英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数606812,M/36151)
船舶配件贸易分类==> Main Ship Equipments |
Equipment Types |
Main Marine Manufacturers
Ship Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=
女性肖像, by H. Nakajima
| 燃料弁噴射テスト装置 | 油圧ポンプユニット | フラットソケット
化学品船 |
Parts 1 |
Parts 2 | Parts 3 |
Parts 4 |
Parts 5 |
Parts 6 |
Parts 7 |
Parts 8 |
Parts 9
- M curve ==> M曲線
- m n contours ==> mn轨迹
- M signal ==> 单色信号,中间信号
- m type backward wave tube ==> m型返波振荡管
- m type tube ==> m型电子管
- m type twt ==> m型行波管
- M&DOD, mission and data operations directorate ==> ミッションとデータ運用責任者
- M&O, maintenance and operations ==> 保守及び運用
- M&P, materials and processes ==> 材料及び工程
- M&QA, maintainability and quality assurance ==> 整備可能性品質保証
- M&R Maintenance And Repair ==> 维修
- M(MN) Main ==> 主要的
- M, Main Relay ==> メインリレー
- M-, maintenance ==> 保守
- M-BAY, mission bay ==> ミッションベイ
- M-C asphalt ==> 中凝液沥青
- m-derived filter ==> 誘導m形フィルタ
- m-digallic acid ==> 间双没食子酸
- M-Hrs, man-hour ==> 人時
- m-hydroxynorephedrine ==> 间羟基去甲麻黄碱
- m-kg, Meter-Kilogram ==> メートル・キログラム
- m-nitrobenzene sulfonyl chloride ==> 间硝基苯磺酰氯
- m-phase current source ==> m相電流源
- m-phase voltage source ==> m相電圧源
- m-phenylene diamine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸间二氨基苯
- m-phenylenediamine ==> 间苯二胺
- m-phthalic acid ==> 间苯二甲酸,间二羧基苯
- M-RICS, Mitsubishi Real time Intelligent Control System ==> (三菱重工)電子燃料供給と燃料診断システム
- M-type microwave tube ==> M形マイクロ波管
- M-wire ==> 计数器引线
- M. G. set ==> 电动发电机组
- M.P. ammonia absorber ==> 中压氨吸收塔
- M.S. level ==> 平均海平面
- M/C, mission check ==> ミッションチェック
- M/E, main engine ==> 主エンジン
- M/E, mission equipment ==> 搭載実験機器
- M/F Made Fast ==> 提速
- M/P, mission/payload ==> ミッション/ペイロード
- m/s, m/sec(meter per second) ==> m/秒
- m/s, meters per second ==> メートル/秒
- M/SC, Masuda Satellite Console ==> 増田衛星コマンド操作卓
- M/T or MT Motor Tanker ==> 机动罐车/船
- M/U make up ==> 接上
- M/U, make up ==> メイクアップ
- M/U, mock-up ==> モックアップ
- M/V Motor Vessel (Diesel) ==> (柴油机)机动船
- M/V or MV Motor Vessel ==> 机动船
- M1 ==> Pj管理Tool(MSY社)
- MA cell diaphragm cell with metal anodes ==> 金属阳极隔膜电解槽
- Ma Yinchu's theory of population ==> 马寅初人口论
- MA, magnetic unloading ==> 磁気アンローディング
- MA, main array ==> メインアレー
- MA, Market Administrator ==> MA
- MA, mean anomaly ==> 平均近点離角
- MA, Mercury-Atlas ==> マーキュリーアトラス
- mA, Milliampere ==> ミリアンペア
- MA, mission assurance ==> ミッション保証
- MA, moving armature ==> MA
- MA, multiple access ==> 多元接続(マルチ・アクセス)
- MAAC, Mid-Atlantic Area Council ==> 中部大西洋地域協議会(米国)
- Maag gear ==> 马格齿轮
- Maag gear cutter ==> 马格插齿机
- Maag gear grinder ==> 马格齿轮磨床
- Maag gear shaper ==> 马格刨齿机
- Maag grinding ==> 马格磨齿机
- Maarad cotton ==> 马拉德棉
- Maas (bore-hole) compass ==> 马氏罗盘
- Maas survey ==> 马氏钻孔偏斜测量
- Maastricht Treaty ==> 马斯特里赫特条约
- MABE, magnetic bearing flywheel experiment ==> 磁気軸受フライホイール実験
- Mac Cullagh's formula ==> 麦克卡拉公式
- Mac Quarrie test for mechanical ability ==> 麦夸里机械能力测验
- MAC, magnetic attitude control ==> 磁気姿勢制御
- MAC, magnetic attitude control coil ==> 磁気姿勢制御用コイル
- MAC, materials and coating ==> 材料とコーティング
- MAC, maximum allowable concentration ==> 最大許容濃度
- MAC, McDonnell Aircraft Co. ==> マクダネルエアクラフト社
- MAC, Message Authentiaction Code ==> メッセージ真偽判定コード
- MAC, military air transport command ==> 輸送空軍
- MAC, Model Algorithmic Control ==> MAC
- MAC, Mutual Aid Criterion ==> MAC
- Mac-Lane system ==> 麦克-莱恩堆集法
- Mac-Leod gauge ==> 麦克-劳德真空规
- macadam ==> 碎石,碎石路
- macadam aggregate type ==> 碎石路面
- macadam base ==> 碎石基层
- MacAdam chromaticness discrimination threshold ==> 麦克亚当辨色阈
- MacAdam ellipse ==> 麦克亚当色椭圆
- macadam foundation ==> 碎石基层
- macadam road ==> 碎石路面道路
- macadam roller ==> 碎石压路机
- Macadam's construction ==> 马克当筑路法
- MacAdam's ellipse ==> 麦克亚当椭圆
- macadamia nut ==> 昆士兰果=>マカデミアナッツ
- Macadamia ternifolia ==> 昆士兰果=>マカデミアターニフォリア
- macadamization ==> 碎石铺路法,碎石筑路法
- macadamized road ==> 碎石铺路
- macadamized runway ==> 碎石跑道
- macadamizing ==> 碎石铺道法
- Macallister cotton ==> 麦卡利斯特棉
- macambira fibre ==> 马坎比拉纤维
- macanilla oil ==> 马卡尼拉油
- macaroni ==> マカロニ
- MacArthur and Forest cyanide process ==> 麦克阿瑟和佛雷斯特氰化法
- MacArthur-Forest process ==> 麦克阿瑟-佛雷斯特法
- Macartney's collet adjuster ==> 麦卡特尼氏内桩调整夹
- Macassar oil ==> 马卡油
- macassar oil ==> 马卡发油
- Macaulays formula ==> 麦考利公式
- MACC, more advanced combined cycle ==> モア・アドバンスド・コンバインドサイクル,改良型コンバインドサイクル発電
- MacCaull corrosion tester ==> 麦考尔腐蚀试验器
- Macclesfield reed count ==> 麦克莱斯菲尔德筘号
- MacConkey agar ==> 麦康凯琼脂=>マッコンキー寒天培地
- MacConkey's agar ==> 麦康基氏琼脂
- MacConkey's bile salt agar ==> 麦康基氏胆盐琼脂
- MacConkey's medium ==> (检测大肠菌用)麦康基氏培养基
- MacDowell's operation ==> 麦克道厄尔氏手术
- Macdownel feed water controller ==> 麦克唐纳式给水控制器
- mace bit ==> 冲击回转站
- mace butter ==> 肉豆蔻脂
- mace oil ==> 肉豆蔻油
- Macedelepinary half-shade ==> 马塞德勒皮内半影仪
- Maceio cotton ==> 马塞约棉
- maceral ==> 煤显微成分
- macerated fabric ==> 碎布
- macerating agent ==> 软化剂
- maceration ==> 浸化作用,浸软,浸渍=>浸軟,冷浸
- maceration enzyme ==> 浸渍酶
- maceration extract ==> 浸渍液
- maceration tank ==> 浸渍槽
- macerative erosive dermatitis ==> 浸渍糜烂型皮炎
- Macewen's triangle ==> 麦丘恩氏三角,外耳道上三角
- MacGREGOR ==> 麦基嘉
- Macguarie ridge ==> 马阔里海岭
- Mach ==> マッハ(音速),マッハ数
- Mach angle ==> 马赫角
- Mach cone ==> 马赫锥,扰动锥
- Mach diamond ==> 菱形激波
- Mach effect ==> 马赫数影响,(反射冲击波叠加效应)马赫效应
- Mach fringe ==> 马赫对比环,马赫条纹
- Mach front ==> 马赫波前,马赫扰动面,马赫阵面
- Mach indicator ==> 马赫表,马赫数指示器
- Mach line ==> 马赫波,马赫线
- Mach meter ==> 马赫计
- Mach number ==> 马赫数=>マッハ数,マッハ1=1200Km/時
- Mach number calibration ==> 按马赫数校准
- Mach number gradient ==> 马赫数陡度
- Mach principle ==> 马赫原理
- Mach reflection ==> 马赫反射
- Mach reflection region ==> 马赫反射区
- Mach region wave ==> 马赫冲波,弱冲波
- Mach stem ==> 马赫扰动面,马赫效应,激波前沿
- Mach stem effect ==> 马赫效应
- Mach unit ==> 马赫单位
- Mach wave ==> 马赫波
- Mach's metal ==> 马氏镁铝合金
- Mach's method ==> (测残余应力)逐层切削法
- Mach's principle ==> マッハの原理
- Mach-meter ==> 马赫表
- Mach-number component ==> 马赫数分量
- Mach-number computer ==> 马赫数计算机
- Mach-number controller ==> 马赫数控制器
- Mach-Zehnder interferometer ==> 马赫-曾德耳干涉仪
- Machang Type Pottery ==> 马厂类型陶器
- machanical handling of crops ==> 谷物的机械收割
- machanically menipulated electrode holder ==> 自动焊焊把
- Mache unit ==> (镭射气浓度单位)马谢氏单位
- Machiakow limestone ==> 马家沟灰岩
- Machiavellian manager ==> 马基雅维里式的经理
- Machie line ==> 马基线
- machinability index ==> 切削性能指数
- machinability ratio ==> 切削性比
- machinability test ==> 切削性试验,可加工性试验
- machinable cast iron ==> 易切削铸铁
- machinable durability of layers ==> 膜层的机械牢固度
- machine ==> 机,机床
- machine (information) retrieval ==> 机器检索
- machine account ==> 台帐
- machine address instruction ==> 机器地址指令
- machine addressing ==> 机器编址
- machine alarm ==> 机器报警信号,机器警报信号
- machine and equipment ==> 機械設備
- machine and tool ==> 機械工具
- machine assembler ==> 机器装配工
- machine assembly ==> 机器装配,机器组合
- machine barrel ==> 机筒
- machine base ==> 机器底座
- machine bay ==> 机械工段
- machine bearing ==> 机器轴承
- machine blunder ==> 機械の誤作動
- machine bolt ==> 机螺栓
- machine cannon ==> 机关炮
- machine carbine ==> 冲锋枪
- machine center ==> 机器中心
- machine chase ==> 机器版框
- machine check ==> 自动校核
- machine chest ==> 成浆池
- machine code ==> 机器代码=>機械コード
- machine code instruction ==> 机器代码指令
- machine code level ==> 机器代码级
- machine code program ==> 机器代码程序
- machine coding ==> 机器编码
- machine computer ==> 机用计算机
- machine construction ==> 机器结构
- machine control unite type DNC ==> (数控机床)直接结合式DNC
- machine controller ==> 电机控制器
- machine countersink ==> 机用锥形锪钻
- machine cover ==> 机器盖
- machine cut ==> 机械切削,截煤机截槽
- machine cut tooth ==> 机械切削齿
- machine cutting tool ==> 机床切削工具
- machine cutting torch ==> 机械切割吹管
- machine cycle ==> 机器工作循环,机器工作周期,机器周期
- machine cycle status ==> 机器周期状态
- machine description language ==> 機械記述言語
- machine diagnostics ==> 機械診断
- machine direction ==> 机器方向,纵向,纤维方向
- machine drawing ==> 工程机械图=>機械製図
- machine drill ==> 机钻
- machine driven system ==> パワードリブン式(自動交換)
- machine elements ==> 机械零件
- machine equation ==> 机器方程,(计算机的)运算方程式
- machine error ==> 机器错误
- machine fault ==> 機器事故
- machine final-terminal stopping device ==> 终端停车装置
- machine finish ==> 机床加工精度
- machine finishing ==> 机械光制
- machine floor elevation ==> 主机室地面高程
- machine for ballasting ==> 铺碴机
- machine for decorating rim of ceramic ware ==> 陶瓷饰边机
- machine for drilling rails ==> 钢轨钻机
- machine for edging ==> 磨边机
- machine for graduating a circle ==> 度盘刻度机
- machine for magnetic welding ==> 磁力焊接机
- machine for material testing ==> 材料试验机
- machine for parquetry work ==> 镶木机
- machine for processing rice noodle ==> 米线机
- machine for processing tea ==> 茶叶加工机械
- machine for testing torsion ==> 扭矩试验机
- machine forging ==> 机器锻造
- machine foundation ==> 机器基础
- machine frame ==> 机框
- machine function ==> 机器功能
- machine glazing ==> 单面光
- machine grading ==> 机械平地
- machine grinding ==> 机动磨削,机力磨
- machine group ==> 机器组
- machine guards ==> 机器保护装置
- machine gun ==> 机关枪,机枪
- machine hack saw blade ==> 机用弓锯片
- machine hacksaw blade ==> 机用锯条
- machine hall ==> 主机室
- machine haltin idle ==> 停机
- machine hammer ==> 机械锤
- machine hand ==> 机械手
- machine handling ==> 机器处理
- machine handling time ==> 刀架进退时间
- machine head ==> 床头,主轴箱
- machine hour method ==> 机器工时法
- machine improvement time ==> 机器装配时间
- machine in explosion proof enclosure ==> 防爆隔爆型电机
- machine in normal service ==> 常用机器=>常用機器
- machine instruction ==> 计算机指令=>機械命令
- machine interface ==> 机器接口
- machine jigging ==> 机械淘汰选
- machine key ==> 机器键
- machine key ring ==> 键控铃呼叫,半自动呼叫
- machine knife ==> 机刀,车刀
- machine knitting ==> 機械編み物
- machine language ==> 机械语言=>機械語
- machine learning ==> 機械学習
- machine learning technique ==> 機械学習法
- machine length ==> 机器长度
- machine length word ==> 机器长字
- machine level ==> 机器级
- machine level instruction ==> 机器级指令
- machine level interrupt ==> 机器级中断
- machine level language ==> 机器级语言
- machine level routine ==> 机器级程序
- machine loading ==> 机器装载
- machine loading problem ==> 机器分配问题
- machine management level ==> 機器診断レベル
- machine measuring machine ==> 测长机
- machine member ==> 机件
- machine method of accounting ==> 会计机器整理
- machine milking ==> 机器挤奶
- machine mixing ==> 机械拌合
- machine molding ==> 机器造型
- machine moulding ==> 机压成形
- machine net weight ==> 机器净重
- machine of normal series ==> 标准型机器
- machine oil ==> 机械油
- machine oil emulsion ==> 机油乳剂
- machine oil pump for motor ==> 摩托车机油泵
- machine operation code ==> 机器操作码
- machine operator ==> 机器操作员,机械算子=>機械工
- machine organization ==> 机器结构
- machine oriented language ==> 面向机器的语言
- machine out of service ==> 運転休止中
- machine oxygen cutting ==> 机械化氧气切割
- machine parameter measurement ==> 電動機定数測定
- machine parameters ==> 機器定数
- machine parts grinding ==> 机件磨削
- machine pin ==> 机用销
- machine pistol ==> 冲锋枪
- machine plotting ==> 展点仪
- machine posting ==> 机器过帐
- machine press ==> 压床
- machine press-packed bale ==> 机器紧压包
- machine press-packing ==> 机器打包
- machine processible form ==> 机器可处理形式
- machine proof ==> 机器打样
- machine property ==> 切削性
- machine protection ==> 機器保護
- machine quality ==> 切削性
- machine ram ==> 机床滑枕
- machine rammer ==> 夯击机,夯实机
- machine readable ==> 可机读
- machine reamer ==> 机用铰刀
- machine reel ==> 机器磁带盘,收带盘
- machine regulator ==> 机器调节设备
- machine rifle ==> 冲锋枪
- machine ringing ==> 铃流机振铃,自动振铃
- machine room ==> 機械室
- machine scarfing ==> 机动火焰清理
- machine screw with oval countersunk fillister head ==> 半沉头螺钉
- machine setting ==> 机械镶嵌
- machine shaft ==> 机器主轴
- machine shop ==> 修配间,车间=>機械工場
- machine stand vibration ==> 機台振動
- machine state ==> 机器状态
- machine status bit ==> 机器状态位
- machine status register(MSR) ==> 机器状态寄存器
- machine steel ==> 机件钢,机器钢
- machine stitch ==> 压边针迹
- machine strap clamp ==> 机械加工稳定工件用压板
- machine switchgear ==> 机器开头设备
- machine switching ==> 自动交换
- machine switching system ==> 自动交换机=>自動交換方式
- machine tap ==> 机用丝锥
- machine taper ==> 机用锥度
- machine taper pin reamer ==> 机用锥销孔铰刀
- machine time ==> 机动时间,切削时间
- machine tool ==> 母机,机床=>加工・工作機
- machine tool control system ==> 机床控制系统
- machine tool drive ==> 机床传动
- machine topped beet ==> 机械切顶的甜菜
- machine translation ==> 机器翻译=>機械翻訳
- machine under repairs ==> 修理中的机器
- machine unit ==> 机器单元
- machine units ==> 机器单位
- machine variable ==> 机器变量
- machine vision ==> マシンビジョン
- machine washer ==> 平垫圈
- machine weight ==> 机器重量
- machine welding ==> 机器焊接
- machine welding torch ==> 机械焊接吹管
- machine winding ==> 电机绕组
- machine with closed-circuit ventilation ==> 闭路通风式电机
- machine with inherent self excitation ==> 内在自励磁电机
- machine with inherent self-excitation ==> 内在自励磁电机
- machine with natural cooling ==> 自然冷却式电机
- machine with open-circuit ventilation ==> 开路通风式电机
- machine word ==> 机器字=>機械語
- machine word-length ==> 机器字长
- machine work ==> 切削加工
- machine-aided design ==> 机器辅助设计,机助设计
- machine-aided retrieval ==> 机助检索
- machine-aided translation ==> 机助翻译
- machine-aided translation system ==> 机器辅助翻译系统
- machine-dependence ==> 機種依存性
- machine-dependent character codes ==> 機種依存文字コード
- machine-dependent feature ==> 依赖于机器的特性
- machine-glazed paper ==> 单缸光泽纸
- machine-gun microphone ==> 线列传声器,强指向性传声器
- machine-gun mike ==> 直线式传声器
- machine-gun turret ==> 机枪塔
- machine-hour ==> 台时=>工数
- machine-imprinted ==> 打机械标记的
- machine-independent ==> 独立于机器的,机器独立程序
- machine-independent command language ==> 独立于机器的命令语言
- machine-independent job control language ==> 独立于机器的作业控制语言
- machine-independent language ==> 独立于机器的语言,不依赖机器的语言
- machine-independent programming ==> 独立于机器的程序设计
- machine-limited system ==> 机械限制系统
- machine-made hose ==> 机制胶管
- machine-mixed concrete ==> 机拌混凝土
- machine-network cordination ==> 机网协调
- machine-oriented language ==> 機械用言語
- machine-oriented programming language ==> 面向机器的程序设计语言
- machine-oriented programming system ==> 面向机器的程序设计系统
- machine-readable medium ==> 自动数据介体
- machine-room-less ==> 機械室レス
- machine-shaping ==> 加工成型
- machine-team ==> 台班
- machine-tending cycle ==> 看管循环期
- machine-tending quota ==> 看管定额
- machine-to-machine admittance matrix ==> 機間アドミタンス行列
- machine-tool control ==> 机床控制
- machine-working taps ==> 攻丝机
- machined flush ==> 加工齐平
- machined jet-dust sprayer ==> 动力喷粉喷雾机
- machined rod ==> 機械加工棒
- machined surface ==> 已加工面,经机加工的表面,经机加工的表面,加工面
- machined thread ==> 切削ネジ
- machined washer ==> 精制垫圈
- machinery ==> 落砂设备
- machinery arrangement ==> 机械布置
- machinery bronze ==> 机用青铜
- machinery casting ==> 机器铸件,铸铁机器件
- machinery for processing woodwork ==> 木工加工机械
- machinery for spring work ==> 春耕机械
- machinery foundation ==> 机械基础
- machinery in the casthouse ==> 炉前机械
- machinery industry ==> 機械工業
- machinery murmur ==> 机鸣杂音
- machinery noise ==> 机械噪声,机械设备及其部件在运转和能量传递过程中产生振动而发射的噪声
- machinery of consultation ==> 协商方法
- machinery oils ==> 机械润滑油
- machinery repair part ==> 车辆用备件
- machinery retrieval system ==> 机械补救系统
- machinery space ==> 机舱,机器处所
- machinery steel ==> 机器钢
- machines and tools ==> 机具
- machines and tools for construction and erection ==> 施工安装用的机械及工具
- machines used in service trade ==> 服务业机械
- machineshop car ==> 工程车
- machineshop truck ==> 工程车,移动式机械修理车
- machining ==> 机械加工
- machining (stock) allowance ==> 机制加工裕度
- machining accuracy ==> 加工精度,精加工精确度
- machining allowance ==> 机械加工余量
- machining by repeated impact ==> 冲击加工
- machining casting ==> 机械化铸造
- machining center ==> 多工序自动数学控制机床=>マシニングセンタ
- machining centers ==> 组合加工中心机床
- machining condition ==> 切削条件
- machining constant ==> 切削常数
- machining data bank system ==> 加工数据库系统
- machining error ==> 机加工误差
- machining precision ==> 加工精度
- machining pressure ==> 加工压力
- machining property ==> 可切削性,机械加工性,机械加工性能
- machining set-up ==> 机加工装置
- machining stress ==> 机械加工残余应力,加工应力
- machining technique ==> 機械加工公差
- machining tolerance ==> マシニングセンタ
- machinist ==> 机工
- machinist's file ==> 机工锉
- machinist's level ==> 机工水平仪
- machinist's scraper ==> 钳工刮刀
- machinist's vise swivel base ==> 活动式机工虎钳
- Machrone's law ==> The PC you want to buy will always be $5000.
- Macht metal ==> 铜锌合金
- Macht's metal ==> 铜锌合金,马赫特含铁黄铜
- Macht's test ==> (检血液病)马赫蒂氏试验
- macintosb sheet ==> 医用橡皮夹布
- Mack's cement ==> 麦克水泥
- Mackenite metal ==> 麦克内特镍铬耐热钢
- Mackenrodt's operation ==> 马肯罗特氏手术
- Mackensen bearing ==> 麦肯森式三油楔动压轴承=>マッケンゼン軸受け
- Mackenzie's points ==> 麦肯齐氏点
- Mackenzie's syndrome ==> 麦肯齐氏综合征
- mackerel sky ==> 鱼鳞天
- Mackey test ==> 麦克试验
- Mackinac cloth ==> 马金瑙毛织物
- Mackinaw blanket ==> 马金瑙厚毛毯
- Mackinaw cloth ==> 马金瑙毛织物
- Mackinaw coating ==> 马金瑙双面大衣呢
- Mackinon circuit ==> 马金诺电路
- Macklers glaze ==> 麦克勒釉
- Macky effect ==> 麦基效应
- Maclaurin expansion ==> 马克劳林展开=>マクローリン展開
- Maclaurin series ==> マクローリン級数
- MacLeod equation ==> 麦克劳德方程
- MacLeod gauge ==> 麦克劳德压强计
- Macleod gauge ==> 麦克劳德计=>マクラウド真空計
- MacLeod's capsular rheumatism ==> 麦克劳德氏关节囊风湿病
- MacMahon packing ==> 麦克马洪填充物
- MacMichael degree ==> 麦克迈克尔度,麦克迈克尔粘度
- Macmichael degree ==> 麦克米契尔度
- MacMunn's test ==> (检尿蓝母)麦克莫恩氏试验
- Maco cotton ==> (一种埃及棉)马科棉
- Maco foot ==> (黑色毛袜,用原色埃及马科棉纱作底)马科袜
- Maco percale ==> (用埃及马科棉制)马科密织薄细布
- Maco template ==> 马克样板
- Maco yarn ==> (用埃及棉纺制的原色纱)马科纱
- Macomb strainer ==> 马科姆系统
- MacQuarrie's test ==> (智力测验)麦廓里氏试验
- Macquer's salt ==> 砷酸钾
- Macquisten film-flotation machine ==> 马奎斯顿薄膜浮选机
- Macracanthorhychus hirudinaceus ==> 猪巨吻棘头虫
- Macrame cord ==> 马克莱姆线
- macro ==> 近摄,大的,宏,宏代码,宏功能,宏观,宏指令
- macro address table ==> 宏地址表
- macro argument ==> 宏变元
- macro assignment statement ==> 宏赋值语句
- macro axis ==> 长轴
- macro body of a definition ==> 宏定义体
- macro call ==> 宏调入
- macro call statement ==> 宏指令调用语句
- macro cell ==> マクロ電池
- macro code ==> マクロ命令
- macro command list ==> 宏命令表
- macro control ==> マクロ制御
- macro cross-section ==> 宏观横截面
- macro declaration ==> 宏说明,宏说明语句
- macro declare statement ==> 宏说明语句
- macro definition block ==> 宏指令定义块
- macro definition header statement ==> 宏定义标题语句
- macro definition trailer statement ==> 宏定义尾部语句
- macro directory ==> 宏指令登记簿
- macro document ==> 宏文件
- macro dummy variable of definition ==> 宏定义哑变量
- macro economic financing ratio ==> 宏观资金融通率
- macro economic liquidity ratio ==> 宏观经济清偿率
- macro economic model ==> 宏观经济模式
- macro economic resource ==> 宏观经济资源
- macro eddy current ==> 宏涡流
- macro etch ==> 宏观试片腐蚀
- macro exercise program ==> 宏练习程序
- macro expansion ==> 宏指令扩展
- macro feature ==> 宏功能特性
- macro flow chart ==> 宏观流程图
- macro flowchart ==> 宏流程图,宏流图
- macro function ==> 宏功能,宏功能
- macro generating program ==> 宏生成程序
- macro generator ==> マクロ生成プログラム
- macro IF statement ==> 宏条件语句
- macro implementation ==> 宏功能实现
- macro instruction ==> 宏指令
- macro language ==> 宏语言
- macro lens ==> 超近摄影镜头,低倍照相镜头,大镜头
- macro level ==> 宏指令级
- macro library ==> 宏定义库=>マクロライブラリ
- macro logic ==> 宏逻辑
- macro molecule ==> 高分子
- macro motion and micro motion ==> 大动作和小动作
- macro name ==> 宏功能名字,宏名字
- macro order ==> 宏指令
- macro perfection ==> 宏观完整性
- macro phase ==> 宏处理阶段,宏指令处理阶段
- macro plus ==> 宏功能加
- macro pore ==> 大气孔
- macro porosity ==> 大气孔率
- macro porous ==> 多孔的
- macro porous silica gel ==> 大孔硅胶
- macro precipitation ==> 常量沉淀
- macro processor ==> 宏处理程序=>マクロプロセッサ
- macro qualitative analysis ==> 常量定性分析
- macro sample ==> 常量试样
- macro skeleton ==> 宏程序骨架
- macro streak flaw test ==> 断面缺陷肉眼检验,粗视条痕裂纹检验
- macro subroutine library ==> 宏子程序库
- macro time event list ==> 大延迟时间事件表
- macro zoomlens ==> 大快速变焦镜头
- macro-analysis ==> 总体分析
- macro-aperture lathe ==> 大孔径车床
- macro-asperity ==> 宏观粗糙度
- macro-autoradiography ==> 宏观放射自显影,宏观自动射线摄影术,宏观自体放射照相术
- macro-axis ==> 大轴
- macro-call ==> 宏调用
- macro-clastic rock ==> 粗屑岩
- macro-diagonal ==> 长对角轴
- macro-dynamic theory ==> 巨視的動態理論
- macro-economic control system ==> 宏观调控体制
- macro-element ==> 宏单元,大量元素
- macro-engineering ==> 宏观工程学
- macro-facility ==> 宏功能,宏功能,宏指令
- macro-facility assembler ==> 宏附件汇编程序,宏功能汇编程序
- macro-flow ==> 宏观流动
- macro-focusing ==> 微距聚焦
- macro-forecast ==> 宏观预测
- macro-instruction storage ==> 宏指令存储器
- macro-observation ==> 宏观观察
- macro-operator ==> 宏操作符
- macro-photograph ==> 宏观照相
- macro-pipelining ==> 宏流水线操作
- macro-porosity ==> 肉眼孔隙
- macro-pyramid ==> 长轴锥面
- macro-spicule ==> 大针状物,巨针状物,巨针状物
- macro-structural test ==> 宏观组织检查
- macro-turbulence ==> 宏观紊流
- macro-variable ==> 宏变量
- macroaggregate manpower budgets ==> 宏观总人力预算
- macroanalyticle balance ==> 常量分析天平
- macroassembler line editor ==> 宏汇编行编辑程序
- macroassignment statement ==> 宏赋值语句
- macrobend loss ==> 宏弯曲损耗
- macrobiotic seed ==> 长寿种子
- macroblock ==> 宏模块
- macroblock characterization programme ==> 宏模块表征程序
- macroblock test generator ==> 宏模块测试生成程序
- Macrobrachium superbum ==> 巨掌沼虾,巨掌沼虾,沼虾
- macrocall form ==> 宏调用形式
- macrocall process ==> 宏调用过程
- macrocell ==> 宏单元
- macrocell approach ==> 宏单元技术
- macrocell array ==> 宏单元阵列
- macrocine matograph ==> 放大电影摄影放映机
- macrocirculation of qi partially outside the body ==> 离体周天
- macrocontrolled market economy ==> 宏观管理的市场经济
- macrocyclic siloxane ==> 大环硅氧烷
- macrocytic anemia in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期巨红细胞性贫血
- macrocytic hyperchromatism ==> 高色素性大红细胞症
- macrodecision-making ==> 宏观决策
- macrodeclaration ==> マクロ宣言
- macrodefinition ==> マクロ定義
- macrodefinition format ==> 宏定义格式
- macrodefinition library ==> 宏定义库
- macrodefinition table ==> 宏定义表
- macrodont versus micro-maxilla ==> 牙大颌小
- macroeconometric model ==> 宏观经济计量模型
- macroeconomic analysis ==> 宏观经济分析
- macroeconomic coefficient vector ==> 宏观经济系数向量
- macroeconomic control ==> 宏观调控,宏观经济控制
- macroeconomic costbenefit analysis ==> 大量的费用与经济利益分析
- macroeconomic dynamics ==> 宏观经济动力学
- macroeconomic financial activities ==> 宏观范围的财务活动
- macroeconomic loss function ==> 宏观经济损失函数
- macroeconomic management ==> 宏观经济管理
- macroeconomic management mechanism ==> 宏观经济管理机制
- macroeconomic parameter ==> 宏观经济参数
- macroeconomic performance targets ==> 宏观的经济效益指标
- macroeconomic policy ==> 总体经济政策
- macroeconomic regulation and control ==> 宏观经济调控
- macroeconomic regulatory mechanism ==> 宏观经济管理机制
- macroeconomic statistics ==> 宏观经济统计学
- macroeconomic variable ==> 宏观经济变量
- macroeconomics of productivity ==> 宏观生产力经济学
- macrofracture mechanics ==> 宏观断裂力学
- macrogenerating program ==> 宏编辑程序,宏产生程序,宏功能生成程序
- macrogenerating program(me) ==> 宏生成程序
- macrogeneration program ==> 宏指令生成程序
- macrohardness testing ==> 宏观硬度检验
- macroinstruction ==> マクロ[命令]
- macroinstruction fetch routine ==> 宏指令程序,宏指令取数程序
- macroinstruction level ==> 宏指令级
- macroinstruction link ==> 宏指令连接部分,宏指令链
- macroinstruction linkage ==> 宏指令连接
- macroinstruction system ==> 宏指令系统
- macromanagement indicator ==> 宏观管理指标
- macromolecular property ==> 高分子性质
- macromolecular solution ==> 高分子溶液
- macromolecule ==> 大分子,巨大分子,巨大分子=>巨大分子,高分子
- macromolecule chemistry ==> 高分子化学
- macromolecule complex ==> 巨大分子複合体
- macromolecule compound ==> 巨大分子化合物
- macromolecule concentration ==> 高分子濃度
- macromolecule ionization ==> 巨大分子イオン化
- macromolecule surfactant ==> 高分子表面活性剂
- macrophage ==> 巨噬细胞=>マクロファージ
- macrophage activating factor (MAF) ==> 巨噬细胞活化因子,巨噬细胞活化因子,巨噬细胞激活因子
- macrophage activation ==> 巨噬细胞活化,巨噬细胞活化
- macrophage aggregation factor ==> 巨噬细胞集合因子,巨噬细胞集合因子,巨噬细胞凝聚因子,巨噬细胞凝聚因子
- macrophage arming factor (MAF) ==> 巨噬细胞武装因子,巨噬细胞武装因子
- macrophage associated immunoglobulin ==> 巨噬细胞相关免疫球蛋白,巨噬细胞相关免疫球蛋白
- macrophage cell-bound immunoglobulin ==> 巨噬细胞结合免疫球蛋白,巨噬细胞结合免疫球蛋白
- macrophage chemotactic factor ==> 巨噬细胞趋化因子,巨噬细胞趋化因子,吸引巨噬细胞趋化分子
- macrophage colony stimulatory factor ==> 巨噬细胞集落刺激因子,巨噬细胞集落刺激因子
- macrophage cytophilic antibody ==> 嗜巨噬细胞抗体
- macrophage derived growth factor ==> 巨噬细胞衍生生长因子
- macrophage disappearance reaction ==> 巨噬细胞消失反应,巨噬细胞消失反应
- macrophage inhibition factor ==> 巨噬细胞抑制因子
- macrophage inhibition test ==> 巨噬细胞抑制试验,巨噬细胞抑制试验
- macrophage migration inhibition test ==> 巨噬细胞移动抑制试验
- macrophage phagocytic function test ==> 巨噬细胞吞噬功能试验,巨噬细胞吞噬功能试验
- macrophage system ==> 噬细胞系统
- macrophagocyte ==> 巨噬细胞
- macrophagus ==> 巨噬细胞
- macroporous boron-specific ion-exchange resin ==> 大孔硼特效离子交换树脂
- macroporous soil ==> 大孔性土
- macroporous structure ==> 大孔结构
- macroprocessing instruction ==> 宏处理指令,宏功能处理指令
- macroprototype statement ==> 宏指令记录原型语句
- macroregulatory measures ==> 宏观调节措施
- macroscale ==> マクロスケール
- macroscopic ==> 宏观的,大范围的=>巨視的
- macroscopic analysis ==> 宏观分析
- macroscopic blood ==> 肉眼血
- macroscopic causality ==> 宏观因果性
- macroscopic cavitation ==> 大空穴
- macroscopic concept ==> 宏观概念
- macroscopic constant ==> 宏观常数
- macroscopic convection ==> 宏观对流
- macroscopic cracking ==> 宏观裂纹
- macroscopic critical state ==> 宏观临界态
- macroscopic cross section ==> 宏观截面
- macroscopic cross-section ==> 宏观横截面
- macroscopic deformation ==> 宏观形变
- macroscopic diffusion flux ==> 宏观扩散通量
- macroscopic dynamic state ==> 宏观动态
- macroscopic electronic order ==> 巨視的な電子秩序
- macroscopic equilibrium ==> 宏观均衡
- macroscopic examination ==> 宏观检查
- macroscopic fault motion ==> 宏观断层运动
- macroscopic field ==> 宏观场
- macroscopic interphase boundary ==> 宏观相间边界
- macroscopic irregularity ==> 宏观表面缺陷,外观缺陷
- macroscopic measurement ==> 宏观测度
- macroscopic method ==> 宏观法
- macroscopic multiplication ==> 宏观倍增
- macroscopic noise ==> 宏观噪声
- macroscopic observation ==> 宏观观察
- macroscopic phenomena of fluctuation ==> 宏观涨落现象
- macroscopic pile theory ==> 宏观反应堆理论
- macroscopic propagation ==> 宏观传播
- macroscopic properties ==> 宏观特性
- macroscopic property ==> 宏观特性,热力学性质
- macroscopic readjustment and control ==> 宏观调控
- macroscopic scattering cross section ==> 宏观散射截面
- macroscopic seismic phenomenon ==> 宏观地震现象
- macroscopic state ==> 宏观态,宏观状态
- macroscopic stress ==> 宏观应力
- macroscopic structure ==> 宏观构造,大型构造
- macroscopic structure inspection of metal ==> 金属宏观检验,用肉眼或低倍放大镜检验金属组织和缺陷的技术
- macroscopic symmetry ==> 宏观对称
- macroscopic system ==> 宏观系统
- macroscopic test ==> 低倍试验,直观试验
- macroscopic total cross-section ==> 宏观总截面
- macroscopic velocity ==> 宏观速度
- macroscopic view ==> 宏观
- macroscopic-void ==> 大空洞
- macroscopical lesion ==> 肉眼损害
- macroseismic effect ==> 宏观地震效应
- macroseismic observation ==> 宏观地震观测
- macroshot lens ==> 微距摄影透镜
- macrostandard data ==> 宏观定额资料
- macrostatement number ==> 宏语句编号
- Macrostem Onion and Cinnamon Twigs ==> 枳实薤白桂枝汤
- macrotidal range ==> (强潮差)大潮差
- macrotime variable ==> 宏时变量
- macrovoid ratio ==> 大孔隙比
- MACS, modular attitude control subsytem ==> モジュール型姿勢制御サブシステム
- macthed filter ==> 匹配比滤波器
- macula ==> 角膜斑翳,缺陷,岩浆房,暗斑,斑点
- macula acustica utriculi ==> 椭圆囊斑
- macula and papula ==> 斑疹
- macula communis ==> 总斑
- macula corneae ==> 角膜斑翳
- macula cribrosa inferior ==> 下筛斑
- macula cribrosa media ==> 球囊筛区,中筛斑
- macula densa ==> 致密斑
- macula hole ==> 黄斑裂孔
- macula lutea ==> 黄斑=>黄はん(網膜)
- macula sacculi ==> 球囊斑
- macula utriculi ==> 椭圆囊斑
- maculae acusticae ==> 位觉斑
- maculae albidae ==> 乳色斑
- maculae atrophicae ==> 萎缩斑
- maculae lacteae ==> 乳斑,乳色斑
- maculae staticae ==> 位觉斑
- macular area ==> 斑区
- macular coloboma ==> 黄斑缺损
- macular degeneration ==> 黄斑部变性
- macular disciform chorioretinopathy ==> 黄斑盘状视网膜脉络膜病
- macular disciform degeneration ==> 盘状黄斑变性
- macular eruption ==> 斑疹
- maculary fasciculus ==> 黄斑束
- maculation ==> 斑点
- maculose rock ==> 斑结状岩
- mad apple ==> 茄子
- MAD, Madrid ==> マドリッド
- MAD, Madrid Station ==> マドリッド局
- MAD, magnetic airborne detector ==> マッド
- MAD, MSFN Station Madrid Spain ==> スペイン,マドリッド追跡局
- Madagascar ==> マダガスカル
- Madagascar hook ==> 马达加斯加钩
- Madara set ==> 马达腊赛脱聚酯变形纤维
- Madden--Julian oscillation ==> マッデン・ジュリアン振動
- madder lake ==> 茜草色淀
- madder root ==> 茜草
- Maddox rod ==> 马多克斯斜视检镜
- Maddrell Salt ==> 长链高分子量偏磷酸钠
- made a fraudulent application and claim ==> 虚报冒领
- made abroad ==> 外国製
- made bill ==> 境外待付票据,境外待付票据
- made block ==> 组成滑车
- made circuit ==> 闭合电路
- made from ==> 原料を示す
- made from barley and hops ==> 用大麦和啤酒花酿造
- made from metal ==> 金属製の
- made from paper ==> 紙製の
- made from plastic ==> プラスティック製
- made ground ==> 人工填地,现代沉积,填成地,填地
- made in several piece nozzle ==> 复喷嘴
- made land ==> 人工填地,填筑地
- made road ==> 填土路
- made to order integrated circuit ==> 定制集成电路
- made work ==> 人为的工作
- made-to-order ==> 特制,定制
- made-up article ==> 坯品
- made-up belt ==> 带坯,胶带坯品
- made-up fuel oil ==> 补充燃料油
- made-up ground ==> 人工填地
- made-up road ==> 人工道路
- Madeira topaz ==> 马德拉黄晶
- Madelung constant ==> 马德隆常数=>マーデルング定数
- Madelung synthesis ==> 马德隆合成法
- Madelung's deformity ==> 曲腕畸形,(腕关节进行性半脱位)马德隆氏畸形
- Madelung's neck ==> (颈部患对称性脂沉积症)马德隆氏颈
- Madelung's operation ==> (腰部结肠造口术)马德隆氏手术
- MADGAR, Tananarive Malagasy Republic ==> タナナリブ
- madguard ==> 挡泥板
- madial wall ==> 内侧壁
- Madison process ==> 麦迪逊氏废物处理过程
- madistor ==> 晶体磁控管
- madopar tablet ==> 美多巴片
- Madras cotton ==> 马德拉斯棉
- madrensis ==> マドレンシス
- madreporic canal ==> 石管
- madreporic plate ==> 筛板
- madreporic pore ==> 筛孔
- madreporic vesicle ==> 筛囊
- Madrid ==> マドリッド
- Madrid interband offered rate ==> 马德里银行间放款利率
- Madsen impedance meter ==> 马德森阻抗计
- madura foot ==> 足分支菌病
- MAEB, Material Application and Evaluation Board ==> 材料適用審査委員会
- maesuring error ==> 测量误差
- MAF, major frame ==> メジャーフレーム
- MAF, motor attach fitting ==> モータ結合部
- MAF, motor attachment fitting ==> モータ結合部
- MAFF, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries ==> 農林水産省
- Maffucci's syndrome ==> 马富西氏综合征,软骨发育异常并发血管瘤
- mafic rock ==> 镁铁质岩,镁铁质岩石
- mag card ==> 磁卡片
- mag coke ==> 镁焦
- MAG, Magazine ==> NASA略語(意訳,弾倉,弾薬庫)
- MAG, magnet ==> 磁石
- MAG, Magnetic ==> NASA略語(意訳,磁力による)
- MAG, magnetosphere currents/fields ==> 磁気圏電波/磁場
- MAG, Mission Analysis Group ==> ミッション解析グループ
- mag-ion pump ==> 磁控离子泵
- mag-slip ==> 同步机
- MAGAMP, magnetic amplifier ==> 磁気増幅器
- maganese bronze ==> 锰青铜
- maganese cast iron ==> 锰铸铁
- magazine ==> 盒
- magazine back latch ==> 胶卷盒后锁
- magazine boiler ==> 自动加煤小锅炉
- magazine box ==> 盒
- magazine case ==> 弹仓
- magazine catch ==> 弹匣卡笋
- magazine chamber ==> 底片盒
- magazine chute ==> 送料溜槽,料斗斜槽
- magazine clip ==> 弹夹
- magazine feed attachment ==> 自动储存送料附件
- magazine grinder ==> 水浆研磨机,库式磨木机
- magazine loader ==> 自动储存送料装置
- magazine loading camera ==> 插入式片盒摄影机
- magazine loading cine film ==> 盒装电影片
- magazine rail ==> 料斗送料轨道
- magazine reel stand ==> 卷筒纸臂架,卷筒纸臂架
- magazine release ==> 胶卷盒装卸锁钮
- magazine rifle ==> 带弹匣的步枪
- magazine slot ==> 存储槽,库房存储区间
- magazine spring ==> 托弹簧
- magazine stove ==> 自动加煤的炉
- magazine table ==> 贮料辊道
- magazine tool holder ==> 库房工具架
- magazine type automatic lathe ==> 料斗式自动车床
- magazine-type charger ==> 储料进给台
- magchrome refractory ==> 镁铬耐火材料
- magco mica ==> 防漏碎云母
- MAGE, mechanical aerospace ground equipment ==> 機械系地上支援設備
- Magellanic clouds ==> 麦哲伦云
- Magellanic Cloudtype galaxy ==> 麦哲伦云型星系
- Magellanic Stream ==> 麦哲伦流
- Magellanic System ==> 麦哲伦系
- Magena weaving process ==> 马格纳织造法
- Magendie's solution ==> 马让迪氏液
- magenta flower ==> 洋红色花
- magentic acupress stylus ==> 磁缇针
- magetostatic field ==> 静磁场,静磁场
- maggot therapy ==> 蛆治疗法
- maggot-pierced cocoon ==> 蛆孔茧
- Maghreb integration scheme (CPCM) ==> 马格里布一体化计划
- magic ==> 奇術,手品,マジック
- magic acid ==> マジック酸
- magic angle ==> マジック角
- magic arts ==> 魔法
- magic bullet ==> 特効薬
- magic byte ==> マジックバイト
- magic carpet ==> 魔法のじゅうたん
- magic chuck ==> 快换夹具
- magic code ==> 幻码
- magic cube ==> 魔方
- magic dart ==> 魔镖
- magic eye ==> 电眼=>光電セル,マジックアイ
- magic eye flame control ==> 光电火焰调节器
- magic filter ==> 幻式滤波器
- magic guide bush ==> 张缩导套
- magic hand ==> 机械手
- magic heat pack ==> 魔力热袋
- magic ink ==> 万能笔
- magic lantern ==> 幻灯
- magic list ==> 幻表
- magic nucleus ==> 幻核
- magic numbers ==> 幻数
- Magic spun ==> 梅杰斯本人造短纤维纱
- magic square ==> 幻方
- magic stone ==> 透蛋白石
- magic T ==> 幻T电路,混合接头=>マジックT
- magic veil ==> 显像管框架
- magic-N-nucleus ==> 幻N核,幻中子数核
- magicicada ==> 周期蝉=>周期ゼミ,素数ゼミ
- Magill attachment ==> 麦吉尔氏接合体
- magister of sulfur ==> 硫的制备
- maglev ==> 浮上式鉄道
- Maglev ==> 磁力悬浮车=>マグレブ,超電導磁気浮上式リニアモーターカー
- maglev vehicle ==> マグレブ車両
- magma ==> 乳浆剂,稠液,岩架,岩浆=>マグマ
- magma activity ==> マグマ活動
- magma ascent ==> マグマの上昇
- magma basalt ==> 岩浆玄武岩
- magma basin ==> 岩浆储源
- magma body ==> マグマ溜り
- magma budget ==> マグマ供給
- magma chamber ==> 岩浆储源,岩浆房=>マグマ溜り
- magma density ==> 稠液密度
- magma facies ==> 岩相
- magma geothermal system ==> 岩浆地热系统
- magma igneous ==> 火成岩浆
- magma injection ==> マグマ注入
- magma intrusion theory ==> 岩浆侵入假说
- magma magnesiae ==> 镁乳浆
- magma pocket ==> 岩浆储源
- magma power generation ==> 岩浆发电
- magma pump ==> 糊浆泵
- magma reservoir ==> 岩浆储源,岩浆库=>マグマ溜り
- magma resource ==> マグマ資源
- magma rise ==> マグマ上昇
- magma series ==> 岩浆系列=>マグマ系
- magma source ==> マグマ起源
- magma theory ==> 岩浆学说
- magmatic assimilation ==> 岩浆同化作用
- magmatic body ==> 岩体
- magmatic concentration ==> 岩浆富集
- magmatic corrosion ==> 岩浆熔蚀
- magmatic cycle ==> 岩浆回旋,火成旋回
- magmatic differentiation ==> 岩浆分异作用
- magmatic differetiation ==> 乳浆分层
- magmatic digestion ==> 岩浆同化
- magmatic emplacement ==> 岩浆贯入(作用)
- magmatic eruption ==> 岩浆喷溢
- magmatic evolution ==> 岩浆演化
- magmatic explosion ==> 岩浆爆发
- magmatic injection ==> 岩浆贯入(作用)
- magmatic injection deposit ==> 岩浆贯入矿床
- magmatic intrusion ==> 岩浆侵入
- magmatic mixing ==> 岩浆混合作用
- magmatic origin ==> 岩浆成因
- magmatic rock ==> 岩浆岩
- magmatic segregation ==> 岩浆分结作用,岩浆分凝(作用)
- magmatic solution ==> 岩浆溶液
- magmatic stoping ==> 岩浆顶蚀(作用),岩浆升蚀
- magmatic water ==> 岩浆水
- magmaticore deposit ==> 岩浆矿床
- magmatogene rock ==> 岩浆成因岩石
- Magna International ==> 加拿大麦格纳国际
- Magna reforming process ==> 麦格纳重整过程
- magnaflux method ==> 磁粉探傷法
- magnaflux steel ==> 航空用高强度钢
- magnal base ==> 十一脚管底
- magnal socket ==> 十一脚管座
- Magnavue Card ==> 磁卡片照相胶片存储器
- magne-switch ==> 磁力开关
- magneform machine ==> 磁力成型机,金属磁成形机
- magnesia ==> 镁砂,镁氧,菱苦土,菱镁矿,氧化镁,苦土=>マグネシア
- magnesia alba ==> 白镁氧
- magnesia based ==> 镁基的
- magnesia blythite ==> 镁锰榴石
- magnesia brick ==> 镁砖=>マグネシアれんが
- magnesia calcinata ==> 氧化镁,煅镁
- magnesia carbon brick ==> 镁碳砖
- magnesia cement ==> 高菱镁水泥,(强度很高,常用作无缝楼面的粘合剂)镁氧水泥
- magnesia ceramics ==> 氧化镁瓷,氧化镁陶瓷
- magnesia crucible ==> 氧化镁坩埚
- magnesia glass ==> 氧化镁玻璃
- magnesia lime ==> 镁氧石灰
- magnesia limestone ==> 镁氧石灰
- magnesia magma ==> 镁乳,氧化镁悬浮液
- magnesia mica ==> 镁云母,黑云母
- magnesia mixture ==> 镁剂,镁氧混合剂
- magnesia porcelain ==> 镁质瓷器,镁质陶瓷
- magnesia reagent ==> 镁试剂
- magnesia refractory ==> 镁质耐火材料
- magnesia refractory materials ==> 镁质耐火材料
- magnesia rods ==> 镁氧棒
- magnesia spinel ==> 镁氧尖晶石
- magnesia tooth paste ==> 镁氧牙膏
- magnesia usta ==> 煅镁,煅镁氧
- magnesia whisker ==> 氧化镁须晶
- magnesia-alumina-silica ==> 硅镁铝合金
- magnesia-asbestos ==> 镁石棉
- magnesia-chrome ==> 镁铬合金
- magnesia-chrome refractory ==> 镁铬耐火材料
- magnesia-chromite brick ==> 镁铬砖
- magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire ==> 氧化镁绝缘金属铠装电缆
- magnesian ion ==> 镁离子
- magnesian limestone ==> 镁质灰岩,镁质灰岩层
- magnesian marble ==> 镁质大理岩
- magnesian product ==> 镁质制品
- magnesiothermic reduction ==> 镁热还原
- magnesite ==> 镁砂,镁砖,菱苦土,菱镁矿=>菱苦土鉱,マグネサイト
- magnesite alumina refractory ==> 镁铝耐火材料
- magnesite bottom ==> 镁砂炉底
- magnesite brick ==> 镁砖
- magnesite brick lining ==> 镁砖炉衬
- magnesite cement ==> 镁氧水泥,菱镁土水泥
- magnesite chrome brick ==> 铬镁砖
- magnesite clinker ==> 烧结镁砂
- magnesite composition flooring ==> 菱苦土地面
- magnesite dolomite brick ==> 镁白云石砖
- magnesite dolomite refractory ==> 镁质白云石耐火材料
- magnesite flooring ==> 菱苦土地面,菱苦土地面
- magnesite lining ==> 镁砂内衬
- magnesite powder ==> 镁粉
- magnesite refractories ==> 镁氧耐火制件
- magnesite suspended arch ==> 镁砖吊式炉顶
- magnesite wheel ==> 镁砂粉砂轮,菱镁砂轮
- magnesite-chrome ==> 镁铬合金
- magnesite-chrome brick ==> 镁铬砖
- magnesite-chrome refractory ==> 镁铬耐火材料
- magnesium ==> 镁
- magnesium acetate ==> 乙酸镁,醋酸镁
- magnesium alloy ==> 镁合金
- magnesium alloy sheet ==> 镁合金薄板
- magnesium aluminum alloy ==> 镁铝合金
- magnesium aluminum glycinate ==> 甘氨酸镁铝
- magnesium ammonium chloride solution ==> 氯化铵镁溶液
- magnesium ammonium phosphate calculus ==> 磷酸镁铵结石
- magnesium analyzer ==> 镁含量分析仪
- magnesium and caleium concentration in plants ==> 植株内镁和钙的浓度
- magnesium anode ==> 镁阳极
- magnesium base grease ==> 镁基润滑脂
- magnesium bomb ==> 镁燃烧弹
- magnesium bromate ==> 溴酸镁
- magnesium bromide ==> 溴化镁,溴化镁
- magnesium bronze ==> (用于窗栏杆扶手等)镁青铜
- magnesium carbonate ==> 碳酸镁
- magnesium chilled iron roll ==> 冷硬球墨铸铁轧辊
- magnesium chlorate ==> 氯酸镁
- magnesium chloride ==> 氯化镁
- magnesium chloride process ==> 氯化镁法
- magnesium citrate ==> 柠檬酸镁
- magnesium coke ==> 镁焦
- magnesium concentration of plant dry matter ==> 植物干物质中镁的浓度
- magnesium copper alloy ==> 镁铜合金
- magnesium couple ==> 镁电偶
- magnesium deficiency ==> 缺镁
- magnesium dust ==> 镁粉
- magnesium ferrite ==> 镁铁氧体
- magnesium flare ==> 镁照明弹
- magnesium fluoride ==> 氟化镁
- magnesium group ==> 镁族
- magnesium halide ==> 卤化镁
- magnesium heparinate ==> 肝素镁
- magnesium hydrate ==> 氢氧化镁
- magnesium hydroxide ==> 氢氧化镁
- magnesium hydroxide method ==> 氢氧化镁精制法
- magnesium hydroxide mixture ==> 镁乳浆
- magnesium hydroxyphosphate ==> 氢氧化镁磷酸镁复盐
- magnesium hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸镁
- magnesium hyposulfite ==> 硫代硫酸镁
- magnesium ingot ==> 镁锭
- magnesium iodide ==> 碘化镁
- magnesium lamp ==> 镁光灯
- magnesium light ==> 镁光
- magnesium light lamp ==> 镁光灯
- magnesium lime ==> 镁石灰,镁质石灰
- magnesium limestone ==> 镁质石灰石,白云石
- magnesium magma ==> 氢氧化镁浮悬液
- magnesium metal ==> 金属镁
- magnesium methylate ==> 甲醇镁
- magnesium mica ==> 镁云母
- magnesium monohydrogen phosphate ==> 磷酸氢镁
- magnesium nitride ==> 氮化镁,二氮化三镁
- magnesium nutrition ==> 镁营养
- magnesium oxide ==> 苦土,氧化镁
- magnesium oxide and calcium carbonate tablets ==> 镁钙片
- magnesium oxide slurry ==> 氢氧化镁乳液
- magnesium oxychloride cement ==> 高菱镁水泥
- magnesium perchlorate ==> 高氯酸镁
- magnesium permanganate ==> 高锰酸镁
- magnesium peroxide ==> 过氧化镁
- magnesium phosphate ==> 磷酸镁
- magnesium powder ==> 镁粉
- magnesium recovery ==> 镁的回收
- magnesium reduction arc furnace ==> 镁还原电弧炉
- magnesium reduction process ==> 镁热还原法
- magnesium rod ==> 镁条
- magnesium sheet ==> 镁片
- magnesium silicate ==> 硅酸镁
- magnesium soap ==> 镁皂
- magnesium sulfate ==> 硫酸镁,泻盐
- magnesium sulfate bath ==> 硫酸镁浴
- magnesium sulfate enema ==> 硫酸镁灌肠
- magnesium titanate ==> 钛酸镁,钛酸镁
- magnesium titanate ceramics ==> 钛酸镁陶瓷,钛酸镁陶瓷
- magnesium titanate porcelain ==> 钛酸镁瓷,钛酸镁瓷
- magnesium vapor ==> 镁蒸气
- magnesium-alunina brick ==> 镁铝砖
- magnesium-base alloy ==> 镁基合金
- magnesium-copper sulphide rectifier ==> 镁硫酸铜整流器
- magnesium-iron mica ==> 黑云母
- magnesium-manganese alloy ==> 镁锰合金
- magnesium-manganese-zinc alloy ==> 镁锰锌合金
- magnesium-rare earth ==> 稀土镁合金
- magnesium-reduced ==> 镁还原,镁还原的
- magnet ==> 磁石,磁铁=>磁石
- magnet band ==> 磁带
- magnet bar code ==> 磁棒形码,磁条码
- magnet base ==> 磁力座,磁性座
- magnet belt separator ==> 带式磁选机
- magnet brake ==> 電磁ブレーキ
- magnet chamshell crane ==> 磁力自卸吊车
- magnet charger ==> 充磁器
- magnet chuck ==> 电磁卡盘
- magnet coil ==> 电磁铁线圈,电磁线圈,磁化线圈,励磁线圈=>電磁コイル,マグネットコイル
- magnet core ==> 磁石鉄心
- magnet core aerial ==> 磁心天线
- magnet core antenna ==> 磁心天线
- magnet coupling ==> 磁性联轴节
- magnet cover ==> 磁铁罩
- magnet crane ==> 磁力起重机
- magnet erasing ==> 磁抹音,磁铁抹音
- magnet feed ==> 磁性传动
- magnet filter ==> 磁选过滤器
- magnet gap ==> 磁极间空隙,磁隙
- magnet grate ==> 磁化篦条
- magnet housing ==> 磁铁壳
- magnet keeper ==> 永久磁铁衔铁
- magnet limbs ==> 凸极
- magnet meter ==> 磁通计
- magnet needle ==> 磁针
- magnet opening ==> 磁铁孔
- magnet operation ==> 磁铁吸金属异物术
- magnet plunger ==> 电磁阀柱塞
- magnet pole ==> 磁极
- magnet pole face ==> 磁极面
- magnet powder ==> 磁铁粉
- magnet power ==> 磁体功率
- magnet profile ==> 磁铁剖面
- magnet pulley ==> 磁性轮
- magnet recording medium ==> 磁性载声体
- magnet reed switch ==> 磁性舌簧开关
- magnet resistor ==> 磁阻器
- magnet road sweeper ==> 磁力扫路机
- magnet screen filter ==> 磁筛过滤器
- magnet sensing diode ==> 磁敏二极管
- magnet separator ==> 磁力分离机,磁选机
- magnet set ==> 磁铁组
- magnet slab turning crane ==> 磁力翻板坯吊车
- magnet spectrograph ==> 磁谱仪
- magnet spool ==> 电磁铁线圈
- magnet spring ==> 磁石ばね
- magnet stand ==> 磁性表架
- magnet steel ==> 磁钢
- magnet stopper ==> 电磁制动器
- magnet switch ==> 电磁开关=>マグネットスイッチ
- magnet therapeutic apparatus ==> 磁疗仪
- magnet winding ==> 励磁绕组
- magnet wire ==> 磁导线,磁钢丝,磁线,磁性钢丝,线圈线=>エナメル線
- magnet yoke ==> 磁偏转系统=>磁石ヨーク
- magnet-bearing ==> 磁性轴承
- magnet-disc ==> 磁盘
- magnet-lagging synchronized motor ==> 磁滞同步电动机
- magnet-optical memory system ==> 磁光存储系统
- magnet-type uncoiler ==> 电磁直头式开卷机
- magnet-valve ==> 电磁阀
- magnet-wheel ==> 磁轮
- magnet-winding ==> 电磁铁绕组
- magnetci track brake ==> 磁性轨道制动器
- magnetic ==> 磁的,磁学的
- magnetic action ==> 磁性作用,磁作用=>磁気作用
- magnetic adherence ==> 磁附着
- magnetic adhesion ==> 磁附着
- magnetic after effect ==> 剩磁效应,磁后效,磁后效应
- magnetic aftereffect ==> 磁気余効
- magnetic ageing ==> 磁気の枯れ
- magnetic aging ==> 磁性老化=>磁気時効
- magnetic agitator ==> 电磁搅拌器
- magnetic air gap ==> 磁路气隙
- magnetic aligning ==> 磁取向
- magnetic alloy ==> 磁性合金=>磁気合金
- magnetic alphabet and number set ==> 磁性字母数字玩具
- magnetic alternating induction ==> 交变磁感应
- magnetic ampilfier regulator ==> 磁性放大调节器
- magnetic amplification ==> 磁放大
- magnetic amplifier ==> 磁放大器=>磁気増幅器
- magnetic amplifier characteristic ==> 磁放大器特性曲线
- magnetic amplifying signal ==> 磁区拡大信号
- magnetic amplitude ==> 磁化曲线幅值,天体出没磁方位角
- magnetic analog computer ==> 磁模拟计算机
- magnetic analysis ==> 磁分析法
- magnetic analysis inspection ==> 磁力分析探伤
- magnetic analyzer ==> 磁分析器
- magnetic and germanium integer calculator ==> 磁和锗整数计算机
- magnetic anisotropy ==> 磁各向异性=>磁気異方性
- magnetic anisotropy energy ==> 磁各向异性能量
- magnetic annealing ==> 磁场退火
- magnetic annealing effect ==> 磁退火效应,磁致冷却效应,磁致退火效应
- magnetic annual change ==> 磁周年变化
- magnetic annual variation ==> 磁周年差
- magnetic anode ==> 磁性阳极
- magnetic anomally detector ==> 地磁异常探测仪
- magnetic anomaly ==> 地磁异常,磁异常
- magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) ==> 地磁异常探测器
- magnetic antiwax apparatus used in well ==> 井下磁力防蜡器,井下磁力防蜡器
- magnetic aperture of the stellarator ==> 仿星器的磁孔径
- magnetic arc ==> 磁吹
- magnetic arc controller ==> 电磁弧控制器
- magnetic arc lamp ==> 磁弧灯
- magnetic arc stabilizer ==> 电磁弧稳定器
- magnetic armature ==> 磁衔铁
- magnetic armature loudspeaker ==> 磁框式扬声器
- magnetic armature loudspeakers ==> 电磁扬声器
- magnetic assist ==> 磁性助推装置
- magnetic associative memory ==> 磁相联存储器
- magnetic attachment ==> 磁吸引
- magnetic attitude control system ==> 磁気姿勢制御方式
- magnetic attraction ==> 磁吸引=>磁気吸引
- magnetic attraction force ==> 磁吸力
- magnetic automatic calculator ==> 磁性自动计算器
- magnetic auxiliary division rotating wheel ==> 磁辅助分划转轮
- magnetic axis ==> 磁轴=>磁軸
- magnetic balance ==> 磁秤=>磁気てんびん
- magnetic balance protection ==> 磁平衡保护装置
- magnetic balance system ==> 磁気平衡式
- magnetic balance type ==> 磁気平衡形
- magnetic ballasting machine ==> 电磁铺碴机
- magnetic barrier ==> 磁塞
- magnetic basement ==> 磁性基底
- magnetic bases ==> 磁性底座
- magnetic battery ==> 复合磁铁
- magnetic bay ==> 磁湾
- magnetic beam-switching tube ==> 磁旋管
- magnetic bearing ==> 磁方位,磁方位角,磁力轴承,磁推轴承,磁向位,磁象限角,磁性轴承=>磁気軸受
- magnetic belt ==> 磁带
- magnetic belt type conveyer ==> 磁性带式输送机
- magnetic bias ==> 磁偏置
- magnetic bit extractor ==> 磁力钻头打捞器
- magnetic blast breaker ==> 磁吹断路器
- magnetic blow ==> 磁偏吹
- magnetic blow out arrestor ==> 磁吹避雷器,磁性灭弧式避雷器
- magnetic blow-out ==> 磁吹=>磁気吹消し
- magnetic blow-out arrester ==> 磁性熄弧避雷器=>磁気吹消避雷器
- magnetic blow-out circuit breaker ==> 磁吹灭弧断路器,磁性熄弧断路器
- magnetic blow-out circuit-breaker ==> 磁気遮断器
- magnetic blow-out coil ==> 磁性灭弧线圈
- magnetic blow-out fuse ==> 磁吹熔断器
- magnetic blow-out lightning arrester ==> 磁吹避雷器
- magnetic blow-out lightning rod ==> 磁性灭弧式避雷器
- magnetic blow-out switch ==> 灭磁开关
- magnetic blowout ==> 灭弧,磁灭弧,磁性灭弧
- magnetic blowout valve type arrester ==> 磁吹阀式避雷器
- magnetic blunttip needle ==> (针灸器材)钝尖磁针
- magnetic bobbin core ==> 线圈铁芯
- magnetic body ==> 磁体
- magnetic bond ==> 磁気の結合
- magnetic bonding ==> 磁力键合
- magnetic bottle ==> 磁捕集器,磁瓶
- magnetic bow ==> 磁性熄弧
- magnetic brake ==> 磁力制动器,磁制动器,电磁制动器=>電磁ブレーキ
- magnetic bridge ==> 导磁率电桥,磁桥
- magnetic bubble ==> 磁泡
- magnetic bubble computer ==> 磁泡计算机
- magnetic bubble detection ==> 磁泡检测
- magnetic bubble device ==> 磁泡装置
- magnetic bubble domain ==> 磁泡畴=>バブル磁区
- magnetic bubble domain chip ==> 磁泡芯片
- magnetic bubble material ==> 磁泡材料=>磁気バブル材料
- magnetic bubble memory ==> 磁泡存储器
- magnetic bubble storage ==> 磁泡存储器
- magnetic by-pass plate ==> 磁分路片
- magnetic capacity ==> 导磁系数
- magnetic card ==> 磁気カード
- magnetic card code (MCC) ==> 磁卡片代码
- magnetic card device ==> 磁卡片装置
- magnetic card file ==> 磁卡文件
- magnetic card memory ==> 磁卡片存储器
- magnetic card reader ==> 磁卡阅读器
- magnetic card storage ==> 磁卡片存储器=>磁気カード記憶装置
- magnetic card system ==> 磁卡系统
- magnetic card typewriter ==> 磁卡打字机
- magnetic card unit ==> 磁卡片机
- magnetic card-selectric composer (MC-SC) ==> 磁卡片自动排字机
- magnetic card-selectric typewriter (MC-ST) ==> 磁卡片自动排字机
- magnetic carrier ==> 磁记录载体
- magnetic cartridge ==> 磁性拾音器
- magnetic cartridge tape ==> 盒式磁带
- magnetic catch ==> 磁铁夹
- magnetic cell ==> 磁单元
- magnetic change ==> 磁化变化
- magnetic character ==> 磁性字符
- magnetic character reader ==> 磁性字符读出机,磁性字符阅读器
- magnetic character reading ==> 磁性油墨文字识读
- magnetic character recognition ==> 磁字符识别
- magnetic character sorter ==> 磁性字符分类器
- magnetic character sorter reader ==> 磁性文件分类读出机
- magnetic characteristic ==> 磁特性
- magnetic characteristics ==> 磁気特性
- magnetic charge ==> 磁荷=>磁荷
- magnetic chronograph ==> 磁记时器
- magnetic chuck ==> 电磁卡盘,磁性卡盘,磁性吸盘=>電磁チャック,磁気チャック,磁気回路
- magnetic chuck (clutch) ==> 电磁卡盘
- magnetic circuit ==> 磁路=>磁気回路
- magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) ==> 磁性圆二色散
- magnetic clearance ==> 磁隙
- magnetic cloud chamber ==> 磁云室
- magnetic clutch ==> 磁力离合器,磁性离合器,电磁离合器,电离磁合器=>電磁クラッチ,磁気クラッチ
- magnetic clutch motor ==> 磁力离合器电动机
- magnetic co-operate globe valves ==> 磁耦合截止阀
- magnetic coating ==> 磁层
- magnetic coating anchorage ==> 磁层粘牢度
- magnetic coating resistance ==> 磁层电阻
- magnetic cobbering machine ==> 粗粒磁选机
- magnetic cobbing machine ==> 磁选机
- magnetic code ==> 磁代码,磁码
- magnetic code format ==> 磁编码格式,磁代码格式
- magnetic code reading wands ==> 磁码读数杆
- magnetic coenergy ==> 磁気随伴エネルギー
- magnetic coil ==> 电磁线圈
- magnetic coincidence spectrometer ==> 符合磁谱仪
- magnetic combinational switch ==> 磁组合开关
- magnetic compass ==> 磁经,磁罗盘,磁针罗盘=>磁気コンパス
- magnetic compass pilot ==> 磁罗盘驾驶器
- magnetic compass table ==> 磁罗盘偏差表
- magnetic compensating alloy ==> 磁补偿合金
- magnetic compensator ==> 磁性补偿器
- magnetic component ==> 磁分量
- magnetic compression ==> 磁压缩=>磁界圧縮法,電磁濃縮法
- magnetic computer ==> 磁性计算机
- magnetic concentrate ==> 磁选精矿
- magnetic concentration ==> 磁选
- magnetic concentrator ==> 磁力选矿机
- magnetic conditioning ==> 消磁
- magnetic conductance ==> 磁导
- magnetic conductibility ==> 导磁性
- magnetic conductivity ==> 磁导率
- magnetic conductor ==> 磁导体,导磁体
- magnetic configuration ==> 磁位形
- magnetic confinement ==> 磁约束
- magnetic confinement of plasma ==> 等离子体磁约束,等离子区的磁密封
- magnetic confining field ==> 封闭磁场
- magnetic constant ==> 磁性常数=>磁気定数
- magnetic contact relay ==> 磁触点式继电器
- magnetic contact(or) ==> 电磁接触器
- magnetic contactor ==> 磁接触器
- magnetic control ==> 磁铁控制
- magnetic control injection electron gun ==> 磁控注入式电子枪
- magnetic control relay ==> 磁控继电器
- magnetic controller ==> 磁控制器,磁控制装置
- magnetic convergence ==> 磁会聚
- magnetic convergence circuit ==> 磁会聚电路
- magnetic conveyer ==> 磁力运输分垛机
- magnetic coolant separator ==> 磁力冷却液分离机
- magnetic cooling ==> 磁性冷却,磁致冷却,退磁法冷却,磁冷却=>磁気冷凍
- magnetic cooling effect ==> 磁致冷却效应
- magnetic core ==> 磁芯,磁心=>磁心
- magnetic core access switch ==> 磁芯数据存储开关
- magnetic core antenna ==> 磁芯天线
- magnetic core array ==> 磁芯体,磁心体
- magnetic core coil ==> 励磁线圈=>磁心コイル
- magnetic core factor ==> 磁心係数
- magnetic core gate ==> 磁心门
- magnetic core gates ==> 磁芯门电路
- magnetic core logical circuit ==> 磁芯逻辑电路
- magnetic core loss ==> 磁心損
- magnetic core matrix ==> 磁芯矩阵
- magnetic core memory ==> 磁芯存储器=>磁心記憶
- magnetic core memory photometer ==> 磁心存储计光度计
- magnetic core multiplexer ==> 磁心多路编排器
- magnetic core plane ==> 磁芯面
- magnetic core production line ==> 磁芯生产线
- magnetic core sense amplifier ==> 磁芯读出放大器
- magnetic core shift register ==> 磁芯移位寄存器
- magnetic core size ==> 磁心サイズ
- magnetic core stack ==> 磁芯体
- magnetic core storage ==> 磁芯存储器=>磁心記憶装置
- magnetic core switch ==> 磁铁芯开关
- magnetic corrosion-resistant filter ==> 电磁防蚀过滤机
- magnetic counter ==> 電磁カウンタ
- magnetic coupling ==> 磁力耦合器,磁性耦合,磁耦合,电磁接头=>電磁結合,磁界結合
- magnetic course ==> 磁航向,磁罗盘航向
- magnetic crack detection ==> 磁力探伤
- magnetic crack detector ==> 磁力探伤器,磁力探伤仪,电磁探伤仪
- magnetic crane ==> 电磁吊车,磁力起重机,磁盘起重机
- magnetic creep ==> 磁蠕动
- magnetic creeping ==> 磁漂移,磁蠕变,磁滞现象
- magnetic cross valve ==> 磁阀
- magnetic cross-coupling ==> 軸間の干渉
- magnetic cup ==> 磁屏,磁性杯,磁荧光屏
- magnetic Curie temperature ==> 磁转变居里温度
- magnetic current ==> 磁流
- magnetic cut-out ==> 电磁开关
- magnetic cutter ==> 磁刻纹头
- magnetic cycle ==> 磁化循环
- magnetic daily variation ==> 磁周日变化
- magnetic damper ==> 磁性阻尼器,磁阻尼器
- magnetic damping ==> 磁阻尼=>磁気制動,磁気ダンピング
- magnetic declination ==> 磁偏角=>方位角(地磁界)
- magnetic defect detector ==> 电磁探伤器
- magnetic deflecting field ==> 磁偏转场
- magnetic deflection ==> 磁偏转,磁致偏转=>磁界偏向
- magnetic deflection mass spectrometer ==> 磁偏转质谱计
- magnetic deflection sensitivity ==> 磁偏转灵敏度
- magnetic deflection system ==> 磁偏转系统
- magnetic deflector ==> 磁偏转板
- magnetic deformation ==> 磁性变形
- magnetic degree ==> 磁角度
- magnetic delay line ==> 磁性延迟线,磁延迟线
- magnetic densimeter ==> 磁密度计
- magnetic density ==> 磁场强度
- magnetic detection ==> 磁探测
- magnetic detector ==> 磁性检波器,磁性探测器
- magnetic deviation ==> 磁偏,磁偏差,磁偏转,罗差=>自差(磁気コンパス)
- magnetic dial gage ==> 磁性度盘式指示器
- magnetic dial gauge 磁性百分 ==> 表,磁性千分表
- magnetic dielectric ==> 磁介质
- magnetic difference of potential ==> 磁位差
- magnetic differential ==> 磁差动装置,磁通差动
- magnetic dip ==> 磁倾角=>伏角(地磁界)
- magnetic dip angle ==> 磁倾角
- magnetic dip circle ==> 磁倾仪
- magnetic dipole ==> 磁偶极子=>磁気ダイポール
- magnetic dipole antenna ==> 磁気ダイポールアンテナ
- magnetic dipole density ==> 磁化强度
- magnetic dipole moment ==> 磁偶极矩=>磁気双極子モーメント
- magnetic dipole moment matrix ==> 磁偶极矩矩阵
- magnetic dipole order ==> 磁気双極子秩序
- magnetic dipole radiation ==> 磁偶极子辐射
- magnetic dipole transition ==> 磁偶极子跃迁
- magnetic direction indicator ==> 磁航向指示器
- magnetic disc memory ==> 磁盘存储器
- magnetic disc recording ==> 磁盘录像
- magnetic discharge welding ==> 电磁储能焊,电磁焊
- magnetic disk ==> 磁盘=>磁気ディスク
- magnetic disk cartridge ==> 盒式磁盘
- magnetic disk drive ==> 磁気ディスク装置
- magnetic disk file ==> 磁盘文件
- magnetic disk memory ==> 磁盘存储器
- magnetic disk pack ==> 磁盘组
- magnetic disk servo ==> 磁盘伺服
- magnetic disk storage ==> 磁盘存储器,圆盘存储器=>磁気ディスク記憶装置
- magnetic disk store ==> 磁盘存储器
- magnetic disk unit ==> 磁盘存储装置,磁盘机=>磁気ディスク装置
- magnetic disorder ==> 磁无序
- magnetic dispersion losses ==> 磁漏损耗
- magnetic displacement ==> 磁位移
- magnetic displacement recorder ==> 磁位移记录器
- magnetic displacement transducer ==> 磁性位移传感器
- magnetic distortion ==> 磁场畸变
- magnetic disturbance ==> 磁扰
- magnetic diurnal variation ==> 磁周日变化
- magnetic document sorter reader ==> 磁性文件分类读出机,磁性文件分类阅读机
- magnetic document sorter-reader ==> 磁性字符分类器
- magnetic domain ==> 磁畴=>磁区
- magnetic domain device ==> 磁畴器件
- magnetic domain memory ==> 畴尖存储器
- magnetic domain nucleation ==> 磁畴成核
- magnetic domain structure ==> 磁区構造
- magnetic domain theory ==> 磁畴理论
- magnetic domain wall ==> 磁壁
- magnetic domaine storage ==> 磁泡存储器
- magnetic double refraction ==> 磁场致双折射
- magnetic double resonance spectrometer ==> 磁双共振谱仪
- magnetic doublet radiator ==> 磁性偶极辐射器,磁致偶极辐射器
- magnetic drag ==> 磁気抗力
- magnetic drag tachometer ==> 磁感应式转速计
- magnetic drain plug ==> 磁性排出口塞,磁性油塞
- magnetic drill ==> 磁性卡盘钴
- magnetic drill press ==> 电磁钻床
- magnetic drive ==> 磁力传动
- magnetic drive pump ==> 磁力泵
- magnetic driven arc ==> 磁驱动电弧
- magnetic drum ==> 磁鼓,磁力滚筒,磁选鼓=>磁気ドラム
- magnetic drum access ==> 磁鼓存取
- magnetic drum computer ==> 磁鼓计算机
- magnetic drum controller ==> 磁鼓控制器
- magnetic drum data processing machine ==> 磁鼓数据处理机
- magnetic drum digital differential analyzer ==> 磁鼓数字微分分析器
- magnetic drum for colour videocorder ==> 彩色录像磁鼓
- magnetic drum macroorder ==> 磁鼓宏指令
- magnetic drum memory ==> 磁鼓存储器
- magnetic drum reader ==> 磁鼓阅读器
- magnetic drum receiver ==> 磁鼓接收器
- magnetic drum receiving equipment ==> 磁鼓接收设备
- magnetic drum recorder ==> 磁鼓记录器
- magnetic drum separator ==> 鼓式磁力分离器
- magnetic drum storage ==> 磁鼓,磁鼓存储器=>磁気ドラム記憶装置
- magnetic drum unit ==> 磁鼓机,磁鼓装置=>磁気ドラム装置
- magnetic dust core ==> 磁性铁粉心
- magnetic earphone ==> 电磁耳机,电磁式耳机=>マグネチックイヤホン
- magnetic electric tachometer ==> 磁电测速仪
- magnetic electron lens ==> 磁电子透镜
- magnetic electron multiplier ==> 磁电子倍增器
- magnetic electron spectrometer ==> 磁电子谱仪
- magnetic element ==> 磁力元件,磁性元件,磁元件,地磁要素
- magnetic elongation ==> 磁致伸长
- magnetic energy ==> 磁能=>磁気エネルギー
- magnetic energy density ==> 磁能密度=>磁気エネルギー密度
- magnetic energy recovery ==> 磁気エネルギー回生
- magnetic energy recovery current switch, MERS ==> 磁能量再生开关=>磁気エネルギー回生電流スイッチ(東京工業大学嶋田教授提案), automatic reactive power compensator - a simple and new power control
- magnetic energy recovery switch ==> 磁気エネルギー回生スイッチ
- magnetic energy storage ==> 磁能存储
- magnetic environment ==> 磁場環境
- magnetic equator ==> 地磁赤道
- magnetic equipotential ==> 等磁势
- magnetic equivalent current system ==> 等磁效电流系,等效磁电流系
- magnetic erase head ==> 去磁头
- magnetic eraser ==> 去磁器
- magnetic erasing head ==> 磁気消去ヘッド
- magnetic exchange valve ==> 电磁换向阀
- magnetic excitation ==> 磁力激发
- magnetic exploration ==> 磁性探矿=>磁気探査
- magnetic false-twist spindle ==> 磁性假捻锭子
- magnetic fatigue ==> 磁力疲劳
- magnetic fault find method ==> 磁性探伤法
- magnetic feed roll ==> 磁力进料器
- magnetic feeder unit ==> 电磁进料装置
- magnetic fibre sensor ==> 光纤磁性传感器
- magnetic field ==> 磁场=>磁界
- magnetic field analysis ==> 電磁界解析,磁場解析,磁界解析
- magnetic field analyzer ==> 磁场分析仪
- magnetic field applied lec ==> 施加磁场液封直拉法
- magnetic field automatic scanning ==> 磁场自动扫描
- magnetic field balance ==> 探测用磁秤,(探测用的)磁秤
- magnetic field clutch ==> 磁性离合器,电磁离合器
- magnetic field coil ==> 磁场激励线圈
- magnetic field configuration ==> 磁场形态
- magnetic field control ==> 磁场控制
- magnetic field cooling ==> 磁场冷却
- magnetic field dependent resistor ==> 磁敏电阻器
- magnetic field detector ==> 电磁场探测器
- magnetic field discharge ==> 磁场放电
- magnetic field driven ==> 磁気駆動
- magnetic field effect ==> 磁場効果
- magnetic field energy ==> 磁场能
- magnetic field equalizer ==> 磁场均衡器
- magnetic field immunity ==> 磁界イミュニティ
- magnetic field intensity ==> 磁场强度
- magnetic field line ==> 磁力线
- magnetic field oscillation ==> 磁场振荡
- magnetic field potential ==> 磁势
- magnetic field pressing ==> 磁场压制成形
- magnetic field pressurization conbustion sintering ==> 磁场加压燃烧结
- magnetic field probe ==> 磁界プローブ
- magnetic field resistor ==> 磁场电阻器
- magnetic field simulation ==> 磁界解析
- magnetic field spectrum analyzer ==> 磁场频谱分析仪
- magnetic field strength ==> 磁场强度=>磁界強度,磁界の強さ
- magnetic field strength sensor ==> 磁场强度传感器
- magnetic field strength transducer ==> 磁场强度传感器
- magnetic field therapy ==> 磁场疗法
- magnetic field vector ==> 磁場ベクトル
- magnetic field weakening control ==> 磁场削弱控制
- magnetic field weakening ratio ==> 磁场削弱比
- magnetic field winding ==> 磁场绕组
- magnetic figure ==> 磁力线图
- magnetic filament ==> 磁丝
- magnetic film ==> 磁性薄膜,磁膜
- magnetic film logic device ==> 磁膜逻辑器件
- magnetic film unit ==> 磁膜单元
- magnetic filter ==> 磁力过滤器,磁滤器,磁性过滤器
- magnetic firing circuit ==> 磁性点火电路
- magnetic fixing die ==> 磁力固定模具
- magnetic flaw detecting ==> 磁力探伤
- magnetic flaw detection ==> 磁性探伤
- magnetic flaw detector ==> 磁力探伤器,磁探伤仪
- magnetic flaw tester ==> 磁探伤仪
- magnetic floating valve ==> 电磁浮式阀
- magnetic flow ==> 磁流量,磁通
- magnetic flow meter ==> 磁流量计,电磁流量计
- magnetic fluctuation ==> 磁場揺動
- magnetic fluid ==> 磁性流体=>磁性流体
- magnetic fluid clutch ==> 磁力流体离合器=>磁気流体クラッチ
- magnetic fluid control device ==> 磁性流体控制仪
- magnetic fluid power plant ==> 磁流体发电厂
- magnetic flux ==> 磁通,磁通量=>磁束
- magnetic flux arc welding ==> 磁性焊剂电弧焊
- magnetic flux control ==> 磁束制御
- magnetic flux density ==> 磁感应强度,磁通量密度,磁通密度=>磁束密度
- magnetic flux detector ==> 磁通探测器
- magnetic flux distribution ==> 磁通分布
- magnetic flux gas shielded arc welding ==> 磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊
- magnetic flux in spot ==> 黑子磁通量
- magnetic flux inspection ==> 磁力探伤
- magnetic flux line ==> 磁束線
- magnetic flux linkage ==> 磁链
- magnetic flux meter ==> 磁通量计
- magnetic flux path ==> 磁路
- magnetic flux quantization phenomena ==> 磁束量子化現象
- magnetic flux sensor ==> 磁通量传感器
- magnetic flux transducer ==> 磁通量传感器
- magnetic flux tube ==> 磁通量管
- magnetic focused image intensifier ==> 磁聚焦图像增强器,磁聚焦像增强管
- magnetic focusing ==> 磁聚焦=>磁界集束
- magnetic focusing coil ==> 磁聚焦线圈
- magnetic focusing indicator tube ==> 磁聚焦指示管
- magnetic force ==> 磁力
- magnetic force control ==> 磁気力制御
- magnetic force driving pump ==> 磁力驱动泵
- magnetic force welding machine ==> 磁力焊接机
- magnetic forming ==> 磁场成形,磁力成形
- magnetic forming machine ==> 磁力成形机
- magnetic freqeuncy multiplier ==> 磁性倍频器
- magnetic frequency multiplier ==> 磁倍频器
- magnetic friction ==> 磁摩擦
- magnetic friction clutch ==> 磁力摩擦离合器
- magnetic friction cluth ==> 磁摩擦离合器
- magnetic full voltage starter ==> 电磁全电压起动器
- magnetic gas analyzer ==> 磁气体分析仪
- magnetic gate ==> 磁门,磁闸
- magnetic gauge ==> 磁力测厚仪,磁力测微计
- magnetic gear ==> 磁力离合器,电磁摩擦联轴节=>磁気伝達減速機構,磁気減速機
- magnetic gear shift ==> 磁力变速器
- magnetic generator ==> 磁发电机
- magnetic gradient accelerator (MGA) ==> 磁场梯度加速器
- magnetic guard ==> 磁性钢丝面罩
- magnetic guidance ==> 磁気案内
- magnetic hand scanner ==> 磁手动扫描器,手握式磁扫描器
- magnetic hardness comparator ==> 磁性硬度比较器
- magnetic head ==> 磁头=>磁気ヘッド
- magnetic head core ==> 磁头铁心
- magnetic head gap ==> 磁头缝隙
- magnetic head gap depth ==> 磁头缝隙深度
- magnetic head gap length ==> 磁头缝隙长度
- magnetic head gap width ==> 磁头缝隙宽度
- magnetic head impedance tester ==> 磁头阻抗测试仪
- magnetic head material ==> 磁头材料
- magnetic head positioning construction ==> 磁头定位机构
- magnetic head potting adhesive ==> 磁头灌封胶
- magnetic health ball ==> 磁健身球
- magnetic heat treatment ==> 磁场热处理
- magnetic holding device ==> 磁夹具
- magnetic horn ==> 磁喇叭
- magnetic hydraulic clutch ==> 磁性液体离合器
- magnetic hysteresis ==> 磁滞=>磁気ヒステリシス
- magnetic hysteresis alloy ==> 磁滞合金
- magnetic hysteresis angle ==> 磁滞角
- magnetic hysteresis coefficients ==> 磁気ヒステリシス係数
- magnetic hysteresis cycle ==> 磁滞回线
- magnetic hysteresis loop ==> 磁滞回线=>磁気ヒステリシス曲線
- magnetic hysteresis loss ==> 磁滞损耗,磁滞损失
- magnetic hysteretic angle ==> 磁滞角
- magnetic ignition ==> 磁石电机点火法
- magnetic impulse counter ==> 磁脉冲计数器
- magnetic impulser ==> 磁脉冲传感器
- magnetic inclination ==> 磁倾角
- magnetic indicator ==> 磁性指示器
- magnetic indicator for lightning currents ==> 闪电电流性指示器
- magnetic induced polarization ==> 磁激发极化法
- magnetic induction ==> 磁感应=>磁気誘導
- magnetic induction accelerator ==> 磁感应加速器
- magnetic induction component ==> 磁感应分量
- magnetic induction density ==> 磁感应密度
- magnetic induction flowmeter ==> 磁感应式流量计
- magnetic induction gyroscope ==> 磁感应回转仪
- magnetic induction intensity ==> 磁感应强度
- magnetic induction part ==> 磁感应元件
- magnetic induction pump ==> 磁感应泵
- magnetic induction pumped laser ==> 磁感应泵浦激光器
- magnetic induction pumping ==> 磁感应泵浦
- magnetic induction-pumped laser ==> 磁感应抽运激光器
- magnetic inductive capacity ==> 导磁率
- magnetic inductive speedometer ==> 磁感应式车速里程表
- magnetic inductive tachometer ==> 磁感应式转速表
- magnetic inertia ==> 磁惯性
- magnetic ink ==> 磁墨水,磁性检验液,磁性墨水,磁性油墨
- magnetic ink character ==> 磁墨水字符
- magnetic ink character inscriber ==> 磁気インク文字記録機
- magnetic ink character reader ==> 磁墨水字符读出器,磁墨水字符阅读器,磁性墨水写入式字母读出器,磁性墨水字符阅读器=>磁気インク文字読取り装置
- magnetic ink character recognition ==> 磁记录字符识别,支票磁性墨水识别码=>磁気インク文字認識
- magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) ==> 磁墨水字符识别机,磁性墨水字符识别
- magnetic ink character recorder ==> 磁性墨水字符记录器
- magnetic ink character sorter ==> 磁墨水字符分类机
- magnetic ink characteristic reader ==> 磁字阅读机
- magnetic ink scanner ==> 磁墨水扫描器,磁性墨水扫描器
- magnetic insert ==> 磁垫片
- magnetic inspection ==> 磁力检查,磁性探伤
- magnetic inspection equipment ==> 磁力探伤设备
- magnetic inspection oil ==> 磁力探伤油
- magnetic inspection paste ==> 磁力探伤糊剂
- magnetic inspection powder ==> 磁力探伤粉
- magnetic instrumentation tape ==> 磁带录音装置
- magnetic insulation ==> 磁界絶縁
- magnetic intensity ==> 磁场强度
- magnetic interaction ==> 磁相互作用
- magnetic interaction number ==> 磁相互作用数
- magnetic interceptor ==> 磁力分选机
- magnetic interplay ==> 磁気相互作用
- magnetic interrupter ==> 磁力断续器
- magnetic inversion ==> 磁反转
- magnetic ion ==> 磁离子,磁性离子
- magnetic iron ore ==> 磁铁矿,磁铁矿石,四氧化三铁
- magnetic iron oxide ==> 磁铁氧,磁性氧化铁
- magnetic iron oxide epoxy ester antirust paint ==> 磁铁环氧酯防锈漆
- magnetic iron oxide epoxy precoat primer ==> 磁铁环氧预涂底漆
- magnetic iron powder ==> 磁铁粉
- magnetic iron pyrite kroeberite ==> 磁黄铁矿
- magnetic isotropy ==> 磁気異方性
- magnetic jack ==> 磁力联接器
- magnetic joint ==> 磁性接合
- magnetic keeper ==> 永磁衔铁
- magnetic Kerr effect ==> 克尔磁效应=>磁気カー効果
- magnetic key relay ==> 磁力继电器
- magnetic lag clutch ==> 磁滞离合器
- magnetic lamination tape ==> 分层磁带
- magnetic latching relay ==> 磁気保持リレー
- magnetic layer ==> 磁层
- magnetic leakage ==> 磁漏=>磁気漏れ
- magnetic leakage coefficient ==> 漏れ磁束係数
- magnetic leakage factor ==> 磁漏系数
- magnetic leakage transformer ==> 磁漏变压器
- magnetic ledger ==> 磁性总帐
- magnetic lens ==> 磁透镜
- magnetic levitation ==> 磁力悬浮=>磁気浮上
- magnetic levitation system ==> 磁悬浮装置
- magnetic levitation train ==> 磁気浮上鉄道
- magnetic lid lifter ==> 电磁起炉盖机,电磁启盖机
- magnetic lifter ==> 磁力起重机
- magnetic lifting device ==> 电磁板直机
- magnetic limit ==> 最大磁感应强度
- magnetic line ==> 磁力线
- magnetic line of force ==> 磁力线=>磁力線
- magnetic lines of flux ==> 磁力线
- magnetic lines of force ==> 磁力线
- magnetic link ==> 闪电电流性指示器,磁钢棒
- magnetic linkage ==> 磁链
- magnetic loading ==> 磁负载=>磁気装荷
- magnetic local anomaly ==> 磁局部异常
- magnetic lock ==> 磁锁,磁闩
- magnetic lock relay ==> 磁锁定继电器
- magnetic logic cumputer ==> 磁逻辑计算机
- magnetic logical element ==> 磁气逻辑元件
- magnetic loop system ==> 磁回路系统
- magnetic loss ==> 磁损耗
- magnetic loss angle ==> 磁损失角
- magnetic loud speaker ==> 磁性扬声器
- magnetic loud-speaker ==> 簧舌式扬声器
- magnetic loudspeaker ==> マグネッチクスピーカ
- magnetic lubricating oil conditioner ==> 磁性滑油再生器
- magnetic Mach number ==> 磁马赫数
- magnetic map ==> 地磁图=>磁気地図
- magnetic mate rial wet forming hydraulic press ==> 磁材湿式成型液压机
- magnetic material ==> 磁性材料=>磁性材料,磁性体
- magnetic matrix ==> 磁存储矩阵
- magnetic matrix transducer ==> 磁阵式传感器
- magnetic measurement ==> 磁测定=>磁気測定
- magnetic medical massaging apparatus ==> 按摩磁疗器
- magnetic medium ==> 磁介质
- magnetic memory ==> 磁存储器
- magnetic memory material ==> 磁性记忆材料
- magnetic mercury cutoff device ==> 磁力水银断流器
- magnetic mercury switch ==> 磁性水银开关
- magnetic merging ==> 磁力线重接
- magnetic meridian ==> 磁子午线=>磁気子午線
- magnetic metal ==> 磁性金属
- magnetic method ==> 磁选法
- magnetic microphone ==> 电磁传声器
- magnetic microscope ==> 磁式电子显微镜,磁显微镜
- magnetic mine ==> 磁性水雷
- magnetic mine detector ==> 磁性探雷器
- magnetic mineral ==> 磁性矿物
- magnetic mirror field ==> 磁镜场
- magnetic modulated gear ==> 磁束変調型磁気ギヤ
- magnetic modulation ==> 磁性调制
- magnetic modulator ==> 磁调制器
- magnetic molding machine ==> 磁力造型机
- magnetic molding process ==> 磁丸造型法,磁型铸造
- magnetic moment ==> 磁矩,磁偶极矩=>磁気モーメント
- magnetic moment of electron ==> 电子磁矩
- magnetic monopole ==> 磁单极子
- magnetic monopoles ==> 磁気単極子
- magnetic motive force ==> 磁动势
- magnetic multilayer ==> 磁性多層膜
- magnetic multiparticle spectrometer ==> 磁性多粒子谱仪
- magnetic multipole ==> 磁多极
- magnetic multipole field ==> 磁多极场
- magnetic multipole radiation ==> 磁多极辐射
- magnetic navigation ==> 磁导航
- magnetic near-field ==> 近傍磁界
- magnetic near-field measurement ==> 近傍磁界測定
- magnetic needle ==> 磁针,指南针=>磁針
- magnetic needle compass ==> 磁针罗盘
- magnetic needle declination ==> 磁针偏角
- magnetic needle holders ==> 磁性持针钳
- magnetic needle inclination ==> 磁针偏角
- magnetic neutral state ==> 消磁状態
- magnetic north ==> 磁北
- magnetic nozzle ==> 磁喷管
- magnetic observations ==> 磁力测量
- magnetic observatory ==> 磁気観測所
- magnetic octupole moment ==> 磁八极矩
- magnetic oil filter ==> 磁性滤油器
- magnetic optical disk disk ==> 磁光盘
- magnetic optical-character reader ==> 磁光字符阅读器
- magnetic order ==> 磁序
- magnetic ore separator ==> 磁选机=>磁選機
- magnetic orientation ==> 磁性取向
- magnetic oscillator ==> 磁控振子,磁振荡器
- magnetic oscillograph ==> 磁整波器,电磁示波器
- magnetic oxide iron ==> 磁性氧化铁
- magnetic oxygen cutting machine ==> 磁力氧气切割机
- magnetic oxygen recorder ==> 磁力测氧仪,电磁测氧仪
- magnetic padlock ==> 磁锁
- magnetic panel ==> 磁接触器盘
- magnetic particle ==> 磁粉=>磁性粒子
- magnetic particle analyzer ==> 磁粒子分析仪
- magnetic particle clutch ==> 磁粉离合器,磁粒子离合器
- magnetic particle coupling ==> 電磁粉体継手
- magnetic particle examination ==> 磁粉探伤
- magnetic particle fluorescent test ==> 磁粉检查法
- magnetic particle indication ==> 磁粉显示法,磁粉指示法
- magnetic particle inspection ==> 磁粉检查,磁粉探伤=>磁粉探傷検査
- magnetic particle inspection machine ==> 磁粉探伤机
- magnetic particle method ==> 磁粉法
- magnetic particle pattern ==> 磁粉模様
- magnetic particle test ==> 磁粉探傷検査
- magnetic particle testing ==> 磁粉检测
- magnetic particle testing machine ==> 磁粒子测试机
- magnetic particle testing, MT ==> 磁粉探伤,将待测磁性金属构件加以磁化,再用润湿铁粉涂其表面以显示构件表面和邻近表面下裂纹的探伤方法
- magnetic parts ==> 磁性零件
- magnetic path ==> 磁路=>磁路
- magnetic peeler ==> 磁反射器,磁激发器,加速器磁反射器
- magnetic pen ==> 磁记录笔
- magnetic performance ==> 磁性
- magnetic permeability ==> 磁导率,磁导性,导磁率=>透磁率
- magnetic permeability curve ==> 磁导率曲线
- magnetic permeameter ==> 磁导仪
- magnetic permitivity ==> 磁导率
- magnetic perturbation ==> 磁扰
- magnetic phonographic recording paper ==> 磁带录音纸
- magnetic pick-up ==> 电磁拾音器,电磁式拾波器
- magnetic pick-up device ==> 电磁拾音器
- magnetic pickup ==> 变磁阻拾音器=>マグネチックピックアップ
- magnetic pinch effect ==> 磁箍缩效应
- magnetic plant ==> 磁选设备
- magnetic plate memory ==> 磁板存储
- magnetic plated wire ==> 磁镀线,镀磁线
- magnetic plated wire memory ==> 磁镀线存储器
- magnetic plating ==> 磁性めっき
- magnetic plug ==> 磁塞,电磁铁
- magnetic polarity ==> 磁极性=>磁気極性
- magnetic polarization ==> 磁极化=>磁気分極
- magnetic pole ==> 磁极=>磁極
- magnetic pole method ==> 磁极探伤法
- magnetic position converter ==> 磁性位置转换器
- magnetic position sensor ==> 磁定位传感器
- magnetic positioner ==> 磁力垛板机
- magnetic potential ==> 磁标量势,磁势,磁位=>磁位
- magnetic potential difference ==> 磁势差=>磁位差
- magnetic potential gradient ==> 磁位梯度
- magnetic potential regulator ==> 磁势调节器
- magnetic potentiometer ==> 磁位差计
- magnetic powder ==> 磁粉,磁粉末,磁性粉末
- magnetic powder brake ==> 磁粉制动器
- magnetic powder clutch ==> 磁粉离合器
- magnetic powder core ==> 磁粉心,压粉铁心
- magnetic powder flux ==> 磁粉焊剂
- magnetic powder indication ==> 磁粉指示
- magnetic powder inspection ==> 磁粉探伤
- magnetic powder pattern ==> 磁粉图案,磁粉图样
- magnetic powder test ==> 磁粉检验
- magnetic powder-coated tape ==> 磁粉涂敷带,涂磁粉带
- magnetic powder-impregnated tape ==> 浸粉磁带
- magnetic powdercoated tape ==> 涂粉磁带
- magnetic power ==> 磁功率
- magnetic power factor ==> 磁功率因数
- magnetic pressing ==> 磁场压制
- magnetic pressure ==> 磁压
- magnetic pressure transducer ==> 磁性压力传感器
- magnetic prime vertical ==> 磁卯酉圈
- magnetic printing ==> 磁性印刷,磁性转印
- magnetic printing ink ==> 磁性印刷油墨
- magnetic process ==> 磁选法
- magnetic product ==> 磁铁制品,磁性制品
- magnetic properties ==> 磁気特性
- magnetic property ==> 磁性
- magnetic prospecting ==> 磁性探矿=>磁気探鉱
- magnetic pull ==> 磁铁吸引力,磁引力
- magnetic pulley ==> 磁性滚筒,磁性滑轮
- magnetic pulley separator ==> 磁力分离滚筒
- magnetic pulse ==> 磁脉冲
- magnetic pulse compression circuit ==> 磁気パルス圧縮回路
- magnetic pulse generator ==> 磁脉冲信号发生器
- magnetic pumping ==> 磁抽运
- magnetic pumping heating ==> 磁泵加热
- magnetic pyrite ==> 磁性黄铁矿
- magnetic pyrometer ==> 磁高温计
- magnetic quadrupole lens ==> 磁四极透镜
- magnetic quantum ==> 磁量子
- magnetic quantum number ==> 磁量子数
- magnetic quench test ==> 磁性淬火试验
- magnetic quiet zone ==> 地磁低缓带
- magnetic reactance ==> 磁抗
- magnetic read write head ==> 磁头
- magnetic read-write head ==> 磁读写头
- magnetic receiver ==> 磁铁座
- magnetic reconnection ==> 磁気リコネクション,磁力線再結合現象
- magnetic reconnection rate ==> 磁気リコネクション率
- magnetic record file ==> 磁记录文件
- magnetic recorder magnetic recording reproducer ==> 磁录音机
- magnetic recording ==> 磁性记录,磁记录=>磁気記録
- magnetic recording head ==> 录音磁头=>磁気録音ヘッド
- magnetic recording material ==> 磁录音材料
- magnetic recording medium ==> 磁记录媒体,磁记录载体,磁性记录载体,磁载声体
- magnetic recording paper ==> 磁录音纸,录音磁带纸
- magnetic recording reproducer ==> 磁気再生機
- magnetic recording sound projector ==> 磁带录音放影机
- magnetic recording system ==> 磁记录系统,磁记录装置
- magnetic recording tape ==> 磁带丝,录音磁带
- magnetic recording wire ==> 磁性钢丝
- magnetic refrigeration ==> 磁気冷却
- magnetic refrigerator ==> 磁致冷机,磁制冷机
- magnetic regulator ==> 磁力调节器
- magnetic relaxation ==> 磁弛豫,磁性弛豫
- magnetic relay ==> 磁继电器,磁性继电器
- magnetic relay timer ==> 磁性继电器定时器
- magnetic reluctance ==> 磁気抵抗
- magnetic reluctivity coefficients ==> 磁気抵抗係数
- magnetic reproducing head ==> 再生磁头=>磁気再生ヘッド
- magnetic repulsion ==> 磁推斥=>磁気反発
- magnetic resistance ==> 磁阻=>磁気抵抗
- magnetic resistance element ==> 磁気抵抗素子
- magnetic resistance semiconductor ==> 磁阻半导体
- magnetic resolution ==> 磁分辨
- magnetic resonance ==> 磁谐振=>鉄共振
- magnetic resonance AC voltage stabilizer ==> 磁共振交流稳压器
- magnetic resonance accelerator ==> 磁共振加速器
- magnetic resonance half line width ==> 磁気共鳴半値幅
- magnetic resonance spectroscopy ==> 磁共振波谱学
- magnetic resonant coupling ==> 磁界共振結合
- magnetic response ==> 磁反应,磁响应
- magnetic return path ==> 磁通量回路
- magnetic reversal ==> 磁反向,磁性反转,地磁反向,地磁逆转,反方向磁化,反向磁化,逆磁化
- magnetic Reynolds number ==> 磁雷诺数
- magnetic rigidity ==> 磁刚性
- magnetic roasting ==> 磁化焙烧
- magnetic rod memory ==> 磁杆存储器
- magnetic roll ==> 磁力辊
- magnetic rotation ==> 磁旋,磁旋转,磁转偏光,法拉第效应
- magnetic rotation of polarized light ==> 极化光的磁致旋转
- magnetic rotation spectrum ==> 磁致旋光谱
- magnetic rotatory power ==> 磁旋光本领
- magnetic rougher ==> 粗选磁选机
- magnetic rubber ==> 磁性橡胶
- magnetic saturation ==> 磁饱和=>磁気飽和
- magnetic saturation starter ==> 磁饱和起动器
- magnetic saturation voltage stabilizer ==> 磁饱和稳压器
- magnetic scalar potential ==> 磁标量势
- magnetic scattering ==> 磁散射
- magnetic screen ==> 磁屏蔽=>磁気遮蔽
- magnetic screening ==> 磁屏蔽=>磁気遮蔽
- magnetic screening action ==> 磁屏蔽作用
- magnetic seals ==> 磁流体密封=>磁性流体シール
- magnetic secular change ==> 磁长期变化
- magnetic semiconductor ==> 磁性半导体
- magnetic sensor ==> 磁性传感器=>磁気センサ
- magnetic separating roll ==> 磁力分离棍
- magnetic separation ==> 磁力分离,磁力选矿,磁铁分离,磁选=>磁気分離
- magnetic separation pulley ==> 磁力分离滚筒
- magnetic separator ==> 磁分离器,磁力分离器,磁力选矿机,磁铁分离器,磁选机,磁选器,磁铁分离器,又称"电磁分离器"=>磁選機
- magnetic servo amplifier ==> 磁性伺服放大器
- magnetic shade ==> 磁屏蔽
- magnetic shaking ==> 磁気シェイキング
- magnetic shape anisotropy ==> 形状磁気異方性
- magnetic sheet ==> 磁片,磁数据记录纸,磁性板
- magnetic sheet handler ==> 薄板电磁分送机
- magnetic sheet handling unit ==> 薄板电磁分送机构
- magnetic sheet piler ==> 电磁垛板机
- magnetic shell ==> 磁壳=>板磁石
- magnetic shield ==> 磁屏蔽,为减少齿部和压板(压圈))上漏磁通集中现象,以降低齿压板和边端铁心的温度,在铁心外侧和铁心压板之间设有阶梯形的锥形叠片铁心来吸收漏磁通的磁分路=>磁気遮蔽,磁気シールド
- magnetic shield room ==> 磁気シールドルーム
- magnetic shielded gun ==> 磁屏蔽电子枪
- magnetic shielding ==> 磁屏蔽=>磁気遮蔽, 磁気シールド
- magnetic shielding effect ==> 磁気シールド
- magnetic shielding material ==> 磁気遮蔽材料
- magnetic shielding panel ==> 磁気シールドパネル
- magnetic shift register ==> 磁移位存储器,磁移位寄存器
- magnetic shock sensitivity ==> 磁気衝撃性
- magnetic shoe ==> 磁瓦
- magnetic shunt ==> 磁分路=>磁気分路,磁気分路子
- magnetic shunt alloy ==> 磁分流器合金,调磁合金
- magnetic shunt material ==> 整磁材料
- magnetic silencer ==> 电磁消音器
- magnetic sine plate ==> 磁性正弦规
- magnetic slide valve ==> 电磁滑阀
- magnetic slot reader ==> 磁槽读出器,磁槽阅读机
- magnetic slot-wedge ==> 磁槽楔
- magnetic softening ==> 磁性软化
- magnetic solenoid ==> 磁螺线管
- magnetic sorting bridge ==> 磁性分拣电桥
- magnetic sound camera ==> 磁性录音摄影机
- magnetic sound carrier ==> 磁性音频载波
- magnetic sound recording ==> 磁录音=>磁気録音
- magnetic sound recording film ==> 磁性录音胶片
- magnetic sound recording tape ==> 磁性录音带
- magnetic sound recording wire ==> 磁性录音钢丝
- magnetic sound talkie ==> 磁录式有声电影
- magnetic sound track ==> 磁声道,声音磁迹
- magnetic space group ==> 磁気空間群
- magnetic spacer ==> 磁隔离物
- magnetic spark blow-out ==> 磁铁灭火花,磁铁灭火花器
- magnetic spark chamber ==> 磁火花室
- magnetic spark plug ==> 磁性火花塞,电磁火花塞
- magnetic speaker ==> 电磁扬声器
- magnetic speed ==> 磁气スピード
- magnetic spell and learn set ==> 磁性拼学玩具
- magnetic spin ==> 磁自旋
- magnetic stability ==> 磁稳定性
- magnetic stabilization ==> 磁稳定化
- magnetic star delta switch ==> 磁力星形三角开关
- magnetic starter ==> 磁力起动器
- magnetic starter group ==> 磁力起动器组
- magnetic starting switch ==> 磁力起动开关
- magnetic static wave ==> 静磁波
- magnetic station ==> 电动机控制盘
- magnetic steel ==> 磁钢,磁性钢
- magnetic steel detector ==> 钢筋磁性检测仪
- magnetic steel sheet ==> 電磁鋼板
- magnetic steering ==> 磁导向
- magnetic stepping motor ==> 步进电机
- magnetic stick relay ==> 磁性保持继电器
- magnetic stimulation ==> 磁気刺激
- magnetic stirring ==> 磁场搅动
- magnetic stirring apparatus ==> 磁力搅拌器
- magnetic stirring bar ==> 磁性搅拌棒
- magnetic storage ==> 磁存储器=>磁気記憶装置
- magnetic storage register ==> 磁存储寄存器
- magnetic storage system ==> 磁存储系统
- magnetic store ==> 磁存储器
- magnetic storm ==> 磁暴=>磁気あらし
- magnetic storm monitor ==> 磁暴记录器
- magnetic strain ==> 磁应变
- magnetic strain energy ==> 磁应变能
- magnetic strainer ==> 磁性滤器
- magnetic stress ==> 磁应力
- magnetic stress tensor ==> 磁应力张量
- magnetic strip accounting machine ==> 磁条会计计算机
- magnetic strip file ==> 磁条文件
- magnetic stripe ==> 磁迹,磁片,磁条
- magnetic stripe accounting machine ==> 磁条会计机
- magnetic stripe encoder ==> 磁条编码器
- magnetic stripe reader ==> 磁条阅读器
- magnetic stripe recording ==> 磁条记录
- magnetic stripe storage ==> 磁条存储器
- magnetic stripe store ==> 磁条存储器
- magnetic striped ledger ==> 磁条分类帐记录纸
- magnetic structure ==> 磁路结构
- magnetic substance ==> 磁性材料,磁性体,磁性物质=>磁性体
- magnetic surface ==> 磁带面,磁鼓面
- magnetic surface memory ==> 磁表面存储器,磁面存储器
- magnetic surface recording ==> 磁表面记录
- magnetic surface storage ==> 磁面存储器
- magnetic survey ==> 磁测,磁力调查,地磁测量,地磁查勘图
- magnetic survey method ==> 磁测法
- magnetic susceptibility ==> 磁化率=>磁化率
- magnetic suspension ==> 磁力吊架,磁悬浮=>磁気支持,磁気力支持
- magnetic suspension spinning rotor gauge ==> 磁悬浮转子计
- magnetic suspension spinning rotor vacuum gauge ==> 磁悬浮转子真空计
- magnetic suspension zone-melting ==> 磁悬区域熔炼
- magnetic sweep amplifier ==> 磁扫描放大器
- magnetic sweeper ==> 磁力清扫机,磁铁清扫机
- magnetic switch ==> 磁开关,磁力开关=>磁気スイッチ
- magnetic switch controller ==> 磁开关控制器
- magnetic switching system ==> 磁力开关系统
- magnetic system ==> 磁系统
- magnetic taep file operation ==> 磁带文件操作
- magnetic takeoffs ==> Both the British and U.S.navies are investigating propulsion to launch aircraft from carriers.
- magnetic tape ==> 磁带,磁带驱动装置,录音磁带=>磁気テープ
- magnetic tape access ==> 磁带存取
- magnetic tape adapter ==> 磁带连接器,磁带适配器
- magnetic tape archives ==> 磁带库
- magnetic tape backup station ==> 磁带后援站
- magnetic tape buffer ==> 磁带缓冲器
- magnetic tape cartridge ==> 盒式磁带=>磁気テープカートリッジ
- magnetic tape cassette ==> 盒式磁带=>磁気テープカセット
- magnetic tape cassette equipment ==> 盒式磁带机
- magnetic tape cassette unit ==> 磁気テープカセット装置
- magnetic tape code ==> 磁带码
- magnetic tape control ==> 磁带控制
- magnetic tape controller ==> 磁带控制器
- magnetic tape converter ==> 磁带式标准转换器
- magnetic tape core ==> 磁带卷轴
- magnetic tape crosstalk ==> 磁带串扰
- magnetic tape deck ==> 磁带机,磁带走带机构,磁带组
- magnetic tape delay ==> 磁带延迟
- magnetic tape density ==> 磁带密度
- magnetic tape diagnastics ==> 磁带诊断
- magnetic tape diagnostics ==> 磁带诊断程序
- magnetic tape drive ==> 磁带驱动器,磁带驱动装置=>磁気テープ駆動機構
- magnetic tape driver ==> 磁带驱动器
- magnetic tape drum ==> 磁带鼓
- magnetic tape drum memory ==> 磁带磁鼓存储器
- magnetic tape equipment ==> 磁带装置
- magnetic tape file ==> 磁带文件
- magnetic tape file check ==> 磁带文件检验
- magnetic tape file information ==> 磁带文件信息
- magnetic tape file label ==> 磁带文件标号
- magnetic tape file unit ==> 磁带外存储器部件
- magnetic tape filing cabinet ==> 磁带箱
- magnetic tape format ==> 磁带格式
- magnetic tape formatter ==> 磁带标准接口,磁带格式器,磁带信号格式转换器
- magnetic tape group ==> 磁带机组
- magnetic tape handler ==> 磁带机,磁带装置
- magnetic tape joining ==> 磁带粘接
- magnetic tape label ==> 磁带标号
- magnetic tape leader ==> 磁带首部,磁带引导部分=>磁気テープ始端部
- magnetic tape librarian ==> 磁带程序库的管理程序,磁带库管理程序,磁带收编程序
- magnetic tape macroorder ==> 磁带宏指令
- magnetic tape master file ==> 磁带主文件
- magnetic tape mechanism ==> 磁带机构
- magnetic tape memory ==> 磁带存储器
- magnetic tape parity ==> 磁带奇偶校验
- magnetic tape plotting system ==> 磁带绘图系统
- magnetic tape reader ==> 磁带读出机,磁带读出器,磁带读数器,磁带输入机,磁带阅读器,读带器
- magnetic tape recorder ==> 磁带记录机,磁带录声机
- magnetic tape recording and reproducting equipment ==> テープレコーダ
- magnetic tape reel ==> 磁带卷轴,一盘磁带
- magnetic tape seismograph ==> 磁带地震仪
- magnetic tape sorting ==> 磁带排序程序
- magnetic tape sound reproducer ==> 磁带放声机,磁带放音机,磁带录音机
- magnetic tape station ==> 磁带机,磁带记录台
- magnetic tape storage ==> 磁带存储,磁心存储=>磁気テープ記憶装置
- magnetic tape strip unit ==> 磁带条存储装置
- magnetic tape switching unit ==> 磁带转接部件
- magnetic tape system ==> 磁带机系统,磁带系统
- magnetic tape terminal ==> 磁带终端
- magnetic tape terminal equipment ==> 磁带终端设备
- magnetic tape trailer ==> 磁带尾标,带尾=>磁気テープ終端部
- magnetic tape transport ==> 磁带传送,磁带传送机构,磁带机
- magnetic tape unit ==> 磁带部件,磁带机,磁带装置=>磁気テープ装置
- magnetic tape verifier ==> 磁带校验机
- magnetic tape video recording equipment ==> 磁带录像设备
- magnetic tape writer ==> 磁带写入器
- magnetic tape-loop storage ==> 磁带环存储器
- magnetic tape-selectric composer (MT-SC) ==> 磁带自动排字机
- magnetic telephone apparatus ==> 磁石电话机
- magnetic temperature compensating alloy ==> 磁温度补偿合金
- magnetic temperature controller ==> 磁性温控器
- magnetic temporal variation ==> 磁时变
- magnetic test coil ==> 探测线圈,测磁线圈,检测线圈
- magnetic testing ==> 磁力探伤
- magnetic therapy ==> 磁力疗法
- magnetic thermometer ==> 磁石温度计,磁温度计
- magnetic thickness gauge ==> 磁测厚计
- magnetic thickness tester ==> 磁性测厚仪,磁性镀层厚度测厚仪
- magnetic thin film ==> 磁性薄膜
- magnetic thin film storage ==> 磁性薄膜存储器=>磁気薄膜記憶装置
- magnetic thrust bearing ==> 磁性推力轴承
- magnetic time relay ==> 磁延时继电器
- magnetic torque ==> 磁矩,磁转矩
- magnetic tracer roller ==> 磁导轮
- magnetic track ==> 磁道,磁迹=>磁気トラック
- magnetic track angle ==> 磁迹角
- magnetic transducer ==> 电磁式变换器
- magnetic transfer ==> 磁性转印
- magnetic transformation ==> 磁性转变
- magnetic transformation point ==> 磁性转变点
- magnetic transient recorder ==> 磁性瞬变过程记录器
- magnetic transition temperature ==> 磁性转变温度,居里点,居里点,居里温度,居里温度
- magnetic transmission ==> 磁力传动
- magnetic transmission variable aperture flow meter ==> 磁力传动可变孔径式流量计
- magnetic trap ==> 磁捕集器
- magnetic treatment ==> 磁力疗法
- magnetic trigger ==> 磁触发器,磁性起动装置
- magnetic trough separator ==> 槽式磁选机
- magnetic tuning system ==> 磁调谐系统
- magnetic tunnel junctions ==> 磁気トンネル接合
- magnetic type speed ometer ==> 磁力式速度计
- magnetic uniaxial anisotropy ==> 1軸磁気異方性
- magnetic units ==> 磁单位
- magnetic valve ==> 磁力阀,电磁阀
- magnetic valve type surge arrseter ==> 磁阀式避雷器
- magnetic variable ==> 磁变量,磁变星
- magnetic variation ==> 磁性变化=>磁気偏差(無線航法)
- magnetic vector ==> 磁気ベクトル
- magnetic vector potential ==> 向量磁位=>磁気ベクトルポテンシャル
- magnetic vehicle detector ==> 电磁检车器
- magnetic vibrating feeder ==> 磁振给矿机
- magnetic video recording ==> 磁性录象=>磁気録画
- magnetic virgin state ==> 磁気的処女状態
- magnetic viscosity ==> 磁粘滞性=>磁気粘性
- magnetic voltage stabilizer ==> 电磁式稳压器
- magnetic vortex in a superconductor ==> 超导体中的磁旋涡
- magnetic wave ==> 磁波
- magnetic wave detector ==> 磁性检波器,电磁检波仪
- magnetic wedge ==> 磁性楔=>磁性くさび
- magnetic well ==> 磁笼,磁阱
- magnetic wind direction ==> 磁极风向
- magnetic wire ==> 磁导线,磁线,磁性钢丝,磁性录音钢丝,电磁线
- magnetic wire storage ==> 磁线存储器
- magnetic yoke ==> 磁轭,水轮发电机转子中固定磁极的结构部件,发电机磁路的组成部分。发电机的飞轮力矩(GD2)主要由磁轭产生。大容量中低速水轮发电机的磁轭大多采用叠片式结构,在工地组装。高转速水轮发电机有采用实心磁轭的结构
- magnetic(-flux) leakage ==> 漏磁
- magnetic-acoustic ==> 磁声的
- magnetic-armature loudspeaker ==> 电磁扬声器
- magnetic-contact relay ==> 磁気接点リレー
- magnetic-core access switch ==> 磁心数据存取开关
- magnetic-core circuit ==> 磁芯电路,磁心电路
- magnetic-core counter ==> 磁心计算器
- magnetic-core memory ==> 磁心存储器
- magnetic-core register ==> 磁心寄存器
- magnetic-core shift register storage ==> 磁芯移位寄存器
- magnetic-core storage unit ==> 磁心存储器
- magnetic-core switch ==> 磁心开关
- magnetic-core switching time ==> 磁心开关时间
- magnetic-coupling flowmeter ==> 磁耦合式流量表
- magnetic-curve ==> 磁力线
- magnetic-deflection cathode-ray tube ==> 磁偏转电子束管
- magnetic-deflection colorselection ==> 磁偏转分色
- magnetic-deflection tube ==> 磁偏转管
- magnetic-dipole field ==> 磁偶极子场
- magnetic-driven-type actuator ==> 電磁アクチュエータ
- magnetic-drum receiving equipment ==> 磁鼓接收装置
- magnetic-encoded system ==> 磁编码系统
- magnetic-energy storage spot welder ==> 磁能储存式点焊机
- magnetic-energy-storage spot welder ==> 磁能存储式点焊机
- magnetic-ferrite memory ==> 铁氧存储器
- magnetic-field annealing ==> 磁场退火
- magnetic-field component ==> 磁场分量
- magnetic-field equalizer ==> 补偿磁圈
- magnetic-field intensity ==> 磁场强度
- magnetic-field interference ==> 磁场干扰
- magnetic-field measurement ==> 磁场测量
- magnetic-field perception ==> 磁場の受容
- magnetic-field quenching ==> 磁场淬火
- magnetic-field strength ==> 磁场强度
- magnetic-field test equipment ==> 磁力探伤机
- magnetic-field vector ==> 磁场矢量
- magnetic-field-supported accelerometer ==> 磁悬加速计
- magnetic-field-tuned laser ==> 磁场调谐激光器
- magnetic-film ==> 磁性薄膜
- magnetic-film memory ==> 磁膜存储器
- magnetic-film storage ==> 磁膜存储器
- magnetic-flux density ==> 磁感应密度
- magnetic-flux in iron ==> 铁中磁通
- magnetic-flux leakage ==> 磁漏,漏磁
- magnetic-flux measurement ==> 磁通测量
- magnetic-flux meter ==> 磁通表,磁通量表
- magnetic-flux test ==> 磁力检验,磁力线检验,磁流试验
- magnetic-flux-leakage ==> 磁漏
- magnetic-flux-linkage ==> 磁键
- magnetic-force welding ==> 磁力焊接法
- magnetic-geared motor ==> 磁気ギアードモータ
- magnetic-induction pumping energy ==> 磁感应泵浦能
- magnetic-induction unit ==> 磁気誘導ユニット
- magnetic-induction-pumping ==> 磁感应抽运
- magnetic-inductive capacity ==> 导磁系数
- magnetic-iron ==> 磁铁
- magnetic-leakage coefficient ==> 磁漏系数
- magnetic-lens spectrometer ==> 磁透镜分光计,磁透镜谱仪
- magnetic-matrix switch ==> 磁模开关,磁膜开关,磁性矩阵开关,磁阵开关
- magnetic-measurement ==> 磁测定
- magnetic-mechanical ==> 磁-机械的
- magnetic-memory matrices ==> 磁存储器矩阵
- magnetic-memory plate ==> 磁性存储板
- magnetic-memory system ==> 磁存储系统
- magnetic-order ==> 磁有序
- magnetic-particle ==> 磁性颗粒
- magnetic-particle inspection ==> 磁力探伤
- magnetic-particle method of inspection ==> 磁铁粉检查法
- magnetic-particle test ==> 磁粉试验,磁粉探伤试验,磁力探伤试验
- magnetic-plane characteristic ==> 磁场平面内的方向性
- magnetic-plate storage ==> 磁板存储器
- magnetic-pulley ==> 磁力滚筒,电磁皮带轮
- magnetic-pulley separator ==> 滑轮式磁选机
- magnetic-pump ==> 电磁泵
- magnetic-rod storage ==> 磁棒存储器
- magnetic-scattering amplitude ==> 磁性散射振幅
- magnetic-sensing ==> 磁敏
- magnetic-tape core ==> 磁带心
- magnetic-tube concentrator ==> 磁选机
- magnetical stepping motor ==> 磁性步进电机
- magnetically actuated shutter ==> 磁致激活快门
- magnetically beamed triode ==> 磁束三极管
- magnetically confined ==> 磁场约束
- magnetically confined laser ==> 磁聚焦激光器,磁约束激光器
- magnetically confined plasma ==> 磁约束等离子体
- magnetically controlled ignition ==> 电磁控制点火
- magnetically coupled circuit ==> 磁耦合电路
- magnetically focused cascade image intensifier ==> 磁聚焦级联像增强器
- magnetically hard alloy ==> 硬磁合金
- magnetically hard material ==> 硬磁材料
- magnetically levitated transportation system ==> 磁気浮上式鉄道
- magnetically sensitive recording paper ==> 磁敏记录纸
- magnetically shielded room ==> 磁気シールドルーム
- magnetically soft alloy ==> 软磁合金
- magnetically soft material ==> 软磁材料,软磁性材料
- magnetically soft steel ==> 软磁钢
- magnetically suspended gyroscope ==> 磁悬浮陀螺仪
- magnetically vibrated screen ==> 电磁振动筛
- magnetically-focused image converter tube ==> 磁聚焦变像管
- magnetically-suspended rotor ==> 磁悬挂转子
- magnetics ==> 磁学=>磁気学
- magnetid-optical devices ==> 磁光器件
- magnetism ==> 磁,磁力,磁力现象,磁性,磁学=>磁気
- magnetism forle pumps ==> 磁力泵
- magnetite ==> 磁铁矿=>磁鉄鉱,マグネタイト
- magnetite aggregate ==> 磁铁矿骨料
- magnetite black ==> 磁性铁黑,四氧化三铁
- magnetite crystal ==> 磁鉄鉱結晶
- magnetite deposit ==> 磁鉄鉱鉱床
- magnetite film ==> マグネタイト膜
- magnetite grain ==> 磁鉄鉱粒子
- magnetite layer ==> マグネタイト層
- magnetite ore ==> 磁铁矿砂
- magnetite sand ==> 磁矿砂
- magnetizability ==> 磁化能力
- magnetization ==> 磁化=>磁化
- magnetization characteristic ==> 磁化特性
- magnetization coil ==> 磁化线圈
- magnetization curve ==> 磁化曲线=>磁化曲線
- magnetization cycle ==> 磁化回路
- magnetization mechanism ==> 磁化机理
- magnetization properties ==> 磁化特性
- magnetization reversal ==> 反磁化
- magnetization vector manipulation ==> 磁化ベクトル操作
- magnetize ==> 磁化=>磁化
- magnetized area ==> 磁化区域
- magnetized drink water cup ==> 磁化杯
- magnetized spot ==> 磁化点
- magnetized-water health-protection cup ==> 磁化水保健杯
- magnetizer ==> 磁化装置
- magnetizing ==> 磁化
- magnetizing ampere-turn ==> 増磁アンペア回数
- magnetizing ampereturns ==> 磁化安匝
- magnetizing apparatus ==> 充磁机,充磁器,充磁装置
- magnetizing characteristics ==> 磁化特性=>磁気特性
- magnetizing coil ==> 磁化线圈
- magnetizing current ==> 磁化电流=>磁化電流,励磁電流
- magnetizing current and reactance ==> 磁化电流和电抗
- magnetizing exciter ==> 励磁机,励磁器
- magnetizing field ==> 磁化场,磁化磁场
- magnetizing force ==> 磁化力=>磁化力
- magnetizing inductance ==> 磁化电感
- magnetizing inrush ==> 励磁突入
- magnetizing inrush current ==> 励磁突入電流
- magnetizing loss ==> 磁化损失
- magnetizing pattern ==> 磁化图形
- magnetizing power ==> 磁化功率
- magnetizing roast ==> 磁化焙烧
- magnetizing solenoid ==> 磁化螺线管
- magnetizing susceptance ==> 磁化电纳,激磁电纳
- magnetizing winding ==> 磁化绕组
- magneto ==> 磁电机,磁力发电机,磁石发电机,磁石式,起动磁电机,永磁电机,永磁发电机=>マグネト発電機
- magneto acoustic effect ==> 磁声效应
- magneto advance control ==> 磁电机点火提前调整
- magneto alternator ==> 永磁交流发电机,永磁同步发电机
- magneto anemometer ==> 磁电风速计
- magneto ball bearing ==> 磁电机接轴承
- magneto base ==> 磁电机座
- magneto bell ==> 磁石电铃,磁石式电铃,磁铁电铃,永磁电铃=>磁石電鈴
- magneto block ==> 磁电机座
- magneto boot ==> 磁电机保护罩
- magneto bracket ==> 磁电机架
- magneto breaker arm ==> 磁电机断电臂
- magneto breaker arm point ==> 磁电机断电器臂接触点
- magneto breaker points ==> 磁电机断闭点
- magneto brush ==> 磁电机电刷
- magneto call ==> 磁石发电机呼叫,手摇磁石发电机呼叫,手摇发电机呼叫
- magneto caloric ==> 磁致热的
- magneto central office ==> 磁石式电话总局
- magneto circuit ==> 磁电机电路
- magneto coil ==> 磁电机线圈
- magneto collector ring ==> 磁电机集电环
- magneto contact breaker ==> 磁电机的断路器,磁电机断路器
- magneto coupler ==> 电磁耦合器
- magneto coupling ==> 电磁联轴节
- magneto coupling member ==> 磁电机接合器
- magneto crank ==> 磁电机摇把
- magneto detector ==> 磁检波器,磁石检波器
- magneto diode ==> 磁敏二极管
- magneto distributor ==> 磁电机配电器,磁电器配电盘
- magneto drive ==> 磁电机传动
- magneto drive gear ==> 磁电机主动齿轮
- magneto dynamics ==> 磁动力学
- magneto dynamics system ==> 磁动力系统
- magneto dynamo ==> 高压永磁发电机,永磁发电机
- magneto electric relay ==> 磁电式继电器
- magneto exchange ==> 磁石交换机
- magneto exploder ==> 永磁式放炮器
- magneto field scope ==> 磁场示波器
- magneto gasket ==> 磁电机垫片
- magneto gear spring ==> 磁电机齿轮弹簧
- magneto generator ==> 永磁发电机
- magneto gram ==> 磁强记录图
- magneto grease ==> 磁电机润滑脂
- magneto gyrocompass ==> 磁力回转罗盘,磁陀螺
- magneto hydrodynamic lubrication ==> 磁解体动压润滑
- magneto hydrodynamics calculation ==> 電磁流体解析
- magneto ignition ==> 磁电点火,磁电机点火
- magneto ignition system ==> 磁点火系统,磁石发电机点火法=>磁気点火方式,マグネト点火方式
- magneto impulse coupling ==> 磁电机脉冲接头
- magneto inductor ==> 磁电机,磁石感应器,永磁电机
- magneto ionic wave component ==> 磁离子波分量
- magneto mechanical ==> 磁-机械的
- magneto microphone ==> 电磁式送话器
- magneto motive force equation of synchronous machine ==> 同步电机磁动势方程,同步电机运行中,励磁电流产生的励磁磁动势与电枢电流产生的电枢反应磁动势和气隙中合成磁动势三者之间关系的数学方程
- magneto motive potential ==> 磁位
- magneto ohmmeter ==> 永磁式欧姆表
- magneto optic camera ==> 磁光照相机
- magneto optic isolator ==> 磁光隔离器
- magneto optical deflector ==> 磁光偏转器
- magneto optical disk ==> 磁光盘
- magneto optical disk editor ==> 磁光盘编辑器
- magneto optical driver ==> 磁光盘驱动器
- magneto optical modulator ==> 磁光调制器
- magneto optical semiconductor laser ==> 磁光半导体激光器
- magneto plumbite ==> 磁铅矿,氧化铅铁淦氧磁体
- magneto resistance ==> 磁阻
- magneto resistance displacement transducer ==> 磁致电阻位移换能器
- magneto resistance microwave wattmeter ==> 磁阻微波功率表
- magneto resistance oscillator ==> 磁致电阻振荡器
- magneto resistive amplifier ==> 磁致电阻放大器
- magneto resistor ==> 磁控电阻器,磁敏电阻器
- magneto ringer ==> 磁石式振铃器
- magneto ringing ==> 磁石式振铃
- magneto sensor ==> 磁敏元件
- magneto shaft ==> 磁电机轴
- magneto spark advance ==> 磁电火花提前
- magneto speed indicator ==> 磁石测速计
- magneto spheric shockwave ==> 磁层冲击波
- magneto spheric structure ==> 磁层结构
- magneto striction cookie cutter ==> 磁致伸缩曲奇切割器
- magneto striction cutter ==> 磁致伸缩切割器
- magneto striction echo sounder ==> 磁致伸缩回声测深器
- magneto striction filter ==> 磁致伸缩滤波器
- magneto striction microphone ==> 磁致伸缩传声器
- magneto striction pressure gauge ==> 磁致伸缩压力计
- magneto striction strain gauge ==> 磁致伸缩应变仪
- magneto striction transducer ==> 磁致伸缩换能器
- magneto striction transmitter ==> 磁致伸缩发射机
- magneto strictive cutting machine ==> 磁致伸缩切割机
- magneto strictive drill ==> 磁致伸缩钻机
- magneto strictive hydrophone ==> 磁致伸缩水听器
- magneto strictive microphone ==> 磁致伸缩传声器
- magneto strictive oscillator ==> 磁致伸缩振荡器
- magneto strictive receiver ==> 磁致伸缩接收器
- magneto strictive resonator ==> 磁致伸缩谐振器
- magneto strictive sensor ==> 磁致伸缩传感器
- magneto strictive transceiver ==> 磁致伸缩式收发机
- magneto strictive transducer ==> 磁致伸缩传感器
- magneto switch ==> 磁电机开关
- magneto switchboard ==> 磁石式交换机=>磁石式交換機
- magneto synchronizer ==> 磁石同步器
- magneto system ==> 磁电机系统,磁石式电话制,磁石式制
- magneto system exchange ==> 磁石式交换机
- magneto telephone ==> 磁石式电话
- magneto telephone set ==> 磁石式电话机=>磁石式電話機
- magneto telephone switchboard ==> 磁石电话交换机
- magneto therapy apparatus ==> 磁疗仪
- magneto type ball bearing ==> 磁式滚珠轴承
- magneto voltage regulator ==> 感应式电压调整器
- magneto winding ==> 永磁绕组
- magneto wire ==> 磁电机点火线
- magneto wires ==> 磁电机导线
- magneto-band effect ==> 磁带效应
- magneto-beamed tube ==> 磁聚束电子管
- magneto-caloric cooling ==> 磁热效应冷却
- magneto-dependent sensor ==> 磁敏传感器
- magneto-dielectrics ==> 磁介电体
- magneto-electric ==> 磁电的
- magneto-electric ignition ==> 磁电点火
- magneto-electric type ==> 可動コイル形
- magneto-encephalograph ==> 磁脑电描记器
- magneto-fluid-dynamics ==> 磁流体动力学
- magneto-fluid-mechanics ==> 磁流体力学
- magneto-galvanic effect ==> 磁场电效应
- magneto-ionic componet ==> 磁気イオン成分
- magneto-ionic double refraction ==> 磁気イオン複屈折
- magneto-ionic effect ==> 磁気イオン効果
- magneto-mechanical effect ==> 磁机械效应
- magneto-motive potential ==> 磁动势
- magneto-ohmmeter ==> 摇表
- magneto-operated oil valve ==> 磁铁操纵的油阀
- magneto-optic ==> 磁光的
- magneto-optic bubble device ==> 磁光泡器件
- magneto-optic deflector ==> 磁光偏转器
- magneto-optic effect ==> 磁光力效应,磁光效应
- magneto-optic glass ==> 磁光玻璃
- magneto-optic laser ==> 磁光激光器
- magneto-optic material ==> 磁光材料
- magneto-optic memory ==> 磁光存储器
- magneto-optic modulation ==> 磁光调制
- magneto-optic modulator ==> 磁光调制器
- magneto-optic phase modulation ==> 磁光相位调制
- magneto-optic playback system ==> 磁光力再现系统
- magneto-optic resonance ==> 磁光谐振
- magneto-optic rotation ==> 磁致旋光
- magneto-optic semiconductor shutter ==> 磁光半导体快门
- magneto-optic shutter ==> 磁-光快门,磁光快门
- magneto-optic thin film ==> 磁光薄膜
- magneto-optic waveguide ==> 磁光波导
- magneto-optical modulator ==> 磁光调制器
- magneto-optical phenomenon ==> 磁光现象
- magneto-optical shutter ==> 磁光开关
- magneto-photoconductivity ==> 磁光导性
- magneto-resistance effect ==> 磁気抵抗効果
- magneto-resistor ==> 磁电阻
- magneto-siren ==> 磁警报器
- magneto-striction phenomenon ==> 磁致伸缩现象
- magneto-strictive delay line storage ==> 磁致伸缩延迟存储器
- magneto-thermoelectric ==> 磁热电
- magneto-thermoelectric effect ==> 磁気熱電効果
- magneto-turbulence ==> 磁性湍流
- magnetoacoustic delay line ==> 磁声延迟线
- magnetoactive plasm ==> 磁活化等离子体
- magnetocaloric effect ==> 磁気熱量効果
- magnetocardiograph ==> 心磁計
- magnetocrystalline anisotropy ==> 磁晶各向异性
- magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy ==> 磁晶各向异性能
- magnetoelastic coupling ==> 磁弹性耦合
- magnetoelastic energy ==> 磁気弾性エネルギー
- magnetoelastic transducer ==> 磁弹性变换器
- magnetoelasticity non-linearity ==> 磁弹性非线性
- magnetoelasticity resonance ==> 磁弹性谐振
- magnetoelectric effect ==> 磁気電気効果
- magnetoelectric generator ==> 永磁发电机=>マグネト発電機
- magnetoelectric ignition ==> 磁电机点火
- magnetoelectric machine ==> 磁电式电机,永磁电机
- magnetoelectric relay ==> 磁电式继电器
- magnetoelectric scope ==> 磁电式示波器
- magnetoelectricity ==> 磁電気
- magnetoencephalography ==> 脳磁図
- magnetofluid dynamics ==> 磁流体动力学=>電磁流体力学,磁気流体力学
- magnetofluid equation ==> 電磁流体方程式
- magnetofluid generation of electricity ==> 磁流体发电
- magnetofluid mechanics ==> 電磁流体力学
- magnetogalvanic effect ==> 磁気電流効果
- magnetogas dynamics ==> 磁気気体力学
- magnetograph ==> 磁强记录仪
- magnetographic inspection ==> 磁性检查
- magnetogyric effect ==> 磁気回転効果
- magnetogyric ratio ==> 磁気回転比
- magnetoholographic memory type ==> 磁全息照相存储方式
- magnetohydrodynamic arc jet ==> 磁流体动力电弧火箭发动机
- magnetohydrodynamic conversion ==> 磁流体转换
- magnetohydrodynamic cooling ==> 磁流体动力冷却
- magnetohydrodynamic generation ==> 磁流体发电
- magnetohydrodynamic generator ==> 磁流体发电机
- magnetohydrodynamic laser ==> 磁流体力学激光器
- magnetohydrodynamic plant ==> 磁流体动力装置,磁流体装置
- magnetohydrodynamic power generation ==> 磁流体发电
- magnetohydrodynamic pumping ==> 磁流体动力泵浦,磁流体动力抽运
- magnetohydrodynamic shock wave ==> 磁流体动力冲击波,磁流体动力学冲击波
- magnetohydrodynamic wave ==> 磁流体动力波,磁流体动力学波
- magnetohydrodynamic waves ==> 磁流体波
- magnetohydrodynamics ==> 磁性流体动力学,磁流体动力学=>電磁流体力学
- magnetohydrodynamics power generation ==> 磁流体发电
- magnetoionic duct ==> 磁电离波导,磁离子波导
- magnetoionic theory ==> 磁気イオン理論
- magnetoionic wave component ==> 磁离子波分量
- magnetomechanical effect ==> 磁力学效应
- magnetomechanical factor ==> 磁力因数=>磁気角運動量因子
- magnetomechanical ratio ==> 磁気角運動量比
- magnetomechanical tuning ==> 磁力学调节
- magnetometer ==> 磁强计=>磁力計
- magnetometer method ==> 磁力計法
- magnetometer sensor ==> 磁力仪传感器
- magnetometer survey ==> 磁强计测量
- magnetomotive force ==> 磁通势
- magnetomotive force (mmf) ==> 起磁力
- magneton number ==> 磁子数
- magnetooptic effect ==> 磁気光学効果
- magnetooptic Kerr effect ==> 磁光克尔效应
- magnetooptic memory ==> 磁光存储器
- magnetooptic modulator ==> 磁気光学変調器
- magnetooptical memory material ==> 磁光存储材料
- magnetooptical memory technique ==> 磁光存储技术
- magnetooptics ==> 磁光学
- magnetophone ==> 磁带录音机
- magnetophoto-reflectivity ==> 磁光反射系数
- magnetoplasmadynamic generator ==> 磁等离子体发电机
- magnetoplasmadynamic plant ==> 磁等离子体动力装置
- magnetoresistance ==> 磁阻,磁致电阻=>磁気抵抗
- magnetoresistance detector ==> 磁电阻检测器,磁致电阻检测器
- magnetoresistance effect ==> 磁电阻效应,磁致电阻效应
- magnetoresistive effect ==> 磁阻效应=>磁気抵抗効果
- magnetoresistive RAM ==> 磁阻随机存储器
- magnetoresistor ==> 磁阻器
- magnetoscope ==> 验磁器
- magnetosonic wave ==> 磁声波
- magnetosphere ==> 磁気圏,磁界層,磁界圏
- magnetospheric plasma ==> 磁层等离子体
- magnetospheric ring corrent ==> 磁层环流
- magnetostatic electron lens ==> 静磁电子透镜,静磁电子透镜
- magnetostatic field ==> 静磁场=>静磁場
- magnetostatic field analysis ==> 静磁界解析
- magnetostatic shielding ==> 磁気遮蔽
- magnetostatic wave device ==> 静磁波装置
- magnetostratigraphic polarity unit ==> 磁性地层极性单位
- magnetostriction ==> 磁致伸缩=>磁気ひずみ,磁歪
- magnetostriction alloy ==> 磁致伸缩合金
- magnetostriction apparatus ==> 磁致伸缩仪器
- magnetostriction compass ==> 磁致伸缩罗盘
- magnetostriction constant ==> 磁気ひずみ定数
- magnetostriction effect ==> 磁致伸缩效能
- magnetostriction measurement ==> 磁致伸缩测量
- magnetostriction oscillator ==> 磁致伸缩振荡器=>磁気ひずみ発振器
- magnetostriction transducer ==> 磁致伸缩式换能器
- magnetostrictive ==> 磁致伸缩的
- magnetostrictive acoustic delay line ==> 磁致伸缩声延迟线
- magnetostrictive actuator ==> 超磁歪アクチュエータ
- magnetostrictive coupling ==> 磁致伸缩耦合
- magnetostrictive delay ==> 磁致伸缩延迟,磁致伸缩延迟线
- magnetostrictive delay line ==> 磁致伸缩延迟线
- magnetostrictive drive ==> 磁致伸缩驱动
- magnetostrictive effect ==> 磁致伸缩效应
- magnetostrictive effect storage ==> 磁致伸缩效应存储器
- magnetostrictive loudspeaker ==> 磁致伸缩扬声器
- magnetostrictive material ==> 磁気ひずみ材料,磁歪材料
- magnetostrictive oscillation ==> 磁致伸缩振荡
- magnetostrictive reaction ==> 磁致伸缩逆效应
- magnetostrictive relay ==> 磁致伸缩式继电器
- magnetostrictive rod ==> 磁致伸缩棒
- magnetostrictive storage ==> 磁致伸缩存储器
- magnetostrictive storage unit ==> 磁致伸缩存储单元
- magnetostrictive stress ==> 磁致伸缩应力,磁致引起应力
- magnetostrictive transducer ==> 磁致伸缩换能器
- magnetostrictive vibrator ==> 磁致伸缩振动器
- magnetoswitch-board exchange ==> 磁石式交换台
- magnetosystem ==> 磁石式(電話)
- magnetotelluric current ==> 磁気誘導地電流
- magnetotelluric data ==> 地磁気地電流法データ
- magnetotelluric method ==> 磁気誘導地電流法
- magnetotelluric prospecting ==> 磁気誘導地電流探査
- magnetotype ball bearing ==> 磁电机用滚珠轴承
- magnetrom pushing ==> 磁控管频率推移
- magnetron ==> 磁控管=>マグネトロン
- magnetron amplifier ==> 磁控管放大器
- magnetron beam switching tube ==> 磁控电子束开关管,磁控注型开关管
- magnetron cavity ==> 磁控管腔谐振器
- magnetron for microwave oven ==> マグネトロン駆動
- magnetron frequency ==> 磁控管频率
- magnetron heater ==> 磁控管加热器
- magnetron ion etcher ==> 磁控管离子腐蚀装置
- magnetron mode ==> 磁控管振荡模式
- magnetron optics ==> 磁控型电子光学系统
- magnetron oscillator ==> 磁控管振荡器
- magnetron power source ==> 磁控管电源
- magnetron seasoning instrument ==> 磁控管老化仪
- magnetron sputtering ==> 磁控管溅射=>マグネトロンスパッタ
- magnetron type traveling wave tube ==> 磁控型行波管
- magnetron vacuum gage ==> 磁控管真空计
- magnets bell ==> 交流电铃
- magnevist solution ==> 马根维显溶液
- magnification ==> 放大,放大率
- magnification changer ==> 放大倍数变换器
- magnification coefficient ==> 放大系数
- magnification constant ==> 放大系数
- magnification control ==> 放大控制
- magnification factor ==> 放大因数
- magnification factor for amplitude ==> 振幅放大因子
- magnification ratio ==> 伸缩比,放大比,放大比率
- magnification spore ==> 放大孢子
- magnified image ==> 放大的图象
- magnifier ==> 放大器,放大镜
- magnifier for reading ==> 读数放大镜
- magnifying glass ==> 放大镜
- magnifying laryngoscope ==> 喉放大镜
- magnifying lens ==> 放大透镜,凸透镜
- magnifying mirror with ceramic foot ==> 瓷座放大镜
- magnifying optics ==> 放大光学系统
- magnifying power ==> 放大率
- magnifying power of eye-piece ==> 目镜放大率
- magnistor ==> 磁开关
- magnitude ==> 地震震级,大小,大小,量级,量值,值,大小=>ベクトルの大きさ
- magnitude chart ==> 震级图
- magnitude command ==> マグニチュードコマンド
- magnitude comparator ==> 量值比较器
- magnitude contours ==> 等值线
- magnitude determination ==> 震级测定
- magnitude distribution ==> 震级分布
- magnitude interval ==> 震级区间
- magnitude method ==> 偏差法试射
- magnitude of a complex number ==> 复数的绝对值=>複素数の絶対値
- magnitude of a real number ==> 実数の絶対値
- magnitude of a vector ==> 向量的绝对值=>ベクトルの絶対値
- magnitude of a voltage fluctuation ==> 電圧変動振幅
- magnitude of closed loop resonant peak ==> 闭环共振峰值
- magnitude of current ==> 电流量
- magnitude of deflection ==> 偏倾度
- magnitude of enlargement ==> 放大倍数
- magnitude of greatest eclipse ==> 最大食分
- magnitude of interference ==> 过盈量
- magnitude of load ==> 载荷大小
- magnitude of maximum shearing stress ==> 最大剪应力值
- magnitude of operation ==> 业务工作量
- magnitude of output flucturation ==> 出力変動幅
- magnitude of physical quantity ==> 物理量值
- magnitude of power ==> 功率值
- magnitude of relative value ==> 相对价值量
- magnitude of use-value ==> 使用价值量
- magnitude of voltage ==> 电压值
- magnitude only arithmetic operation ==> 绝对值算术操作
- magnitude ratio ==> 等級比
- magnitude scale (of earthquake) ==> 震级标度
- magnitude stability ==> 震级稳定性
- magnitude statistics ==> 震级统计
- magnitude system ==> 星等系统
- magnitude threshold ==> 震级限值
- magnitude time curve ==> 震级时间曲线
- magnitude-frequency law ==> 震级频度法则
- magnitude-frequency relation ==> 震级频度关系
- magnolia ==> 木兰=>モクレン
- magnolia hypoleuca ==> 赤朴
- Magnolia L ==> 木兰属
- Magnolia liliflora ==> 木兰
- magnolia metal ==> 铅锑锡合金
- magnolia tea ==> 木兰花茶
- magnolia warbler ==> 木兰林莺
- magnon emission ==> 磁振子发射
- Magnuminium alloy ==> 马格努镁合金,镁基合金,锰铝镁基合金
- Magnus effect ==> 马格努斯效应
- Magnus force ==> 马格努斯效应
- Magnus moment ==> 马格努斯力矩
- Magnus number ==> 马格努斯数
- Magnus' bath ==> 麦氏浴槽
- Magnus's sign of death ==> 马格努斯氏死征
- magpie bridge ==> 鹊桥
- magpie finch ==> 鹊文鸟
- magpie goose ==> 鹊鹅
- magpie mannikin ==> 鹊色文鸟
- magpie starling ==> 鹊色椋鸟
- MAGRAS, Magnetic & Gravity Satellite ==> 磁気重力測定衛星
- Magruder cotton ==> (早熟美棉)马格鲁德棉
- MAGSAT, Magnetic Satellite ==> 磁気測定衛星
- magslip resolver ==> 无触点同步机解算装置
- MAGV, visual magnitude ==> 実視等級
- Mahalanobis distance ==> 马哈拉诺比斯距离=>マハラノビス距離
- Mahalanobis generalised distance ==> 马哈拉诺比斯距离
- Mahalanobis-Taguchi method ==> マハラノビス・タグチ法
- mahaleb cherry ==> 马哈利酸樱桃
- mahaut fibre ==> 马霍木槿纤维
- Mahaweli Water Conservancy Project ==> 马哈威利河水利工程
- Mahlaanobis distance ==> 马哈朗诺比斯距离
- Mahlaing cotton ==> (粗绒棉)马来因棉
- Mahle alloy ==> 马鲁铝硅合金
- Mahler alloy ==> 马勒铝硅活塞合金
- Mahler's sign ==> 马勒氏征
- mahogany ==> 红木,赤褐色,桃花心木=>マホガニー
- mahogany acid ==> (石油)磺酸
- mahogany acid (石油) ==> 磺酸
- mahogany birch ==> 山桦
- mahogany flush ==> 红木色潮红
- mahogany glider ==> マホガ二-フクロモモンガ
- mahogany ore ==> 密铜铁矿
- mahogany petroleum sulfonate ==> 石油磺酸盐
- mahogany rot ==> 赤褐色
- mahogany shoot borer ==> 桃花心木嫩桃蛀虫
- mahogany soap ==> 石油磺酸皂,磺酸钠皂,磺酸皂=>マホガニーせっけん
- mahogany sulfonate ==> 磺酸盐,石油磺酸盐
- mahogany table ==> マホガニー製テーブル
- mahogany wood ==> マホガニー材
- Maholtine fibre ==> 马霍廷纤维
- Mahoney map ==> 马杭尼图
- mahubarana fat ==> 马胡巴拉纳脂肪
- Mai Po Marshes ==> 米埔沼泽区
- maiden trial ==> 初次试验
- maidenhair tree ==> 银杏树,白果树
- MAIFI, momentary average interruption frequency index ==> 瞬時停電回数
- mail ==> 寄,邮政
- mail bag ==> 邮袋
- mail boat ==> 邮政便船
- mail box ==> 邮箱
- mail bus ==> 邮政车
- mail car ==> 邮车,邮政汽车
- mail carrier ==> 邮船
- mail cart ==> 邮车
- mail clerk ==> 邮局办事员
- mail cover ==> 邮封
- mail cutter ==> 邮件快艇
- mail day ==> 邮件截止日
- mail declaration ==> 邮件声报单
- mail deposit ==> 通讯存款
- mail drop ==> 邮筒
- mail flag ==> 邮件旗
- mail inquiry ==> 通信调查
- mail liner ==> 邮船
- mail man ==> 邮递员
- mail motor truck ==> 邮政汽车
- mail order ==> 邮购
- mail order house ==> 邮寄订购商店
- mail pennant ==> 邮件旗
- mail plane ==> 邮航机
- mail reimbursement ==> 信函求偿
- mail remittance ==> 信汇
- mail rocket ==> 邮政火箭
- mail room ==> 邮件室
- mail route ==> 邮路
- mail service ==> 邮政业务
- mail ship ==> 邮船
- mail signal ==> 邮件旗
- mail steamer ==> 邮轮
- mail subsidy ==> 邮政补助金
- mail subvention ==> 邮政补助金
- mail survey ==> 通信调查
- mail transfer ==> 信汇,邮汇
- mail transfer advice ==> 信汇委托书
- mail truck ==> 邮政车
- mail van ==> 邮政车辆
- mail wagon ==> 厢式邮政车
- mail-box rule ==> 投邮生效原则
- mail-chute ==> 滑槽邮筒
- mail-facsimile apparatus ==> 信函传真机
- mailbag duck ==> 邮袋帆布
- mailbox ==> 邮筒,信箱区
- mailer method ==> 堆积烧炭法
- mailgram ==> 邮递电报
- mailing cost ==> 送料
- mailing list ==> 发送名单,发送文件清单
- Maillechort ==> 铜镍锌合金
- maimed person ==> 残废人
- main ==> 主,主输电线,主要的,干管,干线,总管=>本管
- main (air) cleaning system ==> 主净化系统
- main (driving) pulley ==> 主动皮带轮
- main (driving) screw ==> 主螺杆
- main (explosive) charge ==> 主要药包
- main (reef) drive ==> 主平巷
- main (rudder) piece ==> 下舵杆
- main accelerator ==> 主加速器
- main access road ==> 主要专用线
- main account ==> 主要帐户
- main active constituent ==> 主要有効成分
- main activity ==> 本体業務
- main actor ==> シテ
- main actress ==> 主演女優
- main advantage ==> 主な利点
- main aerodynamic balance ==> 主气体动力平衡
- main agent ==> 主要代理商
- main air ==> 主风
- main air blower ==> 主风机
- main air intake ==> 主进气道
- main air pipe ==> 总空气管
- main air port ==> 主风口
- main air reservoir ==> 主储气筒
- main air valve ==> 主风阀=>メインエアバルブ
- main airway ==> 主风巷
- main alarm ==> 主报警器,主报警信号
- main alarm display parity check ==> 主报警显示器奇偶性校验
- main amplifier ==> 主放大器=>主増幅器
- main amplifier circuit ==> 主放大器电路
- main anchor ==> 主固定支架
- main and auxiliaries ==> 主机和辅机
- main and retrun cam ==> 主回凸轮
- main and return cam ==> 强力回程凸轮
- main and tail ==> 头绳尾绳
- main and transfer busbar ==> 单母线带旁路
- main angle ==> 主对角平巷
- main anode ==> 主阳极
- main antenna ==> 主天线=>主アンテナ
- main application ==> 主要用途=>主要出願
- main arbor ==> 主轴
- main arch ==> 主拱
- main architect ==> 立役者
- main arithmetic processor ==> 主运算处理机
- main arm ==> 主臂
- main armament ==> 主炮
- main artillery ==> 主炮
- main assemblage of spring ==> 弹簧总成
- main assembling jig of body ==> 车身主装配台
- main assembly ==> 总体组成
- main asteroid belt ==> 主小惑星帯
- main attack ==> 主攻
- main attack force ==> 主攻部队
- main audio track ==> 主伴音磁迹
- main avenue ==> 主要路线
- main axis ==> 主茎,主轴线
- main backbone ==> 主骨格
- main ballast Kingston (valve) ==> 主压载水通海阀
- main ballast tank ==> 主压载舱
- main bang ==> 主脉冲信号
- main bang suppression ==> 主脉冲信号抑制,直接波抑制
- main bar ==> (钢筋混凝土的)主钢筋
- main barrel ==> 主机筒
- main base ==> 底板,地脚底
- main base station ==> 主要基本站
- main battery ==> 主电池
- main battery circuit ==> 主电池电路
- main beam ==> 主横梁,主梁,主射束,主束
- main beam head lamp ==> 远光前照灯
- main bearing ==> 主轴承
- main bearing babbitting jig ==> 主轴承浇巴氏合金夹具
- main bearing boring bar ==> 主轴承镗杆
- main bearing boring tool ==> 主轴承镗刀
- main bearing cap ==> 主轴承盖
- main bearing cap dowel ==> 主轴承盖销钉
- main bearing journal ==> 主轴承轴颈,曲轴主轴颈
- main bearing knock ==> 主轴承的敲击声,主轴承敲击声
- main bearing lining ==> 主轴瓦耐磨合金层
- main bearing lubrication ==> 主轴承润滑
- main bearing oil pipe ==> 主轴承油管
- main bearing reamer ==> 主轴承铰刀
- main bearing reboring device ==> 主轴承精镗削工具
- main bearing removal ==> 主轴承拆卸
- main bearing shell ==> 主轴承壳
- main bearing stud ==> 主轴承柱螺栓
- main bearing wrench ==> 主轴承扳手
- main belt ==> 主传送带
- main blast line ==> 总风管
- main blasting lead ==> 主干导爆线
- main block ==> 主体,主要部分
- main blow ==> 主攻
- main blower ==> 主鼓风机
- main body ==> 主体,本体,筒体
- main body bleeder ==> 主体排气孔
- main body cover ==> 主体外壳
- main body entrance ==> 主要进口
- main body entrance door ==> 主车门
- main body frame ==> 主体框架
- main body of oil ==> 油的主要成分
- main boiler ==> 主锅炉=>主ボイラ
- main boundary thrust ==> 主边界逆冲断层
- main box ==> 主轴承瓦,主轴承轴瓦
- main brace ==> 主撑
- main brake contact ==> 主制动触点
- main brake solenoid ==> 主制动螺线管
- main braking cylinder ==> 主制动缸,制动总泵缸
- main braking reservoir ==> 主制动储气缸
- main branch connections ==> 主要分支线
- main branch road ==> 主要支路
- main brasses ==> 主轴承轴瓦
- main breaker ==> 主开关
- main breakwater ==> 主防波堤
- main bronchus ==> 主支气管
- main brush ==> 主电刷
- main bud ==> 主芽
- main building ==> 主厂房=>本館
- main bulk ==> 主体,总量
- main bulk of fuel ==> 燃料的主要部分
- main bulkhead ==> 主舱壁
- main bulwark rail ==> 主甲板舷墙栏杆
- main burner ==> 主喷嘴,主燃料喷嘴,主燃烧器,承担机组负荷的燃烧器。
- main bus ==> 主母线
- main bus-bar ==> 主母线
- main bush ==> 主轴衬,底衬环
- main cable ==> 主索,干线电缆,总输送电缆
- main cable channel ==> 总电缆沟
- main calculation ==> 主计算
- main cam ==> 主凸轮
- main camshaft ==> 主凸轮轴
- main canal ==> 主水道,干渠
- main canopy ==> 主座舱罩
- main capacitance ==> 主静電容量
- main carburettor ==> 主化油器
- main carriage ==> 纵刀架,主刀架
- main carriageway ==> 主要车道
- main carrier ==> 主载波,基本载波=>主搬送波
- main carrier cable ==> 主承力索
- main case ==> 主机壳
- main casing ==> 主壳
- main casting ==> 主要铸件
- main cell ==> 主电池
- main center ==> 中枢,主中心局
- Main Center Thrust ==> 中央大断层
- main centre floor panel ==> (小客车车射的)中主底板
- main chain ==> 主键
- main chamber ==> 主燃烧室,(主燃烧室)主室
- main channel ==> 主频道,主通道,主通路,干渠,主波道
- main charge ==> 主费
- main charging belt ==> 主装料运输带
- main check valve ==> 主止回阀
- main chimney damper ==> 总烟道闸板
- main chimney flue ==> 总烟道
- main choke tube ==> 主喉管,主阻气管
- main circuit ==> 主回路,主磁路,主电路=>主回路
- main circuit breaker ==> 主电路断路器,主断路面
- main circuit of electric equipment ==> 用电设备主回路
- main circuit switch ==> 主电路开关
- main circulating pump ==> 主循环泵
- main circulation pump ==> 主循环泵
- main classes ==> 主类
- main clock ==> 主时钟,主钟,母钟
- main closed loop ==> 主闭环
- main clutch ==> 主离合器
- main clutch magnet ==> 主离合磁铁
- main clutch shifting lever bracket ==> 主离合器拨叉支架
- main cock ==> 总开关
- main coil ==> 主线圈=>主巻線
- main coil current ==> 主线圈电流
- main column ==> 主力纵队
- main column (tower) ==> 主塔
- main combustion chamber ==> 主燃烧室
- main command ==> 主命令
- main communications center ==> 主通信中心
- main comparator ==> 主比较器
- main compartment-line ==> 主林班线
- main compression coil ==> 主压缩线圈
- main compressor ==> 主压缩机
- main condensate pump ==> 主凝水泵
- main condensate system ==> 主凝结水系统,汽轮机凝汽器中的凝结水经凝结水泵抽出、升压,再经化学水精处理、轴封加热器、低压加热器输送至除氧器的管道系统
- main condenser ==> 主冷凝器,总冷凝器
- main conditions ==> 主要情况
- main cone ==> 主锥
- main cone driving wheel ==> 主锥形驱动轮
- main connecting rod ==> 主连杆
- main console ==> 主控制台
- main constituent ==> 主要成分
- main contact ==> 主触点=>主接点,主接触子
- main contact group ==> 主触点组
- main contact spring ==> 主触簧片
- main contact==main contacts ==> 主接点
- main contactor ==> 主接触器
- main contacts ==> 主触点
- main contract ==> 主合同
- main control centre ==> 主控制中心
- main control chain ==> 主控制链
- main control circuit relay ==> 主制御回路用リレー
- main control console ==> 主操纵台
- main control drum ==> 主控制滚筒
- main control lever ==> 主操纵手柄
- main control lever interlock release ==> 主操纵手柄联锁释放装置
- main control logic ==> 主逻辑控制电路
- main control loop ==> 主控制回路
- main control magnet ==> 主控磁铁
- main control panel ==> 主控板
- main control program ==> 主控制程序
- main control register ==> 主控寄存器
- main control room ==> 主控制室,主操纵室=>中央制御室
- main control station ==> 主控站
- main control unit ==> 主控盘,主控制装置=>主制御装置
- main control valve ==> 主配压阀
- main controller ==> 主控制器
- main controlling board ==> 主操作盘
- main controlling element ==> 主控制元件
- main conveyer ==> 主输送机
- main core ==> 钢丝绳芯麻绳
- main couple ==> 主屋架,主桁架
- main coupling ==> 主联轴节
- main course ==> 干流
- main crab ==> 主起重绞车
- main crank ==> 主曲柄
- main crank case ==> 主曲柄箱
- main crank pin ==> 主曲柄销
- main crater ==> 主火山口
- main crop ==> 主伐林木,主林木,主林作
- main cross section ==> 主横截面,主截面
- main crosshead ==> 主连杆十字头
- main crossing ==> 主要十字路口
- main crossings ==> 主交叉
- main culm ==> 主秆
- main currency ==> 主要货币
- main current ==> 主电流
- main current relay ==> 主电流继电器
- main current terminal switch ==> 主电流终端开关
- main cushion duct ==> 主气垫管道
- main cutting edge ==> 主切削刃
- main cutting force ==> 主切削分力
- main cylinder gasket ==> 主缸垫密片
- main data ==> 主数据
- main data area ==> 主数据区
- main deck ==> 主甲板
- main deck stringer ==> 主甲板缘
- main defecation ==> 主澄清
- main deflection ==> 主偏转
- main delay line ==> 主延迟线
- main delivery pipe ==> 主润滑油管,主输送管道,主压力管道
- main diagonal ==> 主斜杆
- main dike ==> 干堤,主堤
- main dimension ==> 主要尺寸
- main direction finding station ==> 主探向站
- main discharge ==> 主排出管
- main discharge current ==> 主放电电流
- main discharge jet ==> 主喷嘴
- main discharge jet nut ==> 主喷嘴螺帽
- main discharge jet plug ==> 主喷口塞
- main discharge pipe ==> 总排水管
- main discharge tube ==> 主量孔喷管
- main discharge valve ==> 总放水阀
- main dispatching centre ==> 主调度中心
- main display console ==> 主显示台
- main distillate fraction ==> 主馏分
- main distributing board ==> 主配电盘
- main distributing centre ==> 主配电站
- main distributing conveyor ==> 主分配运输机
- main distributing frame ==> 主配线架,总配线架
- main distributing point ==> 主配电点
- main distributing valve ==> 主分配阀
- main distribution board ==> 主配电板,总配电板,总配电盘
- main distribution cable ==> 总配电电缆
- main distribution center ==> 主配电中心
- main distribution frame ==> 主分配机架,主配电板
- main draft ==> 主牵伸
- main drag conveyer ==> 主牵引运输机
- main drain ==> 主排水沟,排水总管,总排水管
- main drain system ==> 主泄水系统
- main drain trap ==> 总存水湾
- main drainage ditch ==> 总排水沟
- main drift ==> 主平巷
- main drive ==> 主传动,主传动装置
- main drive control ==> 主传动操纵手柄
- main drive gear ==> 主传动齿轮,主传动机构
- main drive gear bearing ==> 主传动齿轮轴承,主动齿轮轴承
- main drive gear bearing cap ==> 主动齿轮轴承盖
- main drive gear bearing oil slinger ==> 主动齿轮轴承抛油环
- main drive gear bearing retainer ==> 主动齿轮轴承护圈
- main drive gear wheels ==> 主传动机构齿轮
- main drive motor ==> 主传动电动机,主电动机
- main drive pinion ==> 主传动小齿轮,主动小齿轮
- main drive shaft bearing sleeve ==> 主动轴轴承套
- main driving axle ==> 主传动轴
- main driving wheel ==> 主传动轮
- main duct ==> 主管
- main dyke ==> 干堤
- main earth station ==> 主地面站
- main earthquake ==> 主震
- main economic actors ==> 经济主体,经济主体
- main effect ==> 主效果
- main effects ==> 主要效应
- main effort ==> 主攻
- main electric power supply fuse ==> 总电源保险丝
- main electrical circuit diagram ==> 电器主结线
- main electrical connection scheme ==> 电气主接线,根据电能输送和分配的要求,表示主要电气设备相互之间的连接关系,以及
- main electrical equipment layout ==> 电气主设备布置,将电气主结线所确定的各项电气主设备进行合理布置的设计工作
- main electrod ==> 主电极
- main electrode ==> 主电极=>主電極
- main element ==> 主要元素,主振子=>主要素
- main emergency feeder ==> 主应急馈电线
- main engine ==> 主发动机
- main engine abnormal ==> 主机失常
- main engine control center ==> 主机中央操纵台
- main engine control program ==> 主机操纵程序
- main engine maneuvering stand ==> 主机操纵台
- main engine operation console ==> 主机操纵台
- main engine overhauling crane ==> 主机解体检修用吊车
- main engine remote control system ==> 主机遥控系统
- main engine revolution indicator ==> 主机转数表
- main entrance ==> 主要入口,总入口
- main entrance signal ==> 主无线电指标信号
- main entry ==> 主要煤巷
- main entry address ==> 主入口地址
- main entry door ==> 主入口
- main entry point ==> 主入口点
- main environments ==> 主要的外界条件
- main equipment ==> 主要设备
- main erase head ==> 主抹音磁头
- main exchange ==> 电话总局
- main exciter ==> 主励磁机
- main exciter response ratio ==> 主励磁机反应系数
- main exhaust ==> 主排气
- main exhaust fan ==> 主排风机
- main fairway ==> 主航道
- main fan ==> 主扇风机
- main fault ==> 主断层
- main feature ==> 主要特点
- main feed ==> 主馈,主馈线
- main feed check (valve) ==> 主给水止回阀
- main feed line ==> 主给水管路
- main feed line break accident,MFLB ==> 主给水管道破裂事故,压水堆核电厂中蒸汽发生器与给水逆止阀之间的主给水管道破裂引起的事故。它是“二回路系统引起的排热减少”类事故(失去热阱事故)中最严重的一种,属Ⅳ类工况(极限事故)
- main feed pipe ==> 主给水泵,主供风管
- main feed pump ==> 主给水泵
- main feed water pump ==> 主给水泵
- main feedback loop ==> 主反馈回路
- main feedback path ==> 主反馈通道
- main feeder ==> 主馈电线,总馈电线,总馈线
- main fermentation ==> 主发酵
- main field circuit ==> 主励磁回路,主磁场回路
- main field focusing ==> 主场聚焦
- main field winding ==> 主磁场绕组
- main file ==> 主存储,主文件
- main filter ==> 主滤器
- main firing ==> 电源引爆
- main fixed station ==> 主固定站
- main float ==> 主浮筒
- main flood ==> 主涨流
- main floor ==> (船体)主肋板
- main floor unit ==> (小客车车身等的)主底板总成
- main flow ==> 主流
- main flow orifice plate ==> 主流量喷嘴
- main flue ==> 主烟道,总烟道
- main flue damper ==> 总烟道闸板
- main flux ==> 主磁通=>主磁束
- main focusing lens ==> 主聚焦透镜
- main food ==> 主要粮食,主要食粮
- main forest-road ==> 主林道
- main forge ==> 总锻工车间
- main forward path ==> 主正向通路
- main fracture ==> 主破裂
- main fram ==> 主林班线
- main frame ==> 主机,主机架,主架,低盘,大型机,承力隔框,总配线架,中央处理,中央处理机
- main frame maker ==> 主机制造者
- main frame memory ==> 主体存储器
- main frequency ==> 电源频率
- main frequency coreless inductio furnace ==> 无芯工频感应电炉
- main frequency furnace ==> 工频感应炉,工频炉
- main fuel ==> 主要燃料
- main fuel control ==> 主燃料调节器
- main fuel filter ==> 主滤油器
- main fuel pump ==> 主燃油泵
- main fuel shut down device ==> 主燃料遮断装置
- main fuel spray nozzle ==> 主喷油嘴,主燃料喷嘴
- main fuel tank ==> 主油箱
- main fuel valve ==> 主燃油阀
- main furnace building ==> 炼钢炉主厂房
- main fuse ==> 主熔断器,主保险丝
- main gallery pipe ==> 主轴承润滑油管
- main gangway ==> 主运输平巷
- main gap ==> 主间隙
- main gas charge ==> (可燃混合气)主充气
- main gas container ==> 主储气器
- main gas pipe ==> 总煤气管
- main gate ==> 主选择脉冲,主电闸,工作闸门,水工建筑物正常运行时经常工作、可以在动水中启闭,以完成档水、泄水、取水和输水等各项任务的闸门
- main gate generator ==> 主门发生器
- main gating pulse ==> 主选通脉冲
- main gear ==> 大齿轮,主传动,主传动装置
- main gear wheel ==> 主大齿轮
- main generating set ==> 主发电机组
- main generating station ==> 主发电站
- main generator ==> 主发电机=>主発電機
- main girder ==> 主大梁
- main glow peak ==> 主发光峰
- main grid ==> 主栅
- main group ==> 主族
- main group element ==> 主族元素
- main harmonic ==> 主谐波
- main hatch ==> 主舱口
- main haulage ==> 主要运输,主运输大巷
- main haulage conveyor ==> 主要运输机,主运输机
- main haulage cross-cut ==> 主要运输石门
- main haulage horizon ==> 主运输水平
- main haulage level ==> 主要运输水平
- main haulage road ==> 主要运输平巷
- main haulage track ==> 主运输道
- main haulage tunnel ==> 主要运输平硐
- main haulageway ==> 主运输道
- main header ==> 总集气管
- main header casing ==> 顶部罩
- main heat sink ==> 主热井
- main heater control switch ==> 主加热器控制开关
- main highway ==> 主要公路,公路干线
- main hoist ==> 主井提升机,主升降机构
- main hold ==> 主货舱
- main hollow spindle ==> 主空心轴
- main hook ==> 主钩
- main hopper feeder ==> 总给棉机
- main hydraulic power plant ==> 主液压系统泵装置
- main hydraulic ram ==> 主液压活塞
- main hydraulic system ==> 主液压系统
- main hydrolysis ==> 主水解
- main IF amplifier ==> 主中频放大器
- main image ==> 主像
- main injection valve ==> 主喷射阀
- main inlet control value ==> 主调节阀
- main inlet control valve ==> 主调节阀
- main inlet throttle-stop valve ==> 主汽门
- main input ==> 主输入
- main input into agriculture ==> 农业主要投资
- main instruction buffer ==> 主指令缓冲器
- main insulation ==> 主绝缘
- main insulation test ==> 主绝缘试验
- main intake ==> 主进风道
- main intermediate-frequency amplifier ==> 主中频放大器
- main internal memory ==> 主内存储器,主存储器
- main investigation ==> 主要勘探工作
- main irrigation canal ==> 灌溉干渠,灌溉主渠,灌溉总渠
- main isolating valve ==> 主隔离阀
- main jet ==> 主量孔
- main jet spray hole ==> 主量孔喷油孔
- main jet tube ==> 主量孔喷油管
- main jib ==> 主臂
- main job ==> 主要工程
- main joint ==> 主节理
- main joist of suspended ceiling ==> 吊顶主龙骨
- main journal ==> 主轴颈
- main junction box ==> 主配电箱
- main kiln room ==> 炉子工作区
- main knitting station ==> 主成圈区
- main land ==> 本土
- main laser ==> 主激光器
- main lead ==> 主引出线,母线
- main leads and associated equipment ==> [发电机]引出线和有关设备,从发电机出线端子到升压变压器或发电机电压配电装置之间的电气主回路引线和设备以及发电机中性点设备。它主要包括发电机分相隔离母线、发电机断路器、发电机出线侧和中性点侧的电流互感器、发电机出线侧的电压互感器及过电压保护装置、中性点侧接地设施或过电压保护装置等
- main leaf ==> 主片
- main leaf of spring ==> 钢板弹簧主片
- main leakage ==> 主漏磁通
- main lens ==> 主透镜
- main levee ==> 主堤,干堤,在河道干流两侧所建保护两岸地区安全的堤
- main level ==> 主要水平
- main lever ==> 主杠杆
- main lifting elevator ==> 主升运器
- main lighting ==> 主照明
- main limit switch ==> 主限制开关
- main line ==> 主管路,主线,干线,总管=>幹線路
- main line block ==> 牵引索滑车
- main line load ==> 干线负载
- main line of sight ==> 主视线
- main line section ==> 主干线部分
- main lines of communication ==> 交通干线
- main link ==> 主リンク
- main loading level ==> 主要装载水平
- main lobe ==> 主叶,主瓣,主波瓣=>主ローブ
- main longitudinal girder ==> 主纵梁
- main loss ==> 主要损失
- main lubricating oil pump ==> 主润滑油泵
- main lymphatic channel ==> 总淋巴管
- main machine hall ==> 主厂房
- main machine over speed ==> 主機過速度
- main machinery console ==> 主机操纵台
- main machinery control(s) ==> 主机控制机构
- main magnet ==> 主磁铁
- main magnet coil ==> 主磁铁线圈
- main magnet ring ==> 主磁铁环
- main magnet winding ==> 主磁铁绕组
- main magnetic field ==> 主磁场
- main magnetic flux ==> 主磁通=>主磁束
- main magnetic path ==> 主磁路
- main manifold ==> 主歧管
- main manufacturing plant ==> 主要制造设备
- main mark ==> 主要标记,主要唛头,主标志
- main material ==> 主要材料
- main maximum ==> 主峰,主最大值
- main meal products ==> 主食品
- main means of transport ==> 主要运输手段
- main medium ==> 主培养基,主要培养基
- main member ==> 主构件
- main memory ==> 主存储器=>主記憶装置
- main memory address ==> 主存地址
- main memory priority ==> 主存储器优先数
- main memory protection ==> 主存储器保护
- main metering jet ==> 主测油孔,主量孔
- main mill ==> 主轧机
- main mill drive motor ==> 轧机主传动电机
- main mode ==> 主模
- main monitor rack ==> 主监视台
- main monitoring panel ==> 中央監視盤
- main mooring line ==> 主系索
- main motion ==> 主运动
- main motor ==> 主电动机
- main motor contactor ==> 主电动接触器
- main movement ==> 主运动
- main muffler ==> 主消声器
- main nectar flow ==> 主要流蜜期
- main nerve ==> 主脉
- main network ==> 主网路
- main nozzle retainer spring ==> 主喷嘴扣紧簧
- main number ==> 主要数字
- main nutrient elements ==> 主要营养元素
- main objective of crop husbandry ==> 作物栽培的主要目的
- main office ==> 总办事处,总局
- main oil conduit ==> 主机油道
- main oil distributing passage ==> 主油道
- main oil gallery ==> 主油道
- main oil pipe ==> 主润滑油管,主油管
- main oil pump ==> 主油泵,汽轮机运行时,为调节油系统和润滑油系统提供压力油的泵
- main oil reservoir ==> 主储油器
- main operating panel ==> 中央操作盤
- main operation ==> 主操作
- main operation control program ==> 主操作控制程序
- main operation house-keeping routine ==> 主操作内务程序
- main or first infection ==> 主要的或第一次侵染
- main orbit ==> 主轨道
- main orebody ==> 主矿体
- main oscillations ==> 主振荡
- main oscillator ==> 主振荡器
- main panel ==> 主控制屏
- main parameter ==> 主要参数
- main part ==> 主体
- main partition ==> 主分区,主划分
- main path ==> 主通路,主要途径
- main PBX ==> 总专用分交换机
- main peak ==> 主峰
- main pedestal ==> 总轴架
- main performance ==> 主要性能
- main performance index ==> 主要性能指标
- main phase ==> 主相
- main phase ring current ==> 主相环电流
- main picture monitor ==> 主图像监视器
- main pin ==> 主销,中心销
- main pin brass ==> 主销铜衬
- main pin brass cotter set screw ==> 主销铜衬扁销止动螺钉
- main pinion ==> 主小齿轮
- main pip ==> 主标记
- main pipe ==> 主管,主管道,干管,总管,总引水管
- main pipe line ==> 总管系,主管道
- main pipeline ==> 主管路
- main piston ==> 主活塞
- main piston bushing ==> 主活塞衬套
- main piston ring ==> 主活塞涨圈
- main placenta ==> 主胎盤
- main plane ==> 主平面,主翼面
- main plate ==> 主夹板
- main plate enlargement ring ==> 主夹板衬框
- main plate nut ==> 主夹板螺母
- main plot ==> 主区,主小区,整区
- main plunger ==> 主活塞
- main point ==> 主穴
- main points ==> 大意
- main points of new planned system ==> 新计划体制的基本点
- main pole ==> 主磁极,主杆,主极=>主磁極
- main pole core ==> 主磁极铁心
- main pole gap ==> 主磁极间隙
- main pole piece ==> 主极靴
- main pole winding ==> 主极绕组
- main portion ==> 主要部分
- main ports ==> 主要港口
- main post ==> 主杆,主柱=>主柱材
- main power auxiliaries ==> 主动力系统辅助设备
- main power building arrangement of thermal power plant ==> 火力发电厂主厂房布置,火力发电厂锅炉和汽轮机-发电机组等主辅设备及仪表、管线在主厂房内的布置
- main power building of thermal power plant ==> 火力发电厂主厂房,火力发电厂中由汽轮机-发电机组厂房、锅炉房、除氧间、煤仓间、厂用配电装置室、集中控制室及引风机室等部分组成的联合建筑群
- main power building structure construction ==> 主厂房结构施工,火力发电厂主厂房采用钢筋混凝土结构或钢结构,也有采用外包钢混凝土结构和钢管混凝土结构的
- main power jet ==> 主射流
- main power path ==> 主要能流
- main power plant ==> 主动力装置
- main power station ==> 主发电厂
- main power supply ==> 主电源
- main power system ==> 主动力系统
- main precipitation core ==> 主要降水中心
- main press ==> 主压榨
- main procedure ==> 主过程
- main processer ==> 主处理机
- main processing block ==> 主处理部件
- main production plant ==> 主要生产装置
- main products ==> 主要产品
- main program ==> 主プログラム
- main program cycle ==> 主程序循环
- main program data area ==> 主程序数据区
- main program register ==> 主程序寄存器
- main program sequence ==> 主要程序步骤
- main programme ==> 主程序
- main propelling machinery ==> 主推进装置
- main propulsion gas turbine ==> 主燃气轮机
- main propulsion unit ==> 主推进装置
- main propulsive load ==> 主推进装置负载
- main protection ==> 主保护装置,主保护,满足系统稳定和设备安全要求,能以最快速度有选择地切除被保护设备和线路的保护=>主保護(継電器)
- main protection,〔primary protection (USA)〕 ==> 主保護,Protection normally expected to take the initiative in case of a fault in the protected zone.,Protection expected to have priority in initiating fault clearance or an action to terminate an abnormal condition in a power system.
- main protective relay ==> 主保護リレー
- main pull rod ==> 主拉杆
- main pulley for secondary change-speed ==> 二级变速主皮带轮
- main pulse ==> 主脉冲
- main pulse referennce group ==> 主基脉冲群
- main pump ==> 主泵
- main quantum number ==> 主量子数
- main railway line ==> 铁路干线
- main ram ==> 主锤
- main range circuit ==> 主测距电路
- main raw material(s) ==> 主要原材料
- main ray ==> (藻类)主射枝
- main reaction ==> 主反应
- main receiving station ==> 主收报台
- main reducing gear ==> 主减速器
- main reef ==> 主矿层
- main reflector ==> 主反射器
- main reinforcement ==> 主钢筋=>主筋
- main reinforcing steel ==> 主钢筋
- main relay ==> 主继电器
- main relay valve ==> 主继电器控制管
- main repeater section ==> 主中断段
- main repeater station ==> 总中断站
- main reservoir ==> 主风缸,主贮气器
- main reservoir chamber cap ==> 储气主室盖
- main reservoir drain cock ==> 储气主筒放水旋塞
- main reservoir outlet cock ==> 储气主筒开放旋塞
- main reservoir pipe ==> 总储气管
- main resonance ==> 主谐振
- main response ==> 主响应
- main retarder ==> 主减速器
- main return ==> 主回风道
- main return air current ==> 主回风流
- main return-airway ==> 主回风道
- main rib ==> 主肋
- main ride ==> 主林道
- main rim ==> 主轮缘
- main ring ==> 主环
- main riser ==> 主立管,总立管
- main river ==> 主要河流,干流
- main road ==> 干道,主要道路
- main rod ==> 主杆
- main rod bearing ==> 主杆轴承
- main rod brass wedge bolt ==> 主杆铜楔螺栓
- main rod guard ==> 主杆护架
- main rod strap ==> 主杆套
- main rod strap bolt ==> 主杆套螺栓
- main roof ==> 主炉顶,主顶板
- main root ==> 直根,主根
- main rope ==> 主绳
- main rotor ==> 主旋翼,主转子
- main route ==> 主要路线
- main routine ==> 主程序
- main rudder ==> 主舵
- main runner ==> 主铁水沟,吊顶主龙骨
- main running signal ==> 主体信号
- main saddle ==> 纵向刀架,主刀架
- main scale ==> 主尺
- main scale mark ==> 主标度线,主刻度线
- main scanning ==> 主扫描
- main scavenging pump ==> 主排气泵,主轴气泵,主抽气泵
- main schedule ==> 正表
- main scheduler ==> 主调度程序
- main scheduling routine ==> 主调度程序
- main sea ==> 开阔海面
- main sea water system ==> 主海水系统
- main seam ==> 主矿层
- main selector ==> 主选择开关
- main separating door ==> 主风流隔开风门
- main sequence ==> 主星序,主序
- main sequence star ==> 主序星,矮星
- main service ==> 总配水管
- main service fuse ==> 总火线保险,总火线保险器,进户线熔断器
- main service panel ==> 主配电盘
- main servomotor ==> 主伺服马达
- main set ==> 主机组
- main sewer ==> 污水干管
- main shaft ==> 主茎,主井
- main shaft bearing ==> 主轴轴承
- main shaft bearing cap ==> 主轴轴承盖
- main shaft bearing cover ==> 主轴轴承盖
- main shaft cable ==> 主轴电缆=>立坑ケーブル
- main shaft cap ==> 主轴盖
- main shaft key ==> 主轴键
- main shaft low and reverse sliding gear ==> 主轴低速及倒车滑动齿轮
- main shaft magnetized ==> 机组主轴磁化,发电机在运行中有轴电压,如原有绝缘隔离措施失效,可能产生较大的轴电流,使主轴和机组其它部件磁化
- main shaft overdrive gear ==> 主轴超速传动齿轮
- main shaft speed ==> 主轴转速
- main shaft yoke ==> 主轴轭
- main shear wire ==> 主剪力线
- main shield ==> 主屏蔽
- main shock ==> 主震,本震
- main shock strut ==> 主减震支柱
- main shock-after shock type ==> 主震余震型
- main shoe ==> 主滑脚
- main shoe casting ==> 主滑脚铸件
- main shop ==> 主车间
- main shrine ==> 主殿
- main shut-down ==> 主停机系统
- main shut-down system ==> 主停机系统
- main shut-off handle ==> 主截止手柄
- main shut-off valve ==> 总关闭阀
- main side ==> 主侧
- main sideband ==> 主边带
- main signal ==> 主信号,主信号机=>主信号機
- main signalling equipment ==> 总信号设备
- main sill ==> 主底梁
- main slant ==> 主斜井
- main slide valve ==> 主滑阀
- main slope ==> 主斜井
- main smithy ==> 总锻工车间
- main soil group ==> 主要土类
- main soil type ==> 大土类
- main solenoid ==> 主螺线管
- main source ==> 主源
- main source of electric power ==> 主电源
- main span ==> 主跨
- main specifications ==> 主要规格
- main speed ==> 基本速度
- main speed reduction box ==> 主减速箱
- main spindle box ==> 主轴箱
- main spindle hand feed ==> 主轴手动进给
- main spindle head ==> 主轴箱
- main spindle quill ==> 主轴套管
- main split ==> 主分支
- main spot ==> 主黑子
- main spring ==> 击针簧,主弹簧
- main spring leaf ==> 主弹簧片
- main stalk ==> 主茎
- main stalk rot ==> 蕉轴腐烂
- main stand ==> 主林分
- main starting air valve ==> 主起动空气阀
- main starting valve ==> 主起动阀
- main station ==> 主站
- main station peg ==> 主测站标桩
- main stay ==> 主桅前支索
- main steam ==> 主蒸汽
- main steam and feed water system ==> 主蒸汽与给水系统
- main steam control valve ==> 主蒸気加減弁
- main steam header ==> 主蒸汽集管
- main steam line ==> 主蒸汽管道
- main steam line break accident,MSLB ==> 主蒸汽管道破裂事故,压水堆核电厂中蒸汽发生器出口主蒸汽管道破裂造成大量蒸汽外喷的事故。它是“二回路系统引起的排热增加”类事故(冷水事故)中最严重的一种,属Ⅳ类工况(极限事故)
- main steam pipe ==> 主汽管,主蒸汽管
- main steam pressure control ==> 主汽压力控制,汽轮机控制系统功能之一:根据主汽阀前汽压与主汽压力设定值之间的偏差控制调节汽门开度,以维持主汽压力在设定值
- main steam pressure regulator ==> 主蒸汽压力调节器,当主蒸汽压力变化到一定值时,调整调节阀开度的装置
- main steam range ==> 蒸汽总管
- main steam system ==> 主蒸汽系统,来自锅炉过热器出口的蒸汽经过主蒸汽管道、主汽阀、调节汽阀和汽轮机的蒸汽室,至进入高压缸的设备和管道的组合
- main steam valve ==> 主汽阀,主蒸汽阀
- main steam-piping system ==> 主蒸汽管道系统
- main steering arm ==> 主转向臂,总转向杆
- main steering equipment ==> 主操舵装置
- main steering gear ==> 主操舵装置
- main stem ==> 主茎,主要街道
- main step bearing ==> 主支承轴承
- main steps ==> 主轴承瓦,主轴承轴瓦
- main stock ==> 下舵杆
- main stop valve ==> 主截止阀,主停汽阀,主汽阀,使主蒸汽进入汽轮机并能快速关闭的阀门。用作汽轮机运行危急时的保护机构=>主蒸気止め弁
- main stor(e)y ==> 主层
- main storage ==> 主存储器,主寄存器=>主記憶装置
- main storage area ==> 主存储区
- main storage buffer ==> 主存储器缓冲区,主存缓冲区
- main storage controller ==> 主存储器控制装置
- main storage need ==> 主存储器需要量
- main storage requirement ==> 主存储器需要量
- main storage switch ==> 主存储器转换机构
- main store ==> 基本记忆装置,主累加器
- main storgae dump ==> 主存储区转出
- main storry ==> 主林层
- main stream ==> 主要河流,干流
- main stream flow ==> 主流
- main street ==> 大街
- main stroke ==> 主冲程,回返闪流
- main structure ==> 主结构
- main studio ==> 中心播送室,主播送室
- main studio centre ==> 主演播中心
- main sub-station ==> 总变电站
- main subscribers station ==> 总用户话机
- main suction foot ==> 主吸入口根部
- main suit ==> 主水源
- main sump ==> 主水仓
- main supervisory panel ==> 主监视仪表板
- main supply switch ==> 总开关
- main supporting surface ==> 主支承面
- main supports ==> 主架
- main sweep ==> 主扫描
- main switch ==> 总开关=>主開閉器
- main switch (MS) ==> 主开关
- main switchboard ==> 主配电盘,总开关盘,总控制板=>主配電盤
- main switching compound ==> 主配电装置
- main symptom ==> 主证
- main synchronization pulse ==> 主同步脉冲
- main system ==> 主系统
- main tail ==> 主彗尾
- main tail feather ==> 主尾羽,舵羽
- main tank ==> 主箱
- main tapping ==> 主要分接头,主轴头,主抽头
- main targets of the plan ==> 主要计划指标
- main task ==> 主任务
- main techanical specifications ==> 主要技术规格
- main technical data ==> 主要技术数据
- main technical details ==> 主要技术数据
- main temperature controller ==> 主温度控制器
- main terminal ==> 主端子
- main test ==> 主要检验
- main test frame ==> 主试验架
- main thoroughfare ==> 主要通道
- main thread ==> 主流中泓线
- main throttle ==> 主节气门
- main throttle valve ==> 主节流阀,主汽门=>主蒸気止め弁
- main thrust ==> 主力冲击
- main tie ==> 主拉杆
- main tilting axis ==> 主倾斜轴
- main title ==> 主标题
- main track ==> 主线=>主線(鉄道)
- main traffic artery ==> 主要交通干道
- main traffic station ==> 主通信站
- main trajectory ==> 主轨道
- main transformer ==> 主变压器=>主変圧器
- main transformer station ==> 主变电所
- main transmission ==> 主传动,主传动系
- main transmit and receiver (earth) station ==> 主收发站
- main transmitter ==> 主发射台
- main transmitting station ==> 主发射台
- main transverse bulkhead ==> 主横舱壁
- main traverse line ==> 主导线
- main treatment ==> 主处理
- main trunk circuit ==> 主干线
- main trunk highway ==> 主要干线公路
- main trunk line ==> 主要干线管路
- main trunk road ==> 主要干道
- main truss ==> 主桁
- main tuning ==> 主调谐
- main turbine ==> 主涡轮机
- main turret ==> 主炮塔
- main underbeam attachment point ==> 车架纵梁联结点
- main undercarriage ==> 主起落架
- main unit ==> 主件
- main vacuum manifold ==> 主真空管道
- main valve ==> 主阀,总阀=>主弁,主機弁
- main valve bush ==> 主阀衬套
- main valve bushing ==> 主阀衬套
- main valve chamber ==> 主阀室
- main valve disc ==> 主阀盘
- main valve head cap screw ==> 主阀盖有头螺钉
- main valve plunger ==> 主阀柱塞
- main valve ring ==> 主阀环
- main valve spring ==> 主阀簧
- main valve stem ==> 主阀杆
- main valve stem nut ==> 主阀杆螺母
- main variable ==> 主变量
- main vent ==> 通气干管,(透气立管)通气立管
- main vent tube passage plug ==> 主通风管通道塞
- main venturi ==> (化油器的)主喉管
- main vertical zone ==> (消防分隔制)主竖区
- main wall ==> 主墙
- main warp ==> 主经
- main wash heating phase ==> 主洗加热期
- main washer ==> 主垫圈
- main waste stream ==> 主要废物源流
- main wave ==> 主波
- main weld ==> 主焊缝
- main wheel ==> 主操纵轮
- main wheel door actuating cylinder ==> 主轮舱盖作动筒
- main winding ==> 主绕组=>主巻線
- main wing ==> 主翼
- main wire bundle ==> 主电线束
- main work ==> 主体工程
- main workshop ==> 总厂
- main yard ==> 主帆桁
- main yoke ==> 主磁轭
- main(oil) tank ==> 主油箱
- main-after shock type ==> 主震余震型
- main-and-tail haulage ==> 头尾绳运输
- main-and-tail system ==> 头尾绳运输系统
- main-beam efficiency ==> 主波束效率
- main-bearing oil seal ==> 主轴承油封
- main-bearing stud ==> 主轴承螺柱
- main-engine-driven pump ==> 冷却水泵
- main-entry pillar ==> 主平巷矿柱
- main-frame ==> 主配线架,大型机
- main-gear actuating cylinder ==> 主轮收放作动筒
- main-gear box ==> 主变速箱,主齿轮箱
- main-generator breaker ==> 发电机主断路器
- main-group elements ==> 主族元素
- main-line block ==> 主索滑车
- main-line locomotive ==> 干线机车
- main-lobe solid angle ==> 主瓣立体角
- main-process stream ==> 主流程线,总流程
- main-rotor drive ==> 主旋翼传动
- main-rotor shaft ==> 主旋叶传动轴,主旋叶轴
- main-sequence fitting ==> 主序拟合
- main-slope engineer ==> 主斜井卷扬机司机
- main-supply ==> 主供水管,供电干线
- main-supply road ==> 主要补给线路
- main-topmast ==> 主中桅
- main-topmast shroud ==> メーントップマストシュラウド
- main-truck ==> 主桅冠
- main-vault shielding ==> (加速器)主厅屏蔽
- main-water ==> 自来水
- main-wheel ==> 主轮
- main-wheel strut ==> 主轮支柱
- mainframe computer ==> 主计算机
- mainframe program ==> 主机程序
- mainlaying cost ==> 管道装设费用
- mainly through the root hairs near the root tip ==> 主要通过根尖附近的根毛
- mains ==> 干线,电源
- mains connection set ==> 电源设备
- mains cord ==> 电源软线
- mains filter ==> 电源滤波器
- mains frequency ==> 电源频率
- mains frequency coreless induction melting furnace ==> 工频无芯感应熔炼炉
- mains frequency indicator ==> 电源频率指示器
- mains interruption ==> 系统供电中断
- mains jack ==> 电源插座
- mains lighting supply ==> 照明电源
- mains medium frequency induction heating equipment ==> 工中频感应加热设备
- mains power supply ==> 电力网供电,系统供电
- mains receiver ==> 交流接收机
- mains ripple ==> 供电电压波动,电压脉动
- mains side ==> 电源侧
- mains supply ==> 电网供电,市电电源
- mains switch ==> 电源开关
- mains transformer ==> 馈电变压器
- mains unit ==> 供电整流器
- mains voltage ==> 电源电压
- mains voltage fluctuation ==> 电源电压波动
- mains voltage heating ==> 干线电压加热
- mains-frequency ==> 工业频率
- mains-frequency coreless induction furnace ==> 工频无芯感应炉
- mainshaft 3rd speed gear ==> 主轴第三速齿轮
- mainshaft 3rd speed gear bushing ==> 主轴第三速齿轮套
- mainshaft 3rd speed gear roller ==> 主轴第三速齿轮轴承滚针
- mainshaft ball bearing ==> 主轴滚珠轴承
- mainshaft bearing ==> 主轴轴承
- mainshaft bearing cap gasket ==> 主轴轴承盖垫密片
- mainshaft bearing oil seal ==> 主轴轴承油封
- mainshaft bearing oil slinger ==> 主轴轴承抛油环
- mainshaft bearing retainer ==> 主轴轴承护圈
- mainshaft bearing roller ==> 主轴轴承滚柱
- mainshaft bushing ==> 主轴衬套
- mainshaft differential gear ==> 主轴差速齿轮
- mainshaft differential spider ==> 主轴差速器十字架
- mainshaft differential spider pinion ==> 主轴差速十字架小齿轮
- mainshaft drive pinion ==> 主轴传动小齿轮
- mainshaft driven gear ==> 主轴从动齿轮
- mainshaft driven gear bearing ==> 主轴从动齿轮轴承
- mainshaft fifth speed gear ==> 主轴第五档齿轮
- mainshaft gear ==> 主轴齿轮
- mainshaft gear bushing ==> 主轴齿轮衬套
- mainshaft gland ==> 主轴压盖
- mainshaft high speed sliding gear ==> 主轴高速滑动齿轮
- mainshaft intermediate gear ==> 主轴中速齿轮
- mainshaft low speed sliding gear ==> 主轴低速滑动齿轮
- mainshaft nut ==> 主轴螺母
- mainshaft oil baffle ==> 主轴挡油圈
- mainshaft overdrive gear ==> 主轴超速齿轮
- mainshaft overdrive gear bushing ==> 主轴超速齿轮衬套
- mainshaft pilot bearing ==> 主轴导向轴承
- mainshaft rear bearing ==> 主轴后轴承
- mainshaft rear bearing oil seal ==> 主轴后轴承油封
- mainshaft roller bearing ==> 主轴滚柱轴承
- mainshaft sleeve ==> 主轴套
- mainshaft sleeve clamp lever ==> 主轴套筒夹紧手柄
- mainshaft sliding gear ==> 主轴滑动齿轮
- mainshaft snap ring ==> 主轴开口环
- mainshaft speed gear retainer ring ==> 主轴变速齿轮止动环
- mainshaft speed gear sleeve ==> 主轴变速齿轮套
- mainshaft synchronizer gear ==> 主轴同步齿轮
- mainshaft synchronizer gear sleeve ==> 主轴同步齿轮套
- mainshaft thrust cap ==> 主轴推压盖
- mainspring hook ==> 发条钩,主发条钩
- mainstay ==> 主要支持,主支索,大桅牵条=>頼みの綱,メーンステー
- mainstay drug ==> 主力薬
- mainstay fighters ==> 主力戦闘機
- mainstay for treatment ==> 治療の中心
- maintain ==> 保持,维持
- maintain confidentiality ==> 保守秘密
- maintain contact ==> 保持接触
- maintain railways ==> 养路
- maintain value ==> 保值
- maintainability ==> 可维护性,维修性=>保守性
- maintainability function ==> 可维护度函数,可维修性函数
- maintainability index ==> 保养率指数
- maintainable economic welfare amount ==> 可维持的经济福利量
- maintainable root ==> 支持根
- maintainance line ==> 保持系
- maintained command ==> 保持命令,一种输出信号到运行设备的命令,它能维持其信号直到状态改变被执行为止,或者到长于最慢运行设备响应的预定延时结束为止
- maintained load test (ML-test) ==> 维持荷载法
- maintained position contact ==> 保持形接点
- maintained tuning fork ==> 音叉振荡器
- maintainer line ==> 保持系
- maintaining account ==> 维持帐户
- maintaining furnace ==> 保温炉
- maintaining power ==> 储能器件
- maintaining valve ==> 保持阀
- maintaining voltage ==> 维持电压
- maintenace point ==> 维修点
- maintenance ==> 维持,维护,养护,固位法,保养=>保守,メンテナンス
- maintenance analysis review technique ==> 维修分析检查技术
- maintenance and after installation services ==> 维修及安装后保养工作
- maintenance and operation ==> 维护与操作
- maintenance and operation of program ==> 程序维护和操作
- maintenance and overhaul ==> 维修
- maintenance and overhaul (M & O) ==> 保养与大修
- maintenance and repair ==> 保养与修理,维护与修理,维修,维修与保养
- maintenance and repair cost ==> 维修费用
- maintenance and repair parts ==> 维修备件
- maintenance and repairs ==> 保养及修理
- maintenance and service (MS) ==> 维修和使用,维修与使用
- maintenance application ==> 护养施肥
- maintenance area ==> 维修区,养护面积
- maintenance attendance cost ==> 维修费
- maintenance bond ==> 保修协议
- maintenance building ==> 养路工房
- maintenance capacity ==> 检修容量,电力系统中按计划进行保养或检修专门装置的容量
- maintenance care ==> 保养管理,技术维护
- maintenance center ==> 维护中心
- maintenance certificate ==> 维修证书
- maintenance charge ==> 维护费用
- maintenance code ==> 维护编号卡
- maintenance concept ==> 保守コンセプト
- maintenance control center ==> 维护控制中心
- maintenance control data ==> 维护控制数据
- maintenance control panel ==> 维护控制板
- maintenance control report (MCR) ==> 维修管理报告
- maintenance control retry register ==> 维护控制重算寄存器
- maintenance control signal ==> 维护控制信号
- maintenance cost ==> 维持消耗,维护费用,维修成本,保养费
- maintenance crew ==> 维修队,养护工队
- maintenance current ==> 维持电流
- maintenance data ==> 运用数据
- maintenance data system ==> 维护数据系统
- maintenance department ==> 维修部门
- maintenance depot ==> 养护补给站,保养工场,修理厂,修配厂
- maintenance division ==> 养路段,维护分队
- maintenance dose ==> 维持剂量,维持量
- maintenance down time ==> 维修时间,修复时间
- maintenance downtime ==> 停修时间
- maintenance dredging ==> 维护性疏浚
- maintenance drill ==> 技术维修训练
- maintenance engineer ==> 维修工程师,养护工程师
- maintenance engineering ==> 保养工程
- maintenance equipment ==> 养路设备,维护设备
- maintenance establishment ==> 保养编制,保养机构
- maintenance evaluation test ==> 保养鉴定试验
- maintenance expenditure ==> 养护开支
- maintenance expense ==> 维护费用,维修费用
- maintenance facility ==> 维护设备,维修设备,辅助设备
- maintenance factor ==> 维护系数=>保守率
- maintenance fee ==> 特許維持費
- maintenance fertilizer ==> 保养肥
- maintenance fitter ==> 维修钳工
- maintenance food ==> 维持生命所需的食物
- maintenance force ==> 养护工队
- maintenance foreman ==> 养路领班
- maintenance frame ==> 维修帧
- maintenance free ==> 不需维护,不需维修
- maintenance free battery ==> 免维护蓄电池
- maintenance free operation ==> 不需维护的运行
- maintenance frequency ==> 维修次数
- maintenance function ==> 保全度関数
- maintenance gang ==> 维修组
- maintenance handbook ==> 维护手册
- maintenance instruction ==> 维护说明,保养说明,保养指南
- maintenance instruction (regulation) ==> 技术维护规程
- maintenance instructions ==> 维护说明书
- maintenance interval ==> 检修间隔,二次相同等级检修之间的相隔时间
- maintenance kit ==> 保养箱,修理包,成套维修器材
- maintenance levels ==> 维护水平
- maintenance load ==> 维修工作量
- maintenance log ==> 维修保养记录,保养记录表,保养时程表
- maintenance logistics ==> 保养勤务,技术保证
- maintenance machinery ==> 养路机械
- maintenance man ==> 维修工,维修人员
- maintenance manipulation ==> 养路工作
- maintenance manpower ==> 维修人力
- maintenance manual ==> 保养手册,维修手册=>保守説明書
- maintenance manual(MM) ==> 维护保养手册
- maintenance margin ==> 保证金下限,维持保证金,维持账户的最低保证金,通常相当于初始保证金的75%
- maintenance marketing ==> 维持性行销
- maintenance media ==> 维持液
- maintenance method ==> 保养方法
- maintenance method by ice plug ==> 冰塞检修法,在重水系统中,为了检修无法局部隔离的部件,利用液氮或干冰等对需要隔离的系统管道进行局部冷却,使该管段内的液体介质冻结成一段能承受相当高压的冰塞
- maintenance of breeding bulls ==> 种公牛的维持需要
- maintenance of equipment ==> 设备维修
- maintenance of estuarine channel ==> 河口航道的维护
- maintenance of nitrogen ==> 氮保存,氮的保存
- maintenance of possession ==> 保全
- maintenance of premises and equipment ==> 房屋和设备维修
- maintenance of road ==> 养路
- maintenance of soil fertility ==> 维持土壤肥力
- maintenance of value ==> 款项之保值金
- maintenance of value obligations ==> 保值债务
- maintenance of way ==> 养路,线路养护,路面维修费
- maintenance organization ==> 维修组织
- maintenance outage ==> 检修停机
- maintenance overhaul ==> 维修检查,日常维护,日常修理
- maintenance package ==> 维修器材,修理包
- maintenance paint ==> 维护涂料
- maintenance panel ==> 维护板=>保守盤
- maintenance parts list (MPL) ==> 维修部件清单
- maintenance party ==> 修理队
- maintenance period ==> 保修期,保养周期,养护周期
- maintenance personnel ==> 维修人员
- maintenance philosophy ==> 保全理念
- maintenance plan ==> 技术维护计划
- maintenance platform ==> 维修工作台
- maintenance platoon ==> 维修排
- maintenance point ==> 保养站
- maintenance practices ==> 保养程序
- maintenance prevention ==> 维护设施
- maintenance procedure ==> 维护程序=>保守方策
- maintenance process ==> 养护方法
- maintenance program ==> 维护程序,保养大纲
- maintenance program chain ==> 维护程序链
- maintenance project ==> 维修计划,保养计划
- maintenance proof cycle ==> 维护质量检查周期
- maintenance pruning ==> 护养修剪
- maintenance rate ==> 维护率
- maintenance ration ==> 维持日粮
- maintenance record ==> 维修记录
- maintenance regulation ==> 维护规则,保养细则
- maintenance regulations ==> 维护规程,检修规程
- maintenance reliability ==> 维护可靠性
- maintenance repair ==> 日常检修,日常维修
- maintenance requirement ==> 维持需要,维修要求
- maintenance reserve ==> 检修备用,为保证系统内的发电设备进行定期检修而不致影响供电,应根据系统水、火电配合及年负荷变化等情况设置一定的发电容量作为发电设备进行定期检修时的备用
- maintenance respiration ==> 维持呼吸作用
- maintenance rig ==> 维修架
- maintenance routine ==> 维修程序,定期维护,定期维修,例行维护
- maintenance safeguard ==> 维护保障措施
- maintenance schedule ==> 维修计划,维修图表=>保全計画
- maintenance schedule planning ==> 整備保全計画
- maintenance scheduling ==> メンテナンス計画
- maintenance section ==> 维修工段,保养工段,修理小组
- maintenance service ==> 修理勤务,维护业务
- maintenance service manual ==> 维修手册
- maintenance shed ==> 保养库
- maintenance ship ==> 维修工作船
- maintenance shop ==> 维修保养车间,维修工段,保养车间,保养工场,修理车间
- maintenance staff ==> 维修人员
- maintenance stand by time ==> 维修准备时间
- maintenance standard order ==> 维修标准规范
- maintenance station ==> 维修站,巡线站,巡线站
- maintenance station (point,location) ==> 技术保养与修理站
- maintenance statistics ==> 维修统计
- maintenance status ==> 修理情况,保养状况
- maintenance stores ==> 保养器材
- maintenance superintendent ==> 养路段长
- maintenance supply ==> 维修器材
- maintenance support ==> 技术维护
- maintenance survey ==> 养路测量
- maintenance switching ==> 维修轮换
- maintenance team ==> 保养组,修理组
- maintenance technician ==> 修理行业的技术人员
- maintenance technologies ==> 保全技術
- maintenance test ==> 维护测试,维护试验=>定期試験
- maintenance test equipment ==> 维护测试设备,技术维护试验设备
- maintenance tool ==> 修理工具,维修工具
- maintenance train ==> 修理列车
- maintenance treatment ==> 维持治疗
- maintenance unit ==> 维修装置
- maintenance vehicle ==> 维修服务车,修理车
- maintenance with rent ==> 以租养房
- maintenance work ==> 维护工作,维修工程,日常维修,护修工作
- maintenance work planning ==> 作業停止計画
- maintenance worker ==> 维修工,保养工
- maintenance-free ==> 不用维护的
- maintenance-free bearing ==> 自润滑轴承
- maintenance-free operation ==> 不需维修的运行
- maintenance-test method ==> 维护测试法
- maintenancefree operation ==> 不需维护的运行
- mainvocal microphone ==> 主声拾音器
- maise seeder units ==> 玉米播种装置
- maize ==> 玉蜀黍=>トウモロコシ,モロコシ,コーン
- maize army worm ==> 玉米粘虫
- maize billbug ==> 玉米象虫
- maize binder ==> 玉米割捆机
- maize borer ==> 玉米螟虫
- maize bran ==> トウモロコシふすま
- maize cribbler ==> 玉米脱粒机
- maize cutter ==> 玉米收割机
- maize cutting attachment ==> 玉米收割附加装置
- maize dough ==> トウモロコシ生地
- maize drill ==> 玉米播种机
- maize fibre ==> 玉蜀黍蛋白纤维
- maize flour ==> 玉米粉
- maize germ ==> 玉米胚油
- maize germ meal ==> 玉米胚饼粉
- maize grinder ==> 玉米粉碎机
- maize grown for silage ==> 作为青贮饲料种植的玉米
- maize gruel ==> 玉米粥
- maize harvesting machine ==> 玉米收获机
- maize head attachment ==> 玉米收摘附加装置
- maize meal ==> 玉米粉
- maize oil ==> 玉米油
- maize oil soap ==> 玉米油皂
- maize picker ==> 玉米摘穗机
- maize picker-husker ==> 玉米摘穗剥苞叶机
- maize picker-sheller ==> 玉米摘穗脱粒机
- maize planting attachment ==> 玉米排种附加装置
- maize rains ==> 玉米雨季
- maize sheller ==> 玉米脱粒机
- maize smut ==> 玉米黑粉病
- maize stalk ==> 玉米秆
- maize starch ==> 玉蜀黍淀粉
- maize straw ==> 玉米秆
- maize streak ==> 玉米条纹毒病
- maize yellow ==> 玉米黄色
- maizena ==> 玉米粉
- maizenate ==> 玉蜀黍酸盐
- Majac mill ==> 马杰磨
- majestic ==> 雄大な,壮大な
- majestic babbitt alloy ==> 高级巴比特合金
- majestic forest ==> 壮大な森
- majestic hotel ==> 立派なホテル
- Majiabang culture pottery ==> 马家滨文化陶器
- Majiayiao type pottery ==> 马家窑类型陶器
- majolica colour ==> 锡釉彩陶用色料
- majolica glaze ==> 锡釉彩陶釉
- major accident ==> 主要事故
- major advantage ==> 主要优点
- major air cell ==> 主空气室
- major antigen ==> 主要抗原
- major arc ==> 大弧,优弧
- major avenues of approach ==> 主要通路
- major axis ==> 长轴
- major break down ==> 大事故
- major broadcasts ==> 主要广播节目
- major calorie ==> 大卡
- major cause of failure ==> 断裂的主要原因
- major character ==> 主要特征
- major chemical company ==> 大型化学公司
- major combination ==> 全套,主要机组
- major conjugate angle ==> 优共轭角
- major conjugate arc ==> 优共轭弧
- major conjugate segment ==> 优共轭弓形
- major constituent ==> 主组分
- major construction technical schemes ==> 主要施工技术方案,电力工程的主要设备安装、主要土建工程及关键项目施工的技术方案
- major control ==> 主要控制
- major control break ==> 主要控制断路
- major control change ==> 主要控制改变,高位控制变更
- major control data ==> 主控数据
- major control field ==> 主要控制字段
- major control point ==> 主要控制点
- major corn seed ==> 大粒玉米种子
- major critical component ==> 主要关键部件
- major cross street ==> 主要横街
- major customers ==> 主納入先
- major cutting ==> 主切削刃
- major cycle ==> 主循环,大循环,大周期
- major cycling hysteresis ==> 大周期磁滞
- major defect ==> 主要缺陷
- major dense line ==> 主致密线
- major diameter fit of spline ==> 花键外径配合
- major digestive enzymes ==> 主要消化酯
- major digestive enzymes of farm animals ==> 家畜的主要消化
- major dimension ==> 主要尺寸
- major directional desire line ==> 主流倾向线
- major dispositions ==> 主要配置
- major drainage basin ==> 大流域
- major earthquake ==> 大地震,主震
- major economy ==> 较大范围的经济
- major element ==> 大量元素,主要元素
- major equipment ==> 主要设备
- major exit (of interchange) ==> (互通式立体交叉的)主要驶出口
- major extensions or improvements to existing roads ==> 对现有道路作重大扩建或改善
- major face ==> 主面
- major factor ==> 主要因素
- major failure ==> 主要故障,严重失效
- major fault ==> 主断层
- major fault zone ==> 主断层带
- major faulty sections in governors ==> 調速装置の主な故障発生箇所
- major feedback ==> 主反馈
- major fertilizer elements ==> 主要肥料元素,肥料三要素
- major first face ==> 第一前刀面
- major first flank ==> 第一后刀面
- major flood flow ==> 大洪水流量
- major fog signal ==> 强音雾中信号
- major fold ==> 大褶皱,主褶曲,主褶皱
- major forest ==> 主林
- major forest produces ==> 主林产物
- major forest tree ==> 主林木
- major framework ==> 主要控制网
- major freight station ==> 主要货运站
- major function ==> 主要功能,优函数
- major gene ==> 宏效基因,主要基因
- major gene resistance ==> 主效基因
- major heading ==> 主目标
- major highway artery ==> 主要公路干线
- major histocompatibility antigen ==> 主要组织相容性抗原
- major histocompatibility complex ==> 主要组织相容性复合体
- major histocompatibility system ==> 主要组织相容性系统
- major hysteresis loop ==> 主磁滞回线=>大ヒステリシス曲線
- major hysteria ==> 大歇斯底里
- major industry ==> 主要工业,大型工业,重点工业
- major inspection ==> 大检查
- major insulation ==> 主绝缘
- major item ==> 主要成品
- major item repair parts list ==> 主要项目修理零件单
- major joint ==> 主节理
- major jointing ==> 主节理
- major key ==> 主关键字,主键,常用键
- major light ==> 强光灯
- major limit ==> 大限
- major lineaments ==> 主要断裂线
- major lobe ==> 主波瓣
- major lobe of directional diagram ==> 方向图主瓣
- major loop ==> 主回路,主循环
- major materiel category ==> 主要补给品分类
- major metal ==> 主要金属
- major minor loop ==> 主副回路
- major minor rotary ==> 主要路与次要路环形交叉
- major minor type chip ==> 主副芯片
- major module ==> 主模块
- major movement ==> 主要行车方向
- major nodal earth terminal ==> 主要结点地面终端机
- major node ==> 主结点
- major operating instrument set ==> 大型外科器械包
- major operation ==> 大手术
- major parameter ==> 主要参数
- major parts ==> 主要零件
- major path ==> 主通道
- major peak ==> 主尖锋
- major physiological functions ==> 主要生理功用
- major planet ==> 大行星
- major port ==> 主要港口
- major power outage ==> 大規模停電
- major power supply ==> 主电源
- major primary structure ==> 主要原生构造
- major principal strain ==> 大主应变
- major principal stress ==> 第一主应力
- major products ==> 主要产品
- major project ==> 大型计划,重点工程,重点项目
- major psychosis ==> 重型精神病
- major radial ==> 主要辐射线
- major relay center ==> 大转报中心站
- major relay station ==> 主中继站
- major repair ==> 大修
- major repair depreciation expense ==> 大修折旧费
- major repair depreciation rate ==> 大修折旧费
- major repair expenditure ==> 大修支出
- major repair standard ==> 大修定额
- major requirement ==> 主要要求
- major revision ==> 大幅な修正
- major ride ==> 主林班线
- major river bed ==> 大河床
- major route ==> 主要途径
- major section ==> 主要段
- major semi-axis ==> 半长轴
- major service ==> 大修
- major shell ==> 主壳层
- major sized ==> 大型的
- major soil types ==> 土壤主要类型
- major spill ==> 大量流出
- major state ==> 主状态
- major state generator ==> 主态发生器,主状态发生器
- major state logic generator ==> 主状态逻辑发生器
- major structure ==> 主结构,主体结构
- major system ==> 主系统
- major system kit ==> 成套主系统
- major tank thrust ==> 主坦克突击,主要坦克冲锋
- major technique ==> 主要技术
- major terminal ==> 主要终点站
- major terms ==> 常用名词表
- major test ==> 重点试验
- major thalassemia ==> 重型地中海贫血
- major three elements of fertilizer ==> 肥料三要素
- major thrust face ==> 大推力面
- major thrust plane ==> 主逆掩断层面
- major total ==> 主要统计值,大计,总和,总计,总数
- major track ==> 主磁道
- major transactions ==> 巨额贸易,巨额贸易
- major trough ==> 主槽
- major tubercle crest ==> 大结节嵴
- major unit ==> 主机组
- major unit assemblies ==> 主机组总成,装配式主机组
- major unit assembly replacement ==> 主部件总成更换
- major wave ==> 主波,长波
- major works ==> 主业
- major yang consititution ==> 纯阳之体
- major-minor deflection ==> (显示用像管)主副偏转
- major-minor sorting ==> 主副分类
- major-orthotropic steel-plate bridge ==> 主正交各向异性钢板桥
- Majorana field ==> 马约喇纳场
- Majorana force ==> 马约喇纳力
- Majorana microphone ==> 马约喇纳传声器
- majorant ==> 强函数=>優級数
- majorant for integral ==> 强积分
- majorant operator ==> 强算子
- majorant series ==> 强级数=>優級数
- majorant topology ==> 强拓扑
- majority ==> 大部分,大多数,择多,法定年龄,多数
- majority carrier ==> 多数载流=>多数キャリヤ
- majority circuit ==> 多数決回路
- majority current ==> 多数载流电流
- majority decision ==> 多数决定法
- majority decision element ==> 多数决定元件
- majority decision gate ==> 多数决定门,多数决门,多数判定门
- majority element ==> 多数決素子,多数决定门,多数元件
- majority emitter ==> 多数载流发射极
- majority function ==> 多数決関数
- majority gate ==> 多数决定门,多数门=>多数決ゲート
- majority holding ==> 拥有半数以上股权
- majority logic ==> 多数逻辑=>多数決論理
- majority logic circuit ==> 多数逻辑电路
- majority operation ==> 多数操作,多数逻辑运算=>多数決演算
- majority organ ==> 多数符合元件,多数元件
- majority principle ==> 多数原理
- majority-decision element ==> 择多判定元素
- majority-logic decodable code ==> 大数逻辑可解码
- majority-owned subsidiary ==> 拥有过半数股权的附属机构
- majority-rule decoding algorithm ==> 择多译码算法
- majorization ==> 优化
- majorized function ==> 优化函数
- majorized set ==> 优化集
- majorizing linear mapping ==> 优化线性映射
- majorizing sequence ==> 优化序列
- Makalian wet phase ==> 马卡拉潮湿期
- make ==> 造,制,制造,制作,闭合,闭合=>製造,閉路
- make a bid for ==> 投标承包,(拍卖时)出价买
- make a bundle ==> 大金をもうける
- make a crash landing ==> 強行着陸する,不時着する
- make a credit entry for settlement ==> 決済のため貸記する
- make a detailed statement of profit and loss ==> 出具详细的损益计算书
- make a detour ==> 回り道をする
- make a difference ==> 发生影响
- make a fortune ==> 发财
- make a fuss over details ==> 钻牛角尖=>重箱の隅をつつく
- make a killing ==> 发大财,赚大钱
- make a loss ==> 亏损
- make a match ==> 撮合,在多边交易中,由市场运营机构或电力经纪人按照市场规则对买卖交易进行匹配
- make a personal irrigation ==> 亲自灌水
- make a pile ==> 发财
- make a price ==> 讨价,开价
- make a production contract ==> 包产
- make a progress report on a project ==> 填报工程进度
- make a quantum leap ==> 格段に充実する
- make a quotation ==> 开价
- make a reparation for an injury ==> 赔偿损害
- make a screwed jojnt ==> 作螺旋接合
- make a tender for ==> 投标承包
- make accounts square ==> 结清
- make an accommodation ==> 融通,通融资金
- make an allowance of 10 percent for cash payment ==> 现款九折
- make an inventory ==> 开列清单
- make an inventory of goods in a warehouse ==> 盘库
- make an inventory of warehouse ==> 清仓查库
- make an offer ==> 出价,发价,发盘
- make an overdraft ==> 透支
- make and break ==> 闭开=>開閉
- make and break contact ==> 闭开接点=>開閉接点
- make and break device ==> 断接装置
- make and-break mechanism ==> 开闭机构
- make arrangements for ==> 安排
- make before break contact ==> 先接后断切换触点=>メークビフォアブレーク接点
- make busy key ==> 闭塞电键
- make busy release ==> 闭合释放
- make collections ==> 收款
- make compensation ==> 赔款
- make connection ==> 闭路连接
- make contact ==> 闭合接点
- make contact operating time ==> 闭路接点动作时间
- make contact release time ==> 闭路接点释放时间
- make contact springs ==> 闭合触点弹簧
- make contact=="a" contact ==> a接点,A contact which closes a circuit when the relay picks up.
