deep-seated fault ==> 深部断层
  4235. deep-slot induction motor ==> 深槽感应电动机
  4236. deep-slot motor ==> 深槽感应电动机=>深溝電動機
  4237. deep-slot squirrel cage motor ==> 深槽鼠笼式电动机
  4238. deep-slot squirrel-cage motor ==> 深溝かご形電動機
  4239. deep-sounding apparatus ==> (用以触探地基土质的耐压力)深层触探设备
  4240. deep-space laser communication ==> 深空激光通信
  4241. deep-space laser tracking system ==> 深空激光跟踪系统
  4242. deep-space probe ==> 太空探测器
  4243. deep-suction share ==> 大垂直间隙的犁铧
  4244. deep-tillage ==> 深耕
  4245. deep-tillage bottom ==> 翻耕犁体
  4246. deep-water berths ==> 深水泊位
  4247. deep-water delta ==> 深水三角洲
  4248. deep-water hydrophone ==> 深水探听器
  4249. deep-water transducer ==> 深水换能器
  4250. deep-water wave ==> 深水波
  4251. deep-well jet pump ==> 深井喷射泵
  4252. deep-well plunger pump ==> 深井活塞泵,深井柱塞泵
  4253. deep-well pump ==> 深井泵
  4254. deep-well pumping unit ==> 深井抽水机
  4255. deep-well rim ==> 深轮辋
  4256. deep-well turbine pump ==> 深井透平泵
  4257. deep-well type pump ==> 深井式水泵
  4258. deepen the reforms in an all-round way ==> 全面深化改革
  4259. deepened beam ==> 加厚梁,加深梁
  4260. deepening of capital ==> 密集资本,资本深化
  4261. deeper reflex ==> 深层反射
  4262. deeping erosion ratio ==> 强度侵蚀度
  4263. deeply roasted coffee ==> 深煎り珈琲
  4264. deepwater outfall ==> 海中放流
  4265. deepwater port ==> 深水港
  4266. deer ==> 梅花鹿,鹿=>シカ
  4267. deer foot ==> 鹿脚形斧柄
  4268. deer park ==> 鹿苑
  4269. deer yard ==> 鹿避寒地
  4270. deer's horn ==> 鹿角
  4271. deer's horn deglued ==> 鹿角霜
  4272. deer's sinew ==> 鹿筋
  4273. deer's tail ==> 鹿尾
  4274. deer's tail extract ==> 鹿尾巴精
  4275. deer-skin filter ==> 鹿皮滤器
  4276. Deerhorn Gelatin ==> 鹿角胶
  4277. deexcitation ==> 去激
  4278. deexcitation cross-section ==> 去激发截面
  4279. deexcitation effect ==> 去激发效应
  4280. DEF, definition ==> 定義
  4281. defatted antigen ==> 除脂抗原
  4282. defatted milk ==> 脱脂乳,無脂乳
  4283. defatted rice bran ==> 脱脂米糠
  4284. default ==> 拖欠债款,默认值,缺席,违背契约,违约,补缺,省略,省缺=>省略時,デフォルト
  4285. default attribute ==> 省缺属性,缺席属性
  4286. default data base ==> 缺省数据库
  4287. default declaration ==> 缺席说明,省缺说明
  4288. default department number ==> 补缺部门号,缺席部门号
  4289. default drive ==> 缺省规则驱动,默认的驱动,默认的驱动器
  4290. default file attribute ==> 缺席文件属性
  4291. default for abnormality ==> 反常性的缺省规则,异常性省缺,异常性省缺规则
  4292. default for attribute ==> 缺省规则属性
  4293. default for data type ==> 数据类型缺席规则
  4294. default for scope attribute ==> 观察仪器属性缺省规则
  4295. default for storage class attribute ==> 存储器种类属性缺省规则
  4296. default for transmission ==> 传输缺省规则
  4297. default format statement ==> 缺省格式语句
  4298. default group ==> 缺席组,补缺组
  4299. default handler ==> 缺省处理程序
  4300. default interpretation ==> 缺省说明,省略时解释
  4301. default literal ==> 补缺文字,缺席文字
  4302. default mass storage volume group ==> 缺席海量存器卷组
  4303. default mode ==> デフォルトモード
  4304. default of payment ==> 拒绝付款,拒绝付款
  4305. default of tax payments ==> 拖欠税款
  4306. default option ==> 隐选择,缺省选项,缺席选项
  4307. default precision ==> 忽略精度
  4308. default printer ==> デフォルトプリンタ
  4309. default retirement age ==> 常规退休年龄
  4310. default rule ==> 省略规则,省缺规则
  4311. default sign convention ==> 符号约定缺省规则
  4312. default specification file ==> 缺省说明文件,缺席说明文件
  4313. default strategy ==> 空缺策略
  4314. default summons ==> 因延迟给付而发出之传票,债务简易诉讼
  4315. default system control area ==> 缺席系统控制区
  4316. default task ==> 缺省任务,缺席任务
  4317. default value ==> 缺省值,缺席值,默契值,省略值,补缺值
  4318. defaulted bonds ==> 拖欠清偿的债券,拖欠债券
  4319. defaulted interest ==> 滞纳利息
  4320. defaulter ==> 亏空公款者,违约者
  4321. defaulter of tax ==> 欠税人
  4322. defaulting subscriber ==> (电话)欠费用户
  4323. defeat switch ==> 消除开关
  4324. defeathering machine ==> 除羽毛机
  4325. defeathering unit ==> 除毛机
  4326. defecation center ==> 排便中枢
  4327. defecation reflex ==> 排便反射
  4328. defecation with lime-milk ==> 灰乳澄清法
  4329. defect ==> 缺陷,疵,亏量,缺点,缺损,缺陷,毛病,瑕疵(xiácī)=>不具合,欠陥,ディフェクト
  4330. defect absorption ==> 缺陷吸收
  4331. defect center ==> 缺陷中心
  4332. defect cluster ==> 缺陷丛
  4333. defect compensation ==> 工程缺陷补偿
  4334. defect concentration ==> 缺陷密度
  4335. defect conduction ==> 晶体缺陷导电
  4336. defect deduction ==> 缺陷扣计额
  4337. defect density ==> 缺陷密度
  4338. defect density distribution ==> 缺陷密度分布
  4339. defect detecting test ==> 缺陷检查,探伤检查
  4340. defect detector ==> 故障检测器
  4341. defect electron ==> 缺陷电子
  4342. defect free crystal ==> 无缺陷晶体
  4343. defect group ==> 亏损群
  4344. defect in cellular immunity ==> 细胞免疫缺陷
  4345. defect inspection ==> 欠陥検査
  4346. defect lattice ==> 缺陷点阵
  4347. defect liability period ==> 故障修理责任期,保用期
  4348. defect motion ==> 缺陷移动
  4349. defect of complement system ==> 补体系统缺陷
  4350. defect of diaphragm ==> 膈缺损
  4351. defect of endocardial cushions ==> 心内膜垫缺损
  4352. defect of eyelid ==> 眼睑缺损
  4353. defect of finger tip ==> 指端缺损
  4354. defect of gastric wall ==> 胃壁缺损
  4355. defect of lacquer ==> 漆疵病
  4356. defect of meninges ==> 脑膜缺损
  4357. defect of nose ==> 鼻缺损
  4358. defect of palate ==> 腭缺损
  4359. defect of penis ==> 阴茎缺损
  4360. defect of skin ==> 皮肤缺损
  4361. defect of soft tissue of chest wall ==> 胸壁软组织缺损
  4362. defect semiconductor ==> 有缺陷半导体,缺陷半导体
  4363. defect sintering ==> 缺陷烧结
  4364. defect skip ==> 缺陷跳跃
  4365. defect structure ==> 缺陷构造,缺陷结构
  4366. defect susceptible area ==> 缺陷敏感区
  4367. defect system ==> 缺陷分极法
  4368. defect ware ==> 残次品
  4369. defect(ive) structure ==> 缺陷组织
  4370. defection ==> (法国)拖欠债款
  4371. defective ==> 有缺陷的,缺损的,不合格线对,不健全者
  4372. defective aeration ==> 土壤通气不良
  4373. defective blood clot retraction ==> 血块收缩不良
  4374. defective blood formation ==> 造血不良
  4375. defective brazing ==> 有缺陷的钎焊
  4376. defective casting ==> 有缺陷铸件
  4377. defective check ==> 不完整支票
  4378. defective color vision ==> 異常色覚
  4379. defective coupling ==> 不良耦合
  4380. defective ejaculation ==> 不全射精,射精障碍,精少
  4381. defective equation ==> 亏损方程
  4382. defective index ==> 废品率
  4383. defective insulation ==> 绝缘不良,绝缘不良
  4384. defective item ==> 亏损项目
  4385. defective material ==> 有缺陷的材料
  4386. defective material report ==> 不合格材料报告
  4387. defective number ==> 亏量
  4388. defective number chart ==> 不合格品率控制图
  4389. defective nutrition ==> 营养不完善
  4390. defective pack ==> 包装有缺点
  4391. defective packing ==> 不良包装
  4392. defective pair ==> 不良対
  4393. defective per hundred unit ==> 缺陷百分数
  4394. defective pistil ==> 残缺雌蕊
  4395. defective probability distribution ==> 缺损概率分布
  4396. defective product record ==> 废品记录
  4397. defective quality ==> 品质有缺点
  4398. defective rate ==> 次品率
  4399. defective rate chart ==> 不合格品率控制图
  4400. defective ringing ==> 错误呼叫
  4401. defective sample ==> 不完全样本,残缺样本
  4402. defective semiconductor ==> 不良半导体
  4403. defective sight ==> 视觉缺陷
  4404. defective silicon ==> 有缺陷硅
  4405. defective sperm ==> 畸形精子
  4406. defective symptom ==> 缺损症状
  4407. defective tightness ==> 不够紧密
  4408. defective track ==> 坏磁道,故障磁道
  4409. defective transformers and generators ==> 欠陥のある変圧器と発電機
  4410. defective unmber ==> 缺陷数
  4411. defective value ==> 缺陷值,亏损值,亏值
  4412. defective virus ==> 缺损病毒,缺陷病毒,缺陷性病毒
  4413. defective virus particle ==> 缺陷病毒颗粒
  4414. defective water ==> 不纯水
  4415. defective wool ==> 缺陷毛
  4416. defective workmanship ==> 工艺缺陷
  4417. defectives ==> 次品
  4418. defectogram ==> 探伤图
  4419. defectograph ==> 钢缆探伤仪,故障检查仪
  4420. defectoscope ==> 探伤器缺陷检查仪
  4421. defectoscopy ==> 探伤检验
  4422. defects assessment ==> 缺陷评定
  4423. defects in forgings ==> 锻件中的缺陷
  4424. defects in timber ==> 木材疵病,木材缺陷
  4425. defects in welds ==> 焊接件中的缺陷
  4426. defects liability period ==> 保修期
  4427. defects per unit ==> 缺陷率,故障率
  4428. defects prevention ==> 缺点预防
  4429. defence ==> 防卫,保卫
  4430. defence attorney ==> 被告辩护人
  4431. defence communications system (DCS) ==> 国防通信系统
  4432. defence counsel ==> 辩护律师
  4433. defence in depth ==> 纵深防御,使核设施和核活动置于多重保护之中,即使一种手段失效,亦将得到补偿或纠正,而不致危及工作人员、公众和环境。纵深防御原则是核安全技术的基础,必须贯彻于核安全有关的全部活动
  4434. defence mechanism ==> 自我防御机制
  4435. defence reaction of fatigue ==> 疲劳保护反应
  4436. defence science board ==> 国防科学委员会
  4437. defence surcharge ==> 防卫捐附加税
  4438. defence system ==> 防卫系统
  4439. defence tax ==> 防卫税
  4440. defences ==> 防御工事
  4441. defendant's agent ==> 被告辩护人
  4442. defense ==> 防衛,防御
  4443. defense against a virus ==> ウイルス防御
  4444. defense capability ==> 防衛力
  4445. defense capacity ==> 防衛力
  4446. defense chemical ==> 防御物質
  4447. defense formation ==> 防衛形成
  4448. defense function ==> 防御功能
  4449. defense gene ==> 防御遺伝子
  4450. defense mechanism ==> 防卫机理,防御机制
  4451. defense mechanism against infection ==> 感染防御機構
  4452. defense mechanism against virus ==> ウイルス防御機構
  4453. defense reaction ==> 防御反应
  4454. defense reflex ==> 防御反射
  4455. defense support ==> 防卫支助
  4456. defense tax ==> 防卫捐
  4457. defensive behavior ==> 防卫行为
  4458. defensive hedge ==> 防护围墙
  4459. defensive instinct disturbance ==> 防御本能障碍
  4460. defensive portfolio ==> 防御性资产组合
  4461. defensive power ==> 防御力
  4462. defensive pricing ==> 防御性定价
  4463. defensive programming ==> 防错性程序设计
  4464. defensive publication program ==> 防卫性公布程序
  4465. defensive purchase ==> 防务采购
  4466. defensive reflex ==> 自卫反射
  4467. defensive stock ==> 防卫性股
  4468. defer time ==> 延期时间
  4469. deferable construction ==> 延期建设
  4470. deferent and epicycle ==> 従円と周転円
  4471. deferrable load ==> 可缓供负荷,一天内不必严格按预定时间供电的非全日负荷,如加热和泵类负荷
  4472. deferred ==> 延期された
  4473. deferred account ==> 延期帐户
  4474. deferred action ==> 延时动作
  4475. deferred address ==> 延迟地址,迁延地址,递延地址
  4476. deferred addressing ==> 递延寻址,延迟定址,延迟寻址=>据置きアドレス指定
  4477. deferred and rotational grazing ==> 延迟式轮牧
  4478. deferred annuity ==> 延期年金
  4479. deferred bond ==> 延期付息债券
  4480. deferred bonds ==> 延付债券
  4481. deferred charge before amortization ==> 摊提前递延费用
  4482. deferred check point restart ==> 延迟检验点再启动
  4483. deferred compensation contracts ==> 延期补偿合同
  4484. deferred concept of income tax allocation ==> 分摊所得税的延期概念
  4485. deferred condition code ==> 延迟条件码
  4486. deferred constraint ==> 延迟约束
  4487. deferred dividends ==> 延付股利,延派股利
  4488. deferred duty ==> 备用税率
  4489. deferred echo ==> 延迟回声
  4490. deferred expense ==> 延迟费用
  4491. deferred income ==> 延期收入
  4492. deferred life annuity ==> 延期生命年金
  4493. deferred maintenance ==> 延迟维持费,延缓维修,延期维护,延期维修
  4494. deferred maintenance time ==> 延期维修时间
  4495. deferred mode ==> 延迟态
  4496. deferred mount ==> 延迟装置
  4497. deferred ordinary shares ==> 延期付息的普通股
  4498. deferred overhead charges ==> 延期间接费用
  4499. deferred payment of letter of credit ==> 延期付款信用证
  4500. deferred payment sale ==> 延期支付销售
  4501. deferred payment sales method ==> 延期付款销货法
  4502. deferred payment trade ==> 延期付款贸易
  4503. deferred payment transactions ==> 延期付款交易
  4504. deferred payment(DP) ==> 延付货款
  4505. deferred payments ==> 延期付款,延期支付
  4506. deferred performance liabilities ==> 延期交货负债
  4507. deferred perpetuity ==> 延期永续年金
  4508. deferred processing ==> 延期处理
  4509. deferred profit on instalment sales ==> 分期收款销货递延利润
  4510. deferred purchasing power ==> 推迟购买力
  4511. deferred reaction ==> 延迟反应
  4512. deferred rebate system ==> 延期回扣制度
  4513. deferred restart ==> 延期再启动
  4514. deferred retirement benefit ==> 延迟退休金
  4515. deferred revenue ==> 延期收入
  4516. deferred rotation grazing ==> 延迟轮牧
  4517. deferred shares stock ==> 发起人股
  4518. deferred shock ==> 迟延性休克
  4519. deferred sight ==> 延期票据
  4520. deferred sight letter of credit ==> 延付即期信用证,延期付即期信用证
  4521. deferred step restart ==> 延迟步重新启动
  4522. deferred stock ==> 延期付息股票
  4523. deferred swap accrual date ==> 延迟互换交易权责日
  4524. deferred unapplied expenses ==> 延期未分配费用
  4525. deferrization ==> 除铁
  4526. defervescent stage ==> 热退期
  4527. defferential valve ==> 差压阀
  4528. deffinite machine ==> 确定的时序机
  4529. defiance of law ==> 藐视法律
  4530. defibering machine ==> 纤维分离机
  4531. defibrated wood ==> 纤维分离的木材
  4532. defibrillation monitor ==> 心脏去颤监视器
  4533. defibrillator ==> 心脏除颤器,去纤颤器,除颤器,除纤颤器=>除細動器
  4534. defibrillator monitor ==> 除纤颤监护仪
  4535. defibrillator tester ==> 除纤颤器测试器
  4536. defibrinated blood ==> 去纤维蛋白血
  4537. defibrination syndrome ==> 除纤维蛋白综合征,去纤维蛋白综合征
  4538. deficiencies of the elementary form of value ==> 不充分的简单价值形式
  4539. deficiency ==> 不足,不足量,缺失,缺陷,毛病,亏差,亏格,亏数,亏数变位,欠乏,欠陥,不足,欠如
  4540. deficiency account ==> 亏损帐户
  4541. deficiency appropriation ==> 弥补亏绌拨款,拨补款,补拨款
  4542. deficiency balance ==> 赤字残高
  4543. deficiency charge ==> 不足料金
  4544. deficiency curve ==> 亏格曲线
  4545. deficiency disease ==> 缺乏症,营养缺乏病,营养缺乏症,维生素缺乏症,欠乏症,欠乏性疾患
  4546. deficiency disorder ==> 营养缺乏病,欠乏症
  4547. deficiency estimates ==> 亏短概算书
  4548. deficiency in economic performance ==> 经济效益差,经济效益差
  4549. deficiency in reality with pseudo-excess symptoms ==> 真虚假实
  4550. deficiency in the interior ==> 里虚
  4551. deficiency index ==> 亏指标,亏指数
  4552. deficiency judgement ==> 裁定短额
  4553. deficiency letters ==> 亏空通知书
  4554. deficiency of air ==> 不足气流
  4555. deficiency of both yin and yang ==> 阴阳两虚
  4556. deficiency of cell-mediated immunity ==> 细胞介导免疫缺乏
  4557. deficiency of coagulation factors ==> 凝血因子缺乏
  4558. deficiency of data ==> 不完整数据
  4559. deficiency of fluid and concentration of blood ==> 津亏血燥
  4560. deficiency of fluid with exuberant fire ==> 津亏火炽
  4561. deficiency of qi in middle-jiao ==> 中气不足
  4562. deficiency of the liver and kidney ==> 肝肾亏损
  4563. deficiency of thymus function ==> 胸腺机能缺陷
  4564. deficiency of trachea ==> 气管阙如
  4565. deficiency of transfering protein ==> 转移蛋白缺乏症
  4566. deficiency of yang affecting yin ==> 阳损及阴
  4567. deficiency of yin affecting yang ==> 阴损及阳
  4568. deficiency of yin-fluid and blood ==> 阴亏血少
  4569. deficiency symptom ==> 营养缺乏症状,缺乏病症
  4570. deficiency symptoms ==> 缺营养症状
  4571. deficient data ==> 不完整数据
  4572. deficient number ==> 亏量,亏数
  4573. deficit ==> 亏短额,亏空额,亏损,缺失,短缺,逆差
  4574. deficit account ==> 亏欠帐户,亏损帐户
  4575. deficit at the beginning of a period ==> 期初亏欠
  4576. deficit carried forward ==> 亏损结转下期
  4577. deficit carried forward till extinction ==> 亏损结转到结清为止
  4578. deficit clause ==> 亏损条款
  4579. deficit country ==> 入超国,逆差国,逆差国家
  4580. deficit coverage ==> 弥补亏损
  4581. deficit financing bonds ==> 弥补赤字的公债
  4582. deficit for the current term ==> 近期赤字
  4583. deficit index ==> 亏损指数
  4584. deficit on the books ==> 帐面赤字
  4585. deficit power ==> 不足功率
  4586. deficit reconciliation statement ==> 亏损调节表,亏损额计算书
  4587. deficit statement ==> 亏损表
  4588. deficit unit ==> 亏损单位
  4589. deficit value ==> 亏值
  4590. deficit-covering bond ==> 弥补赤字的公债
  4591. deficit-covering financing ==> 弥补赤字筹资
  4592. deficit-covering loan ==> 弥补赤字借款
  4593. deficit-ridden nation ==> 入超国,逆差国
  4594. define ==> 确定,定义,规定
  4595. define byte ==> 定义字节
  4596. define constant statement ==> 定义常数语句
  4597. define data command ==> 定义数据命令
  4598. define system ==> 定义系统
  4599. define table ==> 定义表
  4600. define tape file command ==> 定义带文件命令
  4601. define-the-file ==> 定义文件指令
  4602. defined array ==> 定义数组
  4603. defined assets ==> 限定资产
  4604. defined benefit plan ==> 养老金的固定受益计划
  4605. defined contribution plan ==> 养老金的固定缴款计划
  4606. defined external symbol ==> 外部定义符号,定义外部符号
  4607. defined file ==> 定义文件
  4608. defined instruction ==> 定义指令
  4609. defined item ==> 已定义项
  4610. defined pension plan ==> 养老金的固定缴款计划
  4611. defined terms ==> 定义词,规定的条件
  4612. defined variable ==> 定义变量,已定义变量
  4613. defined word ==> 定义字
  4614. defined-benefit plans ==> 明确收益方案
  4615. defining constant ==> 定义常数
  4616. defining document ==> 定義文書
  4617. defining fixed point ==> 定义固定点
  4618. defining function ==> 定義関数
  4619. defining instance ==> 定義インスタンス
  4620. defining occurrence ==> 定义性出现
  4621. defining polynomial ==> 定义多项式
  4622. defining postulate ==> 定义公设
  4623. defining range ==> 定义范围
  4624. defining relation ==> 定义关系
  4625. defining scalar ==> 定义标量
  4626. defining vocabulary ==> 定義用語彙
  4627. definite ==> 确定的,确切的,明确的
  4628. definite binomial coefficient ==> 确定的二项式系数
  4629. definite conjugation ==> 定活用
  4630. definite designation ==> 正式命名
  4631. definite distance relay ==> 定距離形継電器
  4632. definite division ==> 定义除,定义除法
  4633. definite equation ==> 定义方程
  4634. definite error ==> 确定误差
  4635. definite event ==> 确定的事件
  4636. definite integral ==> 定积分=>定積分
  4637. definite invoice ==> 真实发票
  4638. definite kernel ==> 确定核
  4639. definite magnetic time controller ==> 磁力定时控制器
  4640. definite masses of congealed labor-time ==> 一定量的凝固的劳动时间
  4641. definite melting point ==> 固定熔点
  4642. definite minimum-time relay ==> 定時限リレー
  4643. definite policy ==> (船舶)确定保险单
  4644. definite proportion ==> 定比
  4645. definite purpose circuit breaker ==> 专用断路器
  4646. definite range law ==> 定距法则,确定射程定律
  4647. definite response ==> 确定回答,确定应答,确切应答
  4648. definite Riemann integral ==> 黎曼定积分
  4649. definite seasonal pattern ==> 限定性季节模型
  4650. definite sequence ==> 固定次序
  4651. definite shape ==> 一定形状
  4652. definite spot ==> 分立斑
  4653. definite stop ==> 死止块
  4654. definite system ==> 确定系统
  4655. definite time ==> 定时=>定限時
  4656. definite time delay ==> 定时滞后
  4657. definite time limit distance relay ==> 定时限远距继电器
  4658. definite time limit relay ==> 反时-定时限继电器
  4659. definite time protection, independent time-lag protection ==> 定时限保护,装置启动后其动作时限与作用量大小无关的一种保护措施(与其相配的是定时限保护装置)
  4660. definite time relay ==> 定时继电器,定时限继电器
  4661. definite time-lag ==> 定时限
  4662. definite undertaking ==> 明确承诺
  4663. definite value ==> 定值
  4664. definite variability ==> 一定变异性
  4665. definite-integral circuit ==> 定積分回路
  4666. definite-purpose motor ==> 专用电动机
  4667. definite-time ==> 定限時(形容詞)
  4668. definite-time acceleration ==> 定限時加速
  4669. definite-time limit relay ==> 逆时定时限继电器
  4670. definite-time relay ==> 定时限反时限继电器
  4671. definited spare parts list ==> 确定备件表
  4672. definition ==> 定界,定义,分辨度,分辨力,反差,明度,界定,清晰度
  4673. definition chart ==> 清晰度测试卡,分解力测试图
  4674. definition domain ==> 定义域
  4675. definition environment ==> 定义环境
  4676. definition of binary tree ==> 二叉树的定义
  4677. definition of Boolean function ==> 布尔函数的定义
  4678. definition of capital goods ==> 资本财的定义
  4679. definition of driving modes ==> 走行モードの定義
  4680. definition of phasor ==> 相量的定义=>フェーザの定義
  4681. definition of space synchrophaor ==> 空间同步相量的定义=>空間同期フェーザの定義
  4682. definition of spiral vector ==> スパイラルベクトルの定義
  4683. definition of synchrophaor ==> 同步相量的定义=>同期フェーザの定義
  4684. definition of time synchrophaor ==> 时间同步相量的定义=>時間同期フェーザの定義
  4685. definition phase ==> 定义段,定义阶段,技术设计阶段
  4686. definition range ==> 清晰范围
  4687. definition statement ==> 定义语句
  4688. definition status ==> 定义状态
  4689. definition study ==> 予備設計
  4690. definition table ==> 定义表
  4691. definition technique ==> 图象形成技术
  4692. definition test card ==> 分解力测试卡
  4693. definition wedge ==> 清晰度测试楔形束
  4694. definitional part ==> 定义部分
  4695. definitionm ==> 清晰度
  4696. definitions of export quotations ==> 出口价格条例
  4697. definitive ==> 确定的
  4698. definitive callus ==> 永久骨痂,固定胼胝体
  4699. definitive erythroblast ==> 次级成红细胞,成熟成红细胞
  4700. definitive host ==> 最后宿主,终寄主,终宿主
  4701. definitive instruction ==> 定义指令
  4702. definitive lysosome ==> 确实溶酶体
  4703. definitive money ==> 限定货币
  4704. definitive time ==> 确定时
  4705. definitive variation ==> 确定变异,一定变异
  4706. definitive weight ==> 确定权
  4707. deflagrating mixture ==> 暴燃混合物
  4708. deflagration ==> 爆燃
  4709. deflagration wave ==> 暴燃波,爆波
  4710. deflate the economy ==> 紧缩经济
  4711. deflating index ==> 减缩指数
  4712. deflating valve ==> 放气嘴
  4713. deflation ==> 解除气胀,紧缩通货,吹蚀,平减,风蚀,降阶,通货紧缩
  4714. deflation approach ==> 紧缩法
  4715. deflation basin ==> 风蚀盆地
  4716. deflation flask ==> 放气瓶
  4717. deflation gap ==> 通货紧缩差距
  4718. deflation plane ==> 风蚀面
  4719. deflation policy ==> 紧缩政策,通货紧缩政策
  4720. deflation receptor ==> 消气感受器
  4721. deflation receptors ==> 放气感受器
  4722. deflation ripple mark ==> 风蚀波痕
  4723. deflation valley ==> 风蚀谷
  4724. deflation valve ==> 放气阀
  4725. deflationary effect ==> 通货紧缩效应
  4726. deflationary gap ==> 通货紧缩差距,紧缩差额
  4727. deflationary monetany and fiscal policies ==> 紧缩货币财政政策
  4728. deflationary spiral ==> 紧缩的螺旋式上升=>デフレスパイラル
  4729. defle ted nose ==> 歪鼻
  4730. deflect ==> 偏转,下垂
  4731. deflectable laser beam ==> 可偏转激光束
  4732. deflected air ==> 偏流空气
  4733. deflected beam ==> 偏转光束
  4734. deflected gunshot wound ==> 反跳枪弹伤
  4735. deflected succession ==> 偏途演替
  4736. deflected-thrust engine ==> 抵力变向发动机
  4737. deflecting angle of traveller ==> 钢丝圈偏倾角
  4738. deflecting bar ==> 皮带挂杆,带钩杆
  4739. deflecting cam ==> 脱扣凸轮
  4740. deflecting cavity ==> 致偏谐振腔
  4741. deflecting coil ==> 偏转线圈=>偏向コイル
  4742. deflecting couple ==> 偏转力偶,转矩
  4743. deflecting electrode ==> 致偏电极=>偏向電極
  4744. deflecting field ==> 偏转场
  4745. deflecting force ==> 偏向力,偏转力
  4746. deflecting magnet ==> 致偏磁铁,致偏转磁体
  4747. deflecting method ==> 偏转法
  4748. deflecting mirror ==> 偏转镜
  4749. deflecting plate ==> 转向板=>偏向板
  4750. deflecting prism ==> 转折棱镜,致偏棱镜
  4751. deflecting pulley ==> 转向滑轮
  4752. deflecting rod ==> 转向杆
  4753. deflecting roller ==> 转向轮
  4754. deflecting roundel ==> 偏光镜
  4755. deflecting system ==> 偏向系统
  4756. deflecting torque ==> 偏转力矩,转动力矩
  4757. deflecting voltage ==> 致偏电压
  4758. deflecting yoke ==> 偏转系统
  4759. deflection ==> 偏转,偏转,挠度,挠曲,变位,偏差角,偏吹,偏离,偏向,偏转光,垂度,方向角=>偏向,振れ,偏差,偏位
  4760. deflection (-exion) ==> 折流,折转
  4761. deflection amplifier ==> 偏转放大器
  4762. deflection anemometer ==> 偏转风速表
  4763. deflection angle ==> 偏角,偏角,偏离角,偏斜角,偏转角,变位角,致偏角
  4764. deflection angle of scan mirror ==> 扫描反射镜偏转角
  4765. deflection bit ==> 校偏钻头
  4766. deflection board ==> 方向修正板
  4767. deflection center ==> 偏转中心
  4768. deflection change ==> 方向角变换
  4769. deflection chassis ==> 偏转部分
  4770. deflection circuit ==> 偏向回路
  4771. deflection coefficient ==> 偏转系数=>振れ係数
  4772. deflection coil ==> 偏转线圈
  4773. deflection command ==> 偏转指令
  4774. deflection computer ==> 前置量计算机
  4775. deflection control ==> 偏转控制
  4776. deflection correction ==> 方向修正量
  4777. deflection criterion ==> 偏移准则,变位准则
  4778. deflection current ==> 偏转电流
  4779. deflection current amplifier ==> 致偏电流放大器
  4780. deflection curve ==> 弯曲线,变位曲线,挠度曲线,偏离曲线
  4781. deflection defocusing ==> 偏转散焦
  4782. deflection difference ==> 分火量,集火量
  4783. deflection distortion ==> 致偏失真=>偏向ひずみ
  4784. deflection efficiency ==> 偏转效率
  4785. deflection electrode ==> 偏转电极
  4786. deflection error ==> 方向误差
  4787. deflection factor ==> 偏转系数,偏转因数=>偏向率,振れ係数
  4788. deflection field ==> 偏转场
  4789. deflection focusing ==> 偏转聚焦
  4790. deflection fold ==> 转向褶皱
  4791. deflection force for run-in period ==> 磨合运转时期偏移力
  4792. deflection front ==> 偏转峰
  4793. deflection gaueg ==> 拐挡表
  4794. deflection indicator ==> 偏度表,偏度计
  4795. deflection magnet ==> 偏转磁铁
  4796. deflection meter ==> 挠度计
  4797. deflection method ==> 偏位法,偏转法,偏移法,变位法=>偏位法
  4798. deflection method and null method ==> 偏位法と零位法
  4799. deflection modulation ==> 偏转调制,偏向调制
  4800. deflection multiplier ==> 偏差倍增器
  4801. deflection non linearity ==> 偏转非线性
  4802. deflection of flange ==> 法兰挠度
  4803. deflection of light ==> 光线偏折
  4804. deflection of pipe line ==> 管线的弯扁
  4805. deflection period ==> 摆动周期
  4806. deflection plate ==> 偏转板
  4807. deflection polarity of an oscilloscope ==> 示波器偏转极性
  4808. deflection potentiometer ==> 偏转电位计
  4809. deflection probable error ==> 方向公算偏差
  4810. deflection scale ==> 方向标度,偏移标度,修正标尺
  4811. deflection sensitivity ==> 偏转灵敏度=>偏向感度
  4812. deflection separator ==> 折流分离器
  4813. deflection speed ==> 偏转速率
  4814. deflection surface ==> 挠曲面
  4815. deflection system ==> 偏向系统
  4816. deflection theory ==> 变位理论
  4817. deflection torque ==> 偏转力矩
  4818. deflection tube ==> 导向管
  4819. deflection valve ==> 偏转管
  4820. deflection voltage ==> 偏转电压
  4821. deflection wall ==> 折流墙,具有折线以改变水流方向的墙
  4822. deflection wedge ==> 校偏楔
  4823. deflection yoke ==> 偏转磁轭
  4824. deflection york ==> 偏向ヨーク
  4825. deflection-free shell ==> 等应力壳体
  4826. deflection-modulated indicator ==> 调幅指示器
  4827. deflectional instrument ==> 指针偏转式仪表
  4828. deflectivity ==> 可弯性,偏向
  4829. deflectometer ==> 偏度计,弯度计,挠度计,挺度计
  4830. deflector ==> 偏转装置,致偏板,致偏器,遮护板,折流板,折向器,折转器,偏导器,偏导装置,偏向器,偏转仪,导流器,导向装置,转向器,转向装置,反射器,弧形导流器
  4831. deflector apron ==> 导向挡板
  4832. deflector bucket ==> 鼻坎反弧段
  4833. deflector control ==> 导向器操纵杆
  4834. deflector gate ==> 导向挡板
  4835. deflector jet ==> 导流喷射式,偏流喷射式
  4836. deflector pinch roll ==> 夹送导辊
  4837. deflector plate ==> 转向板
  4838. deflector plates ==> 偏转板
  4839. deflector rod ==> 拨杆
  4840. deflector roll ==> 导辊
  4841. deflector sheave ==> 折向轮,导向轮
  4842. deflector wedge ring ==> 变向器固定环
  4843. deflector-type nozzle ==> 导流式喷嘴
  4844. deflectoscope ==> 缺陷检查仪
  4845. deflectoscope for wire rope ==> 钢丝绳断丝测定仪
  4846. deflectron ==> 静电偏转电子束管,静电偏转电子束管,静电视像管,静电视像管
  4847. deflexion ==> 挠度
  4848. deflexion angle ==> 偏斜角,偏转角
  4849. deflexion fold ==> 转向褶皱
  4850. deflocculated colloid ==> 不凝聚胶体
  4851. deflocculated sludge ==> 反絮凝污泥
  4852. deflocculating agent ==> 反絮凝剂
  4853. deflocculator ==> 反絮凝剂
  4854. deflorated plant ==> 花谢植株
  4855. defluorinated phosphate ==> 脱氟磷肥
  4856. defluorinated stone ==> 脱氟瓷石
  4857. defluxer ==> 去焊剂器
  4858. defoamer agent ==> 消沫剂
  4859. defoaming ==> 去沫
  4860. defoaming agent ==> 消沫剂,消泡剂,去沫剂
  4861. defoaming plate ==> 除沫板
  4862. defoaming tank ==> 除泡箱
  4863. defocus ==> 散焦,去聚焦=>ピンぼけ,焦点ぼけ
  4864. defocus code ==> 散焦编码
  4865. defocus contrast ==> 离焦衬度
  4866. defocus(s)ed beam ==> 散焦电子束
  4867. defocused beam ==> 散焦射束
  4868. defocused image ==> 散焦像,离焦像
  4869. defocused impulse response ==> 散焦脉冲响应
  4870. defocused lens ==> 散焦透镜
  4871. defocused reflector ==> 离焦反射镜
  4872. defocused speckle photography ==> 散焦斑点照相术
  4873. defocused system ==> 散焦系统
  4874. defocusing ==> 散焦=>ピンぼけ
  4875. defocusing amount ==> 离焦量
  4876. defocusing coefficient ==> 散焦系数
  4877. defocusing effect ==> 散焦效应,离焦效应
  4878. defocusing tolerance ==> 离焦容限
  4879. defocussing ==> 离焦
  4880. defogging duct ==> 防水汽导管
  4881. defoliant plant ==> 叶落植物
  4882. defoliating insect ==> 食叶昆虫
  4883. defoliation boom ==> 除虫喷杆
  4884. deform ==> 变形
  4885. deformability ==> 形变能力
  4886. deformable ==> 可变形
  4887. deformable body ==> 可变形体,变形体,柔体
  4888. deformable body mechanics ==> 变形体力学
  4889. deformable cross arm ==> 变形横担
  4890. deformable mirror ==> 可变形反射镜
  4891. deformable model ==> 可变形的模型
  4892. deformable porous medium ==> 变形多孔隙介质
  4893. deformable raft ==> 变形浮箱
  4894. deformation ==> 变形,变形纹,残废,畸变,畸形,延伸变形,应变=>変形,ゆがみ,歪み
  4895. deformation amount ==> 変形量
  4896. deformation analysis ==> 变形分析=>変形解析
  4897. deformation anisotropy ==> 変形異方性
  4898. deformation approximation ==> 変形近似
  4899. deformation assessment ==> 変形評価
  4900. deformation at room temperature ==> 室温での変形
  4901. deformation attenuation ==> 変形減衰
  4902. deformation axis ==> 变形力作用轴
  4903. deformation band ==> 变形带,形变带=>変形帯
  4904. deformation bands ==> 变形带
  4905. deformation behavior ==> 変形挙動
  4906. deformation behaviour ==> 变形特征
  4907. deformation boundary condition ==> 边界变形条件
  4908. deformation coefficient ==> 变形系数,畸变系数
  4909. deformation compatibility condition ==> 变形协调条件
  4910. deformation computation ==> 变形计算
  4911. deformation condition ==> 变形条件
  4912. deformation coordinate ==> 变形坐标
  4913. deformation crack ==> 变形裂缝
  4914. deformation cross method ==> 变形交会测量法
  4915. deformation curve ==> 变形曲线
  4916. deformation development ==> 变形显影
  4917. deformation domain ==> 变形域
  4918. deformation drag ==> 变形阻力
  4919. deformation ellipsoid ==> 变形椭球体,应变椭球
  4920. deformation energy ==> 应变能,变形能
  4921. deformation fabric ==> 变形组构
  4922. deformation failure ==> 变形失效
  4923. deformation fracture ==> 变形破裂
  4924. deformation gauge ==> 变形计
  4925. deformation gradient ==> 变形梯度
  4926. deformation gravel ==> 变形砾石
  4927. deformation image ==> 变形像
  4928. deformation imaging process ==> 变形像记录法
  4929. deformation incised meander ==> 变形深切曲流
  4930. deformation increment ==> 变形递增
  4931. deformation intensity ==> 变形强度
  4932. deformation invariant ==> 変形不変量
  4933. deformation lamella ==> 变形壳层
  4934. deformation limit ==> 变形极限
  4935. deformation locus ==> 变形轨迹
  4936. deformation matrix ==> 变形矩阵
  4937. deformation measurement ==> 变形测定
  4938. deformation mechanics ==> 变形体力学
  4939. deformation mechanism ==> 变形机理,变形机制
  4940. deformation mechanism map ==> 变形机理图
  4941. deformation metre ==> 变形测定计
  4942. deformation modulus ==> 变形模量
  4943. deformation observation ==> 变形观测
  4944. deformation of mirror cylinder ==> 镜筒变形,镜筒变形
  4945. deformation of river bed ==> 河床变迁
  4946. deformation of spinal column ==> 脊柱变形
  4947. deformation of transformer winding ==> 变压器绕组变形
  4948. deformation of wave ==> 波的变形
  4949. deformation of winding ==> 巻線変形
  4950. deformation orientation ==> 变形取向,形变取向
  4951. deformation path ==> 变形迹线
  4952. deformation pattern ==> 变形模式,变形图
  4953. deformation plance ==> 变形面
  4954. deformation point ==> 变形点
  4955. deformation polarizability ==> 变形极化率
  4956. deformation polarization ==> 变形极化率
  4957. deformation potential ==> 变形电位,形变势
  4958. deformation pressure ==> 单位变形力
  4959. deformation pressure of surroundings ==> 变形围岩压力
  4960. deformation process ==> 变形过程
  4961. deformation range ==> 变形范围
  4962. deformation rate ==> 变形率
  4963. deformation ratio ==> 变形比
  4964. deformation recovery ==> 变形恢复
  4965. deformation resilience ==> 变形回弹
  4966. deformation resistance ==> 变形阻力
  4967. deformation resistance curve ==> 变形阻力曲线
  4968. deformation retraction ==> 变形收缩
  4969. deformation seismograph ==> 变形地震仪
  4970. deformation sequence ==> 变形顺序
  4971. deformation solid dynamics ==> 变形固体动力学
  4972. deformation strain-energy ==> 变形应变能
  4973. deformation stress ==> 变形应力
  4974. deformation structure ==> 变形构造
  4975. deformation temperature ==> 变形温度,在灰熔融性测定中,灰锥的尖端(或棱)开始变圆或变曲时的温度
  4976. deformation test ==> 变形试验
  4977. deformation tester ==> 变形测试器
  4978. deformation testing ==> 变形试验
  4979. deformation texture ==> 变形织构,形变结构,形变织构
  4980. deformation thermograph ==> 变形温度计
  4981. deformation thermometer ==> 变形温度表,形变温度计
  4982. deformation twin ==> 变形双晶,形变孪晶
  4983. deformation under load ==> 载荷变形
  4984. deformation under load test ==> 加载变形试验
  4985. deformation velocity ==> 变形速度
  4986. deformation vibration ==> 变形振动
  4987. deformation work ==> 变形功,应变功
  4988. deformation zone ==> 变形区
  4989. deformation-recovery ==> 变形回复
  4990. deformational resilience ==> 变形回弹
  4991. deformational strain-energy ==> 变形应变能
  4992. deformational stress ==> 变形应力
  4993. deformed area ==> 变形区
  4994. deformed bar ==> 变形钢筋,竹节钢筋,异形钢筋,预应力钢筋
  4995. deformed channel steel ==> 异型槽钢
  4996. deformed cross-bedding ==> 变形交错层理
  4997. deformed flat steel ==> 异型扁钢
  4998. deformed nucleus ==> 变形核
  4999. deformed ore-stressed concrete steel wire ==> 预应力混凝土异形钢丝
  5000. deformed plate ==> 变形板
  5001. deformed reinforcing bar ==> 变形钢筋,异形钢筋
  5002. deformed rolling ==> 周期断面轧制
  5003. deformed round steel bar ==> 圆竹节钢筋
  5004. deformed steel ==> 异型钢
  5005. deformed steel bar ==> 周期断面钢材
  5006. deformed steel bars ==> 螺纹钢
  5007. deformed tie bar ==> 变形钢筋拉杆
  5008. deformed tie-bar ==> 变形拉杆
  5009. deformed wire ==> 异形钢丝
  5010. deformer agent ==> 除沫剂
  5011. deforming agent ==> 除沫剂
  5012. deforming alloy ==> 变形合金
  5013. deforming arthritis ==> 变形性关节炎
  5014. deforming force ==> 变形力
  5015. deforming groove ==> 周期断面轧槽
  5016. deforming lens ==> 变形透镜
  5017. deformity ==> 畸形=>奇形,変形部
  5018. deformity correction ==> 奇形修正
  5019. deformity of bladder ==> 膀胱畸形
  5020. deformity of ear ==> 耳畸形
  5021. deformity of external ear ==> 外耳畸形
  5022. deformity of knee ==> 膝关节畸形
  5023. deformity of nose ==> 鼻畸形
  5024. deformity of pelvis ==> 畸形骨盆,骨盆畸形
  5025. deformity of rectum ==> 直肠畸形
  5026. deformity of scrotum ==> 阴囊畸形
  5027. deformity of spinal column ==> 脊柱畸形
  5028. deformity of spine ==> 脊柱畸形
  5029. deformity of urethra ==> 尿道畸形
  5030. deformographic storage display tube ==> 变形成像存储显示管
  5031. Defra ==> 英国環境・食糧・農林地域省
  5032. defray ==> 支払う,負担する
  5033. defrost timer ==> 防霜时间掣
  5034. defrost unit ==> 溶雪组合
  5035. defroster ==> 除霜器
  5036. defroster blower ==> 除霜鼓风机
  5037. defroster for vehicle ==> 车辆除霜器
  5038. defrosting pan ==> 接水盘
  5039. defrosting tray ==> 接水盘
  5040. defruiter ==> デフルータ
  5041. defruiter equipment ==> 反干扰设备
  5042. defueling equipment ==> 放油设备
  5043. defueling pump ==> 抽油泵
  5044. defunct company ==> 停业公司,已不存在的公司,已停业公司
  5045. DEG, degree ==> 度
  5046. DEG, Diesel Engine Generator ==> ディーゼル発電機
  5047. degasification ==> 脱气
  5048. degasified steel ==> 除气钢
  5049. degasifying agent ==> 脱气剂,除气剂
  5050. degasifying alloy ==> 脱气用合金
  5051. degasser ==> 脱气器
  5052. degassing ==> 除毒气,解毒气,脱气,(水中的)除气,除气=>ガス抜き,脱気
  5053. degassing anneal ==> 除气退火
  5054. degassing apparatus ==> 除气设备
  5055. degassing flux ==> 除气剂,除气熔剂
  5056. degassing gun ==> 去气枪
  5057. degassing mold ==> 排气塑模
  5058. degassing process ==> 脱ガス過程
  5059. degassing tank ==> 脱气罐
  5060. degassing tower ==> 脱气塔
  5061. degassing unit ==> 脱气器
  5062. degaussing ==> 去磁
  5063. degaussing apparatus ==> 退磁设备
  5064. degaussing cable ==> 消磁电缆
  5065. degaussing coil ==> 去磁线圈
  5066. degaussing component ==> 消磁元件
  5067. degaussing field ==> 去磁场
  5068. degaussing ship ==> 消磁船
  5069. degaussing vessel ==> 消磁船
  5070. DEGC, Celsius degree ==> 摂氏温度
  5071. degenarative process ==> 衰退过程
  5072. degeneracy ==> 简并,蜕化,退化,简并度,简并性=>縮退
  5073. degeneracy collapse ==> 简并坍缩
  5074. degeneracy concentration ==> 简并浓度
  5075. degeneracy factor ==> 简并度,简并因子=>縮退度
  5076. degeneracy in linear programming ==> 线性规划的退化
  5077. degeneracy of energy level ==> 能级简并
  5078. degeneracy operator ==> 退化算子
  5079. degeneracy pressure ==> 简并压力
  5080. degeneracy semiconductor ==> 简并半导体
  5081. degeneracy temperature ==> 縮退温度
  5082. degenerantive blood shift ==> 变性性白细胞转移
  5083. degenerate ==> 退化,简并
  5084. degenerate code ==> 简并编码,简并密码
  5085. degenerate condition ==> 简并条件
  5086. degenerate conduction band ==> 简并性导带
  5087. degenerate configuration ==> 简并组态,退化位形
  5088. degenerate continuum ==> 简并闭联集,简并连续流
  5089. degenerate critical point ==> 退化临界点
  5090. degenerate distribution ==> 简并分布
  5091. degenerate distribution function ==> 退化分布函数
  5092. degenerate electron gas ==> 简并电子气
  5093. degenerate electron pressure ==> 简并电子压力
  5094. degenerate energy level ==> 简并能级
  5095. degenerate feasible solution ==> 退化可行解
  5096. degenerate function ==> 退化函数
  5097. degenerate gas ==> 简并气体
  5098. degenerate junction ==> 简并结
  5099. degenerate laser ==> 简并激光器
  5100. degenerate level ==> 简并能级
  5101. degenerate linear system ==> 退化线性系统
  5102. degenerate matrix ==> 退化矩阵
  5103. degenerate matter ==> 简并物质
  5104. degenerate mode ==> 简并模
  5105. degenerate neutron pressure ==> 简并中子压力
  5106. degenerate normal distribution ==> 退化正态分布
  5107. degenerate oscillation ==> 简并振动
  5108. degenerate perlite ==> 退化珠光体
  5109. degenerate plasma ==> 简并等离子体
  5110. degenerate quadratic form ==> 退化二次型
  5111. degenerate quadric ==> 退化二次曲面
  5112. degenerate region ==> 简并区
  5113. degenerate regression ==> 退化回归
  5114. degenerate resonator ==> 简并谐振器
  5115. degenerate semiconductor ==> 简并半导体,退化半导体
  5116. degenerate slave makers ==> 变性育奴蚁
  5117. degenerate specimen ==> 简并样品
  5118. degenerate star ==> 简并星
  5119. degenerate state ==> 简并态,退化态,退化状态
  5120. degenerate stellar configuration ==> 简并恒星组态
  5121. degenerate stimulated four-photon ==> 简并受激四光子
  5122. degenerate transformation ==> 退化した変換
  5123. degenerated cell ==> 変性細胞
  5124. degenerated curve ==> 退化曲线
  5125. degenerated cytoplasm ==> 変性した細胞質
  5126. degenerated element ==> 退化要素
  5127. degenerated epidermal cell ==> 変性表皮細胞
  5128. degenerated fiber ==> 変性線維
  5129. degenerated form ==> 退化类型
  5130. degenerated semiconductor ==> 縮退半導体
  5131. degenerated soil ==> 退化土壤
  5132. degenerated state ==> 縮退状態
  5133. degenerated tissue ==> 変性組織
  5134. degeneration ==> 简并,负回授
  5135. degeneration cyst ==> 变性囊肿
  5136. degeneration factor ==> 负反馈系数,退化系数
  5137. degeneration four-wave mixing ==> 简并四波混频
  5138. degeneration mode ==> 退化振荡模
  5139. degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc ==> 颈椎间盘变性,颈椎间盘变性
  5140. degeneration of electrons ==> 電子の縮退
  5141. degeneration of intervertebral disc ==> 椎间盘变性
  5142. degeneration of liver cells ==> 肝细胞变性
  5143. degeneration of lumbosacral intervertebral disc ==> 腰骶椎间盘变性
  5144. degeneration of seed strains ==> 品种退化
  5145. degeneration of testis ==> 睾丸变性
  5146. degeneration temperature ==> 縮退温度
  5147. degenerative amplifier ==> 负反馈放大器
  5148. degenerative arthritis ==> 关节变性病,变性关节炎
  5149. degenerative change ==> 退行性病变
  5150. degenerative character ==> 退化特征,退化性状
  5151. degenerative chorea ==> 变性舞蹈病
  5152. degenerative circuit ==> 退化电路
  5153. degenerative complicated cataract ==> 变性性并发性白内障
  5154. degenerative crop ==> 退化作物
  5155. degenerative feedback ==> 负回授
  5156. degenerative feedback amplifier ==> 负反馈放大器
  5157. degenerative index ==> 变性指数
  5158. degenerative joint disease ==> 变性性关节病,关节变性病
  5159. degenerative neuralgia ==> 变性性神经痛
  5160. degenerative process ==> 退化过程
  5161. degenerative reaction of facial nerve ==> 面神经变性反应
  5162. degerming agent ==> 除菌剂
  5163. deglaciation ==> 退氷期
  5164. Deglued Antler ==> 鹿角霜
  5165. deglued bone ==> 脱胶骨
  5166. degradated failure ==> 渐衰故障,渐衰失效
  5167. degradation ==> 退化,退化作物,冲刷,递降,河床消落,河底刷深,慢化,裂解,陵削作用,减低,降格,降解,降解作用,能量降级,剥蚀=>劣化,減成,分解
  5168. degradation analysis ==> 劣化解析
  5169. degradation antigen ==> 降解抗原
  5170. degradation control ==> 劣化抑制
  5171. degradation degree ==> 冲刷程度
  5172. degradation diagnosis ==> 劣化诊断=>劣化診断
  5173. degradation diagnostic method ==> 劣化诊断法=>劣化診断法
  5174. degradation factor ==> 递降系数,递降因子,降级因数=>劣化要因
  5175. degradation failure ==> 渐衰故障,渐衰失效,缓慢失效,逐步失效,退化故障,退化型失效,老化故障,恶劣故障
  5176. degradation mechanism ==> 老化机构=>劣化メカニズム
  5177. degradation model ==> 劣化模型
  5178. degradation of membrane ==> 膜の劣化
  5179. degradation of stream channel ==> 河槽刷深
  5180. degradation peak ==> 降解峰
  5181. degradation process ==> 降解过程
  5182. degradation product ==> 降解产物
  5183. degradation reaction ==> 降解反应
  5184. degradation testing ==> 老化试验
  5185. degradative plasmid ==> 降解质粒
  5186. degraded ==> 递降
  5187. degraded alkali soil ==> 变质碱土
  5188. degraded beam ==> 减速束,慢化束
  5189. degraded chernozem ==> 退化黑钙土
  5190. degraded copy ==> 降级原稿
  5191. degraded illite ==> 退化伊利石
  5192. degraded image ==> 降质图像
  5193. degraded products ==> 次品
  5194. degraded pulse ==> 递降脉冲
  5195. degraded recovery ==> 降级恢复
  5196. degrading hydrocarbons ==> 退化碳氢化合物
  5197. degrading impulse response ==> 递降脉冲响应
  5198. degreaser ==> 除油器
  5199. degreasing ==> 脱脂
  5200. degreasing agent ==> 脱脂剂
  5201. degreasing bath ==> 脱脂槽
  5202. degreasing fluid ==> 脱脂液
  5203. degreasing plant ==> 脱脂装置
  5204. degreasing tank ==> 脱脂槽
  5205. degree ==> 次,程度,度,度数,级=>程度,レベル,過程,ステップ,ランク,学位
  5206. degree angle ==> 配向角度
  5207. degree Celsius ==> 摄氏度=>セ氏温度
  5208. degree centigrade ==> 百分度
  5209. degree Centigrade ==> 摄氏度
  5210. degree code ==> 等級コード
  5211. degree constraint ==> 次数制約
  5212. degree correlation ==> 次数相関
  5213. degree course ==> 学位課程
  5214. degree day ==> 度日=>学位授与日
  5215. degree engler ==> 断粘度
  5216. degree Fahrenheit ==> 华氏温度
  5217. degree fahrenheit ==> 华氏温度
  5218. degree hour ==> 温度时数
  5219. degree Kelvin ==> 绝对温度,绝对温度,开尔芬,开氏度
  5220. degree kelvin ==> 开耳芬温度
  5221. degree of a relation ==> 关系的度
  5222. degree of accuracy ==> 准确度
  5223. degree of accurancy ==> 准确度
  5224. degree of activity ==> 活度
  5225. degree of adaptability ==> 配合度
  5226. degree of admission ==> 进汽度
  5227. degree of aeration ==> 透气度
  5228. degree of approximation ==> 近似程度,近似度,逼近度
  5229. degree of asymmetry ==> 不对称度,直流分量
  5230. degree of balance ==> 平衡度
  5231. degree of balanced installation ==> 回線平衡度
  5232. degree of base saturation ==> 盐基饱和度
  5233. degree of bed development ==> 河床发育程度
  5234. degree of belief ==> 可信度
  5235. degree of blackness ==> 黑度
  5236. degree of blood oxygen saturation ==> 血氧饱和度
  5237. degree of boost ==> 增压程度
  5238. degree of brittleness ==> 脆性程度
  5239. degree of burn up ==> 燃焼度
  5240. degree of cavitaion ==> 汽蚀度
  5241. degree of closenness ==> 疏密度
  5242. degree of coal oxidation ==> 煤氧化程度
  5243. degree of coalification ==> 煤化程度
  5244. degree of coherence ==> 相干度
  5245. degree of cold work ==> 冷加工(材料变形)程度
  5246. degree of commutation ==> 换向等级(直流电机的)
  5247. degree of compaction ==> 压实度
  5248. degree of compounding ==> 直巻度
  5249. degree of compression ==> 压缩度
  5250. degree of concentration ==> 中聚度
  5251. degree of concentration of control ==> 控制集中度
  5252. degree of confidence ==> 可信赖度,置信度
  5253. degree of confirmation ==> 可确定程度
  5254. degree of consolidation ==> 固结程度
  5255. degree of convergence ==> 收敛程度,收敛度
  5256. degree of convexity ==> 凸度
  5257. degree of correlation ==> 相关程度
  5258. degree of coupling ==> 耦合度=>結合度
  5259. degree of creaming ==> 膏化度
  5260. degree of cross linking ==> 交联度
  5261. degree of current rectification ==> 整流度
  5262. degree of curvature ==> 弯曲度,曲度
  5263. degree of curve ==> 曲度
  5264. degree of damage ==> 损害程度
  5265. degree of damping ==> 阻尼度
  5266. degree of deformation ==> 变形度
  5267. degree of degeneracy ==> 退化次数
  5268. degree of density ==> 密实度
  5269. degree of depth ==> 深度
  5270. degree of determination ==> 可决程度
  5271. degree of deviation ==> 偏差度
  5272. degree of differentiation ==> 分化度
  5273. degree of dispersion ==> 色散度
  5274. degree of dissociation ==> 解离度
  5275. degree of distortion ==> 畸变度,失真度
  5276. degree of dominance ==> 显性度
  5277. degree of dryness ==> 干度
  5278. degree of dustiness ==> 含尘度
  5279. degree of eccentricity ==> 偏心度
  5280. degree of excitation ==> 激发度
  5281. degree of exhaustion ==> 抽空度
  5282. degree of expansion ==> 膨胀度
  5283. degree of fatness ==> 膘情
  5284. degree of financial leverage ==> 财务杠杆作用盈利度
  5285. degree of fineness ==> 细度
  5286. degree of finish ==> 肥育度,光洁度
  5287. degree of firmness ==> 坚密度
  5288. degree of fractionation ==> 分馏精确度
  5289. degree of fragmentation ==> 破碎度
  5290. degree of freedom ==> 自由度
  5291. degree of freedom of motion ==> 動作自由度
  5292. degree of freedom on a node basis ==> 节点自由度
  5293. degree of functionality ==> 官能度
  5294. degree of graphitization ==> 石墨化程度
  5295. degree of grinding ==> 粉碎度,研磨程度
  5296. degree of hardness ==> 硬度
  5297. degree of heat ==> 热度
  5298. degree of homogeneity ==> 均匀度,均匀度,齐次度
  5299. degree of inbreeding ==> 亲交程度
  5300. degree of incandescence ==> 炽热程度
  5301. degree of indeterminacy ==> 不定度
  5302. degree of inflation ==> 充气度
  5303. degree of intoxication ==> 中毒程度
  5304. degree of ionization ==> 电离度
  5305. degree of irregularity ==> 不规则程度,不均匀程度
  5306. degree of latitude ==> 纬度
  5307. degree of level ==> 水平度
  5308. degree of leverage ==> 杠杆程度
  5309. degree of light modulation ==> 光调制度
  5310. degree of lignification ==> 木质化程度
  5311. degree of lodging ==> 作物倒伏程度
  5312. degree of longitude ==> 经度,经度
  5313. degree of mapping ==> 映射度
  5314. degree of maturation ==> 成熟度
  5315. degree of membership ==> 隶属度
  5316. degree of metameris ==> 同色异谱程度
  5317. degree of metamorphism ==> 变质程度
  5318. degree of mixedness ==> 混匀程度
  5319. degree of modulation ==> 调制度
  5320. degree of monochromaticity ==> 单色度
  5321. degree of multiprogramming ==> 多道程序设计的道数,多道程序设计的级
  5322. degree of nitration ==> 硝化程度
  5323. degree of order ==> 有序度
  5324. degree of overlapping ==> 重叠度
  5325. degree of oxidation ==> 氧化度
  5326. degree of packing ==> 紧实度
  5327. degree of polishing ==> 精碾程度
  5328. degree of polygonality ==> 多边度
  5329. degree of polynomial ==> 多项式次数
  5330. degree of precision ==> 精密度
  5331. degree of predictability ==> 可预报程度
  5332. degree of purity ==> 纯度
  5333. degree of ramification ==> 分歧度
  5334. degree of ramming ==> 紧实度
  5335. degree of reaction ==> 反应度,反动度,蒸汽在动叶栅中的等熵焓降与级的等熵焓降之比
  5336. degree of Reaumur ==> 列氏(温)度
  5337. degree of regulation ==> 调节度
  5338. degree of reiability ==> 可靠性度量
  5339. degree of relation ==> 关系度
  5340. degree of reliability ==> 可靠程度
  5341. degree of restraint ==> 拘束度,拘束度
  5342. degree of reversibility ==> 可逆程度
  5343. degree of risk ==> 风险程度
  5344. degree of roughness ==> 粗糙度
  5345. degree of safety ==> 安全程度,安全度,安全系数
  5346. degree of salinity ==> 盐渍化程度
  5347. degree of saturation ==> 饱和度
  5348. degree of scatter ==> 分散程度
  5349. degree of security ==> 安全度
  5350. degree of self-sufficiency ==> 自给率
  5351. degree of sensitivity ==> 灵敏度
  5352. degree of separation ==> 分离度
  5353. degree of seriousness of an illness ==> 病势
  5354. degree of shrinkage ==> 收缩度
  5355. degree of silication ==> 硅酸度
  5356. degree of skewness ==> 偏斜度
  5357. degree of slope ==> 坡度
  5358. degree of sorting ==> 分选程度,分选度
  5359. degree of sphericity ==> 球形度
  5360. degree of stability ==> 稳定度=>安定度
  5361. degree of statical indeterminacy ==> 超静定次数
  5362. degree of stocking ==> 苗木密度
  5363. degree of subcooling ==> [冷却剂]欠热度,曾称“过冷度”。冷却剂在工作压力下的饱和温度Ts与其实际温度Tb之差,即(Ts-Tb)
  5364. degree of substitution ==> 代换的次数
  5365. degree of supercooling ==> 过冷程度,过冷度
  5366. degree of superheat ==> 过热程度,过热度=>過熱度
  5367. degree of supersaturation ==> 过饱和度
  5368. degree of swelling ==> 溶胀度
  5369. degree of temper ==> 回火度
  5370. degree of turn ==> 回转度
  5371. degree of Twaddell (unit of specific weight) ==> 特沃德尔度
  5372. degree of unbalancedness ==> 不平衡度
  5373. degree of uncertainty ==> 不确定性程度
  5374. degree of unsaturation ==> 不饱和度
  5375. degree of unsolvability ==> 不可解度
  5376. degree of utility ==> 效用等级
  5377. degree of vacuum ==> 真空度=>真空度
  5378. degree of variation ==> 变异程度,变异度
  5379. degree of wear ==> 磨损程度
  5380. degree of weathering ==> 风化度
  5381. degree parallel ==> 斜平行垫铁
  5382. degree reaumur ==> 列氏温度
  5383. degree scale ==> 调节标度
  5384. degree-day ==> 度日
  5385. degree-day factor ==> 度日因数
  5386. degrees of freedom ==> 自由度
  5387. degrees of frost ==> 霜度
  5388. degreessive mutation ==> 返祖突变
  5389. dehairing machine ==> 拔毛机
  5390. dehiscence furrow ==> 裂沟
  5391. dehiscent fruit ==> 裂果
  5392. Dehne filter ==> 德恩型过滤机
  5393. Dehottay freezing method ==> 第何蒂冻结凿井法
  5394. Dehottay process ==> 狄霍太打竖井法
  5395. dehulled rice ==> 玄米
  5396. dehumidification ==> 除湿
  5397. dehumidifier ==> 抽湿机,除湿器
  5398. dehumidifying ==> 脱湿
  5399. dehumidifying agent ==> 减湿剂
  5400. dehumidifying cell ==> 除湿セル
  5401. dehumidifying effect ==> 减湿作用
  5402. dehumidifying heater ==> 除潮加热器
  5403. dehumidifying system ==> 减湿系统
  5404. dehumidity unit ==> 除湿机
  5405. dehvery pump ==> 输料泵
  5406. dehydrated alfalfa ==> 脱水苜蓿
  5407. dehydrated fruits and vegetables ==> 脱水果蔬
  5408. dehydrated lime ==> 氧化钙
  5409. dehydrated potato powder ==> 马铃薯粉
  5410. dehydrated tar ==> 脱水柏油
  5411. dehydrating agent ==> 脱水剂
  5412. dehydrating press ==> 脱水压机,脱水压力机
  5413. dehydrating tower ==> 脱水塔
  5414. dehydration ==> 脱水,干燥
  5415. dehydration fever ==> 新生儿脱水热,饥饿热,脱水热
  5416. dehydration reaction ==> 脱水反应
  5417. dehydrator ==> 脱水器
  5418. dehydro-epi-androsteronacetate ==> 醋酸去氢素雄酮
  5419. dehydroacetic acid (DHA) ==> 脱氢乙酸
  5420. dehydroascorbic acid ==> 脱氢抗坏血酸
  5421. dehydrocholic acid ==> 脱氢胆酸
  5422. dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate ==> 硫酸脱氢表雄酮
  5423. dehydrogenating agent ==> 脱氧剂
  5424. dehydrogenation ==> 去氢,去氢退火,脱氢作用,除氢
  5425. dehydrogenation (-nization) ==> 减氢
  5426. dehydrogenation drying equipment ==> 脱水干燥设备
  5427. dehydroiso-androsterone acetate ==> 醋酸异雄留酮
  5428. dehydropregnenolone acetate ==> 醋酸双烯醇酮
  5429. deicer ==> 防冰装置=>デアイサー,除氷装置
  5430. deicer system ==> 除氷装置
  5431. deicing ==> 去冰,除冰=>除氷
  5432. deicing agent ==> 除冰剂,防冰剂=>凍結防止剤
  5433. deicing chemical ==> 除氷剤
  5434. deicing equipment ==> 防冰装置
  5435. deicing fluid ==> 解凍液
  5436. deicing gear ==> 防冰装置
  5437. deicing hand pump ==> 防冰系统手摇泵
  5438. deicing procedure ==> 除氷作業
  5439. deicing salt ==> 凍結防止塩
  5440. deicing system ==> 去冰系统
  5441. deincrustant ==> 除垢剂
  5442. deion ==> 去电离
  5443. deion air circuit breaker ==> 去电离空气断路器
  5444. deion circuit breaker ==> 消电离断路器=>消イオン回路遮断器
  5445. deion fuse ==> 除离子熔断器,去电离熔丝
  5446. Deion grid ==> ディアイオングリッド
  5447. deion plate ==> 消弧グリッド
  5448. deionic lattice ==> 去电离格子
  5449. deionization ==> 去离子,消电离
  5450. deionization effect ==> 消イオン作用
  5451. deionization potential ==> 消电离电压
  5452. deionization time ==> イオン消失時間
  5453. deionizator ==> 离子交换装置
  5454. deionized water ==> 去离子水
  5455. deionized water rinsing ==> 去离子水冲洗
  5456. deionizing column ==> 去离子柱
  5457. deionizing effect ==> 消イオン作用
  5458. deionizing potential ==> 去电离电位
  5459. deity ==> 神性
  5460. Deity of Mercy ==> 観音
  5461. deka-ampere balance ==> 十进安培秤
  5462. dekatron ==> 十进管=>デカトロン
  5463. dekryptonation thermal analysis(DKTA) ==> 除氪热分析
  5464. del credere agent ==> 信用担保代理人
  5465. del credere commission ==> 保收货款佣金,保证收取货款佣金
  5466. Del, Delphinus ==> いるか座
  5467. Delact's alloy ==> 德拉格特合金
  5468. delamination ==> 脱胶
  5469. delamination of plywood ==> 胶合板开胶
  5470. Delaunay element ==> 德朗奈根数,德朗奈要素
  5471. Delaunay orbit element ==> 德洛内轨道元素
  5472. Delaunay theory ==> 德朗奈理论
  5473. Delaval centri-therm evaporator ==> 德拉瓦离心加热式蒸发器
  5474. delay ==> 延迟,延误,迟延,滞后=>遅れ,遅延
  5475. delay action ==> 延迟作用
  5476. delay allowance ==> 延误外加时间,容许延迟,过程空裕,时延容许量
  5477. delay ambiguity function ==> 延迟模糊函数
  5478. delay angle ==> 延迟角,滞后角
  5479. delay at display ==> 表示渋滞
  5480. delay at the fault of remote control ==> 制御渋滞
  5481. delay base ==> 待合せ式(電話交換)
  5482. delay bias ==> 延迟偏压
  5483. delay blasting cap ==> 缓发雷管
  5484. delay cable ==> 延迟电缆,延迟线
  5485. delay cap ==> 迟爆雷管,迟发雷管
  5486. delay cascade ==> 滞后级联
  5487. delay cell ==> 延迟单元,延时元件
  5488. delay circuit ==> 延迟电路,延时电路=>遅延回路
  5489. delay combustion agent ==> 缓凝剂
  5490. delay compensation ==> 延迟补偿
  5491. delay component ==> 滞后环节
  5492. delay constant ==> 时延常数
  5493. delay control ==> 延迟控制
  5494. delay counter ==> 延迟计数器,延时计数器,时延计数器
  5495. delay crystal ==> 延迟晶体
  5496. delay detonator ==> 迟爆雷管,迟发雷管
  5497. delay disconnect signal ==> 延迟切断信号=>切断遅延回路
  5498. delay distance ==> 滞后距离
  5499. delay distortion ==> 延迟畸变,延迟失真,相延失真,时延畸变=>遅延ひずみ
  5500. delay Doppler mapping ==> 相延多普勒测图
  5501. delay element ==> 延迟元件=>遅延素子
  5502. delay equalization ==> 延迟均衡,时延均衡
  5503. delay equalizer ==> 延迟均衡器,延迟均衡器,时延等化器=>遅延等化器
  5504. delay fault ==> 延迟故障
  5505. delay filling ==> 采后充填
  5506. delay filtering ==> 延迟滤波
  5507. delay flip-flop ==> 延迟触发器
  5508. delay function ==> 延迟函数
  5509. delay fuse ==> 迟发电信管
  5510. delay gate generator ==> 延迟选通脉冲发生器
  5511. delay generator ==> 延迟发生器
  5512. delay igniter ==> 延期点火装置
  5513. delay in payment ==> 延迟付款,延期付款
  5514. delay in planting until rainfall ==> 推迟到下雨再播种
  5515. delay in recruitment ==> 延迟征聘
  5516. delay in shipment ==> 延迟装船,延期装船
  5517. delay in the modern industry ==> 拖现代工业后腿
  5518. delay inequality ==> 时延差
  5519. delay instruction ==> 延迟指令
  5520. delay lens ==> ディレーレンズ
  5521. delay line ==> 延迟线=>遅延線
  5522. delay line canceller ==> 延迟线消除器
  5523. delay line capacity ==> 延迟线容量
  5524. delay line clock ==> 延迟线时钟
  5525. delay line length ==> 延迟线长度
  5526. delay line memory ==> 延迟线存储器
  5527. delay line oscillator ==> 延迟线振荡器
  5528. delay line register ==> 延迟线寄存器
  5529. delay line storage ==> 延迟线存储器=>遅延線記憶装置
  5530. delay line store ==> 延迟线存储器
  5531. delay loop store ==> 延迟循环存储
  5532. delay medium ==> 延迟介质,延迟媒质
  5533. delay memory ==> 延迟存储器
  5534. delay mixing ==> 延迟拌合
  5535. delay modulation ==> 延迟调制
  5536. delay multivibrator ==> 延迟多谐振荡器,延时多谐振荡器
  5537. delay network ==> 延迟网络=>遅延回路網
  5538. delay of firing ==> 发火延迟
  5539. delay on transmission medium ==> 転送路遅延
  5540. delay operation ==> 延时动作,保护装置在达到动作值或接到动作的指令、信号后,需经过约定的时间间隔(延迟一定的时间)才发生动作
  5541. delay operator ==> 延迟运算子
  5542. delay payment ==> 延付
  5543. delay period ==> 延迟周期
  5544. delay policy ==> 延迟策略
  5545. delay primer ==> 迟发起爆药包
  5546. delay probability ==> 等待概率
  5547. delay programming ==> 延迟程序设计
  5548. delay pulse ==> 延迟脉冲
  5549. delay ratio ==> 延误比率,慢波比
  5550. delay recorder ==> 延时记录器
  5551. delay relay ==> 延时继电器
  5552. delay resolution ==> 延迟分辨率
  5553. delay routine ==> 延迟程序
  5554. delay screen ==> 持久荧光屏
  5555. delay set counter ==> 延时位置计数器
  5556. delay shipment ==> 延期装运
  5557. delay signal ==> 迟缓信号,延缓信号,滞后信号
  5558. delay spread ==> 延迟扩展
  5559. delay statement ==> 延迟语句
  5560. delay table ==> 中间辊道
  5561. delay time ==> 滞后时间,时延,延迟时间,迟延时间=>遅延時間
  5562. delay time distribution ==> 延迟时间分布
  5563. delay timer ==> 延时器
  5564. delay tracker ==> 延迟跟踪器
  5565. delay tracking ==> 延迟跟踪
  5566. delay trigger ==> 延迟触发器
  5567. delay unit ==> 延迟部件,延迟元件,延迟装置,传送延迟器
  5568. delay vector ==> 延迟向量
  5569. delay voltage ==> 延迟电压
  5570. delay working ==> 延缓接续制
  5571. delay(-line) helix ==> 螺旋延迟线
  5572. delay(ed) relay ==> 延迟继电器
  5573. delay-action circuit breaker ==> 延时开关
  5574. delay-action detonator ==> 缓发雷管
  5575. delay-action fuse ==> 延时熔断器
  5576. delay-action stage ==> (炸药的)迟发期
  5577. delay-action switch ==> 延迟动作开关
  5578. delay-line ejector ==> 延迟线引出装置
  5579. delay-line helix ==> 慢波螺线
  5580. delay-line inflector ==> 延迟线偏转器
  5581. delay-pulse generator ==> 延迟脉冲发生器
  5582. delay-pulse oscillator ==> 延迟脉冲振荡器
  5583. delay-time register ==> 延迟时间寄存器
  5584. delayed ==> 迟发的,迟发型
  5585. delayed action ==> 延迟作用,延期作用,延时器=>遅延作用
  5586. delayed action bomb ==> 定时炸弹=>延期爆弾
  5587. delayed action device ==> 延迟装置
  5588. delayed action mine ==> 延期地雷
  5589. delayed alarm ==> 延迟信号装置
  5590. delayed alarm relay ==> 延迟警报继电器
  5591. delayed allergy ==> 迟发型变态反应,迟发型过敏反应
  5592. delayed alpha particle ==> 缓发α粒子
  5593. delayed automatic gain control ==> 延迟自动增益控制
  5594. delayed automatic re-closing ==> 延时自动重合,在故障切除后经延迟规定的时间间隔发生的自动重合闸
  5595. delayed bit ==> 延迟位
  5596. delayed blanking signal ==> 延迟消隐信号
  5597. delayed blasting cap ==> 缓爆雷管
  5598. delayed call ==> 待合せ呼
  5599. delayed call transfer ==> 応答遅延転送
  5600. delayed carry ==> 延迟进位
  5601. delayed channel amplifier ==> 延迟信号放大器
  5602. delayed coagulant ==> 迟效凝固,缓凝剂
  5603. delayed coincidence ==> 推迟符合,延迟符合=>遅延合致
  5604. delayed coincidence method ==> 延迟符合法
  5605. delayed coke ==> 延迟焦化
  5606. delayed coking ==> 延迟焦化过程
  5607. delayed combustion ==> 滞后燃烧=>遅延燃焼
  5608. delayed command ==> 遅延コマンド
  5609. delayed commutation ==> 延迟换向
  5610. delayed conditioned reflex ==> 延缓条件反射
  5611. delayed crack ==> 延迟破裂
  5612. delayed cracking ==> 延迟裂纹
  5613. delayed critical ==> 缓发中子临界=>遅発臨界
  5614. delayed criticality ==> 缓发临界,反应堆的正反应性ρ<β(β为缓发中子份额),依靠缓发中子的参与,使得裂变链式反应可控地达到临界状态的现象
  5615. delayed delivery ==> 延迟发送,延期交割=>遅延分娩
  5616. delayed delivery service ==> 代行受信
  5617. delayed dentition ==> 出牙延迟=>晩期生歯
  5618. delayed development well ==> 扩边井
  5619. delayed dominance ==> 迟发显性,缓发显性
  5620. delayed drop ==> 延迟开伞降落
  5621. delayed drowning ==> 迟发溺死
  5622. delayed echo ==> 迟到反射波
  5623. delayed effect ==> 后作用=>遅発効果,後遺症
  5624. delayed elasticity ==> 弹性后效,延迟弹性
  5625. delayed emission ==> 放出遅延
  5626. delayed eruption of deciduous tooth ==> 乳牙晚出
  5627. delayed eruption of tooth ==> 牙萌出延迟
  5628. delayed excretory urography ==> 延缓性静脉尿路造影
  5629. delayed explosion ==> 迟发爆炸
  5630. delayed exponential response ==> 延迟指数响应
  5631. delayed exuviation ==> 乳牙晚脱
  5632. delayed failure ==> 滞后破坏=>遅れ破壊
  5633. delayed fallout ==> 延缓沉降
  5634. delayed feedback ==> 滞后反馈
  5635. delayed feedback audiometer ==> 延迟反馈测听仪
  5636. delayed feedback control ==> 遅延フィードバック制御
  5637. delayed finish ==> 延迟完成
  5638. delayed firing ==> 滞后点火
  5639. delayed fluorescence ==> 延迟荧光,迟滞荧光
  5640. delayed fracture ==> 延迟断裂=>遅れ破壊
  5641. delayed gate ==> 延迟选通脉冲
  5642. delayed germination ==> 延期萌发
  5643. delayed grass ==> 延迟放牧
  5644. delayed grazing ==> 延迟放牧
  5645. delayed healing ==> 延期愈合
  5646. delayed heat ==> 延迟热,迟发热,剩余热
  5647. delayed hypersensitivity ==> 迟发型变态反应,迟发型过敏反应
  5648. delayed hypersensitivity (DH) ==> 迟发性超敏感性
  5649. delayed hypersensitivity initiator T cell ==> 迟发超敏反应T细胞
  5650. delayed ignition ==> 延迟点火
  5651. delayed implantation ==> 延迟植入,延缓着床
  5652. delayed integral counting ==> 遅れ積分計数法
  5653. delayed junction ==> 缓延汇合
  5654. delayed luminescence ==> 延迟发光
  5655. delayed maturity ==> 延迟成熟
  5656. delayed menarche ==> 初经迟延,经初期延迟,经初期延迟,月经初期(潮)延迟
  5657. delayed menstruaion ==> 月经过期
  5658. delayed menstrual period ==> 经行后期,经行后期
  5659. delayed menstruation ==> 初经迟延
  5660. delayed miction ==> 排尿延迟
  5661. delayed migration ==> 迁延移行
  5662. delayed neurotoxicity test ==> 迟发性神经毒作用试验
  5663. delayed neutron ==> 缓发中子,重核裂变后,由六种裂变碎片(称为缓发中子先驱核)经过β衰变而处于激发态,分别陆续放出的中子,其能量分布在(250~560)keV范围内
  5664. delayed neutron fission product monitor ==> 缓发中子裂变产物监测器
  5665. delayed neutron fraction ==> 缓发中子份额,六组缓发中子在全部裂变中子中所占的总份额,常用β表示。对235U的裂变而言,β=0.0065。虽然缓发中子份额不大,但正是有了它,裂变链式反应才易于控制
  5666. delayed neutron leached-hull monitor ==> 缓冲中子包壳监测器
  5667. delayed neutrons ==> 缓发中子
  5668. delayed nidation ==> 延缓着床
  5669. delayed occlusion ==> 关闭迟延
  5670. delayed opening ==> 延迟开伞,开放迟延
  5671. delayed output equipment ==> 延迟输出设备
  5672. delayed ovulation ==> 延迟排卵
  5673. delayed payment ==> 延迟付款
  5674. delayed payments ==> 延期付款
  5675. delayed phosphorescence ==> 延迟磷光
  5676. delayed poisoning ==> 迟发中毒
  5677. delayed pollination ==> 延迟授粉
  5678. delayed posting ==> 延期过帐
  5679. delayed postmortem phenomena ==> 晚期尸体现象
  5680. delayed PPI ==> 延时平面位置显示器
  5681. delayed protection, time-delayed protection ==> 延时保护,带预定延时的保护
  5682. delayed protection,〔time-delayed protection(USA)〕 ==> 限時保護, Protection with an intentional delay.
  5683. delayed proton ==> 缓发质子
  5684. delayed quenching ==> 延时淬火,预冷淬火
  5685. delayed radiation activity ==> 缓发放射性
  5686. delayed radiation effect ==> 慢性辐射效应
  5687. delayed reaction ==> 延迟反应,迟延反应
  5688. delayed reaction type of skin tests ==> 迟发型皮肤试验
  5689. delayed reactivity ==> 缓发反应性
  5690. delayed reclosure ==> 延迟重合闸
  5691. delayed rectification ==> 延迟整流作用
  5692. delayed recurrent event ==> 延迟的循环事件
  5693. delayed reflex ==> 延缓反射
  5694. delayed relay ==> 缓动继电器=>時延継電器
  5695. delayed renewal process ==> 延迟的更新过程
  5696. delayed repeater satellite ==> 延迟式中断卫星
  5697. delayed response ==> 延迟回答,延迟响应,迟发反应
  5698. delayed response mode ==> 延迟应答方式
  5699. delayed return ==> 延迟返情
  5700. delayed scanning ==> 延迟扫描
  5701. delayed sequence ==> 延迟序列
  5702. delayed shipment ==> 延期装运
  5703. delayed shock ==> 迟延性休克
  5704. delayed shutdown ==> 延时停车
  5705. delayed shutdown circuit ==> 停车延时回路
  5706. delayed silicosis ==> 晚发矽肺
  5707. delayed skip ==> 打印后跳行
  5708. delayed sowing ==> 晚播
  5709. delayed speech ==> 语言迟缓
  5710. delayed starting ==> 拖延起动
  5711. delayed surcharge ==> (运费)延迟附加费
  5712. delayed suture ==> 延期缝合,两次缝(合)术
  5713. delayed sweep ==> 延迟扫描
  5714. delayed symptom ==> 迟发症状
  5715. delayed synchro signal ==> 延迟同步信号
  5716. delayed telemetry ==> 延时遥测
  5717. delayed time ==> 延迟时间
  5718. delayed time processing ==> 延时处理
  5719. delayed time system ==> 延时系统
  5720. delayed toxicity ==> 迟发毒性
  5721. delayed transaction ==> 延迟型更新
  5722. delayed treatment ==> 延期治疗
  5723. delayed type ==> 缓发型
  5724. delayed union ==> 延迟连接,骨折迟缓愈合,连接迟缓
  5725. delayed urination ==> 排尿延迟
  5726. delayed yield ==> 延迟屈服,滞后屈服时间
  5727. delayed-action lifting device ==> 缓动提升装置,平稳起落装置
  5728. delayed-channel amplifier ==> 延迟通道放大器
  5729. delayed-request mode ==> 延迟请求方式,延迟申请方式
  5730. delayed-trigger ==> 延迟触发器
  5731. delayer ==> 延时器,缓燃剂
  5732. delaying multivibrator ==> 延迟多谐振荡器
  5733. delaying state ==> 延迟状态
  5734. Delcom vernier ==> 带游标电感比较仪
  5735. deleading therapy ==> 除铅疗法
  5736. delectable flavour ==> 适口
  5737. delegation of authority by type of wotk ==> 依工作种类授权
  5738. Delepine reaction ==> 德莱平反应
  5739. delessite ==> 铁叶绿泥石
  5740. delete ==> 删去,删除
  5741. delete bit ==> 删除位
  5742. delete capability ==> 删除容量
  5743. delete character ==> 删除符,作废字符,抹除字符
  5744. delete character (DEL) ==> 抹掉符,抹掉字符,删除符,删除字符
  5745. delete code ==> 删除码
  5746. delete flag ==> 删除标记
  5747. delete key ==> 删除键
  5748. delete list ==> 删除表
  5749. delete mark ==> 删除符号
  5750. delete program ==> 删除程序
  5751. delete statement ==> 删除语句
  5752. deleted address mark ==> 删除地址符号
  5753. deleted data mark ==> 删除数据符号
  5754. deleted file ==> 删除文件,注销文件
  5755. deleted marker ==> 删除标志
  5756. deleted representation ==> 删除表示
  5757. deleterious ==> 有害的,有毒的
  5758. deleterious effect ==> 有害效应
  5759. deleterious substance ==> 有害物质
  5760. deletion from deque ==> 从双排队删去,从双向队删去
  5761. deletion from doubly linked list ==> 从双链接表删去
  5762. deletion from front ==> 从前端删去
  5763. deletion from linear list ==> 从线性表删去
  5764. deletion from stack ==> 从堆栈删去
  5765. deletion from tree ==> 从树删去
  5766. deletion from two dimensional list ==> 从二维表删去
  5767. deletion of exclusion ==> 免除责任条款的删除
  5768. deletion of stack ==> 堆栈的删去
  5769. delf-seal packing ==> 唇形密封圈
  5770. Delft ==> 代尔夫特(地处海牙和鹿特丹之间的城市)=>デルフト
  5771. Delft University of Technology ==> 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学
  5772. Delhi ==> 德里=>デリー
  5773. Delhi boil ==> 德里疖
  5774. Deli coupling ==> 德利联轴节
  5775. deliberate ==> よく考えた,慎重な
  5776. deliberate a case ==> 评议案例
  5777. deliberate fire ==> 减速射击
  5778. deliberate over ==> 商讨
  5779. deliberation ==> 考虑=>熟考,審議,検討
  5780. deliberation concerning the text of the treaty ==> 条文の協議
  5781. deliberation council ==> 審議会
  5782. deliberation judgment ==> 裁判の評議
  5783. Deliberato ==> 果断的
  5784. delicate adjustment ==> 精调,精确调制=>微妙な調節
  5785. delicate colour ==> 淡颜色
  5786. delicate constitution ==> 体质纤弱
  5787. delicate flute cast ==> 细槽铸型
  5788. delicatessen store ==> 熟食店
  5789. delidding ==> 解封装
  5790. delightful ==> 楽しい,愉快な,快適な
  5791. delightful atmosphere ==> 楽しい雰囲気
  5792. delightful change ==> 喜ばしい変化
  5793. delightful country ==> 住みよい国
  5794. delightful surprise ==> うれしい驚き
  5795. delimit fishing area ==> 划定捕鱼区
  5796. delimitation ==> 限界
  5797. delimiter ==> 区切り
  5798. delimiter bit ==> 定界位
  5799. delimiter byte ==> 定界定节
  5800. delimiter character ==> 区切り文字
  5801. delimiter line ==> 定界符行
  5802. delimiter macro ==> 定界宏指令
  5803. delimiting character ==> 定界字符
  5804. delineation ==> 描绘
  5805. delineation unit ==> 描绘单元
  5806. delinquent accounts ==> 拖欠帐款
  5807. delinquent party ==> 违约当事人
  5808. delinquent tax ==> 拖欠税款,滞纳税款
  5809. delinquent-loan ratio ==> 拖欠贷款率
  5810. delinting machine ==> 剥绒机
  5811. deliquescence ==> 潮解
  5812. deliquescent ==> 潮解的
  5813. deliquescent agent ==> 潮解剂
  5814. deliquescent effect ==> 潮解作用
  5815. deliquium ==> 潮解物
  5816. delirious mania ==> 谵妄性躁狂
  5817. delirious state ==> 谵妄状态
  5818. delirium alcoholicum ==> 酒毒性谵妄,酒毒性谵妄
  5819. deliver ==> 传递,递送,输送,供给,给电,交付,交货
  5820. deliver from godown ==> 出货,出栈
  5821. deliver goods ==> 发货
  5822. deliver over ==> 交换,交付
  5823. deliver pump ==> 输送泵,压送泵
  5824. deliverable ==> 提出するもの,提出書類
  5825. deliverable end item ==> 可交付使用的结尾项目
  5826. deliverable grade ==> 可交付品级
  5827. deliverable issue ==> 受渡適格銘柄
  5828. deliverable state ==> 适宜交收情形
  5829. delivered at frontier ==> 边境交货,边境交货价
  5830. delivered at frontier (DAF) ==> 边境交货价格条件
  5831. delivered cost ==> 交货成本
  5832. delivered duty paid ==> 完税后交货
  5833. delivered power ==> 受給電力
  5834. delivered quantity ==> 交货数量
  5835. delivered terms ==> 交货条件
  5836. delivered weight ==> 交货重量,到货重量,卸货重量
  5837. delivering date estimating ==> 交货日期估计
  5838. delivering gear ==> 进刀机构,进给装置
  5839. delivering of goods ==> 发货
  5840. delivery ==> 输送,发送,分娩,交货,交货额,传递,传递,传送,取模,供电量,供给,排气量,分送,交付,交割,生产,(能量)释放,排气,排量,交货=>納入
  5841. delivery (pipe) line ==> 给水管路
  5842. delivery (transfer) pump ==> 输送泵
  5843. delivery against bill of lading ==> 凭提单交货
  5844. delivery against letter of credit ==> 凭信用证交货
  5845. delivery against payment ==> 付款交货
  5846. delivery air chamber ==> 压缩空气室
  5847. delivery and acceptance certificate ==> 交货验收证明书
  5848. delivery and customs agent ==> 提货报关代理人
  5849. delivery and return air temperature ==> 送风及回风温度
  5850. delivery angle ==> 输送带倾角
  5851. delivery at frontier ==> 指定边境地点交货(价)
  5852. delivery auger ==> 分配螺旋
  5853. delivery bolt and nut ==> 输送端螺栓和螺母
  5854. delivery book ==> 交货簿
  5855. delivery box ==> 放水箱
  5856. delivery bridle ==> 出口张紧装置
  5857. delivery capacity ==> 交货额,排量,生产额
  5858. delivery chamber ==> 压力室
  5859. delivery channel ==> 输出流道,输出信道
  5860. delivery charges ==> 交货费
  5861. delivery check valve ==> 送油节止阀
  5862. delivery chute ==> 输送滑槽
  5863. delivery clack ==> 增压活门
  5864. delivery clause ==> 交货条款
  5865. delivery cock ==> 排污阀,清洗旋塞
  5866. delivery conditions ==> 交货条件
  5867. delivery conduit ==> 送风道,排水管
  5868. delivery confirmation ==> 确认发送
  5869. delivery connection ==> 出油接头
  5870. delivery control ==> 交货期限控制
  5871. delivery curve ==> 供水曲线
  5872. delivery cycle ==> 交付周期
  5873. delivery cylinder ==> 传送滚筒
  5874. delivery date ==> 交货日期
  5875. delivery date rule ==> 内格累氏规律
  5876. delivery duty paid ==> 指定目的地完税后交货(价)
  5877. delivery efficiency ==> 输出效率
  5878. delivery end ==> 减荷端,卸料端
  5879. delivery end stop ==> 传送制动器
  5880. delivery expense ==> 销货运费
  5881. delivery exponent ==> 流量曲线指数
  5882. delivery fitting ==> 输送管
  5883. delivery flask ==> 分液瓶(量瓶)
  5884. delivery ga(u)ge ==> 终轧尺寸
  5885. delivery gate ==> 斗门
  5886. delivery gauge ==> 出口压力表
  5887. delivery guide ==> 出口导板
  5888. delivery guide box ==> 出口导板盒
  5889. delivery head ==> 扬程,出口压头
  5890. delivery hose ==> 出水软管,输送软管
  5891. delivery in installments ==> 分期交货
  5892. delivery in instalment ==> 分期交货
  5893. delivery instrument ==> 交收文件
  5894. delivery interval ==> 分娩间隔
  5895. delivery lift ==> 扬程
  5896. delivery line ==> 输送管路,导出管
  5897. delivery long pipe ==> 高压长管
  5898. delivery main ==> 输送总管
  5899. delivery manifold ==> 排气歧管
  5900. delivery mark ==> 分液刻度
  5901. delivery mechanism ==> 传送机构
  5902. delivery monitor ==> 分娩监护器
  5903. delivery month ==> 交收月,交割月
  5904. delivery note ==> 交货清单
  5905. delivery notice ==> 交货通知,交收通知
  5906. delivery nozzle ==> 输出喷嘴
  5907. delivery of a deed ==> 交付契据
  5908. delivery of canal ==> 渠道输水量
  5909. delivery of cargo ==> 交货
  5910. delivery of current ==> 送电
  5911. delivery of energy ==> 能量输送
  5912. delivery of goods ==> 货物发送
  5913. delivery of goods by installment ==> 分批交货
  5914. delivery of goods by installments ==> 分批交货
  5915. delivery of international inputs ==> 提供国标投入
  5916. delivery on consignment ==> 托销
  5917. delivery on field ==> 就地交货,就地交货
  5918. delivery on term ==> 定期交付
  5919. delivery on the spot ==> 现场交货
  5920. delivery order ==> 提货单,交货单,出栈凭单,交割单
  5921. delivery order (D/O) ==> 栈单
  5922. delivery order (DO) ==> 提货单
  5923. delivery outlet ==> 输出口
  5924. delivery pains ==> 阵痛
  5925. delivery period ==> 交货期间,供水期
  5926. delivery pipe ==> 输送管
  5927. delivery pipe branch ==> 输水支管
  5928. delivery plate ==> 给料盘
  5929. delivery platform ==> 传送平台
  5930. delivery points ==> 交收点
  5931. delivery port ==> 交货港,输出港
  5932. delivery power ==> 输出功率
  5933. delivery pressure ==> 排气压力
  5934. delivery pressure head ==> 供水压头
  5935. delivery price ==> 交货价
  5936. delivery pump ==> 输送泵
  5937. delivery rate ==> 给料速度
  5938. delivery rate of erosion ==> 冲刷输沙率
  5939. delivery ratio ==> 交货率
  5940. delivery receipt ==> 交货回单,送货回单
  5941. delivery reel ==> 松卷机
  5942. delivery regulator ==> 进给调节器
  5943. delivery risk ==> 交割风险
  5944. delivery roll ==> 导辊
  5945. delivery roller ==> 传送滚轮
  5946. delivery room ==> 分娩室,产房
  5947. delivery room care ==> 产房护理
  5948. delivery room emergency ==> 产房急诊
  5949. delivery seal ==> 出布处封口
  5950. delivery sheet ==> 送料板
  5951. delivery side ==> 出料侧
  5952. delivery side guide ==> 传送侧导板
  5953. delivery space ==> 排气容积
  5954. delivery speed ==> 排气速度,出口速度
  5955. delivery spring ==> 输出弹簧
  5956. delivery stroke ==> 输出行程,输送冲程
  5957. delivery system ==> 收纸系统,输送系统,投掷系统,供料系统
  5958. delivery temperature ==> 排气温度
  5959. delivery tension roll ==> 出口张紧辊
  5960. delivery terms ==> 受渡し条件
  5961. delivery time ==> 传送时间,交货时间,引渡时间,流出时间,交割期
  5962. delivery track ==> 供料支线
  5963. delivery tray ==> 传送托盘
  5964. delivery twist ==> 出口翻钢导板
  5965. delivery value ==> 输送能力
  5966. delivery valve ==> 输出阀,输送阀,出油阀,导出阀
  5967. delivery van ==> 厢式送货车
  5968. delivery volume ==> 通风能力
  5969. delivery wagon ==> 输送车,递送车
  5970. delivery wheel ==> 传送轮
  5971. delivery work ==> 输出功
  5972. delivery-based priority principle ==> 交货期优先原则
  5973. dellinger effect ==> 粗捷效应
  5974. Dellinger phenomena ==> 德林格尔现象
  5975. delocalized bond ==> 非定域键
  5976. delocalized molecular orbital ==> 离域分子轨道
  5977. delocalized-bond model ==> 非定域键模型
  5978. Delphi forecasting method ==> 特尔菲预测法
  5979. Delphi method ==> 特尔菲法,德尔菲法
  5980. Delphi technique ==> 特尔菲技术
  5981. Delphi technique method ==> 德尔菲法,德尔菲技术
  5982. delphinium blue ==> 翠雀蓝
  5983. Delrac system ==> 戴拉克导航制
  5984. delta ==> Δ,δ,デルタ
  5985. delta air chuck ==> 三爪气动卡盘
  5986. delta aircraft ==> 三角翼飞机
  5987. Delta alloy ==> 铜锌合金
  5988. delta circuit ==> 电路
  5989. delta clock ==> 再启动时钟
  5990. delta connection ==> 三角形接法=>三角接線,デルタ結線
  5991. delta connector ==> 三角形接端
  5992. delta delta connection ==> 三角三角形接线
  5993. delta electromotive force ==> 三角形连结电动势
  5994. delta ferrite ==> 铁素体
  5995. delta field ==> 三角形磁场
  5996. delta front ==> 三角洲前缘
  5997. delta function ==> δ函数=>デルタ関数
  5998. delta gasket closure ==> 三角垫密封
  5999. delta granules ==> 淋巴细胞嗜碱性粒
  6000. delta gun ==> 品字枪
  6001. delta impulse function ==> 三角形脉冲函数
  6002. delta iron ==> 铁
  6003. delta lobe ==> 三角洲朵体
  6004. delta matched impedance antenna ==> 形阻抗匹配天线
  6005. delta matching ==> 匹配
  6006. delta matching antenna ==> 三角形匹配天线
  6007. delta mesoscapulae ==> 肩胛冈三角
  6008. Delta metal ==> 耐蚀高强黄铜
  6009. delta metal ==> 合金
  6010. delta modulation ==> 三角调制,增量调制,调制
  6011. delta modulator ==> 增量调制器
  6012. delta network ==> 三角形网络
  6013. delta plain ==> 三角洲平原
  6014. delta rays ==> 射线
  6015. delta regime ==> 三角洲体系
  6016. delta ring sealing gasket ==> 三角形密封垫
  6017. delta sand trap ==> 三角洲砂体圈闭
  6018. delta seal ==> 三角密封
  6019. delta signal ==> 半选输出信号差
  6020. delta solid solution ==> 固溶体
  6021. delta star connection ==> 三角星形接线
  6022. delta star transformation ==> 三角星形接线变换
  6023. delta T ==> 时间差,时差
  6024. delta T timing unit ==> 时差计时单元
  6025. delta trade ==> 三角贸易
  6026. delta voltage ==> 三角接线电压,三角连接法线电压
  6027. delta winding ==> 三角形绕组
  6028. delta wing ==> 三角翼
  6029. delta wing aircraft ==> 三角翼飞机
  6030. delta-connected device ==> 三角接続機器
  6031. delta-delta connection ==> 双三角形接法
  6032. delta-front sheet sand ==> 三角洲前缘席状砂
  6033. delta-gun tube ==> 三角形枪显像管
  6034. delta-marginal plain ==> 三角洲边缘平原
  6035. delta-ring ==> 三角垫,三角形密封圈
  6036. delta-star transformation ==> 三角星形接线变换
  6037. delta-type antenna ==> 三角形天线
  6038. delta-winged aircraft ==> 三角翼飞机
  6039. delta-wye conversion, delta-star transformation ==> 三角形-星形变换,三角形接线的网络变换成星形接线的网络,它是一种减少网络回路数的网络变换
  6040. delta-Y transformation ==> 星形三角变换
  6041. deltaic deposit ==> 三角洲沉积
  6042. deltaic strand facies ==> 海滨三角洲相
  6043. deltaic-sheet trap ==> 三角洲席状砂圈闭
  6044. Deltapine cotton ==> (美)岱塔派棉
  6045. deltic method ==> 自相关比较波形法
  6046. deltoid ==> 三角肌=>三角筋,三角形の
  6047. deltoid dodecahedron ==> 三角面体
  6048. deltoid plate ==> 三棱板
  6049. deluge proof motor ==> 防水电动机
  6050. deluge system ==> 雨淋系统
  6051. delusion ==> 妄想
  6052. delusion of being stolen ==> 被窃妄想
  6053. delusion of foreign influence ==> 被控制感
  6054. delusion of grandeur ==> 夸大妄想
  6055. delusion of guilt ==> 罪恶妄想
  6056. delusion of hypocenesthesia ==> 疑病妄想
  6057. delusion of negation ==> 否认妄想
  6058. delusion of passivity ==> 被动妄想
  6059. delusion of persecution ==> 被迫害妄想,迫害妄想
  6060. delusion of possession ==> 着魔妄想
  6061. delusion of poverty ==> 贫穷妄想
  6062. delusion of reference ==> 关系妄想
  6063. delusion of self-accusation ==> 自罪妄想
  6064. delusion of sin ==> 罪恶妄想
  6065. delusion-like-idea ==> 类妄想观念
  6066. delusional idea ==> 妄想观念
  6067. delusional perception ==> 妄想知觉
  6068. deluxe ass glue ==> 极品阿胶
  6069. deluxe fabric ==> 高光泽电光整理布
  6070. deluxe plastic electric hair dryer ==> 豪华型塑料电吹风
  6071. deluxe utility sewing machine ==> 高级实用缝纫机
  6072. delve ==> 凹地
  6073. delville transmitter ==> 戴维尔式送话器
  6074. DEM Demolished ==> 拆除
  6075. DEM Demurrage ==> 滞留
  6076. DEM, demodulator ==> 復調器
  6077. DEMA, Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association ==> ディーゼルエンジン製造業者協会
  6078. demagnetization ==> 去磁,退磁=>減磁
  6079. demagnetization by continuous reversals ==> 周期改变磁通方向的去磁
  6080. demagnetization curve ==> 去磁曲线
  6081. demagnetization factor ==> 去磁系数
  6082. demagnetization force ==> 去磁力
  6083. demagnetization loss ==> 去磁损失
  6084. demagnetize ==> 去磁
  6085. demagnetized erasure ==> 去磁抹音法
  6086. demagnetized state ==> 去磁状态
  6087. demagnetizer ==> 去磁器,退磁机,退磁装置
  6088. demagnetizing apparatus ==> 退磁设备
  6089. demagnetizing coil ==> 消磁线圈
  6090. demagnetizing curve ==> 減磁曲線
  6091. demagnetizing effect ==> 消磁效果
  6092. demagnetizing factor ==> 去磁因数,退磁系数,退磁因数,消磁系数=>減磁率
  6093. demagnetizing field ==> 去磁场
  6094. demagnetizing force ==> 去磁力=>減磁力
  6095. demagnetizing resistance ==> 退磁电阻,去磁电阻
  6096. demagnetizing turns ==> 去磁匝数
  6097. demagnifying electron projection ==> 缩图式电子束投影
  6098. demagnifying telescope ==> 缩倍望远镜
  6099. demand ==> 请求,要价,要求,需量系数,需要,需用电力,需量,电力供应的量值,以kW或kVA表示=>電力需要
  6100. demand a lower price ==> 压价
  6101. demand a refund ==> 払い戻しを要求する
  6102. demand analysis ==> 需求分析
  6103. demand and supply ==> 需求与供给
  6104. demand and supply adjustment ==> 電力需給調整
  6105. demand and supply balance ==> 需給バランス
  6106. demand and supply control ==> 需給運用,需給制御
  6107. demand and supply gap ==> 需給ギャップ
  6108. demand and supply model ==> 需求与供给模型
  6109. demand and supply of energy ==> 能源的需求与供给
  6110. demand and supply planning ==> 電力供給計画
  6111. demand area power system ==> 需要地系統
  6112. demand at sending end ==> 発受電端電力
  6113. demand attachment ==> 最大需量指示器
  6114. demand bond ==> 凭要求付款的保证书
  6115. demand carried forward ==> 结转需求
  6116. demand carry-over ==> 累积需求
  6117. demand characteristics ==> 需求的特性
  6118. demand charge ==> 按需量供电,需量电费,根据电价表或供电协议的有关条款,按需量列入帐单的总金额
  6119. demand curve ==> 需求曲线,负荷曲线=>需要曲線
  6120. demand density ==> 需求密度
  6121. demand deposit ==> 即期存款
  6122. demand deposit B ==> 乙种活期存款
  6123. demand differential pricing ==> 需求差异订价法
  6124. demand elasticity ==> 需求弹性,需求伸缩性
  6125. demand element ==> 需求项目
  6126. demand estimate [or forcasting] ==> 需要想定
  6127. demand exceeds supply ==> 求过于供
  6128. demand expansibility ==> 需求扩张性
  6129. demand factor ==> 需量系数,需求因素,需要率,需量因数,用数值或百分比表示的,在规定期间内一台或一组装置的最大需量与该装置的总安装容量之比=>需要率
  6130. demand fetching ==> 按需求读数
  6131. demand file ==> 请求文件
  6132. demand for capital goods ==> 资本财的需求
  6133. demand forecast ==> 需求预测
  6134. demand forecasting ==> 请求预报=>需要想定
  6135. demand function ==> 需求函数
  6136. demand grain and money from production teams ==> 摊派粮款
  6137. demand growth ==> 需求增长
  6138. demand handling ==> 请求处理
  6139. demand indicator ==> 最大需量指示器
  6140. demand inflation ==> 需求拉动型通货膨胀,需求膨胀
  6141. demand interval ==> 需用时限
  6142. demand liabilitise ==> 即期负债
  6143. demand limiter ==> 需量限制器
  6144. demand management ==> 需求管理
  6145. demand maximum ==> 最大需量
  6146. demand message ==> 请求报文
  6147. demand meter ==> 最大需量计,需量表,最大负荷测试器
  6148. demand model ==> 需求模式
  6149. demand of a system ==> 系统需电量
  6150. demand of capital ==> 资本需求量
  6151. demand on processor ==> 对中央处理机的需求
  6152. demand oriented transportation ==> デマンド指向輸送
  6153. demand output ==> 指令输出
  6154. demand pacemaker ==> 按需心脏起搏器,可调频率心室抑制起搏器
  6155. demand paging ==> 请求调页,请求分页,请求式页面调度,请求页面调度
  6156. demand paging system ==> 请求式页面调度系统
  6157. demand payment of a debt ==> 要帐
  6158. demand per hour ==> 每小时需量,电价表中规定的,作为需量积分区间的一小时(半小时,1/4小时,几分钟等)内时间段内的平均需量。注:“每小时需量”也可按“每半小时”、“每1/4小时”、“每几分钟”内时间段内的平均需量划分等
  6159. demand point ==> 需求点
  6160. demand pointer ==> 用电量指针=>需要指針(指示形需要電力計)
  6161. demand pressure ==> 需求压力
  6162. demand price ==> 需求价格
  6163. demand pricing ==> 需求定价法
  6164. demand processing ==> 按需处理,请求处理
  6165. demand pull ==> 需求拉动
  6166. demand pusher indicator ==> 按钮指示器
  6167. demand quantity ==> 需要量
  6168. demand rate ==> 需量率
  6169. demand rate, price per kilowatt, price per kilovolt-ampere ==> 需量费率,又称“每千瓦(千伏安)价格”。在规定的供电时期内,单位计费需量(kW,kVA)应支付的电费
  6170. demand reading ==> 按需读出
  6171. demand recorder ==> 需量记录器
  6172. demand reduction ==> 電力需要抑制
  6173. demand register ==> 需量记录器
  6174. demand response ==> 需求响应=>デマンドレスポンス
  6175. demand retrenchment ==> 需求紧缩
  6176. demand saturation ==> 需求饱和
  6177. demand schedule ==> 需求一览表,(按不同价格的需求量编制的)需求表
  6178. demand school ==> 需求学派
  6179. demand season ==> 需求季节
  6180. demand service ==> 即时处理
  6181. demand shift ==> 需求变动
  6182. demand shift inflation ==> 需求变化引起的通货膨胀
  6183. demand side ==> 需要面
  6184. demand side management agreement ==> 用电需求管理协议
  6185. demand side management programme ==> 用电需求管理计划
  6186. demand side management,DSM ==> 需求侧管理,在政府法规和政策的支持下,采取有效的激励和引导措施以及适宜的运作方式,通过发电公司、电网公司、能源服务公司、社会中介组织、产品供应商、电力用户等共同协力,提高终端用电效率和改变用电方式,在满足同样用电功能的同时减少电量消耗和电力需求,达到节约资源和保护环境,实现社会效益最好、各方受益、最低成本能源服务所进行的管理活动
  6187. demand signal ==> 指令信号
  6188. demand staging ==> 按需传送,请求分段
  6189. demand structure ==> 需求结构
  6190. demand system ==> 自动供氧系统
  6191. demand system of irrigation ==> 灌溉供水制度
  6192. demand tariff ==> 需量电价,由一种或几种需量电费率和一种或几种kWh电费率组成的电价
  6193. demand working ==> 立即接通
  6194. demand writing ==> 按需写出
  6195. demand zero page ==> 请求零页面
  6196. demand-assessment period ==> 最大负荷估计周期
  6197. demand-controlled oxygenating respirator ==> 按需补氧呼吸器
  6198. demand-curbing measure ==> 压低需求措施
  6199. demand-deficient unemployment ==> 需求不足型失业
  6200. demand-oriented pricing ==> 需求定价法
  6201. demand-pull ==> 需求膨胀
  6202. demand-pull inflation ==> 需求带动性的通货膨胀,需求拉动型通货膨胀,需求引起的通货膨胀
  6203. demand-side fluctuation ==> 需求波动
  6204. demanganizing ==> 脱锰
  6205. demarcation line ==> 分界线
  6206. demarcation point ==> 分界点
  6207. demarcation point of electric service ==> 送電上の責任分界点
  6208. demarcation potential ==> 分界电位,损伤电位
  6209. demarcation strip ==> 分界条,分配板
  6210. dematron ==> 戴玛管
  6211. Dember effect ==> 丹伯效应
  6212. demecarium bromide ==> 地美溴铵
  6213. dementia arteriosclerotica ==> 脑动脉硬化性痴呆
  6214. dementia form ==> 痴呆型
  6215. dementia paralytica ==> 贝尔氏病
  6216. dementia post-traumatica ==> 外伤性痴呆
  6217. dementia type ==> 痴呆型
  6218. Demerara cotton ==> (圭亚那)德梅拉拉棉
  6219. demerit sampling plan ==> 权数抽样方案
  6220. demeton-methyl ==> 甲基1059,甲基内吸磷
  6221. demeton-S-methyl sulfoxide ==> 砜吸磷
  6222. demeton-S-methyl sulphone ==> (杀虫剂)磺吸磷
  6223. demi-column ==> 半露柱
  6224. demi-inflation ==> 部分膨胀
  6225. demi-section ==> 半节,半剖视
  6226. demineralization ==> 除盐
  6227. demineralized water ==> 除盐水,水中盐类被全部除去或除去到一定程度的水
  6228. demineralized water circulation pump ==> 软水循环泵
  6229. demineralized water tank ==> 软水槽
  6230. demineralized water treatment device ==> 软水装置
  6231. demineralizer ==> 脱塩装置
  6232. demineralizing equipment ==> 除盐装置
  6233. Deming circle ==> 德明循环
  6234. demise ==> 遗赠,让与=>死亡,死去,終焉,終結
  6235. demise charter ==> 船舶賃貸し契約
  6236. demise charter party ==> 转让租船合同,空船租船契约
  6237. demise charterer ==> 船舶賃借人
  6238. demiser ==> 挡水器
  6239. demister ==> 除沫器,除雾器,去雾器=>デミスター
  6240. demitasse ==> デミタス
  6241. demixing area ==> 混合物分层的区域
  6242. demixing point ==> 分层点
  6243. Demjanov rearrangement ==> 德姆雅诺夫重排
  6244. demo of Maxwell ==> 麦克斯韦妖
  6245. democratic consultation ==> 民主协商
  6246. democratic management ==> 民主管理
  6247. democratic management of the communes ==> 民主办社
  6248. democratic operation of the communes ==> 民主办社
  6249. democratic party ==> 民主党派
  6250. democratic reform ==> 民主改革
  6251. democratic rights ==> 民主权利
  6252. democratic state ==> 民主国家
  6253. democratic supervision ==> 民主监督
  6254. democratic system ==> 民主系统
  6255. Democritus ==> デモクリトス,古代ギリシャの哲学者
  6256. demodectic mange ==> 蠕形螨病
  6257. demodifier ==> 去变形剂
  6258. demodulate ==> 解调
  6259. demodulating system ==> 解调系统
  6260. demodulation ==> 解调,从调制的载波信号中将原调制信号复原的过程=>復調
  6261. demodulation function ==> 解调函数
  6262. demodulation method ==> 解调方法
  6263. demodulation system ==> 调制解调方式
  6264. demodulator ==> 解调,解调器=>復調器
  6265. demodulator band filter ==> 解调器带通滤波器
  6266. demodulator filter ==> 解调滤波器
  6267. demodulator oscillator ==> 反调制振荡器
  6268. demographic analysis ==> 人口分析
  6269. demographic behavior ==> 人口行为
  6270. demographic composition ==> 人口构成,人口组成
  6271. demographic conditions ==> 人口条件
  6272. demographic data ==> 人口统计资料
  6273. demographic factor ==> 人口因素
  6274. demographic revolution ==> 人口革命
  6275. demographic sample ==> 人口样本
  6276. demographic statistics ==> 人口统计
  6277. demographic structure ==> 人口结构
  6278. demographic training ==> 人口统计培训
  6279. demolding agent ==> 脱模剂
  6280. demolition ==> 拆毁=>取り壊し,破壊,滅亡,爆破
  6281. demolition accident ==> 爆破事故
  6282. demolition activity ==> 解体活動
  6283. demolition blast ==> 爆破
  6284. demolition blasting ==> 解体爆破,拆除爆破,对拆除建筑物及其邻近地区,严格控制爆破能量、规模和影响范围的爆破
  6285. demolition tool ==> 捣碎机
  6286. demolition waste ==> 工地废渣料
  6287. demon for discipline ==> 訓練の鬼
  6288. demon of Maxwell ==> マクスウェルの悪魔
  6289. Demon Star ==> 大陵五
  6290. demonetization ==> 失去通货资格
  6291. demonetize ==> 非货币化
  6292. demonophobia ==> 魔鬼恐怖
  6293. demonopobia ==> 鬼神恐怖
  6294. demonopolize ==> 解除专卖权
  6295. demonstrate farm ==> 示范农场
  6296. demonstration ==> 证明,示范,演示,论证=>デモンストレーション,実演,実証,証明
  6297. demonstration [nuclear power] reactor ==> 示范[核电]反应堆,简称“示范堆”。为证明新研发的反应堆在技术上可行性和其经济潜力而设计和运行的反应堆
  6298. demonstration city ==> モデル都市
  6299. demonstration device ==> デモンストレーション装置
  6300. demonstration effect ==> 示范效果
  6301. demonstration facilities ==> 実証試験設備
  6302. demonstration forest ==> 示范林
  6303. demonstration grid ==> 実証試験系統
  6304. demonstration jack ==> 演示插孔
  6305. demonstration of the type ==> 型号说明
  6306. demonstration plant ==> 示范工厂,示范装置,样板厂
  6307. demonstration plot ==> 示范区
  6308. demonstration plots ==> 树木示范小区
  6309. demonstration power plant ==> 示范电厂
  6310. demonstration project ==> 示范工程,示范项目
  6311. demonstration pyrometer ==> 直示高温计
  6312. demonstration reactor ==> 示范堆
  6313. demonstration substation ==> 示范变电站
  6314. demonstration test ==> 示范试验=>実証試験
  6315. demonstration test in power grid ==> 系統連系試験
  6316. demonstrative pronoun ==> 指示代名詞
  6317. demonstrator ==> 示教板,示教器,检示仪
  6318. demount ==> 拆卸
  6319. demountable ==> 可拆卸的
  6320. demountable rim ==> 可卸轮缘
  6321. demountable tube ==> 可拆管
  6322. demounting ==> 分解
  6323. Dempster positive ray analysis ==> 登普斯脱阳离子射线分析
  6324. demulsification number ==> 反乳化值
  6325. demulsification test ==> 反乳化试验
  6326. demulsifier ==> 反乳化剂
  6327. demulsifying agent ==> 反乳化剂
  6328. demultiplex filter ==> 多路分解滤波器
  6329. demultiplexer ==> 多路信号分离器,多路分配器
  6330. demultiplexing circuit ==> 分离信号电路
  6331. demurrage charge ==> 延期停泊费,滞港费
  6332. demurrage days ==> 滞期天数
  6333. demux ==> 多路分配器
  6334. DEMUX, demultiplexer ==> デマルチプレクサ
  6335. Denaby powder ==> 铵硝化钾炸药
  6336. denaturalization ==> 使变质
  6337. denaturant ==> 变性剂
  6338. denaturation map ==> 变性图
  6339. denaturation of membranous labyrinth ==> 膜迷路变性
  6340. denaturation of nuclear fuel ==> 核燃料中毒
  6341. denaturation temperature ==> 解链温度,变性温度
  6342. denatured alcohol ==> 变性醇,变性酒精
  6343. denatured antigen ==> 变性抗原
  6344. denatured globulin bodies ==> 变性球蛋白小体
  6345. denatured globulin body stain ==> 变性球蛋白小体染色
  6346. denatured hemoglobin ==> 变性血红蛋白
  6347. denatured protein ==> 变性蛋白,变性蛋白质,变性朊
  6348. denatured test ==> 变性试验
  6349. dendrimer catalyst ==> デンドリマー触媒
  6350. dendrite ==> 枝状晶体=>樹枝状結晶,デンドライト
  6351. dendrite arm ==> 晶枝
  6352. dendrite formation ==> 枝状晶体生长
  6353. dendrite propagation ==> 枝状生长
  6354. dendrite radius ==> 枝状晶体半径
  6355. dendritic ==> 枝晶,枝晶的,枝蔓体,枝状=>樹木状の
  6356. dendritic architecture ==> 樹枝状構造
  6357. dendritic cell ==> 樹枝状細胞
  6358. dendritic cell activation ==> 樹状細胞活性化
  6359. dendritic cell clusters ==> 樹状細胞集団
  6360. dendritic cell function ==> 樹状細胞機能
  6361. dendritic cell immunization ==> 樹状細胞免疫
  6362. dendritic cell line ==> 樹状細胞株
  6363. dendritic cell precursor ==> 樹状細胞前駆細胞
  6364. dendritic cell therapy ==> 樹状細胞療法
  6365. dendritic cell vaccine ==> 樹状細胞ワクチン
  6366. dendritic crystal ==> 枝晶体,枝蔓晶体,枝状晶体
  6367. dendritic crystallization ==> 枝蔓晶体,树枝状结晶
  6368. dendritic drainage ==> 树枝形排水系统,树枝状水系,枝状水系
  6369. dendritic growth ==> 枝晶体生长,枝状生长
  6370. dendritic keratitis ==> 树枝状角膜炎,聚星障,聚星障
  6371. dendritic markings ==> 师状痕迹
  6372. dendritic morphology ==> 枝曼状结构,枝状结构
  6373. dendritic powder ==> 枝状粉末,树枝状粉末
  6374. dendritic ridge mold ==> 枝状脊模
  6375. dendritic segregation ==> 枝晶偏析,枝状偏析,树枝状偏析
  6376. dendritic silicon ==> 枝状硅
  6377. dendritic structure ==> 树枝状结构,树枝状组织,树状结构,蚀结构
  6378. dendritic tentacles ==> 枝状触手
  6379. dendritic ulcer ==> 树突状溃疡
  6380. dendritic valleys ==> 树枝状谷
  6381. dendritic zone ==> 师状结晶区
  6382. dendrogram ==> デンドログラム
  6383. denervated bladder ==> 自主性膀胱
  6384. denervation of sinus carotid ==> 颈动脉窦去神经术,颈动脉窦去神经术
  6385. Dengfeng group ==> 登封群
  6386. dengue ==> 登革热
  6387. Dengue fever of cattle ==> 一日热
  6388. dengue fever virus ==> 登革热病毒
  6389. denial of facts ==> 否认事实
  6390. denickelification ==> 脱镍
  6391. denier balance ==> 登尼尔天平
  6392. Denison gauge ==> 丹尼森发条规
  6393. denison motor ==> 丹尼森液压电动机,轴向回转柱塞式液压电动机
  6394. Denison motor ==> 丹尼森液压电动机,轴向回转柱塞式液压电动机
  6395. Denison pump ==> 丹尼森泵
  6396. Denison sampler ==> 丹尼森取样器
  6397. denitration ==> 脱硝=>脱硝
  6398. denitriding ==> 脱氮
  6399. denitrification ==> 去氮
  6400. denitrification in soils ==> 土壤的脱氮作用
  6401. denitrification inhibitor ==> 反硝化抑制剂
  6402. denitrifying bacterium ==> 反硝细菌
  6403. Denki shimbun ==> 電気新聞
  6404. denominate number ==> 名数
  6405. denominate quantity ==> 名称量
  6406. denomination ==> 面额,名目,命名,票面金额=>種類
  6407. denominational number system ==> 名数制
  6408. denominational value ==> 面值
  6409. denominator ==> 分母=>基準
  6410. denominator-weighted average ==> 分母加权平均数
  6411. denotative meaning ==> 外延意义
  6412. denoting stamp ==> 证明已纳税印花
  6413. deNOx ==> 脱硝=>脱硝
  6414. deNOX during combustion ==> 燃烧脱氮,在燃料燃烧的过程中,采取减少氮氧化物生成和把氮氧化物还原成氮气的燃烧方法
  6415. deNOx energy consumption rate ==> 脱硝功耗率=>脱硝電力消費率
  6416. DENPA, DENPA ==> でんぱ(宇宙科学研究所打ち上げの第2号科学衛星の名称)
  6417. dens ==> 齿节,牙
  6418. Dens Draconis ==> 龙齿
  6419. dens in dente ==> 牙中牙
  6420. dens sapientiae ==> 智牙
  6421. dens serotinus ==> 智牙,迟牙
  6422. denscast ==> 登司卡特镍铬合金
  6423. dense ==> 稠,稠的,稠密,稠密的,密,密的,密集,密集的,浓的,茂密,致密的
  6424. dense aggregate ==> 密实骨料
  6425. dense area ==> 致密区
  6426. dense binary code ==> 密集二进码,紧凑二进制码
  6427. dense body ==> 密体,致密小体
  6428. dense brick ==> 高密度砖
  6429. dense bronze ==> 密致青铜
  6430. dense cake ==> 致密结块
  6431. dense charge ==> 紧密炉料
  6432. dense chip ==> 高密度芯片
  6433. dense cluster ==> 密穗
  6434. dense communication network ==> 交通网稠密
  6435. dense concrete ==> 密实混凝土
  6436. dense condition ==> 密实状态
  6437. dense conducting layer ==> 强导电层
  6438. dense connective tissue ==> 致密结缔组织
  6439. dense core ==> 致密中心
  6440. dense crop ==> 密林
  6441. dense deposits ==> 焊肉致密
  6442. dense ear ==> 密集穗
  6443. dense flint ==> 重火面玻璃
  6444. dense fog ==> 浓雾=>濃霧
  6445. dense form ==> 致密型
  6446. dense gas chromatography ==> 高密度气相色谱法
  6447. dense index ==> 密集索引,稠密索引
  6448. dense ionization ==> 稠密电离,强电离
  6449. dense liquid ==> 重液
  6450. dense logic ==> 高密度逻辑
  6451. dense manure ==> 浓肥料
  6452. dense manure treatment ==> 浓肥料处理
  6453. dense map continuous ==> 密集连续图形
  6454. dense material ==> 密致材料
  6455. dense matrix ==> 稠密矩阵
  6456. dense matter ==> 致密物质
  6457. dense media separation ==> 重介质选矿
  6458. dense media separator ==> 重介质分离器
  6459. dense packings ==> 高密度充填
  6460. dense panicle ==> 密穗
  6461. dense parts ==> 密致零件
  6462. dense patch ==> 密斑
  6463. dense poling ==> 致密插使原法
  6464. dense powder ==> 致密粉末
  6465. dense projection ==> 致密突起
  6466. dense pubescent types ==> 稠密茸毛类型
  6467. dense set ==> 稠密集
  6468. dense sintering ==> 致密烧结
  6469. dense sinuous axonal terminal ==> 致密纡曲轴突终末
  6470. dense slag ==> 致密熔渣
  6471. dense sowing ==> 密播
  6472. dense sowing in line ==> 密条播
  6473. dense stand ==> 密集林分
  6474. dense state ==> 密实状态
  6475. dense structure ==> 致密结构
  6476. dense subgraph ==> 稠密子图
  6477. dense subset ==> 稠密子集
  6478. dense tubular system (DTS) ==> 密管系统
  6479. dense wood ==> 密纹木材,紧密木材
  6480. dense-air refrigeration cycle ==> 逆布雷顿循环
  6481. dense-graded aggregate ==> 密级配骨料
  6482. dense-graded asphalt concrete ==> 密级配沥青混凝土
  6483. dense-graded bituminous concrete ==> 密级配沥青混凝土
  6484. dense-graded mix ==> 密级配混合料
  6485. dense-in-itself set ==> 自密集
  6486. dense-lean cobustion ==> 浓淡燃烧,使燃料在一组燃烧器不同的喷口中以不同的比例和空气混合,一部分燃料在过量空气系数远大于1的条件下燃烧,另一部分燃料则在过量空气系数远小于1的条件下燃烧(总过量空气系数在合理范围内),实现燃料浓淡分道的燃烧方法。
  6487. dense-media process ==> 重介质选矿法
  6488. dense-media separator ==> 重介质分离器
  6489. dense-phase fluidized bed ==> 密相流化床
  6490. dense-phase zone, emulsion zone ==> 密相区,从固定床开始转化为流化状态时空床截面最小风速,此时床层向上膨胀,床层阻力不变。
  6491. densely packed crystal ==> 密集晶体
  6492. densely populated area ==> 稠密居住区,人口稠密区
  6493. densely settled area ==> 稠密居住区
  6494. densely wooded ==> 林木繁密,繁密的林木
  6495. densener ==> 内冷铁,激冷材料
  6496. denseness ==> 濃厚さ,濃さ,濃密さ
  6497. densi-tensimeter ==> 密度-压力计
  6498. densification ==> 密化,密实化,稠化,高密度化,致密,磁器化
  6499. densification by explosion ==> 爆破压实
  6500. densification kinetics ==> 致密化动力学
  6501. densification rate ==> 致密速率
  6502. densified laminated wood ==> 高密层压木板,密实化胶合木
  6503. densified powder ==> 密化粉末
  6504. densified wood ==> 密实木材,浸胶木材
  6505. densifier ==> 稠化剂,稠化器,增密炉,增浓剂
  6506. densify ==> 增浓,密实
  6507. densilog instrument ==> 密度测井仪
  6508. densimeter ==> 密度计,显像密度计,液本比重计=>密度計,比重計
  6509. densimetry ==> 密度法
  6510. densitometer ==> 密度计,密度计,显像密度计,液体密度计,比重计,深浅计,黑度计=>濃度計
  6511. densitometer for bacteial growth ==> 细菌生长密度计
  6512. densitometric method ==> 密度法
  6513. densitometry ==> 密度测定法,密度计量学,显微测密术,显像密度测定,测密度法
  6514. density ==> 密度,比重,致密度,增密,密度,稠密,稠密度,浓度
  6515. density airspeed ==> 密度空速
  6516. density anomaly ==> 密度异常
  6517. density arm ==> 密度臂
  6518. density as pressed ==> 压粉密度
  6519. density balance ==> 比重天平
  6520. density bombing ==> 密集轰炸
  6521. density bottle ==> 比重瓶,密度测定瓶,密度瓶
  6522. density by volume ==> 体密度
  6523. density change method ==> 密度变化测定法
  6524. density channel ==> 密度风洞
  6525. density coefficient ==> 密度系数
  6526. density contrast ==> 密度反差
  6527. density control ==> 密度控制,(控制现场浇注混凝土的密实度)密实度控制
  6528. density control valve ==> 密度控制阀
  6529. density controller ==> 密度控制器
  6530. density correction ==> 密度修正
  6531. density current ==> 密度差流动,重流
  6532. density current in estuary ==> 河口密度流
  6533. density curve ==> 密度曲线
  6534. density cycle ==> 密度周期
  6535. density data ==> 密度数据
  6536. density decrease ==> 密度降低
  6537. density difference ==> 密度差
  6538. density discriminator ==> 密度鉴别器
  6539. density distribution ==> 密度分布
  6540. density distribution gradient ==> 密度分布梯度
  6541. density drop ==> 密集雾滴
  6542. density effect ==> 密度效应,密集效应
  6543. density eggs ==> 密生卵
  6544. density error ==> 密度误差
  6545. density flow ==> 异重流,密度流
  6546. density fluctuation ==> 密度脉动,密度波动
  6547. density fluctuations ==> 密度变化
  6548. density fog ==> 密雾
  6549. density fonction ==> 密度分布函数
  6550. density fractionation ==> 密度分离法
  6551. density function ==> 密度函数,概率密度函数
  6552. density gage ==> 密度计
  6553. density gauge ==> 密度计,比重计
  6554. density gradient ==> 密度梯度
  6555. density gradient centrifugation ==> 密度梯度离心,密度梯度离心分离法
  6556. density gradient column ==> 密度气压柱
  6557. density imbalance ==> 密度不平衡
  6558. density impulse ==> 密度冲量
  6559. density index ==> 密度指数
  6560. density indicating meter ==> 密度指示计
  6561. density indicator ==> 密度计,密度指示器
  6562. density interferometer ==> 密度干涉仪
  6563. density latitude ==> 灰度范围
  6564. density level ==> 密度级
  6565. density log ==> 密度测井
  6566. density logger ==> 密度测井仪
  6567. density matrix ==> 密度行列
  6568. density measuring instrument ==> 密度计量仪
  6569. density measuring probe ==> 密度测量探头
  6570. density meter ==> 密度表,密度计
  6571. density meter(of ionizing radiaiton) ==> (电离辐射)密度计
  6572. density method ==> 密度法
  6573. density modulation ==> 密度调制=>密度変調
  6574. density of charging current ==> 充电电流密度
  6575. density of coal seam ==> 煤层密度
  6576. density of coal zone ==> 煤层密度
  6577. density of cover ==> 植被覆盖密度
  6578. density of crop ==> 播种密度
  6579. density of distribution ==> 分配密度
  6580. density of electrons ==> 电子密度
  6581. density of energy state ==> 能态密度
  6582. density of field ==> 场强,场强密度
  6583. density of field energy ==> 场能量密度
  6584. density of flux change ==> 磁通量变化密度
  6585. density of freight traffic ==> 货运密度
  6586. density of gas phase ==> 气相密度
  6587. density of heat flow ==> 热流密度
  6588. density of imperfection ==> 不完整性密度
  6589. density of infection ==> 感染密度,危害度
  6590. density of integration ==> 集成度
  6591. density of ionization ==> 电离密度
  6592. density of leaf canopy ==> 林冠郁
  6593. density of line of magnetic force ==> 磁力线密度
  6594. density of liquid phase ==> 液相密度
  6595. density of living floor area ==> 居住面积密度,居住面积密度
  6596. density of load ==> 荷载密集度
  6597. density of modes ==> 模密度
  6598. density of moist air ==> 湿空气密度
  6599. density of occupation ==> 居住密度,居住密度
  6600. density of packaging ==> 封装密度
  6601. density of population ==> 人口密度
  6602. density of pubescent ==> 茸毛密度
  6603. density of registered inhabitants ==> 居住人口密度,居住人口密度
  6604. density of residential floor area ==> 居住建筑面积密度,居住建筑面积密度
  6605. density of scanning ==> 画線密度
  6606. density of sea water ==> 海水密度
  6607. density of snow ==> 积雪密度
  6608. density of solid particles ==> 固体颗粒密度
  6609. density of spectral line ==> 谱线黑度
  6610. density of states ==> 状态密度
  6611. density of surface charge ==> 面电荷密度
  6612. density of total electro magnetic energy ==> 总电磁能量密度
  6613. density of traffic ==> 交通密度
  6614. density of transplants ==> 插秧密度
  6615. density of volume charge ==> 体电荷密度
  6616. density of wood substance ==> 木材密实度
  6617. density operator expansion ==> 密度算符展开
  6618. density or erectness ==> 密度或直立程序
  6619. density perturbation ==> 密度扰动
  6620. density portion ==> 密度分布
  6621. density probability plot ==> 密度概率曲线图
  6622. density probe ==> 密度探针
  6623. density range ==> 密度范围
  6624. density ratio ==> 密度比
  6625. density reactivity coefficient ==> 密度反应性系数
  6626. density recorder ==> 密度记录器
  6627. density reference scale ==> 密度参考标度
  6628. density rule ==> 密度定则
  6629. density scale ==> 密度,密度标度
  6630. density slicer ==> 密度分割仪
  6631. density specific impulse ==> 容积比冲
  6632. density spectrum ==> 密度谱
  6633. density step tablet ==> 密度分级片,密度阶变图
  6634. density step-procedure ==> 密度分级法
  6635. density stratification ==> 密度层
  6636. density temperature coefficient ==> 密度温度系数
  6637. density transducer[sensor] ==> 密度传感器
  6638. density transformation ==> 密度换算定则
  6639. density transmitter ==> 密度传递器
  6640. density type analyzer ==> 密度分析仪
  6641. density variation ==> 密度差异
  6642. density wave ==> 密度波
  6643. density wave instability ==> 密度波不稳定性
  6644. density wave oscillations ==> 密度振荡波
  6645. density wedge ==> 密度梯尺
  6646. density wedge filter ==> 可变密度滤光片
  6647. density(photographic) ==> (照相的)黑度
  6648. density-change equation ==> 密度变化方程
  6649. density-dependent ==> 密度に依存する
  6650. density-dependent factor ==> 密度有关因子
  6651. density-exposure curve ==> 密度曝光量曲线
  6652. density-independent factor ==> 密度无关因子,非密度制约的
  6653. density-modulated beam ==> 密度调制光束
  6654. density-wave theory ==> 密度波理论
  6655. densofacies ==> 变质相
  6656. densogram ==> 密度曲线图
  6657. densograph ==> 密度曲线自动描绘仪,黑度曲线
  6658. densometer ==> 感光测定计
  6659. dent ==> 凹痕
  6660. dent remover ==> 去凹器
  6661. dent resistance ==> くぼみ抵抗
  6662. dental air turbine ==> 牙科气涡轮机
  6663. dental alloy ==> 牙用合金,齿科用合金,补齿合金
  6664. dental alloy powder ==> 补齿合金粉末
  6665. dental alloys ==> 牙科用合金
  6666. dental alveoli ==> 牙槽
  6667. dental alveolus ==> 牙车床
  6668. dental arch ==> 牙弓,齿弓
  6669. dental articulator ==> 咬合架
  6670. dental attrition ==> 牙磨损
  6671. dental base acrylic ==> 干托粉
  6672. dental bed ==> 牙车床
  6673. dental bone restoration ==> 牙骨修复
  6674. dental branches ==> 牙支
  6675. dental brush wheel ==> 洁齿刷轮
  6676. dental burnisher ==> 牙磨光器
  6677. dental calculus ==> 牙垢,牙积石,牙石
  6678. dental canal ==> 牙根管
  6679. dental caries ==> 龋,龋齿
  6680. dental casting machine ==> 牙用铸造机
  6681. dental cavity ==> 牙腔
  6682. dental cavity syringe ==> 牙龋洞注射器
  6683. dental ceramics ==> 牙用陶瓷学
  6684. dental chair ==> 牙科手术椅
  6685. dental chisel ==> 牙釉凿,牙凿
  6686. dental clinic ==> 牙科诊室
  6687. dental corona ==> 牙冠
  6688. dental coupling ==> 齿形联轴节
  6689. dental crowding ==> 牙列拥挤
  6690. dental crown ==> 牙冠
  6691. dental curet ==> 牙刮匙
  6692. dental curve ==> 牙列曲线
  6693. dental cusp ==> 牙尖
  6694. dental cuticle ==> 牙小皮
  6695. dental cyst ==> 牙囊肿
  6696. dental deposit ==> 牙垢,牙石
  6697. dental dressing tongs ==> 牙科敷料钳
  6698. dental drill ==> 牙钻
  6699. dental elevator ==> 牙挺
  6700. dental enamel ==> 牙科瓷
  6701. dental engine ==> 钻牙机,口腔科电动机
  6702. dental engine cord ==> 牙钻车绳
  6703. dental erosion ==> 牙侵蚀
  6704. dental excavator ==> 牙挖匙(器)
  6705. dental explorer ==> 牙探针
  6706. dental extraction ==> 拔牙
  6707. dental filling ==> 补牙
  6708. dental film viewing-box ==> 牙科X光片看片灯
  6709. dental filmholder ==> 牙科X线洗片夹
  6710. dental fixation by ligature ==> 牙结扎固定
  6711. dental flask press ==> 型盒压机
  6712. dental floss ==> 牙线
  6713. dental fluorosis ==> 牙氟中毒,慢性地方性牙氟中毒,氟斑牙症
  6714. dental follicle ==> 牙囊
  6715. dental follicular cyst ==> 牙滤泡囊肿
  6716. dental forceps ==> 牙钳,拔牙钳
  6717. dental forceps for children ==> 儿童拔牙钳
  6718. dental formula ==> 牙公式,牙式,齿式
  6719. dental formulas ==> 凿式
  6720. dental fovea ==> 齿突凹
  6721. dental germ ==> 牙胚
  6722. dental granuloma ==> 牙肉芽肿
  6723. dental groove ==> 牙沟
  6724. dental hammer ==> 牙锤
  6725. dental hatchet ==> 牙釉斧
  6726. dental hyperesthesia ==> 牙敏感症
  6727. dental hypoplasia ==> 牙发育不全
  6728. dental impaction ==> 牙阻生
  6729. dental index ==> (人)齿指数
  6730. dental instrument ==> 牙科仪器
  6731. dental instruments kit ==> 牙科手术刀包
  6732. dental internal resorption ==> 牙内吸收
  6733. dental laboratory ==> 牙科技工室
  6734. dental laboratory lathe ==> 牙科技工打磨机,技工打磨机
  6735. dental lamina ==> 牙板
  6736. dental lancet ==> 牙用手术刀
  6737. dental liquids ==> 牙科用液
  6738. dental mallet ==> 牙用锤
  6739. dental neck ==> 牙颈
  6740. dental nerve hook ==> 牙神经钩
  6741. dental pad ==> 牙床
  6742. dental papilla ==> 牙乳头,齿乳头
  6743. dental pathology ==> 牙科病理学
  6744. dental plaque ==> 牙斑,菌斑,菌斑
  6745. dental plate ==> 牙板
  6746. dental pliers ==> 牙用镊子
  6747. dental porcelain ==> 牙瓷料,牙科瓷
  6748. dental probe ==> 牙用探针
  6749. dental prop ==> 牙撑器
  6750. dental prophylaxis ==> 牙病预防
  6751. dental prosthesis ==> 假牙
  6752. dental pulp ==> 牙髓
  6753. dental ridge ==> 牙脊
  6754. dental root fracture ==> 牙根折断
  6755. dental root resorption ==> 牙根吸收
  6756. dental rugine ==> 刮牙器
  6757. dental sac ==> 牙囊
  6758. dental scaler ==> 洗牙具
  6759. dental scraper ==> 刮牙器
  6760. dental soldering machine ==> 牙用焊接机
  6761. dental star ==> 齿星
  6762. dental stone ==> 人造石
  6763. dental stump forceps ==> 牙根钳,残根钳
  6764. dental surgery ==> 牙科
  6765. dental suture needle ==> 牙科缝合针
  6766. dental swager ==> 锤造器
  6767. dental syringe ==> 牙科注射器
  6768. dental transitional period ==> 换牙期
  6769. dental treatment ==> 坝基补缝填坑处理
  6770. dental treatment cubicle ==> 牙科手术间
  6771. dental treatment room ==> 牙科诊室
  6772. dental trephination ==> 根尖造口术
  6773. dental tubercle ==> 牙冠结节
  6774. dental tweezers ==> 牙用镊子
  6775. dental unit ==> 牙科综合治疗台,口腔综合治疗机
  6776. dental wheel ==> 牙科砂轮
  6777. dental X-ray unit ==> 牙科X光机
  6778. dental x-ray unit ==> 口腔X线摄影机,口腔科X线机
  6779. dentate fascia ==> 齿状回,塔兰氏盘膜
  6780. dentate layer ==> 齿状层
  6781. dentate line ==> 齿状线
  6782. dentate nucleus ==> 齿状核
  6783. dentate suture ==> 齿状缝合术
  6784. dentated sill ==> 齿槛,齿形槛,齿形消力槛
  6785. dentatorubral fibres ==> 齿状红核纤维
  6786. dentatothalamic fibers ==> 齿状丘脑纤维
  6787. dented spring leaf ==> 凹形弹簧片
  6788. dentes canini ==> 尖牙
  6789. dentes permanentes ==> 恒牙
  6790. dentes permanents ==> 恒齿
  6791. denticidal capsule ==> 齿裂蒴果
  6792. denticular hymen ==> 锯齿状处女膜,锯齿状处女膜
  6793. dentigerous cyst ==> 含牙囊肿
  6794. dentigerous cyst of nasal sinus ==> 鼻窦含牙囊肿
  6795. dentin abrasion ==> 牙质磨耗
  6796. dentin exposure ==> 牙本质暴露
  6797. dentin hypersensitiveness ==> 牙本质过敏
  6798. dentin matrix ==> 牙本质基质
  6799. dentinal fibers ==> 牙本质纤维
  6800. dentinogenesis imperfecta hereditaria ==> 遗传性牙质生长不全
  6801. dentiongenic fibers ==> 科尔夫氏纤维
  6802. dentizing nail ==> 补牙钉
  6803. dentizing strip ==> 补牙条
  6804. dento-alveolar abscess ==> 牙槽脓肿
  6805. dentognathic deformity ==> 牙颌畸形
  6806. dentognathic system ==> 牙颌系统
  6807. dentrid ==> 疮疹净
  6808. dentrite arm spacing ==> 晶枝间隙
  6809. denture acrylic ==> 干托粉
  6810. denture balance ==> 托牙平衡
  6811. denture cleansing agent ==> 人齿清洁剂
  6812. denture plastics ==> 补齿塑料
  6813. denture rebasing material ==> 人齿衬底材料
  6814. denture sore mouth ==> 托牙口疮
  6815. denture-blank ==> 托牙基型
  6816. denudation mountain ==> 剥蚀山
  6817. denudation plain ==> 剥蚀平原
  6818. denudation plane ==> 剥蚀面
  6819. denudation rate ==> 剥蚀率
  6820. denudation slope ==> 剥蚀坡
  6821. denuded area ==> 剥蚀地
  6822. denuded oil ==> 解吸油
  6823. denuded quadrat ==> 除光样方
  6824. denuded soil ==> 剥蚀土壤
  6825. denuded zone ==> 剥蚀区
  6826. denumerable ==> 可算の
  6827. denumerable aggregate ==> 可数集
  6828. denumerable outcome variable ==> 可数结果变量
  6829. denumerable process ==> 可数过程
  6830. denumerable sample space ==> 可数样本空间
  6831. denumerable set ==> 可列集=>可付番集合
  6832. Denver agitator ==> 丹佛型搅拌机
  6833. Denver mineral jig ==> 丹佛选矿跳汰机
  6834. Denver system ==> 人体染色体国际体制
  6835. deodorant cream ==> 除臭膏
  6836. deodorant liquid ==> 除臭液
  6837. deodorant soap ==> 除臭肥皂,除臭皂
  6838. deodorant solution ==> 除臭液
  6839. deodorization ==> 除臭,除臭作用=>脱臭
  6840. deodorizing equipment ==> 恶臭处理装置
  6841. deoncogenic factor vaccine ==> 去肿瘤因子疫苗
  6842. deoxidant ==> 脱氧剂=>脱酸素剤
  6843. deoxidation ==> 脱酸
  6844. deoxidation sphere ==> 漂白斑
  6845. deoxidize ==> 脱酸する
  6846. deoxidized copper ==> 脱氧铜
  6847. deoxidized steel ==> 脱氧钢
  6848. deoxidizer ==> 脱酸素剤,脱酸剤
  6849. deoxidizing addition ==> 脱氧添加物
  6850. deoxidizing agent ==> 脱氧剂
  6851. deoxidizing capacity ==> 脱氧能力
  6852. deoxy sugar ==> 脱氧糖
  6853. deoxycholic acid ==> 脱氧胆酸
  6854. deoxycycline hydrochloride ==> 去氧土霉素
  6855. deoxycytidine monophosphate ==> 磷酸脱氧胞苷
  6856. deoxycytidylic acid ==> 胞嘧啶脱氧核苷酸
  6857. deoxygenating agent ==> 脱酸素剤
  6858. deoxyglycyrrhetinic acid ==> 去氧甘草次酸
  6859. deoxymethyl testosterone ==> 去氧甲基睾酮
  6860. deoxynucleoside ==> デオキシヌクレオシド
  6861. deoxynucleoside diphosphate ==> デオキシヌクレオシド二リン酸
  6862. deoxyribonucleic acid ==> 去氧核糖核酸=>デオキシリボ核酸
  6863. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ==> 脱氧核糖核酸
  6864. deoxyribonucleic acid ligase ==> 脱氧核糖核酸连结酶
  6865. deoxyribonucleic acid virus(DNA virus) ==> 脱氧核糖核酸病毒
  6866. DEP, dedicated experiment processor ==> 実験制御コンピュータ
  6867. DEP, digital earth pulse ==> デジタル地球パルス
  6868. department ==> 司,部门,科=>局,部,学部,学科
  6869. department administration ==> 部門管理
  6870. department audit ==> 部門監査
  6871. department budget ==> 部門予算
  6872. Department of Audit of Republic of Malta ==> 马耳他审计部
  6873. department of defence (DOD) ==> 国防部
  6874. department of defence specifications ==> 国防部缩微规范
  6875. department of dentistry ==> 牙科=>歯学部
  6876. department of dermatology ==> 皮肤科=>皮膚科
  6877. department of digestive organs ==> 消化器科
  6878. department of economics ==> 経済学部
  6879. department of gynaecology and obstetrics ==> 妇产科
  6880. department of gynecology ==> 妇科
  6881. department of infectious diseases ==> 传染病科
  6882. department of medical administration ==> 医务部
  6883. department of medicine ==> 医疗系
  6884. department of neurosurgery ==> 脳神経外科
  6885. department of ophthalmology ==> 眼科
  6886. department of oral medicine ==> 口腔内科
  6887. department of orthopaedics ==> 骨科
  6888. department of otorhinolaryngology ==> 耳鼻喉科
  6889. department of pediatrics ==> 儿科
  6890. department of physiotherapy ==> 理疗科
  6891. department of prosthetic dentitry ==> 口腔矫形科
  6892. department of psychosurgery ==> 精神外科
  6893. department of stomatology ==> 口腔科
  6894. Department of Textitles ==> 纺织部
  6895. department of the air force ==> 空军部
  6896. department of traditional Chinese medicine ==> 中医科
  6897. department of traumatology ==> 创伤外科
  6898. Department of War Wounds and Written Incantations ==> 金疮书禁科
  6899. department operation ==> 分科作业
  6900. department substation ==> 车间变电站
  6901. departmental account ==> 分部帐户,分类帐
  6902. departmental accounting ==> 分部会计
  6903. Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] ==> 行政部〔机电工程署〕
  6904. Departmental Administrative Circular (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 环境保护署行政通告
  6905. departmental budget ==> 分部门预算,分部预算
  6906. departmental burden ==> 分部制造费用
  6907. departmental burden rate method ==> 分部负荷率法
  6908. departmental capital ==> 分部资本
  6909. departmental charge ==> 分部费用
  6910. departmental cost ==> 分部成本
  6911. departmental expense allocation sheet ==> 分部费用分配表
  6912. Departmental General Circular (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 环境保护署一般通告
  6913. departmental hour method ==> 分部时间分配法
  6914. departmental hour rate ==> 分部时间率
  6915. departmental hour rate method ==> 分部小时率法
  6916. departmental operation ==> 分部作业
  6917. departmental profit ==> 分部利益
  6918. Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] ==> 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕
  6919. departmental standard ==> 分部标准
  6920. Departmental Standing Circular (Environmental Protection Department) ==> 环境保护署常务通告
  6921. departmental stores account ==> 分部材料帐户
  6922. departmental system ==> 分部制度,分科制度
  6923. departmental system of management ==> 分部门管理体制
  6924. departmental trading accounts ==> 分部营业帐
  6925. departmental unit cost ==> 分部单位成本
  6926. departmentized supermarket ==> 分部门的超级市场
  6927. departments engaged in intellectual production ==> 非物质生产部门
  6928. departure ==> 横距,偏差,偏离,偏离,偏移,起飞
  6929. Departure & Entry Lobby ==> 出入境大厅=>出入国ロビー
  6930. departure angle ==> 出发角
  6931. departure from nucleate boiling ratio,DNBR ==> 偏离泡核沸腾比,燃料元件包壳上给定点的偏离泡核热流密度与实际热流密度之比。水冷反应堆内发生偏离泡核沸腾往往导致燃料元件烧毁,因此常将它与“烧毁比”混用
  6932. departure from nucleate boiling,DNB ==> 偏离泡核沸腾,在加热壁面高热流密度下,在欠热或低含汽率饱和泡核沸腾工况下,气泡产生率高到在气泡脱离壁面之前就形成一层汽膜覆盖在壁面上的现象。此时液体不能接触壁面,传热恶化,壁温会大幅度升高,甚至使壁面烧毁
  6933. departure from symmetry ==> 偏离对称
  6934. departure of tidal hour ==> 潮时偏差
  6935. departure platform ==> 发车站台
  6936. departure process ==> 离散过程
  6937. departure quarantine inspection ==> 出口检疫
  6938. departure time ==> 出发时间,撤离时间,起飞时刻=>出発時刻
  6939. depauperate colony ==> 衰落群体
  6940. depend on ==> 取决于
  6941. depend on each other for existence ==> 互相依存
  6942. dependability ==> 可靠性
  6943. dependability of experience ==> 经验可靠性,经验可靠性
  6944. dependability of protection,〔dependability of relay system (USA)〕 ==> 保護の正動作信頼性, The probability for a protection of not having a failure to operate under given conditions for a given time interval.