- make daily deliveries ==> 每日发货
- make dead ==> 切断
- make delay ==> 闭合时间延迟
- make deliveries ==> 发货
- make deposits ==> 吸收存款
- make draft on a bank ==> 向银行提款
- make economic development our central task ==> 以经济建设为中心
- make even ==> 排满行
- make fast ==> 固定
- make first-phase preparations ==> 前期准备工作
- make foreign things serve China ==> 洋为中用
- make full use of limited resources ==> 小型资源
- make good ==> 完成,维持,弥补
- make good a lost ==> 赔偿损失
- make good the deficit ==> 弥补差额
- make good use of talent ==> 人才优势
- make harbor ==> 进港停泊,入港停泊
- make high profits ==> 牟取暴利
- make impulse ==> 接通电流脉冲,闭路脉冲
- make inroads on crop ==> 侵害农作物
- make its goods more competitive ==> 增强产品的竞争能力
- make level ==> 找平=>水平出し
- make life easier for the population ==> 方便生活
- make mistakes ==> 出错
- make more competitive ==> 竞争能力,竞争能力
- make one's own way ==> 发家致富
- make ones own way ==> 发家致富
- make out a bill ==> 开发票
- make out a cheque ==> 开支票
- make out a list ==> 开列清单
- make out an account ==> 开帐
- make over ==> 转让
- make overall plans ==> 统筹规划
- make point ==> 接通点
- make position ==> 闭合位置
- make preparations for ploughing and sowing ==> 备耕
- make public the administration of finance ==> 财政公开
- make pulse ==> 闭合脉冲,接通脉冲
- make quotation ==> 给予报价
- make readings ==> 取读数
- make remittance ==> 开支票
- make spark ==> 闭合火花
- make the accounts public ==> 经济公开,经济公开
- make the best use of planter ==> 爱惜播种机
- make the investment inefficient ==> 无效投资
- make the investment yield results ==> 发挥投资效果
- make tight ==> 密封
- make time ==> 闭合时间
- make to access ==> 使访问
- make to refer to ==> 使关联于
- make treaty ==> 立约
- make true an engine ==> 调整发动机
- make up ==> 配制
- make up (meet) a deficit ==> 弥补赤字
- make up 20% of the body weight of the man ==> 占人体重量的20%
- make up 90% of all living material ==> 占全部生命物质的90%
- make up a deficiency ==> 补偿差额
- make up a loss ==> 弥补损失
- make up compressor ==> 补充压缩机,新料压缩机
- make up deficit ==> 调头寸
- make up for ==> 弥补
- make up for possible shortages with surpluses ==> 以丰补歉
- make up for the costs of production ==> 补偿生产成本
- make up gas ==> 新气
- make up level ==> 垫高地坪
- make up oil ==> 配制油
- make up recover ==> 弥补
- make up the charge ==> 配料
- make up the required number ==> 弥补需要的数额
- make up water ==> 补给水
- make use of ==> 利用
- make way ==> 向前移动
- make, to ==> 閉じる,入れる
- make-and-break ==> 断续,闭合断开,继续器
- make-and-break cam ==> 电路断续凸轮
- make-and-break contact ==> 断续触点,闭开触头,闭开接点
- make-and-break current ==> 断续电流
- make-and-break device ==> 断续器
- make-and-break ignition ==> 继续火花点火
- make-and-break ignition system ==> 继续发火系统
- make-and-break key ==> 开关
- make-and-break terminal ==> 断续电路线接头
- make-before-break changeover switch contact ==> 先闭后断换向开关接点
- make-before-break contact ==> 先闭后开触点=>i接点,メークビフォアブレーク接点
- make-before-break switch ==> 先合后断开关
- make-break contact ==> 開閉接点
- make-busy ==> 占线
- make-busy jack ==> 闭塞按钮,闭塞塞孔
- make-busy key ==> 閉そく電鍵
- make-busy relay ==> 閉そく継電器
- make-position ==> 接通位置
- make-up ==> 接通,排版,构成,补充,制作
- make-up air ==> 补偿空气
- make-up carrier gas ==> 补充载气,配载气
- make-up circuit ==> 补油回路
- make-up crane ==> 配料起重机
- make-up day ==> 清算日
- make-up feed ==> 补给水
- make-up gas ==> 补充气体
- make-up isobutane ==> 补充异丁烷
- make-up lubricating system ==> 补偿润滑系统
- make-up machine ==> 贴合机,成形机
- make-up machinery ==> 装配机械
- make-up of charge ==> 配料
- make-up oil ==> 补充润滑油,补给油
- make-up piece ==> 配件
- make-up pipe ==> 补给水管
- make-up pump ==> 补充水泵,补给水泵,给水泵
- make-up rail ==> 标准短轨
- make-up system ==> 补给系统
- make-up table ==> 成型操作台
- make-up tank ==> 配制槽,补给油箱
- make-up time ==> 补偿时间,补救时间,补算时间,超支时间,纠错时间,纠错时间
- make-up water ==> 补偿给水,补给水,容器(锅筒和汽水分离器等)中水面的位置。水位分为正常水位、控制水位和极限水位=>補給水
- make-up water deaeration ==> 补给水脱气
- make-up water dealkalization ==> 补给水脱碱
- make-up water deionization ==> 补给水去离子
- make-up water iron removal ==> 补给水除铁
- make-up water pretreatment ==> 补给水预处理
- make-up water pump ==> 加水泵
- make-up water rate ==> 补给水率,锅炉汽水系统内工质的流动、传热、热化学等过程的统称。
- makebusy ==> 闭塞
- makebusy relay ==> 闭塞继电器
- maker ==> 货运单据的制作人,制造厂,制造机构,制造者,接通器
- maker use ==> 接合器应用
- makeready ==> 垫版
- makeshift bridge ==> 便桥
- makeshift check dam ==> 临时挡水坝
- makeshift device ==> 权宜之计
- makeshift material ==> 代用材料
- makeshift valve ==> 变向阀,变向活门
- makeup ==> 组成
- makeup of the imports ==> 进口结构
- makeup water ==> 补充水
- making ==> 作,制造=>製造
- making a price ==> 开价
- making a segment active ==> 使某段成为活跃的
- making a segment known ==> 使某段成为已知的
- making brushes for cleaning floors ==> 制作扫地用的笤帚
- making capacity ==> 闭合能力,闭合容量,接通能力
- making contact ==> 闭合接点
- making control rules ==> 制御規則の獲得
- making current ==> 合闸电流,闭合电流,接通电流=>投入電流
- making drugs into frostlike powder ==> 制霜
- making duplicates of a transplanted gene ==> 制造移植基因的复制品
- making emergence difficult ==> 造成出苗困难
- making food for crops ==> 制造作物生长所需要的营养
- making full use of economic advantages ==> 发挥优势原则
- making full use of favorable factors ==> 发挥优势原则
- making herbs into wool ==> 制绒
- making instrument ==> 仪器制造
- making overlapping run ==> 多层焊
- making switch ==> 投入器
- making time ==> 闭合时间=>投入時間
- making up differences ==> 补进差额
- making-breaking point ==> 断续点
- making-up ==> 包装=>化粧
- making-up block ==> 封头砌块
- making-up day ==> 结算日
- making-up pipe ==> 補給水管
- making-up price ==> 结算日价,补进价格
- making-up prices ==> 结算价格
- making-up room ==> 包装室
- makite ==> 无水碱芒硝
- Makoto Kobayashi ==> 小林诚
- Maksutov catadi optric objective ==> 马克苏托夫反折射物镜
- Maksutov corrector ==> 马克苏托夫改正镜,马克苏托夫校正板
- Maksutov objective ==> 马克苏托夫物镜
- Maksutov system ==> 马克苏托夫系统
- Maksutov telescope ==> 马克苏托夫望远镜
- mal-condition ==> 恶劣条件
- malabar oil ==> 马拉巴油
- malabaric acid ==> 马拉巴酸
- malabsorption syndrome ==> 吸收不良综合征
- Malacarnes space ==> 后穿质
- malachite green ==> 孔雀绿,品绿
- malachra fibre ==> (黄麻代用品)马拉奇拉纤维
- malacotic teeth ==> 软质牙
- malady ==> 病気,疾病
- malakoplakia of genito-urinary system ==> 泌尿生殖系统软斑病
- malakoplakis of bladder ==> 膀胱软斑病
- malamic acid ==> 苹果酰胺酸
- malamidic acid ==> 苹果酰胺酸
- Malan Straw ==> 马兰草
- malapao fibre ==> (羯布罗香属韧皮纤维)马拉普纤维
- Malaprade reaction ==> 高碘酸氧化反应
- malar bone ==> 颧骨
- malar lymph node ==> 颧淋巴结
- malar stripe ==> 颧纹
- malaria ==> 瘴气,疟疾=>マラリア
- malaria aestivo-autumnalis ==> 夏秋疟
- malaria chronica ==> 慢性疟,疟疾恶病质
- malaria comatosa ==> 昏迷性疟
- malaria control ==> 疟疾防治
- malaria irregularis ==> 不规则疟
- malaria parasites ==> マラリア原虫
- malaria pigment ==> 疟色素
- Malaria research ==> マラリア研究
- malaria survey ==> 疟疾调查
- malaria tertiana ==> 间日疟
- malarial ==> 疟疾性肝硬变
- malarial anemia ==> 疟性贫血
- malarial cachexia ==> 疟疾亚病质
- malarial crescents ==> 疟原虫半月体
- malarial dysentery ==> 疟性痢疾
- malarial granuloma ==> 疟疾肉芽肿
- malarial mosquito ==> 疟蚊
- malarial nephritis ==> 疟疾性肾炎
- malarial nephrosis ==> 疟性肾病
- malarial neuritis ==> 疟疾性神经炎
- malarial parasite ==> 疟原虫
- malarial periodicity ==> 疟疾周期性
- malarial pigment ==> 疟色素
- malarial pigmentation ==> 疟色素沉着
- malarialist ==> 疟疾专家
- malarialization ==> 疟热治疗
- malariatherapy ==> 疟热疗法
- malasiag fibre ==> 马拉西格纤维
- Malassez's method ==> 马拉色氏法
- Malassez's rests ==> 马拉色氏上皮剩余
- malate shuttle system ==> 苹果酸穿梭系统
- malate translocase ==> 苹果酸转位酶
- malate-aspartate cycle ==> 苹果酸天冬氨酸循环
- malate-isocitrate cycle ==> 苹果酸异柠檬酸循环
- malate-phosphate translocase ==> 苹果酸-磷酸转位酶
- Malay ==> 马来人
- malay apple ==> 马六甲薄桃
- malay bean ==> 马来菜豆
- Malay Camphor ==> 马来樟脑
- Malay floristic subregion ==> 马来亚植物亚区
- Malay fowl ==> 马来鸡
- malayaite ==> 马来亚石
- Malayan ==> 马来人
- Malayan filariasis ==> 马来丝虫病
- Malayan province ==> 马来部
- Malaysia ==> 马来西亚
- Malaysia coffee ==> 马来西亚咖啡
- malcrystalline structure ==> 残晶结构
- maldel secco of lemon ==> 柠檬干枯病
- maldevelopment of penis ==> 阴茎发育不良
- maldevelopmental cyst of bone ==> 骨异常发育囊肿
- Maldives Monetary Authority ==> 马尔代夫货币总局
- male ==> 阳,凸形的,男性,男性的,插入式器件,雄,雄性的
- male adapter ==> 支承环,凸面接头,凸形密封环,外螺纹过渡管接头
- male adaptor ring ==> 外螺纹异径管接头
- male anatomy ==> 男体解剖学
- male and femal face ==> 阳阴面
- male and female ==> 公与母,凸凹面
- male and female (DMF) ==> 双凹凸式密封面
- male and female face ==> 凸凹面
- male and fomale (M&F) ==> 凹凸面
- male antifertilizing agent ==> 男用抗生育药
- male ass ==> 雄驴
- male beast ==> 雄性动物
- male bee ==> 雄蜂
- male bend ==> 凸弯,管包弯头
- male box ==> 插入箱
- male branch tee ==> 外螺纹三通
- male breast ==> 男乳房,男性乳房
- male bud ==> 香蕉花蕾
- male building form ==> 阳模
- male cell ==> 雄细胞
- male center ==> 正顶尖
- male climacterium ==> 男性更年期
- male coconut ==> 公椰子树
- male cone (strobilus masculinus) ==> 阳锥,外锥面
- male connection ==> 外螺纹接头,轴套式连接
- male connector ==> 外螺纹管接头
- male contact ==> 刀口触片,插塞接点,插头
- male copulatory organ ==> 雄交尾器
- male coupling ==> 阳端接头
- male creature ==> 雄性生物
- male cross ==> 阳十字,阳十字接头,外螺纹十字接头
- male die ==> 凸模,冲头,阳冲模,阳模
- male elbow ==> 阳肘节,外螺纹弯头
- male end of a pipe ==> 外螺纹管端
- male female rule ==> 公母尺
- male fertile ==> 雄性可育的
- male fertility ==> 雄性可育性
- male fertility rate ==> 男子生育率
- male fitting ==> 阳螺纹管接头,阳模配合,外螺纹配件
- male flange ==> 凸出折边,凸缘法兰
- male flower ==> 雄花
- male force ==> 阳模
- male friction cone ==> 阳摩擦锥轮,凸摩擦锥体
- male frog test ==> 雄青蛙试验
- male ga(u)ge ==> 内测量用量规
- male gamete ==> 男性配子,雄配子
- male gametocyte ==> 小配子体
- male gametophyte ==> 雄配子体,雄性配子体
- male genital organ ==> 雄生殖器
- male genitalia ==> 雄性外生殖器
- male genitals ==> 男生殖器,宗筋之会
- male goat ==> 雄性山羊
- male gonad ==> 男生殖腺
- male haploidy ==> 雄单倍性
- male hemp plant ==> 大麻雄株
- male heterogamety ==> 雄异配性
- male heterogamy ==> 雄异配生殖
- male hog ==> 雄性猪
- male homogamety ==> 雄同配性
- male hormone ==> 雄性激素
- male horse ==> 雄马
- male hypogonadism ==> 男性性腺功能减退症
- male infertility ==> 男性不育症
- male kid ==> 公山羊羔
- male line ==> 雄性系
- male meiosis ==> 雄性减数分裂
- male member ==> 凸件,凸状部分
- male metal catheter ==> 男用金属导尿管
- male monogametism ==> 雄配同型
- male mould ==> 凸模,阳模
- male mule ==> 公骡
- male mutant ==> 雄性突变体
- male nozzle ==> 带外螺纹的喷嘴
- male nucleus ==> 雄核
- male nuptiality ==> 男性结婚率
- male organ ==> 雄性器官
- male parent ==> 雄性亲本,父本
- male parent line ==> 父本品系
- male parentage ==> 父本
- male parthenogenesis ==> 雄单性生殖
- male pattern alopecia ==> 男性型秃发
- male phase ==> 雄花期
- male phenomenon ==> 男性现象
- male pin ==> 栓钉
- male plug ==> 阳模
- male primary sex characters ==> 男性第一性征
- male pronucleus ==> 雄原核,精原核
- male pseudohermaphroditism ==> 男性假两性畸形,男性假性半阴阳
- male punch ==> 凸模
- male reproduction rate ==> 男性再繁殖率
- male reproductive organ ==> 雄性生殖器官
- male reproductive system ==> 雄性生殖系统
- male rod ==> 外丝钻杆
- male rotor ==> 凸形轮,凸形螺旋转子,凸形转子,阳转子,被包容转子
- male sand flea ==> 雄性育潜蚤
- male schistosomiais ==> 雄血吸虫
- male screw ==> 阳螺旋,柱螺纹=>雄ねじ
- male screw cutting tool ==> 外螺纹车刀
- male screw thread ==> 外螺纹,阳螺纹
- male secondary sex characters ==> 男性第二性征
- male section ==> 阳模
- male sex ==> 雄性
- male sex cell ==> 雄性细胞
- male sex characteristics ==> 男性性征
- male sex function ==> 雄性功能
- male sex hormone ==> 雄激素,男性激素
- male sex-cell ==> 雄性生殖细胞
- male sexuality ==> 阳事
- male sheep ==> 雄羊
- male silkworm moth tonic capsule ==> 蚕蛾公补丸
- male specific phage ==> 雄性专一噬菌体
- male splines ==> 外花键
- male sterilant ==> 雄性不育,化学杀雄剂
- male sterile ==> 雄性不育的
- male sterility ==> 雄性不育,雄性不育性,男性不育症
- male sterility gene ==> 雄性不育基因
- male sterilization procedures ==> 男性绝育术
- male surface ==> 被包容面
- male symbol ==> 雄性符号
- male system ==> 雄蕊系统
- male tab ==> 插片
- male tank ==> 重型坦克
- male thread ==> 外螺纹,外丝扣,阳螺纹,阳螺旋
- male thread nipple ==> 外螺纹接套
- male toad test ==> 雄蟾蜍妊娠试验
- male tool ==> 压入式阳模
- male union ==> 外螺纹联接管
- male urethra ==> 雄尿道,男尿道
- male urethrography ==> 男性尿道造影
- male uterus ==> 雄性子宫
- male worm ==> 雄虫
- male-acquired urinary incontinence ==> 男性获得性尿失禁
- male-determing substance ==> 雄性决定物质
- male-female seal contact face ==> 凹凸密封面
- male-organ ==> 牡脏
- male-sterilant ==> 雄性不育剂
- male-sterile character ==> 雄性不育性状
- male-sterile line ==> 雄性不育品系
- maleamic acid ==> 马来酸-酰胺,马来酰胺酸
- maleic acid ==> 马来酸,顺丁烯二醛
- maleic acid hydrazide ==> 马来酰肼
- maleic acid monoamide ==> 马来酸-酰胺,马来酰胺酸
- maleic acid resin ==> 马来酸树脂
- maleic anhydride value ==> 顺丁烯二酐值,马来酸酐值,马来酐值
- maleic dialdehyde ==> 马来醛,顺丁烯二醛
- malein acid ester resin ==> 马来酸脂树脂,顺丁烯二酸树脂
- maleinamic acid ==> 顺丁烯酰胺酸
- maleinized tung oil ==> 马来化桐油
- maleinoid form ==> 顺式
- MaLeod gauge ==> 麦氏真空计
- maleopimaric acid ==> 马来海松酸
- maleopimaric acid anhydride ==> 马来酐海松酸
- Malerba's test ==> 马莱尔巴氏试验
- maleuric acid ==> 马来酰脲
- Maley brake ==> 机电制动器
- malformation ==> 结构变形,畸形,不正常部分
- malformation crystal ==> 残缺晶
- malformation deformity ==> 畸形
- malformation of bronchus ==> 支气管畸形
- malformation of coronary artery ==> 冠状动脉畸形
- malformation of heart ==> 心脏畸形
- malformation of liver ==> 肝畸形
- malformation of stomach ==> 胃畸形
- malformed ==> 残缺的,畸形
- malformed lingual fossa ==> 畸形舌侧窝
- malfunction ==> 机能不良,机能失调,机能紊乱,不正常动作,失灵,事故,故障,故障状态,出错,错误动作
- malfunction alarm ==> 故障报警,功能故障警报信号
- malfunction analysis ==> 故障分析
- malfunction detection ==> 異常検出
- malfunction detection system ==> 故障检测系统,故障探测系统
- malfunction interrupt ==> 故障中断,错误中断
- malfunction probability ==> 工作失常概率
- malfunction routine ==> 故障程序,故障检查程序,错误检查程序,定错程序,查障程序,查找故障程序
- malfunction sign ==> 異常予兆
- Malgaigne hernia ==> (幼儿的疝肠降入腹膜的鞘突内)马耳盖尼氏疝
- Malgaigne pads ==> (膝关节脂肪垫)马耳盖尼氏垫
- Malgaigne's triangle ==> 马耳盖尼氏三角,颈动脉上三角,颈动脉上三角
- Mali fabric ==> 马里织物
- Malibu board ==> 马利布冲浪板
- malic acid ==> 苹果酸
- malic-oxaloacetic cycle ==> 苹果酸-草酰乙酸循环
- malice ==> 悪意,犯意
- malicious ==> 意地の悪い
- malicious attack ==> 悪意ある攻撃
- malicious business ==> 悪質業者
- malicious destruction of property ==> 恶意破坏财产
- malicious falsehood ==> 恶意诈欺
- malicious injuries to property ==> 恶意毁坏财物
- malicious program ==> 不正プログラム
- malicious prosecution ==> 恶意控告
- malidlong barks ==> 马利德隆树皮
- Malifil machine ==> 马利菲尔缝编机
- malignan islet cell tumor ==> 恶性胰岛细胞瘤
- malignant adenoma of pituitary ==> 垂体恶性腺瘤
- malignant anthrax ==> 恶性炭疽
- malignant auricular arrhythmia ==> 恶性房性心律失常
- malignant blister ==> 恶性水疱
- malignant Brenner tumor ==> 恶性卵巢勃勒纳氏瘤
- malignant carvical tumor ==> 宫颈恶性瘤
- malignant catarrhal fever ==> 恶性卡他热
- malignant catarrhal fever virus ==> 恶性卡他热病毒
- malignant change ==> 恶性变
- malignant change of cell ==> 细胞恶变
- malignant change of gastric ulcer ==> 胃溃疡恶变
- malignant dermatitis ==> 恶性皮炎
- malignant edema ==> 恶性水肿
- malignant embolus ==> 恶性栓子
- malignant epithelial tumor ==> 恶性上皮组织肿瘤
- malignant epithelioma of ciliary body ==> 睫状体恶性上皮瘤
- malignant fever ==> 恶性高热
- malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone ==> 骨恶性纤维组织细胞瘤
- malignant giant cell tumor of bone ==> 骨恶性巨细胞瘤
- malignant giant-cell tumor of bone ==> 恶性骨巨细胞瘤
- malignant goiter ==> 恶性甲状腺肿
- malignant granuloma ==> 恶性肉芽肿
- malignant granulomatosis ==> 恶性肉芽肿病
- malignant growth ==> 恶性生长
- malignant hyperplasia ==> 恶性增生
- malignant hypertension ==> 恶性高血压,急进型高血压
- malignant inflation ==> 恶性通货膨胀
- malignant leukopenia ==> 恶性白细胞减少
- malignant lymphoma ==> 恶性淋巴瘤
- malignant lymphoma of breast ==> 乳房恶性淋巴瘤
- malignant lymphoma of colon ==> 结肠恶性淋巴瘤
- malignant lymphoma of skin ==> 皮肤恶性淋巴瘤,恶性皮肤淋巴瘤
- malignant lymphoma of stomach ==> 胃恶性淋巴瘤
- malignant malaria ==> 恶性疟,瘴疟,凶险型疟疾
- malignant mast cell reticulosis ==> 肥大细胞恶性网状细胞增多
- malignant melanoma of bone ==> 骨恶性黑色素瘤
- malignant melanoma of skin ==> 皮肤恶性黑色素瘤
- malignant mesenchymal tumor ==> 恶性间叶组织肿瘤
- malignant mesenchymoma of liver ==> 肝恶性间叶瘤
- malignant mesothelioma ==> 恶性间皮瘤
- malignant mixed tumor of submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺恶性混合瘤
- malignant mole ==> 恶性葡萄胎
- malignant mole of cervix ==> 子宫颈恶性葡萄胎,子宫颈葡萄胎
- malignant mole of parametrium ==> 子宫旁组织恶性葡萄胎
- malignant mole of vagina ==> 阴道恶性葡萄胎
- malignant neuroma ==> 恶性神经瘤
- malignant polyp ==> 恶性息肉
- malignant pulmohary hypertension ==> 恶性肺高血压症
- malignant pustule ==> 恶性脓疱
- malignant reticular cell erythroderma ==> 恶性网状细胞红皮病
- malignant scarlet fever ==> 恶性猩红热
- malignant Sertoli's cell tumor ==> 睾丸恶性支持细胞瘤
- malignant tertian malaria ==> 恶性间日疟
- malignant trend ==> 恶性趋向
- malignant trophoblastic tumor ==> 恶性滋养细胞肿瘤
- malignant tumor ==> 恶性瘤,恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of breast ==> 乳房恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of bronchus ==> 支气管恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of chest wall ==> 胸壁恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of colon ==> 结肠恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of digestive tract ==> 消化道恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of liver ==> 肝恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of lung ==> 肺恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of pleura ==> 胸膜恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of spinal cord ==> 脊髓恶性肿瘤
- malignant tumor of uterine body ==> 子宫体恶性肿瘤
- Maliknit machine ==> 马利尼特缝编机
- Malimo fabric ==> 马利莫缝编织物
- Malimo machine ==> (纱线层缝编机)马利莫缝编机
- Malimo thread layer sewing knitting machine ==> 马利莫线层缝编机
- Malin syndrome ==> 恶性高热苍白综合征
- Malin's syndrome ==> 马林氏综合征
- Malipol machine ==> 马利波尔缝编机
- Malivlies machine ==> 马利弗里斯缝编机
- Maliwatt machine ==> 马利瓦特缝编机
- mall ==> 林荫路,步行街,步行商业街,手用大锤=>木陰のある散歩道
- mall hammer ==> 大锤
- mall ovum ==> 马耳氏卵
- Mall's formula ==> 马耳氏公式
- mallard ==> マガモ
- mallard falcated teal feather ==> 白银边毛
- malleability test ==> 锻造性试验
- malleability wrought iron ==> 展性锻铁
- malleable ==> 可锻,可锻的=>可鍛性の,展性のある
- malleable anneal ==> 可锻化退火
- malleable brass ==> 芒茨合金,孟滋合金
- malleable capital ==> 可延展的资本
- malleable cast iron ==> 可锻铸铁=>可鍛鋳鉄
- malleable cast iron pipe fitting ==> 玛钢管件
- malleable cast-iron ==> 韧性铸铁,展性铸件,纯铁,可锻铸铁
- malleable casting ==> 展性铸件,韧性铸件
- malleable detachable chain ==> 展性活动链
- malleable hard iron ==> 韧性铸铁
- malleable iron ==> 韧性铁,展性铸铁=>可鍛鉄
- malleable iron pipe ==> 玛钢管
- malleable iron square ==> 活络角尺
- malleable iron trap ==> 玛钢存水弯
- malleable mild steel ==> 韧性低碳钢,韧性软钢
- malleable nickel ==> 展性镍
- malleable pig ==> 韧性铸铁
- malleable pig iron ==> 展性铸铁,可锻生铁,制造可锻铸铁的生铁
- malleable pintle chain ==> 展性锁链
- malleable shot ==> 可锻铸铁铁丸
- malleable steel ==> 展性钢,软钢,韧性钢
- malleable wrought iron ==> 韧性锻铁
- mallein test ==> 马鼻疽菌素试验
- malleolar articular surface ==> 外侧踝关节面
- malleolar sulcus ==> 踝沟
- malleolar surface ==> 咬合面
- malleolus lateralis ==> 外侧踝
- malleolus medialis ==> 内踝
- maller perforator ==> 锤式冲孔机
- mallet ==> 锤,大锤,木锤,槌
- mallet alloy ==> 黄铜
- Mallet alloy ==> 马雷特合金,马雷特黄铜
- mallet cutting ==> 槌形插条,踵状插
- mallet finger ==> 棒球指
- mallet handle die ==> 锤压式冲模
- mallet toe ==> 锤状趾
- mallet vase ==> 槌形瓶
- malletfinger ==> 锤状指
- Malletiidae ==> 马雷蛤科
- malleus forceps ==> 锤骨钳
- malleus head nippers ==> 锤骨头钳
- Mallinckrodt process ==> 马林克罗特过程
- Mallius cotton ==> 马利斯棉
- Mallory battery ==> 马洛里电池
- Mallory body ==> 酒精小体,酒精小体
- Mallory metal ==> 马洛里高强度无锡青铜,马洛里无锡高强度青铜
- Mallory sharton alloy ==> 钛铝锆合金,钛铝锆合金
- Mallory watch battery tester ==> 马洛里牌手表电池校验仪
- Mallory Weiss syndrome ==> 马洛里-魏斯综合征
- Mallory-sharton alloy ==> 马洛里-沙顿钛铝锆合金
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome ==> 马洛莱-韦斯综合征,马洛里韦斯综合征,马魏二氏综合征,麦卫二氏综合征
- mallow ==> 锦葵=>マロウ,ウスバニアオイ,アオイ科の多年草
- Malloy-Evelyn method ==> (检血胆红素)马伊二氏法
- malm brick ==> 白垩砖
- malm grizzled brick ==> 欠烧软砖
- malm rubber ==> 软白垩砖
- Malmquist correction ==> 马姆奎斯特改正
- malodorous decomposition product ==> 恶臭腐烂物
- malodorous substance ==> 恶臭物质
- malonaldehydic acid ==> 丙醛酸
- malonamic acid ==> 丙酰胺酸
- malonamide nitrile ==> 氰基乙酰胺
- Maloneys test ==> 白喉类毒素敏感性试验
- malonic acid ==> 丙二酸
- malonic ester ==> 丙二酸二乙酯,丙二酸酯
- malonic methyl ester nitrile ==> 氰基乙酸甲酯
- malonic mononitrile ==> 氰基乙酸
- malonuric acid ==> 马龙尿酸
- maloperation ==> 无效动作不正确维护=>不正動作,不要動作,誤動作
- Malott metal ==> 马罗特易熔合金,锡铅铋易熔合金
- Malotte's metal ==> 马洛特合金
- malpighian body ==> 马尔皮基氏小体
- Malpighian body ==> 马耳皮基氏小体,马尔皮基氏体,马氏小体
- Malpighian corpuscle ==> 马氏小体,肾小体
- malpighian corpuscle ==> 马尔皮基氏小体,(肾小体,脾小结)马耳皮基氏小体
- Malpighian gland ==> 马耳皮基氏腺
- Malpighian layer ==> 马尔皮基氏层,(生育层)马氏层
- Malpighian pyramid ==> 肾锥体
- Malpighian stratum ==> 马耳皮基氏层
- malposed tooth ==> 错位牙,逆生牙
- malrotation of intestine ==> 肠旋转不良
- MALS, Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System ==> 三菱空气润滑系统=>三菱空気潤滑システム
- malt ==> 麦芽=>モルト
- malt adjuncts ==> 麦芽添加物
- malt agar ==> 麦芽什琼脂,麦芽洋菜培养基,麦牙洋菜培养基,(培养基)麦芽琼脂
- malt albumen ==> 麦芽蛋白
- malt amylase ==> 麦芽糖化酶
- malt beverage ==> 麦芽酒精饮料,麦芽饮料
- malt brewing ==> 麦芽酿酒
- malt caramel ==> 麦芽酱色
- malt carbohydrate ==> 麦芽糖酶
- malt cleaner ==> 麦芽洗涤机
- malt coffee ==> 麦芽咖啡
- malt colorant ==> 麦芽色素
- malt crusher ==> 麦芽粉碎机
- malt diastase ==> (麦芽退浆剂)麦芽淀粉糖化酶
- malt drying ==> 麦芽干燥
- malt drying kiln ==> 麦芽干燥炉
- malt dust ==> 麦曲糟
- malt extract ==> 麦精,麦芽膏,麦芽浸膏,麦芽精,麦芽汁,饴糖
- malt extract bouillon ==> 麦芽肉浸液
- malt flake ==> 麦芽片
- malt floor ==> 麦芽制造室
- malt flour ==> 麦芽粉
- malt house ==> 麦芽制造坊
- malt kilning ==> 麦芽入炉干燥
- malt liquid extract ==> 麦芽流浸膏
- malt liquor ==> 麦芽浆
- malt meal ==> 麦芽粉
- malt mill ==> 麦芽粉碎机
- malt process ==> 麦芽法
- malt residues ==> 麦芽残渣
- malt sugar ==> 麦芽糖
- malt tea ==> 麦芽茶
- malt toffee ==> 麦芽太妃糖
- malt vinegar ==> 麦芽醋
- malt whiskey ==> 麦芽威士忌
- malt-agar culture test ==> 麦芽糖琼脂培养基试验
- malt-agar method ==> 麦芽汁-琼脂培养法,麦芽汁琼脂培养法
- malt-worker's lung ==> 麦芽工人肺
- Malta fever ==> 马尔他热,布氏杆茵病
- maltase ==> 麦芽糠酶,麦芽糖酶
- maltcrusher ==> 麦芽粉碎机
- maltdrier ==> 麦芽干燥机
- malted milk ==> 麦乳晶,麦芽乳
- malted milk extract ==> 麦乳精
- maltene ==> 马青烯
- Malter effect ==> 马耳特效应,马尔特效应
- Maltese ==> 马尔他
- Maltese cross ==> 马尔他机构,马尔他机构接头,马尔他十字接头,马氏机构
- Maltese lace ==> 马尔他几何形梭结花边
- Maltese ware ==> 马尔他岛粗陶
- maltha ==> 软沥青,土沥青
- malthacite ==> 漂布土
- malthenes ==> 马青烯
- malthite ==> 土沥青
- malthouse ==> 麦芽作坊
- Malthus'law of population ==> 马尔萨斯人口定律
- malthusian ==> 马尔萨斯人口论的
- Malthusian doctrine ==> 马尔萨斯人口论,马尔萨斯学说
- Malthusian Doctrine ==> 马尔萨斯主义
- Malthusian parameter ==> 马尔萨斯参数
- Malthusianism ==> 马尔萨斯论,马尔萨斯人口论,马尔萨斯主义
- malticolor plaid shirt ==> 复色长方格衬衫
- maltin ==> 麦芽淀粉酶,麦芽糖酶
- maltine ==> 麦芽制品
- malting ==> 麦芽处理,麦芽制造
- malting barley ==> 麦芽大麦
- malting variety of barley ==> 制麦芽的大麦品种
- maltitol ==> 麦芽糖醇
- malto-amylase ==> 麦芽淀粉酶
- maltobionic acid ==> 麦芽糖酸=>マルトビオン酸
- maltobiose ==> 麦芽糖
- maltodextrin ==> 麦芽糊精,麦芽糖糊精
- maltoflavin ==> 麦芽黄素
- maltol ==> 麦芽醇,麦芽酚
- maltoryzine ==> 麦芽米曲霉素
- maltosazone ==> 麦芽糖脎,麦芽糖腙
- maltose ==> 麦芽糖,饴糖=>マルトース,麦芽糖
- maltose affinity ==> マルトース親和性
- maltose concentration ==> マルトース濃度
- maltose crystal ==> マルトース結晶
- maltose phos phorylase ==> 麦芽糖磷酸化酶
- maltoside ==> 麦芽糖苷,麦芽甙
- maltosuria ==> 麦芽糖尿
- maltotetraose ==> (抗生素)麦芽四糖
- maltotricse ==> 麦芽丙糖
- maltotriose ==> 麦芽三糖
- Maltsev system ==> 马尔采夫耕作法
- maltster ==> 麦芽制造人
- maltum ==> 麦芽
- malty ==> 麦芽味
- malum perforans pedis ==> 足穿通性溃疡
- malunited fracture ==> 连接不全性骨折
- Malus cosine-squared law ==> 马吕斯余弦平方定律
- Malus law of rays ==> 马吕斯光线定律
- Malus' law ==> 马吕斯定律
- malva seed ==> 冬葵子
- Malvi cotton ==> 马尔维棉
- Maly's test ==> (检胃液游离盐酸)马利氏试验
- MAM, Magnetometer ==> 磁力計(COMETS搭載予定のTEDAの装置)
- mamarron oil ==> 马马荣油
- mambrane tension ==> 膜片刚度
- mamey ==> 曼密苹果树(一种美洲热带树),曼密苹果
- mamey-apple ==> 曼密果
- mamilla ==> 乳头=>乳頭,乳首
- mamma ==> 乳房=>乳房
- mamma accessoriae ==> 额外乳房
- mamma forceps ==> 乳房钳
- mamma gland ==> 乳腺
- mammae accessoriae ==> 迷离乳房,副乳房
- Mammal ==> 马马尔刺绣
- mammal ==> 哺乳動物
- mammalian ==> 哺乳动物
- mammalian cells ==> 哺乳類細胞
- mammalian cytology ==> 哺乳动物细胞学
- mammalian embryology ==> 哺乳动物胚胎学
- mammalian genetics ==> 哺乳动物遗传学
- mammalian germ-cell cytogenetic test ==> 哺乳动物性细胞遗传学试验
- mammalian hair fiber ==> 哺乳动物纤维
- mammalian systematics ==> 哺乳动物分类学
- mammary abscess ==> 乳房脓肿,乳腺脓肿
- mammary branches ==> 乳房支
- mammary calculus ==> 乳石
- mammary cancer ==> 乳腺癌
- mammary development ==> 乳房发育
- mammary duct ectasia ==> 乳管扩张症,乳腺管扩张
- mammary fistula ==> 乳汁瘘
- mammary gland ==> 乳腺
- mammary glandular cell ==> 乳腺细胞
- mammary groove ==> 乳腺沟
- mammary infection of newborn ==> 新生儿乳腺感染
- mammary line ==> 乳房线
- mammary papilla ==> 乳头=>乳頭
- mammary pouch ==> 乳囊
- mammary swelling ==> 乳房奶胀,乳房肿胀,乳胀
- mammary system ==> 泌乳系统
- mammary tumor agent ==> 乳汁肿瘤因子
- mammary vein ==> 乳静脉
- mammary-stimulating hormone ==> 乳腺刺激激素,催乳激素
- mammillary body ==> 乳头体
- mammillary layer ==> 乳房层
- mammillary line ==> 乳头线
- mammillary process ==> 乳状突
- mammillary structure ==> 乳房构造,乳房状
- mammogenic hormone ==> 乳腺发育激素,催乳激素
- mammoth clover ==> 中间型三叶草
- Mammoth cotton ==> (美国佐治亚产晚熟陆地棉)马木斯棉
- Mammoth event ==> 马默思反向事件
- Mammoth genomics ==> マンモスのゲノミクス
- mammoth pump ==> 超大型泵
- mammoth red clover ==> 中间型红三叶草
- mammoth tanker ==> 大型油轮
- mammotomy with drainage of abscess ==> 乳房脓肿切开引流术
- man ==> 人
- man alone ==> 一言堂
- man and biosphere programme (MAB) ==> 人和生物圈计划
- man ape ==> 人猿
- man by man ==> 人剥削人的制度
- man cage ==> 载人罐笼
- man conveyor belt ==> 载客运输带
- man day ==> 人工生产月
- man day in absence ==> 缺勤工日数
- man door ==> 人行小门
- man drawn truck ==> 手拉车
- man efficiency ==> 人工效率
- man equivalent ==> 人等量
- man hole ==> 人孔
- man hour bases ==> 人工小时法
- man hour method ==> 人工小时法
- man lock ==> 人孔闸
- man machine ==> 人员升降机
- man machine system ==> 人机系统
- man made noise ==> 人为噪声,人工噪声
- man minutes manit ==> 每人每分钟所做的工作
- man of wealth ==> 富人
- man on duty ==> 值班员
- man one vote ==> 一人一票
- man power ==> 人力
- man qualities ==> 人的质量
- man tramming ==> 人力推车
- man trip ==> 人员运送
- man trolley ==> 人控式起重小车
- man way ==> 人孔
- man winding ==> 人员提升
- man's activity ==> 人为影响
- man's food supplies ==> 人口食物供应
- man's impact on climate ==> 人口影响气候,人类影响气候
- MAN, MzschiNenfabrik Augsbur'g-Nurnberg ==> 德国柴油机
- man-amplifier ==> 人肌增强器,体力放大器
- man-and-material hoist ==> 副井提升机
- man-assignment ==> 人力分配
- man-carried ==> 便携的
- man-computer communication ==> 人机通信
- man-computer interaction ==> 人机联系
- man-controlled machine ==> 人控机器
- man-controlled mobile robot ==> 人控机器人
- man-day ==> 人工作日,人日,工日
- man-handling of materials ==> 人工转运
- man-hole opening ==> 人孔口
- man-hour ==> 人时,工时,一人一小时的工作量=>工数
- man-hour distribution task report ==> 人时分配任务报告
- man-hour evaluation ==> 人时评价法
- man-hour method ==> 人工时间法
- man-hour planning ==> 工数計画
- man-hour quota ==> 工时定额
- man-hour requirement ==> 工时需要,单位产量所需工时=>所要工数
- man-in environment problems ==> 人为环境问题
- man-induced factor ==> 人为因素
- man-induced fluctuations ==> 人为波动
- man-load ==> 人员载重
- man-lock ==> 进入气闸
- man-machine chart ==> 人与机器作业图
- man-machine commission ==> 人机联系
- man-machine communication ==> 人机通信,人机通讯联系
- man-machine compatibility ==> 人机相容
- man-machine complex ==> 人机组合
- man-machine control ==> 人机控制,人机联合控制,手控自控联合控制
- man-machine control systems ==> 人机控制系统
- man-machine conversation ==> 人机对话
- man-machine digital system ==> 人机数学系统
- man-machine harmony ==> 人机协调
- man-machine interaction ==> 人机对话
- man-machine interactive system ==> 人机交互系统
- man-machine interface ==> 人机联系,人机联系装置,人机接口,方便而及时地将计算机处理和控制的情况显示出来,同时操作人员也可对计算机输入各种数据和命令并进行操作控制的界面
- man-machine language ==> 人机通信语言,人机语言
- man-machine matching ==> 人机匹配
- man-machine problem ==> 人机问题
- man-machine process chart ==> 人机程序图
- man-machine relationship ==> 人机关系
- man-machine reliability ==> 人机可靠性
- man-machine simulation ==> 人机模拟
- man-machine symbiosis ==> 人机共存
- man-machine system ==> 人机系统
- man-machine-dialog ==> 人机对话
- man-made ==> 人工,人工的,人为的,人造
- man-made additive ==> 人工添加剂
- man-made aurora ==> 人造极光
- man-made desert ==> 人为沙漠
- man-made diamond ==> 人造金刚石
- man-made earth satellite ==> 人造地球卫星
- man-made earthquake ==> 人工地震
- man-made ecosystem ==> 人为生态系统
- man-made environment ==> 人工环境,人为环境,人造环境
- man-made environmental contaminant ==> 人为环境污染物
- man-made erosion ==> 人为侵蚀
- man-made fabric ==> 仿真化纤=>合成繊維
- man-made features ==> 人工地物
- man-made fiber ==> 人造纤维
- man-made forest ==> 人工林
- man-made fracture ==> 人造裂缝
- man-made fur ==> 人造裘皮
- man-made interference ==> 人为干扰,工业干扰
- man-made island ==> 人工岛
- man-made isotope ==> 人工同位素
- man-made land ==> 人造地
- man-made leather ==> 人造皮革
- man-made machine ==> 人造机器
- man-made noise ==> 人为噪声,工业噪声=>人工雑音
- man-made plain ==> 人造平原
- man-made pollutant ==> 人为污染物
- man-made pollution ==> 人为污染
- man-made pollution source ==> 人为污染源
- man-made pond(pool) ==> 人工池塘
- man-made projectile ==> 人造射弹
- man-made protein fibre ==> 人造蛋白质纤维
- man-made resources ==> 人为资源,人造资源
- man-made sabotage ==> 人为破坏
- man-made satellite ==> 人造卫星
- man-made shortage of goods ==> 人为的供应紧张
- man-made source ==> 人工放射源
- man-made spacecraft ==> 人造宇宙飞船
- man-made statics ==> 人为静电干扰
- man-made sun satellite ==> 人造行星
- man-made surface ==> 人工地表
- man-made system ==> 人工系统
- man-made waterway ==> 人工水道
- man-manageable system ==> 人控系统
- man-management ==> 人员管理
- man-month ==> 人月
- man-over-board signal light ==> 救生浮灯
- man-pack ==> 单人可携带的
- man-pack laser unit ==> 便携式激光器,背负式激光器
- man-pack television unit ==> 便携式电视装置
- man-passing-man ==> 接续前进法
- man-portable laser ==> 便携式激光器
- man-productivity ==> 人的生产率
- man-rem ==> (辐射剂量单位)人体雷姆
- man-riding haulage ==> 人员运送
- man-shaped walking machine ==> 人形步行机
- man-shift ==> 一人在一班中所作的工作量
- man-simulator ==> 人体模型
- man-size ==> 人的全尺寸
- Man-Ten steel ==> 低合金高强度钢
- man-time ==> 人次
- man-to-man comparison scale ==> 人与人比较法
- man-type flow process chart ==> 人工型流程程序图
- man-year ==> 一人一年的工作量,(劳动量单位,一个人在一年内完成的工作量)人年
- manage ==> 管理,经营,经营
- manage a business ==> 经纪,经纪
- manageability ==> 可管理性,可驾驶性,可使用性
- manageable ==> 管理できる,扱いやすい
- manageable chunks ==> 扱いやすい塊
- manageable length ==> 扱いやすい長さ
- manageable limits ==> 管理できる限界
- management ==> 操纵,经营,经营,处理,管理,管理处,领导,掌管=>つかさど
- management accounting ==> 管理会计,管理计算
- management agent ==> 经营代理商,经营代理商
- management analysis ==> 管理分析
- management analysis reporting system ==> 管理分析报告系统
- management and administrative rights ==> 经营管理权,经营管理权
- management and operation ==> 经营管理,经营管理
- management and service of power utilization ==> 用电管理与服务,对电力消费进行管理与服务,包括负荷管理、节约用电、用电安全及营业管理与客户服务等
- management at different grades ==> 分级管理
- management at factory level ==> 厂级管理
- management audit ==> 内部审计
- management by control ==> 控制式管理
- management by custom school ==> 习惯管理学派
- management by drive ==> 压制管理
- management by exception ==> 例外管理
- management by exception technique ==> 例外管理技术
- management by objective ==> 目标管理
- management by objectives ==> 目标经营法
- management by objectives during term of service ==> 任期目标管理制
- management by personal supervision ==> 人的监督管理
- management by result ==> 依结果管理
- management by results ==> 目标管理
- management by synchronization ==> 同步管理
- management clannishness ==> 经营家族主义,经营家族主义
- management committee, MC ==> 運営委員会
- management competence ==> 经营才干,经营才干
- management consultant ==> 经营顾问,经营顾问,业务顾问
- management consulting ==> 经常咨询,经常咨询
- management contract ==> 企业管理合同
- management control ==> 经营管理,经营管理,经营管理控制,经营管理控制,管理控制
- management control level ==> 管理控制级
- management control system ==> 管理控制系统,经营管理系统,经营管理系统
- management cost ==> 管理费,管理费
- management cycle ==> 管理周期
- management data ==> 管理数据
- management decision system ==> 管理决策系统
- management efficiency ==> 经营管理效率,经营管理效率
- management element ==> 经营要素,经营要素
- management engineering ==> 经营管理工程学,经营管理工程学,管理工程
- management environment ==> 管理环境,经营环境,经营环境
- management expenses ==> 管理费
- management factors ==> 管理因素
- management for dam operation ==> 坝的运行管理,监控和监测横跨河床的所有永久性的挡水建筑物(包括水库周围垭口的挡水建筑物)、泄水(洪)建筑物,及其地基和附属设施的性态变化,及时维修、消灭隐患、延长坝的寿命
- management funds volume ==> 经营性资金容量,经营性资金容量
- management game ==> 经营比赛,经营比赛,管理对策
- management gap ==> 管理差距
- management improvement (MI) ==> 经营改善运动,经营改善运动
- management information ==> 管理信息
- management information requirement ==> 管理信息要求
- management information system ==> 管理信息系统,信息控制系统
- management information system ,MIS ==> 管理信息系统,由人和计算机网络集成的人机系统,它能提供企业管理所需信息以支持企业的生产经营和决策,主要功能包括经营管理、资产管理、生产管理、行政管理和系统维护等
- management information system of hydropower station 水电站管理信息系统,水电站行政和生产方面实现现代化管理的网络系统。具有不同的子系统有:(1) ==> 水库和水工建筑物管理;(2)水情测报实时数据查询;(3)水电工程事件专家系统查询;(4)水电机电设备状态月、季、年趋势分析查询
- management leve computer ==> 管理级计算机
- management map ==> 森林经营图
- management objectives ==> 经营目标,经营目标
- management of a ship ==> 操纵船
- management of blueprint ==> 图纸管理
- management of coal resources ==> 煤炭资源管理
- management of commercial erterprises ==> 商业企业管理
- management of commission shops ==> 信托商店管理
- management of economy ==> 经济管理,经济管理
- management of energy consumption ==> 能源消耗管理
- management of enterprise ==> 企业管理
- management of export contracts ==> 出口合同管理
- management of factors of scientific research ==> 科研条件管理
- management of human difference ==> 人的差异管理
- management of import orders ==> 进口订货管理
- management of log transportation ==> 木材运输管理
- management of offshore drilling platforms ==> 海上钻井平台管理
- management of process ==> 进程管理
- management of research and development ==> 科研管理
- management of research subjects ==> 课题管理
- management of shifting products ==> 搬运管理
- management of taxation ==> 征税管理
- management of tools and equipment ==> 农业机具的管理
- management of umbilical cord ==> 脐带处理
- management of underground minestopes ==> 矿山井下采场管理
- management of weeds ==> 防除杂草
- management of wholesale enterprises ==> 批发企业管理
- management of working groups ==> 小组管理
- management operating system ==> 管理操作系统,管理信息系统
- management operating system (MOS) ==> 管理工作系统,经营管理制度,经营管理制度
- management package ==> 管理应用程序包
- management participation ==> 经营参与,经营参与,参与管理
- management performance ==> 经营成效,经营成效
- management philosophy ==> 经营思想,经营思想
- management plan ==> 经营计划=>経営計画
- management plan area ==> 经理计划面积,经理计划面积
- management planning ==> 管理计划=>経営計画
- management planning and control ==> 管理规划及监督
- management planning system ==> 管理计划系统
- management post ==> 管理職
- management power ==> 经营权,经营权
- management principle ==> 经营方针,经营方针
- management principles put forward by Fayol ==> 法约尔管理原则
- management psychology ==> 经营心理学,经营心理学
- management research ==> 管理研究
- management responsibility ==> 経営者の責任
- management review ==> 经营调查,经营调查
- management right ==> 经营权,经营权
- management science ==> 经营管理科学,经营管理科学,经营管理学,经营管理学,管理科学
- management science model ==> 管理学模型
- management science(MS) ==> 经营科学,经营科学
- management scientist ==> 管理科学工作者
- management service ==> 管理服务,管理业务,经营管理业务,经营管理业务
- management shares ==> 经营股份,经营股份
- management software ==> 管理软件
- management specialization ==> 专业化管理,经营专门化,经营专门化
- management strategy ==> 经营战略,经营战略
- management support utility ==> 管理维护实用程序,管理支持实用程序
- management system ==> 管理系统,经营管理系统,经营管理系统
- management system engineering ==> 经营管理系统工程,经营管理系统工程
- management system for the paid use of land ==> 土地有偿使用管理制度
- management tactics ==> 经营策略,经营策略
- management theory ==> 经营管理理论,经营管理理论
- management thought ==> 经营思想,经营思想
- management through figures ==> 图表管理
- management through synchronization ==> 同步对照管理
- management training ==> 经营管理培训,经营管理培训,管理训练
- management training software ==> 管理专业训练软件
- management volume inventory ==> 森林蓄积清查
- management work station ==> 管理工作站
- manager ==> 管理人,理事,经营者,经营者=>マネージャー
- manager of programming ==> 程序管理员
- manager selection ==> 选用经理
- manager Station ==> 管理员站
- manager's discretionary limits ==> 经理自主权限,经理自主权限
- managerial and administrative expertise ==> 经营管理水平,经营管理水平
- managerial and administrative personnel ==> 经营管理人才,经营管理人才
- managerial and operational rationalization ==> 经营管理合理化,经营管理合理化
- managerial audit ==> 经营审计,经营审计
- managerial decision-making ==> 经营决策,经营决策
- managerial economics ==> 经营经济学,经营经济学,管理经济
- managerial force ==> 经营管理人员,经营管理人员
- managerial man model ==> 经营人模型,经营人模型
- managerial personnel responsibility system ==> 企业管理人负责制
- managerial planning ==> 経営計画
- managerial post ==> 管理職
- managerial report ==> 管理报表,管理报告
- managerial report system ==> 管理报表系统,管理报告系统
- managerial role ==> 管理的任务,管理的作用
- managerial role theory ==> 经理角色理论,经理角色理论
- managerial roles approach ==> 经理角色学派,经理角色学派
- managerial roles school ==> 经理角色学派,经理角色学派
- managerial setup ==> 经营机构,经营机构
- managerial staff ==> 管理人员
- managerial system ==> 管理系统
- managerial system in commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业管理体制
- managerial theories of the firm ==> 厂商的管理理论
- managing bank ==> 经办银行,经办银行
- managing director ==> 局长,局长,总经理
- managing for results ==> 目标管理
- managing partner ==> 执行合伙人,执行业务股东
- managing soil resources ==> 管理土壤资源
- manandonite ==> 硅硼锂铝石
- Manans faience ==> 马兰期锡釉陶器
- manasseite ==> 水镁铝石
- Mance's method ==> 曼斯法
- Manchega ==> 曼切加绵羊
- Manchester ==> 曼彻斯特
- manchester brown ==> 曼彻斯特棕
- Manchester cotton ==> 曼彻斯特棉
- manchester goods ==> 棉织品
- Manchester Metropolitan University ==> 英国曼彻斯特都市大学
- Manchester operation ==> 曼彻斯特手术
- manchester plate ==> 曼彻斯特极板
- Manchester School ==> (即自由贸易学派)曼彻斯特学派
- Manchester sett system ==> 曼彻斯特经密制
- Manchester yellow ==> 曼彻斯特黄,马休黄
- Manchester's code ==> 曼彻斯特编码
- manchesterism ==> 自由贸易主义
- manchette ==> 领
- Manchurian ash ==> 水曲柳
- Manchurian dutchmanspipe ==> 关木通
- Manchurian fir ==> 辽东冷杉
- manchurian fruit ==> 苹小食心虫
- Manchurian Lilac Bark ==> 暴马子皮
- Mancozeb ==> 代森锰
- MAND, magnetic active nutation damping ==> 磁気能動ニューテーションダンピング
- mandamus ==> 职务执行令
- mandarin ==> 普通话,特点,柑橘树
- mandarin duck ==> 鸳鸯=>オシドリ
- mandarin orange ==> 柑,蜜柑
- Mandarin-derived varieties withA protein ==> 具有A蛋白的曼达林衍生品种,具有A蛋白的曼达林衍生品种
- mandate ==> 命令,委托,财产委托
- mandator ==> 委托人,命令人,命令者
- mandatory ==> 命令的,代理人,受委托人=>命令の,命令的な,義務的な
- mandatory age ==> 定年
- mandatory age for retirement ==> 法定退休年龄
- mandatory altruism ==> 義務的奉仕活動
- mandatory arbitration ==> 强制性制裁
- mandatory attribute ==> 必須属性
- mandatory control ==> 强制性控制
- mandatory cryptographic session ==> 强制密码会话,命令保密会话
- mandatory dismissal ==> 強制解雇
- mandatory education ==> 義務教育
- mandatory expenditure ==> 强制性开支,强制性支付
- mandatory expense ==> 義務的経費
- mandatory filtration ==> 強制ろ過
- mandatory injunction ==> 法院命令
- mandatory member ==> 永久性成员
- mandatory membership class ==> 必须属籍类别
- mandatory minimum thickness ==> 规定最小厚度
- mandatory provision ==> 强制性规定
- mandatory requirement ==> 强制性要求,必须遵循的要求
- mandatory restrictions on exports ==> 强制出口管理
- mandatory retirement ==> 强迫退休
- mandatory rule ==> 强制性规则
- mandelamine ==> 曼德拉明,孟德立胺,杏仁酸乌洛托品
- Mandelbaum's reaction ==> 丝状反应,曼德尔包姆氏反应
- mandelic acid ==> 杏仁酸,扁桃酸,孟德立酸
- mandelic acid nitrile ==> 扁桃腈
- Mandelin's reagent ==> 曼得灵试剂
- mandelonitrile ==> 扁桃腈,杏仁腈
- mandible ==> 上颚,下颌骨
- mandibular arch ==> 下颌弓
- mandibular area ==> (昆虫)上颚区
- mandibular body ==> 下颌体
- mandibular bristle ==> (昆虫)上颚鬃
- mandibular bud ==> (昆虫)上颚芽
- mandibular conduction anesthesia ==> 下颌传导麻醉
- mandibular dental arch ==> 下颌牙弓
- mandibular dislocation ==> 下颌脱位
- mandibular first molar ==> 下颌第一磨牙
- mandibular foramen ==> 下颌孔
- mandibular fossa ==> 下颌窝
- mandibular ganglion ==> (昆虫)上颚神经节
- mandibular gland ==> 颌下腺,(昆虫)上颚腺
- mandibular impression tray set ==> 下颌印模托盘
- mandibular injection ==> 下颌注射
- mandibular lymph node ==> 下颌淋巴结
- mandibular nerve ==> 下颌神经
- mandibular neuromere ==> (昆虫)上颚神经原节
- mandibular palpus ==> (昆虫)上颚须
- mandibular plate ==> 上颚板
- mandibular process ==> 下颌突
- mandibular reflex ==> 下颌反射
- mandibular sclerite ==> (昆虫)上颚片
- mandibular scrobe ==> (昆虫)上颚槽
- mandibular second molar ==> 下颌第二磨牙
- mandibular segment ==> (昆虫)上颚节
- mandibular seta ==> (昆虫)上颚刚毛
- mandibular spine ==> 上颚刺
- mandibular sulcus ==> 下颌沟,下颌颈沟
- mandibular third molar ==> 下颌第三磨牙
- mandibular torus ==> 下颌圆枕
- mandibular tubercle ==> (昆虫)上颚瘤
- Mandibulata ==> 有颚亚门
- mandibulate insect ==> 嘴嚼式口器的昆虫
- mandibuloculo-facial cranial dysostosis ==> 下颌眼面部头颅骨发育不全症
- mandibulofacial dysostosis ==> 颌面部骨发育不全,颌面部骨发育不全综合征
- mandibulopharyngeal ==> 下颌咽的
- mandolin ==> 曼多林琴,曼陀林
- mandoor ==> 进人门
- mandrel ==> 紧轴,旋转筒,鹤嘴锄,芯棒,芯模,芯轴,芯子,心轴=>マンドレル,心棒
- mandrel bar ==> 心棒
- mandrel block ==> 心轴垫座
- mandrel coiler ==> 心轴式卷取机,筒式卷取机
- mandrel down coiler ==> 辊式地下卷绕机
- mandrel drawing ==> 长芯棒管材拉拔
- mandrel expand ==> 卷筒胀大,卷筒胀大
- mandrel hanger ==> 油管挂
- mandrel holder ==> 芯座
- mandrel mill ==> 芯棒式无缝管轧机
- mandrel payoff reel ==> 卷筒式开卷机,卷筒式开卷机
- mandrel press ==> 心轴压床,手动压力机
- mandrel rod ==> 心棒
- mandrel sleeve ==> 心轴套管
- mandrel socket ==> 套管矫直器,球窝心轴
- mandrel stripper ==> 脱芯机,拔芯机
- mandrel stroke limiter ==> 顶杆行程限位器
- mandrel supporter ==> 马架
- mandrel test ==> 卷解试验,卷解试验,紧轴压入试验,心轴试验法
- mandrel uncoiler ==> 卷筒式开卷机,卷筒式开卷机
- mandrel work ==> 最后加工工作
- mandrels for pipe bending ==> 弯管用的心杆
- mandril ==> 芯子,心轴
- mandrin ==> 导尿管导子,细探针
- mandrox ==> 安眠酮,甲苯喹唑酮
- mandy ==> 甜心
- maneb ==> 代森锰
- Maneb(a) ==> 代森锰
- Manebach law ==> 马尼巴赫定律
- manebach twin ==> 底面双晶
- Manebach twin law ==> 底面双晶律
- Manebdithane ==> 代森锰
- Manebgan ==> 代森锰
- manege ==> 马术学校
- manent experiment ==> 长期试验
- manent left superior vena cava ==> 续存性左上腔静脉
- manent property ==> 永久性财产,永久性物资
- manent tangible property ==> 耐久性有形资产
- manent-magnet stepper motor ==> 永磁步进电动机
- manent-magnetic property ==> 永磁性质
- Manesan ==> 代森锰
- maneton ==> 曲臂夹紧螺栓,曲轴颈
- maneton bolt ==> 拉紧螺栓
- maneuver ==> 机动,操作法,手法=>マヌーバ
- maneuver energy ==> 操纵能,机动能
- maneuver margin ==> 机动能力储备,机动限度
- maneuver reduction of paraphimosis ==> 包皮嵌顿手法复位术
- maneuverability ==> 操纵性,机动性,可控性,灵活性,灵敏性=>操縦性
- maneuverability criterion ==> 机动性准则
- maneuverability evaluation ==> 機動性評価
- maneuverable ==> 可调动
- maneuvering ==> 操縦
- maneuvering air compressor ==> 操纵用压气机
- maneuvering apparatus ==> 控制设备
- maneuvering ballistic reentry vehicle ==> 机动弹道再入飞行器
- maneuvering basin ==> 回船池,船舶转头地
- maneuvering capability ==> 操纵能力
- maneuvering craft ==> 受控航行器
- maneuvering engine ==> 操纵发动机=>マニューバリング・エンジン
- maneuvering experiment ==> 操縦実験
- maneuvering feeling ==> 操作感覚
- maneuvering flight ==> 機動飛行
- maneuvering platform ==> 操纵台
- maneuvering range ==> 机动范围
- maneuvering satellite ==> 机动卫星
- maneuvering simulation ==> 操縦シミュレーション
- maneuvering speed ==> 机动速率
- maneuvering stability ==> 机动稳定性
- maneuvering system ==> 机动系统
- maneuvering test ==> 操纵试验
- MANEVL, orbit & attitude maneuver evaluation program ==> 軌道及び姿勢制御評価プログラム
- manga ==> 漫画
- mangal ==> 锰铝合金
- Mangalite ==> 曼格莱特铝基活塞合金
- mangan diaspore ==> 锰水铝石
- mangan fayalite ==> 锰铁橄榄石
- mangan neptunite ==> 锰柱星叶石
- mangan pyrite ==> 锰黄铁矿
- mangan vesuvianite ==> 锰符山石
- mangan zinc ferrite ==> 锰锌铁氧体
- mangan-actinolite ==> 锰阳起石
- mangan-alluaudite ==> 锰钠磷铁矿
- mangan-fluorapatite ==> 锰氟磷灰石
- mangan-magnetite ==> 锰磁铁矿
- mangan-melanterite ==> 锰绿矾
- mangan-monticellite ==> 锰钙橄榄石
- mangan-orthite ==> 锰褐帘石
- mangan-uralite ==> 锰纤闪石
- mangan-voltaite ==> 锰钾铁矾
- Manganal ==> 曼加那尔高强度耐磨含镍高锰钢,含镍高锰钢
- manganandalusite ==> 锰红柱石
- manganankerite ==> 锰铁白云石
- manganapatite ==> 锰磷灰石
- manganate ==> 锰酸盐
- manganate ion ==> 锰酸盐离子
- manganaxinite ==> 锰斧石
- manganberzeliite ==> 锰砷钙镁矿
- manganchlorite ==> 锰绿泥石
- mangancolumbite ==> 铌锰矿
- mangandisthene ==> 锰硅铝石
- mangandolomite ==> 锰白云石
- manganease spar ==> 蔷薇辉石
- manganeisen ==> 锰铁合金
- manganese ==> 锰,锰钢衬板,二氧化锰=>マンガン,マンガニーズ
- manganese (Mn) ==> 锰
- manganese acetate ==> 醋酸锰,乙酸锰
- manganese addition ==> 锰增量
- manganese albuminate ==> 清蛋白锰
- manganese alloy ==> 锰合金
- manganese amphibole ==> 锰闪石
- manganese autunite ==> 锰铀云母
- manganese bacteria ==> 锰细菌
- manganese bath ==> 锰浴
- manganese black ==> 锰黑,二氧化锰
- manganese borate ==> 硼酸锰
- manganese boron alloy ==> 锰硼合金
- manganese brass ==> 锰黄铜
- manganese bromide ==> 溴化锰,溴化锰
- manganese bronze catching finger ==> 锰钢制抓卡
- manganese brown ==> 锰棕,锰棕色
- manganese carbonate ==> 碳酸锰
- manganese casting brass ==> 铸造锰黄铜
- manganese catalyst ==> マンガン触媒
- manganese cell ==> 锰电池=>マンガン電池
- manganese chain ==> マンガン鎖
- manganese chloride ==> 氯化锰=>塩化マンガン
- manganese concretion ==> 锰质结核
- manganese copper ==> 锰铜
- manganese copper alloy ==> 锰铜合金
- manganese copper-nickel ==> 锰铜镍合金
- manganese deficiency ==> 缺锰,缺锰病
- manganese deficiency in soybean be changed ==> 改变大豆缺锰状态
- manganese difluoride ==> 二氟化锰
- manganese dihydrogen phosphate ==> 马尔夫盐
- manganese dioxide ==> 二氧化锰,二氧化锰,软锰矿
- manganese dioxide electrolytic ==> 电解二氧化锰
- manganese dioxide scavenging ==> 二氧化锰清除法
- manganese disulfide ==> 二硫化锰
- manganese drier ==> 锰催干剂
- manganese dry cell ==> 锰干电池
- manganese epidote ==> 锰绿帘石,红帘石
- manganese family element ==> 锰族元素
- manganese fayalite ==> 锰铁橄榄石
- manganese fertilizer ==> 锰肥
- manganese fluoride ==> 氟化锰(II)
- manganese fluosilicate ==> 氟硅酸锰
- manganese glass ==> 锰质玻璃
- manganese gluconate ==> 葡糖酸锰
- manganese green ==> 锰绿
- manganese halide ==> 卤化锰
- manganese heptoxide ==> 七氧化二锰
- manganese hypophosphite ==> 次磷酸锰
- manganese in urine ==> 尿锰
- manganese iodide ==> 碘化锰
- manganese ion ==> 锰离子
- manganese iron ==> 锰铁,锰铁合金
- manganese isotope ==> 锰同位素
- manganese lactate ==> 乳酸锰
- manganese metal ==> 金属锰
- manganese minerals ==> 锰矿
- manganese monosulfide ==> 一硫化锰
- manganese monoxide ==> 一氧化锰
- manganese mordant ==> 锰媒染剂
- manganese mud ==> 锰矿渣
- manganese muscovite ==> 锰白云母
- manganese naphthenate ==> 环烷酸锰
- manganese nitrate ==> 硝酸锰
- manganese nitride ==> 含氮锰铁,二氮化三锰
- manganese nodule ==> 锰团块
- manganese nodule province ==> 锰结核区
- manganese nutrition ==> 锰营养
- manganese oleate ==> 油酸锰
- manganese oxalate ==> 草酸锰
- manganese oxide ==> 氧化猛
- manganese oxide as fertilizer sources ==> 利用氧化锰作为肥料
- manganese pennine ==> 锰叶绿泥石
- manganese peroxide ==> 二氧化锰,过氧化锰
- manganese phosphate ==> 磷酸锰
- manganese poisoning ==> 锰毒害,锰中毒
- manganese powder ==> 锰粉
- manganese power ==> (锰粉)二氧化锰
- manganese red ==> 锰红
- manganese removal ==> 除锰法
- manganese rock ==> 锰质岩
- manganese scraper ==> 锰钢耙斗
- manganese sesquioxide ==> 三氧化二锰
- Manganese Shale Group ==> 曼加内斯页岩群
- manganese silicon spring steel ==> 锰硅弹簧钢
- manganese silicon steel ==> 锰硅钢
- manganese silicon tool steel ==> 锰硅工具钢
- manganese spar ==> 菱锰矿
- manganese spring steel ==> 锰弹簧钢
- manganese star ==> 锰星
- manganese steel ==> 锰钢,哈德菲尔德锰钢=>マンガン鋼
- manganese sulfate ==> 硫酸锰
- manganese sulfide ==> 硫化锰
- manganese tartrate ==> 酒石酸锰,酒石酸锰
- manganese titanate ==> 钛酸锰,钛酸锰
- manganese tool steel ==> 锰工具钢
- manganese tungstate ==> 钨酸锰矿
- manganese vanadium steel ==> 锰钒钢
- manganese vanadium tool steel ==> 锰矾工具钢
- manganese vapour atomic laser ==> 锰原子蒸气激光器
- manganese vapour laser ==> 锰蒸气激光器
- manganese vitriol ==> 锰胆矾
- manganese wedge-bar liner ==> (球磨机)锰钢制楔形棒条内衬
- manganese zeolite ==> 锰沸石
- manganese zinc pyroxene ==> 锰锌辉石
- manganese zinc spar ==> 锰菱锌矿
- manganese-activated zinc phosphate ==> 锰激活磷酸锌
- manganese-alumina pink ==> 锰红
- manganese-aluminum ==> 锰铝合金
- manganese-anorthite ==> 锰钙长石
- manganese-boron ==> 锰硼合金
- manganese-copper resistance wire ==> 锰铜电阻线
- manganese-gehlenite ==> 锰钙黄长石
- manganese-merwinite ==> 锰镁硅钙石
- manganese-silicon ==> 锰硅合金
- manganese-titanium ==> 锰钛合金
- manganese-zinc ferrite ==> 锰锌铁氧体
- manganesian fayalite ==> 锰铁橄榄石
- manganesian magnetite ==> 锰磁铁矿
- manganglauconite ==> 锰海绿石
- manganhedenbergite ==> 锰钙铁辉石
- mangani-sicklerite ==> 锰磷锂锰矿
- manganic ==> 三价锰
- manganic acid ==> 锰酸
- manganic compound ==> 锰化合物
- manganic drier ==> 锰催干剂
- manganic fluoride ==> 氟化锰(III)
- manganic oxide ==> 三氧化二锰
- manganic phosphate ==> 磷酸三价锰
- manganides ==> 锰系元素
- manganiferous white cast iron ==> 含锰白口铸铁
- manganilmenite ==> 锰钛铁矿
- manganin ==> 锰铜,锰铜镍线=>マンガニン
- manganin alloy ==> 锰铜合金,锰镍铜合金
- manganin manganin alloy ==> 锰镍铜合金
- manganin wire ==> 锰铜线
- manganism ==> 锰中毒
- manganismus ==> 锰中毒
- manganite ==> 水锰矿
- manganjustite ==> 锰黄长石
- mangankoninckite ==> 锰针磷铁矿
- manganleonite ==> 锰钾镁矾
- manganludwigite ==> 锰硼镁铁矿
- manganmuscovite ==> 锰白云母
- mangano-anthophyllite ==> 锰直闪石
- mangano-manganic oxide ==> 四氧化三锰
- manganobarium muscovite ==> 锰钡白云母
- manganocalcite ==> 锰方解石,含钙菱锰矿
- manganochromite ==> 锰铬铁矿
- manganoconiosis ==> 锰尘沉着病,锰尘肺
- manganoferrogehnite ==> 锰铁锌尖晶石
- manganolangbeinite ==> 锰钾镁矾
- manganolite ==> 锰质石,蔷薇辉石
- manganomelane ==> 锰土
- manganomethe moglobins ==> 锰正铁血红蛋白
- manganonatrolite ==> 锰钠沸石
- manganopectolite ==> 锰针钠钙石
- manganophyllite ==> 锰黑云母
- manganosiderite ==> 锰菱铁矿
- manganosite ==> 方锰矿
- manganosteenstrupine ==> 锰菱黑稀土矿
- manganostrengite ==> 锰红磷铁矿
- manganotremolite ==> 锰透闪石
- manganous acid ==> 亚锰酸
- manganous bromide ==> 溴化锰,溴化锰
- manganous chloride ==> 二氯化锰
- manganous dichloride ==> 二氯化锰
- manganous diiodide ==> 二碘化锰
- manganous fluoride ==> 氟化锰(II)
- manganous fluosilicate ==> 氟硅酸亚锰
- manganous iodide ==> 碘化锰
- manganous oxalate ==> 草酸锰
- manganous oxide ==> 一氧化锰
- manganous salt ==> 亚锰盐
- manganous silicate ==> 硅酸锰
- manganous sulfate ==> 硫酸锰
- manganous sulfate test ==> 硫酸亚锰试法
- manganous sulfide ==> 硫化锰,一硫化锰
- manganoxyapatite ==> 锰氧磷灰石
- manganpectolite ==> 锰针钠钙石
- mangansmithsonite ==> 锰菱锌矿
- manganvoelckerite ==> 锰氧磷灰石
- manganwollastonite ==> 锰硅灰石
- mangcorn ==> 混合粒
- mange ==> 家畜疥,螨病
- mange mite ==> 畜痒螨
- mangel ==> 饲料甜菜
- mangel pickup loader ==> 饲用甜菜捡拾装载机
- mangel-wurzel ==> 饲用甜菜
- Mangelinvar ==> 曼格林瓦钴铁镍锰合金
- mangelinvar ==> 钴铁镍锰合金
- mangelwurzel ==> 饲用甜菜
- manger ==> 饲料槽
- Manger ==> 鬼宿星团
- manger board ==> 挡水板
- mangiferin ==> 芒果素,(祛痰药)芒果甙
- mangiferolic acid ==> 芒果醇酸
- mangiferonic acid ==> 芒果酮酸
- Mangin mirror ==> 曼京镜,(消球差的折反射镜)曼金镜
- Mangin primary ==> 曼金主镜
- mangle ==> 辊式板材矫直机,吊篮运输机,轧板机,轧液机,碾压机
- mangle gear ==> 轧布轮,滚销齿轮
- mangle gearing ==> 往复齿条装置
- mangler ==> 磨肉机,砑光机
- mangnolia ==> 木兰花
- mango ==> 芒果,芒果树=>マンゴー
- mango gum ==> 芒果胶
- mango melon ==> 柑瓜
- mango shoot-borer ==> 横纹夜蛾
- Mangol ==> 曼戈尔铝锰合金
- mangold fly ==> 甜菜潜叶蝇
- Mangonic ==> 曼戈尼克镍锰合金,锰基锰合金
- mangostin ==> [化]倒捻子素
- mangrove ==> 红树,红树林
- mangrove swamp ==> 红树林沼泽
- manhaden oil ==> 步鱼油
- manhandle ==> 人工操作
- Manhattan ==> 曼哈顿商业区
- Manhattan distance ==> 曼哈坦距离
- manhead ==> 人孔
- manhole ==> 人孔,探孔,检修孔,升降口=>マンホール
- manhole coaming ==> 人孔围板
- manhole cover ==> 人孔盖,进入孔盖,检查井盖
- manhole dog ==> 人孔盖压板,人孔扣夹
- manhole door ==> 人孔门
- manhole head ==> 检查井盖
- manhole plate ==> 检查孔盖,人孔盖,人孔盖板
- manhole ring ==> 人孔加强圈
- manhole size ==> 人孔尺寸
- manhole step ==> 人孔踏步
- manhole with butt welded flange ==> 对焊法兰人孔
- manhole with common welded flange ==> 平焊法兰人孔
- manhole with convex cover ==> 凸形盖人孔
- manhole with hanging cover ==> 吊盖人孔
- manhole with horizonal hanging cover ==> 水平吊盖人孔
- manhole with rotatable cover ==> 回转盖入孔
- manhole with sight glass ==> 带视镜人孔
- manhole with vertical hanging cover ==> 垂直吊盖人孔
- manhour cost ==> 工数費用
- mania ==> 躁狂,躁狂症,狂躁
- mania furiosa ==> 暴怒性躁狂
- mania gravis ==> 暴怒性躁狂
- maniac ==> 躁狂症者
- maniac access ==> 躁狂发作
- maniacal ==> 躁狂的
- maniacal chorea ==> 躁狂性舞蹈病
- manic ==> 躁狂的
- Manic ==> 马尼克铜锰镍合金,铜锰镍合金,铜镍锰合金
- manic depressive reaction ==> 狂躁抑郁性反应
- manic personality ==> 躁狂性格
- manic state ==> 躁狂状态
- manic syndrome ==> 躁狂综合征
- manic-depressive depression ==> 躁狂抑郁症性抑郁症
- manic-depressive personality ==> 躁郁性格
- manic-depressive psychosis ==> 躁狂抑郁性精神病,躁狂抑郁症,躁狂忧郁症,狂郁精神病
- manic-depressive psychosis depressed type ==> 躁狂抑郁性精神病抑郁型
- manic-depressive psychosis manic type ==> 躁狂抑郁性精神病躁狂型
- manic-depressive psychosis mixed type ==> 躁狂抑郁性精神病混合型
- manic-state rating scale ==> 躁狂状态评定量表
- manifest ==> 清单,舱单,仓口单,货单,货物清单,货运清单=>マニフェスト,積荷目録
- manifest content ==> 梦境
- manifest covariance ==> 明显协变性
- manifest heterotropia ==> 显斜视,显性斜视
- manifest hypermetropia ==> 显性远视
- manifest of import and export ==> 进出口载货清单
- manifest squint ==> 显斜视,显性斜视
- manifest stimulus ==> 幻惧刺激
- manifest strabismus ==> 显斜视,显性斜视
- manifestation ==> 表现
- manifestly ==> はっきりと,明白に
- manifesto ==> 宣言,告示=>マニフェスト
- manifold ==> 集管,集合管,集流腔,集流箱,集液总管,拷贝,簇,簇,歧管,一字头(螺杆泵),流形,多叉管,多头导管,多头管,多样的,多支管,多种特征的,空气分流器=>分気箱,マンホルド,マンホールド
- manifold air oxidation ==> 歧管空气氧化
- manifold branch ==> 歧管
- manifold burner ==> 复式喷灯
- manifold chamber ==> 混合室
- manifold clamp ==> 歧管夹
- manifold cleaning paste ==> 多用洁净剂
- manifold condenser ==> 多管冷凝管,歧管冷凝器
- manifold crane ==> 多用起重机
- manifold depression ==> 歧管抽空
- manifold drying apparatus ==> 歧管干燥器
- manifold exhaust ==> 歧管排气,多样式排气
- manifold flow ==> 分叉管水流,簇流
- manifold gasket ==> 歧管垫密片
- manifold gland ==> 歧管压盖
- manifold heat control ==> 歧管加热控制
- manifold heater ==> 多管加热器,多管蒸气炉
- manifold heater plate ==> 歧管加热器片
- manifold hood ==> 歧管外罩
- manifold ignition test ==> 歧管点火试验
- manifold inflation ==> 充气歧管
- manifold injection ==> 进气歧管喷射,进水歧管喷射,进油歧管喷射
- manifold of excited state ==> 受激态簇
- manifold paper ==> 打字纸,复印纸
- manifold penstock ==> 多叉压力水管,岔管,水电厂压力管道中连接主管与支管的岔形短管
- manifold plug ==> 歧管塞
- manifold pressure ==> 歧管压力
- manifold pressure control ==> 歧管压力调节,进气管压力调节
- manifold ring ==> 集合环,集流环
- manifold system ==> 多头管系
- manifold tissue ==> 复写用纸
- manifold tunnel ==> 多叉隧洞
- manifold vacuum ==> 歧管真空
- manifold valve ==> 歧管阀,汇流阀
- manifold valves ==> 多管阀
- manifold wall wetting ==> 歧管壁浸湿
- manifold writer ==> 复写机
- manifolder ==> 复写机
- manifolding ==> 歧管装置
- manihot ==> 木薯
- Manihot esculenta ==> 木薯
- manihot poisoning ==> 木薯中毒
- manihot rubber ==> 木薯橡胶
- manihotoxin ==> 木薯毒甙
- manikin ==> 人造模型
- Manil(l)a paper ==> (电缆绝缘纸)马尼拉纸
- Manil(l)a rope ==> 吕宋绳,马尼拉绳
- Manila ==> 马尼拉
- Manila board ==> 马尼拉纸板,灰底白板纸
- Manila bristol ==> 马尼拉厚纸
- Manila copal ==> 马尼拉树脂
- manila elemi oil ==> 马尼拉榄香油
- manila fiber ==> 马尼拉纤维
- Manila gold ==> 马尼拉假金
- Manila hemp ==> 马尼拉麻
- manila hemp ==> 麻蕉
- Manila hemp, Musa texlilis ==> 吕宋麻
- manila maguey ==> 肯太拉麻
- Manila resin ==> 马尼拉树脂
- Manila rope ==> 马尼拉麻丝
- manila rope ==> 马尼拉棕绳,粗麻绳
- Manila rope paper ==> 马尼拉纸绳纸
- manila tamarind ==> 马尼拉罗望子
- manila web sling ==> 白棕绳吊索
- manila wrapping ==> 马尼拉包装纸
- manila writing ==> 马尼拉书写纸
- manilabiability ==> 可处理性
- maniladiol ==> 马尼拉二醇
- Manilla gold ==> 铅黄铜
- maniloquism ==> 手语
- maniluvium ==> 手浴
- manioc ==> 木薯
- manioc cocoon ==> 木薯茧
- manioc cutting ==> 木薯茎苗
- manioc meal ==> 木薯粗粉
- manioc pellet ==> 木薯粒
- manioc waste ==> 木薯渣
- manioca ==> 麻风树
- manipuility ==> 可操作性,可处理性,可管理性
- manipulability measure ==> 可操作度
- manipulate ==> 操作
- manipulate unit ==> 操作部件
- manipulated key ==> 手动键,指键
- manipulated range ==> 操纵范围
- manipulated soil ==> 重塑土
- manipulated variable ==> 操纵量,控制变量=>操作量
- manipulating key ==> 手动键,指键
- manipulation ==> 手术,操纵,操作,操作法,控制,键控,打键,推拿=>操作
- manipulation chart ==> 联锁操作图
- manipulation noise ==> 按键噪声
- manipulation of acupuncture ==> 针刺手法
- manipulation of algebraic formulas ==> 代数公式的处理
- manipulation of bone setting ==> 治骨手法
- manipulation of generating function ==> 生成函数的处理
- manipulation of periodic income ==> 操纵当期利益
- manipulation of string ==> 串的处理
- manipulation of supply ==> 操纵供应
- manipulation platform ==> 操作台
- manipulation ratio ==> 焊条焊着率
- manipulative compression joint ==> 手工压接
- manipulative index ==> 操纵索引
- manipulative indexing ==> 键控检索,相关索引
- manipulator ==> 胎具,电键,焊接操作机,控制器,机械手,操纵器,操纵型机器人,操纵者,操纵装置,操作者,指键=>マニピュレータ,マニプレータ
- manipulator arm ==> 操作器机械手,翻料挺杆
- manipulator cell ==> 操作室,机械手操作室
- manipulator finger ==> 机械手抓手
- manipulator for forging ==> 锻造操作机
- manipulator joint ==> 机械手关节
- manipulator marks ==> (轧材缺陷)推床痕
- manipulator mechanism ==> 翻卷机
- manipulator rack ==> 推床齿条
- manipulator slide beam ==> 推床的导板
- manipulator traversing gear ==> 机械手传动装置
- manipulator turning gear ==> 机械手转动机构
- manipulatrion of security market ==> 操纵证券市场
- maniraptoran ==> マニラプトル類
- manjak ==> 硬化沥青
- manjiroite ==> 锰钠矿
- mankind ==> 人类
- Manley-Rewes formula ==> マンレー・ローの式
- manley-roew equation ==> 曼利-罗方程
- manlid ==> 人孔盖,检查井盖
- manmade fibre ==> 化学纤维
- Mann-Kendall test ==> 曼肯德尔检验
- manna ==> 木蜜
- manna sugar ==> 甘露糖醇
- mannan ==> 甘露聚糖
- mannase ==> 甘露聚糖酶
- mannatide ==> 甘露聚糖肽
- manned attitude control ==> 人控的姿态控制
- manned balloon ==> 载人气球
- manned craft ==> 载人飞行器
- manned flight ==> 载人飞行,人操纵的飞行
- manned lunar circumnavigation ==> 人操纵的环月飞行
- manned orbital space station ==> 载人轨道空间站
- manned orbital space system ==> 载人轨道空间系统
- manned orbiting laboratory ==> 载人轨道实验室,人操纵的轨道实验室
- manned reconnaissance satellite ==> 载人侦察卫星
- manned rocket ==> 载人火箭
- manned satellite ==> 载人卫星,人操纵的卫星
- manned space flight ==> 载人航天飞行
- manned spacecraft ==> 载人飞船,载人航天器,人操纵的宇宙飞船
- manned spacecraft center ==> 载人宇宙飞船中心
- manned spaceship ==> 载人宇宙飞船
- manned submersible ==> 载人可潜器
- manned vehicle ==> 载人飞船,人操纵的飞行器
- mannequin ==> 人体模型
- manner ==> 方法,方式,样式
- manner of breathing ==> 息相
- manner of collecting export proceeds ==> 出口收汇方式
- manner of packing ==> 包装方式
- mannerism ==> 作态
- Mannesmann ==> 曼内斯曼=>マンネスマン
- Mannesmann effect ==> 曼内斯曼效应,(锻件或轧件内)曼纳斯曼效应
- Mannesmann mill ==> 曼内斯曼斜轧机
- Mannesmann piercer ==> 曼内斯曼式穿孔机,辊式穿轧机
- Mannesmann piercing mill ==> 曼内斯曼式穿孔机,斜轧穿孔机
- Mannesmann piercing roll ==> (管材)曼内斯曼斜辊穿轧机
- Mannesmann process ==> 曼内斯曼式轧管法,(斜辊轧管法)曼内斯曼制管法
- Mannesmann roll-piercing process ==> 曼内斯曼辊式穿孔法
- Mannheim ==> 曼海姆
- Mannheim absorption system ==> 曼海姆吸收装置
- Mannheim gold ==> 曼海姆金,曼海姆铜锌锡代金合金
- Mannheim proeess ==> 曼海姆法
- Mannheim salt-cake furnace ==> 曼海姆制盐饼炉
- mannich base ==> 曼里斯碱
- Mannich base ==> 曼尼期碱,曼尼希碱
- Mannich base complex ==> 曼尼期基配合物
- Mannich condensate ==> 曼尼期缩合物
- Mannich condensation ==> 曼尼希反应
- Mannich reaction ==> 曼尼期反应,曼尼希反应
- mannide ==> 二缩甘露醇
- mannikin ==> 人体模型
- manning ==> 人员组成,配备人员
- Manning equation ==> 曼宁方程,曼宁公式
- Manning formula ==> 曼宁公式
- manning level ==> 定员
- Manning level ==> 人员配备
- Manning Provincial Park ==> 曼宁省立公园
- Manning roughness coefficient ==> 曼宁糙率系数
- Manning roughness factor ==> 曼宁糙率系数
- Manning table ==> 人力配备表
- manning's coefficient of roughness ==> 曼氏粗糙度系数
- Manning's friction coefficient ==> 曼宁摩擦系数
- mannite ==> 甘露糖醇
- mannitol ==> 甘露醇,甘露糖醇
- mannitol hexanicotinate ==> 甘露醇烟酸酯
- mannitol hexanitrate ==> 甘露六硝酯,甘露糖醇六硝酸酯
- mannitol nitrate ==> 硝酸甘露醇酯
- mannitose ==> 甘露糖
- Mannkopf's sign ==> 曼科夫氏征
- mannomustine ==> 甘露醇氮芥,甘露氮芥
- mannose ==> 甘露糖
- Mannose ==> 甘露糖
- mannosi-dostreptomycin ==> 链霉素B
- mannoside ==> 甘露糖苷
- mannosidostreptomycin ==> 甘露糖苷链霉素
- mannosulfan ==> 甘露舒凡
- mano cryometer ==> 融解压力计
- mano-contact ==> 压力感知触点
- manocryometer ==> 加压熔点计
- manocyst ==> 毡囊
- manoeuverability ==> 可操纵性
- manoeuvering valve ==> 调节阀
- manogenin ==> 曼诺皂甙元
- manograph ==> 压力计,压力记录器,气压表,高速光学示功器,记压器,测压器
- Manoilescu argument ==> 曼诺列斯库论据
- Manol ==> 代森锰
- manometavola ==> 渐变态类
- manometer ==> 检压计,测压计,气压表,压力表,压力计,压强计,流体压力计,蒸汽流量表=>圧力計,マノメータ
- manometer calibration ==> 压力表校准
- manometer liquid level indicator ==> 压力表式液位指示器
- manometer pressure ==> 压力计压力,表压,表压力
- manometer regulator ==> 风压调整器
- manometer tap ==> 压力表接口和螺塞
- manometer tube ==> 压力管
- manometer tube gland ==> 压力管塞,压力计管压盖
- manometric bomb ==> 密闭爆发器
- manometric capsule ==> 密封增压座舱
- manometric efficiency ==> 压缩效率,测压效率
- manometric flame ==> 感压焰
- manometric liquid ==> 测压液
- manometric method ==> 测压法
- manometric test ==> 测压试验
- manometric thermometer ==> 压差温度计,压力表式温度计
- manometry ==> 压力计测量,容积的压力测量,测压,测压术
- manool ==> 迈诺醇
- manool oxide ==> 迈诺氧化物
- manoplania ==> 代偿性月经
- manor ==> 封地,采邑
- manoscope ==> 气体密度测定仪,流压计
- manoscopy ==> 流压术,气体密度测定,气体容量分析
- manostat ==> 压力稳定器,恒压器
- Manouvriers index ==> 曼奴佛立安指数
- manpack microwave radio ==> 背负式微波台
- manpower ==> 定员
- manpower (unit of power) ==> 人力
- manpower allocation ==> 人力分配法
- manpower allocation procedure ==> 人力分配法
- manpower analysis ==> 人力分析
- manpower budget ==> 人力预算
- manpower budgeting ==> 人力预算
- manpower capital ==> 人力资本
- manpower control ==> 人力管理
- manpower cost ==> 工资成本
- manpower deficit ==> 人力不足
- manpower demand ==> 人力需求
- manpower development ==> 人力开发
- manpower effectiveness ==> 人力效率
- manpower input-output analysis ==> 人力投入产出分析
- manpower inputoutput analysis ==> 人力输入输出分析
- manpower inventory ==> 人力清单
- manpower leveling ==> 人力负荷拉平
- manpower management ==> 人力管理
- manpower planning ==> 人力安排规划,人力规划
- manpower policy ==> 人力政策
- manpower ratios ==> 人力方面的比率
- manpower relocation ==> 劳动力再配置
- manpower resource development for nuclear power ==> 核电人力资源开发,基于核电营运、建设和发展的需要,制定出的以各类学校培养为主,加之各核电建设参与单位培养、在职培训和再培训的核电人力资源开发规划,并投入相应的人力和财力,以利于该规划顺利实施的工作
- manpower resources ==> 人力资源
- manpower resources accounting ==> 人力资源会计
- manpower surplus ==> 人力过剩
- manpower system ==> 人力系统
- manpower training ==> 人力培训,人力训练
- manpower utilization ==> 人力利用
- manpower utilization survey ==> 人力利用调查
- mansard ==> 热风干燥室
- mansard dormer window ==> 复折屋顶窗
- mansard roof ==> 复折式屋顶,复折屋顶,折线形屋顶
- mansard roof truss ==> 复折屋架
- Mansbridge capacitor ==> 自动封闭电容器
- mansbridge capacitor ==> 金属化纸电容器
- Mansfeld copper process ==> 曼斯非尔德炼铜法
- Mansfield copper process ==> 曼斯菲尔德炼铜法
- Mansfield oil gas producer ==> 曼斯菲尔德油气发生器
- Mansfield Sandstone ==> 曼斯菲尔德砂岩
- mansfieldite ==> 砷铝石
- Mansholt Plan ==> 曼斯霍尔特计划,1968年,欧洲委员会公布了以当时负责CAP事宜的欧洲委员会副主席曼斯霍尔特(Sicco Mansholt)命名的“欧洲共同农业政策改革备忘录”,也就是人们通常所说的“曼斯霍尔特计划”
- mansion ==> 大厦,府邸,官邸
- mansion house ==> 府邸
- mansjoite ==> 氟透辉石
- Manson's disease ==> (血吸虫病)曼森氏病
- manson-coffin law ==> 曼森-科菲定律
- Mansonella ==> 曼森氏线虫属,曼森线虫属
- Mansonella ozzardi ==> 奥氏曼森线虫
- mansonelliasis ==> 曼氏丝虫病
- Mansonia ==> 曼蚊属
- Mansonia uniformis ==> 常型曼蚊
- Mansonoides ==> 曼蚊亚属
- mansonone ==> 曼宋酮
- manta ==> 曼塔彩色披巾
- mantel ==> 罩
- mantel piece ==> 壁炉台
- Mantel-Haenzel test ==> 曼特尔-亨塞尔检验
- Mantidae ==> 螳螂科,螳螂科
- mantilla ==> 黑丝披巾
- mantilla lace ==> 黑丝披巾花边
- mantis ==> 螳螂,螳螂
- mantissa ==> 假数,尾数=>仮数(対数)
- mantissa of logarithm ==> 对数的尾数
- mantissa part ==> 尾数部分
- mantle ==> 伪柔膜组织,斗篷,罩盖,地幔,套筒,风化层,风化覆盖层,覆盖物,高炉环梁壳,机套,表土层,(软体动物)套模=>マントル,the Earth's lower mantle,地球の下部マントル
- mantle cavity ==> 套腔,外套腔
- mantle cell ==> 套细胞
- mantle cone ==> 破碎机可动圆锥
- mantle convection ==> 地幔对流
- mantle degassing ==> 地幔脱气
- mantle dentin ==> 罩牙本质
- mantle fiber ==> 套丝
- mantle filter ==> 罩式滤器
- mantle flow ==> 地幔流
- mantle fold ==> 套膜褶
- mantle folding ==> 盖层褶皱
- mantle friction ==> 表面摩擦
- mantle groove ==> 套膜沟
- mantle heterogeneity ==> マントル不均質性
- mantle layer ==> 套层
- mantle lobe ==> 套叶
- mantle metasomatism ==> 地幔交代作用
- mantle of rock ==> 岩石表层
- mantle of soil ==> 土被
- mantle of the earth ==> 地幔
- mantle petrology ==> 地幔岩石学
- mantle piece ==> 罩套构件
- mantle plume ==> 地幔热柱,地幔羽,(羽状地幔流)地幔柱
- mantle region ==> 套膜节
- mantle reservoir ==> 地幔库
- mantle ring ==> 垫环,支圈
- mantle rock ==> 表层岩,风化层,浮土
- mantle segment ==> 套膜节
- mantle soil ==> 表土层
- mantle-crust mix ==> 地壳地幔混合物
- mantled gneiss dome ==> 带盖片麻岩穹窿
- mantlet ==> 防盾
- manto ==> 席状交代矿床,平卧状矿床,矿层
- Mantodea ==> 螳螂目,螳螂目
- mantomycin ==> 夹竹桃霉素
- Mantoux reaction ==> 芒图氏反应
- Mantoux test ==> 曼托试验,芒图氏试验,门托氏试验,孟德尔氏试验
- manu-marble ==> 人造大理石
- manual ==> 手册,人工,便览,手动的,手控的,指南,人工的,手操作的=>手動
- manual accelerator control ==> 手油门
- manual activity analysis ==> 体力活动分析
- manual address switch ==> 手动地址开关
- manual adjusting knob ==> 手调旋钮
- manual adjustment ==> 手调,人工调整
- manual alarm system ==> 手动报警系统,手摇警报装置
- manual amendment ==> 手工修正,人工修整
- manual answering ==> 手動応答
- manual application of lubricant ==> 人工润滑,手工润滑
- manual approach ==> 手操纵进场着陆
- manual arc welding ==> 手工电弧堆焊
- manual area ==> 人工电话区
- manual assembly ==> 手工成型
- manual attack ==> 人操纵的攻击
- manual auger ==> 人力钻机,手摇钻机
- manual auto run-up selector ==> 手动自动起动选择器
- manual automatic ==> 人工自动的
- manual back-up ==> 人工后援
- manual back-up unit ==> 人工备件
- manual backup ==> 人工接替,手动后备调节装置
- manual backup control system ==> 手动备用控制系统
- manual banding ==> 人工打捆
- manual basis ==> 人工方式
- manual block ==> 人工闭锁,手动闭锁
- manual block apparatus ==> 人工闭塞装置
- manual block signal system ==> 人工闭塞信号系统
- manual block system ==> 人工闭塞系统
- manual blowing ==> 人工吹制
- manual board ==> 人工台
- manual bonder ==> 手工接合器
- manual book ==> 手册
- manual booster ==> 手动升压机
- manual boring ==> 人力钻探
- manual calculating unit ==> 手动计算器
- manual call ==> 手摇呼叫
- manual call-back transfer ==> 手動転送
- manual calling ==> 人工呼叫=>手動呼出し
- manual capacity regulator ==> 手动能量
- manual card ==> 手穿孔卡片
- manual casing hanger ==> 手动套管挂
- manual catching ==> 机座间的人工递钢
- manual CCT ==> 人工电路
- manual central office ==> 人工电话局
- manual changeover ==> 手摇转向机构
- manual changeover procedure ==> 人工转换程序
- manual changeover signal ==> 人工转换信号
- manual circuit ==> 人工电路,手工电路
- manual closed-loop control system ==> 手动闭环控制系统
- manual closing ==> 手动闭合
- manual closing operation ==> 人工接续
- manual collator ==> 人工比较装置
- manual commercial office ==> 人工商用电话局
- manual common battery switchboard ==> 人工共电式交换台
- manual compensation ==> 手动补偿
- manual computation ==> 手算,笔算
- manual consolidation ==> 手工捣实,人工固结
- manual control ==> 人工控制,人力控制,手动操纵,手动控制,手控=>手動制御
- manual control lever ==> 操纵手柄
- manual control mode ==> 手动控制系统
- manual control open loop ==> 手控开环,人工控制开环
- manual control panel ==> 人工控制板,手动控制板
- manual control pitch propeller ==> 手调螺距螺旋浆
- manual control screw ==> 手调螺钉
- manual control station ==> 手动控制站
- manual control switch ==> 制御用操作スイッチ
- manual control system ==> 手操纵系统
- manual controller ==> 手动控制器,人工控制器=>手動制御器
- manual craft ==> 手工艺
- manual crane ==> 手动起重机
- manual cranking handle ==> 手摇起动手柄
- manual cupulometer ==> 自记嵴帽计
- manual cut ==> 人工切割,手工切割
- manual cut-out lever ==> 手动停油杆
- manual cutting ==> 手工切割,人工裁切
- manual data ==> 手册资料
- manual data input ==> 手动数据输入,人工数据输入
- manual data relay center ==> 人工数据中继中心
- manual datainput equipment ==> 人工数据输入设备
- manual degaussing ==> 人工消磁
- manual desk ==> 人工交换台
- manual detasseling ==> 手工去雄
- manual device backup ==> 手动设备备份
- manual digital command ==> 手控数字指令
- manual digitizer ==> 手控数字转换器
- manual direction finder ==> 手动无线电测向仪
- manual drilling ==> 手工打眼
- manual drive ==> 手动
- manual driven duplicator ==> 手动复印机
- manual driver ==> 手动驱动器
- manual duplicator ==> 手动复制机
- manual duster ==> 手摇喷粉机
- manual editing ==> 手动编辑
- manual effort ==> 人力
- manual electic arc pile up welding ==> 手工电弧堆焊
- manual electric arc welding ==> 手工电弧堆焊
- manual electro-slag welding ==> 手工电渣焊
- manual element ==> 手工基本动作
- manual emergency running device ==> 手动应急运转装置
- manual entry ==> 手控入口,人工输入
- manual equalizer ==> 手动均衡器
- manual examination (check) ==> 手动检查
- manual exchange ==> 人工电话局,手动交换,人工电话交换机,人工交换机
- manual exchanger ==> 人工电话交换机
- manual exposure ==> 手控曝光
- manual extraction ==> 用手取胎术
- manual extraction of radar information ==> 雷达信号人工录取
- manual feed ==> 人力推进,手动进给
- manual feeding ==> 人工加料
- manual fine tuning ==> 手控微调
- manual finishing ==> 手工清理
- manual fire alarm box ==> 手摇火警器
- manual fire alarm system ==> 手动火警系统,手摇式火警装置
- manual firing ==> 手击发
- manual floating ==> 手工镘平
- manual following ==> 手控跟踪,人工跟踪
- Manual for Livestock Waste Management ==> 《禽畜废物处理手册》
- manual frame ==> 手控帧
- manual frequency control ==> 人工频率控制
- manual function ==> 手动功能
- manual gain control (MGC) ==> 手动增益控制
- manual gas cutting ==> 手工气割
- manual gas sampling valve ==> 手动气体进样阀
- manual gas welding ==> 手工气焊
- manual gear shifting ==> 手动变速装置
- manual gear-shift transmission ==> 手控齿轮换档变速器
- manual globe valve ==> 手动截止阀
- manual governor ==> 手动调节器
- manual grease station ==> 手动干油站,手动加油站
- manual greasing ==> 手动加注润滑脂,人工加滑脂
- manual grouting ==> 人工灌浆
- manual handling ==> 人工处理,人力装卸,手工操作
- manual haulage ==> 人力推车
- manual hoist ==> 手动卷扬机
- manual hue ==> 手控色调
- manual hydraulic pump ==> 手动液压泵
- manual hydroelectric station ==> 手动水电站
- manual input ==> 手动输入,人工输入
- manual input device ==> 人工输入装置,手动输入装置
- manual input generator ==> 人工输入设备
- manual input register ==> 手動入力レジスタ
- manual input unit ==> 人工输入设备,人工输入装置
- manual insertion ==> 手动装配
- manual intercept ==> 人工截断
- manual interlocking ==> 人工联锁
- manual international exchange ==> 人工国际交换台
- manual iris ==> 手动光圈光阑
- manual jaw crusher ==> 手动颚式破碎机
- manual knob ==> 手动旋钮
- manual labor ==> 単純労働,手作業
- manual labour ==> 手工,手工劳动
- manual lens ==> 手控透镜
- manual lever ==> 手动操作杆
- manual load key ==> 人工输入键
- manual looping ==> 人工造成活套
- manual low gear ==> 手动低速档
- manual lubrication ==> 人工润滑
- manual lubricator ==> 人工润滑器
- manual maneuvering ==> 人工操纵
- manual manipulation ==> 人工操作,手操作,手动操作
- manual manipulator ==> マニュアルマニプレータ
- manual memory ==> 人工存储器
- manual metal-arc welding ==> 手弧焊
- manual mixture control ==> 手动节气门
- manual mode ==> 手动方式,手控方式,手控式,人工式
- manual monitored control system ==> 手动监控系统
- manual multiple type switchboard ==> 人工复式交换台
- manual number ==> 人工字发生器
- manual number generator ==> 人工输入设备,手控数码发生器
- manual of standards ==> 标准手册
- manual office ==> 人工局
- manual oil pressure pump ==> 手动压油泵
- manual oil pumps valves ==> 手摇油泵(阀)
- manual open-loop control ==> 手动开环控制
- manual operated automatic reset contact ==> 手動操作自動復帰接点
- manual operated contact ==> 手動接点
- manual operated control ==> 手动控制
- manual operation ==> 手工操作,手工生产,人工操作,人工控制=>手動
- manual operation device ==> 手操纵装置
- manual operator ==> 人工接线员
- manual override control ==> 手控超越控制
- manual panel ==> 手操作仪表板
- manual pelvimetry ==> 骨盆手量法
- manual plotting ==> 手工做图
- manual plugging meter ==> 手动堵塞计
- manual pneumatic sprayer ==> 手动气力喷雾机
- manual polarograph ==> 手工极谱仪
- manual position ==> 手操作位置,手动位置,人工座席
- manual potentiometer ==> 手动式电位计
- manual preset controls ==> 手动预调控制
- manual press ==> 手压机
- manual priming ==> 手动启动注水,(引泵)人工灌注
- manual procedure ==> 手工操作程序
- manual processing station ==> 人工操作信息处理中心
- manual program ==> 人工程序,手工程序
- manual program setting method ==> プログラム手動設定方式
- manual programming ==> 手工编程序,人工编制程序
- manual proportional control system ==> 手控按比例操纵系统
- manual proportioning ==> 手工称量
- manual pump ==> 手动泵,手压泵
- manual pumping unit ==> 手动抽水机,手动润滑油站
- manual punch ==> 手控穿孔机
- manual quickopening manhole ==> 手摇快开人孔
- manual radio direction finder ==> 手动无线电测向仪
- manual ram reverse ==> 手动滑枕反向
- manual range selector ==> 人工量程选择器
- manual rate-aided tracking ==> 人工速度辅助跟踪
- manual read ==> 人工读出,人工输入
- manual reaper ==> 人力收割机
- manual reaper binder ==> 人力割捆机
- manual reconfiguration ==> 人工改变系统结构
- manual record ==> 人工记录
- manual reduction of paraphimosis ==> 嵌顿包茎手法复位
- manual regulation ==> 人工调节,人工调整,手动调节
- manual release ==> 手动释放,人工解锁=>手動釈放,手動復帰
- manual removal of placenta ==> 人工剥离胎盘术
- manual reset ==> 人工复位,人工重调,手动复位,手控复位,手动回复=>手動復帰
- manual restoration ==> 人工复原
- manual restore ==> 人工复原
- manual retrofire ==> 手控制动发动机点火
- manual return ==> 手動復帰
- manual reversing handle ==> 手动换向把
- manual ringer ==> 手摇振铃器,人工振铃器
- manual ringing ==> 人工呼叫=>手動信号(電話交換)
- manual ringing telephone ==> 人工振铃电话
- manual rock drilling ==> 手工凿岩
- manual rod ==> 手动棒
- manual rotary (drum)pump ==> 手动回转泵
- manual rotary switch ==> 手动旋转开关
- manual safety switch (MSS) ==> 手控安全开关
- manual sampling ==> 人工采样,由手工用符合采样要求的工具采取煤样的一种采样方式
- manual saturation (colour) control ==> 手动饱和度调整
- manual scram ==> (反应堆)手动紧急停堆
- manual search ==> 手动扫掠,人工搜索
- manual searching ==> 手工检索
- manual selectivity control ==> 手动选择性调整,人工选择性调整
- manual selector cam ==> 手控凸轮
- manual selector fork ==> 手控拨叉
- manual selector switch ==> 手控选择开关
- manual service ==> 人工业务
- manual set ==> 手動復帰
- manual set relay ==> 手動復帰接点
- manual setter ==> 手摇装置
- manual setting ==> 手工装配
- manual shaft turning device ==> 手动盘车装置
- manual shift ==> (自动变速器)人工换档
- manual shut-down ==> 手动停机
- manual shutdown ==> 手动停堆,操纵员用手触动停堆按钮导致控制棒下落使反应堆停运
- manual shutoff valve ==> 手控断油开关
- manual signal ==> 人工信号
- manual simplex system ==> 手工单工系统
- manual skins ==> 玛瑙皮
- manual spark advance ==> 手控点火提前装置
- manual speed adjustment ==> 手动调速,人工速度调节
- manual spinning ==> 人工旋压法
- manual spray hose ==> 手动喷雾机
- manual sprayer ==> 手动喷雾器,手压式喷雾器
- manual starter ==> 手動始動器
- manual starter switch ==> 手控起动开关
- manual starting ==> 手动起动
- manual starting crank ==> 人力起动摇把
- manual starting switch ==> 手动起动开关
- manual steering ==> 手动转向,人力转向
- manual steering effort ==> 手动转向力
- manual steering equipment ==> 手动操舵装置
- manual steering force ==> 手操纵力
- manual stop valve ==> 手动止动阀
- manual storage ==> 手动开关存储器
- manual storage switch ==> (信号)手控存储开关
- manual stripping of membranes ==> 人工剥膜
- manual substation ==> 人工分局
- manual supervisory control ==> 人工监控装置
- manual switch ==> 手控开关
- manual switch storage ==> 手动开关存储器
- manual switchboard ==> 人工交换机
- manual switchgroup ==> 手动组合开关
- manual switching ==> 人工切换=>手動交換
- manual synchronization ==> 手控同步
- manual synchronizing ==> 人工同步
- manual system ==> 人工系统=>手動式
- manual tachoscope ==> 手控转速计
- manual take-over drive ==> 手动传动装置
- manual takeup ==> 人力拉紧装置
- manual tape relay ==> 人工纸条转报
- manual target selector ==> 手控目标选择器
- manual telegraph switching equipment ==> 手工电报交换机,人工电报交换机
- manual telegraph transmitter ==> 人工发报机,手控发报机
- manual telegraphy ==> 手抄电报
- manual telephone ==> 人工电话
- manual telephone central ==> 人工电话中心
- manual telephone exchange ==> 人工电话交换
- manual telephone exchanging system ==> 人工电话交换制
- manual telephone set ==> 人工电话机
- manual telephone switch board ==> 人工电话交换机
- manual telephone switchboard ==> 手動電話交換機
- manual telephone system ==> 人工电话系统
- manual temperature control ==> 人工温度控制
- manual test equipment ==> 人控试验设备
- manual threshing ==> 手脱粒
- manual TIG welding ==> 手工钨极惰性气体保护焊
- manual timing ==> 手动正时
- manual toll board ==> 人工长途交换台
- manual toll recording ==> 人工长途记录
- manual toning control ==> 手动色调控制
- manual tracking ==> 手动跟踪,手动追踪瞄准,人工跟踪=>手動追尾
- manual transfer pump ==> 手摇唧送泵
- manual transmission ==> 手控传输
- manual traverse ==> 手摇旋转
- manual traversing handle ==> 手摇旋转手柄
- manual trigger ==> 人工触发器
- manual trip ==> 手动跳闸
- manual tripping ==> 手动释放
- manual tripping device ==> 手动释放装置,手动脱扣装置,手动跳闸装置,汽轮机运行中发生异常情况时,直接手动停机的保安装置
- manual truck ==> 手推车
- manual tuning ==> 手控调谐,人工调谐
- manual turret traverse control ==> 手动炮塔转向控制
- manual twist tester ==> 手摇式捻度计
- manual type ==> 手动式
- manual typewriter ==> 手动打字机
- manual undercarriage extension ==> (起落架)手操纵放下
- manual unit ==> 手动装置
- manual update ==> 手工修改
- manual valve ==> 手控阀
- manual valve positioner ==> 手动阀门定位器
- manual voltage regulator ==> 人工电压调节器
- manual volume control ==> 手控音量控制
- manual weight batcher ==> 手动计重器
- manual weld ==> 手工焊接
- manual welding ==> 手工焊接
- manual welding machine ==> 手工焊机
- manual whistle ==> 人力号笛
- manual word generator ==> 人工输入装置,人工字发生器,手控字发生器
- manual work ==> 人工
- manual workers ==> 体力工人
- manual working ==> 人工工作,手动作业
- manual zoom lens ==> 手控可变焦距透镜
- manual-acting ==> 人工操作的
- manual-advance lever ==> 手拉点火提前杆
- manual-automatic change-over ==> 手动自动变换
- manual-automatic relay ==> 手动自动转换继电器
- manual-automatic switch ==> 手动自动开关
- manual-cleaning separator ==> 人工排污分离器
- manual-control freewheeling ==> 手动单向离合器
- manual-operated cutter ==> 手工操作刀具
- manual-reset adjustment ==> 手动重调,人工手调复位
- manual-reset relay ==> 人工复位继电器
- manual-reset safety control ==> 手动重调保险控制
- manual-steering force ==> 人工转向力
- manual-switch storage ==> 手控开关存储器
- manual-tracking tachometer ==> 手动跟踪转速计,人工跟踪转速计
- manually ==> 人工地,手动地
- manually angled cutter ==> 手调斜度切割器
- manually coating welding electrode ==> 手涂焊条
- manually controlled traffic signal ==> 手控交通信号,人工控制交通信号
- manually controlled work ==> 手控周期
- manually driven duplicator ==> 手摇驱动复印机
- manually feeding fillered ==> 手工充填焊丝
- manually loading ==> 人工装料
- manually operated ==> 用手操作
- manually operated circuit ==> 人工操作线路
- manually operated counterweight lift ==> 手动平衡重升降机
- manually operated door ==> 手动门
- manually operated fire resisting door ==> 手控防火门
- manually operated mixing ==> 人工搅拌
- manually operated pile driver ==> 人工打桩机
- manually operated point ==> 手扳道岔
- manually operated press ==> 手动压力机
- manually operated signal ==> 人工操纵交通信号
- manually operated switch ==> 手扳道岔,手动开关
- manually operated valve ==> 手動操作弁
- manually operation ==> 手动,人工
- manually shifted transmission ==> 人工变速传动
- manually-operated ==> 人工操作的
- manually-operated clutch ==> 手控离合器
- manually-operated gate ==> 手动阀门
- manually-operated screw ==> 手动压力螺丝
- manually-operated spray system ==> 手动飞溅润滑系统
- manually-operated turning gear ==> 手动盘车装置
- manually-operated valve ==> 手动阀,人工操作阀
- manually-powered draw bending machine ==> 手动卷缠弯曲机
- manuals and monographs ==> 手册和专著
- manuals of engineering practice (MEP) ==> 工程实践手册
- manubriosternal symphysis ==> 柄胸联合
- manubrium ==> 柄,垂管,盾柄细胞
- manubrium mallei ==> 锤骨柄
- manubrium sterni ==> 胸骨柄
- manuduction ==> 手法
- manudynamometer ==> 器械冲力计
- manufactory ==> 工厂,制造,制造厂
- manufactory of hazardous articles ==> 危险品制造厂
- manufactuer's mark ==> 工厂商标
- manufacturability ==> 可制造性
- manufactural ==> 制造的,制造业
- manufacture ==> 制,制造,制造品,制作=>製作,製造
- manufacture bases ==> 施工依据
- manufacture catalogue ==> 产品目录
- manufacture complete sets of equipment locally ==> 就地生产
- manufacture of iron and steel by melting ==> 钢铁熔炼
- manufacture of vessel ==> 容器制造
- manufacture on a large scale ==> 大规模生产
- manufacture plant ==> 制造工厂
- manufacture process ==> 制造工艺
- manufacture shop ==> 专业化生产车间
- manufacture system ==> 专业化生产系统
- manufacture test ==> 成品试验
- manufacture tolerance ==> 制造公差
- manufactured abrasive ==> 人造磨料
- manufactured aggregate ==> 人造骨料
- manufactured alumina ==> 工业氧化铝
- manufactured article ==> 制品
- manufactured articles of daily use ==> 日用工业品
- manufactured artificial dentition ==> 预成牙列
- manufactured dowel ==> 成品冠桩
- manufactured gas ==> 人造煤气
- manufactured goods ==> 制成品
- manufactured goods for daily use ==> 日用工业品
- manufactured graphite ==> 人造石墨
- manufactured head ==> 铆钉头
- manufactured housing ==> 工厂预制住房
- Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization ==> 进口产品促销组织
- manufactured in plant leaves ==> 在植物叶片里制成的
- manufactured inventories ==> 库存产成品,库存制成品
- manufactured mineral ==> 人造矿物
- manufactured parts for assembly ==> 散件组装
- manufactured product ==> 产品,制品=>工場製品
- manufactured sand ==> (轧碎细石屑)人工砂
- manufactured seamless crown ==> 成品无缝冠
- manufacturer ==> 产品生产厂,厂商,制造厂,制造商,制造者,生产者
- manufacturer software ==> 厂家软件
- manufacturer's agent ==> 厂商代理人
- manufacturer's brand ==> 厂商牌号,制造商厂牌
- manufacturer's brochures ==> 制造厂样本
- manufacturer's certificate ==> 厂商证明书
- manufacturer's certificate of quality ==> 制造商品质证明书
- manufacturer's certificate of quantity ==> 制造商数量证明书
- manufacturer's data report ==> 制造厂的数据报告
- manufacturer's examiner (ME) ==> 制造厂检查员
- manufacturer's guarantee ==> 制造厂保证
- manufacturer's instructions ==> 工厂说明
- manufacturer's invoice ==> 厂家发票
- manufacturer's mark ==> 厂商商标,制造厂家标记
- manufacturer's model number ==> 制造厂型号
- manufacturer's name ==> 制造厂名
- manufacturer's new orders ==> 制造商的新订货
- manufacturer's partial data report ==> 制造厂的部分资料报告
- manufacturer's rating ==> 铭牌出力
- manufacturer's serial number ==> 制造厂编号
- manufacturer's stamp ==> 制造厂的印记
- manufacturer's standard ==> 制造标准,厂家标准
- manufacturer's standards ==> 制造厂标准
- manufacturer's wire ==> 钢丝制品用钢丝
- manufacturer's working curve ==> 制造厂提供的工作曲线
- manufacturers ==> 制造厂家
- manufacturing ==> 制造,制造的,制造业,加工=>製造,ものづくり
- manufacturing account ==> 在制帐户
- manufacturing accounting ==> 制造业会计
- manufacturing accuracy ==> 制造精度
- manufacturing and inspection record ==> 制造与检查记录
- manufacturing assembling parts list ==> 制造装配零件表
- manufacturing assembly drawing ==> 制造装配图
- manufacturing budget ==> 制造预算
- manufacturing burden ==> 制造费用
- manufacturing change note ==> 制造更改说明
- manufacturing city ==> 生产城市
- manufacturing company ==> 制造公司
- manufacturing cost ==> 制造成本,生产成本,造价
- manufacturing cost budget ==> 制造成本预算
- manufacturing crops ==> 工业作物
- manufacturing cycle ==> 制造周期
- manufacturing dimension ==> 制造尺寸
- manufacturing directive ==> 制造命令
- manufacturing district ==> 工业区
- manufacturing engineering ==> 制造工程,制造工艺,制造技术
- manufacturing equipment ==> 制造设备
- manufacturing errors ==> 制造误差
- manufacturing expense distribution ==> 制造费用分配
- manufacturing expenses-in-process ==> 在制制造费用
- manufacturing facility ==> 生产设备
- manufacturing feasibility ==> 生产的可能性,制造的可能性
- manufacturing flow chart ==> 制造过程表
- manufacturing ga(u)ge ==> 制造量规
- manufacturing industry ==> 制造工业
- manufacturing installation ==> 制造装置,加工软化
- manufacturing lead time ==> 制造所需时间
- manufacturing limit ==> 制造极限,加工极限
- manufacturing line ==> 生产线
- manufacturing loss ==> 生产亏损
- manufacturing machine ==> 生产机械
- manufacturing manual (MM) ==> 制造手册
- manufacturing method ==> 制造方法
- manufacturing miller ==> 生产型铣床,专用铣床
- manufacturing operation ==> 制造操作
- manufacturing overhead efficiency variance ==> 制造费用效能差异
- manufacturing overhead expenses ==> 间接制造费用
- manufacturing overhead spending variance ==> 制造费用耗费差异
- manufacturing overhead volume variance ==> 制造费用数量差异
- manufacturing parameter ==> 生产参数
- manufacturing parts list ==> 制造部件清单
- manufacturing plan sheet ==> 生产计划表
- manufacturing planning change (MPC) ==> 制造计划改变
- manufacturing plant ==> 制造厂,生产厂
- manufacturing procedure ==> 加工工序,加工过程,制造程序,制造工序
- manufacturing process ==> 生产程序,制造法,制造方法,制造工艺,制造过程,制作过程=>製造工程,製造プロセス
- manufacturing process capability ==> 製造工程能力
- manufacturing process controls ==> 生産工程の制御
- manufacturing process of automobile ==> 汽车的制造工艺
- manufacturing program of a month ==> 月度生产计划
- manufacturing purpose ==> 制造目的
- manufacturing quality control ==> 制造质量控制
- manufacturing requirement ==> 生产制造技术要求
- manufacturing requirements ==> 生产技术要求
- manufacturing schedule ==> 生产进度
- manufacturing shop ==> 制造车间,专业化生产车间
- manufacturing specification request ==> 生产规模要求
- manufacturing standard ==> 工作標準
- manufacturing standards manual ==> 制造标准手册
- manufacturing statement ==> 制造成本表
- manufacturing status (MS) ==> 生产现状
- manufacturing supervision ==> 生产监督
- manufacturing system ==> 生産システム,生産流通システム
- manufacturing systems ==> 专业化生产系统
- manufacturing target ==> 工业目标
- manufacturing technical directive ==> 制造技术指令
- manufacturing technique ==> 制造工艺,生产技术
- manufacturing technology ==> 生産技術
- manufacturing test procedures ==> 制造试验程序
- manufacturing tolerance ==> 制造公差
- manufacturing variables ==> 生产变量
- manufacturing works ==> 制造厂,制造工厂
- manufacured feed ==> 配合饲料
- manumotive ==> 手动的,手推的
- manure ==> 粪肥,肥料
- manure and water applied premixed ==> 肥料拌水后施用,肥水拌合后施用
- manure and water mixed ==> 肥水拌合
- manure and water premixed application ==> 肥水拌合后施用
- manure cleaner ==> 厩肥清除机,厩肥清除机
- manure disposal ==> 粪便处理
- manure distributor ==> 厩肥机,厩肥机,厩肥撒施机,厩肥撒施机
- manure drag hook ==> 粪叉
- manure drill ==> 厩肥条施机,厩肥条施机
- manure fork ==> 粪叉
- manure juice ==> 厩肥液汁,厩肥液汁
- manure ladle ==> 施肥勺
- manure loader ==> 装肥机,装厩肥机
- manure pile ==> 粪堆,粪肥堆
- manure pit ==> 粪池,粪坑
- manure rain equipment ==> 厩液喷洒机具,厩液喷洒机具
- manure receiver ==> 粪水池
- manure salts ==> 肥料盐
- manure spreader ==> 肥料散布機
- manure spreader with mounted loader ==> 带装肥器的撒肥车
- manure storage ==> 粪窖,粪坑
- manure trial ==> 肥效试验
- manure uptake ==> 肥料吸收
- manure water ==> 粪液
- manured fallow ==> 施肥休闲
- manured plot ==> 已施过肥的田
- manured requirement ==> 需肥量
- manurial ==> 肥效
- manurial application ==> 施肥
- manurial deficiency ==> 缺肥
- manurial value ==> 肥料价值
- manuring at sowing ==> 种肥
- manuring experiment ==> 肥料试验
- manuring requirement ==> 需肥量
- manus ==> 手语
- manus plana ==> 扁平手
- manus valga ==> 手外翻
- manuscript ==> 加工图,直接指令单,原稿=>原稿,手書きのもの
- manuscript base ==> 稿图
- manuscript copy ==> 手写本
- manway ==> 人孔,(坑道里的)人行走道
- manway compartment ==> 人行格
- manway landing ==> 人行格梯子平台
- manway shaft ==> 人行井
- manway subdrift ==> 人行分段平巷
- Manx slates ==> 曼克斯板岩层
- many ==> 众
- many body problem ==> 多体问题
- many feed intake capacity ==> 各种集食量
- many fire retardant chemicals ==> 各种阻火剂
- many layer mirror ==> 多层镜
- many leaved ==> 多叶的
- many materials for mulching ==> 多种覆盖用的物质
- many of the strains in the collection ==> 收集到的许多品系
- many particle spectrum ==> 多粒子谱
- many practical decisions ==> 许多实际措施
- many reserve system ==> 分散准备制
- many sided ==> 多边的
- many spotted ==> (禽羽)珍珠斑
- many type of material ==> 许多类型物质
- many valley semiconductor ==> 多谷半导体
- many-body ==> 多体的
- many-body force ==> 多体力
- many-body problem ==> 多体问题
- many-body states ==> 多電子状態
- many-body theory ==> 多体理论
- many-bottom plow ==> 多体犁
- many-celled ==> 多室的
- many-contact relay ==> 多触点继电器
- many-degrees of freedom system ==> 多自由度系统
- many-dimensions ==> 多维
- many-element laser ==> 多元激光器
- many-lines spectrum ==> 多线光谱
- many-many ==> 多对多
- many-many relationship ==> 多对多关系
- many-one ==> 多对一
- many-one relationship ==> 一对多关系
- many-partical state ==> 多粒子状态
- many-particle system ==> 多粒子系统
- many-plume moth ==> 多羽蛾
- many-purpose machine tool ==> 多用机床
- many-seeded ==> 多籽的
- many-server queue ==> 多服务排队
- many-sided ==> 多方面的,多边的
- many-sided utilization ==> 综合利用
- many-stage ==> 多极的
- many-to-many communication ==> 多对多通信
- many-to-one ==> 多对一,多对一的
- many-to-one function ==> 多对一函数
- many-turn secondary coil ==> 多匝副圈
- many-valued ==> 多值的
- many-valued logic ==> 多值逻辑
- many-variable system ==> 多变量系统
- many-way selection ==> 多路选择
- manyplies ==> 重瓣胃
- Manzate ==> 代森锰
- Manzate 200 ==> 代森锰
- maos structure ==> 金属氧化铝氧化物半导体结构
- map ==> 表格,布局图,测绘,映射,映像,图,地图,地址变换,地址表=>写像
- map accuracy ==> 地图精度
- map address ==> 变换地址
- map analysis ==> 图分析
- map appearance ==> 地图整饰
- map archive ==> 地图档案
- map board ==> 图板
- map border ==> 图廓
- map boundary ==> 图框,图廓线
- map chart ==> 陆海图
- map cleaning ==> 图像洁化
- map cloth ==> 地图布
- map code ==> 地图符号
- map comparison unit ==> 地形图重合比较装置
- map compilation ==> 地图编制
- map coordinates ==> 地图坐标
- map coordinates system ==> 地图坐标系
- map cracking ==> 龟裂
- map display ==> 图象显示
- map distance ==> (染色体)图距离
- map editing ==> 图件编辑
- MAP estimation ==> MAP推定
- map expansion ==> 图距扩散
- map function ==> 地址变换操作,映射函数,变换操作
- map grid ==> 地图方格网,图格
- map legend ==> 地图符号
- map making ==> 制图
- map margin ==> 图廓
- map matching guidance ==> 地图重合制导
- map measure ==> 测图器
- map measurement ==> 图上量标
- map measurer ==> 量图器
- MAP Military Assistance Program ==> 军事辅助项目
- map nadir ==> 图面天底点
- map of groundwater table ==> 地下水分布图
- map of hydroelectric power plant ==> 水力発電所位置図
- map of seismic intensity zoning ==> 地震烈度分区图
- map of the exhibition ==> 示意图
- map of water table level ==> 地下水位图
- map over ==> 对映象
- map paper ==> 地图纸
- map parallel ==> 透视轴
- map plotting ==> 填图
- map program ==> 映像程序
- map projection ==> 地图投影
- map projector ==> 地图投影仪
- map range ==> 图上距离
- map reading ==> 航图测读
- map reference ==> 地图点位号
- map revision ==> 地图修订
- map scale ==> 地图比例尺,图比例尺
- map sheet ==> 图幅,图页
- map spotting ==> 填图
- map standard ==> 标准地图
- map symbol ==> 图例,地图符号
- map table ==> 变换表
- map title ==> 图名
- map tracer ==> 地图描绘器
- map unit ==> (染色体)图单位
- MAP, maintainability approach plan ==> 保守性アプローチ計画
- MAP, Manufacturing Message Specification ==> MAP
- MAP, Middle Atmosphere Program ==> 中層大気国際共同観測計画
- MAP, mission affordability program ==> ミッション供給プログラム
- map-making satellite ==> 测图卫星
- map-matching ==> 地图匹配
- map-microfilm reader ==> 地图缩微阅读器
- MAPL, manufacturing assembly part list ==> 製造組立てパーツリスト
- maple ==> 枫树=>カエデ,モミジ,カエデ材,淡褐色,メイプル
- maple pea ==> 紫花豌豆
- maple sap ==> 槭树液汁=>メープル樹液
- maple sugar ==> 槭糖=>カエデ糖
- maple syrup ==> 槭糖浆=>メープルシロップ,カエデ糖蜜
- maple syrup urine disease ==> 槭糖尿病
- maple tree ==> 枫树
- mappable unit ==> 图幅
- mapped buffer ==> 映射缓冲区,映像缓冲器,变换缓冲器
- mapped memory ==> 映像存储器
- mapped physical storage ==> 映像物理存储器,地址变换物理存储器
- mapped storage ==> 映像存储器
- mapping ==> 绘图,测图,映射,映像,铸铁鼠尾=>地図作製,写像,遺伝子の解析,ヒトゲノムの解読,環境地図,マッピング
- mapping accuracy ==> マッピング精度
- mapping address ==> 变换地址
- mapping block number ==> 变换程序段数
- mapping camera ==> 测绘照相机,制图照相机
- mapping class ==> 映射类
- mapping condition ==> 写像条件
- mapping cone ==> 映射锥
- mapping control ==> 测图控制
- mapping cylinder ==> 映射柱
- mapping degree ==> 映射度,映像度=>写像度
- mapping device ==> 映射装置,映像装置,变换机构,变换装置,布局设备
- mapping diagram ==> 対応図式
- mapping equipment ==> 测绘设备
- mapping extension ==> 映射扩张
- mapping fault ==> 变换故障,变换误差
- mapping field ==> 变换字段
- mapping filter ==> 写像フィルタ
- mapping function ==> 变换功能,射影函数,映射函数=>マッピング機能
- mapping in the reverse direction ==> 反向起绒
- mapping information ==> 测绘信息=>マッピング情報
- mapping IR-system ==> 红外线测绘系统
- mapping language ==> 映像语言=>マッピング言語
- mapping method ==> 写像法=>マッピング法
- mapping mode ==> 变换方式
- mapping of a set in another ==> 映入
- mapping of a set onto another ==> 映成
- mapping pen ==> 绘图笔
- mapping problems ==> 映射问题
- mapping radar ==> 测绘雷达
- mapping space ==> 映射空间
- mapping system ==> 地図システム
- mapping table ==> 变换表,变址表
- mapping theory ==> 写像理論
- mapping tool ==> マッピング機能
- mapping transformation ==> 映射变换
- mapping truck ==> 映射载
- mapping unit ==> 填图单位
- mapping window ==> 变换窗口
- mappingdrawing ==> 制图
- MAPS, measurement of air pollution from the Shuttle ==> シャトル用大気汚染測定計
- MAPSE, minimal Ada programming support environment ==> 最低限Adaプログラミング支援環境
- MAPSE, minimum Ada processing support environment ==> 最低限Ada処理支援環境
- MAR, memory address register ==> 記憶アドレスレジスタ
- MAR, mission analysis report ==> ミッション解析レポート
- mar-proof ==> 耐划痕
- MARAD Maritime Administration (U.S.) ==> 美国商务部海运管理局
- maraging ==> 马氏体时效处理,高强度热处理
- maraging steel ==> 马氏体时效钢
- maraging steels ==> 特高强度钢
- Marangoni convection ==> マランゴニ対流
- Marangoni effect ==> (因界面张力梯度引起的液流动)马兰各尼效应
- Maranham cotton ==> 马兰汉棉
- Maranon's sign reaction ==> 马拉尼翁氏征
- Marasca sour cherry ==> 马拉斯加酸樱桃
- marasmic acid ==> 小皮伞菌酸
- marasmius androsaceus ==> 安络痛
- Marasse synthesis ==> 马拉斯合成法
- marasuric acid ==> 马拉酸
- Maratti loom ==> 马腊提经编机
- Maratti type latch needle ==> 马腊提舌针
- marble ==> 云石,大理石,大理岩
- marble aggregate ==> 大理石集料
- marble block ==> 大理石坯料
- marble block-cutter ==> 大理石分切机
- marble board ==> 大理石花纹纸板
- marble bone ==> 骨硬化病
- marble bone disease ==> 大理石状骨病,雏鸡的骨硬化病
- marble bones ==> 骨质石化病,骨骼石化症
- marble carving ==> 大理石石刻品
- marble checker ==> 弹子跳棋
- marble chips ==> (用于水磨石)大理石屑
- marble cloth ==> 云石纹呢
- Marble corrosive liquid ==> 马布尔浸蚀剂
- marble dust ==> 云石粉,大理石粉
- marble enamel ==> 大理石纹搪瓷
- marble flag pavement ==> 云石板铺面
- marble flour ==> 大理石粉
- marble flower vase ==> 大理石花瓶
- marble fracture ==> 大理石状断口
- marble gall ==> 云石瘿
- marble garden table and stool ==> 大理石花园桌凳
- marble glass ==> 大理石纹玻璃,斑纹玻璃
- marble glaze ==> 大理石釉
- marble intarsia ==> 云石镶嵌装饰
- marble machine ==> 制球机
- marble melt ==> 玻璃球熔体
- marble melt process ==> 坩埚法
- marble mosaic ==> 大理石马赛克
- marble murrelet ==> 云石海雀
- marble panel ==> 大理石面板
- marble paper ==> 大理石花纹纸,大理石纹纸,云石纸
- marble pedestal ==> 大理石基座
- marble pillar ==> 大理石柱子
- marble plaque ==> 大理石插屏
- marble powder ==> 大理石粉
- marble products ==> 大理石制品
- marble quarry ==> 采大理石场
- marble remelted ==> 玻璃球重新熔化
- marble rot ==> 大理石斑腐
- marble sheep skin ==> 纯白羊皮
- marble shot ==> 大理石炮
- marble silk ==> 云石纹绸
- marble slab ==> 大理石板
- marble soil ==> 大理石状土
- marble structure ==> 鳞斑状组织
- marble switchboard ==> 大理石配电盘
- marble tile ==> 大理石饰面砖
- marble top wash-stand ==> 大理石面洗面台
- marble wood ==> 大理石纹木
- marbled finish ==> 仿大理石饰面
- marbled fruit ==> 硬果病
- marbled glass ==> 大理石状玻璃,云石形玻璃
- marbled glaze ==> 大理石釉
- marbled grain ==> 粗粒面
- marbleize ==> 仿大理石花纹
- marbleized finish ==> 仿大理石饰面
- marbleizing ==> 仿大理石纹
- marbleizing glaze ==> 大理石纹釉
- marblewood ==> 大理石木
- marblized finish ==> 大理石纹装饰
- marblized soap ==> 大理石花纹皂
- MARBS Marine Assistance Request Broadcasts ==> 海事辅助请求广播
- Marburg virus ==> 马伯格氏病毒,马尔堡病毒
- Marcellus shale ==> 玛西拉页岩,马塞卢斯页岩
- march ==> 进展,变程,行程
- march ability ==> 行军能力
- march casualty ==> 行军伤病员
- march column ==> 行军纵队
- march depth ==> 行军纵队长径
- march discipline ==> 行军纪律
- march disposition ==> 行军序列
- march distance ==> 行军距离
- March equinox ==> 春分点
- march field maintenance ==> 行军保养
- march foot ==> 行军足
- march formation ==> 行军队形
- march fracture ==> 行军骨折
- march fracture of metatarsus ==> 跖骨疲劳骨折
- march graph ==> 行军图解
- march hygiene ==> 行军卫生
- march movement ==> 行军调动
- march of temperature ==> 温度变程
- march order ==> 行军命令
- march outpost ==> 行军前哨
- march period ==> 行军期间
- march plan ==> 行军计划
- march reconnaissance ==> 行军侦察
- march rule ==> 行军规则
- march security ==> 行军警戒
- march security detachment ==> 行军警戒分队
- march serial ==> 行军梯队
- march table ==> 行军计划表
- march tumor ==> 行军瘤
- march unit ==> 行军单位
- Marchant's zone ==> (硬脑膜附着于蝶骨与枕骨在颅底的区)马尚氏脑膜附着区
- Marchesani's syndrome ==> 马奇山尼氏综合征
- Marchi's bundle ==> (小脑脊髓降束)马尔基氏束
- Marchi's reaction ==> (神经髓鞘用锇酸处理后的反应)马尔基氏反应
- Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome ==> 马米二氏综合征
- marching compass ==> 行军罗盘
- marching fire ==> 行进间射击
- marching speed ==> 行军速度
- marching type ==> 步进式
- Marco polo sheep (Ovis ammon polii) ==> 马可波罗羊
- Marcona Mining Company ==> (秘鲁)马尔科纳矿业公司
- Marconaflo ==> 马康那弗罗
- Marconaflo slurry system ==> 马康那弗罗式矿粉液化装卸法
- Marconaflo slurry transport ==> 马康那弗罗回收矿泥输送法
- Marconi beam aerial ==> 马可尼定向天线
- Marconi beam antenna ==> 马可尼定向天线
- Marconi detector ==> 马可尼检波器
- Marconi magnetic detector ==> 马可尼磁性检波器
- Marconi self-tuning system ==> 马可尼自动调谐系统
- Marconi Space and Defence Systems Limited ==> 马可尼空间和国防系统有限公司
- Marconi steel tape recorder ==> 马可尼磁带录音机
- Marconi type antenna ==> 马可尼天线
- Marconi undamped generator ==> 马可尼等幅波发射机
- marconi undamped generator ==> 马可尼等幅波发射机
- marcotting layerage ==> 压条法
- marcreconomic model ==> 宏观经济模型
- Marcy mill ==> 马西型球磨机,马雪型球磨机
- MARDEZ Maritime Defense Zones ==> 海事防御区
- mare with foal at foot ==> 哺乳母马
- mare's tails ==> 马尾云
- mare-like plain ==> 类海平原
- Marechal's test ==> 马雷查尔试验,马雷夏尔氏试验
- Marechals test ==> 马雷夏尔试验
- MARECS, maritime European communications satellite ==> MARECS
- MARECS, Maritime European Communications Satellite ==> 海事欧州通信衛星
- Marey's law ==> (高张力的脉搏及其频率慢)马莱氏定律
- marezzo marble ==> 人造大理石
- Marfan's disease progressive spastic paraplegia ==> 进行性痉挛性截瘫
- Marfan's method ==> 马方氏法
- Marfan's syndrome ==> 玛凡综合征,马尔方氏综合征,马氏综合征,蜘蛛样指综合征,(一种遗传性结缔组织疾患)马方氏综合征
- Marform process ==> 橡皮模压制成形法
- margarine ==> 珠脂=>マーガリン
- margarine disease ==> マーガリン病
- margarine oil ==> 人造奶
- margarite ==> 串珠雏晶,珍珠云母,珍状晶体物质=>真珠
- margc lateralis ==> 外侧缘
- margin ==> 储备,储备量,容限,容许极限,缘,改正力,利差,页边,余量,裕度,边际,边际收益,边缘,差距,保证金比率,保证金购进,保证金买卖=>マージュ(電信),余裕,差,票差,マージン,利益幅,販売利益
- margin angle ==> 転流余裕角
- margin angle control ==> 余裕角制御
- margin call ==> 补交保证金通知
- margin capacity ==> 备用容量
- margin check ==> 边缘校验
- margin control ==> 边缘控制,边缘控制器
- margin deposit ==> 押金存款
- margin draft ==> 石缘琢边
- margin for adjustment ==> 调整余量
- margin for page ==> 页界,页界限,页面边界
- margin knot ==> 边节
- margin line ==> 限界线
- margin of cultivation ==> 耕作界限
- margin of drill ==> 钻头刃带
- margin of energy ==> 后备能量
- margin of error ==> 最大容许误差,最大允许误差,误差界限,误差量
- margin of lift ==> 升力限度
- margin of optic cup ==> 杯缘
- margin of power ==> 功率储备
- margin of restrictive rights ==> 限制性权利边界
- margin of safety ==> 强度储备,安全边际,安全幅度,安全系数,安全限度,安全裕度
- margin of safety ratio ==> 安全边际比率
- margin of speed ==> 速度限度
- margin of stability ==> 稳定储备量
- margin of the lower eyelid ==> 目下弦
- margin of the upper eyelid ==> 目上弦
- margin of uterus ==> 子宫缘
- margin on sales ==> 销售边标
- margin phenomena ==> 边沿现象
- margin plate ==> 缘板
- margin rate ==> 保证金率
- margin regulator ==> 边限调整器
- margin release key ==> 极限释放键
- margin release mechanism ==> 极限释放机构,边缘释放机构
- margin requirement ==> 保证金要求,额定保证金
- margin rule ==> 保证金制度,在期货交易中,结算公司把买卖双方分割开来,使他们都以结算公司为结算对象,从而避免了他们所要承担的信用风险
- margin rules ==> 保证金规则
- margin scale ==> 边缘标度,极限刻度
- margin stop indicator ==> 极限挡块指示器,边缘停机指示器
- margin stop mechanism ==> 边缘停机机构,极限挡块机构
- margin stop setting control ==> 极限挡块定位控制器,边缘停机位置控制
- margin trading ==> 保证金信用交易
- margin transaction guarantee money ==> 保证金交易中所交存的保证金
- margin trowel ==> 边角抹子,阴角抹子
- margin verge ==> 路缘带
- margin voltage ==> 容限电压
- margin-profit on sale ==> 销售利润边标
- margin-punched card ==> 页片穿孔卡片,边沿穿孔卡片,边缘穿孔卡片
- marginal aberration ==> 边缘像差
- marginal accessory vein ==> 缘副脉
- marginal account ==> 边际帐户
- marginal adjustment ==> 边际调整,边界调整,边限调整
- marginal advantage ==> 边际利润
- marginal analysis ==> 边际分析,边际效益分析,边际指标分析,边界分析,限界分析
- marginal angle ==> 边缘角
- marginal area ==> 边缘地区,(直翅目)缘域
- marginal arterial arcudes ==> 睑板动脉弓,睑板动脉弓
- marginal bank ==> 边滩
- marginal borrower ==> 边际借款人
- marginal branch ==> 边缘支
- marginal breakdown ==> マージナル破綻
- marginal business ==> 边际营业
- marginal capacity ==> 界限容量
- marginal capital coefficient ==> 边际资本系数,边际资本占用率
- marginal capital expenditure ==> 边际资本支出
- marginal capital output ratio ==> 边际资本产出比率
- marginal carpellary bundle ==> 心皮缘维管束
- marginal category ==> 边缘范畴
- marginal change ==> 边际变化
- marginal check ==> 边缘检查=>限界検査
- marginal checking ==> 边际检验
- marginal coefficient ==> 界限系数
- marginal component ==> 临界分量
- marginal consumer ==> 边际消费者
- marginal continuous distribution ==> 边缘连续分布
- marginal contribution ratio ==> 边际贡献率
- marginal corpuscle ==> 边缘小体
- marginal correction ==> 边缘校正
- marginal cost ==> 边际费用,边缘费用,增支成本
- marginal cost (MC) ==> 边际成本
- marginal cost and revenue ==> 边际费用和边际收入
- marginal cost breakeven ==> 边际成本无盈亏点
- marginal cost curve ==> 边际成本曲线
- marginal cost method ==> 限界費用方式
- marginal cost method [of determining consumer class costs] ==> [确定各类用户成本的]边际成本法,按照各类用户在规定时间内(例如,峰时、冬日、夏日、夜间)所消费的电能数值(kW或kWh)与对应边际成本的乘积来计算此类用户的成本
- marginal cost of acquisition ==> 边际取得成本,边际所得物成本
- marginal cost of capital ==> 边际资本成本
- marginal cost of information ==> 边际信息成本,信息的边标成本
- marginal cost price ==> 边际成本定价法,边际成本价格
- marginal cost pricing ==> 边际成本定价
- marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价,边际成本指在系统现有状况下新增加单位用电增量(kW ==> )而相应增加的系统成本,边际成本定价就是根据边际成本来确定电价的方法
- marginal cost to capacity ==> 容量に対する限界費用
- marginal cost vector ==> 边际成本向量
- marginal credit ==> 边际信贷,限界信贷
- marginal crest ==> 缘嵴
- marginal crop ==> 限界作物
- marginal crop rows ==> 边行作物,作物边行
- marginal curve ==> 边际曲线
- marginal damage cost ==> 边际损害成本
- marginal data ==> 图例说明
- marginal definition ==> 边缘清晰度
- marginal degree of utility ==> 边际效用程序,边际效用度
- marginal demand ==> 边际需求
- marginal demand price ==> 边际需求价格
- marginal density ==> 边际密度
- marginal density function ==> 周辺密度関数
- marginal deposit ==> 开发信用证的保证金
- marginal deposit for security ==> 保证金存款
- marginal deposit loan ratio ==> 边际存贷率
- marginal discharge ==> 边缘放电,尖端放电=>先端放電
- marginal distortion ==> 边缘畸变
- marginal distribution ==> 边际分配,边缘分布
- marginal distribution function ==> 周辺分布関数
- marginal ditch ==> 边缘沟
- marginal dystrophy of cornea ==> 角膜周边变性
- marginal effect ==> 边际效应,边缘效应,边缘影响
- marginal efficiency ==> 边际效率
- marginal efficiency of capital ==> 边际资本收益率
- marginal efficiency of investment schedule ==> 投资边际效率表
- marginal employment coefficient ==> 边际就业系数
- marginal erosion ==> 边缘糜烂
- marginal error ==> 边缘错误,边缘误差,镜边畸变,镜边畸变
- marginal expense ==> 边际费用
- marginal factor cost ==> 边际生产要素成本
- marginal factor revenue ==> 边际生产要素收益
- marginal farm area ==> 边际作物区
- marginal fault ==> 边缘故障
- marginal fissure ==> 边缘裂缝
- marginal focus ==> 边缘焦点
- marginal fold ==> 边缘褶,缘褶
- marginal form ==> 边缘型
- marginal frequency ==> 边际频数率
- marginal frequency function ==> 边际频数函数
- marginal gains ==> 边际增益
- marginal groove ==> 临界纹
- marginal ground ==> 边缘土地
- marginal growth ==> 边缘生长
- marginal import quota ==> 边际进口率
- marginal incident ray ==> 边缘入射光线
- marginal income ==> 边际收益
- marginal income chart ==> 边际收益图
- marginal income ratio ==> 边际收益比率,边际收益率
- marginal income statement ==> 边际收益表,边际收益计算表
- marginal increase allocation method ==> 小幅度递增分配方式
- marginal information ==> 边缘信息
- marginal initial cell ==> 边缘原始细胞
- marginal internal rate of return ==> 边际内部报酬率
- marginal laceration ==> 边缘撕裂
- marginal land ==> 边际耕地,边际土地,边缘地
- marginal lappet ==> 缘垂
- marginal layer ==> 缘层,边缘层
- marginal lenslike organ ==> 缘晶形器
- marginal load capacity ==> 储备供电量
- marginal loss ==> 边际亏损
- marginal mandibular branch ==> 下颌缘支
- marginal manufacturer ==> 边际制造商
- marginal market ==> 边际市场
- marginal material production ==> 边际物质生产
- marginal membrane ==> 边缘膜
- marginal need ==> 边际需要
- marginal note ==> 图边注记
- marginal operation ==> 边缘操作
- marginal output ==> 边际产出
- marginal output or product ==> 边缘产量或产品
- marginal parallel ray ==> 边缘平行光线
- marginal physical product ==> 边际产品,边际生产实物量,边际物质产品
- marginal placenta ==> 边缘胎盘
- marginal placenta previa ==> 辺縁前置胎盤
- marginal placentation ==> 边缘胎座式
- marginal plain ==> 冰水沉积平原
- marginal plant chlorosis ==> 叶缘缺绿
- marginal plasma ==> 缘质
- marginal plate ==> 缘板
- marginal plateau ==> 陆缘高原,边缘台地
- marginal platelet ==> 缘小板
- marginal plates ==> 侧蜡板
- marginal point ==> 边缘点
- marginal pore ==> 缘孔
- marginal pricing ==> 边际定价
- marginal prime cost ==> 边际直接成本,边际主要成本
- marginal probability density ==> 边缘概率密度
- marginal product ==> 边际产量,边际产品,边际生产量
- marginal product operation ==> 边际产品生产
- marginal production operating cost ==> 边际生产经营成本
- marginal production revenue ==> 边际生产收益
- marginal productivity ==> 边际生产力,边际生产率
- marginal productivity of labor ==> 边际劳动生产率
- marginal productivity theory ==> 边际生产率说
- marginal profit ==> 边际利润,边际利益,限界利润
- marginal profit chart ==> 边际利润图表
- marginal profit ratio ==> 边际利润率,边际收益率
- marginal profit yield ==> 边际利润收益
- marginal propensity to consume (MPC) ==> 边际消费倾向
- marginal propensity to import ==> 边际进口倾向,边际输入倾向
- marginal propensity to tax ==> 边际课税倾向
- marginal propensity to withdraw ==> 边际漏出倾向,边际提取倾向
- marginal rate of interest ==> 边际利率
- marginal rate of liquidity preference ==> 边际流动偏好率
- marginal rate of return over cost ==> 弥补成本后的边际报酬率
- marginal rate of substitution ==> 边际代替比例,边际替代比率
- marginal rate of tax ==> 边际税率
- marginal rate of transformation ==> 边际转换率
- marginal ratio ==> 边际比率
- marginal ray ==> 边部光线,边光,边缘光线,周边光线
- marginal ray cell ==> 边缘射线细胞
- marginal receipt ==> 边际收入,结汇证
- marginal relay ==> 定限继电器,边缘继电器
- marginal relief ==> 边际减免
- marginal rent ==> 边际地租
- marginal return ==> 边际报酬
- marginal returns to capital ==> 边际资本报酬,边际资本收益
- marginal revenue ==> 边际所得总额
- marginal revenue curve ==> 边际收入曲线
- marginal revenue product ==> 边际生产收入,边际生产收益量,边际收入产品,边际收益产品
- marginal revenues ==> 边际收入
- marginal ridge ==> 边缘嵴,围脊
- marginal ring depression ==> 边缘环形拗陷
- marginal risk ==> 边际风险
- marginal rot ==> 边腐
- marginal salt pan ==> 陆缘盐田
- marginal sea ==> 陆缘海,边缘海
- marginal sea level movement ==> 边缘海平面运动
- marginal seller ==> 边际卖主
- marginal seta ==> 缘毛
- marginal sharphness ==> 边缘清晰度
- marginal sinus ==> 边缘窦,缘窦,淋巴结缘窦
- marginal social cost ==> 边际社会成本
- marginal soil ==> 边际土壤
- marginal spot ==> 缘斑
- marginal spray ==> 边行喷射,行边喷射
- marginal stability ==> 边际稳定性,极限稳定性,临界稳定性
- marginal standard deviation ==> 边际标准差
- marginal supply capability ==> 供給予備力
- marginal swell ==> 边缘隆起
- marginal tax ==> 边际税收
- marginal tax rate ==> 边际税率
- marginal tax rates ==> 边际税率
- marginal test ==> 边缘检查=>限界試験
- marginal thread ==> 缘丝
- marginal thrust ==> 边缘逆断层
- marginal trading ==> 边际交易,边际贸易
- marginal transaction ==> 边际交易
- marginal trench ==> 陆缘海沟
- marginal trough ==> 边缘凹陷
- marginal ulcer of gastroenteric stoma ==> 胃肠吻合口边缘溃疡
- marginal unit ==> 限界単位
- marginal unit cost ==> 边际单位成本
- marginal uplift ==> 边缘隆起
- marginal user cost ==> 边际使用者费用
- marginal utility ==> 边际效用,边限效用,限界效用
- marginal utility analysis ==> 边际效用分析
- marginal utility degree ==> 边际效用程度
- marginal utility per dollar ==> 每元边际效用
- Marginal Utility school ==> 边际效用学派
- marginal utility theory of taxation ==> 课税的边际效用理论
- marginal vacuum ==> 容许真空
- marginal value ==> 边际价值,边际值,边缘值
- marginal value productivity ==> 边际价值生产率
- marginal value vector ==> 边际价格向量
- marginal variation ==> 边际变异
- marginal vein ==> 缘脉
- marginal veinlet ==> 缘小脉
- marginal velocity ==> 边际流通速度
- marginal wage cost ==> 边际工资成本,边际工资费用
- marginal wage quota ==> 边际工资率
- marginal yield ==> 边际收入
- marginal zone ==> 边缘区,缘带
- marginal-factor cost ==> 边际要素成本
- marginal-value product ==> 边际价值产品
- marginality ==> 边缘性
- margination texture ==> 蚀边结构
- margo ==> 塞缘
- margo axillaris ==> 腋缘
- margo ciliaris ==> 睫状缘
- margo ciliaris iridis ==> 虹膜睫状缘
- margo dexter ==> 右缘
- margo dorsalis ==> 背侧缘
- margo falciformis ==> 镰缘
- margo fibularis ==> 腓侧缘
- margo frontalis ==> 额缘
- margo gingivatis ==> 牙龈缘
- margo lacrimalis ==> 泪缘
- margo lambdoideus ==> 人字缘
- margo lateralis unguis ==> 甲外侧缘
- margo liber unguis ==> 甲游离缘
- margo mastoideus ==> 乳突缘
- margo medialis ==> 内侧缘
- margo medialis pedis ==> 足内侧缘
- margo mesovaricus ovarii ==> 卵巢系膜缘
- margo nasalis ==> 鼻缘
- margo palpebrae ==> 睑缘,睑缘
- margo pedis lateralis ==> 足外侧缘
- margo posterior ==> 后缘
- margo posterior partis petrosae ==> 岩部后缘
- margo pupillaris iridis ==> 虹膜瞳孔缘
- margo radialis ==> 桡侧缘
- margo supraorbitalis ==> 眶上缘
- margo tibialis ==> 胫侧缘,胫侧缘
- margo ulnaris ==> 尺侧缘
- margo uteri ==> 子宫缘
- margo vertebralis scapulae ==> 脊柱缘
- margo zygomaticus ==> 颧缘
- Margoulis number ==> 斯坦顿数
- margrain-needles ==> 珠脂针
- marguerite,daisy ==> 雏菊
- Margules equation ==> 维特-马古列斯方程
- Margules's equation ==> (气液平衡关系)马古利斯方程
- maricultural science ==> 海洋养殖学
- Marie Galante cotton ==> (西印度群岛产野生棉)马里加朗特棉
- Marie's ataxia ==> 马里共济失调,马里氏共济失调
- Marie's hypertrophy ==> (骨膜炎致关节软组织肿大)马里氏肥大
- Marie's syndrome ==> 痉挛性运动失调,痉挛性运动失调
- MARIENV International Conference on Technologies for Marine Environment Preservation ==> 国际海运环境维护技术会议
- Marignac Salt ==> (硫酸锡钾)马里纳克盐
- marigold ==> 金盏花=>マリーゴールド
- marigold window ==> 圆花窗
- marimba gong ==> 马林巴锣
- marinade ==> 醋渍菜=>マリネ
- marine ==> 船用,船用的,海的,海生的,海洋的,海运业
- marine 3-D survey ==> 海上三维地震勘探
- marine abrasion ==> 海蚀,浪蚀
- marine accident ==> 海上事故,海损事故
- marine accumulation ==> 海洋堆积
- marine acoustics ==> 海洋声学,海洋音响学
- marine aggregate ==> 海成骨料
- marine agriculture and animal husbandry ==> 海洋农牧业
- marine air mass ==> 海洋气团
- marine algae ==> 海生藻類
- marine algae extract ==> 海藻提取物
- marine algology ==> 海洋藻类学
- marine alidade ==> 航海用照准仪
- marine alloy ==> 船用合金
- marine alluvium ==> 海洋冲积层
- marine anchor ==> 船用锚
- marine anchor chain ==> 船用锚链
- marine and biomass energy ==> 海洋能及生物质能技术
- Marine and Inland Water Quality in Hong Kong ==> 《香港海洋及内陆水质报告》
- marine animal ==> 海洋动物
- marine animal oil ==> 海生动物油
- marine application ==> 海洋用途
- marine aquatic biological resources ==> 海洋水生物资源
- marine automatic telephone set ==> 船用自动电话机
- marine auxiliaries ==> 船用辅助机械
- marine auxiliary boiler ==> 船用辅助锅炉
- marine bacteria ==> 海洋细菌
- marine bacteriology ==> 海洋细菌学
- marine bacteriophage ==> 海洋噬菌体
- marine barometer ==> 航海气压计,船舶气压表,船用气压计,船用晴雨表
- marine beacon transmitter ==> 船舶导航无线电发射机
- marine beacon-light lantern ==> 海上信号灯
- marine bed ==> 海床
- marine bench ==> 海台
- marine benthic organism ==> 海底生物
- marine benthos ==> 海洋底栖生物
- marine bill of lading ==> 海运提货单
- marine bioacoustics ==> 海洋生物声学
- marine biochemistry ==> 海洋生物化学
- marine biocycle ==> 海洋生物环
- marine bioecology ==> 海洋生物生态学
- marine biogeochemistry ==> 海洋生物地球化学
- marine biogeography ==> 海洋生物地理学
- marine biological laboratory ==> 海洋生物实验
- marine biological tester ==> 海洋生物测试仪
- marine biology ==> 海洋生物学
- marine boiler ==> 船用锅炉
- marine borer ==> 海生钻木动物,海中蛀船虫
- marine borrow area ==> 海洋取土区,海上采泥区
- marine botany ==> 海洋植物学
- marine bottom community ==> 海底群落
- marine cable ==> 海底电缆,船用电缆
- marine cargo handling gear ==> 船用装卸机械
- marine cargo insurance ==> 海运货物保险
- marine cargo insurance policy ==> 海上货物保险单
- marine cave ==> 海蚀洞
- marine centrifugal fan ==> 船用离心通风机
- marine ceramic wool ==> 船用陶瓷棉
- marine chart ==> 海图
- marine chemical analyzer ==> 海洋化学分析仪
- marine chemistry ==> 海洋化学
- marine chronometer ==> 航海时计
- marine clastics ==> 海相碎屑岩
- marine clay ==> 海相粘土
- marine climate ==> 海洋性气候
- marine climatology ==> 海洋气候学
- marine coating ==> 船舶漆
- marine coenology ==> 海洋生物群落学
- marine communication ==> 航海无线电通信
- marine complete product ==> 船舶成套产品
- marine compressor ==> 船用空冷压缩机,船用水冷压缩机
- marine conservation area ==> 海洋保育区
- marine construction ==> 水工建筑物
- marine construction work ==> 海事建筑工程
- marine conveyance ==> 水运
- marine cooler ==> 船用冷却塔
- marine corrosion ==> 海水腐蚀
- marine current ==> 海洋流
- marine currents ==> 海流
- marine cylinder oil ==> 船用汽缸油
- marine data ==> 海洋水文注记,海洋水文资料
- marine deck machinery ==> 船用甲板机械
- marine dencodation ==> 海蚀
- marine denudation ==> 海水侵蚀作用
- marine deposit ==> 海积物,海相沉积,海洋沉积
- marine deposition coast ==> 海洋堆积海岸
- marine depth sounder ==> 海洋回声测深仪
- marine diesel ==> 船用柴油机
- marine diesel engine ==> 船用柴油机=>舶用ディーゼル機関
- marine diesel engine oil ==> 船用柴油机油
- marine diesel engines part ==> 船用柴油机配件
- marine diesel fuel ==> 船用柴油机燃料
- marine diesel generating set ==> 船用柴油发电机组
- marine diesel oil ==> 船用柴油
- marine direction finder ==> 船舶方向探测器,船用测向器
- marine disc centrifugal separator ==> 船用碟式离心分离机
- marine disc separator ==> 船用碟式分离机
- Marine Disposal of Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment Sludges in Hong Kong ==> 《海上倾卸香港滤水厂及污水处理厂排出的污泥》
- marine disposal scheme ==> 海上倾卸计划
- marine distiller ==> 船用蒸馏器
- marine drilling ==> 海底钻探,海洋钻探
- marine drilling platform ==> 海上钻井平台
- marine drilling technology ==> 海上钻井工艺
- Marine Dumping Action Plan ==> 倾物入海行动计划
- marine dumping area ==> 海洋倾倒物料区
- marine dumping permit ==> 倾物入海许可证
- marine dynamograph ==> 海洋动力自记仪
- marine ecologic economics ==> 海洋生态经济学
- marine ecology ==> 海洋生态学
- marine economic geography ==> 海洋经济地理学
- marine economic history ==> 海洋经济史
- marine economics ==> 海洋经济学
- marine ecosystems ==> 海洋生态系统
- marine electric appliance ==> 船用电气设备
- marine electric fan ==> 船用电风扇
- marine electric machine ==> 船用电机
- marine electric meter ==> 船用电表
- marine electrochemistry ==> 海洋电化学
- marine electromagnetism ==> 海洋电磁学
- marine electronic engineering ==> 海洋电子工程学
- marine electronics ==> 航海电子学
- marine end-sealed airtight-sliding door ==> 船用端部密封式气密滑动门
- marine engine ==> 船用发动机
- marine engineer ==> 轮机工程师
- marine engineering ==> 轮机工程,海工工程学,海事工程,造船工程
- marine environment ==> 海洋环境
- marine environmental buoy system ==> 海洋环境浮标系统
- marine environmental pollution damage ==> 海洋环境污染损害
- Marine Environmental Protection Committee ==> 海洋环境保护委员会
- marine equipment ==> 水上运输工具
- marine erosion ==> 浪蚀,海蚀,海蚀作用
- marine evaporator ==> 船用蒸馏器
- marine evaporite ==> 海相蒸发岩
- marine extension clause ==> 海上延伸条款
- marine facies ==> 海相
- marine facies theory ==> 海相生油说
- marine fire alarm ==> 船用火警报警器
- marine fish culture industry ==> 海鱼养殖业
- marine fish culture zone ==> 海鱼养殖区
- marine fish farming ==> 近海养鱼
- marine fisheries biology ==> 海洋渔业生物学
- marine fishery ==> 海洋渔业
- marine fishes ==> 海洋鱼类
- marine fishing ==> 海洋捕鱼
- marine flame proof axial flow ventilator ==> 船用防爆轴流式扇风机
- marine flame-proof three phase asynchronous motor ==> 船用防爆三相异步电动机
- marine flooding surface ==> 海泛面
- marine flue boiler ==> 船用燃烧管锅炉
- marine fluid dynamics ==> 海洋流体动力学
- marine food chain ==> 海洋食物链
- marine foreland ==> 海岬
- marine four strokes diesel engine ==> 船用四冲程柴油机
- marine fresh water generator ==> 船用海水淡化装置
- marine fuel ==> 船用燃料
- marine galvanometer ==> 船用电流计
- marine gas cooling reactor ==> 船用气冷反应堆
- marine gas turbine ==> 船用燃气轮机
- marine gear ==> 船用齿轮
- marine gearbox ==> 船用齿轮箱
- marine generator ==> 船用发电机
- marine geochemistry ==> 海洋地球化学
- marine geodesy ==> 海洋测地学,海洋测量学,海洋大地测量学
- marine geography ==> 海洋地理学
- marine geologic survey ==> 海洋地质调查
- marine geological survey ==> 海洋地质调查
- marine geological tester ==> 海洋地质测试仪
- marine geology ==> 海洋地质,海洋地质学,地质海洋学
- marine geomagnetic anomaly ==> 海洋地磁异常
- marine geophysics ==> 海洋地球物理学
- marine geotechnology ==> 海洋土工学
- marine glue ==> 防水胶,船用胶
- marine governor ==> 轮机调节器
- marine gravimeter ==> 海洋重力仪
- marine gravity meter ==> 海洋重力仪
- marine gravity prospecting ==> 海洋重力勘探
- marine grey cloth ==> 海洋灰色布
- marine guidance ==> 海面导航,海上制导
- marine hatch seal tape ==> 封舱胶布,封舱胶带,封舱防腐带
- marine herb ==> 海生草本植物
- marine histology ==> 海洋组织学
- marine hull insurance ==> 海洋船壳保险
- marine humus ==> 海成腐殖质
- marine hydrochemistry ==> 海洋水文化学
- marine hydrographic survey ==> 海洋水文测量
- marine hydrology ==> 海洋水文学
- marine hydrometeorology ==> 海洋水文气象学
- marine ichthy-anatomy ==> 海洋鱼类解剖学
- marine ichthy-ecology ==> 海洋鱼类生态学
- marine ichthy-geography ==> 海洋鱼类地理学
- marine ichthy-morphology ==> 海洋鱼类形态学
- marine ichthy-pathology ==> 海洋鱼类病理学
- marine ichthy-physiology ==> 海洋鱼类生理学
- marine ichthy-systematics ==> 海洋鱼类分类学
- marine ichthyology ==> 海洋鱼类学
- marine incinerator ==> 船用焚烧炉
- marine industry ==> 海水工业
- marine installation ==> 船舶装置
- marine insulation ==> 船舶绝缘
- marine insurance ==> 海损保险,海洋运输保险
- marine insurance conditions ==> 海洋运输保险条件
- marine insurance contract ==> 海上保险契约,货物海上保险契约
- marine insurance law ==> 海洋运输保险法
- marine insurance policy ==> 海运保险单
- marine insurance policy (MIP) ==> 海洋运输保险单
- marine interest ==> 海商利率
- marine invertebrate zoology ==> 海洋无脊椎动物学
- marine landform observation apparatus ==> 海洋地貌观测仪器
- marine law ==> 海商法,海事法
- marine lead battery ==> 船用铅蓄电池
- marine league ==> 水程里格
- marine leather ==> 海产皮革
- marine leg ==> (船用)卸料吊斗
- marine lift-saving apparatus ==> 船用救生器材
- marine light ==> 航海用导航灯
- marine lighting fitting ==> 船用灯
- marine littoral faunal region ==> 浅海动物区
- marine loss ==> 海损
- marine low speed diesel engine ==> 船用低速柴油机
- marine low voltage switch ==> 船用低压开关
- marine low-voltage electric appliance ==> 船用低压电器
- marine machinery ==> 船用机械,轮机
- marine magnetic field property tester ==> 海洋磁场性质测试仪
- marine magnetometer ==> 海洋磁力仪
- marine magnetometry ==> 海洋磁力测量
- Marine Mammal Conservation Working Group ==> 海洋哺乳动物保育工作小组
- marine management science ==> 海洋经营管理学
- marine mareograph ==> 海洋验潮仪
- marine measuring instrument ==> 海洋测量仪
- marine media ==> 水上运输工具
- marine mesopelagic organism ==> 海洋中层生物
- marine meteorograph ==> 海洋气象记录仪
- marine meteorological observation ==> 海洋气候观测
- marine meteorology ==> 海洋气象学
- marine meterologal prediction ==> 海洋气象预报
- marine microbial biochemistry ==> 海洋微生物生物化学
- marine microbial biophysics ==> 海洋微生物生物物理学
- marine microbial cytology ==> 海洋微生物细胞学
- marine microbial ecology ==> 海洋微生物生态学
- marine microbial genetics ==> 海洋微生物遗传学
- marine microbial morphology ==> 海洋微生物形态学
- marine microbial physiology ==> 海洋微生物生理学
- marine microbial systematics ==> 海洋微生物分类学
- marine microbiology ==> 海洋微生物学
- marine micropaleontology ==> 海洋微体古生物学
- Marine Midland Bank ==> (美国)海事密德兰银行
- marine mining ==> 海洋采矿
- marine molysmology ==> 海洋污染学
- marine monitoring ==> 海洋监测
- marine morphology ==> 海洋形态学
- marine motor ==> 船用電動機
- marine mycology ==> 海洋真菌学
- marine natural products ==> 海洋天然产物
- marine nature products chemistry ==> 海洋天然产物化学
- marine navigation ==> 航海导航
- marine navigation radar ==> 船用导航雷达
- marine non-metal cable tier ==> 船用非金属电缆扎带
- marine oil fence ==> 海上围油栅
- marine oil-water separator ==> 船用油水分离器
- marine optics ==> 海洋光学
- marine organic chemistry ==> 海洋有机化学
- marine organism ==> 海洋生物
- marine origin ==> 海成,海相成因
- marine ozonizer ==> 船用臭氧发生器
- marine paint ==> 船舶漆,船用漆
- marine park ==> 海洋公园
- Marine Parks Programme ==> 海岸公园计划
- marine patrol aircraft ==> 海上巡逻飞机
- marine pearl feed ==> 海产珍珠养殖
- marine petroleum development ==> 海洋石油开发
- marine pharmacognosy ==> 海洋生药学
- marine physicochemistry ==> 海洋物理化学
- marine physics ==> 海洋物理学
- marine physiology ==> 海洋生理学
- marine phytobiochemistry ==> 海洋植物生物化学
- marine phytobiology ==> 海洋植物生物学
- marine phytobiophysics ==> 海洋植物生物物理学
- marine phytochemistry ==> 海洋植物化学
- marine phytocoenostics ==> 海洋植物群落学
- marine phytocytology ==> 海洋植物细胞学
- marine phytoecology ==> 海洋植物生态学
- marine phytogenetics ==> 海洋植物遗传学
- marine phytogeography ==> 海洋植物地理学
- marine phytohistology ==> 海洋植物组织学
- marine phytomorphology ==> 海洋植物形态学
- marine phytopathology ==> 海洋植物病理学
- marine phytophysiology ==> 海洋植物生理学
- marine phytotaxonomy ==> 海洋植物分类学
- marine piling ==> 水上打桩
- marine plain ==> 海蚀平原
- marine plantation ==> 海洋种养业
- marine platform ==> 海蚀台地
- marine pneumatic seismic source ==> 海洋压缩空气震源
- marine polarimeter ==> 海洋偏振计
- marine pollution ==> 海洋污染
- marine pollution abatement notice ==> 海洋污染减除通知书
- marine pollution monitor ==> 海洋污染监测器
- marine pollution monitoring ==> 海洋污染监控
- Marine Pollution Prevention Law ==> 海洋污染防治法
- marine position recorder ==> 海上位置记录仪
- marine positioning ==> 海上定位
- marine power plant ==> 船舶动力装置
- marine power station ==> 海上发电站
- marine prairie ==> 海洋草场
- marine premium ==> 海洋运输保险费
- marine preserve ==> 禁渔区
- marine product ==> 水产
- marine products ==> 海产,海货
- marine products water ==> 海产用水
- marine products 海产=> ==> 海货
- marine progressive overlap ==> 海成覆蔽
- marine propeller ==> 船舶推进器,船用螺旋桨
- marine propulsion ==> 船舶推进装置
- marine protest ==> 海难抗议书
- marine proton gradiometer ==> 海洋质子重力梯度仪
- marine proton magnetometer ==> 海洋质子磁力仪
- marine proton precession magnetometer ==> 海洋质子磁力仪
- marine protozoan ecology ==> 海洋原生动物生态学
- marine protozoology ==> 海洋原生动物学
- marine pulley ==> 船用滑车
- marine pump ==> 船用泵
- marine qarosol ==> 海上烟雾
- marine radar ==> 海用雷达,航海雷达,船舶雷达,船用雷达
- marine radiant boiler ==> 船用辐射型锅炉
- marine radio ==> 航海用无线电台
- marine radio aid ==> 船用无线电设备
- marine radio beacon ==> 航海用无线电信标
- marine radio direction finder ==> 船用无线电测向仪
- marine radio receiver ==> 船舶无线电接收机
- marine railway ==> 船排,船坞铁路
- marine rainbow ==> 海虹,海洋虹
- marine rator ==> 船用レーダ
- marine refrigerating plant ==> 船用制冷装置
- marine research ship ==> 海洋科学考察船,海洋科研船
- marine research station ==> 海洋科学研究站
- marine resource ==> 海成资源
- marine resource economics ==> 海洋资源经济学
- marine resources ==> 海洋资源
- Marine Resources Conservation Working Group (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) ==> 海洋资源保护工作小组(亚太区经济合作组织)
- marine return tube boiler ==> 船用回管锅炉
- marine rig ==> 海洋钻机
- marine riser ==> 海底取油管
- marine risks ==> 海险
- marine rock ==> 海成岩石
- marine safety valve ==> 船用安全阀
- marine salina ==> 海边盐沼,海滨盐沼地
- marine salt ==> 海盐
- marine sampling station ==> 海水抽样站
- marine sand borrow area ==> 海沙采挖区
- marine science ==> 海洋科学
- marine scraper ==> 船用刮刀
- marine screw propeller ==> 船用螺旋桨
- marine search ==> 海上搜索
- marine sediment ==> 海相沉积,海洋沉积
- marine sedimentary geochemistry ==> 海洋沉积地球化学
- marine sedimentology ==> 海洋沉积学
- marine seed botany ==> 海洋种子植物学
- marine seepage ==> 海底油苗
- marine seismic cable ==> 海洋地震电缆
- marine seismic profiler ==> 海洋地震剖面仪
- marine seismic source ==> 海洋震源
- marine seismograph ==> 海洋地震仪
- marine seismometer ==> 海洋地震表,海洋地震计
- marine separator ==> 船用分离器
- marine serum ==> 海水人造血清
- marine service instruments ==> 船用仪器
- marine service instruments and implements ==> 航海仪器及器具
- marine service motor ==> 船用电动机
- marine sewage treatment plant ==> 船用污水处理装置
- marine sextant ==> 航海六分仪
- marine shafting ==> 船用轴系
- marine shipping ==> 水上运输
- marine silicon rectifier ==> 船用硅整流器
- marine site ==> 水工建筑物地点
- marine smoke emission ==> 船舶废气
- marine soil ==> 海积土
- marine soil mechanics ==> 海洋土力学
- marine solonchak ==> 海成盐,滨海盐土
- marine sonoprobe ==> 海洋回声探测仪,海洋声纳测深仪
- marine spoil ground ==> 海上卸泥场
- marine steam boiler ==> 船用蒸汽锅炉
- marine steam power plant ==> 船舶蒸汽动力装置
- marine steam turbine ==> 船用汽轮机
- marine storage battery ==> 船用蓄电池
- marine stores ==> 船舶用具
- marine stratigraphy ==> 海洋地层学
- marine structural dynamics ==> 海洋结构动力学
- marine structure ==> 海工建筑,海上建筑物,水工建筑物
- marine survey vessel ==> 海上监察船
- marine surveying ==> 海洋测量学
- marine surveyor ==> 验船师
- marine swamp ==> 沿海沼泽,海湿地
- marine tactical system ==> 海军战术系统
- marine talus ==> 海下岩屑堆
- marine technological economics ==> 海洋技术经济学
- marine technology ==> 海洋工学
- marine tectonics ==> 海洋构造学
- marine telegraph ==> 船舶收发报话机
- marine teleosts ==> 海洋真骨鱼类
- marine telephone set ==> 船用电话机
- marine telescope ==> 航海望远镜
- marine terminal ==> 海运终点站,水运终点站
- marine terrace ==> 海成阶地,海阶,海洋阶地
- marine thermodynamics ==> 海洋热力学
- marine thermology ==> 海洋热学
- marine tie ==> マリンタイ
- marine torch ==> 水中手电筒
- marine traffic ==> 水上运输
- marine traffic engineering ==> 水运工程
- marine transgression ==> 海侵
- marine transmitter ==> 船舶无线电发射机
- marine transport ==> 海上运输
- marine transportation engineering ==> 海上运输工程
- marine tubular boiler ==> 船用火管锅炉
- marine turbidimeter ==> 船用浊度计
- marine turbine ==> 船用汽轮机,船用涡轮机
- marine turbine condenser ==> 船用涡轮机的凝汽器
- marine type dynamo ==> 船用直流发电机
- marine umbrella type hole stopper ==> 船用伞形堵漏器
- marine underwriter ==> 水险公司
- marine valve ==> 船用阀门
- marine varnish ==> 船舰用漆
- marine vertical seismic profiling ==> 海洋垂直地震剖面
- marine virology ==> 海洋病毒学
- marine water ==> 海水
- Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong ==> 《香港海水水质报告》
- marine water quality monitoring station ==> 海上水质监测站
- marine works ==> 海事工程
- marine zoogeography ==> 海洋动物地理学
- marine zoopathology ==> 海洋动物病理学
- marine zootaxology ==> 海洋动物分类学
- marine zootaxy ==> 海洋动物分类学
- marine zootomy ==> 海洋动物解剖学
- marine zootoxicology ==> 海洋动物毒物学
- marine's compass ==> 船舶用罗盘
- marine-built platform ==> 海成台地
- marine-built terrace ==> 海成阶地
- marine-cut bench ==> 海台
- marine-cut platform ==> 海蚀台地
- marine-cut terrace ==> 海蚀阶地
- marine-derived nutrients ==> 海洋由来の栄養素
- marine-erosion coast ==> 海蚀海岸
- marine-erosion platform ==> 海蚀平台,海蚀台地
- marine-ice-sheet grounding lines ==> 海洋氷床の境界線
- marine-land purpose motor ==> 船-陆两用电机
- marine-originated salt water lake ==> 海源咸水湖
- Mariner program ==> 水手计划
- mariner's compass ==> 船用罗盘
- mariner's needle ==> 罗盘针
- Marinesco-Radovici reflex ==> 马腊二氏反射
- marinized aircraft gas turbine ==> 航空改装型船用燃气轮机
- Marintec China ==> 中国国际海事学术会议和展览会,简称:中国国际海事会展=>マリンテック・チャイナ,世界各国より1000社以上の海事関連企業や団体が参加するアジア最大規模の海事展。
- Mariotte's law ==> 玻意耳定律
- Mariposa formation ==> 马里波萨组
- MARISAT system ==> 海事卫星通信系统
- MARISAT, maritime communications satellite ==> MARISAT
- MARISAT, maritime satellite ==> 海事衛星
- MARISAT, Maritime Satellite System ==> 海事衛星システム
- marital generation ==> 两性世代
- marital history ==> 婚姻史
- MARITECH Maritime Systems Technology Program (U.S.) ==> 海事系统技术项目(美国)
- maritime ==> 海上的,海事=>海の,臨海の,海運の,海事の
- maritime air ==> 海洋空气
- maritime air fog ==> 海洋气团雾
- maritime air mass ==> 海洋气团
- maritime arbitration ==> 海事仲裁
- maritime arbitration commission ==> 海事仲裁委员会
- maritime casualty ==> 海上事故
- maritime claim ==> 海商法上的债权,海事求偿权
- maritime climate ==> 海洋气候,海洋性气候
- maritime climatology ==> 海洋气候学
- maritime coasting trade ==> 海洋沿海贸易
- maritime convention ==> 海洋公约
- maritime court ==> 海事法庭
- maritime customs ==> 海关
- Maritime Disaster Inquiry Agency ==> (日本)海上仲裁厅
- maritime engineering ==> 海工工程学,海洋工学
- maritime exchange ==> 海事交易所
- maritime fraud ==> 海事欺诈
- maritime frequency bands ==> 海用频带
- maritime glacier ==> 海洋性冰川
- maritime hygiene ==> 港口卫生
- maritime insurance ==> 海损保险,海洋运输保险
- maritime jurisdiction ==> 海事裁判权,海事管辖权
- maritime law ==> 海商法,海洋法
- maritime lien ==> 海运留置权
- maritime meteorological observation ==> 海上气象观测,海洋气象观测
- maritime meteorology ==> 海洋气象学
- maritime mobile radiotelephone equipment ==> 水上行动无线电话设备
- maritime mobile service ==> 水上行动业务,海上移动通信业务=>海上移動業務
- maritime mortgage ==> 海商法上的抵押,海上抵押权
- maritime navigation ==> 水运
- maritime negligence ==> 海上过失
- maritime plant ==> 海生植物
- Maritime Port Convention ==> 海港公约
- maritime quarantine ==> 海港检疫
- maritime radar interrogator transponder ==> 海上雷达询问应答器
- maritime radio equipment ==> 航海无线电设备
- maritime rights ==> 海洋权
- maritime satellite ==> 海事卫星
- maritime satellite communication ==> 海洋卫星通信
- maritime section of stream ==> 感潮河段
- Maritime Silk Road ==> 海上丝绸之路
- maritime sovereignty ==> 海洋主权
- maritime tort ==> 海上侵权行为
- maritime traffic ==> 海上交通
- maritime transport statistics ==> 海运统计
- maritime transportation ==> 海洋运输,海运
- maritime transportation contract ==> 海上运输合同
- maritime transportation insurance ==> 海洋运输保险
- maritime tropical air ==> 热带海洋气团
- maritime vegetation ==> 海岸植被,海生植物
- maritime work ==> 海工建筑
- maritime works ==> 海工
- marjoram oil ==> 马郁兰油,甘牛至油
- mark ==> 牌号,传号,特征,马克,痕迹,划线,目录,标,标记,标价,标明,标志,标帜,型号标志,唛头=>記号,マーク
- mark and space impulse ==> 传号和空号脉冲
- mark card ==> 符号卡片,标记卡片
- mark card reader ==> 标记卡读出器,标记卡片读出器
- mark card sensing ==> 标记卡读出
- mark card to floppy disk ==> 标记卡片到软盘传送
- mark check ==> 标记检查
- mark chromosome ==> 标志染色体
- mark contact ==> 传号接点
- mark counting check ==> 特征计数检验
- mark detection ==> 标志检测
- mark floppy ==> 标记软磁盘
- mark form sequence ==> 标记形成序列,符号格式序列
- mark frequency ==> 标记频率
- mark function ==> 标记功能,符号功能
- mark hold ==> 符号保持,标记保持,标记保存
- mark length ==> 记号长度
- mark match ==> 标记符合
- mark matching ==> 标记选配
- mark memory ==> 标记存储器
- mark number ==> 标号
- mark of car ==> 汽车牌号
- mark of manual strangulation ==> 扼痕
- mark of origin ==> 进口商品的产地标记
- mark of reference ==> 参量符号,参照符号
- mark pen ==> 符号记录笔
- mark plate ==> 标志板
- mark position ==> 标记位置,标志位置
- mark post ==> 标杆
- mark pulse ==> 标志脉冲
- mark reader ==> 符号读出器=>マーク読取装置
- mark reading ==> 符号读出,标记读出
- mark register ==> 标记寄存器
- mark scan ==> 标记扫描
- mark scanning ==> 标记扫描,特征扫描=>マーク読取り
- mark scraper ==> 划线器
- mark sense ==> 标记读出
- mark sense punch ==> 标记读穿
- mark sensed card ==> 符号读出卡片
- mark sensing ==> 符号读出,标号读出,标记读出,标记检测=>マーク読取り
- mark sensing card ==> 符号读出卡片
- mark sensing machine ==> 符号读出机
- mark sensing punch ==> 符号读出穿孔机
- mark sensing sheet ==> 标记读出表
- mark sensor circuit ==> 标记读出电路
- mark sheet ==> 标记纸,特征表
- mark sheet reader ==> 标记卡读出器
- mark space multiplier ==> 符号-区间乘法器
- mark space ratio ==> 线圈间隙因数
- mark synchronization ==> 标记同步
- Mark system ==> 马克制度
- mark tally ==> 标记点数
- mark track error ==> 标志磁道错误
- mark up ==> 加价
- mark up loans ==> 标高贷款利息
- mark variable coefficient ==> 标志变动系数
- mark variable extent ==> 标志变动度
- mark with the center ==> 定心
- mark zone ==> 标记区
- mark Ⅱgas cooled reactor ==> 第二代气冷反应堆
- mark Ⅲgas cooled reactor ==> 第三代气冷反应堆
- mark-and-space ==> 传号和空号
- mark-down ==> 减低标价
- mark-hold ==> 传号保持,固定标记,固定符号
- Mark-Houwink constant ==> 马克-豪温克常数
- Mark-Houwink equation ==> 马克-豪温克方程
- mark-on percentage ==> 标价加成率
- mark-reading station ==> 标记读出机构
- mark-sense ==> 读出标记
- mark-sense punch ==> 读标记穿孔
- mark-sense row ==> 标记读出行
- mark-sensed card ==> 标记读出卡
- mark-sensing card ==> 标记读出卡
- mark-sensing column ==> 标记读出列
- mark-sensing row ==> 标记读出行,符号读出行
- mark-to-market ==> 调至市价
- mark-to-space ratio ==> 传号空号比,标记占空比
- mark-to-space transition ==> 传号空号转换,符号到间距转换
- mark-up ==> 增高标价,(指成本加利变成售价)加利
- mark-up inflation ==> 标高价格的通货膨胀
- mark-up pricing ==> 加成订价法
- MARKAL ==> エネルギーシステムモデル
- MARKAL, MARKet ALocation ==> エネルギーシステムモデル
- Markarian galaxy ==> 马卡良星系
- Markarian object ==> 马卡良天体
- markdown ==> 削价
- markdown percentage ==> 标价减成率
- marked capacity ==> 额定生产率,额定容量
- marked capacity of car ==> 车辆标重
- marked check ==> 保证兑现的支票
- marked compound ==> 标记化合物
- marked cycle ==> 标号循环
- marked difference ==> 显著差别,显著差异
- marked freight prepaid ==> 注明运费预付
- marked page reader ==> 标记页面阅读器
- marked ratio ==> 变压器标称变比
- marked symbol ==> 标记符号
- marked terminal ==> 标记的终端,标记终结符
- marked transfer ==> 标明转让,保证股票转让
- marken ==> 软炭质页岩
- marker ==> 灯标,打标记器,打号器,打号员,划线规,划印器,标号器,标号畜,标记脉冲,标记器,标识,标示物,标志,标志器,记分器,指示层,指示器=>マーカ,標識
- marker and link tester ==> 标志器链路测试器
- marker antenna ==> 信标天线,指点信标天线,指示天线
- marker arm ==> 划行器杆
- marker atom ==> 标记原子
- marker attachment ==> 划行器
- marker beacon ==> 标志信标,指向标,无线电指位标
- marker beacon indicator ==> 信标指示器
- marker bed ==> 标志层,标志地层,标准层,指示层
- marker bit ==> 标记位
- marker bubble ==> 标志泡
- marker buoy ==> 标位浮标,标志浮标
- marker character ==> 标记符
- marker chromosome ==> 标记染色体
- marker circuit ==> 标识电路
- marker clamp ==> 标志电平箝位电路
- marker clone ==> 基准品系
- marker control ==> 标识控制
- marker crude ==> 标志原油
- marker effect ==> 标记效应
- marker enzyme ==> 标记酶,标志酶
- marker gate ==> 标志脉冲闸门
- marker gene ==> 标志基因
- marker generator ==> 标志发生器,标志信号发生器
- marker group ==> 标识群
- marker horizon ==> 标志地层
- marker lamp ==> 识别信号灯
- marker level ==> 标志电平
- marker light ==> 标志灯光,信号识别灯
- marker mixer ==> 标志信号混合器
- marker oscillator ==> 标记脉冲发生器
- marker peg ==> 标志桩
- marker pen ==> 标记笔
- marker pip ==> 标记脉冲,指向脉冲,校准标志,集成电路外壳的标记点
- marker pip displacement ==> 标记点位移
- marker post ==> 標識柱
- marker pulse ==> 标志脉冲,信号脉冲,同步脉冲,指示脉冲,指向脉冲,传号脉冲=>同期パルス
- marker pulse conversion ==> 标识器脉冲转换
- marker pulses ==> 标识脉冲
- marker register ==> 标识寄存器,时标寄存器
- marker scam ==> 标记扫描
- marker selector ==> 标记脉冲选择器,标志脉冲选择器,指向脉冲选择器,指向选择器
- marker sense ==> 标记识别
- marker shoe ==> 指行器,划行器铲
- marker space ==> 分隔区
- marker spacing ==> 标记间隔,标志间距
- marker sweep generator ==> 扫频标志发生器
- marker system ==> 标志信号系统
- marker thread ==> 标志线
- marker zone ==> 指示层
- markering cost ==> 推销费用
- market ==> 市场,商场
- market abroad ==> 海外市场
- market absorption ==> 市场吸收能力
- market absorption capacity ==> 市场容量
- market advancing ==> 市价正上涨
- market amount ==> 市场金额
- market analysis ==> 市场分析
- market analysis subsystem, MAS ==> 市场分析子系统,在电力市场运营系统中,对市场运作状态进行分析、评估和预测的子系统
- market and marketing system ==> 市场和销售系统
- market animal ==> 上市肉畜
- market assessment ==> 市场估价
- market audit ==> 市场审核
- market behaviour ==> 市场走势
- market bill ==> 市场国库券
- market borrowing ==> 市场借债
- market brass ==> 商品黄铜
- market bull ==> 试情公牛
- market chains ==> 连锁市场
- market channel ==> 市场渠道
- market class and greads ==> 肉畜等级
- market classification ==> 市场分类
- market clearing ==> 市场结算
- market clearing price ==> 市场出清电价,在竞争定价的电力市场中,能够实现市场供给量和需求量平衡的价格水平=>市場清算価格
- market closure ==> 市场封闭
- market combination ==> 市场联合
- market competition ==> 市场竞争
- market competition rate ==> 市场竞争度指标,衡量市场竞争程度的一个指标
- market conditions ==> 市场情况
- market congestion ==> (指市场挤迫现象)市场阻塞
- market control ==> 市场管理
- market deal ==> 市场交易
- market declining ==> 市价正下降
- market demand ==> 市场需求
- market demand curve ==> 市場需要曲線
- market depreciation ==> 市场价格的下跌
- market development ==> 市场发展,市场开发
- market difference margin ==> 市场价差保证金
- market discount rate ==> 市场贴现率
- market disruption ==> 市场扰乱
- market diversification ==> 市场多样化
- market domestically ==> 内销
- market dominance ==> 市场操纵
- market economy ==> 市场经济
- market economy structure ==> 市场经济结构
- market entity ==> 市场主体,具有独立经济利益和资产,享有民事权利和承担民事责任的可从事市场交易活动的法人或自然人
- market entry certification system ==> 市场准入制度,政府或其授权机构规定公民和法人进入市场从事商品生产经营活动所必需满足的条件和必需遵守的制度与规范的总称,它是国家为保护社会公共利益而对市场进行
- market equilibrium ==> 市场供需平衡
- market expansion ==> 市场扩张
- market expansion promotion ==> 扩大市场推销
- market exploration ==> 市场考察
- market feedback ==> 市场调查资料
- market feeling ==> 市场人心
- market finance ==> 市场金融
- market finding ==> 市場発見
- market fluctuations ==> 市场波动
- market for bill exchange ==> 票据交换市场
- market for executive talent ==> 行政管理人才的就业市场
- market for general labor ==> 一般劳动力市场
- market forces ==> 市场动力,市场力量
- market forecast ==> 市场预测
- market forecast of commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业市场预测
- market forecasting ==> 市场预测
- market game ==> 市场博奕,市场对策
- market garden ==> 商品菜园,以供应市场为目的的菜园,以销售为目的果菜园
- market gardening ==> 商品蔬菜栽培
- market goods locally ==> 就地销售,就地销售
- market grouping ==> 市场分类
- market growth ==> 市场发育
- market has openings ==> 市场缺口
- market hog ==> 上市屠宰用猪,肥猪
- market hospitality ==> 市场礼遇
- market identification ==> 市场确定
- market in the interior ==> 内地市场
- market intervention ==> 市场干预,当系统出现特定情况时,市场运营机构依据市场规则采取一定的措施对市场的运行进行干预
- market lamb ==> 肥羔
- market lead ==> 商品铅
- market letter ==> 商情报告书
- market levels ==> 市场层次
- market life ==> 市场寿命,供销期间
- market liquidity ==> 市场流动性
- market loss on security ==> 证券跌价损失
- market management strategy ==> 市场经营战略
- market manipulation ==> 市场操纵
- market mechanism ==> 市场机制
- market milk ==> 鲜奶
- market model ==> 市场模型=>市場モデル
- market objectives ==> 市场目标
- market on close ==> 收市订单
- market operator ==> 市场运营机构,又称"电力交易中心"
- market order ==> 市场定单,市价单,(证券交易)卖出指示
- market outlook ==> 市场展望
- market overseas ==> 海外市场
- market overstocked ==> 市场存货过多
- market participant ==> 市场参加者=>市場参加者。An entity participating in the energy marketplace by buying/selling transmission rights, or ancillary services into, out of, or through an ISO-controlled grid.
- market penetration ==> 市场渗入,行销渗透
- market position ==> 市场地位
- market potential ==> 市场潜在需求量
- market poultry ==> 肉用家畜
- market power ==> 市场支配力,市场力,又称"市场操纵力"=>市場支配力
- market price ==> 市场价格,市价
- market price at time of issue method ==> 时价支出法
- market price method ==> (指联合成本的分配)市价法
- market price of risk ==> リスク市場価格
- market production ==> 市场生产
- market products inside China ==> 内销
- market profile ==> 市场概况,市场扫描
- market projections ==> 市況予測
- market purchasing ==> 市场采购
- market quality ==> 市场要求的质量,销售质量
- market quality information ==> 市场质量情报
- market rate ==> 市场利率
- market rate of exchange ==> 市场汇率
- market rates of exchange in effect ==> 实际市场汇率
- market realization ==> 市场实现
- market regulations ==> 市场法规
- market report ==> 市场报告
- market research ==> 市场调查,市场研究
- market research and analyze sales potential ==> 市场研究与分析销售潜力
- market risk ==> 市场风险=>市場リスク
- market saturation ==> 市场饱和
- market scale ==> 市场规模
- market segmentation ==> 市场分割,市场划分
- market segments ==> 市场细分,区隔市场
- market sensitiveness ==> 市场的敏感性
- market sentiment ==> 市场气氛,市场人心
- market separation ==> 市场割据
- market share ==> 市场分配,市场份额,市场占有率
- market share matrix ==> 市场份额矩阵
- market sharing ==> 市场分配,分占市场
- market shortages ==> 市场紧张
- market shrink ==> 市場収縮
- market size ==> (商品)市场尺寸
- market splitting ==> 市場分断=>市場分割
- market strategy ==> 市场策略
- market structure ==> 市场结构
- market supply schedule ==> 市场供给表
- market supply-and-demand situation ==> 市场供求情况
- market survey ==> 市场调查
- market survey made by commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业市场调查
- market survey method ==> 市场探测法
- market suspension ==> 市场中止,当系统出现特定情况时,电力监管机构依据市场规则做出电力市场在中止交易的指令,在此指令下电力市场停止运作
- market target ==> 市场对象
- market tendency ==> 市场趋向
- market test ==> 市场测验
- market transaction ==> 市场交易
- market transaction costs ==> 市场交易费用
- market transparency ==> 市场明朗度
- market trend ==> 市场趋势
- market unhealthy ==> 市场不稳定
- market unsettled ==> 市场不稳定
- market valuation ==> 市场估价
- market value ==> 市场价格,市场价值,市值,时价
- market value of investment securities ==> 投资证券的市值
- market wage ==> 市场工资
- market weight ==> 上市体重,出售体重
- market-directed economy ==> 市场经济
- market-oriented programming ==> 市場指向プログラミング
- market-penetration pricing ==> 市场渗透订价
- market-set prices ==> 市场定价
- market-sharing arrangement ==> 市场分配协定
- marketability ==> 适销性,变现性,易售性
- marketable equity ==> 可让渡权益
- marketable goods ==> 适销产品,易销货物
- marketable grain ==> 商品粮
- marketable issue ==> 适销证券
- marketable price ==> 适销价格
- marketable products ==> 适销产品
- marketable securities ==> 适销证券,可转售证券
- marketable title ==> 适销证券
- marketeer ==> 市场卖主
- marketer ==> 销售经理
- marketing ==> 销售,销售学,经销学,经销学,经营学,经营学,市场学,广告学
- marketing activity ==> 市场活动
- marketing agencies ==> 销售部门
- marketing agreement ==> 销售协定
- marketing and merchandising ==> 销售与推销
- marketing audit ==> 销售审核,行销稽核
- marketing boards ==> 销售局
- marketing budget ==> 行销预算
- marketing channel ==> 行销通路,销售渠道,配销通道
- marketing communication ==> 销售信息交流
- marketing communication mix ==> 行销沟通组合
- marketing concept ==> 行销概念,市场观念,销售概念
- marketing controller ==> 销售检核人,行销检核人
- marketing cooperative ==> 销售合作社
- marketing cost ==> 销售成本,行销成本,市场营业费
- marketing cost analysis ==> 销售成本分析
- marketing cost consultant ==> 销售成本顾问,行销成本顾问
- marketing cost control ==> 控制销售成本
- marketing cost control by division ==> 控制部门销售成本
- marketing cost control by product ==> 控制产品销售成本
- marketing cost control by territory ==> 控制地区销售成本
- marketing decision variables ==> 销售决策变数
- marketing efficiency ==> 销售效率
- marketing effort ==> 行销努力
- marketing environment ==> 行销环境
- marketing expense ==> 推销费用
- marketing experimentation ==> 行销试验
- marketing expert ==> 市场专家
- marketing firm ==> 行销机构
- marketing function ==> 行销功能,市场功能,市场业务,销售功能
- marketing functions ==> 销售职能
- marketing game ==> 销售对策
- marketing impact ==> 行销冲击
- marketing information system ==> 行销情报系统,行销资讯系统,销售情报系统
- marketing information system (MIS) ==> 行销信息系统
- marketing innovator ==> 行销创新者
- marketing management ==> 行销管理,销售管理
- marketing mechanism ==> 销售机构
- marketing mix ==> 行销组合,市场经营组合
- marketing model ==> 销售模型
- marketing myopia ==> 销售短视,行销短视
- marketing network ==> 销售网
- marketing organizing ==> 销售组织
- marketing outlet ==> 販路
- marketing plan ==> 销售计划,市场计划
- marketing planning ==> 销售计划
- marketing policy ==> 销售方针,市场政策
- marketing price policies ==> 市场价格政策
- marketing process ==> 销售过程
- marketing productivity ==> 行销生产力
- marketing profit center ==> 销售利润中心
- marketing program ==> 行销方案
- marketing promotion ==> 行销促进
- marketing rate of fattened stock ==> 出栏率
- marketing research ==> 销售调查,行销调查,行销研究
- marketing research method ==> 销售研究方法
- marketing station ==> 商业基地
- marketing strategy ==> 行销策略,市场策略,销售策略,销售战略
- marketing strategy simulation ==> 市场战略模拟
- marketing system ==> 市场体系,行销系统,销售体系
- marketing technique ==> 销售技术
- marketing time series ==> 销售时间序列
- marketing unit ==> 销售单位
- marketing year ==> 销售年度
- marketing-mix program ==> 销售组合计划
- marketing-orientation ==> 行销导向
- marketing-oriented business concept ==> 销售化企业观念
- markets in sales areas ==> 销地市场
- marketwide risk ==> 系统性风险
- markhor ==> 捻角山羊
- marking ==> 加记号,作记号,条纹,标志,认付,打号,打印,印痕,印记=>マーキング
- marking and spacing intervals ==> 传号和空号区间
- marking awl ==> 划针
- marking awl thicknesser ==> 划线盘
- marking axes ==> 号斧
- marking bay ==> 钢材打印跨
- marking bias ==> 传号偏离,标记偏移
- marking board ==> 交易所揭示牌
- marking circuit ==> 标记电路
- marking class ==> 标记类
- marking compound ==> 校验表面着色用涂剂,涂色剂
- marking contact ==> 传号触点,标识触点
- marking crayon ==> 标记色笔,标志色笔
- marking current ==> 传号电流,符号电流
- marking device ==> 压花机,标示器,记录设备
- marking end distortion ==> 标记端失真
- marking equipment ==> 标识设备
- marking frequency ==> 标记频率,标志脉冲频率
- marking ga(u)ge ==> 划行器
- marking gauge ==> 划线规,划印器,木工画线规
- marking gun ==> 喷漆枪
- marking hammer ==> 打号锤,号锤
- marking harness ==> 配种打印板
- marking impulse ==> 标记脉冲
- marking ink ==> 标记墨水,打印墨水,打印油墨
- marking ink for animal ==> 动物用印记墨
- marking iron ==> 打印记冲头,烙印铁
- marking knife ==> 剁刀,划线刀
- marking machine ==> 印字机,打号机,打字机
- marking needle handle file ==> 半椭圆针锉
- marking of cars ==> 车辆标记
- marking off ==> 划线
- marking off pin ==> 划线针
- marking off plate ==> 划线板
- marking off table ==> 划线台
- marking out ==> 划线,标出
- marking out section ==> 划线区段
- marking out table ==> 划线台
- marking peg ==> 标针
- marking pencil ==> 标记铅笔
- marking percentage ==> 传号百分率
- marking pin ==> 标钎,测标钎,测钎
- marking plate ==> 标记板
- marking post ==> 标杆标桩
- marking potentials ==> 标志电位
- marking press ==> 雕印压榨,压痕机,压印机
- marking pulse ==> 传号脉冲
- marking punch ==> 打印记机
- marking ring ==> 标注环
- marking roll ==> 打印辊
- marking scale ==> 标度尺
- marking screw ==> 标号螺丝
- marking signal ==> 标记信号,标志信号
- marking stamp ==> 压印模
- marking stud contact ==> 标志接点
- marking tool ==> 划线工具
- marking transfer ==> (压力容器)标记转印
- marking transfer (压力容器) ==> 标记转印
- marking tree ==> 打印采伐木
- marking unit ==> 打号装置
- marking up loans ==> 提高贷款利息
- marking wave ==> 传号波,符号波,标记波,记录波
- marking-end distortion ==> 传号末端失真
- marking-on ==> 划线
- marking-out ==> 注意,指示
- marking-recapture method ==> 标记重捕法
- marking-up ==> 标字
- marking-up day ==> 贴水日
- markings transfer after cutting plates ==> 板材切割以后的转移标准
- Markite ==> 导电性塑料
- Markoff information source ==> 马尔可夫信息源
- markogenin ==> 马尔可皂苷元,吗尔考皂甙元
- markon ==> 加利
- Markov algorithm ==> 马尔可夫算法
- Markov analysis ==> 马尔可夫分析
- Markov autoregressive scheme ==> 马尔可夫自回归型式
- Markov branching process ==> 马尔可夫分歧过程,马尔可夫分枝过程
- Markov chain ==> 马尔可夫链=>マルコフ連鎖
- Markov chain Monte Carlo ==> マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ法
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo method ==> マルコフ連鎖モンテカルロ
- Markov constraint ==> 马尔可夫约束条件
- Markov estimation ==> 马尔可夫估计
- Markov inequality ==> 马尔可夫不等式
- Markov model ==> 马尔可夫模型
- Markov model of learning ==> 马尔可夫学习模型
- Markov operator ==> 马尔可夫算子
- Markov process ==> 马尔可夫过程=>マルコフ過程
- Markov process analysis ==> 马尔可夫过程分析
- Markov programming ==> 马尔可夫规划法
- Markov property ==> 马尔可夫性质
- Markov sequence ==> 马尔可夫序列
- Markov time ==> 马尔可夫时间
- Markovian analysis ==> 马尔可夫分析
- Markovian chain ==> 马尔可夫环
- Markovian contingency table ==> 马尔可夫列联表
- Markovian decision process ==> 马尔可夫决策过程
- Markovian decision programming ==> 马尔可夫决策规划
- Markovian machine ==> 马尔可夫机
- Markovian motion ==> 马尔可夫运动
- Markovian renewal process ==> 马尔可夫更新过程
- Markovian value mechanism ==> 马尔可夫值机构
- Markovian variable ==> 马尔可夫变数
- Markovitz equation ==> 马科维茨方程
- Markovnikoff's rule ==> 马尔科夫尼科夫规则
- Markow's reflex ==> (叩三四趾间足背时,拇趾跖屈)马尔科夫氏反射
- Markowitz moon camera ==> 马科维茨月球照相机,马科维茨月球照相仪
- marks indistinct ==> 标记不清
- markstone ==> 标石
- markup ==> 提高标价,提价
- markup inflation ==> 毛利通货膨胀
- markup language ==> マックアップ言語
- markup method ==> マークアップ方式
- markup on drugs ==> 医薬品の値上げ
- markup percentage ==> マークアップ率
- markup pricing ==> マーク・アップ法
- markup principle ==> マークアップ原理
- markup rate ==> 提价率=>値入れ率
- marl application ==> 施泥灰
- marl earth ==> 泥灰土
- marl soil ==> 泥灰土
- marl yarn ==> 夹色纱线
- Marles steering gear ==> 球面蜗杆滚轮式转向器
- Marlie's alloy ==> 马里耐氧化合金,马利抗氧化合金
- marline clad wire rope ==> 包麻钢丝绳
- marline spike ==> 穿索针
- Marlon type oscillation method ==> 栗形运条法
- Marlowe kiln ==> 马洛隧道窑
- Marlowe's test ==> 马洛氏试验
- marlstone rock ==> 泥灰岩
- marly limestone ==> 泥灰石灰石
- marly shale ==> 泥灰质页岩
- marly soil ==> 泥灰质土壤
- Marme's reagent ==> 马尔默生物碱试剂
- Marmo's method ==> (新生儿窒息人工呼吸法)马尔莫氏法
- Maro Polo sheep ==> (中亚细亚及帕米尔高原产)马可波罗野绵羊
- maroscopic quantity ==> 宏观量
- maroti oil ==> 海南大风子油
- MAROTS, maritime orbital test satellite ==> 海事試験衛星
- MARPOL Marine Pollution Prevention (International Convention) MARS Nautical Institute Marine Accident Reporting System ==> 防海洋污染(国际会议)海运事件报告系统
- MARPOL Waste Charging Scheme ==> 海洋污染废物收费计划
- MARPOL, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ==> Ships
- Marquardt method ==> 马夸特法
- marquench flame hardening ==> 分级火焰淬火法
- marquench rolling ==> 淬火马氏体轧制
- marquenchflame hardening ==> 马氏体淬火
- marriage bazaar ==> 結婚市場
- marriage chain ==> 结合链
- marriage settlement ==> 夫妇财产契约,夫妻财产契约
- marriage statistics ==> 婚姻统计
- marriageable population ==> 可婚人口
- married allowance ==> 夫妇免税额
- married couple ==> 已婚夫妇
- married operation ==> 图像伴音相继预选
- married persons ==> 已婚人口
- married sound ==> 图像伴音混合
- Marris's test ==> (伤寒及副伤寒的临床试验法)马里斯氏试验
- marron ==> マロン,ヨーロッパ産の大きなくり
- marron cake ==> マロンケーキ
- marrow ==> 骨髓,髓
- marrow bean ==> インゲンマメ
- marrow cavity ==> 骨髓腔
- marrow cell ==> 骨髓细胞
- marrow iron ==> 骨髓铁
- marrow nailing ==> 骨髓腔内插钉术
- marrow pea ==> 皱粒豌豆
- marrow pressure instrument ==> 骨髓压力测试仪
- marrow puncture needle ==> 骨髓穿刺针
- marrow reservoir ==> 骨髓储备池
- marrow trocar ==> 骨髓穿刺套管针
- marrowbrain ==> 末脑
- Mars orange ==> 氧化铁橙色
- mars pigment ==> 合成氧化铁颜料
- Mars pigments ==> 合成氧化铁颜料
- Mars pump ==> 马尔斯泵
- Marschet approximation formula ==> 马斯凯特近似公式
- Marsden squares ==> 马士顿方
- Marsden's paste ==> (含亚砷酸)马士顿氏糊
- Marseilles fever ==> 马赛热,南欧斑疹热
- marseilles quilt ==> 马赛提花床单布
- Marseilles soap ==> 马赛皂
- Marseilles spread ==> 马赛提花床单布
- marsella linen ==> 马塞拉纯亚麻布,马赛拉纯亚麻布
- marsh buggy ==> 沼泽地用汽车
- marsh deposit ==> 沼泽沉积物
- marsh formation ==> 沼泽层
- marsh forming process ==> 沼泽形成
- Marsh funnel viscometer ==> 马氏漏斗型粘度计
- Marsh funnel viscosimeter ==> 马氏漏斗粘度计
- marsh gas ==> 沼气,甲烷=>メタンガス,沼気
- marsh gas generation ==> 沼气发生
- marsh gas tank ==> 沼气池
- marsh mallow ==> ビロードアオイ,ウスベニタチアオイ
- marsh ore ==> 沼铁矿
- marsh plant ==> 沼泽植物
- marsh screw amphibian ==> 沼地螺旋推进水陆两用车
- marsh speedwell ==> 沼泽婆婆纳
- marsh spot of peas ==> 豌豆什班病
- Marsh test ==> 马什试验
- marsh tire ==> 沼泽地用轮胎
- marsh wall ==> 泽廓
- Marsh's test ==> 马希氏试砷法,(检砷或锑)马希氏试验
- Marsh-Berzelius test ==> 马什试验
- Marshall apparatus ==> 马歇尔测血尿素器,马歇尔测血中尿素器
- Marshall compaction hammer ==> 马歇尔试验中的击压锤
- Marshall flow ==> (沥青混凝土的)马歇尔流动值
- Marshall gun ==> 马歇尔枪
- Marshall Hall's method ==> (一种人工呼吸法)马歇尔霍尔氏法
- Marshall line ==> 马歇尔线
- Marshall mix design method ==> 马歇尔混合设计法
- Marshall plan ==> 马歇尔计划
- Marshall refiner ==> 马歇尔精制机
- marshall springs ==> 座簧
- Marshall stability ==> (沥青混凝土强度的一种指标)马歇尔稳定度
- Marshall stability test ==> 马歇尔稳定度试验
- Marshall valve gear ==> 马歇尔阀装置
- Marshall's fold ==> 马歇尔氏褶
- Marshall's indicator ==> 马歇尔氏指示器
- Marshall's oblique vein ==> 马歇尔氏静脉
- Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley index ==> 马歇尔埃奇沃思-鲍利指数
- Marshall-Hall disease ==> 假性水脑
- Marshall-lerner condition ==> 马歇尔勒纳条件
- Marshall-Olkin distribution ==> 马歇尔奥尔金分布
- Marshall-Palmer distribution ==> 马歇尔与帕尔默分布
- Marshall-type design ==> 马歇尔式设计法
- Marshallian demand curve ==> 马歇尔需求曲线
- marshalling system ==> 材料集体制度
- marshalling yard ==> 编组车场,排组站,(MY)调配场,编排场=>操車場
- marshland sheep ==> 沼地绵羊
- marshy area ==> 沼泽地
- marshy field ==> 水田
- marshy grassland ==> 草甸子
- marshy land ==> 烂泥地
- marshy line ==> 湖沼地带管道
- marshy soil ==> 沼泽土,沼泽土壤
- marshy weeds ==> 水草
- marstressing process ==> 马氏体形变热处理
- marsupialization of Bartholin's cyst ==> 前庭大腺囊肿造口术
- marsupialization of hepatic cyst ==> 肝囊肿袋形缝合术
- marsupialization of liver abscess ==> 肝脓肿袋形缝合术
- marsy waste land ==> 沼泽荒地
- mart robot ==> 智能机器人
- martempering oil ==> 分级淬火用油
- marten hair ==> 貂毛
- Marten's tensor-meter ==> 马顿张量计
- Martens densitometer ==> 马腾斯测淀积银密度计
- Martens hardness ==> 马氏硬度
- Martens illuminator ==> 马腾斯照明器
- Martens mirror apparatus ==> 马顿斯镜式装置
- Martens polarization photometer ==> 马顿斯偏光光度计,马腾斯偏光光度计
- Martens scratch hardness ==> 马氏划痕硬度
- Martens strain gauge ==> 马顿斯应变仪
- Martens surfac scratching test ==> 马氏表面划痕试验
- Martens temperature ==> 马顿斯温度
- Martens test ==> (塑料热弯变形)马氏试验
- Martens-Heyn hardness ==> 马尔登斯-海因氏硬度
- martensite ==> マルテンサイト
- martensite cold working ==> 马氏体冷作处理
- martensite finish(ing) point ==> 下马氏点
- martensite finish(ing) point Mf ==> 马氏体转变终止点
- martensite formation ==> 马氏体的形成,马氏体形成
- martensite lattice ==> 马氏体晶格
- martensite plate ==> 马氏体片
- martensite point ==> 马氏体转变点
- martensite range ==> 马氏体范围,马氏体区域,马氏体温度范围,马氏体转变区
- Martensite starting point ==> 马氏体转变开始温度
- martensite starting point (Ms point) ==> 马氏体开始形成点
- martensite steel ==> 马登斯体钢,马氏体钢
- Martensite temperature ==> 马氏体温度
- martensite transfor mation ==> 马氏体转变
- martensite transformation ==> 马氏体型转变
- martensitic cast iron ==> 马氏体铸铁,马氏铸铁
- martensitic hardening ==> 马氏体硬化
- martensitic heat resistant steel ==> 马氏体耐热钢,热处理正火后得到马氏体组织或马氏体加贝氏体(包括少量铁素体)组织的中高合金耐热钢。含铬量5%至13%之间,有较好的综合性能。火电厂中主要用于550℃至650℃高温高应力的锅炉受热面、蒸汽管道和汽轮机叶片等部件
- martensitic matrix ==> 马氏体基体
- martensitic phase transformation ==> 马氏体相变
- martensitic range ==> 马氏体转变区
- martensitic stain less steel ==> 马氏体不锈钢
- Martensitic steel ==> 马氏永磁体
- martensitic steel ==> 马氏体钢=>マルテンサイト系鋼
- martensitic structure ==> 马丁结构,马氏体结构,马氏体组织
- martensitic transformation ==> 马登斯体式变化,马氏体转变
- martensitic-type phase transformation ==> 马氏体式相变化
- Martian magmas ==> 火星のマグマ
- Martin furnace ==> 马丁炉,平炉
- Martin Heidegger ==> 马丁·海德格尔=>マルティン・ハイデッガー
- Martin process ==> 平炉法
- Martin steel ==> 平炉钢,马丁钢
- Martin's anchor ==> 马丁式锚
- Martin's bandage ==> 马丁氏绷带
- Martin's cement ==> 马丁水泥
- Martin's centrifuge ==> 马丁离心器
- Martin's filter ==> 马丁过滤器
- Martin's flask ==> 马丁瓶
- Martin's viscosity equation ==> 马丁粘度方程
- Martin-Albright syndrome ==> 假性甲状旁腺激素反应性减退
- Martindale dust respirator ==> 马丁代尔式防尘呼吸器
- Martindale limit ==> 马丁代尔条干均匀度值
- Martindale tester ==> 马丁代尔支数试验仪
- Martinel steel ==> 马蒂内尔结构钢,硅锰钢,硅锰结构钢
- Martinelli-Nelson friction multiplier ==> 马蒂内利-纳尔逊摩擦压降倍率
- Martinet isatin synthesis ==> 马提内特靛红合成法
- Martinez formation ==> 马丁内斯组
- martingale ==> 弓形拉线
- Martino alloy ==> 马丁诺镍铜锌电阻合金
- Martius yellow ==> 马齐乌斯黄,马休黄
- marume plate ==> 造粒板
- Marusu ==> マルス,指定席発券のシステム
- marvel-of-peru ==> 草茉莉
- marvelous ==> 驚くべき,驚嘆すべき,素晴らしい
- marvelous achievement ==> 素晴らしい業績
- marvelous animal life ==> 驚くべき動物の生態
- marvelous dinner ==> 素晴らしいディナー
- marver plate ==> 玻璃滚料板
- Marvibond method ==> (氯乙烯叠层金属板的)滚压叠层法
- Marvin's difference function ==> 马尔文微分函数
- Marx circuit ==> (一种冲击电压发生电路)马克斯电路
- Marx effect ==> 马克斯效应
- Marx generator ==> 马克斯发生器=>インパルス電圧発生器=>マルクス電源
- marx generator ==> 马克斯发生器
- Marx regeneration process ==> 强碱再生过程
- Marx's type gap resistance rectifier ==> 马克斯放电间隙式整流器
- mary entry point ==> 一次进入点
- mary janes in black patent leather ==> 黑漆皮低面鞋
- MAS Mandatory Annual Survey (SOLAS, MARPOL) ==> 法定年度检测
- MAS, mission analysis study ==> ミッション解析研究
- MAS, multiaccess system ==> マルチアクセスシステム
- Masagana 99 Rice Production Program ==> 马萨加纳99计划
- mascerating machine ==> 皱片机,片机
- Maschke's test ==> (检肌酸酐)马施克氏试验
- mascular tension ==> 肌肉紧张
- Masculine sapphire ==> 男性蓝宝石
- masculine sterility ==> 男子不育症
- Masdar Initiative ==> 梅斯达创始财团=>マスダールイニシアチブ
- maser ==> 脉塞,量子放大器,微波激射器,脉泽=>メーザ
- maser action ==> 微波激射作用
- maser amplification ==> 脉泽放大
- maser amplifier ==> 微波激射放大器,脉泽放大器
- maser bandwidth ==> 脉塞带宽,微波量子放大器带宽
- maser beam ==> 微波激射束
- maser cryogenic system ==> 脉泽低温系统
- maser crystal ==> 微波激射器晶体
- maser gain ==> 微波量子放大器增益,脉塞增益
- maser interferometer ==> 脉塞干涉仪,微波激射干涉仪
- maser medium ==> 脉塞介质
- maser oscillator ==> 脉泽振荡器,微波激射振荡器
- maser preamplifier ==> 脉塞前置放大器,脉泽前置放大器
- maser radiation ==> 脉泽辐射
- maser receiver ==> 脉塞接收器,脉泽接收器
- maser relaxation ==> 微波激射弛豫
- maser ruby ==> 微波激射器红宝石
- maser source ==> 微波激射源
- maser star ==> 微波激射星
- maser system ==> 微波激射系统
- maser transition ==> 脉泽跃迁
- maser transmitter ==> 脉泽发射机
- maser voltage ==> 微波量子放大器电压
- maser(ing) material ==> 脉塞材料
- MASER, materials service experiment rocket ==> 材料実験ロケット
- mash and grain ration feeding system ==> 混合粉料加谷物日粮饲养法
- mash boiling ==> 麦芽糖化醪的煮沸
- mash concentrate ==> 高蛋白粉料
- mash gas ==> 瓦斯
- mash hammer ==> 小铁锤
- mash seam weld ==> 压薄缝焊,滚压焊
- mash seam welding ==> 滚压电阻缝焊
- mash stitch welding ==> 多针缝式焊接
- mash weld ==> 点焊,点压焊
- mash welder ==> 点焊机
- mashan-type phosphate deposit ==> 麻山式磷矿床
- masher for dry and wet material ==> 干湿料两用搅糊机
- Masher process ==> 马歇尔钢瓦挂铅青铜法
- mashing kettle ==> 麦芽浆煮锅
- mashing machine ==> 搅糊机
- mask ==> 光刻掩模,掩蔽,掩码,掩模,遮盖,屏蔽,屏框,面具,护面,分离子,口罩,避光框,表征码=>マスク
- mask aligner ==> 掩模对准器,掩模光刻机,掩模套准器=>マフクアライナー
- mask alignment ==> 掩模对准,掩模校准,掩模重合=>マスク合わせ
- mask apertures ==> 屏蔽图
- mask artwork ==> 掩模原图
- mask bit ==> 屏蔽位,掩模位
- mask bus ==> 屏蔽总线
- mask carrier ==> 掩模载运体
- mask cassette ==> 掩模盒
- mask code ==> 掩码
- mask copy ==> 掩模复制
- mask data ==> 分离数据
- mask definition ==> 掩模图案形成
- mask degradation ==> 掩模老化
- mask design ==> 掩模设计
- mask detection ==> 掩模检查
- mask distortion ==> 掩模扭曲
- mask epitaxial method ==> 掩蔽外延方法,掩模外延法
- mask etch ==> 掩蔽腐蚀,掩模腐蚀
- mask evaporation ==> 掩模蒸镀
- mask face ==> 面具脸
- mask feature ==> 掩模图形单元
- mask field ==> 屏蔽栏
- mask for inhalation ==> 吸入口罩
- mask generation system ==> 掩模生成系统
- mask generator ==> 屏蔽生成程序
- mask holder ==> 掩模架
- mask hole ==> 掩模窗
- mask inspection densimeter ==> 荫罩密度检测仪
- mask inspection tool ==> 掩模检查工具
- mask interrupt enable flag ==> 可屏蔽中断标志
- mask layout ==> 掩模设计
- mask level ==> 掩模层次
- mask lifetime ==> 掩模寿命
- mask line ==> 分帧线,分格线
- mask lithography ==> 掩模光刻
- mask making facilities ==> 掩模制造设备
- mask manufacture ==> 掩模制造
- mask matching ==> 掩码配准,掩模匹配
- mask means ==> 掩模法
- mask membrane ==> 掩蔽膜
- mask of pregnancy ==> 妊娠面斑
- mask off ==> 屏蔽
- mask off code ==> 屏蔽码
- mask opening ==> 掩模窗孔
- mask option ==> 屏蔽选择
- mask overlay comparator ==> 掩模重迭比较器
- mask overlay error ==> 掩模相互重合误差
- mask pack ==> 掩模包
- mask part ==> 罩框部分
- mask pattern ==> 晶架,掩模图案
- mask pattern generator ==> 掩模图案发生器
- mask pattern layout ==> 掩模图形布置图
- mask pitch ==> 屏蔽距
- mask plate ==> 掩模板
- mask potential ==> 掩蔽电位
- mask process ==> 掩模过程
- mask processing ==> 掩模加工
- mask program(m)able read-only-memory ==> 掩模可编程序只读存储器
- mask program(m)able ROM ==> 掩模可编程序只读存储器
- mask program-mable ==> 屏蔽可编程序
- mask programmable ==> 屏蔽可编程序
- mask programmable array ==> 掩模可编程序阵列
- mask programmable chip ==> 掩模可编程序芯片
- mask programmable integration ==> 掩模可编程序集成电路
- mask programmable memory ==> 掩模可编程序存储器
- mask register ==> 屏蔽寄存器,选择寄存器,计时寄存器,时标寄存器
- mask replication ==> 掩模复制
- mask replicator ==> 掩模复制器
- mask resolution ==> 掩模清晰度
- mask ROM ==> 掩模只读存储器
- mask scrubber ==> 掩模洗涤器
- mask set ==> 屏蔽置位
- mask signal generator ==> 屏蔽信号发生器,遮蔽信号发生器
- mask superposition error ==> 掩模相互重合误差
- mask target ==> 对准标记
- mask tolerance ==> 掩模容许偏差
- mask tone ==> 掩蔽音
- mask transfer ==> 掩模迁移
- mask welding ==> 电焊眼罩
- mask word ==> 屏蔽字
- mask-focus(s)ing colo(u)r tube ==> 荫罩聚焦彩色显像管
- mask-like face ==> 面具脸,面具面容,假面样面容
- mask-making technology ==> 制板工艺
- maskable interrupt ==> 可屏蔽中断,可屏蔽中断指令
- maskant ==> 掩蔽体
- masked diffusion ==> 掩蔽扩散
- masked element ==> 掩蔽元素
- masked group ==> 掩蔽团
- masked ion implantation ==> 掩蔽离子注入
- masked off ==> 掩蔽
- masked palm civet ==> ハクビシン
- masked position ==> 掩蔽的阵地
- masked radical ==> 掩蔽基
- masked reactive group ==> 掩蔽的反应基团
- masked state ==> 屏蔽状态
- masked valve ==> 屏蔽式阀
- masked wheel ==> 带罩棘轮
- masking ==> 屏蔽,遮拦法,掩蔽,光刻掩蔽=>マスキング
- masking action ==> 掩蔽作用
- masking agent ==> 掩蔽剂
- masking amplifier ==> 彩色信号比校正放大器
- masking aperture ==> 通光孔径,拦光孔径,遮蔽孔
- masking audiogram ==> 掩蔽听力图
- masking blade ==> 遮光叶片
- masking compound ==> 遮涂料,掩蔽化合物
- masking effect ==> 掩蔽效应,掩模效应=>マスク効果
- masking film ==> 掩蔽膜
- masking frame ==> 遮光框
- masking infection ==> 潜隐侵染
- masking jig ==> 掩蔽模
- masking lacquer ==> 保护漆
- masking layer ==> 掩蔽层
- masking level ==> 掩蔽级
- masking liquid ==> 涂液
- masking matrix circuit ==> 屏蔽矩阵电路
- masking method ==> 掩蔽法
- masking of symptom ==> 症状的隐蔽
- masking oxide ==> 掩蔽氧化物
- masking pad ==> 掩蔽衰减器
- masking paste ==> 防渗碳涂料
- masking pattern ==> 掩模图案
- masking period ==> 掩蔽期间
- masking photoresist ==> 掩蔽光刻胶
- masking plate ==> 掩蔽板
- masking power ==> 遮盖力
- masking reagent ==> 掩蔽试剂
- masking sheet ==> 掩片,蒙片,蒙纸
- masking signal ==> 掩蔽信号
- masking sound ==> 掩蔽声
- masking tape ==> 胶纸带
- masking technique ==> 遮蔽技术
- masking tension ==> 掩蔽电位
- masking tone ==> 掩蔽音
- masking value ==> 掩蔽值,屏蔽值
- masking-out ==> 蒙版
- maskless ion implantation ==> 无掩模离子注入
- maskless pattern generation ==> 无掩模图像生成
- maskless process ==> 无掩模法
- Maslow ==> 马斯洛=>マズロー
- Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory ==> 马斯洛需求阶层理论
- mason ==> 砌石工,砖石工,泥瓦工,石工
- mason bee ==> 石巢蜂
- mason construction ==> 砖石工程
- mason's flat-ended chisel ==> 泥瓦工平头凿
- mason's float ==> 泥瓦工抹子,圬工镘板,瓦工镘刀,抹子
- mason's hydrated lime ==> 砖石工用熟石灰,圬工用熟石灰
- mason's joint ==> 圬工砌缝
- mason's level ==> 泥瓦工水准器
- mason's line ==> 泥工线
- mason's mold ==> 石匠型板
- mason's putty ==> 圬工油灰
- Mason's rule ==> Masonの公式
- mason's rule ==> 泥瓦工尺
- mason's scaffold ==> 圬工脚手架
- mason's trap ==> 圬工储水坑
- Masonite process ==> 莫布利锄耙器莫生法
- masonry ==> 砌筑,砌砖,砖石建筑,砖石结构,圬工
- masonry arch ==> 砖砌炉顶,砌筑拱
- masonry building ==> 砖石结构房屋
- masonry bulkhead ==> 砖石隔墙
- masonry cement ==> 砌筑水泥,圬工水泥,泥瓦工水泥
- masonry construction ==> 砖石结构
- masonry dam ==> 圬工坝,石坝,砌石坝,用石料砌筑而成并在上游面设防渗体的坝。分为干砌和浆砌两类,前者有重力坝,后者有重力坝、拱坝和支墩坝
- masonry drill ==> 圬工钻
- masonry lining ==> 砖石衬砌
- masonry mortar ==> 圬土灰浆
- masonry nail ==> 砖石钉,水泥钉
- masonry panel ==> 砌筑墙体
- masonry saw ==> 石工用锯
- masonry shaft ==> 砖石支护井筒
- masonry support ==> 砌石支护
- masonry vault ==> 砌筑穹窿
- masonry wall ==> 砌筑墙
- masonry work ==> れんが積み
- masonry-stone culvert ==> 砌石涵洞
- Masons formula ==> 梅森公式
- MASR, microwave atmospheric sounding radiometer ==> マイクロ波大気サウンディング放射計
- mass ==> 团,块,物质,堆,胞块,质,质量,(物理用语)质量=>質量
- mass absorption ==> 质量吸收
- mass absorption coefficient ==> 质量吸收系数
- mass abundance ==> 质量丰度
- mass action ==> 质量作用
- mass action effect ==> 质量作用效应
- mass action law ==> 质量作用定律=>質量作用の法則
- mass action principle ==> 质量作用原理
- mass action theory ==> 全体活動説
- mass activity ==> 塊運動
- mass addition ==> 质量增加=>質量付加
- mass adjustment ==> 質量調整
- mass administration ==> 集団管理
- mass analysis ==> 质量分析
- mass analysis device ==> 質量分析器
- mass analyzed ion kinetic energy spectrometry ==> 质量分析离子动能度谱术
- mass analyzer ==> 质量分析器
- mass area ratio ==> 质量面积比,单位面积质量
- mass assignment ==> 质量数测定
- mass attenuation ==> 质量衰减
- mass attenuation coefficient ==> 质量衰减系数
- mass attraction ==> 质量引力
- mass attraction vertical ==> 质量引力垂线
- mass avalanche ==> 大规模崩坍
- mass average value ==> 质量平均值
- mass axis ==> 主惯性轴,重心轴线
- mass balance ==> 质量平衡,物料平衡
- mass balance approach ==> 质量平衡方法
- mass balance modelling ==> 质量平衡模式
- mass balances ==> 气态平衡
- mass bonding ==> 群焊
- mass bred ==> 群体育种
- mass breeding ==> 群体育种,混合育种
- mass burning rate ==> 质量燃烧速率
- mass cache memory ==> 大容量超高速缓冲存储器
- mass calculation ==> 土方计算
- mass center ==> 质量中心
- mass centric coordinates ==> 质心坐标
- mass centroid ==> 质量中心
- mass chromatogram ==> 质谱图
- mass chromatographic analysis ==> 质量色谱分析
- mass chromatography ==> 质量色谱法
- mass circulation velocity ==> 质量循环速度
- mass coefficient ==> 质量系数
- mass coefficient of reactivity ==> 质量反应性系数
- mass collission stopping power ==> 质量碰撞阻止本领
- mass coloration ==> 纺前染色
- mass communication ==> 大量通信
- mass component ==> 质量组分
- mass concentration ==> 质量浓度
- mass concrete ==> 大体积混凝土,大块混凝土
- mass concrete dam ==> 大体积混凝土坝
- mass concrete invert ==> (干船坞的)大体积混凝土底板
- mass concrete 大体积混凝土,一般为一次浇筑量大于1000 m3或混凝土结构实体最小尺寸等于或大于2 ==> m,且混凝土浇筑需研究温度控制措施的混凝土
- mass conservation ==> 质量守恒
- mass conservation equation ==> 质量守恒方程
- mass conservation law ==> 質量保存則
- mass consumption society ==> 消费社会
- mass control ==> 质量控制
- mass convergence ==> 质量辐合
- mass conversion factor ==> 质量换算因子
- mass converted to energy ==> エネルギーに変換される質量
- mass crystallization ==> 大量结晶
- mass curve ==> 质量曲线
- mass curve of stream flow ==> 流量累加曲線
- mass data ==> 大量数据,海量数据
- mass data processing ==> 海量数据处理
- mass decrement ==> 质量减损
- mass defect ==> 质量缺陷,质量亏损,组成原子核的所有单个质子与单个中子质量的总和与原子核质量之差
- mass deficiency ==> 质量不足
- mass density ==> 质量密度
- mass detector ==> 质量检测器
- mass deviation ==> 质量偏差
- mass diagnosis ==> 群体诊断
- mass diagram ==> 径流积分曲线,径流积分曲线,土方累积图,质量曲线
- mass diffusion ==> 质量扩散
- mass diffusivity ==> 质量扩散率
- mass discrepancy ==> 质量差异
- mass discrimination ==> 质量甄别
- mass dispersion ==> 质量分散
- mass distribution ==> 质量分布=>質量分布
- mass divergence ==> 质量辐散,质量散度
- mass doublet ==> 质量双线
- mass due to accumulation of pathogenic factors ==> 脏结
- mass effect ==> 质量效果,质量效应,质效应
- mass ejection ==> 质量抛射
- mass energy absorption coefficient ==> 质能吸收系数
- mass energy conversion ==> 质能转换
- mass energy conversion coefficient ==> 质量能量换算系数
- mass energy cycle ==> 质能循环
- mass energy equivalence principle ==> 质能当量原理,质能相当原理
- mass energy parabola ==> 质能抛物线
- mass energy total ==> 质量能量总量
- mass energy transfer coefficient ==> 质量能量传递系数,质能传递系数
- mass equation ==> 质量方程
- mass equivalent ==> 质量当量
- mass erosion ==> 重力侵蚀
- mass etch ==> 粗蚀
- mass examination ==> 群体检查
- mass excess ==> 质量过剩
- mass exchange ==> 质量交流,物质交换
- mass extinction ==> 动物区系消亡
- mass factor ==> 质量系数
- mass file ==> 大存储文件
- mass filter ==> 质量过滤器
- mass float ==> 惯性浮标
- mass flow ==> 质量流动,质量流量
- mass flow coefficient ==> 质量流量系数
- mass flow constant ==> 质量流量常数
- mass flow control ==> 质量流控制
- mass flow controller ==> 质量流量控制器
- mass flow equation ==> 质量流量方程
- mass flow meter ==> 质量量计
- mass flow pressure-difference relation ==> 质量流量压差关系
- mass flow rate ==> 质量流量=>質量流量,kilogram per second, キログラム毎秒
- mass flow rate sensitive detector ==> 质量流量敏感性检测器,质量型检测器
- mass flow ratio ==> 质量流量比
- mass flow theory ==> 质量流动学说
- mass flowmeter ==> 质量流量计
- mass flowrate ==> 质量流率
- mass flux ==> 质量通量
- mass force ==> 惯性力
- mass formula ==> 质量公式
- mass fragmentography ==> 质量碎片谱法
- mass fragmentography (MF) ==> 质量碎片法
- mass function ==> 质量分布函数,质量函数
- mass fusion splicing machine ==> 多路熔接接头机
- mass gaining star ==> 增质量星
- mass hallucination ==> 集体性幻觉
- mass hardness ==> 全部过硬
- mass haul curve ==> 开挖运输曲线
- mass holograghy ==> 质量全息术
- mass impregnated paper insulation ==> 浸渍纸绝缘
- mass indicator ==> 质量指示器
- mass infection ==> 大量感染
- mass infection season ==> 大量侵染季节
- mass integral detector ==> 质量累积检测器
- mass law ==> 质量定律
- mass law of sound insulation ==> 隔声的质量定律
- mass limit ==> 质量限额
- mass loading ==> 质量负载
- mass losing star ==> 损质量星
- mass loss ==> 质量亏损,质量损失
- mass loss rate ==> 质量损失率
- mass loss segregation ==> 质量层化
- mass luminosity curve ==> 质光曲线
- mass marker ==> 质量数指示器,质量指示器
- mass mating ==> 群配
- mass matrix ==> 质量矩阵
- mass measurement ==> 质量测定,质量测量
- mass median diameter ==> 质量中位直径
- mass mement of inertia ==> 质量惯性矩
- mass memory ==> 大容量存储,大容量存储器
- mass memory subsystem ==> 大容量存储器子系统
- mass memory system ==> 大容量存储系统
- mass merchandiser market ==> 量販店
- mass migratory ==> 大群迁徙
- mass mortality ==> 群集死亡
- mass motion ==> 整体运动
- mass movement ==> 块体运动,集团运动
- mass mutation ==> 大量突变
- mass number ==> 质量数=>質量数
- mass observation ==> 大量观测
- mass of atmosphere ==> 大气质量
- mass of data ==> 大量数据
- mass of soil ==> 土团
- mass of the electron ==> 电子质量
- mass of vibration ==> 参振质量
- mass operator ==> 质量算符
- mass optical memory ==> 大容量光存储器
- mass parabola ==> 質量放物線
- mass parameter ==> 质量参数
- mass peak ==> 质量峰
- mass percent ==> 质量百分比
- mass peristalsis ==> 集团蠕动,总蠕动
- mass phenomena of disease ==> 疾病人群现象
- mass planting ==> 集植,群植
- mass point ==> 质点
- mass polymerization ==> 本体聚合法,大块聚合
- mass power ==> 单位质量的作用力
- mass pressure ==> 质量压力
- mass productability ==> 可大量生产性
- mass production ==> 批量生产
- mass production-scale ==> 大规模生产
- mass provisioning ==> 大宗供食
- mass radiative stopping power ==> 质量辐射阻止本领
- mass radiator ==> 物质辐射器
- mass range ==> 质量范围
- mass rate of emission ==> 排放材料速度
- mass rate of flow ==> 质量流过速率,质量流量率
- mass ratio ==> 质量比
- mass reactance ==> 质量抗,声质量抗
- mass recirculation ==> 质量再循环率
- mass reflex ==> 总体反射
- mass removal ==> 質量移動
- mass renormalization ==> 质量重整化
- mass resistivity ==> 质量电阻率,电阻率,体积电阻率=>質量抵抗率
- mass resolution ==> 质量分辨本领
- mass run ==> 大量生产
- mass scale ==> 质量标度,质量数标度=>質量スケール
- mass scattering coefficient ==> 质量散射系数
- mass screening ==> 群集筛选
- mass screw ==> 平衡螺钉
- mass selection ==> 群选,集团选择,混合选择
- mass sensitive deflector ==> 质量敏感分离器
- mass sensitive quantity ==> 质量灵敏值
- mass separation ==> 质量分离
- mass separator ==> 质量分离器,同位素分离器
- mass sequential insertion ==> 大量顺序插入
- mass shell ==> 质量壳
- mass soldering ==> 成批焊接
- mass specific resistance ==> 质量比电阻
- mass spectra ==> 质谱
- mass spectrogram ==> 质谱,质谱图
- mass spectrograph ==> 质谱仪
- mass spectrographic analysis ==> 质谱分析
- mass spectrography ==> 质谱法,质谱分析,质谱仪
- mass spectrometer ==> 质量分光计,质谱仪=>質量分析器
- mass spectrometer detector ==> 质谱仪探测器
- mass spectrometer leak detector ==> 质谱检漏仪
- mass spectrometer measurement ==> 质谱测量
- mass spectrometric analysis ==> 质谱分析
- mass spectrometric computation ==> 质谱分析计算
- mass spectrometric data ==> 质谱数据
- mass spectrometric detection ==> 质谱仪检定
- mass spectrometric method ==> 质谱法
- mass spectrometric thermal analysis (MSTA,MTA) ==> 质谱热分析
- mass spectrometry ==> 质谱测量法,质谱分析法,质谱学
- mass spectrometry data centre ==> 质谱分析数据中心
- mass spectroscope ==> 质谱仪
- mass spectroscopy ==> 质谱仪
- mass spectrum ==> 质谱
- mass spectrum digitizer ==> 质谱数字转换器
- mass spectrum line ==> 质谱线
- mass splitting ==> 质谱线劈裂
- mass stopping power ==> 质量阻止本领
- mass storage ==> 大容量記憶装置,海存,海量存储器
- mass storage control (MSC) ==> 海量存储控制器,大容量控制
- mass storage control system ==> 大容量存储器控制系统,大容量控制系统,海量存储器控制系统
- mass storage control table create ==> 大容量存储器控制表建立
- mass storage control table creater ==> 海量存储控制表建立程序
- mass storage control tables pack ==> 海量存储控制表组,大容量存储器控制表组合
- mass storage control twin port ==> 大容量存储器控制双入口,海量存储双通道控制
- mass storage device ==> 海量存储器,大容量存储装置
- mass storage dump program ==> 海量存储器转储程序
- mass storage facility ==> 大容量存储器设备
- mass storage facility (MSF) ==> 大容量存储装置
- mass storage file ==> 大容量存储文件
- mass storage file segment ==> 海量存储文件区
- mass storage record ==> 大容量存储记录
- mass storage system (MSS) ==> 海量存储系统
- mass storage system communicator (MSSC) ==> 海量存储系统通信程序,大容量存储系统通信程序,大容量存储系统通信机
- mass storage system extension ==> 大容量存储系统扩充
- mass storage system extensions (MSS extensions) ==> 海量存储系统扩展程序
- mass storage volume ==> 海量存储卷,大容量存储卷
- mass storage volume control (MSVC) ==> 海量存储卷控制程序
- mass storage volume control journal ==> 海量存储卷控制日志,大容量存储卷控制记录
- mass storage volume group ==> 大容量存储卷组,海量存储卷组
- mass storage volume inventory ==> 大容量存储卷清单
- mass stroage dump & verify programme ==> 大容量存储器转储校验程序
- mass surface ==> 质量面
- mass survey ==> 普查检,群体调查
- mass susceptibility ==> 质磁率
- mass synchrometer ==> 同步质谱仪,高频质谱仪
- mass term ==> 质量项
- mass thickness ==> 质量厚度
- mass tone ==> 质色调
- mass transfer ==> 质量传递,质量转移,传质,物质传递
- mass transfer characteristics ==> 物質輸送特性
- mass transfer coefficient ==> 传质系数,质量交换系数
- mass transfer in gas phase ==> 气相传质
- mass transfer in liquid phase ==> 液相传质
- mass transfer mechanism ==> 物质传递机理
- mass transfer resistance ==> 传质阻力
- mass transfer theory ==> 质量转移理论
- mass transmission ==> 质量传递
- mass transport ==> 质量传递,质量输运,大量运输
- mass transport mechanism ==> 物料迁移机理,质量传递机理
- mass transport process ==> 传质过程
- mass transportation ==> 大量运输
- mass treatment ==> 普治,群体治疗,集体治疗
- mass unbalance ==> 质量不平衡
- mass units ==> 质量单位
- mass velocity ==> 质量流动速度,质量流速,质量速度,质量流速,自然循环锅炉中,受热的上升管与下降管中工质密度差所产生的压头,用以克服回路的总流动阻力。
- mass wasting ==> 物质坡移,矿体废物
- mass x-ray survey car ==> 流动X线诊断车
- mass yield ==> 质量产额
- mass yield curve ==> 质量产额曲线
- mass-absorption effect ==> 质量吸收效应
- mass-basis response ==> 质量响应
- mass-concrete wall ==> 大体积混凝土岸壁
- mass-controlled dynamic loudspeaker ==> 质量控制电动扬声器
- mass-controlled oscillator ==> 质量控制振荡器
- mass-data multiprocessing ==> 大量数据多道处理
- mass-distance ==> 货重-距离
- mass-distance product ==> 重径积
- mass-elastic characteristics ==> 质量弹性特性
- mass-energy absorption coefficient ==> 质能吸收系数
- mass-energy conservation ==> 质能守恒
- mass-energy conversion ==> 质能转换
- mass-energy conversion formula ==> 质能换算公式
- mass-energy equivalence ==> 质能当量,质能相当性
- mass-energy relation ==> 质能关系,质能关系
- mass-filter ==> 滤质器
- mass-flowrate perturbation ==> 质量流量扰动
- mass-haul curve ==> 土方-运距曲线,土方运距曲线
- mass-impregnated insulation ==> 整体浸渍绝缘
- mass-inductance analogy ==> 质量电感模拟
- mass-luminosity law ==> 质光定律
- mass-luminosity ratio ==> 质光比
- mass-luminosity relation ==> 质光关系
- mass-luminosity-radius relation ==> 质量发光度半径关系
- mass-luminosityradius relation ==> 质光半径关系
- mass-manufacture ==> 大量制造
- mass-memory unit ==> 大容量存储设备
- mass-motion attitude control system ==> 质量移动姿态控制系统
- mass-produced ==> 大量生产的
- mass-producted ==> 大量生产的,成批生产的
- mass-production-scale ==> 大规模生产
- mass-radius relation ==> 质量半径关系
- mass-redius product ==> 重径积
- mass-sensitive quantity ==> 质量灵敏值
- mass-separator ==> 质量分离器
- mass-shifting attitude control system ==> 质量移动姿态控制系统
- mass-spectrogram ==> 质谱图
- mass-spectrography ==> 质谱分析
- mass-spectrometer leak detector ==> 质谱检漏仪
- mass-spectrometer tube ==> 质谱仪管
- mass-spectrometric data ==> 质谱数据
- mass-spectrometric technique ==> 质谱技术
- mass-spectrometry ==> 质谱测定法,质谱分析,质谱学
- mass-spring dashpot combination ==> 质量弹簧缓冲器组合
- mass-spring system ==> 质量弹簧系统
- mass-spring-dashpot combination ==> 质量弹簧缓冲器组合
- mass-spring-dashpot system ==> 质量弹簧阻尼器体系
- mass-storage device ==> 大容量存储器
- mass-storage executive capability ==> 大容量存储管理能力
- mass-storage system ==> 大容量存储系统
- mass-surface ratio ==> 体积表面积比
- mass-synchrometer ==> 质量分析仪
- mass-temperature relation ==> 质量温度关系
- mass-to-charge ratio ==> 质荷比
- mass-to-electric charge ratio ==> 质荷比
- mass-to-light ratio ==> 质光比
- mass-transfer rate ==> 质量交换速度,质量迁移率
- mass-transfer reaction ==> 质量转移反应
- mass-transfer valve plate ==> 传质浮阀塔盘
- mass-type foundation ==> 整体基础
- mass-velocity ratio ==> 质量速度比
- mass-yield distribution ==> 质量产额分布
- massa intermedia ==> 中间块
- massa lateralis ==> 侧块
- Massachusetts trust ==> 马萨诸塞信托机构
- massage ==> 按,按摩,按摩法=>マッサージ
- massage armchair ==> 按摩椅
- massage ball ==> 按摩球
- massage brush ==> 擦身刷
- massage cream ==> 按摩霜
- massage lotion ==> 按摩乳
- massage method ==> 按摩采精法
- massage shower set with soap holder ==> 带皂托的按摩淋浴器
- massage table ==> 按摩台
- massaging machine ==> 按摩机
- Massay formula ==> 梅赛公式
- massecuite ==> 糖膏
- massed glaze ==> 堆釉
- massed trials ==> 集聚测验
- Masselon's spectacles ==> 睑垂镜,睑垂镜
- massenfilter ==> 滤质器
- masseter ==> 咀嚼肌,咀嚼肌,咬肌
- masseteric artery ==> 咬肌动脉
- masseteric fascia ==> 咬肌筋膜
- masseteric muscle ==> 嚼肌
- masseteric nerve ==> 咬肌神经
- masseteric space infection ==> 嚼肌间隙感染
- masseteric tuberosity ==> 咬肌粗隆
- massetric space ==> 咀嚼肌间隙,咀嚼肌间隙
- masseur ==> 按摩器,按摩员
- Massieu function ==> 马休函数
- Massini's maneuver ==> 马西尼氏手法
- massive anode ==> 实心阳极
- massive article ==> 大型制品
- massive blackout ==> 大規模停電
- massive collapse ==> 大块萎陷,肺大块萎陷
- massive dump ==> 大量信息转储,大量转储,海量信息转储
- massive edema of ovary ==> 卵巢大片水肿
- massive engine ==> 巨大エンジン
- massive head buttress dam ==> 大头坝,由扩大的支墩头部挡水的坝,头部上游面有直线式、折线式和弧线式
- massive hepatic necrosis ==> 肝小叶广泛坏死
- massive layer ==> 大体积浇筑层
- massive magmatic episode ==> 大規模な火山活動
- massive material ==> 大块材料
- massive object model ==> 重体模型
- massive planting ==> 群植,集植
- massive plate ==> 厚板,大平板
- massive power outage ==> 大規模な停電
- massive quay wall ==> 大体积岸壁
- massive resection of bone for osteomyelitis ==> 骨髓炎大块骨切除术
- massive resection of small intestine ==> 小肠大部分切除术
- massive road network ==> 大型公路网
- massive rock ==> 块状岩
- massive seeding ==> 丛播法
- massive spill ==> (石油などの)大量流出
- massive structure ==> 大体积结构,大块结构
- massive texture ==> 整体结构,块状结构,块状组织
- massive transformation ==> 块状转变
- massive type ==> 巨块型,巨块型
- massive-head buttress dam ==> 大头坝
- massively parallel processor (MPP) ==> 大规模并行处理机
- masson pine ==> 马尾松
- mast ==> 电杆,支撑,桅杆,饲料果实,柱=>電柱,棒
- mast antenna ==> 铁塔天线
- mast ball ==> 桅顶球
- mast band ==> 桅箍
- mast cell ==> 肥大细胞
- mast cell disease ==> 肥大细胞病
- mast clamp ==> 桅绞链
- mast collar ==> 桅圈
- mast color paint ==> 桅色漆
- mast crane ==> 桅杆起重机,桅式吊机,柱形塔式起重机
- mast gene ==> 主导基因
- mast hasp ==> 桅绞链
- mast head band ==> 桅顶箍
- mast head light ==> 桅顶灯
- mast heel ==> 桅根
- mast hole ==> 桅孔
- mast hoop ==> 桅箍
- mast hounds ==> 桅肩
- mast house ==> 桅室
- mast jacket ==> 转向柱套管
- mast ladder ==> 桅梯
- mast lift truck ==> 门架式叉车
- mast light ==> 桅灯
- mast opening ==> 桅孔
- mast paint ==> 桅杆漆
- mast partner ==> 桅孔加强板
- mast shoulder ==> 桅肩
- mast stack ==> 立柱吊重式堆垛机
- mast stacker ==> 立柱吊重式堆垛机
- mast step ==> 桅座
- mast switch ==> 杆上开关
- mast table ==> 桅台
- mast tackle ==> 桅杆绞辘
- mast thwart ==> 桅座板
- mast timber ==> 桅木
- mast truck ==> 桅帽
- mast year ==> 饲果丰收年
- MAST, modified apollo star tracer ==> 修正アポロスタートレーサ
- mast-cell disease ==> 肥大细胞增多症
- master ==> 控制者,原图,主要的,基本的
- master (control) console ==> 中央控制台
- master (general plot) plan ==> 总平面图
- master (king) valve ==> 总阀
- Master 2-step exercise test ==> 马斯特氏二阶运动试验,二级梯运动测验,阶梯试验
- master action ==> 主销后倾作用
- master address ==> 基本地址
- master address space ==> 基本地址空间
- master air suction valve ==> 主进气阀
- master air valve ==> 主空气阀
- master airway bill ==> 空运主提单
- master alloy ==> 主合金,母合金
- master and block valve ==> 主油管堵塞阀
- master angular reference ==> 主角度基准
- master answer sheet ==> 主应答表
- master antenna distribution systems ==> 主天线分配系统
- master antenna television ==> 主天线电视
- master arm ==> 主动臂
- master ball ==> 标准球
- master bar ==> 标准棒,母条,校对棒
- master bevel gear ==> 主伞齿轮
- master bistable ==> 主控双稳态
- master blade ==> 基准刀齿
- master blank ==> 样板毛坯
- master block ==> 模座
- master board ==> 主控制板,主插件板
- master body ==> 标准样件
- master bracket ==> 主支架
- master builder ==> 营造师
- master bushing ==> 端锁衬套,主销衬套,主衬套
- master busy ==> 主线占线
- master cam ==> 主凸轮,母凸轮,靠模凸轮
- master card ==> 主卡片
- Master Card ==> 万事达卡
- master cast ==> 主模型
- master catalogue ==> 主目录
- master central timing system ==> 主中央计时系统
- master characteristics ==> 主特性曲线
- master chip ==> 主芯片
- master clock ==> 母钟,主钟=>親時計,主刻時機構
- master clock frequency ==> 主时钟频率
- master clock-pulse generator ==> 主时钟脉冲发生器,母时钟脉冲发生器,母钟脉冲发生器
- master clutch ==> 主离合器
- master clutch brake ==> 主离合器闸
- master clutch release yoke ==> 主离合器分离叉
- master cock ==> 主开关,总开关,操纵开关
- master compass ==> 主罗经
- master computer ==> 主计算机
- master connecting-rod ==> 主连杆
- master conntrast control ==> 主对比度调整
- master container ==> 主集装箱
- master contract ==> 主约
- master contrast ==> 主对比度
- master contrast control ==> 对比度主控器
- master control ==> 主控台,主控制,整体控制,中心控制
- master control automation ==> 主控自动化
- master control board ==> 主控制台
- master control circuit ==> 主控线路
- master control desk ==> 中央控制台
- master control gate ==> 主控闸门
- master control interrupt ==> 主控制中断
- master control operator ==> 主控操作技术员
- master control program procedure ==> 主控程序工序
- master control room ==> 中央控制室=>主調整室
- master control routine ==> 主控程序
- master control switch ==> 主控开关
- master controller ==> 主控制器,中心控制器=>主幹制御器
- master copy ==> 底图,原稿,原件,标准本
- master curve ==> 通用曲线,主曲线,量板
- master cyinder connecting link ==> 主缸活塞推杆
- master cylinder ==> 主缸,主油缸,控制缸
- master cylinder body ==> 主汽缸体
- master cylinder boot ==> 主缸罩
- master cylinder bottom valve ==> 主缸底阀
- master cylinder bracket ==> 主缸托架
- master cylinder cover ==> 主缸盖
- master cylinder filler cap ==> 主汽缸加油口盖
- master cylinder filler cap gasket ==> 主缸加油口盖垫密片
- master cylinder head gasket ==> 主缸盖垫密片
- master cylinder inlet connection ==> 主汽缸输入接头
- master cylinder lever ==> 主缸杆
- master cylinder lever bushing ==> 主缸杆衬套
- master cylinder lever shaft ==> 主缸杆轴
- master cylinder outlet connection ==> 主汽缸放出接头
- master cylinder outlet fitting gasket ==> 主缸出油接头垫密片
- master cylinder outlet plug ==> 主缸出口塞
- master cylinder piston ==> 主缸活塞
- master cylinder piston cup ==> 主缸活塞皮碗
- master cylinder piston push rod ==> 主缸活塞推杆
- master cylinder piston return spring ==> 主缸活塞回动簧
- master cylinder piston secondary cup ==> 主缸活塞副皮碗
- master cylinder plug ==> 主缸塞
- master cylinder secondary cup ==> 主缸活塞副皮碗
- master cylinder supply tank ==> 主缸供给箱
- master cylinder valve ==> 主缸阀
- master cylinder valve seat ==> 主缸阀座
- master cylinder valve spring ==> 主缸阀簧
- master data ==> 主数据,主要数据,基本数据,不常变数据
- master data base ==> 基本数据库
- master directory ==> 主目录
- master dividing gear ==> 标准分度齿轮
- master drawing ==> 原图
- master drive ==> 主传动
- master driver ==> 主传动件,主传装置,主激励器,主驱动电动机,主驱动器
- master drum ==> 控制筒
- master equation ==> 主方程
- master equipment list (MEL) ==> 主要设备清单
- master equipment list (MEL) 主要设备清单,(MEL) ==> 总装备表
- master equipmnet list (MEL) ==> 总装备表
- master erase head ==> 主抹音头
- master eye ==> 主眼
- master factor ==> 主宰因子
- master fault ==> 主断层
- master file ==> 主外存储器,主文件,不常变文件=>基本ファイル
- master file directory ==> 主文件目录
- master file index ==> 主文件索引
- master file inventory ==> 主文件清单
- master file tape ==> 主文件带
- master file updating program ==> 主文件修改程序
- master film ==> 底片胶卷
- master fixture ==> 基准型架
- master flip-flop ==> 主触发器
- master form ==> 靠模
- master fracture ==> 主断层
- master frequency ==> 总频率
- master frequency meter ==> 积量频率计,总频率计
- master fuel trip ==> 緊急燃料遮断装置
- master fuel trip, MFT ==> 总燃料跳闸,由人工操作或保护信号动作,切除进入锅炉炉膛的所有燃料
- master gage ==> 校验计
- master gain ==> 主控增益
- master gain control ==> 主增益控制
- master gauge ==> 标准规,标准量规,标准量计,标准压力表
- master gear ==> 标准齿轮,基准齿轮,主齿轮=>親歯車
- master gear checking instrument ==> 标准齿轮校正仪
- master gene ==> 主宰基因=>マスター遺伝子
- master gland ==> 主腺
- master group ==> 主群=>主群(多重通信)
- master group bank ==> 主群排
- master group modulation ==> 主群调制
- master gyro compass ==> 电罗经主仪
- master gyro-compass ==> 主电罗经
- master handle ==> 主操纵杆
- master history file ==> 主过去文件,主历史文件
- master index ==> 主索引
- master index map ==> 主索引图
- master indicator ==> 校准指示器
- master instruction tape ==> 主程序带,主指令带
- master joint ==> 主要节理
- master key ==> 万能钥匙=>マスターキー,親鍵
- master keyed lock ==> 总钥匙锁
- master keying system ==> 主键控制系统
- master landscape plan ==> 园景设计总图
- master layout ==> 标准规划图,掩模总布置图
- master layout plan ==> 总纲发展蓝图
- master level ==> 主水准器
- master level control ==> 主电平控制
- master lever ==> 主操纵杆
- master lever tatchet ==> 主操纵杆棘齿板
- master lift control ==> 主升降控制
- master lighting swithc ==> 灯光总开关
- master link ==> 主连杆
- master list ==> 总清单
- master lock ==> 主锁
- master magnet valve ==> 主磁力阀
- master map ==> 主图
- master mark feature ==> 主数据表检查器
- master mask ==> 母版,母掩模
- master matrix ==> 主盘模型
- master meter ==> 标准仪表,基准仪表=>マスタメータ
- master mode ==> 主方式,主控方式
- master model ==> 车身主模型,母模,母型
- master mold ==> 母模型
- master molecule of life ==> 生命主要分子
- master monitor ==> 主监视器
- master mos approach mos ==> 结构母片方法
- master motor ==> 主驱动电动机
- master mould ==> 母型,原模
- master multivibrator ==> 主控多谐振荡器
- master negative ==> 金属头版,主底片
- master of computer science(MCS) ==> 电脑科学硕士
- master operating system ==> 主操作系统
- master operation ==> 主操作,主要工序
- master operational console ==> 主操纵台
- master operations controller ==> 主操作控制装置
- master oscillator ==> 主控振荡器=>主(局)発信器
- master oscillator frequency ==> 主控振荡器频率
- master oscillator power amplifier ==> 主振功率放大器
- master oscillator system ==> 主振荡器系统
- master output tape ==> 标准幅度带
- master parts reference list ==> 主要部件参考表
- master pedestal ==> 主台座
- master pedestal level ==> 主消隐脉冲电平
- master picture monitor ==> 主图像监视器
- master piece ==> 样件
- master pilot ==> 主控驾驶仪,总信号灯
- master pilot lamp ==> 总指示灯
- master pin ==> 主销,中心立轴
- master plan ==> 总计划,规划总图
- master plan position indicator ==> 主控平面位置显示器,雷达主平面位置显示器
- master plate ==> 样板,靠模板,测平板
- master point ==> 主穴
- master policy ==> 母保单
- master porter ==> 搬运工人
- master positive ==> 主盘正片
- master power switch ==> 主功率开关
- master PPI ==> 主PPI
- master pressure controller ==> 主压力控制器
- master process ==> 主进程
- master processor program ==> 主处理程序
- master profile template ==> 靠模样板,仿形样板
- master program ==> 主程序
- master program clock ==> 母程序钟
- master program(me) controller ==> 主程序控制器
- master program(me) tape ==> 主程序带
- master programme file ==> 主程序文件
- master pulse ==> 主控脉冲,主脉冲
- master push button panel ==> 主控按钮盘
- master recording ==> 主盘录声
- master reference ==> 主基准,原始基准
- master reference machine ==> 控制底板参考机,主参考机
- master regulating control valve ==> 主控调节阀
- master relay ==> 主控继电器
- master remote controller ==> 主遥控器
- master reset ==> 主复位
- master reticle ==> 掩模原版
- master river ==> 主要河流
- master rod ==> 主杆
- master roller ==> 触轮
- master rotor ==> 主滚筒
- master routine ==> 主程序
- master sample ==> 标准样品
- master schedule ==> 主要作业进度表,进度计划总表
- master screw ==> 母丝杠,标准螺旋
- master segment index ==> 主段索引
- master segment table ==> 主段表
- master selector ==> 主选择器
- master sequencer (MS) ==> 主程序装置
- master serial number ==> 总编号
- master set ==> 校对调整,校正调整
- master sheet ==> 原文,原因
- master shield ==> (拖拉机)主挡板
- master shift ==> 主偏移
- master side ==> 主动端
- master signal ==> 主控信号,主信号
- master skew tape ==> 标准扭斜带
- master slave accumulator ==> 主从累加器
- master slave J-K flip flop ==> 主从J-K双稳态触发器
- master slave manipulator ==> 主从机械手
- master slice method ==> 母片法=>マスタスライス法
- master slice system ==> 母片法
- master sound track ==> 主声迹
- master source program(me) ==> 主源程序
- master spark gap ==> 主控火花隙
- master speed tape ==> 标准速度带
- master spring leaf ==> 主弹簧片
- master stacker ==> 主堆垛机
- master start button ==> 主控起动按钮
- master start-stop button ==> 主控起动按钮
- master state of control processor ==> 控制处理机主态
- master station ==> 主局,主控台,主控站,主台,主站,总机
- master station,controlling station ==> 主站,又称"控制站"
- master station/slave station ==> 主站/从站
- master stock book ==> 材料总登记簿
- master straight edge ==> 检查用直度规
- master stratum ==> 主要地层
- master stream ==> 主要河流,干流
- master studio ==> 主演播室
- master switch ==> 主开关,主控开关,总开关,主令开关,用以接通、分断及转换控制电路,并发布控制命令的低压电器=>主幹スイッチ
- master switch (controller) ==> 主令开关
- master switching centre ==> 主转换中心
- master synchronization pulse ==> 主同步脉冲
- master synchronizer ==> 主脉冲发生器,主时钟,主同步器
- master system tape ==> 主系统带
- master tap ==> 标准丝锥,板牙丝锥
- master tape ==> 主程序带,主带
- master telephone transmission reference system ==> 主电话传输基准系统
- master tempering curve ==> 回火基本曲线
- master test frame ==> 集中試験架
- master timing frequency ==> 主定时频率
- master timing pulse ==> 主控定时脉冲
- master timing station ==> 主定时台
- master tool ==> 基础工具,标准工具,样板工具
- master tools of industry ==> 工业加工机床
- master track bushing ==> 主履带衬套
- master track link ==> 履带主链节
- master track pin ==> 链轨销
- master traffic count ==> 主要交通计数
- master transmitter ==> 主发射机
- master trip ==> 主停车装置
- master unit ==> 主部件
- master valve ==> 主导阀,主阀,导阀=>マスターバルブ
- master variable ==> 主变量
- master volume ==> 主卷
- master warniag signal ==> 主警告信号
- master well ==> 主源泉
- master wheel ==> 主操纵轮
- Master's 2-step exercise test ==> 二阶运动试验
- master-control ==> 中央控制,主调整
- master-control board ==> 中心控制台
- master-control centre ==> 总控制中心,主控制中心
- master-control lever ==> 主控制杆
- master-control panel ==> 主控屏
- master-control program ==> 主控程序
- master-control room ==> 主控室
- master-control unit ==> 主控制器
- master-meter method ==> マスタメータ法
- master-oscillator power amplifier ==> 主振动率放大器
- master-oscillator radar system ==> 主振器控制雷达系统
- master-slave ==> 主从式装置
- master-slave binary scaler ==> 主从式二进位定标器
- master-slave computer ==> 主从计算机
- master-slave computer system ==> 主从计算机系统
- master-slave concept ==> 主从假说
- master-slave configuration ==> 主从配置
- master-slave discrimination ==> 主从鉴别
- master-slave electric manipulator ==> 电传动主从机械手
- master-slave flip-flop ==> 主从触发器
- master-slave manipulator ==> 主从操纵器,主仆操纵器,从动式机械手,仿效机械手
- master-slave mechanical manipulator ==> 机械传动主从机械手
- master-slave mode ==> 主从方式,主从式
- master-slave mode multiprogramming ==> 主从式多道程序设计
- master-slave operation ==> 主从运转
- master-slave system ==> 主从系统
- master-telephone transmission reference system ==> 主电话传递参考系统
- master-to-slave tape drive ==> 主从带式传动
- mastermeter method ==> 标准仪表比较检验法
- masterslice ==> 母片
- masterslice approach ==> 母片方法
- masterslice integrated circuit ==> 母片型集成电路
- masterslice personalization ==> 母片专用化
- mastery of the air ==> 制空权
- mastery of the skies ==> 制空权
- masthead angle ==> 桅顶角
- masthead lookout ==> 桅顶了望者
- masthead man ==> 桅顶了望者
- masthead mounted ==> (雷达收发机装于雷达天线架上)桅装
- mastic ==> 乳香,乳香脂,地板蜡,洋乳香,厚浆涂料,胶合铺料
- mastic acids ==> 乳香酸
- mastic based on oil ==> 油基脂胶
- mastic bed ==> 砂胶层
- mastic block ==> 砂胶块
- mastic cement ==> 胶粘水泥,水泥砂胶
- mastic cooker ==> 地沥青砂胶加热锅
- mastic cushion ==> 砂胶垫层
- mastic filler ==> 砂胶填料
- mastic floor ==> 砂胶地面
- mastic flooring ==> 砂胶铺地面
- mastic gum ==> 乳香
- mastic macadam ==> 砂胶碎石路
- mastic shrub ==> 乳香黄连木
- mastic tree ==> 乳香黄连木
- masticadienonic acid ==> 乳香二烯酮酸,熏陆香二烯酮酸
- masticated rubber ==> 人造橡胶
- mastication ==> 咀嚼,咀嚼,咀嚼作用,咀嚼作用
- mastication center ==> 咀嚼中枢,咀嚼中枢
- masticator ==> 撕捏机,素炼机,割碎机,立式粘土搅拌机
- masticatory ==> 咀嚼剂,咀嚼剂
- masticatory atonia ==> 咀嚼无力,咀嚼无力
- masticatory force ==> 咀嚼力,咀嚼力
- masticatory function ==> 咀嚼功能,咀嚼功能
- masticatory movement ==> 咬合运动
- masticatory mucosa ==> 咀嚼粘膜,咀嚼粘膜
- masticatory paralysis ==> 嚼肌麻痹
- masticatory spasm ==> 嚼肌痉挛,咀嚼肌痉挛,咀嚼肌痉挛
- masticatory surface ==> 嚼面
- masticatory system ==> 咀嚼系统,咀嚼系统
- masticatory teeth ==> 嚼牙
- mastich ==> 乳香脂
- Mastiche ==> 洋乳香
- mastiche ==> 乳香
- masticinic acid ==> 乳香酸
- masticolic acid ==> 乳香醇酸
- masticonic acid ==> 乳香酮酸
- MASTIS, Maritime Traffic Information Service ==> マーチス
- mastitis of newborn ==> 新生儿乳腺炎
- mastoid air cell ==> 乳突气房,乳突小房
- mastoid angle ==> 乳突角
- mastoid antrotomy ==> 乳突鼓窦凿开术
- mastoid antrum ==> 乳突房,乳突窦,鼓房
- mastoid border ==> 乳突缘
- mastoid branch ==> 乳突支
- mastoid canaliculus ==> 乳突小管
- mastoid cavity ==> 乳突腔
- mastoid electrode ==> 乳突电极
- mastoid emissary vein ==> 乳突导静脉
- mastoid lymph nodes ==> 乳突淋巴结
- mastoid process ==> 乳突
- mastoid retractor ==> 乳突牵开器
- mastoid sinus ==> 乳突小房
- mastoid wall ==> 乳突壁
- mastoiditis interna ==> 乳突气房炎
- mastoplasia in newborn ==> 初生乳核
- mat ==> 底板,垫子,衬垫,再生顶板,钢筋网,无光泽的,板坯,保护网罩,支柱底板,脚垫,微合金晶体管=>マット,畳,敷物
- mat bag ==> アンペラ袋
- mat base ==> 垫层
- mat blue ==> 无光蓝
- mat board ==> 台紙
- mat burn ==> マット傷
- mat coat ==> 无光泽面层,无光罩面,罩面
- mat curing ==> マット養生
- mat cutting ==> 毛面刻花
- mat enamel ==> 无光泽的瓷釉
- mat enamel paint ==> 无光磁漆
- mat etching ==> 毛面蚀刻
- mat exercise ==> マット運動
- mat finish ==> 消光整理
- mat foundation ==> 底板基础,满堂基础,筏基,席形基础,板式基础
- mat fracture ==> 无光泽断口
- mat glass ==> 毛玻璃,磨砂玻璃
- mat glaze ==> 无光釉
- mat iron ==> 镀铅薄钢板
- mat layup ==> 组织敷层,织物敷层
- MAT Materials ==> 材料
- mat packs ==> 铁丝捆绑方木排
- mat patch ==> 粗糙斑
- mat plant ==> 铺地植物
- mat reinforcement ==> 钢筋网
- mat screen ==> 无光泽银幕
- mat sheet ==> 镀铅薄钢板
- mat shelter ==> 凉棚
- mat surface ==> 无光泽表面,照相纸布纹面,粗糙面
- mat type ==> 编绕式
- mat type artificial antenna ==> 编绕式仿真天线
- mat vanish ==> 无光漆
- mat vitrifiable colour ==> 无光泽彩料
- MAT, material sciences & processing missions ==> 材料科学と処理ミッション
- MAT, multiple access transponder ==> 多重トランスポンダ
- mat-awning ==> 凉棚
- mat-backed film ==> 毛背面胶片
- mat-etching paste ==> 毛面酸蚀膏
- mat-etching salt ==> 毛面酸蚀盐
- mat-forming treatment ==> 表面处理
- mat-sensor ==> マット・センサー
- matabiether ==> 马他比醚
- Matacil ==> 灭害威
- matacolizing ==> 铝熔射喷涂
- Matador ==> 斗牛士导弹
- matairesinol ==> 罗汉松树脂酚
- matairesinol monoglucoside ==> 罗汉松素甙
- matairesinoside ==> 马太树脂酚甙
- matal deactivator ==> 金属钝化剂
- Mataline ==> 麦塔林钴铜铝铁合金,钴铜铝铁合金
- matallic film ==> 金属膜
- Matamoros hemp ==> 马塔莫罗斯大麻
- matamycin ==> 马塔霉素
- Matanuska wind ==> 马塔牛斯加风
- Matas' operation ==> 马塔斯氏手术
- Matas' test ==> 马塔斯氏试验
- matatabiether ==> 木天蓼醚
- matatabiol ==> 木天蓼醇
- matatabistic acid ==> 木天蓼酸
- match ==> 火柴,比较,对比,核对,导火线,相配,匹敌,匹配,匹配,配,配比=>整合する
- match admittance ==> 匹配导纳
- match arc ==> 匹配弧
- match assemble welding ==> 装架焊接
- match block ==> 火柴杆坯料
- match board ==> 假型板,拼花板,模板
- match boarding ==> 舌槽企口板
- match boarding machine ==> 镶板机
- match box ==> 匹配箱
- match circuit ==> 匹配电路
- match condition ==> 符合条件
- match die process ==> 对模法
- match exponents ==> 对阶
- match gate ==> 同门
- match gearing ==> 配合齿轮对
- match grinding ==> 配麻自动定尺寸磨削,配磨自动定时磨削
- match hook ==> 双抱钩
- match joint ==> 舌槽接合,舌槽式接合,企口接缝
- match line ==> 检验边
- match lines ==> 对口线
- match mark ==> 模线缝,配合符号,配合记号
- match operation ==> 符合运算
- match phrase in reduction rules ==> 归约规则的匹配短语
- match plane ==> 开槽刨,企口刨,边刨
- match planes ==> 企口开槽刨
- match plate ==> 模板,双面模板,双面型板
- match plate dies ==> 模板铸模
- match plate pattern ==> 双面模
- match sand ==> 假型砂
- match stock ==> 火柴用材
- match time ==> 匹配时间
- match together ==> 重合
- match up ==> 相配
- match wheel ==> 配合轮
- match-box-type of flat slide valve ==> 火柴盒式滑阀
- match-making machinery ==> 火柴制造机
- match-marking ==> 配合符号
- match-plate pattern ==> 双面模板模
- match-terminated line ==> 负载匹配传输线,匹配负载线
- Matcha ==> 抹茶
- matchboards ==> 企口
- matched ==> 整合した
- matched assembly ==> 互配零件组合
- matched asymtotic expansions ==> 匹配渐近展开式
- matched attenuator ==> 匹配衰减器
- matched beam ==> 匹配束
- matched bearing ==> 成对安装轴承
- matched bearings ==> 成对轴承
- matched bolometer detector ==> 匹配辐热检波器
- matched bolometric detector ==> 匹配式热照射检测器
- matched coil ==> 匹配线圈
- matched column ==> 匹配柱
- matched comparison ==> 匹配比较
- matched condition ==> 匹配条件
- matched conic method ==> 匹配圆锥线法
- matched data ==> 匹配数据
- matched die moulding ==> 配套硬模型
- matched edge ==> 检验边
- matched edges ==> 配合边缘
- matched filter ==> 匹配滤波器=>整合フィルタ
- matched filter detection ==> 匹配滤光片探测
- matched floor ==> 拼花地板,企口地板
- matched generator ==> 匹配振荡器
- matched group ==> 匹配组,配比组
- matched groups design ==> 配组设计
- matched horn ==> 配音喇叭,匹配喇叭
- matched hybrid junction ==> マジックT
- matched impedance ==> 匹配阻抗=>整合インピーダンス
- matched impedance antenna ==> 匹配阻抗天线
- matched junction ==> 匹配连接
- matched lenses ==> 匹配透镜
- matched line ==> 匹配线
- matched load ==> 匹配荷载,匹配负载
- matched load power ==> 匹配负载功率
- matched load resistance ==> 匹配电阻,匹配负载电阻
- matched moulds ==> 合模
- matched orders ==> 相配订单
- matched output ==> 匹配输出
- matched output voltage ==> 整合出力電圧
- matched pair ==> 配对
- matched pair transistor ==> 配对晶体管
- matched pairs design ==> 配对设计
- matched parting ==> 凸凹分型面,双面型板分型面
- matched power ==> 配用功率
- matched pulse intercepting ==> 匹配脉冲拦截
- matched receiving antenna ==> 匹配接收天线
- matched resistance ==> 匹配电阻
- matched samples ==> 相等样品
- matched seal ==> 等膨胀接封,匹配封接
- matched survey ==> 配对调查
- matched termination ==> 匹配荷载=>無反射終端器
- matched together ==> 配装在一起
- matched transistor pair ==> 匹配的晶体管对
- matched transmission line ==> 匹配传输线
- matched veneer ==> 对纹拼板
- matched volume ==> 匹配体积
- matched waveguide ==> 匹配波导管
- matcher ==> 匹配器,四面刨,制榫机
- matcher-selector-connector ==> 匹配选择器
- matchet ==> 甘蔗刀
- matching ==> 符合比较,配比,匹配,匹配,拼配,对纹拼合,对准,核对,选配=>約定,整合,適合,突きあわせ
- matching accuracy ==> 匹配准确度
- matching amplifier ==> 匹配放大器
- matching at the boundary ==> 晶界匹配度
- matching attenuator ==> 匹配衰减器
- matching autotransformer ==> 匹配自耦变压器
- matching bond area ==> 匹配焊接面积
- matching box ==> 匹配盒,匹配器=>整合箱
- matching button ==> 配色钮扣
- matching can ==> 匹配罐,匹配外壳
- matching cell ==> 匹配盒
- matching circuit ==> 匹配电路=>整合回路
- matching coaxial cable ==> 匹配同轴电缆
- matching coefficient ==> 匹配系数
- matching components characteristics ==> 匹配元件特性
- matching concept ==> 配合观念
- matching condition ==> 匹配条件
- matching control ==> 自动选配装置
- matching convention ==> 配合惯例
- matching criterion ==> 匹配准则
- matching current ==> 匹配电流
- matching delay-line ==> 匹配延迟线
- matching device ==> 匹配装置
- matching diaphragm ==> 匹配窗口片
- matching disc ==> 匹配板
- matching distribution ==> 配偶分布
- matching draft ==> 匹配模锻斜度
- matching element ==> 匹配元件
- matching error ==> 匹配误差,配搭误差
- matching field ==> 匹配信息组
- matching flange ==> 接合凸缘
- matching hierarchy ==> 匹配阶层
- matching impedance ==> 匹配用阻抗,匹配阻抗
- matching iris ==> 匹配可变光阑=>整合絞り
- matching item ==> 项目匹配法
- matching joint ==> 舌槽接
- matching load ==> 匹配负载
- matching magnet ==> 匹配磁铁
- matching method ==> 配合法
- matching network ==> 匹配网络
- matching of blood ==> 血液配合
- matching of exponents ==> 对阶
- matching of load ==> 负载匹配
- matching of marker bed ==> 标志层对比
- matching of pulses ==> 脉冲刻度校准,脉冲匹配
- matching of stages ==> 级间匹配压气机
- matching of successions ==> 层序对比,序列对比
- matching of tyre ==> 轮胎配合
- matching of waveguide ==> 波导匹配
- matching operation ==> 配对操作,匹配运算
- matching optics ==> 匹配光学
- matching parts ==> 配合件,配件
- matching pillar ==> 匹配棒
- matching plane badger plane ==> 槽刨
- matching plug ==> 耦合元件,匹配插头
- matching point ==> 匹配点,平衡工作点
- matching post ==> 匹配棒
- matching principle ==> 匹配原理
- matching pulse ==> 匹配脉冲
- matching punch cards ==> 匹配穿孔卡,配对穿孔卡
- matching quadrupole ==> 匹配四极子
- matching reactance ==> 匹配电抗
- matching record indicator ==> 匹配记录指示器
- matching requirements ==> 配合条件
- matching resistance network ==> 匹配用电阻网络
- matching seam ==> 配色线缝
- matching section ==> 匹配段,匹配节=>連動段
- matching sizing ==> 配磨自动定尺寸
- matching stimuli ==> 匹配刺激
- matching stitching ==> 配色线缝
- matching storage hierarchy ==> 匹配的存储阶层
- matching strip ==> 匹配带
- matching structured object ==> 结构化事物的匹配
- matching stub ==> 匹配短截线=>整合スタブ
- matching surface ==> 配合面
- matching technique ==> 匹配技术
- matching the outline ==> 輪郭対応
- matching transformer ==> 匹配变压器=>整合トランス(整合変成器)(通信)
- matching transition ==> 匹配过渡
- matching trap ==> 匹配陷波电路=>整合トラップ
- matching trap circuit ==> 匹配陷波电路
- matching trim ==> 配合密封面
- matching triplet ==> 匹配三合透镜
- matching unit ==> 匹配元件
- matching window ==> 匹配窗,调配膜片
- matching word ==> 符合字
- matchmaking ==> 洽谈(qiatan)=>マッチメイキング
- matcoal ==> 暗煤
- mate ==> 啮合部分,配对零件,配对物,搭配,匹配,连接
- mate bending strength ==> 等同抗弯强度
- mate block ==> 成对分割块
- mate table ==> 成对分割表
- MATE, Multiarea Thevenin Equivalent Technique ==> MATE
- mated ==> 成对的
- mated (automatic) system ==> 自动化系统
- mated gear ==> 成对齿轮
- mated pair ==> 配磨
- mated-film memory ==> 耦合膜存储器
- matelasse ==> 马特拉赛
- Matelasse organdy ==> 马特拉塞泡泡绉
- mater controller ==> 主控器
- materia alba ==> 白垢牙
- materia medica ==> 药物,药物学
- material ==> 物质,资料,原料,素材,器材,物料,物资,材,材料,耐火材料=>物質,原料,材料,材質,構成要素,素材,生地,マテリアル
- material ablation ==> 材料烧蚀
- material absorption ==> 材料吸收
- material accountability ==> 物料衡算量
- material accounting ==> 材料核算
- material adjustment ==> 材料调剂
- material aging laboratory ==> 材料老化试验室
- material analysis ==> 材料分析
- material analysis data ==> 材料分析资料
- material and labour ==> 工料
- material and labour cost analysis ==> 工料分析
- material arm ==> 物质臂
- material assets ==> 物资
- material balance ==> 物料平衡=>マテリアルバランス
- material balance area (MBA) ==> 物料衡算区
- material balance equation ==> 物质平衡方程
- material balance method ==> 物料衡算法,物质平衡法
- material balance report (MBR) ==> 物料衡算报告
- material balance sheet ==> 材料平衡表
- material balancing calculation ==> 物料平衡计算
- material being ==> 有形物
- material being tested ==> 被検材料
- material bending ==> 材料曲げ
- material benefits ==> 物质利益,福利
- material bill ==> 材料单,材料清单
- material breakage ==> 材料损害,材料损耗
- material breakdown ==> 材料击穿
- material buckling ==> 材料バックリング
- material budget ==> 材料预算=>材料予算
- material capital ==> 物质资本
- material car ==> 材料车
- material cards ==> 材料卡片
- material cause ==> 材料原因
- material change rate ==> 材料变换率
- material characteristics ==> 材料特性
- material characterization ==> 材料特性表达
- material charge number ==> 材料批号
- material chemical analysis ==> 材料化学分析
- material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity ==> 材料化学成份和机械性能
- material chute ==> 材料滑槽
- material circumstances of a crime ==> 犯罪具体情节
- material civilization ==> 物质文明
- material class number ==> 材料编码,材料类别号码
- material collection point (MCP) ==> 物料收集点
- material compatibility ==> 材料可混用性,材料相容性
- material compensation ==> 現物支給
- material component ==> 材料成分
- material composition sheet ==> 材料成分分析表
- material composition test ==> 材料成分化验,材料的化学分析
- material concentration ==> 物质浓度
- material conditional statement ==> 实质条件命题
- material consumption ==> 材料耗用,材料消耗
- material consumption rate ==> 材料消耗定额
- material contract ==> 购料合同
- material control ==> 原材料管理,材料控制
- material corrosion ==> 材料腐食
- material cost ==> 材料成本,材料费=>材料費
- material credit slip ==> 退料单
- material damage ==> 物资损失,材料损害=>材料損傷
- material damping ==> 材料阻尼=>材料減衰
- material data ==> 材料データ
- material defect ==> 材料缺陷
- material density ==> (人口)实质密度
- material derivative ==> 物质导数
- material difference ==> 重大的差别
- material dispersion ==> 材料分散,材料色散
- material dispersion coefficient ==> 材料色散系数
- material dispersion parameter ==> 材料色散参数
- material dispersion wavelength ==> 材料色散波长
- material economy ==> 材料经济学
- material efficiency variance ==> 材料效率差异=>材料能率差
- material equity ==> 实际产权,物质权益
- material evaluation ==> 材料評価
- material examination and acceptance report ==> 材料验收报告
- material exchange ==> 物资交流
- material factor ==> 材料因素=>物質因子,材料因素
- material feeder ==> 给料机
- material flow ==> 原料周转,物料流程
- material for cell lining ==> 电解槽衬里材料
- material for main pipe ==> 主管道材料,用于制造反应堆主冷却剂回路管道即主管道的材料。对其要求是:良好的常温与高温力学性能、加工和焊接性能、抗晶间腐蚀和应力腐蚀性能等
- material for reactor control ==> 反应堆控制材料,能显著吸收中子、对反应性进行控制的材料。其主要要求是吸收中子能力强、熔点高、力学强度好、同冷却剂相容性好、良好的热和辐照稳定性、高热导率、易于制造、成本低廉
- material for reactor coolant ==> 反应堆冷却剂材料,用于冷却反应堆堆芯、带出裂变释热的工质。对其主要要求是良好的热物性、中子吸收截面小、感生放射性弱、粘度低、良好的热和辐照稳定性、与燃料包壳和结构材料相容性好等
- material for steam generator tube ==> 蒸汽发生器传热管材料,用于制造压水堆蒸汽发生器传热管的材料。主要要求其具有以下良好性能:抗均匀腐蚀性、抗氯离子应力腐蚀性、抗苛性应力腐蚀性、导热性、机械加工与焊接性等
- material for test ==> 试件材料
- material for the toner-carrier combination ==> 墨粉载体配合用材料
- material fragment ==> 材料碎片
- material function ==> 材料函数
- material gains ==> 物质利益
- material handling ==> 物料装卸,原料处理
- material handling crane ==> 运料吊车
- material handling equipment ==> 材料装卸设备
- material identification ==> 材料鉴别
- material implication ==> 实质蕴涵
- material index ==> 材料指标
- material industry ==> 材料工业
- material inlet ==> 给料口
- material interests ==> 物质利益
- material inventory ==> 物料总存量
- material investigation ==> 材料调查
- material issuing unit ==> 发料单位
- material issuing warehouse ==> 发料仓库
- material list ==> 材料表,材料明细表
- material lock ==> 材料进出闸
- material man ==> 仓库管理员
- material management ==> 材料管理
- material mark ==> 材料记号
- material mass ==> 物质质量
- material measure ==> 实物量具
- material mechanics ==> 材料力学
- material misrepresentation ==> 重要错报
- material mix variance ==> 材料结构差异
- material mover ==> 运料车
- material nonlinearity ==> 材料非线性
- material number ==> 材料号
- material numerical aperture ==> 材料数值孔径
- material of polarization ==> 偏光材料
- material of test piece ==> 试板材料
- material outlet ==> 材料出口
- material over-valuation adjusted ==> 材料高估整理
- material parameter ==> 材料参数
- material particle ==> 质点
- material pile ==> 料堆
- material piling and taking machine ==> 堆取料机
- material piling machine ==> 堆料机
- material pit ==> 储料坑
- material point ==> 质点
- material preparation ==> 材料制备
- material price for estimation ==> 材料预算价格
- material price list ==> 材料价格表
- material price standard ==> 材料价格标准
- material processing ==> 材料加工
- material processing reactor ==> 材料处理反应堆
- material produce ==> 物质收获
- material properties ==> 物料性质
- material purchase contrast ==> 购料单
- material purchase order ==> 购料单
- material quantity analysis ==> 材料数量分析
- material quantity standard ==> 材料数量标准
- material receiving unit ==> 收料单位
- material reciprocity ==> 实质互惠
- material recovery facilities (MRF) ==> 物料回收设施
- material related costs ==> 材料有关成本
- material remains of a crime ==> 犯罪遗留物
- material requested ==> 所需材料
- material requirement ==> 材料需要量
- material requirements ==> 材料要求
- material requirements planning ==> 库存管理
- material requisition summary ==> 发料汇总表
- material requisition unit ==> 领料单位
- material reserves ==> 物资储备
- material resources ==> 物质资源
- material returned ==> 退料
- material returning slip ==> 退料单
- material revision ==> 材料修订
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ==> 《物料安全资料》
- material sample ==> 材料样品
- material saving ==> 节约用料
- material scattering ==> 材料散射
- material science ==> 材料学=>材料科学
- material shear test rig ==> 材料剪切试验台
- material shed ==> 料棚
- material source ==> 材料源
- material specifications ==> 材料规范书
- material spending amount ==> 材料消耗量
- material standard ==> 实物标准,实物基准=>材料規格
- material status report (MSR) ==> 物料现状报告
- material stock ==> 材料储备
- material storage ==> 材料储量,材料库,储料场
- material subsidiary ledger ==> 材料卡片
- material supplies ==> 实物支持
- material supply department ==> 材料供应处
- material supply plan for construction ==> 施工物资供应计划,在施工中所需的材料、机械、工具等,按施工进度要求,组织供应的计划
- material supply section ==> 材料科
- material survey ==> 材料调查
- material test rig at geothermal site ==> 地熱サイトにおける材料試験装置
- material testing ==> 材料试验
- material testing laboratory ==> 材料试验室
- material testing machine ==> 材料试验机
- material time ==> 实际时间
- material trademark ==> 材料牌号
- material transfer ==> 材料调拨,物质传递
- material transport mechanism ==> 物质迁移机理
- material transporting bridge ==> 桥形装卸机
- material type ==> 材料类型
- material under-valuation adjusted ==> 材料低估整理
- material usage ratio ==> 材料用量比率
- material use ==> 物質投入量
- material used as a soil corrective ==> 校正土壤的物质
- material utilization ==> 材料利用率
- material wastage ==> 材料损害,材料消耗
- material wastage rate ==> 材料损耗率
- material waterproofing ==> 材料防水
- material wave ==> 物质波
- material with anisotropic thermal expansion ==> 各向异性热膨胀材料
- material world ==> 物质世界
- material yield rate ==> 材料回收率
- material yield table ==> 物质收获表
- material yield variance ==> 材料产量差异
- material-at-site account ==> 厂存原料帐
- material-handling pump ==> 物料输送泵
- material-removal rate ==> 材料切除率
- materialistic dialectic ==> 唯物弁証法
- materialization ==> 物质化
- materialized relations between men ==> 人与人之间关系被物化
- materials ==> 材料
- materials allocation ==> 材料分配
- materials and energy pool ==> 材料和能源供应源
- Materials and Processing Division ==> 機械材料・材料加工部門
- materials and work schedule ==> 材料和工作日的日程安排
- materials area ==> 原料分野
- materials being fabricated ==> 制造用料
- materials budget control method ==> 材料预算控制法
- materials certificate ==> 材料合格证
- materials chemistry ==> 材料化学
- materials classification ==> 材料分类
- materials competition ==> 素材競争
- materials consumption norm ==> 材料消耗定额
- materials consumption quota ==> 材料消耗定额
- materials consumption rate ==> 材料消耗率
- materials control account ==> 材料控制帐户
- materials control card ==> 材料控制卡
- materials cost budget ==> 材料成本预算
- materials cost method ==> 材料成本法
- materials credit slip ==> 退料单
- materials earmarked for unified distribution ==> 统配物资
- materials engineering manual ==> 材料工程手册
- materials expenses ==> 材料费
- materials exposure ==> 材料暴露
- materials facility ==> 材料施設
- materials for equipment ==> 設備用資材
- materials for experiment ==> 実験材料
- materials for main parts ==> 主要零件材料
- materials for nuclear reactor ==> 反应堆材料,用于建造反应堆本体,主要包括核燃料、燃料包壳、堆内构件、冷却剂与慢化剂、压力容器、管道和结构、控制与屏蔽等的材料。除一般工程性能外,它们还应有良好的核物理性能、耐辐照损伤及与反应堆环境的相容性
- materials for optical modulators ==> 光変調材料
- materials for reactor pressure vessel ==> 反应堆压力容器材料,反应堆压力容器母材、焊接材料以及螺栓、螺母等部件材料的统称。反应堆压力容器在核电厂寿期内不考虑更换,故要求其具有良好的常温与高温力学性能、加工和焊接性能、抗中子辐照脆化性能等
- materials for resistor ==> 抵抗材料
- materials fracture ==> 材料破壊
- materials handling ==> マテハン,マテリアルズハンドリング
- materials handling analysis ==> 材料搬运分析
- materials handlinng equipment ==> 材料搬运设备
- materials hauling ==> 搬运材料
- materials in storage ==> 库存材料
- materials inventory ==> 库存原料
- materials inventory budget ==> 库存材料预算
- materials loss rate ==> 材料损失率
- materials of equipment ==> 设备材料
- materials on hand ==> 库存材料
- materials percentage method ==> 材料百分比法
- materials physics ==> 材料物理学
- materials placed under unified distribution ==> 统配物资
- materials planning system ==> 材料计划制度
- materials price variance ==> 材料价格差异
- materials price variance ratio ==> 材料价格差异率
- materials purchase strategy ==> 材料采购策略
- materials rate ==> 材料率
- materials received report ==> 入库原材料报告
- Materials Recovery Programme ==> 物料回收计划
- materials requisition ==> 领料单=>材料要求伝票,原材料請求書
- materials requisition on quota ==> 限额领料单
- materials reradiate ==> 材料具领单
- materials returned report ==> 已退原材料报告
- materials science ==> 材料科学
- materials specification manual ==> 材料规格手册
- materials standard ==> 材料标准
- materials standard costs ==> 材料标准成本
- materials standardization ==> 材料标准化
- materials strength ==> 材料强度
- materials structure science ==> 物質構造科学
- materials summary ==> 材料汇总帐
- materials technology ==> 材料工艺学
- materials testing reactor ==> 材料试验反应堆
- materials turnover ==> 材料周转率
- materials type flow process chart ==> 材料型流程程序图
- materials usage price variance ==> 材料耗用价格差异,材料消费价格差异
- materials usage standards ==> 材料耗用标准
- materials usage variance ==> 材料耗用差异
- materials used ==> 使用材料
- materials used summary sheet ==> 材料耗用汇总表
- materials variances ==> 材料差异
- materiel ==> 作战物资
- materiel collecting point ==> 作战物资回收站
- materiel conditions ==> 作战物资状况
- materiel handling ==> 作战物资的搬运
- materiel handling equipment ==> 作战物资搬运设备
- materiel maintenance ==> 作战物资的保养
- materiel recovery ==> 作战物资回收
- materiel requirement ==> 作战物资需要量
- materiel resources ==> 作战物资资源
- materiel support ==> 作战物资支援
- materiology ==> 材料检验学
- maternal ==> 母性的
- maternal ability ==> 抚育能力
- maternal ability of cows ==> 母牛的母性能力
- maternal adaptation ==> 母体适应
- maternal and daughter lines ==> 母本与子代品系
- maternal behavior ==> 母性行为
- maternal cell ==> 母细胞
- maternal changes in pregnancy ==> 妊娠期母体变化
- maternal changes in puerperium ==> 产褥期母体变化
- maternal character ==> 母本性状,母体性状
- maternal cotyledon ==> 母体绒毛
- maternal death rate ==> 母死率
- maternal deprivation ==> 母爱剥夺
- maternal effect ==> 母体效应,母体影响
- maternal environment ==> 母体环境
- maternal exhaustion ==> 产母衰竭
- maternal form ==> 母本类型,母体类型
- maternal handicap ==> 母体阻滞
- maternal heterosis ==> 母本杂种优势,母性杂种优势
- maternal immunity ==> 母体免疫
- maternal impression ==> 母体感应,母体印痕
- maternal impressions ==> 母性印记
- maternal influence ==> 母体影响
- maternal inheritance ==> 母本遗传,母体遗传
- maternal instinct ==> 母性本能
- maternal line ==> 母系
- maternal messenger ==> 母体信使
- maternal mortality ==> 母死率
- maternal mortality rate ==> 孕产妇死亡率,产妇死亡率
- maternal obesity syndrome ==> 母性肥胖综合征
- maternal physiology in pregnancy ==> 妊娠生理
- maternal placenta ==> 母体胎盘,胎盘母体部=>胎盤子宮部
- maternal plant ==> 母本,母本植株,母体植株,母株
- maternal quality ==> 母性能力
- maternal relatives ==> 母系亲属
- maternal reproduction rate ==> 母系再生产率
- maternal rubella ==> 母体风疹
- maternal seedling ==> 母本实生苗
- maternal sex determination ==> 母本性决定,母体性决定
- maternal surface of placenta ==> 胎盘母体面
- maternal toxicity ==> 母体毒性
- maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility ==> 母儿血型不合
- maternal-line selection ==> 母体选择,母系选择
- maternal-neonatal transmission ==> 母婴传播
- maternal-scion plot ==> 接穗母本区
- maternity ==> 母性
- maternity and child care centre ==> 妇幼保健站
- maternity and child care network ==> 妇幼保健网
- maternity and child hygiene ==> 妇幼卫生
- maternity and child welfare ==> 母婴福利
- maternity and infant healthy institute ==> 妇婴保健院
- maternity hospital ==> 产科医院,产院
- maternity nursing ==> 产科护理
- maternity pen ==> 产圈
- maternity ward ==> 产科病房
- maternohemotherapy ==> 母血疗法
- Math 2-plus ==> 马赫数大于2
- Mathar method ==> (测应力)小孔释放法
- mathematic(al) analysis ==> 数学分析
- mathematic(al) approach ==> 数学近似
- mathematic(al) approximation ==> 数学近似法
- mathematic(al) argument ==> 数学论证
- mathematic(al) astronomy ==> 数理天文
- mathematic(al) axiom ==> 数学公理
- mathematic(al) compiler ==> 数学编译程序
- mathematic(al) constant ==> 数学常数
- mathematic(al) construction ==> 数学作图
- mathematic(al) control mode ==> 数学控制方式
- mathematic(al) control model ==> 数学控制模型
- mathematic(al) danger ==> 数学上的危险
- mathematic(al) decomposition ==> 数学分解
- mathematic(al) definition ==> 数学定义
- mathematic(al) economics ==> 数理经济学
- mathematic(al) experience ==> 数学经验
- mathematic(al) expression ==> 数学式
- mathematic(al) formalism ==> 数学形式体系
- mathematic(al) function ==> 数学函数
- mathematic(al) function library ==> 数学函数库
- mathematic(al) function program(me) ==> 数学函数程序
- mathematic(al) genetics ==> 数理发生法
- mathematic(al) geography ==> 数理地理学
- mathematic(al) idealization ==> 数学理想化
- mathematic(al) inversion ==> 数学的反演
- mathematic(al) law ==> 数学定律
- mathematic(al) logic ==> 数理逻辑
- mathematic(al) machine theory ==> 数学机器理论
- mathematic(al) manipulation ==> 数学变换
- mathematic(al) mean ==> 数学平均
- mathematic(al) meteorology ==> 数理气象学
- mathematic(al) mode ==> 数学模式
- mathematic(al) model ==> 数学模型
- mathematic(al) module ==> 数学模数
- mathematic(al) object ==> 数学对象
- mathematic(al) parameter ==> 数学参数
- mathematic(al) prediction ==> 数学预测
- mathematic(al) programming ==> 数学规划
- mathematic(al) projection ==> 数学投影
- mathematic(al) representation ==> 数学表达式
- mathematic(al) residues ==> 数学残数
- mathematic(al) simplification ==> 数学简化
- mathematic(al) statistics ==> 数理统计学
- mathematic(al) structure ==> 数学结构
- mathematic(al) symbol ==> 数学符号
- mathematic(al) system ==> 数学体系
- mathematic(al) system theory ==> 数学系统理论
- mathematic(al) table ==> 数学用表
- mathematic(al) theory of statistics ==> 数理统计学理论
- mathematic(al) treatment ==> 数学解释
- mathematical analysis ==> 数理分析,分析
- mathematical bioimaging for neurodegeneration and aging ==> 脑神经退化和老化的成像建模的研究
- mathematical biology ==> 数学生物学
- mathematical built-in function ==> 数学固有函数
- mathematical completeness of model ==> 模型的数学完备性
- mathematical dispersion model ==> 数学散布仿真系统
- mathematical economic model ==> 经济数学模型法,经济数学模型法
- mathematical equipment ==> 数学计算装置
- mathematical expression of theory ==> 理论的数学表达式
- mathematical horizon ==> 理想地平
- mathematical induction ==> 数学归纳法=>数学的帰納法
- mathematical inference ==> 数学推论
- mathematical law of probability ==> 数学的或然律
- mathematical linguistics ==> 数理言語学
- mathematical logic ==> 数学論理学
- mathematical manipulation ==> 数学运算,数字变换
- mathematical method ==> 数学法
- mathematical microscope ==> 数学显微镜,小波分析被誉为数学显微镜
- mathematical model ==> 数学模型=>数学モデル
- mathematical model of excitation system ==> 励磁系统数学模型,描述同步发电机励磁系统(包括励磁调节器)物理过程的数学方程,是电力系统机电暂态过程数学模型的重要组成部分,主要应用于电力系统稳定计算
- mathematical model of load ==> 负荷数学模型,负荷特性的数学表达
- mathematical model of power system ==> 电力系统数学模型,采用合适的数学方程,描述电力系统的物理特性和物理过程,使其达到用数学方法求解要求的数学表达式
- mathematical model of synchronous machine ==> 同步电机数学模型,描述同步电机电枢绕组与磁极、电压、电流、磁势、磁链等电磁量与转矩和转速等机械量之间随时间和空间位置变化的相互关系的方程
- mathematical modeling ==> 数学的モデル
- mathematical modelling of sulphur dioxide dispersion ==> 二氧化硫散布的数学仿真系统
- mathematical modelling technique ==> 数学仿真技术
- mathematical morphology ==> 数学モルフォロジー,図形に対する演算理論
- mathematical optimization model ==> 数理最適化モデル
- mathematical peculiarity ==> 数学的特異性
- mathematical physics ==> 数理物理学
- mathematical point ==> 理论点
- mathematical power ==> 幂,乘方
- mathematical programming ==> 数理规划,数理规划法,最优化理论
- mathematical programming systems ==> 数学程序设计系统
- mathematical representation ==> 数式的表現
- mathematical routine ==> 数学程序
- mathematical solution ==> 数学解答
- mathematical statistics ==> 数理统计
- mathematical symbol ==> 运算符号
- mathematical treatment ==> 数学处理
- mathematical treatment of economics ==> 经济学的数学处理,经济学的数学处理
- mathematically ==> 数学的に
- mathematically convergent system ==> 数学收敛系统
- mathematically-determined ==> 数学的に決定された
- mathematics ==> 数学
- mathematics of molecular biology ==> 分子生物数学
- Mather Platt ager ==> 马瑟泼拉特布匹连续蒸化机
- Mather's plasma focus apparatus ==> 马瑟型等离子体聚焦装置
- Mathesius metal ==> 马西修斯铅-碱金属合金
- Mathesius's metal ==> (轴承合金)马氏铅锶合金
- Matheson joint ==> 马西森接合
- Mathew's speculum ==> 四叉直肠窥器
- Mathews' speculum ==> 马修斯氏窥器
- Mathias formula ==> 马赛阿斯饱和蒸汽液体密度关联式
- Mathieu differential equation ==> 马提厄微分方程
- Mathieu equation ==> 马蒂厄方程,马提厄方程,马修方程
- Mathieu function ==> 马提厄函数
- Mathio cotton ==> 马西奥棉
- maths achievement ==> 数学の成績
- maths symbol character set ==> 带数字符号的字符组
- matico (Piper angustifolium) ==> 马蒂科
- matiere grasse ==> 脂肪分
- matildite ==> 硫银铋矿
- matin sleep ==> 晨眠
- matinal ==> 晨风
- mating ==> 交尾,配对的,配套,配种=>交配,チェックメート
- mating a mare and a jackass ==> 母马和公驴交配
- mating ability ==> 交尾能
- mating annular face ==> 环形配合面
- mating behavior ==> 交配行为=>配偶行動,交尾
- mating component ==> はめ合い部品
- mating connector ==> はめ合わせコネクタ
- mating delay ==> 交尾遅延
- mating design ==> 交配样式
- mating die ==> 配合模
- mating flank ==> 相啮齿面
- mating flight ==> 交尾飞行,婚飞
- mating gear ==> 配对齿轮
- mating group ==> 交配组
- mating holes ==> 配合孔
- mating inhibition ==> 交配抑制
- mating like to like ==> 同质交配
- mating mark ==> 配合标记
- mating member ==> 配合件
- mating of poultry ==> 禽的雌雄相偶
- mating part ==> 配偶件=>はめ合い部品
- mating partner ==> 配对=>交尾相手
- mating parts ==> 配件
- mating pattern ==> 交配パターン
- mating period ==> 繁殖季节
- mating pinion ==> 配对小齿轮
- mating preference ==> 交配对象选择
- mating profile ==> 配对齿廓
- mating reaction ==> 配合作用,交配反应
- mating ring ==> 接合环
- mating season ==> 交配季,交配期,繁殖季节
- mating sign ==> 交尾标志
- mating stance ==> 交配姿势
- mating surface ==> 配合表面,配合触面,啮合触面
- mating system ==> 交配方案,交配体系,繁育方法
- mating time ==> 交配期
- mating type ==> 交配型,接合型
- mating unlike ==> 异质交配
- MATLAB ==> MathWorks
- matled bed ==> 苗床
- matlockite ==> 氟氯铅矿
- Matoushan glacial stage ==> 马头山冰期
- matrass ==> 卵形瓶
- matriarchal clan society ==> 母系氏族社会
- matriarchy ==> 母权制,母系制
- matric algebra ==> 矩阵代数,矩阵代数
- Matricaria ==> 母菊属
- Matricaria camphor ==> 母菊脑
- Matricaria chamomilla ==> 母菊
- Matricaria recutita ==> 母菊
- matricariaester ==> 母菊酯
- matricarianol ==> 母菊醇
- matricarin ==> 母菊酮素,母菊苷
- matricary ==> 母菊
- matrices ==> 母表
- matricin ==> 母菊素
- matriclinous ==> 母传的
- matricon ==> 阵选管
- matridine ==> 苦参次碱
- matriees ==> 填质
- matrilineage ==> 母系血统
- matrilineal ==> 母系的
- matrilinear inheritance ==> 母系遗传
- matrine ==> (抗肿瘤药)母菊碱
- matrine N-oxide ==> 氧化苦参碱
- matrix ==> 矩阵,模具,模型,模子,母表,母式,母体,真值表,阴模,脉石,填质,铜模,凹型,基块,基体,基体组织,基岩,蓄热体,在再生式热交换器中交替从高温工质吸热和向低温工质放热的物料=>行列,マトリックス,母材
- matrix (n-stable matrix) ==> 负稳定矩阵
- matrix adder ==> 矩阵加法器
- matrix addition ==> 矩阵加法
- matrix addressed display ==> 矩阵寻址显示器
- matrix addressing ==> 矩阵寻址
- matrix algebra ==> 矩阵代数,矩阵代数=>行列の代数学
- matrix algebra table ==> 矩阵代数表,矩阵代数表
- matrix alloy ==> 字模合金,基体合金
- matrix amplifier ==> 换算放大器,矩阵放大器,矩阵放大器
- matrix analysis ==> 矩阵分析
- matrix approach accounting ==> 矩阵表示法会计,矩阵表示法会计
- matrix assessment ==> 矩阵评价法,矩阵评价法
- matrix band ==> 成形片,型片
- matrix bookkeeping ==> 矩阵簿记,矩阵簿记
- matrix brass ==> 模型黄铜
- matrix calculation ==> 矩阵计算
- matrix calculus ==> 矩阵计算
- matrix cathode ==> 阴模式阴极
- matrix cells ==> 毛基质细胞
- matrix circuit ==> 矩阵变换电路,矩阵变换电路,矩阵线路,矩阵线路=>マトリックス回路
- matrix column ==> 矩阵的列
- matrix compiler ==> 矩阵编译程序
- matrix components ==> 小型元件
- matrix computation ==> 矩阵计算
- matrix connection ==> 矩阵连接
- matrix constituent ==> 母材成分
- matrix control method ==> 矩阵控制法,矩阵控制法
- matrix converter ==> マトリックスコンバータ
- matrix correlation ==> 矩阵相关,矩阵相关
- matrix cutting machine ==> 铜模雕刻机
- matrix cystal ==> 基体晶体
- matrix decoder ==> 矩阵译码器
- matrix deflation ==> 矩阵收缩,矩阵收缩
- matrix diagram method ==> マトリックス図法
- matrix differential equation ==> 矩阵微分方程,矩阵微分方程=>行列微分方程式
- matrix display ==> 矩阵显示器
- matrix display panel ==> 矩阵显示板,矩阵显示板
- matrix dryer ==> 烘纸型机
- matrix effect ==> 基体效应
- matrix eigenvalue ==> 矩阵特征值,矩阵特征值=>行列固有値
- matrix element ==> 矩阵元素,矩阵元
- matrix encoder ==> 矩阵式编码器,矩阵式编码器
- matrix equality ==> 矩阵等式,矩阵等式
- matrix equation ==> 矩阵方程,矩阵方程
- matrix equation method ==> 行列記法
- matrix fiber ==> 基质纤维
- matrix form ==> 矩阵式,矩阵式,矩阵组织,矩阵组织
- matrix formulation ==> 矩阵表述,矩阵表述
- matrix formulation of linear programming problem ==> 线性规划问题的矩阵结构
- matrix fraction ==> 矩阵分数,矩阵分数
- matrix gain control ==> 矩阵放大器增益控制,矩阵放大器增益控制
- matrix game ==> 矩阵对策,矩阵对策
- matrix gate ==> 译码器
- matrix grammar ==> 矩阵文法,矩阵文法
- matrix granule ==> 基质颗粒
- matrix granule of mitochondria ==> 线粒体基粒
- matrix hardness ==> 基体硬度
- matrix in block form ==> 分块矩阵
- matrix integrated circuit ==> 矩阵型集成电路
- matrix inversion ==> 矩阵反演,矩阵求逆
- matrix inversion technique ==> 矩阵求逆方法,矩阵求逆方法
- matrix iteration ==> 矩阵迭代法
- matrix iterative analysis ==> 矩阵迭代分析,矩阵迭代分析
- matrix large scale integration ==> 矩阵型大规模集成电路
- matrix lens ==> 矩阵透镜
- matrix management ==> 矩阵管理,矩阵管理,矩阵管理制,矩阵管理制
- matrix matching ==> 矩阵匹配,矩阵匹配,阵列匹配
- matrix matching method ==> 矩阵比较法,矩阵比较法
- matrix matrices ==> 母质
- matrix mechanics ==> 矩阵力学=>行列力学
- matrix metal ==> 基体金属
- matrix model ==> 矩阵模型,矩阵模型
- matrix multiplication ==> 矩阵乘法,矩阵乘法
- matrix multiplier ==> 矩阵乘数,矩阵乘数
- matrix norm ==> 矩阵的模,矩阵的模,矩阵模,矩阵模,矩阵模量,矩阵模量
- matrix notation ==> 矩阵记号,矩阵符号,矩阵符号表示,矩阵运算
- matrix of a linear transformation ==> 线性变换矩阵
- matrix of bacterial plague ==> 菌斑基质,菌斑基质
- matrix of coal ==> 煤基质
- matrix of coefficients ==> 系数矩阵
- matrix of consequence ==> 结果矩阵
- matrix of imported input coefficient ==> 进口投入系数矩阵
- matrix of loadings ==> 负荷矩阵
- matrix of semilinear transformation ==> 半线性变换矩阵
- matrix operation ==> 矩阵运算=>マトリクス演算
- matrix operations ==> 矩阵运算,矩阵运算
- matrix operator ==> 行列演算子
- matrix organization ==> 矩阵组织
- matrix out of register ==> 合模不正
- matrix output ==> 矩阵输出,矩阵输出
- matrix particle ==> マトリックス粒子
- matrix pin board ==> 矩阵插接板,矩阵插接板
- matrix plane ==> 矩阵板,矩阵板
- matrix pliers ==> 成形片镊
- matrix polymer ==> 母体聚合物
- matrix polynomial ==> 行列多項式
- matrix porosity ==> 基质孔隙度
- matrix printer ==> 矩阵式打印机,矩阵形印刷机,点阵打印机=>ドット印字装置
- matrix proofer ==> 矩阵式打样机,矩阵式打样机
- matrix reduction ==> 矩阵简化
- matrix regularization ==> 行列正則化
- matrix representation ==> 矩阵表示法=>マトリクス表示
- matrix resistor ==> マトリクス抵抗
- matrix retainer ==> 成形片固定夹,牙科成形片夹
- matrix rolling machine ==> 压纸型机
- matrix row ==> 矩阵的行
- matrix sampling ==> 矩阵抽样,矩阵抽样
- matrix save value ==> 矩阵保存值,矩阵保存值
- matrix sign ==> 行列標識
- matrix solution ==> 基质溶液
- matrix storage ==> 矩阵存储器,矩阵存储器
- matrix supported enzyme ==> 基质支架酶
- matrix switch ==> 矩阵开关,矩阵开关
- matrix theorem ==> 矩阵定理
- matrix trace ==> 矩阵的迹,矩阵的迹
- matrix transpose ==> 矩阵转置,矩阵换行,矩阵换列
- matrix type structure ==> 矩阵型式的结构,矩阵型式的结构
- matrix unguis ==> 甲床
- matrix unit ==> 矩阵单元
- matrix vaporization technique ==> 基体汽化技术
- matrix velocity ==> 基质速度
- matrix vesicle ==> 基质小泡
- matrix-addressed display ==> 矩阵寻址显示器,矩阵寻址显示器
- matrix-data analysis method ==> マトリックスデータ解析法
- matrix-decoding method ==> 矩阵译码法,矩阵译码法
- matrix-tree theorem ==> 矩阵树定理,矩阵树定理
- matrixer ==> 矩阵变换电路,矩阵变换电路
- matrixes or matrices ==> 矩阵
- matrixing ==> 矩阵变换,矩阵变换,换算
- matrixing network ==> 矩阵网络,矩阵网络
- matrixsentence ==> 母句
- matroclinal inheritance ==> 近母遗传,偏母遗传
- matrocline ==> 母性显
- matroclinous ==> 母传的,偏母的
- matroclinous hybrid ==> 偏母杂种
- matroclinous inheritance ==> 偏母遗传
- matrocliny ==> 偏母遗传,母传性,母性遗传
- matromycin ==> 夹竹桃霉素
- mats ==> 席包
- MATS, Mission Analysis & Trajectory Simulation Program ==> 軌道シミュレーションプログラム
- Matson method ==> 美新法
- Matsumura indentation hardness test ==> 马氏钢球硬度试验
- Matsushita pressure diode ==> 松下压敏二极管
- matsuyama ==> 松山反向期
- matt ==> 无光泽
- matt dip ==> 无光浸洗液
- matt finishing ==> 无光整理
- matt paint ==> 无光泽涂料
- matt prints ==> 无光印花布
- matt surface ==> 无光泽面,粗面
- matt weave ==> 席纹组织
- matt yarn ==> 无光纱
- mattamore ==> 地下仓库
- Mattauch-Herzog mass analyser ==> 马陶-赫绍格质量分析器
- matte ==> 褪光,无光泽,冰铜,锍
- matte dip ==> 无光浸洗液
- matte finish ==> 无光饰面
- matte glaze ==> 无光釉
- matte jersey ==> 无光针织物
- matte paint ==> 无光油漆
- matte shot ==> 遮摄,挡摄
- matte smelting ==> 锍冶炼
- matte surface ==> 无光表面,漫射面
- matte varnish ==> 无光清漆
- matted crystal ==> 雏晶,晶子
- matted finish ==> 无光的毛面,闷火处理
- matted materials ==> 草垫制品
- matted mor ==> 编织状粗腐殖质
- matter ==> 实物,事,物质=>事柄,問題,物質
- matter and energy in ecosystem ==> 生态系统中的物质和能量
- matter coupling ==> 物質結合
- matter creation ==> 物質生成
- matter density ==> 物質密度
- matter dominated era ==> 物质占优期
- matter dominated universe ==> 物质占优宇宙
- matter energy ==> 物质能量
- matter era ==> 物质期,物质时代
- matter field ==> 物質場
- matter flow ==> 物質流
- matter of expediency ==> 权宜之计
- matter tensor ==> 物质张量
- Matterhorn ==> 马塔角
- matters need attention ==> 注意事项
- matters needing attention ==> 有关注意事项
- Mattessich model ==> 马蒂西奇模型
- Matteuci effect ==> 马泰乌奇效应,马特西效应
- matteucinin ==> 马特西甙
- matteucinol ==> 马特西素
- Matthews cotton ==> (早熟高产长绒美棉)马休斯棉
- Matthias rules ==> 马赛厄斯定则
- Matthiessen hypothesis ==> 马希森假设
- Matthiessen's rule ==> 马希森电阻率规律,马希森定则=>マーティセンの法則
- Matthiessen's standard ==> 马希森标准,马希森铜丝电阻标准
- matting ==> 炼锍,清洗工序,栅网,栅网,(使金属玻璃等表面无光泽)退光,去光泽
- matting agent ==> 去光剂
- matting bale ==> 蒲席袋
- matting of roots ==> 根系交织
- mattisolda ==> 银焊料
- mattock ==> 鹤嘴锄
- mattock hoe ==> 鹤嘴锄
- mattress ==> 钢筋网,台垫,床垫,柴排,坐垫
- mattress array ==> 横列定向天线阵
- mattress ballasting ==> 柴排压沉
- mattress itch ==> 谷痒病
- mattress netting steel wire ==> 钢丝床用钢丝
- mattress reflector ==> 多层反射器
- mattress suture ==> 褥式缝合法
- matulane ==> 甲苯肼
- Matura diamonds ==> 锡兰锆石
- maturation ==> 成熟过程,发育成熟
- maturation division ==> 细胞成熟分裂,成熟分裂
- maturation factor ==> 成熟因子
- maturation immunity ==> 成熟免疫
- maturation index ==> 成熟指数
- maturation of follicle ==> 卵泡成熟
- maturation of megasporocyte ==> 大孢子母细胞成熟
- maturation of ovum ==> 卵成熟
- maturation period ==> 熟化期
- maturation pool ==> 成熟池
- maturation zone ==> 成熟区
- mature ==> 成熟,成熟的,成熟期
- mature beef ==> 成年肉牛
- mature cataract ==> 成熟白内障
- mature coast ==> 次生海岸
- mature corpus luteum ==> 成熟黄体
- mature cow weight ==> 成年母牛体重
- mature cutting ==> 成木插条,熟枝插条
- mature embryo ==> 成熟胚
- mature equivalent ==> 成年产乳当量
- mature face ==> 成熟面
- mature follicle ==> 成熟卵泡
- mature horses ==> 成年马
- mature infant ==> 成熟儿
- mature larvae ==> 老年熟幼虫
- mature leaf ==> 定型叶
- mature nodule ==> 成熟根瘤
- mature nodule cell ==> 成熟的根瘤细胞
- mature ovum ==> 成熟卵
- mature period ==> 成熟期
- mature pod ==> 成熟荚
- mature proglottid ==> 成熟节片
- mature protophloem element ==> 成熟的原生韧皮部成分
- mature reservoir pool ==> 成熟储存池
- mature sediments ==> 成熟沉积物
- mature seed ==> 成熟种子
- mature segment ==> 成熟节片
- mature sieve elements ==> 成熟筛管成分
- mature sieve tube elements ==> 成熟筛管成分
- mature soil ==> 成熟土,显域土,熟土
- mature source rock ==> 成熟源岩
- mature stage ==> 壮年期
- mature stage of callus ==> 骨痂成熟阶段
- mature stream ==> 壮年河
- mature substrate ==> 成熟基质
- mature teratoma of ovary ==> 卵巢成熟性畸胎瘤
- mature tissue ==> 成熟组织
- mature wood ==> 成熟枝插
- mature-cow average ==> 成年牛平均产量
- matured continental margin ==> 成熟型大陆边缘带
- matured liabilities unpaid ==> 未付到期负债
- matured slag ==> 熟渣
- matured solid teratoma of ovary ==> 卵巢成熟实性畸胎瘤
- maturing ==> 成熟作用,磁稳定化=>枯らし
- maturing check ==> 支票到期
- maturing range ==> 成熟温度范围
- maturity ==> 成熟,成熟度,成熟期,壮年期,满期日,发育成熟
- maturity classification ==> 成熟期分类
- maturity date ==> 成熟期
- maturity gap exposure ==> 期限差距风险,满期日缺口暴露
- maturity group ==> 成熟期组
- maturity index ==> 成熟指标
- maturity phase ==> 壮年期
- maturity structure of debt ==> 债务到期结构
- maturity yield ==> 全期获利率
- maturity-onset diabetes ==> 成人糖尿病
- maturnity pen ==> 下犊牛栏
- maturometer ==> 成熟度测定计
- MaTX ==> MaTX(マットエックス)は,科学や工学に必要な数値及び数式計算をサポートする記述性に優れたプログラミング言語です。
- Mauch Chunk beds ==> 毛庄克层
- Maud fabric ==> 莫德呢
- maul base ==> 大形口金
- Maunoir's hydrocele ==> 莫努瓦水囊肿,颈导管水囊肿,颈导管水囊肿
- Maunsell suture ==> 曼塞尔氏肠系膜缘缝合术
- Maupertius' principle ==> 马保梯原理
- Maurer constitution diagram ==> 毛氏组织图
- Maurer equilibrium diagram ==> 毛氏组织图
- Maurer type screw press ==> 毛雷尔型螺旋压榨机
- Maurer's dots ==> (恶性疟的红细胞内红色不规则小点)毛雷尔氏小点
- Mauriac syndrome ==> 莫里阿克综合征
- mauritius pink borer of sugarcane ==> 非洲大螟
- Mauthner's test ==> (检色盲)毛特讷氏试验
- mauve ==> 苯胺紫
- mauve colour ==> 淡紫色
- mauve pale ==> 淡紫
- MAWP, maximum allowable working pressure ==> 最大許容実効圧力
- max flash temperature index ==> 最高闪点指数
- max level speed ==> 最大平飞速度
- max permitted speed ==> 最大容许速度
- max possible compression ratio ==> 最大理论压缩比
- max roll (angle) ==> 最大横摇角
- max, maximum ==> 最大
- max-flow ==> 最大流
- max-flow min-cut theorem ==> 最大流最小截定理
- max-min system ==> 库存高低点定量控制制度
- max. allowable pressure ==> 最高允许压力
- max. allowable temperature ==> 最高允许温度
- max. discharging capacity ==> 最大排水量
- max. operating temperature ==> 最高工作温度
- Max/Min. Current and Voltage ==> 最高/低电压及电流
- Maxey-Silberston Curve ==> 马克西-西尔伯斯通曲线
- MAXI ==> マキシ,全天X線監視装置
- maxillary air sinus ==> 上颌窦
- maxillary antrum ==> 上颌窦
- maxillary arch ==> 腭上颌弓
- maxillary area ==> 下颚区
- maxillary artery ==> 上颌动脉
- maxillary bone ==> 上颌骨
- maxillary cheek tooth ==> 上颌颊牙
- maxillary gland ==> (昆虫)下颚腺
- maxillary impression tray set ==> 颌印模托盘
- maxillary lobe ==> 下颚叶
- maxillary nerve ==> 下颚神经,上颌神经
- maxillary neuromere ==> (昆虫)下颚神经原节
- maxillary plate ==> (昆虫)下颚板
- maxillary process ==> 上颌突
- maxillary sinus ==> 海默尔氏窦
- maxillary sinusitis ==> 上颌窦炎
- maxillary sulcus ==> 上颌沟
- maxillary teeth ==> 上颌牙
- maxillary tooth ==> 上颌齿
- maxillo-alveolar index ==> 上齿槽指数
- maxillofacial prosthesis ==> 颌面修复术
- maxillolacrimal suture ==> 颌泪缝
- maxillopalatal tine ==> 下颚腭骨
- maxima substance A ==> 最大灰叶素A
- maximal Abelian extension ==> 最大阿贝耳扩张
- maximal acceleration ==> 最大加速度
- maximal allowance dose ==> 最大容许剂量
- maximal allowance irradiation level ==> 最大容许照射水平
- maximal blood pressure ==> 最高血压
- maximal breathing capacity ==> 最大呼吸量,每分量大通气量
- maximal call time ==> 最长呼叫时间
- maximal clearance ==> 最大间隙,最大清除率
- maximal colour ==> 最全色
- maximal common divisor ==> 最大公约数
- maximal compatible ==> 极大协调的
- maximal compatible set ==> 极大协调集
- maximal concentration function ==> 最大集中函数
- maximal condition ==> 最大条件
- maximal connected set ==> 最大连通集
- maximal deficiency ==> 最大亏量
- maximal density ==> 最大密度
- maximal detectable range ==> 最大可测距离
- maximal dilatation ==> 最大伸缩率
- maximal dose ==> 极量
- maximal draw ratio ==> 最大拉伸比
- maximal efficiency ==> 最大效率
- maximal ejection period ==> 最大量喷血期
- maximal element ==> 极大元
- maximal error ==> 最大误差
- maximal excretion rate ==> 最大排泄率
- maximal exercise test ==> 极量运动试验
- maximal expiratory flow volume ==> 最大呼气流速容积
- maximal expiratory rate of flow ==> 呼气流速高峰
- maximal false vector ==> 极大伪向量
- maximal flow ==> 最大流量
- maximal friction ==> 最大摩擦力
- maximal heart rate ==> 最高心搏率
- maximal humidity ==> 最大湿度
- maximal ideal ==> 极大理想
- maximal illumination ==> 最大照度
- maximal inspiration ==> 最大吸気量
- maximal inspiratory capacity ==> 最大吸气量
- maximal invariant statistic ==> 最大不变统计量
- maximal length FSR code ==> 最大长度反馈移位寄存器码
- maximal member ==> 极大元,极大元素
- maximal mid-expiratory flow rate ==> 最大呼气中期流率
- maximal non-negative boundary space ==> 最大非负边界空间
- maximal order (module) ==> 最大序模
- maximal outerplannar graph ==> 最大外可平面图
- maximal oxygen debt ==> 最大氧债
- maximal oxygen intake ==> 最大氧摄取量
- maximal oxyntic test ==> 最大泌酸试验
- maximal planar graph ==> 最大可平面图
- maximal point ==> 极大点
- maximal pressure ==> 最高压
- maximal rate ==> 最大速度
- maximal ratio combiner ==> 最大比率并合器
- maximal reabsorption rate ==> 最大重吸收率
- maximal resistance ==> 最大抵抗力
- maximal respiratory capacity ==> 最大呼吸量
- maximal secretory capacity ==> 最大分泌量
- maximal separable field ==> 最大可分域
- maximal singular value ==> 最大特異値
- maximal solution ==> 最大解
- maximal stimulation ==> 最大刺激
- maximal stimulus ==> 最大刺激,最大剌激物
- maximal term ==> 最大项
- maximal tolerable concentration ==> 最大耐受浓度
- maximal tolerance dose ==> 最大耐受量
- maximal tree ==> 最大树
- maximal value ==> 極大値
- maximal ventilatory capacity ==> 最大通气量
- maximal ventilatory volume ==> 最大通气量
- maximal voltage ==> 最高电压
- maximal-flow algorithm ==> 最大流量算法
- maximally compact subgroup ==> 極大コンパクト部分群
- maximally flat amplitude response ==> 最平たん振幅特性
- maximally flat bandpass network ==> 最平特性带通网络
- maximally flat delay response ==> 最平たん遅延特性
- maximally flat response ==> 最平たん振幅特性
- maximally-flat ==> 最大平坦
- maximax criterion ==> 极大极大准则
- maximin criterion ==> 极大极小准则
- maximin technique ==> 极大极小技术
- maximization of consumer satisfaction ==> 消费者满足极大化
- maximization of living standard ==> 生活素质极高化
- maximization of structural parameters ==> 结构参数极大化
- maximization over discrete ==> 离散集合上的最大化
- maximize ==> 极大化
- maximize profit ==> 追求最大利润
- maximizing control mode ==> 达到最大值控制方式
- maximizing expected profit ==> 最大期望利润
- maximizing power output ==> 最大功率输出
- maximizing production potential ==> 最高产量
- maximum ==> 最大=>最大限
- maximum (power) output (MPO) ==> 最大输出功率
- maximum (top) speed ==> 最大速度,最大转速
- maximum abrasion resistance ==> 最大抗磨力
- maximum absorbed dose ==> 最大吸收剂量
- maximum acceptable concentration ==> 最大容许浓度
- maximum acceptance angle ==> 最大接受角
- maximum accuracy range ==> 最大精确射程
- maximum adhesion torque ==> 最大附着扭矩
- maximum adiabatic flame temperature ==> 最高绝热火焰温度
- maximum admissible bar stock diameter ==> 棒料最大许可直径
- maximum admissible concentration ==> 最大容许浓度
- maximum admittance frequency ==> 最大导纳频率
- maximum admitted weight ==> 最大许可重量
- maximum admitted weight of work ==> 工件最大许可重量
- maximum advance ==> 最大旋回纵距
- maximum allowable biological concentration (MABC) ==> 最大生物容许浓度
- maximum allowable coefficient of friction ==> 最大容许摩擦系数
- maximum allowable concentration (MAC) ==> 最大容许浓度
- maximum allowable deflection of tray column ==> 板式塔的最大容许挠度
- maximum allowable dose (MAD) ==> 最大容许剂量
- maximum allowable error ==> 最大容许误差
- maximum allowable level ==> 最大容许水平
- maximum allowable load ==> 最大允许载重
- maximum allowable metal temperature ==> 最高允许壁温,金属材料在规定条件下运行时所允许使用的最高壁温。
- maximum allowable misalignment ==> 最大容许位移
- maximum allowable noise level ==> 最高许可噪音声级
- maximum allowable operating temperature ==> 最大允许操作温度
- maximum allowable operating temperature (M.A.O.T.) ==> 最高操作温度
- maximum allowable pressure ==> 最大容许压力,最大许可压力
- maximum allowable pressure drop ==> 最大容许压力降
- maximum allowable sample size ==> 最大允许试样量
- maximum allowable speed ==> 允许最高转速
- maximum allowable standard ==> 最高容许标准
- maximum allowable velocity ==> 最大容许速度
- maximum allowable weight capacity ==> 最大許容可搬重量
- maximum allowable working pressure ==> 最大容许工作压力,最大允许工作压力,最高允许工作压力,最高允许工作压力,承压部件在规定条件下运行时所允许承受的最大压力。
- maximum altitude ==> 最大高度
- maximum amount ==> 最高额
- maximum amount limitations ==> 最高额限制
- maximum amplitude frequency bandwidth ==> 最大振幅周波数帯域幅
- maximum and minimum relay ==> 极值继电器
- maximum and minimum tariff ==> 最高最低税则
- maximum and minimum thermometer ==> 最高量低温度表,最高最低温度计
- maximum angle of dumping ==> 最大倾卸角
- maximum angle of inclination ==> 最大倾角
- maximum angular frequency deviation ==> 最大角频率偏移
- maximum aposteriori probability estimation ==> 最大事後確率確定
- maximum apparent error ==> 最大表观误差,最大外显误差
- maximum asymmetric short-circuit current ==> 最大短絡電流
- maximum available gain ==> 最大可用增益
- maximum available gain (MAG) ==> 最大有效增益
- maximum available output of power system ==> 电力系统最大可能出力,电力系统在一定时间内所有发电机组最大可能送出电力的总和
- maximum available power ==> 最大可用功率
- maximum available power gain ==> 最大有能電力利得
- maximum average power output ==> 最大平均功率输出
- maximum average temperature ==> 最高平均温度
- maximum average uncertainty principle ==> 最大平均不确定性原理
- maximum averaging time ==> 最大平均时间
- maximum axle load ==> 最大轴负载
- maximum background equivalent illumination ==> 最大背景等值照度
- maximum bar diameter ==> 最大棒料直径
- maximum beam ==> 最大束流
- maximum belt slope ==> 传送带最大坡度
- maximum belt tension ==> 传送带最大张力
- maximum bending moment envelope ==> 最大弯矩包络线
- maximum blade width ratio ==> 最大叶宽比
- maximum blade width to diameter ratio ==> 最大叶宽与直径比
- maximum block length ==> 最大信息组长度
- maximum boiling-point mixture ==> 最高沸点混合物
- maximum boost ==> 最大增压
- maximum boost horse power ==> 最大升压马力
- maximum boost horsepower ==> 最大增压功率
- maximum boring diameter ==> 最大镗孔直径
- maximum brake power ==> 最大制动功率
- maximum breadth ==> 最大宽度
- maximum breaker ==> 最高限断路器
- maximum breaking capacity ==> 最大断开容量
- maximum breaking load ==> 最大断裂负载
- maximum breathing capacity (MBC) ==> 最大呼吸量
- maximum brightness ==> 最高亮度
- maximum bubble method ==> 最大气泡压力法
- maximum bubble pressure method ==> 最大气泡压力法
- maximum camber ==> 最大弯度
- maximum capability operation ==> 最大出力运行
- maximum capacity ==> 最大功率
- maximum capillary capacity ==> 最大毛管持水量,最大毛管水量
- maximum carrier level ==> 最大载波电平
- maximum carrying capacity ==> 最大负荷容量
- maximum cavity pressure (MCP) ==> 最大腔内压力
- maximum chamfer ==> 最大倒棱
- maximum change ==> 最大变化
- maximum charge ==> 最大装药量
- maximum charge of balls ==> 最大钢球装载量,叶轮或转子转速高于420r/min,利用高速转动的转子的撞击将煤粉碎的磨煤机。
- maximum charge weight ==> 最大充装重量
- maximum clearance ==> 最大间隙
- maximum collective utility ==> 集合体效用极大化
- maximum colour acuity ==> 最大彩色分辨力
- maximum combination ==> 最大结合
- maximum combustion pressure ==> 最高燃烧压力
- maximum comfortable side friction ==> 最大舒适度的横向摩擦力
- maximum command rate ==> 最大指令速率
- maximum compression axis ==> 最大压缩轴
- maximum computed flood ==> 最大估算流量
- maximum concentration site ==> 最大浓度点
- maximum condition ==> 极限条件
- maximum continued sparking speed ==> 最高连续发火转速
- maximum continuous capacity ==> 最大连续容量,制造厂对发电机在所规定的条件下允许作长期运行的最大kVA容量
- maximum continuous load ==> 最大连续负载
- maximum continuous output ==> 最大持续出力,最高持续出力
- maximum continuous rating ==> 最大持续额定出力=>連続定格,連続最大出力
- maximum continuous speed ==> 连续运行最大转速
- maximum continuous voltage ==> 最大连续电压
- maximum conversion ==> 最高转化率
- maximum convexity ==> 最大凸率
- maximum cooking pressure ==> 最高蒸煮压力
- maximum corona ==> 极大日冕
- maximum coupling ==> 最大耦合
- maximum credible accident (MCA) ==> 最大设想事故
- maximum credible accident,MCA ==> 最大可信事故,预期在反应堆寿期内可能发生的最严重的单一事故,如轻水反应堆冷管段双端剪切断裂失水事故。实际上,由多重故障及多种失误造成的严重事故才是核电厂风险的主要来源
- maximum crest ==> 最大峰值,最大幅度
- maximum cross adjustment ==> 最大横向调整表
- maximum cross section ==> 最大横截面
- maximum cross-section ==> 最大截面
- maximum crushing strength ==> 最大压碎强度
- maximum crushing stress ==> 最大压应力
- maximum current capacity ==> 最大电流负荷
- maximum current density ==> 最大电流密度
- maximum current output ==> 最大输出电流
- maximum current relay ==> 过电流继电器
- maximum cut ==> 最大切削量
- maximum cut-off ==> 最大截止频率
- maximum cut-out ==> 高限自动开关
- maximum cutting capacity ==> 最大切削容量
- maximum cylinder volume ==> 最大气缸容积
- maximum daily consumption ==> 最大每日用水量,最高日用水量
- maximum daily dose ==> 最高日剂量
- maximum daily load ==> 日最大负荷,一日记录负荷中,数值最大的一个
- maximum daily yield ==> 最高日产粮
- maximum data rate-to-band-width ratio ==> 最高信道频带利用率
- maximum dead weight ==> 最大载重吨位
- maximum deckle ==> 最大有效网宽
- maximum deflection ==> 最大偏转
- maximum deflection angle ==> 最大偏转角
- maximum delivery ==> 最高排出压力
- maximum delivery pressure ==> 最高排出压力
- maximum demand ==> 最大需量=>最大需要電力
- maximum demand indicator ==> 最大需量指示器
- maximum demand meter ==> 最大负荷指示器
- maximum demand power meter ==> 最大需量功率计
- maximum demand recorder ==> 最大需量记录器
- maximum demand required ==> 最大要求需量,用户要求的需量上限值
- maximum demand watt-hour meter ==> 最大需量瓦时计
- maximum density ==> 最大密度
- maximum density gradation criteria ==> 最大密度级配规范
- maximum density grading ==> 最大密度级配
- maximum dependable capacity ==> 最大可靠出力
- maximum depression ==> 最大俯角
- maximum depth of scour pit ==> 冲刷坑最大深度
- maximum design pressure ==> 最大设计压力
- maximum design voltage ==> 最高设计电压=>最大設計電圧
- maximum design wave height ==> 最大设计波高
- maximum designed shaft horse-power ==> 最大设计轴马力
- maximum detectable range ==> 最大探知距離
- maximum deviation ==> 最大偏差
- maximum diameter of gear cut ==> 齿轮切削最大直径
- maximum diameter of hole ==> 最大孔径
- maximum diameter of slotting saw ==> 开槽锯最大直径
- maximum die set height ==> 最大装模高度
- maximum dielectric strength ==> 最大介电强度
- maximum dimensions ==> 最大尺寸
- maximum dimensions of workpiece ==> 工件最大尺寸
- maximum discharge per second ==> 最大秒流量
- maximum discrimination score ==> 最大识别率
- maximum disinvestment floor ==> 投资收缩的最低限度
- maximum displacement ==> 最大位移
- maximum distance ==> 最大距离
- maximum distance between centers ==> 最大中心距
- maximum distance of face control ==> 最大控顶距离
- maximum distance of perceptibility ==> 最大有感距离
- maximum distortion ==> 最大畸变,最大失真
- maximum diving depth ==> 最大下潜深度
- maximum dominating time ==> 最大支配时间
- maximum dose ==> 最大剂量,极量
- maximum dose equivalent ==> 最大剂量当量
- maximum dose level ==> 最高剂量
- maximum drawbar pull ==> 最大牵引力
- maximum drilling diameter ==> 最大钻孔直径
- maximum dry density ==> 最大干密度
- maximum dry unit weight ==> 最大干容重
- maximum dump clearance ==> 最大卸载高度
- maximum duration ==> 最长时间
- maximum dust content ==> 最大含尘量
- maximum duty of water ==> 最大灌溉率
- maximum ebb ==> 最大落潮流速
- maximum eclipse ==> 最大食分
- maximum economical plus grade ==> 最大经济升坡
- maximum effective range ==> 最大有效射程
- maximum effective temperature ==> 最高有效温度
- maximum effective value of short-circuit current ==> 短路电流最大有效值
- maximum efficiency ==> 最大效果
- maximum efficiency curve ==> 最高效率曲线
- maximum elastic moment ==> 最大弹性力矩
- maximum electric field ==> 最大電界
- maximum element ==> 最大元
- maximum elevation ==> 最大高程,最大射角
- maximum elongation ==> 最大伸长
- maximum emission concentration ==> 最大排放浓度
- maximum energy product ==> 最大エネルギー積
- maximum energy transfer ==> 最大转移能量
- maximum engine speed ==> 发动机最大转速=>最大回転数
- maximum entropy analysis ==> 最大熵分析
- maximum entropy method (MEM) ==> 最大熵法
- maximum entropy spectrum estimation ==> 极大熵谱估计
- maximum equivalent conductance ==> 最大等效电导
- maximum equivalent daily handling quantity ==> 最大等效日操作量
- maximum erosion depth ==> 最大冲刷深度
- maximum error ==> 最大误差
- maximum evaporation rate ==> 最大蒸发率
- maximum evaporative capacity ==> 最高蒸发量
- maximum expiratory flow rate ==> 最大呼气流速
- maximum expiratory flow volume ==> 最大呼气流量
- maximum extension ==> 最大扩张,最大延长
- maximum extent ==> 最大程度
- maximum extrusion pressure ==> 最大挤压力
- maximum failure rate ==> 最高故障率
- maximum fan-out ==> 最大扇出数
- maximum feasible pressure ==> 最大可能的压力
- maximum feed stop lever ==> 最大供油量限止杆
- maximum feeding length ==> 最大送料长度
- maximum field capacity ==> 最大田间持水量
- maximum field of view ==> 最大视场
- maximum filamental flow ==> 最大线流速
- maximum financial requirements ==> 最高资金需要额
- maximum flame height without smoking ==> 最高无烟火焰高度
- maximum flat response ==> 最大平坦响应
- maximum floatable size ==> 最大可浮粒度
- maximum flood ==> 最大洪水,最大涨潮流速
- maximum flood discharge ==> 最大洪水流量
- maximum flood level ==> 最高洪水位
- maximum flow ==> 最大流量,最高流量,极大流
- maximum flow problem ==> 最大流量问题,最大流问题=>最大フロー問題
- maximum flow rate ==> 最大流率,最高流量率
- maximum flow-minimum cut theorem ==> 最大フロー・最小カットの定理
- maximum flying speed ==> 最大飞行速度
- maximum fording depth ==> 最大涉水深度
- maximum frequency deviation ==> 最大频率偏移
- maximum frequency of picture current ==> 最高图像电流频率
- maximum frequency operation ==> 最大频率工作
- maximum friction ==> 最大摩擦力
- maximum frictional force ==> 最大摩擦力
- maximum fuel limit screw ==> 最大燃油限制螺钉
- maximum full flow pressure ==> 全流量最大圧力(ポンプの)
- maximum gain ==> 最大增益
- maximum gas temperature ==> 最高燃气温度
- maximum gate power ==> 最大门功率
- maximum gate voltage ==> 最大门电压
- maximum generating watt ==> 最大发电量
- maximum generation load of power system ==> 电力系统最大发电负荷,单位时间内的最大负荷与网损值之和
- maximum good field radius ==> 最大工作场半径
- maximum grade ==> 最大坡度
- maximum grain yield ==> 最高籽粒产量
- maximum grinding diameter ==> 最大磨削直径
- maximum grinding diameter on centers ==> 中心最大磨削直径
- maximum grinding efficiency ==> 最大磨矿效率
- maximum grinding length ==> 最大磨削长度
- maximum grinding travel ==> 最大磨削行程
- maximum gross weight ==> 最大总重量
- maximum ground contact pressure ==> 最大接地压力
- maximum growth period ==> 最快生长期
- maximum growth temperature ==> 最高生长温度
- maximum guaranteed capability ==> 最大保证出力
- maximum hardness test ==> (焊接区的)最高硬度试验
- maximum head ==> 最大水头,水电站上下游水位在一定组合下出现的最大净水头
- maximum heat-release rate ==> 最大放热速率
- maximum heatrelease rate ==> 最大放热速率
- maximum height ==> 最大高度
- maximum horizontal range ==> 最大水平射程
- maximum hourly consumption ==> 最大时用水量
- maximum hourly demand ==> 最大每时需量
- maximum hourly volume ==> 最大每小时交通量
- maximum humidity ==> 最大湿度
- maximum impedance frequency ==> 最大阻抗频率
- maximum in-station cabling ==> 最长局内电缆
- maximum input level ==> 最大输入电平
- maximum input repetition rate ==> 最大输入重复频率
- maximum input signal level ==> 最大输入信号电平
- maximum input voltage ==> 最高输入电压
- maximum inspiration ==> 最大吸気
- maximum instantaneous fuel change ==> 最高瞬间然料变动率
- maximum instantaneous power ==> 最大瞬时功率
- maximum instantaneous wind speed ==> 最大瞬时风速
- maximum intensity map ==> 最大烈度图
- maximum interference ==> 最大干涉,最大过盈
- maximum inverse peak current ==> 最大反向峰值电流
- maximum issue method ==> 最高额发行法
- maximum J condition ==> 极大J条件
- maximum justification rate ==> 最大调整率
- maximum keying frequency ==> 最高键频
- maximum knock-out stroke ==> (压力机的)最大打料行程
- maximum latency ==> 最大等待时间
- maximum length ==> 最大长度
- maximum length of bar feeding ==> 棒料最大送料长度
- maximum length of the pod ==> 荚的最大长度
- maximum length of workpiece ==> 工件最大长度
- maximum length sequence ==> 最大长度序列
- maximum lethal oxygen concentration ==> 最高致死氧量
- maximum likelihood criterion ==> 最大似然准则
- maximum likelihood decision rule ==> 最大似然判别法则
- maximum likelihood detection ==> 最大似然检测
- maximum likelihood estimate ==> 最大似然估计法
- maximum likelihood estimation ==> 最ゆう推定
- maximum likelihood method ==> 最大似然方法,最大似然量法,极大似然法
- maximum likelihood test ==> 最大似然检测
- maximum limit ==> 最大限度,最高限制
- maximum limit deposit velocity ==> 最大极限沉积流速
- maximum limit of size ==> 最大极限尺寸
- maximum load ==> 最大负载=>最大負荷
- maximum load indicator ==> 最高负载指示器
- maximum loading ==> 最大载荷,最大装载量
- maximum loading capacity ==> 最大容许载重量
- maximum longitudinal grade ==> 最大纵坡
- maximum loose ==> 最大松散度
- maximum lump size ==> 最大块尺寸
- maximum machine voltage ==> (计算机的)最大运算电压
- maximum machining height ==> 最大加工高度
- maximum machining length ==> 最大加工长度
- maximum magnitude ==> 最大允许量
- maximum maintenance weight (MAX. MAINT WGT) ==> 最大维护重量
- maximum matching ==> 极大匹配
- maximum material condition ==> 最大实体条件
- maximum material principle ==> 最大实体原则
- maximum melting capacity ==> 最大熔化能力
- maximum melting rate ==> (玻璃池窑的)最高熔化率
- maximum milking rate ==> 最高挤奶速度
- maximum minimum thermometer ==> 最高最低温度计
- maximum misfire revolution ==> 最高断火转速
- maximum mixing depth (MMD) ==> 最大混合深度
- maximum modulating frequency ==> 最高调制频率
- maximum modulation ==> 最大调制度
- maximum modulation frequency ==> 最高调制频率
- maximum module of gear cut ==> 最大齿轮切削模数
- maximum module to be cut ==> 最大切削模数
- maximum modulus ==> 最大模数
- maximum modulus principle ==> 最大模原理
- maximum moisture capacity ==> 最大持水量,最大容水量
- maximum molecular moisture ==> 最大分子持水量
- maximum molecular water content ==> 最大分子吸水量
- maximum moment ==> 最大力矩
- maximum momentary pressure ==> 最大水圧
- maximum momentary speed ==> 瞬间最大转速
- maximum momentary speed variation ==> 瞬时最大速度变化率,最大瞬时速度变化率
- maximum nail holding power ==> 最大握钉力
- maximum navigation discharge ==> 最大通航流量
- maximum no effect level ==> 最大无影响剂量
- maximum noise level ==> 最大噪声级
- maximum non-fusing current ==> 最大不溶断電流
- maximum non-load speed ==> 最大空载转速
- maximum noneffect level ==> 最大无影响量
- maximum norm ==> 最大范数,最大模
- maximum normal subgroup ==> 极大正规子群
- maximum normal working pressure ==> 最大额定工作压力
- maximum number ==> 最大数
- maximum number of balls ==> 最多球数
- maximum number of revolutions ==> 最高转数
- maximum number of rollers ==> 最多滚子数
- maximum number of strokes per minute ==> 每分钟最高行程数
- maximum observed hourly volume ==> 最大实测每小时交通量
- maximum observed precipitation ==> 最大观测降水量
- maximum of a set ==> 集的极大值
- maximum opening diameter without reinforcement ==> 不另行补强的最大孔径
- maximum operating efficiency ==> 最大运转效率
- maximum operating plan ==> 最大运行方式,当系统负荷水平最大时,为电力系统生产和运行编制的运行方案
- maximum operating temperature ==> 最高运行温度
- maximum operating voltage ==> 最大工作电压
- maximum operation (service) temperature ==> 最高使用温度
- maximum operation frequency ==> 最大工作频率,最高工作频率
- maximum operation resistance ==> 最大工作阻力
- maximum operation width ==> 最大作业宽度
- maximum output ==> 最大产量,最高产率=>最大出力
- maximum output current ==> 最大输出电流
- maximum output level ==> 最高录音磁平
- maximum output of the power station ==> 电厂最高出力
- maximum output power ==> 最大出力
- maximum output power contorl system ==> 最大输出功率控制系统=>最大出力制御システム
- maximum output pressure(absolute) ==> (绝对)最高排出压力
- maximum output voltage ==> 最高输出电压
- maximum outreach ==> 最大跨距
- maximum outside diameter of gear cut ==> 最大齿轮切削外径
- maximum overall efficiency ==> 最大总效率,最高总效率
- maximum overall length ==> 最大全长
- maximum overall profitability ==> 最大总盈利
- maximum overload capability ==> 最大过负荷容量,在规定的过负荷条件下调节汽阀全部开启时,发电机出线端能发出的最大功率
- maximum overload torque ==> 最大过负载转矩
- maximum overshoot ==> 最大过调量
- maximum oxide thickness ==> 最厚氧化层厚度
- maximum oxygen consumption ==> 最大耗氧量
- maximum packet lifetime (MPL) ==> 包的最长寿命
- maximum packing case size ==> 最大包装箱尺寸
- maximum parsimony method ==> 最大節約法
- maximum particle diameter ==> 最大粒径
- maximum particle size ==> 最大粒度,最大粒径
- maximum pattern area ==> 最大花型范围
- maximum payload ==> 最大容许载重量=>最大積載量
- maximum peak ==> 最大峰值
- maximum peak forward current ==> 最大正向峰值电流
- maximum peak forward voltage ==> 最大正向峰值电压=>最大ピーク耐順電圧
- maximum peak inverse voltage ==> 最大反向峰值电压=>最大ピーク耐逆電圧
- maximum peak inverse volts ==> 最大反向峰压
- maximum peak reverse voltage ==> 最大ピーク逆電圧
- maximum peak voltage ==> 最大峰值电压
- maximum penetration volume ==> 最大透过容量
- maximum percent overshoot ==> 最大百分比超调量
- maximum percentage modulation ==> 最大调制度
- maximum permeability ==> 最大磁导率
- maximum permissble revolution ==> 最大容许转数
- maximum permissible acceleration ==> 最大允许加速度
- maximum permissible accumulated dose ==> 最大容许累积剂量
- maximum permissible amount (MPA) ==> (金额)最大允许量
- maximum permissible body burden (MPBB) ==> 人体最大容许负荷
- maximum permissible boost pressure ==> 最大容许增压
- maximum permissible concentration (MPC) ==> 最大容许浓度
- maximum permissible conductor temperature ==> 許容導体温度
- maximum permissible contamination level ==> 最高容许沾染水平
- maximum permissible cumulated dose ==> 最大容许累积剂量
- maximum permissible current ==> 最大容许电流
- maximum permissible daily intake ==> 最大容许日摄入量
- maximum permissible deviation ==> 最大容许偏离
- maximum permissible displacement ==> 最大容许位移
- maximum permissible dosage ==> 最大容许剂量
- maximum permissible dose ==> 最大容许剂量,最高容许量
- maximum permissible dose (MPD) ==> 最大允许剂量
- maximum permissible dose equivalent ==> 最大容许剂量当量
- maximum permissible dose rate ==> 最大容许剂量率
- maximum permissible dustiness ==> 最大允许含尘量
- maximum permissible error ==> 最大容许误差
- maximum permissible exposure ==> 最大容许照射
- maximum permissible exposure (MPE) ==> 最大允许曝射量
- maximum permissible flux ==> 最大容许通量
- maximum permissible gross laden weight ==> 最大容许总装载重,(车辆)最大容许满载总重
- maximum permissible indicated speed ==> 最大允许表速
- maximum permissible intake (MPI) ==> 最大允许摄入量
- maximum permissible integral dose ==> 最大容许累积剂量
- maximum permissible level ==> 最大容许水平
- maximum permissible levels ==> 最大可容水平
- maximum permissible limit ==> 最大容许极限
- maximum permissible load ==> 最大容许载荷
- maximum permissible load(ing) ==> 最大容许负载
- maximum permissible noise level ==> 最大容许噪声电平
- maximum permissible porosity indication ==> 最大的允许气孔显示
- maximum permissible power ==> 最大容许功率
- maximum permissible pressure ==> 最大容许压力
- maximum permissible release ==> 最大容许排放
- maximum permissible service temperature ==> 最大允许使用温度
- maximum permissible speed ==> 最大容许速度,最大允许转速
- maximum permissible stress ==> 最大许用应力
- maximum permissible temperature ==> 最高允许温度
- maximum permissible value ==> 最大容许值
- maximum permissible velocity ==> 最大容许速度
- maximum permissible weekly dose ==> 最大容许周剂量
- maximum permitted concentration ==> 最大容许浓度
- maximum pickup current ==> (继电器)最大闭合电流
- maximum picture frequency ==> 最大图形信号频率,最高图像频率=>最大画周波数
- maximum picture height ==> 最大图像高度
- maximum picture width ==> 最大图像宽度
- maximum piston rod pull ==> 活塞杆最大拉力
- maximum pitch rolled ==> 最大滚丝距
- maximum planing height ==> 最大刨削高度
- maximum planing length ==> 最大刨削长度
- maximum planing width ==> 最大刨削宽度
- maximum plastic work principle ==> 最大塑性功原理
- maximum plate input ==> 最大板极输入
- maximum point on a curve ==> 曲线上的极大点
- maximum polarization ==> 最大极化强度
- maximum possible magnitude ==> 最大可能允许量
- maximum possible operating factor ==> 最大可能利用率
- maximum possible precipitation ==> 最大可能降雨量
- maximum possible wave ==> 最大可能波浪
- maximum potential ==> 最高电位
- maximum potential strength ==> 最大潜在强度
- maximum power ==> 最大功率=>最大電力,最大出力
- maximum power altitude ==> 最大动力高度
- maximum power dissipation ==> 最大功耗
- maximum power output ==> 最高输出功率
- maximum power point tracking control ==> 最大負荷追従,最大電力点追従制御
- maximum power rating ==> 最大功率定额
- maximum power relay ==> 过载继电器
- maximum power-transfer theorem ==> 最大功率传输定理
- maximum precipitation ==> 最大降水量
- maximum pressure ==> 最大压力,最高压力
- maximum pressure boost (m.p.b.) ==> 最大增压
- maximum pressure governor ==> 最高压力调节器
- maximum pressure valve ==> 最大压力阀
- maximum principal strain ==> 最大主应变
- maximum principal stress ==> 最大主应力
- maximum principle ==> 最大原理
- maximum producible oil index ==> 最高可采油指数
- maximum production of lactic acid ==> 最大乳酸产量
- maximum productive capacity ==> 最大生产能力
- maximum productivity ==> 最高生产率
- maximum profit ==> 最大利润
- maximum pull ==> 最大拉力
- maximum pump discharge ==> 最大排量
- maximum punch length ==> 凸模最大长度
- maximum quantity acceptable ==> 最大可接受交货量,可接受最大数量
- maximum quantity of stores ==> 最高库存量
- maximum quantity of wind ==> 最大风量
- maximum quenching hardness ==> 最高淬火硬度
- maximum radiation ==> 最高辐射
- maximum radius ==> 最大半径
- maximum range ==> 最大探测距离=>最大探知距離
- maximum rate ==> 最高定额,最高率
- maximum rate of fire ==> 最大射速
- maximum rate of flow ==> 最大流量,最高乳流速度
- maximum rate of N accumulation ==> 最大氮素积累速率
- maximum rated sound-power level ==> 最大标定声功率级
- maximum ratio ==> 最大比例
- maximum ratio combining ==> 最大比值合并
- maximum ration ==> 最大喂食量
- maximum receiving efficiency ==> 最高接收效率
- maximum reception volume ==> 最高接收音量
- maximum recorded flow ==> 记录最大流量
- maximum recording attachment ==> 最高需量记录装置
- maximum recording level ==> 最高记录磁平
- maximum recording thermometer ==> 最高自记温度表
- maximum reduction ==> 最大压下量
- maximum reinforcement ==> 最大补强
- maximum relay ==> 过电流继电器,过载继电器,极限继电器
- maximum relieving depth ==> 最大铲齿深度
- maximum relieving length ==> 最大铲齿长度
- maximum remanent flux ==> 饱和剩磁
- maximum reset time ==> 最大复位时间
- maximum residue limit ==> 最大残留量
- maximum resistance ==> 最高电阻,极限电阻
- maximum resistive cutoff frequencies ==> 最高电阻截止频率
- maximum retention time ==> 最大保留时间
- maximum return ==> 最大收益
- maximum return signal ==> 最大返回信号
- maximum reverse voltage ==> 最大反向电压
- maximum revolution ==> 最大转数
- maximum rotative speed ==> 最大旋转速度
- maximum running torque ==> 最大转矩
- maximum runoff rate ==> 最大径流速度
- maximum safe air-speed indicator ==> 最大安全空速指示器
- maximum safe capacity ==> 最大安全容量
- maximum safe concentration ==> 最大安全浓度
- maximum safe speed ==> 最大安全速度
- maximum safe working pressure ==> 最高安全工作压力
- maximum safety setting ==> 最大安全定值
- maximum safety temperature ==> 最高容许温度
- maximum safety-capacity ==> 最大安全容量
- maximum saturation ==> 最大饱和度
- maximum sawing or filling thickness of work ==> 工件锯割或锉削最大厚度
- maximum scale value ==> 最大刻度值
- maximum screen luminance ratio ==> 最大屏亮度比率
- maximum secondary discharge ==> 最大二次排放量
- maximum section coefficient ==> 最大横剖面系数
- maximum section of cutting tools ==> 刀具最大截面
- maximum sediment concentration ==> 最大含沙量
- maximum segment lifetime (MSL) ==> 段的最长寿命
- maximum segregation ==> 最大偏析
- maximum seismic intensity ==> 最大地震裂度
- maximum self-conjugate sub-group ==> 最大自共轭子群
- maximum sensitive angle test of relay operation ==> 继电器动作最大灵敏角试验
- maximum sensitivity ==> 最大灵敏度
- maximum sensitivity angle ==> 最大感度(位相)角
- maximum service life ==> 最长工作寿命,最大工作寿命
- maximum service life (MSL) ==> 最大使用寿命
- maximum shaft power ==> 最大轴功率
- maximum shear ==> 最大剪力
- maximum shear strain ==> 最大切胁变
- maximum shear stress ==> 最大剪应力,最大切胁强
- maximum shear stress criterion ==> 最大剪应力准则
- maximum shear stress yield criterion ==> 最大剪切应力屈服条件
- maximum shear theory ==> 最大剪力理论
- maximum shearing stress ==> 最大剪应力
- maximum shop assembly ==> 最大程度工厂组装
- maximum shut height ==> (压机的)最大封闭高度
- maximum signal level ==> 最大信号电平
- maximum signal recognition time ==> 最大信号识别时间
- maximum size ==> 最大尺寸,最大孔径
- maximum size of plate cut ==> 冲剪板最大尺寸
- maximum slip ==> 最大滑动
- maximum slope ==> 最大坡度
- maximum solution ==> 最大解
- maximum sound pressure ==> 最大声压
- maximum sound pressure level ==> 最大声压级
- maximum span ==> 极限档距
- maximum span-depth ratio ==> 最大跨深比
- maximum speed ==> 最大速度=>最大速度
- maximum speed governor ==> 最高速度调节器
- maximum speed of revolution ==> 最高转速
- maximum speed on cross-country ==> 最大越野行驶速度
- maximum speed regulator ==> 最高转数调速器
- maximum speed test ==> 最高速度试验
- maximum speed-up hierarchy ==> 最大加速层次
- maximum spindle traverse ==> 主轴最大横向行程
- maximum stage ==> 最高水位
- maximum standard deviation ==> 最大标准差
- maximum starting current ==> 最大起动电流
- maximum static deflection ==> 最大静挠度
- maximum stationary phase ==> 最大静止期
- maximum steepness ==> 最大陡度
- maximum stock control ==> 最高存量管理法
- maximum storage time ==> 最大存储时间
- maximum strain ==> 最大应变
- maximum strain theory ==> 最大应变理论
- maximum strain theory of failure ==> 最大应变破坏理论
- maximum stream flow ==> 最大量=>最大流量
- maximum streamflow ==> 河道最大流量
- maximum stress (MS) ==> 最大应力
- maximum stress limit ==> 最大应力极限
- maximum stress theory ==> 最大应力理论
- maximum stroke ==> 最大行程
- maximum subsidence ==> 最大沉陷
- maximum suction ==> 最大真空度
- maximum suction lift ==> 最大吸入高度
- maximum suction pressure ==> 最高吸入压力
- maximum suction pressure (suct.press.max.) ==> 最大吸入压力
- maximum superelevation rate ==> 最大超高率
- maximum support clearance ==> 最大支承间隙
- maximum surge current ==> 最大浪涌电流
- maximum survival time ==> 最高存活时间
- maximum suspension time ==> 最大中止时间
- maximum sustained yield ==> 最大可持续收获量
- maximum sweating ==> 最大出汗量
- maximum swelling ==> 最大膨胀
- maximum swing diameter of work over bed ==> 车床床面上加工最大直径
- maximum swing diameter of work over carriage ==> 车床在刀架上的最大加工直径
- maximum swivel of table ==> 工作台最大回转度数
- maximum swivel of tool slide ==> 刀架最大回转度数
- maximum system voltage ==> 最高系统电压
- maximum table speed ==> 工作台最大速度
- maximum take-off weight ==> 最大起飞重量
- maximum temperature ==> 最高温度
- maximum temperature rise ==> 最大温升
- maximum temperature thermometer ==> 最高温度计
- maximum temperature-rise ==> 极限温升
- maximum tension ==> 最大拉力,最大张力
- maximum tension stress ==> 最大拉应力
- maximum tensional stress ==> 最大张应力
- maximum thermometer ==> 最高温度计
- maximum thickness of bending plate ==> 最大卷板厚度
- maximum thickness of muscling ==> 肌肉极厚
- maximum thiuram concentration ==> 最大秋兰姆浓度
- maximum thread diameter ==> 最大螺纹直径
- maximum throat depth ==> (点焊机的)夹钳外伸长度
- maximum throughput ==> 最大排出量
- maximum thrust ==> 最大推力
- maximum tidal current ==> 最大潮流速度
- maximum tide ==> 高潮
- maximum tight ==> 最大紧密度
- maximum tillering stage ==> 最高分蘖期
- maximum toggle speed ==> 最大反复速度
- maximum tolerable noise ==> 最大容许噪声
- maximum tolerance limit ==> 最大耐受量
- maximum tolerated dose ==> 最大耐受量
- maximum tonnage capacity ==> 最大通过能力
- maximum torque ==> 最大转矩=>最大トルク
- maximum torque angle ==> 最大感度角
- maximum torque control ==> 最大トルク制御
- maximum torque control axis ==> 最大トルク制御軸
- maximum torque spark timing ==> 最大扭矩点火正时
- maximum torque speed ==> 最大扭矩转速
- maximum total sag ==> 最大总垂度
- maximum total traverse ==> 最大方向转动界
- maximum trace amplitude ==> 最大波振幅
- maximum traction truck ==> 最大牵引车架
- maximum trailed load ==> 最大牵引载荷
- maximum transfer rate ==> 最大传送速率
- maximum transmission ratio ==> 最大传动比
- maximum transmission time ==> 最长传输时间
- maximum transmitting efficiency ==> 最高发射效率
- maximum transverse section coefficient ==> 最大横剖面系数
- maximum travel of cross slide ==> 横刀架最大行程
- maximum travel of spindle ==> 主轴最大行程
- maximum travel of tool slide ==> 刀架最大行程
- maximum travel of turret slide ==> 回转刀架最大行程
- maximum travel of vertical slide ==> 立刀架最大行程
- maximum tubular excretory capacity ==> 小管最大排泄量
- maximum tubular reabsorptive capacity ==> 小管最大重吸收量
- maximum turn separation point ==> 最大圈距点
- maximum turning length ==> 最大车削长度
- maximum tyre load ==> 最大轮胎负载
- maximum unambiguous range ==> 最大单值区域
- maximum undistorted output ==> 最大无畸变输出功率
- maximum undistorted power output ==> 最大不失真功率输出,最大无失真输出功率=>無ひずみ最大出力
- maximum unilateralized power gain ==> 最大单向功率增益
- maximum unit stress ==> 最大单位应力
- maximum usable frequency ==> 最高可用频率
- maximum usable frequency (MUF) ==> 最高可用频率
- maximum useful discharge ==> 最大使用流量
- maximum useful frequency ==> 最大使用频率
- maximum utility ==> 最大效用
- maximum vacuum ==> 最高真空度
- maximum value ==> 极大值=>最大値
- maximum value indicator ==> 最高值指示器
- maximum value of an alternating component ==> 交互に変わる成分の最大値
- maximum vapour pressure ==> 最大水汽压力
- maximum velocity ==> 最大速度
- maximum velocity ratio ==> 最大速度比
- maximum vertical speed ==> 最大垂直速度
- maximum void ratio ==> 最大孔隙比
- maximum voltage ==> 最高电压
- maximum voltage relay ==> 过压继电器
- maximum volume ==> 最大容积,最大体积
- maximum warm-up speed ==> 最大加温转数
- maximum water consumption ==> 最高耗水量
- maximum water holding capacity ==> 最大保水量
- maximum water level ==> 最高水位
- maximum water surface elevation ==> 最高水位
- maximum water vapour tension ==> 最大水汽张力
- maximum wave ==> 最大波浪
- maximum wave height ==> 最大波高
- maximum wavelength ==> 最大波长
- maximum weight ==> 最大重量
- maximum weight of equipment ==> 设备最大重量
- maximum width and thickness of the pad ==> 荚的最大宽度及厚度
- maximum width cut by single-side planer ==> 单边刨最大刨削宽度
- maximum width of ditch ==> 最大越壕宽
- maximum width of face ==> 表面最大宽度
- maximum wind speed ==> 最大风速=>最大風速
- maximum wind velocity ==> 最大风速
- maximum work ==> 最大功
- maximum working (operation) pressure (MWP) ==> 最高使用压力
- maximum working pressure ==> 最大工作压力,最大使用压力,最高工作压力,最高允许压力
- maximum working space ==> 最大工作空间
- maximum working strength ==> 最大使用张力,导线允许承受的最大设计荷重值。
- maximum working temperature ==> 最高工作温度
- maximum working tension ==> 最大工作张力=>最大使用張力
- maximum working value ==> 最大工作面积
- maximum working voltage ==> 最大工作电压
- maximum working voltage (MWV) ==> 最高工作电压
- maximum workpiece weight ==> 工件最大重量
- maximum yield ==> 屈服上限
- maximum-amplitude signal ==> 最大幅度信号
- maximum-continuous ==> 最大连续
- maximum-continuous duty ==> 最大连续工作负载
- maximum-continuous output ==> 最高连续出力
- maximum-continuous rating (MCR) ==> 最大持续功率
- maximum-continuous revolutions ==> 最大持续转速
- maximum-continuous service rating ==> 最大持续运行功率
- maximum-contrast ==> 最大对比度
- maximum-demand tariff ==> 最大需量收费制
- maximum-growth period ==> 最高生长期
- maximum-junction temperature ==> (晶体管的)最大结温度
- maximum-length code ==> 最大长度码
- maximum-likelihood errorcorrecting parser ==> 最大似然误差校正剖析程序
- maximum-likelihood membership function ==> 最大似然从属度函数
- maximum-likelihood stochastic language ==> 最大似然随机语言
- maximum-minimum principle ==> 最大最小值原理,极小-极大定理
- maximum-modulus theorem ==> 极大模定理
- maximum-norm estimates ==> 最大模估计量
- maximum-pressure arch ==> 最大压力拱
- maximum-remembering circuit ==> 最大存储电路
- maximum-signal method ==> 最大信号法
- maximum-speed mixture ==> 最高燃速混合物
- maximum-to-average power ==> 最大功率与平均功率的比
- maximum-to-average-power ratio ==> 最大功率与平均功率的比
- maximumly flat filter ==> 最大平坦滤波器
- maximumwind and shear chart ==> 最大风速和风切变图
- maximun reflectance of vitrinite ==> 镜质体最大反射率,镜质体最大反射率
- maxmin system ==> 库存最大最小定量控制制度
- maxmun field capacity ==> 田间最大持水量
- maxterm expansion ==> 最大项展开
- Maxwell ==> (磁通量单位)麦,麦克斯韦
- Maxwell (MX) ==> 麦克斯韦
- Maxwell and Harrington impact test ==> 麦克斯韦-哈林顿冲击试验
- Maxwell body ==> 麦克斯韦体,麦克斯韦液体
- Maxwell bridge ==> 麦克斯韦电桥
- Maxwell constant ==> 麦克斯韦常数
- Maxwell cross-section ==> 麦克斯韦截面
- Maxwell diagram ==> 麦克斯韦图
- Maxwell disk ==> 麦克斯韦圆盘
- Maxwell distribution ==> 麦克斯韦分布,麦克斯韦分配,马克斯韦尔分布
- Maxwell distribution law ==> 麦克斯韦分布定律
- Maxwell effect ==> 麦克斯韦效应
- Maxwell eguation ==> 麦克斯韦方程
- Maxwell equal area rule ==> 麦克斯韦等面积法则
- Maxwell equation of state ==> 麦克斯韦状态方程
- Maxwell equations ==> 麦克斯韦场方程
- Maxwell field equations ==> 麦克斯韦场方程,麦克斯韦电磁场方程
- Maxwell fluid ==> 麦克斯韦流体,粘弹流体
- Maxwell force ==> 麦克斯韦力
- Maxwell fundamental equation ==> 麦克斯韦基本方程
- Maxwell House coffee ==> 麦氏咖啡,麦氏三合一咖啡
- Maxwell House coffee 麦氏咖啡=> ==> 麦氏三合一咖啡
- Maxwell House instant coffee ==> 麦氏速溶咖啡
- Maxwell inductance bridge ==> 麦克斯韦电感电桥
- Maxwell isotropic viscous medium ==> 麦克斯韦各向同性粘性介质
- Maxwell liquid ==> 麦克斯韦液体
- Maxwell model ==> (表示材料流变性质的一种力学模型)麦克斯韦模型
- Maxwell orthogonal rheometer ==> 麦克斯韦正交流变仪
- Maxwell primaries ==> 麦克斯韦基色
- Maxwell relation ==> 麦克斯韦关系式
- Maxwell relaxation equation ==> 麦克斯韦松弛方程
- Maxwell relaxation time ==> 麦克斯韦松弛时间
- Maxwell resistance bridge ==> 麦克斯韦电阻电桥
- Maxwell rule ==> 麦克斯韦定则
- Maxwell spectrum ==> 麦克斯韦能谱
- Maxwell stress ==> マックスウェル応力
- Maxwell triangle ==> 麦克斯韦三角形,色三角
- Maxwell Wagner mechanism ==> 麦克斯韦-瓦格纳机构
- Maxwell's coefficient of diffusion ==> 麦克斯韦扩散系数
- Maxwell's demon ==> 麦克斯韦妖=>マックスウェルのデモン
- Maxwell's electromagnetic equation ==> 麦克斯韦电磁方程式
- Maxwell's electromagnetic theory ==> 麦克斯韦电磁理论
- Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light ==> 麦克斯韦氏光的电磁论
- Maxwell's equation ==> 麦克斯威尔
- Maxwell's equations ==> マックスウェル方程式
- Maxwell's field equation ==> 麦克斯韦电磁场方程
- Maxwell's fish-eye ==> 麦克斯韦鱼眼
- Maxwell's formula ==> 麦克斯韦公式
- Maxwell's fundamental equations of electromagnetic field ==> マックスウェルの電磁界基本方程式
- Maxwell's hypothesis ==> 麦克斯韦假说
- Maxwell's law of velocity disribution ==> 麦克斯韦速度分布定律
- Maxwell's law of velocity distribution ==> マックスウェルの速度分布則
- Maxwell's law reciprocal deflection ==> 麦克斯韦变位互等定律
- Maxwell's mean free path ==> 麦克斯韦平均自由行程
- Maxwell's spot ==> 麦克斯韦光斑
- Maxwell's stress force ==> 麦克斯韦应力
- Maxwell's stress functions ==> 麦克斯韦应力函数
- Maxwell's theory of light ==> 麦克斯韦光学理论
- Maxwell, J.C.Maxwell ==> 1831-1879,麦克斯韦,英国科学家
- Maxwell-Betti reciprocal theorem ==> 麦克斯韦-贝蒂互换定理
- Maxwell-Boltzmamnn quantum statistics ==> 麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼量子统计学
- Maxwell-Boltzman distribution ==> マックスウェルボルツマン分布
- Maxwell-Boltzman statistics ==> マックスウェルボルツマン統計
- Maxwell-Boltzmann classical statistics ==> 麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼经典统计学
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution ==> 麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼分布学
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law ==> 麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼分布律
- Maxwell-Boltzmann equation ==> 玻耳兹曼输运方程
- Maxwell-Boltzmann statistic ==> 马克斯韦尔-博尔茨曼统计量
- Maxwell-mohr's Method ==> 麦克斯韦-慕尔法
- Maxwell-Mohr's Method ==> 麦克斯韦-慕尔法
- Maxwell-turn(unit of mag-netic loop) ==> 麦克斯韦匝
- Maxwellian character ==> 麦克斯韦特性
- Maxwellian distribution ==> 麦克斯韦分布
- Maxwellian distribution law ==> 麦克斯韦分布律
- Maxwellian energy distribution ==> 麦克斯韦能量分布
- Maxwellian equilibrium ==> 麦克斯韦平衡
- Maxwellian gas ==> 麦克斯韦气体
- Maxwellian velocity distribution ==> 麦克斯韦速度分布
- Maxwellian viewing system ==> 麦克斯韦观察系统
- Maxwells circulating current ==> 麦克斯韦环流
- Maxwells electromagnetic theory ==> 麦克斯韦电磁理论
- Maxwells field ==> 麦克斯韦场
- Maxwells law ==> 麦克斯韦定律
- Maxwells law of reciprocity ==> 麦克斯韦互等变位定律
- Maxwells stress tensor ==> 麦克斯韦应力张量
- may ==> 夏花山楂,山楂属植物
- May ==> 山楂属
- may apple ==> 鬼臼根
- may beetle ==> 五月金龟子
- May bloom ==> 山楂花
- may bug ==> 五月金龟子
- May duke ==> 五月爵士樱桃
- May Hill sandstone ==> 梅丘陵砂岩
- May sickness ==> 五月病
- May thorn ==> 山楂
- May whitewing ==> 五月白翅海番鸭
- May's graticule ==> 梅斯分度镜
- May's spore staining ==> 梅氏芽胞染色法
- Maya arch ==> 玛雅式拱,马雅式拱,突拱
- Maya architecture ==> 马雅式建筑,(中美洲印第安人的建筑)玛雅建筑
- Maya wharf ==> 摩耶ふ頭
- Mayan ==> マヤの,マヤ人
- Mayan astronomy ==> 玛雅天文学
- Mayan calendar ==> マヤ暦
- Mayan ruins ==> マヤ遺跡
- Mayari R ==> 迈亚里R低合金耐热钢
- Maybach impact testing machine ==> 梅氏冲击试验机
- maybe ==> 大概
- maybird ==> 五月鸟
- maybush ==> 山楂
- Maycoustic ==> 隔声用人造石
- mayday ==> 无线电话求救信号
- MAYDAY Distress Signal (Spoken Word) ==> 危难信号(口语词汇)
- Mayduke ==> 五月爵士樱桃
- mayen ==> 高山低草原
- Mayer ==> メイヤー
- mayer ==> 迈尔
- Mayer condensation theory ==> 迈耶尔凝结理论,梅耶凝结理论
- Mayer curve(M-curve) ==> 迈尔曲线
- Mayer formula ==> 迈耶尔公式,梅耶公式
- Mayer hardness ==> 迈耶尔硬度
- Mayer problem ==> 迈耶尔问题,梅耶问题
- Mayer problem in calculus of variations ==> 变分法中的梅耶问题
- Mayer process ==> 迈耶尔精密冲裁法
- Mayer synthesis ==> 迈耶尔合成法
- Mayer test ==> 迈耶尔试验
- Mayer's fluid ==> (氯化银磺化锌溶液)迈耶尔溶液
- Mayer's glycerin-albumin mixture ==> 迈尔氏甘油白蛋白合剂
- Mayer's hemalum stain ==> 迈尔氏苏木精明矾染剂
- mayer's index ==> 迈耶尔指数
- Mayer's ligaments ==> 迈耶尔韧带,桡腕韧带
- Mayer's position ==> 梅氏位
- Mayer's reagent ==> 迈耶尔生物碱试剂
- Mayer's reflex ==> 迈尔氏反射,(拇内收反射)迈耶尔反射
- Mayer's speculum ==> (检阴道)迈耶尔窥器
- mayers index ==> 迈耶尔指数
- mayfly ==> 蜉蝣
- Maying ==> 五朔节采花活动
- Mayo dress fabric ==> 梅奥斜纹织物
- mayonnaise ==> 低温残渣,蛋黄酱=>マヨネーズ
- Maypress ==> 梅氏压力机
- mays ==> 王蜀黍
- Maysvillian ==> 迈斯维尔阶
- maytanbutacine ==> 美登布他新碱
- maytanbutine ==> 美登布亭碱,美坦布亭
- maytanprine ==> 美登普林碱,美坦普林
- maytansine ==> 美登生碱,美坦生
- Maytansine ==> 美登素
- maytenin ==> 马登努斯素
- maytree ==> 山楂
- mayurone ==> 麦由酮
- Mays graticule ==> 梅斯分度镜
- Mazak alloy ==> 马扎克锌基压铸合金
- mazarine blue ==> 深蓝色
- Mazda ==> 马自达
- maze ==> 迷宫,迷津,曲径,曲折前室
- maze decision ==> 迷路判定
- maze decision stack ==> 迷路判定栈
- maze domain ==> 迷宫形磁畴
- maze method ==> 迷宫法,迷路法
- maze of engine parts ==> 迷路のように入り組んだエンジン部品
- maze search ==> 迷路探索
- maze-bright ==> 敏于迷路的
- maze-dull ==> 钝于迷路的
- maze-running algorithm ==> 迷路走线算法
- mazing test ==> 迷津测验
- Mazlo alloy ==> 梅兹洛合金,镁合金
- mazout ==> 重油
- mazut ==> 重油
- Mazzoni's corpuscle ==> 马仲尼小体
- MB Main Bearing ==> 主轴承
- MB Merchant Broker ==> 工商经纪人
- MB, magnetic bearing type wheel ==> 磁気ベアリング型ホイール
- mb, millibars ==> ミリバール
- MB-3, MB-3 ==> MB-3(NASDAのN-1,-2,H-1ロケット第1段エンジン,米国製)
- Mb/s, megabits per second ==> 百万ビット/秒
- MBA, Master of Business Administration ==> 工商管理硕士=>経営管理学修士
- MBA, multiple berthing adapter ==> 多重係留アダプター
- MBB, Magnetic Blast circuit Breaker ==> 磁気遮断器
- MBB, Messerschmitt Boklow Blahn ==> MBB社
- MBC, magnetic bias control coil ==> 磁気バイアス制御用コイル
- MBC, magnetic bias-control ==> バイアス磁気制御
- MBC, Mill Balance Control ==> ミルバランス制御
- MBCS, main bus current sensor ==> メインバス電流センサ
- mbd ==> 磁泡装置
- mbe ==> 分子束外延
- MBE, Medical and Biological Engineering ==> 医用生体工学
- MBE, molecular beam epitaxy ==> 分子ビームエピタキシー
- mbm ==> 磁泡存储器
- MBMW, magnetic bearing momentum wheel ==> 磁気軸受型モメンタムホイール
- MBO, Management Buyout ==> 経営陣買収
- MBP, Milk Basic Protein ==> 碱性牛奶蛋白
- Mbps, megabits per second ==> メガビット毎秒
- MBR ==> 膜分離活性汚泥法,膜生物反应器
- MBRW, magnetic bearing reaction wheel ==> 磁気軸受型リアクションホイール
- MBS, Bulk and Spare ==> バルク,スペアに関するFMPT記号
- MBS, MRS base structure ==> MRSベース構造
- MBSA, main bus switching assembly ==> メインバススイッチングアセンブリ
- MBSL, NRI LIFE SCIENCE ==> 野村生物科学研究所
- MBSU, main bus switching unit ==> メインバススイッチ装置
- mbt ==> 金属基极晶体管
- MBTE, mechanical bench test equipment ==> 機械性ベンチテスト装置
- MC ==> メディアコンバータ,マシニングセンター
- MC tower, Motor Columbus tower ==> コンクリート充填鋼管鉄塔
- MC, magnetic coil ==> 磁気コイル
- MC, magnetic contactor ==> 電磁接触器(負荷装置の開閉・保護用)
- MC, main controller ==> 主制御器
- MC, manned core ==> 有人コア
- MC, Marginal Cost ==> 限界削減コスト
- MC, Media Controller ==> MC
- MC, microcomputer ==> マイクロコンピュータ
- MC, movie camera ==> 映画カメラ
- MC, moving coil ==> 可動コイル
- Mc-Cormac's reflex ==> 对侧膝反射
- MCA, Ministry of Civil Aviation ==> 民間航空局
- MCA, mission control area ==> 衛星管制指令室
- MCA, multichannel access ==> 多チャンネルアクセス
- McArdle's syndrome ==> 麦卡德尔综合征
- McArthur's operation ==> 麦克阿瑟氏手术
- MCB, Molder Circuit Breaker ==> 漏電遮断器
- MCB, motion compensation block ==> 動き補償ブロック
- MCB, Multilateral Coordination Board ==> 多国間調整委員会
- McBurney's point ==> 麦克伯尼点,阑尾点,阑尾炎压痛点
- Mcburney's point ==> 麦克伯尼氏点,麦克伯尼氏征
- McBurney's sign ==> 麦克伯尼氏征
- McBurneys point ==> 麦克伯尼氏征
- MCC, main combustion chamber ==> 主燃焼室
- MCC, mission control center ==> 業務管理センター,ミッションコントロールセンター
- McCaa apparatus ==> 麦凯式自调呼吸器
- McCarthy's reflex ==> 麦卡锡氏反射
- MCCB, molded case circuit breaker ==> 配線用遮断器
- mccd ==> 曲折型沟道电荷耦合装置
- McColl protective system ==> 麦克科尔保护系统
- McCollum terrestrial ammeter ==> 麦克隆姆大地电流指示计
- Mccormac's reflex ==> 交叉膝反射
- McCormac's reflex ==> 麦考马克氏反射
- MCCU, multicommunication control unit ==> 多重通信制御装置
- McCulloch-Pitts cell ==> 麦卡洛克-皮茨细胞
- McCulloch-Pitts neuron ==> 麦卡洛克-皮茨神经元
- MCD, molecular column density ==> 縦列分子密度
- McDonnel Douglas Aircraft Company ==> 麦克唐纳道格拉斯飞机公司
- MCDS, management communications and data system ==> 管理通信とデータシステム
- MCDS, multifunction CRT display system ==> 多重機能CRT表示系
- MCE, common experiment equipment ==> 共通実験装置に関するFMPT記号
- MCE, magnetic control electronics ==> 磁気制御電子機器
- MCE, mobile satellite communications equipment ==> 移動体衛星通信装置
- MCE, modal comfort envelope ==> モーダルカンフォートエンベロープ
- McEwen's point ==> 麦丘恩氏点
- McFadden-Pepper Act ==> 麦克法登佩珀法
- MCFC, molten carbonate fuel cell ==> 溶融炭酸塩形燃料電池
- MCFE ==> 三菱キャタピラー・フォークリフト・ヨーロッパ
- MCG, mission constant generation ==> ミッション定数生成
- McGill metal ==> 麦吉尔可铸可锻铝青铜,麦吉尔铝铁青铜
- McIntire joint ==> マッキンタイヤ接続
- mcintire joint ==> 麦克因泰式接续
- McIntire sleeve ==> マッキンタイヤリーブ
- mcintire sleeve ==> 麦金泰尔套管
- McIntosh classification ==> 麦克因托希分类
- Mckechnie's bronze ==> 麦基奇尼高强度黄铜
- Mckesson breathing circuit ==> 麦克森氏呼吸回路
- Mckesson expiratory valve ==> 麦克森氏呼气阀
- MCL, mission check list ==> ミッションチェックリスト
- Mcleod gage ==> 麦克劳德压力计
- Mcleod gauge ==> 麦克劳德压力计
- mcleod gauge ==> 吏克劳德真空计
- Mcleod pressure gauge ==> 麦克劳德低压计
- Mcleod vacuum gauge ==> 麦克劳德麦氏真空规
- Mcluckie gas detector ==> 麦露奇型瓦斯检查器
- MCM, multi-chip module ==> 複数のバア・チップを基板に直接搭載し,1つの機能にまとめたもの
- McMahon packing ==> 麦克马洪填料,金属网鞍形填料
- McMath telescope ==> 麦克马思望远镜
- McMurray inverter ==> 麦克默里变流器
- McMurray sign ==> 麦克默里氏征,麦氏征
- MCN ==> 网络结构及信息隔离技术
- McNemars test ==> 麦克尼马尔检验
- MCOS, multichannel ocean color sensor ==> 多チャンネル海洋色センサー
- MCP, market clearing price ==> 市場決済価格,市場清算価格,約定価格
- MCP, materials control plan ==> 物質制御計画
- Mcquaid-Ehn test ==> 麦克奎德-爱恩晶粒度检验
- McQuaid-Ehn test ==> 麦奎德-爱恩试验
- McQueen tailor knitting machine ==> 麦克魁恩电子成衣针织机
- MCR, materials control requirement ==> 物質制御要求条件
- MCR, maximum continuous rate ==> 最大連続運転負荷
- MCRC Marine Casualty Response Center (ABS Marine Services) ==> 海事伤亡者和损失的物品反馈中心
- MCS, maritime communication subsystem ==> MCS
- MCS, maritime communications subsystem ==> 海事通信サブシステム
- MCS, Mesoscale Convective System ==> 気象レーダ
- MCS, mobile communication satellite ==> 移動体通信衛星
- MCSR, multichannel scanning radiometer ==> 多重チャンネル走査放射計
- MCT Marine Custody Transfer ==> 海事监护运输
- MCT, mercury cadmium telluride ==> 水銀カドミウムテルル(テルル化カドミウム水銀)
- MCTM Marine Custody Transfer Measurement ==> 海事监护运输测量
- MCU, Marangoni convection experiment unit ==> マランゴニ対流実験装置
- MCU, mechanism control unit ==> 機構制御装置
- MCU, memory control unit ==> 記憶制御装置
- MCU, microcontroler unit ==> マイクロコントローラ・ユニット
- MCU, multipoint connection unit ==> 多地点接続装置
- mcvd ==> 改进的化学汽相淀积
- MCVD, modified chemical vapor diposition method ==> 内付けCVD法
- MCW, modulated continuous wave ==> 変調連続波
- MD measured depth ==> 测量井深
- MD, magnetic dipole ==> 磁気双極子
- MD, manually disengaging connector ==> チェックアウトコネクター
- MD, mid-deck ==> ミッドデッキ
- MD, MiniDisc ==> ミニディスク
- MD, mission day ==> ミッションデイ
- MD, motor drive ==> モータドライブ
- MD/NC, master dimensions/numerical control system ==> MD/NCシステム
- MDA, mechanical despun antenna ==> 機械式反回転アンテナ(メカニカルデスパンアンテナ)
- MDA, mechanically despun antenna ==> 機械的デスパンアンテナ
- MDAC, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. ==> マクダネルダグラスアストロノーテック社
- MDB, maintenance data base ==> 保守データベース
- MDB, master data base ==> マスタデータベース
- MDB, memory data buffer ==> メモリ・データ・バッファ
- MDC, maintenance data collection ==> メンテナンスデータの収集
- MDC, manipulation detection code ==> マニピュレーション検出コード
- MDC, McDonnell Douglas Corporation ==> マクダネルダグラス社
- MDCS, maintenance data collection system ==> メンテナンスデータの収集システム
- MDD, mission description document ==> ミッション記述文書
- MDE, mechanism drive electronics ==> メカニカル駆動回路
- MDE, mission dependent equipment ==> ミッション個別装置
- MDE, motor drive electronics ==> モーター駆動電子回路
- MDF, main distributing frame ==> 主配線盤,配電盤,主分配架
- MDF, manipulator development facility ==> マニピュレータ開発施設
- MDF, mild detonating fuse ==> 低威力導爆線
- MDI, media dependent interface ==> メディア依存インタフェース
- MDM, Manipulator Deployment Mechanism ==> マニピュレーター展開機構(NASA略語)
- MDM, Molecular Dynamics Machine ==> 分子動力学シミュレーション専用スーパーコンピューター
- MDM, multiplexer demultiplexer pallet ==> 多重化復調器パレット
- MDM, multiplexer-demultiplexer ==> マルチプレクサとデマルチプレクサ(多重化復調器)
- MDO Marine Diesel Oil ==> 船用柴油
- MDP&C, mission data processing & communication ==> ミッションデータ処理及び通信
- MDP, master data processor ==> マスタデータ処理装置
- MDP, mission data processing subsystem ==> ミッションデータ処理系
- MDP, mission data processor ==> ミッションデータ処理装置
- MDR, mission data recorder ==> ミッション記録装置
- MDS ==> 远程视频监控系统
- MDS, Mohawk Data Science Corporation ==> モホークデータサイエンス社
- MDSF, Manipulator Development and Simulation Facility ==> マニピュレータ開発及びシミュレーション設備
- MDT, mean down time ==> 平均動作不可能時間,平均休止時間
- MDT, mission data transmitter ==> ミッションデータ送信機
- MDT-ANT, MDT-antenna ==> ミッション送信機アンテナ部
- MDU, Measuring Display Unit ==> MDU
- MDUS, medium-scale data utilization station ==> 中規模利用局
- ME Main Engine ==> 主引擎
- ME Marine Engineer(ing) ==> 海事工程
- ME, main engine ==> メインエンジン
- ME, mean error ==> 平均誤差
- ME, mechanical engineer ==> 機械系技術者
- ME, medical equipments ==> ME
- ME, model error ==> モデル誤差
- MEA ==> タイ首都圏配電会社
- MEA, maintenance engineering analysis ==> メインテナンス工学解析
- MEA, materials experiment assembly ==> 材料実験アセンブリ
- MEA, mechanical engineering advisor ==> 機械工学アドバイザー
- MEA, Membrane Electrode Assembly ==> 電極触媒層と固体電解質材料の膜を複合化した発電ユニット。
- MEA, Metropolitan Electricity Authority of Thailand ==> 泰国城市电力公司=>タイ首都圏配電公社
- MEA, minimum enroute altitude ==> 最低経路高度
- meachanical scanning ==> 机械扫描
- meadow ==> 牧草地,牧场,草地,草甸,平稳区
- meadow barley ==> 草地大麦
- meadow bog ==> 草地沼泽,草甸沼泽,低洼沼泽,水湿地
- meadow burozem ==> 草甸棕壤
- meadow chernozem ==> 草甸黑钙土
- meadow chestnut soil ==> 草甸粟钙
- meadow clover ==> 红三叶草
- meadow community ==> 草甸群落
- meadow cranesbill ==> 草原老鹤草
- meadow deervetch ==> 草地百脉根
- meadow foxtail ==> 草地看青娘,草原看麦娘
- meadow grass rotation ==> 草地轮作
- meadow moor ==> 草地沼泽,低位沼泽草地
- meadow moth ==> 草地螟
- meadow moth of beet ==> 草地螟
- meadow mouse ==> 家鼠
- meadow ore ==> 沼铁矿
- meadow peat ==> 草甸泥炭
- meadow peavine ==> 草地山黧豆
- meadow podzolic soil ==> 草甸灰化土
- meadow sage ==> 草地鼠尾草
- meadow sanne soil ==> 草甸盐土
- meadow soil ==> 草地土壤,草甸土
- meadow solonetzic solonchak ==> 碱化草甸盐土
- meadow steppe ==> 草甸草原
- meadow sweet ==> 欧洲合叶
- meadow tundra ==> 草甸冻原
- meadow vegetation ==> 草甸植物
- meadow-boggy soil ==> 草甸沼泽土
- Meadowtown beds ==> 麦多镇层
- meager clay ==> 贫瘠粘土
- meager coal ==> 贫煤,变质程度高、挥发分最低的烟煤,不结焦
- meager oat ==> 沙丘野麦
- meager profit ==> 微利
- meagre clay ==> 瘦粘土
- meal mixer ==> 混粉器
- meal moth ==> 大斑粉螟
- meal outlet ==> 出粉口
- Mealy machine ==> 米利机
- mealy plum aphid ==> 桃大尾蚜
- mealy potato ==> 粉质马铃薯
- mealy sand ==> 粉砂土
- mealy structure ==> 粉末结构,粉状结构
- mealy-bug wilt ==> 菠萝萎凋病
- mean ==> 中数,均数,均数,均值,均值,平均,平均的,平均数,平均值=>平均値
- mean 0100 calorie ==> 平均卡
- mean absolute deviation ==> 平均绝对偏差,平均绝对偏向,均值绝对离差
- mean absolute error ==> 平均绝对误差
- mean absolute error (MAE) ==> 平均绝对误差
- mean absolute magnitude ==> 平均绝对星等
- mean absorption coefficient ==> 平均吸收系数
- mean acceleration ==> 平均加速度
- mean access time ==> 平均存取时间
- mean activity ==> 平均活度
- mean activity product ==> 平均活度乘积
- mean aerodynamic center ==> 平均气动中心
- mean aerodynamic chord ==> 气动平均叶弦
- mean after-life time ==> 平均生命后期
- mean age ==> 平均林龄
- mean age at childbearing ==> 平均生育年龄
- mean age at death ==> 平均死亡年龄
- mean agitation velocity ==> 平均激发速度
- mean alley ==> 陋巷
- mean altitude ==> 平均海拔高度
- mean amount of information ==> 平均信息量
- mean amplitude of tide ==> 平均振幅
- mean angle of emergence ==> 平均引出角
- mean annual ==> 年平均
- mean annual change ==> 平均周年变化
- mean annual concentration ==> 年平均浓度
- mean annual discharge ==> 年平均流量
- mean annual efficiency ==> 年平均效率
- mean annual growth rate percent ==> 群体每年平均增长百分率
- mean annual humidity ==> 年平均湿度
- mean annual increment (MAI) ==> 平均年生长量
- mean annual precipitation ==> 年平均降水量
- mean annual rainfall ==> 年平均雨量,多年平均雨量
- mean annual range ==> 多年平均变幅
- mean annual rate ==> 每年平均速率
- mean annual rate of interest ==> 平均年利率
- mean annual runoff ==> 多年平均年径流,年平均径流
- mean annual temperature ==> 年平均温度,多年平均温度
- mean annual temperature range ==> 平均年温差
- mean annual water (level) ==> 年平均水位
- mean annual water level ==> 多年平均水位
- mean anomaly ==> 平近点角
- mean approximation ==> 平均近似
- mean astronomic latitude ==> 平天文纬度
- mean astronomic meridian plane ==> 平天文子午面
- mean atomic weight ==> 平均原子量
- mean audit date ==> 平均核查日期
- mean availability ==> 平均可用性
- mean axis ==> 平均轴,(椭球的)中轴
- mean beam length ==> 平均射线长度=>平均放射線束の長さ
- mean bed level ==> 平均河底高程
- mean blade chord ==> 叶片平均翼弦
- mean blade width ratio ==> 平均叶径宽比,平均翼宽比
- mean block anomaly ==> 平均区域异常
- mean blood pressure ==> 平均血压
- mean boiling point ==> 平均沸点
- mean boundary-layer thickness ==> 平均边界层厚度
- mean breadth ==> 平均宽度
- mean brightness ==> 平均亮度
- mean caloric ==> 平均热值
- mean camber ==> 中曲面
- mean camber line ==> 中弧线,平均中高线
- mean camberline ==> 平均曲弧线
- mean carbon content ==> 平均含碳量
- mean carrier ==> 平均载波,中间载波
- mean carrier frequency ==> 平均载波频率
- mean carrier velocity ==> 平均载气线速
- mean centre difference ==> 平均中心差分
- mean charging current ==> 平均充电电流
- mean chart ==> 平均图
- mean chord ==> 平均翼弦
- mean chord length ==> 平均弦长
- mean circulation time ==> (MCT)平均循环时间
- mean circulation time (MCT) ==> 平均循环时间
- mean circulatory filling pressure ==> 平均循环系充盈压
- mean clinical value (MCV) ==> 平均临床价值
- mean code length ==> 平均电码长度
- mean coefficient ==> 平均系数
- mean coefficient of elongation ==> 平均延伸系数
- mean collision time ==> 平均碰撞时间
- mean collisional frequency ==> 平均碰撞频率=>平均衝突回数
- mean column pressure ==> 平均柱压
- mean complexity constant ==> 平均络合常数
- mean compressive strength ==> 平均抗压强度
- mean concentration ==> 平均浓度
- mean concentration function ==> 平均集中函数
- mean conditional information content ==> 条件付平均情報量
- mean cone distance ==> 平均圆锥距
- mean conjugate curve ==> 平均共轭曲线
- mean conjugate net ==> 平均共轭网
- mean consumption ==> 平均消耗
- mean continuity ==> 中数连续
- mean convergence ==> 平均收敛
- mean corpuscular hemoglobin ==> 平均红细胞血红蛋白量
- mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration ==> 平均红血球血色素浓度
- mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) ==> 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度,红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度
- mean corpuscular volume ==> 平均红血球容积,平均细胞体积
- mean corpuscular volume (MCV) ==> 平均红细胞体积,红细胞平均容积
- mean crown-height ==> 平均冠高
- mean crown-length ==> 平均冠长
- mean current ==> 平均电流
- mean curvature ==> 平均曲率,中曲率
- mean cut-off ==> 平均终断
- mean daily flow ==> 平均日流量
- mean daily humidity ==> 日平均湿度
- mean daily motion ==> 平均日运动
- mean daily temperature ==> 日常平均温度,日平均温度
- mean day ==> 平日
- mean day flow ==> 平均日流量
- mean decade humidity ==> 旬(xún)平均湿度
- mean degree of polymerization ==> 平均聚合作用
- mean delay time ==> 平均缓发时间
- mean density ==> 平均密度
- mean density of spike ==> 穗的平均密度
- mean depth ==> 平均深度,平均水深
- mean deviation ==> 平均差,平均离差,平均偏差,平均偏移,均差,离均差
- mean deviation in daily rate ==> 平均日偏差
- mean deviation of daily rate ==> 平均日偏差
- mean diameter ==> 平均直径
- mean difference ==> 平均差,平均概率偏差
- mean difference parameter ==> 平均差参数
- mean discharge ==> 平均流量
- mean dispersion ==> 平均色散
- mean dissipation ==> 平均耗散
- mean distance ==> 平均距离
- mean diurnal high-water inequality ==> 平均日潮高潮不等
- mean diurnal low-water inequality ==> 平均日潮低潮不等
- mean diurnal motion ==> 平均日运动,平均周日运动
- mean division method ==> 平分法
- mean dominant height ==> 平均优势木高
- mean dose ==> 平均剂量
- mean down time ==> 平均故障时间,平均空闲时间
- mean downtime ==> 平均故障间隔期
- mean draft ==> 平均吃水
- mean dry year ==> 平均枯水年
- mean dwelling ==> 陋宅
- mean dynamic head ==> 平均动压头
- mean echo balance return loss ==> 平均回波平衡返回损耗
- mean eclipic ==> 平黄道
- mean ecliptic sun ==> 黄道平太阳
- mean effective ==> 平均有效值
- mean effective diameter ==> 平均有效直径
- mean effective dose ==> 平均反应量
- mean effective horsepower ==> 平均有效马力
- mean effective pitch ==> 平均有效螺距
- mean effective power ==> 平均有效功率,均方根功率,均方根功率
- mean effective pressure ==> 平均有效压力
- mean effective stress ==> 平均有效压力
- mean effective temperature ==> 平均有效温度
- mean effective value ==> 平均有效值
- mean effective viscosity ==> 平均有效粘度
- mean effectiveness factor ==> 平均效率因素
- mean efficiency factor ==> 平均有效系数
- mean effort ==> 平均作用,平均作用力
- mean electrical power input ==> 平均电力输入
- mean electron concentration ==> 平均电子浓度
- mean element ==> 平根数
- mean elements ==> 平均根数
- mean elongation ==> 平均延伸量
- mean energy density ==> 平均能量密度
- mean energy imparted ==> 平均授与能量
- mean entropy ==> 平均熵
- mean epoch ==> 平均历元,平均时纪
- mean equator ==> 平赤道
- mean equatorial moment of inertia ==> 平均赤道惯性矩
- mean equatorial sun ==> 赤道平均太阳
- mean equinox ==> 平春分点,平均两分点
- mean ergodic ==> 平均遍历的
- mean ergodic matrix ==> 平均遍历矩阵
- mean ergodic semi-group ==> 平均遍历半群
- mean ergodic theorem ==> 平均遍历定理
- mean erosion depth ==> 平均冲刷深度
- mean error ==> 平均误差
- mean establishment ==> 平均朔望
- mean estimates ==> 平均估计值
- mean evolute ==> 中点渐屈线
- mean failure rate ==> 平均故障率,平均失效率=>平均故障率
- mean fall velocity ==> 平均沉落速度
- mean fatigue stress ==> 平均疲劳应力
- mean fiber ==> 中层纤维
- mean filling pressure of circulatory system ==> 循环系平均充盈压
- mean flax ==> 两用亚麻
- mean flow ==> 平均流量
- mean flow rate ==> 平均流速
- mean flow velocity ==> 平均流速
- mean fluctuation power ==> 平均涨落功率值
- mean fraction of losses ==> 平均消失分数
- mean fracture load ==> 平均断裂载荷
- mean free collision time ==> 平均自由碰撞时间
- mean free error time ==> 平均无故障时间
- mean free path ==> 平均自由行程,平均自由路程,平均自由程,中子在介质内与原子核连续两次相互作用之间穿行的平均距离=>平均自由行程
- mean free path of electrons ==> 电子平均自由程
- mean free time ==> 平均自由时,平均自由时间
- mean freezing index ==> 平均冰冻指数
- mean frequency ==> 平均频率
- mean fuel-conversion ratio ==> 平均燃料转换比
- mean function ==> 平均值函数
- mean function of stochastic process ==> 平均随机过程函数
- mean generation time ==> 平均每代[中子]寿期
- mean geomertical pitch ==> 几何平均螺距
- mean geometrical distance ==> 几何平均距离
- mean girth ==> 平均干围
- mean grain size ==> 平均粒度
- mean gram-calorie ==> 平均卡
- mean gravity ==> 平均重力
- mean gravity anomaly ==> 平均重力异常
- mean heat capacity ==> 平均热容量
- mean height ==> 平均高
- mean height of burst ==> 炸点平均高度
- mean height of the tide ==> 平均潮高
- mean hemispherical candle power ==> 平均半球面烛光
- mean hemispherical intensity ==> 平均半球面发光强度
- mean Hertz load ==> 平均赫兹负荷
- mean high tide ==> 平均高潮位
- mean high water ==> 平均高潮,平均高潮面
- mean high water (lunitidal) interval ==> 平均高潮间隙
- mean high water level (M.H.W.L.) ==> 平均高水位
- mean high water neaps ==> 平均小潮高潮
- mean high-water lunitidal interval ==> 平均月潮高潮间隙
- mean high-water neaps ==> 平均小潮高潮面
- mean higher high water ==> 平均较高高水位
- mean higher low water ==> 平均高低潮
- mean highest discharge ==> 平均最大流量
- mean highest water level ==> 平均最高水位
- mean horizontal candle power ==> 平均水平烛光
- mean horizontal indensity ==> 平均平面光强
- mean horizontal intensity ==> 平均平面光强
- mean horizontal sound speed ==> 平均水平声速
- mean hours ==> 平均小时
- mean hydraulic depth ==> 平均水力深度
- mean hydraulic radius ==> 平均水力半径
- mean ice edge ==> 平均冰界
- mean impulse indicator ==> 平均脉冲指示器
- mean incidence ==> 平均冲角
- mean inclination ==> 平均坡度
- mean increment ==> 平均年生长量
- mean indicated pressure (MIP,mip) ==> 平均指示压力
- mean indicator ==> 平均指示器
- mean information content ==> 平均情報量
- mean inside diameter ==> 平均内径
- mean intake ==> 平均摄入量
- mean intensity ==> 平均强度
- mean interdiurnal variation ==> 平均日变化
- mean interval between successive generations ==> 两代人平均间隔
- mean ionization energy ==> 平均电离能
- mean kinetic energy ==> 平均动能
- mean lake level ==> 平均湖面
- mean land level ==> 大陆平均高度
- mean latitude ==> 平黄纬,平均纬度,平纬
- mean length ==> 平均长度
- mean length of life ==> 平均寿命
- mean length of turn ==> 匝的平均长度
- mean lethal dose ==> 平均致死剂量
- mean lethal dose (MLD) ==> 平均致死量
- mean level ==> 平均高度
- mean level (ML) ==> 平均水平
- mean level detection system ==> 平均电平检测制
- mean level of the sea ==> 平均海平面
- mean life ==> 平均寿命,平均使用时间=>平均寿命
- mean life of a particle ==> 粒子の平均寿命
- mean life rate ==> 平均寿命率
- mean life time ==> 平均寿命
- mean life-span ==> 平均寿命
- mean lifetime ==> 平均寿命
- mean lift force ==> 平均升举力
- mean light curve ==> 平均光变曲线
- mean line ==> 平均线,等分线,顶线,中线
- mean line system ==> 中线制
- mean linear diameter ==> 平均线性直径
- mean linear power density ==> 平均线功率[密度]
- mean linear range ==> 平均直线射程
- mean linear successive difference ==> 平均线性连续差
- mean load ==> 平均负载
- mean load density ==> 平均装填密度
- mean log residual ==> 平均对数差余
- mean logarithmic decrement ==> 平均对数衰减率
- mean logarithmic energy loss ==> 平均对数能量损失
- mean logarithmic temperature difference ==> 平均对数温差
- mean longitude ==> 平黄经,平经,平均经度
- mean longitudinal error ==> 平均距离误差
- mean low tide ==> 平均低潮位
- mean low water level ==> 平均低水位
- mean low water lunitidal interval ==> 平均月潮低潮间隙
- mean low water neaps ==> 小潮低潮
- mean low-water ==> 平均低潮位
- mean low-water neaps ==> 平均小潮低潮面
- mean lower hemispherical candle power ==> 平均下半球面烛光
- mean lower hemispherical intensity ==> 平均下半球面烛光度
- mean lower high water ==> 平均低高潮
- mean lower low water ==> 平均较低低水位
- mean lower low water lunitidal interval ==> 平均月潮低低潮间隙
- mean lower low-water springs ==> 平均大潮低低潮面
- mean lowest discharge ==> 平均最小流量
- mean lowest water level ==> 平均最低水位
- mean lunar day ==> 平均太阴日
- mean lunar semi-diurnal ==> 平均月潮半日分潮
- mean magnetization curve ==> 平均磁化曲线
- mean magnetizing curve ==> 平均磁化曲线
- mean magnitude ==> 平均星等
- mean maintenance outage duration ==> 平均维修停运延续时间
- mean map ==> 平均图
- mean mass range ==> 平均质量射程
- mean matrix ==> 平均矩阵
- mean meridian ==> 平子午线
- mean meridional circulation ==> 平均径向环流
- mean mesh ==> 平均筛目
- mean midnight ==> 平子夜
- mean minimum flow ==> 平均枯水流量
- mean molecular weight ==> 平均分子量
- mean molecule ==> 平均分子
- mean monthly stage ==> 月平均水位
- mean moon ==> 平月亮
- mean motion ==> 平均行度,平均运动
- mean neap range ==> 平均小潮差,小潮潮差
- mean neap rise ==> 平均小潮升
- mean neap rise of high tide ==> 平均小潮高潮升
- mean neap rise of low tide ==> 平均小潮低潮升
- mean neaps ==> 平均小潮
- mean neutron lifetime ==> 中子平均寿命
- mean nine-month flow ==> 平均低水流量
- mean noon ==> 平午,平正午
- mean normal deformation ==> 平均法向形变
- mean normal gravity ==> 平均正常重力
- mean normal stress ==> 平均正应力
- mean number of collisions ==> 平均碰撞数
- mean number of nodes of main stem of plant ==> 植株主茎的平均节数
- mean number of sheets ==> 平均叶数
- mean obiquity ==> 平黄赤交角
- mean obliquity ==> 平均倾角
- mean observatory ==> 平均天文台
- mean ocean floor ==> 平均海底
- mean of a fuzzy event ==> 模糊事件均值
- mean of a probability distribution ==> 概率分布的均值
- mean of binomial distribution ==> 二项分布平均值
- mean of mean ==> 平均的平均,平均值的平均值
- mean of population ==> 人口平均值,总体平均数
- mean of the shots ==> 平均炸点
- mean of valve loop curve ==> 平均调节阀组合特性曲线
- mean of variance ==> 方差平均
- mean on state current ==> 平均通态电流
- mean orbit ==> 平均轨道
- mean orbit radius ==> 平均轨道半径
- mean ordinate ==> 平均纵坐标
- mean output ==> 平均产量,平均出力
- mean oval ==> 平均卵形线
- mean p-valent function ==> 平均p叶函数
- mean parallax ==> 平均视差
- mean parameter ==> 平均参数,参数平均值
- mean particle diameter ==> 平均粒径,平均粒子直径
- mean particle size ==> 平均粒度
- mean paste ==> 中级研磨膏
- mean penetration ==> (桩)平均贯入度
- mean per unit ==> 每单位均值,每单位平均值
- mean percent error ==> 平均百分误差
- mean performance ==> 平均表现
- mean periodic functions ==> 平均周期函数
- mean photographic magnitude ==> 平均照相星等
- mean picture brightness ==> 图像平均亮度
- mean picture level ==> 图像平均电平
- mean piston speed ==> 平均活塞速度
- mean pitch ==> 平均螺距
- mean place ==> 平均位置,平位置
- mean point of group ==> 点群平均点
- mean point of impact ==> 平均弹着点
- mean point of impact error ==> 平均弹着点误差
- mean pole ==> 平极,平均极
- mean pole of the epoch ==> 历元平极
- mean population ==> 平均人口数
- mean pore size ==> 平均孔径
- mean position ==> 平均位置,平位置
- mean power ==> 平均功率=>平均電力
- mean prediction ==> 均值预测,均值预测
- mean pressure ==> 平均压,平均压力,平均有效压力
- mean pressure grade line ==> 平均压力梯度线
- mean price ==> 平均价格
- mean principle stress ==> 平均主应力
- mean probable error ==> 平均概率偏差,平均概率误差
- mean product method ==> 平均乘积法
- mean profile ==> 平均轮廓
- mean proportional ==> 比例中项
- mean psophometric noise power ==> 平均声感噪声功率
- mean pulmonary arterial pressure ==> 肺动脉平均压
- mean pulse profile ==> 脉冲平均轮廓
- mean pulse time ==> 平均脉冲时间
- mean quadratic error ==> 平均二次误差
- mean quality ==> 平均质量
- mean radial error ==> 平均径向误差
- mean radial velocity ==> 平均视向速度
- mean radiation intensity ==> 平均辐射强度
- mean radioactivity meter ==> 平均放射性测量计
- mean radius ==> 平均半径
- mean range ==> 平均变化幅度,平均潮差,平均极差,平均射程
- mean range of tide ==> 平均潮差
- mean rank ==> 平均等级
- mean ratio ==> 平均比值
- mean recurrence time ==> 平均回转时间
- mean reduction ratio ==> 平均破碎比
- mean referred pressure ==> 平均参考压力
- mean reflectance of vitrinite ==> 镜质体平均反射率,镜质体平均反射率
- mean refraction ==> 平均大气折光差,平均折射
- mean refractive index ==> 平均折射率
- mean refuelling rate ==> 平均换料率
- mean relative deviation ==> 平均相对偏差
- mean relative fluctuation ==> 平均相对偏差
- mean relatives fluctuation ==> 平均相对波动
- mean repair time ==> 平均修复时间
- mean residence time ==> 平均留存时,平均留存时间
- mean residual ==> 平均残差
- mean resistance ==> 平均阻力
- mean rise ==> 平均潮升
- mean rise interval ==> 平均潮升间隙,平均涨潮间隙
- mean rise of high tide ==> 平均高潮升
- mean rise of low tide ==> 平均低潮升
- mean rise of tide ==> 平均潮升
- mean river level ==> 平均河面,平均河水位
- mean rotation ==> 平均旋度
- mean runoff rate ==> 平均径流率
- mean sample tree ==> 中央木
- mean sampling ==> 平均取样
- mean scale ==> 平均比例尺
- mean sea level ==> 平均海平面
- mean sediment concentration ==> 平均含沙量
- mean sheet number ==> 平均叶数
- mean shift ==> シーンシフト法
- mean sidereal day ==> 平恒星日
- mean sidereal time ==> 平恒星时
- mean simulation error ==> 平均模拟误差
- mean size ==> 平均尺寸,平均大小
- mean soil temperature ==> 平均土温
- mean solar day ==> 平均太阳日,平太阳日
- mean solar hour ==> 平均太阳时
- mean solar second ==> 平太阳秒
- mean solar semi-diurnal constituent ==> 平均太阳半日分潮
- mean solar time ==> 平均太阳时,平太阳时
- mean solar unit ==> (单位)平太阳日
- mean solar year ==> 平太阳年
- mean speaking energy ==> 平均谈话能量
- mean specific gravity ==> 平均比重
- mean specific heat ==> 平均比热
- mean specific pressure ==> 平均比压
- mean speech power ==> 平均语言功率
- mean speed ==> 平均速度
- mean spherical candle power ==> 平均球面烛光
- mean spherical illuminance ==> 平均球面照度
- mean spherical intensity ==> 平均球面发光强度
- mean spherical model (MSM) ==> 平均球状模型
- mean spheroid ==> 平均椭球体
- mean spiral angle ==> 中心螺旋角
- mean spring low water ==> 平均大潮低潮
- mean spring range ==> 平均大潮差,大潮潮差
- mean spring rise ==> 平均大潮升
- mean spring rise of high tide ==> 平均大潮高潮升
- mean spring rise of low tide ==> 平均大潮低潮升
- mean springs ==> 平均大潮
- mean square ==> 均方
- mean square amplitude ==> 均方根幅值
- mean square canonial correlation coefficient ==> 均方典型相关系数,均方典型相关系数
- mean square consecutive fluctuation estimator ==> 均方连续波动估计量,均方连续波动估计量
- mean square contingency coefficient ==> 均方列联系数,均方列联系数
- mean square continuity ==> 均方连续性,均方连续性
- mean square departure ==> 均方偏差,均方偏差
- mean square deviation ==> 均方偏差
- mean square displacement ==> 均方偏移,均方偏移,均方位移,均方位移
- mean square distribution ==> 均方分布,均方分布
- mean square error ==> 均方误差
- mean square error efficiency (MSEE) ==> 均方误差效率,均方误差效率
- mean square error inefficiency (MSEI) ==> 均方误差低效率,均方误差低效率
- mean square estimation ==> 均方评价
- mean square line ==> 均方线,均方线
- mean square modulus ==> 均方模,均方模
- mean square prediction error ==> 均方预测误差,均方预测误差
- mean square regression plane ==> 均方回归平面,均方回归平面
- mean square root ==> 均方根,均方根
- mean square value ==> 均方根值
- mean standard deviation ==> 均数标准差,均数标准差,平均标准偏差
- mean storm sediment discharge ==> 平均暴雨输沙率
- mean strain ==> 平均应变
- mean stream velocity ==> 平均流速
- mean stress ==> 平均应力,八面体法向应力
- mean subarea velocity ==> (两测流垂线间的)部分断面平均流速
- mean successive difference ==> 平均连续差
- mean sun ==> 平太阳
- mean survival time (MST) ==> 平均生存期
- mean synodic lunar month ==> 平朔望月
- mean temperature ==> 平均温度
- mean temperature difference ==> 平均温差
- mean tension ==> 平均张力
- mean term ==> 中项
- mean terms ==> 内项
- mean thawing index ==> 平均融化指数
- mean threshold shear stress ==> 平均临界剪应力
- mean tidal level ==> 平均潮位
- mean tidal range ==> 平均潮差
- mean tide ==> 平均潮汐,半潮
- mean tide level ==> 平均潮面,平均潮位
- mean time ==> 平均时间,平均太阳时,平时
- mean time before failure ==> 故障前平均时间,修理间隔平均时间
- mean time between arrivals ==> 两次到达之间的平均间隔时间
- mean time between failure ==> 平均稳定时间
- mean time between failures ==> 平均故障间隔期,平均失效间隔时间,平均失效无故障时间,故障间隔平均时间
- mean time between maintenance ==> 平均保养间隔时间,平均维护时间,维修平均间隔
- mean time between stops ==> 平均停机间隔时间
- mean time of flight ==> 平均飞行时间
- mean time of relaxation ==> 平均弛豫时间
- mean time rate ==> 平均故障率
- mean time to detect ==> 检测平均时间
- mean time to failure ==> 平均无故障时间,故障前平均时间
- mean time to failure (MTTF) ==> 平均故障间隔期
- mean time to repair ==> 平均维修时间,平均修复间隔时间=>平均処理時間
- mean time to restore ==> 平均故障修理时间
- mean tolerance limit ==> 平均耐涝量
- mean top height ==> 平均最大木高
- mean trajectory ==> 平均轨道,计划弹道
- mean transinformation (content) ==> 平均伝達情報量
- mean transmission loss ==> 平均隔声量,平均透射损失
- mean tropic range ==> 平均回归潮差
- mean tropical year ==> 平回归年
- mean turn ==> 平均匝数
- mean turning moment ==> 平均转动矩
- mean type ==> 平均型
- mean unbiased estimator ==> 平均无偏估计量
- mean up time ==> 平均正常运行时间
- mean value ==> 平均,平均数,平均值,中间值=>平均値
- mean value control system ==> 平均值调节器
- mean value function ==> 平均值函数,均值函数,均值函数
- mean value of AC ==> 交流の平均値
- mean value of periodic quantity ==> 周期量的平均值
- mean value of tracing oscillation ==> 曲线振动均数
- mean value process ==> 平均值法
- mean value theorem ==> 平均值定理,均值定理,第一中值定理,中值定理
- mean variation ==> 平均偏差
- mean variation of daily rate ==> 平均日变差
- mean variation of rates ==> 平均日变差
- mean vector ==> 均值向量,均值向量
- mean vehicle flow ==> 平均车辆流量
- mean velocity ==> 平均速度
- mean velocity agitation ==> 平均骚动速度
- mean velocity in section ==> 断面平均流速
- mean velocity in vertical ==> 垂线平均流速
- mean velocity of agitation ==> 平均じょう乱速度
- mean velocity of molecular ==> 分子平均速率
- mean velocity on a vertical ==> 垂线平均流速
- mean water ==> 平均水位
- mean water depth ==> 平均水深
- mean water level ==> 平均水位
- mean water regulation ==> 中水位整治
- mean water river bed ==> 中水位河床
- mean wave ==> 平均波浪
- mean wave height ==> 平均波高
- mean wave period ==> 平均波浪周期
- mean wavelength ==> 平均波长
- mean width ==> 平均宽度
- mean width ratio ==> 平均宽度比
- mean wind speed ==> 平均风速
- mean winter temperature ==> 冬季平均温度
- mean year ==> 平均年
- mean yield ==> 平均产量,平均产出
- mean zonal candle power ==> 平均球带光强度
- mean-free path ==> 平均自由通路
- mean-level AGC ==> 平均电平式自动增益控制
- mean-metric ==> 平均度量的
- mean-reversion equation ==> 平均回帰式
- mean-rootsquare ==> 中误差
- mean-spherical response ==> 平均球面响应
- mean-square continuity ==> 均方连续性,均方连续性
- mean-square deviation ==> 均方偏差,均方偏差,均方偏移,均方偏移
- mean-square error ==> 均方误差,均方误差
- mean-square error criteria ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则
- mean-square error criterion ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则
- mean-square error norm ==> 均方误差范数,均方误差范数
- mean-square regression ==> 均方回归,均方回归
- mean-squared error ==> 均方误差,均方误差
- mean-squared error optimization ==> 均方差的最优化,均方差的最优化
- mean-time clock ==> 平时钟
- mean-time type time signal ==> 平时式时号
- mean-time-to double failure ==> 平均无故障工作时间
- mean-time-to-repair ==> 平均修复时间
- mean-tone temperament ==> 中音调律
- mean-variance criterion ==> 均方差判据,均方差判据
- mean-volume-surface ==> 平均体面积
- meander ==> 曲径,曲流,曲折回纹,河流曲折,河曲,蜿曲
- meander bar ==> 曲流沙坝,弓弧沙坝
- meander belt ==> 曲流带,河道曲折带,河道蜿蜒带
- meander breadth ==> (河道)曲折带宽度
- meander ccd ==> 曲折型沟道电荷耦合装置
- meander channel ==> 弯曲河槽
- meander configuration ==> 曲折型
- meander core ==> 离堆山
- meander length ==> 曲折长度
- meander line ==> 曲折线
- meander loop ==> 弯曲河环
- meander niche ==> 曲流壁龛
- meander plain ==> 曲流平原
- meander scar ==> 曲流痕
- meander spur ==> 曲流山嘴
- meander width ==> 曲折宽度,河道曲折带宽度
- meander-line travelling wave tube ==> 曲折线行波管
- meandering ==> 曲折,河道蜿蜒
- meandering channel ==> 弯曲航道
- meandering movement ==> 曲折移动
- meandering stream ==> 曲折河,蛇曲河
- meaning ==> 意,意义,含义,涵义
- meaning of sulphate reduction ==> 硫酸盐还原的意义
- meaningless drivel ==> 無意味なたわ言
- meaningless figures ==> 虚假数字
- means ==> 手段,办法,方法
- means of communication ==> 交通工具,通信工具
- means of consumption ==> 消费资料
- means of conveyance ==> 交通运输工具,财产转让方式
- means of defence ==> 防御手段
- means of delivery ==> 运载方法,输送工具
- means of development ==> 发展资料
- means of earning one's livelihood ==> 谋生手段
- means of egress ==> 疏散设施
- means of enjoyment ==> 享受资料
- means of escape ==> 消防安全措施,疏散设施,安全疏散路线
- means of exchange ==> 交换手段
- means of financing ==> 融资手段
- means of life ==> 谋生手段
- means of light signalling ==> 光信号工具
- means of livelihood ==> 谋生手段
- means of one's satisfaction ==> 满足需要资料
- means of production ==> 生产手段
- means of production in Category I ==> 一类物资
- means of production in Category Ⅱ ==> 二类物资
- means of representation ==> 描绘手段
- means of subsistence ==> 谋生手段,消费资料
- means square contingency ==> 均方列联,均方列联
- Meantes ==> 鳗螈亚目
- meantime screw ==> 调时螺钉
- measle immune globulin ==> 麻疹免疫球蛋白
- measle vaccine ==> 麻诊疫苗
- measles complicated by laryngitis and aphonia ==> 麻疹失音
- measles complicated by pharyngitis ==> 麻疹喉痛
- measles complicated by pneumonia ==> 麻毒陷肺
- measles complicated with keratoconjunctivitis ==> 麻毒攻目
- measles immune serum ==> 麻疹免疫血清
- measles toxicity ==> (古代指麻疹后出现的一系列病症)疹毒
- measles vaccine ==> 麻疹死疫苗,麻疹疫苗
- measles virus ==> 麻疹病毒
- measles virus vaccine ==> 麻疹病毒疫苗
- measles with red and elevated rashes ==> 麻出红肿
- measles without adequate eruption ==> 麻疹不透
- measles without adequate eruption to expel toxins ==> 麻疹闭证
- measurability ==> 可测性
- measurability attribute ==> 可度量的属性
- measurable ==> 可计量的,可测量的,可测的,适度的,适当的
- measurable function ==> 可测函数
- measurable funds effect ==> 可衡量的资金效果
- measurable quantity ==> 可测量=>測定可能な量
- measurable set ==> 可测集
- measurable space ==> 可测空间
- measurable stochastic process ==> 可测随机过程
- measurable utility ==> 可计量的效用
- measurand ==> 被测量,被测状态,被测对象=>測定量
- measurand transmitter ==> 测量发射机
- measuration ==> 测量,测定,测量方法,求积法
- measure ==> 手段,办法,措施,测量,计量,程度,测度,度量=>測定,計量,評価基準,約数,測度論
- measure (measuring) hopper ==> 定量斗
- measure analysis ==> 量测分析,容量分析
- measure and a half ==> 半边线脚
- measure equation ==> 测量公式=>数値式
- measure expenditure by income ==> 量入为出
- measure failure ==> 测量故障
- measure function ==> 测度函数
- measure gauge ==> 量尺
- measure of a pointset ==> 点集的测度
- measure of absolute variability ==> 绝对变异测度,绝对变异测度
- measure of capacity ==> 容量
- measure of characteristics ==> 特征量度
- measure of consumption ==> 消费的量度
- measure of economic welfare (MEW) ==> 经济福利尺度,经济福利尺度
- measure of effectiveness ==> 有效性测量
- measure of excess ==> 超额量度量
- measure of goodness of fit ==> 拟合优度度量
- measure of indemnity ==> 赔偿标准,赔偿限度
- measure of information ==> 情報の測度
- measure of linear correlation ==> 线性相关度量
- measure of precision ==> 精确测量,精密程度,精确度测度,精确量度
- measure of relative variability ==> 相对变异度测度
- measure of relative variation ==> 相对变异度量
- measure of resistance ==> 阻力测定
- measure of risk aversion ==> 厌恶风险的度量
- measure of spread ==> 概率分布测度,分布测定
- measure of stability ==> 稳定度测量
- measure of variation ==> 变差测度
- measure on limiting the range of rise in prices ==> 限制物价上涨幅度措施
- measure preserving transformation ==> 保测变换
- measure space ==> 测度空间
- measure tape ==> 带尺
- measure unit ==> 量度单位
- measure up to standard ==> 符合标准
- measure zero ==> 零测度
- measure-kernel ==> 测度核
- measured ==> 测量过的,测定的,有分寸的,几经推敲的
- measured amount ==> 测得的数量,被测数量,实测数量
- measured and theoretical load characteristics ==> 提案機出力特性の実験・算定結果
- measured and theoretical no-load saturation curves ==> 提案機無負荷飽和曲線の実験・算定結果
- measured backspace ==> 精确回退
- measured capacitance ==> 静電容量計測
- measured concentration ==> 实测浓度
- measured coordinates ==> 量度坐标
- measured current ==> 测试电流=>計測電流,実測電流
- measured curve ==> 实测曲线
- measured data ==> 测量数据=>実測データ
- measured day rate ==> 已测日工资率
- measured daywork ==> 基准工作量
- measured deviation ==> 测量偏差
- measured discard ==> 测定的废弃物
- measured discharge ==> 实测流量
- measured drawing ==> 竣工图
- measured electricity and hot water loads ==> 電力給湯負荷の実測値
- measured feedback ==> (信号)实测反馈
- measured hole ==> 测量孔
- measured impedance of distance relay ==> 測距インピーダンス
- measured income ==> 已评定的收入
- measured load ==> 实测荷载
- measured lubrication ==> 计量润滑
- measured mile ==> 实测英里,测速标间距
- measured noise level (MNL) ==> 量度所得的噪音声级
- measured ore ==> 可靠储量
- measured outputvalue ==> 観測量
- measured overshoot ==> 测定超调量
- measured power ==> 实测功率
- measured power curve ==> 测量功率曲线=>測定出力曲線
- measured pressure ==> 已测压力
- measured profile ==> 实测断面
- measured quantity ==> 实测量,测定量,被测量
- measured rate ==> (电位)按次计费率=>度数料金
- measured service ==> 度数制,计次制,计次制通话业务
- measured signal ==> 测定信号
- measured signal converter ==> 测定信号转换器
- measured stage ==> 观测水位
- measured stress ==> 测定应力
- measured value ==> 观测值,实测数值,实测值,测定值,测量值=>測定値
- measured variable ==> 测定变量
- measured wave forms ==> 測定波形
- measured waveforms of speed control result ==> 速度制御波形
- measurement ==> 测量,测定,测量方法,测量结果,量度,尺寸,大小,规范=>測定
- measurement accuracy ==> 测量精度=>計測精度
- measurement adjustment ==> 测量平差
- measurement amplifier ==> 测量放大器
- measurement and control system ==> 测量与控制系统
- measurement and identification ==> 测量和鉴定
- measurement and weight list ==> 容积重量表
- measurement arrangement ==> 测量布置
- measurement by magnification ==> 放大测量
- measurement by means of correlation ==> 相関を利用する測定
- measurement by means of modeling and simulation ==> モデル・シミュレーションによる測定
- measurement by repetition ==> 复测法
- measurement cable ==> 测量电缆
- measurement capability ==> 测量能力
- measurement cargo ==> 容积货物,体积货物
- measurement category ==> 测量范围
- measurement channel ==> 测量通道
- measurement chopper ==> 测量限制器
- measurement circuit ==> 測定回路
- measurement component ==> 测量部件
- measurement control processor ==> 计量控制处理机
- measurement data ==> 计量数据,计量资料
- measurement device ==> 测量设备
- measurement equipment ==> 测量设备
- measurement error ==> 测量误差
- measurement error model ==> 計測誤差モデル
- measurement goods ==> 体积货物
- measurement hydrophone ==> 测量水听器
- measurement management ==> 計測管理
- measurement mechanism ==> 测量装置
- measurement mode ==> 测量模
- measurement noise ==> 計測ノイズ
- measurement of available soil phosphorus ==> 测定土壤中有效磷
- measurement of axillary temperature ==> 腋测法
- measurement of central venous pressure ==> 中心静脉压测定
- measurement of channels ==> 脉度
- measurement of cylinder position and clearance ==> シリンダ姿勢・すき間計測
- measurement of discontinuity ==> 不连续性测量
- measurement of drive characteristics ==> 駆動特性測定
- measurement of electric field distribution ==> 電界分布測定
- measurement of extremity ==> 肢体测量法
- measurement of film thickness ==> 膜厚测量
- measurement of generator time constants ==> 发电机时间常数的测定,为求出发电机的主要时间常数而进行的试验。主要时间常数包括定子绕组直流分量衰减时间常数、定子绕组短路时直轴瞬态时间常数、定子绕组短路时直轴次瞬态时间常数、定子绕组开路时直轴瞬态时间常数等
- measurement of geostress ==> 地应力测试
- measurement of humidity ==> 湿度测定
- measurement of in-situ rock stress ==> 地应力测试
- measurement of instantaneous active power ==> 瞬时有功功率的测量
- measurement of instantaneous reactive power ==> 瞬时无功功率的测量
- measurement of large current ==> 大電流測定
- measurement of laser range finder ==> 激光测距机测程
- measurement of light and radiation ==> 光・放射線の測定
- measurement of luminous flux ==> 光流测量
- measurement of magnetic field ==> 磁场测量
- measurement of molecular property ==> 分子性质测定
- measurement of neutron fluence rate distribution ==> 中子注量率分布测量,选择堆芯内有代表性的位置,用小型裂变室、自给能探测器等,或者利用中子注量率测量丝或片来测量中子注量率,从而获得有关堆芯中子注量率分布的整体信息,以验证反应堆核设计和校验核仪表的操作
- measurement of noise ==> 噪声测量,对各种噪声源、噪声场的物理量的测量
- measurement of non-linear distortion ==> 非直线性畸变测量
- measurement of olfaction ==> 嗅觉测定
- measurement of open circuit[no load] characteristic ==> 空载特性的测定,发电机的转速维持在额定转速和电枢开路的条件下,从零逐步增大励磁电流,使电枢的电压逐步上升到规定电压,然后再逐步减少励磁电流到零,使电压降到剩磁电压。在此过程中测录励磁电流和对应的电枢电压的上升和下降关系曲线
- measurement of oxide layer thickness ==> 氧化层厚度测试
- measurement of pattern ==> パターン測定
- measurement of performance ==> 业务活动的评价,业务完成的评价
- measurement of personality ==> 人格测量
- measurement of plate thickness ==> 板厚测定
- measurement of power ==> 功率测定
- measurement of power factor ==> 力率計測
- measurement of principal reactances for generator ==> 发电机主要电抗的测定,为求出发电机的主要电抗值而进行的试验。主要电抗包括直轴与交轴同步电抗、直轴与交轴瞬态电抗、直轴与交轴次瞬态电抗、负序电抗、零序电抗、定子漏电抗等
- measurement of quantities ==> 量的测定
- measurement of rated excitation current and voltage regulation ==> 额定励磁电流及电压调整率的测定,通过调节励磁使在额定负载电流In及额定功率因数时发电机的端电压为额定值Un,测定此时的励磁电流即为额定励磁电流及通过发电机的外特性求出电压调整率的两项测定方法
- measurement of reflection-factor ==> 反射系数测量
- measurement of refractive power of lens ==> 镜片屈光力鉴定,镜片屈光力鉴定
- measurement of rms active power ==> 有功功率有效值的测量
- measurement of rms reactive power ==> 无功功率有效值的测量
- measurement of ship vibration ==> 船体振动测量
- measurement of short circuit characteristic under stable condition ==> 稳态短路特性的测定,发电机的转速为额定转速和电枢绕组三相短路的情况下,励磁绕组通入一定的电流,测录电枢绕组的短路电流与励磁绕组电流之间的关系
- measurement of size of aerosol ==> 气溶胶粒径测定
- measurement of soot and dust concentration ==> 烟尘浓度测量
- measurement of sound ==> 音の測定
- measurement of sound level ==> 騒音測定
- measurement of specific gravity ==> 比重測定
- measurement of speed ==> 速度测量
- measurement of synchronous machine parameters ==> 同步电机参数测定,通过试验测定同步电机的电阻、电抗和时间常数等
- measurement of temperature ==> 温度の測定
- measurement of the polysaccharide content ==> 多糖含量的测定
- measurement of time ==> 时间测量
- measurement of venous pressure ==> 静脉压测定,静脉压测定
- measurement of volume ==> 体積の測度
- measurement of water pollution ==> 水污染测定
- measurement pattern ==> 测量模式
- measurement plane ==> 测量平面
- measurement probe ==> 测量探针
- measurement processor system ==> 测量处理器系统
- measurement range ==> 测量范围,量程
- measurement range of laser range finder ==> 激光测距机测程
- measurement redundancy ==> 量测冗余度,表征可用于网络状态估计的量测富余程度的一个数值
- measurement reproducibility ==> 测量重复性
- measurement result ==> 测量结果
- measurement service ==> 计量业务
- measurement signal ==> 测量信号
- measurement standard ==> 测量标准
- measurement subsystem ==> 测量子系统
- measurement system ==> 测量系统
- measurement techniques ==> 測定技術
- measurement terminology ==> 測定用語
- measurement theory ==> 计测理论
- measurement tolerance ==> 测量公差
- measurement ton ==> 容积吨,尺码吨,体积吨
- measurement ton method ==> 容积吨法
- measurement tonnage ==> 载货容积吨数,丈量吨位
- measurement translator ==> 测量变换器,测试变换器
- measurement unit ==> 测量单位,测量仪器
- measurement update ==> 测量校正,校正观测量
- measurement window ==> 测量窗
- measurement-recording system ==> 测量记录系统
- measurement-standard ==> 標準器
- measurements of concentration ==> 成分・濃度の測定
- measurements of flow rate and fluid velocity ==> 流量・流速の測定
- measurements of force, pressure, degree of vacuum and torque ==> 力・圧力・真空度・重量・トルクなどの測定
- measurements of humidity and moisture ==> 湿度・水分の測定
- measurements of large current ==> 大電流測定
- measurements of length, displacement, thickness, level and angle ==> 長さ・変位・厚さ・レベル・角度などの測定
- measurements of velocity, acceleration and vibration ==> 速度・加速度・振動などの測定
- measurements of viscosity and hardness ==> 粘度・硬度の測定
- measurer ==> 测量器,量度器,测量员
- measures and weight ==> 权度
- measures and weights ==> 权度
- measures for pollution control ==> 控制污染措施
- measures for surge suppression ==> サージ抑制対策
- measures of dispersion ==> 离差测定
- measures of dust prevention ==> 防尘措施
- measures of protection ==> 防护措施
- measuring ==> 测量,测量的=>計測,計量用の
- measuring accuracy ==> 测量准确度=>計測精度
- measuring activity ==> 測定行為
- measuring amplifier ==> 测量放大器=>計測用増幅器
- measuring and cutting tool ==> 量具刃具
- measuring and examining machine ==> 量布验布机
- measuring and folding machine ==> 码布折布机
- measuring and identifying cyclical patterns ==> 循环类型测定与识别
- measuring and testing technique ==> 测试技术
- measuring and weighting room ==> 测量与称重室
- measuring aperture ==> 测量口径
- measuring apparatus ==> 测量仪器=>測定器
- measuring appliance ==> 测量器具,测量设备
- measuring bar ==> 量杆
- measuring basis ==> 测量基准
- measuring beam ==> 测量光束
- measuring bellow ==> 测量波纹管
- measuring bin ==> 量斗,定量装矿器
- measuring block ==> 量块
- measuring bottle ==> 量瓶,计量烧瓶
- measuring box ==> 量斗
- measuring bridge ==> 测量电桥,测量用电桥
- measuring bucket ==> 量斗
- measuring buoy ==> 测验浮标
- measuring buret ==> 量液滴定管
- measuring by repetition ==> 复测法
- measuring by sight ==> 目测
- measuring capacity ==> 测量容量
- measuring case depth for steel ==> 钢表层硬化深度测定法,钢的表层硬化深度测定法
- measuring cell ==> 测量池,测量元件
- measuring chain ==> 侧链,测量链
- measuring chamber ==> 測定室
- measuring chamber guide tube ==> 测量电离室导管
- measuring channel ==> 测量通道
- measuring chemical traits ==> 测定化学特性
- measuring circuit ==> 测量电路=>測定回路
- measuring coil ==> 测量线圈
- measuring column ==> 测量仪表柱
- measuring comparator ==> 测量比较仪
- measuring compensator ==> 测量补偿器
- measuring component ==> 测量元件,装置中测量输入量值大小并确定装置如何动作的元件
- measuring compressor ==> 测量用空气压缩机,计测空气压缩机
- measuring condition ==> 测量条件=>測定条件
- measuring cone ==> 测量锥体
- measuring control ==> 計量管理
- measuring cost ==> 計測コスト
- measuring cup ==> 量杯=>計量カップ
- measuring current ==> 测量电流,测试电流
- measuring cuttent ==> 测量电流
- measuring cylinder ==> 量筒
- measuring cylinder with spout ==> 量筒
- measuring data ==> 测量资料,测量数据
- measuring day ==> 收尺日
- measuring deck ==> 测量仪器舱
- measuring device ==> 测量装置,测量设备=>測定器
- measuring diaphragm ==> 测量隔膜,测量膜片,测量孔板
- measuring diode ==> 测量用二极管
- measuring electret microphone ==> 测量用驻极体传声器
- measuring electrode ==> 测量电极
- measuring electronics ==> 测量电子学
- measuring element ==> 测量元件
- measuring equipment of ground resistance ==> 接地抵抗測定器
- measuring error ==> 测量误差
- measuring eyepiece ==> 测量目镜,量测目镜
- measuring flask ==> 容量瓶,量杯
- measuring flume ==> 测流槽
- measuring force ==> 测量力
- measuring frame ==> 量料框
- measuring frequency ==> 测量频率=>測定周波数
- measuring frequency meter ==> 测量用频率计
- measuring function ==> 測定機能
- measuring gage ==> 测量规
- measuring gauge ==> 量规
- measuring glass ==> 量杯
- measuring glassware ==> 测量用玻璃器皿
- measuring graduate ==> 刻度量筒
- measuring grid ==> 测量格片,方格测片
- measuring head ==> 测量头
- measuring hole ==> 测量孔
- measuring hoper ==> 计量漏斗
- measuring hydrophone ==> 测量水声器
- measuring implement ==> 量具
- measuring impulse ==> 测量脉冲
- measuring impulse generator ==> 测量脉冲发生器
- measuring installation ==> 测量装置
- measuring instrument ==> 测量仪表,测量设备=>計器
- measuring instrument accuracy class ==> 计量偏度级
- measuring instrumentation ==> 测量用仪表
- measuring jaw ==> 测爪,量爪
- measuring jet ==> 针阀调节喷嘴,计量喷嘴
- measuring junction ==> 测量结
- measuring key ==> 测试电键
- measuring kit ==> 測定キット
- measuring lag ==> 测量滞后
- measuring limit ==> 測定限界
- measuring line ==> 测量线=>測地線
- measuring load ==> 測定荷重
- measuring loop ==> 测量回路
- measuring machine ==> 测长机,测量机,两度仪=>計測機
- measuring magnifier ==> 测量放大镜
- measuring mark ==> 测标,丈量标
- measuring means ==> 测量方法,测量装置=>測定手段
- measuring mechanics ==> 测量机构
- measuring mechanism ==> 测量机构
- measuring method ==> 测量方法=>計測方法
- measuring microphone ==> 测量传声器
- measuring microscope ==> 测量显微镜,量度显微镜=>測定顕微鏡
- measuring modulator ==> 测量调制器
- measuring nozzle ==> 测量喷嘴
- measuring object ==> 測定対象
- measuring of clearance and creepage distance ==> 电气间隙爬电距离测定
- measuring of comparative tracking indices (CTI) of solid insulating materials ==> 绝缘材料相比漏电起痕指数(CTI)值测定
- measuring of dissipation power ==> 耗散功率测定
- measuring of human resources ==> 人力资源的衡量
- measuring of insulating resistance ==> 绝缘电阻测定
- measuring of leakage current ==> 漏电电流测定
- measuring of magnetic field, magnetic flux density, magnetic flux ==> 磁界・磁束密度・磁束などの測定
- measuring of noise ==> 噪音测定
- measuring of resistance, reactance and impedance ==> 电阻电抗与阻抗测定
- measuring operation ==> 測定操作
- measuring orifice ==> 测量孔板
- measuring oscillator ==> 测量振荡器
- measuring oscilloscope ==> 测量示波器=>測定オシロスコープ
- measuring out ==> 测量
- measuring pad ==> 测量极板
- measuring panel ==> 测量仪表板
- measuring peg ==> 测桩
- measuring period ==> 测量周期
- measuring phototube ==> 测量用光电管
- measuring pipet ==> 量液管,量液移液管
- measuring pipet(te) ==> 计量吸管
- measuring pipette ==> 带刻度吸管
- measuring pitch ==> 量距
- measuring plane ==> 测量面
- measuring platform ==> 观测台
- measuring pliers ==> 测量钳
- measuring pocket ==> 给料量斗,配料槽,量矿器
- measuring point ==> 测定点
- measuring position ==> 测量位置
- measuring potential ==> 测量电势
- measuring potentiometer ==> 测量电位差计,测定电位计,测量用电位计
- measuring pressure ==> 测量压力
- measuring pressure basis ==> 测压基准
- measuring principle ==> 测量原理
- measuring prism ==> 测距仪棱镜,测量棱镜
- measuring probe ==> 测量探头
- measuring probe insertion and removal tool ==> 测量探头的插入和取出工具
- measuring process ==> 测量过程
- measuring projector ==> 测量投影仪,轮廓投影仪
- measuring pump ==> 量液泵,计量泵
- measuring range ==> 测量范围=>測定範囲
- measuring reactor ==> 测量反应堆
- measuring relay ==> 测量继电器=>メジャリング継電器
- measuring resistance ==> 测量电阻,测量用电阻,标准电阻
- measuring resistor ==> 测量电阻
- measuring resolution ==> 测试分辨率,测试清晰度
- measuring response ==> 測定応答
- measuring result ==> 测量结果=>計測結果
- measuring reticle ==> 测量分划板
- measuring rod ==> 量杆,液位量杆
- measuring rod of economic performance ==> 经营成果指标,经营成果指标
- measuring room ==> 计量室
- measuring rope ==> 测绳,测索
- measuring rule ==> 量尺
- measuring scale ==> 量尺
- measuring screw ==> 测微螺丝
- measuring section ==> 测量段,测验断面
- measuring sensitivity ==> 测量灵敏度
- measuring sequence ==> 测量顺序
- measuring set ==> 测量仪表组
- measuring sets ==> 测量成套设备
- measuring signal ==> 测量信号
- measuring siphon tube ==> 测量虹吸管
- measuring size range ==> 测定粒度范围
- measuring slide wire ==> 测量用滑线电阻
- measuring slit ==> 测量用狭缝
- measuring soil moisture ==> 测定土壤湿度
- measuring span ==> 量程
- measuring spanner for force moment ==> 测力矩扳手
- measuring sparkgap ==> 测量用火花放电器
- measuring spectroscope ==> 波长分光镜
- measuring staff ==> 测杆
- measuring station ==> 测位
- measuring stereoscope ==> 测量立体镜,量测立体镜
- measuring stick ==> 测量杖,测枝
- measuring system ==> 测量系统
- measuring system for high voltage testing ==> 高电压试验测量系统,用于高电压或冲击电流等测量的整套装置。包括转换装置、连接试品或试验回路所需的连线、转换装置与测量仪器之间备有衰减、终端、匹配等阻抗或网络的传输系统、指示或记录和测量仪器、接地回路、连接电源的回路等