  6945. dependability of relay protection ==> 继电保护可信赖性,继电保护装置在给定条件下的给定时间内,不拒动的概率
  6946. dependable capacity ==> 可靠容量
  6947. dependable crop ==> 稳产
  6948. dependable crystal filter ==> 恒特性水晶滤波器
  6949. dependable flow ==> 可靠流量
  6950. dependable hydroelectric capacity ==> 可靠水电容量
  6951. dependable output ==> 可靠出力
  6952. dependence among equations ==> 方程相关
  6953. dependence effect ==> 依存效应
  6954. dependence list ==> 相关表
  6955. dependence method ==> 依数法
  6956. dependence on foreign trade ==> 贸易依存度
  6957. dependence structure ==> 依附结构
  6958. dependence test ==> 依赖性试验
  6959. dependency coefficient ==> 负担系数
  6960. dependency needs ==> 依爱需求
  6961. dependency number ==> 相关数
  6962. dependency preservation ==> 从属性保护,依赖保持
  6963. dependent ==> 相倚(yǐ)的,从属,依变=>従属
  6964. dependent action ==> 相依行动,相互依存作用
  6965. dependent activity ==> 依存性活性
  6966. dependent adverb ==> 従属副詞
  6967. dependent agent ==> 従属代理人
  6968. dependent agents ==> 非独立代理人
  6969. dependent allowance ==> 扶養家族手当
  6970. dependent cell ==> 从属细胞
  6971. dependent claim ==> 従属クレーム
  6972. dependent contact ==> 共用接点
  6973. dependent contract ==> 附属合同,附属契约
  6974. dependent control ==> 从属控制
  6975. dependent country ==> 附属国,附庸国
  6976. dependent covenants ==> 相依契约
  6977. dependent data ==> 依存データ
  6978. dependent deed ==> 附属契约
  6979. dependent equation ==> 相关方程
  6980. dependent equatorial coordinate system ==> 第一赤道坐标系
  6981. dependent equatorial coordinates ==> 第一赤道坐标
  6982. dependent error ==> 非独立误差
  6983. dependent event ==> 相依事件
  6984. dependent factor ==> 依存因子
  6985. dependent failure ==> 生产误差故障
  6986. dependent function ==> 相依函数
  6987. dependent functions ==> 相关函数组
  6988. dependent linear equation ==> 相关线性方程
  6989. dependent office ==> 従局(自動電話)
  6990. dependent on agriculture ==> 依靠农业为生的人口
  6991. dependent on application ==> 依赖施肥
  6992. dependent on soil temperature ==> 取决于土壤温度
  6993. dependent power operation ==> 直接动力操作
  6994. dependent programme ==> 相关程序
  6995. dependent pulse generator ==> 从属式脉冲电源
  6996. dependent random event ==> 相依随机事件
  6997. dependent sample ==> 相依样本
  6998. dependent source ==> 従属電源
  6999. dependent time lag ==> 相依时滞
  7000. dependent time lag relay ==> 变时滞继电器,反时限继电器
  7001. dependent time-lag relay ==> 变时滞继电器
  7002. dependent timelag relay ==> 变时限继电器
  7003. dependent union ==> 偏利结合
  7004. dependent variable ==> 他变量,因变量,应变量,应变数,附条件的变数,函数=>従属変数
  7005. depending air and water ==> 依靠空气和水
  7006. depending on culture and growing conditions ==> 取决于载培和生长条件
  7007. depending on the city and serving the city ==> 依托城市服务城市
  7008. depending on the condition of the soil ==> 取决于土壤的情况
  7009. depersonalization syndrome ==> 人格解体综合征
  7010. depeth of focus ==> 焦点深度
  7011. depeth of penetration ==> 浸透の深さ(電波)
  7012. dephasing ==> 移相=>位相の散逸,離調
  7013. dephasing measure ==> 移相量度
  7014. dephlegmating column ==> 分馏柱
  7015. dephlegmation ==> 分凝
  7016. dephlegmator ==> 分馏器分凝器
  7017. dephosphorization ==> 脱磷
  7018. dephosphorized pig iron ==> 脱磷生铁
  7019. dephosphorizing capacity ==> 脱磷能力
  7020. depict ==> 描述,描写
  7021. depiction ==> 描写,表現,叙述
  7022. depiction in outline ==> 勾划轮廓
  7023. depiction method ==> 描写法
  7024. depilatory solution ==> 脱毛液
  7025. depiler ==> 分料机
  7026. depiling crane ==> 叠板卸垛吊车
  7027. depithing machine ==> 除髓机
  7028. depletable resources ==> 可耗竭资源
  7029. deplete natural resources ==> 天然資源を枯渇させる
  7030. deplete semiconductor ==> 耗尽型半导体
  7031. depleted cost ==> 已耗成本,已折耗成本
  7032. depleted material ==> 耗尽物质,贫化材料
  7033. depleted uranium ==> 贫[化]铀,铀同位素的混合物经分离或在反应堆内“烧过”以后,其中235U丰度低于它的天然丰度(0.714%)的尾料
  7034. depletion ==> 耗尽,摊销折旧=>減価償却
  7035. depletion allowance ==> 备抵耗减,备抵折耗
  7036. depletion channel ==> 耗尽型沟道
  7037. depletion cost ==> 折耗成本
  7038. depletion curve ==> 亏水曲线
  7039. depletion hydrograph ==> 亏水过程线
  7040. depletion implantation ==> 耗尽区离子注入
  7041. depletion inverter ==> 耗尽型换流器
  7042. depletion layer ==> 耗尽层=>空乏層
  7043. depletion layer capacitance ==> 耗尽层电容
  7044. depletion layer capacity ==> 耗尽层电容=>空乏層容量
  7045. depletion load ==> 耗尽型负载
  7046. depletion metal schottky fet ==> 耗尽型肖特基场效应晶体管
  7047. depletion mode ==> 耗尽型
  7048. depletion mode fet ==> 耗尽型场效应晶体管
  7049. depletion mode integrated circuit ==> 耗尽型集成电路
  7050. depletion mode N-channel transistor ==> 耗尽模N型沟道晶体管
  7051. depletion mode operation ==> 耗尽型动作
  7052. depletion mode region ==> 耗尽区
  7053. depletion most ==> 耗尽型金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  7054. depletion response ==> 减液反应
  7055. depletion stage ==> 采竭阶段
  7056. depletion test ==> 排空试验
  7057. depletion type channel ==> 耗尽型沟道
  7058. depletion-drive pool ==> 消耗气驱油藏
  7059. depletion-layer rectification ==> 耗尽层整流
  7060. depletion-layer transistor ==> 耗尽层型晶体管
  7061. deploy equipment to utmost capacity ==> 拼设备
  7062. deploy fire-fight equipment ==> 部署消防设备
  7063. deployment ==> 配置
  7064. deployment control ==> 展開制御
  7065. deployment dynamics ==> 展開力学
  7066. deployment issue ==> 展開問題
  7067. deployment mechanism ==> 展開機構
  7068. deployment of labor force ==> 调配劳动力
  7069. deployment parameter ==> 展開パラメータ
  7070. depo-heparin ==> 肝素
  7071. depolarization ==> 去极化=>減極
  7072. depolarization effect ==> 去偏振效应
  7073. depolarization factor ==> 去极化系数,退极化因子,消偏振因素
  7074. depolarization field ==> 退极化场
  7075. depolarizer ==> 去极化剂=>減極剤
  7076. depolarizing factor ==> 去极化因子
  7077. depolarizing muscular relaxant ==> 除极化型肌松药
  7078. depolished glass ==> 毛玻璃
  7079. depolymerizing enzyme ==> 解聚酶
  7080. deposed from office ==> 免职
  7081. deposit ==> 沉淀物,沉淀,沉积,沉着物,熔敷金属,押金,污垢沉积物,层状沉积,沉积物,从水中沉淀出的各种固体物质=>鉱床,堆積する,デポズィット
  7082. deposit accumulation ==> 沉积物的聚积
  7083. deposit as collateral ==> 以存款作担保
  7084. deposit at call ==> 通知存款,即期存款
  7085. deposit at notice ==> 通知存款
  7086. deposit attack ==> 沉积腐蚀
  7087. deposit builder ==> 附着物
  7088. deposit buildup ==> 沉积物的聚积
  7089. deposit carbon ==> 沉积碳
  7090. deposit chamber ==> 沉淀槽
  7091. deposit corrosion ==> 沉积腐蚀
  7092. deposit dose ==> 沉积剂量
  7093. deposit feeder ==> 食碎屑动物
  7094. deposit for bidding documents ==> 投标押金
  7095. deposit for tax payments ==> 纳税准备存款
  7096. deposit gage ==> 沉积计
  7097. deposit gauge ==> 沉淀测量仪
  7098. deposit leaching ==> 矿床浸出
  7099. deposit line ==> 平均存款余额
  7100. deposit loan ==> 以存款作抵押的贷款
  7101. deposit received ==> 已收存款
  7102. deposit released ==> 退还的押金,退还准备金
  7103. deposit retained ==> 扣存押金,扣留的押金
  7104. deposit sediment ==> 沉积物
  7105. deposit steel ==> 熔敷钢
  7106. deposit substrate interface ==> 淀积层衬底界面
  7107. deposit welding ==> 堆焊=>肉盛り溶接
  7108. deposit with landlord ==> 押租
  7109. deposit-free ==> 无沉淀物
  7110. deposit-taking institution ==> 吸收存款机构
  7111. deposit-taking institutions ==> 接受存款机构
  7112. deposite metal ==> 熔化金属
  7113. deposited acceptance rule ==> 投邮主义
  7114. deposited alumin(i)um conductor ==> 铝淀积导体,铝蒸发导体
  7115. deposited copper ==> 沉积铜
  7116. deposited dust level ==> 沉积尘水平
  7117. deposited film ==> 沉积膜
  7118. deposited metal ==> 溶敷金属,喷镀层,熔敷金属,堆焊金属
  7119. deposited metal test specimen ==> 熔敷金属试件
  7120. deposited resistor ==> 沉积电阻器
  7121. depositing concrete ==> 浇注混凝土
  7122. depositing dock ==> 单坞墙式浮船坞
  7123. depositing substrate ==> 堆积场基底
  7124. depositing tank ==> 析出电解槽
  7125. deposition ==> 沉积,沉积物=>沈殿(ちんでん),免職,罷免,廃位,宣誓証言,供託
  7126. deposition amount ==> 沈着量
  7127. deposition angle ==> 蒸着角
  7128. deposition apparatus ==> 蒸着装置
  7129. deposition behavior ==> 析出挙動
  7130. deposition burner ==> 沉淀燃烧器
  7131. deposition chamber ==> 淀积室
  7132. deposition composition ==> 淀积层成分
  7133. deposition control ==> 堆積制御
  7134. deposition effect ==> 沈着効果
  7135. deposition efficiency ==> 焊着效率,熔敷系数,熔敷效率=>沈着効率
  7136. deposition fabric ==> 沉积组织
  7137. deposition factor ==> 堆積因子
  7138. deposition film disk ==> 沉积薄膜磁盘
  7139. deposition flux ==> 沈着フラックス
  7140. deposition mask ==> 淀积掩模
  7141. deposition mode ==> 沉积方式
  7142. deposition of coal particle ==> 煤粒沉淀
  7143. deposition of dental calculus ==> 牙石沉积
  7144. deposition potential ==> 析出电位,沉积电势,淀积电势
  7145. deposition power ==> 成膜パワー
  7146. deposition precipitation ==> 沈着沈殿
  7147. deposition pressure ==> 堆積圧
  7148. deposition process ==> 淀积工艺过程,沉积过程=>析出過程
  7149. deposition property ==> 堆積特性
  7150. deposition rate ==> 熔敷速度
  7151. deposition reaction ==> 沉积反应
  7152. deposition sequence ==> 熔敷顺序,焊着程序
  7153. deposition target ==> 淀积靶
  7154. deposition techniques ==> 熔敷工艺
  7155. depositional dip ==> 沉积倾角,原始倾斜
  7156. depositional fabric ==> 沉淀组构
  7157. depositional interface ==> 沉积间面
  7158. depositional remanent magnetism ==> 沉积剩余磁性
  7159. depositional remanent magnetization ==> 沉积剩磁
  7160. depositional remanent magnetization ( DRM) ==> 沉积剩余磁化
  7161. depositional sequence ==> 沉积层序
  7162. depositional strike ==> 沉积走向,侧向连续沉积
  7163. depositional topography ==> 沉积地形
  7164. depository dish ==> 储藏盒
  7165. depository receipt procedures ==> 财政收入缴存手续
  7166. depository receipt system ==> 财政收入缴存制度
  7167. depository trust company ==> 贮存信托公司
  7168. deposits of one-year maturity ==> 一年为期的定期存款
  7169. deposits of six month maturity ==> 半年定期存款
  7170. deposits of six-month maturity ==> 半年为期的定期存款
  7171. deposits outstanding of all banks ==> 全国银行存款余额
  7172. depositum urinae praeparatum ==> 淡秋石
  7173. depot ==> 基地,储藏库,储存,贮存=>バス車庫,停車場,空港倉庫,デポー
  7174. depot and warehouse ==> 仓库栈房
  7175. depot and warehouse sites ==> 仓库栈房土地
  7176. depot fat ==> 脂肪贮存,储存脂肪,储脂
  7177. depot forming adjuvant ==> 储存佐剂
  7178. depot ship ==> 母舰,勤务支援船
  7179. depot spare part ==> 库存备件
  7180. depreciated currency ==> 贬值通货
  7181. depreciated value ==> 已折旧价值
  7182. depreciation ==> 折旧,贬值,减少,减值,降值=>減価償却,価値の下落
  7183. depreciation accounting on a group basis ==> 分组折旧法
  7184. depreciation allowance ==> 可免税的折旧
  7185. depreciation allowed ==> 可提折旧额
  7186. depreciation base ==> 折旧基数
  7187. depreciation by kind ==> 分类折旧
  7188. depreciation cost ==> 折旧费,按固定资产额及其折旧年限,计算每年应分摊的费用,称为折旧费
  7189. depreciation expense ==> 折旧费用
  7190. depreciation expense of house ==> 房屋折旧费
  7191. depreciation factor ==> 减缩系数,折旧率
  7192. depreciation fee from land funds ==> 土地资金折旧费
  7193. depreciation fund ==> 折旧基金
  7194. depreciation method of uniformity varying amount ==> 变数均匀折旧法
  7195. depreciation method of uniformity varying amounts ==> 统一变额折旧法,统一变数折旧法
  7196. depreciation of currency ==> 通货贬值
  7197. depreciation of plant equipment ==> 厂场设备折旧
  7198. depreciation of the year ==> 本年度折旧
  7199. depreciation of value ==> 贬值
  7200. depreciation on properties ==> 财产折旧
  7201. depreciation on replacement value ==> 重置价值折旧
  7202. depreciation period ==> 折旧期
  7203. depreciation provision ==> 备抵折旧
  7204. depreciation rate ==> 折旧率
  7205. depreciation reducing instalment method ==> 分期递减折旧法
  7206. depreciation reserve ==> 折旧准备
  7207. depreciation straight line ==> 平均折旧
  7208. depreciation-annuity method ==> 折旧年金法,年金折旧法
  7209. depreciation-appraisal method ==> 折旧估价法
  7210. depreciation-appropriation method ==> 盈余拨抵折旧法
  7211. depreciation-arbitrate method ==> 折旧任意决定法
  7212. depreciation-composite life method ==> 综合平均年限折旧法
  7213. depreciation-double-declining balance method ==> 加倍定率递减折旧法
  7214. depreciation-fifty-percent method ==> 五成折旧法
  7215. depreciation-fixed installment method ==> 分期定额折旧法
  7216. depreciation-fixed instalment method ==> 折旧分期定额法
  7217. depreciation-insusance method ==> 按保险金额折旧法
  7218. depreciation-inventory method ==> 盘存折旧法
  7219. depreciation-job method ==> 分批折旧法
  7220. depreciation-maintenance method ==> 维修折旧法
  7221. depreciation-percentage of original cost method ==> 折旧原始成本定率法
  7222. depreciation-reducing instalment method ==> 折旧分期递减法
  7223. depreciation-replacement method ==> 重置折旧法
  7224. depreciation-straight line method ==> 直线折旧法
  7225. depreciation-uniformity varying amounts method ==> 统一变额折旧法
  7226. depress demand ==> 需要を抑制する
  7227. depressant ==> 抑制剂
  7228. depressant prescription ==> 降剂
  7229. depressed arch ==> 低拱
  7230. depressed area ==> 萧条地区
  7231. depressed center car ==> 凹底平车
  7232. depressed centre flat wagon ==> 凹底车,低凹平车
  7233. depressed collector ==> 降压收集极
  7234. depressed conductor-rail ==> 压下的接触轨
  7235. depressed fracture ==> 凹陷骨折
  7236. depressed fracture of skull ==> 凹陷性颅骨骨折
  7237. depressed inflation ==> 压抑通货膨胀
  7238. depressed key ==> 按键,按钮
  7239. depressed market ==> 萧条市场
  7240. depressed placental function ==> 胎盘功能减退
  7241. depressed sewer ==> 倒虹式下水道
  7242. depressing ==> 憂鬱な
  7243. depressing agent ==> 浮选抑制剂
  7244. depressing effect ==> 抑圧効果
  7245. depressing roll ==> 升降辊
  7246. depressing table ==> 支撑辊道
  7247. depression ==> 凹,凹地,凹坑,凹陷,拗陷,恐慌,抑郁症,抑制,低压,低压,沉陷,抽空区,弱低压,萧条,窝,阻抑,忧郁,忧郁症=>陥没,恐慌,不況,デプレッション,うつ
  7248. depression angle ==> 俯角,俯视角
  7249. depression basin ==> 拗陷盆地
  7250. depression belt ==> 低气压带,低压带
  7251. depression cone ==> 沉陷锥
  7252. depression earthquake ==> 陷落地震
  7253. depression effect ==> 抑制效应
  7254. depression infrabar ==> 低气压
  7255. depression of freezing point ==> 冰点降低
  7256. depression of land ==> 内陆洼地,陆凹
  7257. depression of mediastinum ==> 纵隔凹陷
  7258. depression of order ==> 降阶法
  7259. depression of the dew point ==> 温度与露点温度带
  7260. Depression of the liver wood causes fire syndrome ==> 木郁化火
  7261. Depression of the liver wood causes wind syndrome ==> 木郁化风
  7262. depression of the wet bulb ==> 干湿球温度差
  7263. depression of tooth ==> 牙凹陷
  7264. depression of trade ==> 贸易衰退
  7265. depression of water table ==> 地下水位的降落
  7266. depression position finder ==> 俯角取景器
  7267. depression region ==> 低压区
  7268. depression shoreline ==> 沉降岸线
  7269. depression spring ==> 低地泉,低洼泉
  7270. depression tank ==> 真空箱
  7271. depressive delusion ==> 抑郁性妄想
  7272. depressive personality ==> 类抑郁性格,忧郁型人格
  7273. depressive psychosis ==> 抑郁性精神病
  7274. depressive state ==> 抑郁状态
  7275. depressor ==> 沉降器
  7276. depressor muscle of angle of mouth ==> 降口角肌
  7277. depressor muscle of lower lip ==> 降下唇肌
  7278. depressor muscle of nasal septum ==> 降鼻中隔肌
  7279. depressor nerve ==> 减压神经
  7280. depressor reflex ==> 减压反射
  7281. depressor reflex of heart ==> 心脏减压反射
  7282. depressor substance ==> 减压物质
  7283. deprivation of civil right ==> 褫夺公权
  7284. deprivation of civil right for life ==> 褫夺公权终身
  7285. deprive ==> 褫夺
  7286. deprocedured-to-FORM ==> 非过程化为FORM
  7287. depropanizing column ==> 脱丙烷塔
  7288. deproteinized rubber ==> 除蛋白橡胶
  7289. depth ==> 进深,深度
  7290. depth attachment ==> 测深附件
  7291. depth bellows ==> 深波纹管
  7292. depth bomb ==> 深水炸弹
  7293. depth bound ==> 深度限度
  7294. depth calliper ==> 深度卡规
  7295. depth capacity ==> 最大深度
  7296. depth charge ==> 深水炸弹
  7297. depth clipping ==> 深度剪取
  7298. depth contour ==> 等海深线,等水深线
  7299. depth control ==> 高度调节
  7300. depth control cam ==> 耕深调节凸轮
  7301. depth control device ==> 耕深调节器
  7302. depth control pipeline ==> 深浅调节导管
  7303. depth control skid ==> 仿形滑板
  7304. depth controller ==> 深度控制器
  7305. depth crowning ==> 齿高修形
  7306. depth dial gauge ==> 度盘式深度计
  7307. depth difference ==> 景深差别,景深差别
  7308. depth dimensions ==> 深度尺寸
  7309. depth discrimination ==> 景深鉴别,景深鉴别
  7310. depth displacement ==> 高程差
  7311. depth distribution ==> 深度分布
  7312. depth dose ==> 深度剂量
  7313. depth drill ==> 深孔钻
  7314. depth factor ==> 深度因数
  7315. depth finder ==> 测深计,测深器
  7316. depth gage ==> 深度规
  7317. depth gauge ==> 测深仪
  7318. depth gauge clearance ==> 齿深规间隙
  7319. depth gauge for bone screw ==> 接骨螺钉长度测量器
  7320. depth hoar ==> 浓霜
  7321. depth indicator ==> 深度尺,深度指示器
  7322. depth interpretation ==> 深度推断
  7323. depth magnification ==> 景深放大率,景深放大率
  7324. depth manometer ==> 深度压力计
  7325. depth measurement ==> 测深
  7326. depth measurement meter ==> 测深仪
  7327. depth measuring facility ==> 深度测量装置
  7328. depth meter ==> 深度计
  7329. depth micrometer ==> 深度测微计,深度千分尺
  7330. depth minimax search sequence ==> 纵型最大最小探索次序
  7331. depth of beam ==> 梁的高度,梁高
  7332. depth of burial ==> 埋藏深度,埋深
  7333. depth of burying ==> 埋设深度
  7334. depth of carburizing ==> 渗碳深度
  7335. depth of case ==> 淬硬深度
  7336. depth of chill ==> 冷硬深度
  7337. depth of compensation ==> 补偿深度
  7338. depth of cup ==> 压痕深度
  7339. depth of current penetration ==> 电流透入深度
  7340. depth of cut ==> 锯割深度,锯割深度,进刀深度,切割深度,切土深度,切屑厚度
  7341. depth of cut (DOC) ==> 切削深度
  7342. depth of decarburized zone ==> 脱碳深度
  7343. depth of depression ==> 低压深度
  7344. depth of draining ==> 排沟深度
  7345. depth of embedment ==> 埋深
  7346. depth of engagement ==> 接合深度,啮合深度
  7347. depth of field ==> 视场深度,视野深度,景深
  7348. depth of field calculation ==> 景深计算
  7349. depth of field indicator ==> 景深指示器
  7350. depth of field scale ==> 景深刻度
  7351. depth of fill ==> 填土高度
  7352. depth of flow ==> 流动深度
  7353. depth of focus ==> 景深,聚焦深度,震深,焦深=>焦点深度
  7354. depth of footing ==> 大方脚埋深
  7355. depth of foundation ==> 基础深度,基础深度
  7356. depth of frictional influence ==> 摩擦影响深度
  7357. depth of frost penotraion ==> 冰冻深度
  7358. depth of fusion ==> 融熔深度,熔化深度
  7359. depth of groove ==> 凹槽深度
  7360. depth of hardening ==> 淬硬深度
  7361. depth of hardening zone ==> 淬硬层深度
  7362. depth of hearth ==> 炉床深度
  7363. depth of immersion ==> 插入深度
  7364. depth of impression ==> 切屑厚度,压痕深
  7365. depth of indentation ==> 压痕深度,低凹深度
  7366. depth of metal ==> 玻璃液深度
  7367. depth of modulation ==> 调制深度
  7368. depth of navigable channel ==> 航道水深
  7369. depth of nitration ==> 渗氮深度
  7370. depth of parallelism ==> 平行度
  7371. depth of penetration ==> 穿透深度,透入深度,贯穿深度,贯入深度,插入深度=>浸透の深さ(電波)
  7372. depth of planting ==> 播种深度
  7373. depth of plastering ==> 抹灰厚度
  7374. depth of quenching ==> 淬火深度
  7375. depth of recess ==> 凹下深度
  7376. depth of recursion ==> 递归深度
  7377. depth of respiration ==> 呼吸深度
  7378. depth of room ==> 居室进深,居室进深
  7379. depth of seam division ==> 分层深度
  7380. depth of seeding ==> 播种深度
  7381. depth of slot ==> 槽片深度
  7382. depth of snow ==> 雪深
  7383. depth of soils ==> 土壤深处
  7384. depth of the market ==> 市场深度
  7385. depth of the side fussion zone ==> 侧面熔深
  7386. depth of thread ==> 螺纹深度
  7387. depth of throat ==> 弯喉深度
  7388. depth of tooth ==> 齿高
  7389. depth of vault ==> 穹顶厚度
  7390. depth of velocity modulation ==> 速度调制度
  7391. depth of water ==> 水深
  7392. depth of weld ==> 焊接深度
  7393. depth over width ratio ==> 深度宽度比
  7394. depth over width ratio of memory ==> 存储器深度宽度比
  7395. depth penetration ==> 深度贯穿
  7396. depth perception ==> 景深感觉,景深感觉
  7397. depth placement ==> 杂质的沿深度布置
  7398. depth profile ==> 沿深度掺杂分布图=>深さ方向分析
  7399. depth queuing ==> 景深层次,景深层次
  7400. depth ratio ==> 深度比
  7401. depth recorder ==> 记录式深度计
  7402. depth resolution ==> 深度分辨率
  7403. depth scale ==> 测深标尺
  7404. depth scan ==> 前后扫查
  7405. depth screw gear ==> 耕深调节螺杆
  7406. depth slide gauge ==> 滑动式测深计
  7407. depth sounder ==> 测深机,测深计,测深器
  7408. depth sounding ==> 测深
  7409. depth stop ==> 限深规,限深器
  7410. depth to width ratio ==> 高宽比
  7411. depth wheel ==> 耕深调节轮
  7412. depth zone ==> 深度带
  7413. depth zone of earth ==> 地球深带
  7414. depth-adjusting screw ==> 耕深调节螺杆
  7415. depth-area curve ==> 面深曲线
  7416. depth-area relationship ==> 面深关系
  7417. depth-charge rocket ==> 火箭式深水炸弹
  7418. depth-charge rocket launcher ==> 火箭式深水炸弹发射器
  7419. depth-charge thrower ==> 深水炸弹发射炮
  7420. depth-determining sonar ==> 测深声纳
  7421. depth-diffusion process ==> 深结扩散工艺
  7422. depth-feed mechanism ==> 径向进给机构
  7423. depth-first ==> 深度优先
  7424. depth-first minimax procedure ==> 深度优先最小最大过程
  7425. depth-first procedure ==> 深度优先过程
  7426. depth-first search ==> 深度优先搜索
  7427. depth-gauge setting ==> 齿深规整齿
  7428. depth-hardness curve ==> 淬透性曲线
  7429. depth-scanning sonar ==> 深度扫描声纳
  7430. depth-sounding pipe ==> 测深管
  7431. depth-sounding sonar ==> 测深声纳
  7432. depth-span ratio ==> 高度与跨度之比,高跨比
  7433. depth-to-span ratio ==> 高跨比
  7434. depth-to-width ratio ==> 深宽比
  7435. depth-type filtration ==> 深度过滤
  7436. depth-width ratio ==> 高度与宽度之比,高宽比
  7437. depthing tool ==> 测啮合深度工具
  7438. depurant tank ==> 净化剂贮罐,净化剂贮罐
  7439. deputy commissioner of customs ==> 海关副税务司
  7440. deputy consul (DC.) ==> 副领事
  7441. Deputy Director of Environmental Protection ==> 环境保护署副署长
  7442. deputy manager ==> 副经理
  7443. deputy procurator-general ==> 副检察长
  7444. DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) ==> 码头交货(缴付税款)
  7445. deq lozenge tablet ==> 得益片
  7446. Deqing ware ==> 德清窑
  7447. DEQL, delay equalizer ==> 遅延時間等化器
  7448. dequaline chloride ==> 克菌定
  7449. dequeuc ==> 退出队列
  7450. dequeue ==> 出列,解队=>待機解除する
  7451. DER, double rack ==> ダブルラック
  7452. derail ==> 脱線する
  7453. derailing switch ==> 开关器
  7454. derailing switch-point ==> 脱線転てつ器
  7455. derailment ==> 脱線
  7456. derailment accident ==> 脱線事故
  7457. derailment coefficient ==> 脱線係数
  7458. derailment prevention ==> 脱線防止
  7459. deranged drainage pattern ==> 扰乱水系
  7460. derangement of lateral meniscus ==> 外侧半月板扰乱
  7461. derated standard level ==> 标准失效率
  7462. derating ==> 降低定额值
  7463. derating coefficient ==> 减额系数
  7464. derating curve ==> 軽減曲線
  7465. derating factor ==> 额定值降低因子
  7466. derating level ==> 减额等级
  7467. Deraup oscillator ==> 德劳振荡器
  7468. derby red ==> 镉铅红
  7469. Derby red ==> 中国红
  7470. Derbyshire neck ==> 德贝夏颈
  7471. Derbyshire spar ==> 萤石
  7472. derbyshire spar ==> 晶石
  7473. dereferenced-to-FORM ==> 非关联化为FORM
  7474. deregenerative feedback ==> 非再生反馈
  7475. deregulated environment ==> 規制緩和環境
  7476. deregulation ==> 規制緩和,電力自由化
  7477. derelict land ==> 废的,冲积地
  7478. Deri motor ==> 德里电动机
  7479. Deri repulsion motor ==> 德里推斥电动机
  7480. Deri winding ==> 德里绕组
  7481. Deriaz turbine ==> 德立亚式水轮机
  7482. deriming valve ==> 解冻阀
  7483. derivating agent ==> 衍生剂
  7484. derivation ==> 导出,衍化,衍生,派生,导引,推导,求导,求解运算,证明=>誘導,導出,起源,由来,語源,微分
  7485. derivation algorithm ==> 誘導アルゴリズム
  7486. derivation block ==> 微分单元
  7487. derivation circuit ==> 微分电路
  7488. derivation graph ==> 导引图
  7489. derivation income ==> 派生所得
  7490. derivation measurement ==> 誘導測定
  7491. derivation method ==> 誘導法
  7492. derivation of a fuzzifying function ==> 模糊函数的导数
  7493. derivation of demand ==> 需要の派生
  7494. derivation of demand function ==> 需要関数の導出
  7495. derivation of reduction rules ==> 归约规则的推导
  7496. derivation of supply function ==> 供給関数の導出
  7497. derivation tree ==> 导出树
  7498. derivation weave ==> 变化组织
  7499. derivative ==> 变型,导数,从变量,派生的,派生物,衍化物,衍生物,诱导剂
  7500. derivative absorption spectrum ==> 导数吸收光谱
  7501. derivative action ==> 微分作用,导数作用
  7502. derivative action coefficient ==> 微分作用系数,微分动作系数
  7503. derivative action gain ==> 微分作用增益
  7504. derivative action time ==> 微分作用时间,微分动作时间=>微分時間(自動制御)
  7505. derivative coefficient ==> 诱导系数
  7506. derivative compensation ==> 微分作用
  7507. derivative control ==> 导数调节,一次微分控制
  7508. derivative control action ==> 微分控制动作=>微分動作(自動制御)
  7509. derivative corrective action ==> 微分校正动作
  7510. derivative demand ==> 派生需求
  7511. derivative departments ==> 衍生部门
  7512. derivative differential thermal analysis ==> 导数差示热分析
  7513. derivative differential thermal analysis (DDTA) ==> 微分差热分析
  7514. derivative differential thermal curve ==> 导数差示热曲线
  7515. derivative dilatometry ==> 导数膨胀法
  7516. derivative element ==> 微分要素(自動制御)
  7517. derivative equalizer ==> 微分均衡器
  7518. derivative feedback ==> 微分反馈
  7519. derivative hybrid ==> 衍生杂种
  7520. derivative index ==> 派生指数
  7521. derivative interest ==> 派生利息
  7522. derivative language ==> 派生语言
  7523. derivative money ==> 派生货币
  7524. derivative network ==> 微分网络
  7525. derivative polarography ==> 导数极谱法
  7526. derivative rock ==> 导生岩,沉积岩
  7527. derivative spectrum ==> 导数光谱
  7528. derivative structure ==> 派生构造
  7529. derivative strucure ==> 派生结构
  7530. derivative thermogravimetric curve ==> 导数热重曲线
  7531. derivative thermogravimetry ==> 导数热重法
  7532. derivative thermometric titration ==> 导数温度滴定
  7533. derivative unit ==> 微分器
  7534. derivative weave ==> 变化组织
  7535. derivativeproportional-integral control ==> 坐标导数积分控制
  7536. derivatives ==> 金融衍生品=>デリバテイブ
  7537. derivatives of progesterone ==> 孕酮衍生物
  7538. derivatizing agent ==> 誘導体化剤
  7539. derivatizing reaction ==> 誘導体化反応
  7540. derivatizing reagent ==> 誘導体化試薬
  7541. derive ==> 导出,推导,派生=>由来する,派生する
  7542. derive great satisfaction ==> 大きな達成感を得る
  7543. derive nutrients ==> 摄取养分
  7544. derive the following equation ==> 次の方程式を導く
  7545. derive their food from other organisms ==> 从别的生物摄取食物
  7546. derived ==> 生成された
  7547. derived activity ==> 派生活動
  7548. derived association ==> 衍生群丛
  7549. derived attribute ==> 誘導属性
  7550. derived band ==> 誘導帯
  7551. derived circuit ==> 分支电路,导出电路
  7552. derived current ==> 分支电流,分路电流
  7553. derived curve ==> 导曲线
  7554. derived data ==> 派生数据
  7555. derived data item ==> 导出数据项
  7556. derived data type ==> 导电数据类型
  7557. derived demand deposit ==> 派生性活期存款
  7558. derived deposits ==> 派生存款
  7559. derived fossils ==> 次生化石
  7560. derived from ==> 采自
  7561. derived function ==> 导函数=>導出関数
  7562. derived graph ==> 导出图
  7563. derived gust velocity ==> 导出阵风速度=>最大衝撃風速
  7564. derived high polymer ==> 衍生高聚物
  7565. derived investigation level ==> 导出调查水平
  7566. derived key word ==> 导出关键字
  7567. derived liability ==> 分赔责任
  7568. derived limits ==> 推定极限
  7569. derived lipid ==> 衍生植类
  7570. derived m-type filter ==> 誘導m形フィルタ
  7571. derived map ==> 资料地图
  7572. derived mathematically ==> 数学的な計算から導かれる
  7573. derived number ==> 导数
  7574. derived organ ==> 衍化器官
  7575. derived polymer ==> 誘導ポリマー
  7576. derived protein ==> 衍生蛋白,衍生朊
  7577. derived quantity ==> 导出量=>組立量
  7578. derived record ==> 导出记录
  7579. derived relation ==> 导出关系
  7580. derived rule ==> 导出规则
  7581. derived savanna ==> 衍生稀树干草原
  7582. derived sentential form ==> 导出句型
  7583. derived series ==> 导出级数,导出群列
  7584. derived set ==> 导集
  7585. derived sound system ==> 导出声系统
  7586. derived statistics ==> 派生的统计数字
  7587. derived structure ==> 衍生结构
  7588. derived type filter ==> 推演式滤波器=>誘導形フィルタ
  7589. derived unit ==> 导出单位=>組立単位,誘導単位
  7590. derived unit(of measurement) ==> 导出(测量)单位
  7591. derived units ==> 导出单位
  7592. derived units with special names ==> 固有の名称をもつ組立単位
  7593. derived value ==> 衍生价值,派生价值
  7594. derived varieties ==> 衍生品种
  7595. deriving wire ==> 分岐電線
  7596. dermabrader outfit ==> 皮肤摩擦机
  7597. dermal bone ==> 皮骨
  7598. dermal fold ==> 表层褶曲
  7599. dermal gland ==> 皮腺
  7600. dermal leprosy ==> 皮肤麻风
  7601. dermal pore ==> 皮孔
  7602. dermal resistance ==> 皮肤电阻
  7603. dermal ridge ==> 真皮嵴
  7604. dermal sensation ==> 皮肤感觉,肤觉
  7605. dermal sensitivity test ==> 皮肤过敏试验
  7606. dermal sulcus ==> 真皮沟
  7607. dermal toxicity ==> 经皮中毒,经皮中毒
  7608. dermal transplantation ==> 真皮移植
  7609. dermatan sulfate ==> 硫酸皮肤素,硫酸软骨素B
  7610. dermatan sulfate sulfatase ==> 硫酸皮肤素硫酸酯酶
  7611. dermatitis ==> 皮炎=>皮膚炎
  7612. dermatitis artefacta ==> 人为性皮炎
  7613. dermatitis atrophicans ==> 萎缩性皮炎=>萎縮性皮膚炎
  7614. dermatitis congelationis ==> 冻伤性皮炎=>凍傷性皮膚炎
  7615. dermatitis contacta ==> 接触性皮炎
  7616. dermatitis continuee ==> 连续性皮炎
  7617. dermatitis contusiformis ==> 结节性红斑
  7618. dermatitis due to cosmetics ==> 化粧品皮膚炎
  7619. dermatitis erythematosa ==> 红斑皮炎
  7620. dermatitis exfoliativa ==> 剥脱性皮膚炎
  7621. dermatitis exfoliativa infantum ==> 里特病,利特氏病,婴儿剥脱性皮炎
  7622. dermatitis factitia ==> 人为性皮炎
  7623. dermatitis gangraenosa ==> 坏疽性皮炎
  7624. dermatitis gangraenosa infantum ==> 坏疽性深脓疱
  7625. dermatitis gestationis ==> 妊娠皮炎
  7626. dermatitis herpetiformis ==> 杜林病,杜林氏病,疱疹样皮炎
  7627. dermatitis infectiosa eczematoides ==> 恩格曼氏病,传染性湿疹样皮炎
  7628. dermatitis lichenoides chronica atrophicans ==> 慢性萎缩性苔癣样皮炎
  7629. dermatitis medicamentosa ==> 疹子型药物皮炎,药物皮炎
  7630. dermatitis nodularis necrotica ==> 坏死结节性皮炎
  7631. dermatitis of the rice field ==> 水稻田皮炎
  7632. dermatitis psoriasiformis nodularis ==> 牛皮癣样结节性皮炎
  7633. dermatitis repens ==> 匐行性皮炎
  7634. dermatitis rhus ==> 漆疮,漆树皮炎
  7635. dermatitis simplex ==> 单纯皮炎
  7636. dermatitis solaris ==> 日晒性皮炎
  7637. dermatitis traumatica ==> 创伤性皮炎
  7638. dermatitis varicosa ==> 静脉曲张性皮炎,静脉曲张性皮炎
  7639. dermatitis vegetans ==> 增殖性皮炎
  7640. dermatitis venenata ==> 接触性皮炎
  7641. dermatitis verrucosa ==> 疣状皮炎=>いぼ状皮膚炎
  7642. dermato-autoplasty ==> 自皮成形术
  7643. dermato-resistance audiometer ==> 皮肤电阻测听仪
  7644. dermatograph test ==> 皮肤划痕试验
  7645. dermatome of drum type ==> 鼓式植皮刀
  7646. dermatomic area ==> 皮区
  7647. dermatophytid reaction ==> 皮肤真菌反应
  7648. dermatoplastic apparatus ==> 植皮机
  7649. dermis graft ==> 真皮移植片
  7650. dermitis ==> 皮炎
  7651. dermo-epidermal junction ==> 真皮表皮交界
  7652. Dermochelys coriacea ==> 棱皮龟
  7653. dermographic test ==> 皮肤划痕试验
  7654. dermoid cancer ==> 皮样癌,皮肤癌
  7655. dermoid cyst ==> 皮样囊肿,良性囊性畸胎瘤
  7656. dermoid cyst of mammary glands ==> 乳腺皮样囊肿
  7657. dermoid cyst of mediastinum ==> 纵隔皮样囊肿
  7658. dermoid cyst of ovary ==> 卵巢皮样囊肿
  7659. dermoid cyst of scrotum ==> 阴囊皮样囊肿
  7660. dermoid cyst of spermatic cord ==> 精索皮样囊肿
  7661. dermoid tumor ==> 皮样瘤
  7662. dermomuscular layer ==> 皮肌层
  7663. dermotuberculin reaction ==> 披尔奎氏反应,皮肤结核菌素反应
  7664. derosal ==> 多菌灵
  7665. derrick ==> 动臂起重机,人字起重机,钻塔,桅杆起重机,起重杆,起重机,起重架,吊杆,吊杆起重机
  7666. derrick barge ==> 浮吊
  7667. derrick boom ==> 吊杆
  7668. derrick boom rest ==> 吊杆托架
  7669. derrick car ==> 转臂吊车
  7670. derrick crab ==> 动臂起重机
  7671. derrick crane ==> 动臂起重机,转臂起重机=>デリッククレーン
  7672. derrick fall ==> 吊货索
  7673. derrick floor ==> 钻台
  7674. derrick guy ==> 吊杆稳索
  7675. derrick hay stack ==> 转臂式干草堆垛机
  7676. derrick head cargo block ==> 吊杆头起货滑车
  7677. derrick mast ==> 扒杆
  7678. derrick post ==> 吊杆柱,转臂起重机柱,人字起重机柱
  7679. derrick stone ==> 大石块,粗石块
  7680. derrick table ==> 吊杆台
  7681. derrick tower ==> 起重机架,桁架塔
  7682. derrick truck ==> 吊车
  7683. derrick type steel tapes ==> 架式钢卷尺
  7684. derrick wagon crane ==> 车座人字起重机,车座人字形起重机
  7685. derricking jib crane ==> 人字式转臂起重机
  7686. derricking rope ==> 臂架钢丝绳
  7687. Derris ellipta ==> 毛鱼藤
  7688. derris root ==> 鱼藤根
  7689. derust ==> 除锈
  7690. derusting ==> 去锈=>除錆
  7691. Deryagin number ==> 德亚金数
  7692. DES Delivered Ex Ship ==> 轮船交货
  7693. DES, Delivered Ex Ship ==> 本船持込渡条件
  7694. desacetyl vinblastine amide ==> 去乙酰长春酰胺
  7695. desalination ==> 除盐,去盐作用,脱盐作用
  7696. desalination by reverse osmosis ==> 反渗透淡化
  7697. desalination of sea water ==> 海水淡化
  7698. desalination plant ==> 海水淡化
  7699. desalination ship ==> 海水淡化船
  7700. desalination system ==> 海水淡水化システム
  7701. desalinization ==> 去盐化=>海水脱塩
  7702. desalinization unit ==> 脱塩装置
  7703. desalting ==> 脱盐
  7704. desalting plant ==> 淡化设备
  7705. desalting unit ==> 脱盐装置
  7706. desander ==> 分砂器
  7707. desanding ==> 去砂
  7708. desaxe ==> 轴心偏移,异轴性
  7709. DESC Defense Energy Support Center ==> 防御能源支持中心
  7710. descale ==> 清除氧化皮,去氧化皮,除鳞,除锈=>除錆
  7711. descaler ==> 除鳞机,除锈剂,去鳞机,破鳞机
  7712. descaling ==> 去氧化皮,脱除锅垢,除垢除锈法,除鳞,除去锈垢,除锈
  7713. descaling bath ==> 酸洗槽
  7714. descaling box ==> 氧化皮冲除箱
  7715. descaling jet ==> 除鳞喷嘴
  7716. descaling machine ==> 除鳞机,清理机
  7717. descaling mill ==> 破鳞机,除鳞机
  7718. descaling rolls ==> 破鳞辊
  7719. descaling spray ==> 喷嘴组
  7720. descaling sprays ==> 除鳞喷嘴组
  7721. descaling stand ==> 除鳞机座
  7722. descaling system ==> 除鳞系统
  7723. descaling unit ==> 除鳞装置
  7724. Descartes ray ==> 笛卡尔光线
  7725. Descartes' rule of signs ==> 笛卡尔符号法则
  7726. Descemet's membrane ==> 后弹性层,后弹性膜
  7727. descendant action ==> 分支动作
  7728. descendent action ==> 分枝动作
  7729. descending anterior branch ==> 前降支
  7730. descending aorta ==> 降主动脉
  7731. descending axis ==> 根系
  7732. descending branch ==> 下垂枝,下降段,降支
  7733. descending chain ==> 降序列
  7734. descending chromatography ==> 下行色层分离法,下行色谱法
  7735. descending colon ==> 降结肠
  7736. descending control ==> 下行控制
  7737. descending developing method ==> 下行展开法
  7738. descending development method ==> 下行展开法
  7739. descending difference ==> 降差数
  7740. descending face ==> 下降割面
  7741. descending flow of sap ==> 下行液流
  7742. descending genicular artery ==> 膝降动脉
  7743. descending grade ==> 降坡
  7744. descending infection ==> 下行感染
  7745. descending inhibitory action ==> 下行抑制作用
  7746. descending inhibitory path ==> 下行抑制径路
  7747. descending inhibitory reticular projection ==> 下行抑制性网状投射
  7748. descending key ==> 递降键,降序键
  7749. descending liquid ==> 下行液体
  7750. descending mesocolon ==> 降结肠系膜
  7751. descending node ==> 降交点
  7752. descending of fetal head ==> 胎头下降
  7753. descending order ==> 降序排列
  7754. descending palatine artery ==> 腭降动脉
  7755. descending plate ==> 下降板块
  7756. descending posterior branch ==> 后降支动脉
  7757. descending sequence ==> 降序序列
  7758. descending slope ==> 下降斜率
  7759. descending sort ==> 降序排列
  7760. descending vertical angle ==> 俯角
  7761. descensus ==> 下垂
  7762. descensus paradoxu testis ==> 睾丸错向下降
  7763. descent ==> 儿头下降,血统,子孙,坡道
  7764. Descent of Man ==> 人間の進化
  7765. descent of presenting part ==> 先露部下降
  7766. descent of testicle ==> 睾丸下降
  7767. descent trajectory ==> 下降段
  7768. descent velocity of burden ==> 炉料下降速度
  7769. descloizite ==> 钒铅锌矿
  7770. descrambler ==> デスクランブラ
  7771. descrete data system ==> 離散値系
  7772. descrete element ==> 分立元件
  7773. described function ==> 描述函数
  7774. describing circle ==> 滚动圆
  7775. describing function ==> 描述函数=>記述関数(自動制御)
  7776. describing function method ==> 記述関数法
  7777. description ==> 描述,目=>記述,描写,説明,種類,銘柄
  7778. description (job specification) ==> 作业说明
  7779. description area ==> 記述領域
  7780. description capability ==> 記述能力
  7781. description convention ==> 記述規則
  7782. description entry ==> 描述项
  7783. description file ==> 記述ファイル
  7784. description format ==> 記述形式
  7785. description list ==> 描述表
  7786. description of a trade ==> 取引明細
  7787. description of design ==> 设计说明
  7788. description of final design ==> 最终设计说明书
  7789. description of invention ==> 発明の表示
  7790. description of item ==> 商品説明
  7791. description of job ==> 仕事内容
  7792. description of materials ==> 材料品种
  7793. description of profile ==> 剖面描述
  7794. description of property ==> 物品叙述
  7795. description of territory ==> 业务地区说明
  7796. description of the goods ==> 货物情况
  7797. description of the invention ==> 发明的简要说明,发明说明书
  7798. description of the process ==> 工艺说明
  7799. description of wixed fertilizer ==> 混合肥描述
  7800. description point ==> 取向标记
  7801. descriptive abstract ==> 说明提要,说明摘要
  7802. descriptive anthropology ==> 描述性人类学
  7803. descriptive astronomy ==> 描述天文学,描述性天文学
  7804. descriptive bill ==> 附说明的帐单
  7805. descriptive catalogue ==> 附说明目录
  7806. descriptive crystallography ==> 描述性晶体学
  7807. descriptive decision making ==> 描述性决策
  7808. descriptive decision theory ==> 描述性决策理论,叙述性决策理论
  7809. descriptive definition ==> 描述性定义
  7810. descriptive dialectology ==> 描写性方言学
  7811. descriptive ecology ==> 描述性生态学
  7812. descriptive economics ==> 叙述经济学
  7813. descriptive epidemiology ==> 描述流行病学,描述性流行病学
  7814. descriptive etymology ==> 記述語源論
  7815. descriptive financial statement ==> 附有说明的损益计算书
  7816. descriptive geometry ==> 画法几何,投影几何学,投影几何学
  7817. descriptive grammar ==> 描写性语法学
  7818. descriptive index ==> 描述性指数
  7819. descriptive item ==> 说明项
  7820. descriptive meteorology ==> 描述性气象学
  7821. descriptive method ==> 记叙法
  7822. descriptive mineralogy ==> 描述矿物学,描述性矿物学
  7823. descriptive model ==> 描述模型,描述性模型
  7824. descriptive oceanography ==> 描述性海洋学
  7825. descriptive phonetics ==> 描述性语音学
  7826. descriptive procedure ==> 描述性过程
  7827. descriptive programming ==> 描述性程序设计
  7828. descriptive psychology ==> 描述性心理学
  7829. descriptive sampling survey ==> 描述性抽样调查
  7830. descriptive session ==> 描述会话
  7831. descriptive set theory ==> 描述集合论
  7832. descriptive statement ==> 描写性语句,描叙语句
  7833. descriptive statistic ==> 描述性统计
  7834. descriptive statistical method ==> 描述性统计法
  7835. descriptive statistics ==> 描述统计学,描述性统计学,叙述统计
  7836. descriptive survey ==> 描述性调查
  7837. descriptive transformation ==> 画法变换
  7838. descriptor approach ==> 描述符方法
  7839. descriptor attribute ==> 描述符属性
  7840. descriptor base register ==> 描述符基地址寄存器
  7841. descriptor code ==> 描述符代码
  7842. descruotuve statu statistical method ==> 描述性统计方法
  7843. descumming ==> 清除浮渣
  7844. deseamer ==> 焊瘤除器
  7845. deseaming ==> 表面缺陷清理
  7846. deseaming machine ==> 修整锭面机,焊缝清理机,凿整锭面机
  7847. deseasonalized data ==> 消除季节变动后的数据
  7848. deseeding machine ==> 亚麻脱粒机
  7849. desending facilitory reticular projection ==> 下行易化性网状投射
  7850. desensitization effect ==> 感度抑圧効果
  7851. desensitization therapy ==> 脱敏疗法
  7852. desensitizing treatment of tooth ==> 牙脱敏治疗
  7853. deserialize ==> 串并转换,解串,并行化
  7854. deserializer ==> 并行器,并串行转换电路,解串器,串-并行变换器,串并转换器
  7855. desert armo(u)r ==> 沙膜甲胄
  7856. desert belt ==> 荒漠地带,荒芜地带
  7857. desert crust ==> 荒漠卵石覆盖层
  7858. desert date ==> 沙枣树
  7859. desert erosion feature ==> 荒漠侵蚀地形
  7860. desert grey soil ==> 灰漠土
  7861. desert pavement ==> 沙漠砾石表层,沙漠卵石覆盖层,荒漠卵石覆盖层
  7862. desert plain panfan ==> 联合山麓侵蚀面
  7863. desert plant ==> 沙漠植物
  7864. desert polish ==> 漠磨面
  7865. desert rose ==> 沙漠座莲
  7866. desert soil ==> 荒漠土,漠境土
  7867. desert steppe soil ==> 荒漠草原土
  7868. desert storm ==> 尘暴
  7869. desert varnish ==> 沙漠漆,沙漠岩漆
  7870. desert wind ==> 沙漠风
  7871. desert zone ==> 荒漠地带
  7872. DESERTEC ==> デザーテック
  7873. Deshaw process ==> 德肖电解液除锈法
  7874. Deshi cotton ==> (印度)德希棉
  7875. desication fissure ==> 干缠裂缝
  7876. desiccant ==> 干燥剂=>乾燥剤
  7877. desiccanted coconut ==> 椰干
  7878. desiccanted milk ==> 奶粉
  7879. desiccated wood ==> 干木材,干燥木材
  7880. desiccating agent ==> 干燥剂
  7881. desiccating machine ==> 去湿机
  7882. desiccating prescription ==> (有去湿作用的方剂)燥剂
  7883. desiccation ==> 乾燥
  7884. desiccation breccia ==> 干裂角砾岩
  7885. desiccation of wood ==> 木材干燥
  7886. desiccation shrinkage ==> 乾燥収縮
  7887. desiccative ==> 干燥剂
  7888. desiccator ==> 干燥器,保干器,收湿器=>デシケーター
  7889. desiccator diaphragm ==> 干燥膜
  7890. desiccator plate ==> 干燥器板
  7891. desiccator with porcelain plate ==> 带瓷板干燥器
  7892. design ==> 设计,计划,图纸,计算=>略図,設計図,配置,構造,図柄,デザイン,意匠,計画,企画
  7893. design (calculated) load ==> 设计负载
  7894. design acceptability ==> 设计的合格性
  7895. design accuracy ==> 设计精度
  7896. design aid ==> 設計支援
  7897. design aids ==> 辅助设计工具,自动设计工具
  7898. design aim ==> 設計目的
  7899. design algorithm ==> 設計アルゴリズム
  7900. design alteration ==> 设计变更
  7901. design alternative ==> 設計選択
  7902. design altitude ==> 设计高度
  7903. design ambient condition ==> 设计大气状态
  7904. design analysis ==> 设计分析
  7905. design and choice ==> 设计选型
  7906. design and surveillance ==> 設計施工監理
  7907. design application ==> 意匠出願
  7908. design appraisal ==> 設計評価
  7909. design approach ==> 設計手法
  7910. design approval ==> 設計承認
  7911. design assembly ==> 设计装配图
  7912. design automation ==> 设计自动化
  7913. design automation software package ==> 自动设计程序包
  7914. design automation system ==> 设计自动化系统
  7915. design basis ==> 设计依据,设计基础
  7916. design basis accident ==> 设计基本事故
  7917. design basis accidents ==> 设计基准事故,根据确定的设计准则,在设计中采取了针对性措施的一组有代表性的事故,并且该类事故中燃料的损坏和放射性物质的释放保持在管理限值以内
  7918. design basis data ==> 设计基础数据
  7919. design basis depressurization accident ==> 设计基准卸压事故
  7920. design basis earthquake ==> 设计基准地震
  7921. design basis earthquake,DBE ==> 设计基准地震,在核电厂抗震设计时用作设计依据的地震。它通常分为两类:对应于美国运行安全地震的SL-1,以及对应于美国极限安全地震的SL-2。现在的趋势是仅按照SL-2设计,同时加强对低等级地震的监测
  7922. design basis event ==> 设计基准事件
  7923. design basis external events ==> 设计基准外部事件,选定用于核电厂设计的某个外部事件或几个外部事件的组合。既要考虑自然现象,又要考虑人为事件
  7924. design basis external man-induced events ==> 设计基准外部人为事故
  7925. design basis fire ==> 设计基准火灾
  7926. design basis flood ==> 设计基准洪水
  7927. design basis flooding level ==> 设计基准淹没水位
  7928. design basis for external events ==> 有关外部事件的设计基准
  7929. design basis loss-of-coolant accident ==> 设计基准冷却剂丧失事故
  7930. design basis natural events ==> 设计基准自然事件
  7931. design basis storm ==> 设计基准风暴
  7932. design bolt load ==> 设计的螺栓载荷
  7933. design book (sheets,instruction) ==> 设计说明书
  7934. design burn-up ==> 设计燃耗
  7935. design by modulus system ==> 模数制设计
  7936. design by stress analysis ==> 按应力分析设计
  7937. design calculation ==> 设计计算
  7938. design capacity ==> 设计功率
  7939. design capacity of pulverizer, calculated mill capacity ==> 磨煤机设计出力,从磨煤机经粗粉分离器引出的携带合格细度煤粉的气粉两相流体作为一次风,直接经由燃烧器吹入炉膛的制粉系统。
  7940. design certified value ==> 设计保证值
  7941. design change ==> 设计变更
  7942. design change notice (DCN) ==> 设计更改通知
  7943. design change proposal (DCP) ==> 更改设计建议
  7944. design change summary ==> 设计更改一览
  7945. design change verification ==> 设计更改检验
  7946. design change work order ==> 更改设计操作规程
  7947. design chart ==> 设计图表
  7948. design circuit ==> 设计电路
  7949. design classification ==> 意匠分類
  7950. design coal ==> 设计煤种,设计锅炉时用于确定锅炉各部分结构尺寸,并通过热力计算给出锅炉设计性能各项参数和保证值所依据的计算煤种。
  7951. design code ==> 设计规范
  7952. design competition ==> 设计竞争
  7953. design compression ratio ==> 设计压缩比
  7954. design concept ==> 设计构思
  7955. design conception ==> 設計構想
  7956. design condition ==> 设计条件,设计工况,设备运行时的各项参数与状态均符合设计数据要求的工况
  7957. design conditions ==> 定额运行状态,计算参数,计算条件
  7958. design consideration ==> 设计依据
  7959. design constant ==> 设计常数
  7960. design constraint ==> 设计约束条件=>設計制約
  7961. design constraints ==> 设计制约条件
  7962. design contest ==> 設計競技
  7963. design context ==> 設計コンテキスト
  7964. design contract ==> 设计合同
  7965. design control ==> 设计控制
  7966. design control specification ==> 设计检验规范
  7967. design coordinate ==> 设计坐标
  7968. design criteria ==> 设计标准,设计准则
  7969. design criteria of large dams ==> 大坝设计准则
  7970. design criteria of safety systems ==> 安全系统设计准则,为在设计基准事故下核电厂安全系统都能执行其安全功能而在设计中必须满足的设计准则,包括单一故障准则、冗余性准则、多样性准则、故障安全准则和可靠性准则等
  7971. design criterion ==> 设计准则,设计规范
  7972. design current ==> 设计电流
  7973. design curves ==> 设计曲线
  7974. design cutter ==> 花纹剪呢机
  7975. design cycle ==> 设计流程,设计周期
  7976. design data ==> 设计资料
  7977. design database ==> 设计数据库
  7978. design demonstration ==> 設計実証
  7979. design denture ==> 義歯設計
  7980. design department ==> 设计部门
  7981. design details ==> 设计细节
  7982. design development drawing ==> 技术设计图
  7983. design development phase ==> 技术设计阶段
  7984. design development shop ==> 设计试制车间
  7985. design deviation ==> 设计偏差
  7986. design distance ==> 设计距离
  7987. design document ==> 设计文件
  7988. design documentation ==> 设计资料
  7989. design earthquake ==> 设计地震
  7990. design efficiency ==> 设计效率
  7991. design engineer ==> 设计工程师=>設計技師
  7992. design engineering inspection ==> 设计工程的检验
  7993. design eqrthquake value ==> 设计地震值
  7994. design equivalent population ==> 设计的等效人口
  7995. design error failure ==> 设计故障
  7996. design evaluation test ==> 设计鉴定试验
  7997. design external loads ==> 设计外载
  7998. design facilities ==> 自动设计工具
  7999. design fatigue curve ==> 设计疲劳曲线
  8000. design fault ==> 设计故障
  8001. design feature ==> 设计特点
  8002. design floor response spectrum ==> 设计楼层反应谱
  8003. design floor time histories ==> 设计楼层时程
  8004. design flow ==> 设计流量
  8005. design flow of heat-supply network ==> 热网设计流量
  8006. design flow rate ==> 设计流量
  8007. design for environment ==> 環境適合設計
  8008. design formula ==> 设计公式,计算式
  8009. design guideline ==> 设计方针
  8010. design guides ==> 設計指針
  8011. design handbook (manual) (DH) ==> 设计手册
  8012. design heating load ==> 设计热负荷
  8013. design humidity ==> 设计湿度
  8014. design idea ==> 设计意图
  8015. design in relief ==> 凸线纹
  8016. design input ==> 设计输入
  8017. design input data ==> 设计输入数据
  8018. design input document ==> 设计输入资料
  8019. design institute ==> 设计单位,设计院
  8020. design instruction ==> 设计任务书
  8021. design interface ==> 设计接口
  8022. design interface control ==> 设计接口管理
  8023. design item ==> 设计项目
  8024. design liaison group ==> 设计联络组
  8025. design liaison meeting ==> 设计联络会
  8026. design life ==> 设计寿命,金属部件在设计参数下能保证安全经济运行的最小预计运行小时数
  8027. design life of nuclear power plant ==> 核电厂设计寿期,核电厂在设计参数下能保证安全经济运行的最小预计运行小时数
  8028. design lifetime ==> 设计寿命
  8029. design limit ==> 设计限制
  8030. design limit load (DLL) ==> 设计极限荷载
  8031. design load ==> 设计负荷
  8032. design load(ing) ==> 设计载荷
  8033. design loading ==> 设计负荷,设计荷载
  8034. design manual ==> 设计手册
  8035. design margin ==> 临界设计
  8036. design margin evaluation test ==> 结构安全系数试验,结构储备能力评价试验
  8037. design matrix ==> 设计矩阵
  8038. design method ==> 设计法
  8039. design methodology ==> 设计方法学
  8040. design note ==> 计算书,计算清单,计算说明
  8041. design number ==> 设计编号
  8042. design objective ==> 设计目标
  8043. design of bolted flange connection ==> 螺栓法兰连接设计
  8044. design of clinical trial ==> 临床试验设计
  8045. design of code ==> 编码设计
  8046. design of electromagnetic compatibility ==> 电磁兼容设计,在研制或安装使用保护装置(设备)时,对可能产生电磁干扰的因素、路径进行分析、判断并采取合理、有效的技术措施,使保护装置既能在其电磁环境中正常工作,又不产生危及其他装置(设备)正常工作的电磁干扰
  8047. design of experiments ==> 实验规划=>実験計画法
  8048. design of farm work and weaving ==> 耕织图
  8049. design of fire separation ==> 防火分隔设计
  8050. design of grooves ==> 孔型设计
  8051. design of handset antennas ==> 携帯端末用アンテナ設計
  8052. design of holding characters in both hands ==> 棒字图
  8053. design of power plant interconncetion ==> 发电厂接入系统设计
  8054. design of processing flow ==> 处理流程的设计
  8055. design of report ==> 报告的设计
  8056. design of sample ==> 样本设计
  8057. design of section ==> 定出断面
  8058. design of simulation dxperiment ==> 仿真实验设计
  8059. design of statistical inquiry ==> 统计调查设计
  8060. design of steel structure ==> 钢结构设计
  8061. design of the plant ==> 工厂设计
  8062. design of thermal process automation ==> 热工自动化设计,火力发电厂热力生产过程的控制方式、仪表控制系统及设备安装布置设计的总称
  8063. design of variety test plot ==> 品种试验小区图
  8064. design of vertical vessels skirt ==> 裙座的设计
  8065. design office ==> 设计事务所,设计室
  8066. design on blue ground vessel ==> 青地白龙纹尊
  8067. design operating conditions ==> 设计运行工况,额定运行工况
  8068. design organization ==> 设计单位
  8069. design out maintenance ==> 无维修设计
  8070. design outline ==> 设计草图
  8071. design output ==> 设计输出
  8072. design output document ==> 设计输出资料
  8073. design overpressure ==> 设计超压
  8074. design paper ==> 绘图纸,打样纸
  8075. design parameter ==> 设计参数
  8076. design pattern ==> デザインパターン
  8077. design payload ==> 设计有效载荷
  8078. design performance ==> 设计性能
  8079. design period ==> 设计期限
  8080. design phase ==> 设计阶段
  8081. design philosophy ==> 设计原则,设计原理,设计特点=>設計理念,デザイン感覚
  8082. design point ==> 设计点,设计工况,计算点
  8083. design point efficiency ==> 设计工况点效率
  8084. design power ==> 设计功率
  8085. design power efficiency ==> 设计工况效率
  8086. design power loading ==> 设计动力载荷
  8087. design pressure ==> 设计压力,承压部件强度计算时所规定的计算压力。
  8088. design principle ==> 设计原则
  8089. design procedure ==> 设计程序,设计步骤,设计过程
  8090. design process ==> 设计过程
  8091. design procurement ==> 提供设计
  8092. design program ==> 设计任务书
  8093. design proof cycle ==> 设计检查周期
  8094. design proposal ==> 设计方案
  8095. design rating ==> 设计出力,设计额定值,设计容量
  8096. design reference period ==> 设计基准期
  8097. design reliability ==> 设计可靠性
  8098. design report ==> 设计书,计算清单,设计说明
  8099. design response spectrum ==> 设计反应谱
  8100. design review ==> 设计评审,设计审查
  8101. design review (check) (DR) ==> 设计检查
  8102. design review process ==> 设计审查过程
  8103. design right ==> 意匠権
  8104. design rule ==> 设计规则
  8105. design safety factor (DSF) ==> 设计安全系数
  8106. design safety limit (DSL) ==> 设计安全限
  8107. design safety margin ==> 设计安全裕度
  8108. design schedule ==> 设计计划表
  8109. design scheme ==> 设计方案
  8110. design section ==> 设计断面,设计截面,设计组
  8111. design simulation ==> 设计模拟
  8112. design specification ==> 设计说明
  8113. design specifications ==> 设计规范
  8114. design stage ==> 设计阶段
  8115. design standard ==> 設計標準
  8116. design standard of large dams ==> 大坝设计规范
  8117. design standards manual (DSM) ==> 设计标准手册
  8118. design starting point ==> 设计出发点
  8119. design stop order ==> 设计停止指示
  8120. design stress ==> 设计应力
  8121. design system ==> 设计系统
  8122. design table (schedule) ==> 设计表格
  8123. design team ==> 设计组
  8124. design technique ==> 设计技术
  8125. design temperature ==> 设计温度
  8126. design thermal efficiency ==> 设计热效率
  8127. design type calculation of beat exchanger ==> 换热器的设计型计算
  8128. design ultimate load ==> 设计极限荷载
  8129. design unit ==> 设计单位
  8130. design value ==> 设计数值,结构参数
  8131. design values ==> 设计值
  8132. design variable ==> 设计变量
  8133. design verification ==> 设计验证
  8134. design voltage ==> 设计电压
  8135. design weight ==> 设计重量
  8136. design-base accident ==> 设计基准事故
  8137. design-build process ==> 设计兼施工
  8138. design-construct contract ==> 设计施工合同
  8139. design-it-yourself system ==> 设计组装系统,按组装原理设计系统
  8140. design-production department ==> 生产计划科
  8141. designate ==> 代称,标志
  8142. designated ==> 特指的=>指名された
  8143. designated bank ==> 指定银行
  8144. designated connection ==> 指定接続
  8145. designated currency ==> 指定货币
  8146. designated dumping ground ==> 指定的倾卸场
  8147. designated employee ==> 指定雇员
  8148. designated geologically difficult area ==> 指定地质欠佳范围
  8149. Designated Order Turn-around System ==> 指定的订单转换系统
  8150. designated place of collection (waste) ==> 指定废物收集地点
  8151. designated place of disposal (waste) ==> 指定废物处置地点,指定废物弃置地点
  8152. designated symbol ==> 指示符号
  8153. designated value ==> 指定值
  8154. designation ==> 标识,标志数据,名称,命名,钢号,符号表示,符号名称=>指定,指名,指示
  8155. designation card ==> 名称卡,标示卡
  8156. designation equipment ==> 标志设备
  8157. designation fee ==> 指定手数料
  8158. designation for transfer ==> 振込指定
  8159. designation hole ==> 标志孔
  8160. designation indicator ==> 标识指示器,目标指示器
  8161. designation marks ==> 书帖标记
  8162. designation number ==> 标志数,标志数字,标准指数,指定数,指示数字,赋值数
  8163. designation numeral ==> 指定数
  8164. designation of a dangerous region ==> 危険区域の設定
  8165. designation of chromosome ==> 所在染色体,所在染色体
  8166. designation of drawing ==> 图纸名称
  8167. designation of steel ==> 钢的名称
  8168. designation punch ==> 标志孔
  8169. designation punching ==> 标记穿孔
  8170. designation strip ==> 标识条,标示条,标条,标志条,名牌
  8171. designation system ==> 标志法,标志系统
  8172. designational expression ==> 命名表达式
  8173. designed distance ==> 设计距离
  8174. designed elevation ==> 设计标高
  8175. designed flood level ==> 设计洪水位,水库遇到大坝设计洪水时坝前允许达到的最高库水位称为设计洪水位
  8176. designed fuel consumption ==> 设计上的用油量
  8177. designed immersion depth ==> 设计浸入深度
  8178. designed leachate quality ==> 計画原水水質
  8179. designed life ==> 设计寿命
  8180. designed load point ==> 设计负荷点
  8181. designed reliability ==> 设计可靠性
  8182. designed system ==> 设计的系统
  8183. designed trim ==> 船设计纵倾
  8184. designer ==> 设计员
  8185. designer-in-charge ==> 设计总负责人
  8186. designing load ==> 设计荷载
  8187. designing office ==> 设计科
  8188. designing room ==> 设计室
  8189. desiliconization ==> 脱硅,除硅,工业水处理中依据不同要求(SiO2残留值)用药剂法(石灰、镁剂)或离子交换法除去水中的SiO2的过程
  8190. desiliconizing ==> 脱硅
  8191. desilter ==> 沉淀池
  8192. desilting area ==> 沉淀面积,沉砂面积
  8193. desilting basin ==> 沉沙池
  8194. desilting strip ==> 沉沙畦条,放淤畦条
  8195. desilting works ==> 沉沙工程,(如沉沙池等)除沙工程
  8196. desilvered lead ==> 除银铅
  8197. desilverised lead ==> 脱银铅
  8198. desilverization ==> 脱银
  8199. desilverizing ==> 脱银
  8200. desilverizing kettle ==> 除银锅
  8201. desinfection chamber ==> 无菌室
  8202. desingated deposit ==> 指定存款
  8203. desintegration energy ==> 分裂能量
  8204. desintegration rate ==> 蜕变速率
  8205. desirable criterion ==> 必要标准
  8206. desirable properties of a model ==> 模型的期望性质
  8207. desired ==> 望ましい,待望の
  8208. desired accuracy ==> 要求精度
  8209. desired amount ==> 望ましい量
  8210. desired angle ==> 希望角度
  8211. desired area ==> 所望領域
  8212. desired cut ==> 理想切削
  8213. desired ground zero ==> 预期爆心投影点
  8214. desired impact ==> 要求达到的效果
  8215. desired output ==> 输出量的希望值
  8216. desired speed ==> 理想转速
  8217. desired track ==> 航向
  8218. desired transient response ==> 所需瞬态响应
  8219. desired value ==> 所求值,预期值,目标值=>目標値(自動制御)
  8220. desizing mangle ==> 脱浆轧布机
  8221. desk ==> 面板,台,窑车上耐火材料面层,书桌
  8222. desk calculator ==> 卓上計算器
  8223. desk centrifuge ==> 台式离心机
  8224. desk check ==> 桌上检验
  8225. desk checking ==> 手工检查
  8226. desk coin telephone ==> 桌形投币式公用电话机
  8227. desk computer ==> 台式计算机
  8228. desk fan ==> 台扇,台式风扇=>卓上扇風機
  8229. desk frame ==> 台架
  8230. desk jobber ==> 向厂商直接进货的零售商
  8231. desk keyboard ==> 桌式控制台
  8232. desk lamp ==> 台灯
  8233. desk model sphygmomanometer ==> 台式汞柱血压计
  8234. desk structure ==> 桌状构造
  8235. desk study ==> 桌面研究,纸上谈兵=>机上検討
  8236. desk switchboard ==> 台式配电板,台式配电盘
  8237. desk telephone ==> 桌式电话机
  8238. desk telephone set ==> 台式电话机
  8239. desk top computer ==> 台式计算机
  8240. desk type switchboard ==> 卓上配電盤
  8241. desk-top computer ==> 台式计算机,台式计算装置
  8242. desk-type control panel ==> 台式控制屏
  8243. desk-type machine ==> 桌式控制台
  8244. deskew ==> 抗扭斜
  8245. desktop ==> 机の上
  8246. desktop computer ==> 台式计算机
  8247. deslag ==> 去渣
  8248. deslagging ==> 除渣
  8249. deslicking material ==> 防滑材料
  8250. deslicking treatment ==> 防滑处理
  8251. deslimer ==> 脱泥机
  8252. desliming ==> 脱泥
  8253. desliming screen ==> 脱矿泥筛
  8254. desludging separator ==> 除垢器
  8255. desmear ==> 表面沾污去除
  8256. desmic surface ==> 连锁曲面
  8257. desmoid fibroma of bone ==> 骨韧带状纤维瘤
  8258. desmoid tumor of abdominal wall ==> 腹壁韧带状瘤
  8259. desmopyknosis shortening of round ligament ==> 圆韧带缩短术
  8260. desmorrhexis of joint ==> 关节韧带撕裂
  8261. desmos-emicollinite ==> 基质半镜质体
  8262. desoldering ==> 脱焊
  8263. desoldering gun ==> 去焊枪
  8264. desoldering vacuum module ==> 真空脱焊组件
  8265. desorb ==> 脱着する
  8266. desorbed ion ==> 脱着イオン
  8267. desorbed molecule ==> 脱着分子
  8268. desorber ==> 解吸塔
  8269. desorption ==> 解吸,解吸附作用,解吸作用,退吸,退吸作用,脱附,清除吸附气体=>脱着
  8270. desorption chemical ionization(DCI) ==> 解吸化学电离
  8271. desorption column ==> 解吸塔
  8272. desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) ==> 醋酸脱氧皮质酮
  8273. desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) ==> 醋酸去氧皮质酮
  8274. desoxyribonucleic acid ==> 去氧核糖酸
  8275. despatch half demurrage ==> 速遣费按滞期费半数计算
  8276. despatch note ==> 包裹附单
  8277. despatch room ==> 调度室
  8278. despatch vessel ==> 通信船
  8279. despeciated antibody ==> 去种特异性抗体
  8280. desperate ==> 絶望した人々
  8281. desperate assault ==> 乗るかそるかの必死の襲撃
  8282. desperate attack ==> 必死の攻撃
  8283. desperate attempt ==> 必死の試み
  8284. desperate bid ==> 絶望的な試み,必死の努力
  8285. desperate e-mail ==> 绝望的电子邮件。IPST2013投稿截止期过后,网站关闭了投稿功能,第二天又开放延长了三天。网站管理人解释说收到了许多这样的电子邮件
  8286. desperate illness ==> 重病
  8287. desperately ==> 必死に
  8288. despiker circuit ==> 削峰电路,尖峰平滑电路,尖峰展平电路
  8289. despiking circuit ==> 脉冲钝化电路,反尖峰电路
  8290. despiking resistance ==> 阻尼电阻,削峰电阻
  8291. despin mechanism ==> 消旋装置
  8292. despise ==> 軽蔑する,侮蔑する
  8293. despotic network ==> 主钟控制网
  8294. despun ==> 反自转
  8295. despun antenna ==> 反自转天线,消旋天线=>デスパンアンテナア
  8296. despun motor ==> 反旋转电动机,反自转电动机
  8297. despun platform ==> 反旋转台,反自转台
  8298. desquamation ==> 鳞状剥落,脱屑,剥离,剥落
  8299. desquamation of skin ==> 皮肤脱屑
  8300. dessert ==> 甜点心,餐后甜点=>デザート
  8301. dessert almond ==> 甜杏仁
  8302. dessert fork ==> デザート用フォーク
  8303. dessert fruit ==> 餐后水果
  8304. dessert knife ==> デザート用ナイフ
  8305. dessert plate ==> 点心碟=>デザート用の皿
  8306. dessert quality ==> 生食品质
  8307. dessert spoon ==> 中匙
  8308. dessert-ripe stage ==> 生食成熟期
  8309. DEST, destruct ==> 破壊
  8310. destabilization speculation ==> 使市场不稳定的投机
  8311. destabilizing effect ==> 失稳作用,去稳效应
  8312. destabilizing factors ==> 不安定因素
  8313. destabilizing moment ==> 破坏力矩
  8314. destaging error ==> 离台错,不分级错,降级误差
  8315. destaticization ==> 防静电处理
  8316. destination ==> 目的地,目的地址,终点,(运输问题中心需要点)需要点,目的站
  8317. destination address ==> 收报地址,目标地址,目的地址,接收站地址,结果地址
  8318. destination address field (DAF) ==> 目的地址字段
  8319. destination address field prime ==> 目的地址字段加小撇
  8320. destination address field prime (DAF) ==> 目的地址主字段,接收站地址主字段
  8321. destination address register ==> 目的地址寄存器
  8322. destination addressing mode ==> 目的定址方式
  8323. destination bill ==> 目的地提单
  8324. destination board ==> 刷字板,指路牌,指示牌
  8325. destination case ==> 目的地角色
  8326. destination category ==> 目的范畴
  8327. destination code ==> 目标代码,目的代码,目的地编码,目的地指示代码,收报局编码,接收站代码
  8328. destination code base ==> 指定编码基数
  8329. destination code basis ==> 着局符号方式
  8330. destination contract ==> 目的地契约
  8331. destination control statement ==> 目的地管制声明
  8332. destination control table ==> 目的地控制表
  8333. destination data ==> 目的数据
  8334. destination data word ==> 目的数据字
  8335. destination element field (DEF) ==> 目的地元字段,目的元素字段
  8336. destination field ==> 目的地字段,目的字段
  8337. destination file ==> 目标文件,结果文件
  8338. destination goal ==> 目的
  8339. destination host ==> 目标主机,目的主机
  8340. destination mask ==> 目的地指示掩码
  8341. destination memory ==> 目的存储器
  8342. destination memory location ==> 目的存储器单元
  8343. destination name ==> 目标名,目的名,目的名字
  8344. destination network ==> 目的地网络
  8345. destination node ==> 目标节点,目的节点
  8346. destination operand ==> 目的操作数
  8347. destination packet ==> 目的包
  8348. destination parent ==> 目的双亲
  8349. destination port ==> 目的港
  8350. destination queue ==> 目的地队列,目的队列
  8351. destination register ==> 目的地寄存器,目的寄存器
  8352. destination register field ==> 目的寄存器字段
  8353. destination selection ==> 目的选择
  8354. destination station ==> 目的站
  8355. destination subarea field (DSAF) ==> 目的子区字段
  8356. destination time ==> 目的时间
  8357. destination warning marker ==> 终端警告标志
  8358. destination workspace register ==> 目的工作区寄存器
  8359. Destriau effect ==> 迪什特里奥效应
  8360. destroy chain ==> 消链
  8361. destroy plants and trees ==> 毁坏庄稼和树木
  8362. destroy the crop ==> 毁掉作物
  8363. destroy weed growth ==> 破坏性杂草生长
  8364. destroyer depot ship ==> 驱逐舰母舰
  8365. destroying the insects ==> 消灭昆虫
  8366. destruct line ==> 自毁线
  8367. destruct system ==> 自毁系统,自炸(毁)机构
  8368. destruction ==> 破坏,破裂
  8369. destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) ==> 毁灭及清除率
  8370. destruction during current limiting ==> 限流中の破壊
  8371. destruction of balance ==> 破坏平衡
  8372. destruction of bone ==> 骨质破坏
  8373. destruction of insulation ==> 绝缘损坏,绝缘损坏
  8374. destruction of membranous labyrinth ==> 膜迷路破毁术
  8375. destruction of organic material ==> 破坏有机质,有机质破坏
  8376. destruction of soil ==> 土壤破坏作用
  8377. destruction of testis ==> 睾丸破坏
  8378. destruction of vestibulum ==> 前庭破坏
  8379. destruction region ==> 破坏区
  8380. destruction test ==> 破坏性试验,破坏试验
  8381. destructive ==> 破坏的
  8382. destructive abscess ==> 破壊性膿瘍
  8383. destructive accident ==> 破壊事故
  8384. destructive action ==> 破壊作用
  8385. destructive activation analysis ==> 破坏性活化分析
  8386. destructive addition ==> 破坏信息加法
  8387. destructive analysis ==> 破坏性分析
  8388. destructive animal ==> 害兽
  8389. destructive bird ==> 害鸟
  8390. destructive breakdown ==> 破坏性击穿
  8391. destructive competition ==> 破坏性竞争
  8392. destructive construction ==> 破壊的構成
  8393. destructive creation ==> 破壊的創造
  8394. destructive criticism ==> 破壊的批判
  8395. destructive distillation ==> 干馏
  8396. destructive distillation of wood ==> 木材干馏
  8397. destructive distillation turpentine ==> 干馏松节油
  8398. destructive earthquake ==> 破坏性地震
  8399. destructive effect ==> 破坏作用
  8400. destructive enzyme ==> 破坏酶
  8401. destructive examination ==> 破坏性检验
  8402. destructive experiment ==> 破坏试验
  8403. destructive hydrogenation ==> 破坏加氢
  8404. destructive insect ==> 破坏性昆虫,害虫
  8405. destructive inspection ==> 破坏性检验
  8406. destructive interference ==> 破坏性干扰,破环性干扰
  8407. destructive malfunction ==> 破坏性故障
  8408. destructive mechanism ==> 自爆装置
  8409. destructive metabolism ==> 破坏性代谢作用
  8410. destructive method ==> 有损探伤法
  8411. destructive obstetric operation ==> 破坏性产科手术
  8412. destructive operation ==> 破坏性手术
  8413. destructive overspeed failure ==> 超速破裂
  8414. destructive oxidation ==> 破坏性氧化
  8415. destructive pest ==> 害虫
  8416. destructive physical analysis ==> 破坏物理试验
  8417. destructive plate margin ==> 破坏性板块边缘
  8418. destructive power ==> 破坏力
  8419. destructive pull test ==> 破坏性拉伸试验
  8420. destructive read ==> 破坏读出=>破壊読取り
  8421. destructive read out ==> 破壊読出し
  8422. destructive reading ==> 破坏性阅读
  8423. destructive readout ==> 破坏性读出
  8424. destructive readout memory ==> 破坏读出存储器
  8425. destructive soil-inhabiting insect ==> 地下害虫
  8426. destructive test ==> 破坏性试验
  8427. destructive testing ==> 破坏性试验
  8428. destructive testing method ==> 破坏性检验法
  8429. destructive type coil ==> 破壊形コイル
  8430. destructor plant ==> 垃圾处理厂,垃圾焚化厂
  8431. destructor room ==> 垃圾焚化间
  8432. desulfurating agent ==> 脱硫剂
  8433. desulfuration ==> 脱硫[作用]
  8434. desulfurization ==> 脱硫,去硫,除硫=>脱硫,Removal of sulfur from fossil fuels to reduce pollution.
  8435. desulfurization catalyst ==> 脱硫触媒
  8436. desulfurization chemicals ==> 脱硫剂
  8437. desulfurization degree ==> 脱硫率
  8438. desulfurization equipment ==> 脱硫装置
  8439. desulfurization from fuel oil ==> 燃料油脱硫
  8440. desulfurization method ==> 脱硫法
  8441. desulfurization of fuel oil ==> 燃料油脱硫
  8442. desulfurization of heavy fuel oil ==> 重油脱硫
  8443. desulfurization rate ==> 脱硫速度
  8444. desulfurization refinery ==> 脱硫精练厂
  8445. desulfurization section ==> 脱硫工程
  8446. desulfurization unit ==> 脱硫单元
  8447. desulfurization waste water ==> 脱硫废水,烟气脱硫工艺过程中产生的废水
  8448. desulfurizer ==> 脱硫剂
  8449. desulfurizing ==> 脱硫
  8450. desulfurizing agent ==> 脱硫剂
  8451. desulfurizing furnace ==> 脱硫炉
  8452. desulfurizing process ==> 脱硫过程
  8453. desulfurizing tower ==> 脱硫塔
  8454. desulfurizing unit ==> 脱硫装置
  8455. desulphurization ==> 脱硫
  8456. desulphurization equipment ==> 脱硫装置
  8457. desulphurization of fuel ==> 燃料脱硫,在燃料燃烧前去除燃料中硫分
  8458. desulphurization with limestone injection into the furnace ==> 炉内喷钙脱硫,向锅炉炉膛喷石灰石粉脱硫
  8459. desulphurizing roasting ==> 脱硫焙烧
  8460. desuper heater ==> 减热器,过热降低器
  8461. desuperheated steam ==> 减温蒸汽
  8462. desuperheater ==> 過熱低減器
  8463. desuperheater spray ==> 减温器喷水
  8464. desuperheating ==> 过热下降
  8465. desuperheating station ==> 减温器
  8466. desurfacing ==> 除表面层
  8467. desyl,a-phenyl phenacyl ==> 二苯乙酮基
  8468. desynchronized sleep (DS) ==> 去同步睡眠
  8469. det drill ==> 熔化穿孔机
  8470. DET, detector ==> 検波器,検出器
  8471. DET, direct energy transfer ==> 直接エネルギトランスファ
  8472. detach ==> 分派,除去,拆卸
  8473. detach statement ==> 分离语句
  8474. detachability ==> 脱除性,脱渣性,可拆卸性,可分离性
  8475. detachable ==> 可拆开的
  8476. detachable bit ==> 可拆式钻头,可卸钻头,活钻头
  8477. detachable blade ==> 可拆桨叶,可折桨叶
  8478. detachable blades ==> 可拆卸页片
  8479. detachable bottom ==> 可换炉底
  8480. detachable cap ==> 活盖
  8481. detachable chain ==> 活络链
  8482. detachable coil ==> 可拆线圈
  8483. detachable fitting ==> 可拆接头
  8484. detachable fixing ==> 可拆卸装配
  8485. detachable grip ==> 可拆除的夹扣
  8486. detachable head of cylinder ==> 可拆汽缸盖
  8487. detachable joint ==> 可拆接合,可卸连接
  8488. detachable lever bracket ==> 分离杆托架
  8489. detachable maturity ==> 采收成熟度
  8490. detachable mount ==> 可卸式架
  8491. detachable needle ==> 可拆卸针头
  8492. detachable panel ==> 可拆卸面板
  8493. detachable plugboard ==> 可卸插接板
  8494. detachable point seat ==> 活络阀座,节伸式阀座
  8495. detachable point shovel ==> 换尖式松土铲
  8496. detachable rim ==> 可卸轮缘
  8497. detachable speaker box ==> 分体式音箱
  8498. detachable valve seat ==> 可拆下的阀座
  8499. detachable warrant ==> 可分割认股权证
  8500. detachable wheel ==> 可卸下的轮
  8501. detachable-hook chain ==> 钩头链
  8502. detachable-link chain ==> 钩头链
  8503. detached ==> 孤立した,離れた,一戸建ての
  8504. detached binary ==> 不接双星
  8505. detached breakwater ==> 独立式防波堤
  8506. detached building ==> 独立式房屋
  8507. detached clause ==> 分離節
  8508. detached coefficient form ==> 分离系数形式
  8509. detached coefficient tableau ==> 分离系数表
  8510. detached column ==> 独立柱
  8511. detached conjunction ==> 分離接続詞
  8512. detached contact method ==> 分离接点法=>分離回路記法
  8513. detached core ==> 挤离褶曲岩心
  8514. detached duty ==> 派遣任務
  8515. detached dwelling detached house ==> 独立式住宅
  8516. detached dwelling house ==> 独立式住宅
  8517. detached electron ==> 脱離電子
  8518. detached garage ==> 独立车库
  8519. detached house ==> 独立式房屋
  8520. detached island ==> 分离岛
  8521. detached keyboard ==> 分离式键盘
  8522. detached leaf ==> 离脱叶
  8523. detached macula ==> 黄斑脱离
  8524. detached meristem ==> 离生分生组织,离脱分生组织
  8525. detached palace ==> 离宫
  8526. detached pier ==> 独立墩,独立支墩
  8527. detached preposition ==> 分離前置詞
  8528. detached process ==> 分派进程
  8529. detached retina ==> 網膜剥離
  8530. detached shock wave ==> 离体激波,脱体激波=>離脱衝撃波
  8531. detached solidification ==> 分離固化
  8532. detached stratus ==> 分裂层云
  8533. detached wharf ==> 岛式码头
  8534. detached-lever escapement ==> 自由式擒纵机构
  8535. detacher ==> 拆卸器,拆卸器
  8536. detaching cam ==> 分离凸轮
  8537. detaching efficiency ==> 分离效率
  8538. detaching hook ==> 分离钩
  8539. detaching motion ==> 分离运动
  8540. detachment ==> 分离,可分件=>分離
  8541. detachment fault ==> 挤离断层,滑脱断层,脱顶断层
  8542. detachment gravity slide ==> 脱顶重力滑动
  8543. detachment of cervix ==> 子宫颈脱落
  8544. detachment of choroid ==> 脉络膜脱离
  8545. detachment of devices ==> 设备的卸下
  8546. detachment of retina ==> 视网膜脱离
  8547. detail ==> 零件,零件图,元件,细部,细部图,细节=>詳細,細部,特殊任務部隊
  8548. detail account ==> 明细分类帐,明细帐
  8549. detail balance ==> 细致平衡
  8550. detail bit ==> 说明位
  8551. detail budgeting ==> 明细预算
  8552. detail card ==> 细目卡
  8553. detail contrast ==> 明细对比
  8554. detail design ==> 施工图设计=>詳細設計
  8555. detail drawing ==> 加工详图,详图,大样图,分图
  8556. detail engineering ==> 详图工程
  8557. detail enhancer ==> 清晰度增强器,细节放大器
  8558. detail estimate sheet ==> 工程细目估价单
  8559. detail file ==> 说明资料,明细档案,细目文档
  8560. detail flowchart ==> 明细流程图
  8561. detail ledger ==> 明细分类帐,明细帐
  8562. detail ledger audit ==> 明细分类帐审计
  8563. detail man ==> 推销员,先遣销售人员
  8564. detail of construction ==> 零件图,构造详图,施工详图
  8565. detail operating schedule ==> 小日程计划
  8566. detail paper ==> 大样图纸
  8567. detail pen for double lines ==> 划双线笔
  8568. detail points ==> 碎部点
  8569. detail printing ==> 细目打印
  8570. detail record ==> 详细记录,明细记录
  8571. detail schedule ==> 小日程计划
  8572. detail specifications ==> 详细规格,详细说明书
  8573. detail tape ==> 细目带
  8574. detail test ==> 分部试验
  8575. detail time ==> 详细时间
  8576. detailed ==> 详
  8577. detailed account ==> 明细帐
  8578. detailed audit ==> 详细审计
  8579. detailed audit report ==> 详细审计报告
  8580. detailed balance ==> 细致平衡
  8581. detailed billing system ==> 詳細記録方式
  8582. detailed catalogue ==> 细目
  8583. detailed construction schedule ==> 施工进度计划
  8584. detailed data ==> 详细数据
  8585. detailed description ==> 详细说明
  8586. detailed description of the invention ==> 发明的详细说明
  8587. detailed design ==> 具体设计,具体设计
  8588. detailed diagram ==> 详尽图纸=>詳細図面
  8589. detailed engineering ==> 施工设计
  8590. detailed equivalent circuit of pick-up coils ==> 受電部の詳細等価回路
  8591. detailed estimate ==> 设计预算,详细概算
  8592. detailed estimate norm ==> 预算定额
  8593. detailed examination ==> 精密検査
  8594. detailed exploration ==> 详细勘探
  8595. detailed genesis ==> 詳細起源
  8596. detailed inspection ==> 详细检查
  8597. detailed interview ==> 详细面谈法
  8598. detailed layout planning ==> 详细布置计划
  8599. detailed ledger ==> 明细分类帐
  8600. detailed list ==> 清单
  8601. detailed list of goods ==> 货物清单
  8602. detailed map ==> 明细图
  8603. detailed operating schedule ==> 详细作业计划,细部作业计划
  8604. detailed operation schedule ==> 详尽作业程序表
  8605. detailed packing list ==> 详细装箱单
  8606. detailed power flow analysis ==> 厳密潮流計算手法
  8607. detailed prospecting ==> 详细勘探
  8608. detailed regulations ==> 細則
  8609. detailed rules ==> 細則
  8610. detailed schedule ==> 明细进度表,进度计划明细表
  8611. detailed scope of supply ==> 详细供应范围
  8612. detailed sketch ==> 详细绘图
  8613. detailed soil map ==> 土壤详图
  8614. detailed soil survey ==> 土壤详测
  8615. detailed specifications ==> 详细规格书
  8616. detailed statement ==> 明细表
  8617. detailed subsidiary records ==> 辅助明细记录
  8618. detailed supporting statement ==> 明细附表
  8619. detailed survey ==> 详测,详查
  8620. detailed system description ==> 详细系统说明
  8621. detailed test objective ==> 详细的试验目的
  8622. detailed use of commodity ==> 详细用途
  8623. detailing ==> 详细设计
  8624. detailing (of parts) ==> 零件设计
  8625. details as per attached list ==> 详见附表
  8626. Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors ==> 注册电业承办商分行详情申报
  8627. details of work items ==> 工程项目明细表
  8628. details to follow ==> 详情随后邮寄,详细内容后告
  8629. detain flood ==> 滞洪
  8630. detained goods ==> 扣留货物
  8631. detajmium bitartrate ==> 地他铵重酒石酸盐
  8632. detasseling machine ==> 除玉米须机
  8633. detect ==> 侦,觉察,觉察,发觉
  8634. detect (DET) ==> 检测
  8635. detectability ==> 可检测性,能检测性,检测能力,探测率
  8636. detectability (chromatographic) ==> (色谱)检测限
  8637. detectable ==> 可検出
  8638. detectable element ==> 検出可能要素,可检测象素,可检测元素,可检出元素
  8639. detectable group ==> 可检测象素组,可检测组,可检出组
  8640. detectable rate ==> 检出率
  8641. detectable segment ==> 検出可能セグメント
  8642. detected error ==> 检测出的错误
  8643. detected signal ==> 已检波的信号
  8644. detecting action ==> 检波动作
  8645. detecting circuit ==> 检出电路
  8646. detecting customer's needs ==> 探求顾客需要
  8647. detecting element ==> 灵敏元件,探测元件,检波元件,检测元件=>検出部(自動制御)
  8648. detecting foil ==> 箔探测器
  8649. detecting grating ==> 检波光栅
  8650. detecting instrument ==> 检出器,检测元件,检波器,检示仪表
  8651. detecting layer ==> 探测层
  8652. detecting means ==> 検出部(自動制御)
  8653. detecting period ==> 感知时间
  8654. detection ==> 探测,整流,检波,检测=>検出,検波,探知
  8655. Detection and Enumeration of Giardia Cysts in River Waters of Hong Kong by Flocculation-Percoll/Sucrose Gradient-Immunofluorescence Method ==> 《利用絮凝作用-渗滤/蔗糖梯度变化-免疫荧光方法测量及数算香港河流含有的贾第鞭毛虫包囊》
  8656. detection boundary ==> 探测界限
  8657. detection characteristic ==> 检波特性
  8658. detection circuit ==> 探测电路,传感电路
  8659. detection coefficient ==> 検波係数
  8660. detection curve ==> 检测曲线
  8661. detection device ==> 检测设备
  8662. detection efficiency ==> 检波效率,探测效率
  8663. detection function ==> 检测函数
  8664. detection limit ==> 探测极限=>検出限界
  8665. detection mode ==> 检测方式
  8666. detection model ==> 检测模型
  8667. detection of acetate ==> 醋酸根检验
  8668. detection of asymptomatic brain disease ==> 脳ドック
  8669. detection of elements ==> 元件的检测
  8670. detection of error ==> 发现错误,错误的检测
  8671. detection of estrus ==> 发情检查
  8672. detection of infrared radiation ==> 红外线辐射探测
  8673. detection of interaction effects ==> 交互作用影响的检测
  8674. detection of parallelism ==> 并行性检测
  8675. detection of radiation ==> 辐射探测
  8676. detection of road markings ==> 路面標示検出
  8677. detection phase ==> 探测阶段
  8678. detection probability ==> 探测概率=>検出確率
  8679. detection process ==> 检波过程
  8680. detection radius ==> 检测半径
  8681. detection range ==> 探测距离
  8682. detection record ==> 探伤记录
  8683. detection resolution ==> 检出分辨率
  8684. detection search ==> 检验搜索
  8685. detection sensitivity ==> 探测灵敏度
  8686. detection standard ==> 探伤标准
  8687. detection system ==> 探测系统
  8688. detection theory ==> 检测论
  8689. detection threshold ==> 探测限界
  8690. detection time ==> 探测时间
  8691. detection-plate-resistance bridge ==> 检波板阻电桥
  8692. detective quantum efficiency (DQE) ==> 量子检测效率
  8693. detective time constant ==> 探测时间常数
  8694. detectivity ==> 探测率
  8695. detector ==> 检波器,检测器,检数器,鉴定器,探测器,探测设备,探测仪,探测元件,探头,传感元件,侦查器,整流器,感察器,验电盘=>探知器,検出器,検電器,検波器
  8696. detector area ==> 探测器灵敏面积
  8697. detector array ==> 检测器阵列
  8698. detector arrays ==> 探测器阵
  8699. detector balanced bias ==> 检波器平衡偏压
  8700. detector bar ==> 道岔锁闭杆
  8701. detector can ==> 侦毒筒
  8702. detector cell ==> 觉察细胞,觉察细胞,探测器
  8703. detector coefficient ==> 检波器效率
  8704. detector converter ==> 检波变频器
  8705. detector coupling ==> 检波器耦合
  8706. detector diode ==> 二极管检波器
  8707. detector efficiency ==> 检波器效率
  8708. detector field ==> 探测器试场
  8709. detector frequency meter ==> 检波频率计
  8710. detector guard ==> 检测器保护装置
  8711. detector holder ==> 检测器支座
  8712. detector noise ==> 检波器噪声
  8713. detector noise discrimination ==> 探测器噪声滤波器
  8714. detector noise-limited operation ==> 检波器噪声限制作用
  8715. detector of channel and acupuncture point ==> 经络经穴探测仪,经络经穴探测仪
  8716. detector of photon ==> 光子探测器
  8717. detector of tritium contamination ==> 氚气污染探测器
  8718. detector response ==> 检测器响应
  8719. detector sensitibility ==> 检测器灵敏度
  8720. detector sensitivity ==> 检测器灵敏度
  8721. detector shaft ==> 感知器芯轴
  8722. detector stage ==> 检波级
  8723. detector tube ==> 检测管,检气管
  8724. detector valve ==> 检波管
  8725. detector with rolling grating ==> 滚动光栅检测头
  8726. detent ==> 锁销,定位凹槽,爪,掣轮器,擒纵机构,棘爪,棘爪掣,制动器
  8727. detent bridle ==> 拉档限动杆
  8728. detent eccentric ==> 拉档偏心销
  8729. detent escapement ==> 天文钟擒纵机构
  8730. detent mechanism ==> 制动机构,定位器
  8731. detent pin ==> 定位销,止动销
  8732. detent plate ==> 制动器板
  8733. detent plate stop ==> 带齿的制动板
  8734. detent plug ==> 止销,制动销
  8735. detent torque ==> 起动转矩=>ディテントトルク
  8736. detention ==> 滞留,停滞,扣押
  8737. detention basin ==> 滞洪区
  8738. detention home ==> 少年教养院,青少年教养院
  8739. detention home 少年教养院=> ==> 青少年教养院
  8740. detention of ship ==> 扣留
  8741. detention of the afterbirth ==> 胞衣不下
  8742. detention of vessel or cargo ==> 扣留船只或货物
  8743. detention period ==> 延迟时期
  8744. detention reservoir ==> 滞洪水
  8745. detergence oil ==> 净化油
  8746. detergency ==> 去垢能力
  8747. detergent ==> 清洗剂
  8748. detergent action ==> 去垢作用
  8749. detergent additive ==> 去垢添加剂
  8750. detergent for household use ==> 民用洗涤剂
  8751. detergent fragrance ==> 洗剤香料
  8752. detergent line ==> 清洗管路
  8753. detergent oil ==> 去垢油
  8754. detergent power ==> 去垢本领
  8755. detergent resistance ==> 耐洗涤剂腐蚀
  8756. deteriorate ==> 变质,劣化
  8757. deteriorated grassland ==> 退化草地
  8758. deteriorating supplies ==> 易变质军需品
  8759. deterioration ==> 磨损损耗,损耗,损蚀,劣化,恶化,微生物致变质,变坏,变质=>劣化
  8760. deterioration diagnosis ==> 劣化診断
  8761. deterioration failure ==> 变质失效,磨损故障
  8762. deterioration indicator ==> 连年保续作业
  8763. deterioration of a case ==> 变证
  8764. deterioration of business conditions ==> 商情恶化
  8765. deterioration of emission ==> 放射劣化
  8766. deterioration tendency ==> 劣化傾向
  8767. deteriorative ==> 变坏的,恶化的
  8768. determinable error ==> 可测误差
  8769. determinable losses ==> 可决定的损失
  8770. determinacy counterpart ==> 确定性副本
  8771. determinant ==> 行列式=>行列式
  8772. determinant attributes ==> 限定性特征
  8773. determinant calculation ==> 行列式计算
  8774. determinant of a matrix ==> 矩阵的行列式,矩阵的行列式
  8775. determinant of coefficient ==> 系数行列式
  8776. determinant of transformation ==> 变换行列式
  8777. determinant rank ==> 行列式秩
  8778. determinantion wave function ==> 行列式波函数
  8779. determinants of demand ==> 决定需求的因素,决定需求的因素
  8780. determinate fault ==> 确定性故障
  8781. determinate growth ==> 有限生长
  8782. determinate machine ==> 判定机
  8783. determinate structure ==> 静定结构,静定结构
  8784. determination ==> 决定,判断,测定,鉴定
  8785. determination apparatus ==> 氢离子测定器
  8786. determination by reduction ==> 还原测定
  8787. determination criterion ==> 判定
  8788. determination data ==> 决定数据,决定数据
  8789. determination of acetylene ==> 乙炔测定
  8790. determination of activity ==> 活性测定
  8791. determination of agglutination titer ==> 凝集价测定
  8792. determination of angiotensin ==> 血管紧张素测定
  8793. determination of blood ammonia ==> 血氨测定
  8794. determination of buffer bicarbonate ==> 缓冲碱测定
  8795. determination of carbon monoxide ==> 一氧化碳测定
  8796. determination of cardiac ejection fraction ==> 心脏射血指数测量
  8797. determination of catecholamine in urine ==> 尿内儿茶酚胺测定
  8798. determination of control point ==> 控制点测定
  8799. determination of coordinate ==> 坐标确定
  8800. determination of crime ==> 犯罪的认定
  8801. determination of decision criteria ==> 决策标准的确定,决策标准的确定
  8802. determination of direction and range dodar ==> 导达
  8803. determination of extractives ==> 浸出物测定
  8804. determination of fibrin degradation product ==> 纤维蛋白降解产物测定
  8805. determination of glutamyl-transpeptidase ==> 谷氨酰转肽酶测定
  8806. determination of ignition point ==> 燃点测定
  8807. determination of immunoglobulin ==> 免疫球蛋白测定
  8808. determination of maximal expiratory flow rate ==> 最大呼气流率测定
  8809. determination of moisture ==> 水分测定,水分含量测定
  8810. determination of mucin ==> 粘蛋白测定
  8811. determination of nitrate-N in plants ==> 测定植株中的硝态氮
  8812. determination of nitric oxide ==> 一氧化氮测定
  8813. determination of orbit ==> 轨道测定
  8814. determination of output ==> 功率确定
  8815. determination of phosphorus fixation capacity ==> 磷素固定量的测定
  8816. determination of platelet aggregating function ==> 血小板凝聚功能测定
  8817. determination of profibrinolysin ==> 纤维蛋白溶解酶原测定
  8818. determination of repairability for ship coatings ==> 船舶涂料修补性能测定法
  8819. determination of respiratory muscle strength ==> 呼吸肌力测定法
  8820. determination of serum iron combining power ==> 血清铁结合力测定
  8821. determination of sex ==> 性别鉴定
  8822. determination of stability ==> 确定稳定性
  8823. determination of standard base ==> 标准碱测定
  8824. determination of total base ==> 总碱量测定
  8825. determination of total blood iron ==> 全血铁测定
  8826. determination of total cholesterol ==> 总胆甾醇测定
  8827. determination of trace ==> 痕量测定
  8828. determination of urea nitrogen ==> 尿素氮测定
  8829. determination of vertical dimension ==> 垂直距离测定
  8830. determination of yield ==> 产量测定,采伐量测定法
  8831. determination vibration ==> 定数振动,确定性振动
  8832. determinative bacteriology ==> 鉴定细菌学
  8833. determinative star ==> 距星,距星
  8834. determine ==> 决,决,判定,确定
  8835. determine by votes ==> 投票决定
  8836. determine evaluation strategy ==> 决定评价方法
  8837. determine production schedule ==> 决定生产日程进度表
  8838. determined cumulative runoff ==> 测定累积泾流
  8839. determining alternative course ==> 替代方案的决定
  8840. determining cost of layout ==> 决定布置成本
  8841. determining function ==> 决定函数,母函数
  8842. determining quantities of production runs ==> 决定生产量
  8843. determinism ==> 决定论,因果律=>決定論
  8844. deterministic annealing ==> 確定的アニーリング
  8845. deterministic appraisal approach ==> 决定型评价法
  8846. deterministic automation ==> 确定性自动机
  8847. deterministic automaton ==> 决定性自动机
  8848. deterministic channel ==> 确定信道
  8849. deterministic chaos ==> 決定論的カオス
  8850. deterministic decision process ==> 确定型决策过程
  8851. deterministic demand ==> 确定性需求
  8852. deterministic distribution ==> 确定性分布
  8853. deterministic dynamic programming ==> 确定型动态规划
  8854. deterministic dynamic system ==> 确定性动态系统
  8855. deterministic erasing stack automaton ==> 确定的抹除堆栈自动机
  8856. deterministic expression ==> 确定的表达式
  8857. deterministic finite automaton ==> 确定的有穷自动机,决定性有限自动机
  8858. deterministic interconnection ==> 确定性关联
  8859. deterministic inventory model ==> 确定型库存模型
  8860. deterministic linear bounded automaton ==> 确定的线性界限自动机
  8861. deterministic load flow analysis ==> 確定的潮流計算
  8862. deterministic model ==> 确定模式,确定性模型,基于结构的几何形状及材料的变形规律,通过物理理论计算(如用有限单元法)建立起任何外部作用(起因量)与结构效应(效应量)之间的确定性函数关系
  8863. deterministic nonerasing stack automaton ==> 确定的非抹除堆栈自动机
  8864. deterministic parsing ==> 确定性分析
  8865. deterministic policy ==> 决定性策略
  8866. deterministic process ==> 确定过程
  8867. deterministic push-down automato ==> 确定的下推自动机
  8868. deterministic queuing system ==> 确定型排队系统
  8869. deterministic retrieval ==> 确定检索,确定性检索
  8870. deterministic safety assessment ==> 确定论安全评价,以一系列公认或规定的具有包络性质的事件或事故为对象,采用经过论证的、具有一定保守性的假设及计算方法,分析计算整个核设施已设置的安全系统对这些事件或事故的响应,评价核设施的安全性
  8871. deterministic schedule ==> 确定性调度
  8872. deterministic signal ==> 确知信号=>確定的な信号
  8873. deterministic simulation ==> 确定性仿真,确定性模拟,定性模拟
  8874. deterministic stack automaton ==> 确定的堆栈自动机
  8875. deterministic standard ==> 决定性标准,决定性标准
  8876. deterministic system ==> 确定性系统
  8877. deterministic topdown grammar ==> 确定性自顶向下文法
  8878. deterministic trend ==> 確定トレンド
  8879. deterministic zero-sided Lindenmayer system ==> 确定性林氏无关系统
  8880. dethanizing column ==> 脱乙烷塔
  8881. detinned scrap ==> 除锡废边料,除锡切边
  8882. detinning ==> 脱锡
  8883. detinning apparatus ==> 除锡装置
  8884. detonate ==> 爆発
  8885. detonate-tube ==> 起爆管,雷管
  8886. detonating ==> 爆発させる
  8887. detonating agent ==> 起爆剂,发爆剂
  8888. detonating cap ==> 发火帽
  8889. detonating combustion ==> 爆震燃烧
  8890. detonating compression pressure ==> 爆燃压缩压力
  8891. detonating cord ==> 爆炸引线,火药导线,引爆线
  8892. detonating cord string ==> 导火索
  8893. detonating fuse ==> 导火索,起爆引信,引爆线,爆破线,爆炸引线
  8894. detonating gas ==> 爆鸣气
  8895. detonating meteor ==> 爆鳴流星
  8896. detonating net ==> 火药导线网
  8897. detonating powder ==> 起爆药
  8898. detonating primer ==> 引爆雷管
  8899. detonating rate ==> 引爆速率
  8900. detonating relay ==> 起爆继电器
  8901. detonating signal ==> 爆裂信号=>発雷信号
  8902. detonation ==> 爆震,爆轰,爆鸣,爆燃,起爆,引爆=>異常爆発,デトネーション
  8903. detonation coating ==> 爆炸涂复
  8904. detonation cord ==> 导火索=>信管
  8905. detonation forming ==> 爆炸成形
  8906. detonation front ==> 爆炸前沿
  8907. detonation indicator ==> 爆燃指示器,点火指示器
  8908. detonation meter ==> 爆震仪
  8909. detonation plating ==> (火焰镀金法的代用语)爆炸镀金法
  8910. detonation pressure ==> 爆燃压力=>爆発圧
  8911. detonation probability ==> 爆発確率
  8912. detonation sound ==> 爆炸声
  8913. detonation suppression ==> 防爆剂
  8914. detonation velocity ==> 爆炸速度,爆燃速度
  8915. detonation wave ==> 爆破波,爆炸波,爆震波
  8916. detonator ==> 雷管=>雷管
  8917. detonator circuit ==> 引发电路,信管电路
  8918. detonator signal ==> 爆炸信号
  8919. detour ==> 迂回路,回り道
  8920. detour phase effect ==> 迂回相位效应
  8921. detour road ==> 迂回路
  8922. detoxicating and resolving a mass ==> 解毒散结
  8923. detoxification ==> 脱毒
  8924. detoxifying function ==> 解毒功能
  8925. detract ==> 損なう,減じる
  8926. detract from quality of life ==> 生活の質を損ねる
  8927. detract from the product ==> 作品を損ねる
  8928. detract from the quality of life ==> 生活の質を落とす
  8929. detract from the real issue ==> 問題の本質から反れる
  8930. detrimental ==> 有害な,不利益な,不利な
  8931. detrimental gene ==> 有害基因
  8932. detrimental impurity ==> 有害杂质
  8933. detrimental resistance ==> 有害阻力
  8934. detrimental soil ==> 不稳定土
  8935. detrital deposit ==> 碎屑矿床
  8936. detrital mineral ==> 碎屑矿物
  8937. detrital ratio ==> 碎屑比
  8938. detrital reservoir ==> 碎屑储油层
  8939. detritiation ==> 重水除氚,采用特殊的工艺将重水经辐照后产生的氚去除以减轻放射性危害的操作
  8940. detritus chamber ==> 沉砂池,大颗粒沉砂池
  8941. detritus food chain ==> 食腐屑食物链
  8942. detritus pit ==> 沉砂池
  8943. detritus tank ==> 沉渣池
  8944. Detroit electric furnace ==> 底特律电炉
  8945. Detroit rocking furnace ==> 底特律摇摆式电炉,窄可倾炉
  8946. detrusor urinae of bladder ==> 膀胱逼尿肌
  8947. detune ==> 解谐=>離調,デチューン
  8948. detuned ==> 離調した
  8949. detuned circuit ==> 失谐电路
  8950. detuner ==> 解调器,排气减音器
  8951. detuning ==> 失调,失调失谐=>離調
  8952. detuning dependence ==> 離調依存性
  8953. detuning phenomena ==> 失调现象
  8954. detuning stub ==> 解谐短截线
  8955. DEU Germany (Flag) ==> 德国(注册)
  8956. deuteric ore deposit ==> 岩浆后期矿床
  8957. deuteride ==> 重水素化合物
  8958. deuterium ==> 重水素(元素,D)
  8959. deuterium cyanogen laser ==> 氰化氘激光器
  8960. deuterium cycle ==> 质子质子链
  8961. deuterium lamp ==> 氘灯
  8962. deuterium line radiation ==> 氘线辐射
  8963. deuterium oxide ==> 重水,氧化氘
  8964. deuterium-moderated reactor ==> 重水慢化堆
  8965. deuterium-uranium reactor ==> 重水铀反应堆
  8966. deuterogene rock ==> 后成岩
  8967. deuteron ==> 氘核=>重陽子,ジュウテロン
  8968. deuteron acceleration ==> 重陽子加速
  8969. deuteron accelerator ==> 重陽子加速器
  8970. Deutsche industry norm (DIN) ==> 德国工业标准
  8971. Deutz ==> 道依茨
  8972. DEV deviation ==> 井斜
  8973. DEV, development ==> 開発
  8974. Devacchis process ==> 第瓦齐斯冶矿法
  8975. Deval abrasion test ==> 台佛尔磨耗试验
  8976. Deval rattler ==> 台佛尔磨耗试验机
  8977. devaluation ==> 価値の引き下げ,地位の格下げ,通貨の切下げ
  8978. devaluation of currency ==> 通货贬值
  8979. devaluation of dollar in terms of gold ==> 美元对黄金的贬值
  8980. devanadation ==> 脱钒酸盐处理
  8981. Devarda's alloy ==> 德瓦达铜铝锌合金,迪氏铝铜锌合金
  8982. devastate ==> 壊滅させる
  8983. devastating flood ==> 毁灭性洪水
  8984. develop ==> 增进,展开,扩大,发展,洗片,开拓,开发,研制=>開発する
  8985. develop check ==> 光刻胶显影检查
  8986. develop cirrhosis ==> 肝硬変になる
  8987. develop distortedly ==> 畸形发展
  8988. develop in a complementary way ==> 相辅相成的发展
  8989. develop in an unhealthy way ==> 不能健康发育
  8990. develop in proportion ==> 按比例发展
  8991. develop new tools ==> 研制新农具
  8992. develop toward nodule apex ==> 向根瘤顶端发展
  8993. developable ==> 可展曲面
  8994. developed and developing economies ==> 发达经济和发展中经济
  8995. developed area ==> 展开面积
  8996. developed at top speed ==> 高速发展
  8997. developed blade area ==> 展开叶片面积
  8998. developed blank ==> 改进型坯料
  8999. developed capitalist countries ==> 发达资本主义国家
  9000. developed commercial reserves ==> 开发工业储量
  9001. developed countries ==> 发达国家
  9002. developed curve ==> 展开曲线
  9003. developed diagram ==> 展开图
  9004. developed dye ==> 显色染料
  9005. developed grain ==> 显影粒子
  9006. developed hologram ==> 显影的全息图
  9007. developed image ==> 显影图象
  9008. developed market economy ==> 发达的市场经济
  9009. developed nations ==> 发达国家
  9010. developed ore ==> 可靠储量
  9011. developed plantform ==> 展开平面形
  9012. developed power ==> 发出功率
  9013. developed representation ==> 展开图示法
  9014. developed reserves ==> 可靠储量
  9015. developed statistical system ==> 发达统计制度
  9016. developed surface ==> 展开面
  9017. developed surface flaw ==> 发展的表面缺陷
  9018. developer ==> 展开剂,显色剂,显示剂,显像剂,显影机,显影剂,显影液=>現像液
  9019. developer streaks ==> 显影剂条纹
  9020. developing ==> 显影,显影设备,衍变
  9021. developing (development) tank ==> 展开罐
  9022. developing a new breed ==> 培育一个新品种
  9023. developing agent ==> 展开剂,显影剂
  9024. developing agricultural economics ==> 发展中农业经济
  9025. developing and fixing ==> 显影及定影
  9026. developing apron ==> 冲片胶带
  9027. developing bacteroidal tissue ==> 发育的细菌组织
  9028. developing costs ==> 开发成本
  9029. developing countries' rate ==> 发展中国家优惠关税税率
  9030. developing equipment ==> 冲洗机
  9031. developing fault ==> 发展性故障,从单相对地故障(或相间故障)开始,发展成为两相故障或三相故障
  9032. developing fault,〔evolving fault (USA)〕 ==> 進展事故, An insulation fault which begins as a phase-to-earth (or phase-to-phase) fault and develops into a two-phase or three-phase fault.
  9033. developing favorable export items ==> 发展具有优越性的出口产品
  9034. developing machine ==> 洗片机,显影机
  9035. developing process ==> 发展过程=>進展過程
  9036. developing rate ==> 发育速度
  9037. developing rural commodity conomy ==> 发展农村商品经济
  9038. developing solution ==> 显影溶液,显影液
  9039. developing strategy ==> 发展战略
  9040. developing talents ==> 人才开发
  9041. developing tank ==> 显影桶,展开槽
  9042. developing tray ==> 显影盘
  9043. developing womb ==> 子宫发育
  9044. developing-out paper ==> 显像纸
  9045. developmen tal retardation ==> 发育徐缓
  9046. development ==> 显影,发展,推导,改进结构,输出,进展,发育,研制,显色,显像,冲洗,开发,进展,展开,矿井开拓,演变,展线=>開発,実用化
  9047. development aid ==> 发展援助,开发援助
  9048. development and driving of coal mines ==> 煤矿开拓掘进
  9049. development and progeny factors ==> 作物栽培的发展与进步因素
  9050. development and reform of science of education ==> 教育科学发展与改革
  9051. development and use ==> 開発と利用
  9052. development area ==> 展开面积,开发地区,发展区,开发区
  9053. development assistance ==> 发展援助
  9054. Development Assistance Group (DAG) ==> 发展援助集团
  9055. development bank ==> 开发银行
  9056. development bond ==> 开发债券
  9057. development by leaps and bounds ==> 跳跃式发展
  9058. development by metamorphosis ==> 变态发育
  9059. development capacity ==> 开发容量
  9060. development center ==> 显影中心
  9061. development contrast ==> 显色对比度,显影反差
  9062. development cost ==> 开发成本,开发费用,发展费用
  9063. development cycle ==> 发展周期,研制周期,开发周期
  9064. development decision rules ==> 发展决策准则
  9065. development drift ==> 开拓平巷
  9066. development drilling ==> 开拓钻孔
  9067. development effect ==> 显影效应
  9068. development effort ==> 开发计划,发展工作,研制工作,研制计划
  9069. development engine ==> 研制中的发动机
  9070. development engineer ==> 发展研究工程师=>開発技師、開発技術者
  9071. development engineering ==> 新结构设计
  9072. development engineering management system ==> 开发工程管理系统
  9073. development expenditure ==> 发展费用支出
  9074. development expense ==> 开发费用
  9075. development financing ==> 发展资金的供应,开发融资
  9076. development flow ==> 试制流程
  9077. development framework ==> 发展体系
  9078. development fund ==> 开发基金,开发计划
  9079. development index ==> 发展指数
  9080. development investigation ==> 发育调查,发展调查
  9081. development length ==> 伸展长度
  9082. development loan ==> 开发放款
  9083. development loan fund ==> 开发贷款,开发贷款基金
  9084. development loan fund (DLF) ==> 开发放款基金
  9085. development machine ==> 掘进机,掘进机
  9086. development model ==> 发展研制模型
  9087. development natural resources ==> 开发自然资源
  9088. development of characters ==> 性状发育
  9089. development of engine power ==> 发动机功率的提高
  9090. development of faculty ==> 能力开发
  9091. development of fertilized ovum ==> 孕卵发育
  9092. development of fetus ==> 胎儿发育
  9093. development of floral organs ==> 花器官发育
  9094. development of gas ==> 放出毒气
  9095. development of heat ==> 放热,发生热力
  9096. development of high technology ==> 高技术开发
  9097. development of human behavior ==> 人的行为发育
  9098. development of land ==> 土地开发
  9099. development of new products ==> 研制新产品
  9100. development of new technology ==> 新技术开发
  9101. development of nozzle ==> 喷嘴展开
  9102. development of peat land ==> 泥炭土的发展
  9103. development of photoresist ==> 光致抗蚀剂显影
  9104. development of plant genotypes ==> 植物遗传型的发展
  9105. development of power system analysis tools ==> 電力系統解析システムの開発
  9106. development of seed and pod ==> 种子和荚的发育
  9107. development of soils ==> 土壤发育
  9108. development of surface ==> 表面展开
  9109. development of the cotyledon ==> 子叶发育期
  9110. development of the nozzles ==> 喷嘴展开
  9111. development of waste land ==> 开垦荒地
  9112. development of water resources ==> 开发水资源
  9113. development organ ==> 发育器官
  9114. development organization ==> 建设单位
  9115. development partnership ==> 開発提携
  9116. development pattern ==> 发展格局
  9117. development period ==> 开发期
  9118. development personnel ==> 发展人才
  9119. development phase ==> 发育阶段
  9120. development plan ==> 研制计划,开发规划,开发计划
  9121. development planning ==> 发展规划
  9122. development potential ==> 发展潜力
  9123. development process ==> 开发过程,显色法
  9124. development program ==> 开发方案,研制计划
  9125. development project ==> 发展规划
  9126. development projects ==> 发展单元计划,发展项目
  9127. development quotient ==> 发展商数
  9128. development reactor ==> 研究开发用反应堆
  9129. development records ==> 开发记录
  9130. development rock ==> 开拓矿石
  9131. development scheme ==> 建设方案
  9132. development security facility ==> 发展担保基金
  9133. development speed and growth rate ==> 发展速度和增长率
  9134. development stage ==> 发芽阶段,研制阶段
  9135. development stage enterprise ==> 开创阶段企业
  9136. development strategy ==> 发展战略
  9137. development study ==> 発達調査
  9138. development support library ==> 开发程序库
  9139. development system ==> 研制系统,开发系统
  9140. development system step ==> 系统研制步序
  9141. development tank ==> 展开罐
  9142. development tax ==> 发展税,开发税
  9143. development tendency ==> 发展趋向
  9144. development test ==> 研究试验,新产品试验,试制品试验,开发试验=>開発試験
  9145. development test station ==> 实用化试验台
  9146. development threshold ==> 发育临界
  9147. development time ==> 研制时间,开发时间
  9148. development tool ==> 开发手段,开发工具
  9149. development tools ==> 自动设计工具
  9150. development type ==> 试验样品
  9151. development well ==> 开发井,详探井
  9152. development work ==> 研究工作,采准工作,试制工作
  9153. development zone ==> 发展区
  9154. development-oriented shareholding enterprises ==> 开发型股份企业
  9155. developmental age ==> 发育年龄,发展年龄
  9156. developmental alexia ==> 发展性失读症
  9157. developmental anatomy ==> 发育解剖学
  9158. developmental aphasia ==> 发育性语言不能,发展性失语症
  9159. developmental biology ==> 発生生物学
  9160. developmental branch ==> 发育枝
  9161. developmental cataract ==> 发育性白内障
  9162. developmental center ==> 发育中心
  9163. developmental condition ==> 发育情况
  9164. developmental crisis ==> 发展性危机
  9165. developmental cycle of ovarian follicle ==> 卵泡发育环
  9166. developmental cyst ==> 发育性囊肿
  9167. developmental defect ==> 发育缺陷
  9168. developmental deformity ==> 发育畸形
  9169. developmental deformity of nose ==> 发育性鼻畸形
  9170. developmental difficulty ==> 発達障害
  9171. developmental disturbance ==> 发育障碍
  9172. developmental dyslexia ==> 发育性读书困难
  9173. developmental genetics ==> 发育遗传学
  9174. developmental grooves ==> 发育沟
  9175. developmental idiocy ==> 发育性白痴
  9176. developmental indication ==> 发育标志
  9177. developmental inhibin ==> 发育抑制素
  9178. developmental item ==> 开发项目
  9179. developmental lag ==> 发展迟滞
  9180. developmental level ==> 发育水平
  9181. developmental marketing ==> 开发性销售
  9182. developmental neuroscience ==> 発生神経科学
  9183. developmental pediatrics ==> 发育儿科学
  9184. developmental potency ==> 发育能力
  9185. developmental project ==> 改良土地规划
  9186. developmental psychology ==> 发展心理学
  9187. developmental rate ==> 发育率
  9188. developmental research ==> 发展研究
  9189. developmental retardation ==> 发育迟缓
  9190. developmental sequence ==> 发育序列
  9191. developmental stage ==> 发育阶段
  9192. developmental state ==> 发育情况
  9193. developmental technology of new energy resources ==> 新能源开发技术
  9194. developmental zero ==> 发育始点
  9195. Devereaux agitator ==> 代伐若搅拌机
  9196. deviate ==> 偏移する
  9197. deviation ==> 偏差,偏移,偏向,偏离,差错,偏差数,偏位,偏斜,偏折,离差=>逸脱,脱線,狂い,偏差度,系統余力の散らばりに対する変動係数(標準偏差/平均値)である
  9198. deviation absorption ==> 偏移吸收,近临界频率吸收
  9199. deviation action ==> 偏差动作
  9200. deviation alarm ==> 偏差报警
  9201. deviation alarm sensor ==> 偏差报警检测器
  9202. deviation amplitude ==> 偏差振幅
  9203. deviation angle ==> 偏移角
  9204. deviation area ==> 偏差面积
  9205. deviation calculation ==> 偏差計算
  9206. deviation calibration curve ==> 偏差校准曲线
  9207. deviation card ==> 磁罗盘偏差记录卡片
  9208. deviation circuit ==> 偏差回路
  9209. deviation clause ==> 绕航条款
  9210. deviation clause (DC) ==> 偏航条款
  9211. deviation compensator ==> 偏差补偿器
  9212. deviation component ==> 偏差成分
  9213. deviation computer ==> 偏差计算器
  9214. deviation concept ==> 偏向概念
  9215. deviation constant ==> 偏差常数
  9216. deviation curve ==> 偏般曲线,误差曲线
  9217. deviation dispersion ==> 漂移
  9218. deviation display ==> 偏差显示
  9219. deviation equalizer ==> 偏差补偿器
  9220. deviation factor ==> 偏差系数,压缩因数
  9221. deviation factor of wave ==> 波形畸变系数
  9222. deviation flag ==> 航线偏移指示仪
  9223. deviation frequency ==> 偏差频率
  9224. deviation from average ==> 离均差
  9225. deviation from isochronism ==> 等时性误差
  9226. deviation from linear phase ==> リニア位相特性からの位相偏移
  9227. deviation from linearity ==> 线性偏差,偏离线性度
  9228. deviation from mean ==> 均值离差,均值离差,离均差
  9229. deviation from par ==> 平价差幅
  9230. deviation from pulse flatness ==> 脉冲平滑性偏移
  9231. deviation from voyage route ==> 偏离航程
  9232. deviation hole ==> 偏斜井
  9233. deviation indicator ==> 偏差指示器
  9234. deviation integral ==> 偏差积分
  9235. deviation of control ==> 调节偏差
  9236. deviation of directivity ==> 方向偏差
  9237. deviation of equiphase surface ==> 等相位面偏差
  9238. deviation of frequency ==> 频率偏差,系统频率的实际值和标称值之差
  9239. deviation of light ==> 光偏差
  9240. deviation of nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔偏曲,鼻中隔弯曲
  9241. deviation of power-frequency component protection ==> 工频变化量保护,利用输电线路发生短路时出现的电压和电流的工频分量特征判别故障、启动保护的一种保护措施
  9242. deviation of reading ==> 示值偏差
  9243. deviation of supply voltage ==> 电压偏差,一种相对缓慢的稳态电压变动,用某一节点的实际电压与系统标称电压之差对系统标称电压的百分数来表示
  9244. deviation of synchronous time ==> 同步时间偏差,电力系统同步时间与标准时间的偏差
  9245. deviation of the e.m.f.(with respect to the certified value) ==> 电动势的偏差值(相对于检定值)
  9246. deviation of transposition ==> 换位偏差
  9247. deviation of wind power generations ==> 風力変動パターン
  9248. deviation phase angle ==> 偏差相角
  9249. deviation point ==> 偏差点
  9250. deviation prism ==> 偏向棱镜
  9251. deviation product sums ==> 离差积和
  9252. deviation range ==> 偏差范围,偏移范围
  9253. deviation ratio ==> 偏移系数=>偏移比(周波数変調)
  9254. deviation scale ==> 偏移刻度
  9255. deviation sensitivity ==> 偏差灵敏度,偏位灵敏度,漂移灵敏度=>偏位感度
  9256. deviation shaft ==> 差轴
  9257. deviation standard ==> 偏差标准
  9258. deviation system ==> 偏转系统
  9259. deviation table ==> 磁罗盘偏差表
  9260. deviation to left ==> 偏左
  9261. deviation to right ==> 偏右
  9262. deviation to the left ==> 白细胞左移
  9263. deviation to the right ==> 白细胞右移
  9264. deviation value ==> 偏差量
  9265. deviation wedge ==> (X-射线带钢测厚仪部件)偏差调整楔
  9266. deviatonic stress ==> 偏应力
  9267. device ==> 器件,装置,元件,设备,器具,仪器,方法=>デバイス
  9268. device address ==> 设备地址=>装置アドレス
  9269. device allocation ==> 设备分配
  9270. device allocation routine ==> 设备分配程序
  9271. device and rule ==> 分散控制
  9272. device assignment command ==> 设备赋值命令
  9273. device assignment information ==> 设备分配信息
  9274. device attachment ==> 设备连接
  9275. device base control block ==> 设备基本控制块
  9276. device busy ==> 设备忙
  9277. device busy control ==> 设备忙碌控制
  9278. device category ==> 设备种类
  9279. device character control ==> 设备字符控制
  9280. device characteristics table (DCT) ==> 设备特性表格
  9281. device class ==> 设备类别
  9282. device code ==> 设备代码,设备码
  9283. device control ==> 设备控制,装置控制
  9284. device control block (DCB) ==> 设备控制块
  9285. device control cell ==> 设备控制单元
  9286. device control character ==> 设备控制符,设备控制字,外围设备控制符=>装置制御文字
  9287. device control register ==> 设备控制寄存器
  9288. device control table ==> 设备控制表
  9289. device controller ==> 设备控制器
  9290. device coordinate ==> 装置座標
  9291. device correspondence table ==> 设备对应表
  9292. device data block ==> 设备数据块
  9293. device descriptor block (DDB) ==> 设备描述块
  9294. device descriptor module (DDM) ==> 设备描述模块
  9295. device diagnostic program ==> 设备诊断程序
  9296. device driver ==> 设备驱动机构,设备驱动器
  9297. device efficiency ==> 设备效率
  9298. device engineer ==> 素子設計者
  9299. device field (DFLD) ==> 设备字段
  9300. device flag ==> 设备标志
  9301. device for automatic power ==> 自动功率调整器
  9302. device for demonstrating capillarity ==> 毛细装置
  9303. device for drying and filtering ==> 干燥过滤器
  9304. device for telemetering ==> 遥测设备
  9305. device handler ==> 设备处理程序,设备处理器
  9306. device identification ==> 设备标识,设备标志
  9307. device identifier ==> 设备标识符
  9308. device independence ==> 与设备无关性
  9309. device inoperable ==> 设备不能动作
  9310. device input format (DIF) ==> 设备输入格式
  9311. device input format block ==> 设备输入格式块
  9312. device input queue ==> 设备输入队列
  9313. device interface module ==> 设备接口模块
  9314. device interrupt ==> 设备中断
  9315. device interrupt vector table ==> 设备中断向量表
  9316. device level ==> 设备级
  9317. device lifetime ==> 装置寿命,器件寿命
  9318. device line ==> 设备线路,设备信息行
  9319. device manipulation ==> 设备操纵
  9320. device message handler (DMH) ==> 设备消息处理程序,设备信息处理程序
  9321. device name ==> 设备名,设备名称,设备名字
  9322. device net ==> 总线,装置网
  9323. device number ==> 设备号=>自動制御器具番号
  9324. device object program ==> 设备结果程序,设备目标程序
  9325. device of dust separation ==> 除尘设备
  9326. device oriented ==> 面向设备的
  9327. device output format (DOF) ==> 设备输出格式
  9328. device output format block ==> 设备输出格式块
  9329. device page (DPAGE) ==> 设备页面
  9330. device parameter ==> 器件参数
  9331. device parameter area ==> 器件参数域
  9332. device parameter list ==> 设备参数表,设备参数列表
  9333. device polling ==> 设备轮询
  9334. device pool management ==> 设备池管理,设备库管理
  9335. device power supply (DPS) ==> 设备电源
  9336. device program language ==> 设备程序语言
  9337. device protection relaying scheme ==> 機器保護継電方式
  9338. device queue ==> 设备队列,设备排队
  9339. device ready ==> 设备就绪,设备准备好状态
  9340. device register ==> 设备寄存器
  9341. device reserve word ==> 设备保留字
  9342. device select code ==> 设备选择码
  9343. device select line ==> 设备选择线路
  9344. device selection bit ==> 设备选择位
  9345. device selection check ==> 设备选择校验
  9346. device selector ==> 设备选择器
  9347. device selector logic ==> 设备选择逻辑
  9348. device service routine ==> 设备服务程序
  9349. device service task (DST) ==> 设备服务任务
  9350. device simulation ==> デバイスシミュレーション
  9351. device source program ==> 设备源程序
  9352. device space ==> 设备空间,存储空间=>装置空間
  9353. device spanning ==> 设备跨越,设备跨展
  9354. device status address ==> 设备状态地址
  9355. device status field ==> 设备状态域,设备状态字段
  9356. device status register ==> 设备状态寄存器
  9357. device support routine (DSR) ==> 设备支持例行程序
  9358. device temperature rating ==> 器件温度额定值
  9359. device test instruction ==> 设备测试指令
  9360. device to apply correction to braking force ==> 制动力调节装置
  9361. device to measure the flow of water ==> 计量水流装置
  9362. device tolerance ==> 设备容差
  9363. device type ==> 设备类型
  9364. device type logical unit ==> 设备类型逻辑部件
  9365. device vector table (DVT) ==> 设备向量表
  9366. device waiting queue ==> 设备等待队列
  9367. device work queue ==> 设备工作队列,设备运行队列
  9368. device-dependent ==> 设备相关的
  9369. device-dependent program ==> 设备相关程序
  9370. device-independent graphics software ==> 独立于绘图设备的制图软件,独立于设备的制图软件
  9371. device-independent program ==> 设备独立程序
  9372. DeviceNET ==> 设备网
  9373. devil ==> 加热焊料用轻便炉
  9374. devil float ==> 带钉抹子
  9375. devil liquor ==> 废液
  9376. devil's nettle ==> 魔鬼荨麻
  9377. Devil's staircases ==> 悪魔の階段
  9378. devise ==> 创造,发明,设计,想出,图谋,策划,不动产遗赠,遗赠=>発明する,ひねり出す,考え出す
  9379. devise a method ==> 方法を考案する
  9380. devise another solution ==> 他の解決策を思い付く
  9381. devise innovative ways ==> 革新的な方法を考案する
  9382. devise steps ==> 処置を講じる
  9383. devisee ==> 遗赠受益人
  9384. deviser ==> 发明者
  9385. devitalization ==> 去生机=>活力喪失
  9386. devitalized pulp ==> 失活髓
  9387. devitrification ==> 透名失
  9388. devitrification nuclei ==> 析晶晶核
  9389. devitrification of glass ==> 玻璃闷光,玻璃透明消失,玻璃析晶
  9390. devitrification stone ==> 析晶结石
  9391. devitrified glass ==> 闷光玻璃
  9392. devolution of powers ==> 放权
  9393. Devonian igneous rocks ==> 泥盆纪火成岩
  9394. Devonian System ==> 泥盆系
  9395. dew ==> 露,结露
  9396. dew cap ==> 露罩,防露盖
  9397. dew catchers ==> 露を捕捉する装置
  9398. dew caution ==> 结露告警
  9399. dew cell ==> 露池,湿敏元件
  9400. Dew cell ==> (湿敏元件)道氏电池
  9401. dew claw ==> 悬爪
  9402. dew detection lamp ==> 结露检测指示灯
  9403. dew duster ==> 湿式喷粉机
  9404. dew indicator ==> 结露指示器
  9405. dew plant ==> 茅膏菜
  9406. dew point ==> 露点
  9407. dew point apparatus ==> 露点
  9408. dew point boundary ==> 露点边界
  9409. dew point hygrograph ==> 露点计
  9410. dew point hygrometer ==> 露点湿度计,露点湿度表
  9411. dew point indicator ==> 露点计
  9412. dew point recorder ==> 露点记
  9413. dew point temperature ==> 露点温度
  9414. dew point testing ==> 露点测试
  9415. dew point transducer[sensor] ==> 露点传感器
  9416. dew retting ==> 露浸
  9417. dew worm ==> 蚯蚓
  9418. DEW, Directed Energy Weapons ==> 指向性エネルギー兵器
  9419. DEW, Directed Energy Weapons including ground-based laser ==> 地上設置レーザを含む指向性エネルギー兵器(SDIのサブシステム)
  9420. DEW, Distant Early Warning ==> 遠隔早期警戒
  9421. dew-blown ==> 露水膨胀
  9422. dew-cap ==> 露冠
  9423. dew-drop slot ==> 梨形槽
  9424. dew-point ==> 露点
  9425. dew-point composition ==> 露点组成
  9426. dew-point curve ==> 露点曲线
  9427. dew-point depression ==> 露点降低
  9428. dew-point formula ==> 露点公式
  9429. dew-point hygrometer ==> 露点湿度计,露点温度表
  9430. dew-point pressure ==> 露点压力
  9431. dew-point recorder ==> 露点记录器
  9432. dew-point spread ==> 露点差
  9433. dew-point temperature ==> 露点温度
  9434. DEWA, Dubai Electricity & Water Authority ==> ドバイ電水力庁
  9435. Dewar bottle ==> 真空瓶,杜瓦瓶
  9436. dewar flask ==> 杜瓦真空瓶
  9437. Dewar flask ==> 杜瓦瓶
  9438. Dewar type container ==> 杜瓦容器
  9439. Dewar vacuum vessel ==> 杜瓦真空瓶
  9440. Dewar vessel ==> (真空保温瓶)杜瓦瓶
  9441. dewar vessel ==> 杜瓦瓶
  9442. Deward ==> 德瓦特锰钼钢
  9443. dewate-ring ==> 放水
  9444. dewater ==> 除水,增稠,去水
  9445. dewatered ==> 去水的
  9446. dewaterer ==> 脱水器,除水器
  9447. dewatering ==> 脱水,排水
  9448. dewatering bin ==> 脱水仓,在水力除灰渣系统中,将灰渣浆脱水,在8h内使灰渣的含水率降到12%~14%,装车或装船运走的存贮灰渣的设备
  9449. dewatering bucket ==> 排水吊桶
  9450. dewatering centrifuge ==> 离心式脱水机,脱水离心机
  9451. dewatering channel ==> 脱水槽
  9452. dewatering conduit ==> 放水管
  9453. dewatering conveyer ==> 脱水传送带
  9454. dewatering filter ==> 脱水滤池
  9455. dewatering orifice ==> 放水孔
  9456. dewatering outlet ==> 放水口
  9457. dewatering period ==> 脱水段
  9458. dewatering screen ==> 脱水筛
  9459. dewaterizer ==> 脱水器
  9460. dewax ==> 脱蜡,去蜡
  9461. dewaxed oil ==> 脱蜡油
  9462. dewaxing ==> 脱蜡
  9463. dewaxing casting ==> 失蜡铸造
  9464. dewclaw ==> 残留趾,悬蹄
  9465. deweeding oil ==> 除莠油
  9466. dewetting ==> 外向湿润,去湿,反浸润,反湿润
  9467. Dewey decimal classification ==> 杜威十进制分类,杜威十进制分类法
  9468. Dewey decimal system ==> 杜威十进制系统
  9469. deweylite ==> 水蛇纹石
  9470. dewgauge ==> 露量表,露量器
  9471. dewindtite ==> 磷铅铀矿
  9472. dewing machine ==> 喷雾机,给湿机
  9473. dewlap ==> 垂肉,喉垂,集露片
  9474. Dewrance's alloy ==> 迪朗斯轴承合金,迪尤兰斯合金
  9475. Dewrances alloy ==> 迪尤兰斯合金
  9476. dexamethasone ==> デキサメタゾン
  9477. dexamethasone acetate ==> 醋酸地塞美松,醋酸氟美松
  9478. dexamethasone inhibition test ==> 氟美松抑制试验
  9479. dexamethasone sodium phosphate ==> 地塞美松磷酸钠
  9480. dexbolt method ==> 二次减径螺钉镦锻法
  9481. dexedrine sulfate ==> 硫酸右旋苯异丙胺
  9482. dextral drag fold ==> 右拖褶曲
  9483. dextral fault ==> 右侧断层
  9484. dextral fold ==> 右旋褶曲
  9485. dextran platelet agglutination test ==> 右旋糖酐血小板凝集试验
  9486. dextran sulfate ==> 右旋糖酐硫酸酯,硫酸葡聚糖
  9487. dextriferron ==> 葡聚糖铁,右旋糖酐铁,糊精铁
  9488. dextrin ==> 糊精=>デキストリン
  9489. dextrin acid ==> デキストリン酸
  9490. dextrin adsorption ==> デキストリン吸着
  9491. dextrin binding ==> デキストリン結合
  9492. dextrin chain ==> デキストリン鎖
  9493. dextrin complex ==> デキストリン錯体
  9494. dextrin compound ==> デキストリン化合物
  9495. dextrinase ==> 糊精酶
  9496. dextrine ==> 糊精=>デキストリン
  9497. dextrine gum ==> 糊精胶
  9498. dextrinize ==> 糊精化
  9499. dextrinogenic amylase ==> 糊精生成酶
  9500. dextrinose ==> 糊精糖
  9501. dextro-amphetamine ==> 右旋苯丙胺,右旋苯异丙胺
  9502. dextro-amphetamine sulfate ==> 硫酸右旋苯异丙胺
  9503. dextro-aortic arch ==> 右侧主动脉弓
  9504. dextro-tubocurarine chloride ==> 右旋氯化筒箭毒碱
  9505. dextro-xylose test ==> 右旋木糖试验
  9506. dextroaortic arch ==> 右位主动脉弓
  9507. dextromethorphan hydrobromide ==> 氢溴酸美沙芬
  9508. dextromoramide hydrogen tartrate ==> 吗散痛酒石酸盐
  9509. dextropimaric acid ==> 右旋海松酸
  9510. dextroposition of aorta ==> 主动脉右移位
  9511. dextrose ==> 葡萄糖
  9512. dextrose tolerance test ==> 葡萄糖耐量试验
  9513. dextrotartaric acid ==> 右旋酒石酸
  9514. dextrothyroxine sodium ==> 右旋甲状腺素钠
  9515. Deyoung-Axford model ==> 德扬-阿克斯福德模型
  9516. dezincification ==> 脱锌,脱锌作用,除锌,除锌作用,失锌现象
  9517. dezincing ==> 脱锌
  9518. dezincked lead ==> 除锌铅
  9519. de gourdi ==> (法)低温素烧法
  9520. DF Direction-Finder ==> 无线电测向仪
  9521. DF SAR, dual frequency SAR ==> 二周波数使用SAR
  9522. DF, development flight ==> 開発飛行
  9523. DF, direction finder ==> 方向探知機,方位測定機
  9524. DFC, data flow control ==> DFC
  9525. DFC, data format converter ==> データ形式変換装置
  9526. DFC, direct fuel cell ==> DFC
  9527. DFD, data flow diagram ==> データフローダイアグラム
  9528. DFD, Depth Fused 3-D ==> 奥行き融合型3次元
  9529. DfD, Design for Disassembly ==> 易分離分解性設計
  9530. DFDR, digital flight data recorder ==> デジタル飛行記録計
  9531. DFE, Decision Feedback Equalizer ==> 决定反馈均衡器
  9532. DfE, Design for Environment ==> DfE
  9533. DFE, Design for Environment ==> 環境配慮型設計
  9534. dfet ==> 耗尽型场效应晶体管
  9535. DFIGs, Doubly Fed Induction Generators ==> 2重給電発電機,巻線形誘導発電機
  9536. DFL, data format load ==> データフォーマットロード
  9537. DFM, describing function method ==> 記述関数法
  9538. DfR(Df), Differential Relay ==> 差動リレー。キルヒフォッフの法則に基づいた多端子電流リレー。
  9539. DFS technology ==> 汎用技術
  9540. DFS, German Telecommunications Satellite ==> ドイツ通信衛星
  9541. DFSC Defense Fuel Support Center ==> 防御燃料支持中心
  9542. DFT, Discrete Fourier Transform ==> 離散フーリエ変換, DFT方式, フーリエ変換をベースにした位相検出手法
  9543. DFVLR, Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt Fur Luft-und Raumfahrt ==> ドイツ航空宇宙研究所の旧称,1988年11月改称して現在はDLR)
  9544. DG, differential gain ==> 微分利得
  9545. DG, directional ground relay ==> 地絡方向継電器
  9546. DG, Drafting Group ==> 起草部会
  9547. dge lump ==> 不规则松冰团
  9549. DGFT ==> インド商務産業省・外国貿易総局
  9550. DGP, diagnostic package ==> 観測装置
  9551. DGPS Differential Global Positioning System ==> 不同全球性的定位系统
  9552. DGPS, Deferential GPS ==> (デファレンシャルGPS
  9553. DGPS, Differential Global Positioning System ==> DGPS
  9554. DGR(DG), Directional Ground Relay, earth-fault directional relay ==> 地絡方向リレー。零相電圧と零相電流で事故箇所を特定する方式。
  9555. DGZR(DGZ), Directional Ground Distance Relay ==> 地絡方向距離リレー。零相電圧と零相電流で事故箇所までの距離を特定する方式。
  9556. dh process ==> 真空提吸脱气法
  9557. DH, decision height ==> 進入限界高度
  9558. DH, design handbook ==> 設計ハンドブック
  9559. DHA, despin horn assembly ==> デスピンホーンアッセンブリ
  9560. DHA, despun horn antenna ==> デスパンホーンアンテナ
  9561. Dharwar cotton ==> (印度)达瓦尔棉
  9562. DHD, dehydrator ==> 乾燥器
  9563. Dhollera cotton ==> (印度)杜来拉棉
  9564. DHPLC ==> 变性高效液相色谱分析法
  9565. DHS, data handling system ==> データ処理システム
  9566. DI diesel engine ==> 直喷式柴油发动机
  9567. Di George's syndrome ==> 先天性胸腺萎缩
  9568. Di kiln ==> 弟窑
  9569. di water facilities ==> 脱离子水用设备
  9570. DI, Diffusion Index ==> 景気動向指数
  9571. DI, digital input ==> 开关量输入模块=>ディジタル入力
  9572. DI, discrete input ==> 離散的入力
  9573. di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid ==> 二(2-乙基己基)磷酸
  9574. di-(4-phenyl isocyanate) methane ==> 二-4-苯基异氰酸甲烷
  9575. di-2-ethyl hexyl mixed dicarboxylate ==> 混合二元酸二辛酯
  9576. di-a-naphthythjocarbazone ==> 二萘基硫代偶氮碳酰肼
  9577. Di-alloy ==> 迪合金
  9578. di-cap storage ==> 二极管电容存储器
  9579. di-fan antenna ==> 双扇形天线
  9580. di-interstitials ==> 双填充子,双填隙,双填隙子
  9581. di-iso-amyl ==> 二异戊基
  9582. di-iso-amyl butylphosphonate ==> 丁基磷酸二异戊酯
  9583. di-iso-amyl phenylphosphonate ==> 苯基磷酸异二戊酯
  9584. di-iso-amylamine ==> 二异戊胺
  9585. di-iso-butylmanice ==> 二异丁胺
  9586. di-iso-octyl sebacate ==> 癸二酸二异辛酯
  9587. di-iso-octyl succinate ==> 琥珀酸二异丁酯
  9588. di-iso-octyldiphenylamine ==> 二异辛基二苯胺
  9589. di-lens ==> 介质透镜
  9590. Di-loop process ==> 毛圈效应
  9591. di-mol ==> 迪-钼尔钼高速钢
  9592. di-n-butylacetic acid ==> 二丁基醋酸,二丁基乙酸
  9593. di-n-hexylamine ==> 二乙胺
  9594. di-n-octyl phenylphosphonate ==> 苯基磷酸二正辛酯
  9595. di-o-tolyl-ethylene-diamine ==> 二邻甲苯基乙二胺
  9596. Di-On ==> 敌草隆
  9597. di-p-octylphenylphosphoric acid ==> 二对辛基苯基磷酸
  9598. di-phosphate ester ==> 磷酸二酯
  9599. di-potassium tartrate ==> 酒石酸二钾,酒石酸二钾
  9600. dia mine ==> 二元胺
  9601. DIA, diameter ==> 直径
  9602. Diabaig group ==> 迪亚拜群
  9603. diabantite ==> 辉绿泥石
  9604. diabase-aplite ==> 辉绿细晶岩
  9605. diabasic lining ==> 辉绿岩衬里
  9606. diabasic texture ==> 辉绿结构
  9607. diabatic nozzle ==> 非绝热喷管
  9608. diabatic process ==> 传热过程
  9609. diabetes ==> 糖尿病
  9610. diabetes autoantigen ==> 糖尿病自己抗原
  9611. diabetes care ==> 糖尿病治療
  9612. diabetes care program ==> 糖尿病治療計画
  9613. diabetes clinic ==> 糖尿病クリニック
  9614. diabetes drug ==> 糖尿病薬
  9615. diabetes duration ==> 糖尿病罹病期間
  9616. diabetes education ==> 糖尿病教育
  9617. diabetes epidemic ==> 糖尿病のまん延
  9618. diabetes innocens ==> 非胰腺性糖尿病
  9619. diabetes insipidus ==> 尿崩症
  9620. diabetes mellitus ==> 韦利斯氏病,糖尿病
  9621. diabetes progression ==> 糖尿病の進行
  9622. diabetes rate ==> 糖尿病率
  9623. diabetes remedy ==> 糖尿病治療薬
  9624. diabetes research ==> 糖尿病の研究
  9625. diabetes salinus ==> 盐水尿崩症
  9626. diabetic puncture ==> 伯尔纳氏穿刺
  9627. diac ==> 二端交联关元件
  9628. diacetate fibre ==> 二醋酯纤维
  9629. diacetic acid ==> 二乙酰乙酸
  9630. diacetic ether ==> 乙酰乙酸乙酯
  9631. diacetyl acetic ester ==> 二乙酰乙酸酯
  9632. diacetyl acetone ==> 二乙酰基丙酮
  9633. diacetyl amide lysergic acid ==> 麦角酸二乙酰胺
  9634. diacetyl peroxide ==> 过氧化乙酰
  9635. diacetyl succinic acid ==> 二乙酰丁二酸
  9636. diacetyl tartaric acid ==> 二乙酰酒石酸
  9637. diacetyl-glucose ==> 二乙酰葡糖
  9638. diacetylenic acid ==> 二炔酸
  9639. diacidic base ==> 二元碱
  9640. diacondylar fracture ==> 经髁骨折
  9641. diacone speaker ==> 双锥形扬声器
  9642. Diaconis ==> 笛阿孔尼斯(斯坦福大学的统计教授)
  9643. diacritical point ==> 间临界点
  9644. diacritical sign ==> 区别记号
  9645. Diacryl dye ==> (日)大雅固丽染料
  9646. diacytic type ==> 直轴式
  9647. diad axis ==> 二重轴
  9648. diadelphous stamen ==> 二体雄蕊
  9649. diadynamic current apparatus ==> 间动电流治疗仪
  9650. diadynamic current therapy ==> 间动电流疗法
  9651. diagenetic stage ==> 成岩作用阶段
  9652. diagnosis ==> 诊断,特征简介,判断=>診断
  9653. diagnosis by exclusion ==> 除外诊断法
  9654. diagnosis by intrauterine lavage ==> 宫腔冲洗液诊断
  9655. diagnosis computer ==> 诊断计算机
  9656. diagnosis in species description ==> 物种描述的鉴定要点
  9657. diagnosis method ==> 診断法
  9658. diagnosis of cirrhosis ==> 肝硬変の診断
  9659. diagnosis of coronary heart disease ==> 冠心病诊断
  9660. diagnosis of malfunctions ==> 異常診断
  9661. diagnosis of nervous function ==> 神経機能診断
  9662. diagnosis of pregnancy ==> 妊娠诊断
  9663. diagnosis of transformer trouble ==> 変圧器異常診断
  9664. diagnosis technique for residual life ==> 寿命诊断技术,为实现寿命预测而采用的实验、监测和判断的技术
  9665. diagnosis test sequence ==> 诊断测试序列
  9666. diagnostic ==> 诊断的
  9667. diagnostic accordance rate ==> 诊断符合率
  9668. diagnostic compiler ==> 诊断编译程序
  9669. diagnostic curettage ==> 诊断性刮宫=>試験掻爬
  9670. diagnostic diagram ==> 诊断图
  9671. diagnostic enzyme ==> 诊断酶
  9672. diagnostic equation ==> 诊断方程
  9673. diagnostic error processing ==> 诊断错误处理
  9674. diagnostic facilities ==> 诊断设备
  9675. diagnostic fossil ==> 特征化石
  9676. diagnostic function ==> 诊断功能
  9677. diagnostic holography ==> 诊断全息照相术
  9678. diagnostic horizon ==> 诊断层
  9679. diagnostic instruction ==> 诊断指令
  9680. diagnostic instrument case ==> 诊察器械箱
  9681. diagnostic loader ==> 诊断装入程序
  9682. diagnostic logout ==> 诊断记录
  9683. diagnostic message ==> 诊断信息
  9684. diagnostic method ==> 诊法
  9685. diagnostic mineral ==> 特征矿物
  9686. diagnostic model ==> 诊断模型
  9687. diagnostic operation ==> 诊断性手术
  9688. diagnostic package ==> 诊断程序包
  9689. diagnostic peritoneocentesis ==> 诊断性腹腔穿刺
  9690. diagnostic pneumoperitoneum ==> 诊断性人工气腹术
  9691. diagnostic pneumothorax ==> 诊断性人工气胸术
  9692. diagnostic program ==> 诊断程序=>診断プログラム
  9693. diagnostic program(m)ing ==> 诊断程序设计
  9694. diagnostic program(me) ==> 诊断程序
  9695. diagnostic puncture ==> 诊断性穿刺
  9696. diagnostic routine ==> 诊断程序,诊断例行程序
  9697. diagnostic sampling ==> 诊断抽样
  9698. diagnostic scan ==> 诊断扫描
  9699. diagnostic search ==> 诊断检索
  9700. diagnostic standard of silicosis ==> 矽肺诊断标准
  9701. diagnostic surface horizon ==> 诊断表土层
  9702. diagnostic tapping ==> 诊断性抽液
  9703. diagnostic techniques ==> 诊断技术
  9704. diagnostic test ==> 診断試験,诊断性试验,学习困难测试
  9705. diagnostic thermograph ==> 诊断热象仪
  9706. diagnostic thermoprecipitin ==> 热沉淀素诊断液
  9707. diagnostic tool ==> 分析工具
  9708. diagnostic treatment ==> 诊断性治疗
  9709. diagnostic tuberculin ==> 诊断用结核菌素,莫罗氏结核菌素
  9710. diagnostic use ==> 诊断利用
  9711. diagnostic x-ray apparatus ==> 诊断X线机
  9712. diagnostic X-ray unit ==> 诊断X线机
  9713. diagnostics ==> 诊断技术
  9714. diagonal ==> 对顶线,对角线,斜构件,中斜线=>斜め線,斜線,スラッシュ,対角線
  9715. diagonal approximation ==> 対角近似
  9716. diagonal arch ==> 对角拱
  9717. diagonal band ==> 对角钢筋带,斜角小带=>対角帯
  9718. diagonal bar ==> 斜列沙坝
  9719. diagonal beam ==> 斜束
  9720. diagonal bond ==> 对角砌合,对角式砌合法
  9721. diagonal brace ==> 对角撑,对角拉条,斜杆
  9722. diagonal bracing ==> 对角支撑=>斜材(鉄塔)
  9723. diagonal bridging ==> 剪刀撑
  9724. diagonal brush ==> 斜向电刷
  9725. diagonal conducting wall generator ==> 斜导电壁发电机
  9726. diagonal conjugate ==> 对角径
  9727. diagonal cracking ==> 对角裂缝
  9728. diagonal crossed ==> 对角交
  9729. diagonal cut ==> 对角线切削
  9730. diagonal cutter ==> 对角切割器
  9731. diagonal cutting nippers ==> 斜嘴钳
  9732. diagonal decomposition ==> 对角线分解
  9733. diagonal dross scar ==> (浮化玻璃缺陷)斜线道
  9734. diagonal element ==> 对角元素=>対角要素(行列)
  9735. diagonal entry ==> 对角线元素
  9736. diagonal expansion ==> 斜向发展,交叉扩展
  9737. diagonal eyepiece ==> 对角目镜,折轴目镜,棱镜目镜
  9738. diagonal fault ==> 斜断层,斜向断层
  9739. diagonal feed ==> 斜め送り
  9740. diagonal flange method ==> 斜配孔型轧制法
  9741. diagonal flow fan ==> 斜流ファン
  9742. diagonal flow turbine ==> 斜流涡轮机
  9743. diagonal flow water turbine ==> 斜流水車
  9744. diagonal frame ==> 斜めのフレーム
  9745. diagonal game ==> 对角线对策
  9746. diagonal glide plane ==> 对角滑移平面
  9747. diagonal grain ==> 对角纹理
  9748. diagonal harrowing ==> 斜向耙地
  9749. diagonal hobbing ==> 对角线滚削
  9750. diagonal horn ==> 对角喇叭,对角线极化喇叭
  9751. diagonal horn antenna ==> 对角喇叭天线
  9752. diagonal joint ==> 斜接头,斜节理,斜缝,混凝土坝在分层分块浇筑混凝土时,大致沿坝的主应力方向设置的施工缝
  9753. diagonal line ==> 对角线
  9754. diagonal map ==> 対角写像
  9755. diagonal matrix ==> 对角矩阵=>対角行列
  9756. diagonal matrix element ==> 対角行列要素
  9757. diagonal member ==> 斜构件,对角斜
  9758. diagonal micro instruction ==> 对角线型微指令
  9759. diagonal mirror ==> 对角镜
  9760. diagonal network ==> 对角线网络
  9761. diagonal pair ==> 对角对
  9762. diagonal pass ==> 对角孔型,斜置孔型
  9763. diagonal paving ==> 对角铺砌
  9764. diagonal pitch ==> 对角间距,斜齿纹
  9765. diagonal plane ==> 对角面,对角平面
  9766. diagonal plane of a polyhedron ==> 多面体的对角面
  9767. diagonal plywood ==> 斜纹胶合板
  9768. diagonal pouring ==> 斜缝浇筑,为斜柱体浇筑,上、下游块的接合面呈倾向下游的斜面,必须先浇上游块再浇下游块,斜缝施工比纵缝麻烦,因缝面的剪力很小,故有的斜缝不作灌浆处理
  9769. diagonal process ==> 对角线方法
  9770. diagonal reinforcement ==> 斜钢筋
  9771. diagonal ribs ==> 交叉肋,交叉穹肋
  9772. diagonal roll ==> 斜辊
  9773. diagonal scale ==> 斜线尺,对角线刻度
  9774. diagonal section ==> 对角截面
  9775. diagonal series ==> 对角线级数
  9776. diagonal set ==> 对角集合
  9777. diagonal shaving ==> 对角剃齿法
  9778. diagonal slating ==> 对角铺瓦做法
  9779. diagonal stay ==> 对角拉撑
  9780. diagonal stock ==> 脱方轧件
  9781. diagonal straight flange method ==> 直腿型钢斜轧法
  9782. diagonal stratification ==> 假层理
  9783. diagonal strut ==> 对角撑,对角支撑
  9784. diagonal surface ==> 对角线曲面
  9785. diagonal system ==> 斜置孔型系统
  9786. diagonal tension ==> 对角张力
  9787. diagonal topping ==> 斜切顶
  9788. diagonal triangle ==> 对边三角形
  9789. diagonal turbine ==> 斜流涡轮机
  9790. diagonal type MHD generator ==> ダイアゴナル形MHD発電機
  9791. diagonal ventilation ==> 对角式通风,对角式通风法
  9792. diagonal voltage (bridge) ==> 对角电压电桥
  9793. diagonal web member ==> 斜腹杆
  9794. diagonal winch ==> 斜置式绞车,斜置式蒸汽绞车
  9795. diagonal wire ==> 斜導体
  9796. diagonal wiring ==> 对角拉线
  9797. diagonal wrench ==> 活扳手
  9798. diagonal-beam pass ==> 斜置钢梁孔型
  9799. diagonal-dominant matrix ==> 对角占优势阵
  9800. diagonal-flow compressor ==> 斜流式压缩器
  9801. diagonal-flow generator ==> 斜流通风式发电机
  9802. diagonalizable matrix ==> 可对角化矩阵
  9803. diagonalization ==> 对角化,对角线化
  9804. diagonally braced frame ==> 对角拉条底架
  9805. diagonally dominant ==> 对角优势的
  9806. diagonally dominant matrix ==> 对角优势矩阵
  9807. diagonally dominant system of equation ==> 对角优势方程组
  9808. diagonally isotone mapping ==> 对角保序映射
  9809. diagonally m-block tridiagonal matrix ==> 对角m块三对角矩阵
  9810. diagonaly body break ==> 辊身对角折断
  9811. diagram ==> 线图,图,图表,曲线,图解,用图表示=>線図,列車ダイヤ
  9812. diagram factor ==> 功图因子
  9813. diagram flow ==> 操作程序图
  9814. diagram method ==> 图表法
  9815. diagram of component forces ==> 分力图
  9816. diagram of connections ==> 接线图
  9817. diagram of distribution system ==> 配電系統図
  9818. diagram of equilibrium ==> 平衡状态图
  9819. diagram of forces ==> 力的多角形
  9820. diagram of forgeability behaviour ==> 塑性图
  9821. diagram of heat flow ==> 热流图
  9822. diagram of leaf part ==> 叶部图解
  9823. diagram of link ==> 链接的图式
  9824. diagram of list ==> 列表的图式
  9825. diagram of node ==> 节点的图式
  9826. diagram of state ==> 状态图
  9827. diagram of structural information ==> 结构信息的图式
  9828. diagram of terminal connections ==> 端子接线图
  9829. diagram of work ==> 示功图
  9830. diagram on the plane of the celestial equator ==> 时间图
  9831. diagram paper ==> 电报纸
  9832. diagram stage ==> 图解阶段
  9833. diagrammatic curve ==> 图示曲线
  9834. diagrammatic decomposition method ==> 图表分解法,图解分解法
  9835. diagrammatic layout ==> 示意布局
  9836. diagrammatic plan ==> 示意平面,图解平面
  9837. diagrammatic presentation ==> 图示
  9838. diagrammatic representation ==> 图示,图示法,图形表示
  9839. diagrammatic representation of input-output ==> 投入产出表
  9840. diagrammatic section ==> 图解剖面
  9841. diagrammatic sketch ==> 示意图
  9842. diagrammatic view ==> 图解视图
  9843. diagrams ==> 图名
  9844. diagrid floor ==> 斜肋楼板
  9845. diakinesis stage ==> 终变期
  9846. dial ==> 刻度盘,钟面,数字盘,示数盘,标度盘,表盘,拨号盘,调节控制盘,针盘,分度盘,分划,号码盘,号盘,度盘=>目盛板,ダイヤル
  9847. dial (ga(u)ge) comparator ==> 带有千分度的比较仪
  9848. dial analogue indicator ==> 标度盘模拟指示器
  9849. dial balance ==> 标度盘秤,圆盘指针式天平
  9850. dial barometer ==> 气压表,气压指示计,槽式气压计
  9851. dial bench ga(u)ge ==> 台上指示表
  9852. dial cable ==> 表盘绳,拨号盘电缆
  9853. dial caliper ==> 带表卡尺
  9854. dial caliper guge ==> 带表内卡规
  9855. dial central office ==> 自动电话总局
  9856. dial clock work ==> 计数器的钟表结构
  9857. dial comparator micrometer ==> 度盘式比较千分尺
  9858. dial compass ==> 刻度规,刻度罗盘
  9859. dial condenser ==> 度盘式电容器,度盘式可变电容器
  9860. dial connection ==> 拨号式连接
  9861. dial cord ==> 拨号盘软线,拨号盘塞绳,刻度盘线
  9862. dial counter ==> 刻度盘式计数器,表盘式计数器,指针式计数器
  9863. dial depth gage ==> 深度千分表
  9864. dial digit ==> 拨号数位
  9865. dial disc ==> 刻度圆盘
  9866. dial drum ==> 刻度筒,刻度凸轮
  9867. dial dynamometer ==> 度盘式测力计
  9868. dial exchange ==> 自动交换区,拨号交换机
  9869. dial extensimeter ==> 测微引伸仪,刻度盘形变仪
  9870. dial face ==> 刻度盘面
  9871. dial foot ==> (钟)表盘面脚
  9872. dial foot (钟) ==> 表盘面脚
  9873. dial ga(u)ge ==> 度盘式指示器
  9874. dial ga(u)ge micrometer ==> 带表千分尺
  9875. dial ga(u)ge stand ==> 指数表架
  9876. dial gauge ==> 测微仪,刻度表,英制千分表
  9877. dial gauge comparator ==> 度盘规比较器
  9878. dial gauge stand ==> 千分表架
  9879. dial holder ==> 千分表架,仪表架
  9880. dial illumination ==> 仪表照明,刻度照明
  9881. dial impulse ==> 拨号脉冲
  9882. dial indicator ==> 标度盘指示器,百分表,刻度盘指示器,度盘式指示器,度盘指示器
  9883. dial inside micrometer ==> 表内径千分尺
  9884. dial instrument ==> 标度盘仪器,指针式仪表,度盘式仪表
  9885. dial jack ==> 拨号盘塞孔
  9886. dial jacks ==> 拨号塞孔
  9887. dial key ==> 拨号键
  9888. dial lamp ==> 刻度盘灯,度盘灯
  9889. dial leg ==> 拨号盘引线
  9890. dial light ==> 度盘照明
  9891. dial line ==> 交换线路,拨号线,拨号线路
  9892. dial lock ==> 标度锁挡,度盘锁档
  9893. dial measuring gauge ==> 标度盘量规
  9894. dial mercury sensing thermometer ==> 盘式水银传感温度计
  9895. dial needle ==> 刻度盘指针
  9896. dial of meter ==> 仪表刻度盘
  9897. dial of vertical adjustable screw ==> 垂直可调丝杠
  9898. dial office ==> 自动电话局,拨号局
  9899. dial pattern bridge ==> 插塞式电阻电桥
  9900. dial pilot lamp ==> 拨号指示灯
  9901. dial plate ==> 拨号盘,标度盘,标度盘,指针板,面板
  9902. dial pointer ==> 度盘指针
  9903. dial pulse ==> 拨号脉冲=>ダイヤルパルス
  9904. dial pulse interpreter ==> 拨号脉冲翻译器
  9905. dial pulsing ==> 拔号脉冲
  9906. dial pusle register ==> 拨号脉冲寄存器
  9907. dial register ==> 指针式计量装置,度盘式记录器=>指針形計量装置
  9908. dial scale ==> 度盘刻度,带表盘秤
  9909. dial scalel ==> 刻度盘
  9910. dial screw ==> 度盘螺钉
  9911. dial selector ==> 十进制步进式选择器
  9912. dial service assistant board ==> DSA台
  9913. dial set ==> 拨号机
  9914. dial sheet ==> 度盘座
  9915. dial sheet gauge ==> 厚薄指示表
  9916. dial signal ==> 拔号信号
  9917. dial snap ga(u)ge ==> 带表卡规,指示卡规
  9918. dial snap gauge ==> 千分表卡规
  9919. dial speed indicator ==> 拨号盘速率指示器
  9920. dial speed meter ==> 拨号盘速率测试器
  9921. dial switch ==> 拨号式开关,拨码盘式开关,盘式开关=>ダイヤル
  9922. dial system ==> 自動電話交換方式
  9923. dial system tandem operation ==> 自动转接的动作
  9924. dial telegraph ==> 自动电报机
  9925. dial telephone ==> 自動式電話機
  9926. dial telephone system ==> 自动电话系统
  9927. dial test indicator ==> 度盘式指示器,杠杆千分表
  9928. dial tester ==> 拨号盘试验机
  9929. dial thermometer ==> 表盘式温度计,指针式温度计,度盘式温度计
  9930. dial thickness gauge ==> 表盘式厚度规
  9931. dial thread indicator ==> 乱扣盘
  9932. dial tone ==> 拨号音=>発信音
  9933. dial tone connection ==> 発信音接続
  9934. dial tone marker ==> 拨号音标识器
  9935. dial transfer machine ==> 度盘式回转连续自动工作机床
  9936. dial type ==> 度盘式
  9937. dial type cylinder ga(u)ge ==> 圆盘式缸径规
  9938. dial type feed mechanism ==> 转盘式加料器
  9939. dial type indicator ==> 度盘式指示器
  9940. dial type resistor ==> 度盘式电阻器
  9941. dial type rheostat ==> 圆盘式变阻器
  9942. dial up line ==> 交换线路
  9943. dial vapor-pressure thermometer ==> 盘式蒸汽压力温度计
  9944. dial window ==> 刻度窗
  9945. DIAL, differential absorption lidar ==> 差別的吸収ライダー
  9946. dial-back trunk ==> 拨号回送干线
  9947. dial-digital thermometer ==> 度盘式数字温度计
  9948. dial-in cluster ==> 拨入群控器
  9949. dial-needle heat-efficiency meter ==> 度盘指针式热效率测定仪
  9950. dial-up ==> 拨号呼叫,拨码
  9951. dial-up line ==> 拨号线,拨号线路,交换线路
  9952. dial-up link ==> 拨号链路
  9953. dial-up terminal ==> 拨号终端
  9954. dialdehyde ==> 二醛
  9955. dialdehyde cellulose ==> 二醛基纤维素
  9956. dialect ==> 方言
  9957. dialectic ==> 弁証法
  9958. dialectic materialism ==> 弁証法的唯物論
  9959. dialectic order ==> 弁証論治
  9960. dialectic process ==> 弁証法的過程
  9961. dialectical anthropology ==> 辩证人类学
  9962. dialectical logic ==> 辩证逻辑
  9963. dialectics ==> 辩证法=>弁証法
  9964. dialectics of nature ==> 自然弁証法
  9965. dialed circuit ==> 拨号线路
  9966. dialed line ==> 拨号线,拨号线路,被叫用户
  9967. dialed number display ==> 拨号数字显示
  9968. dialer ==> 拔号器
  9969. DIALID, differential absorption LIDAR ==> 差別的吸収ライダー
  9970. dialin ==> 二氢化萘
  9971. dialing ==> 拔号
  9972. dialing adapter ==> 字盘式转接器
  9973. dialing area ==> 拨号范围
  9974. dialing in ==> 拨入
  9975. dialing key ==> 拨号键
  9976. dialing pulse ==> 拔号脉冲
  9977. dialing set computer ==> 排字盘式计算机
  9978. dialing signal ==> 拔号信号
  9979. dialing system ==> 拨号系统=>ダイヤル方式
  9980. dialkene ==> 二烯烃
  9981. dialkyl ==> 二烃基
  9982. dialkyl amine ==> 二烃基胺
  9983. dialkyl benzene ==> 二烷基苯
  9984. dialkyl mercury ==> 二烃基汞
  9985. dialkyl pyrophosphoric acid ==> 二烷基焦磷酸
  9986. dialkyl sulfates ==> 二烃基硫酸盐,二烃硫酸盐
  9987. dialkyl sulfide ==> 二烷基硫醚
  9988. dialkyl sulfone ==> 二烷基砜
  9989. dialkylate ==> 二烃基化合物
  9990. dialkylene ==> 二烯基
  9991. dialkylphosphate ==> 二烃基磷酸盐
  9992. dialkylphosphinate ==> 二烃基亚磷酸酯
  9993. diallet crossing ==> 双因子杂交
  9994. dialling ==> 罗盘导线测量
  9995. Diallist ==> 迪阿里司特镍铝钴铁合金
  9996. Diallocs ==> 戴洛陶瓷
  9997. Dialloy ==> 戴洛伊硬质合金
  9998. diallyl amine ==> 二烯丙基胺
  9999. diallyl aniline ==> N,N-二烯丙基苯胺
  10000. diallyl cyanamide ==> 二烯丙基氨腈
  10001. diallyl disulfide ==> 二硫化二烯丙基
  10002. diallyl maleate ==> 马来酸二烯丙酯
  10003. diallyl oxalate ==> 草酸二烯丙酯
  10004. diallyl phthalate (DAP) ==> 酞酸二烯丙酯
  10005. diallyl sulfide ==> 烯丙基化硫
  10006. diallyphthalate ==> 邻苯二甲酸二丙烯
  10007. dialog (dialogue) ==> 对话
  10008. dialog box ==> 对话框=>ダイアログボックス
  10009. dialog generator ==> 对话生成器
  10010. dialog mode ==> 对话方式
  10011. dialog programming ==> 会话式程序设计
  10012. dialog variable ==> 对话变量
  10013. dialogue ==> 对话
  10014. Dialogue concerning the Two Chief World Systems ==> 关于两大世界体系的对话,伽利略著
  10015. dialogue recording ==> 对话录声
  10016. dialp ulse incoming register ==> 拨号脉冲入局记录器
  10017. dialuric acid ==> 径尿酸,径尿酸
  10018. dialyneury ==> 神经吻合
  10019. dialypetalous flower ==> 离瓣花
  10020. dialysate ==> 透析液
  10021. dialyse ==> 透析,析离体
  10022. dialysis ==> 透析,渗透分析,渗析
  10023. dialystele ==> 离生中柱
  10024. dialyte lens ==> 分离透镜
  10025. dialyzable ==> 可透析的
  10026. dialyzate ==> 渗析液
  10027. dialyzer ==> 渗析膜,透析器
  10028. dialyzing shell ==> 渗析壳
  10029. diamagnetic ==> 抗磁的
  10030. diamagnetic alloy ==> 抗磁合金
  10031. diamagnetic anisotropy ==> 抗磁的各向异性
  10032. diamagnetic body ==> 抗磁体,反磁体
  10033. diamagnetic effect ==> 抗磁效应
  10034. diamagnetic Faraday effect ==> 抗磁性法拉第效应
  10035. diamagnetic gas ==> 抗磁的气体
  10036. diamagnetic ion ==> 抗磁的离子
  10037. diamagnetic loop ==> 抗磁圈
  10038. diamagnetic material ==> 抗磁材料,抗磁性材料,反磁材料,抗磁体=>反磁性体
  10039. diamagnetic moment ==> 逆磁矩
  10040. diamagnetic plasma ==> 抗磁等离子体
  10041. diamagnetic polarity ==> 抗磁极性
  10042. diamagnetic resonance ==> 回旋共振
  10043. diamagnetic shielding ==> 抗磁性屏蔽,反磁屏蔽
  10044. diamagnetic shift ==> 反磁位移
  10045. diamagnetic state ==> 抗磁态
  10046. diamagnetic substance ==> 抗磁体,抗磁物质,抗磁质,反磁质=>反磁性体
  10047. diamagnetic susceptibility ==> 抗磁化率
  10048. diamagnetism ==> 反磁性=>反磁性
  10049. diameter ==> 直径=>直径
  10050. diameter at butt-end ==> 干基直径
  10051. diameter at location of gasket load reaction ==> 垫片载荷作用位置处的直径
  10052. diameter breast height ==> 胸高直径
  10053. diameter class ==> 直径级,直径级木
  10054. diameter clearance ==> 直径留隙
  10055. diameter difference of cross section ==> 断面直径差
  10056. diameter group ==> 比直径
  10057. diameter growth ==> 直径生长
  10058. diameter increment percent ==> 直径生长率
  10059. diameter limit ==> 直径级界限,直径界限
  10060. diameter of anchor bolt hole ==> 地脚螺栓孔直径
  10061. diameter of axle ==> 轴径
  10062. diameter of bolt ==> 螺栓直径
  10063. diameter of bolt hole ==> 螺栓孔直径
  10064. diameter of centre hole in bolts ==> 螺栓中心圆直径
  10065. diameter of electrode ==> 焊条直径
  10066. diameter of hole ==> 最大孔径
  10067. diameter of inlet ==> 吸入口直径
  10068. diameter of lens ==> レンズ径
  10069. diameter of outflow tube ==> 出水管直径
  10070. diameter of outlet ==> 排气口直径
  10071. diameter of plunger ==> 柱塞直径
  10072. diameter of screw ==> 螺纹标称直径,螺旋直径
  10073. diameter of slot ==> 槽片直径
  10074. diameter of thread ==> 螺纹直径
  10075. diameter of wire ==> 电线直径
  10076. diameter of work ==> 工件直径
  10077. diameter over bark ==> 连皮直径
  10078. diameter pitch ==> 径节,径节,整节距,直径节距
  10079. diameter quotient ==> 直径率
  10080. diameter ratio ==> 直径比
  10081. diameter runout ==> 径向跳动,径向跳动
  10082. diameter sizer ==> 径选机,径选机,按直径分级机
  10083. diameter tape ==> 直径卷尺
  10084. diameter testing ga(u)ge ==> 量径规
  10085. diameter tolerance ==> 直径公差
  10086. diameter transversa ==> 横径
  10087. diameter under bark ==> 去皮直径
  10088. diameter-limit ==> 径级择伐,径级择伐
  10089. diametral ==> 直径的
  10090. diametral clearance ==> 径向间隙,径向间隙
  10091. diametral crushing test ==> 直径压碎试验
  10092. diametral curve ==> 沿径曲线
  10093. diametral pitch ==> 径节,径向角变量,径向角变量
  10094. diametral pitch system ==> 径节系统,径节系统
  10095. diametral plane ==> 切径平面,直径面
  10096. diametral quotient ==> 直径系数
  10097. diametral surface ==> 直径曲面
  10098. diametral system ==> 径节制,径节制
  10099. diametral voltage of polyphase system ==> 多相系的径电压
  10100. diametral winding ==> 全节矩绕组,整节距绕组,整距绕组
  10101. diametric projection ==> 径点互射影,径点互射影
  10102. diametric ratio of flange ==> 法兰径比
  10103. diametrical connection ==> 对角接,径向连接,沿径连接,对角接线
  10104. diametrical curve ==> 沿径曲线
  10105. diametrical pitch ==> 径节,径节,全节距,全距,整节距
  10106. diametrical voltage ==> 对径电压
  10107. diametrical winding ==> 满距绕组
  10108. diametrically opposite ==> 直径上对置的
  10109. diamicron tablet ==> 达美康片
  10110. diamide poisoning ==> 肼中毒,肼中毒
  10111. diamine ==> 二胺