- measuring system of fine swing angle ==> 相差角の精密測定系
- measuring table ==> 测量台
- measuring tank ==> 计量箱
- measuring tape ==> 测带,卷尺,卷尺,皮卷尺
- measuring technique ==> 测量技术,测试技术
- measuring telescope ==> 测量望远镜
- measuring temperature basis ==> 测温基准
- measuring the potential of hydrogen ==> 测量氢潜力
- measuring thermistor ==> 测量用热变电阻器
- measuring thickness micrometer ==> 测厚千分尺
- measuring time ==> 測定時間
- measuring tool ==> 测量工具,量度仪器,量具
- measuring transducer ==> 测量用转换器
- measuring transductor ==> 测量用饱和电抗器
- measuring transformer ==> 测量用变压器
- measuring transformer with ring core ==> 环心式测量变压器
- measuring uncertainty ==> 测量不确定性
- measuring unit ==> 测量装置
- measuring valve ==> 手动定量给进阀
- measuring vessel ==> 量器
- measuring viewfinder ==> 测量用瞄准器
- measuring voltage ==> 测量电压
- measuring wave guide ==> 测量波导管
- measuring wedge ==> 测量光楔,测量楔
- measuring weir ==> 量水堰
- measuring well ==> 测量井
- measuring wheel ==> 测轮
- measuring-instrument engineering ==> 测量仪器工程学
- measuring-mark mirror ==> 测标反射镜
- measuring-mark plate ==> 测标板
- measurment of film thickness ==> 膜厚测量
- meat ==> 肉,肉类
- meat analogue ==> 人造肉
- meat and bone meal ==> 肉骨粉
- meat ant ==> 肉蚂蚁
- meat autolysis ==> 肉类自解作用
- meat breed ==> 肉用品种
- meat by- product ==> 肉类加工副产品
- meat carrier ==> 肉类装运船
- meat cattle ==> 肉用牛,菜牛
- meat cooling plant ==> 肉类冷藏库
- meat curing ==> 肉类保藏,肉类加工
- meat elevator ==> 肉类提升机
- meat extract ==> 肉膏,肉浸液,肉汁
- meat extract agar ==> 肉膏琼脂
- meat extract culture-medium ==> 肉浸膏培养基
- meat extract gelatin ==> 肉膏明胶
- meat factor ==> 肉系数
- meat fiber ==> 肌肉纤维
- meat fly ==> 肉蝇
- meat freezing ==> 肉类的冷冻
- meat grinder ==> 铰肉机,绞肉机
- meat guano ==> 肉粉肥料
- meat hygiene ==> 肉品卫生
- meat infusion ==> 肉浸液
- meat inspection ==> 肉品检验
- meat maggot ==> 肉蝇幼虫
- meat meal ==> 肉粉,肉骨粉
- meat meal tankage ==> 肉骨粉
- meat mincer ==> 铰肉机
- meat modifier ==> 肉质改进剂
- meat of a sheep ==> 绵羊肉
- meat packing plant ==> 肉联合厂,屠宰加工厂
- meat poisoning ==> 肉中毒
- meat preserve ==> 肉类保藏
- meat processing ==> 肉类的加工
- meat processing factory ==> 肉类联合加工厂
- Meat Producers Board ==> (新西兰)肉类生产商管理局
- meat product ==> 肉类食品
- meat production ==> 肉品生产
- meat scrap ==> 肉粉
- meat shear ==> 分肉刀
- meat ship ==> 肉类装运船
- meat spot ==> (蛋)肉斑
- meat strain ==> 肉用品种
- meat tenderiser ==> 肉类致嫩剂
- meat tenderizer ==> 肉品嫩化剂
- meat type ==> 猪肉用型
- meat type feeding ==> 肉用型饲养
- meat ware ==> 肉食品
- meat weight ==> 净肉重,净肉重
- meat work ==> 肉品加工厂
- meat works ==> 肉类加工厂
- meat yield ==> 产肉量
- meat-ang-fish preparation room ==> 鱼肉加工间
- meat-bone ratio ==> 肉骨比率
- meat-fat ratio ==> 肉脂比率
- meat-packing ==> 肉类加工
- meat-packing industry ==> 肉品加工业
- meat-packing plant ==> 肉类加工场
- meat-spoilage organism ==> 肉类腐败微生物
- meat-type hog ==> 肉用型猪
- meatal plate ==> 鳃沟底板,耳道板
- meatome ==> 尿道口刀
- meatometer ==> 尿道口计
- meatorrhaphy ==> 尿道口缝合术
- meatoscope ==> 尿道口镜,尿道口窥镜
- meatoscopy ==> 尿道口镜检查
- meatotome ==> 尿道口刀
- meatotomy ==> 尿道口切开术,尿道外口切开术
- meatus ==> 道
- meatus acusticus ==> 耳道
- meatus acusticus externus ==> 外听道
- meatus auditorius ==> 耳道
- meatus conchae ethmoturbinalis minoris ==> 上鼻道
- meatus nasi ==> 鼻道
- meatus nasi communis ==> 总鼻道
- meatus nasi inferior ==> 下鼻道
- meatus nasi medius ==> 中鼻道
- meatus nasi superior ==> 上鼻道
- meatus nasopharyngeus ==> 鼻咽道
- meatus tube ==> 耳道管
- meatus urinarius ==> 尿道口
- meaty cotton ==> 纯净棉
- MEAU, MELCO Automation ==> シカゴにあるMELCO系列会社
- mebumal sodium ==> 戊巴比妥钠
- mebumalnatrium ==> 戊巴比妥钠
- MEC ==> 主要電力請負事業者
- MEC, Metrology Engineering Center ==> 計測技術センター
- MEC, motion estimation coarse ==> 粗い動き検出
- MEC, motion estimation fine ==> 詳細な動き検出
- mecamylamine hydrochloride ==> 美加明盐酸盐,盐酸美加明
- mecanum wheel ==> メカナムホイール
- mecarta ==> 胶木
- mechanical ==> 机械的,力学
- mechanical (end face) seal ==> 端面密封
- mechanical adhesion ==> 机械粘附,机械粘性附力
- mechanical adjustment ==> 机械调整
- mechanical admittance ==> 机械导纳,力导纳
- mechanical admixture ==> 机械杂质
- mechanical advantage ==> 机械利益,机械效益
- mechanical aeration ==> 机械充气,机械曝气法
- mechanical air supply ==> 机械送风
- mechanical analog computer ==> 机械式模拟计算机
- mechanical analogue ==> 机械模拟
- mechanical analogue computer ==> 机械模拟计算机
- mechanical analysis ==> 机械分析
- mechanical analysis curve ==> 颗粒分析曲线
- mechanical analysis of heat-supply pipes ==> 供热管道强度计算
- mechanical analysis of sand ==> 砂粒分析
- mechanical and electrical durability test ==> 机械寿命和电寿命试验
- mechanical angle ==> 机械角
- mechanical antidote ==> 机械解毒
- mechanical appliances ==> 机械用量
- mechanical arm ==> 机械手
- mechanical ashed producer ==> 机械清灰煤气发生炉
- mechanical ashing ==> 机械除灰
- mechanical asphyxia ==> 机械性窒息
- mechanical assembly ==> 自動組立
- mechanical atomization ==> 机械雾化
- mechanical atomizer ==> 机械雾化器
- mechanical atomizer burner ==> 机械式喷灯,机械雾化燃烧器
- mechanical atomizing burner ==> 机械雾化燃烧器
- mechanical atrophy ==> 机械性萎缩
- mechanical automatic lubrication ==> 机械加压润滑,机械强制润滑
- mechanical axis ==> (晶体的Y轴)力轴
- mechanical back to back test ==> 机械连接式效率试验
- mechanical back-to-back test ==> 机械联接式效率试验,机械连接式效率试验
- mechanical balance (equilibrium) ==> 机械平衡
- mechanical balance type ==> 機械平衡形
- mechanical bandspread ==> 机械波段扩展
- mechanical bearing ==> 轴承
- mechanical bearing cursor ==> 方位游标
- mechanical behavior under high temperature ==> 高温力学性能
- mechanical behaviour ==> 机械性能
- mechanical bias ==> 机械偏置
- mechanical birefringence ==> 受力双折射
- mechanical blocking ==> 机动区截制
- mechanical blowpipe ==> 自动焊割炬,自动焊炬
- mechanical bolt ==> 螺钉
- mechanical bond ==> 机械结合,机械连接,机械砌合
- mechanical booster ==> 机械升压器
- mechanical brack of hydro unit ==> [水轮发电机]机械制动,用机械方法强迫转动部件停止转动的措施。一般采用活塞式制动器,在机组停机过程中,当转速下降到某一规定值,通入压缩空气使制动块顶起紧压在发电机转子的制动环上,形成摩擦力,使机组受到制动而停机
- mechanical brains ==> 人工脑
- mechanical brake ==> 机械制动器
- mechanical brake equipment ==> 机械制动器,由耐热抗磨性能好的制动块及其固定与移动机构组成的,能对水轮发电机转子进行摩擦制动的装置
- mechanical braking ==> 機械制動
- mechanical breakdown ==> 机械故障
- mechanical bruise resistance ==> 抗机械损伤性
- mechanical bulging die ==> 机械胀形模
- mechanical burn ==> 机械磨擦灼焦
- mechanical caging ==> 机械锁定
- mechanical capacitance ==> 機械キャパシタンス
- mechanical capacity ==> 机械性能
- mechanical carburetor ==> 机力汽化器
- mechanical carrier ==> 机械性携带者
- mechanical carry-over ==> 机械携带,使饱和蒸汽穿过给水层,使蒸汽中溶解携带的一部分SiO2向给水转移,以降低饱和蒸汽溶解携带的方法。
- mechanical casting extractor ==> 铸件顶出器
- mechanical centering ==> 机械对准中心
- mechanical character ==> 机械性能
- mechanical checkout ==> 机械校正
- mechanical chopper ==> 机械调制盘,机械切碎机,机械斩波器,机械斩光盘
- mechanical clearance ==> 机械间隙
- mechanical close ==> 机械封闭
- mechanical comparator ==> 机械比长仪,机械比较器,机械比较仪
- mechanical compliance ==> 机械顺从性,力顺
- mechanical component ==> 机器构件,机械构件
- mechanical composition ==> 机械组成
- mechanical computer ==> 机械计算机
- mechanical congestion ==> 机械性充血
- mechanical connection ==> 机械连接
- mechanical connector ==> 导线连接钳
- mechanical constraint ==> 机械约束
- mechanical contact ==> 機械的接点
- mechanical control ==> メカニカル制御
- mechanical controlled magazine ==> 机动料斗
- mechanical cooling bed ==> 机动冷床
- mechanical copying attachment ==> 机械仿形附件
- mechanical corn shredder ==> 机械玉米切碎机
- mechanical cotton picker ==> 轴式摘棉机
- mechanical counter ==> 机械计量器
- mechanical counter wheel ==> 机械数字轮
- mechanical coupling ==> 机械式联轴器,机械性偶联,机械耦合
- mechanical cow ==> 机械牛,哺乳器
- mechanical crust breaking ==> 机械打壳
- mechanical cutting ==> 机械切削
- mechanical damage ==> 硬伤
- mechanical damper ==> 机械减震器
- mechanical damping ==> 机械阻尼
- mechanical deflector ==> 机械偏转器
- mechanical deformation ==> 机械变形
- mechanical depolarization ==> 机械去极化,机械退极化
- mechanical deposits ==> 机械沉积
- mechanical descaling ==> 机械除鳞
- mechanical deslimer ==> 机械脱泥器
- mechanical deterioration ==> 機械劣化
- mechanical dialer ==> 自动拨号机
- mechanical dictionary ==> 机器词典,机器翻译词典,机器字典
- mechanical differential analyzer ==> 机械式微分分析器,机械微分分析机
- mechanical differentiation ==> 机械分异作用
- mechanical discipline ==> 设备专业
- mechanical displacement pouring ==> 置换浇注
- mechanical dissemination ==> 机械传布
- mechanical dividing heads ==> 机械分度头
- mechanical downtime ==> 事故停工时间
- mechanical draft cooling tower ==> 机械通风冷却塔,采用风机强制抽风,使空气和冷却水进行热、质交换的塔形建筑物
- mechanical drawing ==> 机械图样,设备图纸
- mechanical drier ==> 干燥机
- mechanical drift ==> 机械漂移,机械性固定偏差
- mechanical drive system ==> 机械驱动系统
- mechanical drive turbine ==> 机械驱动用透平
- mechanical dust collector ==> 机械除尘器
- mechanical dust extractor ==> 机械除尘器
- mechanical dysmenorrhea ==> 机械性痛经,梗阻性痛经
- mechanical effect ==> 机械效能
- mechanical efficency ==> 機械効率
- mechanical efficiency ==> 机械效率,汽轮机轴端功率与内功率之比
- mechanical egg gatherer ==> 机械式集蛋器
- mechanical egg washer ==> 机械式洗蛋机
- mechanical elecctrical protection ==> 机电保护装置
- mechanical electrical transducer ==> 机械电气变换器
- mechanical electroterminal ==> 机电终端
- mechanical elevator ==> 升运机
- mechanical elongation ==> 機械的延伸
- mechanical energy ==> 机械能=>力学的エネルギー
- mechanical engineer ==> 设备工程师
- mechanical engineering ==> 机械工程学,(建筑中的采暖通风空调等)设备工程学
- mechanical entropion ==> 机械性睑内翻
- mechanical equation of state ==> 力学状态方程
- mechanical equilibrium condition ==> 力学平衡条件
- mechanical equivalent ==> 功当量=>仕事当量(熱)
- mechanical equivalent of heat ==> 热功当量
- mechanical equivalent of light ==> 光功当量,(单位:瓦/流明)光的机械当量
- mechanical erosion ==> 刻蚀
- mechanical excitation ==> 机械激发
- mechanical expression ==> 压榨
- mechanical extraction ==> 机械抽风
- mechanical face seal ==> 机械面密封
- mechanical factor of merit ==> 机械优值=>機械的良度
- mechanical failing load ==> 机械破坏负荷(MFL)
- mechanical failing load tests ==> 机械破坏荷重试验
- mechanical failure ==> 机械故障
- mechanical fault ==> 机械故障
- mechanical feed ==> 自动(机械)送料器=>機械送り
- mechanical feedback ==> 机械反馈
- mechanical feel device ==> 机械感触装置
- mechanical filter ==> 机械滤波器,机械过滤器
- mechanical filter respirator ==> 机械过滤呼吸器
- mechanical finger ==> 机械手
- mechanical firing ==> 机械锅炉点火
- mechanical float ==> 镘平机,抹灰机
- mechanical floor ==> 设备层
- mechanical flotation cell ==> 机械浮选槽
- mechanical flow diagram ==> 工程流程图
- mechanical flyball-type governor ==> 飞球式机械调速器
- mechanical force ==> 機械的力
- mechanical form block ==> 机械的成形模块
- mechanical fragility ==> 机械性脆性,红细胞机械脆性
- mechanical fragility test ==> 红细胞机械脆性试验
- mechanical frequency stabilization ==> 機械的周波数安定
- mechanical friction loss ==> 机械摩擦损失
- mechanical fuel pump ==> 机械燃油泵
- mechanical generator ==> 机械力发电机
- mechanical governor ==> 机械调速器
- mechanical grading ==> 机械筛分
- mechanical grease lubricator ==> 机械滑脂润滑器
- mechanical grinding wheel forming equipment ==> 机械式磨轮成形设备
- mechanical gripper feed ==> 机械夹持爪式送料
- mechanical grit arrester ==> 机械除尘器
- mechanical gutter cleaner ==> 粪沟清理机
- mechanical hammers ==> 机动锤
- mechanical hardening ==> 机械硬化
- mechanical hardware of body ==> 车身机构
- mechanical heading machine ==> 掘进联合机,掘进联合机
- mechanical hemolysis due to artificial valve ==> 人工瓣膜机械性溶血
- mechanical hoe ==> 动力锄
- mechanical holding relay ==> 機械保持リレー
- mechanical hydraulic control ==> 机械液压式控制
- mechanical hydraulic control system ,MHC ==> 机械液压调节系统,按机械、液压原理设计的敏感组件、放大组件和液压执行机构等部件组成的汽轮机调节系统
- mechanical hydraulic controller ==> 機械油圧式調速器
- mechanical hydraulic deep drawing ==> 机械液压联合深拉延
- mechanical hydraulic governor ==> 机械液压调速器
- mechanical hysteresis ==> 机械滞后,力学滞后
- mechanical hysteresis effect ==> 机械迟滞作用
- mechanical hysteresis loss ==> 机械吸震能力
- mechanical impact screen ==> 机械式冲击筛
- mechanical impact strength ==> 机械碰撞强度
- mechanical impedance ==> 机械阻抗,力学阻抗=>機械インピーダンス
- mechanical impurities ==> 机械杂质,存在于油中的不溶于规定溶剂的不溶物
- mechanical impurity ==> 机械混合物,机械杂质
- mechanical incomplete combustion ==> 机械不完全燃烧
- mechanical index method ==> メカニカルインデックス法
- mechanical indicator ==> 機械的表示器
- mechanical injection ==> 机械喷射
- mechanical injury ==> 机械性损伤
- mechanical injury of eye ==> 机械性眼外伤
- mechanical inspection ==> 机械性能试验
- mechanical integration ==> 仪器积分法
- mechanical integrator ==> 机械积分器
- mechanical intelligence ==> 机械智能
- mechanical interlock ==> 机械式联锁
- mechanical interlock (ing) ==> 机械联锁
- mechanical interlocking machine ==> 机械式联锁机=>機械連動機
- mechanical interlocking mechanism ==> 机械式联锁机
- mechanical isolation ==> 机械隔离
- mechanical jack ==> 机力起重器
- mechanical jaundice ==> 机械性黄疸
- mechanical joining ==> 机械方法连接
- mechanical kinematics ==> 机械运动学
- mechanical kinetic energy ==> 机械动能
- mechanical kinetics ==> 机械动力学
- mechanical lever ==> 機械てこ
- mechanical life ==> 机械寿命
- mechanical lift ==> 机械升力
- mechanical lift dock ==> 机械提升船坞
- mechanical limit ==> 机械极限
- mechanical line ==> 力学线路
- mechanical linkage ==> 连杆机构,机械联动
- mechanical load ==> 機械負荷
- mechanical loader ==> 装载机
- mechanical locker relay ==> 机械闭锁继电器
- mechanical logic control ==> 机械逻辑控制
- mechanical loom ==> 纺织机
- mechanical looper ==> 机械传动的活套挑
- mechanical loss ==> 机械损失=>機械損
- mechanical lubrication ==> 强制润滑
- mechanical lubricator ==> 机力润滑器
- mechanical management of respiration ==> 机械呼吸管理
- mechanical manometer ==> 机械压力计
- mechanical masking ==> 机械掩蔽法
- mechanical mass ==> 力学质量
- mechanical means ==> 机械法
- mechanical metallurgy ==> 机械冶金学
- mechanical metamorphism ==> 动力变质作用
- mechanical migration of population ==> 人口机械迁移
- mechanical misalignment ==> 机械不同轴性
- mechanical mixture ==> 机械拌合
- mechanical mode ==> 機械系モード
- mechanical modification ==> 機械的加工
- mechanical modulator ==> 机械调制器
- mechanical mouse ==> 机械式鼠标器
- mechanical movement ==> 机械运动
- mechanical mucker ==> 装岩机
- mechanical mucking ==> 机械装岩
- mechanical mule ==> 机械骡
- mechanical multiplier ==> 机械乘法器
- mechanical obstruction ==> 机械性梗阻
- mechanical occlusion theory ==> 机械性阻塞性学说
- mechanical ohm ==> 力欧姆,力学欧姆
- mechanical oil valve ==> 机械式油阀
- mechanical optical comparator ==> 机械光学比较仪
- mechanical optical switch ==> 机械光开关
- mechanical origin ==> 機械原点
- mechanical oscillator ==> 机械振荡器
- mechanical oscillograph ==> 直接记录器
- mechanical output ==> 机械功率
- mechanical pantograph ==> 机械缩放仪
- mechanical paper tape reader ==> 机械纸带输入机
- mechanical parallel circuit ==> 机械并联回路
- mechanical paralysis ==> 机械性麻痹
- mechanical part ==> 机械构件
- mechanical passivity ==> 机械钝性
- mechanical penetration ==> 机械穿透
- mechanical penthouse ==> 屋顶机房
- mechanical performance of material ==> 材料机械性能
- mechanical perfusion ==> 机械灌注法
- mechanical pick-up ==> 机械拾音器
- mechanical picker ==> 机械拣选机,机械筛
- mechanical pilar ==> 机动堆垛机
- mechanical pilot ==> 自动操纵器
- mechanical pipe ==> 机械缩孔
- mechanical pipe joint ==> 管道的机动接头
- mechanical pit cutter-loader ==> 机械化青贮窖用切碎装载机
- mechanical pitting ==> 麻点
- mechanical planter ==> 植种机
- mechanical plating ==> 机械喷镀
- mechanical position readouts ==> 机械位置读数器
- mechanical power ==> 机械动力,机械功率=>動力,機械動力
- mechanical power coal sampling equipment ==> 发电用煤机械采制样装置,又称"机械采制样装置"
- mechanical power house ==> 机动室,(指水,汽,压缩空气)动力站
- mechanical power house (指水,汽,压缩空气) ==> 动力站
- mechanical power lift ==> 机械式自动起落机构
- mechanical power lift clutch ==> 机力起落离合器
- mechanical press ==> 机械压力机
- mechanical pressure atomizer ==> 机械压力雾化器
- mechanical process ==> 机械过程
- mechanical programmer ==> 机械程序设计
- mechanical property ==> 机械性能,力学性能,力学性质
- mechanical protetion of wood ==> 木材机械保护法
- mechanical ptosis ==> 机械性上睑下垂
- mechanical puddling ==> 振动捣实
- mechanical pulp board ==> 磨木浆制纸板
- mechanical pulp-free printing paper ==> 道林纸
- mechanical pulsing ==> 机械脉冲
- mechanical pusher ram ==> 机械堆料机
- mechanical pyrometer ==> 机械高温计
- mechanical Q-switch ==> 机械Q开关
- mechanical quantity ==> 力学量
- mechanical radian ==> 機械角
- mechanical raking system ==> 机械耙动系统
- mechanical raster scanning type system ==> 光栅型机械扫描系统
- mechanical reactance ==> 力抗,机械反作用力=>機械リアクタンス
- mechanical recording ==> 机械记录
- mechanical recovery ==> 力学回复
- mechanical rectifier ==> 机械整流
- mechanical reduction gear ==> 齿轮减速装置
- mechanical refining ==> 机械调质,加工退火
- mechanical refrigeration ==> 机力冷冻,机械致冷
- mechanical register ==> 机械配准
- mechanical registration ==> 机械对准
- mechanical relationship ==> 机械性关系
- mechanical relay ==> 機械的継電器
- mechanical reliability report ==> 机械可靠性报告
- mechanical resistance ==> 機械抵抗
- mechanical resonance ==> 机械共振
- mechanical resonator ==> 机械谐振器=>メカニカル共振器
- mechanical reversibility ==> 机械可逆性
- mechanical roaster ==> 机械搅拌焙烧炉
- mechanical robustness testing ==> 机械强度试验
- mechanical roughening pump ==> 机械初步抽空泵
- mechanical safety ==> 机械保险装置
- mechanical sampling ==> 机械抽样,机械取样,机械采样,用符合采样要求的机械装置采取煤样的一种采样方式
- mechanical scale ==> 机械秤
- mechanical scanner ==> 机械扫描器
- mechanical scanning ==> 机械扫描=>機械式走査
- mechanical screening system ==> 机械过滤系统
- mechanical seal ==> 机械密封,机械轴封,机械式轴封=>メカニカルシール,軸シール
- mechanical seal spare parts ==> 机械密封备件
- mechanical seal specification ==> 机械密封规格
- mechanical seal tester ==> メカニカルシール試験機
- mechanical sediment ==> 机械沉积物
- mechanical self starter ==> 机力自动起动机
- mechanical series circuit ==> 机械串联回路
- mechanical servo ==> 机械随动系统
- mechanical setting ==> 机械镶嵌
- mechanical shake cleaning ==> 机械震动布袋清灰,采用机械震动的方法清除袋式除尘器过滤布袋上沉积的尘粒
- mechanical sharpener ==> 磨钎机
- mechanical sharpening machine ==> 锻钎机
- mechanical shock resistance ==> 抗机械冲击性
- mechanical shutter ==> 机械快门
- mechanical side guides ==> 机械化侧导板
- mechanical signal ==> 机械信号
- mechanical slicer ==> 刨床
- mechanical smoke control ==> 机械控烟
- mechanical snow plow ==> 排雪机
- mechanical soil cultivation ==> 土壤机械化耕作
- mechanical sources ==> 机械源
- mechanical sowing ==> 机播
- mechanical spalling ==> 机械性剥落
- mechanical speech path switch ==> 機械的通話路スイッチ
- mechanical speed governor ==> 機械ガバナ,機械式調速機
- mechanical spot displacement ==> 光点的机械位移
- mechanical spot misalignment ==> 光点的机械位移
- mechanical spring ==> 弹簧
- mechanical spring and flyweight governor ==> 飞锤调速器
- mechanical stability ==> 机械安定性,机械稳定性
- mechanical stability against short circuit ==> 机械稳定性,电气设备能够承受短路电流电动力的作用而不会导致设备永久变形和损坏的能力
- mechanical stabilizer ==> 机械稳定器
- mechanical stacker ==> 机械垛材机
- mechanical stamping ==> 机械冲压
- mechanical stamping device ==> 机动打印装置
- mechanical starter ==> 机动起动机
- mechanical sterilization ==> 器械灭菌法
- mechanical stiffness ==> 力劲
- mechanical stimulus ==> 机械刺激,机械刺激物
- mechanical stipple ==> 机械点刻
- mechanical stirrer ==> 机器搅拌机
- mechanical stoker ==> 机动炉排,机动加煤机,自动加煤机=>給炭機,ストーカ
- mechanical stoppage ==> 机械故障
- mechanical storage ==> 机械存储器
- mechanical stowing ==> 机械充填
- mechanical strabismus ==> 机械性斜视
- mechanical strain ==> 机械应变
- mechanical strength verification under sudden short circuit ==> 突然短路机械强度试验,试验在发电机空载运行时进行,励磁电流相应于规定定子电压下进行,通过三相断路器将发电机的出线端短接。试验后,发电机不应产生有害变形且能承受耐电压试验
- mechanical stress ==> 机械应力
- mechanical stress relieving ==> 机械方法消除应力
- mechanical stress relieving method ==> 机械应力消除法
- mechanical styptic ==> 机械性止血药
- mechanical sweeper ==> 扫除机
- mechanical switching ==> 自動交換
- mechanical system ==> 机工系,机械系统,力学系统
- mechanical system constants ==> 機械系定数
- mechanical systole ==> 机械收缩
- mechanical tapping machine ==> 机械放液机
- mechanical telemetry ==> 机械遥测
- mechanical template plot ==> 模板机械制图
- mechanical test ==> 机械性能试验
- mechanical theorem proving ==> 定理的机器证明
- mechanical thinning ==> 机械定距疏伐,机械疏伐
- mechanical threshold ==> 机械阈
- mechanical tilt ==> 机械倾角
- mechanical time constant ==> 机械时间常数=>機械的時定数
- mechanical timer ==> 机械定时,机械定时器=>機械的タイマ
- mechanical tissues ==> 机械组织
- mechanical torque converter ==> 机械变扭器
- mechanical translation ==> 机械翻译
- mechanical translation machine ==> 翻译机
- mechanical transmission ==> 机械性传播
- mechanical transmission system ==> 机械传输系统
- mechanical transmitter ==> 机械传播者
- mechanical transport ==> 机动运输,汽车交通
- mechanical transport (MET) ==> 机械输送
- mechanical trauma ==> 机械性创伤
- mechanical traumatic cataract ==> 机械性外伤性白内障
- mechanical trip ==> 机械释放装置
- mechanical tripping device ==> 机械释放装置
- mechanical tube cleaner ==> 管式清洁机
- mechanical tuning ==> 機械的同調
- mechanical twin ==> 塑变双晶,机械孪晶
- mechanical unit ==> 力学单位
- mechanical urethrophaxis ==> 机械性尿路梗阻
- mechanical valve prosthesis ==> 机械瓣膜
- mechanical variable speed drive ==> 机械变速拖动装置
- mechanical vector ==> 机械媒介物,机械性媒介物
- mechanical ventilation system ==> 机械通风系统
- mechanical verification ==> 机械核对
- mechanical view of Nature ==> 機械論的自然像
- mechanical viscosity ==> 机械粘性
- mechanical water lift ==> 机械式提水器
- mechanical weathering ==> 机械风化
- mechanical wood ==> 机械用材
- mechanical working properties ==> 加工性能
- mechanical wrench ==> 机动扳手
- mechanical yielding prop ==> 机械让压支柱
- mechanical zero ==> 机工零点,机械零位=>機械的零位
- mechanical-centrifugal speed governor ==> 机械离心式调速器,利用由主轴带动旋转飞锤的离心力来感知汽轮机转速变化的调速器
- mechanical-draft water-cooling tower ==> 机械通风水冷却塔
- mechanical-electrical integration system design ==> 机电一体化系统设计
- mechanical-optic deflector ==> 机械光学偏转器
- mechanical-type exhauster ==> 机械式排气风机
- mechanical-type inflator ==> 机械式轮胎打气泵
- mechanical-type unit ==> 机械单位
- mechanical-vignetting ==> 机械渐晕
- mechanically agitated aeration system ==> 机械搅动曝气系统
- mechanically capped steel ==> 机械封顶钢
- mechanically clamped tool ==> 机械夹固车刀
- mechanically despun antenna ==> 機械的デスパンアンテナ
- mechanically driven flour grinder ==> 机动磨粉机
- mechanically engageddrive starter ==> 机械啮合式起动机
- mechanically fired boiler ==> 机械化燃烧锅炉
- mechanically mixed flux ==> 机械混合焊剂
- mechanically operated valve ==> 機械操作弁
- mechanically operation indicator ==> 機械的表示器
- mechanically raked bar screen ==> 机械耙杆过滤器
- mechanically reset relay ==> 手動復帰リレー
- mechanically scanned guidance system ==> 机械仿形导向系统
- mechanically-actuated power meter ==> 机械驱动式功率计
- mechanically-driven ==> 机械传动
- mechanically-driven interrupter ==> 机械传动装置断续器
- mechanically-driven optical reflector ==> 机械传动光反射器
- mechanically-driven pump ==> 机动泵
- mechanically-polished substrate ==> 机械抛光衬底
- mechanically-resistant material ==> 硬质材料
- mechanically-timed relay ==> 机械定时继电器
- mechanicalness opening ==> 机械孔径
- mechanichal cardiovascular simulator ==> 机动心血管模拟器
- mechanichal respirator ==> 机械呼吸器
- mechanics ==> 机理,力学
- mechanics of closed die forging ==> 闭模锻造力学
- mechanics of communication ==> 通讯技术
- mechanics of elasticity ==> 弹性力学
- mechanics of elastoplasticity ==> 弹塑性力学
- mechanics of fracture ==> 断裂力学
- mechanics of frozen soil ==> 冻土力学
- mechanics of landslide ==> 滑坡力学
- mechanics of machinery ==> 机械力学
- mechanics of material ==> 材料力学
- mechanics of microcirculation ==> 微循环力学
- mechanics of particles ==> 质点力学
- mechanics of rock blasting ==> 岩石爆破力学
- mechanics of rock cutting ==> 岩石切割力学
- mechanics of rock masses ==> 岩体力学
- mechanics of superplasticity ==> 超塑性力学
- mechanics of the foreign exchange market ==> 外汇市场机制
- mechanism ==> 机构学,机芯,机理=>メカニズム
- mechanism conversion reform in management ==> 经营转换机制改革,经营转换机制改革
- mechanism of action ==> 作用机理
- mechanism of acupuncture anesthesia ==> 针麻原理
- mechanism of change ==> 变革方式
- mechanism of coagulation ==> 凝血原理
- mechanism of continental rift originesis ==> 大陆裂谷成因机制
- mechanism of corrosion ==> 腐蚀机理
- mechanism of crystal growth ==> 晶体生长机理
- mechanism of decompressor ==> 减压机构
- mechanism of diaphragm ==> 光阑结构
- mechanism of drug action ==> 药物作用机制
- mechanism of economic activities ==> 经济活动机制,经济活动机制
- mechanism of electrolysis ==> 电解机理
- mechanism of feedback ==> 反馈的工具
- mechanism of four position vacuum interrupter ==> 4ポジション真空バルブの構造
- mechanism of fracture ==> 破坏机理
- mechanism of increase of ECT ==> 絶縁油の高帯電度化メカニズム
- mechanism of ionic conduction ==> 离子导电机制
- mechanism of labor ==> 分娩机理
- mechanism of mass transfer ==> 传质机理
- mechanism of nucleation ==> 成核机理
- mechanism of polymerization ==> 聚合机理,聚合机理,聚合历程,聚合历程
- mechanism of production ==> 产生机理
- mechanism of quantum computers ==> 量子コンピュータの機構
- mechanism of reaction ==> 反应历程
- mechanism of reactions ==> 反应机理
- mechanism of roasting ==> 熔烧机理
- mechanism of selection through competition ==> 竞争淘汰机制,竞争淘汰机制
- mechanism of self-lubrication ==> 自动润滑机理
- mechanism of self-purification ==> 自净机理
- mechanism of solid state creep ==> 固态蠕变机制
- mechanism of transmission ==> 传播机理
- mechanism support ==> 机构支承架
- mechanistic organization structure ==> 机械性组织结构
- mechanization in rice cultivation ==> 水稻栽培的机械化
- mechanization in weed control ==> 机械化控制杂草
- mechanization level of enterprise ==> 企业机械化程度
- mechanization of building operation ==> 施工机械化
- mechanization of construction ==> 施工机械化
- mechanization of equation ==> 方程式的机械编排
- mechanized accountant ==> 机械计算装置
- mechanized classification ==> 自动化分类
- mechanized coal mining ==> 煤矿机采型
- mechanized data base ==> 机械化数据库
- mechanized data processing system ==> 机械数据处理系统
- mechanized dewpoint meter ==> 露点记录器
- mechanized feed lot ==> 机械化饲料分配器
- mechanized harvesting of potatoes ==> 马铃薯机械收获
- mechanized hotbed ==> 机械化温床
- mechanized isostatic pressing ==> 自动等静压制
- mechanized ladle ==> 机动铁水包
- mechanized lorry ==> 起重汽车,具有装卸设备的载重汽车,具有装卸设备的载重汽车
- mechanized mill ==> 机械化轧机
- mechanized packing yard ==> 机器操作包装场
- mechanized press line ==> 机械化冲压生产线
- mechanized shaftmouth platform ==> 井口机械化平台,井口机械化平台
- mechanized stowage ==> 机械理仓
- mechanized threshing ==> 机械脱谷
- mechanizing circuit ==> 机械计算电路
- mechanizing sugar cane harvesting ==> 甘蔗的机械化收获
- mechano-chemistry ==> 机械化学
- mechano-electronic transducer ==> 机电变换器
- mechanocaloric ==> 机械致热
- mechanocaloric effect ==> 机械热效应,机械致热效应
- mechanocardiogram ==> 心力图
- mechanocardiography ==> 心功能图
- mechanoenergetic effect ==> 机械能效应
- mechanogram ==> 肌动描记图
- mechanograph ==> 模制品
- mechanography ==> 模制法,机械复制法,办公自动化
- mechanomotive force ==> 机动力,交变机械力均方根值
- mechanoreceptor ==> 机械感受器,机械性刺激感受器
- mechanoregulation ==> 機械的調節
- mechanostriction ==> 机致伸缩,力致伸缩
- mechanotherapy ==> 力学疗法,器械治疗
- mechanothermy ==> 按摩生热法
- mechatronic ==> 机电一体化
- mechatronic intelligenc ==> 智能机电一体化
- mechatronic servo system ==> メカトロサーボ系
- mechatronics ==> 机电一体化,机电仪一体化,机械电子学=>メカトロニクス,電子機械工学
- mechatronics design ==> メカトロ設計
- mechatronics education ==> メカトロニクス教育
- mechatronics industry ==> メカトロニクス産業
- mechinable carbide ==> 可切削硬质合金
- mechine-gun belt ==> 机枪弹带
- mechining test ==> 机械切削试验
- Mechlin machine ==> 梅希林网眼花边机
- mechnaically-operated nozzle ==> 机动喷嘴
- mecholyl test ==> 乙酰甲胆碱试验
- Meckel's cartilage ==> 麦柯尔软骨
- Meckel's cavity ==> 美克尔氏腔
- Meckel's diverticulum ==> 麦柯尔盲囊,麦克尔氏憩室,美克尔氏憩室
- Meckel's lamp ==> 麦克尔灯
- Meckel's space ==> 美克尔氏腔
- MECL, Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratory ==> 武蔵野電気通信研究所
- Meclelland's Needs Theory of Motivation ==> 麦克莱兰激励需要理论
- meclizine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸敏克静
- meclofenamic acid ==> 甲氯灭酸
- meclomen capsule ==> 敏康能胶囊
- MECO, main engine cut-off ==> 主エンジン燃焼停止
- MECO, monopulse and earth sensor combination attitude control system ==> モノパルスと地球センサを組み合せた三軸姿勢制御方式
- meconium calcified contrast ==> 胎粪钙化影
- meconium constipation ==> 胎粪性便秘
- meconium corpuscle ==> 胎便小体
- meconium ileus ==> 胎粪性肠梗阻
- meconium peritonitis ==> 胎粪性腹膜炎
- meconium plug syndrome ==> 胎粪充塞综合征
- meconopsis ==> メコノプシス属,青いケシ
- meconopsis racemosa ==> 总状绿绒蒿
- mecrencephalon ==> 小脑
- MED, momentum exchange device ==> モーメント交換装置
- medal alloy ==> 徽章用黄铜合金
- Medart straightener ==> 梅达尔特矫直机,梅达尔特型矫直机
- medemycin capsule ==> 麦迪霉素胶囊
- medemycin tablet ==> 麦迪霉素片
- media ==> 血管中层,中模
- media carriage ==> 媒体托架
- media characteristics ==> 介质特性
- media code ==> 媒体码
- media coherence disturbances ==> 媒质相干干扰
- media commission ==> 媒体佣金
- media compatibility ==> 介质兼容
- media conversion ==> 媒体转换
- media conversion buffer ==> 媒体转换缓冲器
- media converter ==> 媒体转换器
- media drive ==> 媒体驱动器
- media drive selector ==> 媒体驱动选择器
- media eraser ==> 媒体抹除器
- media initialize ==> 媒体初始化
- media life ==> 媒体寿命
- media migration ==> 介质迁移
- media-stored format ==> 存储在媒体上的格式
- mediacy ==> 媒介,中间状态
- mediad end ==> 向中端
- medial ==> 中间字母,中层的,内侧的
- medial alligation ==> 中间混和法
- medial alternative law ==> 中间择一律
- medial angle ==> 内侧角
- medial arcuate ligament ==> 内侧弓状韧带
- medial area ==> 中域
- medial arteriosclerosis ==> 动脉中层硬化
- medial basal branch ==> 内侧底支
- medial basal segment ==> 内侧底段
- medial basal segment of lower lobe ==> 下叶内基底段
- medial bicipital groove ==> 肱二头肌内侧沟
- medial branch ==> 内侧支
- medial calcanean branches rami calcanei mediales ==> 跟内侧支
- medial calcinosis ==> 动脉中层硬化
- medial camber line ==> 中弧线
- medial cell ==> 中室
- medial central nucleus ==> 中央内侧核
- medial common iliac lymph nodes ==> 髂总内侧淋巴结
- medial complex ==> 中央复合体
- medial cross-vein ==> 中横脉
- medial crus ==> 内侧脚
- medial cuneiform bone ==> 内侧楔骨
- medial cutaneous branch ==> 内侧皮支
- medial cutaneous nerve of forearm ==> 前臂内侧皮神经
- medial divider ==> 中央分隔带
- medial dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot ==> 足背内侧皮神经
- medial eminence ==> 内侧隆起
- medial external iliac lymph nodes ==> 髂外内侧淋巴结
- medial extremity ==> 内侧端
- medial fasciculus ==> 内侧束
- medial femoral superficial vein ==> 股内侧浅静脉
- medial forebrain bundle ==> 前脑内侧束,内侧前脑束
- medial frontal gyrus ==> 额内侧回
- medial frontoal artery ==> 额内侧动脉
- medial geniculate body ==> 内侧膝状体
- medial groove ==> 中沟
- medial habenular nucleus ==> 缰内侧核,缰内侧核
- medial head ==> 内侧头
- medial head of biceps brachii muscle ==> 肱二头肌内侧头
- medial head of gastrocnemius muscle ==> 腓肠肌内侧头
- medial inferior genicular artery ==> 膝下内侧动脉
- medial intermuscular septum of thigh ==> 股内侧肌间隔
- medial island ==> 中央分隔岛
- medial knee meniscectomy ==> 膝内侧半月板切除术
- medial lateral ventricular vein ==> 侧脑室内侧静脉
- medial law ==> 中间律
- medial leg ==> 内侧脚
- medial lemniscus ==> 内侧丘系
- medial ligament ==> 内侧韧带
- medial liguinal fossa ==> 腹股沟内侧窝
- medial lip ==> 内侧唇
- medial longitudinal arch ==> 内侧纵弓
- medial lumbocostal arch ==> 腰肋内侧弓
- medial malleolus ==> 内踝
- medial mammary branches ==> 乳房内侧支
- medial margin ==> 内侧缘
- medial margin of foot ==> 足内侧缘
- medial mean ==> 中间
- medial medullary lamina ==> 内侧髓板
- medial meniscus of knee joint ==> 膝内侧半月板
- medial moraine ==> 中碛
- medial nasal branches ==> 鼻内侧支
- medial necrosis ==> 动脉中层坏死
- medial necrosis of aorta ==> 主动脉中层坏死
- medial occipital artery ==> 枕内侧动脉
- medial olfactory gyri ==> 内侧嗅回
- medial olfactory striae ==> 内侧嗅纹
- medial palpebral arteries ==> 睑内侧动脉,睑内侧动脉
- medial palpebral commissure ==> 睑内侧连合,睑内侧连合
- medial palpebral ligament ==> 睑内侧韧带,睑内侧韧带
- medial part ==> 内侧部
- medial pectoral nerve ==> 胸内侧神经
- medial plantar artery ==> 足底内侧动脉
- medial plantar nerve ==> 足低内侧神经
- medial plate ==> 翼突内侧板,中板
- medial portion of the thalamus ==> 丘脑中央部分
- medial process of tuberosity of calcaneus ==> 跟骨结节内侧突
- medial quasigroup ==> 中间拟群
- medial root ==> 内侧根
- medial rotation ==> 旋内
- medial sacral crest ==> 骶中嵴
- medial saddle ==> 中鞍
- medial section ==> 中央截口
- medial segment ==> 内侧段
- medial segmental artery ==> 内侧段动脉
- medial strip ==> 中央分隔带
- medial sulcus ==> 内侧沟
- medial surface ==> 内侧面,内面
- medial talocalcaneal ligament ==> 距跟内侧韧带,距跟内侧韧带
- medial tarsal arteries ==> 跗内侧动脉
- medial temporal lobe ==> 内侧颞叶
- medial tubercle ==> 内侧结节
- medial type ==> 中间型
- medial umbilical ligament ==> 脐内侧韧带
- medially ==> 向中线
- median ==> 中间值,中位数,中线,中央值,中值,正中,正中的=>中央値
- median age at first marriage ==> 初婚年龄中位数
- median arcuate ligament ==> 正中弓状韧带
- median band ==> 中带
- median bar ==> 中条
- median basillic vein ==> 贵要正中静脉
- median bracteole ==> 中央小苞
- median bundle ==> 中束
- median carina ==> 中隆线
- median caudal filament ==> 中尾丝,中层丝
- median cell ==> 中室
- median cercus ==> 中尾丝
- median chart ==> 中间管理图
- median chorisis ==> 中央劈开
- median class ==> 中位数组
- median claw ==> 中爪
- median cleavage plane ==> 中裂面
- median concentration ==> 中值浓度
- median constriction ==> 中央缢痕
- median cord ==> (昆虫胚胎)中索
- median cricothyroid ligament ==> 环甲正中韧带
- median cyst ==> 正中囊肿
- median cyst of bone ==> 骨正中囊肿
- median deviation ==> 中位差
- median diameter ==> 中径,中值粒径,(土壤)中间粒径
- median discharge ==> 中水位流量
- median divider ==> 中央分隔带
- median dorsal lip ==> 中背唇
- median dose ==> 中等剂量
- median effective dose ==> 半数有效量
- median eminence ==> 正中隆起
- median energy ==> 平均能量
- median episiotomy ==> 会阴正中切开术
- median error ==> 中间误差
- median error norm ==> 中间误差范数
- median eye ==> 中眼
- median fiber ==> 中间纤维
- median fold ==> 中隆褶皱
- median fork ==> (昆虫)中脉叉
- median fovea ==> (膜翅目昆虫)中窝
- median frequency ==> 中频
- median furrow ==> 中沟
- median game theory ==> 中线对策论
- median generatrix ==> 中母数
- median groove ==> 中沟
- median gutter ==> 中沟
- median incision ==> 正中切口
- median incision of lower abdomen ==> 下腹正中切口
- median incisor foramen ==> 鼻腭神经孔
- median index number ==> 中位指数
- median infective dose ==> 半感染剂量,平均感染量
- median island ==> 中央分车岛
- median kinetochore ==> 中央着丝粒
- median lamella ==> 中隔壁
- median laryngotomy ==> 喉裂开术,喉正中切开术
- median lateral ray ==> 中侧辐肋
- median lethal concentration ==> 致死中浓度
- median lethal dose ==> 半数致死量,半致死量
- median lethal time ==> 半致死时间
- median level ==> 中值电平
- median limit ==> 耐药中浓度
- median line ==> 中线,正中线
- median longitudinal carina ==> 中纵隆线
- median magnitude ==> 中位星等
- median massif ==> 中间地块
- median maxillary cyst ==> 上颌正中囊肿
- median method ==> 中值方法=>メディアン法
- median monthly runoff ==> 中值月径流
- median nasal process ==> 内侧鼻突,鼻中突
- median nerve ==> 正中神经
- median nerve compression ==> 正中神经挤压症
- median nerve cord ==> 中神经索
- median nerve graft ==> 正中神经移植术
- median nerve injury ==> 正中神经损伤
- median nexus ==> (蚁蛉翅)中脉络
- median notch ==> (介壳虫)中缺切
- median orbital elements ==> 平均轨道根数
- median oviduct ==> 中输卵管
- median palatal cyst ==> 腭中囊肿
- median palatine suture ==> 腭中缝
- median particle diameter ==> 中值粒径
- median period ==> 中位周期,平均周期
- median photographic magnitude ==> 中位照相星等
- median placentation ==> 中肋胎座
- median plane ==> 正中面,中央板=>中央面
- median plate ==> 中板
- median point ==> 中点,重心
- median random variable ==> 中值随机变量
- median raphe ==> 中缝,正中缝
- median rhomboid glossitis ==> 正中菱形舌炎
- median ridge ==> 中脊
- median rift ==> 中间裂谷
- median rise ==> 中间隆起
- median section ==> 正中切面
- median sector ==> 中分脉
- median segment ==> 并胸腹节
- median septum ==> 中板
- median sinus ==> 中窦
- median size ==> 中等大小
- median space ==> 中区
- median speed ==> 中间车速
- median stage ==> 中水位
- median stream flow ==> 中位量
- median strip ==> (道路)中央分隔带
- median superior anal appendages ==> (差翅亚目昆虫)中上肛附器
- median surface ==> 中间面,中界面
- median suspen sory ligament ==> 乳房中央悬韧带
- median suspensory ligament ==> 中悬韧带
- median suture ==> 中缝
- median temperature digestive treatment ==> 中温消毒法
- median thalamic nuclei ==> 丘脑正中核
- median tissue culture dose ==> 半数组织培养量
- median tissue culture infective dose ==> 半数组织培养感染量
- median tracheotomy ==> 气管中部切开术
- median umbilical ligament ==> 脐中韧带
- median unbias(s)ed estimator ==> 中位数无偏估计量
- median unbias(s)edness ==> 中位数无偏性
- median valley ==> 中谷,中脊谷,中间沟谷
- median value ==> 中央值
- median vein ==> 中脉
- median vein of a leaflet ==> 小叶中脉
- median vein of neck ==> 颈正中静脉,颈正中静脉
- median wall ==> 中央壁
- median water level ==> 中水位
- median year ==> 中常年,平均年
- median-plane (coil) current ==> 中平面线圈电流
- median-plane correction ==> 中平面校正
- median-plane field ==> 中平面场
- median-plane focusing ==> 中平面内聚集
- median-plane location ==> 中平面位置
- median-plane orbit ==> 中平面轨道
- mediananisiophylly ==> 中分异叶式
- medianly zygomorphic ==> 左右两侧对称的
- mediant ==> 中间数,中音
- medianum colpi ==> 沟中线
- mediastina ==> 纵隔腔
- mediastinal angioma ==> 纵隔血管瘤
- mediastinal branches ==> 纵隔支
- mediastinal choriocarcinoma ==> 纵隔绒毛膜瘤
- mediastinal chorioepithelioma ==> 纵隔绒毛膜瘤
- mediastinal displacement ==> 纵隔移位
- mediastinal effusion ==> 纵隔积液
- mediastinal emphysema ==> 纵隔气肿
- mediastinal enterogenous cyst ==> 纵隔肠源性囊肿
- mediastinal fibroma ==> 纵隔纤维瘤
- mediastinal flutter ==> 纵隔扑动
- mediastinal hematoma ==> 纵隔血肿
- mediastinal Hodgkin's disease ==> 纵隔何杰金氏病
- mediastinal lymph node enlargement ==> 纵隔淋巴结肿大
- mediastinal lymph nodes ==> 纵隔淋巴结
- mediastinal lymphangitis ==> 纵隔淋巴管炎
- mediastinal lymphoadenoma ==> 纵隔淋巴腺瘤
- mediastinal lymphosarcoma ==> 纵隔淋巴肉瘤
- mediastinal neuroblastoma ==> 纵隔成神经细胞瘤
- mediastinal neurofibroma ==> 纵隔神经纤维瘤
- mediastinal neurogenic tumor ==> 纵隔神经原性肿瘤
- mediastinal parathyroid adenoma ==> 纵隔甲状旁腺腺瘤
- mediastinal part of pleura ==> 胸膜纵隔部
- mediastinal pleura ==> 纵隔胸膜
- mediastinal surface of lung ==> 纵隔面
- mediastinal syndrome ==> 纵隔综合征
- mediastinal tension emphysema ==> 纵隔张力性气肿
- mediastinal veins ==> 纵隔静脉
- mediastinitis ==> 纵隔炎
- mediastino-bronchial cyst ==> 纵隔支气管囊肿
- mediastinography ==> 纵隔X线照相术
- mediastinopericardial cyst ==> 纵隔心包囊肿
- mediastinopericarditis ==> 纵隔心包炎
- mediastinoscope ==> 纵隔镜,纵隔腔镜
- mediastinoscopy ==> 纵隔镜检查
- mediastinotomy ==> 纵隔切开术
- mediastinum ==> 纵隔
- mediastinum anterius ==> 前纵隔
- mediastinum inferius ==> 下纵隔
- mediastinum medium ==> 中纵隔
- mediastinum posterius ==> 后纵隔
- mediastinum tesis ==> 海默尔氏体
- mediastinum testis ==> 睾丸纵隔
- mediate ==> 调解
- mediate auscultation ==> 间接听诊法
- mediate contour ==> 基本等高线,中间等高线
- mediate counter gear ==> 中速齿轮付
- mediate heredity ==> 间接遗传
- mediate percussion ==> 间接叩诊
- mediate sintering ==> 中间烧结
- mediate speed ==> 中速
- mediate transfusion ==> 间接输血法
- mediation ==> 调解,调停,媒介作用=>調停,仲裁,和解
- mediation abode ==> 禅房
- mediation decision ==> 调解书
- mediation of disputes ==> 调解纠纷
- mediator ==> 调解人,介体,介质,媒剂,媒质=>仲介者,媒介者
- mediator complex ==> メディエーター複合体
- mediator function ==> メディエーター機能
- Medicago sativa ==> 紫苜蓿,苜蓿
- medical academy ==> 医学专科院校
- medical activity meter ==> 医用放射性计
- medical adhesive ==> 医用粘合胶
- medical administration ==> 医务
- medical advice ==> 医嘱
- medical affairs ==> 医务
- medical aid station ==> 救护所,救护所
- medical and dental expenses ==> 医疗费
- medical and health work ==> 医疗卫生工作
- medical animal ==> 医用动物
- medical apparatus and instruments ==> 医疗器械
- medical apparatus and instruments factory ==> 医疗器械厂
- medical appliance ==> 医疗器材
- medical armamentarium ==> 医療装備
- medical assessment ==> 医学评价
- medical assistant ==> 医士,医助
- medical assistant's school ==> 医士学校
- medical atomic reactor ==> 医学用原子反应器,医用原子反应堆
- medical attendance ==> 医疗
- medical bacteriology ==> 医学细菌学
- medical bag ==> 医用包
- medical bandage ==> 医用绷带
- medical benefits ==> 医疗津贴
- medical benefits fund ==> 医疗保险基金
- medical betatron ==> 医用电子感应加速器
- medical boat ==> 医疗船
- medical building ==> 医疗建筑
- medical cabinet ==> 医用橱(柜)
- medical camera ==> 医用照相机
- medical care ==> 医疗保健
- medical care statistics ==> 医疗统计
- medical case ==> 医用箱
- medical centre ==> 医疗中心
- medical centrifuge ==> 医用离心机
- medical certificate ==> 医生证明书,诊断书
- medical charcoal ==> 药用炭
- medical charges ==> 医药费
- medical chart cabinet ==> 医疗图表柜
- medical check-up ==> 医学检查
- medical check-up in turn ==> 挨个儿检查身体
- medical checkup of the brain ==> 脳ドック
- medical chemistry ==> 医药化学
- medical circles ==> 医林
- Medical Classics ==> 医经
- medical climatology ==> 医学气候学,医用气候学
- medical college ==> 医学院
- medical colour TV van ==> 医用彩色电视车
- Medical computer Assisted Instruction System ==> 医学计算机辅助教育系统
- medical computer language ==> 医学计算机语言
- medical consultation room ==> 医療相談室
- medical control ==> 医务监督
- medical control system ==> 医疗控制系统
- medical corps ==> 医疗队
- medical costs ==> 医药费
- medical coverage ==> 医疗保险
- medical cupboard ==> 药品柜
- medical cyclotron ==> 医用回旋加速器
- medical cytogenetics ==> 医学细胞遗传学
- medical data base ==> 医学数据库
- medical data processor ==> 医用数据处理器
- medical department ==> 医务部门
- medical devices ==> 医療機器
- medical diagnostic system ==> 医学诊断系统,医院诊断系统
- medical diathermy ==> 医用透热疗法,内科透热法
- medical ecology ==> 医用生态学
- medical education ==> 医学教育
- medical electronic apparatus ==> 医用电子仪表,医用电子仪器
- medical electronic equipment ==> 医用电子仪器
- medical electronics ==> 医疗电子学,医学电子学,医用电子学,医用电子仪表
- medical entomology ==> 医学昆虫学
- medical equipment ==> 医療機器
- medical ethics ==> 医学伦理学
- medical examination ==> 医生检查,医学检查
- medical examiner ==> 医学主考
- medical expense insurance ==> 医疗费保险
- medical expenses ==> 医药费
- medical expenses deduction ==> 纳税时的医疗费用扣除
- medical expert ==> 医学专家
- medical exposure ==> 医疗照射
- medical facilities ==> 医疗设备(施)
- medical faculty ==> 医林
- medical forceps ==> 医用镊
- medical frequency bands ==> 医疗频带
- medical function material ==> 医用功能材料
- medical gauze ==> 医用纱布
- medical genetics ==> 医学遗传学
- medical geography ==> 医学地理学,医用地理学
- medical geology ==> 医疗地质学
- medical glass ==> 医用玻璃
- medical glassware ==> 医药用玻璃器皿
- medical gloves ==> 医用手套
- medical grade ==> 医学级
- medical grade benzine ==> 医药用溶剂油
- medical grade rubber ==> 医用橡胶
- medical gymnastics ==> 医疗体育
- medical helminthes ==> 医学蠕虫
- medical heritage ==> 医学遗产
- medical high-energy radiotherapy equipment ==> 医用高能放射治疗设备
- medical history ==> 病历,病史
- medical images ==> 医用画像
- medical imaging ==> 医療用画像診断装置
- medical information processing ==> 医学信息处理
- medical information system ==> 医学信息系统,医学用信息系统
- medical inspection ==> 医学检查
- medical installation ==> 医疗设备(施)
- medical institution ==> 医疗机构
- medical instruments ==> 诊疗器械
- medical insurance ==> 医疗保险
- medical insurance premiums ==> 医疗保险费
- medical kit ==> 药箱,保健箱
- medical kit for home visit ==> 出诊箱
- medical laser ==> 医用激光器
- medical laser product ==> 医用激光产品
- medical launch ==> 医务艇
- medical lecture model ==> 医学教学模型
- medical linear accelerator ==> 医用直线加速器
- medical literature ==> 医学文献
- medical literature analysis and retrieval system ==> 医学资料分析与检索系统
- medical lock ==> 医用气闸,(沉箱)医疗闸
- medical lock 医用气闸,medical lock ==> (沉箱)医疗闸
- medical locker ==> 医药柜
- medical menitoring system ==> 医用监护系统
- medical microbiology ==> 医学微生物学
- medical microscope ==> 医用显微镜
- medical monilias ==> 医学假丝酵母
- medical mycology ==> 医学霉菌学,医学真菌学
- medical notes ==> 医话
- medical nuclear equipment ==> 医用核设备
- medical observation ==> 医学观察
- medical officer ==> 军医,军医
- medical official ==> 医官
- medical ointment ==> 药膏
- medical optical instrument ==> 医疗光学仪器,医用光学仪器
- medical order ==> 医嘱
- medical oscillograph ==> 医用示波器
- medical oscilloscope ==> 医用示波器
- medical parasitology ==> 医学寄生虫学,医学寄生物学
- medical personnel ==> 医务人员
- medical physics ==> 医学物理学,医用物理学
- medical physiology ==> 医学生理学
- medical polyethylene tube ==> 医用聚乙烯管
- medical polymer ==> 医用聚合物
- medical practice ==> 医疗实践
- medical processing accelerator ==> 医用加速器
- medical profession ==> 医疗职业
- medical professional essay ==> 医话
- medical professionals ==> 医工
- medical protozoology ==> 医学原虫学,医学原生动物学
- medical protozoon ==> 医学原虫
- medical radioactivity meter ==> 医用放射性计
- medical radiography ==> 医学X射线摄影术
- medical radioisotope ==> 医用放射性同位素
- medical radioisotope scintigraphy ==> 医用放射性同位素闪烁照相法
- medical radiology ==> 医学放射学
- medical radionuclide ==> 医用放射性核素
- medical radiotherapy ==> 医用放射治疗
- medical reactor ==> 医用反应堆
- medical record ==> 医疗记录
- medical record room ==> 病历室
- Medical Records ==> 医病案
- medical reference source ==> 医用参考
- medical refrigerator ==> 医用冰箱
- medical research center ==> 医学研究中心
- medical research reactor ==> 医疗研究用反应堆
- medical science ==> 医,医学科学
- medical scientific undertakings ==> 医学科学事业
- medical security ==> 医疗保障
- medical service ==> 医疗费,医疗服务
- medical skill ==> 医术
- medical specialist ==> 専門医
- medical speciality ==> 医学专业
- medical spring ==> 医疗泉
- medical staff ==> 医务人员
- medical station ==> 医疗站
- medical statistics ==> 医学统计学,医用统计学
- medical stone ==> 麦饭石
- medical subsidies ==> 医疗补贴
- medical supervision ==> 医务监督,医学管理
- medical suturing instrument ==> 医用缝合器
- medical suturing machine ==> 医用缝纫器
- medical tangle ==> 医疗纠纷
- medical teaching model ==> 医学教学模型
- medical team ==> 医疗队
- medical telemeter ==> 医用遥测计
- medical telemetry ==> 医学遥测
- medical television ==> 医学用电视
- medical term ==> 医学术语
- medical therapy reactor ==> 医疗用反应堆,医用反应堆
- medical thread therapy ==> 药线疗法
- medical treatment ==> 医学处理
- medical TV system ==> 医用电视系统
- medical ultrasonic atomizer ==> 医用超声雾化器
- medical ultrasonic holography system ==> 医用超声全息系统
- medical ultrasonics ==> 超声波医学
- medical vacuum pump ==> 医用真空泵
- medical vehicle ==> 医疗车
- medical virology ==> 医学病毒学
- medical worker ==> 医务工作者
- medical X-ray film ==> 医用X线胶片
- medical X-ray plumbicon camera tube ==> 医用X射线氧化铅摄像管
- medical x-ray tube ==> 医用X线管
- medical zoology ==> 医用动物学
- medical-care worker ==> 卫生保健员
- medicament form ==> 剂型
- medicamentous liver lesion ==> 药物性肝损害
- medicamentous therapy ==> 药物疗法
- Medicare plan ==> 医疗保障方案
- medicated bath ==> 药浴
- medicated compress ==> 药敷法
- medicated oil ==> 药用油
- medicated soap ==> 药皂
- medicated thread ==> 药捻子,药线
- medicated vat ==> 药浴池
- medicated wine with leopard bone ==> 豹骨酒
- medicated wine with tiger bone ==> 虎骨药酒
- medicinal (white) oil ==> 药用白油
- medicinal barium sulfate ==> 医用硫酸钡
- medicinal chemistry ==> 药物化学
- medicinal cotton ==> 药棉
- medicinal crops ==> 药用作物
- medicinal effectiveness ==> 药物效用
- medicinal extract ==> 膏剂
- medicinal flavours ==> 药用香料
- medicinal garden ==> 药用植物园
- medicinal granules ==> 冲剂
- medicinal guide ==> 引药
- medicinal herb ==> 草药
- medicinal ingredients in a prescription ==> 药味
- medicinal liquor ==> 药酒
- medicinal materials ==> 药材
- medicinal oil ==> 医药用油
- medicinal paraffin ==> 药用石蜡
- medicinal paraffin oil ==> 药用液体石蜡
- medicinal plant ==> 药用植物
- medicinal powder ==> 药粉
- medicinal soap ==> 药皂
- medicinal tolerance ==> 耐药量
- medicinal zinc peroxide ==> 药用过氧化锌
- medicine boiler ==> 药物溶解锅
- medicine box ==> 药品箱
- medicine cabinet, medicine chest ==> 药品箱
- medicine chest ==> 药箱
- Medicine Comprehended ==> 医学心悟
- medicine cup ==> 药杯
- medicine desiccator ==> 药品干燥器
- medicine examination at the port ==> 口岸药检
- medicine for external application ==> 外敷药
- medicine for the treatment of cough and asthma ==> 止咳平喘药
- medicine infusing decocting apparatus ==> 药物浸煎器
- medicine liqueur ==> 药酒
- medicine locker ==> 药品柜
- medicine management ==> 药政管理
- medicine of chronic disease ==> 慢性病医学
- medicine packaging machine ==> 药物分装器
- medicine tin ==> 贮药罐
- medicine-making machine ==> 药品加工机械
- medicolegal autopsy ==> 法医剖验,法医学尸体解剖
- medicolegal expertise ==> 法医学鉴定
- medicolegal genetics ==> 法医遗传学
- medicolegal investigation ==> 法医学检查
- medicolegal practice ==> 法医学实践
- medieval ==> 中世の,中世風の,旧式の
- medieval alchemist ==> 中世の錬金術師
- medieval and modern ages ==> 中近世
- medieval architecture ==> 中世建築
- medieval arms ==> 中世の武器
- medieval art ==> 中世美術
- Medina cement ==> 米地那水泥
- medina quartz ==> 中温石英
- Medina quartzite ==> 麦迪纳石英岩
- Medina worn ==> 麦地叩虫
- medinoterb acetate ==> 地乐酚
- medio-twist ==> 中等捻度
- mediocarpal articulation ==> 腕中关节
- mediocre ==> 二流の,あまり良くない
- mediocre actor ==> 二流の俳優
- mediocre artist ==> 二流のアーティスト
- mediocre athlete ==> 二流の運動選手
- mediocre cook ==> 二流の料理人
- mediocre hitter at best ==> よく言っても平凡な打者である
- mediocre mediocre ==> 二流の
- mediocre person ==> 凡庸な人間
- mediocrity ==> 平凡,月並み
- Mediocrity principle ==> 平庸原理
- medionecrosis of aorta ==> 囊状中层坏死
- meditation ==> めい想,黙想
- meditation cure ==> 静座法
- mediterranean ==> 中间地槽
- Mediterranean anemia ==> 地中海贫血
- Mediterranean belt ==> 地中海带
- Mediterranean climate ==> 地中海气候
- Mediterranean Electricity Ring ==> 地中海电力环网系统
- Mediterranean faunal region ==> 地中海动物区
- Mediterranean fever ==> 布氏杆茵病
- Mediterranean flour moth ==> 地中海粉螟
- Mediterranean fruitfly ==> 地中海实蝇
- Mediterranean Sea ==> 地中海
- Mediterranean suite ==> 地中海岩套,地中海岩组
- medium ==> 中等,中等的,中间的,中,手段,媒介,媒体,媒质,存储介质,存储媒体,平均的,平均值,培养基,载波,介质=>媒質
- medium (intermediate) pressure ==> 中等压力
- medium accelerator ==> 中速促进剂
- medium accelerator dosage ==> 中等量促进剂
- medium access memory ==> 中速存取存储器
- medium afterglow ==> 中余辉
- medium alloy ==> 中合金
- medium alloy steel ==> 中合金钢
- medium analysis fertilizer ==> 中成分肥料
- medium and long term load forecasting ==> 中长期电力负荷预测
- medium and small sized unit ==> 中小型装置
- medium and small-sized enterprises ==> 中小型企业
- medium antiaircraft artillery ==> 中程高射炮
- medium artillery ==> 中程火炮,中型炮
- medium ash series 3 additives ==> 中灰分系列3添加剂
- medium atomized oil nozzle ==> 介质雾化喷油嘴,利用气体介质(蒸汽、空气等)的膨胀、撞击使油雾化的喷油嘴。
- medium barium crown ==> 钡冕玻璃
- medium base ==> 一般式插座
- medium bed ==> 中厚层
- medium boiler ==> 中沸溶剂,中间沸溶剂
- medium bombardment aircraft ==> 中型轰炸机
- medium break(ing) ==> 中裂的
- medium bronze ==> 中青铜
- medium bubbling rales ==> 中水泡音
- medium burned brick ==> 中温烧成砖
- medium butt ==> 中踵
- medium caliber ==> 中口径
- medium capacity storage ==> 中容量存储器
- medium car ==> 中型轻便汽车
- medium carbon steel ==> 中碳钢
- medium cast iron ==> 中铸铁
- medium casting ==> 中铸件
- medium cell ==> 中室,中型槽,中型电解槽
- medium chain fatty acid ==> 中链脂肪酸
- medium chain triglyceride (MCT) ==> 中链苷油三酯
- medium chrome yellow ==> 中铬黄
- medium clay(ey) loam ==> 中粘壤土
- medium cleaning ==> 中级净化,中净化
- medium close shot ==> 中近景镜头
- medium cloth ==> 中厚毛织物
- medium clouds ==> 中云
- medium coating ==> 中厚药皮
- medium complexity ==> 中规模集成度
- medium consistency ==> 中等稠度
- medium contrast ==> 中等反差
- medium conversion facilities ==> 媒体转换功能
- medium converter ==> 媒体转换器
- medium counts ==> 中支
- medium coverts ==> 中覆羽
- medium cross-bred wool ==> 中支交配种羊毛
- medium crushing ==> 中级压碎
- medium crystal ==> 中等晶体
- medium curing asphalt ==> 中等稀释沥青
- medium current ==> 中等强度电流
- medium density baler ==> 中密度捡拾压捆机
- medium density hay press ==> 中等密度干草压捆机
- medium density polyethylene ==> 中密度聚乙烯
- medium diameter ==> 中值粒径
- medium diamond-point knurling rolls ==> 中金刚钻压花滚轮
- medium dip ==> 中倾斜
- medium dissemination ==> 中粒浸染
- medium draft ==> 中绵
- medium duty ==> 在一般运行条件下工作
- medium duty engine ==> 中型发动机
- medium Edison screw-cap ==> 中等爱迪生螺旋灯头
- medium egg-plant screw indicating lamp bulb ==> 中螺口茄形指示灯泡
- medium emery powder ==> 中级金刚砂粉
- medium energy ==> 中等能量
- medium fertility ==> 中等肥力
- medium filling machine ==> 中切绵机
- medium filtered cylinder oil ==> 中级过滤汽缸油
- medium finger spacing cutter ==> 中距护刃器切割器
- medium finish ==> 中级精加工
- medium finishing ==> 中等光洁度,中级精加工
- medium fire ==> 中等速度射击
- medium fit ==> 中级配合
- medium floe ==> 中冰块
- medium flow rate paper ==> 中流速纸
- medium flower branch ==> 中花枝
- medium force fit ==> 中级压紧配合,中级压配合
- medium fracture ==> 中冰隙
- medium frequency ==> 中频
- medium fruit branch ==> 中果皮,中果枝
- medium gear ==> 中速齿轮
- medium grade coal ==> 中品位煤,按国际煤层煤分类,干基灰分10%到小于20%的煤
- medium gradient ==> 中等坡度
- medium grinding ==> 中等粒度研磨
- medium ground ==> 中硬岩层
- medium growing ==> 生育期中等的
- medium gun ==> 中口径炮
- medium gun tank ==> 中口径火炮坦克
- medium hair grease ==> 中级粘度润滑脂
- medium hard ==> 中硬度
- medium hard steel ==> 中等硬度钢,中硬钢,在硬钢
- medium hardboard ==> 中密度级硬质纤维板
- medium head hydropower station ==> 中水头水电站,水头在40m至200m的水电站
- medium heavy fuel ==> 中级重燃油
- medium heavy lathe ==> 中型车床
- medium heavy loaded circuit ==> 中等加载电路
- medium heavy loading ==> 中等加载
- medium heavy piece of cargo ==> 中等重件货物
- medium heavy traffic ==> 中密度交通
- medium heavy-duty class ==> 中等载重等级
- medium heritability ==> 中等遗传力
- medium hewn squares ==> 中方材
- medium high frequency ==> 中高频
- medium high frequency wave ==> 中短波
- medium howitzer ==> 中程榴弹炮
- medium hydropower station ==> 中型水电站
- medium impedance ==> 中间阻抗
- medium indented cut plating ==> 中牙槽刨铁
- medium infected seed ==> 中度染病种子
- medium inlet ==> 介质入口
- medium insulation ==> 中级绝缘
- medium intensity ==> 中等强度
- medium irrigated emulsion ==> 中等含水量乳化液
- medium knot ==> 中等树节,中节
- medium leaded brass ==> 中铅铜合金
- medium length fibre ==> 中长纤维
- medium level ==> 中值电平
- medium lift lock ==> 中水头船闸
- medium lift pump ==> 中压泵,中扬程泵
- medium line ==> 中间线,中线
- medium lived ==> 中等耐久的
- medium lived seed ==> 中寿种子
- medium loader ==> 中型装载机
- medium loading district ==> 中等负荷区
- medium loam ==> 中壤土
- medium long shot ==> 中远景镜
- medium lorry ==> 中等载重货车
- medium maintenance ==> 中修
- medium maintenance group ==> 中修组
- medium manganese steel ==> 中锰钢
- medium maturing variety ==> 中熟性品种
- medium mesh ==> 中筛
- medium method ==> 媒介法
- medium molecular dextran ==> 中分子右旋糖酐
- medium molecular substance ==> 中分子物质
- medium mull ==> 中腐熟腐殖质
- medium of circulation ==> 流通手段
- medium of exchange ==> 交易媒介
- medium of payment ==> 支付手段
- medium of varying refractive index ==> 折射率可变介质
- medium oil ==> 中油,中油度
- medium oil alkyd ==> 中含油醇酸树脂
- medium oil varnish ==> 中树脂含量清漆
- medium operating conditions ==> 中等使用条件
- medium organzine ==> 中捻度经丝
- medium oriented yarn (MOY) ==> 中取向丝
- medium phosphoric pig iron ==> 中磷生铁
- medium pitch ==> 中音调
- medium plain emery wheel ==> 中砂轮
- medium plate ==> 中厚板,中厚钢板,中板
- medium plate mill ==> 中板轧机
- medium pocket ==> 中脂囊
- medium pointed ==> 中凿的
- medium porker ==> 中型肉猪
- medium position ==> 中间位置
- medium potassium soil ==> 中等钾土壤
- medium power homer ==> 中功率归航设备
- medium power logic gate ==> 中功率逻辑门
- medium power modulation system ==> 中功率调制系统
- medium pressure accumulator ==> 中压蓄力器
- medium pressure acetylene generator ==> 中压乙炔发生器
- medium pressure boiler ==> 中压锅炉,出口蒸汽压力为2.49MPa~4.90MPa(25at~50at)的锅炉。
- medium pressure cobalt catalyst synthesis ==> 中压钴剂合成
- medium pressure Fischer-Tropsch Process ==> 中压费托合成过程
- medium pressure hydrogenation unit ==> 中压加氢装置
- medium pressure iron catalyst synthesis ==> 中压铁剂合成
- medium pressure mercury lamp ==> 中压汞灯
- medium pressure oil absorption process ==> 中压油吸收过程
- medium pressure steam ==> 中压水蒸汽
- medium pressure steam system ==> 中压蒸汽系统
- medium pressure tank ==> 中压槽
- medium pressure units ==> 中压机组,蒸汽压力为2.49MPa~4.90MPa,温度为450℃左右的蒸汽动力发电机组
- medium pressure vessel ==> 中压容器
- medium processing channel black ==> 中等加工槽黑
- medium quality ==> 中等货
- medium quartz spectrograph ==> 媒质石英摄谱仪
- medium range ==> 中距离
- medium range forecast ==> 中期预报
- medium rank ==> 中级
- medium rank anthracite ==> 中级无烟煤
- medium rank bitumite ==> 中级烟煤
- medium rate of exchange ==> 中间汇率
- medium repair ==> 中修
- medium road oil ==> 中质路油
- medium rock ==> 中性岩
- medium rotten water ==> 中等腐败性水
- medium salinity water ==> 中度盐水
- medium salted fish ==> 中盐鱼
- medium salting ==> 中盐渍
- medium sand ==> 中砂
- medium scale ==> 中等规模的,中间尺度
- medium scale chart ==> 中等比例尺海图
- medium scale integrated circuit ==> 中规模集成电路
- medium scale integration ==> 中规模集成度
- medium scan ==> 中等长度扫描,中速扫描
- medium screen ==> 中等屏幕
- medium section ==> 中型材
- medium section mill ==> 中型型钢轧机
- medium sensitivity ==> 中度敏感
- medium septum ==> 中隔壁
- medium setting ==> 中裂的
- medium shade ==> 中等色
- medium short wave ==> 中短波
- medium shot ==> 中景镜头
- medium shot (MS) ==> 中景
- medium silt ==> 中粉粒
- medium sinus ==> 中槽
- medium size ==> 中等尺寸
- medium size bearing ==> 中型轴承
- medium size coal mine ==> 中型煤矿
- medium size lymphocyte ==> 中淋巴细胞
- medium sized ==> 体格中等大小的
- medium sized artery ==> 中动脉
- medium sized long wool ==> 中等长毛羊种
- medium sized vein ==> 中静脉
- medium sizing ==> 中级筛分
- medium sodium water ==> 中度钠质水
- medium soft ==> 中等软度的
- medium solder ==> 软焊料
- medium solid ==> 加重质
- medium speed ==> 中速
- medium speed diesel ==> 中速柴油机
- medium speed diesel engine ==> 中速柴油机
- medium speed distance relay ==> 中速远距继电器
- medium speed emulsion ==> 中速乳胶
- medium speed memory ==> 中速存储器
- medium speed mill ==> 中速磨煤机,利用多排高速旋转的金属锤打击、研磨作用将煤磨成煤粉的高速磨煤机。
- medium speed V-engine ==> 中速V形发动机
- medium spread collar ==> 中等八字领
- medium square ==> 中等方木材,中方格
- medium standard frequency ==> 标准中频
- medium staple ==> 中绒
- medium staple fibre ==> 中长纤维
- medium stature ==> 中等身材
- medium steel (MS) ==> 中碳钢
- medium stone ==> 中碎石
- medium straw ==> 中型塑料细管
- medium strip ==> 中央分隔带
- medium strong moulding sand ==> 半肥砂
- medium structure ==> 中等结构,中等粒度结构
- medium sweep ==> 中速掃引
- medium sweep elbow ==> 中等弯曲半径弯头
- medium tank ==> 中型坦克
- medium tar ==> 中质焦油
- medium target ==> 中期目標
- medium temper steel ==> 中等回火钢
- medium temperature ==> 中间温度,介质温度
- medium temperature grease ==> 中温润滑脂
- medium temperature sensor in pipeline ==> 管道内介质温度传感器
- medium temperature separator ==> 中温分离器,圆形壳体由蒸汽冷膜式壁构成,作为锅炉蒸汽回路的一部分,利用旋转含灰气流在其内所产生的离心力将灰颗粒从气流中分离出来的循环流化床锅炉灰分离器。
- medium tenacity ==> 中等强度
- medium tenacity m.t. ==> 中强力韧性
- medium term ==> 中期的,中项
- medium term power system planning ==> 电力系统中期发展规划,5-15年内的电力系统发展规划
- medium term prediction ==> 中期预报
- medium texture ==> 中型结构
- medium textured loam ==> 中亚粘土
- medium thermal black ==> 中等热裂黑
- medium thermal carbon black ==> 中粒热裂法炭黑
- medium thickness seam ==> 中厚矿层
- medium titre ==> 中纤度
- medium tone ==> 中间色调,半音度
- medium torn grain ==> 中级裂纹
- medium tractor ==> 中等功率拖拉机
- medium traffic ==> 中量交通
- medium transmission line ==> 中长输电线路
- medium transportation truck company ==> 中型运输汽车连
- medium truck ==> 中型载货汽车
- medium type ==> 中间型
- medium type hog ==> 中间型猪
- medium ultraviolet ==> 中紫外
- medium vacuum ==> 中真空
- medium value ==> 中值
- medium variety ==> 中熟品种
- medium viscosity ==> 中粘度
- medium volatile fuel ==> 中等挥发性燃料
- medium voltage ==> 中压
- medium voltage network ==> 中压供电网
- medium voltage winding ==> 中压绕组
- medium voltate ==> 中等电压
- medium volume nozzle ==> 中流量喷嘴
- medium volume spraying ==> 中容量喷雾
- medium volume swelling ==> 中体积溶胀
- medium wave ==> 中波
- medium wave (MW) ==> 中波
- medium wave antenna ==> 中波天线
- medium wave band ==> 中波波段,中波段
- medium wave broadcast transmitter ==> 中波广播发射机
- medium wave receiver ==> 中波接收机
- medium wave transmitter ==> 中波发射机
- medium waves ==> 中波
- medium weapon ==> 中口径高射武器
- medium weft ==> 中捻度纬纱
- medium weight fabric ==> 中厚织物
- medium weight hide ==> 中磅皮
- medium weight nucleus ==> 中等重量核
- medium weight projectile ==> 中等质量入射粒子
- medium weight truck ==> 中型载重车
- medium weight zipper ==> 中牙拉链
- medium wheat ==> 中等硬粒小麦
- medium wide strip mill ==> 中型宽带材轧机
- medium width steel strip ==> 中等宽度带钢
- medium wool ==> 中毛
- medium wools ==> 中等长度羊毛
- medium zipper ==> 中牙拉链
- medium(-)hardening ==> 中速硬化
- medium(type)truck ==> 中型载重车
- medium-acidic volcanic assemblage ==> 中酸性火山喷发组合
- medium-altitude bombing ==> 中空轰炸
- medium-altitude communication satellite ==> 中高度通信卫星
- medium-altitude satellite ==> 中高度卫星
- medium-angle boundary ==> 中等角度晶界
- medium-band photometry ==> 中带测光
- medium-band width ==> 中带宽度
- medium-basic eruptive ==> 中基性喷出岩
- medium-bedded ==> 中厚层的
- medium-boiling solvent ==> 中沸点溶剂
- medium-breaking ==> (乳化沥青)中度裂化
- medium-breaking emulsion ==> 中裂乳液
- medium-burned refractory ware ==> 中等焙烧的耐火瓷器
- medium-capacity ==> 中等容量
- medium-capacity plant ==> 中容量电站
- medium-curing (MC) ==> 中凝
- medium-curing cut-back asphalt ==> 中凝轻制沥青
- medium-curing liquid asphalt ==> 中凝液体沥青
- medium-distance aids ==> 中距离无线电导航仪
- medium-drying ==> 中速干燥的
- medium-duty ==> 中批生产
- medium-duty axle ==> 中载桥
- medium-duty fireclay brick ==> 中级耐火砖
- medium-duty truck ==> 中型载货汽车,中型载重汽车
- medium-energy accelerator ==> 中能加速器
- medium-energy cyclotron ==> 中能回旋加速器
- medium-energy kaon reaction ==> 中能K介子反应
- medium-energy nuclear physics ==> 中能核物理学
- medium-energy type dyes ==> 中能型染料
- medium-euring asphalt ==> 中凝液沥青
- medium-fast sweep ==> 中速扫描
- medium-fit ==> 中级配合
- medium-frequency band ==> 中频频带
- medium-frequency changer ==> 中频变换器
- medium-frequency induction furnace ==> 中频感应电炉
- medium-frequency loss ==> 中频损耗
- medium-frequency oscillator ==> 中频振荡
- medium-frequency telegraphy ==> 中频通报
- medium-grade ==> 中级品位
- medium-grain ==> 中等晶粒,中等磨粒,中粒
- medium-grained ==> 中等粒度的,中粒的
- medium-grained grinding stone ==> 中粗磨石
- medium-grained structure ==> 中等粒状结构
- medium-grinding ==> 中级磨碎
- medium-hard rock ==> 中硬岩石
- medium-hard steel ==> 中硬钢
- medium-heavy duty ==> 中等工况
- medium-heavy loading ==> 中等加载
- medium-height grass ==> 中高草
- medium-high frequency (MHF) ==> 中高频
- medium-length hole ==> 中深孔
- medium-level waste ==> 中放废物
- medium-level work ==> 中等放射性操作
- medium-lived ==> 中等使用寿命的
- medium-loss fiber ==> 媒质损耗光纤
- medium-lot producer ==> 中型企业
- medium-moisture silage ==> 半湿青贮料
- medium-persistance phosphor ==> 中等余辉的磷光体
- medium-power objective ==> 中等倍数物镜
- medium-power reactor ==> 中等功率堆
- medium-power video transmitter ==> 中等功率电视发射机
- medium-powered car ==> 中等功率汽车
- medium-pressure ==> 中压
- medium-pressure blowpipe ==> 中压喷焊器
- medium-pressure boiler ==> 中压锅炉
- medium-pressure burner ==> 中压燃烧器
- medium-pressure engine ==> 中压发动机
- medium-pressure pneumatic conveyer ==> 中压气流式输送器
- medium-pressure rubber sheet ==> 中压胶板
- medium-pressure steam turbine ==> 中压气轮机
- medium-pressure tyre ==> 中压轮胎
- medium-price ==> 中等价格
- medium-range ==> 中程的
- medium-range forecast ==> 中期,中期天气预报
- medium-resolution spectrometer ==> 中等分辨率光谱仪
- medium-ring compound ==> 中环化合物
- medium-scale ==> 中等,中型规模,中比例尺
- medium-scale computer ==> 中型计算机
- medium-scale integration (MSI) ==> 中规模集成
- medium-setting (asphaltic) emulsion ==> 中裂乳液
- medium-setting emulsified asphalt ==> 中裂乳化沥青
- medium-size computer ==> 中型计算机
- medium-size turbine generator ==> 中型汽轮发电机
- medium-sized ==> 中号的,中型的
- medium-sized aggregate ==> 中颗粒集料
- medium-sized coal ==> 中块煤,粒度介于25mm~50mm之间的煤
- medium-sized green house ==> 中型温室
- medium-sized lymphocyte ==> 中型淋巴细胞
- medium-sized motor ==> 中型电动机
- medium-sized plot test ==> 中型小区试验
- medium-sized quarry ==> 中型露天矿
- medium-sized seed ==> 中粒种
- medium-sized tractor ==> 中型拖拉机
- medium-slaking lime ==> 中消石灰
- medium-soft pitch ==> 中度软焦油脂,半软沥青
- medium-speed computer ==> 中速计算机
- medium-speed diesel engine ==> 中速ディーゼルエンジン
- medium-speed engine ==> 中速发动机=>中速機関
- medium-speed engines with reduction gear ==> 減速機付中速機関
- medium-speed plane ==> 中速飞机
- medium-speed storage ==> 中速存储器
- medium-steep seam ==> 中倾斜矿层
- medium-stone bit ==> 中号金刚石钻头
- medium-temperature digective treatment ==> 中温消化处理
- medium-tension bushing ==> 中压套管
- medium-term ==> 中期
- medium-term and longterm credit ==> 中长期信贷
- medium-term bonds ==> 中期债券
- medium-term capital ==> 中期资本
- medium-term Eurocredit market ==> 中期欧洲贷款市场
- medium-term financing ==> 金融贷款
- medium-term goal ==> 中期目標
- medium-term loan ==> 中期贷款
- medium-term multiple currency loans ==> 中期多种货币放款
- medium-term unevenness ==> 中片段不匀
- medium-texture soil ==> 中等质地土壤
- medium-thickness(coal)seam ==> 中厚煤层
- medium-to-air interface ==> 介质空气界面
- medium-volatile pituminous coal ==> 中度挥发烟煤
- medium-voltage bushing ==> (变压器的)中压套管
- medium-voltage line ==> 中压线路
- medium-voltage motor drives ==> 高圧モータドライブ
- medium-voltage network ==> 中压电力网络,中压供电网
- medium-voltage switchgear ==> 中压开关装置
- medium-voltage winding ==> 中圧巻線
- medium-weight breed ==> 中型品种,鸡中型品种,蛋肉兼用种
- medium-weight calf ==> 中量犊牛
- medium-weight veal ==> 中量幼犊胴体
- medium-wool breed ==> 中毛种
- mediumaccess time memory ==> 中等存取时间存储器
- mediumpressure pneumatic conveyer ==> 中压气流式输送器
- MEDLL, Multipath Estimating Delay Lock Loop ==> MEDLL
- MEDR, materials experiment double rack ==> 材料実験装置ダブルラック
- medroxyprogesterone acetate ==> 甲孕酮,安宫黄体酮,醋酸甲羟孕酮
- medulated protostele ==> 具髓原生中柱,具髓原生中柱
- medulla bundle ==> 髓维管束
- medulla of hair ==> 毛发髓质
- medulla of lymph gland ==> 淋巴结髓质
- medulla sheath ==> 髓鞘
- medulla spinalis ==> 脊髄
- medullar salivatory nucleus ==> 延髓泌涎核
- medullary bundle ==> 髓维管束
- medullary canal ==> 髓管
- medullary cancer ==> 髓样癌
- medullary cancer of breast ==> 乳房髓样癌
- medullary carcinoma ==> 髓样癌
- medullary carcinoma of breast ==> 乳腺髓样癌,乳脂髓样癌
- medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland ==> 甲状腺髓样癌
- medullary cast ==> 髓模
- medullary cavity ==> 髓腔,羊毛髓腔
- medullary cavity of bones ==> 骨髓腔
- medullary center ==> 延髓中枢
- medullary cone ==> 脊髓圆锥
- medullary cord ==> 髓索
- medullary fold ==> 髓褶
- medullary folds ==> 髓褶
- medullary groove ==> 髓沟
- medullary laminae of thalamus ==> 丘脑髓板
- medullary nailing ==> 骨髓腔内插钉术
- medullary phloem bundle ==> 髓韧皮束
- medullary plate ==> 髓板
- medullary ray ==> 髓射线,髓线
- medullary ray cell ==> 髓射线细胞
- medullary rays of kidney ==> 肾髓质射线
- medullary respiratory center ==> 延髓呼吸中枢
- medullary sheath ==> 髓鞘
- medullary sinus ==> 髓窦
- medullary spot ==> 髓斑
- medullary stria of thalamus ==> 丘脑髓纹
- medullary substance ==> 髓质
- medullary system ==> 髓系
- medullary trigeminal tractotomy ==> 延髓三叉神经束切断术
- medullo-epithelioma ==> 髓上皮瘤
- medullo-puncture needle ==> 骨穿针
- medusa stage ==> 水母期
- medusoid stage ==> 水母型期
- mee tea ==> 眉茶
- Meehanite ==> 孕育铸铁
- meehanite ==> 密烘铸铁
- meehanite cast iron ==> 密烘铸铁,加制铸铁
- meehanite metal ==> 变性铸铁,密烘铸铁
- Meenanite cast iron ==> 孕育铸铁
- Meerwein-Ponndorf reduction ==> 麦尔外英-彭道夫还原
- meet ==> 满足,如期偿付,交切=>大会,試合,接触する,交わる,開かれる
- meet a bill ==> 支付到期的票据
- meet a cassation ==> 满足上诉
- meet a criterion ==> 符合标准
- meet engagement ==> 清偿债务
- meet one's expenses ==> 使收支相抵
- meet strict emission standards ==> 厳しい排出ガス基準を満たす
- meet the challenge ==> 满足要求
- meet the necessity ==> 符合
- meet the specification ==> 符合规格,满足技术条件,合乎规格
- meet-homomorphism ==> 保交同态
- meeting ==> 汇合点,会议=>会議,会談
- meeting beam ==> 近光
- meeting point ==> 集合点,交点
- meeting the quality standards projects ==> (建筑)全优工程
- meeting to adjust shortages and surpluses ==> 调剂会议
- meetion ==> 相遇
- MEF, medium pressure stage filter ==> 中圧力域フィルター
- mefenamic acid ==> 扑湿痛,甲灭酸
- MEG, magnetoencephalogram ==> 磁気大脳撮影図
- MEG, magnetoencephalograph ==> 脳磁図
- mega ==> 巨,巨,兆,百万,十进制数的百万
- mega bar ==> 兆巴
- mega bit order ==> 兆位级
- mega dyne ==> 兆达因
- mega electron volt ==> 兆电子伏
- mega gauss physics ==> 兆高斯物理学
- mega gaussoersted ==> 兆高斯奥斯特
- mega ohm ==> 兆欧
- mega strategic landfill ==> 大型策略性堆填区
- mega structure ==> 超级油轮
- mega-depression tectonics ==> 巨型拗陷构造,巨型拗陷构造
- mega-esophagus ==> 巨食管症,巨食管症
- mega-solar ==> メガソーラー
- megaatmosphere range ==> 兆大气压范围
- megabacterium ==> 巨型细菌,巨型细菌
- megabar ==> 兆巴
- megabarye ==> 兆巴
- megabit ==> 兆比特,兆位,百万比特,百万二进制位,百万位
- megabit memory (storage) ==> 兆位存储器
- megabladder ==> 巨膀胱,巨膀胱
- megabreccia ==> 巨形角砾岩,巨形角砾岩
- megabuck science ==> 大科学项目
- megabus ==> 兆位总线
- megabus architecture ==> 兆位总线结构
- megabusiness ==> 超巨大企业
- megabyte ==> 兆字节,百万字节
- megabyte disk ==> 兆字节磁盘
- megabytes per second ==> 每秒兆字节
- megacalorie ==> 兆卡
- megacanthopore ==> 大棘
- megacardia ==> 心肥大
- megacaryocyte ==> 成血小板
- megacaryophthisis ==> 骨髓巨核细胞缺乏症
- megacecum ==> 巨盲肠,巨盲肠
- megacephalia ==> 巨头(畸形),巨头畸形
- megacephaly ==> 巨头(畸形),巨头畸形
- Megachile ==> 切叶蜂属
- megachilid ==> 切叶蜂
- Megachilidae ==> 切叶蜂科
- megachip ==> 百万级规模集成电路
- megacin ==> 巨杆菌素,巨杆菌素
- megacine ==> 巨杆菌素,巨杆菌素
- megaclast ==> 粗碎屑
- megacoccus ==> 巨球菌,巨球菌,巨型球菌,巨型球菌
- megacolon ==> 赫希施普龙氏病
- megacolon congenitum ==> 先天性巨结肠
- megacolon of newborn ==> 新生儿巨结肠
- megacorporation ==> 特大企业
- megacoulomb ==> 兆库伦
- megacryst ==> 大晶,大晶体
- megacrystalline ==> 大晶的
- megacurie ==> 兆居里,百万居里
- megacycle ==> 兆周
- megacycle (Mc) ==> 兆赫
- megacycle computer ==> 兆周计算机
- megacycle per second ==> 兆赫,兆周/秒
- megacycle region ==> 兆赫波段
- megacycles per second ==> 每秒兆周
- megacyclothem ==> 巨旋回层,巨旋回层
- megacystis ==> 巨膀胱,巨膀胱
- megacystis-megaureter syndrome ==> 巨大膀胱输尿管综合征,巨大膀胱输尿管综合征,巨输尿管-巨膀胱综合征,巨输尿管-巨膀胱综合征
- megadolichocolon ==> 长巨结肠
- megaduodenum ==> 巨十二指肠,巨十二指肠
- megadyne ==> 兆达因
- megadyne temperature ==> 位温
- megaelectron-volt ==> 兆电子伏
- megaelectronvoltcurie (MeV Ci) ==> 兆电子伏居里
- megaerg ==> %%兆尔格,百万尔格
- megafarad ==> 兆法拉
- Megaflex ring frame ==> 梅加弗环锭细纱机
- megaflop ==> 百万次浮点运算
- megafog ==> 警雾扩音器,警雾扩音器
- megafossil ==> 大化石
- megagauss ==> 兆高斯
- megagauss betatron ==> 兆高斯电子感应加速器
- megagon ==> 多角形
- megagrained ==> 粗粒的
- megagram ==> 兆克
- megagram force ==> 兆克力
- megagram force meter ==> 兆克力米
- megahertz ==> 兆周,兆周/秒,百万赫
- megahertz (MHz) ==> 兆赫
- megahertz computer ==> 兆赫计算机
- megajoule ==> 兆焦耳
- megakaryoblast ==> 成巨核细胞,巨核母细胞,巨核母细胞
- megakaryoblastoma ==> 巨核母细胞瘤,巨核母细胞瘤,成巨核细胞瘤
- megakaryocyte colony forming cell ==> 巨核细胞系集落生成细胞
- megakaryocyte colony forming cell (MEG-CFC) ==> 巨核细胞系集落生成细胞
- megakaryocyte colony stimulating factor ==> 巨核细胞集落刺激因子,巨核细胞集落刺激因子
- megakaryocyte polyploid ==> 巨核细胞多倍体,巨核细胞多倍体
- megakaryocytic leukemia ==> 巨核细胞性白血病,巨核细胞性白血病
- megakaryocytic series ==> 巨核细胞系,巨核细胞系
- megakaryocytosis ==> 巨核细胞增多症,巨核细胞增多症
- megakaryophthisis ==> 骨髓巨核细胞缺乏症
- megakeryoblast ==> 原巨核细胞
- megalakria ==> 马里氏病,肢端肥大,肢端肥大症
- megalencephalon ==> 巨脑,巨脑
- megalgia ==> 剧痛,剧痛
- megaline ==> 兆力线,兆线
- megaliter ==> 兆升
- Megalithic ==> 巨石器阶
- megalithic architecture ==> 巨石建筑
- megalithic masonry ==> 巨石圬工
- megalitre ==> 兆升
- megalo-enteron ==> 巨肠
- megalo-esophagus ==> 巨食管症
- megaloblast ==> 巨成红细胞
- megaloblastic anemia ==> 巨成红细胞性贫血,巨幼红细胞性贫血
- megaloblastic series ==> 巨成红细胞系,巨幼红细胞系
- megaloblastoid change ==> 巨幼红细胞样变
- megaloceros ==> 有角畸胎
- megaloclitoris ==> 巨阴蒂
- Megalococcus myxoides ==> 粘液巨型球菌
- megalocornea ==> 巨大角膜
- megalocystis ==> 巨膀胱
- megalocyte ==> 巨大赤血球
- megalocytic anemia ==> 巨红细胞性盆血
- megalocytosis ==> 巨红细胞症
- megalodontia ==> 巨牙
- megalogastria ==> 巨胃
- megaloglossia ==> 巨舌症,舌肥大
- megalograph ==> 显微图形放大器,显微图形放大装置
- megalohepatia ==> 巨肝,肝肥大
- megalomania ==> 夸大狂
- megalomaniac ==> 夸大狂者
- megalopenis ==> 巨阴茎
- megalophage ==> 巨噬细胞
- megalophobia ==> 巨物恐怖
- megalophthalmia ==> 巨眼
- megalophthalmos ==> 巨眼
- megalophthalmus ==> 巨眼
- megalopia dysmeg-alopsia ==> 视物显大症
- megaloplastocyte ==> 巨血小板
- megalopolis ==> 特大城市
- megalops larva ==> 大眼幼体
- Megalopygidae ==> 绒蛾科
- megalosphere ==> 大球壳
- megalosplenia ==> 巨脾
- megalosyndactyly ==> 巨并指
- megalothymus ==> 巨胸腺,胸腺肥大
- megaloureter ==> 巨输尿管
- megalourethra ==> 巨大尿道
- megamere ==> 大分裂球
- megameter ==> 兆欧表,高阻表
- megamitochondria ==> 巨大线粒体
- megamitochondrion ==> 巨线粒体
- megampere ==> 百万安
- megampere (MA) ==> 兆安
- meganewton ==> 兆牛顿
- meganewton-meter ==> 兆牛顿米
- meganthropus ==> 巨人
- meganucleus ==> 巨核,巨核
- megaohm ==> 兆欧姆
- megaparsec ==> 百万秒差距
- megaparsec (Mpc) ==> 兆秒差距
- megapascal (MPa) ==> 兆帕斯卡
- Megaperm ==> 梅格珀姆铁镍锰高导磁率合金
- megaphanerophyte ==> 大高位芽植物,大乔木
- megaphenocryst ==> 大斑晶
- megaphone ==> 传声筒,扩音器,喇叭筒
- megaphyric ==> 大斑晶的
- megaplate ==> 巨板块,巨板块
- megapoise ==> 兆泊,百万泊
- megapulse laser ==> 兆瓦脉冲激光器
- Megapyr ==> 梅格派尔铁铬铝电阻丝合金,铁铝铬电阻丝合金
- megarad ==> 兆拉德
- megarectosigmoid ==> 巨直肠乙状结肠,巨直肠乙状结肠
- megarectum ==> 巨直肠,巨直肠
- megarelief ==> 大地形,宏观地形
- megaripple ==> 大波痕,巨波纹,巨波纹
- megaroentagen ==> 兆伦琴
- megarutherford ==> 兆卢瑟福
- megascale ic ==> 百万级规模集成电路
- megascope ==> 粗视显微镜,显微幻灯,扩大照相机
- megascopic ==> 粗视的,肉眼可见的
- megascopic method ==> 宏观法
- megasecond (Ms,Msec) ==> 兆秒
- Megasecopteroidea ==> 广翅超目
- megasedimentology ==> 宏观沉积学
- megaseism ==> 大地震
- megasigmoid ==> 巨乙状结肠,巨乙状结肠
- megasoma ==> 巨体,巨体
- megasome ==> 核粗粒体
- megaspore ==> 大孢子
- megaspore tetrad ==> 四分大孢子
- megasporophyll ==> 大孢子叶
- megastage ==> 大阶段
- megastructure ==> 超级建筑
- megasweep ==> 摇频振荡器
- megatanker ==> 百万吨级油轮
- megatectonics ==> 大构造,巨型构造,巨型构造,宏观构造学
- megatherm ==> 高温植物
- megathermal climate ==> 高温气候
- megathermal period ==> 高温期
- megathermal type ==> 高温植物型
- megathermophyte ==> 高温植物
- Megathymiinae ==> 大弄蝶亚科
- megaton ==> 百万吨
- megaton (MT) ==> 兆吨
- megatonnage ==> 百万吨级
- Megatrichophyton ==> 巨毛癣菌属,巨毛癣菌属
- megatron ==> 塔形电子管
- megaureter ==> 巨输尿管,巨输尿管
- megavar ==> 兆乏
- megavarmeter ==> 兆乏计
- megaversity ==> 超级大学
- megavolt ==> 兆伏
- megavolt (MV) ==> 兆伏
- megavolt ampere ==> 兆伏安
- megavolt-ampere ==> 兆伏安,百万伏安
- megavoltage teletherapy ==> 兆伏级远距治疗
- megavoltage therapy ==> 超高压放射疗法
- megawatt ==> 兆瓦
- megawatt day ==> 兆瓦天
- megawatt day/metric ton of metal (MWD/MTM) ==> 兆瓦日/公吨金属
- megawatt early warning station ==> 兆瓦级远程警报站
- megawatt electric ==> 兆瓦
- megawatt hour ==> 兆瓦时
- megawatt thermal ==> 兆瓦热
- megawatt year of electricity (MWYE) ==> 兆瓦年电量
- megawatt-day per ton ==> 兆瓦日/吨
- megawatt-hour ==> 千度
- megestrol acetate ==> 甲地孕酮,醋酸甲地孕酮
- megger ==> 兆欧表=>メガー
- Megger earth tester ==> 梅格尔土壤电阻测定器
- MeGill alloy ==> 麦吉尔可铸可锻铝青铜
- megohm ==> 兆欧,百万欧姆
- megohm box ==> 高阻箱
- megohm bridge ==> 高阻电桥,兆欧电桥
- megohm meter ==> 兆欧表
- megohm sensitivity ==> 兆欧灵敏度
- megohmmeter ==> 兆欧表
- Mehlis's gland ==> 梅里斯氏腺,梅氏腺
- MEHRA Marine Environmentally High Risk Areas ==> 海事环境高危险区
- Meibom's gland ==> 睑板腺,睑板腺
- meibomian cyst ==> 霰粒肿,霰粒肿
- Meibomian cyst ==> 迈博姆氏囊肿
- meibomian gland carcinoma ==> 睑板腺癌,睑板腺癌
- meibomian gland infarct ==> 睑板腺梗塞,睑板腺梗塞
- Meigs syndrome ==> 梅格斯氏综合征
- Meigs's syndrome ==> 麦格氏综合征
- Meigs syndrome ==> 梅格综合征
- meinbranous structure ==> 膜相结构
- Meinicke reaction ==> 迈尼克氏反应
- meionectic blood ==> 低氧血症
- meiotic division ==> 成熟分裂
- meiotic drive ==> 减数分裂的驱动力
- meissen green ==> 迈森绿
- Meissner circuit ==> 迈斯纳电路
- Meissner coil ==> 迈斯纳线圈=>マイスナーコイル
- Meissner effect ==> 迈斯纳效应=>マイスナー効果
- Meissner field ==> マイスナー場
- Meissner method ==> 迈斯纳法
- Meissner oscillation circuit ==> 迈斯纳振荡电路
- meissner oscillator ==> 麦斯南振荡器
- Meissner oscillator ==> 麦斯南振荡器,(电感反馈振荡器)迈斯纳振荡器
- Meissner's corpuscle ==> 迈斯纳小体=>マイスナー小体
- Meissner's corpuscles ==> 麦斯纳氏小体,迈斯纳氏小体
- Meissner-Ochsen field effect ==> 迈斯纳效应
- Meissners corpuscle ==> 迈斯纳小体
- meizoseismal area ==> 最强地震区,强震区,极震区
- Meker burner ==> 梅克尔灯
- MEL, Materials Experiment Laboratory ==> 材料実験装置
- MEL, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory ==> 機械技術研究所
- MEL, Minimum Equipment List ==> 運用許容基準
- melamine ==> 三聚氰胺,蜜胺=>メラミン(樹脂)
- melamine component ==> メラミン成分
- melamine compound ==> メラミン化合物
- melamine concentration ==> メラミン濃度
- melamine plastic ==> 蜜胺塑料
- melamine plastics ==> 密胺塑料
- melamine resin ==> 密胺树脂,三聚氰胺甲醛树脂=>メラミン樹脂
- melamine resin adhesive ==> 密胺树脂胶
- melamine resin varnish ==> 密胺树脂清漆,三聚聚氰胺清漆
- melamine resin(a) ==> 三聚氰胺醛树脂
- melamine-formaldehyde papers ==> 三聚氰胺甲醛纸
- melamine-formaldehyde resin ==> 三聚氰胺树脂
- melamine-resin adhesive ==> 三聚氰胺树脂胶
- melamino-formaldehyde ==> 三聚氰胺甲醛
- melancholia ==> 忧郁,忧郁症,抑郁症
- melancholia attonita ==> 迟钝性忧郁症
- melancholia nostalgica ==> 怀乡性忧郁症
- melancholia recurrens ==> 反复性忧郁症
- melancholiac ==> 忧郁症患者
- melancholy ==> 憂鬱,哀愁,深い物思い,メランカリ,メランコリー
- melancholy aspect ==> 物悲しい側面
- melancholy attitude ==> 物憂げな態度
- melancholy event ==> 憂鬱になる出来事
- melancholy eye ==> 憂鬱な目
- melange accumulation ==> 混杂堆积
- melange printing ==> 毛条印花
- melange yarn ==> 混色纱线
- melanger machine ==> 混条针梳机
- melanin stimulating hormone ==> 黑色素刺激素
- melano-epithelioma ==> 黑素上皮癌
- melanoblastoma of bone ==> 骨黑素母细胞瘤
- melanocyte ==> 黑色素细胞
- melanocyte stimulating hormone ==> 黑素细胞刺激素
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone ==> 黑色素细胞刺激素
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) ==> 促黑素细胞激素
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone inhibting factor ==> 促黑素细胞激素抑制因子
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone releasing hormone ==> 黑色素细胞刺激素释放激素
- melanocytotropic virus ==> 向黑色素细胞病毒
- melanoderma cachecticorum ==> 恶病质性黑皮病
- melanoma of bone ==> 骨黑色素瘤
- melanoma of penis ==> 阴茎黑色素癌
- melanophore hormone ==> 促黑素细胞激素
- melanophore stimulating hormone ==> 促黑激素
- melanophore-dilating principle ==> 促黑素细胞激素
- melanophore-expanding peptide ==> 促黑扩张肽
- melanophore-stimulating hormone releasing factor ==> 促黑素细胞激素释放因子
- melanose of citrus ==> 柑桔沙皮病
- melanose or canker of apple ==> 苹果黑斑病
- melanose or canker of citrus ==> 柑桔褐色蒂腐病
- melanosis corii degenerativa ==> 变性真皮黑变病
- melanosis corneae ==> 角膜黑变病
- melanotic cancer ==> 黑色素癌,黑素癌
- melanotic carcinoma of penis ==> 阴茎黑色素癌
- melanotic neuroectodermal tumor ==> 黑色素性神经外胚瘤,黑素沉着性神经外胚层瘤
- melanuric acid ==> 黑尿酸,异氰尿酰亚胺
- melarsonyl potassium ==> 美拉胂钾
- melatonin ==> 5-甲氧基-N-乙酰-色胺,抗黑变激素
- Melbourn rock ==> 墨尔本岩
- MELCO, Mitsubishi Electric Co. ==> 三菱電機株式会社
- meldola blue ==> 麦尔多拉蓝
- meldoline blue ==> 麦尔多灵蓝
- melena neonatorum ==> 新生儿黑粪
- Meleney's burrowing lesion ==> 麦乐尼氏坏疽
- melilotic acid ==> 草木犀酸
- melilotic acid glucoside ==> 草木犀酸葡萄糖甙
- Melilotus sweetclover ==> 草木犀属
- Meliola perithecium ==> 小煤炱囊壳
- melissa oil ==> 蜂花油
- melissic acid ==> 蜂花酸,三十烷酸
- melissyl alcohol ==> 三十醇,蜂花醇
- melissyl ester ==> 三十烷酸酯
- melitin test ==> 波状热菌素试验
- Melkersson's syndrome ==> 梅尔克逊氏综合征
- Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome ==> 梅尔克逊氏综合征
- melleril tablet ==> 美立廉片
- Mellin transform ==> 梅林变换
- mellitic acid ==> 苯六甲酸,苯六羧酸
- mellon jelly ==> 哈蜜瓜嗜喱粉
- mellophanic acid ==> 苯偏四甲酸
- Mellotte's alloy ==> 梅洛特铋锡铅易熔合金
- mellow ==> 松软
- mellow consistency ==> 松软结持
- mellow consisting ==> 松软结持
- mellow earth ==> 海绵土,熟土
- mellow fruit ==> 成熟的果实
- mellow loam ==> 松壤土,松散垆坶
- mellow soil ==> 松软土壤,熟土
- mellow tilth ==> 耕耘土壤
- mellow-soil field ==> 海绵田
- mellowness ==> まろやかさ,芳醇さ
- Melni alloy ==> 梅尔尼镍基耐热合金
- melocol ==> 三聚氰胺
- melon ==> 甜瓜
- melon aphid ==> 棉蚜
- melon crop ==> 瓜类作物
- melon cultivation ==> 瓜类栽培
- melon fly ==> 甜瓜蝇
- melon petals of spherical tank ==> 球罐瓜瓣
- melon seed (Psenopsis anomala) ==> 甜瓜子
- melon seed file ==> 瓜子形锉刀
- melon tree ==> 番木瓜树
- melon worm ==> 甜瓜野螟
- melon-shaped ==> 西瓜状的
- melon-shaped dome ==> 瓜形穹顶
- melonic acid ==> 甜瓜酸
- Melrose pump ==> 梅耳罗斯泵
- melt ==> 融,融化,融解,熔,熔融,熔体=>融解する
- melt back ==> 反复熔炼
- melt blend ==> 熔体混合物
- melt canal ==> 熔体通道
- melt coloration technique ==> 熔体着色技术
- melt crystallization ==> 熔体结晶
- melt diffusion transistor ==> 熔融扩散晶体管
- melt down ==> 销毁货币,熔化金属,回炉
- melt elasticity ==> 熔体弹性
- melt embossing process ==> 熔膜轧纹成形法
- melt equilibrium ==> 熔融平衡
- melt extractor ==> 熔料分料器
- melt extrusion ==> 熔融挤出,熔体挤出
- melt flow index ==> 熔体流动指数
- melt flow instability ==> 熔体流动不稳定性
- melt fluidity ==> (塑料等的)熔融流动性
- melt fracture ==> 熔裂,熔体破坏
- melt grid ==> 熔栅
- melt grid type spinning machine ==> 熔栅式纺丝机
- melt growth ==> 熔体生长
- melt hopper ==> 溶体料斗
- melt index ==> 熔体指数,熔化指数
- melt indexer ==> 熔体指数测定仪
- melt loading ==> 熔融装料,熔注装药
- melt number ==> 熔号
- melt per hour ==> 每小时熔量
- melt pigmentation ==> 熔体着色法
- melt pit ==> 地坑
- melt polycondensation ==> 熔融缩聚
- melt polymerization ==> 熔体聚合
- melt pool ==> 熔体潭
- melt pulling method ==> 熔融淬火法
- melt quenching method ==> 熔化淬火法
- melt refining ==> 熔融精制
- melt release system ==> (转移印花用语)熔释体系
- melt residence time ==> 熔体逗留时间
- melt run ==> 熔合线
- melt section ==> 熔化区
- melt settlement ==> 融化下沉
- melt slippage ==> 熔体滑动
- melt spinning ==> 熔融纺丝,熔体纺丝
- melt spinning by extrusion method ==> 熔体挤压纺丝法
- melt spun fibre ==> 熔纺纤维
- melt swell ==> 熔体突然膨胀
- melt tank ==> 熔化槽
- melt thru weld ==> 熔透焊缝
- melt transfer printing ==> 熔融转移印花
- melt treatment process ==> 熔体处理法
- melt uniformity ==> 熔体均匀性
- melt urea pump ==> 熔融尿素泵
- melt viscometer ==> 熔体粘度计
- melt viscosity ==> 熔解粘滞度
- melt-additive brightener ==> 熔体增白剂
- melt-back process ==> 回熔法
- melt-blown fabric ==> 熔喷法非织造织物
- melt-casted ==> 熔铸的
- melt-down time ==> 熔化时间
- melt-flow ==> 熔融流
- melt-off ==> 熔脱
- melt-off pore ==> 熔化孔
- melt-off rate ==> 熔化率
- melt-out ==> 熔融
- melt-phase ==> 熔相
- melt-pulling method ==> 熔体拉伸法
- melt-quench process ==> 熔化淬火过程
- melt-quench transistor ==> 骤冷晶体管
- melt-quenching method ==> 熔融淬火法
- melt-spun ==> 熔纺,熔丝
- melt-spun ribbons ==> 急冷薄体
- melt-stoichiometry ==> 熔体化学计量学,熔体计量
- melt-through weld ==> 透溶焊
- meltability ==> 熔度
- meltage ==> 熔解量,熔解物
- meltallizing ==> 熔射
- meltback ==> 回熔,反复焙炼
- meltback process ==> 熔化过程
- meltback transistor ==> 回熔晶体管
- meltbility ==> 熔融性
- meltdown ==> 熔毁,溶融,溶断=>メルトダウン
- meltdown accident ==> 溶融事故
- melted ==> 融解した
- melted addition ==> 熔体加入剂
- melted gangue ==> 熔融矿渣
- melted in a flash ==> 一瞬で溶ける
- melted ingot ==> 熔制锭
- melted iron ==> 铁水
- melted soybean milk ==> 麦精豆奶
- melted zone ==> 熔化带
- melted-glass lining ==> 熔融玻璃镶衬
- melten weld pool ==> 焊接熔池
- melter ==> 熔化器,炉前工(人),熔炼炉,熔炉,熔窑
- melting ==> 熔融,融解,熔=>融解
- melting ablation ==> 熔化烧蚀
- melting and fusing centrifuge ==> 熔化离心机
- melting and refreezing ==> 熔化再凝
- melting band ==> 融化带
- melting bath ==> 熔池,熔浴
- melting by heat ==> 烊化
- melting capacity ==> 熔化率
- melting chamber ==> 熔化室,炉膛
- melting characteristic ==> 熔化特性
- melting characteristic of an electrode ==> 焊条熔化性
- melting charge ==> 熔融料
- melting coefficient ==> 熔化系数
- melting coke ==> 铸造焦炭
- melting compartment ==> 熔化室
- melting condition ==> 熔化条件,熔化状态
- melting conditions ==> 熔化状况
- melting cone ==> 熔锥,测热熔锥
- melting crucible ==> 熔炼坩锅
- melting cup ==> 熔化坩锅
- melting cup assembly ==> 熔化坩锅装置
- melting current ==> 熔化电流
- melting curve ==> 熔化曲线
- melting decladding ==> 熔融去壳
- melting diagram ==> 熔度图,熔化图
- melting duct ==> 熔池导管
- melting efficiency ==> 熔敷效率,熔化效率,熔融效率
- melting end ==> 熔化端部,(池窑)熔化部
- melting equipment ==> 熔化设备
- melting expansion ==> 熔融膨胀
- melting furnace ==> 融解炉,熔炼炉,熔窑,熔化炉
- melting furnace shop ==> 熔制车间
- melting grid ==> 熔栅
- melting grid spiral ==> 熔栅盘管
- melting heat ==> 熔化热
- melting interface ==> 熔化分界面
- melting kettle ==> 熔炼坩锅
- melting ladle ==> 熔勺
- melting level ==> 融化高度
- melting loss ==> 熔化损失,熔炼损耗,熔损,烧损
- melting operation ==> 熔化操作
- melting phenomenon ==> 溶融現象
- melting platform ==> 熔化台
- melting point ==> 融点
- melting point apparatus ==> 熔点测点器,熔点测定器
- melting point bar ==> 熔点块,测温块
- melting point curve ==> 熔点曲线
- melting point depression ==> 熔点降低
- melting point indicator ==> 熔点指示器
- melting point of paraffin wax ==> 石蜡的熔点
- melting point test ==> 熔点测定
- melting point tube ==> 熔点管
- melting pot ==> 熔化罐,熔化锅,熔料坩埚,溶料锅,坩埚
- melting practice ==> 熔炼操作
- melting process ==> 熔化过程
- melting range ==> 熔化范围
- melting rate ==> 溶融速度(溶接),熔化率,熔化速率
- melting ratio ==> 熔化比,铁焦比
- melting receptacle ==> 熔炉
- melting refining process ==> 熔融精制过程
- melting section ==> 熔化带
- melting shop teeming bay ==> 炼钢车间的铸锭跨
- melting solid ==> 熔化体
- melting speed ==> 熔化速度
- melting stage ==> 熔化阶段
- melting state ==> 熔化状态,熔融状态
- melting stock ==> 熔料
- melting stock column ==> 熔化料柱
- melting tank ==> 熔化池
- melting temperature ==> 熔化温度,熔解温度,解链温度
- melting test ==> 熔点测定
- melting through weld ==> 熔透焊缝
- melting time ==> 熔融时间,熔化时间
- melting unit ==> 熔化单元,熔化设备
- melting with partial oxidation ==> 部分氧化熔炼
- melting zone ==> 熔化层,熔化带,熔化区
- melting-in ==> 熔挂法
- melting-out temperature ==> 熔开温度
- melting-point diagram ==> 熔点图
- melton ==> 麦尔登
- Melton ==> 麦尔登呢
- Melton fabrics ==> 麦尔登织物
- meltose octanitrate ==> 麦芽糖八硝酸酯
- meltshop ==> 熔炼车间
- meltwater ==> 熔融液,融水
- MELV, medium expendable launch vehicle ==> 中規模使い捨てロケット
- MEM, memory ==> 記憶装置
- member ==> 段,成件,成员,构件,骨架件=>会員,構成員,議員,党員,成員,構材,部材,要素,元
- member bar ==> 杆件
- member by member ==> 逐项
- member capacity ==> 部材耐力
- member condition ==> 成分条件,成员条件,成员状态
- member coordinate ==> 部材座標
- member country ==> 加盟国
- member factor ==> 部材係数
- member function ==> メンバー関数
- member gene ==> メンバー遺伝子
- member in bending ==> 受弯构件
- member in compression ==> 受压构件
- member in flexure ==> 受挠杆件
- member in good standing ==> 会費を納入済みの会員
- member in shear ==> 受剪构件
- member in tension ==> 受拉构件
- member in torsion ==> 受扭构件
- member information ==> 会員情報
- member name ==> メンバー名
- member nation ==> 加盟国
- member number ==> 成员号=>会員番号
- member of a structure ==> 構造部材
- member of a truss ==> トラス部材
- member of breeding association ==> 进入育种协会
- member of equation ==> 方程式项
- member of framework ==> 部材
- member property ==> 部材特性
- member record ==> 成员记录,从记录
- member reference ==> メンバー参照
- member stiffness ==> 部材剛性
- member store ==> 加盟店
- member structure ==> 杆系结构
- member type ==> 从记录类型,成员类型
- members of the same clan ==> 亲族
- membership ==> 成员
- membership function ==> 隶属函数
- membership grade ==> 隶属度
- membership groups ==> 团体成员小组
- membership in professional organization ==> 参与职业组织
- membership problem ==> 成员问题,成员资格问题
- membership table ==> 成员表
- membrame resistance ==> 膜电阻
- membrana ==> 膜
- membrana atlantoepistrophica dorsalis ==> 寰枢后膜
- membrana atlantoepistrophica ventralis ==> 寰枢前膜
- membrana atlantooccipitalis anterior ==> 寰枕前膜
- membrana atlantooccipitalis posterior ==> 寰枕后膜
- membrana basilaris ==> 基底膜
- membrana elastica laryngis ==> 喉弹性膜
- membrana fibroelastica laryngis ==> 喉弹性膜,喉纤维弹性膜
- membrana granulosa ==> 粒膜,粒层,颗粒膜
- membrana intercostalis externa ==> 肋间外膜
- membrana intercostalis interna ==> 肋间内膜
- membrana interossea antebrachii ==> 前臂骨间膜
- membrana interossea cruris ==> 小腿骨间膜
- membrana perinei ==> 会阴膜
- membrana propria ==> 固有膜
- membrana propria ductus semicircularis ==> 半规管固有膜
- membrana putaminis ==> 卵壳膜
- membrana quadrangularis ==> 喉方膜
- membrana reticularis ==> 网状膜
- membrana reticulata ==> 克利克尔氏膜
- membrana statoconiorum ==> 位觉砂膜
- membrana sterni ==> 胸骨膜
- membrana suprapleuralis ==> 胸膜上膜
- membrana synovialis inferior ==> 下滑膜
- membrana tectoria ==> 盖膜,覆膜=>蓋膜
- membrana tectoria ductus cochlearis ==> 耳蜗覆膜,柯替氏膜
- membrana tensa ==> 鼓膜紧张部
- membrana thyrohyoidea ==> 甲状舌骨膜
- membrana tympani ==> 鼓膜
- membrana vestibularis ==> 前庭膜
- membrana vestibularis Reissneri ==> 赖斯纳氏膜
- membranaceous palea ==> 膜状内桴
- membranate contact ==> 膜性接触
- membrance chemistry ==> 膜化学
- membrance valve ==> 薄膜阀
- membrance-type absorber ==> 膜式吸收器
- membrane ==> 膜,膜片,膜式泵,隔膜,薄膜=>薄膜,皮膜
- membrane (shell) theory ==> 无力矩理论
- membrane absorber ==> 膜式吸收塔
- membrane action ==> 膜作用
- membrane action potential ==> 膜活動電位
- membrane activity ==> 膜活性
- membrane actuating mechanism ==> 薄膜式操作机构
- membrane additive ==> 膜添加剤
- membrane adhesion ==> 膜付着
- membrane analogy ==> 薄膜比拟法,薄膜模拟
- membrane antigen ==> 膜抗原
- membrane association ==> 膜結合性
- membrane assymmetry ==> 膜的不对称性
- membrane attachment ==> 膜付着
- membrane attack ==> 膜攻撃
- membrane barrier ==> 隔膜
- membrane biochemistry ==> 膜生物化学
- membrane bioenergetics ==> 膜生物能学
- membrane biology ==> 膜生物学
- membrane biophysics ==> 膜生物物理学
- membrane bone ==> 膜骨,膜化骨,皮骨
- membrane capacitance ==> 膜电容器
- membrane capacity ==> 膜容量
- membrane charge ==> 膜电荷
- membrane chromatography ==> 膜色谱
- membrane cisterna ==> 膜池
- membrane colpi ==> 沟膜的
- membrane compressor ==> 隔膜式压缩机
- membrane conductance ==> 膜电导
- membrane container ==> 薄膜容器
- membrane curing ==> 薄膜防火,(混凝土的)薄膜养护
- membrane curing compound ==> 薄膜养护剂
- membrane demineralization process ==> 膜法脱盐法
- membrane detector ==> 膜式探测器
- membrane duct ==> 膜导管
- membrane economizer ==> 膜式省煤器,同列钢管的直段部分用通长扁钢焊成整体膜式结构的省煤器。
- membrane efficiency ==> 膜效率
- membrane eguilibrium ==> 膜渗平衡
- membrane eigenfunction ==> 膜本征函数
- membrane eigenvalue ==> 膜本征值
- membrane eigenvalue problem ==> 膜本征值问题
- membrane electric current ==> 膜电流
- membrane electrode ==> 模电极,膜电极
- membrane electrophoresis ==> 膜电泳
- membrane element ==> 膜元
- membrane envelopes ==> 包膜
- membrane equation ==> 薄膜方程,膜方程
- membrane equilibrium ==> 膜平衡
- membrane filter ==> 膜滤器,膜式过滤器
- membrane filter technique ==> 膜滤法
- membrane filtration ==> 膜滤法
- membrane filtration culture method ==> 薄滤膜培养法
- membrane fireproofing ==> 薄膜防火
- membrane fluidity ==> 膜流体性
- membrane fusion ==> 膜融合
- membrane grouting process ==> 薄膜灌浆法
- membrane hyperstructure ==> 膜超大分子结构
- membrane immunofluorescence ==> 膜免疫荧光
- membrane inductance ==> 膜电感
- membrane invagination ==> 膜内陷
- membrane ion-exchange plant ==> 薄膜离子交换设备
- membrane lauryl sulphate method ==> 膜法脱月桂硫酸盐法
- membrane lipid phase transition ==> 膜脂质相变
- membrane logic ==> 膜片式逻辑
- membrane manometer ==> 膜测压力计,膜式压力计
- membrane mask ==> 薄膜型掩模
- membrane method ==> 膜法
- membrane method of water-proofing ==> 防水隔膜法
- membrane method of waterproofing ==> 薄膜防水法
- membrane model ==> 膜模型
- membrane module ==> 膜组件=>膜モジュール
- membrane molecular disease ==> 膜分子病
- membrane of hen egg ==> 凤凰衣
- membrane of spinal cord ==> 脊髓膜
- membrane organelle ==> 膜オルガネラ
- membrane permeability ==> 膜渗透性,膜透率,膜透性
- membrane physiology ==> 膜生理学
- membrane potential ==> 模电势,膜电势,膜电位,膜片电位
- membrane pressure gauge ==> 薄膜压力计
- membrane process ==> 薄膜法,膜法
- membrane properties measurement ==> 膜物性測定
- membrane property measurement ==> 膜物性
- membrane protein ==> 膜蛋白
- membrane pump ==> 膜泵,隔膜泵,薄膜泵
- membrane reaction curve ==> 膜反应曲线
- membrane receptor ==> 膜受体
- membrane recycling hypothesis ==> 膜再循环假说
- membrane resistance ==> 薄膜电阻=>膜抵抗
- membrane resonance ==> 膜共振
- membrane roofing ==> 薄膜屋面
- membrane salinometer ==> 薄膜盐度计
- membrane science ==> 膜科学
- membrane screen printing machine ==> 薄膜丝网印花机
- membrane seal mechanical pump ==> 膜密封式机械泵
- membrane sealed ==> 薄膜封闭,薄膜止水的
- membrane seepage prevention ==> 薄膜防渗,用土工薄膜材料作防渗层
- membrane separation device ==> 膜分离装置
- membrane separation efficiency ==> 膜的分离效率
- membrane separation process ==> 薄膜分离法
- membrane separation technique ==> 膜分离技术
- membrane separator ==> 隔膜分离器
- membrane servomotor ==> 薄膜式伺服电动机
- membrane spectroscophy ==> 膜谱学
- membrane stabilizing action ==> 膜稳定作用
- membrane strain ==> 膜应变
- membrane stress ==> 膜应力,薄膜应力
- membrane structure ==> 薄膜结构,膜结构
- membrane tank ==> 薄膜贮罐
- membrane technique ==> 膜技術=>膜技术
- membrane technology ==> 膜技術=>膜技术
- membrane tension ==> 薄膜张力,膜片张力
- membrane theory ==> 膜学说,(一种薄壳设计的理论)薄膜理论
- membrane theory of conduction ==> 膜传导理论
- membrane toxicology ==> 膜毒理学
- membrane transport ==> 膜运载
- membrane treatment for waterproofing ==> 薄膜防水处理
- membrane tympanic secundaria ==> 第二鼓膜
- membrane ultrafiltation ==> 薄膜超滤法
- membrane valve ==> 膜片阀
- membrane vesiculation ==> 膜囊泡化
- membrane wall ==> 膜式水冷壁,由轧制或焊接鳍片管或光管加扁钢或光管烧熔焊拼焊成的气密管屏所组成的水冷壁。
- membrane waterproofing ==> 防水膜,防水膜层,薄膜防火
- membrane-case manometer ==> 膜盒压力计
- membrane-coating granules ==> 膜被颗粒
- membrane-filter procedure ==> 薄膜过滤法
- membrane-fusing activity ==> 膜融合活性
- membrane-protein structure ==> 膜タンパク質の構造
- membrane-type manometer ==> 膜式压力计
- membrano-proliferative change ==> 膜增生性病变
- membrano-proliferative type ==> 膜性增殖型
- membranochromic pigments ==> 膜色素
- membranoid substance ==> 膜状物
- membranous affection ==> 膜性病变
- membranous antigen ==> 膜抗原
- membranous bone ==> 膜状骨
- membranous colitis ==> 膜性结肠炎
- membranous desquamation ==> 鳞片样脱屑,表皮剥脱
- membranous labyrinth ==> 膜迷路
- membranous layer ==> 膜层
- membranous neurocranium ==> 膜神经颅
- membranous part ==> 膜部
- membranous part of urethra ==> 尿道膜部
- membranous pharyngitis due to yin deficiency ==> 阴虚喉癣
- membranous placenta ==> 膜状胎盘
- membranous pregnancy ==> 膜性妊娠
- membranous pump ==> 隔膜泵
- membranous semicircular canal ==> 膜半规管
- membranous semicircular canals ==> 膜性半规管
- membranous septum ==> 膜性间隔,膜性中隔
- membranous spiral lamina ==> 膜螺旋板
- membranous structure ==> 膜性结构
- membranous type ==> 膜型
- membranous type affection ==> 膜性病变
- membranous wall ==> 膜壁
- meme ==> 弥因
- memmary duct ==> 乳导管
- memoir ==> 回顧録,自伝,メモ,研究論文
- Memoir Grassland Research Institute ==> 草地研究所专刊
- memomotion study ==> 延时慢速摄影动作研究
- memoranda pad ==> メモ用紙
- memorandum ==> 备忘录,便函=>覚書,備忘録,メモ
- memorandum account ==> 备查帐户
- memorandum book ==> 备查簿
- memorandum clause ==> 附注条款
- memorandum copy of bill of lading ==> 提单抄本
- memorandum dial ==> 备忘拨盘,记录拨盘
- memorandum entry ==> 备查记录
- memorandum ledger ==> 备查分类帐
- memorandum of agreement ==> 协定书
- memorandum of an association ==> 公司章程
- memorandum of complaint ==> 民事起诉书
- memorandum of exchange ==> 开列其计算方式
- memorandum of satisfaction ==> 清偿债务备忘录
- memorandum record ==> 备查记录
- Memorandum Trade ==> 备忘录贸易
- memorandum value ==> 备忘价值,备忘录价格,非正式定价
- memorial architeture ==> 纪念性建筑
- memorial column ==> 纪念柱
- memorial rose ==> 光叶蔷薇
- memoric instruction ==> 记忆指令
- memorizing meter ==> 记录仪表
- memory ==> 记忆,记忆力,存储,储存,存储器
- memory access ==> 存储访问,存储器存取,存储器访问,存储器取数,存取,存取器
- memory access conflict ==> 存储器存取冲突,存储器访问冲突
- memory access control ==> 存储器存取控制,存储器的存取控制
- memory access fault ==> 存储访问故障
- memory access port ==> 存储器存取口
- memory access protection ==> 存储器存取保护,存储器访问保护
- memory access rate ==> 存储器存取速度
- memory access time ==> 存储器存取时间,存储器取数时间
- memory accumulator ==> 存储累加器
- memory acknowledge signal ==> 存储器应答信号
- memory action ==> 存储作用=>記憶作用(継電器)
- memory address ==> 存储地址,存储器地址
- memory address assignment ==> 存储器地址分配
- memory address bus ==> 存储器地址总线
- memory address driver ==> 存储地址驱动器
- memory address line ==> 存储器地址线
- memory address pointer ==> 存储器地址指示器,存储器地址指针
- memory address register ==> 存储地址寄存器
- memory address register (MAR) ==> 存储地址寄存器,存储器地址寄存器
- memory address selector ==> 存储器地址选择器
- memory address space ==> 存储器地址空间
- memory addressing ==> 存储器编址
- memory aid ==> 记忆辅助工具
- memory allocation ==> 内存分配,存储分配,存储器分配,存储器配置
- memory allocation subroutine ==> 存储分配子程序
- memory allocator ==> 存储分配程序,存储分配器
- memory and device control unit ==> 存储器和外设控制部件
- memory area ==> 存储区
- memory arrangement ==> 存储排列
- memory array ==> 存储器阵列
- memory assignment map ==> 存储器分配图
- memory board ==> 存储板
- memory bounds register ==> 存储器界限寄存器
- memory buffer ==> 存储缓冲器,存储缓冲区
- memory buffer register ==> 存储缓冲寄存器,存储器缓冲寄存器
- memory bus ==> 存储器总线,存储总线
- memory busy signal ==> 存储忙碌信号
- memory button ==> 存储器按钮,记忆键
- memory byte format ==> 存储字节格式
- memory byte location ==> 存储字节单元
- memory cache ==> 超高速缓冲存储系统
- memory capacitance ==> 存储量,记忆量,记忆容量
- memory capacitor ==> 记忆电容器,存储电容,存储电容器
- memory capacity ==> 存储容量,记忆容量=>記憶容量
- memory card ==> 记忆卡片,存储器插件板
- memory cell ==> 存储单元,存储器单元,存储元件,存储元件,记忆室,记忆细胞,记忆元件
- memory cell array ==> 存储单元阵列
- memory center ==> 记忆中枢
- memory change ==> 存储更换
- memory check program ==> 存储检查程序
- memory chip ==> 存储芯片
- memory circuit ==> 存储电路,记忆电路
- memory clamp ==> 记忆钳位,存储钳位
- memory clear key ==> 存储器清除键
- memory clear subroutine ==> 存储器清除子程序
- memory code ==> 存储码,记忆码
- memory color ==> 記憶色
- memory compaction ==> 存储器压缩
- memory configuration ==> 存储格局
- memory construction ==> 存储器结构
- memory contention ==> 存储冲突,存储争夺
- memory contents ==> 存储内容
- memory contents dump ==> 存储内容转储
- memory control ==> 记忆控制
- memory control logic ==> 存储器控制逻辑
- memory control unit ==> 存储器控制部件
- memory controller ==> 存储曝制器
- memory core ==> 存储磁心,磁心,存储磁芯
- memory core tester ==> 存储磁芯试验器
- memory counter ==> 记忆计数器
- memory cycle ==> 周期时间,存储器周期,存储周期
- memory cycle time ==> 存储周期时间
- memory data bus ==> 存储器数据总线,存储数据总线
- memory data ready ==> 存储数据准备
- memory data register (MDR) ==> 存储器数据寄存器,存储数据寄存器
- memory density ==> 存储密度
- memory depth ==> 存储器深度
- memory device ==> 存储器,存储器件,存储装置,记忆设备
- memory diagnostic ==> 存储器诊断,存储器诊断程序
- memory disc ==> 存储盘
- memory drum ==> 存储磁鼓
- memory dump ==> 存储器清除,存储器清除打印,存储器转储,存储转储,清除打印,信息转储
- memory dump routine ==> 存储器转储程序,存储转储程序,存储转储例行程序
- memory effect ==> 记忆效应
- memory element ==> 记忆单元,存储器元素,存储元件=>記憶素子
- memory enter ==> 存储器入口
- memory entry key ==> 存储记入键
- memory erasing ==> 存储抹去
- memory error ==> 存储器错误
- memory exchange ==> 存储互换装置,存储交换,存数互换
- memory exchanger ==> 存数互换装置
- memory exerciser ==> 存储演算器
- memory expansion ==> 存储器扩展
- memory extender ==> 存储扩展器,存储器扩展器
- memory fetch ==> 从存储器取数据,取数据
- memory field ==> 内存区
- memory fill ==> 存储器填充
- memory function ==> 存储功能,存储作用,记忆功能
- memory gate output ==> 记忆选通输出
- memory gradient method ==> 记忆梯度法
- memory guard ==> 存储保护
- memory guard error ==> 存储器保护错
- memory hardware ==> 存储器硬件
- memory hierarchy ==> 存储层次,存储器分级体系,分级存储结构,分级存储器系统=>記憶階層
- memory idle (MI) ==> 存储器闲置
- memory image ==> 存储图像
- memory immediate instruction ==> 存储器立即指令
- memory in key ==> 存储输入键
- memory in metal ==> 金属存储器
- memory indexing ==> 存储变址
- memory indicator ==> 记忆选台接受指示灯,记忆指示灯
- memory inhibit ==> 存储器禁用
- memory input bus ==> 存储器输入总线
- memory instruction data ==> 存储器指令数据
- memory interface ==> 存储接口
- memory interface protocol ==> 存储器接口约定
- memory interleave system ==> 存储器交错存取方式
- memory interleaving ==> 存储器交叉存取
- memory key ==> 存储键
- memory latency time ==> 存储器等待时间
- memory layout ==> 存储配置
- memory leak ==> メモリリーク
- memory limit ==> 存储量极限,存储容量极限
- memory limit register ==> 存储限制寄存器
- memory load key ==> 存储输入键
- memory loader ==> 存储器输入程序
- memory location ==> 存储单元
- memory locking ==> 存储器封锁
- memory lockout ==> 存储封锁
- memory lockout register ==> 存储界限寄存器,存储器限寄存器
- memory lymphocyte ==> 记忆淋巴细胞
- memory machine ==> 记忆机,存储器
- memory management ==> 存储管理,存储器管理
- memory management chip ==> 存储管理集成电路
- memory management exception ==> 存储管理异常
- memory management hardware ==> 存储器管理硬件
- memory management policy ==> 存储管理策略
- memory management register ==> 存储器管理寄存器
- memory management status ==> 存储器管理状态
- memory management unit ==> 存储管理装置
- memory map ==> 存储器变换,存储器分配形式,存储映像,存储映像表
- memory mapping ==> 存储单元布置,存储变换,存储器变换,存储器交换,存储器映像,存储映像
- memory mapping device ==> 存储变换机构
- memory mapping enable (MME) ==> 存储变换赋能,存储变换赋能位
- memory margin ==> 存储器容限,存储余量,记忆余量
- memory match ==> 存储器匹配
- memory matrix ==> 存储矩阵
- memory minus key ==> 减存键
- memory modify ==> 存储修改
- memory module ==> 存储块,存储模块,存储模式,存储器模块,存储器模数,存储体,存储组件
- memory modules ==> 存储器模件
- memory molecule ==> 记忆分子
- memory multiplex data link (MMDL) ==> 存储器多路数据链,存取远程存储器的链路
- memory or search lock ==> 记忆或寻像锁定
- memory organization ==> 存储器组织
- memory oriented system ==> 面向存储器系统
- memory output bus ==> 存储器输出总线
- memory overlay ==> 存储器覆盖,存储器重叠,存储重叠
- memory package interface ==> 存储部件接口
- memory page ==> 存储页,存储页面
- memory parity ==> 存储器奇偶性
- memory parity error ==> 存储器奇偶错
- memory parity generator ==> 存储器奇偶发生器
- memory parity interrupt ==> 存储奇偶中断,存储器奇偶中断
- memory partitioning ==> 存储区分
- memory patch ==> 存储插入程序
- memory period ==> 存储期间,记忆时间
- memory permanent storage ==> 永久性存储器
- memory plane ==> 存储板
- memory play ==> 记忆放音
- memory playback system ==> 記憶再生方式
- memory plus key ==> 加存键
- memory point ==> 记忆点,存储点
- memory pool ==> 存储器组合
- memory power ==> 存储能力
- memory print ==> 存储打印,存储印刷,存储转储
- memory printout ==> 存储器打印输出
- memory priority ==> 存储优先,存储优先权
- memory program ==> 存储器程序
- memory property ==> 存储能力,存储性能
- memory protect ==> 存储保护
- memory protection ==> 存储保护,存储器保护=>メモリプロテクション
- memory protection feature ==> 存储保护功能
- memory protection key ==> 存储保护键
- memory protection option ==> 存储保护选件
- memory protection register ==> 存储保护寄存器
- memory protection scheme ==> 存储器保护方案
- memory rate ==> 存储速率,记忆速率
- memory read ==> 存储读出,存储器读出,读存储器
- memory read enable ==> 允许存储读出
- memory ready ==> 存储器备用,存储器就绪,存储准备
- memory reference address ==> 存储器访问地址,存储器转移地址
- memory reference instruction ==> 存储器访问指令,存储器取数指令,存储器引用指令,访问存储器指令
- memory reference order ==> 存储访问指令
- memory reference subroutine ==> 存储器访问子程序
- memory refresh ==> 存储器再生
- memory refresh feature ==> 存储器再生功能
- memory refresh register ==> 存储更新寄存器
- memory register ==> 存储寄存器
- memory relay ==> 存储式继电器=>保持リレー
- memory relocation ==> 存储单元的重新分配,存储器的重新分配
- memory request ==> 存储器请求
- memory request attribute ==> 存储器请求属性
- memory request counter ==> 存储请求计数器
- memory resident ==> 存储驻留
- memory resource ==> 存储器资源
- memory response ==> 存储响应
- memory rewind ==> 记忆重绕
- memory scan ==> 存储器检索
- memory scan option ==> 存储器扫描选择
- memory scanning ==> 存储扫描
- memory scheduler ==> 存储器调度程序
- memory scheduling ==> 存储调度
- memory scope ==> 存储式同步示波器
- memory search ==> 存储器检索
- memory search routine ==> 存储查找程序
- memory sense amplifier ==> 存储器读出放大器
- memory share system ==> 存储器共用系统
- memory sharing ==> 存储器共享
- memory size ==> 存储量,内存大小
- memory skewing scheme ==> 存储斜移方案
- memory space ==> 存储空间,存储量
- memory speed ==> 储存速率
- memory stack ==> 存储体,存储栈
- memory stitcher ==> 电子缝纫机
- memory storage ==> 存储装置
- memory swapping ==> 存储交换
- memory synchroscope ==> 存储式同步示波器
- memory system ==> 存储系统,记忆系统
- memory system architecture ==> 存储系统结构
- memory tape ==> 记忆带
- memory test ==> 记忆调查法
- memory test system software ==> 存储器检测系统软件
- memory time ==> 存储时间,暂记时间,记忆时间
- memory time-delay relay ==> 存储延时继电器
- memory time-slice method ==> 存储器时段方式,存储器时分方式
- memory timing generator ==> 存储定时产生器
- memory trace ==> 记忆痕
- memory tracking ==> 记忆跟踪
- memory transfer ==> 存储转移,转储
- memory transfer rate ==> 存储器传送速率
- memory transistor ==> 存储晶体管
- memory transparency ==> 存储器透明性
- memory trap condition ==> 存储器俘获状态,存储器陷阱条件
- memory tube ==> 存储管,记忆管=>記憶管
- memory tuning ==> 存储调整
- memory unit ==> 存储单元,存储装置,记忆装置
- memory update ==> 存储器更新
- memory utilization ==> 存储规划
- memory velocity compensator ==> 存储速度补偿器
- memory violation ==> 存储器违章
- memory width ==> 存储器宽度
- memory window ==> 存储窗
- memory word ==> 存储器字,存储字
- memory write ==> 存储器写入,存储写入
- memory-autoincrementing operation ==> 存储器自动增量操作
- memory-bound ==> 受存储器限制的
- memory-map list ==> 存储变换表
- memory-mapped device ==> 存储器映像设备
- memory-mapped interface ==> 存储器映像接口
- memory-mapped video ==> 映像内存显示
- memory-read cycle ==> 读存储器周期
- memory-scope ==> 存储式示波器
- memory-segmentation control ==> 存储分段控制
- memory-to-memory transfer ==> 存储器间转移
- memoryless channel ==> 无记忆信道
- memorytron ==> 存储管,记忆管
- memoscope ==> 存储管式示波器
- memoscope program ==> 记忆示波程度
- memoscope programme ==> 记忆示波程度
- memristor ==> 忆阻器=>メモリスタ
- MEMS ==> 微机电系统=>微小電子機械システム
- MEMS, micro electromechanical system ==> メムスは、機械要素部品、センサー、アクチュエータ、電子回路を一つのシリコン基板上に集積化したデバイスを指す。弾性表面波モータ
- MEMS, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems ==> 微小電気機械システム
- men till the land and women weave cloth ==> 男耕女织
- Men, Mensa ==> テーブルさん座
- menadione sodium bisulfite ==> 亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌
- Mende's syndrome ==> 局部白化病
- Mendel's dorsal reflex of foot ==> 孟德尔氏反射
- Mendel's reflex ==> 孟德尔氏反射,足背反射
- Mendel's regulavity of segregation ==> 孟德尔分离规律
- Mendel's test ==> 孟德尔氏试验
- Mendel, Gregor Johann Mendel ==> 孟德尔
- Mendeleeff's law ==> 门捷列夫定律
- Mendeleev's periodic system ==> 门捷列夫周期系
- Mendelian character ==> 孟德尔式性状,孟德尔型性状
- Mendelian genetics ==> 孟德尔式遗传学,孟德尔遗传学
- mendelian inheritance ==> 孟德尔氏遗传
- Mendelian inheritance ==> 孟德尔式遗传
- Mendelian population ==> 孟德尔式群体
- Mendelian ratio ==> 孟德尔式比例,孟氏遗传比率
- Mendelyeev law ==> 门捷列夫周期律
- Mendelyeev's periodic table ==> 门捷列夫周期表
- Mendels law ==> 孟德尔氏定律
- Mendez shales ==> 门德斯页岩层
- Mendhein kiln ==> 孟海窑
- mending cotton ==> 缝补棉线
- mending material ==> 补炉料
- mending slip ==> 修补用泥浆
- Mendocino fracture zone ==> 门多西诺断裂带
- Menelaus' theorem ==> 梅涅劳斯定理=>メネラウスの定理
- Mengo virus ==> 门果病毒
- Mengshi Guntan Wan ==> 礞石滚痰丸
- Menieres syndrome ==> 美尼尔氏综合征
- meningeal branch ==> 脑膜支
- meningeal branch of spinal nerves ==> 脊膜支
- meningeal irritation ==> 脑膜刺激
- meningeal reaction ==> 脑膜反应
- meningeal veins ==> 脑膜静脉
- meningitic respiration ==> 脑膜炎性呼吸,比奥氏呼吸
- meningitis necrotoxica reactiva ==> 反应性坏死毒性脑膜炎
- meningitis of base ==> 基底性脑膜炎
- meningitophobia ==> 脳疾患恐怖症
- meningococcal arthritis ==> 脑膜炎双球菌性关节炎
- meningococcal infection ==> 脑膜炎球菌感染
- meningococcal optic neuritis ==> 脑膜炎球菌性视神经炎
- meningococcal vaccine ==> 脑膜炎球菌菌苗
- meniscectomy knife ==> 半月板切除刀
- meniscectomy retractor ==> 半月板钩
- meniscus ==> 半月板,凹凸透镜,凸凹透镜,弯液面,弯月面
- meniscus articularis ==> 关节半月板
- meniscus camera ==> 新月形照相机
- meniscus correction ==> 弯月面校正
- meniscus corrector ==> 弯月形改正境
- meniscus curvature ==> 透镜曲度,弯月面曲度,月牙形曲率
- meniscus dune ==> 新月形沙丘
- meniscus effect ==> 新月效应
- meniscus injury ==> 半月板损伤
- meniscus lateralis ==> 外侧半月板
- meniscus lens ==> 弯月形透镜,凹凸透镜
- meniscus medialis articulationis genus ==> 膝内侧半月板
- meniscus photoheliograph ==> 弯月形太阳照相仪
- meniscus shape ==> 弯月面形
- meniscus shaped lens ==> 弯月形透镜
- meniscus sign ==> 半月征,新月征
- meniscus tear ==> 半月板(の)断裂
- meniscus telescope ==> 弯月形透镜望远镜
- meniscus transit ==> 弯月形透镜中星仪
- meniscuses ==> 月牙饰
- menispermaceous plants ==> 防己科植物
- menisus-Schmidt telescope ==> 弯月镜施密特望远镜
- Meno ==> 少些,减少
- Meno moss ==> 慢些(少快点)
- menopausal arthritis ==> 绝经期关节炎,绝经期关节炎
- menopausal bleeding ==> 绝经期出血,绝经期出血
- menopausal dysphonia ==> 绝经期发音困难,绝经期发音困难
- menopausal flushing ==> 绝经期潮红,绝经期潮红
- menopausal period ==> 绝经期,绝经期,经绝期,经绝期
- menopausal states ==> 绝经期状态,绝经期状态
- menopausal syndrome ==> 经断前后诸证,经断前后诸证,更年期综合征
- menopause peroid ==> 经绝期,经绝期
- menstrual blood ==> 月经血
- menstrual blood loss ==> 月经失血
- menstrual cycle ==> 月经周期
- menstrual disorder ==> 月经失调,月经紊乱
- menstrual edema ==> 月经期水肿
- menstrual flow ==> 月经
- menstrual history ==> 月经史
- menstrual hygiene ==> 经期卫生,经期卫生
- menstrual leukorrhea ==> 经期白带,经期白带
- menstrual molimen ==> 经期违和,经期违和
- menstrual onset ==> 月经来潮
- menstrual period ==> 月经期,经期,经期,行经期
- menstrual psychosis ==> 经期精神病,经期精神病
- menstrual psychosis menstruation psychosis ==> 月经周期性精神病
- mensuration by parts ==> 分块求积法
- ment (adjusting) lever ==> 调节杠杆
- mental aberration ==> 心理失常
- mental adjustment ==> 心理顺应
- mental age ==> 心理年龄,智力年龄
- mental alalia ==> 精神性失语症
- mental anesthesia ==> 精神性感觉缺失
- mental arithmetic ==> 心算
- mental branches ==> 颏支
- mental characteristics ==> 精神特征
- mental chemistry ==> 心理化学
- mental confusion ==> 精神错乱状态,意识模糊
- mental defect ==> 精神缺陷,智力缺陷
- mental deficiency ==> 智力不足,智力缺陷,低能
- mental depression ==> 精神抑郁
- mental deterioration ==> 精神衰退
- mental development ==> 心理发展过程
- mental disablement ==> 精神残废
- mental disease ==> 精神疾患
- mental diseases hospital ==> 精神病医院
- mental distress ==> 精神苦闷
- mental effect ==> 心理効果
- mental enfeeblement ==> 智力薄弱
- mental factor ==> 心理因素
- mental healing ==> 精神疗法,精神治疗
- mental health ==> 精神保健,心理健康
- mental home ==> 精神病院
- mental hospital ==> 精神病医院
- mental hygiene ==> 精神保健,心理卫生,心理卫生学
- mental image ==> 精神意象
- mental labor ==> 精神劳动,脑力劳动
- mental load ==> 精神负担
- mental mechanism ==> 心理机制
- mental model ==> 构思模型
- mental nerve ==> 颏神经
- mental nerve injury ==> 颏神经损伤
- mental point ==> 颏点
- mental pseudopregnancy ==> 精神性假妊娠
- mental quotient (MQ) ==> 心理商数
- mental reaction ==> 脑力反应
- mental region ==> 颏区
- mental retardation ==> 脑力迟钝,脑力发育迟缓,智力迟钝,智力落后,精神发育阻滞
- mental state ==> 精神状态
- mental stimulant ==> 精神振奋药,提神药
- Mental stress must be eased with tranquilizers. ==> 惊者平之
- mental suggestion ==> 精神暗示
- mental symptom ==> 精神症状
- mental telepathy ==> 心理传心术
- mental torticollis ==> 精神性斜颈
- mental vaginismus ==> 精神性阴道痉孪
- mental vomiting ==> 精神性呕吐
- mental wealth ==> 精神的富裕度
- mental work ==> 脑力劳动
- mental work hygiene ==> 脑力劳动卫生
- mental worker ==> 脑力劳动者
- mentalics ==> 精神学
- mentalism ==> 心灵主义
- mentality ==> 心理,智力
- mentha ==> ハッカ
- mentha haplocalyx ==> 薄荷
- Mentha spicata ==> 绿薄荷,留兰香
- Mentha viridis ==> 留兰香,绿薄荷
- menthane hydroper oxide ==> 盖萜烷过氧化氢
- menthol spirit ==> 薄荷醑
- mentimeter ==> 智力测验器
- mentioned above ==> 上述的
- mento-anterior fixator ==> 颏面固定器
- mento-occipital diameter ==> 颏枕径
- mentoanterior ==> 颏前位
- mentobregmatic ==> 颏前囟的
- mentolabial ==> 颏唇的
- mentolabial sulcus ==> 颏唇沟
- menton-philtrum ==> 颏-人中径
- menton-supramentale ==> 颏点-颏上点径
- mentoposterior ==> 颏后位
- mentor method ==> 蒙导法
- mentor plant ==> 蒙导植株
- mentotransverse ==> 颏横位
- menu ==> 项目单,功能选择单,菜单
- menu bar ==> 菜单栏=>メニューバー
- menu card holder ==> 菜单卡片夹
- menu of the day ==> 日替わりメニュー
- menu prompt ==> 菜单提示
- Meny oscillator ==> 梅尼振荡器
- MEOP, maximum expected operating pressure ==> 最大予想作動圧力
- MEOS, medium earth orbit satellite ==> 高度が数万kmの軌道に配置した通信衛星
- mep formation ==> 毛粒构成
- MEP Marine Environmental Protection ==> 海事环境保护
- mepacrini hydrochloridum ==> 阿的平
- MEPC ==> IMO海洋环境保护委员会
- MEPC Marine Environmental Protection Committee (IMO) ==> 海事环境保护委员会
- MEPC, Maritime Environment Protection Committee ==> 海洋環境保護委員会
- meperidine hydrochloride ==> 利多尔,盐酸哌替啶,度冷丁
- MEPF, multiple experiment processing furnace ==> 多重実験処理炉
- mephentermine sulfate ==> 甲苯波丁胺硫酸盐,硫酸恢压敏,硫酸甲苯丁胺
- mephenytoin tablets ==> 甲妥英片
- meptin tablet ==> 美咳清片
- mer weight ==> 基体量
- MER, mission evaluation room ==> ミッション評価室
- Meral alloy ==> 梅拉铝合金
- meralein sodium ==> 美拉林钠
- Meraline Raye ==> 梅拉林赖条子薄呢
- Meramec Group ==> 梅拉梅克群
- mercantile agency ==> 商业代理机构
- mercantile credit ==> 商业信用
- mercantile inquiry agency ==> 商业信用咨询所
- mercantile paper ==> 商业票据
- mercantile system ==> 商业制度
- mercantile usages ==> 商业习惯
- mercantilist ==> 重商主义者
- mercaptan ==> 硫醇=>メルカプタン
- mercaptan acid ==> 巯基酸,巯羟基酸
- mercaptan concentration ==> メルカプタン濃度
- mercaptan disappearance ==> メルカプタン消失
- mercaptan formation ==> メルカプタン生成
- mercaptan generation ==> メルカプタン発生
- mercaptan type ==> 硫醇型
- mercapto group ==> 氢硫基
- mercapto-4-methylamino-6 ==> 敌草净
- mercaptopropionic acid ==> 巯基丙酸
- mercary protoiodide ==> 碘化亚汞
- mercast process ==> 冰冻水银模铸造,冷冻水银模铸造
- Mercator bearing ==> 恒向线方位
- Mercator course ==> 墨卡托航向,恒向线航向
- Mercator projection ==> 墨卡托投影
- Mercator sailing ==> 麦卡托航行法
- mercerized cellulose ==> 丝光纤维素
- mercerized cotton ==> 丝光棉布
- mercerized finish ==> 丝光整理
- mercerized sewing thread ==> 丝光缝纫线
- mercerized yarn ==> 丝光纱线
- mercerizing machine ==> 丝光处理机
- mercerizing range ==> 丝光机
- merchandise ==> 商业
- merchandise account ==> 商品项目
- merchandise balance ==> 商品差额,进出口商品平衡表,贸易差额
- merchandise control ==> 商品管理
- merchandise cost ==> 商品成本
- merchandise credit slip ==> 退货清单
- merchandise discount ==> 商品折扣
- merchandise in transit ==> 转口商品
- merchandise inventory ==> 商品存货
- merchandise mark ==> 商品标志=>商標
- merchandise market ==> 商品市場
- merchandise marks act ==> 商标法
- merchandise money ==> 商品货币
- merchandise on hand ==> 库存商品
- merchandise outward on consignment ==> 出口寄销商品
- merchandise priced below cost ==> 亏损商品
- merchandise procurement cost ==> 商品采购成本
- merchandise purchases ==> 进货
- merchandise purchases account ==> 进货帐户
- merchandise resources ==> 货源
- merchandise sales ==> 销货
- merchandise sales account ==> 销货帐
- merchandise shipped on instalment sales ==> 分期收款发出商品
- merchandise subject to controlled purchases ==> 控购商品
- merchandise trade ==> 商品交易
- merchandise transfer ==> 商品转移
- merchandise turnover ==> 商品周转
- merchandise valuation ==> 商品估价
- merchandising business ==> 销售业
- merchandising location ==> 销售场所
- merchandising plan ==> 商品化计划
- merchandising turnover ==> 商品回转率
- merchant bank ==> 商人银行,证券银行
- merchant bar ==> 小型轧材
- merchant bar iron ==> 商品条钢
- merchant copper ==> 商品铜
- merchant flag ==> 商船旗
- merchant furnace ==> 工厂熔炼炉
- merchant haulage ==> 货主内陆运输
- merchant iron ==> 商品铁,条钢,优质熟铁
- merchant marine ==> 商船
- Merchant Marine Act ==> (美)海运法
- merchant mill ==> 条钢轧机
- merchant navy ==> 商船队
- merchant rate ==> 商业汇价
- merchant service ==> 商船
- merchant shape ==> 商品钢材
- merchant ship ==> 商船,民用船
- merchant shipping ==> 商船运输
- Merchant Shipping (Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) Regulations (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(控制散装有毒液体物质污染)规例》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) Ordinance (Cap. 414) ==> 《商船(油类污染的法律责任及补偿)条例》(第414章)
- Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Charges for Discharge of Polluting Waste) Regulation (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(防止及控制污染)(排放污染废物费用)规例》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Specification of Substances) Order (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(防止及控制污染)(指明物质)令》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Ordinance (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(防止及控制污染)条例》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulation (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(防止废物污染)规例》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Reporting of Pollution Incidents) Regulations (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(报告污染事故)规例》(第413章)
- Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulation (Cap. 413) ==> 《商船(安全)(危险货物及海洋污染物)规例》(第413章)
- merchant shipping act ==> 商船条例
- Merchant Shipping Act ==> 英国商船法案
- merchant steamer ==> 商船
- merchant steel ==> 商品钢,商品条钢,条钢
- merchant vessel ==> 商船
- merchant wire ==> 钢丝制品
- merchant-ship reactor (MSR) ==> 商船用反应堆
- merchantability specification ==> 商品材规格
- merchantable ==> 商売向きの
- merchantable gasoline ==> 商品汽油
- merchantable height ==> 商品材高度,商用材高
- merchantable ore ==> 商品矿石
- merchantable product ==> 商品
- merchantable quality ==> 可销售品质
- merchantable timber ==> 商品木材
- merchantable volume ==> 商品材材积
- merchanting trade ==> 三角贸易
- merchantman ==> 商船
- merchantman commercial vessel ==> 商船
- merchantman trading vessel ==> 商船
- Merco bronze ==> 默柯铅青铜,默科青铜
- mercoid switch ==> 水银开关
- mercolized wax ==> 面蜡
- MERCOSUR South American Common Market ==> 南美共同市场
- mercruy telluride-cadmium telluride detector ==> 碲化汞-碲化镉探测器
- mercruy-cadmium-telluride infrared detector ==> 碲汞镉红外探测器
- mercumatiline sodium ==> 汞香豆林钠
- mercurating agent ==> 汞化剂
- mercurial exchange rates ==> 变动不定的兑换率
- mercurial floor stand model sphygmomanometer ==> 立式汞柱血压计
- mercurial horn ore ==> 汞膏
- mercurial lamp metal-film resistor ==> 汞灯金属膜电阻器
- mercurial level ==> 水银水准仪
- mercurial poisoning ==> 水银中毒
- mercurial thermometer ==> 汞温度计,水银温度表
- mercurial tremor ==> 汞中毒性震颤
- mercurialtype differential pressure recorder ==> 水银式压差记录器
- mercuric ==> 汞的,二价汞的
- mercuric acetate ==> 醋酸汞
- mercuric aminochloride ==> 氯化氨基汞
- mercuric arsenate ==> 砷酸汞
- mercuric atoxylate ==> 氨基苯胂酸汞
- mercuric ballast ==> 高汞镇流器
- mercuric barium iodide ==> 碘化汞钡
- mercuric benzoate ==> 苯甲酸汞
- mercuric bichromate ==> 重铬酸汞
- mercuric bromide ==> 溴化汞,溴化汞
- mercuric bulb ==> 高汞灯泡
- mercuric chloride ==> 氯化高汞,二氯化汞,升汞
- mercuric cyanate ==> 雷酸汞
- mercuric cyanide ==> 氰化汞
- mercuric diiodosalicylate ==> 二碘水杨酸汞
- mercuric fluoride ==> 氟化汞
- mercuric hydroxide ==> 氢氧化汞
- mercuric iodide ==> 碘化汞,二碘化汞
- mercuric iodide red ==> 红色碘化汞
- mercuric iodide X-ray detector ==> 碘化汞X射线探测器
- mercuric iodobromide ==> 溴碘化汞,溴碘化汞
- mercuric lactate ==> 乳酸汞
- mercuric nitrate ==> 硝酸汞
- mercuric oleate ==> 油酸汞
- mercuric oxalate ==> 草酸汞
- mercuric oxide ==> 氧化汞
- mercuric oxiodide ==> 氧碘化汞
- mercuric oxycyanide ==> 氧氰化汞
- mercuric p-chlorbenzoate ==> 对氯苯甲酸汞
- mercuric perchlorate ==> 高氯酸汞
- mercuric phosphate ==> 磷酸汞
- mercuric salicylate ==> 水杨酸汞
- mercuric stearate ==> 硬脂酸汞
- mercuric sulfate ==> 硫酸汞
- mercuric sulfide ==> 硫化汞,朱砂
- mercuric sulfocyanate ==> 硫氰酸汞
- mercuric thiocyanate ==> 硫氰酸汞
- mercuro-iodo-formaline (MIF) ==> 汞醛碘
- mercurous acetate ==> 乙酸亚汞,醋酸亚汞
- mercurous bromide ==> 溴化亚汞,溴化亚汞
- mercurous chlorate ==> 氯酸亚汞
- mercurous chloride ==> 氯化亚汞,轻粉,甘汞
- mercurous chloride electrode ==> 甘汞电极
- mercurous chloride prism polarizer ==> 氧化亚汞棱镜起偏(振)器
- mercurous chromate ==> (绿色色料)铬酸亚汞
- mercurous iodide ==> 碘化亚汞
- mercurous oxide ==> 氧化亚汞
- mercury ==> 汞,水银,水银柱,捕汞器=>水銀,マーキュリー
- Mercury ==> 水星
- mercury (toxic metal) ==> 水银,汞(有毒金属)
- mercury absolute pressure ==> 水银柱压力
- mercury absorption ==> 汞吸收
- mercury accumulation ==> 汞蓄积
- mercury acetate ==> 乙酸亚汞
- mercury air pump ==> 汞泵,水银扩散泵
- mercury alkyl ==> 烷基汞
- mercury alkylide ==> 烷基汞
- mercury arc ==> 汞弧
- mercury arc convertor ==> 水银换流
- mercury arc inverter ==> 反向水银变流
- mercury arc lamp ==> 汞弧灯
- mercury arc power converter ==> 汞弧功率变换器
- mercury arc rectifier ==> 水银整流
- mercury arc tube ==> 汞汽整流管
- mercury arrester ==> 水银避雷器
- mercury arseniate ==> 砷酸汞
- mercury ballistic ==> 电罗经的水银稳定器
- mercury barometer ==> 水银气压表,水银气压计
- mercury bath collector ==> (电测扭矩用)水银集流器
- mercury battery ==> 水银电池
- mercury behavior ==> 水銀の挙動
- mercury benzoate ==> 苯甲酸汞
- mercury bichloride ==> 升汞,氯化高汞,二氯化汞
- mercury boiler ==> 水银锅炉,水银蒸煮器
- mercury break(er) ==> 水银断路器
- mercury bromide ==> 溴化汞,溴化汞,溴化亚汞,溴化亚汞
- mercury cathode ==> 汞阴极
- mercury cathode cell ==> 汞阴极电池
- mercury cell ==> 汞电解池,汞干电池,汞极电池,水银槽,水银电解槽
- mercury chlorate ==> 氯酸亚汞
- mercury chloride excimer laser ==> 氯化汞准分子激光器
- mercury circuit breaker ==> 汞断路器
- mercury cleaner ==> 水银清洗设备
- mercury coherer ==> 汞检波器
- mercury column ==> 汞柱,水银柱
- mercury column type ==> 汞柱式
- mercury complex ==> 汞的络合物
- mercury condensation pump ==> 汞气冷凝泵
- mercury condenser ==> 水银冷凝器
- mercury connection ==> (环形水银开关)水银联接
- mercury contact ==> 水银触点
- mercury contact relay ==> 水银触点继电器,汞接点继电器
- mercury controller ==> 水银蒸煮器
- mercury converter ==> 水银换流器,水银蒸煮器
- mercury cooled valve ==> 水银冷却气门
- mercury cosmetic ==> 氨基汞化氯
- mercury cup connection ==> 水银杯连接
- mercury cut-off ==> 水银开关
- mercury dashpot ==> 水银缓冲器
- mercury DC transformer ==> 水银直流变换器
- mercury delay line ==> 水银延迟线,水争延迟线,汞延迟线
- mercury detector ==> 水银检波器,测汞仪
- mercury diethide ==> 二乙基汞
- mercury diethyl ==> 二乙基汞
- mercury differential thermometer ==> 水银示差温度计
- mercury diffusion pump ==> 水银扩散泵
- mercury dimethide ==> 二甲基汞
- mercury diphenide ==> 二苯基汞
- mercury discharge lamp ==> 水银避电器,水银放电灯
- mercury distant-reading thermometer ==> 远距离水银温度计
- mercury dropping electrode ==> 汞滴电极
- mercury elctrode ==> 水银电极
- mercury electrode ==> 水银电极,汞电极
- mercury electrolytic meter ==> 水银电解电度计
- mercury filled thermometer ==> 水银温度计
- mercury film relay ==> 水银薄膜继电器
- mercury freezing test ==> 水银冷冻试验
- mercury frequency changer ==> 水银变频器,水银频率变换器
- mercury fulminate ==> 雷酸汞
- mercury ga(u)ge ==> 水银压力表
- mercury gas discharge lamp ==> 水银气体放电管
- mercury horizon ==> 水银地平,水银盘地平
- mercury indicator ==> (测量油舱油位用)水银指示器
- mercury interrupter ==> 水银断续器
- mercury intrusion method ==> 汞压入法,压汞法
- mercury intrusion porosimeter ==> 汞注入孔隙计
- mercury inverter ==> 水银反向换流器,水银换流器
- mercury ion laser ==> 汞离子激光器
- mercury isotope lamp ==> 水银同位素灯
- mercury jet rectifier ==> 汞流整流器
- mercury lamp ==> 汞灯,水银灯=>水銀ランプ
- mercury laser ==> 水银激光器,汞激光器
- mercury light ==> 水银灯
- mercury line ==> 汞谱线
- mercury memory ==> 汞存储器,水银存储器,水银延迟线
- mercury memory storage ==> 水银存储器
- mercury meter ==> 水银电度表
- mercury methide ==> 二甲基汞
- mercury method ==> 麦丘利法
- mercury methyl ==> 二甲基汞
- mercury monochloride ==> 氯化亚汞
- mercury motor meter ==> 水银电动式安培小时表,水银电动式仪表,水银转动式电度表
- mercury motor type ==> 水银电动机式
- mercury naphthenate ==> 环烷酸汞
- mercury neohydin ==> 汞新醇
- Mercury News ==> 水星报
- mercury nitride ==> 二氮化三汞
- mercury ointment ==> 汞软膏
- mercury oleate ==> 油酸汞
- mercury ore ==> 水银矿石
- mercury oxide ==> 汞氧化物,氧化汞
- mercury oxide cell ==> 汞干电池
- mercury oxide red ==> 红色氧化汞
- mercury penetration method ==> (测陶瓷材料的气孔大小)水银渗透测定法
- mercury peroxide ==> 过氧化汞
- mercury persulfate ==> 硫酸汞
- mercury phenide ==> 二苯基汞
- mercury phenyl ==> 二苯基汞
- mercury phosphate ==> 磷酸汞
- mercury plunger relay ==> 水银插棒式继电器
- mercury poisoning ==> 汞中毒
- mercury poisoning in Niigata Prefecture ==> 新潟水俣病
- mercury pollution ==> 汞污染
- mercury pool ==> 水银池,水银阴极
- mercury pool mirror ==> 垂准镜
- mercury porosimeter ==> 汞压测孔仪
- mercury porosimetering ==> 汞压入法
- mercury porosimetry ==> (用水银测孔率的方法)水银孔率法
- mercury power rectifier ==> 水银整流
- mercury pressure ==> 水银柱高度
- Mercury program ==> 水星计划
- mercury protoacetate ==> 乙酸亚汞
- mercury protochloride ==> 氯化亚汞
- mercury pulser ==> 水银脉冲发生器
- mercury pump ==> 水银泵,水银扩散泵,水银真空泵,汞泵
- mercury purifying tunnel ==> 纯化汞用漏斗
- mercury rectifier ==> 水银整流
- mercury reflector ==> 水银反射器
- mercury regulating unit ==> 水银调节装置
- mercury relay ==> 水银继电器
- mercury resistor ==> 水银电阻器
- mercury resonance radiation ==> 水银共振辐射
- mercury salt ==> 汞盐
- mercury seal ==> 汞封,水银封,水银密封
- mercury seal pot ==> 水银密封釜
- mercury sozoidolate ==> 二碘酚磺酸汞
- mercury spectral lamp ==> 水银光谱灯,汞光谱灯
- mercury spectrum lamp ==> 汞灯
- mercury spot ==> 水银阴极辉点
- mercury standard ==> 水银标准
- mercury stearate ==> 硬脂酸汞
- mercury storage ==> 水银存储器,水银存储装置,水银延迟线,汞存储器
- mercury sulfate ==> 硫酸汞
- mercury switch ==> 水银开关=>水銀スイッチ
- mercury switch interlock ==> 水银开关联锁装置
- mercury tank ==> 水银槽,汞槽
- mercury tank rectifier ==> 汞槽整流器
- mercury teleswitch ==> 水银遥控开关
- mercury test ==> (测应力腐蚀)水银试验
- mercury thermometer ==> 水银温度表,水银温度计
- mercury thermoregulators ==> 水银温度调节器
- mercury thermostat ==> 水银恒温器,汞控恒温器
- mercury timing valve ==> 水银延时装置
- mercury trap ==> 捕汞器
- mercury tube ==> 汞弧整流管
- mercury turbine ==> 汞汽轮机,水银气轮机,水银涡轮机
- mercury type temperature relay ==> 水银温度继电器
- mercury vacuum ga(u)ge ==> 水银真空计
- mercury vacuum pump ==> 水银真空泵
- mercury valve ==> 水银阀
- mercury vapo(u)r lamp ==> 蒸气灯
- mercury vapor ==> 水银蒸汽
- mercury vapor jet pump ==> 汞汽喷射
- mercury vapor rectifier ==> 水银整流
- mercury vapor tube ==> 汞汽整流管
- mercury vapormeter ==> 汞蒸气仪
- mercury vapour (air) pump ==> 水银扩散泵
- mercury vapour analyzer ==> 汞蒸气分析仪
- mercury vapour arc lamp ==> 汞汽灯
- mercury vapour detector ==> 汞蒸气检波器
- mercury vapour diffusion pump ==> 汞汽扩散泵
- mercury vapour discharge lamp ==> 水银蒸气放电灯
- mercury vapour halide laser ==> 卤化物汞蒸气激光器
- mercury vapour lamp ==> 水银灯
- mercury vapour meter ==> 汞蒸气测定仪
- mercury vapour pump ==> 汞汽泵
- mercury vapour rectifier ==> 汞弧整流器
- mercury vapour rectifier tube ==> 汞汽整流管
- mercury vapour tube ==> 汞汽管
- mercury wetted contact relay ==> 水銀接点継電器
- mercury with chalk ==> 汞白垩
- mercury-203 BMHP ==> 放射性汞-溴羟基丙烷
- mercury-arc converter ==> 汞弧变换器
- mercury-arc lamp ==> 水银灯,水银弧光灯
- mercury-arc power converter ==> 水銀アーク変換装置
- mercury-arc rectifier ==> 水銀整流器
- mercury-arc valve ==> 水銀アークバルブ
- mercury-cathode cell ==> 汞阴极电解池
- mercury-contact switch ==> 水银接点开关
- mercury-containing sludge ==> 含汞污泥
- mercury-electrolyte transducer ==> 水银电解质换能器
- mercury-filled ==> 水银充满式
- mercury-free ==> 無水銀
- mercury-in-glass thermometer ==> 水银温度计,玻璃水银温度计
- mercury-in-steel thermometer ==> 钢管水银温度计,钢壳水银温度计
- mercury-motor type ==> 水銀電動機形
- mercury-plunger relay ==> 水銀リレー
- mercury-plunger time-delay relay ==> 水銀時延リレー
- mercury-pool cathode ==> 汞池阴极,水银槽阴极
- mercury-relay pulse generator ==> 水银继电器脉冲发生器
- mercury-sealed ==> 汞封的
- mercury-tungsten lamp ==> 水银钨丝灯
- mercury-vapor lamp ==> 汞气灯,马路水银灯
- mercury-vapor rectifier ==> 水銀整流器
- mercury-vapour diffusion pump ==> 水银扩散泵
- mercury-vapour discharge lamp ==> 汞蒸气放电灯
- mercury-vapour lamp ==> 水银蒸气灯
- mercury-vapour pump ==> 水银蒸气泵
- mercury-vapour tube ==> 水银充气整流管
- mercury-wetted contact ==> 水银触点
- mercury-wetted reed switch ==> 水银池簧片开关
- mercury-wetted relay ==> 水银接点继电器,湿簧继电器
- mercury-zinc cyanide ==> 氰化锌汞,李司忒氏防腐剂
- mercuryvapor lamp ==> 水银灯
- mere international technological transfer ==> 简单国际技术转移
- merely positive subdefinite ==> 仅次正定
- MERES, mineral and energy resource exploration satellite ==> 資源探査衛星
- mereurous sulfate ==> 硫酸亚汞
- Merevale shales ==> 梅雷瓦尔页岩层
- merge ==> 融合,归并,合并,合流,并接,并
- merge application ==> 合并处理
- merge command ==> 归并命令,并合指令
- merge exchange ==> 归并交换法
- merge exchange sort ==> 合并交换分类
- merge into ==> 并入
- merge network ==> 归并网络
- merge node ==> 合并节点
- merge order ==> 合并序
- merge point ==> 交合点
- merge sort ==> 合并分类,归并分类,归并排序
- merge sorting ==> 归并分类
- merge way ==> 合并通路
- merged n p n load ==> 合并npn负载
- merged structure ==> 合并结构
- merged transistor logic ==> 集成注入逻辑,合并晶体管逻辑
- merger system ==> 联合制
- merging ==> 熔合,数据并合,汇合
- merging cluster ==> 聚类合并,聚类合并
- merging end ==> 合流端
- merging method ==> 併合法
- merging of file attributes ==> 文件属性的归并
- merging of municipalities ==> 市町村合併
- merging phase ==> 合并状态
- merging program ==> 合并程序
- merging routing ==> 合并程序
- merging star ==> 并合星
- merging unit ==> マージングユニット
- Merians formula ==> 梅立恩公式
- meridian ==> 子午線
- meridian altitude ==> 子午圈高度,子午线高度
- meridian angle ==> 子午角距,子午圈角
- meridian angle difference ==> 时角差
- meridian anlge difference ==> 子午圈角差
- meridian astronomy ==> 子午天文学
- meridian catalogue ==> 子午星表
- meridian circle ==> 子午环,子午圈
- meridian circulation ==> 子午圈环流
- meridian interferometer ==> 中星仪式干涉仪
- meridian line ==> 南北线,子午线
- meridian mark ==> 子午标,子午线标
- meridian observation ==> 子午观测,中天观测
- meridian passage ==> 中天
- meridian plane ==> 子午面
- meridian projection ==> 子午线投影
- meridian quadrant ==> 子午线四分仪
- meridian reflection ==> (纤维X射线分析)子午线反射
- meridian sailing ==> 子午线航行
- meridian telescope ==> 子午望远镜
- meridian transit ==> 子午仪,中天
- meridian wire ==> 子午丝
- meridian zenith distance ==> 子午圈天顶距
- meridianal ray ==> 子午光線
- meridians guide ==> 经络导引,经络导引
- meridional arc ==> 子午线弧
- meridional cell ==> 经向环流,经向环流
- meridional circulation ==> 经向环流,经向环流
- meridional component ==> 子午分量
- meridional contour ==> 子午线剖面轮廓
- meridional difference ==> 纬差
- meridional distance ==> 子午线距离
- meridional fibers ==> 经线纤维,经线纤维
- meridional fibers of ciliary muscle ==> 睫状肌经线纤维
- meridional flow ==> 经向气候,经向气候,子午流
- meridional focal line ==> 子午焦线
- meridional focus ==> 主焦点
- meridional intensity ==> (纤维定向度测定)子午线方向强度
- meridional parts ==> 子午線弧長
- meridional plane ==> 子午面
- meridional ray ==> 子午面光线
- meridional stress ==> 经向应力,经向应力
- meridional tangential ray ==> 子午正切光线
- meridional tectonic system ==> 经向构造体系,经向构造体系
- meridional type ==> 经线型,经线型
- meridional velocity distribution ==> 轴面速度分布
- meridional X-ray diffractogram ==> 子午线的X射线衍射图
- Meriken Park ==> 美利坚公园地区(神户)=>メリケンパーク
- merino crepe ==> 美利奴闪光丝毛绉
- merino fibre ==> 美利奴再生毛
- merino yarn ==> 美利奴精纺毛纱
- meristem mantle ==> 分生组织外套
- meristic variation ==> 分生组织的变异,部分变异
- merit ==> 价值,优点,功绩,功劳
- merit function ==> 优质函数
- merit increase pay ==> 考绩提资
- merit pay plan ==> 记功付酬计划
- merit rating ==> 考绩,质量评定,人事考核
- merit rating plan ==> 考绩制度
- merit-rating plan ==> 考绩征税办法
- meritocracy ==> 能力主義社会,実力社会
- Meritol-metol ==> 麦瑞吐尔-米吐尔
- merits and demerits ==> 优点和缺点
- merits and drawbacks ==> 优缺点
- merits and faults ==> 优缺点
- merits rating ==> 优点评价
- Merkel's corpuscle ==> 麦尔克氏触小体
- meroblastic egg ==> 不全裂卵
- merocirine gland ==> 局部分泌腺,局部分泌腺
- merohedral form ==> 缺面形
- meromictic lake ==> 半对流湖,不完全对流湖,不完全混合湖
- meromorphic function ==> 半纯函数,亚纯函数
- MERPAC Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee ==> 商人海事私人顾问委员会
- Merrill Lynch ==> 美林证券
- Merrill-Crowe process ==> 梅里尔-克劳法
- merry-go-round ==> 钢水罐回转架
- merry-go-round windmill ==> 转塔式风力发动机
- merrythought bone ==> 叉骨
- Mersennes law ==> 梅逊定律
- Mersey yellow coal ==> 塔斯曼油页岩
- Merte surface ==> (复杂三棱镜的胶合面)默脱面
- merthiolate tincture ==> 硫柳汞酊
- Merze-Price protection system ==> 梅兹-普赖斯保护系统
- MES, experiment support equipment ==> 実験支援装置に関するFMPT記号
- MES, main engine start ==> 主エンジン始動(NASA略語)
- MES, Manufacturing Execution System ==> MES
- MES, Market Economy Status ==> 市场经济地位
- mesa ==> 台面结构=>メサ形
- mesa transistor ==> メサトランジスタ
- mesa bipolar transistor ==> 台面双极晶体管
- mesa epitaxial approach ==> 台面外延工艺
- mesa etching ==> 台面腐蚀
- mesa island ==> 台面型岛
- mesa mask ==> 台面掩模
- mesa plain ==> 方山平台
- mesa recess ==> 台面槽
- mesa structure ==> 台面结构
- mesa surface laser ==> 台式激光器
- mesa transistor ==> 台面式晶体管
- mesa type transistor ==> 台面型晶体管
- MESA, module equipment storage assembly ==> モジュール内施設貯蔵アセンブリ
- mesa-butte ==> 平顶孤丘
- mesaconic acid ==> 甲基富马酸,甲基延胡索酸,中康酸
- mesal terminal seta ==> 中端毛
- MESC, monopulse and earth sensor combination radiometer ==> モノパルスと地球センサを組合わせた放射計
- mescal buttons ==> 麦斯克尔,麦斯克尔仙人球花
- mesencephalic arteries ==> 中脑动脉
- mesencephalic centre ==> 中脑中枢
- mesencephalic flexure ==> 中脑曲
- mesencephalic veins ==> 中脑静脉
- mesenchymal factor ==> 间质因子
- mesenchymal hamartoma of liver ==> 肝间叶性错构瘤
- mesenchymal odontogenic tumor ==> 间叶性牙源性肿瘤
- mesenchymal transformation ==> 間葉形質転換
- mesenchymal tumor of bladder ==> 膀胱间质瘤
- mesenchymoma of ovary ==> 卵巢间叶瘤
- mesenchymoma of vagina ==> 阴道间叶瘤
- mesenteric arteritis after resection of aorta ==> 主动脉切除术后肠系膜动脉炎
- mesenteric artery ==> 肠系膜动脉
- mesenteric benign tumor ==> 肠系膜良性肿瘤
- mesenteric cyst ==> 肠系膜囊肿
- mesenteric embolism ==> 肠系膜血管栓塞
- mesenteric epiploic cyst ==> 肠系膜大网膜囊肿
- mesenteric hernia ==> 肠系膜疝
- mesenteric line ==> 肠系膜线
- mesenteric lymph nodes ==> 肠系膜淋巴结,肠系膜淋巴结
- mesenteric pull ==> 肠系膜牵引现象
- mesenteric triangle ==> 肠系膜三角
- mesenteric tumor ==> 肠系膜肿瘤
- mesenteriomesocolic folds ==> 肠系膜结肠系膜襞
- mesenteron rudiment ==> 中肠原基
- mesentery forceps ==> 肠系膜镊
- mesentery of small intestine ==> 小肠系膜
- mesfet ==> 金属半导体场效应晶体管
- MESFET, metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor ==> MESFET
- mesh ==> 筛孔,筛目,栅,栅网,栅网,网孔,网眼,合并,电池=>網目,メッシュ
- mesh analysis ==> 网孔分析法,网筛分析,筛分析
- mesh bag ==> 网袋
- mesh band ==> 钢丝型表带
- mesh belt drier ==> (单板用)网带式干燥机
- mesh bipolar transistor ==> 网状双极晶
- mesh boundary ==> 网格边界=>メッシュ境界
- mesh cathode ==> 网状阴极
- mesh ceiling ==> 網天井
- mesh circuit ==> 网孔电路,回路=>メッシュ回路
- mesh compression ==> メッシュ圧縮
- mesh configuration ==> 网形=>メッシュ網
- mesh connection ==> 网状结线=>環状接続,環状結線,輪形接続,輪形結線
- mesh connexion ==> 网将接线,网状连接
- mesh coordinate ==> 网格坐标
- mesh coordinates ==> 格网坐标
- mesh current ==> 网络电流=>メッシュ電流,網電流
- mesh current equation ==> 网络电流方程
- mesh cycle ==> 啮合周期
- mesh density ==> メッシュ密度
- mesh design ==> 網目模様
- mesh distortion ==> 网格畸变,格网畸变
- mesh division ==> 分格=>メッシュ分割
- mesh duct ==> 网状管道
- mesh effect ==> メッシュ効果
- mesh electrode ==> メッシュ電極
- mesh emitter ==> 网状发射极
- mesh enclosure ==> 网罩
- mesh equation ==> 网格方程
- mesh fabric ==> 网眼织物
- mesh facilities ==> 网眼装置
- mesh filter ==> 网式滤清器
- mesh ga(u)ge ==> 网目号,筛目规
- mesh generator ==> 网格发生器
- mesh grid ==> 网状栅,编织网=>網状格子
- mesh ionization chamber ==> 网状电极电离室
- mesh kont ==> 网眼结
- mesh length ==> 网孔长度
- mesh lines ==> 网格线
- mesh method ==> 网络法
- mesh multiplier ==> 网络倍增器
- mesh network ==> 网状网络=>網状網
- mesh node ==> 网孔结点
- mesh number ==> 网目号
- mesh opening ==> 网孔
- mesh operated network ==> 网状运用网路
- mesh parameter ==> 网格参数
- mesh partition ==> 钢丝网隔断
- mesh point ==> 网点
- mesh reef ==> 网状礁
- mesh refinement ==> メッシュ改良
- mesh region ==> 网格区域,格网区域
- mesh reinforcement ==> 钢筋网,钢筋网,钢丝网配筋,网状钢筋
- mesh Reynolds number ==> 网格雷诺数
- mesh scale ==> 网格尺度
- mesh screen ==> 网筛,网状筛,筛子
- mesh side cutter ==> 组合侧铣刀
- mesh sinker ==> 钢筋网沉放器
- mesh size ==> 粒度,网目尺寸,筛孔
- mesh sock ==> 网眼袜
- mesh spacing ==> 网格步长,格网间隔
- mesh structure ==> 格状构造,蜂窝状结构,网状结构
- mesh texture ==> 网状结构
- mesh voltage ==> 多相制线电压,环形连接法线电压
- mesh voltage of a polyphase system ==> 多相系边电压
- mesh width ==> 网格宽度,网孔宽度
- mesh wire ==> 网线,金属网线
- mesh-belt ==> 钢丝网运输带,织带,织网运输带
- mesh-belt conveyer ==> 织带式输送器,网带式输送器
- mesh-belt kiln ==> 网带窑
- mesh-connected ==> 網状接続装置
- mesh-connected circuit ==> 网接电路
- mesh-form earthing device ==> 网形接地器,接地网
- mesh-operated network ==> 网式操作运行的网络
- mesh-star connection ==> 三角星形接线法
- meshed anode ==> 网状阳极
- meshed gate structure ==> 网状栅结构
- meshed gears ==> 啮合的齿轮
- meshed network ==> 网状回路,网状网络
- meshed system ==> 网格系统,电力系统网络结构由多个网孔组成,其任一节点均有多于一条支路与之相连=>メッシュ系統
- meshgraft dermatome ==> 网状皮片植皮机
- meshing ==> 结网,啮合
- meshing bevel gear ==> 啮合伞齿轮
- meshing condition ==> 啮合条件
- meshing depth ==> 啮合深度
- meshing engagement ==> 啮合
- meshing frame ==> 啮合检查结构
- meshing gear ==> 啮合齿轮
- meshing interference ==> 啮合干涉
- meshing point ==> 啮合点
- meshing zone ==> (齿轮)啮合区
- meshingtester ==> 啮合检查仪
- meshwork of angle of anterior chamber ==> 前房角小梁网
- meshwork structure ==> 网眼结构
- meshy filter ==> 网式过滤器
- meshy surface ==> 网状表面
- MESI, Mekebtiev Energy Systems Institute ==> 俄罗斯能源研究院
- mesial magnitude ==> 半値
- mesial margin ==> 近中缘
- mesial point ==> 半値点
- mesial root ==> 近中根
- mesial surface ==> 近中面
- mesioversion position ==> 近中错位
- mesityl oxide ==> 异丙叉丙酮
- Mesnager impact test ==> 麦氏冲击试验,梅氏冲击试验
- mesne lord ==> 中间业主
- mesne profit ==> 中间收益
- Mesny oscillator ==> メニー発振器
- meso ==> 内消旋
- meso acid ==> 内消旋酸
- meso atom ==> 内消旋原子
- meso carbon atom ==> 内消旋碳原子
- meso compound ==> 内消旋化合物
- meso inositol ==> 内消旋肌醇
- meso method ==> 半微量法
- meso porous ==> 微孔材料
- meso rock ==> 中带岩
- meso sample ==> 半微量试样
- meso scale ==> 中尺度
- Meso-Cathaysian ==> 中华夏系
- meso-form ==> 内消旋型
- meso-position ==> 中位
- meso-uranic ==> 中型腭的
- mesoanalysis ==> 中分析
- mesoappendicitis ==> 阑尾系膜炎
- mesoappendix ==> 阑尾系膜
- mesobacteria ==> 中型细菌
- mesobacterium ==> 中型细菌
- mesobar ==> 中间气压
- mesobenthos ==> 中底栖生物,中深海底的
- mesobiladiene ==> 二次甲基中胆色素,二甲川中胆色素
- mesobilane ==> 中胆色烷
- mesobilicyanin ==> 中胆青素
- mesobilierythrin ==> 中胆红素
- mesobilin ==> 中胆色素
- mesobilinogen ==> 中胆色素原
- mesobilirhodin ==> 中胆玫素
- mesobilirubin ==> 中胆红素
- mesobilirubinogen ==> 中胆红素原,中胆红原
- mesobiliverdin ==> 中胆绿素
- mesobiliviolin ==> 中胆紫素
- mesobionta ==> 中型生物区系
- mesobiota ==> 中型生物群
- mesobiotic ==> (种子)中型生命的
- mesoblast ==> 中胚层,中胚叶
- mesoblastema ==> 中胚层,中胚层细胞
- mesoblastemic ==> 中胚层细胞的
- mesoblastic ==> 中胚层的
- mesoblastic band ==> 中胚层带
- mesoblastic organ ==> 中胚层器官
- mesoblastic saccule ==> 中胚层小囊
- mesoblastic somite ==> 中胚层体节
- Mesoblastus ==> 中海蕾
- mesoboric acid ==> 中硼酸
- mesobronchus ==> 中支气管
- mesocarbon ==> 中间相碳
- mesocardia ==> 中位心
- mesocardium ==> 心系膜
- mesocarp ==> 中果皮
- mesocaryon ==> 中核生物
- mesocaryote ==> 中核生物
- mesoccle ==> 中脑腔
- mesocecal ==> 盲肠系膜的
- mesocecum ==> 盲肠系膜
- mesocephal ==> 中型头者
- mesocephalic ==> 中脑的
- mesocephalic pillars ==> 中头柱
- mesocephally ==> 中型头
- mesocephalous ==> 中脑的
- mesocercaria ==> 中尾蚴
- mesocerebrum ==> 中脑
- Mesocestoides ==> 中殖孔属
- Mesocestoididae ==> 中殖孔科
- mesochite ==> 中壳
- mesochonchic ==> 中型眶
- mesochoroidea ==> 脉络膜中层
- mesoclimate ==> 中尺度气候,中期气候,中气候
- mesoclimatology ==> 中尺度气候学
- mesocline ==> 中度倾斜坡
- mesocoele ==> 中脑腔,中脑腔
- mesocoelia ==> 中脑腔,中脑水管
- mesocolic lymph nodes ==> 结肠系膜淋巴结
- mesocolic taenia ==> 结肠系膜带
- mesocolloid ==> 介胶体
- mesocolon ==> 结肠系膜
- mesocolon descendens ==> 降结肠系膜
- mesocolon transversum ==> 横结肠系膜
- mesoconch ==> 中眶型,中型眶
- mesocoracoid ==> 中喙状骨
- mesocord ==> 脐带系膜
- mesocoria ==> 中胸前膜
- Mesocottus ==> 中杜父鱼属
- mesocotyl ==> 中胚轴
- mesocoxa ==> 中足基节
- mesocrania ==> 中头型
- mesocrany ==> 中颅
- mesocrate ==> 中色岩
- mesocratic ==> 中色的
- mesocrystalline ==> 中晶的,中晶质的
- Mesocyprinus ==> 中鲤属
- mesocytoma ==> 结缔组织瘤
- mesoderm ==> 中胚层
- mesodermal ==> 中壳,中胚层的
- mesodermal band ==> 中胚层带
- mesodermal crescent ==> 中胚层半月体
- mesodermal fold ==> 中胚层褶
- mesodermal lateral plate ==> 中胚层侧板
- mesodermal mesenchyme ==> 中胚层间质
- mesodermal mixed tumor ==> 中胚层混合瘤
- mesodermal mixed tumor of corpus uteri ==> 子宫体混合性中胚层瘤
- mesodermal muscle ==> 中胚层肌
- mesodermal plate ==> 中胚层板
- mesodermal stroma ==> 中胚层基质
- mesodermal tumor ==> 中胚叶肿瘤
- mesodermic ==> 中胚层的
- mesodermic band ==> 中胚层带
- mesodermic somite ==> 中胚层体节
- mesodermic teloblast ==> 中胚层端细胞
- mesodermopath ==> 中胚层病体质者
- Mesodesmatidae ==> 中带蛤科
- mesodialyte ==> 中性石
- Mesodinium ==> 中缢虫属
- mesodontism ==> 中型牙
- mesofauna ==> 中型区系
- mesogamy ==> 中点受精
- mesogaster ==> 胃系膜
- mesogastric zone ==> 中腹区
- mesogastrium ==> 胃系膜
- Mesogastropoda ==> 中腹足目
- mesogen ==> メソゲン
- mesogenacerore ==> 中臀蜡孔
- mesogene ==> 中深成的,中源
- mesogenous stomata ==> 中生气孔
- mesogentiogenin ==> 中龙胆甙元
- mesogeosyncline ==> 中间地槽,陆中地槽
- mesoglea ==> 中胶层
- mesoglia ==> 间神经胶质
- mesoglioma ==> 间胶质瘤,间神经胶质瘤
- mesogloea ==> 中胶层
- mesognathic ==> 中颌型
- mesognathous ==> 中颌型
- mesognathy ==> 中颌
- mesogneiss ==> 中带片麻岩
- mesograined ==> 中粒的
- mesogynial plate ==> 中殖板
- mesohaline ==> 中盐度的,中盐性
- mesohalobion ==> 中盐性种
- mesohemin ==> 中氯化血红素
- mesohepar ==> 肝系膜
- mesohigh ==> 中高压
- Mesohippus ==> 中马属
- mesohypoblast ==> 中内胚层
- Mesoid ==> 中古
- mesoiden ==> 中生代山脉
- mesoinositol ==> 肌醇酯
- mesoionic ==> 介离子
- mesoionic compound ==> 中离子化合物
- mesoisomer ==> 内消旋异构体
- mesojejunum ==> 空肠系膜
- mesokaryote ==> 中核生物
- mesokurtic distribution ==> 常峰态分布
- mesolamella ==> 中模
- mesolecithal egg ==> 中黄卵
- mesolepidoma ==> 间皮皮质瘤
- mesolimnion ==> 中湖
- mesoline ==> 中菱沸石
- mesolite ==> 中沸石
- Mesolithic ==> 中石器时代
- Mesolithic Age ==> 中石器时代
- mesolobus ==> 拼胝体
- mesolow ==> 中低压
- mesolymphocyte ==> 中型淋巴细胞
- mesolyte ==> 中介电解质
- mesome ==> 中干
- mesomer ==> 内消旋体
- mesomere ==> 中段
- mesomeric ==> 中介的
- mesomeric effect ==> 中介效应
- mesomeric ion ==> 中介离子
- mesomeric state ==> 中介态
- mesomerism ==> 中介,中介现象
- mesomeristem ==> 中分生组织
- mesomeros ==> 中腹节
- mesomesenchyme ==> 中层间质
- mesometeorology ==> 中尺度气象学
- mesometric pregnancy ==> 子宫系膜妊娠
- mesometrium ==> 子宫系膜
- mesomorph ==> 中型身材者
- mesomorphic ==> 中型身材的
- mesomorphic phase ==> 介晶相
- mesomorphic soil ==> 自成土
- mesomorphic state ==> 介晶态
- mesomorphism ==> 介晶现象,中性结构
- mesomorphous ==> 介晶状态
- mesomorphy ==> 中胚层体型,中型身材,中性结构的特性,体育型体质
- mesomucinase ==> 中粘蛋白酶
- mesomula ==> 中实肠胚
- Mesomyodi ==> 中接肌类
- meson ==> 重电子,介子=>中間子(湯川秀樹博士)
- meson factory ==> 介子发生器
- meson resonance ==> 介子共振态
- meson scattering ==> 介子散射
- meson-meson effect ==> 介子相互作用
- Mesonemertini ==> 中纽虫类
- mesonephric ==> 中肾的
- mesonephric adenoma ==> 中肾腺瘤
- mesonephric blastema ==> 中肾芽基
- mesonephric cacinoma of cervix ==> 子宫颈中肾管癌
- mesonephric canal ==> 中肾管
- mesonephric chamber ==> 中肾房
- mesonephric duct ==> 中肾管,莱迪希氏管,午菲氏管
- mesonephric duct cyst ==> 中肾管囊肿
- mesonephric duct system ==> 中肾管系统
- mesonephric fold ==> 中肾嵴,中肾褶
- mesonephric kidney ==> 中肾
- mesonephric ridge ==> 中肾嵴
- mesonephric sinus ==> 中肾窦
- mesonephric tubule ==> 中肾小管
- mesonephric unit ==> 中肾单位
- mesonephric vesicle ==> 中肾小囊
- mesonephridium ==> 中胚肾
- mesonephrogenic cyst ==> 中肾管原性囊肿
- mesonephrogenic tissue ==> 生中肾组织
- mesonephrogenic vesicle ==> 生中肾小囊
- mesonephroid carcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢透明细胞癌,卵巢中肾样癌
- mesonephroid tumor ==> 中肾样瘤
- mesonephroid tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢透明细胞癌
- mesonephroma ==> 中肾瘤
- mesonephroma of borderline malignancy of ovary ==> 卵巢交界性中肾瘤
- mesonephron ==> 中肾
- mesonephros ==> 奥肯氏体
- mesoneritic ==> 中近海带
- mesonium ==> 介子素
- mesonorm ==> 中带标准矿物
- mesonotum ==> (昆虫)中胸背板
- mesonphroma of cervix ==> 子宫颈中肾管瘤
- Mesonychidae ==> 中兽科
- Mesonyssus ==> 中刺螨属
- Mesonyx ==> 中兽属
- mesopause ==> 中间层顶
- mesopeak ==> 中层最高温度点,中间层最高温度点
- mesopedes ==> 中足
- mesopegmatophyre ==> 中色伟晶斑岩
- mesopelagic ==> 中远洋的,(200米到1000米水深的)中深海
- mesopelagic fauna ==> (海洋)中层动物区系
- mesopelagic fishes ==> 中层鱼类
- mesopetalum ==> 中瓣
- mesopexy ==> 肠系膜固定术
- mesophanerophyte ==> 中高位芽植物
- mesophase ==> 中間相
- mesophase transition ==> 中間相転移
- mesophile ==> 中生性,适温生物
- mesophilic bacteria ==> 嗜温性细菌,中生性细菌
- mesophilic digestion ==> 中温消化
- mesophilic methane fermentation ==> 中温甲烷发酵
- mesophilic range ==> 中温范围
- mesophily ==> 中生性
- mesophlebion ==> 静脉中层,静脉中层
- mesophlebitis ==> 静脉中层炎,静脉中层炎
- mesophlebium ==> 静脉中层,静脉中层
- mesophragma ==> 中线
- mesophyll ==> 中型叶,叶肉
- mesophyll cell ==> 叶肉细胞
- mesophyte ==> 中生植物
- mesophytic ==> 中生性的
- Mesophytic ==> 中植代
- mesophytic environment ==> 中生植物环境
- mesophytic forest ==> 中生林
- mesophytic formation ==> 中生植物群系
- mesophytic habitat ==> 中生生境,中生植物生境
- mesophytism ==> 中生性
- mesophytization ==> 中生化
- mesopic vision ==> 黄昏黎明视觉
- mesoplankton ==> 中型浮游生物
- mesoplasm ==> 中胚层质,中质
- mesoplastron ==> 中腹骨板
- mesoplate ==> 中板块
- mesopleural bristle ==> (双翅目昆虫)中侧鬃
- mesopleural row ==> (双翅目昆虫)中侧鬃行
- mesopleural sulcus ==> 中胸侧沟
- Mesoplophoridae ==> 中卷甲螨科
- mesopod ==> 中央足
- mesopodium ==> 中足
- mesopore ==> 中孔隙,间隙孔
- mesoporosity ==> mesoporosity
- mesoporous ==> 中孔的
- mesoporphyrin ==> (卟啉的无铁结晶)中卟啉
- mesoporphyrinogen ==> 中卟啉原
- mesoprescutum ==> 中前盾片
- mesoprosopic ==> 中面型的
- mesoprosopy ==> 中面型
- mesopterygium ==> (中鳍骨)中鳍软骨
- mesopterygoid ==> 中鳍骨
- mesoptic vision ==> 中间视觉
- mesoptile ==> 中羽毛
- Mesoran ==> 叠氮津
- Mesoranil ==> (除草剂)叠氮津
- mesorchium ==> 睾丸系膜
- mesorelief ==> 中地形
- Mesoreodon ==> 中岳齿兽属
- mesorrhaphy ==> 肠系膜缝合术
- mesorrhine ==> 中鼻型
- mesosalpinx ==> 输卵管系膜
- mesosaprobic zone ==> 中度污染带,中腐生带,中污带
- mesosaur ==> 中龙
- Mesosauria ==> 中龙目
- Mesosauridae ==> 中龙科
- Mesosaurus ==> 中龙属
- mesoscale eddies ==> 中涡旋
- mesoscale eddy ==> 中尺度涡动
- mesoscale model ==> 中间比例模型
- mesoscope ==> 中视镜
- mesoscopic ==> 介观
- mesoscopic structure ==> 中型构造
- mesoscutellum ==> 中胸小盾片
- mesoscutum ==> 中胸盾片
- mesosere ==> 中生演替系列,中生演替系列
- mesoseries ==> 中行
- mesosiderite ==> 中铁陨石,中陨铁
- mesosilexite ==> 电气英石岩
- mesosilicate ==> 焦硅酸盐
- mesoslope ==> 中坡
- mesosoma ==> 中等身材,中型身材
- mesosomatous ==> 中等身材的
- mesosome ==> 中体,间体
- mesosperm ==> 中种皮
- mesosphere ==> 中间层,中圈,中层,散逸层
- mesosphere of Venus ==> 金星中間圏
- mesospiracles ==> 中胸气门
- mesospore ==> 孢子中壁
- mesostasis ==> 最后充填物
- mesostate ==> 中间代谢产物
- mesosternal bar ==> 中胸骨条
- mesosternal cavity ==> (叩头虫)中胸腹窝
- mesosternal epimeron ==> (鞘翅目)中胸腹后侧片
- mesosternal episternum ==> (鞘翅目)中胸腹前侧片
- mesosternal lobe ==> 中胸小复片
- mesosternellum ==> 中胸小复片
- mesosternum ==> 中胸腹板,中胸骨
- mesostethium ==> 中胸腹板
- mesostigma ==> 中胸气门
- mesostigmal plate ==> (蜻蜓目)中胸气门片
- Mesostigmata ==> 中气门亚目,中气亚目
- mesostigmata ==> 中胸气门
- Mesostoma ==> 中口涡虫属
- mesostomoblaste ==> 中胚层口道细胞
- mesostroma ==> 中基质
- mesostyle ==> 中齿尖
- Mesosuchia ==> 中鳄亚目
- mesosulcus ==> (蜂)中纵沟
- mesosuture ==> 中胸缝
- mesosyphilis ==> 二期梅毒
- Mesotaeniaceae ==> 中带藻科,单接藻科
- Mesotaenium ==> 中带鼓藻属
- Mesotardigrada ==> 中缓步目
- mesotarsus ==> 中足跗节
- mesotartaric acid ==> 中酒石酸,内消旋酒石酸
- mesotectonics ==> 中构造
- mesotergum ==> 中胸背板
- mesoternum ==> 中胸腹板
- mesotheca ==> 中鞘
- mesothecium ==> 中药室
- mesothelial cell ==> 间皮细胞
- mesothelioma of pericardium ==> 心包间皮瘤
- mesothelioma of pleura ==> 胸膜间皮细胞瘤
- mesothelium ==> 间皮
- mesotherm ==> 中温植物
- mesothermal ==> 中深热液的
- mesothermal climate ==> 中温气候
- mesothermal deposit ==> 中深热液矿床,中温热液矿床
- mesothermal type ==> 中温植物型
- mesothermal vein ==> 中深热液矿脉
- mesothethium ==> 中胸腹板
- mesothoracic germ ==> 中胸节芽
- mesothoracotheca ==> (蛹)中胸鞘
- mesothorax ==> 中胸
- mesothyrid ==> 中孔型
- mesotidal range ==> 中潮差
- mesotil ==> 中等风化冰碛
- mesotocin ==> 中催产素
- mesotomy ==> 内消旋体离析
- mesoton ==> 介子
- mesotourmalite ==> 中电气岩
- mesotroch ==> 中纤毛轮
- mesotrocha ==> 中毛轮幼虫
- mesotrochal larva ==> 中毛轮幼虫
- mesotrochus ==> 中纤毛轮
- mesotron ==> 重电子,介子
- mesotrophic ==> 中等滋育
- mesotrophic lake ==> 中等营养湖
- mesotrophic state ==> 中等营养状态
- mesotrophic swamp ==> 中营养沼泽
- mesotrophy ==> 中等营养
- mesotype ==> 中色的
- mesovarial margin of ovary ==> 卵巢系膜缘
- mesovarium ==> 卵巢系膜
- Mesoveliidae ==> 水蝽科
- mesoxalate ==> 二羟丙二酸盐
- mesoxalic acid ==> 丙酮二酸
- mesoxalyl ==> 中草酰
- mesoxalyl urea ==> 中草酰脲,阿脲
- mesoxane ==> 灭糖素
- mesoxyalyurea ==> 四氧嘧啶
- Mesozoa ==> 中生动物,中生动物门
- mesozoan ==> 中生动物
- Mesozoic ==> 中生代,中生代的
- Mesozoic crude ==> 中生代原油
- Mesozoic era ==> 中生代
- Mesozoic erathem ==> 中生界
- Mesozoic group ==> 中生界
- mesozone ==> 中带,中间区,中变质带
- mesozooid ==> 中个员
- mess hall ==> 饭厅
- message ==> 信,通信,通讯,安全情报,报文,消息,电报=>通報(情報理論・通信理論)
- message accounting ==> 通话记帐
- message accuracy ==> 消息的准确度
- message acknowledgment ==> 消息答复
- message area ==> 信息输出区=>単位料金区域
- message authentication ==> 文电鉴别
- message authentication code (MAC) ==> 信息证实代码
- message block ==> 信息块,信息组
- message board ==> メッセージボード,伝言板
- message buffer ==> 信息缓冲,消息缓冲区
- message buffering ==> 报文缓冲
- message buffering facility ==> 报文缓冲设备
- message capacity ==> 通信容量
- message center ==> 通信中心
- message circuit ==> 报文电路,公用电话电路
- message coding ==> 信息编码
- message communication ==> 信息通信
- message composer ==> 信息编排器
- message control ==> 信息控制
- message control block ==> 信息控制块
- message control program ==> 信息控制程序
- message control program (MCP) ==> 报文控制程序
- message control task ==> 信息控制任务
- message data rate ==> 信息传递速率,数据传递速率
- message delay ==> 信息延迟
- message delete option ==> 报文删除选择
- message digit ==> 信息数位,信息位,消息位
- message display ==> 信息显示
- message display console ==> 信息显示控制台
- message editing ==> 报文编辑
- message ending ==> 消息尾
- message error record ==> 报文错误记录
- message exchange ==> 报文交换,信息交换
- message exchanger ==> 信息交换装置
- message feedback ==> 信息反馈
- message field (MFLD) ==> 报文字段
- message flow ==> 报文流,信息流
- message format ==> 报文格式,消息格式
- message format conversion ==> 报文格式转换
- message format service (MFS) ==> 报文格式服务
- message format service test ==> 报文格式服务测试
- message fragment ==> 报文分段
- message handler ==> 信息处理器
- message handling program ==> 信息处理程序
- message handling system ==> 报文处理系统
- message header ==> 报文标题,报文首部,报文头,消息标题,消息首部
- message heading sender ==> 报文格式器
- message indicator ==> 信息指示器,消息指示符
- message intercept table ==> 报文相交表
- message interpolation ==> 信息插入,信息内插法,消息内插
- message journaling function ==> 报文日志功能
- message keying element ==> 消息检索码元
- message length ==> 信息长度
- message level ==> 信息电平
- message link ==> 报文链路
- message lock mode ==> 报文锁定方式
- message memory ==> 信息存储器
- message meter ==> 通话计次器
- message metering service ==> 报文计费服务
- message minute ==> 通话分钟数
- message mode ==> 报文方式
- message modulation ==> 信息调制
- message numbering ==> 报文编号,消息编号
- message originating medium ==> 消息发端手段
- message output descriptor (MOD) ==> 报文输出描述
- message panel ==> 信息显示板
- message parity ==> 信息奇偶性
- message pending ==> 报文挂起,报文未决
- message polling ==> 报文探询
- message polynomial ==> 信息多项式
- message precedence ==> 消息优先等级
- message priority ==> 报文优先级
- message processing distribution system ==> 信息处理分配系统
- message processing module (MPM) ==> 报文处理模块
- message processing program ==> 信息处理程序,信息处量程序
- message protection ==> 消息防护
- message queue ==> 信息队列,信息列队,信息排队,报文队列
- message queue data set ==> 报文队列数据集
- message queueing ==> 信息排队
- message queuing ==> 报文队列,报文排队
- message rate ==> 报文速率,消息率=>度数料金
- message recovery point ==> 报文恢复点
- message redundancy ==> 报文冗余度
- message reference ==> 信息访问
- message reference block ==> 消息参考字组
- message register ==> 通话计次器=>通話度数計
- message registration ==> 通话登记本
- message resynchronization ==> 报文再同步
- message retention area ==> 报文保存区,报文存留区
- message retrieval ==> 报文检索
- message routing ==> 报文路径选择,信息发送,信息通路,信息通路选择,信息指定通道
- message routing code ==> 信息经路选择码
- message sample ==> 信息取样
- message section ==> 信息段
- message segment ==> 信息段,报文段
- message sink ==> 报文接收器,信息接收器=>通報受端
- message source ==> 信息源,报文源,消息源=>情報源
- message storage requirement ==> 消息存储要求
- message stream mode ==> 信息输出方式
- message structure ==> 信息结构,报文结构
- message switch ==> 报文交换,报文转接
- message switching ==> 报文交换=>メッセージ交換
- message switching center ==> 报文交换中心
- message switching computer ==> 信息转接计算机
- message switching processor ==> 报文交换处理器
- message switching system ==> 报文交换系统,信息交换系统=>メッセージ交換方式
- message telephone service ==> 电话报文服务
- message text ==> 信息正文,报文正文
- message throughput ==> 信息总工作量
- message time stamping ==> 信息记时,发信记时
- message to noise ratio ==> 信息噪声比
- Message Transfer Part(MTP),Signalling Network Functions ==> メッセージ転送部、信号網機能部
- message transmission procedure ==> 报文传输过程
- message transmission rate ==> 数据传输速率
- message transmitting procedure ==> 报文传输过程
- message unit ==> 报文单元
- message volume ==> 通信业务量
- message writer ==> 电文印字机
- message-begining character ==> 报文开始符
- message-driven program ==> 报文驱动程序
- message-ending character ==> 报文结束符
- message-oriented ==> 面向消息的
- message-record-log data set ==> 报文记录数据组
- message-switching ==> 报文交接
- message-switching center ==> 信息转接中心
- message-switching network ==> 信息转接网络
- message-switching system ==> 信息转接系统
- message-switching technique ==> 信息交换技术
- messager cable ==> マッセンジャ
- messager wire ==> マッセンジャ
- messanger call ==> 传呼
- messenger bottle ==> 浮标瓶
- messenger cable ==> 承力吊索,吊线缆
- messenger call ==> 传呼
- messenger clamp ==> 吊线缆夹
- messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) ==> 信使核糖核酸
- messenger wire ==> 吊线,承力吊索
- messenger wire clamp ==> 吊线夹
- Messier Catalogue ==> 梅西叶星云星团表
- Messier number ==> 梅西叶号数
- Messier's catalog ==> 梅西叶星表
- Messing cone press ==> 双锥辊挤浆机
- MESSOC, model for estimating space station operations cost ==> 宇宙ステーション運用コスト評価モデル
- MESSR, Multispectral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer ==> 可視近赤外放射計
- Mesta bearing ==> 梅斯塔油膜轴承
- mesyl chloride ==> 甲磺酰氯
- MET, mission elapsed time ==> ミッション経過時間
- MET, Multipath Elimination Technology ==> MET
- meta arteriole ==> 中间微动脉
- meta nitro aniline ==> 间硝基苯胺
- META, medical equipment transfer airlock ==> 医療器具移送用エアロック
- meta-Abel group ==> 亚阿贝耳群
- meta-acid ==> (无机酸)偏酸
- meta-aluminic acid ==> 偏铝酸
- meta-anthracite ==> 高级碳化无烟煤,高煤化无烟煤
- meta-anthropology ==> 超验人类学
- meta-antimonous acid ==> 偏亚锑酸
- meta-arsenous acid ==> 偏亚砷酸
- meta-cym-s-yl-methyl carbamate ==> 猛杀威
- meta-derivative ==> 间位衍生物
- meta-diaminoazobenzene hydrochloride ==> 柯衣定
- meta-element ==> 母体元素
- meta-heuristics ==> メタヒューリスティクス,生物や物理現象のアナロジーに基づく最適化手法
- meta-methylnitrobenzene ==> 间硝基甲苯
- meta-morphogenic condition ==> 变质成因条件
- meta-morphogenic deposit ==> 变质成矿床
- meta-morphopsed stratiform copper deposit ==> 变质岩层状铜矿床
- meta-nitraniline ==> 间硝基苯胺
- meta-orientation ==> 间位定向
- meta-phthalic acid ==> 异酞酸
- meta-platform ==> 准地台
- meta-position ==> 间位
- meta-substitution ==> 间位取代作用
- meta-sulfanilic acid ==> 间胺酸
- meta-tolyl-N-methylcarbamate (MTMC) ==> 速灭威
- meta-xylene ==> 间二甲苯
- metaaluminate ion ==> 偏铝酸离子
- metaaminobenzenesulfonic acid ==> 间胺酸
- metabituminous coal ==> 高煤化无烟煤,超烟煤
- metaboghead coal ==> 高煤化藻煤
- metabolic ==> 代谢作用的,新陈代谢的=>メタボリック,代謝の
- metabolic aberration ==> 代謝異常
- metabolic ability ==> 代謝能力
- metabolic acidosis ==> 代谢性酸中毒
- metabolic action ==> 代謝作用
- metabolic activation ==> 代謝活性化
- metabolic alkalosis ==> 代谢性硷中毒
- metabolic bed ==> 代谢测定床
- metabolic capability ==> 代谢能力
- metabolic characteristics ==> 代谢特征
- metabolic clearance effect ==> 代谢作用
- metabolic cost ==> 代谢值
- metabolic disease ==> 代谢病
- metabolic disorder ==> 代谢病,紊乱的新陈代谢功能
- metabolic disorders ==> 代謝異常
- metabolic disturbance ==> 新陈代谢紊乱
- metabolic efficiency ==> 植株代谢效率
- metabolic fecal nitrogen ==> 代谢粪中氮
- metabolic interconversion ==> 代谢的相互转化
- metabolic nucleus ==> 静止核,静止核
- metabolic pathway ==> 代谢途径
- metabolic pattern ==> 代谢型
- metabolic phosphate ==> 代谢性磷酸盐
- metabolic pool ==> 代谢总贮库
- metabolic process ==> 代谢过程
- metabolic processes in simple protein ==> 简单蛋白质中的代谢过程
- metabolic rate ==> 代谢率
- metabolic stage ==> 代谢期
- metabolic type ==> 代谢型
- metabolic variability ==> 代謝変動
- metabolic water ==> 代谢水
- metabolic way ==> 代谢方式
- metabolism ==> 新陈代谢,代谢=>代謝
- metabolism and decarboxylation ==> 代谢和脱羧作用
- metabolism and moisture content of the embryo ==> 胚的代谢和水分含量
- metabolism cage ==> 代谢试笼
- metabolism in soil animals ==> 土壤动物新陈代谢
- metabolism of brain ==> 脑物质代谢
- metabolism of carbohydrates ==> 碳水化合物代谢
- metabolism of exercise ==> 运动代谢
- metabolism of purine nucleotide ==> 嘌呤核苷酸代谢
- metabolism tester ==> 新陈代谢测定仪
- metabolite ==> 代谢物
- metabolizable action ==> 代谢作用
- metabolizable protein ==> 代谢蛋白质
- metabolomics ==> 代谢组学
- metabonomics ==> メタボノミクス
- metacannel coal ==> 高煤化烛煤
- metacarpal bone ==> 掌骨
- metacarpal saw ==> 掌骨锯
- metacarpophalangeal ==> 掌骨指骨的
- metacarpophalangeal articulation ==> 掌指关节
- metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation ==> 掌指关节脱位
- metacarpophalangeal joints ==> 掌指关节
- metacarpus retractor and elevator ==> 掌骨拉钩起子
- metacentric arm ==> 稳性力臂
- metacentric chromosome ==> 中部着丝点染色体,中央着丝点染色体
- metacentric height ==> 稳心高度
- metacentric involute ==> 稳心轨迹曲线
- metacentric radius ==> 稳心半径
- metacetonic acid ==> 丙酸
- metacharacter ==> メタキャラクタ
- metachromatic corpuscle ==> 异染球
- metachromatic dye ==> 异染染料
- metachromatic filter ==> 变色滤光器
- metachromatic granule ==> 异染粒
- metachromatic granules ==> 异染颗粒,异染色粒
- metachromatic leucodystrophy ==> 异染色性脑白质障碍症
- metachromatic leukodystrophy ==> 异染性脑白质营养不良
- metachromatic leukoencephalopathy ==> 异染性脑白质病
- metachrome olive brown ==> 偏铬橄榄棕
- metachrome olive brown G ==> 偏铬橄榄棕G
- metachrome yellow RA ==> 偏铬黄RA
- metachromic acid ==> 偏铬酸
- metacrystallic rock ==> 变晶岩
- metadromic progression ==> 奔走步态
- metadyne ==> 旋转式磁场放大机
- metadyne generator ==> 微场扩流发电机,放大机发生器,交磁旋转扩大机
- metagalactic astronomy ==> 总星系天文学
- metagalactic cosmic ray flux ==> 总星系宇宙线通量
- metagenetic gas ==> 变生阶段成因气
- metagenetic stage ==> 变生作用阶段
- metagenomics ==> メタゲノミクス
- metahydrate sodium carbonate ==> 一水合碳酸钠
- metaigneous rock ==> 变火成岩
- metal ==> 金属=>金属,メタル
- metal (metallic) material (MR) ==> 金属材料
- metal (shell) cover ==> 端盖
- metal (upper,lower) ==> 上下轴承
- metal -enclosed ==> 铁壳的
- metal abundance ==> 金属丰度
- metal acetylide ==> 金属的乙炔化物,乙炔基金属
- metal acoustical ceiling ==> 金属吸音板吊顶
- metal alkyl ==> 烷基金属
- metal allowance ==> 加工余量
- metal alumina oxide semiconductor structure ==> 金属氧化铝氧化物半导体结构
- metal alumina semiconductor memory ==> 金属铝半导体存储器
- metal anchorage ==> 金属锚固件
- metal angle bead ==> 金属包角
- metal anode ==> 金属阳极=>金属アノード
- metal antenna ==> 金属天线
- metal anti-reflection coating ==> 金属减反射膜
- metal antidote ==> 金属解毒剂
- metal aperture mask ==> 金属孔掩模
- metal arc cutting ==> 金属电弧切割
- metal arc welding ==> 金属电弧焊
- metal armouring ==> 金属铠装
- metal aryl ==> 芳基金属
- metal arylide ==> 芳基金属
- metal back tube ==> 铝背显像管,金属敷层显像管
- metal backing ==> 金属插板,金属垫板,金属敷层,金属壳背,金属壳衬垫
- metal backup ==> 金属挡块
- metal baluster ==> 金属栏杆柱
- metal base ==> 金属底座,金属管基,金属基体
- metal base transistor ==> 金属基极晶体管
- metal bath ==> 金属浴,焊接熔池
- metal bath surface ==> 金属液面
- metal bead ==> 金属压条
- metal bellows ==> 金属波纹管,金属膜盒,金属伸缩软管
- metal belt fastener ==> 金属带扣
- metal biscuit ==> 金属块
- metal blade ==> 金属扇叶
- metal block ==> 金属块
- metal boat ==> 金属盘
- metal body ==> 金属车身
- metal break out ==> 铸型裂口
- metal breakout ==> 跑水
- metal breakout error ==> 漏箱
- metal brush ==> 钢丝刷
- metal buried welding ==> 埋渣焊
- metal button-sewing machine ==> 缝金属扣机
- metal can ==> 金属罐
- metal carbonyl ==> 金属羰基合物,羰络金属,羰络金属
- metal card memory ==> 金属卡片存储器
- metal casement ==> 金属窗扇
- metal casing ==> 金属壳
- metal catalyzer ==> 金属催化剂,在选择性催化还原法中,采用金属氧化物(如用TiO2基催化剂加入V2O5、WO3、MoO3及Cr2O3等),在NOX与氨反应还原成N2和水时,能起促进作用
- metal catcher ==> 金属杂质分离器
- metal cathode ==> 金属阴极
- metal cavity joint ==> 埋铁缝
- metal ceiling ==> 金属顶棚
- metal ceramic ==> 金属陶瓷
- metal ceramic package ==> 金属陶瓷外壳
- metal ceramics ==> 金属陶瓷学
- metal charge ==> 金属料
- metal clad switchgear ==> 铁壳开关装置
- metal clad type substation ==> 铠装变电站
- metal clip ==> 金属夹
- metal coating ==> 金属保护,金属层敷涂,金属镀层,金属镀面
- metal coating surface treatment ==> 金属镀层表面处理
- metal compact ==> 金属坯块
- metal comparater ==> 磁力金属比测仪
- metal conditioner ==> 金属处理剂,金属调理剂
- metal cone ==> 锥形金属壳
- metal connecting fitting of high grade furniture ==> 高档家具五金连接件
- metal consent ==> 金属插座
- metal container ==> 金属容器
- metal coping ==> 金属压顶
- metal core ==> 金属蕊子,金属芯子
- metal cored carbon ==> 金属心碳棒
- metal covered door ==> 金属外包门
- metal covering ==> 金属包皮,金属罩
- metal creep ==> 金属蠕变
- metal crown ==> 金属冠
- metal crystal ==> 金属晶体
- metal current ==> 玻璃液流
- metal curtain wall ==> 金属幕墙
- metal deck ==> 金属板平屋顶
- metal deck floor ==> 金属板楼盖
- metal decorating machine ==> 铁皮印刷机
- metal defect detection ==> 金属探伤
- metal definition ==> 金属层图像形成
- metal deposit ==> 金属沉积,熔敷金属
- metal depth ==> 玻璃液深度
- metal detector ==> 金属探测器
- metal diaphragm pump ==> 金属隔膜泵
- metal dip brazing ==> 金属浴钎焊
- metal dish ==> 金属盘
- metal distribution ratio ==> 金属分布比
- metal drip ==> 金属滴水
- metal drop ==> 金属熔滴
- metal droplet ==> 金属点滴
- metal droplet detachment ==> 金属熔滴的分离
- metal dross ==> 金属浮渣
- metal drum ==> 铁桶
- metal dust ==> 金属粉末
- metal edge element ==> 金属卷带周边滤清元件
- metal electro-sparking work ==> 金属电火花加工法
- metal electrode ==> 金属电极
- metal eliminator ==> 金属杂物分离机,金属杂物分离装置
- metal enclosed switchgear ==> 铁壳开关装置
- metal enclosure ==> 金属包壳
- metal enrichment ==> 金属增富
- metal etch resist ==> 金属腐蚀用光刻胶
- metal evaporation ==> 金属蒸镀
- metal evaporator ==> 金属蒸发器
- metal excimer laser ==> 金属准分子激光器
- metal expansion strip ==> 金属伸缩片
- metal fabrication ==> 金属预制件
- metal faced joinery ==> 金属面木作
- metal facing ==> 金属饰面
- metal fall ==> 金属提取率
- metal fastening ==> 金属固定件
- metal filament lamp ==> 金属丝灯泡
- metal film ==> 金属薄膜
- metal film filter ==> 金属薄膜滤光器
- metal film resistor ==> 金属膜电阻器=>金属(皮)膜抵抗器
- metal filter elements ==> 滤清器金属滤片
- metal finish ==> 金属饰面
- metal finishing ==> 金属表面处理
- metal fittings ==> 小五金
- metal fixing ==> 金属固定件
- metal flashing ==> 金属泛水
- metal floor decking ==> 金属楼板
- metal focal plane shutter ==> 钢片快门
- metal fog ==> 金属雾=>金属霧
- metal foil capacitor ==> 金属はくコンデンサ
- metal foil heater ==> 金属箔加热器
- metal foil induction heating ==> 金属箔誘導加熱
- metal foil paper ==> 金属箔纸
- metal foil resistor ==> 薄式平面电阻器
- metal forming ==> 金属成型
- metal forming equipment ==> 锻压设备
- metal forming machinery ==> 锻压机械
- metal fouling ==> 炮管碎片,炮膛挂铜
- metal fractionary pump ==> 金属分馏真空泵
- metal framework ==> 金属框架
- metal gasket ==> 金属衬垫,金属填密片
- metal gate ==> 金属栅
- metal gate electrode ==> 金属栅电极
- metal gate technique ==> 金属栅技术
- metal gate transistor ==> 金属栅晶体管
- metal gathering ==> 金属爆炸差厚成形法
- metal gauze ==> 金属丝网
- metal graphite brush ==> 金属石墨电刷
- metal grating ==> 金属光栅,金属箅子
- metal grating filter ==> 金属栅滤光片
- metal grid floor ==> 金属网格楼板
- metal gridcoating ==> 金属栅状涂层
- metal gutter ==> 金属天沟
- metal hack saw ==> 金属弓锯
- metal halid lamp ==> 金属卤素灯
- metal halide lamp ==> メタルハライドランプ
- metal handrail ==> 金属扶手
- metal hardness ==> 金属硬度,金属的相对软硬程度。硬度的单位因试验方法而异。常用的方法有压入法、动力法和划痕法三种
- metal heat exchanger ==> 金属材料换热器
- metal heat treatment ==> 金属热处理
- metal hose ==> 金属蛇形管,柔性管
- metal hydride alloy ==> 水素吸蔵合金
- metal implant into nasal septum ==> 鼻中隔金属管植入
- metal inert gas arc welding ==> 金属极惰性气体保护点焊
- metal inert gas arc welding (MIG) ==> 惰性气体金属电弧焊
- metal inert-gas arc welding ==> 金属极惰性气体保护焊
- metal inertia gas welding ==> 金属焊条惰性气体保护焊,熔化极惰性气体保护焊
- metal insulator ==> 金属绝缘体
- metal insulator metal ==> 金属绝缘体金属结构
- metal insulator semiconductor ==> 金属绝缘体半导体
- metal insulator semiconductor fet ==> mis场效应晶体管
- metal interference filter ==> 金属干涉滤光片
- metal ion ==> 金属离子
- metal ion buffer ==> 金属离子缓冲
- metal jacket gasket ==> 金属包石棉垫片,钢包石棉垫片,铁包石棉垫片
- metal jacketed gasket ==> 金属包垫片
- metal jet ==> (爆炸焊的)金属喷流
- metal kinescope ==> 金属壳显像管
- metal lath ==> 金属板网
- metal lath and plaster ==> 钢板网抹灰,钢丝网抹灰
- metal lath and plaster ceiling ==> 金属网抹灰顶棚
- metal lathing ==> 金属板网
- metal lattice ==> 金属晶格
- metal lattice work ==> 金属格构
- metal lead frame ==> 金属引线架
- metal leaf ==> 金属薄箔
- metal lens ==> 金属レンズ,導波管レンズ
- metal lens antenna ==> 金属レンズアンテナ
- metal level ==> 金属液面,玻璃液面
- metal lift-off technology ==> 金属剥离工艺
- metal line control ==> 玻璃液面控制
- metal line cut ==> 液面线侵蚀
- metal line stability ==> 玻璃液面稳定性
- metal lining ==> 金属衬套,镀覆金属
- metal lipping ==> 金属镶边
- metal locator ==> 金属探寻器
- metal lot ==> 同规格金属
- metal louvres ==> 金属百叶
- metal machining liquid ==> 金属切削液
- metal marking ==> 陶瓷釉刀痕
- metal mask ==> 金属掩模
- metal master ==> 金属母盘,金属主盘
- metal matrix ==> 金属模版
- metal mesh ==> 金属丝网
- metal milling machine ==> 金属铣床
- metal mirror ==> 金属镜
- metal mist ==> 金属雾
- metal mixer ==> 金属混合炉,混铁炉
- metal mo(u)ld casting ==> 硬模铸造
- metal mold casting ==> 硬模铸造
- metal molding ==> 金属线脚
- metal money ==> 金属货币
- metal monocoque ==> 金属壳机身
- metal morphology ==> 金属形态学
- metal mother ==> 金属母模
- metal nanoparticles ==> 金属ナノ粒子
- metal nanoshell ==> 金属ナノシェル
- metal nanowires ==> 金属ナノワイヤ
- metal naphthenate ==> 环烷酸金属盐
- metal negative ==> 金属底片,金属母盘,金属主盘
- metal nitride oxide semiconductor structure ==> mnos结构
- metal nitride semiconductor ==> 金属氮化物半导体
- metal nitride silicon device ==> 金属氮化硅器件
- metal O-ring and nonmetallic O-ring seal ==> 金属-非金属双O型环密封
- metal octagonalring closure ==> 金属八角垫密封
- metal on glass mask ==> 金属玻璃掩模
- metal organic sulfonate ==> 磺酸金属盐
- metal ornament ==> 金属饰件
- metal oval-ring closure ==> 金属椭圆环密封
- metal oxide arrester ==> 酸化亜鉛形避雷器(MOA)
- metal oxide crucible ==> 金属氧化坩锅
- metal oxide film resistor ==> 酸化金属皮膜抵抗器
- metal oxide resistor ==> 金属氧化物电阻,金属氧化物电阻器
- metal oxide semiconductor ==> 金属氧化物半导体
- metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) ==> 金属氧化物半导体
- metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor ==> 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
- metal oxide semiconductor silicon on sapphire ==> 蓝宝石上硅型金属氧化物半导体
- metal oxide semiconductor transistor load mos ==> 负载晶体管
- metal oxides ==> 金属酸化物
- metal pair ==> 金属偶
- metal particle ==> 金属微粒
- metal partion (metp) ==> 金属隔板
- metal partition ==> 金属隔断
- metal parts ==> 金属部件,金属零件
- metal pattern ==> 金属模型
- metal pattern molding ==> 金属造型
- metal penetration ==> 金属渗入,机械粘砂
- metal phase ==> 金属相
- metal phenyl stearates ==> 苯基硬脂酸金属盐
- metal photomask ==> 金属光掩模
- metal physics ==> 金属物理学
- metal pickup ==> 金属粘接
- metal picture rail ==> 金属挂镜线
- metal pipe (tube) staging ==> 金属管脚手台
- metal plating ==> 金属电铸
- metal plating waste water ==> 电镀工业废水
- metal plug ==> 金属丝刷
- metal pointing ==> 制尖
- metal poisoning ==> 金属中毒
- metal polish ==> 金属抛光剂
- metal porcelain crown ==> 金属陶瓷联合冠
- metal positive ==> 金属正版,金属正片,母版,第一模盘
- metal powder ==> 金属粉
- metal powder cutting ==> 金属粉末切割
- metal powder grain ==> 金属粉粒
- metal powder oxygen cutting ==> 金属粉末氧割
- metal power cutting ==> 金属粉切割
- metal primer ==> 金属面底漆
- metal probe ==> 金属探针
- metal processing ==> 金属加工
- metal production plant ==> 冶炼厂
- metal products ==> 金属制品
- metal properties ==> 金属特性
- metal pulverization ==> 金属粉末化
- metal purity ==> 金属纯度
- metal quality block ==> 金属化质量试验装置
- metal raceway ==> 金属线槽=>金属線被
- metal raceway work ==> 金属線被工事
- metal recovery rate ==> 金属回收率
- metal recovery unit ==> 金属回收设备
- metal recovery works ==> 金属回收工程
- metal rectifier ==> 金属整流
- metal rectifier welding set ==> 整流焊机
- metal recycle ==> 金属リサイクル
- metal reflective coating ==> 金属反射涂层
- metal removal ==> 金属切除量
- metal removal factor ==> 金属切削率
- metal removal from edges of plates ==> 由加工板边去除金属
- metal removal rate ==> 金属切削率
- metal reservoir ==> 金属液池
- metal ribbon source ==> 金属带状光源
- metal ridgecapping ==> 金属脊帽
- metal rule ==> 破折号
- metal runout ==> 跑水
- metal sandwich ==> 金属填料夹层结构
- metal sash ==> 金属窗扇
- metal saw ==> 金工锯,钢锯
- metal saw (coarse teeth) ==> 锯片铣刀,锯片铣刀
- metal saw blade ==> 钢锯片
- metal sawing machine ==> 金属锯床
- metal scaffolding ==> 金属脚手架
- metal scavenger ==> 金属净化剂
- metal schottky fet ==> 金属肖特基栅场效应晶体管
- metal screen ==> 金属滤网,金属屏
- metal screen printing ==> 金属丝网漏印刷法
- metal self aligned process ==> 金属自对准工艺
- metal semiconductor ==> metal金属半导体金属结构
- metal semiconductor barrier ==> 金属半导体接触势垒
- metal semiconductor device ==> 金属半导体接触装置
- metal semiconductor interface ==> 金属半导体界面
- metal semiconductor junction ==> 金属半导体结
- metal shaping equipment ==> 金属轧制设备
- metal shears ==> 金属剪
- metal sheathed cable ==> 金属屏蔽电缆
- metal sheet cladding ==> 金属外挂板
- metal sheet pile ==> 钢板柱
- metal shield ==> 金属遮蔽
- metal silicide interconnection ==> 金属硅化物互连
- metal skin ==> 金属皮
- metal skirting ==> 金属踢脚板
- metal slitting saw ==> 金属开槽锯
- metal socket ==> 金属ソケット
- metal spacer ==> 金属隔片
- metal spinning ==> 金属旋压
- metal spiral stair ==> 金属螺旋楼梯
- metal splasher ==> 金属泼散器
- metal spray plating ==> 金属喷涂
- metal spraying ==> 金属喷镀,喷镀法,喷金
- metal stamping ==> 金属スタンピング
- metal strap ==> 金属带,金属带条
- metal strength of the electrolyte ==> 电解质液中的金属浓度
- metal strip ==> 金属条
- metal structural cladding ==> 金属外挂板
- metal structure installation ==> 金属结构安装,将金属结构部件装配,安置在设计确定部位
- metal stud ==> 金属立筋
- metal substitution refining process ==> 金属替换精炼法
- metal supervision ==> 金属监督,对火电厂运行中的高温大应力金属部件进行监视和督察,以保证其安全使用的技术管理工作
- metal system ==> 金属化系统
- metal tape ==> 金属磁带
- metal temperature determination ==> 金属温度确定
- metal tender ==> 熔制工
- metal tie ==> 金属系杆,金属系件
- metal tie rod ==> 金属系杆
- metal tongue depressor ==> 金属压舌板
- metal touch ==> 金属触键,金属触点=>メタルタッチ
- metal transfer ==> 金属过渡
- metal transfer characteristics ==> (通过电弧的)金属过渡特性
- metal transfer rate ==> 金属过渡率
- metal transition ==> 金属転移
- metal transport ==> 金属輸送
- metal transporter ==> 金属輸送体
- metal trim ==> 金属包角,金属边饰
- metal tube ==> 金属壳电子管
- metal tungsten powder ==> 金属钨粉
- metal turning ==> 金属车削
- metal urethral catheter ==> 金属导尿管
- metal urethral catheter stylet ==> 金属导尿管引条
- metal valley ==> 金属天沟,铅皮天沟
- metal valve ==> 金属壳电子管
- metal vapor ==> 金属蒸汽=>金属蒸気
- metal vapor laser ==> 金属蒸汽激光器=>金属蒸気レーザ
- metal window ==> 金属窗
- metal wire suture ==> 金属缝线
- metal wood ==> 金属胶合板
- metal wool ==> 金属纤维
- metal work ==> 金属加工
- metal working ==> 金属加工
- metal working fluid ==> 金属加工液
- metal wrapping ==> 金属包封,金属包装
- metal yield ==> 金属成品率
- metal-absorbent char ==> 金属吸附炭
- metal-air battery ==> 空气去极化电池
- metal-anodicoxide ==> 金属阳极氧化物
- metal-arc cutting (MAC) ==> 金属极电弧切割
- metal-arc gas-shielded welding ==> 气保护金属极电弧焊
- metal-arc gas-shielded welding (MAGSW) ==> 金属极气保护焊
- metal-arc inert-gas welding(MIG welding) ==> 惰性气体保护金属极电弧焊
- metal-arc welding ==> 金属极电弧焊
- metal-back ==> 金属衬垫,金属壳
- metal-backed phosphor screen ==> メタルバック蛍光面
- metal-base transistor ==> 金属基体晶体管
- metal-bearing ==> 含金属
- metal-binding protein ==> 金属结合蛋白
- metal-Braun tube ==> 金属显像管
- metal-bristle ionizer ==> 金属放電器
- metal-cased brick ==> 铁壳砖,铁皮砖
- metal-ceramic ag-glomerate ==> 金属陶瓷烧结制品
- metal-clad ==> 铁壳的
- metal-clad door ==> 包金属门,金属外包门
- metal-clad motor ==> 金属加固电动机,铠装电动机
- metal-clad optical waveguide ==> 金属包层光学波导
- metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch) ==> 铁壳开关
- metal-clad switchgear ==> メタルクラッド開閉装置
- metal-clad waveguide ==> 金属包层波导
- metal-cleansing solution ==> 金属清洁液
- metal-cone (picture )tube ==> 金属锥体显像管
- metal-cone (picture) tube ==> 金属锥体显像管
- metal-covered door ==> 包金属门
- metal-covered window ==> 金属外包窗
- metal-cutting capacity ==> 金属切削能力
- metal-cutting machine ==> 金属切削机,金属切削机床
- metal-cutting machine tool ==> 金属切削机床
- metal-cutting oil ==> 金属切削油
- metal-dielectric filter ==> 金属介质滤光片
- metal-dielectric interference filter ==> 金属介质干涉滤光片
- metal-dielectric interferometry ==> 金属介质干涉量度学
- metal-dificient star ==> 贫金属星
- metal-encased brick ==> 铁壳砖
- metal-enclosed apparatus ==> 金属封闭型电器
- metal-enclosed switchgear ==> 閉鎖形開閉装置,メタルクラッド開閉装置
- metal-film resistance thermometer ==> 金属薄膜温度计
- metal-foil heat treating method ==> 金属箔热处理法,包装热处理法
- metal-free ==> 不含金属的
- metal-grade ==> 金属级品位
- metal-graphite brush ==> 金属石墨电刷
- metal-inert-gas ==> 金属焊条惰性气体
- metal-insulator semiconductor (MIS) ==> 金属绝缘体半导体
- metal-insulator-semiconductor laser ==> 金属绝缘体-半导体激光器
- metal-jacket gasket ==> 包金属垫片
- metal-lined ==> 金属衬里
- metal-metal eutectic alloy ==> 金属-金属共晶合金
- metal-modified ==> 金属改性的
- metal-nitride-oxide semiconductor (MNOS) ==> 金属氮化物氧化物半导体
- metal-nonmetal eutectic alloy ==> 金属-非金属共晶合金
- metal-organic ==> 金属有机物
- metal-organic laser ==> 金属有机物激光器
- metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) ==> 金氧半导体
- metal-plate ==> 铁板
- metal-plate lens ==> 金属板透镜
- metal-ply truck tyre ==> 钢丝载重轮胎
- metal-poor binary ==> 贫金属双星
- metal-poor dwarf ==> 贫金属矮星
- metal-poor giant ==> 贫金属巨星
- metal-poor star ==> 贫金属星
- metal-powder ==> 金属粉末
- metal-powder magnet ==> 粉冶磁铁
- metal-powder press ==> 金属粉末压机
- metal-precipitator ==> 金属沉淀剂
- metal-processing industry ==> 金属加工工业
- metal-purifying process ==> 金属精炼法
- metal-salt ==> 金属盐
- metal-sheathed mineral-insulated cable ==> 金属皮绝缘电缆
- metal-shielded wire ==> 金属包覆线,金属屏蔽线
- metal-shrinkage allowance ==> 金属收缩留量
- metal-slitting saw ==> 切缝铣刀
- metal-sol ==> 金属溶胶
- metal-tank mercury-arc rectifier ==> 金属槽汞弧整流器
- metal-to-metal bond ==> 金属和金属连接
- metal-to-metal fit ==> 无过盈与间隙配合
- metal-type composition ==> 铸字排版
- metal-water-jet pump ==> 金属喷水抽气泵
- metal-working machinery ==> 金属加工机械
- metalanguage ==> 超言語
- metalclad cable ==> 铠装电缆
- metalclad station ==> 金属铠装变电站
- metaled gasket ==> 金属包垫
- metalic contamination ==> 金属掺杂物
- metalic return system ==> 金属回路方式
- metalic thermometer ==> 金属温度计
- metalignitous coal ==> 超褐煤,高煤化褐煤
- metalization of skin ==> 皮肤金属化
- metallic ==> 金属的
- metallic absorbing layer ==> 金属吸收膜
- metallic absorption ==> 金属吸收
- metallic addition ==> 金属添加剂
- metallic aluminium ==> 金属铝
- metallic angled orthopedic fracture fixation devices ==> 金属斜角整形外科骨折固定设备
- metallic antimony ==> 金属锑
- metallic band tape ==> 钢卷尺
- metallic bead ==> 金属夹砂,金属粒
- metallic bond ==> 金属键=>金属結合
- metallic brush ==> 金属电刷=>金属ブラシ
- metallic cable ==> 钢丝索
- metallic carbide ==> 金属碳化物
- metallic carbon ==> 金属质碳
- metallic carbon brush ==> 金属炭刷=>金属黒鉛ブラシ
- metallic catalyst ==> 金属催化剂
- metallic cement ==> 金属粉腻子,金属水泥
- metallic cementation ==> 喷镀金属,渗金属
- metallic cementation process ==> 渗金属法
- metallic channel ==> 导线槽
- metallic character ==> 金属特性
- metallic clothing mounting machine ==> 金属针布包卷机
- metallic clothing unwinding machine ==> 金属锯条倒条机
- metallic clothing welder ==> 金属针布焊接器
- metallic coating by hot-dipping process ==> 热浸镀金属法
- metallic coin ==> 金属货币
- metallic conductivity ==> 金属导电性
- metallic conductor ==> 金属导体
- metallic conduit ==> 金属管
- metallic contact ==> 金属接点=>金属接触
- metallic continuity ==> 金属的连续性
- metallic copper ==> 金属铜
- metallic corrosion ==> 金属腐蚀
- metallic creep ==> 金属蠕变
- metallic currency ==> 金属货币
- metallic currency circulation ==> 金属铸币流通
- metallic currency-based economies ==> 金属铸币经济
- metallic delay lens ==> 金属延迟透镜
- metallic dental syringe ==> 牙科金属注射器
- metallic diaphragm ==> 金属膜片
- metallic drift tube ==> 金属壳漂移管
- metallic dropper ==> 金属滴管
- metallic dust ==> 金属粉尘
- metallic electrode ==> 金属电极,金属焊条
- metallic element ==> 金属元素
- metallic filament ==> 金属灯丝
- metallic film ==> 金属薄膜
- metallic foil ==> 金属箔
- metallic fuel ==> 金属燃料,铀、钚及其合金冶炼成的燃料。其燃料原子密度高、导热性好和易于加工,但在低于熔点时多次同素异形体相转变会导致密度的急剧变化、低温下呈各向异性,辐照生长严重;化学性质活泼,抗腐蚀性差
- metallic fume ==> 金属烟雾
- metallic gasket ==> 金属垫片
- metallic glass ==> 玻璃合金
- metallic graphite brush ==> 金属碳刷
- metallic grid coating ==> 金属栅状膜
- metallic hollow O-ring ==> 金属空心O型环
- metallic hollow O-ring for selfseal ==> 自紧式金属空心O形(型)环
- metallic hollow O-rings of non self-energizing ==> 非自紧式金属空心O形环
- metallic hollow self-energizing O-rings ==> 自紧式金属空心O形(型)环
- metallic hydrogen ==> 金属氢
- metallic inclusion ==> 金属夹杂物
- metallic insulator ==> 金属绝缘子
- metallic ion ==> 金属离子
- metallic iron ==> 金属铁
- metallic lead ==> 金属铅
- metallic line ==> メタル通信線
- metallic link belt ==> 金属链带
- metallic material (MR) ==> 金属材料
- metallic materials warehouse ==> 金属材料库
- metallic materials--dynamic tear testing method ==> 金属材料动态撕裂试验方法
- metallic matrix ==> 金属基体
- metallic membrane ==> 金属膜片
- metallic mineral ==> 金属矿石
- metallic minerals ==> 金属矿物
- metallic mirror ==> 金属镜
- metallic monetary system ==> 金属货币制度
- metallic money ==> 金属货币
- metallic nanoshell ==> 金属ナノシェル
- metallic network ==> 金属网络
- metallic nickel ==> 金属镍
- metallic ore ==> 金属矿石
- metallic packing ring ==> 金属密封环
- metallic paint ==> 金属漆
- metallic paper ==> 金属箔,金属涂布纸
- metallic particles ==> 金属異物
- metallic phase ==> 金相
- metallic poison ==> 金属毒物
- metallic poisons ==> 金属性毒物
- metallic prominence ==> 金属日珥
- metallic pyrometer ==> 金属高温计
- metallic quantum-well nanostructures ==> 金属量子井戸ナノ構造体
- metallic reducing agent ==> 金属还原剂
- metallic reduction of fluorides ==> 氟化物金属热还原
- metallic reflection ==> 金属反射
- metallic reflector ==> 金属反射罩
- metallic resistance ==> 金属电阻
- metallic resistor ==> 金属电阻器=>金属抵抗器
- metallic return ==> 金属回线=>金属帰線
- metallic return circuit ==> 金属回线电路
- metallic return method ==> 導体帰路方式(直流送電)
- metallic rheostat ==> 金属线变阻器
- metallic screen ==> 金属筛
- metallic sheath ==> 金属套
- metallic shell ==> 金属壳
- metallic sieve ==> 金属筛网
- metallic silicon ==> 金属硅
- metallic soap ==> 金属皂,分型皂
- metallic sound ==> 金属音
- metallic standard ==> 金属本位
- metallic standard system ==> 金属本位制
- metallic star ==> 金属星
- metallic stuffing box ==> 金属填料箱
- metallic tape ==> 金属带,金属卷尺,钢卷尺,钢皮尺
- metallic target ==> 金属靶
- metallic thermocouple ==> 金属热电偶
- metallic tile ==> 金属瓦片
- metallic tone quality ==> 金属音色
- metallic valve stem packing ==> 阀杆金属填密
- metallic vapor laser ==> 金属蒸汽激光器
- metallic wave ==> メタリック波,線間波
- metallic waveguide ==> 金属波导管
- metallic zinc granule ==> 金属锌粒
- metallic(return) circuit ==> 金属回路
- metallic-additive lamp ==> 金属卤素灯
- metallic-line star ==> 金属线星
- metallic-membrane plating ==> 镀膜
- metallic-nonmetallic O-ring seal ==> 金属-非金属双O型环密封
- metallic-tape core ==> 金属带磁心
- metallicity parameter ==> 金属性参数
- metallics of charge ==> 装料中的金属物质
- metallics spiral core wire rope ==> 带金属螺旋式钢丝绳
- metalliferous material ==> 金属物料
- metallio-oxide electrode ==> 氧化金属电极
- metallised plastics ==> 镀金属塑料
- metallization ==> 金属化=>金属配線技術
- metallization apparatus ==> 金属喷镀器
- metallization deposition ==> 金属化淀积
- metallization mask ==> 金属化掩模
- metallization masking ==> 金属化掩蔽
- metallization of plastics ==> 塑料涂敷金属
- metallization pattern ==> 金属化图形
- metallization routing ==> 金属化路由
- metallized brush ==> 金属石墨电刷
- metallized capacitor ==> 金属化コンデンサ
- metallized capacitor paper ==> 敷金属电容器纸
- metallized contact ==> 敷金属接头
- metallized film capacitor ==> 金属化フィルムコンデンサ
- metallized film resistor ==> 涂金属膜电阻
- metallized glass ==> 镀金属玻璃,敷金属玻璃,喷镀金属玻璃,喷镀金属膜玻璃
- metallized graphite brush ==> 金属炭刷=>金属黒鉛ブラシ
- metallized lamp bulb ==> 敷金属灯泡
- metallized mica capacitor ==> 镀金属云母电容器
- metallized paper ==> 镀金属纸=>金属化紙
- metallized paper capacitor ==> 镀金属纸质电容器,敷金属纸电容器=>金属化紙コンデンサ(MPコンデンサ)
- metallized paper capacitor for elecetrical fan ==> 镀金属纸介电风扇电容器
- metallized paper condenser ==> 镀金属纸质电容器
- metallized plastic ==> 镀金属塑料
- metallized plastic capacitor ==> 镀金属塑料电容器
- metallized plastics ==> 掺金属塑料
- metallized screen ==> 金属背荧光屏
- metallized semiconductor fet ==> 金属半导体场效应晶体管
- metallized slurry blasting ==> 金属浆爆破
- metallized strip ==> 敷金属带
- metallized yarn ==> 含金属纱线
- metallizing plating ==> めっき
- metallizing temperature ==> 金属化温度,金属涂覆温度
- metallo organic chemical vapor deposition ==> 有机金属化学汽相淀积
- metallo organic vapor phase epitaxy ==> 有机金属汽相外延
- metallo-chromic indicator ==> 金属指示剂
- metallo-metric survey ==> 金属量测量
- metallographic analysis ==> 金相分析
- metallographic etching ==> 金相侵蚀
- metallographic microscope ==> 金相显微镜
- metallographic section ==> 金相试片
- metallographic specimen ==> 金相试样
- metallographical microscope ==> 金相显微镜
- metallosiloxane polymer ==> 金属硅氧烷聚合物
- metallostatic pressure ==> 金属静压力
- metallothermic reduction ==> 金属热还原
- metallurgic instability ==> 冶金不稳定性
- metallurgic plant ==> 冶金厂
- metallurgic product ==> 冶金产品
- metallurgic product analysis ==> 冶金产品分析
- metallurgical ==> 冶金の,冶金術の,冶金学の
- metallurgical accountability ==> 冶金衡算
- metallurgical addition agent ==> 冶金添加剂
- metallurgical blast cupola ==> 冶金冲天炉,冶金冲天炉
- metallurgical bond ==> 金属結合
- metallurgical bonding ==> 冶金结合
- metallurgical calculation ==> 冶金计算
- metallurgical certificate ==> 冶金专业证明书
- metallurgical characteristic ==> 冶金学的特性
- metallurgical chemistry ==> 冶金化学
- metallurgical coal ==> 冶金煤
- metallurgical coating ==> 金属コーティング
- metallurgical coke ==> 冶金焦,冶金焦炭=>冶金コークス
- metallurgical condition ==> 冶金学的状態
- metallurgical crude ==> 冶金粗料
- metallurgical dust ==> 冶金粉尘
- metallurgical engineer ==> 冶金工程师=>冶金技術者
- metallurgical engineering ==> 冶金工程
- metallurgical equipment ==> 冶金设备=>冶金設備
- metallurgical extraction ==> 冶金提取
- metallurgical feature ==> 冶金特征
- metallurgical fuel ==> 冶金燃料
- metallurgical furnace ==> 冶金炉,冶金炉
- metallurgical heat treatment ==> 冶金热处理
- metallurgical industry ==> 冶金工业
- metallurgical machinery ==> 冶金机械
- metallurgical microscope ==> 冶金显微镜,金相显微镜
- metallurgical plant ==> 冶炼厂
- metallurgical process ==> 冶金过程
- metallurgical product ==> 冶金产品
- metallurgical slag ==> 冶金炉渣
- metallurgical structure ==> 金相组织
- metallurgical technology ==> 金属工艺学
- metallurgical test ==> 冶金试验
- metallurgical thermodynamics ==> 冶金热力学,冶金热力学
- metallurgical waste gases ==> 冶金厂废气
- metallurgy ==> 有色金属冶金学,有色金属冶炼
- metallurgy of nickel ==> 镍冶金
- metalplastic crown ==> 金属塑料联合冠
- metalwork ==> 金属細工
- metalworker ==> 金属加工職人
- metalworking industry ==> 金属加工工业
- metalworking machinery ==> 金工机械
- metamagnetic transformation ==> 变磁性转变
- metamagnetism ==> メタ磁性
- metamaterial ==> 超颖材料=>メタ材料
- metamaterials ==> メタマテリアル
- metameric colour ==> 异光变色色料
- metameric colour match ==> 条件配色
- metameric colour stimuli ==> 条件等色色刺激
- metameric match ==> 条件配色
- metameric objects ==> 条件等色物体
- metameric state ==> 位变异构态
- metameric syndrome ==> 脊髓节段综合征
- metamerism ==> 条件等色
- metamerism index ==> 条件等色指数
- metamorphic ==> 变质的,变质作用的
- metamorphic assemblage ==> 变质矿物组合,变质杂岩
- metamorphic aureole ==> 变质圈,变质晕,接触变质带
- metamorphic belt ==> 变质带
- metamorphic belt of coal ==> 煤变质带
- metamorphic breccia ==> 变质角砾岩
- metamorphic complex ==> 变质杂岩,变质杂岩体
- metamorphic core complex ==> 变质核杂岩体
- metamorphic crystallization ==> 变质结晶作用
- metamorphic cycle ==> 变质旋回
- metamorphic degassing ==> 变质脱气作用
- metamorphic deposit ==> 变质矿床
- metamorphic differentiation ==> 变质分异,变质分异作用
- metamorphic diffusion ==> 变质扩散作用
- metamorphic discontinuity ==> 变质结构面
- metamorphic event ==> 变质事件
- metamorphic facies ==> 变质相
- metamorphic facies group ==> 变质相组
- metamorphic facies series ==> 变质相系列
- metamorphic fluid ==> 变质流体
- metamorphic formation ==> 变质建造
- metamorphic geology ==> 变质地质学
- metamorphic grade ==> 变质程度,变质级别
- metamorphic gradient ==> 变质梯度
- metamorphic granite ==> 变质花岗石
- metamorphic homogenization ==> 变质均匀化
- metamorphic limestone ==> 变质灰岩
- metamorphic mechanism ==> 变质机理
- metamorphic mineral ==> 变质矿物
- metamorphic ore deposit ==> 变质矿床
- metamorphic overprint ==> 变质叠加
- metamorphic petrology ==> 变质岩石学
- metamorphic phase ==> 变质幕,变质相
- metamorphic plot ==> 变质土地块
- metamorphic polarity ==> 变质极性
- metamorphic rank ==> 变质级别
- metamorphic reaction ==> 变质反应
- metamorphic recrystallization ==> 变质再结晶
- metamorphic rock ==> 变质岩
- metamorphic rock gas ==> 变质岩气
- metamorphic rock reservoir ==> 变质岩储集层
- metamorphic sediment ==> 变质沉积物
- metamorphic soil ==> 变质土
- metamorphic subfacies ==> 变质亚相
- metamorphic water ==> 变质水
- metamorphic zone ==> 变质带,接触变质带
- metamorphic zoning ==> 变质分带
- metamorphic-hydrothermal solution ==> 变质热液
- metamorphism of coal ==> 煤变质作用
- metamorphose ==> 変形する
- metamorphosed basement ==> 变质基底
- metamorphosed ore deposit ==> 受变质矿床=>変成鉱床
- metamorphosed rock ==> 変成岩
- metamorphosed sediment ==> 変成堆積岩
- metamorphosed sedimentary ore deposit ==> 沉积变质矿床
- metamorphosing breath sound ==> 变态呼吸音
- metamorphosis hormone ==> 变态激素
- metanephric duct ==> 后肾管
- metanilic acid ==> 间氨基苯磺酸
- metanillic acid ==> 间胺酸
- metaperiodic acid ==> 偏高碘酸
- metaphen solution ==> 梅塔芬液
- metaphorical ==> 隠喩の
- metaphorical expression ==> 隠喩的表現
- metaphorical extension ==> 比喩的拡張
- metaphosphoric acid ==> 偏磷酸=>メタリン酸
- metaphysial artery ==> 干骺端动脉
- metaplasia of glandular epithelium ==> 腺上皮化生
- metaplasia of intestinal epithelium ==> 肠上皮化生
- metaplastic substances ==> 胞浆包涵体
- metaplastic zone ==> 化生区
- metapodal plate ==> 足后板
- metapodal shield ==> 足后板
- metasedimentayr rock ==> 变质沉积岩
- metasilici acid ==> 硅酸
- metasomatic alteration ==> 交代蚀变作用
- metasomatic ore deposit ==> 交代矿床
- metasomatic relict texture ==> 交代残余结构
- metasomatic rock ==> 交代岩
- metasomatic texture ==> 交代结构
- metasomatic vein ==> 交代脉
- Metaspriggina ==> メタスプリジーナ
- metastable ==> 準安定
- metastable alloy ==> 準安定合金
- metastable argon ==> 準安定状態アルゴン
- metastable atom ==> 亚稳原子=>準安定原子
- metastable atomic state ==> 亚稳原子态
- metastable austenite ==> 介稳奥氏体
- metastable cluster ==> 亚稳定(原子)团
- metastable condition ==> 亚稳状态
- metastable decomposition ==> 亚稳分解
- metastable energy level ==> 亚稳态能级
- metastable equation ==> 亚稳态方程
- metastable equilibrium ==> 亚稳定平衡,亚稳平衡,介亚稳平衡
- metastable excitation level ==> 亚稳定激发能级
- metastable intermediate ==> 亚稳中间体
- metastable ion ==> 亚稳定离子,亚稳离子
- metastable ion-peak ==> 亚稳离子峰
- metastable level ==> 亚稳能级
- metastable level jump ==> 亚稳能级跃迁
- metastable limit ==> 亚稳极限
- metastable memory element ==> 亚稳态存储元件
- metastable mineral ==> 准稳定矿物
- metastable nucleus ==> 亚稳核
- metastable peak ==> 亚稳峰,亚稳态峰
- metastable population ==> 亚稳态粒子数
- metastable solution ==> 亚稳溶液
- metastable state ==> 亚稳状态=>準安定状態
- metastable supersaturation ==> 亚稳过饱和
- metastable transition ==> 亚稳过渡
- metastable type ==> 亚稳定型
- metastable-state jump ==> 亚稳态跃迁
- metastable-state transition ==> 亚稳态跃迁
- metastasic electron ==> 移位电子
- metastasis of cancer ==> 癌扩散
- metastatic abscess ==> 流注
- metastatic carcinoma ==> 转移癌,转移性癌
- metastatic carcinoma of bone ==> 骨转移癌
- metastatic carcinoma of choroid ==> 脉络膜转移性癌
- metastatic carcinoma of lung ==> 肺转移性癌
- metastatic carcinoma of mediastinal lymph node ==> 纵隔淋巴结转移癌
- metastatic carcinoma of pleura ==> 胸膜转移癌
- metastatic carcinoma of rib ==> 肋骨转移性癌
- metastatic electron ==> 转移电子
- metastatic multiple calcification ==> 转移性多发性钙化
- metastatic tumor ==> 转移性瘤
- metastatic tumor of bone ==> 骨转移癌
- metastatic tumor of chest wall ==> 胸壁转移性肿瘤
- metastatic tumor of heart ==> 心脏转移性肿瘤
- metastatic tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢转移性肿瘤
- metastatic tumor of spinal cord ==> 脊髓转移瘤
- metasternal plate ==> 胸后板
- metasternal seta ==> 胸后毛
- metasternal shield ==> 胸后板
- metatarsal guard ==> 脚面罩
- metatarsophalangeal joints ==> 跖趾关节
- metathesis ==> 易位,病变移植,置换,置换作用=>音位転移
- metathesis activity ==> メタセシス活性
- metathesis catalyst ==> メタセシス触媒
- metathesis polymerization ==> メタセシス重合
- metathesis reaction ==> メタセシス反応
- metathesis system ==> 複分解系
- metathetical reaction ==> 复分解反应
- metatitanic acid ==> 钛酸,钛酸
- metatungstic acid ==> 偏钨酸
- metavanadic acid ==> 偏钒酸
- metavolcanic rock ==> 变质火山岩
- metayage system ==> 分成制
- Metcalfe's law ==> A network's value grows proportionately to the number of its users squared.