  10112. diamine azoscarlet ==> 二氨偶氮猩红
  10113. diamine fast violet BBN ==> 蓝光直接紫
  10114. diamine oxidase ==> 二胺氧化酶=>ジアミンオキシダーゼ
  10115. diamino acid ==> 二氨基甲酸,二氨基酸
  10116. diamino dicarboxylic acid ==> 二氨基二羧酸
  10117. diamino monocarboxylic acid ==> 二氨基羧酸
  10118. diamino sulfonic acid ==> 二氨基磺酸
  10119. diamino-monophosphatide ==> 二氨-磷脂
  10120. diamino-phenylacetic acid ==> 二氨基苯乙酸
  10121. diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride ==> 二氨基联苯胺盐酸盐
  10122. diaminocaproic acid ==> 二氨基己酸
  10123. diaminodiphenyl ether ==> 二氨基二苯醚
  10124. diaminoethane, ethylenediamine, 1,2-ethanediamine ==> 乙二胺
  10125. diaminopimelate (DAP), diaminopimelic acid ==> 二氨基庚二酸盐
  10126. diaminopimelic acid ==> 二氨基庚二酸
  10127. diaminovaleric acid ==> 二氨基戊酸
  10128. diammine mercury chloride ==> 氯化二氨络(合)汞
  10129. diammine palladous bromide ==> 溴化二氨合钯,溴化二氨合钯
  10130. diammine palladous chloride ==> 二氯化二氨钯
  10131. diammine palladous hydroxide ==> 二羟二氨合钯
  10132. diamond ==> 两侧毛,菱纹呢,菱形,菱形组合,金刚石,金刚钻,斜方形钻石体铅字
  10133. diamond (pyramid) hardness (DPH) ==> 金刚钻角锥硬度
  10134. diamond and carbide tool boring machine ==> 金刚石和硬质合金刀具镗床
  10135. diamond antenna ==> 菱形天线
  10136. diamond array ==> 菱形阵
  10137. diamond bar ==> 菱形钢筋构件,菱形凸纹钢筋
  10138. diamond bearing ==> 金刚石轴承
  10139. diamond bit ==> 金刚石车刀,金刚钻钻头,尖凿
  10140. diamond blade ==> 金刚石刀片
  10141. diamond borer ==> 金刚石钻机
  10142. diamond boring ==> 金刚石镗孔
  10143. diamond boring machine ==> 金刚石镗床
  10144. diamond brace ==> 十字形拉条
  10145. diamond brake shoe ==> 金刚石闸瓦
  10146. diamond bronze (88% Cu, 10% Al, 2% Si) ==> 赛金刚青铜
  10147. diamond canker ==> 菱表溃疡
  10148. diamond chip ==> 金刚石片,金刚石支承履
  10149. Diamond chrome dye ==> 迪阿蒙德铬媒染料
  10150. diamond circuit ==> 桥形半波电路,菱形互补电路
  10151. diamond circular saw ==> 金刚石圆锯
  10152. diamond compact ==> 金刚石粉烧结体
  10153. diamond composition ==> 金刚石制品
  10154. diamond cone ==> 金刚石锥,金刚钻锥体
  10155. diamond core drill ==> 金刚石钻岩机
  10156. diamond crossing ==> 菱形交叉
  10157. diamond crown ==> 金刚石钻头
  10158. diamond crystal counter ==> 金刚石晶体计数器
  10159. diamond cubic ==> 菱形立方体
  10160. diamond cubic structure ==> 金刚石立方结构
  10161. diamond cutter ==> 金刚石刀具
  10162. diamond cutting ==> 金刚石切割
  10163. diamond cutting machine ==> 金刚石切割机
  10164. diamond die ==> 金刚石拉模
  10165. diamond die polishing machine ==> 金刚石拉丝模抛光机
  10166. diamond disease ==> 猪丹毒=>菱形皮膚病
  10167. diamond drawing plate ==> 金刚石拉模
  10168. diamond dresser ==> 金刚石修整工具
  10169. diamond dressing ==> 金刚石整修
  10170. diamond drill ==> 金刚石钻机
  10171. diamond drilling ==> 金刚石钻进
  10172. diamond dust ==> 金刚石粉末,冰晶尘
  10173. diamond finishing bur ==> 钻石精修钻
  10174. diamond form ==> 金刚石成形修整器
  10175. diamond fret ==> 菱形回纹饰
  10176. diamond glass cutter ==> 金刚石玻璃刀
  10177. diamond grain ==> 金刚砂
  10178. diamond green ==> 金刚绿
  10179. diamond grinding wheel ==> 金刚石砂轮
  10180. diamond grinding wheel dresser ==> 金刚石砂轮整形器
  10181. diamond grit ==> 金刚石粒度,金刚石磨料粒
  10182. diamond hammer ==> 金刚石冲头
  10183. diamond hand tool ==> 金刚石手工具
  10184. diamond hardness ==> 维氏硬度,金刚钻石角锥硬度
  10185. diamond heatsink ==> 菱形散热片
  10186. diamond holder ==> 金刚石夹具
  10187. diamond indenter ==> 金刚石压头,金刚石压痕计
  10188. diamond insert ==> 菱形插头
  10189. diamond instrument ==> 钻石器械
  10190. diamond interchange ==> 菱形立体交叉
  10191. diamond joint ==> 菱形砌缝
  10192. diamond knurls ==> 金刚石滚花刀
  10193. diamond lap ==> 金刚石研磨器
  10194. diamond lapping machine ==> 金刚石研磨机
  10195. diamond lathe ==> 金刚石车床
  10196. diamond lattice ==> 金刚石点阵,金刚石晶格
  10197. diamond marking ==> 金刚石压花
  10198. diamond mesh ==> 菱形钢板网,菱形金属网
  10199. diamond mesh reflector ==> 菱形网状反射器
  10200. diamond mortar ==> 冲击钵
  10201. diamond nib ==> 金刚钻钻头
  10202. diamond orientation ==> 金刚石定向
  10203. diamond panel ==> 菱形镶板
  10204. diamond pass ==> 菱形孔型
  10205. diamond paste ==> 金刚石磨浆,金刚石研磨膏
  10206. diamond pattern ==> 金刚石花型,金刚石模式
  10207. diamond pattern knurling ==> 金刚石滚花
  10208. diamond pavement ==> 菱形铺砌
  10209. diamond penetrator ==> 金刚石压头
  10210. diamond penetrator hardness ==> 维氏金刚石硬度
  10211. diamond plate ==> 钻石砣盘,金刚石板
  10212. diamond point ==> 金刚石头
  10213. diamond point chisel ==> 金刚石尖头凿,菱形錾
  10214. diamond points ==> 钻石砂石针
  10215. diamond polishing ==> 金刚砂抛光
  10216. diamond polishing powder ==> 金刚石抛光粉
  10217. diamond powder ==> 金刚石粉末
  10218. diamond pyramid ==> 金刚石锥体
  10219. diamond pyramid hardness ==> 金刚石角锥硬度
  10220. diamond reamer ==> 金刚石铰刀
  10221. diamond ring effect ==> 金刚石环效应
  10222. diamond rivet(t)ing ==> 菱形铆接
  10223. diamond saw ==> 金刚石锯
  10224. diamond scribe tool ==> 金刚石划片器
  10225. diamond scriber ==> 金刚石划片器
  10226. diamond scribing ==> 金刚石划片
  10227. diamond setter ==> 钻石安装工
  10228. diamond size ==> 钻石粒度
  10229. diamond skin disease ==> 猪丹毒病=>菱形皮膚病
  10230. diamond spar ==> 刚玉
  10231. diamond spinning tool ==> 尖头旋压工具
  10232. diamond stick ==> 金刚石磨条,金刚石油石
  10233. diamond stop ==> 菱形光栏
  10234. diamond structure ==> 金刚石结构=>ダイヤモンド構造
  10235. diamond stylus ==> 金刚石笔,金刚石唱针,金刚石触针,宝石唱针
  10236. diamond tool ==> 金刚石车刀
  10237. diamond tool holder ==> 金刚石刀夹
  10238. diamond tool lathe ==> 金刚石刀车床
  10239. diamond training ==> 字形整枝
  10240. diamond turning ==> 金刚石车削
  10241. diamond washer ==> 金刚石洗选机
  10242. diamond weave coil ==> 菱形编织线圈
  10243. diamond wheel ==> 钻石砂轮
  10244. diamond winding ==> 菱形绕组,模绕组,模型绕组
  10245. diamond wooden bar ==> 菱形木花格
  10246. diamond-anvil cell ==> 金刚石砧压槽
  10247. diamond-back moth ==> 菜蛾
  10248. diamond-charged ring tool ==> 金刚石环形刀具
  10249. diamond-head buttress dam ==> 大头坝
  10250. diamond-impregnated blade ==> 金刚砂刀片
  10251. diamond-impregnated composition ==> 镶嵌金刚石的制品
  10252. diamond-impregnated tool ==> 金刚石掺结磨具
  10253. diamond-impregnated wheel ==> 金刚石磨轮
  10254. diamond-knurled ==> 交叉滚花
  10255. diamond-like carbon ==> ダイヤモンド状炭素膜
  10256. diamond-mesh lath ==> 菱形钢板网
  10257. diamond-mesh reflector ==> 菱形栅反射器
  10258. diamond-shape ==> 斜方形
  10259. diamond-shaped ==> 菱形
  10260. diamond-shaped knurling ==> 菱形滚花
  10261. diamond-shaped murmur ==> 菱型杂音
  10262. diamond-shaped pane of glass ==> 菱形玻璃片
  10263. diamond-shaped window pane ==> 菱形窗玻璃
  10264. diamond-square passes ==> 菱方系统孔型
  10265. diamond-type coil ==> 菱形线圈
  10266. diamond-type diesel engine ==> 菱形柴油机
  10267. diamox capsule ==> 丹木斯胶囊
  10268. diamyl disulfide ==> 二戊基二硫
  10269. diamyl ester ==> 二戊酯
  10270. diamyl ether ==> 二戊醚
  10271. diamyl phenol ==> 二戊基酚
  10272. Dianix dye ==> (日)大爱尼克司染料
  10273. dianoetic ==> 智力的
  10274. dianthranilic acid ==> 二羧甲基邻氨基苯甲酸
  10275. diantipyryl methane ==> 二安替比林基代甲烷
  10276. diapause ==> 滞育(昆虫生长的停滞期),间歇期
  10277. diapause hormone ==> 滞育激素
  10278. diaper bond ==> 菱形砌合
  10279. diaper dermatitis ==> 湮尻疮,尿布红斑,尿布皮炎
  10280. diaper work ==> 菱形组饰
  10281. diaper work of bricklaying ==> 菱形砖砌图案
  10282. diaper-work ==> 菱形花纹装饰
  10283. diapered type brick paver ==> 菱形铺地砖
  10284. diaphanous view ==> 透视图
  10285. diaphonic paper ==> 薄彩色纸
  10286. diaphoretic function ==> 发汗机能
  10287. diaphoretic volume ==> 发汗量
  10288. diaphragm ==> 横膈,隔光器,隔膜,光阑,光圈,膜片,膜式泵,电池隔板,遮光板,遮水板,薄膜,膈,膈肌,隔板,冲动式汽轮机汽缸中用来固定喷嘴或导叶,并形成汽轮机各级之间压力差的分隔部件=>振動板,隔膜,振動膜,ダイヤフラム
  10289. diaphragm accelerometer ==> 膜盒加速度计,膜式加速计
  10290. diaphragm accumulator ==> 膜片式蓄压器
  10291. diaphragm actrator ==> 薄膜执行机构
  10292. diaphragm adjusting lever ==> 光阑调节杆
  10293. diaphragm and piston-type pulsator ==> 薄膜和活塞式脉动器
  10294. diaphragm aperture ==> 光阑孔径
  10295. diaphragm baffle ==> 挡气膜,薄膜挡圈
  10296. diaphragm barometer ==> 膜片式气压计
  10297. diaphragm blast gauge ==> 膜片式风压表
  10298. diaphragm box level controller ==> 膜盒式料位控制器,气压型鼓膜液面控制器
  10299. diaphragm brake chamber ==> 膜片式制动气室
  10300. diaphragm capsule ==> 膜盒
  10301. diaphragm capsule type level gauge ==> 膜盒式液位计
  10302. diaphragm carrier ring ==> 隔板套,外缘嵌装在汽缸槽内,安装多级隔板的中间支撑体
  10303. diaphragm case ==> 送话器盒,振膜盒
  10304. diaphragm cell ==> 隔膜电池,隔膜电解槽
  10305. diaphragm chamber ==> 薄膜盒
  10306. diaphragm chuck ==> 薄板式夹头,薄膜式夹具,膜板式夹头
  10307. diaphragm compressor ==> 膜片式压缩机,膜式压缩机,隔膜式压气机=>ダイヤフラム圧縮機
  10308. diaphragm current ==> 隔膜电流
  10309. diaphragm damage ==> 隔板损坏,隔板被磨损或断裂,丧失工作能力的失效现象
  10310. diaphragm draught gauge ==> 膜式通风计
  10311. diaphragm effect ==> ダイヤフラム効果
  10312. diaphragm electrolyzer ==> 隔膜电解槽
  10313. diaphragm expansion joint ==> 膜片胀缩接合
  10314. diaphragm float ==> (流速仪率定车上的)隔板浮子
  10315. diaphragm for excess pressure head ==> 超压膜
  10316. diaphragm fuel pump ==> 膜片燃料泵,膜片式燃料泵
  10317. diaphragm gage ==> 薄膜式压力计
  10318. diaphragm gas meter ==> 膜盒式煤气表,隔膜煤气计
  10319. diaphragm gauge ==> 膜盒式压力计,膜盒真空计,膜片式压力计,薄膜压力计
  10320. diaphragm horn ==> 膜片喇叭
  10321. diaphragm jig ==> 隔膜式跳汰机
  10322. diaphragm knapsack sprayer ==> 背负式膜片泵喷雾机
  10323. diaphragm level gauge ==> 膜片式液位计
  10324. diaphragm logic element ==> 薄膜逻辑元件
  10325. diaphragm manometer ==> 膜片式压力表,膜片压力表
  10326. diaphragm meter ==> 膜片式计量器,隔膜流量表
  10327. diaphragm mode filter ==> 隔膜型滤波器
  10328. diaphragm molding ==> 膜压造型
  10329. diaphragm motor ==> 膜片阀控制电动机,光阑驱动电动机
  10330. diaphragm moulding machine ==> 膜压造型机
  10331. diaphragm of sella turcica ==> 鞍膈
  10332. diaphragm orifice ==> 光阑孔
  10333. diaphragm packing ring ==> 迷宫式隔板汽封环
  10334. diaphragm paper ==> 隔膜纸
  10335. diaphragm pneumatic logic element ==> 膜盒式逻辑元件
  10336. diaphragm pressure ==> 薄膜压力
  10337. diaphragm pressure gage ==> 膜合式压力计
  10338. diaphragm pressure gauge ==> 膜片式压力计
  10339. diaphragm pressure metering ==> 薄膜压力调节
  10340. diaphragm pressure sensor ==> ダイヤフラム圧力センサー
  10341. diaphragm pressure span ==> 膜片压力量程
  10342. diaphragm pulsator ==> 薄膜式脉动器
  10343. diaphragm pump ==> 膜片泵,隔膜泵,隔膜式泵=>ダイヤフラムポンプ
  10344. diaphragm regulating valve ==> 膜片调节阀
  10345. diaphragm regulator ==> 膜片调节器
  10346. diaphragm relay ==> 膜片式继电器
  10347. diaphragm retrofit ==> 隔膜法改型
  10348. diaphragm screen ==> 平筛
  10349. diaphragm seal ==> 密封膜,密封片,膜片密封,薄膜密封,隔板汽封,隔板内圆面或静叶片环内圆面与转子或轮毂外圆面之间用来限制级与级之间漏汽的汽封
  10350. diaphragm seal flowmeter ==> 膜片式密封流量计
  10351. diaphragm seal pressure gage ==> 隔膜密封压力计
  10352. diaphragm seal(pressure) gauge ==> 隔膜压力表
  10353. diaphragm sealed displacement transmitter ==> 密封膜片容积式液位传感器
  10354. diaphragm setting ==> 光阑定位
  10355. diaphragm shell moulding machine ==> 膜压壳型机
  10356. diaphragm shutter ==> 光圈快门
  10357. diaphragm spot ==> 阑影圈
  10358. diaphragm sprayer ==> 膜片泵喷雾机
  10359. diaphragm spring ==> 膜片弹簧,隔膜簧=>ダイヤフラムスプリング
  10360. diaphragm spring clutch ==> 膜片弹簧式离合器
  10361. diaphragm steel ==> (含34%Si)电话薄膜钢
  10362. diaphragm strain gauge ==> 膜片式应变计,膜式应变计
  10363. diaphragm switch ==> 薄片开关
  10364. diaphragm thickness ==> ダイヤフラム厚
  10365. diaphragm type ==> 膜片式,膜式,隔膜式
  10366. diaphragm type accelerometer ==> 膜片式加速表
  10367. diaphragm type accumulator ==> 膜片式储能器
  10368. diaphragm type compressor ==> 膜片式压缩机
  10369. diaphragm type detecting element ==> 膜片式检出部
  10370. diaphragm type differential pressure gauge ==> 膜片式差压计
  10371. diaphragm type fuel pump ==> 膜片式燃油泵,膜片式油泵
  10372. diaphragm type gas meter ==> 膜片式煤气表,膜片式气量计
  10373. diaphragm type level meter ==> 薄膜水位计,膜片式液位计
  10374. diaphragm type metering pump ==> 膜片式计量泵
  10375. diaphragm type micromanometer ==> 膜片式微压计
  10376. diaphragm type paint sprayer ==> 膜片式喷漆器
  10377. diaphragm type pressure balance detector ==> 膜片式压力平衡检测器
  10378. diaphragm type pressure sensor ==> 膜片式压力传感器
  10379. diaphragm type servomotor ==> 薄膜式
  10380. diaphragm type sludge pump ==> 隔膜式污泥泵
  10381. diaphragm type wind pressure gauge ==> 膜片式风压表
  10382. diaphragm type-pressure gauge ==> 膜片式压力计
  10383. diaphragm vacuum gauge ==> 膜片式真空计
  10384. diaphragm valve ==> 膜片阀,膜式阀,隔膜阀,薄膜活门
  10385. diaphragm valves ==> 隔膜阀
  10386. diaphragm wall ==> 隔水墙
  10387. diaphragm-actuated regulator ==> 薄膜调节器
  10388. diaphragm-ejector amplifier ==> 膜片喷射放大器
  10389. diaphragm-operated ==> 薄膜传动
  10390. diaphragm-operating mechanism ==> 薄膜致动机构
  10391. diaphragm-spot ==> 栏影圈
  10392. diaphragm-transmitted sound ==> 膜片振动音
  10393. diaphragm-type accelerometer ==> 膜盒式加速表
  10394. diaphragm-type carburettor ==> 薄膜式汽化器
  10395. diaphragm-type cellular cofferdam ==> 隔墙式格型围堰
  10396. diaphragm-type compressor ==> 薄膜式压缩机
  10397. diaphragm-type power brake ==> 膜片式动力制动器
  10398. diaphragm-type pressure gage ==> 膜盒式压力计,薄膜式压力计
  10399. diaphragm-type pressure gauge ==> 膜盒式压力表
  10400. diaphragma sellae ==> 鞍膈
  10401. diaphragmatic eventration ==> 横膈膨出,膈膨升,膈突出
  10402. diaphragmatic fascia ==> 膈筋膜
  10403. diaphragmatic hernia ==> 膈疝
  10404. diaphragmatic part of pleura ==> 胸膜隔部
  10405. diaphragmatic peritonitis ==> 膈性腹膜炎
  10406. diaphragmatic prosthesis ==> 人工横膈
  10407. diaphragmatic sign ==> 膈运动征
  10408. diaphragmatic surface ==> 膈面
  10409. diaphragmatic type ==> 膈膜型
  10410. diaphragmatic type of mitral stenosis ==> 隔膜型二尖瓣狭窄
  10411. diaphragmatic waveguide ==> 膜片加截波导
  10412. diaphragmpiezo microphone ==> 压电膜片传声器
  10413. diaphragram lens ==> 光阑透镜
  10414. diaphysial center of ossification ==> 干骨化中心
  10415. diaphysial-epiphysial fusion ==> 骨干骺融合术
  10416. diapir structure ==> 底辟构造
  10417. diapiric fold ==> 底辟,底辟褶皱,挤入褶皱
  10418. diaplacental infection ==> 经胎盘感染,经胎盘感染
  10419. Diapolon dye ==> (日)大爱波龙染料
  10420. diapositive plate ==> 反底片
  10421. DIAPR, data integrity and privacy requirement ==> データ完全性と機密要求条件
  10422. diarrhea ==> 腹泻=>下痢
  10423. diarrhea (of children) induced by fright ==> 惊泻
  10424. diarrhea alba ==> 白色泻
  10425. diarrhea associated with menstruation ==> 经行泄泻
  10426. diarrhea chylosa ==> 乳糜腹泻
  10427. diarrhea condition ==> 下痢状況
  10428. diarrhea due to cold of insufficiency type ==> 虚寒洞泄
  10429. diarrhea due to disorder of qi ==> 气痢
  10430. diarrhea following gastrointestinal operation ==> 胃肠道手术后腹泻
  10431. diarrhea in children ==> 小児下痢症
  10432. diarrhea pancreatica ==> 胰性腹泻
  10433. diarrhea patient ==> 下痢患者
  10434. diarrheogenic tumor of pancreas ==> 胰致腹泻瘤
  10435. diary method ==> 日记法
  10436. diary of the reporting household ==> 报告户日记帐
  10437. diaryl ==> 二芳基
  10438. diaryl arsenious acid ==> 二芳基亚胂酸
  10439. diaryl arsine oxyhalide ==> 二芳基胂化氧卤
  10440. diaryl hydroxy arsine ==> 二芳基亚胂酸
  10441. diarylhydrazine rearrangement ==> 二芳基肼重排作用
  10442. DIAS, Dynamic Interaction Analysis support System ==> DIAS
  10443. diaschistic dyke rock ==> 二分脉岩
  10444. diaschistic dyke rocks ==> 分浆脉岩
  10445. diascoptic lighting ==> 透射光,透射光
  10446. diaspore ==> 水铝石
  10447. diastase of malt ==> 麦芽淀粉酶
  10448. diastasis cordis ==> 心舒张后期
  10449. diastasis periostalis ==> 骨膜脱离
  10450. diastereomeric form ==> 非对映形
  10451. diastolic pressure ==> 舒张压
  10452. diastolic volume ==> 心舒容积
  10453. diastrophic cycle ==> 地壳运动旋回
  10454. diastrophic dwarfism ==> 変形性小人症
  10455. DIASYS ==> (三菱重工)メインコントローラ
  10456. diathering machine ==> 诊断用振荡器
  10457. diathermal ==> 透热的
  10458. diathermancy ==> 透热性
  10459. diathermanous ==> 透热的
  10460. diathermanous body ==> 透热体
  10461. diathermic ==> 透热的
  10462. diathermic surgery ==> 外科透热法
  10463. diathermic wall ==> 绝热壁,绝热壁
  10464. diathermy ==> 透热疗法=>ジアテルミー,高周波電気治療を総称する用語としてdiathermyジアテルミーが用いられる。電気外科が外科的ジアテルミー、超短波治療とマイクロ波照射が内科的ジアテルミーと呼ばれる。
  10465. diathermy apparatus ==> 透热器,中波电疗机
  10466. diathermy interference ==> 电疗器械干扰
  10467. diathermy machine ==> 电热疗机,透热机
  10468. diatom ==> 硅藻
  10469. diatom analysis ==> 硅藻分析
  10470. diatom earth ==> 硅藻土
  10471. diatom ooze ==> 硅藻软泥
  10472. diatom-earth ==> 云母
  10473. Diatomacae ==> 硅藻纲
  10474. Diatomaceae ==> 硅藻科
  10475. diatomaceous ==> 塑钢土
  10476. diatomaceous concrete ==> 硅藻土混凝土
  10477. diatomaceous earth ==> 硅藻土
  10478. diatomaceous earth filter ==> 硅藻土过滤池
  10479. diatomaceous earth insulating material ==> 硅藻土保温材料
  10480. diatomaceous ooze ==> 硅藻软泥
  10481. diatomaceous shale ==> 硅藻页岩
  10482. diatomaceous support ==> 硅藻土载体
  10483. Diatomeae ==> 硅藻类
  10484. diatomic ==> 二价,二原子的,双原子
  10485. diatomic acid ==> 二价酸
  10486. diatomic alcohol ==> 二元醇
  10487. diatomic excimer ==> 二原子准分子
  10488. diatomic molecule ==> 二原子分子,双原子分子
  10489. diatomic molecules gas laser ==> 二原子气体激光器
  10490. diatomic sulfur ==> 双原子硫化物
  10491. diatomics-in-molecule method ==> 分子中双原子法
  10492. diatomite ==> 硅藻土
  10493. diatomite asbestos plaster ==> 硅藻土石棉灰浆
  10494. diatomite brick ==> 硅藻土砖
  10495. diatomite filter ==> 硅藻土滤层
  10496. diatomite heat insulator ==> 硅藻土保温材料
  10497. diatomite in powder ==> 硅藻土粉
  10498. diatomite insulating block ==> 硅藻土保温砖
  10499. diatomite insulating brick ==> 硅藻土保温砖
  10500. diatomite support ==> 硅藻土载体
  10501. diatrizoic acid ==> 泛影酸
  10502. Diatto surface-contact system ==> 迪阿托面接触系统
  10503. diauxic growth ==> 二峰生长
  10504. diauxic growth curve ==> 二次生长曲线,二峰生长曲线
  10505. diazamine brilliant black ==> 重氮胺亮黑
  10506. diazepam tablet ==> 安定片
  10507. diazo acetate ==> 重氮基乙酸盐
  10508. diazo benzene acid ==> 苯重氮酸
  10509. diazo brilliant green ==> 重氮亮绿
  10510. diazo brilliant green 3G ==> 重氮亮绿3G
  10511. diazo colour ==> 重氮染料
  10512. diazo document copying machine ==> 重氮基资料复印机,重氮资料复印机
  10513. diazo dye ==> 显色染料
  10514. diazo fast bordeaux BL ==> 重氮坚牢枣红BL
  10515. diazo film ==> 重氮胶卷
  10516. diazo indigo blue 4GL ==> 重氮靛蓝4GL
  10517. diazo paper ==> 重氮复印纸
  10518. diazo printing apparatus ==> 重氮晒图装置
  10519. diazo printing machine ==> 重氮晒图机
  10520. diazo process ==> 重氮处理,重氮基处理,重氮照相法,熏晒图重氮方法
  10521. diazo reproduction machine ==> 重氮复印机
  10522. diazo-printer ==> 重氮复印机
  10523. diazo-reaction ==> 重氮化反应
  10524. diazo-thermography ==> 重氮热敏成相法
  10525. diazobenzene hydroxide ==> 氢氧化重氮苯
  10526. diazobenzene sulfonic acid ==> 重氮苯磺酸
  10527. diazogen blue ==> 重氮精蓝
  10528. diazol fast orange ==> 重氮盐坚牢橙
  10529. diazol light orange ==> 重氮盐浅橙
  10530. diazol light yellow ==> 重氮盐浅黄
  10531. diazonium salt ==> 重氮盐
  10532. diazooxonor leucine ==> 重氮氧代己氨酸
  10533. diazosalicylic acid ==> 重氮水杨酸
  10534. diazotable dye ==> 重氮染料
  10535. diazotic acid ==> 重氮酸
  10536. diazotization titration method ==> 重氮化滴定法
  10537. diazotype process ==> 重氮盐印相法
  10538. dibasic acid ==> 二元酸
  10539. dibasic acid ester ==> 二元酸酯
  10540. dibasic alcohol ==> 二元醇
  10541. dibasic lead phosphite ==> 二盐基亚磷酸铅
  10542. dibasic magnesium citrate ==> 柠檬酸镁二代盐
  10543. dibble application ==> 埯施肥
  10544. dibble beans ==> 埯豆
  10545. dibble seeding ==> 点播,穴播
  10546. dibble sowing ==> 埯播
  10547. dibble stick ==> 小手铲
  10548. dibbled planting ==> 点播
  10549. dibbling machine ==> 作穴机
  10550. dibenzhydroxamic acid ==> 二苯甲氧肟酸
  10551. dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) ==> 二苯并-18-冠醚-6
  10552. dibenzothiazyl disulfide ==> 二硫化二苯并噻唑
  10553. dibenzothiazyl-dimethyl-thiourea ==> 二苯并噻唑基二甲基硫脲
  10554. dibenzothiazyl-disulfide ==> 二硫化二苯并噻唑基
  10555. dibenzoyl disulfide ==> 二苯甲酰二硫
  10556. dibenzoyl methane ==> 二苯甲酰甲烷
  10557. dibenzoyl peroxide ==> 过氧化二苯酰
  10558. dibenzoyl-ethylene ==> 二苯甲酰乙烯
  10559. dibenzoyl-stilbene ==> 二苯甲酰芪
  10560. dibenzyl amine ==> 二苄胺
  10561. dibenzyl disulfide ==> 二苄二硫,二苄基二硫醚
  10562. dibenzyl ether ==> 二苄醚
  10563. diboron hexahydride ==> 乙硼烷
  10564. dibromc-8-hydroxyquinoline ==> 二溴-8-羟基喹啉
  10565. dibromhphenolindophenol sodium salt ==> 二溴酚吲哚酚钠
  10566. dibromo ether ==> 二溴醚
  10567. dibromo-acetyl bromide ==> 二溴乙酰溴
  10568. dibromo-butyric acid ==> 二溴丁酸
  10569. dibromo-cinnamic acid ==> 二溴肉桂酸
  10570. dibromo-malonyl bromide ==> 二溴丙二酰溴
  10571. dibromo-succinic acid ==> 二溴丁二酸
  10572. dibromoacetic acid ==> 二溴乙酸
  10573. dibromoanthranilic acid ==> 二溴邻氨基苯甲酸
  10574. dibromobenzoic acid ==> 二溴苯甲酸
  10575. dibromocresyl glycidyl ether ==> 二溴甲苯基缩水甘油醚
  10576. dibromodifluoro methane ==> 二溴二氟甲烷
  10577. dibromodiphenyl ether ==> 二溴二苯醚
  10578. dibromoethyl alcohol ==> 二溴乙醇
  10579. dibromomaleic acid ==> 二溴马来酸
  10580. dibromomalonic acid ==> 二溴丙二酸
  10581. dibromophenolindophenol sodium salt ==> 二溴靛酚钠
  10582. dibromophenyl-propionic acid ==> 二溴苯基丙酸
  10583. dibromopyruvic acid ==> 二溴丙酮酸
  10584. dibromoquine-4-chlorimide ==> 二溴醌氯亚胺
  10585. dibromotetrafluoroethane (halon 2402) (C2F4Br2) ==> 二溴四氟乙烷(哈龙2402)
  10586. dibutoline sulfate ==> 地布托林硫酸盐
  10587. dibutoxy ethyl sebacate ==> 癸二酸二丁氧基乙酯
  10588. dibutyl ==> ジブチル
  10589. dibutyl acetamide ==> 二丁基乙酰胺
  10590. dibutyl adipate ==> アジピン酸ジブチル
  10591. dibutyl amine ==> 二丁胺
  10592. dibutyl disulfide ==> 二丁二硫
  10593. dibutyl ether ==> 二丁醚=>ジブチル・エーテル
  10594. dibutyl formamide ==> 二丁基甲酰胺
  10595. dibutyl fumarate ==> フマル酸ジブチル
  10596. dibutyl hydroxy toluene ==> 二丁基羟基甲苯
  10597. dibutyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) ==> 二丁基羟甲苯
  10598. dibutyl maleate ==> マレイン酸ジブチル
  10599. dibutyl oxalate ==> シュウ酸ジブチル
  10600. dibutyl sulfone ==> 二丁砜
  10601. dibutyl xanthogen disulfide ==> 二硫化二丁基黄原酸
  10602. dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate ==> 二丁酰环磷酸腺苷=>ジブチリル環状AMP
  10603. dic ==> 数字集成电路
  10604. DIC ==> 播种性血管内凝固综合症=>播種性血管内凝固症候群
  10605. DIC syndrome ==> 弥漫性血管内凝血综合征
  10606. dicacodyl oxide ==> 卡可基氧(化物)
  10607. dicalcium phosphate (dental grade) ==> (牙膏级)磷酸氢钙
  10608. dicalcium phosphate (牙膏级),(dental ==> grade)磷酸氢钙
  10609. dicalcium silicate ==> 硅酸二钙
  10610. dicarboxylic acid ==> 二羧酸
  10611. dicarboxylic ester ==> 二羧酸酯
  10612. dicaryotic phase ==> 双核期
  10613. diccoutinue fertilizer ==> 中断肥料供应
  10614. dice ==> 芯片=>ダイス,ばくち,I cannot believe that God would choose to play dice with the universe.--Albert Einstein
  10615. dice yield ==> 芯片成品率
  10616. DICE-K ==> ダイスケ,脳の神経回路のスイッチを自在に「オン」「オフ」する遺伝子操作技術(利根川教授)
  10617. dicer ==> 切片机
  10618. dichlone,2,3-dichloro 1,4-naphthoquinone ==> 二氯萘醌
  10619. dichlor benzene hydrochloride ==> 盐酸二氯苯
  10620. dichlorbenzol hydrochloride ==> 盐酸二氯苯
  10621. dichlord isocyanurice acid ==> 二氯异氰尿酸
  10622. dichlorethyl ether ==> 二氯乙醚
  10623. dichloro acetaldehyde ==> 二氯乙醛
  10624. dichloro acetamide ==> 二氯乙酰胺
  10625. dichloro ester ==> 二氯酯
  10626. dichloro ether ==> 二氯代醚
  10627. dichloro-1-naphthol ==> 二氯-1-萘酚
  10628. dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline ==> 二氯-8-羟基喹啉
  10629. dichloro-dipropyl ether ==> 二氯二丙醚
  10630. dichloro-isocrotonic acid ==> 二氯异巴豆酸
  10631. dichloro-malic acid ==> 二氯苹果酸
  10632. dichloro-succinic acid ==> 二氯代丁二酸
  10633. dichloroacetic acid ==> 二氯乙酸
  10634. dichlorobenzidine hydrochloride ==> 二氯联苯胺盐酸盐
  10635. dichlorobenzoic acid ==> 二氯苯甲酸
  10636. dichlorobenzoyl peroxide ==> 过氧化二氯苯甲酰
  10637. dichlorodiethyl ether ==> 二氯二乙醚
  10638. dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC12) (CF2Cl2) ==> 二氯二氟甲烷
  10639. dichloroethane poisoning ==> 二氯乙烷中毒
  10640. dichloroethyl ether ==> 二氯乙醚
  10641. dichlorohexafluoropropane (CFC216) (C3F6Cl2) ==> 二氯六氟丙烷
  10642. dichloromaleic acid ==> 二氯马来酸
  10643. dichlorophenyl sulfonic acid ==> 二氯苯肼磺酸
  10644. dichloropropionic acid ==> 二氯丙酸
  10645. dichlorotetrafluoroethane (CFC114) (C2F4Cl2) ==> 二氯四氟乙烷
  10646. dichlorphenoxyacetic acid ==> 二氯苯氧乙酸
  10647. dichlorvos ==> 敌敌畏=>ジクロルボス
  10648. dichlorvos decomposition ==> ジクロルボス分解
  10649. dichlorvos resin ==> ジクロルボス樹脂
  10650. dichlorvos-induced ==> ジクロルボス誘導の
  10651. dichotomic variable ==> 二分变量
  10652. dichotomizing search ==> 二分探索
  10653. dichotomous choice method ==> 二项选择法
  10654. dichotomous classification ==> 两分法分类
  10655. dichotomous key ==> 分叉式检索表
  10656. dichotomous population ==> 二分总体,二项总体
  10657. dichotomy of variables ==> 变量的均分
  10658. dichotomy system ==> 二分系统
  10659. dichroic beam splitter ==> 分色光束分离器,二色分光镜
  10660. dichroic beamsplitter ==> 二向色分光镜
  10661. dichroic cross ==> 十字形分色镜
  10662. dichroic crystal beamsplitter ==> 二色晶体分光镜,二向色晶体分光镜
  10663. dichroic filter ==> 二向色滤光片,选色镜
  10664. dichroic fog ==> 二色灰雾,二色性灰雾
  10665. dichroic layer ==> 二向色层,分色层
  10666. dichroic mirror ==> ダいクロイックミラー
  10667. dichroic reflector ==> 二向色反射器,分色反射镜
  10668. dichroic sheet ==> 二色片
  10669. dichroism ==> 2色性,2色法
  10670. dichromate treatment ==> 重铬酸盐处理
  10671. dichromated gelatin ==> 重铬明胶,重铬酸盐明胶
  10672. dichromated gelatin film ==> 重铬明胶膜,重铬酸盐明胶板,双色胶片
  10673. dichromatic cell ==> 重铭酸电池
  10674. dichromatic dye ==> 双色染料
  10675. dichromic acid ==> 重铬酸
  10676. dicing ==> 切割=>ダイシング
  10677. dicing cutter ==> 小块切割机
  10678. dicing saw ==> 切割锯,划片机
  10679. Dick reaction ==> 狄克氏反应
  10680. Dick test ==> 狄克氏试验,狄克试验
  10681. Dicke fix ==> 狄基调理
  10682. Dicke receiver ==> 迪克接收机
  10683. Dicke switch ==> 迪克开关
  10684. Dickson cotton ==> (美)迪克森棉
  10685. dicode signal ==> 双码信号
  10686. dicolinium iodide ==> 乙哌可宁
  10687. dicord system ==> 双塞绳制
  10688. dicots ==> 双子叶的
  10689. dicotyledon ==> 双子叶植物
  10690. Dicrocoelium dendriticum ==> 枪状双腔吸虫
  10691. dicrotic pulse ==> 重搏,重搏脉,二波脉
  10692. dicrotic wave ==> 重搏波,重脉波,降中波
  10693. DICT ==> 夢洲コンテナターミナル
  10694. dictate ==> 命令,影響する,決定する
  10695. dictating machine ==> 口述记录机,指令机
  10696. dictionary catalog ==> 词典式目录
  10697. dictionary code ==> 词典代码,字典码
  10698. dictionary storage and retrieval ==> 词典存储和检索
  10699. dictyonema bed ==> 网笔石层
  10700. dictyotic stage ==> 核网期
  10701. dicumyl peroxide ==> 过氧化二枯基
  10702. dicyclohexyl amine ==> 二环己基胺
  10703. dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 (DC18C6) ==> 二环己基并-18-冠醚-6
  10704. dicyclopentadiene ==> 二聚环戊二烯,双环戊二烯,双茂
  10705. Dicyclopentadiene polymer ==> ジシクロペンタジェン樹脂
  10706. dicyclopentadienyl iron ==> 二茂铁
  10707. dicyclopentadienyl nickel ==> 二茂镍
  10708. DID, data item description ==> データ項目説明書
  10709. diddle-net ==> 抄网
  10710. dideoxynucleoside ==> ジデオキシヌクレオシド
  10711. dideoxynucleoside triphosphate ==> ジデオキシヌクレオシド三リン酸
  10712. didodecyl ether ==> 二月桂基醚
  10713. Didot point system ==> 迪道活字点数制
  10714. didymium glass ==> 钕镨玻璃
  10715. didymium glass standard ==> 钕镨玻璃标准
  10716. didynamous stamen ==> 二强雄蕊
  10717. die ==> 芯片=>ダイ
  10718. die accessories ==> 压模附件
  10719. die adapter ==> 模接头
  10720. die adherence ==> 芯片粘附
  10721. die and mill engraving ==> 钢芯雕刻
  10722. die and profile shaping machine ==> 刨模机
  10723. die and wire bonding ==> 芯片导线焊接
  10724. die angle ==> 模口角度
  10725. die approach ==> 拉拔模入口
  10726. die approach angle ==> 模孔入口锥角,(模孔第二部分)模孔变形锥
  10727. die assembly ==> 压模装置,模具,模具总成,模具组合
  10728. die attach preform ==> 芯片安装用框架
  10729. die attachment ==> 芯片焊接,模片固定,小片连接
  10730. die back ==> 模孔出口锥
  10731. die backer ==> 模垫,凹模支撑圈
  10732. die backing plate ==> 模具垫板
  10733. die barrel ==> 压模衬筒
  10734. die base ==> 口型座板
  10735. die bearing ==> 模口部分,模口支承面
  10736. die bed ==> 模座,底模
  10737. die bell ==> 拉模入口锥
  10738. die blade ==> 活动模板
  10739. die blank ==> 模具坯料
  10740. die block ==> 模度坯料,模具坯料,模块,模座,底模,胎模,凹模固定板,板牙
  10741. die block hardener ==> 冲模硬化剂
  10742. die body ==> 模体
  10743. die bolster ==> 模座
  10744. die bolt cutter ==> 板牙切丝机
  10745. die bonder ==> 芯片焊接机
  10746. die bonding ==> 芯片焊接=>ダイボンディング
  10747. die bonding jig ==> 管心焊接模
  10748. die box ==> 拉模盒,板牙切头
  10749. die box mo(u)ld ==> 真空造型阴模
  10750. die breakthrough ==> 模裂
  10751. die bushing ==> 模具镶套
  10752. die button ==> 模具叶状模槽
  10753. die by die alignment ==> 步进式芯片对准
  10754. die by die exposure ==> 步进式芯片曝光
  10755. die by die printing ==> 步进式芯片曝光
  10756. die carriage ==> 模座
  10757. die carrier ==> 模架,水压机模座
  10758. die case ==> 拉模套,铸模盒
  10759. die cast ==> 金属模铸造
  10760. die cast bearing ==> 模铸轴承
  10761. die cast dies ==> 压铸模
  10762. die cast furniture ==> 模铸空铅
  10763. die cast machine ==> 钢模造型机
  10764. die casting ==> 压力铸造
  10765. die casting furnace ==> 保温炉
  10766. die casting machine ==> 压力铸制器,压铸机,模铸机,钢模压铸机
  10767. die casting metal ==> 压铸轴承合金
  10768. die castings ==> 压铸件
  10769. die cavity ==> 阴膜,模槽,模腔,模穴
  10770. die center ==> 模具定心装置,模子定心盘
  10771. die chaser ==> 螺丝板牙,板牙梳刀
  10772. die chuck ==> 滑块卡盘
  10773. die clamp ==> 模夹
  10774. die clamping cylinder ==> 装夹模具用气缸
  10775. die clearance ==> 模板间隙,模间隙,模具间隙,冲裁间隙
  10776. die clicker ==> 冲模裁剪机,冲压裁剪机
  10777. die closing mechanism ==> 合型机构
  10778. die closing unit ==> 合型机构
  10779. die closure ==> 模具闭合量
  10780. die coating ==> 模压涂层,脱模剂=>金型コーティング
  10781. die collar ==> 母锥
  10782. die contact area ==> 夹头接触面
  10783. die cushion ==> 模垫,模具的气垫,模具缓冲装置
  10784. die cutter ==> 冲压裁剪机
  10785. die cutting ==> 冲切,冲压裁剪法
  10786. die drawing ring ==> 拉模孔壁磨损圈
  10787. die edge ==> 模具镶块
  10788. die ejector unit ==> 芯片分离器
  10789. die entrance ==> 拉模入口锥
  10790. die entrance angle ==> 模孔入口锥
  10791. die exit angle ==> 模孔出口角
  10792. die face land ==> 模具面刃口
  10793. die fill ratio ==> 模装填比,体积压实比,压模充填比
  10794. die finish ==> 精加工模,精整模
  10795. die for first-forming ==> 预弯模
  10796. die for left hand thread ==> 左螺纹板牙
  10797. die for metric fine thread ==> 公制细螺纹板牙,公制细牙螺纹板牙
  10798. die for pipe thread ==> 管螺纹板牙
  10799. die for right hand thread ==> 右螺纹板牙
  10800. die for special purpose ==> 专用模
  10801. die for taper thread ==> 锥螺纹板牙
  10802. die forging ==> 模锻,模型锻造
  10803. die forging air hammer ==> 模锻空气锤
  10804. die forging machine ==> 模锻机
  10805. die forgings ==> 模锻件
  10806. die formed parts ==> 模压成形件
  10807. die forming ==> 模压成形
  10808. die friction ==> 压模摩擦
  10809. die grading ==> 芯片分选
  10810. die half ==> 半型
  10811. die hammer ==> 模锻锤,印号机
  10812. die handle ==> 板牙架
  10813. die head ==> 板牙头
  10814. die head bush ==> 板牙头夹套
  10815. die head chaser ==> 板牙头螺纹梳刀
  10816. die head rivet ==> 冲垫铆钉
  10817. die height ==> 模转闭合高度,模子闭合高度
  10818. die hob ==> 标准丝锥
  10819. die hobbing ==> 模压制模法
  10820. die hobbing press ==> 模压制模压力机
  10821. die holder ==> 模座,凹模固定板
  10822. die hole ==> 模孔
  10823. die impression ==> 模腔
  10824. die insert ==> 模衬,模具镶块,模具银块,压模嵌入件
  10825. die integrated circuit ==> 芯片状集成电路
  10826. die joint ==> 分模面
  10827. die layout ==> 锻模设计图
  10828. die level ==> 凹模上面高度
  10829. die life ==> 模具寿命
  10830. die lifter ==> 起模装置
  10831. die line ==> 分模线,模具划痕
  10832. die liner ==> 模衬
  10833. die lines ==> 压模划痕
  10834. die lining ==> 压模衬片
  10835. die locking force ==> 合型力
  10836. die lubricant ==> 压模润滑剂,模具润滑剂,模具涂料,铸模润滑剂
  10837. die made by low-melting point alloy ==> 低熔合金模
  10838. die maker ==> 制锻模工
  10839. die making ==> 制钢模法
  10840. die making machine ==> 刻锻模机
  10841. die making shop ==> 模具制造厂,模具制造工厂
  10842. die mark ==> 拉模划痕
  10843. die mill ==> 模具铣刀
  10844. die milling ==> 刻模
  10845. die milling machine ==> 钢模刻纹机
  10846. die misalignment ==> 模具调整不良
  10847. die mold ==> 压铸模
  10848. die molding ==> 模片键合,模塑造形
  10849. die mount bonding ==> 小片装配接合
  10850. die mounting area ==> 芯片安装面积
  10851. die nipple ==> 丝锥接套,公锥
  10852. die nut ==> 钢板螺母
  10853. die of stamp ==> 捣矿砧
  10854. die on eating the poisons ==> 食毒而死
  10855. die on tape ==> 链式带上的芯片
  10856. die opening ==> 夹头开度,极间距,模腔
  10857. die orientation ==> 芯片方位
  10858. die orifice ==> 拉模孔
  10859. die out ==> 灭绝
  10860. die pad ==> 芯片安装面积,冲模垫
  10861. die pantograph machine ==> 钢模缩小机
  10862. die parallel ==> 拉模孔圆柱形部分
  10863. die parting face ==> 分模面
  10864. die parting line ==> 分模线
  10865. die pickup ==> 芯片拾取器
  10866. die piece ==> 模具拼块,拼合模块
  10867. die piercing ==> 拉模钻孔
  10868. die plate ==> 拉模板,印模
  10869. die plate insert ==> 凹模镶块
  10870. die preheating furnace ==> 模具预热炉
  10871. die press print ==> 压模印刷
  10872. die pressing ==> 模压,模压法,片材造型
  10873. die processing ==> 芯片处理
  10874. die processing unit ==> 模具加工机
  10875. die profile ==> 拉模孔形状
  10876. die profile radius ==> 凹模圆角半径
  10877. die proof ==> (检查模腔精度用)模具灌铅检验法
  10878. die push test ==> 芯片分离试验
  10879. die quenching ==> 模压淬火
  10880. die radius ==> 模口半径,拉深模模口圆角半径
  10881. die reduction angle ==> 拉模孔圆锥角
  10882. die relief angle ==> 模孔出口锥
  10883. die rolled section ==> 周期断面型材
  10884. die rolling ==> 周期断面轧制
  10885. die rolling mill ==> 周期断面型材轧机
  10886. die score ==> 拉模划痕
  10887. die scratch ==> 压模划痕
  10888. die seat ==> 模座
  10889. die section ==> 拼合模块
  10890. die semiangle ==> 拉模半圆锥角
  10891. die separation ==> 芯片分离,模片隔开
  10892. die set ==> 模组,冲模定位架,成套冲模
  10893. die set height adjustment ==> 模具高度调节量
  10894. die setting press ==> 模具装配压力机
  10895. die shank ==> 模柄
  10896. die shift ==> 模具位移
  10897. die shoe ==> 模底板,模托,模瓦,冲模底板,下模座
  10898. die shop ==> 模具厂,制模车间
  10899. die shrinkage ==> 模压收缩率,脱模后收缩
  10900. die side wall ==> 模壁面
  10901. die sinker ==> 模具铣床,铣模机
  10902. die sinker's file ==> 模具锉刀,精密工具加工用锉
  10903. die sinking ==> 刻模,制阴模,开模
  10904. die sinking cutter ==> 刻锻模刀具,凹模铣刀
  10905. die sinking EDM machine ==> 电火花刻模机
  10906. die sinking machine ==> 刻锻模机
  10907. die sinking milling machine ==> 凹模铣床
  10908. die sleeve ==> 模套
  10909. die slide ==> 模座,模具滑移装置,模下压板
  10910. die slot ==> 模缝
  10911. die slotting machine ==> 冲模插床
  10912. die sort ==> 芯片分选
  10913. die sorter ==> 芯片分选装置
  10914. die space ==> 模槽,模腔
  10915. die spacer block ==> 模具定位块
  10916. die spacing ==> 夹钳距离
  10917. die spotter ==> 调试冲模用压力机
  10918. die square ==> 大方木,方子,中枋
  10919. die stamping ==> 凹凸印刷,压凹凸印刷,冲压,模压
  10920. die stamping press ==> 凹凸印刷机
  10921. die stand ==> 拉模板座
  10922. die steel ==> 模具钢
  10923. die stock ==> 板牙扳手
  10924. die stock set ==> 成套板牙架
  10925. die storage rack ==> 模具存放架
  10926. die surface ==> 模面
  10927. die swell ratio ==> 模口膨胀比,挤出胀大比
  10928. die tap ==> 扳牙丝锥
  10929. die thickness ==> 凹模厚度
  10930. die throat diameter ==> 模孔直径
  10931. die tie-plate ==> 模具垫板
  10932. die tongs ==> 牙钳
  10933. die tool grinding machine ==> 模具工具磨床
  10934. die turning gear ==> 塑模旋转装置
  10935. die visual control ==> 芯片肉眼检查
  10936. die visual gate ==> 芯片肉眼检查台
  10937. die volume ==> 压模容积
  10938. die wall ==> 模壁
  10939. die wall effect ==> 模壁效应
  10940. die wall finish ==> 模壁光洁度
  10941. die wall friction ==> 模壁磨擦
  10942. die wall life ==> 模壁寿命
  10943. die wall lubricant ==> 模壁润滑剂
  10944. die wall lubrication ==> 模壁润滑
  10945. die wall surface ==> 模壁面
  10946. die wear ==> 拉模磨损
  10947. die weld(ing) ==> 模锻焊
  10948. die welding ==> 模焊,冲模堆焊
  10949. die yield ==> 芯片成品率
  10950. die yoke ==> 压模滑架
  10951. die(s) nut ==> 螺母状板牙
  10952. die-assembly ==> 压模装配
  10953. die-cast ==> 压铸
  10954. die-cast chassis ==> 压铸底盘
  10955. die-casting element ==> 模铸元件
  10956. die-casting machine for motor rotor ==> 电机转子压铸机
  10957. die-closing swager ==> 闭式模旋转锻机
  10958. die-cut ==> 冲切
  10959. die-cut carton ==> 模切纸盒
  10960. die-cutting machine ==> 冲压裁剪机
  10961. die-filling ==> 装模,压模装料
  10962. die-pin ==> 托杆,凹模顶杆
  10963. die-plate ==> 压模台板
  10964. die-square ==> 正四方块
  10965. die-stamped circuit ==> 冲压电路,模压电路,印模电路
  10966. die-stamping machine ==> 钢模压印机
  10967. Dieckman condensation ==> 狄克曼缩合作用
  10968. diectional emissivity ==> 定向发射率
  10969. dieing machine ==> 模压机,高速精密冲床,板料自动压力机
  10970. dieing out press ==> 冲裁压力机,冲床,冲模压机
  10971. diel movement ==> 昼夜活动
  10972. dielectric ==> 电介质,电介质的,介电,介质的=>誘電体
  10973. dielectric (flux) density ==> 电通量密度
  10974. dielectric absorption ==> 电介质吸收=>誘電吸収
  10975. dielectric absorption constant ==> 介质吸收常数,电介质吸收常数
  10976. dielectric amplifier ==> 电介质放大器
  10977. dielectric ampliude imduction logging instrument ==> 幅度介电感应测井仪
  10978. dielectric anisotropy ==> 介电各向异性
  10979. dielectric antenna ==> 电介质天线=>誘電体アンテナ
  10980. dielectric attenuation ==> 誘電体減衰
  10981. dielectric barrier discharge ==> 誘電体バリア放電(DBD)
  10982. dielectric beamsplitter ==> 介质分光镜
  10983. dielectric body ==> 介电体,绝缘体,绝缘体,电介质体
  10984. dielectric breakdown ==> 绝缘破坏=>誘電破壊,絶縁破壊
  10985. dielectric breakdown characteristics ==> 絶縁破壊特性
  10986. dielectric breakdown strength ==> 电介质破坏强度=>絶縁破壊の強さ
  10987. dielectric breakdown test ==> 绝缘破坏试验=>誘電破壊試験
  10988. dielectric breakdown voltage ==> 电介质击穿电压=>絶縁破壊電圧
  10989. dielectric cap ==> 介质盖
  10990. dielectric ceramics ==> 电介质陶瓷
  10991. dielectric coated mirror ==> 镀介质镜
  10992. dielectric coating ==> 介质膜=>誘電体コーティング
  10993. dielectric coefficient ==> 介电常数,介电系数
  10994. dielectric conductance ==> 介质电导
  10995. dielectric constant ==> 介电常数,介电系数=>誘電率,比誘電率
  10996. dielectric constant meter ==> 介电常数测定计
  10997. dielectric core baker ==> 高频烘芯炉
  10998. dielectric core oven ==> 高频烘芯炉
  10999. dielectric crystal ==> 介电晶体,介质晶体
  11000. dielectric current ==> 电介质电流
  11001. dielectric diode ==> 介电二极管,电介质二极管
  11002. dielectric dispersion ==> 介电耗散,介电色散
  11003. dielectric displacement ==> 电介质位移=>誘電変位
  11004. dielectric dissipation factor ==> 介质损耗因数角=>誘電正接
  11005. dielectric dissipation fraction ==> 介电损耗率
  11006. dielectric dissipation test ==> 介质损耗试验,通过测量介质损耗因数来判断设备绝缘性能的试验。一般使用西林电桥、电流比较型电桥、M型介质试验器等仪器进行试验
  11007. dielectric drier ==> 高频烘干炉,高频干燥炉,高频加热干燥机
  11008. dielectric drying ==> 高频干燥,高频烘烤
  11009. dielectric drying stove ==> 高频烘干炉
  11010. dielectric ellipsoid ==> 介质椭球
  11011. dielectric fatigue ==> 介质疲劳
  11012. dielectric film ==> 介电薄膜,介质膜
  11013. dielectric fluid ==> 电介质
  11014. dielectric flux ==> 电介质通量=>誘電束
  11015. dielectric flux density ==> 电通量密度,电位移,静电通密度,静电通密度
  11016. dielectric force ==> 击穿力
  11017. dielectric gas ==> 介质气体
  11018. dielectric gradient ==> 介电梯度
  11019. dielectric grating ==> 誘電体格子
  11020. dielectric guide ==> 介质波导管
  11021. dielectric heating ==> 介质加热,电介质加热,高频加热=>誘電加熱
  11022. dielectric high frequency drying ==> 高频干燥
  11023. dielectric hysteresis ==> 介质滞后=>誘電ヒステリシス
  11024. dielectric hysteresis loss ==> 电介质滞后损失
  11025. dielectric isolated mos ==> 介质隔离金属氧化物半导体
  11026. dielectric isolation ==> 介质隔离=>絶縁層分離
  11027. dielectric layer ==> 介电层,介质层,介质膜
  11028. dielectric leakage ==> 介质泄漏
  11029. dielectric lens ==> 电介质透镜=>誘電体レンズ
  11030. dielectric level ==> 介电水平,绝缘水平,绝缘水平
  11031. dielectric line ==> 介质线路
  11032. dielectric load ==> 介电负荷
  11033. dielectric loss ==> 介质损耗,电介质损耗=>誘電損,誘電正接,誘電損失
  11034. dielectric loss angle ==> 介质损耗角=>誘電損角
  11035. dielectric loss angle tangent ==> 介质损耗角正切
  11036. dielectric loss factor ==> 介电质损耗系数=>誘電損率
  11037. dielectric loss measurement ==> 誘電損失測定
  11038. dielectric loss meter ==> 介质损耗测量计
  11039. dielectric loss tangent ==> 介质损耗因数角,电介质损耗角正切=>誘電正接
  11040. dielectric losses ==> 电介质损失
  11041. dielectric matching plate ==> 电介质匹配板
  11042. dielectric material ==> 介质材料
  11043. dielectric medium ==> 电介质
  11044. dielectric mirror ==> 介质反射镜
  11045. dielectric multilayer mirror ==> 誘電体多層膜ミラー
  11046. dielectric oil ==> 介电油
  11047. dielectric optical waveguide ==> 介质光波导
  11048. dielectric paper ==> 绝缘纸,绝缘纸
  11049. dielectric paste system ==> 介质膏系统
  11050. dielectric permeability ==> 介质磁导率
  11051. dielectric phase angle ==> 介电损耗角=>誘電位相角
  11052. dielectric phase induction logger ==> 相位介电感应测井仪
  11053. dielectric phase shifter ==> 介质移相器
  11054. dielectric planar waveguide ==> 介质平面波导
  11055. dielectric plastics ==> 介电塑料
  11056. dielectric polarizability ==> 介质极化率=>誘電分極率
  11057. dielectric polarization ==> 电介质极化=>誘電分極
  11058. dielectric power factor ==> 电介质功率系数=>誘電力率
  11059. dielectric printing ==> 介质印刷
  11060. dielectric process ==> 电介质处理过程
  11061. dielectric properties ==> 介电性质=>誘電特性
  11062. dielectric property ==> 介电特性
  11063. dielectric puncture ==> 击穿
  11064. dielectric radiation ==> 电介质辐射
  11065. dielectric radiator ==> 介质辐射器,介质天线
  11066. dielectric radom ==> 介电整流罩
  11067. dielectric reflector ==> 誘電体反射器
  11068. dielectric relaxation ==> 介电松弛
  11069. dielectric relaxation frequency ==> 誘電緩和周波数
  11070. dielectric relaxation time ==> 介电弛豫时间=>誘電緩和時間
  11071. dielectric resistance ==> 介质电阻,绝缘电阻
  11072. dielectric resonator ==> 介质谐振器
  11073. dielectric rod wave-guide ==> 介质棒波导
  11074. dielectric semiconductor interface ==> 电介质半导体界面
  11075. dielectric separator ==> 介电分离器
  11076. dielectric shielding ==> 介质屏蔽
  11077. dielectric strain ==> 电介质应变=>誘電ひずみ
  11078. dielectric strength ==> 介电强度,绝缘强度,绝缘强度,电介质强度,击穿力,击穿强度,抗电强度=>絶縁耐力,絶縁破壊電界
  11079. dielectric strength test ==> 电介质强度测试,绝缘强度试验=>絶縁耐力試験
  11080. dielectric strength tester ==> 耐压测试器
  11081. dielectric stress ==> 电介质应力
  11082. dielectric structure ==> 絶縁構造
  11083. dielectric substance ==> 电介质材料,介电质
  11084. dielectric surface ==> 介质表面
  11085. dielectric susceptibility ==> 电介质极化率
  11086. dielectric target ==> 介电屏幕
  11087. dielectric tensor ==> 介电张量
  11088. dielectric test set ==> 高频绝缘试验器
  11089. dielectric track detector ==> 电介质径迹探测器
  11090. dielectric tracking ==> 绝缘击穿
  11091. dielectric tube ==> 介电管
  11092. dielectric type moisture meter ==> 电介质湿度计
  11093. dielectric viscosity ==> 介质粘度
  11094. dielectric waveguide ==> 介质波导管=>誘電体導波路
  11095. dielectric wedge ==> 介质楔,电介质劈
  11096. dielectric wire ==> 电介质线,介质导线
  11097. dielectric(al) induction ==> 介电感应
  11098. dielectric(al) test ==> 介质性能试验,绝缘强度试验,绝缘强度试验
  11099. dielectric(al) tube resonator ==> 介质管谐振器
  11100. dielectric-coating ==> 絶縁コーティング
  11101. dielectric-lens antenna ==> 电介质透镜天线
  11102. dielectric-loaded linac ==> 介质加载直线加速器
  11103. dielectric-rod antenna ==> 电介质杆天线
  11104. dielectric-slab ==> 解相过程,介质板
  11105. dielectric-slab waveguide ==> 介质板波导
  11106. dielectric-tape camera ==> 介质带摄像机
  11107. dielectric-type moisture meter ==> 电容式湿度计
  11108. dielectric-waveguide mode ==> 介质波导波型
  11109. dielectrically isolated IC ==> 介质绝缘集成电路
  11110. dielectrically isolated integrated circuit ==> 介质隔离集成电路
  11111. dielectrically isolated island ==> 介质隔离岛
  11112. dielectrically loaded waveguide ==> 介质负载波导管
  11113. dielectrophoresis ==> 介电电泳
  11114. dieleltric constant ==> 介电常数
  11115. Diels' hydrocarbon ==> 甲基环戊烷菲
  11116. Diels-Alder reaction ==> 狄尔斯-阿尔德反应,二烯合成
  11117. diemaking shop ==> 模具车间
  11118. diencephal syndrome of infancy ==> 间脑丘脑下部综合征
  11119. diencephalic autonomic epilepsy ==> 间脑自发性癫痫
  11120. diencephalic syndrome ==> 间脑综合征
  11121. diene rubber ==> 二烯橡胶
  11122. diene synthesis ==> 二烯合成,艾德勒反应
  11123. diene value ==> 二烯值
  11124. dienes with conjugated double bonds ==> 共轭二烯属
  11125. dienoic acid ==> 二烯酸
  11126. dies blank ==> 模度坯料
  11127. DIES Diesel ==> 柴油机
  11128. dies holder ==> 模板座
  11129. dies plate tap bolt ==> 模板紧固螺栓
  11130. diescher elongator ==> 狄舍尔轧管机
  11131. Diescher mill ==> 迪舍尔轧机,狄舍尔轧机
  11132. diescher mill ==> 狄舍尔轧管机
  11133. diescher piercer ==> 狄舍尔穿孔机
  11134. Diescher process ==> 狄舍尔法
  11135. diesel ==> 狄塞尔内燃机,柴油机
  11136. diesel alternator ==> 柴油发电机
  11137. diesel auger ==> 柴油机驱动的输送螺旋
  11138. diesel car ==> 柴油机动车,柴油汽车=>ディーゼル動車
  11139. diesel card ==> 柴油发动机示功图
  11140. diesel combustion ==> 柴油机内的燃料燃烧=>ディーゼル燃焼
  11141. diesel compressor ==> 柴油压缩机
  11142. diesel concrete mixer ==> 柴油混凝土搅拌机
  11143. diesel cycle ==> 柴油机循环,柴油循环机,狄塞尔循环
  11144. diesel cycle engine ==> 柴油循环发动机
  11145. diesel cylinder oil ==> 柴油机汽缸油
  11146. diesel deposits ==> 柴油机积炭
  11147. diesel dope ==> 柴油机燃料的添加剂,柴油添加剂
  11148. diesel dredge ==> 柴油挖泥机
  11149. diesel driven ==> 柴油机驱动
  11150. diesel dynamo ==> 柴油机直流发电
  11151. diesel dynamo aggregate ==> 柴油机直流发电机组
  11152. diesel electric locomotive ==> 内燃电力传动机车=>電気式ディーゼル機関車
  11153. diesel electric ship ==> 柴油机电动船
  11154. diesel engine ==> 柴油发动机,柴油机,狄塞尔发动机=>ディーゼル機関
  11155. diesel engine automobile ==> ディーゼル自動車
  11156. diesel engine combustion ==> ディーゼルエンジン燃焼
  11157. diesel engine component ==> ディーゼル機関部品
  11158. diesel engine cut-off control ==> 柴油机停机操纵件
  11159. diesel engine design ==> ディーゼル機関設計
  11160. diesel engine driven centrifugal pump ==> 柴油机驱动离心泵
  11161. diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine ==> 柴油机驱动直流弧焊机
  11162. diesel engine driven hammer ==> 柴油机驱动锤
  11163. diesel engine driven mixed-flow pump ==> 混流式柴油机泵
  11164. diesel engine driven self-priming pump ==> 柴油机自吸泵
  11165. diesel engine driven water pump ==> 柴油机驱动离心水泵
  11166. diesel engine dynamometer ==> 柴油机测力计
  11167. diesel engine electric remote-control unit ==> 柴油电动摇控装置
  11168. diesel engine exhaust ==> ディーゼルエンジン排ガス
  11169. diesel engine exhaust emission ==> ディーゼル機関排ガス
  11170. diesel engine exhaust gas ==> ディーゼルエンジン排ガス
  11171. diesel engine exhaust pyrometer ==> 柴油机排气高温计
  11172. diesel engine for automobile ==> 车用柴油机
  11173. diesel engine fork truck ==> 柴油机叉车
  11174. diesel engine fuel oil ==> 柴油机燃料油,柴油机燃油
  11175. diesel engine generating set ==> 柴油机发电机组
  11176. diesel engine generator ==> 柴油发电机=>ディーゼルエンジン発電機
  11177. diesel engine noise ==> ディーゼルエンジン騒音
  11178. diesel engine oil ==> 柴油机油=>ディーゼルエンジン油
  11179. diesel engine oil additive ==> 柴油机油添加剂
  11180. diesel engine over-speed relay ==> 柴油机超速继电器
  11181. diesel engine performance ==> ディーゼル機関性能
  11182. diesel engine reversing gear ==> 柴油发动机回动装置
  11183. diesel engine room ==> ディーゼルエンジン室
  11184. diesel engine technology ==> ディーゼル機関技術
  11185. diesel engine with air blast injection ==> 空气喷射柴油发动机
  11186. diesel engine with air cell ==> 空气室式柴油机
  11187. diesel engine with antechamber ==> 预燃室式柴油机
  11188. diesel engine with direct injection ==> 直接喷射式柴油机
  11189. diesel engined ==> 柴油机拖动的
  11190. diesel engined car ==> 柴油车
  11191. diesel exhaust emission ==> ディーゼル排ガス
  11192. diesel exhaust gas ==> ディーゼル排ガス
  11193. diesel fork lift truck ==> 内燃叉车
  11194. diesel fuel ==> 柴油,柴油机燃料
  11195. diesel fuel additives ==> 柴油添加剂
  11196. diesel fuel carbon ==> 柴油机燃料的残炭
  11197. diesel fuel grades ==> 柴油的等级
  11198. diesel fuel oil ==> 柴油,重柴油
  11199. diesel fuel system ==> 柴油机燃料系统
  11200. diesel fuel tank ==> 柴油燃料缸
  11201. diesel fuel water and sediment ==> 柴油中的水和沉积物
  11202. diesel generating set ==> 柴油发电机组
  11203. diesel generating station ==> 柴油机发电站,狄塞尔发电站
  11204. diesel generator ==> 柴油发电机
  11205. diesel generator set ==> 柴油发电机组
  11206. diesel governor setting ==> 柴油机调速器的调整
  11207. diesel hammer ==> 柴油锤,柴油打桩锤
  11208. diesel hammer pile-driver ==> 柴油锤打桩机
  11209. Diesel high compression engine ==> 高压柴油机
  11210. diesel index ==> 柴油指数
  11211. diesel injector ==> 柴油机喷油器
  11212. diesel knock ==> 柴油机爆震,柴油机爆震声
  11213. diesel liner wear ==> 柴油机气缸衬套磨损
  11214. diesel loader ==> 柴油装载机
  11215. diesel locomotive ==> 柴油机车,狄塞尔机车=>ディーゼル機関車
  11216. diesel lubricating oil ==> 柴油机润滑油
  11217. diesel mine locomotive ==> 矿用柴油机车
  11218. diesel motor ==> 狄塞尔发动机
  11219. diesel motor roller ==> 柴油碾压机,柴油压路机
  11220. diesel oil ==> 柴油,狄塞尔油
  11221. diesel oil pump ==> 柴油泵
  11222. diesel oil purifier ==> 柴油净化器
  11223. diesel oil separator ==> 柴油分离器
  11224. diesel oil transfer pump ==> 柴油输送泵
  11225. diesel particulate traps ==> 柴油机粒子吸附器
  11226. diesel pile driver ==> 柴油打桩机
  11227. diesel pile hammer ==> 柴油打桩机
  11228. diesel pile-driving engine ==> 柴油机打桩机
  11229. diesel power generating set ==> 柴油发电机组
  11230. diesel power plant ==> 柴油发电厂,柴油机动力装置
  11231. diesel power station ==> ディーゼル発電所
  11232. diesel power statior ==> 柴油发电厂
  11233. diesel power units ==> 柴油动力机组
  11234. diesel powered car ==> 柴油车
  11235. diesel railcar ==> 内燃机车=>ディーゼル動車
  11236. diesel rig ==> 柴油钻机
  11237. diesel self-sprinkling pump set ==> 柴油自喷泵组
  11238. diesel set ==> 柴油机发电机组
  11239. diesel ship ==> 柴油机船
  11240. diesel shovel ==> 柴油铲土机
  11241. diesel smokometer ==> 柴油机烟浓度计
  11242. diesel starting fuel ==> 柴油机起动燃料
  11243. diesel tractor ==> 柴油拖拉机,内燃拖拉机
  11244. diesel truck ==> 柴油机卡车,柴油运货车
  11245. diesel underground locomotive ==> 井下用柴油机车,井下用柴油机车
  11246. diesel-compressor aggregate ==> 柴油压缩机组
  11247. diesel-driven ==> 柴油机驱动的
  11248. diesel-driven DC welder ==> 柴油驱动直流焊机
  11249. diesel-driven generator ==> 柴油驱动发电机
  11250. diesel-driven pump ==> 柴油机驱动泵
  11251. diesel-driven single centrifugal pump ==> 柴油机驱动离心泵
  11252. diesel-driven single stage centrifugal pump ==> 柴油机驱机单极离心泵
  11253. diesel-electric ==> 柴油机拖动发电的
  11254. diesel-electric bus ==> 柴油电气公共汽车
  11255. diesel-electric drive ==> 柴油机电气传动装置
  11256. diesel-electric emergency set ==> 备用柴油机发电机组
  11257. diesel-electric engine ==> ディーゼル機関車
  11258. diesel-electric locomotive ==> 柴油电动机车=>ディーゼル電気機関車
  11259. diesel-electric mobile power shovel ==> 柴油电力移动式电铲
  11260. diesel-electric plant ==> 柴油机发电厂
  11261. diesel-electric power station ==> 柴油机发电厂
  11262. diesel-electric power unit ==> 柴油电力机组
  11263. diesel-electric railcar ==> 柴油电动轨道车,柴油电动机车
  11264. diesel-electric railway car ==> 柴油电动机车
  11265. diesel-engine generator ==> ディーゼル発電機
  11266. diesel-engine road vehicle ==> 柴油机车辆
  11267. diesel-hydraulic locomotive ==> 液力传动柴油机车
  11268. diesel-oil electric generator wagon ==> 柴油发电车
  11269. diesel-powered truck ==> 柴油货车
  11270. diesel-to-gas scheme for light duty vehicles ==> 轻型车辆柴油转燃气计划
  11271. dieselization ==> 柴油机化
  11272. diesinking machine ==> 雕模铣床
  11273. diespotting press ==> 修整冲模压力机
  11274. diester grease ==> 合成二酯润滑脂
  11275. diester oil ==> 合成双酯润滑油
  11276. diet kitchen ==> 营养厨房
  11277. diet preparation room ==> 配膳室
  11278. dietary essentials ==> 日粮中必须的养分
  11279. dietary requirement ==> 日粮需要量
  11280. dietary salt ==> 食塩
  11281. dietary standards ==> 饮食标准
  11282. dietary supplement ==> 膳食补充剂
  11283. Dieterici equation of state ==> 狄特利希物态方程
  11284. Dieterici's equation ==> 狄特利希方程
  11285. Dietert centrifuge ==> 迪塔特式离心机
  11286. Dietert tester ==> 迪塔特式硬度计
  11287. diethacetic acid ==> 二乙基乙酸
  11288. diethoxy acetic acid ==> 二乙氧基乙酸
  11289. diethy-aceto oxalate ==> 草酸二乙酯
  11290. diethyl ==> 二乙基,二乙基的
  11291. diethyl 4,4'-O phenylene-bis ==> 托布津
  11292. diethyl acetoacetic ester ==> 二乙基乙酰乙酸酯
  11293. diethyl adipate ==> 己二酸二乙酯
  11294. diethyl barbituric acid ==> 二乙基巴比土酸
  11295. diethyl carbinol ==> 二乙基甲醇
  11296. diethyl carbonate ==> 碳酸二乙酯
  11297. diethyl dioxide ==> 过氧化二乙基
  11298. diethyl diphenyl urea ==> 二乙基二苯基脲,二乙基二苯脲
  11299. diethyl dithiolisophthalate ==> 硫酞乙酯
  11300. diethyl ether ==> 二乙醚
  11301. diethyl ethylene diamine ==> 二乙基乙醇胺
  11302. diethyl fumarate ==> 反丁烯二酸二乙酯
  11303. diethyl maleate ==> 马来酸二乙酯
  11304. diethyl malonate ==> 二乙基丙二酸酯,丙二酸二乙酯
  11305. diethyl malonic acid ==> 二乙基丙二酸
  11306. diethyl malonic ester ==> 二乙基丙二酸酯
  11307. diethyl malonylurea ==> 巴比土
  11308. diethyl oxalate ==> 草酸二乙酯
  11309. diethyl oxaloacetate ==> 草乙酸二乙酯
  11310. diethyl oxaloacetic ester ==> 二乙基草乙酸酯
  11311. diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate ==> 对硝基苯磷酸二乙酯
  11312. diethyl peroxide ==> 过氧化二乙基
  11313. diethyl phthalate ==> 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯
  11314. diethyl sebacate ==> 癸二酸二乙酯
  11315. diethyl stilbestrol ==> 乙芪酚
  11316. diethyl succinate ==> 丁二酸二乙酯,琥珀酸二乙酯
  11317. diethyl succinic acid ==> 二乙基丁二酸
  11318. diethyl sulfate ==> 硫酸二乙酯
  11319. diethyl sulfide ==> 二乙硫
  11320. diethyl thiobarbituric acid ==> 二乙硫巴比土酸,硫巴比妥
  11321. diethyl thionamic acid ==> 二乙胺基磺胺
  11322. diethyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide ==> 二乙基-2-苯并噻唑次磺酰胺
  11323. diethyl-m-toluidine ==> 二乙基间甲苯胺
  11324. diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate ==> 二乙基对苯二胺硫酸盐
  11325. diethyl-p-tlouidine ==> 二乙基对甲苯胺
  11326. diethylacetaldehyde ==> 二乙基乙醛
  11327. diethylacetic acid ==> 二乙基乙酸
  11328. diethylacetonitrile ==> 二乙基乙腈
  11329. diethylacetylene ==> 二乙基乙炔
  11330. diethylallylacetamide ==> 二乙烯丙醋胺
  11331. diethylamine ==> 二乙胺
  11332. diethylamine hydrochloride ==> 二乙胺盐酸盐,盐酸二乙胺
  11333. diethylamine phosphate ==> 二乙胺磷酸盐
  11334. diethylamine salicylate ==> 二乙胺水杨酸盐
  11335. diethylamine solution ==> 二乙胺溶液
  11336. diethylaminoethanol ==> 二乙氨基乙醇
  11337. diethylaminoethyl 1-phenylcyclopentane-carboxylate ==> 咳美芬
  11338. diethylaminoethyl cellulose ==> 二乙氨基乙基纤维素,二乙基氨基乙基纤维素
  11339. diethylaminothyl 1-phenylcyclopentanecarboxylate ==> 卡腊米芬
  11340. diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate ==> 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸二乙铵
  11341. diethylaniline ==> 二乙苯胺
  11342. diethylaniline hydrochloride ==> 二乙苯胺盐酸盐
  11343. diethylbarbituric acid ==> 巴比妥
  11344. diethylbenzene ==> 二乙苯,二乙基苯
  11345. diethylcapramide ==> 二乙基癸酰胺
  11346. diethylcarbamazine ==> 二乙基氨基甲吖嗪,乙胺嗪
  11347. diethylcarbamazine citrate ==> 海群生,枸橼酸乙胺嗪,枸橼酸乙胺嗪
  11348. diethylchloro-acetamide ==> 二乙基氯乙酰胺
  11349. diethylcyanoacetate ==> 二乙基氰基乙酸乙酯
  11350. diethyldithiocar bamic acid ==> 二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸
  11351. diethyldithioposphoric acid ==> 二乙基二硫代磷酸
  11352. diethylene ==> 二次乙基
  11353. diethylene glycol ==> 二甘醇,二乙二醇
  11354. diethylene glycol diethyl ether ==> 二乙二醇二乙醚
  11355. diethylene glycol dilaurate ==> 二乙二醇双酯
  11356. diethylene glycol dimethyl ether ==> 二甘醇二甲醚,二乙二醇二甲醚
  11357. diethylene glycol dinitrate ==> 二甘醇二硝酸酯
  11358. diethylene glycol distearate ==> 二甘醇硬脂酸酯
  11359. diethylene glycol monoacrylate ==> 二乙二醇单丙烯酸酯
  11360. diethylene glycol monobutyl ether ==> 二乙醇单丁醚
  11361. diethylene glycol monoethyl ether ==> 二乙二醇单乙醚
  11362. diethylene glycol monolaurate ==> 二甘醇月桂酸酯
  11363. diethylene glycol monooleate ==> 二甘醇一油酸酯
  11364. diethylene glycol monopalmitate ==> 二甘醇一棕榈酸酯
  11365. diethylene glycol monostearate ==> 二甘醇一硬脂酸酯
  11366. diethylene triamine pentacetic acid (DTPA) ==> 二乙烯三胺五乙酸
  11367. diethylene triamine pentoacetic acid (DTPA) ==> 促排灵
  11368. diethylenediamine ==> 哌嗪
  11369. diethylenetriamine ==> 二亚乙基三胺,二乙撑三胺
  11370. diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid ==> 二乙三胺五乙酸
  11371. diethylenetriamine pentamethylene phosphoric acid ==> 二乙三胺五亚甲基磷酸
  11372. diethylester ==> 二乙酯
  11373. diethylformamide ==> 二乙基二酰胺
  11374. diethylmalonylurea ==> 马罗那,巴比妥
  11375. diethylnitrosamine ==> 二乙基亚硝胺
  11376. diethyloxadicarbocyanine iodide ==> 二乙基恶二碳化青碘化物
  11377. diethylpropanediol ==> 二乙丙二醇
  11378. diethylpropion ==> 二乙胺苯丙酮
  11379. diethylstilbene ==> 己烯雌酚
  11380. diethylstilbestrol ==> 己烯雌酚
  11381. diethylthiambutene ==> 二乙噻丁
  11382. diethyltoluamide ==> 二乙甲苯酰胺,避蚊胺
  11383. dietic tea ==> 减肥茶
  11384. Dietl's crisis ==> 游走肾危象
  11385. Dietls crisis ==> 狄特耳危象
  11386. DIF, data interchange format ==> データ交換フォーマット
  11387. DIFAR, directional finding and ranging ==> 定向和测距=>ダイファ
  11388. DIFF, difference ==> 差
  11389. DIFF, differenced ==> 差分型
  11390. diffeomorphism ==> 微分同相写像
  11391. diffeomorphism group ==> 微分同相写像群
  11392. diffeomorphism invariance ==> 一般座標変換不変性
  11393. differen-differential action ==> 差动
  11394. difference ==> 差,差别,差额,差分,差数,差异,异点=>差,階差,差分
  11395. difference absorption ==> 差吸収
  11396. difference absorption spectrum ==> 差式吸引光谱=>差吸収スペクトル
  11397. difference account ==> 盈亏通知书
  11398. difference address operand ==> 差分地址操作数
  11399. difference amplifier ==> 差动放大器,差分放大器,差频信号放大器=>差動アンプ
  11400. difference approach ==> 差分アプローチ
  11401. difference approximation ==> 差分近似
  11402. difference between both ends ==> 两端直径差
  11403. difference between hydrostatic end forces ==> 流体静压轴向力差
  11404. difference between means ==> 平均数差数
  11405. difference between mental and manual labor ==> 脑力劳动与体力劳动之间的差别
  11406. difference calculus ==> 差分法
  11407. difference channel ==> 差动声道,差分电路
  11408. difference chart ==> 偏差表
  11409. difference circuit ==> 差分回路
  11410. difference clock ==> 差分クロック
  11411. difference code ==> 差分符号
  11412. difference coefficient ==> 差分系数,差商
  11413. difference correction ==> 差分校正
  11414. difference correction method ==> 差分校正法
  11415. difference counter ==> 差值计数器
  11416. difference current ==> 差动电流
  11417. difference curve ==> 差分曲线,差异曲线,减差曲线,温差曲线
  11418. difference detection ==> 差検出
  11419. difference detector ==> 差分检波器,差值检波器
  11420. difference diode ==> 差分二极管
  11421. difference encoding ==> 差分符号化
  11422. difference energy ==> 差エネルギー
  11423. difference engine ==> 差分机
  11424. difference equation ==> 差分方程=>差分方程式
  11425. difference expression ==> 差分表示式
  11426. difference formula ==> 差分公式
  11427. difference frequency ==> 差频=>差周波数
  11428. difference frequency effect ==> 差频效应
  11429. difference frequency fluctuation ==> 差频起伏
  11430. difference frequency generation ==> 差周波発生
  11431. difference frequency instantaneous power ==> 差频瞬时功率
  11432. difference frequency power ==> 差周波電力
  11433. difference frequency rms power ==> 差频实效值功率
  11434. difference frequency term ==> 差频项
  11435. difference function ==> 差函数
  11436. difference galvanometer ==> 差动检流计
  11437. difference gate ==> 异门
  11438. difference gauge ==> 测差规
  11439. difference group ==> 差群
  11440. difference in angular momentum ==> 角運動量の差
  11441. difference in depth modulation ==> 调制深度差
  11442. difference in depth of modulation ==> 変調度差
  11443. difference in distribution ==> 分布の違い
  11444. difference in elevation ==> 高差,高程差
  11445. difference in floor lever of sieve tray ==> 筛板表面水平偏差
  11446. difference in height ==> 高度差
  11447. difference in opinion ==> 分歧意见
  11448. difference in order ==> 次数差
  11449. difference in pressure ==> 压力差
  11450. difference in riser level ==> 升气管顶面水平偏差
  11451. difference in spiral vectors ==> 螺旋矢量差=>スパイラルベクトル差
  11452. difference in surface tension ==> 表面張力の差
  11453. difference in temerature ==> 温差
  11454. difference in the trend of evolution ==> 进化趋势不同
  11455. difference in vectors ==> 矢量差=>ベクトル差
  11456. difference input ==> 差分输入=>差動入力
  11457. difference integral equation ==> 差积分方程=>ベクトル差積分方程式
  11458. difference integral method ==> 差积分方法=>ベクトル差積分手法
  11459. difference interpolation ==> 差分内插法
  11460. difference length operand ==> 差分长度操作数
  11461. difference limen ==> 听觉锐度,最小可觉差=>弁別限
  11462. difference limen difference test ==> 强度辩差阈差异试验
  11463. difference limen test ==> 强度辨差阈试验,辨差阈试验
  11464. difference matrix ==> 差分矩阵
  11465. difference measurement ==> 差分测量
  11466. difference method ==> 差别法
  11467. difference mode gain ==> 差分信号增益,差模增益
  11468. difference modes ==> 差分模式
  11469. difference number ==> 中子过量数
  11470. difference of absolute costs ==> 绝对成本差额,绝对成本差额
  11471. difference of arcing time ==> 燃弧时差
  11472. difference of brightness ==> 亮度差
  11473. difference of elevation ==> 高差
  11474. difference of elevation between inside and outside ==> 室内外标高差
  11475. difference of level ==> 电平差
  11476. difference of luminance ==> 亮度差
  11477. difference of magnification ==> 放大率差,等倍差
  11478. difference of meridional parts ==> 纬差
  11479. difference of phase ==> 相位差
  11480. difference of phase angle ==> 相角差
  11481. difference of polynomial ==> 多项式的差
  11482. difference of potential ==> 电势差
  11483. difference of sample means ==> 样品平均数差
  11484. difference operator ==> 差分算子
  11485. difference preference ==> 不同偏好
  11486. difference pressure flow meter ==> 差压式流量计
  11487. difference quotient ==> 差商
  11488. difference report ==> 差别报告,差分报告
  11489. difference resonance ==> 差共振
  11490. difference scheme ==> 差分格式
  11491. difference sensitivity ==> 听觉锐度
  11492. difference sequence ==> 差分序列
  11493. difference set ==> 差集,差集合=>差集合
  11494. difference signal ==> 差信号
  11495. difference spectra ==> 差光谱
  11496. difference spectrophotometer ==> 吸收分光光度计
  11497. difference spiral ==> 差分螺线
  11498. difference string ==> 差分串
  11499. difference structure ==> 差分结构
  11500. difference table ==> 差分表
  11501. difference threshold ==> 最小可觉差
  11502. difference tone ==> 差音
  11503. difference transfer ratio ==> 差信号转移系数
  11504. difference type pickup electrode ==> 异形信号电极
  11505. difference voltmeter ==> 差值电压表
  11506. difference-differential equation ==> 微分差分方程,差微分方程=>差分微分方程式
  11507. difference-differentialequation ==> 差分微分方程
  11508. difference-product ==> 差积
  11509. difference-set code ==> 差集码
  11510. differences among means ==> 许多平均数间的差数
  11511. differences between means ==> 两个平均数间的差数
  11512. differences in protein composition ==> 蛋白结构的区分
  11513. differences in vegetative growth ==> 营养生长的差异
  11514. differencing ==> 差分化
  11515. different ==> 异
  11516. different amounts of phosphorus ==> 不同磷量
  11517. different application at different depths ==> 肥料分层施用法,分层施肥法
  11518. different applications at different depths ==> 肥粉分层施用
  11519. different applications at different soil ==> 分地力施肥
  11520. different cultivars ==> 不同品种
  11521. different depths of plowing ==> 不同耕作深度
  11522. different design ==> 设计不符
  11523. different diameter piston ==> 异径活塞
  11524. different feeding schedule ==> 各式饲喂时间表
  11525. different flowers of the same ear ==> 同一穗上不同的花
  11526. different fumigator ==> 各式熏烟清毒器
  11527. different in growth habits of plants ==> 植物的不同生长习性
  11528. different kinds of liquid solvents ==> 不同种类的溶剂
  11529. different level ==> 不同标高
  11530. different levels of potassium ==> 不同水平施钾
  11531. different levels of productive forces ==> 不同层次生产力
  11532. different load stability by different DG control ==> 異なるDG制御による負荷の安定性
  11533. different moisture levels ==> 各种湿度
  11534. different N concentration ==> 不同氮浓度
  11535. different oxygen concentrations ==> 不同氧浓度
  11536. different poultryfarming ==> 各类养鸡场
  11537. different quality ==> 品质不符
  11538. different size of autodrinker ==> 各种自动饮水器
  11539. different soil-forming processes ==> 不同的成土过程
  11540. different soils ==> 不同土壤
  11541. different spacings ==> 不同行距
  11542. different system ==> 異系統
  11543. different temperatures ==> 不同温度
  11544. different type of egg record card ==> 各种类型产蛋记录卡片
  11545. different-sized original ==> 不同尺寸原稿
  11546. differentail arc lamp ==> 差接电弧灯
  11547. differentiability ==> 可微分性
  11548. differentiability from the right ==> 从右边可微
  11549. differentiability of a pointwise supremum ==> 点态上确界的可微性
  11550. differentiability property ==> 可微性性质
  11551. differentiable arc ==> 微分可能な弧
  11552. differentiable atlas ==> 可微图
  11553. differentiable function ==> 可微函数
  11554. differentiable homeomorphism ==> 微分同相写像
  11555. differentiable manifold ==> 微分流形
  11556. differential ==> 差动,差动的,微分的,微分,微分的,分化的,分速器,分异,差动器,差接,差示,差速,差速机构,差致的,示差的
  11557. differential aberration ==> 差动光行差,较差光行差
  11558. differential ablation ==> 差异消融
  11559. differential absorption ==> 区别吸收,吸收上的差异
  11560. differential absorption dye laser radar ==> 差动吸收染料激光雷达
  11561. differential absorption rate ==> 微分吸收率
  11562. differential absorption ratio ==> 差示吸收比
  11563. differential accelerator ==> 微分加速器,以转子加速度作为信号,使汽轮机-发电机组调节阀迅速关闭,以改善调节系统动态特性的装置
  11564. differential accumulator ==> 差动储压器,差动蓄水器
  11565. differential actinometer ==> 差示曝光表
  11566. differential action ==> 差动作用
  11567. differential adjusting wrench ==> 分速分速器轴承调整扳手,分速器轴承调整扳手
  11568. differential adsorption ==> 鉴别吸附
  11569. differential affinity ==> 差别亲和力
  11570. differential air pressure type ==> 差动气压机
  11571. differential air thermometer ==> 差示空气温度计
  11572. differential albedo ==> 微分反照率
  11573. differential altimeter statoscope ==> 高差仪
  11574. differential ammeter ==> 差动安培计=>差動電流計
  11575. differential amplifier ==> 差动放大器,差分放大器,差示放大器,分差放大器=>差動増幅形
  11576. differential amplifier multiplier ==> 差分放大乘法器
  11577. differential analyser ==> 差热分析仪=>微分解析機
  11578. differential analysis ==> 差示分析,差热分析,差值分析,示差分析,微分分析
  11579. differential analyzer ==> 微分解析仪,差动分析器
  11580. differential anatexis ==> 分异深熔作用
  11581. differential and integral calculus ==> 微积分
  11582. differential annealing ==> 局部退火,局部退火
  11583. differential annealing process ==> 局部退火深拉延法,局部退火深拉延法
  11584. differential anode conductance ==> 动态微分阳极电导
  11585. differential anode resistance ==> 动态阳极电阻,阳极微分电阻
  11586. differential apitude test battery (DATB) ==> 鉴别能力倾向成套测验
  11587. differential approximation ==> 差分逼近
  11588. differential arc lamp ==> 差接弧光灯
  11589. differential arc regulator ==> 差联电弧调节器
  11590. differential assembly ==> 差动总成
  11591. differential astrometry ==> 较差天体测量
  11592. differential atmospheric absorption ==> 较差大气吸收
  11593. differential attachment ==> 分速器十字头销,差动机构,差分装置
  11594. differential attack ==> 不均匀腐蚀
  11595. differential axle ==> 半轴
  11596. differential ballistic wind ==> 差动弹道风
  11597. differential band brake ==> 差动带式制动器
  11598. differential bearing ==> 差动轴承,差速器轴承
  11599. differential bearing adjustinng nut ==> 差动轴承调整螺母
  11600. differential bearing cone ==> 分速器轴承锥
  11601. differential bearing cup ==> 差速器轴承杯
  11602. differential bevel gear ==> 差动伞齿轮
  11603. differential block ==> 差动滑车
  11604. differential blood cell calculator ==> 血细胞分类计算器
  11605. differential booster ==> 差动升压机,差接增压机
  11606. differential bracket ==> 差动轮架
  11607. differential brake ==> 差动闸,差动制动器=>差動ブレーキ
  11608. differential bridge ==> 差接电桥
  11609. differential bridge type spectrometer ==> 差示电桥式分光计
  11610. differential burst gain ==> 色同步信号微分增益
  11611. differential busbar ring ==> 差动式汇流环
  11612. differential calculation method ==> 微分计算法=>微分計算法
  11613. differential calculation method of frequency measurement ==> 测频微分计算法=>周波数測定の微分計算法
  11614. differential calculus ==> 微分学=>微分学
  11615. differential calorimeter ==> 差示量热器
  11616. differential calorimetry ==> 差示量热术
  11617. differential cancellation ==> 差值消除法
  11618. differential capacitance ==> 微分电容
  11619. differential capacitance acceleration transducer ==> 差容式加速度传感器
  11620. differential capacitive measuring element ==> 微分电容测量元件
  11621. differential capacitor ==> 微分电容器,差动电容器
  11622. differential capstan ==> 差动绞盘
  11623. differential capsule ==> 差压膜盒
  11624. differential carrier ==> 差速器壳,差速器座架
  11625. differential carrier cap ==> 差速器座架盖,分速器座架盖
  11626. differential carrier gasket ==> 差速器座架垫密片
  11627. differential case ==> 差动齿轮箱,分速器箱
  11628. differential case oil collector drum ==> 分速器箱集油鼓
  11629. differential catalogue ==> 较差星表
  11630. differential cathode follower ==> 微分阴极输出器
  11631. differential centri fugation ==> 差示离心法
  11632. differential centrifugation ==> 差速离心,特异离心
  11633. differential chain block ==> 差动链滑车,差动链式滑车,差动式链滑车
  11634. differential chain hoist ==> 差动链式吊车,差动链式起重机
  11635. differential change gear ==> 差动变换齿轮
  11636. differential characteristic impedance ==> 微变特征阻抗
  11637. differential chart ==> 差值图
  11638. differential chemical reactor ==> 微分化学反应器
  11639. differential chromatography ==> 差示色谱法
  11640. differential circuit ==> 差动电路=>微分回路
  11641. differential coating ==> 双面差厚涂镀
  11642. differential coefficient ==> 导函数,导数=>微分係数
  11643. differential coefficient of second order ==> 2階の微分
  11644. differential coherent detection ==> 差动相干检测,差分相干检测
  11645. differential coil ==> 差动线圈=>差動コイル
  11646. differential compaction ==> 差异压实,分异致密
  11647. differential comparator ==> 差动比较器
  11648. differential comparator amplifier ==> 差分比较放大器
  11649. differential compensating gear ==> 差速机补正齿轮
  11650. differential compensation ==> 差动补偿
  11651. differential compound ==> 差复励,差复激
  11652. differential compound generator ==> 差复激发电机=>差動複巻発電機
  11653. differential compound motor ==> 差复激电动机,差复励电动机,差复励电视机,差复绕电动机,差绕复激电动机=>差動複巻電動機
  11654. differential compound winding ==> 差复激绕组,差复励绕组
  11655. differential concatenation ==> 差级联,反向串联
  11656. differential concentration ==> 浓度差
  11657. differential condenser ==> 差动电容器=>差動コンデンサ
  11658. differential conductivity recorder ==> 差热导记录仪
  11659. differential conductometric titration ==> 差示电导滴定
  11660. differential cone bearing ==> 差速器锥形轴承
  11661. differential cone bearing cap ==> 差速器锥形轴承盖
  11662. differential cone bearing cup ==> 差速器锥形轴承杯
  11663. differential connected circuit ==> 差動接続回路
  11664. differential connection ==> 差动接法,差动连接
  11665. differential connection, differential circuit==differential connection ==> 差動接続及び差動回路
  11666. differential contact-type air plug gauge ==> 差动接触式气动塞规
  11667. differential control ==> 差动控制,微分控制
  11668. differential controller ==> 差动控制器,差压调节器
  11669. differential correction ==> 差动修正,较差改正
  11670. differential correction method ==> 微分校正法
  11671. differential corss shaft ==> 差速莆星轮十字轴
  11672. differential cost benefit analysis ==> 微分代价利益分析
  11673. differential count (DC) ==> 白细胞分类计数
  11674. differential count of bone marrow cells ==> 骨髓液细胞分类计数
  11675. differential counter ==> 差动计数器
  11676. differential counting ==> 分类计数
  11677. differential cross ==> 差动十字轴,差速器十字头
  11678. differential cross pin ==> 差速器装置
  11679. differential cross section ==> 微分横截面=>微分断面積
  11680. differential cross-section ==> 微分截面
  11681. differential crown wheel ==> 差速器侧面伞齿轮
  11682. differential cryptanalysis ==> 密码差分破译法=>差分解読法
  11683. differential current ==> 差动电流=>差動電流
  11684. differential current measurement ==> 差動電流
  11685. differential current protection ==> 差动电流保护
  11686. differential current transformer ==> 差动电流互感器
  11687. differential curve ==> 微分曲线
  11688. differential cuttent ==> 差动电流
  11689. differential cylinder ==> 差动汽缸,差动油缸=>差動シリンダ
  11690. differential declines ==> 不同衰减
  11691. differential delay ==> 差分延迟,差值延迟,较差时延
  11692. differential detection ==> 微分检波,差动探测
  11693. differential detector ==> 差动指示器,差接检波器,差示检测器
  11694. differential determination ==> 较差测定
  11695. differential device ==> 差动装置
  11696. differential diagnosis ==> 鉴别诊断
  11697. differential diagnosis of cloudy urine ==> 尿液混浊鉴别法
  11698. differential diaphragm ==> 差压隔膜,差压膜板
  11699. differential dilatometer ==> 差示热膨胀仪,示差膨胀仪,示差热膨胀计,差示热膨胀计
  11700. differential dilatometry ==> 差示热膨胀法
  11701. differential discriminator ==> 差动式鉴别器,差动式鉴频器,差分鉴别器,差分甄别器,鉴差计
  11702. differential displacement ==> 差动位移,分异位移
  11703. differential distance system ==> 距离差制,距离差制,双曲线定位制
  11704. differential distillation ==> 微分蒸馏
  11705. differential ditector ==> 微分型检测器
  11706. differential Doppler ==> 微分多普勒
  11707. differential draft ==> 通风阻力
  11708. differential draft gauge ==> 差示通风计
  11709. differential draught gage ==> 差压通风计
  11710. differential drive ==> 差动传动
  11711. differential drive gear ==> 差速器传动齿轮
  11712. differential drive gear thrust block ==> 差速传动齿轮止推承
  11713. differential drive gear thrust screw ==> 差速器环齿轮推力螺钉
  11714. differential drive pinion ==> 差速器传动小齿轮
  11715. differential drive pinion bearing ==> 差速器主动小齿轮轴承
  11716. differential drive pinion bearing cage ==> 差速器主动小齿轮轴承罩
  11717. differential drive pinion bearing lock ==> 差速器主动齿轮轴承锁
  11718. differential drive pinion carrier ==> 差速器主动小齿轮座架
  11719. differential drive shaft coupling ==> 差速器传动轴联轴节,分速器传动轴联轴节
  11720. differential drive tachometer ==> 差动传动式转速计
  11721. differential duplex ==> 差动双工,差动双工电路
  11722. differential duplex system ==> 差动双工制=>差動二重方式
  11723. differential dynamometer ==> 差动作测力计
  11724. differential earnings from land ==> 土地级差收益
  11725. differential ebuliometer ==> 差示沸点计
  11726. differential effect ==> 微分效应
  11727. differential effects ==> 差动效应
  11728. differential electromagnet ==> 差动电磁铁
  11729. differential electrometer ==> 差动静电计
  11730. differential energy fluence rate ==> 微分能注量率
  11731. differential energy flux density ==> 微分能通量密度
  11732. differential engine ==> 差动式发动机
  11733. differential epicyclic gearing ==> 差动调转齿轮装置
  11734. differential equation ==> 微分方程=>微分方程式
  11735. differential equation of higher order ==> 高阶微分方程
  11736. differential equation solver ==> 微分方程解算器
  11737. differential erosion ==> 分异侵蚀,差别侵蚀,差异侵蚀,不等侵蚀
  11738. differential error of the slope ==> 斜率的微分误差
  11739. differential etch rate ==> 微分腐蚀速度
  11740. differential etching ==> 微分腐蚀
  11741. differential excitation ==> 差动激磁,差动激励,差励
  11742. differential excited generator ==> 差励发电机
  11743. differential expansion ==> 差胀,相对膨胀
  11744. differential expansion detector ==> 差胀检测器
  11745. differential expansion indicator ==> 差胀指示器
  11746. differential expansion monitor ==> 胀差监视器,用于监视汽轮机动、静部分相对膨胀的装置
  11747. differential extraction ==> 微分萃取
  11748. differential factor ==> 微分因数,绕组系数,差动因数
  11749. differential feed ==> 差动进给
  11750. differential feedback method ==> 差动反馈法
  11751. differential file ==> 勘误文件
  11752. differential filter ==> 差动滤波器,差接滤波器
  11753. differential firing ==> 换层燃烧
  11754. differential flexure ==> 较差弯沉
  11755. differential flotation ==> 优先浮选
  11756. differential flowmeter ==> 差示流量计
  11757. differential four-channel gamma-ray spectrometer ==> 差动四通道伽马射线能谱仪
  11758. differential frequency active power ==> 差周波数有効電力,差周波数皮相電力の実数部
  11759. differential frequency circuit ==> 差频电路
  11760. differential frequency meter ==> 差示频率计
  11761. differential frequency power ==> 差周波数皮相電力(複素数)
  11762. differential frequency reactive power ==> 差周波数無効電力,差周波数皮相電力の虚数部
  11763. differential friction ==> 摩擦差异
  11764. differential frictional effect ==> 摩擦差微效应
  11765. differential frost heave ==> 不均匀冻胀
  11766. differential fusion ==> 分异熔融
  11767. differential gain ==> 微分增益=>差動利得,微分利得
  11768. differential gain control ==> 微分增益控制器
  11769. differential galvanometer ==> 差动检流计,差动电流计
  11770. differential game ==> 差分博弈
  11771. differential gap ==> 切换差,不可调间隙
  11772. differential gap controller ==> 差动间隙控制器
  11773. differential gasket ==> 差速器衬垫
  11774. differential gauge ==> 差压计
  11775. differential gear ==> 差动齿轮,差动轮,差动装置,差速齿轮,分速轮=>差動装置
  11776. differential gear adder ==> 差动齿轮加法器
  11777. differential gear box ==> 差动齿轮箱
  11778. differential gear for screw conveyer ==> 螺旋输送机的差动装置
  11779. differential gear ratio ==> 差动齿轮传动比
  11780. differential gear shift sleeve ==> 差动式变速器套筒
  11781. differential gear slipmeter ==> 差动齿轮转差计
  11782. differential gear tester ==> ディファレンシャルギャ試験機
  11783. differential gear train ==> 差动齿轮机构
  11784. differential gearing ==> 差动齿轮装置
  11785. differential generator ==> 差动式传感器,差动振荡器,差动自整角机
  11786. differential geometry ==> 微分几何=>微分幾何学
  11787. differential governor ==> 差动调节器
  11788. differential grinding ==> 优先研磨
  11789. differential hammer ==> 差动式打桩锤
  11790. differential hardening ==> 差别淬火,差致硬化,局部硬化,局部硬化,阶差硬化
  11791. differential head ==> 差动头,差异压头,不等压头
  11792. differential heat of adsorption ==> 微分吸附热
  11793. differential heat of dilution ==> 微分冲淡热,稀释热
  11794. differential heat of solution ==> 微分溶解热
  11795. differential heat of sorption ==> 微分吸收热
  11796. differential heat treatment ==> 局部热处理,局部热处理
  11797. differential heating ==> 差示加热,局部加热,局部加热,差别加热法,差温加热
  11798. differential height ==> 高差
  11799. differential hoist ==> 差动复滑车,差动式卷扬机
  11800. differential hole ga(u)ge ==> 楔形验孔规
  11801. differential holographic interferometry ==> 差分全息干涉计量术
  11802. differential host ==> 鉴别寄主
  11803. differential housing ==> 差速机壳
  11804. differential housing cover ==> 差速器箱体盖,分速箱壳
  11805. differential idle gear ==> 差速器空转齿轮
  11806. differential idler gear shaft ==> 差速器空转齿轮轴
  11807. differential incomes of land ==> 土地级差收益
  11808. differential indexing ==> 差动分度
  11809. differential indexing centre ==> 差动分度中心
  11810. differential indexing head ==> 差动分度头
  11811. differential inhibition ==> 分化性抑制
  11812. differential input ==> 差动输入,差分输入
  11813. differential instrument ==> 差动式仪表,差动仪表
  11814. differential intake ==> 差动式进水口
  11815. differential interference microscope ==> 差分干涉显微镜
  11816. differential interferometry ==> 差分干涉测量法
  11817. differential invariant ==> 微分不変式
  11818. differential ion pump ==> 差动电离泵
  11819. differential ionization chamber ==> 微分电离室=>微分電離箱
  11820. differential iron tester ==> 差动铁质测试器
  11821. differential jack ==> 差动起重器
  11822. differential keying ==> 差动键控
  11823. differential laser gyro ==> 差动激光陀螺
  11824. differential laser interferometer ==> 差动激光干涉仪
  11825. differential lateral ==> 差分侧位偏移
  11826. differential law ==> 微分法則
  11827. differential leak detector ==> 差动检漏器
  11828. differential leakage flux ==> 差漏磁通
  11829. differential leakage reactance ==> 差漏抗
  11830. differential leveling ==> 差别水准测量
  11831. differential lever ==> 差动控制杆,差速杠杆
  11832. differential light scattering analyzer ==> 差示光散射分析仪
  11833. differential limit switch ==> 差动型限位开关
  11834. differential linearity ==> 差分线性,差分直线性
  11835. differential liquid level gauge ==> 差式液位计
  11836. differential lock ==> 差速器锁
  11837. differential lock control ==> 差速锁操纵件
  11838. differential locking jaw ==> 差速器夹爪
  11839. differential low oil pressure warning signal ==> 差速器低油压警告信号
  11840. differential lubricant ==> 差速器用润滑油
  11841. differential magnetic susceptibility ==> 可逆磁化率,增值磁化率
  11842. differential magnetometer ==> 差动磁强计
  11843. differential Manchester encoding ==> 差分曼彻斯特编码
  11844. differential manometer ==> 微压计,压差计,差动压力表,差示压力表,差示压力计,差压计
  11845. differential manometry ==> 差示测压术,示差测压术
  11846. differential marking system ==> 差厚面标志方法
  11847. differential master gear ==> 差速器大被动齿轮
  11848. differential measurement ==> 差值测量,微差测量
  11849. differential measuring instrument ==> 差动测量仪表
  11850. differential mechanism ==> 差动机器,差速机构,差速器
  11851. differential medium ==> 鉴别培养基
  11852. differential megnetometer ==> 差动磁强计
  11853. differential meter ==> 差动仪,差压计
  11854. differential method ==> 差动法,微分法=>差動法
  11855. differential method of calibrating thermocouple ==> 热电偶微差检定法
  11856. differential method of measurement ==> 差值测量法,微差测量法=>差分測定方法
  11857. differential micromanometer ==> 差动式微压计,差示微压计
  11858. differential micrometer ==> 差示测微计
  11859. differential micrometer dial ==> 标度盘
  11860. differential microphone ==> 差动式传声器,差动式话筒,双碳精盒式话筒,双炭粒盒式传声器
  11861. differential milliammeter ==> 差动式毫安计
  11862. differential modal attenuation ==> 模衰减差
  11863. differential modal dalay ==> 模时延差
  11864. differential mode ==> 异态
  11865. differential mode disturbance voltage ==> 差模干扰电压,由于电路磁场藕合或共模干扰转换所引起的与信号回路串联的干扰电压
  11866. differential mode interference ==> 差模干扰
  11867. differential modulation ==> 差分调制,差异调制
  11868. differential monitor ==> 差动监控器
  11869. differential mortality ==> 差别死亡率
  11870. differential motion ==> 差动运动
  11871. differential motor ==> 差绕电动机
  11872. differential mounting plate ==> 差速器固定板
  11873. differential movement ==> 微差移动
  11874. differential nut ==> 差动螺母
  11875. differential nutation ==> 较差章动
  11876. differential observation ==> 较差观测
  11877. differential of a arc ==> 微弧
  11878. differential of high order ==> 高阶微分
  11879. differential of higher order ==> 高階微分
  11880. differential oil ==> 差速器机油
  11881. differential oil cylinder ==> 差动油缸
  11882. differential oil screen ==> 差速器油滤网
  11883. differential operation ==> 差示操作
  11884. differential operational amplifier ==> 差分运算放大器,微分运算放大器
  11885. differential operator ==> 微分算子=>微分演算子,微分作用素
  11886. differential overflow valve ==> 差动式溢流阀
  11887. differential partial condensation ==> 部分冷凝的蒸馏分离
  11888. differential pcm ==> 差动式脉码调制
  11889. differential pendulum cam ==> 差动摆式凸轮
  11890. differential permeability ==> 微分磁导率=>微分透磁率
  11891. differential permittivity ==> 微分介质常数
  11892. differential phase ==> 微分相位
  11893. differential phase inversion modulation system ==> 反相差分调制方式
  11894. differential phase modulation ==> 差动式调相
  11895. differential phase shift ==> 差动相移
  11896. differential phase test ==> 相移失真试验
  11897. differential phase, DP ==> 微分位相
  11898. differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) ==> 差动相移键控技术,差分移相键控
  11899. differential phasemodulation ==> 差动式调相
  11900. differential photo electrooptical refractometer ==> 差动电光学折射计
  11901. differential photo-electronic spectrometer ==> 差动光电子谱仪
  11902. differential photographic method ==> 较差照相方法
  11903. differential photometry ==> 较差测光,较差光度测量,差示测光,差示光度计量,示差测光
  11904. differential pilot wire system ==> 差动导引线系统
  11905. differential pinion ==> 差速器小伞齿轮
  11906. differential pinion case ==> 差速器小齿轮箱
  11907. differential pinion cross ==> 差速器小齿轮十字轴
  11908. differential pinion shaft ==> 差速器主动齿轮轴
  11909. differential pinion spider ==> 差速器小齿轮十字轴
  11910. differential piston ==> 差动活塞,差径活塞=>差動ピストン
  11911. differential piston compressor ==> 差动活塞式压缩机
  11912. differential piston pump ==> 差动活塞泵
  11913. differential pistorn ==> 差动活塞
  11914. differential planet gear ==> 差动行星齿轮
  11915. differential plunger pump ==> 差动式柱塞泵,差动柱塞泵
  11916. differential point ==> 差别点
  11917. differential polarogram ==> 差示极谱
  11918. differential polarography ==> 差示极谱法
  11919. differential potentiotitration ==> 差示电位滴定法
  11920. differential preamplifier ==> 差动前置放大器
  11921. differential precession ==> 较差岁差
  11922. differential pressure ==> 压差,压力降,压力落差,差动压力,差压,不均匀压力
  11923. differential pressure amplifier ==> 差压放大器
  11924. differential pressure cell ==> 差压传感器
  11925. differential pressure control ==> 压差控制器
  11926. differential pressure control mechanism ==> 压力差调节机构
  11927. differential pressure control valve ==> 差压调节阀
  11928. differential pressure controller ==> 差压控制器,剩余压差调节器,剩余压力调节器
  11929. differential pressure device ==> 差压装置
  11930. differential pressure devices ==> 差压装置
  11931. differential pressure flow meter ==> 压力流量计
  11932. differential pressure flow transducer[sensor] ==> 差压流量传感器
  11933. differential pressure flowmeter ==> 差压流量计
  11934. differential pressure fuel valve ==> 压差油阀
  11935. differential pressure gage ==> 差动压力表,差动压力计
  11936. differential pressure gauge ==> 差压压力表
  11937. differential pressure indicator ==> 差压指示器,压差指示计
  11938. differential pressure indicator (DPI) ==> 差压指示计
  11939. differential pressure level transducer[sensor] ==> 差压(式)物位传感器
  11940. differential pressure meter ==> 差动式压力表,压差计
  11941. differential pressure pickup ==> 压差传感器,差压传感器
  11942. differential pressure ratio ==> 差压比
  11943. differential pressure recorder ==> 差压记录器
  11944. differential pressure recorder controller ==> 差压记录控制器
  11945. differential pressure regulator ==> 差压调节器=>定差減圧弁
  11946. differential pressure switch ==> 差压开关=>差圧スイッチ
  11947. differential pressure transducer ==> 差压变换器,压差传感器
  11948. differential pressure transducer[sensor] ==> 差压传感器
  11949. differential pressure type airspeed indicator ==> 差动压力式风速计
  11950. differential pressure type flowmeter ==> 差压式流量计
  11951. differential pressure type level detector ==> 差压式液位检测器
  11952. differential pressure type level gauge ==> 差压式液位计
  11953. differential process ==> 差动过程
  11954. differential products ==> 认识差异产品
  11955. differential protection ==> 差动保护
  11956. differential protection for cable line ==> 电缆线路差动保护
  11957. differential protection relay ==> 差动保护继电器
  11958. differential protection==differential … (protection) ==> 差動継電方式, Protection essentially involving a differential connection of the discriminating elements.
  11959. differential protective relay ==> 差动保护继电器
  11960. differential protective system ==> 差动保护系统,差动保护装置
  11961. differential psychology ==> 差异心理学
  11962. differential pulley ==> 差动滑轮=>差動滑車
  11963. differential pulley block ==> 差动滑车,差动链滑车
  11964. differential pulse anodic strippingvoltammetry ==> 差示脉冲阳极提溶伏安法
  11965. differential pulse code modulation ==> 差值脉冲编码调制
  11966. differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) ==> 差分脉码调制
  11967. differential pulse polarography ==> 差示脉冲极谱
  11968. differential pump ==> 差动泵
  11969. differential pumping ==> 差动泵浦
  11970. differential purchase ==> 差动复滑车
  11971. differential quantizer ==> 差值量化器
  11972. differential quenching ==> 局部淬火,差温淬火,阶差淬火
  11973. differential quotient ==> 微分商,微分系数,微商
  11974. differential reaction rate ==> 微分反应速度
  11975. differential reactor ==> 差式反应器
  11976. differential read out ==> 差动读出
  11977. differential recorder ==> 压差记录器
  11978. differential recovery rate ==> 微分回復速度
  11979. differential reduction gear ==> 差动式齿轮减速器,差动式减速齿轮器
  11980. differential refraction ==> 较差折射,折射微差
  11981. differential refraction detector ==> 差示折光检测器
  11982. differential refractive index detector ==> 差示折光检测器,差示折光率检测器
  11983. differential refractometer ==> 差动式折射计,差示折光计,差示折射计,示差折光计
  11984. differential refractometer detector ==> 差示折光计检测器
  11985. differential regulating transformer ==> 差接可调变压器
  11986. differential regulator ==> 差动调节器
  11987. differential reinforcement ==> 区别性强化
  11988. differential relay ==> 差动继电器,特性量是反映多个输入量(激励量)的幅值比较或相位比较结果的一种继电器
  11989. differential relay==differential … (relay) ==> 差動継電器, Protection essentially involving a differential connection of the discriminating elements.
  11990. differential relaying panel ==> 母差保护屏
  11991. differential resistance ==> 微分电阻
  11992. differential response ==> 不同反应
  11993. differential ring gear ==> 差速器环齿轮
  11994. differential roll ==> 差压辊
  11995. differential rolls ==> 差速对辊机
  11996. differential rotation ==> 较差自转
  11997. differential rotation of the lithosphere ==> リソスフェアの差分回転
  11998. differential scale ==> 差动天平
  11999. differential scanning calorimeter ==> 差示扫描量热仪
  12000. differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) ==> 差示扫描量热计
  12001. differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) ==> 差示扫描量热法
  12002. differential scattering cross section ==> 微分散射截面
  12003. differential scintigram ==> 微分闪烁图
  12004. differential screen ==> 差动筛
  12005. differential screw ==> 差动螺旋,差动装置螺钉
  12006. differential screw gearing ==> 差动螺旋传动装置
  12007. differential screw jack ==> 差动螺旋起重器
  12008. differential screw-jack ==> 差动螺旋千斤顶
  12009. differential segment ==> 差别区段,相异段
  12010. differential selection ==> 特异选择
  12011. differential selsyn ==> 差动自动同步机
  12012. differential selsyn motor ==> 差动自动同步电机
  12013. differential sensitivity ==> 差动灵敏度
  12014. differential separation ==> 差动分离
  12015. differential series winding ==> 差接串励绕组
  12016. differential serration ==> 错齿
  12017. differential servo ==> 差动伺服机构
  12018. differential settlement ==> 差异沉降,不均匀沉陷,沉降差
  12019. differential shaft ==> 差动轴
  12020. differential sheave ==> 差动轴滑轮
  12021. differential shift ==> 差动相移
  12022. differential shock mounting plate ==> 差速器减振固定板
  12023. differential shrinkage ==> 不均匀收缩=>収縮差
  12024. differential shunt motor ==> 差并励电动机
  12025. differential side adjusting tool ==> 差速器壳调整工具
  12026. differential side bearing ==> 差速器壳轴承
  12027. differential side case ==> 差速器侧箱
  12028. differential side gear ==> 差动半轴齿轮,差速器被动齿轮,差速器侧齿轮
  12029. differential size frequency curve ==> 微分粒度频率曲线
  12030. differential sliding clutch ==> 分速器滑动离合器
  12031. differential sliding clutch shift shaft ==> 差速器主动齿轮横轴
  12032. differential sliding valve ==> 差动滑阀
  12033. differential slope coefficient ==> 不同斜率系数
  12034. differential species ==> 区别种
  12035. differential spectrophotometer ==> 差示分光光度计
  12036. differential spectrophotometry ==> 差比分光光度学,差示分光光度计
  12037. differential spectroscopy ==> 差示光谱学
  12038. differential spectrum ==> 差示光谱
  12039. differential speed disk cutter ==> 差速圆盘剪切机
  12040. differential speed regulation ==> 差动调速
  12041. differential speed roll ==> 差速辊
  12042. differential speed sensor ==> 速差传感器
  12043. differential spider ==> 差速机十字轴
  12044. differential spider gear ==> 差速器架齿轮
  12045. differential spider pinion ==> 分速架小齿轮
  12046. differential spur drive gear ==> 差速器传动正齿轮
  12047. differential spur drive pinion ==> 差速器传动小正齿轮
  12048. differential spur drive pinion cross shaft ==> 差速器主动齿轮横轴
  12049. differential stage ==> 差动级
  12050. differential stain ==> 分化染色
  12051. differential staining ==> 鉴别染色,鉴别染色法
  12052. differential star catalogue ==> 较差星表
  12053. differential static pressure ==> 静压差,静压差
  12054. differential steam calorimeter ==> 差示蒸汽量热器
  12055. differential steering ==> 差速转向
  12056. differential steering brake ==> 差速转向制动
  12057. differential stimulus ==> 分化刺激物
  12058. differential supercharged engine ==> 差速增压发动机
  12059. differential supercharger ==> 差动增压器
  12060. differential surface heating ==> 表面不均匀加热
  12061. differential surge chamber ==> 差动式调压室,带有阻抗孔口的升管和外室组成的调压室
  12062. differential surge tank ==> 差动式调压塔=>差動サージタンク
  12063. differential susceptibility ==> 不同感受性,微分磁化率
  12064. differential switch ==> 差动开关
  12065. differential synchro ==> 差动同步发射机,差动自动同步机,差级同步机,差接自动同步机
  12066. differential synchronizer ==> 差动同步机
  12067. differential synthesis rate ==> 合成速度の差
  12068. differential system ==> 差动系统,差动制
  12069. differential tackle ==> 差动滑车组,差动滑轮
  12070. differential temperature ==> 差异温度
  12071. differential thermal analysis ==> 示差热分析
  12072. differential thermal analysis apparatus ==> 差热分析设备
  12073. differential thermal analysis curve ==> 差热曲线
  12074. differential thermal analysis in an isothermal environment ==> 等温环境下的差示热分析
  12075. differential thermal analysis meter ==> 差示热分析仪,DTA仪
  12076. differential thermal analysis(DTA) ==> 差(示)热分析
  12077. differential thermal analyzer ==> 差热分析仪
  12078. differential thermal apparatus ==> 差热分析设备
  12079. differential thermal curve ==> 差示热曲线,DTA曲线
  12080. differential thermal gravimetric analysis ==> 差热重量分析
  12081. differential thermal solarimeter ==> 差热日射计
  12082. differential thermocouple ==> 差分热电偶,差示热电偶,差动热电偶
  12083. differential thermogram ==> 差示热分析图
  12084. differential thermogravimetric analysis ==> 差示热解重量分析,差示热重分析
  12085. differential thermogravimetry ==> 差热重量法
  12086. differential thermometer ==> 示差温度計,差示温度计,示差温度计,双金属温度计,微差温度表
  12087. differential thermometric titration ==> 差热滴定(法)
  12088. differential thread ==> 差动螺纹
  12089. differential threshold ==> 差阈,辨别阈
  12090. differential thrust block pin ==> 差速器止推座销
  12091. differential titration ==> 差示滴定
  12092. differential tolerance to Pb ==> 对铅有不同耐性
  12093. differential topology ==> 微分位相幾何
  12094. differential transducer ==> 差动传感器,差动换能器,压差变送器=>圧差変換器
  12095. differential transformer ==> 差动变压器=>差動変圧器
  12096. differential transformer displacement transducer ==> 差动变压器式位移传感器
  12097. differential transformer pressure transducer ==> 差动变压器式压力传感器
  12098. differential transformer transducer ==> 差接变压器换能器
  12099. differential transmission ==> 差速传动
  12100. differential transmitter ==> 差动传送器
  12101. differential transmitting linkage ==> 差动式传动机构
  12102. differential transmitting selsyn ==> 差动自整角机发送机
  12103. differential trap ==> 差热式阻汽器
  12104. differential type ==> 差动式
  12105. differential type galvanometer ==> 差动式检流计
  12106. differential type gate ==> 差分型门
  12107. differential type relay ==> 差动继电器,差动式继电器
  12108. differential U tube ==> 差示U型管
  12109. differential ultrasonic velocimeter ==> 差示超声测速仪
  12110. differential unit ==> 差动单位
  12111. differential vacuum gauge ==> 差示真空规,压差式真空计
  12112. differential valve ==> 差动阀,差压阀
  12113. differential vane ==> 差动阀
  12114. differential vapour pressure thermometer ==> 差示蒸汽压力温度计
  12115. differential variable condenser ==> 差动可变电容器
  12116. differential viscosity ==> 差示粘度
  12117. differential voltage ==> 差分电压=>乖離電圧
  12118. differential voltage gain ==> 差动电压增益
  12119. differential voltage relay ==> 差動電圧継電器
  12120. differential voltmeter ==> 差动式电压表,差动式伏特计
  12121. differential wave ==> 差动信号
  12122. differential weathering ==> 差异风化
  12123. differential weights ==> 不等权数
  12124. differential weir ==> 差动堰
  12125. differential white count ==> 白血球百分率
  12126. differential wind ==> 差动风
  12127. differential winder ==> 差速卷绕机
  12128. differential winding ==> 差动绕组,差动绕法=>差動巻線
  12129. differential windlass ==> 差动滑车,差动绞盘,差动卷扬机,差动式卷扬机
  12130. differential wound field ==> 差绕磁场
  12131. differential wound motor ==> 差励电动机
  12132. differential-acting steam hammer ==> 差动式汽锤
  12133. differential-density saparation ==> 比重分选法
  12134. differential-difference equation ==> 微分-差分方程=>微分差分方程式
  12135. differential-excited generator ==> 差励发电机
  12136. differential-excited welding generator ==> 差激电焊发电机
  12137. differential-field motor ==> 他激差绕直流电动机
  12138. differential-field series motor ==> 串激差绕直流电动机
  12139. differential-mode signal ==> 差分模信号
  12140. differential-screw jack ==> 差动千斤顶
  12141. differential-transformer transducer ==> 差接变压器换能器
  12142. differentialed cooling ==> 差示冷却
  12143. differentially coherent transmission system ==> 差动相干传输系统
  12144. differentially compensated regulator ==> 差动式补偿稳压器
  12145. differentially compound-wound machine ==> 差复励电机
  12146. differentially driven engine ==> 差速传动发动机
  12147. differentially value-equivalent ==> 可微分值等价
  12148. differentially-compound wound motor ==> 差复激电动机
  12149. differentially-protected circuit breaker ==> 差动保护断路器
  12150. differentially-wound ==> 差绕
  12151. differentially-wound motor ==> 差绕电动机
  12152. differentially-woundbell ==> 差绕电铃
  12153. differentiate ==> 辨,辨别,求导,求微分,判别,分瓣
  12154. differentiate intrusive ==> 分异侵入体
  12155. differentiate rate ==> (铁路)特定的运费率
  12156. differentiated ==> 分化型
  12157. differentiated dike ==> 分异岩脉
  12158. differentiated filament yarn ==> 变异长丝
  12159. differentiated liposarcoma ==> 分化型脂肪肉瘤
  12160. differentiated lymphocytic lymphosarcoma ==> 分化型淋巴细胞性淋巴肉瘤
  12161. differentiated reticulosarcoma ==> 分化型网织细胞肉瘤
  12162. differentiated rock ==> 分化脉岩
  12163. differentiated sill ==> 分异岩床
  12164. differentiated synovial sarcoma ==> 分化型滑膜肉瘤
  12165. differentiating amplifier ==> 微分放大器
  12166. differentiating circuit ==> 辨析电路,微分电路
  12167. differentiating effect ==> 区分效应,辨别效应
  12168. differentiating network ==> 微分电路
  12169. differentiating pulse ==> 微分脉冲
  12170. differentiating solvent ==> 区分性溶剂,辨别溶剂
  12171. differentiating stage ==> 微分级
  12172. differentiating time constant ==> 微分时间常数
  12173. differentiating transformer ==> 微分变压器
  12174. differentiation ==> 分化,分化作用,取导数,分异,分异作用,鉴别
  12175. differentiation center ==> 分化中心
  12176. differentiation element ==> 微分单元
  12177. differentiation formula ==> 微分公式
  12178. differentiation of a matrix ==> 矩阵的微分,矩阵的微分
  12179. differentiation of conditioned reflex ==> 条件反射分化
  12180. differentiation of flower bud ==> 花芽分化
  12181. differentiation of symptoms and signs ==> 辨证
  12182. differentiation period ==> 分化期
  12183. differentiation period of cell ==> 细胞分化时期
  12184. differentiation phase ==> 分化相
  12185. differentiation symbol ==> 微分记号
  12186. differentiator ==> 微分器,差动轮,差示器,差示装置,微分电路
  12187. differflange beam ==> 不等翼工字梁,不等缘工字梁,宽缘工字梁
  12188. differntial circuit breaker ==> 差动断路器
  12189. differntial compound exitation ==> 差复激
  12190. differone ==> 分化素
  12191. differs form symbol ==> 不等符号
  12192. difficult communication ==> 难于通信
  12193. difficult labor ==> 难产
  12194. difficult parturition ==> 難産
  12195. difficult to machine material ==> 难加工的材料
  12196. difficult-to-cut alloy ==> 难加工合金
  12197. difficult-to-machine material ==> 难加工材料
  12198. difficulty in decannulation ==> 拔管困难
  12199. difficulty in opening mouth ==> 张口困难
  12200. difficulty of control ==> 难控性
  12201. diffracted beam ==> 绕射射束,衍射束
  12202. diffracted ray ==> 衍射光线,衍射线,绕射线=>回折波
  12203. diffracted wave ==> 绕射波,衍射波=>回折波
  12204. diffracted wave vector ==> 衍射波矢量
  12205. diffracting edge ==> 衍射边
  12206. diffracting mask ==> 衍射掩模
  12207. diffracting medium ==> 衍射介质
  12208. diffracting object ==> 衍射体
  12209. diffracting opening ==> 衍射孔
  12210. diffracting power ==> 衍射本领
  12211. diffraction ==> 衍射,绕射=>回折
  12212. diffraction angle ==> 衍射角,绕射角
  12213. diffraction aperture ==> 衍射孔径
  12214. diffraction approach ==> 衍射法
  12215. diffraction blur circle ==> 衍射弥散圆
  12216. diffraction blurring ==> 衍射模糊
  12217. diffraction broadening ==> 衍射增宽
  12218. diffraction by aperture ==> 孔径衍射
  12219. diffraction circle of confu-sion ==> 衍射模糊圈
  12220. diffraction coefficient ==> 衍射系数
  12221. diffraction cone ==> 衍射锥
  12222. diffraction contrast ==> 衍射衬度
  12223. diffraction corona ==> 衍射晕
  12224. diffraction coupling ==> 衍射耦合
  12225. diffraction cross-section ==> 衍射截面,绕射截面
  12226. diffraction crystallography ==> 衍射结晶学
  12227. diffraction current ==> 回折流
  12228. diffraction curve ==> 衍射曲线
  12229. diffraction decoupling ==> 衍射去耦合
  12230. diffraction disk ==> 衍射圆面
  12231. diffraction edge ==> 衍射边缘
  12232. diffraction effect ==> 衍射效应=>回折効果
  12233. diffraction efficiency ==> 衍射效率=>回折効率
  12234. diffraction efficiency of hologram ==> 全息图的衍射效率
  12235. diffraction figure ==> 绕射图
  12236. diffraction fringe ==> 绕射条纹,衍射条纹
  12237. diffraction grating ==> 衍射光栅=>回折格子
  12238. diffraction grating alignment ==> 衍射光栅对准
  12239. diffraction grating interferometer ==> 回折格子干渉計
  12240. diffraction grating spectral order ==> 衍射光栅光谱级
  12241. diffraction group ==> 衍射群
  12242. diffraction halo ==> 衍射晕
  12243. diffraction image ==> 衍射像=>回折像
  12244. diffraction image of double star point ==> 双星点衍射像
  12245. diffraction image point ==> 衍射像点
  12246. diffraction instrument ==> 衍射计,衍射仪=>回折装置
  12247. diffraction integral ==> 衍射积分
  12248. diffraction lens ==> 衍射透镜
  12249. diffraction limit ==> 衍射极限
  12250. diffraction limited Raman laser ==> 衍射限喇曼激光器
  12251. diffraction line ==> 衍射线
  12252. diffraction loss ==> 衍射损耗,绕射损耗=>回折損
  12253. diffraction maximum ==> 衍射峰,衍射极大
  12254. diffraction microscopy ==> 衍射显微术
  12255. diffraction modulation transfer function ==> 衍射调制传递函数
  12256. diffraction mottle ==> 衍射斑纹
  12257. diffraction mottling ==> 衍射斑点
  12258. diffraction of light ==> 光的衍射
  12259. diffraction optics ==> 衍射光学
  12260. diffraction optics head-up bisplay ==> 衍射光学平视显示器
  12261. diffraction order ==> 衍射级
  12262. diffraction oscillation ==> 衍射振荡
  12263. diffraction pattern ==> 衍射图,绕射图
  12264. diffraction peak ==> 衍射峰
  12265. diffraction plane ==> 衍射平面
  12266. diffraction propagation ==> 绕射传播
  12267. diffraction ray ==> 衍射线
  12268. diffraction reflection ==> 衍射反射
  12269. diffraction region ==> 衍射区=>回折領域
  12270. diffraction resolution ==> 衍射分辨力
  12271. diffraction ring ==> 衍射光环
  12272. diffraction scan ==> 绕射扫描
  12273. diffraction scattering ==> 绕射散射=>回折散乱
  12274. diffraction screen ==> 衍射屏
  12275. diffraction spectrometer ==> 衍射分光计
  12276. diffraction spectroscope ==> 衍射分光镜
  12277. diffraction spectrum ==> 衍射光谱,绕射光谱,绕射频谱
  12278. diffraction spot ==> 衍射斑点
  12279. diffraction spot radius ==> 衍射光斑半径
  12280. diffraction symmetry ==> 衍射对称
  12281. diffraction theory ==> 衍射理论
  12282. diffraction tomography ==> 回折断層撮影
  12283. diffraction wedge ==> 衍射楔
  12284. diffraction X-ray tube ==> 衍射用X射线管
  12285. diffraction zone ==> 回折帯(電波)
  12286. diffraction-based merit function ==> 衍射评价函数
  12287. diffraction-grating inter-ferometer ==> 衍射光栅干涉仪
  12288. diffraction-grating replica ==> 衍射光栅复制
  12289. diffraction-limited devergence ==> 衍射极限发散度
  12290. diffraction-limited diameter ==> 衍射极限直径
  12291. diffraction-limited lens ==> 衍射限透镜
  12292. diffraction-limited mirror ==> 衍射限镜
  12293. diffraction-limited mode ==> 衍射限模式
  12294. diffraction-produced hot spots ==> 衍射产生的热点
  12295. diffractional field ==> 衍射场
  12296. diffractional lattice ==> 衍射点阵
  12297. diffractional loss ==> 衍射损耗
  12298. diffractional pulse-height discriminator ==> 脉冲振幅选择器
  12299. diffracto-gauge ==> 衍射应变仪
  12300. diffractometer ==> 衍射计
  12301. diffrsed silicon semiconductor tensiometer ==> 扩散硅式张力计
  12302. diffusant ==> 扩散剂
  12303. diffusant particle ==> 扩散源质点
  12304. diffusant source ==> 扩散源
  12305. diffusate ==> 拡散気体
  12306. diffuse abdominal wall resistance ==> 弥漫性腹壁紧张
  12307. diffuse aneurysm ==> 弥漫性动脉瘤
  12308. diffuse arteriosclerosis ==> 弥漫性动脉硬化
  12309. diffuse aurora humming ==> 拡散オーロラのハミング
  12310. diffuse background ==> 扩散背景
  12311. diffuse base ==> 扩散基极
  12312. diffuse blur circle ==> 漫射模糊圈
  12313. diffuse bronchial spasm ==> 弥漫性支气管痉挛
  12314. diffuse calcification ==> 弥漫性钙化
  12315. diffuse carcinoma of lung ==> 弥漫型肺癌
  12316. diffuse cerebral atrophy ==> 弥漫性大脑萎缩症
  12317. diffuse colloid goiter ==> 弥漫性胶性甲状腺肿
  12318. diffuse combustion ==> 拡散燃焼
  12319. diffuse cone bipolars ==> 弥散锥双极细胞
  12320. diffuse cranial hyperostosis ==> 弥漫性颅骨肥厚症
  12321. diffuse cystic mastopathy ==> 弥漫性囊性乳腺病
  12322. diffuse density ==> 漫射密度,散射密度
  12323. diffuse diffraction ==> 漫散衍射
  12324. diffuse double layer ==> 分散双电层
  12325. diffuse endometrial carcinoma ==> 弥漫型子宫内膜癌
  12326. diffuse fibrocystic disease of lungs ==> 弥漫性纤维囊性肺病
  12327. diffuse field ==> 扩散声场
  12328. diffuse field response of microphone ==> 传声器扩散声场频率响应,传声器扩散场响应
  12329. diffuse field sensitivity of microphone ==> 传声器扩散场灵敏度
  12330. diffuse filter ==> 漫射滤光器,漫射式滤光镜
  12331. diffuse front ==> 弱散锋
  12332. diffuse function determination ==> 弥漫功能测定
  12333. diffuse galactic light ==> 银河漫射光
  12334. diffuse goiter ==> 弥漫性甲状腺肿
  12335. diffuse growth ==> 漫散生长
  12336. diffuse halo ==> 漫射晕
  12337. diffuse heat radiation ==> 漫射热辐射
  12338. diffuse hyperplastic arteriosclerosis ==> 弥漫性增生性动脉硬化
  12339. diffuse illumination ==> 漫射光照明,漫射照明,弥散光线照明法
  12340. diffuse infiltrative carcinoma of stomach ==> 弥漫浸润型胃癌
  12341. diffuse insolation data ==> 漫射日照数据
  12342. diffuse kinetochore ==> 漫散着丝粒
  12343. diffuse layer popential ==> 界面動電位
  12344. diffuse lesion ==> 弥漫性病变
  12345. diffuse light ==> 漫射光
  12346. diffuse malignant mesothelioma of pleura ==> 弥漫性恶性胸膜间皮瘤
  12347. diffuse masking ==> 扩散掩蔽法
  12348. diffuse nontoxic goiter ==> 弥漫性非毒性甲状腺肿
  12349. diffuse object beam ==> 漫射物体光束
  12350. diffuse peritonitis ==> 弥漫性腹膜炎
  12351. diffuse pinch effect ==> 漫箍缩效应
  12352. diffuse placenta ==> 分散胎盘
  12353. diffuse placentation ==> 散漫胎盘
  12354. diffuse polluting source ==> 分散污染源
  12355. diffuse proliferative lesion ==> 弥漫性增生性病变
  12356. diffuse proliferative type ==> 弥漫增殖型
  12357. diffuse pulmonary fibrotic degeneration ==> 弥漫性肺纤维变性
  12358. diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis ==> 弥漫性肺间质纤维化
  12359. diffuse radiation ==> 散射辐射
  12360. diffuse radiation field ==> 漫辐射场
  12361. diffuse radiation form ==> 漫辐射形态
  12362. diffuse radio emission ==> 漫射电辐射
  12363. diffuse ray ==> 星散射线
  12364. diffuse reflectance ==> 漫反射系数=>拡散反射率
  12365. diffuse reflecting power ==> 漫反射本领,漫反射率
  12366. diffuse reflecting target ==> 漫反射靶
  12367. diffuse reflection ==> 扩散反射,漫反射=>拡散反射
  12368. diffuse reflection factor ==> 漫反射系数
  12369. diffuse reflection glass ==> 漫反射玻璃
  12370. diffuse reflection photo meter ==> 漫反射光度计
  12371. diffuse reflection spectrum ==> 漫反射光谱
  12372. diffuse reflector ==> 漫反射镜,漫反射器,漫反射体
  12373. diffuse refraction ==> 漫折射
  12374. diffuse ring ==> 漫射环
  12375. diffuse scattering ==> 漫散射
  12376. diffuse scattering background ==> 漫散射背景
  12377. diffuse scattering field ==> 漫射场
  12378. diffuse scattering surface ==> 漫散射面
  12379. diffuse scirrhous carcinoma of stomach ==> 弥漫型胃硬癌
  12380. diffuse sky radiaiton ==> 慢天空辐射
  12381. diffuse sky radiation ==> 天空扩散辐射
  12382. diffuse skylight ==> 慢天空辐射
  12383. diffuse sound ==> 漫射声,扩散声
  12384. diffuse spectral line ==> 漫射光谱线
  12385. diffuse spot ==> 漫斑,漫射斑
  12386. diffuse stimulus ==> 扩散刺激
  12387. diffuse streak ==> 弥散条纹
  12388. diffuse superficial keratitis ==> 弥漫性浅层角膜炎
  12389. diffuse surface ==> 漫反射面
  12390. diffuse symmetrical scleroderma ==> 弥漫对称性硬皮病
  12391. diffuse systemic sclerosis ==> 弥漫系统性硬化
  12392. diffuse transmission ==> 散射传输,漫射传输,漫透射,扩散传输
  12393. diffuse transmission density ==> 慢透射密度,漫透射密度
  12394. diffuse transmission factor ==> 漫射因数,漫透射系数,扩散传输因数
  12395. diffuse transmissivity ==> 漫射透光度,漫射透射比,漫透射率
  12396. diffuse transmittance ==> 漫射透光率,漫透射率
  12397. diffuse tuber culosis of ear ==> 耳弥漫性结核
  12398. diffuse type ==> 弥漫型
  12399. diffuse wall cavity ==> 漫射壁腔
  12400. diffuse wave ==> 漫射波
  12401. diffuse window ==> 漫射窗
  12402. diffuse X-ray reflection ==> 漫射X线反射
  12403. diffuse(d) reflection ==> 漫反射
  12404. diffuse(d) reflection fac ==> 漫反射系数
  12405. diffuse(d) reflector ==> 漫反射罩
  12406. diffuse-cutting filter ==> 漫散减光滤光片
  12407. diffuse-in-aggregate parenchyma ==> 星散聚合薄壁组织
  12408. diffuse-porous wood ==> 散孔材
  12409. diffuse-reflecting power ==> 漫反射能力
  12410. diffuse-reflective cavity ==> 漫反射腔
  12411. diffused air aeration ==> 扩散掺气
  12412. diffused base ==> 扩散基极
  12413. diffused base mesa transistor ==> 扩散基极台面型晶体管
  12414. diffused base phototransistor ==> 扩散基极光电晶体管
  12415. diffused base transistor ==> 扩散基极型晶体管
  12416. diffused capacity ==> 扩散电容
  12417. diffused channel waveguide ==> 扩散通道波导
  12418. diffused daylight ==> 漫射天然光
  12419. diffused dilicon semiconductor force meter ==> 扩散硅式测力计
  12420. diffused diode ==> 扩散二极管
  12421. diffused drain ==> 扩散漏极
  12422. diffused emitter collector phototransistor ==> 扩散发射极集电极光电晶体管
  12423. diffused emitter-collector transistor ==> 扩散发射极-集电极晶体管
  12424. diffused growth ==> 弥散生长
  12425. diffused homojunction laser ==> 扩散同质结激光器
  12426. diffused illumination ==> 扩散照明
  12427. diffused illumination hologram ==> 漫射照明全息图
  12428. diffused inactive echoes ==> 弥漫性慢波
  12429. diffused junction ==> 扩散结=>拡散接合
  12430. diffused junction capacitor ==> 扩散结型电容器
  12431. diffused junction diode ==> 扩散结型二极管
  12432. diffused junction isolation ==> 扩散结型隔离
  12433. diffused junction photocell ==> 扩散结光电管
  12434. diffused junction transistor ==> 扩散结晶体管=>拡散接合トランジスタ
  12435. diffused layer resistance ==> 扩散层电阻
  12436. diffused light ==> 扩散光=>拡散光
  12437. diffused light source ==> 漫射光源,扩散光源
  12438. diffused lighting ==> 漫射光均匀照明,漫射光照明=>拡散照明
  12439. diffused line ==> 扩散路线
  12440. diffused lymphoid tissue ==> 弥散淋巴组织
  12441. diffused optical waveguide ==> 扩散光波导
  12442. diffused periaxial encephalitis ==> 谢尔德氏脑炎
  12443. diffused portion ==> 扩散区
  12444. diffused positive column ==> 拡散陽光柱
  12445. diffused ray ==> 漫射光线
  12446. diffused rays ==> 漫射线
  12447. diffused reflectance ==> 扩散反射率
  12448. diffused reflector ==> 漫射罩
  12449. diffused resistor ==> 扩散电阻器=>拡散抵抗
  12450. diffused resistor block ==> 扩散电阻检测单元
  12451. diffused silicon semiconductor force transducer ==> 扩散硅式力传感器
  12452. diffused sound ==> 漫射声
  12453. diffused source ==> 扩散源
  12454. diffused strip ==> 扩散条
  12455. diffused surround ==> 漫射晕
  12456. diffused transmission ==> 漫射传输
  12457. diffused type diode ==> 扩散型二极管
  12458. diffused type semiconductor strain gauge ==> 扩散型半导体应变计
  12459. diffused type transistor ==> 扩散型晶体管
  12460. diffused weld ==> 扩散压合
  12461. diffused-base epitaxial mesa phototransistor ==> 扩散基极外延台面式光电晶体管
  12462. diffused-collector method ==> 集电极扩散法
  12463. diffused-junction detector ==> 扩散结探测器
  12464. diffused-meltback ==> 扩散反复熔炼法
  12465. diffused-type placenta ==> 弥散型胎盘
  12466. diffusely transmitting ==> 漫射发射
  12467. diffusely-scattered neutrons ==> 漫散射中子
  12468. diffuser ==> 扩散段,扩散管,扩散器,扩散体,扩压器,扬声器纸盆,散光罩,进气道,浸射体,偏光片,漫射器,漫射体,散射器,散射体=>拡散体,拡散器
  12469. diffuser (-sor) ==> 浸提器
  12470. diffuser casing pump ==> 扩散泵,扩压泵
  12471. diffuser chamber ==> 扩散室
  12472. diffuser drag ==> 扩散器阻力
  12473. diffuser efficiency ==> 扩压器效率
  12474. diffuser grid ==> 扩散器栅,导流栅
  12475. diffuser inlet ==> 扩压器入口
  12476. diffuser intake ==> 扩压器进口
  12477. diffuser lip ==> 扩压管唇部
  12478. diffuser loss ==> 扩散损失
  12479. diffuser nozzle ==> 扩散式喷嘴
  12480. diffuser plate ==> 扩散掺气板
  12481. diffuser ring ==> 扩压环
  12482. diffuser screen ==> 散躲屏,散射屏
  12483. diffuser valve ==> 扩散阀
  12484. diffuser vane ==> 扩散器叶片,扩压器内导向叶片
  12485. diffuser-type centrifugal pumpe ==> 扩散式离心泵
  12486. diffusibility ==> 扩散能力
  12487. diffusibility of gases ==> 气体扩散率
  12488. diffusible calcium ==> 可扩散性钙
  12489. diffusing action ==> 扩压作用
  12490. diffusing atom ==> 扩散原子
  12491. diffusing background ==> 漫射本底
  12492. diffusing capacity ==> 弥散量
  12493. diffusing coupler ==> 扩散型成色剂
  12494. diffusing effect ==> 扩散效应
  12495. diffusing extinction of arc ==> 扩散灭弧
  12496. diffusing fitting ==> 漫射灯罩
  12497. diffusing glass ==> 漫射玻璃,散光玻璃
  12498. diffusing globe ==> 漫散球,漫射器
  12499. diffusing heat treatment ==> 扩散热处理
  12500. diffusing impurity ==> 扩散剂
  12501. diffusing lens ==> 漫射透镜
  12502. diffusing media ==> 漫射媒质
  12503. diffusing object ==> 扩散物体
  12504. diffusing panel ==> 漫射板
  12505. diffusing screen ==> 慢射遮光屏,漫射屏,漫射遮光屏,漫射遮光装置,散射屏
  12506. diffusing scroll ==> 扩散涡管
  12507. diffusing source ==> 漫射能源,漫射源
  12508. diffusing surface ==> 漫射表面,漫射面
  12509. diffusing type steam valve ==> 扩压式汽阀
  12510. diffusion ==> 扩散,传播,散布,漫射,散射,弥散,滞止,渗滤=>拡散
  12511. diffusion action ==> 扩散作用
  12512. diffusion aerator ==> 扩散通气器
  12513. diffusion aftereffect ==> 拡散磁気余効
  12514. diffusion alloying ==> 扩散合金化
  12515. diffusion altitude ==> 漫射宽容度
  12516. diffusion analogy ==> 扩散比拟
  12517. diffusion analysis ==> 扩散分析
  12518. diffusion annealing ==> 扩散退火
  12519. diffusion approximation ==> 扩散近似
  12520. diffusion area ==> 扩散面积
  12521. diffusion attachment ==> 漫射附件
  12522. diffusion barrier ==> 扩散势垒,扩散膜=>拡散の隔壁
  12523. diffusion base plane transistor ==> 扩散基极平面晶体管
  12524. diffusion boat ==> 扩散舟
  12525. diffusion bond ==> 固相接着
  12526. diffusion bonding ==> 扩散结合,扩散压合,扩散粘结
  12527. diffusion brazing ==> 扩散硬钎焊
  12528. diffusion bucket ==> 扩散式消力戽
  12529. diffusion calculation ==> 扩散计算
  12530. diffusion capacitance ==> 扩散电容=>拡散容量
  12531. diffusion capacity ==> 扩散电容
  12532. diffusion chamber ==> 扩散盒,扩散箱
  12533. diffusion cloud chamber ==> 扩散云室
  12534. diffusion coating ==> 扩散涂层
  12535. diffusion coefficient ==> 扩散系数=>拡散率,拡散係数
  12536. diffusion collector ==> 扩散集电极
  12537. diffusion combustion ==> 扩散燃烧
  12538. diffusion component ==> 扩散成分
  12539. diffusion conditions ==> 扩散条件
  12540. diffusion conductance ==> 扩散电导
  12541. diffusion constant ==> 扩散常数=>拡散定数
  12542. diffusion control ==> 扩散控制
  12543. diffusion cooling ==> 扩散冷却,发散冷却
  12544. diffusion couple ==> 扩散对
  12545. diffusion creep ==> 扩散蠕变
  12546. diffusion crystallizer ==> 扩散结晶器
  12547. diffusion current ==> 扩散电流=>拡散電流
  12548. diffusion depth ==> 扩散深度
  12549. diffusion distance ==> 扩散距离
  12550. diffusion edge ==> 扩散边缘
  12551. diffusion effect ==> 扩散作用
  12552. diffusion equation ==> 漫射方程,扩散方程=>拡散方程式
  12553. diffusion facilities ==> 扩散设备
  12554. diffusion factor ==> 扩散系数,扩压因子,漫射系数,漫射因数
  12555. diffusion factory ==> 扩散工作
  12556. diffusion filter ==> 扩散滤波器
  12557. diffusion flame ==> 扩散火焰
  12558. diffusion flow ==> 扩散流
  12559. diffusion flux ==> 扩散通量
  12560. diffusion frequency ==> 扩散频率
  12561. diffusion front ==> 扩散阵面
  12562. diffusion furnace ==> 扩散炉
  12563. diffusion gettering ==> 扩散吸除
  12564. diffusion gradient ==> 扩散杂质梯度
  12565. diffusion halo ==> 漫射光晕
  12566. diffusion hardening ==> 扩散硬化处理,金属表面渗碳
  12567. diffusion impervious layer ==> 扩散阻挡层
  12568. diffusion index ==> 扩散指数,景气动向指数,景气动向指数
  12569. diffusion induced strain ==> 扩散诱起的变形
  12570. diffusion inductance ==> 扩散电感
  12571. diffusion isolation ==> 扩散隔离
  12572. diffusion junction ==> 扩散结
  12573. diffusion kernel ==> 拡散核
  12574. diffusion knife ==> 切刀,切丝刀片
  12575. diffusion lamp ==> 漫射灯泡
  12576. diffusion layer ==> 扩散层
  12577. diffusion length ==> 扩散长度,扩散距离,介质的热中子扩散系数与其热中子宏观吸收截面之比,单位cm。其物理意义是:扩散长度的平方等于中子从产生点到被吸收点间直线飞行距离均方值的1/6=>拡散距離
  12578. diffusion mask ==> 扩散掩蔽
  12579. diffusion mask opening ==> 扩散掩模窗口
  12580. diffusion mechanism ==> 扩散机理
  12581. diffusion model ==> 扩散模型
  12582. diffusion moulding ==> 扩散造型
  12583. diffusion normalizing ==> 高温扩散正火
  12584. diffusion number ==> 扩散数
  12585. diffusion of excitation ==> 兴奋扩散
  12586. diffusion of light ==> 光的漫射
  12587. diffusion of noxious substance ==> 有害物扩散
  12588. diffusion of solids ==> 固体扩散
  12589. diffusion of vacancies ==> 空位扩散
  12590. diffusion oven ==> 扩散炉
  12591. diffusion overvoltage ==> 扩散超电压
  12592. diffusion path ==> 扩散程,扩散途径
  12593. diffusion porosity ==> 扩散气孔
  12594. diffusion potential ==> 护散电位=>拡散電位
  12595. diffusion pressure ==> 扩散压力
  12596. diffusion prior to distribution ==> 扩散先验分布
  12597. diffusion process ==> 扩散
  12598. diffusion pump ==> 扩散泵=>拡散ポンプ
  12599. diffusion pump fluid ==> 扩散泵用液体
  12600. diffusion pump oil ==> 扩散泵油
  12601. diffusion radiation ==> 扩散放射,漫射辐射
  12602. diffusion rate ==> 扩散速率
  12603. diffusion ratio ==> 扩散比率=>拡散割合,拡散率,普及率
  12604. diffusion respiration ==> 弥散性呼吸
  12605. diffusion ring ==> 扩散环
  12606. diffusion saturation ==> 扩散饱和
  12607. diffusion screen ==> 扩散屏幕
  12608. diffusion source ==> 扩散源
  12609. diffusion speed ==> 拡散速度
  12610. diffusion stack ==> 扩散柱
  12611. diffusion step carrier ==> 扩散工艺用载体
  12612. diffusion stop ==> 扩散抑制器
  12613. diffusion technique ==> 扩散技术
  12614. diffusion temperature ==> 扩散温度
  12615. diffusion time-scale ==> 拡散時間スケール
  12616. diffusion transfer ==> 扩散转移,扩散转印,漫射转移
  12617. diffusion transfer process ==> 扩散传送过程,扩散转移过程
  12618. diffusion transfer reversal process ==> 扩散转移反转法
  12619. diffusion transformation ==> 扩散转变
  12620. diffusion transistor ==> 扩散型晶体管
  12621. diffusion transport ==> 拡散輸送
  12622. diffusion tube ==> 扩散管
  12623. diffusion velocity ==> 扩散速度
  12624. diffusion ventilation ==> 扩散通风
  12625. diffusion wall ==> 拡散壁
  12626. diffusion welding ==> 扩散焊
  12627. diffusion well ==> 扩散井,地下水补给井
  12628. diffusion window ==> 扩散窗
  12629. diffusion zone ==> 扩散区
  12630. diffusion-alloy phototransistor ==> 扩散合金光电晶体管
  12631. diffusion-ejector pump ==> 扩散喷射泵
  12632. diffusion-sintering ==> 扩散烧结
  12633. diffusion-transfer process ==> 扩散转印法
  12634. diffusion-type enlarger ==> 漫射光放大机
  12635. diffusion-type junction ==> 扩散结
  12636. diffusional bond ==> 扩散结合
  12637. diffusional creep ==> 扩散蠕变
  12638. diffusional decay ==> 扩散衰变
  12639. diffusional transfer ==> 扩散性转移
  12640. diffusionless transformation ==> 非扩散转变
  12641. diffusive ==> 拡散性の
  12642. diffusive approximation ==> 拡散近似
  12643. diffusive barrier ==> 拡散障壁
  12644. diffusive behavior ==> 拡散挙動
  12645. diffusive burner ==> 拡散バーナー
  12646. diffusive coefficient ==> 拡散係数
  12647. diffusive deoxidation ==> 扩散脱氧
  12648. diffusive equilibrium ==> 扩散平衡
  12649. diffusive property ==> 漫射特性
  12650. diffusive shrinkage ==> 拡散収縮
  12651. diffusivity ==> 扩散系数
  12652. diffusivity equation ==> 扩散方程
  12653. difinition determiningfocal length method ==> 清晰度定焦法
  12654. difluoro ester ==> 二氟酯
  12655. difluoro ether ==> 二氟醚
  12656. difluorochlobromo-methane ==> 二氟一氯一溴甲烷
  12657. difluorophosphoric acid ==> 二氟基磷酸
  12658. diformin tablet ==> 二甲双胍片
  12659. dig a well ==> 挖井
  12660. digallic acid ==> 丹宁,丹宁酸
  12661. digastric branch ==> 二腹肌支
  12662. digastric triangle ==> 二腹肌三角
  12663. digenetic propagation ==> 两性繁殖
  12664. Digenia simplex ==> 海人草
  12665. digenic acid ==> 海人酸
  12666. digest of statistics ==> 统计摘要
  12667. digested sewage sludge ==> 经污水处理厂处理后的污泥
  12668. digested sludge ==> 菌致分解污泥,菌致分解污泥
  12669. digester ==> 蒸煮锅
  12670. digester coils ==> 化污器盘管
  12671. digester room ==> 蒸煮锅
  12672. digestion ==> 浸提,浸煮,菌致分解,菌致分解,消化,分解
  12673. digestion coefficient ==> 消化系数
  12674. digestion pill of betel nut ==> 槟榔四消丸
  12675. digestion residue ==> 溶出残渣
  12676. digestion slime ==> 溶出残渣
  12677. digestion tank ==> 隐化池
  12678. digestion trial ==> 消化试验
  12679. digestive ==> 消化的,消化药
  12680. digestive and respiratory system ==> 消化系统和呼吸系统
  12681. digestive canal ==> 消化管
  12682. digestive efficiency ==> 消化效率
  12683. digestive enzyme ==> 消化酶
  12684. digestive functional disturbance ==> 消化功能障碍
  12685. digestive gland ==> 消化腺
  12686. digestive juice ==> 消化液,胃液
  12687. digestive leucocytosis ==> 消化性白细胞增多
  12688. digestive system ==> 消化系统
  12689. digestive system and respiratory system ==> 消化系统和呼吸系统
  12690. digestive tract ==> 消化道=>消化管
  12691. digestive tract symptom ==> 消化道症状
  12692. digestive tube ==> 消化管
  12693. digger ==> 掘凿器,挖掘机械
  12694. digger blade ==> 挖掘铲
  12695. digger body ==> 翻耕犁体
  12696. digger bottom ==> 翻耕犁体
  12697. digger chain ==> 挖掘链
  12698. digger dredger ==> 采掘式挖泥船
  12699. digger plow ==> 犁式挖沟机
  12700. digging ==> 採掘,下宿
  12701. digging action ==> (电弧的)挖掘作用
  12702. digging area ==> 挖掘区
  12703. digging arm loader ==> 立爪扒渣机
  12704. digging auger ==> 挖穴螺旋钻
  12705. digging bucket ==> 挖土铲斗
  12706. digging depth ==> 挖掘深度,掘凿深度,掘凿深度=>採掘深度
  12707. digging diameter ==> 掘削径
  12708. digging distance ==> 掘削距離
  12709. digging element ==> 掘削要素
  12710. digging fork ==> 挖掘叉
  12711. digging height ==> 露天矿阶段高度,采掘高度
  12712. digging machine ==> 挖掘机
  12713. digging macnine ==> 挖土机
  12714. digging method ==> 开挖方法
  12715. digging radius ==> 挖掘半径
  12716. digging rake ==> 掘土耙,掘土耙
  12717. digging reel ==> 挖掘转子
  12718. digging spade ==> 掘锹,掘锹
  12719. digging wheel ==> 挖掘圆盘
  12720. diggings ==> 矿山
  12721. Dighton-Adair syndrome ==> 耳聋-蓝巩膜-骨脆综合征
  12722. digicuronic acid ==> 洋地黄糖醛酸
  12723. digimatic calipers ==> 电子数显卡尺
  12724. digimatic depth gage ==> 电子数显深度尺
  12725. digimatic height gage ==> 电子数显高度尺
  12726. digimatic micrometer ==> 数显千分尺
  12727. digit ==> 数字=>数字,ディジット
  12728. digit absorbing selector ==> 脉冲吸收器,数字吸收选择器
  12729. digit area ==> 数码面积
  12730. digit back-up ==> 数字后备电路
  12731. digit bit pulse ==> 数字二进位脉冲
  12732. digit buffer ==> 位缓冲器
  12733. digit by digit method ==> 逐位法
  12734. digit capacity ==> 位数
  12735. digit column ==> 数位列
  12736. digit compression ==> 数位减缩,数位压缩,数字压缩
  12737. digit decimal ==> 十进制数字,单个整数数字
  12738. digit drive pulse ==> 数字驱动脉冲
  12739. digit driver ==> 数字激励器,数字驱动器
  12740. digit duration ==> 数字脉冲宽度
  12741. digit electrode ==> 数位电极
  12742. digit emitter ==> 数字发送器
  12743. digit filter ==> 数字滤波器
  12744. digit group ==> 数组
  12745. digit impulse ==> 数位脉冲
  12746. digit key strip ==> 计数电键片
  12747. digit layout ==> 数的配置,数位配置
  12748. digit layout parameter ==> 数位配置参数
  12749. digit line ==> 数位线
  12750. digit order number ==> (计算机的)数位
  12751. digit pair ==> 位偶
  12752. digit path ==> 数字道
  12753. digit period ==> 数字信号周期,数字周期
  12754. digit place ==> 数字位置
  12755. digit plane ==> 数位面
  12756. digit plane driver ==> 数位面驱动器
  12757. digit position ==> 数字位,数字位置,一位数的位置
  12758. digit pulse ==> 数字脉冲
  12759. digit punch ==> 数字穿孔,数字孔
  12760. digit rate ==> 数字率
  12761. digit readout micrometer ==> 读数千分尺
  12762. digit register spots ==> 数字寄存点
  12763. digit selector ==> 位选择器
  12764. digit sense circuit ==> 位读出电路
  12765. digit spacing ==> 数位容量
  12766. digit synchronization ==> 数字同步
  12767. digit time ==> 数字时间,数字信号周期,数字周期
  12768. digit track ==> 数字道
  12769. digit transfer bus ==> 数字信号传送总线
  12770. digit transfer trunk ==> 数字信号传送总线
  12771. digit wave form ==> 数位波形
  12772. digit wheel ==> 数字轮,符号轮=>数字車
  12773. digit(al) signal ==> 数字信号
  12774. digit-absorbing selector ==> 脉冲吸收选择器
  12775. digit-coded voice ==> 数字编码声音
  12776. digit-symbol generator ==> 数字符产生器
  12777. digital ==> 数字的=>計数形
  12778. digital (indexed) light deflector ==> 数字光偏转器
  12779. digital actuator ==> 数字式传动装置
  12780. digital adder ==> 数字加法器
  12781. digital ammeter ==> 数字电流表
  12782. digital analog converter 数 ==> 模转换器
  12783. digital analog function table ==> 数字模拟函数表
  12784. digital analog hybrid computer ==> 数字模拟混合计算机
  12785. digital analog simulator ==> 数字模拟仿真器
  12786. digital analogue converter ==> 数字模拟转换器
  12787. digital analyzer ==> デジタルアナライザー
  12788. digital angular position ==> 数字角位置
  12789. digital approximation ==> 数值逼近
  12790. digital area photometer (DAP) ==> 数字面积光度计
  12791. digital arithmetic center ==> 数字计算中心
  12792. digital array ==> 数字阵列
  12793. digital attenuator system ==> 数字式衰减系统
  12794. digital audio tape ==> 数字录音带
  12795. digital automat ==> 数字自动机
  12796. digital automation ==> 数字式自动化,数字式自动装置,数字自动装置
  12797. digital automatization ==> 数字计算机自动化,数字式自动化
  12798. digital autopilot ==> 数字化自动驾驶仪
  12799. digital back-up ==> 数字计算机备用
  12800. digital calculating method ==> 数字计算法
  12801. digital calculations ==> 数字计算
  12802. digital calculator ==> 数字计算器
  12803. digital camera ==> ディジタルカメラ
  12804. digital capacitance meter ==> 数字电容表
  12805. digital ccd ==> 数字电荷耦合装置
  12806. digital cellular telephone ==> 数字式蜂窝移动电话=>デジタルセルラー携帯電話
  12807. digital character ==> 数字符号
  12808. digital chip ==> 数字集成电路
  12809. digital circuit ==> 数字电路,计算线路=>ディジタル回路
  12810. digital circuit family ==> 数字电路族
  12811. digital clock ==> 数字钟
  12812. digital code ==> 数码,数字码
  12813. digital code wheel ==> 数字代码盘
  12814. digital coding ==> 数字编码
  12815. digital command ==> 数字指令
  12816. digital command system ==> 数字指令系统
  12817. digital communication ==> 数字通信,采用数字信号传送信息的通信方式
  12818. digital communication by satellite ==> 数字卫星通信
  12819. digital communication network ==> ディジタルネットワーク
  12820. digital communication system ==> 数字通信系统
  12821. digital comparator ==> 数字比较器
  12822. digital compensation ==> 数字补偿
  12823. digital complement ==> 按位补码,按位的补码
  12824. digital compression ==> 指压法
  12825. digital computation relay ==> ディジタル演算形継電器
  12826. digital computer ==> 数学式计算机,数字电脑,数字电子计算机,数字计算机
  12827. digital computer holography ==> 数字计算机全息术
  12828. digital computing system ==> 数字计算系统
  12829. digital console ==> 数字式控制台
  12830. digital contents ==> デジタルコンテンツ
  12831. digital control ==> 数字控制
  12832. digital control computer ==> 数字控制计算机
  12833. digital control scheme ==> ディジタル制御
  12834. digital control system ==> 数字控制系统,数字化控制系统,由微处理机的模数转换、功能控制、系统通信、在线诊断、实时显示和控制输出(数-模转换)等软、硬件功能模块组成的仪表控制系统
  12835. digital controller ==> 数字控制器
  12836. digital conversion ==> 数字转换
  12837. digital converter ==> 数字转换器
  12838. digital coordination ==> 数字配位
  12839. digital correlation kit ==> 数字相关器
  12840. digital correlator ==> 数字相关器
  12841. digital count relay ==> ディジタル計数形継電器
  12842. digital counter type ==> ディジタル計数形
  12843. digital cryptographic system ==> 数字密码系统
  12844. digital data ==> 数字数据=>ディジタルデータ
  12845. digital data acquisition system ==> 数字数据采集系统
  12846. digital data broadcast system (DDBS) ==> 数字数据发播系统
  12847. digital data converter ==> 数字数据变换器
  12848. digital data modulation system ==> 数字信息调制系统
  12849. digital data network ==> 数字数据网=>ディジタルデータ網
  12850. digital data processing system ==> 数字数据处理系统
  12851. digital data recorder ==> 数字式记录器
  12852. digital data service ==> 数字数据系统,数字信息业务
  12853. digital data transmission ==> 数字数据传输
  12854. digital data transmitter ==> 数字数据传输器
  12855. digital data wash ==> 数字数据消除
  12856. digital deep level seimograph ==> 数字深层地震仪
  12857. digital deflection ==> 数字偏差
  12858. digital delay generator ==> 数字式延时发生器
  12859. digital detector ==> 计数探测器,断续探测器
  12860. digital differential analizer ==> 数字微分分析器
  12861. digital differential analyzer (DDA) ==> 数字微分分析机
  12862. digital displacement measuring instrument ==> 数字式位移测量仪
  12863. digital displacement transducer ==> 数字式位移传感器
  12864. digital display ==> 数字指示器=>数字表示
  12865. digital display circuit ==> 数字显示电路
  12866. digital display generator ==> 数字显示信号发生器
  12867. digital document processing ==> 電子ドキュメント処理
  12868. digital down counter ==> 数字溢出计数器
  12869. digital drum ==> 数字磁鼓,数字鼓
  12870. digital electric actuator ==> 数字式电动执行机构
  12871. digital electric-hydraulic control system ==> 数字式电液控制系统
  12872. digital electro-hydraulic control system, DEH ==> 数字式电液调节系统,将模拟电信号转换为数字电信号、实现综合与放大,再将电信号转换为液压信号,以控制汽轮机运行的调节、保安系统。数字式电液控制系统,简称“数字电调”。由按电气原理设计的敏感元件、数字电路(计算机)、以及按液压原理设计的放大元件和液压伺服机构构成的汽轮机控制系统
  12873. digital electronic voltmeter ==> ディジタルシ電圧計
  12874. digital error ==> 符号誤り
  12875. digital error rate ==> 符号誤り率
  12876. digital feedback system ==> 数字反馈系统
  12877. digital filter ==> 数字滤波器,利用程序运算将模数转换后的数据值进行预定要求的处理的运算部件=>ディジタルフィルタ
  12878. digital fluxmeter ==> 数字磁通表
  12879. digital forensics ==> 電子情報の科学捜査
  12880. digital format ==> 数字形式
  12881. digital framing structure ==> 数字图像帧结构
  12882. digital frequency counter ==> ディジタル周波数計
  12883. digital frequency divider ==> 数字分频器
  12884. digital frequency meter ==> 数字式频率计,数字频率表=>ディジタル周波数計,計数形周波数計
  12885. digital function ==> 数字式功能部件
  12886. digital grid ==> 数字网=>デジタルグリッド
  12887. digital grid root ==> 数字网路由器=>デジタルグリッドルーター
  12888. digital hierarchy ==> ディジタルハイアラーキ
  12889. digital hologram ==> 数字全息图
  12890. digital IC ==> ディジタルIC
  12891. digital image ==> ディジタル画像
  12892. digital image processing ==> 数字图像处理
  12893. digital image recorder ==> 数字图像记录仪
  12894. digital image scanning and plotting system ==> 数字图像扫描记录系统
  12895. digital image tube ==> 数字像管
  12896. digital imageprocessing ==> 数字图像加工
  12897. digital incremental plotter ==> 数字增量绘图仪
  12898. digital indicator ==> 数字显示仪,数字指示器
  12899. digital information ==> 数字信息=>ディジタル情報
  12900. digital information detection ==> 数字信息检测
  12901. digital information display ==> 数字信息显示
  12902. digital information display system ==> 数字信息显示系统
  12903. digital information processing system ==> 数字信息处理系统
  12904. digital input ==> 数字输入
  12905. digital input noise ==> 数字输入干扰,数字信息噪声
  12906. digital instrument ==> 数字式仪表=>ディジタル計器
  12907. digital integrated circuit ==> 数字集成电路=>ディジタル集積回路
  12908. digital integrating circuit ==> 数字积分电路
  12909. digital integrating fluxmeter ==> 数字积分式磁通表
  12910. digital integration ==> 数字积分
  12911. digital interpolator ==> 数字内插器
  12912. digital joints ==> 指关节,趾关节
  12913. digital laser beam deflector ==> 数字激光束偏转器
  12914. digital leased circuit ==> ディジタル専用線
  12915. digital legacy ==> 数字遗产
  12916. digital line ==> 数字通信线路
  12917. digital linear measuring system ==> 光栅式线位移测量装置
  12918. digital logging instrument ==> 数字测井仪
  12919. digital logic ==> 数字逻辑
  12920. digital logic gate ==> 数字逻辑门
  12921. digital loop movie ==> 数字循环移动
  12922. digital magnetic tape record type strong motion instrument ==> 数字磁带记录强震仪
  12923. digital magnetic telluro sounding instrument ==> 数字大地电磁测深仪
  12924. digital manometer ==> ディジタルマノメータ
  12925. Digital Manufacturing research Center ==> ものづくり・IT融合化推進研究会
  12926. digital measured value ==> 数字测量值
  12927. digital measuring device ==> 数字测量装置
  12928. digital measuring equipment ==> デジタル計測器
  12929. digital measuring instrument ==> 数字仪表,数字测量仪表,数字式测量仪器仪表=>デジタル計測器
  12930. digital memory ==> ディジタルメモリ
  12931. digital method ==> 数字法
  12932. digital microelectronics ==> 数字微电子学
  12933. digital microwave radio ==> 数字微波无线电
  12934. digital microwave relay system ==> 数字式微波接力通信系统
  12935. digital modem ==> 数字调制解调
  12936. digital modulation ==> 数字调制
  12937. digital module ==> 数字微型组件
  12938. digital multiemter ==> 数字式万用表
  12939. digital multimeter ==> 数字万用表,数字复用表=>ディジタルシマルチメータ
  12940. digital multiplex equipment ==> 数字复用设备
  12941. digital multiplex hierarchy ==> 数字复用系列
  12942. digital multiplex system ==> 数字多路系统
  12943. digital multiplexer ==> 数字信号复接器=>ディジタルマルチプレクサ-
  12944. digital multiplier ==> 数字乘法装置
  12945. digital multiplier unit ==> 数字乘法器
  12946. digital multipurpose wind speed gage ==> 多功能数字风速仪
  12947. digital nerve block anesthesia ==> 指神经阻滞麻醉
  12948. digital network ==> 数字网络
  12949. digital network analyzer ==> 数字网络分析器
  12950. digital network architecture ==> 数字网络体系
  12951. digital neurorrhaphy ==> 指神经缝术
  12952. digital noise display ==> 数字式声量显示板
  12953. digital ohmmeter ==> 数字电阻表
  12954. digital operation ==> 数学应用,数字运算
  12955. digital operational circuit ==> 数字运算电路
  12956. digital optical tracking set ==> 数字光学跟踪装置
  12957. digital oscilloscope ==> 数字示波器
  12958. digital output ==> 数字输出
  12959. digital performance ==> 数字集成电路特性
  12960. digital phase detector ==> 数字相位检测器
  12961. digital phase meter ==> 数字相位表
  12962. digital phase shifter ==> 数字式移相器
  12963. digital plotter ==> 数字绘图仪,数字描绘器
  12964. digital point plotter ==> 数据点标绘器
  12965. digital position transmitter ==> 数字式位置发送器
  12966. digital positioner ==> 数字式定位器
  12967. digital potentiometer ==> 数字电位计
  12968. digital potentiometer system ==> 数字电位计制式,数字分压器制式
  12969. digital power driver ==> 数字功率表
  12970. digital presentation ==> 数字显示
  12971. digital pressure gauge ==> 数字压力表
  12972. digital printer ==> 数字打印机,指型打印机
  12973. digital process ==> 不连续过程
  12974. digital process control ==> 收字程序控制,数字程序控制,数字过程控制,数字顺序控制
  12975. digital processing ==> 数字处理
  12976. digital processing unit ==> 数字处理器
  12977. digital pulse ==> 数字脉冲
  12978. digital pulse sequence ==> 数字脉冲序列
  12979. digital quantity ==> 数字值
  12980. digital quantizer ==> 数字转换器
  12981. digital radio ==> 数字收音机
  12982. digital ratiometer ==> 数字比率表
  12983. digital read-out device ==> 数字读出仪
  12984. digital read-out system ==> 数字读出系统
  12985. digital read-outs ==> 数字读出机构
  12986. digital readout ==> 数字读出
  12987. digital recorder ==> 数字记录仪,以数字序列形式记录和存储被测信号波形,能以数字或模拟形式输出结果的仪器=>デジタル記録装置,ディジタルレコーダ
  12988. digital recording ==> 数字记录
  12989. digital reflection hologram ==> 数字反射全息图
  12990. digital regulating instrument ==> 数字式调节仪表,使用数字计算机实现过程控制的一种工业自动化仪表。由硬件和软件两部分组成
  12991. digital relay ==> 数字继电器=>ディジタル形継電器,ディジタルリレー
  12992. digital relay counter ==> 继电器数字计算器
  12993. digital relay servo system ==> 数字继电伺服系统
  12994. digital representation ==> 数字表示=>ディジタル表現
  12995. digital representation of a physical quantity ==> 物理量的数字表示
  12996. digital resolver ==> 数字解算器
  12997. digital revolution ==> 数字化革命,数字革命
  12998. digital seismic recoridng system ==> 数字地震仪
  12999. digital selective calling system ==> ディジタル選択呼びシステム
  13000. digital sensor ==> 数字传感器
  13001. digital service unit ==> DSU
  13002. digital servo ==> 数字伺服
  13003. digital servo mechanism ==> ディジタルサーボ機構
  13004. digital servomechanism ==> 数字伺服机构
  13005. digital servosystem ==> 数字跟踪系统
  13006. digital signal ==> 数字信号=>ディジタル信号
  13007. digital signal analyzer ==> 数字信号分析仪,数字信号分析器
  13008. digital signal processing ==> 数字信号处理=>ディジタル信号処理
  13009. digital signature ==> 数字签名
  13010. digital simulation ==> 数字仿真,数字模拟
  13011. digital simulation computer ==> 数字仿真计算机
  13012. digital simulation of power system ==> 电力系统数字仿真,利用数字处理设备,为电力系统的物理过程建立数学模型,并用数学方法求解所进行的计算研究
  13013. digital simulator ==> 数字模拟装置=>ディジタルシミュレータ
  13014. digital sort ==> 数字式分类
  13015. digital SPC switch ==> 数字程控交换机=>デジタルSPCスイッチ
  13016. digital speech communication ==> 数字言语通信
  13017. digital speech interpolation ==> DSI
  13018. digital still camera ==> ディジタルスチルカメラ
  13019. digital still store system ==> 数字静物摄像存储系统
  13020. digital storage ==> 数字存储器
  13021. digital storage oscillograph ==> 数字式存储示波器
  13022. digital strain indicator ==> 数字应变仪
  13023. digital subscriber multiplex transmission ==> ディジタル加入者多重伝送
  13024. digital substation ==> 数字变电站,Future Digital Substations with presentations focusing on cyber security, 61850 interoperability, advanced transducer concepts, and grounding issues, such as EM forces, PD radiation, step voltage shunt capacitors and advances in ground grid design.