- meteo-burst radio ==> 流星余迹无线电通信系统
- meteor astronomy ==> 流星天文学
- meteor brightness ==> 流星亮度
- meteor echo ==> 流星回波
- meteor flare ==> 流星爆发
- meteor geomagnetic effect ==> 陨星地磁效应
- meteor reflection communication ==> 流星反射通信
- meteor shower ==> 流星雨
- meteor station ==> 流星观测站
- meteor stream ==> 流星群
- meteor trail ==> 流星余迹,离子柱
- meteor trail communication ==> 流星余迹通信
- meteor train ==> 流星余迹
- meteoric apex ==> 流星向点
- meteoric body ==> 流星体
- meteoric collision ==> 流星体碰撞
- meteoric dust ==> 流星尘
- meteoric hypothesis ==> 流星假说
- meteoric ionization ==> 流星电离
- meteoric iron ==> 陨铁
- meteoric material ==> 流星物质
- meteoric matter ==> 流星物质
- meteoric scatter ==> 流星散射
- meteoric shower ==> 陨石雨,流星雨
- meteoric stone ==> 陨石,石陨石
- meteoric stream ==> 陨石群,流星群
- meteoric trail ==> 流星余迹
- meteorite dust ==> 陨星尘
- meteorite hypothesis ==> (太阳系起源)陨星假说
- meteorite matter ==> 陨星物质
- meteorite shower ==> 陨石雨
- meteorites ==> 隕石
- meteoritic abundance ==> 陨石中
- meteoritic astronomy ==> 陨星天文
- meteoritic iron ==> 陨铁
- meteoritic sample ==> 陨石样品
- meteorograph ==> 气象计,气象记录器
- meteorologic acoustics ==> 气象声学
- meteorologic analysis ==> 气象分析
- meteorologic balloon ==> 气象气球
- meteorologic bands ==> 气象频带
- meteorologic broadcast ==> 气象广播
- meteorologic bulletin ==> 气象公报
- meteorologic bureau ==> 气象局
- meteorologic calculus ==> 气象计算
- meteorologic chart ==> 气象图
- meteorologic codes ==> 气象电码
- meteorologic condition ==> 气象条件
- meteorologic correction ==> 气象修正
- meteorologic data center ==> 气象资料中心
- meteorologic datum plane ==> 气象基准平面
- meteorologic disasters ==> 气象灾害
- meteorologic dispersion ==> 气象色散
- meteorologic district ==> 气象区
- meteorologic dynamics ==> 气象动力学
- meteorologic earthquake prediction ==> 气象方法预报地震
- meteorologic effect ==> 气象效应
- meteorologic elements ==> 气象要素
- meteorologic factor ==> 气象因素
- meteorologic information ==> 气象情报
- meteorologic instrument ==> 气象仪器
- meteorologic log book ==> 气象日记簿
- meteorologic map ==> 气象要素图
- meteorologic message ==> 气象通报
- meteorologic minima ==> 气象极小值
- meteorologic model ==> 气象模型
- meteorologic network ==> 气象台站网
- meteorologic noise ==> 气象噪声
- meteorologic observation ==> 气象观测
- meteorologic observation station ==> 气象观测台
- meteorologic observatory ==> 气象台
- meteorologic observer ==> 气象观测员
- meteorologic office ==> 气象站
- meteorologic optics ==> 气象光学
- meteorologic organization ==> 气象组织
- meteorologic parameter ==> 气象参数
- meteorologic phenomena ==> 气象现象
- meteorologic post ==> 气象哨
- meteorologic proverbs ==> 气象谚语
- meteorologic radar ==> 气象雷达
- meteorologic radar station ==> 气象雷达站
- meteorologic range ==> 气象视距
- meteorologic reconnaissance flight ==> 气象侦察飞行
- meteorologic report ==> 气象报告
- meteorologic rocket ==> 气象火箭
- meteorologic rocket network ==> 气象火箭网
- meteorologic service ==> 气象服务
- meteorologic signal ==> 气象信号
- meteorologic society ==> 气象学会
- meteorologic solenoid ==> 气象力管
- meteorologic summary ==> 气象报告
- meteorologic survey ==> 气象测量
- meteorologic symbol ==> 气象符号
- meteorologic table ==> 气象表
- meteorologic telecommunication network ==> 气象电传通信网
- meteorologic telegraph ==> 气象电报
- meteorologic teleprinter network ==> 气象电传打字通信网
- meteorologic tide ==> (气压变化所引起的潮升变化)气象潮
- meteorologic transmission ==> 气象传送
- meteorologic watch office ==> 气象监视台
- meteorologic working chart ==> 气象作业图
- meteorologic yearbook ==> 气象年鉴
- meteorological aids service ==> 気象援助業務
- meteorological aids station ==> 気象援助局
- meteorological aircraft ==> 气象观测飞机
- meteorological equator ==> 热带辐合区
- meteorological frequency bands ==> 气象频带
- meteorological index of production ==> 气候生产指数
- meteorological instrumentation ==> 气象测量仪表
- meteorological laser radar ==> 激光气象雷达
- meteorological map ==> 气象图
- meteorological networks ==> 气象监测网
- meteorological observatory ==> 气象观测所
- meteorological optical range ==> 气象光学视距,气象能见度
- meteorological phenomena ==> 气象
- meteorological rocket ==> 气象探测火箭
- meteorological satellite ==> 气象卫星
- meteorological sounding ==> 气象探测
- meteorological station ==> 气象观测站,气象站,测候站
- meteorological visual range ==> 气象视距
- meteorology ==> 気象学
- meteoropathic reaction ==> (生理)气象反应
- meteorotagical map ==> 气象图
- meteosat dual-channel rediometer ==> 气象卫星双信道辐射计
- METEOSAT, Meteorological Satellite ==> 気象観測衛星
- meter ==> 仪表,量度,米,测量计,表,表头,计器,计数器,测量计
- meter adjusting device ==> 电度表的调整装置
- meter adjusting devices ==> 量表调节装置
- meter ampere ==> 米安=>メートルアンペア
- meter base ==> 电度表的底座
- meter branch ==> 仪表支线
- meter bridge ==> 滑线电桥
- meter cabinet ==> 仪表室,计数器室
- meter calibration ==> 计量器校准,仪表标定
- meter calibration tank ==> 校准槽
- meter candle ==> 米烛,米烛光
- meter case ==> 仪表外壳,电度表的外壳
- meter check ==> 仪表检查
- meter coil ==> 表头线圈
- meter component ==> 末波分量
- meter constant ==> 电能表常数,计量常数,校正常数,仪表常数,计数器常数=>計器定数(積算計器)
- meter correcting factor ==> 仪表校正因数
- meter cover ==> 电度表盖
- meter diagram ==> 仪表图
- meter dial ==> 仪表度盘,仪表刻度,仪表刻度盘,计量器标度盘,表头刻度
- meter disk ==> 电度表圆盘
- meter display ==> 仪表指示
- meter error ==> 仪表误差
- meter factor ==> 仪表校正因数
- meter feeder ==> 饲料计量分送器
- meter for counting number of turns ==> 匝数计量器
- meter frame ==> 电度表基架
- meter glass ==> 刻度烧杯
- meter hand ==> 仪表指针
- meter horsepower ==> 米制马力
- meter housing ==> 仪表壳
- meter in ==> 进油节流
- meter key ==> 计数器电键
- meter ladle ==> 定量浇包
- meter lamp ==> 仪表指示灯,记录器指示灯
- meter leather ==> (无漏孔性)仪表皮革
- meter loss ==> 仪表显示损耗,表头损耗
- meter losses ==> 仪表损耗
- meter mercury column(unit of pressure) ==> 米汞柱
- meter movement ==> 仪表的测量机构
- meter multiplier ==> 仪表量程倍增器,测量仪表扩程器
- meter needle ==> 仪表指针
- meter needle type globe valves ==> 仪表针形截止阀
- meter noise ==> 仪表噪声
- meter number ==> 仪表编号
- meter oil ==> 仪表油,计量器用油
- meter out ==> 回油节流
- meter panel ==> 仪表盘
- meter protection circuit ==> 仪表用保护电路,表头保护电路
- meter pulsing signal ==> 課金信号
- meter rack ==> 仪表架
- meter range ==> 表头量程
- meter rate ==> 电表计费率=>従量料金制
- meter reading ==> 计数器读数,仪表读数
- meter regulator ==> 计量器
- meter relay ==> 记录继电器=>メータ継電器
- meter rule ==> 米尺
- meter run ==> 仪表长度
- meter sabin ==> 米赛宾
- meter scale ==> 米尺,表头刻度,表头刻度仪表标度
- meter scale switch ==> 量程开关
- meter screw ==> 公制螺纹
- meter sense ==> 表头读数
- meter sensitivity ==> 仪表灵敏度
- meter series ==> 公制系列
- meter set ==> 仪器调节
- meter shunt ==> 仪表分流
- meter spanner for force moment ==> 表式测力矩扳手
- meter switch ==> 仪表开关,仪表转换开关
- meter transformer ==> 仪表用变压器,电表用互感器
- meter type ==> 电能表型式
- meter unit ==> 表头部件
- meter voltage ==> 计器电压
- meter water column(unit of pressure) ==> 米水柱
- meter wave ==> メートル波
- meter wheel ==> 测量轮
- meter wire ==> 计数器引线
- meter with demand indicator ==> 带最高需量指示器积算表
- meter with maximum demand recorder ==> 最大需量电能表,带最大需量记录器积算表
- meter zero adjustment circuit ==> 表头零位调整电路
- meter(ing) relay ==> 计数继电器
- meter(ing) system ==> 记录制
- meter-ampere ==> 米安培
- meter-candle-second ==> 米烛光秒
- meter-gram resistivity ==> メートルグラム抵抗率
- meter-in circuit ==> 入口节流式回路
- meter-kilogramsecond system ==> 米千克秒制
- meter-out circuit ==> 出口节流式回路
- meter-out system ==> 出口节流系统
- meter-pump ==> 计数泵
- meter-rate ==> 电表计费率
- meter-ton-second units ==> 米吨秒单位制
- meter-type relay ==> 电流计式继电器,仪表式继电器,仪表型继电器
- meterage ==> 量表使用费,计量
- metered flow of oil ==> 配量油流
- metered lubrication ==> 计量润滑
- metered orifice ==> 计量孔
- metered value ==> A measured electrical quantity that may be ovserved through telemetering, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), or other means.
- metered valve ==> 量阀
- metered-leak method ==> 计量器计量漏率法
- metergasis ==> 机能变化,机能性变化
- metergoline ==> 麦角苄酯
- metergy ==> 机能变化
- metering ==> 计量,测量方法, The methods of applying devices that measure and register the amount and direction of electrical quantities with respect to time.
- metering (fixed-displacement) pump ==> 定量泵
- metering (gauging) device ==> 计量装置
- metering auger ==> 计量螺旋,配量螺旋
- metering band ==> 计量卷尺
- metering basis balancing ==> メータ同量
- metering block ==> 配量阀组
- metering chamber ==> 按量分配室
- metering characteristics of nozzle ==> 喷管流量特性
- metering circuit ==> 仪表电路
- metering contact ==> 测量触点
- metering control ==> 排种装置调节器,定量调节器
- metering device ==> 量器,配量装置,计量仪表
- metering equipment ==> 测量仪表,测量装置,量度仪器=>計量装置
- metering error ==> 测量误差
- metering function ==> 限流作用
- metering hole ==> 限流孔,定径校准孔,计量孔
- metering installation ==> 计量装置
- metering jet ==> 测油孔,量嘴,限流嘴,限油喷嘴
- metering jet plug ==> 测油孔塞
- metering line ==> 计测控制线
- metering management system ==> 计量管理系统
- metering needle ==> 调节针
- metering needle valve ==> 针芯调节阀
- metering nozzle ==> 定径喷嘴
- metering orifice ==> 测流口
- metering outfit ==> 电表用变压变流=>計器用変圧変流器
- metering performance ==> 计量性能
- metering pin ==> 定径销,量油杆
- metering pin carburetor ==> 针塞式汽化器
- metering pin valve ==> 调节针阀
- metering plug ==> 计量孔塞,计量塞
- metering point ==> 計量点
- metering pulse ==> 计费脉冲
- metering pump ==> 计量泵,限量泵
- metering pump,diaphragm ==> 膜式计量泵
- metering relay ==> 计数继电器
- metering rod ==> 液位量杆,量油杆
- metering screw ==> 计量螺旋
- metering section ==> 计量剖面
- metering system ==> 测试装置=>登算方式
- metering technique ==> 干涉测量法
- metering valve ==> 配量阀
- metering wheel ==> 草捆长度控制轮
- metering-in control system ==> 进入控制系统
- metering-out control system ==> 出口节流调速式,出线控制系统
- meterman ==> 仪表调整者
- meterological satellite ==> 気象衛星
- meterpanel ==> 仪表板
- meterproving tank ==> 校准箱
- meters per second (MPS) ==> 每秒公尺数
- metestrus bleeding ==> 发情后出血
- methacholine chloride ==> 氯化乙酰甲胆碱
- methacrylate ==> 异丁烯酸
- methacrylate ester ==> 甲基丙烯酸酯
- methacrylic acid ==> 异丁烯酸=>メタクリル酸
- methacrylic acid benzyl ester ==> メタクリル酸ベンジル
- methacrylic acid content ==> メタクリル酸含有量
- methacrylic acid copolymer ==> メタクリル酸共重合体
- methacrylic acid derivative ==> メタクリル酸誘導体
- methacrylic ester ==> 异丁烯酸酯
- methallyl alcohol ==> 甲代烯丙醇
- methamidophos ==> 多灭磷,甲胺磷=>メタミドホス
- methanation ==> メタネーション
- methane ==> 甲烷,沼气,瓦斯=>メタン
- methane accumulation ==> 瓦斯积聚
- methane bacteria ==> 甲烷细菌
- methane blower ==> 瓦斯泄出
- methane determination ==> 沼气测定
- methane dioxide ==> 二氧甲烷
- methane drainage ==> 排放瓦斯
- methane emission ==> 沼气泄出
- methane fermentation reaction ==> メタン発酵反応
- methane fuelled engine ==> 沼气发动机
- methane hydrate ==> 甲烷水合物,可燃冰=>メタンハイドレート,メタン水和物
- methane layering ==> 瓦斯分层
- methane liberation ==> 沼气放出
- methane monitoring system ==> 瓦斯监控系统
- methane outburst ==> 沼气喷出
- methane phone ==> 沼气报警铃
- methane pocket ==> 沼气包
- methane recorder ==> 瓦斯记录器
- methane series ==> 烷系
- methane sulfonate phentolamine ==> 甲磺酸酚安拉明
- methane sulfonyl chloride ==> 甲烷磺酰氯,氯化磺酰甲烷,氯化硫酰甲烷
- methane tank ==> 沼气池
- methane tester ==> 沼气测定器
- methane-disulfonic acid ==> 甲二磺酸
- methane-oxidizing bacteria ==> 甲烷氧化菌
- methane-stabilized laser ==> 甲烷稳频激光器
- methanearsonic acid ==> 甲胂酸银
- methanearsonic acid (MAA) ==> 甲基胂酸
- methanedicarbonic acid ==> 丙二酸
- methanedicarboxylic acid ==> 丙二酸
- methanesulfonic acid ==> 甲磺酸,甲基磺酸
- methanol ==> メタノール
- methanol air battery ==> 甲醇空气燃料电池
- methanol engine ==> メタノールエンジン
- methanol poisoning ==> 甲醇中毒
- methanol-fired thermal power ==> メタノール発電
- methantheline bromide ==> 溴本辛,溴本辛
- methapyrilene hydrochloride ==> 美舍吡伦,希司塔地尔
- methe namine mandelate ==> 曼德拉明
- methemoglobin producting agent ==> 高铁血红蛋白形成剂
- methemoglobin reduction system ==> 高铁血红蛋白还原系统
- methemoglobin reduction test ==> 高铁血红蛋白还原试验,正铁血红蛋白还原试验
- methenamine mandelate ==> 孟德立胺,杏仁酸乌洛托品
- methenyl bromide ==> 三溴甲烷
- methenyl chloride ==> 三氯甲烷
- methicillin sodium ==> 二甲氧苯青霉素钠,2,6-二甲氧基苯基青霉素钠
- methine and polymethine colouring matters ==> 次甲基和多次甲基染料
- methiodal sodium ==> 碘甲磺钠
- methionic acid ==> 亚甲基二磺酸,甲二磺酸
- methionine deficiency ==> 蛋氨酸缺乏
- methionine transfer RNA ==> 甲硫氨酸转移核糖核酸
- methionine tRNA transfomylase ==> 甲硫氨酰转移核糖核酸转甲酰基酶
- methionyl lysyl bradykinin ==> 甲二磺酰赖氨酰缓激肽
- methionyl transadenosylase ==> 甲硫氨酸激酶,甲硫氨酸转腺苷基酶
- method ==> 手段,法,方法,梯温法=>方法
- method analysis ==> 方法研究
- method by inversion ==> 逆点法
- method by trial ==> 试合法
- method engineer ==> 方法工程师
- method for analysis of water quality ==> 水质分析法
- method for arbitration ==> 判优法
- method for capillary blood pressure ==> 毛细管血压测定法
- method for hydrogen ion concentration ==> 氢离子浓度测定法
- method for individual price setting ==> 个别计价法=>個別価格設定方法
- method for measuring ==> 测定的方法
- method for repairs and component replacement ==> 部件修理法
- method improvement ==> 方法的改进
- method of a given deviation ==> 给定偏差法
- method of access ==> 存取法,访问法
- method of addition ==> 增量法
- method of adjustment ==> 配合法
- method of agreement ==> 契合法
- method of analysis of variance ==> 方差分析法
- method of analytic smoothing ==> 解析修匀法
- method of antithetic variable ==> 对偶变量法
- method of application ==> 施用方式
- method of approach ==> 渐近法,逐渐趋近法
- method of approximation ==> 近似法
- method of attachment ==> 连接方法
- method of attributes ==> 属性检验法
- method of average ==> 统计法,平均法
- method of average ratios to trend ==> 趋势平均比率法
- method of averaging observation ==> 平均观察法
- method of backward intersection ==> 后方交会法
- method of birth control ==> 节育方法
- method of bisection ==> 对分法
- method of bisectors ==> 二等分线法
- method of calibration ==> 校验方法
- method of centre charging ==> 中心装料法
- method of characteristic curves ==> 特征线法
- method of chemical treatment ==> 化学处理法
- method of clustering ==> 聚类分析方法,聚类分析方法
- method of clustering center ==> 聚合中心法,聚合中心法
- method of coils with ruled surfaces ==> 可控表面线圈法
- method of coincidence ==> 重合读数法,切拍法,符合法
- method of column analogy ==> 柱比法
- method of comparative statics ==> 比较静态方法
- method of comparision spectra ==> 比较光谱法
- method of comparison ==> 比较法
- method of compensation ==> 补整法
- method of conformal mapping ==> 等角写像法
- method of constant deviation ==> 恒偏法
- method of construction ==> 施工法=>工法
- method of continuous exponential smoothing ==> 连续指数修匀法
- method of control ==> 控制方法
- method of control sample ==> 控制试样法
- method of controlling the source for taxation ==> 控制税源征税办法
- method of critical levels ==> 临界水平法
- method of data reference ==> 数据引用方法
- method of decocting drugs ==> 煎药法
- method of depreciation ==> 折旧方法
- method of description ==> 描述法
- method of detached coefficients ==> 分离系数法
- method of detection ==> 探伤方法
- method of determining yield by volume ==> 材积法
- method of development ==> 展开法
- method of difference ==> 可变差异法
- method of diffusion index ==> 扩散指数法
- method of direct deflections ==> 直接偏转法
- method of direction observation ==> 方向观测法
- method of distribution ==> 分配法
- method of division into groups ==> 分组法,分组平差法
- method of double differences ==> 重差法
- method of economic calculation ==> 经济核算方法,经济核算方法
- method of elastic center ==> 弹性中心法
- method of elastic weights ==> 弹性荷载法
- method of electrostatic analogy ==> 静电比拟法,静电比拟法
- method of eliminating block effects ==> 消除区组效应法
- method of elimination ==> 淘汰法
- method of entasis ==> 收分法
- method of equal coefficient ==> 等系数方法
- method of equal coefficients ==> 等系数法
- method of erection ==> 安装方法
- method of estimation ==> 估计法
- method of examination of urinary protein ==> 尿蛋白检查法
- method of exchange of members ==> 构杆交换法
- method of exhausion ==> 積尽法
- method of exhaustion ==> 穷举法
- method of extensional abstraction ==> 外延抽象方法
- method of extrapolation ==> 外推法
- method of feeding ==> 供料方法
- method of fictitious loads ==> 假设载荷法
- method of field computation ==> 電界計算法
- method of finite difference ==> 差分法
- method of food preservation ==> 食品保存方法
- method of fractional steps ==> 分步法
- method of frost protection ==> 防霜法
- method of Fubini ==> フビニの方法
- method of galvanic corrosion test for metallic ship materials ==> 船用金属材料电偶腐蚀试验方法
- method of grafting ==> 嫁接法
- method of graphic analysis ==> 图解分析法
- method of graphic rating scale ==> 图解评价量表法
- method of grouping ==> 分组法
- method of high-frequency photoconductivity ==> 高频光电导法
- method of homologous line pair ==> 均称线对法,均称线对法
- method of images ==> 镜像法,镜像法
- method of inbred-variety cross ==> 顶交法
- method of induction ==> 归纳法
- method of inspection ==> 检验法
- method of installation ==> 安装方法
- method of interpolation ==> 插值法
- method of inversion ==> 反演法
- method of ion collection ==> 离子收集法
- method of isocline ==> 等倾法
- method of isoclines ==> 等傾法
- method of iteration ==> 迭代法
- method of joint ==> 节点法
- method of karyotype analysis ==> 核型分析方法
- method of lagrange multipliers ==> 拉格朗日乘子法
- method of lattice ==> 网格法
- method of leading variable ==> 引入变量法
- method of least squares ==> 最小二乘法,最小平方法=>最小自乗法
- method of limits ==> 极限法
- method of linearization ==> 线性化法
- method of link relatives ==> 链环指数法
- method of majorants ==> 優級数法
- method of maximum likelihood ==> 最佳相似法,极大拟然法
- method of mean value ==> 均值法,均值法
- method of measurement ==> 测量方法
- method of measuring potential ==> 测电位法
- method of minimum square ==> 最小二乘法
- method of mixture ==> 混合法
- method of molding ==> 模塑法
- method of moment ==> 矩法,矩法
- method of movement ==> 运动法
- method of moving arithmetic average ==> 移动算术平均法
- method of moving averages ==> 移动平均法
- method of moving geometric average ==> 移动几何平均法
- method of multiplexing ==> 多工法
- method of nondestructive inspection ==> 无损探伤法
- method of nuclear recoil ==> 核反冲法
- method of objective refraction ==> 他觉验光法
- method of one probe spreading resistance ==> 单探针扩展电阻法
- method of opening ==> 开拓方法
- method of operation ==> 操作方法,经营方法,经营方法,运行方式,运转方法,工作规范
- method of opposability ==> 冲日法
- method of order reducing ==> 降阶法
- method of overlapping maps ==> 重叠图法
- method of pairing arrangement ==> 对比法排列
- method of palpation ==> 触诊方法
- method of passive immunity ==> 被动免疫法
- method of persistent graph ==> 持续曲线法
- method of perturbation ==> 扰动法,摄动法
- method of photometric interpolation ==> 光度插入法
- method of plane mean value ==> 平面平均值法
- method of plotting position ==> 定位法
- method of plotting positions ==> 定点法
- method of point rating ==> 评分法
- method of powder preparation ==> 粉末制备法
- method of precipitation ==> 沉淀法
- method of prediction ==> 预报法
- method of preliminary vegetative approachment ==> 预先无性接近法
- method of preservation ==> 保存方法
- method of prevent floods by water control ==> 治水措施
- method of price of last purchase ==> 最终购入价格法
- method of procedure ==> 程序法
- method of producing a new tree ==> 生产新树的方法
- method of progressive hand ==> 连续手动方法
- method of projection ==> 投影法
- method of proportional computation ==> 比例计算法
- method of purification ==> 净化法,净化法,提纯方法
- method of quadrature ==> 求积分法
- method of quantitative analysis ==> 定量分析法
- method of random sampling ==> 随机抽样法
- method of redundant reaction ==> 超静定反力法
- method of reinforcement and reduction ==> 补泻法
- method of relaxation ==> 松弛法
- method of repeated smoothing ==> 反复修匀法
- method of repetition ==> 复测法
- method of residue(s) ==> 剩余法
- method of residues ==> 留数法,扣除法
- method of resultant ==> 归纳法,联解法
- method of reverse osmosis ==> 反渗透法
- method of river diversion ==> 导流方法
- method of rotation ==> 转动法
- method of sample enlargement ==> 样本扩大法
- method of sampling ==> 采样方法
- method of secondary grouping ==> 二次分组法
- method of section ==> 断面法
- method of seismic prospecting ==> 地震勘探法
- method of selected points ==> 选点法
- method of separate joint displacement ==> 节点移位法
- method of separation of variable ==> 变数分离法
- method of separation of variables ==> 変数分離法
- method of settling accounts ==> 结算方式
- method of side charging ==> 侧边装料法
- method of small parameter ==> 小参数法
- method of smelting ==> 熔炼法
- method of solving equation ==> 解方程法
- method of specific gravity ==> 比重法
- method of specific heat ==> 比热法
- method of starting ==> 起动方法
- method of statistical analysis ==> 统计分析法
- method of statistical survey ==> 统计调查法
- method of steady graph ==> 固定曲线法
- method of stripping ==> 剥落法
- method of subjective refraction ==> 主觉验光法
- method of substitution ==> 替代法
- method of successive approximation ==> 逐步近似法
- method of successive comparison ==> 逐次比较法=>逐次比較法
- method of successive conjugates ==> 逐次共轭法
- method of successive corrections ==> 连续校正法
- method of successive displacement ==> 逐次置换法
- method of successive division ==> 辗转相除法
- method of successive elimination ==> 逐次消去法
- method of successive generations ==> 逐代法
- method of successive interval ==> 毗连区间法
- method of successive itration ==> 逐次代入法
- method of successive substitution ==> 逐次代换法
- method of summation ==> 求和法
- method of superposition ==> 叠加法
- method of superposition (supposition) ==> 叠加法
- method of supplemental manure ==> 补肥法
- method of sweeping out ==> 括去法
- method of symmetrical components ==> 対称座標法
- method of symmetrical coordinates ==> 对称坐标法=>対称座標法
- method of synthesis ==> 综合法
- method of tagged ==> 标记方法
- method of tangent offsets ==> 切线支距法
- method of telemetering ==> 遥测方法
- method of testing ==> 试验法
- method of testing materials ==> 材料试验方法
- method of testing shaft alignment ==> 假轴找中法
- method of three planes ==> 三平面法
- method of three standard samples ==> 三标准试样法
- method of three-moment ==> 三力矩法
- method of tillage ==> 耕作方法
- method of time measurement ==> 时间计量方法
- method of trial ==> 试探法
- method of trial and error ==> 试凑法
- method of trials and errors ==> 试探法,逐步逼近法,尝试法
- method of truncation ==> 舍项法
- method of two stage least squares ==> 两段最小平方法
- method of unconstrained optimization ==> 非约束最佳法
- method of undetermined coefficients ==> 待定系数法
- method of variation of parameters ==> 参数变分法
- method of vegetative approachment ==> 无性接近法
- method of vibration cavitation erosion test ==> 振动空蚀试验方法
- method of virtual displacement ==> 虚位移法
- method of virtual work ==> 虚功法
- method of weighted mean ==> 加权平均法=>加重平均法
- method of weighted residual ==> 加权残差法
- method of weighting ==> 权重法
- method standard ==> 方法标准
- method study ==> 操作方法分析
- method time measurement ==> 操作方法时间测量
- method-time data ==> 方法-时间数据
- methodical ==> 整然とした,組織的な
- methodical activity ==> 組織的活動
- methodical approach ==> 系統的アプローチ
- methodical arrangement ==> 系統的整理
- methodological analysis ==> 方法论的分析
- methodological framework ==> 方法论体系
- methodology ==> 方法论,方法学,分类研究法,操作法=>方法論,手順,やり方,手口
- methodology analysis ==> 手法解析
- methodology behind the report ==> 報告書の方法論
- methodology development ==> 方法論開発
- methodology for calculating ==> 計算する方法
- methodology for integrating ==> 統合する方法
- methods analysis chart ==> 方法分析图
- methods analysis specification ==> 方法分析说明
- methods department ==> 方法部门
- methods employed ==> (市场调查报告)使用方法
- methods engineering department ==> 方法工程部门
- methods for handling imports ==> 进口产品的处理办法
- methods for hippuric acid assay ==> 马尿酸测定法
- Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials ==> 《水及相关物料试验方法》
- methods of estimating soil organic phosphate ==> 测定土壤的有机磷方法
- methods of fabrication ==> 制造方法
- methods of plant breeding ==> 作物育种法
- methods of seedbed preparation and cultivation ==> 苗床的准备方法和栽培
- methods of sesame cultivation ==> 芝麻栽培法
- methods of soil tillage ==> 土壤耕作方法
- methods of threshing ==> 脱粒方法
- methods simplification ==> 方法简单化
- methods study ==> 方法研究
- methods-time standard ==> 方法-时间标准
- methohexital sodium ==> 烯丙炔巴比妥钠
- methohexitone sodium ==> 烯丙炔巴比妥钠
- methoin tablets ==> 甲妥英片
- methorphinan hydrobromide ==> 氢溴酸甲羟吗啡喃
- methoxamine hydrochloride ==> 盐酸甲氧胺
- methoxy coniferyl alcohol ==> 甲氧松柏醇
- methoxyambenonium chlor-ide ==> 美安贝氯铵
- methoxybenzyl chloride ==> 甲氧基氯化苄
- methoxyethylmercury chloride ==> 西力生
- methoxyethylmercury silicate ==> (杀菌药)灭菌硅
- methoxyl group ==> 甲氧基
- methoxyphenamine hydrochloride ==> 喘咳宁
- methscopolamine bromide ==> 溴化甲基东莨菪碱,溴化甲基东莨菪碱
- methyl ==> 甲烷基
- methyl 2-ethoxyethanol ==> 甲基溶纤剂
- methyl abietate ==> 松香酸甲酯
- methyl acetate ==> 乙酸甲酯
- methyl acetate poisoning ==> 甲基醋酸盐中毒
- methyl acetic acid ==> 乙基甲基乙酸
- methyl acetoacetate ==> 乙酰乙酸甲酯
- methyl acetophenone methyl tolyl ketone ==> 甲基苯乙酮
- methyl acetyl-salicylate ==> 乙酰水杨酸甲酯
- methyl acetylene ==> 丙炔
- methyl acid phosphate ==> 甲基磷酸
- methyl acrylate ==> 丙烯酸甲酯,丙烯酸酯
- methyl adenine ==> 甲基腺嘌呤
- methyl alcoh(ol) ==> 甲醇
- methyl alcohol ==> 甲醇,木精,木醇=>メチルアルコール
- methyl alcohol extract residue ==> 甲醇提取物残留物
- methyl alcohol poisoning ==> 甲醇中毒
- methyl alcohol synthetic reactor ==> 甲醇合成塔
- methyl allyl alcohol ==> 甲代烯丙醇
- methyl allyl chloride ==> 甲基烯丙基氯
- methyl amidophenol ==> 茴香胺
- methyl aminoacetate ==> 氨基乙酸甲酸
- methyl amphetamine ==> 甲基苯丙胺
- methyl amyl acetate ==> 乙酸甲代戊基酯
- methyl anthranilate ==> 邻胺基苯甲酸甲酯,氨茴酸甲酯
- methyl arachidate ==> 花生酸甲酯
- methyl atropine ==> 甲基颠茄碱
- methyl azoxymethanol ==> 甲基氧化偶氮甲醇
- methyl benzene sulfonate ==> 苯磺酸甲酯
- methyl benzilate ==> 二苯乙醇酸甲酯
- methyl benzoate niobe oil ==> 苯甲酸甲酯
- methyl benzoylacetate ==> 苯甲酰乙酸甲酯
- methyl benzoylsalicylate ==> 苯甲酰水杨酸甲酯
- methyl benzylketone ==> 苯基丙酮
- methyl blue ==> 甲基蓝
- methyl borate ==> 硼酸甲酯,硼酸三甲酯
- methyl brange ==> 金莲橙D
- methyl bromide ==> 溴甲烷,溴化甲烷=>臭化メチル
- methyl bromide fumigation ==> 溴甲烷熏蒸=>臭化メチル燻蒸
- methyl bromide poisoning ==> 溴甲烷中毒,溴甲烷中毒,甲基溴中毒
- methyl butyrate ==> 丁酸甲酯
- methyl caprate ==> 癸酸甲酯
- methyl caproate ==> 己酸甲酯
- methyl carbamate ==> 氨基甲酸甲酯
- methyl carbamic ==> 甲基甲氨酸
- methyl carbazole ==> 甲基卡唑
- methyl carbonate ==> 碳酸甲酯
- methyl catechol ==> 愈创木酚,甲基儿茶酚
- methyl cellosolve ==> 甲基溶纤剂
- methyl cellulose ==> 甲基纤维素,纤维素甲醚
- methyl chavicol ==> 甲基胡椒酚,草蒿脑
- methyl chlorethyl-cyclohexyl-nitrosourea ==> 甲基环己亚硝脲
- methyl chloride ==> 甲基氯,氯代甲烷,氯甲烷
- methyl chloroacetate ==> 氯乙酸甲酯
- methyl chlorofluoride ==> 二氟二氯甲烷
- methyl chloroform ==> 甲基氯仿
- methyl chlorosulfonate ==> 氯磺酸甲酯
- methyl chlorothiazide ==> 甲基氯噻嗪
- methyl cholanthrene ==> 甲胆蒽,甲基胆蒽
- methyl cinnamate ==> 肉桂酸甲酯
- methyl cinnamic acid ==> 甲基肉桂酸
- methyl cobalamin ==> 甲基钴胺素
- methyl cobalamine ==> 甲基钴维生素
- methyl crotonate ==> 巴豆酸甲酯
- methyl cyanide ==> 甲基氰,乙脲
- methyl cyanoacetate ==> 氰基乙酸甲酯
- methyl cyclohexane ==> 甲基环己烷
- methyl cyclohexanol ==> 甲基环己醇
- methyl cyclopentane ==> 甲基环戊烷
- methyl decanoate ==> 癸酸甲酯
- methyl dichloroacetate ==> 二氯乙酸甲酯
- methyl diethano lamine ==> 甲基二乙醇胺
- methyl dioxolane ==> 甲基二恶戊烷
- methyl dipterex ==> 甲基敌百虫
- methyl disulfide ==> 二硫化甲基=>二硫化メチル
- methyl eicosanoate ==> 花生酸甲酯
- methyl eosin ==> 甲基曙红
- methyl ephedrine ==> 甲基麻黄素
- methyl erysodine ==> 甲基刺桐定碱
- methyl ester ==> 甲酯,甲醚,二甲醚
- methyl ether ==> 甲醚,二甲醚
- methyl ethyl glyoxal ==> 乙酰丙酰
- methyl ethyl ketone ==> 甲基乙基酮
- methyl ethylacetic acid ==> 甲基乙醋酸
- methyl ethylene glycol ==> 丙二醇
- methyl fluoride ==> 氟甲基
- methyl fumaric acid ==> 中康酸
- methyl furoate ==> 糠酸甲酯
- methyl GAG ==> 丙酮双脒腙
- methyl glucosamine ==> 甲基葡糖苷
- methyl glucoside ==> 甲基葡糖苷,甲基甙
- methyl glycerate ==> 甘油酸甲酯
- methyl glycol ==> 丙二醇
- methyl green ==> 甲基绿
- methyl green pyronin stain ==> 甲基绿派洛宁染剂
- methyl green-pyronin method ==> 甲基绿-派若宁法
- methyl green-pyronin staining ==> 甲基绿-派若宁染色
- methyl guanidine acetic acid ==> 肌酸
- methyl guanine ==> 甲基鸟嘌呤
- Methyl guthion ==> 谷硫磷
- methyl heptanoate ==> 庚酸甲酯
- methyl hesperidine ==> 甲基橙皮甙
- methyl hexadecanoate ==> 棕榈酸甲酯
- methyl hexenone ==> 甲基己烯酮
- methyl hexyl ketone ==> 甲基己基甲酮
- methyl homatropine bromide ==> 溴甲基后马托品,溴甲基后马托品
- methyl hydrazine ==> 甲基肼
- methyl hydride ==> 甲烷
- methyl hypochlorite ==> 次氯酸甲酯
- methyl indol ==> 甲基吲哚
- methyl iodide ==> 碘代烷,碘甲烷
- methyl isobutyl carbinol acetate ==> 乙酸甲代戊基酯
- methyl isobutyrate ==> 异丁酸甲酯
- methyl isocyanate ==> 异氰酸甲酯
- methyl isocyanurate ==> 异氰尿酸甲酯
- methyl isoeugenol ==> 异丁子香酚甲酯
- methyl isopropyl bromallyl barbituric acid ==> 甲异丙基溴丙烯巴比妥酸
- methyl isovalerate ==> 异戊酸甲酯
- methyl lactate ==> 乳酸甲酯
- methyl laurate ==> 月桂酸甲酯
- methyl linoleate ==> 亚油酸甲酸
- methyl maleic acid ==> 柠康酸
- methyl mercapto ==> 甲硫基
- methyl myristate ==> 肉豆蔻酸甲酯
- methyl n-butprate ==> 丁酸甲酯
- methyl n-caprate ==> 癸酸甲酯
- methyl nicotinate ==> 烟酸甲酯
- methyl nonanoate ==> 壬酸甲酯
- methyl nonyl ketone ==> 甲基壬基甲酮
- methyl oleate ==> 油酸甲酯
- methyl orange ==> 甲基橙=>メチル・オレンジ
- methyl orange test paper ==> 甲基橙试纸
- methyl orthophosphoric acid ==> 甲基磷酸
- methyl p-aminobenzoate ==> 对氨基苯甲酸甲酯
- methyl p-hydroxybenzoate ==> 对羟基苯甲酸甲酯
- methyl p-methoxybenzoate ==> 对甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯
- methyl p-nitrobenzoate ==> 对硝基苯甲酸乙酯
- methyl palmitate ==> 棕榈酸甲酯
- methyl para-cresol ==> 对甲酚甲醚
- methyl parathion ==> 甲基1605,甲基对硫磷
- methyl parathion poisoning ==> 甲基对硫磷中毒
- methyl pelargonate ==> 壬酸甲酯
- methyl pentose ==> 甲基戊糖
- methyl phenol ==> 甲酚,甲氧甲酚
- methyl phenyl acetate ==> 苯乙酸甲酯
- methyl phenyl ketone ==> 甲基苯丙酮
- methyl phenylethyl hydantoin ==> 麦山妥英
- methyl propenyl ketone ==> 亚乙基丙酮
- methyl propionate ==> 丙酸甲酯
- methyl purine ==> 甲基嘌呤
- methyl pyruvate ==> 丙酮酸甲酯
- methyl radical ==> 甲基
- methyl red ==> 甲红
- methyl red phenol-phthalein ==> 甲基红酚酞
- methyl red test ==> 甲基红试验
- methyl ricinoleate ==> 蓖麻醇酸甲酯
- methyl salicylate ==> 冬绿油,水杨酸甲酯
- methyl silicate ==> 硅酸甲酯
- methyl silicone resin ==> 聚甲基硅酮树脂,聚甲基硅酮树脂
- methyl stearate ==> 硬脂酸甲酯
- methyl styryl ketone ==> 苄叉丙酮
- methyl sulfate ==> 硫酸二甲酯
- methyl sulfide ==> 二甲硫,甲硫醚,硫化甲基=>硫化メチル
- methyl sulfoxide ==> 甲基亚砜
- methyl systox ==> 甲基内吸磷
- methyl systox poisoning ==> 甲基内吸磷中毒
- methyl testosterone ==> 甲基睾丸素
- methyl tetradecanoate ==> 肉豆蔻酸甲酯
- methyl toluidine ==> 二甲基苯胺
- methyl trihydroxy fluorene ==> 甲基三羟基芴
- methyl umbelliferone dye laser ==> 甲基分散形酮染料激光器
- methyl uracil ==> 5-甲基尿嘧啶
- methyl violet ==> 甲紫,五甲基副品红
- methyl xanthine ==> 甲基黄嘌呤
- methyl yellow ==> 甲黄,甲基黄
- methyl(group) ==> 甲基
- methyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-1-methylnicotinate ==> 槟榔碱
- methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylate ==> 氯甲丹
- methyl-4-aminobenzene sulfonyl-carbamate ==> 甲基-4-氨基苯磺酰基氨基甲酸酯
- methyl-carbithionic acid ==> 二硫代乙酸
- methyl-hydrazine-sulfonic acid ==> 磺酸甲肼
- methyl-inositol ==> 甲基肌醇
- methyl-isorhodanate ==> 异硫氰酸甲酯
- methyl-methacrylate ==> 有机玻璃
- methyl-oxalacetic ester ==> 草酰乙酸酯
- methyl-p-aminophenol ==> 甲基对氨基苯酚
- methyl-p-aminophenol sulfate ==> 米吐尔
- methyl-phenoxide ==> 苯甲醚
- methyl-rubber ==> 甲基橡胶
- methyl-sulfoxide ==> 二甲亚砜
- methylacetal ==> 醋酮
- methylacetopyranone ==> 脱氢乙酸
- methylacetylene ==> 甲基乙炔
- methylacryloyl-CoA ==> 甲基丙烯酰辅酶A
- methyladenosyl transferase ==> 甲基腺苷转移酶
- methylal ==> 甲醛缩二甲醇,甲缩醛,二醛缩二甲醇
- methylamine ==> 甲胺
- methylaminoheptane ==> 甲庚胺
- methylaniline ==> 甲苯胺,甲基苯胺
- methylaniline blue correcting test ==> 甲苯胺蓝纠正试验
- methylase ==> 甲基酶
- methylaspirin ==> 乙酰水杨酸甲酯
- methylate ==> 甲醇盐
- methylated alcohol ==> 变性酒精,变质酒精
- methylated spirit ==> 变质酒精
- methylation ==> 甲基化作用
- methylbenzene ==> 甲苯
- methylbenzoylecgonine ==> 可卡因
- methylbromide ==> 甲基溴
- methylbutyry C-CoA ==> 甲基丁酰辅酶A
- methylchloroformate ==> 氯甲酸甲酯
- methylcholine iodide ==> 碘甲胆碱
- methylclofenapate ==> 降脂联苯
- methylcodeine hydrobromide ==> 氢溴酸甲基可待因
- methylcrotonic acid ==> 甲基巴豆酸
- methylcystein ==> 甲基胞嘧啶
- methylcysteinase ==> 甲基半脱氨酸酶
- methylcytidine ==> 甲基胞苷,甲野靛硷
- methylcytidylic acid ==> 甲基胞苷酸
- methylcytisine ==> 甲基金雀花碱
- methyldeoxyadenylic acid ==> 甲胞嘧啶
- methyldihydroxypentanoic acid ==> 甲基二羟戊酸
- methyldihydroxyvaleric acid ==> 甲基二羟戊酸
- methyldiphenhydramine ==> 对甲苯海明
- methyldiphenyl ==> 甲基二苯
- methyldopa ==> 甲基多巴,爱道美
- methylene ==> 甲叉,甲烯,亚甲基
- methylene aniline ==> 亚甲基氨苯
- methylene blue ==> 亚甲基蓝,亚甲蓝,美蓝,次甲基蓝,次甲蓝,甲烯蓝,碱性亚甲蓝
- methylene blue absorption ==> 亚甲蓝吸收
- methylene blue active substance ==> 亚甲蓝活性物质
- methylene blue method ==> 亚甲蓝法
- methylene blue number ==> 亚甲蓝值
- methylene blue reduction test ==> 美蓝还原试验
- methylene blue resin method ==> 美蓝树脂法
- methylene blue test ==> 亚甲基蓝试验
- methylene blueeosin staining method ==> 美蓝伊红染色法
- methylene bridge ==> 亚甲桥
- methylene bromide ==> 二溴甲烷,甲叉二溴,甲烯溴
- methylene chloride ==> 甲叉二氯,二氯甲烷
- methylene chlormadinone acetate ==> 次甲基氯地孕酮
- methylene dianiline ==> 亚甲基双苯胺
- methylene dichloride ==> 二氯甲烷
- methylene dicotoin ==> 亚甲醛二可土树皮素
- methylene diethyl ether ==> 亚甲基二乙醚
- methylene diiodide ==> 二碘甲烷
- methylene disulfonyl ==> 亚甲基二磺酰
- methylene ditannin ==> 亚甲醛二单宁酸,甲叉二丹宁
- methylene ether link ==> 亚甲基醚键
- methylene glutaronitrile ==> 亚甲基戊二腈
- methylene glycol ==> 亚甲基二醇,甲二醇,甲烯乙二醇
- methylene green ==> 甲烯绿,亚甲绿
- methylene halide ==> 二卤甲烷
- methylene imine ==> 亚甲基亚胺
- methylene iodide ==> 二碘甲烷,甲叉二碘
- methylene prednisolone ==> 甲烯强的松龙
- methylene radical ==> 亚甲基
- methylene succinic acid ==> 衣康酸
- methylene urea ==> 亚甲脲
- methylene white ==> 亚甲白
- methylene-dianiline ==> 二苯氨基甲烷
- methylene-dimalonic acid ==> 亚甲基双丙二酸
- methylene-disulfonic acid ==> 亚甲基二磺酸
- methylene-violet ==> 亚甲紫
- methylenecyclopentadiene ==> 富烯
- methylenomycin ==> 次甲霉素
- methylergol carbamide ==> 麦角乙脲
- methylergometrine ==> 甲基麦角新硷
- methylethylcellulose ==> 甲基乙基纤维素
- methyleugenol ==> 甲基丁子香酚
- methylferase ==> 转甲基酶
- methylfluoride laser ==> 甲基氟激光器
- methylfructofuranoside ==> 甲基呋喃果糖苷
- methylgluc amine diatrizoate ==> 泛影葡胺
- methylglucamine diatrizoate ==> 二乙酰氨基三碘苯甲酸甲基葡胺
- methylglucofuranoside ==> 甲基呋喃果糖苷
- methylglyoxal bis ==> 丙酮双脒腙
- methylglyoxalidin ==> 赖西丁
- methylguanidine ==> 甲基胍
- methylguanosine ==> 甲基鸟苷
- methylhistidin ==> 甲基组氨酸
- methylhydroxyglutaryl CoA reductase ==> 甲基羟戊二酰辅酶A还原酶
- methylhydroxyisopro-pylcyclo-hexane ==> 薄荷醇
- methylindole ==> 甲基吲哚
- methylinosine ==> 甲基肌苷
- methylismus ==> 甲醇中毒
- methylisothiocyanate ==> 异硫氰酸甲酯
- methylkinase ==> 甲基激酶
- methyllysine ==> 甲基赖氨酸
- methylmalonic acid ==> 甲基丙二酸,异丁二酸
- methylmalonic semialdehyde ==> 甲基丙二酸单醛
- methylmalonyl-CoA ==> 甲基丙二酸单酰辅酶A
- methylmalonyl-CoA mutase ==> 甲基丙二酸单酰辅酶A变位酶
- methylmesylate ==> 甲磺酸甲酯
- methylmetal-crylates ==> 丙烯酸脂类
- methylmethane ==> 甲基甲烷
- methylmethyiene ==> 甲基甲烯
- methylmitomycin ==> 甲基丝裂霉素,波福霉素
- methylmitomycin C ==> 甲基丝裂霉素C
- methylmorphine ==> 甲基吗啡
- methyln-propyl carbinol carbinol urethane ==> 氨基甲酸-2-戊酯
- methylnaphthalene ==> 甲基萘
- methylnaphthohydroquinone ==> 甲基氢醌
- methylnaphthoquinone ==> 甲基萘醌
- methylnorethindron ==> 甲基炔诺酮
- methylnorethindrone ==> 18-甲炔诺酮
- methylnorgestrienon ==> 甲基三烯炔诺酮
- methyloccccus ==> 甲基球菌属
- methyloic ==> 含有羧基的
- methylol ==> 羟甲基
- methylol group ==> 羟甲基
- methylol melamine ==> 三甲基羟甲基三聚氰胺
- methylol riboflavin ==> 羟甲基核黄素
- methylose ==> 甲糖
- methyloxamic acid ==> 甲基草氨酸
- methyloxamidic acid ==> 甲基草氨酸
- methylpentanone ==> 甲基戊酮
- methylpentene polymer ==> 甲基戊烯聚合物
- methylpentosan ==> 甲基戊聚糖
- methylpentynol phthalate ==> 酞酸甲戊炔酯
- methylphenanthrene ==> 甲菲
- methylphenidate ==> 哌醋甲酯,苯哌啶醋酸甲酯,利他林
- methylphenobar-bital ==> 甲基苯巴比妥
- methylphenobarbital ==> 普罗米那
- methylphenobarbitalum ==> 麦菲塔尔
- methylphenol ==> 甲基苯酚
- methylphenylcarbinyl acetate ==> 醋酸α-甲基苄酯
- methylphenylethyl hydantoin ==> 甲苯乙基内酰脲
- methylphosphoric acid ==> 甲基磷酸
- methylpotassium ==> 甲基钾
- methylprednisolone ==> 甲基泼尼松龙,甲基强的松龙,甲基去氢氢化可的松,甲泼尼松龙,甲强的松龙
- methylprednisolone sodium succinate ==> 甲基泼尼松龙琥珀酸酯钠,甲基去氢氢化可的松琥珀酸钠
- methylproline ==> 甲基脯氨酸
- methylpropyl ==> メチルプロピル
- methylprylon ==> 甲普龙
- methylpyridine ==> 甲基吡啶
- methylsufonyl chloride ==> 甲基磺酰氯
- methylsulfadiazine ==> 甲基磺胺嘧啶
- methylsulfidine ==> 甲基磺胺吡啶
- methylsulfonal ==> 甲基索佛那
- methylsulfonic acid ==> 甲基磺酸
- methylsulphonal ==> 甲基索佛那
- methylthiazol ==> 甲基噻唑
- methylthioethyl chloride ==> 氯化甲硫基乙烷
- methylthioglycolic acid ==> 甲硫乙醇酸
- methylthioninium chloride ==> 美蓝
- methylthiouracil ==> 甲基硫氧嘧啶,甲基硫脲嘧啶
- methylthiouracil (MTU) ==> 甲硫氧嘧啶
- methylthiourea ==> 甲基硫脲
- methylthymol blue ==> 甲基百里酚蓝
- methyltransferase ==> 甲基移换酶
- methyltribrome salol ==> 甲基三溴萨罗
- methyltribromsalol ==> 科尔迪因
- methyltrimethylol-methane ==> 三甲醇乙烷
- methylumbelliferone ==> 甲基7-羟基香豆素
- methyluracil mustard ==> 甲尿嘧啶氮芥
- methyluridine ==> 甲基尿嘧啶核苷
- methylvinyl ==> 甲乙烯
- methystic acid ==> 醉人酸
- metiazic acid ==> 甲吩噻嗪乙酸
- metiazinic acid ==> 甲吩噻嗪乙酸
- meticulous ==> 过细的,仔细的
- meticulous construction ==> 精心施工
- meticulous cultivation ==> 精耕细作
- meticulous inspection ==> 严格检查
- Metlex plug ==> 梅特列克斯插销
- metol dermatitis ==> 甲氨基酚皮炎
- metol poisoning ==> 米吐尔中毒
- Metonic cycle ==> 默冬章
- metopic point ==> 额中点
- metopryl ==> 甲丙醚
- METPV, Meteorological Test Data for Photovoltaic System ==> 新エネルギー産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)が発行した日射強度,気温に関するデータ。
- metral leaflet ==> 二尖瓣小瓣
- metre ampere ==> 米安
- metre-candle ==> (照度单位,一平方米上一个流明的光度)勒克司
- metre-kilogram-second system ==> 米公斤秒制
- metrewave radar ==> 米波雷达
- metric ==> 度规,米制的,公制的=>メートル法,測定基準
- metric and inch vernier calipers ==> 公英制游标卡尺
- metric camera ==> 量测摄影机
- metric carat ==> (宝石重量单位)克拉
- metric centner ==> 公担
- metric code ==> 距離符号
- metric connection ==> 計量接続
- metric control ==> 計量制御
- Metric Convention ==> 米制公约
- metric data system ==> 计量数据系统
- metric density ==> 度量密度
- metric diameter tape ==> 公制直径尺
- metric fine thread ==> 公制细牙螺纹
- metric form ==> 度量形式
- metric geometry ==> 度量几何学
- metric grain ==> 米制格令
- metric line ==> 毫米
- metric product ==> 度量积
- metric property ==> 度量性质
- metric relation ==> 度量关系
- metric scale ==> 米尺,米制比例尺
- metric screw pitch gauge ==> 米制螺距规,国际螺距规
- metric screw thread ==> 公制粗牙螺纹,公制螺纹
- metric space ==> 度量空间=>距離空間
- metric system ==> 国际公制,公制,米制=>メートル法
- metric tensor ==> 度规张量,度量张量=>計量テンソル
- metric term ==> 距離項
- metric theory ==> 計量理論
- metric thread ==> 公制螺纹=>メートルねじ
- metric thread gearing ==> 米制螺纹齿轮装置
- metric thread tap ==> 公制螺纹丝锥
- metric ton ==> 公吨,千公斤
- metric transformation ==> 度量变换
- metric unit ==> 米制单位
- metric value ==> 折合公制
- metric wave ==> メートル波
- metric waves ==> 米波
- metric wire gauge ==> ミリ線番号
- metric-technical unit of mass (TME) ==> 质量的米制技术单位
- metrical character ==> 计量性状
- metrical data ==> 测量数据
- metrical information ==> 测量信息,计量信息,可度量信息
- metrical transitivity ==> 度规传递性
- metrizable space ==> 可度量化空间
- metrological evaluation ==> 计量学评定
- metrological moisture ==> 计量水份
- metrologist ==> メトロロジスト
- metrology ==> 计量学,测量学,度量衡学=>計量学,測定学
- metrology equpment ==> 测量仪器
- metrology grating disk ==> 计量图光栅
- metrology microscope ==> 测量显微镜
- metrology system ==> 度量衡システム
- metronome ==> メトロノーム
- Metropolitan Railway ==> 巴黎地下铁道
- metropolitan railway ==> 地下铁道
- metropolitan station ==> 都市电台
- metrorrhagia due to blood-heat ==> 血热崩漏
- METT, microwave energy transmission test ==> マイクロ波エネルギー伝送試験
- Mettex plug ==> 螺旋嵌固金属塞
- Metz cord ==> 梅兹罗纹呢
- Metzler case ==> 梅茨勒事例
- Meudon white ==> 麦东白
- MEUI, Mechanical Electronic Unit Injection ==> ミューイ,機械式電子制御燃料噴射装置
- meutral wedge filter ==> 中性光劈式滤光片
- MeV, megaelectronvolt ==> メガeV
- MEV, megaelectronvolt ==> メガエレクトロンボルト
- mevalonate pathway ==> 甲戊二羟酸途径
- mevalonic acid ==> 甲戊二羟酸,甲羟戊酸,火落酸,3,5-二羟基-3-甲基戊酸
- MEW, microwave early warning radar ==> マイクロ波早期警報レーダ
- Mexican bush sage ==> 墨西哥鼠尾草=>メキシカンブッシュセイジ
- Mexican linaloe oil ==> 沉香木油
- Mexico ==> 墨西哥=>メキシコ
- mexiletine hydrochloride set ==> 慢心律机
- Meyer hardness ==> 麦耶硬度,迈尔硬度,迈氏硬度
- Meyer pump ==> 麦耶泵,米耶泵,米耶往复泵
- Meyer synthesis ==> 麦耶合成法
- Meyer's formula ==> 麦耶公式
- Meyer's hockey stick incision ==> 麦耶氏弯形切口,弯形切口
- Meyer's law ==> 麦耶酯化定律
- Meyer's line ==> (拇趾轴线)麦耶氏线
- Meyer's solution ==> (治闭塞性血栓静脉炎)麦耶氏液
- Meyers index ==> 梅耶尔指数
- Meynert's bundle ==> 迈内特氏束
- Meynerts bundle ==> 后屈束
- Mezzera counter acting open width washing machine ==> 梅氏逆流平洗机
- Mezzo Forte (mf) ==> 中强
- Mezzo Piano (mp) ==> 中弱
- mf ==> 中频
- Mf point ==> 马氏体转变终止温度
- MF, maintenance fixture ==> 保守装置
- MF, medium frequency ==> 中波(周波数帯の名称)
- MF, microfiche ==> マイクロフィッシュ
- MF, microfilm ==> マイクロフィルム
- MF, Middle Frequency ==> 中波
- MFA, modulated ferrite attenuator ==> 変調フェライト減衰器
- MFC, magnetic field computation ==> 磁場計算
- MFC, manual frequency control ==> 手動周波数制御
- MFC, mass flow calculator ==> 質量流量計
- MFC, Multi-Function Controller ==> MFC
- MFCA ==> マテリアルフローコスト会計,環境会計手法の一つ.工程内で発生する端材や不良品など,製品にならなかった廃棄物やエネルギーを金額化し,無駄の多い工程を特定する。
- MFCC, multifunction control center ==> 多機能コントロールセンター
- MFCMA Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act ==> 渔业保护和管理法案
- MFCO, manual fuel cut-off ==> 手動燃料停止
- MFD, Manipulator Interactive Kinematic Evaluation ==> マニピュレータ飛行実証試験計画
- MFE, magnetic field explorer ==> 地磁気探査衛星
- MFE, magnetic fluid experiment ==> 磁気流体実験
- MFG, manufacturing ==> 製造
- MFID, minor frame identification ==> マイナーフレーム識別
- MFIMR, multifrequency imaging microwave radiometer ==> 画像用多周波マイクロ波ラジオメータ
- MFLOPS, million floating point operations per second ==> 浮動小数点百万回/秒演算
- MFM, magnetic force microscopy ==> 磁気力顕微鏡
- MFM, modified frequency modulation ==> 記録符合化方式の一種
- MFN Most Favored Nation ==> 最惠国
- MFP, malfunction protection ==> MFP機能
- MFR, manipulator foot restraint ==> マニピュレータ基部拘束装置
- MFR, manned foot restraint ==> 有人足部拘束具
- MFR, Melt Flow Rate ==> 溶融流れ速度
- MFR, mobile foot restraint ==> 移動体基部の制限
- MFR, multifunction receiver ==> マルチファンクション受信機
- MFRB, multifunction resource bay ==> 多機能資源ベイ
- MFRM, manned foot restraint manipulator ==> 有人足部拘束マニピュレータ
- MFT, main fuel tank ==> 主燃料タンク
- MFT, Master Fuel Trip ==> 总燃料跳闸=>主燃料遮断
- MFV, main fuel valve ==> 主燃料バルブ
- mg, milligram ==> ミリグラム
- MG, Motor Generator ==> MG
- Mg-Mn dried battery ==> 镁锰干电池
- MGBRG, magneto bearing ==> 磁気ベアリング
- MGC, cesium magnetometer ==> セシウム磁力計
- MGC, manual gain control ==> マニュアル利得制御
- MGCO, Mars geoscience and climatology orbiter ==> 火星科学気象観測オービタ
- MGE, maintenance ground equipment ==> 地上の維持装置
- MGES, Micro Gravity Experiment System ==> 小型ロケット微小重力実験システム
- MGLAB, Micro-Gravity Laboratory of Japan ==> 株式会社 日本無重量総合研究所
- MGMT, management ==> 管理
- MGO Marine Gas Oil ==> 船用汽油
- MGP, Micro-G Physics and Chemistry Experiments Group ==> 微小重力物理学及び化学実験グループ
- MGSE, mechanical ground support equipment ==> 機械的地上支援施設
- mgt ==> 金属栅晶体管
- MGT, Micro Gas Turbine ==> マイクロガスタービン
- MGW, magnetometer ==> 磁力計
- MH, Methane Hydrate ==> メタンハイドレート
- MH21 Research Consortium, Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan ==> メタンハイドレート資源開発研究コンソーシアム
- MHA, magnetic handling aid ==> 磁気操作補助
- MHAC, multifrequency high-gain antenna configuration ==> 多周波高利得アンテナ配備
- MHC, Mechanical Hydraulic Control ==> 機械油圧式調速機
- MHD acceleration ==> MHD加速
- MHD conversion ==> 磁流体转换
- MHD cycle ==> 磁流体动力循环
- MHD flow ==> 磁流体流
- MHD force ==> 磁流体力
- MHD generator ==> 磁流体发电机
- MHD laser ==> 磁流体力学激光器
- MHD plant ==> 磁流体动力装置
- MHD power generation ==> MHD発電
- MHD propulsion ==> MHD推進
- MHD, magnetohydro-dynamic power generator ==> 電磁流体発電
- MHD, Magnetohydrodynamics ==> 電磁流体力学
- MHD, magnetohydrodynamics ==> 電磁流体力学
- MHF, mirror heating furnace ==> 反射加熱炉
- MHI, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. ==> 三菱重工業株式会社
- mho ==> モー
- mho relay ==> 姆欧继电器=>モー継電器は一種の電圧抑制付方向継電器であり,方向判別能力をもっているので多数使用されている。
- Mho-impedance relay ==> 姆欧阻抗继电器
- MHS, message handling system ==> メッセージ通信処理システム
- MHz, megahertz ==> メガヘルツ
- MI, mechanical integration ==> 機械計装
- MIA, multiplexer interface adapter ==> 多重化回路インタフェースアダプタ
- miacalcic ampoule ==> 密钙息注射液
- Mian cloth ==> 米纳交织厚呢
- miarolitic cavity ==> 晶洞
- MIB, minimum impulse bit ==> ミニマムインパルスビット
- mic ==> 单片集成电路
- MIC, Management Information Center ==> 管理情報センター
- MIC, mechanical interface check ==> 機械的噛合わせ試験
- MIC, microphone ==> マイク
- Mic, Microscopium ==> けんびきょう座
- MIC, microwave integrated circuit ==> マイクロ波集積回路
- MIC, Mitsubishi International Corporation ==> アメリカ三菱商事株式会社
- MIC, motion of ionized cloud ==> 電離雲の運動
- mica ==> 云母=>雲母,マイカ(絶縁材料)
- mica alba ==> 云母石
- mica andesite ==> 云母安山岩
- mica board for commutator ==> 换向云母板
- mica book ==> 书页云母
- mica books ==> 云母片
- mica box ==> 云母箱
- mica capacitor ==> 云母电容器=>マイカコンデンサ
- mica clip ==> 云母绝缘夹
- mica cloth ==> 云母布,云母片
- mica collar ==> 云母圈
- mica colorata ==> 礞石
- mica condenser ==> 云母电容器
- mica detector ==> 云母探测器
- mica diaphragm ==> 云母膜片
- mica dielectric ==> 云母电介体
- mica disc ==> 云母盘
- mica end-window counter ==> 云母端窗计数管
- mica flake ==> 云母薄片,云母片
- mica flap ==> 云母页片,云母叶片
- mica flap valve ==> 云母片截门
- mica foil ==> 云母箔
- mica group ==> 云母类
- mica heating unit ==> 云母加热单元
- mica insert ==> 云母插片
- mica insulation ==> 云母绝缘
- mica insulator ==> 云母绝缘子
- mica lamination ==> 云母片
- mica mat ==> 云母垫
- mica molded insulator ==> 云母模制绝缘物
- mica packing plate ==> 衬垫云母板
- mica paper ==> 云母纸
- mica parition ==> 云母分隔片
- mica pig ==> 云母晶块
- mica plate ==> 云母板
- mica pneumoconiosis ==> 云母尘肺
- mica powder ==> 云母粉
- mica resistance ==> 云母电阻
- mica ring ==> 云母环
- mica schist ==> 云母片岩,云母片岩
- mica schist porphyry ==> 云母片麻斑岩
- mica segment ==> 云母片
- mica sheet ==> 云母片
- mica slate ==> 云母片岩
- mica spacer ==> 云母垫片
- mica spark(ing) plug ==> 云母火花塞
- mica splitting ==> 云母分裂
- mica splittings ==> 剥制云母
- mica strip ==> 云母条
- mica talc ==> 云母滑石
- mica tape ==> (胶合)云母带
- mica taper ring ==> 锥形云母环
- mica target ==> 云母靶
- mica test-plate ==> 云母检查板
- mica tube ==> 云母管
- mica tuning condenser ==> 云母调谐电容器
- mica undercutter ==> (电机整流子)云母绝缘片修整刀
- mica washer ==> 云母垫圈
- mica window ==> 云母窗
- mica-flake insulation ==> 云母薄片绝缘
- mica-porphyrite ==> 云母玢岩
- mica-sheet insulation ==> 云母片绝缘
- mica-supported screen ==> 母云衬底屏幕
- micabond ==> 迈卡邦德绝缘材料
- micaceous hematite ==> 云母赤铁矿
- micaceous iron ore ==> 云母铁矿
- micaceous iron oxide ==> 云母铁矿
- micaceous sandstone ==> 云母砂岩
- micaceous schist ==> 云母片岩
- micaceous shale ==> 云母页岩
- micaceous structure ==> 云母构造
- micacite ==> 云母片岩,云母片岩
- Micado ==> 米卡多薄型塔夫绸
- micado yellow ==> 米卡多黄
- micadon ==> 云母电容器
- micafolium ==> 云母箔,胶合云母箔
- micafolium shellac paper ==> 虫胶云母纸
- micalamprophyre ==> 云母煌斑岩
- micalex ==> 云母石
- MICAM, microconnection and assembly method ==> マイカム
- micanite ==> 云母板,人造云母,胶合云母板,层合云母板,层压云母板
- micanite paper ==> 云母纸
- micanite pipe ==> 云母管
- micanite plate ==> 云母板
- micanite sleeve ==> 云母板套管
- micaphyre ==> 云母斑岩
- micarex ==> 云母玻璃,(压粘)云母石
- micarose ==> 麦卡糖
- micarta ==> 米卡他绝缘板,层状酚塑料,胶合云母纸板
- Micarta insulating ring ==> 层状酚塑料绝缘环
- micaschist ==> 云母片岩
- Micasin ==> 敌螨丹,(杀螨剂)敌敌醚混剂
- micaslate ==> 云母板岩
- micatization ==> 云母化
- micatrap ==> 云母煌斑岩
- micellar angle ==> 分子团度角
- micelle weight ==> 胶团量
- micelle-forming solute ==> 成胶束溶质
- Michael addition reaction ==> 迈克尔加成反应
- Michael Clayton ==> 迈克尔·克莱顿
- Michael Faraday, 1791-1867 ==> 電磁誘導の法則を発見した。The English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday, b. Sept. 22, 1791, d. Aug. 25, 1867, is known for his pioneering experiments in electricity and magnetism.
- Michaelis constant ==> 米氏常数,米歇利斯常数
- Michel parameter ==> 米歇尔参数
- Michel's clips ==> 密歇尔氏小夹
- Michel-type bearing ==> 米切尔氏轴承
- Michelia alba concrete ==> 白兰浸膏
- Michelia alba leaf oil ==> 白兰叶油
- Michelia concrete ==> 白兰花浸膏
- Michelia leaf oil ==> 白兰叶油
- Michelia oil ==> 白兰花油
- michelison bimetallic pyrheliometer ==> 迈克尔逊双金属直接日射计
- Michell ==> 米歇尔
- Michell bearing ==> 米歇尔式轴承
- Michell thrust bearing ==> 密切尔推力轴承,楔块式推力轴承
- Michell thust bearing ==> 倾斜瓦块式推力轴承
- Michelson echelon ==> 迈克尔逊阶梯光栅,马克尔逊阶梯光栅
- Michelson interference microscope ==> 迈克尔逊干涉显微镜
- Michelson interferometer ==> マイケルソン干渉計
- Michelson rotating mirror ==> 马克尔逊旋转镜,迈克尔逊旋转镜
- Michelson stellar interferometer ==> 迈克尔逊恒星干涉仪,迈克尔逊星体干涉仪
- Michelson type cadmium lamp ==> 迈克尔逊型镉灯,迈克尔逊型镉电池灯
- Michelson's interferometer ==> 迈克尔逊干涉仪
- Michelson-Gale ring interferometer ==> 迈克尔逊-盖尔环形干涉仪
- Michelson-Morley experiment ==> 迈克耳孙-莫雷实验=>マイケルソン・モーリーの実験
- Michelson-type laser ==> 迈克尔逊型激光器,迈克尔逊型激光器,米切尔森型激光器
- Michigan cut ==> 平行空炮眼掏槽法
- Michigan quarterly econometric model (MQEM) ==> 密执安季度经济计量模型
- Michigan study ==> 密执安研究
- Michurin genetics ==> 米丘林遗传学
- mickey mouse ==> 尝试
- mickle hammer ==> 大锤
- micor-rotation ==> 微观转动
- MICR code ==> 磁墨水字符阅读器代码
- MICR, magnetic ink card reader ==> 磁気インク読取り装置
- micrinoid group ==> 微粒体组
- micro ==> 百万分之一,微-H圆形无线电导航法,微型,缩微
- micro adsorption detector ==> 微吸附检测器
- micro analytical standards ==> 微量分析标准
- micro analyze ==> 显微分析
- micro anticipatory crash sensor ==> 微波预测碰撞传感
- micro ball-mill ==> 微粉球磨机
- micro bar ==> (气压单位)微巴
- micro beaker ==> 微烧杯
- micro blood sedimentation set ==> 微量血沉测定器
- micro bore (lock type) unit ==> 精调刀头,精密微调镗刀头
- micro burner ==> 微焰灯
- micro catalytic reactor ==> 微观催化反应器,微型催化反应器
- micro causality condition ==> 微观因果条件
- micro cell ==> 微极化池
- micro characteristic curve ==> 测微特性曲线
- micro chemical analysis ==> 显微化学分析
- micro circuit ==> 微型电路
- micro climate ==> 小气候
- micro code ==> 微代码
- micro cogeneration system ==> マイクロコージェネレーションシステム
- micro comparator ==> 微比长计
- micro cone penetration test ==> 微锥针入度试验
- micro constituent ==> 微量成分
- micro crack ==> 微观裂缝
- micro cross section detector ==> 微截面检测器
- micro crystal ==> 微晶体
- micro diagnostics ==> 微诊断
- micro discharge ==> 微小放電
- micro displacement meter ==> 微位移测量仪
- micro drive ==> 微动
- micro environment ==> 小环境
- micro etch ==> 微刻蚀
- micro eyepiece ==> 测微目镜
- micro flame ionization detector ==> 微火焰电离检测器
- micro flow ==> マイクロ流
- micro fuel cell ==> マイクロ燃料電池
- micro gap ==> マイクロギャップ
- micro gas turbine ==> マイクロガスタービン
- micro gas turbine power generation ==> マイクロガスタービン
- micro gel ==> 微粒凝胶
- micro glass fibre filter ==> 微型玻璃纤维过滤器
- micro grid ==> 电力微网=>マイクログリッド
- micro henry ==> 微享
- micro hollow cathode discharge ==> マイクロホローカソード放電
- micro hydropower station ==> 微型水电站
- micro isoelectric focusing ==> 微量等电聚焦
- micro Kjeldahl method ==> 微量开凯定氮法
- micro Kjeldahl's digestive tube ==> 微量凯氏消化管
- micro lens ==> マイクロレンズ
- micro mechanics ==> 微观力学
- micro meritic ==> 微晶粒状
- micro mesh sieve ==> 细目筛
- micro mist ==> 微粉
- micro module ==> 微型组件,超小型器件
- micro motor ==> マイクロモータ
- micro objective ==> 显微(镜)物镜,显微镜物镜,小型物镜
- micro perfection ==> 微观完整性
- micro phase theory ==> 微相理论
- micro photosizer ==> 光透式粒度测定仪
- micro pipe ==> 显微缩孔,晶间缩孔
- micro pipette ==> 微吸管
- micro porosity ==> 微气孔率
- micro porous ==> 微孔性的
- micro porous filtration ==> 微孔过滤
- micro positioner ==> 微位移器
- micro powder ==> 微粉
- micro probe analysis ==> 微区分析
- micro projection ==> 显微投影法
- micro pyrometer ==> 测微高温计
- micro radiometer ==> 显微辐射计
- micro reaction ==> 显微反应
- micro reciprocal degree ==> 迈尔德
- micro resistance welding ==> 显微电阻焊
- micro sample ==> 微量称样,微量试样
- micro scanning ==> 微扫描
- micro scanning instrument ==> 微扫描仪器
- micro second ==> 微秒
- micro slide ==> 载物片
- micro spot welder ==> 微型点焊机
- micro steam energy generator ==> 小型蒸気発電機
- micro step ==> マイクロステップ
- micro stilb ==> (表面亮度单位)微熙提
- micro stretching ==> 微伸
- micro strip ==> 微波传输带
- micro strip line ==> マイクロストリップライン
- micro structure ==> 超小形構造
- micro switch ==> マイクロスイッチ
- micro swivel ==> 精密回转工作台
- micro tear ==> 微裂纹
- micro thermometer ==> 微温度计
- micro tuft opener ==> 小棉块开棉机
- micro turbine ==> 微型燃气轮机
- micro vibrating shifter ==> 微粉震动筛
- micro wave aerial ==> 微波天线
- micro wave band ==> 微波波段
- micro- ==> マイクロ(μ)
- micro-active switch ==> 微动开关
- micro-activity ==> 微反活性
- micro-addition ==> 微量加入物
- micro-adjustment ==> 微量调整
- micro-alignment telescope ==> 微调对中望远镜
- micro-amperemeter ==> 微安表
- micro-analysis ==> 微观分析,微量分析,显微分析
- micro-analytical balance ==> 微量分析天平
- micro-analyzer ==> 微量分析器
- micro-application manual ==> 微应用手册
- micro-architecture ==> 微型体系结构
- micro-area chemical analysis ==> 微区化学成分分析
- micro-area diffraction ==> 微区衍射
- micro-argon detector ==> 微量氩检测器
- micro-assembly ==> 微系集
- micro-B scope ==> 微B型显示器
- micro-base ==> 微机座
- micro-basin ==> 微平原
- micro-biological cycle ==> 微生物循环
- micro-biological degradation ==> 微生物降解
- micro-bore heating system ==> 微管采暖系统
- micro-Brownian diffusion ==> 微观布朗扩散
- micro-brownian diffusion ==> 微观布朗扩散
- micro-Brownian movement ==> 微观布朗运动
- micro-brownian movement ==> 微观布朗运动
- micro-burner ==> 小型本生灯
- micro-bus ==> 小型客车
- micro-caddisfly ==> 小石蛾
- micro-capsule ==> 微囊
- micro-capsule dyes ==> 微胶囊染料
- micro-chemical balance ==> 微量化学天平
- micro-chromatography ==> 微量色谱
- micro-circulatory perfusion ==> 微循环灌流量
- Micro-cockle ==> 小鸟蛤属
- micro-coded controller ==> 微编码控制器
- micro-coded instruction ==> 微编码指令
- micro-colour reaction ==> 微量颜色反应
- micro-column ==> 微型柱
- micro-continuum approach ==> 微观连续介质法
- micro-continuum model ==> 微观连续介质模型
- micro-crack ==> 微细龟裂
- micro-crack in martensite ==> 马氏体显微裂纹
- micro-creep ==> 微蠕变,显微蠕变,蠕变
- micro-cross-bedding ==> 微交错纹层
- micro-current meter ==> 微型流速仪
- micro-cutting pliers ==> 微型钢丝钳
- micro-cyclone ==> 小气涡
- micro-dialysis ==> 微量渗析
- micro-dictionary ==> 小型辞典
- micro-distancer ==> 精密测距仪
- micro-drawing ==> 显微制图
- micro-drill ==> 微型打孔
- micro-drill(ing) ==> 微型穿孔
- micro-droplet status ==> 微滴状态
- micro-drum wheel ==> 测微鼓轮
- micro-drying tube ==> 微量干燥管
- micro-dynagraph ==> 手表微力矩走时记录仪
- micro-electro-hydraulic control system ==> 给水泵汽轮机数字式电液控制系统,MEH用微型计算机及液压伺服机构实现给水泵汽轮机各项功能的控制系统。该系统也是数字电液控制系统,但为了与主汽轮机的DEH相区别,习惯上称为MEH。
- micro-electrode ==> 微电极
- micro-electrode amplifier ==> 微电极放大器
- micro-electrodialysis ==> 微量电渗析
- micro-electronic radar array ==> 微电子学雷达相控阵
- micro-electrophoresis apparatus ==> 微量电泳仪
- micro-electrophoretic cell ==> 微型电脉池
- micro-electrophoretic technique ==> 微电泳技术
- micro-emission spectroscopy ==> 微发射光谱学
- micro-encapsulated ==> 微囊密封的
- micro-encapsulated chemicals ==> 微囊化学药剂
- micro-erythrocyte ==> 小红细胞
- micro-etching ==> 显微侵蚀
- micro-examination ==> 微观检验
- micro-fabrication ==> 微細加工
- micro-farad ==> 微法
- micro-feeder ==> 微噬者
- micro-film ==> 微型胶卷
- micro-filter ==> 微过滤器=>ミクロフィルター
- micro-flare ==> 微闪光
- micro-flaw ==> 发裂纹,显微裂纹
- micro-floc press ==> 微絮聚挤压机
- micro-flotation cell ==> 微量浮选试验槽
- micro-fluctuation ==> 微观脉动
- micro-fog lubrication ==> 微量喷雾润滑
- micro-form ==> 冬眠孢型
- micro-fracture ==> 微细裂缝
- micro-friction welder ==> 低摩擦力焊机
- micro-fungus ==> 微型真菌
- micro-fuse ==> 微型保险丝
- micro-galvanometer ==> 微量检流表
- micro-gap discharge ==> マイクロギャップ放電
- micro-gap welding ==> 微间隙焊接
- micro-gram(me) ==> 微克
- micro-grid ==> 微[型]电网,包括分布式电源、储能装置、负荷和监控、保护装置的小型发配电系统,是一个能够实现自我控制、保护和管理的系统,既可以与大电网并网运行,也能以孤立电网独立运行
- micro-hardness ==> 微观硬度
- micro-holography ==> 显微全息照相术
- micro-homogenisation ==> 微量匀浆法
- micro-homogenizer ==> 微量匀浆器
- micro-hydraulic station ==> 小型水力发电厂
- micro-hydroelectric power generation ==> マイクロ水力発電
- micro-image analyzer ==> 微影分析器
- micro-image data ==> (录在胶片上的数据)显微数据
- micro-image data (录在胶片上的数据) ==> 显微数据
- micro-indentation ==> 微刻痕
- micro-indentation hardness testing ==> 微量压痕硬度试验
- micro-infiltrating carcinoma ==> 微小浸润癌
- micro-injection ==> 微量注射
- micro-ionic sensor ==> 微离子传感器
- micro-irradiation ==> 微束照射
- micro-land bridge transport ==> 微陆桥运输
- micro-lathe ==> 钟表台式车床
- micro-level ==> 微级
- micro-machine ==> 微电机
- micro-manipulator ==> 显微操纵器
- micro-mesh ==> 微孔筛,微型小网眼
- micro-metallic filter ==> 微孔金属过滤器
- micro-meteorological evaluation ==> 小气候评定
- micro-micro ==> 微微
- micro-microgram ==> 微微克
- micro-module package ==> 微型封装件
- micro-motion ==> 分解动作
- micro-movement control system ==> 微移动控制系统
- micro-mutation ==> 微小突然変異
- micro-necking ==> 微颈
- micro-needle ==> 显微针
- micro-nutrient ==> 微量营养素
- micro-occ2lusion ==> 微粒夹持
- micro-ohm ==> 微姆
- micro-Omega ==> 微奥米加
- micro-opaque reader ==> 缩微不透明件阅读器
- micro-operation ==> 微操作
- micro-optical circuit ==> 微小光学回路
- micro-orchidia ==> 小睾丸
- micro-organism treatment ==> 微生物处理
- micro-oxidation technique ==> 微量氧化技术
- micro-packed column ==> 微型填充柱
- micro-photo-densitometer ==> 微光密度计
- micro-photoelectric photometer ==> 微光电光度计
- micro-photograph ==> 显微照相
- micro-photometer comparator ==> 显微光度计比较器
- micro-pinocytosis ==> 微胞饮作用
- micro-plasma arc welding ==> 微束等离子弧焊
- micro-porosity ==> 微孔隙度
- micro-porous ebonite ==> 微孔硬质胶
- micro-porous rubber ==> 微孔泡沫胶
- micro-power detector for pulsed laser ==> 脉冲激光器微功率探测仪
- micro-pressure wave noise ==> 微压波噪音=>トンネル微気圧波
- micro-pressure-gauge ==> 千分压力计
- micro-processing relay ==> 微电子继电器,利用电力半导体元件和控制技术为基础而制造的密封式集成块小型继电器
- micro-processor ==> 微型处理器
- micro-profilometer ==> 显微轮廓仪,表面光洁度轮廓仪
- micro-projector ==> 显微映像器
- micro-pulverizer ==> 微粒磨碎机
- micro-Raman spectroscopy ==> 显微喇蔓光谱
- micro-reaction ==> 微量反应
- micro-regional plotting ==> 小区域区划
- micro-respirometer ==> 微量呼吸计
- micro-rheology ==> 微观流变学
- micro-rhythm ==> 小节律
- micro-ridge ==> 小垄
- micro-robot ==> マイクロロボット
- micro-saccharimeter ==> 微量糖量计
- micro-scale zone refining apparatus ==> 微量区域提纯设备
- micro-scope photograph of epoxy-resin ==> エポキシ樹脂顕微鏡写真
- micro-segregation ==> 微偏析
- micro-setting weft fork ==> 微调纬纱叉
- micro-shrink-hole ==> 显微缩孔
- micro-spectrophotometer ==> 微量分光光度计
- micro-stepping motor ==> 微型步进电动机
- micro-stirrer ==> 微量搅拌器
- micro-strain ==> 微应变
- micro-strainer ==> 微孔滤网
- micro-stretch expander ==> 微伸扩幅装置
- micro-strip ==> 微带
- micro-switch ==> 微动电门
- micro-syringe ==> 微型注射器
- micro-system ==> 微系统
- micro-telescope ==> 显微望远镜
- micro-television ==> 微型电视
- micro-test ==> 显微检验
- micro-thin-layer chromatography ==> 微量薄层色谱法
- micro-torsion balance ==> 微量扭力天平
- micro-turbulence ==> (流态的一种)微湍
- micro-twin ==> 显微孪晶
- micro-unit ==> 微单位
- micro-variation ==> 微变化
- micro-vascular suture needle ==> 微血管缝合针
- micro-vessel clamps ==> 微血管钳
- micro-wave communication ==> 微波通讯
- micro-wave cyclotron ==> 微波回旋加速器
- micro-wave diathermy ==> 微波透热法
- micro-wave drying equipment ==> 高周波乾燥装置
- micro-wave tube ==> マイクロ波管
- micro-welding ==> 微型焊接,显微焊接
- micro-wirecutter ==> 微型钢丝钳
- micro-X-ray diffraction ==> 微焦X射线衍射
- micro/macro bilateral control ==> ミクロ/マクロバイラテラル制御
- microacoustic system ==> 微声系统
- microadsorption column ==> 微吸附柱
- microadsorption detector ==> 微型吸附监测器
- microaerophilic test ==> 微需氧试验
- microafter-shock ==> 微系震
- microagglutination test ==> 微量凝集试验
- microalloy ==> 微合金钢=>マイクロ合金
- microalloy diffusion type ==> 微合金扩散型
- microalloy junction ==> 微合金结
- microalloy transistor ==> 微合金晶体管=>マイクロ合金トランジスタ
- microalloy-type transistor ==> 微合金型晶体管
- microammeter ==> 微安表,微安计=>マイクロアンペア計
- microampere ==> 微安
- microampere circuit ==> 微安电路
- microampere meter ==> 微安计
- microanaerobic bacterial ==> 微嫌氧细菌
- microanalytical reagent ==> 微量分析试剂
- microanalyzer mass spectrometer ==> 微量分析质谱仪
- microarray ==> マイクロアレイ
- MicroArray ==> 基因矩阵数据
- microarray analysis ==> マイクロアレイ解析
- microarray study ==> マイクロアレイ研究
- microarray technology ==> ミクロアレイ技術
- microassembly ==> 微型组件=>超小形組立
- microballoon sphere ==> 微球
- microbasis for macroeconomic management ==> 宏观经济管理的微观基础
- microbattery ==> 超小形電池
- microbe density ==> 微生物密度
- microbe satellite ==> 伴随细菌
- microbeam X-ray analyzer ==> 微束X-射线分析器
- microbend ==> マイクロベンド
- microbending loss ==> マイクロベンディング損
- microbial ==> 微生物的,由细菌引起的
- microbial closed ecosystem ==> 微生物闭锁生态系
- microbial contamination ==> 微生物污染
- microbial control ==> 微生物防治
- microbial conversion ==> 微生物转化
- microbial decomposition system ==> 微生物分解系统
- microbial deterioration ==> 微生物引起的变质
- microbial dissociation ==> 微生物离异
- microbial film ==> 微生物膜
- microbial food poisoning ==> 细菌性食物中毒
- microbial genetics ==> 微生物遗传学
- microbial hemolysin test ==> 微生物溶血素试验
- microbial inoculum ==> 菌剂,菌剂
- microbial insecticide ==> 微生物杀虫剂
- microbial kinetics ==> 微生物动力学
- microbial leaching ==> 微生物浸出
- microbial material ==> 微生物性原料
- microbial methylation ==> 微生物甲基化作用
- microbial pathogens ==> 微生物致病体
- microbial pesticide ==> 微生物农药
- microbial population ==> 微生物群体,微生物群系
- microbial process ==> 微生物过程
- microbial proliferation ==> 微生物繁衍
- microbial quality of effluents ==> 流出物的微生物质量
- microbial transformation ==> 微生物的转化,微生物转化
- microbic insecticide ==> 微生物农药
- microbic shot ==> 微生物弹
- microbiologic analysis ==> 微生物学分析
- microbiologic leaching ==> 微生物浸出
- microbiologic mutation test ==> 致突变微生物试验
- microbiologic population ==> 微生物群落
- microbiologic properties ==> 微生物特性
- microbiologic(al) corrosion ==> 微生物腐蚀
- microbiological analysis ==> 微生物分析
- microbiological condition ==> 微生物条件
- microbiological factor ==> 微生物因素
- microbiological industry ==> 微生物工业,微生物学工业
- microbiological oxidation ==> 微生物氧化,微生物引起的氧化作用
- microbiological products ==> 微生物产品
- microbiological specification ==> 微生物属性
- microbiological steroid transformation ==> 类固醇微生物转化
- microbiological tracer method ==> 微生物示踪研究法
- microbiology ==> 微生物学
- microbiotic seed ==> 短寿种子
- microbit drilling rig ==> 微型钻头钻机
- microbit drilling test ==> 微型钻头凿岩试验
- microblasting drilling ==> 微爆凿岩
- microblood gas analysis apparatus ==> 微量血液气体测定器
- microbone drill ==> 微型骨钻
- microbore system ==> 微管采暖系统
- microcaliper log ==> 微井径测井
- microcalorimetric method ==> 微量热法
- microcanonical assembly ==> 微正则系综
- microcanonical ensemble ==> 微正则系综=>小正準集団
- microcapacitor ==> 微型电容器
- microcast process ==> 精密铸造法
- microcell ==> 微电池对,微量试池
- microcellular rubber ==> 微孔橡胶
- microcellular structure ==> 微孔结构
- microcephalic idiocy ==> 小头白痴
- microchannel image tube ==> 微通道摄像管
- microchannel inverter ==> 微通道变换器
- microchannel multiplier ==> 微通道倍增器
- microchannel plate ==> 微通道板
- microchannel-plate inverter image intensifier ==> 微通道板变换式像增强器
- microchemical analysis ==> 微量化学分析
- microchemical apparatus ==> 微量化学仪器
- microchemical pollutant ==> 微量化学污染物
- microchemical pollution ==> 微量化学污染
- microchemical test ==> 微化试验,微量化学试验
- microchemical-analysis ==> 微化分析
- microchemistry ==> 微量化学
- microchip ==> 微型芯片
- microchip computer ==> 微片计算机
- microchip electrophoresis ==> マイクロチップ電気泳動
- microchip resistor ==> 微型片状电阻器
- microci chip ==> 微电路片
- microci computer ==> 微循环计算机
- microci stencil ==> 微电路模板
- microci technique ==> 微型线路技术
- microcircuit ==> 微型电路
- microcircuit element ==> 微型电路元件
- microcircuit engineering ==> 微型电路工程学
- microcircuit layout design ==> 微型电路布图设计
- microcircuitry ==> 微型电路技术
- microcircular technique ==> 微量循环技术
- microcirculation dysfunction ==> 微循环功能障碍
- microcirculation of eye fundus ==> 眼底微循环
- microcirculation of nail fold ==> 甲皱循环
- microcirculatory disturbance ==> 微循环障碍
- microcirculatory system ==> 微循环系统
- microclastic rock ==> 微细屑岩
- microcleaned surface ==> 显微清洁表面
- microclimate measurement ==> 小气候测定
- microclimatic factor ==> 小气候因素
- microclimatic heat island ==> 小气候热岛
- microcline perthite ==> 微斜纹长石
- microcline twin law ==> 微斜长石双晶律
- Micrococcus neoformans ==> 新型细球菌
- Micrococcus oxycyanogenes ==> 蓝色细球菌
- microcode instruction set ==> 微代码指令系统
- microcode instruction set component ==> 微代码指令系统成分
- microcoded microprocessor ==> 微编码微处理机
- microcolorimetric determination ==> 微量比色测定
- microcomponent ==> 微型元件
- microcomputer ==> 微型电子计算机,微型计算机
- microcomputer aided data acquisition system ==> 微机辅助数据采集装置
- microcomputer detecting control system ==> 微机检测控制系统
- microcomputer terminal ==> 微机终端
- microcomputer-controlled telemetry system ==> 微型计算机控制的遥测系统
- microcomputer-like instruction set ==> 类微机指令系统
- microcomputer-oriented BASIC ==> 面向微型计算机的BASIC语言
- microcomputers ==> マイクロコンピュータ
- microcontrolled terminal ==> 微控制终端
- microcontroller ==> 微型控制器
- microcontroller architecture ==> 微控制器结构
- microcontroller capability ==> 微控制器能力
- microcontroller external input signal ==> 微控制器外部输入信号
- microcontroller interface ==> 微控制器接口
- microcontroller production system ==> 微控制器生产系统
- microcontroller- ==> マイクロコントローラ
- microcosmic salt ==> 磷酸氢铵钠
- microcoulometric detector (MCD) ==> 微库仑检测器
- microcoulometric gas chromatography ==> 微电量气相色谱法
- microcoulometry ==> 微库仑分析法
- microcrystal wax ==> 微晶蜡
- microcrystalline alumina ==> 微晶氧化铝
- microcrystalline cellulose ==> 微晶纤维素
- microcrystalline film ==> 微晶薄膜
- microcrystalline powder ==> 微晶粉末
- microcrystalline silicon ==> 微結晶シリコン
- microcrystalline structure ==> 微晶结构
- microcrystalline texture ==> 微晶体结构
- microcrystalline wax ==> 微晶蜡,地蜡
- microcycle time ==> 微周期时间
- microcytic hypochromic anemia ==> 小细胞低色素性贫血
- microcytotoxicity test ==> 微量细胞毒性试验
- microdefinition ==> 缩微成像
- microdensitometer tracing ==> 显微密度计测定线
- microdial ==> 精密标度盘,精密分度盘,精密刻度盘,精确标度盘,精确分度盘
- microdischarge ==> マイクロ放電
- microdiscrete device ==> 微型分立装置
- microdisk transistor ==> 微片型晶体管
- microdistillation flask ==> 微量蒸馏烧瓶
- microdyn tester ==> 微型强力试验仪
- microdyne scrubber ==> 微达因除尘器
- microeconomic policy ==> 微观经济政策
- microelectrolytic determination ==> 微量电解测定
- microelectrometer ==> 微静电计
- microelectronic chemical agent ==> 微电子工业用化学试剂
- microelectronic circuit ==> 微型电子电路,超小型电子电路=>超小形電子回路
- microelectronic element ==> 微电子元件
- microelectronic integrated circuit ==> 微电子学集成电路
- microelectronic material ==> 微电子材料
- microelectronic modular assembly ==> 微电子微型组件装置
- microelectronic packaging ==> 微型电子装置封装
- microelectronic technique ==> 微电子技术
- microelectronic technology ==> 微电子技术
- microelectronics ==> 微电子学
- microelement ==> 微型元件
- microelement analysis ==> 微量元素分析
- microelement wafer ==> 微型元件片
- microelements nutrition ==> 微量元素营养
- microembolism syndrome ==> 微栓塞综合征
- microencapsu lated aspirin ==> 微型脑囊阿斯匹林
- microfabrication ==> 微型品制造
- microfarad ==> 微法=>マイクロファラド(μF)
- microfarad meter ==> 微法计
- microfarameter ==> 微法拉计
- microfiber grease ==> 微纤维润滑脂
- microfibrillar angle ==> 微纤丝角
- microfibrillar structure ==> 微纤结构
- microfilarial granuloma ==> 微丝蚴肉芽肿
- microfilarial periodicity ==> 微丝蚴周期性
- microfilm ==> 微缩胶卷=>マイクロフィルム
- microfilm computer output ==> 缩微胶卷计算机输出
- microfilm durability test ==> 微薄膜寿命试验
- microfilm equipment ==> 缩微胶片设备
- microfilm machine ==> 缩微照相机
- microfilm output ==> 缩微胶卷输出
- microfilm plotter ==> 缩微片标绘器
- microfilm printer ==> 缩微胶片印片机,显微胶卷复制机
- microfilm reader ==> 显微阅读机,缩微胶卷阅读机,缩微胶片阅读器
- microfilm reading room ==> 缩微图书阅览室
- microfilm resistor ==> 微薄膜电阻器
- microfilm strip ==> 缩微胶卷
- microfiltration ==> 微滤,以压力差为推动力,截留水中粒径在0.02μm~10μm之间的颗粒物的膜分离技术
- microfitration membrane process ==> 微量过滤薄膜法
- microflat bottom beaker ==> 微量平底烧杯
- microflat bottom flask ==> 微量平底烧瓶
- microfludics ==> 微小流体力学
- microfluorometric determination ==> 显微荧光测定
- microfocus x-ray tube ==> 微焦X射线管
- microfollicular adenoma of thyroid gland ==> 甲状腺胎性腺瘤
- microform reader-copier ==> 缩微印刷品阅读复制器
- microform reader-printer ==> 缩微胶片阅读复印器
- microform rubber ==> 微海绵橡胶
- microfractionating column ==> 微量分馏柱
- microfunction circuit ==> 微功能电路
- microfusion method ==> 微熔鉴定法
- microgalvanometer ==> 微电流计
- microgap switch ==> 微间隙开关
- microgap welding ==> 微隙间隙焊
- microgel grease ==> 微粒凝胶润滑脂
- microgel particle ==> 凝胶微粒
- microgeographic race ==> 小地理品种
- microglass electrode measuring chain ==> 微量玻璃电极测链
- microglia of reactivity ==> 反应性小胶质细胞
- micrograin hard alloy ==> 微晶粒硬质合金
- micrograined texture ==> 微粒结构
- microgram balance ==> 微克天平
- micrograph ==> 显微照片
- micrographic test ==> 显微镜试验
- micrographic texture ==> 微文象结构
- microgravity processing ==> 微重力状态下处理
- microgroove recording ==> 密纹录音=>マイクログルーブ録音
- microhardness test ==> 显微硬度试验
- microhardness tester ==> 显微硬度计
- microhardness testing ==> 微观硬度测量
- microhardness value ==> 微观硬度值
- microheight gauge ==> 高度千分尺
- microhemagglutination test for Treponema pallidum ==> 微量梅毒螺旋体血凝试验
- microhenry ==> 微亨=>マイクロヘンリー(μH)
- microhsteresis effect ==> 微观滞后效应
- microhysteresis effect ==> 微观滞后效应
- microimage data ==> (录在胶片上的)缩像数据
- microimaging ==> 缩微成像
- microinjection technique ==> 显微注射技术
- microinstruction ==> 微指令=>マイクロ命令
- microinstruction cycle ==> 微指令周期
- microinstruction field ==> 微指令字段
- microinstruction length ==> 微指令长度
- microinstruction register ==> 微指令寄存器
- microinstruction storage ==> 微指令存储器
- microinterconnection ==> 微型互连
- microinterferometer ==> 显微干涉仪
- microinvasive carcinoma ==> 早期浸润癌
- microinverter ==> マイクロインバータ
- microlayer transistor ==> 微层晶体管
- microlevel interrupt ==> 微级中断
- microlevel interrupt capability ==> 微级中断能力
- microliter syringe ==> 微升注射器
- microlithic culture ==> 细石器文化
- microlithographic patterning ==> 显微光刻图像形成
- microlithography ==> 显微光刻法
- microlitic structure ==> 微晶结构
- micrologic timing circuit ==> 微逻辑定时电路
- micrologic unit ==> 微逻辑单元
- microlustre method ==> 微光泽测定法
- micromachining ==> 显微机械加工=>超微細加工
- micromain frame ==> 微型助
- micromanipulator ==> 微量操作器
- micromatrix approach ==> 微矩阵法
- micromatted roller ==> 微粒磨砂罗拉
- micromedicine infusion pump ==> 微量药物注射泵
- micromelting point apparatus ==> 显微熔点测定器
- micrometeorite detection ==> 微陨星探测
- micrometeorite penetration ==> 微陨星穿透
- micrometeorite shielding ==> 微流星防护
- micrometeoritic dust ==> 微陨星尘
- micrometeoroid detector ==> 微流星体探测器
- micrometer ==> 测微计=>マイクロメータ
- micrometer adjusting screw ==> 微调螺钉
- micrometer adjustment ==> 测微计调整
- micrometer collar ==> 千分尺套圈
- micrometer compensator ==> 测微补偿器
- micrometer cutting depth adjustment ==> 千分表切削深度调整
- micrometer depth gauge ==> 千分深测规
- micrometer dial ==> 千分刻度盘,微米刻度盘,测微表,测微仪
- micrometer dial gauge ==> 测微计度盘规
- micrometer for inside measuring ==> 内径千分尺
- micrometer gauge ==> 测丝规,测微规,测微计,千分表
- micrometer lithography ==> 微米结构光刻
- micrometer measuring rod ==> 测微量杆
- micrometer mechanism ==> 测微机构
- micrometer method ==> 测微法
- micrometer microscope ==> 测微显微镜,微观显微镜
- micrometer microscope theodolite ==> 测微显微镜经纬仪
- micrometer microscopy ==> 测微显微镜检查
- micrometer mount ==> 测微器支架
- micrometer ocular ==> 测微目镜,接目测微计
- micrometer of mercury ==> 微米汞柱
- micrometer regulator ==> 微测快慢针调整器
- micrometer screw ==> 千分丝杠,微调螺钉=>マイクロメータねじ
- micrometer screw caliper ==> 测微螺旋卡尺
- micrometer screw ga(u)ge ==> 螺旋测微计,螺旋千分尺
- micrometer slide calipers ==> 测微滑动卡尺
- micrometer space ==> 千分尺能伸缩的隔套
- micrometer spindle ==> 微米轴
- micrometer stand ==> 千分尺架,千分尺座,测微计座
- micrometer tooth rest ==> (磨工具用)微米支齿点
- micrometer unit ==> 显微单位
- micrometer with dial ga(u)ge ==> 带表千分尺
- micrometer with dial indicator ==> 带千分表的千分尺,千分表
- micrometer with vernier ==> 游标测徽计,游标千分尺
- micrometer-driven tuning mechanism ==> 千分卡微调机构
- micrometric measurement ==> 精密测定
- micrometric reader ==> 测微读数器
- micrometric regulating screw ==> 微调螺钉
- micrometric screw ==> 测微螺杆,测微螺旋
- micrometric timing adjuster ==> 精密定时调整器
- micrometric(al) microscope ==> 微分显微镜
- micromicroammeter ==> 微微安表
- micromicrofarad ==> 皮可法拉
- micromilled clay ==> 微粉碎粘土
- microminiature circuit ==> 微型电路
- microminiature packaged circuit ==> 超小型装配电路
- microminiature resistor ==> 超小型电阻器
- microminiature technique ==> 超小型技术
- microminiature welder ==> 微型焊机
- microminiaturization ==> 超小型化
- micromodule ==> 微型组件=>マイクロモジュール
- micromodule electronics ==> 微型组件电子学
- micromodule equipment ==> 微型设备
- micromodule pack ==> 微型组件封装
- micromodule stable ==> 微型组件组
- micromodule technique ==> 微型组件技术
- micromolar factor ==> 微分子因素
- micromorphological analysis ==> 微形态分析
- micromotion study ==> 微动作研究,细微动作研究,分解动作研究
- micromotion unit ==> 微动装置
- micromotor ==> 微型电动机
- micromotor dental set ==> 微型牙科电机
- micron ==> 微米=>ミクロン(μ)(0.001mm)
- micron dimension ==> 微米量级
- micron gear ==> 小模数齿轮
- micron hob ==> 小模数滚刀
- micron lithography ==> 微米结构光刻
- micron mill ==> 微粉磨机
- micron order ==> 精密级
- micron scale integrated circuit ==> 微米尺寸集成电路
- micron separator ==> 微粉分离机
- micron sized geometry ==> 微米尺寸几何形状
- micron ultra shifter ==> 超微粉碎装置
- micron wave ==> 微米波
- microneedle holder ==> 微型持针钳
- Micronesia ==> 密克罗尼西亚=>ミクロネシア
- micronet ==> マイクロネット
- microneurovascular transplantation of ovary ==> 卵巢显微神经血管移植术
- microneurovascular transplantation of pancreas ==> 胰显微神经血管移植术
- microneutralization test ==> 微量中和试验
- micronized clay ==> 微粒粘土
- micronized mica ==> 微粒云母
- micronucleus test ==> 微核测定
- micronut tightener ==> 微型螺帽套紧器
- micronutrient ==> 微量营养素
- micronutrient element ==> 微量营养元素
- micronutrient levels ==> 微量元素含量
- microohm ==> 微欧=>マイクロオーム(μΩ)
- microoptic level ==> 光学测微水准器
- microoptoelectronics ==> 微型光电子学
- microorganism battery ==> 微生物电池
- microorganism BOD test ==> 微生物生化需氧量试验
- microorganism control ==> 微生物控制
- microorganism determination ==> 微生物测定
- microorganism germ plasma ==> 微生物种质
- microorganism identification ==> 微生物鉴定
- micropacked column ==> 微填充柱
- microparticle support ==> 微粒状载体
- micropattern ==> 微型图象
- micropatterning ==> 缩微成像
- micropegmatitic structure ==> 显微伟晶结构
- microperfusion technique ==> 微灌注术
- microphone ==> 麦克风,送话器,传话器,传声器,扩音器,话筒,(麦克风)微音器=>マイクロホン
- microphone (MIC) ==> 机内话筒
- microphone amplifier ==> 话筒放大器,传声放大器,传声器放大器,送话器放大器
- microphone arm ==> 传声器架,传声器支架
- microphone array ==> マイクロフォンアレイ
- microphone assembly ==> 传声器组件
- microphone battery ==> 送话器用电池
- microphone boom ==> 送话器架,传声器架
- microphone button ==> 送话器控钮
- microphone capsule ==> 送话器炭精盒,传声器碳精盒
- microphone carbon powder ==> 传声器用碳精粉
- microphone cord ==> 话筒线
- microphone directivity ==> 传声方向性
- microphone equipment ==> 话筒设备
- microphone horn ==> 送话器喇叭
- microphone hummer ==> 话筒蜂音器
- microphone jack ==> 送话器插孔
- microphone mouthpiece ==> 送话器口承
- microphone noise ==> 传声噪声=>マイクロホン雑音
- microphone on-vehicle ==> 車載マイクロホン
- microphone response ==> 话筒频率响应,传声器响应
- microphone sensor ==> 微声传感器
- microphone singing ==> 传声器振鸣
- microphone transducer ==> 传声器换能器
- microphone transformer ==> 传声器变压器,话筒变压器
- microphone transmitter ==> 送话器
- microphone unit ==> 送话器部分
- microphonic bar ==> 颤噪效应条纹
- microphonic contact ==> 颤动接触
- microphonic effect ==> 颤噪效应
- microphonic noise ==> 颤噪噪音=>マイクロホニック雑音
- microphonic potential ==> 微音器电位
- microphony trouble ==> 颤噪故障
- microphotolithographic technique ==> 显微光刻技术
- microphotolithography ==> 显微光刻术
- microphotometer comparator ==> 测微光度计比较仪
- micropipette aspiration ==> 微管吸吮
- microplasma zone ==> 微等离子区
- microplating ==> 微电镀
- micropoecilic texture ==> 微嵌晶结构
- micropolar boundary layer flow ==> 微极边界层流
- micropolar fluid ==> 微极性流体
- microporous barrier ==> 微孔膜
- microporous film ==> 微孔膜
- microporous filtering film ==> 微孔滤膜
- microporous membrane ==> 微孔膜
- microporous membrane technology ==> 微孔膜技术
- microporous plastics ==> 微孔塑料
- microporous polymer ==> 微孔浆合物,微孔聚合物
- microporous rubber ==> 微孔橡皮
- micropositioner ==> 微动台
- micropositioning table ==> 微型定位台
- micropower integration ==> 微功率集成电路
- micropower transistor ==> 微功率晶体管
- microprinted circuit ==> 微型印刷电路
- microprinter ==> 微型印刷机
- microprobe ==> 微探针
- microprobe analysis ==> 显微电子探针分析,微探针分析
- microprobe spectrometry ==> 微探针度谱术
- microprocessor ==> 微处理机,微处理器=>マイクロプロセッサ
- microprocessor auto error correction ==> 微处理机自动错误校正
- microprocessor automated sputterer ==> 微处理曝制的溅射装置
- microprocessor base motor protection ==> 微机电动机保护,以微处理器(或有关部件,组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现对电动机运行故障或异常情况的保护
- microprocessor based auto-quasi-synchonizing equipment ==> 微机型自动准同步装置,以微处理器(或有关部件、组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现两个交流电源按同步条件并列的自动装置
- microprocessor based auto-reclosing ==> 微机型重合闸装置,由微处理器和相应的软件实现时间整定、合闸条件检定并发出合闸或闭锁合闸命令的一种重合闸装置
- microprocessor based busbar protection ==> 微机母线保护,以微处理器(或部件,组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现对母线运行故障或异常情况的保护
- microprocessor based generator protection ==> 微机发电机保护,以微处理器(或部件,组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现对发电机运行故障或异常情况的保护
- microprocessor based transformer protection ==> 微机变压器保护,以微处理器(或有关部件,组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现对变压器运行故障或异常情况的保护
- microprocessor based transmission line protection ==> 微机线路保护,以微处理器(或有关部件、组件)和数字计算技术为基础实现对输电线路运行故障或异常情况的保护
- microprocessor chip ==> 微型处理机芯片
- microprocessor control ==> 微机控制
- microprocessor controlled bonder ==> 微处理曝制的热压焊装置
- microprocessor integrated circuit ==> 微型处理机芯片
- microprocessor kit ==> 微处理芯片组
- microprocessor master clock ==> 微处理机主时钟
- microprocessor modem ==> 微处理机调制解调
- microprocessor set ==> 微处理芯片组
- microprocessor slice ==> 位片微处理机
- microprocessor telecontrol unit ==> 微机型远动装置
- microprocessor terminal ==> 微处理机终端
- microprocessor-based equipment for protection relay test ==> 微机型继电保护试验装置,以微机为主体,能给出调试所需的电气变量、按测试项目和条件编制测试程序、自动完成对被测保护装置的特性和整定值的测试的一种装置
- microprocessor-based programmer ==> 采用微处理机的程序编制机
- microprocessor-based protection device ==> 微机继电保护装置,以微处理器及相关的技术为基础实现预定保护功能的一种继电保护装置
- microprogram ==> 微程序=>マイクロプログラム
- microprogrammable machine ==> 可编微程序机器,可编微程序计算机
- microprogrammed microprocessor ==> 微编码微处理机
- microprogramming ==> 微程序设计=>マイクロプログラミング
- microprojection apparatus ==> 显微幻灯,显微投影器
- micropulsation field ==> 微脉动场
- micropulsation frequency ==> 微脉动频率
- micropulsation noise ==> 微脉动噪声
- micropulsation sensor ==> 微脉动探测设备
- micropulsation whistler ==> 微脉动哨声
- microradiography unit ==> 显微射线照相机
- microradiometer ==> 微辐射计
- microreaction technique ==> 微量反应技术
- microresistivity survey ==> 微电阻测量
- microresistor ==> 微型电阻器
- microribbon connector ==> 微矩型插头座
- microround bottom flask ==> 微量圆底烧瓶
- microscale ==> マイクロスケール
- microscope ==> 显微镜
- microscope adapter ==> 显微镜转接器
- microscope base ==> 显微镜座,镜座,镜座
- microscope camera ==> 显微照相机
- microscope carrier ==> 显微镜载物台,载台
- microscope count method ==> 显微镜计数法
- microscope draw tube ==> 显微镜抽筒
- microscope electrophoresis cell ==> 显微镜电泳池
- microscope for multi-viewing ==> 多人观察显微镜
- microscope for research ==> 科研用显微镜
- microscope illuminator ==> 显微镜照明装置
- microscope micrometer ==> 显微测微计
- microscope objective ==> 显微镜物镜
- microscope photometer ==> 显微镜光度计
- microscope sizing ==> 显微镜粒度法
- microscope slide ==> 显微镜载玻结,显微镜载片,磨砂边显微镜载玻片,磨砂显微镜载玻片
- microscope slide glass ==> 显微镜用盖玻璃
- microscope slide single concave ground edges ==> 单凹磨砂边显微镜载玻片
- microscope stage ==> 镜台,镜台,显微镜载片台,显微镜载物台,载台
- microscope stand ==> 镜座,镜座
- microscope tube ==> 显微镜筒
- microscope turn table ==> 显微镜旋转台
- microscope warming table ==> 显微镜加温台
- microscope with photography attachment ==> 带摄影装置的显微镜
- microscope work ==> 显微镜操作
- microscopic ==> 微观的,显微的=>微視的
- microscopic acidity constant ==> 微观酸度常数
- microscopic agglutination ==> 镜检凝集,镜检凝集
- microscopic analysis ==> 显微分析,显微镜分析法
- microscopic anisotropy ==> 微观各向异性
- microscopic bacterial count ==> 显微镜数菌法
- microscopic bubble ==> 微气泡
- microscopic chemistry ==> 显微化学
- microscopic constant ==> 微观常数
- microscopic crack ==> 微裂纹,显微裂纹
- microscopic cross section ==> 微观截面
- microscopic crystals ==> 显微结晶
- microscopic dust analysis ==> 尘粒尺寸微观分析
- microscopic dust particles ==> 显微尘粒
- microscopic electrophoresis ==> 显微电泳
- microscopic examination ==> 微观检查
- microscopic fatigue crack ==> 显微疲劳裂纹
- microscopic field ==> 显微镜视野,显微视野,微观场
- microscopic fission cross section ==> 微观裂变截面
- microscopic identification ==> 显微鉴定
- microscopic inspection ==> 微观检查
- microscopic lifetime ==> 微观寿命,真实寿命
- microscopic marvels ==> 顕微鏡の驚異
- microscopic matter ==> 显微物质
- microscopic method ==> 显微镜法
- microscopic observation ==> 微观观察
- microscopic ocular ==> 显微镜目镜
- microscopic particle ==> 微观粒子
- microscopic pile theory ==> 微观反应堆理论
- microscopic plant ==> 微生植物
- microscopic reversibility ==> 微观可逆性
- microscopic size ==> 显微粒径
- microscopic spectrophotometry ==> 显微分光光度法
- microscopic stage ==> 显微镜载物台
- microscopic state ==> 微观态
- microscopic stress ==> 显微应力
- microscopic structure ==> 显微组织,微观结构,微型构造
- microscopic system ==> 显微系统
- microscopic television ==> 显微镜电视
- microscopic test ==> 显微镜试验,金相试验
- microscopic view ==> 微观
- microscopic Widal agglutination test ==> 显微威达氏凝集试验
- microscopical analysis ==> 显微分析
- microscopical chemical method ==> 显微化学法
- microscopical slide ==> 栽玻片
- microscopy ==> 显微镜检查,显微镜检查法,显微术,镜检,镜检=>顕微鏡法
- microscosm pollution monitoring ==> 微观污染控制
- microsecond ==> 微秒=>マイクロ秒(μs)
- microsecond impulse ==> 微秒脉冲
- microsecond pulse generator ==> 微秒脉冲发生器
- microsecond switch ==> 微秒开关
- microsection ==> 显微磨片
- microseismic data ==> 脉动数据
- microseismic noise ==> 脉动噪声
- microseismic noise spectrum ==> 脉动噪声谱
- microseismic observation ==> 脉动观测
- microseismic storms ==> 脉动暴
- microsensory seta ==> 微感毛
- microset presetting machine ==> 精密预调仪
- microshaving ==> 微膜剥去
- microsize grade ==> 微粒级
- Microsoft ==> 微软
- microsomal mixed function oxidase ==> 微粒体混合功能氧化酶
- microsomal oxidase ==> 微粒体氧化酶
- microsome activation method ==> 微粒体活化法
- microsome fraction ==> 微粒体部分
- microsome heme oxygenase ==> 微粒体血红素加氧酶
- microsound scope ==> 小型测振仪
- microspec function ==> 微专用功能,特定微功能
- microsphere ==> 精密圆球
- microspherical catalyst ==> 微球催化剂
- microspherulitic texture ==> 微球粒结构
- microspore mother cell ==> 小孢子母细胞
- microspore tetrad ==> 四分小孢子
- Microsporum canis ==> 犬小孢子菌
- microstage ==> 微型定位台
- microstrain ==> 微应变
- microstrip ==> 微波传输带
- microstrip line ==> 微波带状线
- microstructrue of powder particles ==> 粉粒显微构造
- microstructure manipulation ==> 微结构变换
- microstructure of coal ==> 煤显微结构
- microstructure of ZnO element ==> 酸化亜鉛素子の微細構造
- microstructure strain ==> 微结构应变
- microstructure test ==> 微观组织试验
- microsurface profile ==> 表面微剖面图
- microsurge ==> マイクロサージ
- microsurgery instruments set ==> 显微手术器械包
- microsurgical bipolar coagulation forceps ==> 显微外科双极电凝镊
- microsurgical scissors ==> 显微手术剪
- microswitch ==> 微型开关
- microsystem organization ==> 微系统结构
- microtelephone ==> 小型话筒
- microtest plate ==> 微量培养板
- microthermal analyzer ==> 微热分析仪
- microthermal type ==> 低温植物型
- microthin-layer chromatography ==> 微薄层色谱法
- microtidal range ==> 小潮差
- microtiter complement fixation test ==> 微滴补体结合试验
- microtiter plate ==> 微量滴定板
- microtome knife ==> 切片机刀片
- microtome knife holder ==> 切片刀刀架
- microtome method ==> (测表面浓度)切片法
- microtome section ==> 切片
- microtrace ==> 微量轨迹
- microtremor spectra ==> 脉动谱
- microtron ==> 电子回旋加速器
- microtronics ==> 微电子学
- microtublue organizing center (MTOC) ==> 微管组织中心
- microtubular membrane ==> 微管膜
- microtubular protein ==> 微管蛋白质
- microtubular vesicle ==> 微管泡
- microtubule assembly ==> 微管组装
- microtubule disassembly ==> 微管拆散
- microtubule system ==> 微管系统
- microturbine ==> マイクロタービン
- microturbine generator ==> マイクロタービン発電機
- microvideomap analysis ==> 电视显微图像分析法
- microvilli of bile canaliculus ==> 毛细胆管微突
- microvoid coalescence ==> 显微空穴聚结
- microvoid coalescence fracture ==> 微孔集聚型断裂
- microvolt per meter ==> 微伏每米
- microvoltmeter ==> 微伏表,微伏计,微伏特计
- microvolumetric flask ==> 微量容量瓶
- microwatt ==> 微瓦特
- microwatt electronics ==> 微瓦功率电子学
- microwatt logic ==> 微瓦逻辑电路
- microwave ==> マイクロ波
- microwave absorption ==> 微波吸收剂
- microwave absorption moisture gage ==> 微波测定仪
- microwave accelerator ==> 微波加速器
- microwave acoustics ==> マイクロ波音響学
- microwave analysis ==> 微波分析
- microwave antenna ==> 微波天线=>マイクロ波アンテナ
- microwave avalanche diode ==> 微波雪崩二极管
- microwave background ==> 微波背景
- microwave background radiation ==> 微波背景辐射
- microwave baking ==> 微波热处理
- microwave burst ==> 微波暴
- microwave cavity ==> 微波谐振腔,空腔共振器
- microwave circuit ==> 立体回路
- microwave circulator ==> 环行器
- microwave communication ==> マイクロ波通信
- microwave component ==> 微波分量
- microwave detector ==> 微波检测器
- microwave diagnostic apparatus ==> 微波诊断仪
- microwave diagnostic technique ==> 微波诊断技术
- microwave discharge ==> 微波放电=>マイクロ波放電
- microwave discharge detector ==> 微波放电检测器
- microwave discriminator ==> 微波鉴频器
- microwave doppler speed sensor ==> 微波多普勒效应速度传感器
- microwave drill ==> 微波钻机
- microwave drying ==> 微波干燥
- microwave early warning ==> 微波预警雷达
- microwave electron cyclotron ==> 微波电子迥旋加速度
- microwave electronics circuit ==> マイクロ波電子回路
- microwave emission detector ==> 微波发射检测器
- microwave engine ==> マイクロ波エンジン
- microwave eye ==> 微波眼
- microwave ferrite ==> 微波铁氧体
- microwave field ==> 微波场
- microwave filter ==> 微波滤波器
- microwave firing ==> 微波烧成
- microwave frequency ==> 微波频率
- microwave gyrator ==> 微波回转器
- microwave heating ==> 微波加热=>マイクロ波加熱
- microwave heating device ==> マイクロ波加熱装置
- microwave heating method ==> 微波加热法
- microwave hologram radar ==> 微波全息雷达
- microwave holography ==> 微波全息照相术
- microwave hybrid integrated circuit (MWHIC) ==> 微波混合集成电路
- microwave inspection ==> 微波检验
- microwave inspection of highway ==> 微波检查公路
- microwave integrated circuit ==> 微波集成电路=>マイクロ波集積回路
- microwave interferometer ==> 微波干涉仪
- microwave interferometry ==> 微波干涉量度法
- microwave laminate ==> 微波迭层板
- microwave landing system (MLS) ==> 微波着陆系统
- microwave line ==> 微波谱线
- microwave link ==> 微波中继器
- microwave link protection,〔microwave-pilot protection(USA)〕 ==> マイクロ波搬送保護, Protection associated with telecommunication using a microwave link.
- microwave logic ==> 微波逻辑电路
- microwave method ==> 微波法
- microwave moisture meter ==> 微波测湿仪
- microwave network ==> 微波通讯网
- microwave noise ==> 微波噪音
- microwave optics ==> 微波光学
- microwave oscillator ==> 微波发生器
- microwave pilot protection ==> マイクロ波搬送継電方式
- microwave pilot protection system ==> 微波纵联保护系统,利用微波终端设备与通道传输被保护线路各端保护信息,并将其按规定进行纵合比较作为动作判据的一种线路纵联保护系统
- microwave plasma ==> 微波等离子体
- microwave plasma (CVD) ==> 微波等离子体气相沉积
- microwave plasma etching ==> 微波等离子体腐蚀
- microwave plasma gun ==> 微波等离子体枪
- microwave power measurement ==> 微波功率测量
- microwave propagation ==> 微波传播
- microwave radiation ==> 微波辐射
- microwave radiometry ==> 微波辐射测量
- microwave receiver ==> 微波接收机
- microwave reflectometer ==> 微波反射计
- microwave refractometer ==> 微波折射计
- microwave region ==> 微波波段
- microwave relay ==> 微波中继器
- microwave relay communication ==> 微波[中继]通信,利用微波的视距传输特性,采用中继站接力的方法达成的无线电通信
- microwave remote sensing ==> 微波遥感
- microwave remote sensor ==> 微波遥感器
- microwave repeater ==> 微波中继器
- microwave resonance ==> 微波共振
- microwave resonance cavity ==> 空腔共振器
- microwave semiconductor ==> 微波半导体装置
- microwave semiconductor diode ==> 微波二极管
- microwave semiconductor oscillator ==> マイクロ波半導体発振デバイス
- microwave sensor ==> マイクロ波センサ
- microwave sintering ==> 微波烧结
- microwave solid state maser ==> 固体微波激射器
- microwave spark chamber ==> 微波火花室
- microwave spectrometer ==> 微波频谱仪
- microwave spectrum ==> マイクロ波スペクトル
- microwave stripline ==> 带状传输线
- microwave study ==> 微波研究
- microwave surface resistance ==> 微波表面电阻
- microwave synthesis ==> 微波合成
- microwave system ==> 微波系统
- microwave technique ==> 微波技术
- microwave television receiver ==> 微波电视接收机
- microwave therapy ==> 微波电疗法,微波疗法
- microwave therapy apparatus ==> 微波治疗机
- microwave transmission ==> 微波传送
- microwave transmission circuit ==> 立体回路
- microwave transmission line ==> 微波传输线
- microwave treatment of forage ==> 饲料微波处理
- microwave tube ==> 微波管
- microwave ultrasonic wave ==> 微波超声波
- microwave ultrasonics ==> 微波超声学
- microwave ultrasound ==> 微波超声
- microwave wave guide ==> 波导
- microwave-excited emissive detector ==> (气相色谱用)微波激发发射鉴定器
- microzone electron diffraction ==> 微区电子衍射
- micrurgical technique ==> 显微操作术
- micturition center ==> 排尿中枢
- micturition reflex ==> 排尿反射
- MID ==> 欧州計量器指令
- mid and long term stability ==> 电力系统中长期稳定性,电力系统遭受到严重故障后,系统在长过程内维持正常运行的能力
- mid blue ==> 淡蓝的
- mid cradle ==> 中摇架
- mid deck ==> (指舱面甲板下一层的)中层甲板
- mid forceps ==> 中位钳
- mid frequency ==> 中频
- mid gear ==> 中间齿轮
- mid latitude ==> 中分纬度
- mid latitude atmosphere ==> 中纬度大气
- mid latitude sailing ==> 中纬航迹计算法
- mid layer correction ==> 中间层校正
- mid leg ==> 中足
- mid Pleistocene epoch ==> 中更新世
- mid point value ==> 中点值
- mid range estimate ==> 中期预测
- mid range microprocessor ==> 中挡微型机
- mid region stretch ==> (图像处理中)中间灰度扩张
- mid reserve box ==> 中储棉箱
- mid rib ==> 中脉
- mid rise building ==> 多层建筑
- mid rudder ==> 中舵
- mid section ==> 中间截面
- mid span ==> 档距中间,开度中间
- mid torpedo stage ==> (指植物胚)中鱼雷期
- mid vein ==> 中脉
- mid zone draft ==> 中区牵伸
- MID, maintenance interface document ==> 保守インタフェース文書
- MID, Maritime Identification Digits ==> 海上識別数字
- mid-Atlantic belt ==> 中大西洋带
- mid-Atlantic ridge ==> 大西洋中脊,大西洋中央海岭
- mid-Atlantic rift valley ==> 中大西洋裂谷
- mid-band frequency ==> 频带中心频率
- mid-band streaking ==> 中频拖尾
- mid-batch recovery ==> 包传输过程中恢复
- mid-bay bar ==> 海湾中间的沙洲
- mid-board ==> 中隔墙
- mid-body ==> 中部船体
- mid-boiling point ==> 中馏份沸点
- mid-channel ==> 中流
- mid-channel bar ==> 河心沙洲
- mid-coil ==> 半线圈
- mid-continental ==> 中大陆
- mid-contour ==> 中值等深线
- mid-cut ==> 中针距
- mid-depth concentration ==> 中深含沙量
- mid-door ==> 中间出车台
- mid-dorsal thoracic carina ==> 中背隆线
- mid-extreme tide ==> 极中潮位
- mid-feather ==> 吊窗隔条,烟道隔墙
- mid-focal length ==> 中焦距
- mid-frequency ==> 中心频率
- mid-frequency sinusoidal current therapy ==> 中频正弦电流疗法
- mid-gap line ==> 禁带中间线
- mid-gear ==> 死点位置,中间齿轮
- mid-girth ==> 中央干围
- mid-gley soil ==> 中位潜育土
- mid-late mature seed ==> 中晚熟种
- mid-level outlet ==> 中孔,设在坝体中部的孔口
- mid-life ==> 中年
- mid-lift link ==> (拖拉机半悬挂系统)中间提升杆
- mid-lift linkage ==> 半悬链系
- mid-line (M.L) ==> 中线
- mid-maturation ==> 中熟
- mid-montane forest ==> 中山地森林
- mid-mounted delivery shaken sieve-digger ==> 中间悬挂抖动输送筛式挖掘机
- mid-mounted frame ==> 中间挂架
- mid-mounted mower ==> 中间悬挂式割草机
- mid-mounted reversible plough ==> 中间悬挂式双向犁
- mid-mounted tool ==> 半悬式农具
- mid-mounted toolbar ==> 中部悬挂机具架
- mid-mounting ==> 中间悬挂
- mid-ocean ridge ==> 中央海岭,大洋中脊
- mid-ocean-ridge volcanoes ==> 大洋中央海嶺火山
- mid-oceanic channel ==> 洋内中水道
- mid-oceanic ridge ==> 大洋中脊,大洋中央海岭,中夹海岭
- mid-parallel ==> 中纬线
- mid-parent value ==> 双亲中值
- mid-part ==> 中箱
- mid-phase grounding ==> 相中点接地
- mid-plane ==> 中平面
- mid-plate melting anomaly ==> 板内熔融异常
- mid-point ==> 中点
- mid-point method ==> 中点法
- mid-point protective system ==> 中点保护系统
- mid-point rate ==> 平均汇率,平均价格
- mid-portion urine ==> 中段尿
- mid-position ==> 中点
- mid-position contact ==> 中位触点
- mid-range ==> 中点值,中距
- mid-range forecast(ing) ==> 中期预报
- mid-range frequency ==> 中频
- mid-range loudspeaker ==> 中距离扬声器
- mid-range performance ==> (发动机的)中等运转性能
- mid-rest ==> 休眠中期
- mid-season storage type ==> 中熟贮藏类型
- mid-season variety ==> 中熟品种
- mid-section ==> 半节
- mid-section impedance ==> 半节阻抗=>半区間インピーダンス
- mid-separate surface seal ==> 中分面密封
- mid-series characteristic impedance ==> 串中剖特性阻抗
- mid-series derived filter ==> 半串联导出式滤波器
- mid-series image impedance ==> 直列端影像インピーダンス
- mid-series section ==> 半串联节
- mid-shaft ==> 中间水平
- mid-shot ==> 中景
- mid-shunt image impedance ==> 并中剖镜像阻抗=>並列端影像インピーダンス
- mid-shunt section ==> 半并联节
- mid-span ==> 中跨
- mid-speed centrifuge ==> 中速离心机
- mid-square generator ==> 中平方生成程序,平方取中生成程序
- mid-square method ==> 平方取中法
- mid-tap ==> 中心抽头,二道螺丝攻
- mid-term production-programming forecast ==> 中期生产规划预测
- mid-term stability analysis ==> 中間領域安定度解析
- mid-timber birth ==> 用材中央干围
- mid-timber diameter ==> 用材中央直径
- mid-timber girth ==> 中央材干围
- mid-travel ==> (指开关位置)中间位置
- mid-uterine artery ==> 子宫中动脉
- mid-value ==> 中值
- mid-value of class interval ==> 组中值
- mid-variety ==> 中熟品种
- mid-wale corduroy ==> 中条灯芯绒
- mid-wing monoplane ==> 中单翼飞机
- midar ==> マイダ
- MidART+, MidART and NetworkPlus ==> MidART+
- MidART, Middleware and network Architecture for Real-Time Industrial Applications ==> MidART
- MidART, Middleware for Real-time Distributed for Industrial Applications ==> MidART
- MIDAS, missile defense alarm system ==> ミサイル防衛警報システム
- midaxillary line ==> 腋中线
- midband frequency ==> 中波频率
- midbrain animal ==> 中脑动物
- midclavicular line ==> 锁骨中线
- midcourse control ==> 中航程控制
- midcourse correction ==> 中段修正
- midcourse guidance ==> 中程制导,航程引导
- midday depression ==> 中午低降
- middle (center) bearing ==> 中轴承
- middle and low-pressure vessel ==> 中低压容器
- middle antrum ==> 中小房
- middle aortic syndrome ==> 中间主动脉综合征
- middle axillary line ==> 腋中线
- middle axle ==> 中轴
- middle axle differential case ==> 中桥差速器壳
- middle bearing ==> 中间轴承
- middle body ==> 中央部分
- middle box ==> 中间砂箱
- middle break ==> 中断
- middle burner ==> 中焦
- middle calcaneal articular surface ==> 中跟关节面
- middle cardiac nerve ==> 心中神经
- middle cardiac vein ==> 心中静脉
- middle carpenter file ==> 中木工锉
- middle case ==> 中间壳
- middle casing ==> 中间壳体
- middle cervical ==> 颈中心神经,颈中心神经
- middle cervical fascia ==> 颈筋膜中层,颈筋膜中层
- middle cervical ganglion ==> 颈中神经节,颈中神经节
- middle chain fatty acid ==> 中键脂肪酸
- middle class goods ==> 中等货
- middle clinoid process ==> 中床突,鞍中突
- middle clouds ==> 中云
- middle coat ==> 中间漆=>中塗り
- middle colic artery ==> 中结肠动脉
- middle colic lymph nodes ==> 中结肠淋巴结
- middle collateral artery ==> 中副动脉
- middle common iliac lymph nodes ==> 髂总中间淋巴结
- middle constrictor muscle of pharynx ==> 咽中缩肌
- middle corona ==> 中冕
- middle corridor ==> 内廊
- middle corridor type ==> 内廊式
- middle corridor type dwelling house ==> 内廊式住宅
- middle course ==> 中游
- middle cranial fossa ==> 颅中窝
- middle crop ==> (第二次采摘的原棉)中期棉
- middle crusher ==> 中碎机
- middle crushing ==> 中碎
- middle cut ==> 中段原木,中间掏槽
- middle deck ==> 中层甲板
- middle distance race ==> 中距离跑
- middle distance spray ==> 中距离喷药
- middle distillate ==> 中间馏份,照明灯油
- middle division of silkgland ==> 中部丝腺
- middle double cut file ==> 中双纹锉
- middle dough stage ==> 蜡熟中期
- middle ear ==> 中耳
- middle ear barotrauma ==> 中耳气压损伤
- middle ear effusion ==> 中耳积液
- middle early ==> 中早熟的
- middle element ==> 中间分子
- middle elixir field ==> 中丹田
- middle error ==> 二次误差
- middle facial fracture ==> 面部中段骨折
- middle fan ==> 中扇
- middle field ==> 中野
- middle field layer ==> 中草层
- middle filling machine ==> 中切机
- middle finger ==> 中指
- middle finger cun ==> (针刺取穴法之一)中指同身寸法
- middle flask ==> 中箱
- middle flat file ==> 中扁锉
- middle flue damper ==> 中间烟道闸板
- middle forest ==> 中林
- middle fraction ==> 中间馏分
- middle frequency ==> 中频
- middle frontal gyrus ==> 额中回
- middle gasket ==> 中部衬
- middle gear ==> 死点位置
- middle genicular artery ==> 膝中动脉
- middle gouge ==> 弧口中凿
- middle ground ==> 航道中浅滩
- middle ground buoy ==> 航道中浅滩浮标
- middle half-round file ==> 中半圆锉
- middle heater ==> 中焦
- middle hemorrhoidal vein ==> 痔中静脉
- middle hepatic veins ==> 肝中静脉
- middle herbaceous layer ==> 中草本层
- middle hopper ==> 中间料斗
- middle knife file ==> 中刀锉
- middle lamella ==> (细胞)中层
- middle lane ==> 中间车道
- middle late ==> 中晚熟的
- middle latitude ==> 中间纬度,中纬度
- middle layer ==> 中层,胞间层
- middle layer cells ==> 中层细胞
- middle leaf ==> 中部叶
- middle leg ==> 中足
- middle light ==> (图像)中亮部
- middle line ==> 中线
- middle line keelson ==> 中内龙骨
- middle line pillar ==> 中线支柱
- middle line strake ==> 中内底板
- middle load thermal power plant ==> ミドル火力
- middle lobe of right lung ==> 右肺中叶
- middle lobe syndrome ==> 肺中叶综合征,中叶综合征
- middle machine oil(MMO) ==> 中质机械油
- middle maker ==> 中間メーカ
- middle marker ==> 中点指标
- middle marker beacon ==> 中线指示信标
- middle mediastinum ==> 中纵隔
- middle meningeal veins ==> 脑膜中静脉
- middle nasal concha ==> 中鼻甲
- middle nasal meatus ==> 中鼻道
- middle nodule ==> 中间节
- middle oblique muscle ==> 中斜肌
- middle of forehead ==> 阙庭
- middle of stroke ==> 中间行程
- middle oil ==> 中级油,中油
- middle oil distillate ==> (煤油与润滑油之间的馏分)中间馏分
- middle orbit ==> 中间轨道
- middle pain ==> 经间痛,经间痛
- middle part ==> 中部地区
- middle part of gastric cavity ==> 中脘
- Middle Permian ==> 中二迭世
- middle piece ==> 连接段
- middle plane ==> 中面
- middle plate ==> 中段,中板
- middle pleural area ==> (膜翅目)中侧区
- middle point ==> 中点
- middle post ==> 桁架中柱
- middle pressure rubber asbestos ==> 中压橡胶石棉板
- middle prop ==> 中间立柱
- middle punch ==> 中穿孔
- middle rail ==> 中横档
- middle rate ==> 平均价格
- middle reaches ==> 河道中游,中游
- middle rectal artery ==> 直肠中动脉
- middle ring ==> 中等环,中环
- middle roll ==> 中辊
- middle roller ==> 中罗拉
- middle round file ==> 中圆锉
- middle RU of chain ==> 链的寄存器部件中段
- middle sample ==> 中间试样
- middle seam ==> 中间矿层
- middle seasonal strain ==> 中熟种
- middle section ==> 中截面
- middle shade ==> 中间色
- middle shaft ==> 中间轴
- middle shore ==> 中间斜支撑
- middle size ==> 中等尺寸
- middle soap ==> 中间皂
- middle square file ==> 中方锉
- middle stand oil ==> 中级熟油
- middle standing pillar ==> 中间立柱,中立柱
- Middle Stone Age ==> 中石器时代
- middle strip ==> 中间地带
- middle supply capability ==> ミドル供給力
- middle surface ==> 中面
- middle tank air ==> (容器中层的蒸气空气空间)中槽空气
- middle temperature ==> 中间温度
- middle term ==> 中项
- middle thyroid veins ==> 甲状腺中静脉
- middle toe ==> 中趾
- middle tone ==> 中间色调
- middle triangular file ==> 中三角锉
- middle trunk ==> 中干
- middle turbinate scissors ==> 鼻中甲剪
- middle turbinate sharp curette ==> 中鼻甲剥除锐匙
- middle twill ==> 中等斜纹
- middle type ==> 中间型
- middle ultraviolet band ==> 中紫外波段
- middle ventilation ==> 中央式通风
- middle warmer ==> 中焦
- middle weight star ==> 中等重量星
- middle wheel ==> 中间轮
- middle wing monoplane ==> 中单翼机
- middle wire ==> 中线
- middle-bracket ==> 中间等级,中间等级的
- middle-condenser circuit ==> 低通滤波器T形节电路
- middle-cut cutter ==> 中割型切割器
- middle-cut file ==> 中纹锉
- middle-ear muscles ==> 中耳肌肉
- middle-ear reflex ==> 中耳反射
- middle-impedance type busbar differential protection ==> 中阻抗型母线差动保护,采用具有比率制动特性的中阻抗型电流差动继电器作为启动元件的电流差动保护
- middle-in-chain (MIC) ==> 链中间单元
- middle-jiao governing digestion ==> 中焦主化
- middle-jiao resembling a fermentation tun ==> 中焦如沤
- middle-key(ed) picture ==> 色调适中图像
- middle-latitude flying ==> 中纬度飞行
- middle-latitude sailing ==> 中纬度航行法
- middle-latitude zone ==> 中纬度地带
- middle-man's fee ==> 佣金
- middle-mature stage ==> 中熟期
- middle-of-chain ==> 链的中间,链中间单元
- middle-of-the-road class ==> (小客车等的)中等尺寸级
- middle-pressure reactor ==> 中压反应器
- middle-pressure steam turbine ==> 中压汽轮机
- middle-pressure turbine ==> 中压涡轮机
- middle-range plan ==> 中期计划
- middle-season rice ==> 中稻
- middle-sized ==> 中型的
- middle-sized stock ==> 中型禾堆
- middle-speed reclosing ==> 中速再閉路
- middle-square method ==> 中平方法,平方取中法
- middle-strength explosive ==> 中等威力炸药
- middle-temperature error ==> 平均温度误差
- middle-third rule ==> 三等分法则
- middle-ultraviolet lamp ==> 中紫外灯
- middlebreaker sweep bottom ==> 双壁开沟铲式犁体
- middling coal ==> 中煤,经分选后得到的灰分介于精煤与煤矸石之间的煤
- middling particle ==> 中矿粒
- middling product ==> 中间产品
- middling regrinding circuit ==> 中矿再磨回路
- middling yield ==> 中等产量指标
- middling zone ==> 中矿带
- midecamycin acetate ==> 醋酸麦迪霉素
- midforceps delivery ==> 中位产钳分娩,中位产钳术
- midget ==> 侏儒,微型焊炬,小型焊枪=>小形の
- midget capacitor ==> 微型电容器
- midget car ==> 微型小客车
- midget circuit tester ==> 小型电路试验器
- midget condenser ==> ミゼットコンデンサ
- midget condenser (MC) ==> 微型电容器
- midget duster ==> 手动风箱式喷粉器
- midget ganglion cell ==> 侏儒节细胞
- midget impinger ==> 微型冲击式检尘器
- midget implinger ==> 微型撞击式检尘器
- midget inductor ==> 小型电感器
- midget lamp ==> 小型电子管
- midget microphone ==> 微型传声器
- midget motor ==> 微型电动机,小型电动机
- midget plant ==> 小型工厂,小型设备,小型装置
- midget polyunit ==> 小型叠合装置
- midget receiver ==> 小型接收机,小型收音机
- midget relay ==> 小型继电器,微型继电器
- midget set ==> 小型接收机
- midget socket ==> 小型套节
- midget super emitron ==> 小型超光电摄像管,小型移像光电摄像管
- midget tester ==> 小型万用表
- midget truck ==> 微型载货汽车
- midget tube ==> 微型电子管
- midgracile sulcus ==> 薄叶中沟
- Midland Bank ==> 米特兰银行
- midlethal dose ==> 中等致死剂量
- midline air dose ==> 中线空气剂量
- midline exposure ==> 中线照射量
- midline of fetal head ==> 胎头中线
- midline tissue dose ==> 中线组织剂量
- midnight blue ==> 午夜蓝
- midnight noise ==> 午夜噪声
- midnight plant stop ==> 深夜停止、毎日起動停止(DSS)
- midnight shut down ==> 日間起動停止
- midocean canyon ==> 洋中峡谷
- midocean rift ==> 洋中裂谷,裂谷
- midocean rise ==> 大洋中脊
- midoceanic islands ==> 洋中群岛
- midoceanic ridge ==> 洋中脊
- midoceanic rise ==> 洋中隆
- midohm alloy ==> 铜镍合金
- midordinate rule ==> 中点公式
- midpalmar space ==> 掌中间隙
- midpalmar space infection ==> 掌中间隙感染
- midpelvic plane ==> 中骨盆平面,骨盆狭窄平面
- midpiece of complement ==> 补体中段
- midpoint circle ==> 中点圆
- midpoint connection ==> 中点连接
- midpoint convex functional ==> 中点凸泛函
- midpoint crossing ==> 中点交叉,区间交叉
- midpoint rule ==> 中点法则
- midpoint tap ==> 中心抽头=>中间抽头
- midrange lateral acceleration handling maneuver ==> 中等横向加速转向运动
- midrange speed ==> 中间速度
- midrib vein ==> 中脉
- midseason rice ==> 中稻
- midship ==> 船中部
- midship engine ==> 中置式发动机
- midship engine ship ==> 舯机舱船
- midship frame ==> 中部肋骨
- midship mounting ==> 中间支承
- midship section ==> 船体中段剖面=>船体中央部構造
- midship shaft bearing ==> 中间轴轴承
- midship shaft bearing cover ==> 中间轴轴承盖
- midsized kernel ==> 中等籽粒
- midspan flashover ==> 径間逆フラッシオーバ
- midspan moment ==> 中间跨弯矩
- midspinal line ==> 脊髓中线
- midspring tea ==> 二春茶
- midsquare method ==> 中平方法
- midsternal line ==> 胸骨中线
- midstream urine ==> 中段尿
- midsummer growth ==> 中夏生长
- midthoracic esophageal diverticulum ==> 胸中部食管憩室
- midtrimester induction of labor ==> 中期妊娠引产
- midtrimester of pregnancy ==> 中期妊娠
- midwave therapy ==> 中波电疗法
- midway deflection ==> 中间挠度
- midwife outfit set ==> 助产士器械包
- midwifery case ==> 产科病例
- midwifery forceps ==> 产钳
- midwifery phantom ==> 接生模型
- midwing monoplane ==> 中单翼飞机
- Mie Goreng ==> 焼きそば(Indonesia語)
- Mie scattering ==> 米氏散射=>ミー散乱
- Mie scattering function ==> 米氏函数
- Mie scattering intensity ==> 米氏强度
- Mie scattering parameter ==> 米氏参数
- Mie s scattering laser radar ==> 米氏激光雷达
- Mie's scattering laser radar ==> 米氏激光雷达
- MIE, MEL integrating equipment ==> 材料実験系インテグレーション装置
- Miebach high efficiency flash welding machine ==> 米巴赫高效闪光对焊机
- Miesian architecture ==> 密斯风格建筑
- Miesian style ==> 密斯风格
- MIF, minor frame ==> マイナーフレーム
- MIF-concentration method ==> 汞醛碘浓集法
- MIF-precipitation method ==> 汞醛碘沉淀法
- MIFV, main igniter fuel valve ==> 主点火器燃料バルブ
- mig ==> 多层互连信号发生器
- MIG cutting ==> 金属惰性气体切割
- MIG welding ==> 惰性气体保护金属极电弧焊
- MIG, main igniter ==> 主点火器
- MIG, miniature integrating gyro ==> 小型積分ジャイロ
- MIGFV, main ignition fuel valve ==> メイン点火器液水バルブ
- migma ==> 混合岩浆
- migmatite ==> 混合岩
- migmatitization ==> 混合岩化
- migmatization ==> 混合岩化,混合作用
- Mignon's eosinophilic granuloma ==> 米农氏嗜曙红细胞肉芽肿
- mignonette oil ==> 木犀草油
- MIGOV, main ignition oxidizer valve ==> メイン点火器酸水バルブ
- Migra iron ==> 米格拉生铁
- migrainator ==> 偏头痛压迫器
- migraine ==> 偏头痛
- migrainous neuralgia ==> 群集性头痛
- migranin ==> 米格来宁
- migrans ==> 迁移蚜
- migrant ==> 迁移人口,移居者,移栖动物,候鸟
- migrant erysipelas ==> 赤游风
- migrant labor ==> 流动劳动力
- migrate ==> 迁移=>移動する
- migrate shrike ==> 迁徙伯劳
- migrating ==> 迁移
- migrating dune ==> 移动沙丘
- migrating group ==> 迁移基团
- migrating neuritis ==> 游走性神经炎
- migrating phlebitis ==> 游走性静脉炎,移行性静脉炎
- migrating plasticizer ==> 迁移增塑器
- migrating wave ==> 迁移波
- migration ==> 移位,迁移,飘移,移动,移居,移行,游走,回游,徙动,徙动=>移動(イオン),移動機能,マイグレーション
- migration agent ==> 迁移动力
- migration aptitude ==> 迁移倾向
- migration area ==> 移动面积,迁移区=>移動面積
- migration circle ==> 迁移范围
- migration coefficient ==> 迁移系数
- migration constant ==> 迁移常数
- migration current ==> 迁移电流,移动电流,徙动电流
- migration distance ==> 迁移距离,动程
- migration energy ==> 迁移能,移动能
- migration grasshopper ==> 迁徙蝗
- migration impurity ==> 迁移杂质
- migration inhibition factor ==> 迁移抑制因数,游动抑制因子,游走抑制因子
- migration inhibition test ==> 移动抑制试验
- migration inhibitor ==> 迁移阻止剂
- migration inhibitory factor (MIF) ==> 移行抑制因子
- migration length ==> 迁移长度,徙动长度=>移動距離
- migration loss ==> 迁移损失
- migration mechanism ==> 迁移机理,迁移机能
- migration of divide ==> 分水界迁移,分水岭移动
- migration of electrons ==> 电子迁移
- migration of ion ==> 离子徙(移)动
- migration of ions ==> 离子迁移
- migration of larva ==> 幼虫移行
- migration of ovum ==> 卵子迁移
- migration of population ==> 人口迁移
- migration origin ==> 迁移起点
- migration policy ==> 迁移政策
- migration potential ==> 移动电位,徙动电位,(胶粒)移动电势
- migration probability ==> 迁移概率
- migration rate ==> 迁移率,迁移速度
- migration terminus ==> 迁移终点
- migration test ==> 迁移试验
- migration tube ==> 迁移管
- migration velocity ==> 徒动速度
- migration volume ==> 迁移卷,卷转移
- migration-rate theory ==> 迁移速率理论
- migrator ==> 移居者
- migratory anti-cyclone ==> 迁移性高气压
- migratory aptitude ==> 迁移性
- migratory beekeeping ==> 转地养蜂
- migratory behaviour ==> 迁移行为
- migratory bird ==> 候鸟
- migratory birds ==> 候鸟类
- migratory cell ==> 移行细胞
- migratory cells ==> 游走细胞
- migratory community ==> 游移群落,迁移群落
- migratory direction ==> 迁移方向
- migratory dune ==> 流动沙丘
- migratory erythema ==> 游走性红斑
- migratory fish ==> 回游鱼
- migratory glossitis ==> 游走性舌炎
- migratory group ==> 迁移群
- migratory highway ==> 迁移途径
- migratory instinct ==> 迁移本能
- migratory locust ==> 飞蝗
- migratory movement ==> 迁移活动
- migratory ophthalmia ==> 交感性眼炎
- migratory permutation ==> 可移排列
- migratory restlessness ==> 迁徙兴奋
- migratory route ==> 迁移路线
- migratory species ==> 移栖种
- migratory stage ==> 移行期
- migratory stain ==> 移附污染
- migratory system ==> 迁移系统
- migratory thrombophlebitis ==> 移动性血栓静脉炎,游走性血栓性静脉炎
- MIH, mechanical integration hardware ==> 機械的インテグレーションハードウエア
- MIIS, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau ==> 機械情報産業局
- Mikasa Foods ==> 三笠フーズ
- mike ==> マイク
- mike boom ==> 送话器吊架,传声器柱=>マイクブーム
- mike cord ==> 传声器软线,传声器线,送话器软线
- mike noise ==> 传声器噪声
- mike stand ==> 送话器支架=>マイクスタンド
- mike stew ==> 传声器噪声
- mike technique ==> 传声器技术
- MIKE, Manipulator Interactive Kinematic Evaluation ==> マニピュレータ相互運動評価
- Mikro-tester ==> 米克洛硬度试验机
- mikropoikilitic texture ==> 微嵌晶结构
- Mikulicz's operation ==> 米库利奇氏手术
- Mikulicz's syndrome ==> 米库利奇氏综合征
- mil ==> 密耳=>ミル(0.001インチ)
- mil formula ==> 密位公式
- mil unit of angular measure ==> 密位
- MIL, GSFC Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network Station (KSC)Merritt Island Fla.(ST ==> GSFC飛行追跡・データネットワークステーシヨンメリット島)
- MIL, military ==> 軍
- MIL, Military Specifications and Standards ==> 米国軍用規格
- MIL, MSFN station Merritt Island Florida ==> フロリダメリット島追跡局
- mil-foot ==> 密耳-英尺
- mil-foot resistivity ==> ミルフート抵抗率
- MIL-HDBK, military handbook ==> 軍用ハンドブック
- MIL-P, military pamphlet ==> 軍用パンフレット
- mil-spec integrated circuit ==> 军用规格集成电路
- MIL-SPEC, Military Specifications ==> 米国軍用規格
- MIL-STD, Military Standards ==> 米陸軍標準規格
- Milan antigen ==> 米兰抗原
- Milan braid ==> 米兰马海毛编带
- Milan point ==> 米兰金银丝梭结花边
- Milanese flat warp-stitch knitting machine ==> 米兰尼斯平型经编机
- Milanese hose ==> 米兰尼斯经编袜
- milch cattle ==> 奶牛
- milch cow ==> 奶牛
- milch goat ==> 奶山羊
- mild ==> 轻的,柔软的,软性的=>やわらかい,マイルド
- mild abrasive ==> 柔和磨料
- mild acidosis ==> 軽度のアシドーシス
- mild activity ==> 軽い活動
- mild acute pancreatitis ==> 軽症急性膵炎
- mild agitation ==> 轻微搅动
- mild alloy ==> 软合金
- mild asphyxia neonatorum ==> 新生儿轻度窒息
- mild carbon steel ==> 低碳钢
- mild carbon steel strip ==> 低碳带钢
- mild carburizer ==> 软和渗碳剂,软渗碳剂,缓和渗碳剂
- mild carburizing ==> 缓和渗碳,软渗碳
- mild case ==> 轻证
- mild case of flu ==> 軽症のインフルエンザ
- mild case of hepatitis ==> 軽症の肝炎
- mild case of measles ==> 軽いはしか
- mild cheese ==> 口当たりの良いチーズ
- mild clay ==> 柔性粘土,软粘土,亚粘土
- mild cough ==> 轻咳
- mild cracking ==> 轻度裂化
- mild dehydration ==> 轻度失水
- mild disinfectant ==> 软性消毒剂
- mild drawn wire ==> 软拉钢丝
- mild etching ==> 轻腐蚀
- mild extreme pressure lubricant ==> 中度极压润滑剂
- mild fever ==> 微热
- mild fire ==> 文火
- mild form ==> 轻型
- mild fusing metal casting investment ==> 中溶铸金包埋料
- mild heat stroke ==> 轻度中暑
- mild humus ==> 软腐殖质,温性腐殖质
- mild inbreeding ==> 轻度杂交
- mild intoxication ==> 轻度中毒
- mild iron ==> 软铁
- mild mental retardation ==> 轻度智力落后
- mild moderate dose ==> 中等剂量
- mild mosaic virus of potato ==> 马铃薯轻性花叶病
- mild oxidation ==> 轻度氧化
- mild purgative ==> 缓和泻剂
- mild quench(ing) ==> 软淬火
- mild sand ==> 瘦砂,瘦型砂
- mild sheet steel ==> 软钢板
- mild silver nitrate ==> 弱硝酸银
- mild silver protein ==> 弱蛋白银
- mild steel ==> 软钢,低碳钢=>軟鋼
- mild steel arc welding electrode ==> 低碳钢焊条
- mild steel channel ==> 槽钢
- mild steel checkered plate ==> 花纹钢板
- mild steel equal angle ==> 等边角钢
- mild steel expanded sheets ==> 钢板网
- mild steel fire box ==> 软钢板火箱
- mild steel hexagonal bolts ==> 六角螺丝梗
- mild steel hexagonal bolts and nuts ==> 六角螺丝闩
- mild steel I-beam ==> 低碳工字钢
- mild steel ingot ==> 低碳钢锭
- mild steel plate ==> 软钢板
- mild steel reinforcement ==> (含钢量0.12--0.25%)软钢钢筋
- mild steel shank ==> 软钢手柄
- mild steel sheet ==> 软钢皮
- mild steel welding rod ==> 低碳钢焊丝
- mild steel wire ==> 低碳钢丝
- mild suppurative appendicitis ==> 轻型化脓性阑尾炎
- mild toxemia of pregnancy ==> 轻度妊娠毒血症
- mild type ==> 轻型
- mild water (MW) ==> 温水
- mild wear ==> 微缓磨损
- mild-carbon steel strip ==> 低碳带钢,低碳钢带
- mild-clay ==> 软质粘土
- mild-duty operating condition ==> 轻型运转状态
- mild-steel domestic boiler ==> 软钢家用锅炉
- mild-steel sheet ==> 低碳钢薄板
- mildethane ==> 托布津
- mildew ==> 长霉,霉,霉病,霉点,植物霉病
- mildew and rot ==> 霉烂
- mildew preventive ==> 防霉剂
- mildew proof paper ==> 防霉纸
- mildew resistant paint ==> 防霉漆,防霉涂料
- mildew-proof latex paint ==> 防霉乳胶漆
- mildewproof ==> 防霉
- mildly alkaline soil ==> 轻度碱性土壤
- mildly corrosive ==> 轻度腐蚀的
- mile of standard cable (MSC) ==> 标准电缆英里
- Mile's operation ==> 腹部会阴直肠切除术
- mileage allowance ==> 以里程计算的差旅费
- mileage counter ==> 里程计数器
- mileage number ==> 密西西比河里程数
- mileage open to traffic ==> 通航里程
- mileage per car ==> 每车平均英里程
- mileage per gallon ==> 每加仑英里程
- mileage per quart ==> 每四分之一加仑英里程
- mileage table ==> 里程表
- mileage tester ==> 里程试验机,燃料消耗里程测试计
- mileage-efficient engine ==> 燃費効率の良いエンジン
- miles of travel ==> 行程英里数
- miles on course ==> 路程英里数
- miles per gallon ==> 加伦英里
- miles per hour ==> 每小时英里数
- Miles' operation ==> 经腹会阴直肠癌切除术,经腹会阴直肠癌切除术,迈尔斯氏手术
- milestone ==> 里程碑=>マイルストーン
- milestone budget ==> 里程碑预算
- milestone scheduling ==> 里程碑排程
- milestone state ==> 里程碑状态
- miliary fever ==> 汗热病
- miliary tuberculosis of lung ==> 肺粟粒性结核病
- milic ==> 毫米波图像带宽集成电路
- milieu interne ==> 内部环境
- milieu therapy ==> 环境疗法,环境治疗
- militarization of national economy ==> 经济军事化,经济军事化
- military architecture ==> 军事建筑,军事建筑
- military base ==> 军事基地,军事基地
- military budget ==> 军事预算,军事预算
- military command system ==> 军事指挥系统,军事指挥系统
- military computer family (MCF) ==> 军用计算机系列,军用计算机系列
- military decision analysis ==> 军事决策分析,军事决策分析
- military engineering psychology ==> 军事工程心理,军事工程心理
- military expenditure ==> 军费,军费
- military game ==> 军事策略,军事策略,军事游戏,军事游戏
- military goods ==> 军用物资,军用物资
- military harbor ==> 军港,军港
- military hygiene ==> 军队卫生学,军队卫生学
- military infrared equipment ==> 军用红外装置,军用红外装置
- military medical academy ==> 军医学校,军医学校
- military medical college ==> 军医大学,军医大学
- military medical school ==> 军医学校,军医学校
- military model ==> 军事模型,军事模型
- military motor lorry ==> 军用卡车,军用卡车
- military operation research ==> 军事运筹学,军事运筹学
- military optical instrument ==> 军用光学仪器,军用光学仪器
- military procurement action ==> 交付军事订货
- military saddle ==> 军用鞍,军用鞍
- military science ==> 军事科学,军事科学
- military specification ==> 军用规格,军用规格
- military standard ==> 军用标准,军用标准
- military statistics ==> 军事统计,军事统计
- military surgeon ==> 军医,军医
- military surgery ==> 军事外科,军事外科
- military system engineering ==> 军事系统工程,军事系统工程
- military telescope ==> 军用望远镜,军用望远镜
- military theoretician ==> 軍事理論家
- military toxicant poisoning ==> 军医毒剂中毒,军医毒剂中毒
- military transaction ==> 军用交易,军用交易
- milk ==> 乳,乳状物=>牛乳,ミルク
- milk abscess ==> 哺乳期乳腺脓肿
- milk acid ==> 乳酸
- milk agaric (Lactarius resimus) ==> 乳蘑菇
- milk agitator ==> 牛奶搅拌器
- milk albumin ==> 乳清蛋白
- milk allergy ==> 牛奶变应性=>牛乳アレルギー
- milk and cream pump ==> 牛奶与奶油泵
- milk animal ==> 乳牛
- milk bath ==> 乳浴
- milk borne immunity ==> 牛奶免疫性
- milk bottle capper ==> 奶瓶装盖机
- milk bottle washer ==> 奶瓶清洗机
- milk bottle winding ==> 奶瓶形卷绕
- milk bread ==> 乳面包
- milk can ==> 贮奶罐
- milk can conveyer ==> 奶桶输送机
- milk car ==> 牛乳运送汽车
- milk carton ==> 奶瓶用纸板
- milk casein fibre ==> 乳酪纤维
- milk cattle ==> 乳牛,奶牛
- milk character ==> 泌乳性状
- milk chocolate ==> 牛奶巧克力
- milk churn ==> 大奶桶=>牛乳容器
- milk cleaner ==> 牛乳净化器
- milk coagulant ==> 凝乳剂
- milk coagulating enzyme ==> 凝乳酶
- milk collecting system ==> 集乳系统
- milk composition ==> 乳的成分
- milk cooler ==> 牛奶冷却器
- milk cooling equipment ==> 牛奶冷却设备
- milk cooling unit ==> 牛奶冷却装置
- milk corpuscles ==> 乳脂微粒
- milk cow ==> 乳牛
- milk crop ==> 牛奶产量
- milk culturemedium ==> 牛奶培养基
- milk cure ==> 乳疗法
- milk cyst ==> 郁乳囊肿
- milk dentition ==> 乳齿系
- milk diet ==> 牛奶餐
- milk diluent ==> 奶类稀释液
- milk dispenser ==> 牛奶装瓶机
- milk dough ==> 乳面团
- milk drier ==> (制奶粉用)牛奶干燥机
- milk duct ==> 乳导管
- milk ejection ==> 排乳,放乳
- milk equivalent ==> 牛奶当量
- milk extract ==> 乳精
- milk factor ==> 乳因子
- milk fat ==> 乳脂
- milk fat meter ==> 乳脂计
- milk fever ==> 乳胀热,产乳热,产妇乳热,生产瘫痪
- milk filter ==> 牛奶过滤器
- milk flow ==> 乳流
- milk flow meter ==> 牛奶流量计
- milk food ==> 乳制食品
- milk gauge ==> 牛奶比重表
- milk gland ==> 乳腺
- milk glass ==> 乳白玻璃
- milk globules ==> 乳脂小球
- milk goat ==> 奶山羊
- milk gold ==> 乳金
- milk house ==> 牛奶房
- milk intolerance ==> 不耐乳症
- milk leg ==> 疼痛性股白种
- milk let-down hormone ==> 放乳激素
- milk lifter ==> 抽奶机,输奶泵
- milk lorry ==> 牛奶运输车
- milk meter ==> 量乳计
- milk mirror ==> 乳镜
- milk molar ==> 乳齿臼齿
- milk mushroom ==> 乳蘑菇
- milk of bismuth ==> 铋乳
- milk of magnesia ==> 镁乳
- milk onion (Allium galanthum) ==> 乳葱
- milk only record ==> 单项产奶记录
- milk performance ==> 泌乳性能
- milk period ==> 乳熟期
- milk pipe ==> 牛奶导管
- milk plant ==> 乳品厂
- milk powder ==> 奶粉=>粉ミルク
- milk precursor ==> 乳前体物
- milk processing ==> 牛奶加工
- milk producing ability ==> 产奶能力
- milk product ==> 乳产品,乳类制品,乳制品
- milk product waste ==> 乳制品废水
- milk production ==> 产奶量
- milk production equipment ==> 牛奶加工设备
- milk pump ==> 奶泵
- milk quality test ==> 牛奶品质测定
- milk recorder ==> 乳量记录器
- milk ridge ==> 乳腺脊
- milk ring test ==> 乳汗环状试验
- milk ring test (MRT) ==> 乳汁环状试验
- milk sap ==> 乳状液,乳状汁
- milk scale ==> 乳量计
- milk scale buret(te) ==> 乳白刻度滴管
- milk season ==> 乳熟期
- milk secretion ==> 乳汁分泌,泌乳
- milk secretion rate ==> 泌乳速度
- milk separation ==> 牛奶脱脂
- milk separator ==> 奶油分离机
- milk serum ==> 奶清,乳清
- milk shake ==> 奶昔=>ミルクセーキ
- milk sickness ==> 乳毒病
- milk sieve ==> 奶过滤器
- milk solids ==> 奶干物质
- milk spots ==> 乳斑,乳色斑,乳状斑,军人斑,军人斑
- milk stage ==> 乳熟期
- milk stain ==> 乳汁斑
- milk stain test ==> 乳汁斑检验
- milk sterilizer ==> 牛奶消毒器,奶灭菌器
- milk stone ==> (加热牛奶的沉淀物)乳石
- milk strainer ==> 牛奶过滤器,奶过滤器
- milk sugar ==> 乳糖,乳糖酶
- milk survillance network ==> 牛乳监视网
- milk tank vehicle ==> 奶罐车
- milk tanker vessel ==> 牛奶槽车
- milk teeth ==> 乳齿,乳牙,暂牙,蜕齿
- milk teeth period ==> 乳牙期
- milk test ==> 乳试验,乳汁检验
- milk testing ==> 牛奶测定
- milk tetany ==> 牛缺镁强直
- milk the street ==> 操纵有价证券从中牟利,操纵证券从中牟利
- milk time ==> 乳熟期
- milk tooth ==> 乳齿,乳牙
- milk toxin ==> 乳毒素
- milk tube ==> 乳管
- milk tumor ==> 乳瘤
- milk use ==> 乳利用
- milk veal ==> 小牛肉
- milk vein ==> 乳静脉
- milk veins become larger as the cow gets older ==> 母牛越老乳静脉越大
- milk vessels ==> 乳糜管
- milk vetch ==> 紫云英
- milk veteh ==> 黄芪
- milk vomiting ==> 嗌乳
- milk vomiting in infants ==> 噫奶
- milk weighing machine ==> 奶秤
- milk well ==> 乳井
- milk whey ==> 乳清
- milk white ==> 乳白色
- milk withdrawal ==> 回奶
- milk yield ==> 产奶量,产乳量
- milk yield in lactation period ==> 泌乳期产乳总量
- milk-agent ==> 乳汁因子
- milk-alkali syndrome ==> 乳碱综合征
- milk-born infection ==> 乳汁传染
- milk-borne ==> 乳传播的
- milk-borne disease ==> 乳原性病
- milk-borne diseases ==> 乳传播病
- milk-borne infection ==> 牛奶传染
- milk-bottle bobbin ==> 奶瓶形筒子
- milk-ejection reflex ==> 排乳反射
- milk-globule ==> 乳球
- milk-leg ==> 股白肿
- milk-line ==> (胚)乳线
- milk-powder machine ==> 奶粉制造机
- milk-pump ==> 吸奶器
- milk-sick ==> 白蛇根中毒
- milk-storage tank ==> 贮奶罐
- milk-transfer system ==> 输奶系统
- milked-fever ==> 产乳热
- milkfat percentage ==> 含脂率
- milking ==> 乳濁
- milking apparatus ==> 挤奶机
- milking booster ==> 补充充电的升压电机
- milking capacity ==> 泌乳能力
- milking cow ==> 产奶牛
- milking curve ==> 泌乳曲线
- milking generator ==> 电池充电用低压直流电机,分别充电发电机
- milking machine ==> 挤奶机
- milking machine pump ==> 挤奶装置泵
- milking maturity ==> 乳熟
- milking operation ==> 挤奶操作
- milking rate ==> 排乳速度
- milking shorthorn ==> 乳用短角牛
- milking stage ==> 灌浆阶段
- milking stock ==> 产奶牛
- milking sugar ==> 乳糖
- milking system ==> 挤奶作业系统
- milking unit ==> 挤奶机
- milking vein ==> 乳静脉
- Milkmans syndrome ==> 米尔克曼综合征
- milko-tester ==> 乳脂肪分析仪
- milkweed butterfly ==> 斑蝶
- milkweed fibre ==> 马利筋属纤维
- milky ==> 乳白色的
- milky disease ==> 乳白病
- milky draba (Draba lactea) ==> 乳白葶苈
- milky glass ==> 乳白玻璃
- milky glaze ==> 乳白釉
- milky maturity ==> 乳熟
- milky opal ==> 乳蛋白石
- milky quartz ==> 乳色石英,乳石英
- milky ripe ==> 乳熟
- milky ripeness ==> 乳熟度
- milky stage ==> (指水果谷物的一种成熟期)乳熟期
- milky surface ==> 乳白镀层
- milky surface of glass ==> 乳白面玻璃
- milky urine ==> 乳状尿
- Milky Way ==> 银河
- Milky Way Galaxy ==> 银河系
- milky weather ==> 乳白天空,乳白天气
- milky yarn ==> (人造丝疵点)乳白丝
- mill ==> 磨坊,磨机,木材加工工厂,厂,成型车间,再加工车间,米尔,采矸石洞,(千分之一美元,只用于统计)厘=>ミル
- mill (furnace) cinder ==> 轧钢屑
- mill addition ==> 球磨机添加物料
- mill addition method ==> 磨加法
- mill aisle ==> 轧机跨
- mill approach table ==> 轧机输入辊道
- mill apron ==> 返料带
- mill auxiliaries ==> 轧机的附属设备
- mill ball ==> 研磨球
- mill bar ==> 轧材
- mill barrel ==> 磨矿机滚筒,磨碎机筒
- mill base ==> 漆浆
- mill bay ==> 轧机跨
- mill bed plate ==> 磨底盘,底盘
- mill bent ==> 磨坊的立柱屋架
- mill board ==> 麻丝板,书皮纸板
- mill body ==> 磨铣器体
- mill building ==> 磨坊式厂房,厂房
- mill cake ==> 磨饼
- mill certificate ==> 钢厂材料证明书,钢厂合格证
- mill chats ==> 采石场废料
- mill cinder ==> 轧屑
- mill classifier, classifier ==> 粗粉分离器,又称"旋风分离器"。中间储仓式制粉系统中,置于粗粉分离器之后,将制成的煤粉从气粉混合物中分离并收集起来的装置。
- mill coal ==> 工厂用煤
- mill coil ==> 热轧窄带钢
- mill condition ==> 轧制规范
- mill construction ==> 工厂建筑
- mill cost ==> 工厂生产费
- mill cull ==> 等外材,下脚料
- mill cut saw ==> 磨切锯机
- mill data ==> 轧机参数
- mill delivery table ==> 轧机输出辊道
- mill dell ==> 楞台
- mill dust ==> 粉尘
- mill edge ==> 热轧缘边
- mill engraving machine ==> 钢芯雕刻机,钢芯轧纹机
- mill exhauster ==> 排粉机
- mill fan ==> 排粉机
- mill feed ==> 磨机给料
- mill feeder ==> 磨机给料器
- mill fever ==> 纺织热
- mill file ==> 单纹平锉
- mill finish ==> 轧制光洁度
- mill finish printing paper ==> 粗道林纸
- mill floor ==> 车间地面
- mill flour ==> 磨面
- mill for rolling center disc type wheels ==> 车轮轧机
- mill for rolling sections ==> 型钢轧机
- mill friction ==> 轧机部件内的摩擦
- mill furnace ==> 加热炉
- mill furnace cinder ==> 加热炉渣
- mill general layout ==> 轧机设备的总布置
- mill grease ==> 磨机用润滑脂
- mill hardening ==> 轧制淬火,轧制余热淬火
- mill head ==> 铣头
- mill head assay ==> 入选原矿分析
- mill headed screw ==> 滚花头螺钉
- mill housing ==> 轧机机架
- mill housing cover ==> 粉碎室上盖
- mill housing window ==> 轧机牌坊窗口
- mill interstand tension ==> 轧机机架间张力
- mill join ==> 卷筒纸接头,卷筒纸接头
- mill knife ==> 磨刀
- mill language ==> 轧制专业用语
- mill layout ==> 轧机布置
- mill length ==> 轧制长度
- mill limit ==> 轧制公差
- mill liner ==> 磨机衬里,磨矿机衬里
- mill lining ==> 磨衬,磨矿机衬里
- mill load ==> 轧机负荷
- mill market ==> 制造者市场
- mill mixing ==> 辊筒混合
- mill motor ==> 磨坊用电动机=>圧延電動機
- mill net price ==> 厂盘净价
- mill off ==> 铣掉
- mill opening ==> 轧辊开度
- mill operator ==> 轧钢工
- mill over meal bin ==> 装在贮粉箱上的磨粉机
- mill pack ==> 单张薄钢板
- mill pebble ==> (砾磨机用)磨砾
- mill personnel ==> 轧机操作人员
- mill pinion ==> 齿轮座的齿轮轴
- mill pond ==> 贮木场
- mill power draft ==> 磨机需用功率
- mill processing ==> 轧制加工
- mill product ==> 轧制成品
- mill production ==> 轧机生产能力
- mill pulpit ==> 轧机操纵室
- mill quenching ==> 轧制余热淬火
- mill race ==> 磨坊引水槽
- mill rigs ==> 缩呢折痕
- mill roll ==> 轧辊
- mill roll opening ==> 滚隙
- mill roll scale ==> 轧制铁鳞
- mill roller ==> 轧钢工
- mill rolling practice ==> 轧制实践
- mill run-in table ==> 机前输入辊道
- mill run-out table ==> 机后输出辊道
- mill sampling ==> 选矿取样
- mill saw ==> 框锯
- mill scale ==> 轧钢鳞皮,轧屑
- mill scrap ==> 工厂废品
- mill screw ==> 轧机压下螺丝
- mill separator ==> 粗粉分离器,机座横梁
- mill setting ==> 轧机调整
- mill shears ==> 轧制剪切机
- mill sheet ==> 钢厂检验单资料,材料成分分析表,制造工艺规程
- mill shell ==> 磨机外壳
- mill shoe ==> 轧机轧座
- mill slurries ==> 磨机矿浆
- mill solution ==> 工艺溶液
- mill speed ==> 磨机转速,轧制速度
- mill spindle ==> 轧机联接轴,竖轴
- mill spring ==> 轧机弹跳,轧机机座的弹跳
- mill springing ==> 轧机弹跳
- mill stand ==> 轧机机座
- mill stand cap ==> 轧机机座盖
- mill star ==> 星形铁
- mill streaks ==> 轧制条痕
- mill surface ==> 磨碎面
- mill table ==> 轧机辊道
- mill tackle ==> 轧机吊索工具
- mill tail ==> 水车出水槽,磨坊放水槽
- mill tap ==> 轧机铁鳞,轧制铁鳞
- mill teeth ==> 磨齿
- mill test ==> 工場試験
- mill to death ==> 重复碾磨
- mill tooth ==> 臼齿,臼齿
- mill train ==> 轧道,轧钢机组,轧机机组
- mill trommel ==> 磨机滚筒筛
- mill type cylinder ==> 大型油缸
- mill under-thickness tolerance ==> 出厂厚度负公差
- mill undertolerance ==> 钢厂负公差
- mill water ==> 选矿用水
- mill wheel ==> 磨坊水轮
- mill with horizontal meal mixer ==> 带水平式粗粉混合器的磨粉机
- mill work ==> 工厂预制件,定制木作
- mill 磨坊,磨机,木材加工工厂,厂,成型车间,再加工车间,米尔,采矸石洞,(千分之一美元, ==> 只用于统计)厘
- mill-certificate ==> 钢厂材料证明书,钢厂合格证
- mill-coated pipe ==> 厂涂涂层管子
- mill-cut saw machine ==> 磨切锯机
- mill-dam ==> 磨坊坝,磨坊水坝
- mill-hand ==> 研磨工人
- mill-mixer ==> 粉碎混合机
- mill-sheet ==> 钢厂检验单资料
- mill-turn ==> 铣车床
- mill-type lamp ==> 耐震灯泡,耐振灯泡
- millammeter ==> 毫安表
- Millard-Gubler syndrome ==> 面神经交叉性偏瘫
- milleb wood ==> 铣成的木材
- milled bolt ==> 铣制螺栓
- milled border ==> 研磨边缘
- milled clay ==> 磨细的白土
- milled cloth ==> 毡合织物,缩绒织物
- milled edge ==> 铣成边
- milled edge thumb screw ==> 铣边翼形螺钉
- milled glass fibre ==> 磨制玻璃纤维
- milled lead ==> 碾压铅板
- milled nut ==> 滚花螺母
- milled rice ==> 精米
- milled ring ==> 滚花环
- milled screw ==> 滚花头螺钉
- milled sheet ==> 轧制板
- milled soap ==> 研压块皂
- milled twist drill ==> 麻花钻
- milled wood lignin ==> 磨木木素
- millefiori glass ==> 千花玻璃
- millennial-scale climate variability ==> 千年スケールの気候変動
- miller ==> 铣床
- Miller ==> 密勒平方码
- Miller bridge ==> 密勒电桥
- miller center ==> 铣床顶尖
- Miller circuit ==> 密勒电路
- Miller code ==> 密勒代码,密勒码
- Miller cycle ==> 米勒循环=>ミラーサイクル
- miller cycle engine ==> ミラーサイクルエンジン
- Miller cycle engine ==> 米勒循环发动机
- Miller cycle gas engine ==> ミラーサイクルガスエンジン
- Miller effect ==> 密勒效应=>ミラー効果
- miller hand ==> 铣工
- Miller indices ==> 密勒指数=>ミラー指数
- Miller integrator ==> 密勒积分器=>ミラー積分器
- Miller law ==> 密勒定律
- Miller process ==> 密勒法
- Miller radiator ==> 密勒发射天线
- Miller sweep ==> 密勒积分电路
- Miller sweeping circuit ==> 密勒扫描电路
- Miller's reagent ==> 米勒氏试剂
- Miller-Abbotttube ==> 气囊双腔管
- Miller-Bowen principle ==> 密衡-波文原理
- millet black kernel smut ==> 谷子粒黑穗病
- millet brown spot ==> 谷子胡麻斑病
- millet ear blight ==> 谷子穗枯线虫
- millet grass (Milium effusum) ==> 粟草
- millet kernel smut ==> 谷子粒黑穗病
- millet leaf rust ==> 谷子叶锈病
- millet leaf spot ==> 谷子叶斑病
- millet stem borer (Diatraea shariinensis) ==> 粟灰螟
- millet stem fleabeetle (chaetocnemaingenua) ==> 粟茎跳甲
- millet stem fly ==> 粟秆蝇
- millet stem maggot ==> 粟秆蝇
- millet-seed sandstone ==> 粟粒状砂岩
- milli equivalent ==> 毫当量
- milli micromicroammeter ==> 毫微微安表
- milli-gauss magnetic field ==> ミリガウス磁気
- milli-mass-unit ==> 毫质量单位
- milli-size motor ==> ミリサイズモータ
- milliammeter ==> 毫安计=>ミリアンパア計
- milliampere ==> 毫安=>ミリアンパア
- milliampere man ==> 弱电工程师
- milliampere-second ==> 毫安秒
- milliamperemeter ==> 毫安计
- milliard ==> 十亿
- millifarad ==> 毫法拉
- milligram-atom ==> 毫克原子
- milligram-ion ==> 毫克离子
- milligram-molecule ==> 毫克分子
- millihenry ==> 毫亨
- Millikan electrometer ==> 密立根静电计
- Millikan meter ==> 密立根计
- Millikan oil-drop experiment ==> 密立根油滴实验
- Millikan rays ==> 超X射线
- milliken conductor ==> 分割导体=>素線絶縁導体
- millimeter ==> 亳米
- millimeter astronomy ==> 毫米波天文学
- millimeter for nominal size ==> 公称直径以毫米表示
- millimeter of mercury ==> 毫米汞柱,毫米水银柱高
- millimeter of water ==> 毫米水柱
- millimeter region ==> ミリメートル範囲
- millimeter scale ==> ミリメートル規模
- millimeter wave ==> 毫米波=>ミリメートル波
- millimeter wave antenna ==> 毫米波天线
- millimeter wave band power meter ==> 毫米波全波段功率仪
- millimeter wave channel branching filter ==> 毫米波分路滤波器
- millimeter wave communication ==> 毫米波通信
- millimeter wave image line integrated circuit ==> 毫米波图像带宽集成电路
- millimeter wave laser ==> 毫米波激光器
- millimeter wave monolithic integrated circuit ==> 毫米波单片集成电路
- millimeter wave reflex klystron ==> 毫米波反射速调管
- millimeter wire gauge ==> 毫米线规
- millimeter-wave communication ==> ミリ波通信
- millimeter-wave communication equipment ==> ミリ波帯通信装置
- millimeter-wave laser ==> 毫米波激光器
- millimeter-wave radar ==> 毫米波雷达
- millimeter-wave signal generator ==> 毫米波信号发生器
- millimeter-wave spectrum ==> 毫米波谱
- millimeter-wave spectrum analyzer ==> 毫米波频谱分析器
- millimetre-wave radar ==> ミリ波レーダ
- millimetric wave ==> 毫米波=>ミリメートル波
- millimetric wave band ==> 毫米波段
- millimetric wave detector ==> 毫米波检波管
- millimetric wave magnetron ==> 毫米波磁控管
- millimicro second ==> 毫微秒
- millimicro second pulse generator ==> 毫微秒脉冲发生器
- millimicroammeter ==> 毫微安表
- millimicrofarad ==> 毫微法拉
- millimicrosecond pulse generator ==> 毫微秒脉冲发生器
- millinery felt ==> 女帽毡
- millinery store ==> 妇女用品商店
- milling ==> 轧制,研磨,铣,铣法,铣削,铣削加工,碾磨=>フライス加工,フライス削り
- milling action ==> 磨碎作用
- milling agent ==> 缩绒剂
- milling and baking properties ==> 磨粉和烘烤性质
- milling and profiling ==> 仿形铣床
- milling angle ==> 分度头心轴偏角,铣角
- milling arbor ==> 铣刀杆
- milling arbour ==> 铣刀轴
- milling attachment ==> 铣削附件,铣削装置=>フライス装置
- milling automatic ==> 自动铣削
- milling back flutes ==> 铣背槽
- milling bit ==> 磨铣钻头
- milling by-product ==> 面粉加工制产品
- milling characters ==> 磨粉品质
- milling cone groove ==> 铣锥形槽
- milling cutter ==> 铣刀
- milling cutter arbor ==> 铣刀轴
- milling cutter diameter ==> 铣刀直径
- milling cutter grinding machine ==> 铣刀磨床
- milling cutter shank ==> 铣刀柄
- milling cutter spindle ==> 铣刀杆
- milling cutter tooth form ==> 铣刀齿形
- milling depth ==> 铣切深度,铣削深度
- milling equipment ==> 磨碎设备
- milling faults ==> 缩绒疵点
- milling fixture ==> 铣刀夹具,铣削夹具
- milling flat ==> 铣平面
- milling flocks ==> 缩呢毛屑
- milling flutes ==> 铣槽
- milling gear teeth ==> 铣齿轮齿
- milling green ==> 磨绿
- milling grinding ==> 磨矿
- milling head ==> 铣刀头
- milling jig ==> 铣床夹具
- milling loss ==> 磨粉损耗
- milling machine ==> 磨削机,缩绒机,铣床=>フライス盤
- milling machine accessory ==> 铣床附件
- milling machine arbor ==> 铣刀轴
- milling machine dog ==> 铣床轧头
- milling machine operation ==> 铣削操作
- milling machine operator ==> 铣工
- milling machine parts ==> 铣床零件
- milling machine shop ==> 铣工车间
- milling machine speed dial ==> 铣床转速刻度盘
- milling machine spindle ==> 铣床主轴
- milling machine table ==> 铣床工作台
- milling machine unit ==> 铣床
- milling machine upright ==> 铣床立柱
- milling machine with universal turret head machine ==> 万向转塔铣床
- milling mark ==> 铣削刀痕
- milling medium ==> 磨矿介质
- milling method ==> 磨矿法
- milling of grooves ==> 铣槽
- milling operation ==> 铣削操作=>フライス作業
- milling orange ==> 磨橙
- milling ore ==> 二级矿石
- milling pit ==> 磨矿机
- milling pitch ==> 滚花节距
- milling plant ==> 粉磨车间=>製粉工場
- milling power ==> 缩绒性
- milling property ==> 缩绒性
- milling pulverization ==> 磨碎
- milling quality ==> 制米品质
- milling shoe ==> 磨鞋
- milling shrinkage ==> 缩绒收缩
- milling slide ==> 铣齿刀架,铣削刀架
- milling soap ==> 缩绒皂
- milling straight flute ==> 铣直槽
- milling time ==> 研磨时间
- milling tool ==> 磨铣工具
- milling unit head ==> 铣削动力头
- milling work ==> 铣工工作
- milling-machine hood ==> 铣床抽风罩
- milling-tool ==> 铣刀
- Millington reverberation formula ==> 米林顿混响公式
- milliohm ==> 毫欧姆
- milliohmmeter ==> 毫欧表
- million ==> 兆
- million electron volt (MeV) ==> 兆电子伏
- million electron volts (Mev) ==> 兆电子伏特
- million instructions per second ==> 每秒百万条指令
- millioscilloscope ==> 小型示波器
- millipede memory ==> 千足虫存储器
- millipore chamber ==> 微孔扩散盒
- millipore filter ==> 微孔滤器
- millipore filtration method ==> 微孔筛方法
- millipore membrane filter technique ==> 微孔薄膜过滤法
- millisecond ==> 毫秒=>ミリ秒
- millisecond delay blasting ==> 毫秒迟发爆破,毫秒爆破,将炸药包分组,以毫秒级的时间间隔进行顺序起爆的爆破
- millisecond delay cap ==> 毫秒延发雷管
- millisecond electric blasting cap ==> 毫秒电爆雷管
- millisecond meter ==> 毫秒表,毫秒计
- millisecond pulsar ==> 毫秒脉冲星
- milliteslameter ==> 毫泰斯拉计
- millivalve voltmeter ==> 毫伏计
- millivolt ==> 毫伏=>ミリポルト
- millivoltammeter ==> 毫伏安计
- millivoltmeter ==> 毫伏表,毫伏计=>ミリボルト計
- millivoltmeter pyrometer ==> 毫伏计式高温计
- millivoltmeter regulator ==> 毫伏计调节器
- milliwatt ==> 毫瓦
- milliwattmeter ==> 毫瓦表
- Millman's theorem ==> ミルマンの定理
- Millon's base ==> 米龙氏碱,氨络双氧化汞
- Millon's reaction ==> 米隆反应
- Millons reaction ==> 米隆反应
- Millons reagent ==> 米隆试剂
- Mills cross ==> 米尔斯十字
- Mills' syndrome ==> 小脑上动脉闭塞综合征
- millstone cutter ==> 磨盘上的刻槽
- millstone grit ==> 磨石,磨石粗砂岩,磨石砂砾
- mills ratio ==> 米尔比率
- Milne method ==> 米尔恩法
- Milne universe ==> 米尔恩宇宙
- Milne-Eddington model ==> 米尔恩-爱丁顿模型
- milo grit ==> 粗碾芦粟粉
- milori blue ==> 密罗里蓝
- milpa system ==> 烧林垦地法
- MILSTAR, military satellite ==> 軍用衛星
- milt ==> 脾
- miltanthin ==> 原荷叶碱
- miltiple cropping systems ==> 多熟制植物
- miltiple-furrow ==> 多犁体的
- Milton's disease ==> 巨大荨麻疹,巨大荨麻疹
- miltons ==> 米尔登猎装呢
- miltown ==> 眠尔通,氨甲丙二酯,安宁
- Miltown ==> 甲丁双脲
- miltown poisoning ==> 眠尔通中毒
- miltronics ==> 军用电子学
- milunit of thickness ==> 密耳
- MILV, main igniter lox valve ==> 主点火器LOXバルブ
- mim ==> 金属绝缘体金属结构
- MIM Holdings Ltd. ==> (澳大利亚)芒特艾萨矿业控股公司
- Mima mound ==> 小土墩
- MIME, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions ==> MIMEはメールのコンテンツ(メールの中身)のフォーマット定義である
- Mimella ==> 拟态贝
- mimeo ==> 油印品
- mimeograph ==> 油印机,滚筒油印机
- mimeograph machine ==> 油印机
- mimeograph paper ==> 蜡纸
- mimeograph room ==> 油印机室
- mimesis ==> 模仿,模拟
- mimetic ==> 模仿的,模仿疾病的,模拟的,后变晶的,拟晶的,拟态的
- mimetic crystallization ==> 后变结晶,后构造结晶,似晶结晶
- mimetic diagram ==> 模拟图
- mimetic muscle ==> 表情肌
- mimetic response ==> 模仿反应
- mimetic word ==> 模拟词
- mimetite ==> 砷铅矿
- mimic ==> 模拟的,仿造的,毫米波单片集成电路
- mimic board ==> 模拟图,配电盘
- mimic board driver ==> 模拟盘驱动器
- mimic bus ==> 发光模拟电路=>模擬母線
- mimic channel ==> 模拟电路
- mimic diagram ==> 模擬図形
- mimic diagram board ==> 模拟图,配电盘
- mimic disconnecting switch ==> 模拟断路器,模拟断路开关
- mimic display (panel) ==> 模拟盘
- mimic gene ==> 拟态基因,同效基因
- mimic hormone ==> 模拟激素
- mimic imput signal ==> 模拟输入信号
- mimic panel ==> 模拟盘=>模擬パネル
- mimic system panel ==> 模拟系统板
- mimic transmission line ==> 模拟输电线
- mimic-disconnecting switch ==> 模拟断路开关,模拟断路器
- MIMO, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output ==> 多输入多输出系统
- MIMR, Multi-Frequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer ==> 多周波イメージングマイクロ波放射計(ESAの観測装置)
- Min pig ==> 东北民猪
- min xia satin brocade ==> 明霞缎
- MIN, minimum ==> 最小限
- MIN, minute ==> 分
- min, minutes ==> 議事録
- min-cut ==> 极小割,极小截
- min-max technique ==> 极小-极大法
- min-tree finding algorithm ==> 求最小树算法
- min/max index ==> 最小/最大市场份额比,供应者的最小市场份额与最大市场份额的比值
- minable thickness of coal ==> 煤层可开采厚度
- minal fluid ==> 子宫液
- Minam's ambiguity ==> 南繁不确定性
- Minamata bay ==> 水俣湾
- minance fluctuation ==> 亮度涨落
- minaret ==> ミナレット
- Minargent alloy ==> 明纳金特铜镍合金,(一种铜镍合金)明纳金特合金
- Minato Ward ==> 港区
- Minatojima tunnel ==> 港島トンネル
- minced gland ==> 切碎的腺体
- mincing knife ==> 剁刀
- mincing machine ==> 剁碎机,切碎机,铰肉机
- mind ==> 精神,头脑,心理
- mind your helm ==> 注意操舵
- Mind-easing Tonic Pills ==> 补心丹
- mind-healer ==> 唯心理治疗者
- mind-set ==> 心理定势
- Minde-Riss Glacial Stage ==> 明德-里斯冰期
- Mindeasing Tonic Pills of Arborvitae Seed ==> 柏子养心丸
- Mindel ==> 民德阶
- Mindel glaciation ==> 民德冰期
- Mindel-Riss interglacial ==> 民德-里斯间冰期,明德-里斯冰期
- mindingite ==> 铜水钻矿
- mine ==> 矿井,矿山,雷,开采,地雷坑
- mine anchor ==> 雷锚
- mine and torpedo risks ==> 水雷和鱼雷险
- mine avoidance sonar ==> 探雷声纳
- mine block ==> 矿井区段
- mine capacity ==> 矿山生产能力
- mine characteristic ==> 矿井通风阻力特性
- mine characteristic curve ==> 矿井通风特性曲线
- mine coal ==> 原煤,矿煤
- mine compound ==> 采矿工业场地
- mine countermeasures ==> 反雷措施
- mine detecting sonar ==> 探雷声纳
- mine detector ==> 探雷器
- mine development ==> 矿井开拓工程,矿山开发,矿山开发费
- mine dial ==> 矿用罗盘
- mine dump tip ==> 废渣堆
- mine dumps ==> 矿渣废料堆成地
- mine dust ==> 矿尘
- mine engineering ==> 矿山工程
- mine evaluation ==> 矿山评价
- mine exploitation ==> 矿山开发
- mine fan signal system ==> 矿山扇风机信号系统
- mine field gap ==> 雷区可通道
- mine field lane ==> 雷区通路
- mine fire truck ==> 矿山消防车
- mine fuze ==> 水雷引信
- Mine Gel ==> 矿山爆胶
- mine haulage ==> 矿山运输
- mine hoist ==> 矿井提升机,矿用升降机
- mine instrument can ==> 水雷仪器舱
- mine jumbo ==> 矿用钻车
- mine laser geodimeter ==> 矿用激光测距仪
- mine laying boat ==> 布雷艇
- mine locator ==> 探矿仪,地雷探测器
- mine locomotive ==> 矿用机车
- mine mill ==> 竖井式磨煤机
- mine mooring cable ==> 雷索
- mine motor ==> 矿用电动机
- mine mouth power plant ==> 矿口发电厂
- mine neutralization vehicle ==> 灭雷器具
- mine occupation or severance tax ==> 矿山占用或采掘税
- mine output ==> 矿山产量
- mine pollution ==> 矿山污染
- mine prop ==> 矿柱
- mine prospecting reserve ==> 探矿准备金
- mine pump ==> 矿用泵
- mine radio telephone system ==> 矿用无线电话系统
- mine resistance ==> 矿井通风阻力
- mine safety supervision ==> 矿山安全监察
- mine sample ==> 試料
- mine section ==> 采区
- mine signal system ==> 矿山铁路信号
- mine sterilizer ==> 水雷失效器
- mine sump ==> 矿井水仓
- mine supervision ==> 采矿技术监督
- mine tax ==> 矿产权
- mine technical inspection ==> 采矿技术监督
- mine thrower ==> 迫击炮
- mine timber ==> 坑木
- mine timer ==> 水雷定时器
- mine total head ==> 矿井通风总压头
- mine track ==> 雷轨
- mine tractor ==> 矿用拖拉机
- mine velocity head ==> 矿井通风速度压头
- mine ventilating fan ==> 矿用扇风机
- mine ventilation system ==> 矿井通风系统
- mine ventilator ==> 矿用风机
- mine waste reservoir ==> 尾矿库
- mine water ==> 矿坑水,矿水
- mine water hammer ==> 矿山水锤
- mine wool ==> 矿棉
- mine-car ==> 运矿车
- mine-car cleaner ==> 矿车清扫器
- mine-car loader ==> 装车机
- mine-detector ==> 金属挥测器
- mine-dredger ==> 扫雷机
- mine-fill ==> 充填材料
- mine-fills mixing trough ==> 混合沟
- mine-fills storing and mixing shaft ==> 注砂井
- mine-laying aircraft ==> 布雷飞机
- mine-planting equipment ==> 布雷设备
- minehunting weapon ==> 猎雷兵器
- Mineiro cotton ==> 米内鲁棉
- minelayer ==> 布雷艇
- miner's dip needle ==> 矿用磁倾仪
- miner's hand lamp ==> 手提自给矿工灯
- miner's horn ==> 矿工牛角
- miner's lamp ==> 矿工灯
- Miner's linear damage theory ==> 迈因纳线性损伤理论
- miner's self-rescuer ==> 矿工自救器
- miner's truck ==> 矿车
- mineradeficiency symptoms of the sweet potato ==> 甘薯的矿质营养缺乏症状
- mineral ==> 矿物,长英矿物=>ミネラル
- mineral acid ==> 矿物酸,无机酸
- mineral association ==> 矿物共生体
- mineral binder bond ==> 无机粘结剂结剂
- mineral black ==> 黑颜料
- mineral bond ==> 矿物类粘结剂
- mineral butter ==> 凡士林
- mineral charcoal ==> 乌煤
- mineral concentration ==> 选矿
- mineral crystal ==> 无机晶体,天然晶体,天然水晶
- mineral cutting oil ==> 矿物切削油
- mineral deposit ==> 矿藏,矿床=>鉱床
- mineral deposits ==> 矿物储量
- mineral dressing ==> 富集
- mineral dressing flow ==> 选矿流程
- mineral engineering ==> 采矿工程
- mineral extraction ==> 采矿
- mineral facies ==> 矿物相
- mineral flax ==> 石棉毡
- mineral fuel ==> 矿物燃料
- mineral grain ==> 矿物颗粒
- mineral granule ==> 绿豆砂
- mineral granule finish ==> 绿豆砂面层
- mineral green ==> 碳酸铜
- mineral industry ==> 采掘工业
- mineral injury of rice plants ==> 稻株矿质毒害
- mineral inorganic substance ==> 无机物
- mineral jelly ==> 矿脂
- mineral lard oil ==> 矿物油猪油
- mineral lubricant ==> 矿物润滑剂
- mineral nitrogen ==> 无机氮
- mineral nutrition ==> 无机盐营养
- mineral oil ==> 矿物油=>鉱油
- mineral particle ==> 矿物颗粒
- mineral pitch ==> 地沥青,沥青,柏油
- mineral products ==> 矿产
- mineral properties ==> 矿业权
- mineral prospection ==> 矿藏勘探
- mineral purple ==> 氧化铁
- mineral reserves ==> 矿产储藏,矿储藏量
- mineral resources ==> 矿产资源,矿物资源
- mineral resources conservation ==> 矿产资源保护
- mineral rights ==> 矿权
- mineral rock ==> 矿物岩
- mineral rubber ==> 矿物胶
- mineral salt ==> 天然盐
- mineral seal oil ==> 重煤油,重质灯油
- mineral separation ==> 选矿
- mineral sequence ==> 共生次序
- mineral sludge ==> 矿质污泥
- mineral soil ==> 矿质土壤
- mineral spring ==> 矿泉
- mineral substance ==> 矿物质
- mineral suite ==> 矿物系列
- mineral sulfates ==> 无机硫酸盐
- mineral sulfur ==> 无机硫,煤中矿物质内的硫化物硫、硫铁矿硫、单质硫和硫酸盐硫的总称
- mineral surface ==> 绿豆砂面层
- mineral tar ==> 土沥青
- mineral teeth ==> 瓷牙
- mineral turpentine ==> 汽缸油,矿质松节油
- mineral vein ==> 矿脉
- mineral void ==> 矿质填料孔隙
- mineral water ==> 矿水,矿质水
- mineral wax ==> 矿物蜡,地蜡
- mineral wool ==> 矿棉,矿物棉,矿渣绒
- mineral-insulated cable ==> 无机绝缘电缆
- mineral-surfaced bitumen(asphalt) felt ==> 绿豆砂面油毡
- mineralcorticoid ==> 盐皮质素类
- mineralization ==> 矿化作用,供给矿质,供给矿质法
- mineralization liquor ==> 成矿溶液
- mineralization of nitrogen ==> 氮素矿化
- mineralize ==> 矿化
- mineralized carbon ==> 矿化碳棒
- mineralized feed ==> 加矿物质的饲料
- mineralized-cell process ==> 细胞盐化法
- mineralizer ==> 矿化剂
- mineralocorticoid ==> 矿质肾上腺皮质激素,盐皮质激素,盐皮质素类
- mineralogenetic epoch ==> 成矿时代
- mineralogenetic province ==> 成矿区
- mineralogical phase rule ==> 矿物相律
- mineralography ==> 矿相学
- mineralogy ==> 矿物学
- mineraloid ==> 准矿物,似矿物
- minerals ==> 矿产,矿产品
- minerals of milk ==> 乳中的矿物质
- miners pick ==> 风镐
- minertial motor ==> 小惯量电动机
- miners anaemia ==> 钩虫病
- Miners hypothesis ==> 迈因纳假说
- Miners linear damage theory ==> 迈因纳线性损伤理论
- minesweeper ==> 扫雷艇
- minesweeping float ==> 扫雷浮标
- minesweeping gear ==> 扫雷具
- minesweeping weapon ==> 扫雷兵器
- Minet aluminum process ==> 迈尼特制铝法
- Ming An Insurance Company ==> 民安保险公司
- Ming-style furniture of hardwood ==> 明式家具
- Mingkwang origin green bean ==> 明光绿豆
- mini audio equipment ==> 迷你型音响
- mini bulk carrier ==> 小型散装船
- mini column ==> 微型柱
- mini electronic memory ==> 小型电子存储器
- mini land bridge transport ==> (集装箱海陆联运)小陆桥运输
- mini laser ==> 小型激光器
- mini lube ==> 小型滑脂加注器
- mini pickup ==> 小型轻便货车
- mini steel plant ==> 小型钢铁厂
- mini-and-micro-plant ==> 小型和微型工厂
- mini-bomb ==> 小型弹
- mini-computer ==> 通用微型计算机
- mini-floppy disk ==> 小软盘
- mini-foam ==> 微泡沫体
- mini-hydropower station ==> 微型水电站
- mini-land bridge ==> 小大陆桥
- mini-land bridge service ==> (集装箱)小型陆桥运输
- mini-land bridge service system ==> 小型陆桥运销
- mini-material recovery facilities ==> 小型物料回收设施
- mini-max decision ==> ミニマクス決定
- mini-meat bird ==> 矮小型肉用鸡
- mini-mixer-settler ==> 微型混合澄清槽
- mini-motor-home ==> 小型旅宿车
- mini-plant ==> 中间工厂
- mini-population register (MPR) ==> 小型人口登记
- mini-scanning method ==> 小扫描法
- mini-straw ==> 微型塑料细管
- mini-test ==> 小型试验
- mini-track ==> ミニトラック
- miniature ==> 小型的=>ミニチュア,小型模型,小型の
- miniature aircraft ==> (驾驶仪表上的)小飞机
- miniature base ==> 小型管底
- miniature bayonet base ==> 小型卡口灯座
- miniature bearing ==> 超小型轴承,微型轴承=>ミニチュア軸受
- miniature bearing race ==> 微型轴承座圈
- miniature body ==> 微小体
- miniature book ==> 豆本
- miniature bore cylinder ==> 小缸径油缸
- miniature bulb ==> 小型灯泡=>豆電球
- miniature bur kit ==> 微型牙钻套包
- miniature bus ==> 小母线
- miniature bus for fault signal ==> 事故信号小母线
- miniature camera lens ==> 小照相机物镜
- miniature cap ==> 小型管帽
- miniature carbon microphone ==> 小型炭粒传声器
- miniature chamber ==> 前室
- miniature circuit ==> 小型电路
- miniature circuit breaker ==> 微型断路器
- miniature clad ==> 小型包层
- miniature clock case ==> 小型钟壳
- miniature combine ==> 小型联合收获机
- miniature component ==> 超小型元件
- miniature cuckoo clock pendulum rod ==> 小型报时鸟钟摆杆
- miniature current meter ==> 微量电流计
- miniature cylinder ==> 小缸径油缸
- miniature earthquake ==> 人工地震
- miniature edition ==> 特小型本
- miniature electromagnetic clutch ==> 微型电磁离合器
- miniature electron tube ==> 小型电子管
- miniature electronic autocollimator ==> 微型电子准直仪
- miniature end-plate potential ==> 小终板电势
- miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) ==> 微终板电位
- miniature fermenter ==> 微型发酵罐
- miniature image orthicon ==> 微型超正析像管
- miniature ionization chamber ==> 微型电离室
- miniature lamp ==> 小型灯泡,指示灯
- miniature lathe ==> 小型旋盤
- miniature magnetic field probe ==> 小型磁界プローブ
- miniature magnetometer ==> 小型磁力計
- miniature microphone ==> 小型マイクロホン
- miniature mixer-settler ==> 微型混合澄清槽
- miniature motor ==> 微型电动机
- miniature nuclear battery ==> 小型核电池
- miniature nuclear warhead ==> 小型核弹头
- miniature nuclear weapon ==> 小型核武器
- miniature open flume ==> 小型试验水槽
- miniature pig ==> 小型猪
- miniature plate potential ==> 微小终板电位
- miniature pressure cell ==> 小型压力传感器
- miniature radio receiver ==> 小型接收机
- miniature radio transmitter ==> 小型无线电发报机
- miniature resistance ==> 小型电阻
- miniature Ringelmann chart ==> 小型力高文图表
- miniature robot ==> ミニチェアロボット
- miniature rotor ==> 整个埋于主夹板内的小型自动锤
- miniature set ==> 小型装置
- miniature socket ==> 微型套筒
- miniature switch ==> 微型开关
- miniature switchboard ==> 縮小配電盤
- miniature table ==> 小型摇床
- miniature television ==> 微型电视
- miniature track-breaker jammer ==> 小型反跟踪干扰器
- miniature tractor ==> 小型拖拉机
- miniature transformer ==> 小型变压器
- miniature tube ==> ミニチェア管
- miniature type ==> 小型
- miniature upright piano ==> 小型竖立式钢琴
- miniature valve ==> 小型管
- miniaturization ==> 小型化=>微細化
- miniaturized circuit ==> 小型电路,小型化电路
- miniaturized circuit element ==> 微型电路元件
- miniaturized component ==> 小型元件
- miniaturized system ==> 小型化系统
- miniband ==> ミニバンド
- minicomputer communication processor ==> 小型计算机的通信处理机
- minicomputer controlled terminal ==> 小型计算机控制的终端
- minicomputer instruction ==> 小型计算机指令
- minicomputer operating system ==> 小型机操作系统
- minicomputer peripherals ==> 小型计算机的外围设备
- minicomputer system ==> 小型计算机系统
- minicomputer terminal controller ==> 小型计算机终端控制器
- minicrystal diffusion method ==> 微晶扩散法
- minifloppy mass storage ==> 海量小软盘存储器
- minigroove recording ==> 细纹录声
- minihead air sampler ==> 小型空气取样器
- miniload system ==> 小件贮存系统
- minim (unit of volume) ==> 量滴
- minimal ==> 最低的,最简的,最小的,极微的,极小
- minimal access coding ==> 最小存取编码
- minimal area ==> 群落最小面积
- minimal audible intensity ==> 最低可听强度
- minimal audio-threshold ==> 最小可听阈
- minimal automaton ==> 最小自动机
- minimal blood pressure ==> 最低血压
- minimal brain damage ==> 轻微脑功能损伤
- minimal brain damage syndrome ==> 微细脑损伤综合征
- minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) ==> 轻微脑功能失调
- minimal brain dysfunction syndrome ==> 轻微脑功能障碍综合征
- minimal capital required by law ==> 法定最低资本额
- minimal cerebral dysfunction syndrome ==> 微细脑机能障碍综合征
- minimal chain ==> 最小链
- minimal change group ==> 轻微变化型
- minimal closed extension ==> 最小闭开拓
- minimal complete class ==> 最小完备类,极小完全类
- minimal complete class of decision rule ==> 决策规则的极小完全类,决策规则的极小完全类
- minimal condition ==> 最小条件
- minimal configuration ==> 最小配置
- minimal contact angle ==> 最小接触角
- minimal convex polygon ==> 最小凸多角形
- minimal cost path ==> 最小代格路径
- minimal current gradient ==> 最小电流梯度
- minimal daily requirement ==> 一日必需量
- minimal detectable activity (MDA) ==> 最低检出放射性强度
- minimal detectable concentration ==> 最小检测浓度
- minimal detectable quantity ==> 最小检测量
- minimal dose ==> 最小量
- minimal down time ==> 最短停产时间
- minimal dyadic expansion ==> 最小并矢展开
- minimal effective dose ==> 最低有效量,最小作用量
- minimal effective dose (MED) ==> 最小有效量
- minimal element ==> 极小元
- minimal equation ==> 极小方程
- minimal erythema dose ==> 最小红斑量
- minimal face ==> 最小面
- minimal flight path ==> 测高术航行,最省时飞行路线
- minimal flow pump ==> 最小流量泵
- minimal form ==> 极小形式
- minimal hearing threshold ==> 最小可听阈
- minimal hemagglutinating dose (MHD) ==> 最小血凝量
- minimal hemolytic dose (MHD) ==> (免疫)最小溶血量
- minimal hemolytic dose (MHD) (免疫) ==> 最小溶血量
- minimal illumination ==> 最小照度,最低照度
- minimal index ==> 最小指数
- minimal infecting dose (MID) ==> 最小感染量
- minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) ==> 最小抑菌浓度
- minimal latency coding ==> 最快取数编码
- minimal latency routine ==> 最快取数程序
- minimal lethal oxygen concentration ==> 最小致死氧浓度
- minimal line-width ==> 最小谱线宽度
- minimal mean number of inquiry ==> 最小平均询问次数
- minimal medium ==> 基本培养基,最低限度培养基
- minimal member ==> 极小元,极小元素
- minimal normal subgroup ==> 最小正规子群
- minimal operator ==> 最小算子
- minimal path ==> 最小路径,最短程
- minimal perturbation ==> 极小扰动
- minimal phase system ==> 最小位相系
- minimal polynomial ==> 极小多项式,最小多项式
- minimal positive integral solution ==> 最小正整数解
- minimal pressure ==> 最低压
- minimal product-of-sums ==> 极小和之积
- minimal reacting dose (MRD) ==> 最小反应量
- minimal realization ==> 最小実現
- minimal reflector ==> 最小反射体
- minimal requirement ==> 最低需要量
- minimal residual air ==> 最少余气
- minimal resistance ==> 最小抵抗力
- minimal set ==> 极小集
- minimal set of generators ==> 生成元的极小集
- minimal skin reacting dose ==> 最小皮肤反应量
- minimal solution ==> 最小解
- minimal standard ==> 最低标准
- minimal stimulation ==> 最小刺激
- minimal stimulus ==> 最小刺激物
- minimal sufficient statistic ==> 最小充分统计量
- minimal sum-of-products ==> 极小积之和
- minimal surface ==> 极小曲面
- minimal temperature ==> 最低温度
- minimal time control ==> 最短时间控制
- minimal toxic dose ==> 最小中毒量
- minimal tree ==> 极小树
- minimal true vector ==> 极小真向量
- minimal tuberculosis ==> 轻度肺结核
- minimal value ==> 最小值
- minimal variety ==> 极小簇
- minimal vector ==> 极小向量
- minimal visual angle ==> 最小视角
- minimal wave length ==> 最短波长
- minimal-access programming ==> 最快取数程序设计
- minimal-access routine ==> 最快存取程序
- minimal-cost network-flow ==> 最小成本网络流程
- minimal-latency coding ==> 最短等待时间编码,最快访问编码
- minimal-latency program ==> 最快存取程序
- minimal-latency programming ==> 最快存取程序设计
- minimal-latency subroutine ==> 最快存取子程序
- minimalism ==> ミニマリズム
- minimax approach ==> 极小极大方法
- minimax approximation ==> 极大极小逼近,极大极小近似,极小极大近似
- minimax criterion ==> 极大极小判据,极小化最大准则,极小极大判据,极小极大准则,小中取大法则
- minimax detection theory ==> 极小极大检测理论
- minimax error norm ==> 极大极小误差范数
- minimax estimate for binomial distribution ==> 二项分布的最小最大估计
- minimax estimate of location parameter ==> 局部参数的最小最大估计,局部参数的最小最大估计
- minimax estimation ==> 极小极大估计
- minimax loss ==> 极小极大损失
- minimax method ==> 极大极小法
- minimax negative utility ==> 极小极大负效用
- minimax principle ==> 极大极小原理,最小最大原则
- minimax regret criterion ==> 极小极大后悔准则,极小极大惋惜准则
- minimax rule ==> 极小极大规则
- minimax search in game tree ==> 博弈树中极大极小搜索
- minimax search in game trees ==> 博弈树极大极小搜索
- minimax solution ==> 极大极小解,极小极大解,极值解
- minimax system ==> 极大极小系统,极小极大系统,最大最小系统
- minimax technique ==> 极小-极大法,极小极大技术
- minimax test ==> 极大极小检验,极大极小判别
- minimization of Boolean function ==> 布尔函数的最小化
- minimization of the sum of absolute value ==> 绝对值中的最小值,绝对值中的最小值
- minimization process ==> 求极小值法,极小化过程
- minimized friction ==> 最小摩擦
- minimizing ==> 求最小参数值
- minimizing chart ==> 缩图
- minimizing control mode (MIN.) ==> 最小化控制方式
- minimizing diameter therapy ==> 减径矫治法
- minimizing energy method ==> 最小能量法
- minimizing sequence ==> 极小化序列
- minimizing transport costs ==> 节约运输费用
- minimum ==> 极小
- minimum acceptable current ==> 最小允许电流
- minimum acceptable reliability ==> 最低容许可靠性
- minimum access ==> 最快取数
- minimum access code ==> 最快存取码
- minimum access coding ==> 最快存取编码
- minimum access programming ==> 最小存取程序设计
- minimum access routine ==> 最快取数程序
- minimum access time ==> 最快存取时间
- minimum accounting rate ==> 最低结算费率
- minimum acquisition flux density ==> 探测目标最小通量密度
- minimum adjustable table speed ==> 工作台最小调整速度
- minimum admittance frequency ==> 最小导纳频率
- minimum advance for best torque (MBT) ==> 最大扭矩的最小点火提前角
- minimum allowable dissolved oxygen ==> 最低容许溶解氧
- minimum altitude ==> 最低高度
- minimum and maximum amount ==> 最小与最大约定数量
- minimum angle of elevation ==> 最小仰角
- minimum annual flood ==> 多年平均最小洪水量
- minimum antenna height ==> 最低天线高度
- minimum arc current ==> 最小アーク電流
- minimum arc voltage ==> 最小アーク電圧
- minimum arcing current ==> 最小アーク電流
- minimum arcing voltage ==> 最小アーク電圧
- minimum audible field ==> 最小可闻场
- minimum audible pressure ==> 最小听压
- minimum audible sound pressure ==> 最小可听声压
- minimum audible threshold ==> 最低可听阈
- minimum average B configuration ==> 最小平均B位形
- minimum bend radius ==> 最小弯曲半径
- minimum bending radius ==> 最小弯曲半径
- minimum bending radius (RBmin) ==> 最小挠(弯)曲半径
- minimum bill clause ==> 最低料金条項
- minimum bill of lading charge ==> 最低提单费
- minimum block length ==> 最小信息组长度
- minimum blowing current ==> 最小熔断电流
- minimum boiling point azeotrope ==> 最低共沸混合物
- minimum brightness ==> 最小亮度
- minimum capacity ==> 最小电容=>零点容量(コンデンサ)
- minimum carrier level ==> 最低载波电平
- minimum cash balance ==> 最低现金余额
- minimum charge ==> 最低费用,起码收费
- minimum circumscribed circle method ==> 最小外接圆法
- minimum clear to ground ==> 对地最小间隙
- minimum clearance ==> 最小间隙
- minimum clock frequency ==> 最小时钟频率
- minimum clock-pulse duration ==> 最小时钟脉冲持续时间
- minimum code distance ==> 最小码距离
- minimum colour acuity ==> 最小彩色分辨度
- minimum command interval ==> 最小指令间隔
- minimum consumption ==> 最低消费量
- minimum control ==> 最小控制
- minimum convex set ==> 最小凸集
- minimum cost flow problem ==> 最小輸送コスト問題
- minimum critical heat flux ratio (MCHFR) ==> 最小临界热通量比
- minimum critical mass (MCM) ==> 最小临界质量
- minimum current ==> 最小電流
- minimum current circuit breaker ==> 最小电流断路器
- minimum current relay ==> 低值电流继电器
- minimum cut length ==> 最小切削长度
- minimum cut set ==> 最小截集
- minimum daily load ==> 日最小负荷,一日记录负荷中,数值最小的一个
- minimum deflection ==> 最小偏差
- minimum delay ==> 最小延迟
- minimum delay circuit ==> 最小延迟电路
- minimum delay coding ==> 最小延迟编码
- minimum delay condition ==> 最小延迟条件
- minimum delay programming ==> 最小延迟的程序设计
- minimum demand ==> 最小需要量,最低计费需量,协议或电价表中规定的,无论用户是否已经完全使用都必须付款的需量
- minimum density ==> 最小密度
- minimum deposit ==> 最低预付押金
- minimum deposit premium ==> 最低预付的保险费
- minimum description length criterion ==> 最小記述長基準
- minimum design weight ==> 最小设计重量
- minimum desired rate of return ==> 最低预期报酬率
- minimum destruction and removal efficiency ==> 最低的毁灭及清除率
- minimum detectable amount ==> 最小检测量
- minimum detectable brightness ==> 最小可检测亮度
- minimum detectable concentration ==> 最小检测浓度
- minimum detectable echo level ==> 最小可检测回声级
- minimum detectable flux density ==> 最小可检测流量密度
- minimum detectable quantity ==> 最小检测量
- minimum detectable range ==> 最小探测距离
- minimum detectable signal ==> 最小可探测信号
- minimum detectable signal power ==> 最小可测信号功率
- minimum detectable temperature ==> 最小可检测温度
- minimum detection amount ==> 最小检测量
- minimum detection quantity ==> 最小检测量
- minimum deviation ==> 最小偏差,最小偏向角
- minimum deviation grating ==> 最小偏向光栅
- minimum deviation method ==> 最小偏差法
- minimum diameter of thread ==> 螺纹最小直径
- minimum diameter vessel requiring manhole ==> 要求人孔的最小直径容器
- minimum discernible signal ==> 最小可辨别信号
- minimum discharge standard ==> 最低排放标准
- minimum disruptive voltage ==> 最低击穿电压
- minimum dissolved oxygen concentration ==> 最低溶解氧浓度
- minimum distance ==> 最短距离
- minimum distance classification ==> 最小距离分类
- minimum distance classifier ==> 最小距离分类器
- minimum distance code ==> 最短距离码
- minimum distance criterion ==> 最小距离准则
- minimum distance decision rule ==> 最小距离决策规则
- minimum distance error-correcting ==> 最小距离误差校正
- minimum distance for sunlight ==> 日照间距
- minimum distance method ==> 最小距离法
- minimum dose ==> 最小剂量
- minimum down time ==> 最短的停机时间
- minimum drag coefficient ==> 最小阻力系数
- minimum dry-weather flow ==> 最小枯水流量
- minimum durability ==> 賞味期限
- minimum duration ==> 最短时间
- minimum ebb ==> 最小落潮流,最小落潮速度
- minimum echo ==> 最小回波
- minimum economic thickness ==> 最小工业厚度
- minimum effective dose ==> 最低有效剂量
- minimum effective height ==> 最小有效高度
- minimum effective temperature ==> 最低有效温度
- minimum elevation ==> 最小射角,最小仰角
- minimum energy injection ==> 最小エネルギー注入
- minimum energy method ==> 最小能量法
- minimum energy orbit ==> 最小耗能轨道
- minimum enroute instrument altitude ==> 航途最小仪表高度
- minimum entropy principle ==> 最小熵原理
- minimum error conical projection ==> 最小变形圆锥投影图
- minimum fetch ==> 最小吹送距离
- minimum field capacity ==> 最小田间持水量
- minimum fill ==> 最小装入量
- minimum firing current ==> 最低发火电流,最小点火电流
- minimum flight altitude ==> 最低飞行高度
- minimum flood ==> 最小涨潮流,最小涨潮速度
- minimum flow ==> 最低量
- minimum flow recirculating system ==> 最小流量再循环系统,防止给水泵因进口流量低于最小流量引起过热而设置的从给水泵出口回至给水泵进口并设有缩孔限流的再循环系统
- minimum flow, expect tendays ==> 渇水量
- minimum fluidized voidage ==> 最小流态化
- minimum flying speed ==> 最小飞行速度
- minimum form ==> 最简形式
- minimum freeboard ==> 最小干舷
- minimum freeboard draught ==> 最小干舷吃水
- minimum freight ==> 最低运费,最小运费
- minimum freight rate ==> 最低运费率
- minimum frontal diameter ==> 最小额宽
- minimum fuel limit screw ==> 最小燃油限止螺钉
- minimum function ==> 最低函数
- minimum funding standard ==> 资金最低标准
- minimum fusing current ==> 最小溶断电流=>最小溶断電流
- minimum generation load of power system ==> 电力系统最小发电负荷,单位时间内的最小负荷与网损值之和
- minimum girth ==> 最小干围
- minimum good field radius ==> 最小工作场半径
- minimum grade ==> 最小坡度
- minimum grinding diameter ==> 最小磨削直径
- minimum ground clearance ==> 最低地上高
- minimum growth temperature ==> 最低生长温度
- minimum head ==> 最小水头,水电站上下游水位在一定组合下出现的最小净水头
- minimum head loss ==> 最小水头损失
- minimum height tree ==> 最小层次树
- minimum hold circuit ==> 最小保持电路
- minimum hop ==> 最小跳步
- minimum hop path ==> 最小跳步通路
- minimum horse power ==> 最小马力
- minimum ignition energy ==> 最低着火能=>最小着火エネルギー
- minimum illumination ==> 最低照度
- minimum impedance frequency ==> 最小阻抗频率
- minimum impedance relay ==> 低阻抗继电器
- minimum inhibitory concentration ==> 最低抑菌浓度
- minimum installation allowance ==> 最小安装调节距离
- minimum interference ==> 最小过盈
- minimum interval ==> 最小间隔
- minimum ionization ==> 最小电离
- minimum ionizing electron ==> 最小电离电子
- minimum ionizing speed ==> 最小致电离速率
- minimum irrigation rate ==> 最小灌注速率
- minimum jerk control ==> Jerk最小軌道制御
- minimum jerk model ==> 躍度最小モデル
- minimum latency ==> 最快存取
- minimum latency code ==> 最快存取码
- minimum latency coding ==> 最快存取编码,最快访问编码,最小等数时间编码
- minimum latency programming ==> 最小等数时间程序设计
- minimum legal age of employment ==> 法定最低就业年龄
- minimum lending rate ==> 最低借款率
- minimum length ==> 最小长度
- minimum length cut ==> 最小切削长度
- minimum lethal concentration ==> 最低致死浓度
- minimum lethal concentration (MLC) ==> 最小致死浓度
- minimum lethal dose (MLD) ==> 最小致死量,最低致死剂量
- minimum lethal oxygen concentration ==> 最低致死氧浓度
- minimum life section ==> 危险截面
- minimum light-absorption ==> 最小受光量
- minimum light-intensity ==> 最小需光度
- minimum limit ==> 最小限度
- minimum limit of size ==> 最小极限尺寸
- minimum liquid rate ==> 最小液流量
- minimum liquid-gas ratio ==> 最小液气比
- minimum liquidity ==> 最低清偿力
- minimum load ==> 最低负载,最小负荷,最低负荷,在给定的期间(例如:一天)系统出现的最小负荷,也是低谷负荷的最低值
- minimum load at night ==> 深夜負荷
- minimum load operation ==> 最低负荷运行=>最低負荷運転
- minimum manufacturing quantity ==> (生产管理用词)最少制造量
- minimum maximum basis ==> 最小最大法
- minimum mean-square error estimatin ==> 最小二乗平均誤差推定
- minimum meter ==> 小量程仪表
- minimum modulus ==> 最小模
- minimum modulus principle ==> 最小模原理
- minimum moisture content ==> 最小含水量
- minimum navigation (navigable) depth ==> 最小通航水深
- minimum necrosing dose (MND) ==> 最小坏死量
- minimum negotiable radius ==> 最大弯道半径
- minimum nozzle area ==> 喷管通道最小截面
- minimum number ==> 最小数
- minimum number of chargeable words ==> 最低计费字数
- minimum number of pipe threads for connections ==> 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数
- minimum number of theoretical plate ==> 最小理论板数
- minimum number of theoretical stage ==> 最小理论级数
- minimum octane rating ==> 最低辛烷值
- minimum operating current ==> 極小動作電流値
- minimum operating plan ==> 最小运行方式,当系统负荷水平最低时,为电力系统生产和运行编制的运行方案
- minimum operating pressure ==> 最小動作圧力
- minimum operating speed ==> 最低工作转速
- minimum operation ==> 最小操作
- minimum orbital unmanned satellite ==> 最低轨道运行的不载人卫星
- minimum order ==> 最小次元
- minimum output ==> 最低出力
- minimum output of power plant ==> 发电厂最小出力,发电厂在保证连续、安全运行条件下所允许的最小出力
- minimum oxide thickness ==> 最薄氧化层厚度
- minimum oxygen content ==> 最小氧含量
- minimum oxygen requirement ==> 最小需氧量
- minimum path-length algorithm ==> 最短通路算法
- minimum pause ==> 最小间歇
- minimum payment clause ==> 最低付费条款,在规定期间内,根据用户付给供电企业至少一定数量(不论是否完全使用)的电量或规定的最低金额的条款
- minimum peak width ==> 最小峰宽
- minimum perceptible brightness difference ==> 最小可辨亮度差
- minimum perceptible difference ==> 最小可辨差量
- minimum perceptible noise ==> 最小可辨噪声
- minimum performance criterion for brake system ==> 制动系统最低性能准则
- minimum permissible metal temperature ==> 最低许用金属温度
- minimum permissible temperature ==> 最低允许温度
- minimum phase angle ==> 最小相角
- minimum phase filter ==> 最小相位滤波器
- minimum phase shift ==> 最小位相推移
- minimum phase shift keying ==> 最小相移键控
- minimum phase shift system ==> 最小相移系统
- minimum phase system ==> 最小相位系
- minimum phase-shift network ==> 最小相移网络
- minimum photographic distance ==> 最近拍摄距离
- minimum plate height ==> 最低塔板高度
- minimum point on a curve ==> 曲线上的极小点
- minimum pollution ==> 最低污染
- minimum polynomial ==> 最小多項式
- minimum pool level ==> 最低库水位
- minimum pour point ==> 倾点下限
- minimum power ==> 最小電力
- minimum power consumption ==> 最小功耗
- minimum power relay ==> 低功率继电器
- minimum prescribed penalty ==> 法定最低刑
- minimum pressure for ionization ==> 致电离最低压强
- minimum pretightening sealing load ==> 最小预紧密封比压
- minimum price movement ==> 最低波动价位
- minimum priming charge ==> 最小起爆药量
- minimum principal stress ==> 最小主应力
- minimum principle ==> 最小原理
- minimum profit ==> 最低利润
- minimum property ==> 极小性
- minimum pulse ==> 最小脉冲时间
- minimum pulse duration ==> 最小脉冲持续时间
- minimum quadrant elevation ==> 最低射角
- minimum quadrat area ==> 最小样方面积
- minimum quantity acceptable ==> 可接受最小数量
- minimum quantity of stores ==> 库存最低量,最低库存量
- minimum quantity per order ==> 最低订货量
- minimum radar range ==> 雷达最小作用距离
- minimum radius ==> 最小半径
- minimum range ==> 最小射程,最小作用距离
- minimum range adjustment ==> 最小距离调节
- minimum range potentiometer ==> 最小量程分压器
- minimum range selection ==> 最小距离选择
- minimum rate of vacancy condensation ==> 最低空位凝聚速率
- minimum ratio of gold reserve ==> 最低黄金准备比率
- minimum reaction dose ==> 最低反应剂量
- minimum reception ==> 最小信号接收
- minimum reflectance of vitrinite ==> 镜质体最小反射率,镜质体最小反射率
- minimum reflux ==> 最小回流
- minimum reflux cascade ==> 最小回流级联
- minimum reflux ratio ==> 最小回流比
- minimum relay ==> 低载继电器,低值继电器
- minimum required radiation power ==> 最低要求辐射功率
- minimum required receiving field intensity ==> 最低要求接收电场强度
- minimum requirements ==> 最低要求
- minimum reserve ==> 最低准备
- minimum resistance ==> 最小电阻
- minimum resolution ==> 最小分辨率,最小分辨限度
- minimum resolvable angle ==> 最小可分辨角
- minimum response ==> 最小响应
- minimum response concentration (MRC) ==> 最低反应浓度
- minimum retention ==> (保险用语)最低自留额
- minimum return flow ==> 最小回流
- minimum revolution ==> 最小转数
- minimum risk estimation ==> 最小风险估计
- minimum rivet spacing ==> 最小铆钉距
- minimum running current ==> 始動電流(積算計器)
- minimum safe altitude ==> 最低安全高度
- minimum safe distance ==> 最小安全距离
- minimum safety stability ==> 最小安全稳定性
- minimum sampling frequency ==> 最低抽样频率,最低脉冲调制频率
- minimum scale value ==> 最小刻度值,标度始点值
- minimum scientific satellite ==> 最小科研卫星
- minimum seat spacing ==> 最小座距
- minimum separation ==> 最小间隔
- minimum service range ==> 最小服务距离
- minimum shut height ==> (模具的)最小闭合高度
- minimum signal method ==> 最小信号法=>最小感度法
- minimum signal recognition time ==> 最低信号识别时间
- minimum size ==> 最小尺寸
- minimum size of manhole ==> 人孔最小尺寸
- minimum size problem ==> 最小尺寸问题
- minimum space station spacings ==> 太空电台最小间隔
- minimum spacing ==> 最小间距
- minimum spanning tree ==> 最小生成树
- minimum spark ignition energy ==> 最小火花点火能量
- minimum sparking potential ==> 最小火花电压
- minimum specification ==> 最低规格
- minimum speed ==> 最低空载速度
- minimum stage ==> 最低水位
- minimum stage cascade ==> 最少级的级联
- minimum standard ==> 最低标准
- minimum stock method ==> 最低存量法
- minimum stress ==> 最小应力
- minimum subscription ==> 最低额应缴股本
- minimum supply ==> 最低供应量
- minimum survival time ==> 最低存活时间
- minimum susceptance function ==> 最小电纳函数
- minimum takeup allowance ==> 最小张紧调节距离
- minimum temperature ==> 最低温度
- minimum temperature of cold starting ==> 最低冷态起动温度
- minimum test duration ==> 最短试验时间
- minimum theoretical number of plate ==> 最小理论塔板数
- minimum thermometer ==> 最低温度计,最低值温度计
- minimum thickness ==> 最小厚度
- minimum thickness of neck ==> 缩颈的最小直径,颈部的最小厚度,颈部的最小厚度
- minimum thickness of plate ==> 板材的最小厚度
- minimum thickness of skirt ==> 直边的最小厚度
- minimum threshold power ==> 最小阈值功率
- minimum thrust ==> 最小推力
- minimum tie set ==> 最小通信连接量
- minimum tillage ==> 少耕法
- minimum tillage machine ==> 最少耕作法机具
- minimum time control ==> 最小时间控制
- minimum time path ==> 最短时程
- minimum toggle frequency ==> 最低触发频率
- minimum torque phase ==> 瞬时力矩最小值
- minimum toxic single dose ==> 最小毒物量
- minimum transmission time ==> 最短传输时间
- minimum turning circle ==> 最小转弯圆圈
- minimum turning inner radius ==> 内侧轮胎最小转弯半径
- minimum turning path ==> 最小转弯轨迹
- minimum turning radius ==> 最小转弯半径
- minimum two-part prepayment meter ==> 最低量两部式预付电度表
- minimum unit cost ==> 最低单位成本
- minimum up- and down-times ==> 最小連続運転・停止時間
- minimum usable frequency ==> 最低可用频率
- minimum useful signal ==> 最低有效信号,最小可用信号
- minimum value ==> 最小值=>最小値
- minimum variance estimate ==> 最小方差估计
- minimum variance quantizing ==> 最小方差量化
- minimum velocity ==> 最小速度
- minimum voltage ==> 最小电压
- minimum volume ==> 最小体积
- minimum wage ==> 最低工资,法定最低限度工资
- minimum wall thickness (MINI W.) ==> 最小壁厚
- minimum water-holding capacity ==> 最小持水量
- minimum weather ==> 最劣天气
- minimum weight ==> 起码重量
- minimum weight of equipment ==> 设备最小重量
- minimum weight routing ==> 权最小的路径选择
- minimum wetting rate ==> 最小润湿速度
- minimum work ==> 最小功=>最小仕事
- minimum working current ==> 最小动作电流,最小工作电流=>最小動作電流
- minimum working excitation ==> 最小动作激磁
- minimum working probit ==> 最小工作概率值
- minimum-access coding ==> 最快访问编码
- minimum-access programming ==> 最快访问程序设计
- minimum-access routine ==> 最快访问程序
- minimum-cost decoding ==> 最小耗费译码
- minimum-cost estimate ==> 最小代价函数估计
- minimum-critical-mass experiment ==> 最小临界质量实验
- minimum-damage-fire-control theory ==> 最小损失防火理论
- minimum-delay coding ==> 最小贻误编码,最快访问编码
- minimum-distance code ==> 最小间隔码,最小距离码
- minimum-distance decoding ==> 最短距离译码
- minimum-driving-point function ==> 最小策动点函数
- minimum-error decoding ==> 最小误差译码
- minimum-flow control ==> 最小流量控制
- minimum-latency programming ==> 最快访问程序设计
- minimum-latency routine ==> 最快访问程序
- minimum-loss attenuator ==> 最小损耗衰减器
- minimum-loss matching ==> 最小损耗匹配
- minimum-loss pad ==> 最小损耗衰减器
- minimum-maximum property ==> 极小-极大值
- minimum-redundancy array ==> 最小重复天线阵
- minimum-remembering circuit ==> 最小存储电路
- minimum-signal level ==> 最低信号电平
- minimum-sized station ==> 最小型站
- minimum-squared-error approximation ==> 最小方差近似
- minimum-time control ==> 最短时间控制
- minimum-time lag ==> 最低时延
- minimum-value aperture ==> 最小孔径
- minimum-weight path ==> 最小加权路径
- mining ==> 采矿=>マイニング
- mining accounting ==> 矿业会计
- Mining Act ==> 矿业法
- mining act ==> 采矿
- mining activity ==> 采矿工程
- mining advancing ==> 前进式回采
- mining and quarrying commodity ==> 采掘业商品
- mining area ==> 采矿场,采矿区,采区,矿区,矿山
- mining area tax ==> 矿区税
- mining art ==> 采矿工艺学
- mining authority ==> 采矿管理局
- mining by areas ==> 分区开采
- mining by stages ==> 分期开采
- mining district ==> 采矿区,采区
- mining effect ==> 地下爆炸效力
- mining electric locomotive ==> 矿用电机车
- mining engineering ==> 采矿工程
- mining environment ==> 采矿环境
- mining explosive ==> 采矿炸药
- mining field ==> 采矿场
- mining geologist ==> 采矿地质师
- mining geology ==> 采矿地质学,矿山地质
- mining in installments ==> 分期开采
- mining industry ==> 矿业,采矿业
- mining locomotive ==> 矿用机车
- mining machine ==> 采掘机,采矿机械
- mining microscspe ==> 矿山显微镜
- mining model ==> マイニングモデル
- mining motor ==> 矿用电动机
- mining pick ==> 采矿用镐
- mining plans ==> 矿山采掘计划
- mining plow ==> 超深耕犁
- mining power ==> 采矿动力
- mining problem ==> 开采问题
- mining product ==> 矿业产品
- mining property ==> 矿业财产
- mining recovery ==> 采矿回收率
- mining rent ==> 采矿租金
- mining retreating ==> 后退式开采法
- mining right ==> 矿产权
- mining royalty ==> 矿区使用费
- mining safety ==> 采矿安全
- mining section ==> 采区
- mining shaft and open-pit ==> 采矿井场
- mining shield ==> 掘进护盾,掘进护盾
- mining shovel ==> 采掘电铲
- mining stock ==> 矿业股票
- mining subsidence ==> 矿穴沉陷
- mining tax ==> 矿业税
- mining technology ==> 采矿工艺学
- mining wastewater ==> 采矿废水
- mining water use ==> 采矿用水
- mining width ==> 可采矿床的最小厚度
- mining work ==> 采掘
- mining-machinery plant ==> 矿山机械厂
- mininoise cable ==> 低噪声电缆
- minioluteic acid ==> 微黄青霉酸
- minipress tablet ==> 脉宁平片
- miniprober ==> 极小型探测仪
- minirapid scan electron microscope ==> 小型快速扫描电子显微镜
- miniscope ==> 小型示波器
- Ministry of chemical Industry ==> 化学工业部
- Ministry of Metallurgical Industry ==> 冶金工业部
- Ministry of Posts and Tele Communication ==> 邮电部
- Ministry of Railways ==> 铁道部
- Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power ==> 水利电力部
- Ministry of Water Resources (China) ==> 水利部(中国)
- miniswitch reed matrix ==> 小型接线器
- minitrack radio ==> 微型跟踪无线电
- Minitrack system ==> 微型人造卫星跟踪系统
- minitrack system ==> 微型跟踪系统,干涉仪卫星跟踪系统
- miniwatt station ==> 小功率电台
- MINIX, Microwave Ionosphere Nonlinear Interaction eXperiment ==> マイクロ波送電の宇宙実験
- MINJ, main injector ==> 主噴射器
- mink hair ==> 貂毛
- mink oil cream ==> 貂油膏
- mink oil liquid cream ==> 貂油奶液
- Minkovski geometry ==> 明可夫斯基几何学
- Minkowski electrodynamics ==> 明可夫斯基电动力学
- Minkowski matrix ==> 明可夫斯基矩阵
- Minkowski method ==> 明可夫斯基氏法
- Minkowski metric ==> 明可夫斯基度规,闵可夫斯基度规
- Minkowski norm ==> 明可夫斯基范数
- Minkowski space-time ==> 明可夫斯基时空,(相对)闵可夫斯基时空
- Minkowski universe ==> 闵可夫斯基世界
- Minkowski's figure ==> (尿中葡萄糖与氮之比)明氏值
- Minkowski-Leontief matrix ==> 明可夫斯基-列昂节夫矩阵
- MINLP ==> 混合整数非線形計画
- Minneapolis ==> ミネアポリス(MSP)
- Minnesota clerical test ==> 明尼苏达文书工作测验
- Minnesota engineering analogies test(MEAT) ==> 明尼苏达工程类比测试
- Minnesota rate of manipulation test ==> 明尼苏达操纵速度试验
- minnow net ==> 细眼网
- minnow net machine ==> 编网机
- Minoan architecture ==> 迈诺斯建筑
- minocin capsule ==> 美满霉素胶囊
- Minofor Alloy ==> 明诺福合金
- minor ==> 次要,次要的,较小的,子式(数学)
- minor (control) point ==> 低等控制点
- minor accident ==> 小事故
- minor adjustment ==> 小调整
- minor air cell ==> 涡流室
- minor antigen ==> 次要抗原
- minor apex face ==> 小棱面
- minor arc ==> 主弧,劣弧
- minor auxiliary circle ==> 小辅圆
- minor axis ==> 短径,(椭圆的)短轴
- minor bacteriophage ==> 较小噬菌体
- minor base ==> 稀有碱基
- minor bed ==> 中枯水位河床
- minor bend ==> 微弯波导,短弯头
- minor brachydactyly ==> 小短指畸形
- minor break ==> 小破口
- minor calyx ==> 肾小盏
- minor carrier ==> 少数载流
- minor chord ==> 小三和弦
- minor circulation ==> 小型环流
- minor coin ==> 小硬币
- minor coins ==> 小额硬币
- minor community ==> 小群落
- minor constituent ==> 次要成分
- minor control ==> 次要控制
- minor control change ==> 次要控制改变
- minor control data ==> 次要控制数据
- minor control field ==> 次控制字段
- minor critical speed ==> 次临界转数
- minor cycle ==> 小周期
- minor cycle counter ==> 短周期计数器
- minor cycle pulse generator ==> 小周期脉冲发生器
- minor dam ==> 小坝
- minor decision ==> 次要决策
- Minor Decoction of Bupleurum ==> 小柴胡汤
- Minor Decoction of Green Dragon ==> 小青龙汤
- minor defect ==> 局部缺陷
- minor details ==> 细节
- minor determinant ==> 子行列式
- minor diagonal ==> 次对角线
- minor diameter ==> 小直径
- minor diameter fit ==> 内径配合
- minor diameter fit of spline ==> 花键内径配合
- minor diatonic scale ==> 小全音阶
- minor disaster ==> 小事故
- minor earthquake ==> 小地震
- minor element ==> 次要元素
- minor epilepsy ==> 癫痫小发作
- minor exchange ==> 电话支局,分交换机=>集中局(電話網)
- minor fault ==> 小断层
- minor first flank ==> 第一副后刀面
- minor flank ==> 刀具副后面
- minor fog signal ==> 弱声雾中信号
- minor fold ==> 小褶皱
- minor forest products ==> 林副产品
- minor function ==> 下函数,弱函数
- minor gene ==> 微效基因,修饰基因
- minor gene resistance ==> 次等基因抗病性
- minor groove ==> 小沟
- minor hypnotism ==> 浅催眠状态
- minor hysteresis loop ==> 小磁滞回线=>小ヒステリシス曲線
- minor inconsistence ==> 小量不一致
- minor inorganics ==> 微量无机成分
- minor inspection ==> 小检查
- minor insulation ==> 次绝缘,局部绝缘,局部绝缘,次要绝缘
- minor intrusions ==> 小型侵入体
- minor ion ==> 小离子
- minor key ==> 小音阶
- minor light ==> 弱烛光灯
- minor loading ==> 次要载荷
- minor loading condition ==> 次要载荷情况
- minor lobe ==> 副波,旁瓣=>副ローブ
- minor lobe, secondary lobe ==> 旁波瓣
- minor loop ==> 副环,局部回路,小环路,小回路,内环,小磁滞回线,局部磁滞回路
- minor loop feedback ==> 局部反馈,局部反馈
- minor loss ==> 次要损失
- minor losses in pipe ==> 管道局部阻力损失
- minor metal ==> 次要金属
- minor microvascular surgical instruments set ==> 小型微血管外科手术器械包
- minor mine disaster ==> 次要矿山事故
- minor mistake in treatment ==> 小逆
- minor mode ==> 小调式
- minor node ==> 次节点
- minor nutrient ==> 次要肥料
- minor of a determinant ==> 子行列式
- minor operation ==> 小手术
- minor pancreatic duct ==> 胰副管
- minor parameter ==> 次要参数
- minor path ==> 劣路线
- minor pathergasias ==> 轻性精神病
- minor pelvis ==> 小骨盆
- minor planet ==> 小行星
- Minor Planet Center ==> 小天体中心
- minor pool ==> 浅滩
- minor port surcharge ==> 偏僻港增额
- minor premise ==> 小前提
- minor principal stress ==> 小主应力,第三主应力,最小主应力
- minor produces ==> 副收获
- minor product ==> 副产物
- minor psychoses ==> 轻性精神病
- minor radius ==> 小半径
- minor relay station ==> 小中继站
- minor repair ==> 小修
- minor revolution ==> 小的革命,it created a minor revolution in mathematical circles.