  13025. digital switch ==> 数字开关
  13026. digital switcher ==> ディジタルスイッチ
  13027. digital switching device ==> 数字转换装置
  13028. digital switching system ==> 数字转换系统
  13029. digital system ==> 数字系统=>ディジタルシステム
  13030. digital system quantizing error ==> 数字系统量化误差
  13031. digital tachometer ==> 数字式转速表
  13032. digital tape storage ==> 数字磁带存储
  13033. digital target characteristic ==> 数码目标特性
  13034. digital technology ==> 数字技术=>ディジタル技術
  13035. digital telcphone switching system ==> 数字电话交换局
  13036. digital telecommunication network ==> ディジタル通信網
  13037. digital telemetering ==> 数字遥测
  13038. digital telemetering system ==> 数字遥测系统
  13039. digital telemetry ==> 数字遥测术
  13040. digital telemetry system ==> 数字遥测系统
  13041. digital telephone ==> 数字电话
  13042. digital telephone exchange ==> 数字电话交换局
  13043. digital telephone network ==> 数字电话网=>ディジタル電話網
  13044. digital television ==> 数字电视
  13045. digital television converter ==> 数字电视转换器
  13046. digital television system ==> 数字电视系统
  13047. digital time dissemination ==> 数字时间发播
  13048. digital to analog conversion ==> 数字模拟变换
  13049. digital transducer ==> 数字变换器数字传感器
  13050. digital transducer[sensor] ==> 数字传感器
  13051. digital transmission ==> 数字传输=>ディジタル伝送
  13052. digital transmission system ==> 数字传输系统
  13053. digital transversal filter ==> 数字式横向滤波器
  13054. digital trunk communication ==> 数字集群通信=>デジタル基幹通信
  13055. digital type generator model ==> ディジタル発電機モデル
  13056. digital type protective relay ==> ディジタル形保護継電器
  13057. digital type real-time simulator ==> ディジタル式リアルタイムシミュレータ
  13058. digital type relay ==> ディジタル形継電器
  13059. digital type torquemeter ==> 数字式转矩计
  13060. digital valve ==> 数字阀
  13061. digital variable ==> ディジタル量
  13062. digital vernier caliper ==> 数显游标卡尺=>デジタルノギス
  13063. digital voltage encoder ==> 数字电压译码器
  13064. digital voltmeter ==> 数字电压表,数字伏特计,数字式电压表,数字式伏特计
  13065. digital wavefront measuring interferometer ==> 数字波面测量干涉仪
  13066. digital-analog conversion ==> 数模转换
  13067. digital-analog interface ==> ディジタル-アナルグ接続
  13068. digital-analog multiplication ==> 数字模拟乘法器
  13069. digital-analogue type ==> 数字模拟型
  13070. digital-analogy ==> 数字模拟
  13071. digital-to-analog converter ==> D-A変換器
  13072. digitalis effect ==> 毛地黄效应
  13073. digitalis leaf ==> 毛地黄叶,洋地黄叶
  13074. digitalis poisoning ==> 洋地黄类药物中毒,洋地黄中毒
  13075. digitalis powder ==> 洋地黄粉
  13076. digitalis preparation ==> 洋地黄制剂
  13077. digitalis tincture ==> 洋地黄酊
  13078. digitalization error ==> 数字化误差
  13079. digitally programmable modem ==> 可编程序数字调制解调器
  13080. digitally programmable servo ==> 数字程序化的伺服机构
  13081. digitated leaf ==> 掌状叶
  13082. digitenol goycoside ==> 洋地黄醇甙
  13083. digiti manus ==> 指
  13084. digiti pedis ==> 趾,足趾
  13085. digitization ==> 数字化
  13086. digitization error ==> 数字化误差
  13087. digitize, to ==> ディジタル化する
  13088. digitized layout ==> 数字化版图,数字化的设计图
  13089. digitized signal ==> 数字化信号
  13090. digitizer ==> 数字化仪,数字转换器
  13091. digitizing board ==> 数字化器
  13092. digitorum manus ==> 指骨环韧带
  13093. digitorum pedis ==> 趾骨环韧带,趾十字韧带
  13094. digits delay ==> 数位延迟
  13095. digitwise operation ==> 按数字运算,按位运算
  13096. Digivue panel ==> 迪吉维显示板
  13097. diglycidyl ether ==> 二环氧甘油醚
  13098. diglycocoll hydroiodide-iodine ==> 氢碘酸二甘氨酸磺
  13099. diglycol stearate ==> 二甘醇硬脂酸盐,二甘醇硬脂酸酯
  13100. diglycolic acid ==> 二甘醇酸
  13101. dignitary ==> 高官,要人
  13102. digonal axis ==> 二角轴
  13103. digraph representation of a structure ==> 结构的有向图表示法
  13104. digression ==> 主題からずれること
  13105. DIGS, Delta Inertial Guidance System ==> デルタロケット用慣性誘導システム
  13106. dihalogen acid ==> 二卤代酸
  13107. dihalogenated acetone ==> 二卤代丙酮
  13108. dihalogenated ester ==> 二卤代酯
  13109. dihalogenated ether ==> 二卤代醚
  13110. dihedral ==> 二面的,二面角,两面角,角形=>二面角,上反角
  13111. dihedral angle ==> 二面角=>2面角,ねじれ角,上反角
  13112. dihedral angle of rotation ==> 回転の二面角
  13113. dihedral axis ==> 2面体軸
  13114. dihedral effect ==> 上反角効果
  13115. dihedral group ==> 二面簇=>2面体群
  13116. dihedral reflector ==> 二面反射镜,二面反射器,二面角反射镜
  13117. dihedral symmetry ==> 2面体対称
  13118. diheptal base ==> 十四脚管底
  13119. dihybrid inheritance ==> 双因子杂交遗传
  13120. dihydrate ==> 二水合物,二水氯化钡
  13121. dihydrate gypsum ==> 二水石膏
  13122. dihydric acid ==> 二价酸
  13123. dihydric alcohol ==> 二元醇,二羟醇
  13124. dihydric phenol ==> 二元酚,二羟酚
  13125. dihydric phosphate ==> 磷酸二氢盐
  13126. dihydric salt ==> 二氢盐
  13127. dihydro bromide ==> 氨基乙基异硫脲二溴氢酸盐
  13128. dihydro-N-methylisopelletierine ==> 二氢N甲基异石榴皮碱
  13129. dihydrofolic acid ==> 二氢叶酸
  13130. dihydrolipoic acid dehydrogenase ==> 二氢硫辛酸脱氢酶
  13131. dihydrooratic acid ==> 二氢-[4]-羧基尿嘧啶,二氢乳清酸
  13132. dihydrostreptomycin sulfate ==> 硫酸双氢链霉素
  13133. dihydroterpinyl acetate ==> 二氢乙酸松油酯
  13134. dihydroxy acetic acid ==> 二羟基乙酸
  13135. dihydroxy acid ==> 二羟酸
  13136. dihydroxy alcohol ==> 二元醇,二羟醇
  13137. dihydroxy anthracene ==> 二羟蒽
  13138. dihydroxy dibasic acid ==> 二羟二酸
  13139. dihydroxy diphenyl ether ==> 二羟基二苯醚
  13140. dihydroxy naphthalene ==> 二羟萘
  13141. dihydroxy naphthlene ==> 二羟基萘
  13142. dihydroxy stearic acid ==> 二羟硬脂酸
  13143. dihydroxy-benzoic acid ==> 二羟基苯甲酸
  13144. dihydroxy-benzyl alcohol ==> 二羟苄醇
  13145. dihydroxy-maleic acid ==> 二羟马来酸
  13146. dihydroxyarachidic acid ==> 二羟花生酸,二羟基廿烷酸
  13147. dihydroxycholanic acid ==> 二羟基胆烷酸
  13148. dihydroxyfluoboric acid ==> 二羟基氟硼酸
  13149. dihydroxyl derivative ==> 二羟衍生物
  13150. dihydroxylated acid ==> 二羟酸
  13151. dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid ==> 二羟苯乙酸
  13152. dihydroxyphenyl-1-propanone ==> 二羟基苯丙酮
  13153. dihydroxypropionic acid ==> 2,3-二羟基丙酸
  13154. dihydroxytartaric acid ==> 二羟基酒石酸
  13155. diic ==> 介质隔离集成电路
  13156. diimino succinonitrile ==> 二亚氨基丁二腈
  13157. diindolyl-4-phridyl methane ==> 二吲哚-4-吡啶甲烷
  13158. diiodo-acetic acid ==> 二碘乙酸
  13159. diiodo-ester ==> 二碘代酯
  13160. diiodo-ether ==> 二碘代醚
  13161. diiodo-β-naphthol ==> 二碘β-萘酚
  13162. diisopropyl ether ==> 二异丙醚,异丙醚
  13163. Dijit Printer ==> 迪吉特喷墨印刷机
  13164. dike ==> 堤,又称“堤防”。为防御河水向两岸漫溢而沿岸修筑的挡水建筑物
  13165. dike body ==> 堤体
  13166. dike breaching ==> 堤防溃决
  13167. dike breaking ==> 堤防溃决
  13168. dike burst ==> 堤防溃决
  13169. dike cutter ==> 开槽刀
  13170. dike lock ==> 堤闸
  13171. dike maintenance ==> 堤防维护,堤防维修
  13172. dike management ==> 堤防管理
  13173. dike rock ==> 脉岩
  13174. dike set ==> 岩脉组
  13175. dike system ==> 堤防系统
  13176. dike-type seal ==> 栏框式密封
  13177. diked land ==> 堤防地
  13178. diketogulonic acid ==> 二酮古洛糖酸
  13179. diketopiperazine ring ==> 二酮哌嗪环
  13180. dilantin sodium ==> 苯妥英钠
  13181. dilapedated building ==> 危险房屋
  13182. dilatant flow ==> 胀性流动
  13183. dilatant thickener ==> 膨胀增稠器
  13184. dilatation ==> 膨胀,膨胀比,膨胀度,扩张,扩张术=>膨張
  13185. dilatation and curettage ==> 宫颈扩张子宫刮术
  13186. dilatation coefficient ==> 膨胀系数
  13187. dilatation coefficient of viscosity ==> 粘性膨胀系数
  13188. dilatation cyst ==> 扩张性囊肿
  13189. dilatation diffraction ==> 扩散衍射
  13190. dilatation effect ==> 钟慢效应
  13191. dilatation fissure ==> 膨胀裂隙
  13192. dilatation joint ==> 膨胀缝,膨胀伸缩缝,钢轨间隙,伸缩缝
  13193. dilatation of aorta ==> 主动脉扩张
  13194. dilatation of azygos vein ==> 奇静脉扩张
  13195. dilatation of bladder ==> 膀胱扩张
  13196. dilatation of cervix and curettage of uterus ==> 扩颈刮宫术
  13197. dilatation of heart ==> 心腔扩张
  13198. dilatation of intestine ==> 肠管扩张
  13199. dilatation of thoracic duct ==> 胸导管扩张
  13200. dilatation of uterine cervix ==> 子宫颈扩张术
  13201. dilatation of valvular ring ==> 瓣环扩大
  13202. dilatation of ventricular aqueduct ==> 中脑导水管扩张术
  13203. dilatation wave ==> 扩散波
  13204. dilatational viscosity ==> 膨胀粘度,第二粘度
  13205. dilate ==> 膨張する
  13206. dilation ==> 扩张,扩张术,伸缩=>膨張
  13207. dilation and translation ==> 伸缩和平移
  13208. dilation fissure ==> 膨胀裂隙
  13209. dilation of aortic valvular stenosis ==> 主动脉瓣狭窄扩张术
  13210. dilation pressure ==> 膨胀压
  13211. dilatol tablet ==> 地洛特片
  13212. dilatometer ==> 膨胀计=>膨張計
  13213. dilatometer measurement ==> 膨胀计测定
  13214. dilatometric change ==> 膨胀变化
  13215. dilatometric curve ==> 膨胀曲线
  13216. dilatometric test ==> 膨胀仪检验
  13217. dilatometry ==> 膨胀法
  13218. dilator for mitral stenosis ==> 二尖瓣狭窄扩张器
  13219. dilauryl ether ==> 二月桂基醚
  13220. diligent and thrift management of households ==> 勤俭持家
  13221. diligently ==> 熱心に,勤勉に
  13222. dilinoleic acid ==> 二亚油酸
  13223. dill ==> 草茴香
  13224. dill hoe ==> 行间中耕器
  13225. dill spacing ==> 条播行距
  13226. dilly ==> 小车,小型货车
  13227. Dilo machine ==> (德)迪洛针刺机
  13228. Diloft needle loom ==> 迪洛针刺机
  13229. diloxan ==> 二氯散
  13230. diloxanide ==> 二氯尼特
  13231. dilp ==> 双列直插式外壳
  13232. diluent ==> 稀释剂
  13233. diluent air ==> 稀释空气,二次空气,加稀空气
  13234. diluent cooling ==> 冲淡冷却,喷液冷却
  13235. diluent gas ==> 稀释气
  13236. diluent material ==> 冲淡剂
  13237. dilute ==> 稀释,稀的,稀释的=>希釈(きしゃく),薄い,低濃度の
  13238. dilute a great idea ==> 素晴らしいアイデアを弱める
  13239. dilute acid ==> 稀酸
  13240. dilute alloy ==> 低合金
  13241. dilute Bose gas ==> 希薄ボース気体
  13242. dilute gas ==> 希薄気体
  13243. dilute hydrochloric acid ==> 稀盐酸
  13244. dilute phase ==> 稀相
  13245. dilute solution ==> 稀溶液,稀释溶液
  13246. dilute sulfuric acid ==> 希硫酸
  13247. dilute sulfuric acid storage tank ==> 稀硫酸贮槽
  13248. dilute urine ==> 稀释尿
  13249. dilute-alloy martensite ==> 低合金马氏体
  13250. dilute-phase leanphase fluidized bed ==> 稀相床
  13251. diluted ==> 稀释的,非熟练工
  13252. diluted acid ==> 稀酸
  13253. diluted ammonia solution ==> 稀氨溶液
  13254. diluted CaCl'2 solution return pump ==> 稀氯化钙回流泵
  13255. diluted CaCl2 solution return pump ==> 稀氯化钙回流泵
  13256. diluted CaCl・2 solution return pump ==> 稀氯化钙回流泵
  13257. diluted colour ==> 淡色
  13258. diluted HCl solution circulating pump ==> 稀盐酸循环泵
  13259. diluted solid solution ==> 稀薄固溶体
  13260. diluted soluble oil ==> 稀释乳化油
  13261. diluted urine for pregnancy test ==> 妊娠试验稀释检查
  13262. diluting agent ==> 稀释剂
  13263. diluting factor ==> 稀释因子
  13264. diluting the latex ==> 稀释胶剂
  13265. dilution ==> 稀度,稀释,稀释法,稀释液,淡度,冲淡=>希釈,希薄
  13266. dilution acidosis ==> 希釈性アシドーシス
  13267. dilution activity coefficiet ==> 无限稀释活度系数
  13268. dilution agent ==> 稀释剂=>希釈剤
  13269. dilution air ==> 希釈拡散
  13270. dilution analysis ==> 稀释分析=>希釈分析
  13271. dilution and concentration test ==> 稀释浓缩试验
  13272. dilution factor ==> 稀释因数,稀释因子
  13273. dilution gene ==> 稀释基因
  13274. dilution heat ==> 稀释热
  13275. dilution law ==> 稀释定律=>希釈の法則
  13276. dilution mechanism ==> 稀释机制
  13277. dilution metering ==> 稀释测定,冲淡测定法
  13278. dilution method ==> 稀释法
  13279. dilution methods ==> 稀释法
  13280. dilution of sewage ==> 污水稀释
  13281. dilution rate ==> 稀释比例
  13282. dilution ratio ==> 稀释比率,冲淡率
  13283. dilution ratio[rate] ==> 稀释比[率]
  13284. dilution shock ==> (精子)稀释休克
  13285. dilution test ==> 稀释试验
  13286. dilution titer ==> 稀释滴度
  13287. dilution viscometer ==> 稀释粘度计
  13288. dilution zone ==> 混合区
  13289. dilutional hyponatremia ==> 稀释性低钠血症
  13290. dilutional hyponatremic syndrome ==> 稀释性低钠血综合征
  13291. diluvial clay ==> 洪积粘土
  13292. diluvial deposit ==> 洪积物
  13293. Diluvial epoch ==> 洪积世
  13294. diluvial layer ==> 洪积层
  13295. diluvial loam ==> 洪积壤土
  13296. diluvial placer ==> 洪积砂矿床
  13297. diluvial soil ==> 洪积土
  13298. dim filament ==> 暗灯丝
  13299. dim isolated neutron stars ==> 暗い孤立中性子星
  13300. dim lamp ==> 磨砂灯泡
  13301. dim light ==> 弱光,小光灯,浅光灯,微光,暗光灯
  13302. dim light bulb ==> 小光灯泡
  13303. dim sum trolley ==> 点心手推车
  13304. dim switch ==> 减光开关
  13305. dim transformer ==> 光暗变压器
  13306. DIM, dimension ==> 寸度
  13307. DIM, discharge monitor ==> 帯電放電モニタ
  13308. DIM-S, discharge monitor sensor ==> 帯電放電モニタ検知器
  13309. Dimbula ==> 迪不拉=>ディンブラ(スリランカ)
  13310. dimecrotic acid ==> 地美罗酸
  13311. dimension ==> 大小,尺寸,尺寸,尺度,面积,因次,量纲,度数,范围,维,维度,维数=>次元,寸法
  13312. dimension analysis ==> 量纲分析
  13313. dimension attribute ==> 维数属性
  13314. dimension attribute with allocate statement ==> 分配语句维属性,分配语句中的维属性
  13315. dimension bound ==> 维数界
  13316. dimension chain ==> 尺寸链
  13317. dimension check ==> 尺寸检查
  13318. dimension control ==> 尺寸检验
  13319. dimension equation ==> 量纲方程
  13320. dimension error ==> 尺寸误差
  13321. dimension figure ==> 尺寸数字
  13322. dimension limit ==> 极限尺寸
  13323. dimension line ==> 尺寸线=>寸法線(製図)
  13324. dimension lumber ==> 特殊规格材
  13325. dimension of a simplex ==> 单纯形的维数
  13326. dimension of a vector space ==> 向量空间的维数
  13327. dimension of connection ==> 连接尺寸
  13328. dimension of opening ==> 洞口尺寸
  13329. dimension relation ==> 量纲关系
  13330. dimension saw ==> 方板锯
  13331. dimension scale ==> 尺寸比例,尺度比例
  13332. dimension select ==> 维数选择
  13333. dimension shingle ==> 规格木瓦
  13334. dimension statement ==> 维数语句
  13335. dimension stock ==> 规格材
  13336. dimension stone ==> 规格石科
  13337. dimension suffix ==> 维数后缀
  13338. dimension theory ==> 维数理论
  13339. dimension transducer[semsor] ==> 尺度传感器
  13340. dimension word ==> 维数字
  13341. dimension-limit system ==> 公差制度,极限尺寸制
  13342. dimensional ==> 尺寸的=>次元の
  13343. dimensional accuracy ==> 尺寸精确性=>寸法の精度
  13344. dimensional allowance ==> 尺寸容差
  13345. dimensional analysis ==> 尺度分析,因次分析,量纲分析
  13346. dimensional change ==> 尺寸变化
  13347. dimensional changes ==> 尺寸变化
  13348. dimensional check ==> 尺寸校核
  13349. dimensional check record ==> 尺寸检验记录
  13350. dimensional check report ==> 尺寸检验报告
  13351. dimensional checking ==> 尺寸检验
  13352. dimensional constant ==> 量纲常数
  13353. dimensional coordinates ==> 寸法座標
  13354. dimensional coordination ==> (规范化)构件尺寸配合=>寸法の調整
  13355. dimensional correction ==> 寸法補正
  13356. dimensional deviation ==> 尺寸偏差
  13357. dimensional discrepancy ==> 尺寸偏差
  13358. dimensional drawing ==> 尺寸图
  13359. dimensional effect ==> 尺寸效应
  13360. dimensional equation ==> 因次方程,量纲方程
  13361. dimensional formula ==> 量纲公式,因次公式=>次元式
  13362. dimensional gaging ==> 尺寸检查
  13363. dimensional gauging ==> 尺寸检测
  13364. dimensional homogeneity ==> 尺寸均一性
  13365. dimensional inspection ==> 尺寸检验
  13366. dimensional inspection report ==> 尺寸检查报告
  13367. dimensional interchangeability ==> 尺寸互换性
  13368. dimensional method ==> 因次理论法
  13369. dimensional metrology ==> 尺寸测量法
  13370. dimensional output ==> 公称输出功率
  13371. dimensional precision ==> 尺寸精度
  13372. dimensional property ==> 寸法特性
  13373. dimensional proportion ==> 尺寸比例
  13374. dimensional quality ==> 寸法品質
  13375. dimensional range ==> 尺寸范围
  13376. dimensional ratio ==> 寸法比
  13377. dimensional recovery ==> 寸法回復
  13378. dimensional regularization ==> 次元正則化
  13379. dimensional resonace ==> 形状共振
  13380. dimensional resonance ==> 尺寸共振
  13381. dimensional restrictions ==> 尺度限制
  13382. dimensional sketch ==> 尺寸简图
  13383. dimensional stability ==> 尺寸恒定性,尺寸稳定性,形稳性
  13384. dimensional tolerance ==> 尺寸公差,容许尺寸误差
  13385. dimensional unit ==> 因次单位
  13386. dimensional variation ==> 尺寸偏差
  13387. dimensionality reduction ==> 降维
  13388. dimensionally stable anode (DSA) ==> 尺寸不变阳极
  13389. dimensioned drawing ==> 尺寸图
  13390. dimensioning ==> 尺寸标注
  13391. dimensionless ==> 次元をもっていない
  13392. dimensionless coefficient ==> 无量纲系数=>无因次系数
  13393. dimensionless factor ==> 无量纲系数
  13394. dimensionless group ==> 无量纲参数
  13395. dimensionless number ==> 无量纲数,无因次数=>無次元数
  13396. dimensionless performance ==> 无因次特性线
  13397. dimensionless variable ==> 无量纲变量
  13398. dimensions chart ==> 轮廓尺寸图
  13399. dimensions diagram ==> 轮廓尺寸图
  13400. dimensions of human figure ==> 人体尺度
  13401. dimensions of suction and discharge flanges ==> 进出口法兰尺寸
  13402. dimensions 规模=> ==> 尺寸规格
  13403. dimensions, car dimensions ==> 梯厢尺寸
  13404. dimentional control ==> 尺寸控制
  13405. dimentionally-stable material ==> 尺寸稳定材料
  13406. dimercaptosuccinic acid ==> 二巯基丁二酸
  13407. dimeric dibasic acid ==> 二聚酸
  13408. dimeric vinyl acetylene ==> 二聚乙基乙炔
  13409. dimerization addition ==> 加成二聚合作用
  13410. Dimet wire ==> 迪梅特线
  13411. dimethachlon, N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) succinimide ==> 纹枯利
  13412. dimethiodal sodium ==> 二碘甲磺钠
  13413. dimethoxy trityl chloride ==> 二对甲氧三苯甲基氯
  13414. dimethoxynorephe drine ==> 美速克新命
  13415. dimethoxyphenyl penicillin sodium ==> 二甲氧苯青霉素钠
  13416. dimethoxyphenylacetic acid ==> 二甲氧基苯乙酸
  13417. dimethoxysuccinic acid ==> 二甲氧基琥珀酸
  13418. dimethyl ==> 二甲基=>ジメチル
  13419. dimethyl acetamide ==> 二甲基乙酰胺
  13420. dimethyl acetic acid ==> 二甲基乙酸
  13421. dimethyl acetoacetic ester ==> 二甲基乙酰乙酸酯
  13422. dimethyl acetophenone ==> 二甲基苯乙酮
  13423. dimethyl amination ==> 二甲基胺化作用
  13424. dimethyl amino-azo-benzene ==> 二甲氨基偶氮苯
  13425. dimethyl benzene ==> 二甲苯
  13426. dimethyl benzyl alcohol ==> 二甲基苄醇
  13427. dimethyl benzyl carbinol ==> 二甲基苄基甲醇
  13428. dimethyl benzylamine ==> 二甲基苄胺
  13429. dimethyl butadiene ==> 二甲基丁二烯
  13430. dimethyl butadiene rubber ==> 二甲丁二烯橡胶
  13431. dimethyl butene ==> 二甲基丁烯
  13432. dimethyl carbate ==> 驱蚊灵
  13433. dimethyl cholamine ==> 二甲基胆胺
  13434. dimethyl cyano-arsine ==> 二甲氰胂
  13435. dimethyl diaminophenazine chloride ==> 中性红
  13436. dimethyl dichlorosilane (DMCS) ==> 二甲基二氯硅烷
  13437. dimethyl diformide ==> 二甲替二甲酰胺
  13438. dimethyl dioxane ==> 二甲基二恶烷,二甲基二氧乙环
  13439. dimethyl diphenyl sulfide ==> 二甲基二苯基硫醚
  13440. dimethyl ester ==> 二甲酯=>ジメチルエステル
  13441. dimethyl ethanolamine ==> 二甲乙醇胺
  13442. dimethyl ethenyl carbinol ==> 二甲基乙烯基甲醇
  13443. dimethyl ether ==> 二甲醚=>ジメチルエーテル(DME)
  13444. dimethyl ethyl carbinol ==> 二甲基乙基甲醇
  13445. dimethyl formamide ==> 二甲基甲酰胺
  13446. dimethyl glyoxime ==> 丁二酮肟
  13447. dimethyl hydrine ==> 甘油二甲醚
  13448. dimethyl isobutyryl chloride ==> 二甲基异丁酰氯
  13449. dimethyl ketone ==> 二甲基酮
  13450. dimethyl malenate ==> 丙二酸二甲酯
  13451. dimethyl malonic acid ==> 二甲基丙二酸
  13452. dimethyl malonic ester ==> 二甲基丙二酸酯
  13453. dimethyl morphine ==> 二甲基吗啡,蒂巴因
  13454. dimethyl naphthidine ==> 二甲基联萘胺
  13455. dimethyl nitrosamine ==> 二甲基亚硝胺
  13456. dimethyl oxalate ==> 草酸二甲酯
  13457. dimethyl pentane ==> 二甲基戊烷
  13458. dimethyl pentene ==> 二甲基戊烯
  13459. dimethyl phenol ==> 二甲酚
  13460. dimethyl phenylene diamine ==> 二甲基苯二胺
  13461. dimethyl phthalate ==> 酞酸二甲酯
  13462. dimethyl polysiloxane ==> 二甲基聚硅氧烷
  13463. dimethyl propane ==> 二甲基丙烷
  13464. dimethyl pyridine ==> 二甲基吡啶
  13465. dimethyl quinoline ==> 二甲基喹啉
  13466. dimethyl sebacate ==> 癸二酸二甲酯
  13467. dimethyl silane ==> 二甲基甲硅烷
  13468. dimethyl silicone oil ==> 二甲基硅酮油
  13469. dimethyl silicone rubber ==> 二甲基硅橡胶
  13470. dimethyl siloxane ==> 二甲基硅氧烷
  13471. dimethyl silscone ==> 二甲基硅酮
  13472. dimethyl succinate ==> 琥珀酸二甲酯
  13473. dimethyl succinic acid ==> 二甲基丁二酸
  13474. dimethyl sulfate ==> 硫酸二甲酯
  13475. dimethyl sulfate poisoning ==> 硫酸二甲酯中毒
  13476. dimethyl sulfide ==> 二甲基硫醚=>硫化ジメチル
  13477. dimethyl sulfide and metha-nethiomethane ==> 二甲硫
  13478. dimethyl sulfone ==> 二甲基砜,二甲砜
  13479. dimethyl sulfonium methylide ==> 二甲基亚甲基硫
  13480. dimethyl sulfourea ==> 二甲基硫脲
  13481. dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) ==> 二甲基亚砜,二甲亚砜
  13482. dimethyl sulfoxonium methylide ==> 二甲基亚甲基硫氧
  13483. dimethyl terephthalate ==> 对苯二甲酸二甲酯
  13484. dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) ==> 对酞酸二甲酯
  13485. dimethyl thiourea ==> 二甲基硫脲
  13486. dimethyl urea ==> 二甲脲
  13487. dimethyl uric acid ==> 二甲基尿酸
  13488. dimethyl yellow ==> 二甲基黄
  13489. dimethyl zinc ==> 二甲锌
  13490. dimethyl-1-naphthylamine ==> 二甲基-1-萘胺
  13491. dimethyl-2-butanone ==> 二甲基丁酮
  13492. dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine ==> 二甲基对苯二胺
  13493. dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine acetaldoxime ==> 二甲基二胺乙酰醛肟
  13494. dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochlorede ==> 二甲基对苯二铵盐酸盐
  13495. dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate ==> 二甲基对苯二胺硫酸盐
  13496. dimethyl-para-phenylene diamine ==> 二苯基对苯二胺
  13497. dimethyl-silicane ==> 二甲甲硅烷
  13498. dimethyl-silicone-polymer fluid ==> 二甲基硅氧烷聚合液
  13499. dimethylallyl pyrophosphate ==> γ,γ-二甲基丙烯焦磷酸酯
  13500. dimethylallyl transferase ==> 二甲丙烯基转移酶,二甲烯丙基转移酶
  13501. dimethylamine agueous solution ==> 二甲胺水溶液
  13502. dimethylamine hydrochloride ==> 二甲胺盐酸盐,盐酸二甲胺
  13503. dimethylamine solution ==> 二甲胺溶液
  13504. dimethylaniline hydrochloride ==> 二甲苯胺盐酸盐
  13505. dimethylarsinic acid ==> 卡可基酸
  13506. dimethylbenzene poisoning ==> 二甲苯中毒
  13507. dimethylethyl ammonium chloride ==> 氯化滕西隆
  13508. dimethylol ethylene urea resin ==> 二羟甲基乙烯脲树脂
  13509. dimethylol urea ==> 二羟甲基脲
  13510. dimethylolurea (DMU),1,3-bis-hydroxymethyl urea ==> 二甲醇脲
  13511. dimethylphenylene diamine ==> 二甲苯二胺
  13512. dimethyoxy succinic acid ==> 二甲氧基丁二酸
  13513. dimictic lake ==> 双季对流混合湖
  13514. dimidiate ==> 折半,二等分,二分,二分的,对开的
  13515. diminant shape ==> 主形
  13516. diminazene aceturate ==> 重氮氨苯脒乙酰甘氨酸盐
  13517. diminish ==> 减少,使减少或使似变少,减损,使权势,声誉或地位降低,使成锥形,变小或减少逐渐变细=>少なくする
  13518. diminish rates on cost method ==> 变率递减法
  13519. diminish the interest on money ==> 降低货币利息
  13520. diminished breath sound ==> 呼吸音减弱
  13521. diminished interval ==> 缩减音程
  13522. diminished radix ==> 基数减1
  13523. diminished radix complement ==> 基数反码,基数减1补码,反码=>減基数の補数
  13524. diminished respiration ==> 呼吸音减弱
  13525. diminished stile ==> 不等宽门窗边梃
  13526. diminisher ==> 减光器
  13527. diminishing authority ==> 衰えていく権威
  13528. diminishing efficiency ==> 效率递减
  13529. diminishing equilibrium ==> 縮小均衡
  13530. diminishing international competitiveness ==> 国際競争力の低下
  13531. diminishing line ==> 缩线
  13532. diminishing marginal productivity ==> 边际生产率递减
  13533. diminishing marginal utility ==> 边际效用递减
  13534. diminishing pipe ==> 缩窄管,异径管
  13535. diminishing productivity ==> 生产率递减
  13536. diminishing relative value ==> 相对价值递减
  13537. diminishing return ==> 报酬减少,报酬渐减
  13538. diminishing returns ==> 收益递减,递减输出
  13539. diminishing returns from increasing intensity ==> 密度增加而收益下降
  13540. diminishing socket ==> 缩小套节
  13541. diminishing stile ==> (通常在上部装玻璃处收小)收截面门梃
  13542. diminishing substitution ==> 替代可能性递减
  13543. diminishing tariff ==> 割引従量料金制
  13544. diminishing utility ==> 效用递减
  13545. Diminuendo (dim) ==> 渐弱
  13546. diminution ==> 減少
  13547. diminution factor ==> 衰减常数
  13548. diminution of apical impulse ==> 心尖搏动减弱
  13549. diminution of hepatic dullness ==> 肝浊音区缩小
  13550. diminution of pressure ==> 减压
  13551. diminution of roots ==> 缩根法
  13552. diminution of value ==> 减值
  13553. dimlight ==> 避眩灯
  13554. dimmer ==> 调光器,光暗掣,光暗器,遮光器=>調光器
  13555. dimmer control ==> 减光控制,减光控制器,亮度调节
  13556. dimmer glass ==> 减光玻璃
  13557. dimmer room ==> 调光室
  13558. dimmer sweep trace ==> 扫描暗迹
  13559. dimmer switch ==> 变光开关
  13560. dimorphism ==> 同质二形,二形,双形,双晶现象,(形)二态现象
  13561. dimorphous leprosy ==> 界线类麻风
  13562. dimpled jacket ==> 蜂窝型整体夹套
  13563. dimpling ==> 表面缺陷清理,沉头孔压形,造窝,凹陷
  13564. DIN, Deutsche Industrie Normen ==> 德国工业标准
  13565. dinaphthyl ether ==> 二萘醚
  13566. dinaphthyl methane ==> 二萘甲烷
  13567. Dinas brick ==> 戴那砖
  13568. dinas brick ==> 硅砖
  13569. dineric interface ==> 二液界面
  13570. Dines anemometer ==> 达因风速表
  13571. ding slope ==> 弯曲斜度
  13572. ding white ware ==> 定白
  13573. dingot metal ==> 直熔金属锭
  13574. Dings magnetic separator ==> 丁斯磁力分离器
  13575. dingyao-type ==> 定窑系
  13576. dingzhou kiln ==> 鼎州窑
  13577. dining car ==> 餐车
  13578. dining carriage ==> 餐车
  13579. dining hall ==> 饭厅
  13580. dinitro naphthalene disulfonic acid ==> 二硝基萘二磺酸
  13581. dinitro naphthalene sulfonic acid ==> 二硝基萘磺酸
  13582. dinitro phenamic acid ==> 二硝基氨基苯酚
  13583. dinitrobenzoic acid ==> 二硝基苯甲酸
  13584. dinitrobenzoic acid piperidine salt ==> 二硝基苯甲酸六氢吡啶盐
  13585. dinitrobenzoyl chloride ==> 二硝基苯酰氯
  13586. dinitrochlorobenzene skin test ==> 二硝基氯苯皮肤试验
  13587. dinitrodiphenyl ether ==> 二硝基苯醚
  13588. dinitrogen fixation ==> 窒素固定
  13589. dinitrogen tetroxide ==> 二氧化氮
  13590. dinitrogen trioxide ==> 亚硝酸酐,亚硝酐
  13591. dinitroglycerine explosive ==> 二硝基甘油炸药
  13592. dinitrohydroquinone acetate ==> 二硝基氢醌乙酸酯
  13593. dinitrosalicylic acid ==> 二硝基水杨酸
  13594. dinitroso pentamethylene tetramine ==> 二亚硝基对苯二酰胺
  13595. dinki-di ==> 本物
  13596. dinking machine ==> 平压切断机
  13597. dinking machine shear die ==> 冲切机
  13598. dinky sheet ==> 窄面卷筒纸
  13599. dinner lift ==> 食梯
  13600. dinner service ==> 餐具
  13601. dinner wagon ==> 食品输送车
  13602. dinoflagellate algae (red tide) ==> 双鞭甲藻(红潮)
  13603. dinosaurs ==> 恐竜
  13604. dinoseb acetate ==> 地乐酯
  13605. dinoterb acetate ==> (除草剂)地乐消
  13606. dioctyl phthalate (di-2 ethyl hexyl phthalate) ==> 邻苯二甲酸二丁辛脂
  13607. dioctyl phthalate test ==> 酞酸二辛酯试验
  13608. dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate ==> 磺琥辛酯钠,琥珀磺酸二辛钠
  13609. dioctyl-acetic acid ==> 二辛基乙酸
  13610. diode ==> 二极管=>ダイオード,二極管
  13611. diode accumulator circuit ==> 二级管储荷电路
  13612. diode action ==> 二极管动作
  13613. diode alternating current switch ==> 二极管交流开关
  13614. diode AND gate ==> 二极管与门
  13615. diode arrangement ==> 二极管布置
  13616. diode array ==> 二极管矩阵
  13617. diode array integrated circuit ==> 二极管阵列集成电路
  13618. diode breakdown detector ==> 二极管击穿探测仪,通过磁通波形的不规则性检测来判断无刷励磁系统旋转整流器故障的设备,可用以监测转子回路特别是整流元件本身因过热引起的断路故障
  13619. diode bridge ==> 二极管[电]桥
  13620. diode characteristic ==> 二极管特性
  13621. diode circuit ==> 二极管电路
  13622. diode clamp ==> 二极管箝位电路
  13623. diode clamping circuit ==> 二极管箝位电路
  13624. diode clamping circuits ==> ダイオードクランプ回路
  13625. diode clipper ==> 二极管削波器,二极管限幅器
  13626. diode clipping circuit ==> 二极管削波电路
  13627. diode comparator ==> 二极管比较器
  13628. diode coupler ==> 二极管耦合器,二级耦合器
  13629. diode current capacity ==> 运载能力
  13630. diode curve tracer ==> 二极管特性曲线描绘器
  13631. diode damper ==> 二极管阻尼器
  13632. diode detection ==> 二极管检波
  13633. diode detector ==> 二极管检波器,二极管解调器=>ダイオード検波器
  13634. diode drop ==> 二极管正向电压
  13635. diode equivalent ==> 等效二极管
  13636. diode forward voltage ==> 二极管正向电压
  13637. diode frequency multiplier ==> 二极管倍频器
  13638. diode function generator ==> 二极管函数发生器
  13639. diode gate ==> 二极管符合线路,二极管门电路=>ダイオードゲート
  13640. diode gate circuit ==> 二极管门电路
  13641. diode gate network ==> 二极管与门网络
  13642. diode gun ==> 二极电子枪
  13643. diode image converter ==> 二级变像器
  13644. diode image tube ==> 二级摄像管
  13645. diode laser ==> 二极管激光器
  13646. diode laser matrix ==> 激光二极管阵列
  13647. diode laser pointer ==> 二极激光指示器
  13648. diode limiter ==> 二极管限制器
  13649. diode logic ==> 二极管逻辑
  13650. diode logic circuit ==> ダイオード論理回路
  13651. diode logical circuit ==> 二极管逻辑线路
  13652. diode luminescence ==> 二级发光
  13653. diode matrix ==> 二极管矩阵=>ダイオードマトリックス
  13654. diode matrix circuit ==> 二极管矩阵电路
  13655. diode matrix encoder ==> 二极管矩阵编码器
  13656. diode matrix memory ==> 二极管矩阵存储管
  13657. diode matrix method ==> 二极管矩阵法
  13658. diode mesa laser ==> 二极管台面激光器
  13659. diode mixer ==> 二极管混频器
  13660. diode NAND gate ==> 二极管非与门
  13661. diode noise generator ==> 二极管噪声发生器
  13662. diode NOR gate ==> 二极管或非门
  13663. diode OR gate ==> 二极管或门
  13664. diode oscillator ==> 二极管振荡器
  13665. diode pack ==> 二极管组块
  13666. diode pair ==> 二极管对
  13667. diode peak detector ==> (弗莱明管)二极管峰值检波器
  13668. diode plug-in unit ==> 二极管插入部件
  13669. diode pump integrator ==> 二极管积分器
  13670. diode pumping ==> 二级泵浦
  13671. diode reactance tube ==> 二极电抗管
  13672. diode rectifier ==> 二极管整流器,整流二极管=>整流ダイオード,ダイオード整流回路
  13673. diode resistance ==> 二极管电阻
  13674. diode reverse breakdown voltage ==> 二极管反向击穿电压
  13675. diode sensor ==> 二级传感器
  13676. diode sputter ==> 两电极离子溅射装置
  13677. diode steering ==> 二极管换向
  13678. diode switch ==> 二极管开关
  13679. diode switch system ==> 二极管开关系统
  13680. diode transformer ==> 二极管变换器
  13681. diode transformer matrix method ==> 二极管-变压器矩阵法
  13682. diode transistor logic ==> 二极晶体管逻辑电路,二极管晶体管逻辑
  13683. diode transistor logic gate ==> 二极管晶体管逻辑门
  13684. diode transistor logic(DTL) ==> 二极管晶体管逻辑
  13685. diode trigger ==> 触发二极管
  13686. diode type isolation ==> 二极管型隔离
  13687. diode valve ==> 二极管整流阀
  13688. diode voltage ==> 二极管正向电压
  13689. diode voltmeter ==> 二极管伏特计
  13690. diode-array target TV-camera tube ==> 二级阵列靶电视摄像管
  13691. diode-capacitor memory ==> 二极管电容存储器
  13692. diode-capacitor storage ==> 管容存储器
  13693. diode-clamp circuit ==> ダイオードクランプ回路
  13694. diode-clamped converter ==> ダイオードクランプ変換器
  13695. diode-connected transistor ==> 二极管接法晶体管
  13696. diode-coupled memory cell ==> 二极管耦合存储单元
  13697. diode-pumped miniature solid-state laser ==> 二级泵浦微型固体激光器
  13698. diode-pumped solid-state laser ==> 二极管抽运固体激光器
  13699. diode-switch ==> 二极管开关
  13700. diode-transistor logic (DTL) ==> 二极管晶体管逻辑电路
  13701. diode-transistor logic circuit ==> ダイオードトランジスタ論理回路,DTL
  13702. diodecapacitor transistor logic ==> 二极管-电容器晶体管逻辑
  13703. diodepumped miniature solid state laser ==> 二极管抽运微型固体激光器
  13704. diodrast clearance ==> 碘司特廓清率
  13705. Diogenes ==> 狄奥根尼斯=>ディオゲネス
  13706. diolame ==> 包皮
  13707. diolefin hydrogenation ==> 二烯加氢,双烯加氢
  13708. diolefinic acid ==> 二烯酸
  13709. dionic tester ==> 导电度仪
  13710. Diophantine equation ==> 丢番图方程,整系数代数多项式方程
  13711. Diophantine equations ==> ディオファントの方程式
  13712. Diophantine set ==> 丢番图集
  13713. diopside glass ==> 透辉石玻璃
  13714. dioptase ==> 透视石
  13715. diopter ==> 视度=>ジオプター(レンズの度を示す単位)
  13716. diopter adjustment ==> 屈光度调整
  13717. diopter adjustment ring ==> 屈光度调节环
  13718. diopter cylinder ==> 视度筒
  13719. diopter difference ==> 视度差
  13720. diopter dividing ring ==> 视度分划圈
  13721. diopter hair ==> 瞄准器游丝
  13722. diopter lens ==> 视度透镜
  13723. diopter movement ==> 屈光度移动
  13724. diopter ring ==> 视度圈,屈光度调节环
  13725. diopter rotating screw ==> 视度转螺
  13726. diopter step ==> 屈光等级
  13727. diopter thread ==> 瞄准线
  13728. diopter value ==> 视度值
  13729. dioptric apparatus ==> 折光器,屈光仪
  13730. dioptric element ==> 折光元件
  13731. dioptric glass ==> 屈光玻璃
  13732. dioptric lens ==> 折射透镜,屈光透镜
  13733. dioptric media ==> 屈光介质
  13734. dioptric power ==> 屈光本领,折光本领,焦度
  13735. dioptric system ==> 屈光系统,屈光组,折光系统,折射光学系统
  13736. dioptric telescope ==> 折射望远镜
  13737. dioptric type ==> 曲折式
  13738. diorite-aplite ==> 闪长细晶岩
  13739. dioscoreae parviflora ting ==> 苦良姜
  13740. dioxalate of potassa ==> 草酸氢钾
  13741. dioxide ==> 二氧化物=>二酸化物
  13742. dioxide cylinder ==> 二氧化碳瓶
  13743. dioxide polysilicon isolation ==> 二氧化硅多晶硅隔离
  13744. dioxin emission ==> ダイオキシン排出
  13745. dioxin emission control ==> ダイオキシン発生防止
  13746. dioxin emission regulations ==> ダイオキシン排出基準
  13747. dioxins ==> 二噁英
  13748. dioxydemeton-S-methyl ==> 磺吸磷
  13749. dioxytartaric acid ==> 二羟基酒石酸
  13750. dip ==> 垂度,磁倾角,弛度,浸渍,倾斜,偏角,泡浸=>たるみ
  13751. dip aluminum plating ==> 热浸镀铝
  13752. dip angle ==> 倾角
  13753. dip angle of shaft ==> 采井倾角
  13754. dip brazing ==> 浸沾钎焊,沉浸钎焊,硬浸焊
  13755. dip can ==> 选样器
  13756. dip circle ==> 磁倾仪,侧斜仪
  13757. dip coated electrode ==> 浸沾药皮焊条
  13758. dip coating ==> 浸渍敷层,浸渍涂层
  13759. dip correction ==> 眼高修正
  13760. dip counter ==> 负荷计数管
  13761. dip equator ==> 磁赤道
  13762. dip etching ==> 浸渍腐蚀
  13763. dip fault ==> 倾向断层
  13764. dip gage ==> 磁倾计
  13765. dip galvanizing ==> 热浸镀锌
  13766. dip gauge ==> 垂度规,垂度计
  13767. dip groin ==> 俯头丁坝
  13768. dip groyne ==> 俯头丁坝
  13769. dip inductor ==> 磁倾感应器,地磁感应器
  13770. dip integrated circuit ==> 双列直插式外壳集成电路
  13771. dip iron ==> 集脂铲
  13772. dip joint ==> 倾向节理
  13773. dip lead frame ==> 双列直插式引线框架
  13774. dip lineation ==> 倾向线理
  13775. dip log ==> 倾角钻井记录
  13776. dip logger ==> 地层倾角测井仪
  13777. dip meter ==> 磁倾角测量仪
  13778. dip metre ==> 测倾仪
  13779. dip mold ==> 下压模
  13780. dip needle ==> 磁倾计,磁倾针
  13781. dip net ==> 抄网
  13782. dip nozzle ==> 伸入管
  13783. dip of load curve ==> 负荷曲线峡谷
  13784. dip of shore horizon ==> 岸线坡度
  13785. dip of the horizon ==> 地平俯角
  13786. dip of the track ==> 径迹深度,径迹深度
  13787. dip planting ==> 浸入电镀
  13788. dip plating ==> 浸镀
  13789. dip polishing ==> 浸渍抛光
  13790. dip power ==> 双列直插式外壳耗散功率
  13791. dip process ==> 保护层沉浸涂镀法
  13792. dip quench ==> 浸入淬火
  13793. dip reversal ==> 倾斜逆转
  13794. dip rod ==> 浸量尺,水位指示器
  13795. dip seal ==> 液封
  13796. dip separation ==> 倾向断距
  13797. dip shift ==> 倾向移位
  13798. dip slip ==> 倾向滑动,倾向滑距
  13799. dip slope ==> 倾向坡
  13800. dip soldering ==> 浸入焊接,软浸焊
  13801. dip stick ==> 量杆,量油杆
  13802. dip stream ==> 倾向河
  13803. dip test ==> 降落试验
  13804. dip tube ==> 液位探测管
  13805. dip vat ==> 浸渍筒
  13806. dip weight ==> 测海深度锤
  13807. DIP, data input package ==> データインプットパッケージ
  13808. DIP, diplexer ==> ダイプレクサー,分波合波回路
  13809. DIP, dual in-line package ==> リード挿入実装,デュアルインライパッケージ
  13810. dip-braze ==> 铜浸焊
  13811. dip-coated electrode ==> 浸涂焊条
  13812. dip-coating ==> 浸涂
  13813. dip-feed drum drier ==> 封闭式供料滚筒干燥机
  13814. dip-feed lubrication ==> 浸浴润滑
  13815. dip-slip drag ==> 倾向滑动拖曳
  13816. dip-slip fault ==> 倾向滑断层
  13817. dip-solder ==> 浸焊
  13818. dip-strike symbol ==> 倾角走向符号
  13819. dipalmityl lecithin ==> 二软脂酰卵磷酯
  13820. DIPEC, Defense Industrial Plan Equipment Center ==> 防衛産業計画装備センター
  13821. diphacinone sodium salt ==> 敌鼠钠盐
  13822. diphase equilibrium ==> 两相平衡
  13823. diphase rubber ==> 两相橡胶
  13824. diphase winding ==> 二相线圈
  13825. diphasic action potential ==> 两相性动作电位
  13826. diphasic antigen ==> 二相抗原
  13827. diphasic potential ==> 两相电位,双相电位
  13828. diphasic pulse ==> 双相脉冲
  13829. diphasic variation ==> 二相变异
  13830. diphenyl ==> 二苄基二硫醚
  13831. diphenyl acetic acid ==> 二苯基乙酸
  13832. diphenyl acetonitrile ==> 二苯乙腈
  13833. diphenyl acetylene ==> 二苯乙炔
  13834. diphenyl arsinic acid ==> 二苯亚胂酸,二苯胂酸
  13835. diphenyl arsonic acid ==> 二苯胂酸
  13836. diphenyl black basc ==> 毛皮氨苯灰
  13837. diphenyl boiler ==> 联苯锅炉
  13838. diphenyl carbamyl chloride ==> 二苯氨基甲酰氯,二苯氨甲酰氯,二苯替氨甲酰氯
  13839. diphenyl carbonate ==> 碳酸二苯酯
  13840. diphenyl chloroarisine ==> 二苯氯胂
  13841. diphenyl dimethyl ethane ==> 二苯基二甲基乙烷
  13842. diphenyl disulfide ==> 二苯二硫
  13843. diphenyl ester ==> 二苯酯
  13844. diphenyl ether ==> 二苯基氧,二苯醚
  13845. diphenyl ethylene ==> 二苯乙烯
  13846. diphenyl guanidine (DPG) ==> 二苯胍
  13847. diphenyl guanidine chromate ==> 二苯胍铬酸盐
  13848. diphenyl hydroxy arsinc ==> 二苯亚胂酸
  13849. diphenyl ketene ==> 二苯乙烯酮
  13850. diphenyl methane ==> 二苯基甲烷
  13851. diphenyl methylene ==> 二苯亚甲基
  13852. diphenyl mixture ==> 联苯混合物(道生)
  13853. diphenyl oxide ==> 二苯基氧,二苯醚
  13854. diphenyl oxide glass cloth plate ==> 二苯醚玻璃布板
  13855. diphenyl succinic acid ==> 二苯丁二酸
  13856. diphenyl tin ==> 二苯锡
  13857. diphenyl-18-crown-6-polyether ==> 二苯基十八冠六聚乙醚
  13858. diphenyl-arsine chloride ==> 氯化二苯胂
  13859. diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine ==> 二苯对苯二胺
  13860. diphenyl-para-phenylene diamine ==> 二苯基对苯二胺
  13861. diphenyl-trike-tone ==> 二苯基三酮
  13862. diphenylamine carboxylic acid ==> 二苯胺羧酸
  13863. diphenylamine derivatives ==> 二苯胺衍生物
  13864. diphenylamine hydrochloride ==> 二苯胺盐酸盐,盐酸二苯胺
  13865. diphenylamine sulfate ==> 硫酸二苯胺,二苯胺化硫酸
  13866. diphenylamine sulfonic acid ==> 二苯胺磺酸
  13867. diphenylamine sulfonic acid sodium salt ==> 二苯胺磺酸钠
  13868. diphenylamine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid ==> 二苯胺-2,-3-二酸
  13869. diphenylamine-arsine chloride ==> 二苯胺氯胂
  13870. diphenylamine-chloro-arsine ==> 二苯胺氯胂
  13871. diphenylaminearsine chloride ==> 氯化二苯胺胂
  13872. diphenylamino-azo-m-benzene sulfonic acid ==> 二苯胺偶氮间苯磺酸
  13873. diphenylbenzidine sulfonic acid ==> 二苯联苯胺磺酸
  13874. diphenylcyanoarsine ==> 二苯氰胂
  13875. diphenylene oxide ==> 联苯抱氧
  13876. diphenylene-oxide ==> 二苯并呋喃
  13877. diphenylglycollic acid ==> 二苯乙醇酸
  13878. diphenylheptylphosphine oxide (DPHPO) ==> 二苯基一庚基氧膦
  13879. diphenylhydantoin sodium ==> 苯妥英钠
  13880. diphenylmethane group ==> 二苯甲烷基
  13881. diphenyloxide cycle ==> 二苯醚循环
  13882. diphoic canals ==> 板障管
  13883. diphospho-2-methyl-1,4-naphthohydroquinone ==> 二磷酸-2-甲基-1,4-萘氢醌
  13884. diphosphoglyceric acid ==> 二磷酸甘油酸
  13885. diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) ==> 二磷酸吡啶核苷酸
  13886. diphosphopyridine nucleotide synthetase ==> 二磷酸吡啶核苷酸合成酶
  13887. diphtheria antitoxin unit ==> 白喉抗毒素单位
  13888. diphtheria of external ear ==> 外耳白喉
  13889. diphtheria-pertussis divalent vaccine ==> 百白二联疫苗
  13890. diphtheritic ataxia ==> 白喉性共济失调
  13891. diphtheritic membrane ==> 白喉膜
  13892. diphtheroid bacillus ==> 类白喉杆菌
  13893. diphyllobothriasis mansoni ==> 孟氏裂头绦虫病
  13894. Diphyllobothrium mansoni ==> 孟氏裂头绦虫
  13895. Diphyllobothrium mansonoides ==> 类曼森氏裂头绦虫
  13896. diphyodontic gemination ==> 恒乳双生牙
  13897. dipicolinic acid ==> 吡啶二羧酸
  13898. diplex generator ==> 双工振荡器,双频发生器
  13899. diplex operation ==> 双工工作=>単向ニ路通信法
  13900. diplex radio transmission ==> 双工无线电传输
  13901. diplex reception ==> 同向双工接收
  13902. diplex telegraphy ==> 单向双路电报=>二信電信
  13903. diplexer ==> 天线共用器
  13904. Diplococcus gonorrhoeae ==> 淋病奈瑟氏菌
  13905. diploic veins venae ==> 板障静脉
  13906. diploid cell strain ==> 二倍体细胞株
  13907. diploid chromosome numbers in some animals ==> 某些动物的染色体数
  13908. diploid genome sequence ==> 二倍体ゲノムの塩基配列
  13909. diploid nucleus ==> 二倍核
  13910. diploid state ==> 二倍状态
  13911. diplolc type ==> 板障型
  13912. Diploma in Electrical Engineering ==> 电机工程学文凭
  13913. diplomatic ==> 外交の,カナデプロマチック,デプロマティック
  13914. diplomatic ability ==> 外交的手腕
  13915. diplomatic achievement ==> 外交上の成果
  13916. diplomatic immunity ==> 外汇豁免
  13917. diplomatic mission ==> 使馆
  13918. diplopia test ==> 复视试验
  13919. dipmeter log ==> 倾斜计测井记录
  13920. dipolar bond ==> 偶极键
  13921. dipolar ion ==> 偶极离子
  13922. dipolar polarizability ==> 偶极子极化率
  13923. dipolar site ==> 偶极部位
  13924. dipole ==> 偶极子=>双極子,ダイポール
  13925. dipole antenna ==> 偶极天线=>ダイポールアンテナ
  13926. dipole array ==> 偶极天线阵
  13927. dipole field ==> 偶极场,偶极子场
  13928. dipole interaction ==> 离子偶极相互作用
  13929. dipole lattice ==> 偶极晶格
  13930. dipole layer ==> 双电荷层
  13931. dipole magnetic field ==> 偶极磁场
  13932. dipole matrix element ==> 偶极矩阵元
  13933. dipole mode ==> 对称振子振荡模
  13934. dipole modulation ==> 偶极调制
  13935. dipole molecule ==> 偶极分子
  13936. dipole moment ==> 偶极矩
  13937. dipole oscillator ==> 双极振荡器=>ダイポール発振器
  13938. dipole polarization ==> 偶极子极化
  13939. dipole radiation ==> 偶极辐射
  13940. dipole radiation pattern ==> 偶极子辐射图样
  13941. dipole radiator ==> 偶极子辐射器
  13942. dipole relaxation ==> 偶极子弛豫
  13943. dipole sound field ==> 偶极子声场
  13944. dipole source ==> 偶极子源
  13945. dipole transition ==> 偶极跃迁
  13946. dipole-dipole force ==> 取向力
  13947. dipole-elastic loss ==> 高弹偶极损耗
  13948. dipole-layer mode ==> 双极层模
  13949. dipole-radical loss ==> 侧基偶极损耗
  13950. dipolymer reactor ==> 二聚反应器
  13951. diponium bromide ==> 地泼溴铵
  13952. dipot-as-sium salt ==> 玫瑰红酸钾
  13953. dipotassium hydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸氢二钾
  13954. dipotassium nickel sulfate ==> 硫酸一镍二钾
  13955. dipout furnace ==> 双用熔炉
  13956. dipped article ==> 浸渍制品
  13957. dipped beam ==> 近光束
  13958. dipped beam head lamp ==> 近光前照灯
  13959. dipped beam inclinatin ==> 会车光束倾斜角
  13960. dipped bean ==> 近光
  13961. dipped brass ==> 蚀刻黄铜
  13962. dipped electrode ==> 浸液电极
  13963. dipped finish ==> (玻璃制品缺陷)斜口
  13964. dipped goods ==> 无缝制品
  13965. dipped speech ==> 言语中断
  13966. Dippel's oil ==> (指一种污染饮水的物质)骨焦油
  13967. Dippels oil ==> 骨油
  13968. dipper ==> 油勺
  13969. dipper arm ==> 铲斗柄
  13970. dipper capacity ==> 铲斗容量,斗容量
  13971. dipper door ==> 铲斗底门,铲斗活底,汲器可开的底
  13972. dipper dredge ==> 铲斗挖泥机,铲扬式挖泥船,单斗挖泥机
  13973. dipper dredger ==> 单斗挖泥机,铲斗挖泥船
  13974. dipper factor ==> 满斗系数
  13975. dipper handle ==> 挖掘机杓斗杆
  13976. dipper rod ==> 量油杆
  13977. dipper sheave block ==> 铲斗滑车组
  13978. dipper stick ==> 铲斗柄,挖掘铲斗柄柱,水位指示器
  13979. dipper teeth ==> 铲斗齿
  13980. dipper trip ==> 铲斗门开头
  13981. dipping ==> 艏沉,急压触诊,浸涂药皮,浸渍
  13982. dipping acid hydric sulfate ==> 硫酸
  13983. dipping basket ==> 浸入式电石篮
  13984. dipping bath ==> 浸浴
  13985. dipping coil ==> 浸渍线圈
  13986. dipping coil primary meana ==> 电磁式检测设备
  13987. dipping compass ==> 磁倾仪,倾度仪,矿用磁倾仪
  13988. dipping film method ==> 浸膜法
  13989. dipping lacquer ==> 浸漆
  13990. dipping machine ==> 浸机
  13991. dipping method of timber treatment ==> 木材浸渍处理法
  13992. dipping needle ==> 磁倾针
  13993. dipping needle instrument ==> 倾斜自差调整器
  13994. dipping paint ==> 浸漆
  13995. dipping polish ==> 浸渍抛光,浸渍抛光
  13996. dipping pyrometer ==> 插入式高温计
  13997. dipping refractometer ==> 浸没式折射计,浸液析射计,蘸液折射计
  13998. dipping solution ==> 浸渍溶液
  13999. dipping sonar ==> 投吊式声纳
  14000. dipping switch ==> 减光器开关,近光开关
  14001. dipping treatment ==> 浸渍处理
  14002. dipping vat ==> 药浴池
  14003. dippy twist ==> 转落螺旋
  14004. diproots in inoculum and transplant to flats ==> 在接种体中浸根并移植到平盘
  14005. dipropyl amine ==> 二丙胺
  14006. dipropyl barbituric acid ==> 二丙基巴比土酸
  14007. dipropyl disulfide ==> 二丙基二硫醚
  14008. dipropyl lead ==> 二丙基铅
  14009. dipropyl sulfone ==> 二丙砜
  14010. dipropyl-acetic acid ==> 二丙基乙酸
  14011. dipropyl-ethyl-phenyl-silicane ==> 二丙基乙基苄基甲硅烷
  14012. dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether ==> 二丙二醇单甲醚
  14013. diprotonic acid ==> 二元酸
  14014. DIPS, dynamic isotope power system ==> 動的同位体動力システム
  14015. dipstick ==> 量油尺
  14016. dipstick metering ==> 尺量
  14017. dipteral building ==> 双柱廊建筑
  14018. dipteral insect ==> 双翅目昆虫
  14019. dipteroid mouthparts ==> 双翅目型口器
  14020. dipulse system ==> 双脉冲方式
  14021. dipyrrole urine ==> 二吡咯色素尿
  14022. DIR Direct ==> 直接
  14023. DIR direction ==> 定向
  14024. Dirac covariants ==> 狄喇克协变量
  14025. Dirac delta function ==> 狄拉克δ函数=>ディラックのデルタ関数
  14026. Dirac electron theory ==> 狄喇克理论
  14027. Dirac equation ==> 狄拉克方程=>ディラック方程式
  14028. Dirac fields ==> 狄喇克场
  14029. Dirac function ==> 狄拉克函数=>ディラック関数(単一衝撃)
  14030. Dirac matrix ==> 狄喇克矩阵
  14031. Dirac moment ==> 狄拉克磁矩
  14032. Dirac monopole ==> 狄喇克单极
  14033. Dirac particle ==> 狄喇克粒子
  14034. Dirac quantization ==> 狄喇克量子化
  14035. Dirac wave function ==> 狄拉克波函数
  14036. Dirac's constant ==> 狄拉克常数
  14037. Dirac's theory of electron ==> ディラックの電子論(量子力学)
  14038. Dirac-delta function ==> 狄拉克δ函数
  14039. dircet access storage device ==> 直接存取存储器
  14040. dircet cost ==> 直接费,基建费
  14041. dircet coupled leakage power ==> 直接耦合漏泄功率
  14042. dircet coupled type ==> 直接连接式
  14043. dircet mineral cycling theory ==> 直接矿物循环理论
  14044. dircet-coupled ==> 直接耦合的
  14045. dircet-coupled flip-flop ==> 直接耦合触发电路
  14046. dircet-coupled logic ==> 直接耦合逻辑电路
  14047. dirctional circuit-breaker ==> 方向性断路器
  14048. dire ==> 可怕的,悲惨的=>悲惨な,不吉な
  14049. dire calamity ==> 大惨事
  14050. dire damage ==> 大きな損害
  14051. direct ==> 对准,直接,直接的,指导,指挥
  14052. direct (overhead) cost ==> (包括材料工时在内)直接成本
  14053. direct ... into the orbit of ==> 纳入轨道
  14054. direct AC/AC conversion ==> 直接交流変換
  14055. direct AC/AC power conversion ==> 直接交流電力変換
  14056. direct access ==> 直接存取,直接取数,随机存取,随机取数=>直接アクセス
  14057. direct access device ==> 直接存取装置
  14058. direct access device file control block ==> 直接存取设备文件控制块
  14059. direct access display channel ==> 直接存取显示通道
  14060. direct access inquiry ==> 直接存取询问,直接询问
  14061. direct access library ==> 直接存取程序库
  14062. direct access method ==> 直接存取法,直接存取方式
  14063. direct access mode ==> 直接存取方式
  14064. direct access programming system ==> 直接存取程序设计系统
  14065. direct access sorting ==> 直接存取分类
  14066. direct access storage ==> 直接アクセス記憶装置
  14067. direct access storage device erase ==> 清除直接存取存储设备
  14068. direct access volume ==> 直接存取媒体
  14069. direct acting factor ==> 直接影响因素
  14070. direct acting instrument ==> 直接作用仪表
  14071. direct acting lift ==> 直接驱动升降机
  14072. direct acting recording instrument ==> 直流作用记录仪
  14073. direct action ==> 直接动作,直接作用
  14074. direct action circuit ==> 直接动作回路
  14075. direct action solenoid valve ==> 直动式电磁阀
  14076. direct activation ==> 直接活化
  14077. direct actuator ==> 正作用执行机构
  14078. direct adaptation ==> 直接适应,直接适应作用
  14079. direct add ==> 直接相加指令
  14080. direct addition ==> 直接加法
  14081. direct address ==> 直接地址
  14082. direct address first-level address ==> 一级地址
  14083. direct address relocation ==> 直接浮动地址
  14084. direct addressing ==> 直接定址,直接选址,直接寻址,一级编址,一级定址,一级寻址=>直接アドレッシング
  14085. direct addressing method ==> 直接寻址方式
  14086. direct agglutination reaction ==> 直接凝集反应
  14087. direct agglutination test ==> 直接凝集试验
  14088. direct air conditioning system ==> 直流式空气调节系统
  14089. direct air injection die-casting machine ==> 直接气压式热室压铸机
  14090. direct air route ==> 直达航空线
  14091. direct air-cycle reactor ==> 直接空气循环反应堆
  14092. direct alcohol fuel cells ==> 直接アルコール形燃料電池
  14093. direct allocation ==> 直接分配
  14094. direct allocation of goods by the factory ==> 就厂直拨,就厂直拨
  14095. direct ammonia recovery ==> 氨气直接回收法
  14096. direct amplification ==> 直接放大
  14097. direct analogy ==> 正相似
  14098. direct and indirect measurements ==> 直接測定と間接測定
  14099. direct and overdrive clutch hub ==> 直接及超速传动离合器毂
  14100. direct angle ==> 正镜角
  14101. direct annealing ==> 直接退火
  14102. direct antiglobulin test ==> 直接抗球蛋白试验
  14103. direct arbitrage ==> 直接套利,两地套汇
  14104. direct arc furnace ==> 直接式电弧炉
  14105. direct ascent ==> 直接上升
  14106. direct assay ==> 直接测定
  14107. direct auscultation ==> 直接听诊法
  14108. direct autogamy ==> 直接自花受精
  14109. direct axis ==> 直軸,d軸
  14110. direct axis circuit ==> 直轴电路
  14111. direct axis component ==> 直轴分量
  14112. direct axis inductance ==> 直軸インダクタンス
  14113. direct axis reactance ==> 直轴电抗=>直軸リアクタンス
  14114. direct axis subtransient impedance ==> 直轴次瞬变阻抗
  14115. direct axis subtransient open circuit time constant ==> 直轴超瞬变开路时间常数
  14116. direct axis subtransient reactance ==> 直轴次瞬变电抗
  14117. direct axis subtransient short circuit time constant ==> 直轴次瞬变短路时间常数
  14118. direct axis synchronous impedance ==> 直轴同步阻抗
  14119. direct axis time constant ==> 直轴时间常数
  14120. direct axis transient electromotive force ==> 直轴瞬变电动势
  14121. direct axis transient impedance ==> 直轴瞬变阻抗
  14122. direct axis transient open circuit time constant ==> 直轴瞬变开路时间常数
  14123. direct axis transient reactance ==> 直轴瞬变电抗
  14124. direct axis transient short circuit time constant ==> 直轴瞬变短路时间常数
  14125. direct band-gap semiconductor ==> 直接跃迁半导体
  14126. direct bank guarantee ==> 直接银行保证
  14127. direct barter ==> 直接易货
  14128. direct bearing ==> 直承式支座,直接引导方位,导向轴承,导向轴承
  14129. direct bill of lading ==> 直达提单
  14130. direct biphasic reaction ==> 直接双相反应
  14131. direct blood matching ==> 直接配血
  14132. direct boiling ==> 直接汽化
  14133. direct bonding ==> 直接接合,直接结合
  14134. direct buffering mode ==> 直接缓冲方式
  14135. direct built-in system ==> 直接埋设式
  14136. direct burried type ==> 直埋式
  14137. direct call ==> 直接呼叫
  14138. direct calorimetry ==> 直接测热,直接测热法
  14139. direct capacitance ==> 部分电容,静电容,静电容
  14140. direct capacitance coupling ==> 直接电容耦合
  14141. direct carcinogen ==> 直接致癌原
  14142. direct casting ==> 直接浇铸,上铸
  14143. direct cause of death ==> 直接死因
  14144. direct cell division ==> 直接细胞分裂
  14145. direct centrifugal floatation method ==> 直接离心浮集法
  14146. direct charge coupled logic ==> 直接电荷耦合逻辑
  14147. direct charge-off method ==> 直接冲销法
  14148. direct charges ==> 直接费用
  14149. direct chill casting ==> 半连续浇铸
  14150. direct chlorination ==> 直接氯化
  14151. direct circuit ==> 直接电路,直通电路,直通线路
  14152. direct closing method ==> 直接结算法
  14153. direct code ==> 直接码
  14154. direct coding ==> 绝对编码,绝对编码,切口编码法
  14155. direct colo(u)rimetry ==> 直接比色法,直接色度测量学
  14156. direct comparison method ==> 直接比较法
  14157. direct comparison method of measurement ==> 直接比较测量法
  14158. direct compatibility ==> 直接兼容性
  14159. direct composition ==> 直接成分
  14160. direct compression ==> 单纯受压
  14161. direct compression process ==> 直接压片法
  14162. direct condenser ==> 回流冷凝器
  14163. direct connect ==> 直接接合
  14164. direct connect starting ==> 直入れ起動
  14165. direct connected ==> 直接连接
  14166. direct connected type ==> 直接結合方式
  14167. direct connection ==> 直联,直通
  14168. direct contact ==> 直接接触
  14169. direct contact condenser ==> 混合式凝汽器,接触式冷凝器
  14170. direct contact heat exchanger ==> 混合式热交换器,直接接触式换热器
  14171. direct contact heater ==> 混合式加热器,又称“接触式加热器”。汽轮机抽汽与给水直接混合接触的给水加热器
  14172. direct contact moxibustion ==> 直接灸
  14173. direct contact seal ==> 接触型密封
  14174. direct contact type ==> 直接接触式
  14175. direct control ==> 直接控制
  14176. direct control connection ==> 直接控制连接
  14177. direct control facility ==> 直接控制机构
  14178. direct control layer ==> 直接控制层
  14179. direct control microprogram ==> 直接控制微程序
  14180. direct control microprogramming ==> 直接控制微程序设计
  14181. direct control system ==> 直接控制系统
  14182. direct conversion ==> 直接変換
  14183. direct cooled engine ==> 直接冷却機関
  14184. direct cooler ==> 直接冷却器
  14185. direct cooling ==> 直接冷却
  14186. direct cooling system ==> 直接冷却系统
  14187. direct copy ==> 直接晒印,机械靠模
  14188. direct corrent ==> 直流
  14189. direct cost ==> 可变成本,直接费用
  14190. direct cost method ==> 直接成本法
  14191. direct costing ==> 直接成本法,直接成本计算,可变成本法
  14192. direct counting method ==> 直接计数法
  14193. direct coupled amplification ==> 直接耦合放大
  14194. direct coupled amplifier ==> 直耦放大器
  14195. direct coupled exciter ==> 直接励磁机
  14196. direct coupled generator ==> 直接连接发电机
  14197. direct coupled induction motor starting ==> 直結誘導電動機起動方式
  14198. direct coupled transistor logic ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑,直接耦合晶体管逻辑电路
  14199. direct coupled transistor logic (DCTL) inverter ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑反相器
  14200. direct coupled transistor logic circuit ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑电路
  14201. direct coupling ==> 直接轴联节
  14202. direct coupling generator ==> 直接连接发电机
  14203. direct coupling system ==> 直接耦合方式
  14204. direct current ==> 直流
  14205. direct current amplifier ==> 直流放大器
  14206. direct current arc ==> 直流弧
  14207. direct current arc furnace ==> 直羚弧炉
  14208. direct current arc welding machine ==> 直羚焊机
  14209. direct current armature ==> 直流电枢
  14210. direct current balancer ==> 直流平衡器
  14211. direct current beta ==> 晶体管共发射极短路电流放大系数
  14212. direct current biasing ==> 直流传压法
  14213. direct current blocking ==> 直流塞
  14214. direct current bridge ==> 直流桥,直流电桥
  14215. direct current chopper regulator ==> 直流断续调节器
  14216. direct current circuit ==> 直流回路
  14217. direct current commutating machine ==> 整流直流机
  14218. direct current compensator ==> 直流补偿机
  14219. direct current component ==> 直流分量
  14220. direct current control ==> 直流控制
  14221. direct current convergence ==> 静态会聚
  14222. direct current converter ==> 直流变换器
  14223. direct current distribution ==> 直流配电
  14224. direct current drive ==> 直流驱动
  14225. direct current electric drive ==> 直流电电力驱动
  14226. direct current electric furnace ==> 直羚炉
  14227. direct current electrode ==> 直粮条
  14228. direct current electromotive force ==> 直流电动势
  14229. direct current excited laser ==> 直流激励型激光器
  14230. direct current generator ==> 直流电机
  14231. direct current heating ==> 电加热
  14232. direct current high tension transmission ==> 直流电压输电
  14233. direct current insertion ==> 直流量插入
  14234. direct current integrating meter ==> 直流计数器
  14235. direct current line ==> 直流路
  14236. direct current linear variable differential transformer(DC DC LVDT) ==> 直流差动变压器
  14237. direct current machine ==> 直流机
  14238. direct current measurement ==> 直流测量
  14239. direct current motor ==> 直流电动机
  14240. direct current network ==> 直流电力网
  14241. direct current potentiometer ==> 直流电位计
  14242. direct current power station ==> 直流电厂
  14243. direct current power supply ==> 直流电源
  14244. direct current power transmission ==> 直流送電
  14245. direct current pumping ==> 直流激励
  14246. direct current radiometer ==> 直流辐射计
  14247. direct current reactor ==> 直流电抗器
  14248. direct current relay ==> 直流继电器
  14249. direct current resistance ==> 直流电阻,直流电阻
  14250. direct current restoration ==> 钳位
  14251. direct current restorer ==> 直流恢复电路
  14252. direct current servomotor ==> 直流伺服电动机
  14253. direct current static convertor ==> 静止式直流变换器
  14254. direct current supply ==> 直流电
  14255. direct current system ==> 直流系统,直流[电源]系统,发电厂或变电站中用以供给控制、保护、自动装置、事故照明、通讯和汽轮机直流油泵等用电的独立的直流电源系统
  14256. direct current system, DC system ==> 直流系统,由直流提供电力的系统
  14257. direct current tachogenerator ==> 直联速发电机
  14258. direct current telegraphy ==> 直流电报
  14259. direct current track circuit ==> 直流铁道电路
  14260. direct current transformer ==> 直流变压器?
  14261. direct current transmission ==> 直流输电
  14262. direct current transmission line ==> 直流输电线路
  14263. direct current voltage ==> 直流电压
  14264. direct current watt hour meter ==> 直流瓦时计
  14265. direct current welding generator ==> 电焊用直流电机
  14266. direct cycle ==> 直接空气循环
  14267. direct data organizatioin ==> 直接数据组织
  14268. direct data set ==> 直接数据集
  14269. direct deamination ==> 直接脱氨基作用
  14270. direct debiting ==> 直接借入
  14271. direct deflection ==> 直偏法
  14272. direct deflection method ==> 直接偏位法
  14273. direct delayed reaction ==> 直接迟缓反应
  14274. direct delivery ==> 直接交货
  14275. direct demand ==> 直接需求
  14276. direct demonstration ==> 直接阐明
  14277. direct density dependent factor ==> 直接密度制约因素
  14278. direct departmental expenses ==> 分部直接费用
  14279. direct derivation ==> 直接推导
  14280. direct derivative ==> 直接派生的
  14281. direct descendant ==> 直接分支
  14282. direct development ==> 直接发育,直接显影
  14283. direct dial(l)ing ==> 直接选择
  14284. direct diaphragm valve ==> ダイレクトダイヤフラムバルブ
  14285. direct die ==> 正向模
  14286. direct diffusion ==> 直接扩散
  14287. direct digital control ==> 直接数字控制=>計算機直接制御方式(DDC)
  14288. direct digital control station ==> 直接数字控制站
  14289. direct digital controller ==> 直接数字控制仪
  14290. direct digital transfer ==> 直接数字交换
  14291. direct displacement ==> 直接排代
  14292. direct display storage tube ==> 直接显象存储管
  14293. direct dissemination ==> 直接播散
  14294. direct distance dialing ==> 直接长途拨号
  14295. direct distance dialing (DDD) ==> 长途直接拨号电话,长途自动拨号,长途自动电话
  14296. direct distribution ==> 直接分配
  14297. direct division ==> 直接分裂
  14298. direct draft ==> 直接汇票
  14299. direct draught ==> 正压下
  14300. direct drive ==> 直接驱动,直驱型=>ダイレクトドライブ,直結ドライブ
  14301. direct drive engine ==> 直接传动发动机=>直接機関
  14302. direct drive fixed mount ==> 直接传动固定架
  14303. direct drive pump ==> 直接传动泵
  14304. direct dry cooling system ==> 直接干式冷却系统,又称“直接空冷系统”。汽轮机排汽直接排入布置在厂房外的空气冷却凝汽器,以空气直接冷却排汽的冷却系统
  14305. direct drying ==> 直接加热干燥
  14306. direct earnings of parent company ==> 母公司直接收益
  14307. direct earth capacitance ==> 接地电容
  14308. direct effect ==> 直接效应
  14309. direct electric arc furnace ==> 直接电弧炉
  14310. direct electric process ==> 电阻直接加热处理,正淬火法
  14311. direct electrography ==> 直接电照相
  14312. direct electrophotography printer ==> 直接电子照像印刷机
  14313. direct elimination method ==> 直接消去法
  14314. direct energy conversion ==> 能量直接转换=>直接エネルギー変換
  14315. direct entropy determination ==> エントロピーの直接測定
  14316. direct entry mode ==> 直接记入方式
  14317. direct environment ==> 直接环境
  14318. direct exchange ==> 直接汇兑
  14319. direct expansion ==> 直接膨胀
  14320. direct expansion cooling ==> 直接膨胀冷却,直接蒸发冷却
  14321. direct expense ==> 可变费用
  14322. direct expenses ==> 直接费用
  14323. direct export ==> 直接出口
  14324. direct extrusion ==> 直接挤压,直接挤压法,正挤压,顺挤法
  14325. direct feed ==> 直接传送工件,直接供电,直接馈电
  14326. direct feedback ==> 直接反馈
  14327. direct feedback system ==> 直接反馈系统
  14328. direct feeder ==> 直接馈路
  14329. direct fermentation ==> 直接发酵
  14330. direct fertilizer ==> 直接肥料
  14331. direct file ==> 直接存取文件,直接文件
  14332. direct filtration ==> 直接过滤
  14333. direct financing ==> 直接筹资
  14334. direct fire ==> 直接烧,直接射击=>直火
  14335. direct fire suppression ==> 直接扑火
  14336. direct fired furnace ==> 直接加热炉
  14337. direct fired heater ==> 直接火力加热器,直焰炉
  14338. direct fired kiln ==> 明焰窑
  14339. direct fired vaporizer ==> 明火直热式汽化器
  14340. direct firing ==> 直接烧
  14341. direct firing (fire heating) ==> 直接火加热的
  14342. direct firing furnace ==> 直接火力加热器,直焰炉,明火加热炉
  14343. direct flame ==> 直火
  14344. direct flight, straight flight ==> 直飞
  14345. direct fluorescence technique ==> 直接蛍光法
  14346. direct focal illumination ==> 直接焦点照明
  14347. direct foreign exchange quotation ==> 直接标价法
  14348. direct foreign investment ==> 直接对外投资
  14349. direct fracture ==> 直接骨折
  14350. direct frequency modulation ==> 直接调频=>直接周波数変調
  14351. direct frequency modulation system ==> 直接调频制
  14352. direct fuel-injection engine ==> 直噴エンジン
  14353. direct gaseous reduction ==> 直接气体还原
  14354. direct gasoline-injection engine ==> 直噴エンジン
  14355. direct gate ==> 顶浇口
  14356. direct gear drive ==> 单独传动
  14357. direct germination ==> 直接萌发
  14358. direct glare ==> 直接グレア
  14359. direct glazing ==> 无窗框安装法
  14360. direct group ==> 直通线群
  14361. direct hardening ==> 直接淬火
  14362. direct harm done by purely manmade factors ==> 人为的直接破坏
  14363. direct heat ==> 直火
  14364. direct heat exchange ==> 直接换热
  14365. direct heat loss ==> 直接热损失
  14366. direct heat source ==> 直接热源
  14367. direct heat treatment ==> 直接热处理
  14368. direct heated ==> 直接加热
  14369. direct heated thermistor ==> 直热式热敏电阻
  14370. direct heated type thermistor ==> 直热式热敏电阻器
  14371. direct heating ==> 直接加热
  14372. direct heating furnace ==> 直火炉
  14373. direct heating surface ==> 直接供暖面
  14374. direct high ==> 直接档
  14375. direct holding ==> 直接持股
  14376. direct humidifier ==> 直接增湿器
  14377. direct illuminace ==> 直接照度(直射照度)
  14378. direct illumination ==> 直接照明
  14379. direct image ==> 直接像
  14380. direct imaging ==> 直接成像
  14381. direct imaging mass analyser ==> 直接成象质量分析仪
  14382. direct imaging optics ==> 直接成像系统
  14383. direct impact amplifier ==> 对冲式放大器
  14384. direct impact type air speed indicator ==> 直冲式风速计
  14385. direct impedance ==> 直接阻抗
  14386. direct impulse ==> 正向脉冲,探测脉冲
  14387. direct index plate ==> 直接分度盘
  14388. direct index plate pin ==> 直接分度盘销
  14389. direct indexation ==> 直接指数化
  14390. direct indexing ==> 直接变址,直接分度法
  14391. direct indicating compass ==> 直读罗盘
  14392. direct infection ==> 直接感染
  14393. direct infeed ==> 直接横向进磨,直接切入磨法
  14394. direct influence ==> 直接影响
  14395. direct ingot ==> 直熔锭
  14396. direct inguinal hernia ==> 腹股沟直疝
  14397. direct inhibition ==> 直接抑制
  14398. direct injection ==> 直接喷射,直接喷油,直接射入,直接注入,直接注入法
  14399. direct injection burner ==> 直接注入燃烧器
  14400. direct injection engine ==> 直接喷射式发动机
  14401. direct injection type ==> 直喷型
  14402. direct injector ==> 直流进样器
  14403. direct input ==> 直接输入
  14404. direct input circuit ==> 直接输入电路
  14405. direct insert routine ==> 开型子程序
  14406. direct insert subroutine ==> 开式子程序,开型子程序=>直接挿入サブルーチン
  14407. direct instruction ==> 直接命令
  14408. direct interpolation ==> 直接内插法
  14409. direct investment ==> 直接投资
  14410. direct investment flows ==> 直接投资流动
  14411. direct inward dialing ==> 直接向内拨号
  14412. direct inward dialling ==> ダイヤルイン
  14413. direct ionization ==> 非本征光电发射
  14414. direct iron process ==> 直接炼铁法
  14415. direct jamming ==> 直接干扰
  14416. direct jump ==> 直接转移
  14417. direct labor standard ==> 标准时间
  14418. direct labour ==> 直接劳动
  14419. direct laryngoscope ==> 直接喉镜,经喉直接内窥镜,经喉直接内窥镜
  14420. direct laryngoscopy ==> 喉直接镜检查,直接喉镜检查
  14421. direct laryngoscopy with dilatation ==> 直接喉镜检查下扩张术
  14422. direct laryngoscopy with drainage ==> 直接喉镜检查下引流术
  14423. direct laying ==> 电缆直接敷设
  14424. direct leakage, infiltration leakage ==> 直接泄漏,回转式空气预热器中,由于空气和烟气间存在静压差,使空气通过密封间隙流入烟气侧的泄漏现象。
  14425. direct lending ==> 直接借出
  14426. direct liability ==> 直接负债
  14427. direct light ==> 直射光=>直射日光
  14428. direct light reflex ==> 直接光反射
  14429. direct lighting ==> 直接照明=>直接照明
  14430. direct lightning stroke ==> 直接雷击,直击雷=>直撃雷
  14431. direct limit ==> 正向极限
  14432. direct line ==> 直达线,直通行,直线,定向线
  14433. direct linear motor drive ==> 直流リニアモータ
  14434. direct load loss ==> 直接负荷损失=>直接負荷損
  14435. direct load management ==> 直接負荷制御
  14436. direct loading ==> 直接装入
  14437. direct location mode ==> 直接定位方式
  14438. direct magnetizing effect ==> 直轴磁化效应,直轴磁化作用
  14439. direct mail advertising ==> 直接函件广告
  14440. direct manner ==> 直接法
  14441. direct manual operation ==> 直接手動操作
  14442. direct manure ==> 直接肥料
  14443. direct mapping ==> 直接变换,直接映射
  14444. direct marketing ==> 直接行销
  14445. direct marketing by house-to-house selling ==> 挨门直接销售
  14446. direct marketing by integration ==> 一体化直接销售
  14447. direct marketing by personal solicitation ==> 向个人直接销售
  14448. direct mass measurements above uranium ==> 超ウラン原子質量の直接測定
  14449. direct material cost ==> 直接原料成本
  14450. direct measurement ==> 直接测定,直接测量=>直接測定
  14451. direct measurement of efficiency ==> 直接测量效率法
  14452. direct measuring ==> 直接測定
  14453. direct memery access ==> 存储器
  14454. direct memory access ==> 直接存储器存取
  14455. direct memory access (DMA) ==> 存储器直接存取,存储器直接访问
  14456. direct memory access transfer ==> 存储器直接存取传送
  14457. direct metal ==> 直接金属
  14458. direct metamorphosis ==> 直接变态
  14459. direct methanol fuel cell ==> 直接メタノール形燃料電池
  14460. direct method ==> 直接法,不依赖全过程数值仿真,直接判断电力系统暂态稳定性的一种快速算法=>直接法
  14461. direct method in opthalmoscopy ==> 直接眼底检查法
  14462. direct method of isolation ==> 直接分离法
  14463. direct method of Liapunov ==> リアプノフの直接法
  14464. direct method of measurement ==> 直接测量法=>直接測定方法
  14465. direct method of triangularization ==> 三角化直接法
  14466. direct methods for bifurcations ==> 分岐点・最大負荷点の直接計算法(電圧安定限界計算)
  14467. direct microscopic method ==> 直接显微镜法
  14468. direct mixing ==> 直接混棉
  14469. direct mode ==> 正向模,直接方式
  14470. direct modulation ==> 直接変調
  14471. direct molded footwear ==> 模压鞋
  14472. direct motion ==> 顺行,直接运动
  14473. direct motor drive ==> 电动机直接传动
  14474. direct motor driven ==> 单电动机传动的
  14475. direct mount ==> 直接安装,直接定位装卡
  14476. direct mounting gauge ==> 直接安装压力表
  14477. direct mutation ==> 正突变
  14478. direct nuclear reaction ==> 直接核反应
  14479. direct numerical control ==> 直接数控,直接数值控制,直接数字控制,群控=>直結方式(数値制御)
  14480. direct obligation ==> 直接偿付
  14481. direct observation ==> 直接调查=>直接観察
  14482. direct on line starting ==> 直接起动,全电压起动
  14483. direct on starter ==> 直接起动器
  14484. direct operated regulator ==> 直接作用式调节阀,自力式调节阀
  14485. direct operating cost ==> 直接生产费用
  14486. direct operating expense ==> 直接操作费用
  14487. direct operation ==> 直接传动=>直接運転
  14488. direct opthalmoscope ==> 直接检眼镜
  14489. direct orbit ==> 顺行轨道=>順行軌道
  14490. direct organization ==> 直接编制,直接结构
  14491. direct organization file ==> 直接编制文件
  14492. direct output ==> 直接输出
  14493. direct output writer ==> 直接输出程序
  14494. direct outward dialing (DOD) ==> 直接向外部拨号
  14495. direct outward dialling ==> ダイヤルアウト
  14496. direct over current release ==> 过电帘接释放器
  14497. direct oxidation leaching ==> 直接氧化浸出
  14498. direct page register ==> 直接页面寄存器
  14499. direct passage of current ==> 直接通电
  14500. direct patenting ==> 直接铅浴处理,直接拉后退火,直接韧化处理,线材拉后直接退火
  14501. direct path ==> 直接路径,直接通路
  14502. direct percussion ==> 直接叩诊法
  14503. direct personal selling ==> 人员直销
  14504. direct pharyngoscopy ==> 直接咽镜检查
  14505. direct photodetection ==> 直接光电探测
  14506. direct photodetection receiver ==> 直接光探测接收器
  14507. direct pick-up ==> 直接传感,直接摄影,正常极性下启动电流
  14508. direct pick-up camera ==> 直接发送式摄像机
  14509. direct pick-up receiver ==> 接力转播用接收机,转播用接收机
  14510. direct piezoelectric effect ==> 正压电效应
  14511. direct piezoelectricity ==> 直接压电现象
  14512. direct pigmentation ==> 直接色素沈着
  14513. direct point repeater ==> 直接中继器
  14514. direct pointing ==> 直接瞄准
  14515. direct port ==> 直达港
  14516. direct position of telescope ==> 正镜测量
  14517. direct positive ==> 直接正像
  14518. direct positive reaction ==> 直接阳性
  14519. direct posting ==> 直接过帐
  14520. direct pouring ==> 直接浇铸
  14521. direct power acting push sweep rake ==> 直接动力作用推扫耙
  14522. direct power control ==> 直接電力制御法
  14523. direct preparation ==> 直接配制
  14524. direct pressure closing ==> 直压法
  14525. direct pressure hotchamber machine ==> 直接气压式热室压铸机
  14526. direct price ==> 直接价格
  14527. direct pricing ==> 直接计价
  14528. direct printing ==> 直接印刷
  14529. direct probe inlet ==> 直接探头进样
  14530. direct problem ==> 正算问题
  14531. direct process ==> 直接法,直接冶炼法
  14532. direct product of sets ==> 直积集
  14533. direct products ==> 直接产品
  14534. direct program control ==> 直接程序控制
  14535. direct projection ==> 直接投影=>直射
  14536. direct projectivity ==> 正射影变换
  14537. direct prompt reaction ==> 直接迅速反应
  14538. direct proportion ==> 正比,正比例
  14539. direct prot injection system ==> 直接进口喷射系统
  14540. direct pulp capping ==> 直接盖髓术
  14541. direct pulse ==> 直达脉冲,探测脉冲
  14542. direct pupillary reflex ==> 直接瞳孔反射
  14543. direct purging ==> 直接驱气
  14544. direct quench aging ==> 热浴时效处理
  14545. direct quench system ==> 直接急冷系统
  14546. direct quenching ==> 直接淬火
  14547. direct radiation ==> 直接辐射=>直接放射
  14548. direct radiator ==> 直接传热炉片
  14549. direct ramp ==> 直結ランプ
  14550. direct ratio ==> 直接比,正比
  14551. direct ray ==> 直接辐射波
  14552. direct rays ==> 直射线=>直射日光
  14553. direct rays of the sun ==> 直射日光
  14554. direct reacting bilirubin ==> 直接反应胆红素
  14555. direct reaction ==> 直接反应
  14556. direct reaction to light ==> 直接光反应
  14557. direct reading ==> 直读式,直接读数,直接阅读
  14558. direct reading analytical balance ==> 直读式分析天平
  14559. direct reading calculator ==> 直读式计算机
  14560. direct reading current meter ==> 直读式海流计
  14561. direct reading instrument ==> 直读式仪器,直读式测试仪器
  14562. direct reading liquid level gauge ==> 直读液面计
  14563. direct reading pH meter ==> 直读式pH计
  14564. direct reading thermometer ==> 直读式温度计
  14565. direct readout ==> 直接读出
  14566. direct receiver ==> 直放式接收机
  14567. direct recombination ==> 直接再結合
  14568. direct record strong motion instrument ==> 直接记录式强震仪
  14569. direct recording ==> 直接录制,直接记录,直接录声
  14570. direct reduction ==> 直接还原
  14571. direct reduction pellets ==> 直接还原用球团矿
  14572. direct reduction unit ==> 直接还原装置
  14573. direct reductive analysis ==> 直接还原分析
  14574. direct reference address ==> 直接参考地址,直接访问地址
  14575. direct reflectance ==> 单向反射比
  14576. direct reflection ==> 镜面反射
  14577. direct relationship ==> 直系亲缘
  14578. direct relative ==> 直系亲属
  14579. direct release ==> 直接释放
  14580. direct replacement ==> 直接置换
  14581. direct resistance furnace ==> 直接电阻炉
  14582. direct resistance heating ==> 直接电阻加热
  14583. direct respiration ==> 间接呼吸
  14584. direct rolling action ==> 垂直压力
  14585. direct rolling mill ==> 无锭轧机
  14586. direct rope haulage ==> 头绳运输
  14587. direct rotary machine ==> 转轮印刷机
  14588. direct rotational direction ==> 正旋转方向
  14589. direct route ==> 直航,直接航线=>直行ルート,直航路
  14590. direct rule ==> 直接规则
  14591. direct runoff ==> 暴雨径流,地表迳流,地面径流
  14592. direct sale ==> 直接销售
  14593. direct sales price ==> 直接销售价
  14594. direct scanning ==> 直接扫描
  14595. direct search ==> 直接检索
  14596. direct securities ==> 直接担保品
  14597. direct sedimentation concentration method ==> 自然沉淀集卵法
  14598. direct seeding ==> 直播
  14599. direct segmentation ==> 直接分裂
  14600. direct selection system ==> 直接选择方式
  14601. direct selector ==> 直接选择器,简单调谐旋钮
  14602. direct selfpollination ==> 天然自然授粉
  14603. direct sequential file ==> 直接顺序文件
  14604. direct shear apparatus ==> 直接剪力仪,纯剪切仪
  14605. direct shear test ==> 直接剪力试验
  14606. direct shock wave ==> 正冲波
  14607. direct short ==> 短路
  14608. direct short-circuit ==> 直接短路
  14609. direct short-circuit test ==> 直接短絡試験
  14610. direct sight telescope ==> 直接瞄准望远镜
  14611. direct sintering ==> 直接烧结
  14612. direct smear ==> 直接涂片
  14613. direct smelting ==> 直接熔炼
  14614. direct solar radiation ==> 太阳直接辐射
  14615. direct sound ==> 直达声
  14616. direct sowing ==> 直播
  14617. direct speech transmission ==> 直接音频传输
  14618. direct spindle drive ==> 主轴直接传动
  14619. direct spot welding ==> 双面点焊
  14620. direct spreading ==> 直接蔓延
  14621. direct staining ==> 直接染色
  14622. direct starting ==> 直接起动
  14623. direct stationary ==> 顺留
  14624. direct steam ==> 活蒸汽
  14625. direct steam generator (DSG) ==> 直接蒸汽发生器
  14626. direct steel process ==> 直接炼钢法,一步炼钢法
  14627. direct step on wafer ==> 薄片上步进式直接曝光
  14628. direct stimulation ==> 直接剌激
  14629. direct stress ==> 法向应力,正应力,直接应力
  14630. direct stroke ==> 直接雷击=>直撃雷
  14631. direct sub-transient reactance ==> 直接次瞬态电抗
  14632. direct substitution ==> 直接取代
  14633. direct subtract ==> 直接相减指令
  14634. direct subtraction ==> 直接减法
  14635. direct sum ==> 直和
  14636. direct sum resolution ==> 直和分解
  14637. direct sun ==> 直射日光
  14638. direct sunlight ==> 直射日光
  14639. direct sunshine ==> 直射日光
  14640. direct supercurrent ==> 超导直流
  14641. direct suspension ==> 直接悬挂
  14642. direct switching starter ==> 直接开关启动器
  14643. direct switching-in ==> 直接合闸
  14644. direct symbol recognition ==> 直接符号识别
  14645. direct tax ==> 直接税
  14646. direct teaching method ==> 直接教示方式
  14647. direct tempering ==> 直接回火
  14648. direct template theory ==> 直接模板学说
  14649. direct tension ==> 直接拉力
  14650. direct through-connection equipment ==> 分路机
  14651. direct tide ==> 直接潮汐,上中天潮
  14652. direct time-phase domain synchrnous generator model ==> 相座標同期機モデル
  14653. direct titrimetric method ==> 直接滴定法
  14654. direct to line ==> 直接接到线路
  14655. direct torque control ==> 直接トルク制御
  14656. direct trade ==> 直接贸易
  14657. direct transaction ==> 直接交易
  14658. direct transfer ==> 直接移植法
  14659. direct transfer tripping ==> 直接远方跳闸
  14660. direct transform ==> 直接变换
  14661. direct transfusion ==> 直接输血
  14662. direct transition ==> 直接跃迁=>直接遷移
  14663. direct transition semiconductor ==> 直接遷移形半導体
  14664. direct transmission ==> 正透過,正透射,直接传动,直接传送,直接输送,直接通信,单向透射
  14665. direct transmission factor ==> 单向透射率,直接传输系数,直接透射系数
  14666. direct trip ==> 直接脱扣
  14667. direct trunk ==> 直通中继线=>直通中継線,直通回線
  14668. direct trunk line ==> 直通中継線
  14669. direct vaporization technique for solution ==> 溶液直接蒸发技术
  14670. direct variable cost ==> 直接变动成本
  14671. direct vernier ==> 正游标,顺游标
  14672. direct vessel ==> 直达船
  14673. direct videotape recording ==> 直接磁带录像
  14674. direct view storage tube ==> 直观式存储管
  14675. direct view system ==> 直观式电视系统
  14676. direct view tube ==> 直视显象管
  14677. direct viewfinder ==> 直观录像器,直接取景器
  14678. direct viewing ==> 直接观看
  14679. direct vision ==> 直视
  14680. direct vision objective prism ==> 直视物端棱镜
  14681. direct vision prism ==> 直视棱镜
  14682. direct vision spectroscope ==> 直视分光镜,直视棱镜分光镜
  14683. direct vision tube ==> 直视显象管
  14684. direct visual tracing ==> 直观追踪
  14685. direct voltage ==> 正向电压
  14686. direct water cooled generator ==> 水直接冷却发电机,又称“水内冷发电机”。采用定子或转子绕组内部通水冷却的发电机
  14687. direct wave ==> 直接辐射波=>直接波
  14688. direct welding ==> 双面点焊
  14689. direct wire circuit ==> 单线电路
  14690. direct write electron beam lithography ==> 直写式电子束光刻
  14691. direct write electron beam system ==> 直写式电子束光刻装置
  14692. direct writing electrocardiograph ==> 直接描记型心电图机
  14693. direct writing oscillograph ==> 直接记录式示波器
  14694. direct yaw-moment control ==> 直接ヨーモーメント制御
  14695. direct yield ==> 直接收益
  14696. direct zoosis ==> 直接动物源疾病
  14697. direct(ive) wave ==> 直达波
  14698. direct-access library ==> 随机存取库
  14699. direct-access storage ==> 随机访问存储
  14700. direct-acting ==> 直接
  14701. direct-acting engine ==> 直接作动发动机
  14702. direct-acting finder ==> 直接作用的旋转式选择器
  14703. direct-acting hoist ==> 直接传动的提升机,直接传动提升机
  14704. direct-acting load ==> 直接作用载荷
  14705. direct-acting overflow valve ==> 直动式溢流阀
  14706. direct-acting pump ==> 直接联动泵,直接作用泵
  14707. direct-acting recording instrument ==> 直接传动记录仪表
  14708. direct-acting shock absorber ==> 直接作用式减震器,套筒式减震器
  14709. direct-acting steam engine ==> 直接式蒸汽机
  14710. direct-acting steam pump ==> 蒸汽直接作用泵
  14711. direct-acting valve ==> 直动阀
  14712. direct-address processing ==> 直接寻址处理
  14713. direct-air cycle ==> 直接空气循环
  14714. direct-air die casting ==> 低压铸造
  14715. direct-aperture antenna ==> 直接式孔径天线
  14716. direct-arc ==> 直接电弧,直接电弧熔铸
  14717. direct-arc furnace ==> 直接电弧炉
  14718. direct-arc melting method ==> 直接电弧熔炼法
  14719. direct-arc-cast ingot ==> 直接弧熔锭
  14720. direct-axis ==> 直轴,顺轴,纵轴
  14721. direct-axis circuit ==> 顺轴电路
  14722. direct-axis component ==> 直轴分量
  14723. direct-axis magnetizing reactance ==> 直轴磁化电抗
  14724. direct-axis magnetomotive force ==> 直軸起磁力
  14725. direct-axis reactance ==> 顺轴电抗
  14726. direct-axis subtransient impedance ==> 直轴超瞬变阻抗,直轴次瞬变阻抗
  14727. direct-axis subtransient open circuit time constant ==> 直轴超[次]暂态开路时间常数,同步电机的电枢绕组开路且在额定电压下运行,励磁绕组突然短路[阻尼绕组为闭路]时,电枢电流的初始暂态分量衰减的时间常数,通常用Td0"表示
  14728. direct-axis subtransient reactance ==> 直轴超[次]暂态电抗,又称"直轴超[次]瞬态电抗"
  14729. direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant ==> 直轴超[次]暂态短路时间常数,同步电机的电枢绕组突然短路,此时转子阻尼绕组和励磁绕组为闭路时,电枢电流直轴初始暂态分量衰减的时间常数,通常用Td"表示
  14730. direct-axis synchronous reactance ==> 直轴同步电抗,同步电机的定子漏抗与电枢反应电抗之和
  14731. direct-axis transient interal voltage ==> 纵轴瞬变电动势
  14732. direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant ==> 直轴暂态开路时间常数,同步电机的电枢绕组开路且在额定电压下运行,励磁绕组突然短路[阻尼绕组开路或无阻尼绕组]时,电枢电压的暂态分量衰减的时间常数,通常用Td0'表示
  14733. direct-axis transient reactance ==> 直轴暂态电抗,又称"直轴瞬态电抗"
  14734. direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant ==> 直轴暂态短路时间常数,同步电机的电枢绕组突然短路,此时转子阻尼绕组开路[或无阻尼绕组],电枢电流直轴暂态分量衰减的时间常数,通常用Td'表示
  14735. direct-babbitted connecting rod ==> 大头直接浇注巴比合金的连杆
  14736. direct-challenge system ==> 直接呼叫系统,直接询问系统
  14737. direct-chill casting (dc casting) ==> 直接激冷铸造
  14738. direct-connected ==> 直接传动,直接连接的
  14739. direct-connected exciter ==> 直连励磁机,同轴励磁机
  14740. direct-connected motor ==> 直连电动机
  14741. direct-connected mower ==> 悬挂式割草机
  14742. direct-connecter planter ==> 悬挂式播种机
  14743. direct-contact desuperheater ==> 喷水减温器
  14744. direct-control sequence valve ==> 直控顺序阀
  14745. direct-conversion reactor ==> 直接热转换反应器,直接转换反应器
  14746. direct-coupled ==> 直接连结,直接耦合,直接耦合的
  14747. direct-coupled (steam)turbine ==> 直接传动式汽轮机
  14748. direct-coupled cavities ==> 真接耦合空腔谐振器
  14749. direct-coupled circuit ==> 直接耦合电路
  14750. direct-coupled computer ==> 直接耦合计算机
  14751. direct-coupled exciter ==> 直接励磁机
  14752. direct-coupled generator ==> 直连励磁机,直连式发电机
  14753. direct-coupled power amplifier tube ==> 直接耦合功率放大管
  14754. direct-coupled roll ==> 直接传动辊
  14755. direct-coupling ==> 直接联轴节,直接连接,直接耦合
  14756. direct-coupling exciter ==> 直连励磁机,同轴励磁机
  14757. direct-coupling logic circuit ==> 直接耦合的逻辑电路
  14758. direct-coupling motor converter ==> 连轴电动换流机
  14759. direct-coupling transistor logic circuit ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑电路
  14760. direct-coupling triggering ==> 直接耦合触发
  14761. direct-coupling turbine ==> 直接传动式汽轮机
  14762. direct-cranking starter ==> 直接转动的起动器
  14763. direct-current amplifier ==> 直流増幅器
  14764. direct-current arc ==> 直流アーク
  14765. direct-current bridge ==> 直流ブリッジ
  14766. direct-current cable ==> 直流ケーブル
  14767. direct-current capacitor ==> 直流コンデンサ
  14768. direct-current circuit ==> 直流回路
  14769. direct-current commutating machine ==> 整流式直流电机
  14770. direct-current component ==> 同上
  14771. direct-current controllable reactor ==> 助磁式电抗器,饱和扼流圈
  14772. direct-current converter ==> 直流変換装置
  14773. direct-current distribution ==> 直流配電
  14774. direct-current electric rail car ==> 直流電車
  14775. direct-current electrode negative ==> 负直流电极
  14776. direct-current electrode positive ==> 正直流电极
  14777. direct-current electromotive force ==> 直流起電力
  14778. direct-current excited reactor ==> 助磁式电抗器
  14779. direct-current filter ==> 直流フィルタ
  14780. direct-current generator ==> 直流発電機
  14781. direct-current machine ==> 直流機
  14782. direct-current motor ==> 直流电动机,将直流电能转换为机械能的转动装置。电动机定子提供磁场,直流电源向转子的绕组提供电流,换向器使转子电流与磁场产生的转矩保持方向不变=>直流電動機,直流モータ,DCモータ
  14783. direct-current motor control ==> 电动机电子控制
  14784. direct-current plate resistance ==> 阳极直流电阻
  14785. direct-current potentiometer ==> 直流電位差計
  14786. direct-current power transmission ==> 直流送電
  14787. direct-current reactor ==> 直流リアクトル
  14788. direct-current relay ==> 直流継電器
  14789. direct-current resistance ==> 直流抵抗
  14790. direct-current restoration ==> 直流分再生
  14791. direct-current system ==> (鉄道)直流式
  14792. direct-current telegraphy ==> 直流電信
  14793. direct-current transformer ==> 直流変流器
  14794. direct-current voltage ==> 直流電圧
  14795. direct-current-to-alternating-current converter ==> DC-AC変換器
  14796. direct-current-to-direct-current converter ==> DC-DC変換器
  14797. direct-cut attachment ==> 直接切碎装置
  14798. direct-cut grass and pickup attachment ==> 直接切碎收集装置
  14799. direct-cut operation ==> 硬切换
  14800. direct-cycle integral boiling reactor ==> 直接循环一体化沸水堆
  14801. direct-cycle reactor ==> 直接循环反应堆
  14802. direct-detect type ==> 直読式
  14803. direct-display storage unit ==> 直接显像存储器
  14804. direct-distance dial(l)ing ==> 直接长途拨号
  14805. direct-drive ==> 直接激励
  14806. direct-drive acceleration ==> 直接传动加速度
  14807. direct-drive auger ==> 直接传动式输送螺旋
  14808. direct-drive cyclometer ==> 直接传动的转数表
  14809. direct-drive dial ==> 直接传动度盘
  14810. direct-drive gear ==> 直接传动
  14811. direct-drive machine ==> 直接传动的机器
  14812. direct-drive propeller ==> 直接传动螺旋桨
  14813. direct-drive vibration machine ==> 直接传动振动机
  14814. direct-driven airscrew ==> 直接驱动螺旋桨
  14815. direct-driven shears ==> 直接传动式剪切机
  14816. direct-driven synchro ==> 直接传动同步机
  14817. direct-driving clutch ==> 直接传动离合器
  14818. direct-excitation transmitter ==> 直激发射机
  14819. direct-expansion coil ==> 直接蒸发盘管
  14820. direct-fed coil ==> 直馈式线圈
  14821. direct-fire ==> 直接点火
  14822. direct-fired ==> 直接火加热的
  14823. direct-fired boiler ==> 直吹式制粉锅炉
  14824. direct-fired coil furnace ==> 直接加热的热处理炉
  14825. direct-fired drier ==> 直接火烘干燥机
  14826. direct-fired evaporator ==> 直烧蒸发器
  14827. direct-fired furnace ==> 直接加热的热处理炉
  14828. direct-fired heater ==> 明火炉
  14829. direct-fired kettle ==> 直接火烤锅
  14830. direct-fired mull ==> 直吹式制粉系统磨煤机
  14831. direct-fired pulverizing system ==> 直吹式制粉系统,又称"钢球磨煤机"。在旋转的卧式钢制圆筒内,利用提升到一定高度钢球所具有的能量将煤磨成煤粉的机械设备。
  14832. direct-fired scale-less of free heating furnace ==> 敞焰少无氧化加热炉
  14833. direct-fired system ==> 直吹式制粉系统
  14834. direct-firing ==> 直吹式燃烧
  14835. direct-flame boiler ==> 直焰式锅炉
  14836. direct-flow cooling ==> 单向流动冷却
  14837. direct-frequency modulation ==> 直接调频
  14838. direct-gap semiconductor ==> 直接带隙半导体,直接跃迁半导体
  14839. direct-geared ==> 直接啮合,齿轮直接传动
  14840. direct-grounding ==> 直接接地
  14841. direct-heated cathode ==> 直热式阴极
  14842. direct-heated thermistor ==> 直热式热变电阻器
  14843. direct-image offset system ==> 图像直接转换胶印法
  14844. direct-inductive coupling ==> 直接电感耦合
  14845. direct-injection carburetor ==> 直接喷射式汽化器
  14846. direct-injection cylinder head ==> 直射式汽缸盖
  14847. direct-injection diesel engine ==> 直接噴射式ディーゼルエンジン
  14848. direct-injection engine ==> 直接喷射式发动机=>直噴エンジン
  14849. direct-injection gasoline engine ==> 直接噴射式ガソリン機関
  14850. direct-injection method ==> 直接喷射法
  14851. direct-injection mo(u)lding ==> 直接注射造型
  14852. direct-injection pump ==> 直接喷射式燃料泵
  14853. direct-insert ==> 直接插入的
  14854. direct-insert routine ==> 直接插入例行程序
  14855. direct-insert subroutine ==> 直接插入子程序
  14856. direct-light illuminant ==> 直接光照明器
  14857. direct-line drive ==> 排状驱油井网
  14858. direct-linkage roll feed ==> 直接杠杆带动滚轮送进器
  14859. direct-loaded safety valve ==> 重锤式安全阀
  14860. direct-measuring blood pressure monitor ==> 直接测量式血压监视器
  14861. direct-method heat balance ==> 正热平衡法
  14862. direct-motor-driven ==> 单电动机传动
  14863. direct-noise amplifier ==> 直接噪声放大器
  14864. direct-on starter ==> 直接起动器
  14865. direct-on starting ==> 直接起动
  14866. direct-on-line processor ==> 直接联机处理机
  14867. direct-on-line starter ==> じか入れ始動器
  14868. direct-on-line switching ==> 直接合闸,直接起动
  14869. direct-operated ==> 直接操纵
  14870. direct-power generator ==> 直接发电机
  14871. direct-product code ==> 直积码
  14872. direct-radiator speaker ==> 直接辐射式扬声器
  14873. direct-read-after-write ==> 随录随放
  14874. direct-reader ==> 直接读数,直接示值
  14875. direct-reading ==> 直読
  14876. direct-reading analyzer ==> 直读式分析器
  14877. direct-reading bridge ==> 直读式电桥
  14878. direct-reading compass ==> 直读罗盘,磁罗盘
  14879. direct-reading direction finder ==> 直接指示探向器
  14880. direct-reading gage ==> 直读表
  14881. direct-reading instrument ==> 直读式测试仪器,直读仪表=>直読計器
  14882. direct-reading meter ==> 直读定标器,直读计
  14883. direct-reading methods ==> 直接读数法
  14884. direct-reading phase analyzer ==> 直读式相位分析器
  14885. direct-reading spectrochemical methods ==> 光谱化学分析直接读数法
  14886. direct-reading spectrograph ==> 直读光谱分析仪
  14887. direct-reading test method ==> 直读试验法
  14888. direct-recorded disk ==> 直接录声声盘
  14889. direct-recorded disk(-sc) ==> 直接录音唱盘
  14890. direct-recording ==> 直接记录的
  14891. direct-recording system ==> 直接记录方式
  14892. direct-reduction process ==> 直接还原法
  14893. direct-relation telemeter ==> 正比遥测计
  14894. direct-return system ==> 直接回水制
  14895. direct-route powder reduction ==> 直接粉末还原
  14896. direct-seal valve ==> 盘形封接管
  14897. direct-smelting in converters ==> 直接吹炼法
  14898. direct-stress machine ==> 直接应力试验机
  14899. direct-sum code ==> 直和码
  14900. direct-suspension construction ==> 直接悬挂结构
  14901. direct-to-ground capacity ==> 对地电容
  14902. direct-to-plate ==> 直接制版法
  14903. direct-transmission system ==> 直接传送系统
  14904. direct-trip circuit-breaker ==> 直接跳闸断路器
  14905. direct-view kinescope ==> 直观显像管
  14906. direct-viewing ==> 直观,直视
  14907. direct-viewing kinescope ==> 直视显像管
  14908. direct-viewing memory tube ==> 直观存储管
  14909. direct-viewing storage tube ==> 直观式存储管
  14910. direct-viewing tube ==> 直观显像管
  14911. direct-vision method ==> 直观法,直接目测法,直接显影法
  14912. direct-vision nephoscope ==> 直观测云镜
  14913. direct-vision objective prism ==> 直视物端棱镜
  14914. direct-vision port ==> 直视缝,窥视缝
  14915. direct-vision prism ==> 直视棱镜
  14916. direct-vision storage tube ==> 直接检视式储存管,直视存储管
  14917. direct-writing galvanometer ==> 直写电流计
  14918. direct-writing oscillograph ==> 直接记录示波器
  14919. direct-writing recorder ==> 直接記録計器
  14920. directable increment sign ==> 方向可変増分符号相関
  14921. directaction pressure controller ==> 直接作用式压力调节器
  14922. directcoupled transistor logic (DCTL) ==> 直接耦合晶体管逻辑
  14923. directed affect the ultimate frequency of arace ==> 直接影响小种最后的频率
  14924. directed angle ==> 有向角
  14925. directed application ==> 直接施用
  14926. directed beam ==> 定向射线
  14927. directed blasting rockfill dam ==> 定向爆破堆石坝,利用炸药定向爆破作用,将两岸或一岸爆碎的岩石按预定方向抛落在坝体位置堆筑成坝,再在上游筑粘土或沥青混凝土斜墙等防渗层的堆石坝
  14928. directed dynamic pressure ==> 单向动压
  14929. directed edge ==> 定向边
  14930. directed graph ==> 有向グラフ
  14931. directed hybridization ==> 定向杂交
  14932. directed line ==> 定向线,有向直线
  14933. directed pressure ==> 定向压力
  14934. directed radiation ==> 定向辐射
  14935. directed ray ==> 定向射线,指向射线
  14936. directed seeding ==> 直播
  14937. directed segment ==> 有向線分
  14938. directed set ==> 有向集
  14939. directed solidification ==> 定向性凝固
  14940. directed spray type combustion chamber ==> 定向喷射式燃烧室
  14941. directed spraying ==> 定向喷雾
  14942. directed tree ==> 定向树形,定向树形网络
  14943. directfired installation ==> 直吹式燃烧系统
  14944. directimaging mass analyzer ==> 直接成像质谱仪
  14945. directing force ==> 控制力
  14946. directing line ==> 导线
  14947. directing magnet ==> 控制磁铁
  14948. directing operation ==> 控制程序
  14949. directing property ==> 定向性
  14950. directing sign ==> 指向标
  14951. directing spray ==> 直接喷撒
  14952. direction ==> 方向
  14953. direction angle ==> 方向角
  14954. direction arm ==> 方向导杆
  14955. direction arrow ==> 方向箭头
  14956. direction arrow plate ==> 方向指示板
  14957. direction bearing ==> 探向方位
  14958. direction center ==> 引导中心,制导中心
  14959. direction changing ==> 反转的
  14960. direction coefficient ==> 方向系数
  14961. direction comparison protection system ==> 方向比较保护系统,方向比较式纵联保护,综合比较被保护线路各端的故障量方向和各端的高频信号,以确定故障区间并完成预定动作的一种线路纵联保护
  14962. direction component ==> 方向分量
  14963. direction connection plug ==> 反转转接插头
  14964. direction control damper ==> 航向控制的阻尼器
  14965. direction control switch ==> 换向开关
  14966. direction control valve ==> 方向控制阀
  14967. direction controller ==> 方向控制器
  14968. direction cosine ==> 方向余弦
  14969. direction distribution ==> 定向分布
  14970. direction finder ==> 探向器,定向器,定向仪,测向仪=>方向探知機
  14971. direction finder deviation ==> 测向仪偏差
  14972. direction finding ==> 定向
  14973. direction finding apparatus ==> 测向仪
  14974. direction focusing ==> 方向聚焦
  14975. direction for use ==> 使用说明
  14976. direction gauge ==> 测角计,方位指示仪
  14977. direction index ==> 方向指数
  14978. direction indicating device ==> 示向器
  14979. direction indicator ==> 方向指示器,航向陀螺仪
  14980. direction indicator control ==> 转向指示器操纵件
  14981. direction indicator for vehicle ==> 车辆方向指示器
  14982. direction indicator lamp ==> 转向指示灯
  14983. direction indicator tell-tale ==> 转向信号灯
  14984. direction information ==> 方向信息
  14985. direction mark meter ==> 方位标仪
  14986. direction method ==> 方向法,方向观测法
  14987. direction of arrival ==> 到来方向
  14988. direction of building ==> 建筑物朝向
  14989. direction of current ==> 电流方向=>流れの方向
  14990. direction of curve ==> 曲线的方向
  14991. direction of easy axis ==> 易磁化方向
  14992. direction of easy magnetization ==> 易磁化方向
  14993. direction of energy flow ==> 能流方向,潮流方向
  14994. direction of extinction ==> 消失方向
  14995. direction of extrusion ==> 挤压方向
  14996. direction of feed ==> 进给方向
  14997. direction of flow ==> 流体流向
  14998. direction of groundwater flow ==> 地下水流向
  14999. direction of lay ==> 扭绞方向
  15000. direction of light ==> 光的方向
  15001. direction of loop ==> 环的方位
  15002. direction of magnetization ==> 磁化方向
  15003. direction of management ==> 经营方向,经营方向
  15004. direction of opening and symbolic designation of marine doors and windows ==> 船用门和窗开启方向和符号标志
  15005. direction of polarization ==> 极化方向
  15006. direction of propagation ==> 传播方向
  15007. direction of protection ==> 方向保护[装置]
  15008. direction of rope lay ==> 钢丝绳的捻向
  15009. direction of rotation ==> 旋转方向=>回転の方向
  15010. direction of spiral ==> 螺旋方向
  15011. direction of strand lay ==> 股线捻向
  15012. direction of trade ==> 贸易方向
  15013. direction of traverse ==> 横切る方向
  15014. direction of wave travel ==> 波传播方向,波的传播方向
  15015. direction of welding ==> 焊接方位,焊接方向
  15016. direction of winding ==> 绕线方向
  15017. direction parameter ==> 方向参数
  15018. direction ranging ==> 方向测距
  15019. direction ratios ==> 方向数
  15020. direction sense movement ==> 定向性运动
  15021. direction sensor ==> 方向传感器
  15022. direction signal light ==> 转向灯
  15023. direction signs ==> 方向标识
  15024. direction stability ==> 偏航安定性
  15025. direction switch ==> 方向开关,升降开关
  15026. direction valve ==> 方向阀
  15027. direction variable ==> 方向变量
  15028. direction-determining board ==> 正方案
  15029. direction-finder ==> 探向器
  15030. direction-finder antenna ==> 测向器天线
  15031. direction-finder set ==> 测向机
  15032. direction-finder-bearing indicator ==> 测向仪方位指示器
  15033. direction-finding ==> 探向
  15034. direction-finding antenna ==> 测向天线
  15035. direction-finding compass ==> 测向罗盘
  15036. direction-finding device ==> 测向装置
  15037. direction-finding net ==> 测向网
  15038. direction-finding receiver ==> 测向接收机
  15039. direction-free ==> 无方向性的
  15040. direction-independent radar ==> 方向无关雷达
  15041. direction-listening device ==> 声波定向器
  15042. direction-sense ==> 方向感=>方向感覚
  15043. directional ==> 定向的
  15044. directional absorptance ==> 定向吸收率
  15045. directional absorptivity ==> 定向吸收率
  15046. directional action ==> 定向作用
  15047. directional aids ==> 定向器材
  15048. directional amplitude modulation ==> 定向调幅
  15049. directional antenna ==> 指向天线=>指向性アンテナ
  15050. directional array ==> 轴向辐射天线阵
  15051. directional attenuator ==> 定向衰减器
  15052. directional baffle ==> 指向障板
  15053. directional beam ==> 定向波束
  15054. directional blasting ==> 定向爆破,将被爆介质沿着预定方向抛掷堆积成一定形状的爆破。
  15055. directional characteristic ==> 方向性图形
  15056. directional coil ==> 定向线圈
  15057. directional collector ==> 定向收集器
  15058. directional comparison ==> 方向比較
  15059. directional comparison microwave relay ==> 方向比较微波继电器
  15060. directional comparison protection ==> 方向比較継電方式,方向比較保護
  15061. directional comparison relay ==> 方向比较继电器
  15062. directional comparison relaying method ==> 方向比較方式
  15063. directional comparison system ==> 方向比较制(继电保护)
  15064. directional component ==> 方向元件,装置中用于比较有关电量在故障前后的变化以确定故障方向的元件
  15065. directional contactor ==> 可逆接触器,换向接触器
  15066. directional control ==> 方向控制
  15067. directional control valve ==> 方向控制阀,定向控制阀=>切換弁
  15068. directional cooling ==> 定向冷却
  15069. directional correlation ==> 方向相关
  15070. directional counter ==> 定向动作计数器
  15071. directional coupler ==> 定向耦合器=>方向性結合器
  15072. directional coupling ==> 方向性耦合
  15073. directional cross ==> 定向交配
  15074. directional crystallization ==> 定向结晶化
  15075. directional current comparison protection ==> 電流方向比較継電方式
  15076. directional current protection ==> 方向电流保护装置,方向电流保护,加装了方向判别元件(如功率方向继电器)以确定故障点方向的一种电流保护方式
  15077. directional damper ==> 方向阻尼器,偏般阻尼器
  15078. directional derivation ==> 方向导数
  15079. directional derivative ==> 方向导数
  15080. directional detector ==> 方向探测器
  15081. directional differential protection ==> 方向差动保护
  15082. directional diffuse reflection ==> 定向漫反射
  15083. directional distance comparison protection ==> 距離方向比較継電方式
  15084. directional distance protection ==> 方向距离保护,加装了方向判别元件(如方向继电器或方向阻抗继电器)以确定故障点方向的一种距离保护
  15085. directional distance relay ==> 定向距离继电器=>方向距離継電器
  15086. directional drilling ==> 定向钻进,定向钻孔
  15087. directional duality principle ==> 定向的对偶性原理
  15088. directional earth-leakage relay ==> 对地漏电方向继电器
  15089. directional echo sounding ==> 定向回声测深
  15090. directional effect ==> 方向效应
  15091. directional element ==> 方向要素
  15092. directional etching ==> 定向腐蚀
  15093. directional explosion ==> 定向爆破,定向爆炸
  15094. directional filter ==> 方向滤波器=>方向フィルタ
  15095. directional float tray ==> 浮舌塔盘
  15096. directional frequency modulation ==> 定向调频
  15097. directional frequency response of microphone ==> 传声器指向性频率响应
  15098. directional gain ==> 定向系数,指向性增益,指向性指数=>指向性利得
  15099. directional ground relay ==> 定向接地继电器,接地方向继电器
  15100. directional grounding current relay ==> 方向地絡継電器
  15101. directional gyro ==> 陀螺方向仪,定向陀螺,定向陀螺仪,航向陀螺仪
  15102. directional gyroscope ==> 航向陀螺仪
  15103. directional hole ==> 定向钻孔
  15104. directional hydrophone ==> 定向水听器,方向性水听器,指向水听器
  15105. directional impedance relay ==> 定向阻抗继电器
  15106. directional index ==> 指向性指数
  15107. directional lighting ==> 定向照明,方向性照明=>指向性照明
  15108. directional log ==> 方向录井
  15109. directional louds peaker ==> 指向扬声器
  15110. directional microphone ==> 定向传声器=>指向性マイクロホン
  15111. directional modulation ==> 定向调制
  15112. directional operation ==> 方向性动作
  15113. directional over-current relay==directional (over) current … (relay)==directional-over-current relay ==> 方向過電流継電器, Current protection which operates in accordance with the power direction.
  15114. directional overcurrent protection ==> 定向过流保护装置
  15115. directional overcurrent relay ==> 定向过流继电器
  15116. directional pattern ==> 方向性图
  15117. directional pattern of microphone ==> 传声器指向性图案
  15118. directional phase changer ==> 定向相位转换器
  15119. directional philosophy ==> 経営方針
  15120. directional pilot relaying ==> 定向纵联继电保护
  15121. directional polish ==> 抛光不足
  15122. directional power meter ==> 方向性功率表,定向功率计
  15123. directional power protection ==> 方向功率保护装置,功率方向保护,利用功率方向继电器(或功率方向元件)判断短路功率的方向以选择启动相应保护装置动作的一种保护
  15124. directional power relay ==> 定向功率继电器
  15125. directional pressure ==> 定向压力
  15126. directional projection ==> 定向投影
  15127. directional properties ==> 各向异性
  15128. directional property ==> 定向性,方向性,指向特性
  15129. directional protection ==> 方向保护,预定只对位于继电保护装置安装点一个方向的故障动作的保护
  15130. directional pull ==> 直牵引力
  15131. directional radiation ==> 指向性辐射
  15132. directional reading hardness test ==> 直接单读硬度试验
  15133. directional receiver ==> 接收定向信号的接收机
  15134. directional reception ==> 定向接收
  15135. directional relay ==> 定向继电器,方向继电器,当电网某处发生故障或异常情况时,能判别其相对于某一给定点(事先给定)方向的一种继电器=>方向継電器
  15136. directional response pattern ==> 指向性图案
  15137. directional screen ==> 定向银幕
  15138. directional selection ==> 定向选择
  15139. directional selectivity ==> 方向选择性
  15140. directional separation filter ==> 分向滤波器
  15141. directional shooting ==> 定向爆炸
  15142. directional shrinkage ==> 定向的缩
  15143. directional silicon steel ==> 各向异性硅钢
  15144. directional silicon steel strip ==> 各向异性硅钢片
  15145. directional solidification ==> 定向性凝固
  15146. directional stability ==> 方向稳定性
  15147. directional structure ==> 方向构造,定向构造,指向构造
  15148. directional survey ==> 井斜测量,井斜测量
  15149. directional swell ==> 定向的胀
  15150. directional tire ==> 方向性轮胎
  15151. directional transmission ==> 定向发射
  15152. directional transmitter ==> 定向发射机
  15153. directional valve ==> 定向阀,方向阀
  15154. directional variable microphone ==> 方向可变麦克风
  15155. directional well ==> 定向井
  15156. directional wireless ==> 定向无线电通信
  15157. directional ○○ protection==directional protection==directional-○○ protection ==> 方向○○継電方式 方向保護 Current protection which operates in accordance with the power direction.,Protection designed to operate only for a fault located in one direction from the relaying point.
  15158. directional-comparison protection ==> 方向比較継電方式
  15159. directional-type tricone bit ==> 定向型三牙轮钻头
  15160. directionality ==> 方向性
  15161. directionality effect ==> 定向效应,定向性效应
  15162. directions test ==> 指导测验
  15163. directive ==> 定向的
  15164. directive action ==> 定向作用
  15165. directive breeding test ==> 定向育种试验
  15166. directive command ==> 指示指令
  15167. directive effect ==> 方向作用
  15168. directive efficiency ==> 定向效率
  15169. directive erosion ==> 定向侵蚀
  15170. directive force ==> 定向力
  15171. directive gain ==> 定向系数,定向增益,方向增益,指向性增益
  15172. directive guidance ==> 方向性指导
  15173. directive meter ==> 单转向计数器
  15174. directive power ==> 定向功率
  15175. directive property ==> 指向性
  15176. directive radio beacon ==> 定向无线电指向标
  15177. directive statement ==> 指令语句,指示语句
  15178. directive therapy ==> 指导疗法
  15179. directive variation ==> 定向变异
  15180. directive view receiver ==> 直观式电视接收机
  15181. directive wheel ==> 导向轮
  15182. directivity ==> 指向性,方向性=>指向性
  15183. directivity angle ==> 辐射仰角
  15184. directivity characteristic ==> 方向特性曲线
  15185. directivity diagram ==> 方向性图=>指向性図
  15186. directivity diagram laser ==> 激光方向性图
  15187. directivity factor ==> 指向計数,方向性因数,指向性因数
  15188. directivity function ==> 指向性函数,方向性函数
  15189. directivity gain ==> 指向性因数=>指向性利得
  15190. directivity index ==> 定向系数,指向性指数
  15191. directivity index of microphone ==> 传声器指向性指数
  15192. directivity pattern ==> 方向性图
  15193. directly ==> 直接地
  15194. directly consumable products ==> 可直接消费的产品
  15195. directly controlled system ==> 直接被控系统
  15196. directly controlled variable ==> 直接被控变量
  15197. directly cooled machine ==> 直接冷却电机
  15198. directly fired (pressure) vessel ==> 直接火焰加热压力容器
  15199. directly grounded system ==> 直接接地系
  15200. directly heated cathode ==> 灯丝=>直熱陰極
  15201. directly heated thermistor ==> 直熱形サーミスタ
  15202. directly ionizing particles ==> 直接致电离粒子
  15203. directly reduce ==> 直接归约
  15204. directly viewed infrared image tube ==> 直观红外成像管
  15205. directly visible area ==> 直接能见区
  15206. directly-fed antenna ==> 直馈式天线
  15207. directly-fired kiln ==> 直接加热炉,直烧窑
  15208. directly-heated ==> 直热式
  15209. director ==> 引向器,指挥站=>導波器
  15210. director circle ==> 准圆,切距圆
  15211. director coil ==> 探测线圈,指示器线圈
  15212. director cone of a ruled surface ==> 直纹面的准锥面
  15213. director element ==> 引向单元,导向元件=>導波器素子
  15214. director general ==> 事務局長
  15215. director meter ==> 指挥器记数器
  15216. Director of Drainage Services ==> 渠务署署长
  15217. Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services ==> 机电工程署署长
  15218. Director of Environmental Protection ==> 环境保护署署长
  15219. director sphere ==> 准球面
  15220. director system ==> 指挥制=>ディレクタ方式(自動交換)
  15221. director telescope ==> 指示望远镜,光学瞄准器
  15222. director valve ==> 导向阀,主导阀,主导活门
  15223. director's console ==> 指挥台,导演操纵台
  15224. director-sight system ==> 指挥仪瞄准系统
  15225. director-type computer ==> 指挥仪型计算机
  15226. Directorate of Astronomy and Calendar ==> 司天监
  15227. directors of lower echelon of the board ==> 初级董事会
  15228. directory ==> 一览表,号码表,手册,目录=>登録簿
  15229. directory area ==> 目录区
  15230. directory capacity ==> 目录容量
  15231. directory control entry (DCE) ==> 目录控制项
  15232. directory data set ==> 目录数据集
  15233. directory entry ==> 目录登记项
  15234. directory file ==> 目录档案,目录文件
  15235. directory key ==> 目录关键字
  15236. Directory Maintenance ==> 目录管理程序
  15237. directory maintenance ==> 目录保护
  15238. directory management ==> 目录表管理,目录管理
  15239. directory manager ==> 目录管理程序
  15240. directory member entry (DME) ==> 目录成员项
  15241. directory name ==> 目录名
  15242. Directory of Accredited Laboratories ==> 认可实验所名册
  15243. directory of importers and exporters ==> 进出口商行名录
  15244. Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies ==> 品质系统注册团体指南
  15245. directory operator ==> 番号案内扱者
  15246. directory record ==> 目录记录
  15247. directory routing ==> 目录式路径选择,表式路由选择
  15248. directory structure ==> 目录结构
  15249. directors room ==> 董事室
  15250. directrix curve ==> 准曲线
  15251. directrix plane ==> 准平面
  15252. Dirichlet boundary conditions ==> 狄利克雷边界条件
  15253. Dirichlet condition ==> 狄利克雷条件
  15254. Dirichlet problem ==> 狄利克雷问题,第一类边值问题=>ディリクレ問題
  15255. Dirichlet series ==> 狄利克雷级数
  15256. Dirichlet test for convergence ==> 狄利克雷收敛判别法
  15257. Dirichlet transform ==> 狄利克雷变换
  15258. dirigation ==> 功能锻炼,气功疗法,机能练习
  15259. dirigible ==> 飞艇
  15260. dirigible wheel ==> 操向轮
  15261. dirt ==> 污垢,矿物杂质,矸石=>汚損,汚れ
  15262. dirt band ==> 冰川碎石带,污积带
  15263. dirt bed ==> 污层
  15264. dirt bucket ==> 装土斗
  15265. dirt collecter ==> 吸尘器
  15266. dirt collector ==> 集塵機
  15267. dirt cone ==> 泥雪碎屑堆
  15268. dirt excluder ==> 收泥器,防尘条
  15269. dirt guard ==> 防尘罩
  15270. dirt loader ==> 装岩机
  15271. dirt optics ==> 不洁光学装置
  15272. dirt percentage ==> 含杂率
  15273. dirt pits ==> 尘点
  15274. dirt pocket ==> 尘坑
  15275. dirt proof sleeve ==> 防污套
  15276. dirt road ==> 土路
  15277. dirt screen ==> 尘土分离筛
  15278. dirt seal ==> 防泥封
  15279. dirt seal housing ==> 防尘箱
  15280. dirt seam ==> 劣质煤层
  15281. dirt separator ==> 除污器
  15282. dirt shroud ==> 防尘罩
  15283. dirt slip ==> 粘土脉
  15284. dirt trap ==> 收泥器,集渣器
  15285. dirt-excluding groove ==> 积垢槽,出渣槽
  15286. dirt-proof ==> 防尘的
  15287. dirt-proof boot ==> 防尘套
  15288. dirt-trap ==> 焦渣器
  15289. dirtboard ==> 挡泥板
  15290. dirty ==> 脏,脏的
  15291. dirty air ==> 污浊空气
  15292. dirty bill of lading ==> 不清洁提单
  15293. dirty bond ==> 不洁公债,非固定价格公债
  15294. dirty cargo ==> 不洁货物
  15295. dirty casting ==> 夹杂物铸件
  15296. dirty coal ==> 脏煤,高灰分煤
  15297. dirty complexion ==> 面垢
  15298. dirty condensate tank ==> 污凝结水箱
  15299. dirty environment ==> 多尘环境
  15300. dirty finish ==> 粗糙瓶口
  15301. dirty float ==> 不纯净浮动
  15302. dirty floating ==> 肮脏的浮动
  15303. dirty galley ==> 毛样
  15304. dirty gas ==> 含尘气体
  15305. dirty gingivitis ==> 不洁性龈炎
  15306. dirty ice ==> 脏冰
  15307. dirty manuscript ==> 毛稿
  15308. dirty material ==> 脏材料
  15309. dirty money ==> 码头工人装卸污臭货物的额外工资
  15310. dirty oil ==> 污油
  15311. dirty oil tank ==> 废油箱
  15312. dirty read ==> 乱读,错读
  15313. dirty sand ==> 脏砂层,泥砂层,泥质砂层
  15314. dirty ship ==> 重油船,重油轮
  15315. dirty snowball model ==> 脏雪球模型
  15316. dirty sodium ==> 污染钠
  15317. dirty steel ==> 不洁钢
  15318. dirty tanker ==> 不洁油轮
  15319. dirty waste ==> 楼面排污水
  15320. dirty water collecting tank ==> 污水收集箱
  15321. dirty water pump ==> 污水泵
  15322. dirve end baring bracket ==> 前端盖
  15323. DIS Danish International Ship Register ==> 丹麦国际船只注册
  15324. DIS, disable ==> 無能化
  15325. DIS, draft international standard ==> 国际标准草案
  15326. DIS, draft International Standard ==> 国際標準案
  15327. Disa Matic molding machine ==> 迪沙无箱射压自动造型机
  15328. disability ==> 病废
  15329. disability benefit ==> 残废偿金
  15330. disability glare ==> 減能グレア
  15331. disability insurance ==> 残废保险,残废险
  15332. disable an engine ==> エンジン機能を不能にする
  15333. disable instruction ==> 不能执行的指令
  15334. disable pulse ==> 禁止脉冲
  15335. disable statement ==> 断开语句
  15336. disable switch ==> 禁止开关
  15337. disabled capacity ==> 受阻容量,由于工作水头低于额定水头,机组达不到额定出力,其不足部分即为受阻容量
  15338. disabled engine ==> 動かないエンジン
  15339. disabled interruption ==> 被禁止的中断,被禁中断
  15340. disabled module ==> 不可中断模块,禁止中断模块
  15341. disabled motor switch ==> 电动机故障断路器
  15342. disabled page fault ==> 禁止缺页,禁止页故障,不可中断页故障
  15343. disabled switch ==> 禁用开关
  15344. disablement before retirement ==> 退休年龄前丧失劳动力
  15345. disabling pulse ==> 封闭脉冲,截止脉冲,闭塞脉冲
  15346. disabling signal ==> 截止信号
  15347. disaccharide intolerance ==> 二糖不耐症
  15348. disaccommodation ==> 磁化率衰减=>ディスアコモデーション
  15349. disaccommodation factor ==> ディスアコモデーション計数
  15350. disadvantage ==> 不利,缺陷
  15351. disadvantage factor ==> 不利因子
  15352. disaggregate approach ==> 分解研究
  15353. disaggregated model ==> 分类模型
  15354. disaggregation matrix ==> 不聚合矩阵
  15355. disagreement ==> 不符合
  15356. disagreement set ==> 不一致集合
  15357. disallowance ==> 剔除
  15358. disappearance of a legal person ==> 法人消失
  15359. disappearance of lumbar lordosis ==> 腰前凸消失
  15360. disappearance of mucosal folds ==> 粘膜皱襞消失
  15361. disappearance of outcrop ==> 露头缺失,露头隐藏
  15362. disappearance potential spectroscopy ==> 消隐电势谱
  15363. disappearence of central groove ==> 中央沟消失
  15364. disappearing carriage ==> 隐显炮架
  15365. disappearing filament optical pyrometer ==> 隐丝式光学高温计
  15366. disappearing filament pyrometer ==> 热丝掩盖式光测高温表,灯丝隐灭式高温计
  15367. disappearing finger auger ==> 偏心扒杆式输送螺旋
  15368. disappearing highlight test ==> 强光隐灭试验
  15369. disappearing stair ==> 隐式楼梯,隐梯
  15370. disappearing stream sinking ==> 伏河
  15371. disappearing target ==> 隐显目标
  15372. disappearing-filament optical pyrometer ==> 隐丝光学高温计
  15373. disappearing-filament pyrometer ==> 隐丝高温计,隐丝式光测高温计
  15374. disapperance of nasolabial sulcus ==> 鼻唇沟消失
  15375. disarm ==> 拆除引信,拆去发火件,排除发火装置
  15376. disarm state ==> 解除状态
  15377. disarmed interrupt ==> 截止中断,解除中断,拒绝中断,拒绝中断
  15378. disarmed state ==> 拒绝状态,拒绝状态
  15379. disarticulation of knee ==> 膝关节离断术
  15380. disarticulation of shoulder ==> 肩关节断离术,肩关节离断术
  15381. disassemble ==> 拆散
  15382. disassemble an engine ==> エンジンを解体する
  15383. disassembled transportation method ==> 分解輸送方式
  15384. disassembling ==> 反汇编,拆卸
  15385. disassembling equipment ==> 拆卸设备
  15386. disassembling operation ==> 拆卸操作
  15387. disassembly ==> 分解
  15388. disassembly and assembly department ==> 拆装
  15389. disassembly procedure ==> 拆卸程序
  15390. disassembly-and-assembly block ==> 拆卸与安装专用木架
  15391. disaster ==> 故障,事故,灾难,严重事故=>大災害,天災,災難
  15392. disaster area ==> 灾区
  15393. disaster assistance ==> 災害援助
  15394. disaster at the nuclear reactor ==> 原子炉災害
  15395. disaster box ==> 保险盒,安全线路
  15396. disaster dump ==> 事故性转储,故障转储,灾难性转储,大错转储
  15397. disaster power ==> 事故备用容量
  15398. disaster preparedness ==> 灾害预防
  15399. disaster prevention ==> 防灾
  15400. disaster radiation monitoring ==> 事故辐射监测
  15401. disaster shutdown ==> 事故停机,事故停堆
  15402. disasterproof building ==> 防灾建筑
  15403. disbalance ==> 不平衡
  15404. disbalance uranides method ==> 不平衡铀系法
  15405. disbarking machine ==> 剥皮机
  15406. disbranch ==> 取消支路,断开,分离,分开
  15407. disburse ==> 支出
  15408. disbursement ==> 支付=>支払い,支払金
  15409. disbursement book ==> 現金支払帳
  15410. disbursement date ==> 出金日
  15411. disbursement of cash ==> 現金の出金
  15412. disbursement of dividend ==> 配当支出
  15413. disbursement voucher ==> 支出凭证
  15414. disc ==> 圆盘,阀板
  15415. disc brake ==> 盘式制动器
  15416. disc brake pad ==> 盘式制动衬块
  15417. disc brake with fixed caliper ==> 定钳盘式制动器
  15418. disc brake with floating caliper ==> 浮钳盘式制动器
  15419. disc cam ==> 盘形凸轮
  15420. disc chart ==> 円形記録紙,円形図紙
  15421. disc chromalography ==> 盘式色谱
  15422. disc chuck ==> 花盘
  15423. disc clutch ==> 盘形离合器
  15424. disc coal feeder ==> 圆盘给煤机,依靠可改变转速的圆盘的运动,定量供煤的设备
  15425. disc coil ==> 扁平线圈=>板コイル
  15426. disc comparator ==> 旋盘比色器
  15427. disc condenser ==> 盘式电容器
  15428. disc constant ==> 計器定数(積算計器)
  15429. disc cutter ==> 盘形铣刀,切断铣刀
  15430. disc electrophoresis ==> 盘式电泳法,盘状电泳
  15431. disc electroporesis ==> 盘状电泳
  15432. disc extruder ==> 圆盘式挤压机
  15433. disc file unit ==> 磁盘存储部件
  15434. disc filter ==> 盘滤机
  15435. disc flower ==> 心花
  15436. disc flywheel ==> 盘形飞轮
  15437. disc friction loss ==> 叶轮摩擦损失,叶轮转动时,与其周围的蒸汽产生摩擦,并带动这部分蒸汽运动所消耗的一部分有用功
  15438. disc front connection ==> 盘前接线
  15439. disc gear cutter ==> 盘形铣齿刀
  15440. disc grinder ==> 圆盘磨光机
  15441. disc insulated cable ==> 垫圈绝缘电缆
  15442. disc lightning arrester ==> 盘式避雷器
  15443. disc milling cutter ==> 盘形铣刀
  15444. disc motor ==> 圆盘形电动机
  15445. disc of confusion ==> 弥散斑,弥散盘
  15446. disc of pump ==> 泵轮
  15447. disc pack ==> 磁盘部件
  15448. disc pile ==> 圆盘桩
  15449. disc planer ==> 円盤かんな盤
  15450. disc plug ==> 盘形阀芯
  15451. disc recorder ==> 圆盘(形)记录仪=>丸形記録計
  15452. disc recording ==> 唱片录音=>円板録音
  15453. disc refiner ==> 盘磨机
  15454. disc relay ==> 盘形继电器
  15455. disc rotor ==> 盘式转子
  15456. disc sander ==> 圆盘打磨机
  15457. disc screen ==> 圆筛
  15458. disc shaving cutter ==> 盘形剃齿刀
  15459. disc tablet counter ==> 盘式数片机
  15460. disc tiller ==> 重直多圆盘犁
  15461. disc type flaw ==> 圆片形缺陷
  15462. disc type horn ==> 盆形喇叭
  15463. disc type laser amplifier ==> ディスク形レーザ増幅器
  15464. disc type thermomagnetic engine ==> ディスク型熱磁気エンジン,熱磁気エンジンとは常温付近にキュリー点を持ち,温度に依存してその磁気特性が変化する感温磁気材料と磁石を用いて熱エネルギーを運動エネルギーに変換するシステムである。
  15465. disc unit ==> 磁盘机
  15466. disc valve ==> 圆盘阀
  15467. disc vibration ==> 盘形绕组
  15468. disc water meter ==> 盘形水量计
  15469. disc wheel ==> 盘轮,碟形砂轮,薄片砂轮
  15470. disc winding ==> 盘形绕组
  15471. disc with outer teeth ==> 带外齿的圆盘
  15472. DISC, discriminator ==> 弁別器
  15473. disc-coupled vibration ==> 轮系振动
  15474. disc-footed pile ==> 扩脚桩
  15475. disc-harrow ==> 单列圆盘耙
  15476. disc-seal ==> 盘形封口
  15477. disc-seal diode ==> 盘封二极管
  15478. disc-seal triode ==> 盘封三极管
  15479. disc-seal tube ==> 盘封管
  15480. disc-shaped cavity ==> 盘形腔
  15481. disc-type armature ==> 盘型电枢
  15482. disc-type relay ==> 盘形继电器
  15483. discal rotor ==> 盘形转子
  15484. discaling pump ==> 鳞屑冲洗泵
  15485. discaling roll ==> 碎鳞轧辊,齿辊,齿面轧辊
  15486. Discaloy alloy ==> 迪斯卡洛伊合金
  15487. discard ==> 切头=>放棄,捨てられた人
  15488. discard electrode ==> 焊条头
  15489. discard solution ==> 废液
  15490. discard task ==> 廃却作業
  15491. discard weak plants ==> 废弃瘦弱植株
  15492. discarded metal ==> 废弃金属
  15493. discarded site ==> 废弃坝址
  15494. discernibility ==> 分辨能力
  15495. discernible law ==> 可捉摸的规律
  15496. discerning method ==> 分辨法
  15497. discernment ==> 见识
  15498. DISCH Discharge ==> 卸下
  15499. dischage progressing model ==> 放電進展モデル
  15500. discharge ==> 出口=>放電
  15501. discharge (-service) van ==> 压出阀
  15502. discharge (delivery) ==> 排出
  15503. discharge a contract ==> 解除契约
  15504. discharge air ==> 排风
  15505. discharge amount ==> 排出量
  15506. discharge analyzer ==> 放电分析器
  15507. discharge area ==> 过水断面面积,过水面积,出口(截)面积,出口面积
  15508. discharge arm ==> 抛掷杆
  15509. discharge arrester ==> 放电器
  15510. discharge at constant current ==> 定流放电
  15511. discharge auger ==> 卸料螺旋
  15512. discharge bay ==> 出水池
  15513. discharge belt ==> 卸载传送带
  15514. discharge blade ==> 排出叶片
  15515. discharge blower ==> 风力吹送卸载器
  15516. discharge boom ==> 卸料吊杆
  15517. discharge bowl ==> 排出筒
  15518. discharge box ==> 卸料箱
  15519. discharge branch from manifold ==> 废汽管的放出分导管
  15520. discharge bridge ==> 放电测量电桥
  15521. discharge bulb ==> 放电灯泡
  15522. discharge burn up ==> 卸料燃耗[深度],从核电厂换料时卸出的、并不再在该反应堆继续使用的燃料组件(称为乏燃料组件)的燃耗深度的平均值
  15523. discharge button ==> 放电按钮,电容器放电按钮
  15524. discharge by induction ==> 导排=>排出誘導
  15525. discharge by pump ==> 用泵卸车
  15526. discharge by wash ==> 冲刷放出
  15527. discharge capacity ==> 放电容量,排出量,排流能力,过水能力,通过能力,通行能力,[安全阀]排汽量,锅炉停用期间,为防止汽水系统金属内表面受到空气或水中溶解氧的腐蚀而采取的保护措施;泄量,单位时间通过过流断面的过水体积
  15528. discharge case ==> 出口外壳
  15529. discharge casing ==> 排水箱
  15530. discharge chamber ==> 放电室,压缩室,排气室
  15531. discharge channel ==> 放出沟,分离液出口
  15532. discharge characteristic ==> 流量特性,排气特性
  15533. discharge check ball ==> 出口止回球
  15534. discharge chest ==> 放出柜
  15535. discharge chute ==> 卸料溜槽,卸料斜槽
  15536. discharge circuit ==> 放电电路
  15537. discharge cleaning ==> 放电清洗
  15538. discharge cock ==> 放出旋塞
  15539. discharge coefficient ==> 流出系数
  15540. discharge coefficient for orifice ==> 节流孔流量系数
  15541. discharge coefficient of flow nozzle ==> 喷嘴流量系数
  15542. discharge coil ==> 放电线圈=>放電コイル
  15543. discharge column ==> 放电柱
  15544. discharge condition ==> 放电状态
  15545. discharge conditioning ==> 放電コンディショニング
  15546. discharge cone ==> 放泄喷嘴,排出喷嘴,排矿圆锥
  15547. discharge connection ==> 放电接线
  15548. discharge contact ==> 放电触点
  15549. discharge control valve ==> 出口控制阀
  15550. discharge conveyer ==> 卸载输送机,卸载输送器
  15551. discharge counter ==> 放电计数器
  15552. discharge cover ==> 排出端泵盖,卸渣门
  15553. discharge cradle ==> 卸料翻斗
  15554. discharge current ==> 放电电流=>放電電流
  15555. discharge current noise ==> 放电电流噪声
  15556. discharge current of absorbed charge ==> 逆吸収電流,緩和時間の長い分極電荷により流れる導体短絡時の電流
  15557. discharge curve ==> 放电曲线=>放電曲線,流量曲線
  15558. discharge defrost pipe ==> 排气融霜管
  15559. discharge detector ==> 放电检测器
  15560. discharge device ==> 放電装置
  15561. discharge ditch ==> 排水沟
  15562. discharge ditch sweeper ==> 排水沟疏浚机
  15563. discharge door ==> 排料门
  15564. discharge duct ==> 排水管道,卸料管
  15565. discharge duration ==> 放水历时
  15566. discharge electrode ==> 放电电极,有源电极,放电极,又称“电晕极”。静电除尘器中线状的带有大量尖端结构的电极(通常是阴极)
  15567. discharge electrode rapping mechanism ==> 放电极振荡机构
  15568. discharge end block ==> 窑口圈砖
  15569. discharge energy ==> 放电能量=>放電電荷の量
  15570. discharge equipment ==> 卸出装置
  15571. discharge factor ==> 放电因数,流量系数
  15572. discharge fan ==> 排气风扇,单向排气扇
  15573. discharge filter ==> 排气过滤器
  15574. discharge fitting ==> 放出管接头
  15575. discharge flue ==> 排烟道
  15576. discharge for river maintenance ==> 河川維持放流
  15577. discharge frequency ==> 放电频率
  15578. discharge from safety and relief valves ==> 由安全阀和泄压阀泄放
  15579. discharge from stormwater drain ==> 雨水渠排出的污水
  15580. discharge funnel ==> 卸料漏斗
  15581. discharge gap ==> 放电间隙=>放電ギャップ
  15582. discharge gas ==> 废气
  15583. discharge gate ==> 排料口,卸料阀闸门,卸料闸门
  15584. discharge gating ==> 卸料炉栅
  15585. discharge gauge ==> 放电真空计
  15586. discharge height ==> 卸载高度
  15587. discharge hole ==> 成品出口
  15588. discharge hopper ==> 卸货斗
  15589. discharge hose ==> 泄水软管
  15590. discharge impulse oscillator ==> 脉冲发生器
  15591. discharge in gas ==> 气体放电
  15592. discharge inception ==> 発光開始
  15593. discharge inception test ==> 起晕试验,开始放电试验
  15594. discharge inception voltage ==> 起晕电压,放电起始电压
  15595. discharge indicator ==> 放电指示表
  15596. discharge instability ==> 放電不安定性
  15597. discharge ionization voltage ==> 放电开始电压
  15598. discharge jet ==> 喷嘴
  15599. discharge key ==> 放电键
  15600. discharge lamp ==> 放电灯=>放電ランプ
  15601. discharge leader ==> 废汽管
  15602. discharge leg of syphon ==> 虹吸管流出端
  15603. discharge lighting ==> 放电照明设施
  15604. discharge line ==> 排出管道,卸出线
  15605. discharge liquid ==> 废液
  15606. discharge liquor ==> 排出液
  15607. discharge load ==> 放电负载
  15608. discharge loss ==> 排气损失,出口损失,卸出损失
  15609. discharge manifold ==> 卸出支管,排油歧管
  15610. discharge material ==> 放电材料
  15611. discharge measurement ==> 流量测定,流量测量,测流
  15612. discharge mechanism ==> 卸载装置
  15613. discharge nozzle ==> 排出喷嘴,排放出喷嘴接管,出料管
  15614. discharge of capacitor ==> 放电
  15615. discharge of contract ==> 取消合同
  15616. discharge of electricity ==> 释电,放电
  15617. discharge of ground water ==> 地下水流量
  15618. discharge of oil ==> 排泄油料
  15619. discharge of pump ==> 水泵出水量,泵抽水量
  15620. discharge of repayment ==> 免除清偿
  15621. discharge of river ==> 河流径流
  15622. discharge of safety valve ==> 安全阀泄放
  15623. discharge of sewage ==> 污水排放
  15624. discharge of water ==> 排水,排水量
  15625. discharge off ==> 放电终止,无放电,排泄中断
  15626. discharge on ==> 放电期间,正在放电
  15627. discharge one's duties ==> 行使职权
  15628. discharge one's functions and powers ==> 行使职权
  15629. discharge opening ==> 排水口
  15630. discharge orifice ==> 流水孔,排放孔
  15631. discharge outfall ==> 排水口,排出口
  15632. discharge outlet ==> 排放口,排水出路,放水口
  15633. discharge passage ==> 放泄道
  15634. discharge path ==> 放电路径=>放電路
  15635. discharge per unit width ==> 单宽流量
  15636. discharge period ==> 放电期,排放期
  15637. discharge pipe ==> 排水管,排放管
  15638. discharge pipe line ==> 排水管线
  15639. discharge pipe part ==> 出液管部件
  15640. discharge plasma ==> 放电等离子体
  15641. discharge plate ==> 排种盘
  15642. discharge plenum ==> 排气缸,排气室
  15643. discharge pond ==> 卸料水池
  15644. discharge port ==> 卸料口
  15645. discharge potential ==> 放电电位
  15646. discharge potential difference ==> 放电电压,放电电位差
  15647. discharge pressure ==> 排气压力,出口压力,输送压力
  15648. discharge printing ==> 放电印刷
  15649. discharge procedure ==> 卸料程序
  15650. discharge process ==> 放电过程,排泄过程
  15651. discharge protector ==> 击穿保险器
  15652. discharge pulse ==> 放电脉冲
  15653. discharge pulse radar method ==> 放電検出型パルスレーダ法
  15654. discharge pump ==> 排水泵,排泄泵
  15655. discharge quantity ==> 放電量
  15656. discharge quenching ==> 放电熄灭
  15657. discharge ram ==> 卸料推杆
  15658. discharge rate ==> 放电率,卸料率,排放率,释放率=>放電率
  15659. discharge ratio ==> 流量系数
  15660. discharge receipt ==> 卸货收据
  15661. discharge regulator ==> 流量调节器
  15662. discharge resistance ==> 放电电阻=>放電抵抗
  15663. discharge resources ==> 径流资源,径流资源
  15664. discharge ring ==> 出口环
  15665. discharge roll ==> 卸料滚筒
  15666. discharge roller ==> 出料辊
  15667. discharge section ==> 过水面积
  15668. discharge sectional-line ==> 测流断面
  15669. discharge shutter ==> 卸料闸板
  15670. discharge side ==> 排放口,卸料侧
  15671. discharge side cartridge ==> 排出侧筒形接头
  15672. discharge site ==> 测流地址,测流段,测流断面
  15673. discharge skin ==> 放电表面层
  15674. discharge space ==> 放电空间
  15675. discharge spark ==> 放电火花
  15676. discharge spout ==> 漏嘴
  15677. discharge stability ==> 放电稳定度
  15678. discharge stabilization ==> 放电稳定化
  15679. discharge standard ==> 排放标准
  15680. discharge state ==> 出口状态
  15681. discharge steam ==> 排出蒸汽
  15682. discharge stroke ==> 排气冲程
  15683. discharge structure ==> 排水结构
  15684. discharge switch ==> 放电换接器
  15685. discharge system ==> 放电
  15686. discharge system of pebble bed ==> 环床卸料系统
  15687. discharge table ==> 流量表
  15688. discharge tank ==> 排放水箱,出料罐
  15689. discharge temperature ==> 排气温度
  15690. discharge terminal ==> 卸料站
  15691. discharge test ==> 放电试验
  15692. discharge through gas ==> 气体放电
  15693. discharge time ==> 放电时间,卸料时间
  15694. discharge time constant ==> 放电时间常数
  15695. discharge time lag ==> 放電遅れ時間
  15696. discharge timer circuit ==> 放电定时电路
  15697. discharge to atmosphere ==> 向大气排放
  15698. discharge tongs ==> 放电叉
  15699. discharge tube ==> 放电管=>放電管
  15700. discharge tube noise generator ==> 放电管噪声发生器
  15701. discharge tube rectifier ==> 放电管整流=>放電管整流器
  15702. discharge uniformity ==> 流量均匀性
  15703. discharge valve ==> 放泄阀,排出阀,卸料阀,泄放阀
  15704. discharge valve deck ==> 放泄阀盖
  15705. discharge valve seat ==> 放水阀座,放泄阀座
  15706. discharge valve spindle ==> 放泄阀轴
  15707. discharge valve stud ==> 放出阀柱螺栓
  15708. discharge vehicle ==> 卸载式载重汽车
  15709. discharge velocity ==> 流速,排气速度,出流速度
  15710. discharge velocity triangle ==> 出口速度三角形
  15711. discharge vlave spring ==> 放出阀簧
  15712. discharge voltage ==> 放电电压=>放電電圧,制限電圧(避雷器)
  15713. discharge voltage current characteristic ==> 放电电压电流特性曲线
  15714. discharge voltage regulator ==> 放电调压器
  15715. discharge voltage time curve ==> 放电电压时间曲线
  15716. discharge water ==> 排出水
  15717. discharge wave ==> 放电波
  15718. discharge winch ==> 出布绞盘
  15719. discharge withstand current rating ==> 额定耐放电电流=>放電耐量
  15720. discharge-tube leak indicator ==> 放电管泄漏指示器
  15721. dischargeable capacity ==> 排送能力,有效容积
  15722. discharged bill ==> 付讫票据
  15723. discharged-area development ==> 反转显影
  15724. discharger ==> 放电器
  15725. discharges in water ==> 水中放電
  15726. discharging ==> 出料
  15727. discharging agent ==> 拔染剂
  15728. discharging arch ==> 辅助拱
  15729. discharging at wharf ==> 靠码头卸货
  15730. discharging chain ==> 卸载输送链
  15731. discharging charge ==> 卸货费用
  15732. discharging choke coil ==> 放电扼流圈
  15733. discharging circuit ==> 放电电路
  15734. discharging current ==> 放電電流
  15735. discharging curve ==> 放電曲線
  15736. discharging expense ==> 卸货费用
  15737. discharging friction ==> 出口摩擦
  15738. discharging gap ==> 放电间隙=>放電ギャップ
  15739. discharging gear release mechanism ==> 放出机构
  15740. discharging jet ==> 喷出流
  15741. discharging method ==> 卸装方法
  15742. discharging of brake ==> 风闸放气
  15743. discharging pallet ==> 释放叉
  15744. discharging pit ==> 卸料坑
  15745. discharging platform ==> 卸货站台
  15746. discharging quay ==> 卸货码头,装卸码头
  15747. discharging resistor ==> 放电电阻器=>放電抵抗器
  15748. discharging rod ==> 放电棒
  15749. discharging roller ==> 释放滚轴
  15750. discharging roller table ==> 卸料辊道
  15751. discharging spring ==> 金簧
  15752. discharging their content but not installing it ==> 六腑为空,泄而不藏
  15753. discharging tongs ==> 放电钳
  15754. disci intervertebrales ==> 椎间盘
  15755. disciform macular degeneration ==> 黄斑盘状变性
  15756. disciplinary board ==> 纪律审裁委员会
  15757. disciplinary board panel ==> 纪律审裁委员团
  15758. disciplinary tribunal ==> 纪律审裁小组
  15759. disciplinary tribunal panel ==> 纪律审裁委员团,纪律审裁委员会
  15760. discipline ==> 学科
  15761. discipline of economic law studies ==> 经济法学科,经济法学科
  15762. discission needle ==> 晶状体刺开针
  15763. disclose ==> 公開する,発表する,開示する
  15764. disclosure of an invention ==> 发明的公开
  15765. disclosure of relevant information ==> 相关资料的表达
  15766. disclosure philosophy ==> 開示の原則
  15767. Disco light ==> 迪斯科灯
  15768. Disco loom ==> 迪斯科无梭织带机
  15769. disco process ==> 低温渗碳法
  15770. discoid ==> 盘形的,盘形挖器,盘形药丸,盘状,盘状的,平圆形,平圆形的
  15771. discoid cartilage ==> 盘状软骨
  15772. discoid dental scaler ==> 匙形牙刮器
  15773. discoid flower ==> 盘心花
  15774. discoid lateral meniscus ==> 先天性盘状半月板
  15775. discoid meniscus ==> 盘状半月板
  15776. discoid placenta ==> 盘状胎盘
  15777. discoidal cleavage ==> 盘形卵裂,盘状卵裂
  15778. discoidal valve ==> 盘形瓣膜
  15779. discoloration ==> 脱色=>変退色
  15780. discolorous clinquefoil root ==> 翻白草
  15781. discoloured bearing ==> 变色轴承
  15782. discoloured clay ==> 变色粘土
  15783. discolouring ==> 变色
  15784. discomfort glare ==> 不快グレア
  15785. discomfort index ==> 不安指数,痛苦指数,温湿指数
  15786. discomposition effect ==> 原子位移效应
  15787. disconcert ==> 人の心を乱す,まごつかせる,狼狽させる
  15788. discone antenna ==> 盘锥形天线=>ディスコーンアンテナ
  15789. disconformity index ==> 非一致指数
  15790. disconnect ==> 拆接,断距,折断,解开
  15791. disconnect coupling ==> 联轴器脱开
  15792. disconnect lamp ==> 可拆灯泡
  15793. disconnect signal ==> 断开信号=>切断信号
  15794. disconnect time-out ==> 超时断开
  15795. disconnect-type clutch ==> 分离式离合器
  15796. disconnectable ==> 可拆换的
  15797. disconnectable clutch ==> 可解脱离合器
  15798. disconnectable coupling ==> 可卸接合
  15799. disconnected contact ==> 空间接点
  15800. disconnected cracks ==> 斑纹状裂缝
  15801. disconnected fracture ==> 不连通裂缝
  15802. disconnected metric space ==> 不连通度量空间
  15803. disconnected pore ==> 不连通孔隙
  15804. disconnected set ==> 不连通集
  15805. disconnected signal ==> 切断信号
  15806. disconnected switch ==> 隔离开关
  15807. disconnecting ==> 断开,拆开,切断,断路
  15808. disconnecting apparatus and disengaging gear ==> 拆卸器械
  15809. disconnecting chamber ==> 隔离室
  15810. disconnecting contact ==> 开断触点
  15811. disconnecting device ==> 切断装置
  15812. disconnecting electromagnet ==> 断路电磁铁
  15813. disconnecting lever ==> 分离杆
  15814. disconnecting link ==> 隔离开关,刀闸,闸刀
  15815. disconnecting mechanism ==> 断路机构
  15816. disconnecting plug ==> 断流塞
  15817. disconnecting protective panel ==> 断电保护屏
  15818. disconnecting signal ==> 切断信号,拆线信号
  15819. disconnecting switch ==> 断路开关,阻断开关,隔离开关=>断路器
  15820. disconnecting switch control circuit ==> 断路器制御回路
  15821. disconnecting switch reverser ==> 隔离反向器
  15822. disconnecting valve ==> 截止阀,断流阀
  15823. disconnection ==> 截断,截离,断开=>開放,断線,解列,分離
  15824. disconnection control ==> 解列制御
  15825. disconnection fault ==> 断电故障,断线故障
  15826. disconnection of power ==> 失去动力,断开电源
  15827. disconnection register ==> 拆线寄存器,释放信号寄存器
  15828. disconnection test ==> 断路试验
  15829. disconnection valve ==> 断流阀
  15830. disconnector ==> 切断器,断路器,隔离开关,隔离器,断开器=>断路器
  15831. disconnector release ==> 拆线器,话终断路器
  15832. disconnector-fuse ==> 带熔断器的隔离开关
  15833. discontent ==> 不満,不平
  15834. discontinous transformation group ==> 不连续变换群
  15835. discontinued operations ==> 非连续性经营活动
  15836. discontinued product ==> 生産中止機種(廃形)
  15837. discontinuities (defect) in materials ==> 在材料中的缺陷
  15838. discontinuities (defect) in welds ==> 在焊缝中的缺陷
  15839. discontinuity ==> 非连续性
  15840. discontinuity condition ==> 不连续条件
  15841. discontinuity focusing ==> 不连续震源
  15842. discontinuity indication of defect ==> 缺陷指示
  15843. discontinuity layer ==> 不连续层
  15844. discontinuity of defect ==> 缺陷不连续性
  15845. discontinuity of material ==> 材料的不均匀性
  15846. discontinuity of materials ==> 材料不均匀性
  15847. discontinuity of the first kind ==> 第一类间断性
  15848. discontinuity point ==> 不连续点,间断点
  15849. discontinuity stress ==> 间断性应力,不连续性应力
  15850. discontinuity surface ==> 间断面
  15851. discontinuous ==> 不连续的,停止,断续的
  15852. discontinuous action ==> 不连续作用,断续动作
  15853. discontinuous action servomechanism ==> 不连续作用伺服机构
  15854. discontinuous amplifier ==> 非连续放大器,不连续放大器
  15855. discontinuous approximation ==> 对不连续函数的近似解
  15856. discontinuous arrangement ==> 一次側間欠配置
  15857. discontinuous band absorption ==> 不连续光带吸收
  15858. discontinuous capacitance ==> 不连续电路
  15859. discontinuous change ==> 不连续变化,连续性中断
  15860. discontinuous combustion ==> 断续燃烧
  15861. discontinuous composites ==> 不连续复合材料
  15862. discontinuous construction ==> 不连续结构,断离式构造
  15863. discontinuous control ==> 间断调节
  15864. discontinuous control action ==> 不連続動作(自動制御)
  15865. discontinuous control system ==> 不连续控制系统
  15866. discontinuous controller action ==> 不连续的调节器作用,不连续性调节器作用
  15867. discontinuous conveyer ==> 非连续式运输机
  15868. discontinuous cost function ==> 非连续成本函数,不连续成本函数
  15869. discontinuous crack ==> 不连续裂纹
  15870. discontinuous deformation ==> 不连续变形
  15871. discontinuous detector ==> 不连续检测器
  15872. discontinuous dipmeter ==> 不连续记录地层倾角仪
  15873. discontinuous distribution ==> 不连续分布,不连续分配
  15874. discontinuous distribution function ==> 不连续分布函数
  15875. discontinuous dynamic system ==> 不连续的动力学系统
  15876. discontinuous electro-phoresis ==> 不连续电泳
  15877. discontinuous fatigue ==> 不连续疲劳
  15878. discontinuous film ==> 不连续膜
  15879. discontinuous filter ==> 不连续的滤波器,脉冲滤波器
  15880. discontinuous flow ==> 不连续流动,断续流动
  15881. discontinuous fluid ==> 不连续运动
  15882. discontinuous frequency function ==> 不连续频率函数
  15883. discontinuous function ==> 不连续函数,间断函数
  15884. discontinuous game ==> 不连续对策
  15885. discontinuous glide ==> 不连续滑移
  15886. discontinuous gradation ==> 不连续级配
  15887. discontinuous grading ==> 间断级配
  15888. discontinuous grain growth ==> 不连续晶体生长
  15889. discontinuous group ==> 不连续群=>不連続群
  15890. discontinuous heating ==> 不连续供暖
  15891. discontinuous hypotheses ==> 非连续性假设
  15892. discontinuous insulation ==> 不连续绝缘
  15893. discontinuous interstice ==> (岩石的)不连续间隙
  15894. discontinuous jump ==> 不连续转移
  15895. discontinuous layer ==> 不连通层
  15896. discontinuous load ==> 不连续负载,断续负荷,突变荷载,突变性负载
  15897. discontinuous loading ==> 不连续加载
  15898. discontinuous market ==> 不连续证券市场
  15899. discontinuous Markov process ==> 不连续马尔可夫过程
  15900. discontinuous measurement ==> 间断测量
  15901. discontinuous motion ==> 间断运动,不连续运动
  15902. discontinuous noise ==> 间断性噪声
  15903. discontinuous observation ==> 不连续调查
  15904. discontinuous oil phase ==> 不连续油相
  15905. discontinuous oscillation ==> 间断振动,断续振荡
  15906. discontinuous periodic motion ==> 非连续周期运动,不连续周期运动
  15907. discontinuous permafrost ==> 不连续多年冻土层
  15908. discontinuous phase ==> 不连续相,间断相
  15909. discontinuous porosity ==> 不连续孔隙性
  15910. discontinuous precipitation ==> 不连续沉淀,不连续析出
  15911. discontinuous process ==> 不连续过程
  15912. discontinuous quantity ==> 不连续量
  15913. discontinuous rating ==> 间断定额
  15914. discontinuous reaction series ==> 不连续反应系列
  15915. discontinuous reflection ==> 不连续反射
  15916. discontinuous respiration ==> 不连续呼吸
  15917. discontinuous rock mass ==> 不连续岩体
  15918. discontinuous running ==> 间歇运行,断续振荡,周期作业,断续运行,阶段作业
  15919. discontinuous save segment (DCSS) ==> 不连续保存段
  15920. discontinuous segment ==> 不连续段
  15921. discontinuous series ==> 不连续数列
  15922. discontinuous servomechanism ==> 断续作用的伺服机构
  15923. discontinuous shiftwork ==> 不连续轮班工作制
  15924. discontinuous simultaneous technique ==> 间歇联用技术
  15925. discontinuous simultaneous techniques ==> 间歇联用技术,不连续同时串用技术
  15926. discontinuous sintering ==> 间歇烧结
  15927. discontinuous solution ==> 间断解,不连续解
  15928. discontinuous spectrum ==> 不连续光谱,不连续谱,间断光谱
  15929. discontinuous spectrum absorption ==> 间断光谱吸收
  15930. discontinuous sterilization ==> 间歇灭菌
  15931. discontinuous structure ==> 不连续组织
  15932. discontinuous surface ==> 不连续面
  15933. discontinuous suspended acoustical ceiling ==> 间断式吸音吊顶
  15934. discontinuous synthesis ==> 不连续合成
  15935. discontinuous system ==> 断续系统,不连续系统
  15936. discontinuous V-t characteristics ==> 不連続なV-t特性
  15937. discontinuous variable ==> 不连续变量,不连续变数,间断变量
  15938. discontinuous variation ==> 不连续变差,不连续变异
  15939. discontinuous variations ==> 不连续变异
  15940. discontinuous warping ==> 不连续式整经
  15941. discontinuous wave ==> 非连续波
  15942. discontinuous wedge ==> 梯级光楔
  15943. discontinuous welding ==> 断续焊
  15944. discontinuous yielding ==> 不连续屈服,间断屈服
  15945. discontinuous-control system ==> 断续作用的控制系统
  15946. discontinuous-type regulator ==> 间断式调节器
  15947. discontinuously distributed suction ==> 不连续多孔吸除
  15948. discordance permutation ==> 不和谐排列
  15949. discordant basin ==> 不整合盆地
  15950. discordant contact ==> 不整合接触
  15951. discordant fold ==> 不整合褶皱
  15952. discordant injection ==> 不整合贯入,不整合注入
  15953. discordant permutation ==> 不和谐排列
  15954. discordant sample ==> 不和谐样本
  15955. discordant valley ==> 不整合河谷
  15956. discordant value ==> 不和谐值
  15957. discordogenic fault ==> 分界断层
  15958. discount ==> 让头,先扣利息,折,折扣,贴水,贴现利率,扣价,扣息
  15959. discount a bill ==> 扣减期票
  15960. discount allowed ==> 销货折价
  15961. discount bank ==> 贴现银行
  15962. discount bank debenture ==> 贴现银行债券
  15963. discount basis ==> 贴现基础
  15964. discount broker ==> 贴现经纪人,贴现票据经纪人
  15965. discount cash book ==> 贴现票据帐簿
  15966. discount cash flow ==> 现金收支折现法
  15967. discount category ==> 贴现分类
  15968. discount charge ==> 贴现费用
  15969. discount clerk ==> 贴现人,票据贴现人员
  15970. discount coefficient ==> 贴现系数
  15971. discount coupon ==> 割引券
  15972. discount credit ==> 贴现信贷
  15973. discount curve ==> 贴现曲线
  15974. discount difference ==> 贴现差额,贴现率差数
  15975. discount earned ==> 贴现收入,折扣收入
  15976. discount expense ==> 贴现费用
  15977. discount factor ==> 贴现系数,折现因子
  15978. discount for cash ==> 贴现
  15979. discount for risk ==> 风险贴现
  15980. discount granted ==> 给予折扣,销货折价
  15981. discount house ==> 票据贴现所,贴现公司,贴现行
  15982. discount income ==> 贴现收入
  15983. discount interest ==> 贴现利息
  15984. discount issue ==> 发行折扣
  15985. discount loss ==> 折扣损失
  15986. discount margin ==> 贴现率差
  15987. discount market ==> 贴现市场,票据贴现市场,削价市况
  15988. discount method ==> 贴现法
  15989. discount offered ==> 提供贴现,提供折扣
  15990. discount on bills sold on condition of repurchase ==> 附有回购条件的票据的贴现
  15991. discount on bonds ==> 债券折价
  15992. discount on common stock account ==> 普通股折价帐
  15993. discount on exchange ==> 贴汇水,贴现,贴现外汇
  15994. discount on purchases ==> 进货折让
  15995. discount on returned sales ==> 销货退回折扣,退货的销售折扣
  15996. discount on sales ==> 销售折扣
  15997. discount paper ==> 贴现票据
  15998. discount period ==> 贴现期限,折扣期间
  15999. discount policy ==> 贴现政策
  16000. discount preference ==> 折现偏好
  16001. discount present value ==> 贴现现值
  16002. discount quotation ==> 贴现行市
  16003. discount rate ==> 割引率,贴现利率,贴现率,折扣率
  16004. discount rate poilicy ==> 贴现率政策
  16005. discount return rate ==> 贴现回收率
  16006. discount store ==> 折扣商店,廉价商店
  16007. discount taken ==> 已取得的折扣
  16008. discount tellers ==> 贴现人
  16009. discount ticket ==> 割引券
  16010. discount to present value ==> 折算为现值
  16011. discount voucher ==> 割引券
  16012. discount window ==> 贴现窗口
  16013. discountability ==> 可贴现性
  16014. discountable ==> 可打折扣的,可折现
  16015. discounted account register ==> 客帐贴现簿
  16016. discounted accounts register ==> 已贴现帐款登记簿
  16017. discounted bill ==> 已贴现票据,贴现票据
  16018. discounted cash ==> 贴扣现金
  16019. discounted cash flow ==> 贴扣现金流动,贴现现金流量,贴现值系列,现金流转贴现
  16020. discounted cost ==> 贴现费用
  16021. discounted flow ==> 贴现流量
  16022. discounted notes ==> 贴现票据,已贴现票据
  16023. discounted payable period ==> 贴现回收期
  16024. discounted present value ==> 贴现后的现值
  16025. discounted value ==> 贴现价值,贴现值
  16026. discounted-cash-flow method ==> 现金流量贴现法
  16027. discounting ==> 打折扣,贴现,贴现
  16028. discounting bank ==> 贴现银行
  16029. discounting effect ==> (证券价格)现值计算效应
  16030. discounting methods ==> 贴现法
  16031. discounting technique ==> 贴现技术
  16032. discourse of trade ==> 贸易论
  16033. discovered reserve ==> 已发现储量
  16034. discovery ==> 发现
  16035. discovery bonus ==> 发现定金
  16036. discovery of documents ==> 披露文据
  16037. discovery of facts ==> 披露事实
  16038. discovery rate ==> 发现率
  16039. discovery sampling ==> 发现抽样
  16040. discovery time ==> 发现时间
  16041. discovery value method ==> 发现价值法
  16042. discovery wild soybean ==> 发现野生大豆
  16043. DISCR, discriminator circuit ==> 弁別回路
  16044. discreet ==> 用心深い,慎重な
  16045. discreet inquiries ==> 慎重な調査
  16046. discreet value ==> 预估值
  16047. discrepancy ==> 差异,矛盾,不一致,不符=>相違,食い違い,不一致,矛盾
  16048. discrepancy and claim clause ==> 异议和索赔条款
  16049. discrepancy in elevation ==> 高差
  16050. discrepancy in the definition of ==> 定義の食い違い
  16051. discrepancy in the measurement of ==> 測定法の不一致
  16052. discrepancy notice ==> 不具合報告書
  16053. discrepancy principle ==> 不一致原理
  16054. discrepancy report ==> 差异报告
  16055. discrepancy sheet ==> 订正表
  16056. discrepancy switch ==> 差速开关
  16057. discrepant item ==> 分歧的项目
  16058. discrete ==> 离散的,不连续的,分离的,抽象的=>離散的
  16059. discrete absorption ==> 离散吸收
  16060. discrete address ==> 离散地址
  16061. discrete aggregate ==> 松散骨料
  16062. discrete amount ==> 个别量
  16063. discrete analog ==> 离散模拟
  16064. discrete approximation ==> 离散逼近
  16065. discrete assembly ==> 分立组件
  16066. discrete automat ==> 离散自动机
  16067. discrete automaton ==> 离散型自动机
  16068. discrete bit optical memory ==> 打点式光存储器,逐位式光存储器
  16069. discrete bubble ==> 孤立汽泡
  16070. discrete cell ==> 独立单元
  16071. discrete channel ==> 离散通道,离散信道=>離散的通信路
  16072. discrete circuit ==> 分立电路
  16073. discrete command ==> 断续指令,离散命令,离散指令,不连续指令=>ディスクリートコマンド
  16074. discrete comparator ==> 离散比较器,数字比较器
  16075. discrete component ==> 分立元件,单个元件
  16076. discrete component amplifier ==> 分立元件放大器
  16077. discrete component card ==> 分立元件插件
  16078. discrete component circuit ==> 分立元件电路
  16079. discrete component logic circuit ==> 分立元件逻辑电路
  16080. discrete component part ==> 個別部品
  16081. discrete compounding ==> 非连续复利计算
  16082. discrete conditional distribution ==> 离散条件分布
  16083. discrete consumption stream ==> 离散消费量流
  16084. discrete control system ==> 离散控制系统
  16085. discrete cosine transform ==> 离散余弦变换=>離散コサイン変換
  16086. discrete cosine transform (DCT) ==> 离散余弦变换
  16087. discrete data ==> 离散数据,离散型数据,分立数据,不连续资料=>離散的データ
  16088. discrete deterministic process ==> 离散决定性过程,离散确定性过程
  16089. discrete device chip ==> 分立芯片装置
  16090. discrete differential game ==> 离散微分对策
  16091. discrete distribution ==> 离散分布,离散型分布,不连续分布
  16092. discrete distribution function ==> 离散分布函数
  16093. discrete dynamic system ==> 离散动态系统
  16094. discrete element ==> 分立元件
  16095. discrete energy levels ==> 分立能级
  16096. discrete energy state ==> 分离能态,分立能态
  16097. discrete error ==> 分立误差,个别误差
  16098. discrete event simulation package ==> 离散事件仿真程序包
  16099. discrete excitation ==> 离散励磁控制=>離散励磁制御
  16100. discrete excitation control ==> 分散励磁控制
  16101. discrete false-target ==> 离散伪目标
  16102. discrete fiber ==> 分离线
  16103. discrete field-stop aperture ==> 分立场阑孔径,分立视场光栏孔径
  16104. discrete film zone ==> 土壤水带
  16105. discrete filter ==> 离散滤波器
  16106. discrete flaw ==> 分散性疵点
  16107. discrete Forurier transform ==> 离散傅里叶变换(DFT)
  16108. discrete Fourier transform ==> 離散Fourier変換
  16109. discrete Fourier transform (DFT) ==> 离散傅里叶变换,离散型傅里叶变换
  16110. discrete frequency ==> 离散频率,不连续频率
  16111. discrete function ==> 离散函数
  16112. discrete group action ==> 離散群作用
  16113. discrete harmonic ==> 离散协波
  16114. discrete information ==> 离散信息=>離散情報
  16115. discrete information source ==> 离散情报源,离散信息源=>離散的情報源
  16116. discrete input action ==> 离散输入动作
  16117. discrete integrated circuit ==> 分立集成电路
  16118. discrete integrated circuit (discrete IC) ==> 分立集成电路
  16119. discrete interval theorem ==> 分立间隔定理
  16120. discrete invariant ==> 離散不変量
  16121. discrete kink-band ==> 分立扭折带
  16122. discrete Laplace transform ==> 离散的拉普拉斯变换
  16123. discrete level ==> 分离电平
  16124. discrete logarithm normal distribution ==> 离散对数正态分布
  16125. discrete logic ==> 离散逻辑
  16126. discrete luminescent center ==> 分立发光中心
  16127. discrete Markov process ==> 离散马尔可夫过程
  16128. discrete mass ==> 离散物质
  16129. discrete material ==> 松散材料
  16130. discrete mathematics ==> 离散数学=>離散数学
  16131. discrete maximum principle ==> 离散极大值原理,离散最大值原理=>離散型最大原理
  16132. discrete message ==> 离散消息,离散信息
  16133. discrete message source ==> 离散信号源
  16134. discrete message state ==> 离散信息状态
  16135. discrete microcomponent ==> 分立微型元件
  16136. discrete microprocessor ==> 分立微处理机
  16137. discrete mode spectrum ==> 离散模谱
  16138. discrete model ==> 离散模型
  16139. discrete multivariate distribution ==> 离散多元分布
  16140. discrete normal distribution ==> 离散正态分布
  16141. discrete OPF ==> 離散型最適潮流計算
  16142. discrete optimization ==> 离散最优化
  16143. discrete optimization problem ==> 离散型最优化问题
  16144. discrete ordinates method ==> 离散坐标法
  16145. discrete package ==> 分立封装
  16146. discrete parameter Markov chain ==> 离散参数马尔可夫链
  16147. discrete parameter process ==> 离散参数过程
  16148. discrete parameter time series ==> 离散参数时间序列
  16149. discrete Pareto distribution ==> 离散帕累托分布
  16150. discrete part ==> 分立元件=>個別部品
  16151. discrete particle ==> 分立质点
  16152. discrete passivated epitaxial transistor ==> 分立钝化外延晶体管
  16153. discrete peak ==> 分立峰
  16154. discrete picture ==> 离散图像
  16155. discrete planar epitaxial device ==> 分立平面外延器件
  16156. discrete point ==> 分立点
  16157. discrete point loads ==> 不连续点荷载
  16158. discrete point method ==> 离散点法
  16159. discrete probability distribution ==> 离散概率分布
  16160. discrete probability function ==> 离散概率函数
  16161. discrete programming ==> 离散型规划
  16162. discrete pulse ==> 离散脉冲,分离脉冲,不连续脉冲
  16163. discrete quadraphonic system ==> 分立式四声道立体声系统
  16164. discrete quantum ==> 分立量子,离散量子
  16165. discrete radiation spectrum ==> 分立辐射谱
  16166. discrete radio source ==> 分立射电源
  16167. discrete random nonlinear system ==> 离散随机非线性系统
  16168. discrete random process ==> 离散随机过程
  16169. discrete random variable ==> 离散随机变量
  16170. discrete regulator ==> 离散调整器
  16171. discrete relaxation ==> 不连续松弛
  16172. discrete representation ==> 離散的表現
  16173. discrete resistor ==> 分立电阻器
  16174. discrete sample ==> 离散样元
  16175. discrete sample analyser ==> 分散采样分析器
  16176. discrete sampling ==> 离散采样
  16177. discrete search ==> 离散搜索
  16178. discrete search for a mobile hider ==> 对活动隐藏者的离散搜索
  16179. discrete semiconductor ==> 分立的半导体
  16180. discrete semiconductor device ==> 分立的半导体器件
  16181. discrete sentence intelligibility ==> 章句了解度
  16182. discrete series representation ==> 離散系列表現
  16183. discrete set ==> 离散集
  16184. discrete shear zone ==> 不连续剪切带
  16185. discrete signal ==> 离散信号
  16186. discrete simulation ==> 离散模拟
  16187. discrete space-time ==> 离散时空
  16188. discrete spacetime ==> 分立时空
  16189. discrete spectrum ==> 不连续谱
  16190. discrete state ==> 不连续态,不连续状态,离散状态,分离状态
  16191. discrete stochastic process ==> 离散随机过程
  16192. discrete structure ==> 个别结构
  16193. discrete symmetry ==> 分立对称性=>離散対称性
  16194. discrete system model ==> 离散系统模型
  16195. discrete system simulation ==> 离散系统仿真
  16196. discrete system simulation language ==> 离散系统仿真语言
  16197. discrete thin-film component ==> 分立薄膜元件
  16198. discrete time queue ==> 分散时间排队
  16199. discrete time series ==> 离散时间数列
  16200. discrete time system model ==> 離散時間系モデル
  16201. discrete topology ==> 离散结构,离散拓扑
  16202. discrete transistor ==> 分立晶体管,分立式晶体管
  16203. discrete tuner ==> 不连续调谐器
  16204. discrete type ==> 离散类型
  16205. discrete type random variable ==> 离散型随机变量
  16206. discrete uniform distribution ==> 离散均匀分布
  16207. discrete value ==> 离散值
  16208. discrete valued random variable ==> 离散值随机变量
  16209. discrete variable ==> 离散变量,离散变数
  16210. discrete white noise ==> 离散白噪声,白噪声
  16211. discrete winding ==> 不连续绕组
  16212. discrete wiring ==> 选择布线
  16213. discrete word intelligibility ==> 単語了解度
  16214. discrete word recognition ==> 离散字的识别
  16215. discrete-carrier hologram ==> 离散载体全息图
  16216. discrete-ordinate method ==> 分立纵坐标法
  16217. discrete-semiconductor device ==> 分立半导体器件
  16218. discrete-time ==> 离散时间
  16219. discrete-time control ==> 离散时间控制
  16220. discrete-time dynamic system ==> 离散时间动态系统
  16221. discrete-time Markovian motion ==> 离散时间马尔可夫运动
  16222. discrete-time system ==> 离散时间系统
  16223. discrete-valued function ==> 离散值函数
  16224. discrete-valued objective ==> 离散值目标函数
  16225. discrete-variable problem ==> 离散型问题
  16226. discretely tunable infrared laser ==> 不连续可调红外激光器
  16227. discretionary ==> 任意に決定できる
  16228. discretionary account ==> 任意帐户
  16229. discretionary appropriation ==> 任意盈余指拨
  16230. discretionary array method ==> 选择阵列法
  16231. discretionary cost ==> 决策差别成本,决策差别成本
  16232. discretionary expense center ==> 可支用费用中心
  16233. discretionary fixed cost ==> 选择性固定性成本
  16234. discretionary income ==> 任意支配所得
  16235. discretionary integration ==> 选择互连集成电路
  16236. discretionary interconnections ==> 选择互连
  16237. discretionary policy ==> 任意政策
  16238. discretionary profits ==> 相互抉择利润
  16239. discretionary purchasing power ==> 任意购买力,剩余购买力
  16240. discretionary routed array ==> 选择互连阵列
  16241. discretionary stabilization ==> 相互抉择的稳定
  16242. discretionary trust ==> 全权信托
  16243. discretionary wiring approach ==> 選択配線方式
  16244. discretionary wiring method ==> 选择布线法,选择连接法
  16245. discretionary wiring pattern ==> 选择布线图
  16246. discretization error ==> 离散化误差
  16247. discretization of continuous time system ==> 连续时间系统离散化
  16248. discriminant ==> 鉴别式,判别式
  16249. discriminant analysis ==> 判别分析,判别式分析
  16250. discriminant approach to pattern recognition ==> 模式识别的鉴别法
  16251. discriminant coefficient ==> 判別係数
  16252. discriminant criterion ==> 判別基準
  16253. discriminant equation ==> 判别方程
  16254. discriminant function ==> 判别函数
  16255. discriminant of quadratic form ==> 二次方程判别式
  16256. discriminant parameter ==> 判别参数
  16257. discriminant problem ==> 判別問題
  16258. discriminant specification ==> 判別仕様
  16259. discriminant variable ==> 識別変数
  16260. discriminating breaker ==> 逆流自动断路开关
  16261. discriminating circuit-breaker ==> 流向鉴别断路器
  16262. discriminating conduct ==> 辨别方法
  16263. discriminating cut-out ==> 鉴别断路器,鉴频断路器,鉴相断路器
  16264. discriminating duty ==> 区别对待性关税,歧视关税
  16265. discriminating element ==> 鉴别元件
  16266. discriminating monopoly ==> 歧视性独占
  16267. discriminating order ==> 判别指令
  16268. discriminating protective system ==> 区域选择性保护系统,鉴别性保护系统
  16269. discriminating relay ==> 鉴别继电器,谐振继电器
  16270. discriminating satellite exchange ==> 装有区别机的支局
  16271. discriminating selector ==> 区域选择器
  16272. discriminating zone ==> 分割要素,"The selective part of a multi-zone busbar protection, generally supervising current flow into and out of a single section of busbar. "
  16273. discrimination ==> 歧视,判别,鉴别,鉴别率,条件转移,辨别力,识别率,鉴别力=>差別
  16274. discrimination by race or gender ==> 人種や性別による差別
  16275. discrimination data processing system ==> 数据鉴别处理系统
  16276. discrimination distance ==> 識別距離
  16277. discrimination effect ==> 識別効果
  16278. discrimination error ==> 鉴别误差
  16279. discrimination factor ==> 辨别因子
  16280. discrimination filter ==> 鉴别滤波器
  16281. discrimination instruction ==> 判别指令
  16282. discrimination learning ==> 辨别学习
  16283. discrimination output ==> 鉴别输出,鉴频输出
  16284. discrimination process ==> 鉴别过程
  16285. discrimination ratio ==> 判别比
  16286. discrimination reversal ==> 辨别颠倒
  16287. discrimination selecting machine ==> 鉴别选择机
  16288. discrimination test ==> (市场研究用语)辨别测试
  16289. discrimination threshold ==> 鉴别灵敏度,鉴别阈,鉴别力阀
  16290. discrimination time ==> 辨别时间
  16291. discrimination training ==> 辨别训练
  16292. discrimination treatment ==> 歧视待遇
  16293. discriminative stimulus ==> 识别的刺激
  16294. discriminator ==> 辨别器,鉴别器
  16295. discriminator circuit ==> 鉴频电路,鉴相位电路
  16296. discriminator peak separation ==> 鉴频器谐振点间距
  16297. discriminator transformer ==> 鉴频变压器
  16298. discriminatory analysis ==> 判别分析
  16299. discriminatory auction ==> 差別価格オークション
  16300. discriminatory currency arrangement ==> 歧视性货币安排
  16301. discriminatory currency practice ==> 歧视性货币措施
  16302. discriminatory exchange rate ==> 歧视性汇率
  16303. discriminatory quota ==> 歧视性配额
  16304. discriptive item ==> 描述项
  16305. discus articularis ==> 关节盘
  16306. discus nervi optici ==> 視神経乳頭
  16307. discuss and determine wage-grade ==> 评薪
  16308. discussion ==> 議論,討議
  16309. discussion method ==> 討論方式
  16310. discussion note ==> 討論メモ
  16311. discussion of submitted bills ==> 議案提出審議
  16312. discussion of the related art ==> 関連技術の考察
  16313. discussion on ceramics ==> 陶说
  16314. discussion statement ==> 讨论式决算表
  16315. disease carrier ==> 带病体
  16316. disease carrying germ ==> 带病菌
  16317. disease control ==> 病害防治,疾病控制
  16318. disease development ==> 发病
  16319. disease escape ==> 避病现象
  16320. disease germ ==> 病菌
  16321. disease incidence ==> 发病率
  16322. disease index ==> 病情指数,发病指数
  16323. disease management ==> 病害治理
  16324. disease of agricultural plants ==> 农作物疾病
  16325. disease of chest wall ==> 胸壁疾病
  16326. disease of Cowper's gland ==> 尿道球腺疾病
  16327. disease of craniopharyngeal canal ==> 颅咽管病
  16328. disease of metabolism ==> 新陈代谢疾病
  16329. disease of newborn ==> 新生儿疾病
  16330. disease of respiratory system ==> 呼吸系统疾病
  16331. disease of the brain ==> 脳疾患
  16332. disease of thoracic wall ==> 胸壁疾病
  16333. disease of vitreous ==> 玻璃体病
  16334. disease patch ==> 中心病区
  16335. disease plant ==> 发病植株,感病植株
  16336. disease producing germ ==> 病原菌
  16337. disease progression ==> 疾病级数
  16338. disease rate ==> 发病率
  16339. disease rating index ==> 病害分级指数
  16340. disease reaction ==> 病害反应
  16341. disease resistance ==> 疾病抗性
  16342. disease screening ==> 病害诊断
  16343. disease time ==> 发病时间
  16344. disease tolerance ==> 耐病性
  16345. disease tolerant variety ==> 耐病品种
  16346. disease transmitted by excrement of animals ==> 牲畜粪便传播疾病
  16347. disease triangle ==> 病三角
  16348. disease-free ==> 无病的
  16349. disease-free animal ==> 无病家畜
  16350. disease-free seed ==> 无病种子
  16351. disease-resistant cultivar ==> 抗病品种
  16352. disease-treated seed ==> 消毒种子
  16353. diseased skin color ==> 病色
  16354. diseased wood ==> 病木
  16355. diseases (or syndromes)of the six meridians ==> 六经病
  16356. disembody ==> 具体性を取り除く
  16357. disenchanted ==> 迷いから覚めた,幻滅した
  16358. disengage ==> 解扣,脱扣,退出,继电保护装置(或功能性电器)停止其预定的保护功能=>釈放(遮断器・継電器)
  16359. disengaged line ==> 闲线=>あき線
  16360. disengaged vapor ==> 释放汽
  16361. disengagement area ==> 蒸发面积
  16362. disengagement gear ==> 解脱机构,分离装置
  16363. disengagement surface ==> 蒸发面,汽水分界面
  16364. disengagement==to disengage ==> 釈放
  16365. disengaging bar ==> 分离杆
  16366. disengaging clutch ==> 脱开式离合器
  16367. disengaging coupling ==> 离合联轴节
  16368. disengaging device operating lever ==> 分离机构操纵杆
  16369. disengaging device push rod ==> 分离机构推杆
  16370. disengaging fork ==> 离合器叉
  16371. disengaging fork lever ==> 分离叉杆
  16372. disengaging gear ==> 分离机构,分离装置,齿轮离合器
  16373. disengaging hook ==> 分离钩
  16374. disengaging lever ==> 分离杆
  16375. disengaging mechanism ==> 分离机构
  16376. disengaging movement ==> 分离运动,停车运动
  16377. disengaging pawl ==> 分离爪
  16378. disengaging plate ==> 脱离板
  16379. disengaging rod ==> 分离杆
  16380. disengaging section ==> 拆卸部分
  16381. disengaging shaft ==> 分离轴
  16382. disengaging spring ==> 分离弹簧
  16383. disengaging time ==> 釈放時間
  16384. disengaging value ==> 釈放値
  16385. disequilibrium economics ==> 不均衡经济学
  16386. disequilibrium model ==> 不均衡模型
  16387. disequilibrium syndrome ==> 平衡失调综合征
  16388. disequilibrium system ==> 不均衡体系
  16389. DISFLO ==> DISFLO法はループのない木構造の配電系統に対して適用可能であり,系統末端部から上流部に向けて線路電流を計算し,上流部から末端部に向けて母線電圧を計算していく手法である。
  16390. disgorge ==> 引き渡す,差し出す
  16391. disgorge ill-gotten gains ==> 退赃
  16392. disgregation ==> 分離
  16393. dish ==> 盘形物,盘子,抛物面反射器,截抛物面反射器,皿,反射器,碟,碟形天线,凹部
  16394. dish (emery) wheel ==> 蝶形砂轮
  16395. dish and pillar structure ==> 碟柱构造
  16396. dish baffle ==> 盘形挡板
  16397. dish brush ==> 碟刷
  16398. dish cloth ==> 抹布
  16399. dish face ==> 舟状面
  16400. dish feeder ==> 盘式加料机
  16401. dish garden ==> 盆景
  16402. dish gas holder ==> 湿式气柜
  16403. dish plate ==> 碟形板
  16404. dish sander ==> 盘式沙光机
  16405. dish skimmer ==> 碟形扒渣器
  16406. dish tubesheet ==> 碟形管板
  16407. dish vacuum filter ==> 碟式真空吸滤机
  16408. dish ware ==> 容器
  16409. dish washing detergent ==> 餐具洗涤剂
  16410. dish washing machine ==> 洗碗机
  16411. dish wheel ==> 碟形砂轮
  16412. dish with sky blue glaze ==> (瓷器名)天蓝釉盘
  16413. dish with white glaze ==> (瓷器名)白釉侈口盘
  16414. dish-shaped ewer ==> 盘形壶
  16415. disharmonic ==> 不谐和的
  16416. disharmonic faulting ==> 不谐合断裂作用
  16417. disharmonic feature ==> 不谐和地形
  16418. disharmonic fold ==> 不协调褶皱,不谐和褶曲
  16419. disharmonic folding ==> 不和谐摺叠,不协调褶皱作用
  16420. disharmonious habitat ==> 不调合生境
  16421. disharmony ==> 不调和,不谐和
  16422. disharmony between ying and wei ==> 营卫不和
  16423. dished ==> 半凹形,半球形的,穹窿形
  16424. dished (torispherical) head ==> 碟形封头
  16425. dished cover ==> 凸盖
  16426. dished disk ==> 碟形圆盘
  16427. dished end ==> 蝶形端板,盘形底
  16428. dished end plate boiler ==> 凸底锅炉,蝶形底板式锅炉
  16429. dished perforated plate ==> 碟形多孔板
  16430. dished riser ==> 凹顶形冒口
  16431. dished spinner ==> 碟形撒布轮
  16432. dished tank ==> 碟形贮槽
  16433. dished washer ==> 盘形垫圈
  16434. dished wheel ==> 凹盘轮
  16435. dishing ==> 凹陷,形成凹面,辐板压弯,平底器皿下沉变形,大半径凹进成形
  16436. dishing of surface ==> (如土壤的)表面碟状沉陷
  16437. dishing press ==> 车轮轮辐压弯机,碟形压机
  16438. dishoarding ==> 不储藏
  16439. dishonest process ==> 不真实过程
  16440. dishonor ==> 拒付,拒付,拒绝兑付,拒绝兑付=>不名誉,軽蔑,不渡り
  16441. dishonored bill ==> 拒付汇票,拒付汇票,退票
  16442. dishonored bill of exchange ==> 拒付汇票,拒付汇票
  16443. dishonored notes ==> 拒付汇票,拒付汇票
  16444. dishonourable cheque ==> 空头支票
  16445. dishware ==> 餐具,容器,器皿
  16446. disilver salt ==> 甲胂酸银
  16447. disimpaction ==> 嵌塞解除法
  16448. disimpaction forceps ==> 骨折嵌入拔出钳
  16449. disincentive ==> 意欲をそぐ
  16450. disincentive action ==> 反激励作用
  16451. disinfect ==> 灭菌=>殺菌
  16452. disinfectant ==> 消毒的,消毒剂
  16453. disinfectant cup ==> 消毒杯
  16454. disinfectant tank ==> 消毒箱
  16455. disinfecting medicament and apparatus for silkworm ==> 蚕用消毒药剂及用具
  16456. disinfection ==> 杀菌,消毒,消毒作用,灭菌
  16457. disinfection chamber ==> 消毒室
  16458. disinfection of epidemic focus ==> 疫源地消毒
  16459. disinfection of well water ==> 井水消毒,井水消毒
  16460. disinfection room ==> 消毒室
  16461. disinfection seed ==> 消毒种子
  16462. disinfection soil ==> 消毒土壤
  16463. disinfectioner ==> 消毒员
  16464. disinfector ==> 消毒器
  16465. disintegrate ==> 解体,碎裂,切碎,分裂,分裂
  16466. disintegrated electrolytic powder ==> 粉碎的电解粉末
  16467. disintegrated granite ==> 风化花岗岩
  16468. disintegrated personality ==> 分裂人格
  16469. disintegrated powder ==> 碎粉
  16470. disintegrating agent ==> 分裂剂
  16471. disintegrating method ==> 分裂法
  16472. disintegrating mill ==> 粉碎机
  16473. disintegrating scrubber ==> 冲激式除尘器
  16474. disintegration ==> 解体,碎裂,蜕变,瓦解,分解,裂变,剥蚀,崩解=>壊変(原子)
  16475. disintegration chain ==> 放射性系
  16476. disintegration coefficient ==> 衰变系数
  16477. disintegration energy ==> 裂变能
  16478. disintegration family ==> 放射性系
  16479. disintegration of filament ==> 灯丝烧坏,灯丝烧毁
  16480. disintegration of measure ==> 测度的积分分解
  16481. disintegration of plaster ==> 抹面剥落
  16482. disintegration series ==> 放射性系
  16483. disintegration time ==> 崩解时间
  16484. disintegration time limited ==> 崩解时限
  16485. disintegration voltage ==> 崩离电压,破坏电压,扩散电压
  16486. disintegrator ==> 破碎机
  16487. disintigration of the body ==> 肢体断碎
  16488. disjoint ==> 互いに素
  16489. disjoint circuit ==> 不相接的回路
  16490. disjoint collection ==> 不相交集族
  16491. disjoint events ==> 不相交事件
  16492. disjoint intervals ==> 不相交区间
  16493. disjoint policy ==> 不相交策略
  16494. disjoint range ==> 分隔范围
  16495. disjoint set ==> 分离集,不相交集合
  16496. disjointed complement ==> 不相交余数
  16497. disjointed path ==> 不相交路线
  16498. disjointed track ==> 不相交迹线
  16499. disjunction ==> 論理和,分離
  16500. disjunction canonical form ==> 加法標準形
  16501. disjunction mark ==> 基标
  16502. disjunction operation ==> 逻辑和运算
  16503. disjunctive fold ==> 间断褶皱
  16504. disjunctive form ==> 逻辑和形
  16505. disjunctive normal form ==> 析取范式
  16506. disjunctive path ==> 分离路线
  16507. disjunctive search ==> 析取检索
  16508. disjuncture ==> 分離
  16509. disk ==> 圆盘
  16510. disk access ==> 磁盘存取
  16511. disk accessnig ==> 磁盘存取
  16512. disk adapter ==> 磁盘适配器,磁盘转接器
  16513. disk address ==> 磁盘地址
  16514. disk allocation table (DAT) ==> 磁盘分配表
  16515. disk anode ==> 圆盘阳极
  16516. disk antenna ==> 盘形天线
  16517. disk arm ==> 磁盘取数臂
  16518. disk armature ==> 盘形电枢
  16519. disk atomizer (-iser) ==> 离心式喷雾圆盘
  16520. disk attenuator ==> 圆盘衰减器
  16521. disk based minicomputer ==> 磁盘小型计算机
  16522. disk based program ==> 以磁盘为基础的程序
  16523. disk block ==> 磁盘存储块
  16524. disk boot ==> 圆盘开沟器
  16525. disk bootstrap program ==> 磁盘引导程序
  16526. disk brake ==> 盘式制动器
  16527. disk brushing machine ==> 碟式刷洗机
  16528. disk cam ==> 圆盘凸轮
  16529. disk canvas wheel ==> 帆布抛光轮
  16530. disk cartridge ==> 磁盘盒,磁盘箱
  16531. disk centrifuge ==> 盘式离心机
  16532. disk channel ==> 磁盘通道
  16533. disk chuck ==> 平面卡盘
  16534. disk cluster ==> 盘族星团
  16535. disk cluster allocation map ==> 磁盘簇分配图,磁盘群集分配图,磁盘束分配图
  16536. disk clutch ==> 盘式离合器
  16537. disk coalcutter ==> 盘式截煤机
  16538. disk coil ==> 盘形线圈,蛛网线圈
  16539. disk controller ==> 磁盘控制器
  16540. disk controller board ==> 磁盘控制板
  16541. disk conveyer ==> 盘式输送机
  16542. disk coupling ==> 柔性盘联轴节
  16543. disk cracking and bursting-off ==> 叶轮裂飞,在运行中汽轮机叶轮产生裂纹,并进一步发展酿成叶轮破断和飞逸的灾难性事故
  16544. disk crank ==> 圆盘形曲柄
  16545. disk crash ==> 磁盘划碰
  16546. disk crusher ==> 盘式破碎机,盘式压碎机,盘式轧碎机
  16547. disk cutter ==> 盘式截煤机
  16548. disk dish ==> 圆盘凹度
  16549. disk drill ==> 圆盘播种机
  16550. disk drive ==> 磁盘机,磁盘驱动,磁盘驱动器,磁盘驱动区,磁盘驱动装置=>ディスク駆動機構
  16551. disk drive management system ==> 磁盘驱动管理系统
  16552. disk drive system ==> 磁盘驱动系统
  16553. disk driver ==> 磁盘驱动器
  16554. disk emery cloth ==> 圆盘磨光机
  16555. disk facing ==> 盘形衬片
  16556. disk fast spiral ==> 唱片宽距纹槽
  16557. disk feeder ==> 盘式加料机
  16558. disk file ==> 磁盘存储器,磁盘文件,磁盘文卷
  16559. disk file addressing ==> 磁盘存储器定址,磁盘文件定址,磁盘文件访问
  16560. disk file controller ==> 磁盘文件控制器
  16561. disk file index ==> 磁盘文件索引
  16562. disk file interrogate ==> 磁盘文件询问
  16563. disk file manager ==> 磁盘文件管理程序
  16564. disk file organization ==> 磁盘文件结构,磁盘文件组织
  16565. disk file reference ==> 磁盘文件引用
  16566. disk file subsystem ==> 磁盘文件子系统
  16567. disk file system ==> 磁盘文件系统
  16568. disk file unit ==> 磁盘文件存储器
  16569. disk filter ==> 圆板过滤机
  16570. disk flower ==> 盘心花
  16571. disk forceps ==> 巩膜钻板镊
  16572. disk friction ==> 圆盘摩擦,轮盘摩擦
  16573. disk friction clutch ==> 圆盘摩擦离合器
  16574. disk friction loss ==> 轮盘摩擦损失
  16575. disk friction wheel ==> 盘形磨擦轮
  16576. disk galaxies ==> 円盤銀河
  16577. disk gang lift ==> 圆盘组起落机构
  16578. disk gap transmitter ==> 盘隙发射机
  16579. disk gear ==> 盘形齿轮
  16580. disk gear cutter ==> 盘形齿轮刀具
  16581. disk generator ==> 盘式发电机
  16582. disk granulator ==> 圆盘式造球机
  16583. disk grinder ==> 盘磨机,圆盘磨床,磨圆盘砂轮
  16584. disk grinding ==> 圆盘研磨
  16585. disk grinding machine ==> 盘式平面磨床
  16586. disk harrow ==> 圆盘耙子,单列圆盘耙,灭茬圆盘耙
  16587. disk hinged valve ==> 球门自动阀
  16588. disk hob ==> 圆盘滚刀
  16589. disk holder ==> 代座压板
  16590. disk humidifier ==> 盘形增湿器
  16591. disk impeller ==> 盘式激动器,轮盘搅拌器
  16592. disk initialize ==> 磁盘预置
  16593. disk insulator ==> 盘式绝缘子
  16594. disk jacket ==> 唱片封套
  16595. disk kidney ==> 盘状肾
  16596. disk laser ==> 盘形激光器
  16597. disk lead-in spiral ==> 唱片盘首纹
  16598. disk loss ==> 轮盘摩擦损失
  16599. disk map ==> 磁盘存储区图
  16600. disk memory ==> 磁盘存储
  16601. disk merge routine ==> 磁盘合并程序
  16602. disk meter ==> 圆盘式水表,盘式流量计,盘式仪表
  16603. disk MHD generator ==> ディスク形MHD発電機
  16604. disk mill ==> 盘式磨粉机
  16605. disk milling cutter ==> 圆盘铣刀
  16606. disk monitor system ==> 磁盘监督系统
  16607. disk moving arm ==> 磁盘移动臂
  16608. disk nozzle ==> 可调圆片式喷嘴
  16609. disk nut ==> 盘形螺母
  16610. disk of conical profile ==> 锥形叶轮
  16611. disk of constant stress ==> 等强度叶轮
  16612. disk of constant thickness ==> 等厚度叶轮
  16613. disk of variable profile ==> 变截面轮盘
  16614. disk of variable thickness ==> 变厚度轮盘
  16615. disk office support system (DIOSS) ==> 磁盘办公支持系统
  16616. disk on rod type circuit ==> 加感同轴电路
  16617. disk operating system (DOS) ==> 磁盘操作系统
  16618. disk operating system support component ==> 磁盘操作系统支援部分
  16619. disk oriented system ==> 磁盘中心处理系统,面向磁盘系统
  16620. disk overlay area ==> 磁盘覆盖区,磁盘重叠区
  16621. disk pack ==> 磁盘叠,磁盘组=>ディスクパック
  16622. disk pack driving module ==> 磁盘组驱动部件
  16623. disk paring plow ==> 圆盘灭茬犁
  16624. disk pelletizer mixer ==> (烧结机二次混料机的一种)盘式造球混料机
  16625. disk piercer ==> 盘式穿孔机
  16626. disk pile ==> 盘头桩,圆盘桩
  16627. disk piston ==> 盘形活塞
  16628. disk piston blower ==> 盘形活塞鼓风机
  16629. disk planimeter ==> 圆盘面积仪
  16630. disk platter ==> 磁盘板
  16631. disk plow ==> 圆盘犁
  16632. disk population ==> 盘族
  16633. disk printer ==> 圆盘打印机
  16634. disk queue ==> 磁盘队列
  16635. disk queue control block (DQCB) ==> 磁盘队列控制块
  16636. disk ratio ==> 盘面比
  16637. disk record form ==> 磁盘记录形式
  16638. disk record format ==> 磁盘记录格式
  16639. disk recorder ==> 唱片录音机
  16640. disk recording ==> 盘录声
  16641. disk recording format ==> 磁盘记录格式
  16642. disk refiner ==> 圆盘精研机
  16643. disk resident system ==> 磁盘驻留系统
  16644. disk resident task ==> 磁盘常驻任务
  16645. disk resident utility ==> 磁盘常驻实用程序
  16646. disk rivet ==> 圆盘钉
  16647. disk rotor ==> 盘形式转子
  16648. disk sander ==> 盘式打磨机,圆盘磨光机,砂轮磨光机
  16649. disk saw ==> 圆锯
  16650. disk scanner ==> 析像盘
  16651. disk scraper ==> 圆盘刮泥机
  16652. disk screen ==> 圆盘筛
  16653. disk seal ==> 盘封,盘形封口
  16654. disk seat ==> 阀座
  16655. disk seeding mechanism ==> 圆盘式排种装置
  16656. disk sense ==> 磁盘检测
  16657. disk separator ==> 盘式分离机
  16658. disk shaped generator ==> ディスク型発電機
  16659. disk shaped roll ==> 盘形辊
  16660. disk shutter ==> 盘式快门
  16661. disk signal ==> 圆盘信号机
  16662. disk size ==> 磁盘容量
  16663. disk slotting cutter ==> 盘形插齿刀
  16664. disk solid-cone nozzle ==> 可调圆片式实心雾锥喷嘴
  16665. disk sort routine ==> 磁盘分类程序
  16666. disk sorting ==> 磁盘分类程序
  16667. disk sorting routine ==> 磁盘分类例行程序,磁盘排序例行程序
  16668. disk spide roller ==> 盘齿式镇压器
  16669. disk spring ==> 盘簧,盘形弹簧,碟形弹簧
  16670. disk star ==> 盘族恒星
  16671. disk storage ==> 盘式存储器,磁盘存储,磁盘存储器,圆盘存储器
  16672. disk storage area ==> 磁盘存储区
  16673. disk storage controller ==> 磁盘存储控制器
  16674. disk storage device ==> 磁盘存储设备,磁盘存储装置
  16675. disk storage dirve ==> 磁盘存储器驱动
  16676. disk storage drive ==> 磁盘存储器驱动器
  16677. disk storage driver ==> 磁盘存储驱动器
  16678. disk storage module ==> 磁盘存储模件,磁盘存储器模件
  16679. disk store ==> 磁盘存储器
  16680. disk system ==> 磁盘系统
  16681. disk system management ==> 磁盘系统管理程序
  16682. disk tape system ==> 磁盘磁带系统
  16683. disk telescope ==> 日轮望远镜
  16684. disk thermistor ==> 盘形热敏电阻
  16685. disk track ==> 磁盘磁道,磁盘道,盘径
  16686. disk trimmer ==> 盘状微调电容器
  16687. disk type arrester ==> 盘形避雷器
  16688. disk type relay ==> 盘形继电器
  16689. disk type rotor ==> 盘形转子
  16690. disk type store ==> 磁盘存储器,磁盘类存储
  16691. disk type watermeter ==> 圆盘式水表
  16692. disk unit ==> 磁盘部件,磁盘机
  16693. disk valve ==> 圆盘阀,片状阀,平板阀
  16694. disk volume ==> 磁盘卷,磁盘卷体,磁盘卷宗,磁盘组
  16695. disk water meter ==> 圆盘式水表
  16696. disk wheel ==> 盘形轮,盘形砂轮
  16697. disk winding ==> 盘形线圈
  16698. disk with bent blades ==> 带弯叶的圆盘
  16699. disk with camlike teeth ==> 带凸形齿的圆盘
  16700. disk(-type) marker ==> 圆盘式划行器
  16701. disk(type) root cutter ==> 圆盘式块根切碎机
  16702. disk-and-drum turbine ==> 盘鼓形汽轮机
  16703. disk-and-wheel integrator ==> 盘-轮式积分器
  16704. disk-based operating system (DOS) ==> 磁盘操作系统
  16705. disk-bowl centrifuge ==> 盘碗离心机
  16706. disk-braked train ==> 带制动盘的动力传动
  16707. disk-bursting test ==> 轮盘破裂试验
  16708. disk-doughnut baffle ==> 盘-环形折流板
  16709. disk-grizzly screen ==> 圆盘铁栅筛
  16710. disk-like structure ==> 盘状结构
  16711. disk-oriented system ==> 面向磁盘的程序系统
  16712. disk-shaped roll ==> 盘形辊
  16713. disk-type friction clutch ==> 盘式摩擦离合器
  16714. disk-type gear milling cutter ==> 盘形齿轮铣刀
  16715. disk-type magnetic separator ==> 盘式磁选机
  16716. disk-type reamer ==> 盘形铰刀
  16717. disk-type rectifier ==> 干式整流器,金属整流器
  16718. disk-type reducing valve ==> 盘式减压阀
  16719. disk-type retarder ==> 盘式制动运输机
  16720. disked bottom ==> 碟形底盖
  16721. disked closure (end,bottom) ==> 碟形封头
  16722. diskette ==> 软磁盘
  16723. diskette data ==> 软盘数据
  16724. diskette drive ==> 软磁盘机
  16725. diskette file ==> 软盘文件
  16726. diskette holder ==> 磁盘盒
  16727. diskette initialize ==> 软盘预置
  16728. diskette operating system ==> 软盘操作系统
  16729. diskette storage box ==> 磁盘存储盒
  16730. diskette unit ==> 软盘装置
  16731. diskettte drive ==> 软盘驱动
  16732. dislocation ==> 位错,転位,転置,脱臼=>転位,転置,脱臼
  16733. dislocation accumulation ==> 転位蓄積
  16734. dislocation activity ==> 転位活性
  16735. dislocation annihilation ==> 転位消滅
  16736. dislocation basin ==> 断层盆地
  16737. dislocation boundary ==> 位错边界
  16738. dislocation breccia ==> 断层角砾岩
  16739. dislocation breccian ==> 断层角砾岩
  16740. dislocation centre ==> 位错中心
  16741. dislocation climb ==> 位错攀位
  16742. dislocation climb model ==> 位借攀移模型
  16743. dislocation coalescence ==> 位移聚结
  16744. dislocation core ==> 位错芯
  16745. dislocation creep ==> 位错蠕变
  16746. dislocation damping ==> 位错阻尼
  16747. dislocation density ==> 位错密度
  16748. dislocation dipole ==> 位错偶极子
  16749. dislocation earthquake ==> 断层地震
  16750. dislocation forest ==> 位错林
  16751. dislocation glide ==> 位错滑移
  16752. dislocation group ==> 位错群
  16753. dislocation half-loop ==> 位错半环
  16754. dislocation jog ==> 位错割阶
  16755. dislocation line ==> 位错线,乱位线
  16756. dislocation locking ==> 位错锁定
  16757. dislocation loop ==> 位错环
  16758. dislocation mechanism ==> 位错机制
  16759. dislocation motion ==> 位错运动
  16760. dislocation mountain ==> 断层山
  16761. dislocation movement ==> 位错运动
  16762. dislocation network ==> 位错网
  16763. dislocation node ==> 位错节
  16764. dislocation of acromioclavicular joint ==> 肩锁关节脱位
  16765. dislocation of ankle joint ==> 踝关节脱位,脚盘出臼
  16766. dislocation of articulation of larynx ==> 喉关节脱位
  16767. dislocation of capitulum radii ==> 桡骨小头脱位
  16768. dislocation of cervical vertebra ==> 颈椎脱位,颈椎脱位
  16769. dislocation of cricoarytenoid joint of larynx ==> 喉环杓关节脱位
  16770. dislocation of cricothyroid joint of larynx ==> 喉环甲关节脱位
  16771. dislocation of distal radioulnar joint ==> 下尺桡关节脱位
  16772. dislocation of head of radius ==> 桡骨头脱位
  16773. dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand ==> 指间关节脱位
  16774. dislocation of intertarsal joint ==> 跗骨间关节脱位
  16775. dislocation of joint ==> 关节脱位
  16776. dislocation of knee joint ==> 膝关节脱位
  16777. dislocation of lens ==> 晶状体脱位
  16778. dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint ==> 跖趾关节脱位
  16779. dislocation of midtarsal joint ==> 中跗关节脱位
  16780. dislocation of nasal bones ==> 鼻骨脱位
  16781. dislocation of optical range-finder ==> 光学测距机的失调
  16782. dislocation of penis ==> 阴茎脱位
  16783. dislocation of phalangeal joint ==> 趾关节脱位
  16784. dislocation of phalangeal joint of hand ==> 指关节脱位
  16785. dislocation of pisiform bone ==> 豌豆骨脱位
  16786. dislocation of radiocarpal joint ==> 桡腕关节脱位
  16787. dislocation of shoulder ==> 肩关节脱位,肩胛骨出
  16788. dislocation of sternoclavicular joint ==> 胸锁关节脱位
  16789. dislocation of tendon of brachial biceps ==> 肱二头肌腱脱位
  16790. dislocation of testis ==> 睾丸脱位
  16791. dislocation of the economy ==> 经济失调,经济失调
  16792. dislocation of the hip joint ==> 髋关节脱位
  16793. dislocation of wrist joint ==> 腕关节脱位
  16794. dislocation pipe diffusion ==> 位错管扩散
  16795. dislocation ring ==> 位错环
  16796. dislocation scatter ==> 位错散射
  16797. dislocation source ==> 位错源
  16798. dislocation spiral ==> 位错螺旋线
  16799. dislocation step ==> 位错阶梯
  16800. dislocation structure ==> 位错结构
  16801. dislocation tangling ==> 位错缠结
  16802. dislocation theory ==> 位错理论
  16803. dislocation tree ==> 林位错
  16804. dislocation valley ==> 断层谷
  16805. dislocation wall ==> 位错墙
  16806. dislocation-free ==> 无位错
  16807. dislocation-free crystal ==> 无位错晶体
  16808. dislocations strengthening ==> 位错强化
  16809. dismal ==> 憂うつ
  16810. dismantlable adhesion ==> 解体性接着
  16811. dismantle ==> 卸开,拆散
  16812. dismantle an engine ==> エンジンを分解する
  16813. dismantled plate restoring spring ==> 拆卸板回位弹簧
  16814. dismantlement of import tariffs ==> 废除进口关税
  16815. dismantling ==> 分解
  16816. dismantling bay ==> 拆卸间
  16817. dismantling equipment ==> 拆卸设备
  16818. dismantling key ==> 拆装用扳手
  16819. dismembered stream ==> 海浸河
  16820. dismiss ==> 解雇
  16821. dismiss and replace ==> 撤换
  16822. dismiss from office ==> 解雇
  16823. dismissal ==> 解雇,解散,罢免
  16824. dismissal pay ==> 解雇费,退职金
  16825. dismissal wage ==> 退职金
  16826. dismount ==> 拆卸
  16827. dismountability ==> 可拆性
  16828. dismountable ==> 可拆卸,可拆卸的
  16829. dismountable antenna ==> 可拆式天线,活动式天线
  16830. dismountable auger conveyer ==> 可拆式输送螺旋
  16831. dismountable installation ==> 可卸装置
  16832. dismountable mast ==> 可拆卸天线杆
  16833. dismounting ==> 拆装=>分解
  16834. disobedient ==> 服従しない
  16835. disobedient child ==> わがままな子ども
  16836. disodium aurothiomalate ==> 硫代苹果酸金钠
  16837. disodium calcium ethylene diamine tetraacetate ==> 乙二胺四乙酸二钠钙
  16838. disodium chromoglycate ==> 色甘酸二钠
  16839. disodium cromoglycate ==> 咳乐钠
  16840. disodium ethylene-bisdithiocarbamate ==> 代森钠
  16841. disodium glycyrrhizinate ==> 甘草酸二钠盐
  16842. disodium hydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸二钠,磷酸氢二钠
  16843. disodium methylarsonate (OMA) ==> 甲基胂酸二钠
  16844. disodium phosphate ==> 磷酸二钠
  16845. disodium salt ==> 玫瑰红酸钠,二钠盐
  16846. disorder ==> 无规律,异常,乱,扰乱,无序,紊乱,病症,生理失调
  16847. disorder of amino acid catabolism ==> 氨基酸代谢障碍
  16848. disorder of amino acid metabolism ==> 氨基酸代谢紊乱
  16849. disorder of amino acid transport ==> 氨基酸运输障碍
  16850. disorder of consciousness ==> 意识障碍
  16851. disorder of immune mechanism ==> 免疫机制紊乱
  16852. disorder of mineral metabolism ==> 矿物质代谢紊乱
  16853. disorder of olfactory nerve ==> 嗅神经障碍
  16854. disorder of qi ==> 气机不利
  16855. disorder of the brain ==> 脳疾患
  16856. disorder of thyrocalcitonin secretion ==> 甲状腺降钙素分泌障碍
  16857. disorder of verbal communication ==> 言语会话紊乱
  16858. disordered action of the heart (D.A.H.) ==> 用力综合征
  16859. disordered alloy ==> 无序合金
  16860. disordered chain propagation ==> 不规则链增长
  16861. disordered crystal ==> 无序晶体
  16862. disordered field ==> 无序场
  16863. disordered fold surface ==> 不规则折叠面
  16864. disordered lattice ==> 无序晶格
  16865. disordered material ==> 无序材料
  16866. disordered orientation ==> 无序取向,无规则取向
  16867. disordered solid solution ==> 无序固溶体
  16868. disordered state ==> 无序态
  16869. disordered structure ==> 无序结构
  16870. disordering ==> 无序化
  16871. disordering temperature ==> 无序化温度
  16872. disorders of accessory nerve ==> 副神经障碍
  16873. disorders of blood coagulation ==> 凝血性疾病
  16874. disorders of magnesium metabolism ==> 镁代谢紊乱
  16875. disorders of social instinct ==> 社会本能障碍
  16876. disorientation ==> 错取向
  16877. disowned lamb ==> 弃羔
  16878. disparate ==> 本質的に異なるもの
  16879. disparate channel point selection ==> 异经取穴法
  16880. disparate mixture ==> 異種混合物
  16881. disparity error ==> 不一致误差
  16882. dispatch ==> 分派,发货,发送,速运=>発送,派遣
  16883. dispatch algorithm ==> 调度算法
  16884. dispatch boat ==> 递送公文的船
  16885. dispatch control ==> 等控制
  16886. dispatch control system ==> 等控制系统
  16887. dispatch delay ==> 调度延迟,出车准备
  16888. dispatch earning ==> 快卸收益
  16889. dispatch fee ==> 速遣费
  16890. dispatch floor ==> 调度楼层
  16891. dispatch interval ==> 调度时段
  16892. dispatch interval time ==> 调度间隔时间
  16893. dispatch list ==> 调度表
  16894. dispatch machine ==> 散装机=>積出装置
  16895. dispatch mimic board ==> 调度模拟盘
  16896. dispatch money ==> 快装费
  16897. dispatch network ==> 调度网络
  16898. dispatch operation ==> 调度工作
  16899. dispatch operator ==> 调度员
  16900. dispatch panel ==> 调度盘
  16901. dispatch room ==> 发送室
  16902. dispatch signal ==> 调度信号
  16903. dispatch station ==> 输送站
  16904. dispatch telephone system ==> 等电话系统
  16905. dispatch worker ==> 派遣労働者
  16906. dispatch, to ==> ディスパッチする
  16907. dispatched employee ==> 派遣人员=>派遣社員
  16908. dispatched engineer ==> 派遣技術者
  16909. dispatcher ==> 分配器,调度程序,调度器,调度员=>発送係,発車係,ディスパッチャ
  16910. dispatcher board ==> 调度程序指示板,综合指示箱
  16911. dispatcher control table (DCT) ==> 调度程序控制表,调度控制表
  16912. dispatcher primitive ==> 调度原语
  16913. dispatcher queue ==> 调度排队,发送排队
  16914. dispatcher telephone ==> 调度电话机=>指令電話機
  16915. dispatcher telephone device ==> 调度电话装置
  16916. dispatcher training simulator ==> 運転員トレイニングシミュレータ
  16917. dispatcher's meter ==> 调度尺
  16918. dispatcher's office ==> 发送室
  16919. dispatchers telephone network ==> 給電電話網
  16920. dispatchers meter ==> 调度尺
  16921. dispatchers office ==> 调度室
  16922. dispatching ==> 调度,发送=>給電指令
  16923. dispatching algorithm ==> 调度算法
  16924. dispatching backup generation ==> 配電の予備電力
  16925. dispatching center ==> 总调度室,调度中心,发送中心=>ディスパッチングセンタ
  16926. dispatching centre ==> 调度中心
  16927. dispatching command ==> 调度命令,电力系统值班调度员按照规定的权限对其调度范围内的下一级调度机构值班调度员和发电厂、变电站值班人员下达的调度任务和指令
  16928. dispatching communication ==> 调度通信
  16929. dispatching computer ==> 调度计算机
  16930. dispatching cycle ==> 调度周期
  16931. dispatching engineer ==> 调度工程师
  16932. dispatching equipment ==> 调度设备
  16933. dispatching list ==> 调度表
  16934. dispatching management information system, DMIS ==> 调度管理信息系统,提供与电力系统调度管理有关的信息进行调度管理信息的综合分析、处理和应用的系统
  16935. dispatching management institution ==> 调度管理体制,有统一调度与联合调度两种调度管理体制
  16936. dispatching management of power system ==> 电力系统调度管理,电网调度机构为确保电网安全、优质、经济地运行,依据有关规定对电网的生产运行、电网调度系统及其人员职务活动所进行的管理,其范围一般包括调度运行、运行方式、调度计划、继电保护和安全自动装置、电网调度自动化、电力系统通信、直属水电厂水库调度、调度系统人员培训等方面的管理
  16937. dispatching order ==> 调度命令
  16938. dispatching point ==> 调度站
  16939. dispatching price ==> 调度价格
  16940. dispatching priority ==> 调度优先级,调度优先权
  16941. dispatching regulations ==> 调度规程,电力系统调度管理的各种规章制度的总称
  16942. dispatching room ==> 调度室
  16943. dispatching station ==> 调度室,调度所,发送站,发运站
  16944. dispatching system ==> 分配系统
  16945. dispatching telephone control ==> 调度电话主机
  16946. dispatching telephone control board ==> 调度电话主机
  16947. dispatching telephone equipment ==> 调度电话设备
  16948. dispatching telephone subset ==> 调度电话分机
  16949. dispatching telephone system ==> 调度电话系统
  16950. dispel heat from blood to stop bleeding ==> 凉血止血
  16951. dispellieg cold and dampness ==> 祛寒湿
  16952. dispelling cold and dampness ==> 祛寒化痰
  16953. dispelling heat of the liver and stomach ==> 清肝胃热
  16954. dispelling pathogenic wind and removing dampness ==> 祛风燥湿
  16955. dispelling retained water and clearing phlegm ==> 逐水除痰
  16956. dispelling the pathogenic heat by mild diaphoresis ==> 泻卫透热
  16957. dispelling wind and arresting itching ==> 祛风止痒
  16958. dispelling wind and dampness and relieve pain ==> 祛风除湿止痛
  16959. dispelling wind and dampness from the body ==> 驱风利湿
  16960. dispelling wind and relieving convulsion ==> 祛风定惊
  16961. dispensable ==> 重要でない
  16962. dispensable circuit ==> 调剂电路,调配电路
  16963. dispensable enzyme ==> 可欠酵素
  16964. dispensable function ==> 不必要な機能
  16965. dispense ==> 调剂,分送,分配
  16966. dispense with ==> 免
  16967. dispense with royalties ==> 免除使用费
  16968. dispenser ==> 剂量器分配器
  16969. dispenser cathode ==> 储备式阴极,补给式阴极
  16970. dispenser for wrapping paper ==> 包装纸分配器
  16971. dispensing ==> 配方,配药
  16972. dispensing assembly ==> 分配装配
  16973. dispensing bottle ==> 投药瓶
  16974. dispensing device ==> 撒布装置
  16975. dispensing equipment ==> 分配装置
  16976. dispensing mechanism ==> 计量器
  16977. dispensing nozzle spout ==> 配油喷嘴
  16978. dispensing pump ==> 分配泵
  16979. dispensing section ==> 分配班,分配段
  16980. dispensing system ==> 剂量器分配器=>分配装置
  16981. dispensing table ==> 配药台
  16982. dispensing with service ==> 免除劳役
  16983. dispersable vat dyes ==> 分散型还原染料
  16984. dispersal colour ==> 散胶色料
  16985. dispersal oscillator ==> 扩散振荡器
  16986. dispersal potential ==> 散布潜力
  16987. dispersant ==> 化油剂
  16988. dispersant agent ==> 分散剂
  16989. dispersant bottle ==> 分散剂瓶
  16990. disperse ==> 分散,弥散的,散,切碎,喷粉,粉碎=>分散する
  16991. disperse aerosol ==> 分散型气溶胶
  16992. disperse dyeing ==> 分散染料染色
  16993. disperse dyes ==> 分散染料
  16994. disperse grass green ==> 分散草绿
  16995. disperse medium ==> 分散介质
  16996. disperse metallic dyes ==> 分散金属络合染料
  16997. disperse mill ==> 分散研磨机,乳化机
  16998. disperse part ==> 分散内相
  16999. disperse phase ==> 分散相
  17000. disperse policy decision ==> 分散决策
  17001. disperse state ==> 分散状态,弥散状态,扩散状态
  17002. disperse system ==> 分散体系,分散系,分散物系
  17003. disperse yellow ==> 分散黄
  17004. dispersed ==> 漫布=>分散した
  17005. dispersed acetate dyes ==> 分散性醋酯纤维染料
  17006. dispersed aeration process ==> 分散曝气法
  17007. dispersed air conditioning system ==> 分散空调系统
  17008. dispersed chromatin ==> 分散分布染色质
  17009. dispersed component ==> 分散组份
  17010. dispersed development ==> 分散开发
  17011. dispersed dye stuff ==> 分散染料
  17012. dispersed elements ==> 分散元素
  17013. dispersed fault ==> 分散断层
  17014. dispersed gas injection ==> 分散注气
  17015. dispersed generation ==> 分散型電源
  17016. dispersed generator ==> 分散型電源
  17017. dispersed heat sink ==> 分散热穴
  17018. dispersed intelligence ==> 分散智能
  17019. dispersed layout ==> 分散布局
  17020. dispersed magnetic powder tape ==> 含粉磁带
  17021. dispersed network ==> 放射状系統
  17022. dispersed network phase ==> 弥散相
  17023. dispersed organic matter ==> 分散有机质
  17024. dispersed part ==> 分散质,弥散质
  17025. dispersed particle ==> 分散粒子
  17026. dispersed phase ==> 分散相
  17027. dispersed phase hardening ==> 弥散硬化
  17028. dispersed plug flow ==> 分散活塞流
  17029. dispersed power source ==> 分散型電源
  17030. dispersed power system ==> 分散電源
  17031. dispersed settlement ==> 分散型聚落
  17032. dispersed shrinkage ==> 分散缩孔
  17033. dispersed soil ==> 分散性土壤
  17034. dispersed species ==> 广布种
  17035. dispersed structure ==> 分散结构
  17036. dispersed substance ==> 分散物质
  17037. dispersed sulfur dye ==> 分散硫化染料
  17038. dispersed supply of heating ==> 分散供热
  17039. dispersed unconformy ==> 分散不整合
  17040. dispersed-air flotation ==> 散气浮选法
  17041. dispersed-powder magnetic tape ==> 磁粉均匀涂布磁带
  17042. dispersed-type energy storage system ==> 電力貯蔵装置
  17043. disperser ==> 松碎器,喷粉器,粉碎器,分散剂,弥散器,色散器
  17044. dispersibility ==> 分散性
  17045. dispersible paste ==> 乳膏
  17046. dispersing additive ==> 分散添加剂
  17047. dispersing agent ==> 分散剂
  17048. dispersing aid ==> 分散助剂
  17049. dispersing auxiliary ==> 分散助剂
  17050. dispersing component ==> 色散元件
  17051. dispersing damp-heat ==> 清湿热
  17052. dispersing finish ==> 分散肥育
  17053. dispersing goosery ==> 分散养鹅场
  17054. dispersing hen coop ==> 分散鸡笼
  17055. dispersing honey-comb ==> 分散蜂房
  17056. dispersing instrument ==> 色散仪
  17057. dispersing lens ==> 色散透镜,近视镜片
  17058. dispersing machine ==> 金属箔抛散装置
  17059. dispersing medium ==> 分散剂,色散介质
  17060. dispersing mixer ==> 分散混合器
  17061. dispersing pathogenic wind ==> 祛风
  17062. dispersing power ==> 分散能力
  17063. dispersing prism ==> 色散棱镜
  17064. dispersing reflector ==> 色散反射器
  17065. dispersing resonator ==> 色散共振腔
  17066. dispersing spectromodulator ==> 色散光谱调制器
  17067. dispersing squab raising ==> 分散养雏鸽
  17068. dispersing system ==> 色散系数
  17069. dispersing wooden beehive ==> 分散蜂箱
  17070. dispersing-type spectroradiometer ==> 色散型分光辐射计
  17071. dispersion ==> 分散,频散,弥散,色散,漂移,离散,大气扩散=>分散,離散,散乱,散布,ばらつき,分光
  17072. dispersion agent ==> 分散剂
  17073. dispersion angle ==> 色散角
  17074. dispersion attenuation factor ==> 色散衰减因数
  17075. dispersion coefficient ==> 扩散系数,弥散系数=>漏れ磁束係数
  17076. dispersion colloid ==> 分散胶体
  17077. dispersion conditioning ==> 分散增膘
  17078. dispersion constant (DC) ==> 色散常数
  17079. dispersion contactor ==> 分散接触器
  17080. dispersion correction ==> 分散補正
  17081. dispersion curve ==> 色散曲线
  17082. dispersion degree ==> 分散度,离散程度
  17083. dispersion diagram ==> 分散図
  17084. dispersion dose ==> 散射剂量
  17085. dispersion droplet ==> 分散液滴
  17086. dispersion due to flow profile ==> 流型扩散
  17087. dispersion effect ==> 分散效应,弥散效应
  17088. dispersion element ==> 色散元件
  17089. dispersion equation ==> 色散方程,色散公式
  17090. dispersion error ==> 散布误差
  17091. dispersion factor ==> 弥散因数,散射因子,色散系数
  17092. dispersion fan ==> 分散扇
  17093. dispersion force ==> 分散力,弥散力,色散力
  17094. dispersion formula ==> 色散公式
  17095. dispersion frequency ==> 色散频率
  17096. dispersion fuel 弥散体燃料,将直径约(50~500) ==> μm的金属互熔物或陶瓷氧化铀、碳化铀颗粒均匀分布在非燃料结构材料基体中形成的燃料。其主要优点是高燃耗、高传热效率和高强度、塑性和耐蚀性良好
  17097. dispersion function ==> 分散函数
  17098. dispersion halo ==> 分散晕
  17099. dispersion hardened alloy ==> 弥散硬化合金
  17100. dispersion hardened material ==> 弥散硬化材料
  17101. dispersion hardening ==> 弥散硬化
  17102. dispersion index ==> 离散指数,分散指数
  17103. dispersion ladder ==> 散布梯尺
  17104. dispersion law ==> 离散定律,色散律
  17105. dispersion line ==> 色散谱线
  17106. dispersion loss ==> 弥散损耗
  17107. dispersion machine ==> 分散机
  17108. dispersion measurement ==> 色散测定,分散测定
  17109. dispersion medium ==> 分散介质,分散媒,色散媒质
  17110. dispersion method ==> 标准离差法,分散法,弥散胶体法
  17111. dispersion mill ==> 分散磨机,分散研磨机
  17112. dispersion of a distribution ==> 分布的离中趋势
  17113. dispersion of a random variable ==> 随机变量的离差
  17114. dispersion of binomial distribution ==> 二项分布的离势
  17115. dispersion of difference scheme ==> 差分格式频散
  17116. dispersion of distribution ==> 分布宽度
  17117. dispersion of pollutants ==> 污染物扩散
  17118. dispersion of wave guide ==> 波导纤维色散
  17119. dispersion parameter ==> 分散度参数
  17120. dispersion particle ==> 分散粒子
  17121. dispersion photometer ==> 分散光度计=>分散光度計
  17122. dispersion plate ==> 空气分布板,分散板
  17123. dispersion point ==> 弥散点,色散点
  17124. dispersion power ==> 色散本领
  17125. dispersion process ==> 分散过程
  17126. dispersion range ==> 分散范围
  17127. dispersion rate ==> 分散率
  17128. dispersion ratio ==> 分散比率,分散率,离散率
  17129. dispersion relation ==> 频散关系
  17130. dispersion resistance ==> 扩散电阻
  17131. dispersion sling ==> 抛掷分散器,扬送器
  17132. dispersion soil ==> 分散土
  17133. dispersion strengthened alloy ==> 弥散硬化合金
  17134. dispersion strengthened lead ==> 弥散强化铅
  17135. dispersion strengthened material ==> 弥散强化材料
  17136. dispersion strengthening ==> 弥散强化
  17137. dispersion structure ==> 分散结构
  17138. dispersion surface ==> 色散曲面
  17139. dispersion system ==> 分散体系
  17140. dispersion system disperse system ==> 分散物系
  17141. dispersion train ==> 分散带,分散流
  17142. dispersion zone ==> 散布区域
  17143. dispersion-hardened alloy ==> 弥散硬化合金
  17144. dispersion-hardened material ==> 弥散硬化合金
  17145. dispersion-limited ==> 色散限制
  17146. dispersion-limited operation ==> 色散限制作用
  17147. dispersion-strengthened material ==> 弥散强化材料
  17148. dispersion-strengthened metal ==> 弥散强化的金属
  17149. dispersion-type fuel element ==> 分散型燃料组元
  17150. dispersion-unshifted single mode fiber ==> 非色散位移单模光纤
  17151. dispersity ==> 分散度
  17152. dispersive ==> 分散的
  17153. dispersive ability ==> 分散能力
  17154. dispersive action ==> 分散作用
  17155. dispersive capacity ==> 分散本领,色散本领
  17156. dispersive clay ==> 分散性粘土
  17157. dispersive crystal ==> 分光晶体
  17158. dispersive delay line ==> 色散延迟线
  17159. dispersive element ==> 分散性单元
  17160. dispersive fiber ==> 弥散型纤维
  17161. dispersive filter ==> 波散滤波器
  17162. dispersive infra red gas analyzer ==> 色散红外线气体分析器
  17163. dispersive medium ==> 分散介质,弥散介质,频散媒质=>分散性媒質
  17164. dispersive modulator ==> 色散调制器
  17165. dispersive optical system ==> 色散光学系统
  17166. dispersive power ==> 色散本领,色散率,分散本领
  17167. dispersive pressure ==> 分散压力
  17168. dispersive replication ==> 分散复制
  17169. dispersive spectrometer ==> 色散分光计
  17170. dispersive spectrometry ==> 色散测谱学,色散光谱
  17171. dispersive stress ==> 分散应力
  17172. dispersive target ==> 离散目标
  17173. dispersive ultrasonic delay line ==> 色散超声延迟线
  17174. dispersive wave ==> 分散波
  17175. dispersivity quotient ==> 微分色散
  17176. dispersoid ==> 分散胶体
  17177. dispersoid distribution ==> 弥散质点分布
  17178. dispersoid particle ==> 弥散质点
  17179. dispersoid particle size ==> 弥散质点粒度
  17180. dispersoid size ==> 弥散质点粒度
  17181. Dispersol dye ==> (英)狄司潘素染料
  17182. disphotic zone ==> 弱光层,弱光带
  17183. displace meter ==> 变位流量计
  17184. displaced ==> 住むところがなくなった
  17185. displaced articulation ==> 外接調音
  17186. displaced atom ==> 移位原子=>変位原子
  17187. displaced in phase ==> 相位的移动
  17188. displaced ore body ==> 移位矿体
  17189. displaced phase ==> 位移相
  17190. displaced plant ==> 废弃工厂
  17191. displaced sediment ==> 迁移沉积层
  17192. displaced speech ==> 移位言语
  17193. displaced stitch ==> 波纹组织
  17194. displacement ==> 位移,移动,排量,替换,变位,(船)排水量,排出量,替位,置换,置换作用,移位,移置,移置作用,易位,排出量,排代作用,气缸工作容量,取代,偏移,错位,电位移,断错,位移=>変位,排気量
  17195. displacement activity ==> 替换活动
  17196. displacement amplitude ==> 位移幅度
  17197. displacement and scale effects ==> 财政收入的移置和规模扩大效应
  17198. displacement angle ==> 位移角,失配角
  17199. displacement blower ==> 容积式鼓风机,容积式增压器
  17200. displacement boat ==> 滑行艇
  17201. displacement capacity ==> (压缩机)排出量
  17202. displacement cascade ==> 位移级联
  17203. displacement casting ==> 排溢铸造
  17204. displacement chamber ==> 汽缸工作容积,汽缸有效容积
  17205. displacement chromatography ==> 排代色层分离,排代色谱法,顶替色谱法,置换色层法
  17206. displacement cliff ==> 断崖
  17207. displacement compressor ==> 排量式压气机,容积式压气机,容积式压缩机
  17208. displacement configuration ==> 排油结构
  17209. displacement controller ==> 位移控制器
  17210. displacement current ==> 位移电流=>電束電流,変位電流
  17211. displacement current density ==> 変位電流密度
  17212. displacement curve ==> 排水量曲线
  17213. displacement damage ==> 位移层错
  17214. displacement development ==> 取代扩展法,取代展开法,顶替法,置换显影
  17215. displacement diagram ==> 变位曲线
  17216. displacement diaphragm ==> 排量膜板
  17217. displacement discharge rate ==> 排出量
  17218. displacement divelopment ==> 顶替展开法
  17219. displacement effect ==> 移位效应
  17220. displacement efficiency ==> 置换效率
  17221. displacement error ==> 偏移误差=>変位誤差
  17222. displacement factor ==> 变位系数=>基本波力率(電力)
  17223. displacement field ==> 变位场
  17224. displacement flux ==> 位移通量
  17225. displacement force ==> 位移力,推力
  17226. displacement function ==> 位移函数
  17227. displacement governor ==> 位移调节器
  17228. displacement gyroscope ==> 位移陀螺仪
  17229. displacement head ==> 汽缸工作室盖
  17230. displacement hull ==> 排水体
  17231. displacement indicator ==> 位移指示器
  17232. displacement knob ==> 观测手轮
  17233. displacement law ==> 放射性位移律=>変位の法則
  17234. displacement loss ==> 部分进汽损失
  17235. displacement manometer ==> 位移压差计
  17236. displacement measurement ==> 変位測定,変位計測
  17237. displacement meter ==> 排放式水表,变位流量计
  17238. displacement method ==> 排水法,(分析超静定结构的基本方法之一)位移法
  17239. displacement method of nasal sinuses ==> 鼻窦置换疗法
  17240. displacement node ==> 位移波节
  17241. displacement noise ==> 位移噪声
  17242. displacement of auricle ==> 耳廓移位
  17243. displacement of brachial plexus ==> 臂丛移位
  17244. displacement of brain stem ==> 脑干移位
  17245. displacement of colon ==> 结肠转位
  17246. displacement of compressor ==> 压缩机活塞的行程容积
  17247. displacement of fault ==> 断距
  17248. displacement of hilus of lung ==> 肺门移位
  17249. displacement of insertion of patellar ligament ==> 髌韧带止点移位术
  17250. displacement of joint ==> 结点位移
  17251. displacement of muscle and tendon after trauma ==> 筋歪
  17252. displacement of neutral point ==> 中位点位移
  17253. displacement of penis ==> 阴茎移位
  17254. displacement of piston ==> 活塞的行程容积
  17255. displacement of pulse porches ==> 脉冲边沿差
  17256. displacement of rib ==> 肋骨错位
  17257. displacement of scrotum ==> 阴囊移位
  17258. displacement of spleen ==> 脾变位
  17259. displacement of trachea ==> 气管偏移
  17260. displacement of winding ==> 巻線位置ずれ
  17261. displacement oil pump ==> 排量油泵,活塞式油泵
  17262. displacement phase transition ==> 位移相变
  17263. displacement pickup ==> 位移传感器
  17264. displacement pile ==> 送入桩
  17265. displacement plating ==> 排代电镀,置换电镀
  17266. displacement power factor ==> 功率因数位移
  17267. displacement pressure of roof rock ==> 盖层排驱
  17268. displacement pulse ==> 位移脉冲
  17269. displacement pump ==> 容积式泵,往复式泵,排代泵,排量泵,活塞泵
  17270. displacement reaction ==> 置换反应
  17271. displacement sensor ==> 変位センサ
  17272. displacement series ==> 置换次序,置换序列
  17273. displacement shape ==> 位移形状
  17274. displacement shift ==> 变位
  17275. displacement ship ==> 排水型船
  17276. displacement spike ==> 位移尖锋
  17277. displacement switch ==> 位移开关
  17278. displacement theory ==> 大陆漂移说
  17279. displacement therapy of nasal sinuses ==> 鼻窦置换疗法
  17280. displacement thickness ==> 取代厚度=>排除厚さ
  17281. displacement threshold ==> 变位阈
  17282. displacement titration ==> 置换滴定,排代滴定法
  17283. displacement ton ==> 排水吨位
  17284. displacement tonnage ==> 排水吨数
  17285. displacement transducer ==> 位移传感器
  17286. displacement transducer[sensor] ==> 位移传感器
  17287. displacement type ferroelectrics ==> 位移型铁电体
  17288. displacement type governor ==> 位移式调速器
  17289. displacement value ==> 置换价
  17290. displacement velocity and acceleration shock response spectrum ==> 位移速度和加速度冲击响应谱
  17291. displacement voltage ==> 位移电压
  17292. displacement volume ==> 汽缸工纵积,被置换的体积,排代容积,工作容量,气缸排量
  17293. displacement-measurement procedure ==> 位移测量法
  17294. displacement-type liquid meter ==> 根据排代原理运转的流量计
  17295. displacer ==> 排出物,排代剂,平衡浮子,埋石,置换剂,置换器
  17296. displacer level meter ==> 沉筒液面计
  17297. displacer-type meter ==> 浮子式计
  17298. displacive precipitation ==> 推进沉淀作用
  17299. display ==> 显示装置,显示器=>表示,ディスプレイ
  17300. display access ==> 显示存取,显示访问
  17301. display actuator ==> 显示激励器
  17302. display adapter ==> 显示适配部件
  17303. display adapter(unit) ==> 显示转接器
  17304. display advertisement ==> 醒目广告
  17305. display and control design ==> 显示和控制系统的设计
  17306. display and debug unit ==> 显示及调试器
  17307. display assignment bit ==> 显示指定位
  17308. display attribute ==> 显示属性
  17309. display block ==> 显示部件
  17310. display center ==> 显示中心
  17311. display character generator ==> 显示字符发生器
  17312. display characters per frame ==> 每帧显示字符数
  17313. display colors ==> 表示色
  17314. display column ==> 显示列
  17315. display command ==> 表示指令
  17316. display console ==> 显示控制台=>表示操作卓
  17317. display control ==> 显示控制器
  17318. display control switch ==> 显示控制开关
  17319. display device ==> 显示器,显示设备,显示装置=>表示デバイス,表示機器
  17320. display drum ==> 显示磁鼓
  17321. display editing system ==> 画面编辑系统
  17322. display element ==> 显示元件=>表示要素
  17323. display equipment ==> ディスプレイ装置
  17324. display field ==> 显示场,显示字段
  17325. display frame ==> 显示帧
  17326. display glass ==> 显示屏
  17327. display holography ==> 全息摄影术
  17328. display image ==> 表示画像
  17329. display information processor ==> 显示信息处理机
  17330. display input ==> 表示入力
  17331. display instruction ==> 表示命令
  17332. display key ==> 显示电键
  17333. display lamp ==> 显示灯=>表示ランプ
  17334. display line ==> 显示线
  17335. display lock ==> 显像固定
  17336. display loss ==> 可见度因数
  17337. display module ==> 显示组件
  17338. display output ==> 表示出力
  17339. display packing ==> 显示方法
  17340. display panel ==> 显示板,显示装置
  17341. display primary ==> 显像基色,显像三基色,接收机基色
  17342. display refresher rate ==> 显示更新速度
  17343. display register ==> 显示寄存器
  17344. display routine ==> 显示程序
  17345. display scale ==> 显示脐度
  17346. display screen ==> 显示屏
  17347. display sensitivity ==> 指示灵敏度
  17348. display space ==> 显示区=>表示空間
  17349. display statement ==> 显示语句
  17350. display station ==> 显示站
  17351. display storage tube ==> 显示存储管
  17352. display surface ==> 表示面
  17353. display system ==> 显示系统
  17354. display technique ==> 显示技术
  17355. display time ==> 表示時間
  17356. display tube ==> 显示管
  17357. display unit ==> 显示单元
  17358. display window ==> 橱窗玻璃,商店橱窗
  17359. display work ==> 标题字排版
  17360. displayable index ==> 可显示索引
  17361. disposable ==> 可置换件
  17362. disposable assessed income ==> 可支配的税后收入
  17363. disposable cylinder ==> 只用一次的石油气瓶
  17364. disposable funds ==> 使用资金
  17365. disposable income ==> 可支配的个人收入,可支配收入,纳税后个人可用收入
  17366. disposable liquefied petroleum gas cartridge ==> 只用一次的卡式石油气瓶
  17367. disposable load ==> 可卸载荷
  17368. disposable personal income ==> 可支配的个人收入,纳税后个人可用收入,个人可支配的收入
  17369. disposable price ==> 可支配价格
  17370. disposable profit ==> 可支配利润
  17371. disposable real income ==> 可支配实际收入
  17372. disposable syringe with a needle ==> 带针头一次性注射器
  17373. disposable type ==> 任意型号
  17374. disposable value aggregate ==> 可支配价值总额
  17375. disposal ==> 配置,处置,消纳=>処分,廃棄,処理
  17376. disposal activity ==> 処分活動
  17377. disposal and recycling of waste ==> 廃棄物の処理やリサイクル
  17378. disposal area ==> (放射性废物)处置区=>投棄区域
  17379. disposal bag ==> ごみ袋,汚物処理袋,廃棄物入れ
  17380. disposal by dilution ==> 稀释处置
  17381. disposal by land ==> 陆地处置
  17382. disposal by sea ==> 海洋处置
  17383. disposal cost ==> 清理成本=>措施费用
  17384. disposal ditches ==> 导水沟
  17385. disposal field ==> 废品处理场
  17386. disposal load ==> 活动载荷
  17387. disposal of donated shares ==> 捐赠股处理
  17388. disposal of forfeits ==> 没收物的处置
  17389. disposal of human excreta ==> 人粪处理
  17390. disposal of plant and equipment ==> 厂房和设备的处理
  17391. disposal of privately collected waste at landfills ==> 私人收集废物送至堆填区处置
  17392. disposal value of assets to be retired by project ==> 旧产变卖价值,旧产变卖价值
  17393. disposal well ==> 处理井
  17394. dispose ==> 処置する,ディスポーズ
  17395. dispose of remaining assets ==> 分配剩余资产
  17396. disposer ==> 家庭食物垃圾处理机=>ディスポーザー
  17397. disposing capacity of juristic person ==> 法人的行为能力
  17398. disposition ==> 素因,素质,配置,脾气,财产付与,安排
  17399. disposition about world ==> 关于世界的布局
  17400. disposition code ==> 处置码
  17401. disposition of installment obligations ==> 分期付款债务的处理
  17402. disposition of net earnings ==> 净收入的处理
  17403. disposition of net income ==> 净收入的处理,净收入的处理,净收入分配,净收入分配
  17404. disposition of net profit ==> 净利润的处理,净利润的处理
  17405. disposition of power system relay protection ==> 电力系统继电保护配置,根据电力系统的特性、结构和电力系统事故或异常运行类型,设计、安装、配置技术性能符合要求和相互协调的保护和安全自动装置
  17406. disposition of property ==> 财产处置
  17407. disposition of resources ==> 变卖资源
  17408. disposition of standard cost variances ==> 标准成本差异的处理
  17409. disposition processing ==> 部署处理,处理支配权
  17410. disposition-plan ==> 排列平面图,配置图
  17411. disproof ==> 反证=>反証
  17412. disproportionate burden ==> 過度の負担
  17413. disproportionate class numbers ==> 不成比例组含量
  17414. disproportionate dwarfism ==> 不均衡性小人症
  17415. disproportionate sampling with paired selections ==> 配对选取非比例抽样
  17416. disproportionate withdrawal ==> 不均衡开采
  17417. disproportionating reaction ==> 歧化反应
  17418. disproportionation growth ==> 歧化生长
  17419. disprove ==> 反証する
  17420. disputatious science ==> 辩证学
  17421. dispute ==> 議論,論争,不和
  17422. dispute among the people ==> 民间纠纷,民事纠纷
  17423. dispute at law ==> 法律争执
  17424. dispute avoidance ==> 紛争回避
  17425. dispute between labor and management ==> 労使紛争
  17426. dispute concerning private rights ==> 民事权利的争执,民事权利争执
  17427. disquisition ==> 专题论文,著名论著,学术讲演
  17428. disrepair ==> 破損
  17429. disrupt ==> 破坏,使分裂
  17430. disrupt the market ==> 扰乱市场
  17431. disrupted horizon ==> 变位层
  17432. disrupted terrane ==> 分裂地体
  17433. disruption ==> 破裂,分裂
  17434. disruption in the balance ==> 破坏平衡
  17435. disruption of wound ==> 切口裂开
  17436. disruption potential ==> 击穿电势
  17437. disruption time ==> 瓦解时间
  17438. disruptive ==> 破坏的,破裂,破裂的,分裂的
  17439. disruptive breakdown ==> 破裂的絶縁破壊
  17440. disruptive conduction ==> 破裂电导,击穿导电
  17441. disruptive critical voltage ==> 临界击穿电压
  17442. disruptive discharge ==> 破坏放电,击穿放电,破裂放电=>破裂放電
  17443. disruptive discharge voltage test ==> 破坏性放电试验,通过测量绝缘介质在丧失介质强度时所施加的电压值来考察其绝缘性能的试验
  17444. disruptive distance ==> 击穿距离
  17445. disruptive electric field strength ==> 破裂的絶縁強度
  17446. disruptive field intensity ==> 击穿电场强度
  17447. disruptive gradient ==> 击穿梯度
  17448. disruptive potential gradient ==> 击穿电势陡度
  17449. disruptive pressure ==> 击穿气压
  17450. disruptive spark ==> 击穿火花
  17451. disruptive strength ==> 介质强度,击穿强度,破裂强度
  17452. disruptive test ==> 破坏试验,击穿试验,耐电压试验
  17453. disruptive voltage ==> 破坏电压
  17454. disruptiveness ==> 破裂性
  17455. dissected basin ==> 切割盆地
  17456. dissected plain ==> 切割平原
  17457. dissected topography ==> 切割地形
  17458. dissecting aneurysm ==> 壁间动脉瘤,夹层动脉瘤,夹层主动脉瘤
  17459. dissecting aneurysm of aorta ==> 主动脉夹层动脉瘤
  17460. dissecting forceps ==> 解剖镊
  17461. dissecting forecps ==> 解剖钳
  17462. dissecting hook ==> 剥离钩
  17463. dissecting knife ==> 解剖刀,切除刀
  17464. dissecting microscope ==> 解剖显微镜
  17465. dissecting needle ==> 分析针
  17466. dissecting room ==> 解剖室
  17467. dissecting saw ==> 割解锯
  17468. dissecting scissors ==> 解剖剪,粘连剥离剪
  17469. dissecting set ==> 成套解剖器
  17470. dissecting table ==> 解剖台
  17471. dissection of facial nerve ==> 面神经解剖术
  17472. dissection of heterogeneous distribution ==> 非同质分布分解
  17473. dissection of radial artery ==> 桡动脉剖开术
  17474. dissector ==> 析象管
  17475. dissector multiplier ==> 析像管倍增器
  17476. dissector tube ==> 析像管
  17477. Dissel mean effective pressure ==> 狄塞尔平均有效压力
  17478. dissembling inspection ==> 拆卸检查
  17479. disseminate ==> 広まる
  17480. disseminated candidiasis ==> 播散性念珠菌病
  17481. disseminated deposit ==> 分散油藏
  17482. disseminated follicular lupus ==> 播散性毛囊狼疮
  17483. disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) ==> 播散性血管内凝血,弥漫性血管内凝血
  17484. disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome ==> 弥漫性血管内凝血综合征
  17485. disseminated neurodermatitis ==> 播散性神经性皮炎
  17486. disseminated values ==> 散粒矿物
  17487. disseminating agent ==> 分散剂
  17488. dissemination of information ==> 情报传播
  17489. dissemination of new technology ==> 新技术推广
  17490. dissemination of statistical information ==> 统计资料的散发
  17491. dissemination of the value of a mechanical quantity ==> 热工量值传递,温度、压力等热工量值通过国家的最高计量基准器来分度工作基准器、再由工作基准器校验或分度一等标准仪器(仪表)、再由一等标准仪器(仪表)校验二等标准仪器(仪表)、二等标准仪器(仪表)校验实验室仪器(仪表)和工业用仪表的逐级传递量值的过程
  17492. dissemination structure ==> 侵染状构造
  17493. dissent circuit ==> 否决电路
  17494. dissepiment ==> 鳞板,鳞片,隔壁,隔膜,水平隔=>板,隔壁,隔膜
  17495. dissepimentarium ==> 鳞板带
  17496. dissertation ==> 论文,报告=>学位論文
  17497. disseverance ==> 分離
  17498. dissimilar computer ==> 异种计算机
  17499. dissimilar redundancy ==> 異種冗長構成
  17500. dissimilar terms ==> 不同类项
  17501. dissimilar weld metal ==> 不同的焊接金属,不同金属的焊接
  17502. dissipate ==> 消耗
  17503. dissipated power ==> 耗散功率
  17504. dissipation ==> 耗散,逸散,损耗,散逸,能量耗散=>消散,消失,散逸
  17505. dissipation coefficient ==> 损耗系数,散射系数
  17506. dissipation constant ==> 耗散常数
  17507. dissipation energy ==> 离解能量
  17508. dissipation factor ==> 损耗因数,耗散系数,耗散因数=>損失率
  17509. dissipation factor test ==> 介质损耗因数试验
  17510. dissipation function ==> 耗散函数
  17511. dissipation interaction ==> 耗散相互作用
  17512. dissipation line ==> 耗散线
  17513. dissipation of energy ==> 能量消耗,能充分消散,能力消散,能量耗散
  17514. dissipation of heat ==> 热消散
  17515. dissipation power ==> 耗散功率
  17516. dissipation rate ==> 耗散率=>消散率
  17517. dissipation trail ==> 耗散尾迹
  17518. dissipationless line ==> 无耗散线
  17519. dissipative effect ==> 耗散效果
  17520. dissipative element ==> 耗能元件
  17521. dissipative energy ==> 損失エネルギー
  17522. dissipative force ==> 耗散力
  17523. dissipative mechanism ==> 散逸機構
  17524. dissipative net ==> 耗散网络
  17525. dissipative network ==> 耗散网络
  17526. dissipative structure ==> 耗散结构
  17527. dissipative system ==> 耗能系统
  17528. dissipative tunneling ==> 耗能隧道效应
  17529. dissmilar skeins ==> 不同丝绞
  17530. dissociated operation ==> 完全分离操作
  17531. dissociated personality ==> 人格分离
  17532. dissociated sensory disturbance ==> 分离性感觉障碍
  17533. dissociating gas ==> 离解气体
  17534. dissociation ==> 离解,离解作用,解离,分化变异,分解,分解作用,分离作用,变异,不相联=>解離
  17535. dissociation constant ==> 分离常数,解离常数,电离常数,离解常数
  17536. dissociation curve ==> 解离曲线
  17537. dissociation energy ==> 离解能
  17538. dissociation equilibrium ==> 离解平衡
  17539. dissociation field effect ==> 离解场强效应
  17540. dissociation heat ==> 离解热
  17541. dissociation index ==> 解离指数
  17542. dissociation interference ==> 分离性干扰
  17543. dissociation jaundice ==> 分离性黄疸
  17544. dissociation laser ==> 离解激光器
  17545. dissociation of dislocation ==> 位错的分解
  17546. dissociation of molecules ==> 分子离解
  17547. dissociation potential ==> 离解电势
  17548. dissociation pressure ==> 离解压力
  17549. dissociation process ==> 离解过程
  17550. dissociation property ==> 离解性质
  17551. dissociation reaction ==> 离解反应
  17552. dissociation recombination ==> 离解复合
  17553. dissociation temperature ==> 离解温度
  17554. dissociation tension ==> 离解压
  17555. dissociation time ==> 瓦解时间
  17556. dissociation yield ==> 解离率,离解率
  17557. dissociation-recombination ==> 解離-再結合
  17558. dissociative capture ==> 离解俘获
  17559. dissociative disorder ==> 分离性障碍
  17560. dissociative excitation ==> 分离激励,离解激发
  17561. dissociative mechanism ==> 分解机理
  17562. dissociative reaction ==> 分裂反应
  17563. dissociative type hysteria ==> 意识分离型癔病
  17564. dissolubility ==> 可溶性
  17565. dissolution ==> 溶解
  17566. dissolution basin ==> 溶蚀盆地
  17567. dissolution boiler ==> 溶化锅
  17568. dissolution method ==> 溶解法
  17569. dissolution rate ==> 溶解速度
  17570. dissolution velocity ==> 溶解速度
  17571. dissolvability ==> 可溶性
  17572. dissolved air floatation ==> 溶气浮选
  17573. dissolved gas analysis ==> 油中ガス分析
  17574. dissolved gas content of oil ==> 油中含气量,电气设备用油中溶解的气体(主要指O2、N2等气体)含量,以体积百分比表示
  17575. dissolved gas drive ==> 溶解气驱动,溶气驱动
  17576. dissolved gum ==> 燃料树脂
  17577. dissolved matter ==> 溶化物,溶解物
  17578. dissolved nitrogen ==> 溶解氮
  17579. dissolved oxygen ==> 溶解氧,在一定条件下,溶解于水中分子状态的氧的含量
  17580. dissolved oxygen (DO) ==> 溶解氧
  17581. dissolved oxygen analyzer ==> 溶解氧分析器
  17582. dissolved oxygen analyzer for seawater ==> 海水溶解氧测定仪
  17583. dissolved oxygen and chlorine ion ==> 水中的溶解氧和氯离子
  17584. dissolved oxygen depletion ==> 溶解氧消耗量
  17585. dissolved oxygen level ==> 溶解氧量
  17586. dissolved oxygen meter ==> 溶解氧测仪
  17587. dissolved oxygen of seawater ==> 海水中的溶解氧
  17588. dissolved solid ==> 溶解固体
  17589. dissolved-air floatation ==> 溶气浮选法
  17590. dissolved-gas drive ==> 内部气驱
  17591. dissolved-gas-drive reservoir ==> 溶气驱动油藏
  17592. dissolvent ==> 溶媒
  17593. dissolving ==> 溶解
  17594. dissolving capacity ==> 溶解能力
  17595. dissolving power ==> 溶解力
  17596. dissolving tank ==> 溶解槽
  17597. dissonance ==> 非谐振
  17598. dissonance coil ==> 非谐振消弧线圈=>非共振リアクトル
  17599. dissuasion tone ==> 劝阻蜂音
  17600. dissymmetric mode ==> 不对称模式
  17601. dissymmetric molecule ==> 不对称分子
  17602. dissymmetric network ==> 不对称网络
  17603. dissymmetric transducer ==> 不对称换能器
  17604. dissymmetrical field ==> 不对称场
  17605. dissymmetrical filter ==> 不对称滤波器
  17606. dissymmetrical magnetic field ==> 不对称磁场
  17607. dissymmetrical network ==> 非対称回路網
  17608. dissymmetrical polyphase system ==> 不对称多相制
  17609. dissymmetrical structure ==> 不对称结构
  17610. dissymmetrical transducer ==> 不对称变换器
  17611. dissymmetry coefficient ==> 不对称系数,非对称系数
  17612. dissymmetry factor ==> 不对称性因数,不对称因子
  17613. DIST, distribution ==> NASA略語(意訳分配)
  17614. DIST, distributor ==> (電力)分配器
  17615. distal centriole ==> 环状中心粒
  17616. distal convoluted tubule ==> 远侧肾曲小管,远曲小管
  17617. distal epiphysitis of radius ==> 桡骨远端骨骺炎
  17618. distal ileitis ==> 回肠末端炎,末端回肠炎
  17619. distal ileum ==> 回肠末端
  17620. distal impacted third molar ==> 远中阻生第三磨牙
  17621. distal margin ==> 远中缘
  17622. distal muscular dystrophy ==> 远端型肌营养不良症
  17623. distal part ==> 远部
  17624. distal phalanx traction ==> 末指节骨牵引术
  17625. distal portion ==> 远侧部
  17626. distal portion of hallux ==> 跖
  17627. distal radio-ulnar articulation ==> 桡尺远侧关节
  17628. distal root ==> 远中根
  17629. distal surface ==> 远中面
  17630. distance ==> 距离,间隔,路程,远方
  17631. distance amplitude characteristic curve ==> 距離振幅特性曲線
  17632. distance amplitude compensation ==> 距离振幅补偿
  17633. distance amplitude curve ==> 距离振幅曲线
  17634. distance apparatus ==> 遥测仪,遥测仪器
  17635. distance bar ==> 肋板,限程杆,牵条,横杆
  17636. distance between axes ==> 轴间距
  17637. distance between bearings ==> 轴承间距离
  17638. distance between buildings ==> 建筑物间距
  17639. distance between center lines ==> 中心距
  17640. distance between centers ==> 中心距
  17641. distance between commutator segments ==> 片间距离
  17642. distance between conductors ==> 线间距离
  17643. distance between hill ==> 株距
  17644. distance between lines ==> 行距
  17645. distance between mirrors ==> 镜间距离
  17646. distance between plates ==> 板间距
  17647. distance between pole tips ==> 极端距离
  17648. distance between rows ==> 行距
  17649. distance between shafts ==> 轴间距
  17650. distance between stiffening rings ==> 加强圈间距
  17651. distance between the toes of a weld ==> 焊缝宽度
  17652. distance between two distribution ==> 两个分布的间距
  17653. distance between weldingwires ==> 焊丝间距
  17654. distance block ==> 定距隔块,定距环
  17655. distance bolt ==> 定距螺栓
  17656. distance bush ==> 间隔衬套
  17657. distance bush(ing) ==> 定距衬套
  17658. distance coefficient ==> 距离系数,距离系数
  17659. distance collar ==> 定距环,间隔圈,间隔轴环
  17660. distance conception ==> 距离概念,距离概念
  17661. distance constant ==> 距离常数
  17662. distance control ==> 遥控
  17663. distance coolar ==> 定距轴环=>距離カラー
  17664. distance coolar receiving plate ==> 定距轴环支承板
  17665. distance costs ==> 距离成本,距离成本
  17666. distance distribution ==> 距离分布,距离分布
  17667. distance element ==> 距离元,距离元
  17668. distance factor ==> 距离系数
  17669. distance finder ==> 测距计
  17670. distance finding ==> 测距
  17671. distance finding station ==> 测距电台,测距台
  17672. distance freight ==> 超程运费
  17673. distance function ==> 距离函数
  17674. distance ga(u)ge for sleepers ==> 枕距规
  17675. distance gage ==> 测远器,测远仪
  17676. distance gate ==> 距离开关,距离开关
  17677. distance gauge ==> 测距计
  17678. distance impedance protection ==> 距离阻抗保护装置
  17679. distance indicator ==> 示距天体
  17680. distance light ==> 远光
  17681. distance link ==> 定距链节
  17682. distance manual control ==> 远距手动控制
  17683. distance marder ==> 距离刻度
  17684. distance mark ==> 距離目盛(レーダ)
  17685. distance marker ==> 距离标志,距离标志
  17686. distance marks ==> 距离标记
  17687. distance matrix ==> 距離行列
  17688. distance measurement ==> 距離測定
  17689. distance measuring ==> 远距离测量装置=>遠距離測定
  17690. distance measuring equipment ==> 测距装置
  17691. distance measuring instrument ==> 测距仪
  17692. distance measuring potentiometer ==> 测距电位计
  17693. distance meter ==> 测距仪
  17694. distance nut ==> 隔垫用螺母
  17695. distance of centre of gravity ==> 重心距
  17696. distance of dissemination ==> 传播距离
  17697. distance of distinct vision ==> 明视距离
  17698. distance of exit pupil ==> 出瞳距离
  17699. distance of face roof under control ==> 控顶距
  17700. distance of run ==> 行程
  17701. distance of tray support to support ==> 塔板支座间距
  17702. distance of tray to tray support ==> 塔板至塔板支座的距离
  17703. distance of weir to inside surface of tank ==> 溢流堰至容器内壁的距离
  17704. distance out to out ==> 外沿间距离
  17705. distance piece ==> 隔片,定距隔块,定距片
  17706. distance piece(ring) ==> 定距环
  17707. distance plate ==> 定距板
  17708. distance plate (piece) ==> 定位块
  17709. distance protection ==> 距离保护=>距離継電方式, Protection of which the operation depends upon the distance between the point of connection and the point of fault.
  17710. distance protection,〔distance relay (USA)〕 ==> 距離保護, A non-unit protection whose operation and selectivity depend on local measurement of electrical quantities from which the equivalent distance to the fault is evaluated by comparing with zone settings.
  17711. distance range ==> 通达距离=>通達距離
  17712. distance rate ==> (电话)按距收费率
  17713. distance reading tachometer ==> 遥测转速计
  17714. distance receptor ==> 距离感受器,距离感受器
  17715. distance recorder ==> 遥测记录器,里程表,计距器
  17716. distance recording watch ==> 记步记距两用表
  17717. distance regulation ==> 远距调节
  17718. distance relay ==> 距离继电器,距离继电器,阻抗继电器
  17719. distance relay==distance … (relay) ==> 距離継電器, Protection of which the operation depends upon the distance between the point of connection and the point of fault.
  17720. distance relaying scheme ==> 距離継電方式
  17721. distance resolution ==> 距离分辨能力=>距離分解能(レーダ)
  17722. distance ring ==> 定距环,间距环
  17723. distance rod ==> 推力杆,隔杆
  17724. distance scale ==> 距离尺度,距离尺度,线性比例尺,焦距标度
  17725. distance setting ring ==> 距离调整环,距离调整环
  17726. distance signal ==> 距离信号,距离信号
  17727. distance sink bolt ==> 牵条螺栓,定位螺栓
  17728. distance sink tube ==> 定距管
  17729. distance sleeve ==> 隔离套筒
  17730. distance sum measurement ==> 距离和测定,距离和测定
  17731. distance sum measurement system ==> 距离和测量制,距离和测量制,椭圆定位制
  17732. distance test (DT) ==> 距离试验,距离试验
  17733. distance thermometer ==> 遥测温度计
  17734. distance tie bolt ==> 定距系紧螺栓
  17735. distance tube ==> 隔离片
  17736. distance velocity lag ==> 距离速度延迟,距离速度延迟,传动延迟
  17737. distance washer ==> 定距垫圈,间距垫圈
  17738. distance-difference measurement ==> 双曲线测位制
  17739. distance-luminosity relation ==> 距离-光度关系,距离-光度关系
  17740. distance-measuring device ==> 距离测量装置,距离测量装置
  17741. distance-measuring theodolite ==> 测距经纬仪
  17742. distance-time curve ==> 距离-时间曲线,距离-时间曲线
  17743. distance-type of cooling thermometer ==> 遥测空气温度计
  17744. distant ==> 远程的
  17745. distant back-up protection ==> 距离后备保护装置
  17746. distant bolt ==> 定距螺栓
  17747. distant control ==> 遥控
  17748. distant early-warning line(dew line) ==> 远程警戒雷达网
  17749. distant exchange ==> 远程交换
  17750. distant field ==> 远场
  17751. distant heating ==> 远程供暖
  17752. distant hybridization ==> 远缘杂交
  17753. distant indication ==> 远距离指示=>遠隔指示
  17754. distant pedicle skin graft ==> 远部皮蒂移植术
  17755. distant place ==> 遠隔地
  17756. distant reading ==> 远距离读数,遥测读数
  17757. distant reading tachometer ==> 远距离读数转速计
  17758. distant reading thermometer ==> 远距离读数温度计,遥测式温度计
  17759. distant regulator ==> 遥控调节器
  17760. distant relaying system ==> 距離継電方式
  17761. distant screen ==> 远距离屏幕
  17762. distant signal ==> 预告信号,预告信号机=>遠方信号機
  17763. distant signal mechanism ==> 预告信号机构
  17764. distant surveillance ==> 远距离观察
  17765. distant switching-in ==> 远距离合闸
  17766. distant synchronization ==> 远距离同步
  17767. distant view ==> 远景
  17768. distant view photograph ==> 全景照片
  17769. distant vision ==> 远视力
  17770. distant vision test chart ==> 远视力表
  17771. distant voltage regulator ==> 远距离电压调整器
  17772. distant-action instrument ==> 远距离操作仪表
  17773. distant-indicator ==> 遥测指示器
  17774. distant-reading instrument ==> 远距离读数仪表
  17775. distant-reading manometer ==> 远距传送压力表
  17776. distant-reading tachometer ==> 遥测转速计
  17777. Distec system ==> 铝翼反射式显示系统
  17778. distemper ==> 水浆涂料
  17779. distemper brush ==> 涂料刷
  17780. distended ray ==> 膨胀射线
  17781. distending pain ==> 胀痛
  17782. distension ==> 胀大=>膨張
  17783. distention ==> 膨胀=>膨張
  17784. distention of aorta ==> 主动脉扩张
  17785. distention of jugular vein ==> 颈静脉扩张,颈静脉扩张
  17786. distention reflex ==> 膨胀反射
  17787. distflow ==> 配電系統の潮流計算手法
  17788. disthene ==> 蓝晶石
  17789. distill ==> 蒸馏=>蒸留する
  17790. distillate ==> 蒸馏物,蒸馏液,馏出物,馏出液,馏份,热裂化馏出物
  17791. distillate cooler ==> 蒸馏冷却器
  17792. distillate fuel ==> 馏出燃料
  17793. distillate fuel oil ==> 馏出燃料油
  17794. distillate or essence of herbal medicine ==> 露
  17795. distillate selective cracking process ==> 柴油选择裂化工艺
  17796. distillating (distillation) still ==> 蒸馏釜
  17797. distillating still ==> 蒸馏釜
  17798. distillating tower ==> 蒸馏塔
  17799. distillating tray ==> 蒸馏塔板
  17800. distillation ==> 蒸馏,蒸馏法,蒸馏物,蒸馏液,蒸露,抽出物,馏份
  17801. distillation (distilling) tray ==> 蒸馏塔板
  17802. distillation apparatus ==> 蒸馏装置
  17803. distillation bench ==> 蒸馏装置组
  17804. distillation chamber ==> 蒸馏室
  17805. distillation column ==> 蒸馏塔
  17806. distillation curve ==> 蒸馏曲线
  17807. distillation end point ==> 蒸馏终点
  17808. distillation equipment (plant) ==> 蒸馏设备
  17809. distillation flask ==> 蒸馏瓶
  17810. distillation fraction ==> 蒸馏馏份
  17811. distillation gas ==> 蒸馏气
  17812. distillation loss ==> 蒸馏损失
  17813. distillation method ==> 蒸馏法
  17814. distillation oxidation roasting ==> 蒸馏氧化焙烧
  17815. distillation plate calculation ==> 蒸馏塔板的计算
  17816. distillation pot ==> 蒸馏釜
  17817. distillation process ==> 蒸馏法
  17818. distillation purification ==> 蒸馏净化
  17819. distillation range ==> 蒸馏范围,蒸馏区间,沸腾范围
  17820. distillation residue ==> 蒸馏残渣
  17821. distillation retort ==> 蒸馏瓶
  17822. distillation seawater desalination ==> 蒸馏法海水淡化,使海水受热汽化,再使蒸汽冷凝,从而得到淡水的方法
  17823. distillation test ==> 蒸馏试验
  17824. distillation test residue ==> 蒸馏后的残渣
  17825. distillation tower ==> 蒸馏塔
  17826. distillation under pressure ==> 加压蒸馏
  17827. distillation zone ==> 蒸馏区
  17828. distillatory refining ==> 蒸馏精炼
  17829. distilled ==> 蒸留された
  17830. distilled liquor ==> 蒸馏酒
  17831. distilled water ==> 蒸馏水
  17832. distilleir's dried soluble ==> 烧酒糟
  17833. distiller ==> 蒸馏器
  17834. distiller condenser ==> 蒸馏冷凝器
  17835. distiller's by-product ==> 烧酒副产物
  17836. distiller's product ==> 烧酒副产品
  17837. distiller's soluble ==> 烧酒糟残液
  17838. distillery refuse ==> 烧酒业下脚料
  17839. distillery yeast ==> 酒精酵母,酒精酵母
  17840. distilling ==> 蒸馏
  17841. distilling apparatus ==> 蒸馏装置
  17842. distilling apparatus with ground-on coil condene ==> 磨口蛇形管蒸馏器
  17843. distilling apparatus with ground-on coil condenser ==> 磨蛇形管蒸馏器
  17844. distilling flask ==> 蒸馏烧瓶
  17845. distilling furnace ==> 蒸馏炉
  17846. distilling tower ==> 蒸馏塔
  17847. distilling tube with two bulbs ==> 二球分馏管
  17848. distinct abnormality ==> 明らかな異常
  17849. distinct advantage ==> 明白な利点
  17850. distinct areas of archesporial cells ==> 清晰白孢原细胞区
  17851. distinct beam condition ==> 不同光束条件
  17852. distinct culture ==> 異文化
  17853. distinct defect ==> 明白な欠陥
  17854. distinct description ==> 明確な記述
  17855. distinct eigen value ==> 不等本征值,不重复本征值
  17856. distinct root ==> 不等根
  17857. distinct roots ==> 相异根
  17858. distinct variety ==> 特征明显的变种,稳定品种
  17859. distinct vision ==> 明晰视觉
  17860. distinct zero ==> 相异零点,不等零点,不重复零点
  17861. distinction ==> 特征,分瓣=>区別,識別,差別,差異
  17862. distinction between concepts ==> 概念区別
  17863. distinction of singularity in operation ==> 特異操作判別
  17864. distinctive ==> 独特の,示差的な
  17865. distinctive ability ==> 際立った才能
  17866. distinctive accent ==> 独特の訛り
  17867. distinctive advantage ==> 際立った優位性
  17868. distinctive appearance ==> 特殊外形
  17869. distinctive atmosphere ==> 独特の雰囲気
  17870. distinctive buyer ==> 特殊な買い手
  17871. distinctive change ==> 特徴的変化
  17872. distinctive character ==> 特有性
  17873. distinctive smell ==> 特有气味
  17874. distinctive taste ==> 特有の味
  17875. distinctive trend ==> 特徴的な傾向
  17876. distinctive voice ==> 特徴のある声
  17877. distinctly ==> 極めて,非常に
  17878. distinctly different ordering ==> 互异排序
  17879. distinguish ==> 判别,分瓣,辨,辨别,鉴别
  17880. distinguishability ==> 分辨率
  17881. distinguished sequence ==> 判别序列
  17882. distinguished symbol ==> 判别符号,已发出的信号
  17883. distinguishing characteristic ==> 明显特征
  17884. distinguishing reaction ==> 区别反应
  17885. distinguishing sequence ==> 区别时序,判别序列,辨别序列
  17886. distinguishing signal ==> 区别信号
  17887. distinguishing state ==> 区别状态
  17888. distinguishing test ==> 区别试验
  17889. distinguishing tree ==> 区别树
  17890. distinguishing yin and yang at first ==> 先别阴阳
  17891. distingulish egg's quality ==> 区别蛋白质量
  17892. distort ==> 変形させる
  17893. distorted alternating current ==> 失真交变电流
  17894. distorted cash balance ==> 失真之现金余额
  17895. distorted cross method ==> 变形交会测量法
  17896. distorted dial(l)ing ==> 失真拨号
  17897. distorted element ==> 变态单元
  17898. distorted flux density ==> 歪磁束密度
  17899. distorted geological section ==> 变态地质剖面
  17900. distorted image ==> 失真图象,畸变像
  17901. distorted lattice ==> 畸变点阵
  17902. distorted loop ==> 变形线圈
  17903. distorted model ==> 变态模型
  17904. distorted peak ==> 畸峰,畸变峰
  17905. distorted wave ==> 失真波,畸变波=>ひずみ波
  17906. distorted wave AC ==> ひずみ波交流
  17907. distorted wave characteristic ==> ひずみ波特性
  17908. distorted wave method ==> 畸变波法
  17909. distorted wave voltage ==> ひずみ波電圧
  17910. distorted waveform ==> 失真波形
  17911. distorted wavefront ==> 失真波前
  17912. distorted wire rope ==> 畸变钢丝绳
  17913. distorted-scale model ==> 比例变态模型
  17914. distorting lens ==> 变形镜头
  17915. distorting stress ==> 扭转应力
  17916. distortion ==> 扭转,歪扭,歪曲作用,翘曲,反常,变率,变形,畸变,失真=>歪み,ひずみ
  17917. distortion (factor) meter ==> 失真度表,失真系数测试器
  17918. distortion aligned phase ==> 畸变排列相
  17919. distortion allowance ==> 变形余量,反扭曲量
  17920. distortion analyzer ==> 失真分析器
  17921. distortion bridge ==> 测畸变电桥,测失真用电桥
  17922. distortion coefficient ==> 失真系数
  17923. distortion compensation ==> 失真补偿,畸变补偿
  17924. distortion computation ==> ひずみの計算
  17925. distortion condition ==> 変形条件
  17926. distortion control ==> ひずみ制御
  17927. distortion correction ==> 畸变矫正=>ひずみ補正
  17928. distortion corrector ==> 变形校正器
  17929. distortion delay ==> 失真延迟,畸变延迟
  17930. distortion due to feedback ==> 反馈引起失真
  17931. distortion during quenching ==> 淬火应变
  17932. distortion effect ==> 畸变效应,失真效应=>ひずみ効果
  17933. distortion elimination ==> 失真消除,畸变消除=>ひずみの除去
  17934. distortion energy ==> 変形エネルギー
  17935. distortion energy theory ==> 歪形能理论
  17936. distortion energy yield criterial ==> 畸变能屈服条件
  17937. distortion error ==> 畸变误差,失真误差
  17938. distortion factor ==> 失真度,失真系数,失真因数,畸变率,畸变系数=>ひずみ係数,ひずみ率, the ratio of the root-mean-square of the harmonic content to the root-mean-square value of the fundamental quantity, expressed as a percent of the fundamental, also known as harmonic factor.
  17939. distortion factor of a wave ==> 波形失真系数
  17940. distortion function ==> ひずみ関数
  17941. distortion generation ==> ひずみ発生
  17942. distortion inaccuracy ==> 畸变不准确度
  17943. distortion increment ==> ひずみ増大
  17944. distortion index ==> 偏向度指数
  17945. distortion indicator ==> 失真指示器
  17946. distortion level ==> ひずみレベル
  17947. distortion limited operation ==> 失真限制作用
  17948. distortion measure ==> ひずみ測度
  17949. distortion measurement ==> 失真测试=>ひずみ測定
  17950. distortion measuring equipment ==> 畸变测量仪
  17951. distortion meter ==> 失真度测试仪=>ひずみ率計
  17952. distortion model ==> 畸变模型
  17953. distortion of field ==> 磁场畸变
  17954. distortion of flow pattern ==> 流型的畸变
  17955. distortion of handle and spout ==> 歪嘴斜把
  17956. distortion of lattice ==> 晶格畸变
  17957. distortion of penis ==> 阴茎扭转
  17958. distortion of the mesh ==> (夹丝玻璃缺陷)网格变形
  17959. distortion of the mesh (夹丝玻璃缺陷) ==> 网格变形
  17960. distortion of vessel ==> 容器的变形
  17961. distortion of wooden sash ==> 木窗扇变形
  17962. distortion pad ==> 失真衰减器
  17963. distortion point ==> 扭变点
  17964. distortion power ==> 畸变功率
  17965. distortion range ==> 畸变范围,失真范围
  17966. distortion ratio ==> 变态率
  17967. distortion set ==> 失真测试器
  17968. distortion shift ==> 畸变位移
  17969. distortion temperature ==> 变形温度
  17970. distortion tolerance ==> 变形公差
  17971. distortion transformer ==> 失真变压器
  17972. distortion transmission impairment ==> ひずみ減衰等化量
  17973. distortion under heat ==> 热扭变
  17974. distortion under load ==> 负载作用下的畸变
  17975. distortion-factor meter ==> 畸变系数测量器
  17976. distortion-meter ==> 畸变计
  17977. distortional stress ==> 变形应力
  17978. distortionless ==> 無ひずみ
  17979. distortionless circuit ==> 无失真电路=>無ひずみ回路
  17980. distortionless condition ==> 无失真条件=>無ひずみ条件
  17981. distortionless line ==> 无畸变线路=>無ひずみ線路
  17982. distortionless power output ==> 無ひずみ出力
  17983. distortionless transmission line ==> 無ひずみ線路
  17984. distraction ==> 放心,注意散漫,精神錯乱、
  17985. distractive work ==> 気の乗らない仕事
  17986. distrained goods ==> 扣押的货物
  17987. distress ==> 苦悩,悲嘆
  17988. distress call ==> 求救信号
  17989. distress commodity ==> 赔钱货
  17990. distress condition ==> 损坏状态
  17991. distress for rent ==> 扣押货物充抵租金
  17992. distress freight ==> 扣押货物充抵运费,填载运费,削价运费
  17993. distress frequency ==> 呼救信号频率,遇险频率
  17994. distress merchandise ==> 赔钱货,亏本出售的商品,亏本商品,(亏本出售的商品)跳楼货
  17995. distress sale ==> 扣押财物的出售,扣押货拍卖,扣押物拍卖
  17996. distress selling ==> 亏本出售
  17997. distress signal ==> 呼救信号
  17998. distress traffic ==> 遭難通信
  17999. distressed goods ==> 亏本出售的商品
  18000. distribustion device ==> 分配装置
  18001. distributable profit ==> 可分配利润
  18002. distributary channel ==> 分流河道,分支河道
  18003. distributary channel-fill trap ==> 分流河道砂圈闭
  18004. distributary mouth bar ==> 分流河口沙坝,分支河口沙坝
  18005. distributary river ==> 分流河
  18006. distributary stream ==> 分流河
  18007. distribute a dividend ==> 分发股利
  18008. distributed ==> 分布的
  18009. distributed access system ==> 分布式访问系统
  18010. distributed agent approach ==> 分散模块法
  18011. distributed AI system ==> 分布式AI系统
  18012. distributed air conditioner ==> 分布式空调器
  18013. distributed amplification ==> 分布放大
  18014. distributed amplifier ==> 分布式放大器,分布放大器=>分布増幅器
  18015. distributed application ==> 分布式应用
  18016. distributed application program ==> 分布式应用程序
  18017. distributed arbitration program ==> 分布式仲裁
  18018. distributed array of processors ==> 分布式数组处理机
  18019. distributed array of processors parallel processing system ==> 分布式数组处理机并行处理系统
  18020. distributed array processor ==> 分布式阵列处理机
  18021. distributed artificial intelligence system ==> 分布式AI系统
  18022. distributed block trial ==> 分散区组试验
  18023. distributed Bragg reflector ==> 分布布喇格反射器
  18024. distributed capacitance ==> 分布电容=>分布容量(コイル・変成器)
  18025. distributed capacity ==> 分布电容=>分布容量
  18026. distributed charge ==> 分布电荷
  18027. distributed circuit ==> 分布参数电路=>分布回路
  18028. distributed circuitry ==> 分布参数电路
  18029. distributed collector power plants ==> 分布聚热太阳能电站
  18030. distributed communicaition processor ==> 分布通信处理机
  18031. distributed communication ==> 分布式通信
  18032. distributed communication architecture (DCA) ==> 分布式通信结构,分布式通信体系,分布通信体系结构
  18033. distributed communication processor ==> 分布式通信处理机
  18034. distributed communications ==> 分配通信
  18035. distributed component ==> 分布元件
  18036. distributed component filter ==> 分布元件滤波器
  18037. distributed computer ==> 分布式计算机
  18038. distributed computer architecture ==> 分布式计算机体系结构
  18039. distributed computer control SDAS ==> 分布式遥测型数字地震仪
  18040. distributed computer control system ==> 分散型计算机控制系统,分布式计算机控制系统
  18041. distributed computer network (DCN) ==> 分布式计算机网络
  18042. distributed computer system ==> 分布计算机系统,分式计算机系统
  18043. distributed computer system(DCS) ==> 分布式计算机系统
  18044. distributed computing ==> 分布计算,分布式计算,分布式计算方式
  18045. distributed computing operating system ==> 分布式计算操作系统
  18046. distributed constant ==> 分布常数
  18047. distributed constant circuit ==> 分布常数电路=>分布定数回路
  18048. distributed constant filter ==> 分布常数滤波器
  18049. distributed constant microcomputer system ==> 分布常数微计算机系统
  18050. distributed constants ==> 分布常数
  18051. distributed control ==> 分布式控制=>分散制御
  18052. distributed control system ==> 分散型控制系统,分布式控制系统
  18053. distributed control system, DCS ==> 分散控制系统,又称“集散控制系统”。由多个(对)以微处理器为核心的过程控制采集站,分别分散地对各部分工艺流程进行数据采集和控制,又通过数据通信系统与中央控制室各监控操作站连网,对生产过程进行集中监视和操作的控制系统
  18054. distributed core type transformer ==> 分布铁芯变压器
  18055. distributed cost ==> 已分配成本
  18056. distributed damping ==> 分布阻尼
  18057. distributed data ==> 分布式数据
  18058. distributed data base ==> 分布式数据库
  18059. distributed data base management system (DDBMS) ==> 分布式数据库管理系统
  18060. distributed data base network ==> 分布数据库网络
  18061. distributed data base system ==> 分布式数据库系统
  18062. distributed data base technique ==> 分布式数据库技术
  18063. distributed data processing ==> 分布数据处理,分散制电脑处理,分散制数据处理
  18064. distributed data processing (DDP) ==> 分布方式的数据处理,分布式数据处理
  18065. distributed data processing network ==> 分布式数据处理网络
  18066. distributed delay model ==> 分布时延模型
  18067. distributed dynode ==> 分布式二次放射极
  18068. distributed element equivalent circuit ==> 分布参数元件等效电路
  18069. distributed emission crossed field amplifier ==> 分布发射式正交场放大管
  18070. distributed energy resources ==> 分布式能源
  18071. distributed energy system ==> 分散エネルギーシステム
  18072. distributed environment ==> 分布式环境
  18073. distributed executive-like system ==> 分布式类执行程序系统
  18074. distributed factor income ==> 已分配的要素收入
  18075. distributed fault ==> 分布式故障,断层带
  18076. distributed feedback ==> 分布反馈
  18077. distributed feedback dye laser ==> 分布反馈染料激光器
  18078. distributed feedback laser ==> 分布反馈激光器
  18079. distributed feedback laser diode ==> 分布反馈激光二极管
  18080. distributed fiber sensor ==> 分布式光纤传感器
  18081. distributed fiberoptic sensor ==> 分布式光纤传感器
  18082. distributed file system ==> 分布式文件系统
  18083. distributed force ==> 分布力
  18084. distributed frame ==> 分布式结构
  18085. distributed free space ==> 分布式空白区,分布式自由空间,分布自由空间
  18086. distributed function ==> 分布功能,分布函数,分布式功能
  18087. distributed function computer system ==> 功能分布式计算机系统
  18088. distributed function microprocessor ==> 分布式功能微处理机
  18089. distributed generation ==> 分布式电源=>分散電源
  18090. distributed generation apparatuses ==> 分布式电源设备
  18091. distributed generator ==> 分散電源
  18092. distributed graphic network ==> 分布式图形网络
  18093. distributed host command facility (DHCF) ==> 分布式主机命令设备
  18094. distributed indexed access method (DXAM) ==> 分布式索引存取法,分布式索引存取方法
  18095. distributed inductance ==> 分布电感
  18096. distributed insulator ==> 配线绝缘子
  18097. distributed intelligence ==> 分布式智能,分布信息,分布智能,分散智能
  18098. distributed intelligence system (DIS) ==> 分布式智能系统
  18099. distributed interconnection ==> 分布式互连
  18100. distributed josephson logic circuit ==> 分布参数约瑟夫孙逻辑电路
  18101. distributed lag ==> 分布滞后,分配迟延,分配滞后,已分摊差滞
  18102. distributed lag model ==> 分布滞后模型
  18103. distributed lag regression ==> 分布滞后回归
  18104. distributed lag studies ==> 分布滞后研究
  18105. distributed linear collector system ==> 分布线型集热器系统
  18106. distributed load ==> 分布负载
  18107. distributed logic ==> 分布逻辑,分布式逻辑
  18108. distributed logic computer ==> 分布逻辑计算机
  18109. distributed logic memory ==> 分布逻辑存储器
  18110. distributed magnet ==> 分布磁铁,配置磁铁
  18111. distributed mass ==> 分布质量
  18112. distributed message switching system ==> 分布式报文交换系统
  18113. distributed microcomputer ==> 分布式微型计算机
  18114. distributed model ==> 分布模型
  18115. distributed moment ==> 分布弯矩
  18116. distributed multilevel systems ==> 分布多层系统
  18117. distributed multiprocessor ==> 分布式多处理机
  18118. distributed multiprogrammed operating system ==> 分布式多道程序操作系统
  18119. distributed network ==> 分布式网络,分布网络,分布型网络,分散式网络
  18120. distributed network system (DNS) ==> 分布式网络系统
  18121. distributed networkm ==> 分布式网络
  18122. distributed objects ==> 分散オブジェクト
  18123. distributed operating system ==> 分布式操作系统
  18124. distributed organization ==> 分布式组织
  18125. distributed packet switching ==> 分布式包交换
  18126. distributed parallel logic theory ==> 分布式并行逻辑理论
  18127. distributed parallel processing ==> 並列分散処理
  18128. distributed paramagnetic amplifier ==> 分布常数顺磁放大器
  18129. distributed parameter circuit ==> 分布参数电路
  18130. distributed parameter control system ==> 分散[分布]能数控制系统
  18131. distributed parameter delay line ==> 分布参数延迟线
  18132. distributed parameter element ==> 分布参数元件
  18133. distributed parameter generator ==> 分布参数振荡器
  18134. distributed parameter integrated circuit ==> 分布参数集成电路
  18135. distributed parameter line ==> 分布参数线路
  18136. distributed parameter measuring equipment ==> 分布参数测量设备
  18137. distributed parameter model ==> 分布参数模型
  18138. distributed parameter network ==> 分布参数网络
  18139. distributed parameter problem ==> 分布参数问题
  18140. distributed parameter system ==> 分布参数系统
  18141. distributed parameter system model ==> 分布参数系统模型
  18142. distributed parameters ==> 分布常数=>分布定数
  18143. distributed paramp ==> 分布参量放大器
  18144. distributed polar rotor ==> 分布磁极绕组转子,隐极式转子
  18145. distributed power generation facilities ==> 分散式发电装置,功率为数kW至MW级的中、小型模块式,直接安置在用户近旁,与环境兼容的独立电源
  18146. distributed power generation systems ==> 分布式发电技术
  18147. distributed power supply ==> 分散電源
  18148. distributed presentation management (DPM) ==> 分布式表示管理,分布式显示管理,分布式消息表示管理
  18149. distributed presentation services(DPS) ==> 分布式显示服务程序,分布式消息表示服务程序
  18150. distributed processing ==> 分布处理,分布式处理
  18151. distributed processing control executive (DPCX) ==> 分布式处理控制执行程序
  18152. distributed processing memory ==> 分布处理存储器
  18153. distributed processing network ==> 分布处理网络,分布式处理网络
  18154. distributed processing system (DPS) ==> 分布处理系统
  18155. distributed processing system(DPS) ==> 分布式处理系统
  18156. distributed processor ==> 分布式处理机
  18157. distributed processor system ==> 分布式处理机系统
  18158. distributed profit ==> 已分配利润
  18159. distributed protection ==> 分布式保护
  18160. distributed query processing ==> 分布式询问处理
  18161. distributed resistance ==> 分布电阻
  18162. distributed resistive suppressor ==> 分布电阻抑制器
  18163. distributed resource integration ==> 分散資源の統合
  18164. distributed resources ==> 分散電源
  18165. distributed shunt conductance ==> 分布并联电导,分布分流电导,分流电导
  18166. distributed statement of service cost ==> 服务成本分配表
  18167. distributed steel ==> 配筋
  18168. distributed stress ==> 分布应力
  18169. distributed system ==> 分布参数系统,分布式系统,分布系统,分配系统,配水系统
  18170. distributed system environment ==> 分布式系统环境
  18171. distributed system executive (DSX) ==> 分布式系统执行程序
  18172. distributed system license option (DSLO) ==> 分布式系统特许可选项,分布式系统许可选件
  18173. distributed system network ==> 分布式系统网络
  18174. distributed tape reel ==> 分配用磁带卷
  18175. distributed target ==> 分布性目标
  18176. distributed telemetry SDAS ==> 分布式遥测型数字地震仪
  18177. distributed test ==> 分散试验
  18178. distributed thin-film waveguide ==> 分布薄膜波导
  18179. distributed volume ==> 提供卷宗
  18180. distributed wave function ==> 分布波函数
  18181. distributed winding ==> 分布绕法=>分布巻
  18182. distributed yielding ==> 分布屈服
  18183. distributed-emission photod ==> 分布发射光电二极管
  18184. distributed-emission photodiode ==> 分布发射型光电二极管
  18185. distributed-intelligence system ==> 分布式灵活系统
  18186. distributing ==> 分布
  18187. distributing amplifier ==> 分配放大器
  18188. distributing and regulating module ==> 擒纵及调速组件
  18189. distributing arm ==> 分配杆
  18190. distributing auger ==> 分配螺旋
  18191. distributing bell ==> 布料钟
  18192. distributing board ==> 配电板=>配線盤
  18193. distributing box ==> 配線箱
  18194. distributing business ==> 销售业务,经销企业,经销企业
  18195. distributing cabinet ==> 分线箱
  18196. distributing cable ==> 配线电缆=>配線ケーブル
  18197. distributing cam ==> 分配凸轮
  18198. distributing canal ==> 分渠
  18199. distributing cock ==> 分配旋塞
  18200. distributing conveyer ==> 分配运输机
  18201. distributing device ==> 配油装置,布料器
  18202. distributing eccentric ==> 分配偏心轮
  18203. distributing edge ==> 切断边
  18204. distributing frame ==> 接线板=>配線盤
  18205. distributing fuse-panel ==> 配線ヒューズ盤
  18206. distributing groove ==> 配油槽
  18207. distributing head ==> 配線かん
  18208. distributing header ==> 分配集箱
  18209. distributing insulator ==> 配线绝缘子=>配線がいし
  18210. distributing main ==> 配电干线
  18211. distributing manifold ==> 分配管汇,分配歧管
  18212. distributing net ==> 配水网
  18213. distributing network ==> 分配网络
  18214. distributing nozzle ==> 分配喷嘴,导入喷嘴
  18215. distributing oblique gear ==> 分配斜齿轮
  18216. distributing operation ==> 分配运算
  18217. distributing pipe ==> 分配管
  18218. distributing plant ==> 分销工厂
  18219. distributing plate ==> 分布板,分配板
  18220. distributing point ==> 配电点
  18221. distributing pole ==> 分线杆
  18222. distributing ring ==> 分离环,配气环
  18223. distributing roller ==> 均布辊,均布辊
  18224. distributing section ==> 分配段
  18225. distributing shaft ==> 分配轴
  18226. distributing slide valve ==> 分配滑阀
  18227. distributing substation ==> 配电站
  18228. distributing switch ==> 电流分配器
  18229. distributing system ==> 配电系统
  18230. distributing terminal assembly ==> 终端配线部件
  18231. distributing valve ==> 分油活门,分配阀
  18232. distributing valve driving ==> 配圧弁駆動
  18233. distributing valve gasket ==> 分配阀垫密片
  18234. distributing wagon ==> 风动分碴车
  18235. distribution ==> 配电,配给,配料方法,配气,配置,垂向分布,经销,经销,散发,销售,分布,分布范围,分布状态,分配,分配装置,广义函数,拆版,分发=>配布
  18236. distribution according to needs ==> 按需分配
  18237. distribution accounting machine ==> 分配会计机
  18238. distribution accounts statistics ==> 分配核算统计
  18239. distribution across the boundary layer ==> 边界层内法向分布
  18240. distribution amplifier ==> 分配増幅器,信号分配放大器,分配放大器
  18241. distribution and cultivation ==> 分布与栽培
  18242. distribution anisotropy ==> 分布各向异性
  18243. distribution area ==> 配電エリア
  18244. distribution area of pure gas pool ==> 纯气藏分布区
  18245. distribution automation ==> 配电自动化,利用计算机、电力和通信技术对配电网设备进行数据采集、分析、控制、调节和管理的技术=>配電自動化
  18246. distribution automation system ==> 配電自動化システム
  18247. distribution bar ==> 配力钢筋,分布钢筋
  18248. distribution based on manufacturing cost ==> 依制造成本分配
  18249. distribution blade ==> 分散叶片
  18250. distribution block ==> 接线板
  18251. distribution board ==> 配线盘=>分電盤
  18252. distribution box ==> 配电箱,配水箱,分线盒,分配箱
  18253. distribution box for ships ==> 船用配电箱
  18254. distribution bucket ==> 布料料罐
  18255. distribution budget ==> 分配预算
  18256. distribution bus ==> 配电母线
  18257. distribution business ==> 分配业
  18258. distribution cabinet ==> 配电箱
  18259. distribution cable ==> 分布电缆,分布式电缆,分配电缆,分支电缆=>配電ケーブル
  18260. distribution center ==> 配电中心,配销中心,货物储运中心
  18261. distribution chain ==> 销售过程
  18262. distribution chamber ==> 配线入孔
  18263. distribution chamber for forced hot air ==> 加压热气分配室
  18264. distribution channel ==> 配水槽,配线电缆管,配销通道,分销渠道
  18265. distribution channel density ==> 分配销售渠道密度
  18266. distribution channels ==> 分配路线
  18267. distribution characteristics ==> 分布特征
  18268. distribution circuit ==> 配电线路
  18269. Distribution Codes, Inc. ==> 分配数码公司
  18270. distribution coefficient ==> 分布因数,分布系数,比色系数
  18271. distribution coefficient of silica ==> SiO2携带系数
  18272. distribution constant ==> 分布恒量
  18273. distribution control ==> 分布控制
  18274. distribution control system ==> 分布控制系统
  18275. distribution cost ==> 分配成本,发售成本,推销费用
  18276. distribution cost analysis ==> 分配成本分析,分配销售成本分析
  18277. distribution curve ==> 配电曲线,分布曲线,分配曲线,分配销售曲线
  18278. distribution curve flux ==> 配光曲线
  18279. distribution curve of daylight factor ==> 采光系数分布曲线
  18280. distribution curve of pulse amplitude ==> 脉冲幅度分布曲线
  18281. distribution custom power ==> Application of power electronics for power quality improvement on distribution systems rated 1 kV through 38 kV.
  18282. distribution deck ==> 分配卡片叠
  18283. distribution density ==> 分布密度
  18284. distribution determination theory ==> 分配决定论
  18285. distribution diagram ==> 分配图
  18286. distribution drid distributed self-healing ==> 配电网分布式自愈
  18287. distribution economics ==> 分配经济学
  18288. distribution effects ==> 分配效果
  18289. distribution efficiency ==> 灌溉效率
  18290. distribution energy ==> 分布能量
  18291. distribution engineer ==> 配電技術者
  18292. distribution entry ==> 分布项目,分配表目,分配分录
  18293. distribution error ==> 分布误差
  18294. distribution factor ==> 分布系数,分布因数=>分布係数
  18295. distribution feedback colour center laser ==> 分布反馈色心激光器
  18296. distribution feedback dye laser ==> 分布反馈染料激光器
  18297. distribution feeder ==> 配电线路
  18298. distribution frame ==> 配线架
  18299. distribution free ==> 非参数
  18300. distribution free method ==> 自由分布法
  18301. distribution free statistics ==> 非参数统计
  18302. distribution free test of fit ==> 拟合的非参数检验
  18303. distribution frequency ==> 分布频率
  18304. distribution function ==> 分布函数,分配功能,分配函数,分配销售函数,分配职能
  18305. distribution fuse ==> 限流ヒューズ
  18306. distribution fuse board ==> 配电熔线盘
  18307. distribution fuse panel ==> (电话)配线熔线盘=>配線ヒューズ盤
  18308. distribution gate ==> 分水闸
  18309. distribution gear ==> 分配齿轮,分配机构
  18310. distribution graph ==> 分布曲线,分配曲线
  18311. distribution head ==> 配線かん
  18312. distribution header ==> 分配总管
  18313. distribution image ==> 分布像
  18314. distribution impedance ==> 分布阻抗
  18315. distribution in a unified way ==> 统一分配
  18316. distribution in altitude ==> 按高度分布
  18317. distribution in area ==> 面上分布
  18318. distribution in plane ==> 平面内分布
  18319. distribution independence ==> 分布独立
  18320. distribution index ==> 分配指数
  18321. distribution isotherm ==> 分配等温线
  18322. distribution kit ==> 分布式配套元件
  18323. distribution klystron ==> 分布作用速调管
  18324. distribution law ==> 分布定律,麦克斯韦分布定律,玻尔兹曼分布
  18325. distribution ledger ==> 分部帐,分配帐
  18326. distribution leukocytosis ==> 分布性白细胞增多
  18327. distribution level of power flow & control configuraion ==> 系統構造と制御構造の分散度
  18328. distribution library ==> 分布库,分配程序库,分配库,提供程序库
  18329. distribution line ==> 配电线路,低压线路,作为配电网的线路=>配電線
  18330. distribution line arresters ==> 配電用避雷器
  18331. distribution line voltage ==> 配電線電圧
  18332. distribution list ==> 分布表,分布清单,分配表,分配列表
  18333. distribution load ==> 分布载荷,分层载荷
  18334. distribution loss ==> 分配损失=>配電損失
  18335. distribution losses ==> 配电损耗,配电网中设备引起的功率损耗
  18336. distribution main ==> 配水总管
  18337. distribution main line ==> 配電幹線
  18338. distribution manifold ==> 分配管汇
  18339. distribution map ==> 分布图
  18340. distribution mark-ups ==> 分配加价
  18341. distribution marker ==> 分配标识器
  18342. distribution matrix ==> 分布矩阵
  18343. distribution memorandum ==> 分配通知单
  18344. distribution method ==> 分配法,分配方法
  18345. distribution microform ==> 延用缩微品
  18346. distribution mix ==> 分配渠道组合,分配销售组合
  18347. distribution mode ==> 分布方式,分布格式
  18348. distribution modulus ==> 分配系数
  18349. distribution moments ==> 分配矩
  18350. distribution network ==> 配电网,分配网络,分配销售网络=>配電網,配電ネットワーク
  18351. distribution network automation ==> 配电电网自动化
  18352. distribution network expansion planning ==> 配電系統拡張計画
  18353. distribution number ==> 分布号数,分布数,分布系数,分配数
  18354. distribution of adhesion coefficient ==> 粘着係数分布
  18355. distribution of animal and plant ==> 生物分布
  18356. distribution of bending moment ==> 弯矩分配
  18357. distribution of circulation ==> 环流分布
  18358. distribution of cost ==> 费用分布
  18359. distribution of daylight factor ==> 采光系数分布
  18360. distribution of DC-part electromagnetic force at free surface ==> 自由表面における時間平均電磁分布
  18361. distribution of demand ==> 要求分布
  18362. distribution of electrical energy ==> 配电=>配電
  18363. distribution of electricity ==> 分配电力,配电,在一个用电区域内向用户供电
  18364. distribution of enthalpy drop ==> 焓降分配,汽轮机作功蒸汽的等熵焓降在各级之间的分配
  18365. distribution of errors ==> 误差分布
  18366. distribution of expenses ==> 费用分配
  18367. distribution of factor income ==> 要素收入的分配
  18368. distribution of failure ==> 故障分布
  18369. distribution of fat ==> 脂肪的分布
  18370. distribution of felling ==> 采伐顺序
  18371. distribution of fertilizer by aircraft ==> 飞机撒肥
  18372. distribution of income ==> 收入分配
  18373. distribution of light ==> 光分配,光线分布
  18374. distribution of luminous intensity ==> 光强度分配
  18375. distribution of mean of sample ==> 样本均值的分布
  18376. distribution of melt ==> メルト分布
  18377. distribution of molecular speed ==> 分子速率分布
  18378. distribution of molecular velocity ==> 分子速度分布
  18379. distribution of net profit ==> 净利润的分配,净利润的分配
  18380. distribution of normal vibration ==> 简正振动分布
  18381. distribution of pathogen ==> 病原分配
  18382. distribution of pipe ==> 管路分布,管线的布置
  18383. distribution of plant ==> 植物分配
  18384. distribution of potential ==> 电位分布
  18385. distribution of profit and loss ==> 损益分配
  18386. distribution of property ==> 财产分配
  18387. distribution of radiant heat ==> 辐散热的分布
  18388. distribution of rain ==> 降雨量分布
  18389. distribution of rainfall throughout the year ==> 全年降雨分布
  18390. distribution of reflux ==> 回流的分布
  18391. distribution of risk ==> 危险分布
  18392. distribution of salts ==> 盐的分布
  18393. distribution of shadow ==> 阴影的分布
  18394. distribution of size ==> 粒度分布
  18395. distribution of sizes ==> 粒度分配
  18396. distribution of social labor ==> 分配社会劳动
  18397. distribution of soil ==> 土壤分布
  18398. distribution of spectral intensity ==> 谱强度分布
  18399. distribution of symmetrical components among three phases ==> 対称相分ベクトルの各相分布
  18400. distribution of taxation ==> 赋税的分配
  18401. distribution of temperature ==> 温度分布
  18402. distribution of term usage ==> 词使用分布
  18403. distribution of the national income ==> 分配国民收入
  18404. distribution of variance ==> 方差分布
  18405. distribution of varieties and classes ==> 品种分配和等级
  18406. distribution of voltage ==> 電圧分布
  18407. distribution of wave energy ==> 波能分布
  18408. distribution of wealth ==> 财富分配
  18409. distribution of wealth and income ==> 财富和收入的分配
  18410. distribution of work ==> 功分配
  18411. distribution on a reciprocal basis ==> 交互分配法
  18412. distribution on entries ==> 分配分录
  18413. distribution panel ==> 配电盘,配电板,配电屏
  18414. distribution parameter ==> 分布参数
  18415. distribution path ==> 分配销售途径
  18416. distribution pattern ==> 分布类型,分布模式,分配结构
  18417. distribution percentage ==> 分配百分率
  18418. distribution permittivity ==> 分布誘電率
  18419. distribution photometer ==> 分布光度计,光度分布计
  18420. distribution pipeline ==> 分配管线
  18421. distribution piping ==> 配油管道
  18422. distribution planning ==> 配電計画
  18423. distribution plant ==> 分配站
  18424. distribution plate ==> 分配盘
  18425. distribution plenum ==> 配风室
  18426. distribution pole ==> 配線柱
  18427. distribution power system ==> 配電系統
  18428. distribution price ==> 分配价,配电电价,电网企业通过配电网提供电力服务的价格
  18429. distribution probability ==> 分布概率
  18430. distribution problem ==> 分配问题
  18431. distribution program ==> 分布程序,提供程序
  18432. distribution range ==> 分布幅
  18433. distribution rate constant ==> 分布速率常数
  18434. distribution rates ==> 分配率
  18435. distribution ratio ==> 分布系数,分配比,分配比率
  18436. distribution region ==> 分布区
  18437. distribution reindforcement ==> 分布钢筋
  18438. distribution relations ==> 分配关系
  18439. distribution reservoir ==> 配水池,配水箱
  18440. distribution resonance ==> 分布谐振
  18441. distribution rod ==> 分布钢筋
  18442. distribution room ==> 配电室
  18443. distribution series ==> 分布数列,分配数列
  18444. distribution serve and trade market ==> 配电电力市场
  18445. distribution serve and trade marketing information system ==> 配电营销管理信息系统
  18446. distribution serve pricing counting method ==> 配电电价计算方法
  18447. distribution serve pricing principle ==> 配电电价定价原则
  18448. distribution shaft ==> 分配轴,配力轴
  18449. distribution sheet ==> 分配表
  18450. distribution sheet of stores ==> 材料分配单
  18451. distribution sort ==> 分配分类
  18452. distribution stage ==> 分配级=>分配階梯
  18453. distribution statement of service ==> 服务成本分配表
  18454. distribution statement of service cost ==> 服务费用分配表
  18455. distribution station ==> 分流站
  18456. distribution steel ==> 分布钢筋
  18457. distribution strategy ==> 分配销售战略
  18458. distribution substation ==> 配电分站,配电所,变电所母线的延伸,以满足某特定地区中压配电的需要,兼有降低中压配电电压至低压的功能=>配電用変電所
  18459. distribution surface ==> 分配面
  18460. distribution switching metwork ==> 分配接续网络
  18461. distribution system ==> 分配制,分配制度,配电系统=>配電系統,流通システム
  18462. distribution system modeling and analysis ==> 配电系统建模和分析
  18463. distribution system of gas ==> 煤气分配系统
  18464. distribution system planning ==> 配電系統計画,配電系統設備計画
  18465. distribution system plannng ==> 供配电系统规划
  18466. distribution tape reel (DTR) ==> 分配磁带卷,分配式磁带卷
  18467. distribution tape reel(DTR) ==> 分配用磁带卷
  18468. distribution temperature ==> 分布温度=>分布温度
  18469. distribution theory ==> 分布论
  18470. distribution to income beneficiaries ==> 分配给收益人的款项
  18471. distribution trade ==> 批发贸易
  18472. distribution transformer ==> 配电变压器=>配電用変圧器
  18473. distribution valve ==> 分配阀,压力调节阀
  18474. distribution variance ==> 分布方差
  18475. distribution voltage ==> 配电电压=>配電電圧
  18476. distribution volume ==> 分布容积
  18477. distribution winding ==> 分布绕组
  18478. distribution-bar reinforcement ==> 分布钢筋
  18479. distribution-free inference ==> 非参数推断
  18480. distribution-free method ==> 非参数方法
  18481. distribution-free regression procedure ==> 非参数回归方法
  18482. distribution-free statistical method ==> 非参数统计方法
  18483. distributional effects ==> 分配作用
  18484. distributional equity ==> 分配的公平
  18485. distributional stability ==> 分布稳定性
  18486. distributional weight ==> 分配的权数
  18487. distributions of voltage and current ==> 電流電圧分布
  18488. distributive ==> 分配的
  18489. distributive analysis ==> 分配性分析
  18490. distributive and service trades ==> 分配性和服务性行业
  18491. distributive bargaining ==> 分配性谈判
  18492. distributive condition ==> 分配条件
  18493. distributive cost ==> 销售成本
  18494. distributive fault ==> 分枝断层
  18495. distributive function ==> 分配职能
  18496. distributive inequality ==> 分配不等式
  18497. distributive judgement ==> 分配评价
  18498. distributive justice ==> 分配的公正
  18499. distributive lagging model ==> 分布滞后模型
  18500. distributive lattice ==> 分配格
  18501. distributive law ==> 分布率,分配律=>分配法則,分配則
  18502. distributive operation ==> 分配运算
  18503. distributive pairing ==> 分配配对
  18504. distributive profit ==> 经销利润,经销利润
  18505. distributive trade ==> 经销业,经销业
  18506. distributive trade survey ==> 销售调查
  18507. distributor ==> 分火器,分配器,分销商,分电器,接线板=>配給業者,代理店,販売業者
  18508. distributor adjusting screw ==> 分配调整器螺钉
  18509. distributor agreement ==> 販売店契約
  18510. distributor block ==> 分电器
  18511. distributor breaker point ==> 分电器断电接触点
  18512. distributor cam ==> 分电器凸轮,分配凸轮
  18513. distributor cap ==> 分电器盖
  18514. distributor cap tower ==> 分电器盖塔
  18515. distributor case ==> 分配箱
  18516. distributor circuit ==> 分配电路
  18517. distributor cog wheel ==> 分电器齿轮
  18518. distributor condenser ==> 分电器电容器
  18519. distributor discount ==> 業者間割引
  18520. distributor drive shaft coupling ==> 分配器传动轴联轴节
  18521. distributor duct ==> 分配器管道
  18522. distributor firm ==> 販売会社
  18523. distributor gear ==> 分电器齿轮,分配机构
  18524. distributor governor ==> 分配器调节器
  18525. distributor head ==> 配電器キャップ
  18526. distributor housing ==> 分电器外壳
  18527. distributor in commerce ==> 商業流通業者
  18528. distributor mechanism ==> 分送器
  18529. distributor pipe ==> 分配管
  18530. distributor piston ==> 分配器活塞
  18531. distributor plate ==> 分电器盖,分线板
  18532. distributor rotating disk ==> 分电器回转盘
  18533. distributor rotor ==> 分电器转子
  18534. distributor shaft ==> 分电器轴
  18535. distributor track ==> 分火头
  18536. distributor transmitter ==> 分配发送器
  18537. distributor type fuel pump ==> 分配式燃料泵
  18538. distributor type pump ==> 分配型燃料噴射ポンプ
  18539. distributor vacuum advance ==> 点火進角装置
  18540. distributor vacuum brake spring ==> 分配器真空闸弹簧
  18541. distributor vacuum control ==> 分配器真空控制
  18542. distributor with herical blades ==> 带螺旋形叶片的分布管
  18543. distributor's inventory ==> 流通在庫
  18544. distributor's margin ==> 流通業者のマージン
  18545. distributor's profit margin ==> 经销利润率,经销利润率
  18546. distributor's stock ==> 流通在庫
  18547. distributor-spreader ==> 联合洒布机
  18548. distributor-trailer ==> 拖挂式喷布机
  18549. distributor-transmitter ==> 分配器-发送器
  18550. distributorless ignition sytem ==> 无分电器点火系统
  18551. distributors' demand ==> 仮需要
  18552. distributors' inventory ==> 流通在庫
  18553. distributorship ==> 販売権
  18554. distributorship agreement ==> 经销契约,经销契约,经销协议,经销协议=>販売代理店契約
  18555. district ==> 区域
  18556. district bank ==> 区域银行
  18557. district boiler room ==> 区域锅炉房
  18558. district center ==> 区中心
  18559. district connector ==> 区接线器
  18560. district cooling scheme ==> 区域性冷却系统
  18561. district cross-cut ==> 采区石门
  18562. district division ==> 施业分区
  18563. district doctor ==> 地段医师
  18564. District Environment Statement ==> 分区环境污染问题摘要
  18565. district government ==> 区政府
  18566. district haulage conveyer ==> 采区运输机
  18567. district heating ==> 集中供热,区域供暖,区域集中供热,局部加热,局部加热,分区供暖,分区供暖系统
  18568. district housing management bureau ==> 区房管局
  18569. district manager ==> 地方经理
  18570. District Planning Conference ==> 地区规划会议
  18571. district road ==> 区域性道路
  18572. district selector ==> 区域选择器,地区选择器,选区机
  18573. district system ==> 区域系统
  18574. district telephone network ==> 地区电话网
  18575. district ventilation ==> 采区通风
  18576. district-heating plant ==> 区域供暖锅炉房
  18577. distrubution channel ==> 分配流通渠道
  18578. distruptive distance ==> 跳火距离
  18579. disturb output ==> 干扰输出
  18580. disturbance ==> 干扰,扰动,外乱,妨害,障碍,搅动,扰乱,紊乱,失调=>擾乱
  18581. disturbance acceleration ==> 扰动加速度
  18582. disturbance by measurement ==> 測定による擾乱
  18583. disturbance climax ==> 偏途顶极群落
  18584. disturbance control ==> 干扰控制
  18585. disturbance covariance ==> 扰动协方差
  18586. disturbance current ==> 干扰电流
  18587. disturbance detection ==> 干扰检测
  18588. disturbance factor ==> 干扰系数,扰动因素
  18589. disturbance in qi transformation ==> 气化不利
  18590. disturbance indicator ==> 侵害征兆
  18591. disturbance localization ==> 外乱局所化
  18592. disturbance location ==> 故障地域確定
  18593. disturbance observer ==> 外乱オブザーバ
  18594. disturbance of absorptive function ==> 吸收功能障碍
  18595. disturbance of analysis ==> 分析障碍
  18596. disturbance of association ==> 联想障碍
  18597. disturbance of blood circulation ==> 血液循环障碍
  18598. disturbance of blood coagulation ==> 凝血障碍
  18599. disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism ==> 碳水化合物代谢紊乱
  18600. disturbance of carbonydrate transfer ==> 碳水化合物转运紊乱
  18601. disturbance of cerebral circulation ==> 脑循环障碍
  18602. disturbance of circulation ==> 循环紊乱,循环障碍
  18603. disturbance of consciousness ==> 意识障碍
  18604. disturbance of emotion ==> 情感障碍
  18605. disturbance of food intake ==> 摄食障碍
  18606. disturbance of gas diffusion ==> 气体弥散障碍
  18607. disturbance of intelligence ==> 智能障碍
  18608. disturbance of lipoid metabolism ==> 类脂质代谢障碍
  18609. disturbance of magnetic field ==> 磁场干扰
  18610. disturbance of memory ==> 记忆障碍
  18611. disturbance of perception ==> 知觉障碍,感知障碍
  18612. disturbance of perceptive synthesis ==> 感知综合障碍
  18613. disturbance of personality consciousness ==> 人格意识障碍
  18614. disturbance of pulmonary circulation ==> 肺循环障碍
  18615. disturbance of self-consciousness ==> 自我意识障碍
  18616. disturbance of speech ==> 言语障碍
  18617. disturbance of sphincter ==> 括约肌障碍
  18618. disturbance of thought ==> 思维障碍
  18619. disturbance of visceral function ==> 气机不利,内脏机能障碍
  18620. disturbance of will ==> 意志障碍
  18621. disturbance patterns ==> 扰动图形
  18622. disturbance potential function ==> 扰动势函数
  18623. disturbance preview control ==> 外乱予見制御
  18624. disturbance quantity ==> 扰动量
  18625. disturbance rejection ==> 外乱抑圧
  18626. disturbance term ==> 扰动项
  18627. disturbance torque ==> じょう乱トルク(姿勢)
  18628. disturbance transfer function ==> 干扰传递函数
  18629. disturbance variable ==> 干扰量
  18630. disturbance variable compensation ==> 干扰量补偿
  18631. disturbance velocity ==> 扰动速度
  18632. disturbance wave ==> 扰动波
  18633. disturbance-accommodating controller ==> 适应干扰控制器
  18634. disturbed area ==> 受扰区,扰动区
  18635. disturbed belt ==> 错动带
  18636. disturbed body ==> 受摄体
  18637. disturbed forest ==> 受拢林
  18638. disturbed harmonic process ==> 被扰动的调和过程
  18639. disturbed jet ==> 受扰射流
  18640. disturbed orbit ==> 受摄轨道
  18641. disturbed soil ==> 扰动土
  18642. disturbed soil sample ==> 非原状土样
  18643. disturbed state ==> 扰动状态
  18644. disturbed strata ==> 扰动地层,扰动岩层
  18645. disturbed sun noise ==> 扰动太阳噪声
  18646. disturbed test ==> 干扰测试,打扰测试
  18647. disturbed value ==> 扰动值
  18648. disturbed wavefront ==> 干扰波阵面
  18649. disturbed-periodicity model ==> 扰动周期性模型
  18650. disturbing body ==> 摄动体
  18651. disturbing effect ==> 摄动效应
  18652. disturbing force ==> 扰动力
  18653. disturbing frequency ==> 干扰频率
  18654. disturbing function ==> 摄动函数
  18655. disturbing moment ==> 颠覆力矩,扰动力矩
  18656. disturbing signal ==> 扰动信号,干扰信号
  18657. disulfide ==> 二硫化物=>ジスルフィド,二硫化物
  18658. disulfide acid ==> ジスルフィド酸
  18659. disulfide acrylate ==> アクリル酸ジスルフィド
  18660. disulfide bond ==> 二硫链
  18661. disulfide oil ==> 二硫化物油
  18662. disulfo-benzoic acid ==> 二磺基苯甲酸
  18663. disulfo-cyanic acid ==> 二聚硫代氰酸
  18664. disulfonic acid ==> 二磺酸
  18665. disulfonic acid amide ==> 二磺酰胺
  18666. disulfonic acid chloride ==> 二磺酰氯
  18667. disulphonic acid ==> 二磺酸
  18668. disunited fracture ==> 不连接骨折
  18669. disuse handicap ==> 废用性缺陷
  18670. disused canal ==> 废弃运河
  18671. disused well ==> 废井
  18672. DIT, direct injection turbocharged ==> 直喷式涡轮增压柴油机
  18673. DITA, Darwin Information Typing Architecture ==> 製品マニュアルや技術文章などの企業文書制作におけるオープンな規格,技術情報を制作・発行・配布するためのXMLに基づいたアーキテクチャ
  18674. ditch ==> 渠,沟,沟渠,刻沟
  18675. ditch canal ==> 平水运河
  18676. ditch check ==> 明沟节制闸,沟中消能槛
  18677. ditch cleaner ==> 水沟清理机,清沟机
  18678. ditch cleaning machine ==> 清沟机
  18679. ditch cutter ==> 挖沟机
  18680. ditch depth ==> 沟深
  18681. ditch digger ==> 开沟机
  18682. ditch drainage ==> 明沟排水
  18683. ditch dredger ==> 沟渠清理机
  18684. ditch erosion ==> 沟蚀
  18685. ditch excavator ==> 挖沟机
  18686. ditch grade ==> 沟底坡底
  18687. ditch irrigation ==> 沟灌
  18688. ditch junction ==> 沟道交接点
  18689. ditch lining ==> 沟渠衬砌
  18690. ditch oil ==> 地沟油=>どぶ油,地溝油
  18691. ditch outlet ==> 沟的出口
  18692. ditch planting ==> 壕沟栽植,濠沟栽植
  18693. ditch planting way ==> 壕沟栽植法
  18694. ditch plough ==> 沟犁
  18695. ditch rider ==> 灌区管理员
  18696. ditch sampling ==> 泥浆槽取样
  18697. ditch-and-trench excavator ==> 开渠挖沟机
  18698. ditch-digging bucket ==> 挖沟铲斗
  18699. ditcher ==> 溝堀機
  18700. ditcher for laying cable ==> 敷设电缆挖沟机
  18701. ditching ==> 挖沟,开沟,甩开
  18702. ditching plow ==> 开沟犁,犁式挖沟机
  18703. ditert-butylhydro quinone ==> 二特丁基对苯二酚
  18704. Dithane manganese ==> 代森锰
  18705. dither ==> 颤振=>ディザ
  18706. dither arm ==> 高频颤动臂,高频振动臂,颤动臂
  18707. dither effect ==> 振动效应=>ディザー効果
  18708. dither motor ==> 高频振动电动机,高频振动电机,高频振动用电动机
  18709. dither pump ==> 高频振动泵
  18710. dither signal ==> 颤动信号,抖动信号
  18711. dithering ==> 颤动
  18712. dithering tuner ==> 颤动调谐器
  18713. dithiazanine iodide ==> 碘二噻宁
  18714. dithicearbamic acid ==> 氨荒酸
  18715. dithio-n-octanoic acid ==> 二硫正辛酸
  18716. dithio-salicylic acid ==> 二硫代水杨酸
  18717. dithiobenzoic acid ==> 二硫代苯甲酸
  18718. dithiocarbamic acid ==> 二硫代氨基甲酸
  18719. dithiocarbonic acid ==> 二硫代碳酸
  18720. dithiocyano-methane ==> 二硫氰基甲烷
  18721. dithioglycollic acid ==> 二硫代乙醇酸
  18722. dithionate ==> 连二硫酸盐
  18723. dithionic acid ==> 连二硫酸
  18724. Ditisheim balance ==> 迪蒂斯海姆摆轮
  18725. ditolyl sulfone ==> 二甲苯砜
  18726. Dittany Bark ==> 白鲜皮
  18727. ditto machine ==> 复印机
  18728. Dittus-Boelter equation ==> 第塔斯-波尔特方程
  18729. ditungsten carbide ==> 碳化二钨
  18730. DIU, data interface unit ==> データインタフェースユニット
  18731. DIU, drive interface unit ==> ドライブインタフェースユニット
  18732. diuretic hormone ==> 利尿激素
  18733. diuretic mixture ==> 利尿合剂
  18734. diuretic property ==> 利尿特性
  18735. diurnal aberration ==> 周日光行差
  18736. diurnal amplitude ==> 日振幅
  18737. diurnal animal ==> 昼出动物
  18738. diurnal arc ==> 周日弧,地平上弧
  18739. diurnal change ==> 日变化
  18740. diurnal circle ==> 周日圈
  18741. diurnal clock rate ==> 周日钟速
  18742. diurnal curve method ==> 昼夜曲线法
  18743. diurnal lamination ==> 日纹理
  18744. diurnal migration ==> 昼夜迁移
  18745. diurnal nutation ==> 周日章动
  18746. diurnal parallax ==> 周日视差,地心视差
  18747. diurnal periodicity ==> 日周期,昼现周期性
  18748. diurnal range ==> 日较差,最大平均日潮差
  18749. diurnal temperature ==> 昼夜温度
  18750. diurnal temperature range ==> 温度日较差
  18751. diurnal tide ==> 全日潮,日周潮
  18752. diurnal variability ==> 昼夜差异性
  18753. diurnal variation ==> 日际变化,昼夜变异,日变程,日变化=>日変化
  18754. diurnal wind ==> 日变风
  18755. DIV, divider ==> 分波器
  18756. DIV, division ==> 分割
  18757. divacancy ==> 双空位
  18758. divagation channel ==> 改道河槽
  18759. divalent element ==> 二价元素
  18760. divalent ion ==> 二价离子
  18761. divalent metal ==> 二价金属
  18762. divalent radical ==> 二价基
  18763. divan-bed ==> 两用沙发
  18764. divanadyl tetrachloride ==> 氯化氧钒
  18765. divariant system ==> 二变系,双变量系统
  18766. divaricatic acid ==> 分枝地衣酸
  18767. dive ==> 下潜,潜水
  18768. dive brake ==> 俯冲制动器
  18769. dive flap ==> 减速板,制动板
  18770. diveded axle ==> 分离轴
  18771. diveded shield ==> 分开屏蔽
  18772. diver method ==> 潜沉法
  18773. diver's ladder ==> 潜水梯
  18774. diver-sion cut ==> 溢水道
  18775. diver-ticular hernia ==> 利特雷氏疝
  18776. diverge ==> 发散,偏离=>発散する
  18777. divergence ==> 发散,偏差=>発散,ビームの開き
  18778. divergence and rotation of a vector field ==> ベクトル場の発散と回転
  18779. divergence angle ==> 扩张角
  18780. divergence boundary ==> 离散型边界,发散界限
  18781. divergence cone angle ==> (喷嘴的)膨胀角
  18782. divergence curve chart ==> 分歧曲线图
  18783. divergence expression ==> 发散式
  18784. divergence factor ==> 发散因数
  18785. divergence field ==> 辐散场
  18786. divergence half-angle ==> 发散半角
  18787. divergence indicator ==> 发散指标
  18788. divergence line ==> 发散线
  18789. divergence loss ==> 发散损失,扩散损失
  18790. divergence of a vector-valued function ==> 向量值函数的散度
  18791. divergence of field ==> 场的散度
  18792. divergence of phasor ==> 相量的散度
  18793. divergence point ==> 发散点,分歧点
  18794. divergence rate ==> 扩张度
  18795. divergence ratio ==> 扩张比
  18796. divergence speed ==> 发散速度
  18797. divergence-angle correction factor ==> 发射角校正因数
  18798. divergency ==> 发散
  18799. divergent ==> 发散,分散,辐散的,偏离,偏斜的,岔开的=>発散の
  18800. divergent birth process ==> 发散增延过程
  18801. divergent branching system ==> 发散分支系统
  18802. divergent bundle ==> 发散电子束
  18803. divergent channel ==> 扩散形喷管,扩张形流道
  18804. divergent component ==> 发散部件,发散透镜
  18805. divergent cone ==> 扩散锥体
  18806. divergent current ==> 扩散流
  18807. divergent cycle ==> 发散周期
  18808. divergent cyclical pattern ==> 分散循环型态
  18809. divergent die ==> 分流模
  18810. divergent flow ==> 扩散水流
  18811. divergent function ==> 分散功能
  18812. divergent integral ==> 发散积分=>発散積分
  18813. divergent jet guiding ==> 发散喷注导路
  18814. divergent laser beam ==> 发散激光束
  18815. divergent lens ==> 発散レンズ
  18816. divergent lens system ==> 发散的透镜系统,发散透镜系统
  18817. divergent light ==> 发散光
  18818. divergent lode ==> 分散矿脉
  18819. divergent matrix ==> 发散矩阵
  18820. divergent meniscus ==> 发散凹凸透镜,发散弯月透镜
  18821. divergent meniscus lens ==> 凸凹发散透镜
  18822. divergent mirror ==> 发散镜
  18823. divergent nozzle ==> 扩散形喷管
  18824. divergent nozzle pump ==> 发散喷嘴扩散泵
  18825. divergent opinions ==> 異論
  18826. divergent oscillation ==> 增辐振动,增幅振荡
  18827. divergent parabola ==> 发散抛物线
  18828. divergent pipe ==> 扩散管
  18829. divergent plate ==> 离散板块,辐散板块,背离板块
  18830. divergent plate boundary ==> 离散板块边界,趋离板块界线
  18831. divergent radiation ==> 发散辐射
  18832. divergent reed ==> 分纱筘
  18833. divergent seismic reflection configuration ==> 分叉地震反射结构
  18834. divergent sequence ==> 发散序列
  18835. divergent series ==> 发散级数
  18836. divergent spherical wave ==> 发散球面波
  18837. divergent star cluster ==> 散开星团
  18838. divergent strabismus ==> 外斜视
  18839. divergent strains ==> 相异品系
  18840. divergent streams ==> 分支流动
  18841. divergent structure ==> 发散结构
  18842. divergent unconformity ==> 成角不整合
  18843. divergent wave ==> 发散波
  18844. divergent-convergent duct ==> 扩散收缩管
  18845. diverging belt sorter ==> 皮带式分级机
  18846. diverging cone ==> 扩张锥(体)
  18847. diverging lens ==> 发散透镜,分散透镜
  18848. diverging light ==> 发散光
  18849. diverging meniscus ==> 发散弯月透镜,分散透镜
  18850. diverging meniscus lens ==> 发散弯月形透镜,负弯月透镜
  18851. diverging ocular ==> 散光目镜,发散目镜
  18852. diverging out belt grader ==> 带式分级机
  18853. diverging rays ==> 发散线
  18854. diverging spherical wave field ==> 发散球面波场
  18855. diverging three way valve ==> 三通分流阀
  18856. diverging wave ==> 发散波
  18857. diverging yaw ==> 增幅偏航
  18858. diverse ==> 多種多様な
  18859. diverse crops ==> 多茬庄稼
  18860. diverse farming ==> 多种经营农场
  18861. diversfication of economy ==> 经济多样化,经济多样化
  18862. diversification of energy supply ==> エネルギー供給の多様化
  18863. diversification of export ==> 出口多样化
  18864. diversification of power supply structure ==> 電源多様化
  18865. diversification of risk ==> 风险分散,分散风险
  18866. diversified common stock fund ==> 分散普通股基金
  18867. diversified economy ==> 多种经济
  18868. diversified farm ==> 多种经营农场
  18869. diversified management ==> 多种经营
  18870. diversified program of investment ==> 投资的多样化规划,投资多样化规划
  18871. diversified slash disposal ==> 多种伐区清理
  18872. diversified twill ==> 变化斜纹
  18873. diversing flow system ==> 导流设备
  18874. diversion ==> 牵制,钳制,偏转,改道,分出=>転用
  18875. diversion aqueduct ==> 导流渡槽
  18876. diversion area ==> (用于地下水)分流面积
  18877. diversion basin ==> 分水池
  18878. diversion box ==> 分水箱
  18879. diversion canal ==> 引水渠,导流渠
  18880. diversion certificate ==> 转运证明书
  18881. diversion chamber ==> 引流室
  18882. diversion channel ==> 分水道,分水渠,导流渠
  18883. diversion clause ==> 绕航条款
  18884. diversion construction ==> 导流工程
  18885. diversion dam ==> 分水坝,分水堰,引水坝
  18886. diversion dike ==> 导流堤
  18887. diversion ditch ==> 分水沟
  18888. diversion flume ==> 导流水槽
  18889. diversion gate ==> 导流闸门,分水闸,分流闸门
  18890. diversion intake ==> 导流进水口
  18891. diversion kerb ==> 导流壆
  18892. diversion method ==> 导流方法
  18893. diversion of complement ==> 补体转向
  18894. diversion of urine ==> 尿流改道
  18895. diversion privilege ==> 绕航权
  18896. diversion project ==> 引水工程
  18897. diversion ratio ==> 分水率
  18898. diversion sheave ==> 折向轮
  18899. diversion sluice ==> 分水闸
  18900. diversion structure ==> 导流建筑物
  18901. diversion terrace ==> 导流台地,导水防蚀阶地
  18902. diversion tunnel ==> 引水隧洞,自水源地引水的水工隧洞
  18903. diversion type hydropower station ==> 引水式水电站,用引水道如明渠、隧洞、管道等集中河流的流量和水头的水电站
  18904. diversion valve ==> 引水阀,转向阀
  18905. diversion weir ==> 分水堰,分流堰
  18906. diversion works ==> 分水工程,引水工程,导流工程,导流建筑物
  18907. diversion-belt sizer ==> 皮带式分级机
  18908. diversity ==> 参差额,差异,多样性,为执行某一确定功能设置两个或多个多重部件或系统,这些不同部件或系统具有不同属性,从而减少了共因故障的可能性=>多種多様,ダイバーシチ,多様性
  18909. diversity analysis ==> 多様性解析
  18910. diversity antenna ==> ダイバーシティアンテナ
  18911. diversity assessment ==> 多様性評価
  18912. diversity branch ==> 分集支路
  18913. diversity combiner ==> 分集合并器
  18914. diversity condition ==> 异性条件
  18915. diversity effect ==> 分集效应,参差效应
  18916. diversity factor ==> 差异度,差异因数,不等率,不均质系数,不同时率,不同时系数,分散率,差异性因数,一致性因数的倒数=>不等率
  18917. diversity gain ==> 分集增益
  18918. diversity index ==> 经营多样化指数,经营多样化指数
  18919. diversity radar ==> 分集式雷达
  18920. diversity radio receiving set ==> 分集无线电接收机
  18921. diversity ratio ==> 差异比
  18922. diversity receiver ==> 分集接收器
  18923. diversity reception ==> 分集接收法=>ダイバーシチ受信
  18924. diversity spacing ==> 分集间隔
  18925. diversity stack ==> 反比叠加
  18926. diversity system ==> 分集制
  18927. diversity telemetry ==> 分集遥测
  18928. diverted river ==> 改向河
  18929. diverted stream ==> 改向河,转向河
  18930. diverter ==> 分流器,分流测器,换向器=>分流加減器
  18931. diverter coil ==> 分流线圈
  18932. diverter control ==> 分流电阻调速
  18933. diverter pole charging set ==> 分流电极充电机
  18934. diverter pole generator ==> 分流磁极发电机,分流极发电机
  18935. diverter relay ==> 分流继电器
  18936. diverter switch ==> 转换开关=>切換開閉器(変圧器)
  18937. diverter valve ==> 转换阀,分流阀,分流器阀门
  18938. diverter-pole generator ==> 分流电极发电机
  18939. diverticula of colon ==> 大腸憩室
  18940. diverticular disease of the colon ==> 大腸憩室疾患
  18941. diverticular hernia ==> 憩室疝
  18942. diverticulectomy of bladder ==> 膀胱憩室切除术
  18943. diverticulitis of bladder ==> 膀胱憩室炎
  18944. diverticulitis of colon ==> 结肠憩室炎
  18945. diverticulitis of small intestine ==> 小肠憩室炎
  18946. diverticulosis of colon ==> 结肠憩室病
  18947. diverticulum ==> 憩室
  18948. diverticulum of bronchus ==> 支气管憩室
  18949. diverticulum of eustachian tube ==> 咽鼓管憩室
  18950. diverticulum of small intestine ==> 小肠憩室
  18951. diverting agent ==> 导引剂
  18952. diverting pulley ==> 折向滑轮
  18953. diverting wall ==> 导水墙,分水墙
  18954. diverting weir ==> 分水堰
  18955. diverver gate ==> 转向门
  18956. divesting of a right ==> 丧失权利
  18957. divetail slide ==> 燕尾滑板
  18958. divide ==> 分水岭,等分,划分,分隔,分开,分裂
  18959. divide an application ==> 分案申请
  18960. divide and conquer ==> 分步解决
  18961. divide by zero trap ==> 被零除的俘获
  18962. divide check ==> 除法校验
  18963. divide check exception ==> 除法检验事故
  18964. divide equally ==> 平分
  18965. divide into several classes ==> 分成若干类
  18966. divide migration ==> 分水岭转移
  18967. divide out ==> 除
  18968. divide ownership ==> 分割所有权
  18969. divide shifting ==> 分水岭转移
  18970. divide statement ==> 除法语句
  18971. divide time ==> 除法时间
  18972. divide-by-10 ==> 被十除线路
  18973. divide-by-two circuit ==> 二次分频电路
  18974. divided axle ==> 分开式前桥
  18975. divided bar graph ==> 分段条形图
  18976. divided bath ==> 分格的槽子
  18977. divided battery ==> 分组电池
  18978. divided beam system ==> 分束系统
  18979. divided beams ==> 分光束
  18980. divided bearing ==> 分离式轴承
  18981. divided blast pipe ==> 组成吹管
  18982. divided circle ==> 分度卷
  18983. divided circuit ==> 分流电路
  18984. divided conductor ==> 分裂导体,分裂导线
  18985. divided conductor protection ==> 绕组支路断线保护装置
  18986. divided control runs ==> 分开的操作行程
  18987. divided core ==> 分割コア
  18988. divided coverage ==> 分担危险
  18989. divided crank ==> 组合曲柄
  18990. divided crankcase ==> 分离式曲柄箱
  18991. divided developer ==> 双液显影
  18992. divided difference ==> 均差,均差
  18993. divided difference operation ==> 均差运算,均差运算
  18994. divided dose ==> 分剂量
  18995. divided draw ==> 分区穿综法
  18996. divided flow turbine ==> 分流式涡轮机
  18997. divided highway ==> 分车道公路
  18998. divided lane ==> 分车道
  18999. divided magnetic circuit ==> 磁分路
  19000. divided manifold ==> 歧管,分支歧管,分路导管
  19001. divided ownership ==> 分割的所有权
  19002. divided pattern drum ==> 分离式提花滚筒
  19003. divided pitch ==> 分隔螺距
  19004. divided policy ==> 分红政策
  19005. divided propeller shaft ==> 组合螺旋桨轴
  19006. divided pulse ==> 分频脉冲
  19007. divided reservoir ==> 分间储筒
  19008. divided reset ==> 分段反馈,分段重置
  19009. divided return duct ==> 分支回流导管
  19010. divided rim ==> 组合轮缘
  19011. divided scale ==> 分划尺
  19012. divided share ==> 组合犁铧
  19013. divided shovel ==> 组合式挖掘铲
  19014. divided skirt piston ==> 导缘开缝活塞
  19015. divided slit scan ==> 分划扫描
  19016. divided type 3CTs system ==> 分割型3CT
  19017. divided type disk wheel ==> 组合轮辋式盘轮
  19018. divided under carriage ==> 分体式起落架
  19019. divided ventilation ==> 分道通风
  19020. divided wheel ==> 分度轮
  19021. divided winding ==> 分开式绕组,分流绕组
  19022. divided-conductor protection ==> 绕组支路断线保护
  19023. divided-flow turbine ==> 分流式汽轮机
  19024. divided-iron core ==> 分裂铁心
  19025. divided-lane highway ==> 分车道公路
  19026. divided-plate oscillator ==> 分瓣阳极振荡管,分瓣振荡器
  19027. divided-winding rotor ==> 分开式绕组转子
  19028. dividend ==> 资本红利,摊还,被除数=>配当金
  19029. dividend address operand ==> 被除数地址操作数
  19030. dividend cover ==> 净收益对普通股息比率,净收益对普通股息比率,利润股息比率
  19031. dividend credit ==> 纳税时的股息扣除或抵免
  19032. dividend declared ==> 已宣布股息(利),议决分派的股利
  19033. dividend equalization fund ==> 平均股利基金
  19034. dividend equalization reserve ==> 平均股利储备,平均股利准备
  19035. dividend extra ==> 额外股利
  19036. dividend in kind ==> 实物股息
  19037. dividend length operand ==> 被除数长度操作数
  19038. dividend on land shares ==> 土地分红
  19039. dividend payable in capital stock ==> 以股票支付的股息
  19040. dividend payout ratio ==> 派息率
  19041. dividend string ==> 被除数串
  19042. dividend tax ==> 纯益税
  19043. dividend warrants ==> 支付股利,支付股利保证金
  19044. dividend with a source in China ==> 来源于中国的股息
  19045. dividend yield ==> 每股股利与目前价格的比率
  19046. dividend-per-share presentation ==> 以每股股息额表示
  19047. dividendo ==> 分比定理
  19048. dividends in arrears ==> 欠发股利
  19049. dividends receivable ==> 应收股利
  19050. dividens ==> 分脉
  19051. divider ==> 分隔器,分规,分禾器,分茎器,分流管,分毛辊,分配器,切块机,针规,除法器,除数,线规,隔断,分种器,双脚规
  19052. divider bow ==> 分禾器弓形杆
  19053. divider cal(l)ipers ==> 等分卡钳
  19054. divider calipers ==> 画规
  19055. divider chain ==> 分频器链
  19056. divider corrector ==> 分配校正器
  19057. divider fender bar ==> 分禾器挡禾杆
  19058. divider guard ==> 分禾器挡杆
  19059. divider height adjuster ==> 分禾器高度调节器
  19060. divider line ==> 分纱片条痕
  19061. divider rod ==> 分禾器杆
  19062. divider strip ==> 分格嵌条,水磨石分格条
  19063. divider stripper ==> 分禾器翼板
  19064. divider tape ==> 分条皮带
  19065. divider thread carrier bar ==> 分纱片
  19066. dividers ==> 分规
  19067. dividers method ==> 两脚规法
  19068. dividing ==> 分度
  19069. dividing and cutting machine ==> 分切机
  19070. dividing apparatus ==> 分度装置
  19071. dividing arm ==> 分度手柄
  19072. dividing attachment ==> 分度附件
  19073. dividing box ==> 分割箱,分块机,分配箱,终端套管
  19074. dividing bushing ==> 隔离衬套
  19075. dividing circuit ==> 除法电路
  19076. dividing control valve ==> 分配控制阀
  19077. dividing cross ==> 取样十字架
  19078. dividing filter ==> 分离式滤波器,分路滤波器,分频滤波器
  19079. dividing frequency ==> 分割频率,分配频率
  19080. dividing gear ==> 分度齿轮
  19081. dividing head ==> 分度头
  19082. dividing head centre ==> 分度头中心
  19083. dividing head chuck ==> 分度头卡盘
  19084. dividing head driver ==> 分度头传动轮
  19085. dividing head spindle ==> 分度头主轴
  19086. dividing island ==> 分车岛
  19087. dividing knife ==> 分禾割刀
  19088. dividing line ==> 分界线,分箱线,中和线
  19089. dividing machine ==> 分度机
  19090. dividing mechanism ==> 分度机构
  19091. dividing network ==> 分频网络
  19092. dividing panel ==> 分隔板
  19093. dividing pier ==> 隔墩
  19094. dividing plane ==> 分划面
  19095. dividing plate ==> 分度盘,分纱片
  19096. dividing reed ==> 分经筘
  19097. dividing ridge ==> 分水脊,分水岭
  19098. dividing shears ==> 切分剪
  19099. dividing sinker ==> 分纱片
  19100. dividing spindle ==> 分度轴
  19101. dividing stationary tower crane ==> 分立固定式塔吊
  19102. dividing strip ==> 分格嵌条,分隔带
  19103. dividing strip for terrazzo ==> 水磨石分格条
  19104. dividing table ==> 分度工专
  19105. dividing up state-owned assets ==> 分产
  19106. dividing value ==> 界值
  19107. dividing vein ==> 分脉
  19108. dividing wall ==> 分隔墙,隔离壁
  19109. dividing wall type ==> 间壁式
  19110. dividing wall type heat exchanger ==> 间壁式换热器
  19111. dividing wheel ==> 分度轮,分纱轮
  19112. dividing worm wheel ==> 分度蜗轮
  19113. dividng ruler ==> 刻度尺
  19114. divied duct ==> 分路导管
  19115. divine ==> 神学者,神聖な,神の,推測する,ディバイン
  19116. divine act ==> 神の仕業
  19117. divine afflatus ==> 天啓
  19118. divine child ==> 神の子
  19119. divine intervention ==> 神の干渉
  19120. divine justice ==> 神の裁き,天罰
  19121. divine man ==> 神人,爱因斯坦被称为神人
  19122. diving bell ==> 潜水钟
  19123. diving bird ==> 潜鸟
  19124. diving brake ==> 俯冲减速器
  19125. diving cooler ==> 浸入式冷却器
  19126. diving equipment ==> 潜水装备,潜水装具
  19127. diving key ==> 滑键
  19128. diving key type transmission ==> 滑键式传动装置
  19129. diving outfit ==> 成套潜水设备
  19130. diving plane ==> 潜水舵
  19131. diving platform ==> 跳台
  19132. diving psychology ==> 潜水心理学
  19133. diving pump ==> 潜水泵
  19134. diving rudder ==> 潜水舵,水平舵
  19135. diving ship ==> 潜水工作船
  19136. diving stand ==> 跳台
  19137. diving suit ==> 潜水服
  19138. diving tool ==> 潜水具
  19139. diving tower ==> 跳台
  19140. diving-bell ==> 钟形潜水器,潜水钟
  19141. divining-rod ==> 探矿杖
  19142. divinyl acetylene ==> 二乙烯基乙炔
  19143. divinyl ether ==> 乙烯醚
  19144. divinyl oxide ==> 乙烯醚
  19145. divinyl rubber ==> 丁二烯橡胶
  19146. divisible leter of credit ==> 可分割信用证
  19147. division ==> 分度,火险区,部,部门,等分,单位,除,除法,划分,分,分隔,分划=>目(目盛),除算,区分,部分,部,局,課
  19148. division algebra ==> 可除代数
  19149. division algorithm ==> 除法定理
  19150. division board ==> 分隔板
  19151. division box ==> (灌渠上的)分水装置
  19152. division by zero ==> ゼロ除算した
  19153. division capacity ==> 分裂能
  19154. division capital ==> 事業部資本
  19155. division center ==> 分裂中心
  19156. division circle ==> 刻度盘
  19157. division communication system ==> 区段电话
  19158. division contract ==> 分项承包
  19159. division contribution statement ==> 分部贡献表
  19160. division controller (DC) ==> 分部主计长
  19161. division converted to multiplication ==> 除法转换为乘法
  19162. division delay ==> 分裂延迟
  19163. division engineer ==> 工区工程师
  19164. division gate ==> 分水闸门
  19165. division general manager ==> 分部总经理
  19166. division header ==> 部标题,部分标题,部分头,部首
  19167. division income statement ==> 分部收益表
  19168. division indicator ==> 刻度指示器
  19169. division inhibition ==> 分裂阻害
  19170. division inhibitor ==> 分裂阻害剤
  19171. division into periods ==> 時代区分
  19172. division into syllables ==> 移行
  19173. division lamp ==> 区划灯
  19174. division line ==> 分划线
  19175. division name ==> 部分名称,部名
  19176. division of authority and responsibility ==> 权与责划分
  19177. division of bacteria within envelope ==> 包膜内细菌分类
  19178. division of common property ==> 分配共同财产
  19179. division of design ==> 设计分工
  19180. division of economic zones ==> 经济区划,经济区划
  19181. division of function ==> 机能分工
  19182. division of labor and lines of specialities ==> 分业分工
  19183. division of labor and lines of work ==> 分业分工
  19184. division of labour in society ==> 社会分工
  19185. division of peritoneal adhesions ==> 腹膜粘连分离术
  19186. division of relation ==> 关系的划分
  19187. division of suckers ==> 分株
  19188. division of the graticule ==> 分划板刻线
  19189. division of the revenue and expenditure boundaries ==> 收支范围
  19190. division of wavefront ==> 波阵面分割
  19191. division of words ==> 移行
  19192. division of work ==> 劳务分工=>役務区分
  19193. division operator ==> 除法算符
  19194. division pier ==> 隔墩
  19195. division plate ==> 分度板=>隔板
  19196. division ratio ==> 分频比,标度比
  19197. division routine ==> 除法程序
  19198. division stage ==> 分裂期
  19199. division subroutine ==> 除法子程序
  19200. division surface ==> 分隔面
  19201. division system ==> 分部门制度
  19202. division under direct vision ==> 直视分离术
  19203. division value ==> 分度值
  19204. division wall ==> 分隔墙,双面水冷壁,间隔墙,双面露光水冷壁,沿炉高布置将炉膛分为两个相等的空间、能吸收来自这两个空间的辐射热的水冷壁。
  19205. divisional accounting ==> 分部会计
  19206. divisional application ==> 分案申请
  19207. divisional bonds ==> 局部债券,局部债券
  19208. divisional colour ==> 分界色
  19209. divisional control ==> 分部控制
  19210. divisional cost ==> 分部成本
  19211. divisional management level ==> 分部管理水平
  19212. divisional management zone ==> 分部管理地区
  19213. divisional performance ==> 分部经营成绩,分部业绩
  19214. divisional performance analysis ==> 分部业绩分析
  19215. divisional performance report ==> 分部业绩报告
  19216. divisional report ==> 分部报告
  19217. divisional reporting ==> 分部报表
  19218. divisional structural plane ==> 分划性结构面
  19219. divisional system ==> 分部门制度
  19220. divisional type ==> 分区类型
  19221. divisional unit ==> 分区单位
  19222. divisions divisiones ventrales ==> 腹侧股
  19223. divisions dorsales ==> 背侧股
  19224. divisor ==> 除数,約数
  19225. divisor address operand ==> 除数地址操作数
  19226. divisor length operand ==> 除数长度操作数
  19227. divisural line ==> 开裂线
  19228. DIVM, digital voltmeter ==> 計数式電圧計
  19229. divorce decree ==> 离婚判决
  19230. divorced cementite ==> 离异渗碳体
  19231. divorced eutectic ==> 离异共晶
  19232. divorced pearlite ==> 粒状珠光体
  19233. divorced perlite ==> 球状珠光体
  19234. Dixie cotton ==> (美)迪克西棉
  19235. Dixie valley geothermal power plant ==> ディキシーバレー地熱発電所
  19236. Dixoil bronze ==> 迪克索尔青铜
  19237. Dixon ring ==> 狄克松环
  19238. dizao group ==> 重氮基
  19239. dizaomethyl ==> 重氮甲基
  19240. dizygotic twins ==> 异卵双生,二卵双胞,二卵双生儿
  19241. dizziness caused by adverse flow of qi ==> 下厥上冒
  19242. dizziness due to heatstroke ==> 冒暑眩晕
  19243. dizziness due to yang deficiency ==> 阳虚眩晕
  19244. DK Deck ==> 甲板
  19245. DKD ==> 德国标准局
  19246. DKE ==> 德国电工委员会=>ドイツ電気電子情報技術委員会
  19247. DL, destruct line ==> 破壊限界線
  19248. DL, dummy load ==> ダミーロード
  19249. DL, dynamic load ==> 動的荷重
  19250. dl-phenylalanine mustard ==> 消旋苯丙氨酸氮芥
  19251. DLA Defense Logistics Agency ==> 防御后勤所
  19252. DLA, diffusion-limited aggregation ==> 拡散律速凝集
  19253. DLA, dynamic load analysis ==> 柔結合解析
  19254. DLC, data link ==> データリンク
  19255. DLC, Diamon-Like Carbon ==> ダイヤモンド状炭素,ダイヤモンドドライクカーボン,DLC膜
  19256. DLC, direct lift control ==> 直接揚力制御
  19257. DLC, Distribution Line Carrier ==> 一种电力线通信方式
  19258. DLD, Door Load Detection ==> DLD
  19259. DLE, dry low emission ==> ドライ・ロー・エミッション燃焼器
  19260. dlectrical conductance level measuring device ==> 电导液位测量装置
  19261. dlignment tolerances of plate edges ==> 板边校直公差
  19262. DLL, dynamic link library ==> ダイナミックリンクライブラリ
  19263. DLNA, Digital Living Network Alliance ==> DLNAは、メーカー各社が2003年6月に設立した「Digital Home Working Group」(DHWG)を改称し、設立したもので、PCやディジタル家電などに関する相互接続性の確保などを目的としている。
  19264. DLP, Digital Light Processing ==> 表示用デバイスとして光スイッチ素子を使用した高精細の次世代型ディスプレイです.
  19265. DLR, delivery review ==> 引渡前審査
  19266. DLR, Discharge Level Ratio ==> 避雷器制限電圧特性
  19267. DLR, German Aerospace Reserch Establishment (Deutsche Forschungstalt fur Luft-und R ==> ドイツ航空宇宙研究所
  19268. DLS, delay line synthesizer ==> 遅延シンセサイザ
  19269. DLSC, Defense Logistics Service Center ==> 防衛補給サービスセンター
  19270. DLT, data link transceiver ==> データリンクトランシーバ
  19271. DLT, direct line telephone system ==> 自動電話システム
  19272. DLT, dynamic load test ==> 動荷重試験
  19273. DLTS, deep-level transient spectroscopy ==> DLTS
  19274. DM&O, data management and operation ==> データ管理及び運用
  19275. DM(M), delta modulation ==> デルタ変調
  19276. DM, development model ==> 開発モデル
  19277. DM, digital multiplexer ==> デジタルマルチプレクサー
  19278. DM, dimensional model ==> 寸法模法
  19279. DM, docking mechanism ==> 結合機構
  19280. DMA channel ==> 存储器直接存取通道
  19281. DMA data transfer ==> 存储器直接存取数据传送
  19282. DMA, despin motor assembly ==> デスピンモータアセンブリ
  19283. DMA, direct memory access ==> ダイレクトメモリアクセス
  19284. DMA, drive motor assembly ==> 駆動モータ部
  19285. DMC, data multiplex channel ==> データ多重伝送通話路
  19286. DMC, Dynamic Matrix Control ==> 动态矩阵控制
  19287. DMD, despin motor drive ==> デスピンモータ駆動装置
  19288. DMD, Digital Micromirror Device ==> DMDは16×16ミクロンの微小な鏡(ミラー)を数十万枚、ワンチップに集積した光スイッチです。鏡の一つひとつを±10度の角度に傾けることで光の反射方向を切り替えます。これにより、ディジタル信号のオン・オフ制御が可能となっています。鏡が一方に傾いているときだけスクリーンのランプの光を反射し(オン)、逆に傾いているときは反射しません(オフ)。光スイッチによる完全なディジタル・デバイスであるDMDを使用しているためDigital Light Processing(ディジタル光処理技術)と呼ばれています。
  19289. DMDE, Docking Mechanism Drive Electronics ==> ドッキング機構駆動回路
  19290. DME indicator ==> 测距装置指示器
  19291. DME interrogator ==> 测距装置询问机
  19292. DME memory ==> 测距装置存储器
  19293. DME transponder ==> 测距装置应答机
  19294. DME, Dimethyl-ether ==> ジメチルエーテル,DMEは石炭や天然ガス、バイオマスなど広範な原料から製造でき、硫黄分がゼロで二酸化炭素(CO2)発生量も少ないクリーンなエネルギー。
  19295. DME, distance measuring equipment ==> 距離測定装置
  19296. DME-P, Distance Measuring Equipment-Precise ==> 測距装置(精測)
  19297. dmes fet ==> 耗尽型肖特基场效应晶体管
  19298. DMFC, direct methanol fuel cell ==> 直接改質型メタノール燃料電池
  19299. DMIC, Defense Metals Information Center ==> 防衛用金属製品情報センター
  19300. DMIC, Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor ==> デリー・ムンバイ間産業大動脈
  19301. DML, Docking Mechanism Latch ==> ドッキング機構・ラッチ機構部
  19302. DMM ==> ディジタルマルチメータ
  19303. DMM, digital multimeter ==> デジタルマルチメータ
  19304. dmnos structure ==> dmnos结构
  19305. DMOO, data management and operations office ==> データ管理運用局
  19306. dmos ==> dmos结构
  19307. dmosfet dmos ==> 场效应晶体管
  19308. dmost ==> 双扩散金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  19309. DMP, docking module pilot ==> ドッキングモジュール用パイロット