- minor ride ==> 区划副线
- minor river bed ==> 中枯水位河床
- minor scale ==> 小音阶
- minor seismic area ==> 小地震区
- minor shock ==> 小震,副震
- minor sized ==> 小尺寸的
- minor spiral ==> 小螺旋
- minor structure ==> 小型构造,子结构
- minor sublingual duct ==> 瓦尔特氏管
- minor surgery ==> 小外科
- minor switch ==> 小型开关,小型选择器,小选择器
- minor symptom ==> 次要症状
- minor terms ==> 罕用名词表
- minor thalassemia ==> 轻型地中海贫血
- minor third ==> 小三度
- minor thrust face ==> 小推力面
- minor tone ==> 小全音
- minor tranquilizer ==> 弱安定剂
- minor triangulation ==> 低等三角测量
- minor trochanter ==> 小转子
- minor trochoidal axis ==> 旋轮线短轴
- minor trough ==> 小型低压槽
- minor tune-up ==> 小调整
- minor watershed ==> 小流域
- minor-caliber ==> 小口径
- minor-caliber weapon ==> 小口径武器
- minor-loop feedback compensation ==> 并联补偿法
- minor-loop feedback compensation network ==> 并联校正网络
- minorant(e) ==> 弱函数
- minorant(e) for series ==> 弱级数
- minorant(e) function ==> 弱函数
- minorante ==> 劣函数
- minoriceine ==> 小长春蔓因
- minoricine ==> 小长春蔓日辛
- minority ==> 少数
- minority carrier ==> 少数载流子=>少数キャリヤ
- minority carrier admittance ==> 少数载流子导纳
- minority carrier current ==> 少数载流电流
- minority carrier device ==> 少数载流装置
- minority carrier emitter ==> 少数载流子发射极
- minority carrier storage effect ==> 少数キャリヤ蓄積効果
- minority control ==> 少数股控制
- minority emitter ==> 少数载流子发射极
- minority holding ==> 少数股权
- minority impurity ==> 少数杂质
- minority interest ==> 少数股权,少数权益
- minority joint-venture ==> 少股合资
- minority nationalities commerce ==> 民族商业
- minority stockholders ==> 小股东,少数股权股东
- minority-carrier storage ==> 少数载流子存储
- Minos pattern recognition machine ==> 米诺斯模式识别机
- minous flux ==> 光流测量,部分光通量,总光通量,有效光通
- minous flux characteristic ==> 光电特性
- Minovar metal ==> 米诺瓦合金
- MINS, infrared interference spectrometer ==> 赤外線干渉スペクトロメータ
- MINS, IR interferometer spectrometer ==> 赤外干渉スペクトロメータ
- Minsk oil ==> (氧化煤油)明斯克起泡剂
- mint ==> 造币厂,薄荷=>ハッカ
- mint farming ==> 薄荷的耕作
- mint fine bars ==> 纯金块
- mint herb ==> 薄荷
- mint oil ==> 薄荷油
- mint par of exchange ==> 法定平价
- mint par value of coin ==> 法定货币价
- mint parity ==> 法定平价
- mint tea ==> 薄荷茶
- mint weight ==> (货币)标准重量
- MINT, mechanical integration hardware ==> 機械計装系,機構計装
- mint-mark ==> 刻印
- Minter cotton ==> (美)明特棉
- minter stereo system ==> 明特立体声系统
- Minter system ==> 明特系统
- minterm form ==> 小项形式
- minterm-type expression ==> 小项型表达式
- minting press ==> 硬币模压机
- minuend ==> 被減数
- minuend address operand ==> 被减数地址操作数
- minuend length operand ==> 被减数长度操作数
- minus angle ==> 俯角
- minus bias ==> 负偏压
- minus caster ==> 负后倾角
- minus charge ==> 阴电荷
- minus deflection ==> 减偏斜
- minus deviation ==> 负偏差
- minus earth ==> 负极搭铁
- minus effect ==> 副作用,反效果,不良效果
- minus electricity ==> 负电,阴电
- minus gate voltage ==> 负栅压
- minus grade ==> 下坡,降坡
- minus green ==> 缺绿
- minus involute ==> (齿轮的)负的渐开线
- minus lens ==> 负透镜
- minus line ==> 负线
- minus material ==> 次品
- minus mesh ==> 筛下,筛下料
- minus plate ==> 阴极板
- minus punch ==> 补孔
- minus screw ==> 一字槽头螺钉
- minus sight ==> (水准测量)前视
- minus sign ==> 负号
- minus skewed histogram ==> 负偏态直方图
- minus strain ==> 负宗
- minus strand ==> 负链
- minus symbol ==> 负符号,减符号
- minus terminal ==> 负号端子
- minus thread ==> 负螺纹
- minus tolerance ==> 负差
- minus tree ==> 负号树
- minus zone ==> 负号位,负区,负数区
- minus-cement porosity ==> 无胶结孔隙度
- minute ==> 分钟,细微的,微小的
- minute addition ==> 微量添加料
- minute adjustment ==> 精调
- minute anatomy ==> 微视解剖学
- minute angle ==> 微小角度
- minute bonder ==> 制动蹄摩擦片快速粘接器
- minute bubbles ==> 小气泡
- minute finish ==> 抛光至镜面光泽
- minute fluctuation ==> 微小変動
- minute folding ==> 细褶皱
- minute hand ==> 分针
- minute jump clock ==> 分跳钟
- minute lesion ==> 微小病变
- minute mark ==> 分标
- minute nut ==> 分轮齿轴
- minute of angle ==> (角度单位)分
- minute of arc ==> 弧分
- minute output ==> 每分输出量
- minute pinion ==> 分轮齿轴,分针小齿轮
- minute projections ==> 极微小突出部分
- minute pubescence ==> 细密的茸毛
- minute quantity ==> 极少量
- minute seed ==> 小粒种子
- minute surface ==> 镜面,镜面
- minute totalizer ==> 累积计分器
- minute ventilation ==> 每分通气量
- minute ventilation at rest ==> 每分钟静息通气量
- minute volume (MV) ==> 每分呼吸量,分钟量
- minute volume divider ==> 低量分压器
- minute wheel ==> 分针轮,跨轮
- Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile ==> 民兵式洲际弹道导弹
- minutes ==> 議事録,記録
- minutes manit ==> 每人每分钟所做的工作
- minutes of meeting ==> 纪要=>議事録
- minutia ==> 細かな点
- MIO epoxy build primer ==> 环氧云铁厚浆底漆
- MIO epoxy primer ==> 环氧云铁底漆
- miocamycin tablet ==> 美欧卡霉素片
- Miocene Period ==> 中新世
- miorotome knife rack ==> 切片刀刀架
- miostagmin reaction ==> 阿斯科利氏反应
- miothermic period ==> (指间冰期)温和期
- mip ==> 多列直插式外壳
- MIP, Maximum Intensity Projection ==> 投影線上の画素値のうち最大値のみ取り出して投影面に記録した画像。
- MIP, mission integration panel ==> ミッション統合部会
- mipor rubber ==> 微孔橡胶
- MIPS, million instructions per second ==> 百万命令/秒
- MIPS, Million Instructions Per Second ==> 1秒間に実行できる命令数を100万単位で表わしたもの
- Mira alloy ==> (一种铜基合金)米拉合金
- Mira metal ==> 米拉耐蚀铜合金,米拉耐酸合金
- Mirabilite alloy ==> 米拉比来铝镍合金
- mirabilite lake ==> 芒硝湖
- MIRACL, Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser ==> 中赤外線・新型化学レーザー(艦載用対ミサイル防御兵器)
- miracle ==> 自然界奇迹=>奇跡,ミラクル
- miraculous cure ==> 灵丹妙药
- Miraculous Pills of Six lngredients ==> 六神丸
- mirbane oil ==> 硝基苯
- mircrometer gauge ==> 测微器
- mire down in mud ==> 陷入泥潭
- mire-drum ==> 天然盐水
- mired (micro-reciprocal-degree) ==> 微倒度
- mired value ==> 麦立得值,迈尔德值
- Mirfak (Mirfac,α Persei,Mirfac ==> (英仙座α)天船三
- miristalkonium chloride ==> 米他氯铵
- miror failure ==> 轻度失效
- MIRR, material inspection and receiving report ==> 材料検査と受領報告
- mirror ==> 镜,反射,反射器,反映,鸟翼上的翼镜=>鏡,反射鏡,ミラー
- mirror accuracy ==> 鏡面精度
- mirror alignment ==> ミラー調整
- mirror and scale method ==> 镜尺法
- mirror antenna ==> 反射式天线
- mirror aperture ==> 反射镜孔径
- mirror arc ==> 反射镜弧光灯
- mirror arc lamp ==> 反射弧光灯,反射镜弧光灯
- mirror arrangement ==> ミラー配置
- mirror array ==> 反射鏡アレイ
- mirror autocollimator ==> 反射式自准直仪
- mirror backed fluorescent screen ==> 背面反射式荧光屏
- mirror ball ==> 小型球面反射镜
- mirror black glaze ==> 乌金釉
- mirror cabinet ==> 带镜立柜
- mirror carp ==> 鏡鯉
- mirror coating ==> 反射镜镀层,反射镜膜,反射镜涂层
- mirror collector ==> 反射镜集热器
- mirror compass ==> 反光罗盘仪
- mirror concentrator ==> 反射镜聚光器
- mirror condenser ==> 反射镜式聚光镜,反射聚光镜,反射式聚光镜
- mirror drive cable ==> 反射镜驱动钢丝绳
- mirror drive clutch ==> 镜式传动离合器
- mirror drum scanner ==> 镜鼓扫描器
- mirror duct system ==> 自然光照明系统=>光ダクトシステム
- mirror effect ==> 镜像效应
- mirror electrodynameter ==> 反射镜式电测功率计
- mirror electrodynamometer ==> 镜式电测力计,镜式电测力计,镜式功率计,镜式功率计,镜式力测电流计,镜式力测电流计
- mirror element ==> 镜像元,镜像元
- mirror erecting system ==> 反射镜正像系统
- mirror face ==> 镜面=>反射鏡面
- mirror field ==> ミラー磁場
- mirror finish ==> 镜面抛光,镜面光洁度=>鏡面仕上げ
- mirror finished ==> 镜面磨光,镜面磨光
- mirror finished surface ==> 镜面加工面
- mirror focus ==> 鏡像焦点
- mirror frame ==> 鏡の枠,ミラーフレーム
- mirror frequency ==> ミラー周波数
- mirror fusion ==> ミラー核融合
- mirror galvanometer ==> 镜式检流计=>反照検流計
- mirror geometry ==> 磁镜形态,磁塞形态
- mirror glass ==> 镜面玻璃,镜面玻璃
- mirror grating ==> 镜栅,镜栅
- mirror housing ==> 反射镜外罩
- mirror image ==> 镜像,反射镜图像
- mirror image function ==> 镜像函数,镜像函数
- mirror image measurement ==> 镜像测量,镜像测量
- mirror image reversal ==> 镜像反转,镜像反转
- mirror image switch ==> 镜像开关,镜像开关
- mirror instrument ==> 镜式仪表
- mirror interference ==> 反射镜干涉=>ミラー干渉
- mirror interferometer ==> 反射镜干涉仪,镜式干涉仪=>ミラー干渉計
- mirror iron ==> 镜铁,镜铁
- mirror lens ==> 反射镜透镜,反射透镜
- mirror machine ==> 磁镜装置
- mirror matrix ==> 镜面矩阵,镜面矩阵
- mirror matrix target ==> 反射镜矩阵靶
- mirror method ==> 镜像法,镜像法
- mirror microscope ==> 反射镜式电子显微镜
- mirror monochromator ==> 反射镜式单色仪
- mirror mount ==> 反射镜固定架
- mirror nuclei ==> 镜像核,镜像核
- mirror optics ==> 反射镜光学
- mirror oscillograph ==> 镜式示波器,镜式示波器
- mirror peak ==> 镜巅值
- mirror plane ==> 镜平面,镜平面,反射平面
- mirror polish ==> 镜面抛光,镜面抛光
- mirror principle ==> (一种行为科学理论)镜子原理
- mirror ramp ==> 反射镜斜面
- mirror ratio ==> 反射系数,磁镜比,磁镜镜比
- mirror reading ==> 镜测读数,镜示读数
- mirror reflection ==> 镜反射,镜面反射=>正反射
- mirror reflection fluorescent screen ==> 镜反射荧光屏,金属背荧光屏
- mirror reflectivity ==> 鏡面反射率
- mirror reflector ==> 镜面反射罩=>鏡面反射がさ,反射鏡
- mirror reflex camera ==> 反射镜摄像机
- mirror scale ==> 镜面标盘
- mirror scanning mechanism ==> 镜扫描装置
- mirror screw ==> 镜螺旋,镜面螺钉
- mirror shot ==> 反射镜合成摄影
- mirror shutter ==> 镜面反射式遮光器,镜面快门
- mirror spotlight ==> 反射聚光灯
- mirror stone ==> 白云母
- mirror surface ==> 镜面
- mirror surface machine ==> 镜面磨削机流
- mirror symmetry ==> 镜面对称,镜像对称=>ミラー対称性
- mirror system ==> 反射镜系统
- mirror telescope ==> 反射式望远镜,反射望远镜
- mirror teletereoscope ==> 反射式立体望远镜
- mirror tilt ==> 反射镜倾斜
- mirror transit circle ==> 镜式子午仪
- mirror trap ==> 镜俘获
- mirror wave ==> 镜波
- mirror wave-beam structure ==> 镜式波束结构
- mirror wavebeam guide ==> 镜式光导管
- mirror wheel ==> 镜鼓,镜轮
- mirror with glass foot ==> 玻璃座架镜
- mirror writing ==> 倒写
- mirror-apparatus ==> 收缩测定器
- mirror-lens system ==> 折反射系统
- mirror-like tongue ==> 镜面舌
- mirror-metal electrode ==> 金属反射镜电极
- mirror-optical system ==> 反射镜光学系统
- mirror-parallelism ==> 镜平行度
- mirror-phone ==> 磁录音机
- mirror-reflex camera ==> 反光照相机
- mirror-smooth ==> 平滑如镜的
- mirror-tilting mechanism ==> 倾斜镜装置,镜倾斜装置,镜倾斜装置
- mirror-trough lighting ==> 镜面照明槽,镜面照明槽,槽形镜面照明器
- mirror-type electron telescope ==> 反射镜式电子显微镜
- mirrored cabinet ==> 镜箱,镜箱
- Mirs Bay Environmental Quality Study ==> 大鹏湾环境质素研究
- Mirs Bay Water Control Zone ==> 大鹏湾水质管制区
- Mirsky-Pollister method ==> 波立斯特氏法
- MIRV, multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle ==> 多弾頭弾道弾
- mis ==> 金属绝缘体半导体
- MIS condenser ==> 金属-绝缘体硅电容器
- MIS integrated circuit, metal-insulator-semiconductor ==> MIS集積回路
- mis logic ==> 金属绝缘体半导体结构逻辑电路
- MIS Missing ==> 错过,丢失
- MIS structure, metal-insulator-semiconductor ==> MIS構造
- mis transistor ==> mis晶体管
- MIS transistor, metal-insulator-semiconductor ==> MISトランジスタ
- MIS, Management Information System ==> 管理信息系统
- MIS, management information system ==> 経営情報システム
- mis-pressing ==> 不压针
- misaligned contact point ==> 错开接触点
- misalignment ==> 不对准,错位,调整不当,偏心度,定线不准,未对准,不同心度,不重合,不重合度,失调准,失准值,直线不重合度
- misalignment of wheels ==> 车轮不平行
- misalignment stress ==> 装配应力
- misalignment voltage ==> 失调电压
- misapplication of law ==> 法律的误用
- MISC Malaysian International Shipping Corporation ==> 马来西亚国际海运公司
- MISC, miscellany ==> 混合物
- miscellaneous ==> その他
- miscellaneous accessories ==> 杂件
- miscellaneous affairs ==> 雑事
- miscellaneous cable ==> 杂类电报
- miscellaneous correlation ==> 混杂相关
- miscellaneous cost ==> 其他费用,主要包括建设场地费、建设管理费、建设技术服务费、生产准备费,以及大件运输措施费、水土保持补偿费、施工安全措施补助费、工程质量监督检测费等在内的费用
- miscellaneous declaration ==> 杂项说明
- miscellaneous expenditure ==> 辅助支出
- miscellaneous fibre ==> 野杂纤维
- miscellaneous goods ==> 杂货,小产品
- miscellaneous income ==> 辅助收入
- miscellaneous interference ==> 混杂干扰
- miscellaneous load ==> 混杂载荷,零星荷载
- miscellaneous machinery ==> 杂用机械
- miscellaneous observation ==> 混杂观测
- miscellaneous operation ==> 杂操作
- miscellaneous part ==> 其他部件
- miscellaneous parts ==> 杂件,各种各样的部件
- miscellaneous power ==> 杂项用电
- miscellaneous share ==> 杂股
- miscellaneous small appliances ==> 小型家用器具
- miscellaneous small parts ==> 各种小零件
- miscellaneous tapping machine ==> 各种型式攻丝机
- miscellaneous ternary refractory ==> 三元混合耐火材料
- miscellaneous time ==> 雑時間
- miscellaneous tools ==> 杂项工具
- miscellaneous tree ==> 杂木
- misch metal ==> 混合稀土
- Misch's classification ==> Mischの分類
- mischance ==> 障碍,故障
- miscible liquids ==> 混合液
- miscible-phase displacement ==> 混相驱替
- miscible-slug process ==> 混相驱替方式
- Misco metal ==> 米斯科合金
- misconduct ==> 违法行为,处理失当=>非行,不品行,違法行為,不正行為
- misconduct case ==> 不正行為事件
- misconnection ==> 误接
- misconvergence of beams ==> 束发散
- misdirected ion ==> 错向离子
- mise en scene ==> 演出
- misery index ==> 痛苦指数,悲惨指数
- Mises cylinder ==> 米塞斯圆柱面
- Mises yield criterion ==> 米赛斯屈服准则
- misfet mis ==> 场效应晶体管
- misfire ==> 弧误
- misfire of valve ==> バルブ不点弧
- misfiring fault ==> 失弧故障
- misfit river ==> 不相称河
- misfit stream ==> 不适应河
- misfitting of the stencil frame ==> 模版套歪
- misfocused image ==> 散焦像
- misfunctioning of brake ==> 制动器失效
- Mishima magnet steel ==> 铝镍强磁钢
- mishmash ==> ごた混ぜ,寄せ集め
- misjudgement failure ==> 从属故障
- misleading declaration ==> 申报失实
- misleading indications ==> 易引起误解的标记
- mismachining tolerance ==> 加工误差
- mismatch ==> 不匹配,失配=>ミスマッチ
- mismatch condition ==> 失配条件,不符合条件,不匹配条件
- mismatch contact ratio ==> 失配重叠系数
- mismatch error ==> 失配误差,配合误差
- mismatch floating rate note ==> 不对称浮动利率本票
- mismatch in core ==> 型芯错位
- mismatch in mould ==> 铸型错箱
- mismatch indicator ==> 不匹配指示器,失配指示器
- mismatch loss ==> 失配损耗
- mismatch parameter ==> 失配参数
- mismatch slotted line ==> 失配开槽线
- mismatch-detection ==> 誤マッチング検出
- mismatch-of-coreradii loss ==> 纤芯半径失配损耗
- mismatched duals ==> 配错的双轮胎,不相配的成双轮胎
- mismatched generator ==> 失配信号发生器
- mismatched line ==> 不拟合曲线
- mismatched material ==> 误配材料
- mismatching ==> 失配=>不整合
- mismatching attenuation ==> 不整合減衰量
- mismatching factor ==> 失配因数
- mismatching loss ==> 失配损耗
- misoperation ==> 不正動作,不要動作。
- MISP program(me) ==> 医学信息系统程序
- misplaced atom ==> 失位原子
- misplaced outcrop ==> 移位露头
- misplaced winding ==> 配置错误的线圈,偏位线圈,失位线圈
- misplacement of intrauterine device ==> 宫内避孕器异位
- misplacing of stencil ==> 脱版
- misregistration ==> 不对准
- misregistration character ==> 字符不正
- misregistration correction ==> 图像重合失调校正,图象重合失调校正
- misrun ==> 缺肉,浇不足,浇铸不满,滞流
- miss cost ==> 漏警代价
- miss operation ==> 拒绝动作,拒绝动作
- miss punching ==> 错位冲孔
- miss ratio ==> 比例失调
- miss trip ==> 未跳闸,拒跳闸
- miss-cropping ==> 下料重量超差
- miss-distance bias ==> 系统引导偏差
- missdistance indicator ==> 脱靶量指示器
- missed beat ==> 脉搏短绌,脱漏搏动
- missed case ==> 误诊病例
- missed discount ==> 漏记折扣
- missed labor ==> 死胎不下
- missed pulse ==> 漏失脉冲,失误脉冲
- missed round ==> 拒爆炮眼组,拒爆炮眼组
- missense suppression ==> 误义压制
- missfire shot ==> 不爆发炮眼
- missible service temperature ==> 最大允许使用温度
- missible temperature ==> 容许温度
- missible temperature for welding ==> 焊接允许的最低温度
- missile attitude ==> 飞弹姿态
- missile barrier ==> 投射物屏障
- missile base ==> 导弹基地=>ミサイル基地
- missile borne computer ==> 导弹计算机
- missile carrier ==> 导弹运载飞机
- missile connector ==> 导弹插头座,导弹接插件
- missile control surface ==> 导弹控制面
- missile control system ==> 导弹控制系统
- missile countermeasure ==> 导弹干扰措施
- missile course computer ==> 导弹航向计算机
- missile defence ==> 导弹防御
- missile defence alarm satellite ==> 导弹防御警报卫星
- missile defense alarm system ==> 导弹截击数据获取系统
- missile destruct system ==> 导弹自毁系统
- missile early warning system ==> 导弹预警系统=>ミサイル早期警戒システム
- missile electronics ==> 导弹电子学
- missile fire ==> 导弹发射
- missile fire control computer ==> 导弹火控计算机
- missile fire control system ==> 导弹指挥仪
- missile flight simulator ==> 导弹飞行仿真器
- missile fuel waste water water treatment vehicle ==> 导弹燃烧剂废水处理车
- missile fuse ==> 导弹引信
- missile guidance ==> 导弹制导
- missile guidance center ==> 导弹控制中心
- missile guidance set ==> 制导设备
- missile intercept simulation system (MISS) ==> 导弹拦截仿真系统
- missile intercept system ==> 导弹拦截系统
- missile launcher ==> 导弹发射架,导弹发射器
- missile launching ==> 导弹发射
- missile launching pad ==> 导弹发射台
- missile launching silo ==> 导弹发射井
- missile loom ==> 抛射体织机
- missile oxidant waste treatment vehicle ==> 导弹氧化剂废水处理车
- missile position tracking group ==> 导弹位置跟踪大队
- missile ranging miran ==> 导弹射程测定系统
- missile safety system ==> 导弹安全系统
- missile ship ==> 导弹舰
- missile site ==> 导弹发射场
- missile site radar ==> 导弹场雷达,导弹发射场雷达
- missile tracking system ==> 导弹跟踪系统
- missile trajectory measurement system ==> 导弹外弹道测量系统
- missile wing ==> 弹翼
- missile-bearing laser beam ==> 导弹导引激光束
- missile-borne radome ==> 导弹天线罩
- missile-cruiser combination ==> 导弹巡洋舰
- missile-firing installation ==> 导弹发射装置
- missile-guidance laser beam ==> 导弹导引激光束
- missile-range-instrumentation radar ==> 靶场测量雷达
- missile-track radar ==> 火箭跟踪雷达
- missing ==> 故障,失误
- missing address marker ==> 漏地址标记
- missing argument ==> 缺变元
- missing bit ==> 失误位
- missing carbon ==> 炭素損失
- missing cargo ==> 遗失货物
- missing character ==> 文字落ち
- missing code ==> 遗漏码
- missing complement ==> 不在補助部
- missing component ==> 部品不足
- missing data ==> 欠測値,欠測データ
- missing documentation ==> 欠けている文書
- missing documents ==> 不足文書
- missing drawing ==> 不足図面
- missing error ==> 遗漏错误,遗漏误差,疏忽错误
- missing factor ==> 缺因子
- missing goods ==> 遗失货物
- missing interruption handler (MIH) ==> 丢失中断处理程序
- missing interruption handler(MIH) ==> 遗漏中断处理程序
- missing lead ==> 行方不明の鉛
- missing level ==> 失误电平
- missing list ==> 遗失货物目录清单
- missing mass ==> 短缺质量
- missing of ignition ==> 不着火
- missing order ==> 缺序
- missing page interrupt ==> 缺页中断
- missing page interruption ==> 缺页中断
- missing part ==> 欠品
- missing planet ==> 丢失行星
- missing plot ==> 缺区
- missing pulse ==> 漏脉冲,脉冲遗漏
- missing segment interrupt ==> 缺段中断
- missing ship ==> 失踪船
- missing tooth ==> 牙脱失
- missing value ==> 漏测值,遗漏值,欠测值
- missing variable ==> 缺变元
- mission ==> 任务,使命=>ミッション,派遣団
- mission (transmissgear) ratio ==> 转速比
- mission as a company ==> 企業としての使命
- mission assessment ==> ミッション評価
- mission assurance ==> ミッション保証
- mission capability ==> 使命能力
- mission cloth ==> 粗厚方平织物
- mission equipment ==> ミッション機器
- mission impossible ==> 不可能任务
- mission net ==> 大网眼粗窗帘布
- mission success rate ==> 成功率
- mission time ==> 持续运行时间
- mission-oriented network ==> 面向任务的网络
- Missionaries-and-Cannibals problem ==> 传教士和野人问题
- Mississippi river-type buoy ==> 密西西比河型浮标
- missive temperature ==> 许可温度
- Missouri Pacific Railroad Company ==> 密苏里太平洋铁路公司
- misspecified explanatory variable ==> 错定的解释变量
- misspecified model ==> 错定的模型
- mist ==> 雾,烟云=>霧,かすみ,懸濁液
- mist atomizer ==> 喷雾器
- mist bed ==> 喷雾苗床
- mist belt ==> 雾带
- mist blower ==> 喷雾器,鼓风弥雾器
- mist catcher ==> 捕雾器
- mist cooling ==> 喷雾冷却=>ミスト冷房
- mist duster ==> 弥雾喷粉机
- mist elimination ==> ミスト除去
- mist elimination equipment ==> ミスト除去装置
- mist eliminator ==> 除雾器,捕沫器=>ミストエリミネータ,ミスト分離器
- mist extractor ==> 湿气分离器
- mist fan motor ==> 喷雾吹风电动机,喷雾吹风马达
- mist flow ==> 雾状流
- mist forest ==> 云雾林
- mist generator ==> 弥雾发生器
- mist grey ==> 雾灰色
- mist light-signal ==> 雾灯光信号
- mist lubrication ==> 油雾润滑
- mist of chromic acid ==> 铬酸雾
- mist printer ==> 墨水喷雾式印刷机
- mist propagation ==> 喷雾繁殖法
- mist separator ==> 湿气分离器,集湿器=>ミストセパレータ,水分離器
- mist spinning ==> 喷雾纺丝
- mist spray ==> 喷雾
- mist spray damping machine ==> 喷雾给湿机
- mist sprinkler ==> 弥雾机
- mist trap ==> 除雾装置
- mist-projection device ==> 喷雾器
- mist-spraying cooling fan ==> 喷雾风机,喷雾冷却风机
- mistake ==> 错误,误差=>間違い
- mistake of facts ==> 误解事物
- mistake of law ==> 法律错误
- mister ==> 弥雾机
- mister head ==> 喷雾器喷头
- mister man ==> 職人
- mistermination ==> 终接失配
- mistress ==> 女王
- mistrip preventation ==> 誤遮断防止
- mistuned circuit ==> 失调电路
- mistuning ==> 失谐
- mistura magnesii hydroxidi ==> 氢氧化镁合剂
- mistura oleobalsamica ==> 油香树脂合剂
- misuse failure ==> 误操作失效
- misuse of symbol ==> 象征误用
- MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology ==> 麻省理工学院
- MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ==> マサチューセッツ工科大学
- MIT, moving target indicator ==> 移動目標指示装置
- MIT-ITRC Intelligent Transportation Research Center ==> MIT-ITRC
- Mitchell mechanism ==> 米切尔机理
- Mitchell thrust bearing ==> 密歇尔止推轴承
- mite ==> 虱虫,螨,螨类
- mite fever ==> 螨热
- MITE, microgravity technology ==> 微小重力工学
- mite-borne ==> 螨传播的
- Mitemate 50 emulsion ==> (杀螨剂)果满磷
- miter bend ==> 斜面弯管
- miter bevel gear ==> 等径伞齿轮传动
- miter block ==> 斜锯架
- miter box ==> 轴锯箱,辅锯箱
- miter clamp ==> 斜接夹
- miter cut ring ==> 斜口环
- miter cutting ==> 斜切割
- miter cutting plane ==> 斜割刨
- miter dovetail ==> 斜楔榫,暗燕尾榫
- miter elbow ==> 斜接弯头
- miter end ==> 斜接端
- miter framing ==> 斜接框架
- miter gate ==> 人字闸门
- miter gear ==> 等径伞齿轮,等径斜齿轮,等径锥齿轮
- miter half ==> 斜半砖
- miter joint ==> 斜角接头,斜角连接,斜面接头,斜削接头
- miter joint with spline ==> 抽心斜接
- miter plane ==> 斜割刨
- miter saw ==> 夹背锯
- miter sill ==> 人字闸槛
- miter square ==> 斜角尺,斜角规
- miter valve ==> 菌形阀,菌形阀,锥形阀,锥形座面阀
- miter wall ==> 人字墙
- miter weld ==> 平顶角焊缝,斜接角焊缝
- miter welding ==> 斜接头焊接
- miter wheel ==> 等径伞齿轮
- miter wheel gear ==> 等径伞齿轮装置
- miter wheel gearing ==> 等径伞齿轮装置
- mitered bend ==> 斜接弯管
- mitered elbow ==> 斜接弯管
- mitered sheet ==> 斜角铁板
- mitered valley ==> 斜接瓦屋面沟
- mites of grape ==> 葡萄毛毡病,葡萄瘿螨
- MITI, Ministry of International Trade and Industry ==> 通商産業省
- mitigal ==> 灭疥
- mitigate ==> 苦痛が和らぐ
- mitigate corrosion ==> 防腐
- mitigate damage ==> 損害を緩和する
- mitigate digital divide ==> 情報格差を軽減する
- mitigated ether ==> 缓和醚
- mitigated silver nitrate ==> 缓和硝酸银
- mitigated smallpox ==> 变形天花
- mitigation ==> 和缓=>緩和,軽減
- mitigation measure ==> 軽減対策
- mitigation method ==> 緩和法
- mitigation of consequences ==> 减轻后果
- mitigatory measure (pollution) ==> 污染减轻措施
- mitis metal ==> 可锻铁铸件,可锻铸铁件
- mitochondria ==> 线粒体
- mitochondrial antibody ==> 线粒体抗体
- mitochondrial elementary particles ==> 线粒体基本粒子
- mitochondrial granule ==> 线粒体颗粒,线粒体内的颗粒
- mitochondrial hyperplasia ==> 线粒体增生
- mitochondrial inclusion ==> 线粒体内含物
- mitochondrial inner membrane ==> 线粒体内膜
- mitochondrial matrix ==> 线粒体基质
- mitochondrial matrix fluid ==> 线粒体基液
- mitochondrial membrane ==> 线粒体酶,线粒体膜
- mitochondrial oscillator ==> 线粒体振荡器
- mitochondrial outer membrane ==> 线粒体外膜
- mitochondrial sheath ==> 线粒体鞘
- mitochondrial swelling ==> 线粒体肿胀
- mitochondrial transplantation ==> 线粒体移植
- mitocondrial sheath ==> 线粒体鞘
- mitogenetic radiation ==> 分生辐射
- mitogenetic ray ==> 分生射线
- mitogenic factor ==> 有丝分裂因子,细胞有丝分裂促进因子,致有丝分裂因子
- mitosis promoting factor ==> 细胞有丝分裂促进因子
- mitotic apparatus ==> 分裂装置,有丝分裂器
- mitotic block ==> 有丝分裂阻抑
- mitotic center ==> 有丝分裂中心
- mitotic cycle ==> 有丝分裂周期
- mitotic death ==> 有丝分裂死亡
- mitotic division ==> 有丝分裂
- mitotic figure ==> 分裂象
- mitotic index ==> 有丝分裂指数,有线分裂指数
- mitotic inhibition ==> 有丝分裂抑制
- mitotic inhibitor ==> 有丝分裂抑制剂
- mitotic mapping ==> 有丝分裂定位
- mitotic peak ==> 有丝分裂峰值
- mitotic poison ==> 有丝分裂抑制剂
- mitotic synchronization ==> 有丝分裂同步化
- mitral apparatus ==> 二尖瓣器
- mitral area ==> 二尖瓣区
- mitral cells ==> 僧帽細胞
- mitral complex ==> 二尖瓣复合体
- mitral funnel ==> 二尖瓣漏斗
- mitral incompetence ==> 二尖瓣闭锁不全,二尖瓣关闭不全
- mitral insufficiency ==> 二尖瓣闭锁不全,二尖瓣关闭不全
- mitral leaflet ==> 二尖瓣后尖
- mitral obstruction ==> 二尖瓣梗阻,二尖瓣阻塞
- mitral orifice ==> 二尖瓣孔
- mitral P wave ==> 二尖瓣型P波
- mitral stenosis ==> 二尖瓣狭窄
- mitral valve ==> 二尖瓣,僧帽瓣
- mitral valve dilator ==> 二尖瓣瓣膜扩张器
- mitral valve prolapse ==> 二尖瓣脱垂
- mitral valve prolapse syndrome ==> 二尖瓣脱垂综合征
- mitral valve repair ==> 二尖瓣闭锁不全修补术,二尖瓣修补术
- mitre arch ==> 三角拱
- mitre dovetail ==> 暗马牙榫
- mitre gate ==> 人字闸门,由两扇绕垂直轴转动的平面门叶构成的闸门,闸门关闭档水时,两扇门叶构成“人”字形,它多用于船闸
- mitre saw ==> 横切锯
- mitre sill ==> 人字门槛
- mitre-cut piston ring ==> 斜接式活塞环
- mitred core ==> 斜接式铁心
- mitreing machine ==> 成角切削机床
- mitro-arterial ==> 二尖瓣动脉的
- mitron ==> 宽带磁控管,米管
- MITS, Main Interconnected Transmission System ==> MITS
- Mitsches effect ==> 米谢效应
- Mitsubishi Dock Yard ==> 三菱重工業造船所
- Mitter printing machine ==> 米特圆网印花机
- MIU, multiple interface unit ==> マルチプルインタフェースユニット
- MIUL, material identification usage list ==> 材料識別使用リスト
- mix ==> 混合,羼杂,拌,拌合,拌合料,掺,掺和,掺杂,和,配料,搅,搅拌,(混凝土的)拌和物=>ミックス,混合
- mix and stir ==> 拌和
- mix bread dough ==> パン生地をこねる
- mix crystal ==> 混晶
- mix differential parameter ==> 混合微分参数
- mix fodder ==> 拌饲料
- mix insect with water ==> 搅拌农药和水
- mix line ==> 混频线
- mix match lithography ==> 混纺拼色光刻
- mix muller ==> 混合碾压机,混磨机
- mix plate injector ==> 带混合板的喷雾器
- mix proportion of concrete ==> 混凝土配合比,混凝土中水泥、水、粗细骨料及掺和料、外加剂之间的比例关系
- mix seal ==> 拌合式封层
- mix selector ==> 配料器,选料器
- mix together ==> 融合
- MIX, mixer ==> 混合器
- mix-bed ==> 混合床
- mix-bed exchanger ==> 混合床树脂交换器
- mix-crystal ==> 混合晶
- mix-flow compressor ==> 混流式压缩机
- mixability ==> 混合程度
- mixed ==> 混和的,混合的,混交的
- mixed 0-1 problem ==> 混合0-1问题
- mixed accelerators ==> 混合促进剂
- mixed acid ==> 混酸
- mixed acid-base disturbance ==> 混合型酸碱紊乱
- mixed acidosis ==> 混合性酸中毒
- mixed acinus ==> 混合性腺泡
- mixed adeno-squamous carcinoma ==> 混合性腺鳞癌
- mixed admission ==> 混合进气,混合进入
- mixed adrenal disease ==> 混合性肾上腺病
- mixed agglutination reaction ==> 混合凝集反应
- mixed albuminuria ==> 混合性蛋白尿
- mixed alkalosis ==> 混合性碱中毒
- mixed amine ==> 混合胺
- mixed amplifier ==> 混合放大器
- mixed amputation ==> 混合切断术
- mixed and intercropping ==> 间混合作
- mixed anesthesia ==> 混合麻醉
- mixed anhydride ==> 混合酐
- mixed antiglobulin reaction ==> 混合抗球蛋白反应
- mixed antimony ore ==> 混合锑砂
- mixed aphasia ==> 混合型失语症
- mixed arthritis ==> 混合性关节炎
- mixed astigmatism ==> 混合散光,混合性散光
- mixed astrocyte ==> 混合型星形胶质细胞
- mixed avalanche ==> 混合崩坍
- mixed bacteria ==> 混合菌苗
- mixed base ==> 混合基,混合碱
- mixed base notation ==> 混合基底表記法
- mixed base numeration system ==> 混合基底記数法
- mixed bed ==> 混合床,简称“混床”。将阴、阳离子交换树脂按2:1或一定的比例装在同一个交换器中,均匀混合后运行时能形成许多级阳、阴离子交换的离子交换器
- mixed bed demineralizer ==> 混合床脱盐器
- mixed bed ion exchange ==> 混合床离子交换
- mixed bedding ==> 复合层理
- mixed benzene ==> 混合苯
- mixed boundaryvalue problem ==> 混合边界值问题
- mixed branch ==> 混合枝
- mixed breath sounds ==> 混合性呼吸音,支气管肺泡呼吸音
- mixed breech presentation ==> 混合臀先露
- mixed broadleaf-conifer forest ==> 针阔混交林
- mixed bud ==> 混合芽
- mixed budded area ==> 混合芽接区
- mixed calcified odontoma ==> 混合型钙质牙瘤
- mixed catalyst ==> 混合催化剂
- mixed cataract ==> 混合内障
- mixed cell ==> 混合细菌
- mixed cell lymphosarcoma ==> 混合细胞型淋巴肉瘤
- mixed cell malignant lymphoma ==> 混合细胞型恶性淋巴瘤
- mixed cell sarcoma ==> 混合细胞肉瘤
- mixed cell type ==> 混合细胞型
- mixed cellularity type of Hodgkin's disease ==> 混合型何杰金氏病
- mixed cellularity type of Hodgkins disease ==> 混合型何杰金氏病
- mixed cellulose ester ==> 混合性纤维素酯
- mixed cement ==> 混合水泥
- mixed chancre ==> 混合性下疳
- mixed characteristic ==> 混合特性
- mixed cholesterol calculus ==> 混合性胆固醇结石
- mixed cirrhosis ==> 混合性肝硬变
- mixed cloud ==> 混合云,冰水混合云
- mixed coal ==> 混煤,粒度小于50mm的煤
- mixed color plate ==> 混色板
- mixed column ==> 混合柱
- mixed complex ==> 混合配合物
- mixed concentrate ==> 混合精料
- mixed concrete ==> 拌好的混凝土
- mixed condenser ==> 混合冷凝器
- mixed congestion ==> 混合充血
- mixed congruence method ==> (计算数学)混合同余法
- mixed connection ==> 混合连接
- mixed connective tissue disease ==> 混合结缔组织病
- mixed constant ==> 混合常数
- mixed construction ==> 混合结构,混合式建筑
- mixed control feature ==> 混合控制机构
- mixed cord ==> 毛葛
- mixed coupling ==> 混合耦合
- mixed crop ==> 混作
- mixed cropping ==> 混作
- mixed crown ==> 混合冠
- mixed crystal ==> 混合晶,混合晶体,混晶,晶体混合物
- mixed cultivats ==> 混作
- mixed culture ==> 混合培养,混合栽培
- mixed culture termentation ==> 混合发醇
- mixed current ==> 混合潮流
- mixed cycle ==> 混合循环
- mixed dam ==> 混合坝,具有两种以上坝型连接而成的坝
- mixed deafness ==> 混合性耳聋
- mixed death assemblage ==> 混合死亡群
- mixed decimal ==> 带小数的数
- mixed deer's sinew ==> 混鹿筋
- mixed dentition ==> 混合牙列
- mixed dielectric capacitor ==> 複合フィルムコンデンサ
- mixed diet ==> 混合膳食,混合饮食
- mixed dislocation ==> 混合位错
- mixed drier ==> 混合催干剂
- mixed dust ==> 混合性粉尘
- mixed dust pneumoconiosis ==> 混合性粉尘尘肺
- mixed dye ==> 混合染料
- mixed electrods ==> 混合电极
- mixed endcondition ==> 混合端点条件
- mixed epithelium ==> 混合上皮
- mixed ester ==> 混合酯
- mixed ethanolamine ==> 混合乙醇胺
- mixed ether ==> 混合醚
- mixed explosion ==> 瓦斯和煤尘混合爆炸
- mixed exponent ==> 带分数指数
- mixed extension of a game ==> 对策的混合扩充
- mixed farming ==> 综合经营,混合农业经营
- mixed farmyard manure ==> 混合农家肥
- mixed feed ==> 混合进料法,混合饲料,配合饲料
- mixed feed meal ==> 混合饲料粉
- mixed feeding ==> 混合进料,混合喂养
- mixed feeding stuffs ==> 混合饲料
- mixed ferrite ==> 混合铁氧体
- mixed fertilizer ==> 混合肥料
- mixed fertilizer formula ==> 混合肥配合式
- mixed fertilizer requirement ==> 混合肥需要量
- mixed fertilizer uptake ==> 混合肥吸收
- mixed fibre ==> 混合纤维
- mixed fibre brush ==> 混合纤维刷
- mixed firing ==> 混合燃烧
- mixed flow ==> 混合流,混流,跨音速流动
- mixed flow compressor ==> 混流式压缩机
- mixed flow pump ==> 混流式水泵
- mixed flow sewage pump ==> 混流式污水泵
- mixed flow turbine ==> 混流式透平
- mixed forest ==> 混交林
- mixed forest belt ==> 混合林带
- mixed forme base ==> 混合版基
- mixed fraction ==> 带分数
- mixed fracture ==> 混合断口
- mixed fuel burning ratio ==> 混烧率,燃料混烧率
- mixed function ==> 混合函数
- mixed function oxidase system ==> 混合功能氧化酶系统
- mixed gas ==> 混合煤气
- mixed gas arc welding ==> 混合气体保护电弧焊
- mixed gas laser ==> 混合气体激光器
- mixed gas producer ==> 混合煤气发生炉
- mixed germ cell tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢混合性生殖细胞肿瘤
- mixed gland ==> 混合腺
- mixed glyceride ==> 混酸甘油酯
- mixed gonadal dysgenesis ==> 混合性性腺发育不良症
- mixed grain size ==> 混晶粒
- mixed grazing ==> 混合放牧
- mixed hair and fibre polishing wheel ==> 发纤维混合抛光轮
- mixed hemadsorption ==> 混合血吸附反应
- mixed hemorrhoid ==> 混合痔
- mixed hiatal hernia ==> 混合型裂孔疝
- mixed high frequency ==> 混合高频
- mixed high frequency component ==> 混合高频分量
- mixed high frequency signal ==> 混合高频信号,高频混合信号
- mixed high technique ==> 混合高频发射技术,混合高频技术
- mixed highs ==> 混合高频分量,混合高频信号=>ミックストハイス
- mixed highs system ==> 高频混合制
- mixed immunity ==> 混合免疫
- mixed in transit ==> 运输搅拌
- mixed income ==> 混合收入
- mixed indicator ==> 混合指示剂
- mixed infection ==> 混合感染
- mixed inflorescence ==> 混合花序
- mixed instruction ==> 混合指令
- mixed integer nonlinear programming ==> 混合整数非線形計画問題
- mixed integer programming ==> 混合整数规划=>混合整数線形計画問題
- mixed integral equation ==> 混合積分方程式
- mixed joint ==> 混合接头
- mixed ketone ==> 混合酮
- mixed language program(m)ing ==> 混合语言程序设计
- mixed layer ==> 混合层
- mixed leucocyte culture ==> 混合白细胞培养
- mixed leucocyte reaction ==> 混合白细胞反应
- mixed leukocyte reaction ==> 混合白细胞反应
- mixed ligand complex ==> 混合配合物,混合配位体络合物
- mixed light lamp ==> 混合光源灯
- mixed linear program(m)ing ==> 混合线性规划
- mixed liquid suspended solid ==> 混合液内含的悬浮固体
- mixed liquid volatile suspended solid ==> 混合液内含的挥发性悬浮固体
- mixed logic ==> 混合逻辑,正负逻辑
- mixed lubricant ==> 混合润滑物
- mixed lump coal ==> 混块煤,粒度大于13mm的煤
- mixed lymphocyte culture ==> 混合白细胞培养
- mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) ==> 混合淋巴细胞培养,淋巴细胞混合培养
- mixed lymphocyte interaction (MLI) ==> 混合淋巴细胞相互作用
- mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLP) ==> 混合淋巴细胞反应
- mixed manic melancholia ==> 混合型躁狂抑郁症
- mixed matte ==> 混合冰铜
- mixed medium sized coal ==> 混中块煤,粒度介于13mm~80mm之间的煤
- mixed melting point ==> 混合熔点法
- mixed mesenchymoma ==> 中胚叶混合瘤
- mixed mesodermal tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢中胚叶混合瘤
- mixed mesothelioma ==> 混合型间皮瘤
- mixed metal oxide, MMO ==> 金属チタンの上に白金や白金族の金属酸化物を被覆した電極
- mixed mode arithmetic(al) ==> 混合运算
- mixed mode crack ==> 混合型裂纹
- mixed mode expression ==> 混合型表达式
- mixed mode macro definition ==> 混合方式的宏定义
- mixed mode macro instruction ==> 混合型宏指令
- mixed mode operation ==> 混合运算
- mixed model assembly ==> 混合式装配
- mixed nerve ==> 混合神经
- mixed nucleus ==> 混合核
- mixed number ==> 混合值,带分数
- mixed number representation ==> 混合数字表示
- mixed nutrient balance ==> 混合养分平衡
- mixed odontogenic tumor ==> 混合性牙源性肿瘤
- mixed odontoma ==> 混合性牙瘤
- mixed oral gland ==> 混合口腔腺
- mixed organic and inorganic anhydride ==> 混合有机无机酸酐
- mixed organic matter ==> 混合有机质
- mixed oxide fuel assembly MOX燃料组件,用(U,Pu) O2 ==> 混合固溶体制成的燃料组件。其热物理性能和力学性能随PuO2的含量和氧/金属比而异,特点是熔点高、同包壳和冷却剂的相容性好、卸料燃耗高、能较好地保持裂变产物
- mixed packing ==> 混合填充物
- mixed packing column ==> 混合填充柱
- mixed packing gas chromatography ==> 混合填充物气相色谱
- mixed paint ==> 调和漆
- mixed paper-stock ==> 混合纸料
- mixed paralysis ==> 混合性麻痹
- mixed pastoral farming area ==> 半农草牧区
- mixed pattern ==> 混合型
- mixed perturbation ==> 混合摄动
- mixed phase ==> 混合相
- mixed pith ==> 混合髓
- mixed plan ==> 混合规划
- mixed plant ==> 混合式电站
- mixed pneumoconiosis ==> 混合性尘肺
- mixed pollen ==> 混合花粉
- mixed pollination ==> 混合授粉
- mixed polyester ==> 混合聚酯
- mixed polymerization ==> 混合聚合
- mixed porphyria ==> 混合型卟啉病
- mixed potential ==> 混合电势,混合电位
- mixed power plant ==> 混合动力装置,混合式电站
- mixed pressure steam turbine ==> 混压式汽轮机
- mixed pressure turbine ==> 混压涡轮机
- mixed process ==> 混合工艺
- mixed product ==> 混合乘积
- mixed progressive flow ==> 混合行进水流
- mixed pumped storage power plant ==> 混合揚水式水力
- mixed pumped-storage plant ==> 混合式抽水蓄能电站
- mixed quota surplus treaty ==> 比率溢额混合契约
- mixed radix ==> 混合基数,混合进位制,混基
- mixed radix notation ==> 混合基数表記法
- mixed radix numbeer ==> 混合基数
- mixed radix numeration system ==> 混合基数表記法
- mixed reflection ==> 混合反射,发散反射
- mixed regime of flow ==> 混合流动方式
- mixed repeating decimal ==> 混循环小数
- mixed rock ==> 混合岩石
- mixed salt ==> 混盐,复盐
- mixed salvo ==> 混合齐射
- mixed sample ==> 混合试样
- mixed seed ==> 拌种,不纯种子
- mixed semen ==> 混合精液
- mixed semiconductor ==> 混合半导体
- mixed service ==> 混合业务
- mixed sesameseed ==> 混合芝麻
- mixed shameuse ==> 留香绉
- mixed shirts and trousers ==> 交织衫裤
- mixed socks ==> 交织袜
- mixed soil sample ==> 混合土样
- mixed solvent ==> 混合溶剂,混合溶媒
- mixed sore ==> 混合性下疳
- mixed stain ==> 混合斑
- mixed sulfide ==> 混合硫醚
- mixed sulfides ==> 混合硫化物
- mixed superheater ==> 混流式过热器
- mixed support ==> 混合支架
- mixed synapse ==> 混合突触
- mixed system ==> 混合结构制
- mixed techmology ==> 混合工艺
- mixed tensor ==> 混合张量
- mixed thrombus ==> 混合血栓
- mixed tide ==> 混合潮
- mixed train ==> 客货混合列车
- mixed transmission ==> 混合透射
- mixed treatment ==> 混合处理,混合疗法
- mixed triglyceride ==> 混合甘油三酸酯
- mixed tube ==> 混波管
- mixed tumor ==> 混合瘤,混合性肿瘤
- mixed tumor of lacrimal gland ==> 泪腺混合瘤
- mixed tumor of palate ==> 腭部混合瘤
- mixed tumor of pituitary ==> 垂体混合瘤
- mixed tumor of salivary gland ==> 涎腺混合瘤
- mixed tumor of skin ==> 皮肤混合瘤
- mixed tumor of submaxillary gland ==> 颌下腺混合瘤
- mixed turbine ==> 混流式涡轮机
- mixed twill ==> 复合斜纹
- mixed type ==> 混合型
- mixed type acid-base disturbance ==> 混合性酸碱中毒
- mixed type arithmetic ==> 混合型算数表达式
- mixed type bronchiectasis ==> 混合型支气管扩张
- mixed type hemangioma ==> 混合型血管瘤
- mixed type of lymphocyte and histiocytes ==> 组织细胞淋巴细胞混合型
- mixed type of synovial sarcoma ==> 混合型滑膜肉瘤
- mixed type of thymoma ==> 混合型胸腺瘤
- mixed type pelvis ==> 混合型骨盆
- mixed type source rock ==> 混合型源岩
- mixed vaccine ==> 混合菌疫苗,混合疫苗
- mixed ventilation ==> 混合通风,径向-轴向通风,径向-轴向通风
- mixed ventilatory dysfunction ==> 混合性通气功能障碍
- mixed video ==> 混合视频
- mixed-base notation ==> 混基记数法
- mixed-base number ==> 混合基数
- mixed-based number ==> 混合基记数法
- mixed-bed demineralizer ==> 混合床去除矿质器
- mixed-bed exchanger ==> 混床离子交换器,混合床树脂交换器
- mixed-bed system ==> 混床系统
- mixed-feed process ==> 混合进料法
- mixed-flow blower ==> 混流式鼓风机
- mixed-flow fan ==> 混流式扇风机
- mixed-flow Francis turbine ==> 混流式法兰西斯水轮机
- mixed-flow impeller ==> 混合流式叶轮,混流式叶轮
- mixed-flow propeller pump ==> 混流式螺旋桨泵,混流式旋桨泵
- mixed-flow pump ==> 混流泵
- mixed-flow turbine ==> 混流式水轮机,混流式涡轮机
- mixed-flow water turbine ==> 混流式水轮机,混流水轮机
- mixed-flow wheel ==> 混流式水轮
- mixed-grained ==> 混粒的
- mixed-high component ==> 混合高频成分
- mixed-highs (component) ==> 混合高频分量
- mixed-highs signal ==> 高频混合信号
- mixed-highs transmission ==> 混合高频传送
- mixed-integer linear programming ==> 混合整数線形計画
- mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem ==> 混合整数非線形最適化問題
- mixed-intransit ==> 自动机搅拌
- mixed-ion laser ==> 混合离子激光器
- mixed-layer mineral ==> 互交层矿物
- mixed-phase flow ==> 混流
- mixed-powder ==> 混合粉末
- mixed-pressure turbine ==> 混压式汽轮机,双压透平=>混圧タービン
- mixed-sensitivity problem ==> 混合感度問題
- mixed-solvent extraction ==> 混合溶剂抽提
- mixed-strand bar ==> 交叉股线棒
- mixed-type hydropower station ==> 混合式水电站,由坝和引水道两种建筑物共同形成发电水头的水电站
- mixed-vendor environment ==> 不同厂家的设备配置
- Mixee ==> 米克斯粉末混合度测量仪,粉末混合度测定器
- mixer ==> 混合器,混合,混合段,混合器,混合者,混频器,搅拌器=>ミキサー,ミクサ
- mixer action ==> 混频器作用
- mixer amplification by variable reactance ==> 低噪音微波放大,脉伐
- mixer amplification by variable reactance (MAVAR) ==> 可变电抗混频放大
- mixer amplifier ==> 混频放大器
- mixer blender ==> 混合机
- mixer circuit ==> 混频电路
- mixer controller ==> 混频控制器
- mixer crystal ==> 混频晶体
- mixer diode ==> 混频二极管,混频器二极管=>ミクサダイオード
- mixer duplexer ==> 混频双工器
- mixer element guide ==> 混合元件导板
- mixer filter ==> 混合过滤器,混频器滤波器
- mixer furnace ==> 混铁炉
- mixer ladle ==> 混铁炉式铁水桶
- mixer leverman ==> 混铁炉工
- mixer machine ==> 混合机
- mixer nozzle ==> ガス溶接トーチ
- mixer plant ==> 拌和楼
- mixer room ==> ミキサー室
- mixer settler extractor ==> 混合澄清萃取器
- mixer shaft ==> 搅拌轴
- mixer speed ==> ミキサーの速度
- mixer stage ==> 混频级
- mixer tap ==> 混合弁
- mixer technology ==> ミキサー技術
- mixer tube ==> 混波管,混频管
- mixer type iron ladle car ==> 混铁炉式铁水罐车
- mixer unit ==> 混合器
- mixer valve ==> 混合阀,混频管
- mixer with blades ==> 桨式搅拌机
- mixer with propeller ==> 螺桨式搅拌机
- mixer-first detector ==> 混频器
- mixer-granulator ==> 混合制粒机
- mixer-lorry ==> 汽车搅拌机
- mixer-mill ==> 混磨机
- mixer-settler ==> 混合沉降器,混合澄清槽
- mixer-settler extractor ==> 混合沉清萃取器,混合澄清器
- mixer-with conical screw ==> 锥形螺旋搅拌机
- mixersettler type plant ==> 混合沉降器萃取设备
- mixflow type GM-blower ==> 齿轮增速式单级混流鼓风机
- mixing ==> 搅混,混合,交混,反应堆燃料组件内各子通道之间流体横向流动使温度(单相)或含汽率(两相)均匀化的现象
- mixing agitator ==> 混合搅拌器,混合用搅拌器
- mixing aid ==> 混炼助剂
- mixing amplifier ==> 混频放大器
- mixing and grinding machine ==> 混合研磨机
- mixing and reaction chamber ==> 混合反应室
- mixing arm ==> 搅拌臂,搅拌轮叶
- mixing arrangement ==> 混合装置
- mixing at site ==> 工地拌和
- mixing auger ==> 混合螺旋
- mixing barrel ==> 混合圆筒
- mixing blade ==> 搅拌叶片
- mixing board ==> 拌灰板
- mixing capacity ==> 混合容量
- mixing chamber ==> 混合室,搅拌间
- mixing channel ==> 混合槽
- mixing circuit ==> 混合电路,混频电路
- mixing cock ==> 混合旋塞
- mixing coefficient ==> 混合系数
- mixing column ==> 混合柱
- mixing condensation ==> 混合冷凝法
- mixing condensation level ==> 混合凝结高度
- mixing condenser ==> 混合冷凝器,混合式冷凝器,混合式凝汽器,又称“接触式凝汽器”。汽轮机排汽与冷却水直接接触并使之凝结的凝汽器
- mixing conveyor ==> 混合输送器
- mixing cooling ==> 混合冷却
- mixing cycle ==> 拌和周期,搅拌周期
- mixing demodulator ==> 混合解调器
- mixing device ==> 混合器
- mixing device of gas ==> 煤气发生炉混合装置
- mixing distribution ==> 混合分配
- mixing drum ==> 混合鼓,混合用滚筒,拌和鼓,搅拌鼓
- mixing effect ==> 混合作用
- mixing efficiency ==> 混合效率
- mixing equipment ==> 混合设备
- mixing feed ==> 混合供料
- mixing filter ==> 混频滤波器
- mixing fog ==> 混合雾
- mixing formula ==> 混合配方
- mixing head ==> 混频头,(喷焊器的)混合管
- mixing heat ==> 混合热
- mixing heater ==> 混合式加热器,又称“接触式加热器”。汽轮机抽汽与给水直接混合接触的给水加热器
- mixing hexode ==> 六极混频管
- mixing hollander ==> 混浆机
- mixing in place ==> 工地拌和,工地搅拌
- mixing intensity ==> 混合强度
- mixing kettle ==> 混合锅
- mixing ladle ==> 混铁包
- mixing layer ==> 混合层
- mixing length ==> 混合长度
- mixing length theory ==> 混合长理论
- mixing machine ==> 混和机,混合机,拌合机,调合器
- mixing machinery ==> 拌和机械
- mixing memory ==> 混合存储器
- mixing mill ==> 混合辊,混碾机
- mixing net ==> 混合网络
- mixing nozzle ==> 混合喷嘴
- mixing of concrete ==> 混凝土拌合,将水泥、砂石骨料、水以及掺和料、外加剂等按一定比例混合后进行搅拌成混凝土的工序
- mixing pad ==> 混频器
- mixing pan ==> 混合盘,混碾机,盘式混料机
- mixing pan mill ==> 混合盘磨
- mixing parameter ==> 拌和参数
- mixing phenomenon ==> 混频现象
- mixing plant ==> 混合机,拌和厂,搅拌工场
- mixing platform ==> 搅拌台,拌和平台
- mixing plough ==> 混合犁
- mixing point ==> 混合点
- mixing pool model ==> 混合池模型
- mixing process ==> 混合过程
- mixing pump ==> 混合泵
- mixing ratio ==> 混合比,混合比例
- mixing rod ==> 搅拌棒
- mixing roll ==> 混炼机
- mixing rolls ==> 混合辊轧机
- mixing room ==> 配料房
- mixing screw ==> 螺旋混合机,混合螺杆,混合用螺旋
- mixing screw conveyer ==> 混合螺旋输送器
- mixing section ==> 混合段
- mixing speed ==> 搅拌速度
- mixing stage ==> 混频级
- mixing system ==> 混合制
- mixing system of heating ==> 混合式加热制
- mixing tank ==> 混合槽,混合罐
- mixing time ==> 拌和时间,搅拌时间
- mixing transformation ==> 混合的变换
- mixing tube ==> 混频管,混波管
- mixing unit ==> 混频部件
- mixing valve ==> 混合阀
- mixing vane ==> 混合翼
- mixing velocity ==> 混合速度,拌用速度
- mixing vessel ==> 混合容器
- mixing water ==> 混合水,(混凝土的)拌和用水
- mixing willow ==> 混毛机,和毛机
- mixing-flow pump ==> 混流泵
- mixing-plate ==> 调合板
- mixing-water requirement ==> 拌和需水量
- mixite ==> 砷铋铜矿
- mixochimaera ==> 混合嵌合体
- mixolimnion ==> 混成层
- mixometer ==> 拌和计时器
- mixoscopia ==> 窃视症
- mixotrophic ==> 半腐生,混合营养的
- mixotrophism ==> 混合营养
- mixtite ==> 混杂岩,杂岩
- mixton ==> 混杂沉积物
- mixtum ==> 混杂沉积物
- mixture ==> 混合,混合剂,混合物,拌合,拌合料,配料,合剂
- mixture additivity ==> 混合可加性
- mixture adjustment ==> 混合料配合比的调整
- mixture analyzer ==> 混合物成分分析器
- mixture average ==> 混合平均
- mixture calculation ==> 配料计算
- mixture catalyst ==> 混合触媒
- mixture characteristic ==> 混合特性
- mixture component ==> 混合物成分
- mixture composition ==> 混合物組成
- mixture constant ==> 混合定数
- mixture control ==> 混合比调节,混合物控制
- mixture control assembly ==> 混合气控制装置
- mixture control lever ==> 混合控制杆
- mixture crystal ==> 混合結晶
- mixture decomposition ==> 混合物分解
- mixture density ==> 混合密度
- mixture dye ==> 混合染料
- mixture glycyrrhiza ==> 甘草合剂
- mixture heater ==> 混合气加热器
- mixture image ==> 混合画像
- mixture indicator ==> 混合指示剂
- mixture inhomogeneity ==> 混合の不均一性
- mixture injection ==> 混注
- mixture law ==> 混合物定律=>混合法則
- mixture making ==> 配料计算
- mixture making ingredient ==> 配料
- mixture of boric acid and bleaching powder ==> 硼酸漂白粉
- mixture of colours ==> 色混合
- mixture of distribution ==> 分布的混合
- mixture of Indian alfalfa and red clover ==> 印度苜蓿和红三叶草的混合料
- mixture of ores and fluxes ==> 矿砂熔剂混合物
- mixture of sand silt and clay ==> 砂粉砂
- mixture of trace metals ==> 微量金属合剂
- mixture optimum ==> 最适宜的混合物
- mixture pump ==> 混合液泵
- mixture ratio ==> 混合比,混合物配比,配比=>成分比率
- mixture sowing ==> 混播
- mixture specifications ==> 配料规范
- mixture temperature ==> 混合气温度
- mixture water ==> 混合水
- mixture-method lubrication ==> 混合法润滑
- mixture-ratio control ==> 混合比调节
- mixture-xylyl-n-methyl carbamate ==> 混灭威
- Miyata synthesis of RLC network ==> RLC网络宫田综合法
- Miyun date ==> 密云小枣
- mizuame ==> 水飴
- MJA, multijoint arm ==> 多重結合アーム
- MJD, modified julian date ==> モディファイドジュリアンデート
- MJO, Mariner Jupiter Orbiter ==> マリナー木星オービタ
- MKB, Machine building Construction Bureau [Mashinostroeniya KB]or Moscow KB[Mos] ==> 機械製造建設局
- MKS system ==> 米千克秒制
- mks system of units ==> mks单位制
- mksa system of units ==> mksa单位制
- MKW mill ==> 偏八辊轧机
- ML, Mobile Launcher ==> 移動発射台(大型ロケット発射場設備)
- ML, modular locker ==> モジュラーロッカー
- MLA, multilinear array ==> 多重リニアアレイ
- MLA, multispectral linear array ==> 多スペクトルリニアアレイ
- mlb ==> 多层印刷板
- MLB, Major League Baseball ==> 美国职棒大联盟=>メジャーリーグ,米大リーグ機構
- mlc ==> 多层陶瓷
- MLD, Maximum Likelihood Detection ==> MLD
- MLDT, mean logistics down time ==> 平均ロジスティックダウンタイム
- MLGW, maximum landing gross weight ==> 最大着陸重量
- mli ==> 多层互连
- MLI, Multi Layer Insulation(Super isolation) ==> 多層断熱
- MLI, multilayer insulation ==> 多層熱遮蔽
- MLI, multilayer insulator ==> 多層断熱材
- mlm ==> 多层金属化
- MLM International Convention On Maritime Liens and Mortgages, 1993 ==> 国际海事留置权及抵押会议1993
- MLP, mobile launch platform ==> 可動型打上プラットフォーム
- MLR, monodisperse latex reactor ==> 単分散系ラテックスリアクタ
- MLS, microwave landing system ==> マイクロ波着陸方式
- MLS, microwave limb scanner ==> マイクロ波周縁走査計
- MLS, microwave limb sounder ==> マイクロ波周縁探査器
- MLS, monodisperse latex sphere ==> 単分散系ラテックス球
- mlt extract syrup ==> 麦精露
- MLT, main lox tank ==> 主液酸タンク
- mlulded parts ==> 模制件
- MLV, main lox valve ==> 主LOXバルブ
- MLV, medium launch vehicle ==> 中型ロケット
- MLW Mean Low Water ==> 平均低水位
- mm pulse radar ==> 毫米波脉冲雷达
- MM, Marshall manual ==> マーシャルセンター用手引書
- mm, millimeter ==> ミリメートル
- MM, mission module ==> ミッションモジュール
- MM, moving magnet ==> MM
- MMAJ, Metal Mining Agency of Japan ==> 金属工業事業団
- MMC, Metal Matrix Composite ==> 金属基複合材料
- MMCS, maintenance monitoring and control system ==> 保守モニタ/制御システム
- MMD Merchant Marines Document (USCG) ==> 商人海运公文
- MMD, MSC maintenance depot ==> MSCメインテナンス補給処
- MMDS, MMD structure ==> MMD構造
- mmf ==> 磁通势
- MMF, magnetomotive force ==> 起磁力
- MMH, maintenance man hour ==> 保守人時
- MMH, monomethyl hydrazine ==> モノメチルヒドラジン
- MMH, Monomethylhydrazine ==> モノメチルヒドラジン
- MMI, Man Machine I/F ==> MMI
- MMI, man machine interface ==> 人机界面
- MMI/F, man/machine interface ==> マン・マシンインタフェース
- MMIC, monolithic microwave IC ==> モノリシックマイクロ波集積回路
- MMIC, monolithic microwave integrated circuit ==> モノリシックマイクロ波集積回路
- MMIPS, man machine interaction processing system ==> 人間と機械との対話システム
- MML, Man-Tended Multipurpose Laboratory ==> マンテンデッド多目的研究所,人間介助型多目的研究所
- MML, master measurement(s) list ==> 主測定リスト
- MMLD Merchant Marine Licensing & Document System ==> 商人海运执照与公文体系
- MMO, mission management organization ==> ミッション運用管理機能
- MMP, mission maintenance package ==> ミッション維持パッケージ
- MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 ==> 1972年海运哺乳动物保护法案
- MMPF, microgravity and materials processing facility ==> 微小重力と材料処理施設
- MMR, multichannel microwave radiometer ==> 多チャンネルマイクロ波ラジオメータ
- MMRS, Multilateral Meeting on Remote Sensing ==> リモートセンシング多国間会議
- MMRS, multinational meeting on remote sensing ==> リモートセンシングに関する多国間会議
- MMS ==> 制造商信息规范
- MMS Minerals Management Service (U.S.) ==> 矿物质管理服务
- MMS, maintenance management system ==> 保守管理システム
- MMS, management and management support ==> 管理と管理支援
- MMS, manned maneuvering system ==> 宇宙遊泳システム
- MMS, manufacturing message specification ==> 制造报文规范
- MMS, manufacturing messaging specification ==> MMS
- MMS, Modified Mercalli Scale ==> 麦卡利烈度表
- MMS, modular modeling system ==> 火力プラントのシミュレーションツール
- MMS, Multi media Messaging Service ==> 多媒体信息服务
- MMS, multimission modular spacecraft ==> 多目的モジュール衛星
- MMS, multimission module system ==> 多目的モジュールシステム
- MMS, multimission spacecraft ==> 多目的衛星
- MMSE, mini-mental state examination ==> 知的機能検査
- MMSE, multimission support equipment ==> 多目的支援施設
- MMSI, Maritime Mobile Ship Identification ==> 海上移動業務識別
- MMSL, Microgravity Materials Science Laboratory ==> 微小重力材料科学実験所
- MMT, multimode transponder ==> 多重モード中継器
- MMU, manned maneuvering unit ==> 宇宙遊泳装置
- MMU, Market Monitor Unit ==> 市場監視機関
- MMU, mass memory unit ==> 大容量メモリユニット
- Mn-Bi film ==> 锰铋膜
- Mn-Bi permanent magnet ==> 锰铋永磁体
- Mn-Fe ratio ==> 锰铁比
- mnemocircuit ==> 简略电路
- mnemonic address ==> 助记地址
- mnemonic code ==> 助记忆码
- mnemonic instruction ==> 助记指令
- mnemonic mark ==> 辅助号
- mnemonic symbol ==> 助记符,记忆符,记忆码=>簡略記号
- mnemonic system ==> 助记忆式
- mnemonic table ==> 助记忆符号表
- mnemonic-name ==> 助记名称
- MNF, manifold ==> 分岐管
- MNFS, minor frame synchronization ==> マイナフレーム同期
- MNFS, minor frame synchronization code ==> マイナフレーム同期コード
- mnos structure ==> mnos结构
- mnos transistor ==> 金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管
- MNOS, metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor ==> MNOS
- MNP ==> 番号ポータビリティー
- mns ==> 金属氮化物半导体
- MNVR, maneuver ==> マヌーバ
- Mo 9 granular ==> 草枯醚
- mo lan jacquard satin ==> 目澜缎
- MO Month ==> 月
- Mo odon monoceros ==> 一角鲸
- mo permalloy ==> 钼坡莫合金
- MO&DS, mission operations and data system ==> ミッション運用とデータシステム
- mo(u)ld and die copying machine ==> 型模靠模机床
- mo(u)ld assembly ==> 铸型装配
- mo(u)ld bed ==> 砂床
- mo(u)ld blacking ==> 砂型涂料
- mo(u)ld bottom half ==> 下型
- mo(u)ld cavity ==> 铸型腔
- mo(u)ld clamp ==> 铸型紧固夹,砂箱夹
- mo(u)ld closing ==> 铸型装配
- mo(u)ld conveyer ==> 铸型输送器
- mo(u)ld core ==> 铸造泥芯
- mo(u)ld drier ==> 铸型烘干炉
- mo(U)ld face ==> 铸型表面
- mo(u)ld facing ==> 铸型涂料
- mo(u)ld felt ==> 下毛毯
- mo(u)ld fracture tester ==> 砂型抗裂试验仪
- mo(u)ld hardness tester ==> 砂型硬度计,铸头硬度试验器
- mo(u)ld inhibitor ==> 抑霉剂
- mo(u)ld jacket ==> 砂型套箱
- mo(u)ld life ==> 铸型寿命
- mo(u)ld lubricant ==> 造型润滑剂
- mo(u)ld machine ==> 圆网造纸机
- mo(u)ld permeability ==> 铸型透气性
- mo(u)ld pig iron ==> 铸铁块
- mo(u)ld preparation ==> 整模
- mo(u)ld press ==> 压模机
- mo(u)ld release ==> 离型剂
- mo(u)ld release agent ==> 下模剂
- mo(u)ld shooter ==> 射型机
- mo(u)ld stability ==> 铸型稳定性
- mo(u)ld starter ==> 种曲
- mo(u)ld strength tester ==> 砂型表面强度试验仪
- mo(u)ld top half ==> 上型
- mo(u)ld transfer ==> 铸型输送器
- mo(u)ld venting ==> 扎出气孔
- mo(u)ld void tester ==> 砂型透气性测定仪
- mo(u)ld wall ==> 铸型壁
- mo(u)ld wash ==> 铸模涂料,造型涂料
- mo(u)ld weight ==> 压铁
- mo(u)ld yard ==> 整模间
- mo(u)ld(ing) spade ==> 造型砂铲
- mo(u)ld-box ==> (翻砂用)铸型箱
- mo(u)ldboard bracket ==> 犁壁翼撑杆
- mo(u)ldboard extension ==> 犁壁延长板
- mo(u)ldboard kicker ==> 犁翼
- mo(u)ldboard reinforcement ==> 犁壁加强筋
- mo(u)ldboard ridger ==> 犁壁式起垄器
- mo(u)ldboard stay ==> 犁壁撑杆
- mo(u)ldboard type scraper ==> (圆盘犁的)犁壁刮土板
- mo(u)ldboard type scraper (圆盘犁的) ==> 犁壁刮土板
- mo(u)lded and flat panel ==> 平面边线镶饰
- mo(u)lded bakelife case ==> 塑料盒,塑料电木盒
- mo(u)lded bakelite case ==> 塑料电木盒
- mo(u)lded chime lap joint ==> 塑口互搭接头
- mo(u)lded facing ==> 热模压制表面镶片
- mo(u)lded mica ==> 人造云母
- mo(u)lded panel ==> 缘饰镶板
- mo(u)lded piece ==> 铸造零件
- mo(u)lded plastic compound ==> 塑料
- mo(u)lded plastic pirn ==> 塑料纤管
- mo(u)lded projecting course ==> 挑砖饰线
- mo(u)lded section ==> 冷弯型钢
- mo(u)lder's brad ==> 造型通气针,砂型钉
- mo(u)lder's peel ==> 造型铁铲子,铸工铲凿
- mo(u)lding and shaping machine ==> 线条和成型机
- mo(u)lding apparatus ==> 造型设备
- mo(u)lding bed ==> 胎模
- mo(u)lding equipment ==> 造型设备
- mo(u)lding gravel ==> 特粗砂
- mo(u)lding in cores ==> 组芯造型
- mo(u)lding ink ==> 造型涂料,造型用涂料
- mo(u)lding line ==> 造型线
- mo(u)lding machine ==> 线条机,铸模机
- mo(u)lding machine with down sand frame ==> 下压式造型机
- mo(u)lding micanite ==> 塑型云母板
- mo(u)lding pin ==> 铸型用销钉
- mo(u)lding planer ==> 样板刨
- mo(u)lding powder ==> 塑料粉
- mo(u)lding pressure ==> 造型压力
- mo(u)lding surface ==> 陶形曲面
- mo(u)lding track ==> 造型线
- mo(u)lding-sand hopper ==> 砂斗
- MO, Magnet Optical disk ==> 光磁気ディスク。データの読み書きに,レーザー光と磁場を利用した書き換え可能型の補助記憶装置
- mo, month ==> 月
- MO-CVD, metal organic chemical vapor deposition ==> 有機金属化学蒸着(金属有機化合物化学蒸着)
- Mo-perm alloy ==> 钼波马合金
- Mo-Permalloy ==> 含钼导磁合金
- Mo-perminvar alloy ==> 钼波民瓦尔合金
- MOA, memorandum of agreement ==> 承認覚書
- moar elveation of boiling point ==> 摩尔沸点上升
- moat ==> 堑,海壕,冰川沟,冰川壕,濠,火口壕,槽
- mob stock ==> 轮牧畜群
- mob-stock grazing ==> 换区放牧法
- moban tablet ==> 吗啉啶醇片
- Mobel linen ==> 莫贝尔亚麻条格布
- moben paper ==> 毛边纸
- Mobil Corp. ==> 莫比尔石油公司
- mobile ==> 手机,流动,活动的,活动艺术品
- mobile accelerator ==> 移动式加速器
- mobile acetylene generator ==> 可移式乙炔发生器
- mobile agent ==> モバイルエージェント
- mobile analyzer ==> 移动式分析器
- mobile antenna ==> 移动式天线
- mobile anticyclone ==> 移动性反气旋
- mobile army ==> 摩托化步兵
- mobile artillery ==> 移动火炮
- mobile autodoffer ==> 小车式自动落纱机
- mobile automatic manure crane ==> 移动式厩肥自动吊车
- mobile batch drier ==> 移动式间歇干燥机
- mobile battle ==> 运动战
- mobile bed ==> 脉动床层,动床,不稳定河床
- mobile bed model ==> 动床模型
- mobile bed stream ==> 游荡性河流
- mobile belt ==> 活动带
- mobile belt-trough elevator ==> 移动式斗带升运器
- mobile belttrough elevator ==> 移动式斗带升运器
- mobile block ==> 动滑车
- mobile bridge ==> 移动式排土桥
- mobile camera ==> 便携式电视摄像机
- mobile car tipper ==> 活动式翻车机
- mobile carrier ==> 可动载流
- mobile cecum ==> 移动盲肠,游动盲肠
- mobile channel ==> 游荡性河槽
- mobile cleaner grader ==> 移动式清选分级机
- mobile cleanser ==> 移动式清洗机
- mobile clinic ==> 汽车诊所
- mobile coal belt ==> 移动式输煤带
- mobile communication ==> 移動通信
- mobile component ==> 活动组分
- mobile compressor ==> 活动式压缩机,移动式压风机
- mobile control room ==> 转播车
- mobile conveyor ==> 自行式运输机
- mobile coronary care ==> 流动冠心病医护
- mobile crane ==> (常指无轨起重机)自行吊车
- mobile crushing plant ==> 移动式破碎机组
- mobile defect ==> (晶体格子的)活动缺陷
- mobile device ==> 移动装置=>モバイル機器
- mobile diaphragm liquid manure pump ==> 移动式薄膜厩液泵
- mobile digital computer ==> 移动式数字计算机,可移动式数字计算机
- mobile drill ==> 移动式钻机
- mobile drill rig ==> 移动式钻机
- mobile earth station ==> 移动式地面站
- mobile electric power station ==> 移动式发电所
- mobile electrode ==> 移动式电极
- mobile electron ==> 流动电子
- mobile elevating conveyor ==> 移动式上向运输机
- mobile emergency winding equipment ==> 移动式紧急提升设备
- mobile emissions test laboratory ==> 排气有害物流动试验室
- mobile engine-driven diaphragm pump ==> 移动式机动薄膜泵
- mobile equilibrium ==> 动态平衡
- mobile equilibrium, running balance ==> 动态平衡
- mobile equipment ==> 自行设备,移动式设备
- mobile fire controller ==> 活动式射击指挥仪
- mobile flat-belt elevator ==> 移动式平带升运器
- mobile flatbelt elevator ==> 移动式平带升运器
- mobile foam generator ==> 移动泡沫混合发生器
- mobile forehearth ==> 可称式前炉
- mobile fund ==> 可动基金
- mobile gamma irradiator ==> 移动式γ辐照器
- mobile gas turbine ==> 移动式燃气轮机
- mobile generator ==> 移动式发电机
- mobile generator set ==> 移动发电机组
- mobile generator unit ==> 活动发电机组
- mobile grain drier ==> 移动式谷物干燥机
- mobile grease ==> 铅皂低粘度润滑脂,铅皂润滑,低粘度润滑脂
- mobile hammer mill ==> 锤式移动粉碎机
- mobile hay drier ==> 移动式牧草干燥机
- mobile heightfinder ==> 活动测高计
- mobile high-pressure air stand ==> 移动式高压空气供应台
- mobile hoist ==> 移动式吊车
- mobile hydraulic crane ==> 移动式液压吊车
- mobile hydraulic jack ==> 移动式水力起重器,移动式液压千斤顶
- mobile internet protocol ==> モバイルIP
- mobile irradiator ==> 移动式辐照器
- mobile jumbo ==> 自行台车,机动钻车
- mobile laboratory ==> 活动实验室,移动实验室,移动式试验室
- mobile laser tracking and ranging system ==> 活动激光追踪与测距系统
- mobile launcher ==> 自行式发射装置
- mobile liquid ==> 易流动液体
- mobile liquid manure agitator ==> 移动式厩液搅拌器
- mobile load ==> 活动荷载,活荷载
- mobile loader ==> 移动式装载机,自行装车机,自行装载机
- mobile loader vehicle ==> 移动式装填车
- mobile loading machine ==> 自行装载机
- mobile lubrication equipment ==> 移动式润滑设备
- mobile lubrication truck ==> 润滑油加油车
- mobile machine shop ==> 活动修理车
- mobile maintenance and support equipment ==> 移动式维修保养设备
- mobile manipulator ==> 移動マニピュレータ
- mobile mill ==> 移动式制材厂
- mobile motor driven centrifugal pump ==> 移动式机动离心泵
- mobile mount ==> 活动式炮架
- mobile mounting unit ==> 移动式台座
- mobile muffler ==> 汽车消音器,活动消声器
- mobile noise suppressor ==> 活动消声器
- mobile nuclear power plant ==> 移动式核电厂,装在浮船或车辆上可以移动的小型核电厂,分别称为浮动式核电厂或车载式核电厂。这类装置必须紧凑、重量轻、系统简单、固有安全性好,可用于向交通不便、人烟稀少的岛屿或边远地区供电
- mobile number portability ==> 手机保号体系
- mobile oil ==> 车用汽油,流性油
- mobile oil testing equipment ==> 车用机油试验器
- mobile optical tracking unit (MOTU) ==> 机动光学跟踪装置
- mobile phase ==> 移动相,流动相
- mobile phone ==> 移动式电话
- mobile platform ==> 游动式平台
- mobile pneumatic test set ==> 活动气压检测设备
- mobile pollution source ==> 流动污染源,移动性污染源
- mobile power station ==> 移动式电站
- mobile power station performance test ==> 移動電源車性能確認試験
- mobile power unit ==> 活动动力装置,移动式动力装置
- mobile radio ==> 移动式无线电通信=>移動無線
- mobile radio communication network ==> 移動通信網
- mobile radio diagnostic equipment ==> 流动X线诊断车
- mobile radio for distribution line maintenance ==> 配電用移動無線
- mobile radio for power system maintenance ==> 工務用移動無線
- mobile radio network ==> 移動無線網
- mobile radio switching ==> 移動体交換
- mobile radio teletype station ==> 移动式无线电传通信电台
- mobile radio unit ==> 移动式无线电台,流动无线电台
- mobile radiotelephone private line ==> 移动式无线电话专用线路
- mobile reactor ==> 移动式反应堆
- mobile receiver ==> 轻便接收机,便携式接收机
- mobile relay rack bay ==> 插拔式继电器盘
- mobile repair shop ==> 活动修理站
- mobile repair truck ==> 活动修理车
- mobile robot ==> 移动式遥控装置=>移動ロボット
- mobile rotary drum drier ==> 移动式转筒干燥机
- mobile router, MR ==> モバイルルータ
- mobile sacking auger conveyer ==> 移动式谷物装袋螺旋输送器
- mobile sampler ==> 活动抽样装置
- mobile sand ==> 流沙
- mobile sand mill ==> 移动式混砂机
- mobile sandslinger ==> 移动式抛砂机
- mobile saw-mill ==> 移动式制材厂
- mobile scatter communication equipment ==> 移动式散射通信设备
- mobile scoliosis ==> 活动性脊柱侧凸
- mobile service ==> 移动电台通信=>移動業務
- mobile shop ==> 流动商店
- mobile shotcrete platform ==> 移动式喷射混凝土工作平台
- mobile sound recording unit ==> 移动式录音机
- mobile sprinkler line ==> 移动式喷灌机管路
- mobile stage ==> 活动平台
- mobile stairway ==> 活动梯
- mobile state ==> 运动状态
- mobile station ==> 移动电台,移动式电台=>移動局
- mobile studio ==> 移动播音室
- mobile substation ==> 流动变电所=>移動変電所
- mobile system ==> 流动系统,机载系统
- mobile systems equipment ==> 可动系统设备
- mobile tank ==> 油槽车,液罐车
- mobile telephone system ==> 移动式电话系统
- mobile television ==> 移动式电视设备,流动电视车,便携电视
- mobile television channel ==> 移动式电视信道
- mobile television unit ==> 电视转播车,便携式电视装置
- mobile terrapin ==> 猩红斑拟龟
- mobile test stand ==> 移动式试验台架
- mobile tire inflation unit ==> 移动式轮胎充气装置
- mobile tracking mount ==> 随动跟踪装置
- mobile transformer ==> 车式变压器,移动式变压器
- mobile transmitter ==> 移动式发射机
- mobile treadway bridge ==> 轻型机械化桥
- mobile TV receiver ==> 汽车用电视机,移动式电视接收机
- mobile tyre inflation unit ==> 轮胎活动打气装置
- mobile units ==> 流动设备
- mobile vacuum cleaner ==> 移动式真空除尘器
- mobile videotape recorder ==> 磁带录像车
- mobile wagon ==> 自行矿车
- mobile warfare ==> 运动战
- mobile warping frame ==> 移动式分条整经机
- mobile water ==> 自由水
- mobile water distilling plant ==> 蒸馏水装置车
- mobile water purification unit ==> 活动净水器,活动洒水车
- mobile wharf ==> 活动码头
- mobile winder ==> 移动式提升机
- mobile workshop ==> 移动式修配间,修配车
- mobile x-ray machine ==> 移动式X线机
- mobile x-ray unit ==> 移动式X线机
- mobile-bed model test ==> 动床模型试验
- mobile-charging machine ==> 无轨装料机
- mobile-hearth furnace ==> 炉底移动式电炉
- mobile-relay station ==> 移动中继站
- mobile-satellite ==> 移动卫星
- mobile-unit truck ==> 可移装置车
- mobility ==> 移动性=>移動度
- mobility constant ==> 迁移常数
- mobility enhancement ==> 迁移率增加
- mobility housing ==> 方便行动住房
- mobility of oxygen ion ==> 氧离子迁移率
- mobility ratio ==> 迁移率,迁移系数,流度比
- mobility table ==> 变动率表
- mobilizaion of financial resources ==> 财力的动用
- mobire transformation method ==> 摩必尔转化法
- Mobitz type Ⅰheart block ==> 莫氏Ⅰ型
- Mobitz type Ⅱheart block ==> 莫氏Ⅱ型
- Mobitz typeⅡheart block ==> 模氏Ⅱ型
- mobius function ==> 茂比乌斯函数
- Mobius strip ==> 麦比乌斯带
- Mobius transformation ==> 茂比乌斯变换
- Mobius' sign ==> 默比厄斯氏征
- Mobley magnet ==> 莫布利磁铁
- MOC Memorandum Of Consultation ==> 咨询备忘录
- MOC, Ministry of Construction ==> 建設省
- MOCA, minimum obstruction clearance altitude ==> 最低障害物間隔高度
- Mocha coffee ==> 摩卡咖啡
- MOCIE, Ministry of commerce, industry and energy ==> 韓国産業資源省
- mock ==> 模仿,模拟,制造模型
- mock antenna ==> 假天线
- mock bomb ==> 模型弹
- mock fission neutron spectrum ==> 模拟裂变中子谱
- mock fog ==> 假雾
- Mock gold ==> 莫克金,莫克铜铂合金,铂铜合金
- mock gravitational force ==> 伪引力
- mock lead ==> 闪锌矿
- mock moon ==> 幻月,近幻月
- mock orange ==> バイカウツギ
- mock ore ==> 闪锌矿
- mock pendulum ==> 假摆,模拟摆
- Mock platina ==> 高锌黄铜
- Mock platinum ==> 莫克装饰用合金
- mock rafter ==> 假椽
- Mock silver ==> 莫克白银
- mock space loom ==> 双层梭子织机
- mock sun ==> 幻日,远幻日
- mock sun ring ==> 幻日环
- mock-up ==> 实物大模型,模装,大模型
- mock-up reactor ==> 模拟反应堆
- mock-up test ==> 模型试验
- mockup ==> 实体模型
- mockup test ==> 模拟试验
- MOCS, mission operation communication system ==> 移動型衛星試験装置
- MOCS, Mobile Operation Control Systems ==> 車両運行管理システム
- mocvd ==> 有机金属化学汽相淀积
- mocvd reactor ==> 有机金属化学汽相淀积反应器
- MOCVD, metal organic chemical vapor deposition ==> 有機金属気相成長法
- MOD, metal organic deposition ==> MOD法は有機酸塩を化学的にアルコール系溶媒中に均一溶解した溶液を塗布し,焼成することにより目的の膜を形成する。
- MOD, mission operations directorate ==> ミッション運用責任者
- MOD, modulator ==> 変調器
- modacrylic fibre ==> 变性聚丙烯腈纤维
- modal ==> 模态,模态的
- modal analysis ==> 模态分析=>モード解析
- modal analysis method ==> 模态分析法
- modal analysis program ==> 模态分析程序
- modal balancing theory ==> 模平衡理论,振型平衡理论
- modal class ==> 众数组
- modal column ==> 模态列
- modal controls ==> 模态控制
- modal decomposition ==> モード分解
- modal dispersion ==> 模式弥散
- modal distortion ==> 模式失真
- Modal fibre ==> 莫代尔纤维
- modal frequency ==> 众数频率
- modal group ==> 密集组
- modal interaction ==> モード間相互作用
- modal interference ==> モード干渉
- modal logic ==> 模态逻辑,模态逻辑学
- modal loss ==> 模式损耗
- modal matrix ==> 模态矩阵
- modal method ==> 模态法
- modal model ==> モードモデル
- modal noise ==> 模式噪声=>モード雑音
- modal operator ==> 模态运算子
- modal phase dispersion ==> 模式相位弥散
- modal premature beats ==> 结性期前收缩
- modal response ==> 动态反应
- modal superposition ==> 模态叠加
- modal system ==> 模态系统
- modal theory ==> モード理論
- modal-domain fiber optic sensor ==> 模域光纤传感器
- modalin ==> 甲哌啶嗪
- modaline ==> 莫达林
- modality ==> 模态,程式,药征
- mode ==> 模型,样式,类型,格式,风尚,方式,波模,众数,众值=>モード
- mode (frequency) separation ==> 振荡型分离
- mode address ==> 方式地址
- mode amplitude ==> 模振幅
- mode beating ==> 模拍频
- mode bit ==> 模式位,状态位,方式位
- mode bit wire ==> 方式位线
- mode change ==> 模式变化,模式变换,作用方式变化
- mode chart ==> 波型图,模式图,振荡模图表=>モード図表
- mode compatibility ==> 方式兼容性
- mode competition ==> 模式竞争,波型竞争
- mode configuration ==> 模式结构
- mode confinement ==> 模限制
- mode control ==> 模控制,模式控制
- mode control register ==> 状态控制寄存器
- mode control word ==> 状态控制字
- mode conversion ==> 模式变换,模转换,波型转换=>モード変換
- mode conversion interference ==> 模转换干涉
- mode converter ==> 模变换器
- mode coupled laser ==> 模式耦合激光器
- mode coupler ==> 模式耦合器
- mode coupling ==> 模间耦合,模式耦合,模态耦合,波型耦合=>モード結合
- mode coupling method ==> モード結合法
- mode cross section ==> 模截面
- mode crossing ==> 波模交叉
- mode declaration pattern specification ==> 模式说明
- mode degeneracy ==> 模式简并,波模简并度
- mode density ==> 模密度
- mode dependent loss ==> モード依存性損
- mode dispersion ==> 模色散,模式色散=>モード分散
- mode distortion ==> 模失真
- mode distribution ==> モード分布
- mode envelope ==> 模包迹,模式轮廓,波模包迹
- mode excitation ==> 模激发
- mode exciter ==> 模式激励器,波型激励器=>モード励振器
- mode factor ==> 振型系数
- mode fiber ==> 模光纤
- mode field ==> 状态字段,方式字段
- mode filter ==> 滤模器,振荡型滤波器,波模滤波器,波型滤波器,波形滤波器=>モードフィルタ
- mode frequency separation ==> 波型频率间隔
- mode function ==> 模函数,模式函数
- mode group ==> 模系
- mode hopping ==> 模式跳越,模跳跃
- mode identification ==> モード同定
- mode identifier ==> 模式标识符
- mode inconsistency ==> 状態不一致
- mode indication ==> 模式指示
- mode instruction format ==> 方式指令格式
- mode interference ==> 振荡模干扰=>モード干渉
- mode jump ==> 振荡模跳变,模式跳变,跳模
- mode launching ==> 模发射
- mode lock ==> 振荡模锁定,振荡型同步,波型同步
- mode lock laser ==> 锁模激光器
- mode locked ==> 锁模
- mode locking ==> 锁模,模式锁定,模锁定,波模锁定=>モード同期(モードロック)
- mode matching lens ==> 模匹配透镜
- mode memory ==> 模式存储器
- mode mismatch ==> モード不整合
- mode mixer ==> 模式混合器,混模器
- mode mixing ==> 模混合=>モード変換
- mode name ==> 方式名
- mode number ==> 模数
- mode observation ==> モード観測
- mode of action ==> 作用方式
- mode of arc transfer ==> 电弧过渡形式
- mode of binomial distribution ==> 二项分布方式
- mode of blade vibration ==> 叶片振动类型,叶片振动的不同形式,包括切向弯曲振动、轴向弯曲振动和扭转振动
- mode of combined rotor ==> 组合转子的振动波型
- mode of composition ==> 构图方式
- mode of connection ==> 接线方式
- mode of construction ==> 构造方式
- mode of decay ==> 衰变方式
- mode of deformation ==> 变形种类
- mode of distribution ==> 分布的众数,分布模式,分配方式
- mode of entry ==> 侵入方式
- mode of evolution ==> 进化方式
- mode of frequency regulation ==> 调频方式,按照电力系统频率调整准则和方法执行的系统频率调整方式
- mode of infection ==> 传染方式,侵染方式,感染方式
- mode of inheritance ==> 遗传方式
- mode of laser ==> 激光模
- mode of magnetization ==> 磁化方式
- mode of metal transfer ==> 金属过渡方式
- mode of onset ==> 起病方式
- mode of operation ==> 运行方式
- mode of operation of invention ==> 発明の実施例
- mode of optical cavity ==> 光学共振腔模,共振腔的振荡模
- mode of oscillation ==> 振荡方式
- mode of phasor rotation ==> 旋转矢量模式=>フェーザ回転モード
- mode of priority ==> 优先方式
- mode of production ==> 生产方式
- mode of propagation ==> 传播形式
- mode of random variables ==> 随机变量的众数
- mode of resonance ==> 共振模,谐振模式
- mode of rotation ==> 旋转模式
- mode of speed regulation ==> 调速方式
- mode of texturing ==> 变形方式
- mode of trade ==> 贸易方式
- mode of transmission ==> 传播方式
- mode of transportation ==> 运输方法
- mode of treatment ==> 森林经营法
- mode of unified construction of houses ==> 统建方式
- mode of vibration ==> 振动方式=>振動モード
- mode oscillation ==> 模式振荡
- mode partition noise ==> モード分配雑音
- mode pattern ==> 模式花样,模式图样,模图样,振荡型图,波型图样=>モードパターン
- mode perturbation ==> 模式微扰
- mode pulling ==> 模式牵引=>モードプリング
- mode pulling effect ==> 模式牵引效应
- mode purity ==> 模式纯度,波模纯度,波型纯净度=>モード純度
- mode pushing ==> 模推离=>モードプッシング
- mode radius ==> 模半径
- mode reconversion ==> 波模再变换
- mode register ==> 方式寄存器
- mode rejection ==> 模式抑制
- mode repulsion ==> 模态互斥
- mode scrambler ==> 搅模器
- mode select ==> 方式选择
- mode selection ==> 模选择=>モード選択
- mode selection by critical temporal control ==> 时控选模
- mode selection by Fabry Perot etalon ==> 法布里-珀罗标准具选模
- mode selection by Fresnel number of resonator ==> 菲涅尔数选模
- mode selectivity ==> 模选择性
- mode selector ==> 模式选择器,模选择器,方式选择器,选模器,波形选择器
- mode selector switch ==> 工件状态选择开关
- mode separation ==> 模的分离,模式分隔,振荡型频差,波模频率间隔,波型分离
- mode separation method ==> モード分離
- mode sequence ==> 波型序
- mode shape ==> モード形
- mode shift ==> 振荡型转移,模移
- mode ship ==> 模漏
- mode simulation method ==> 励振法
- mode simulator ==> 模式模拟器
- mode skipping ==> 振荡模跳变
- mode spacing ==> 模间隔
- mode specifier ==> 方式分类符,方式说明符
- mode spectrum ==> 模频谱,模谱,模式频谱,波模频谱
- mode standard ==> 标准模式
- mode step ==> 模阶
- mode stop ==> 波型光栏
- mode stripper ==> 模消除器
- mode structure ==> 模结构
- mode suppresion technique ==> 模抑制技术
- mode suppression ==> 模抑制
- mode suppression technique ==> 波模抑制技术
- mode switch ==> 波模转换开关,模转换器,方式开关
- mode switching ==> 波型转换开关
- mode symbol ==> 模式符号
- mode synthesis method ==> 模式综合法
- mode table ==> 方式表
- mode top ==> 模式中心
- mode transducer ==> 模变换器
- mode transducer circuit ==> 模变换电路
- mode transfer function ==> 模式传递函数
- mode transform ==> モード変換
- mode transformation ==> 模变换,波型变换=>モード変換
- mode transformer ==> 波型变换器,模变换器
- mode voltage ==> 模电压
- mode volume ==> 模容量,模体积
- mode-controlled giant-pulse lasser ==> 模控巨脉冲激光器
- mode-controller ==> 可控模
- mode-definition ==> 模式定义
- mode-discriminating interferometer ==> 模式鉴别干涉仪
- mode-locked copper vapo(u)r laser ==> 锁模铜蒸气激光器
- mode-locked dual polarization operation ==> 锁模双偏振运转
- mode-locked dyelaser ==> 锁模染料激光器
- mode-locked frequency-doubled operation ==> 锁模倍频运转
- mode-locked laser pulse ==> 锁模激光脉冲
- mode-locked neodymiumdoped glass laser ==> 锁模钕玻璃激光器
- mode-locked train ==> 锁模列,模式同步组列
- mode-locking by interactive loss modulation ==> 损耗调制锁模
- mode-locking by saturable dye ==> 饱和吸收染料锁模
- mode-locking effect ==> 锁模效应
- mode-locking frequency doubler ==> 锁模倍频器
- mode-locking technique ==> 锁模技术
- mode-matching method in the sense of least squares ==> 最小2乗法的モード整合法
- mode-pulling effect ==> 波模牵引效应
- mode-reconversion ==> 振型再变换
- model ==> 塑,造型,模式,模型,模样,样板,样机,样品,宏程序纲要,波型,标本,型式=>モデル(衛星)
- model adaptive control ==> 模型自适应控制
- model adjustment ==> 模型调整
- model adjustment technique ==> 模型调整法
- model analysis ==> 模拟分析,模拟分析法,模型分析
- model and mechanism of change ==> 变化的模式与机理
- model and program ==> 模型和程序
- model area ==> 模型面积
- model atmosphere ==> 模式大气
- model atmosphere analysis ==> 模型大气分析
- model base ==> モデルベース開発
- model basin ==> 模型试验池
- model behavior ==> 模型行为
- model blasting ==> 模型爆破
- model boundary ==> 模型边线
- model building ==> 模型建立,模型结构,建模
- model cam ==> 样板凸轮
- model car ==> 模型车
- model casing ==> 模型箱
- model change ==> 产品变化,型号改变=>モデルチェンジ
- model checker ==> モデル検査器
- model checking ==> モデル検査
- model chromosphere ==> 色球模型
- model clause ==> 标准条款
- model code ==> 样板法规
- model coefficient ==> 建模型系数
- model coil ==> 模型线圈
- model complete ==> 模型完全性
- model completion ==> 模型完全化
- model compound ==> 模型化合物
- model computer ==> 积木式计算机
- model configuration ==> 模拟结构
- model consistent ==> 模型一致的
- model contract ==> 标准合同
- model control ==> 模型控制
- model core ==> モデルコア
- model corridor facility ==> 模拟走廊设备
- model data ==> 模型数据
- model design method ==> 模型设计法
- model designations ==> 型号表示法
- model development and refinement ==> 模型建立与改进
- model deviation ==> 模式偏差
- model dwelling ==> 样板住宅
- model ecosystem ==> 模式生态系统
- model efficiency ==> 模型效率
- model element ==> 模型元件
- model equation ==> 模型方程
- model equipment ==> 模拟设备
- model error ==> モデル誤差
- model estimation ==> 模型估计
- model expansion ==> 模态展式
- model experiment ==> 模型实验=>モデル実験
- model experiment with clay ==> 泥巴试验
- model fiber ==> 模型纤维
- model filament ==> 模型丝
- model file ==> 模拟记录组,模型文件
- model fitting ==> 模型拟合
- model flow ==> 模型流动
- model fluid ==> 模拟液体
- model for analysis of three-phase induction motor ==> 三相誘導モータの解析モデル
- model for analysis of three-phase synchronous motor ==> 三相同期モータの解析モデル
- model for discrete search ==> 离散搜索模型
- model for short-term voltage stability analysis considering DG ==> DGを考慮した短時間電圧安定性解析モデル
- model formulation ==> 模型表述,模型组成
- model framework chart ==> 模型框图
- model garden ==> 模型园
- model group ==> モデル群
- model hardener ==> 模型硬化剂
- model house ==> 样板住宅
- Model I 77kV Provincial system model ==> 小規模水力電源を含む架空線系統
- model identification ==> モデル同定
- Model II 77kV Metropolitan system model ==> 都心のオフィス街を想定した地中線系統
- Model III 66kV Suburban system model ==> 工業地域を含む架空線・地中線混在系統
- model in traditional decision theory ==> 传统决策理论中的决策模型
- model information ==> 模型数据,模型信息
- model investigation ==> 模型实验研究,模型研究
- model language ==> 模型语言
- model launching ==> 新型号投产
- model law ==> 模型定律,模型律
- model lens ==> 模型镜头
- model library ==> 模型库
- model listing ==> 模型排列
- model logic ==> 模拟逻辑
- model machine ==> 样机
- model magnet ==> 模型磁铁
- model maker ==> 模型工
- model matching ==> 模型匹配
- model measurement ==> 模型测试
- model membrane ==> 膜模型
- model method ==> 模型法
- model methodology ==> 模式研究法
- model modifying mode ==> 模型修改方式
- model motor ==> 模型电动机,作为试验样品的电动机
- model name ==> モデル名
- model name label ==> 機種名表示ラベル
- model network ==> 模拟网络
- model notation ==> 模型表示法,模型的表示法,模型的记法
- model number ==> 型号
- model of a quadric ==> 二次曲面模型
- model of biological clock ==> 生物钟模型
- model of communication system ==> 通信系统的模型=>通信系のモデル
- model of decision making by administrative staff ==> 行政人员决策模式
- model of economic order quantity ==> 经济订购批量模式,经济订购批量模式
- model of expected value ==> 期望值模型
- model of gastric carcinoma ==> 胃癌模型
- model of gear ==> 齿轮模型
- model of input-output in investment ==> 投资投入产出模型
- model of input-output in labor consumption ==> 劳动消耗投入产出模型
- model of man ==> 人的模型
- model of population dynamic projection ==> 人口动态预测模型
- model of preservation ==> 保存范例
- model of propellant ==> 推进剂牌号
- model of qualitative choice ==> 品质选择模型
- model of river ==> 河道模型
- model of statistical table ==> 统计表式
- model of structure ==> 结构模型
- model of symbolic logic ==> 符号逻辑模型
- model of the economy ==> 经济模式,经济模式
- model of the motor car ==> 電動車のモデル
- model of vibration ==> 振动模型
- model order ==> 模型的阶
- model parameter ==> 模型参数
- model photonuclear reaction ==> 模型光核反应
- model photosphere ==> 光球模型
- model plan ==> 模型计划
- model plant ==> 制模工厂
- model plaster ==> 模型石膏
- model plastic ==> 模型塑料
- model pond ==> 模型池塘
- model prediction ==> 模型预测法
- model problem ==> 模型问题
- model psychosis ==> 模式精神病
- model radiation belt ==> 模型辐射带
- model rating curve ==> 模型率定曲线
- model reference ==> 模型基准
- model reference adaptive control ==> 模型参考自适应控制
- model reference robust control ==> モデル規範ロバスト制御
- model reference system ==> 典型参考系统
- model refinement ==> 模型改进
- model response ==> 模型频率特性
- model Reynolds number ==> 模型雷诺数
- model rigging ==> 模型装配
- model room ==> 模型车间,模型房,模型室,样板间
- model rotor ==> 模型转子=>モデルロータ
- model sampling ==> 模型抽样
- model scale ==> 模型比例尺,模型缩尺
- model scope ==> 模型范围
- model seismology ==> 模型地震学
- model select ==> 模型选择
- model select program ==> 模式选择程式,模型选择程序
- model selection criteria ==> 模型选择准则
- model selector ==> 模选择器
- model set ==> 模型组
- model shot ==> 模型技巧摄影
- model similarity ==> 模型相似性
- model soil ==> 模拟污垢
- model solar atmosphere ==> 太阳大气模型
- model space ==> 模型空间
- model specification ==> 模型设定,模型说明书
- model stability ==> 模型稳定性
- model statement ==> 模型语句
- model stator ==> 模拟定子
- model stellar atmosphere ==> 恒星大气模型
- model stock plan ==> 标准库存量制度
- model stocklist ==> 流行品存货单
- model stream ==> 模型河流,典型河流
- model structure ==> 模型结构
- model study ==> 模型研究
- model support ==> 模型架
- model symbol ==> 模型符号
- model system ==> 模型系统
- model tank ==> 模型试验池
- model tectonics ==> 模型大地构造学
- model test ==> 模型试验
- model test of cavitation ==> 汽蚀模型试验
- model test of tray-type multiple-pressure condenser ==> トレイ型複圧式復水器モデル試験
- model testing ==> 模型检验
- model testing basin ==> 模型试验池
- model theory ==> 模型理论,模型论
- model tillage test ==> 模拟耕作试验
- model tormulation ==> 模型表达
- model trimmer ==> 模型修整器
- model turbine ==> 模型水轮机
- model turning machine ==> 仿型修坯机
- model violation ==> 模型违例
- model voltage ==> 模型电压
- model water turbine ==> 模型水轮机
- model with k explanatory variables ==> 具有K个解释变量的模型,具有K个解释变量的模型
- model year ==> 新产品年度,年型
- model(l)ing light ==> 立体感灯光
- model-based vision ==> 模型视觉
- model-expansion method ==> 模式展开法
- model-free controller tuning ==> モデルフリー制御器調整
- model-prototype relationship ==> 模型与原型关系
- model-year variation ==> 新产品年度差异
- modeling ==> モデリング
- modeling crop and weed growth ==> 模拟作物和杂草的生长
- modeling error ==> モデル化誤差
- modeling methodology ==> 模型建立的方法论
- modeling of the soil nitrogen cycle ==> 土壤中氮循环模拟
- modeling of voltage control equipment ==> 調相設備のモデル
- modeling process ==> 模型建立的过程
- modeling saturation ==> 飽和模擬(発電機モデル)
- Modell number ==> 莫氏耐磨性指数
- modeller's clay ==> 模型粘土
- modelling bar ==> 比例杆
- modelling burner ==> 造型用煤气喷灯
- modelling by mechanism ==> 机理建模
- modelling effect ==> 立体感效果
- modelling method ==> 标准方法
- modelling Myc inhibition ==> Myc抑制のモデル化
- modelling paste ==> 模型用浆
- modelling process ==> 模拟程序
- modelling program continuous system ==> 模拟程序连续系统
- modelling shop ==> 木模车间,制模车间
- modelling technique ==> 模拟试验技术,模型技术
- modelling test technique ==> 模拟试验技术
- modelling verification ==> 模型验证
- modelocked state ==> 锁模态
- modelprototype comparison test ==> 模型与原型比较试验
- modem ==> 调制解调器=>モデム
- modem chip ==> 调制解调器芯片
- modem conversion function ==> 调制解调器转换功能
- modem hardware ==> 调制解调器硬件
- modem multiplexer diagnostics ==> 调制解调器多路转换器诊断
- modem section ==> 调制段
- modem sharing unit (MSU) ==> 共享调制解调器设备,共用调制解调器
- MODEM, modem (modulator-demodulator) ==> 変復調装置
- modem, modulator demodulator ==> 変復調器
- Moderatamente ==> 中等的,中庸的
- moderate ==> 平均的,中等,中等的,中度,减速=>司会をする
- moderate (air pollution index 51-100) ==> 普通(空气污染指数51-100)
- moderate accelerator ==> 中速促进剂
- moderate activity ==> 中等活动
- moderate availability ==> 中度有效性
- moderate belt ==> 温带
- moderate breeze ==> 和风
- moderate casualty agent ==> 中级伤害剂
- moderate change test project ==> 适中改变试验计划
- moderate condition ==> 中等条件
- moderate consumption ==> 适度消费
- moderate cracking ==> 中度裂化
- moderate cystocele ==> 中度膀胱膨出
- moderate demand ==> 适度需求
- moderate directivity antenna ==> 弱方向性天线
- moderate dose ==> 适度剂量
- moderate drying ==> 中庸干燥度
- moderate duty ==> 中等负荷
- moderate energy ==> 中等能量
- moderate energy neutron ==> 中能中子
- moderate energy neutron 中能中子,能量在0.1 MeV~1 ==> eV之间的中子
- moderate fading ==> 中度衰落
- moderate fever ==> 中等热
- moderate fines ==> 中等细粒
- moderate foaming ==> 中泡的
- moderate fog ==> 中雾,适度的雾
- moderate gale ==> 疾风
- moderate head ==> 中等水头
- moderate injury level ==> 中等伤害碰撞强度
- moderate intensity ==> 中等强度
- moderate intoxication ==> 中度中毒
- moderate lift lock ==> 中水头船闸
- moderate loop optimization ==> 适度循环优化
- moderate management ==> 适度管理
- moderate management authority ==> 适度管理
- moderate moist swamp ==> 中湿沼泽
- moderate moisture ==> 适中的温度
- moderate opening of canopy ==> 郁闭疏开
- moderate operating conditions ==> 中等操作条件,中等使用条件,中等运转条件
- moderate oven ==> 中温炉
- moderate oxidation ==> 中度氧化
- moderate physical labor ==> 中等体力劳动
- moderate plant ==> 适度植物
- moderate price ==> 适度价格
- moderate protective duty ==> 适度保护关税
- moderate pruning ==> 适度修剪
- moderate rain ==> 中雨
- moderate rainfall ==> 适中的雨量
- moderate range ==> 中等幅度
- moderate refrigerating ==> 中度冷冻
- moderate relief ==> 中等起伏
- moderate reverberation ==> (测量吸音能力的一种方法)调制反响
- moderate scale management ==> 适度规模经营
- moderate scale planting ==> 中等规模种植
- moderate sea ==> 中常波
- moderate shock ==> 中等地震
- moderate size earthquake ==> 中等地震
- moderate sorted ==> 中等分选的
- moderate speed ==> 中速,平均速度
- moderate spirality sector ==> 中等螺旋扇块
- moderate strength ==> 中等强度
- moderate supersonic speed ==> 中超音速
- moderate swelling ==> 中度肿大
- moderate tectonic activity ==> 中等构造活动
- moderate temperature ==> 中等温度
- moderate temperature hydrogenation ==> 中温加氢
- moderate testing level ==> 中等试验水平
- moderate thinning ==> 适度疏伐
- moderate toxemia of pregnancy ==> 中度妊娠毒血症
- moderate traffic ==> 中量交通
- moderate visibility ==> 中常能见度
- moderate wind ==> 中度风,和风
- moderate-duty compressor ==> 中型压缩机
- moderate-duty service ==> 中等负荷运行,一般条件下操作
- moderate-energy coast ==> 中能海岸
- moderate-heat portland cement ==> 中热硅酸盐水泥
- moderate-sized ==> 中型的
- moderate-speed lubrication ==> 中等速度润滑
- moderated core ==> 慢化堆芯
- moderated kernel ==> 慢化核
- moderated neutron ==> 慢化中子
- moderated nuclear reactor ==> 慢化核反应堆
- moderated radiation ==> 慢化辐射
- moderated reactor ==> 慢化堆,慢化反应堆
- moderately ==> 适度地
- moderately abnormal electroencephalogram ==> 中度异常脑电图
- moderately active ==> 中等活动的
- moderately advanced tuberculosis ==> 中度肺结核
- moderately asymmetrical distribution ==> 微偏分布
- moderately coarse ==> 中等粒度的
- moderately coarse texture ==> 中等粗质土
- moderately fine texture ==> 中等细质土
- moderately hydraulic lime ==> 中等水硬石灰
- moderately large deformation ==> 中等大形变
- moderately persistent gas ==> 半持久性毒气
- moderately polluted water ==> 中等污染水
- moderately robust ==> 硬度适当
- moderately slow permeability ==> 微慢渗透,梢慢渗透
- moderately soluble ==> 中等溶度的
- moderately stable ==> 适当稳定的
- moderately strong earthquake ==> 中强地震
- moderately volatile fuel ==> 中等挥发性燃料
- moderately well drained ==> 排水中等的
- moderater ==> 减速剂
- moderating detector ==> 慢化探测器=>減速検出器
- moderating effect ==> 慢化效应
- moderating efficiency ==> 慢化效率
- moderating material ==> 慢化材料,减速剂
- moderating power ==> 慢化能力
- moderating process ==> 慢化过程,减速过程
- moderating properties ==> 减速特性
- moderating ratio ==> 减速比,减速系数,慢化比,慢化系数
- moderating reflector ==> 慢化反射层
- moderating sphere ==> 慢化球
- moderation ==> 减速
- moderation drawing ==> 撤去図
- moderation length ==> 慢化长度
- moderation of business cycles ==> 商业周期的缓和
- moderation of neutrons ==> 中子慢化
- moderation power ==> 慢化能力,慢化剂的宏观散射截面与中子和该慢化剂核碰撞的平均对数能降之乘积
- moderation ratio ==> 慢化比,介质的慢化能力与其热中子宏观吸收截面之比。常用来综合衡量慢化剂性能,慢化比越大,快中子在介质内慢化到热能区的速率和份额越大,中子能谱越软
- moderation velocity ==> 慢化速度
- moderative method ==> 慢化法
- Moderato ==> 中板,适中,节制的
- moderator ==> 减速剂,慢化剂,热中子堆内用以降低快中子能量的材料。对其主要要求是:慢化能力强、中子吸收弱、与冷却剂和燃料棒包壳以及其他结构材料的相容性好、热和辐照稳定性好等
- moderator assembly ==> 慢化剂组件
- moderator capture ==> (中子)慢化剂俘获
- moderator circulation system ==> 慢化剂循环系统
- moderator control ==> 减速剂控制
- moderator coolant ==> 慢化冷却剂
- moderator dumping safety mechanism ==> 慢化剂排放安全机构
- moderator heat-exchanger ==> 慢化剂换热器
- moderator lattice ==> 慢化剂栅格
- moderator liquid poison system ==> 慢化剂液体毒物添加系统,CANDU型重水堆用于向慢化剂中添加毒物以控制反应性的系统
- moderator material ==> 减速剂
- moderator overflow ==> 慢化剂溢流
- moderator purification ==> 慢化剂净化
- moderator structure ==> 慢化剂砌体
- moderator system of HWR ==> 重水堆慢化剂系统,CANDU型重水堆的独立慢化剂的系统,由冷却回路、覆盖气体系统、净化系统、液体毒物添加系统等组成。功能为慢化快中子、冷却和净化慢化剂、按需将液体毒物注入慢化剂、失水事故且应急堆芯冷却系统失效时作为热阱
- moderator temperature coefficient ==> 慢化剂温度系数,慢化剂温度变化1K引起的反应性变化。慢化剂温度升高时,其密度及中子微观截面都发生变化,导致中子吸收减少、慢化能力减弱及中子能谱趋硬。它的数值还与慢化剂中有无化学毒物有关
- moderator-coolant ==> 慢化冷却剂
- moderator-density fluctuations ==> 慢化剂密度起伏
- moderator-to-fuel ratio ==> 慢化剂与燃料比,慢化剂-燃料比,反应堆堆芯的慢化剂与燃料的体积比。在以水为慢化剂、铀为燃料的反应堆中,该比值称为水-铀比。由于水中的氢核对中子慢化起主要作用,因此又常采用1H和235U的核密度之比来表示,又可称为氢-铀比
- modern ==> 现代的
- modern agriculture ==> 现代农业
- modern algebra ==> 近世代数
- modern angiosperm ==> 现代被子植物
- modern architecture ==> 现代建筑
- modern art ==> 现代艺术,近代艺术
- modern biology ==> 现代生物学
- modern business administration ==> 近代企业管理
- modern capitalist monetary theories ==> 现代资产阶级货币理论
- modern car ==> 现代汽车
- modern ceramics ==> 现代陶瓷
- modern communications technology ==> 现代通讯技术
- modern computing method ==> 现代化计算方法
- modern control theory ==> 现代控制理论=>現代制御理論
- modern data entry techniques ==> 现代数据输入技术
- modern demography ==> 现代人口统计学
- modern deposits ==> 新淤积泥沙
- modern economertrics ==> 现代经济计量学
- modern economic management ==> 现代经济管理
- modern economics ==> 现代经济学
- modern electrical equipment ==> 现代电气设备
- modern enterprise management ==> 现代企业管理
- modern equipment ==> 现代化设备
- modern face ==> 现代体
- modern game ==> 新斗鸡
- modern general equilibrium theory ==> 现代一般平衡理论
- modern group ==> 现代群
- modern history ==> 近代史
- modern industry ==> 现代工业
- modern insects ==> 现代昆虫类
- modern kernal estimate ==> 现代核估计
- modern liquid chromatography ==> 近代液相色谱法
- modern medicine ==> 近代医学
- modern method of directive breeding ==> 近代定向育种法
- modern mo(u)ld and core-making process ==> 现代型模型及型芯制造法
- modern molecular biology ==> 近代分子生物学
- modern monetarism ==> 现代货币主义
- modern motor control ==> 近代的モータ制御はパワーエレクトロニクスの進歩とともに始まった。その特長は,モータの被制御量がモータのトルクであることである。
- modern motor spirit ==> 现代车用汽油
- modern plate ==> 现代板块
- modern principal components (MPC) ==> 现代主分量法
- modern quality control ==> 现代质量管理
- modern quantity theory of money ==> 现代货币数量论
- modern refinery ==> 现代化炼油厂
- modern sectors ==> 现代部门
- modern security system ==> 现代安全管理体系
- modern specialized large- scale production ==> 现代的专业化大生产
- modern statistics ==> 现代统计学
- modern style ==> 摩登式样
- modern synthesis ==> 现代综合论
- modern systems theory ==> 现代系统理论
- modern taxation system ==> 现代税收制度
- modern technology ==> 现代技术
- modern technology and programme management ==> 先進技術と計画管理
- modern theory of uneven growth ==> 现代非均衡增长理论
- modern times ==> 近代
- modern transport sector ==> 现代运输部门
- modern transport technology ==> 现代运输技术
- modern type ==> 现代类型
- modern-day digital computer ==> 现代数字计算机
- modern-heuristics ==> モダンヒューリスティクス
- modernization ==> 现代化
- modernization management ==> 现代化管理
- modernization of accounting ==> 会计现代化
- modernization of business ==> 企业现代化
- modernization of farming ==> 农业现代化
- modernized large industry ==> 现代化大工业
- modes of business operation ==> 经营方式,经营方式
- modes of sale ==> 销售方式
- modesty ==> 慎み深さ,謙遜,上品さ
- modifiable alternate program communication block ==> 可修改更换程序通信块
- modificating pureline method ==> 改良纯系法
- modification ==> 変更,改良
- modification activity ==> 修飾活性
- modification algorithm ==> 修正アルゴリズム
- modification by program-self ==> 程序自修改
- modification coefficient ==> 变位系数
- modification factor ==> 改正系数
- modification kit ==> 改型工具,成套改装器材
- modification loop ==> 数据改变环,变址环
- modification of contract ==> 契約修正
- modification of goals ==> 目标的修正
- modification of objectives ==> 目标的修正
- modification of program ==> 程序修改
- modification polyconic projection ==> 改良多圆锥投影
- modification works ==> 改造工程
- modified accrual basis ==> 修正权责发生制
- modified acetate ==> 变性醋酯纤维
- modified acryl fibre ==> 变性聚丙烯腈纤维
- modified acrylic fibre ==> 改性丙烯酸系纤维
- modified address ==> 修改地址
- modified aeration ==> 改进通气法,改良曝气法
- modified alloy ==> 改良合金,变质合金
- modified antigen ==> 乙改变的抗原
- modified asphalt ==> 改良沥青,改性沥青
- modified Atkinson formula ==> 艾金森简化公式
- modified Bessel function ==> 修正贝塞耳函数
- modified binomial distribution ==> 修正的二项分布
- modified cash basis ==> 修正现金收付制
- modified cast iron ==> 变质铸铁,孕育铸铁
- modified cellulose ==> 改性纤维素
- modified cellulose fibre ==> 变性纤维素纤维
- modified cement ==> 改良水泥
- modified chemical vapor deposition ==> 改进的化学汽相淀积
- modified chemical vapor deposition process (MCVD) ==> 改进的化学气相沉积法
- modified chemical vapor diposition method, MCVD ==> 内付けCVD法
- modified coal tar pitch ==> 改质沥青
- modified complement ==> 变形补码,修正补码
- modified conical projection ==> 准圆锥投影
- modified constant-voltage charge ==> 改进恒定电压充电
- modified contact ratio ==> 修正总重合度
- modified continuous filament ==> 变形长丝
- modified continuous layering ==> 改良连续压条
- modified control limit ==> 修正后的控制界限
- modified Coulomb field ==> 变形库仑场
- modified cylindrical projection ==> 准圆柱投影
- modified densification process ==> 改性致密工艺
- modified diaphragm ==> 改性隔膜
- modified diode transistor logic ==> 改进二极管-晶体管逻辑电路
- modified distribution method ==> 改良调配法,(运输问题)修正分配法
- modified English mounting ==> 改进英国式装置
- modified equation ==> 转换后的方程
- modified Euler method ==> 改进的欧拉法
- modified Euler type moving average prediction ==> Euler型移動平均予測(EMAP)
- modified exponential curve ==> 修正的指数曲线
- modified fertilizer additive ==> 改性化肥添加剂
- modified Fibonacci search ==> 改进的斐波纳契搜索,改进黄金分割搜索
- modified fibre ==> 变性纤维
- modified form ==> 修改型,改良型
- modified formula ==> 修正公式
- modified frequency modulation (MFM) ==> 改进调频制,改进型调频制
- modified frequency table ==> 修正的频数表
- modified gear ==> 变位机构
- modified gunmetal ==> 改进炮铜
- modified Hankel functions ==> 修正汉克尔函数
- modified Huffman code ==> モディファイドハフマン符号
- modified impedance relay ==> 变形阻抗继电器,修正阻抗继电器
- modified index ==> 修正指数=>修正屈折率
- modified index of refraction ==> 修正折射指数
- modified input data method ==> 入力信号修正法
- modified involute gear ==> 渐开线修正齿轮
- modified Julian date(MJD) ==> 简化儒略日期
- modified Kraemer system ==> 拡張クレーマー方式
- modified Lambert conformal chart ==> 改良兰勃特正形投影地图
- modified Lambert conformal projection ==> 改良兰勃特正形投影
- modified leader training ==> 改良闭心式整枝
- modified line ==> 变更线
- modified linear polyethylene ==> 变性支链聚乙烯
- modified log odds ==> 修正对数成败优势比
- modified longwall system ==> 变相长壁开采法
- modified mean ==> 修正平均值
- modified mean square successive difference ==> 修正均方连续差
- modified method of Hassan and Singh ==> 哈森和辛格的修正法
- modified Miller code ==> 改进的密勒码
- modified moving average method ==> 修正移動平均処理
- modified Newton method ==> 改进牛顿法
- modified nodal analysis ==> 修正節点解析法
- modified normal distribution ==> 修正的正态分布
- modified objective function ==> 修正的目标函数
- modified page-zero addressing ==> 零页寻址
- modified Parshall flume ==> 改良巴歇尔量水槽
- modified paste of pineneedle ==> 改性松针浸膏
- modified pedigree method of selection ==> 改良的系谱选择法
- modified plastics ==> 改性塑料
- modified polyamine fibre ==> 改性聚酰胺纤维
- modified polypheylene oxide ==> 改性聚苯醚
- modified precision approach radar ==> 改进型精密进场雷达
- modified product ==> 变形产品
- Modified Pulse-Restoring Decoction ==> 加减复脉汤
- modified radiation ==> 变频辐射
- modified radical mastoidectomy ==> 乳突改良根治术
- modified ratio ==> 改良的分离比值
- modified rayon ==> 变性人造丝,变性粘胶
- modified refractive index ==> 修正屈折率
- modified roll mechanism ==> 差动机构
- modified rosin sizing agent ==> 改性松香施胶剂
- modified rubber ==> 改性橡胶
- modified seasonal index ==> 修正的季节指数
- modified sliding pressure operation ==> 定压-滑压复合运行,重要的蒸汽管道投入运行前,通入部分一定参数的蒸汽,使其管壁温度按规定速度逐渐升高,直至接近正常运行时的管壁温度的过程。
- modified soda ==> 改性苏打
- modified staircase wave ==> 变形阶梯波
- modified staple fibre ==> 变性短纤维
- modified starch ==> 变性淀粉
- modified syntax tree ==> 改进的语法树
- modified system of flexible exchange rate ==> 修正浮动汇率制
- modified system of normal equations ==> 修正的正规方程组
- modified systematic sampling ==> 修正等距抽样
- modified tetanus ==> 局限性破伤风,局限性破伤风,局限性强直,局限性强直
- modified trapezoidal modulating signal ==> 変形台形波変調信号
- modified treatment ==> 调质处理
- modified trenchstack silo ==> 半地面青贮窑
- modified two-bath process ==> 变型二浴法
- modified uniform liability system ==> 修正统一责任制
- modified velocity ==> 改正流速
- modified version of fixed model ==> 修正的固定模型变形
- modified z transform ==> 拡張z変換
- modified-acrylic adhesive ==> 改性丙烯酸粘合剂
- modified-modified frequency modulation ==> 改进的改进调频制
- modifier ==> 改变装置,改性剂,调节剂,孕育剂,变换装置,变性剂,变址数,修改量
- modifier area ==> 修改区域
- modifier command ==> 变址命令
- modifier gene ==> 修饰基因
- modifier register ==> 变数寄存器
- modifier spark advance ==> 发火提早装置
- modifier storage ==> 变数存储器,变址数存储器
- modify address ==> 变址
- modify one's registration ==> 变更登记
- modifying agent ==> 改性剂,孕育剂,质量改善剂
- modifying asphalt ==> 改性沥青
- modifying factor ==> 修饰因子,修正因子
- moding circuit ==> 模电路
- MODIS, moderate resolution imaging spectrometer ==> 中分解能画像スペクトロメータ
- MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit ==> 移动近海训练单元
- modulability ==> 调制能力,调制本领
- modular ==> 模的,模块,模块的,模块化的,积木的,积木式
- modular air handling unit ==> 组合式空气调节机组
- modular algebra ==> 模代数,模数代数
- modular angle ==> 模角
- modular architecture ==> 模块结构,积木结构
- modular arithmetic ==> 模运算,模算术=>モジュラー演算
- modular brick ==> 符合模数尺寸的砖,模砖
- modular check ==> 模数检验
- modular circuit ==> 模块电路
- modular co-ordination ==> 模数协调
- modular code system ==> 模块式编码系统
- modular component ==> 模数化部件
- modular computer ==> 模块化计算机,模块计算机
- modular concept ==> 模块概念,模块式概念,积木式概念,积木式设计原理
- modular connection ==> 标准接头
- modular connector ==> 组合式插件
- modular constant ==> 模常数,模电路
- modular construction ==> 模数化构造,部件结构,单元结构,模块结构,模件结构,组件结构,积木式结构
- modular converter ==> 模块化转换器
- modular coordinating ==> 模数协调法
- modular coordination ==> 模数配合,模数协调法
- modular decomposition ==> 模块分解
- modular design ==> 积木化,模块化,积木式设计,模件设计,典型设计,标准设计,标准结构,典型结构,模数设计,积木化设计
- modular design method ==> 模数法设计,定形设计法
- modular dimension ==> 模数尺寸
- modular duplex milling machine ==> 复式组合机床
- modular electronics ==> 标准组件电子设备
- modular element ==> 模数化部件
- modular equation ==> 模方程
- modular expansion ==> 模块扩充
- modular field ==> 模域
- modular form ==> 模形式
- modular function ==> 模函数,模数函数
- modular function theory ==> 模函数论
- modular functional ==> 模泛函
- modular gas turbine power plant ==> 组装式燃气轮机装置
- modular grid ==> 模数网格
- modular group ==> 模群=>モジュラー群
- modular high temperature reactor ==> 模块式高温反应堆
- modular horizontal floor mill ==> 卧式落地组合铣床
- modular housing ==> 模数制住房
- modular ideal ==> 模理想
- modular inequality ==> 模不等式
- modular information processing equipment ==> 模块信息处理装置
- modular instrument system ==> 仪器调节系统,积木式仪器系统
- modular integrated utility system ==> 模块式综合公用事业系统
- modular invariance ==> モジュラー不変性
- modular invariant ==> 模不变式=>モジュラー不変量
- modular jack ==> 模数插口,标准组合插口
- modular laboratory computer ==> 模块化实验室计算机
- modular language ==> 模块语言
- modular lattice ==> 模格
- modular law ==> 模律
- modular machine components ==> 组合机床的组件
- modular majorant ==> 模强函数
- modular manifolding systems ==> 组件式歧管系统
- modular masonry unit ==> 模数砌筑单位
- modular matrix ==> 模矩阵
- modular micro-program machine ==> 模块化微程序机
- modular microcomputer component ==> 模块化微计算机部件,模块化微型机部件,模块化微型计算机部件
- modular multilevel cascade converteer ==> モジュラーマルチレベルカスケード変換器(MMCC)
- modular multilevel converters ==> モジュラーマルチレベル変換器
- modular multilevel PWM inverters ==> モジュラーマルチレベルPWMインバータ
- modular operator ==> 模算子
- modular opticaltest instrument for fiber ==> 模块化光纤光学测试仪
- modular organization ==> 模块结构,模块式结构,积木式结构
- modular planning grid ==> 模数规划格
- modular processing system ==> 模块处理系统
- modular program-(m)ing ==> 模块化程序设计
- modular programming ==> 模块化程序设计
- modular proportion ==> 柱半径倍数比
- modular pulse generator ==> 模块化脉冲信号发生器
- modular PV system ==> モジュラーPVシステム
- modular radar ==> 模块式雷达
- modular ratio ==> 模量比,弹性模量比,弹率比
- modular reactor ==> 模块反应堆
- modular redundancy ==> 模块冗余度
- modular representation ==> 模表示,模数表示
- modular resolution ==> 模分解
- modular ring ==> 模环
- modular satellite ==> 模块式卫星
- modular semi-ordered linear spaces ==> 模半序线性空间
- modular space ==> 模空间
- modular station ==> 标准化装置
- modular structure ==> 模块结构,模块化结构,模块结构,模数结构,积木结构
- modular structure microcomputer ==> 模块结构式微型计算机
- modular substitution ==> 模变换
- modular supercomputer ==> 模块化巨型机
- modular supercomputer architecture ==> 模块化巨型机体系结构
- modular surface ==> 模面
- modular surveillance radar ==> 模块式监视雷达
- modular system ==> 单元组合系统,模块化系统,模块系统,模数制,积木方式,积木系统,标准系统
- modular system program ==> 积木式系统程序
- modular theory ==> 模理论
- modular tooling system ==> 模块式工具系统
- modular tubes ==> 束筒
- modular unit ==> 单元组合元件,可互换标准件,模件
- modular-n adder ==> 模数n加法器
- modular-ratio design ==> 模量比法设计
- modularity ==> 组件方式,模化程度,模件性,模块度,模块化,模块性,模型性,调制率,积木性=>単位性,モジュール性,互換性
- modularizaion ==> 模块化
- modularization ==> 积木化,模块化,模数化
- modularized ==> 模块化的
- modularized circuit ==> 模块化电路
- modularized computer ==> 积木式计算机
- modularized hardware ==> 模块化硬件
- modularized program ==> 模块化程序
- modularized system ==> 模量制,模数制
- modularot output voltage ==> 调制器输出电压
- modularot sensitivity ==> 调制器灵敏度
- modularot tube ==> 调制管
- modularot voltage ==> 调制器电压
- modulate ==> 调制,调谐
- modulated ==> 巳调的
- modulated aerial ==> 调制天线
- modulated amplifier ==> 被调放大器
- modulated amplifier valve ==> 被调制放大管
- modulated carrier ==> 调制载波
- modulated continuous wave ==> 已调等幅波,已调连续波
- modulated infrared spectroscopy ==> 変調赤外分光法
- modulated light source ==> 调制光源
- modulated oscillator ==> 受调振荡器
- modulated pulse amplifier ==> 被调制的脉冲放大器,被调制脉冲放大器,脉冲调制放大器
- modulated quantity ==> 调制量
- modulated Raman scattering ==> 调制喇曼散射
- modulated receiver ==> 调制接收机
- modulated signal ==> 已调制信号
- modulated sinusoid ==> 已调正弦波
- modulated subcarrier technique ==> 调制副载波法
- modulated time signal ==> 调制时号
- modulated voice frequency telegraph ==> 调频音频电报
- modulated voltage ==> 已调电压
- modulated wave ==> 已调波,调幅波=>(被)変調波
- modulated wave amplifier ==> 已调波放大器,波调制放大器
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance ==> 变抗调制放大器,可变电抗调制放大器
- modulating characteristic ==> 调制特性
- modulating choke ==> 调制扼流圈,调幅扼流圈
- modulating coefficient ==> 调变系数
- modulating control ==> 调幅控制
- modulating control system ==> 调制控制系统
- modulating control system of once-through boiler ==> 直流锅炉模拟量控制系统,使直流锅炉适应负荷需要,或者维持直流锅炉各主要模拟量参数在要求范围内的各个模拟量控制系统的总称
- modulating control system, MCS ==> 模拟量控制系统,又称“自动调节系统或闭环控制系统”。对锅炉、汽轮机及辅助系统的有关模拟量参数进行连续闭环控制,使被控模拟量参数值维持在设定范围或按预期目标变化的自动控制系统的总称
- modulating equipment ==> 调制设备
- modulating frequency ==> 调制频率
- modulating function ==> 调制函数
- modulating oscillator ==> 调制振荡器
- modulating pulse ==> 调制脉冲
- modulating signal ==> 调制信号
- modulating speed ==> 変調速度
- modulating valve ==> 调制管
- modulating voltage ==> 调制电压
- modulating wave ==> 调制波
- modulation ==> 调制,调幅=>変調
- modulation alarm ==> 调制告警
- modulation and demodulation ==> 変復調
- modulation balance ==> 调制平衡
- modulation band ==> 调制频带
- modulation bandwidth ==> 调制带宽
- modulation capability ==> 调制能
- modulation characteristic ==> 调制特性=>変調特性
- modulation code ==> 调制码
- modulation coherence ==> 相干调制
- modulation coil ==> 调制线圈
- modulation collimator ==> 调制准直器
- modulation condition ==> 调制状态
- modulation control ==> 调制控制
- modulation controller ==> 调制控制器
- modulation converter ==> 调制变换器
- modulation cpapbility ==> 调制能力
- modulation crest ==> 调制峰值
- modulation crystal ==> 调制晶体
- modulation defocus(s)ing ==> 调制散焦
- modulation degree ==> 调制度
- modulation demodulation system ==> 调制解调方式
- modulation depth ==> 调制度,调制深度
- modulation deviation ==> 调制位移
- modulation device ==> 调制设备
- modulation distortion ==> 调制畸变,调制失真=>変調ひずみ
- modulation distortion characteristic ==> 调制失真特性
- modulation divider tube ==> 分频管
- modulation doping ==> 変調ドーピング
- modulation efficiency ==> 调制效率
- modulation efficiency factor ==> 调制效率系数
- modulation element ==> 调制元件=>変調素子
- modulation eliminator ==> 调制消除器,解调器
- modulation envelope ==> 调制包络线
- modulation error ==> 调制误差
- modulation factor ==> 调制系数,调制因数=>変調度
- modulation factor meter ==> 调制系数测试计
- modulation frequency ==> 调制频率=>変調周波数
- modulation frequency feedback ==> 调制频率反馈
- modulation frequency limitation ==> 调频极限
- modulation frequency ratio ==> 调制频率与载频的比=>変調周波数比
- modulation frequency response ==> 调制频率响应
- modulation frequency VFT ==> 调频音频电报
- modulation function ==> 调制函数
- modulation gap ==> 调制间隙
- modulation generator ==> 调制发生器,调制振荡器=>変調用発振器
- modulation hum ==> 调制哼声
- modulation index ==> 调制指数=>変調指数
- modulation indicator ==> 调制指示器=>変調指示器
- modulation input circuit ==> 调制输入电路
- modulation interferometer ==> 调制干涉仪,调制型干涉仪
- modulation law ==> 调制定律
- modulation light source ==> 调制光源
- modulation loss ==> 调制损耗=>変調損
- modulation measurement ==> 调制度测量
- modulation meter ==> 调制度测定器,调制度测量仪,调制度器,调制计=>変調計
- modulation method ==> 调制法
- modulation monitor ==> 调制监视器
- modulation noise ==> 调制噪声=>変調雑音
- modulation noise of tape ==> 磁带调制噪声
- modulation of beam ==> 束流调制
- modulation of beam intensity ==> 射线强度的调制
- modulation of continuous wave ==> 连续调制
- modulation of fringes ==> 条纹调制度
- modulation of laser ==> 激光调制
- modulation parameter ==> 调制参数
- modulation pattern ==> 调制图形
- modulation percentage ==> 调制度,以百分比计的调制深度
- modulation period ==> 调制周期
- modulation polarography ==> 调制极谱法
- modulation power ==> 调制功率
- modulation product ==> 调制分量,调制积=>変調積
- modulation range ==> 调制范围
- modulation rate ==> 调制速率=>変調速度
- modulation ratio ==> 调制比,调制度
- modulation rise ==> 调制度增高
- modulation scheme ==> 调制方案
- modulation signal ==> 调制信号
- modulation signal frequency ==> 変調信号周波数
- modulation spectroscopy ==> 调制光谱学
- modulation spectrum ==> 调制光谱
- modulation stage ==> 调制级
- modulation standard ==> 调制标准
- modulation suppression ==> 调制抑制
- modulation system ==> 调制方式
- modulation technique ==> 调制技术
- modulation theorem ==> 调制定理
- modulation transfer factor ==> 调制传递系数
- modulation transfer function ==> 调制转换函数
- modulation transfer function (MTF) ==> 调制传递函数
- modulation transformer ==> 调制变压器
- modulation type compensation ==> 调制型补偿
- modulation type multiplier ==> 调制式乘法器,调制型乘法器
- modulation wave ==> 调制波
- modulation waveform ==> 调制波形
- modulation width ==> 调制宽度
- modulation with a fixed reference ==> 带固定基准的调制
- modulation-noise improvement ==> 调制噪声的改进
- modulation-tone factor ==> 调制声因数
- modulation-type switched transponder ==> 调制变换转发器
- modulator ==> 调制器=>変調器,変調装置
- modulator approach ==> 调制方法
- modulator band electrical system out ==> 调幅器带通滤波器输出
- modulator band filter ==> 调幅器带通滤波器
- modulator band filter in ==> 调幅器带通滤波器输入
- modulator band filter out ==> 调幅带通滤波器输出
- modulator cabinet ==> 调制器箱
- modulator carrier ==> 调制器载频
- modulator condenser ==> 调制器电容器
- modulator control signal ==> 调制控制信号
- modulator demodulator ==> 调制解调
- modulator divider ==> 调制器分频器
- modulator driver ==> 调制激励器
- modulator element ==> 调制器元件
- modulator firing ==> 调制器启动
- modulator function ==> 调制器作用
- modulator glow tube ==> 调制发光管
- modulator linearity ==> 调制器线性
- modulator multiplier ==> 调制倍频器
- modulator of source ==> 源调制器
- modulator tube ==> 调制管=>変調管
- modulator valve ==> 调制管
- modulatro ==> 调节器
- module ==> 航天舱,程序块,存储体,模,模块,模量,模式,模数,机芯,舱,模件,系数,比,率,阶数,组件,微型组件,存储体,指令组,基本单位=>モジュール
- module attribute ==> 模块属性
- module board ==> 模块板,模块电路板
- module body ==> 模块体
- module check ==> 模块检查,按模检验
- module checker ==> 模件检查装置
- module complex library ==> 模块复合库
- module contents ==> 模块内容
- module declaration ==> 模块说明
- module diameter ==> 组件直径
- module dissipation ==> 组件功耗,模块功耗
- module extender board ==> 模件扩展板
- module feature ==> 模特性
- module fixture ==> 组件夹具
- module frame ==> 模帧
- module homomorphism ==> 模同态
- module information ==> 组件信息
- module interaction ==> 模块交互作用
- module invariant ==> モジュール不変量
- module machine ==> 模块化机器
- module matrix ==> 组件矩阵
- module mounting unit ==> 模件安装单元
- module name ==> 模块名
- module object ==> 模对象
- module of a family of curves ==> 曲线族的模
- module of coboundaries ==> 上边缘模
- module of cocycles ==> 上循环模
- module of cycles ==> 循环模
- module of gear ==> 齿轮模数
- module of guidance equipment ==> 制导设备舱
- module of homomorphisms ==> 同态模
- module of quotients ==> 商模
- module of rigidity ==> 钢性系数
- module of telemetry equipment ==> 遥测仪器舱
- module production ==> 模块化生产
- module specification ==> 模块指明
- module structure ==> 模块构造
- module test ==> モジュール試験
- module test program ==> 组件测试程序
- module test set ==> 模件试验装置
- module tester ==> 组件测试机
- module testing ==> 组件测试
- module theory ==> 模理论
- module training ==> 模件培训法
- module type steam generator ==> 组件型蒸汽发生器
- module units ==> 组装单元
- module-milling cutter ==> 模数铣刀
- modulo arithmetic ==> 模运算
- modulo symbol ==> 模符号
- modulo-n counter ==> モジュロn計数器
- modulo-nine's checking ==> 模九检验
- modulus ==> 模,模量,模数,系数=>絶対値
- modulus at rapid deformation ==> 速形变模量
- modulus decay ==> 衰减系数
- modulus in elasticity in bending ==> 曲弹性模量
- modulus in shear ==> 剪切模量,剪切模数
- modulus in tension ==> 拉伸模数
- modulus in torsion ==> 剛性率
- modulus of a congruence ==> 同余式的模
- modulus of attenuation ==> 衰减模数
- modulus of complex number ==> 复数的模数
- modulus of compressibility ==> 压缩模量
- modulus of compression ==> 压缩模量,抗压弹性模数
- modulus of congruence ==> 同余模
- modulus of continuity ==> 连续模,连续性的模数
- modulus of conversion ==> 转换模
- modulus of decay ==> 衰变模量
- modulus of deformation ==> 形变模量,变形模量
- modulus of dilatation ==> 膨胀模量
- modulus of discharge ==> 流量模数,流量系数
- modulus of distribution ==> 分布模数
- modulus of drainage ==> 排涝模数
- modulus of elasticity in comperssion ==> 压缩弹性模量
- modulus of elasticity in direct stress ==> 拉伸弹性模数
- modulus of elasticity in shear ==> 剪切弹性模量,剪切弹性模量,剪切弹性模数
- modulus of elasticity in tension ==> 抗拉弹性模数
- modulus of elasticity of wood ==> 木材弹性模量
- modulus of elliptic function ==> 椭圆函数的模
- modulus of elliptic integral ==> 椭圆积分的模
- modulus of elongation ==> 延伸率
- modulus of fineness ==> 细度模数
- modulus of flexibility ==> 挠性模数
- modulus of flexure ==> 曲挠性模数
- modulus of foundation ==> 基础模量,基础模数
- modulus of gain ==> 增益系数
- modulus of impedance ==> 阻抗模=>インピーダンスの絶対値
- modulus of incompressibility ==> 不可压缩模量
- modulus of logarithm ==> 对数的模
- modulus of longitudinal elasticity ==> 纵弹性模数
- modulus of non convexity ==> 非凸性模
- modulus of periodicity ==> 周期的模
- modulus of plasticity ==> 塑性模量
- modulus of pressing ==> 压制模制数
- modulus of reaction of soil ==> 土壤弹性均压系数
- modulus of regularity ==> 正则模
- modulus of resilience ==> 回弹模量,回弹系数
- modulus of rigidity ==> 刚性模量,刚性系数,钢性模数
- modulus of runoff ==> 径流模数,径流模数
- modulus of rupture ==> 弯曲极限强度,破裂系数,断裂模数,挠折模量
- modulus of rupture in bending ==> 弯裂模量,弯曲断裂模数,弯曲破坏模量
- modulus of rupture in torsion ==> 扭裂模量,扭转的破坏模量
- modulus of secant ==> 割線係数
- modulus of section ==> 剖面模数,截面模量,截面模数,断面系数
- modulus of shear resilience ==> 剪力回弹模量
- modulus of shearing ==> 剪断模数
- modulus of specific compression ==> 单位压缩模数
- modulus of torsion ==> 扭弯模量,扭转弹性模数=>剛性率
- modulus of torsional shear ==> 扭切模量
- modulus of toughness ==> 韧性模量
- modulus of traverse elasticity ==> 横弹性模数
- modulus of volume elasticity ==> 体积弹性模数
- modulus of volume expansion ==> 体积膨胀模量,体积膨胀模数
- modulus of volumetric elasticity ==> 体积弹性模数
- modulus of water glass ==> 水玻璃模数
- modulus principle ==> 模原理
- modulus ratio ==> 模量比,模数比
- modulus tester ==> 模数测定仪
- modulus theory ==> 模理论
- modulus-temperature curve ==> 模量温度曲线
- modulus-to-density ratio ==> 模量密度比
- modulus-versus-temperature curve ==> 模量温度曲线
- modulus-weight ratio ==> 模量重量比
- Modutrol motor ==> 莫杜特罗尔电动机
- modutrol motor ==> 莫杜特罗尔电动机
- Moe plate ==> 股骨颈板,(股骨转子间骨折内固定的钢板)莫氏板
- MOE, Ministry of Education ==> 文部省
- MOE, mission operation equipment ==> ミッション運用機器
- Moebius process ==> 莫必斯金银分离法
- Moebius silver-refining process ==> 莫必斯炼银法
- Moebius trip type ==> 莫必斯往复型
- Moeller's reaction ==> 结核菌素鼻反应,(结核菌素鼻反应)默勒氏反应
- Moena's anomaly (thromboplastinopenia) ==> 莫埃那异常
- Moerner's test ==> 莫纳试验
- MOF, Metering OutFit ==> 取引計器用変圧変流器(正式には計量装置一式を指す)
- MOF, Ministry of Finance ==> 大蔵省
- MOFCOM ==> 中国商務部
- Mogel-Dellinger effect ==> 墨格耳-德林格尔效应
- mogul base ==> 大型灯泡头,大型电子管底
- mogul cap ==> 大型灯头
- mogul lamp-holder ==> 大型灯座
- Moh's hardness scale ==> 莫氏硬度计
- Moh's scale number ==> 莫氏强度值,莫氏硬度值
- Moh's scale of hardness ==> 莫氏硬度计
- mohair coney seal ==> 黑色马海毛海狸绒
- Mohaupt effect ==> 聚能效应,聚能效应
- Mohawk babbitt alloy ==> 莫霍克巴比特合金
- mohn effect ==> 雾号声音异常传播
- Moho boundary ==> 莫霍面边界
- Moho depth ==> 莫霍面深度,莫霍深度
- Moho surface ==> 莫霍面
- Mohole drilling ==> 超深钻井
- Mohr balance ==> 莫尔比重天平,莫尔天平
- Mohr bleaching process ==> 莫尔练漂法
- Mohr condenser ==> 莫尔冷凝器
- Mohr cubic centimeter ==> 莫尔毫升,莫尔立方厘米
- Mohr method ==> (用硝酸银滴定测定卤素离子的方法)莫尔法
- Mohr pinchcock clamp ==> 莫尔弹簧夹
- Mohr strain circle ==> 莫尔应变圆
- Mohr's circle analysis method ==> 摩尔圆分析法
- Mohr's circle diagram ==> 莫尔应力圆图
- Mohr's circle of stress ==> 摩尔应力圆
- Mohr's clamp ==> 莫尔夹
- Mohr's graphical solution ==> 莫尔图解法
- Mohr's litre (约为1.002公升) ==> 莫尔升
- Mohr's rupture diagram ==> 莫尔破坏图解
- Mohr's rupture envelope ==> 莫尔破裂包络线
- Mohr's salt ==> 莫尔盐
- Mohr's stress circle ==> 莫尔应力圆
- Mohr's test ==> (检胃盐酸)莫尔氏试验
- Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope ==> 摩尔库仑滑落包络线
- Mohr-Coulomb soil model ==> 莫尔库仑土模型
- Mohrenheim's space ==> 莫伦海姆氏间隙,锁骨下窝
- Mohrs salt ==> 硫酸亚铁铵
- Mohs hardness ==> 莫氏硬度
- Mohs scale of hardness ==> 莫氏硬度分度法
- Mohs' number ==> 莫氏硬度值
- Mohs' scale of hardness ==> 莫氏硬度,莫氏硬度标
- MOI, moment of inertia ==> 慣性能率,(慣性モーメント)
- MOI, Moment of inertia(Moment d'inertie) ==> 慣性モーメント
- MOIR, moment of inertia ratio ==> 慣性能率比
- moire ==> 网纹干扰=>モアレ
- moire calender ==> 波纹轧光机
- moire effect ==> 莫阿效应
- Moire effect ==> 莫尔效应
- moire finishing ==> 木目出し
- Moire fringe ==> 莫尔干涉条纹,莫尔条纹
- moire fringe ==> 波动光栅条纹
- moire fringe counting system ==> 乱真干涉纹计数方式
- Moire fringe measuring system ==> 莫尔干涉条纹测量系统
- Moire fringe technique ==> 莫尔条纹法
- moire fringes ==> 云纹条纹
- Moire grille ==> 莫尔格子
- Moire image ==> 莫尔象
- moire method ==> モアレ法
- Moire technique ==> 莫尔法,莫尔技术
- Moire topography ==> 莫阿地形测量学,莫尔地形测量学
- Moire topology ==> 莫尔拓扑法
- Moire-holography method ==> 莫尔全息照相法
- Moissan furnace ==> 莫桑电炉
- moist ==> 潮的,潮湿的,湿的,湿润
- moist adiabat ==> 湿绝热,湿绝热线,饱和绝热线
- moist adiabatic change ==> 湿绝热变化
- moist adiabatic lapse rate ==> 湿绝热直减率
- moist adiabatic temperature difference ==> 湿绝热温度差
- moist air ==> 湿空气=>湿り空気
- moist air mass ==> 湿气团
- moist ash-free basis ==> 恒湿无灰基,以假想含最高内在水分、无灰状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准
- moist cabinet ==> 湿治室
- moist calendering ==> 湿压光
- moist catalysis ==> 湿催化
- moist chamber ==> 保湿室
- moist climate ==> 湿润气候
- moist closet ==> 雾室
- moist crops ==> 滋润禾苗
- moist curing ==> (混凝土)湿养护
- moist detector ==> 凝露检测器
- moist earth ==> 湿土
- moist eczema ==> 湿润性湿疹
- moist gangrene ==> 湿性坏疽
- moist gradient ==> 湿度梯度
- moist heat ==> 湿热
- moist heat sterilizer ==> 湿热灭菌法
- moist heat sterillization ==> 湿热灭菌法
- moist heat transfer ==> 湿热转换器
- moist meadow ==> 湿草甸
- moist meadow black soil ==> 湿草甸黑土
- moist mineral matter-free basis ==> 恒湿无矿物质基,以假想含最高内在水分、无矿物质状态的煤为表示分析结果的基准
- moist rale ==> 湿性罗音
- moist room ==> 湿治室
- moist skin ==> 皮肤潮湿
- moist soil ==> 滋润的土地
- moist steam ==> 湿汽
- moist tropical forest ==> 潮湿热带林
- moist wheat land ==> 滋润小麦地
- moist-adiabatic process ==> 湿绝热过程
- moist-air pump ==> 湿空气泵
- moist-cured concrete ==> 湿养护混凝土,湿治混凝土
- moisten ==> 润,润湿
- moistened ==> 弄湿的
- moistened batch ==> 湿配料
- moistened with gasoline ==> 用汽油润湿
- moistener ==> 喷水装置,润湿器,湿润器,加湿器
- moistener pad ==> 润湿器垫板
- moistening ==> 润湿
- moistening of mixture ==> 燃烧混合物的润湿
- moistening pressure roller ==> 加湿加压滚筒,湿压力滚子
- moistening roller ==> 加湿滚筒,潮湿滚子
- moistness ==> 湿度
- moisture ==> 湿度,湿气,潮气,潮湿,水分,水气,水汽
- moisture absorber ==> 吸湿器
- moisture absorption ==> 吸潮,吸湿,水分吸收,潮气吸收
- moisture absorption test ==> 湿度吸收试验
- moisture adjustment ==> 水分调整
- moisture ageing ==> 湿度陈化
- moisture air method ==> 湿气干燥法
- moisture analyzer ==> 湿度分析器
- moisture and ash-free ==> 干燥无灰的
- moisture and ash-free basis ==> 无水无灰基准
- moisture and flash over voltage curve ==> 湿度对跳火电压特性曲线
- moisture apparatus ==> 测湿器,测湿仪
- moisture as charged ==> 装炉时的水分
- moisture barrier ==> 防湿层,隔气层
- moisture barrier material ==> 防潮材料
- moisture capacity ==> 水容量,容水度
- moisture carry over test of steam generator ==> 蒸汽发生器水分夹带试验,测定蒸汽发生器出口蒸汽中所含水分平均值、以验证饱和蒸汽品质是否满足汽轮机要求的试验
- moisture catcher ==> 去湿装置,汽轮机中处于湿蒸汽区域工作的通流部分,采用分离、抽吸等方法降低蒸汽湿度的装置
- moisture chamber ==> 保湿室
- moisture combined ratio ==> 水分结合比
- moisture conditions ==> 雨雪量
- moisture constant ==> 水分常数
- moisture content ==> 水分,水分含量,水汽含量,含湿量,含水量,湿分含量,湿气含量
- moisture content alarm ==> 含水量警报器
- moisture content measuring apparatus ==> 含湿量测定仪
- moisture content meter ==> 湿度计
- moisture content metre ==> 测湿器,含水量测定计
- moisture content of the atmosphere ==> 大气中的水气含量
- moisture content of the chlorine ==> 氯的含水量
- moisture content tester ==> 测湿仪
- moisture control ==> 湿度控制=>湿度制御
- moisture control equipment ==> 調湿装置
- moisture control system ==> 水分制御システム
- moisture corrosion test ==> 湿度腐蚀试验
- moisture crazing ==> 吸湿开裂
- moisture curve ==> 湿度变化曲线
- moisture deficit ==> 含水量不足,水汽缺乏
- moisture density ==> 缺少水分
- moisture determination ==> 含水量测定
- moisture distribution ==> 含水量分布
- moisture drainage ==> 去湿疏水装置
- moisture eliminator ==> 去潮器,脱湿器
- moisture entrance ==> 透入湿气
- moisture equilibrium ==> 湿度平衡
- moisture equilibrium at dry side ==> 吸湿平衡
- moisture equivalent ==> 含水当量,持水当量
- moisture expansion ==> 湿膨胀
- moisture expansivity ==> 润胀率
- moisture expeller ==> 水分压榨机
- moisture extracting bucket ==> 去湿叶片
- moisture factor ==> 湿润因素
- moisture field ==> 湿度场
- moisture figure ==> 水分数值
- moisture film ==> 水膜
- moisture film cohesion ==> 湿膜粘聚力
- moisture flux ==> 涡流通量
- moisture free ==> 不潮的,不含水分的,不受潮的
- moisture free weight ==> 无水重量
- moisture gauge ==> 含水量测定计
- moisture gradient ==> 水分梯度,湿含量梯度
- moisture holding ==> 保水
- moisture holding capacity ==> 持水能力,最高内在水分,在温度为30℃、相对湿度为96%的条件下,煤样与环境气氛达成平衡时所保持的内在水分
- moisture in the soil ==> 墒
- moisture index ==> 水分指数,土壤含水量指数,含水指数
- moisture integrator ==> 湿度积分器
- moisture inversion ==> 湿度逆增
- moisture loss ==> 水分损失,湿汽损失,汽轮机级在湿蒸汽区工作产生的附加损失,一般包括过饱和损失、汽流阻力损失、制动损失和疏水损失
- moisture measurement ==> 湿度测量
- moisture meter ==> 湿度计,湿度测量计,测湿计,水量计
- moisture movement ==> 水分变化
- moisture only depth meter ==> 地下温度探测计
- moisture penetration ==> 水分渗透
- moisture percentage ==> 湿度百分数
- moisture permeability ==> 透潮性
- moisture permeability index ==> 水分渗透指数
- moisture potential ==> 湿度势
- moisture proof ==> 防潮的,防潮湿
- moisture proof carton ==> 防潮纸盒
- moisture proof insulation ==> 耐湿绝缘
- moisture proofness ==> 防湿性
- moisture protection plaster ==> 防湿涂料
- moisture regain ==> 回潮
- moisture regime ==> 作物水分情况,水文情势
- moisture removal device ==> 去湿装置,汽轮机中处于湿蒸汽区域工作的通流部分,采用分离、抽吸等方法降低蒸汽湿度的装置
- moisture repellent ==> 防水的
- moisture resistance ==> 防潮性,防湿性,抗潮湿性
- moisture resistant chipboard ==> 防潮刨花板
- moisture resistant grade ==> 防潮等级
- moisture retardant ==> 抗湿剂
- moisture retention ==> 保水
- moisture retention capacity ==> 持水量
- moisture retention curve ==> 持水曲线
- moisture section ==> 含水量试片
- moisture seeking root ==> 吸水根
- moisture sensitive resistance material ==> 湿敏电阻材料
- moisture sensitivity ==> 对湿气的灵敏度
- moisture sensor ==> 湿敏元件
- moisture separator ==> 去湿器
- moisture series ==> 潮湿系统
- moisture soil ==> 潮土
- moisture storage and use ==> 水分贮藏及利用
- moisture storage capacity ==> 储水量
- moisture suction ==> 水分吸力
- moisture teller ==> 水分测定仪,水分快速测定仪
- moisture tension ==> 水分张力
- moisture test ==> 透湿试验
- moisture trap ==> 脱湿器,气水分离器,水分捕集器,除潮器,疏水器
- moisture variability ==> 水蒸気変動
- moisture weight percentage ==> 干重含水率
- moisture-absorptivity ==> 收湿性
- moisture-box ==> 水分测定箱
- moisture-catcher ==> 去湿槽,去湿装置
- moisture-content control ==> 水分控制,湿度控制
- moisture-content ratio ==> 湿度比
- moisture-cured ==> 湿态固化
- moisture-density curve ==> 湿度密度曲线
- moisture-density relationship ==> 湿度密度关系
- moisture-distribution ==> 水分分布
- moisture-excluding efficiency ==> 湿气排除效率
- moisture-fight ==> 抗湿
- moisture-film cohesion ==> 薄膜水内聚力
- moisture-free ==> 不含水分,干燥的
- moisture-free basis ==> 无水基
- moisture-hardening varnish ==> 湿固化漆
- moisture-holding capacity ==> 保水量,持水量,土壤持水量
- moisture-laden aggregate ==> 饱水骨料
- moisture-laden air ==> 潮湿空气
- moisture-laden gas ==> 含水的煤气,含水煤气
- moisture-penetrability ==> 透湿性
- moisture-proof ==> 防湿,防水的,抗湿的,耐湿,耐湿性
- moisture-proof adhesive ==> 防水胶粘剂
- moisture-proof bag-maker ==> 防潮纸袋机
- moisture-proof board ==> 防潮纸板
- moisture-proof case ==> 防湿外箱
- moisture-proof envelope ==> 防潮封套
- moisture-proof paper ==> 防潮纸
- moisture-proof tile ==> 防潮砖
- moisture-proofing ==> 防湿处理
- moisture-removal device ==> 去湿装置
- moisture-resistant ==> 防潮的,抗湿
- moisture-resistant adhesive ==> 耐水粘合剂
- moisture-resisting ==> 抗湿的
- moisture-resisting lacquer ==> 防潮油漆
- moisture-setting ==> 潮致凝固
- moisture-temperature index ==> 温湿指数
- moisture-tight ==> 防潮的
- moisturizing dry-heat by clearing the bowels ==> 清肠润燥
- mol ==> 摩尔
- mol concentration ==> モル濃度
- mol percentage ==> 克分子百分数
- mol ratio ==> 摩尔比=>モル比
- MOL, manned orbital laboratory ==> 有人軌道実験室
- mol-chlonic compound ==> 分子氯化合物
- molal average boiling point ==> 摩尔平均沸点
- molal concentration ==> 重量克分子浓度,重模浓度
- molal conductivity ==> 摩尔电导率
- molal heat content ==> 克分子热函数
- molal quantity ==> 克分子数量
- molal solution ==> 克分子溶液,重量克分子溶液,重模溶液,重模溶液
- molal specific heat ==> 摩尔比热
- molal weight ==> 摩尔量,克分子量
- molality ==> 重量克分子浓度,重模,重模浓度=>重量モル濃度,体積モル濃度,質量モル濃度
- molar ==> 磨牙,容积克分子的,容模,臼齿,臼齿,胎块的,体积克分子浓度
- molar absorbance ==> 摩尔光吸收
- molar absorption coefficient ==> 摩尔吸光系数
- molar absorptivity ==> 摩尔吸收率,克分子吸收系数
- molar clasp ==> 磨牙卡环
- molar cohesion energy ==> 摩尔内聚能
- molar concentration ==> 摩尔浓度,容积克分子浓度,容模浓度
- molar conductance ==> 摩尔电导
- molar conductivity ==> モジュール
- Molar decadic extinction coefficient ==> 十进摩尔消光系数
- molar depression constant ==> 摩尔冰点下降常数
- molar depression of freezing point ==> 摩尔凝固点降低
- molar dispersion ==> 摩尔色散
- molar elevation constant ==> 摩尔沸点升高常数
- molar entropy ==> 摩尔熵,克分子熵
- molar extinction coefficient ==> 摩尔消光系数
- molar fraction ==> 摩尔分数
- molar free energy ==> 摩尔自由能
- molar glands ==> 磨牙腺
- molar heat capacity ==> 摩尔热容,克分子热容
- molar heat content ==> 摩尔量热函数,摩尔热函
- molar internal energy ==> 摩尔内能
- molar parachor ==> 摩尔等张体积
- molar polarization ==> 克分子极化度
- molar pregnancy ==> 葡萄胎妊娠
- molar property ==> 摩尔性质
- molar proportion ==> モル比
- molar ratio ==> 摩尔浓度=>モル比
- molar refraction ==> 摩尔折射,摩尔折射率
- molar rotation ==> 摩尔旋光度
- molar solubility ==> 摩尔溶解度,容模溶解度,克分子溶解度
- molar solution ==> 克分子溶液,容模溶液,摩尔溶液,体积克分子浓度
- molar specific heat ==> 摩尔比热
- molar surface energy ==> 摩尔表面能
- molar susceptibility ==> 摩尔磁化率
- molar teeth ==> 磨牙,臼齿,臼齿,后牙
- molar teeth impression tray ==> 磨牙印模托盘
- molar thermodynamic energy ==> 摩尔热力学能量
- molar unit ==> 克分子单位
- molar volume ==> 摩尔体积
- molar weight ==> 摩尔量
- molasse clastic basin ==> 磨拉石碎屑盆地
- molasse formation ==> 磨拉石建造
- molasse molecular cohesion ==> 磨砾层分子内聚力
- molasse-type sediment ==> 磨拉石型沉积
- molasses pump ==> 糖浆泵
- mold ==> 模,模盘,模子,耕作土,印模,印模化石,霉,霉菌,铸模=>鋳物,モールド,型,金型,鋳型
- mold base ==> 型基体
- mold brick ==> 成型砖
- mold casting ==> 成型铸件
- mold cavity ==> 模巢
- mold ceramic capacitor ==> 模制陶瓷电容器
- mold change ==> 成型变化
- mold cooling ==> 模型冷却
- mold damaged cane poisoning ==> 霉甘蔗中毒
- mold emptier ==> 脱模机构
- mold explosive ==> 模制炸药
- mold gauge ==> 模子量规
- mold insulation ==> 模制绝缘
- mold lubricant ==> 模型润滑剂,模型用润滑剂
- mold making ==> 造型
- mold mark ==> 模具痕迹,模缝线
- mold material ==> 型材=>型材
- mold pit ==> 造型地坑
- mold polysaccharides ==> 霉菌多糖类
- mold positioner ==> 压模定位器
- mold preventive ==> 防霉剂
- mold rain ==> 梅雨
- mold release ==> 脱模
- mold releasing agent ==> 脱模剂
- mold resistor ==> 模制电阻器
- mold scale ==> 模鳞
- mold shaft ==> 模轴
- mold shrinkage ==> 模塑收缩,成型收缩,脱模前收缩
- mold steel ==> 型模钢=>型鋼
- mold(ing) board ==> 造型底板
- mold-core ==> モールドコア
- mold-formed bottle ==> 模制瓶
- mold-hinge pin ==> 模型铰链销
- mold-holder ==> 模夹
- mold-like bacteria ==> 霉菌形细菌
- mold-made paper ==> 模制纸
- mold-repair shop ==> 修模车间
- moldability ==> 模压加工性,模压性能,成型性
- moldauite ==> 莫尔道熔融石
- moldavite ==> 莫尔道熔融石,黑地蜡
- moldboard plow ==> 铧式犁
- molded ==> 模塑的=>成形の,鋳造の
- molded article ==> 成形品
- molded asbestos ==> 模制石棉
- molded assembly ==> 模制组件
- molded blank ==> 成型毛坯,成型坯件,压型坯料
- molded block ==> 成型大砖
- molded board ==> 模制纸板
- molded breadth ==> 型宽
- molded case ==> 模制管壳=>成形外箱
- molded case circuit breaker ==> 模制外壳断路器
- molded cathode ==> 模制阴极
- molded coal ==> 模制煤,模制煤
- molded component ==> 成形品
- molded core ==> 模压铁粉心
- molded depth ==> 型深さ
- molded fastener ==> 成形ファスナー
- molded food ==> 成形食品
- molded furniture ==> 成形家具
- molded gasket ==> モールドガスケット,成形ガスケット
- molded glass ==> 模制玻璃
- molded insulating material ==> 模制绝缘材料
- molded insulator ==> 模制绝缘材料
- molded liner ==> 模压橡胶内套
- molded lines ==> 型线,型线图
- molded mica condenser ==> 模制云母电容器
- molded package ==> 模制管壳
- molded part ==> 模压制品
- molded piece ==> 模压制品=>成形品
- molded pipe insulation ==> 模制的管道保温材料
- molded plastic ==> 成型プラスチック
- molded plastic skylight ==> 模制塑料天窗
- molded plastics ==> 模制塑料
- molded plywood ==> 成形合板
- molded product ==> 成形物
- molded rod ==> 成形棒
- molded rubber clog ==> 模制橡胶套鞋
- molded sugar cane ==> 霉变甘蔗
- molded sweet potato ==> 霉变甜薯
- molded tablet ==> 模制片
- molded transformer ==> 模制塑料绝缘变压器
- molded tube ==> 模制管,模制内胎
- molded waffle slab ==> 模壳镂板
- molded-fabric bearing ==> 模制纤维轴承
- molder ==> 塑模机
- molder tool ==> 造型工具
- moldery ==> 造型车间
- moldic porosity ==> 印模孔隙
- molding ==> 浇铸,装饰线脚,装饰线条,造型,儿头变形
- molding box ==> 翻砂箱
- molding compound ==> 模塑料
- molding cutter ==> 成型刀具
- molding cycle ==> 造型周期,制模周期
- molding defect ==> 模塑缺陷
- molding department ==> 造型工段
- molding epoxy resin ==> 成形环氧树脂
- molding fiber board ==> 模制纤维板
- molding machine ==> 模塑成形机,造型机
- molding machine with down sand frame ==> 下压式造型机
- molding machine with top sand frame ==> 上压式造型机
- molding mat machine ==> 打纸模机
- molding material ==> 成型材料,模型材料,造型材料
- molding medium ==> 造型材料
- molding method ==> 造型法
- molding mixture ==> 造型混合料
- molding of fetal head ==> 胎头变形,胎头可塑性
- molding operation ==> 造型操作
- molding pit ==> 造型地坑
- molding plate ==> 造型底板
- molding powder ==> 铸模粉末
- molding practice ==> 造型法
- molding press ==> 模塑压机,压模机
- molding pressure ==> 模制压力,成形压力
- molding process ==> 造型工艺,模制工序
- molding room ==> 造型工段
- molding sand ==> 型砂=>鋳物砂
- molding scraper ==> 造型刮板
- molding shop ==> 造型车间,造型工段
- molding shrinkage ==> 模制件收缩量
- molding texturing ==> 造型法变形
- molding time ==> 成型时间
- molding unit ==> 造型机组
- moldings ==> 模型制品
- moldovite ==> 暗绿玻璃
- moldy ==> 发霉的
- moldy bran ==> 麸曲
- moldy feed ==> 发霉饲料
- moldy sugar cane poisoning ==> 霉甘蔗中毒
- mole ==> 克分子,防波堤,摩尔,胎块,突堤,痣,鼹鼠=>モル,グラム分子
- mole attachment ==> 暗沟塑孔附加装置
- mole ball ==> 暗沟塑孔球
- mole blade ==> 开排水沟刀具
- mole channel ==> 地下排水道
- mole coefficient ==> 摩尔系数
- mole crickets and ants ==> 蝼蚁
- mole drain ==> 地下排水道
- mole drainage ==> 地下排水,鼠道排水,暗沟排水
- mole electronics ==> 摩尔电子学
- mole fraction ==> 摩尔分数,克分子分数=>モル分数,モル分率,モル比率
- mole fraction dependence ==> モル分率依存性
- mole gas constant ==> 摩尔气体常数
- mole heat ==> 莫尔比热
- mole mass ==> 摩尔质量
- mole number ==> 摩尔数=>モル数,物質量
- mole of parametrium ==> 子宫旁组织葡萄胎
- mole per cent ==> 摩尔百分数
- mole plough ==> 挖沟犁,暗沟犁,暗沟塑孔犁
- mole plow ==> 开沟犁
- mole press ==> 暗沟塑孔器
- mole ratio ==> 克分子比,摩尔数比=>モル比,物質量比
- mole ratio method ==> 摩尔比率法
- mole sieve drier ==> 分子筛干燥器
- Mole thermopile ==> 摩尔热电偶
- mole volume ==> 摩尔体积
- Mole wrench ==> 莫尔扳手
- mole-basis response ==> 摩尔响应
- molectron(IC) ==> 集成电路
- molecular ==> 分子,分子的
- molecular absorption band ==> 分子吸收带
- molecular absorption spectroscopy ==> 分子吸收谱学
- molecular absorption spectrum ==> 分子吸收光谱
- molecular accoustics ==> 分子声学
- molecular action ==> 分子作用
- molecular activity ==> 分子活性
- molecular addition compound ==> 分子加成化合物
- molecular adhesion ==> 分子附着力,分子粘附
- molecular adsorption ==> 分子吸附
- molecular aerodynamics ==> 分子空气动力学
- molecular aggregates ==> 分子聚集
- molecular airborne intercept radar ==> 分子机载截听雷达
- molecular amplifier ==> 分子放大器
- molecular amplitude ==> 分子幅度
- molecular anatomy ==> 分子解剖学
- molecular and equivalent ==> 分子量和当量
- molecular anthropology ==> 分子人类学
- molecular arrangement ==> 分子排列
- molecular aspects ==> 分子概念
- molecular association ==> 分子缔合,分子缔合现象
- molecular association laser ==> 分子缔合激光器
- molecular astronomy ==> 分子天文学
- molecular asymmetry ==> 分子不对称性,不对称现象
- molecular attraction ==> 分子吸引,分子引力
- molecular attraction constant ==> 分子吸引常数
- molecular axis ==> 分子轴
- molecular band ==> 分子带
- molecular bandpass amplifier ==> 分子带通放大器
- molecular beam ==> 分子束
- molecular beam deposition ==> 分子束淀积
- molecular beam epitaxy ==> 分子束外延=>分子線エピタキシアル成長
- molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) ==> 分子束外延
- molecular beam ion source ==> 分子束离子源
- molecular beam magnetic resonance ==> 分子射线磁共振
- molecular beam maser ==> 分子辐射脉泽,分子束微波激射器
- molecular beam modulation ==> 分子束调制
- molecular beam spectrometer ==> 分子束谱仪
- molecular beam spectroscopy ==> 分子束谱学
- molecular beam Stark effect ==> 分子束斯塔克效应
- molecular beam technique ==> 分子束技术
- molecular beam type maser ==> 分子束式脉泽
- molecular behavior ==> 分子行为
- molecular binding ==> 分子键联
- molecular biochemistry ==> 分子生物化学
- molecular bioelectronics ==> 分子生物电子学
- molecular biology ==> 分子生物学
- molecular biology grade ==> 分子生物学グレード
- molecular biology of bacilli ==> 杆菌分子生物学
- molecular biology of membrances ==> 膜分子生物学
- molecular biology reagent ==> 分子生物学試薬
- molecular bionics ==> 分子仿生学
- molecular biophysics ==> 分子生物物理学
- molecular birefringence ==> 分子双折射,分子致双折射
- molecular bond ==> 分子键=>分子結合
- molecular bond energy ==> 分子键能
- molecular cardiology ==> 分子心脏病学
- molecular catalysis ==> 分子催化学
- molecular centrifugal distortion ==> 分子离心变形
- molecular chain action ==> 分子键作用
- molecular chain length ==> 分子链长
- molecular channel ==> 分子通道
- molecular chaos ==> 分子混沌
- molecular chemistry ==> 分子化学
- molecular circuit ==> 分子电路
- molecular circuitry ==> 分子电路学
- molecular clock ==> 分子钟
- molecular clone ==> 分子无性系
- molecular cloning ==> 分子扩增
- molecular cluster ==> 分子簇
- molecular collision ==> 分子碰撞
- molecular collision dynamics ==> 分子碰撞动力学
- molecular colloid ==> 分子胶体
- molecular combining heat ==> 分子化合热
- molecular complex ==> 分子配合物
- molecular composition ==> 分子组成
- molecular compound ==> 分子化合物
- molecular concentration ==> 分子浓度
- molecular conductance ==> 分子流导,分子态气导,分子通导
- molecular conductivity ==> 分子传导性,分子导电系数,分子电导率,克分子电导率
- molecular conductor ==> 分子导体
- molecular configuration ==> 分子构型
- molecular conformation ==> 分子构象,分子形态
- molecular conjugation ==> 分子共轭
- molecular connectivity ==> 分子接合度,分子连接性
- molecular constitution ==> 分子结构
- molecular crystal ==> 分子晶体,分子式结晶
- molecular crystal balls ==> 分子のクリスタルボール
- molecular current ==> 分子电流
- molecular current hypothesis ==> 分子电流假说
- molecular cytogenetics ==> 分子细胞遗传学
- molecular cytology ==> 分子细胞学
- molecular death ==> 分子死亡
- molecular degrees of freedom ==> 分子自由度
- molecular density ==> 分子密度
- molecular depression of freezing-point ==> 克分子凝固点降低
- molecular design ==> 分子设计
- molecular diamagnetism ==> 分子抗磁性
- molecular diameter ==> 分子直径
- molecular diffusion ==> 分子分散,分子扩散
- molecular diffusion coefficient ==> 分子护散系数
- molecular diffusion rate ==> 分子扩散速率
- molecular diffusivity ==> 分子扩散性
- molecular dilution ==> 分子稀释度
- molecular dimension ==> 分子大小
- molecular dimer ==> 分子二聚物
- molecular dipole ==> 分子偶极子
- molecular diseases ==> 分子病
- molecular dislocation ==> 分子脱节
- molecular disorder ==> 分子无序
- molecular disperse solution ==> 分子分散溶液
- molecular dispersion ==> 分子分散体,分子色散
- molecular dispersivity ==> 分子分散性
- molecular dispersoid ==> 分子弥散体,分子色散体
- molecular distillation ==> 分子蒸馏
- molecular distortion ==> 分子畸变
- molecular distribution ==> 分子分布
- molecular diversity by design ==> 設計で作り出す分子の多様性
- molecular drag gauge ==> 分子阻尼真空规,分子阻压规
- molecular drag pump ==> 分子拖曳泵
- molecular dynamics ==> 分子动力学
- molecular dynamics simulation ==> 分子動力学シミュレーション
- molecular eddy current ==> 分子涡流
- molecular effect ==> 分子效应
- molecular effusion separator ==> 分子扩散分离器
- molecular effustion ==> 分子泻流
- molecular electro-optics ==> 分子电光学,分子电子光学
- molecular electron microscope ==> 分子电子显微镜
- molecular electronic technique ==> 分子电子技术
- molecular electronic wavepackets ==> 分子の電子波束
- molecular electronics ==> 分子电子学
- molecular elevation ==> 分子沸点升高
- molecular elevation of boiling-point ==> 克分子沸点升高
- molecular embryology ==> 分子胚胎学
- molecular emission cavity analysis ==> 分子发射空穴分析
- molecular emission spectroscopy ==> 分子发射光谱学
- molecular endocrinology ==> 分子内分泌学
- molecular energy ==> 分子能
- molecular energy level ==> 分子能级
- molecular engineering ==> 分子工程
- molecular engram ==> 分子印迹
- molecular entanglement ==> 分子缠结
- molecular enzymology ==> 分子酶学
- molecular equation ==> 分子反应式
- molecular equilibrium ==> 分子平衡
- molecular evolution ==> 分子进化
- molecular excitation ==> 分子激发
- molecular exclusion chromatography ==> 分子排阻层析,分子排阻色谱法,凝胶过滤色谱,凝胶色谱法
- molecular extinction coefficient ==> 分子消光系数
- molecular field ==> 分子场
- molecular field theory ==> 外斯理论
- molecular film ==> 分子膜
- molecular filter ==> 分子过滤器,分子滤器,膜滤器
- molecular fit ==> 分子契合
- molecular flow ==> 分子流
- molecular fluorescence ==> 分子荧光
- molecular flux ==> 分子通量
- molecular force field ==> 分子力场
- molecular formation ==> 分子形成
- molecular formula ==> 分子式
- molecular fragment ==> 分子碎片
- molecular free path ==> 分子自由程
- molecular freedom ==> 分子自由度
- molecular gas ==> 分子气体
- molecular gauge ==> 分子压力计
- molecular genetics ==> 分子遗传学
- molecular geometry ==> 分子几何形状
- molecular grating ==> 分子晶格
- molecular group ==> 分子团
- molecular gun ==> 分子枪
- molecular heat capacity ==> 分子热容,摩尔热函,摩尔热容
- molecular human cytogenetics ==> 分子人体细胞遗传学
- molecular hybridization ==> 分子杂交
- molecular hybridization technique ==> 分子杂交技术
- molecular hypothesis ==> 分子假说
- molecular immunology ==> 分子免疫学
- molecular impurity ==> 分子杂质
- molecular integrated circuit ==> 分子集成电路
- molecular integrated device ==> 分子集成组件
- molecular interaction ==> 分子间互作用,分子间相互作用
- molecular interior mechanics ==> 分子内部力学
- molecular ion ==> 分子离子
- molecular ion peak ==> 分子离子峰
- molecular ionization potential ==> 分子电离电位
- molecular jet separator ==> 喷射式分子分离器
- molecular jostling ==> 分子冲撞
- molecular kinetic equation ==> 分子运动方程式
- molecular kinetic theory ==> 分子运动学说
- molecular kinetics ==> 分子动力学
- molecular laminate ==> 分子積層
- molecular laser ==> 分子激光器=>分子レーザ
- molecular laser spectroscopy ==> 分子激光光谱学
- molecular lattice ==> 分子晶格
- molecular lattice distortion ==> 分子晶格畸变
- molecular layer ==> 分子层
- molecular layer of cerebellum ==> 小脑分子层
- molecular lesion ==> 分子损害
- molecular level ==> 分子水平
- molecular line ==> 分子线
- molecular linkage ==> 分子键,分子键合
- molecular luminescence ==> 分子发光
- molecular magnet ==> 分子磁体
- molecular magnetic rotation ==> 分子磁致旋光
- molecular mass ==> 分子质量
- molecular mechanics ==> 分子力学
- molecular mechanism ==> 分子机制
- molecular medicine ==> 分子医学
- molecular melting ==> 分子熔解
- molecular memory ==> 分子记忆
- molecular microwave spectrometer ==> 分子微波分光计
- molecular model ==> 分子模型
- molecular modification ==> 分子改造
- molecular moisture capacity ==> 分子含水量
- molecular motion ==> 分子运动
- molecular movement ==> 分子运动
- molecular multi-electron spectroscopy ==> 分子多电光谱学
- molecular multiplier ==> 分子倍增器,分子放大器
- molecular mycology ==> 分子真菌学
- molecular network ==> 分子网络
- molecular neurobiology ==> 分子神经生物学
- molecular number ==> 分子序数
- molecular optics ==> 分子光学
- molecular orbital ==> 分子轨道,分子轨函数
- molecular orbital gating ==> 分子軌道ゲーティング
- molecular orbital method ==> 分子轨道法,分子轨函数法
- molecular orbital model ==> 分子轨道模型
- molecular orbital theory ==> 分子轨道理论
- molecular orientation ==> 分子定向
- molecular oscillator ==> 分子振荡器
- molecular oxygen ==> 分子氧
- molecular packing fraction ==> 分子紧束分数
- molecular paleontology ==> 分子古生物学
- molecular paramagnetism ==> 分子顺磁性
- molecular pathology ==> 分子病理学
- molecular peculiarity ==> 分子的特性
- molecular percent ==> 分子比
- molecular pharmacology ==> 分子药理学
- molecular photochemistry ==> 分子光化学
- molecular photoionization ==> 分子光致电离
- molecular physics ==> 分子物理学
- molecular polarizability ==> 分子极化度
- molecular polarization ==> 分子极化=>分子分極
- molecular position vector ==> 分子位置矢量
- molecular property ==> 分子性质
- molecular proportion ==> 分子比
- molecular proposition ==> 分子命题
- molecular psychology ==> 分子心理学
- molecular pump ==> 分子泵,分子抽机
- molecular radiation biology ==> 分子辐射生物学
- molecular radiobiology ==> 分子放射生物学
- molecular radius ==> 分锥半径,分子半径
- molecular ratio ==> 分子比率
- molecular ray ==> 分子射线
- molecular reaction ==> 分子反应
- molecular reaction kinetics ==> 分子反应动力学
- molecular rearragement ==> 分子重排
- molecular rearrangement ==> 分子重排作用
- molecular reflection ==> 分子反射
- molecular reflection coefficient ==> 分子反射系数
- molecular refraction ==> 分子折射,分子折射度
- molecular refractivity ==> 分子折射差率,分子折射率
- molecular relaxation ==> 分子弛豫
- molecular repulsion ==> 分子排斥
- molecular rheology ==> 分子流变学
- molecular rotary power ==> 分子旋光本领
- molecular rotation ==> 分子旋光度,分子旋转,分子转动
- molecular rotation spectrum ==> 分子转动光谱
- molecular rotatory power ==> 分子旋光本领,分子旋光度
- molecular scattering ==> 分子散射
- molecular scission ==> 分子断键
- molecular screen ==> 分子筛
- molecular self-assembly techniques ==> 分子セルフアセブリ法
- molecular separator ==> 分子分离器
- molecular sieve ==> 分子筛=>分子ふるい
- molecular sieve adsorption process ==> 分子筛吸附过程
- molecular sieve adsorption pump ==> 分子筛吸收泵
- molecular sieve carrier ==> 分子筛载体
- molecular sieve catalyst ==> 分子筛催化剂
- molecular sieve chromatography ==> 分子筛层析法,分子筛色谱,分子筛色谱法,凝胶过滤色谱法
- molecular sieve dehydrator ==> 分子筛脱水器
- molecular sieve denitrification ==> 分子筛脱氮
- molecular sieve desiccant ==> 分子筛干燥剂
- molecular sieve drying ==> 分子筛干燥
- molecular sieve filtration ==> 分子筛过滤法
- molecular sieve generator ==> 分子筛气体发生器
- molecular sieve separating ==> 分子筛分离
- molecular sieving ==> 分子筛分离
- molecular size ==> 分子大小
- molecular slip ==> 分子滑动
- molecular solution ==> 分子溶液
- molecular specific heat ==> 分子比热,摩尔比热
- molecular spectroscopic analysis ==> 分子光谱分析
- molecular spectroscopy ==> 分子波谱学,分子光谱学
- molecular spectrum ==> 分子光谱
- molecular speed measurement ==> 分子速率测量
- molecular state ==> 分子状态
- molecular statement ==> 分子命题
- molecular still ==> 分子蒸馏器
- molecular stopping power ==> 分子阻止本领
- molecular stratigraphy ==> 分子地层学
- molecular structural formula ==> 分子结构式
- molecular structure ==> 分子结构
- molecular structure amplitude ==> 分子结构振幅
- molecular structure of coal ==> 煤分子结构
- molecular structurology ==> 分子结构学
- molecular stuffing ==> 分子填料
- molecular stuffing process ==> 分子填料法
- molecular surface energy ==> 分子表面能
- molecular symmetry ==> 分子对称性
- molecular system of heredity ==> 分子遗传学
- molecular systems biology ==> 分子系统生物学
- molecular taxonomy ==> 分子分类学
- molecular theoretical energy ==> 分子理论能量
- molecular theoretical surface tension ==> 分子理论表面张力
- molecular theory of magnetism ==> 磁分子说
- molecular thermometer ==> 分子温度计
- molecular tie ==> 分子联结
- molecular topology ==> 分子拓扑
- molecular toxicology ==> 分子毒理学
- molecular transformation ==> 分子变化
- molecular transistors ==> 分子トランジスター
- molecular transport ==> 分子输运
- molecular transposition ==> 分子重排
- molecular type analysis ==> 分子类型分析
- molecular underpinnings ==> 分子レベルの基盤
- molecular vacuum gauge ==> 分子真空计
- molecular vacuum pump ==> 分子真空泵
- molecular vehicle ==> 分子载体
- molecular velocity ==> 分子速度
- molecular vibration ==> 分子振动
- molecular vibration spectrum ==> 分子振动光谱
- molecular volume ==> 分子体积
- molecular water ==> 分子水
- molecular weight ==> 分子量
- molecular weight determination apparatus ==> 分子重量测定仪
- molecular weight estimation apparatus ==> 分子量测定器
- molecular weight thermometer ==> 分子量温度计
- molecular-beam apparatus ==> 分子束装置
- molecular-beam electron bombardment detector ==> 分子束电子轰击探测器
- molecular-targeted agent ==> 分子靶向药物治疗=>分子標的薬剤
- molecular-weight distribution ==> 分子量分布
- molecularion ==> 分子离子
- molecularity ==> 分子性,分子性状,分子状态
- molecularity of reaction ==> 反应分子数
- molecularly-targeted drug ==> 分子靶向药物=>分子標的薬
- molecule ==> 分子=>分子
- molecule cascade ==> 分子カスケード
- molecule physics ==> 分子物理学
- molecule separator ==> 分子分离器
- molecules ==> 分子学
- molecules in living organisms ==> 活体内分子
- moleculo-dosiology ==> 分子剂量学
- moleelectronics ==> 分子电子学
- molelectronics ==> 分子电子学
- moleplant seed ==> 千金子
- moler ==> 硅藻泥岩
- moler brick ==> 硅藻土砖
- moleskin ==> 厚毛头斜纹棉布,田鼠皮布=>モールスキン
- moletron ==> 分子加速器
- moletronics ==> 分子电子学
- molimen (molimina) ==> 机能紧张
- Molina loss ==> 莫林损耗
- moling machine ==> 暗沟塑孔机
- Molisch's reaction ==> 莫利施氏反应
- molking fault ==> 压制件缺陷
- Moll arch ==> 莫尔型可缩式绞接拱形支架
- Moll chequer ==> 椭圆格子砖
- Moll joint ==> 莫尔型铰接
- Moll thermopile ==> 摩尔温差电堆,莫耳热电偶,莫尔热电偶,慕尔温差电堆,康铜热电偶
- Moll's gland ==> 摩尔氏腺,莫尔氏腺
- moller test ==> 摩勒氏试验
- Mollgaard treatment ==> 金疗法
- molluscs ==> 软体动物
- molluscum contagiosum virus ==> 接触传染性软疣病毒
- Mollweide projection ==> 摩尔维特投影
- Moloney leukemia virus ==> 莫洛尼氏白血病毒
- Moloney test ==> 莫洛尼试验
- molten ==> 熔化的,熔融的
- molten alloy ==> 熔融合金
- molten alumin(i)um ==> 液态铝
- molten alumina ==> 熔融氧化铝
- molten aluminum ==> 熔融铝
- molten bath ==> 熔体,熔浴,熔池
- molten bath arc welding ==> 熔池电弧焊
- molten bismuth ==> 熔融铋
- molten bismuth extraction ==> 熔融铋萃取
- molten bridge ==> 溶融ブリッジ
- molten bullion ==> 熔融粗铅,粗金属锭熔体,粗铅熔体
- molten caustic (soda) ==> 熔融烧碱
- molten charge ==> 热装料
- molten condition ==> 熔融状态
- molten copper ==> 熔融铜
- molten electrolyte ==> 熔化电解质
- molten electrolyte cell ==> 熔盐电解液电池
- molten fluoride fuel ==> 熔融氟化物燃料
- molten glass ==> 熔融态玻璃,熔化玻璃
- molten heat transfer salt ==> 熔盐传热剂,熔盐热载体,传热熔融盐
- molten iron ==> 熔融铁
- molten lead ==> 熔铅
- molten magma ==> 熔岩浆
- molten material ==> 熔料
- molten matte ==> 熔融冰铜,熔融锍
- molten metal ==> 熔融金属,金属液,已熔金属,熔化金属
- molten metal decladding ==> 熔融金属去壳
- molten metal dip coating ==> 熔融金属浸涂
- molten metal dyeing ==> 熔态金属染色
- molten metal flame spraying ==> 金属火焰喷涂
- molten metal flowmeter ==> 熔融金属流量计
- molten metal level indicator ==> 熔融金属液位指示器
- molten metal pump ==> 金属液泵
- molten mixture ==> 熔融混合物
- molten pad ==> 熔融减摩垫
- molten particle deposition ==> 熔化颗粒沉积
- molten pig ==> 熔融铁
- molten pool ==> 熔池
- molten rock ==> 熔融岩石
- molten salt ==> 熔盐=>溶融塩
- molten salt bath ==> 熔融盐槽
- molten salt chronopotentiometry ==> 熔盐计时电位滴定法
- molten salt circulating pump ==> 熔盐循环泵
- molten salt convertor ==> 熔盐转换反应堆
- molten salt cracker ==> 熔盐裂解炉
- molten salt cracking ==> 熔盐炉裂解
- molten salt electrochemistry ==> 熔盐电化学
- molten salt electrocutting ==> 熔盐电切削
- molten salt electromigration ==> 熔盐电迁移
- molten salt extraction ==> 熔盐萃取
- molten salt fuel ==> 熔盐燃料
- molten salt heater ==> 熔盐加热器
- molten salt method ==> 熔盐法
- molten salt process ==> 融盐法
- molten salt pyrolysis ==> 熔盐裂解
- molten salt reactor ==> 熔盐反应堆,用熔融的氟化铀与氟化钍等的混合物组成堆芯的反应堆。它理论上有许多优点,但有许多工程问题至今无法解决,至今停留在概念设计阶段
- molten salt reactor experiment (MSRE) ==> 熔盐反应堆实验
- molten salt voltammetry ==> 熔盐伏安法
- molten salts ==> 熔融盐类
- molten silicate ==> 熔融硅酸盐
- molten silver extraction process ==> 熔银萃取法
- molten slag ==> 溶渣,液态熔渣
- molten slag electrolysis refining ==> 熔融电解精炼
- molten solder ==> 软焊料
- molten solvent ==> 熔化溶剂
- molten spelter tank ==> 锌熔池
- molten state ==> 熔化状态,熔融状态
- molten steel ==> 钢水,钢液
- molten surface ==> 熔液表面
- molten test sample ==> 熔体试样,熔液试样
- molten weld metal ==> 熔融焊接金属
- molten zinc decladding ==> 熔融锌去壳
- molten zone ==> 熔区
- molten zone moving mechanism ==> 熔区移动机构
- molten-bath arc welding ==> 熔池焊
- molten-bismuth cooling ==> 熔化铋冷却
- molten-cast brick ==> 熔铸砖
- molten-cast refractory ==> 熔融浇注耐火材料,熔铸耐火材料
- molten-rock casting ==> 铸石
- molten-salt breeder reactor ==> 熔盐增殖反应堆
- molten-salt breeder reactor (MSBR) ==> 熔盐增殖堆
- molten-salt container ==> 熔盐电解槽
- molten-salt coolant ==> 熔盐冷却剂
- molten-salt growth ==> 熔盐生长法
- molten-salt reactor (MSR) ==> 熔盐反应堆
- molten-salt sampler ==> 熔盐取样器
- molten-slag ==> 熔渣
- moltenrock casting ==> 铸石
- moltenslag ==> 熔渣
- molting ==> 眠起
- molting fluid ==> 蜕液
- molting gland ==> 蜕腺
- molting hormone ==> 脱皮激素,昆虫变态激素
- molting season ==> 脱毛季节
- molybdate glass ==> 钼酸盐玻璃
- molybdate orange ==> 钼络红
- molybdate red ==> 钼铬红
- molybdate red epoxy primer ==> 钼铬红环氧底漆
- molybdeni trioxidum ==> 三氧化钼
- molybdenic acid ==> 钼酸
- molybdenum ==> 钼=>モリブデン,モリブデナム
- molybdenum absorption ==> モリブデン吸収
- molybdenum accumulation ==> モリブデン蓄積
- molybdenum alloy resistance furnace ==> 钼合金电阻炉
- molybdenum analyzer ==> 钼含量分析仪
- molybdenum aperture ==> 钼光阑
- molybdenum bar ==> 钼棒
- molybdenum bar furnace ==> 钼棒炉
- molybdenum blue ==> 钼蓝=>モリブデン青
- molybdenum blue reaction ==> 钼蓝反应
- molybdenum boat ==> 钼舟
- molybdenum boride ==> 硼化钼
- molybdenum carbide ==> 碳化钼
- molybdenum carbide ceramics ==> 碳化钼陶瓷
- molybdenum cast iron ==> モリブデン鋳鉄
- molybdenum catalyst ==> 钼催化剂=>モリブデン触媒
- molybdenum chain ==> モリブデン鎖
- molybdenum concntrate ==> 钼精矿
- molybdenum dichloride ==> 二氯化钼
- molybdenum die ==> 钼质模具
- molybdenum dioxide ==> 二氧化钼
- molybdenum dioxysulfide ==> 一硫二氧化钼
- molybdenum disilicide ==> 二硅化钼
- molybdenum disilicon resistor ==> 二硅化钼电阻器
- molybdenum disulfide ==> 二硫化钼
- molybdenum disulphide ==> 二氧化钼
- molybdenum disulphide grease ==> 二硫化钼润滑脂
- molybdenum disulphide lubricant ==> 二硫化钼润滑剂
- molybdenum disulphite ==> 二硫化钼
- molybdenum electrode ==> 钼电极
- molybdenum feed retainer ==> 钼隔料网
- molybdenum fertilizer ==> 钼肥
- molybdenum filament ==> 钼丝
- molybdenum foil ==> 钼箔
- molybdenum glass ==> 钼玻璃,含钼玻璃
- molybdenum heater ==> 钼加热器
- molybdenum hemipentoxide ==> 五氧化二钼
- molybdenum hemitrisulfide ==> 三硫化二钼
- molybdenum high speed steel ==> 钼高速钢
- molybdenum hydroxide ==> 氢氧化钴
- molybdenum hydroxypentachloride ==> 五氯氢氧化钼
- molybdenum materials ==> 钼材
- molybdenum minerals ==> 钼矿
- molybdenum monoxide ==> 一氧化钼
- molybdenum nitride ==> 氮化钼
- molybdenum nutrition ==> 钼营养
- molybdenum ore ==> 钼砂
- molybdenum oxide ==> 氧化钼
- molybdenum oxide catalyst ==> 氧化钼催化剂
- molybdenum oxide fibre ==> 氧化钼纤维
- molybdenum oxyhydroxytrichloride ==> 三氯化一羟一氧合钼
- molybdenum palladium roentgenograph of breast ==> 钼把X线乳房摄片
- molybdenum pentachloride ==> 五氯化钼
- molybdenum pentasulfide ==> 五硫化二钼
- molybdenum permalloy ==> 钼坡莫合金
- molybdenum plate ==> 钼板
- molybdenum powder ==> 钼粉
- molybdenum reflector ==> 钼反射器
- molybdenum rod ==> 钼棒,钼杆
- molybdenum sesquioxide ==> 三氧化二钼
- molybdenum shield ==> 钼屏
- molybdenum silicate complex ==> 钼硅酸络合物
- molybdenum silicide ==> 硅化钼
- molybdenum silicide ceramics ==> 硅化钼陶瓷
- molybdenum silicide furnace ==> 二硅化钼电炉
- molybdenum silver ==> 钼银合金
- molybdenum single crystal ==> 钼单晶
- molybdenum steel ==> 钼钢
- molybdenum sulfide ==> 二硫化钼
- molybdenum sulphide ore ==> 硫化钼砂
- molybdenum support wire ==> 支承钼丝
- molybdenum supporting grid ==> 钼承料网
- molybdenum target ==> 钼靶
- molybdenum tetrabromide ==> 四溴化钼
- molybdenum tetrachloride ==> 四氯化钼
- molybdenum tetrasulfide ==> 四硫化钼
- molybdenum trichloride ==> 三氯化钼
- molybdenum trihydroxide ==> 氢氧化钴
- molybdenum trioxide ==> 三氧化钼
- molybdenum trioxydatum ==> 三氧化钼
- molybdenum trisulfide ==> 三硫化钼
- molybdenum wire ==> 钼丝,钼线
- molybdenum wire furnace ==> 钼丝炉
- molybdenum wound furnace ==> 钼丝炉
- molybdenum zirconia cermet ==> 钼一氧化锆金属陶瓷
- molybdenum-chrome steel ==> 钼铬钢
- molybdenum-copper ==> 钼铜合金
- molybdenum-foil diaphram gauge ==> 钼箔薄膜压力计
- molybdenum-liner ==> 钼衬里
- molybdenum-permalloy ==> 钼镍铁导磁合金
- molybdenum-vanadium steel ==> 钼钒钢
- molybdeunm poisoning ==> 钼中毒
- molybdic acid ==> 钼酸
- molybdic bromide ==> 三溴化钼
- molybdic chloride ==> 三氯化钼
- molybdic hydroxide ==> 氢氧化钴
- molybdic oxide ==> 三氧化钼
- molybdous bromide ==> 二溴化钼
- Molyneux auxiliary ==> 莫利纽克斯辅助件
- Molyneux balance wheel ==> 莫利纽克斯摆轮
- molzl heat capacity ==> 摩尔热容
- mom and pop shop ==> 夫妻店
- mom and pop store ==> 夫妻店
- mom capacitor ==> 金属氧化物金属电容器
- MOM, Method of Moment ==> MOM is used for calculating grounding resistance.