  19310. DMS, data management system ==> データ管理システム
  19311. DMS, distribution management system ==> DMS
  19312. DMSP, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program ==> 防衛気象衛星計画
  19313. DMU, data management unit ==> データ管理装置
  19314. DMU, Parts & Material Degradation Measurement Unit ==> 部品・材料劣化装置(COMETS搭載予定のTEDAの装置)
  19315. dmux ==> 多路分配器
  19316. DMY, dummy ==> ダミー
  19317. DN, data number ==> データ数
  19318. DN, day number ==> 日数
  19319. DN, discrepancy notice ==> 不具合報告書
  19320. DNA chip ==> DNAチップ
  19321. DNA origami ==> DNA折り紙
  19322. DNA recombination ==> DNA組換え
  19323. DNA repair ==> DNA修復
  19324. DNA replication ==> DNA複製
  19325. DNA sequencing ==> DNA塩基配列解読
  19326. DNA sequencing technology ==> DNA测序技术
  19327. DNA, Defense Nuclear Agency ==> 国防核兵器局
  19328. DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid ==> デオキシリンボ核酸
  19329. DNB ==> デザイナブルナノバイオ
  19330. DNC ==> 給電情報配信装置
  19331. dnc ==> 直接数字控制
  19332. DNC, direct numerical control ==> 群管理
  19333. DNK Denmark (Flag) ==> 丹麦(注册)
  19334. DNL, differential nonlineaity ==> 微分非直線性
  19335. DNP, Distributed Network Protocol ==> DNP3.0
  19336. DNS, Direct Numerical Simulation ==> 乱流の渦構造を一切モデル化を行わずに直接ナビエ・ストークス方程式から解く手法
  19337. DNS, domain name system ==> インターネットでドメイン名とIPアドレスの関係を管理するもの
  19338. DNV Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian Class Society) ==> (挪威等级协会)
  19339. DO ==> 开关量输出模块
  19340. do a sum in writing ==> 笔算
  19341. do accounts ==> 算帐
  19342. do business in a small way ==> 小本经营
  19343. do business on one's account ==> 自营商业
  19344. DO Diesel Oil ==> 柴油
  19345. DO group ==> 循环语句组
  19346. Do not bend or fold ==> 折り曲げ厳禁
  19347. do not drop ==> 小心掉落
  19348. do not feel like eating ==> 不思饮食
  19349. do not load near inflammables ==> 不能靠近易燃品
  19350. Do not stake on top ==> 勿放顶上
  19351. Do not store in damp place ==> 勿放湿处
  19352. do not turn over ==> 不可倒置
  19353. do nothing operation ==> 空命令
  19354. do poorly done work over again ==> 返工
  19355. DO range ==> 循环语句域
  19356. do shoddy work and use inferior material ==> 偷工减料
  19357. Do you copy? ==> 聞こえますか?
  19358. DO, discrete output ==> 離散的出力
  19359. DO, ditigal output ==> ディジタル出力
  19360. Do-All ==> 多用机床
  19361. do-all tractor ==> 万能牵引车
  19362. DO-implied list ==> 隐循环表
  19363. do-nothing operation ==> 空操作
  19364. DOA estimation ==> 到来方向推定
  19365. DOA, data oriented approach ==> データ中心アプローチ
  19366. DOA, Department of Agriculture ==> 農務省
  19367. doab ==> 汇流区
  19368. Dobas network ==> 多巴成形电路
  19369. Dobbins reagent ==> 多宾试剂
  19370. dobby board ==> 高级封面纸板
  19371. dobby loom ==> 多臂织机
  19372. dobby machine ==> 多臂机,多臂织机
  19373. Dobcross box mechanism ==> 链式多梭箱机构
  19374. Dobcross loom ==> 链式多梭箱织机
  19375. doble-button microphone ==> 双碳精盒式话筒
  19376. Dobois' abscess ==> 胸腺脓肿
  19377. dobrowolsky generator ==> 多勃罗沃尔斯基三线发电机
  19378. Dobrowolsky generator ==> 多勃罗沃尔斯基三线发电机
  19379. dobschauite ==> 辉砷镍矿
  19380. Dobson prop ==> 多布森支柱
  19381. Dobson support system ==> 多布森支架
  19382. DOC ==> デュアル・ユースアイテム
  19383. DOC Document Of Compliance (Part of ISM Code) ==> 服从公文
  19384. DOC, Department of Commerce ==> 米国商務省
  19385. DOC, document ==> 文書
  19386. dock ==> 船坞,截短,站台,对接,锚泊地,码头,停泊处,停车场=>波止場,桟橋,ドック,船渠
  19387. dock and town dues ==> 码头和城市税
  19388. dock basin ==> 港池
  19389. dock block ==> 倒装辘轳
  19390. dock business ==> ドック事業
  19391. dock chamber ==> 船坞室
  19392. dock charge ==> 入坞费,码头费=>ドック使用料
  19393. dock charges ==> 码头费
  19394. dock company ==> ドック会社
  19395. dock crane ==> 码头起重机,船坞起重机,造船起重机
  19396. dock dues ==> 入坞费,码头费,码头捐,码头税
  19397. dock entrance ==> 船坞进口
  19398. dock floor ==> 船坞底板
  19399. dock gate ==> 船坞闸门
  19400. dock hand ==> 码头工人
  19401. dock harbor ==> 船坞式港
  19402. dock harbour ==> 闭合式港
  19403. dock landing account ==> 码头卸货帐单
  19404. dock landing ship (DLS) ==> 海滩登陆舰
  19405. dock pier ==> 坞墩
  19406. dock receipt ==> 码头收据
  19407. dock siltation ==> 码头淤积
  19408. dock slope protection ==> 码头护坡
  19409. dock stevedorage ==> 码头装载
  19410. dock stowage ==> 码头装载
  19411. dock trials ==> 码头试车,系泊试车
  19412. dock type lock chamber ==> 整体式闸室,又称“坞式闸室”。两侧闸墙与闸室底板刚性连接构成“U”形断面的钢筋混凝土结构的船闸闸室
  19413. dock wall ==> 码头岸壁,船坞墙,驳岸
  19414. dock walloper ==> 码头工人
  19415. dock warehouse receipt ==> 仓库收领证据
  19416. dock warehousing ==> 仓库业
  19417. dock warrant ==> 码头仓单,码头栈单
  19418. dock weight ==> 码头重量记录单
  19419. dock weight note ==> 码头重量记录单
  19420. dock work ==> 码头工作
  19421. dock yard ==> 造船厂
  19422. dockage ==> 船渠费,船坞设备,入坞费,木材降等,码头捐,停泊费
  19423. docken silk ==> 成绞生丝
  19424. docker ==> 码头工人
  19425. docket ==> 标签
  19426. dockglass ==> 大杯
  19427. docking ==> 入船坞,入坞,截短,对接,泊码头
  19428. docking accommodation ==> 入船坞设施,入坞设备
  19429. docking adapter ==> 对接接合器
  19430. docking area ==> 泊船区
  19431. docking block ==> 稳船块,干船坞垫船木
  19432. docking cone ==> 对接锥体
  19433. docking control ==> ドッキング制御
  19434. docking cradle ==> 格納台
  19435. docking device ==> ドッキング装置
  19436. docking facilities ==> 泊船设施
  19437. docking facility ==> 泊船设备
  19438. docking impact load ==> 靠船冲力
  19439. docking keel ==> 坐坞龙骨
  19440. docking mechanism ==> 对接机构
  19441. docking rail ==> 棚厂操作轨
  19442. docking saw ==> 截土锯
  19443. dockside ==> 扣除
  19444. dockside fender ==> 码头防冲装置
  19445. dockside worker ==> ドック作業員
  19446. dockyard ==> 造船厂
  19447. docosandioic acid ==> 二十二烷二酸
  19448. docosene dicarboxylic acid ==> 二十二烯二羧酸
  19449. docosenoic acid ==> 二十二烯酸
  19450. docosoic acid ==> 二十二烷酸
  19451. doctor ==> 镀层修理器,大夫,辅助机构,医生
  19452. doctor (Dr.) ==> 博士
  19453. doctor blade ==> 刮浆刀,刮墨刀片,刮片
  19454. DOCTOR DIESEL ==> 三菱重工研发的实时柴油机运行监视系统
  19455. doctor for infectious diseaseg ==> 传染病科医师
  19456. doctor grinding machine ==> 磨刮刀机
  19457. doctor knife ==> 刮刀,刮片
  19458. doctor negative ==> 低硫的
  19459. doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion ==> 针灸医生
  19460. doctor of engineering ==> 工程学博士
  19461. doctor of medicine ==> 医博士
  19462. doctor of traditional Chinese medicine ==> 中医师
  19463. doctor positive ==> 高硫的
  19464. doctor roll ==> 刮刀辊
  19465. doctor solution ==> 脱硫液
  19466. doctor test ==> 含硫试验
  19467. doctor treatment ==> 脱硫法
  19468. doctor's office ==> 医师办公室
  19469. doctor-bar ==> 刮片
  19470. doctrine ==> 教義,信条,原理,学説,理論
  19471. doctrine of back to the ancients ==> 复古主义
  19472. doctrine of comparative cost ==> 比较成本说
  19473. doctrine of comparative value ==> 比较价值说
  19474. doctrine of consistency ==> 一贯原则
  19475. doctrine of strict compliance ==> 严格符合主义
  19476. document ==> 凭证,文件,文据,证件,文献=>文書
  19477. document against acceptance ==> 认付时交货单据
  19478. document against payment-sight ==> 即期付款交单
  19479. document attached ==> 附证书
  19480. document copying ==> 文件复制
  19481. document facsimile ==> 模写電送
  19482. document facsimile apparatus ==> 真迹传真机
  19483. document file ==> 档案夹
  19484. document flow ==> 文件流
  19485. document generation ==> 公文生成
  19486. document glass ==> 保护文件用玻璃
  19487. document handling ==> 文件处理
  19488. document image ==> 记录图像
  19489. document leading edge ==> 文件前沿
  19490. document lift ==> 文件梯
  19491. document management ==> 文書管理
  19492. document misregistration ==> 文件未对准
  19493. document number ==> 文件号
  19494. document of clearance ==> 结关文件
  19495. document of settlement ==> 结算单据
  19496. document of title ==> 所有权文据,所有权文据,权利凭证
  19497. document plane ==> 资料定位面
  19498. document platen ==> 资料压板
  19499. document processing system ==> 文件处理系统
  19500. document reader ==> 读文器
  19501. document reference edge ==> 文件基准边缘
  19502. document retrieval ==> 文献检索
  19503. document sample ==> 文件样品
  19504. document sorter ==> 文件分类机
  19505. document system ==> 文件系统
  19506. document term matrix ==> 文献术语相关矩阵
  19507. document to be submitted ==> 要提交的技术文件
  19508. document understanding ==> 公文理解
  19509. document-based supply ==> 凭证供应
  19510. document-originating mechine ==> 文件编制机
  19511. document.tion ==> 文件管理,文件集
  19512. documentary bill (draft) ==> 押汇汇票
  19513. documentary bill with letter of credit ==> 凭信押汇汇票
  19514. documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight ==> 商业短期押汇票
  19515. documentary credit ==> 押汇信用
  19516. documentary evidence ==> 文件证据
  19517. documentary evidence of medicolegal expertise ==> 法医学鉴定书
  19518. documentary export bill ==> 出口跟单汇票
  19519. documentary film ==> 记录片,记录影片
  19520. documentary import bill ==> 进口跟单汇票
  19521. documentary letter of credit ==> 押汇信用证
  19522. documentary promissory note ==> 附单期票
  19523. documentation ==> 配齐单据,提出证明文件,文件编制,文献,记录技术=>文書化
  19524. documentation aid program ==> 文件编制辅助程序
  19525. documentation book ==> 记录簿
  19526. documentation program ==> 文件编制程序
  19527. documents against presentation ==> 提示交单
  19528. documents of approximate estimate ==> 概算文件
  19529. documents of estimate ==> 预算文件
  19530. documents per minute ==> 每分钟文件量
  19531. documents signed (DS) ==> 签名单据
  19532. DOD, Department of Defense ==> 米国国防省
  19533. DOD, Department Of Defense ==> 美国国防部=>米国国防省
  19534. DOD, depth of battery discharge ==> バッテリー放電深度
  19535. DOD, depth of discharge ==> 放電深度
  19536. dodar determination of direction and range ==> 超声波定位器
  19537. dodder mark ==> 菟丝纹,菟丝纹
  19538. dodecagon ==> 十二边形=>十二角形
  19539. dodecanoic acid ==> 月桂酸,十二烷酸
  19540. dodecarbonium chloride ==> 多卡氯铵
  19541. dodecastyle portico ==> 十二柱式门廊
  19542. dodeclonium bromide ==> 多地溴铵
  19543. dodecyl sodium sulfate ==> 月桂基磺酸钠
  19544. dodge ==> 窍门,新花样设计,闪
  19545. dodge a creditor ==> 逃债
  19546. dodge a tax ==> 偷税
  19547. Dodge breaker ==> 上动型颚式破碎机
  19548. Dodge crusher ==> 道奇型颚式破碎机
  19549. dodge gate ==> 活动门
  19550. Dodge jaw crusher ==> 道济颚式破碎机
  19551. dodge pulverizer ==> 道奇型球磨机
  19552. Dodge type jaw crusher ==> 道奇式颚式破碎机
  19553. Dodge-Roming tables ==> 道奇-罗明表
  19554. DODISS, DOD index of specifications and standards ==> 国防省仕様と基準番号
  19555. DOE, Department of Energy ==> 米国エネルギー省
  19556. DOE, Department Of Energy ==> 美国能源部=>米国エネルギー省
  19557. Doebner-Miller synthesis ==> 多布纳-米勒合成
  19558. DOF, degree of freedom ==> 自由度
  19559. DOF, direction of flight ==> 飛行方位
  19560. dofamium chloride ==> 多法氯铵
  19561. doffing ==> 下筒,剥棉网
  19562. doffing drum ==> 脱棉滚筒
  19563. doffing mechanism ==> 脱棉器
  19564. doffing roller ==> 脱棉辊
  19565. dog ==> 推爪,针盘传动滑轮,挡块,卡爪,扎钩,轧头,销,挂鹰钩,罐托,鹰钩,犬,搬钩,环钩,止块
  19566. dog (set,locating) screw ==> 定位螺钉
  19567. dog anchor ==> 扒钉
  19568. dog bite ==> 犬咬伤,狗咬伤
  19569. dog board ==> 鹰钩板,扎钩板
  19570. dog bolt ==> 活节螺栓
  19571. dog brier ==> 犬蔷薇
  19572. dog catch ==> 卡子,擒纵器
  19573. dog chart ==> 销簧=>ドッグチャート
  19574. dog chuck ==> 爪形夹盘
  19575. dog clamp ==> 止块夹头
  19576. dog clutch ==> 爪形离合器
  19577. dog collar ==> 冻结圈
  19578. dog coupling ==> 牙嵌离合器
  19579. dog days ==> 伏天
  19580. dog drive plate ==> 止块传动盘
  19581. dog driver ==> 止动器
  19582. dog end ==> 轴的棘轮
  19583. dog for faceplate ==> 花盘夹头
  19584. dog hair ==> (羊毛)犬毛
  19585. dog head fixator ==> 狗头固定器
  19586. dog headed spike ==> 狗头钉
  19587. dog holder ==> 狗固定器
  19588. dog hole ==> 液流洞,联络巷道
  19589. dog hook ==> 抓钩,带钩撑杆
  19590. dog house arch ==> 投料口旋拱
  19591. dog house mantle block ==> 投料口盖砖
  19592. dog iron ==> 铁扒钉,扒钉,抓钩,两爪铁扣
  19593. dog leg ==> 双向折弯,死弯,折线
  19594. dog link ==> 止转棒轭,止转杆
  19595. dog mark ==> 牙痕
  19596. dog metal ==> 池底玻璃
  19597. dog nail ==> 道钉
  19598. dog nose ==> 根度病
  19599. dog plate ==> 卡爪盘,制动爪安装板
  19600. dog salmon ==> 大麻哈鱼
  19601. dog screw ==> 轧头螺钉,偏心头螺钉
  19602. dog skin ==> 粗晶粒表面
  19603. dog spike ==> 道钉,钩头道钉=>犬くぎ
  19604. dog spike bar ==> 道钉钢条
  19605. dog tooth ==> 四叶花饰
  19606. dog tooth bond ==> 犬牙式砌合
  19607. dog tooth course ==> 犬齿砖饰
  19608. dog vane ==> 风标
  19609. dog's ears ==> 轧件表面上的结疤
  19610. dog's teeth ==> 犬牙
  19611. dog's tooth ==> 犬牙式砌合法
  19612. dog's-tooth course ==> 犬齿砖饰
  19613. dog-engaged constant mesh gears ==> 齿轮离合器接合的常啮合齿轮
  19614. dog-headed spike ==> 钩头道钉
  19615. dog-hole ==> 流液洞
  19616. dog-house ==> 高频高压电源屏蔽罩,原料预热室,投料口
  19617. dog-leg path ==> 折线轨迹
  19618. dog-legged stair ==> 层间双折楼梯
  19619. dog-nail ==> 道钉
  19620. dog-tooth joint ==> 犬齿接
  19621. dog-tooth spar ==> 犬牙石
  19622. Dogbane Leaf ==> 罗布麻叶
  19623. dogfish oil ==> 鲨鱼肝油,鲨鱼肝油
  19624. dogged perseverance ==> 堅忍持久
  19625. dogging ==> 钩卡
  19626. dogging crane ==> 钳式吊车,夹钳吊车
  19627. dogleg stair ==> 双跑平行楼梯
  19628. doglegged stair ==> (指无梯井的双跑平行楼梯)双跑平行楼梯
  19629. dogwood ==> 山茱萸
  19630. Doherty linear amplifier ==> 多赫蒂线性放大器
  19631. Doherty transmitter ==> 多尔蒂发射机
  19632. Dohlman's operation ==> 道尔门手术
  19633. DOI Department Of the Interior ==> 内务部
  19634. DOI, Department of Interior ==> 米国内務省
  19635. DOI, Doppler Orbit Improvement ==> ドップラーデータ使用軌道決定プログラム
  19636. doing business ==> 经营商业,经营商业
  19637. Doisy unit ==> 多伊西单位
  19638. DOL system ==> 确定性林氏无关系统
  19639. dolabid tablet ==> 氟苯水杨酸片
  19640. Dolan equation ==> 道兰方程式
  19641. dolby integrated circuit ==> 道尔比集成电路
  19642. Dolby noise reduction system ==> 道尔贝降噪系统
  19643. Dolby system ==> 道尔贝系统=>ドルビー方式
  19644. dolcin tablet ==> 多乐仙风湿特效片
  19645. dole meadow ==> 公共草地
  19646. Dolente ==> 悲哀地,怨诉地
  19647. Doler brass alloys ==> 多莱黄铜合金
  19648. Doler-zinc ==> 多莱锌合金
  19649. dolerophane ==> 褐铜矿
  19650. dolerophanite ==> 褐铜矿
  19651. Dolezalek quadrant electrometer ==> 多尔查累克象限静电计
  19652. Dolgelley gold belt ==> 多尔格利金带
  19653. dollar bill of exchange ==> 美元汇票
  19654. dollar certificate of deposite ==> 美元存单
  19655. dollar control ==> 库存成本控制
  19656. dollar cost averaging ==> 美元成本海损
  19657. dollar depreciation ==> 美元贬值
  19658. dollar exchange standard system ==> 美元汇兑本位制
  19659. dollar forward ==> 美元期货
  19660. dollar holdings ==> 美元存款
  19661. dollar import ==> 以美元支付的进口
  19662. dollar margin ==> 现金保证金
  19663. dollar mark ==> 美元符号
  19664. dollar merchandise plan ==> 销售金额计划
  19665. dollar oil ==> 美元石油
  19666. dollar position ==> 美元地位
  19667. dollar premium ==> 美元升水
  19668. dollar rate ==> 美元兑换率
  19669. dollar reserve ==> 美元储备
  19670. dollar shock ==> 美元冲击
  19671. dollar shortage ==> 美元短缺
  19672. dollar sign ==> 金额符号
  19673. dollar spot ==> 硬币元状斑病
  19674. dollar spots ==> 银元疹
  19675. dollar standard ==> 美元本位
  19676. dollar standard system ==> 美元本位制
  19677. dollar stock ==> 美元公债
  19678. dollar value at point of exportation ==> 在出口点的美元价值
  19679. dollar value LIFO method ==> 币值后进先出法
  19680. dollar volume of receipts ==> 美元进款额
  19681. dollar-and-cent ==> 纯经济的
  19682. dollar-cost averaging ==> 美元成本平均法
  19683. dollar-gold standard ==> 美元黄金本位
  19684. dollar-unit sampling (DUS) ==> 美元单位抽样
  19685. dollerah cotton ==> (印度)多勒腊棉
  19686. dolly ==> 铆钉撑锤
  19687. dolly bar ==> 调节杆,铆顶棍
  19688. dolly bolt ==> 板簧连结螺栓
  19689. dolly car ==> 狭轨小机车,平台拖车
  19690. dolly set ==> 钉模
  19691. dolly shot ==> 推拉摄影
  19692. dolomite ==> 白云石
  19693. dolomite article ==> 白云石制品
  19694. dolomite block ==> 白云石大砖
  19695. dolomite brick ==> 白云耐火砖,白云石耐火砖,白云石砖
  19696. dolomite cement ==> 白云石水泥
  19697. dolomite dust ==> 白云石粉
  19698. dolomite earthen-ware ==> 白云石陶器
  19699. dolomite fines ==> 白云石粉
  19700. dolomite glass ==> 白云石玻璃
  19701. dolomite gun ==> 白云石喷枪
  19702. dolomite lime ==> 白云石石灰
  19703. dolomite limestone ==> 白云灰岩,白云石质石灰石
  19704. dolomite magnesite refractory 白云石 镁质 ==> 耐火材料
  19705. dolomite plaster ==> 白云石灰膏,消解白云石白质石灰浆
  19706. dolomite refractory 白云石质 ==> 耐火材料
  19707. dolomite rock ==> 白云灰岩
  19708. dolomite-magnesite brick ==> 白云石-镁质耐火砖
  19709. dolomite-marble ==> 白云大理岩
  19710. dolomite-throwing machine ==> 白云石投射机
  19711. dolomitic lime ==> 白云石石灰,高镁石灰
  19712. dolomitic limestone ==> 白云石灰岩
  19713. dolomitic marble ==> 镁质大理岩
  19714. dolomitic pellets ==> 白云石球团
  19715. dolomitic sand ==> 白云砂
  19716. dolomitic sinter ==> 白云石烧结物
  19717. Dolphin ==> ドルフィン
  19718. dolphin oil ==> 海豚油
  19719. Dolter surface-contact system ==> 道尔脱表面接触系统
  19720. DOM, document object model ==> DOM
  19721. DOM, Dose Monitor ==> 放射線吸収線量モニタ
  19722. DOM, dosimeter(dosemeter) ==> 放射線吸収線量モニタ,線量計
  19723. DOM-S, dosimeter sensor ==> 放射線吸収線量検知器
  19724. DOMA, Deep Ocean Minerals Association ==> (社)深海底鉱物資源開発協会
  19725. domain ==> 范围,房地产,定义域,领域,域,功能区,畴,晶域,区域,磁畴=>定義域
  19726. domain boundary ==> 畴壁,畴界,磁畴界壁
  19727. domain decomposition method ==> 領域分割法
  19728. domain growth ==> 畴的生长
  19729. domain hypothesis ==> 功能区假说
  19730. domain knowledge ==> ドメイン知識
  19731. domain mode ==> 畴模式
  19732. domain of a fuzzy relation ==> 模糊关系的定义域
  19733. domain of attraction ==> 吸引域
  19734. domain of convergence ==> 收敛域
  19735. domain of dependence ==> 收敛域
  19736. domain of feasible solution ==> 可行解区域
  19737. domain of function ==> 函数域
  19738. domain of individual ==> 个体的定义域
  19739. domain of influence ==> 影响域
  19740. domain of integrity ==> 整环
  19741. domain of interpretation ==> 解释域
  19742. domain of reference or access ==> 引用或存取区域
  19743. domain of study ==> 研究域
  19744. domain of variation ==> 变化区域
  19745. domain of walker ==> 浮动范围
  19746. domain operator ==> 区域操作员,区域运行程序
  19747. domain reversal ==> 电畴反转
  19748. domain rotation ==> 畴转动,磁畴旋转
  19749. domain stability ==> 畴稳定性
  19750. domain structure ==> 磁畴结构
  19751. domain theory ==> 畴理论
  19752. domain tip ==> 畴尖,磁泡
  19753. domain tip device ==> 磁泡器件,畴尖器件
  19754. domain wall ==> 磁畴壁,畴壁,布洛赫壁
  19755. domain wall coercivity ==> 畴壁矫顽力
  19756. domain wall displacement ==> 磁壁移動
  19757. domain wall energy ==> 磁壁エネルギー
  19758. domain wall movement ==> 畴壁运动
  19759. domain wall resonance loss ==> 磁壁共鳴損
  19760. domain wall velocity ==> 畴壁速度
  19761. domain-name ==> ドメイン名
  19762. domain-switching process ==> 磁畴开关过程
  19763. domain-tip memory ==> 畴尖存储器,畴壁位移
  19764. domain-wall mobility of magnetic bubble ==> 磁泡畴壁迁移率
  19765. domain-wall resonance ==> 畴壁共振
  19766. domain-wall switching ==> 畴壁翻转
  19767. domal structure ==> 穹状构造
  19768. domal uplift ==> 穹状隆起
  19769. dome ==> 顶盖罩,导流纳,导流罩,圆顶,圆盖,整流罩,坡面,穹,穹窿,穹丘,半球形水团
  19770. dome brick ==> 拱砖,顶砖
  19771. dome collar ==> 钟形汽室垫圈
  19772. dome head ==> 球面底,球形封头
  19773. dome illumination ==> 天棚照明
  19774. dome kiln ==> 馒头窑
  19775. dome lamp ==> 顶灯,天棚灯
  19776. dome light ==> 天棚灯,穹面灯
  19777. dome loudspeaker ==> 球顶形扬声器
  19778. dome manhole ==> 圆顶人孔,储罐入孔
  19779. dome mountain ==> 穹窿山
  19780. dome nut ==> 圆盖螺母
  19781. dome organ ==> 钟形感器
  19782. dome reflector ==> 穹面反射器,穹形反射器
  19783. dome shaped contact ==> 半球形接点
  19784. dome slot ==> 半球形缝
  19785. dome structure ==> 穹隆构造,穹状构造
  19786. dome theory ==> 自然平衡拱理论
  19787. dome-cells ==> 圆顶细胞
  19788. dome-geometry light source ==> 半球形光源
  19789. dome-head cylinder ==> 半球形压缩室汽缸
  19790. dome-lamp fixture ==> 天棚照明灯具
  19791. dome-like upheaval ==> 穹状隆起
  19792. dome-shaped bottom ==> 锅形底
  19793. dome-shaped reflector ==> 半球形反射罩
  19794. domed nut ==> 盖螺母
  19795. domed shell ==> 球形壳体
  19796. domeless solar refractor ==> 无圆顶太阳折射望远镜
  19797. domelike structure ==> 穹形状结构
  19798. domeshaped roof ==> 圆盖屋顶
  19799. domestic ==> 家用
  19800. domestic animal ==> 家畜
  19801. domestic animal trade tax ==> 牲畜交易税
  19802. domestic architecture ==> 民房建筑,居住建筑
  19803. domestic bird ==> 家禽
  19804. domestic boiler ==> 日用锅炉
  19805. domestic bond issue ==> 境内债券,境内债券
  19806. domestic borrowing ==> 内债
  19807. domestic broadcasting ==> 国内放送
  19808. domestic building ==> 居住房屋,居住房屋
  19809. domestic by-products consumption ==> 国内农产品消费
  19810. domestic ceramics ==> 日用陶瓷
  19811. domestic climatology ==> 生活气候学
  19812. domestic coke ==> 家用焦炭,民用焦炭
  19813. domestic consumer ==> 家庭用户
  19814. domestic consumption ==> 生活用电量,民用耗水量,生活用水量
  19815. domestic container feeder berth ==> 内航フィーダーバース
  19816. domestic debt ==> 内债
  19817. domestic diesel oil ==> 民用柴油
  19818. domestic duck middle covert feather ==> 二翼毛
  19819. domestic earthenware ==> 日用陶器
  19820. domestic electric appliances ==> 家庭用电器
  19821. domestic electrical installation ==> 家庭用电设施
  19822. domestic electrification ==> 家庭电气化=>家庭電化
  19823. domestic energy requirement ==> 民用能源要求
  19824. domestic exchange ==> 内汇
  19825. domestic fine pottory ==> 日用精陶
  19826. domestic fowl farming ==> 家禽业
  19827. domestic fuel ==> 民用燃料
  19828. domestic fuel gas ==> 民用燃料气
  19829. domestic fuel oil ==> 民用燃料油
  19830. domestic fungus ==> 食用菌
  19831. domestic gas ==> 民用煤气,民用气
  19832. domestic gas appliance ==> 住宅式气体用具
  19833. domestic gasoline ==> 民用汽油
  19834. domestic glass ==> 日用玻璃
  19835. domestic glass-ware ==> 日用玻璃器皿
  19836. domestic goods ==> 本国产品
  19837. domestic grade ==> 民用规格
  19838. domestic heating ==> 民用供热,家庭采暖
  19839. domestic heating oil ==> 民用取暖油
  19840. domestic hot water ==> 民用热水
  19841. domestic hot water system ==> 民用热水系统
  19842. domestic hot-water heater ==> 家用热水器
  19843. domestic induction heater ==> 家用感应加热器
  19844. domestic installation ==> 生活设施,生活用电设施
  19845. domestic instantaneous gas water heater ==> 住宅式即热气体热水炉
  19846. domestic institution ==> 境内机构,境内机构
  19847. domestic kerosene ==> 民用煤油
  19848. domestic load ==> 民用负荷,生活用电量
  19849. domestic loan ==> 国内贷款
  19850. domestic loans ==> 内债
  19851. domestic loom ==> 脚踏木织机
  19852. domestic market ==> 国内市场
  19853. domestic oil ==> 国产石油
  19854. domestic package ==> 内销包装
  19855. domestic pesticide ==> 家用杀虫剂
  19856. domestic porcelain ==> 日用瓷器
  19857. domestic products ==> 土产=>国産品
  19858. domestic public frequency bands ==> 国内公用频带
  19859. domestic refrigerator ==> 家用冰箱
  19860. domestic resources ==> 本国资源
  19861. domestic robot ==> 家用机器人
  19862. domestic sales ==> 内销
  19863. domestic satellite (DOMSAT) ==> 国内通信卫星
  19864. domestic scrap ==> 返回废钢
  19865. domestic sewage treatment plant ==> 住宅污水处理设施
  19866. domestic situation ==> 国内形势
  19867. domestic solar water heater ==> 民用太阳能热水器,家用太阳热水器
  19868. domestic solid waste ==> 住宅固体废物,住宅垃圾
  19869. domestic stoneware ==> 日用炻器
  19870. domestic tariff ==> 居民生活电价,适用于城镇、乡村居民家庭生活用电。(包括照明、家用电器用电)
  19871. domestic tranguility ==> 生活安宁
  19872. domestic use of water ==> 民用水
  19873. domestic waste water ==> 家庭废水
  19874. domestic water ==> 家庭用水
  19875. domestic water preheat storage ==> 民用水预热储存
  19876. domestic water supply system ==> 家庭供水系统,生活水系统,全厂生活用水的取水、水处理、输送、水供应等组成的整个系统
  19877. domestic water-supply ==> 民用给水
  19878. domestic-scrap ==> 厂内废料
  19879. domestically associated enterprise ==> 内联企业
  19880. domesticated bird ==> 驯化了的禽类,驯化了的禽类
  19881. domestication ==> 家畜化,栽培化
  19882. domestication wild plants ==> 栽培野生植物
  19883. domeykite ==> 砷铜矿
  19884. domical architecture ==> 圆顶式建筑
  19885. domicile bill ==> 外埠付款票据
  19886. domiciled credit ==> 托付信用证
  19887. dominance area ==> 显种区
  19888. dominance modifier ==> 显性变更因子
  19889. dominant ==> 显性
  19890. dominant activator ==> 主激活剂
  19891. dominant change ==> 显性转换
  19892. dominant character ==> 显性性状
  19893. dominant control ==> 支配要因
  19894. dominant crop ==> 主要作物
  19895. dominant diagonal ==> 对角占优势
  19896. dominant effect ==> 显性效应
  19897. dominant eigenvalue ==> 主本征值
  19898. dominant eye ==> 主眼=>利き眼
  19899. dominant formative discharge ==> 成槽流量,河道造床流量
  19900. dominant frequency ==> 优势频率,主频率
  19901. dominant function ==> 控制函数
  19902. dominant future ==> 支配性期货
  19903. dominant gene ==> 显性基因
  19904. dominant genetic disease ==> 显性遗传病
  19905. dominant inheritance ==> 显性遗传
  19906. dominant lethal ==> 显性致死因子
  19907. dominant lethal method ==> 显性致死法
  19908. dominant lethal mutation test ==> 显性致死突变试验
  19909. dominant lethal test ==> 显性致死试验
  19910. dominant mechanism ==> 主要机理
  19911. dominant mode ==> 主模,基谐模式,波基型=>基本モード,主モード
  19912. dominant mode of propagation ==> 传播的主模式
  19913. dominant mosquito ==> 优势蚊种
  19914. dominant mountain spur ==> 高耸孤立丘
  19915. dominant negative diagonal ==> 负对角占优
  19916. dominant neuron ==> 优势神经元
  19917. dominant plant ==> 主要作物
  19918. dominant pool method ==> 留钢法
  19919. dominant regularity ==> 显性规律性
  19920. dominant roots ==> 代表根
  19921. dominant term ==> 主项,主要项
  19922. dominant trait ==> 显性性状
  19923. dominant tree ==> 支配木
  19924. dominant variable ==> 控制变量
  19925. dominant wave ==> 主波=>主波
  19926. dominant waveguide transmission mode ==> 波导传输主模
  19927. dominant wavelength ==> 主波长=>主波長
  19928. dominate genes ==> 显性基因
  19929. dominated convergence theorem ==> 控制收敛定理
  19930. dominated stem ==> 劣势木
  19931. dominating condition ==> 控制条件
  19932. dominating integral ==> 优势积分
  19933. Dominical Letter ==> 主日字母
  19934. Domiphen bromide ==> 度米芬
  19935. dommercial collector ==> 讨债公司
  19936. domoic acid ==> 软骨藻酸
  19937. DOMSAT, domestic communication satellite ==> DOMSAT
  19938. DOMSAT, domestic communications satellite ==> 国内通信衛星
  19939. DOMSAT, domestic satellite ==> 国内衛星
  19940. Don't cast ==> 勿掷
  19941. don't lose leaves in winter time ==> (指长绿树木)冬季不落叶
  19942. Don't turn over ==> 切勿倒置=>天地無用
  19943. don't-care point ==> 不管点
  19944. Donald E. Knuth ==> the author of "The Art of Computer Programming"
  19945. Donaldson invariant ==> ドナルドソン不変量
  19946. donated account ==> 捐赠帐户
  19947. donated assets ==> 捐增资产,捐增资产
  19948. donated capital ==> 捐赠资本
  19949. donated fund ==> 捐赠基金,捐赠基金
  19950. donated land ==> 捐赠地产
  19951. donated land reserve ==> 捐赠地产储备
  19952. donated stock ==> 捐赠股份
  19953. donated surplus ==> 捐赠盈余
  19954. donated working capital ==> 捐赠营运资本,捐赠运用资本
  19955. Donati comet ==> 多纳提彗星
  19956. donation ==> 寄付
  19957. donation account ==> 捐赠帐户
  19958. donation tax ==> 赠与税
  19959. donative electron substituent ==> 供电子取代基因
  19960. Donders reduced eye ==> 东德尔斯简约眼
  19961. done bit ==> 操作位
  19962. doneness ==> 出来具合
  19963. Dong ling cao tablet ==> 冬凌草片
  19964. DONGFANG ==> 中国東方電子,メーカー,中華人民共和国電力リンク集
  19965. Dongola leather ==> 东古拉革
  19966. Dongyang wood carving ==> 东阳木刻
  19967. donkey ==> 辅助的,移动式牵引机,雌驴,雄驴,上坡牵引车=>ロバ
  19968. donkey boiler ==> 辅助锅炉
  19969. donkey check valve ==> 辅助止回阀
  19970. donkey crane ==> 辅助起重机
  19971. donkey drain pipe ==> 副泄水管
  19972. donkey engine ==> 辅助发动机,移动式蒸气机
  19973. donkey engine feed pump ==> 辅助发动机添水泵
  19974. donkey feed water pump ==> 备用给水泵
  19975. donkey locomotive ==> 窄轨机车
  19976. donkey pump ==> 蒸汽往复给水泵,辅助水泵
  19977. Donnan balance ==> 道南平衡
  19978. Donnan equilibrium ==> 唐南平衡
  19979. Donnan's membrane equilibrium ==> 膜平衡
  19980. Donnans membrane equilibrium ==> 膜平衡
  19981. Donoghueand Bostock centrifuge ==> 多级碗式离心机
  19982. Donohue equation ==> 多诺休方程
  19983. Donohue's syndrome ==> 怪颜貌综合征
  19984. donor ==> 捐款人,捐款人,给予体,供体,授体,施主,施主物质=>ドナー
  19985. donor atom ==> 施主原子
  19986. donor band ==> 施主能带
  19987. donor binding energy ==> 施主结合能
  19988. donor country ==> 捐赠国,捐赠国
  19989. donor dopant ==> 施主杂质
  19990. donor doping ==> 施主掺杂
  19991. donor element ==> 施主元素
  19992. donor impurity ==> 施主杂质
  19993. donor impurity level ==> 施主杂质能级
  19994. donor level ==> 施主级,施主能级=>ドナー準位
  19995. donor limestone ==> 输出灰岩
  19996. donor material ==> 施主物质
  19997. donor molecule ==> 施主分子
  19998. donor selection ==> 供体选择
  19999. donor site ==> 给位,供体部位
  20000. donor solute ==> 给予体溶质
  20001. donor solvent ==> 给予体溶剂
  20002. donor state ==> 施主态
  20003. donor type semiconductor ==> 施主型半导体
  20004. donor-acceptor complex ==> 给予体-接受体复合物
  20005. Donovan body ==> 杜诺万小体
  20006. Donovan's solution ==> 碘化汞砷溶液
  20007. donuts ==> ドーナツ、
  20008. dont lose leaves in winter time ==> (指长绿树木)冬季不落叶
  20009. DOOARS, Distributed Object-Oriented Architecture for web-based Systems ==> DOOARS
  20010. doom ==> 運命づける,運命,凶運
  20011. door ==> 出灰门,户,门
  20012. door and window hook ==> 门窗钩
  20013. door bar ==> 门闩
  20014. door bell ==> 门铃
  20015. door bolt mechanism ==> 门栓机构
  20016. door butt ==> 门铰链
  20017. door cam ==> 门锁
  20018. door case ==> 门框
  20019. door catch ==> 门扣
  20020. door chain ==> 门链,安全门链
  20021. door check ==> 门制,门制器,关门器
  20022. door cheek ==> 门边梃
  20023. door clearance ==> 门底净空
  20024. door close button ==> 关门按钮
  20025. door closer ==> 关门器,闭门器
  20026. door closer-spring ==> 鼠尾弹簧
  20027. door closing weight ==> 自动关门锤砣
  20028. door contact ==> 门触点
  20029. door control ==> 门控制
  20030. door control equipment ==> 门鸠尾槽
  20031. door curtain ==> 门帘
  20032. door damper ==> 炉门挡板
  20033. door dynamo ==> 发电机门
  20034. door engine ==> 门动力控制机构,自动关门机
  20035. door extractor ==> 炉门机,摘门机,启门机
  20036. door fastener ==> 门闩
  20037. door fixer ==> 门止器
  20038. door frame ==> 门框
  20039. door frame heater ==> 门框式电热器
  20040. door gasket ==> 柜门封边胶条
  20041. door gib ==> 门导块
  20042. door handle ==> 门把手
  20043. door header cover ==> 门头罩
  20044. door hinge ==> 门铰链
  20045. door hinge pin ==> 门铰销
  20046. door holder ==> 门扣,门止,定门器
  20047. door holders (foot controlled) ==> 脚踏门掣
  20048. door hook ==> 门钩
  20049. door interlock ==> 门联锁
  20050. door interlock switch ==> 门锁开关
  20051. door ironmongery ==> 门五金
  20052. door jamb ==> 门窗侧壁,炉门侧柱,炉门垛,前墙砖垛,侧门壁
  20053. door key ==> 门钥匙
  20054. door knob ==> 球形把手
  20055. door knob tube ==> 门钮形电子管
  20056. door knocker ==> 门环
  20057. door lamp switch ==> 门灯开关
  20058. door latch ==> 排料启闭器
  20059. door latch control ==> 门锁操纵件
  20060. door lifter ==> 开门机
  20061. door limit switch ==> 门限位开关
  20062. door lock ==> 门锁
  20063. door lock control ==> 门锁止操纵件
  20064. door lock cover ==> 门锁罩
  20065. door lock rod ==> 门锁杆
  20066. door lock rod bracket ==> 门锁托架
  20067. door lock striker ==> 门锁撞针
  20068. door lock warning lamp ==> 门灯
  20069. door lock with stainless steel knob ==> 不锈钢球型房门锁
  20070. door locking device ==> 锁门装置
  20071. door machine ==> 开门机
  20072. door mat ==> 门前棕垫
  20073. door mirror ==> 门镜
  20074. door mullion ==> 门中立樘
  20075. door of vital energy ==> 气门
  20076. door open button ==> 开门按钮
  20077. door open limit ==> 开门限位
  20078. door operating gear ==> 门启动装置
  20079. door operating guide ==> 门启动导向件
  20080. door operation ==> 门操作
  20081. door operator ==> 门自动开闭装置
  20082. door panel ==> 门心板
  20083. door pivot ==> 门转轴
  20084. door plate ==> 门牌
  20085. door plate pin washer ==> 炉门板锁垫圈
  20086. door pocket ==> 门套,推拉门箱
  20087. door post ==> 门柱
  20088. door posts ==> 门边梃
  20089. door pull ==> 门拉手
  20090. door rail ==> 门扇冒头
  20091. door safety mirror ==> 门上安全镜
  20092. door schedule ==> 门一览表
  20093. door screen ==> 门帘
  20094. door selling ==> 挨门挨户兜售
  20095. door sheet of fire box ==> 火箱门板
  20096. door shell ==> 门壳
  20097. door shield ==> 门挡
  20098. door sill ==> 门槛,门坎,门坎
  20099. door spring lock ==> 门上弹簧锁
  20100. door step ==> 门阶
  20101. door step service ==> 门到门捷运作业
  20102. door stop ==> 门碰头,门制器
  20103. door straightener ==> 门整直器
  20104. door strip ==> 门槛嵌缝条
  20105. door support ==> 排料门底座
  20106. door switch ==> 门动开关,门开关
  20107. door to door transport ==> 门到门运输
  20108. door top rear view mirror ==> 车门上端装置的后视镜
  20109. door track ==> 门轨
  20110. door trigger ==> 门开关
  20111. door trim ==> 门贴脸
  20112. door trip ==> 门开关
  20113. door with sidelights ==> 联窗门
  20114. door-extracting machine ==> 启炉门机
  20115. door-handle of porcelain ==> 瓷制门把手
  20116. door-knob transformer ==> 门钮形转换器
  20117. door-knob transition ==> 门钮形变换,门钮形转变
  20118. door-to-door ==> 门对门=>ドアトゥドア
  20119. door-to-door car ==> 送货用汽车
  20120. door-to-door service ==> 门到门服务,门对门运输
  20121. door-to-door transportation ==> 门对门运输
  20122. doorknob transformer ==> 门钮形转换器
  20123. doorknob transition ==> ドアノッブ形変換(立体回路)
  20124. doornail ==> 鋲くぎ
  20125. DOP, dilution of precision ==> 希釈度
  20126. DOP, Doppler radar ==> ドップラーレーダ
  20127. dopa oxidase ==> 多巴氧化酶
  20128. DoPa, DoCoMo Packet Transmission ==> DoPa is a packet-switched network service developed by NTT DoCoMo in Japan for Internet connection from mobile devices.
  20129. dopamine ==> 多巴胺(C6H3(OH)2-CH2-CH2-NH2)是一种脑内分泌,可影响一个人的情绪=>ドーパミン
  20130. dopamine agonists ==> 多巴胺促效剂
  20131. dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia ==> 精神分裂症的多巴胺假说
  20132. dopamine neuron ==> ドーパミンニューロン
  20133. dopamine neurons ==> ドーパミン作動性ニューロン
  20134. dopamine receptor ==> 多巴胺受体
  20135. dopant ==> 掺杂剂,掺杂物,掺杂物质,掺质=>ドーパント
  20136. dopant activation ==> 掺杂剂活化
  20137. dopant atom ==> 掺杂剂原子
  20138. dopant density ==> 掺杂密度
  20139. dopant distribution ==> 掺杂剂分布
  20140. dopant gas ==> 掺杂剂气体
  20141. dopant gradient ==> 掺杂梯度
  20142. dopant host ==> 固体掺杂剂源
  20143. dopant material ==> 掺杂材料
  20144. dopant predeposition ==> 掺杂剂预淀积
  20145. dopant profile ==> 掺杂分布图
  20146. dopant resist ==> 掺杂剂抗蚀剂
  20147. dopant source ==> 掺杂剂源
  20148. dope ==> 掺杂剂,涂料,上涂料,明胶,防爆剂
  20149. dope additive ==> 掺杂剂
  20150. dope can ==> 注油壶,加油用油枪
  20151. dope transistor ==> 掺杂质晶体管
  20152. dope-dyed fibre ==> 纺液染色纤维
  20153. dope-dyed yarn ==> 纺液染色丝
  20154. doped chemical ==> 掺杂剂
  20155. doped chemical element ==> 掺杂元素
  20156. doped coating ==> 加固涂料
  20157. doped crystal ==> 掺杂的晶体
  20158. doped crystal interferometer ==> 掺杂晶体干涉仪
  20159. doped crystal laser ==> 掺杂晶体激光器
  20160. doped diamond ==> 掺杂金刚石
  20161. doped fuel ==> 加防爆剂的燃料
  20162. doped gadolinium gallium garnet ==> 掺质钆镓石榴石
  20163. doped gasoline ==> 防爆汽油
  20164. doped glass ==> 掺杂玻璃
  20165. doped glass laser ==> 掺杂玻璃激光器
  20166. doped glass rod ==> 掺杂玻璃棒
  20167. doped junction ==> 掺杂质结
  20168. doped low magnetization YIG single crystal ==> 掺质低磁矩YIG单晶
  20169. doped mercury lamp ==> 掺杂汞灯
  20170. doped oil ==> 加添加剂的润滑油,防瀑润滑油,含添加剂的油
  20171. doped oxide diffusion ==> 掺杂氧化物扩散
  20172. doped photoconductor detector ==> 掺杂光电检测器
  20173. doped polysilicon diffusion ==> 掺杂的多晶硅扩散
  20174. doped seed ==> 掺杂籽晶
  20175. doped silica glass ==> 掺杂石英玻璃
  20176. doped silicon ==> 掺杂硅
  20177. doped single crystal ==> 掺杂单晶
  20178. doped-silica clad fiber ==> 掺杂石英包层光纤
  20179. doped-silica graded fiber ==> 掺杂石英渐变型光纤
  20180. doper ==> 掺杂装置
  20181. doping ==> 掺杂=>ドーピング
  20182. doping accuracy ==> 掺杂精度
  20183. doping agent ==> 掺杂剂,添加剂
  20184. doping compensation ==> 掺杂补偿
  20185. doping content ==> 掺杂浓度
  20186. doping density ==> 掺杂密度
  20187. doping depth ==> 掺杂深度
  20188. doping level ==> 掺杂级
  20189. doping mask ==> 掺杂掩模
  20190. doping mask window ==> 掺杂掩模窗口
  20191. doping material ==> 掺杂材料,涂料
  20192. doping method ==> 掺杂方法
  20193. doping of gasoline ==> 汽油掺添加剂
  20194. doping profiler ==> 掺杂轮廓仪
  20195. doping ratio ==> 掺杂剂比率
  20196. doping type ==> 掺杂型
  20197. DOPLID, Doppler lidar ==> ドップラー光レーダー
  20198. dopos ==> 掺杂的多晶硅扩散
  20199. DOPP, Doppler ==> ドップラー
  20200. Doppler ==> 多普勒效应
  20201. Doppler accuracy ==> 多普勒精度
  20202. Doppler bloodflow meter ==> 多普勒血流计
  20203. Doppler broadening ==> 多普勒谱线增宽,多普勒增宽,多普勒致宽=>ドップラー広がり,ドップラー幅
  20204. Doppler broadening method ==> ドップラー幅法
  20205. Doppler contour ==> 多普勒轮廓
  20206. Doppler core ==> 多普勒核心
  20207. Doppler count ==> 多普勒计数
  20208. Doppler current meter ==> 多普勒海流计
  20209. Doppler data ==> 多普勒资料
  20210. Doppler direction finder ==> ドップラー方向探知機
  20211. Doppler displacement ==> 多普勒位移
  20212. Doppler echocardiograph ==> 多普勒回声心动图仪
  20213. doppler effect ==> 多普勒效应
  20214. Doppler effect ==> 多普勒效应,又称“多普勒展宽”。共振能区内的中子与靶核相互作用时,靶核的热运动引起中子截面的共振峰峰值降低,但宽度展宽,从而使更多的中子能量处于共振能附近,而被共振俘获吸收的现象=>ドップラー効果
  20215. Doppler equation ==> 多普勒方程
  20216. Doppler flowmeter ==> 多普勒流量计
  20217. Doppler foetal heart detector ==> 多普勒胎儿心脏检测器
  20218. doppler frequency ==> 多普勒频率
  20219. Doppler frequency ==> 多普勒频率
  20220. Doppler frequency shift ==> 多普勒频移
  20221. Doppler generator test set ==> 多普勒振荡器检测设备
  20222. doppler generator test set ==> 多普勒振荡器检测设备
  20223. Doppler halfwidth ==> 多普勒半宽度
  20224. Doppler indicator ==> 多普勒指示器
  20225. Doppler inertial navigation equipment ==> 多普勒-惯性导航装置
  20226. Doppler laser velocimeter ==> 多普勒激光流速计
  20227. Doppler linewidth ==> 多普勒线宽
  20228. Doppler log ==> ドップラーログ
  20229. Doppler method ==> 多普勒法
  20230. Doppler motion ==> 多普勒运动
  20231. Doppler navigation ==> 多普勒导航
  20232. Doppler navigation system ==> ドップラー航法装置
  20233. Doppler navigator ==> 多普勒导航仪
  20234. Doppler positioning ==> 多普勒定位
  20235. Doppler profile ==> 多普勒轮廓
  20236. Doppler radar ==> 多普勒雷达=>ドップラーレーダ
  20237. Doppler range ==> 多普勒测距系统
  20238. Doppler ranging ==> 多普勒测距
  20239. Doppler receiver ==> 多普勒接收机
  20240. Doppler relation ==> 多普勒关系
  20241. Doppler shift ==> 多普勒频移=>ドップラーシフト
  20242. Doppler shift measurement ==> 多普勒频移测量=>ドップラーシフト測定
  20243. Doppler sonar ==> 多普勒声纳=>ドップラーソナー
  20244. Doppler sonar navigator ==> 多普勒声纳导航仪
  20245. Doppler sonar transducer ==> 多普勒声纳转换器
  20246. Doppler spectroscopy ==> ドップラー分光
  20247. Doppler spectrum ==> 多普勒频谱
  20248. Doppler speed log ==> 多普勒船速计程仪
  20249. Doppler spread ==> 多普勒频散
  20250. Doppler system with double frequency ==> 双频多普勒系统
  20251. doppler system with double frequency ==> 双频多普勒系统
  20252. Doppler system with single frequency ==> 单频多普勒系统
  20253. doppler system with single frequency ==> 单频多普勒系统
  20254. Doppler tracking ==> 多普勒跟踪
  20255. Doppler tracking system ==> ドップラー追跡方式
  20256. Doppler translocation ==> 多普勒联线定位法
  20257. Doppler two-color laser anemometer ==> 多普勒双色激光风速计
  20258. Doppler ultrasonic angiograph ==> 多普勒超声血管显像仪
  20259. Doppler ultrasonic blood pressure monitor ==> 多普勒超声波血压监测器
  20260. Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis apparatus ==> 多普勒超声诊断仪
  20261. Doppler ultrasonic scanner ==> 多普勒超声波扫描器
  20262. Doppler ultrasound diagnostic apparatus ==> 多普勒超声诊断仪
  20263. Doppler ultrasound echocardiograph ==> 多普勒超声心动描记仪
  20264. Doppler ultrasound fetal beat detector ==> 多普勒胎儿心音检测仪
  20265. Doppler velocimeter telemeter ==> 多普勒血流遥测仪
  20266. Doppler velocity and position (Dovap) ==> 多普勒速度和位置
  20267. Doppler velocity and position finder ==> 多普勒测速和测位器
  20268. Doppler VOR, Doppler VHF omni-directional radio range ==> ドップラーVOR
  20269. Doppler width ==> 多普勒宽度=>ドップラー幅
  20270. Doppler's ultrasonic diagnosis apparatus ==> 超声多普勒诊断仪
  20271. Doppler-Fizeau effect ==> 多普勒-斐索效应
  20272. Doppler-free ==> 无多普勒,消多普勒=>ドップラーフリー
  20273. Dor, Dorado ==> かじき座
  20274. dore bullion bar ==> 金银合金锭
  20275. dore metal ==> 金银合金,金银块
  20276. dore silver ==> 多雷含金粗银,多尔银
  20277. Dorfner test ==> (上釉制品)多尔夫纳应力测试验法
  20278. doria stripes ==> 多利亚条子细布
  20279. Doric column ==> 陶立克柱
  20280. Doric order ==> 陶立克柱式
  20281. dormancy ==> 冬眠
  20282. dormant account ==> 休眠帐户
  20283. dormant application ==> 休眠期施用
  20284. dormant bolt ==> 埋头螺栓
  20285. dormant economy ==> 停滞的经济
  20286. dormant embryo ==> 休眠胚
  20287. dormant geothermal system ==> 休眠地热系
  20288. dormant partner ==> 匿名股东,匿名合伙人,幕后合伙人,外股,隐名股东,(隐名合伙人)出资而不参与经营的合伙人
  20289. dormant scrap ==> 报废器材
  20290. dormant screw ==> 埋头螺钉
  20291. dormant spraying ==> 休眠期喷射
  20292. dormant stage ==> 休眠阶段
  20293. dormant state ==> 待用状态
  20294. dormant time ==> 休眠期
  20295. dormant window ==> 老虎窗
  20296. dormant wood ==> 休眠枝
  20297. dormer window ==> 屋顶窗,老虎窗
  20298. dormitory ==> 宿舍,寝室
  20299. dormitory area ==> 宿舍区
  20300. Dorn effect ==> 多恩效应
  20301. Dorr agitator ==> 多尔搅拌机,多尔搅拌器,道尔型搅拌机
  20302. Dorr balanced-tray thickener ==> 道尔平衡盘式增稠器
  20303. Dorr bowl classifier ==> 道尔型浮槽分级机
  20304. Dorr bowl-rake classifier ==> 道尔型浮槽耙式分级机
  20305. dorr classifier ==> 道尔型分级机
  20306. dorr thickener ==> 道尔浓缩机
  20307. Dorr thickener ==> 道尔沉降器,多尔搅拌机,多尔增稠器
  20308. Dorr-Oliver siphon sizer ==> 多尔-奥利弗虹吸分级机
  20309. Dorrco filter ==> 多尔科滤机
  20310. Dorry machine ==> 多莱陶瓷耐磨性试验机
  20311. dorsa mesentery ==> 背系膜
  20312. dorsabdominal ==> 背腹的
  20313. dorsal ==> 背侧的,背侧副橄榄核,背的,门上雨罩
  20314. dorsal abdominal muscle ==> 腹背肌
  20315. dorsal aorta ==> 背主动脉
  20316. dorsal arms of the tentorium ==> 幕骨背臂
  20317. dorsal artery of clitoris ==> 阴蒂背动脉
  20318. dorsal artery of foot ==> 足背动脉
  20319. dorsal artery of penis ==> 阴茎背动脉
  20320. dorsal body setae ==> 背毛
  20321. dorsal border ==> 背侧缘
  20322. dorsal branch ==> 背侧支
  20323. dorsal branch of corpus callosum ==> 拼胝体背侧支
  20324. dorsal branch of ulnar nerve ==> 尺神经手背支
  20325. dorsal bristle ==> 背中鬃
  20326. dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament ==> 跟骰背侧韧带
  20327. dorsal carpal branch ==> 腕背支
  20328. dorsal carpal ligament ==> 腕背侧韧带
  20329. dorsal carpal rete ==> 腕背网
  20330. dorsal carpellary bundle ==> 心皮脊维管束
  20331. dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments ==> 腕掌背侧韧带
  20332. dorsal chord ==> 脊索
  20333. dorsal cochlear nucleus ==> 蜗神经背侧核
  20334. dorsal column ==> 背柱
  20335. dorsal commissure ==> 背侧连合
  20336. dorsal cord ==> 背索
  20337. dorsal decubitus ==> 仰卧位
  20338. dorsal digital artery ==> 指背动脉
  20339. dorsal digital nerves ==> 指背神经
  20340. dorsal digital nerves of foot ==> 趾背神经
  20341. dorsal digital veins of foot ==> 趾背静脉
  20342. dorsal divisions ==> 背侧股
  20343. dorsal external arcuate fibers ==> 后外弓状纤维
  20344. dorsal fascia of foot ==> 足背筋膜
  20345. dorsal fissure ==> 背裂
  20346. dorsal funiculus ==> 背侧固有束,背柱
  20347. dorsal group ==> 背侧组
  20348. dorsal intercarpal ligaments ==> 腕骨间背侧韧带
  20349. dorsal interosseous artery ==> 骨间背侧动脉
  20350. dorsal interosseous muscles ==> 骨间背侧肌
  20351. dorsal lateral nucleus ==> 背外侧核
  20352. dorsal lateras nerve of great toe ==> 拇背外侧神经
  20353. dorsal light response ==> 背部光反应
  20354. dorsal line ==> 背中线
  20355. dorsal lip ==> 背唇
  20356. dorsal longitudinal fasciculus ==> 背侧纵束
  20357. dorsal margin ==> 背侧缘
  20358. dorsal median sulcus ==> 背正中沟
  20359. dorsal mediastinum part ==> 纵隔后部
  20360. dorsal mesocardium ==> 背心系膜
  20361. dorsal metacarpal arteries ==> 掌背动脉
  20362. dorsal metacarpal ligaments ==> 掌骨背侧韧带
  20363. dorsal metatarsal arteries ==> 跖背动脉
  20364. dorsal metatarsal ligaments ==> 跖骨背侧韧带
  20365. dorsal metatarsal vein ==> 跖背静脉
  20366. dorsal nerve of clitoris ==> 阴蒂背神经
  20367. dorsal nerve of penis ==> 阴茎背神经
  20368. dorsal nucleus ==> 背核
  20369. dorsal ocellus ==> 背单眼
  20370. dorsal pancreatic artery ==> 胰背动脉
  20371. dorsal paramedian nucleus ==> 背侧旁正中核,背侧中央旁核
  20372. dorsal point ==> 保利氏点
  20373. dorsal position ==> 背卧位,仰卧位
  20374. dorsal prepucotomy ==> 包皮背侧切开术
  20375. dorsal radiocarpal ligament ==> 桡腕背侧韧带
  20376. dorsal radix ==> 后根
  20377. dorsal reflex ==> 背反射
  20378. dorsal root ==> 脊根
  20379. dorsal root potential ==> 后根电位
  20380. dorsal scale ==> 背壳
  20381. dorsal scapular artery ==> 肩胛背动脉
  20382. dorsal scapular vein ==> 肩胛背静脉
  20383. dorsal segment ==> 背段
  20384. dorsal shield ==> 背甲
  20385. dorsal stylet ==> 背针
  20386. dorsal surface ==> 背侧面
  20387. dorsal suture ==> 背缝,背缝线
  20388. dorsal thalamus ==> 背侧丘脑
  20389. dorsal trace ==> 背迹
  20390. dorsal vein of clitoris ==> 阴蒂背静脉
  20391. dorsal vein of corpus callosum ==> 胼胝体背静脉
  20392. dorsal venous arch of foot ==> 足背静脉弓
  20393. dorsal venous rete of foot ==> 足背静脉网
  20394. dorsal view ==> 背视图
  20395. dorsalgia ==> 背痛
  20396. dorsally located radial artery ==> 反关脉
  20397. dorsccuboidal reflex ==> 足背反射
  20398. dorse ==> 门上雨罩
  20399. Dorset Down ==> 多尔塞特塘种无角绵羊
  20400. dorsiferous ==> 背生的
  20401. dorsifixed ==> 背着的
  20402. dorsiflexion ==> 背侧屈,背屈
  20403. dorsigrade ==> 趾背行性
  20404. dorsiventral ==> 背腹的
  20405. dorso-abdominal sulcus ==> 背腹沟
  20406. dorso-ventral boundary ==> 赤白肉际
  20407. dorso-ventral boundary of the hand ==> 赤白肉际
  20408. dorso-ventral sulcus ==> 背腹沟
  20409. dorso-ventrally compressed ==> 背腹扁平的
  20410. dorsocentral bristles ==> 背中鬃
  20411. dorsodynia ==> 背痛
  20412. dorsol rays ==> 背辐肋
  20413. dorsolateral ==> 背外侧的
  20414. dorsolateral bulbar syndrome ==> 延髓背外侧综合征
  20415. dorsolateral fissure ==> 背外侧裂
  20416. dorsolateral tract ==> 背外侧束,斯皮茨卡氏束
  20417. dorsolumbar ==> 背腰的
  20418. dorsomedial nucleus ==> 背内侧核
  20419. dorsomedial thalamotomy ==> 丘脑背内侧核切开术
  20420. dorsomedian car buncle ==> 中发背
  20421. dorsomedian cellulitis ==> 中搭手
  20422. dorsomyotomy ==> 背肌切开术
  20423. dorsosacral position lithotomy position ==> 切会阴卧位
  20424. dorsotenforia ==> 幕骨背臂
  20425. dorsoventral axis ==> 腹背轴,背腹轴
  20426. dorsum nasi ==> 鼻背,鼻梁
  20427. dorsum of foot ==> 足背
  20428. dorsum pedis ==> 足背
  20429. dorsum penis ==> 阴茎背
  20430. dorsum sellae ==> 鞍背
  20431. Dortmund method ==> 多特蒙德单管提升法
  20432. Dortmund tank ==> 多特蒙德罐
  20433. DOS box ==> 兼容框
  20434. DOS, Department of Space India ==> インド宇宙省
  20435. DOS, Department of State ==> 米国国務省
  20436. DOS, Department of Supply ==> 需給省
  20437. DOS, disk operating system ==> ディスクオペレーティングシステム
  20438. dosage ==> 放射剂量
  20439. dosage compensation ==> 剂量补偿,剂量补偿作用
  20440. dosage concentration ==> 掺杂浓度
  20441. dosage effect ==> 剂量效应
  20442. dosage effect of gene ==> 基因剂量效应
  20443. dosage form ==> 剂型
  20444. dosage meter ==> 剂量计=>放射線計
  20445. dosage of inoculation ==> 接种剂量
  20446. dosage pump ==> 剂量泵,计量泵
  20447. dosage rate ==> 剂量率
  20448. dosage regimen ==> 给药方案
  20449. dose ==> 量,吸收剂量,服药量,一次剂量,一剂,剂量=>線量,照射量,添加物
  20450. dose albedo ==> 剂量反照率
  20451. dose build-up factor ==> 剂量积累因子
  20452. dose commitment ==> 剂量负担
  20453. dose conversion factor ==> 剂量转换因子
  20454. dose counter ==> 剂量计数器
  20455. dose detector ==> 剂量计
  20456. dose equivalent ==> 剂量当量
  20457. dose equivalent commitment ==> 剂量当量负担
  20458. dose equivalent index ==> 剂量当量指数
  20459. dose equivalent limit ==> 剂量当量限值
  20460. dose equivalent rate ==> 剂量当量率
  20461. dose fractionation ==> 剂量分配
  20462. dose limit ==> 剂量极限
  20463. dose limit equivalent concentration ==> 剂量限值等效浓度
  20464. dose meter ==> 剂量计
  20465. dose rate ==> 剂量率=>照射率
  20466. dose rate meter ==> 剂量率计
  20467. dose rate out ==> 出射剂量率
  20468. dose-effect curve ==> 剂量-效应曲线
  20469. dose-effect relation ==> 剂量-效应关系
  20470. dose-effect relationship ==> 剂量效应关系,量效关系
  20471. dose-equivalent commitment ==> 剂量当量负担
  20472. dose-equivalent index ==> 剂量当量指标
  20473. dose-equivalent limits ==> 剂量当量极限
  20474. dose-meter ==> 辐射剂量计
  20475. dose-rate meter ==> 剂量率计
  20476. dose-rate monitor ==> 放射率探测器
  20477. dose-response correlation ==> 剂量-反应相关
  20478. dose-response curve ==> 剂量反应曲线
  20479. dose-response relationship ==> 剂量反应关系
  20480. dosementer ==> 剂量计
  20481. dosemeter ==> 線量計
  20482. doser ==> 剂量器分配器
  20483. Doshisha University Imadegawa Campus ==> 同志社大学今出川キャンパス
  20484. dosimeter ==> 剂量计=>線量計
  20485. dosimetric system ==> 剂量制
  20486. dosimetry ==> 剂量学,剂量测量法,剂量测定=>線量測定,薬量測定法
  20487. dosimetry equipment ==> 線量測定装置
  20488. dosimetry experiment ==> 線量測定実験
  20489. dosimetry measurement ==> 線量測定
  20490. dosing ==> 配料
  20491. dosing bin ==> 计量料包
  20492. dosing chamber ==> 污水量配池
  20493. dosing mechanism ==> 配量装置
  20494. dosing pump ==> 定量泵,加药泵
  20495. dosing system ==> 喷油剂量系统
  20496. dosing tank ==> 量斗,污水量配池,加药箱,投配槽
  20497. dot ==> 点,(窑具)点状柄把支架=>短点
  20498. DOT ==> 財務省
  20499. dot alloy mesa transistor ==> 点接触合金台面型晶体管
  20500. dot alloying method ==> 点合金法
  20501. dot and ==> 点与
  20502. dot and dash line ==> 点划线
  20503. dot and dash technique ==> 点划技术
  20504. dot angel ==> 点状亮影
  20505. dot array ==> 点阵
  20506. dot bar generator ==> 点条状图案信号发生器
  20507. dot beamsplitter ==> 点式分光镜
  20508. dot character ==> 点阵字符
  20509. dot circuit ==> 点形成电路
  20510. dot count register ==> 点计数寄存器
  20511. dot crawl ==> 点蠕动
  20512. dot cycle ==> 点循环,点周期,打点周期,基本信号周期
  20513. dot density ==> 点密度
  20514. dot density method ==> 像素密度法
  20515. DOT Department Of Transportation ==> 运输部
  20516. dot diagram ==> 点式图示
  20517. dot etching ==> 网点腐蚀,斑点腐蚀
  20518. dot fluorescent screen ==> 点荧光屏
  20519. dot format ==> 点格式
  20520. dot frequency ==> 点频率
  20521. dot generation ==> 点生成
  20522. dot generator ==> 点状图案信号发生器,点信号发生器
  20523. dot image ==> 点像
  20524. dot interlacing ==> 隔点扫描,跳点扫描
  20525. dot mark ==> 点标记
  20526. dot matrix ==> 点矩阵,点阵,点阵法
  20527. dot matrix character generator ==> ドットマトリックス文字発生器
  20528. dot matrix format ==> 点阵格式
  20529. dot matrix LEDs ==> 发光二极管矩阵
  20530. dot matrix method ==> 点阵法
  20531. dot matrix printer ==> 点阵式打印机
  20532. dot mesa transistor ==> 点状台面晶体管
  20533. dot method ==> 点方式
  20534. dot or ==> 点或
  20535. dot pattern ==> 点图形,光点图形
  20536. dot pattern generator ==> 点模式发生器
  20537. dot phosphor ==> ドット蛍光体
  20538. dot printer ==> 点阵印刷机,点阵打印机=>ドット印字装置
  20539. dot product ==> 点乘,数量积,标量积
  20540. dot punch ==> 冲子
  20541. dot signal ==> 点信号
  20542. dot signal generator ==> 点信号发生器,点状图案信号发生器
  20543. dot system ==> 微点法
  20544. dot trio ==> 三组圆点
  20545. dot type ==> 打点式
  20546. dot weld(ing) ==> 填补焊
  20547. dot welding ==> 点焊
  20548. DOT, Department of Transportation ==> 米国運輸省
  20549. dot-and-dash signal ==> 点划信号
  20550. dot-bar generator ==> 点条状图案信号发生器
  20551. dot-blur pattern ==> 记忆矩阵
  20552. dot-character impact printing technique ==> 击打式点阵字符打印技术
  20553. dot-character nonimpact printing technique ==> 非击打式点阵字符印刷技术
  20554. dot-frequency ==> 短点频率
  20555. dot-matrix character generator ==> 点阵字符发生器
  20556. dot-pattern generator ==> 点信号发生器
  20557. dot-sequential ==> 点顺序制
  20558. dot-sequential color television ==> 点顺序制彩色电视
  20559. dot-sequential image ==> 逐点发送图像
  20560. dot-sequential method ==> 逐点传送法,点序法
  20561. dotconvention ==> 打点习惯
  20562. dote ==> 木材糟朽
  20563. Dothideales ==> 座囊菌目
  20564. Dothidiales ==> 座囊菌目
  20565. dots ==> 刮灰平面标点
  20566. dotted ==> 打点
  20567. dotted arrow ==> 虚线箭头
  20568. dotted leaf ==> 斑叶
  20569. dotted line ==> 点线
  20570. dotted line marker ==> 点线时标
  20571. dotted line recorder ==> 断续线记录仪
  20572. dotted pair ==> 点对
  20573. dotter ==> 点标器,打扣机,刻点仪
  20574. dotting impulse ==> 点信号脉冲
  20575. dotting instrument ==> 点线器
  20576. dotting needle ==> 点孔针
  20577. dotting pen ==> 点线笔
  20578. dotting punch ==> 冲眼,中心冲头
  20579. dotting recorder ==> 打点式记录器
  20580. dotting test ==> 画点测验
  20581. dotting time ==> 打点时间
  20582. dottling ==> 平盘烧针装窑法
  20583. dotwheel ==> 骑缝线滚轮
  20584. dou, a unit of measure for grain (1 decalitre) ==> 市斗
  20585. doubel standard ==> 复本位制
  20586. double ==> 双重的
  20587. double (crank) lock ==> 双曲柄闭塞器
  20588. double (end) wrench ==> 双头扳手
  20589. double -mode Cepheid ==> 双模造父变星
  20590. double [way] lock ==> 双线船闸,在同一个枢纽内承受相同的水位落差,连接相同上、下游河段平行设置两座(单级或多级)船闸
  20591. double acceptor ==> 双重受主
  20592. double account form of balance sheet ==> 双帐式资产负债表,复式资产负债表
  20593. double account system ==> 复式记帐法,复式帐,复式帐户制,双帐制
  20594. double acting ==> 双动的
  20595. double acting compressor ==> 双作用压缩机
  20596. double acting cylinder ==> 双作用缸
  20597. double acting engine ==> 双酌发动机
  20598. double acting gas engine ==> 双作用式煤气机
  20599. double acting hammer ==> 双动锤
  20600. double acting piston ==> 双动活塞
  20601. double acting positioner ==> 双作用定位器
  20602. double acting press ==> 双动压力机
  20603. double acting pump ==> 双动泵
  20604. double acting steam engine ==> 双动式蒸汽机
  20605. double acting steam hammer ==> 双动汽锤
  20606. double action ==> 复动
  20607. double action (acting) floor spring ==> 双面地弹簧
  20608. double action (acting) spring butt hinge ==> 双面弹簧铰链
  20609. double action clutch ==> 双作用离合器
  20610. double action press ==> 双动冲床
  20611. double action spring bolt ==> 双面弹簧插销
  20612. double address ==> 双地址
  20613. double air pump ==> 复式气泵
  20614. double amplitude ==> 全幅值,双幅,倍幅
  20615. double amplitude peak ==> 双幅度峰值
  20616. double angle ==> 倍角
  20617. double angle cutter ==> 等角フライス
  20618. double angle iron ==> 槽钢
  20619. double angle milling cutter ==> 双角铣刀
  20620. double annealing ==> 双重退火
  20621. double annual ring ==> 双年轮
  20622. double anode ==> 双阳极
  20623. double antibody ==> 二重抗体
  20624. double aortic knob ==> 双主动脉球
  20625. double application ==> 分两次缴入
  20626. double arc technique ==> 双电弧技术
  20627. double arc-melting ==> 两次电弧熔炼
  20628. double arm robot ==> 双臂式机器人
  20629. double armature ==> 双电枢
  20630. double armature motor ==> 双电枢电动机
  20631. double armo(u)ring ==> 双重铠装
  20632. double armoured cable ==> 双层铠装电缆
  20633. double back gear ==> 双过轮,(车床的)双背齿轮装置
  20634. double back-substitution ==> 双重回代
  20635. double balanced mixer ==> 双平衡混频器
  20636. double balanced modulator ==> 双平衡调制器
  20637. double bank radial engine ==> 双排星型发动机
  20638. double bar and yoke method ==> 双条双轭法
  20639. double bar gauge ==> 双杆划线规
  20640. double barrel ==> 双筒枪
  20641. double base ==> 双元,双支承,双料
  20642. double base diode ==> 双基极二极管
  20643. double base transistor ==> 双基极晶体管
  20644. double bead ==> 双珠饰
  20645. double beam double-focusing mass spectrometer ==> 双束双聚焦质谱仪
  20646. double beam electric-null infrared spectrometer ==> 双光束电零点红外分光计
  20647. double beam grating spectrophotometer ==> 双光束光栅分光光度计
  20648. double beam interferometer ==> 双光束干涉仪
  20649. double beam mass spectrometer ==> 双束质谱计
  20650. double beam microspectrophotometer ==> 双光束显微分光光度计
  20651. double beam photometer ==> 双光束光度计
  20652. double beam spectrum radiator ==> 双光束光谱福射计
  20653. double beam tube ==> 双束射线管,双注管
  20654. double beat valve ==> 双座阀
  20655. double Belgian mill ==> 双列比利时式轧机
  20656. double bell ==> 双铃
  20657. double bell top ==> 双料钟炉顶
  20658. double belt ==> 双层皮带
  20659. double bend ==> 双弯头
  20660. double bent shell roof ==> 双弯薄壳顶
  20661. double beta decay ==> 双重β衰变
  20662. double bevel groove k ==> 形坡口
  20663. double bin method ==> 复棚法
  20664. double bit error ==> 双位错误
  20665. double blade rectal speculum ==> 双翼直肠窥器
  20666. double bladed knife switch ==> 双闸刀开关
  20667. double block ==> 双阻塞部件,双轮滑车
  20668. double block brake ==> 双闸瓦制动器
  20669. double bond ==> 附条件债券,双键=>複バンド,二重結合
  20670. double bottom ==> 双层船底
  20671. double bottom tank ==> 双层底舱
  20672. double bounce technique ==> 二次反射法
  20673. double bowstring truss ==> 双弓弦桁架
  20674. double bracing ==> 双支撑
  20675. double bracket ==> 双托,双括号
  20676. double break switch ==> 双断开关
  20677. double brick wall ==> 两砖墙
  20678. double bridge ==> 开尔芬电桥,双臂电桥,双电桥=>ダブルブリッジ
  20679. double brilliant ==> 双多面型
  20680. double broad ==> 双排丝散光灯
  20681. double budded tree ==> 双重芽接树
  20682. double budget system ==> 复式预算制
  20683. double buff ==> 双折布抛光轮
  20684. double buffing machine ==> 复式抛光机
  20685. double bull-nose brick ==> 双圆角砖
  20686. double burner ==> 双头炉
  20687. double bus ==> 双母线=>二重母線,DB
  20688. double bus arrangement ==> 二重母線方式
  20689. double byte data ==> 双字节数据
  20690. double byte shift ==> 双字节移位
  20691. double cab ==> 双排座驾驶室
  20692. double cage motor ==> 双鼠笼式电动机
  20693. double calcite plate ==> 双方解石片
  20694. double caliper ==> 双用卡钳
  20695. double callipers ==> 双用卡钳
  20696. double cap ==> 双大裁
  20697. double cap insulator ==> 双碗式绝缘子
  20698. double capital ==> 双柱头
  20699. double capped fluorescent lamp ==> 双头荧光灯
  20700. double carbide ==> 复合碳化物
  20701. double carbon-arc welding ==> 间接碳弧焊
  20702. double card ==> 复式粗梳机
  20703. double carry ==> 双重进位
  20704. double cascade quenching ==> 二梯零火
  20705. double case ==> 双格活字盘
  20706. double case construction [fuel tank] ==> 双层包箱〔油箱〕
  20707. double casing ==> 二重ケーシング
  20708. double catenary suspension ==> 双键悬挂法
  20709. double cavity klystron ==> 複空洞クライストロン
  20710. double chain conveyor ==> 双链运输机
  20711. double chain drawbench ==> 双链式拉拔机
  20712. double chair ==> 双人椅
  20713. double chamber furnace ==> 双室炉
  20714. double chamber surge tank ==> 双室式调压室,由断面较大的上室及下室和连接上、下室断面较小的竖井组成的调压室
  20715. double chamber vacuum deposition system ==> 双室真空淀积系统
  20716. double channel ==> 双沟道
  20717. double charge ==> 双倍收费
  20718. double check system ==> 重复检验制,双重监视系统
  20719. double check valve (DCV) ==> 双止回阀
  20720. double check-valve assembly ==> 双逆止阀装置
  20721. double circuit ==> 双电路,加倍电路
  20722. double circuit line ==> 双回路线路
  20723. double circular mill ==> 双圆锯机
  20724. double circular sawmill ==> 双上下圆锯制材厂,双线圆锯制材厂
  20725. double circulation ==> 双重循环
  20726. double clad optical fiber ==> 双包层光学纤维
  20727. double click ==> ダブルクリック
  20728. double cloth ==> 双层织物=>二重織り
  20729. double cluster ==> 双星团,双重星团=>二重星団
  20730. double clutch ==> 双离合器
  20731. double coated electrode ==> 双层药皮焊条
  20732. double coating ==> 双道涂料,两道抹面
  20733. double coil ==> 双绕线圈
  20734. double coil filament ==> 双线圈灯丝
  20735. double coincidence spectrometer ==> 双符合谱仪
  20736. double cold reduction ==> 再冷轧
  20737. double cold reduction mill ==> 再冷轧用轧机
  20738. double collectors ==> 双接收器
  20739. double column type digital height gauge with dial ==> 带刻度盘双柱数字高度计
  20740. double column vertical lathe ==> 双柱立式镗床
  20741. double combustion chamber ==> 双燃烧室
  20742. double command ==> 双命令,一对命令,其中每个命令都用来使运行设备改变到两个确定状态中的一个
  20743. double commutator d.c. machine ==> 二整流子直流機
  20744. double commutator generator ==> 双整流发电机=>二整流子発電機
  20745. double commutator motor ==> 双整流子电动机,双换向器电动机
  20746. double commutator motor generator ==> 二整流子電動発電機
  20747. double commutator type machine ==> 双整流电机
  20748. double composition grease ==> 复合润滑脂
  20749. double compression ==> 双重压制
  20750. double concave ==> 双凹的
  20751. double concave lens ==> 双凹透镜
  20752. double condenser ==> 双聚光器
  20753. double conductor ==> 双导线=>複導体
  20754. double cone ==> 双锥区,对顶圆锥
  20755. double cone mixer ==> 双锥混合机
  20756. double cone viscometer ==> 双锥粘度计
  20757. double conical rotary vessel ==> 双锥转鼓
  20758. double conical rotary vessel with jacket ==> 带夹套的双锥转鼓
  20759. double connection ==> 二重接続
  20760. double contact ==> 双重接点=>二重接点
  20761. double contact key ==> 双触键
  20762. double containment ==> 双层安全壳,具有内、外两层的安全壳,内层为主要承受事故压力的钢结构或预应力混凝土结构,外层为主要承受外部事件产生载荷的钢筋混凝土结构。两层间保持负压,将从内层安全壳漏出的放射性气体经过滤后由排气烟囱排出
  20763. double contingency ==> 2重設備事故
  20764. double contingency principle ==> 双偶然事件原则,核临界安全设计的基本原则之一。工艺设计应留有足够大的安全系数,使得在各有关工艺条件中,至少必须同时或相继发生两种独立的、不大可能的改变,才有可能导致核临界事故
  20765. double continuous curve ==> 正弦曲线
  20766. double contraction ==> 双重收缩
  20767. double contraction pattern ==> 双重收缩模
  20768. double contrast cystography ==> 膀胱双对比造影
  20769. double contrast radiography of colon ==> 结肠双重造影
  20770. double contrast study of stomach ==> 胃双重造影检查
  20771. double control ==> 双重控制
  20772. double control switch ==> 双控开关
  20773. double conversion system ==> 双变换制
  20774. double converter ==> ダブルコンバータ
  20775. double convex ==> 双凸
  20776. double convex lens ==> 双凸透镜
  20777. double cooked pork ==> 回鍋肉
  20778. double core cable ==> 双芯电缆
  20779. double core point ==> 双芯头
  20780. double corkscrew ==> 双螺旋打捞器
  20781. double corridor ==> 复廊
  20782. double cotton-covered wire ==> 双纱包线
  20783. double counting method ==> 双计数法
  20784. double coupling piece ==> 复式联接件
  20785. double course ==> 双板层
  20786. double crank ==> 双曲柄
  20787. double crank press ==> 双曲轴压力机
  20788. double crop system ==> 双季栽培制
  20789. double cropping ==> 双季栽培,双作,复种
  20790. double cropping early rice ==> 连作早稻
  20791. double cropping late rice ==> 连作晚稻
  20792. double cropping rice ==> 双季稻
  20793. double cross ==> 双交,双杂交,双杂交种
  20794. double cross hybrid ==> 双杂交种
  20795. double cross welt ==> 双咬口十字缝
  20796. double crossing over ==> 双交换
  20797. double crown ==> 双王冠裁
  20798. double crucible ==> 双层坩埚
  20799. double crucible crystal growing apparatus ==> 双坩埚晶体生长装置
  20800. double crucible method ==> 双坩埚方法=>二重坩堝(るつぼ)法
  20801. double crystal probe ==> 双振子探头
  20802. double cup insulator ==> 二重カップがいし
  20803. double currency ==> 复本位
  20804. double current ==> 双流
  20805. double current cable code ==> 二态电缆码
  20806. double current generator ==> 双流发电机
  20807. double current method ==> 双极性电流法,交直流法
  20808. double current return to zero system ==> 双流归零制
  20809. double current transmission ==> 双向电流传送
  20810. double curvature arch dam ==> 双曲拱坝,水平剖面和竖向剖面都是弯曲的拱坝
  20811. double curvature shell ==> 双曲壳体
  20812. double curved surface ==> 二重曲面
  20813. double cut ==> 双掏槽,双纹
  20814. double cut file ==> 双纹锉
  20815. double cut-off saw ==> 双轴圆盘锯床
  20816. double cutting bandsaw ==> 双刃带锯
  20817. double cutting planer ==> 取向切销门刨
  20818. double cyclone ==> 双旋网捕焦器
  20819. double cylinder ==> 双汽缸的
  20820. double cylinder automatic rib machine ==> 双针筒自动罗纹机
  20821. double cylinder engine ==> 双缸式发动机
  20822. double cylinder machine ==> 双针筒针织机
  20823. double cylinder opener ==> 双锡林开棉机
  20824. double deal ==> リサイクル
  20825. double deck bus ==> 双层公共汽车
  20826. double deck coach ==> 双层客车
  20827. double deck screen ==> 双层筛
  20828. double declining-balance method ==> 双倍余额递减法=>倍額定率法
  20829. double decomposition ==> 复分解
  20830. double decomposition grease ==> 复合解润滑脂
  20831. double deflection indicator tube ==> 双偏转指示管
  20832. double delay canceller ==> 双延迟线消除器
  20833. double delta connection ==> 双三角接线
  20834. double density ==> 双倍密度,倍密度
  20835. double density floppy disk(-sc) ==> 双密度软磁盘
  20836. double detection ==> 双重检波
  20837. double detection receiver ==> 超外频外差式接收机,超音频外差式接收机
  20838. double diamond interchange ==> 双菱形立体交叉
  20839. double differectial ==> 双差速器
  20840. double difference ==> 二重差分
  20841. double difference code ==> 二异码
  20842. double differential ==> 双差动
  20843. double diffraction ==> 双衍射
  20844. double diffused diode ==> 双扩散二极管
  20845. double diffused injector ==> 双扩散注入器
  20846. double diffused metal oxide semiconductor dmos ==> 结构
  20847. double diffused mos fet dmos ==> 场效应晶体管
  20848. double diffused mos transistor ==> 双扩散金属氧化物半导体晶体管
  20849. double diffused process ==> 双扩散
  20850. double diffusion ==> 双扩散
  20851. double diffusion technique ==> 双扩散工艺
  20852. double diffusive interface ==> 双扩散面
  20853. double diode ==> 双二极管
  20854. double dipping ==> 二次浸釉
  20855. double disc ==> 双闸板
  20856. double disc electrophoresis ==> 两向盘状电泳法,双盘电泳法
  20857. double disc flat gate valves ==> 双闸板平板闸阀
  20858. double discharge gear pump ==> 双出口齿轮泵
  20859. double discharge initiated HF laster ==> 双放电引发HF激光器
  20860. double discharge spiral water turbine ==> 双排量涡壳式水轮机
  20861. double disk marker ==> 双圆盘划行器
  20862. double disk opener ==> 双圆盘开沟器
  20863. double disk parallel gate valves ==> 明杆平行式双闸板闸板
  20864. double distillation ==> 重蒸馏
  20865. double distribution ==> 双流分配
  20866. double distribution method ==> 偶极法
  20867. double dope transistor ==> 双掺杂晶体管
  20868. double doped transistor ==> 双重掺架晶体管
  20869. double doping ==> 双掺杂
  20870. double dot dash line ==> 双点划线
  20871. double double iron ==> 八叠板
  20872. double double radio source ==> 双双射电源
  20873. double dovetail key ==> 银锭榫
  20874. double draft bull block ==> 二次拉丝机
  20875. double drift ==> 二星流,双偏流测风法
  20876. double drift region avalanche diode ==> 双漂移雪崩二极管
  20877. double driver plate ==> 双销拨盘
  20878. double drop machine ==> 双落料机
  20879. double drum boiler ==> 双汽包锅炉
  20880. double drum drier ==> 双滚筒干燥机
  20881. double drum dryer with top-feed ==> 顶部加料式双滚筒干燥器
  20882. double drum hoist ==> 双滚筒提升机
  20883. double dry calorimeter ==> 双干式热量计
  20884. double duo mill ==> 复二重式轧机
  20885. double duo-mill ==> 双二辊轧机
  20886. double duty ==> 双重用途
  20887. double e core ==> 双e型铁芯
  20888. double ear ==> ダブルイヤー(電鉄)
  20889. double earth fault ==> 双相接地故障
  20890. double earthfault ==> 两相接地故障
  20891. double eave roof ==> 重檐屋顶
  20892. double eaves ==> 重檐
  20893. double eccentric connector ==> 双偏心连接器
  20894. double echo ==> 双回波
  20895. double edger ==> 双裁边锯,双圆锯裁边机
  20896. double electric layer ==> 双电层
  20897. double elliptic spring ==> 双椭圆弹簧
  20898. double elliptical cavity ==> 双椭圆腔
  20899. double elliptical system ==> 双重椭圆星系
  20900. double embrace ==> (用钢带止动鼓的)双抱
  20901. double emulsions ==> ダブルエマルション
  20902. double end spark plug wrenches ==> 两用火花扳手
  20903. double ended abdominal retractors ==> 双头腹壁牵开器
  20904. double ended cord ==> 两头塞绳
  20905. double ended micromodule ==> 双端出线微型组件
  20906. double ended retractors ==> 双头牵开器
  20907. double ended spanner ==> 双头扳手
  20908. double ended system ==> 双端系统
  20909. double ended type ==> 双端引线型
  20910. double ended wrench ==> 双头扳手
  20911. double energy transient ==> 複エネルギー過渡現象
  20912. double entry accounting system ==> 复式簿记记帐法
  20913. double entry book-keeping ==> 复式记帐
  20914. double entry bookkeeping ==> 复式簿记
  20915. double entry card ==> 双入口卡片
  20916. double entry method ==> 复式记帐法
  20917. double epi process ==> 双外延工艺
  20918. double epitaxial method ==> 双外延法
  20919. double epitaxial transistor ==> 双外延晶体管
  20920. double epitaxy ==> 双外延工艺
  20921. double equal-angle cutter ==> 对称双角铣刀
  20922. double equatorial ==> 双筒赤道仪
  20923. double equilibrium diagram ==> 复平衡状态图,二相平衡图
  20924. double error ==> 双重错误
  20925. double exchange ==> 双重交换
  20926. double expansion compound steam engine ==> 两级膨胀复式蒸汽机
  20927. double expansion engine ==> 二次膨胀式蒸汽机
  20928. double exponential distribution ==> 二重指数分布
  20929. double exponential function ==> 2重指数関数
  20930. double exponential regression ==> 二重指数回归
  20931. double exponential smoothing ==> 二重指数平滑
  20932. double exposure ==> 二次曝光,双重曝光
  20933. double exposure holographic interferometry ==> 双曝光全息干涉法
  20934. double exposure lock ==> 防重拍机构
  20935. double extended shaft ==> 双向外伸轴
  20936. double extra dense flint ==> 双超重火石玻璃
  20937. double extra strong pipe ==> 特强厚壁管
  20938. double extragalactic radio source ==> 河外射电双源
  20939. double fabric ==> 重经组织
  20940. double face hammer ==> 无砧座锤
  20941. double faced book rack ==> 双面书架
  20942. double faced stack ==> 双面书架
  20943. double fag (g)ot iron ==> 双压挤熟铁
  20944. double fan ==> 二联通风机,双风扇
  20945. double fault ==> 双重故障,在一回线路或出自同一电源的多回线路上,两个不同位置同时发生的故障
  20946. double fault indicator relay ==> 复式故障指示继电器
  20947. double fed asynchronous machine ==> 双馈电式异步电机
  20948. double fed machine ==> 2電源回転機
  20949. double fed motor ==> 双馈电式电动机
  20950. double fertilization ==> 双受精,双受精作用
  20951. double fillet lap joint ==> 双面搭焊接,双面角焊缝搭接接头
  20952. double fillet weld ==> 双填角焊缝
  20953. double fillet welded T-joint ==> 双面丁字形焊接
  20954. double filter ==> 双滤器
  20955. double filtration ==> 双重过滤
  20956. double finder telescope ==> 双焦取景器
  20957. double firing ==> 二次煅烧
  20958. double flange ==> 双凸缘
  20959. double flap damper ==> 双重铰链闸板=>ダブルフラップダンパ
  20960. double Flemish bond ==> 双荷兰式砌合
  20961. double flight feed screw ==> 双头螺旋加料器
  20962. double float ==> 复浮子
  20963. double floor ==> 下有吊顶的楼板,双层龙骨地板
  20964. double flow ==> 双排汽,双汽
  20965. double flow turbine ==> 複流タービン
  20966. double flower ==> 重瓣花
  20967. double flue boiler ==> 双燃烧管锅炉
  20968. double fluid cell ==> 双液电池,两液电池
  20969. double fluid coupling ==> 闭式循环液力耦合器
  20970. double focus interference microscope ==> 双焦点干涉显微镜
  20971. double focus method ==> 双焦法
  20972. double focus system ==> 双聚焦系统
  20973. double focus X ray tube ==> 双焦点X射线管
  20974. double focusing ==> 双聚焦
  20975. double focusing analyzer ==> 双聚焦分析器
  20976. double focusing at all masses ==> 全质量双聚焦
  20977. double focusing mass spectrometer ==> 双聚焦质谱仪
  20978. double focusing mass spectroscope ==> 双聚焦质谱仪器
  20979. double formed crystals ==> 双形晶
  20980. double fracture ==> 两处骨折,双骨折
  20981. double frame ==> 双幅字盘架
  20982. double frame hammer ==> 双柱式锤
  20983. double Frank's mirror ==> 双法兰克反射镜
  20984. double frequency ==> 双频
  20985. double frequency table ==> 二项频数表
  20986. double fringe ==> 双条纹
  20987. double function key ==> 双功能键
  20988. double furnace boiler ==> 双炉膛锅炉,双燃烧管锅炉
  20989. double furnace bumper ==> 炉用双联式缓冲器
  20990. double furrow ==> 闭垄
  20991. double furrow plough ==> 双铧犁
  20992. double galvaized wire ==> 加厚锌层镀锌钢丝
  20993. double gap cavity ==> 双隙缝谐振腔
  20994. double gate ==> 双控制极,双门
  20995. double Gauss lens ==> 双高斯镜头,双高斯透镜
  20996. double gear cone transmission ==> 复式锥轮传动装置
  20997. double glazing unit ==> 双层中空玻璃
  20998. double governor ==> 双重调节器
  20999. double grading ==> 双重分级,双重特性
  21000. double graft ==> 双砧嫁接苗
  21001. double grating ==> 双光栅
  21002. double grating monochromator ==> 双光栅单色仪
  21003. double grating spectrograph ==> 双光栅摄谱仪
  21004. double groove ==> 双面槽,双面坡口
  21005. double groove joint ==> 双面坡口接头
  21006. double groove weld ==> 双面坡口焊缝
  21007. double ground fault ==> 双接地故障
  21008. double group ==> 双值群
  21009. double gun and dual trace oscilloscope tube ==> 双枪双迹示波管
  21010. double halfwave filter ==> 双半波滤光片
  21011. double hanger ==> (轴承用)开式吊架
  21012. double harvest rice ==> 双季稻
  21013. double head receiver ==> 头戴式双耳机
  21014. double head set ==> 头戴式双耳机,双取受话器
  21015. double header ==> 双击冷镦机
  21016. double headings ==> 双平行煤巷
  21017. double heating ==> 二次加热,两次加热
  21018. double helical (spur) gear ==> 人字齿轮,双螺旋齿轮
  21019. double helical bevel gear ==> 人字齿伞齿轮
  21020. double helical double helix ==> 双螺旋形的双螺旋
  21021. double helical double-reduction unit ==> 两级人字齿轮减速器
  21022. double helical gear ==> 人字齿轮
  21023. double helical gear planer ==> 人字齿轮刨床
  21024. double helical heater ==> 双螺旋灯丝,双螺旋线灯丝
  21025. double helical spring ==> 复式弹簧,复式螺旋弹簧
  21026. double helical spurgear ==> 人字形齿轮
  21027. double helical tooth ==> 人字齿
  21028. double helix ==> 双螺旋=>二重らせん
  21029. double helix structure ==> 双股螺旋线
  21030. double herringbone ==> 双人字纹
  21031. double heterojunction ==> 双异质结
  21032. double heterojunction laser ==> 双异质结型激光器
  21033. double heterojunction semiconductor ==> 双异质结半导体
  21034. double heterostruction ==> ダブルへテロ接合
  21035. double heterostructure laser ==> 双异质结型激光器
  21036. double high rolling mill ==> 双辊式轧机
  21037. double hinged arm ==> 双枢杆
  21038. double hinged swivel ==> 复式转座
  21039. double hinged swivel arm ==> 复式转臂
  21040. double hinged swivel wall drilling machine ==> 复式转臂墙钻床
  21041. double hole type nozzle ==> 双孔式喷嘴
  21042. double hollow bit tongs ==> 十字空心钳
  21043. double hook ==> 双钩
  21044. double Hooke's joint ==> 双万向节
  21045. double hookes joint ==> 双万向节
  21046. double horizontal milling machine ==> 复式卧铣床
  21047. double housing planer ==> 双柱龙门刨床
  21048. double hull ==> ダブルハル,二重船殻構造
  21049. double humped resonance ==> 双峰谐振
  21050. double image ==> 重像,重影,双像
  21051. double image effect picture ==> 重影效应图像
  21052. double image eyepiece ==> 双像目镜
  21053. double image lens ==> 双向透镜
  21054. double image ocular ==> 双像目镜
  21055. double image prism ==> 双像棱镜
  21056. double image range finder ==> 双像测距机
  21057. double image signals ==> 重影信号
  21058. double image tacheometer ==> 双像速测仪
  21059. double impedance coupling ==> 复阻抗耦合
  21060. double impeller breaker ==> 双转子锤式破碎机
  21061. double implanted mos ==> 双重离子注入金属氧化物半导体
  21062. double impression method ==> 锤击布氏硬度测定法
  21063. double impulse ==> 成对脉冲
  21064. double inclined plane ==> 双斜面
  21065. double indemnity ==> 双倍赔偿
  21066. double indemnity clause ==> 双倍赔偿条款
  21067. double index dobby ==> 双重尾杆多臂机
  21068. double induction regulator ==> 対形誘導電圧調整器
  21069. double infect ==> 二重感染
  21070. double infection ==> 双重感染,重感
  21071. double inheritance ==> 双重遗传性
  21072. double injection diode ==> 双注入型二极管
  21073. double injector ==> 复式喷射器
  21074. double inlet system ==> 双进样系统
  21075. double insulated equipment ==> 双重绝缘器具
  21076. double insulated isolating transformer ==> 双重绝缘隔离变压器
  21077. double insulation ==> 双重绝缘,同时具有基本绝缘和附加绝缘
  21078. double insulator ==> 双绝缘子
  21079. double insulator string ==> 双重绝缘子串
  21080. double insurance (D.I.) ==> 双重保险
  21081. double insurance policy ==> 双重保险单
  21082. double integral ==> 二重插值,二重积分,重积分=>2重積分
  21083. double integral technique ==> 二重積分法
  21084. double integration controlled object ==> 2重積分の制御対象
  21085. double integration method ==> 重积分法
  21086. double interferometer ==> 双元干涉仪
  21087. double interpolation ==> 二重插值
  21088. double intersection truss ==> 复式交叉桁架
  21089. double intestine ==> 肠重复畸形
  21090. double ion implanted process ==> 双重离子注入工艺
  21091. double ionization ==> 二次电离
  21092. double iron ==> 工字铁
  21093. double iron plane ==> 双刃刨
  21094. double jack ==> 双塞孔,双手锤,双柱钻架
  21095. double jack frame ==> 四道粗纱机
  21096. double jaw joint ==> 双重十字轴式等速万向节
  21097. double jet carburetor ==> 双嘴汽化器
  21098. double joint ==> 双接缝
  21099. double junction ==> 十字岔管接头
  21100. double junction semiconductor ==> 双结半导体
  21101. double junction SQUID magnetometer ==> 双结磁强计
  21102. double jute bag ==> 双麻袋
  21103. double kidney ==> 重肾
  21104. double knife mower ==> 双刀割草机
  21105. double knife-edge seal ==> 双刀口密封
  21106. double knitting wool ==> 粗绒线
  21107. double L stair ==> 三跑楼梯
  21108. double L-square ==> 双用角尺
  21109. double ladder ==> 人字梯
  21110. double laminated spring ==> 椭圆弹簧,双弓弹簧
  21111. double lancet window ==> 双尖顶窗
  21112. double lane ==> 双车道
  21113. double lane highway ==> 双车道公路
  21114. double large ==> 双大裁
  21115. double lathe ==> 复式车床
  21116. double layer ==> 双层,双电层
  21117. double layer antireflection coating ==> 双层减反射膜,双层增透膜
  21118. double layer coating ==> 双层膜
  21119. double layer compact ==> 双层压坯
  21120. double layer grid ==> 双层网格
  21121. double layer lens ==> 双层透镜
  21122. double layer of reinforcement ==> 双重钢筋
  21123. double layer phosphor ==> 双层磷光体
  21124. double layer winding ==> 双层绕组
  21125. double lead ==> 双引线
  21126. double leaded ==> 二倍行距
  21127. double leader ==> 双顶枝
  21128. double leaf hinged bottom bucket ==> 对开底卸料斗
  21129. double lean-to roof ==> 蝶形屋顶,内坡屋顶
  21130. double least squares method ==> 二重最小平方法
  21131. double lens ==> 双透镜=>二重レンズ
  21132. double lens magnifier ==> 双透镜放大镜
  21133. double letter ==> 连字
  21134. double level bridge ==> 双层桥
  21135. double level metallization ==> 双层金属化
  21136. double level polysilicon ==> 双层多晶硅
  21137. double level polysilicon mos structure ==> 双层多晶硅金属氧化物半导体结构
  21138. double leveling ==> 双水准测量
  21139. double lever jib ==> 四连杆式伸臂,象鼻架伸臂
  21140. double lift ==> 二级提升
  21141. double lift double cylinder jacquard ==> 复动式双花筒提花机
  21142. double lift single cylinder jacquard ==> 复动式单花筒提花机
  21143. double limit ==> 二重极限
  21144. double limiter ==> 双向限幅器
  21145. double line ==> 双线线路,重叠线
  21146. double line tariff ==> 复关税税率
  21147. double line to neutral fault ==> 双相接地故障
  21148. double line-to-ground fault ==> 二線地絡
  21149. double linear stage pattern ==> 复线生产结构
  21150. double link unloader ==> 双悬臂卸船机,四联杆式卸船机
  21151. double lip ==> 重复唇
  21152. double load ==> 双装药
  21153. double loaded corridor type ==> 内廊式
  21154. double lock ==> 双船闸,双线船闸
  21155. double loop antenna ==> 双环天线
  21156. double lumen tube ==> 胃十二指肠双腔导管
  21157. double magnetic circuit ==> 双磁路
  21158. double magnification imaging ==> 双放大倍率成象法
  21159. double male and female (DMF) ==> 双凹凸式密封面
  21160. double manure salt ==> 硫酸钾镁盐
  21161. double mating ==> 双重配种
  21162. double mechanical end face seal ==> 双端面密封
  21163. double mechanical reed ==> 双簧类
  21164. double mechanical seal ==> 双端面机械密封
  21165. double melting point ==> 双重熔点
  21166. double message system ==> 双信息系统
  21167. double metallic standard system ==> 复金属本位制
  21168. double meter point ==> 双米点法
  21169. double microscope ==> 双显微镜
  21170. double milking unit ==> 双牛挤奶机
  21171. double milling machine ==> 双轴铣床
  21172. double mirror galvanometer ==> 双镜式电流计
  21173. double mode ==> 双模,双振荡模式
  21174. double modulation ==> 双调制,双重调制,多重调制
  21175. double module ==> 双模
  21176. double modulus ==> 双模数
  21177. double monochromator ==> 双单色仪
  21178. double monochromator arrangement ==> 双单色仪装置
  21179. double motion agitator ==> 双动搅拌器
  21180. double motion paddle mixer ==> 双动桨混合器
  21181. double motor ==> 双电动机
  21182. double mould casting ==> 复型铸造法
  21183. double moving average ==> 二重移动平均,二重移动平均数
  21184. double muscled rump ==> 双肌尻
  21185. double negotiation ==> 重复押汇
  21186. double nickel salt ==> 硫酸镍铵
  21187. double nip ==> 双接口
  21188. double normalizing ==> 两次正火,双重正火
  21189. double nose ==> 双塔轮式前端
  21190. double null-flux EDS system ==> 側壁型誘導式磁気浮上方式
  21191. double nut ==> 双螺帽
  21192. double O-ring rubber seal ==> 橡胶双O型环密封
  21193. double objective microscope ==> 双物镜显微镜
  21194. double offset ring spanner ==> 梅花扳手,梅花双头扳手
  21195. double offset ring spanner black finished ==> 黑色梅花扳手
  21196. double offset ring spanner chrome plated ==> 镀铬梅花扳手
  21197. double oil seal ==> 双油封
  21198. double open end wrench black finished ==> 黑色双头扳手
  21199. double open end wrench chrome plated ==> 镀铬双头扳手
  21200. double opening exhaust valves ==> 双口排气球
  21201. double operand instruction ==> 双操作数指令
  21202. double or reverse calculation ==> 两次计算或反向计算
  21203. double order for traversing tree ==> 遍历树的双重次序
  21204. double oscillator ==> 双式振荡器
  21205. double oscillograph ==> 双电子束示波器
  21206. double osculating plane ==> 二重密切面
  21207. double outlet of left ventricle ==> 左心室双出口
  21208. double outlet of right ventricle ==> 右室双出口,右心室双出口
  21209. double pai(π) ==> (送電線)ダブルパイ引込み
  21210. double pain sensation ==> 二重痛觉
  21211. double pan balance ==> 双盘天平
  21212. double partition ==> 双层隔墙
  21213. double pass (flow) tray ==> 双流塔板
  21214. double pass drier ==> 二次通过式干燥机
  21215. double pass dye laser amplifier ==> 双程平面染料激光放大器
  21216. double pass internal reflection element ==> 双通内反射元件
  21217. double pass-out turbine ==> 双抽汽式汽轮机
  21218. double passage ==> 双程
  21219. double patent ==> 重复授予专利
  21220. double path rato thermometer ==> 双通道比色温度计
  21221. double pedestal desk ==> 两头沉书桌
  21222. double period section steel ==> 复合周期断面钢材
  21223. double personality ==> 双重人格
  21224. double petticoat insulator ==> 双裙绝缘子
  21225. double phantom circuit ==> 双幻像电路
  21226. double phase fault ==> 双相短路故障
  21227. double phase short circuit ==> 双相短路
  21228. double photoresist ==> 双重光致抗蚀剂
  21229. double pick-up tongs ==> 双口锻工钳
  21230. double piercing process ==> 两次穿孔法
  21231. double pilot ==> 双导频
  21232. double pinion ==> 双小齿轮
  21233. double pipe clamp ==> 复式管夹
  21234. double pipe condenser ==> 套管式冷凝器
  21235. double pipe line control ==> 双控,指水嘴控制供水管路的数量,双控是指控制二路(冷,热)供水
  21236. double pipes heat exchanger ==> 套管式换热器
  21237. double pitch ==> 双向坡
  21238. double pitch roof ==> 人字屋顶
  21239. double plane ==> 榫舌刨,榫舌刨,二重面
  21240. double plane iron ==> 带护铁的刨,带护铁刨,双刀刨
  21241. double plate wheel ==> 复板轮
  21242. double play tape ==> 双放音带
  21243. double point ==> 二重点
  21244. double point threshold ==> 两点差别阈
  21245. double pointed nail ==> 接合销
  21246. double polarity method for calibrating thermocouple ==> 热电偶双级检定法
  21247. double pole switch ==> 双刀开关
  21248. double poly process ==> 双层多晶硅栅金属氧化物半导体工艺
  21249. double post ==> 双邮裁
  21250. double power series ==> 二重幂级数
  21251. double precision ==> 二倍精密度,双倍精密度,双精度=>倍長精度
  21252. double precision complex type ==> 双倍精度复数型
  21253. double precision constant ==> 双倍精度常数
  21254. double precision exponent part ==> 双精度阶部分
  21255. double precision floating macro-order ==> 双精度浮点宏指令
  21256. double precision type ==> 双精度实数型
  21257. double pressed stearic acid ==> 二压硬脂酸
  21258. double pressure locking mechanical system ==> オルタネート機構
  21259. double pressure system ==> 双极施压法
  21260. double prestressed concrete ==> 双向预应力混凝土
  21261. double price basis ==> 双重价格基础
  21262. double priority ==> 双优先
  21263. double priority mode ==> 双优先式
  21264. double prism field glass ==> 双棱镜望远镜
  21265. double probe system ==> 双探针系统
  21266. double probe technique ==> 双探头法,热电偶双极检定法
  21267. double product ==> 二重和
  21268. double profit ==> 双重利润
  21269. double projection ==> 双像投影,双重投影
  21270. double projection instrument ==> 双像投影仪
  21271. double pulse excitation ==> 双脉冲激励
  21272. double pulse recording ==> 双脉冲记录方式
  21273. double punch ==> 双穿孔
  21274. double punch layout ==> 双排排样冲模
  21275. double punching machine ==> 复式冲床,复式冲压机
  21276. double push-pull ==> 双推挽
  21277. double pyramid ==> 对顶棱锥
  21278. double quantum process ==> 双量子过程
  21279. double quartz prism spectroradiometer ==> 双石英棱镜光谱辐射计
  21280. double quench hardening ==> 二重淬火
  21281. double quenching ==> 二重淬火
  21282. double queue ==> 二重排队=>二重待ち行列
  21283. double quirk-head ==> 双槽圆线脚
  21284. double quotidian fever ==> 双峰热
  21285. double radio source ==> 射电双源,双射电源
  21286. double rail logic ==> 双线逻辑
  21287. double rail track circuit ==> 双轨道电路
  21288. double range ==> 二重範囲
  21289. double range drive ==> 双量程传动
  21290. double range receiver ==> 中短波收音机
  21291. double range voltmeter ==> 双量程伏特计
  21292. double rate meter ==> 双费制电度计
  21293. double ratio ==> 重比,交比
  21294. double ratio estimate ==> 复比估计值
  21295. double ratio estimator ==> 复比估计,复比估计量
  21296. double reaction ==> 双重反应,双反应法
  21297. double read out ==> 双倍读出
  21298. double readout ==> 加倍读出
  21299. double reception ==> 双倍接收,双工接收,双接收
  21300. double recessive ==> 双隐性性状
  21301. double recovery circuit ==> 双回收回路
  21302. double reduction gear ==> 双减速齿轮
  21303. double reduction gear device ==> 双级减速齿轮传动装置
  21304. double reeling frame ==> 双面摇纱机
  21305. double refined iron ==> 重炼铁
  21306. double refining ==> 二重精炼
  21307. double reflection ==> 双反射
  21308. double refraction ==> 双折射=>複屈折
  21309. double refraction angle ==> 双折射角
  21310. double register ==> 倍长寄存器
  21311. double reheat steam turbine ==> 二次中间再热式汽轮机
  21312. double reinforced beam ==> 双重配筋梁
  21313. double reinforced concrete ==> 双重配筋混凝土
  21314. double reinforcement ==> 双重钢筋,双重配筋=>寄せ筋,二段筋
  21315. double remelting ==> 双联重熔
  21316. double replacement ==> 互换
  21317. double replica ==> 二次复型
  21318. double resist exposure ==> 双掩膜曝光
  21319. double resistance box ==> 双电阻箱
  21320. double resonance ==> 双谐振=>二重共鳴
  21321. double resonant optical parameter oscillator ==> 双共振参量振荡器
  21322. double response ==> 双调谐
  21323. double return circuit power supply ==> 双回路供电电源
  21324. double rib warp loom ==> 双针床经编机
  21325. double ribbon agitator ==> 双螺带式搅拌器
  21326. double rig ==> 双隐睾
  21327. double ripple ==> 双波性
  21328. double rivet ==> 双行铆钉
  21329. double riveted joint ==> 双排铆接头
  21330. double riveting ==> 双排铆接
  21331. double roasting ==> 二重焙烧
  21332. double Roebel bar ==> 双换位线棒,双罗贝尔线棒
  21333. double roll crusher ==> 双滚筒碎石机
  21334. double roll interlocking tile ==> 双筒咬口瓦
  21335. double roller ==> 双磙
  21336. double roller (lever) escapement ==> 双圆盘擒纵机构,双滚擒纵机构
  21337. double roller mixer ==> 双辊混合器
  21338. double Roman tile ==> 双筒咬口瓦
  21339. double root ==> 重根,二重根
  21340. double rose ==> 双玫瑰花型
  21341. double round ==> 双轮
  21342. double row ball bearing ==> 双列滚珠轴承
  21343. double row cowshed ==> 双列式牛舍
  21344. double row radial engine ==> 双排星型发动机
  21345. double row riveting ==> 双排铆接
  21346. double row sowing ==> 双行播种
  21347. double rows line seeding ==> 双行条播
  21348. double royal ==> 双王裁
  21349. double runner rotor ==> 双叶片转子
  21350. double safety valve ==> 双安全阀
  21351. double salt ==> 复盐
  21352. double sampling for stratification ==> 分层的双重抽样,分层双重抽样
  21353. double sampling inspection ==> 二重抽样检验
  21354. double sampling plan ==> 二重抽样方案,双次验收抽样法
  21355. double sash casement window ==> 双开窗
  21356. double saw ==> 复齿锯
  21357. double scale ==> 二重目盛
  21358. double scattering ==> 双散射
  21359. double scattering experiment ==> 双散射实验
  21360. double scoop type excavator ==> 双斗式挖土机
  21361. double screen ==> 双屏,双涂层屏
  21362. double screw pump ==> 双螺杆泵
  21363. double seal ==> 双重密封
  21364. double seal manhole cover ==> 人孔复式封盖
  21365. double seam ==> 双重卷边,双重咬口
  21366. double seat ==> 双人座椅
  21367. double seat stop valve ==> 双阀座截止阀
  21368. double seat valve ==> 双座阀
  21369. double seated valve ==> 双座阀
  21370. double segmental baffle ==> 双弓形折流板
  21371. double sequence ==> 二重序列
  21372. double sewing line ==> 重叠线迹
  21373. double shackle ==> 双钩环
  21374. double shaft gas turbine ==> 二軸式ガスタービン
  21375. double shaking screen ==> 双层摇动筛
  21376. double shaping machine ==> 复式牛头刨床
  21377. double shear ==> 双剪,双剪力
  21378. double shear bolt ==> 双剪螺栓
  21379. double shear rivet ==> 双剪铆钉
  21380. double shear riveted joint ==> 双剪铆接
  21381. double shears ==> 双面剪床
  21382. double sheath ==> 双极性层
  21383. double sheave block ==> 双柄滑车
  21384. double sheet detector ==> 多纸检测器
  21385. double sheet detector control ==> 多纸检测器控制
  21386. double sheet ejector ==> 多纸推出器
  21387. double shielding ==> 双层保护
  21388. double shoe brake ==> 双闸瓦制动器
  21389. double shot moulding ==> 二极模塑造型
  21390. double shrinkage ==> 双重收缩
  21391. double shrouded wheel ==> 闭式叶轮
  21392. double side ==> 双边的
  21393. double side welding ==> 双面焊接
  21394. double side-band system ==> 双边带制
  21395. double side-band transmission system ==> 双边带传输制
  21396. double sideband receiver ==> 双边带接收机
  21397. double sideband transmission ==> 双边带传输
  21398. double sided angle-reading system ==> 双向读角系统
  21399. double sided board ==> 两面印制电路板
  21400. double sided gear drive ==> 双边传动
  21401. double sign ==> 重号
  21402. double silk covered wire ==> 双丝包线
  21403. double silk-covered wire ==> 双层丝包线
  21404. double silk-covered wire (d.s.c.) ==> 双丝包线
  21405. double sintering ==> 二重烧结
  21406. double site principle ==> 双位置原理
  21407. double six array ==> 双六单元天线阵
  21408. double sizer ==> 双齐边机
  21409. double skin ==> 重皮
  21410. double skin hook ==> 皮肤双钩
  21411. double skip ==> 双翻斗
  21412. double slag process ==> 双渣法
  21413. double slide valve ==> 双滑阀
  21414. double slide-wire potentiometer ==> 双滑线电势计
  21415. double slider coupling ==> 十字头联轴节
  21416. double sliding sash ==> 引き違いサッシ
  21417. double sloping bed ==> 双面温床
  21418. double slug tuner ==> 双插芯式调谐器
  21419. double small ==> 双小裁
  21420. double socket ==> 双窝,双插座
  21421. double solvents ==> 复合溶剂,复溶剂
  21422. double source ==> 双源
  21423. double span trussed roof structure ==> 双跨屋架结构
  21424. double span wire system ==> 双拉线式
  21425. double speed motor ==> 双速电动机
  21426. double speed pulley ==> 两速滑车
  21427. double spindle milling machine ==> 双轴铣床
  21428. double spine saw ==> 复齿锯
  21429. double spiral staircase ==> 双螺旋楼梯
  21430. double spiral turbine ==> 双排量涡壳式水轮机
  21431. double splayed coping ==> 双坡压顶
  21432. double split flow ==> 双分流
  21433. double spread ==> 跨页插图
  21434. double spreading ==> 两面涂胶
  21435. double spring ==> 双叠板簧
  21436. double spring bottom oil can ==> 复簧底油壶
  21437. double squirrel cage motor ==> 双鼠笼电动机
  21438. double squirrel cage winding ==> 双鼠笼绕组
  21439. double squirrel-cage motor ==> 二重かご形電動機
  21440. double squirrel-cage rotor ==> 双鼠笼转子
  21441. double squirrel-cage winding ==> 双鼠笼绕组
  21442. double squirrelcage motor ==> 双鼠笼电动机
  21443. double stage ammonia compressor ==> 双级氨压缩机
  21444. double stage compressor ==> 二级空气压缩机
  21445. double stage nitriding ==> 两段氮化法
  21446. double stage voltage regulator ==> 双节电磁振动式调节器
  21447. double stand rolling mill ==> 双机座轧机
  21448. double standard ==> 双重标准,复本位
  21449. double standard country ==> 复本位国
  21450. double standard seam ==> 加力缝
  21451. double star ==> 双星
  21452. double star connection ==> 双星形联接=>二重星形結線
  21453. double star point ==> 双星点
  21454. double star rectifier circuit ==> 双重星形整流电路
  21455. double star-guad cable ==> 双星绞电缆
  21456. double start thread ==> 双线螺纹
  21457. double state ==> 双重线项
  21458. double steering ==> 双转向
  21459. double stick hank dyeing ==> 双棒绞纱染色机
  21460. double strand drawing ==> 双线拉拔
  21461. double strand drawing mill ==> 双线拉伸机
  21462. double strand mill ==> 双线轧机
  21463. double strapped joint ==> 双盖板接头
  21464. double stream tube ==> 双注管
  21465. double strength glass ==> 强力玻璃
  21466. double stroke ==> 双冲程
  21467. double strut ==> 双柱
  21468. double suction ==> 双吸
  21469. double suction centrifugal pump ==> 双吸离心泵
  21470. double suction pump ==> 双吸泵
  21471. double suction share ==> 加倍垂直间隙的犁铧
  21472. double sum ==> 二重和
  21473. double summation rule ==> 二重求和规则
  21474. double super eight (DS-8) ==> 双超8毫米胶片
  21475. double super royal ==> 双超王裁
  21476. double superheterodyne receiver ==> 双变频超外差接收机
  21477. double support phase ==> 両脚支持期
  21478. double surface transistor ==> 双面型晶体管
  21479. double swage hammer ==> 对击式镦锻机
  21480. double sweep tee ==> 双弯头T形接头
  21481. double swing door ==> 双向摆动门
  21482. double swing lever mechanism ==> 双摆四连杆机构
  21483. double switch ==> 两路开关
  21484. double switch call ==> 双转换呼叫
  21485. double swivel nozzle ==> 双头喷嘴
  21486. double system sound recording ==> 声像同步录制系统
  21487. double t iron ==> 工字钢
  21488. double T-iron ==> 工字钢
  21489. double T-section ==> 工字形剖面
  21490. double tabular form ==> 二次表式,二项表格式
  21491. double tail ==> 双尾翼
  21492. double tailed test ==> 二重切线
  21493. double tapered muff coupling ==> 塞勒联轴节
  21494. double tapered roller ==> (旋压用)双锥面旋轮
  21495. double tariff ==> 双重关税,二重税
  21496. double tariff system ==> 双重税率制,复关税率制,双价制
  21497. double tax system ==> 两次税制
  21498. double taxation relief ==> 解免双重课税
  21499. double taxation relief agreement ==> 重复课税减免协定
  21500. double tee ==> 四通
  21501. double teem(ing) ==> 双浇
  21502. double teeming ==> 重浇,重铸,重铸
  21503. double tempering ==> 二重回火
  21504. double tension test ==> 双重拉伸试验
  21505. double thermo mechanical treatment ==> 二级形变热处理
  21506. double thermomechanical treatment ==> 双重热机械处理
  21507. double thickiness ==> 双面刨光机
  21508. double thread ==> 双头螺纹,双线螺纹
  21509. double threaded screw ==> 双纹螺钉
  21510. double three legged gravity escapment ==> 双重三星轮重力式擒纵机
  21511. double throw contact ==> 双向触点
  21512. double throw crankshaft ==> 双弯曲柄
  21513. double throw switch ==> 双向开关
  21514. double thrustbearing ==> 双向止推轴承
  21515. double tongue ==> 重舌
  21516. double tongue grafting ==> 重舌接
  21517. double tooth ==> 复齿锯
  21518. double torsion machine ==> 双列缠绕机,双列螺旋弹簧缠绕机
  21519. double touch ==> 双触键
  21520. double track packing machine ==> 双列包装机
  21521. double transit ==> 二次中天
  21522. double transmission ==> 双波发送,双工发送
  21523. double transmission data compare ==> 連送照合
  21524. double treating ==> 二次处理,淬火回火处理
  21525. double trenching ==> 双层开沟
  21526. double trigger ==> 双脉冲触发器
  21527. double triode ==> 双三极管
  21528. double trolley system ==> 双线制
  21529. double tube mercury manometer ==> 双管水银压力表
  21530. double tube reactor ==> 套管反应器
  21531. double tubular shaft ==> 双套管转轴
  21532. double tuned amplifier ==> 双调谐放大器
  21533. double tuning ==> 双调谐
  21534. double twin ==> 复合孪晶
  21535. double twist spindle ==> 双扭轴
  21536. double two high rolling mill ==> 复二重式轧机
  21537. double type filter ==> 重合型滤波器
  21538. double u butt groove weld ==> 双
  21539. double u groove ==> 双
  21540. double U-groove ==> 双面U形坡口
  21541. double undulated preheater ==> 双波纹板回转式预热器
  21542. double urinary meatus ==> 双尿道口
  21543. double v butt joint ==> 双面
  21544. double V butt joint ==> 双面V形对焊接
  21545. double V groove with root face ==> 带纯边的X形坡口
  21546. double v groove x ==> 形坡口
  21547. double valley ==> 双向谷
  21548. double value ==> 赔偿损失时的加倍付给
  21549. double valve ==> 双联阀
  21550. double variation method ==> 双变法
  21551. double vee clutch ==> 双锥离合器
  21552. double velvet loom ==> 双层丝绒织机
  21553. double vernier ==> 双游标,复游标
  21554. double vision ==> 双视
  21555. double vision test ==> 复视试验
  21556. double voltage connection ==> 倍压连接
  21557. double voltage rating ==> 双额定电压
  21558. double volute ==> 双蜗壳=>二重渦巻
  21559. double vote registered shares ==> 具有两次表决权的记名股票,具有两次表决权的记名股票
  21560. double wall ==> 双层墙
  21561. double wall tube ==> 双层管
  21562. double walled tank ==> 双壁罐
  21563. double warp ==> 双经
  21564. double warp machine ==> 双针床经编机
  21565. double water glass ==> 双料水玻璃
  21566. double wattmeter ==> 双重瓦特计
  21567. double wave ==> 双波
  21568. double way check valve ==> 双进口单向阀
  21569. double webbed plate arch ==> 双腹板拱
  21570. double webbed wheel ==> 复板轮
  21571. double wheel plow ==> 双轮犁
  21572. double winding armature ==> 双绕组电枢
  21573. double window ==> 防风窗,双层玻璃窗,双层窗
  21574. double wire mask ==> 双线掩模
  21575. double wire signal ==> 双线式信号
  21576. double wire system ==> 双线制
  21577. double wire-armored cable ==> 双铁线式铠装电缆
  21578. double wire-srmo(u)red cable ==> 双层铁线铠装电缆
  21579. double wired conductor ==> 双芯线
  21580. double wishbone ==> 双叉骨式
  21581. double word boundary ==> 双字边界
  21582. double worked tree ==> 双重芽接树
  21583. double worm mixer ==> 双螺旋混合机
  21584. double worm screw ==> 双扭螺钻,麻花钻
  21585. double wound ==> 双线绕组的
  21586. double wound coil ==> 双绕线圈
  21587. double wound transformer ==> 双线圈变压器
  21588. double wrap ==> 双绕,复绕
  21589. double zone gas producer ==> 双层煤气发生器
  21590. double Δ connection ==> 二重Δ結線,二重三角結線
  21591. double(-angle) V-belt ==> 双面三角皮带
  21592. double(-ended) spanner ==> 双头扳手
  21593. double(-wound) coil ==> 双绕线圈
  21594. double-acting atomizer ==> 双动式弥雾机
  21595. double-acting brake ==> 复动制动器
  21596. double-acting compression ==> 双效压制,两面压制
  21597. double-acting compressor ==> 双动压气机
  21598. double-acting cylinder ==> 双作用汽缸
  21599. double-acting damper ==> 双动减震器
  21600. double-acting door ==> 双动门,双面摇门,弹簧门,摇门
  21601. double-acting hammer ==> 复动式锻锤
  21602. double-acting hinge ==> 双向合页
  21603. double-acting pawl ==> 双动棘爪,双动爪
  21604. double-acting pump ==> 双作用泵
  21605. double-acting relay ==> 双侧作用继动器
  21606. double-acting shock absorber ==> 双向减震器
  21607. double-acting steam engine ==> 双动式蒸汽机
  21608. double-acting steam hammer ==> 双动蒸汽锤
  21609. double-acting vane pump ==> 双作用叶片泵
  21610. double-action ==> 黑漆双弹簧铰链
  21611. double-action comber ==> 双动式精梳机
  21612. double-action die ==> 双效冲模
  21613. double-action disc harrow ==> (双列圆盘靶)双功圆盘靶
  21614. double-action disk harrow ==> 双排式圆盘耙
  21615. double-action forming ==> 双效成形
  21616. double-action gin ==> 双动式轧花机
  21617. double-action hammer ==> 双作用锤,动力锤
  21618. double-action hinge ==> 双向合页
  21619. double-action hydraulic press ==> 双动冲压水压机
  21620. double-action mechanical press ==> 双动机械压力机
  21621. double-action piston ==> 两面作用活塞
  21622. double-action press ==> 双动压力机
  21623. double-address ==> 二地址
  21624. double-alloy steel ==> 二元合金钢
  21625. double-amplification circuit ==> 来复电路
  21626. double-amplitude ==> 双振幅
  21627. double-amplitude-modulation multiplier ==> 双重调幅乘法器
  21628. double-angle iron ==> 双角铁
  21629. double-aperture lens ==> 双孔透镜
  21630. double-arch firing 双拱燃烧,又称"W火焰燃烧(W-flame ==> firing)"。当燃烧器同时布置在前、后墙的炉拱上时,则形成"W"形火炬的一种燃烧方式。
  21631. double-arm press ==> 双柱压力机
  21632. double-armature relay ==> 双衔铁继电器
  21633. double-articulated reductor ==> 二级链式减速器
  21634. double-back gear ==> 双跨轮
  21635. double-ball pitman arm ==> 双球连接杆臂
  21636. double-bank radial engine ==> 双排星型发动机
  21637. double-bank switch ==> 双触排开关
  21638. double-barrel transversostomy ==> 横结肠双腔造瘘术
  21639. double-barrel-mud gun ==> 双筒泥炮
  21640. double-barrier ==> 二重障壁
  21641. double-base diode ==> 单结晶体管
  21642. double-base junction diode ==> 单结晶体管
  21643. double-base junction transistor ==> 双基极结型晶体管
  21644. double-base phototransistor ==> 双基极光电晶体管
  21645. double-base powder ==> 双基火药
  21646. double-base propellant ==> 双基推进剂
  21647. double-base rocket propellant ==> 双基火箭推进剂
  21648. double-base transistor ==> 双基极晶体管
  21649. double-battery gin ==> 双滚筒式轧花机
  21650. double-bead ==> 双圆线脚
  21651. double-bead lap joint ==> 双焊道搭接接头
  21652. double-beam ==> 双束
  21653. double-beam cathode-ray tube ==> 双束阴极射线管
  21654. double-beam densitometer ==> 双光束密度计
  21655. double-beam far-infrared Fourier spectrometer ==> 双光束远红外傅里叶光谱仪
  21656. double-beam Fizeau fringes ==> 双光束斐佐干涉条纹
  21657. double-beam oscillograph ==> 双束射线示波器
  21658. double-beam oscilloscope ==> 双线示波器
  21659. double-beam photometer ==> 双束光度计
  21660. double-beam polarizer ==> 双光束偏振器
  21661. double-beam principle ==> 双光束原理
  21662. double-beam recording spectrophotometer ==> 双光束记录分光光度计
  21663. double-beam spectrometer ==> 双束分光计
  21664. double-beam spectrophotometer ==> 双束分光光度计,双光束分光光度计
  21665. double-beam system ==> 双光束系统,双束系统
  21666. double-beam technique ==> 双光束技术
  21667. double-beam tube ==> 双束射线管
  21668. double-beat drop valve ==> 双座阀
  21669. double-bell ==> 双碗形
  21670. double-bell charging mechanism ==> 双钟装料机构
  21671. double-bevel ==> 双斜式
  21672. double-bevel groove weld ==> 双斜边坡口焊缝,双斜坡口焊
  21673. double-bevelling ==> 双斜面
  21674. double-blade axe ==> 双刃斧
  21675. double-block brake ==> 双块制动器
  21676. double-blow heading ==> 双击镦锻
  21677. double-bolt cutter ==> 双轴切丝机
  21678. double-bond isomerism ==> 双键异构
  21679. double-bond shift ==> 双键位移
  21680. double-bottom cellular ==> 双层船底框架
  21681. double-bowl vacuum centrifuge ==> 双鼓真空离心过滤器
  21682. double-branch bend ==> 双支弯头
  21683. double-branch gate ==> 双侧浇口
  21684. double-break circuit-breaker ==> 双断断路器
  21685. double-break contact ==> 双断接点,双开路接点,桥接接点
  21686. double-break disconnector ==> 二点切り断路器
  21687. double-break double-make contact ==> 桥式转换触点,双断双闭触点
  21688. double-break jack ==> 双断塞孔
  21689. double-break switch ==> 双断开关
  21690. double-break vacuum interrupter ==> 2点切り真空遮断器
  21691. double-bucket ==> 双存储位,双地址,双桶存储器
  21692. double-buffered data transfer ==> 双缓冲数据传送
  21693. double-button microphone ==> 双炭粒盒式传声器
  21694. double-butt-strap riveting ==> 对接双面盖板铆接
  21695. double-calculation ==> 两次计算,复算
  21696. double-carbon arc lamp ==> 双碳极弧光灯
  21697. double-casing ==> 双层机壳式
  21698. double-casing machine ==> 双机壳电机,内外机座型电机
  21699. double-casing motor ==> 双层机壳式电机
  21700. double-catenary construction ==> 双悬链线结构
  21701. double-centre theodolite ==> 复测经纬仪
  21702. double-chain draw bench ==> 双链式拉拔机
  21703. double-chamber sand blast apparatus ==> 复室喷砂装置
  21704. double-channel duplex ==> 双通道双工
  21705. double-channel nitrogen laser ==> 双通道氮分子激光器
  21706. double-channel simplex ==> 双通道单工
  21707. double-charge ==> 双倍充电,双倍负载
  21708. double-charging bell ==> 双料钟
  21709. double-circle oil pressure self-closing valve ==> 双路油压自锁阀
  21710. double-circuit fault ==> 双回线故障,在两个并行的回路上的同一地理位置同时发生的两个短路故障=>両回線同地点事故, Two shunt faults occurring simultaneously at the same geographical location on two parallel circuits.
  21711. double-circular mill ==> 双上下圆锯制材厂
  21712. double-clad board ==> 双面印制板
  21713. double-coat ==> 双重涂层
  21714. double-coated X-ray film ==> 双涂层X射线照相片
  21715. double-coil holder arrangement ==> 双卷位开卷机
  21716. double-coil loudspeaker ==> 双音圈扬声器
  21717. double-coil method ==> 双线圈方法
  21718. double-coiled relay ==> 双线圈继电器
  21719. double-coincidence of need ==> 需要的双方吻合
  21720. double-coincidence switch ==> 双重合开关,二重符合开关
  21721. double-column hydraulic planer ==> 双柱液压刨床
  21722. double-column ledger account ==> 双栏式分类帐帐户
  21723. double-column machine ==> 双柱式机床
  21724. double-column planer ==> 双柱刨床
  21725. double-column planer milling machine ==> 双柱龙门铣床
  21726. double-column planing machine ==> 双柱龙门刨床
  21727. double-column tariff ==> 双栏税则
  21728. double-column vertical boring machine ==> 双柱立式镗床
  21729. double-concave lens ==> 双凹透镜
  21730. double-cone gasket ==> 双锥面垫圈
  21731. double-cone loudspeaker ==> 双纸盆扬声器
  21732. double-cone seal ring ==> 双锥密封环
  21733. double-conical saw ==> 双凸面圆锯
  21734. double-contact ==> 双触点
  21735. double-contact key ==> 双触点电键
  21736. double-convex ==> 两面凸
  21737. double-convex lens ==> 双凸透镜
  21738. double-core barrel drill ==> 双岩芯筒钻头
  21739. double-cover butt joint ==> 双盖板对接
  21740. double-crank mechanism ==> 双曲柄机构
  21741. double-crank press ==> 双曲轴压力机
  21742. double-crank ward bed ==> 双摇手病床
  21743. double-crank ward cot ==> 双摇手儿童病床
  21744. double-cropping index ==> 复种指数
  21745. double-crossing ==> 双杂交
  21746. double-cup bearing ==> 双排外夹环滚动轴承
  21747. double-cup insulator ==> 双碗式绝缘子
  21748. double-current bridge duplex ==> 双流桥接式双工
  21749. double-current cable code ==> 双流水线电码
  21750. double-current furnace ==> 双电流电炉
  21751. double-current generator ==> 複流発電機
  21752. double-current method ==> 双流式
  21753. double-current relay ==> 双流式继电器
  21754. double-current system ==> 双电流制
  21755. double-curved surface ==> 复曲面
  21756. double-cut file ==> 双纹锉,斜格锉,交叉滚花锉
  21757. double-cut planer ==> 双向切削龙门刨
  21758. double-cut plough ==> 双层犁
  21759. double-cut saw ==> 双割锯
  21760. double-cutter shearing machine ==> 双刀滚剪毛机
  21761. double-cutting bands ==> 双刃带锯
  21762. double-cylinder engine ==> 双缸发动机
  21763. double-cylinder gig ==> 双滚筒刺果起绒机
  21764. double-cylinder jacquard ==> 双花筒提花机
  21765. double-cylindrical boiler ==> 双筒锅炉
  21766. double-dalta connection ==> 双三角形接法
  21767. double-deck ==> 双层,双层结构
  21768. double-deck bed ==> 双层床
  21769. double-deck block ==> 二次拉丝机
  21770. double-deck classifier ==> 双层分级机
  21771. double-deck floating roof ==> 双层浮顶
  21772. double-deck furnace ==> 双层炉
  21773. double-deck plough ==> 双层犁
  21774. double-deck pull rod ==> 双层拉杆
  21775. double-deck road ==> 双层道路
  21776. double-deck screen ==> 双层筛
  21777. double-deck stock wagon ==> 家畜车
  21778. double-deck table ==> 双层摇床
  21779. double-decked bridge ==> 双层桥
  21780. double-density diskette ==> 倍密度软磁盘
  21781. double-density encoding ==> 倍密度编码
  21782. double-density format ==> 倍密度格式,倍密度记录格式
  21783. double-depth plough ==> 双层犁
  21784. double-detection receiver ==> 双检波接收机
  21785. double-diffracting medium ==> 双衍射介质
  21786. double-diffused transistor ==> 双扩散晶体管,双扩散型晶体管
  21787. double-diffusion treatment ==> 双重扩散处理
  21788. double-direction thrust ball bearing ==> 双向推力球轴承
  21789. double-directional focusing ==> 双向聚焦
  21790. double-disc drill coulter ==> 双圆盘条播开沟器
  21791. double-discharge spiral water turbine ==> 双排量涡壳式水轮机
  21792. double-discharge stabilization ==> 双放电稳定
  21793. double-disk turbine rotor ==> 双轮盘涡轮转子
  21794. double-disk winding ==> 双盘型线圈
  21795. double-doffer condenser ==> 双道夫搓条机
  21796. double-door drop-bottom bucket ==> 对开底卸料斗
  21797. double-doped laser ==> 双掺杂激光器
  21798. double-doped transistor ==> 双重掺杂晶体管
  21799. double-dot display ==> 分叉点显示器,双点显示
  21800. double-double effect ==> 双偶效应
  21801. double-double iron shect ==> 叠轧铁板
  21802. double-dovetail key ==> 双鸠尾榫键
  21803. double-drum dryer ==> 双转鼓干燥器
  21804. double-drum hoist ==> 双筒起重机
  21805. double-drum winch ==> 双滚筒绞车,双卷筒起网机
  21806. double-duty ==> 两用
  21807. double-ear fancy colour vase with lotus design ==> 斗彩勾莲双耳樽
  21808. double-edge milling cutter ==> 二面刃铣刀
  21809. double-end block plane ==> 双向刨
  21810. double-end knife colter ==> 翻换式直犁刀
  21811. double-end mill ==> 双端铣刀
  21812. double-end snap ga(u)ge ==> 双头卡规
  21813. double-ended ball mill ==> 双头球磨机,双锥滚筒式球磨机,双流式球磨机,双进双出钢球磨煤机,又称"立轴式磨煤机"。运行速度介于钢球磨煤机和风扇磨煤机之间,一般立轴转速为20~330r/min,利用碾磨件在一定压力下作相对运动时,煤在碾磨件之间受挤压、碾磨而被粉碎的各种磨煤机的总称。燃煤电厂应用较多的中速磨煤机有:球环式中速磨煤机(E型);平盘式中速磨煤机(LM型);轮式中速磨煤机(MPS型,MBF型);碗式中速磨煤机(RP型.HP型)。
  21814. double-ended boiler ==> 双炉门式锅炉,双头锅炉
  21815. double-ended bolt ==> 双端螺栓
  21816. double-ended boring machine ==> 双头镗床
  21817. double-ended control ==> 双端控制
  21818. double-ended cord ==> 两头塞绳
  21819. double-ended grinder ==> 双端磨床
  21820. double-ended machine ==> 双滚筒联合采煤机
  21821. double-ended power transmitting tube ==> 双端功率发射管
  21822. double-ended pressing ==> 两端压制
  21823. double-ended turbine ==> 双排汽口汽轮机
  21824. double-ended wrench ==> 双头死扳手
  21825. double-entry method ==> 双平巷采煤法
  21826. double-entry system ==> 复式会计制度
  21827. double-error correction scheme ==> 双磁道纠错法
  21828. double-expansion engine ==> 二级膨胀式发动机
  21829. double-exposed holographic interferometry ==> 二次曝光全息干涉测量术
  21830. double-exposure ==> 两次曝光,双曝光
  21831. double-exposure device ==> 两次曝光装置(重拍机构)
  21832. double-exposure hologram ==> 二次曝光全息图,双曝光全息图
  21833. double-exposure holographic interferometry ==> 两次曝光全息干涉量度学
  21834. double-exposure holography ==> 两次曝光全息术,双曝光全息术
  21835. double-exposure inteferometry ==> 两次曝光干涉量度学
  21836. double-exposure interferometry ==> 双曝光干涉度量学
  21837. double-face valve ==> 双面阀
  21838. double-faced hammer ==> 双面锤
  21839. double-faced slide gate valve ==> 两面滑门阀
  21840. double-factorial terms of trade ==> 双因贸易条件
  21841. double-fed asynchronous machine ==> 双馈电式异步电机
  21842. double-fed repulsion motor ==> 双馈推斥电动机
  21843. double-film theory ==> 双膜理论
  21844. double-firing process ==> 二次烧成工艺
  21845. double-flanged butt joint ==> 双弯边对接接头
  21846. double-flanged butt weld ==> 双弯边对接焊缝
  21847. double-flow exhaust ==> 双流排汽
  21848. double-flow turbine ==> 双流式汽轮机,双流式涡轮,双流式涡轮机,双流涡轮机
  21849. double-flue boiler ==> 双炉胆锅炉,双烟道锅炉
  21850. double-fluid cell ==> 二液電池
  21851. double-fluid theory ==> 二流体理论
  21852. double-focus arrangement ==> 双焦装置
  21853. double-focus interferometer ==> 双焦点干涉仪
  21854. double-focusing mass spectrograph ==> 双聚焦质谱仪
  21855. double-fold disappearing stair ==> 双折隐梯
  21856. double-framed generator ==> 双机座型发电机,内外机座型发电机
  21857. double-frequency coding ==> 双频率编码
  21858. double-frequency generator ==> 双频发电机
  21859. double-frequency oscillation ==> 双频振荡,倍频振荡
  21860. double-frequency oscillator ==> 双频振荡器
  21861. double-frequency sequence signalling system ==> 双频顺序信号制
  21862. double-gate ==> 双选通,双闸
  21863. double-gauss derivatives ==> 双高斯型物镜变型
  21864. double-Gauss derivatives ==> 双高斯型物镜变型
  21865. double-gauss goniometer ==> 双向测角仪
  21866. double-Gauss goniometer ==> 双向测角仪
  21867. double-gauss objective ==> 双高斯型物镜
  21868. double-Gauss objective ==> 双高斯型物镜
  21869. double-Gauss type lenses ==> 双高斯式物镜
  21870. double-gauss type lenses ==> 双高斯式物镜
  21871. double-geared drive ==> 二极齿轮传动,二级齿轮传动
  21872. double-glass seal ==> 双层玻璃气密封接
  21873. double-ground fault ==> 双线接地故障
  21874. double-handed saw ==> 大锯
  21875. double-head flat scraper ==> 双头平刮刀
  21876. double-head tyre ==> 双缘轮胎
  21877. double-headed camera ==> 双头摄影机,立体摄影机
  21878. double-headed nail ==> 双帽钉
  21879. double-headed rail ==> 双头钢轨
  21880. double-headed spike ==> 双头钉
  21881. double-headed tube bender ==> 双头弯管机
  21882. double-header boiler ==> 双联箱横水管锅炉
  21883. double-heading ==> 双重牵引
  21884. double-hearth furnace ==> 双层底炉
  21885. double-herical gear ==> やまば歯車
  21886. double-heterostructure injection laser ==> 双异质结构注入式激光器
  21887. double-hinged arch ==> 两铰拱
  21888. double-hook ==> 双钩
  21889. double-horn radiator ==> 双号筒辐射器,双喇叭扬声器
  21890. double-housing planer ==> 双柱龙门刨床,双柱式龙门刨床=>門形平削り盤
  21891. double-hump effect ==> 双峰效应
  21892. double-humped resonance ==> 双峰共振,双峰谐振
  21893. double-humped resonance curve ==> 双峰共振曲線
  21894. double-humped wave ==> 双峰波
  21895. double-hung window ==> 双悬窗
  21896. double-image echo ==> 双图像回波
  21897. double-image effect picture ==> 双像效应图像
  21898. double-image signals ==> 重影信号
  21899. double-input mixer ==> 双输入混频器
  21900. double-insulated conductor ==> 双层绝缘线
  21901. double-integrating accelerometer ==> 二重积分加速度计
  21902. double-integrating gyro ==> 双重积分陀螺
  21903. double-integrating range unit ==> 重积分测距装置
  21904. double-ionization gauge ==> 双电离压力计
  21905. double-jointed arm ==> 双枢杆
  21906. double-jointed compasses ==> 双接头圆规
  21907. double-jointed swivel ==> 复式转座
  21908. double-jointed swivel arm ==> 复式转臂
  21909. double-jointed swivel wall drilling machine ==> 复式转臂墙钻床
  21910. double-joisted floor ==> 双层龙骨地板
  21911. double-K groove ==> 双边K形坡口
  21912. double-lane road ==> 双车道道路
  21913. double-lap joint ==> 双盖板搭接接头
  21914. double-large post ==> 双大邮裁
  21915. double-layer ==> 重层,偶层=>二重層
  21916. double-layer capacitor ==> 電気二重層コンデンサ
  21917. double-layer metalization ==> 两层金属化
  21918. double-layer of lipoid ==> 脂质双层
  21919. double-layer winding ==> 双层绕组,二层绕组
  21920. double-layered damper ==> 二重ダンパ
  21921. double-lead covering ==> 双铅包皮,双层铅包皮
  21922. double-lead patenting ==> 二次索氏体处理
  21923. double-leat gate ==> 双扉闸门,由上、下两扇闸门搭接而成,并可分别启闭的闸门,它由两扇平面闸门或一扇平面闸门和一扇弧形闸门组成
  21924. double-length ==> 双倍字长
  21925. double-length accumulation ==> 双倍长累加,双字长累加
  21926. double-length arithmetic(al) ==> 双倍位运算
  21927. double-length constant ==> 双倍长常数
  21928. double-length multiplication ==> 双倍长乘法,双字长乘法
  21929. double-length number ==> 双倍长数,倍长数,倍准数
  21930. double-length register ==> 双倍长寄存器
  21931. double-lever mechanism ==> 双杆机构
  21932. double-lift cam ==> 双级凸轮,双阶凸轮,双升程凸轮
  21933. double-lift lock ==> 二级船闸
  21934. double-line ==> 双线,双轨
  21935. double-line pen ==> 划双线笔
  21936. double-line spectroscopic binary ==> 双谱分光双星
  21937. double-line tunnel ==> 双线隧洞
  21938. double-lip countersink bit ==> 带安全锥埋头钻头
  21939. double-lock cross welt ==> 双咬口十字缝
  21940. double-lock seam ==> 双咬口
  21941. double-lock welt ==> 双咬口
  21942. double-locked ==> 双重锁定
  21943. double-locked flat seam ==> 双咬口平接缝
  21944. double-locked standing seam ==> 双咬口交缝
  21945. double-log scale ==> 重对数比尺
  21946. double-longeron wing ==> 双梁机翼
  21947. double-loop ==> 双列蛇形管圈
  21948. double-loop pattern ==> 双箕斗
  21949. double-main system ==> 双干管系统
  21950. double-make contact ==> 双闭合接点,双工作触点=>二重開路接点
  21951. double-margined door ==> 双幅门
  21952. double-matching circuit ==> 双匹配电路
  21953. double-melted ingot ==> 双熔锭
  21954. double-mirror technique ==> 双反射镜法
  21955. double-mode cyclotron ==> 双模式回旋加速器,双重加速法回旋加速器
  21956. double-mould-broad ridging plough ==> 双壁起垄犁
  21957. double-muffle furnace ==> 双层内罩炉
  21958. double-name paper ==> 双名票据
  21959. double-needle loom ==> 双导纬针织带机
  21960. double-parabolic slab ==> 双曲板
  21961. double-pass monochromator ==> 双程单色仪
  21962. double-pass spectrometer ==> 双程分光计
  21963. double-pipe exchanger ==> 套管热交换器
  21964. double-pipe heat interchanger ==> 套管换热器
  21965. double-piston ==> 双活塞
  21966. double-piston pump ==> 双活塞泵
  21967. double-pitch roof ==> 两坡屋顶
  21968. double-pitch skylight ==> 两坡天窗,双坡天窗
  21969. double-pivoted pattern ==> 双支枢式,双轴尖式
  21970. double-pivoted type ==> 双轴尖式
  21971. double-point gear ==> 多点啮合齿轮
  21972. double-point information ==> 双点信息,用两比特表示的监视信息,以表示运行设备两个确定和两个不确定状态
  21973. double-point switch ==> 双刀开关
  21974. double-point thread chaser ==> 叉形螺纹梳刀
  21975. double-point tool ==> 双刃刀具
  21976. double-point toothing ==> 双点啮合
  21977. double-pointed ==> 双端
  21978. double-pointed tack ==> 双尖钉
  21979. double-pole connector ==> 双极插接器
  21980. double-pole cut-out ==> 双极断流器
  21981. double-pole double throw switch ==> 双刀双掷开关
  21982. double-pole double-throw switch (dpdt switch) ==> 双极双投开关
  21983. double-pole front connection (dpfc) ==> 双极正面连接
  21984. double-pole fuse ==> 双极熔断器
  21985. double-pole relay ==> 双极继电器,双组触点式继电器
  21986. double-pole scaffold ==> 双排脚手架
  21987. double-pole single throw ==> 双刀单掷开关
  21988. double-pole single-throw (D.P.S.T.) ==> 双刀单掷
  21989. double-pole singlethrow switch (dpst switch) ==> 双极单投开关
  21990. double-pole switch ==> 双刀开关,双极开关
  21991. double-port ==> 双口
  21992. double-pouring displacement technique ==> 双金属浇注置换
  21993. double-precision ==> 双倍精度=>2倍精度
  21994. double-precision arithmetic ==> 双倍精度运算
  21995. double-precision arithmetic(al) ==> 双精确度运算
  21996. double-precision hardware ==> 双倍精度硬件
  21997. double-precision number ==> 双倍长数,双精度数
  21998. double-precision numral ==> 双精度数
  21999. double-precision operation ==> 双倍精度运算,双精度操作
  22000. double-precision type statement ==> 双精度型语句
  22001. double-press process ==> 两次压制法
  22002. double-prism monochromator ==> 双棱镜单色仪
  22003. double-prism plummet ==> 双棱镜垂准
  22004. double-prism square ==> 双棱镜直角器
  22005. double-pulse decatron ==> 双脉冲十进管
  22006. double-pulse modulation ==> 双脉冲调制
  22007. double-pulse recording ==> 双脉冲记录
  22008. double-pulse selection ==> 双脉冲选择
  22009. double-pulsing station ==> 双脉冲电台
  22010. double-pumping action ==> 双抽运
  22011. double-punch and blank-column detection ==> 双孔和无孔检测
  22012. double-purpose valve ==> 双作用管
  22013. double-quantum stimulated-emission device ==> 双量子受激发射器
  22014. double-range ==> 双量程
  22015. double-range voltmeter ==> 双量程伏特计
  22016. double-rate ==> 双率计
  22017. double-rate meter ==> 双费制电度计
  22018. double-recoil system ==> 双重后座装置
  22019. double-reduced tin plate ==> 二次冷轧镀锡薄板
  22020. double-reduced tinplate ==> 超薄马口铁
  22021. double-reduction ==> 双重减速
  22022. double-reduction axle ==> 复式减速轴
  22023. double-reduction gear ==> 复式减速齿轮
  22024. double-reduction geared turbine ==> 两级减速船用汽轮机
  22025. double-reduction motor ==> 两级减速电动机
  22026. double-reduction shaft ==> 复式减速轴
  22027. double-reduction spur pinion ==> 复式减速小正齿轮
  22028. double-reheat steam turbine ==> 中间再热式汽轮机
  22029. double-reheat stream tubrine ==> 二次再热式汽轮机
  22030. double-resonance ==> 双共振
  22031. double-resonance spectrograph ==> 双共振摄谱仪
  22032. double-response controller ==> 双重作用调节器
  22033. double-return siphon ==> 双弯虹吸管
  22034. double-reversal system ==> 双互换制度
  22035. double-roll crusher ==> 双辊破碎机,对辊破碎机
  22036. double-roll feed ==> 两边滚子进料
  22037. double-roll press ==> 双辊压力机
  22038. double-roller safety action ==> 双圆盘保险装置
  22039. double-row ==> 双行座
  22040. double-row ball bearing ==> 双列向心滚珠轴承
  22041. double-row ball journal bearing ==> 双列径向滚珠轴承
  22042. double-row bearing ==> 双列轴承
  22043. double-row drilling ==> 双条播种,双行播种
  22044. double-row hog house ==> 双列式猪舍
  22045. double-row layout ==> 双排排样
  22046. double-row radial engine ==> 双列辐射型发动机
  22047. double-row seating ==> 双行座
  22048. double-screen saturator ==> 双网型浸渍机
  22049. double-screw bolt ==> 螺柱
  22050. double-screw extruder ==> 2軸スクリュー押し出し機
  22051. double-screw washer ==> 双螺旋洗矿机
  22052. double-seal ==> 双重密封
  22053. double-seal coat ==> 双封闭层
  22054. double-seal(ed) bearing ==> 双封轴承
  22055. double-seated ball valve (DSBV) ==> 双座球阀
  22056. double-secondary transformer ==> 双二次绕组变压器,双副边变压器
  22057. double-shaft ==> 双轴=>ダブル軸
  22058. double-shaft mixer ==> 双轴混合机=>ダブル軸ミキサー
  22059. double-shared double wheeled plow ==> 双轮双铧犁
  22060. double-shed jacquard ==> 双梭口提花机
  22061. double-shed porcelain insulator ==> 双裙式瓷绝缘子
  22062. double-shield enclosure ==> 双层屏蔽罩
  22063. double-shock intake ==> 双激波进口
  22064. double-shot molding ==> 双色注塑
  22065. double-side-band ==> 双边带
  22066. double-sideband modulation (DSB) ==> 双边带调制
  22067. double-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation ==> 抑制载波的双边带调制
  22068. double-sideband transmission ==> 双边带传输
  22069. double-sideband transmitter ==> 双边带发射机
  22070. double-sided arm ==> 双侧臂
  22071. double-sided bicycle stand ==> 双面自行车架
  22072. double-sided board ==> 双面印制板
  22073. double-sided copying ==> 两面复印
  22074. double-sided high speed press ==> 双柱高速压力机
  22075. double-sided hood ==> 双面拔气罩
  22076. double-sided impeller ==> 双吸式叶轮
  22077. double-sided plate trimming shears ==> 中厚板双边剪边剪切机
  22078. double-sided printed-circuit board ==> 双面印刷电路板
  22079. double-sided reinforced concrete jetty ==> (靠船的)二边钢筋混凝土突码头
  22080. double-six array ==> 双六天线阵
  22081. double-skeleton catalyst electrode ==> 双骨架催化电极
  22082. double-skin ==> 双层
  22083. double-skin construction ==> 双层结构
  22084. double-skin curtain wall construction ==> 双层幕墙结构
  22085. double-skin duct ==> 双层管道
  22086. double-skin roof ==> 双层屋顶
  22087. double-sledge ==> 双爬犁
  22088. double-slider coupling ==> 十字滑块联轴器
  22089. double-slider crank chain ==> 双滑块曲柄链系
  22090. double-slip switch ==> 双动转辙器
  22091. double-slit interferometer ==> 双缝干涉仪
  22092. double-solvent refining ==> 双溶剂精炼
  22093. double-spot technique ==> 双光点技术
  22094. double-spot tuning ==> 双点调谐
  22095. double-stage compressor ==> 双级压缩机
  22096. double-stage driving ==> 两级传动
  22097. double-stage nitriding ==> 二级氮化
  22098. double-stage pump ==> 双级泵
  22099. double-stage super-charger ==> 双级增压器
  22100. double-stage turbine ==> 双级式透平
  22101. double-step diffusion technique ==> 二级扩散技术
  22102. double-stopper arrangement ==> 双棒浇注装置
  22103. double-strand drag conveyer ==> 双路拖运机,双线输送机
  22104. double-strand mill ==> 双线轧机
  22105. double-strap joint ==> 双盖板接头
  22106. double-strap lap joint ==> 双盖板搭接接头
  22107. double-strapped joint ==> 双盖板接头
  22108. double-stream amplifier ==> 双电子束放大器
  22109. double-stream tube ==> 双电子束射线管
  22110. double-stub tuner ==> 双短线调谐器
  22111. double-suction pump ==> 双吸泵,双吸口泵
  22112. double-super effect ==> 拍频干扰效应,双差频效应
  22113. double-super system ==> 二次变频制
  22114. double-superheterodyne reception ==> 双超外差接收
  22115. double-swage saw ==> 双压料锯
  22116. double-swing door ==> 双面摇门
  22117. double-swiveling uncoiler and recoiler ==> 并列回转式开卷卷取机
  22118. double-tariff (system) meter ==> 双价电度表
  22119. double-tax treaty ==> 双重税协定
  22120. double-theodolite observation ==> 双经纬仪观测
  22121. double-thread hob ==> 双头滚刀
  22122. double-thread screw ==> 双头螺纹
  22123. double-thread worm ==> 双头蜗杆
  22124. double-threaded screw ==> 双纹螺钉
  22125. double-threshold detection ==> 双阈检测
  22126. double-throw ==> 双投,双掷
  22127. double-throw circuit breaker ==> 双投断路器
  22128. double-throw contact ==> 双方向接点(継電器)
  22129. double-throw disconnecting switch ==> 双投隔离开关
  22130. double-throw switch ==> 双投开关,双掷开关
  22131. double-tier partition ==> 两层高隔断
  22132. double-toggle ==> 双肘节
  22133. double-toggle chuck ==> 双绞曲柄卡盘
  22134. double-tone ink ==> 双色调油墨
  22135. double-toothed ewe ==> 一岁母羊
  22136. double-trace scope ==> 双射线示波器
  22137. double-track ==> 双线,双轨
  22138. double-track cam ==> 双面凸轮
  22139. double-track sliding door ==> 双轨推拉门
  22140. double-track tunnel ==> 双线隧洞
  22141. double-transit oscillator ==> 双渡越速调管
  22142. double-transmission method ==> 双透射法
  22143. double-trolley system ==> 双线制
  22144. double-truncated cone seal ==> 双截头圆锥密封
  22145. double-tube method ==> 双管法
  22146. double-tuned circuit ==> 双调谐电路
  22147. double-tuned coupling ==> 双调谐电路耦合
  22148. double-tuned detector ==> 双调谐检波器
  22149. double-tuned filter ==> 二周波共振分路
  22150. double-twin coil shank ==> 带双弹簧圈的铲柄
  22151. double-twist twisting machine ==> 倍捻捻线机
  22152. double-twisting frame ==> 倍捻捻线机
  22153. double-twisting machine ==> 倍捻加捻机
  22154. double-type ==> 复式的
  22155. double-type trace heating ==> 套管式伴随加热法
  22156. double-unit motor ==> 双电动机机组
  22157. double-unit system ==> 双机制
  22158. double-V butt jointY ==> 双V形对接接头
  22159. double-V groove weld ==> 双斜边坡口焊缝,双斜坡口焊
  22160. double-V grooveK ==> 双V形坡口
  22161. double-vevel groove ==> 形坡口
  22162. double-wall cofferdam ==> 双壁围堰
  22163. double-walled bell jar ==> 双层烧结钟罩
  22164. double-walled piston ==> 闭式活塞
  22165. double-walled well ==> 重壁井
  22166. double-water flow model ==> 双胶水流模式
  22167. double-water internal cooling ==> 双水内冷
  22168. double-wave detection ==> 全波检波
  22169. double-way circuit ==> 桥形电路
  22170. double-way connection ==> 桥式接法
  22171. double-web section ==> 双腹式断面
  22172. double-wedge section ==> 棱形截面
  22173. double-welded butt joint ==> 双面焊对接接头
  22174. double-welded lap joint ==> 双面焊搭接接头
  22175. double-width press ==> 双全张印报机
  22176. double-winding synchronous generator ==> 双绕组同步发电机
  22177. double-wire system ==> 双线制
  22178. double-word addressing ==> 双字寻址
  22179. double-work ==> 二重嫁接
  22180. double-wound relay ==> 双线圈继电器
  22181. double-wound rotor ==> 双线绕式转子
  22182. double-wound transformer ==> 同上
  22183. double-Y connected rectifier ==> 双星形连接整流器
  22184. double-yolked egg ==> 双黄蛋
  22185. double-Z-arm mixer ==> 双曲臂和面机
  22186. doubleaction black japanned spring hinge ==> 黑漆双弹簧铰链
  22187. doubled ==> 复式的
  22188. doubled linked list ==> 双重连接列表
  22189. doubled yarn ==> 合股纱线
  22190. doubledrill column ==> 双柱钻架
  22191. doublehung window ==> 提拉窗
  22192. doubler ==> 倍频器信压器
  22193. doubler circuit ==> 二倍器电路
  22194. doublet ==> 偶极子=>ダブレット
  22195. doublet component ==> 双透镜组件
  22196. doublet distribution ==> 偶极分布
  22197. doublet flow ==> 偶极子流动
  22198. doublet interval ==> 双线间隔
  22199. doublet objective ==> 双胶物镜
  22200. doublet oscillator ==> 赫兹振荡器
  22201. doublet peak ==> 二重項ピーク
  22202. doublet profile lens ==> 双胶合轮廓投影物镜
  22203. doublet refractor ==> 双折射器
  22204. doublet separation ==> 双线分离度
  22205. doublet soap ==> 联皂
  22206. doublet state ==> 二重項状態
  22207. doublet structure ==> 双谱线结构,双重结构
  22208. doublet throw ==> 双掷
  22209. doublet trigger ==> 双触发
  22210. doublet-fine structure ==> 双重线精细结构
  22211. doubling ==> 折叠,重合,并捻,夹胶,加强板=>二重張り,倍加,倍増
  22212. doubling (-over) test ==> 折叠试验
  22213. doubling and lapping machine ==> 对折卷板机
  22214. doubling and plaiting machine ==> 折布机
  22215. doubling and rolling machine ==> 折卷布机,对折卷布机
  22216. doubling and tacking machine ==> 折幅缝筒机
  22217. doubling and twisting machine ==> 并捻机
  22218. doubling calender ==> 重合轮压机,重合砑光机
  22219. doubling circuit ==> 倍频电路,倍压电路,倍增电极
  22220. doubling course ==> 双板层
  22221. doubling dilution ==> 二倍稀释
  22222. doubling dose ==> 倍加剂量,加倍剂量=>倍加線量
  22223. doubling effect ==> 加倍作用,倍增现象
  22224. doubling element ==> 複像素子
  22225. doubling fillet ==> 三角垫木
  22226. doubling frame ==> 并线机
  22227. doubling machine ==> 折叠机
  22228. doubling method ==> 倍加法
  22229. doubling of income ==> 所得倍増
  22230. doubling of revenue ==> 収益倍増
  22231. doubling of risk ==> リスク倍増
  22232. doubling of the image ==> 图像双重
  22233. doubling piece ==> 双边
  22234. doubling plan ==> 倍増計画
  22235. doubling plate ==> 双面盖板,(加强用)双层板=>二重張り板
  22236. doubling prism ==> 双像棱镜
  22237. doubling rate ==> 倍加速度
  22238. doubling register ==> 倍加寄存器,倍增寄存器,加倍寄存器
  22239. doubling roller ==> 贴合辊
  22240. doubling the angle on the bow ==> 倍增机头方位角
  22241. doubling the cube ==> 倍立方
  22242. doubling thread ==> 纺线
  22243. doubling time ==> 倍加时间,重复时间,倍增时间,又称“加倍时间”。通过燃料增殖使易裂变核素的数量比初始装载量增加一倍所需的时间,通常以年为单位。它有简单(线性)倍增时间与指数倍增时间两种计算方法
  22244. doubling time meter ==> 倍增时间测量计,双倍计时表,双时间仪,双重时间测量计
  22245. doubling winder ==> 并丝机
  22246. doubly balanced incomplete block design (DBIB) ==> 二元平衡不完全区组设计
  22247. doubly balanced modulator ==> 双重平衡调制器
  22248. doubly charged ion ==> 双倍带电离子
  22249. doubly clad optical fibre ==> 双包层光学纤维
  22250. doubly differentiable function ==> 二阶可微函数
  22251. doubly diffuse density ==> 双散射密度,双漫射密度
  22252. doubly excited state ==> 双重激发态
  22253. doubly fed generator ==> 2重給電発電機
  22254. doubly fed induction machines ==> 双馈电机
  22255. doubly perspective ==> 二重透视
  22256. doubly plunging fold ==> 双倾伏褶曲
  22257. doubly re entrant winding ==> 双口式绕组
  22258. doubly re-entrant winding ==> 双口式绕组
  22259. doubly refracting biplate ==> 双折射双片
  22260. doubly refracting crystal ==> 双折射晶体
  22261. doubly refracting medium ==> 双折射媒质
  22262. doubly resonance ==> 双共振
  22263. doubly resonant oscillator ==> 双共振振荡器
  22264. doubly stochastic matrix ==> 双随机矩阵
  22265. doubly uniform channel ==> 双重均匀信道
  22266. doubly-cladded slab dielectric waveguide ==> 双包层条形介质波导
  22267. doubly-curved shell ==> 双曲壳体
  22268. doubly-dispersed spectrum ==> 双色散光谱
  22269. doubly-excited levels ==> 双重受激能级
  22270. doubly-fed synchronous generator ==> 交流励磁形同期発電機
  22271. doubly-inked list ==> 双重联接列表
  22272. doubly-integrating accelerometer ==> 二重积分加速表
  22273. doubly-linked circular list ==> 双重联结环状列表
  22274. doubly-linked linear list ==> 双重联结线性列表
  22275. doubly-linked list ==> 双重连接列表
  22276. doubre block brake ==> 双闸瓦制动器
  22277. doubre shoe brake ==> 双闸瓦制动器
  22278. doubtful operation ==> 原因不明的动作
  22279. doubting insanity ==> 猜疑性精神病
  22280. Doucai contrasting colors ==> 斗彩
  22281. doucai vase with tendril vine ==> (瓷器名)斗彩蔓草纹瓶
  22282. douche bath ==> 喷射浴
  22283. douche bath unit ==> 喷浴器
  22284. douche can ==> 冲洗桶
  22285. douche solution ==> 灌洗剂
  22286. dough batch ==> 打面机
  22287. dough brake ==> 面团辊压
  22288. dough characters ==> 面团品质
  22289. dough deformation ==> 柔性变形
  22290. dough mill ==> 调面机
  22291. dough mixer ==> 粉料调水混合机
  22292. dough mixing time ==> 合面团时间
  22293. dough mo(u)lding ==> 捏塑造型
  22294. dough salver ==> 分粉托
  22295. dough stage ==> 蜡熟期
  22296. doughing of malt ==> 麦精面团
  22297. doughmaker ==> 和面机,揉面机
  22298. doughnut ==> 超环面粒子加速器,汽车轮胎,热堆快中子转换器,环形室
  22299. doughnut antenna ==> 绕杆式天线
  22300. doughnut coil ==> 环形线圈
  22301. doughnut kidney ==> 环状肾
  22302. doughnut pessary ==> 环形子宫托,环状子宫托
  22303. doughnut shaped ==> 环形的
  22304. doughnut tire ==> 低压轮胎
  22305. doughnut tyre ==> 超低压轮胎
  22306. doughy ==> 柔软的
  22307. doughy sensation ==> 揉面感
  22308. Douglas aircraft ==> 道格拉斯飞机
  22309. Douglas bag ==> 道格拉斯气袋
  22310. Douglas fir oil ==> 松叶油
  22311. Douglas pouch ==> 道格拉斯陷凹
  22312. Douglas sea and swell scale ==> 道格拉斯海况和长浪尺度
  22313. Douglas' line ==> 半环线
  22314. Douglas' pouch ==> 直肠子宫陷凹
  22315. Dounce homogenizer ==> 杜恩斯匀浆器
  22316. Douthitt diaphragm control ==> 道施特光圈调节装置
  22317. douzieme gauge ==> 道兹密卡规
  22318. DOVAP, doppler velocity and position ==> ドップラ速度位置測定
  22319. dove's foot cranesbill ==> 柔毛老鹤草
  22320. Dover's powder ==> 杜佛氏散
  22321. dovetail ==> 磁极尾,燕尾接合,燕尾榫,鸠尾,燕尾
  22322. dovetail anchor ==> 燕尾锚具
  22323. dovetail bit ==> 燕尾钻
  22324. dovetail capacitor ==> 同轴可调电容器
  22325. dovetail condenser ==> 同轴调整电容器
  22326. dovetail cramp ==> 银锭榫
  22327. dovetail cutter ==> 燕尾铣刀
  22328. dovetail feather ==> 银锭榫
  22329. dovetail female ==> 门鸠尾榫
  22330. dovetail form ==> 楔形
  22331. dovetail groove ==> 鸠尾槽,鸠尾槽,燕尾槽,梯形槽
  22332. dovetail guide ==> 燕尾导轨
  22333. dovetail half-lap joint ==> 燕尾对开叠接
  22334. dovetail halflap joint ==> 半盖燕尾榫接
  22335. dovetail halved joint ==> 燕尾对开叠接
  22336. dovetail halving ==> 鸠尾榫制作,鸠尾榫制作
  22337. dovetail hinge ==> 鸠尾铰链,鸠尾铰链,燕尾合页
  22338. dovetail joint ==> 燕尾接合,鸠尾接合
  22339. dovetail joist ==> 燕尾龙骨
  22340. dovetail key ==> 燕尾键,鸠尾键,鸠尾键
  22341. dovetail key way ==> 鸠尾键槽,鸠尾键槽
  22342. dovetail keyway ==> 燕尾键槽
  22343. dovetail lap joint ==> 鸠尾互搭接合,鸠尾互搭接合
  22344. dovetail machine ==> 鸠尾榫机,鸠尾榫机,制榫机,燕尾开榫机
  22345. dovetail mitre ==> 暗马牙榫
  22346. dovetail plane ==> 梯形槽刨
  22347. dovetail plate ==> 榫眼板,榫眼板
  22348. dovetail saw ==> 鸠尾锯,鸠尾锯
  22349. dovetail slide ==> 鸠尾导轨,鸠尾导轨
  22350. dovetail slide bearing ==> 燕尾导轨,燕尾式导轨
  22351. dovetail slot ==> 燕尾槽,鸠尾槽,鸠尾槽
  22352. dovetail vernier caliper ==> 测量燕尾槽专用游标卡尺
  22353. dovetail(male) ==> 楔形榫
  22354. dovetailed pile ==> 燕尾桩
  22355. dovetailed way ==> 燕尾导轨
  22356. dovetailer ==> 制榫机
  22357. dovetailing ==> 燕尾连接
  22358. dovetailing machine ==> 制榫机=>ほぞ突き盤
  22359. dovetailing plane ==> 榫刨,榫刨
  22360. dovetailling ==> 燕尾形表面刻琢
  22361. Dow general ==> 地乐酚
  22362. Dow general weedkiller ==> 地乐酚
  22363. Dow Jones Industrial Average ==> ダウ(ジョーンズ)工業株30種平均
  22364. Dow metal ==> 道氏金属,道氏镁铝合金,杜合金
  22365. Dow motionless mixer ==> 道氏静止混合器
  22366. Dow oscillator ==> 电子耦合振荡器
  22367. Dow process ==> 道氏制镁法
  22368. Dow-etch plates ==> 道氏腐蚀法印版
  22369. dowel ==> 骨板接合钉,桩,销钉,木钉,螺桩,两尖钉,合缝钉,定位销,榫钉,榫钉,插铁,暗销,夹缝钉,轴销
  22370. dowel (pin) ==> 定位销钉
  22371. dowel bar ==> 接缝条,插筋
  22372. dowel board ==> 暗钉钉合板
  22373. dowel bolt ==> 精确配合螺栓
  22374. dowel crown ==> 桩冠
  22375. dowel cutter ==> 接合钉切割器
  22376. dowel cutter centralizing pin ==> 接合钉切割器定中心针
  22377. dowel cutter shaft ==> 接合钉切割器杆
  22378. dowel driver ==> 接合钉推进器
  22379. dowel hole ==> 定缝销钉孔
  22380. dowel joint ==> 定缝钉接合,合钉接合,暗销接合,暗榫接合
  22381. dowel pin ==> 暗销,合销,定缝销钉,定位销,柱销,桩钉
  22382. dowel pin joint ==> 暗销接合
  22383. dowel plate ==> 销钉板
  22384. dowel screw ==> 扶手螺丝,两头螺钉,两头螺丝钉
  22385. dowel spacing ==> 传力杆间距
  22386. dowel steel ==> 传力杆,合缝钢条
  22387. doweled joint ==> 插筋接合
  22388. doweling ==> 埋插筋
  22389. Dowell interferometer ==> 多威尔干涉仪
  22390. dowelled beam ==> 键合梁
  22391. dowelling jig ==> 孔钻
  22392. down ==> 开阔高地,岸边沙丘,短绒毛,付现
  22393. down (gunwale to) ==> 舷缘着水
  22394. down (shut-down) period ==> 停工期
  22395. down arrow ==> 下行箭头
  22396. Down breeds ==> 丘陵型绵羊
  22397. down budding ==> 下芽接
  22398. down by the head ==> 船首纵倾
  22399. down by the stern ==> 船尾纵倾
  22400. down calver ==> 临产母牛
  22401. down calving ==> 母牛临产
  22402. down coiler ==> 地下卷取机
  22403. down comer ==> 下降管
  22404. down coming wave ==> 反射波
  22405. down conductor ==> 引下线=>引き下げ線
  22406. down conversion ==> 降频转换
  22407. down converter ==> 降频转换器
  22408. down cotton harvesting machine ==> 落棉捡拾机
  22409. down counter ==> 降值计数器
  22410. down current ==> 下降气流
  22411. down cutting ==> 顺铣
  22412. down direction valve ==> 下行控制阀
  22413. down draught diverter ==> 倒风折流器,拔风罩
  22414. down draught porducer ==> 回流式发生炉
  22415. down draught producer ==> 向下通风发生器,倒风发生器
  22416. down final limit and terminal stopping switch ==> 最低限位及最低楼层停机掣
  22417. down flow apron ==> 降液挡板
  22418. down flow clean room ==> 垂直层流式洁净室
  22419. down gate ==> 直浇口
  22420. down grading ==> 品位降低
  22421. down hair ==> 绒毛
  22422. down lead ==> 支架夹板,引下线=>立ち下げ導線,ダウンリード(アンテナ)
  22423. down light ==> ダウンライト,天井に埋め込まれる小形の照明器具
  22424. down line ==> 下行线路
  22425. down link ==> 下行线路=>ダウンリンク(宇宙通信)
  22426. down lock ==> 下位锁
  22427. down milling ==> 顺铣
  22428. down paryment ==> 分期付款的定金
  22429. down payment ==> 分期付款的定金,交付定金,首期付款
  22430. down period ==> 停工检修时间
  22431. down pipe ==> 旁通管
  22432. down price clause ==> 减价条款
  22433. down quenching ==> 急冷
  22434. down rod ==> 悬杆
  22435. down runner ==> 直浇口
  22436. down scaled integration ==> 按比列缩小集成电路化
  22437. down shift ==> 降速变换
  22438. down spout ==> 降液管
  22439. down sprue ==> 直浇口
  22440. down stream film ==> 气流下流外延层
  22441. down stroke ==> 下冲程,下行程
  22442. down stroke hydraulic press ==> 下冲式水压机
  22443. down stroke press ==> 压头下降式压机
  22444. down suction ==> 垂直间隙
  22445. down symbol ==> 降符号
  22446. down timber ==> 成片倒木
  22447. down time ==> 故障时间,非工作状态时间,停机时间,修理时间=>ダウン時間
  22448. down time rate ==> 停机时间率
  22449. down total ==> 停机总计
  22450. down tree ==> 毛绒树
  22451. down twister ==> 帽锭拈线机,下行拈线机
  22452. down wash ==> 冲刷物
  22453. down wool ==> 丘陵种羊毛
  22454. Down wools ==> 塘种羊毛
  22455. Down's process ==> 道恩法
  22456. Down's syndrome ==> 伸舌样白痴
  22457. down(-cut) milling ==> 同向铣切
  22458. down-and-out option ==> 见跌即止期权
  22459. down-bearing goat ==> 产绒山羊
  22460. down-conversion ==> 下变频
  22461. down-converter ==> ダウンコンバータ
  22462. down-counter ==> 逐减计数器
  22463. down-cut shears ==> 下切式剪切机
  22464. down-cutting tool ==> 立刨刀,插刀
  22465. down-Doppler ==> 下行多普勒
  22466. down-draft carbureter ==> 下吸式汽化器
  22467. down-draft drying zone ==> 抽风干燥段
  22468. down-draft kiln ==> 倒焰窑
  22469. down-draft sintering ==> 吸风烧结
  22470. down-draft sintering machine ==> 吸风烧结机,下流式烧结机
  22471. down-draught ==> 倒灌
  22472. down-draught calciner ==> 倒焰式煅烧窑
  22473. down-ender ==> 翻卷机
  22474. down-feed screw ==> 垂直丝杠
  22475. down-fired furnace ==> 顶烧式炉
  22476. down-hand welding ==> 俯焊
  22477. down-hole pump ==> 井下泵,井下泵
  22478. down-payment ==> 分期付款的首笔付款
  22479. down-pour gate ==> 底注浇口
  22480. down-shot firing ==> 下射式燃烧
  22481. down-stream injection system ==> 顺流喷射系统
  22482. down-the-hole ==> 潜孔
  22483. down-the-row thinner ==> 顺行间苗机
  22484. down-the-row thinning ==> 顺行间苗
  22485. down-the-row thinning machine ==> 行间间苗机
  22486. down-tilter ==> 翻卷机
  22487. down-time ==> 非工作状态时间
  22488. down-time ratio ==> 停机时间比率
  22489. down-to-basin fault ==> 下落盆地断层
  22490. down-to-floor lattice window ==> 落地花格窗
  22491. down-to-ground openwork screen ==> 落地罩
  22492. downcast ==> 下落,入风井
  22493. downcast pipe ==> 降水管
  22494. downcast side ==> 陷落侧,(盘)断落侧
  22495. downcoiler ==> 地下卷取机
  22496. downcomer ==> 降水管
  22497. downcomer, downtake pipe ==> 下降管,水循环回路中,由锅筒向下集箱的供水管路。
  22498. downcut shears ==> 上切式剪切机
  22499. downdip block ==> 下倾断块
  22500. downdraft ==> 向下通风
  22501. downdraft carburetor ==> 下吸式化油器
  22502. downdraft furnace ==> 倒风炉
  22503. downdraught cooler ==> 抽风式冷却机
  22504. downdraught fan ==> 抽风机
  22505. downdraught type producer ==> 回流式发生炉
  22506. downfaulted basin ==> 断陷盆地
  22507. downgate ==> 直浇口
  22508. downgoing plate ==> 下沉板块
  22509. downhand electrode ==> 平焊焊条
  22510. downhand position ==> 平焊位置
  22511. downhand weld ==> 平焊缝
  22512. downhand welding ==> 平焊
  22513. downhill casting ==> 上铸法
  22514. downhole ==> 地面に掘った穴,下げ孔
  22515. downhole engine pump ==> 井底水力活塞泵
  22516. downhole equipment ==> 钻孔配件
  22517. downhole gas burner ==> 井底气体燃烧器,井底气体燃烧器
  22518. downhole instrument ==> 下井仪器
  22519. downlight ==> ダウンライト(狭照配光)
  22520. downrange station ==> 离开发射中心的测试站
  22521. downsized capacitance ==> 小容量コンデンサ
  22522. downslide surface ==> 下滑面
  22523. downslope time ==> 电流下降时间
  22524. downspout basket strainer ==> 雨水管下水口箅子
  22525. downspout elbow ==> 雨水管弯头
  22526. downspout hanger ==> 雨水管卡子
  22527. downspout strainer ==> 雨水管下水口箅子
  22528. downsprue ==> 直浇口
  22529. downstream ==> 下游=>下流
  22530. downstream apron ==> 防冲护坦,防冲铺砌,坝后防冲护底
  22531. downstream chamber ==> 出口室
  22532. downstream environmental waters ==> 下游环境水域
  22533. downstream face of dam ==> 坝的下游面
  22534. downstream heat exchanger (DSHE) ==> 顺流热交换器
  22535. downstream line ==> 下游管线
  22536. downstream pier nose ==> 墩的下游端点
  22537. downstream products ==> (制造业)下游产品
  22538. downstream products (制造业) ==> 下游产品
  22539. downstream profile of crown section ==> 拱冠断面下游面轮廓
  22540. downstream radius of crest ==> 坝顶下游面半径
  22541. downstream side ==> 下游边
  22542. downstream slope ==> 背水坡
  22543. downtake ==> 升降道
  22544. downtake superheater ==> 锅后过热器
  22545. downthrow side ==> 陷落侧
  22546. downthrow wall ==> 下降盘
  22547. downthrown block ==> 下降断块
  22548. downtime ratio ==> 停工率
  22549. Downton pump ==> 当通手摇泵,邓通曲柄手摇泵,达温特曲柄式手摇泵
  22550. Downtonian stage ==> 当唐阶
  22551. downtown area ==> 闹市区
  22552. downwar (total) radiation ==> 向下(全)辐射
  22553. downward ==> 下向きの,下に動く
  22554. downward acceleration ==> 下向き加速
  22555. downward adjustment ==> 下方修正
  22556. downward bias ==> 向下偏倚
  22557. downward bulge ==> 向下凸出
  22558. downward call ==> 向下调用
  22559. downward communication ==> 下行信息交流
  22560. downward current ==> 下降気流
  22561. downward curve ==> 下降曲線
  22562. downward deflection ==> 下方偏向
  22563. downward dislocation ==> 下方転位
  22564. downward flux ==> 下半球光束
  22565. downward modulation ==> 向下调制
  22566. downward movement ==> 向下运动
  22567. downward slip ==> 滑落現象
  22568. downward slope driving ==> 下り傾斜面走行
  22569. downward spiral ==> 下方スパイラル
  22570. downward stroke ==> 下行冲程
  22571. downward system of ventilation ==> 下向通风系统
  22572. downward terrestrial radiantion ==> 大气向下辐射
  22573. downward trend ==> 看跌
  22574. downward welding in the inclined position ==> 下坡焊
  22575. downward welding in the vertical position ==> 向下立焊
  22576. downwash velocity ==> 诱导速度
  22577. downy midew of rice ==> 稻霜霉病
  22578. downy mildew ==> 大豆霜霉病,霜霉病,霜霉菌
  22579. downy mildew of alfalfa ==> 苜蓿霜霉病
  22580. downy mildew of crucifers ==> 十字花科蔬菜霜霉病
  22581. downy mildew of cucurbits ==> 瓜类霜霉病
  22582. downy mildew of garpe ==> 葡萄霜霉病
  22583. downy mildew of lettuce ==> 莴苣霜霉病
  22584. downy mildew of millet ==> 粟白发病,谷子白发病
  22585. downy mildew of onion ==> 葱霜霉病
  22586. downy mildew of rice ==> 稻黄化矮缩病
  22587. downy mildew of soybean ==> 大豆霜霉病
  22588. downy mildew of sugarcane ==> 甘蔗霜霉病
  22589. downy mildews ==> 霜霉
  22590. downy rosemyrtle root ==> 岗稔根
  22591. dowson gas ==> 道生半水爆气
  22592. Dowtherm ==> 导热姆=>ダウサム
  22593. dowtherm ==> 导热姆换热剂,高沸点有机溶液
  22594. dowtherm boiler ==> 导热姆热媒锅炉
  22595. Dowty prop ==> 道迪型支柱,道梯液压支柱
  22596. doxium tablet ==> 都克斯姆片
  22597. DOY, day of year ==> 通算日
  22598. doyle rule ==> (英尺材)多伊尔原木板积表
  22599. doyle-scribner rule ==> 多一斯原木板积表
  22600. dozer ==> 推土机
  22601. dozzle ==> 保温帽
  22602. DP after date ==> 出票远期付款交单
  22603. DP laying vessel ==> DP布設専用船
  22604. DP, data package ==> データパッケージ
  22605. DP, data processing ==> データ処理
  22606. DP, deployment panel ==> 展開パネル
  22607. DP, design pressure ==> 設計圧力
  22608. DP, differential phase ==> 微分位相
  22609. DP, directed procurement ==> 指定調達
  22610. DP, disk pack ==> ディスクパック
  22611. DP, disk package ==> ディスクパッケージ
  22612. DP, Distributed Power ==> 分散電源
  22613. DP, double precision ==> 倍精度演算
  22614. DP, Drill pipe ==> 钻杆
  22615. DPA, data processing assembly ==> データ処理装置
  22616. DPA, destructive physical analysis ==> 分解解析,破壊解析
  22617. DPA, destructive testing ==> 破壊試験
  22618. DPA, distributed power architecture ==> DPA
  22619. DPC, data processing center ==> データ処理センター
  22620. dpcm ==> 差动式脉码调制
  22621. DPCM circuit ==> 差分脉冲编码调制电路,差值脉冲编码调制电路
  22622. DPCM quantizer ==> 差分脉冲编码调制量化器
  22623. DPCM, differential pulse code modulation ==> 差分PCM
  22624. DPCM, differential pulse-code modulation ==> 差分パルスコード変調
  22625. DPCX host support ==> 分布式处理控制执行程序主支持
  22626. DPCX instruction ==> 分布式式处理控制执行程序指令
  22627. DPD, data procurement document ==> データ調達文書
  22628. DPDF SAR, dual polarized dual frequency SAR ==> 二偏波二周波使用SAR
  22629. dpdt double-pole double-throw (DPDT) ==> 双刀双掷
  22630. dpdt switch ==> 双极双投开关
  22631. DPDT, double pole double throw ==> 双極双投
  22632. DPF, diesel particulate filter ==> ディーゼル微細粒子フィルタ
  22633. DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter ==> 排気微粒子除去装置,排ガス浄化装置,(ディーゼル車の排気ガスの)粒子状物質(PM)減少装置。
  22634. DPF, Dispatcher Power Flow ==> 運転員潮流
  22635. DPFC current differential relay ==> DPFC電流差動リレー
  22636. DPFC directional relay ==> DPFC方向リレー
  22637. DPFC distance relay ==> DPFC距離リレー
  22638. DPFC impedance relay ==> DPFCインピーダンスリレー
  22639. DPFC phase selection relay ==> DPFC相選択リレー
  22640. DPFC protection algorithm ==> DPFC保護アルゴリズム
  22641. DPFC protection principle ==> DPFC保護原理
  22642. DPFC, deviation of power frequency component ==> 基準周波数成分変化量
  22643. DPL, diplexer ==> ダイプレクサ
  22644. DPL, Doppler experiment ==> ドップラー実験
  22645. DPLL, digital phase lock loop ==> デジタルフェーズロックループ
  22646. DPOF, Digital Print Order Format ==> ディジタルプリントオーダーフォーマット,ディジタルカメラで撮影した画像の中から,プリントしたいコマやその枚数などの指定情報をスマートメディアなどに記録するときの形式です.