- moment ==> 矩,力矩,动差,刹那=>モーメント,積率,一瞬,瞬間,時点,時期
- moment about half chord ==> 绕翼弦中点的力矩
- moment about point of support ==> 对支点的力矩
- moment acting on the flange for gasket seating ==> 法兰预紧弯矩
- moment area ==> 挠矩面积
- moment area method ==> 力矩面积法,弯矩面积法
- moment arm ==> 矩臂,矩臂,力矩臂
- moment at fixed end ==> 固定力矩
- moment at support ==> 支承挠矩
- moment axis ==> 挠矩轴
- moment balance ==> 力矩平衡
- moment center ==> 弯矩中心
- moment coefficient ==> 矩系数,矩系数,转矩系数,力矩系数
- moment coefficient of combination ==> 系统力矩系数
- moment curve ==> 力矩图,挠矩曲线
- moment derivative coefficient ==> 力矩系数导数
- moment diagram ==> 力矩图
- moment distribution ==> 弯矩分配
- moment distribution method ==> 弯矩分配法
- moment due to elevator deflection ==> 偏转升降舵产生的力矩
- moment due to vortices ==> 旋涡产生的力矩
- moment due to yawing ==> 偏航引起的力矩
- moment envelope ==> 弯矩包络线
- moment equation ==> 弯矩方程式
- moment estimator ==> 矩估计量,矩估计量
- moment for designing flange ==> 法兰计算弯矩
- moment free tank ==> 无力矩油罐
- moment function ==> 矩函数,矩函数
- moment generating function ==> 矩量母函数,矩量母函数,矩量生成函数,矩量生成函数,矩母函数,矩母函数
- moment in roll ==> 倾侧力矩
- moment in yaw ==> 偏航力矩
- moment inertia of generator ==> 単位慣性定数(発電機)
- moment inertia of prime mover ==> 原動機慣性定数
- moment invariant ==> モーメント不変量
- moment load ==> 弯矩荷载
- moment matching ==> モーメント調整法
- moment matrix ==> 矩量矩阵,矩量矩阵
- moment method ==> モーメント法
- moment of a dipole ==> 偶极矩
- moment of a family of curves ==> 曲线族的矩
- moment of a force ==> 力のモーメント
- moment of a vector ==> 向量矩
- moment of area of transverse ==> 横剖面积力矩
- moment of area of water plane ==> 水平面面积力矩
- moment of bending ==> 弯曲力矩
- moment of couple ==> 力偶矩
- moment of dipole ==> 偶极子矩
- moment of distribution ==> 分布矩,分布力矩
- moment of elasticity ==> 弹性力矩
- moment of flexion ==> 弯曲矩
- moment of flexion (moment of flexure) ==> 弯矩
- moment of force ==> 力矩
- moment of forces tending to capsize ==> 倾斜力矩
- moment of friction ==> 摩擦力矩
- moment of impulse ==> 冲量矩
- moment of inertia ==> 惯性矩,转动惯量=>慣性モーメント
- moment of inertia in yaw ==> 偏航惯性矩
- moment of inertia of cross-section ==> 横截面惯性矩
- moment of load ==> 负载矩
- moment of mass ==> 质量矩
- moment of momentum ==> 角運動量
- moment of momentum theorem ==> 动量矩定理
- moment of precession ==> 进动力距
- moment of probability distribution ==> 概率分布的矩量
- moment of resistance ==> 抵抗力矩,内力矩
- moment of rotation ==> 旋转力矩
- moment of shearing ==> 剪断力矩
- moment of span ==> 跨矩
- moment of sparking ==> 点火瞬间
- moment of torque ==> 扭矩
- moment of torsion ==> 转矩,扭矩,扭转力矩
- moment of volume ==> 体积矩
- moment on body ==> 作用在体上力矩
- moment operator ==> 力矩算符
- moment pattern ==> 弯矩图式
- moment peak ==> 力矩巅值
- moment ratio ==> 矩比,矩比
- moment redistribution ==> 弯矩再分配
- moment restriction ==> 矩量限制,矩量限制
- moment rupture ==> 断裂力矩
- moment sequence ==> 矩序列,矩序列
- moment strength ==> 力矩强度
- moment taken about the point of fixation ==> 固定力矩
- moment test ==> 弯矩试验,挠矩试验
- moment vector ==> 力矩矢量
- moment-curve slope ==> 力矩曲线斜率
- moment-diagram ==> 力矩图
- moment-equilibrium ==> 力矩平衡
- momental ellipse ==> 惯量椭圆
- momental ellipsoid ==> 惯量椭球
- momentary ==> 瞬息间的=>瞬时的
- momentary action ==> 瞬间作用
- momentary breakdown ==> 瞬間破壊
- momentary connection ==> 瞬时接通,快速连接
- momentary contact switch ==> 瞬时接触开关
- momentary current ==> 瞬时电流
- momentary efficiency ==> 瞬时效率
- momentary excess current ==> 瞬时过电流
- momentary fluctuation ==> 瞬时波动
- momentary high-power effort ==> 瞬时功率增加
- momentary interests of the day ==> 眼前利益
- momentary interruption ==> 瞬時停電
- momentary load ==> 瞬时负载=>瞬時負荷
- momentary maximum allowable concentration ==> 一次最高容许浓度
- momentary mechanical system ==> モーメンタリー機構
- momentary output ==> 瞬时容量
- momentary overload ==> 瞬时过载=>瞬時過負荷
- momentary power ==> 瞬时功率=>瞬時電力
- momentary rate ==> 瞬时速率
- momentary value ==> 瞬时值
- momentary voltage drop ==> 瞬時電圧低下
- moments method ==> 矩量法,矩量法
- momentum ==> 冲力,动量=>運動量
- momentum coefficient ==> 动量系数
- momentum conservation ==> 动量守恒
- momentum conservation law ==> 運動量保存則
- momentum correction factor ==> 动量修正系数
- momentum curve ==> 动量曲线
- momentum density ==> 动量密度
- momentum diffusion ==> 动量扩散
- momentum discontinuity ==> 动量骤变
- momentum drag ==> 动量阻力
- momentum effect ==> 冲力作用
- momentum equation ==> 动量方程
- momentum flow vector ==> 动流量矢量
- momentum flux ==> 动量通量
- momentum gradient ==> 动量梯度
- momentum integral method ==> 动量积分法
- momentum interchange ==> 动量交换
- momentum law ==> 动量定律
- momentum method ==> 动量法
- momentum moment ==> 动量矩
- momentum of cyclic motion ==> 周期动量
- momentum of development ==> 发展的态势
- momentum of electron ==> 电子动量
- momentum of the jet ==> 喷流动量
- momentum operator ==> 动量算符
- momentum principle ==> 动量原理
- momentum redistribution ==> 动量再分布
- momentum segregation ==> 动量分离法
- momentum space ==> 动量空间
- momentum spectrum ==> 动量分布
- momentum starter ==> 动量启动器
- momentum survey ==> 动量测量
- momentum theorem ==> 动量定理
- momentum theory ==> 动量理论,动量原理
- momentum thickness ==> 动量厚度=>運動量厚さ
- momentum thickness of boundary layer ==> 边界层的动量厚度
- momentum thrust ==> 推力
- momentum transfer ==> 动量传递
- momentum wave function ==> 动量波函数
- momentum wheel ==> モーメンタムホイール
- momentum-transfer method ==> 冲量法
- momentum-transport hypothesis ==> 动量输运假设
- momentum-type mass flowmeter ==> 动量式质量流量计
- momie cloth ==> 花岗石纹织物
- MOMS, modular optoelectronic multispectral scanner ==> モジュール状光電子多重スペクトル掃引器
- MOMV, manned orbital maneuvering vehicle ==> 有人軌道操作機
- MON, Mixed Oxidied of Nitrogen ==> 混合窒素化合物(NTO内の微量水分による鉄系材料の腐食に・
- MON, monitor ==> 監視,モニター
- Mon, Monoceros ==> いっかくじゅう座
- Mona complex ==> 莫纳杂岩
- monacid ==> 一元酸
- monactine ==> 一放体
- monadelphous ==> 单体雄蕊的
- monadic Boolean operation ==> 一目布尔运算,一元布尔运算
- monadic Boolean operator ==> 一元布尔运算符
- monadic breeding ==> 单倍体育种
- monadic formula ==> 单值公式
- monadic indicant ==> 一元指示符
- monadic indication ==> 一元指示
- monadic operand ==> 一元操作数,一元运算对象
- monadic operation ==> 一目运算,一元运算,单值操作,单值运算=>単項演算
- monadic operator ==> 单一算符,单值运算符,一目算子,一元算符,一元运算符
- Monadidae ==> 滴虫科
- monadin ==> 纤毛滴虫
- Monadina ==> 纤毛滴虫属
- monadnock ==> 残丘,残山
- Monakow's bundle ==> 莫纳科夫氏束
- Monakows bundle ==> 红核脊髓束
- monal pheasant ==> 虹雉
- monalbite ==> 蒙钠长石
- monamycin ==> 摩那霉素,莫那霉素
- monangial ==> 单孢子囊
- monarch ==> 君臣佐使,君臣佐使
- monarch drug in a prescription ==> 君药,君药
- monarch fire ==> 君火,君火
- Monarda ==> 马薄荷属
- monardin ==> 马薄荷甙
- monarthritis ==> 单关节炎
- monascus red powder ==> 红曲粉色素
- monastery ==> 寺院
- monastic architecture ==> 寺院建筑
- Monastral blue ==> 单星蓝
- Monastral fast blue B.S. ==> 单星蓝
- Monastral green ==> 单星绿
- monatomic ==> 单原子
- monatomic gas ==> 单原子气体
- monaural ==> 单耳,单耳听觉的
- monaural channel recorder ==> 单声道录音机
- monaural curve ==> 单耳听阈曲线
- monaural hearing ==> 片耳聴
- monaural receiver ==> 头戴式单耳受话器
- monaural sound ==> 单耳传声
- monaural stethoscope ==> 单耳听诊器
- monaxon ==> 单轴骨针
- monazite ==> 独居石
- Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis ==> 动脉中层硬化
- MOND ==> 修正ニュートン力学
- Mond gas ==> 蒙德煤气
- Mond process ==> 蒙德法
- monday morning disease ==> 马散发性淋巴管炎
- Mondel's law ==> 孟德尔定律
- Mondonesi's reflex ==> 颜面反射,蒙多内西氏反射
- monel ==> 蒙乃尔合金
- Monel K ==> 蒙乃尔合金K
- Monel metal ==> 蒙乃尔白铜,蒙乃尔高强度耐蚀镍铜合金,蒙乃尔合金,蒙乃尔铜镍合金,高强度耐蚀镍铜合金=>モネルメタル
- Monel S ==> 蒙乃尔合金S
- Monel tube ==> 蒙乃尔合金管=>モネルチューブ
- Monel-lined ==> 蒙乃尔合金衬里
- monensic acid ==> 莫能菌素
- monetary action ==> 金融措施
- monetary and securities market ==> 金融证券市场
- monetary assets ==> 金融资产
- monetary correction ==> 财政改善措施
- monetary crisis ==> 金融危机
- monetary deposit ==> 通货性存款
- monetary device ==> 金融调节手段
- monetary disturbances ==> 金融动荡
- monetary ease ==> 金融缓和
- monetary effect ==> 金融影响
- monetary establishments ==> 金融机构
- monetary expected value ==> 金融期望值
- monetary facilities ==> 金融机构,金融融通,金融设施
- monetary funds of commercial enterprises ==> 商业企业货币资金
- monetary futures ==> 金融期货
- monetary inflation ==> 通货膨胀
- monetary items ==> 金融项目
- monetary liabilities ==> 金融债务
- monetary limitation ==> 金额限制
- monetary loss on noncurrent monetary assets ==> 非流动货币资产的货币亏损
- monetary market mutual fund shares ==> 金融市场互助基金股份
- monetary market rate ==> 金融市场利率
- monetary markets ==> 金融市场
- monetary matters ==> 金融事项
- monetary measures of welfare ==> 福利的货币度量
- monetary penalty ==> 罚款处分
- monetary policy ==> 金融政策
- monetary policy instrument ==> 金融政策手段
- monetary reserve ==> 通货准备金
- monetary seasonableness ==> 金融季节性
- monetary speculation ==> 金融投机
- monetary stringency ==> 金融紧迫
- monetary system ==> 金融制度,财政制度
- monetary value of game ==> 博奕的货币值
- monetization of credit ==> 信用货币化
- MONEX, monsoon experiment ==> モンスーン実験
- money account ==> 现金帐户
- money at call ==> 通知拆放
- money at call and short term ==> 可短期内收回的款项
- money back guarantee ==> 保证退款
- money bill ==> 财政法案,金融法案
- money box ==> 钱柜
- money changer ==> 钱币兑换器
- money corporation ==> 金融机构
- money cowrie ==> 贝币
- money down ==> 现金
- money dues ==> 应付款
- money equivalent ==> 现金等价物
- money for new product development ==> 新产品试制费
- money house ==> 钱庄
- money in trust ==> 信托资金
- money income ==> 现金收入
- money index ==> 金融指数
- money locker ==> 钱柜
- money making ==> 牟利
- money man ==> 投资者
- money management technique ==> 財テク
- money market ==> 金融市场,头寸(持有额)
- money market curve ==> 金融市场曲线
- money market mutual fund ==> 金融市场互助基金
- money no object ==> 不计报酬
- money of small denominations ==> 小额货币
- money on call ==> 随时可收回的贷款,通知拆放
- money on the wing ==> 流动中资金
- money order automatic reader ==> 汇票自动阅读机
- money order payable to bearer ==> 凭票即付持票人
- money position ==> 现金头寸
- money rate ==> 金融利率,利率
- money spinner ==> 依靠投机或高利贷发财的人
- money stock ==> 金融股票,现金股票
- money supply ==> 头寸(持有额),投放通货,纸币供给量
- money transaction ==> 现金交易
- money transfer ==> 汇拨=>送金
- money trust ==> 金融托拉斯
- money value adjustment accounting ==> 币值调整会计
- money wage ==> 现金工资
- money-lending business ==> 借贷业
- money-making proposition ==> 赚钱计划
- moneyed interest ==> 金融界
- mongers for sale ==> 贩子
- Mongol architecture ==> 蒙古式建筑
- mongolian idiocy ==> 伸舌样白痴
- Mongolian oak ==> 蒙古栎
- Mongolian spot ==> 蒙古斑,胎斑,骶斑
- Mongolian spots ==> 蒙古痣斑
- mongrel ==> 雑種,雑種犬
- Monic method ==> 随机搜索法
- monic polynomial ==> 首项系数为一的多项式,首一多项式
- Monilia candida ==> 鹅口疮菌,变白色念珠菌
- monilial colitis ==> 念珠菌性结肠炎
- Monimax alloy ==> 莫尼马科斯合金
- monistic economic structure ==> 一元经济结构
- monistic normal distribution ==> 一元正态分布
- monitered automatic control system ==> 监督自动控制系统
- monitor ==> 监测器,监护,监护器,监控,监控器,监视,监视盘,监视器,控制装置,通风顶,指示器,管程,高压水枪=>モニタ,監視
- monitor & control panel (MCP) ==> 监视器和控制面板
- monitor (program) ==> 监督程序
- monitor algorithm ==> 监督程序算法
- monitor AMP ==> 监测放大器
- monitor call ==> 监督程序调用
- monitor command ==> 监督指令
- monitor concept ==> 监督程序概念
- monitor console routine ==> 监督控制台例行程序
- monitor control ==> 监督程序控制
- monitor control dump ==> 监察控制转储,监督程序控制转储
- monitor counter ==> 检验计数器
- monitor deflector ==> 水枪转向装置
- monitor desk ==> 监听台
- monitor disk(-sc) ==> 检验器盘
- monitor display ==> 监视显示=>監視表示
- monitor filming ==> 监视器屏幕摄影
- monitor foil ==> 箔检验器
- monitor head ==> 监听放音头,水枪压头
- monitor interrupt ==> 监督程序中断
- monitor jack ==> モニタジャック
- monitor kinescope ==> 监视显像管
- monitor message ==> 监控信息
- monitor mode ==> 监督方式,监控方式
- monitor operating system ==> 监督操作系统,监视操作系统
- monitor out ==> 监控输出,监听输出
- monitor overlay ==> 监督重叠
- monitor photoelectric cell ==> 监控光电管
- monitor position ==> 监视席位
- monitor printer ==> 监督程序用打印机,监控印字机,监视打印机,监视器打印机
- monitor procedure ==> 监督过程
- monitor program ==> モニタプログラム
- monitor receiver ==> 检验收报器
- monitor roof ==> 顶窗
- monitor routine ==> 监控程序,执行程序
- monitor screen ==> 监视屏
- monitor select ==> 监视选择
- monitor stack area ==> 监督程序栈区
- monitor state ==> 监督状态
- monitor system ==> 监护系统,操作系统,执行系统
- monitor system components ==> 操作系统组成部分
- monitor task ==> 监视任务
- monitor terminal ==> 监督终端
- monitor top ==> 顶窗
- monitor working area ==> 监督程序工作区
- monitored control system ==> 监察控制系统,监控系统
- monitored information ==> 监视信息,表示某受监视站的设备状态或设备状态改变,且传输到监视站的信息
- monitored instruction ==> 监视用指令
- monitored maintenance ==> 状態基準保全
- monitored mode ==> 监督方式,监督状态
- monitoring ==> 监护,监视,剂量测定,施工监督=>監視
- monitoring aerial ==> 监控天线,监听天线
- monitoring amplifier ==> 监听放大器=>モニタ増幅器
- monitoring and control platform of microgrids ==> 微电网集成监控平台
- monitoring audiometer ==> 监听听力计
- monitoring booth ==> 监听亭,监听箱
- monitoring car ==> 监测车
- monitoring circuit ==> 监控电路,监听电路
- monitoring cost ==> 控制成本
- monitoring data ==> 監視データ
- monitoring design ==> モニタリング設計
- monitoring desk ==> 监听台,质量监测台
- monitoring device ==> 监视装置=>モニタ装置,監視装置
- monitoring devices ==> 监视设备
- monitoring direction ==> 监视方向
- monitoring feedback ==> 操纵反馈
- monitoring for dam safety ==> 坝的安全监测,对坝体的状态变化进行的系统性监测监视,并将其结果与表征坝的安全状态的特征值不断进行比较,据此了解和评价坝的安全状态,并有可能及时采取措施,防止事故发生
- monitoring instrument ==> 监测仪器,监控仪器,控制仪表
- monitoring key ==> 监视键,监听键
- monitoring laser ==> 监控激光器
- monitoring loudspeaker ==> 监听扬声器
- monitoring net ==> 监测网
- monitoring of coal mine safety ==> 煤矿安全生产监测
- Monitoring of Municipal Solid Wastes Report 1995, The ==> 《一九九五年都市固体废物监察报告》
- monitoring of the workplace ==> 工作场所监测
- monitoring panel ==> 监视盘
- monitoring picture ==> 监视图像
- monitoring plant ==> 监测植物
- monitoring point ==> 监视点,检测点
- monitoring printer ==> 监控复印机,监视打印机
- monitoring process ==> 监视进程
- Monitoring Progress Towards Hong Kongs Water Quality Objectives ==> 《监测香港水质以达致水质指针的进展》
- monitoring receiver ==> 监控接收机
- monitoring recorder ==> 监控记录器,监控记录设备
- monitoring relay ==> モニタリレー
- monitoring service ==> 监听业务
- monitoring ship ==> 监测船
- monitoring signal ==> 监听信号
- monitoring standard ==> 监测标准
- monitoring station ==> 监测站,监控台
- monitoring store ==> 监测信号存储器
- monitoring system ==> 监视系统
- monitoring system of birth defect ==> 出生缺陷监测系统
- monitoring system of boiler tube leakage ==> 炉管泄漏监测系统,利用声学监测原理实时检测炉内水冷壁、过热器、再热器、省煤器受热面管道的早期泄漏的监测系统。主要由声波导管、声波传感器和监测报警系统(主机系统)组成
- monitoring tower ==> 监测塔
- monitoring unit ==> 监护系统
- monk bond ==> 二顺一丁砌砖法,两顺一丁砌法
- monk seal ==> 僧海豹
- monk's cloth ==> 僧侣布,粗厚方平织物
- monkey ==> 打桩落锤,渣口,起重机小车,猴,猴子=>サル
- monkey adjustable wrench ==> 活动扳手
- monkey chatter ==> 串话
- monkey cooler ==> 渣口冷却器
- monkey drift ==> 通风联络斜巷
- monkey driver ==> 锤式打桩机,卷提式打桩机,卷提式打桩机
- monkey heading ==> 窄小巷道
- monkey hook ==> 桩头钩
- monkey jack ==> 打桩起重机,拔树起重器
- monkey jacket ==> 渣口冷却套
- monkey kidney cell culture ==> 猴肾细胞培养
- monkey ladder ==> 树杆制矿用梯子
- monkey malaria ==> 猴疟
- monkey of pile driver ==> 打桩机桩锤
- monkey paw ==> 猿状手
- monkey rolls ==> 小型辊式破碎机
- monkey screw wrench ==> 活扳手
- monkey shaft ==> 暗井
- monkey spanner ==> 活口扳手
- monkey tail ==> 扶手卷尾端
- monkey winch ==> 手摇小绞车
- monkey wrench ==> 活口扳手,活动扳手,管子钳=>モンキーレンチ
- monkey-chatter interference ==> 邻信道干扰
- monkey-engine ==> 打桩机
- monkey-intranuclear-inclusion agent (MINIA) ==> 猴核内包涵体病原体
- monkey-spanner ==> 螺丝扳手,活扳手
- monkey-wrench ==> 活扳手,螺丝扳手
- MONKEYKit ==> ソニーバンク
- Monnet Plan ==> 蒙内特计划
- mono ==> 单音
- Mono pump ==> 莫诺泵
- mono signal ==> 单信号
- mono-aminomono-carboxyic acid ==> 一氨基一羧基酸
- mono-ammonium glycyrrhizinate ==> 甘草酸单铵盐
- mono-anesthesia ==> 单麻木
- mono-athetosis ==> 单肢徐动症
- mono-crystal furnace ==> 单晶炉
- mono-iodotyrosine ==> 一碘酪氨酸
- mono-lever control ==> 单臂操纵,单杆操纵,单手柄操纵
- mono-objective binocular microscope ==> 单物镜双筒显微镜
- mono-operation ==> 单声道工作
- mono-phosphate ester ==> 磷酸一脂
- mono-pitched roof ==> 单坡屋顶
- mono-plate processor ==> 单板机
- mono-rotor ==> 整体转子
- mono-stable relay ==> 单稳态继电器,只有一个稳定状态的一种继电器
- monoaccelearator ==> 单加速器
- monoacetate ==> 单醋酸盐
- monoacetin ==> 单乙酸甘油酯
- monoacetylated cotton ==> 单乙酰基化棉
- monoacid ==> 一元酸
- monoalphabetic cipher ==> 单表密码
- monoamine ==> 一元胺
- monoamine oxidase ==> 单胺氧化酶
- monoamine oxidase inhibitor ==> 单胺氧化酶抑制剂
- monoaminodicarboxylic acid ==> 一氨基二羧基酸
- monoamplifier ==> 单端放大器
- monoarch ==> 单原型
- monoarsenide ==> 一砷化铀
- monoatomic ==> 单原子的
- monoatomic gas ==> 单原子气体
- monoatomic layer ==> 单原子层
- monoatomic metal ==> 单原子金属
- monoatomic semiconductor ==> 单质半导体
- monoaural track recorder ==> 单声道录音机
- monoaxial ==> 单轴的
- monoaxial interference figure ==> 一轴晶干涉图
- monoazo dye ==> 单偶氮染料
- monoband coil ==> 单频带线圈
- monobar conveyer ==> 单链运输机
- monobasic acid ==> 一元酸
- monobasic acid ester ==> 一元酸酯
- monobath ==> 单浴显影,显定合一单液
- monobel ==> 硝化甘油,硝酸甘油,硝铵,单贝尔
- monobenzone ==> 莫诺苯宗
- monoblade scutching machine ==> 单刀式打麻机
- monoblast ==> 成单核细胞,原始单核细胞,原单核细胞
- monoblastoma ==> 成单核细胞瘤
- Monoblepharidales ==> 单毛菌目
- monoblepsia ==> 单眼视症
- monobloc ==> 整体汽缸座
- monobloc engine ==> 铸成整体的发动机
- monobloc forging ==> 整锻
- monoblock ==> 单块
- monoblock cast ==> 整体铸造
- monoblock cast(ing) ==> 整块铸造
- monoblock drill steel ==> 整体钎子
- monoblock engine ==> 整体汽缸发动机,单排发动机
- monoblock forged vessel ==> 单层整体锻造式容器
- monoblock machine ==> 单次拉丝机
- monoblock projectile ==> 实心弹
- monoblock pump ==> 直联泵,单体泵,整装泵
- monoblock rotor ==> 整体转子,整锻转子,转子体为整体锻造的转子
- monoblock unit ==> 整块组件
- monoboard computer ==> 单板电子计算机,单片计算机
- monoboard microcomputer ==> 单板微机
- Monobor-chlorate ==> 硼氯混剂
- Monobothrida ==> 单穴海百合目
- monobox crane ==> 单箱体式起重机,箱形单梁起重机
- monobrachius ==> 单臂畸胎
- monobrid ==> 单片混合组装
- monobrid circuit ==> 单片混合电路
- monobromacetanilid ==> 一溴乙酰苯胺
- monobromcamphor ==> 一溴樟脑
- monobromide ==> 一溴化物
- monobromination ==> 一溴化
- monobromo ==> 一溴
- monobromo-benzene ==> 一溴代苯
- monobromo-ester ==> 一溴代酯
- monobromo-ether ==> 一溴醚
- monobromoacetanilide ==> 乙酰替对溴苯胺
- monobromonaphthalene immersion system ==> 一溴化萘浸液系统
- monobromophenol ==> 一溴酚
- monobucket excavator ==> 单斗挖土机
- monobutylamine (MBA) ==> 一丁胺
- monobutyrin ==> 甘油一丁酸酯
- monocable ==> 单索架空索道
- monocable ropeway ==> 单索索道
- monocaine ==> (局麻药)莫诺卡因
- monocalcium phosphate ==> 磷酸一钙
- monocalcium silicate ==> 硅酸一钙
- monocaltural farming ==> 单一经营
- monocarbide ==> 一碳化物
- monocarboxylic acid ==> 一元羧酸
- monocardian ==> 单心的
- monocardiogram ==> 心电向量图
- monocarpic perennial ==> 一稔多年生植物
- monocarpic plant ==> 一稔植物
- Monocast process ==> 树脂砂衬离心铸管法
- monocell ==> 单电池
- monocentric bundle ==> 单心光束
- monocentric eyepiece ==> 单心目镜
- monocentric ocular ==> 单心目镜
- Monoceros ==> 麒麟星座
- monocharge electret ==> 单电荷驻极体
- monochlamydous ==> 单花被的
- monochlor(in)ate ==> 一氯化
- monochlor-benzene ==> 一氯代苯
- monochloralantipyrine ==> 氯醛安替比林
- monochlorethane ==> 一氯乙烷
- monochloride ==> 一氯化物
- monochlorination ==> 一氯化作用
- monochloro-acetyl chloride ==> 氯乙酰氯
- monochloroacetic acid ==> 一氯醋酸,氯乙酸(一氯醋酸)
- monochloroacetic acid anhydride ==> 氯乙酸酐
- monochloroacetone ==> 氯丙酮,一氯丙酮
- monochlorobenzene ==> 一氯苯
- monochlorodifluoromethane ==> 氯二氟甲烷,二氟一氯甲烷
- monochloroethane ==> 乙基氯
- monochlorome-thylchloroformate ==> 氯甲酸氯甲酯
- monochloromethane ==> 氯甲烷,甲基氯
- monochlorosilane ==> 一氯甲硅烷
- monochlorotrifluoromethane ==> 氯三氟甲烷
- monochlorphenol ==> 氯酚,一氯酚
- monochorea ==> 单舞蹈病
- Monochoria ==> 雨久花属
- monochromasia ==> 全色盲
- monochromasy ==> 全色盲
- monochromat ==> 全色盲患者
- monochromatic ==> 单色光的=>単色性の,単彩の
- monochromatic aberration ==> 单色象差
- monochromatic absorption ==> 单色吸收
- monochromatic absorptivity ==> 单色吸收率
- monochromatic amplitude ==> 单色光变幅
- monochromatic anaglyph ==> 单色立体图
- monochromatic brightness ==> 单色亮度
- monochromatic colorimeter ==> 单色比色计
- monochromatic corona ==> 单色日冕
- monochromatic directional emittance ==> 单色定向发射率
- monochromatic emissivity ==> 单色放射
- monochromatic emittance ==> 单色黑度
- monochromatic energy ==> 单色能
- monochromatic filter ==> 单色滤光片,单色滤光器,双折射滤光器
- monochromatic flux ==> 单色流量
- monochromatic heliograph ==> 单色日光仪
- monochromatic image ==> 单色像,太阳单色像
- monochromatic intensity ==> 单色强度
- monochromatic interference ==> 单色干涉
- monochromatic light ==> 单色光=>単色光
- monochromatic light therapy ==> 单色光治疗
- monochromatic measurement ==> 单色测量
- monochromatic neutron beam ==> 单能中子束
- monochromatic pumping ==> 单色激励
- monochromatic pyrometer ==> 单色高温计
- monochromatic radiation ==> 单色辐射=>単色放射
- monochromatic radiative equilibrium ==> 单色辐射平衡
- monochromatic reflectance ==> 单色放射率
- monochromatic scattering coefficient ==> 单色散射系数
- monochromatic sensibility ==> 单色灵敏度
- monochromatic source ==> 单色光源
- monochromatic spectrum ==> 单色光谱
- monochromatic television ==> 单色电视
- monochromatic temperature scale ==> 单色温标
- monochromatic wave ==> 单色波
- monochromatic x-ray ==> 单色X射线
- monochromaticity ==> 単色性
- monochromating crystal ==> 单色晶体
- monochromating crystal spectrometer ==> 单色晶体谱仪
- monochromating spectrometer ==> 单色分光计
- monochromation illumination ==> 单色光照明
- monochromatism ==> 全色盲
- monochromatization ==> 单色化
- monochromatizing ==> 成单色
- monochromator ==> 单能化器,单色光镜,单色器,单色仪,分光仪=>モノクロメータ
- monochromator in visible and ultraviolet ==> 可见光区与紫外区单色仪
- monochrome ==> 单色照片
- monochrome analog(ue) corrector ==> 黑白信号模拟校正器
- monochrome band ==> 单色波段
- monochrome camera ==> 黑白电视摄像机
- monochrome carrier ==> 黑白电视载波
- monochrome channel ==> 单色图像信号信道,单色信道
- monochrome decoration ==> 单色装饰
- monochrome film ==> 单色胶卷
- monochrome glaze ==> 单色釉
- monochrome grey scale ==> 黑白亮度等级
- monochrome hologram ==> 单色全息图
- monochrome image ==> 黑白图像
- monochrome image information ==> 黑白图像信息
- monochrome image recording ==> 黑白录像
- monochrome information ==> 亮度信息
- monochrome kinescope ==> 黑白电视显像管
- monochrome monitor ==> 单色监视器
- monochrome multipersistence screen ==> 单色多余辉穿透屏
- monochrome pictrue tube ==> 黑白显像管
- monochrome picture ==> 黑白图像
- monochrome picture tube ==> 黑白电视显像管
- monochrome presentation ==> 黑白显像,单色显像
- monochrome press ==> 单色印刷机
- monochrome receiver ==> 黑白电视信号接收机
- monochrome receiver set ==> 单色接收机
- monochrome recording ==> 单色信号记录
- monochrome scale ==> 单色刻度盘,黑白标度
- monochrome signal ==> 黑白信号,单色信号
- monochrome signal bandwidth ==> 单色信号带宽
- monochrome signal gemerator ==> 黑白信号发生器
- monochrome television band ==> 黑白电视波段
- monochrome television camera ==> 黑白电视摄影机
- monochrome television channel ==> 黑白电视通道
- monochrome television transmission ==> 黑白电视传输
- monochrome television transmitter ==> 黑白电视发射机
- monochrome test pattern ==> 黑白测试图
- monochrome transmission ==> 单色发送
- monochrome TV ==> 单色电视
- monochrome voltage ==> 黑白信号电压,亮度信号电压,单色信号电压
- monochrometer ==> 单色计,单色仪
- monochromical signal ==> 黑白信号
- monocle ==> 单片眼镜
- monoclimax ==> 单元演替顶极
- monoclimax theory ==> 单顶极学说
- monoclinal ==> 单斜的
- monoclinal block ==> 单斜断块
- monoclinal coast ==> 单斜海岸
- monoclinal fault ==> 单斜断层
- monoclinal flexure ==> 单斜挠曲
- monoclinal fold ==> 单斜褶皱
- monoclinal mountain ==> 单面山,单斜山
- monoclinal pyramid ==> 单斜锥
- monoclinal ridge ==> 单斜脊
- monoclinal rising flood wave ==> 单斜上升洪水波
- monoclinal rising wave ==> 单斜上升波
- monoclinal river ==> 单斜河
- monoclinal spring ==> 单斜泉
- monoclinal stratum ==> 单斜层,单斜地层
- monoclinal structure ==> 单斜构造
- monoclinal valley ==> 单斜谷
- monocline ==> 单斜,单斜构造,单斜褶皱
- monoclinic ==> 单斜的,单斜晶的
- monoclinic clinoprism ==> 单斜斜轴柱
- monoclinic crystal ==> 单斜结晶
- monoclinic fabric ==> 单斜组构
- monoclinic feldspar ==> 单斜长石
- monoclinic form ==> 单斜晶形
- monoclinic hemipinacoid ==> 单斜半轴面
- monoclinic hemiprism ==> 单斜半柱面
- monoclinic lattice ==> 单斜点阵
- monoclinic prism ==> 单斜棱晶,单斜柱晶
- monoclinic sulfur ==> 单斜晶硫
- monoclinic system ==> 单斜晶系
- monoclinous flower ==> 两性花
- monoclonal antibody ==> 单克隆抗体
- monoclonal cryoglobulin ==> 单无性系冷球蛋白
- monoclone planting ==> 单一天性系植区
- monocode ==> 单码
- monocogue ==> 硬壳式机身
- monocoil ==> 单线管,单线圈,单线圈的
- monocolo(u)r ==> 单色
- monocolour H2S analyzer ==> 单色硫化氢分析器
- monocolpate pollem ==> 单槽花粉
- monocomponent fibre ==> 单组分纤维
- monocontrol ==> 单一调节,单一控制
- monocoque ==> 单壳机身,硬壳式构造
- monocoque body ==> 无骨架式车身,单壳体车身
- monocoque type ==> 单壳式
- monocord ==> 单塞绳,单线塞绳
- Monocord ==> 莫诺考尼龙单丝缝纫线
- monocord switch board ==> 单塞绳交换机
- monocord system trunk board ==> 单塞绳式中继台
- monocot crops ==> 单子叶作物
- monocoty-ledonae ==> 单子叶植物纲
- monocotyledon ==> 单子叶植物
- Monocotyledonae ==> 单子叶植物纲
- monocotyledonous ==> 单子叶植物的
- monocotyledons ==> 单子叶植物
- monocrepid ==> 单基片
- monocrotaline ==> 野百合碱
- monocrotophos ==> 久效磷,久效磷
- monocrystal ==> 单晶
- monocrystal silicon ==> 单晶硅=>単結晶シリコン
- monocrystalline ==> 单晶的,单晶体,单晶形,单晶质,单晶质的
- monocrystalline filament ==> 单晶长丝
- monocrystalline gallium ==> 单晶镓
- monocrystalline germanium ==> 单晶锗
- monocrystalline ingot ==> 单晶锭块
- monocrystalline particle ==> 单晶粉粒
- monocrystalline reconversion ==> 单晶的再结晶
- monocrystalline semiconductor ==> 单晶体半导体
- monocrystalline silicon ==> 单晶硅
- Monocs ==> 代森二甲胺
- monocular ==> 单目,单目的,单目望远镜,单筒,单筒望远镜
- monocular camera ==> 单目摄影机
- monocular inclined tube microscope ==> 单筒斜管显微镜
- monocular microscope ==> 单目显微镜
- monocular range finder ==> 单目测距仪
- monocular rangefinder ==> 单目测距仪
- monocular straight tube microscope ==> 单筒直管显微镜
- monocular tube biologic microscope ==> 单筒生物显微镜
- monocular tube eyepiece ==> 单筒目镜
- monocular tube microscope ==> 单筒显微镜
- monocular vision ==> 单眼视觉
- monoculture ==> 单种林,单种栽培,单作农业
- monoculture system ==> 单种栽培系统
- Monocyathea ==> 单壁古杯纲
- monocycle ==> 单独轮车,单环,单循环,单周期,独轮车
- monocyclic ==> 单环的,单轮的,单旋回的,单循环,单周期,单周期的
- monocyclic method ==> 单周期法
- monocyclic ring ==> 单环=>単環
- monocyclic-start induction motor ==> 单相感应电动机
- monocylic ==> 单一间隔期的
- monocylicstart induction motor ==> 单周期起动感应电动机
- monocytangina ==> 单核细胞性咽峡炎
- monocyte ==> 单核白细胞,单核细胞
- monocytic angina ==> 传染性单核细胞增多症
- monocytic leukemia ==> 单核细胞性白血病
- monocytic series ==> 单核细胞系
- monocytoma ==> 单核细胞瘤
- monocytopenia ==> 单核细胞减少症
- monocytosis ==> 单核白细胞增多症
- monodactylous ==> 单趾的
- Monodellidae ==> 单显科
- monodelphic ==> 单子宫的
- monodermoma ==> 单胚叶瘤
- monodidymus ==> 孪生儿
- monodiplopia ==> 单眼复视
- monodirectional ==> 单向的
- monodisperse system ==> 单分散系
- monodispersity ==> 单分散性
- monodrill ==> 单粒播种机
- monodrome ==> 单值
- monodrome function ==> 单值函数
- monodromia ==> 单向传导
- monodromy nonambiguity ==> 单值性
- monodromy theorem ==> 单值性定理
- monoecious ==> 雌雄同体的,雌雄同株的
- monoecious plant ==> 雄雌同株植物
- monoecism ==> 雌雄同体,雌雄同株
- monoenergetic ==> 单能,单能量
- monoenergetic cross-section ==> 单能截面
- monoenergetic crosssection ==> 单色截面
- monoenergetic electron ==> 单能量电子
- monoenergetic electrons ==> 单能电子
- monoenergetic gamma rays ==> 单能γ射线
- monoenergetic spectrum ==> 单能谱
- monoergic ==> 单能量
- monoethanolamine (MEA) ==> 乙醇胺
- monoethanolamine oleate ==> 单乙醇胺油酸盐
- monoether ==> 单醚
- monofier ==> 振荡放大器
- monofil ==> 单丝
- monofil-coner ==> 单丝锥形筒子络筒机
- monofilament ==> 单丝,单纤维
- monofilament thread ==> 单根粗丝
- monofile monovolume ==> 单卷单文件,单文件单卷
- monofile multivolume ==> 单文件多卷,多卷单文件
- monofilm ==> 单层膜,单膜
- Monofilter ==> 莫诺菲尔特丙纶机织土建布
- monofired ==> 一次烧成
- monofocal ==> 单聚焦,单聚焦的
- monoformer ==> 光电单函数发生器,函数电子射线变换器
- Monofrax ==> 高密度耐火材料
- monofrequency radiation ==> 单频辐射
- monofrequent ==> 单频率
- monofrequent radiation ==> 单频辐射
- monofuel propulsion ==> 单一燃料推进系统
- monofunctional exchanger ==> 单功能离子交换剂
- monogamous animal ==> 单配偶动物
- monogamy ==> 一对一,一一对应
- monogastric animals with functional cecum ==> 盲肠发达的单胃动物
- monogen ==> 单价元素
- monogene ==> 单成因的
- monogene rock ==> 单成岩
- Monogenea ==> 单殖亚纲
- monogenetic ==> 单成,单成因的,单色的,单性
- monogenetic dye ==> 单色染料
- monogenetic gravel ==> 单成砾石
- monogenetic volcano ==> 单成火山
- monogenic ==> 单成因的
- Monogenoidea ==> 单殖纲
- monogeny ==> 单亲生殖
- monogeosyncline ==> 单地槽
- monogerm ==> 单生殖
- monoglyceride ==> 单酸甘油脂,甘油酸酯,甘油一酯
- Monogonota ==> 单巢目
- monogony ==> 单性生殖
- monograin ==> 流质烈性炸药
- monogram ==> 带字母图案的玻璃器皿
- monograph ==> 专论,专题文章,专题著作
- monographic study ==> 专题研究
- monographist ==> 专题论文的作者
- monogroove stereo ==> 单纹槽立体声
- monogynous ==> 单配性
- monohedron ==> 单面体
- monohybrid ==> 单基因杂种,单性杂种
- monohybrid inheritane ==> 一对基因杂交遗传
- monohydrate ==> 一水合物,一水化(合)物
- monohydrate bauxite ore ==> 一水铝石型铝土矿
- monohydrate crystals ==> 含一分子结晶水晶体
- monohydrated sodium carbonate ==> 一水碳酸钠
- monohydric acid ==> 一元酸
- monohydric alcohol ==> 一元醇
- monohydric phenol ==> 一元酚
- monohydric salt ==> 一氢盐
- monohydroxy-alcohol ==> 一元醇
- monohydroxy-dibasic acid ==> 一羟基二羧酸
- monohydroxylated acid ==> 一羟基酸
- monoid ==> 类群,独异点
- monoid-closure ==> 独异点闭包
- monoinfection ==> 非混合性传染
- monoiod(in)ate ==> 一碘化
- monoiodo-acetic acid ==> 一碘醋酸
- monoiodo-ester ==> 一碘酯
- monoiodoacetic acid ==> 一碘乙酸
- monoketone ==> 一元酮
- monolaurin ==> 甘油一月桂酸酯
- monolayer ==> 单分子层
- monolayer culture ==> 单层培养
- monolayer material ==> 单层材料
- monolayer of particles ==> 单层粉粒
- monolayered vessel ==> 单层容器
- monolever ==> 单手柄
- monolever switch ==> 单手柄十字形开关
- monolith ==> 单块,整料,整体料,独石碑,独石柱,坝块,(两条伸缩缝间的)坝段
- monolithic ==> 龟甲网衬里,单块,单片的=>モノリシック
- monolithic boundary layer capacitor (MBLC) ==> 独石晶界层电容器
- monolithic capacitor ==> 单片电容器,单体电容器
- monolithic case ==> 整体外壳
- monolithic cell ==> 单片单元
- monolithic ceramic capaciter ==> 单片陶瓷电容器
- monolithic ceramic capacitor ==> 单片陶瓷电容器,独石陶瓷电容器
- monolithic circuit ==> 单块电路,单片电路
- monolithic component ==> 单片元件
- monolithic computer ==> 单片计算机
- monolithic computing system ==> 整体计算系统
- monolithic construction ==> 整体结构,整体式构造
- monolithic crystal monochromator ==> 单晶体单色仪
- monolithic device ==> 单块器件
- monolithic display ==> 单片显示器
- monolithic FET ==> 单块场效应晶体管
- monolithic field effect transistor ==> 单块场效应晶体管
- monolithic filter ==> 单片滤波器
- monolithic functional device ==> 单片功能装置
- monolithic head ==> 单块磁头
- monolithic hybrid circuit ==> 单片混合电路
- monolithic integrated circuit ==> 单块集成电路,单片集成电路,单片式集成电路=>モノリシック集積回路
- monolithic integrated operational amplifier ==> 单块集成运算放大器
- monolithic integrated receiver ==> 单片集成接收机
- monolithic integration ==> 单片集成电路
- monolithic laser ==> 单块激光器,单片激光器
- monolithic layout ==> 单块电路设计,单片电路设计
- monolithic light detector ==> 单块光探测器
- monolithic lining ==> 整体衬里,整体炉衬
- monolithic memory ==> 单片存储器
- monolithic microcircuit ==> 单片微型电路
- monolithic microprocessor ==> 单片微处理器
- monolithic mo(u)ld ==> 整体铸型
- monolithic monument ==> 独石碑
- monolithic operation amplifier ==> 单片运算放大器
- monolithic operational amplifier ==> 单片运算放大器
- monolithic oscillator ==> 单片式振荡器
- monolithic patch ==> 整体修炉
- monolithic photodiode ==> 单片光电二极管
- monolithic piezoelectric ceramic transformer ==> 独石压电陶瓷变压器
- monolithic power ==> 单块功率
- monolithic power devices ==> 单块功率器件
- monolithic processor ==> 单片处理机
- monolithic refractory ==> 整体耐火材料
- monolithic resistor ==> 单片电阻器
- monolithic sample hold ==> 取样保持单片电路
- monolithic storage ==> 单块存储器
- monolithic structure ==> 单片结构
- monolithic substrate ==> 单块衬底,单片衬底
- monolithic system ==> 单片系统
- monolithic system technology ==> 单片系统工艺
- monolithic system technology (MST) ==> 单片系统技术
- monolithic technology ==> 单块工艺,单片工艺,单片技术
- monolock ==> 单锁
- monomark ==> 注册标记
- monomer ==> 单分子物体,单基物,单体=>単量体
- monomer ratio ==> 单体配比
- monomer reactivity ==> 单体活泼度
- monomer-polymer ==> 单体聚合物
- monomeric compound ==> 单体化合物
- monomerous antenna ==> 单节触角
- monometallic ==> 单金属,单金属的,一代磷酸钠
- monometallic balance ==> 单金属摆轮
- monometallic standard ==> 单本位制
- monomethyl aniline (MMA) ==> 一甲基苯胺
- monomethyl oxalate ==> 草酸一甲酯
- monomethylamine ==> 甲胺,一甲铵
- monometric equivalent ==> 压力表当量
- monomial ==> 单项式
- monomial expression ==> 单项式
- monomial matrices ==> 单项矩阵
- monomial representation ==> 单项表现
- monomict ==> 单矿物碎屑
- monomict breccia ==> 单矿物碎屑角砾岩
- monomictic lake ==> 单对流湖
- monomineralic ==> 单矿物的
- monomineralic rock ==> 单矿岩
- monomineralic rocks ==> 单矿物岩
- monomode coupler ==> 单模耦合器
- monomode laser ==> 单模激光器
- monomode lightguide ==> 单模光波导
- monomode optical fiber ==> 单模光纤
- monomode optical waveguide ==> 单模光波导
- monomolecular ==> 单层分子,单分子的
- monomolecular adsorption ==> 单分子吸附
- monomolecular film ==> 单分子膜
- monomolecular layer ==> 单分子层
- monomolecular reaction ==> 单分子反应
- monomorph ==> 单晶物
- monomorphic ==> 单形的
- monomorphic adenoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺单形性腺瘤
- monomorphism ==> 单同态,单一同态
- monomorphous ==> 单晶形,单晶形的,单形的
- monomotor ==> 单电动机,单发动机
- monomphalus ==> 脐部联胎
- mononephrous ==> 孤立肾的
- mononetflurazone ==> 达草灭
- mononeuritis ==> 单神经炎
- mononeuropathy ==> 单神经病
- Monongahela Series ==> 孟农加希拉统
- monongial sorus ==> 单囊群
- mononitraniline ==> 一硝基苯胺
- mononitrate ==> 一硝酸盐
- mononitration ==> 一硝基化
- mononitride ==> 一氮化合物
- mononitro-benzene ==> 一硝基苯
- mononitro-compound ==> 一硝基化合物
- mononitro-derivative ==> 一硝基衍生物
- mononitromethane ==> (喷气燃料)一硝基甲烷
- mononitronaphthalene ==> (油料的去荧光剂)一硝基萘
- mononitrophenol ==> 一硝基酚
- mononitrotoluene ==> 一硝基甲苯
- mononuclear ==> 单核=>単核
- mononuclear cell ==> 单核细胞
- mononuclear leucocyte ==> 单核白细胞,单核细胞
- mononuclear phagocyte system ==> 单核吞噬细胞系统
- mononucleosis ==> 单核白细胞增多症
- mononucleotide ==> 单核甙酸
- monooctanoin ==> 单辛精
- monooleate ==> 一油酸
- monoolein ==> 一油清
- monooxide ==> 一氧化物
- monooxygenase ==> 加单氧酶
- monopack ==> 三色底片
- monoparesis ==> 单肢轻瘫
- monopaste ==> 显定合一浆
- monophagous ==> 单变的,单食性的
- monophase ==> 单相的
- monophase asynchronous motor ==> 单相异步电动机
- monophase current ==> 単相交流
- monophase equilibrium ==> 单相平衡
- monophase field ==> 单相区
- monophase microinstruction ==> 单步微指令
- monophase system ==> 单相系统
- monophase transformer ==> 单相变压器
- monophasic ==> 单相的
- Monophisthocotylea ==> 单蛇盘目
- Monophlebinae ==> 绵蚧亚科
- monophone ==> 送受话器,收发话器
- monophonic ==> 单路的,单声部,单声道
- monophonic broadcasting ==> モノホニック放送
- monophonic record ==> 单声道唱片
- monophonic recorder ==> 单声道录音机
- monophonic recording ==> 单声道录音
- monophonic sound ==> 单通道扩声
- monophonic sound motion picture recording system ==> 单通道电影录声系统
- monophony ==> 单声技术
- Monophoto ==> 莫诺照相排字机
- monophyletic ==> 单源的
- monophyletic theory ==> 一元论
- monophyletist ==> 一元论者
- monophyodont ==> 不换性齿系
- monopinch ==> 单收缩
- Monopisthocotylea ==> 单后盘目
- Monoplacophora ==> 单板类
- monoplane ==> 单平面,单翼飞机,单翼机
- monoplanetic ==> 单游的
- monoplayer ==> 单放机
- monoplegia ==> 单瘫
- monoploid ==> 单倍体
- monoplunger pump ==> 分配式油泵
- monopodial inflorescence ==> 单轴花序
- monopodium ==> 单轴
- monopol soap ==> 蓖麻油皂
- monopolar ==> 单极的
- monopolar cell ==> 单极电解槽
- monopolar D. C. dynamo ==> 单极直流发电机
- monopolar induction type relay ==> 单极感应式继电器
- monopolar line ==> 单极线路
- monopolar single circuit DC transmission ==> 直流単極一回線送電
- monopolar type ==> 单极式
- monopole ==> 单极,单极子,磁单极子
- monopole automatic flame cutter ==> 光学自动追迹气割机
- monopole automatic gas cutter ==> 自动光学曲线追踪气割机
- monopole double throw switch ==> 单刀双掷开关
- monopole mass spectrometer ==> 单极质谱仪
- monopole single throw switch ==> 单刀单掷开关
- monopole soap ==> 高度磺酸化的脂酸皂
- monopolial branch ==> 叶枝
- monopolistic ==> 专利
- monopolize ==> 取得垄断
- monopolize currency issue ==> 统一掌管货币发行
- monopoly ==> 专利,专利品,专利权=>独占,独壇場
- monopoly act ==> 専売法
- monopoly bureau ==> 専売局
- monopoly capital ==> 独占資本
- monopoly capitalism ==> 独占資本主義
- monopoly competition ==> 独占競争
- monopoly control over its income and expenditure ==> 统收统支
- monopoly dumping ==> 独占ダンピング
- monopoly model ==> 独占的な供給形態
- monopoly of sale ==> 包销
- monopoly prohibition law ==> 独占禁止法
- monoprogrammed ==> 单道程序
- monopropellant ==> 单元推进剂
- monopteral ==> 圆形柱廊建筑
- monopteron (monoptera) ==> 圆形柱廊建筑
- monopulse ==> 单脉冲=>モノパルス
- monopulse antenna ==> 单脉冲天线
- monopulse comparator ==> 单脉冲比较器
- monopulse optical receiver ==> 单脉冲式光接收机
- monopulse radar ==> 单脉冲雷达
- monopulse sensor ==> 单脉冲传感器
- monopulse system ==> モノパルス方式
- monopulse tracking ==> 单脉冲跟踪
- monoradical ==> 单价团
- monorail ==> 单轨,单轨梁,单轨索道,单轨铁道,单轨铁路
- monorail car ==> 单轨矿车
- monorail chain block ==> 单轨链滑车
- monorail charger ==> 单轨加料机,单轨装料机
- monorail conveyer ==> 单轨吊运器,单轨输送机
- monorail conveyor ==> 单轨吊运器
- monorail crane ==> 单轨吊,单轨起重机
- monorail crane truck ==> 单轨起重车
- monorail double heterojunction diode ==> 单轨双异质结二极管
- monorail hoist ==> 单轨电动滑车,单轨吊车,单轨起重机
- monorail ladle ==> 单轨吊包
- monorail motor crab ==> 单轨电动起重机
- monorail motor hoist ==> 单轨电动绞车
- monorail over-head feed carrier ==> 单轨悬吊式饲料分送车
- monorail railway ==> 单轨铁路
- monorail trolley ==> 单轨小车
- monorail way ==> 单轨铁道
- monorail weight car ==> 单轨称量车
- monorail-tramway ==> 单索道
- monoray locator ==> 探雷器
- monoreactant ==> 单一反应物,单元燃料
- monorefringent ==> 单折射的
- Monorhina ==> 单鼻亚纲
- monorobot ==> 小型会计机
- monosaccharide ==> 单糖
- monosalient pole ==> 单凸极,单显磁极
- monoscenism ==> 往事穷思症
- monoscience ==> 单项学科,专论,专门学科
- monoscope ==> 单像管=>モノスコープ
- monoscope camera ==> 单像管摄像机
- monoscope equipment ==> 单像管设备
- monoscope tube ==> 单像管
- monose ==> 单糖
- monoseaplane ==> 单翼水上飞机
- monoseeding ==> 单粒播种
- monosemantic ==> 单义的
- monosemous ==> 单义的
- Monosigales ==> 单领藻目
- monosilicate ==> 单硅酸盐
- monosiphonous ==> 单管的
- monosize distribution ==> 单一粒度分布
- monosodium glutamate ==> 谷氨酸单钠
- monosodium methanearsonate ==> 甲基砷酸钠
- monosome ==> 单染色体,二倍减-染色体
- monosomic ==> 二倍减-染色体的
- monospace ==> 单间隔
- monospar ==> 单梁
- monospindle boring machine ==> 单轴镗床
- monosplines ==> 单项仿样函数
- monospore ==> 单孢子
- Monosporium ==> 单孢子菌属
- monosporosis ==> 单孢子菌病
- monostable ==> 单稳定状态的
- monostable blocking oscillator ==> 单稳间歇振荡器
- monostable circuit ==> 单稳电路,单稳态电路=>単安定回路
- monostable element ==> 单稳元件
- monostable flip-flop ==> 单稳态触发器
- monostable flipflop ==> 单稳态触发器
- monostable multivibrator ==> 单稳多谐振荡器=>単安定マルチバイブレータ
- monostable relay ==> 片側安定形継電器,キープ継電器
- monostable trigger ==> 单稳态触发器
- monostable trigger circuit ==> 单稳触发电器
- monostable trigger-action circuit ==> 单稳态触发电路
- monostack crane ==> 单轨堆垛起重机
- monostatic configuration ==> 单元组态
- monostatic radar ==> 单基地雷达,单站雷达
- monostatic relay ==> 单稳态继电器
- monostatic sonar ==> 收发合置声纳
- monostearin ==> 甘油一硬脂酸酯
- monostichous ==> 单列
- monostome ==> 单口尾蚴
- monostratum ==> 单层
- Monostylifera ==> 单针亚目
- monosulfide ==> 一硫化物
- monosulphide ==> 一硫化物
- monosyllabic word recognition ==> 单音节字的识别
- monosymmetric dispersion of interference colours ==> 干涉色单对称分散
- monosymmetrical ==> 单轴对称
- monotard MC ampoule ==> 单组分含锌胰岛素注射液
- monotectic ==> 偏共晶,偏晶体
- monotectic alloy ==> 偏共晶合金
- monotectic equilibrium diagram ==> 偏共晶平衡图
- monotectic reaction ==> 偏晶反应
- monotectic solidification ==> 偏晶凝固
- monotelephone ==> 单工电话,单听筒
- monothermite ==> 单热石
- monotone ==> 单调,单调性,单音
- monotone concergence theorem ==> 单调收敛定理
- monotone context sensitive web grammar ==> 单调上下文有关组织语法
- monotone convergence ==> 单调收敛
- monotone decreasing ==> 单调递减,单调减
- monotone function ==> 单调函数=>単調関数
- monotone horn ==> 单音喇叭
- monotone increasing ==> 单调递增,单调增
- monotone increasing function ==> 单调递增函数
- monotone multiple decision problem ==> 单调决策多维问题
- monotone nondecreasing function ==> 単調非減少関数
- monotone nonincreasing function ==> 单调非增函数
- monotone order ==> 单调次序
- monotone system ==> 单调系统
- monotone variable ==> 单调变量
- monotone web grammar ==> 单调组织语法
- monotonic ==> 单调的=>単調
- monotonic analysis ==> 单调分析
- monotonic decreasing ==> 单调递减
- monotonic decreasing quantity ==> 单调减量
- monotonic function ==> 单调函数
- monotonic functional ==> 单调泛函
- monotonic increasing ==> 单调递增
- monotonic increasing quantity ==> 单调增量
- monotonic loading ==> 单调加载,简单负荷
- monotonic model ==> 单调宇宙模型
- monotonic model of the first kind ==> 第一类单调宇宙模型
- monotonic model of the second kind ==> 第二类单调宇宙模型
- monotonic operation ==> 单调运算
- monotonic operator ==> 单调算子
- monotonic quantity ==> 单调量
- monotonic quiet ==> 单调的
- monotonic sequence ==> 单调序列
- monotonic system of algebra ==> 单调代数系
- monotonic transformation ==> 单调变换
- monotonic utility ==> 单调效用
- monotonic variable ==> 单调变数
- monotonically decreasing ==> 単調減少
- monotonically increasing ==> 単調増加
- monotonically nondecreasing function ==> 单调非减函数
- monotonically nonincreasing function ==> 单调非增函数
- monotonicity ==> 单调性
- monotonous process ==> 单调过程
- monotonous transient response ==> 单挡态响应
- monotony ==> 单调,单调性
- monotrack recorder ==> 单踪记录仪
- monotractor ==> 单轮驱动拖拉机
- monotrailer ==> 单轴挂车
- Monotremata ==> 单孔目
- Monotricha ==> 单鞭毛菌,偏端单毛菌
- monotrichous ==> 单鞭毛菌
- monotriglyph ==> 单排档
- monotron ==> 单像管,摩诺速调管,摩诺硬度计,莫诺特龙速调管,莫诺特龙硬度检验仪,直越式速调管
- monotron hardness test ==> 莫诺特龙硬度试验,莫诺硬度试验
- Monotropa uniflora ==> 水晶兰
- Monotropaceae ==> 水晶兰科
- monotropein ==> 水晶兰苷
- monotrophic ==> 单变的,单食性的
- monotrophic insect ==> 狭食性昆虫
- monotropic ==> 单变,单变性的,单性
- monotropic function ==> 单值函数
- monotropic rocket ==> 单变火箭
- monotropic transformation ==> 单向转变
- monotropy ==> 单变现象,单变性
- monotropy coefficient ==> 单变系数
- monotube boiler ==> 单管锅炉,单管式锅炉
- monotube pile ==> 单管柱桩
- monotube type boiler ==> 单管式直流锅炉
- monotype ==> 单版画制作法,单型,自动排浇机,自动排字浇印机
- Monotype ==> 莫诺铸排机
- Monotype casting machine ==> 莫诺单字铸字机
- monotype die-casting alloy ==> 铸字合金
- monotype metal ==> 铅字合金
- Monotype standard composing machine ==> 莫诺标准排字机
- monotypic genus ==> 单模属
- monotypic species ==> 单型种
- monouranate ==> 一铀酸盐
- monovacancy ==> 单空位
- monoval twins ==> 同卵双生
- monovalent ==> 单价的,单价的
- monovalent alcohol ==> 一价醇
- monovalent atom ==> 一价原子
- monovalent base ==> 一价碱
- monovalent chromosome ==> 单价染色体
- monovalent serum ==> 单价血清
- monovariant ==> 单变,单变状态的
- monovariant system ==> 单变体系
- monovolume ==> 单卷
- monovulatory ==> 排单卵的
- monowheel ==> 单轮
- monowheel chassis ==> 单轮起落架
- monowheel rotary ditcher ==> 单轮旋转式开沟机
- monox ==> 氧化硅
- Monox ==> (杀菌剂)代森二甲胺
- monoxenous ==> 单寄主的
- monoxide ==> 一氧化物
- monozygotic ==> 单合子的
- monozygotic twins ==> 单卵性双胎,一卵双胞,同卵双生,同卵双胎
- Monroan Stage ==> 门罗阶
- Monroe Stage ==> 门罗阶
- mons pubis ==> 阴阜
- mons veneris ==> 阴阜
- Monsanto resonance elastometer ==> 蒙桑托共振弹性计
- Monsel's solution ==> 蒙塞尔氏溶液,次硫酸铁溶液
- monsodium acid methanearsonate (MSMA) ==> 甲胂一钠
- monsoon air ==> 季风气候
- monsoon cluster ==> 季风云团
- monsoon fog ==> 季风雾
- monsoon forest ==> 季风林
- monsoon low ==> 季风低压
- monsoon wind ==> 季风
- Monstera deliciosa ==> モンステラ
- monstrosity ==> 巨大なもの
- montage ==> 装配,剪辑画面,镜头组接,镜头组接,拼接
- montage amplifier ==> 图像剪辑放大器
- Montagnac cloth ==> 蒙塔纳克卷手呢
- Montagne ==> モンターニュ
- montan wax ==> 粗褐煤蜡,褐煤蜡,蒙丹蜡
- montanic acid ==> 褐煤酸
- Monte Carlo analysis ==> 蒙特卡罗分析法,随机搜索法
- Monte Carlo approach ==> 蒙特卡罗法
- Monte Carlo forecast ==> 蒙特卡罗预测
- Monte Carlo investigation ==> 蒙特卡罗实验
- Monte Carlo method ==> 蒙特卡罗法=>モンテ・カルロ法
- Monte Carlo modelling ==> 蒙特卡罗法模拟
- Monte Carlo sampling distribution ==> 蒙特卡罗抽样分布
- Monte Carlo simulation ==> 蒙特卡罗模拟法=>モンテカルロシミュレーション
- Monte Carlo study ==> 蒙特卡罗研究
- Monte Carlo switch ==> モンテカルロ・スイッチ
- Monte Carlo technique ==> 蒙特卡罗法,蒙特卡罗技术
- Monte Oro GridResources Corporation ==> 菲律宾蒙特罗电网资源公司
- Monte-Carlo study of small natural population ==> 小自然总体的蒙特卡罗研究
- Montedisons SPA ==> 蒙特爱迪生公司
- Montegal alloy ==> 蒙蒂盖尔合金
- Monteggia's fracture ==> 蒙特吉亚氏骨折
- Montenegro test ==> 蒙特尼格罗试验
- Monterey shale ==> 蒙特里页岩
- Monternet,Mobile+Internet ==> 移动梦网
- month by month correlation ==> 月相关
- month cam ==> 月凸轮
- month corrector ==> 月历校正器
- month corrector cover ==> 月历校正器罩
- month corrector knob ==> 月历校正钮
- month corrector operating lever ==> 月历校正器操作杆
- month corrector operating lever spring ==> 月历校正器操作杆簧
- month corrector operating lever stud ==> 月历校正器操作杆桩
- month corrector spring ==> 月历校正器簧
- month finger ==> 月历拨爪
- month finger driving wheel ==> 月历指示盘传动轮
- month for cyclical dominance (MCD) ==> 循环波动支配月数
- month for cyclical dominance curve ==> 循环波动支配月曲线
- month hand ==> 月历针
- month indicator ==> 月历指示环
- month jumper ==> 月历跳杆
- month jumper spring ==> 月历跳杆簧
- month star ==> 月历星轮
- month star driving wheel ==> 月历星传动轮
- month star stud ==> 月历星轮桩
- month star-wheel ==> 月星轮
- monthly ==> 月报
- monthly allotments ==> 每月分摊数
- monthly allowance ==> 每月津贴
- monthly average ==> 月平均
- monthly capacity ==> 月生产能力
- monthly consumption ==> 月耗电量,每月消费量
- monthly data ==> 每月数字
- monthly delivery ==> 每月交货量
- monthly earnings ==> 每月工资
- monthly error ==> 月差
- monthly index chart ==> 每月指数图表
- monthly individual payroll sheet ==> 每月个人工资计算表
- monthly inspection ==> 月度检查
- monthly irregular hours worked ==> 每月不规则劳动时数
- monthly load curve ==> 月负载曲线=>月負荷曲線
- monthly load factor ==> 月负荷率,月负载率=>月負荷率
- monthly magazine ==> 月报
- monthly market ==> 月間市場
- monthly maximum load ==> 月最高负荷,月最高负载
- monthly mean ==> 月平均
- monthly minimum temperature ==> 月最低温度
- monthly nurse ==> 产褥护士
- monthly nutation ==> 周月章动
- monthly order ==> 每月定货
- monthly output ==> 每月产量
- monthly payment loan ==> 每月还款的贷款,每月还款的借款
- monthly peak duration curve ==> 月巅值持续时间曲线
- monthly period ==> 月经期
- monthly premium ==> 每月保险费
- monthly production report ==> 每月生产报告
- monthly run ==> 每月运转
- monthly statement of account ==> 每月对帐单
- monthly temperature coefficient ==> 月別温度係数
- monthly withholding tax ==> 每月预提所得税
- monthly[peak]load curve ==> 月[最大]负荷曲线,一个月内每天最高负荷连接形成的曲线
- Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer ==> 《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》
- monument mark ==> 界碑
- monumental ==> 非常に大きな,巨大な,重要な
- monumental building ==> 纪念性建筑物
- monumental stone ==> 記念碑
- monumental success ==> 記念碑的な成功
- monumented point ==> 埋石点
- monumented station ==> 埋石点
- monzonitic texture ==> 二长结构
- mood ==> 気分
- mood change ==> 情绪改变
- mood depression ==> 情感低落
- mood drug ==> 情绪药物
- mood elevation ==> 情感高涨
- moon ==> 月球
- moon blindness ==> 夜盲症,周期性眼炎
- moon clock ==> 月钟
- moon compass orientation ==> 月亮罗盘定向
- moon culmination ==> 月亮中天
- moon dial ==> 月相盘
- moon dune buggy ==> (宇航员在月球上用的汽车)月面沙丘汽车
- moon enters umbra ==> 本影食始
- moon gate ==> 月洞门,月亮门
- moon illusion ==> 月径幻觉
- moon knife ==> 月牙刀
- moon leaves umbra ==> 本影食终
- moon month ==> 朔望月
- moon phase ==> 月相
- moon phase corrector ==> 月相校正盘
- moon phase corrector operating lever ==> 月相校正器操作杆
- moon phase corrector spring ==> 月相校正簧
- moon phase finger ==> 月相盘拨爪
- moon phase hand ==> 月相指针
- moon phase indicator ==> 月相指示器
- moon phase intermediate wheel ==> 月相盘中间轮套
- moon phase jumper ==> 月相定位杆
- moon phase jumper spring ==> 月相定位杆簧
- moon phase platform ==> 月相盘托
- moon phase star ==> 月相盘星轮
- moon phase star driving wheel ==> 月相盘驱动轮
- moon phase star seating ==> 月相盘星轮垫
- moon phase star stud ==> 月相盘星轮桩
- moon phase star-wheel ==> 月相星轮
- moon phase yoke ==> 月相盘杠杆
- moon phase yoke spring ==> 月相盘杆簧
- moon phase yoke stud ==> 月相盘杆桩
- moon phase yoke tube ==> 月相盘杆套
- moon pillar ==> 月柱
- moon rocket ==> 月球火箭
- moon scraper ==> 月球取样器
- moon seismograph ==> 月震仪
- moon shaped face ==> 满月脸
- moon shot ==> 对月发射
- moon tides ==> 月球潮汐
- moon train ==> 月相轮系
- moon watch ==> 月球观察
- moon work ==> 月龄装置,月相机构
- moon's horizontal parallax ==> 月球地平视差
- moon's horizontal semidiameter ==> 月球地平
- moon's orbit ==> 太阴轨道
- moon-earth transportation system ==> 月地间运输系统
- moon-face ==> 圆月面容,月样圆面容
- moon-phase mechanism ==> 月相机构
- moon-shaped object ==> 月形物
- Mooney shearing-disk viscometer ==> 穆尼剪切圆盘粘度计
- Mooney unit ==> 孟纳单位
- Mooney viscosimeter ==> 莫氏粘度计
- moonlight gasoline ==> 月光汽油
- moonlighting ==> 副业=>副業
- moonquake monitor ==> 月震检收器
- moonrise and moonset tables ==> 月亮出没时间表
- moonset ==> 月没
- moonshaped face ==> 月样圆面容
- moonstone glass ==> 月长石状玻璃
- moonwatch telescope ==> 广角镜
- moor coal ==> 沼煤,叶煤,易碎褐煤(沼煤)
- moor cock ==> 雄红松鸡
- moor forming process ==> 泥炭沼泽形成过程
- moor grass ==> 酸沼草原
- moor land ==> 泥炭沼地
- moor light ==> 停泊灯
- moor soil ==> 泽地土壤
- moor with two anchors ==> 抛双锚
- Moor's filter ==> 莫尔过滤器
- moor-salt ==> 海盐
- Moore chain ==> 锚链
- Moore lamp ==> 摩耳灯,摩尔灯,穆尔放电管
- Moore light ==> 摩耳光
- Moore machine ==> 莫尔机
- Moore's fracture ==> 穆尔氏骨折
- Moore's law ==> The number of transistors on a chip doubles annually.
- moored array ==> 锚系基阵
- moored mine ==> 系留水雷
- mooring ==> 系留,锚泊,锚泊地
- mooring anchor ==> 系泊锚
- mooring area ==> 锚泊区
- mooring arrangement ==> 系泊设备,系缆设备
- mooring basin ==> 系泊港地,船舶作业水域,泊船池,泊船地,泊地
- mooring berth ==> 系泊地
- mooring boat ==> 带缆艇,绞滩接头船
- mooring bollards ==> 双柱系缆桩
- mooring brdle ==> 系在浮筒上的链或短缆
- mooring buoy ==> 系泊浮筒,系船浮筒
- mooring cable ==> 系泊链
- mooring capstan ==> 系泊绞盘
- mooring charge ==> 停泊税
- mooring cleat ==> 系缆耳
- mooring craft ==> 运锚小艇
- mooring dog ==> 系缆栓
- mooring dolphin ==> 靠船墩
- mooring dolphins ==> 系留椿
- mooring drag ==> 活动锚
- mooring fibre rope ==> 系船纤维缆
- mooring fittings ==> 系泊设备
- mooring fore and aft ==> 首尾系泊
- mooring gear ==> 系泊装置
- mooring guy ==> 系留索
- mooring harness ==> 系留装具
- mooring head down ==> (即船首背向港口门)船首向外靠岸
- mooring head out ==> 船首向外靠岸
- mooring mast ==> 系留杆
- mooring pile ==> 锚定桩
- mooring point ==> 系泊点,停泊点
- mooring swivel ==> 双锚锁环
- mooring tower ==> 系留塔
- mooring tractor ==> 船坞牵引机
- mooring winch ==> 系泊绞车=>係船ウインチ
- mooring wire rope ==> 锚索,锚用钢丝绳
- Moorish arch ==> 莫尔式拱,马蹄拱,马蹄形拱
- Moorish style architecture ==> 摩尔式建筑
- Moorson Rule ==> 莫逊法则
- Moorwood machine ==> 浸镀锡机
- MOOSE, manned orbital operations safety equipment ==> 有人軌道運用安全装置
- mop sink ==> 墩布池
- MOP, maximum operating pressure ==> 最大動作圧
- MOP, mission optimization program ==> ミッション最適化プログラム
- MOP, modulation operation procedure ==> 変調操作手順
- MOP, Monitoring Panel ==> MOP
- mop-stick hand-rail ==> 平底圆形栏杆扶手
- MOPA, master oscillator power amplifier ==> 主発振電力増幅器
- mopping up time ==> 清理火场时间
- mopstick handrail ==> 圆形扶手
- MOPT, Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications ==> 郵政省
- MOPTAR, multiple object phase tracking and ranging ==> モプタール
- MOPU Mobile Offshore Production Unit ==> 移动近海生产单元
- MOR, mission operations room ==> ミッション運用室
- mora fat ==> 莫那脂
- morainal apron ==> 冰水沉积平原
- morainal dam lake ==> 冰碛湖
- morainal lake ==> 冰碛湖
- morainal plain ==> 冰水沉积平原
- moraine bar ==> 冰碛砂洲
- moraine clay ==> 冰碛粘土
- moraine soil ==> 冰碛土
- moraine-breccia ==> 冰碛角砾岩
- morainic lake ==> 冰碛湖
- moral depreciation ==> 无形损耗
- moral function ==> 精神功能
- moral idiocy ==> 道德白痴
- moral insanity ==> 悖德狂
- moral person ==> 法人
- Moran's test statistic ==> 莫兰检验统计量
- morass ==> 沼地,泥沼
- moratorium student ==> モラトリアム就学者
- moratory law ==> 延期偿付法
- Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis ==> 双杆菌结膜炎
- morbid ==> 病的
- morbid anatomy ==> 病理解剖学
- morbid appearance ==> 病象
- morbid change ==> 病态改变
- morbid dominant emotion ==> 病理性优势情绪
- morbid drunkenness ==> 病态醉酒
- morbid dysphoria ==> 病理性心境恶劣
- morbid flushing ==> 病理红斑
- morbid hunger ==> 病态饥饿
- morbid imitation ==> 病态模仿
- morbid indication ==> 病理指征
- morbid night crying of babies ==> 夜啼
- morbid nocturnal crying and vomiting of baby ==> 夜啼呕吐
- morbid personality ==> 病态人格
- morbid poison ==> 病毒毒素
- morbid puerperium ==> 病态产褥
- morbid symbolic thinking ==> 病理性象征性思维
- morbid temulence ==> 病态醉酒
- morbid temulentia ==> 病态醉酒
- morbid thirst ==> 烦渴
- morbidity ==> 发病率,病状=>疾病率,罹患率
- morbidity rate ==> 发病率
- morbidity ratio ==> 发病率
- morbidity risk ==> 罹患危険率
- morbidity statistics ==> 发病率统计
- morbidity study ==> 罹患率研究
- morbidity survey ==> 疾病调查
- mordant dye ==> 媒染染料
- mordant yellow ==> 媒染黄
- more advanced and sophisticated form of society ==> 特殊的
- more advanced generations ==> 更高世代材料
- more branch roots ==> 许多侧根
- more efficient breeding procedures ==> 高效率的育种程序
- more efficient fixed assets ==> 高效能的固定资产
- more furrow irrigation ==> 进一步沟灌
- more investigation by means of experimment ==> 通过实验作更多的调查
- more land ==> 更多耕地
- more population ==> 密生苗
- more replenishing soil moisture reserve ==> 提高补给土壤的储水量
- more slippery than yang pulse ==> 阴搏阳别
- more than they can afford ==> 超过支付能力
- more-out-than-in method (Moti.) ==> 出多入少法
- Morehouse mill ==> 摩尔豪斯研磨机
- Morera's stress functions ==> 莫累拉应力函数
- moretanoic acid ==> 莫烷酸
- Moreton wave ==> 莫顿波
- Morgagni's nodules ==> 莫尔加尼氏小结
- Morgan classification ==> 摩根分类
- Morgan equation ==> 摩根方程
- Morgan mill ==> 摩根式小型轧机
- Morgan's bacillus ==> 摩根氏变形杆菌
- Morgan's canon ==> 摩根原则
- Morgenstern distribution ==> 摩根斯顿分布
- Morgoil bearing ==> 铝锡合金轴承
- moribund condition ==> 濒死状态
- Morie fringe ==> 摩尔条纹
- Morie frings technique ==> 摩尔条纹技术
- Morison's pouch ==> 摩里逊氏陷凹
- Morisons pouch ==> 肝下陷凹
- MORL, manned orbiting research laboratory ==> 有人軌道研究室
- morland soil ==> 沼地土壤
- mormon cricket ==> 摩门蟋蟀
- Morner's body ==> 核白蛋白
- morning assembly ==> 朝礼
- morning bazaar ==> 朝市
- morning call ==> 指定時間呼出,モーニングコール
- morning diarrhea ==> 晨起腹泻,晨泻
- morning glory ==> 牵牛花,喇叭花=>アサガオ,ヒルガオ
- morning glory column ==> 牵牛花式柱
- morning glory seed ==> 牵牛子=>朝顔の種
- morning glory spillway ==> 直井式溢洪道
- morning group ==> 早晨星组
- morning inspection ==> 晨间检查
- morning meeting ==> 朝礼
- morning milk ==> 晨奶,晨乳
- morning paralysis ==> 晨间麻痹
- morning session ==> 上午市
- morning sickness ==> 孕妇晨吐,孕妇恶心,早孕反应
- morning star ==> 晨星,启明星
- morning twilight ==> 曙光
- morning-after pill ==> 翌晨避孕丸
- morning-glory horn ==> 指数式喇叭
- Moro embrace reflex ==> 婴儿紧抱反射,莫罗氏反射
- Moro reaction ==> 结核菌素软膏敷贴反应
- Moro reflex ==> 紧抱反射
- Moro test ==> 莫罗试验
- Moro's reaction ==> 莫罗氏反应
- morocain crepe ==> 莫洛干绉
- morocco pocket case ==> 绘图器袖珍皮盒
- morolic acid ==> 摸绕酸
- moroxydine tablet ==> 吗啡双胍片
- morphea linearis ==> 线状硬斑病
- morphic soil(hydrogenetic soil) ==> 水成土
- morphine hydrochloride ==> 吗啡盐酸盐,盐酸吗啡
- morphine methyl bromide ==> 吗啡散,溴甲基吗啡,溴甲基吗啡
- morphine poisoning ==> 吗啡中毒
- morphine receptor ==> 吗啡受体
- morphine type drug dependence ==> 吗啡型药瘾
- morphine-like substance ==> 吗啡样物质
- morphinelike factor (MLF) ==> 吗啡样因子
- morphinic receptor ==> 吗啡受体
- morphogenetic force ==> 地貌发生力
- morpholine biguanidine hydrochloride ==> 吗啡啉胍盐酸盐
- morpholine carbonate ==> 吗啉碳酸盐
- morpholine fatty acid salt ==> 吗啉脂肪酸盐
- morpholine soap ==> 吗啉皂
- morpholine, tetrahydro-1, 4-oxazine ==> 吗啉
- morphologic basin ==> 地貌盆地
- morphologic correlation ==> 形态相关
- morphologic observation ==> 形态观察
- morphologic stability ==> 形态稳定性
- morphologic unit ==> 地貌地层单位,地貌面
- morphological abnormality of sex chromosome ==> 性染色体形态异常
- morphological analysis ==> 形态分析,结构分析术,构成分析法=>形態分析法
- morphological approach ==> 词态学方法
- morphological astronomy ==> 形态天文学
- morphological character ==> 形态特征
- morphological characters ==> 形态性状
- morphological classification ==> 形态学分类
- morphological development ==> 形态发育
- morphological differences ==> 形态差异
- morphological differentiation ==> 形态分化
- morphological examination of sperm ==> 精子形态检查,精子形态检查
- morphological race ==> 形态宗
- morphological theory of personality ==> 人格的体质说
- morphological variation ==> 形态生理变异
- morphology ==> モホロジー,形態学
- morphology and physiology of roots ==> 根形态与生根
- morphology factor ==> 形态因素
- morphology of crystals ==> 晶体形态学
- morphology of the wool fiber ==> 毛纤维形态学
- morphometric cytology ==> 测量细胞学
- morphostratigraphic unit ==> 地貌地层单位
- morphylane extractive distillation ==> 吗啉法抽提蒸馏
- Morquio's syndrome ==> 莫尔基奥氏综合征,离心性骨软骨发育不良
- Morquios syndrome ==> 莫固综合征
- Morrill Land-Grant College Act ==> 莫里尔赠地学院法
- Morrill Tariff ==> 莫里尔关税
- morris chair ==> 大安乐椅
- Morris' point ==> 摩里斯氏点
- Morrisby mechanical ability test ==> 莫里斯比机械能力测验
- Morrisby Shapes test ==> 莫里斯比形状测验
- Morrisby speed test ==> 莫里斯比第一号速度测验
- Morse apparatus ==> 莫尔斯电报机,莫尔斯装置
- Morse automatic telegraph ==> 莫尔斯自动电报
- Morse cable code ==> 莫尔斯水线电码
- Morse code ==> 莫尔斯电码,莫尔斯符号,莫尔斯码=>モールス符号
- Morse code signal ==> 莫尔斯电码信号
- Morse conical reamer ==> 莫氏圆锥绞刀
- Morse dash ==> 莫尔斯划
- Morse distribution ==> 莫尔斯分布
- Morse dot ==> 莫尔斯点
- Morse equation ==> 莫尔斯方程式
- Morse five-unit printer ==> 莫尔斯五位打印机
- Morse fog signals ==> 莫尔斯码语雾号
- Morse function ==> 莫尔斯函数
- Morse gauge ==> 莫氏量规
- Morse ink writer ==> 莫尔斯印字机
- Morse ink-writer ==> 莫尔斯印字机
- Morse key ==> 莫尔斯电键=>モールス電鍵
- Morse lamp ==> 莫尔斯信号灯
- Morse light ==> 莫尔斯信号灯
- Morse multiplex system ==> 莫尔斯多工电报制
- Morse operation ==> 莫尔斯操作
- Morse or five-unit printer ==> 莫尔斯或五单位印字机
- Morse potential ==> 莫尔斯电势
- Morse printer ==> 莫尔斯印字机
- Morse receiver ==> 莫尔斯收报机
- Morse reception ==> 莫尔斯收报
- Morse relay ==> 莫尔斯继电器
- Morse set ==> 莫尔斯电报机,莫尔斯机
- Morse signal ==> 莫尔斯信号
- Morse signalling lamp ==> 莫尔斯信号灯
- Morse simplex ==> 莫尔斯单工机
- Morse space ==> 莫尔斯间隔
- Morse standard ==> 莫尔斯标准
- Morse standard taper ==> 莫氏标准锥度
- Morse standard taper plug gauge ==> 莫氏标准锥度塞规
- Morse taper ==> 莫尔斯锥度
- Morse taper bush with tang ==> 带扁尾莫氏圆锥衬套
- Morse taper drill sleeve ==> 莫氏锥度钻套
- Morse taper finishing reamer ==> 莫氏锥形精加工铰刀
- Morse taper gauge ==> 莫氏锥度规
- Morse taper reamer ==> 莫氏锥度铰刀,莫氏锥形铰刀
- Morse taper roughing reamer ==> 莫氏锥形粗加工铰刀
- Morse taper shank drill ==> 莫氏锥柄钻
- Morse taper shank twist ̄drill ==> 莫氏锥柄麻花钻头
- Morse taper sleeve ==> 莫氏锥度套筒
- Morse tapered hole ==> 莫氏锥形孔
- Morse tapper gauge ==> 莫氏锥度量规
- Morse telegraph ==> 莫尔斯电报
- Morse telegraph code ==> 莫尔斯电码
- Morse telegraph distortion ==> 莫尔斯电报失真
- Morse telegraphy ==> 莫尔斯电报
- Morse transmission ==> 莫尔斯传输
- Morse twist drill ==> 莫氏麻花钻
- Morse's cone ==> 莫氏圆锥
- Morse's taper ==> 莫氏锥度
- mortal ==> 致命的な
- mortal moment ==> 臨終
- mortal phenotype ==> 致死表現型
- mortal place ==> 急所
- mortality ==> 死亡率
- mortality factor ==> 磨损系数
- mortality of carcinoma ==> 癌死亡率
- mortality rate ==> 死亡率
- mortality ratio ==> 人寿保险死亡比率
- mortar ==> 研钵,岩钵,乳钵,臼,臼,砌砖浆,迫击炮,灰浆,灰泥,砂浆,胶泥=>モルタル,漆喰(しっくい)
- mortar aggregate ==> 砂浆骨料
- mortar and rocket apparatus ==> 抛绳设备
- mortar bed ==> 碎斑沉积,砂浆垫层,灰浆层
- mortar board ==> 灰砂浆托板,托灰板
- mortar bomb ==> 迫击炮弹
- mortar bond ==> 灰浆砌合
- mortar box ==> 研钵
- mortar constituent ==> モルタル成分
- mortar cracks ==> モルタルのひび
- mortar cylinder ==> モルタル円柱
- mortar finish ==> モルタル塗り
- mortar finish on metal lathing ==> 钢丝网抹灰
- mortar for pounding ==> 捣碎用研钵
- mortar fruit ==> 钵状果实
- mortar grade ==> 砂浆标号
- mortar injection ==> 砂浆注射
- mortar joint ==> 灰浆接缝
- mortar levelling ==> 砂浆找平
- mortar lining ==> 砂浆衬里
- mortar mill ==> 砂浆拌和机,砂浆搅拌机,臼研机
- mortar mix ==> 砂浆配合比
- mortar mix ratio ==> 砂浆配合比
- mortar mixer ==> 砂浆搅拌机,灰浆搅拌机
- mortar mixing ==> 灰浆混合机
- mortar mixing machine ==> 灰浆混合机
- mortar paving ==> 砂浆铺砌
- mortar pestle ==> 研杵
- mortar pump ==> 灰浆泵
- mortar setting ==> 灰浆凝固
- mortar spray machine ==> 灰浆喷涂机
- mortar sprayer ==> 灰浆喷涂机
- mortar strength ==> 砂浆强度
- mortar structure ==> 碎斑构造
- mortar trough ==> 灰浆槽
- mortar void method ==> 灰浆孔隙比
- mortar void ratio ==> 灰浆孔隙比
- mortar-aggregate bond (strength) ==> 砂浆集料结合力
- mortar-calked joint ==> 砂浆钩缝
- mortar-cube test ==> 砂浆试块试验
- mortarless wall ==> 干砌墙
- mortgage a house ==> 押房
- mortgage goods ==> 押货
- mortgage on real estate ==> 房地产抵押
- mortgaged contract with risks ==> 风险抵押承包
- mortgaged property ==> 被抵押的财产
- mortgagor's insurable interest ==> 出押人保险利益
- mortic lock ==> 暗锁
- mortice gage ==> 槽用分划规
- mortice wheel tooth ==> 木轮齿
- morticed cremone bolt ==> 暗通天插销
- morticed espagnolette bolt ==> 暗通天插销
- mortise and tenon joint milling cutter ==> 木工榫接头铣刀
- mortise axe ==> 榫孔斧,榫孔斧
- mortise block ==> 链滑轮
- mortise bolt ==> 门暗插销,暗插销
- mortise gauge ==> 榫规,榫规
- mortise hole ==> 榫眼,榫眼
- mortise joint ==> 榫接,榫接
- mortise lock ==> 插锁
- mortise wheel ==> 嵌齿轮
- mortise(-ice) ==> 接榫,凿榫
- mortise-joint ==> 踝关节
- mortising bit ==> 榫眼钻头,榫眼钻头
- mortising machine ==> 制榫机,凿榫机
- mortising slot machine ==> 凿槽机
- Morton wave current ==> 摩顿电流,莫顿电流
- Morton's cough ==> 莫顿氏咳
- Morton's foot ==> 跖骨痛症
- Morton's neuralgia ==> 跖骨痛症
- morula stage ==> 桑葚胚期,桑椹期
- morva fibre ==> 印度虎尾兰叶纤维
- Morvan's chorea ==> 莫旺氏舞蹈病
- Morvan's syndrome ==> 莫旺氏综合征
- MOS ==> 金属氧化物半导体,电网安全可视化及市场运营一体化系统
- MOS array integrated circuit ==> MOS阵列集成电路
- MOS capacitor ==> MOS电容器
- MOS insulated gate transistor ==> 绝缘栅金属氧化物半导体晶体管
- MOS integrated circuit, metal-oxide-semiconductor ==> MOS集積回路
- MOS ion implantation ==> MOS结构离子注入
- MOS logic ==> MOS逻辑
- mos shift register (mogister) ==> 金氧半导体移位寄存器
- MOS technology ==> MOS工艺
- MOS transistor ==> MOS晶体管
- MOS transistor circuit ==> MOS晶体管电路
- MOS transistor logic ==> MOS晶体管逻辑
- MOS transistor, metal-oxide-semiconductor ==> MOSトランジスタ
- MOS wafer ==> MOS结构薄片
- MOS, marine observation satellite ==> MOS
- MOS, Marine Observation Satellite ==> 海洋観測衛星
- MOS, metal oxide semiconductor ==> 金属酸化膜半導体
- MOS, metal-oxide semiconductor ==> MOS
- MOS, Mission Operation Center ==> ミッション運用センター
- MOS-1, Marine Observation Satellite-1 ==> 海洋観測衛星1号
- MOS/SOS ==> 蓝宝石上硅型金属氧化物半导体
- MOSA, Metal Oxide Surge Arrester ==> 酸化亜鉛形避雷器
- MOSA, MSS ORU storage accommodation ==> 有人宇宙ステーション軌道交換ユニット保管場所
- mosaic ==> 感光嵌镶幕,马赛克=>モザイク
- mosaic area ==> 镶嵌面
- mosaic array ==> 镶嵌矩阵
- mosaic asphalt ==> 预制镶嵌地沥青
- mosaic binding ==> 镶嵌装订
- mosaic block ==> 镶嵌块,嵌镶块
- mosaic building block ==> 拼件
- mosaic building blocks ==> 镶嵌块件
- mosaic cathode ==> 嵌镶阴极
- mosaic circuit diagram ==> 镶嵌式电路图
- mosaic coating ==> 镶嵌层
- mosaic crystal ==> 镶嵌晶体
- mosaic culture ==> 模纹种植
- mosaic development ==> 嵌合式发育
- mosaic diagram ==> 镶嵌图
- mosaic egg ==> 镶嵌卵
- mosaic electrode ==> 镶嵌电极
- mosaic facing ==> 马赛克饰面
- mosaic film ==> 嵌镶式照相底片
- mosaic fissure ==> 镶嵌缝隙
- mosaic flooring ==> 马赛克楼地面
- mosaic function ==> 马赛克功能
- mosaic glass ==> 镶嵌玻璃,锦玻璃
- Mosaic gold ==> 莫塞克黄铜型假金,铜锌合金
- mosaic gold ==> 仿金铜箔
- mosaic gold alloy ==> 嵌镶金合金
- mosaic infrared system ==> 嵌镶式红外系统,镶嵌式红外系统
- mosaic inheritance ==> 镶嵌性遗传
- mosaic lace ==> 镶嵌花边
- mosaic map ==> 镶嵌图
- mosaic of potato ==> 甘薯花叶病
- mosaic of sugarcane ==> 甘蔗花叶病
- mosaic pavement ==> 玛赛克铺面,马赛克铺面
- mosaic photocathode ==> 镶嵌光阴极
- mosaic photographic film ==> 嵌镶式照相底片
- mosaic plate ==> 嵌镶板
- mosaic process ==> 嵌合突起
- mosaic screen ==> 镶嵌屏幕
- mosaic screen film ==> 镶嵌屏薄膜
- mosaic shape ==> 镶嵌状
- mosaic structure ==> 镶嵌结构,嵌镶结构
- mosaic surface ==> 拼花面,马赛克饰面
- mosaic target ==> 嵌镶靶
- mosaic telegraphy ==> 拼字电报,嵌镶幕电报
- mosaic type ==> 嵌合型
- mosaic type panel ==> モザイク配電盤
- mosaic virus ==> 花叶病毒
- mosaic wood ==> 镶嵌用材
- mosaic-type degeneration of potato ==> 马铃薯花叶退化病
- MOSC, manned orbital system concept ==> 有人軌道システム構想
- Moschcowitz's test ==> 莫斯科维茨氏试验,充血试验
- Moscicki condenser ==> 莫斯西基电容器
- Moscicki furnace ==> 摩西基电炉
- Moseley ==> 摩斯利=>モーズリー
- Moseley formula ==> 摩斯利公式
- Moseley number ==> 摩斯利数
- Moseley series ==> 摩斯利系列
- Moseley spectrum ==> 摩斯利X射线谱
- Moseley's law ==> 莫塞莱定律=>モーズリーの法則
- Moseleys law ==> 莫塞莱定律
- Mosenthal's test ==> 谋森塔耳氏试验
- Moses test ==> 摩西检验
- MOSES, Manned Orbiting Shuttle Escape System ==> 有人軌道シャトル脱出システム
- mosfet ==> 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
- mosfet gate ==> 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管门电路
- MOSFET, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor ==> MOSFET
- MOSIS, Metal Oxide Semiconductor Implementation Service ==> MOSIS
- mosit-heat sterilization ==> 蒸汽消毒
- Moslay's law ==> 莫斯利定律
- Moslem restaurant ==> 清真食堂
- Mosler's diabetes ==> 莫斯勒氏糖尿病,肌醇性糖尿病,肌糖性糖尿病
- Mosotti field ==> 莫索蒂电场
- mosque arch ==> 马蹄拱
- mosquito ==> 蚊,蚊虫,蚊子
- mosquito age composition ==> 蚊龄组成
- mosquito bite ==> 蚊咬
- mosquito boat ==> 鱼雷舰,驱潜艇
- mosquito bomb ==> 灭蚊弹
- mosquito clamp ==> 蚊式血管钳
- mosquito control ==> 蚊虫防治
- mosquito craft ==> 驱潜艇
- mosquito curtain ==> 蚊帐
- mosquito density ==> 蚊子密度
- mosquito fever ==> 疟疾
- mosquito fish ==> 食蚊鱼
- mosquito forceps ==> 蚊式血管钳
- mosquito hawk ==> 蜻蜒
- mosquito killer ==> 灭蚊器
- mosquito larvicide ==> 杀幼蚊剂
- mosquito net ==> 蚊帐
- mosquito screen ==> 防蚊蝇纱
- mosquito sortie ==> 蚊式突击
- mosquito-borne ==> 蚊传播的
- mosquito-craft ==> 鱼雷快艇
- mosquitocide ==> 灭蚊的,灭蚊剂,灭蚊药,杀蚊药
- Mosquitoes ==> 蚊科
- mosquitofugal oil ==> 驱蚊油
- moss forest ==> 温带雨林
- moss gold ==> 苔状金
- moss hanker ==> 一种鲱鱼
- moss land ==> 沼泽地
- moss rubber ==> 微孔泡沫胶
- Moss scale of hardness ==> 摩诺硬度计
- moss silver ==> 苔状银
- moss starch ==> 苔淀粉
- Moss's grouping ==> 摩斯氏分型法
- MOSS, mission operation support system ==> 追跡管制支援システム
- MOSS, Mission Operation Support System ==> ミッション運用支援システム
- Moss-Burstein effect ==> 莫斯-布尔斯坦效应
- moss-land ==> 泥炭沼泽
- Mossbauer effect ==> 莫斯鲍尔效应
- Mossbauer gravity meter ==> 穆斯鲍尔重力计
- mossy cotton ==> 多绒棉
- mossy fiber ==> 苔藓纤维
- mossy zinc ==> 海绵状锌
- most affected noise sensitive receiver ==> 对噪音感应特强的地方,最受噪音影响的地方
- most common metal ==> 最普通金属
- most devastating of soybean disease ==> 最有破坏性的大豆病害
- most division has ceased ==> 多数分裂已停止
- most economic conductor ==> 最经济的导线
- most economic load ==> 最经济负载
- most economical grade ==> 最经济坡度
- most economical range ==> 最经济航程
- most efficient load ==> 最大效率时的负载,经济负荷,经济负荷
- most famous of saddle horses ==> 最有名的鞍马
- most favo(u)rable distribution of weight ==> 最适当的权分配
- most favo(u)rable value ==> 最佳值
- most favo(u)red nation treatment ==> 最惠国待遇
- most favoured nation tariff ==> 最惠国税率
- most frequent size ==> 最可几大小
- most frequent water level ==> 最常水位
- most frequent wind direction ==> 最常见风向
- most general unifier (MGU) ==> 最一般的合一
- most immediate ==> (电报时限等级)特急
- most important conditions for the growth of plants ==> 植物生长的最重要条件
- most likely time estimate ==> 最可能时间估计
- most mos ==> 晶体管
- most of primary leaves removed ==> 大部分初生叶已除去
- most of water utilised in animal's body ==> 大多数动物体内所利用的水分
- most perfect cleavage ==> 最完整解理
- most permeable system ==> 高渗透系统
- most popular breeds of beef cattle ==> 最受欢迎的牛肉品种
- most powerful ==> 最大功效的
- most powerful test ==> 最大功效检定
- most probable ==> 最可几的,最可能的
- most probable distribution ==> 最大可能分布
- most probable end-to-end distance ==> 最可几端距
- most probable error ==> 最概差,最概然误差
- most probable number ==> 最大可能数量
- most probable number (MPN) ==> 最近似值
- most probable position ==> 最或然船位,最可能位置
- most probable speed ==> 最概然速率
- most probable value ==> 最概然值,最可几值,最可能值
- most probable velocity ==> 最概然速度,最可机速度,最可几速度
- most reactive condition ==> 最大后备反应性状态
- most severe injury degree ==> 最大伤害度
- most signficant ==> 最上位
- most significant bit ==> 最高位,最有效比特=>最上位のビット
- most significant bit (msb) ==> 最高有效位
- most significant byte ==> 最高有效字节=>最上位のバイト
- most significant character ==> 最高位字符,最高有效字符
- most significant digit ==> 最高有效数,最高有效位数字
- most significant end ==> 最高端
- most significant position ==> 最高数位
- most stringent level alpha test ==> 最紧迫α水平检定
- most stringent tests ==> 最紧迫检验
- most suitable field intensity ==> 最适应的电场强度
- most up-to-date science and technology ==> 最新科学技术成就
- most wild birds ==> 大多数野禽
- MOST, metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor ==> モストランジスタ
- MOSTE, Ministry of Science Technology and Energy ==> タイ国科学技術エネルギー省
- mostl mos ==> 晶体管逻辑
- Moszkowski unit ==> 莫兹夸斯基单位
- MOT Motor ==> 发动机,马达,内燃机
- MOT, Management of Technology ==> 技術経営
- MOT, management over view training ==> 打上げ基幹要員の訓練
- MOT, Ministry of Transport ==> 運輸省(日本の運輸省)
- Mota metal ==> 莫达合金,莫达锡基高强度轴承合金,锡基高强度轴承合金
- motanic acid ==> 二十九酸
- motar proportioning ==> 灰浆配合
- mote in another's eye ==> 看得见别人的小毛病,看不见自己的大缺点=>他人の目のちり
- moth ==> 蛀虫,蛾,飞蛾
- moth appearance ==> 发蛾
- moth ball ==> 卫生球
- moth balling ==> 防腐
- moth dermatitis ==> 蛾皮炎
- moth eaten ==> 蛀坏了的
- moth fly ==> 蛾蝇,毛蠓
- moth patch ==> 褐色斑
- moth proofing ==> 防蛀性
- moth proofing agent ==> 防蛀剂
- moth-eaten alopecia ==> 虫蛀样秃发
- moth-proofer ==> 防蛀剂
- mother ==> 第一模盘,母
- mother aircraft ==> 母机,运载飞机
- mother alloy ==> 母合金
- mother and child health statistics ==> 妇幼保健统计
- mother bee ==> 母蜂
- mother beet ==> 甜菜母根
- mother block ==> 主程序段
- mother board ==> 母插件
- mother board assembly ==> 主印刷电路板部件
- mother buddings ==> 母本芽树
- mother bulb ==> 母球
- mother cell ==> 母系胞,母细胞
- mother chrysanthemum ==> 菊花,菊花
- mother clone ==> 母本无性系
- mother complex ==> 伊迪普斯情结
- mother complex, Oedipus complex ==> 恋母情结
- mother conveyer ==> 主输送机,主运输机
- mother crystal ==> 母晶,母晶体
- mother culm ==> 主秆
- mother current ==> 母电流,本流
- mother cyst ==> 母囊
- mother factory ==> マザー工場
- mother gallery ==> (昆虫巢中的)主要通道
- mother geosyncline ==> 母地槽
- mother glass ==> 母体玻璃,样品玻璃
- mother instinct ==> 母性
- mother liquid ==> 母液
- mother liquor tank ==> 母液槽,母液罐
- mother lode ==> 母脉
- mother machine ==> 工作母机
- mother magma ==> 母岩浆
- mother map ==> 底图
- mother material ==> 母质
- mother metal ==> 母材,母金属
- mother missile ==> 运载导弹
- mother nuclide ==> 母核
- mother nut ==> 主螺母
- mother of clove ==> 母丁香
- mother of coal ==> 丝炭
- mother of thyme ==> 山胡椒,欧亚麝香草=>マザーオブタイム
- mother oflthyme ==> 百里香
- mother plant ==> 母本植株,母株
- mother plate ==> 模板
- mother reactor ==> 母型反应堆
- mother redia ==> 母雷蚴
- mother rock ==> 母岩,围岩
- mother rod ==> 主连杆
- mother root ==> 种根
- mother seed ==> 原种
- mother seedling ==> 实生母树
- mother set ==> 母版
- mother shaker ==> 主摇动式运输机,主振动运输机
- mother ship ==> 補給船
- mother sporocyst ==> 母胞蚴
- mother star ==> 母星体
- mother stem ==> 主茎
- mother stock ==> 母分
- mother town ==> 母城
- mother track ==> 主磁道
- mother tree ==> 母树,雌亲株
- mother tuber ==> 母块
- mother vat ==> 母液瓮
- mother yaw ==> 初发雅司疹
- mother's mark ==> 母斑
- mother's-mark ==> 母斑胎记
- mother-child relationship (MCR) ==> 母子关系
- mother-of-peal ==> 珠母层
- mother-of-pearl ==> 珠母
- mother-of-pearl clouds ==> 珠母云
- mother-of-pearl glass ==> 珠光玻璃
- mother-qi ==> 母气
- mother-ship ==> 航空母舰
- mother-type fishery ==> 母船式渔业
- mothering ability ==> 母性能力
- mothering cell ==> 母细胞
- mothering corral ==> 母仔栏,母仔圈
- mothering plant ==> 母本植株
- motherwort ==> 益母草
- Motherwort ==> 益母草属
- mothproof knitwear ==> 防蛀针织品
- mothproof screen cage ==> 防蛾网室
- mothproofing agent ==> 防蛀剂
- mothproofing paper ==> 防蛀纸
- mothproofing preparation ==> 防蛀制剂
- Motif ==> OSF(Open Software Foundation.Inc:UNIXの国際標準化)が定めたGUI
- motility estimation ==> 精子活率评定,精子活率评定
- motility of sperm ==> 精子活动力,精子活动力
- motility rate ==> 活率
- motilium tablet ==> 吗丁啉片
- motion ==> 运动,运转,移动,输送,位移,动作
- motion abstraction ==> 動作抽出
- motion analysis ==> 动作分析
- motion analyzer ==> 运动分析器
- motion arm ==> 操作臂
- motion assembly system ==> 動作アセンブリシステム
- motion balance pressure sensor ==> 动作平衡式压力传感器
- motion block ==> 动块
- motion characteristic ==> 运动特性
- motion control ==> 运动控制系统=>モーションコントロール
- motion control function ==> 運動制御機能
- motion control system of each joint ==> 各関節軸のモーション制御系
- motion copying ==> モーションコピー
- motion copying system ==> モーションコピーシステム
- motion cycle ==> 运动循环
- motion detection ==> 動き検出
- motion detector ==> 运动检测器
- motion detector circuit ==> 动作检测电路
- motion display ==> 動作提示
- motion driver ==> 斜坡道管理工
- motion equations ==> 运动方程
- motion group ==> 運動群
- motion in one dimension ==> 一维运动
- motion indicator ==> 运动指示器,速度指示器
- motion law ==> 运动定律
- motion lever ==> 移动杆
- motion limited to small disturbances ==> 限于微扰动运动
- motion measurement ==> 移動量計測
- motion model ==> 运动模型
- motion of colony ==> 菌落运动,菌落运动
- motion of earth pole ==> 极移
- motion of economic ==> 经济运动,经济运动
- motion of electron in electronic and magnetic fields ==> 電磁界中の電子
- motion of membrane ==> 膜片运动
- motion of the oscillator ==> 振荡器的固有运动
- motion of translation ==> 平移运动,线性运动
- motion organ ==> 运动器官
- motion pain ==> 运动痛
- motion picture ==> 电影
- motion picture camera ==> 电影摄影机
- motion picture camera with reflex shutter ==> 反光式电影摄影机
- motion picture colour intermediate film ==> 彩色电影中间片
- motion picture colour negative film ==> 彩色电影底片
- motion picture colour positive film ==> 彩色电影正片
- motion picture editing machine ==> 电影剪辑机
- motion picture holography ==> 全息电影
- motion picture pickup ==> 电影摄像
- motion picture sound recording magnetic film ==> 电影录音磁片
- motion picture title film ==> 电影字幕片
- motion progressive wave ==> 前进波动
- motion rate ==> 移动速率
- motion register ==> 运转寄存器,磁带运转寄存器
- motion resistance ==> 动态电阻
- motion resistance statistical evaluation ==> 运动阻力的统计评价
- motion round wing ==> 绕机翼的环流
- motion sensitivity ==> 移动灵敏度
- motion sickness ==> 晕车,晕船,晕机
- motion simulation ==> 运动模拟
- motion simulator ==> 运动模拟器
- motion space ==> (人体进行某种动作所占的空间)动作空间
- motion speed ==> 移动速率
- motion state ==> 运动状态
- motion study ==> 动作研究
- motion transducer ==> 位移传感器
- motion valve ==> 节气阀
- motion with uniform acceleration ==> 等加速度运动
- motion with variable velocity ==> 变速运动
- motion work ==> 运动传动机构,运动机件
- motion-compensation ==> 影像位移的补偿
- motion-dependent resistance force ==> 随运动而变的阻力
- motion-picture pick-up ==> 电影拾音器
- motion-picture projector ==> 电影放映机
- motion-picture recording ==> 电影录声
- motion-picture screen ==> 银幕
- motion-promoting force ==> 驱动力
- motion-resistance force ==> 运动阻力
- motion-resistance-force characteristics ==> 运动阻力特性
- motion-work wheel ==> 传动轮
- motional ==> 动的
- motional admittance ==> 动态导纳
- motional electromotive force ==> 动生电动势
- motional feedback amplifier ==> 动态反馈放大器
- motional feedback circuit ==> 动反馈电路
- motional impedance ==> 动态阻抗=>モーショナルインピーダンス
- motional impedance method ==> 動インピーダンス法
- motional induction ==> 动生电磁感应
- motional waveguide ==> 可動導波管接合
- motional waveguide joint ==> 活动波导连接
- motivated forgetting ==> 动机性遗忘
- motivation ==> 动机,促动,推动,激励
- motivation in life ==> 生きがい
- motivation to hehavior ==> 行为动机
- motivational signals ==> 動機付け信号
- motive column ==> 矿井风压空气柱
- motive cycle ==> 工作循环
- motive power ==> 原动力=>原動力
- motive power machine ==> 动力机械
- motive power tariff ==> 普通工业电价,适用凡属用工业方法,从事物质生产及直接为生产服务,受电变压器在某规定容量以下的用电
- motive-power battery ==> 牵引型电池
- moto ==> モチベーション
- MOTO, MOTOROLA ==> モトローラ
- motor ==> 运动原,电动机,马达,依靠电磁感应原理运行的旋转电磁机械,用于实现电能向机械能的转换,运行时从电系统吸收电功率,向机械系统输出机械功率=>電動機
- motor ability ==> 运动能力
- motor ability test ==> 运动能力测定
- motor accessories ==> 电机配件
- motor actuated switch ==> 电动操转关
- motor alexia ==> 运动性失读
- motor alternator ==> 电动交流发电机
- motor amplifier ==> 电机放大器
- motor analyser ==> 发动机试验机,发动机试验台
- motor analyzer ==> 运动分析器
- motor angular speed ==> モータの回転速度
- motor aphasia ==> 运动性失语(症)
- motor application ==> 電動機応用
- motor apraxia ==> 运动性运用障碍
- motor area ==> 运动区
- motor area of cerebral cortex ==> 大脑皮质运动区
- motor area of cerebrum ==> 运动区
- motor armature ==> 电动机电枢(shū)
- motor ataxia ==> 运动性共济失调
- motor atomizer ==> 动力弥雾机
- motor auger ==> 机力螺旋钻
- motor automatic relay ==> 电机自动继电器
- motor bark remover ==> 机动剥树皮机
- motor base ==> 电机底座=>電動機台
- motor base (frame) ==> 电动机座
- motor base (MB) ==> 电动机基础
- motor base pin ==> 电动机座销轴
- motor battery ==> 电动机电池
- motor bearing ==> 电动机轴承
- motor bearings ==> 电机轴承
- motor bed plate ==> 电动机机座
- motor bed-plate ==> 电动机机座
- motor behavior ==> 運動行動
- motor belt drive ==> 電動機ベルト駆動
- motor blower ==> 电动鼓风机=>電動送風機
- motor board ==> 电动机配电盘
- motor boat ==> 摩托艇=>モータボート
- motor boating ==> 低声频或次声频干扰振荡
- motor body ==> 发动机壳体
- motor bogie ==> 自动转向架
- motor booster ==> 电动升压机
- motor brake magnet ==> 电动机闸磁铁
- motor branch circuit ==> 电动机分支电路,电动机馈电支路=>電動機分岐回路
- motor brass ==> 电动机黄铜
- motor brass alloy ==> 电机黄铜合金
- motor brush ==> 电动机刷,电机电刷
- motor cabinet ==> 电机座
- motor cable ==> 电动机电缆
- motor capacity ==> 电动机容量
- motor car ==> 电动车=>電動車
- motor car fitter ==> 汽车修配工
- motor car insurance ==> 汽车保险
- motor car with driver's cab ==> 制御電動車
- motor carbon ==> 电动机碳刷,电机碳刷
- motor carrier ==> 传送机=>トラック運送業
- motor case ==> 电动机壳,发动机壳体
- motor casing ==> 电机壳,摩托车外胎
- motor casing (frame) ==> 电动机壳
- motor cavity ==> 电机座位
- motor cell ==> 运动神经细胞,泡状细胞
- motor center ==> 运动中枢=>運動中心
- motor chamber diameter ==> 发动机燃烧室直径
- motor characteristic ==> 电动机特性,电动机特性曲线
- motor circuit ==> 动力电路=>動力回路
- motor circuit switch ==> 电动机开关
- motor closing mechanism ==> 电动机接通机构=>電動機導入装置
- motor coach ==> 长途公共客车=>電動者
- motor combination ==> 电动机的组合
- motor commutator ==> 电动机整流子
- motor compressor ==> 电动压缩机
- motor console ==> 发动机试验操纵台
- motor constant ==> 电动机常数=>電動機定数
- motor control ==> 电动机操纵,电动机电子控制,电动机控制=>モータ制御
- motor control relay ==> 电动机控制继电器
- motor control switch ==> 电动机控制开关
- motor controller ==> 电动机控制器
- motor converter ==> 串联变换器=>縦続変流機
- motor cooling ==> 电动机冷却
- motor cooling jacket ==> 发动机冷却套
- motor coordinating center ==> 运动协调中枢
- motor correspondence ==> 運動性対応
- motor cortex ==> 运动皮质(层)
- motor coupling ==> 电动机联轴节
- motor court ==> 汽车旅馆
- motor current minimization ==> モータ電流最小化
- motor current transformer ==> 电动换流机
- motor current-transformer ==> 电动变流器
- motor cut-out switch ==> 电动机停机开关
- motor cutout switch ==> 电动机切断开关
- motor cuts out ==> 发动机停车
- motor cycle insurance ==> 摩托车保险
- motor cylinder ==> (发动机)汽缸=>モートルシリンダー
- motor damper ==> 电动调节风阀
- motor dealer ==> 自動車売買業者
- motor decussation ==> 运动交叉
- motor disturbance ==> 运动障碍
- motor drill ==> 手电钻
- motor drive ==> 电动机拖动,电动驱动,电机驱动=>電動,モータドライブ
- motor drive asphalt pump ==> 电动沥青泵
- motor drive oil lifter ==> 电动油压升降机
- motor drive shaft ==> 电动机驱动轴,马达轴
- motor drive type ==> 电动机传动型
- motor driven ==> 电动机驱动的=>電動機駆動
- motor driven auxiliary feedwater pump ==> 电动辅助给水泵
- motor driven blower ==> 电动鼓风机
- motor driven distributor ==> 电动分配器
- motor driven generator ==> 电动发电机
- motor driven hoist ==> 电动绞车
- motor driven interrupter ==> 电动断续器
- motor driven layer radiographic X-ray apparatus ==> 电动断层X射线机
- motor driven miniature pump set ==> 电动微型水泵机组
- motor driven oil pump ==> 电动油泵
- motor driven operated ==> 电动操作的
- motor driven psychrometer ==> 电动型通风干湿计
- motor driven pump ==> 电动泵
- motor driven relay ==> 电动继电器
- motor driven saw ==> 电锯
- motor driven skylight ==> 电动天窗
- motor driven sludge excavator ==> 电动挖泥机
- motor driven slush pump ==> 电动泥浆泵
- motor driven starter ==> 电动起动机
- motor driven stepper ==> 电动分档器
- motor driven switch ==> 电机驱动开关
- motor driven turbine pump ==> 电动涡轮泵
- motor driven valve ==> 电动机拖动阀
- motor driven welding machine ==> 电动焊机,电动机拖动式焊机
- motor driving time relay ==> 电动机式时间继电器
- motor dynamo ==> 电动发电机,电动直流发电机
- motor dynamo unit ==> 电动直流发电机组
- motor dynamometer ==> 电动机功率计
- motor eccentricity ==> 电机偏心率
- motor effect ==> 电动机效应
- motor efficiency ==> 电动机效率
- motor element ==> 电动机元件,运动元件
- motor enclosure ==> 电机壳
- motor end closure ==> 发动机喷口盖
- motor end plate ==> 运动终板
- motor engine ==> 发动机
- motor excitation ==> 电动机励磁
- motor exciting current ==> 电动机励磁电流
- motor fan ==> 电扇=>電動送風機
- motor fault ==> 电动机缺陷
- motor fault analysis ==> 电动机故障分析
- motor fault transient analysis ==> 电动机故障暂态过程分析
- motor fiber ==> 运动纤维
- motor field ==> 电动机磁场=>電動機界磁
- motor field control ==> 电动机磁场控制
- motor field failure relay ==> 电动机磁场故障继电器
- motor fire brigade vehicle ==> 救火车,救火车
- motor fitness test ==> 运动能力测定
- motor foot ==> 电动机底脚
- motor for boat ==> 船用发动机
- motor for kicker and doffer ==> 抖动器和滚筒用电动机
- motor for wood-working ==> 木工电动机
- motor foundation ==> 电动机基础
- motor frame ==> 电动机架
- motor frame through bolt ==> 电动机长螺栓
- motor fuel additive ==> 发动机燃料添加剂
- motor fuel constituent ==> 发动机燃料组成
- motor fuel strategy ==> 汽车燃料策略
- motor function ==> 运动功能,运动机能
- motor fuse ==> 电动机熔断器
- motor gain ==> 电动机增益
- motor gasoline ==> 动力汽油
- motor generator ==> 电动发电机,同时具有发电机与电动机两种功能的电机。既可作为发电机由水轮机带动发电,又可转换成电动机带动水泵进行抽水。主要用于抽水蓄能电站中代替常规的发电机与电动机
- motor generator arc welder ==> 电动发电机式直流弧焊机
- motor glider ==> 电动滑翔机
- motor grab ==> 电动抓斗
- motor group ==> 电动机组
- motor half coupling lock nut ==> 电动机半联轴器的锁紧螺母
- motor hallucination ==> 运动性幻觉
- motor head ==> 发动机前端
- motor hoist ==> 电动葫芦,电动提升机,电葫芦
- motor hood ==> 电动机保护罩
- motor hotel ==> 汽车饭店
- motor hull insurance ==> 汽车车身保险
- motor in industry ==> 工业用电动机
- motor inclosure ==> 电动机壳
- motor Industry Research Association (MIRA) ==> 汽车工业研究协会
- Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA) ==> 汽车工业研究协会
- motor inn ==> 汽车饭店
- motor integrating meter ==> 感应式电度表
- motor interrupter ==> 电动断续器
- motor launch ==> 汽艇
- motor line ==> 电动机系列
- motor load ==> 电动机负载=>電動機負荷,回転機負荷
- motor load control (MLC) ==> 电动机负载控制
- motor lorry ==> トラック
- motor lorry (truck) ==> 载重汽车
- motor loss ==> モータ損失
- motor machine ==> 电动机械
- motor magnet ==> 电动电磁铁=>駆動電磁石(自動交換器)
- motor magnet coil ==> 电动机励磁线圈
- motor manufacturer ==> 电动机制造者
- motor meter ==> 电动机式电度表,电动机型仪表,感应式电表
- motor method ==> 发动机法,发动机开车法
- motor mix ==> 乙基液
- motor mount ring ==> 发动机安装环
- motor mower ==> 动力刈草机,机动割草机
- motor mower with binder attachment ==> 机动青草割捆机,带打捆装置的动力割草机
- motor mower with center drive ==> 中央驱动式动力割草机
- motor mower with side drive ==> 侧驱式动力割草机
- motor nameplate data ==> 电动机铭牌资料
- motor nerve ==> 运动神经
- motor nerve ending ==> 运动神经末梢
- motor neuron ==> 运动神经元
- motor neuron disease ==> 运动神经元病=>運動ニューロン病
- motor neuron pool ==> 运动神经元群
- motor neurosis ==> 运动神经官能症
- motor neutral line ==> モータ中性線
- motor noise ==> 电动机噪声
- motor nozzle ==> 发动机喷管
- motor nuclei ==> 运动核
- motor octane number ==> 马达法辛烷值
- motor octane number(MON) ==> 马达法辛烷值
- motor off switch ==> 电动机切断开关
- motor oil ==> 电机用油,车用机油,马达油=>モータ油
- motor oil wax ==> 中间蜡
- motor on-off switch ==> 马达启停开关
- motor operated ==> 电动机操作的
- motor operated (mot. op) ==> 电动的
- motor operated barring gear ==> 电动盘车装置
- motor operated circuit ==> 电动机操作电路
- motor operated extraction valve ==> 电动抽汽门
- motor operated main gate valve ==> 电动主闸门
- motor operated sequence controller ==> 電動順序制御器
- motor operated starter ==> 電動操作始動器
- motor operated switch ==> 电动操作开关
- motor operated valve ==> 电动阀,电动门=>電動弁
- motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker ==> 空气断路器电机操作机构
- motor operation ==> 电动机方式运行=>電動操作
- motor operator ==> 电动执行器
- motor oscillator ==> 回転形アクチュエータ
- motor output ==> 电动机出力
- motor panel ==> 电动机配电盘=>電動機盤
- motor paralysis ==> 运动麻痹
- motor parameter error ==> モータパラメータ誤差
- motor performance ==> 电动机性能
- motor petrol ==> 车用汽油
- motor pinion ==> 电动机小齿轮
- motor pitch ==> 电动机节距
- motor plough ==> 自走犁
- motor plow ==> 机动犁
- motor point ==> 运动点
- motor power ==> 发动机推力
- motor power (output) ==> 电动机功率
- motor press ==> 机动压力机
- motor protection ==> 电动机保护装置
- motor protection against overheat ==> 电动机过热保护,马达过热保护
- motor protection relay ==> 电动机保护继电器
- motor pulley ==> 电动机皮带轮
- motor pump ==> 电动泵,机动泵
- motor pump (MMP) ==> 马达泵
- motor pump works ==> 电泵厂
- motor rating ==> 电动机额定值
- motor rear end plate ==> 电动机后端盖
- motor reducer ==> 电动机减速器,电机减速机,马达降速器
- motor reducing gear ==> 电动机减速器,电机减速机
- motor reduction unit ==> 降速电动机
- motor reel ==> 电动机轴
- motor repair ==> 汽车修理
- motor repair shop ==> 汽车修配厂
- motor road ==> 汽车路
- motor room ==> 电机室
- motor root ==> 运动根
- motor rotor ==> 电动机转子
- motor rotor tester ==> 电机转子试验装置
- motor saw ==> 动力锯
- motor science ==> モータ科学
- motor scooter ==> 低座小摩托车
- motor scraper ==> 自动铲运机,自行式铲运机
- motor selection ==> モータ選定
- motor shaft ==> 电机轴
- motor sheath ==> 电动机机壳
- motor shell ==> 电动机壳
- motor ship ==> 汽船,发动机推进飞行器,内燃机船
- motor side ==> 电动机侧
- motor simulator ==> 電動機模擬装置
- motor siren ==> 电笛,电动警笛,马达报警器=>モータサイレン
- motor sleigh ==> 雪橇
- motor slide rails ==> 电动机导轨
- motor slip ==> 感应电动机转差率
- motor specification ==> 电动机规格
- motor speech area ==> 运动言语中枢
- motor speed ==> 电动机转速
- motor speed control ==> 电动机转速控制
- motor speed controller ==> 发动机转速调节器
- motor spirit ==> 车用汽油
- motor spring ==> 汽车弹簧
- motor sprocket ==> 电动机链轮
- motor squadron ==> 汽车队
- motor starter ==> 电动机起动器,电动起动机,电动启动器,电机起动器
- motor starting and control equipment ==> 电动机起动控制设备
- motor starting characteristic ==> 发动机起动特性
- motor starting relay ==> 电动机启动继电器
- motor starting rheostat ==> 电动机起动变阻器
- motor stator ==> 电动机定子
- motor steering ==> 汽车转向
- motor step ==> 电动机距
- motor stirrer ==> 电动搅拌器
- motor stocks and shares ==> 汽车公司证券
- motor stoppage ==> 停车
- motor sub-assembly ==> 马达组件
- motor support bearing ==> 电动机支承轴承
- motor support column ==> 电动机支柱
- motor support stand ==> 电动机支架
- motor suspension ==> 电动机悬置
- motor sweeper ==> 清扫车,机动扫帚
- motor switch ==> 电动机开关,电动开关
- motor switch oil ==> 电气开关油,马达开关油
- motor synchronizing ==> 自同步
- motor system ==> 运动系,运动系统
- motor tank trunk ==> 油槽车
- motor technology ==> モータ技術
- motor terminal surge voltage ==> モータ端子サージ電圧
- motor terminal voltage ==> 电动机端子电压
- motor test stand ==> 发动机试验台
- motor test vehicle ==> 试验发动机用的样机
- motor threshing machine ==> 动力脱谷机
- motor throat diameter ==> 发动机喷管喉道直径
- motor time constant ==> 发动机时间常数,电动机时间常数
- motor time relay ==> 电动式时间继电器
- motor timer ==> 电动机驱动计时器,电动计时器
- motor tissue ==> 运动组织,动力组织
- motor torpedo boat ==> 鱼雷舰
- motor torque ==> 电动机转矩
- motor totally enclosed ==> 全封密风冷式电动机
- motor traffic ==> 汽车交通
- motor transformer ==> 电动机发电机组
- motor transmission shaft ==> 电机传动轴
- motor transport ==> 电机输送,汽车运输
- motor transport battalion ==> 汽车运输营
- motor transport conversion and computation chart ==> 汽车运输换算和计算表
- motor transport depot ==> 汽车运输器材库
- motor transport distance and time conversion chart ==> 汽车运输里程时间换算图表
- motor transport facilities ==> 汽车运输设备
- motor transport maintenance ==> 汽车运输保养
- motor treak ==> 电动机驱动的断续器
- motor trend ==> 汽车的发展趋向
- motor tricycle ==> 三轮摩托车
- motor trolley ==> 轨道摩托车
- motor truck ==> 运货汽车,载重卡车
- motor truck road ==> 汽车干道
- motor truck supply ==> 载重汽车补给
- motor truck terminal ==> 载重汽车站
- motor tune-up ==> 发动机调整
- motor turning ==> 汽车转向
- motor type ==> 电动机型式
- motor type insulator ==> 电动机型绝缘子
- motor type relay ==> 电动机式继电器,电动机型继电器,电动继电器=>電動機形継電器
- motor type watthour meter ==> 电动机型瓦时计
- motor tyre ==> 汽车轮胎
- motor tyre casing ==> 汽车轮胎外胎,汽车外胎
- motor uniselector ==> 机动选择器
- motor unit ==> 电动机组,运动单位
- motor unit potential ==> 运动单位电势,运动单位电位
- motor valve ==> 马达阀
- motor vehicle ==> 动力车,汽车
- motor vehicle diesel ==> 汽车柴油
- motor vehicle diesel retailer ==> 汽车柴油零售商
- motor vehicle diesel supplier ==> 汽车柴油供货商
- motor vehicle emission ==> 汽车废气
- Motor Vehicle Emissions Control in Hong Kong ==> 《香港车辆排放废气的管制》
- Motor Vehicle Emissions Group (EPD) ==> 车辆废气组(环境保护署)
- motor vehicle equipment ==> 汽车装备
- motor vehicle fuel ==> 车辆燃料
- motor vehicle passenger insurance ==> 汽车乘客险
- motor vehicle third party insurance ==> 汽车第三者责任保险
- motor vehicles in use ==> 汽车使用数
- motor vessel ==> 内燃机船
- motor wagon ==> 电动货车
- motor whaleboat ==> エンジン付き救命ボート
- motor winch ==> 电动绞车,机动绞盘
- motor winding ==> 电动机绕组
- motor windlass ==> 电动起锚机
- motor wiring ==> 电动机布线
- motor with air cooling ==> 空冷电动机
- motor with combined ventilation ==> 混合通风式电动机
- motor with compound characteristic ==> 复励特性电动机
- motor with eddy-current coupling ==> 渦電流継手付電気機
- motor with reciprocating movement ==> 反转电动机,往复运动电动机
- motor with self excitation ==> 自激电动机
- motor with series characteristic ==> 串励特性电动机
- motor with shunt characteristic ==> 并励特性电动机
- motor with water cooling ==> 水冷式电动机
- motor works ==> 汽车制造厂
- motor wrench pipe dog ==> 管子钳
- motor-armature ==> 电动机电枢
- motor-blower ==> 电动鼓风机
- motor-booster ==> 电动升压机
- motor-circuit switch ==> 电动机馈线开关
- motor-compression refrigerator ==> 电动机压缩式冰箱
- motor-converter ==> 电动变流机
- motor-dom ==> 汽车界,汽车行业
- motor-drive lathe ==> 电动车床
- motor-drive shaft and pinion ==> 电动机传动轴和小齿轮
- motor-driven ==> 电动的,电动机拖动的,电机驱动的
- motor-driven blower ==> 电动鼓风机
- motor-driven cable-winch ==> 电动电缆绞车
- motor-driven feed pump ==> 电动给水泵
- motor-driven grader ==> 机动平地机
- motor-driven interrupter ==> 电动断续器
- motor-driven maize sheller ==> 机动玉米脱粒机
- motor-driven pump ==> 电动泵
- motor-driven seed cleaner ==> 电机驱动种子清选机
- motor-driven starter ==> 电动起动器
- motor-driven stepper ==> モータ駆動ステッパ
- motor-driven switch ==> 电动机驱动开关
- motor-driven switch-group ==> 机动组合开关
- motor-driven valve ==> 电动机拖动阀
- motor-driven variable speed feedwater pump ==> 电动调速给水泵,电动机与泵之间加装调速用的液力联轴器,或采用变频调速电动机驱动的给水泵
- motor-driven welding machine ==> 电动旋转式焊机
- motor-field ==> 电机磁场
- motor-field control ==> 电动机磁场控制
- motor-field failure relay ==> 电动机磁场故障继电器
- motor-generator ==> 電動発電機
- motor-generator arc welder ==> 电动发电弧焊机
- motor-generator locomotive ==> 电动发电机机车
- motor-generator set ==> 整流机
- motor-generator welder ==> 电动发电电焊机
- motor-generator welding unit ==> 电动直流发电焊接设备
- motor-in-wheel ==> 车轮电动机
- motor-mount pump ==> 电动泵,马达泵
- motor-mounted bicycle ==> 机动脚踏车
- motor-neuron disease ==> 運動神経疾患
- motor-oil ==> 电动机润滑油
- motor-operated ==> 电动机带动的
- motor-operated cam type flash welder ==> 电动凸轮式闪光焊机
- motor-operated horn ==> 电动喇叭
- motor-operated potentiometer ==> 电动机操作的电位器
- motor-operated rheostat ==> 电动操作变阻器
- motor-operated shutter ==> 机动阀门
- motor-operated starter ==> 電動操作始動器
- motor-operated switch ==> 电动断路器,电动开关
- motor-operated valve ==> 电动阀=>電動弁
- motor-operated welder ==> 电动加压焊机
- motor-output ==> 电动机出力
- motor-pattern type ==> 電動機形
- motor-pumped well ==> 机井
- motor-selector (MS) ==> 电动选择器
- motor-show ==> 汽车展览
- motor-starting relay ==> モータ始動リレー
- motor-starting studies ==> 電動機起動解析
- motor-torque generator ==> 一种同步驱动发电机
- motor-trolley ==> 轨道车
- motor-truck oscillator ==> 电动机调谐振荡器
- motor-vehicle accident ==> 汽车事故
- motor-vehicle chassis ==> 汽车底盘
- motor-winch ==> 电动绞车
- motorbi-cycle ==> 摩托车
- motorbicycle lead-acid storage battery ==> 摩托车用铅酸蓄电池
- motorboating ==> モータボーチング
- motorcar brake ==> 自动车闸
- motorcar interference ==> 汽车发动机干扰,汽车干扰
- motorcar jack ==> 汽车千斤顶
- motorcar set ==> 汽车无线电设备
- motorcycle ==> 摩托车,机器脚踏车=>オートバイ
- motorcycle accessories ==> 摩托车配件
- motorcycle alarm ==> 摩托车防盗器
- motorcycle battery ==> 摩托车电池
- motorcycle carburetor ==> 摩托车化油器
- motorcycle chain ==> 摩托车链条
- motorcycle engine ==> 摩托车发动机
- motorcycle gloves ==> 摩托手套
- motorcycle helmet ==> 摩托车头盔
- motorcycle insurance ==> 摩托车保险
- motorcycle jacket ==> 摩托茄克
- motorcycle oil ==> 摩托车油
- motorcycle oil pump ==> 摩托车机油泵,摩托车润滑油泵
- motorcycle petrol switch ==> 摩托车汽油开关
- motorcycle radio ==> 摩托车无线电设备
- motorcycle sidecar ==> 机器脚踏车边车
- motorcycle speedometer ==> 摩托车里程速度表
- motorcycle tyre ==> 摩托车轮胎
- motorcycle wheel-rim ==> 摩托车轮辋
- motorcycle-racing arena ==> 摩托车比赛场
- motorial compensation ==> 运动性代偿
- motorial inhibition ==> 运动抑制
- motoring ==> 电动机运行状态
- motoring friction ==> 空转摩擦力
- motoring operation ==> 逆功率运行,发电机从电网吸收有功带动汽轮机运行,即发电机以电动机方式运行。它是重水堆核电厂在事故停堆后要求在40分钟内重新起动的特有运行方式
- motoring protection ==> モータリング保護
- motoring ring test ==> 带动试验
- motoring test ==> 空转试验
- motoring torque ==> 运动力矩
- motorised roll ==> 电机传动辊
- Motorists Guide to Unleaded Petrol ==> 《无铅汽油──驾车人士指南》
- motorized and mechanized troops ==> 摩托化机械化部队
- motorized antitank weapons ==> 摩托化防坦克武器
- motorized artillery ==> 摩托化炮兵
- motorized cart ==> 自行装置
- motorized copying camera ==> 电动复制照相机
- motorized detachment ==> 摩托化分遣队
- motorized engineer regiment ==> 摩托化工程兵团
- motorized knapsack ==> 背负式机动喷雾器
- motorized knapsack mistblower ==> 背负式机动鼓风喷雾器
- motorized non-return valve ==> 电动止回阀
- motorized pan and tilt head ==> 马达驱动的云台
- motorized ramp ==> 自动梯
- motorized reducer ==> 带电动机的减速器,带电动机减速器
- motorized road grader ==> 自动平地机
- motorized shop truck ==> 摩托化修理车
- motorized speed reducer ==> 电动减速器
- motorized tar spreader ==> 自动式喷洒沥青机
- motorized transport ==> 摩托化运输
- motorized traverser dolly ==> 电动旋转移动台车
- motorized tuning control ==> 电动机驱动的调谐系统
- motorized valve ==> 电动阀
- motorized wheel drive ==> 马达轮驱动
- motorized zoom lens ==> 马达驱动的可变焦距镜头
- motorr bicycle oil ==> 摩托车油
- motorsensory cortex ==> 运动感觉皮层
- motorshipengine ==> 轮机
- motorstarting reactor ==> 发动机起动反应器
- motorway ==> 汽车道,汽车路,快车道,机动车行道
- motor-driven control valve ==> 电动机拖动控制阀
- Motril cotton ==> 莫特里尔棉
- MOTS, minitrack optical tracking system ==> ミニトラック光学追跡システム
- Mott barrier ==> 莫脱势垒
- Mott barrier diode ==> 莫特势垒二极管
- Mott insulator ==> モット絶縁体
- Mott scattering ==> 莫特散射,莫脱散射
- Mott scattering formula ==> 莫脱散射公式
- Mott's law ==> 莫脱氏定律
- Mott-barrier diode ==> 莫脱势垒二极管
- Mott-Gurney law ==> 莫脱-格尼定律
- Mott-Nabarro effect ==> 莫特-纳巴罗效应
- mottle cast iron ==> 麻口铁
- mottle leaf ==> 花斑叶
- mottled bamboo ==> 斑竹
- mottled cast iron ==> 麻口铸铁,马口铁
- mottled effect ==> 斑点效应
- mottled glaze ==> 斑点釉
- mottled iron ==> 麻口铁
- mottled pig iron ==> 麻口生铁,麻口铁
- mottled reddish soil ==> 具有斑块的红色土壤,具有斑块的红色土壤
- mottled rot ==> 斑腐
- mottled umber moth ==> 暗点赭尺蠖
- mottling of rice plants ==> 稻条斑
- mottling zone ==> 土壤斑驳层
- motto ==> 标语,座右铭,铭辞,题句,反覆乐节=>標語,モットー,座右の銘
- Motuo National Nature Reserve ==> 墨脱国家自然保护区
- Motuoshala-type manganese deposit ==> 莫托沙拉式锰矿床
- MOTV, manned orbital transfer vehicle ==> 有人軌道間輸送機
- MOU ==> 相互協力協定
- MOU, memorandum of understanding ==> 了解覚書,了解覚え書き
- MOU, Memorandum of Understanding (Port State Control) ==> 协定备忘录
- mould ==> 印模,模,模板,模具,模筛样板,模塑,模子,成型模具,圆网,造型模板,塑模,霉,霉病,霉菌,纸型=>モールド,型,金型
- mould addition ==> 钢锭模添加剂
- mould and die milling machine ==> 模具铣床
- mould assembling ==> 合箱
- mould assembling and closing ==> 铸型合箱
- mould assembly ==> 合型
- mould blower ==> 吹型机
- mould board ==> 造型板,样板
- mould boardless plough ==> 无壁犁
- mould buggy ==> 钢锭模车
- mould case ==> 模制壳
- mould clamp ==> 卡具
- mould clamps ==> 模型紧固夹
- mould cleaner ==> 模具清洁剂
- mould closer ==> 合箱机,合箱装置
- mould coating material ==> 钢锭模涂料
- mould core ==> 模芯
- mould cover ==> 腐殖质层
- mould cure ==> 模塑硫化,模型硫化
- mould dam aged sweet potato poisoning ==> 黑斑甘薯中毒
- mould dimension ==> 铸型尺寸
- mould drag ==> 下半箱
- mould drying ==> 铸型烘干
- mould efficiency ==> 模塑效率
- mould emptier ==> 脱模机构
- mould erosion ==> 铸型冲蚀
- mould facing ==> 涂料
- mould fitter ==> 合箱工
- mould flat gauge ==> 样板
- mould form ==> 模型型腔
- mould growth test ==> 长霉试验
- mould half ==> 半型
- mould hardness ==> 铸型硬度
- mould impression ==> 模型内腔,模型型腔,模穴
- mould in a snap flask ==> 无箱造型
- mould in the pit ==> 地坑造型
- mould inoculation ==> 型内孕育
- mould jacket ==> 型套
- mould kernel ==> 模芯
- mould life ==> 模型寿命
- mould lifting ==> 铸型起模
- mould lining ==> 坩埚衬里
- mould loft ==> 放样间
- mould loft floor ==> 放样台
- mould lofter ==> 放样工,放样工人
- mould loftsman ==> 放样工,放样工人
- mould machine ==> 模塑机
- mould machine of cereal seed selection ==> 谷物选种机
- mould making technology ==> 造型技術
- mould mark ==> 模缝条痕,型傷
- mould matrix cathode ==> 模制阴极
- mould oil ==> 脱模油
- mould on end ==> 垂直分型造型
- mould opening force ==> 型開き力
- mould pig iron ==> 型铁
- mould plaster ==> 模型用石膏
- mould plate ==> 模型板
- mould plunger ==> 阳模
- mould plunger force plug ==> 凸模
- mould preparation bay ==> 钢锭模准备跨
- mould press ==> 模压机
- mould pressing ==> 旋压成形
- mould proofing ==> 防霉
- mould rains ==> 梅雨
- mould release ==> 分型粉
- mould relese ==> 脱模
- mould rollover unit ==> 翻箱装置
- mould sand ==> 型砂
- mould seam ==> 模缝
- mould setting-and-stripping bay ==> 钢锭模准备和脱锭跨
- mould shift ==> 错箱
- mould shrinkage ==> 模内收缩,模压收缩,脱模后的收缩
- mould splits ==> 模组分
- mould steel ==> 型鋼
- mould stripping ==> 铸型起模,拆模
- mould susceptibility ==> 感霉性
- mould test chamber ==> 霉菌试验箱
- mould train ==> 模组
- mould turnover ==> 翻箱
- mould unloading ==> 出模,脱模,卸模
- mould veining ==> 铸型裂纹
- mould vibrator ==> 模板振动器
- mould vulcanization ==> 模塑硫化
- mould wash ==> 脱模涂料
- mould wash mixer ==> 涂料搅拌机
- mouldability controller ==> 型砂水分控制器
- mouldboard ridger ==> 起垄犁
- mouldcase fused knife switch ==> 模型箱闸刀开关
- moulded block fuel element ==> 模制块状颗粒燃料元件
- moulded board ==> 模压板,样板
- moulded brick ==> 模制砖
- moulded cathode ==> 模压阴极,模制阴极
- moulded chime lap joint ==> 模型互搭接头
- moulded coal ==> 煤砖
- moulded composition ==> 模塑合成物
- moulded concrete ==> 模制混凝土
- moulded core ==> 模压铁粉芯,模压铁心
- moulded depth ==> 型深
- moulded dimension ==> 模型尺寸
- moulded fabric ==> 模压织物
- moulded ferrite ==> 模制粉末铁氧体
- moulded fuel element ==> 模制颗粒燃料元件
- moulded fuel sphere ==> 模制颗粒燃料球
- moulded glass ==> 模压玻璃
- moulded goods ==> 模制品
- moulded gutter ==> 模制天沟
- moulded hull surface ==> 船体型面
- moulded laminated tube ==> 模制层压管材
- moulded lens ==> 模压透镜,模制透镜
- moulded lens blank ==> 模压透镜毛坯
- moulded matching door ==> 镶板门
- moulded mica ==> 模制云母
- moulded parts ==> 模压部件
- moulded plastics ==> 模压塑料
- moulded plywood ==> 模压胶合板,成型胶合板
- moulded powder ==> 模造黑药
- moulded product ==> 模制品
- moulded relay ==> 模制继电器
- moulded rod ==> 模压棒,模制棒
- moulded rubber ==> 模铸橡胶
- moulded shoes ==> 模压鞋
- moulded solid catalyst ==> 模制固体催化剂
- moulded specimen ==> 模制试样
- moulded steel ==> 模铸钢
- moulded suitcase ==> 模压箱
- moulded tablet ==> 膜印片
- moulded timber ==> 模压材
- moulded work ==> 模塑品
- moulded-intake belt course ==> 镶进线饰带层
- moulded-on type ==> 模制式
- moulder's blacking bag ==> 铅粉袋
- mouldered wood ==> 朽木
- moulders bellow ==> 手风器
- moulding ==> 嵌条,造型,成型铣削,模制,装饰线脚,装饰线条
- moulding article ==> 模塑制品
- moulding board ==> 造型平板
- moulding box ==> 模箱
- moulding box closer ==> 合箱机
- moulding box moulding flask ==> 型箱
- moulding chamber ==> 模腔
- moulding composition ==> 模制组成
- moulding cutter ==> 线脚切割器
- moulding cyclc ==> 模塑周期
- moulding draw-wire machine ==> 成丝机
- moulding fault ==> 模制件缺陷
- moulding fillet ==> 小圆饰线
- moulding floor ==> 翻砂车间
- moulding frame ==> 模铸架
- moulding index ==> 模塑指数,模压系数
- moulding line ==> 造型生产线
- moulding machine ==> 切模机
- moulding material ==> 模塑材料,模制材料
- moulding mica sheet ==> 模制云母纸
- moulding micanite ==> 模压云母板
- moulding mixture ==> 型料
- moulding oil ==> 模油
- moulding paper ==> 模制纸
- moulding plane ==> 线条刨
- moulding press ==> 模压机,模制机,压型机=>成型プレス
- moulding sand binder ==> 型砂粘结剂
- moulding sand composition ==> 型砂成分
- moulding sand mixture ==> 型砂混合料
- moulding sand moisture ==> 型砂湿度
- moulding surface ==> 型面
- moulding tolerance ==> 模制公差
- moulding-die ==> 压模
- moulding-sand mixture ==> 型砂
- moulding-sand preparation ==> 型砂配制
- moulding-sand property ==> 型砂性能
- mouldinng box trunnion ==> 砂箱轴
- mouldless technique for hot pressing ==> 无模热压技术
- mouldy rice ==> 霉米
- mouldy rice-grains ==> 头屑米
- moulting hormone ==> 蜕皮激素
- mound ==> 土丘,丘陵,登,护堤,宝球纹
- mound breakwater ==> 堆石防波堤
- mound crown ==> 堆石堤顶
- mound layer ==> 压条
- mound layerage ==> 堆土压条法
- mound layering ==> 堆土压条
- mound planting ==> 垄上栽培,垄作,丘状载植
- mound storage ==> 堆藏
- mound- shaped curve ==> 丘形曲线
- mounded liquefied petroleum gas bullet tank ==> 堆土式子弹形石油气缸
- mounding ==> 堆土法,埋土法,肌丘反应,肌耸起
- mount ==> 支架,海山,固定,固定架=>取付台,マウント
- mount a volume ==> 安装文件卷
- mount attribute ==> 安装属性
- mount detector ==> 爬跨检查器
- mount pin ==> 安装销
- Mount Rose snow sampler ==> 蒙特罗斯型雪取样器
- Mount St Helens and Mount Adams ==> セントヘレンズ山とアダムス山
- mount type ==> マウント形式(アンテナ)
- mountable ==> 可安装,可固定
- mountable curb ==> (容许车辆驶上的缘石)斜式缘石
- mountain ==> 山=>山の,マウンテン
- mountain abservation ==> 高山观察
- mountain accentor ==> 山岩鹨=>ヤマヒバリ
- mountain air ==> 山地空气=>山の空気
- mountain and valley breeze ==> 山谷風
- mountain and valley wind ==> 山谷風
- mountain and valley winds ==> 山谷风
- mountain anemia ==> 高山贫血
- mountain arc ==> 山弧
- mountain area ==> 山区=>山岳域
- mountain artillery ==> 山砲
- mountain ash ==> ナナカマド
- mountain avens ==> 山仙女木
- mountain balsam ==> 圣草
- mountain barometer ==> 高山气候表
- mountain beech ==> 山地假山毛榉
- mountain belt ==> 山岳带
- mountain bike ==> マウンテンバイク
- mountain biker ==> マウンテンバイカー
- mountain biking ==> マウンテンバイクでのサイクリング
- mountain bluet ==> 山矢车菊
- mountain breeze ==> 山风
- mountain brown ore ==> 山褐铁矿
- mountain building force ==> 造山力
- mountain butter ==> 铁明矾
- mountain cat ==> ヤマネコ
- mountain chain ==> 山链,山脉,山系=>山脈
- mountain channel ==> 山区河道
- mountain cherry blossoms ==> 山桜
- mountain chickadee ==> マミジロコガラ
- mountain city ==> 山城
- mountain climate ==> 山地气候,山岳气候=>山地気候
- mountain climb ==> 登山
- mountain climber ==> 登山者
- mountain climbing ==> 登山
- mountain climbing team ==> 登山隊
- mountain coast ==> 山岳海岸
- mountain cork ==> 山软木,淡石棉
- mountain country ==> 山地
- mountain cranberry ==> 越桔,牙疙疸
- mountain creek ==> 山溪
- mountain creep ==> 坍坡
- mountain crest ==> 山脊
- mountain crystal ==> 水晶
- mountain daisy ==> マウンテンデージー
- mountain daylight time ==> 山区日光时间
- mountain dim in the distance ==> 遠くにうっすらと見える山脈
- mountain disaster ==> 山地災害
- mountain disease ==> 山岳病
- mountain disease therapy apparatus ==> 高山疾病治疗仪
- mountain district ==> 山地
- mountain driving ==> 山区行车
- mountain effect ==> 山地效应
- mountain farming ==> 山地农业
- mountain fern ==> 山蕨
- mountain flesh ==> 挠性石棉
- mountain folding ==> 造山运动
- mountain front ==> 山前
- mountain glacier ==> 高山冰川
- mountain goat ==> 声纳
- mountain gold ==> 山金
- mountain ground ==> 山地
- mountain group ==> 山群
- mountain hiker ==> 登山者
- mountain house ==> 山庄
- mountain hut ==> 山小屋
- mountain hypoxia ==> 高山缺氧
- mountain leather ==> 皮石棉,山柔皮,石棉
- mountain lion ==> 美洲狮
- mountain mahogany ==> 黑曜岩
- mountain making movement ==> 造山运动
- mountain meadow soil ==> 山地草甸地
- mountain meadow-steppe soil ==> 山地草甸草原土
- mountain meal ==> 石粉
- mountain meteorology ==> 高山气象学
- mountain milk ==> 软方解石
- mountain of accumulation ==> 积高山
- mountain of circumdenudation ==> 环蚀山
- mountain orogenesis ==> 造山运动
- mountain paca ==> 山兔豚鼠
- mountain papaw ==> 山木瓜
- mountain paper ==> 纸石棉
- mountain pass ==> 山路
- mountain pass area ==> 山口区域
- mountain peach ==> 山桃
- mountain peak ==> 山峰
- mountain peat ==> 山地泥炭
- mountain pediment ==> 山麓侵蚀平原
- mountain phlox ==> 山福禄考
- mountain pine beetle ==> 山松甲虫
- mountain produce ==> 山货
- mountain race ==> 山岳レース
- mountain railroad ==> 山岳鉄道
- mountain railway ==> 山区铁路=>登山鉄道,山岳鉄道
- Mountain Rainier ==> マウントレーニア
- mountain range ==> 山脉
- mountain red earth ==> 山地红壤
- mountain rice ==> 旱稻
- mountain ridge ==> 山脊,山岭
- mountain road ==> 山路
- mountain root ==> 山根
- mountain rope hoist ==> 山区用绳索卷扬机
- mountain route ==> 山区线路
- mountain savana ==> 山地稀树草原
- mountain scarp ==> 悬崖
- mountain sheep ==> 山地野绵羊
- mountain sickness ==> 高山病,高原病
- mountain side ==> 山腰
- mountain slope ==> 山坡
- mountain soap ==> 山碱,皂石
- mountain spring ==> 山泉
- mountain stream ==> 山涧,山区河流
- mountain system ==> 山系
- mountain tallow ==> 石脂
- mountain terrain ==> 山岭地区
- mountain test ==> 山区试验
- mountain test course ==> 山区试验路线
- mountain topography ==> 山岳地形
- mountain torrents ==> 山洪
- mountain trench ==> 山沟
- mountain tundra ==> 山地冻原
- mountain tunnel ==> 穿山隧洞
- mountain uplift ==> 山脊
- mountain valley ==> 山谷
- mountain vegetation ==> 高山植被
- mountain villa ==> 山庄
- mountain village ==> 山村
- mountain waste ==> 山地岩屑,荒山地
- mountain wave ==> 地形波
- mountain weadow steppe soil ==> 山地草甸草原
- mountain white pine ==> 山白松
- mountain wind ==> 山风
- mountain wood ==> 不灰木
- mountain zebra ==> 山斑马
- mountain-ash ==> 欧洲花楸树
- mountain-building ==> 造山的
- mountain-building activity ==> 造山运动
- mountain-elm ==> 山榆
- mountain-gap wind ==> 山口风
- mountain-making ==> 造山的
- mountaineering rope ==> 登山绳索
- mountainite ==> 无铝沸石
- mountainous area ==> 多山地区,高山区
- mountainous diffractive propagation ==> 山岳回折伝搬
- mountainous district ==> 山区
- mountainous region ==> 山岳地区,多山地区
- mountainous regions of tropics ==> 热带山区
- mountains perennially covered with snow ==> 终年积雪的高山
- mountains-and-waters painting ==> 山水画
- mounted ==> 安装式的,骑马的=>取り付けられた
- mounted 24-disc harrow ==> 二十四片悬挂圆盘耙
- mounted alternate plow ==> 悬挂式双向犁
- mounted cultivator ==> 悬挂式耕耘机
- mounted cylinder ==> 分置式油缸
- mounted disk plow ==> 悬挂式圆盘犁
- mounted earth scoop ==> 悬挂式挖土铲斗
- mounted elastically ==> 装配弹簧的
- mounted equipment ==> 悬挂装置
- mounted general purpose plow ==> 悬挂式通用犁
- mounted implement ==> 悬挂式农具
- mounted in a vehicle ==> 装在车上的
- mounted lens ==> 装配透镜
- mounted load carrier ==> 悬挂式装载机
- mounted model ==> 悬挂型
- mounted moldboard plow ==> 悬挂式铧式犁
- mounted on swinging jib machine ==> 摇臂钻床
- mounted on wheels ==> 配有车轮的
- mounted ortary cultivator ==> 悬挂式旋耕机
- mounted pattern ==> 模板
- mounted plate ==> 固定板
- mounted plough ==> 悬挂式犁
- mounted plow ==> 悬挂犁
- mounted position ==> 安装地点
- mounted roll-over plow ==> 悬挂式翻转犁
- mounted spare ==> 装配备件=>実装予備
- mounted spares ==> 安装备件
- mounted split pattern ==> 单面模板
- mounted sprayer for walking tractor ==> 手扶拖拉机配装式喷雾机
- mounted three-furrow halfturn plow ==> 悬挂式三铧翻转犁
- mounted tool ==> 悬挂式农机具
- mounted toolbar ==> 悬挂式机具架
- mounted-ahead type ==> 前悬挂式
- mounted-frame cultivator ==> 悬挂式中耕机
- mounted-plow wheels ==> 悬挂犁犁轮
- mounting ==> 安装,装配,架,底座,支架=>取付け,実装
- mounting adjustment ==> 安装调整
- mounting base ==> 安装基座,安装机座
- mounting bedplate ==> 装配底板
- mounting bolt ==> 安装螺栓
- mounting bracket ==> 装配架
- mounting cable ==> 装配电缆
- mounting card ==> 安装板
- mounting cardboard ==> 衬纸板
- mounting circle ==> 装架环
- mounting claw ==> 安装猫爪
- mounting clip ==> 装配夹
- mounting column ==> 安装支柱
- mounting cost ==> 安装费
- mounting dimension ==> 安装尺寸
- mounting distance ==> 装配距离
- mounting dolly ==> 推力头
- mounting equipment ==> 组装设备
- mounting error ==> 安全误差
- mounting flange ==> 安装用法兰
- mounting height ==> 安装高度
- mounting hole ==> 安装孔
- mounting jig ==> 安装工具
- mounting list ==> 安装清单
- mounting lock washer ==> 装配锁紧垫圈
- mounting lug ==> 装配用悬架
- mounting medium ==> 封固剂
- mounting nut ==> 装配螺帽
- mounting of grating ==> 光栅装置法
- mounting of optics ==> 光学部件的装配
- mounting of telescope ==> 望远镜装置
- mounting pad ==> 安装垫片
- mounting panel ==> 安装板,支持板
- mounting plate ==> 安装板,安装机,上托板,固定板,固定台,装配平台,紧固板=>取付板
- mounting position ==> 安装地点,安装位置
- mounting rabbet ==> 安装接榫
- mounting rack ==> 装配架
- mounting ring ==> 安装环,装配环
- mounting screw ==> 安装螺钉
- mounting shaft ==> 安装井
- mounting stud lock nut ==> 装置柱螺栓防松螺母
- mounting surface ==> 安装面
- mounting system ==> 支架系统
- mounting technique ==> 显微镜试样制片技术
- mounting test ==> 吸收度试验
- mounting tool ==> 安装工具
- mounting torque ==> 安装扭矩
- mountings ==> 零件,配件
- mountion inflation ==> 通货膨胀
- Mouray solder ==> 锌基铝铜焊料
- Mouray's solder ==> 穆雷铝焊料
- mourning ==> 哀悼,悲嘆
- mourning carriage ==> 霊きゅう車
- mourning ceremony ==> 喪の儀式
- mourning cloak ==> キベリタテハ
- mourning cypress ==> 柏木
- mourning leave ==> 忌引休暇
- mourning pay ==> 忌引(きびき)手当
- mourning veil ==> 黑色面纱
- mouse ==> 小白鼠,窥探,鼠=>マウス
- mouse algorithm ==> 窥视算法,窥探算法
- mouse beacon ==> 可控指向标,控制鼠标
- mouse brain antigen ==> 鼠脑抗原
- mouse fixing box ==> 小鼠固定箱
- mouse genetics ==> マウス遺伝学
- mouse inbred lines ==> 纯系小鼠
- mouse jar ==> 小动物缸
- mouse killer ==> 灭鼠器
- mouse lemur ==> 鼠狐猴
- mouse leprosy ==> 鼠癩
- mouse mammary adenoma virus ==> 小鼠乳腺瘤病毒
- mouse milk factor ==> 小鼠乳汁因子
- mouse mill ==> 静电动机,静电动机,超小型静电起电机
- mouse myeloma ==> 小鼠骨髓瘤
- mouse roller ==> 匀墨辊,附加传墨辊
- mouse skin ==> (色釉名)乳鼠皮
- mouse specific B lymphocyte antigen ==> 小鼠特异性B淋巴细胞抗原
- mouse station ==> 指挥台
- mouse swimming test ==> 小白鼠游泳试验
- mouse trap ==> 灭鼠器,捕鼠器
- mouse typhus ==> 鼠伤寒
- mouse uterine unit ==> 小白鼠子宫单位
- mouse-bane ==> 鼠毒乌头
- mouse-coloured ==> (指马的毛色)鼠色的
- mouse-tailed bat ==> 鼠尾蝠
- mousebane ==> 乌头
- mouseearcress ==> 拟南芥菜
- mouselet ==> 小老鼠
- mousepox ==> 鼠痘
- mousery ==> 育鼠处
- Mousetail ==> 鼠尾巴属
- mousetrap ==> 鼠笼式打捞器,捕鼠笼
- mousing-hook ==> 防脱钩
- Mousset's silver ==> 莫塞特铜银合金
- moustache wax ==> 胡须用蜡
- moutan bark ==> 牡丹皮
- mouth ==> 排出口,河口,收口部分,口
- mouth acidity ==> 口酸度
- mouth blowing ==> 人工吹制
- mouth breadth ==> 口裂宽
- mouth breathing ==> 口呼吸,张口呼吸
- mouth brush ==> 口刷
- mouth care ==> 口腔摄护
- mouth cavity ==> 口腔=>口腔
- mouth extraction ==> 口抽出
- mouth gag ==> 开口器
- mouth growth ==> 口の腫瘍
- mouth hook ==> 口钩
- mouth illuminator ==> 口腔照明灯
- mouth mirror ==> 口腔镜=>歯鏡
- mouth mucosa ==> 口腔
- mouth of a harbor ==> 港の入り口
- mouth of a jar ==> つぼの口
- mouth of blast pipe ==> 吹风管嘴
- mouth of hook ==> 钩口
- mouth of pipe ==> 管口
- mouth of plane ==> 刨削口
- mouth of pot ==> 坩埚口
- mouth of shears ==> 冲剪口
- mouth of spring ==> 泉眼
- mouth opening ==> 口孔
- mouth piece ==> 管头
- mouth speculum ==> 口腔镜
- mouth to mouth breathing ==> 口对口呼吸
- mouth tools ==> 瓶颈加工工具
- mouth wash ==> 含漱剂,漱口=>うがい薬
- mouth wash solution ==> 洗口溶液
- mouth washer ==> うがい薬
- mouth washes ==> 洗口剤
- mouth washing ==> うがい液
- mouth-and-hand synkinesia ==> 桑德斯氏征
- mouth-gag ==> 张口器
- mouth-open ==> 张口位
- mouth-spray ==> 口飞沫,口喷出物
- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ==> 口对口复苏
- mouth-wash ==> 漱口药
- mouthing ==> 承口
- mouthpiece ==> 话期承
- mouthpiece for musical instrument ==> 管弦乐吹管
- mouthpiece pressing ==> 挤压
- mouthwatering ==> よだれの出そうな
- MOV ==> 金属氧化物可变电阻
- MOV, main oxidizer valve ==> 主酸化剤弁
- MOV, motor operated valve ==> 电动阀门
- movability ==> 可动性
- movable ==> 可动的=>動産,動かせる,可動の,ムーバブル
- movable (working) fit ==> 动配合
- movable appliance ==> 可動装置
- movable arm ==> 动臂=>可動腕
- movable arm rotating shaft ==> 动臂转轴
- movable arm valve stem ==> 动臂阀杆
- movable asset ==> 動産
- movable barrage ==> 可動堰
- movable bathtub ==> 移动式浴缸
- movable bearing ==> 活动支承=>可動支承
- movable bed ==> 活动河床,不定河床,动床=>移動床
- movable blade ==> 活动轮叶=>可動羽根
- movable blade turbine ==> 动叶片式水轮机
- movable block ==> 动滑轮,移动滑车,活动滑车=>動滑車
- movable body ==> 移動体
- movable boom ==> 可動ブーム
- movable breaker contact ==> 活动触点
- movable breaker disc ==> 断电器活动托架
- movable breaker point ==> 活动接触点
- movable bridge ==> 活动桥
- movable brush type polyphase series motor ==> 活动电刷式多相串激电动机
- movable bullet ==> 可调节尾喷管锥体
- movable cab ==> 活动驾驶室
- movable center ==> 弹性顶尖
- movable clamp ==> 可动夹钳
- movable coil ==> 动线圈=>可動コイル
- movable compressor ==> 移动式压缩机
- movable computer ==> 移动式计算机
- movable contact ==> 活动触点=>可動接点,可動接触子
- movable core ==> 可动铁芯
- movable core transformer ==> 可动铁芯变压器
- movable coupling ==> 活动联轴节
- movable crane ==> 活动起重机
- movable crest device ==> 坝顶活动调节设备
- movable crusher ==> 活动轧碎机,移动式破碎机
- movable crusher and screen classifier ==> 移动式破碎及筛分设备
- movable dam ==> 可动水坝
- movable distributor ==> 活动配水器
- movable dock ==> 活动船坞
- movable eccentric ==> 可动偏心轮
- movable ecliptic ==> 移动黄道
- movable element ==> 活动元件
- movable equipment ==> 活动装置,可移动设备
- movable fixture ==> 可移动装置,活动卡具
- movable flexible cable ==> 移动软电缆
- movable flume ==> 活动水槽
- movable form ==> 活动模板,重复使用模板
- movable frame ==> 活动框架
- movable gantry ==> 活动起重台架
- movable gate ==> 活动闸门
- movable guard ==> 活动罩
- movable head ==> 活动头,可动磁头
- movable head stock ==> 活动车床头
- movable horizontal louver shading device ==> 水平活动遮阳板
- movable image ==> 活动图像
- movable iron book shelf ==> 活动铁书架
- movable jaw ==> 活动卡爪,活动颚,活爪
- movable jet ==> 可偏转喷射流
- movable joint ==> 活节
- movable kidney ==> 活动肾,游走肾
- movable load ==> 动荷载,活动载荷,活载荷
- movable mark ==> 可动标记,可动刻度
- movable mask ==> 可动掩模
- movable part ==> 活动部分
- movable pin shaft sleeve ==> 活销轴套
- movable platen ==> 动型板
- movable pressure plate ==> 活动压紧板
- movable probe ==> 活动探针
- movable propeller blade ==> 可动螺旋桨叶
- movable propeller turbine ==> 轴流转桨式水轮机
- movable property ==> 浮财
- movable property in trust ==> 信托动产
- movable pulley ==> 动滑轮,滑动轮
- movable pulse ==> 滑动性脉搏
- movable radial drilling machine ==> 车式摇臂钻床
- movable rail ==> 活动护栏
- movable random access memory ==> 可换式随机存取存储器
- movable rate ==> 移动汇率
- movable receiver ==> 活动型接收机
- movable shear blade ==> 活装剪刀片
- movable span ==> 活动孔,活动桥跨
- movable spleen ==> 游动脾,游走脾
- movable sprinkler ==> 活动喷灌机
- movable stabilizer ==> 活动安定面
- movable support ==> 活动支承,活动支座,可动支架,跟刀架,随动刀架
- movable switch ==> 活动开关
- movable table ==> 活动工作台
- movable tank vehicle ==> 活动式槽车
- movable target ==> 活动觇标
- movable trash rack ==> 活动式拦污栅
- movable trestle ==> 活动栈桥
- movable tube-sheet ==> 活动管板
- movable type ==> 活字
- movable type mucosa ==> 可动粘膜
- movable vane ==> 动叶
- movable vane type turbine ==> 动叶式水轮机
- movable vessel ==> 移动式容器
- movable weir ==> 活动堰
- movable wire ==> 动丝
- movable-bed model test ==> 动床模型试验
- movable-bed plotter ==> 动床绘图仪
- movable-bed routing in open channel ==> 明渠动床演算
- movable-bed stream ==> 动床河流
- movable-blade ==> 可動羽根
- movable-frame hive ==> 活框
- movable-point crossing ==> 可动心轨辙叉
- movable-sieve jig ==> 动筛跳汰机
- movable-vane type turbine ==> 动叶式水轮机
- move ==> 发展,开动,传送,推动,迁,移,移动,移动指令,搬,步法
- move back ==> 退
- move forward ==> 进
- move function ==> 移动函数
- move instruction ==> 移动指令,传送指令
- move mapping ==> 动作映射
- move mode ==> 传送方式
- move round ==> 绕
- move statement ==> 传送语句
- move to check-count ==> 搬动检验
- move, to ==> 移動する
- move-up ==> 前进法
- moved scene ==> 变动现场
- movement ==> 胀缩,运动,移动
- movement afterimage measuring instrument ==> 运动残象测定仪
- movement area ==> 行动地区
- movement controller ==> 动作控制器
- movement goods document ==> 货运单
- movement in a curve ==> 弧线运动
- movement in depth ==> 景深移动,景深移动
- movement joint ==> 活动缝,变形缝
- movement of earth crust ==> 地壳运动
- movement of equilibrium lever ==> 平衡杠杆运动
- movement of goods document ==> 货运单据
- movement of population ==> 人口流动
- movement of river sediment ==> 河流泥沙移动
- movement of river silt ==> 河流泥沙移动
- movement of slide ==> 针芯运动
- movement of soil particles ==> 土粒运动
- movement of thorax ==> 胸廓运动
- movement of valve ==> 移动阀
- movement of water into soil ==> 水分运动到土壤内
- movement on roads ==> 沿道路行进
- movement perception ==> 运动感觉
- movement picture (movement plan) ==> 运动分布图样
- movement protection detachment ==> 运输掩护分队
- movement spasms ==> 疲劳性痉挛
- movement stability ==> 运动稳定性
- movement system ==> 转运系统
- movement time ==> 运动时
- movement towards equalization of value ==> 价值平均化运动
- movement weight ==> 重锤
- movement weight cable ==> 重锤绳
- movement weight cartridge ==> 重锤筒
- movement weight chain ==> 重锤链
- movement weight cord ==> 重锤绳
- movement weight hook ==> 重锤钩
- movement weight mass ==> 重锤块
- movement weight pulley ==> 重锤滑轮
- movement weight rod ==> 重锤杆
- movements of the bowel ==> 肠蠕动
- mover ==> 发动机
- mover for material ==> 电动运料车
- movie ==> 电影,影片
- movie camera ==> 电影摄影机
- movie house (theater) ==> 电影院
- Movieola ==> 电影控制器
- movies ==> 影片
- Movietone ==> 变密式录音法
- moving ==> 运动,移动,活动的,可动的=>移動
- moving apart ==> 移离
- moving apron ==> 活动护板
- moving area DPCM method ==> 运动面积的差分脉冲编码调制方法
- moving areas ==> (数字电视)运动面积
- moving arm disk ==> 移动臂磁盘,移动头磁盘
- moving arm disk (-sc) ==> 活动臂磁盘
- moving armature ==> 动衔铁
- moving armature loud-speaker ==> 动片式扬声器
- moving assembly method ==> 移动装配法=>移動組立法
- moving assemly line ==> 移动流水线
- moving average ==> 移动平均数,移动平均值,动态平均值,滑动平均,流动平均数=>移動平均,移動平均法
- moving average adjustment ==> 移动平均调整
- moving average analysis ==> 移动平均分析
- moving average control chart ==> 移動平均管理図
- moving average convergence ==> 移動平均収束(MAC)
- moving average cost method ==> 移动平均成本法=>移動平均原価法
- moving average deviations ==> 移動平均値
- moving average forecast method ==> 移动平均预测法
- moving average method ==> 移动平均法=>移動平均
- moving average model(MA model) ==> 移动平均模型
- moving average process ==> 移动平均过程
- moving away from the sciences ==> 理科離れ
- moving axis ==> 动轴
- moving axle ==> 动轴
- moving ball type viscometer ==> 动球式粘度计
- moving band conveyor ==> 移动带式传送机,移动带式输送机
- moving bar grizzly ==> 动柱栅筛
- moving bed ==> 移动床,活动底
- moving bed adsorber ==> 移动床超吸附器
- moving bed adsorption ==> 移动床吸附剂
- moving bed filter ==> 移动床过滤器,动床滤器
- moving bed reactor ==> 动态床反应器
- moving bed reduction ==> 动态床还原
- moving belt ==> 运送带
- moving belt contactor ==> 动带接触器
- moving blade ==> 转动叶片,可动剪刃,动叶片
- moving blade (vane) ==> 动叶片
- moving blade stage ==> 转动叶片级
- moving block ==> 移动滑车
- moving block system ==> 移动闭塞系统
- moving bolster ==> 移动式工作台
- moving bolster press ==> 可移动工作台式压力机
- moving boundary ==> (指牵伸变速点)移动界面
- moving boundary electrophoresis ==> 移动界面电泳,界面电泳
- moving boundary method ==> 移动界面法
- moving boundary problem ==> 移动边界问题
- moving bridge crane ==> 移动桥架式起重机,移动式桥式起重机
- moving brush ==> 活动电刷
- moving budget ==> 移动预算
- moving cable system ==> 循环索系
- moving catalyst bed ==> 移动催化剂床
- moving centrode ==> 移动中心轨迹
- moving chaingrate retort ==> 移动链篦碳化炉
- moving cistern mercurial barometer ==> 动槽水银气压表
- moving cluster ==> 移动星团
- moving coil ==> 动线圈,动圈,可动线圈,可转线圈=>可動コイル
- moving coil ammeter ==> 动圈式安培计
- moving coil ACarc welder ==> 动圈式交流弧焊机
- moving coil galvanometer ==> 动圈磁电系检流计,动圈式检流计
- moving coil instrument ==> 动圈式仪表
- moving coil loudspeaker ==> 动圈式扬声器
- moving coil meter ==> 动圈式仪表
- moving coil microphone ==> 动圈式传声器,电动式传声器
- moving coil pick-up ==> 电动拾声器,动圈式拾音器
- moving coil receiver ==> 动圈式受话器
- moving coil regulator ==> 动圈式调节器
- moving coil relay ==> 动圈式继电器=>可動コイル形リレー
- moving coil speaker ==> 动圈式扬声器
- moving coil transducer ==> 动圈式变换器
- moving coil type ==> 动圈式
- moving coil type ammeter ==> 动圈式安培计
- moving coil type galvanometer ==> 动圈式检流计
- moving coil type loudspeaker ==> 动圈式扬声器
- moving coil type microphone ==> 动圈式传声器
- moving coil type over-current relay ==> 动圈式过流继电计
- moving coil type torque motor ==> 动圈式转矩马达
- moving coil type voltmeter ==> 动圈式伏特计
- moving coil voltmeter ==> 动圈式伏特计
- moving coil wattmeter ==> 电动式瓦特计
- moving conductor microphone ==> 动圈式传声器
- moving constraint ==> 动约束
- moving contact ==> 活动接点,动触点,继电器(或功能电器)中执行机械运动的触点=>可動接点,可動接触子
- moving contact assembly ==> 动触点组
- moving contact member ==> 可移动接触件
- moving control function ==> 動作制御機能
- moving conveyor ==> 移动式输送带
- moving coordinate ==> 运动坐标系统
- moving core ==> 活动型芯=>可動鉄心
- moving core type ==> 可動鉄心形
- moving core type relay ==> 活动铁芯式继电器=>可動鉄心形継電器
- moving crane ==> 行走吊车
- moving current-weighted Passche indexes ==> 帕许移动本期加权指数
- moving diaphragm element ==> 膜片型元件
- moving die half ==> (压铸机的)动型
- moving die plate ==> 移动模板
- moving dune ==> 流动沙丘
- moving element ==> 活动元件=>可動部
- moving equilibrium ==> 移动均衡
- moving expense allowances ==> 迁移费补贴
- moving expenses ==> 迁移费用
- moving field ==> 移动场,动磁场
- moving floor body ==> 活动底车厢
- moving form ==> 活动模槽
- moving function ==> 动作机能
- moving gaseous medium ==> 气流介质
- moving grate ==> 活动炉排
- moving grid ==> 活动滤线器,可动铅格
- moving gripper die ==> 活动夹模
- moving grizzl(e)y ==> 转动棒条筛
- moving grizzly ==> 活动栅筛
- moving group ==> 移动星群
- moving head ==> 可动头,可移动头
- moving head disk ==> 活动头磁盘,移动头磁盘
- moving iron ammeter ==> 动铁式安培计
- moving iron instrument ==> 动铁式仪表,电磁式仪表
- moving iron meter ==> 动铁式仪表
- moving iron relay ==> 动铁式继电器
- moving iron type ==> 可動鉄心形
- moving iron type ammeter ==> 动铁式安培计
- moving iron type loud-speaker ==> 动铁式扬声器
- moving iron type voltmeter ==> 动铁式伏特计
- moving iron voltmeter ==> 动铁式伏特计
- moving light spot ==> 动光点
- moving load ==> 动荷,移动负载,移动荷载,活动负载,活动荷载,行动负荷
- moving load(ing) ==> 动载荷
- moving magnet ammeter ==> 动磁式电流表
- moving magnet fuel indicator ==> 动磁式油量表
- moving magnet galvanometer ==> 动磁式检流计
- moving magnet instrument ==> 动磁式仪表
- moving magnet magnetometer ==> 动磁式磁强计
- moving magnet oil pressrue indicator ==> 动磁式机油压力表
- moving magnet type ==> 动磁式
- moving magnet type instrument ==> 动磁铁式仪表
- moving map display ==> 活动地图显示器
- moving mirror laser interferometer ==> 动镜式激光干涉仪
- moving mo(u)ld casting machine ==> 动模铸锭机
- moving mo(u)ld casting process ==> 移动模铸造法
- moving needle galvanometer ==> 动磁式检流计
- moving object ==> 移動物体
- moving observer technique ==> 移动观察技术
- moving paper carrier ==> 移动式载纸器
- moving parts ==> 活动件
- moving people to other places for land reclamation ==> 移民垦荒
- moving period ==> 运动期
- moving phase ==> 活动相
- moving pick-up type contactless power transfer system ==> 移動型非接触給電システム
- moving picture ==> 电影,影片
- moving plan ==> 可变动计划
- moving plate ==> 动型板,移动模板
- moving platen document copying machine ==> 移动台板式文件复印机,动板式文件复制机
- moving plates ==> 动片
- moving plates of variable condenser ==> 可变电容器转动片
- moving platform ==> 活动搬运台
- moving point ==> 动点
- moving radius ==> 動径
- moving range ==> 移动范围
- moving roller path ==> 活动支承钢轨
- moving runner ==> 工作轮
- moving scale ==> 活动度盘
- moving screen ==> 运动筛
- moving seasonal variation ==> 移动季节变动
- moving sidewalk ==> 活动式人行道
- moving slowly ==> 慢慢移动
- moving spider ==> 转动辐
- moving stage ==> 变动阶段
- moving staircase ==> 自动升降梯
- moving stairway ==> 自动楼梯
- moving stay follow-rest ==> 跟刀架
- moving stop ==> 移动挡板
- moving stripper ==> 活动卸料板
- moving submarine haven ==> 潜艇活动锚泊地
- moving surface ship haven ==> 水面船舶活动锚泊地
- moving system ==> 动作系统
- moving table ==> 活动工作台
- moving target ==> 活动目标
- moving target indication radar ==> 活动目标显示雷达
- moving target indicator ==> 活动目标指示器
- moving target object ==> 移動観測対象
- moving target search plan ==> 动目标搜索方案
- moving target selector ==> 活动目标选择器
- moving total ==> 移动总量
- moving trihedral ==> 动标三面形,活动三面形
- moving uniform load ==> 均布动荷载,均布动荷载
- moving vane ==> 动瓣,动叶片,回转叶片,活动轮叶,活动叶片=>回転羽根
- moving weight stabiliser ==> 重力移动消摆装置
- moving weighted average method ==> 移动加权平均法
- moving wing aircraft ==> 摇翼飞机
- moving- coil instrument ==> 磁电式仪表
- moving-area sampling ==> 运动面积取样
- moving-bed (recycle) catalytic cracking ==> 移动床催化裂化
- moving-bed catalytic reforming ==> 移动床催化重整
- moving-bed contacting ==> 移动床接触
- moving-bed ion-exchange equipment ==> 移动床离子交换设备
- moving-bed process ==> 移动床过程
- moving-bed reactor ==> 移动床反应器
- moving-bed reforming ==> 移动床重整
- moving-blade shutter ==> 动片快门
- moving-burden bed reactor ==> 移动床反应器
- moving-cable ==> 循环索系
- moving-coil ammeter ==> 磁电式安培计=>可動コイル電流計
- moving-coil galvanometer ==> 动圈式电流计=>可動コイル検流計
- moving-coil instrument ==> 动圈式仪表,动圈式仪器
- moving-coil loudspeaker ==> ダイナミックススピーカ
- moving-coil meter ==> 动圈式电表,动圈式仪表
- moving-coil microphone ==> 电动传声器=>ダイナミックスマイクロホン
- moving-coil mirror galvanometer ==> 动圈式镜示电流计
- moving-coil oscillograph ==> 动圈式示波器
- moving-coil pickup ==> ダイナミックスピックアップ
- moving-coil regulator ==> 动圈式调压器
- moving-coil relay ==> 动圈继电器
- moving-coil seismograph ==> 动圈式地震仪
- moving-coil transformer ==> 动圈式变压器
- moving-coil type ==> 动圈式=>可動コイル形
- moving-coil type instrument ==> 动圈式仪表
- moving-coil type oscillograph ==> 动圈式示波器
- moving-conductor electromagnetic seismograph ==> 动导体电磁地震仪
- moving-conductor loudspeaker ==> 动导体扬声器
- moving-conductor microphone ==> 动导体传声器
- moving-envelope kiln ==> 移动式封套室
- moving-flap liquid meter ==> 活瓣式流量计
- moving-floor conveyer ==> 活底式输送器
- moving-iron ==> 动铁式
- moving-iron instrument ==> 电磁系仪表=>可動鉄片計器
- moving-iron logometer ==> 动铁式比率表
- moving-iron meter ==> 动铁式仪表
- moving-iron type ==> 可動鉄片形
- moving-iron type instrument ==> 动铁式仪表
- moving-iron voltmeter ==> 动铁式电压表
- moving-magnet ==> 动磁铁式,可动磁铁
- moving-magnet galvanometer ==> 可動磁針検流計
- moving-magnet instrument ==> 动磁式仪表
- moving-magnet type ==> 可動磁石形
- moving-magnet voltmeter ==> 动磁铁式电压表
- moving-magnetic type ==> 动磁式
- moving-needle type galvanometer ==> 可動磁針検流計
- moving-tape system ==> 磁带录音系统
- moving-target indicator ==> 动目标显示器
- moving-vane instrument ==> 动叶式仪表
- moving-wire flame ionization detector ==> 金属传动丝-氢火焰离子化检测器
- moving-wire hydrogen flame ionization detector ==> 移动丝氢焰电离检测器
- movingcoil loudspeaker ==> 电动扬声器
- movingcoil pickup ==> 电动拾声器
- movingtarget indication radar ==> 活动目标显示雷达
- moviola ==> 音象同步装置
- Movyl ==> 莫维尔聚氯乙烯纤维
- mow conveyer ==> 干草输送器
- mow-drying ==> 牧草干燥
- mowa fat ==> 莫那脂
- mower ==> 割草机
- mower backshaft ==> 割草机后轴
- mower cutter ==> 割草机切割器
- mower cutterbar attachment ==> 割草机切割器
- mower cutterbar release ==> 割草机切割器松脱装置
- mower guard ==> 割草机切割器护刃器
- mower knife ==> 割草机割刀
- mower knife grinder ==> 割草机刀刃磨石,磨割草机刀刃砂轮
- mower lift ==> 割草机起落机构
- mower section ==> 割草机动刀片
- mower sickle ==> 割草机切割器割刀
- Mower's mite ==> 恙螨
- mower-crusher ==> 割草压扁机
- mower-shredder ==> 割草切碎机
- mowing machine ==> 割草机
- mowing machine oiler ==> 割草机注油器
- mowing-apparatus ==> 割草装置
- mowing-drive ==> 割草机传动装置
- mowragenic acid ==> 雾冰藜原酸
- mowrageninic acid ==> 雾冰藜吉宁酸
- mowrah fat ==> 莫那脂
- mowric acid ==> 雾冰藜酸
- MOX ==> ウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物=>ウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物
- moxa cone ==> (用艾绒压制而成的锥状物)艾炷
- moxa roll ==> 艾卷,艾条
- moxa-cone ==> (一艾炷称为一壮)壮
- moxa-preparation ==> 灸剂,灸剂
- Moynihan's symptom-complex ==> 莫伊尼汉氏综合症状
- Moynihan's test ==> 莫伊尼汉氏试验
- Moyno pump ==> 莫伊诺单螺杆泵
- mozilla ==> Mozilla プロジェクトは、インターネット上の多様な選択肢と革新的技術を維持し、高い評価を受けているオープンソースの Mozilla 1.6 ウェブ・メールスイートや関連する製品およびテクノロジーを開発しています。
- mp ==> 单片处理机
- MP capacitor, metallized paper capacitor ==> 金属化紙コンデンサ
- MP(B), material processing ==> 材料処理
- MP, maintainability plan ==> 保全性計画
- MP, maintenance platform ==> 保守プラットフォーム
- MP, market price ==> 市場決済価格
- MP, materials processing unit ==> 材料実験装置
- MP, microprocessor ==> マイクロプロセッサ
- MP, mission panel ==> ミッションパネル
- MP, mission planning ==> 使用目的の計画
- MP, monopulse ==> モノパルス
- MP, multi-processor ==> マルチプロセサ
- MP, multiprobes ==> 複数プローブ
- MP, multiprocessor ==> 多重処理装置
- MP, Space Plasma Physics Multiprobes ==> 宇宙空間プラズマ物理学研究用複数プローブ(意訳)
- Mp/sec, megapulse per second ==> メガパルス/秒
- MP3, MPEG-1 audio layer III ==> 国際標準のオーディオ符号化方式の1つで,インターネットなどで音楽コンテンツの格納に使われている
- MPA Marine Protection Area ==> 海运保护区
- MPa, megapascal ==> メガパスカル
- MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America ==> 米国映画協会
- MPAC, multipurpose application console ==> 多目的応用操作卓
- MPAD, mission planning and analysis division ==> 使用計画と解析部
- MPC, mandatory product control ==> 特定製品管理
- MPC, manual pointing controller ==> 手動指向制御器
- MPC, Mitsubishi Precision Co. Ltd. ==> 三菱プレシジョン株式会社
- MPC, Model Predictive Control ==> モデル予測制御
- MPC, multiple payload carrier ==> 多目的観測機器運搬機
- MPC, Multiple Power Compensater ==> 多機能電力補償装置
- MPCB, Multilateral Program Control Board ==> 多重プログラム制御委員会
- MPCC, Multilateral Program Coordinate Committe ==> 多国間計画調整委員会(宇宙ステーション)
- MPCGP, material processing crystal growth process ==> 材料処理結晶成長過程
- MPD plant ==> 磁等离子体动力装置
- MPD, magnetoplasmadynamics ==> 電磁流体発電
- MPD, magnetosphere particle detector ==> 磁気圏粒子検出器
- MPD, mission preparation document ==> ミッション準備ドキュメント
- MPE, Materials Performance Technology Group ==> 材料性能工学グループ
- MPE, mission peculiar equipment ==> ミッション特別装置
- MPEG, Moving Picture Experts Group ==> MPEG
- MPEG2 ==> MPEG-2規格。
- Mpemba effect ==> 姆潘巴现象=>ムペンバ効果
- MPESS, mission peculiar experiment support structure ==> ミッション固有実験支持構造部
- MPF, materials processing facility ==> 材料実験施設
- MPF, MPS products facility ==> 材料実験の生産施設
- MPG Miles Per Gallon ==> 里/加仑
- MPG, motion probing gradient ==> 移動検出傾斜
- MPG, multiple point ground ==> 多点接地
- MPH, mile per hour ==> マイル/時
- MPL, master parts list ==> 材料リスト
- MPL, Materials Processing Laboratory ==> 材料実験室
- MPL, multipurpose laboratory ==> 多目的実験室
- MPLS, multiprotocol label service ==> ルータ間の通信経路を制御するためのプロトコル
- MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (API) ==> 石油管理标准手册
- MPOS, Multi Processor Operating System ==> MPOS
- MPP, massively parallel processor ==> 超並列コンピュータ
- MPP, materials processing platform ==> 材料実験プラットフォーム
- MPP, MSS preprocessor ==> MSS前処理装置
- MPPT, Maximum Power Point Tracking ==> 最大功率点跟踪方法=>最大電力点追従制御(太陽光発電)
- MPR, medium pressure regulator ==> 中圧力レギュレータ
- MPR, multilateral program review ==> 多国間レビュー
- MPRD ==> 船舶动力基础科研
- MPRD, maintainability process requirements document ==> 保守プロセス要求書
- MPS, maintenance prompter system ==> 保守推進システム
- MPS, materials processing in space ==> 宇宙材料処理
- MPS, materials processing simulation ==> 材料実験シミュレーション
- MPS, medium pressure sensor ==> 中圧力センサー
- MPS, modular power system ==> モジュール化電源
- MPS, specific experiment equipment ==> 特殊実験装置に関するFMPT記号
- MPSS, mission planning and scheduling system ==> ミッション計画と日程システム
- MPT, material planning terminal ==> ミッションプランニング端末装置
- MPT, materials processing test ==> 材料実験
- MPT, medium pressure transducer ==> 中圧力トランスュデューサー
- MPT, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications ==> 郵政省
- MPT, mission planning terminal ==> ミッション計画端末
- MPTL, Material Processing Technology Laboratory ==> 材料処理工学研究所
- MPU, magnetic pick-up ==> 磁気検出器
- MPU, Micro-Processing Unit ==> 超小型演算処理装置
- MPU, microprocessor unit ==> マイクロプロセッサーユニット
- MPV, main propellant valve ==> 主燃料弁
- MPX, Multiplexer ==> マルチプレクサ,多数の入力信号の中から,一つずつ信号を切替えて,A-Dコンバータに信号を伝達するもの
- MPX, multiplexer ==> 多重化装置
- MQF, mobile quarantine facility ==> 移動隔離施設
- MR adhesive ==> 耐水粘合剂
- MR scanner ==> 磁共振扫描器
- MR, magnetic resonance ==> 磁気共鳴
- MR, material review ==> 再審
- MR, Mercury-Redstone ==> マーキュリーレッドストーン
- MR, meteorological room ==> 気象員室
- MR, microwave radiometer ==> マイクロ波ラジオメータ
- MR, milliradian ==> ミリラジアン
- MR, mixture ratio ==> 混合比
- MR, modification request ==> 改修要求
- MRA, Microgravity Research Associate ==> 微小重力研究会員
- MRA, minimum reception altitude ==> 最低受信可能高度
- MRA, Mutual Recognition Agreement ==> 相互承認協定
- MRACS, model reference adaptive control system ==> モデル規範型適応制御
- MRAM, Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory ==> 磁気抵抗メモリ
- MRB, Material Review Board ==> 再審委員会
- MRBA, material review board action ==> 再審委員会処置
- MRD, mission requirement document ==> ミッション要求条件書
- MRDB, mission requirement database ==> ミッション要求条件データベース
- MRF, manipulator foot restraint ==> マニピュレータ基部の制限
- MRH, Module de Ressources Hermes ==> ヘルメス・リソース・モジュール
- MRI, magnetic resonance imaging ==> 磁気共鳴イメージング
- MRI, measurement requirements and interface ==> 測定要求とインタフェース
- MRI, Meteorological Research Institute ==> 気象研究所
- MRI, Mitsubishi Research Institute ==> 三菱総合研究所
- MRIR, medium resolution infrared radiometer ==> 中分解能赤外放射計
- MRL, MachineRoomLess Elevator ==> 機械室レスエレベータ
- MRM, materials resupply module ==> 材料再供給モジュール
- MRMS, mobile remote manipulator system ==> 可搬型遠隔マニピュレータシステム
- MRR Maritime Regulatory Reform ==> 海事管理改革
- MRR, mission readiness review ==> 発射準備完了確認審査
- MRS balance ==> 计划差额
- MRS, master ranging station ==> 主局(三点測距の主局)
- MRS, mobile remote servicer ==> 移動遠隔作業船
- MRSK ==> シベリア地域間送電網
- MRT, modified rhyme test ==> 改良型ライムテスト
- MRTB ==> 金属回路转换断路器
- MRTB, missile receiving and test building ==> ミサイル受信及び試験棟
- MRWG, mission requirement working group ==> ミッション要求作業班
- Ms (martensite start) point ==> 马氏体转变开始温度
- MS catalyst ==> 微球催化剂
- MS Marshall Islands (Flag) ==> 马绍尔群岛(注册)
- Ms point ==> 马氏体开始形成点
- Ms point (Martensite starting point) ==> 马氏体转变开始温度
- Ms transformation ==> 奥氏体-马氏体转变开始
- MS, margin of safety ==> 余裕安全率
- MS, material science ==> 材料科学
- MS, material strength ==> 材料強度
- MS, military specification ==> 軍仕様
- ms, Millisecond ==> ミリ秒
- MS, mission specialist ==> ミッションスペシャリスト
- MS, mission station ==> ミッション遂行用地上局
- MSA, Maritime Safety Agency ==> 海上保安庁
- MSA, mission support analyst ==> ミッション支援解析者
- MSAT, Mobile Satellite ==> 移動体通信衛星
- MSB Maritime Subsidy Board ==> 海事资助委员会
- MSB, most significant bit ==> 最上位の桁のビット
- MSB, Most Significant Bit/Byte ==> MSB
- MSC ==> 多模星形耦合器
- MSC Marine Safety Committee (IMO) ==> 海事安全委员会
- MSC Maritime Safety Center (US Coast Guard) ==> 海事安全中心(美国海岸警卫队)
- MSC Maritime Safety Committee ==> 海事安全委员会
- MSC Military Sealift Command ==> 军事海运指挥部
- MSC(WG), mobile service center ==> 移動型サービスセンター
- MSC, Machinery Service Corporation ==> 有限会社MSC,经营船舶机器进出口的贸易公司,本网页由MSC提供,欢迎光顾。http://www.msckobe.com/
- MSC, Manned Spacecraft Center ==> 有人宇宙機センター
- MSC, Maritime Safety Committee ==> 海上安全委員会
- MSC, material science lab ==> 材料実験ラブ
- MSC, message switching center ==> メッセージ交換センター
- MSC, Meteorological Satellite Center ==> 気象衛星センター
- MSC, microwave strip line circuit ==> マイクロ波ストリップライン回路
- MSC, mobile servicing center ==> 移動型サービスセンター
- MSC-TCR, The Mechanically Switched Capacitor-Thristor-Controlled Reactor ==> MSC-TCR
- MSCB, mission support control board ==> 運用準備会
- MSCS, mass storage control system ==> 大記憶管理システム
- MSCS, mobile servicing center system ==> 移動型サービスセンターシステム
- MSD, mission support directorate ==> ミッション支援責任者
- MSD, mission support division ==> ミッション支援部
- MSDB, modular & standardized distribution box ==> モジュール/標準化配電箱
- MSDP, mission station distribution panel ==> ミッション用地上局配置に関する部会
- MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet ==> 物质安全数据
- MSDS, Marconi Space and Defence Systems Ltd. ==> マルコニー宇宙及び防衛システムズ社
- MSE, maintenance support equipment ==> 整備支援機材
- MSE, mechanical support equipment ==> 機械的支援装置
- msec, Millisecond ==> ミリ秒
- MSF, manned space flight ==> 有人宇宙飛行
- MSFC, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center ==> ジョージCマーシャル宇宙飛行センター
- MSFC, Marshall Space Flight Center ==> マーシャル宇宙飛行センター
- MSFN, manned space flight network ==> 有人宇宙飛行ネットワーク
- MSG, message ==> メッセージ
- msi ==> 中规模集成度
- msi circuit ==> 中规模集成电路
- MSI, Maritime safety Information ==> 海上安全情報
- MSI, medium scale integrated circuit ==> 中規模集積回路
- MSIS Marine Safety Information System ==> 海事安全信息系统
- MSIS, mean-systems integration standards ==> 平均システム統合基準
- MSK, minimum phase shift keying ==> 最少位相偏移変調
- MSK, minimum shift keying ==> MSK
- MSL, materials science laboratory ==> 材料科学実験室
- MSL, maximum segment lifetime ==> MSL
- msld ==> 质谱检漏仪
- msm ==> 金属半导体金属结构
- MSM, microwave switch matrix ==> マイクロ波スイッチマトリックス
- MSM, mission-support manager ==> ミッションサポートマネージャ
- MSNAP Merchant Ship Naval Augmentation Program ==> 商船增加项目
- MSO Marine Safety Office ==> 海事安全办公室
- MSOCC, multisatellite operations control center ==> 多衛星運用管制センター
- MSP, mass spectrometer ==> 質量分析器
- MSR, microwave scanning radiometer ==> マイクロ波走査放射計
- MSR, Ministry of Scientific Research (Italy) ==> 科学研究省(イタリー)
- MSR-ADC, MSR antenna drive control ==> マイクロ波放射計アンテナ駆動制御回路部
- MSR-ADM, MSR antenna drive mechanism ==> マイクロ波放射計アンテナ駆動機構部
- MSR-ANT, MSR antenna ==> マイクロ波放射計アンテナ部
- MSR-SH, MSR sky horn ==> マイクロ波放射計スカイホーン
- MSR-SP, MSR signal processor ==> マイクロ波放射計信号処理部
- MSRC Marine Spill Response Corporation ==> 海洋泛滥反馈公司
- MSRV, medium pressure safety relief valve ==> 中圧力安全弁
- MSS Mobile Satellite Services ==> 移动卫星服务
- MSS, manned space station ==> 有人宇宙ステーション
- MSS, Manufactures Standardization Society ==> 製造標準化協会
- MSS, mass storage system ==> 大容量記憶システム
- MSS, Maximum Segment Size ==> TCPデータセグメントの最大値
- MSS, mission specialist station ==> ミッション専門家のいるステーション
- MSS, Mitsubishi Space Software Co. Ltd. ==> 三菱スペースソフトウェア株式会社
- MSS, mobile servicing system ==> 移動作業船
- MSS, module support structure ==> モジュール支援構造
- MSS, Multispectral Scanner System ==> 多重スペクトル走査放射計(ランドサット)
- MSSCC, multicolor spin scan cloud camera ==> 多重色スピンスキャン雲カメラ
- MST, mobile service tower ==> 整備塔(移動整備塔,種子島宇宙センター打上設備)
- MST, module service tower ==> モジュール業務用タワー
- MST, module servicing tool (module service tool) ==> モジュール業務用道具
- MSTC, Manufacturing Science and Technology Center ==> 製造科学技術センター
- MSTII, multispectral thermal infrared imager ==> 多スペクトル熱赤外画像器
- MSTV, manual stop valve ==> 手動遮断弁
- MSU, main storage unit ==> 主記憶装置
- MSU, mass storage unit ==> 大容量記憶装置
- MSU, memory storage unit ==> メモリー記憶装置
- MSU, microwave sounding unit ==> マイクロ波測器
- MSV, modular survivability vehicle ==> モジュール型救命船
- msw ==> 静磁波
- msw device ==> 静磁波装置
- MSW, Mitsubishi S/W ==> MSW
- MSW, modulation switch ==> 調整スイッチ
- MT advice ==> 信汇委托书
- MT Malta (Flag) ==> 马耳他(注册)
- MT Meters ==> 米
- MT metric ton ==> 公制吨
- MT Metric Ton ==> 公吨
- MT, Magnetic Tape ==> 磁気テープ
- MT, magnetic tape ==> 磁気テープ
- MT, magnetic torquer ==> 磁気トルカ
- MT, mechanical technician ==> 機構系作業員
- MT, mechanical test ==> 機構検査
- MT, medical treatment ==> 医療処置
- MT, meteorological rocket ==> 気象観測ロケット
- MT, MSC mobile transporter ==> MSC移動運搬装置
- MTA, major trading area ==> 全米を51に分割した地域
- MTA, man-tended approach ==> 手動操作アプローチ
- MTB, magnetic torque bar ==> 磁気トルクバー
- MTBCF, mean time between critical failures ==> 平均危険障害発生間隔
- MTBF ==> 平均故障间隔时间
- MTBF, Mean Time Between Failures ==> 平均故障間隔
- MTBF, mean time between failures ==> 平均故障間隔
- MTBM, mean time between maintenance ==> 平均メインテナンス間時間
- MTC, magnetic tape controller ==> 磁気テープ制御装置
- MTC, Man-Tended Approach Committee ==> 人間介在型アプローチ委員会
- MTCR ==> ミサイル関連資機材・技術規制
- MTCS, Masuda Tracking and Communication Station ==> 増田宇宙通信所
- MTCT, manipulator/teleoperator control technology ==> マニピュレータ/遠隔運用制御工学
- MTE, magnetosphere-thermosphere explorer ==> 磁気圏熱圏探査衛星
- MTF, modulation transfer function ==> 変調伝達関数(空間周波数の振幅の絶対値)
- MTFF, man-tended free flyer ==> 人間介助型フリーフライヤー
- MTG, meeting ==> 会議
- MTG, mounting ==> マウント
- MTI, Morton Thiokol Inc. ==> モートンサイオコール社
- MTI, moving target indicating radar ==> 移動目標表示レーダ
- MTI, moving target indicator ==> 移動目標表示装置
- MTIRI, multispectral thermal infrared imager ==> 多色熱赤外画像器
- MTJ, Magnetic Tunneling Junction ==> 強磁性トンネル結合
- MTL ==> 合并晶体管逻辑
- MTL, Manufacturing and Technology Laboratory ==> 製造/技術研究所
- MTL, Materials Technology Laboratory ==> 材料技術研究所
- MTL, multi-conductor transmission line model ==> 多导线传输线理论
- MTM, Masuda Rocket Telemeter Station ==> 増田ロケットテレメータ受信局
- MTM, mechanical test model ==> 構造試験モデル
- MTMC Military Transportation Management Command ==> 军事运输管理指挥部
- MTMS, manned teleoperator maneuvering system ==> 有人遠隔運用マヌーバシステム
- MTO, man-tended option ==> 人間介在型オプション
- MTOC, man-tended orbiting capability ==> 有人介助機能
- MTOPS, man-tended operations ==> 人間介在型運用,有人介助による運用
- MTP, MSS telemetry processor ==> MSSテレメトリ処理装置
- MTQ, magnetic torque ==> 磁気トルク
- MTQ, magnetic torquer ==> 磁気トルカー
- MTR, magnetic tape recorder ==> テープレコーダ
- MTR, motor ==> モーター
- MTRC, man-tended reference configuration ==> 人間介在型基準コンフィギュレーション
- MTRS, Main Transmitting and Receiving Station ==> 主送受信局
- MTS, Main Transmission Station ==> 主送信局
- MTS, mechanical thermostat ==> 機械式サーモスタット
- MTS, medium term study ==> 媒体用語研究
- MTSAT, Multi-functional Transport SATellite ==> 航空交通管制を支援する運輸多目的衛星
- MTSAT, Multifunctional Transport Satellite ==> 運輸多目的衛星
- MTTF ==> 平均故障间隔时间
- MTTF, mean time to failure ==> 平均故障時間
- MTTF, mean time to failures ==> 故障するまでの平均時間
- MTTR, mean time to repair ==> 平均修理時間
- MTTR, Mean Time To Repair ==> MTTR
- MTTR, mean time to restore ==> 平均回復時間
- MTU ==> Mtu公司是Benz-Chrisler公司的柴油机推进系统分部,重载柴油机制造公司
- MTU, magnetic tape unit ==> 磁気テープ装置
- MTU, master time unit orbiter ==> マスタータイムユニット
- MTU, master timing unit ==> 主タイミングユニット
- MTU, Maximum Transmission Unit ==> 一回の転送で送信できるデータの最大値
- mu ==> μ,ミュ
- MU ==> メジャーメント・アンサーテンティー・リキャプチャー,流量計
- mu factor ==> 放大系数
- MU, Management Unit ==> MU
- MU, Master Unit ==> MU
- MU, merging unit ==> 合并单元,用以对来自二次转换器的电流和/或电压数据进行时间相关组合的物理单元。合并单元可是互感器的一个组成件,也可是一个分立单元。
- MU, Merging Unit ==> MU
- mu-factor ==> 放大系数
- mu-H curve ==> 导磁率磁场强度曲线
- mu-metal ==> 锰游合金,镍铁高导磁率合金
- mu-tuning ==> 动铁调谐,磁性调谐=>ミュー同調
- MUA, Materials Usage Agreement ==> 材料使用協定
- muccus gland ==> 粘液腺
- MuCell ==> 超臨界微細発泡成形技術
- much branched ==> 多枝的
- Much granules ==> 慕赫氏颗粒
- Much's bacillus ==> 穆赫氏杆菌,结核分枝杆菌
- Much's reaction ==> 精神性反应
- much-branched adventitious roots ==> 分枝多的不定根
- mucic acid ==> 粘酸,粘液酸
- mucigen granule ==> 粘蛋白原粒,粘蛋白原粒
- mucilage canal ==> 粘液道
- mucilage cavity ==> 粘液腔,粘液腔
- mucilage dressing ==> 粘液整饰
- mucilage duct ==> 粘液管
- mucilaginous fiber ==> 胶质纤维
- mucilaginous gum ==> 植物粘胶
- mucilaginous substance ==> 粘液质
- mucin clot ==> 粘蛋白凝块
- mucin test ==> 粘蛋白试验,粘蛋白试验
- mucinogen granule ==> 粘蛋白原粒,粘蛋白原粒
- mucinous adenocarcinoma of pancreas ==> 胰粘液腺癌
- mucinous adenocarcinoma of stomach ==> 胃粘液性腺癌
- mucinous carcinoma ==> 胶样癌
- mucinous carcinoma of bladder ==> 膀胱粘液癌
- mucinous carcinoma of breast ==> 乳腺粘液癌
- mucinous cyst ==> 粘液囊肿
- mucinous cystadenoma of ovary ==> 粘液性卵巢囊腺瘤
- mucinous plaque ==> 粘液素斑
- muck bar ==> 熟铁初轧扁条,压条
- muck bar piling ==> 束熟铁扁条
- muck boss ==> 装岩工长
- muck bottom ==> 淤泥底
- muck bucket ==> 挖污泥斗
- muck flat ==> 沼泽平原,腐泥平原
- muck foundation ==> 淤泥地基
- muck garden ==> 沼泽地菜园,沼泽地芽园
- muck haulage ==> 运土
- muck loading ==> 装岩
- muck mill ==> 熟铁扁条粗轧机
- muck pile ==> 熟铁扁条束
- muck roll ==> 熟铁扁条轧辊
- muck soil ==> 腐泥土,腐殖土,腐殖质土
- muck surface ==> 淤泥表面
- muck-fork ==> 粪叉
- muck-rolling mill ==> 熟铁扁条轧机
- muck-spreading attachment ==> 撒厩肥附加装置
- mucker ==> 出碴机,装岩工
- mucker operator ==> 装岩机司机
- muckerism ==> 装岩机特性
- mucking bucket ==> 岩石吊桶
- mucking machine ==> 装渣机械,出碴机
- mucking machine drawpoint ==> 装矿机放矿点
- mucking pan ==> 装岩溜槽,装载溜槽
- mucking plate ==> 装岩用垫板
- mucking unit ==> 装载机
- muckland gardening ==> 沼泽地蔬菜栽培
- mucleophilic substitution ==> 亲核取代
- muco-cellulose ==> 粘质纤维素
- muco-sof powder ==> 莫咳粉
- mucobuccal fold ==> 移行皱襞,颊粘膜襞
- mucocele of frontal sinus ==> 额窦粘液囊肿
- mucocele of lacrimal sac ==> 泪囊粘液囊肿
- mucocele of salivary gland ==> 涎腺粘液囊肿
- mucocutaneous hemorrhage ==> 皮肤粘膜出血
- mucocutaneous junction ==> 粘膜皮肤连接
- mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome ==> 皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征,川崎氏病
- mucocutaneous spirochaete ==> 粘膜皮肤螺旋体
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma ==> 粘液表皮样癌
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma of bronchus ==> 支气管粘液表皮样癌
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma of cervix ==> 子宫颈粘液表皮样癌
- mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺粘液表皮样癌
- mucoepidermoid tumor ==> 粘液表皮样瘤
- mucoid adenocarcinoma of colon ==> 结肠粘液性腺癌
- mucoid carcinoma of breast ==> 乳房粘液样癌
- mucoid colony ==> 粘液状菌落,粘稠菌落
- mucoid cyst ==> 粘液样囊肿
- mucoid softening ==> 粘液样软化,粘液状软化
- mucoitin-sulfuric acid ==> 粘液素硫酸
- mucolytic agent ==> 溶粘蛋白剂
- mucomembranous colic ==> 粘膜性绞痛,粘膜性绞痛
- muconic acid ==> 粘康酸,己二烯二酸
- mucoperiosteal flap ==> 粘膜骨膜瓣
- mucopurulent bloody stool ==> 粘液脓血便
- mucopurulent sputum ==> 粘液脓性痰
- mucopurulent stool ==> 粘液脓性便
- mucosa forceps ==> 鼻粘膜镊,鼻粘膜钳
- mucosa knife ==> 鼻粘膜刀
- mucosa transplantation ==> 粘膜移植
- mucosal barrier ==> 粘膜屏障
- mucosal congestion ==> 粘膜瘀血
- mucosal erosion ==> 粘膜糜烂
- mucosal fold hypertrophy ==> 粘膜皱襞增粗
- mucosal fold interruption ==> 粘膜皱襞中断
- mucosal graft ==> 粘膜移植物
- mucosal neuroma ==> 粘膜神经瘤
- mucosis otitis ==> 粘液链球菌性耳炎
- mucosus otitis ==> 粘液链球菌性耳炎
- mucous alveolus ==> 粘液性腺泡
- mucous bloody stool ==> 粘液血便
- mucous carcinoma ==> 粘液癌
- mucous coat ==> 粘膜
- mucous colic ==> 粘液性绞痛
- mucous colitis ==> 粘液性结肠炎
- mucous cyst ==> 粘液囊肿
- mucous cyst of bronchus ==> 支气管粘液囊肿
- mucous cyst of ovary ==> 卵巢粘液囊肿
- mucous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary ==> 卵巢粘液性囊腺癌
- mucous cystadenofibroma of ovary ==> 卵巢粘液性囊腺纤维瘤
- mucous edema ==> 粘膜水肿
- mucous edema face ==> 粘液性水肿面容
- mucous gastritis ==> 粘液性胃炎
- mucous gland ==> 粘液腺
- mucous layer ==> 粘膜层,粘膜层
- mucous lining ==> 粘膜
- mucous membrane ==> 粘膜,粘膜
- mucous membrane knife ==> 鼻粘膜刀
- mucous neck cells ==> 颈粘液细胞,颈粘液细胞,胃腺颈部粘液细胞
- mucous patch ==> 粘膜斑,粘膜斑,扁头湿疣
- mucous plug ==> 粘液栓,颈管粘液栓,颈管粘液栓,宫颈管粘液栓
- mucous polyp ==> 粘液息肉
- mucous polyp of larynx ==> 喉粘液息肉
- mucous sheath ==> 粘液鞘
- mucous sputum ==> 粘液性痰
- mucous stool ==> 粘液便,粘液粪
- mucous thread ==> 粘液线
- mucous tumor ==> 粘液瘤
- mucous tumor of ovary ==> 卵巢粘液瘤
- mucus barrier ==> 粘液屏障
- mud ==> 泥,软泥,矿泥,污泥,滤泥
- mud ability ==> 泥地行驶能力
- mud accumulation ==> 淤泥
- mud acid ==> 无机泥酸
- mud and snow tire ==> 泥泞路和雪路用轮胎
- mud and stone flow ==> 泥石流
- mud apron ==> 挡泥板
- mud baffle ==> 挡泥板
- mud ball ==> 泥球,贴沙砾泥球
- mud bank ==> 泥滩
- mud barrel ==> 掏泥筒
- mud basin ==> 泥地
- mud bath ==> 泥浴
- mud berth ==> 泥锚位
- mud bit ==> 粘土层钻头
- mud blasting ==> 泥封爆炸法
- mud boat ==> 泥驳,载泥船
- mud bucket ==> 挖泥斗
- mud cake ==> 泥饼
- mud capping ==> 泥盖,(爆孔用)封泥
- mud chamber ==> 沉淀室
- mud chemist ==> 泥浆配制员
- mud cleaning machine ==> 清泥机
- mud cock ==> 排泥旋塞
- mud collar ==> 泥圈
- mud collector ==> 集泥器
- mud column ==> 泥浆柱
- mud cone ==> 泥火山锥,泥丘
- mud crack ==> 泥裂,泥裂缝
- mud crack polygon ==> 泥多边形土
- mud discharge line ==> 泥浆排卸管道
- mud ditch ==> 泥浆槽
- mud dock ==> 挖泥船坞
- mud drag ==> 挖泥船
- mud draining ==> 排泥螺钉
- mud drape ==> 泥盖
- mud dredge ==> 疏浚机
- mud dredge bulb ==> 挖泥机
- mud drilling ==> 泥浆冲洗钻进
- mud drum ==> 泥包,炉底锅筒
- mud dumping site ==> 泥头倾卸区
- mud eater(s) ==> 食泥动物
- mud eel ==> 鳗螈
- mud filling ==> 淤积
- mud flat ==> 海滨泥滩,泥滩
- mud flow fill indicator ==> 灌泥浆指示器
- mud flow soil ==> 泥流土
- mud fluid ==> 泥浆
- mud flush ==> 泥浆冲洗
- mud flush test ==> 钻泥浆冲洗试验
- mud foreshore ==> 淤泥岸
- mud geyser ==> 泥喷泉
- mud grouting ==> 灌泥浆
- mud guard ==> 挡泥板
- mud gun ==> 炮泥枪
- mud hog ==> 泥浆泵,摆锤粉碎机组
- mud hole ==> 排泥孔
- mud jacking ==> 压浆=>マッド・ジャッキング
- mud lava ==> 泥熔岩
- mud layer ==> 泥浆层
- mud lighter ==> 泥驳
- mud lime ==> マッド
- mud line ==> 泥线
- mud lobster (Thalassina anomala) ==> 异形海蛄虾
- mud log ==> 泥浆电阻率测井
- mud meter ==> 含泥率计
- mud minnow ==> 泥荫鱼
- mud mixer ==> 粘土拌合器
- mud movement ==> 淤泥运动
- mud oil ==> 钻井采油
- mud pan ==> 污垢沉淀池
- mud performer ==> 泥地高通过性车辆
- mud pipe ==> 排泥管
- mud pit ==> 泥浆坑
- mud plug ==> 泥箱管道开关
- mud polygon ==> 泥多边形土
- mud press ==> 滤泥机
- mud program ==> 泥浆规格
- mud puddle ==> 泥潭
- mud pump ==> 泥浆泵,抽泥泵
- mud pump valve ==> 泥泵阀
- mud rake ==> 泥耙
- mud reclamation ==> 泥浆再生
- mud replacement by blasting ==> 爆破排淤法
- mud residue ==> 泥渣
- mud rock ==> 泥岩
- mud scow ==> 平底运泥船
- mud scraper ==> 刮泥机
- mud screen ==> 泥浆筛
- mud seam ==> 泥缝
- mud settler ==> 沉泥机,沉渣机
- mud shale ==> 泥页岩
- mud sheet ==> 泥蔽
- mud shell ==> 泥壳
- mud shield of output shaft ==> 输出轴防泥护罩
- mud shovel ==> 泥铲
- mud sill ==> 底基木,排架座木
- mud silting ==> 淤泥
- mud socket ==> 淤泥筒
- mud solution ==> 泥浆
- mud still (mud settler) ==> 泥浆沉降器
- mud stone ==> 泥岩
- mud stream ==> 泥流
- mud sump ==> 泥池,泥浆池,沉泥池
- mud swivel ==> 泥浆回转接头
- mud system ==> 泥浆冲洗法
- mud tank ==> 泥浆桶
- mud transport ==> 淤泥移动
- mud trap ==> 沉泥池,沉泥井
- mud tubular bit ==> 管形提泥钻头
- mud valve ==> 排泥阀,泥浆泵排出阀
- mud viscosity ==> 泥浆粘度
- mud volcano ==> 泥火山
- mud wall ==> 土墙
- mud wasp ==> 泥蜂
- mud work ==> 泥蔽
- mud-apron ==> 挡泥板
- mud-blister worm ==> 泥泡多毛类
- mud-cake resistivity ==> 泥饼电阻率
- mud-flat community ==> 淤泥滩群落
- mud-flush boring ==> 泥浆冲洗钻进
- mud-flush drilling ==> 泥浆冲洗钻进
- mud-flush method of sinking ==> 泥浆冲洗钻井法
- mud-flush system ==> 泥浆冲洗法
- mud-hog pump ==> 泥浆泵
- mud-jack method ==> 压浆法
- mud-laden fluid ==> 泥浆
- mud-removal acid ==> 去泥浆酸
- mud-settling pit ==> 泥浆沉淀池
- mud-settling sump ==> 泥浆沉淀池
- mud-star ==> 泥海星
- Mudan electric fan ==> 牡丹牌电扇
- mudapron ==> 挡泥板
- mudaric acid ==> 牛角瓜酸
- mudarol (mudarin) ==> 牛角瓜醇
- mudcap ==> 封泥
- muddiness ==> 泥泞
- mudding ==> 泥浆堵漏
- muddy ==> 泥泞的
- muddy bottom ==> 泥底
- muddy coast ==> 淤泥质海岸
- muddy ground ==> 淤泥地
- muddy road ==> 泥泞道路
- muddy soil ==> 泥浆状土
- muddy terrain ==> 泥泞地带
- muddy wastewater ==> 泥状废水
- muddy water ==> 泥浆,浑水,混浊水
- mudfish ==> 泥鱼,弓鳍鱼
- mudflow ==> 泥流,泥石流,浑流,混浊水流=>土石流
- Mudgrass ==> 莎禾属
- mudguard ==> 挡泥板
- mudguard lamp bulb ==> 挡泥板灯泡
- mudguard lamp glass ==> 挡泥板灯玻璃
- mudguard lamp rubber pad ==> 挡泥板灯橡皮垫
- mudguard stay ==> 挡泥板撑条
- mudhole ==> 淤泥清理孔
- mudjack ==> 压浆
- mudjack pump ==> 压浆泵
- mudlump ==> 泥丘
- Mudminnow ==> 荫鱼
- Mudplantain ==> 异芯花属
- mudsill ==> 底基
- mudslide ==> 土石流
- mudspate ==> 泥流=>土石流
- mudstone ==> 泥屑灰岩,泥岩
- mudulation effect ==> 调制效应
- mudulus of resonance ==> 共振係数(同期機)
- muduserone ==> 明杜西酮
- Mudwort ==> 水芒草属
- Mueller matrices ==> 缪勒矩阵
- Muenchhausen's syndrome ==> 假装急病求治癖
- MUF, maximum usable frequency ==> 最高使用可能周波数
- mufactor movement ==> 放大系数
- muff ==> 手笼,衬套,套筒
- muff chuck ==> 套筒卡盘
- muff clamp chuck ==> 套筒卡盘
- muff coupling ==> 套管连接
- muff coupling joint ==> 筒形万向联轴器
- muff heater ==> 保温加热器
- muff joint ==> 套管连接,套筒接头
- muffle burner ==> 马弗炉喷燃器
- Muffle burner ==> 马弗炉点火喷燃器
- muffle colour ==> 隔焰窑烧成的颜料
- muffle furnace ==> 隔焰炉,马弗炉,马温电炉
- Muffle kiln ==> 马弗式窑
- muffle kiln ==> 马弗窑,隔陷窑
- muffle resistance furnace ==> 茂福式加热用电阻炉
- muffle wall ==> 马弗炉壁
- muffler ==> 消声器=>油分離器(遮断器)
- muffler bracket ==> 消声器支架
- muffler clamp ==> 减声器夹
- muffler cut-out ==> 消声器隔断器
- muffler cutout valve ==> 消音器切断阀
- muffler explosion ==> 消音器反火
- muffler flange ==> 减声器凸缘
- muffler inlet ==> 消声器进口
- muffler inlet pipe clamp ==> 减声器进气管夹
- muffler outer pipe ==> 减声器外管
- muffler outlet pipe bracket ==> 消声器出气管托架
- muffler outlet piper ==> 消声器出气管
- muffler plate ==> 消声板
- muffler repair jacket ==> 消声器修理套
- muffler shell ==> 消声器外壳
- muffler silencer ==> 消声器,安装在进、排汽(气)系统用以降低噪声的装置
- muffler support ==> 减声器支架
- muffler tail pipe ==> 消音器排气管
- muffler tail pipe clamp ==> 消声器尾管夹
- muffler tail pipe support ==> 消声器尾管支架
- muffler tail pipe support clip ==> 消声器尾管夹
- mugho pine ==> 矮生山松
- Mugui-type manganese deposit ==> 木圭式锰矿床
- mugwort stalk door curtain ==> 艾杆门帘
- Muhammadam architecture ==> 伊斯兰教建筑
- muhiflow silo ==> 多料流式均化库
- Mui Wo Sewage Treatment Works ==> 梅窝污水处理厂
- muiclage hair ==> 粘液毛
- muiclage-pore ==> 粘液孔
- muitiple-die press ==> 多冲模冲床
- mulberry body ==> 桑椹胚
- mulberry borer ==> 桑天牛
- mulberry field ==> 桑园,桑园
- mulberry leaf beetle (platyxantha chinensis) ==> 桑叶甲
- mulberry molar ==> 桑葚状磨牙
- mulberry moth ==> 桑螟
- mulberry powdery mildew ==> 桑白粉病
- mulberry sclerotinia blight control ==> 桑条菌核病防治
- mulberry silkworm ==> 桑蚕
- mulberry yellow awarf ==> 桑树萎缩病
- mulberry-fed caterpillar ==> 桑蚕
- mulch cover mulch-covering ==> 落叶层
- mulch farming ==> 覆盖耕作,覆盖农作制
- mulch forming ==> 覆盖防旱农作制
- mulch layer ==> 土壤覆盖机
- mulch planter ==> 带覆盖薄膜的播种机
- mulch spreader ==> 切碎植物撒布机
- mulch tillage ==> 留残茬耕作
- mulched ground ==> 覆盖地,被覆盖土壤
- mulched land ==> 被覆盖土壤