  22647. DPP, deployment/pointing panel ==> 展開/指向パネル
  22648. Dpro3, Mitsubishi Depth Dose Profile Monitor 3-Dimentional ==> Dpro3
  22649. DPRs, digital protective relays ==> ディジタルリレー
  22650. DPS, data processing system ==> データ処理システム
  22651. DPS, digital power system ==> 数字电力系统=>ディジタル電力系統
  22652. DPSD, Data Processing and Systems Division ==> データ処理システム部
  22653. DPSK, differential phase-shift keying ==> 差动相移键控技术,差分移相键控
  22654. DPSP, Developments in Power System Protection ==> DPSP
  22655. DPSSL, diode pumped solid state laser ==> DPSSL
  22656. dpst switch ==> 双极单投开关
  22657. DPT vaccine ==> 百日咳白喉破伤风三联疫苗
  22658. DPU, data processing unit ==> データ処理装置
  22659. DPU, disk pack unit ==> ディスクパック装置
  22660. DPWorld, Dubai Ports World ==> 迪拜环球港务=>ドバイ・ポート・ワールド
  22661. DPZ, departure zone ==> デパーチャゾーン
  22662. dq-axes ==> dq軸
  22663. dq-axis model ==> dq軸モデル
  22664. DQPSK, differential quadrature phase shift keying ==> 多値位相復調技術
  22665. DR Dead Reckoning ==> 靠程仪或罗盘定位的测定法
  22666. DR Double Reduction ==> 双重缩减
  22667. DR drilling ==> 钻进
  22668. DR track line ==> 航位推算航迹
  22669. DR, data rate ==> データレート
  22670. DR, data recorder ==> データレコーダ
  22671. DR, data requirement ==> データ要求
  22672. DR, data review ==> データーレビュー
  22673. DR, dead reckoning ==> 推測航法
  22674. DR, Demand Response ==> 需求响应
  22675. DR, design review ==> デザインレビュ,設計審査
  22676. DR, discrepancy report ==> 不具合報告書
  22677. DR, Distributed Resources ==> 分散電源
  22678. DR, document requirement ==> 文書要求
  22679. DR, downrange station ==> ダウンレンジ局
  22680. DR, drift rate ==> ドリフトレート
  22681. DR-1, Ogasawara down range station ==> 小笠原局
  22682. DR-3, Christmas down range station ==> クリスマス局
  22683. Dr. Catherine Lam (marine survey vessel) ==> 林蕴盈博士号(海上监察船)
  22684. Dr.D.O.Pederson ==> SPICEの開発者
  22685. Dr.H.W.Dommel ==> EMTPの開発者
  22686. Dr.Scott-Meyer ==> ATPの開発者
  22687. Dra, Draco ==> りゅう座
  22688. drab soil ==> 褐色土,褐土,黄褐土
  22689. draconitic revolution ==> 交点周
  22690. Draeger breathing apparatus ==> 德雷格型氧气呼吸器
  22691. Draeger escape apparatus ==> 德雷格轻型氧气呼吸器
  22692. draft ==> 通风,引风,负压,牵引,拉力,气流,草图,倾斜,汇票,付款通知,草稿,排气=>通風,通風力,スケッチ,設計図,図面,草稿,原稿,草案,ドラフト,通気
  22693. draft advice ==> 票据委托书
  22694. draft and telegraphic transfer ==> 票汇及电汇
  22695. draft angle ==> 脱模角,模锻斜度,烟囱锥度,拔模斜度
  22696. draft animal ==> 役畜
  22697. draft article ==> 条文原稿
  22698. draft at sight ==> 一覧払い手形
  22699. draft bar ==> 拉杆,牵引杆
  22700. draft by negotiation ==> 逆汇
  22701. draft capacity ==> 通风能力
  22702. draft cattle ==> 役用牛
  22703. draft chamber ==> 通风室
  22704. draft condition ==> 通风条件,鼓引风装置特性
  22705. draft control ==> 抽力控制
  22706. draft control system ==> 力调节系统
  22707. draft copy ==> 草案拷贝,草稿复制
  22708. draft cupboard ==> 通风柜
  22709. draft difference ==> 通风阻力,通风压差
  22710. draft differential ==> 阻力,通风阻力
  22711. draft equipment ==> 通风设备
  22712. draft exchange rate ==> 票汇汇率
  22713. draft extension ==> 手形支払期限延長
  22714. draft fan ==> 抽风机,排烟风扇,通风风扇=>通風機
  22715. draft filly ==> 挽用育成母马
  22716. draft flue ==> 排气烟道
  22717. draft for collection ==> 托收汇票
  22718. draft full load ==> 满载装载量
  22719. draft furnace ==> 通风炉
  22720. draft gage ==> 通风计,风压表
  22721. draft gauge ==> 牵引仪,吃水仪,通风计
  22722. draft gear ==> 牵引装置
  22723. draft head ==> 吸出高度
  22724. draft height ==> 吸出高度=>吸出し高さ
  22725. draft hood ==> 抽气罩
  22726. draft indicator ==> (差压计)通风计
  22727. draft line ==> 牵引线,吃水深度线
  22728. draft load ==> 牵引力
  22729. draft loss ==> 通风损耗,通风阻力,在燃烧系统中,气体(空气或烟气)在锅炉本体烟、风道流程中由于流动阻力所造成的压降。
  22730. draft machine ==> 绘图机
  22731. draft margin ==> 通风裕量
  22732. draft marks ==> 吃水标志
  22733. draft on demand ==> 来取即付的汇票
  22734. draft or note payable to bearer ==> 凭票即付持票人
  22735. draft proposal ==> 提议草案
  22736. draft rate ==> 漂移速度,票汇汇率
  22737. draft regulator ==> 负压调节器,拉力调节器
  22738. draft resistance ==> 烟道阻力,通风阻力
  22739. draft resolutions ==> 决议草案
  22740. draft responsible member ==> 力调节器测量器,牵引力传感器
  22741. draft responsible system ==> 力调节系统
  22742. draft room manual (D.R.M.) ==> 制图手册
  22743. draft standard ==> 标准草案
  22744. draft stock ==> 役畜
  22745. draft stop ==> 通风中止,挡风板
  22746. draft system ==> 通風系統
  22747. draft team ==> 一套役畜
  22748. draft tube ==> 吸出管=>吸出し管
  22749. draft tube deck ==> 尾水平台,设置尾水闸门启闭设备的平台
  22750. draft tube support vane ==> 汲取管支承板
  22751. draft type ==> 通风方式,挽用型马
  22752. draft water level ==> ドラフト水位
  22753. drafted budget ==> 拟定预算
  22754. drafted general budget ==> 拟定总预算
  22755. drafter ==> 坐标制图器绘图仪
  22756. drafter control program ==> 描图控制程序
  22757. drafting ==> 制图
  22758. drafting machine ==> 制图机,平移角尺,自动制图机=>製図機械
  22759. drafting paper ==> 绘图纸
  22760. drafting pen ==> 鸭嘴笔
  22761. drafting room ==> 绘图室,制图室
  22762. drafting schedule ==> 压下规程
  22763. drafting sheet ==> 制图板
  22764. drafts and telegraphic transfers payable ==> 应解汇款
  22765. draftsman ==> 绘图员
  22766. drag ==> 制动器,滞后,抗力,拉,拉拔,刮路器,曳,曳力,拖,拖集木,拖曳,拖曳,牵引,后拖量,阻力,下模型=>妨げ,障害,海錨,引き網
  22767. drag acceleration ==> 负加速度
  22768. drag anatomy ==> 抵抗構造
  22769. drag anchor ==> 浮锚
  22770. drag angle ==> 制动角
  22771. drag antenna ==> 拖曳天线
  22772. drag area ==> 阻力面积
  22773. drag auger ==> 敞式自动装料螺旋
  22774. drag axis ==> 阻力曲线,阻力轴
  22775. drag balance ==> 流阻平衡=>抗力バランス
  22776. drag bar ==> 牵引杆,拉杆=>引き棒
  22777. drag bar conveyer ==> 链板运输机
  22778. drag bit ==> 切削型钻头
  22779. drag bolt ==> 拉紧螺栓
  22780. drag box ==> 下砂箱
  22781. drag brake system ==> 阻力制动系统
  22782. drag bridle ==> 带材张紧装置
  22783. drag broom ==> 刮路刷
  22784. drag calculation ==> 阻力计算
  22785. drag carriage ==> 拖运小车
  22786. drag center ==> 阻力中心
  22787. drag chain ==> 拖链,拉链
  22788. drag chain conveyor ==> 刮板式运输机
  22789. drag chute ==> 减速伞,刹车伞
  22790. drag classifier ==> 拉曳分粒器,刮板分粒机,刮板式分级机
  22791. drag clearance angle ==> 前锋缘角
  22792. drag coefficient ==> 牵引系数,曳力系数,阻力系数
  22793. drag cone ==> 制动锥
  22794. drag conveyer ==> 链板运输机
  22795. drag conveyor ==> 刮板输送机=>ドラグコンペヤ
  22796. drag cup tachometer ==> 拖杯形转子测速表
  22797. drag curve ==> 阻力曲线
  22798. drag cut ==> 连带回采
  22799. drag data ==> 阻力数据
  22800. drag device ==> 貨車歯止め装置
  22801. drag dewaterer ==> 刮板式脱水机
  22802. drag direction ==> 阻力方向
  22803. drag distribution ==> 阻力分布
  22804. drag divergence Mach number ==> 抵抗発散マッハ数
  22805. drag drill ==> 牵引式条播机
  22806. drag due to shock wave ==> 激波阻力
  22807. drag effect ==> 牵制效应,曳引效应
  22808. drag energy ==> 阻力能
  22809. drag experiment ==> 阻力试验
  22810. drag factor ==> 曳力系数=>抵抗因子
  22811. drag flask ==> 下砂箱=>底箱
  22812. drag flow ==> 阻曳流,正流
  22813. drag fluctuation ==> 抗力変動
  22814. drag fold ==> 牵引褶皱,拖曳褶曲=>引きずり褶曲
  22815. drag force ==> 阻力,迎面阻力,制动力,曳力=>抗力
  22816. drag force factor ==> 曳力因子=>抗力係数
  22817. drag friction ==> 制动摩擦,刹车摩擦
  22818. drag harrow ==> 拖耙,牵引耙,宽齿耙
  22819. drag head ==> (耙吸式挖泥船的)耙头
  22820. drag hinge ==> 竖直铰链,阻力铰
  22821. drag hole ==> 拖链孔
  22822. drag hook ==> 拉钩
  22823. drag horse ==> 役用马
  22824. drag increment ==> 阻力增大
  22825. drag leveling course ==> 刮平层
  22826. drag line ==> 曳痕,集材索
  22827. drag link ==> 转向纵拉杆,拉杆,转向拉杆,拖链,偏心曲拐,双曲柄连杆机构
  22828. drag link ball ==> 拉杆球
  22829. drag link ball nut ==> 拉杆球形螺母
  22830. drag link ball seat ==> 拉杆球座
  22831. drag link ball socket ==> 拉杆球窝
  22832. drag link ball stud ==> 拉杆球头柱螺栓
  22833. drag link bearing ==> 拉杆支座
  22834. drag link body ==> 拉杆体
  22835. drag link conveyer ==> 刮板式传送器
  22836. drag link dust cover ==> 拉杆防尘罩
  22837. drag link dust cover pad ==> 拉杆防尘盖垫
  22838. drag link dust seal ==> 拉杆防尘盖
  22839. drag link end ==> 拉杆端
  22840. drag link end plug ==> 拉杆端塞
  22841. drag link front end grease fitting ==> 转向纵拉杆前端油嘴
  22842. drag link grease retainer ==> 拉杆护脂圈
  22843. drag link mechanism ==> 拉杆机构
  22844. drag link motion ==> 快速退回运动
  22845. drag link safety plug ==> 拉杆安全塞
  22846. drag link spring bumper ==> 拉杆弹簧座
  22847. drag link spring seat ==> 拉杆弹簧座
  22848. drag magnet ==> 制动磁铁
  22849. drag mark ==> 拖痕
  22850. drag measurement ==> 抗力測定
  22851. drag model ==> 阻力的模型=>抗力モデル
  22852. drag of film ==> 薄膜的阻力
  22853. drag of kerf ==> 切缝痕
  22854. drag of the atmosphere ==> 大気抵抗
  22855. drag of towed vehicale ==> 拖曳体阻力
  22856. drag on ==> 拨进
  22857. drag over mill ==> 二辊不可逆式轧机
  22858. drag overall ==> 总阻力
  22859. drag parachute ==> 减速伞
  22860. drag parameter ==> 阻力参数
  22861. drag perturbation ==> 阻力扰动
  22862. drag pinch rolls ==> 拉紧咬送辊
  22863. drag planer ==> 刮路机
  22864. drag plate ==> 下型箱板
  22865. drag plough ==> 牵引犁
  22866. drag plow ==> 牵引犁
  22867. drag point ==> 下型芯头
  22868. drag power ==> 阻力动力
  22869. drag reducting cowling ==> 减阻罩
  22870. drag reduction agent ==> 减阻剂
  22871. drag reduction method ==> 减阻方法
  22872. drag ring ==> 摩擦环
  22873. drag rise ==> 阻力增长
  22874. drag rope ==> 牵索,牵引钢丝绳,拖拉钢丝绳
  22875. drag saw ==> 往复锯,狐尾锯
  22876. drag scraper ==> 拖铲,刮削机
  22877. drag scraper bucket ==> 拖铲铲斗
  22878. drag screen ==> 刮板筛,耙式筛
  22879. drag separation ==> 阻力分离
  22880. drag shoe ==> 制动块
  22881. drag shovel ==> 反铲挖土机,反向机械铲,拖铲挖土机,单斗挖掘机
  22882. drag spring thimble ==> 牵引套管
  22883. drag struts ==> 阻力支柱
  22884. drag suction dredge ==> 耙吸式挖泥机
  22885. drag suction dredger ==> 耙吸式挖泥船
  22886. drag suction method ==> 耙吸挖泥法
  22887. drag technique ==> 牵弧技术
  22888. drag torque ==> 拖曳转矩,曳力矩
  22889. drag truss ==> 阻力桁架
  22890. drag turbine ==> 摩擦涡轮机
  22891. drag twist ==> 扫孔器
  22892. drag type bit ==> 刮刀钻头
  22893. drag unit ==> 反拉装置,反张力装置
  22894. drag vector ==> 阻力矢量
  22895. drag wedge ==> 摩擦楔
  22896. drag wire ==> 阻力张线,迎面阻力张线,正面阻力张线
  22897. drag-body flowmeter ==> 阻力体流量计
  22898. drag-chain conveyer ==> 链拉输送机
  22899. drag-cup generator ==> 拖杯式测速发电机,拖杯式发电机=>ドラグカップ発電機
  22900. drag-cup induction machine ==> 拖杯形感应电机
  22901. drag-cup induction motor ==> 空心转子感应电动机
  22902. drag-cup motor ==> 拖杯式电动机,托杯形电动机=>ドラグカップモータ
  22903. drag-cup tachogenerator ==> 拖杯形转子测速发电机,空心转子测速发电机
  22904. drag-cup tachometer ==> 拖杯式测速发电机
  22905. drag-cup type rotor motor ==> 空心转子电动机
  22906. drag-flight conveyer ==> 刮板式输送器
  22907. drag-flight elevator ==> 刮板升运器
  22908. drag-in ==> 带入
  22909. drag-lift ratio ==> 阻升比
  22910. drag-link conveyer ==> 刮板式输送器
  22911. drag-off carriage ==> 板料拖运小车
  22912. drag-on carriage ==> 板料拖运小车
  22913. drag-out ==> 带出液
  22914. drag-over ==> 横向自动拖送机
  22915. drag-over assembly ==> 拖运机部件
  22916. drag-over mill ==> 递合式轧机,二辊周期式薄板轧机
  22917. drag-over skid ==> 转运装置
  22918. drag-over unit ==> 移送机,拖运机
  22919. drag-saw ==> 横切锯
  22920. drag-separating ==> 依靠阻力分离
  22921. drag-stone mill ==> 石滚磨
  22922. drag-to-weight ratio ==> 车辆拉力重量比,(车辆的)拉力与重量之比
  22923. drag-type feeder ==> 刮板式给料机
  22924. drag-type tachometer ==> 涡流转速计
  22925. drag-weight ratio ==> 阻重比
  22926. dragaded cullet ==> 水淬碎玻璃
  22927. drageffect ==> 拖曳效应
  22928. Dragendorff's reagent ==> 德雷根道尔夫试剂
  22929. Drager Medical ==> 德尔格医疗设备
  22930. Drager volumeter ==> 德雷格氏容积计
  22931. dragged lubricant ==> 带走的润滑油
  22932. dragged work ==> 钢齿琢石
  22933. dragger ==> 牵引机
  22934. dragging ==> 打滑,拉,不完全脱扣运动=>ドラッギング
  22935. dragging anchor ==> 拖锚
  22936. dragging method ==> 拉法
  22937. dragging pain ==> 牵引痛
  22938. dragging pin ==> 牵引钩钉
  22939. dragging sensation in scrotum ==> 阴囊下坠感
  22940. dragging track ==> 滑木道,滑行轨道
  22941. dragging-beam ==> 承托脊椽梁
  22942. dragging-shoe ==> 曳板
  22943. dragging-slip ==> 曳板
  22944. dragladled cullet ==> 水淬碎玻璃
  22945. dragless antenna ==> 無風圧形アンテナ
  22946. dragline ==> 导索,切割波痕,拉铲挖掘机,拉铲挖土机,系索,绳斗电铲,拉朔式挖土机,牵引丝
  22947. dragline bucket ==> 拉随斗,拉索戽斗,吊铲抓斗
  22948. dragline cableway excavator ==> 吊斗挖掘机
  22949. dragline excavator ==> 拉铲铲斗,拉索斗式挖土机
  22950. dragline scraper ==> 拉铲挖土机,拉铲运载机,带式刮土机
  22951. dragline stripper ==> 剥离电铲
  22952. dragon ==> 装甲曳引车,龙
  22953. Dragon ==> 天龙星座
  22954. dragon beam ==> 枪式小梁
  22955. dragon curve ==> 龙曲线
  22956. dragon fly ==> 蜻蜒
  22957. dragon fruit ==> ドラゴンフルーツ
  22958. dragon spruce (Picea asperata) ==> 云杉
  22959. dragon tree ==> 龙血树
  22960. dragon wagon ==> 牵引式货车
  22961. dragon's blood ==> 龙血
  22962. Dragon's Bone (false) keel ==> 龙骨
  22963. Dragon's Teeth ==> 龙齿
  22964. dragon-beam ==> 承托脊椽梁
  22965. dragon-head ridge ornament ==> 吻兽
  22966. dragon-mouth gesture ==> 龙衔式
  22967. dragonfly ==> 蜻蜓
  22968. dragonhead ==> 全叶青兰
  22969. dragons blood ==> 龙血
  22970. dragshovel ==> 反铲
  22971. dragster ==> 改装而成的高速赛车
  22972. drain ==> 放水,排水,漏极,排除阀,排除管,排除器,排放口,排干,排空,排水渠,排水装置,排污管,排污口,注口,阴沟,引流物,导液,滴干,径流,径流,放净口,耗用电流,枯竭,疏水,按有关规程规定所整定的安全阀起座压力=>ドレーン(電界効果トランジスタ),排水,ドレン
  22973. drain and source diffusion ==> 源漏扩散
  22974. drain and vent system ==> 排水与放气系统
  22975. drain approach ==> 疏水端差
  22976. drain away ==> 流尽
  22977. drain basin ==> 排水池
  22978. drain board ==> 流水板,滴水板
  22979. drain break down ==> 漏极击穿
  22980. drain breakdown voltage ==> 漏击穿电压
  22981. drain cap ==> 漏盘
  22982. drain capacitance ==> 漏电容
  22983. drain channel junction ==> 漏极沟道结
  22984. drain cleaner ==> 排水沟清理器
  22985. drain cock ==> 排水旋塞,清缸掣,排泄旋塞,排液旋塞,放水旋塞,泄放旋塞=>ドレンコック
  22986. drain cock body ==> 泄水塞体
  22987. drain conductance ==> 漏极电导率
  22988. drain conductivity ==> 漏极电导率
  22989. drain connection ==> 疏水管接头,排水管接头,排液接管
  22990. drain contact ==> 漏极接点
  22991. drain cooler ==> 疏水冷却器
  22992. drain cooling zone ==> 疏水冷却区
  22993. drain cup ==> 放泄漏斗
  22994. drain current ==> 漏极电流,漏电流
  22995. drain dias ==> 漏偏置
  22996. drain diffusion ==> 玻姆扩散
  22997. drain digger ==> 排水沟挖掘机
  22998. drain ditch ==> 排水沟
  22999. drain dump ==> ドレンダンプ
  23000. drain elbow ==> 排水弯管
  23001. drain electrode ==> 漏极
  23002. drain erosion ==> 水蚀
  23003. drain flange ==> 排油法兰
  23004. drain flash tank ==> 疏水扩容箱,疏水膨胀箱
  23005. drain grating ==> 拦污
  23006. drain gully ==> 落水口
  23007. drain hole ==> 疏水孔,排泄孔,放料口,放泄孔
  23008. drain interval ==> 换油期限
  23009. drain junction ==> 漏结
  23010. drain layer ==> 排水管铺设机
  23011. drain line ==> 排水管线
  23012. drain logging ==> 漏记
  23013. drain manifold ==> 排泄歧管
  23014. drain masking ==> 漏[极]掩蔽
  23015. drain message ==> 遗漏报文
  23016. drain nozzle ==> 疏水接管
  23017. drain off ==> 排出
  23018. drain oil ==> 放油孔
  23019. drain oil recovery equipment ==> 废油回收装置
  23020. drain on manpower and material resources ==> 人力物力的消耗
  23021. drain outlet ==> 排水出口,排污通道,排泄口
  23022. drain output ==> 漏极输出
  23023. drain pan ==> 底壳,泄油槽
  23024. drain passage ==> 排水道
  23025. drain period ==> 换油周期
  23026. drain pipe ==> 排水管
  23027. drain pit ==> 集水坑
  23028. drain plug ==> 排污螺塞,放油塞=>ドレンプラグ
  23029. drain plug gasket ==> 螺塞垫圈
  23030. drain pressure ==> 放出压力
  23031. drain pump ==> 疏水泵
  23032. drain recovery ==> 疏水集水箱
  23033. drain region ==> 漏区
  23034. drain resistance ==> 漏电阻
  23035. drain sample ==> 排出的试样
  23036. drain separator ==> 排液分离器,脱水器,卸料刮板
  23037. drain sleeve ==> 排出套管,冷凝管
  23038. drain stem ==> 放泄杆
  23039. drain substrate junction ==> 漏极衬底结
  23040. drain sump ==> 脱水罐
  23041. drain tank ==> 疏水槽
  23042. drain tap ==> 放水龙头
  23043. drain terminal ==> 漏端子,漏引出线
  23044. drain the oil ==> 放油
  23045. drain the transmission ==> 从齿轮箱内放油
  23046. drain tile ==> 排水瓦管
  23047. drain trap ==> 排水防气瓣,排水器,存水弯,放水弯管,放泄弯管,疏水罐,疏水箱
  23048. drain tube ==> 放出管
  23049. drain valve ==> 排水阀=>ドレン弁
  23050. drain valve ball ==> 泄阀球
  23051. drain valve plug ==> 放泄阀塞
  23052. drain voltage ==> 漏电压
  23053. drain water ==> 废水
  23054. drain wire ==> 漏电引出线,加蔽线
  23055. drain-gate capacitance ==> 漏栅电容
  23056. drain-source resistance ==> 漏极源极电阻,漏源电阻
  23057. drain-source voltage ==> 漏源电压
  23058. drain-substrate capacitance ==> 漏衬底电容
  23059. drain-substrate junction ==> 漏衬底结
  23060. drainable superheater ==> 疏水型过热器
  23061. drainage ==> 排水,疏水=>排流,排流器,排流施設
  23062. drainage and irrigation equipment ==> 排灌设备
  23063. drainage and irrigation station ==> 排灌站
  23064. drainage area ==> 排水面积,排水区,流域,汇水面积=>排水面積
  23065. Drainage Authority Area ==> 排水监管区
  23066. Drainage Authority Area plan ==> 排水监管区图则
  23067. drainage basin ==> 排水区域,流域,流域盆地
  23068. drainage bunker ==> 泄水斗
  23069. drainage by electroosmosis ==> 电渗排水
  23070. drainage by incision of posterior vaginal fornix ==> 经阴道后穹窿切开引流术,经阴道后穹窿切开引流术
  23071. drainage by open canal ==> 明渠排水
  23072. drainage by suction ==> 负压排水
  23073. drainage by well points ==> 井点排水
  23074. drainage canal ==> 排水沟
  23075. drainage channel ==> 排水沟,下水道
  23076. drainage coefficient ==> 排水系数
  23077. drainage coil ==> 排流线圈=>排流コイル
  23078. drainage condition ==> 排水条件
  23079. drainage controller ==> 疏水调节器,疏水器
  23080. drainage cooler ==> 疏水冷却器
  23081. drainage correction ==> 流出体积修正
  23082. drainage density ==> 河网密度,排水密度
  23083. drainage difficulty ==> 排泄不畅
  23084. drainage dip ==> 排水浅洼
  23085. drainage discharge ==> 排水流量,每单位时间内排水的体积
  23086. drainage ditch ==> 排水沟
  23087. drainage divide ==> 分水脊,分水界,分水岭,分水线,地面分水岭,流域分界线
  23088. drainage duct ==> 疏水管
  23089. drainage facility ==> 排水设施
  23090. drainage gallery ==> 排水廊道,设置在坝体内供排水用的通道
  23091. drainage grommet ==> 漏水垫圈
  23092. drainage heat exchanger ==> 疏水热交换器
  23093. drainage hole ==> 疏水孔
  23094. drainage lake ==> 出流湖
  23095. drainage line ==> 排放管,疏水管
  23096. drainage loss of water ==> 疏水损失
  23097. drainage machine ==> 排水机
  23098. drainage machinery ==> 排水机械
  23099. Drainage Master Plan ==> 雨水排放整体计划
  23100. drainage modulus ==> 排水模量,排水模数
  23101. drainage network ==> 排水网,河网
  23102. drainage of abdominal abscess ==> 腹腔脓肿引流术
  23103. drainage of bed material ==> (沸腾炉)床料排放
  23104. drainage of bone abscess ==> 骨脓肿引流术
  23105. drainage of coal mines ==> 煤矿排水
  23106. drainage of coal pits ==> 煤矿矿井排水
  23107. drainage of dam foundation ==> 坝基排水,为降低坝基扬压力,在坝基防渗帷幕后设排水幕或排水孔构成坝基排水系统,通过排水廊道将水排到下游
  23108. drainage of foundation pit ==> 基坑排水,把围堰内的积水渗水抽走以进行旱地施工
  23109. drainage of interintestinal abscess ==> 肠间脓肿引流术
  23110. drainage of pelvic abscess ==> 盆腔脓肿引流术
  23111. drainage of perivesical space ==> 膀胱周围间隙引流术
  23112. drainage of pleural cavity ==> 胸腔引流术
  23113. drainage of subphrenic abscess ==> 隔下脓肿引流术
  23114. drainage of subungual hematoma ==> 指甲下血肿引流术
  23115. drainage on embankment slope ==> 贴坡式排水,又称“表面排水”。铺设在土石坝下游坡面下部的表面排水设施,防止在渗透水流逸出表面时出现管涌与流土
  23116. drainage passage ==> 排水道
  23117. drainage perimeter ==> 分水岭周长
  23118. drainage pipe ==> 排泄管,排污管,排水管,排除渗入坝体、坝基及岩体内的水流的孔管,以降低坝内浸润线,减小坝体渗透压力或建筑物和岩体的外水压力,保持建筑物、基础和山体的稳定
  23119. drainage pipe slope ==> 疏水管道坡度,中间储仓式制粉系统中用于储放磨制出来的合格煤粉,其下部装有给粉机向锅炉供给燃用煤粉的容器。
  23120. drainage pipeline ==> 排水管道
  23121. drainage piping ==> 排水管路
  23122. drainage plate ==> 排泄板
  23123. drainage plow ==> 开排水沟犁
  23124. drainage plug ==> 放泄塞
  23125. drainage pump ==> 排泄泵,疏水泵=>排水ポンプ
  23126. drainage pumping station ==> 排水泵站
  23127. drainage radius ==> 排油半径
  23128. drainage ratio ==> 迳流率,迳流率
  23129. drainage receiver ==> 冷凝罐
  23130. drainage requirement ==> 排水定额
  23131. drainage scheme ==> 排水系统方案
  23132. drainage scoop ==> 疏水槽
  23133. drainage screen ==> 脱水筛
  23134. Drainage Services Department ==> 渠务署
  23135. drainage shaft ==> 排水井
  23136. drainage sluice ==> 排水闸,排泄涝洪渍水的闸
  23137. drainage sucker ==> 排水吸收器
  23138. drainage system ==> 排水系统
  23139. drainage system of hydropower plant ==> [水电厂]排水系统,为集排水电厂房内各种弃水、渗水和积水,由水泵、控制阀件、相应管槽网以及监测和自动化元件等组成的系统,分为检修排水和渗漏排水两系统
  23140. drainage system of steam turbine main body ==> 汽轮机本体疏水系统,排除汽轮机内积水,防止汽轮机上下汽缸温差过大而受损的系统
  23141. drainage tank ==> 疏水箱,导流槽=>排水槽
  23142. drainage thread ==> 排液线,挂线
  23143. drainage tray ==> 排水槽
  23144. drainage trench ==> 排水沟,排渗沟,在坝趾处开沟,以降低坝下游覆盖层内的承压水头和渗透压力,防止发生管涌、流土、浸没和沼泽化等现象的一种排渗措施
  23145. drainage trench digger ==> 排水沟挖掘机
  23146. drainage valve ==> 疏水阀
  23147. drainage valves ==> 排水阀
  23148. drainage water ==> 排水
  23149. drainage well ==> 排水井
  23150. drainage wind ==> 重力风
  23151. drainage with medicated thread ==> 药线引流
  23152. drainage works ==> 排水工程
  23153. draincock ==> 疏水旋塞
  23154. drained field ==> 排干田
  23155. drained shear test ==> 慢剪试验
  23156. drainer ==> 排水器
  23157. draining board ==> 滴水板
  23158. draining effect ==> 穿流效应
  23159. draining hole ==> 放玻璃液孔
  23160. draining plow ==> 开排水沟犁
  23161. draining pump ==> 排水泵
  23162. draining tank ==> 放玻璃液池
  23163. draining transformer ==> 抗流变压器
  23164. draining tunnel ==> 排泄道
  23165. drak radiation ==> 暗辐射
  23166. Drake Cluster cotton ==> (美)德雷克棉
  23167. Drake redspot cotton ==> 德雷克红斑棉
  23168. DRAM ==> 动态随机存取存储器
  23169. dram funnel (DF) ==> 放液漏斗
  23170. DRAM, dynamic RAM ==> ダイナミックRAM
  23171. DRAM, dynamic random access memory ==> ダイナミックRAM
  23172. dramatic ==> 劇の,劇的な,ドラマチックな
  23173. dramatic acceleration ==> 劇的加速
  23174. dramatic action ==> 劇的行動
  23175. dramatic advantage ==> 飛躍的なメリット
  23176. dramatic decline ==> 明显下降
  23177. DRANT, DCS Rx antenna ==> DCS受信用アンテナ
  23178. drape ==> 起皱纹,铺巾,披盖
  23179. drape fold ==> 披盖褶皱
  23180. drape forming ==> 区域成形,热片材垂帘成型
  23181. drape molding ==> 覆布模型
  23182. draper ==> 布面清选机
  23183. draper apron ==> 帆布输送带
  23184. draper canvas ==> 帆布输送带
  23185. Draper catalog ==> 德雷伯星表
  23186. Draper Catalogue ==> 德雷珀星表
  23187. draper cleaner ==> 绒布选种机
  23188. draper conveyer ==> 帆布输送带
  23189. Draper effect ==> 德雷伯效应
  23190. draper stop ==> 输送带停转机构
  23191. draper(-type)pickup ==> 带式检拾器
  23192. draper-type ==> 带式
  23193. drapery ==> 毛织物
  23194. drapery hardware ==> 帷幕五金
  23195. drapetomania ==> 漫游狂
  23196. draping property ==> 悬垂性能
  23197. drastic ==> 激烈的,峻泻药,峻泻药,强有力,烈性
  23198. drastic crack ==> 深裂
  23199. drastic evolution ==> 飞跃进化
  23200. drastic extraction ==> 深度抽提
  23201. drastic purgation ==> 峻下,峻下
  23202. drastic purgative ==> 剧泻剂,剧泻剂,峻泻药,峻泻药
  23203. draught ==> 吃水,吃水深度,空气拖曳,通风,草稿
  23204. draught allowance ==> 拔模余量
  23205. draught animal ==> 役畜,力畜
  23206. draught apparatus ==> 通风设备
  23207. draught area ==> 通风面积
  23208. draught bar ==> 拉杆
  23209. draught bead ==> 挡风板
  23210. draught capacity ==> 通风能力
  23211. draught center ==> 阻力中心
  23212. draught chamber ==> 通风室
  23213. draught control ==> 牵引力控制,拉力控制
  23214. draught cupboard ==> 通风柜
  23215. draught damper ==> 通风阀,气流闸
  23216. draught deflector ==> 挡风器
  23217. draught distributing box ==> 分风箱
  23218. draught door ==> 风口
  23219. draught drying cabinet ==> 电热鼓风干燥箱
  23220. draught engine ==> 排水机
  23221. draught excluder ==> 防风条,门槛嵌缝条
  23222. draught excluder strip ==> 密封条
  23223. draught exclusion device ==> 防风措施
  23224. draught fan ==> 引风机,通风风扇
  23225. draught flue ==> 排气烟道
  23226. draught ga(u)ge ==> 通风计
  23227. draught gauge ==> 差示压力计,吃水指示仪
  23228. draught head ==> 气压差,吸水水头,通风压头
  23229. draught hole ==> 通风孔
  23230. draught hood ==> 通风柜,烟橱通风罩
  23231. draught horse ==> 挽车马,挽马
  23232. draught indicator ==> 船舶吃水测示仪,通风计,差式压力表,(船舶的)吃水指示仪
  23233. draught line ==> 吃水深度线
  23234. draught link anchorage ==> 拉杆固定点
  23235. draught machine ==> 绘图机
  23236. draught margin ==> 通风裕量
  23237. draught marks ==> 吃水标
  23238. draught penetration ==> 透风
  23239. draught per pass ==> 每道次压下量,每道压缩量
  23240. draught pressure ==> 压缩力,轧制力,轧制压力
  23241. draught regulator ==> 抽力调节器,牵引力调节器,通风调节器
  23242. draught retarder ==> 通风阻流器
  23243. draught screen ==> 风口挡
  23244. draught sensing link ==> 自动调力拉杆
  23245. draught spring ==> 拉力弹簧
  23246. draught stop ==> 挡火物,防风槽
  23247. draught survey ==> 水尺检验
  23248. draught tube ==> 导管,引流管
  23249. draught tube gate ==> 通风管闸门
  23250. draught water flow ==> 渇水
  23251. draught-height ==> 吸出高度
  23252. draught-proofing channel ==> 防风槽
  23253. draught-proofing device ==> 防风措施
  23254. draughting board ==> 制图板
  23255. draughting machine ==> 通风机,制图机
  23256. draughting room ==> 制图室
  23257. draw ==> 放落悬煤,画,拉,拉拔,拉延,描绘,蠕变影响,缩孔,缩裂,牵曳,牵引,草拟,绘图,汲,汲取,开立票据,(船的)吃水
  23258. draw a bill ==> 出票,开发票,开票
  23259. draw a charge ==> 出炉
  23260. draw a lottery ==> 开奖
  23261. draw and buffer gear ==> 缓冲车钩
  23262. draw arm ==> 起模架,漏模架
  23263. draw bail ==> 联接结构
  23264. draw bar ==> 引砖
  23265. draw base line ==> 画基线
  23266. draw bead ==> 拉道,拉深压边筋
  23267. draw block ==> 拉丝卷筒
  23268. draw blood ==> 采血
  23269. draw bolt ==> 牵引螺栓,接合螺栓
  23270. draw box ==> 牵伸箱
  23271. draw carriage ==> 拉拔机小车
  23272. draw chisel ==> 板正錾
  23273. draw collet ==> 拉杆式弹簧夹头
  23274. draw cord ==> 信号绳
  23275. draw course ==> 分离横列
  23276. draw curtain ==> 拉幕,扯帘
  23277. draw cut ==> 拉切,回程切削
  23278. DRAW disk system ==> 随录随放电视唱片系统
  23279. draw drafts ==> 开汇票,出票
  23280. draw drapery ==> 扯帘
  23281. draw drum ==> 放线盘
  23282. draw edge radius ==> 拉延凹模圆角半径
  23283. draw filing ==> 磨挫法
  23284. draw frame ==> 起模框架,并条机
  23285. draw furnace ==> 回火炉
  23286. draw gear ==> 牵引装置,车钩
  23287. draw head ==> 牵杆
  23288. draw hook ==> 拉钩
  23289. draw key ==> 活动键
  23290. draw knife ==> 双柄拉刨,拉刀,拉刮刀
  23291. draw knob ==> 拉钮
  23292. draw lessons from ==> 借鉴
  23293. draw link ==> 拉杆
  23294. draw loom ==> 手工提花织机
  23295. draw machine ==> 牵引机
  23296. draw mark ==> 拉拔伤痕,深冲划伤
  23297. draw metal ==> 拉制金属
  23298. draw mo(u)ld ==> 铸模,铸塑模
  23299. draw money ==> 提款
  23300. draw money from a bank ==> 取出存款
  23301. draw moneyorder ==> 开汇票
  23302. draw mould ==> 薄壁模子
  23303. draw nail ==> 起模钉
  23304. draw off ==> 抽取
  23305. draw off connection ==> 卸载接头
  23306. draw off rate ==> 出汽率
  23307. draw off valve ==> 排水阀
  23308. draw on ==> 签发
  23309. draw on a frame ==> 脱框起模
  23310. draw on one's credit ==> 凭信用借款
  23311. draw on pins ==> 顶杆起模
  23312. draw on rollover ==> 翻转起模
  23313. draw out ==> 掏
  23314. draw out switchgear ==> 抽出式开关
  23315. draw out type ==> 引出形
  23316. draw peg ==> 起拉螺钉,起模木棒
  23317. draw period ==> (地下水的)抽降期
  23318. draw piece ==> 拉制件,压延件
  23319. draw pipe ==> 拉制管
  23320. draw plough ==> 铲土机
  23321. draw power ==> 抽运功率
  23322. draw punch ==> 拉冲头
  23323. draw radius ==> 冲模半径
  23324. draw ring ==> 牵引环,拉模板
  23325. draw rod ==> 拉杆
  23326. draw roll ==> 拉伸辊,引入辊,紧缩辊,进料辊
  23327. draw rollers ==> 拉纸辊
  23328. draw scraper ==> 拉刮刀
  23329. draw screw ==> 起拉螺钉,起模螺钉
  23330. draw shave ==> 刨刀
  23331. draw spring ==> 牵簧
  23332. draw stick ==> 起模棒,起模针
  23333. draw stop ==> 拉钮
  23334. draw stroke ==> 起模行程,漏模行程
  23335. draw the temper ==> 回火
  23336. draw to scale ==> 按比例尺制图
  23337. draw top ==> 推拉台面
  23338. draw top table ==> 推拉台面桌
  23339. draw tube ==> 镜筒,镜筒
  23340. draw tube slide-trombone ==> 拉管
  23341. draw up ==> 拉起,画出,草拟
  23342. draw up a check ==> 开支票
  23343. draw up a clear statement ==> 开具清单
  23344. draw up a contract ==> 草拟合同
  23345. draw up a list ==> 开列清单
  23346. draw up false accounts ==> 造假帐
  23347. draw vice ==> 拉钳
  23348. draw water ==> 汲水
  23349. draw winder ==> 拉伸络丝机
  23350. draw wire ==> 拉成丝
  23351. draw works ==> 旋转钻进绞车
  23352. draw-bar ==> 拉棍,连接杆
  23353. draw-bar box ==> 拉杆箱
  23354. draw-bar bubble ==> 引砖产生的气泡
  23355. draw-bar capacity ==> 挂钩能力
  23356. draw-bar carrier ==> 拉杆托板
  23357. draw-bar eye ==> 拉杆眼
  23358. draw-bar frame ==> 拉杆箱
  23359. draw-bar guidance ==> 拉杆导板
  23360. draw-bar guide ==> 拉杆导板
  23361. draw-bar guide sleeve ==> 拉杆导套
  23362. draw-bar horsepower ==> 拉杆马力
  23363. draw-bar jack ==> 主牵引梁千斤顶
  23364. draw-bar load ==> 挂钩拉力
  23365. draw-bar machine ==> 拉杆机
  23366. draw-bar plate brace ==> 拉杆撑板
  23367. draw-bar pocket ==> 拉杆匣
  23368. draw-bar pull ==> 拉杆拉力
  23369. draw-bar ring ==> 联结环
  23370. draw-bar trailer ==> 拉杆拖车
  23371. draw-bar yoke ==> 拉杆轭
  23372. draw-bar(pull)dynamometer ==> 拉力表
  23373. draw-beam ==> 起重梁
  23374. draw-bit ==> 松紧针钩
  23375. draw-bore ==> 钻销孔,榫销孔,榫销孔
  23376. draw-bore pin ==> 榫销,榫销
  23377. draw-door weir ==> 竖直闸门堰
  23378. draw-down ==> 提取资金
  23379. draw-gate ==> 闸,闸门
  23380. draw-in ==> 拉缩回,港湾式停车站
  23381. draw-in attachment ==> 卡套,铲齿装置
  23382. draw-in bar ==> 内拉杆
  23383. draw-in bolt ==> 拉紧螺栓
  23384. draw-in chuck ==> 内拉簧夹盘
  23385. draw-in collet ==> 内拉簧套圈
  23386. draw-in conduit system ==> 管路式
  23387. draw-in gear ==> 卡头,平面卡盘
  23388. draw-in rod ==> 拉入杆
  23389. draw-in runner ==> 底抽浇口
  23390. draw-in system ==> 电缆拉入系统,管沟敷线体系
  23391. draw-in ventilation ==> 引入式通风
  23392. draw-in winding ==> 穿入式绕组
  23393. draw-off ==> 抽出
  23394. draw-off cock ==> 放出开关,泄放旋塞
  23395. draw-off gear ==> 拉拔装置
  23396. draw-off pan ==> 泄流板,侧线出料塔盘
  23397. draw-off plug ==> 排出塞
  23398. draw-off pump ==> 抽出泵,抽取泵
  23399. draw-off tank ==> 抽水罐
  23400. draw-out metal-clad switchgear ==> 拉出式铠装开关装置
  23401. draw-out relay ==> 拉出式继电器,抽出式继电器
  23402. draw-out roller ==> 出布辊
  23403. draw-out switchboard ==> 抽出式开关板
  23404. draw-out type ==> 引出形
  23405. draw-tongs ==> 紧线钳,扳导线钳
  23406. draw-tube ==> 活镜筒
  23407. draw-twist machine ==> 拉伸加捻机
  23408. drawability ==> 可拉拔性
  23409. drawback ==> 缺点,缺陷,退款,退税,障碍=>回火
  23410. drawback for duties paid ==> 退还已缴税款,退税
  23411. drawback lock ==> 内开锁
  23412. drawback mo(u)ld ==> 对开金属型
  23413. drawback piston ==> 回程活塞
  23414. drawbar ==> 牵引杆
  23415. drawbar cradle ==> 牵引杆托架
  23416. drawbar hook ==> 拖钩
  23417. drawbar load sensing mechanism ==> 牵引力传感器
  23418. drawbar plate ==> 牵引杆板
  23419. drawbar power ==> 牵引功率
  23420. drawbar pull ==> 牵引杆拉力,拉杆牵引力
  23421. drawbar resistance ==> 牵引阻力
  23422. drawbench ==> 拉拔机
  23423. drawbench bed ==> 拉拔机的机座
  23424. drawbench chain ==> 拉拔机链条
  23425. drawbolt lock ==> (内用把手外用钥匙开的锁)内开锁
  23426. drawcut type keyseater ==> 键槽拉床
  23427. drawdown cone of groundwater ==> 地下水下降圆锥体
  23428. drawdown curve ==> 抽水降深曲线,浸润曲线
  23429. drawdown curve of groundwater ==> 地下水位降落曲线,地下水下降漏斗曲线
  23430. drawdown ratio ==> 缩小比
  23431. drawee bank ==> 票据付款行
  23432. drawer ==> 抽出,抽屉,出票人,拉拔工,绘图员
  23433. drawer shutter ==> 瓣式快门
  23434. drawer test ==> 抽屉试验
  23435. drawer tuner ==> 抽屉式频道选择器
  23436. drawer type drying stove ==> 抽屉式烘干炉
  23437. drawer-front dovetail ==> 互搭鸠尾榫
  23438. drawer-in ==> 穿经工
  23439. drawhole ==> 拉模孔
  23440. drawing ==> 图纸,绘图=>線引き,図面
  23441. drawing account ==> 提款帐,业主提款帐户
  23442. drawing advice ==> 票据委托书
  23443. drawing angle ==> 拉模孔圆锥角
  23444. drawing apparatus ==> 绘图仪器
  23445. drawing basin ==> 引上池
  23446. drawing block ==> 拉模板
  23447. drawing board ==> 绘图板=>製図板
  23448. drawing capstan ==> 张紧卷筒
  23449. drawing chamber ==> 引上窑室
  23450. drawing change notice ==> 图纸更改通知
  23451. drawing channel ==> 引上通路
  23452. drawing chute ==> 放矿漏斗
  23453. drawing cloth ==> 描图布
  23454. drawing coefficient ==> 拉深系数
  23455. drawing compass ==> 制图圆规,绘图圆规
  23456. drawing deformation for a pass ==> 拉拔道次变形量
  23457. drawing desk ==> 描绘台,绘图桌,制图桌
  23458. drawing detail pencil ==> 打样铅笔
  23459. drawing die ==> 拉模
  23460. drawing down ==> 延伸,缩径
  23461. drawing drum ==> 拉丝卷筒
  23462. drawing edge radius ==> 拉延凹模圆角半径
  23463. drawing effect ==> 回火作用=>引込現象
  23464. drawing equipment ==> 制图仪
  23465. drawing eraser ==> 绘图橡皮
  23466. drawing error ==> 描画误差
  23467. drawing fan ==> 抽风机
  23468. drawing film ==> 拉延润滑膜
  23469. drawing for fixation ==> 安装图
  23470. drawing for order ==> 订货图纸
  23471. drawing force ==> 拉力
  23472. drawing furnace ==> 回火炉
  23473. drawing gear ==> 平面卡盘
  23474. drawing grease ==> 拉拔润滑脂
  23475. drawing in frame ==> 穿经机
  23476. drawing in side sectional elevation ==> 横剖面图
  23477. drawing ink ==> 制图墨
  23478. drawing instrument ==> 绘图仪器制图仪器
  23479. drawing issue ==> 出図
  23480. drawing kiln ==> 引上窑室
  23481. drawing knife ==> 绘图刮刀,制图用刮刀
  23482. drawing line tester ==> 直线描绘测试仪
  23483. drawing lines ==> 线道
  23484. drawing load ==> 拉拔力
  23485. drawing machine ==> 拉拔机,拉制机,引上机,抽丝机,起模机,制图机,绘图机,拔丝机
  23486. drawing machine for quartz ==> 晶体提拉机
  23487. drawing mill ==> 拉制车间
  23488. drawing number ==> 图纸号
  23489. drawing number (part dwg No.) ==> 零件图号
  23490. drawing of bonds ==> 提取债券
  23491. drawing of large dividends ==> 高股息分红
  23492. drawing of position to be detected ==> 探伤部位图
  23493. drawing of site ==> 位置图
  23494. drawing of tools ==> 工具图纸
  23495. drawing office ==> 绘图室
  23496. drawing oil ==> 拉制用油
  23497. drawing operation ==> 拉延工序
  23498. drawing out ==> 并条
  23499. drawing paper ==> 绘图纸,图画纸,图纸=>製図用紙
  23500. drawing pass ==> 拉模孔
  23501. drawing pen ==> 鸭嘴笔,绘图笔
  23502. drawing pen holder ==> 绘图笔架
  23503. drawing pen nib ==> 绘图笔尖
  23504. drawing pencil ==> 绘图铅笔
  23505. drawing pin ==> 图钉
  23506. drawing pit ==> 引上窑室
  23507. drawing plate ==> 拉模板
  23508. drawing plate, stripping plate ==> 起模板
  23509. drawing point ==> 划线针
  23510. drawing practice ==> 绘图,制图
  23511. drawing press ==> 拉拔式压床
  23512. drawing pressure ==> 拉延力
  23513. drawing process ==> 回火过程
  23514. drawing pump ==> 抽出泵
  23515. drawing punch radius ==> 拉延凸模圆角半径
  23516. drawing quality ==> 拉制性,深冲质量
  23517. drawing rate ==> 引上率
  23518. drawing ratio ==> 拉延比
  23519. Drawing Rights ==> 提款权
  23520. drawing rights ==> 提存权
  23521. drawing room ==> 绘图室
  23522. drawing rule ==> 绘图尺
  23523. drawing section ==> 引上工段
  23524. drawing set ==> 绘画支架
  23525. drawing sheet ==> 拉延用钢板,图纸
  23526. drawing shop ==> 拔丝车间
  23527. drawing small ==> 磨损变细
  23528. drawing speed ==> 拉拔速度,拉延速度,引上速度
  23529. drawing steel ==> 冷拉钢
  23530. drawing stress ==> 拉拔应力
  23531. drawing strickle guide ==> 导框
  23532. drawing T-square ==> 绘画丁字尺
  23533. drawing table ==> 绘图桌
  23534. drawing tank ==> 引上窑室
  23535. drawing temper ==> 回火处理
  23536. drawing temperature ==> 回火温度
  23537. drawing template ==> 刮板
  23538. drawing test ==> 拉制试验,杯突试验
  23539. drawing timber ==> 坑木回收
  23540. drawing tool ==> 拉制工具
  23541. drawing velocity ==> 拉拔速度
  23542. drawing with pen and ink ==> 钢笔画
  23543. drawing work ==> 拉延工艺
  23544. drawing-back ==> 回火
  23545. drawing-back of pillars ==> 后退式回采矿柱
  23546. drawing-compass ==> 绘图用两脚规
  23547. drawing-down ==> 锻延
  23548. drawing-in box ==> 引入箱
  23549. drawing-in frame ==> 穿经架
  23550. drawing-in hook ==> 穿综钩
  23551. drawing-out ==> 出车
  23552. drawing-out frame ==> 拉模板
  23553. drawings for metal hull of ships--dimensioning ==> 金属船体制图,尺寸注法
  23554. drawings for metal hull of ships--general provisions ==> 金属船体制图,一般规定
  23555. drawings for metal hull of ships--graphical symbols ==> 金属船体制图,图形符号
  23556. drawings for metal hull of ships--presentation and coding of drawings ==> 金属船体制图,图样画法及编号
  23557. drawings list ==> 图纸目录
  23558. drawn ==> 拉伸的
  23559. drawn and rolled tubes ==> 拉制轧制管材
  23560. drawn bond ==> (以抽签方式被选中偿还的不记名债券)中签债券
  23561. drawn clause ==> 出票条款,发票条款
  23562. drawn component ==> 拉延件
  23563. drawn fiber ==> 并纺纤维
  23564. drawn glass ==> 拉制玻璃
  23565. drawn grader ==> 拖式平地机
  23566. drawn in scale ==> 嵌入表面的氧化皮
  23567. drawn in tandem ==> 串列拖带
  23568. drawn in tape ==> 拉线带
  23569. drawn into economic circulation ==> 被投入到经济流通中
  23570. drawn metal ==> 拉制金属
  23571. drawn mo(u)ld ==> 铸塑模
  23572. drawn on ==> 硬背装订
  23573. drawn part ==> 拉制件
  23574. drawn pipe ==> 拉制管
  23575. drawn polypropylene ==> 延伸ポリプロピレン
  23576. drawn polystyrene ==> 延伸ポリスチレン
  23577. drawn poultry ==> 家禽胴体
  23578. drawn steel ==> 拔制钢,拉制钢,冷拉钢
  23579. drawn thread ==> 分离线
  23580. drawn to scale ==> 按比例绘制
  23581. drawn tube ==> 拉制管
  23582. drawn wire ==> 牵引线
  23583. drawn-in scale ==> 残余氧化皮层
  23584. drawn-up ==> 细高的
  23585. drawnwork ==> 抽纱
  23586. drawout breaker ==> 抽出式断路器
  23587. Drayage ==> 集卡运费,短驳费
  23588. DRB, design review board ==> 設計審査委員会
  23589. DRC, data routing center ==> データルーティングセンター
  23590. DRC, design record control ==> 設計記録管理
  23591. DRCO, downrange control officer ==> ダウンレンジ管制係
  23592. DRD, data requirement description ==> データ要求説明
  23593. DRD, data requirements document ==> データ要求文書
  23594. DRD, document requirements description ==> 文書要求説明
  23595. DRE, data reproduction equipment ==> データ再生評価設備
  23596. DRE, data reproduction evaluation system ==> データ再生評価システム
  23597. dream ==> 梦
  23598. dream consciousness ==> 梦样意识
  23599. dream jobs ==> 理想的工作
  23600. dream state ==> 睡梦状态
  23601. dream-phantasy ==> 梦幻想
  23602. dreamr-state ==> 梦样状态
  23603. Drechsel washer ==> 德雷克泽尔煤气洗涤器,玻璃煤气洗涤器
  23604. dredge ==> 拖曳式采样器,水底采样器,挖泥船,疏,采矿矿船,采砂矿船
  23605. dredge (-r) ==> 捞网
  23606. dredge corn ==> 混合谷物饲料
  23607. dredge pipe ==> 吹泥管
  23608. dredge pump ==> 排污泵,泥泵
  23609. dredged and excavated waste ==> 疏浚及挖掘的废物
  23610. dredger ==> 挖泥船,疏浚工,挖泥机=>浚渫船
  23611. dredger fill ==> 吹填土
  23612. dredger shovel ==> 单斗电铲,单斗挖掘机,单斗挖泥机
  23613. dredging ==> 疏浚河道=>浚渫
  23614. dredging bit ==> (用于散粒土)匙形钻
  23615. dredging box ==> 戽斗
  23616. dredging bucket ==> 挖泥机挖斗
  23617. dredging pump ==> 泥浆泵
  23618. dredging shovel ==> 单斗挖泥机
  23619. dreger ==> 挖泥船,采用各种斗、铲或水枪等装置,挖掘并从水中提取泥沙的工程船舶
  23620. dreging machine ==> 挖泥机
  23621. dregs ==> 渣,渣滓
  23622. dregs of a decoction ==> 药渣
  23623. drench pit ==> 脱水槽
  23624. drencher fire extinguisher ==> 水幕式灭火器
  23625. drencher system ==> 手动洒水装置
  23626. drenching apparatus ==> 灌水机
  23627. drenching apparatus for ash pan ==> 灰盘喷水器
  23628. Dresden ==> 德国德累斯顿市
  23629. Dresden green ==> (陶瓷彩料)德雷斯登绿
  23630. Dresden Green ==> 德累斯顿绿
  23631. dress ==> 连衣裙,洗矿,服饰,服装,整饰,修饰,修整
  23632. dress a shop window ==> 布置商店橱窗
  23633. dress a store window ==> 布置商店橱窗
  23634. dress and personal adornment ==> 服饰
  23635. dress designer ==> 服装设计师
  23636. dress designing ==> 服装设计
  23637. dress form ==> 服装模型,服装人体模型
  23638. dress grinding wheels ==> 整修磨轮
  23639. dress linen ==> 衣料麻纱
  23640. dress modestly ==> 穿戴整齐得体=>控えめな服装をする
  23641. dress smooth ==> 修光
  23642. dress stand ==> 服装人体模型
  23643. dressability ==> 选矿性
  23644. dressed and matched boards ==> 企口
  23645. dressed black fine goat hair ==> 黑细山羊把毛
  23646. dressed brick ==> 磨光砖
  23647. dressed carcass ==> 经修整的胴体,经修整的胴体
  23648. dressed chicken ==> 去毛鸡
  23649. dressed fitch tail hair ==> 艾虎尾把毛
  23650. dressed flax ==> 梳好的亚麻
  23651. dressed horse fetlock hair ==> 马蹄毛
  23652. dressed lumber ==> 刨光板
  23653. dressed masonry ==> 敷面圬工
  23654. dressed pony mane ==> 马驹鬃毛
  23655. dressed poultry ==> 去毛家禽
  23656. dressed rock ==> 羊背石
  23657. dressed seed ==> 拌药种子
  23658. dressed timber ==> 刨光木材
  23659. dressed weight ==> 整理后重量,胴体重
  23660. dresser ==> 修钎机,修饰工具,修整工具,修整器,梳妆台,浆纱机,整经机,清理风錾
  23661. Dresser coupling ==> 德莱赛连接器
  23662. dressing ==> 修整,涂料,打磨,敷裹,敷料,衣服,追肥,加印版边条,上浆,湿整理
  23663. dressing bit tongs ==> 多整钻头用夹钳
  23664. dressing board ==> 敷料板
  23665. dressing bowl ==> 换药碗
  23666. dressing by floatation ==> 浮选法
  23667. dressing by magnetic separation ==> 磁选
  23668. dressing carriage ==> 敷料车
  23669. dressing change ==> 换药
  23670. dressing conveyor ==> 分选输送带
  23671. dressing diamond ==> 金刚石修整笔
  23672. dressing drum ==> 敷料罐
  23673. dressing equipment ==> 选矿设备
  23674. dressing floor ==> 整理车间
  23675. dressing forceps ==> 敷料钳
  23676. dressing furrow ==> 施肥沟
  23677. dressing hammer ==> 修整锤
  23678. dressing iron ==> 铁挡块
  23679. dressing machine ==> 去毛刺机,校正机
  23680. dressing of carcass ==> 胴体修整
  23681. dressing of grinding wheel ==> 磨轮的整修
  23682. dressing of steel ingots ==> 钢锭的整修
  23683. dressing percentage ==> 屠宰率
  23684. dressing percentage of hog ==> 猪屠宰率
  23685. dressing plate ==> 校正平台
  23686. dressing pliers ==> 敷料镊
  23687. dressing room ==> 敷裹室,修整工段,换药室
  23688. dressing scissors ==> 敷料剪
  23689. dressing shoe ==> 清选机
  23690. dressing shop ==> 清理车间
  23691. dressing sieve ==> 筛粉筛
  23692. dressing stake ==> 手砧
  23693. dressing stand ==> 平整机座
  23694. dressing sterilizer ==> 煮沸消毒器
  23695. dressing stick ==> 整形块
  23696. dressing table ==> 清理台,镜台,镜台,梳妆台
  23697. dressing tool ==> (砂轮的)修整工具
  23698. dressing tool (砂轮的) ==> 修整工具
  23699. dressing trolley ==> 敷料车
  23700. dressing yard ==> 清整工段,整锭场,整坯场
  23701. dressing-off ==> 清理
  23702. dressing-out percentage ==> 屠宰率
  23703. Dressler kiln ==> (隔焰式)德雷斯勒式隧道窑
  23704. Dressler kiln (隔焰式) ==> 德雷斯勒式隧道窑
  23705. Dressler's syndrome ==> 心肌梗塞后综合征
  23706. dressmaker's dummy ==> 木制人体模型
  23707. dressmakers measure ==> 裁缝用尺
  23708. dressmakers shears ==> 裁缝剪刀
  23709. Drew number ==> 德鲁数
  23710. Drew's hypothermia apparatus ==> 德鲁低温装置
  23711. drew-string bag ==> 抽带式袋
  23712. Drexed glass-bottle ==> 德雷克塞尔煤气洗涤瓶
  23713. Drexel bottle ==> 煤气洗涤瓶
  23714. DRF, DCS Rx circular polarized feeder ==> DCS受信用円偏波給電器
  23715. drg falsk ==> 下砂箱
  23716. DRG, daily report generator ==> 日刊報告発生装置
  23717. drib ==> 点滴
  23718. drib(b)let ==> 涓滴,涓滴
  23719. dribbing ==> 零星修补
  23720. dribble ==> 滴,滴流,滴水,滴水沟,涓滴,涓滴,使滴下
  23721. dribble applicater ==> 滴洒机
  23722. dribble from jet ==> 喷嘴残滴
  23723. dribble urine ==> 尿液滴落
  23724. dribbled fuel ==> 没有蒸发的燃料
  23725. dribbling ==> 碎石冒落
  23726. dribbling diesel fuel ==> 低粘度柴油机燃料
  23727. dribbling nozzle ==> 滴流喷嘴
  23728. dried ==> 人工干燥,豆豉
  23729. dried alum ==> 干燥明矾
  23730. dried bamboo shoot ==> 笋干
  23731. dried beancurd stick ==> 腐竹
  23732. dried brick ==> 干砖坯
  23733. dried cocoon ==> 干茧
  23734. dried currant ==> 葡萄干
  23735. dried edible fungus ==> 木耳
  23736. dried egg white ==> 蛋白粉
  23737. dried eggs ==> 蛋粉
  23738. dried explosion-proof transformer ==> 干式防爆变压器
  23739. dried extracted fermentation soluble ==> 干燥的发酵浸出物
  23740. dried female insect ==> 虫红
  23741. dried fish scrap or meal ==> 干鱼粕或鱼粉
  23742. dried flower ==> 干花
  23743. dried fruit moth ==> 干果螟
  23744. dried full cream milk ==> 全脂奶粉
  23745. dried fungus ==> 木耳
  23746. dried gel ==> 干凝胶
  23747. dried ginger ==> 干姜块
  23748. dried ginger with skin ==> 带皮姜片
  23749. dried glaze ==> 干釉
  23750. dried grass ==> 嫩干草
  23751. dried herbs ==> 干草药
  23752. dried ice cream mix ==> 冰淇淋粉
  23753. dried in shade ==> 阴干
  23754. dried joint ==> 过干接合
  23755. dried kernel ==> 干棕仁
  23756. dried lemon peel ==> 干柠檬皮
  23757. dried lily bulb ==> 百合干
  23758. dried malted milk ==> 麦芽糖奶粉
  23759. dried marine algae powder ==> 海藻粉
  23760. dried milk ==> 全脂奶粉
  23761. dried milk cake ==> 奶豆腐
  23762. dried molassed ==> 干糖
  23763. dried molassed beet pulp ==> 加糖蜜干甜菜渣
  23764. dried old orange peel ==> 陈皮
  23765. dried orange peel ==> 陈皮
  23766. dried out boiler protection ==> 干法养护,用点火或其它加热方法以一定的温升速度和保温时间烘干炉墙的过程。
  23767. dried oyster ==> 牡蛎干,蚝干
  23768. dried peppermint herb ==> 薄荷
  23769. dried peppermint leaf ==> 薄荷叶
  23770. dried persimmon ==> 柿饼
  23771. dried plant samples ==> 植物干燥样品
  23772. dried plasma ==> 干燥血浆
  23773. dried plum ==> 干李子,李干,梅干
  23774. dried poultry litter ==> 干禽粪垫草,干制禽粪类及热草
  23775. dried product ==> 干制品
  23776. dried pulp ==> 甜菜干废粕
  23777. dried purple seaweed ==> 紫菜
  23778. dried rose flower ==> 玫瑰花干
  23779. dried salted mango ==> 芒果胚
  23780. dried sand ==> 干砂
  23781. dried separated milk ==> 脱脂奶粉
  23782. dried shrimp ==> 海米
  23783. dried silkworm ==> 蚕蛹干
  23784. dried silkworm chrysalis ==> 蚕蛹干
  23785. dried silkworm chrysalis meal ==> 蚕蛹粉
  23786. dried skim milk ==> 脱脂奶粉
  23787. dried soya cream ==> 腐竹
  23788. dried tangerine peel ==> 陈皮
  23789. dried thyroid ==> 干甲状腺制剂
  23790. dried turnip ==> 萝卜干
  23791. dried whey-product ==> 乳清制品粉
  23792. dried whole-egg ==> 全蛋粉
  23793. dried wood ==> 干木材
  23794. dried yeast ==> 干酵母
  23795. dried-air drier ==> 干空气干燥机
  23796. dried-up ==> 干缩的
  23797. driel mould ==> 干型
  23798. drier ==> 干料,干燥的,干燥机,干燥炉,干燥设备,干燥室,干燥装置,喷气式单板干燥器,催干剂,烘干炉
  23799. drier coil ==> 干燥盘管
  23800. drier conveyer ==> 干燥机输送带
  23801. drier drum ==> 干燥筒
  23802. drier for yeast extract ==> 酶母萃干燥机
  23803. drier-filter of the refrigerator ==> 冰箱干燥过滤器
  23804. drier/dryer ==> 干燥器
  23805. drift ==> 冰碛,铜冲头,孔锤,铆钉孔冲,任意游走,烟流向,流动,航差,沿脉巷道,移动,吹集,打桩器,退套楔,偏航,偏离,飘失,漂变,漂积物,漂流,漂散木,漂失,漂移,偏移,偏差,冲头,偏流,偏转=>ドリフト,漂流,趣旨,趣意,傾向,動向
  23806. drift anchor ==> 海錨
  23807. drift and toxicity problem of ==> 流散与毒性问题
  23808. drift angle ==> 偏航角,漂移角=>ドリフトアングル,偏流角
  23809. drift approximation ==> ドリフト近似
  23810. drift around ==> 辺りを漂う
  23811. drift axis ==> 漂移轴
  23812. drift base ==> 漂移基板
  23813. drift beam instability ==> 漂移束不稳定性
  23814. drift bed ==> 漂碛,坡积
  23815. drift bolt ==> 冲头螺栓,穿钉,锚栓,系栓
  23816. drift bottle ==> 漂流瓶
  23817. drift card ==> 漂流卡
  23818. drift carrier ==> 漂移载流子
  23819. drift channel ==> 漂移沟道
  23820. drift clay ==> 冰砾泥
  23821. drift compensation ==> 漂移补偿
  23822. drift compensation circuit ==> 漂移补偿电路
  23823. drift computer ==> 偏差计算机
  23824. drift correction ==> 偏般校正,偏流校正,漂移校正
  23825. drift current ==> 漂流,漂移电流,风吹流=>ドリフト電流
  23826. drift curve ==> 漂描曲线
  23827. drift cyclotron wave ==> 漂移回旋波
  23828. drift dam ==> 冰碛坝,冰碛堰
  23829. drift deposit ==> 冲积物
  23830. drift downward ==> 下方へ流れる
  23831. drift effect ==> ドリフト効果
  23832. drift electron ==> ドリフト電子
  23833. drift energy ==> 漂移能
  23834. drift envelope ==> 海流封筒
  23835. drift epoch ==> 漂浮期
  23836. drift equation ==> ドリフト方程式
  23837. drift error ==> 漂移误差
  23838. drift estimation ==> ドリフト推定
  23839. drift face ==> 工作面前壁
  23840. drift fence ==> 流动栅栏
  23841. drift field ==> 漂移电场
  23842. drift for knocking out of tubes ==> 管子穿孔器
  23843. drift frequency ==> 漂移频率
  23844. drift ga(u)ge ==> 偏差计
  23845. drift gauge ==> 风雪计
  23846. drift glacier ==> 吹雪冰川
  23847. drift heading ==> 导坑
  23848. Drift I ==> 星流I
  23849. Drift II ==> 星流II
  23850. drift indicator ==> 航差指示器
  23851. drift instability ==> 漂移不稳定性
  23852. drift klystron ==> 偏移式速调管,漂移速调管
  23853. drift lead ==> 漂流指示锤
  23854. drift length ==> 漂移长度
  23855. drift level ==> 漂移电平
  23856. drift log ==> 偏差钻孔,井斜测井
  23857. drift marker ==> 偏差指示器
  23858. drift meter ==> 偏航计,偏流计,漂移计
  23859. drift method ==> 导洞掘进法
  23860. drift mining ==> 导洞开采,浅矿床开采
  23861. drift mobility ==> 漂移率,漂移迁移率=>ドリフト移動度
  23862. drift motion ==> 漂移运动=>ドリフト運動
  23863. drift observation ==> 偏流观测
  23864. drift of convergence ==> 会聚漂移
  23865. drift of particles ==> 颗粒漂移
  23866. drift of zero ==> 零点漂移
  23867. drift orbit ==> ドリフト軌道
  23868. drift period ==> 冰期
  23869. drift pin ==> 尖冲钉,冲头,冲子,紧配合销
  23870. drift pipe ==> 漂移管,流管
  23871. drift plate drogue ==> 漂流板
  23872. drift rate ==> 偏移度,偏移率,漂移率
  23873. drift reamer ==> 冲头铰刀
  23874. drift region ==> 漂移区
  23875. drift sand ==> 流砂,流沙
  23876. drift scanning ==> 漂移扫描
  23877. drift sheet ==> 冰碛层
  23878. drift slot ==> 斜形槽,出屑槽
  23879. drift soil ==> 飘移土
  23880. drift space ==> 漂移空间=>ドリフト空間
  23881. drift speed ==> 漂移速度
  23882. drift spraying ==> 飘雾喷射
  23883. drift stabilization ==> 漂移补偿,漂移稳定
  23884. drift stabilized operational amplifier ==> 漂移稳定的运算放大器
  23885. drift station ==> 漂浮观测站,流动台
  23886. drift subpulse ==> 漂移次脉冲
  23887. drift surface ==> 漂移面
  23888. drift terrace ==> 冲积阶地
  23889. drift test ==> 扩口试验,冲孔试验,冲头扩孔法钢材延性试验
  23890. drift theory ==> 漂移说,异地成煤说
  23891. drift time ==> 漂航时间,漂移时间
  23892. drift transistor ==> 漂移晶体管
  23893. drift transport ==> ドリフト輸送
  23894. drift tube ==> 漂移管
  23895. drift tube mass spectrometry ==> 漂移管质谱分析
  23896. drift turbulence ==> 漂移湍动
  23897. drift velocity ==> 漂移速度,迁移速度=>ドリフト速度,電子移動速度
  23898. drift voltage ==> 漂移电压=>ドリフト電圧
  23899. drift wave ==> 漂移波
  23900. drift wood ==> 浮木
  23901. drift-corrected amplifier ==> 漂移补偿放大器
  23902. drift-dam lake ==> 冰碛湖
  23903. drift-dissipative instability ==> 漂移耗散不稳定性
  23904. drift-sand ==> 风积沙
  23905. drift-scan measurement ==> 漂描测量
  23906. driftance ==> 漂移度
  23907. drifted soil ==> 吹扬土
  23908. drifter ==> 漂流物,漂网鱼船,风钻工,架式风动凿岩机,支柱式开山机
  23909. drifter drill ==> 风钻钻机
  23910. drifter drill for underground ==> 地下钻机
  23911. drifting ==> 穿孔调准,漂动,漂流,平巷掘进,走向水平掘进=>ドリフチング
  23912. drifting beach ==> 移动海滩
  23913. drifting buoy ==> 漂流浮标
  23914. drifting character ==> 漂移字符
  23915. drifting convergence ==> 漂移收敛,不稳定收敛
  23916. drifting dust ==> 吹尘,低吹尘
  23917. drifting machine ==> 凿岩机
  23918. drifting management ==> 浮动管理,流动管理
  23919. drifting mine ==> 漂雷
  23920. drifting sand ==> 低吹沙,吹砂
  23921. drifting snow ==> 吹雪,低吹雪
  23922. drifting test ==> 穿孔试验
  23923. driftmeter ==> 偏差计
  23924. driftpin ==> 锥枢销
  23925. drifts ==> 分额,作业分额
  23926. drilitic ==> 干电解电容器
  23927. drill ==> 电钻,钻,钻机,钻孔钻头,钻头=>ドリル,錐
  23928. drill adapter ==> 钻杆卡头,夹钎器
  23929. drill and steel wire gage ==> 钻径及钢丝规
  23930. drill and turning tool holder ==> 钻孔与车削两用刀夹
  23931. drill assembly ==> 条播装置总成
  23932. drill barge (rock drill vessel) ==> 钻岩船
  23933. drill barrow ==> 手推滚筒式条播机
  23934. drill bit ==> 钻头,钎头,打孔钻头=>ドリルビット
  23935. drill bit cutoff ==> 钻头额定进尺数
  23936. drill bits ==> 钻刃
  23937. drill blower ==> 钻机吹粉器
  23938. drill bow ==> 手钻弓柄
  23939. drill bush ==> 钻套
  23940. drill bushing ==> 钻套
  23941. drill cable ==> 钻机钢丝绳
  23942. drill capacity ==> 钻机能力
  23943. drill carriage ==> 钻车,钻轴滑座,手推凿岩机车
  23944. drill centering machine ==> 拱架钻机
  23945. drill centers ==> 钻中心孔
  23946. drill change ==> 钻距
  23947. drill chip ==> 钻屑
  23948. drill chuck ==> 钻头卡,钻头卡盘
  23949. drill chuck barrel ==> 锥钻轴套
  23950. drill chuck jaw ==> 风钻夹钎爪
  23951. drill circuit ==> 练习线路
  23952. drill collar ==> 钻环,钻铤
  23953. drill colter ==> 条播开沟机
  23954. drill column ==> 钻机柱架,钻孔柱状图
  23955. drill column jack ==> 钻机顶柱
  23956. drill coulter ==> 条播开沟器
  23957. drill culture ==> 条播栽培
  23958. drill cutter ==> 钻头铣刀
  23959. drill cuttings ==> 钻屑
  23960. drill drift ==> 冲杆,卸钻套楔
  23961. drill edge ==> 钻头切削刀
  23962. drill equipment ==> 钻头附件
  23963. drill extractor ==> 钻头提取器
  23964. drill feed ==> 钻头进给装置,凿岩机推进器
  23965. drill finish ==> 光钻
  23966. drill fittings ==> 钻孔配件
  23967. drill floor ==> 钻台
  23968. drill florentine ==> 厚卡其
  23969. drill flute ==> 钻槽,槽钻
  23970. drill footage ==> 钻进进尺
  23971. drill for boring in corners ==> 角用钻
  23972. drill for quarrying ==> 采石钻机
  23973. drill furrow ==> 条播沟
  23974. drill ga(u)ge ==> 钻规
  23975. drill gage ==> 钻径规
  23976. drill gismo ==> 吉斯莫型钻眼万能采掘机
  23977. drill grinder ==> 钻头磨床
  23978. drill grinding ga(u)ge ==> 钻头磨削量规
  23979. drill grinding machine ==> 钻头磨床
  23980. drill groove ==> 钻头构槽
  23981. drill ground ==> 练兵场
  23982. drill hammer ==> 冲击钻头
  23983. drill head ==> 钻头
  23984. drill headroom ==> 钻机头部空间
  23985. drill heel ==> 钻头根面
  23986. drill holder ==> 钻套,变径套
  23987. drill hole columnar section ==> 钻孔柱状图
  23988. drill hole geologic record ==> 钻孔地质编录
  23989. drill hole sampling ==> 钻孔取样,打眼取样法
  23990. drill jambo ==> 凿岩台车
  23991. drill jib ==> 钻机托臂
  23992. drill jig ==> 钻模
  23993. drill jig bush ==> 钻套
  23994. drill jig bushing ==> 钻套
  23995. drill jig for air cylinder ==> 风箱钻模
  23996. drill jig for gasket ==> 垫圈钻模
  23997. drill jig for lathe ==> 车床钻模
  23998. drill jumbo ==> 大型多钻头钻机
  23999. drill jumbo with 2 booms ==> 二臂凿岩台车
  24000. drill key ==> 楔铁
  24001. drill lip angle ==> 钻刀角
  24002. drill lip clearance ==> 钻刀余隙角
  24003. drill log ==> 钻井记录
  24004. drill machine ==> 钻床
  24005. drill mounting ==> 钻架
  24006. drill neck ==> 钻颈
  24007. drill out ==> 钻出
  24008. drill pad ==> 钻垫
  24009. drill pcint ga(u)ge ==> 钻头角度规
  24010. drill peripheral speed ==> 钻周速
  24011. drill pipe ==> 钻杆,钻管
  24012. drill pipe cutter ==> 钻杆割刀
  24013. drill pipe ga(u)ge ==> 钻杆螺纹规
  24014. drill pipe joints ==> 钻管接头
  24015. drill planter ==> 条播机,条播器
  24016. drill planting method ==> 条植法
  24017. drill plate ==> 钻模板
  24018. drill point ==> 钻尖
  24019. drill point angle ==> 钻尖角
  24020. drill point grinder ==> 钻头刃磨机
  24021. drill pointing machine ==> 钻头磨尖机
  24022. drill points ==> 钻头
  24023. drill press ==> 钻床,立式钻床
  24024. drill press grinding ==> 钻床磨削
  24025. drill press parts ==> 钻床零件
  24026. drill press sleeve ==> 短钻套
  24027. drill press socket ==> 长钻套
  24028. drill press spindle ==> 钻床主轴
  24029. drill pressure ==> 钻头负载,钻头压力
  24030. drill reamer ==> 钻铰复合刀具
  24031. drill record ==> 岩心记录
  24032. drill rig ==> 架式钻床,潜孔钻车,一种回转冲击式钻机,它的冲击器是直接潜入孔底钻凿岩石,冲击功的传递损失很小,钻进效率高,噪声较低,适用于钻凿孔径较大的中、深炮孔
  24033. drill rocker ==> 钻杆
  24034. drill rod ==> 钻杆,带孔棒,钎子
  24035. drill runner ==> 凿岩机司机
  24036. drill scout ==> 轻型钻探机
  24037. drill seeder ==> 条播机
  24038. drill seeding ==> 条播
  24039. drill set ==> 钻具组
  24040. drill shank ==> 钻柄,钎杆
  24041. drill sharpening ==> 钻头刃磨
  24042. drill shoe ==> 条播开沟器
  24043. drill single twist ==> 单出屑槽钻
  24044. drill site ==> 钻场
  24045. drill sleeve ==> 钻套,短钻套
  24046. drill sludge cake ==> 钻泥块
  24047. drill socket ==> 钻头接套,长钻头套筒
  24048. drill speed ==> 钻头转速
  24049. drill speeder ==> 速钻器
  24050. drill spindle ==> 钻轴
  24051. drill spindle support ==> 钻轴支架
  24052. drill spindle with rack ==> 带齿条钻轴
  24053. drill stand ==> 手摇钻台架
  24054. drill steel ==> 钻钢,钻头钢
  24055. drill stem ==> 钻杆,钻柱
  24056. drill stock ==> 钻柄
  24057. drill stop ==> 钻头定程停止器
  24058. drill string ==> 钻柱
  24059. drill tap ==> 钻孔攻丝复合刀具
  24060. drill thrust ==> 钻削力
  24061. drill tip ==> 钻尖
  24062. drill tower ==> 钻塔
  24063. drill unit ==> 钻削动力头,条播机单组
  24064. drill unit with fertilizer attachment ==> 带施肥装置的条播机
  24065. drill wagon ==> 钻车
  24066. drill way ==> 孔道
  24067. drill weave ==> 斜纹布
  24068. drill with ferrule ==> 方钻
  24069. drill(-steel) sharpener ==> 钻头磨锐机
  24070. drill-and-thinner ==> 播种间苗机
  24071. drill-harrow ==> 除草小耙
  24072. drill-holes ==> 钻孔
  24073. drill-motor rotor vane ==> 钻孔转子叶片
  24074. drill-over ==> 过钻
  24075. drill-sharpening machine ==> 钻头刃磨机
  24076. drill-stem test ==> 钻杆地层测试
  24077. drill-string tripping ==> 钻具组升降程序
  24078. drillchuck ==> 夹头=>ドリルチャック
  24079. drilled caisson ==> 钻孔沉箱
  24080. drilled diameter ==> 钻孔最大直径
  24081. drilled grout hole ==> 灌浆钻孔
  24082. drilled nozzle ==> 钻制喷管
  24083. drilled raise ==> 超前钻孔开凿开井法
  24084. driller ==> 钻床,钻机,司钻
  24085. drillhole pattern ==> 钻孔图型
  24086. drilling ==> 钻孔,钻进,钻探,肥料条施,条播,钻井=>訓練
  24087. drilling accident ==> 掘削事故
  24088. drilling activity ==> 掘削活動
  24089. drilling and blasting method ==> 钻爆施工法,通过钻孔、装药、引爆、出碴的开挖硐室的方法
  24090. drilling and culivating toolbar ==> 播种中耕通用机
  24091. drilling and grinding machine ==> 钻磨两用机床
  24092. drilling and tapping machine ==> 钻孔和攻丝两用机床
  24093. drilling area ==> 钻面
  24094. drilling at the sea ==> 海洋钻探
  24095. drilling attachment ==> 钻头夹具
  24096. drilling barge ==> 钻探船
  24097. drilling blade ==> 掘削翼
  24098. drilling capacity ==> 钻孔容量
  24099. drilling column ==> 钻柱
  24100. drilling contractor ==> 掘削請負業者
  24101. drilling cost ==> 掘削費
  24102. drilling cramp ==> 钻架
  24103. drilling depth ==> 钻孔深度=>穴あけ深さ
  24104. drilling equipment ==> 钻孔设备
  24105. drilling fluid ==> 钻井泥浆
  24106. drilling for oil ==> 採油
  24107. drilling force ==> 穿孔力
  24108. drilling grinding machine ==> 钻磨两用机
  24109. drilling hammer ==> 打眼锤
  24110. drilling hole ==> 掘削孔
  24111. drilling implement ==> 钻孔设备
  24112. drilling jig ==> 钻模
  24113. drilling jumbo ==> 钻孔台车
  24114. drilling machine ==> 钻床,钻孔机,钻牙机,条播
  24115. drilling machine column ==> 钻床立柱
  24116. drilling machine operator ==> 钻工=>ドリル作業員
  24117. drilling machine spindle ==> 钻轴
  24118. drilling machine upright ==> 钻床柱
  24119. drilling machine with jointed arm ==> 摇臂钻床,悬臂钻床
  24120. drilling material ==> 掘削材料
  24121. drilling method ==> 条播法
  24122. drilling mud ==> 钻井泥浆
  24123. drilling mud cake ==> 钻泥皮
  24124. drilling of tubesheet ==> 管板钻孔
  24125. drilling pain ==> 钻顶样痛
  24126. drilling platform ==> 海上钻井平台=>掘削基地
  24127. drilling position ==> 掘削位置
  24128. drilling procedure ==> 掘削手順
  24129. drilling program ==> 試錐計画
  24130. drilling rate ==> 钻进速度
  24131. drilling rig ==> 钻机,钻井装置
  24132. drilling seed ==> 条播
  24133. drilling spindle ==> 钻床主轴
  24134. drilling spindle of adjustment ==> 活动钻床
  24135. drilling stand ==> 钻床柱
  24136. drilling steel ==> 钢钎
  24137. drilling system ==> ドリル切削システム
  24138. drilling table ==> 台砧
  24139. drilling time ==> 钻进时间
  24140. drilling tool ==> 钻具,钻孔刀具
  24141. drilling vehicle ==> 地球物理勘探车
  24142. drilling vessel ==> 掘削船
  24143. drilling work ==> 掘削作業
  24144. drillmaster ==> 高架式潜孔钻机
  24145. drillsmith ==> 锻钎工
  24146. Drimafon dye ==> (瑞士)黛马丰染料,(瑞士)黛马丽染料
  24147. Drimalan dye ==> (瑞士)黛马丽染料
  24148. drimane ==> 补身烷
  24149. drimenol ==> 补身醇
  24150. drimyl ==> 马来酸羟乙羟嗪
  24151. dring yard ==> 晒场
  24152. drink ==> 饮=>飲み物,飲料
  24153. drinkable ==> 可饮的
  24154. drinkable preparation ==> ドリンク剤
  24155. drinkables ==> 飲料
  24156. drinker ==> 酒徒,酒徒
  24157. Drinker apparatus ==> 德林克氏人工呼吸器
  24158. Drinker respirator ==> 德林克人工呼吸器,德林克氏人工呼吸器,铁肺
  24159. drinking and lodging tax ==> 膳宿税
  24160. drinking bowl ==> 饮水器
  24161. drinking cup ==> 饮水器
  24162. drinking fountain ==> 饮水器,自动饮水器
  24163. drinking fountain stand ==> 饮水台
  24164. drinking glass ==> 饮用玻璃杯
  24165. drinking refusal ==> 拒饮,拒饮
  24166. drinking test ==> 喝水试验
  24167. drinking trouph ==> 饮水器
  24168. drinking water ==> 饮用水
  24169. drinking water pump ==> 饮用水泵=>飲料水ポンプ
  24170. drinking water standard ==> 饮用水标准
  24171. drinking water supply ==> 饮水供应
  24172. drinking-water cooler ==> 饮用水冷却器
  24173. Drinox ==> 艾氏剂
  24174. drip ==> 滴出物,滴口,滴流,滴流器,滴水,滴水器,滴下,滴注法,检油池,泄油器=>点滴,ドリップ
  24175. drip box ==> 承油盘
  24176. drip cap ==> 滴水挑檐
  24177. drip catcher ==> 捕集器
  24178. drip chamber ==> 沉淀室,排水室
  24179. drip channel ==> 滴水
  24180. drip chip ==> 滴片
  24181. drip cock ==> 滴降栓,滴栓,滴水器旋塞,排气旋塞
  24182. drip collector ==> 采酸管
  24183. drip condenser ==> 水淋冷凝器
  24184. drip cooler ==> 点滴式冷却器
  24185. drip crater ==> (浮法玻璃缺陷)锡滴坑
  24186. drip culture ==> 滴液培养
  24187. drip edge ==> 滴水槽檐=>屋根とい
  24188. drip feed ==> 点滴注油
  24189. drip feed carburizing ==> 点滴渗碳
  24190. drip feed lubricaor ==> 滴给式注油器
  24191. drip feed oil lubricator ==> 点滴注油器
  24192. drip feed oiling system ==> 滴油润滑系统
  24193. drip feed valve ==> 滴馈阀,流滴供给阀
  24194. drip feeder ==> 滴给器
  24195. drip gasoline ==> 液滴汽油
  24196. drip hole ==> 水抜き
  24197. drip infusion urography (DIU) ==> 滴注尿路造影术
  24198. drip irrigation ==> 滴灌
  24199. drip irrigation emitter ==> 滴灌器
  24200. drip irrigation technique and equipment ==> 滴灌技术及其配套设备
  24201. drip leg ==> 滴水管
  24202. drip lubrication ==> 滴油润滑,滴油润滑法
  24203. drip lubricator ==> 滴油润滑器
  24204. drip melt ==> 滴熔,滴熔法
  24205. drip melting ==> 吹灰熔炼,悬熔
  24206. drip melting apparatus ==> 滴熔设备
  24207. drip mold ==> 滴水槽
  24208. drip molding ==> 成形件=>雨どい
  24209. drip molding pliers ==> 成形件装拆钳
  24210. drip mould ==> 滴水线脚
  24211. drip nozzle connection ==> 滴嘴接头
  24212. drip oiler ==> 滴液式注油器
  24213. drip pan ==> 接滴盘,滴料盘,存油盘,承屑盘,酸样收集器,盛液盘
  24214. drip pin ==> 滴料冲头
  24215. drip pipe ==> 滴管,排出道,冷凝水泄出管
  24216. drip proof lighting fitting ==> 防滴式照明配件
  24217. drip proof machine ==> 防滴式电机
  24218. drip proof motor ==> 防滴式电动机
  24219. drip proof switchgear ==> 防滴式开关设备
  24220. drip proof type motor ==> 防滴式电动机,采用防滴式防护外壳、垂直滴水应无有害影响的电动机
  24221. drip ring ==> 滴油环,滴油圈,润滑环
  24222. drip sheet ==> 滴注记录单
  24223. drip stone ==> 滴水石
  24224. drip tank ==> 滴液箱,集漏油箱
  24225. drip tile ==> 滴水瓦
  24226. drip tip ==> 滴水叶尖
  24227. drip transfusion ==> 滴注输液
  24228. drip trap ==> 滴阀,滴水收集器
  24229. drip trough ==> 集液凹槽
  24230. drip tube ==> 滴管
  24231. drip water plate ==> 淋水板
  24232. drip(ping) cup ==> 酸样收集器
  24233. drip-dry ==> 滴干
  24234. drip-feed lubricator ==> 滴油润滑器
  24235. drip-proof ==> 防滴
  24236. drip-proof burner ==> 防塞燃烧器
  24237. drip-proof generator ==> 防滴式发电机
  24238. drip-proof machine ==> 防滴水电机=>防滴形電機
  24239. drip-proof motor ==> 防滴式电动机
  24240. drip-proof screen-protected machine ==> 防滴网罩保护式电机,防滴罩防护式电机
  24241. drip-proof type induction motor ==> 防滴式感应电动机
  24242. drip-tight ==> 防滴的
  24243. drip-vessel ==> 漏壶
  24244. dripcoffee maker ==> 滴流咖啡壶
  24245. dripping ==> 滴下物,水滴,液滴
  24246. dripping cooling plant ==> 点滴式冷却设备
  24247. dripping cup ==> 承油杯
  24248. dripping eave ==> 滴水檐
  24249. dripping fault ==> 滴水断层
  24250. dripping-drop atomization ==> 点滴喷雾
  24251. dripstone ==> 滴水石
  24252. dripstone cave ==> 滴水石洞穴
  24253. drivage ratio ==> 掘进率,掘进率
  24254. drive ==> 散漂材,传动,磁带驱动装置,驱,驱动,驱动电路,驱赶,推动,推进,拖动,沿脉平巷,原动机,驾,驾驶,内驱力,策动,驱动装置,驱动器=>励振,駆動,ドライブ
  24255. drive assembly ==> 传动装配
  24256. drive axle ==> 驱动轮轴
  24257. drive belt ==> 传动皮带
  24258. drive belt adjuster ==> 传动皮带调节器
  24259. drive belt housing ==> 传动皮带罩
  24260. drive blocks ==> 带动销
  24261. drive bolt ==> 传动螺杆,传动螺栓
  24262. drive box ==> 传动齿轮箱
  24263. drive cam ==> 导凸轮
  24264. drive capstan ==> 主导轴
  24265. drive chain ==> 主动链,传动链条
  24266. drive chain guard ==> 传动链条罩
  24267. drive characteristic ==> 传动特性,驱动特性,调制特性,激励特性
  24268. drive characteristics ==> 駆動特性
  24269. drive chuck ==> 传动卡盘
  24270. drive circuit ==> 激励电路,策动电路=>駆動回路
  24271. drive clutch ==> 传动离合器
  24272. drive coil ==> 驱动线圈,励磁线圈
  24273. drive control ==> 驱动控制
  24274. drive control relay ==> 切换继电器,继电切换器
  24275. drive cows ==> 轰赶母牛
  24276. drive current ==> 驱动电流,激励电流
  24277. drive cylinder ==> 传动缸
  24278. drive drum ==> 传动卷筒
  24279. drive element ==> 驱动元件
  24280. drive end ==> 驱动端,主动端
  24281. drive end bearing ==> 主动端轴承
  24282. drive end felt washer guard ==> 主动端毡垫圈护罩
  24283. drive end head ==> 主动端盖板
  24284. drive end plate slinger ==> 主动端抛油环
  24285. drive fit ==> 打入配合,密配合,牢配合
  24286. drive flange ==> 传动法兰,主动凸缘
  24287. drive force ==> 主动力
  24288. drive friction plate ==> 传动磨擦盘
  24289. drive gear ==> 主动齿轮,传动齿轮,传动机构,驱动齿轮,驱动机构
  24290. drive gear box ==> 传动齿轮箱
  24291. drive gear carrier ==> 主动齿轮箱
  24292. drive gear mechanism ==> 传动齿轮机构
  24293. drive gear wheel ==> 主动齿轮
  24294. drive head ==> 打头
  24295. drive housing ==> 传动箱
  24296. drive hub ==> 驱动轮毂
  24297. drive idler gear ==> 空转传动齿轮
  24298. drive in ==> 敲进
  24299. drive in a tack ==> 鋲を打つ
  24300. drive level ==> 驱动电平
  24301. drive line ==> 传动线
  24302. drive link ==> 传动杆件,传动杆,传动联杆
  24303. drive lock ring ==> 传动锁环
  24304. drive magnet ==> 驱动磁铁
  24305. drive master ==> 自动传动装置
  24306. drive mechanism ==> 驱动机构
  24307. drive member ==> 駆動部
  24308. drive motor ==> 传动马达
  24309. drive name ==> 盘符=>ドライブ名
  24310. drive number ==> 驱动器编号
  24311. drive of transverse slide ==> 横向滑板传动
  24312. drive off ==> 馏出
  24313. drive out ==> 打掉
  24314. drive part ==> 驱动部分,主动件
  24315. drive pattern ==> 驱动斑纹,驱动图形,驱动误差图形
  24316. drive pin ==> 传动销
  24317. drive pinion ==> 传动小齿轮
  24318. drive pinion adjusting nut ==> 传动齿轮调整螺母,传动小齿轮调节螺母
  24319. drive pinion and shaft ==> 主动小齿轮及轴
  24320. drive pinion cone bearing ==> 主动小齿轮锥形轴承
  24321. drive pinion cone bearing cup ==> 传动小齿轮锥形轴承杯
  24322. drive pinion housing gasket ==> 传动小齿轮壳垫密片
  24323. drive pinion oil seal ==> 主动小齿轮油封
  24324. drive pipe ==> 主动管,取样套管
  24325. drive piston ==> 传动活塞
  24326. drive plate ==> 拨盘
  24327. drive point ==> 策动点,驱动点
  24328. drive pulley ==> 驱动皮带轮,传动轮,主动轮,主动皮带轮
  24329. drive pulse ==> 策动脉冲,激励脉冲,触发脉冲,驱动脉冲
  24330. drive ratio ==> 传动比
  24331. drive rod ==> 传动杆,驱动杆,驱动杆
  24332. drive roll ==> 主动辊
  24333. drive round ==> 使传动
  24334. drive sampler ==> 打入式取样器
  24335. drive sampling ==> 钻进取样
  24336. drive screw ==> 螺纹钉
  24337. drive selection ==> 驱动器选择,驱动选择
  24338. drive sense ==> 驱动器检测
  24339. drive set ==> 驱动装置
  24340. drive shaft ==> 驱动轴,传动轴,主动轴
  24341. drive shaft bearing ==> 主动轴轴承
  24342. drive shaft safety strap ==> 传动轴安全圈
  24343. drive shoe ==> 套筒靴
  24344. drive side ==> 主动侧
  24345. drive side of tooth ==> 工作齿面
  24346. drive signal ==> 策动信号
  24347. drive spindle ==> 驱动杆
  24348. drive spring ==> 主动弹簧
  24349. drive sprocket ==> 织链轮,主动链轮
  24350. drive sprocket axle ==> 主动链轮轴
  24351. drive stand ==> 传动机座
  24352. drive stopping relay ==> 止动继电器
  24353. drive style ==> 传动方式
  24354. drive system ==> 驱动系统
  24355. drive systems ==> 駆動システム,駆動制御方式
  24356. drive tcrque ==> 传递力矩
  24357. drive the engine ==> エンジンを動かす
  24358. drive the rivets ==> 装铆钉
  24359. drive to maturity stage ==> 趋于成熟阶段
  24360. drive torque ==> 驱动转矩
  24361. drive train ==> 驱动轴
  24362. drive type ==> 驱动装置型式
  24363. drive unit ==> 驱动器,驱动单元,驱动装置
  24364. drive up ==> 加速传动
  24365. drive way ==> 车道
  24366. drive wheel ==> 主动轮
  24367. drive(r) stage ==> 激励级
  24368. drive-in bank ==> 汽车银行
  24369. drive-in cotter ==> 打入用楔
  24370. drive-in diffusion ==> 主扩散
  24371. drive-in restaurant ==> 汽车餐馆
  24372. drive-in teller window ==> 汽车银行出纳窗
  24373. drive-in theater ==> 汽车电影院
  24374. drive-pin blind rivet ==> 定位销实心铆钉
  24375. drive-pulse generator ==> 驱动脉冲发生器
  24376. drive-reduction ==> 驱力降低作用
  24377. drive-through access ==> 通车便道
  24378. drive-type oil cup ==> 压力加油器
  24379. drive-type splittube soil-sampling device ==> 打入式开缝管取土器
  24380. drivehead ==> 承锤头
  24381. drivel ==> よだれ,たわ言,愚痴,ドリブル
  24382. drivel about ==> たわ言を言う
  24383. drivel program ==> くだらない番組
  24384. driveline ==> 動力伝達装置
  24385. driveline retarder ==> 传动系统减速器
  24386. driven ==> 传动的,从传动的,从动的,被驱动的
  24387. driven array ==> 有源天线阵
  24388. driven bevel pinion ==> 从动伞齿轮
  24389. driven blocking oscillator ==> 单稳多谐振荡器
  24390. driven caisson ==> 打入式沉箱
  24391. driven cast-in-place pile ==> 套管就地灌筑桩,灌注桩
  24392. driven disk ==> 被动圆盘
  24393. driven element ==> 驱动子=>励振素子(アンテナ)
  24394. driven end ==> 从动端
  24395. driven fit ==> 紧配合
  24396. driven friction disk ==> 被动摩擦盘
  24397. driven friction ring ==> 被动摩擦圈
  24398. driven gear ==> 被动齿轮,从动齿轮
  24399. driven ground ==> 埋管接地
  24400. driven lever ==> 从动杠杆
  24401. driven link ==> 从动构件
  24402. driven machine ==> 从动机
  24403. driven member ==> 从动构件,从动件,被动构件,被动机构
  24404. driven multivibrator ==> 从动多谐振荡器,随动多谐振荡器
  24405. driven nozzle ==> 高压远射程喷嘴
  24406. driven off by shaft ==> 轴传动的
  24407. driven pile ==> 打入桩
  24408. driven pulley ==> 从动皮带轮,被动摩擦轮
  24409. driven radiator ==> 激励辐射天线
  24410. driven roller ==> 从动辊
  24411. driven roller conveyer ==> 辊式传动运输机
  24412. driven shaft ==> 从动轴,被动轴
  24413. driven shaft bearing ==> 被动轴轴承
  24414. driven shaft bearing cap ==> 从动轴轴承盖
  24415. driven shaft bearing cap gasket ==> 从动轴轴承盖垫密片
  24416. driven shaft bearing cone ==> 从动轴轴承锥
  24417. driven shaft bearing cup ==> 被动轴轴承杯
  24418. driven shaft gear ==> 被动轴齿轮
  24419. driven shaft nut ==> 从动轴螺母
  24420. driven side ==> 松边
  24421. driven spindle ==> 从动轴,从动转轴
  24422. driven spring ==> 复进簧
  24423. driven sprocket ==> 从动链轮
  24424. driven sweep ==> 驱动扫描
  24425. driven torus ==> 从动环
  24426. driven transmitter ==> 受激发射机
  24427. driven vehicle ==> 电动车辆
  24428. driven well ==> 机井
  24429. driven well pump ==> 钻井泵
  24430. driven wheel ==> 从动轮
  24431. driven-in pin ==> 插入销
  24432. driver ==> 策动器,激励级,激励器,打入工具,传动机,传动轮,传动器,传动箱,驱动程序,驱动极,驱动器,驱动线路,驱猎,螺丝起子=>励振器
  24433. driver brake ==> 主动轮制动器
  24434. driver brake oil cup ==> 主动轮闸油环
  24435. driver chuck ==> 拔盘
  24436. driver door ==> 驾驶员门
  24437. driver element ==> 驱动单元,驱动子
  24438. driver enable signal ==> 可驱动信号
  24439. driver gear ==> 传动齿轮
  24440. driver level ==> 驱动器电平
  24441. driver link ==> 驱动链节
  24442. driver load line ==> 激励级负载线
  24443. driver motor ==> 主驱动电动机
  24444. driver pinion ==> 主动小齿轮
  24445. driver plate ==> 拔盘,拨盘,驱动圆盘,带动盘
  24446. driver pulley ==> 传动机皮带轮,传动皮带轮
  24447. driver skew ==> 驱动器时差
  24448. driver speed ==> 驱动器速率
  24449. driver spring ==> 传动轮弹簧
  24450. driver sweep ==> 触发扫描,触发式扫描
  24451. driver transformer ==> 激励变压器
  24452. driver transistor ==> 激励晶体管
  24453. driver tube ==> 控制管
  24454. driver unit ==> 推动器,主振部分
  24455. driver's cab ==> 運転室
  24456. driver's compartment ==> 操纵室,驾驶区
  24457. driver's infrared viewer ==> 驾驶员红外夜视仪
  24458. driver's license ==> 驾驶执照
  24459. driver's low light level viewer ==> 驾驶电微光夜视仪
  24460. driver's seat ==> 司机座
  24461. driver's tool ==> 随车工具
  24462. driver's tool and accessories ==> 随车工具及附件全套
  24463. driver's weight adjustment ==> 座架刚度调节器
  24464. driver-extractor vibratory hammer ==> 打桩拔桩两用震动锤
  24465. driverscope ==> 驾驶仪
  24466. drivescrew ==> 打入螺钉
  24467. drivetrain ==> 动力传动系统
  24468. driveway ==> 车道,赶畜道
  24469. drivie shaft housing ==> 主动轴箱
  24470. driving ==> 传动的,主动,主动的,掘进,掘进
  24471. driving (upper) (high) beam tell-tale ==> 远光信号灯
  24472. driving acoustic noise ==> 駆動音
  24473. driving amplifier ==> 驱动放大器,激励放大器
  24474. driving and braking force distribution ==> 制駆動力配分
  24475. driving and reversing mechanism ==> 进退装置
  24476. driving angle ==> 传动角度
  24477. driving apparatus of speed governor ==> 調速機駆動装置
  24478. driving assistance system ==> 運転支援
  24479. driving axle ==> 传动车轴=>動軸
  24480. driving axle box ==> 传动轴箱
  24481. driving axle housing ==> 主动轴套
  24482. driving axle sleeve ==> 主动轴套
  24483. driving band ==> 桩箍
  24484. driving beam ==> 远光
  24485. driving belt ==> 驱动皮带
  24486. driving bevel gear ==> 主动伞齿轮
  24487. driving bevel pinion ==> 主动小伞齿轮
  24488. driving blade ==> 传动刀片
  24489. driving block ==> 传动滑块
  24490. driving box ==> 主动轴箱
  24491. driving cam ==> 传动凸轮,驱动凸轮,工作凸轮
  24492. driving cap ==> 钢桩帽,桩帽,受锤桩帽
  24493. driving carriage ==> 自行式车辆
  24494. driving center ==> 传动毂
  24495. driving chain ==> 传动链,主动链
  24496. driving chart[paper]swaying ==> 走纸偏差
  24497. driving chuck ==> 传动拨盘
  24498. driving claw ==> 主动爪
  24499. driving clock ==> 驱动钟,转仪钟
  24500. driving clutch ==> 分离传动离合器
  24501. driving cog ==> 传动齿,传动小齿轮
  24502. driving cone ==> 塔轮,级轮
  24503. driving cone pulley ==> 主动锥形轮
  24504. driving crank ==> 主动曲柄
  24505. driving depth ==> 打桩深度
  24506. driving device ==> 驱动装置
  24507. driving direction ==> 主动机械运动方向
  24508. driving disc ==> 传动盘
  24509. driving dog ==> 传动挡块,传动夹头,传动止块,桃子夹头
  24510. driving efficiency ==> 驾驶效率
  24511. driving electromagnet ==> 驱动电磁铁
  24512. driving end ==> 扳手头
  24513. driving end (side) ==> 主动端
  24514. driving energy ==> 打桩能量
  24515. driving error ==> 传动误差
  24516. driving fit ==> 牢配合
  24517. driving fit bolt ==> 牢配合螺栓,密配合螺栓
  24518. driving flange ==> 传动凸缘
  24519. driving force ==> 驱动力=>駆動力
  24520. driving force of heat transfer ==> 传热推动力
  24521. driving frequency ==> 激励频率
  24522. driving friction ring ==> 主动摩擦圈
  24523. driving gear ==> 驱动装置
  24524. driving gear assembly ==> 驱动齿轮组件
  24525. driving gear box ==> 传动齿轮箱,主动齿轮箱
  24526. driving gear key ==> 主动齿轮键
  24527. driving gear shaft ==> 主动齿轮轴
  24528. driving gearbox ==> 驱动齿轮箱
  24529. driving hammer ==> 打桩锤,桩锤
  24530. driving head ==> 传动头,驱动头,主动头
  24531. driving helmet ==> 受锤桩帽
  24532. driving hole ==> 扳手孔
  24533. driving intermediate gear ==> 传动中间齿轮
  24534. driving key ==> 传动键,打入键
  24535. driving lever ==> 主动杆
  24536. driving light ==> 车头灯
  24537. driving link ==> 传动杆件
  24538. driving machine ==> 驱动机
  24539. driving machine brake ==> 驱动机制动器
  24540. driving magnet ==> 传动磁铁
  24541. driving mechanism ==> 驱动器,主动机构
  24542. driving medium ==> 传动件
  24543. driving member ==> 传动构件,主动构件=>駆動部材
  24544. driving mode ==> 传动方式
  24545. driving moment ==> 驱动力矩,转动力矩
  24546. driving motion ==> 传动
  24547. driving motor ==> 驱动电动机,驱动马达
  24548. driving of plugs ==> 钉木楔
  24549. driving of sheet piling ==> 打板桩
  24550. driving of stakes ==> 钉木橛
  24551. driving off tail rod ==> 导杆传动
  24552. driving oscillator ==> 激励振荡器
  24553. driving part ==> 主动件
  24554. driving pawl ==> 棘轮爪,传动爪,推动爪
  24555. driving pile ==> 打桩
  24556. driving pile abutment ==> 打桩台
  24557. driving pin ==> 传动销
  24558. driving pinion ==> 驱动小齿轮,主动小齿轮
  24559. driving plate ==> 拨盘,驱动圆盘,带动盘
  24560. driving point ==> 策动点
  24561. driving point admittance ==> 驱动点导纳=>駆動点アドミタンス
  24562. driving point function ==> 驱动点函数,策动点函数
  24563. driving point impedance ==> 策动点阻抗,驱动点阻抗
  24564. driving power ==> 驱动功率,励磁功率,激励功率
  24565. driving pulley ==> 主动滑轮,主动皮带轮,传动皮带轮
  24566. driving pulse ==> 触发脉冲,起动脉冲=>駆動パルス
  24567. driving radiation ==> 激励辐射
  24568. driving rain ==> 大风雨
  24569. driving ram ==> 传动柱塞
  24570. driving range ==> 汽车可行驶里程
  24571. driving resistance ==> 打入阻力,打桩阻力
  24572. driving rod ==> 传动杆
  24573. driving roller ==> 传动辊
  24574. driving rolls ==> 驱动滚轮
  24575. driving rope ==> 传动索
  24576. driving screw ==> 导螺杆,导螺旋,主螺杆
  24577. driving shaft ==> 主动轴
  24578. driving shaft dowel ==> 传动轴定缝销钉
  24579. driving shaft motor ==> 传动轴电机
  24580. driving shaft universal joint fork ==> 传动轴万向节叉
  24581. driving sheave ==> 驱动轮
  24582. driving side ==> 皮带紧边,传动边,驱动侧,主动侧
  24583. driving side of tooth ==> 轮齿主动侧
  24584. driving signal ==> 驱动信号
  24585. driving sleeve ==> 传动轴套
  24586. driving slot ==> 槽
  24587. driving snake ==> 传动软轴
  24588. driving snow ==> 大风雪
  24589. driving source ==> 激励源
  24590. driving spindle ==> 主动轴
  24591. driving spring ==> 主动弹簧,传动弹簧
  24592. driving sprocket wheel ==> 织链轮
  24593. driving stage ==> 驱动级
  24594. driving steam turbine ==> 驱动汽轮机
  24595. driving strap ==> 传动带,传送带
  24596. driving stroke ==> 工作冲程
  24597. driving swarm ==> 分出群
  24598. driving synchro ==> 传动同步机,驱动同步机
  24599. driving system ==> 驱动系统
  24600. driving test ==> 打桩试验
  24601. driving toothed gear ==> 主动齿轮
  24602. driving torque ==> 传动力矩,传动转矩,驱动转矩=>駆動トルク
  24603. driving unit ==> 驱动机组,传动装置
  24604. driving unit enclosure ==> 驱动装置罩
  24605. driving universal joint ==> 传动万向节
  24606. driving voltage ==> 励磁电压,激励电压=>駆動電圧
  24607. driving washer ==> 活动垫圈
  24608. driving wheel ==> 传动轮,驱动轮,指示器过轮传动轮=>動輪
  24609. driving wheel box ==> 传动齿轮箱
  24610. driving wheel brake ==> 主动轮闸
  24611. driving winding ==> 激励绕组,策动绕组
  24612. driving-band ==> 传动带
  24613. driving-point admittance ==> 策动点导纳
  24614. driving-point characteristic ==> 策动点特性
  24615. driving-point impedance ==> 激励点阻抗=>駆動点インピーダンス
  24616. driving-trailer ==> 驱动拖车
  24617. drivre screw ==> 传动螺杆
  24618. drizzle ==> 毛毛雨
  24619. drizzle drop ==> 毛毛雨滴
  24620. drizzling rain ==> 毛毛雨
  24621. DRK Derrick ==> 桅杆起重机
  24622. DRL, data requirement list ==> データ要求表
  24623. DRM, derived rate modulator ==> 誘導レートモジュレータ
  24624. DRM, design reference mission ==> 設計標準ミッション
  24625. DRM, digital radio Mondiale ==> Shiny new radios would come fitted with DRM technology to receive a new, higher-quality digital signal for shortwave and AM broadcasting.
  24626. DRM, Digital Rights Management ==> ディジタル著作権保護
  24627. DRNA, Distributed Real-time computer Network Architecture ==> 分散リアルタイムネットワークアーキテクチャ
  24628. DRO, direct readout ==> 直接受信
  24629. drogue ==> 测流浮标,空中加油锥套,风向标,浮标,浮锚=>減速用パラシュート,バケツ型の海錨
  24630. drogue nozzle ==> (空中加油用)锥套形喷嘴
  24631. drogue parachute deploy(ment) ==> 减速伞开伞
  24632. drom length ==> 制缆绳长度
  24633. dromotropic action ==> 变传导作用
  24634. dromotropic effect ==> 变导作用
  24635. drone ==> 无人驾驶飞机,雄蜂,遥控无人驾驶飞机=>無人飛行機,ラジコン飛行機
  24636. drone aircraft ==> 遥控无人驾驶飞机
  24637. drone cell ==> 雄蜂房
  24638. drone destroying ==> 消灭雄蜂
  24639. drone egg ==> 雄性卵
  24640. drone fly ==> 食蚜蝇
  24641. droop ==> 下垂,使下垂=>垂下
  24642. droop birch ==> 欧洲白桦
  24643. droop characteristic ==> 下垂特性(曲线)
  24644. droop governor ==> 下降调速器
  24645. droop line ==> 下降线,垂线
  24646. droop of a set ==> 机组频率静特性,描述发电机出力变化和系统频率变化之间关系的量,是系统频率变化标幺值(△f)/fn和发电机输出功率变化标幺值(△P)/Pn之比
  24647. droop of a system ==> 电力系统频率变化标幺值和对应的系统有功功率需量变化标幺值之比
  24648. droop setter ==> 不等率调整装置
  24649. droop snoot ==> 前缘襟翼
  24650. drooping characteristic ==> 下降特性=>垂下特性
  24651. drooping of the upper eyelids ==> 举抬无力,举抬无力
  24652. drooping wheat grass ==> 下垂冰草
  24653. drop ==> 吊牌,下垂,分出点,跌水,冒出,落,落角间隙,落线,滴,滴剂,吊饰,液滴,拆版,降,降落,枯萎病=>滴,一滴,微量,落下,降下,あめ玉,ドロップ,飾り玉,ドロップキック
  24654. drop (height) ==> 落差
  24655. drop accumulator ==> 滴液聚集器
  24656. drop analysis ==> 点滴分析
  24657. drop annunciator ==> 吊牌通报器,色盘降落信号指示器
  24658. drop arch ==> 垂拱,平圆拱
  24659. drop arm ==> 转向垂臂,操纵杆
  24660. drop away current ==> 脱扣电流
  24661. drop away voltage ==> 脱扣电压
  24662. drop ball ==> 坠锤
  24663. drop band ==> 临产母羊
  24664. drop bar ==> 密封滑板,接地棒=>接地棒
  24665. drop below its current price ==> 時価よりも安い
  24666. drop below par ==> 額面割れ
  24667. drop bolt ==> 活节螺栓
  24668. drop bottle ==> 滴瓶,滴药水瓶
  24669. drop bottle filler ==> 滴剂装瓶机
  24670. drop bottom ==> (锅炉汽包的)活底
  24671. drop box ==> 升降梭箱
  24672. drop box loom ==> 升降梭箱织机
  24673. drop brake ==> 自动下落制动器
  24674. drop bucket ==> 吊斗
  24675. drop catcher ==> 液滴捕集器,捕滴器
  24676. drop ceiling ==> つり天井
  24677. drop center rim ==> 凹槽轮缘,深凹式轮辋
  24678. drop center wheel ==> 凹槽轮
  24679. drop chute ==> 跌水陡槽
  24680. drop circuit ==> 落ち回線
  24681. drop core ==> 下落芯,爬芯
  24682. drop corral ==> 产羔栏,产羔圈
  24683. drop counter ==> 滴剂计数器
  24684. drop curtain ==> 吊幕
  24685. drop delivery ==> 下落输送
  24686. drop detector head ==> 点滴检测器检测头
  24687. drop die ==> 落锤锻模
  24688. drop ell ==> 吊耳L块
  24689. drop energy dissipator ==> 跌水消能工
  24690. drop fault indicator relay ==> 吊牌式故障指示继电器
  24691. drop feed carburizing ==> 滴注式渗碳法
  24692. drop feed lubricator ==> 滴油润滑器
  24693. drop feed oiler ==> 滴油器,滴油式加油器
  24694. drop foot ==> 足下垂
  24695. drop forged shackle ==> 模锻卸扣
  24696. drop forged steel bench vice ==> 锻钢台虎钳
  24697. drop forging ==> 落锤锻造,锤锻
  24698. drop funnel ==> 滴液漏斗
  24699. drop gate ==> 直接成形浇口,直接浇口
  24700. drop gate sluice ==> 吊门水闸
  24701. drop glass ==> 滴瓶
  24702. drop grate ==> 倾卸炉篦,活动炉篦
  24703. drop guide ==> 导料器
  24704. drop guide funnel ==> 导料漏斗
  24705. drop hammer ==> 单作用锤,模锻锤,桩锤,锻锤
  24706. drop hammer die ==> 落锤模
  24707. drop hammer pile driver ==> 落锤式打桩机
  24708. drop hammer stamping ==> 落锤模锻法
  24709. drop hammer tester ==> 落锤试验机
  24710. drop hand ==> 手垂病
  24711. drop hanger ==> 吊钩
  24712. drop hardness test ==> 肖氏硬度试验
  24713. drop head ==> 折叠式车顶
  24714. drop heart ==> 悬垂心
  24715. drop in leaf ==> 活动翻板
  24716. drop in pressure ==> 压力降低
  24717. drop in pressure head ==> 压强水头差降
  24718. drop in temperature ==> 降温
  24719. drop in test array ==> 薄片上的测试阵列
  24720. drop in test group ==> 薄片上的测试芯片组
  24721. drop indicator ==> 吊牌指示器
  24722. drop inlet ==> 跌落式进水口,跌水进口
  24723. drop lifter ==> 升降钩
  24724. drop light ==> 吊牌
  24725. drop lock clause ==> 降低锁住条款
  24726. drop lubrication ==> 滴油润滑,滴油润滑法,液滴润滑
  24727. drop lubricator ==> 滴油器,滴油润滑器
  24728. drop manhole ==> 跌水窨井
  24729. drop meter ==> 滴量计
  24730. drop model of nucleus ==> 核的液滴模型
  24731. drop monkey ==> 模锻活扳手,模锻件活板车
  24732. drop number ==> 跌水系数
  24733. drop number method ==> 量滴数法
  24734. drop of blood pressure ==> 血压下降
  24735. drop of potential ==> 电位降,电压降
  24736. drop of pressure ==> 压降
  24737. drop of temperature ==> 温度降落
  24738. drop of the flame ==> 火焰缩短
  24739. drop of voltage ==> 电压降
  24740. drop off voltage ==> 跌落电压
  24741. drop oiler ==> 滴油器
  24742. drop ornament ==> 吊饰
  24743. drop out ==> (信息)漏失
  24744. drop out colour ==> 打印油色
  24745. drop out line ==> 紧急放空线,排泄线
  24746. drop out==to drop out==dropout==to drop-off (drop-out) ==> ドロップアウト, self-disconnection due to supply characteristics out of design limits.
  24747. drop panel ==> (在无梁楼盖结构中围绕柱顶加厚的托板)无梁楼盖托板
  24748. drop pen ==> 点圆规
  24749. drop pile-hammer ==> 打桩的落锤
  24750. drop pit ==> 跌水坑
  24751. drop plate planter ==> 盘式播种机
  24752. drop point ==> 滴点,下降点
  24753. drop press ==> 落锤,模锻压机,模锻压力机
  24754. drop print ==> 下落芯头
  24755. drop reaction ==> 点滴反应
  24756. drop recorder ==> 计滴器
  24757. drop relay ==> 吊牌继电器,脱扣继电器
  24758. drop repeater ==> 分转站,分接中继器,本地端接中继器
  24759. drop rod ==> 滴药棒
  24760. drop scenery ==> 吊景
  24761. drop shaft ==> 倾卸轴,跌水竖井,溜井,自重运输井筒
  24762. drop shipper ==> 出口中间商,向厂商直接进货的零售商
  24763. drop shop ==> 锻工车间
  24764. drop shutter ==> 快门
  24765. drop shutter test ==> 坠落试验
  24766. drop siding ==> 互搭板
  24767. drop size meter ==> 滴谱仪
  24768. drop sorter ==> 降落式选材装置
  24769. drop spillway ==> 跌水式溢洪道
  24770. drop stage ==> 升降舞台
  24771. drop stamp ==> 落锤
  24772. drop stamping ==> 落锤锻造,热冲压
  24773. drop stone ==> (钟乳状方解石)滴石
  24774. drop strength ==> 落下强度
  24775. drop tank ==> 副油箱
  24776. drop test ==> 下坠测试,跌落试验,抛掷法试验,电压降试验,锤击试验,落锤试验,降落伞投下试验,降压试验
  24777. drop testing machine ==> 冲击试验机
  24778. drop the business ==> 放弃交易
  24779. drop tracery ==> 下错窗
  24780. drop transfer ==> 熔滴过渡
  24781. drop valve ==> 落阀,落座配汽阀
  24782. drop valve gear ==> 坠阀装置
  24783. drop vlave engine ==> 带配汽阀蒸汽机
  24784. drop wagon ==> 母仔车
  24785. drop weight ==> 落锤
  24786. drop weight apparatus ==> 滴重器
  24787. drop weight test ==> 落球锤试验
  24788. drop well ==> 跌水井
  24789. drop wire ==> 用户引入线,停经片=>引込線
  24790. drop wire clamp ==> 分线接线柱
  24791. drop worm ==> 落蜗杆
  24792. drop(-board) hammer ==> 落锤
  24793. DROP, liquid droplet radiator ==> 液体飛沫放熱器
  24794. drop-away current ==> 落下電流
  24795. drop-away voltage ==> 释放电压
  24796. drop-bar grizzly ==> 离合棒条筛
  24797. drop-bottom bucket ==> 活低式料斗
  24798. drop-bottom car ==> 底卸式矿车
  24799. drop-dead halt ==> 完全停机
  24800. drop-dead halt(ing) ==> 死循环
  24801. drop-down ==> ドロップダウン
  24802. drop-down section ==> 跌水段
  24803. drop-end car ==> 前卸式矿车,活前板料车
  24804. drop-error ==> 抛弃的错误
  24805. drop-forged ==> 落锻
  24806. drop-forging ==> 落锻,模锻件
  24807. drop-forging die ==> 落锻钢模
  24808. drop-frame trailer ==> 低架拖车
  24809. drop-hanger ==> 吊钩,架空传动吊架
  24810. drop-hanger frame ==> 吊架
  24811. drop-heart ==> 心脏下垂
  24812. drop-hole ==> (多膛焙烧炉内的)落砂孔
  24813. drop-impact penetrometer ==> 锤击贯入仪
  24814. drop-in ==> 冒出,混入信息=>ドロップイン
  24815. drop-in winding ==> 落入式绕组
  24816. drop-inlet dam ==> 跌水进口涵洞式土坝
  24817. drop-lock bond ==> 保息债券
  24818. drop-lock bonds ==> 自变息债券
  24819. drop-machine brick ==> 冲压机制砖
  24820. drop-machine silica brick ==> 冲压成形的硅砖
  24821. drop-method ==> 垂滴法,滴入法
  24822. drop-off ==> 流出,脱离
  24823. drop-off to pick-up ratio ==> 返回系数,继电器返回系数
  24824. drop-out ==> 失步,回动,漏失
  24825. drop-out (drop out) ==> 漏失信息,丢失,丢失信息
  24826. drop-out count ==> 丢失总数
  24827. drop-out current ==> 下降电流,开断电流,去励磁电流
  24828. drop-out fuse ==> 跌落熔断器,跌落式熔断器,熔体熔断后,载熔件可自动跌落以提供隔离断口的熔断器
  24829. drop-out line ==> 紧急放空线
  24830. drop-out of gear ==> 失啮
  24831. drop-out of step ==> 失步
  24832. drop-out value ==> 回动值
  24833. drop-out voltage ==> 去励磁电压,开断电压,灭磁电压
  24834. drop-pipe ==> 下悬喷管
  24835. drop-point slating ==> 对角铺瓦做法
  24836. drop-proof type motor ==> 防滴水式电动机
  24837. drop-side ==> 侧卸的
  24838. drop-size distribution ==> 滴谱
  24839. drop-testing machine ==> 落锤试验机
  24840. drop-type broad caster ==> 下排式撒播器
  24841. drop-weight method ==> 滴重法
  24842. drophead ==> 活动车篷汽车(美作:convertible)
  24843. dropleaf table ==> 活板桌
  24844. droplet ==> 液滴
  24845. droplet infection ==> 飞沫传染
  24846. droplet nuclel ==> 飞沫核
  24847. droplet separator ==> 分滴器
  24848. droplet transmission ==> 飞沫传播
  24849. droplet under finish ==> 瓶口下液滴
  24850. dropout ==> 信号丢失,回动,信息失落=>ドロップアウト
  24851. dropout characteristic ==> 脱落特性
  24852. dropout current ==> 释放电流
  24853. dropout error ==> 遗失误差
  24854. dropout fuse ==> 跳开式熔断器,跳升式熔断器
  24855. dropout ratio ==> ドロップアウト比
  24856. dropout time ==> 回动时间,释放时间=>ドロップアウト時間,釈放時間
  24857. dropout value ==> 释放参数=>復旧値
  24858. dropout voltage ==> 回动电压=>the voltage at which a device will release to its deenergized position, caused by a special self-protection built-in feature.
  24859. droppable landing gear ==> 可放下的起落架
  24860. dropped beat ==> 脱漏搏动
  24861. dropped bottom ==> 瓶底下沉
  24862. dropped elbow ==> 肘下垂
  24863. dropped throat ==> 沉降式流液洞
  24864. dropped-beat pulse ==> 脉搏短绌
  24865. dropper ==> 吊线=>ドロッパ
  24866. dropper box ==> 升降梭箱
  24867. dropping ==> 艏落
  24868. dropping angle ==> 投弹角
  24869. dropping board ==> (鸡舍)粪板
  24870. dropping board scraper ==> 除粪机,耙粪器
  24871. dropping bottle ==> 滴管式给药机,滴瓶
  24872. dropping characteristic ==> 下降特性
  24873. dropping electrode ==> 滴液电极
  24874. dropping equipment ==> 降压装置
  24875. dropping fraction ==> 漏片
  24876. dropping funnel ==> 滴液漏斗
  24877. dropping in hill ==> 穴播
  24878. dropping incidence of disease ==> 发病率降低
  24879. dropping liquid ==> 滴液
  24880. dropping mercury electrode ==> 滴汞电极
  24881. dropping of blossoms ==> 落花
  24882. dropping pipette ==> 滴液吸移管
  24883. dropping pit ==> 粪沟,粪坑
  24884. dropping point ==> 滴点,初馏点
  24885. dropping point thermometer ==> 滴落点温度计
  24886. dropping rate of insect ==> 虫口减退率
  24887. dropping resistor ==> 降压电阻
  24888. dropping shed ==> 产羔羊舍
  24889. dropping tube ==> 滴管
  24890. dropping valve ==> 降压阀
  24891. dropping vessel ==> 滴皿
  24892. dropping voltage generator ==> 降压特性振荡器
  24893. dropping-mercury electrode ==> 滴汞电极
  24894. droppings ==> 滴下物
  24895. drops ==> 冷珠,铁豆
  24896. dropsonde ==> 下投式探空仪
  24897. dropsy ==> 浮肿,水肿,积水,积液
  24898. dropsy of serous cavity ==> 浆膜腔积液
  24899. dropwise condensation ==> 珠状凝结,滴状凝结
  24900. drosal part ==> 背侧部
  24901. drosometer ==> 露量表,露量器
  24902. dross ==> 浮渣
  24903. dross coal ==> 渣煤
  24904. dross extractor ==> 撇渣器,清渣器
  24905. dross filter ==> 滤网,滤渣芯片
  24906. dross hole ==> 出渣口
  24907. dross inclusion ==> 夹杂物
  24908. dross spot ==> 锡渣
  24909. dross trap ==> 集浮渣器,浮渣捕集器,撇渣,扒渣
  24910. drossing ==> 撇渣
  24911. drought disater control forest ==> 防旱林
  24912. drought enduring plant ==> 耐旱植物
  24913. drought forecast ==> 旱情预报
  24914. drought hardening ==> 干旱锻炼
  24915. drought hardiness ==> 耐旱性
  24916. drought index ==> 干燥指标
  24917. drought meadow ==> 旱草甸
  24918. drought period ==> 旱期,干旱期,枯水期
  24919. drought resistance ==> 抗旱性
  24920. drought ring ==> 旱轮
  24921. drought season ==> 渇水期
  24922. drought-resistant crop ==> 抗旱作物
  24923. Drouily's method ==> 德劳利控制电解粉末粒度法,控制电解粉末粒度法
  24924. drove work ==> 宽凿工
  24925. drow-out type ==> 引出形
  24926. drown ==> 溺れ死ぬ
  24927. drowned coast ==> 淹没岸,沉溺岸,溺岸
  24928. drowned estuary ==> 沉没河口
  24929. drowned lime ==> 消石灰
  24930. drowned longitudinal coast ==> 沉溺纵向海岸
  24931. drowned pump ==> 沉没式泵,潜水泵
  24932. drowned river ==> 沉溺河
  24933. drowned river mouth ==> 沉没河口,沉溺河口,河口湾
  24934. drowned shoreline ==> 沉溺岸线
  24935. drowned stream ==> 沉溺河
  24936. drowned valley ==> 沉没谷,沉没河谷,溺谷
  24937. DRP, demand response program ==> 需要反応プログラム
  24938. DRS, Data Relay Satellite ==> データ中継衛星(欧州)
  24939. DRS, data relay satellite ==> DRS
  24940. DRSR, direct readout scanning radiometer ==> 直接受信走査放射計
  24941. DRSS, Data Relay Satellite System ==> データ中継衛星システム(欧州)
  24942. DRSS, digital range safety system ==> 計数式射場安全システム
  24943. DRTS ==> こだま,静止軌道上のデータ中継技術衛星
  24944. DRTS, Data Relay Test Satellite ==> データ中継技術衛星(日本)
  24945. DRTSS, Data Relay Test Satellite System ==> データ中継技術衛星システム(日本)
  24946. DRU, depot replaceable unit ==> 貯蔵物移動装置
  24947. Drude equation ==> 德鲁特定律
  24948. Drude law ==> 德鲁特定律
  24949. Drude'theory of conduction ==> 德鲁特传导理论
  24950. drug ==> 难销货物,药,药品,药物,麻醉品
  24951. drug abuse ==> 药物滥用,滥用药物
  24952. drug action ==> 药效
  24953. drug addiction ==> 药瘾
  24954. drug allergy ==> 药烦,药物变态反应,药物过敏
  24955. drug anaphylactic reaction ==> 药物性过敏反应
  24956. drug anaphylactic shock ==> 药物过敏性休克
  24957. drug anasthesia ==> 药物麻醉
  24958. drug and hospital equipment store ==> 医药用品商店
  24959. drug and medicine ==> 成药
  24960. drug beetle ==> 药谷温
  24961. drug control ==> 麻醉品管制
  24962. drug crop ==> 药用植物学
  24963. drug dependence ==> 药物依赖(性),药瘾,赖药性
  24964. drug design ==> 药物设计
  24965. drug discovery ==> 創薬
  24966. drug discovery research ==> 創薬研究
  24967. drug distribution ==> 药物分布
  24968. drug effect ==> 药效
  24969. drug effect classification ==> 药效分类
  24970. drug enhancing the efficacy of medicine ==> 引子
  24971. drug enteritis ==> 药物性肠炎
  24972. drug eruption ==> 药疹,疹子型药物皮炎
  24973. drug fastness ==> 抗药性=>薬剤耐性
  24974. drug fatality ==> 药物致死
  24975. drug fetus damage ==> 药物致胎儿损伤
  24976. drug fever ==> 药物热
  24977. drug hepatitis ==> 药物性肝炎
  24978. drug identification ==> 药物鉴定
  24979. drug idiosyncrasy ==> 对药物的特异反应
  24980. drug impurity ==> 药物不纯
  24981. drug induced sleep ==> 药物睡眠
  24982. drug induction ==> 药物引产
  24983. Drug Information System ==> 药物信息系统
  24984. drug interaction ==> 药物相互作用
  24985. drug intoxication ==> 药物中毒
  24986. drug isolation ==> 药物分离
  24987. drug jaundice ==> 药物性黄疸
  24988. drug latentiation ==> 药物潜效化
  24989. drug legislation ==> 药物注册
  24990. drug localization ==> 药物定位(作用)
  24991. drug metabolic enzyme ==> 药物代谢酶
  24992. drug metabolic rate ==> 药物代谢速率
  24993. drug metabolism ==> 药物代谢
  24994. drug metabolizing enzyme ==> 药酶
  24995. drug myopathy ==> 药物性肌病
  24996. drug offences ==> 贩毒品罪
  24997. drug plant ==> 药用植物
  24998. drug poisoning ==> 药物中毒
  24999. drug prophylaxis ==> 预防服药
  25000. drug psychosis ==> 药物性神经病
  25001. drug rash ==> 药疹
  25002. drug reaction ==> 药物反应
  25003. drug resistance ==> 药物抗性,耐药性,抗药性=>薬剤耐性
  25004. drug resistance mutation ==> 薬剤耐性突然変異
  25005. drug screening method ==> 药物筛选法
  25006. drug screening test ==> 药物筛选试验
  25007. drug sensitive test ==> 药敏试验
  25008. drug sensitivity ==> 药物过敏性
  25009. drug sensitivity test ==> 药物过敏试验,药物敏感试验
  25010. drug sieve ==> 药物筛
  25011. drug specifications ==> 药品规格
  25012. drug standard ==> 药品标准
  25013. drug storage(store) ==> 药品库
  25014. drug store ==> 药店,药房
  25015. drug tolerance ==> 耐药性,抗药性=>薬剤耐性
  25016. drug toxicity ==> 药物毒性
  25017. drug trade ==> 贩毒
  25018. drug transport ==> 药物转运
  25019. drug-addict ==> 药瘾者
  25020. drug-cup roto ==> ドラグカップ回転子
  25021. drug-dependent formation ==> 薬物依存性形成
  25022. drug-discovery effort ==> 創薬努力
  25023. drug-effect latentiation ==> 药效潜伏化
  25024. drug-fast ==> 耐药的,抗药的
  25025. drug-fast bacteria ==> 耐药菌
  25026. drug-habit ==> 药瘾
  25027. drug-induced conjunctivitis ==> 药物性结膜炎
  25028. drug-induced hemolytic anemia ==> 药物性溶血性贫血
  25029. drug-induced hyperthyroidism ==> 药原性甲亢
  25030. drug-induced hypoglycemia ==> 药原性低血糖症
  25031. drug-induced jaundice ==> 药物性黄疸
  25032. drug-induced lupoid syndrome ==> 药物诱发狼疮样综合征
  25033. drug-induced ulcer ==> 药物性溃疡
  25034. drug-resistance factor ==> 耐药因子
  25035. drug-resistant ==> 耐药的,抗药的
  25036. drug-resistant organism ==> 薬剤耐性細菌
  25037. drug-resistant strain ==> 耐药菌株
  25038. drug-ridden treatment ==> 過剰医療
  25039. drug-tolerant pulmonary tuberculosis ==> 耐药性肺结核病
  25040. drug-use case ==> 薬物使用事件
  25041. drugget ==> 棉毛混纺地毯粗绒毯
  25042. drugs for regulating blood conditions ==> 理血药
  25043. drugs for tonifying Qi and blood ==> 补益气血药
  25044. drugs with potent action ==> 药性烈
  25045. drum ==> 鼓,鼓轮,鼓盘,鼓式容器,鼓形柱座,鼓状物,光电鼓,柱状物,卷筒,磁鼓,圆鼓屋顶,圆筒,小炉口,汽包,耳鼓,锅筒,又称"汽包"。水管锅炉中用以进行蒸汽净化、组成水循环回路和蓄存锅水的筒形压力容器=>ドラム
  25046. drum armature ==> 鼓形电枢,鼓形绕线电枢
  25047. drum axle ==> 鼓轮轴
  25048. drum back-sight mechanism ==> 鼓形表尺
  25049. drum boiler ==> 鼓筒式锅炉,汽包锅炉,锅筒锅炉,又称"汽包锅炉"。带有锅筒并用以构成循环回路的水管锅炉=>ドラムボイラー
  25050. drum brake ==> 鼓式制动器,鼓形制动器
  25051. drum buffer ==> 磁鼓缓冲器
  25052. drum buffer clear ==> 磁鼓缓冲器清除
  25053. drum cam ==> 凸轮轴,鼓形凸轮,柱形凸轮
  25054. drum camera ==> 鼓轮摄影机,鼓轮式摄影机
  25055. drum capacity ==> 磁鼓容量
  25056. drum cell ==> 鼓形电池
  25057. drum cobber ==> 圆筒选矿机
  25058. drum controller ==> 磁鼓控制器,鼓形控制器=>ドラム制御器
  25059. drum conveyer ==> 滚筒式升运器
  25060. drum cooler ==> 鼓式冷却机,冷却鼓
  25061. drum cutter ==> 滚筒式切料机
  25062. drum cylinder crystallizer ==> 圆筒式结晶器
  25063. drum dial ==> 鼓形度盘,鼓形刻度盘
  25064. drum diameter ==> 卷筒槽径
  25065. drum digger ==> 滚筒式挖掘机
  25066. drum digit path ==> 磁鼓数字道
  25067. drum disk rectifier ==> 鼓形干式整流器
  25068. drum drier ==> 鼓式干燥器,滚筒干燥机
  25069. drum drive ==> 滚筒驱动装置,磁鼓驱动器=>ドラム駆動機構
  25070. drum driver ==> 磁鼓驱动器
  25071. drum dryer ==> 滚筒干燥器,筒式干燥器
  25072. drum dump ==> 磁鼓读出,磁鼓信息读出,磁鼓信息印出,磁鼓印出
  25073. drum elevator ==> 滚筒式升运器
  25074. drum end ==> 汽包封头
  25075. drum erection ==> 锅筒就位,新安装的锅炉在整套启动前或锅炉大修后,在热态下,蒸汽升压到工作压力的过程中,在1个中间压力和工作压力两点,对锅炉各承压部件进行全面检查,以确认不存在泄漏、膨胀过度或受阻等缺陷。
  25076. drum feed beater ==> 滚筒喂入轮
  25077. drum feeder ==> 筒式给料机,鼓式加料机
  25078. drum filter ==> 圆筒过滤机,鼓式过滤机
  25079. drum float ==> 鼓形浮标
  25080. drum furnace ==> 鼓形炉,圆筒炉
  25081. drum gate ==> 圆闸门,滚筒式闸门,鼓形闸门,闸门与铰设在上游,门体三面及两端都镶有面板,形成一个封闭体,它为扇形闸门中的一种
  25082. drum gear ==> 转鼓齿轮
  25083. drum granulator ==> 鼓式粒化器
  25084. drum guide ==> 磁鼓导引装置
  25085. drum head ==> 磁鼓磁头,汽包封头
  25086. drum heater ==> 鼓式加热器
  25087. drum high voltage ceramic capacitor ==> 鼓形压瓷电容器
  25088. drum hob ==> 弧形齿顶花键滚刀
  25089. drum hoist ==> 滚筒式绞车,卷筒提升机,卷筒提升机
  25090. drum index ==> 转鼓试验强度
  25091. drum information assembler and dispatcher ==> 磁鼓式信息收发器,磁鼓信息收集和分配器
  25092. drum insulator ==> 鼓形绝缘子
  25093. drum interface ==> 磁鼓接口
  25094. drum internals ==> 汽包内部装置,锅筒内部装置,锅筒内饱和蒸汽溶解硅酸盐等使蒸汽染污的现象。SiO2携带系数为饱和蒸汽中所溶解的硅酸盐含量与锅水中硅酸盐含量的百分比。
  25095. drum ironelectric porcelain capacitor ==> 鼓形铁电瓷介质电容器
  25096. drum jacket ==> 鼓轮套
  25097. drum ladle ==> 封闭式金属桶
  25098. drum latency time ==> 磁鼓等待时间
  25099. drum lathe ==> 回轮车床
  25100. drum length of cable ==> ドラム長(ケーブル)
  25101. drum lens ==> 鼓形透镜
  25102. drum line printer ==> 鼓式宽行打印机
  25103. drum manhole ==> 汽包观察孔
  25104. drum mark ==> 磁鼓标记,磁鼓记录终端标记
  25105. drum membrane ==> 鼓膜
  25106. drum memory ==> 磁鼓,磁鼓存储器,存储磁鼓
  25107. drum mill ==> 滚筒式磨机
  25108. drum miller ==> 鼓形铣床
  25109. drum milling machine ==> 鼓形铣床
  25110. drum mixer ==> 鼓式混合机,鼓筒式拌和机
  25111. drum motor ==> 鼓形电动机
  25112. drum movement ==> 鼓钟机心
  25113. drum number ==> 磁鼓号,磁鼓号数
  25114. drum of dome ==> 圆鼓屋顶
  25115. drum of mixer ==> 搅拌鼓
  25116. drum of winch ==> 绞车绕索筒
  25117. drum operation system ==> 磁鼓操作系统
  25118. drum packager ==> 滚筒式包装机
  25119. drum parity ==> 磁鼓的奇偶检查,磁鼓奇偶检查
  25120. drum parity error ==> 磁鼓奇偶错
  25121. drum pelletizer ==> 圆筒制粒机
  25122. drum plotter ==> 鼓式绘图机,滚筒绘图机,滚筒式绘图机=>ドラム作図装置
  25123. drum pressure ==> 汽包压力
  25124. drum printer ==> 鼓形打印机
  25125. drum processor ==> 鼓轮型洗片机
  25126. drum pulse ==> 磁鼓脉冲脉宽调制
  25127. drum pump ==> 回转泵,回转式泵
  25128. drum reactor ==> 鼓式反应器
  25129. drum recorder ==> 鼓形记录仪,鼓记录器,鼓式记录器,鼓形记录器,磁鼓记录器
  25130. drum reel ==> 筒式卷取机,筒式卷绕机
  25131. drum rim ==> 制动鼓缘圈,胎压条
  25132. drum roller ==> 滚筒式碾压机,滚筒式压路机
  25133. drum roller bearing ==> 鼓形滚柱轴承
  25134. drum rolling ==> 滚筒压平
  25135. drum rotor ==> 鼓筒式转子,鼓形转子,又称“转鼓”。反动式汽轮机采用的呈鼓形的转子体
  25136. drum sander ==> 鼓形磨床,鼓形磨光机,辊式磨光机,滚筒式砂光机,砂鼓磨床
  25137. drum sanding ==> 辊筒磨光
  25138. drum scanner ==> 鼓形扫描器,鼓形扫描设备
  25139. drum screen ==> 鼓形筛,滚动筛
  25140. drum separator ==> 鼓式分离器,筒式选矿机
  25141. drum separator with counter-rotating magnet ==> 反转磁铁筒式磁选机
  25142. drum servo ==> 鼓形伺服机构
  25143. drum setting-out machine ==> 鼓型平展机
  25144. drum shaft ==> 成型鼓主轴,绞筒轴,滚筒轴
  25145. drum shears ==> 滚筒式剪切机
  25146. drum shell ==> 汽包筒身,鼓形壳
  25147. drum shutter ==> 鼓形光闸
  25148. drum slicer ==> 鼓式切片机
  25149. drum sluice ==> 鼓形泄水闸门
  25150. drum snader ==> 鼓形磨床
  25151. drum sorter ==> 磁鼓分类程序
  25152. drum sorting ==> 磁鼓分类,磁鼓分类程序,磁鼓排序
  25153. drum speed ==> 磁鼓速度脉宽调制器
  25154. drum spline ==> 弧形齿顶花键滚刀
  25155. drum spline hob ==> 弧形齿顶花键滚刀
  25156. drum starter ==> 鼓形起动器
  25157. drum steam generator ==> 汽包式蒸汽锅炉
  25158. drum stick ==> 鼓槌
  25159. drum stick nuclear appendage of leucocytes ==> 白细胞核棘突鼓锤小体
  25160. drum storage ==> 磁鼓,磁鼓存储器
  25161. drum strength ==> 转鼓强度
  25162. drum stub ==> 汽包管接头
  25163. drum switch ==> 鼓形开关=>ドラムスイッチ
  25164. drum tape system ==> 鼓带系统
  25165. drum test ==> 转鼓试验
  25166. drum timer ==> ドラム式タイマ
  25167. drum transaction ==> 磁鼓更新
  25168. drum transmitter ==> 鼓形发送器
  25169. drum trap ==> 鼓式存水弯,鼓式凝气阀
  25170. drum turbine ==> 鼓形涡轮机
  25171. drum type coiler ==> 筒式卷取机
  25172. drum type concrete mixer ==> 鼓形混凝土拌合机
  25173. drum type decoiler ==> 卷筒式开卷机
  25174. drum type ladle ==> 鼓形浇包
  25175. drum type pouring ladle ==> 鼓形浇包
  25176. drum type register ==> 現字形計量装置
  25177. drum type rotor ==> 鼓形转子
  25178. drum type shears ==> 滚筒式剪切机
  25179. drum type turret lathe ==> 回轮式六角车床
  25180. drum type vacuum filter ==> 转鼓式真空过滤机
  25181. drum unit ==> 磁鼓机
  25182. drum vacuum filter ==> 圆筒真空过滤机,鼓式真空过滤机
  25183. drum valve ==> 鼓形阀
  25184. drum washer ==> 鼓式洗涤机,圆筒洗矿机
  25185. drum washing machine ==> 鼓式洗涤机
  25186. drum water circulation boiler ==> 缶水循環ボイラ
  25187. drum water meter ==> 鼓式水表
  25188. drum weir ==> 鼓形闸门堰
  25189. drum wheel ==> 鼓轮
  25190. drum winder ==> 圆筒络纱机,滚筒式提升机
  25191. drum winding ==> 鼓形绕组=>鼓状巻
  25192. drum with jacket ==> 带有夹套的容器
  25193. drum with pins ==> 钉齿式滚筒
  25194. drum with rasp bars ==> 纹杆滚筒
  25195. drum worm wheel ==> 鼓形蜗杆蜗轮
  25196. drum's speed of rotation ==> 球磨机转速
  25197. drum-head ==> 鼓轮盖
  25198. drum-oriented system ==> 面向磁鼓的系统
  25199. drum-shaped column ==> 鼓形柱
  25200. drum-shaped column base ==> 鼓形柱座
  25201. drum-to-rope ratio ==> 绞筒钢丝绳直径比
  25202. drum-type ==> 滚筒式
  25203. drum-type boiler ==> 弯管锅炉
  25204. drum-type building machine ==> 鼓式胎成形机
  25205. drum-type cast coater ==> 鼓式涂铸机
  25206. drum-type drawbench ==> 鼓式拉拔机
  25207. drum-type flying shears ==> 鼓轮式飞剪机
  25208. drum-type hay loader ==> 滚筒式装干草机
  25209. drum-type heat exchanger ==> 圆筒式热交换器
  25210. drum-type indicater ==> 鼓形指示器
  25211. drum-type milling ==> 鼓形铣床
  25212. drum-type milling machine ==> 鼓形铣床
  25213. drum-type pickler ==> 滚筒式酸洗装置
  25214. drum-type pickling machine ==> 滚筒式酸洗机
  25215. drum-type pickup ==> 滚筒式捡拾器
  25216. drum-type potato sorter ==> 滚筒式马铃薯分级机
  25217. drum-type root cutter ==> 滚筒式块根切碎机
  25218. drum-type rubber damper ==> 鼓形橡胶减振器
  25219. drum-type shears ==> 滚筒式剪切机
  25220. drum-type spindle ==> 滚筒式摘锭
  25221. drum-type spindle picker ==> 滚筒锭式采棉机,滚筒摘锭式采棉机
  25222. drum-type starter ==> 鼓式启动器
  25223. drum-type stripper ==> 滚筒脱模机
  25224. drum-type swath aerator ==> 滚筒式条铺摊晒通风机
  25225. drum-type tow dryer ==> 鼓式丝束烘燥机
  25226. drum-type turret lathe ==> 回转式六角车床
  25227. drum-type uncoiler ==> 鼓轮式开卷机
  25228. drum-type vacuum filter ==> 鼓式真空过滤机
  25229. drum-type vulcanizing press ==> 鼓式硫化机
  25230. drum-wound armature ==> 鼓形绕线电枢
  25231. Drumm accumulator ==> 德鲁姆蓄电池
  25232. drumming noise ==> 振动噪声
  25233. drumstick finger ==> 杵状指
  25234. drumstick toe ==> 杵状趾
  25235. drumtype coiler ==> 筒式卷取机,筒式卷绕机
  25236. drumtype shears ==> 滚筒式剪切机
  25237. drunken saw ==> 切槽锯,宽口圆锯,摇摆锯
  25238. drunken saw blade ==> 斜轴锯
  25239. drunken sawing machine ==> 切槽锯床
  25240. drunken thread ==> 不规则螺纹,周期变距螺纹
  25241. drunkness error ==> 螺纹导程周期误差
  25242. drusy structure ==> 晶簇结构,晶簇状构造
  25243. DRV, driver ==> ドライバー
  25244. DRVR, driver ==> 励振器
  25245. DRVTR, data recording video tape recorder ==> データ記録ビデオテープレコーダ
  25246. drwing list ==> 图纸编目
  25247. dry ==> 干的,干燥,干燥的,烘干=>ドライ
  25248. dry [air] cooling steam turbine ==> 空冷式汽轮机组,采用空气冷却排汽或排汽冷却水的汽轮机
  25249. dry abrasive cloth ==> 干磨砂布
  25250. dry abrasive cutting ==> 干磨削
  25251. dry abrasive paper ==> 干磨砂纸
  25252. dry accumulator ==> 干电池
  25253. dry acid ==> 干酸
  25254. dry adsorption ==> 干吸附
  25255. dry air ==> 干空气=>ドライエア,乾燥空気
  25256. dry air blast ==> 干燥送风
  25257. dry air filter ==> 干式空气过滤器
  25258. dry air insulated switchgear ==> ドライエア絶縁スイッチギャ
  25259. dry air insulation ==> ドライエア絶縁
  25260. dry analysis ==> 干法试验,干分析
  25261. dry and brittle ==> 干脆
  25262. dry and wet bulb psychrometer ==> 干湿球湿度计
  25263. dry and wet bulb thermometer ==> 干湿球湿度计
  25264. dry annealing ==> 干式回火
  25265. dry applicator ==> 厩肥施肥机,厩肥施肥机
  25266. dry arch ==> 防潮基拱
  25267. dry arcing distance ==> 干弧距离
  25268. dry area ==> 房基通风井,采光井
  25269. dry ash ==> 干灰,固态渣
  25270. dry ash extraction ==> 固态排渣
  25271. dry ash furnace ==> 固态排渣炉膛
  25272. dry ash handling ==> 干除灰,锅炉中燃料燃烧产生的灰和渣在收集、输送和储存的过程中不加入水,而保持干燥状态的除灰方法
  25273. dry ash removal ==> 干式除灰
  25274. dry ash-free basis ==> 干燥无灰基,以假想无水、无灰状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准,无灰干基
  25275. dry ashing ==> 干灰化
  25276. dry assay ==> 干法化验
  25277. dry automatic sprinkler system ==> 干式自动喷水系统
  25278. dry avalanche ==> 干雪崩
  25279. dry back boiler ==> 背包式锅炉
  25280. dry bag ==> 干袋
  25281. dry bag isostatic compacting press ==> 干袋等静压机
  25282. dry bag isostatic pressing ==> 干袋法等静压成形
  25283. dry bag tooling ==> 干袋模具
  25284. dry band ==> 成年母羊群,无羔单位羊群,怀胎羊数
  25285. dry basal rot ==> 茎基干腐病
  25286. dry basin ==> 干旱盆地
  25287. dry basis ==> 干基准,干燥质,折干计算,按干物质计算,干[燥]基,以假想无水状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准
  25288. dry batched concrete ==> 干拌合混凝土
  25289. dry battery ==> 干电池,干电池组
  25290. dry beach ==> 干海滩
  25291. dry bearing ==> 干轴承
  25292. dry bed ==> 干河床
  25293. dry beriberi ==> 干性脚气病
  25294. dry blast ==> 鼓风
  25295. dry blast cleaning ==> 干喷砂清洗
  25296. dry blowing ==> 干蒸,风选
  25297. dry body ==> 干坯
  25298. dry body strength ==> 干坯强度
  25299. dry bond ==> 干强度
  25300. dry bond macadam ==> 干结碎石路
  25301. dry bond strength ==> 干粘结强度
  25302. dry bottom ==> 冷灰斗,固态排渣炉底
  25303. dry bottom boiler ==> 干底锅炉
  25304. dry bottom hopper ==> 冷灰斗
  25305. dry bottom producer ==> 干底发生器
  25306. dry box ==> 干燥箱
  25307. dry brick building ==> 干打垒
  25308. dry bridge ==> 跨线桥
  25309. dry brush ==> 干笔
  25310. dry bulb ==> 干球
  25311. dry bulb thermometer ==> 干球水银温度计,干球温度表
  25312. dry bulk density ==> 干容重
  25313. dry burning coal ==> 低级的不结块煤
  25314. dry calorimeter ==> 干式量热器
  25315. dry card compass ==> 干罗盘
  25316. dry cargo ==> 干货
  25317. dry caries ==> 干性骨疽
  25318. dry casting ==> 干铸法
  25319. dry cell ==> 干电池=>乾電池
  25320. dry centrifugal collector ==> 干式离心除尘器
  25321. dry chemical extinguisher ==> 干化学灭水器
  25322. dry chemical extinguishing method ==> 干式化学灭火法
  25323. dry chemical fire extinguisher ==> 化学干式灭火器
  25324. dry chemical sonde ==> 干式化学探空仪
  25325. dry chemistry ==> 干式化学处理
  25326. dry cherries ==> 乾燥チェリー
  25327. dry cholera ==> 暴发性霍乱
  25328. dry churn ==> 干法黄化鼓
  25329. dry cleaner ==> 干洗机,干洗剂
  25330. dry cleaning ==> 干式净化
  25331. dry cleaning agent ==> 干洗剂
  25332. dry cleaning detergent ==> 干洗剂
  25333. dry climate ==> 干燥气候
  25334. dry closure ==> 干封器
  25335. dry clutch ==> 干式离合器
  25336. dry coal ==> 干煤
  25337. dry column-packing ==> 干法装柱
  25338. dry combustion chamber boiler ==> 干燃膛锅炉
  25339. dry combustion method ==> 干烧法
  25340. dry compacted weight ==> 密实干重
  25341. dry compression test ==> 干压强度试验
  25342. dry concentration ==> 干选
  25343. dry concrete ==> 干硬性混凝土,坍落度为零的混凝土拌和物,其流动性用工作度(V.B值)表示,即拌和物在测定仪内摊平振实所需时间的秒数表示,一般为30s以上
  25344. dry condensate return ==> 干式冷凝回水
  25345. dry condenser ==> 干冷凝器,干式电容器,干式聚光器
  25346. dry connection ==> 干接合
  25347. dry consistency ==> 干稠度,干硬度
  25348. dry construction ==> 干地施工,干建造,干式预制装配构造,干作业施工
  25349. dry construction partition ==> 干作业隔断
  25350. dry contact ==> 干触点,干接触
  25351. dry contact rectifier ==> 干片接触整流器
  25352. dry cooking appliance ==> 干式煮食器具
  25353. dry cooling ==> 干式冷却,干式熄焦
  25354. dry cooling condition ==> 干工况
  25355. dry cooling system ==> 干式冷却系统,用翅片管组成的表面式换热器,以空气为冷却剂,来冷却汽轮机的排汽或凝结排汽的冷却水的整套设施
  25356. dry cooling systems ==> 干式冷却系统
  25357. dry cooling tower ==> 干式冷却塔
  25358. dry copper ==> 干铜,凹铜
  25359. dry core cable ==> 空气纸绝缘电缆
  25360. dry corrosion ==> 干腐蚀,干蚀
  25361. dry cough ==> 干咳,干性咳嗽
  25362. dry course ==> 干底层
  25363. dry cow ==> 干母牛
  25364. dry crankcase ==> 干式曲柄箱
  25365. dry cream ==> 奶油粉
  25366. dry criticality ==> 干临界
  25367. dry crop ==> 旱地作物
  25368. dry crushing mill ==> 干磨碎机,干碎机
  25369. dry cup ==> 干吸杯,火罐
  25370. dry cup type uterine suction bottle ==> 火罐式吸宫瓶
  25371. dry curing ==> 空气养护,干养护
  25372. dry cyanide method ==> 气体氰化法
  25373. dry cyclone ==> 干式旋风分离器
  25374. dry cylinder liner ==> 干式气缸衬套,干式汽缸衬套
  25375. dry damage ==> 旱灾
  25376. dry decatizer ==> 干蒸呢机
  25377. dry delta ==> 冲积扇,冲积锥
  25378. dry density ==> 干密度,干容重
  25379. dry desiccant dehydrator ==> 干燥剂脱水器
  25380. dry development ==> 干式显影
  25381. dry discharge distance ==> 干放电距离
  25382. dry disk clutch ==> 干盘离合器,干盘式离合器
  25383. dry distillation ==> 干馏=>乾留
  25384. dry distillation of coal ==> 煤干馏
  25385. dry distiller ==> 干馏器
  25386. dry distiller's soluble ==> 烧酒糟残液干燥物
  25387. dry divider ==> 干料分流器
  25388. dry dock ==> 干坞
  25389. dry dock keel-block ==> 干船坞龙骨墩
  25390. dry dock lock ==> 干坞坞闸
  25391. dry dock wall ==> 干船坞墙
  25392. dry drawing ==> 干法拉拔
  25393. dry dredger ==> 干式挖泥机,陆地挖泥机
  25394. dry drill method ==> 干钻法
  25395. dry drilling ==> 干式凿岩
  25396. dry drowning ==> 干型溺死
  25397. dry drum ==> 蒸汽鼓
  25398. dry dust collector ==> 干式集尘器
  25399. dry dust removal ==> 干式除尘
  25400. dry earth dredger excavator ==> 多铲式挖掘机
  25401. dry ecthing ==> 干蚀刻
  25402. dry eczema ==> 干性湿疹,干性湿疹
  25403. dry edging ==> 边角缺釉
  25404. dry electrolytic capacitor ==> 干电解电容器
  25405. dry electrolytic rectifier ==> 干电解整流器
  25406. dry electrostatic cleaner ==> 干式静电除尘器
  25407. dry electrostatic copy paper ==> 干法静电复写纸
  25408. dry electrostatic precipitator ==> 干式电滤器,干式静电沉淀器
  25409. dry element air cleaner ==> 干电池空气滤清器
  25410. dry element cell ==> 干电池=>乾電池
  25411. dry elutriation ==> 干淘洗,空气选粒
  25412. dry emulsion ==> 干乳胶
  25413. dry enclosed forced-air-cooled transformer ==> 乾式密閉風冷式変圧器
  25414. dry enclosed self-cooled transformer ==> 幹式密閉自冷式変圧器
  25415. dry end ==> 干端
  25416. dry etching ==> 干腐蚀=>ドライエッチング
  25417. dry etching apparatus ==> 干腐蚀装置
  25418. dry etching reactor ==> 干腐蚀反应器
  25419. dry evaporator ==> 干式蒸发机
  25420. dry ewe ==> 干母羊
  25421. dry excavation ==> 干挖土
  25422. dry expansion evaporator ==> 干膨胀式蒸发器
  25423. dry face ==> 干割面
  25424. dry fallow ==> 干休耕
  25425. dry farm ==> 旱田
  25426. dry farming ==> 旱地耕作,旱地农业,旱作,无溉农业经营
  25427. dry farmland ==> 旱田
  25428. dry feed ==> 干式送料
  25429. dry feed method ==> 干加料法
  25430. dry felt-laying ==> 干铺油毡
  25431. dry film ==> 干膜=>乾燥塗膜
  25432. dry film lubricant ==> 干燥膜润滑剂=>ドライフィルム潤滑剤
  25433. dry film photo processing ==> 干膜抗蚀剂光刻工艺
  25434. dry film photoresist ==> 干膜抗蚀剂
  25435. dry film resist ==> 干膜抗蚀剂
  25436. dry filter ==> 干式过滤器
  25437. dry filter reactor ==> 干式电抗过滤器
  25438. dry finished terne plate ==> 不涂油镀铅锡合金钢板
  25439. dry finishing ==> 干修
  25440. dry flashover test ==> 干闪络试验
  25441. dry flashover voltage ==> 干飞弧电压=>乾燥フラッシオーバ電圧
  25442. dry flax ==> 干亚麻
  25443. dry flock ==> 无羔羊群
  25444. dry flong ==> 干纸型纸
  25445. dry flue gas ==> 干烟气
  25446. dry fluid drive ==> 干液力传动
  25447. dry fodder ==> 干粗饲料
  25448. dry fog ==> 干雾
  25449. dry forest zone ==> 干旱林区
  25450. dry freeze ==> 干冻
  25451. dry friction ==> 干磨擦,干摩擦力,固体摩擦
  25452. dry fruit ==> 干果
  25453. dry fuel basis ==> 干燥基
  25454. dry furnace ==> 烘干炉
  25455. dry galvanizing ==> 干镀锌法,干燥法镀锌
  25456. dry gangrene ==> 干性坏疽,干性坯疽
  25457. dry gas ==> 干煤气,干气=>乾式ガス
  25458. dry gas cleaning ==> 干式除尘
  25459. dry gas compressor ==> 干式气压缩机
  25460. dry gas loss ==> 干烟气热损失
  25461. dry gas meter ==> 干式气体表,干气体计量器,干式煤气表,干式气表
  25462. dry gas purification ==> 干气净化
  25463. dry gas purifier ==> 干气净化器,干燥气体净化器
  25464. dry gas-holder ==> 干式储气柜,干式气柜
  25465. dry glazing ==> 干法施釉
  25466. dry glazing dispenser ==> 干法施釉器
  25467. dry goods ==> 生地
  25468. dry grain ==> 干谷粒
  25469. dry granular ==> (一种釉料)干粒
  25470. dry grind ==> 干磨
  25471. dry grinder ==> 干磨机
  25472. dry grinding ==> 干磨削,(水泥的)干磨
  25473. dry grinding grate ball mill ==> 干式格子型球磨机
  25474. dry grinding mill ==> 干式磨机
  25475. dry grinding operation ==> 干磨操作
  25476. dry grit-blast cleaning ==> 干砂喷射清理
  25477. dry hardness ==> 干态硬度
  25478. dry haze ==> 干霾,飞尘
  25479. dry heart rot ==> 甜菜蛇眼病
  25480. dry heat ==> 干热
  25481. dry heat sterilization ==> 干热空气灭菌法,干热灭菌法
  25482. dry heat sterilizer ==> 干热灭菌器,干热消毒器
  25483. dry heat test ==> 干热试验
  25484. dry heat vulcanization ==> 干热硫化
  25485. dry herd ==> 无仔牛群
  25486. dry high pressure water gauge ==> 高压干式水表
  25487. dry hole ==> 干井,干孔,干炮眼,干钻孔,未见矿钻孔
  25488. dry hydrogen ==> 干氢
  25489. dry ice ==> 干冰
  25490. dry ice cryotherapy ==> 干冰冷冻疗法
  25491. dry ice cryotherapy applicator ==> 干冰冷冻治疗头
  25492. dry ice freezer ==> 干冰制冷器
  25493. dry ice therapy ==> 干冰冷冻疗法
  25494. dry in the air ==> 晾干
  25495. dry inertial collector ==> 干式惯性除尘器
  25496. dry ingot ==> 过热金属锭
  25497. dry injury ==> 旱害
  25498. dry ink ==> 干油墨
  25499. dry instrument ==> 干式仪表用的
  25500. dry insulation ==> 干式绝缘的
  25501. dry insulation transformer ==> 干式绝缘变压器
  25502. dry inversion ==> 干转变
  25503. dry iron ==> 低硅生铁
  25504. dry joint ==> 干接合,干式接缝,扭接,易断接头,慢性绒毛增生性关节炎,虚焊,虚焊接头,(无砂浆的缝)干缝
  25505. dry kiln ==> 乾燥炉
  25506. dry labor ==> 干产
  25507. dry lake ==> 干涸湖,干盐湖
  25508. dry laminating machine ==> 干式层压机
  25509. dry land ==> 陆地,旱地,旱田
  25510. dry land rice ==> 陆稻
  25511. dry land tillage ==> 旱地耕作
  25512. dry laying ==> 干铺砌
  25513. dry laying of felt ==> 干铺油毡
  25514. dry lean concrete ==> 干贫混凝土
  25515. dry lens ==> 干式透镜
  25516. dry leposy ==> 麻木性麻风
  25517. dry lime-sulphur ==> 干石灰硫磺合剂
  25518. dry loam sand ==> 干旱土壤质砂土
  25519. dry lot ==> 饲养场
  25520. dry lubricant ==> 干膜润滑剂
  25521. dry magnetic particle ==> 干磁粉
  25522. dry management ==> 旱地管理
  25523. dry masonry ==> 干砌圬工
  25524. dry matter ==> 干物重,干燥物质
  25525. dry matter content ==> 干物质含量
  25526. dry measure ==> 不带偏见的测度,(指体积或重量的)干量
  25527. dry metallurgy ==> 火法冶金学
  25528. dry method ==> 干法,干法检验
  25529. dry milking ==> 完全挤干牛奶
  25530. dry mill ==> 干磨机,干式制材厂
  25531. dry milling ==> 干法破碎
  25532. dry mineral-free basis ==> 干燥无矿物质基,以假想无水、无矿物质状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准
  25533. dry mining ==> 干法开采
  25534. dry mix ==> 干拌合物,干混合,干硬性拌合物
  25535. dry mixed ==> 干法搅拌的,干混合的
  25536. dry mixed concrete ==> 干拌合混凝土
  25537. dry mixing ==> 干拌
  25538. dry molding ==> 幹式成形
  25539. dry monsoon ==> 干季风
  25540. dry mortar ==> 干砂浆,干硬性砂浆
  25541. dry moulding ==> 干砂造型
  25542. dry mounting ==> 干式裱贴
  25543. dry mouth feeling ==> 口渇感
  25544. dry muck-out manure ==> 趁干铲出的粪便
  25545. dry multi-plate clutch ==> 干式多片离合器
  25546. dry natural gas ==> 干燥天然气
  25547. dry neutralization ==> 干中和
  25548. dry not fat ==> 非脂干物质
  25549. dry numerous crops ==> 干燥大量农作物
  25550. dry nursery ==> 旱秧田
  25551. dry objective ==> 干式物镜,干物镜
  25552. dry off ==> 使干乳
  25553. dry offset ink ==> 干胶印油墨
  25554. dry offset press ==> 干胶印机
  25555. dry oil ==> 干性油
  25556. dry out ==> ドライアウト
  25557. dry outdoor termination for 110kV XLPE cable 110kV ==> 級簡易型完全乾式端末
  25558. dry oven ==> 烘箱
  25559. dry oxidation ==> 干氧化=>ドライ酸化
  25560. dry oxygen ambient ==> 干氧气氛
  25561. dry packing ==> 干装填充法
  25562. dry pan ==> 干碾机,干式轮碾机
  25563. dry pan mill ==> 干盘磨机
  25564. dry parting ==> 分型粉,界砂
  25565. dry pass ==> 盈式干粉碎机
  25566. dry path ==> 堵塞现象
  25567. dry paving ==> 干铺砌
  25568. dry pelletizing method ==> 干式造粒法
  25569. dry pellets ==> 干粒
  25570. dry pericarditis ==> 干性心包炎
  25571. dry period ==> 枯水期,干旱期
  25572. dry permafrost ==> 干永冻层
  25573. dry permeability ==> 干透气性
  25574. dry phlegm-syndrome ==> 气痰
  25575. dry photopolymer film ==> 干式光聚合物薄膜
  25576. dry photoresist stripper ==> 去干胶装置
  25577. dry pile ==> 干堆原电池
  25578. dry pipe ==> 集汽管
  25579. dry piston compressor ==> 干活塞式压缩机
  25580. dry pit ==> 枯井
  25581. dry pitching ==> 干砌护坡
  25582. dry placer ==> 干砂金矿
  25583. dry plate ==> 干板,干版,镀锡薄板
  25584. dry plate clutch ==> 干板离合器,干盘式离合器
  25585. dry plate glass ==> 底片玻璃
  25586. dry plate rectifier ==> 干式整流器
  25587. dry pleurisy ==> 干性胸膜炎
  25588. dry point ==> 干点,终馏点
  25589. dry powder ==> 干粉料,干燥粉
  25590. dry powder automatic forming hydraulic press ==> 干粉自动成型液压机
  25591. dry powder blender ==> 干粉混合机
  25592. dry powder fire extinguisher ==> 干粉灭火器
  25593. dry powder fire-engine ==> 干粉消防车
  25594. dry powder type fire extinguisher ==> 干粉灭火器
  25595. dry precipitator ==> 干式聚尘器,从烟气中除下来的灰以干态排出的除尘器
  25596. dry prefabricated construction ==> 干式预制装配构造
  25597. dry prefabricated frame assembly method ==> 干式装配施工法
  25598. dry pregnant mature cows ==> 妊娠不沁乳的成年母牛
  25599. dry preserved specimen ==> 干制标本
  25600. dry press ==> 干压法,干压机
  25601. dry press brick machine ==> 干压压砖机
  25602. dry pressed brick ==> (用含水量极少的粘土压制的优质砖)干压砖
  25603. dry pressing ==> 干压,干压法=>幹式圧縮
  25604. dry pressure coating ==> 干压包衣法
  25605. dry printing ==> 幹式印刷
  25606. dry printing head ==> 干式打印头
  25607. dry process ==> 干处理,干法,干法冶金,干法制备,干式法,干法工艺
  25608. dry process development ==> 干法显影,干式显影
  25609. dry process enameling ==> 干法涂搪
  25610. dry processed integrated circuit ==> 干法工艺集成电路
  25611. dry processing ==> 干式处理
  25612. dry provisions ==> 食用干货
  25613. dry pruning ==> 修干枝,修剪枯枝
  25614. dry purification ==> 干法提纯
  25615. dry purification process ==> 干式净化过程
  25616. dry purifier ==> 干式净化器
  25617. dry quenching ==> 干熄焦,干法熄焦=>乾式消火
  25618. dry rale ==> 干性罗音
  25619. dry reagent feeder ==> 干式给药机
  25620. dry reclamation ==> 干法再生
  25621. dry reconditioning ==> 旧砂过筛处理,旧砂过筛处理
  25622. dry rectifier ==> 干式整流,金属整流器,干片整流器,干式整流器
  25623. dry reed contact ==> 干簧触点,干簧片触点
  25624. dry rendered tankage ==> 肉粉
  25625. dry rendering ==> 干法炼油
  25626. dry residue ==> 干残渣
  25627. dry residue generator ==> 干式乙炔发生器
  25628. dry resist stripping ==> 去干胶
  25629. dry return ==> 干式回火
  25630. dry return pipe ==> 无水回管
  25631. dry rice ==> 陆稻
  25632. dry riser ==> 干式消防立管
  25633. dry rising main ==> 干式消防立管
  25634. dry rodded aggregates ==> 捣实的骨料
  25635. dry root rot ==> 根须腐病
  25636. dry rot ==> 干腐,干腐病,(真菌等造成蛀孔,使木料腐烂)干朽
  25637. dry rot fungus ==> 干腐菌
  25638. dry rot of fruit and vegetables ==> 果蔬干腐病
  25639. dry rot of potato ==> 马铃薯干腐病
  25640. dry rubble ==> 干砌块石,干砌毛石圬工
  25641. dry rubble masonry ==> 干砌块石圬工
  25642. dry rubbled masonry ==> 干砌毛石圬工
  25643. dry run ==> 模拟投弹练习,空运转
  25644. dry salt-pan phase ==> 干盐盘相
  25645. dry salting ==> 干盐化
  25646. dry sample ==> 干试样
  25647. dry sand ==> 干砂,干型砂
  25648. dry sand cast ==> 干砂铸法
  25649. dry sand casting ==> 干型铸造
  25650. dry sand core ==> 干砂型心
  25651. dry sand facing ==> 干型涂料
  25652. dry sand mold ==> 干砂型
  25653. dry sand mould ==> 干型
  25654. dry sand moulding ==> 干砂造型
  25655. dry saturated steam ==> 干饱和蒸气,干蒸汽=>乾き飽和蒸気
  25656. dry saturated vapour ==> 干饱和蒸气
  25657. dry screen ==> 干筛
  25658. dry screening ==> 干筛
  25659. dry scrubber ==> 干式烟气脱硫装置
  25660. dry seal ==> 无油密封
  25661. dry seal pipe thread ==> 干封管螺纹
  25662. dry sealed gasholder ==> 干封式贮气鼓
  25663. dry season ==> 枯水期,旱季=>渇水期
  25664. dry season runoff ==> 枯季径流
  25665. dry seborrheic dermatitis ==> 干性皮脂溢
  25666. dry self-cooled transformer ==> 干式自冷变压器
  25667. dry sensation ==> 干燥感
  25668. dry sensation in pharynx ==> 嗌干
  25669. dry separation ==> 干选
  25670. dry separator ==> 干式除尘器,干式选矿机,汽水分离器
  25671. dry shaping ==> 干法成形
  25672. dry shaver ==> 干修面器
  25673. dry sheath rot ==> 鞘枯病
  25674. dry sheep ==> 干绵羊,不哺乳羊
  25675. dry shrinkage ==> 干燥收缩,(混凝土木材等由于水分挥发而收缩)干缩
  25676. dry sieving ==> 干筛,干筛分
  25677. dry silver film ==> 干式银盐胶卷
  25678. dry silver printer ==> 干式银盐复印机
  25679. dry slag ==> 稠渣,重矿渣
  25680. dry slagging combustion chamber ==> 固态排渣式燃烧室
  25681. dry sleeve ==> 干衬垫,干缸套
  25682. dry sleeve cylinder ==> 干套筒气缸
  25683. dry slide ==> 干滑道
  25684. dry soap ==> 干皂
  25685. dry socket ==> 干槽症
  25686. dry soil samples ==> 干土样
  25687. dry solids content ==> 固形分
  25688. dry solution ==> 速干剂
  25689. dry spell ==> 干旱期,干期
  25690. dry spinning ==> 干纺亚麻
  25691. dry spinning frame ==> 干纺机
  25692. dry spot ==> 干斑
  25693. dry sprayer ==> 喷粉器
  25694. dry steam ==> 干燥蒸汽
  25695. dry steam drum ==> 干蒸汽包
  25696. dry steel ==> 低级钢
  25697. dry stone drain ==> 干砌石排水沟
  25698. dry stone fill ==> 干填石
  25699. dry stone pitching ==> 干砌石护坡
  25700. dry stone wall ==> 干砌墙,干砌石墙
  25701. dry storage ==> 干储存,风干贮存
  25702. dry streak plate ==> 灰斑纹的镀锡薄钢板
  25703. dry strength ==> 干强度,干态机械强度
  25704. dry substance ==> 干燥物质
  25705. dry sump ==> 干滑油槽
  25706. dry sump lubrication ==> 干燥润滑法
  25707. dry suspended solid ==> 干悬浮质
  25708. dry system lens ==> 干镜头
  25709. dry tabling ==> 干式摇床选矿
  25710. dry tack adhesion ==> 成型粘着性
  25711. dry tack free ==> 表面干燥
  25712. dry tap ==> 干抽
  25713. dry tempering ==> 干式回火
  25714. dry tensile strength ==> 干拉强度
  25715. dry tensile test ==> 干拉强度试验
  25716. dry test ==> 干试法,干试验,试品在干燥和清洁状态下,按照规定条件进行的高电压试验
  25717. dry test meter ==> 干火表
  25718. dry throat with a bitter taste ==> 咽干口苦
  25719. dry ticket ==> 干票
  25720. dry tillage ==> 旱地耕作
  25721. dry tilling tractor ==> 旱地拖拉机
  25722. dry toner ==> 墨粉
  25723. dry tongue ==> 干舌,干燥舌
  25724. dry top rot ==> 干梢腐病
  25725. dry tube mill ==> 干管磨机
  25726. dry tumbling ==> 干法滚抛光,干法抛光
  25727. dry tumbling barrel ==> 干式清理滚筒
  25728. dry turning ==> 干车
  25729. dry type air cooler ==> 干式空气冷却器干式冷风机
  25730. dry type clutch ==> 干式离合器
  25731. dry type forced air cooled transformer ==> 干式强制风冷变压器
  25732. dry type self cooled transformer ==> 干式自冷变压器
  25733. dry type tower abrasion mill ==> 干式塔式磨粉机
  25734. dry type transformer ==> 干式变压器
  25735. dry unit weight ==> 干容重
  25736. dry up ==> 停奶
  25737. dry vacuum airpump ==> 干式真空气泵
  25738. dry vacuum pump ==> 干式真空泵
  25739. dry valley ==> 干谷
  25740. dry valve arrestor ==> 干阀避雷器
  25741. dry valve shaft ==> 干阀井
  25742. dry vent ==> 干式通气管
  25743. dry wall ==> 清水墙
  25744. dry wares ==> 食用干货
  25745. dry wash ==> 干河床
  25746. dry washer ==> 干洗机
  25747. dry washing of coal ==> 煤干洗
  25748. dry weather flow interception scheme ==> 旱季截流计划,旱天污水流量较低时施行的污水堵截计划
  25749. dry weather flow interceptor ==> 旱季截流管,旱季截流器
  25750. dry wedging ==> 临时楔块
  25751. dry weight ==> 干重=>ドライ重量
  25752. dry weight of engine ==> 发动机干重
  25753. dry well ==> 干井,渗井
  25754. dry whole milk ==> 全脂奶粉
  25755. dry wind ==> 干燥风
  25756. dry winding ==> 干法缠绕
  25757. dry wire drawing ==> 干法拉丝
  25758. dry wood ==> 干燥木材
  25759. dry work ==> 干地施工,干作业施工
  25760. dry year ==> 枯水年=>渇水年
  25761. dry zone ==> 干旱带
  25762. dry-adiabatic lapse rate ==> 干绝热直减率
  25763. dry-adiabatic process ==> 干绝热过程
  25764. dry-agent fire tender ==> 干粉灭火车
  25765. dry-air blast ==> 干风
  25766. dry-air pump ==> 干风泵,干燥空气泵
  25767. dry-air sterilizer ==> 干风杀菌机
  25768. dry-ashing ==> 干灰化
  25769. dry-back boiler ==> 干背式锅炉
  25770. dry-band arc ==> ドライバンドアーク
  25771. dry-band arcing ==> ドライバンドアーク
  25772. dry-basis ==> 干燥基,干基,干燥质
  25773. dry-batch method ==> 干料分拌法
  25774. dry-box ==> 干燥箱
  25775. dry-brick ==> 干砌砖
  25776. dry-bulb temperature ==> 干球温度
  25777. dry-bulb thermometer ==> 干球温度计
  25778. dry-burning coal ==> 贫煤,瘦煤
  25779. dry-cargo ship ==> 干货船
  25780. dry-cell cap light ==> 干电池防爆安全帽灯
  25781. dry-cell tube ==> 干电池电子管
  25782. dry-charge smelting ==> 干料熔炼
  25783. dry-charged battery ==> 干充电电池,干蓄电池
  25784. dry-chemical fire extinguisher ==> 干粉灭火器
  25785. dry-circuit relay ==> ドライサーキットリレー
  25786. dry-cleaning fluid ==> 干洗流体
  25787. dry-core cable ==> 干芯电缆,空心纸绝缘电缆=>幹心ケーブル
  25788. dry-core transformer ==> 干芯变压器
  25789. dry-desiccant dehydration ==> 干态干燥剂脱水作用
  25790. dry-disk rectifier ==> 干片整流器
  25791. dry-dock caisson ==> 干船坞闸门
  25792. dry-dock type structure ==> 干船坞式建筑物
  25793. dry-element battery ==> 干电池组
  25794. dry-feed dosage ==> 干加剂量
  25795. dry-film lubricant ==> 干膜润滑剂
  25796. dry-film resist ==> 干片保护层,感光胶膜
  25797. dry-formed fabric ==> 干法成形织物
  25798. dry-friction damping ==> 干摩擦阻尼
  25799. dry-fuel engine ==> 固定燃料发动机,固体燃料发动机
  25800. dry-hot-rock geothermal system ==> 干热岩地热系统
  25801. dry-instrument ==> 室内仪表用
  25802. dry-laid masonry ==> 干砌石圬工,干砌圬工
  25803. dry-laid masonry dam ==> 干砌石坝
  25804. dry-laid masonry wall ==> 干砌墙
  25805. dry-laid rubble ==> 干砌毛石
  25806. dry-laid rubble masonry ==> 干砌毛石圬工
  25807. dry-laid stone ==> 干砌石
  25808. dry-lot dairying ==> 舍饲奶牛业
  25809. dry-lot fattening ==> 围栏肥育
  25810. dry-lot feeding ==> 围栏饲养
  25811. dry-lot finishing ==> 舍饲肥育
  25812. dry-mash hopper ==> 干的碎料饲槽,粉料饲槽
  25813. dry-matter digestibility of a feed ==> 饲料干物质表观消化率
  25814. dry-matter yield of plants ==> 植物干物质产量
  25815. dry-milling ==> 干磨
  25816. dry-mix shotcrete ==> (主要在喷嘴处加水)干拌喷射混凝土
  25817. dry-mixed ==> 干拌的
  25818. dry-moulded ==> 干塑的
  25819. dry-off oven ==> 烘炉
  25820. dry-out sample ==> 无水试样
  25821. dry-packed concrete ==> 干填混凝土
  25822. dry-pit pump ==> 干坑泵
  25823. dry-placed fill ==> 干填土
  25824. dry-point ==> 凹板雕刻针
  25825. dry-press brick ==> 干压砖
  25826. dry-press process ==> 干法成型
  25827. dry-process rotory kiln ==> 干法回转窑
  25828. dry-proof paper for silkworm ==> 蚕用防干纸
  25829. dry-reed relay ==> 干簧继电路,干舌簧继电器=>ドライリードリレー
  25830. dry-rendered ==> 干炼的
  25831. dry-run tar ==> 干馏焦油
  25832. dry-scale disposal ==> 干法排除氧化皮
  25833. dry-shear test ==> 干剪强度试验
  25834. dry-silver film ==> 干银胶片
  25835. dry-silver paper ==> 干式银盐照相纸
  25836. dry-silver print ==> 干式银盐印刷
  25837. dry-skidding test ==> 干滑试验
  25838. dry-star ==> 启明星
  25839. dry-stone masonry ==> 干砌石圬工
  25840. dry-tamped concrete ==> 干捣实混凝土
  25841. dry-tamping ==> 干捣
  25842. dry-tamping method ==> 干捣法
  25843. dry-tapy fuel cell ==> 干带燃料电池
  25844. dry-tensile test ==> 干拉试验
  25845. dry-thread raising ==> 干法起绒
  25846. dry-type ==> 干式,干式的
  25847. dry-type air cleaner ==> 干式空气滤清器
  25848. dry-type air cooler ==> 干式空气冷却器
  25849. dry-type bushing ==> 幹式ブッシング
  25850. dry-type dust collection system ==> 干式收尘设备
  25851. dry-type electrolytic capacitor ==> 干式电解电容器
  25852. dry-type instrument transformer ==> 干式仪表变压器
  25853. dry-type meter ==> 干式水表
  25854. dry-type multidisc electromagnetic brake ==> 干式多片电磁制动器
  25855. dry-type multidisc electromagnetic clutch ==> 干式多片电磁离合器
  25856. dry-type rectifier ==> 干片整流器
  25857. dry-type transformer ==> 干式变压器,干性变压器,空气冷却式变压器=>幹式変圧器
  25858. dry-type transformers ==> 乾式変圧器
  25859. dry-type wire drawing machine ==> 干式拉丝机
  25860. dry-volume measurement ==> 干容积测量法
  25861. dry-wash cleaner ==> 干洗剂
  25862. dry-weather discharge ==> 旱季流量
  25863. dry-weather runoff ==> 旱季径流
  25864. dry-weighted batch ==> 干重分拌
  25865. dry-wet bulb hygrometer ==> 干湿球温度表
  25866. dry-wood termite ==> 干木白蚁
  25867. drycleaning Plants ==> 干洗设备
  25868. dryer ==> 干燥装置
  25869. dryer felt ==> 烘缸毛毯
  25870. dryer white ==> 干坯冒霜
  25871. dryeration process ==> 干燥通风法
  25872. drygum waxed paper ==> 干式蜡纸
  25873. dryin-up point ==> 干燥点
  25874. drying ==> 干燥,干燥筒,烘干=>乾燥
  25875. drying agent ==> 干燥剂
  25876. drying aid ==> 助干剂
  25877. drying air duct ==> 干燥空气输入管
  25878. drying air temperature control ==> 干燥用空气温度调节器
  25879. drying air unit ==> 干燥用空气加热器
  25880. drying and heat setting stenter ==> 干燥及热定型拉幅机
  25881. drying apparatus ==> 干燥设备,烘干机,烘干器
  25882. drying battery ==> 化学干燥器
  25883. drying beds ==> 干化床
  25884. drying bottle ==> 干燥瓶
  25885. drying box ==> 干燥箱
  25886. drying breather ==> 密封式呼吸器
  25887. drying cabinet ==> 干燥箱,干燥箱,烘干小室
  25888. drying cabinet on forecd convection ==> 电热鼓风干燥箱
  25889. drying capacity of pulverizer ==> 磨煤机干燥出力,磨制每吨煤所消耗的电能。
  25890. drying centrifuge ==> 干燥离心机
  25891. drying chamber ==> 干燥罐,干燥室,干燥室,烘干室
  25892. drying chest ==> 干燥箱
  25893. drying condition ==> 干燥条件
  25894. drying constant ==> 干燥常数
  25895. drying cycle ==> 干燥周期
  25896. drying drum ==> 干燥鼓,干燥滚筒,干燥转筒
  25897. drying equipment ==> 干燥设备
  25898. drying film machine ==> 干膜机
  25899. drying filter ==> 干滤器
  25900. drying finger ==> 垫板条,垫条
  25901. drying frame ==> 干燥架,干燥框架
  25902. drying furnace ==> 干燥炉=>乾燥炉
  25903. drying hopper ==> 干燥式料斗
  25904. drying index ==> 干燥指数
  25905. drying indicator test ==> 干燥指示剂试验
  25906. drying installation ==> 干燥设备
  25907. drying kiln ==> 干燥窑
  25908. drying loft ==> 干燥室
  25909. drying machine ==> 干燥机,干燥装置,烘干机
  25910. drying machinery ==> 干燥机械,干燥设备
  25911. drying mark ==> 干燥斑痕
  25912. drying medium ==> 干燥介质
  25913. drying mixer combination ==> 干燥拌和两用机
  25914. drying of wheat in sacks ==> 袋灌小麦的干燥
  25915. drying of wood ==> 木材干燥
  25916. drying oil ==> 干性油
  25917. drying oil ink ==> 干性油墨
  25918. drying on baskets ==> 吊篮干燥
  25919. drying on ear of corn ==> 干燥玉米穗
  25920. drying out ==> 失去水分
  25921. drying oven ==> 干燥炉,干燥箱
  25922. drying oven baker ==> 烘箱,干燥炉
  25923. drying period ==> 干燥周期
  25924. drying plant ==> 干燥车间,干燥设备
  25925. drying pot ==> 烘罐
  25926. drying power ==> 干燥力,干燥能力
  25927. drying prescription ==> 燥剂
  25928. drying press ==> 榨干机
  25929. drying process ==> 干燥操作,干燥处理=>乾燥法工程
  25930. drying rack ==> 干燥架
  25931. drying rate ==> 干燥速率
  25932. drying regime ==> 干燥状态
  25933. drying roll ==> 烘燥滚筒
  25934. drying room ==> 烘房,干燥间,干燥室
  25935. drying rot ==> 干腐
  25936. drying screen ==> 百叶窗式分离器
  25937. drying sensitivity ==> 干燥敏感性
  25938. drying shed ==> 干燥房
  25939. drying shrinkage ==> 干燥收缩,干燥收缩率
  25940. drying storm ==> 干风暴
  25941. drying stove ==> 烘燥炉=>乾燥炉
  25942. drying stress ==> 干燥应力
  25943. drying system ==> 干燥系统,干燥制度
  25944. drying test ==> 干燥试验
  25945. drying time ==> 干燥时间
  25946. drying time clock ==> 干燥记时钟表
  25947. drying time meter ==> 干燥时间测定器
  25948. drying tobacco ==> 烟叶干燥
  25949. drying tower ==> 干燥塔
  25950. drying transverse strength ==> 干燥抗弯强度
  25951. drying tube ==> 干燥管
  25952. drying tumbler ==> 烘燥转筒
  25953. drying unit ==> 干燥机组
  25954. drying yard ==> 气干场
  25955. drying-air temperature ==> 干空气温度
  25956. drying-out ==> 干燥,烘炉,用具有一定流速的清水清除汽水系统和管道内表面上杂物的方法。
  25957. drying-packing ==> 干包环割法
  25958. dryland farming ==> 旱地耕作,旱地农业经营
  25959. drylot finishing ==> 场饲肥畜
  25960. drylot seeding ==> 场饲肥畜
  25961. dryness ==> 干度
  25962. dryness and foreign-body sensation in the eyes ==> 眼珠干涩
  25963. dryness fraction ==> 蒸汽干度
  25964. dryness of nasal cavity ==> 鼻燥
  25965. dryness of throat ==> 咽干燥
  25966. dryness tester ==> 干度检验器
  25967. dryout ==> 干涸,在高含汽率环状两相流工况下,附在受热壁面上的液膜因夹带、蒸发或撕破而消失,从而导致壁面变干的现象
  25968. drypoint etching ==> 针刻腐蚀凹版
  25969. Drysdale ac polar potentiometer ==> 德赖斯代尔交流极性电位计
  25970. Drysdale permeameter ==> 德赖斯代尔磁导计
  25971. Drysdale potentiometer ==> 极型交流电位计
  25972. drysuit ==> 橡皮紧身衣(内部不进水)=>ドライスーツ
  25973. drywall construction ==> 干作业墙体
  25974. dryweather flow ==> 旱季径流
  25975. DS, design specification ==> 設計仕様書
  25976. DS, directional short circuit relay ==> 短絡方向継電器
  25977. DS, Disconnecting Switch, Disconnector, Isolator ==> 断路器
  25978. DSA, Dynamic Security Assessment ==> 动态安全分析=>動的安定度評価
  25979. DSBRG, dry safety bearing ==> ドライ安全ベアリング
  25980. DSC ==> 数字选择性呼叫海岸电台
  25981. DSC curve ==> 差示扫描量热曲线
  25982. DSC meter ==> 差示扫描量热仪
  25983. DSC Subcommittee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes, and Containers (IMO) ==> 运输危险货物,固体货物小组委员会
  25984. DSC TC ==> 差示扫描量热仪/热天平
  25985. DSC, differential scanning calorimetry ==> 差示扫描量热
  25986. DSC, Digital Clock Supplier ==> クロック供給装置
  25987. DSC, Digital Selective Calling ==> ディジタル選択呼出
  25988. DSC, digital service channel ==> 保守用予備回線
  25989. DSC, direct side-force control ==> 直接横力制御
  25990. DSC, Dynamic Security Control ==> 動的安定度制御
  25991. DSC, Sub-Committee on Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and ==> Containers
  25992. DSCG, directional solidification crystal growth ==> 方向性個体化結晶の成長
  25993. DSCR, Debt Service Coverage Ratio ==> 现金流
  25994. DSCS, Defense Satellite Communications System ==> 国防衛星通信システム
  25995. DSG, Direct-Steam-Generation collector ==> 直接蒸気発生集熱器
  25996. DSG, Dispersed Storage and Generation Systems ==> 分散型電源
  25997. DSI, digital speech interpolation ==> デジタル音声挿入
  25998. DSI, digital subsystem interface unit ==> デジタル系インタフェースユニット
  25999. DSIF, Deep Space Instrumentation Facility ==> 深宇宙観測施設
  26000. DSIR, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research ==> 科学技術研究所
  26001. DSIS, deep space observation facility ==> 深宇宙観測装置
  26002. DSL, data service laboratory ==> データサービスラボ
  26003. DSL, digital subscriber line ==> DSL
  26004. DSLS, diagonal shear load strut ==> 対角負荷支柱
  26005. DSM, demand side management ==> 电力需求侧管理,用电需求管理
  26006. DSM, Demand Side Manegement ==> 総合負荷制御。需要家エネルギー制御(負荷平準化)。
  26007. DSM, despin mode ==> デスピンモード
  26008. DSM, distribution management system ==> 配电管理系统
  26009. DSN, deep space network ==> 深宇宙通信網,深宇宙用追跡網,深宇宙ネットワーク
  26010. DSP, Digital Signal Processor ==> ディジタル信号処理装置,高速なデータ処理を主目的とした半導体デバイス
  26011. DSP, Digital Signal Programmable Read Only Memory ==> ディジタル信号処理装置
  26012. DSR(DS), Directional Short-circuit Relay (Phase Directional Relay) ==> 短絡方向リレー。
  26013. DSR, dynamic security region ==> 电力系统动态安全域
  26014. DSRC, Dedicated Short Range Communication Systems ==> DSRC
  26015. DSRC, data systems requirements committee ==> データシステム要求委員会
  26016. DSRS, Deep Space Relay Satellite ==> 深宇宙中継衛星
  26017. dss ==> 决策支持系统
  26018. DSS, daily start and stop operation ==> (火力)日間起動停止運転,
  26019. DSS, data systems supervisor ==> NASA略語(意訳:データシステム監督者)
  26020. DSS, Deep Space Station ==> 深宇宙局
  26021. DSS, device data summary ==> 部品データ要約シート
  26022. DSS, device data summary sheet ==> 部品データサマリーシート
  26023. DSS, digital sequential shant ==> デジタルシーケンシャルシャント
  26024. DSS, digital sun sensor ==> デジタル太陽センサ
  26025. DSS, docking subsystem ==> ドッキング補助系
  26026. DSSC, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell ==> 染料感光太阳电池,染料敏化太阳能电池=>色素増感太陽電池,湿式太陽電池
  26027. DSSE, digital sun sensor electronics ==> デジタル太陽センサ電子回路
  26028. DSSH, digital sun sensor head ==> デジタル太陽センサヘッド
  26029. DST drill stem test ==> 钻具测试
  26030. DST, direct sounder transmission ==> ダイレクトサウンダー送信
  26031. DST, dual spin turn ==> デュアルスピンターン
  26032. DSTF, delta spin test facility ==> デルタスピン試験施設
  26033. DSU, digital service unit ==> 宅内回線終端装置
  26034. DT cut ==> DT板
  26035. dt cut quarz ==> dt切割水晶
  26036. DT(WG), documentation tree ==> 文書体系
  26037. DT, data tape ==> データテープ
  26038. DT, design development test ==> 設計開発試験
  26039. DT, development test ==> 開発試験
  26040. DT, direct transmission subsystem ==> 直接送信系
  26041. DT, dynamic time ==> 力学時
  26042. DTA range ==> DTA范围,差热分析范围
  26043. DTANT, DCS Tx antenna ==> DCS送信用アンテナ
  26044. DTAX, domestic telecommunication automatic exchange ==> 国内テレタイプ自動中継システム
  26045. DTB, deployable truss beam ==> 展開可能トーラスビーム
  26046. DTC, Dead Tank ==> 静止罐技术。
  26047. DTC, design to cost ==> デザインツーコスト
  26048. DTC, direct torque control ==> 直接トルク制御
  26049. DTCN/DTC, Design To Customers' Needs/ Design To Cost ==> DTCN/DTC
  26050. DTCP, digital transmission contents protection ==> DTCP
  26051. DTCR, Dynamic Thermal Cricuit Rating ==> DTCR
  26052. DTE, Data Terminal Equipment ==> DTE
  26053. DTE, data terminal equipment ==> 数据终端设备=>端末器
  26054. DTF, DCS Tx circular polarized feeder ==> DCS送信用円偏波電器
  26055. DTI, Department of Trade and Industry ==> 貿易産業省
  26056. dtl ==> 二极管晶体管逻辑
  26057. dtl zener diode ==> 齐纳二极管晶体管逻辑电路
  26058. DTL, diode transistor logic ==> ダイオードトランジスタ結合論理回路
  26059. DTL, diode-transistor logic circuit ==> ダイオードトランジスタ論理回路
  26060. DTL, subsystem for direct transmission to local users ==> ローカルユーザ伝送系
  26061. dtlz ==> 齐纳二极管晶体管逻辑电路
  26062. DTO, Detailed Test Objective Trajectory ==> 詳細飛行経路
  26063. DTO, Detailed Test Objective Trajectory Analysis ==> 詳細飛行経路解析
  26064. DTR, daily test report ==> 日刊の試験報告書
  26065. DTR, DCS transmitter and receiver ==> DCS送受信機,DCS送信機受信機
  26066. DTR, digital tape recorder ==> ディジタルテープレコーダ
  26067. DTS ==> 调度员培训仿真器
  26068. DTS Defense Transportation System ==> 防御运输系统
  26069. DTS, digital transmission system ==> デジタル伝送システム
  26070. DTS, diplomatic telecommunications system ==> 外交通信システム
  26071. DTT, Directional Temporal plane Transform ==> DTT
  26072. Du Bois balance ==> 杜波阿天平
  26073. Du Pont fungicide A ==> 代森锌
  26074. DU ratio, desired signal to undesired signal ratio ==> 希望信号対不要信号
  26075. DU, desired to undesired ratio ==> 希望波と混信波との強度比
  26076. DU, driver unit ==> 駆動回路
  26077. Du-Bo gauge ==> 球面型单限塞规
  26078. Du-Ter extra ==> 毒菌锡
  26079. dual ==> 双,加倍,对偶,对偶的,二联,二重,二重的,孪生,双数,双重,双重的
  26080. dual address stack ==> 双地址栈
  26081. dual air brake valve ==> 分立制动阀
  26082. dual alkali scrubbing FGD process ==> 双碱法烟气脱硫,用可溶碱液(如钠碱或氨碱等)吸收烟气中的SO2,生成酸式盐,然后将部分溶液分流进另一个系统,用碱土化合物对其进行处理,生成难溶的CaSO3·0.5H2O并使可溶碱再生,重复使用的工艺
  26083. dual all integer ==> 对偶全整型
  26084. dual amplification ==> 双重放大
  26085. dual amplifier ==> 双重放大器
  26086. dual antenna ==> 双重特性天线
  26087. dual aspect convention ==> 复式记帐惯例
  26088. dual axle ratios ==> 双轴比
  26089. dual basing-point system ==> 双重基点制
  26090. dual beam interferometer ==> 双光束干涉仪
  26091. dual beta decay ==> 混合β衰变
  26092. dual budgets ==> 复式预算
  26093. dual bus ==> 双总线
  26094. dual capacitor motor ==> 双电容式电动机
  26095. dual carburetor ==> 双汽化器
  26096. dual card ==> 对联卡片,对偶卡片,双联卡片
  26097. dual carriageway ==> 双线车道
  26098. dual carriageway road ==> 复式车行道
  26099. dual cast cylinder ==> 复铸汽缸
  26100. dual center ==> 双主轴箱机床
  26101. dual channel ==> 双渠,双通道
  26102. dual channel controller ==> 双通道控制器,双路控制器
  26103. dual channel system ==> 双通道系统
  26104. dual channel type ==> 双沟道型
  26105. dual circuit ==> 双电路,对偶电路=>双対回路
  26106. dual circuitry check ==> 双重电路校验
  26107. dual circulation ==> 二段蒸发
  26108. dual code ==> 对偶码
  26109. dual combustion cycle ==> 双燃循环
  26110. dual combustion engine ==> 双燃发动机
  26111. dual completion well ==> 双油管完井
  26112. dual component ==> 两用元件
  26113. dual compressor ==> 双转子压气机
  26114. dual computer system ==> 双并列计算机系统,复式计算机系统
  26115. dual cone ==> 双纸盆
  26116. dual conomic structure ==> 二元经济结构
  26117. dual control ==> 对偶控制,双杆控制
  26118. dual control system ==> 复式控制系统
  26119. dual coordinates ==> 对偶坐标
  26120. dual culture ==> 联合培养
  26121. dual curvature contact lens ==> 重弯隐形眼镜
  26122. dual cycle ==> 混合循环
  26123. dual cycle reactor ==> 双循环堆
  26124. dual delayed sweep ==> 双重延迟扫描
  26125. dual density ==> 双重记录密度
  26126. dual density device ==> 双密度装置
  26127. dual detector ==> 双向检波器
  26128. dual diffused MoS integrated circuit ==> 双扩散型MoS集成电路
  26129. dual dijkstra ==> デュアルダイキストラ法
  26130. dual display ==> 双重显示
  26131. dual diversity receiver ==> 双分集接收机
  26132. dual drive ==> 双驱动器
  26133. dual drum mixer ==> 二重圆筒混合机
  26134. dual duct air conditioning system ==> 双风道空调系统
  26135. dual durrency bond ==> 双重货币债券
  26136. dual economy ==> 二元经济
  26137. dual effect of investment ==> 投资的双重效应
  26138. dual elevator ==> 双台电梯
  26139. dual emitter transistor ==> 双发射极晶体管
  26140. dual emulsion ==> 二元乳化液
  26141. dual engine ==> 双联发动机
  26142. dual evaporation ==> 二级蒸发
  26143. dual exchange market ==> 双重外汇市场
  26144. dual exchange rate ==> 双重汇率
  26145. dual face ==> 对偶面
  26146. dual feasible condition ==> 对偶容许条件
  26147. dual feasible solution ==> 对偶可行解
  26148. dual feed ==> 双面进料
  26149. dual filter ==> 对偶滤波器
  26150. dual firing ==> 混合加热
  26151. dual flank gear rolling tester ==> 双面啮合齿轮检查仪
  26152. dual floppy ==> 双面软盘
  26153. dual floppy-disc controller ==> 双软盘控制器
  26154. dual frequency dye laser ==> 双频染料激光器
  26155. dual fuel engine ==> 双燃料发动机
  26156. dual function ==> 对偶函数
  26157. dual gap head ==> 两用磁头
  26158. dual garbage furnace ==> 二段式垃圾焚烧炉
  26159. dual gate fet ==> 双栅场效应晶体管
  26160. dual gear ==> 二联齿轮
  26161. dual graph ==> 对偶图=>双対グラフ
  26162. dual group ==> 对偶群
  26163. dual highway ==> 双车道公路
  26164. dual hologram ==> 双全息图,双像全息照片
  26165. dual hydraulic(al) brake ==> 双组液力制动器
  26166. dual ignition ==> 双塞点火,双重点火,双磁电机点火,双火花塞点火
  26167. dual in line integrated circuit ==> 双列直插式集成电路
  26168. dual in line lead frame ==> 双列直插式引线框架
  26169. dual in line package ==> 双列直插式外壳
  26170. dual in-line package ==> 双列直插式封装,双列直插式外壳,双排标准组合插件
  26171. dual in-line package (DIP) ==> デュアルインラインパッケージ
  26172. dual index mode ==> 二重变址方式
  26173. dual indicator ==> 双针式指示器
  26174. dual induction log ==> 双感应测井
  26175. dual injection pump ==> 复式注油泵
  26176. dual inline package ==> 双列直插式组件
  26177. dual inline type ==> 双列直插式
  26178. dual input transistor ==> 双输入晶体管
  26179. dual inside and outside seal ==> 双重内外密封
  26180. dual interferometer ==> 双干涉仪
  26181. dual laser ==> 双波长激光器
  26182. dual level protective gap series condenser ==> 2段階保護ギャップつき直列コンデンサ
  26183. dual level sensing ==> 双电平读出
  26184. dual level turret ==> 双层转塔
  26185. dual linear potentiometer ==> 双线电位计
  26186. dual linear programming ==> 对偶线性规划
  26187. dual listing ==> 双重上市
  26188. dual load wheel ==> 双负重轮
  26189. dual mesh ==> 对偶格网,二重格网
  26190. dual metal casting ==> 双金属离心铸管法
  26191. dual meter ==> 双重表
  26192. dual mode ==> 双模
  26193. dual mode travelling wave tube ==> 双模行波管
  26194. dual modulation ==> 双重调制
  26195. dual motor drive ==> 双电机驱动
  26196. dual nationality ==> 双重国籍
  26197. dual nature ==> 双重性=>二元的性質
  26198. dual nature of investment ==> 投资的双重性
  26199. dual network ==> 对偶电路,对偶网络,互易网络
  26200. dual nonlinear decomposition ==> 对偶非线性分解
  26201. dual of tangent space ==> 对偶切空间
  26202. dual operation ==> 对偶操作,对偶运算,二元操作,双态操作,双重操纵=>双対演算
  26203. dual optimal solution ==> 对偶最优解
  26204. dual otter board system ==> 双网板装备
  26205. dual performance rear axle ==> 双速后桥
  26206. dual photometer ==> 双光度计
  26207. dual plan for standard costs ==> 标准成本的双行记帐法
  26208. dual platen ==> 双面板
  26209. dual polarization ==> 双极化=>二重偏波
  26210. dual polarized ==> 二重極性
  26211. dual port controller ==> 双通道控制器
  26212. dual potentiometer ==> 二重軸ペテンショメータ
  26213. dual pressure control switch ==> 高压控制开关
  26214. dual pressure controller ==> 高压控制器
  26215. dual principle ==> 对偶原理
  26216. dual problem ==> 双対問題
  26217. dual process ==> 对偶过程
  26218. dual processing ==> 二重处理
  26219. dual processor ==> 双信息处理机,双处理机
  26220. dual processor system ==> 双信息处理机系统,双信息处理系统
  26221. dual projector ==> 双投影器
  26222. dual property ==> 二象性
  26223. dual pump ==> 复式泵
  26224. dual purpose ==> 兼用的
  26225. dual purpose kerosene ==> 两用煤油
  26226. dual purpose reactor ==> 两用堆
  26227. dual purpose voltage transformer ==> 双重用途电压互感器
  26228. dual radioactive decay ==> 多重放射性衰变
  26229. dual range ==> 双波段,双距离,双量程
  26230. dual range receiver ==> 双波段收音机,中短波收音机
  26231. dual rank flip-flop ==> 双列触发器
  26232. dual rank register ==> 双列寄存器
  26233. dual raster television system ==> 双光栅电视系统
  26234. dual rate system ==> (运费同盟的两价运费制)双重运费制
  26235. dual ratio reduction ==> 双减速比机构
  26236. dual register burner ==> 双调风旋流燃烧器,将二次风分成内二次风和外二次风两股气流,通过调风器和旋流叶片分别控制各自的风量和旋流强度,以调节一、二次风的混合,实现空气分级的旋流燃烧器。
  26237. dual register burner with primary air exchange ==> 一次风交换旋流燃烧器,一次风煤粉气流送入燃烧器时用简单的弯管作惯性分离,将其分成两股,将原来在弯头中心部位约50﹪的一次风(约含10%煤粉)作为三次风通过开设在燃烧器周
  26238. dual representation ==> 双重代表权
  26239. dual rheostat ==> 双圈变阻器
  26240. dual rotor helicopter ==> 双旋翼式直升飞机
  26241. dual rotors ==> 双转子=>ダブル回転子
  26242. dual rupture disks ==> 双防爆膜
  26243. dual seat ==> 双人座椅
  26244. dual sense amplifier ==> 双重读数放大器
  26245. dual service ==> 双源供电,不同源供电
  26246. dual simplex ==> 双対シンプレックス
  26247. dual simplex algorithm ==> 对偶单纯形算法
  26248. dual simplex method ==> 对偶单纯形法
  26249. dual slide scanner ==> 双联幻灯片析像器
  26250. dual slope type ==> 二重積分形
  26251. dual space ==> 对偶空间
  26252. dual species ==> 姐妹种,姊妹种
  26253. dual spectrum ==> 双光谱复印法
  26254. dual spin stabilization ==> 二重スピン安定法
  26255. dual spindlebiax ==> (磁心元件)双轴
  26256. dual standard receiver ==> 双标准电视接收机
  26257. dual structure ==> 对偶结构
  26258. dual structure of economy ==> 双重经济结构
  26259. dual surface lithography ==> 双面光刻
  26260. dual switchboard ==> 复式配电盘
  26261. dual symmetric amplitude ==> 双关对称振幅
  26262. dual system ==> 双管系统,双重分配通路,二重系统,双重系统=>デュアルシステム
  26263. dual systems ==> 双机系统
  26264. dual tabularform ==> 二次表式
  26265. dual tariff ==> 双重关税
  26266. dual tariff system ==> 复关税率制
  26267. dual tariffs ==> 加重关税
  26268. dual temperature control ==> 双重温度控制
  26269. dual temperature separation ==> 双温分离
  26270. dual tensor ==> 对偶张量
  26271. dual theorem ==> 对偶理论
  26272. dual threshold ==> 双阈值
  26273. dual thrust ==> 双推力
  26274. dual toroidal yoke ==> 双环形偏转线圈
  26275. dual trace CRT ==> 双踪示波管
  26276. dual trace oscillograph ==> 双线示波器
  26277. dual trace oscilloscope ==> 双线示波器
  26278. dual track ==> 双声道
  26279. dual transformation ==> 对偶变换
  26280. dual transmitter ==> 两用发射机
  26281. dual traverse barograph ==> 双杆气压计
  26282. dual tube ==> 孪生管
  26283. dual two leading shoe brake ==> 双向双领蹄式制动器
  26284. dual two trailing shoe brake ==> 双向双从蹄式制动器
  26285. dual type casting ==> 复型铸造法
  26286. dual type circuit ==> 对偶电路
  26287. dual usage ==> 对偶的运算
  26288. dual valuation clause ==> 双重价格条款
  26289. dual valve ==> 复式阀,双联阀
  26290. dual vector ==> 对偶向量
  26291. dual vector space ==> 对偶向量空间
  26292. dual vent ==> 两用通气管
  26293. dual voltage motor ==> 双电压电动机
  26294. dual water cooled generator ==> 双水内冷发电机,在定子和转子绕组中均采用内部通水冷却的发电机
  26295. dual waveband infrared sensor ==> 双波段红外传感器
  26296. Dual Youla parameter ==> 双対Youlaパラメータ
  26297. dual(l)oader ==> 双向装车机
  26298. dual-arc welding ==> 双弧焊
  26299. dual-beam ==> 双电子束,双光束,双射线
  26300. dual-beam betatron ==> 双束电子感应加速器
  26301. dual-beam observation ==> 双束观测
  26302. dual-beam synchronoscope ==> 双线同步示波器
  26303. dual-beam system ==> 双束制,双线示波器
  26304. dual-beam technique ==> 双波束技术
  26305. dual-bed dehumidifier ==> 双床吸附减湿器
  26306. dual-capacitor motor ==> 双电容器式电动机
  26307. dual-cavity laser ==> 双腔激光器,双谐振腔激光器
  26308. dual-chain bench ==> 双链拔丝机
  26309. dual-chamber baler ==> 双室式捡拾压捆机
  26310. dual-channel amplifier ==> 双通道放大器
  26311. dual-channel flame photometric detector ==> 双道火焰光度控制器
  26312. dual-channel oscilloscope ==> 双束示波器
  26313. dual-channel regulator ==> 双渠道调节器,双路调节器
  26314. dual-channel sound ==> 双通道伴音电路
  26315. dual-coil relay ==> 複巻線リレー
  26316. dual-cycle boiling-water reactor ==> 双循环沸水堆
  26317. dual-cycle engine ==> 複合サイクル機関
  26318. dual-detector receiver ==> 双检波接收机
  26319. dual-diode (structure) laser ==> 双二极管激光器
  26320. dual-diversity receiver ==> 双重分集接收机
  26321. dual-drum ==> 双筒,双轮
  26322. dual-drum roller ==> 双轮压路机
  26323. dual-dual highway ==> 四车道公路
  26324. dual-element fuse ==> 二要素ヒューズ
  26325. dual-emitter switch ==> 双射极开关
  26326. dual-emitter transistor ==> 双发射极晶体管
  26327. dual-feed ==> 双端馈电,双路馈电
  26328. dual-filter hydrophotometer ==> 双色水下光度计
  26329. dual-flow oil burner ==> 双流式油喷燃器
  26330. dual-frequency motor ==> 双频率电动机
  26331. dual-fuel engine ==> 双燃料发动机,双用燃料发动机
  26332. dual-fuel system ==> 双燃料系统
  26333. dual-gap head ==> 双缝磁头
  26334. dual-gravity valve ==> 双比重阀
  26335. dual-grid tube ==> 双栅管
  26336. dual-groove record ==> 双槽录音
  26337. dual-gun cathode-ray tube ==> 双枪阴极射线管
  26338. dual-in-line ==> 双列直插
  26339. dual-layer lining ==> 双层衬里
  26340. dual-loop current feedback ==> デュアルループ電流フィードバック
  26341. dual-meter ==> 两用表
  26342. dual-mode control ==> 双式控制,复式控制
  26343. dual-mode horn ==> デュアルモードホーン
  26344. dual-mode isocon ==> 双模直像管
  26345. dual-pattern light measurement ==> 双区测光
  26346. dual-polarization ==> 双偏振
  26347. dual-polarization laser ==> 双偏振激光器
  26348. dual-polarization oscillation ==> 双偏振荡
  26349. dual-polarized ring laser ==> 双偏振环形激光器
  26350. dual-ported memory ==> 双端口存储器
  26351. dual-power instrument ==> 双倍率仪器
  26352. dual-pressure controller ==> 高低压控制器
  26353. dual-pressure cycle ==> 两段加压循环
  26354. dual-pressure preformer ==> 弹簧模预压机
  26355. dual-pressure press ==> 弹簧模压机,双向压力压机
  26356. dual-purpose ==> 双效,两用,兼用
  26357. dual-purpose breed ==> 兼用种
  26358. dual-purpose drill ==> (平播与沟播)两用条播机
  26359. dual-purpose flat files ==> 两用扁锉
  26360. dual-purpose gun ==> 高平两用炮
  26361. dual-purpose medium ==> 两用介质
  26362. dual-purpose reactor ==> 两用反应堆
  26363. dual-purpose stove ==> 两用炉
  26364. dual-rate moon camera ==> 双速月球照相机
  26365. dual-rate spring ==> 可变刚性弹簧
  26366. dual-ratio control ==> 二级微动控制
  26367. dual-rotor helicopter ==> 双旋翼式直升飞机
  26368. dual-seal ==> 双重密封
  26369. dual-seal tubing joint ==> 双封型油管接头
  26370. dual-tandem ==> 双串式
  26371. dual-target X-ray tube ==> 双靶X射线管
  26372. dual-thrust motor ==> 双推力发动机
  26373. dual-tone multifrequency ==> 双音多频
  26374. dual-trace amplifier ==> 双迹放大器
  26375. dual-trace oscilloscope ==> 双迹示波器
  26376. dual-track recorder ==> 双轨录音机
  26377. dual-track tape recorder ==> 双声道磁带录声机
  26378. dual-tubes heat exchanger ==> 双套管式换热器,双重管式换热器
  26379. dual-use line ==> 双用线
  26380. dual-use packaging ==> 双重用途包装
  26381. dual-wavelength spectrophotometer ==> 双波长分光光度计
  26382. Dualayer distillate process ==> 双层馏出物净化过程
  26383. Dualayer solution ==> 双层溶液
  26384. dualbeam synchroscope ==> 双电子束同步示波器
  26385. dualism ==> 二元论,二重体,二重性
  26386. dualism concept of accounting ==> 二元观念的会计
  26387. dualistic ==> 二元论的,两重的
  26388. dualistic economy ==> 二元经济
  26389. dualistic nature ==> 二象性
  26390. dualistic society ==> 二元社会
  26391. dualistic structure ==> 二元结构
  26392. duality ==> 二象性,二元性,二重性,对偶性=>双対性
  26393. duality gap ==> 对偶间隙
  26394. duality law ==> 对偶律,对偶性定律
  26395. duality map ==> 对偶映射
  26396. duality method ==> 二重法
  26397. duality principle ==> 对偶性原理,对偶原理,波粒二象性=>双対定理
  26398. duality theorem ==> 对偶定理
  26399. duality theory ==> 对偶理论
  26400. dualization ==> 对偶,对偶化,二元化
  26401. dualizing ==> 极反演变换
  26402. Dualoy ==> 杜阿洛钨合金
  26403. dualpurpose screwdriver with plastic handle ==> 两用塑料柄螺丝批
  26404. dualscatter laser velocimeter ==> 双重散射激光测速计
  26405. Duan ink slab ==> 端砚
  26406. Duane clinometer ==> 杜安眼肌旋斜视计
  26407. Duane-Hunt law ==> 杜安-亨脱定律
  26408. Duane-Hunt limit ==> 杜安-亨脱界限
  26409. Duanxi ink stone ==> 端溪砚
  26410. Duatol dye ==> (德)杜阿托尔染料
  26411. dub ==> 扎,配音=>ダビング
  26412. dubbed effect ==> 配音效果
  26413. dubbin ==> 皮革保护油,防水油
  26414. dubbing ==> 翻印,配声,配音,皮革保护油,刮平=>ダビング
  26415. dubbing out ==> 抹灰基层修整
  26416. dubbing studio ==> 配音录音室
  26417. Dubbs cracking ==> 杜布斯裂化法
  26418. Dubini's disease ==> 杜比尼病
  26419. dubious ==> 疑わしく思う,半信半疑の
  26420. dubious deal ==> 怪しげな取引
  26421. dubious decision ==> 際どい判定
  26422. dubious declaration ==> 疑わしい申告
  26423. dubious example ==> 疑わしい例
  26424. dubious value ==> 不可靠值
  26425. Duboir oscillograph ==> 杜波依尔示波器
  26426. Dubrovin gauge ==> 杜布罗文真空规
  26427. Duchemin's formula ==> 杜赤明公式
  26428. Duchenne-Erb paralysis ==> 杜兴-欧勃麻痹
  26429. duchess ==> 公爵夫人,女公爵
  26430. duck ==> 水陆两用飞机,水陆两用摩托车,帆布,麻布,鸭
  26431. duck basin ==> 鸭盅
  26432. duck belting ==> 帆布带
  26433. duck board ==> 沟槽板道
  26434. duck cholera ==> 鸭霍乱
  26435. duck embryo vaccine ==> 鸭胚疫苗
  26436. duck loom ==> 帆布织机
  26437. duck plague ==> 鸭瘟
  26438. duck roller ==> 墨斗辊
  26439. duck tail body ==> 鸭尾式车身
  26440. duck-billed speculum ==> 鸭嘴式窥器
  26441. duck-board ==> 木板道
  26442. duck-egg porcelain ==> 鸭蛋青瓷器
  26443. duck-shaped wine-jar ==> 凫尊
  26444. duckbill ==> 鸭嘴兽
  26445. duckbill drill ==> 鸭嘴钻头
  26446. duckbill loader ==> 鸭嘴装送机
  26447. duckboard ==> 挡雪板
  26448. duckering ==> 皮毛消毒法
  26449. duckfoot ==> 箭形中耕锄铲
  26450. duckfoot bend ==> 托座弯头
  26451. duckfoot cultivator ==> 鸭掌铲式中耕机
  26452. duckfoot shovel ==> 鸭脚锄铲
  26453. duckfoot sweep ==> 鸭脚铲
  26454. duckling ==> 小鸭
  26455. duckmole ==> 鸭嘴兽
  26456. duckweed ==> 浮萍
  26457. Duco cement ==> 硝化纤维素胶泥
  26458. Ducol steel ==> 低锰结构钢
  26459. ducol-punched card ==> 每列多孔卡片,十二行穿孔卡片
  26460. Ducrey bacillus ==> 杜氏嗜血菌
  26461. Ducrey test ==> 杜克雷试验
  26462. Ducrey's bacillus ==> 杜克雷氏杆菌,软下疳杆菌
  26463. duct ==> 沟槽,管,管道,风道,导管,槽,通道,空气通道,孔道=>ダクト,管路
  26464. duct adjusting screw ==> 墨斗调节螺丝
  26465. duct air treatment system ==> 管道空气处理系统
  26466. duct attenuation ==> 风道消音
  26467. duct blade ==> 墨斗刮刀
  26468. duct cleaner ==> 电缆管道清洁器
  26469. duct design ==> 风道设计
  26470. duct entrance ==> 电缆沟入口=>ダクト口
  26471. duct fitting ==> ダクト継ぎ手
  26472. duct flow ==> ダクト流
  26473. duct friction loss ==> 风道摩擦损失
  26474. duct grouting ==> 导管灌浆
  26475. duct heater ==> 热导管
  26476. duct height ==> 波导高度
  26477. duct hyperplasia of mammary glands ==> 乳腺导管增生
  26478. duct insert heater ==> 风道加热器
  26479. duct joint ==> 管路接头=>ダクトジョイント
  26480. duct knife ==> 墨斗刮刀
  26481. duct line ==> 电缆管道=>管路
  26482. duct line system ==> 管路式
  26483. duct lining ==> 风道衬里
  26484. duct loss ==> 管道阻力,管道损失
  26485. duct of Cuvier ==> キュビエ管
  26486. duct of epididymis ==> 附睾管
  26487. duct of Santorini ==> 桑托里尼管
  26488. duct optical cable ==> 管道光缆
  26489. duct piece ==> 管片=>ダクト片
  26490. duct pilot ==> 控制回路
  26491. duct pressure loss ==> 风道压力损失
  26492. duct propagation ==> 波导传播=>ダクト伝搬
  26493. duct propulsion ==> 喷气推进
  26494. duct region ==> 叶列间隙
  26495. duct resistance ==> 风道阻力
  26496. duct ring ==> ダクトリング
  26497. duct run ==> 电缆管道
  26498. duct silencer ==> 风道消音装置
  26499. duct sound absorber ==> 风道吸音装置
  26500. duct spacer ==> (电机的)风道隔片=>ダクト片
  26501. duct system ==> 风道系统,管道系统
  26502. duct system design ==> 风道系统设计
  26503. duct thermostat ==> 温度调节器
  26504. duct thickness ==> 波导厚度
  26505. duct tube ==> 元件盒
  26506. duct type fading ==> ダクト形フェージング
  26507. duct velocity profile ==> 管内流速分布图
  26508. duct width ==> 波导厚度,波道宽度,通路宽度=>ダクト幅(電波)
  26509. duct wiring ==> ダクト配線
  26510. duct-carcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺管癌
  26511. duct-system ==> 导管系统
  26512. duct-type drier ==> 管道式干燥机
  26513. ductal adenocarcinoma of pancreas ==> 胰腺导管腺癌
  26514. ducted body ==> 中空体
  26515. ducted cooling ==> 管道式冷机,导管冷却,隧管冷却
  26516. ducted fan ==> 导管风扇,导管式通风机,内外函喷气发动机
  26517. ducted fan engine ==> 涡轮风扇发动机
  26518. ducted fan jet engine ==> 导管风扇式喷气发动机
  26519. ducted-fan engine ==> 函道式风扇喷气发动机
  26520. ducted-fan jet engine ==> 导管风扇式喷气发动机
  26521. ducted-propulsion unit ==> 空气喷气推进装置
  26522. ducter ==> 微阻计=>ダクター
  26523. ductile ==> 可展性=>延性のある,ダクタイル
  26524. ductile alloy ==> 展性合金=>延性合金
  26525. ductile base oil ==> 粘性铺路油
  26526. ductile bed ==> 塑性层
  26527. ductile cast iron ==> 可锻铸铁,球墨铸铁
  26528. ductile cast iron pipe ==> 延性铸铁管=>ダクタイル鋳鉄管
  26529. ductile cast iron roll ==> 可锻铁铸辊,可锻铸铁辊
  26530. ductile crack ==> 延性破裂=>延性亀裂
  26531. ductile deformation ==> 柔性变形
  26532. ductile fracture ==> 塑性破断,延性破坏,纤维状断裂,形变断裂,韧性断裂,金属材料发生明显的宏观塑性变形后产生的断裂=>延性破壊
  26533. ductile iron ==> 延性铁,球墨铸件
  26534. ductile iron pipe ==> 墨铁管,球墨铸铁管=>ダクタイル鋳鉄管
  26535. ductile iron roll ==> 变性铸铁轧辊
  26536. ductile material ==> 塑性物质,延性材料,延展性材料
  26537. ductile member ==> 可塑性部材
  26538. ductile metal ==> 延性金属,韧性金属
  26539. ductile Ni-resist cast iron ==> 高镍球墨铸铁
  26540. ductile rupture ==> 韧性断裂
  26541. ductile shear belt ==> 韧性剪切带
  26542. ductile shear zone ==> 塑性せん断帯
  26543. ductile steel ==> 韧性钢
  26544. ductile yield ==> 延性屈服
  26545. ductile-brittle transition temperature ==> 脆性转变温度
  26546. ductility ==> 可延展性,延度,延伸度,延伸性,延性,延展性,柔软性,韧性=>延性
  26547. ductility factor ==> 延性系数
  26548. ductility limit ==> 流限
  26549. ductility machine ==> 延度仪
  26550. ductility ratio ==> 延性比
  26551. ductility test ==> 延性试验,延展试验
  26552. ductility transition ==> 韧性转变
  26553. ductility transition temperature ==> 延性转变温度,塑性转变温度
  26554. ductility value ==> 延展值
  26555. ductility-dip crack ==> 失塑裂纹
  26556. ductilometer test ==> 反复挠曲试验,反复弯曲试验
  26557. ducting ==> 大气波导现象,管道,管通
  26558. ductless gastric fluid analysis ==> 无管胃液分析
  26559. ductless gland ==> 无管腺,内分泌腺
  26560. ductor read only memory ==> 玻璃半导体只读存储器
  26561. ductuli aberrantes ==> 迷小管
  26562. ductuli efferentes testis ==> 睾丸输出小管
  26563. ductuli excretorii glandulae lacrimalis ==> 泪腺排泄小管
  26564. ductuli interlobulares ==> 小叶间小管
  26565. ductuli transversi epoophori ==> 卵巢冠横小管
  26566. ductulus aberrans inferior ==> 下迷小管
  26567. ductus ==> 管
  26568. ductus biliferi ==> 胆小管
  26569. ductus choledochus ==> 胆总管
  26570. ductus cochlearis ==> 蜗管,耳蜗管
  26571. ductus communis ==> 胆总管
  26572. ductus cuvieri ==> 居维叶氏管,居维叶氏管
  26573. ductus cysticus ==> 胆囊管
  26574. ductus deferens ==> 输精管
  26575. ductus ejaculatorius ==> 射精管,注精器
  26576. ductus endolymphaticus ==> 内淋巴管
  26577. ductus epididymidis ==> 附睾管
  26578. ductus epoophori longitudinalis ==> 附卵巢纵管,卵巢冠纵管,加特纳氏管
  26579. ductus glandulae bulbourethralis ==> 尿道球腺管
  26580. ductus hepaticus ==> 肝管
  26581. ductus hepaticus communis ==> 肝总管
  26582. ductus hepaticus dexter ==> 肝右管
  26583. ductus hepaticus sinister ==> 肝左管
  26584. ductus lactiferi ==> 乳腺管,输乳管
  26585. ductus lymphatici ==> 淋巴导管
  26586. ductus nasofrontalis ==> 额鼻管
  26587. ductus pancreaticus ==> 胰管
  26588. ductus pancreaticus accessorius ==> 胰副管,副胰管
  26589. ductus paramesone-phricus ==> 副中肾管
  26590. ductus perilymphaticus ==> 外淋巴管
  26591. ductus reuniens ==> 亨森氏管
  26592. ductus semiciculari ==> 膜半规管
  26593. ductus semicirculares ==> 半规管
  26594. ductus semicircularis anterior ==> 前膜半规管
  26595. ductus semicircularis ateralis ==> 外膜半规管
  26596. ductus sublinguales minores ==> 舌下腺小管
  26597. ductus sublingualis major ==> 舌下腺大管,巴多林氏管
  26598. ductus thyroglossus ==> 甲状舌管
  26599. ductwork ==> 管道系统,配管=>配管
  26600. dud ==> 假货=>不発弾
  26601. dud bomb ==> 不発弾
  26602. dud shell ==> 不発弾
  26603. Duddell arc ==> 杜德尔弧
  26604. Duddell galvanometer ==> 杜德尔热检流计
  26605. Duddell oscillograph ==> 杜德耳示波器,可动线圈式示波器
  26606. due bank ==> 收款银行
  26607. due bill ==> 借据,借票,(指以服务偿债务的)借约
  26608. due calving date ==> 母牛预产期
  26609. due course of transit ==> 适宜的运输途径
  26610. due date ==> 支付日期,到期日期,票据到期日,满期日=>期日
  26611. due date of coupon ==> 息票到期日
  26612. due deligence clause ==> 勤勉条款
  26613. due diligence ==> (证券发行)适当的评鉴
  26614. due diligence meeting ==> 销售证券的各方会议
  26615. due form bank ==> 托收款项
  26616. due from ==> 应收
  26617. due from banks ==> 应收银行款,同业放款
  26618. due from consignor ==> 应收寄销人款
  26619. due from subscribers ==> 应收认缴股款
  26620. due in ==> 待收
  26621. due out ==> 待发
  26622. due presentment ==> 依限提出
  26623. due process ==> 法定诉讼程序
  26624. due to ==> 应付
  26625. due to agencies ==> 欠代理店款
  26626. due to balance ==> (国际汇兑)你方帐户
  26627. due to correspondent's account ==> 欠往来行款
  26628. due to foreign branch ==> 欠国外分支机构款
  26629. duel ==> 决战,斗争=>対決
  26630. duet ==> 对(两个换能器的一种布置方式)
  26631. dufault page ==> 省略时页面
  26632. Duffing equation ==> ダフィンの方程式
  26633. Dufour oscillograph ==> 杜福示波器
  26634. dug iron ==> 熟铁
  26635. Dugas's sign ==> 杜加斯氏征
  26636. Duhamel integral ==> 杜哈梅尔积分,杜亚米尔积分
  26637. duhamel integral ==> 杜哈梅尔积分,杜亚米尔积分
  26638. Duhamel integral theorem ==> 杜海默尔积分原理
  26639. Duhamel's operation ==> 结肠切除-直肠后结肠拖出术
  26640. Duhem Margules equation ==> 杜安-马古斯方程
  26641. Duhem's equation ==> 吉布斯-迪亨方程式
  26642. Duhring's rule ==> 杜林规则
  26643. Duifang paper ==> 对方纸
  26644. Dukes ==> 杜克斯钨钢
  26645. Dukes-metal ==> 杜克斯高电阻合金
  26646. Dul-Tone ==> (美)达尔通无光粘胶纤维
  26647. dulateral track ==> 双面积调制声迹
  26648. dulation ==> 波浪式振荡
  26649. dulble tube thermometer ==> 套管温度表
  26650. dulble vibration amplitude ==> 双振幅
  26651. dulce de leche ==> 加糖練乳
  26652. dull ==> 钝的,单调,沌,暗
  26653. dull area over the base of heart ==> 心底部浊音区
  26654. dull art paper ==> 暗美术纸
  26655. dull bit ==> 钝钎头,钝钻头
  26656. dull brown coal ==> 暗褐煤
  26657. dull cherry-red ==> 暗樱桃红色
  26658. dull coal ==> 暗淡煤,暗煤,暗煤,暗色煤,褐煤
  26659. dull coated paper ==> 暗涂布纸
  26660. dull colour ==> 暗色,彩色不正
  26661. dull corrugated roll ==> 暗瓦楞轧辊
  26662. dull deposit ==> 毛面镀层
  26663. dull die ==> 磨损的模具,磨损模具
  26664. dull emitter ==> 暗发射体
  26665. dull estrus ==> 微弱发情
  26666. dull fibre ==> 暗纤维
  26667. dull glass ==> 暗淡玻璃,无光玻璃
  26668. dull glaze ==> 无光釉
  26669. dull grain ==> 钝砂粒
  26670. dull knife ==> 钝刀
  26671. dull luster ==> 呈阴暗色泽
  26672. dull of sale ==> 销路不佳
  26673. dull pain ==> 隐痛,钝痛
  26674. dull pain in liver ==> 肝区隐痛
  26675. dull plate ==> 无光镀锡薄钢板
  26676. dull polish ==> 磨砂
  26677. dull purple beans ==> 暗紫色豆
  26678. dull red ==> 暗红
  26679. dull resonance ==> 浊音
  26680. dull resonunce ==> 浊响
  26681. dull roll ==> 毛面辊
  26682. dull sale ==> 销售不畅
  26683. dull steel sheet ==> 不光亮的钢板
  26684. dull tool ==> 钝工具
  26685. dull varnish ==> 暗色漆
  26686. dull vegetable ==> 粗蔬菜
  26687. dull white thrombus ==> 苍白血栓
  26688. dull-finished sheet ==> 毛面钢板,无光薄板
  26689. dull-glazed art paper ==> 暗色美术纸
  26690. dull-glazed paper ==> 暗色蜡光纸
  26691. dull-red ==> 暗红
  26692. dull-red heat ==> 暗红热
  26693. dullness ==> 迟钝,浊响,浊音,光泽不佳
  26694. dullness area ==> 浊音区
  26695. Dulong and Petit's rule ==> 杜隆普蒂规则
  26696. Dulong number ==> 埃克特数
  26697. Dulong's formula ==> 杜隆公式
  26698. Dulong-Petit law ==> デュロン-プティの法則
  26699. Dulong-petit law ==> 杜隆-普蒂定律
  26700. Dultgen process ==> 道尔金凹版法
  26701. Dumas method ==> 杜马斯法
  26702. dumb ==> 低能终端,不灵活=>ばか者,間抜け
  26703. dumb antenna ==> 解谐天线
  26704. dumb arch ==> 假拱
  26705. dumb barge ==> 非自航驳船,(无动力驳船)无风帆
  26706. dumb buddle ==> 固定圆形淘汰盘
  26707. dumb contact ==> 空触点
  26708. dumb iron ==> 簧托架,边梁配件,填缝铁条,钢板弹簧支架
  26709. dumb level ==> 定镜水准仪
  26710. dumb terminal ==> 哑终端,低能终端,不灵活终端,简易终端
  26711. dumb waiter ==> 小型送货升降机,送菜升降机
  26712. dumb well ==> 枯井
  26713. dumb-bell resonator ==> 凹腔谐振器
  26714. dumb-bell slot ==> 哑铃形槽
  26715. dumb-bell tumor ==> 葫芦状瘤
  26716. dumb-bidding ==> 秘密以最低价格竞争
  26717. dumb-terminal procedure ==> 無手順
  26718. dumb-waiter ==> 轻型运货升降机
  26719. dumbbell ==> 亜鈴,ダンベル
  26720. dumbbell depression ==> 孪生低气压
  26721. dumbbell galaxy(db galaxy) ==> 哑铃状星系
  26722. dumbbell-shaped curves of zero velocity ==> 哑铃形零速度线
  26723. dumbbell-shaped radio galaxy ==> 哑铃状射电星系
  26724. dumbness ==> 哑
  26725. dumbwaiter ==> 食梯
  26726. dumbwaiter shaft ==> 食梯井
  26727. dumet ==> 镀铜铁镍合金
  26728. Dumet wire ==> 杜美合金丝,代用白金丝,铜包镍铁线=>ジュメット線
  26729. dumet wire ==> 杜美丝
  26730. Dumfries sand-stone ==> 邓弗里斯砂岩
  26731. dummy ==> 假的,空白样本,假,假设施,采精台,修复体,哑,伪,平衡机件,平衡盘,名义阴极,模造物
  26732. dummy activity ==> 名目作业,虚构活动,虚拟活动,虚作业,假想作业
  26733. dummy aerial ==> 假天线
  26734. dummy antenna ==> 假天线=>擬似アンテナ
  26735. dummy argument ==> 哑变量,哑变元,假变元,虚拟变元=>仮引き数
  26736. dummy argument array ==> 哑变元数组
  26737. dummy argument of statement function ==> 语句函数的哑变量
  26738. dummy bar ==> 引锭杆
  26739. dummy bit ==> 虚比特,空白比特,空位
  26740. dummy block ==> 挤压垫,热压垫块
  26741. dummy branch ==> 仮のブランチ
  26742. dummy building ==> 假建筑
  26743. dummy bus ==> 模拟母线
  26744. dummy car ==> 缆车,卸料车
  26745. dummy casting ==> 烫模铸件
  26746. dummy cell ==> 仿真[等效]电池
  26747. dummy club ==> 凸耳
  26748. dummy coil ==> 死线圈,虚假线圈,虚设线圈=>遊びコイル
  26749. dummy company ==> 秘密代营企业
  26750. dummy conductor ==> 无载导线
  26751. dummy control section ==> 哑控制段
  26752. dummy coupling ==> 临时连接器,暂用联轴节,空联节
  26753. dummy cow ==> 台牛
  26754. dummy cylinder ==> 假气缸
  26755. dummy deck ==> 空卡片叠
  26756. dummy demand ==> 假想的需求量
  26757. dummy diode ==> 仿真二极管
  26758. dummy doorway ==> 假门口
  26759. dummy element ==> 虚释热元件
  26760. dummy entry ==> 假进入
  26761. dummy exogenous variable ==> 虚拟外生变量
  26762. dummy external symbol ==> 哑外部符
  26763. dummy ga(u)ge ==> 无效应变片,平衡应变片
  26764. dummy gauge ==> 补偿应变计
  26765. dummy hole ==> 假孔
  26766. dummy index ==> 哑指标
  26767. dummy indicator ==> 仿真指示器,等效指示器
  26768. dummy industry ==> 虚拟产业部门
  26769. dummy ingot ==> 引锭
  26770. dummy input circuit ==> 等效输入电路
  26771. dummy instruction ==> 伪指令,空操作,空操作指令,空指令=>見掛け命令
  26772. dummy job ==> 空头买卖
  26773. dummy joint ==> 假缝,半缝
  26774. dummy journal ==> 假轴颈
  26775. dummy level ==> 虚拟水平,定镜水准仪
  26776. dummy load ==> 模拟负载,仿真负载,等效负载,模拟电路,虚负载,虚载荷,假载荷,假装入=>擬似負荷
  26777. dummy load method ==> 虚负载法
  26778. dummy market ==> 虚拟市场
  26779. dummy message ==> 假报文,假消息,伪消息
  26780. dummy node ==> 哑节点
  26781. dummy observation ==> 虚拟观测值
  26782. dummy optical fiber ==> ダミーファイバ
  26783. dummy order ==> 假指令
  26784. dummy pass ==> 空轧孔型
  26785. dummy pendulum ==> 静摆,静摆
  26786. dummy piston ==> 平衡活塞,假活塞,平衡盘,又称“平衡活塞”。反动式汽轮机中设置在调节级叶轮与前轴封之间,用以平衡转子轴向推力的等直径的凸起台阶
  26787. dummy plate ==> 隔板
  26788. dummy plates ==> 空白版
  26789. dummy plug ==> 空塞子=>ダミープラグ
  26790. dummy procedure ==> 哑过程
  26791. dummy projectile ==> 训练弹,训练弹
  26792. dummy record ==> 假记录
  26793. dummy register ==> 空寄存器
  26794. dummy regression ==> 虚拟回归
  26795. dummy resistance ==> 假负载电阻
  26796. dummy ring ==> 填密环
  26797. dummy riser ==> 暗冒口
  26798. dummy rivet ==> 结合用铆钉
  26799. dummy roll ==> 传动轧辊,空转辊
  26800. dummy round ==> 训练弹,训练弹
  26801. dummy section ==> 虚节
  26802. dummy shaft ==> 暗井,假轴,中间轴
  26803. dummy signal ==> 模拟信号
  26804. dummy sketch ==> 引锭坯,无用板坯
  26805. dummy slider ==> 嵌片
  26806. dummy spindle ==> 假轴
  26807. dummy stand ==> 空轧机座
  26808. dummy statement ==> 空语句
  26809. dummy step ==> 空转程序步
  26810. dummy strain gauge ==> 补偿应变计
  26811. dummy string ==> 哑串
  26812. dummy subscript index ==> 虚拟下标指标
  26813. dummy suffix ==> 哑下标
  26814. dummy tetrad ==> 虚假四位二进制
  26815. dummy treatment ==> 虚拟处理
  26816. dummy tube ==> 等效电子管
  26817. dummy type contraction joint ==> 假缝式收缩缝
  26818. dummy variable ==> 空变量,虚变量,虚拟变量,哑变量,哑变元
  26819. dummy variable model ==> 虚拟变量模型
  26820. dummy variable name ==> 哑变量名
  26821. dummy variable regression ==> 虚拟变量回归
  26822. dummy variable trap ==> 虚拟变量陷阱
  26823. dummy-index notation ==> 哑指标记号
  26824. dummy-mesh current ==> 等效回路电流
  26825. dummy-node voltage ==> 等效节点电压
  26826. Dumont blue ==> (一种钴蓝)杜蒙蓝色料
  26827. dump ==> 抛售,抛售物资,转储,转储方法,打印出,垫圈,切断电源,倾倒,倾销,倾卸,清除计算机,废石堆,内存信息转储,信息转储,矸石堆=>ダンプ
  26828. dump after update ==> 更新后转储
  26829. dump analysis ==> 卸出分析
  26830. dump and restart ==> 断电后重新启动
  26831. dump area ==> 废土场,垃圾场
  26832. dump before update ==> 更新前转储
  26833. dump bin ==> 废料箱
  26834. dump body ==> 翻斗车身
  26835. dump bottom ==> (排种装置等的)活动底
  26836. dump box machine ==> 翻斗壳型机
  26837. dump box moulding ==> 翻斗制壳法
  26838. dump bucket ==> 倾倒式加料桶,卸斗
  26839. dump buggy ==> 自倾双轮小车
  26840. dump car ==> 倾倒车,倾卸汽车
  26841. dump carrier ==> 自动倾卸式拖车
  26842. dump check ==> 大量倾卸
  26843. dump cinder car ==> 渣罐车,倾倒渣车
  26844. dump circuit ==> 储能回路
  26845. dump condenser ==> 事故凝汽器
  26846. dump device ==> 倾卸装置
  26847. dump energy ==> 剩余电能,储存能量,抛弃能量,过剩电能,剩余电量,剩余能量=>余剰電力
  26848. dump grate ==> 卸灰炉排,翻转炉排
  26849. dump hoist ==> 倾卸起重机
  26850. dump hopper ==> 倾料车,卸料漏斗
  26851. dump line ==> 排汽管路
  26852. dump list ==> 卸出列表
  26853. dump mode ==> 转储方式
  26854. dump oil ==> 桶装油
  26855. dump pit ==> 垃圾坑
  26856. dump plate ==> 卸渣炉排
  26857. dump point ==> 转储点
  26858. dump power ==> 剩余电力,剩余功率=>余剰電力
  26859. dump program(me) ==> 转储程序,清除程序
  26860. dump pump ==> 回油泵
  26861. dump rake ==> 横向搂草机
  26862. dump ram ==> 倾卸油缸
  26863. dump rod ==> 抛草杆,抛掷杆
  26864. dump routine ==> 转储程序,清除程序,信息转储程序=>ダンプルーチン
  26865. dump skip ==> 卸料斗
  26866. dump steam ==> 排汽
  26867. dump tank ==> 排料接受槽,排水箱,倾倒槽
  26868. dump trailer ==> 翻斗挂车
  26869. dump truck ==> 翻斗车,翻头汽车,倾卸式货车
  26870. dump truck (rear dump wagon) ==> 尾卸式自卸汽车
  26871. dump valve ==> 切断阀,放卸阀,事故排放阀
  26872. dump well ==> 垃圾坑
  26873. dump, to ==> ダンプする
  26874. dump-bed ==> 俯卸式
  26875. dump-bed truck ==> 底卸式货车
  26876. dump-body ==> 倾卸式车箱
  26877. dump-body truck ==> 自行卸载的货运汽车
  26878. dump-bottom car ==> 底卸车
  26879. dump-test ==> 顶锻试验
  26880. dump-trailer ==> 倾卸拖车
  26881. dumped deposit ==> 速卸沉积
  26882. dumper ==> 翻斗机,垃圾车,倾翻器,自卸车,保洁车
  26883. dumping ==> 翻斗的,卸料,商品倾销,倾销,倾泻=>ダンピング
  26884. dumping at sea ==> 海上倾倒物料,倾物入海
  26885. Dumping at Sea (Fees) Regulation (Cap. 466) ==> 《海上倾倒物料(费用)规例》(第466章)
  26886. Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap. 466) ==> 《海上倾倒物料条例》(第466章)
  26887. dumping board ==> 倾卸板
  26888. dumping cradle ==> 翻锭座
  26889. dumping device ==> 自卸装置
  26890. dumping field ==> 海外倾销市场
  26891. dumping for land formation ==> 为开拓土地而进行的倾倒
  26892. dumping gear ==> 翻转机构
  26893. dumping grate ==> 卸渣炉栅
  26894. dumping ground ==> 卸料场,垃圾倾倒场
  26895. dumping hopper ==> 翻卸斗
  26896. dumping mechanism ==> 倾卸机构
  26897. dumping policy ==> 倾销政策
  26898. dumping roller ==> 翻车滚轮
  26899. dumping site ==> 堆碴场,堆积场,堆料场
  26900. dumping site (place) ==> 垃圾场
  26901. dumping stomach ==> 倾倒综合征
  26902. dumping syndrome ==> 倾倒综合征,倾泻综合征,胃切除术后综合征
  26903. dumping torque ==> 制動トルク
  26904. dumpling ==> 中心土墩
  26905. dumpling machine ==> 包饺子机
  26906. dumpling maker ==> 包饺子机
  26907. dumpy level ==> 定镜水准仪
  26908. dumpy tree ==> 矮状树
  26909. dun diver ==> (鳥)カワアイサ
  26910. dune buggy ==> 沙漠用越野汽车
  26911. dune complex ==> 沙丘覆区
  26912. dune ridge ==> 沙丘脊
  26913. dung cart ==> 装肥拖车
  26914. dung depot ==> 粪库
  26915. dung fly ==> 粪绳
  26916. dung hole ==> 污水坑
  26917. dung loader ==> 装厩肥机
  26918. dung locks ==> (羊毛)粪块毛
  26919. dung tub ==> 粪桶
  26920. dung yard ==> 粪场,积粪场
  26921. dung-cart ==> 粪车
  26922. dunging area ==> 排粪场
  26923. dunkerley's formula ==> 邓克尔利公式
  26924. Dunoyer's two-stage pump ==> 迪努耶尔两级扩散泵
  26925. duo cone ==> 高低音扬声器
  26926. duo mill ==> 二辊式轧机,二辊轧机,二重式轧机
  26927. duo-binary system ==> 双二进制
  26928. duo-cone speaker ==> 高低音扬声器
  26929. duo-directional relay ==> 双向继电器
  26930. duo-muffle furnace ==> 二层马弗炉
  26931. duo-pitched roof ==> 两坡屋顶
  26932. duo-prism monochromator ==> 双棱镜单色仪
  26933. duo-servo brake ==> 双力作用制动器,双瓦自动闸
  26934. duo-sol extraction ==> 双溶剂提取
  26935. duo-tread tyre ==> 双滚动面轮胎
  26936. duo-trio test ==> 二-三检验
  26937. duobinary number ==> 双二进制数
  26938. duocentric motor ==> 同心双转子电动机
  26939. duodecimal ==> 12進法
  26940. duodecimal base ==> 十二脚管座
  26941. duodecimal notation ==> 十二进制,十二进制记数法
  26942. duodecimal number ==> 十二进制数字
  26943. duodecimal system ==> 十二进位制
  26944. duodenal diverticulum ==> 十二指肠憩室
  26945. duodenal ileus ==> 十二指肠梗阻
  26946. duodenal juice ==> 十二脂肠液
  26947. duodiode-triode ==> 双二极三极管
  26948. duolateral coil ==> 蜂巢线圈
  26949. duolateral winding ==> 蜂巢绕组
  26950. duoplasmatron ion source ==> 双等离子体离子源
  26951. duoscopic receiver ==> 双重图像电视接收机
  26952. duotricemary notation ==> 三十二进制,三十二进制记数法
  26953. Duovac method ==> 杜奥瓦克法
  26954. duped print ==> 复制正片
  26955. Duperrey's lines ==> 杜佩里线
  26956. Duplay's syndrome ==> 冻肩,肩峰下滑液囊炎
  26957. duplex ==> 全双工=>二重の
  26958. duplex (pressure) gauge ==> 双工[双针]压力表
  26959. duplex adapter ==> 双口接头,双路转接器
  26960. duplex air ga(u)ge ==> 双针风表,双针气压计
  26961. duplex air governor ==> 复式空气调节器
  26962. duplex air pump ==> 双缸气泵
  26963. duplex alloy ==> 二相合金
  26964. duplex apartment ==> (占有两层的公寓单元)跳层公寓单元
  26965. duplex artificial line ==> 双工仿真线路
  26966. duplex balance ==> 双方向平衡,双工平衡
  26967. duplex ball bearing ==> 双联球轴承,成对双联向心推力球轴承
  26968. duplex bearing ==> 双轴承
  26969. duplex boring machine ==> 复式镗床
  26970. duplex bracket ==> 复式托架
  26971. duplex breaker ==> 二重破碎机
  26972. duplex burner ==> 双油路喷嘴,双路喷燃器,双路燃油喷嘴
  26973. duplex cable ==> 双股电缆=>重信ケーブル
  26974. duplex calculating machine ==> 倍加计算机
  26975. duplex carburetor ==> 双汽化器,复式化油器
  26976. duplex cavity ==> 双腔谐振器
  26977. duplex chain ==> 双滚柱链,双排滚子链
  26978. duplex chamber surge tank ==> 水室付複式差動型調圧水槽
  26979. duplex channel ==> 双波道,双工信道,双路通路,双向通道,双向信道
  26980. duplex circuit ==> 双工电路
  26981. duplex communication ==> 双工通信,双路通信
  26982. duplex communication system ==> 双重通信方式
  26983. duplex computer ==> 双计算机,双联式计算机
  26984. duplex computer system ==> 双计算机系统
  26985. duplex continuous integral fin tube ==> 双金属套片式翅片管
  26986. duplex control ==> 双工控制,复式控制
  26987. duplex crank press ==> 双曲轴压机
  26988. duplex dialling ==> 双工拨号
  26989. duplex diode ==> 双二極管
  26990. duplex diode pentode ==> 双二極五極管
  26991. duplex diode triode ==> 双二極三極管
  26992. duplex double-action press ==> 二重双动压机
  26993. duplex doubleacting pump ==> 复式双动水泵
  26994. duplex equation ==> 重信方程式
  26995. duplex facsimile equipment ==> 双工传真机
  26996. duplex feedback amplifier ==> 双重反馈放大器=>二重帰還増幅幅
  26997. duplex feeding ==> 二重給電
  26998. duplex fibre ==> 复合纤维
  26999. duplex filter ==> 复式过滤器
  27000. duplex fitting ==> 双通接头
  27001. duplex flax hackling machine ==> 亚麻双面梳麻机
  27002. duplex furnace ==> 双联炉
  27003. duplex gear cutter ==> 齿轮加工组合铣刀
  27004. duplex gear hobber ==> 双轴滚齿机
  27005. duplex grain size ==> 双重晶粒结构
  27006. duplex grain structure ==> 混合晶粒组织,混晶
  27007. duplex head milling machine ==> 双头铣床
  27008. duplex horizontal miller ==> 复式卧铣床
  27009. duplex horizontal sprayer ==> 双管卧式喷雾器
  27010. duplex house ==> 双联式住宅
  27011. duplex iron ==> 双联铸铁,(碱性炼钢炉及酸性炼钢炉都适用的生铁)两用钢
  27012. duplex lathe ==> 复式车床
  27013. duplex line ==> 双线,双线路
  27014. duplex lock ==> 双转鼓锁
  27015. duplex melting ==> 双联熔炼
  27016. duplex metal ==> 双金属
  27017. duplex mill ==> 双面磨粉机
  27018. duplex milling machine ==> 双轴铣床
  27019. duplex nozzle ==> 双重喷嘴式喷射头
  27020. duplex number service ==> 二重番号
  27021. duplex operation ==> 双工操作,双工运行,双工制
  27022. duplex operation system ==> 複信方式
  27023. duplex outlet ==> 双插座
  27024. duplex paper ==> 双层纸,双面相纸
  27025. duplex parts ==> 成对部件
  27026. duplex piston pump ==> 双缸活塞泵
  27027. duplex plate planer ==> 复式板刨床
  27028. duplex plunger pump ==> 双缸柱塞泵
  27029. duplex polarization antenna ==> 双极化波共用天线
  27030. duplex power feed type A.C. commutator motor ==> 并联馈电整流式交流电动机
  27031. duplex power pump ==> 双缸曲柄泵
  27032. duplex practice ==> 双联法
  27033. duplex pressure controller ==> 复式压力控制器
  27034. duplex printing machine ==> 双面印花机
  27035. duplex process ==> 双联法,双炼法,二联法
  27036. duplex process for steel making ==> 双联法,双联炼钢法
  27037. duplex pull rod ==> 双拉杆
  27038. duplex pump ==> 双缸泵=>複式ポンプ
  27039. duplex pump governor ==> 双缸泵调节器
  27040. duplex punch ==> 二重冲压机
  27041. duplex purchase ==> 复式涡轮传动滑车
  27042. duplex reactor ==> 相互誘導を有するリアクトル
  27043. duplex receptacle outlet ==> 双孔插座出线口
  27044. duplex reciprocating pump ==> 双缸往复泵
  27045. duplex regulator ==> 双联调节器
  27046. duplex roller chain ==> 双滚子链
  27047. duplex screen printing machine ==> 双面绢网印花机
  27048. duplex set ==> 双马达传动
  27049. duplex Shreiner calender ==> 双层电光机
  27050. duplex slip ==> 双滑移
  27051. duplex sound track ==> 双锯齿声迹
  27052. duplex spot weld ==> 双点点焊接头
  27053. duplex spreadblade cutting method ==> 复合双面切削法
  27054. duplex steam pistom pump ==> 双缸蒸汽往复泵
  27055. duplex steel ==> 双炼钢,二联钢
  27056. duplex switchboard ==> 双工配电盘
  27057. duplex system ==> 双工制,双重系统=>デュプレックスシステム
  27058. duplex tandem compressor ==> 双并双串压气机
  27059. duplex telegraph ==> 双工电报机
  27060. duplex telegraphy ==> 双工电信=>二重電信
  27061. duplex telephony ==> 双工电话
  27062. duplex therapy ==> 二重电疗法
  27063. duplex tooth taper ==> 双重收缩齿
  27064. duplex transmission ==> 双工传输,双重电信,两向传导,双工发送,双工运行=>全二重伝送
  27065. duplex type ==> 复式
  27066. duplex vertical sprayer ==> 双管立式喷雾器
  27067. duplex wind tunnel ==> 双试验段风洞
  27068. duplex winding ==> 双绕组,双重绕组,串并联绕组,并绕=>二重巻
  27069. duplex wire ==> 双芯导线,双心导线
  27070. duplex-spiral classifier ==> 双螺旋分级机
  27071. duplex-type atomizer ==> 复式喷雾器
  27072. duplexed computer system ==> 双计算机系统
  27073. duplexer ==> 天线收发转换开关=>送受切替器
  27074. duplexer of wave-guide system ==> 波导收发转换装置
  27075. duplexing ==> 双工工作
  27076. dupli cating milling machine ==> 仿形铣床
  27077. duplicate bill of lading ==> 提单抄本,提单副本
  27078. duplicate bills of lading ==> 副本提单
  27079. duplicate block ==> 重复区
  27080. duplicate cavity plate ==> 双腔型板
  27081. duplicate conductor ==> 二重导体
  27082. duplicate copy of invoice ==> 发票副本
  27083. duplicate error message ==> 重复错误信息
  27084. duplicate field ==> 复制区
  27085. duplicate film ==> 复印胶片
  27086. duplicate format ==> 複写書式
  27087. duplicate gear ==> 双联齿轮
  27088. duplicate gene ==> 重複遺伝子
  27089. duplicate information ==> 情報を二重化する
  27090. duplicate injection ==> 重复注射
  27091. duplicate insulator ==> 二重绝缘体
  27092. duplicate invoice ==> 发票副单
  27093. duplicate key ==> 复制键
  27094. duplicate line ==> 双线电路
  27095. duplicate mass storage volume ==> 复制海量存储卷,复制海量存储器卷
  27096. duplicate negative ==> 复制底片
  27097. duplicate of way bill ==> 铁路运单副本
  27098. duplicate original ==> 复制原版
  27099. duplicate part ==> 备件
  27100. duplicate permit ==> 复本许可证,许可证复本
  27101. duplicate plates ==> 复制版
  27102. duplicate protection ==> 双重保护,对被保护的电力元件用功能相同安装相近但相对独立的两套保护装置进行保护
  27103. duplicate protective conductor ==> 双重保护导体
  27104. duplicate ratio ==> 复比
  27105. duplicate reading ==> 重复读数
  27106. duplicate recoiler ==> 双位卷取机
  27107. duplicate relay ==> 备用继电器
  27108. duplicate routine ==> 重穿程序,复制例行程序
  27109. duplicate rows ==> 双行
  27110. duplicate sample ==> 副份样品
  27111. duplicate supply ==> 双电源,双路馈电,双电源供电,由两个相互独立的电源向负荷供电
  27112. duplicate test ==> 重复检验,重复试验,替换测验,复试
  27113. duplicate tests ==> 重复试验
  27114. duplicate volume ==> 复制卷
  27115. duplicate wheel arrangement ==> 成双联轮装置
  27116. duplicate work ==> 大量生产
  27117. duplicate, to ==> 複製する
  27118. duplicated ==> 二重化
  27119. duplicated chromosome ==> 重复染色体
  27120. duplicated control ==> 复式控制
  27121. duplicated film ==> 复制片
  27122. duplicated system ==> 重复系统
  27123. duplicating attachment ==> 复式附件
  27124. duplicating card punch ==> 复制卡片穿孔
  27125. duplicating experimental condition ==> 使实验条件完全相同
  27126. duplicating lathe ==> 仿形车床
  27127. duplicating machine ==> 复印机
  27128. duplicating milling machine ==> 复制铣床
  27129. duplicating paper ==> 复印纸
  27130. duplicating room ==> 复印室
  27131. duplicating unit ==> 复制机
  27132. duplication ==> 复印
  27133. duplication anomaly of gastrointestinal tract ==> 胃肠道重叠畸形
  27134. duplication code ==> 重复码
  27135. duplication factor ==> 重复因数,重复因子,复制因数
  27136. duplication formula ==> 加倍公式,倍角公式,倍量公式
  27137. duplication of diaphragm ==> 膈重复
  27138. duplication of digestive tract ==> 消化道重复畸形
  27139. duplication of labor ==> 重复劳动
  27140. duplication of name ==> 重名
  27141. duplication of natural condition ==> 仿造天然环境
  27142. duplicational polyploid ==> 重复多倍体
  27143. duplicator ==> 复印机
  27144. duplicator with semiautomatic master change ==> 半自动更换原版复印机,半自动换母板复制机
  27145. dupliicate sample ==> 副样
  27146. Dupont process ==> 杜邦选矿法
  27147. Duppler's alloy ==> 杜普勒合金,杜普勒镜用合金
  27148. Dupre equation ==> 杜普雷方程
  27149. Dupre's syndrome ==> 假性脑膜炎
  27150. duprene rubber ==> 氯丁橡胶
  27151. Dupry process ==> 直接炼铁法
  27152. Dupuytren's contraction ==> 杜普伊特伦挛缩,掌挛缩病
  27153. dura forceps ==> 脑膜镊
  27154. dura mater encephali ==> 硬脑膜
  27155. dura mater of brain ==> 硬脑膜
  27156. dura mater scissors ==> 硬膜剪
  27157. Durabil ==> 杜拉比尔钢
  27158. durability ==> 耐久率,耐久性,耐用性=>耐久性
  27159. durability capacity ==> 耐久能力
  27160. durability factor ==> 耐久性係数
  27161. durability index ==> 耐用指数
  27162. durability limit ==> 耐久限度
  27163. durability line ==> 耐久性曲线
  27164. durability of wood ==> 木材耐久性
  27165. durability performance ==> 耐久性能
  27166. durability period ==> 耐用期
  27167. durability test ==> 耐久性試験
  27168. durabilitym ==> 耐久性
  27169. durable ==> 耐久的,耐用的,坚固=>耐久性のある,長持ちする
  27170. durable cell ==> 耐久细胞
  27171. durable consumer goods ==> 耐用消费品
  27172. durable facility ==> 耐用设备
  27173. durable goods ==> 耐用品
  27174. durable goods price ==> 耐用品价格
  27175. durable press ==> 耐久压烫
  27176. durable pressed tumbler ==> 钢化杯
  27177. durable seal ==> 耐久嵌缝
  27178. durable shopping bag ==> 耐用购物袋
  27179. durable years ==> 耐用年限
  27180. durable-press resin ==> 永压树脂
  27181. durableness ==> 耐用性
  27182. durables ==> 耐用品
  27183. Duraflex ==> 杜拉弗莱克斯青铜
  27184. Durak ==> 杜拉克压铸锌基合金
  27185. Durak (alloy) ==> 德雷克合金
  27186. Durak alloy ==> 杜拉克锌基合金
  27187. dural trace generalized oscilloscope ==> 二踪通用示波器
  27188. duralium ==> 镁铝合金,硬铝
  27189. Duralium ==> 杜拉铝
  27190. Duraloy ==> 杜拉洛依耐蚀耐热铬钢
  27191. duralumin ==> 硬铝,杜拉铝,铝合金=>ジュラルミン
  27192. Duralumin ==> 杜拉铝
  27193. duralumin alclad ==> 包硬铝
  27194. duralumin plate ==> 硬铝板=>ジュラルミン板
  27195. duraluminium alloy ==> 硬铝
  27196. Duramium ==> 杜拉密高速钢
  27197. Durana alloy ==> 杜兰钠合金
  27198. Durana metal ==> 杜拉纳高强度黄铜,杜兰钠黄铜,铜锌合金
  27199. durana metal ==> 杜氏合金
  27200. Duranal ==> 杜拉纳尔铝镁合金
  27201. Durango cotton ==> (美)杜兰戈棉
  27202. Duranickel ==> 杜拉非磁性耐蚀高强度镍铝合金,杜拉镍
  27203. duration ==> 持续时间,涨落历时,期间,延续性,生存期,(时间的)宽度
  27204. duration clause ==> 期限条款
  27205. duration control ==> 时间控制
  27206. duration curve ==> (持续曲线)历时曲线=>流況曲線
  27207. duration in scanning ==> 扫掠持续时间,扫描持续时间
  27208. duration of annular phase ==> 环食时间
  27209. duration of attention ==> 注意久暂
  27210. duration of blast ==> 吹炼期
  27211. duration of braking ==> 制动时间
  27212. duration of breaker contact ==> 断电器接触时间
  27213. duration of certain stages ==> 一定发育阶段
  27214. duration of charge ==> 充电时间
  27215. duration of charging ==> 充电时间
  27216. duration of contract ==> 契约有效期间
  27217. duration of cycle ==> 周期时间
  27218. duration of day ==> 日照长度
  27219. duration of diapause ==> 停滞时间
  27220. duration of eclipse ==> 掩食时间
  27221. duration of eggs fertile ==> 卵子维持受精能力的时间
  27222. duration of estrus ==> 发情持续期
  27223. duration of exciting ==> 激发持续时间
  27224. duration of feeding ==> 供油延续时间
  27225. duration of force ==> 有効期間
  27226. duration of freezing ==> 冻结持续时间
  27227. duration of germinating ability ==> 种子发芽力延续时间
  27228. duration of germination test ==> 种子发芽试验期
  27229. duration of guarantee period ==> 保证期限
  27230. duration of heat ==> 加热持续时间
  27231. duration of heating ==> 冶炼时间
  27232. duration of ignition ==> 点火时间
  27233. duration of illumination ==> 光照延续
  27234. duration of impulse ==> 脉冲持续时间
  27235. duration of lactation ==> 泌乳期
  27236. duration of load ==> 负荷保持时间
  27237. duration of load application ==> 负荷时间
  27238. duration of operation ==> 运行持续时间
  27239. duration of oscillation ==> 摆动时间
  27240. duration of photopic vision ==> 明视持久度
  27241. duration of pregnancy ==> 妊娠期
  27242. duration of rainfall ==> 降雨持续时间
  27243. duration of rainfall excess ==> 超渗降雨历时
  27244. duration of risk clause ==> 保险期间条款
  27245. duration of run ==> 展开时间
  27246. duration of runs ==> 运转时间
  27247. duration of settlement ==> 沉降历时
  27248. duration of shock pulse ==> 冲击波持续时间,冲击脉冲持续时间
  27249. duration of short-circuit ==> 短路持续时间
  27250. duration of starting ==> 起动持续时间
  27251. duration of storm ==> 暴雨持续时间
  27252. duration of sunshine ==> 日照时间
  27253. duration of test runs ==> 试验持续时间
  27254. duration of totality ==> 全食时间
  27255. duration of unemployment ==> 失业期限
  27256. duration of validity ==> 有效时间
  27257. duration of wave front ==> 波前宽度=>波頭長
  27258. duration of wave tail ==> 波尾长=>波尾長
  27259. duration of wave-front ==> 波前宽度
  27260. duration response ==> 持续时间响应
  27261. duration running ==> 持久试验
  27262. duration scanning ==> 扫描时间
  27263. duration selector ==> 持续时间选择器,连续导线器
  27264. duration spring ==> 持续作用弹簧
  27265. duration time modulation ==> 时间宽度调制
  27266. duration time of galloping occurrence ==> ギャロッピング発生時間
  27267. duration time of high electric field ==> 高電界継続時間
  27268. duration-specific divorce rates ==> 已婚年数别离婚率
  27269. durax paving ==> 嵌花式小方石路面
  27270. durax-cube pavement ==> 嵌花式小方石路面
  27271. Durcam machine ==> 德肯地毯织机
  27272. Durck's granuloma ==> 疟疾肉芽肿
  27273. durden calculation ==> 配料计算
  27274. Durehete ==> 杜尔赫特抗蠕变钢
  27275. durehete ==> 杜雷海特铬钼钢
  27276. Durex bearing alloy ==> 杜里克斯铅基铜镍烧结轴承合金
  27277. Durex bronze ==> 杜雷克斯多孔石墨青铜,多孔石墨青铜
  27278. Durex iron ==> 多孔铁,杜雷克斯多孔铁
  27279. Durham fermentation tube ==> 杜汉氏发酵管
  27280. during case ==> 持续时间角色
  27281. during development of the seedling ==> 在幼苗发育期
  27282. during early embryo sac development ==> 在胚囊发育早期
  27283. during evolution ==> 在进化过程中
  27284. during fabrication ==> 在制造时
  27285. during fruit development ==> 在果实发育时
  27286. during further development of the anther ==> 当花药进一步发育时
  27287. during germination ==> 在发芽期间
  27288. during late spring and early summer ==> 在春末夏初出现
  27289. during mutagene treatments ==> 在诱变处理过程中
  27290. during seed development ==> 种子发育期
  27291. during the early stages of development ==> 在生长初期阶段
  27292. during the late stages of developmet ==> 在后期阶段
  27293. during the switching phase ==> 切替時期に
  27294. during vegetative growth period ==> 在营养成长期间
  27295. during-operation service ==> 运转维护
  27296. durite ==> 微暗煤
  27297. Durna metal ==> 杜尔纳黄铜
  27298. Durness Limestone ==> 杜内斯石灰岩
  27299. Durodi ==> 杜劳迪镍铬钼钢
  27300. Duroid ==> 杜劳特铬合金钢
  27301. Durolith ==> 杜劳里斯锌基合金
  27302. durometer ==> 硬度计=>デュロメーター
  27303. durometer hardness ==> 计示硬度
  27304. Duronze ==> 杜朗青铜,杜龙兹硅青铜
  27305. Duroziez's sign ==> 杜罗济埃氏征
  27306. Durris carpet ==> (印度)达利斯棉毯
  27307. Durville pouring ==> 翻炉浇注法
  27308. Durville process ==> 德维尔翻炉铸造法
  27309. DUS, Data Utilization Station ==> 利用局
  27310. dusk side ==> 黄昏侧
  27311. dusky belt ==> 暗带
  27312. dusky ring ==> 暗环
  27313. dusky thrush ==> ツグミ
  27314. dusky veil ==> 暗纱
  27315. dust ==> 尘埃,尘土,喷粉,灰尘,回灰=>ダスト
  27316. dust (settling) chamber ==> 集尘室
  27317. dust abatement ==> 除尘
  27318. dust absorption ==> 吸尘
  27319. dust accumulator ==> 集尘器
  27320. dust allayer ==> 收尘器
  27321. dust analysis ==> 尘埃分析
  27322. dust analyzer ==> 尘埃分析仪
  27323. dust and fume monitor ==> 煤尘和烟雾检测仪=>粉塵・煙監視装置
  27324. dust arrester ==> 吸尘器,挡尘器
  27325. dust arrester installation ==> 收尘装置
  27326. dust arrester(-tor) ==> 集尘器
  27327. dust arrestment ==> 灰尘捕集
  27328. dust arrestment plant ==> 尘埃吸集装置
  27329. dust asthma ==> 尘埃性哮喘
  27330. dust avalanche ==> 尘崩
  27331. dust bag ==> 集尘袋
  27332. dust base ==> 粗粉剂
  27333. dust bin ==> 尘埃箱
  27334. dust binding composition for sweeping ==> 除尘粘结剂
  27335. dust blower ==> 吹尘器
  27336. dust bowl ==> 风沙浸蚀区,风沙中心
  27337. dust burdening ==> 含灰量
  27338. dust cage ==> 集尘罩
  27339. dust cap ==> 防尘罩
  27340. dust carrier ==> 粉末载体
  27341. dust case ==> 集尘室
  27342. dust catcher ==> 捕尘器,除尘器,吸尘器=>集じん器
  27343. dust cell ==> 除尘室,尘细胞
  27344. dust chamber ==> 除尘室
  27345. dust chute ==> 微粉流道
  27346. dust cleaning apparatus ==> 除尘装置
  27347. dust coal ==> 粉煤
  27348. dust coat ==> 干法涂搪,防尘外壳
  27349. dust collect plant ==> 集尘装置
  27350. dust collect unit ==> 集尘装置
  27351. dust collecting equipment ==> 集尘设备
  27352. dust collecting sleeve ==> 吸尘袋
  27353. dust collecting system ==> 收尘系统
  27354. dust collection ==> 集尘
  27355. dust collection plate ==> 收尘板,又称“集尘极”。静电除尘器中,荷电粉尘最终沉积其上的电极板(通常是阳极)
  27356. dust collection system ==> 收尘设备=>集塵システム
  27357. dust collector ==> 收尘器,采花粉器,集尘器,集尘室,聚尘器,聚尘器,除尘器,除去或降低烟气中飞灰含量的设备=>集塵機
  27358. dust collector for cupola ==> 冲天炉专用除尘器
  27359. dust colour ==> 暗褐色
  27360. dust concentration ==> 粉尘浓度
  27361. dust contained gas ==> 含尘气体
  27362. dust containing gas ==> 含塵ガス
  27363. dust content ==> 含尘量,粉尘含量,尘含量
  27364. dust content in flue gas ==> 烟气含尘量,单位体积烟气中所含的飞灰质量
  27365. dust control ==> 尘埃控制
  27366. dust control system ==> 粉尘控制系统
  27367. dust control unit ==> 除尘装置
  27368. dust controlled area ==> 除尘控制区
  27369. dust core ==> 压粉铁心=>圧粉磁心
  27370. dust counter ==> 尘埃计数器,尘粒计数器,尘量计,测尘器
  27371. dust cover ==> 防尘外壳
  27372. dust crops with an insecticide ==> 撒农药
  27373. dust deposit ==> 尘土堆积
  27374. dust devil ==> 尘卷,小尘暴
  27375. dust discharging plate ==> 排粉盘
  27376. dust disease ==> 灰尘病
  27377. dust distributor ==> 喷粉嘴
  27378. dust excluder ==> 防尘条
  27379. dust excluding plate ==> 防尘板
  27380. dust exhaust apparatus ==> 吸尘装置,排尘装置
  27381. dust exhausting equipment ==> 排尘设备
  27382. dust exhaustor ==> 排尘器
  27383. dust exploding ==> 粉尘爆炸
  27384. dust explosion ==> 尘末爆炸
  27385. dust exposure method ==> 染尘法
  27386. dust extinction ==> 尘埃消光量
  27387. dust extraction fan ==> 除尘风扇
  27388. dust extractor ==> 除尘器,捕尘器,收尘器=>集塵機
  27389. dust fall ==> 灰尘沉降
  27390. dust fan ==> 抽尘风扇
  27391. dust figure ==> 粉象=>粉像
  27392. dust filter ==> 滤尘器
  27393. dust free room ==> 无尘室
  27394. dust furrow ==> 药粉条虫沟
  27395. dust gauge ==> 粉尘计
  27396. dust gauze ==> 滤灰网,防尘网
  27397. dust goggles ==> 防尘眼镜
  27398. dust granule ==> 粉粒剂
  27399. dust guard ==> 防尘板,防尘设备
  27400. dust guard plate ==> 防尘板
  27401. dust hazard ==> 尘害
  27402. dust haze ==> 尘霾
  27403. dust helmet ==> 防尘罩
  27404. dust hole ==> 垃圾坑
  27405. dust hood ==> 尘罩,防尘罩
  27406. dust hopper ==> 药粉箱,灰斗,集尘斗
  27407. dust horizon ==> 尘埃层顶
  27408. dust infection ==> 尘埃传染
  27409. dust layer ==> 防尘层
  27410. dust laying ==> 防尘的
  27411. dust laying composition ==> 除尘合成制剂
  27412. dust laying material ==> 防尘料
  27413. dust laying oil ==> 防尘油
  27414. dust leg ==> 集尘管
  27415. dust load ==> 积灰荷载,含尘量
  27416. dust management of coal handling system ==> 燃料系统粉尘治理,控制火力发电厂燃煤卸、堆存、输送、破碎、筛分、采样各环节产生的煤尘量符合规定的工作场所空气质量标准所采取的措施
  27417. dust mask ==> 防尘面罩
  27418. dust measurement ==> 粉尘测量
  27419. dust minder ==> 防尘提示装置
  27420. dust mixer ==> 混尘器
  27421. dust monitor ==> 灰尘监测器,粉尘监测器
  27422. dust mulch ==> 地面防风幕,细土覆盖层
  27423. dust nuisance ==> 尘害
  27424. dust pan ==> 簸箕
  27425. dust panel ==> 抽屉隔板
  27426. dust particle ==> 尘粒
  27427. dust pelletizing system ==> 除尘系统
  27428. dust pocket ==> 贮尘室
  27429. dust pollution control ==> 粉尘治理,对生产过程中产生的扬尘(煤尘、灰尘等)采取防止、抑制、滤除等措施,使工作场所的空气质量达到标准要求
  27430. dust pot ==> 灰斗
  27431. dust precipitation ==> 除尘
  27432. dust precipitation chamber ==> 集尘室
  27433. dust precipitator ==> 除尘器,除尘室,聚尘器,降尘室,除去或降低烟气中飞灰含量的设备=>集塵機
  27434. dust press ==> 干法成形
  27435. dust pressing ==> 干压法
  27436. dust prevention ==> 尘埃预防,防尘,防尘措施
  27437. dust proof box ==> 防尘密封箱
  27438. dust proof solenoid valve ==> 防尘型电磁阀
  27439. dust reducer ==> 粉塵低減剤
  27440. dust removal ==> 除尘
  27441. dust removal efficiency ==> 除尘效率,被除尘器收集下来的尘粒量占进入除尘器烟气含尘量的百分比
  27442. dust removing plant ==> 除尘设备,除尘装置
  27443. dust respirator ==> 除尘口罩
  27444. dust ring ==> 防尘环
  27445. dust sampler ==> 灰尘取样器
  27446. dust sampling train ==> 尘埃取样器
  27447. dust scraper ==> 刮板除尘机
  27448. dust scraping ring ==> 刮尘圈
  27449. dust screen ==> 防尘网
  27450. dust seal ==> 防尘密封条,尘封
  27451. dust separating ==> 灰尘分离的
  27452. dust separator ==> 灰尘分离器,除尘分离器,除尘器
  27453. dust setting chamber ==> 粉尘沉降室
  27454. dust settler ==> 除尘器
  27455. dust settling pocket ==> 除尘袋
  27456. dust shaker ==> 除尘机,打土机
  27457. dust shield ==> 防尘罩,放尘罩
  27458. dust shower ==> 尘雨
  27459. dust spectacles ==> 防尘眼镜
  27460. dust stop ==> 密封装置
  27461. dust storm ==> 尘暴,沙暴
  27462. dust stratification ==> 积灰
  27463. dust suppression chemical ==> 尘埃抑制化学剂
  27464. dust suppression device ==> 灭尘装置
  27465. dust suppression system ==> 灭尘系统
  27466. dust tea ==> 末茶
  27467. dust test ==> 透尘试验
  27468. dust test instrument ==> 粉尘试验器
  27469. dust trap ==> 集尘器,捕尘器
  27470. dust trash meter ==> 灰尘废料测定仪
  27471. dust tube ==> 测尘管
  27472. dust turbidity ==> 灰尘混浊度
  27473. dust washer ==> 防尘垫圈
  27474. dust well ==> 尘穴
  27475. dust whirl ==> 尘旋
  27476. dust-arrester installation ==> 集尘装置
  27477. dust-bathing ==> (禽)沙浴
  27478. dust-borne radioactivity ==> 放射性灰尘
  27479. dust-cloud hypothesis ==> 尘云假说
  27480. dust-collecter ==> 吸尘器
  27481. dust-collecting fan ==> 除尘器,真空吸尘器
  27482. dust-cooled reactor ==> 气流粉尘冷却反应堆
  27483. dust-counting microscope ==> 计尘显微镜
  27484. dust-devil effect ==> 尘卷效应
  27485. dust-disease spirocomputer ==> 矽肺呼吸计算机
  27486. dust-exbaust system ==> 排尘系统
  27487. dust-fast ==> 耐尘的
  27488. dust-feed mechanism ==> 药粉喂送机构
  27489. dust-free area ==> 防尘区
  27490. dust-free cooling ==> 无尘冷却
  27491. dust-free plant ==> 无尘车间
  27492. dust-free workshop ==> 无尘车间
  27493. dust-laden ==> 充满尘埃的
  27494. dust-laden air ==> 有尘空气
  27495. dust-laden gas ==> 含尘炉气,含尘气体
  27496. dust-precipitating system ==> 集尘系统
  27497. dust-proof ==> 避尘的,防尘,防尘罩
  27498. dust-proof case ==> 防尘箱
  27499. dust-proof construction ==> 防塵構造
  27500. dust-proof electrical equipment ==> 防尘式电气设备
  27501. dust-proof glasses ==> 防塵メガネ
  27502. dust-proof insulator ==> 防尘绝缘子
  27503. dust-proof lighting fitting ==> 防尘照明装置
  27504. dust-proof machine ==> 防尘机器,防尘式电机,防尘型电机
  27505. dust-proof rubber strip ==> 防尘橡皮条
  27506. dust-proof switchgear ==> 防尘式开关装置
  27507. dust-proofing seal ==> 防尘密封条
  27508. dust-reclaiming mill ==> 灰尘处理设备
  27509. dust-removal system ==> 除尘系统
  27510. dust-removing mechanical rectifying equipment ==> 除尘用机械整流设备
  27511. dust-removing preparation ==> 除尘制剂
  27512. dust-separating appliance ==> 灰尘分离装置
  27513. dust-separating equipment ==> 灰尘分离器
  27514. dust-separation equipment ==> 吸尘装置
  27515. dust-tight construction ==> 防尘建筑
  27516. dust-tight type motor ==> 防尘式电动机
  27517. duster ==> 除尘机,除尘器,撒粉器,洒粉器,喷粉器=>ふきん,雑巾,はたき
  27518. duster cloth ==> 抹布
  27519. duster cost ==> 防尘外壳
  27520. dustiness degree ==> 含尘度
  27521. dusting ==> 除尘
  27522. dusting beak ==> 喷粉器
  27523. dusting clay ==> 喷粉粘土
  27524. dusting machine ==> 喷粉机,除尘机
  27525. dusting paper ==> 拂试纸
  27526. dusting powder ==> 扑粉
  27527. dusting roll ==> 擦光辊
  27528. dustproof building ==> 防尘建筑
  27529. dustproof cover ==> 防尘罩
  27530. dustproof instrument ==> 防尘式仪器仪表
  27531. dustproof lighting fitting ==> 防尘照明装置
  27532. dustproof machine ==> 防尘式电机=>防じん形電機
  27533. dustproof packaging ==> 防尘包装
  27534. dusty complexion ==> 面尘
  27535. dusty gas ==> 含尘气体
  27536. dusty material ==> 粉状材料
  27537. dusty materials ==> 粉末材料
  27538. dusty miller ==> 雪叶莲=>ダスティーミラー,キク科の常緑多年草
  27539. dusty spray ==> 喷涂粉末
  27540. DUT, device under test ==> 被試験体
  27541. Dutch barn ==> 荷兰式棚
  27542. Dutch bond ==> 荷兰式砌合法
  27543. Dutch brick ==> 高温烧结砖
  27544. dutch collar ==> 马胸套
  27545. Dutch cone test ==> 荷兰圆锥试验
  27546. Dutch cyclone ==> 旋液分离器
  27547. Dutch door ==> 两截门
  27548. Dutch gold ==> 荷兰金,荷兰饰金,黄铜箔
  27549. Dutch marble paper ==> 荷兰大理石纹纸
  27550. Dutch mattress ==> 荷兰式柴排
  27551. Dutch metal ==> 荷兰合金
  27552. dutch nose tool ==> 宽头刀
  27553. Dutch process ==> 荷兰法
  27554. Dutch white metal ==> 荷兰白色饰用合金,白色饰用合金
  27555. Dutch-oven furnace ==> 前置式燃烧室
  27556. dutchmanspipe root ==> 青木香
  27557. dutiable goods ==> 征税货物
  27558. duties on buyer's account ==> 目的港码头交货
  27559. duty ==> 工作模式,职,职务,职责,灌溉水量,工作状态,税,税收,责,占空=>使用
  27560. duty allowance ==> 职务津贴
  27561. duty classification of a relay ==> 继电器工作分类
  27562. duty control ==> デューティーコントロール
  27563. duty cycle ==> 占空比,占空度,暂载率,工作循环,工作因数,负载周期,有荷因数=>負荷サイクル,デューティサイクル
  27564. duty cycle operation ==> 周期性工作
  27565. duty cyclometer ==> 负载循环计,占空因数计
  27566. duty drawback ==> 退税
  27567. duty factor ==> 工作因数,线圈间隙因数,占空因数,负载比,负载因素,负载周期,工作系数,工作因数=>負荷時間率(回転機),衝撃係数(パルス)
  27568. duty free ==> 免税
  27569. duty free articles ==> 免税物品
  27570. duty free certificate ==> 免税凭证,免税证明,免税执照
  27571. duty free entry ==> 免税进口
  27572. duty free goods ==> 免税货物,免税品
  27573. duty free import ==> 免税进口
  27574. duty free importation ==> 免税进口
  27575. duty free imports ==> 免税输入品
  27576. duty free quota list ==> 免税限额表
  27577. duty free shop ==> 免税商店
  27578. duty free slips ==> 免税单
  27579. duty free-zone ==> 免税地带
  27580. duty horse-power ==> 报关马力
  27581. duty horsepower ==> 标称马力
  27582. duty memo ==> 税单
  27583. duty of averting or minimizing losses ==> 防止和减轻损失的义务
  27584. duty of engine ==> 发动机功能
  27585. duty of maintenance ==> 扶养义务
  27586. duty of pump ==> 泵的能率
  27587. duty of support ==> 扶养义务
  27588. duty of water ==> 作物需水量
  27589. duty paid ==> 目的港码头交货,已完税,进口完税价
  27590. duty paid certificate ==> 收税单
  27591. duty paid price ==> 完税货价
  27592. duty paid terms ==> 卖方交纳进口税的交货条件,通过海关后交货条件
  27593. duty plate ==> 性能标志板
  27594. duty preiod ==> 工作周期
  27595. duty qualified independent inspector ==> 正式有资格的独立检查人
  27596. duty quotas ==> 海关限额
  27597. duty ratio ==> 使用時間比,负荷比,占空比,占空率
  27598. duty receipt ==> 纳税凭证
  27599. duty row(ing) boat ==> 值勤艇
  27600. duty technician ==> 值勤技术员
  27601. duty water ==> 保证供水流量
  27602. duty-cycle ==> 频宽比
  27603. duty-cycle capacity ==> 断续负荷容量
  27604. duty-cycle operation ==> 反復使用
  27605. duty-cycle rating ==> 反复使用定额,持续定额
  27606. duty-free access to the market ==> 免税进入市场
  27607. duty-free storage ==> 免税仓库
  27608. duty-paid goods ==> 已完税货物
  27609. duty-paid proof ==> 完税证明
  27610. duty-paid value ==> 完税价格
  27611. dutycycle operation ==> 工作循环
  27612. duxil tablet ==> 都可喜片
  27613. duxiliary fascia console ==> 副仪表板
  27614. DV, delivery verification ==> 通関証明書
  27615. DV, Digital Video ==> 数码摄像机
  27616. DVCS, data voice communications system ==> データの音声通信系
  27617. DVD, Digital Versatile Disc ==> 激光视盘
  27618. DVD, Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc ==> ディジタル ビデオ ディスク
  27619. DVM, digital voltage meter ==> デジタル電圧計
  27620. DVM, digital voltmeter ==> デジタル電圧計
  27621. DVR, design verification Review ==> 設計確認試験
  27622. DVR, Dynamic Voltage Restorer ==> 动态电压恢复器=>コンデンサ形直列補償瞬停対策装置。VSCの出力電圧を直列変圧器により系統に印加し,電圧変動と瞬低の補償を実現。VSCから系統に供給可能な有効電力量はエネルギー貯蔵容量に依存。並列型のように系統側でのスイッチ操作を要しないため高速な瞬低補償が可能。瞬低対策装置(全電圧補償型と直列補償型),ガスエンジン発電機の出力変動を抑制し連続運転を可能にする
  27623. DVR, dynamic voltage restorer ==> DVR
  27624. DVT, design verification test ==> 設計確認試験
  27625. DVT, Design verification testing ==> 設計確認試験
  27626. DW Distilled Water ==> 蒸馏水
  27627. DW, data word ==> データワード
  27628. DW, digital word ==> 計数語
  27629. DW, discrete word ==> ディスクリートワード
  27630. dwarf banana ==> 粉蕉
  27631. dwarf bean ==> 矮生菜豆
  27632. dwarf branch ==> 矮枝
  27633. dwarf cattle ==> 矮个牛
  27634. dwarf cherry ==> 矮木樱
  27635. dwarf colony ==> 矮型菌落,微小型菌落
  27636. dwarf culture ==> 矮化栽培
  27637. dwarf date palm ==> 矮枣椰
  27638. dwarf domestic animal ==> 矮家畜
  27639. dwarf donkey ==> 矮子驴
  27640. dwarf door ==> 矮门
  27641. dwarf elliptical galaxy ==> 矮椭圆星系
  27642. dwarf flower bed ==> 矮生花坛
  27643. dwarf form ==> 矮生型
  27644. dwarf fruit-tree ==> 矮生果树
  27645. dwarf grass ==> 矮牧草
  27646. dwarf Japanese quince ==> 日本贴梗海棠
  27647. dwarf lilyturf root ==> 麦冬
  27648. dwarf lilyturf turber ==> 麦冬
  27649. dwarf livestock ==> 矮收畜
  27650. dwarf male ==> 矮雄体
  27651. dwarf mouse unit ==> 侏儒鼠单位
  27652. dwarf partition ==> 矮隔断
  27653. dwarf planet ==> 矮行星
  27654. dwarf plant ==> 矮生植物
  27655. dwarf sequence ==> 矮星序,主星序
  27656. dwarf shoot ==> 短枝,矮枝
  27657. dwarf signal ==> 矮柱信号机,小型信号机
  27658. dwarf silkworm ==> 矮小蚕
  27659. dwarf soybean variety ==> 矮化大豆品种
  27660. dwarf spherical galaxy ==> 矮球状星系
  27661. dwarf spheroidal galaxies ==> 矮小楕円体銀河
  27662. dwarf star ==> 矮星
  27663. dwarf stock ==> 矮性砧
  27664. dwarf stock seed ==> 矮秆原种
  27665. dwarf strains of papaya ==> 短种木瓜
  27666. dwarf thicket ==> 矮树丛
  27667. dwarf tree limit ==> 矮乔木限界限
  27668. dwarf type ==> 矮秆型
  27669. dwarf wall ==> 矮墙
  27670. dwarfed crown ==> 树冠矮化层
  27671. dwarfed tree ==> 盆栽
  27672. dwarfing effect ==> 矮化作用
  27673. dwarfing stock ==> 矮化砧,短化砧木
  27674. dwarfing tree ==> 矮性树
  27675. dwarfism ==> 矮态,矮小,矮小症,侏儒,侏儒症,朱儒,人矮小病=>小人症
  27676. DWCT Deadweight Cargo Tons, or the weight of to be transported under a charter party ==> 货物总载重公吨位,或在契约下运输货物的重量
  27677. DWDD, Domain Wall Displacement Detection ==> (光磁気タイプD)WDDの再生原理
  27678. DWDM ==> 複数波長の光信号を多重化して伝送する方式
  27679. DWDM, Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ==> 波長分割多重:光信号の波長を変えて、光ファイバー・ケーブルを多重利用する方式。波長の異なる光ビームは互いに干渉しないという性質を利用している。この技術により、光ファイバ上の情報伝送量を飛躍的に増大させることができる。
  27680. dwell ==> 暂停,闭模时间,闭锁时间=>タリー,ドエル
  27681. dwell angle ==> 凸轮回转角度
  27682. dwell phase robot ==> 机器人的暂停状态
  27683. dwell pressure ==> 保压压力=>保持圧力
  27684. dwell raito ==> 闭合比例
  27685. dwell time ==> 保持最大塑性压力的时间,保压时间,停留时间,静态时间,静态时间=>滞在時間(焼成),停車時分
  27686. dwelling ==> 停止
  27687. dwelling ability ==> 居住性
  27688. dwelling area ==> 住宅地区
  27689. dwelling burrow ==> (遗迹化石)居住潜穴,居住潜穴
  27690. dwelling conditions ==> 居住条件,居住条件
  27691. dwelling district ==> 居住区,居住区
  27692. dwelling environment ==> 居住环境,居住环境
  27693. dwelling house ==> 居住房屋,居住房屋
  27694. dwelling house 居住房屋=> ==> 居住房屋
  27695. dwelling level ==> 居住水平,居住水平
  27696. dwelling space ==> 居住空间,居住空间,居住面积,居住面积
  27697. dwelling standard ==> 居住标准,居住标准
  27698. dwelling structure ==> 居住迹构造,居住迹构造
  27699. dwelling unit ==> 居住单元,居住单元
  27700. dwelling unit scale ==> 居住单元规模,居住单元规模
  27701. DWF, dwell data file ==> ドウェルデータファイル
  27702. DWG, drawing ==> 図面
  27703. DWH, Data Ware House ==> データウエアハウス
  27704. Dwight-Lloyd machine ==> 德怀特-劳埃德型焙烧炉
  27705. Dwight-Lloyd process ==> 德威特-劳埃德法
  27706. DWR, California Department of Water Resources ==> カリフォルニア州水資源局
  27707. DWR, Deep Water Route ==> 深水深航路
  27708. DWT Deadweight Tons ==> 总载重公吨位
  27709. DWT, discrete wavelet transform ==> 離散ウエーブレット変換
  27710. dyadic array ==> 二维数组,二元数组,二元阵列
  27711. dyadic Boolean operation ==> 二元布尔运算=>2項ブール演算
  27712. dyadic expansion ==> 二进展开
  27713. dyadic formula ==> 二元公式,双向公式
  27714. dyadic frequency resolution ==> 二进频率分组
  27715. dyadic indication ==> 二元指示
  27716. dyadic matrix ==> 并矢矩阵
  27717. dyadic number ==> 二进数,二进制数
  27718. dyadic operation ==> 二操作数运算,二元运算,二运算数运算,双运算数操作,双值运算=>2項演算
  27719. dyadic rational ==> 二进有理数
  27720. Dybln dye ==> (美)迪布尔恩染料
  27721. dycmos integrated circuit ==> 动态互补金属氧化物半导体集成电路
  27722. Dycril plate ==> 戴克利尔感光性树脂凸版,代克立尔版
  27723. dydraulic relay valve ==> 液压继动阀
  27724. dye ==> 染料,染,染色
  27725. dye absorption ==> 染料渗透试验法
  27726. dye absorption test ==> 吸红试验
  27727. dye addition ==> 着色料添加
  27728. dye adsorbent ==> 染料吸着剤
  27729. dye adsorption ==> 色素吸着
  27730. dye adsorption test ==> 染料吸着試験
  27731. dye aggregate ==> 色素凝集体
  27732. dye beaker ==> 染色烧杯
  27733. dye binding technique ==> 吸染检验技术
  27734. dye bleaching process ==> 染漂法
  27735. dye cell ==> 染料盒
  27736. dye check ==> 染色探伤
  27737. dye coupling ==> 染料偶合
  27738. dye crop ==> 染料作物
  27739. dye destruction process ==> 染料破坏法
  27740. dye dilution curve determination ==> 染料稀释曲线测定
  27741. dye exclusion test ==> 染料排泄功能试验
  27742. dye ion ==> 染料イオン
  27743. dye laser ==> 染料激光器=>色素レーザ
  27744. dye laser amplifier ==> 色素レーザー増幅器
  27745. dye laser oscillator ==> 色素レーザー発振器
  27746. dye laser pulse ==> 色素レーザーパルス
  27747. dye leakage ==> 色素の漏れ
  27748. dye marks ==> 染色测流法
  27749. dye mordant ==> 媒染剂
  27750. dye penetrant ==> 染色渗透剂,染色渗透液=>染色浸透剤
  27751. dye penetrant inspection ==> 染色探伤,着色检验
  27752. dye penetrant test ==> 染料渗透试验=>液体浸透探傷検査(PT)
  27753. dye penetrant testing ==> 染色浸透探傷法
  27754. dye penetrant testing method ==> 着色渗透探伤法
  27755. dye penetration ==> (测定陶瓷气孔率)染料渗透试验法
  27756. dye penetration test ==> 染色渗透试验
  27757. dye penetrator inspection ==> 着色检验
  27758. dye plant ==> 染料植物
  27759. dye plant growth ==> 染料植物生长
  27760. dye reservoir ==> 染料容器
  27761. dye saturation ==> 色饱和
  27762. dye sensitization ==> 染料敏化
  27763. dye sensitized solar cell ==> 色素増感型湿式太陽電池
  27764. dye solution ==> 染料溶液
  27765. dye temperature ==> 染料温度
  27766. dye test ==> 染色试验
  27767. dye toning ==> 染料调色法
  27768. dye under pressure ==> 高压染色
  27769. dye vapour ==> 染料蒸气
  27770. dye vat ==> 染缸
  27771. dye wood ==> 木本植物染料
  27772. dye yielding herb ==> 染料植物
  27773. dye-gelatin filter ==> 染色明胶滤色片
  27774. dye-line printer ==> 重氮复印机
  27775. dye-retarding agent ==> 染色减速剂
  27776. dye-variant fibre ==> 差异染色性纤维
  27777. dye-weave polychromatic dyeing machine ==> 彩色织花型染色机
  27778. dye-works ==> 染坊
  27779. dyeing and finishing ==> 染整
  27780. dyeing and weaving ==> 染织
  27781. dyeing flower ==> 染花
  27782. dyeing machine ==> 印染机
  27783. Dyer method ==> 戴尔陶瓷插口成形法
  27784. dyer's woad root ==> 板蓝根
  27785. dyers woad leaf ==> 大青叶
  27786. dyestuff ==> 染料
  27787. dyewood extract ==> 木本植物染料萃取物
  27788. dying oscillation ==> 阻尼振荡,衰减振荡,衰灭振荡
  27789. dying-out ==> 衰减
  27790. dyke ==> 岩脉,岩墙,堤,堤坝,干砌毛石圬工,干砌石墙
  27791. dyke boring ==> 堤防钻探
  27792. dyke breaching ==> 决堤,决堤
  27793. dyke break ==> 破堤
  27794. dyke building ==> 堤防工程
  27795. dyke defect detecting ==> 堤防隐患探测
  27796. dyke failure ==> 堤防溃决
  27797. dyke fortifying project ==> 护堤工程
  27798. dyke intrusion ==> 岩脈貫入
  27799. dyke strengthening by warping ==> 放淤固堤
  27800. dyke swarm ==> 岩脉群=>平行岩脈群
  27801. dykes and dams ==> 堤坝
  27802. dynamic ==> 动态的,动力的,动力贯入试验,动力学相似模=>動的(形)
  27803. dynamic (al)range ==> 动态范围
  27804. dynamic (condenser) electrometer ==> 振簧静电计
  27805. dynamic (running,inertia) balance ==> 动平衡
  27806. dynamic (two plane) balancing ==> 动(双面)平衡
  27807. dynamic (two plane) balancing machine ==> 动(双面)平衡机
  27808. dynamic access ==> 动态访问
  27809. dynamic accounting facility ==> 动态统计手段
  27810. dynamic accumulation error ==> 动态累计误差
  27811. dynamic accuracy ==> 动态精度
  27812. dynamic accuracy of robot ==> 机器人动精度
  27813. dynamic address relocation ==> 动态地址再定位,动态地址再分配
  27814. dynamic address translation ==> 动态地址转换
  27815. dynamic address translator ==> 动态地址转换器
  27816. dynamic allocation ==> 动态存储分配,动态分配=>動的割振り
  27817. dynamic allocation & deallocation ==> 动态分配与解除分配,动态分配与去配
  27818. dynamic allocation memory ==> 动态分配存储器
  27819. dynamic allocator ==> 动态分配程序
  27820. dynamic analog device ==> 动态模拟装置
  27821. dynamic analogies ==> 动态模拟
  27822. dynamic analogy ==> 动力模拟
  27823. dynamic analysis ==> 动态分析
  27824. dynamic analysis of heat exchanger ==> 换热器的动态分析
  27825. dynamic analyzer ==> 动态分析程序,动态分析器
  27826. dynamic anodegrid characteristic curve ==> 动态阳栅特性曲线
  27827. dynamic area ==> 动态存储区,动态区,动态区域
  27828. dynamic array ==> 动态数组
  27829. dynamic augment ==> 动力增量
  27830. dynamic avalanche ==> ダイナミックアンバランシュ
  27831. dynamic axis ==> 动力轴
  27832. dynamic backout ==> 动态取消
  27833. dynamic balance ==> 动态平衡
  27834. dynamic balance and over speed test for rotor ==> 转子动平衡及超速试验,调整转子的质量分布,使其在旋转状态下测得的力与力偶的不平衡量小于允许范围的校正过程。平衡后各轴承在工作转速下的振幅应低于规定值。转子在出厂前应按规定要求进行超速试验
  27835. dynamic balance equation ==> 动态平衡方程
  27836. dynamic balance level ==> 动平衡标准
  27837. dynamic balance running ==> 动平衡试验
  27838. dynamic balance test ==> 动平衡试验
  27839. dynamic balancer ==> 动力平衡器,动平衡机,动平衡器,动平衡试验机
  27840. dynamic balancing ==> 动态平衡=>動釣合い
  27841. dynamic balancing machine ==> 动平衡机
  27842. dynamic balancing test ==> 动平衡试验
  27843. dynamic balancing tester ==> 动平衡试验机
  27844. dynamic balancing tests of hydro unit ==> [水轮发电机组]动平衡试验,为了校正水电机组转动部件质量分布是否存在不允许的不均衡状况,通过测量在转子加与未加试重运行时转轴或机架、轴承的振动,找出不平衡力的大小和方位,进行配重处理所做的试验
  27845. dynamic ball indentation test ==> 落球硬度试验
  27846. dynamic behavio(u)r ==> 动态特性
  27847. dynamic behavior ==> 動特性
  27848. dynamic behaviour ==> 动态行为,动态学特性
  27849. dynamic binding ==> 動的な結合
  27850. dynamic bottom ==> 动力河床
  27851. dynamic boundary condition ==> 动力边界条件
  27852. dynamic brake ==> 发电制动=>発電ブレーキ
  27853. dynamic braking ==> 发电制动,动力制动,能耗制动,电气制动=>制動抵抗, 発電制動
  27854. dynamic braking resistor ==> 制動抵抗器
  27855. dynamic breccia ==> 构造角砾岩
  27856. dynamic buckling ==> 动力失稳,动力压屈
  27857. dynamic buffer allocation ==> 动态缓冲器分配
  27858. dynamic buffering ==> 动态缓冲,动态缓存=>動的緩衝法
  27859. dynamic burn in ==> 动态强化试验
  27860. dynamic business analysis ==> 业务动态分析
  27861. dynamic calibration ==> 动态校准
  27862. dynamic calibration system ==> 动态校准系统
  27863. dynamic calibrator ==> 动态校准器
  27864. dynamic call ==> 动态调用
  27865. dynamic capacity ==> 动态电容
  27866. dynamic capillary pressure ==> 动力毛管压力
  27867. dynamic cataloging ==> 动态分类
  27868. dynamic catalogue ==> 动态目录
  27869. dynamic centering ==> 动态中心调整
  27870. dynamic change of temperature ==> 温度的动力变化
  27871. dynamic channel ==> 动态通道
  27872. dynamic characteristic ==> 动态特性,负载特性曲线,(电弧的)动特性
  27873. dynamic characteristic calibrater ==> 动态特性校准仪
  27874. dynamic characteristic curve ==> 动态特性曲线
  27875. dynamic characteristic of arc ==> 电弧动特性
  27876. dynamic characteristics ==> 动态特性,调节系统从一个稳定状态过渡到另一稳定状态的过渡过程的特性。主要指汽轮机突然甩去满负荷后的转速飞升变化过程=>動特性
  27877. dynamic characteristics of load ==> 动态负荷特性,负荷功率与负荷端电压和/或频率之间的动态关系,通常用微分方程描述
  27878. dynamic characteristics of thermal generating unit ==> 火力发电机组动态特性,火力发电机组运行时,随负荷变化,各项参数及机组各项技术经济指标变化的特性
  27879. dynamic check ==> 动态检查,动态检验
  27880. dynamic circuit ==> 动态电路
  27881. dynamic climatology ==> 动力气候学
  27882. dynamic cluster parameter ==> 动态聚类参数,动态束参数
  27883. dynamic coefficient ==> 动力系数
  27884. dynamic coefficient subgrade reaction ==> 地基反力动力系数
  27885. dynamic collection control ==> 动态文献库控制
  27886. dynamic compaction (DC) ==> 动态成形
  27887. dynamic compress tester ==> 动力压缩测试器
  27888. dynamic compression test ==> 动力压缩试验
  27889. dynamic compressor ==> 动力压缩器,动压力压气机
  27890. dynamic condenser ==> 动态冷凝器,同步补偿器,同步调相器,同期调相机
  27891. dynamic condenser electrometer ==> 动态电容器式静电计
  27892. dynamic condition ==> 动态
  27893. dynamic constant ==> 动态常数
  27894. dynamic control ==> 动力控制,动态控制
  27895. dynamic control function ==> 动态控制功能
  27896. dynamic control module area ==> 动态控制模块区
  27897. dynamic convection ==> 动力对流,动力性对流
  27898. dynamic convergence ==> 动态会聚=>動集中
  27899. dynamic cooling ==> 动力冷却
  27900. dynamic core allocation ==> 动态磁心存储器分配,动态存储分配
  27901. dynamic corrector ==> 动态校正器
  27902. dynamic CO2 laser ==> 气动CO2激光器
  27903. dynamic creep ==> 动态蠕变
  27904. dynamic crossfield photomultiplier ==> 动态交叉场交电倍增器
  27905. dynamic current ==> 发电机电流,持续电流
  27906. dynamic curve ==> 动态曲线
  27907. dynamic damper ==> 动力减震器,动力消振器,动力阻尼器
  27908. dynamic damping ==> 动力减震
  27909. dynamic data ==> 动态数据
  27910. dynamic data set definition ==> 动态数据集定义
  27911. dynamic data structure ==> 动态数据结构
  27912. dynamic debug mode ==> 动态调试方法
  27913. dynamic debugging ==> 动态调试
  27914. dynamic debugging routine ==> 动态调试程序
  27915. dynamic decoupling ==> 动态去耦
  27916. dynamic deflection ==> 冲击挠度
  27917. dynamic delivery head ==> 动输水水头
  27918. dynamic deposition ==> 动态淀积
  27919. dynamic design ==> 动力设计
  27920. dynamic design approach ==> 动态设计方法
  27921. dynamic detuner ==> 动力减震器
  27922. dynamic deviation ==> 动偏差,动态偏差
  27923. dynamic device allocation ==> 动态设备分配
  27924. dynamic device reconfiguration ==> 动态设备重新组合
  27925. dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) ==> 动态设备配置,动态设备重新配置
  27926. dynamic differential calorimeter ==> 动差热量计
  27927. dynamic differential colourimeter ==> 差动比色计
  27928. dynamic differentil colorimeter ==> 动差比色计
  27929. dynamic diffusion ==> 流型扩散
  27930. dynamic digital torque meter ==> 动力数字式转矩计,动力数字转矩计
  27931. dynamic dilatation ==> 动力扩容作用
  27932. dynamic discharge head ==> 动泄水水头
  27933. dynamic dispatching ==> 动态调度
  27934. dynamic display ==> 动态显示
  27935. dynamic display image ==> 动态显示图象
  27936. dynamic dissipation ==> 动力耗散
  27937. dynamic distortion ==> 动态失真
  27938. dynamic document ==> 动态文献,动态资料
  27939. dynamic document space ==> 动态文献空间
  27940. dynamic draught head ==> 动吸出水头
  27941. dynamic drive ==> 电动驱动
  27942. dynamic ductility ==> 冲击韧性,动力延展性
  27943. dynamic dump ==> 动态打印,动态信息转储,动态转储=>動的ダンプ
  27944. dynamic dumping ==> 动态打印,动态信息转储,动态转储
  27945. dynamic duty ==> 动态工作
  27946. dynamic earphone ==> ダイナミックイヤホン
  27947. dynamic effect ==> 动力效应,动力影响,动态效应
  27948. dynamic efficency ==> 动力效率
  27949. dynamic efficiency ==> 动态效率
  27950. dynamic elastic limit ==> 动态弹性极限
  27951. dynamic elastic modulus ==> 动力弹性模量
  27952. dynamic elasticity ==> 动弹性
  27953. dynamic electricity ==> 动电=>動電気
  27954. dynamic electrode potential ==> 动态电极电位
  27955. dynamic electronic rail balance ==> 动态电子轨道衡
  27956. dynamic element ==> 动态元件
  27957. dynamic encompassing ==> 动态包围
  27958. dynamic end-effects ==> 动态端部效应
  27959. dynamic endurance test ==> 动力耐久试验,变负载强度试验
  27960. dynamic energy converter ==> 动力换能器
  27961. dynamic engine in the economy ==> 経済の活力に満ちたけん引車
  27962. dynamic engineering ==> 动力工程学
  27963. dynamic equation ==> 动力方程
  27964. dynamic equilibrium ==> 动力平衡,动态平衡,力平衡
  27965. dynamic error ==> 动态误差
  27966. dynamic error coefficient ==> 动态误差系数
  27967. dynamic error debug ==> 动态错误排除
  27968. dynamic evolution ==> 动力学演化
  27969. dynamic factor ==> 动力因数
  27970. dynamic fatigue ==> 动力性疲劳
  27971. dynamic field ==> 变动场
  27972. dynamic file organization ==> 动态文件结构,动态文件组织
  27973. dynamic flattening ==> 力学扁率
  27974. dynamic flexural stiffness ==> 动力弯曲劲度
  27975. dynamic flip-flop ==> 动态触发器
  27976. dynamic flow ==> 流体动力
  27977. dynamic flow diagram ==> 动态流程图
  27978. dynamic fluidity ==> 动力流度
  27979. dynamic focusing ==> 动态聚焦
  27980. dynamic focusing control ==> 动态自动聚焦调整
  27981. dynamic force ==> 动力
  27982. dynamic force control system ==> 動的力制御
  27983. dynamic frequency ==> 动频率
  27984. dynamic frequency characteristic ==> 动态频率特性
  27985. dynamic frequency factor ==> 动频系数,转子转动状态下叶片离心力对叶片固有频率的影响系数
  27986. dynamic frequency measurement ==> 动频率测量
  27987. dynamic frequency measurement method ==> 动频率测量法
  27988. dynamic frequency spectrum analyser ==> 动态频谱分析仪
  27989. dynamic friction ==> 动力摩擦,动力学摩擦,动摩擦
  27990. dynamic gate ==> 动态门
  27991. dynamic gauging ==> 动态容积测量法
  27992. dynamic geology ==> 动力地质学
  27993. dynamic gradient ==> 动力梯度
  27994. dynamic grain refinement ==> 动力晶粒细化法
  27995. dynamic gravity measurement ==> 动态重力测量
  27996. dynamic handling ==> 动态处理
  27997. dynamic hardening ==> 快速加热冷却淬火法
  27998. dynamic hardness ==> 刮刻硬度,冲击硬度,冲撞硬度
  27999. dynamic hazard ==> 动态冒险,动险态=>動的ハザード
  28000. dynamic head ==> 动力水头,动压头,速头
  28001. dynamic heating ==> 动力冲温,动力加热,动力增温
  28002. dynamic height ==> 动力高度
  28003. dynamic high-speed spectrograph ==> 动态高速摄谱仪
  28004. dynamic holdup ==> 动态储量
  28005. dynamic horsepower ==> 传动马力,净实马力,净实马力,指示马力
  28006. dynamic hot pressing ==> 动力热压
  28007. dynamic ice detector ==> 动态结冰探测器
  28008. dynamic image ==> 動画像
  28009. dynamic image analysis ==> 动态图像分析
  28010. dynamic imbalance ==> 动态不平衡
  28011. dynamic impedance ==> 动态阻抗=>ダイナミックインピーダンス
  28012. dynamic indentation ==> 动力压凹,球印硬度试验,回跳法硬度试验
  28013. dynamic index ==> 动力指数,动态索引
  28014. dynamic indication ==> 発電表示
  28015. dynamic indirect addressing ==> 动态间接寻址
  28016. dynamic inductance ==> 动态电感
  28017. dynamic influence ==> 动力影响
  28018. dynamic information ==> 动态情报,动态信息
  28019. dynamic information service ==> 动态情报服务
  28020. dynamic information value ==> 动态情报值
  28021. dynamic input-output table ==> 动态的投入产出表
  28022. dynamic instability ==> 动力不稳定性,动态不稳定性,惯性不稳定性
  28023. dynamic instruction ==> 动态指令
  28024. dynamic interfaces ==> 動的界面
  28025. dynamic lag ==> 动态时滞,动态延迟
  28026. dynamic leak test ==> 动态检漏
  28027. dynamic library ==> 动态图书馆
  28028. dynamic libration ==> 动力学天平动
  28029. dynamic lift ==> 动升力
  28030. dynamic limit of yield point ==> 动力屈服点
  28031. dynamic link ==> 动态连接,动态链接
  28032. dynamic linker ==> 动态连接器
  28033. dynamic linking ==> 动态连接
  28034. dynamic load ==> 动负载,动荷载,动力荷载,动态负载,动态装入,动载,动载荷
  28035. dynamic load factor ==> 动态负荷因子
  28036. dynamic load line ==> 动力载荷线
  28037. dynamic load model ==> 動的負荷モデル
  28038. dynamic load simulator ==> 动载模拟器
  28039. dynamic load(loading) ==> 动力载荷
  28040. dynamic loading ==> 动力载荷,动荷载=>動荷重
  28041. dynamic loading and linking ==> 动态装入与连接
  28042. dynamic loading test ==> 动荷试验
  28043. dynamic log ==> 动态登录
  28044. dynamic logic ==> 动态逻辑
  28045. dynamic logic circuit ==> 动态逻辑电路
  28046. dynamic loop ==> 动态循环
  28047. dynamic loop jump ==> 动态循环转移
  28048. dynamic loudspeaker ==> 电动式扬声器,电动扬声器=>ダイナミックススピーカ
  28049. dynamic lubrication ==> 动力润滑
  28050. dynamic luminous sensitivity ==> 动态光照灵敏度
  28051. dynamic magnetic induction ==> 动磁感应
  28052. dynamic magnetic loss ==> 動的磁気損失
  28053. dynamic magnetisation curve ==> 动态磁化曲线
  28054. dynamic magnification ==> 动力放大
  28055. dynamic magnification factor ==> 动力放大系数
  28056. dynamic mapping ==> 动态变换
  28057. dynamic mass spectrometer instruments ==> 动态质谱仪器
  28058. dynamic measurement ==> 动态测量,动态测定
  28059. dynamic measurement of current ==> 动态电流测量
  28060. dynamic measurement of frequency ==> 动态频率测量
  28061. dynamic measurement of phasor ==> 动态相量测量
  28062. dynamic measurement of voltage ==> 动态电压测量
  28063. dynamic membrane ==> 动力
  28064. dynamic memory ==> 动态存储器=>ダイナミックメモリ
  28065. dynamic memory allocation ==> 动态存储分配,动态存储器分配
  28066. dynamic memory interface (DMI) ==> 动态存储器接口
  28067. dynamic memory refresh ==> 动态存储器刷新
  28068. dynamic memory relocation ==> 动态存储器再定位,动态存储器重新分配,动态存储再分配,动态存储重新分配
  28069. dynamic metamorphism ==> 动力变质作用,动力变质作用
  28070. dynamic meteorology ==> 动力气象学
  28071. dynamic meter ==> 动力米,测力计
  28072. dynamic method ==> 动力法,动态计算法=>動的手法
  28073. dynamic microphone ==> 电动传声器,电动式传声器,动圈式话筒=>ダイナミックマイクロホン
  28074. dynamic microprocessor ==> 动态微处理机
  28075. dynamic microprogramming ==> 动态微程序设计
  28076. dynamic microprogramming control ==> 动态微程序控制
  28077. dynamic mill classifier ==> 动态分离器
  28078. dynamic mock-up ==> 动力模型
  28079. dynamic model ==> 动力模型,动力学模型,动态模型=>ダイナミックモデル
  28080. dynamic model of competitive equilibrium ==> 竞争性平衡的动态模型,竞争性平衡的动态模型
  28081. dynamic modulation ==> 动态调制
  28082. dynamic modulus ==> 动力学弹性模数,动态模数
  28083. dynamic modulus of elasticity ==> 动弹性模量,动弹性模数,动力弹性模量
  28084. dynamic mount ==> 减震架
  28085. dynamic mounting ring ==> 减震环形架
  28086. dynamic muscle ==> 动力肌
  28087. dynamic noise suppressor ==> 动态噪声抑制器,动噪声抑制器
  28088. dynamic oblateness ==> 力学扁率
  28089. dynamic oceanography ==> 动力海洋学
  28090. dynamic oedometer ==> 动力固结仪
  28091. dynamic operation ==> 动态操作
  28092. dynamic optimization ==> 动态最佳化=>動的最適化
  28093. dynamic ordering procedure ==> 动态排序过程
  28094. dynamic organism ==> 能动的有机体
  28095. dynamic overlay ==> 动态覆盖
  28096. dynamic overload ==> 动力过载
  28097. dynamic overload control (DOC) ==> 动态超载控制
  28098. dynamic oxidation ==> 动氧化
  28099. dynamic packing ==> 动力密封垫
  28100. dynamic panel ==> 发电机盘
  28101. dynamic parallax ==> 力学视差
  28102. dynamic parallel distributed compensation ==> 動的並列分散補償(DPDC)
  28103. dynamic parameter ==> 动态参数=>動的パラメータ
  28104. dynamic parametric test ==> 动态参数测试
  28105. dynamic partition ==> 动态分割,动态分区,动态划分
  28106. dynamic partition balancing ==> 动态分区平衡
  28107. dynamic partitioning ==> 动态划分
  28108. dynamic pelvis ==> 临产骨盆
  28109. dynamic percolation model ==> 动力学渗透模型
  28110. dynamic performance ==> 动态特性
  28111. dynamic permeability ==> 动磁导率
  28112. dynamic phase error ==> 动态相位误差
  28113. dynamic photoelasticity ==> 动力光测弹性力学
  28114. dynamic photopoint check ==> 动态光点检查
  28115. dynamic pick-up ==> 电动拾声器,电动式拾音器
  28116. dynamic pickup ==> 电动拾声器=>ダイナミックピックアップ
  28117. dynamic pile formula ==> 动力桩公式
  28118. dynamic pinch effect ==> 动力箍缩效应
  28119. dynamic plate impedance ==> 动态阳极阻抗
  28120. dynamic plate resistance ==> 动态板极电阻
  28121. dynamic pool block (DPB) ==> 动态页池块,动态页面池块,动态组合块
  28122. dynamic pressure ==> 动压
  28123. dynamic pressure computer ==> 动压力计算机
  28124. dynamic pressure of fluid element ==> 流体单元动压
  28125. dynamic pressure transducer ==> 动压传感器
  28126. dynamic pressure transducer[sensor] ==> 动态压力传感器
  28127. dynamic printout ==> 动态打印,动态打印输出
  28128. dynamic priority ==> 动态优先,动态优先级
  28129. dynamic priority allocation ==> 动态优先权分配
  28130. dynamic probabilistic inventory model ==> 概率型动态库存模型
  28131. dynamic problem ==> 动力问题,动态问题
  28132. dynamic problem check ==> 动态解题校验,动态问题检验
  28133. dynamic process creation ==> 动态进程建立
  28134. dynamic process deletion ==> 动态进程取消
  28135. dynamic program ==> 动程序
  28136. dynamic program loading ==> 动态程序装入,程序动态装入
  28137. dynamic program relocation ==> 动态程序浮动
  28138. dynamic program structure ==> 动态程序结构
  28139. dynamic programming ==> 动态规划=>動的計画法
  28140. dynamic programming (DP) ==> 动态程序设计
  28141. dynamic programming algorithm ==> 动态规划算法
  28142. dynamic programming and bounded measure ==> 动态规划与有界测度
  28143. dynamic programming formulation ==> 动态规划形成
  28144. dynamic project cost estimate ==> 动态工程投资概算,在静态工程概算的基础上,增加贷款利息、设备材料调价、融资费用、地方性收费等项目后的工程投资总费用
  28145. dynamic property ==> 动力特性
  28146. dynamic psychiatry ==> 动力精神病学
  28147. dynamic quenching ==> 动态淬火法
  28148. dynamic RAM ==> 动态随机存取存储器,动态随机访问存储器
  28149. dynamic ram ==> 动态随机存取存储器
  28150. dynamic random access memory ==> 动态随机存取存储器
  28151. dynamic range ==> 动态范围,动态量程=>ダイナミックレンジ
  28152. dynamic range of magnetic tape ==> 磁带动态范围
  28153. dynamic rating ==> ダイナミックレーティング,機器の正確な評価を行い,制約条件を動的に変化させる手法
  28154. dynamic reaction ==> 动力反作用
  28155. dynamic reactive output of generators ==> 発電機無効電力の動的調整
  28156. dynamic reactor behaviour ==> 反应堆动态性能
  28157. dynamic reconfiguration ==> 动态再配置,动态重新配置
  28158. dynamic reconfiguration data set (DRDS) ==> 动态再组合数据集,动态重新配置数据集
  28159. dynamic recorder ==> 动态记录器
  28160. dynamic recovery ==> 动态回复
  28161. dynamic recrystallization ==> 动态再结晶
  28162. dynamic reference model ==> 动态参考模型
  28163. dynamic reflectance spectroscopy ==> 动态反射光谱学
  28164. dynamic refraction ==> 活动眼折射
  28165. dynamic region ==> 动态区
  28166. dynamic region area ==> 动态范围区
  28167. dynamic register ==> 动态寄存器
  28168. dynamic regulation ==> 动态调整
  28169. dynamic regulator ==> 动态调节器
  28170. dynamic reliability ==> 动态可靠性
  28171. dynamic relocation ==> 动态再定位=>動的再配置
  28172. dynamic relocation memory ==> 动态再定位存储器,动态重新分配存储器
  28173. dynamic relocation program ==> 动态浮动程序,可动态移位程序
  28174. dynamic replication ==> 动态重复
  28175. dynamic reproducer ==> 电动拾声器
  28176. dynamic resilience ==> 动回弹性,动力回弹能
  28177. dynamic resistance ==> 动态电阻,动阻力,机动抗病性
  28178. dynamic resolution ==> 动态分辨力
  28179. dynamic resonance ==> 动态共振,动态谐振,瞬态谐振
  28180. dynamic resource ==> 动态资源
  28181. dynamic resource allocation ==> 動的資源割振り
  28182. dynamic resource management ==> 动态资源管理
  28183. dynamic response ==> 动态响应=>動的応答
  28184. dynamic response curve ==> 动态响应曲线
  28185. dynamic response factor ==> 动态特性系数
  28186. dynamic response test ==> 动态特性试验
  28187. dynamic response time ==> 過渡応答特性時間
  28188. dynamic restructuring ==> 动态再构成
  28189. dynamic rigidity ==> 动态刚性
  28190. dynamic ripple ==> 动态波纹
  28191. dynamic robot performance ==> 机器人动特性
  28192. dynamic role ==> 能动性
  28193. dynamic roll response ==> 滚动扰动动力特性
  28194. dynamic roughness ==> 动力糙度
  28195. dynamic route allocation ==> 动态通路分配
  28196. dynamic routine ==> 动态程序
  28197. dynamic sampling ==> 动态抽样
  28198. dynamic satellite geodesy ==> 卫星动力测地
  28199. dynamic scattering ==> 动态散射
  28200. dynamic scattering device ==> 动态散射器
  28201. dynamic scheduling ==> 动态调度=>動的スケジューリング
  28202. dynamic scheduling simulator ==> 动态调度模拟系统
  28203. dynamic seal ==> 动密封
  28204. dynamic seal (packing) ==> 动态密封
  28205. dynamic segment attribute ==> 动态图块属性
  28206. dynamic segment relocation ==> 动态区段再定位
  28207. dynamic sensitivity ==> 动态灵敏度=>動作感度
  28208. dynamic sequential control ==> 动顺序控制,动态顺序控制
  28209. dynamic set ==> 动态集,动态组
  28210. dynamic shear modulus ==> 动剪切模量,动力剪力模量
  28211. dynamic shift register ==> 动态移位寄存器
  28212. dynamic similarity ==> 动态相似性
  28213. dynamic similarity principle ==> 动力学相似原理
  28214. dynamic SIMS ==> 动态二次离子质谱法
  28215. dynamic simulation ==> 動特性シミュレーション,動作シミュレーション
  28216. dynamic simulation of power system ==> 电力系统动态模拟,根据相似性原理,用小型物理系统模拟实际电力系统动态过程
  28217. dynamic simulator ==> 动力模拟器
  28218. dynamic skew ==> 动态偏斜
  28219. dynamic solubility ==> 动态溶解度
  28220. dynamic sounding ==> 动力测深,动力触探
  28221. dynamic speaker ==> 电动扬声器
  28222. dynamic spectrum ==> 动态频谱
  28223. dynamic spectrum analyzer ==> 动态频谱分析器
  28224. dynamic spring constant ==> 动态弹簧常数
  28225. dynamic spring rate ==> 动力弹簧刚性
  28226. dynamic squint ==> 机能性斜视
  28227. dynamic stability ==> 动力稳定性,动力学稳定性,动态稳定度,动态稳定性=>動態安定度
  28228. dynamic stability control ==> 动稳定性控制
  28229. dynamic stability model ==> 动稳定性模型
  28230. dynamic stability of a power system ==> 电力系统动态稳定性,电力系统受到小的或大的干扰后,在自动装置参与调节和控制的作用下,系统保持稳定运行的能力
  28231. dynamic stability of power system ==> 电力系统动态稳定性
  28232. dynamic stability of synchronous generator ==> 同步发电机的动[态]稳定,同步发电机受到微小干扰后,考虑发电机励磁和调速系统作用时,具有恢复到稳定工作状态的能力
  28233. dynamic stabilization ==> 动态稳定
  28234. dynamic standard strain device ==> 动态标准应变装置
  28235. dynamic state ==> 动态
  28236. dynamic statistics of population ==> 人口动态统计
  28237. dynamic steel lamination ==> 电工钢片
  28238. dynamic stereotypy ==> 动力定型
  28239. dynamic stiffenss ratio ==> 动刚度比
  28240. dynamic stiffness ==> 动力刚度,动态刚性,动刚度
  28241. dynamic stiffnesss of the moving element suspension ==> 运动部件悬挂动刚度
  28242. dynamic stop ==> 动态停机
  28243. dynamic storage ==> 动态存储器
  28244. dynamic storage allocation ==> 动态存储分配=>動的記憶割振り
  28245. dynamic storage area ==> 动态存储区
  28246. dynamic storage investment ==> 动态投资,在项目建设期间有一部分投资随市场或随政策变动而发生投资变化,将这一部分变动的投资加上其他未变动部分的总投资,称动态投资
  28247. dynamic storage model ==> 动态存储模型
  28248. dynamic storage system ==> 动态存储系统
  28249. dynamic strain ==> 动应变
  28250. dynamic strain aging ==> 动态应变时效
  28251. dynamic strain amplifier ==> 动态应变放大器
  28252. dynamic strain indicator ==> 动态应变仪
  28253. dynamic strain meter ==> 动态应变仪
  28254. dynamic strain recording equipment ==> 动力应变记录设备
  28255. dynamic strength ==> 动态强度,疲劳强度
  28256. dynamic stress ==> 动应力
  28257. dynamic structural analysis ==> 动力结构分析
  28258. dynamic structure ==> 动态结构
  28259. dynamic subroutine ==> 动态子程序
  28260. dynamic suction head ==> 动力吸水头,动力吸头,动吸入水头,动吸升水头
  28261. dynamic suction lift ==> 动吸程,动吸升高度
  28262. dynamic support system ==> 动态支援系统
  28263. dynamic support system (DSS) ==> 动态后援系统,动态支持系统
  28264. dynamic surface tension ==> 動的表面張力
  28265. dynamic surface tension measurement ==> 動的表面張力測定
  28266. dynamic suspension ==> 可缓冲支承法
  28267. dynamic system ==> 动态系统
  28268. dynamic system maintenance ==> 动态方式维护,动态方式维修
  28269. dynamic system model ==> 动态系统模型
  28270. dynamic system monitoring ==> 动态系统监测,采集和监测电力设备运行状态下有关电气、机械的物理、化学特性的实时数据,并建立正确的信息、数据处理系统
  28271. dynamic system performance ==> 系统动态运行特性
  28272. dynamic system respose ==> 动态系统频率特性
  28273. dynamic system simulator ==> 动力系统模拟器
  28274. dynamic system synthesizer ==> 动态系统综合装置
  28275. dynamic tear test ==> 动态撕裂试验
  28276. dynamic temperature ==> 动温
  28277. dynamic tensile test ==> 动力张力试验
  28278. dynamic test ==> 动态试验,动力试验
  28279. dynamic test (testing) ==> 动态试验
  28280. dynamic test method for performance of marine antifouling coatings ==> 船舶防污漆防污性能动态试验方法
  28281. dynamic test stand ==> 动力试验台
  28282. dynamic testing machine ==> 动态试验机
  28283. dynamic textures ==> 動的テクスチャ
  28284. dynamic theory of tide ==> 潮汐动力理论
  28285. dynamic thermomechanical analysis ==> 动态热机械分析
  28286. dynamic thermomechanical analysis apparatus ==> 动态热机械分析仪
  28287. dynamic thermomechanometry ==> 动态热机械法
  28288. dynamic thickness ==> 动力厚度
  28289. dynamic thiolation--thioesterase structure ==> 動的なチオール化-チオエステラーゼ構造
  28290. dynamic time scale ==> 力学时标度
  28291. dynamic topography ==> 动力地形测量学
  28292. dynamic torque ==> 动转矩,加速转矩
  28293. dynamic torque characteristic ==> 動トルク特性
  28294. dynamic traffic engineering ==> 動的トラフィック制御
  28295. dynamic training ==> 动力性训练
  28296. dynamic transaction backout ==> 动态事项逆序操作
  28297. dynamic transconductance ==> 动跨导
  28298. dynamic transducer ==> 电动式换能器
  28299. dynamic transfer function ==> 动态传递函数
  28300. dynamic transfer system ==> 动态传输系统
  28301. dynamic transient pool area (DTPA) ==> 动态瞬时页池区,动态暂驻组合区
  28302. dynamic transient pool management (DTPM) ==> 动态瞬时页池管理,动态暂驻组合管理程序
  28303. dynamic transient segment register save (DTS) ==> 动态瞬时段寄存器保存,动态暂用段寄存器保存区,动态暂用段寄存器保留区
  28304. dynamic trigger ==> 动态触发器
  28305. dynamic trough ==> 动力槽
  28306. dynamic tube constant ==> 电子管动态常数
  28307. dynamic tuned gyroscope ==> 动态调谐陀螺仪
  28308. dynamic tuning ==> 动态调谐
  28309. dynamic type ==> 电动式
  28310. dynamic unbalance ==> 动态不平衡
  28311. dynamic valve ==> 动力阀
  28312. dynamic vane bias ==> 风向标的动力偏幅
  28313. dynamic variable ==> 动力变量
  28314. dynamic vibration absorber ==> 动态减振器
  28315. dynamic vibration reducer ==> 动态减震器
  28316. dynamic viscosity ==> 动力粘度,动力粘滞率,动力粘滞性,动力黏度,绝对粘度,绝对粘度,运动黏度
  28317. dynamic viscosity coefficient ==> 动粘度系数
  28318. dynamic voltage restorer ==> 动态电压恢复器
  28319. dynamic voltage support ==> 動的電圧維持
  28320. dynamic walking ==> 動歩行
  28321. dynamic warming ==> 动力增温
  28322. dynamic water level ==> 动水位
  28323. dynamic water pressure ==> 动水压力
  28324. dynamic water tank ==> 动水槽
  28325. dynamic wave ==> 动力波
  28326. dynamic wheel balancer ==> 车轮动平衡机
  28327. dynamic wheel demonstrator ==> 车轮动平衡表示器
  28328. dynamic wieghing method ==> 动态称重法
  28329. dynamic work ==> 动力作业
  28330. dynamic(al) ==> 动力学的
  28331. dynamic(al) analysis ==> 动力分析
  28332. dynamic(al) correction ==> (正常时差校正)动校正
  28333. dynamic(al) geomorphology ==> 动力地貌学
  28334. dynamic(al) pressure ==> 动压力
  28335. dynamic(al) rijuvenation ==> 动力回春作用
  28336. dynamic(kinematic) viscosity ==> 动态粘度
  28337. dynamic-coupled amplifer ==> 动态耦合放大器
  28338. dynamic-height anomaly ==> 动力高度偏差
  28339. dynamic-load stress ==> 动载应力
  28340. dynamic-modelling language ==> 动力学建模语言
  28341. dynamic-type analysis ==> 動的解析法
  28342. dynamical ==> 动力的,动力学的,动态的
  28343. dynamical condition ==> 动力学条件
  28344. dynamical cosmology ==> 动力学宇宙学
  28345. dynamical distortion ==> 动畸变
  28346. dynamical ellipticity ==> 力学椭率
  28347. dynamical equation ==> 动态方程
  28348. dynamical equilibrium ==> 动态平衡
  28349. dynamical equinox ==> 力学分点
  28350. dynamical flattening ==> 力学扁率
  28351. dynamical friction ==> 运动摩擦
  28352. dynamical geology ==> 动力地质学
  28353. dynamical microphone ==> 电动传声器
  28354. dynamical model ==> 动态模型
  28355. dynamical number ==> 动力势差数
  28356. dynamical parallax ==> 力学视差
  28357. dynamical property ==> 动态特性
  28358. dynamical reference system ==> 动力学参考系
  28359. dynamical similarity ==> 动力相似性
  28360. dynamical stability ==> 动力稳定
  28361. dynamical stress concentration ==> 动应力集中
  28362. dynamical system ==> 动力系,动力系统,动态系统
  28363. dynamical time ==> 力学时
  28364. dynamical variable ==> 动力变量
  28365. dynamically balanced ==> 做过动态平衡的
  28366. dynamically descendent on-unit ==> 动态子系中断单位
  28367. dynamically similar model ==> 动力相似模型
  28368. dynamically stable ==> 动力稳定的
  28369. dynamically user microprogrammable machine ==> 动态用户可编微程序计算机
  28370. dynamicizer ==> 并串数位转换器,动态逻辑转化元件,动态器,串化器=>ダイナミサイザ
  28371. dynamics ==> 动力学
  28372. dynamics of adjustment ==> 调整动态学
  28373. dynamics of cell proliferation ==> 细胞增殖动力学
  28374. dynamics of domain movement ==> 电畴运动的动力学
  28375. dynamics of intergroup conflict ==> 小组间冲突动态性
  28376. dynamics of jets ==> 射流动力学
  28377. dynamics of machinery ==> 机械动力学
  28378. dynamics of marine structure ==> 海洋结构动力学
  28379. dynamics of meristem cell populations ==> 分生组织细胞种群动力学
  28380. dynamics of ocean currents ==> 海流动力学
  28381. dynamics of orbits ==> 轨道动力学
  28382. dynamics of personality ==> 人格的动态性
  28383. dynamics of power ==> 权力动态
  28384. dynamics of resedimentation ==> 再沉积动力学
  28385. dynamics of rigid bodies ==> 刚体动力学
  28386. dynamics of variable mass ==> 变质量动力学
  28387. dynamite ==> 达那马特
  28388. dynamix range of microphone ==> 传声器动态范围
  28389. dynamo ==> 直流发电机,摩电机,发电机=>発電機
  28390. dynamo bronze ==> 电机青铜
  28391. dynamo brush ==> 电刷
  28392. dynamo cradle ==> 发电机架
  28393. dynamo door latch ==> 发电机门闩
  28394. dynamo door latch pin ==> 发电机门弹键销
  28395. dynamo drive jockey pulley ==> 发电机导轮
  28396. dynamo effect ==> 发电机效应
  28397. dynamo electric machine ==> 自激发电机
  28398. dynamo engine ==> 发电用发动机=>発電用機関
  28399. dynamo exploder ==> 点火机
  28400. dynamo geomagnetic theory ==> 地磁发电机理论
  28401. dynamo governor ==> 发电机调节器
  28402. dynamo graph ==> 动力自记器
  28403. dynamo ignition ==> 发电机点火
  28404. dynamo oil ==> 电机油
  28405. dynamo output ==> 发电机功率输出
  28406. dynamo output control ==> 发电机输出调节器
  28407. dynamo powered lamp ==> 摩电灯
  28408. dynamo sheet ==> 电机硅钢片
  28409. dynamo sheet steel ==> 电机用薄钢片
  28410. dynamo stator core automatic welder ==> 电机定子铁芯自动焊接机
  28411. dynamo steel ==> 电机钢
  28412. dynamo steel sheet ==> 电机钢板,电机用硅钢片
  28413. dynamo strap ==> 发电机固定带
  28414. dynamo tester ==> ダイナモ試験機
  28415. dynamo theory ==> 发电机理论
  28416. Dynamo theory ==> 发电机假说
  28417. dynamo wave ==> 发电机波
  28418. dynamo-electric ==> 电动的
  28419. dynamo-electric amplifier ==> 电动放大器,动电式放大器
  28420. dynamo-electric machine ==> 电动发电机
  28421. dynamo-metamorphic rock ==> 动力变质岩
  28422. dynamo-metamorphism ==> 动力变质作用
  28423. dynamo-thermal ==> 动热的
  28424. dynamo-thermal metamorphism ==> 动热变质
  28425. dynamoelectric amplifier generator ==> 电动放大发电机
  28426. dynamoelectric motor ==> 旋转换流机
  28427. dynamofluidal texture ==> 动力流状结构
  28428. dynamometer ==> 电动式仪表=>動力計
  28429. dynamometer brake ==> 测功制动器
  28430. dynamometer car ==> 测力试验车
  28431. dynamometer engine test bed ==> 发动机测功器试验台架
  28432. dynamometer life ==> 台架试验寿命
  28433. dynamometer link ==> 测力杆
  28434. dynamometer machine ==> 测功机
  28435. dynamometer multiplier ==> 功率计式乘法器
  28436. dynamometer smoke test ==> 测功器烟雾测试,功率烟雾测试
  28437. dynamometer test ==> 测功试验
  28438. dynamometer type wattmeter ==> 功率计式瓦特计
  28439. dynamometer-type instrument ==> 电动式仪表,测力计型仪表
  28440. dynamometertype multiplier ==> 测力计式乘法器
  28441. dynamometric system ==> 测力系统
  28442. dynamotor ==> 电动发电机=>発電動機
  28443. Dynapak method ==> 高速高能锻造法
  28444. dynapak press ==> 高能高速压机
  28445. Dynapak press ==> 高能束压机,高能速压机
  28446. dynastic order ==> 朝代次序
  28447. dynatron ==> 三极管,负耗阻性管=>ダイナトロン
  28448. dynatron effect ==> 负阻效应=>ジナテルム
  28449. dynatron frequency meter ==> 负阻管频率计
  28450. dynatron oscillation ==> 负阻管振荡
  28451. dynatron oscillator ==> 负阻管振荡器,打拿负阻管振荡器=>ダイナトロン発振器
  28452. dynatron pulse circuit ==> 负阻式脉冲电路
  28453. dyne ==> 达因
  28454. dyne centimeter (dyne-cm) ==> 尔格
  28455. dyne(unit of force in CGS system) ==> 达因
  28456. dynode ==> 倍增管电极=>ダイノード
  28457. dynode spot ==> 打拿极斑点
  28458. dynode spots ==> 倍增管电极斑点
  28459. dynode system ==> 倍增管电极系统
  28460. dyotron ==> 微波三极管
  28461. dysbarism ==> 减压障碍,降压病
  28462. dysbasia loruotica progressiva ==> 进行性脊柱前凸性步行困难
  28463. dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria ==> 遗传性对称性色素异常症
  28464. dyscrasic fracture ==> 恶病质骨折
  28465. dysenteric arthritis ==> 痢疾性关节炎
  28466. dysenteric diarrhea ==> 痢疾状腹泻
  28467. dysentery with bloody stool ==> 赤痢
  28468. dysesthesia tester ==> 感觉迟钝测定器
  28469. dysfunction ==> 功能不良,功能失调,功能紊乱,功能异常,功能障碍,机能不良,机能失调,机能紊乱,机能障碍=>故障する
  28470. dysfunction of blood coagulation ==> 凝血功能异常
  28471. dysfunction of blood vessel ==> 血管功能障碍
  28472. dysfunction of channels ==> 经隧失职,经隧失职
  28473. dysfunction of gastroenteric stoma ==> 胃肠吻合口机能障碍
  28474. dysfunction of papillary muscles ==> 乳头肌功能紊乱
  28475. dysfunction of platelet ==> 血小板功能障碍
  28476. dysfunction of sodium pump ==> 钠泵功能障碍
  28477. dysfunction of ventilation ==> 换气功能障碍
  28478. dysfunctional uterine bleeding ==> 功能失调性子宫出血病,功能性月经失调,功能性子宫出血,功能障碍性子宫出血
  28479. dysgerminoma of ovary ==> 卵巢无性细胞瘤
  28480. dyshema topoiesis ==> 造血不全
  28481. dyshormonogenic goiter ==> 激素障碍性甲状腺肿
  28482. dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis ==> 血瘀痛经
  28483. dysmenorrhea due to blood-cold ==> 血寒经痛
  28484. dysmnesic syndrome ==> 记忆障碍综合征
  28485. dyspepsia urinaria ==> 尿性消化不良
  28486. dysphagia paralytica ==> 麻痹性咽下困难
  28487. dysphagia spastica ==> 痉挛性吞咽困难,痉挛性吞咽困难
  28488. dysphonia spastica ==> 痉挛性发音困难,痉挛性发音困难
  28489. dysphonia syndrome ==> 杰-麦二氏综合征
  28490. dysplasia of rib ==> 肋骨发育异常
  28491. dysplastic type ==> 畸形体型
  28492. dyspnea due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚喘
  28493. dyspnea syndrome ==> 呼吸困难综合征
  28494. dysprosium ==> ジスプロシウム
  28495. dysprosium (Dy) ==> 镝
  28496. dysprosium acetate ==> 酢酸ジスプロシウム
  28497. dysprosium activation ==> ジスプロシウム活性化
  28498. dysprosium atom ==> ジスプロシウム原子
  28499. dysprosium chloride ==> 氯化镝
  28500. dysprosium lamp ==> 镝灯
  28501. dysprosium laser ==> 镝激光器
  28502. dysprosium oxide ==> 氧化镝
  28503. dyssocial behavior ==> 逆社会行为
  28504. dyssynergia cerebellaris progressiva ==> 进行性小脑协同失调
  28505. dystectic mixture ==> 高熔混合物
  28506. dystetic mixture ==> 高熔混合物
  28507. dystome spar ==> 硅硼钙石
  28508. dystopia canthorum ==> 眼角变位
  28509. dystrophia adiposa corneae ==> 角膜脂肪性营养不良
  28510. dystrophia epithelialis corneae ==> 角膜上皮营养不良,富克斯氏营养不良
  28511. dysuria due to the pressure of the fetus ==> 转胞
  28512. dysuria with lower abdominal colic ==> 转胞
  28513. DZ, directional distance (impedance:Z) relay ==> 方向距離継電器,距離リレー
  28514. DZR(DZ), Directional Distance Relay ==> 方向距離リレー。電圧と電流で事故箇所までの距離を特定する方式。
  28515. dAlembert characteristic ==> 达朗伯性质

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