- mulcher stubble ==> 松土灭茬中耕机
- mulching material ==> 地面覆盖物
- mulching soil ==> 覆盖土
- mulching-machine ==> 表土疏松机
- MULD, magnetic unloading control coil ==> 磁気アンローディング制御用コイル
- mule ==> (動物)ラバ
- mule cart ==> 轻型牵引机
- mule-foot ==> 单蹄动物
- muliple-core ==> 多芯的
- mulitple ignition ==> 多火花点火
- mulitple impulse weld ==> 多脉冲焊缝
- mulitple metering relay ==> 复式计数继电器
- mulitple pump circuit ==> 多泵回路
- mull leaf beds ==> 腐叶层
- mull technique ==> 粘结法
- mull-dressing ==> 软布敷料
- muller ==> 研轮,研磨轮,平底乳钵,碾轮
- Muller electron gun ==> 马勒电子枪
- muller mixer ==> 湿式悬轮混料机,悬轮混合机
- Muller model ==> 马勒模型
- muller plow ==> 混砂机刮板
- Muller's canal ==> 苗勒氏管
- Muller's dust bodies ==> 苗勒氏尘状体
- Muller's fibers ==> 苗勒氏纤维
- Muller's fluid ==> 苗勒氏液
- Muller's reaction ==> 苗勒氏反应
- Muller's supporting cell ==> 苗勒氏支持细胞
- Muller-Breslau's principle ==> 变位线原理
- Muller-Breslaus principle ==> 米勒白司老变位线原理
- mullerian cyst ==> 苗勒氏管囊肿
- Mullerian duct cyst ==> 苗勒管囊肿
- Mullers canal ==> 苗勒氏管
- Mullers fibres ==> 缪勒纤维
- mulling agent ==> 研糊剂
- mulling machine ==> 辗碎机
- mulling ratio ==> 混合比
- mulling things over ==> 开动脑筋
- mullion structure ==> 栅状构造,栅状构造
- mullite block ==> 莫来石大砖
- mullite brick ==> 莫来石砖,富铝红柱石砖,高铝红柱石砖
- mullite refractory ==> 莫来石质耐火材料,多铝红柱石耐火材料
- mullite white ware ==> 莫来石瓷
- mulsh paper ==> 园圃纸
- multi ==> 多
- multi agent system ==> マルチエージェントシステム
- multi anode rectifier ==> 多阳极整流
- multi audio telegraph terminal ==> 多音频电报终端机
- multi blade fan ==> 多叶片风扇
- multi box loom ==> 多棱箱织机
- multi burner cutting machine ==> 多头切割机
- multi car elevator ==> マルチカーエレベータ
- multi cavity container ==> 多腔容器
- multi cavity die ==> 多孔模
- multi cavity klystron ==> 多腔调速管
- multi cellular glass ==> 泡沫玻璃
- multi channel ==> 多信道的
- multi channel telegraphy ==> 多路电报
- multi coil feed heater ==> 多盘管式给水加热器
- multi connection diagram ==> 複線接続図
- multi contact auxilliary relay ==> 多触点辅助继电器
- multi contact relay ==> 多接触リレー
- multi contact switch ==> 多触点开关
- multi crystal ==> 多晶体
- multi data set volume ==> 多数据集卷宗
- multi degree of freedom ==> 多自由度
- multi dimensional normal distribution ==> 多元正态分布
- multi dimensional system ==> 多元系
- multi electrodes ==> 多電極
- multi evaluation ==> 多面的評価
- multi factor insulation system ==> 多因素绝缘系统
- multi flight stair ==> 多梯段楼梯
- multi frequency system ==> 多频制
- multi function architecture ==> 多功能建筑
- multi gauge projector ==> 多用放映机
- multi jet squirt ==> 两用水枪
- multi layer perceptron ==> 多層パーセプトロン
- multi layer substrate ==> 多层基片
- multi level control ==> 多电平控制
- multi level high tonnage press ==> 多级高吨位压机
- multi level junction ==> 多层立体交叉
- multi loop control ==> マルチループ制御
- multi loop control system ==> 多回路控制系统
- multi loop pulse system ==> 多回路脉冲系统
- multi modal oscillations in power system ==> 电力系统多模态振荡
- multi molecular layer ==> 多分子层
- multi nodes technique ==> n重節点法
- multi objective evaluation ==> 多目的評価
- multi partition ==> 多分区
- multi peel bucket ==> 多瓣式抓斗
- multi phase sampling ==> 多相抽样法
- multi point control ==> 多点控制
- multi points positioning ==> 多点位置決め方式
- multi position action ==> 多位置动作
- multi programming ==> 多道程序设计
- multi purpose architecture ==> 多功能建筑
- multi purpose space ==> 多功能空间
- multi rotor ==> 多功能破碎机=>マルチロータ
- multi screen ==> 多层筛
- multi sorter ==> 多功能分选机=>マルチソーター
- multi speed control ==> 多速度控制
- multi sphere ==> 多弧
- multi spindle ==> 多轴
- multi spindle drilling machine ==> 多轴钻床
- multi stage flash ==> 多段フラッシュ式蒸発法(MSF)
- multi stage sampling ==> 多级抽样法
- multi staged evaporator ==> 多效蒸发器
- multi stationery set ==> 多用文具盒
- multi storied factory building ==> 多层厂房
- multi thread ==> 多线索
- multi variable control system ==> 多变数控制系
- multi variable natural length spring model ==> 多段可変自然長ばねモデル
- multi wall NT, MWNT ==> 多層ナノチューブ
- multi(ple)-strand casting machine ==> 多流连铸机
- multi- purpose farm vehicle ==> 多用途农用车
- multi-access computer ==> 多用户计算机
- multi-activity ==> 多活动
- multi-adapter ==> 多用适配器
- multi-address ==> 多地址,多地址的
- multi-address calling ==> 同報通信
- multi-address code ==> 多地址码
- multi-address instruction ==> 多地址指令
- multi-address instruction code ==> 多地址编码,多地址指令码
- multi-address message ==> 多地址信息
- multi-address order code ==> 多地址指令码
- multi-agent ==> マルチェージェント
- multi-agent model ==> マルチェージェントモデル(電力自由化)
- multi-agent system ==> マルチェージェント方式
- multi-agent technology ==> 多代理技术=>マルチェージェント技術
- multi-alkali photocathode ==> 多碱光电阴极
- multi-amplifier ==> 多级放大器
- multi-analysis ==> 多方面分析,全面分析
- multi-anemometer ==> 多点测定风速仪
- multi-angle glossmeter ==> 多角度光泽计
- multi-aperture core ==> 多孔磁心=>多孔コア
- multi-apertured ==> 多孔的
- multi-arc welder ==> 多相电极弧焊机
- multi-arch bridge ==> 连拱桥
- multi-arch dam ==> 连拱坝
- multi-architecture machine ==> 多体系结构计算机
- multi-arm caliper device ==> 多臂井径仪
- multi-associative memory ==> 多相联存储器
- multi-attributed evaluation ==> 他属性影響評価
- multi-audio-track video tape recorder ==> 多声道视频磁带录音机
- multi-audiotrack video tape recorder ==> 多声道视频磁带录像机
- multi-axis turning center ==> 多轴车床中心
- multi-axle lorry ==> 多轴运货汽车
- multi-axle trailer ==> 多轴拖车
- multi-axle vibrater ==> 多轴振动筛
- multi-bale opener ==> 多包开棉机
- multi-ball type mandrel ==> 多球式芯棒
- multi-band remote sensing ==> 多波段遥感
- multi-bank strip chart recorder ==> 多通道长图记录仪
- multi-bar raschel machine ==> 多梳栉拉舍尔经编机
- multi-bar warp knitting machine ==> 多梳栉经编机
- multi-batch processing ==> 多批处理
- multi-beacon ==> 多信标
- multi-beam ==> 多束光
- multi-beam holography ==> 多光束全息术
- multi-beam interferometer ==> 多光束干涉仪
- multi-beam jumbo ==> 多臂钻车,又称“掘进台车”。凿岩台车的一种,主要用于地下岩石硐室掘进时的钻凿炮孔和锚杆孔等孔眼,每个台车可配置多台钻臂和凿岩机,可根据开挖断面的大小来选择不同等级的钻臂和臂数,并配以相同等级的凿岩机
- multi-beam resonator ==> 多光束谐振腔
- multi-blade nail clipper ==> 多用指甲刀
- multi-blade pocket knife ==> 多用小刀
- multi-block bidding ==> 多段报价,在每个交易时段内可申报多个组(一组)容量(或电量)段值及其价格,因而报价曲线呈分段折线状或在分段点处不连续的阶梯状(一般要求为上升阶梯)
- multi-body system ==> 多体系统
- multi-boom jumbo ==> 多臂钻车
- multi-branch ==> 多路转移
- multi-break circuit breaker ==> 多重开关断路器
- multi-break switch or circuit-breaker ==> 多重开关
- multi-bucket dredger ==> 多斗挖泥机
- multi-bucket excavator ==> 多斗式挖土机,多斗挖掘机
- multi-bucket feeder ==> 多斗喂料机
- multi-bucket ladder dredger ==> 多斗梯式挖泥船
- multi-bucket trench digger ==> 多斗挖沟机
- multi-bucket trencher ==> 多斗式挖沟机
- multi-burst generator ==> 多脉冲群发生器
- multi-calcium tablet ==> 多种钙片
- multi-call DTE ==> 多道调用DTE
- multi-cavity klystron ==> 多腔速调管
- multi-cavity magnetron ==> 多腔磁控管
- multi-centered arch ==> 多心拱
- multi-chain hydro power system ==> 連接水系
- multi-chamber kiln ==> 多室窑
- multi-channel car kiln ==> 多通道车式隧道窑
- multi-channel communication ==> 多重通信
- multi-channel PMT ==> 多チャンネル光電子増倍管
- multi-channel recorder ==> 多通道记录器
- multi-channel roller kiln ==> 多通道辊道窑
- multi-channel slab kiln ==> 多通道推板窑
- multi-chip circuit ==> 多片电路
- multi-circle wirewound potentiator ==> 多圈线绕电位器
- multi-circuit transmission ==> 多回線送電方式
- multi-circuit transmission line ==> 多回線併架送電線
- multi-class sender ==> 万用记录器
- multi-coated lens ==> 多层加膜处理镜片
- multi-collar thrust bearing ==> 多环式止推轴承
- multi-colour ==> 多色印刷
- multi-colour work ==> 多色印刷
- multi-coloured brick ==> 多色建筑砖
- multi-column hydraulic press ==> 多柱式液压计
- multi-combination meter ==> 多用途复合仪表
- multi-combustion chamber ==> 多管燃烧室
- multi-combustion chamber heater ==> 多室立式炉
- multi-compartment bed ==> 多层床
- multi-compartment cell ==> 多槽式浮选机
- multi-component ==> 多组分的
- multi-component fiber ==> 多组分纤维
- multi-component system ==> 多元组
- multi-concentric ==> 多层同心的
- multi-concentric arrangement type winding ==> 多层同心式绕组
- multi-conductor bundle ==> 多導体方式
- multi-conductor plug ==> 多触点插头
- multi-conductor system ==> 多導線系
- multi-cone angle cocurrent decanter centrifuge ==> 多锥角并流型沉降式离心机
- multi-connector ==> 复式连接器
- multi-constituent fibre ==> 多成分复合纤维
- multi-contact auxiliary relay ==> 多接触継電器
- multi-converters ==> 多重変換器
- multi-core cable ==> 多芯电缆=>多心ケーブル
- multi-cropping ==> 多茬复种
- multi-crystal focusing spectrograph ==> 多晶聚焦摄谱仪
- multi-cutter shearing machine ==> 多刀剪毛机
- multi-cycle sort ==> 多周期分类
- multi-cyclone ==> 多级旋风分离器
- multi-cyclone dust collector ==> 多管式旋流除尘器
- multi-cylinder ==> 多汽缸的
- multi-cylinder (multiple piston) pump ==> 多缸泵
- multi-cylinder compressor ==> 多缸压缩机
- multi-cylinder engine ==> 多缸发动机
- multi-cylinder hydraulic press ==> 多缸式液压机
- multi-cylinder long mesh paper machine ==> 长网多缸造纸机
- multi-cylinder opener ==> 多刺辊开棉机
- multi-cylinder steam engine ==> 多缸蒸汽机,多汽缸蒸汽机
- multi-cylinder turbine ==> 多缸汽轮机,多汽缸汽轮机
- multi-daylight press ==> 多层压力机
- multi-decimation identification ==> マルチデシメーション同定法
- multi-decision process ==> 多段決定過程
- multi-deck partitioned wagon ==> 多层间隔车
- multi-deck vibrating separator ==> 多层振动分选机
- multi-degree-of-freedom ==> 多自由度
- multi-design ribber ==> 多花式罗纹机
- multi-destination carrier ==> 多対地搬送波
- multi-development method ==> 多次展开法
- multi-die continuous wire drawing machine ==> 多模连续式拉丝机
- multi-die machine ==> 多次拉丝机
- multi-dielectric windows ==> 複数誘電体窓
- multi-dimensional approach ==> 多维度方法
- multi-dimensional drive system ==> 多自由度駆動システム
- multi-dimensional network ==> 多次元網
- multi-dimensional normal distribution ==> 多维正态分布
- multi-dimensional sensing ==> 多次元センシング
- multi-dipole plasma Langmuir probe ==> 多偶极等离子体朗缪尔探测仪
- multi-directional laminates ==> 多向层压板
- multi-disc ==> 多片
- multi-disc clutch ==> 多片离合器
- multi-disc friction clutch ==> 多盘摩擦离合器,多片摩擦离合器
- multi-disc mower ==> 多盘式割草机
- multi-disciplinary ==> 多学科的,多种学科的
- multi-disciplinary symposium ==> 多学科学术研讨会
- multi-disk cross cutter ==> 多盘式横锯
- multi-divergence laser ==> 多分支激光器
- multi-DOF ==> 多自由度
- multi-domain particles ==> 多磁区粒子
- multi-domains ==> マルチドメイン
- multi-door refrigerator ==> 多门冰箱
- multi-drill ==> 多轴钻
- multi-drill head ==> 多轴钻床主轴管
- multi-drill head machine ==> 多轴钻机,排钻床
- multi-drilling machine ==> 多轴钻机
- multi-duplicating machine ==> 连晒机
- multi-echelon inventory model ==> 多阶层库存模型
- multi-effect compressor ==> 多效压缩机
- multi-effect evaporator ==> 多效蒸发器
- multi-effect multi-stage (flash) vaporizer ==> 多效多级闪蒸蒸发器
- multi-effect vacuum evaporator ==> 多效真空蒸发器
- multi-effect water distillator ==> 多效蒸馏水机
- multi-electrode ==> 多电极
- multi-electrode laser diode ==> 多极激光二极管
- multi-electrode tube ==> 多極管
- multi-electrode valve ==> 多极管
- multi-electron dynamics ==> 多電子動力学
- multi-elfin ==> 多位数字显示器
- multi-emitter laser diode ==> 多发射极激光二极管
- multi-end reeling machine ==> 多条缫丝机
- multi-engine ==> 多曲柄式发动机
- multi-exchange system ==> 多局系统
- multi-exhaust ==> 多排汽口
- multi-exhaust blade ==> 复排汽叶片
- multi-exhaust turbine ==> 多排汽口汽轮机
- multi-expansion ==> 多次膨胀式
- multi-exposure X-ray powder camera ==> 多次曝光X射线粉末摄影机
- multi-feature telephone ==> 多功能电话机
- multi-feed circular latch needle machine ==> 多系统圆型舌针编结机
- multi-feed oiler ==> 多点加油器
- multi-feed parabolic reflector antenna ==> 多馈源抛物面反射器天线
- multi-feed rib machine ==> 多路罗纹机
- multi-fiber array ==> 毛细管整列
- multi-fiber cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multi-fiber cable connector ==> 多芯光缆连接器
- multi-fiber connector ==> 多芯光纤连接器
- multi-fiber optical cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multi-fiber optical submarine cable ==> 多芯海底光缆
- multi-fiber splicer ==> 多纤接头机
- multi-fibre ==> 复型纤维
- multi-file search ==> 多文件查找
- multi-file volume ==> 多文件卷宗
- Multi-Film L ==> 莫蒂阴
- multi-flame pot furnace ==> 多焰坩埚窑
- multi-flame torch ==> 多焰焊炬
- multi-flavour shaped dropping pill machine ==> 多味异形滴丸机
- multi-flow heater ==> 多流式加热器
- multi-focus ==> 多电极聚焦
- multi-focus lens ==> 多焦点透镜
- multi-folded yarn ==> 多股线
- multi-fuel-fired boiler ==> 混烧锅炉,可以同时燃用两种或两种以上(油、煤、气、油页岩等)不同燃料的锅炉。
- multi-function array radar ==> 多功能相控阵雷达
- multi-function auto-repeat earphone ==> 多功能自动复述耳机
- multi-function automatic fire alarm ==> 多功能火灾自动报警器
- multi-function card ==> 多功能卡
- multi-function center ==> 多功能顶针
- multi-function cold drink machine ==> 多功能冷饮机
- multi-function converter ==> 多功能转换器
- multi-function display ==> 多功能显示器
- multi-function embroidery machine ==> 多功能绣花机
- multi-function health inspecting apparatus ==> 多功能人体监护仪
- multi-function heat analyzer ==> 多功能热分析仪
- multi-function laminating machine ==> 多功能层压机
- multi-function leather belt transporter ==> 多功能皮带传送机
- multi-function machine tool ==> 多功能机床
- multi-function milling holder ==> 多用铣床夹头
- multi-function multimeter ==> 多功能万用表
- multi-function oxygen therapy monitor ==> 多功能输氧监测仪
- multi-function phase shift signal source ==> 多用移相信号源
- multi-function phone ==> 多功能电话机
- multi-function printer ==> 多功能打印机
- multi-function robbery protection alarm ==> 多功能防盗报警器
- multi-function routine polarograph ==> 多功能常规测量极谱仪
- multi-function solenoid valve ==> 多用途电磁阀
- multi-function stimulator ==> 多功能刺激仪
- multi-function switch ==> 组合开关
- multi-function telephone analyzer ==> 多功能电话分析仪
- multi-function TV set ==> 多功能电视机
- multi-function ultrasonic scanner ==> 多功能超声扫描仪
- multi-function ventilator ==> 多功能通风机
- multi-function walking stick ==> 多功能拐杖
- multi-function watch ==> 多功能手表
- multi-function wax ==> 多功能蜡
- multi-function wrist-instrument ==> 多功能电子表
- multi-functional ==> 多官能的
- multi-functional angle sensor ==> 多機能角度センサ
- multi-functional blood collecting vehicle ==> 多功能采血车
- multi-functional box-type solar cooker ==> 多功能箱式太阳能灶
- multi-functional chromatograph ==> 多用色谱仪
- multi-functional counter ==> 多功能计数器
- multi-functional die processing machine ==> 多功能模具加工机
- multi-functional drilling and tap holder ==> 多用钻孔攻丝夹头
- multi-functional drinking-water purifier ==> 多功能饮水净化器
- multi-functional dual ion beam processing machine ==> 多功能双离子束加工机
- multi-functional fluid control apparatus ==> 多功能液流控制装置
- multi-functional health examination instrument ==> 多功能健康检查仪
- multi-functional integrated circuit ==> 多功能集成电路
- multi-functional mobile combination belt conveyer ==> 多功能移动组合式皮带输送机
- multi-functional polyurethane solution ==> 多功能聚氨酯溶液
- multi-functional shadowless lamp ==> 多功能无影灯
- multi-functional soybean milk machine ==> 多功能豆奶机
- multi-functional spotlight cooker ==> 多功能聚光灶
- multi-generation ==> 多重発電
- multi-granular charge ==> 多粒度料
- multi-group diffusion method ==> 多群扩散法,将能量分群法应用于中子扩散方程,得到一n(能群数)个联立中子扩散方程组。各方程只出现空间变量和描述中子特性的群参数,能群间通过中子迁移截面耦合,然后求解该方程组的近似方法
- multi-head automatic arc-welding machine ==> 多头自动电弧焊机
- multi-head automatic welding machine ==> 多头自动焊机
- multi-head computer controlled embroidery machine ==> 多头计算机控制刺绣机
- multi-head electronic embroidery machine ==> 多头电子绣花机
- multi-head welder ==> 多头焊机
- multi-hop transmission ==> 多重反射伝搬
- multi-impression die ==> 多腔模
- multi-impression mo(u)ld ==> 多腔模
- multi-inertia system ==> 多慣性系
- multi-infeed HVDC system ==> 多馈入直流系统
- multi-input ==> 多端输入
- multi-input power system ==> 多入力電力系統安定化システム
- multi-input switch ==> 多输入开关
- multi-interpreter system ==> 多解释器系统
- multi-ion mass spectrometer ==> 多离子质谱仪
- multi-ionic system ==> 多元离子系
- multi-item model ==> 复项目模式
- multi-jet ==> 多喷嘴的
- multi-jet blowpipe ==> 多焰喷焊器
- multi-jet burner ==> 多焰焊炬
- multi-jet condenser ==> 多喷口凝汽器,多喷嘴冷凝器
- multi-jet nozzle ==> 多孔喷嘴
- multi-jet spray ==> 多喷口
- multi-jet turbine ==> 多喷嘴冲击式水轮机
- multi-jet weaving machine ==> 多喷嘴喷气织机
- multi-jib coalcutter ==> 多截盘截煤机
- multi-job operation ==> 多任务操作
- multi-jobbing ==> 多重作业
- multi-knife chipper ==> 多刀削片机
- multi-knife turning machine ==> 多刀修坯机
- multi-land drill and reamer ==> 多棱钻铰刀
- multi-language system ==> 多语言系统
- multi-layer ==> 多层
- multi-layer adsorption ==> 多层吸附
- multi-layer blocking filter ==> 多层截止滤光片
- multi-layer capacitor ==> 多层电容器
- multi-layer ceramics ==> 多层陶瓷
- multi-layer coated eye-glasses ==> 多层镀膜眼镜片
- multi-layer cylinder ==> 多层圆筒
- multi-layer electrode ==> 多層電極
- multi-layered aquifer ==> 多层含水层
- multi-layered board ==> 多层板材
- multi-layered fluid ==> 多层流体
- multi-layered material ==> 多層媒質
- multi-length number ==> 多倍长数
- multi-level ==> 多用水平尺=>多重レベル
- multi-level control system ==> 多级控制系统,分级控制系统
- multi-level converter ==> マルチレベル変換器
- multi-level dryer ==> 多层干燥机
- multi-level intake ==> 分层式进水口,从水库不同深度引水的进水口
- multi-level inverter ==> マルチレベルインバータ
- multi-level outlet shaft spillway ==> 多层进水竖井式溢洪道
- multi-linear ==> 多线性的
- multi-link ==> マルチリンク
- multi-list processor ==> 多道程序处理机
- multi-load ==> 多负载=>多重負荷
- multi-location lathe chuck ==> 多工位车床夹头
- multi-loop system ==> 多环路系统
- multi-machine operation ==> 多机操作
- multi-machine power system ==> 多機系統
- multi-machine ship power generation ==> 船舶用電力システムへの応用
- multi-machine system ==> 多电机系统
- Multi-mask ==> 多层彩色蒙片
- multi-mass model ==> 多質点モデル
- multi-mass resonant system ==> 多慣性共振系
- multi-microprocessor ==> 多微处理机
- multi-microprocessor master-master system ==> 多微处理机主主系统
- multi-microprocessor master-slave system ==> 多微处理机主从系统
- multi-miniprocessor network ==> 多小型处理机网络
- multi-mirror telescope ==> 多镜头望远镜
- multi-mission modular spacecraft ==> 多用途组合式航天飞机
- multi-mission underwater remotely operated vehicle ==> 多功能水下遥控深潜器
- multi-modal distribution ==> 多重模态分布
- multi-modal transport ==> 联运
- multi-mode ==> 多状态的
- multi-mu valve ==> 可变放大系数管
- multi-mull(er) ==> 双碾盘混砂机
- multi-negative machine ==> 连拍照相机
- multi-nitriding ==> 多段氮化法
- multi-nodal seiche ==> 多节点假潮
- multi-nozzle turbine ==> 多喷嘴水轮机
- multi-objective optimizaion ==> 多目的最適化
- multi-objective optimization ==> 多目的最適化
- multi-objective optimization model ==> 多目的最適化モデル
- multi-objective structure ==> 多目标结构
- multi-oil wedge bearing ==> 多油楔轴承,油楔数在三个及以上的支承轴承
- multi-opening press ==> 多层压机
- multi-operation part ==> 多工序零件
- multi-operator arc welder ==> 多人电弧焊机
- multi-operator welding set ==> 多站电焊机
- multi-order elements ==> 複合次数ベクトル要素
- multi-orifice ==> 多孔板
- multi-orifice nozzle ==> 多孔喷嘴
- multi-output ==> 多出力
- multi-parallel bridge type current amplifier ==> 多並列ブリッジ電流増幅器
- multi-part bearing ==> 组合轴承
- multi-part bidding ==> 多部投标,在竞价上网时,发电企业除了要申报交易时段的容量~电价曲线外,还要上报机组爬坡速率、启停约束与相关费用以及各种备用容量报价等参数,以反映机组的成本结构和运行约束
- multi-pass (multiple pass) welding ==> 多道焊
- multi-pass amplifier ==> 多重パス増幅器
- multi-pass compiler ==> 多趟编译程序
- multi-pass regenerator ==> 多程蓄热室
- multi-passage kiln ==> 多通道窑
- multi-path core ==> 多路磁芯
- multi-pen plotter ==> 多笔绘图仪
- multi-pen recorder ==> 多笔记录仪
- multi-person decision making ==> 多人决策
- multi-petticoat insulator ==> 多裙式绝缘子
- multi-phase AC circuit ==> 多相交流回路
- multi-phase flow ==> 多相流动
- multi-phase fluid ==> 混相流体
- multi-phase load module ==> 多相输入模块
- multi-phase reclosing ==> 多相再閉路方式
- multi-piece loom ==> 多幅狭幅布织机,多条织带机
- multi-planer ==> 多功用刨床
- multi-plate angle valve ==> 复片角阀
- multi-plate clutch ==> 多片式离合器
- multi-plate condenser ==> 多片电容器
- multi-plate disc brake ==> 多片盘闸
- multi-plate friction clutch ==> 多盘摩擦离合器,多片摩擦离合器
- multi-plate steering clutch ==> 多片式转向离合器
- multi-platen press ==> 多层压力机
- multi-plunger pump ==> 多柱塞泵
- multi-ply construction ==> 多层构造
- multi-ply glass ==> 多层玻璃
- multi-point ==> 多点式,多点通信
- multi-point change-over switch ==> 多切点切换开关
- multi-point circuit ==> 多点通信线路
- multi-point(multielectrode) spot welder ==> 多头点焊机
- multi-point-scanner ==> 多点扫描器
- multi-polar coordinates ==> 多极坐标
- multi-polar synchronous generator ==> 多極発電機
- multi-port burner ==> 多孔烧嘴
- multi-ported valve ==> 多口阀,多通阀
- multi-pressure condenser ==> 多压式凝汽器,将同一台汽轮机多个排汽口排出的不同压力的排汽,引入相对应的凝汽室,被同一股串行流过的冷却水冷却,凝结成不同温度凝结水的凝汽器
- multi-pressure stage ==> 多压级
- multi-probe ==> 多探头的
- multi-program computer ==> 多程序计算机
- multi-programmed computer ==> 多道程序计算机
- multi-programming ==> 多道程序设计
- multi-purpose ==> 多目的,多种用途喷灌系统
- multi-purpose antiship missile ==> 多用途反舰导弹
- multi-purpose automatic data analysis machine ==> 多功能自动数据分析机
- multi-purpose automatic wrench ==> 多用自动扳手
- multi-purpose bench vice ==> 多用台虎钳
- multi-purpose cargo ship ==> 多用途货轮
- multi-purpose carrier ==> 多用途运输车
- multi-purpose clearing solution ==> 多功能清洗液
- multi-purpose core shooter ==> 多功能射芯机,多用射芯机
- multi-purpose cutter ==> 多用刀
- multi-purpose disk mill ==> 多用盘式粉碎机
- multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher ==> 多用干式化学药品灭火器
- multi-purpose dustmeasuring instrument ==> 多功能测尘仪
- multi-purpose electrician screwdriver ==> 多用电工螺丝起子
- multi-purpose electro acupunctur apparatus ==> 多用途电针仪
- multi-purpose electronic stethoscope ==> 多功能电子听诊器
- multi-purpose electronic stick for medical care ==> 多用途电子医疗保健手杖
- multi-purpose excavator ==> 多用挖掘机
- multi-purpose feed preparation machine ==> 多用饲料调制机
- multi-purpose fiber test set ==> 多用途光纤测试仪
- multi-purpose fishing vessel ==> 多用途渔船
- multi-purpose floating pontoon ==> 多用途浮筒
- multi-purpose freighter ==> 多用途货船,多用运输机
- multi-purpose grinding machine ==> 多用磨床
- multi-purpose hall ==> 多功能大厅
- multi-purpose hammer ==> 多用锤
- multi-purpose hand saw ==> 多用手锯
- multi-purpose hardness tester ==> 多用硬度检测计
- multi-purpose heart pulse adjuster ==> 多能心脏调搏器
- multi-purpose hydraulic press ==> 多用途液压机
- multi-purpose knife ==> 多用刀
- multi-purpose level ==> 多用水平尺
- multi-purpose loader ==> 多用装载机
- multi-purpose machine ==> 多功能车床,多功能工具机
- multi-purpose machine tool ==> 多用机床
- multi-purpose magnetic analytical meter ==> 多用磁性分析仪
- multi-purpose micrometer gauge ==> 多用千分尺
- multi-purpose mini machine ==> 多功能小型工具机
- multi-purpose obstetric table ==> 综合产床
- multi-purpose oceangoing salvage ship ==> 多功能救捞船
- multi-purpose oscilloscope ==> 多用示波器
- multi-purpose pipeline pig ==> 多用途清管器
- multi-purpose plastic adhesive ==> 多用塑料胶粘剂
- multi-purpose pliers ==> 多用钳
- multi-purpose project ==> 综合利用工程
- multi-purpose punching and shearing machine ==> 多功能冲剪机
- multi-purpose quick change collet chuck ==> 多功能快换夹头
- multi-purpose radar ==> 多用途雷达
- multi-purpose reactor ==> 多用途电抗器
- multi-purpose reservoir 多目标水库,又称"综合利用水库(comprehensive utilization ==> reservoir)"
- multi-purpose rice milling machine ==> 多用碾米机
- multi-purpose rice transplanter ==> 多用水稻插秧机
- multi-purpose scanning microscope ==> 多用途扫描显微镜
- multi-purpose screwdriver ==> 多用螺丝起子
- multi-purpose screwdriver set ==> 多用套装螺丝起子
- multi-purpose scriber ==> 多功能划线器
- multi-purpose sewing machine ==> 多功能缝纫机
- multi-purpose shears ==> 多用剪
- multi-purpose signal generator ==> 多用信号发生器
- multi-purpose stripper ==> 多用剥皮器
- multi-purpose stripping pliers ==> 多用剥线钳
- multi-purpose submersible ==> 多用途潜水器
- multi-purpose tap ==> 多用丝锥
- multi-purpose thermal analyzer ==> 多功能热分析仪
- multi-purpose thermal imager ==> 多用途热像仪
- multi-purpose trademark machine ==> 多用商标机
- multi-purpose utilization ==> 综合利用
- multi-purpose vice ==> 多用虎钳
- multi-purpose vise grip pliers ==> 多用大力钳
- multi-purpose wheel loader ==> 多用途轮式装载机
- multi-purpose wood working machine tool ==> 多用木工机床
- multi-quality power supply ==> 多品質電力供給
- multi-ram forging ==> 多向模锻
- multi-range CT ==> 広帯域CT
- multi-range current transformer for measurement ==> 多量程仪用电流互感器
- multi-range infrared gas analyzer ==> 多气体多量程红外气体分析器
- multi-range instrument ==> 多量限仪器仪表
- multi-range measuring instrument ==> 多量限测量仪器仪表
- multi-rate control ==> マルチレート制御
- multi-rate meter ==> 多费率电能表
- multi-reasonable check ==> 多次合理校验
- multi-reel ==> 多磁带卷
- multi-reel file ==> 多磁带卷文件
- multi-reflection lighting fixture ==> 多层反射灯具
- multi-resonance ==> 複合共振
- multi-resonant ==> 複合共振
- multi-resonant circuit ==> 多谐电路
- multi-ribbed plate ==> 密肋板
- multi-ring file ==> 多环形文件
- multi-rod electrode ==> マルチロッド形電極
- multi-role light transport aircraft ==> 多用途轻型运输机
- multi-role survivable radar ==> 多用途抗毁雷达
- multi-roll bar-straightening machine ==> 多辊式棒材矫直机
- multi-roll bearing ==> 滚针轴承
- multi-roll flattener ==> 多辊矫直机
- multi-roll mill ==> 多辊式轧机,多辊轧机
- multi-roll straightener ==> 多辊矫直机
- multi-roll straightening machine ==> 多辊式矫直机
- multi-roll withdrawal machine ==> 多辊拉坯机
- multi-roller vertical machine ==> 多滚立式延压机
- multi-row radical thrust ball bearing ==> 多列向心推力球轴承
- multi-sample liquid scintillation spectrometer ==> 多试样液体闪烁谱仪
- multi-scale ==> 通用换算
- multi-scale rule ==> 多刻度计算尺
- multi-seasonal storage reservoir ==> 多季调节水库
- multi-seater ==> 多座机
- multi-section filter IF amplifier circuit ==> 多节滤波器中频放大电路
- multi-segmental baffle ==> 多弓形折流板
- multi-shaft (rotor) gas turbine ==> 多轴燃气轮机
- multi-shaft arrangement ==> 多轴钻机
- multi-shaft combined cycle power generation ==> 多軸型コンバインドサイクル発電
- multi-shell insulator ==> 多裙边绝缘子
- multi-shuttle box loom ==> 多梭箱织机
- multi-shuttle loom ==> 多幅狭幅布织机,多条织带机
- multi-shuttle ribbon loom ==> 多梭织带机
- multi-shuttlebox handkerchief loom ==> 多梭箱手帕织机
- multi-sine ==> 多重正弦波
- multi-sleeve dust separator ==> 多袋式除尘器
- multi-slide forming machine ==> 多滑块成形机
- multi-space loom ==> 多幅狭幅布织机
- multi-span ==> 多跨
- multi-span elastic rotor system ==> 多跨弹性轴系
- multi-span skyline ==> 多跨式架空索道
- multi-span structure ==> 多跨结构
- multi-species mature ecosystem ==> 多物种成熟生态系统
- multi-speed drive ==> 多级变速传动
- multi-speed drum switch ==> 多速鼓轮开关
- multi-speed motor ==> 多速电动机
- multi-speed reduced gear ==> 多级变速器
- multi-speed rheometer ==> 多速流变仪,变速流变仪
- multi-speed transmission ==> 多级变速器
- multi-spindle automatic lathe ==> 多轴自动车床
- multi-spindle automatic machine ==> 多轴自动车床
- multi-spindle bar ==> 多轴杆
- multi-spindle bar automatic machine ==> 多轴棒料自动车床
- multi-spindle chucking automatic machine ==> 多轴卡盘自动机床
- multi-spindle drilling machine ==> 多轴钻床
- multi-spindle semi automatic lathe ==> 多轴半自动车床
- multi-spline hobbing machine ==> 花键轴滚铣床
- multi-stage (diffuser type) centrifugal pump ==> 多级离心泵
- multi-stage compressor ==> 多级压缩机
- multi-stage decision process ==> 多段決定過程
- multi-stage fluidized bed dryer ==> 多层流化床干燥器
- multi-stage impulse generator ==> 多级脉冲发生器
- multi-stage mixed flow pump ==> 多级混流式水泵
- multi-stage pump ==> 多级泵
- multi-stage reduction ==> 多级粉碎
- multi-stage SOFC ==> 多段SOFC
- multi-stage steam turbine ==> 多级汽轮机
- multi-stage stressing ==> 多阶段施加应力
- multi-stage volute pump ==> 多级螺旋泵
- multi-stage water concentration ==> 多级水选
- multi-stage water power stations ==> 多级水电站
- multi-standard ==> マルチスタンダード
- multi-start screw thread ==> 多头螺纹
- multi-start thread ==> 多头螺纹
- multi-start worm ==> 多头螺纹螺杆
- multi-station automatic nut cold header ==> 多工位螺母自动冷镦机
- multi-station bolt automatic combined cold header ==> 多工位螺栓联合自动冷镦机
- multi-station cold former ==> 多工位冷成形机
- multi-station machine ==> 多工位成型机
- multi-station transfer press ==> 多工位自动压力机
- multi-step discharge ==> 多段階放電
- multi-step genetic algorithm ==> 多段階遺伝的アルゴリズム
- multi-storage system ==> 多级蓄水系统
- multi-storey basement ==> 多层地下室
- multi-storeyed pavilion ==> 楼阁
- multi-storied ==> 多层的
- multi-story building ==> 多层房屋,多层建筑
- multi-story structure ==> 多层建筑物
- multi-strip shearing machine ==> 多条剪切机
- multi-swift card ==> 多锡林梳毛机
- multi-system galvanometer ==> 多制式检流计
- multi-tap ==> 多插头插座,转接插座
- multi-terminal DC transmission ==> 直流多端子送電
- multi-terminal network ==> 多端网络
- multi-terminal transmission line ==> 多端子送電線
- multi-thread worm ==> 多头蜗杆
- multi-tier conveyer drier ==> 多层输送带式干燥机
- multi-tier loom ==> 多层梭子织机
- multi-time flash lamp ==> 多次闪光灯
- multi-tired tractor ==> 多轮拖拉机
- multi-tone etching ==> (陶瓷)(玻璃)(法国式浮雕)多种深度结合的蚀刻
- multi-tone sound signalling device ==> 复音声响讯号装置
- multi-tool lathe ==> 多刀车床
- multi-tool semiautomatic lathe ==> 多刀半自动车床
- multi-transferring machine ==> 连续转印机
- multi-trauma dressing pack ==> 急救多用外伤敷料包
- multi-tube cooler ==> 多管冷凝器
- multi-tube dust cleaner ==> 多管除尘器
- multi-tube dust collector ==> 多管集尘器
- multi-tube elutriator ==> 多管式淘析器
- multi-tube evaporator ==> 多管蒸发器
- multi-tube exchanger ==> 多管式换热器
- multi-tube furnace ==> 多管炉
- multi-tube knock back type condenser ==> 多管反冲式冷凝器
- multi-tube pressure gauge ==> 多管压力计
- multi-tube revolving drier ==> 多管回转式干燥机
- multi-tubular boiler ==> 多管锅炉
- multi-tubular collector ==> 多管式收集器
- multi-tubular condenser ==> 多管式冷凝器
- multi-tubular gas condenser ==> 多管气体冷凝器
- multi-tubular heat exchanger ==> 多管热交换器,多管式换热器
- multi-tubular reactor ==> 多管反应器
- multi-tuning antenna ==> 多路调谐天线
- multi-turn current transformer ==> 多匝电流互感器
- multi-turning head ==> 多位刀架
- multi-unit ==> 多部件
- multi-unit auction ==> マルチユニットオークション
- multi-unit control valve ==> 多单元控制阀
- multi-unit newspaper rotary press ==> 多机组新闻轮转印刷机
- multi-unit plant ==> 多机组电站
- multi-unit power transmitting tube ==> 多单元功率发射管
- multi-unit rotary printing machine ==> 多机组轮转印刷机
- multi-use ==> 多用途,多种用途的
- multi-use architecture ==> 多功能建筑
- multi-use bit ==> 多用钻头
- multi-use cross vice ==> 多用十字钳
- multi-use file ==> 多用锉
- multi-use grinding machine ==> 多用磨床
- multi-use hammer ==> 多用锤
- multi-use hatchet ==> 多用斧
- multi-use oscillograph ==> 多用示波器
- multi-use real-time operation system ==> 多用实时操作系统
- multi-use test paper ==> 多用试纸
- multi-user ==> 多用户的
- multi-user card ==> 多用户卡
- multi-user installation ==> 多用户设备
- multi-user system ==> 多用户系统
- multi-valley semiconductor ==> 多能谷半导体
- multi-valued displacement ==> 多值位移
- multi-valued switching theory ==> 多值开关理论
- multi-vane electric fan ==> 多叶电扇
- multi-vane rotary compressor ==> 多滑片回转式压缩机
- multi-variable control system ==> 多变量控制系统
- multi-variable function generator ==> 多变量函数发生器
- multi-vessel system ==> 多容器系
- multi-viscosity oil ==> 多粘度机油
- multi-vitamin syrup ==> 多种维生素糖浆
- multi-volume file ==> 多卷文件
- multi-volume multifile ==> 多卷多文件
- multi-wall corrugated board ==> 多层瓦楞纸板
- multi-wall paper bag ==> 多层纸袋
- multi-wash collector ==> 多层洗涤收尘器
- multi-wavelength distance meter ==> 多波长测距仪
- multi-wheel drive ==> 多轮传动
- multi-wheel roller ==> 多轮辗
- multi-wheeler ==> 多轮汽车
- multi-wire ==> 多线的
- multi-wire spark chamber ==> 多線式放電箱
- multi-zone flow regulating ==> 分层配注
- multi-zone highspeed distance relay ==> 分域高速远距继电器
- multi-zone reheating furnace ==> 多段式加热炉
- multi-zone relay ==> 分段限时继电器
- multi-zone supervision ==> 分层管理
- multiaccelerator ==> 多重加速器
- multiaccess ==> 多路访问,多路访问,多用户访问,多处访问
- multiaccess computer time-shared computer ==> 分时计算机
- multiaccess computing ==> 多路存取计算
- multiaccess controller (MAC) ==> 多存取控制器,多路存取控制器
- multiaccess network ==> 多路存取网络
- multiaccess system ==> 多存取系统,多处访问系统
- multiaction computer ==> 多作用计算机
- multiadapter ==> 多用附加器
- multiaddress ==> 多地址
- multiaddress calling ==> 多地址呼叫
- multiaddress cauing ==> 多重寻址
- multiaddress code ==> 多地址码
- multiaddress computer ==> 多地址计算机
- multiaddress instruction ==> 多地址指令=>複数アドレス命令
- multiaddress message transfer ==> 报文循环传输
- multiaddressing ==> 多重寻址
- multiaerial system ==> 多天线系统
- multiangular ==> 多角的
- multiannual storage plant ==> 多年调节电站
- multianode ==> 多阳极的
- multianode mercury arc rectifier ==> 多阳极汞弧整流器
- multianode rectifier ==> 多阳极整流器
- multianode tube ==> 多阳极管
- multiaperture ==> 多孔
- multiaperture device ==> 多孔磁芯
- multiaperture reluctance switch ==> 多孔磁阻开关
- multiar circuit ==> 多向振幅比较电路
- multiarc welding ==> 多弧焊
- multiaspect ==> 多方面,多面,多标号
- multiaspect indexing ==> 多信息组编目法,多形式索引
- multiatage axial flow compressor ==> 多级轴流式压气机
- multiatmosphere furnace ==> 多气氛炉
- multiattribute assessment ==> 多品质评价,多属性评价
- multiattribute utility function ==> 多属性效用函数
- multiaxial ==> 多向的
- multiaxial stress ==> 多向应力,多轴向应力
- multiband ==> 多周波数帯共用
- multiband antenna ==> 多频带天线=>多帯域アンテナ
- multiband camera ==> 多谱段摄影机
- multiband colour indices ==> 多色测光色指数
- multiband loudspeaker ==> 多频带扬声器
- multiband spectral camera ==> 多谱段照相机
- multiband spectrometer ==> 多谱段分光计
- multiband tube ==> 带状荧光屏管
- multiband TV antenna ==> 多频道电视天线
- multibanded krait ==> 金钱白花蛇
- multibank engine ==> 多排式发动机
- multibanking system ==> 多存储体系统
- multibar printer ==> 多杆打印机
- multibarrel ==> 多管式的
- multibasic channel ==> 多基通道
- multibeacon ==> 三重调制信标点
- multibeam amplifier tube ==> 多电子束放大管
- multibeam antenna ==> 多波束天线
- multibeam irradiation ==> 多光束辐照
- multibeam tube ==> 多束管
- multibeam ultrasonic flow meter ==> 多束超声流量计
- multibearing ==> 多支座的
- multibit latching ==> 多位封锁
- multibit momentary ==> 多位瞬时
- multibit shift ==> 多位移位
- multiblade blower ==> 多叶片送风机
- multiblade fan ==> 多叶电扇,多叶片风机
- multiblock machine ==> 多卷筒拉丝机
- multibranch network ==> 复式网络
- multibreak ==> 多断点的
- multibreak circuit breaker ==> 多断点断路器
- multibreak circuit-breaker ==> 多重切り遮断器
- multibreak switch ==> 多断点开关
- Multibrid technology WTGS ==> 半直驱式风电机组
- multibucket ==> 多斗式
- multibucket trench digger ==> 多斗式挖沟机
- multibucket trencher ==> 多斗挖沟机
- multibulb ==> 多灯泡的
- multibulb rectifier ==> 多管臂整流器
- multiburst ==> 多波群
- multiburst generator ==> 多频率脉冲发生器,多波群脉冲发生器
- multiburst signal ==> 多波群信号=>マルチバースト信号
- multibus (MULTIBUS) ==> 多总线
- multibus compatible ==> 多总线兼容的
- multibus control ==> 多总线控制
- multibus module ==> 多总线模块
- multibutton telephone set ==> 多按钮电话机
- multibyte ==> 多字节
- multibyte data ==> 多字节数据
- multicamerate ==> 多室的
- multicapacity control system ==> 多容量控制系统
- multicarbide ==> 多元碳化物,复合碳化物
- multicarrier PWM ==> 多重PWM制御
- multicarrier transmitter ==> 多载波发射机
- multicast communication ==> 多点传输,多目的传送
- multicasting ==> 立体声双声道调频广播
- multicategory system ==> 多范畴系统
- multicavity ==> 多共振器的
- multicavity klystron ==> 多腔速调管
- multicavity magnetron ==> 多腔磁控管
- multicell ==> 多室的
- multicell battery ==> 并联蓄电池组
- multicell heater ==> 多室加热炉
- multicellular ==> 多网格的
- multicellular animals ==> 多细胞动物
- multicellular electrometer ==> 多室静电计,复室静电计
- multicellular electrostatic voltmeter ==> 复室静电伏特计
- multicellular horn ==> 多格喇叭,多管喇叭
- multicellular pump ==> 多室泵,多室唧筒
- multicellular static voltmeter ==> 复室静电伏特计
- multicellular straight through cyclone ==> 多室直通式旋风分离器
- multicellular voltmeter ==> 复室静电伏特计=>多房電圧計
- multicenter arch ==> 三心拱
- multicentered ==> 多心的
- multicentered arch ==> 多心拱
- multichamber ==> 多层
- multichamber etcher ==> 多室腐蚀装置
- multichamber vessel ==> 多承压室容器,多室容器
- multichambered ==> 多室的
- multichannel ==> 多路的,多通道,多信道=>多重チャネル(放送・無線航法),多重通話路
- multichannel access ==> 多道存取
- multichannel amplifier ==> 多路放大器
- multichannel analyser ==> 多路分析器
- multichannel analyzer ==> 脉冲高度分析器
- multichannel anemometer ==> 多通道风速仪
- multichannel applicative signal analyzer ==> 多通道实用信号分析仪
- multichannel biochemical analyser ==> 多道生化分析仪
- multichannel bulk encryption unit ==> 多路总体加密机
- multichannel bundle cable ==> 多通道束式光缆
- multichannel carrier ==> 多路载波装置
- multichannel carrier path ==> 多路载波通路
- multichannel carrier-frequency telephone terminal ==> 多路载频电话终端机
- multichannel coherence filter ==> 多道相干滤波器
- multichannel combustible gas detector ==> 多通道可燃气体探测器
- multichannel communication ==> 多路通信
- multichannel communication program ==> 多通道通信程序
- multichannel correlator ==> 多路相关器
- multichannel data recorder ==> 多道数据记录器
- multichannel demultiplexed receiver ==> 多信道去复用接收机
- multichannel digital signal ==> 多通道数字信号
- multichannel disc ==> 多声道唱片
- multichannel discriminator ==> 多道鉴频器,多道甄别器
- multichannel electric signals comparator ==> 多通道电信号比较仪
- multichannel electrocardiograph ==> 多道心电图机,多通道心电图仪
- multichannel fet ==> 多通道场效应晶体管
- multichannel field-effect transistor ==> 多沟道场效应管
- multichannel flame spectrophotometer ==> 多通道火焰分光光度计
- multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer ==> 多道伽玛射线谱仪
- multichannel general bio-signal detector ==> 多道通用生物信号检测仪
- multichannel grating demultiplexer ==> 多通道光栅解复用器
- multichannel head ==> 多路磁头
- multichannel HF communication equipment ==> 多路高频通信设备
- multichannel loading ==> 多路负载
- multichannel logging recorder ==> 多信道记录器
- multichannel magnetic tape ==> 多道磁带
- multichannel microwave telecommunication equipment ==> 多路微波通信设备
- multichannel mixer ==> 多路混合器
- multichannel modulator ==> 多路调制器
- multichannel monitoring system ==> 多通道监测系统
- multichannel optical analyzer ==> 多通道光学分析器
- multichannel optical cable stranding machine ==> 多路光缆绞制机
- multichannel optoanalyzer ==> 多通道光学分析仪
- multichannel oscillator ==> 多信道振荡器
- multichannel oscillograph ==> 多道示波器,多路示波器,多线示波器
- multichannel particle analyzer ==> 多通道粒子分析仪
- multichannel plysiological monitoring equipment ==> 多路生理监视设备
- multichannel processing ==> 多道处理
- multichannel pulse peak analyzer ==> 多通道脉冲峰值分析仪
- multichannel readout mass spectrometer ==> 多通道读数质谱计
- multichannel receiver ==> 多信道接收机
- multichannel record ==> 多声道唱片
- multichannel recorder ==> 多路记录仪,多声道录音机,多通道记录仪
- multichannel recorder chart ==> 多通道记录纸
- multichannel recording ==> 多声道录音
- multichannel recording head ==> 多路记录磁头
- multichannel recording oscillograph ==> 多路记录示波器,多路示波器
- multichannel redio transceiver ==> 多路无线电收发讯机
- multichannel seismic instrument ==> 多道地震仪
- multichannel seismic profiler ==> 多道地震剖面
- multichannel seismograph ==> 多道地震仪
- multichannel single-fiber cable ==> 多通道单心光缆
- multichannel slip ring ==> 多槽滑环,多槽集流环
- multichannel spectrograph ==> 多通道摄谱仪
- multichannel spectrometer ==> 多道分光计,多道光谱仪
- multichannel speech synthesizer ==> 多通道语音合成仪
- multichannel stereo ==> 多声道立体声
- multichannel system ==> 多通路制
- multichannel telegraphy ==> 多重電信
- multichannel telemeter ==> 多信道遥测计
- multichannel telephone system ==> 多路电话系统
- multichannel telephony ==> 多重電話
- multichannel television ==> 多频道电视,多信道电视
- multichannel time analyzer ==> 多通道时间分析仪
- multichannel transmission ==> 多路传输
- multichannel transmitter ==> 多路发射机
- multichannel voice frequency ==> 多路话音频率
- multicharge ==> 混合装药
- multichip ==> 多片,多片状=>マルチチップ
- multichip array ==> 多芯片集成电路
- multichip assembly ==> 多片组装
- multichip assembly technique ==> 多片组装技术
- multichip carrier ==> 多片载体
- multichip circuit ==> 多片电路=>マルチチップ回路
- multichip hybrid ==> 多片混合电路
- multichip hybrid circuit ==> 多片混合电路
- multichip IC ==> 多芯片集成电路
- multichip ic ==> 多芯片集成电路
- multichip integrated circuit ==> 多片集成电路
- multichip interface ==> 多片接口
- multichip microcircuit ==> 多片微型电路
- multichip microcomputer ==> 多片微型计算机
- multichip microprocessor ==> 多片微处理机
- multichip module ==> 多片组件
- multichip system ==> 多芯片系统
- multichromatic spectrophotometry ==> 多色分光光度计
- multichrome multipersistence screen ==> 多色多余辉穿透屏
- multichrome penetration display tube ==> 电压穿透多色管
- multichrome press ==> 多色印刷机
- multicipital ==> 多头的
- multicircuit ==> 多电路的=>マルチ回路
- multicircuit relay ==> 多路继电器
- multicircuit switch ==> 多路转换开关
- multicircuit winding ==> 多匝绕组
- multiclass estimation ==> 多类的估计
- multiclone ==> 多管式旋流除尘器
- multiclone collector ==> 多管旋风收尘器,多管旋风收集器
- multiclone dust collector ==> 多管旋风除尘器
- multicode state assignment ==> 多码状态分配
- multicollector electron tube ==> 多集电极电子管
- multicollector transistor ==> 多集电极晶体管
- multicolo(u)r map ==> 多色地图
- multicolor ==> 彩色
- multicolor cloth ==> 花布
- multicolor detector ==> 多色探测器
- multicolor digital plotter ==> 多色数字绘图仪
- multicolor display ==> 多色显示器
- multicolor finish ==> 多彩涂料
- multicolor hologram ==> 多色全息照相
- multicolor laser ==> 多色激光器
- multicolor Nanking brocade ==> 彩库锦
- multicolor press ==> 多色印刷机
- multicolor printer ==> 多色打印机
- multicolor printing ==> 彩色印刷
- multicolor printing machine ==> 彩色印刷机
- multicolored filter ==> 多色滤光器
- multicolour brocade ==> 彩库锦
- multicolour cloth ==> 多色织物
- multicolour hologram ==> 多色全息照相
- multicolour holography ==> 多色全息照相术
- multicolour image ==> 多色像
- multicolour intaglio rotary printing press ==> 多色凹版轮转印刷机
- multicolour laser ==> 多色激光器
- multicolour light beam ==> 多色光束
- multicolour offset press ==> 多色胶印机
- multicolour pattern ==> 彩色图案
- multicolour photometry ==> 多色测光
- multicolour press ==> 多色印刷机
- multicolour printing machine ==> 多套色印花机
- multicolour recorder ==> 多色自动记录器
- multicolour rotary offset press ==> 多色轮转胶印机
- multicolour rotogravure press ==> 多色凹印机
- multicolour sheet-fed offset press ==> 多色单张纸胶印机
- multicolour sheet-fed press ==> 多色单张纸胶印机
- multicolour spin scan cloud camera ==> 彩色自旋扫描摄云照相机
- multicommodity flow ==> 多重物资流
- multicompany ==> 跨业公司
- multicompletion well ==> 多层合采井
- multicomponent ==> 多成分的
- multicomponent blance ==> 多分力天平
- multicomponent die ==> 组合模
- multicomponent distillation ==> 多元蒸馏
- multicomponent fertilizer ==> 多种混合肥料
- multicomponent fibre ==> 多组分复合纤维
- multicomponent film fibre ==> 多组分薄膜纤维
- multicomponent gas mixture ==> 多元气体混合物
- multicomponent glass ==> 多成分玻璃
- multicomponent glass optical fiber ==> 多组分玻璃光纤
- multicomponent polymer fibre ==> 多组分共聚物纤维
- multicomponent slag ==> 多组分炉渣
- multicomponent spectrum ==> 多组元频谱
- multicomponent structure ==> 多组元结构,多部件结构
- multicomponent system ==> 多组元系
- multicompression ==> 多级压缩
- multicomputer ==> 多机组
- multicomputer communication system ==> 多计算机通信系统
- multicomputer mangement system ==> 多计算机管理系统
- multicomputer system ==> 多计算机系统,多处理器系统
- multicomputing ==> 多值计算
- multicomputing unit ==> 多运算器
- multiconductor ==> 多触点
- multiconductor cable ==> 多芯电缆=>多心ケーブル
- multicone mixer ==> 多锥型混合机
- multiconjugate adaptive optics ==> 多重共役波面補償光学
- multicontact regulator ==> 多触点调节器
- multicontact relay ==> 多触点继电器,多接点继电器
- multicontrol refrigerator freezer ==> 多控式冷藏冷冻箱
- multicord ==> 复丝
- multicorder ==> 多笔尖记录器
- multicore ==> 多芯的
- multicore cable ==> 多芯电缆=>多心ケーブル
- multicore cord ==> 多线电绳
- multicore flex ==> 多芯软电线
- multicore magnetic memory ==> 多磁芯存储器
- multicore magnetic storage ==> 多磁心磁存储器
- multicore panel ==> 多髓嵌板
- multicored forging press ==> 多向模锻压力机
- multicoupler ==> 多路耦合器
- multicrank ==> 多曲柄
- multicrystal autofluoroscope ==> 多晶体自动荧光镜
- multicrystal linear array scanning ==> 线阵多晶片电子扫描
- multicrystal phased array scanning ==> 相控阵多晶片电子扫描
- multicrystal silicon ==> 多晶硅
- multicrystalline silicon ==> 多晶硅=>多結晶シリコン
- multicut ==> 多刀的
- multicut lathe ==> 多刀车床
- multicutter ==> 多刀
- multicutter lathe ==> 多刀车床
- multicutting bar ==> 多刀镗杆
- multicycle ==> 多旋回,多循环的,多循回
- multicycle feeding ==> 多周期馈送
- multicyclone ==> 多管旋风除尘器,多管旋风分离器,复式旋风分离器
- multicyclone dust collector ==> 复式旋风式附尘器,多级旋风除尘器
- multicyclonic type soot removal system ==> 多重旋风式煤屑清除系统
- multicylinder warp-sizing machine ==> 多锡林浆纱机
- multidata base ==> 多数据库
- multidata entry system ==> 多数据输入系统
- multidaylight press ==> 多柱压力机,多层压机
- multidecadal variability ==> 数十年変化
- multidecision ==> 多级决策,多级判决
- multideck ==> 多层的
- multideck cage ==> 多层罐笼
- multideck clarifiers ==> 多层澄清器
- multideck screen ==> 多层筛
- multideck sinking platform ==> 多层凿井吊盘
- multideck table ==> 多层摇床
- multidiameter ==> 阶梯轴
- multidiameter boring cutter ==> 多径镗孔铰刀,多直径镗孔铣刀
- multidiameter expansion reamer ==> 多径膨胀式铰刀
- multidiameter reamer ==> 多径铰刀
- multidie machine ==> 多模拉丝机
- multidie wire-drawing machine ==> 多模拉丝机
- multidigit ==> 多位
- multidigit shifting ==> 多位移位
- multidigitato-pinnate ==> 多指状羽状的
- multidimensional ==> 多面的
- multidimensional allocation ==> 多维分布,多维分配
- multidimensional array ==> 多维数组
- multidimensional array element name ==> 多维数组元素名
- multidimensional code ==> 多维码
- multidimensional consequence ==> 多维结果
- multidimensional derivative ==> 多维导数
- multidimensional fine angle goniometer ==> 多维精密定角仪
- multidimensional language ==> 多维语言
- multidimensional maximization ==> 多维极大化
- multidimensional modeling ==> 多维模拟
- multidimensional optimal control ==> 多维最优控制
- multidimensional outcome variable ==> 多维输出变量
- multidimensional probability distribution ==> 多维概率分布
- multidimensional region ==> 多维区域
- multidimensional simulation ==> 多维模拟
- multidimensional space ==> 多维空间
- multidimensional statement ==> 多维命题
- multidimensional subscript ==> 多维下标
- multidimensional system ==> 多维系统
- multidimensional tree ==> 多维树
- multidimensional trellis coded modem ==> 多维格子码调制解调器
- multidimensional utility ==> 多维效用
- multidirectional ==> 多方向的,多向的
- multidirectional hot working ==> 多向热加工
- multidirectional martensite ==> 多向马氏体
- multidisc ==> 激光唱片兼容
- multidisc clutch ==> 多片式离合器
- multidisc electromagnetic clutch ==> 多片电磁离合器
- multidisciplinary group ==> 跨专门小组
- multidomain network ==> 多畴网络
- multidomain partitioning ==> マルチドメイン分割
- multidoped material ==> 多掺杂材料
- multidraught machine ==> 多次拉拔机
- multidraw ==> 多点取样
- multidrive ==> 多重激励
- multidrop ==> 多点,多站通讯网络,多站线
- multidrop circuit ==> 多点线路=>分岐回線
- multidrop connection ==> 多点连法
- multidrop line ==> 多点线路
- multidrop network ==> 多点网络
- multiduty ==> 多用途的
- multiduty pliers ==> 多用钳
- multiecho ==> 颤动回声
- multielectorode tube ==> 多極管
- multielectrode ==> 多电极的
- multielectrode counting tube ==> 多电极计数管
- multielectrode mercury arc rectifier ==> 多极汞弧整流器
- multielectrode spot welder ==> 多极点焊机
- multielectrode tube ==> 多极管
- multielectrode tube converter ==> 多极管变频器
- multielectrode voltage stabilizing tube ==> 多极稳压管
- multielement ==> 多元素
- multielement array ==> 多元天线阵
- multielement infrared detector ==> 多元件红外探测器
- multielement oscillograph ==> 多元示波器,万用示波器
- multielement parasitic array ==> 多元无源天线阵
- multielement photoconductor ==> 多元光电导体
- multielement photodetector ==> 多元件光电探测器
- multielement raster scan ==> 多元光栅扫描
- multielement silicon cell ==> 多元硅光电元件
- multielement vacuum tube ==> 多元真空管
- multiemitter output ==> 多发射极输出
- multiemitter transistor ==> 多发射极晶体管=>マルチエミッタトランジスタ
- multiengine ==> 多曲柄式发动机
- multiengined ==> 多发动机的
- multiengined aeroplane ==> 多发动机飞机
- multientry ==> 多路入口
- multiextent file ==> 多范围文件
- multifee metering ==> 复式计费记录计
- multifee registration ==> 复式计费记录
- multifeed lubricator ==> 多点润滑器
- multifeed oiler ==> 多点润滑器
- multifeedback ==> 多重帰還
- multiferroics ==> マルチフェロイクス
- multifetation ==> 多胎妊娠
- multifiber cable ==> 多纤维光缆
- multifiber lightguide ==> 多纤维光波导
- multifil ==> 复丝
- multifilament ==> 复丝,多丝纤维,多纤维丝
- multifilament lamp ==> 多灯丝白炽灯
- multifilament tyre yarn ==> 复丝轮胎帘线
- multifilament yarn ==> 复丝
- multifile ==> 多文件
- multifile reel ==> 多文件磁带卷
- multifile search ==> 多文件检索
- multifile sorting ==> 多文件分类,多文件排序
- multifile volume ==> 多文件卷
- multifinger ==> 多触点的
- multifinger contactor ==> 多触点接触器,多接点接触器
- multifired power plant ==> 多燃料电厂
- multiflash ==> 多闪光装置
- multiflex galvanometer ==> 多次反射电流计,复式检流计
- multiflora bean ==> 红花菜豆
- Multiflora cotton ==> (美)多花棉
- multiflying punch ==> 多针穿孔
- multifocal lens ==> 变焦透镜
- multifoil ==> 多叶的
- multifold ==> 多倍的
- multifolding door ==> 多折扇门
- multifont ==> 多字体,多字体型
- multifont optical arena ==> 多字体识别器
- multifont page reader ==> 多字体页面阅读器
- multifont reader ==> 多字体阅读器
- Multifont type tray ==> 多种字体活字盘
- multiform ==> 多形的,多种的
- multiform function ==> 多值函数
- multiform layer ==> 多形层
- multiformat camera ==> 多规格摄影机
- multiformity ==> 多形性
- multifractal ==> マルチフラクタル
- multifrequency ==> 多频的
- multifrequency alternator ==> 多频交流发电机
- multifrequency code ==> 多频码
- multifrequency code signal ==> 多频码信号
- multifrequency code signalling ==> 多频编码信号方式
- multifrequency fluid oscillator ==> 多频射流振荡器
- multifrequency generator ==> 多频发电机,多频发生器,多频振荡器=>多周波発電機
- multifrequency keying ==> 多频选择
- multifrequency motor-generator ==> 多频电动发电机
- multifrequency nature ==> 多种特性
- multifrequency push-button set ==> 宽频带按钮机
- multifrequency push-button set ==> 多频率按钮组合
- multifrequency receiver ==> 多频接收机
- multifrequency receiver (MFR) ==> 多频带接收器
- multifrequency remote control system ==> 多频遥控制
- multifrequency shift demodulator ==> 多频移频解调器
- multifrequency signal ==> 多频信号
- multifrequency signalling ==> 多频信号方式
- multifrequency signalling system ==> 多频信号制
- multifrequency sinusoid ==> 多谐波正弦振荡
- multifrequency sounder ==> 多频探鱼仪
- multifrequency system ==> 多频制
- multifrequency terminal ==> 多频率终端,多频终端
- multifrequency transmitter ==> 多频发射机
- multifuel burner ==> 多燃料复合喷燃器
- multifuel combustion ==> 混烧
- multifuel diesel ==> 多种燃料柴油机
- multifuel engine ==> 多燃料发动机
- multifuel firing ==> 多种燃料燃烧
- multifunction ==> 多功能
- multifunction array radar ==> 多性能阵列雷达
- multifunction component ==> 多用途部件
- multifunction digital voltage meter ==> 多功能数字电压表
- multifunction microcircuit ==> 多功能微电路
- multifunction processor ==> 多功能部件处理机,多操作部件处理机
- multifunction radar ==> 多功能雷达
- multifunction reader ==> 多功能输入机,多功能阅读机
- multifunction station ==> 多功能站
- multifunction system ==> 多功能系统
- multifunctional ==> 多功能的
- multifunctional array ==> 多功能阵列
- multifunctional module ==> 多功能组件
- multifunctional operating system ==> 多功能操作系统
- multifunctional sensitive ceramics ==> 多功能敏感陶瓷
- multifuse igniter ==> 多信管点火器
- multigang switch ==> 多联开关
- multigang variable condenser ==> 多联可变电容器
- multigap ==> 多隙的
- multigap arrester ==> 多隙避雷器
- multigap cavity ==> 多隙共振腔
- multigap discharger ==> 多隙放电器,多隙式放电器
- multigap head ==> 多隙磁头
- multigap sparkplug ==> 多隙火花塞
- multigas ==> 多气体多量程红外气体分析器
- multigauge ==> 多用规
- multigenic resistance ==> 多基因抗病性
- multigesta ==> 经产孕妇,经产孕妇
- multigrade oil ==> 稠化润滑油,多级通用润滑油
- multigrain structure ==> 多粒结构
- multigraph ==> 多重图,组合旋转排字印刷机,重图
- multigraph paper ==> 蜡纸
- multigravida ==> 经产孕妇,经产孕妇
- multigreaser ==> 多点润滑器
- multigrid ==> 多栅的
- multigrid detection ==> 多栅检波
- multigrid method ==> マルチグリッド法
- multigroove friction clutch ==> 多槽摩擦离合器
- multigroup calculation ==> 多组计算
- multigroup diffusion ==> 多群扩散
- multigroup method ==> 多群法
- multigroup model ==> 多群模型
- multigroup theory ==> 多群理论
- multigun cathode ray tube ==> 多枪阴极射线管
- multigun oscilloscope tube ==> 多枪示波管
- multigun tube ==> 多枪管
- multiharmonograph ==> 多谐记录仪
- multihead ==> 多传感头,多磁头
- multihead automatic arc welding machine ==> 多弧自动电焊机
- multihead automatic welder ==> 多弧自动焊机
- multihearth ==> 多层炉
- multiheterostructure ==> 多异质结结构
- multiheterostructure laser ==> 多异质结结构激光器
- multihole ==> 多孔,多孔的
- multihole brick ==> 多孔砖
- multihole directional coupler ==> 多孔定向耦合器
- multihole extrusion ==> 多孔挤压
- multihole lance ==> 多孔喷枪
- multihole washing bottle ==> 多孔式洗瓶
- multihole wire drawing machine ==> 多孔拉丝机
- multihop ==> 多次反射
- multihost operation ==> 多主机操作
- multiimage ==> 多重图象
- multiindex ==> 复指数
- multiinjector ==> 多喷嘴
- multijaw grab ==> 多爪抓斗,多瓣式抓岩机
- multijet dryer ==> 多孔喷射干燥器
- multijob ==> 多道作业
- multijob operation ==> 多道作业操作,多重作业操作,多作业操作
- multijob scheduling ==> 多作业调度
- multijobbing ==> 多作业操作
- multijoint system ==> 多铰链传动系
- multijunction photocell ==> 多结光电池
- multijunction structure ==> 多结结构
- multikey ==> 多键
- multikey shaft ==> 多键轴
- multikeyway ==> 多键槽
- multikeyway shaft ==> 多键槽轴
- multiknife disk chipper ==> 多刀圆盘削片机
- multila ==> 跨国公司
- multilacunar node ==> 多叶隙节
- multilaminate ==> 多层的
- multilaminated glass ==> 多层夹层玻璃
- multilanguage processor ==> 多语言处理机
- multilaser optical radar ==> 多元激光雷达
- multilated ==> 残缺不全,被扰乱
- multilateral ==> 多边的
- multilateral arrangement with trade liberalization ==> 放宽贸易的多边安排
- multilateral control ==> マルチラテラル制御
- multilateral market group ==> 跨国市场集团
- multilateral per capita quantity comparisons ==> 人均量的多项比较
- multilateral trading ==> 多边交易,在由多卖方和多买方共同参与的电力市场中,电力买卖双方不直接接触,而由电力经纪人或电力交易中心进行交易撮合的交易方式
- multilayer ==> (焊缝)多层的
- multilayer board ==> 多层板,多层印刷板,多层印刷电路板,多层印制板
- multilayer capacitor ==> 多层电容器=>積層コンデンサ
- multilayer ceramic ==> 多层陶瓷
- multilayer chip capacitor ==> 多层薄片电容器
- multilayer chip carrier ==> 多层芯片载体
- multilayer circuit ==> 多层电路
- multilayer coating ==> 多层镀层
- multilayer coil ==> 多层线圈
- multilayer construction ==> 多层构造
- multilayer contact material ==> 多层电接触器材
- multilayer control structure ==> 多层控制结构
- multilayer dielectric coating ==> 多层介质镀膜
- multilayer dielectric film ==> 多层介质膜
- multilayer dielectric filter ==> 多层介质滤光器
- multilayer dielectric plane reflector ==> 多层介质平面反射镜
- multilayer dielectric reflective coating ==> 多层介质反射膜
- multilayer dielectric reflector ==> 多层介质反射器
- multilayer diode ==> 多层二极管
- multilayer element ==> 多层元件
- multilayer field ==> 多油层油田
- multilayer film ==> 多层膜
- multilayer film circuit ==> 多层薄膜电路
- multilayer film interconnection circuit ==> 多层薄膜互连电路
- multilayer filter ==> 多层滤光片,多层滤光器
- multilayer gas-discharge display panel ==> 多层气体放电显示板
- multilayer glass ==> 多层玻璃
- multilayer heater ==> 多层灯丝
- multilayer het-erostructure microcell ==> 多层异构微电池
- multilayer HP (high pressure) vessel ==> 多层高压容器
- multilayer insulation ==> 复层绝缘
- multilayer integrated circuit ==> 多层集成电路
- multilayer interconnection ==> 多层互连=>多層配線
- multilayer interference filter ==> 多层干涉滤光片
- multilayer ionic device ==> 多层离子装置
- multilayer laminate ==> 多層ラミネート
- multilayer laminated glass ==> 多层夹层玻璃
- multilayer lightguide ==> 多层光波导
- multilayer material ==> 多层材料
- multilayer metallization ==> 多层金属化
- multilayer mirror ==> 多层镜
- multilayer network ==> 多层薄膜网路
- multilayer package ==> 多层外壳
- multilayer packaging ==> 多层组装
- multilayer paper board ==> 多层纸板
- multilayer perceptron ==> 多層パーセプトロン
- multilayer piezoelectric ceramic transformer ==> 多层压电陶瓷变压器
- multilayer piezoelectric device ==> 多层压电器件
- multilayer precision printed board ==> 多层精密印制板
- multilayer printed circuit board ==> 多层印刷电路板,多层印制板
- multilayer printed wiring board ==> 多層印刷配線板
- multilayer printed-wiring board ==> 多层印刷布线板
- multilayer screen ==> 多层屏蔽
- multilayer semiconductor device ==> 多层半导体装置
- multilayer stenter ==> 多层拉幅机
- multilayer stock ==> 多层滤光器
- multilayer structure ==> 多层结构
- multilayer substrate ==> 多层衬底
- multilayer system ==> 多层系统
- multilayer thermal press ==> 多层热压机
- multilayer type insulations ==> 多层不同隔热材料
- multilayer weld ==> 多层焊缝
- multilayer welding ==> 多层焊
- multilayer winding ==> 多层绕组
- multilayered structure ==> 多層構造
- multilayered thin film ==> 積層薄膜
- multilead ==> 多引入线的,多引线
- multilead chip ==> 多引线芯片
- multileaded flat pack ==> 多插脚扁平封装
- multileaf mechanical mucker ==> 多爪式抓岩机
- multileaved spring ==> 多片式钢板弹簧
- multileaving ==> 多点传送
- multileaving support ==> 多点传送支持
- Multilene ==> 玛尔蒂纶聚烯烃纤维
- multilength ==> 多倍长度的
- multilength arithmetic ==> 多倍长度运算
- multilength number ==> 多倍长数
- multilength working ==> 多倍长工作单元
- multilens ==> 多物镜的
- multilevel ==> 多级
- multilevel action ==> 多级作用,多位作用
- multilevel address ==> 多级地址=>多重レベルアドレス
- multilevel addressing ==> 多级编址,多级定址,多级寻址
- multilevel circuit ==> 多层集成电路
- multilevel code ==> 多重符号
- multilevel control ==> 多级控制
- multilevel converter ==> マルチレベル変換器
- multilevel diagnostic software ==> 多级诊断软件
- multilevel difference equation ==> 多层差分方程
- multilevel distribution system ==> 多级分布系统
- multilevel elevator ==> 多级高度升运器
- multilevel hierarchical structure ==> 多级递阶结构
- multilevel hierarchy ==> 多级体系
- multilevel hoisting installation ==> 多水平提升设备
- multilevel index ==> 多级索引
- multilevel indirect addressing ==> 多级间接寻址,多重间接寻址
- multilevel insulator ==> 多层绝缘体
- multilevel integration ==> 多层集成电路
- multilevel interconnection ==> 多层互连
- multilevel interconnection generator ==> 多层互连信号发生器
- multilevel interrupt ==> 多级中断
- multilevel inverter ==> マルチレベルインバータ
- multilevel laser ==> 多能级激光器
- multilevel logic ==> 多值逻辑
- multilevel logical circuit ==> 多级逻辑电路
- multilevel memory system ==> 多级存储系统
- multilevel oxide ==> 多层氧化物
- multilevel priority interrupt ==> 多级优先权中断
- multilevel processing ==> 多级处理
- multilevel pulse code digital sum ==> 多级脉冲数字和
- multilevel reasoning system ==> 多级推理系统
- multilevel rectifier ==> マルチレベル整流回路
- multilevel stabilization ==> 多级镇定
- multilevel storage machine ==> 多级存储机
- multilevel subroutine ==> 多级子程序
- multilevel system ==> 多电平系统
- multilevel transmission ==> 多电平传输=>多値伝送
- multilevel vectored interrupt logic ==> 多级向量中断逻辑
- multilevel-multiobjective structure ==> 多级目标结构
- multiline function ==> 多行函数
- multiline laser ==> 多谱线激光器
- multiline maxtures ==> 多品系混合体
- multiline message ==> 多路信息
- multiline production ==> 分类生产法
- multilinear algebra ==> 多重线性代数
- multilinear form ==> 多重线性型
- multilinear tariff ==> 复式税率
- multilinear utility function ==> 多线性效用函数
- multilingual function ==> 多语言功能
- multilink ==> 多级链路,多链路
- multilinked list ==> 多链接表
- multilinked structure ==> 多重链接结构
- multilist ==> 多目表,多重表,多重表格,多表,多表列
- multilist file ==> 多重表文件
- multilist organization ==> 多表组织
- multilobe ==> 多叶的
- multilocation microcirculation microscope ==> 多部位微循环显微镜
- multilocular ==> 多腔的
- multilocular cyst ==> 多房性囊肿
- multilocular sclerosis ==> 多发性硬化
- multiloop ==> 多回路的,多重环路
- multiloop control ==> 多重制御
- multiloop control system ==> 多回路调节系统
- multiloop controller ==> マルチループ調節計
- multiloop feedback ==> 多回路反馈
- multiloop motor ==> 多回路电动机
- multiloop servo system ==> 多环路伺服系统,多回路随动系统
- multiloop servosystem ==> 多回路伺服体系
- multiloop superheater ==> 蛇形管过热器
- multiloop system ==> 多路系统
- multimachine ==> 多机
- multimachine assignment ==> 单人多机操作
- multimachine group ==> 复式机器群
- multimachine power system ==> 多機電力系統
- multimachine system ==> 多機系統
- multimask processing ==> 多掩模工艺
- multimass ==> 多质量
- multimedia ==> 多媒体,多种手段的=>マルチメディア
- multimedia authoring system ==> 多媒体编著系统
- multimedia card ==> 多媒体卡
- multimedia chip ==> 多媒体芯片
- multimedia communication cable ==> 多媒介通信电缆
- multimedia device ==> 多媒体装置
- multimedia forensics ==> マルチメディア捜査手法
- multimedia hardware ==> 多媒体硬件
- multimedia information system ==> 多媒体信息系统
- multimedia network system ==> 多媒体网络系统
- multimedia personal computer ==> 多媒体个人计算机
- multimedia software ==> 多媒体软件
- multimedia system ==> 多媒体系统
- multimedia terminal ==> 多媒体终端=>マルチメディア端末
- multimember ==> 多构件的
- multimeshed network ==> 多重网络
- multimeter ==> 多用表,万用表,多量程仪表=>マルチメーター
- multimetering ==> 复式记录,多点测量
- multimicrocomputer ==> 多微计算机
- multimicroelectrode ==> 微电极组
- multimillion ==> 数百万
- multimodal ==> 多峰
- multimodal interface ==> マルチモーダルインタフェース
- multimodal transport ==> 复合运送
- multimodal transport B/L ==> 复合运输提单
- multimodal transport contract ==> 复合运送契约
- multimodal warning signals ==> 多モード警告信号
- multimode ==> 多方式,多模的=>多モード
- multimode behaviour ==> 多模性能
- multimode cavity ==> 多模谐振腔
- multimode direct-view storage tube ==> 多态直视存储管
- multimode feed ==> 多模馈电器
- multimode fiber ==> 多模光纤维
- multimode fiber-optic microbend sensor ==> 多模光纤微弯传感器
- multimode film ==> 多模膜
- multimode filter ==> 多模滤光器
- multimode glass fiber ==> 多模玻璃纤维
- multimode laser ==> 多模激光器
- multimode laser diode ==> 多模激光二极管
- multimode laser oscillator ==> 激光多模振荡器
- multimode lightguide ==> 多模光波导
- multimode line ==> 多模传输线
- multimode optical cable ==> 多模光缆
- multimode optical fiber ==> 多模光导纤维,多模光纤=>多モード光ファイバ
- multimode optical fiber hydrophone ==> 多模光纤水听器
- multimode output ==> 多模输出信号
- multimode propagation ==> 多模传播
- multimode radar ==> 多方式雷达
- multimode resonator ==> 多模谐振腔
- multimode system ==> 多模系统
- multimode waveguide ==> 多模波导管
- multimode wavelength-division demultiplexer ==> 多模波分去复用器
- multimode wavelength-division multiplexer ==> 多模波分多路复用器
- multimode-multihorn feed ==> 多模多喇叭馈电器
- multimotor ==> 多电动机的
- multimotored aircraft ==> 多发动机飞机
- multinary compounds ==> 多元系機能材料
- multinational accounting ==> 跨国公司会计
- multinational accounting firm ==> 跨国会计公司,跨国会计事务所
- multinational bank ==> 跨国银行
- multinational company ==> 跨国公司
- multinational corporation ==> 跨国公司,跨国籍企业
- multinational firm ==> 跨国公司,跨国企业
- multinational operation ==> 跨国经营
- multineedle cross stitch machine ==> 多针十字刺绣机
- multineedle sewing machine ==> 多针缝纫机
- multinest ==> 多嵌套,多重嵌套
- multinitriding ==> 多次氮化
- multinodal ==> 多节的
- multinomial ==> 多项式
- multinomial coefficient ==> 多项式系数,多项式展开系数
- multinomial distribution ==> 多项分布
- multinomial theorem ==> 多项式定理
- multinomial trials ==> 多项试验序列
- multinozzle ==> 多喷嘴
- multinozzle cutter ==> 多嘴割炬,多嘴火焰切割器
- multinozzle engine ==> 多喷管发动机
- multinuclear leucocyte ==> 多核白细胞
- multinucleate ==> (细胞等)多核的
- multinucleate cell ==> 多核细胞
- multinucleate fiber ==> 多核纤维
- multiobjective optimization ==> 多目的最適化
- multiobjective planning ==> 多目标规划
- multioffice ==> 多局制
- multioffice area ==> 複局地
- multioffice exchange ==> 複局地交換
- multioperand ==> 多操作数
- multioperand adder ==> 多操作数加法器
- multioperation ==> 多操作,多运算
- multioperation capability ==> 多操作能力
- multioperator welding generator ==> 多工位焊接发电机
- multioperator welding machine ==> 多站电焊机,多站焊机
- multioperator welding set ==> 多站焊机
- multiorifice plate ==> 多孔板
- multioutlet ==> 多引线
- multioutlet TV coupler ==> 多引线电视耦合器
- multip-purpose ultrasonic cardioscope ==> 超声心脏综合诊断仪
- multip-well pumping unit ==> 多井共用抽油机
- multipack ==> 一包多件的商品包装
- multipacket message ==> 多组信息
- multipacting ==> 次级发射倍增
- multipactor ==> 大功率快速微波开关装置
- multipactor breakdown ==> 次级电子倍增击穿
- multipactor discharge ==> 电子倍增放电
- multipactor effect ==> 次级电子谐振效应
- multipair cable ==> 多对绞电缆
- multipara ==> 经产妇,经产妇
- multiparameter adjustment algorithm ==> 多参数调整算法
- multiparameter air quality analyzer ==> 多参数空气质量分析仪
- multiparameter regulation ==> 多参数调整
- multiparameter self-optimizing system ==> 多参数自寻最佳系统
- multiparameter water quality instrument ==> 多参数水质监测仪器
- multiparameter water quality monitoring instrument ==> 多参数水质监测仪器
- multiparasitization ==> 多寄生
- multiparity ==> 多胎产,经产,经产
- multipart ==> 多部件的
- multipart bearing ==> 弓形轴承
- multipartition support (MPS) ==> 多分段支持
- multiparty line ==> 合用线,公用线,同线
- multiparty telephone ==> 同线电话=>多数共同電話
- multipass ==> 多道的,多程=>マルチパス
- multipass airlay dryer ==> 多路气流式烘干机
- multipass algorithm ==> 多遍扫描算法,多遍算法
- multipass amplification ==> マルチパス増幅
- multipass and baffled heat exchanger ==> 多程及折流式换热器
- multipass compiler ==> 多遍扫描编译程序,多次编译程序
- multipass condenser ==> 多程冷凝器
- multipass distribution ==> 多次通过区熔的杂质分布
- multipass drier ==> 多次通过式干燥机
- multipass exchanger ==> 多程换热器
- multipass heater ==> 多程加热器
- multipass holographic interferometer ==> 多光路全息干涉仪
- multipass interferometry ==> 光倍增干涉法
- multipass laser ==> 多通激光器
- multipass modulator ==> 多通调制器
- multipass sort ==> 多类数据分类程序,多通路分类,多遍分类,多遍分类程序,多遍排序,多次分类,多次排序,多次扫描分类=>マルチパスソート
- multipass spectrometer ==> 多光路光谱仪
- multipass testing ==> マルチパス試験
- multipass translation ==> 多遍翻译
- multipass transmembrane protein ==> 複数回貫通型膜タンパク
- multipass tubular heater ==> 多程管式加热器
- multipass weld ==> 多道焊缝=>多層溶接
- multipass welding ==> 多道焊
- multipass zone refining ==> 多次通过区域精炼
- multipassage mass spectrometer ==> 多路质谱计
- multipath ==> 多路,多路的,多路径=>多重通路
- multipath approach electronic computer ==> 多路进场电子计算机
- multipath cancellation ==> 多径抵消
- multipath chopping laser therapeutic apparatus ==> 多路径斩波激光治疗仪
- multipath core ==> 多通路磁心
- multipath delay ==> 重复信号延迟
- multipath error ==> 多路径反射误差=>マルチパス誤差
- multipath magnetic circuit ==> 多磁路
- multipath reflection ==> 多路反射=>多重反射
- multipath signal ==> 多程信号
- multipath simulator ==> 多路模拟器
- multipath system ==> 多通道系统
- multipath transmission ==> 多路输送
- multipaths ==> 多流程
- multipattern matrix ==> 多重图像矩阵
- multiperiod model ==> 多时期模型
- multiphase ==> 多相的
- multiphase alloy ==> 多相合金
- multiphase circuit ==> 多相电路
- multiphase current ==> 多相电流
- multiphase flow ==> 多相流
- multiphase generator ==> 多相发电机
- multiphase induction machine ==> 多相誘導機
- multiphase inverter ==> 多相换流器
- multiphase loom ==> 多梭口织机
- multiphase mixture ==> 多相混合物
- multiphase motor ==> 多相电动机
- multiphase sampling ==> 多阶段抽样
- multiphase solidification ==> 多相凝固
- multiphase system ==> 多相系统
- multiphase weaving machine ==> 多相織機
- multiphaser ==> 多相发电机
- multiphonic stereophony ==> 多路立体声
- multiphotocoupler ==> 多重光电耦合器
- multiphoton ionization ==> 多光子电离
- multiphoton laser ==> 多光子激光器
- multiphoton photoelectric emission ==> 多光子光电发射
- multiphoton transition ==> 多光子跃迁
- multiphysics ==> マルチフィジクス
- multipicture TV set ==> 多画面电视机
- multipin package ==> 多插脚外壳
- multiplace glider ==> 多座滑翔机
- multiplane ==> 多翼飞机,复翼飞机
- multiplane-multispeed balancing ==> 多平面多转速平衡法
- multiplate ==> 多片
- multiplaying circuit ==> 乘法电路
- multiple ==> 复的,复合的,多发的,多数的,多元的,多重的,多倍的,多倍坯料,倍数,并联,复联的=>倍数
- multiple absorption ==> 重复吸收
- multiple access ==> 多路存取,多路访问,多处访问=>多元接続
- multiple access coupler ==> 多重存取耦合器
- multiple access retrieval system ==> 多路存取检索系统
- multiple access virtual machine ==> 多存取虚拟机,多路访问虚拟机
- multiple accumulating registers ==> 多次累积寄存器
- multiple accumulator ==> 多重累加器
- multiple action ==> 多重作用,重合动作
- multiple action controller ==> 多作业控制器
- multiple address ==> 多地址=>同報(電報)
- multiple address code ==> 多地址码
- multiple address instruction ==> 多地址指令
- multiple address message ==> 多地址报文,多地址消息,多重地址报文
- multiple address space ==> 多地址空间
- multiple address space partition ==> 多地址空间分区,多地址空间区域
- multiple adenoma of colon ==> 结肠多发性腺瘤
- multiple alternative decision ==> 多择一判定
- multiple amplifier ==> 多级放大器,多路放大器
- multiple annual ring ==> 复年轮
- multiple anodes cell ==> 多阳极电解槽
- multiple anomaly syndrome ==> 多种异常综合征
- multiple antenna ==> 多单元天线
- multiple aperture core ==> 多孔磁芯,多孔磁心
- multiple appearance ==> 复现
- multiple apron dryer ==> 多帘式烘干机
- multiple arc ==> 多弧,多重弧
- multiple arc circuit ==> 并联弧光电路
- multiple arc gap ==> マルチアークギャップ
- multiple arc lamp ==> 并联弧光灯
- multiple arc weld ==> 多弧焊缝
- multiple arc welding ==> 多弧焊
- multiple arch ==> 连拱
- multiple arch dam ==> 多拱坝,连拱坝,具有多个支撑于支墩拱形面板组成的支墩坝
- multiple arithmetic ==> 多路运算,多重运算,复式运算
- multiple arithmetic unit ==> 多运算器,多重运算器
- multiple arm bridge ==> 多臂电桥
- multiple arm relay ==> 多接点继电器
- multiple aspect indexing ==> 相关标引
- multiple aspect searching ==> 多面查找
- multiple association ==> 复关联
- multiple attachment support ==> 多连接支持
- multiple attribute decision making (MADM) ==> 多属性决策
- multiple attribute retrieval ==> 多属性检索
- multiple attribute transformation ==> 多属性变换
- multiple attributive classification ==> 多属性分类
- multiple backscattering ==> 多次反散射
- multiple bandpass filter ==> 多通带滤波器
- multiple banking ==> 提供全面服务的银行业务
- multiple bay frame ==> 多跨框架
- multiple bay portal ==> 多跨门架
- multiple beam flame planing machine ==> 多焰嘴火焰刨削机
- multiple beam fringe ==> 多光束干涉纹
- multiple beam lateral-shear interferometer ==> 多光束横向切变干涉仪
- multiple beam torus antenna ==> 多波束环形天线
- multiple bearing ==> 多次定位
- multiple bed ==> 复合层
- multiple beginning activity ==> 多项初始工作,多项初始活动
- multiple belt ==> 多层皮带
- multiple bi-directional rectifier ==> 多重化された双方向整流器
- multiple birth ==> 多胎分娩,一胎多产
- multiple blade circular saw ==> 多刀圆锯
- multiple blade grader ==> 多刀平地机
- multiple blade mixing drag ==> 多刀拌和刮路机
- multiple blowpipe machine ==> 多割嘴气割机
- multiple borer ==> 多轴穿孔机,多轴钻孔机
- multiple bottom reflection ==> 海底多次反射
- multiple box handkerchief loom ==> 多棱箱手帕织机
- multiple box jacquard cotton loom ==> 多棱箱提花棉织机
- multiple box loom ==> 多梭箱织机
- multiple branching construction ==> 多分支结构
- multiple break ==> 多重断开
- multiple bridge intersection ==> 多层立体交叉
- multiple budding ==> 多次芽接
- multiple budget ==> 复合预算制度,复式预算
- multiple bus & multiport system ==> 多总线与多入口系统
- multiple bus architecture ==> 多总线结构
- multiple bus control processor ==> 多总线控制处理机
- multiple bus system ==> 多总线系统
- multiple byte instruction ==> 多字节指令
- multiple cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multiple call processing unit ==> 多呼处理设备
- multiple call transmission ==> 多重通话传输
- multiple camera ==> 多角摄像机
- multiple capacitor ==> 多联电容器
- multiple carbide alloy ==> 多元碳化物合金
- multiple carbide ceramics ==> 复式碳化物陶瓷
- multiple carbide hard metal ==> 多元碳化物硬质合金
- multiple card record ==> 多重卡片记录
- multiple cartridges ==> 多级滤片
- multiple casing ==> 多缸式
- multiple casting ==> 多模齐铸法,劈模铸造
- multiple cavity ==> 多腔的
- multiple cavity die casting die ==> (压铸用)多型腔压型
- multiple cavity mould ==> 多型腔铸型,多巢模
- multiple cavity winder ==> 多筒拉丝机
- multiple cell floatation machine ==> 多槽浮选机
- multiple centrifugal fan ==> 多级离心式风机
- multiple centrifugal pump ==> 多级离心泵
- multiple chamber furnace ==> 多室式炉
- multiple chamber lock ==> 多厢船闸
- multiple channel buffer ==> 多通道缓冲器
- multiple character set ==> 多字号字符组,复式字符组
- multiple check ==> 多路检查
- multiple chip microprocessor ==> 多片微处理机
- multiple choice question ==> 选择问答法
- multiple circuit ==> 并联电路,倍增电极
- multiple circuit transmission system ==> 多回線併用方式
- multiple cloth ==> 多层织物
- multiple clutch ==> 复式离合器
- multiple coat ==> 多层
- multiple coating eye-glass ==> 多模眼镜片
- multiple coil ==> 多极螺旋=>多重コイル
- multiple coincidence ==> 多符合,多次符合
- multiple collision ==> 多次碰撞
- multiple colloid goiter ==> 腺瘤性甲状腺肿
- multiple comparisons of proportions ==> 比例的多重比较
- multiple component unit ==> 配套无线电零件
- multiple compressed tablet ==> 复压片
- multiple computer operation ==> 多计算机操作
- multiple conductor ==> 成束导线,分裂导线=>多導体
- multiple conductor cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multiple conductor line ==> 多导线线路
- multiple congenital articular rigidity ==> 多发性先天性关节强直
- multiple connection ==> 复接=>並列接続,複式接続
- multiple connection inverter ==> 多重インバータ
- multiple connection of switching units ==> ユニット間複式接続
- multiple connector ==> 多路插头,多路连接器,多路流程图符号
- multiple console support (MCS) ==> 多控制台支持,多控制台支持程序,多重控制台配套,多操作台支持
- multiple constraint ==> 多约束,多重约束
- multiple contact detector ==> 多触点检波器
- multiple contact high-pressure molding machine ==> 多触头高压造型机
- multiple contact switch ==> 多触点开关,多接点开关
- multiple context ==> 多重正文
- multiple contingencies ==> 多重故障
- multiple control ==> 复合管理,复杂调节,并列调节
- multiple control field ==> 多重控制字段
- multiple conveyer dryer ==> 多级传送带烘干机
- multiple coordination ==> 多重协调
- multiple copy averaging ==> 多拷贝平均,多拷贝平均法
- multiple copy control ==> 多副本控制,多厚度复制控制器
- multiple cord ==> 多芯软线
- multiple cord tyre ==> 多层外胎
- multiple core box ==> 组合芯盒
- multiple core cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multiple core cord ==> 多芯电缆
- multiple correlation ==> 多重相关,复相关
- multiple correlation analysis ==> 多重相关分析
- multiple correlation coefficient ==> 多重相关系数,复相关系数
- multiple cost system ==> 复合成本制,复合式成本制度
- multiple covariance ==> 多重方差
- multiple coverage ==> 多次覆盖
- multiple criteria ==> 多准则
- multiple criteria decision make ==> 多准则目标决策
- multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) ==> 多准则决策
- multiple cropping ==> 复种
- multiple cross ==> 复合杂交,多交系,多系杂交
- multiple cross glide ==> 复交叉滑移
- multiple cross talk ==> 多重漏話
- multiple crystal X-ray spectrometer ==> 多晶体X射线光谱仪
- multiple currency standard ==> 复合通货制度
- multiple current generator ==> 复流发电机
- multiple cutting edge tool ==> 多刃刀具
- multiple cutting machine ==> 多刀式剪毛机
- multiple cycle ==> 多旋回
- multiple cyclone ==> 多管式旋风分离器,组合式旋风分离器
- multiple cyclone in parallel ==> 并联旋风分离器
- multiple cylinder ==> 复式汽缸
- multiple cylinder engine ==> 多气缸发动机
- multiple data channel ==> 多数据通道
- multiple daylight press ==> 多层压机
- multiple decay ==> 多重衰变
- multiple decision ==> 多重判定
- multiple decision method ==> 多重决策方法
- multiple decision problem ==> 多维决策问题
- multiple deck cage ==> 多层畜笼
- multiple deck station ==> 多层车站
- multiple declaration ==> 多种说明,多重说明
- multiple design ==> 多重设计
- multiple detector ==> 多重探测器
- multiple device ==> 复合器件
- multiple diameter drill ==> 阶梯钻头
- multiple diaphragm gauge ==> 多模片压力表,多膜片压力计
- multiple die tubing machine ==> 多模管压机
- multiple diffusion ==> 多次扩散
- multiple diode ==> 复式二极管
- multiple directory ==> 多重目录表
- multiple disc brake ==> 多片盘式制动器
- multiple discharge ==> 多道闪电
- multiple discriminant analysis ==> 复识别分析
- multiple disintegration ==> 多重衰变,倍速蜕变
- multiple disjoint decomposition ==> 多重不相交分解
- multiple distribution ==> 并联配线
- multiple distribution system ==> 并联配电制
- multiple domain network ==> 多畴网络
- multiple drawbench ==> 多线式拉拔机
- multiple drill ==> 多轴钻床
- multiple drill rig ==> 多机式钻车
- multiple drilling machine ==> 多轴钻机
- multiple dump processing ==> 多重转储处理
- multiple ear corn ==> 多穗玉米
- multiple earth ==> 多重接地=>多重接地
- multiple earth system ==> 多重接地制
- multiple earthing ==> 重复接地
- multiple eaves ==> 重檐
- multiple echo ==> 多重回声,多次打回
- multiple effect ==> 多重效果
- multiple effect distillation, MED ==> 多效蒸发,将一个蒸发器蒸发出来的蒸汽引入下一蒸发器利用其凝结放出的热加热蒸发器中的水,两个或多于两个串联以充分利用热能的蒸发系统
- multiple effect evaporator ==> 多效蒸发器,多重效蒸发器
- multiple effect refrigerator ==> 多效制冷机
- multiple effective ==> 多效的
- multiple electrode ==> 多级焊条
- multiple electrodes ==> 複数電極
- multiple electrometer ==> 复式静电计
- multiple electron gun zone refining ==> 多电子枪区域精炼
- multiple electronic acupunctoscope ==> 多用电子针刺治疗仪
- multiple emitter transistor ==> 多发射极晶体管
- multiple end user ==> 多端用户
- multiple end yarn ==> 多头纱
- multiple entrances to subroutine ==> 对子程序的多个入口
- multiple entry ==> 多入口
- multiple entry system ==> 多输入系统
- multiple entry volume table ==> 多元材积表
- multiple epidermis ==> 多列表皮,复表皮层
- multiple error ==> 多误差
- multiple evaporator ==> 多次蒸发器
- multiple excitation ==> 多励
- multiple exhaust ==> 分流排气
- multiple exits from subroutine ==> 从子程序的多个出口
- multiple exostosis ==> 多发性外生骨疣
- multiple expansion engine ==> 多胀式发动机,多胀式蒸汽机
- multiple expansion of credit ==> 信用多倍扩大
- multiple expansion turbine ==> 多胀式涡轮机
- multiple explicit route ==> 多显式路径,多显式路由
- multiple exposure ==> 分次曝光,反复接触
- multiple extrema ==> 多重极值
- multiple fabric ==> 多层织物
- multiple factor ==> 多因子
- multiple factor experiment ==> 复因子试验
- multiple factorial experiment ==> 复因子试验
- multiple factors ==> 多对因子
- multiple factors method ==> 复合因素法
- multiple familial polyposis ==> 多发性家族性息肉病
- multiple farrowing ==> 多批产仔制
- multiple fault ==> 叠断层,复断层
- multiple faults ==> 多故障,多重故障,在一回线路或自同一电源的多回线路上,两个以上不同位置同时发生的故障=>多重故障
- multiple feeder ==> 复馈电线
- multiple fender piles ==> 丛桩缓冲设备
- multiple fertilizer ==> 多卵受精
- multiple fiber ==> 纤维束
- multiple fiber cable ==> 多纤光缆,多芯电缆
- multiple fibre ==> 多束纤维
- multiple fibre structure ==> 多缕结构
- multiple filter ==> 多节滤波器,多重滤波器,复式滤池
- multiple filter plate ==> 多层过滤板式分布器
- multiple firing ==> 成组点火
- multiple fission ==> 增殖分裂
- multiple fork type blade root ==> 多叉形叶根
- multiple fracture ==> 多发性骨折
- multiple fracturing ==> 分层压裂
- multiple frame ==> 多跨框架,接线架
- multiple frame argon-ion laser ==> 多幅氩离子激光器
- multiple freight ==> 复式运费帐单
- multiple frequency ==> 多重频率
- multiple frequency shift keying telegraph terminal ==> 多频移频键控电报终端机
- multiple frequency VLF technique ==> 多频甚低频技术
- multiple fruit ==> 复果
- multiple function ==> 复官能
- multiple function alarm controller ==> 多功能报警控制器
- multiple function bone milling cutter ==> 多功能骨铣刀
- multiple function drinking-water cleaner ==> 多功能饮水净化器
- multiple galaxy ==> 多重星系
- multiple gas analyzer ==> 多气体分析器
- multiple gate ==> 多浇口浇注系统
- multiple gate finger fet ==> 多梳形栅场效应晶体管
- multiple gated spillway ==> 多闸门溢洪道
- multiple gating ==> 多直浇口浇注系统
- multiple gene hypothesis ==> 多基因假论
- multiple generation area ==> 多代区
- multiple generator ==> 倍数发生器
- multiple genes ==> 复基因
- multiple glazing ==> 多层玻璃,多层玻璃窗
- multiple grating ==> 复式光栅
- multiple grooved gathering shoe ==> 复槽集束器
- multiple ground fault ==> 多重接地事故
- multiple gun ==> 多管火炮
- multiple hearth incinerator ==> 多炉膛焚烧炉
- multiple hearth reactor ==> 多室反应器
- multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma ==> 多发性出血性肉瘤
- multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma of skin ==> 皮肤多发性出血性肉瘤
- multiple hole core ==> 多孔磁芯
- multiple hop transmission ==> 多次跳跃传输
- multiple hybridization ==> 复合杂交
- multiple hydraulic pump ==> 多层水力泵
- multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma ==> 卡波济氏肉瘤
- multiple image ==> 叠影,多重图像
- multiple image generation ==> 多重成象
- multiple image lens ==> 多重图像透镜
- multiple imaging ==> 多重成象
- multiple impact tester ==> 多冲式试验机
- multiple impeller pump ==> 多级叶轮泵
- multiple impression die ==> 多模槽锻模
- multiple impression forging ==> 多型槽模锻
- multiple impulse ==> 多脉冲
- multiple impulse welder ==> 多脉冲接触焊机
- multiple in line package ==> 多列直插式外壳
- multiple index coupler ==> 复杂折射率耦合器
- multiple indexing addressing ==> 多重变址型寻址
- multiple indirect addressing ==> 多重间接编址,多重间接寻址
- multiple induction loop ==> 多次归纳循环
- multiple inequality coefficient ==> 复不等系数
- multiple input system ==> 多输入系统
- multiple inputs ==> 多端输入
- multiple insemination ==> 多次输精
- multiple installation ==> 复式装置
- multiple instruction ==> 多指令
- multiple instruction flow ==> 多指令流
- multiple instruction multiple data stream (MIMD) ==> 多指令多数据流
- multiple instruction stream ==> 多指令流
- multiple instruction-single data stream ==> 多指令单数据流
- multiple instruction-single data stream system ==> 多指令单数据流系统
- multiple integral ==> 重积分=>重積分
- multiple integration ==> 重积分法
- multiple interdependency ==> 相互间多重依存关系
- multiple interferometer ==> 复式干涉仪
- multiple internal reflection face-pumped laser ==> 多路内部反射表面泵浦激光器
- multiple interrupt ==> 多重中断
- multiple interrupt system ==> 多级中断系统,多重中断系统
- multiple interrupts ==> 多中断
- multiple intestinal polyposis ==> 多发性肠息肉病
- multiple intrusions ==> 重复侵入
- multiple ion detector ==> 多离子探测器
- multiple ionization ==> 多次电离
- multiple isomorphism ==> 多重同构,同态
- multiple jack ==> 复式插孔
- multiple jet ==> 多喷嘴
- multiple jet burner ==> 多焰焊枪,多焰燃烧器
- multiple jet carbureter ==> 多嘴汽化器
- multiple jib machine ==> 多截盘截煤机
- multiple jig ==> 多钻头钻模
- multiple job processing ==> 多道作业处理,多作业处理
- multiple joint ==> マルチ接続,多関節
- multiple key organization ==> 多关键字组织
- multiple keys ==> 花键
- multiple kinetochore ==> 复着丝类
- multiple label ==> 多重标号
- multiple laccolith ==> 叠岩床
- multiple lamp holder ==> 复式灯座
- multiple language ==> 复式语言,广适语言
- multiple layer lightguide ==> 多层光波导
- multiple leader ==> 复顶芽
- multiple leaders ==> 多顶枝
- multiple leaf gate ==> 多叶闸门
- multiple leaf valve ==> 多簧片阀
- multiple legal tender system ==> 复式法币制度
- multiple length ==> 多倍长,倍尺
- multiple length number ==> 多倍长数,多倍字长数
- multiple length numeral ==> 多倍长数,多倍字长数
- multiple length scales ==> 複数の長さスケール
- multiple lens aerial camera ==> 多镜头航空摄影机
- multiple lens camera ==> 多镜头摄影机
- multiple level ==> 多能级
- multiple level combinational network ==> 多级组合网络
- multiple level station ==> 多层车站
- multiple level subroutine call ==> 多级子程序调用
- multiple light fiber ==> 光学纤维束
- multiple line ==> 复式线
- multiple line structure ==> 多线结构
- multiple list ==> 多重表
- multiple load flow solutions ==> 潮流多根
- multiple load module processing ==> 多装入模块处理
- multiple lock ==> 复式船闸
- multiple loop ==> 多闭合环路=>多重ループ
- multiple loop demodulator ==> 多环路解调器
- multiple loop system ==> 多路系统
- multiple manometer ==> 多量程压力表,联合压力计
- multiple Markov ==> 多重マルコフ連鎖
- multiple Markov chain ==> 多重马尔可夫链
- multiple match ==> 多重符合
- multiple match resolution ==> 多重符合分解
- multiple meaning ==> 多义性
- multiple mercury column manometer ==> 多级水银柱压力计
- multiple message mode ==> 多报文方式
- multiple meteor ==> 多重流星
- multiple metering ==> 多次测量
- multiple mo(u)ld(ing) ==> 叠箱铸型
- multiple mobile robots ==> 複数台移動ロボット
- multiple modulation ==> 多级调制,多重调制,复调制=>多段変調
- multiple module access ==> 多级存取,多重模块访问
- multiple money ==> 倍数货币
- multiple mould ==> 多件石膏模
- multiple mounted cam ==> 复合凸轮
- multiple myeloma ==> 卡勒氏病,多发性骨髓瘤,赫珀特氏病
- multiple neuritis ==> 多神经炎
- multiple normal correlation ==> 多重正态相关,复正态相关
- multiple objective ==> 多目标
- multiple objective function ==> 多目标函数
- multiple observer ==> 多重オブザーバ
- multiple openings ==> 划分房柱
- multiple operation ==> 多机同时操作,平行工作,并联运行
- multiple operation die ==> 多工序模具
- multiple operator arc welding machine ==> 复式弧焊机
- multiple or duplicate vessels ==> 多个或两个相同的容器
- multiple order ==> 多级的
- multiple ore deposit ==> 叠生矿床
- multiple orifice meter ==> 多孔测量计
- multiple orifice nozzle ==> 多孔喷油器
- multiple oscillograph ==> 多射线示波器
- multiple outlet ==> 多管出水口
- multiple outliers ==> 复奇异点
- multiple output change flow table ==> 多输出变化流程表
- multiple output combinational network ==> 多输出组合网络
- multiple output prime implicant ==> 多端输出质蕴涵项
- multiple output system ==> 多输出系统
- multiple pair ==> 复接线对
- multiple parallel winding ==> 复并联绕组
- multiple parameter method ==> 多参数法
- multiple part form ==> 多联表格
- multiple partition support (MPS) ==> 多分区支持
- multiple pass ==> 多程
- multiple pass welding ==> 多道焊
- multiple path communication ==> 多路通信
- multiple pattern ==> 复式图形
- multiple perforation ==> 复穿孔
- multiple personality ==> 多重人格
- multiple phase-shift keying ==> 多相PSK
- multiple phases reclosing ==> 多相再閉路
- multiple photo-grammetric camera ==> 多镜测量摄影机
- multiple photogrammetric camera ==> 多镜测量摄影机
- multiple piercing ==> 多孔冲孔
- multiple piston rotary pump ==> 多缸回转泵
- multiple plankton sampler ==> 复式浮游生物采样器
- multiple plough ==> 复式犁
- multiple plug ==> 复式插头
- multiple plunger press ==> 多柱塞压力机
- multiple point ==> 多重点
- multiple point borehole extensometer ==> 多点钻孔伸长计
- multiple point loading ==> 多点集中加载
- multiple point to point configuration ==> 多个点对点配置
- multiple polypus recti ==> 直肠多发性息肉
- multiple position circuit ==> 并席电路
- multiple position press ==> 多工位压力机
- multiple power source ==> 通用电源
- multiple precision ==> 多倍精度,多倍字长,多倍字长精度
- multiple precision arithmetic ==> 多倍精度运算,多精度算术
- multiple precision current transformer ==> 多精度变流器
- multiple predator world ==> 複数の捕食者群
- multiple pregnancy ==> 多胎妊娠,妊娠多胎
- multiple press ==> 多效压机
- multiple pressure pad die ==> 带多个压料块的模具
- multiple pressure technic ==> 多压技术
- multiple pricing ==> 多种价格
- multiple priming ==> 并联起爆
- multiple printing machine ==> 多形式打印机
- multiple printing telegraph ==> 多路印刷电报机
- multiple process ==> 并联法
- multiple processor operating system ==> 多处理机操作系统
- multiple processor system ==> 多处理机系,多处理机系统
- multiple production ==> 多次操作生产,重复发生
- multiple programming ==> 并行编程,多道程序设计
- multiple projection welding ==> 多点凸焊
- multiple proportions ==> 倍比
- multiple psychometry instrument set ==> 多项心理测评仪
- multiple pulse detector ==> 多脉冲探测器
- multiple pulse laser ==> 多脉冲激光器
- multiple pulse problem ==> 多脉冲振荡问题
- multiple pulse spectrometer ==> 多脉冲谱仪
- multiple pumping log ==> 多孔抽水记录
- multiple punch ==> 多滑块压力机,复式冲模
- multiple punching ==> 复穿孔,多孔,多穿孔,多次穿孔=>多重せん孔
- multiple punching machine ==> 多头冲床
- multiple purpose dam ==> 多用途水坝
- multiple purpose project ==> 多目标工程
- multiple purpose reservoir ==> 多用途水库
- multiple quasar ==> 多重类星体
- multiple radio source ==> 多重射电源
- multiple random variables ==> 多维随机变量
- multiple range ==> 多量程的
- multiple rate of exchange system ==> 复汇率制
- multiple rating curve ==> 复式水位流量关系曲线
- multiple reception ==> 多次接收
- multiple reclosing breaker ==> 多次重合闸断路器
- multiple record card ==> 多重记录卡片
- multiple recorder ==> 多项记录仪
- multiple recording medium word processing ==> 多记录媒体字处理
- multiple rectifier ==> 复合电路整流器
- multiple redefinition of data ==> 数据多次重新定义
- multiple redshift ==> 多重红移
- multiple reel ==> 多磁带卷
- multiple reentry vehicle ==> 多弹头再入飞行器
- multiple reflection ==> 多次反射=>多重反射
- multiple reflection echo ==> 多重反射エコー
- multiple reflection echoes ==> 多次反射回波
- multiple regeneration ==> 多次再生
- multiple register ==> 复合记录器
- multiple registering ==> 复式记录
- multiple regressing ==> 多重回归
- multiple regression ==> 多重回归,多重回归分析,多次回归,复回归
- multiple regression analysis ==> 复合回归分析,复回归分析,多重回归分析,重回归分析=>重回帰分析
- multiple regression equation ==> 多重回归方程
- multiple request ==> 多重请求,多重中断请求
- multiple resistance welding ==> 多点电阻焊接,复式电阻焊
- multiple resonance ==> 复谐振,多重共振
- multiple response ==> 多重响应
- multiple restart ==> 多次再起动
- multiple return path ==> 多重返回路径
- multiple rhombic antenna ==> 菱形天线网
- multiple ring valve ==> 多环阀
- multiple rivet lap ==> 多行铆钉搭接
- multiple riveting ==> 多行铆接
- multiple riveting die ==> 多点铆接模具
- multiple root ==> 重根
- multiple root, repeated root ==> 重根(重解)
- multiple rotary screen ==> 多层旋转筛
- multiple rotate instruction ==> 多次旋转指令
- multiple routing ==> 多路径选择,多路由选择
- multiple runner ==> 复式转轮
- multiple safety valve ==> 多重安全阀
- multiple sample ==> 多重抽样
- multiple sampling ==> 多次抽样,多次抽样法,多次取样检验
- multiple satellite SSPS ==> 分散型SSPS
- multiple scale ==> 多标度
- multiple scaled instrument ==> 多刻度仪器
- multiple scan interferometer ==> 多扫描干涉仪
- multiple scanning ==> 多重扫描
- multiple scattering ==> 多次散射
- multiple scattering theory ==> 多重散乱理論
- multiple sclerosis ==> 多发性硬化,播散性硬化
- multiple scraper ==> 多台式铲运机
- multiple sea-sampler ==> 多筒海水采样器
- multiple segment die ==> 拼合模
- multiple selection ==> 多次选择,多重选择
- multiple selector ==> 复式选择器
- multiple selector valve ==> 多位置换向阀
- multiple sellers ==> 複数販売者
- multiple sequence operation ==> 多序操作
- multiple sequential access method ==> 多顺序存取法
- multiple serial camera ==> 多镜连续摄影机
- multiple series ==> 多路串联
- multiple series connection ==> 并串联
- multiple serositis ==> 多浆膜炎
- multiple sexuality ==> 多性现象
- multiple shear rivet ==> 多面剪铆钉
- multiple shearing machine ==> 复式剪床
- multiple sheave block ==> 多轮滑车
- multiple shooting ==> 齐放
- multiple shot reclosing ==> 多次重合闸,如果重合不成功,便重合二次或三次(通常不多于三次)的一种自动重合闸
- multiple shotholes ==> 多井爆炸
- multiple signal ==> 多次信号,复式信号=>多重信号
- multiple single plant selection ==> 多次单株选择
- multiple site situation ==> 地盘密集情况
- multiple slab anode ==> 多层板式阳极
- multiple slip ==> 多滑移
- multiple socket ==> 复式插座
- multiple sources of noise ==> 多个噪音来源,多种根源的噪音
- multiple speed motor ==> 多速电动机
- multiple spindle ==> 多轴
- multiple spindle automatic lathe ==> 多轴自动车床
- multiple spindle automatic machine ==> 多轴自动车床
- multiple spindle broaching machine ==> 多轴拉床
- multiple spindle drill ==> 多轴钻床
- multiple spindle drill chuck ==> 多轴钻床卡盘
- multiple spindle drill head ==> 多轴钻削头
- multiple spindle drill unit ==> 多轴钻削头装置
- multiple spindle drilling machine ==> 多轴钻机
- multiple spindle heads ==> 多轴头
- multiple spindle semi-automatic lathe ==> 多轴半自动车床
- multiple spindle vertical internal honing machine ==> 多轴立式内圆珩磨机
- multiple spindle wood lathe ==> 多轴木工车床
- multiple splicing ==> マルチ接続
- multiple spline ==> 花键
- multiple spline hub ==> 花键轮毂
- multiple spline shaft ==> 花键轴
- multiple splitting coalseam ==> 多分裂煤层
- multiple spontaneous fractures ==> 自发性多发性骨折
- multiple spot beam antenna ==> 多点波束天线
- multiple spot welder ==> 多点焊机
- multiple spot welding ==> 多点点焊
- multiple spot welding machine ==> 多点点焊机
- multiple spring ==> 复式弹簧
- multiple spurs ==> 多距
- multiple stacks and queues ==> 多个栈和队列
- multiple stage deposition ==> 多段淀积
- multiple stage press ==> 多级压机
- multiple star ==> 聚星,聚星
- multiple station dial index machine ==> 多面度盘式回转机床
- multiple station die ==> 多工位模
- multiple station in-line transfer machine ==> 多工位直列式连续自动工作机床
- multiple station rotary transfer machine ==> 多工位回转式连续自动工作机床
- multiple step and repeat machine ==> 多路步进重复照相机
- multiple step format ==> 分步式,分段式
- multiple story furnace ==> 多层炉
- multiple straight pipe injector ==> 多直管式喷射器
- multiple strand ==> 多线的
- multiple strand cable ==> 多股钢绞线索
- multiple strand chain ==> 多级链
- multiple strand twist block ==> 多线扭转线材轧机机组
- multiple string processing ==> 多串处理
- multiple strip processing ==> 机组作业线上的多条带材精整
- multiple subroutine level ==> 多子程序级
- multiple substitution enciphering system ==> 多次代换编码系统
- multiple substrate technique ==> 多片技术
- multiple subsystem ==> 多子系统
- multiple subsystem simulator ==> 多子系统模拟程序
- multiple surge tank ==> 复式调压井
- multiple SVCs allocation ==> 多SVC布点
- multiple switch ==> 复联开关
- multiple switchboard ==> 复式交换机
- multiple system ==> 多机系统,多路系统,并联式
- multiple system of Trapezium type ==> 猎户四边形型聚星
- multiple system operator ==> 多系统操作器
- multiple T-maze ==> 复合式T迷路
- multiple tail ==> 多重彗尾
- multiple target ==> 多目标
- multiple target generator ==> 多目标发生器
- multiple target tracking ==> 多目标跟踪
- multiple tariff ==> 复式税率
- multiple tariff meter ==> 多种价目计算器
- multiple task management ==> 多任务管理
- multiple task operating system ==> 多任务操作系统
- multiple task type ==> 多種作業形
- multiple tax system ==> 复合税制
- multiple taxation ==> 复税制
- multiple telegraph ==> 复式电报机
- multiple temperature ==> 多次回火
- multiple tempering ==> 多次回火
- multiple terminal access (MTA) ==> 多终端存取
- multiple terminal access feature (MTA feature) ==> 多终端存取特点
- multiple terminal manager ==> 多终端管理程序
- multiple terminals ==> 多终端
- multiple thermocline ==> 复斜温层
- multiple thread ==> 多头螺纹
- multiple thread worm ==> 多头蜗杆
- multiple throats ==> 多流液洞
- multiple throttle valve ==> 复式节流阀
- multiple time scales ==> 多重時間尺度
- multiple tire roller ==> 多轮胎压路机
- multiple torch machine ==> 多炬气割机
- multiple track ==> 多磁道
- multiple track error ==> 多磁道错误
- multiple tracks ==> 多道
- multiple traffic process ==> 多元トラヒック処理
- multiple transfer automatic presses ==> 复式连续自动工作压床
- multiple transition time decomposition ==> 多次转换时间分解
- multiple transmission ==> 复合式传动=>多重伝送
- multiple tropopause ==> 复对流层顶
- multiple truss ==> 复式桁架
- multiple tubed burner ==> 多焰焊枪,多焰燃烧器
- multiple tuned aerial ==> 复谐天线
- multiple tuned antenna ==> 复谐天线
- multiple tuned-antenna ==> 双调谐天线
- multiple tuner ==> 复式调谐器
- multiple turning operation ==> 多道车削程序
- multiple twin ==> 复对的,聚片双晶,聚片双晶,双绞
- multiple twin cable ==> 扭绞四芯电缆
- multiple twin quad ==> 复式双四芯线组,双股四芯电缆
- multiple twisting machine ==> 多层拈丝机
- multiple unit cable ==> 复合电缆
- multiple unit control ==> 多元控制
- multiple unit knitting machine ==> 多节式针织机
- multiple unit poultry test ==> 家畜多点生产性能测定
- multiple unit tube ==> 复合管
- multiple unit valve ==> 多路阀
- multiple use ==> 多用
- multiple user storage equipment ==> 多用户存贮设备
- multiple utility ==> 多应用
- multiple utility program ==> 多应用程序,多重应用程序
- multiple V-belt ==> 多条三角皮带
- multiple value ==> 多重值
- multiple value logic ==> 多值逻辑
- multiple valued ==> 多值的
- multiple valve ==> 多级管
- multiple ventricular premature beat ==> 多发性心室过早收缩
- multiple virtual storage (MVS) ==> 多虚存,多虚拟存储器,多重虚拟存储系统
- multiple wait ==> 多重等待
- multiple watershed method ==> 多断并列流域法
- multiple wave winding ==> 复波形绕组
- multiple winding ==> 并绕
- multiple winding motor ==> 多重绕组电动机
- multiple wire antenna ==> 多线天线
- multiple wire system ==> 多线制
- multiple X-Y recorder ==> 多对变量记录器
- multiple yarn ==> 多胶纱
- multiple yield table ==> 复式收获表
- multiple youngs at a birth ==> 一窝多子
- multiple zone ==> 多油层
- multiple-access computer ==> 多路存取计算机,多用户计算机
- multiple-action press ==> 多效压机
- multiple-activity process chart ==> 多样活动过程图
- multiple-address code ==> 多地址代码,多地址码
- multiple-address computer ==> 多地址计算机
- multiple-alternative detection ==> 多择检测
- multiple-arc method ==> 复弧法
- multiple-arc unit ==> 多弧焊接机
- multiple-arc welder ==> 多弧电焊机
- multiple-arc welding plant ==> 多弧焊接机
- multiple-arch bridge ==> 连拱桥
- multiple-arch dam ==> 连拱坝,多孔坝
- multiple-band receiver ==> 多波段接收机
- multiple-bar bell jar ==> 多棒钟形烧结炉
- multiple-bay scrubber ==> 多格洗涤塔
- multiple-beam ==> 复光束
- multiple-beam antenna ==> 多波束天线
- multiple-beam interferometer ==> 多光束干涉仪
- multiple-beam interferometry ==> 多光束干涉
- multiple-beam radar ==> 多波束雷达
- multiple-beam radiation ==> 多射束辐射
- multiple-blade ==> 多叶片
- multiple-blade grader ==> 多刀平地机,多刃平地机
- multiple-blade maintainer ==> 多刀养路机
- multiple-body problem ==> 多体问题
- multiple-box loom ==> 多梭箱织机
- multiple-box siphon ==> 复式箱形虹吸管
- multiple-branch bank ==> 分行众多的银行
- multiple-branch manifold ==> 多支路歧管
- multiple-break switch ==> 多断式开关
- multiple-bridge ==> 多臂电桥,群桥
- multiple-cable ==> 复电缆
- multiple-cage motor ==> 多鼠笼电动机
- multiple-cage rotor ==> 多鼠笼型转子
- multiple-cavity klystron ==> 多腔速调管
- multiple-cavity mo(u)ld ==> 多腔模
- multiple-chain drag conveyer ==> 多链牵引式输送机
- multiple-coin-cidence magnetic memory ==> 多度重合磁存储器
- multiple-completion packer ==> 多级封隔器
- multiple-completion well ==> 多层合采井
- multiple-cone pelletizer ==> 多锥式造球机
- multiple-connected battery ==> 并联蓄电池,并联蓄电池组
- multiple-connection ==> 并联连接
- multiple-connector ==> 多路插头
- multiple-contact ==> 多触头的
- multiple-contact relay ==> 多接点继电器
- multiple-contact switch ==> 多触点开关,选择器开关
- multiple-core casting ==> 组芯铸造
- multiple-course construction ==> 多层结构
- multiple-crop index ==> 复种指数
- multiple-cropping area ==> 复种面积
- multiple-cropping index ==> 复种指数
- multiple-current hypothesis ==> 多支流假说
- multiple-cut ==> 多刀切削
- multiple-cut trench excavator ==> 多刃挖沟机
- multiple-cutting edge countersink ==> 多刃锥口钻
- multiple-cutting-edge tool ==> 多刃刀具
- multiple-decade counter ==> 多级十进位计数管
- multiple-deck ==> 多层的
- multiple-degree-of-freedom system ==> 多自由度系统
- multiple-die ==> 复锻模
- multiple-die medium heavy wire-drawing machine ==> 多次中粗拉丝机,多模中粗拉丝机
- multiple-die press ==> 连续冲床,复式模压机
- multiple-digit decimal adder ==> 多数位的十进制加法器
- multiple-dimensioned double head wrench ==> 多尺度双头扳手
- multiple-disc ==> 多盘
- multiple-disc brake ==> 多盘闸
- multiple-disc clutch ==> 多片离合器
- multiple-disk clutch ==> 多盘离合器,多片式离合器
- multiple-dome dam ==> 双曲连拱坝
- multiple-drill ==> 多轴钻机
- multiple-drill head ==> 多轴钻主轴箱
- multiple-drill press ==> 多轴钻机
- multiple-drill shaft sinker ==> 多钻凿井机
- multiple-drilling ==> 多孔钻法
- multiple-drilling machine ==> 多头钻机
- multiple-drug-resistant bacteria ==> 多重耐药菌=>多剤耐性菌
- multiple-drum winch ==> 多卷筒绞车
- multiple-eave roof ==> 重檐屋顶
- multiple-effect ==> 多重效应
- multiple-effect evaporation ==> 多效蒸发
- multiple-effect refrigerator ==> 多效冷冻机
- multiple-electrode furance ==> 多极电炉
- multiple-electrode spot welding machine ==> 多极点焊机
- multiple-electrode submerged arc weld ==> 多电极埋弧焊
- multiple-electrode welding ==> 多焊条焊接
- multiple-element coating ==> 多元素镀层
- multiple-element cooler ==> 多元冷却器
- multiple-end thread ==> 多头线
- multiple-entry system ==> 多平巷开拓系统
- multiple-error ==> 多重误差
- multiple-error-correcting code ==> 多误差校正码,多差校正代码
- multiple-error-stochastic model ==> 复合误差随机模型
- multiple-expansion engine ==> 多级膨胀发动机
- multiple-exposure hologram ==> 多次曝光全息图
- multiple-factor inheritance ==> 多基因遗传
- multiple-feed network ==> 复馈电力网
- multiple-feed system ==> 复馈电系统
- multiple-film ==> 多重片
- multiple-frame saw mill ==> 多框锯制材厂
- multiple-glazing unit ==> 多层玻璃窗
- multiple-grid ==> 多栅
- multiple-groove bearing ==> 多油槽轴承
- multiple-groove sheave ==> 多槽皮带轮
- multiple-grooved pulley ==> 多槽轮
- multiple-grooved shear ==> 多槽剪切机
- multiple-grooved wheel ==> 多槽轮
- multiple-harmonic current ==> 多谐波电流
- multiple-head broaching machine ==> 复式拉床
- multiple-head machine ==> 多节针织机
- multiple-head sander ==> 多头砂光机
- multiple-hearth furnace ==> 多膛焙烧炉,旧砂再生炉,旧砂再生炉
- multiple-heating coil ==> 复式加热蛇形管
- multiple-hole die ==> 多孔模
- multiple-impulse welding ==> 多脉冲焊,多脉冲接触焊
- multiple-lane road ==> 多车道道路
- multiple-layer metallization ==> 多层金属化
- multiple-leaf spring ==> 多片簧
- multiple-length arithmetic ==> 多倍字长运算
- multiple-length working ==> 多倍字长工作
- multiple-lens camera ==> 多透镜照相机
- multiple-lever system ==> 复式杠杆系统
- multiple-lift ==> 多层
- multiple-loop servomechanism ==> 多回路伺服系统
- multiple-machine-head ==> 多切削头
- multiple-meaning association ==> 多重含意结合
- multiple-motor ==> 多电动机
- multiple-motor unit ==> 多发动机装置
- multiple-nozzle pump ==> 多喷嘴扩散泵
- multiple-on-line ==> 多路联机
- multiple-operator welding-unit ==> 多重操作焊接单元
- multiple-order ==> 多级的
- multiple-output circuit ==> 多输出电路,输出端复接电路
- multiple-output high-frequency inverter ==> マルチ出力高調波インバータ
- multiple-output network ==> 多端输出网络
- multiple-parallel-tubing string ==> 多根平行油管
- multiple-part core box ==> 多分型面芯盒
- multiple-part gravity die ==> 多分型面的金属型
- multiple-part mould ==> 多箱铸型
- multiple-part pattern ==> 多开边模
- multiple-pass ==> 多次通过
- multiple-pass prism monochromator ==> 多通棱镜单色仪
- multiple-pass rotary mixer ==> 多行程转轴拌和机,多行程转轴式拌和机
- multiple-pass stabilizer ==> 多程稳定机
- multiple-pass weld ==> 多道焊缝,多路焊接
- multiple-passing grating ==> 多次通过光栅
- multiple-pathcoupler ==> 多路耦合器
- multiple-peaked hydrograph ==> 多峰式水文过程线
- multiple-pin ==> 多刀式
- multiple-pin mixer ==> 多叶式拌和机
- multiple-pin plug ==> 多脚插头
- multiple-pin-hole ==> 复针孔
- multiple-pinhole camera ==> 复针孔照相机
- multiple-pipe inverted siphon ==> 多管式倒虹吸管
- multiple-piston pump ==> 多活塞泵,多级活塞泵
- multiple-piston rotary pump ==> 多活塞回转泵
- multiple-plate ==> 多层板的
- multiple-plate brake ==> 多盘闸
- multiple-plate clutch ==> 多片离合器
- multiple-plunger pump ==> 多柱塞泵
- multiple-point ==> 多点,多点的
- multiple-point pencil ==> 多点铅笔
- multiple-point recorder ==> 多点记录器
- multiple-point recording potentiometer ==> 多点记录式电位计,多点式自记电位计
- multiple-point tool ==> 多刃刀具
- multiple-pole switch ==> 多级开关
- multiple-pontoon landing stage ==> 多浮筒式登岸栈桥
- multiple-port tank ==> 多小炉池窑
- multiple-position shift ==> 多位移位
- multiple-precision ==> 多倍精度
- multiple-programming ==> 多道程序,多程序设计
- multiple-pulse coding ==> 多脉冲编码
- multiple-punch press ==> 多冲杆压机
- multiple-purpose electromassor ==> 多用电按摩器
- multiple-purpose machine ==> 多用机床
- multiple-purpose project ==> 综合利用工程
- multiple-purpose tester ==> 万用测试器,伏-欧-毫安表
- multiple-ram forging ==> 多向模锻
- multiple-ram forging method ==> 多压头锻造法
- multiple-ram press ==> 多头压床
- multiple-register accounting machines ==> 复式记录器会计机
- multiple-roll ==> 多滚筒
- multiple-roll crusher ==> 多辊破粹机,多辊筒式轧碎机,多滚筒碎石机
- multiple-roll mill ==> 多辊磨机
- multiple-roller cone machine ==> 多牙轮钻井机
- multiple-roots ==> 多重根
- multiple-rotor ==> 多转轴
- multiple-rotor mixer ==> 多转轴拌和机
- multiple-row ==> 多行的
- multiple-row plot ==> 多行区
- multiple-row rivet ==> 多行铆钉
- multiple-sample counter ==> 多试样计数管
- multiple-scale ==> 多次抽样
- multiple-scale system ==> 多刻度系
- multiple-schedule tariff ==> 复式税率
- multiple-seated valve ==> 多级座阀
- multiple-series ==> 复联
- multiple-series capacitor ==> 串并联电容器组
- multiple-series connection ==> 并串联
- multiple-shaft turbine ==> 多轴透平
- multiple-shot reclosing ==> 複数回再閉路, An automatic reclosing repeated two or three times (usually not more) if it is unsuccessful.
- multiple-shot survey ==> 多点测斜
- multiple-sintering ==> 多次烧结
- multiple-slide press ==> 多滑块压力机
- multiple-slot coiler ==> 多钳口卷取机
- multiple-span frame ==> 多跨框架
- multiple-spark camera ==> 多火花摄影机
- multiple-spark system ==> 多火花系统
- multiple-speed gearbox ==> 多级变速箱
- multiple-speed motor ==> 多速电动机
- multiple-spindle automatic bar machine ==> 多轴自动棒料车床
- multiple-spindle automatic chucking machine ==> 多轴自动夹头车床
- multiple-spindle automatic cycle lathe ==> 多轴自动循环车床
- multiple-spindle automatic lathe ==> 多轴自动车床
- multiple-spindle bar automatic lathe ==> 多轴半自动车床
- multiple-spindle bar automatics ==> 多轴棒料自动车床
- multiple-spindle boring machine ==> 多轴镗床
- multiple-spindle chucking automatics ==> 多轴夹盘自动车床
- multiple-spindle drill ==> 多轴钻机
- multiple-spindle drilling machine ==> 多轴钻床
- multiple-spindle honing machine ==> 多轴珩磨机
- multiple-spindle milling machine ==> 多轴铣床
- multiple-spindle semi-automatic lathe ==> 多轴半自动车床
- multiple-spindle vertical lathe ==> 多轴立式车床
- multiple-spot scanning ==> 多光点扫描
- multiple-spot welding ==> 多点焊
- multiple-stable-state storage ==> 多稳态存储器
- multiple-stage ==> 多级的
- multiple-stage air compressor ==> 多级式空气压缩机
- multiple-stage amplifier ==> 多级放大器
- multiple-stage centrifugal fan ==> 多级离心式鼓风机
- multiple-stage centrifugal pump ==> 多级离心泵
- multiple-stage press ==> 多级压榨机
- multiple-stage separating column ==> 多级分馏塔
- multiple-stage separator ==> 多级分离器
- multiple-stage triaxial test ==> 多级三轴试验
- multiple-stage washer ==> 多段洗涤机
- multiple-stand rolling mill ==> 多机座轧钢机
- multiple-start ==> 多头的
- multiple-start capability ==> 多次起动能力
- multiple-start screw thread ==> 多头螺纹
- multiple-stem budding ==> 多干芽接树
- multiple-stem system ==> 多干修枝法
- multiple-step ==> 多级的
- multiple-step form of income statement ==> 分步式收益表,分段收益表
- multiple-step income statement ==> 分部收益表
- multiple-step rocket ==> 多级火箭
- multiple-step type ==> 多级式
- multiple-story ==> 多层
- multiple-strand caster ==> 多流连铸机
- multiple-strand conveyor ==> 多根输送机
- multiple-structure interchange ==> 多层立体交叉,复式交叉
- multiple-surface ==> 多面的
- multiple-sway frame ==> 多侧移框架
- multiple-swing check valve ==> 多行程止回阀
- multiple-switch ==> 复联开关
- multiple-switch controller ==> 多开关控制器
- multiple-switch starter ==> 复式电门起动器,复式开关起动器
- multiple-switch-board ==> 复式交换机
- multiple-target system ==> 多种目标测距系统
- multiple-tariff meter ==> 多费制电度表
- multiple-teeing system ==> 固定配線法
- multiple-thread hob ==> 多头螺纹滚刀
- multiple-thread mill ==> 多头螺纹铣刀
- multiple-thread screw ==> 多头螺杆
- multiple-thread worm ==> 多头螺纹螺杆,多头蜗杆
- multiple-threaded bolts ==> 多头螺钉
- multiple-threaded screw ==> 多头螺杆,多纹螺旋
- multiple-tool block ==> 多刀刀架
- multiple-tool lathe ==> 多刀车床
- multiple-tool slide ==> 复式刀架滑台
- multiple-tooling ==> 多刀切削
- multiple-track cam ==> 多工作面凸轮
- multiple-tracking radar ==> 多路跟踪雷达
- multiple-trait ==> 多性状选择
- multiple-tube column ==> 多管塔
- multiple-tube hydrogen furnace ==> 多管式氢还原炉
- multiple-tubeb burner ==> 多管燃烧器
- multiple-tubing string ==> 多根平行油管
- multiple-tuned antenna ==> 多调谐天线=>複同調アンテナ
- multiple-turn ==> 多匝的
- multiple-turn cylindrical cam ==> 多筒形凸轮
- multiple-twin cable ==> 多对电缆=>重信ケーブル
- multiple-unit cable ==> ユニットケーブル
- multiple-unit control ==> 多元控制=>総括制御
- multiple-unit controller ==> 多元控制器
- multiple-unit of measurement ==> 倍数计量单位
- multiple-unit running ==> 多机重联运行
- multiple-unit semiconductor device ==> 复合半导体器件
- multiple-unit steerable antenna ==> 可控式多菱形天线
- multiple-unit train ==> 多动力单元的列车,多动力单元列车
- multiple-unit tube ==> 复合管
- multiple-use barn ==> 多种用途畜舍
- multiple-use forestry ==> 多种经营林业
- multiple-use package ==> 复用包装
- multiple-use reservoir ==> 多目标水库
- multiple-value function ==> 多值函数
- multiple-vane diffuser ==> 多导向叶片式扩散器
- multiple-voltage system ==> 多电压配电制
- multiple-wavelength monochromator ==> 多波长单色仪
- multiple-way directional control valve ==> 多路换向控制阀
- multiple-way switch ==> 多路开关
- multiple-way system ==> 多线制
- multiple-wheel grinding machine ==> 多砂轮磨床
- multiple-wheel load ==> 多轮荷载
- multiple-wick oiler ==> 多点润滑器,多芯加油器
- multiple-winding transformer ==> 多卷变压器
- multiple-wire multiple-power submerged-arc welding ==> 多丝埋弧焊
- multiple-wire submerged arc welding ==> 多丝埋弧焊
- multiple-wire system ==> 多線式
- multiple-wound armature ==> 简单并联绕组电枢
- multiple-zone refining ==> 多熔区区域精炼
- multiplecore cable ==> 多芯电缆
- multipled ==> 并联的
- multiplediscbrake ==> 多盘式刹车
- multiplerow seeder ==> 多行播种机
- multiplestage ==> 多级的
- multiplet ==> 多重结构,多重谱线,多重态,相重项=>多重線,多重項
- multiplet analysis ==> マルチプレット解析
- multiplet component ==> 多重线子线
- multiplet intensity rules ==> 多重线强度定则
- multiplet splitting ==> 多重項分裂
- multiplet state ==> 多重項状態
- multiplet structure ==> 多重线结构=>多重項構造
- multiplets ==> 多重线
- multipleuse audits ==> 满足多种需求的审计
- multiplewire submerged-arc welding ==> 多丝埋弧焊
- multiplex ==> 多路的,多路,多路编排,多路传输,多倍测图仪,多倍投影测图仪
- multiplex (MUX) ==> 多工,多工操作,多路传送,多路复用,多路信道,多路转换
- multiplex adapter ==> 多路转接器
- multiplex aeroprojector ==> 多倍航测投影制图仪
- multiplex aggregate bit rate ==> 多路传输加密位速度
- multiplex broadcasting ==> 多路广播
- multiplex bus ==> 多路传输总线
- multiplex communication ==> 多路通信=>多重通信
- multiplex control ==> 多重控制
- multiplex data terminal ==> 多路数据终端
- multiplex data transmission ==> 多重データ伝送
- multiplex demodulator ==> 多路通信解调器
- multiplex fast printer ==> 多路快速打印机
- multiplex filter ==> 多路复用滤波器
- multiplex heat treatment ==> 反复热处理
- multiplex lap winding ==> 复叠绕组
- multiplex link ==> 多路复用链路,多路通道
- multiplex machine ==> 多路复用装置
- multiplex mixer ==> 复式搅拌机
- multiplex mode ==> 多路传送方式,多路复用方式,多路工作方式,多路转换方式,多路转接方式
- multiplex modulator ==> 多路通信调制器
- multiplex operation ==> 多路复用操作,多路工作
- multiplex printing ==> 多道印刷,多路印字电报
- multiplex printing apparatus ==> 多工印字机
- multiplex printing telegraph ==> 多工印字电报
- multiplex safety glass ==> 多层安全玻璃
- multiplex spectrometer ==> 多路光谱仪
- multiplex switch ==> 多次转换开关,多路传输转换开关=>多重化スイッチ
- multiplex system ==> 多路制=>多重方式
- multiplex system (MUX) ==> 多路传输系统
- multiplex telegraph ==> 复式电报
- multiplex telegraphy ==> 多路电报=>多重電信
- multiplex telephony ==> 多路电话
- multiplex terminal ==> 多路终端
- multiplex thread ==> 多头螺纹
- multiplex time division system ==> 时间分割多路通信制
- multiplex transmission ==> 多路传输=>多重伝送
- multiplex transmission line ==> 多重伝送路
- multiplex transmitter ==> 多路发射机,多路通信发射机
- multiplex vitamin ==> 多种维生素
- multiplex winding ==> 复绕组=>多重巻
- multiplex work ==> 多工制
- multiplex yarn ==> 复合长丝
- multiplexed ==> 多路复用
- multiplexed address & data bus ==> 多路传送地址与数据总线
- multiplexed bus structure ==> 多路转换总线结构
- multiplexed bus system ==> 多路转换的总线系统
- multiplexed laser ==> 多路复用激光器
- multiplexed message processor ==> 多路信息处理机
- multiplexed operation ==> 多路操作
- multiplexed sequence ==> 复合序列
- multiplexed system ==> 复合系统
- multiplexel circuit ==> 复用线路
- multiplexer ==> 多路调制器,复用器,处理实时输入的专用计算机,多路调制器,多路复用器,多路转接器=>マルチプレクサ,合波器
- multiplexer channel ==> 多路复用通道,多路复用信道,多路通道,多路通路,多路转换通道,多路转换通路,多路转接器通道=>多重チャネル
- multiplexer input ==> 多路转换输入
- multiplexer mode ==> 多路转换器方式
- multiplexer polling ==> 多工器查询
- multiplexer set ==> 多路复用设备
- multiplexer simulator ==> 多路转接器模拟程序
- multiplexer switch ==> 多路复用器开关
- multiplexer switch circuit ==> 多路转换器开关电路
- multiplexer-filter ==> 复用滤光器
- multiplexing ==> 多路传输,复用,多工,多路,多路复用,多路化,多路转换,多路转接,倍加=>多重化
- multiplexing equipment ==> 多路复用设备
- multiplexing fiber-optic sensor ==> 多路复用光纤传感器
- multiplexing gate ==> 多路门
- multiplexing of processors ==> 处理机的多路传输
- multiplexing option ==> 多重伝送オプション
- multiplexing unit ==> 多路复用器
- multiplexor ==> 多路复用器,多路转换器,多路转接器
- multiplexor channel operation ==> 多路工作方式
- multiplexor terminal unit ==> 多路转接器终端部件
- multiplicable ==> 可乘,可加倍,可增加
- multiplicand ==> 被乗数
- multiplicand address operand ==> 被乘数地址操作数
- multiplicand divisor register ==> 被乘数除数寄存器
- multiplicand length operand ==> 被乘数长度操作数
- multiplicand register ==> 被乘数寄存器
- multiplicand string ==> 被乘数串
- multiplicate flower ==> 重瓣花
- multiplication ==> 倍加,倍增,繁殖,乘法,相乘,增加,增殖,增殖系数=>乗算,増加,増量,増殖
- multiplication and division of complex numbers ==> 複素数の乗法と除法
- multiplication area ==> 增殖区
- multiplication by constant ==> 乘以常数
- multiplication by variable ==> 乘以变数
- multiplication circuit ==> 乘法电路
- multiplication comparator ==> 乘法比较器
- multiplication constant ==> 增殖系数,倍增常数,倍增系数
- multiplication cross ==> 叉乘,交叉相乘
- multiplication cycle ==> 増殖環
- multiplication effect ==> 増加作用
- multiplication equation ==> 乗法式
- multiplication factor ==> 倍增系数,倍增因数,乘法因数,乘数=>増倍率
- multiplication microscope ==> 高倍显微镜
- multiplication noise ==> 増倍雑音
- multiplication nursery ==> 增殖范围
- multiplication of complex numbers ==> 复数乘积
- multiplication of matrices ==> 矩阵的乘法,矩阵的乘法
- multiplication of polynomial ==> 多项式的乘法
- multiplication of probabilities ==> 概率相乘定律
- multiplication of series ==> 级数乘法,级数相乘
- multiplication operand ==> 乘法操作数
- multiplication operator ==> 乘法算子=>乗算演算子
- multiplication potentiality ==> 增殖潜力
- multiplication process ==> 分支过程
- multiplication rate ==> 增殖速率=>増殖速度
- multiplication ratio ==> 倍增系数
- multiplication routine ==> 乘法程序
- multiplication shift ==> 乘法移位
- multiplication table ==> 乘法表,九九表,九九表=>群表
- multiplication theorem ==> 乘法定理
- multiplication time ==> 乘法时间
- multiplication-division hardware ==> 乘除法硬件
- multiplicative array ==> 乘积阵
- multiplicative axiom ==> 乘法公理
- multiplicative breakdown ==> 倍增击穿
- multiplicative channel ==> 相乘信道
- multiplicative cipher ==> 乘法密码
- multiplicative congruential method ==> 乘同余法
- multiplicative error term ==> 倍增误差项
- multiplicative function ==> 可乘函数,乘性函数
- multiplicative inverse ==> 乘法逆元
- multiplicative mixing ==> 相乘混频
- multiplicative Mobius inversion ==> 乘积形式莫比乌斯反演
- multiplicative noise ==> 相乘噪声
- multiplicative process ==> 倍增过程
- multiplicative reconstruction method ==> 图像倍增恢复法
- multiplicative stage ==> 增殖阶段
- multiplicator ==> 乘法器,乘数,求积器,倍增器
- multiplicatrix ==> 倍积
- multiplicatrix curve ==> 倍积曲线
- multiplicity ==> 重复度,重根数,阶,相重性,复合,多样性,多重数,多重性
- multiplicity of root ==> 根的阶
- multiplied yarn ==> 多股线
- multiplier ==> 扩程器,因子,乘法器,乘积放大倍数,乘式,乘子,倍增管,倍增器=>乗数,乗算器,掛算器,倍率器
- multiplier (-icator) ==> 增益器,增殖器
- multiplier amplifier ==> 倍增放大器
- multiplier bit ==> 乘数位
- multiplier detector ==> 倍增管探测器
- multiplier digit ==> 因子数字
- multiplier factor ==> 乘数,乘数因式
- multiplier field ==> 乘数字段
- multiplier flock ==> 增殖羊群
- multiplier function ==> 乘子函数
- multiplier kinescope ==> 倍增器显像管,倍增式显像管
- multiplier orthicon ==> 倍增器正析像管,倍增式超正析像管
- multiplier phototube ==> 光电倍增管
- multiplier register ==> 乘数寄存器
- multiplier resistor ==> 扩程器
- multiplier sensitivity ==> 倍增器灵敏度
- multiplier speed ==> 倍速器
- multiplier traveling-wave photodiode ==> 倍增行波光电二极管
- multiplier tube ==> 倍增管
- multiplier word ==> 乘数字
- multiplier-quotient register ==> 乘商寄存器,乘数-商数寄存器,乘数商数寄存器
- multiplunger pump ==> 多柱塞泵
- multiply ==> 逻辑乘,乘
- multiply bellows ==> 多层波纹管
- multiply by reproduction ==> 繁殖
- multiply cloth ==> 多层织物
- multiply connected body ==> 多连通体
- multiply connected domain ==> 复连通域
- multiply connected region ==> 多连通区域,多连通域
- multiply construction ==> 叠层构造
- multiply defined symbol ==> 多重定义符号
- multiply field ==> 乘法字段
- multiply laminate ==> 多层板
- multiply operation ==> 乘法操作,乘法运算
- multiply periodic ==> 多周期的
- multiply periodic function ==> 复周期函数
- multiply periodic motion ==> 多重周期运动
- multiply plot ==> 繁殖区
- multiply re-entrant winding ==> 複口巻
- multiply reentrant winding ==> 复式闭路绕组
- multiply statement ==> 乘法语句
- multiply the channels of circulation ==> 增加流通渠道
- multiply wood ==> 多层板
- multiply-divide instruction ==> 乘除指令
- multiply-divide package ==> 乘除程序包,乘除软件包
- multiply-plywood ==> 多层夹板
- multiply-resistant organism ==> 多重耐药菌=>多剤耐性菌
- multiplying constant ==> 乘常常数
- multiplying factor ==> 乘系数,放大系数,倍加系数,倍率=>乗率(積算計器)
- multiplying gauge ==> 放大规
- multiplying gear ==> 增速传动装置
- multiplying glass ==> 放大镜
- multiplying lever balance ==> 倍数杠杆天平
- multiplying manometer ==> 倍示压力计
- multiplying operator ==> 乘法算子,乘法运算子
- multiplying power ==> 倍率
- multiplying punch ==> 乘法穿孔,卡片计算器
- multiplying signal ==> 乘法脉冲信号,乘法信号
- multiplying system ==> 放大系统
- multiplying tube ==> 电子倍增管
- multipoint ==> 多位置的=>マルチポイント
- multipoint breaker ==> 多点断路器
- multipoint circuit ==> 多点线路,分枝回路
- multipoint configuration ==> 多点结构
- multipoint connection ==> 多点接法,多点连法=>分岐接続
- multipoint CO2 meter ==> 多测点二氧化碳测定仪
- multipoint CO・2 meter ==> 多测点二氧化碳测定仪
- multipoint earthing ==> 多点接地
- multipoint earthing tester ==> 多点接地检查仪
- multipoint indicator ==> 多点指示器
- multipoint interface ==> 多点接口
- multipoint line ==> 多点线路
- multipoint link ==> 多点链路
- multipoint long chart temperature recorder ==> 多点长图式温度记录仪
- multipoint measurement ==> 多点測定
- multipoint method ==> 多点测流法,多点法
- multipoint network ==> 多点网络
- multipoint priming ==> 多点起爆
- multipoint probe ==> 多点探针
- multipoint prober ==> 多针探器
- multipoint recorder ==> 多点式记录计
- multipoint rotational viscometer ==> 多点旋转粘度计
- multipoint segment ==> 多点段
- multipoint spot welder ==> 多点点焊机,多头点焊机
- multipoint strip chart temperature record ==> 多点条幅式温度记录仪
- multipoint switch ==> 多接点开关
- multipoint system ==> 多点方式,多点系统
- multipoint temperature indicator ==> 多点温度指示仪
- multipoint tool ==> 多刃刀具
- multipoint ultrasonic viscometer ==> 多测点超声粘度计
- multipoint-partyline configuration ==> 多点共线配置,一种远动配置
- multipointed grab ==> 多爪抓岩机
- multipolar ==> 多极的=>多極
- multipolar age ==> 多極化時代
- multipolar budding ==> 多極性出芽
- multipolar cell ==> 多極細胞
- multipolar dynamo ==> 多极电机,多级电机=>多極発電機
- multipolar generator ==> 多极发电机=>多極発電機
- multipolar machine ==> 多极电机=>多極機
- multipolar magnet ==> 多極磁石
- multipolar mitosis ==> 多極分裂
- multipolar molecule ==> 多極性分子
- multipolar synchro ==> 多极同步机,多极自整角机
- multipolar tube ==> 多极管
- multipole ==> 多极
- multipole circuit breaker ==> 多极断路器
- multipole common flame breaker ==> 共架多级开关
- multipole configuration ==> 多极位形
- multipole emission ==> 多极发射
- multipole expansion ==> 多重極展開
- multipole fields ==> 多极场
- multipole machine ==> 多极电机
- multipole magnet ==> 多极磁铁
- multipole moments ==> 多极矩
- multipole radiation ==> 多极辐射
- multipole relay ==> 多极继电器
- multipole switch ==> 多刀开关,多端开关,多极开关
- multipole transition ==> 多极跃迁
- multiporous acrylic fibre ==> 多细孔性丙烯腈系纤维
- multiport arbitrator ==> 多端口仲裁器
- multiport coupler ==> 多端口耦合器
- multiport memory ==> 多端存储器,多端口存储器,多进出口存储器,多口存储器
- multiport memory system ==> 多端口存储器系统,多端口存储系统
- multiport modem ==> 多端口调制解调器
- multiport storage interface ==> 多端口存储器接口
- multiport system ==> 多通路方式
- multiport valve ==> 多进口阀
- multiported valve ==> 多端口阀
- multiposition ==> 多位置,多位置的
- multiposition action ==> 多位作用=>多位置動作(自動制御)
- multiposition connector ==> 多位连接器
- multiposition cylinder ==> 多位气缸
- multiposition lathe ==> 多位车床
- multiposition mechanical pump ==> 多位机械泵
- multiposition regulator ==> 多位式调节器
- multiposition relay ==> 多位继电器
- multiposition switch ==> 多触点开关
- multiposition valve ==> 多位阀
- multiprecision ==> 多倍精度
- multiprecision arithmetic ==> 多倍精度运算,多精度运算
- multipressure steam turbine ==> 多压式汽轮机,有几种压力的蒸汽分别注入相应级中进行膨胀作功的汽轮机
- multipressure vessel ==> 多重压力容器
- multiprinter ==> 多用印字机
- multipriority ==> 多优先级,多优先数
- multipriority queue ==> 多级优先排队,多优先级排队,多优先权队列
- multiprobe ==> 多功能探针,多探针
- multiprobe surface chemical analyzer ==> 多探头表面化学分析仪
- multiprocess production ==> 多程序生产
- multiprocessing ==> 多道处理,多机处理,多重处理=>多重プロセッシング
- multiprocessing function ==> 多重处理功能
- multiprocessing machine ==> 多用伐木联合机
- multiprocessing mass data ==> 多处理大量数据
- multiprocessing organization ==> 多处理机组织
- multiprocessing recovery (MP recovery) ==> 多处理恢复,多道处理恢复
- multiprocessing system ==> 多重处理系统
- multiprocessing system (MPS) ==> 多处理机系统,多重处理系统
- multiprocessor ==> 多计算机,多重处理程序计算机,多重处理机,多处理机,多处理器=>多重プロセッサ
- multiprocessor communication link ==> 多处理机通信连接
- multiprocessor interleaving ==> 多处理机交叉,多处理机交错,多处理机交错存取
- multiprocessor operating system ==> 多处理机操作系统
- multiprocessor running ==> 多道处理运行
- multiprocessor system ==> 多处理机系统
- multiprocessor system interface (MPSI) ==> 多处理机系统接口
- multiproduct inventory model ==> 多产品存贮模型
- multiprogram ==> 多程序,多道程序,多重程序
- multiprogrammed computation ==> 多道程序计算
- multiprogrammed computer ==> 多道程序控制计算机
- multiprogrammed information retrieval ==> 多道程序控制情报检索
- multiprogrammed system ==> 多道程序系统
- multiprogrammed time-sharing system ==> 多道程序分时系统
- multiprogramming ==> 多道程序,多道程序设计,多重运程,多程序设计=>多重プログラミング
- multiprogramming efficiency ==> 多道程序设计效率
- multiprogramming executive (MPE) ==> 多道程序执行,多道程序执行部件,多重程序执行程序
- multiprogramming executive control ==> 多道程序执行控制
- multiprogramming executive operating system ==> 多道程序执行的操作系统
- multiprogramming memory protect ==> 多道程序存储保护
- multiprogramming priority ==> 多道程序设计优先权,多道程序优先权
- multiprogramming sequencing ==> 多道程序的定序
- multiprogramming system (MPS) ==> 多道程序设计系统,多道程序系统
- multipropellant ==> 多元推进剂
- multipulse system ==> マルチパルス方式
- multipunch press ==> 多冲头压力机
- multipurpose ==> 多官能的,多效剂,多用途,多用途的
- multipurpose breed ==> 多用品种
- multipurpose chemical processing plant (MCPP) ==> 多种生产的化工厂
- multipurpose conveyer ==> 多用途输送器
- multipurpose cultivator steerage hoe ==> 万能播种机
- multipurpose dam ==> 多用途水坝=>多目的ダム
- multipurpose development ==> 多目标开发
- multipurpose grease ==> 万能润滑脂
- multipurpose instrument ==> 通用工具
- multipurpose instrument (tool) ==> 万能工具
- multipurpose inter-row cultivator ==> 通用行间中耕机
- multipurpose language ==> 多用途语言
- multipurpose lubricant ==> 多用润滑油,万能润滑油
- multipurpose meter ==> 多用途测试仪表
- multipurpose plant ==> 多用途设备
- multipurpose project ==> 多目标工程
- multipurpose projectile ==> 多用途弹
- multipurpose reactor ==> 多用途堆
- multipurpose reservoir ==> 多目标水库
- multipurpose retractor ==> 多用牵开器
- multipurpose shearing machine ==> 万能剪切机
- multipurpose simulator ==> 多用途的仿真器
- multipurpose test equipment ==> 多用途试验设备
- multipurpose timber-harvesting machine ==> 多用伐木联合机
- multipurpose trailer chassis ==> 多用拖车底盘
- multipurpose tube ==> 多用途电子管
- multipurpose use ==> 综合利用
- multipurpose use of waste ==> 废物综合利用
- multipurpose use of water resources ==> 水资源综合利用
- multipurpose watch ==> 多用途手表
- multipurpose water utilization ==> 多目标水利资源利用
- multiqueuing system ==> 多队列系统
- multiradix computer ==> 多基数计算机
- multiradix index ==> 多基数指数
- multirange ==> 多量程的=>多重範囲
- multirange ammeter ==> 多量程电流表
- multirange channel ==> 多量程测量电路
- multirange indicating instrument ==> 多量程指示仪表
- multirange instrument ==> 多量程仪表
- multirange meter ==> 多量程仪,多量程仪表
- multirange receiver ==> 多波段接收机
- multirange turbidity-suspended solids monitor ==> 多量程浊度悬浮颗粒监测仪
- multirate analysis ==> マルチレート解析
- multirate control ==> マルチレート制御
- multirate deadbeat ==> マルチレートデッドビート
- multirate digital filter ==> 多级数字滤波器
- multirate meter ==> 多费制电度表
- multirate perfect tracking control ==> マルチレート完全追従制御
- multiread feeding ==> 多读馈送
- multiread head ==> 多读出头
- multireel file ==> 多卷磁带文件
- multireflection star coupler ==> 多反射星形耦合器
- multireflection technique ==> 多次反射技术
- multireflector ==> 多层反射器
- multireflector optical resonator ==> 多反射镜光学共振器
- multireflex klystron ==> 多反射速调管
- multirefracting crystal ==> 多折射晶体
- multiregion ==> 多范围
- multiregion gun ==> 多区电子枪
- multiregion operation (MRO) ==> 多区操作,多区域运行
- multiregion reactor ==> 多区反应堆
- multiregion reflector ==> 多区反射层
- multiresolution analysis ==> 多尺度分析
- multirestraint relay ==> マルチ抑制リレー
- multirib grinding wheel ==> 多齿磨轮
- multirib structure ==> 多肋结构
- multiring structure ==> 多环构造
- multiroll beater-refiner ==> 多刀辊打浆精研机
- multirope friction winder ==> 多绳摩擦卷筒
- multirope skid gear ==> 多钢绳拖拉机
- multirotation ==> 变旋光,变异旋光
- multirow ==> 多行的
- multirow bearing ==> 多列轴承
- multirow radial engine ==> 多排星型发动机
- multirow roller bearing ==> 多列滚柱轴承
- multirow-crop rotary cultivator ==> 多行作物旋转中耕机
- multirowed barley ==> 多枝大麦
- multirun ==> (焊缝)多道的
- multirun weld ==> 多道焊缝
- multirunning ==> 多道运行,多程序设计
- multisampling ==> マルチサンプリング
- multiscale ==> 多刻度的,多标度
- multiscale analysis ==> 多重スケール解析
- multiscale dynamics ==> マルチスケール力学
- multiscale method ==> 多重スケール法
- multiscale model ==> 多重スケールモデル
- multiscale modeling ==> マルチスケールモデル化
- multiscale ohmmeter ==> 多刻度欧姆表
- multiscale problems ==> 多重スケール問題
- multiscale rule ==> 多刻度计算尺,多标度计算尺
- multiscale simulation ==> 多标度仿真
- multiscale simulation method ==> 多标度仿真方法
- multiscaler ==> 通用换算线路
- multiscan ultrasonic diagnostic equipment ==> 超声断层诊断仪
- multiscrew extrusion machine ==> 多螺杆挤压机
- multiseater ==> 多座飞机
- multisection filter ==> 多节滤波器
- multisection spring needle machine ==> 多节钩针机,多节钩针针织机
- multisectoral operation ==> 跨行业经营
- multisegment magnetron ==> 多腔磁控管,多瓣阳极磁控管
- multiselector ==> 复式选择器
- multisensibility ==> 多敏感性
- multisequencing ==> 多序列
- multisequential system ==> 多时序系统
- multiseriate ==> 多列的
- multiseriate ray ==> 多粒射线
- multiservice oil ==> 通用机油,通用润滑油
- multiset ==> 多重集
- multishare system ==> 多共用系统
- multishell condenser ==> 多壳式冷凝器
- multishift ==> 多班制的
- multishock ==> 激波系
- multishoed vibratory compactor ==> 多蹄式振动压实机
- multislectrode ==> 多丝
- multislot magnetron ==> 多槽磁控管
- multislot winding ==> 多槽绕组
- multisocket ==> 多孔插口
- multisolt ==> 多槽的
- multisolt winding ==> 多槽绕组
- multispecimen ==> 多试件
- multispecimen testing machine ==> 多试样试验机
- multispectral ==> 多谱的
- multispectral camera ==> 多光谱摄影机,多光谱照相机
- multispectral image ==> 多谱段影像
- multispectral imagery ==> 多频谱影像
- multispectral line scanner ==> 多光谱行扫描仪,光谱线扫描仪
- multispectral microwave imaging radar ==> 多谱微波成象雷达
- multispectral photography ==> 多谱线照相
- multispectral point scanner ==> 光谱点扫描仪
- multispectral remote sensing technique ==> 多光谱遥测技术
- multispectral scanner ==> 多光谱扫描,多光谱扫描器,多光谱扫描仪
- multispectral survey ==> 多光谱测量
- multispectral viewer ==> 多光谱观察器
- multispectrum signal ==> 多谱信号
- multispeed ==> 多速的
- multispeed clock feature ==> 多速率时钟特性,多速时钟特点
- multispeed control action ==> 多速控制作用
- multispeed controller ==> 多速控制器
- multispeed floating action ==> 多速无静差作用
- multispeed motor ==> 多速电动机=>多段速度電動機
- multispeed supercharger ==> 多级转速增压器
- multisphere tank ==> 多弧球形贮罐
- multispherical vessel ==> 多级球形容器
- multispindle automatic machine ==> 多轴自动车床
- multistable ==> 多稳态的
- multistable circuit ==> 多稳态电路
- multistable configuration ==> 多稳电路
- multistable system ==> 多稳系统
- multistage ==> 多级的,多阶段
- multistage absorption ==> 多级吸收
- multistage amplification ==> 多级放大
- multistage amplifier ==> 多级放大器=>多段増幅器
- multistage blower ==> 多级鼓风机
- multistage centrifugal ==> 多级离心泵
- multistage centrifugal fan ==> 多级离心式鼓风机
- multistage centrifugal pump ==> 多级离心泵,多级式离心泵
- multistage circuit ==> 多阶电路
- multistage cold former ==> 多工位冷镦机
- multistage compression ==> 多级压缩
- multistage compressor ==> 多级压气机,多级压缩机
- multistage crystallization ==> 多级结晶
- multistage crystallizer ==> 多级结晶器
- multistage Curtis turbine ==> 多级复速级式汽轮机
- multistage decision process ==> 多级决策过程,多级判决过程,多阶段决策过程
- multistage deep drawing ==> 多工位连续深拉延
- multistage distance protection, multizone distanceprotection ==> 多段式距离保护,将被保护的输电线路分为多段并分别安装功能和动作时限相互配合的保护装置(元件),以保证其选择性及后备作用的线路保护方式
- multistage distillation ==> 多级蒸馏
- multistage effeciency ==> 多级效率
- multistage extraction ==> 多级抽提
- multistage extraction cascade ==> 多级级联萃取装置
- multistage filter ==> 多级过滤器
- multistage fluidized calciner ==> 多层流化煅烧炉
- multistage game ==> 多阶段对策
- multistage gas turbine ==> 多级汽轮机
- multistage ignition ==> 分段点火
- multistage impulse steam turbine ==> 多级冲动式汽轮机
- multistage impulse turbine ==> 多级冲动式汽轮机
- multistage iron core shunt reactors ==> 多段積鉄心形分路リアクトル
- multistage link ==> 多段リンク
- multistage lock ==> 多级船闸,顺水流方向有两个或两个以上闸室的船闸。
- multistage method ==> 多步法
- multistage multiple element ejector ==> 多级多联喷射器
- multistage network parameter ==> 多级网络参数
- multistage optimization ==> 分级最佳化
- multistage paddle agitator ==> 多级桨式搅拌器
- multistage photodetector ==> 多级光电探测器
- multistage power turbine ==> 多级动力汽轮机
- multistage precipitator ==> 多级电除尘器,多级电滤波器
- multistage press ==> 多级压力机
- multistage production and scheduling ==> 多阶段生产与调度
- multistage pump ==> 多级泵
- multistage ram ==> 多级式油缸
- multistage reaction turbine ==> 多级反动式汽轮机
- multistage reactor ==> 多级反应器
- multistage rectifier circuit ==> 多段整流回路
- multistage rocket ==> 多级火箭
- multistage sampling ==> 多级采样,多级抽样,多级抽样法,多级取样,多阶段抽样
- multistage self-priming vortex pump ==> 多级自吸旋涡泵
- multistage single element ejector ==> 多级单联喷射器
- multistage solar cell ==> 多级太阳电池
- multistage storage pump ==> 多级蓄能水泵
- multistage supercharger ==> 多级增压器
- multistage switching ==> 多级交换
- multistage thinfilm scan generator ==> 多级薄膜扫描发生器
- multistage tools ==> 多工位连续模
- multistage transmitter ==> 多级发射机
- multistage turbine ==> 多级汽轮机,多级式涡轮机,多级透平,多级涡轮,多级叶轮机
- multistage water-cooled compressor ==> 多级水冷压缩机
- multistage-separation ==> 多级分离
- multistaged turbine ==> 多级式涡轮机
- multistaging ==> 增加级数
- multistand strip mill ==> 多机座带钢轧机
- multistart worm ==> 多头蜗杆
- multistatic radar ==> 多元静态雷达
- multistation ==> 多站
- multistation configuration ==> 多终端结构,复台结构
- multistation die layout ==> 连续模多工位模具布置
- multistation modular machine tool ==> 多工位组合机床
- multistation moulding machine ==> 多工位造型机
- multistator watt-hour meter ==> 多静子瓦时计
- multistep ==> 多级的,多级的,阶梯式
- multistep action ==> 多级作用,多位作用,多步作用
- multistep cone pulley ==> 多级塔轮
- multistep control ==> 多步控制
- multistep control servomechanism ==> 多级控制的伺服机构
- multistep formula ==> 多步公式
- multistep ignition ==> 分级点火
- multistep method ==> 多步法
- multistep modulation ==> 多段変調
- multistep production ==> 多级生产
- multistep task ==> 多步任务
- multistep valve ==> 多级活门
- multistepped hole ==> 多级阶梯形内孔
- multistorey catalytic reactor ==> 多层催化反应器
- multistoried building ==> 多层建筑
- multistoried storehouse ==> 多层仓库
- multistory ==> 多层的
- multistory factory ==> 多层厂房
- multistory frame ==> 多层框架
- multistory framed building ==> 多层构架建筑
- multistory sand body ==> 纵叠砂体
- multistory sands ==> 纵叠砂
- multistrand cold-tube rolling mill ==> 多根管材冷拉拔机
- multistrand continuous pickle line ==> 多条连续酸洗作业线
- multistrand crop and cobble flying shears ==> 多线式端头废料飞剪
- multistrand mill ==> 多线式轧机
- multistrand rolling ==> 多线轧制
- multistrand rope ==> 多股钢丝绳
- multistrand wire rope ==> 多股钢丝绳
- multistream heater ==> 多路加热炉
- multistream system ==> 多流系统
- multistrip coupler ==> 多带耦合器
- multistrip laser ==> 多带激光器
- multistylus echo sounder ==> 多笔回波探鱼仪
- multisystem ==> 多系统
- multisystem environment ==> 多系统环境
- multisystem mode ==> 多系统方式
- multisystem network ==> 多系统网络,复用系统网络
- multisystem network facility (MSNF) ==> 多系统网络设施
- multisystem networking facility (MSNF) ==> 多系统网络设备,多系统网络设施
- multisystem operation ==> 多重系统操作
- multitask ==> 多重任务
- multitask disk system ==> 多任务磁盘系统
- multitask function ==> 多任务功能
- multitask link control ==> 多任务连接控制
- multitask monitor ==> 多任务监督程序
- multitask operation ==> 多任务操作,多重任务操作
- multitask program ==> 多任务程序
- multitask system ==> 多任务系统
- multitasking ==> 多任务,多任务处理,多重工作,多重任务处理=>多重タスキング
- multitasking built-infunction ==> 多任务内部函数
- multiterminal ==> 多端的
- multiterminal addressing ==> 多终端编址
- multithread ==> 多流,多头,多头处理
- multithread application program ==> 多流应用程序,多执行路线应用程序
- multithread test ==> 多流测试
- multithreading ==> 多流方式,多执行路线,多执行路线操作
- multithrow switch ==> 多掷开关
- multitier-batten shuttle jacquard loom ==> 多层梭子提花织机
- multitone ==> 多频声
- multitool ==> 多刀工具
- multitool block ==> 多刀刀架
- multitool cutting ==> 多刀切削
- multitool head ==> 多刀刀具头
- multitool holder ==> 多刀刀架
- multitool lathe ==> 多刀车床
- multitool machinging ==> 多刀切削加工
- multitool turning head ==> 多刀转动刀架
- multitooth coupling ==> 多齿联轴器
- multitooth tool ==> 多齿刀具
- multitoothed cutter ==> 多齿铣刀
- multitrace oscilloscope ==> 多迹示波器,多线示波器
- multitrack function ==> 多道功能,多磁道功能
- multitrack head ==> 多道磁头
- multitrack operation ==> 多磁道操作
- multitrack railways ==> 复线铁路
- multitrack recording ==> 多声道录音
- multitrack recording system ==> 多道记录系统
- multitransformer spot welder ==> 多变压器式点焊机
- multitray thickener ==> 多层浓缩机
- multitube ==> 多管的
- multitube chimney ==> 多筒式烟囱,由多个钢烟囱组成的集束烟囱,可供多台锅炉排放烟气,可提高烟气抬升高度
- multitube circuit ==> 多管电路
- multitube cooler ==> 多管冷凝器
- multitube manometer ==> 多管式测压计,多管式压力表
- Multituberculata ==> 多尖齿兽目
- multituberculate ==> 多尖齿
- multitubular condenser ==> 多管冷凝器
- multitubular counterflow water-heater ==> 多管式逆流热水器
- multitubular radiator ==> 多管状散热器
- multitubuler boiler ==> 焰管锅炉
- multitude ==> 大批,集
- multitudinous ==> 大批量
- multiturn ==> 多匝的
- multiturn potentiometer ==> 多匝电位计
- multitwister ==> 复捻机
- multitype wheel ==> 多次印字轮
- multiunit ==> 多单元的,复合单位
- multiunit drill ==> 多组排种器播种机
- multiunit machine ==> 多部件计算机
- multiunit message (MUM) ==> 多单元消息,多单元信息
- multiunit nuclear power plant ==> 多机组核电厂
- multiunit office ==> マルチユニット局
- multiunit tube ==> 复合管
- multivalent ==> 多价的,多价染色体
- multivalent chromosome ==> 多价染色体
- multivalue dependency ==> 多值相关
- multivalue logic ==> 多值逻辑
- multivalue logic simulation ==> 多值逻辑模拟
- multivalue method ==> 多值法
- multivalued ==> 多值的
- multivalued dependence ==> 多值依赖
- multivalued dependency ==> 多值相关性
- multivalued function ==> 多值函数
- multivalued logic ==> 多值逻辑
- multivalued switching theory ==> 多值开关论
- multivalve ==> 多管的
- multivalve filler ==> 多阀灌装机
- multivalve turbine ==> 喷嘴调节汽轮机
- multivariable ==> 多变量
- multivariable control ==> 多相关量的调节
- multivariable control system ==> 多変数制御系
- multivariable control theory ==> 多变量控制理论
- multivariable feedback control system ==> 多变量反馈控制系统
- multivariable identification ==> 多変数同定
- multivariable nonlinear feedback system ==> 多变量非线性反馈系统
- multivariable optimal control techniques ==> 多变量最优控制技术
- multivariable output feedback system ==> 多变量输出反馈系统
- multivariable system ==> 多变量系统
- multivariant ==> 多方案的,多元
- multivariate ==> 多变的,多变量
- multivariate analysis ==> 多变量分析,多元分析
- multivariate decision situation ==> 多变的决策形势
- multivariate distribution ==> 多变量分布,多维变量分布,多维分布
- multivariate equilibrium ==> 多变平衡
- multivariate feedback ==> 多变量反馈
- multivariate normal distribution ==> 多元正态分布
- multivariate statistical analysis ==> 多元统计分析=>多変量統計解析
- multivariate study ==> 多変量解析
- multivat machine ==> 多圆网造纸机
- multivator ==> 多用万能自动测试仪,复式变换器
- multivector ==> 多重向量
- multivelocity ==> 多速的
- multivertor ==> 复式变换
- multivesicular body ==> 多囊体
- multivibrator ==> 多谐振荡器=>マルチバイブレータ
- multivibrator circuit ==> 多谐振荡器电路
- multivibrator frequency modulator ==> 多谐振荡器式调频器=>マルチバイブレータ周波数変調器
- multivibrator modulator ==> 多谐振荡器式调制器
- multivibrator type oscillator ==> 多谐振荡器
- multiviewports ==> 多视屏口
- multiviscosity oil ==> 稠化油料
- multivoltage accelerator ==> 倍压加速器
- multivoltage control ==> 多电压控制
- multivoltage generator ==> 多电压发电机=>多段電圧発電機
- multivoltine ==> 多化的,多窝的
- multivoltmeter ==> 多量程伏特计
- multivolume ==> 多卷的
- multivolume file ==> 多卷文档
- multivortex mechanical collector ==> 多管式除尘器,多管式机械除尘器
- multiwafer plasma oxidizer ==> 多圆片等离子体氧化装置
- multiwafer plasma reactor ==> 多圆片等离子体反应器
- multiwafered switch ==> 多片开关
- multiwall ==> 多层
- multiwall kraft ==> 多层牛皮纸
- multiwalled (multiwall) vessel ==> 多层式容器
- multiwave ==> 多波段的
- multiwave interaction ==> 多波相互作用
- multiwave-particle interaction ==> 多波粒子相互作用
- multiwavelength anomalous diffraction ==> 多波長異常回折
- multiwavelength emission ==> 多波長発光
- multiwavelength excitation ==> 多波長励起
- multiwavelength generation ==> 多波長発生
- multiwavelength laser ==> 多波长激光=>多波長レーザー
- multiway ==> 多路的
- multiway classification ==> 多向分类,多向分组
- multiway intersection ==> 复式交叉
- multiway loudspeaker system ==> マルチウエイ・スピーカ・システム
- multiway socket ==> 多脚插座
- multiway switch ==> 多路开关,多路转换开关
- multiway type ==> 多主轴式
- multiwell gas-lift system ==> 多层合采井气举系统
- multiwheel ==> 多轮的
- multiwheel seam welder ==> 多辊式滚焊机
- multiwheel trailer ==> 多轮拖车
- multiwinding transformer ==> 多绕组变压器=>多巻線変圧器
- multiwire ==> 多线连接
- multiwire antenna ==> 多振子天线
- multiwire counter ==> 多线计数管
- multiwire wiring board ==> 多线路配线板
- multiwire-triatic antenna ==> 三角形多束天线
- multiword ==> 多字
- multiword addition ==> 多字加
- multiword direct addressing ==> 多字直接寻址
- multiword immediate addressing ==> 多字立即寻址
- multiword indexed addressing ==> 多字变址寻址
- multiword instruction ==> 多字指令
- multiword relative address mode ==> 多字相对寻址方式
- multizone ==> 多区的
- multizone cooler ==> 多区冷却器
- multizone high-speed distance relay ==> 分段限时高速距离继电器
- MUM, middle and upper atmosphere radar antenna monitor ==> MUレーダアンテナモニタ
- Mumbai ==> 孟买=>ムンバイ
- mume flower ==> 梅花
- mummification agent ==> 干髓剂
- mummification of pulp ==> 干髓术
- mummification paste ==> 干髓糊剂
- mummified pulp ==> 干尸化牙髓
- Mummy cloth ==> 马米绉
- mumps orchitis ==> 腮腺炎性睾丸炎
- mumps vaccine ==> 腮腺炎疫苗
- Munchausen syndrome ==> 孟乔森综合征,谎言求医癖
- mung bean improvement ==> 绿豆改良
- Mungoose metal ==> 曼古司合金,曼古司铜镍锌合金,芒古斯铜镍锌合金
- municipal accounting ==> 市政会计
- municipal administration ==> 市政管理
- municipal bond ==> 市政公债
- municipal drainage ==> 城市排水
- municipal engineering ==> 市政工程学
- municipal environment ==> 城市环境
- municipal power plant ==> 公用发电厂
- municipal power supply system ==> 公用电力系统,市管电力系统
- municipal refuse ==> 城市垃圾
- municipal sewage ==> 城市污水
- municipal sewage plant ==> 城市污水处理厂
- municipal sewers ==> 都市下水道
- municipal sludge ==> 城市污泥
- municipal solid waste ==> 都市固体废物
- municipal waste incinerator ==> 城市废物焚化炉
- Municipal Waste Strategic Planning and Policy ==> 城市废物处理策略规划及政策
- municipal wastewater plant ==> 城市废水处理工厂
- municipal water facilities ==> 城市供水设施
- municipal water supply ==> 城市给水,城市供水
- municipal water use ==> 城市用水
- municipal works ==> 市政工程
- municipality ==> 直辖市
- municipally affiliated county ==> 市管县
- munificent bequest ==> 潤沢な遺産
- munificent sum of money ==> 惜しみない金額
- muniment room ==> 档案室
- munition ship ==> 军火补给船,军火补给船
- Munro's point ==> 孟罗氏点
- Munsell ==> 孟塞尔
- munsell ==> 蒙赛尔云母
- Munsell chroma ==> 孟塞尔色品,色品
- Munsell color system ==> 芒塞耳颜色体系=>マンセル表色系
- Munsell colour scale ==> 芒塞尔色标,孟塞尔色标
- Munsell colour standard ==> 孟塞尔彩色标准
- Munsell colour system ==> 芒塞尔色表坐标系统,孟寒尔颜色系列,孟塞尔彩色制,孟塞尔色素
- Munsell curve ==> 芒塞尔曲线
- Munsell hue ==> 芒塞耳色彩
- Munsell scale ==> 芒塞耳标度
- Munsell value ==> 芒塞耳值,芒塞尔色度值
- Muntz brass ==> 蒙次黄铜
- Muntz metal ==> 芒茨合金,蒙知黄铜,蒙知锌铜合金,孟滋合金,熟铜
- muon neutrino ==> μ子中微子
- muptiple water sampler ==> 复式取水样器
- MURA ==> ムラ
- mural arch ==> 壁拱
- mural background ==> 墙壁背景
- mural column ==> 壁柱
- mural painting ==> 壁画
- mural quadrant ==> 测墙壁象限仪,墙象限仪
- muramic acid ==> 胞壁酸
- Murex hot cracking test ==> 缪雷克斯热裂纹试验
- Murex process ==> 莫瑞克斯磁选法
- murexide test ==> 紫脲酸铵试验
- murgatroyed belt ==> 瓶壁热应力集中带
- muriatic acid ==> 盐酸
- muriatic ether ==> 乙基氯
- Murin-an ==> 無鄰菴
- Murine eye drop ==> 妙莲眼药水
- murmur of undetermined type ==> 不定型杂音
- Muroto ==> 室戸(室户,日本地名)
- Murphy drip ==> 墨菲氏滴注法,持续直肠滴注法
- Murphy method ==> 持续直肠滴注法,直肠滴注法
- Murphy's sign ==> 莫非氏征,墨菲征
- Murphy-Forgue's drop apparatus ==> 墨菲-福格氏滴管,墨菲福格氏滴管
- Murray loop ==> 摩莱环路,默里环路
- murray loop ==> 摩莱环路
- Murray loop bridge ==> マレーループブリッジ,ケーブル線路の事故点標定として,マレーループブリッジは10MΩ以下の抵抗性地絡事故の場合,標定精度や取扱性に優れている。
- Murray loop test ==> 默里环路定位试验
- Murray Valley encephalitis ==> 墨莱溪谷脑炎,墨累河谷脑炎,澳洲墨莱溪谷脑炎
- Murray's circuit testing method ==> 默里环线试验法
- Murray-convex machine ==> 默里明胶头转移印花机
- Murrey loop method ==> マーレーループ法
- MURS, MURATA MFG. CO. LTD. ==> 村田製作所
- Murthy's method ==> 莫蒂方法
- murumuru oil ==> 星实榈油
- Mus, Musca ==> はい座
- musa antenna ==> 复合菱形天线
- musa form ==> 芭蕉型
- MUSA, multiple-unit steerable antenna ==> ムサ
- MUSC, Microgravity User Support Center ==> 微小重力ユーザ支援センター
- muscarine type cholinergic receptor ==> 蕈毒碱型胆碱受体,蕈毒碱型胆碱受体
- Muschelkalk stage ==> 壳灰岩阶
- muscle bundle ==> 肌束
- muscle clamp ==> 肌夹
- muscle column ==> 肌柱
- muscle fatigue ==> 筋疲労
- muscle fiber ==> 肌纤维
- muscle fiber bundle ==> 肌纤维束
- muscle fibre ==> 肌肉纤维
- muscle flap ==> 肌瓣
- muscle group ==> 肌群
- muscle lever ==> 肌肉杠杆
- muscle mimic ==> 筋肉の模造品
- muscle of incisure of helix ==> 耳轮切迹肌
- muscle poison ==> 肌毒
- muscle protein ==> 肌肉蛋白
- muscle pump ==> 肌肉唧筒
- muscle resistance ==> 肌抵抗
- muscle sense ==> 肌感觉
- muscle servo model ==> 肌肉伺服模型
- muscle spasm ==> 肌肉痉挛
- muscle specimen ==> 肌肉标本
- muscle spindle typeⅠafferent fiber ==> 肌梭Ⅰ类传入纤维
- muscle spindle typeⅡafferent fiber ==> 肌梭Ⅱ类传入纤维
- muscle stimulator ==> 肌肉刺激器
- muscle tendon ==> 肌腱
- muscle tolerance ==> 肌持久力
- muscle transplantation ==> 肌肉移植术
- muscle-spindle ==> 肌梭
- muscle-splitting incision ==> 肌肉分离切口
- muscles along the regular meridians ==> 经筋,经筋
- muscles of neck ==> 颈肌,颈肌
- muscles of pelvic diaphragm ==> 盆膈肌
- muscles of shoulder girdle ==> 肩带肌
- muscles of urogenital diaphragm ==> 尿生殖膈肌
- muscli lumbricales pedis ==> 足蚓状肌
- muscoid mouth parts ==> 蝇型口器
- muscovite ==> 白云母
- muscovite-quartz rock ==> 白云母石英岩
- muscovy duck ==> 麝香鸭,麝香鸭
- Muscovy glass ==> 白云母
- muscular ==> 肌原纤维=>筋肉の発達した,筋肉の
- muscular ache ==> 筋肉痛
- muscular action ==> 筋肉作用
- muscular artery ==> 肌性动脉
- muscular atonia ==> 筋缓
- muscular atrophy ==> 肌肉萎缩
- muscular atrophy of disuse ==> 废用性肌萎缩
- muscular bud ==> 肌芽
- muscular cell body ==> 肌细胞体
- muscular cirrhosis of lung ==> 肺肌性硬化
- muscular constricture ==> 拘挛,拘挛
- muscular contractility ==> 肌肉拉力,肌收缩力
- muscular contraction headache ==> 肌收缩性头痛
- muscular contracture ==> 筋急
- muscular cramp ==> 筋卷,肌痛性痉挛
- muscular cysticercosis ==> 肌肉囊虫病
- muscular defense ==> 肌性防御
- muscular dyspepsia ==> 肌性消化不良
- muscular dystrophy ==> 肌营养障碍
- muscular endurance ==> 肌耐力
- muscular fascia ==> 肌筋膜
- muscular flaccidity ==> 肌肉弛缓
- muscular hyperalgesia ==> 肌痛觉过敏
- muscular hyperplasia ==> 肌性增生
- muscular hypotonia ==> 肌紧张减退
- muscular junction ==> 筋接合部
- muscular labor ==> 肉体労働
- muscular lacuna ==> 肌腔隙
- muscular layer of mucosa ==> 粘膜肌层
- muscular layer of pharynx ==> 咽肌织膜
- muscular nerve ==> 肌神经
- muscular neuralgia ==> 肌肉神经痛,肌神经痛
- muscular pain ==> 肌肉疼痛
- muscular plugging ==> 肌肉填塞法
- muscular process ==> 肌突
- muscular pseudohy-pertrophy ==> 假性肌肥大
- muscular rectococcygeus ==> 直肠尾骨肌
- muscular reflex ==> 肌反射
- muscular relaxation ==> 肌肉松弛,肌松弛
- muscular retractor ==> 肌肉牵开器
- muscular rheumatism ==> 肌风湿病,筋痹,纤维组织炎
- muscular rupture ==> 肌肉断裂
- muscular spasm ==> 筋转
- muscular spindle ==> 肌梭
- muscular sprain ==> 肌肉捩伤
- muscular stomach ==> 肌胃
- muscular strain ==> 肌劳损,肌肉劳损
- muscular strains in shoulder region ==> 肩部肌肉劳损
- muscular system ==> 肌肉系统
- muscular tone ==> 肌肉紧张
- muscular torsion ==> 肌肉捩伤
- muscular tremor ==> 肌震颤
- muscular triangle ==> 肌三角
- muscular trochlea ==> 肌滑车
- muscular trophoneurosis ==> 肌营养神经病
- muscular tube ==> 筋肉管
- musculi auricularii ==> 耳廓肌
- musculi intercostales ==> 肋间肌
- musculi intercostales externi ==> 肋间外肌
- musculi intercostales intimi ==> 肋间最内肌
- musculi interosse dorsales ==> 骨间背侧肌
- musculi interossei ==> 骨间肌
- musculi interossei plantares ==> 骨间足底肌
- musculi interossei volares ==> 骨间掌侧肌
- musculi interspinales ==> 棘间肌
- musculi interspinales cervicis ==> 颈棘间肌,颈棘间肌
- musculi interspinales thoracis ==> 胸棘间肌
- musculi levatores costarum longi ==> 肋长提肌
- musculi lumbricales ==> 蚓状肌
- musculi papillares septales ==> 隔乳头肌
- musculi papillaris sinister ==> 左乳头肌
- musculi pectinati ==> 梳状肌
- musculi perinei ==> 会阴肌
- musculo-skeletal model ==> 筋骨格モデル
- musculocutaneous flap ==> 肌皮瓣
- musculocutaneous nerve ==> 肌皮神经
- musculocutaneous nerve injury ==> 肌皮神经损伤
- musculospiral groove ==> 桡神经沟
- musculotendinous centers ==> 肌腱反射中枢
- musculotonic center ==> 肌紧张中枢
- musculotubal canal ==> 肌咽鼓管
- musculus (musculi) ==> 肌,肌肉
- musculus abductor hallucis ==> 拇展肌
- musculus abductor pollicis brevis ==> 拇短展肌
- musculus abductor pollicis longus ==> 拇长展肌
- musculus adductor brevis ==> 短收肌
- musculus adductor longus ==> 长收肌
- musculus adductor magnus ==> 大收肌
- musculus adductor pollicis ==> 拇收肌
- musculus anconeus ==> 肘肌
- musculus articularis ==> 关节肌
- musculus auricularis anterior ==> 耳前肌
- musculus auricularis posterior ==> 耳后肌
- musculus auricularis superior ==> 耳上肌
- musculus biceps ==> 二头肌
- musculus biceps brachii ==> 肱二头肌
- musculus biceps femoris ==> 股二头肌
- musculus bipennatus ==> 羽肌
- musculus brachialis ==> 肱肌
- musculus brachioradialis ==> 肱桡肌
- musculus broncho-esophageus ==> 支气管食管肌
- musculus buccinator ==> 颊肌
- musculus caninus ==> 尖牙肌,口角提肌,犬齿肌
- musculus ceratocricoideus ==> 美克尔氏肌,角环肌
- musculus chondroglossus ==> 小角舌肌
- musculus ciliaris ==> 睫状肌
- musculus coccygeus ==> 尾骨肌
- musculus constrictor pharyngis ==> 咽缩肌
- musculus constrictor vaginae ==> 阴道缩肌
- musculus coracobrachialis ==> 喙肱肌
- musculus corrugator supercilii ==> 科伊透氏肌,皱眉肌
- musculus cremaster ==> 睾提肌
- musculus cricoary tenoideus lateralis ==> 环杓侧肌
- musculus cricoary tenoideus posterior ==> 环杓后肌
- musculus cricopharyngeus ==> 环咽肌
- musculus cricothyroideus ==> 环甲肌
- musculus cutaneus ==> 皮肌
- musculus deltoideus ==> 三角肌
- musculus depressor anguli oris ==> 降口角肌
- musculus depressor coccygis ==> 尾降肌
- musculus depressor labii inferioris ==> 下唇降肌,降下唇肌
- musculus depressor labii superioris ==> 上唇降肌
- musculus depressor palpebrae inferioris ==> 下睑降肌
- musculus depressor rostri ==> 吻降肌
- musculus depressor septi nasi ==> 降鼻中隔肌
- musculus dermalis ==> 皮肌
- musculus detrusor vesicae ==> 膀胱逼尿肌
- musculus digastricus ==> 二腹肌
- musculus dilatator pupillae ==> 瞳孔开肌
- musculus dilator pharyngis ==> 咽开肌
- musculus dilator pupillae ==> 虹膜扩大肌
- musculus dorsalis antibrachii ==> 前臂上肌
- musculus dorsalis externi ==> 外背肌
- musculus dorsalis externi medialis ==> 中外背肌
- musculus dorsalis interni ==> 内背肌
- musculus dorsalis interni medialis ==> 中内背肌
- musculus ectopectoralis ==> 胸外肌
- musculus entopectoralis ==> 胸内肌
- musculus epaxialis ==> 轴上肌
- musculus epicranius ==> 颅顶肌
- musculus epimeralis ==> 椎上肌
- musculus erector coccygis ==> 尾竖肌
- musculus erector penis ==> 阴茎竖肌
- musculus extensor ==> 伸肌
- musculus extensor antibrachii ==> 前臂伸肌
- musculus extensor brevis pollicis ==> 拇短伸肌
- musculus extensor carpi obliquus ==> 腕斜伸肌
- musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis ==> 桡侧腕长伸肌,桡侧腕短伸肌
- musculus extensor carpi radialis longus ==> 桡侧腕长伸肌,桡侧腕长伸肌
- musculus extensor carpi ulnaris ==> 尺侧腕伸肌
- musculus extensor caudae ==> 尾伸肌
- musculus extensor digitalis ==> 指伸肌
- musculus extensor digiti minimi ==> 小指伸肌
- musculus extensor digiti quinti proprius ==> 小指固有伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum ==> 指伸肌,指总伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum brevis ==> 指短伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum communis ==> 指总伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum lateralis ==> 指侧伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum longus ==> 指长伸肌
- musculus extensor digitorum longus pedis ==> 趾长伸肌
- musculus extensor mandibulae ==> 上颚伸肌
- musculus extensor metacarpi obliquus ==> 掌斜伸肌
- musculus extensor pollicis brevis ==> 拇短伸肌
- musculus extensor pollicis longus ==> 拇长伸肌
- musculus flexor ==> 屈肌
- musculus flexor accessorius ==> 副屈肌
- musculus flexor brevis profundus ==> 深短屈肌
- musculus flexor brevis superficial ==> 浅短屈肌
- musculus flexor carpi externus ==> 腕外屈肌
- musculus flexor carpi radialis ==> 桡侧腕屈肌,桡侧腕屈肌
- musculus flexor carpi ulnaris ==> 尺侧腕屈肌
- musculus flexor caudi ==> 尾屈肌
- musculus flexor digiti quinti brevis ==> 小指短屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum brevis ==> 指短屈肌,趾短屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum brevis pedis ==> 趾短屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum longus ==> 指长屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum longus pedis ==> 趾长屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum sublimis ==> 指浅屈肌
- musculus flexor digitorum superficialis ==> 指浅屈肌
- musculus flexor dititorum profundus ==> 指深屈肌
- musculus flexor mandibulae ==> (昆虫)上颚屈肌
- musculus flexor perforans ==> 指深屈肌
- musculus flexor perforatus ==> 指浅屈肌
- musculus flexor pollicis brevis ==> 拇短屈肌
- musculus flexor pollicis longus ==> 拇长屈肌
- musculus flexor profundus ==> 深屈肌
- musculus flexor superficialis ==> 浅屈肌
- musculus frontalis ==> 额肌
- musculus fusiformis ==> 梭状肌
- musculus gastrocnemius ==> 腓肠机
- musculus genioglossus ==> 颏舌肌
- musculus geniohyoideus ==> 颏舌骨肌
- musculus glossoepiglotticus ==> 舌会厌肌
- musculus glossopalatinus ==> 舌腭肌
- musculus glossopharyngeus ==> 舌咽肌
- musculus glutaeocruralis ==> 臀股肌
- musculus glutaeus accessorius ==> 臀附肌
- musculus glutaeus maximus ==> 臀大肌
- musculus glutaeus medius ==> 臀中肌
- musculus glutaeus minimus ==> 臀小肌
- musculus glutaeus profundus ==> 臀深肌
- musculus glutaeus quartus ==> 臀第四肌
- musculus glutaeus superficialis ==> 臀浅肌
- musculus gracilis ==> 股薄肌
- musculus helicis major ==> 耳轮大肌
- musculus helicis minor ==> 耳轮小肌
- musculus hyoepiglotticus ==> 舌骨会厌肌
- musculus hyoglossus ==> 舌骨舌肌
- musculus hyoideus ==> 舌骨肌
- musculus hyoideus transversus ==> 舌骨横肌
- musculus hyopharyngeus ==> 舌骨咽肌
- musculus hypaxialis ==> 轴下肌
- musculus hypobranchial ==> 下鳃肌
- musculus hypomericus ==> 下节肌
- musculus iliacus ==> 髂肌
- musculus iliococcygeus ==> 髂骨尾骨肌,髂尾肌
- musculus iliocostalis ==> 髂肋肌
- musculus iliocostalis cervicis ==> 颈骼肋肌
- musculus iliocostalis thoracis ==> 胸髂肋肌
- musculus iliopsoas ==> 髂腰肌
- musculus incisurae helicis ==> 耳轮切迹肌
- musculus infraspinatus ==> 冈下肌
- musculus integumentalis ==> 皮肌
- musculus intermedius scutulorum ==> 外耳间肌
- musculus ischiocavernosus ==> 坐骨海绵体
- musculus ischiofemoralis ==> 坐股肌
- musculus ischiourethralis ==> 坐骨尿道肌
- musculus lateralis externi ==> 外侧肌
- musculus lateralis interni ==> 内侧肌
- musculus levato ==> 提肌
- musculus levator ani ==> 肛提肌
- musculus levator branchiarum ==> 鳃提肌
- musculus levator bulbi ==> 眼球提肌
- musculus levator claviculae ==> 锁骨提肌
- musculus levator coccygis ==> 尾骨提肌
- musculus levator glandulae thyreoideae ==> 甲状腺提肌
- musculus levator labii inferioris ==> 下唇提肌
- musculus levator labii superioris proprius ==> 上唇提肌
- musculus levator maxillae ==> 下颚提肌
- musculus levator prostatae ==> 前列腺提肌
- musculus levator scapulae ==> 肩胛提肌
- musculus levator veli palatini ==> 腭帆提肌
- musculus levator vulvae ==> 阴门提肌
- musculus longissimus capitis ==> 头最长肌
- musculus longissimus cervicis ==> 颈最长肌,颈最长肌
- musculus longitudinalis ==> 纵肌
- musculus longitudinalis inferior ==> 下纵肌
- musculus longitudinalis profundus linguae ==> 舌深纵肌
- musculus longitudinalis super ficialis linguae ==> 舌浅纵肌
- musculus longitudinalis superior ==> 上纵肌
- musculus longus ==> 长肌
- musculus longus capitis ==> 头长肌
- musculus longus colli ==> 颈长肌,颈长肌
- musculus malaris ==> 颧肌
- musculus masseter ==> 嚼肌
- musculus mastoidohumeralis ==> 乳突肱肌
- musculus metamericus ==> 体节肌
- musculus multifidus spinae ==> 椎棘多裂肌
- musculus mylopharyngeus ==> 下颌咽肌
- musculus nasalis ==> 鼻肌
- musculus obliquus ==> 斜肌
- musculus obliquus auriculae ==> 耳廓斜肌
- musculus obliquus bulbi inferior ==> 眼球下斜肌
- musculus obliquus bulbi superior ==> 眼球上斜肌
- musculus obliquus capitis ==> 头斜肌
- musculus obliquus dorsalis ==> 上斜肌
- musculus obliquus externus abdominis ==> 腹外斜肌
- musculus obliquus inferior ==> 下斜肌
- musculus obliquus internus abdominis ==> 腹内斜肌
- musculus obliquus medius ==> 中斜肌
- musculus obliquus segmentalis externus ==> 外节斜肌
- musculus obliquus segmentalis internus ==> 内节斜肌
- musculus obliquus superior ==> 上斜肌
- musculus obliquus triquadranto-segmentalis ==> 四分之三节斜肌
- musculus obliquus uniquadranto-segmentalis ==> 四分之一节斜肌
- musculus obliquus ventralis ==> 下斜肌
- musculus obturator externus ==> 闭孔外肌
- musculus obturator internus ==> 闭孔内肌
- musculus occipitalis ==> 枕肌
- musculus occipitofrontalis ==> 枕额肌
- musculus occipitohyoideus ==> 枕舌骨肌
- musculus occipitomandibularis ==> 枕下颌肌
- musculus occipitoscapularis ==> 枕肩胛肌
- musculus occlusor spiraculorum ==> 气门闭肌
- musculus opponens digiti quinti manus ==> 小指对掌肌
- musculus opponens digiti quinti pedis ==> 小趾对跖肌
- musculus opponens hallucis ==> 拇对跖肌
- musculus opponens pollicis ==> 拇指对掌肌
- musculus orbicularis oculi ==> 眼轮匝肌
- musculus orbicularis oris ==> 口轮匝肌
- musculus orbitalis ==> 眼眶肌
- musculus palatoglossus ==> 舌腭肌,腭舌肌
- musculus palatopharygeus ==> 腭咽肌
- musculus palmaris brevis ==> 掌短肌
- musculus palmaris longus ==> 掌长肌
- musculus panniculus carnosus ==> 脂膜肌
- musculus papillaris anterior ==> 前乳头肌
- musculus papillaris posterior ==> 后乳头肌
- musculus papillaris ventralis ventriculi dextri ==> 心右室前乳头肌
- musculus pectineus ==> 耻骨肌
- musculus pectoantibrachialis ==> 胸前臂肌
- musculus pectoralis ==> 胸肌
- musculus pectoralis abdominis ==> 胸腹肌
- musculus pectoralis major ==> 胸大肌
- musculus pectoralis minor ==> 胸小肌
- musculus pectoralis primus ==> 胸原肌
- musculus pectoralis profundus ==> 胸深肌
- musculus pectoralis superficialis ==> 胸浅肌
- musculus pectoralis tranversus ==> 胸横肌
- musculus pennatus ==> 羽状肌
- musculus peroneus ==> 腓骨肌
- musculus peroneus brevis ==> 腓骨短肌
- musculus peroneus longus ==> 腓骨长肌
- musculus petrohyoideus ==> 岩舌骨肌
- musculus piriformis ==> 梨状肌
- musculus plantaris ==> 跖肌
- musculus pleuro-esophageus ==> 胸膜食管肌
- musculus popliteus ==> 肌
- musculus procerus ==> 降眉间肌,纤肌
- musculus pronator ==> 旋前肌
- musculus pronator profundus ==> 旋前深肌
- musculus pronator quadratus ==> 旋前方肌
- musculus pronator sublimis ==> 旋前浅肌
- musculus pronator teres ==> 旋前圆肌
- musculus prostaticus ==> 前列腺肌
- musculus protractor ==> 牵引肌
- musculus protractor pedis ==> (伸足肌)足牵引肌
- musculus psoas major ==> 腰大肌
- musculus psoas minor ==> 腰小肌
- musculus pterygoideus ==> 翼肌
- musculus pterygoideus externus ==> 翼外肌
- musculus pterygoideus internus ==> 翼内肌
- musculus pterygoideus lateralis ==> 翼外肌
- musculus pterygoideus medialis ==> 翼内肌
- musculus pubococcygeus ==> 耻骨尾骨肌,耻尾肌
- musculus puboprostaticus ==> 耻骨前列腺肌
- musculus puborectalis ==> 耻骨直肠肌
- musculus pubovaginalis ==> 耻骨阴道肌
- musculus pubovesicalis ==> 耻骨膀胱肌
- musculus pyramidalis ==> 锥状肌
- musculus pyramidalis auriculae ==> 荣格氏肌
- musculus pyramidalis auridulae ==> 耳廓锥状肌
- musculus quadratus ==> 方形肌
- musculus quadratus femoris ==> 股方肌
- musculus quadratus labii inferioris ==> 下唇方肌
- musculus quadratus labii superioris ==> 上唇方肌
- musculus quadratus lumborum ==> 腰方肌
- musculus quadratus plantae ==> 副屈肌,足底方肌,跖方肌
- musculus quadriceps ==> 四头肌
- musculus quadriceps femoris ==> 股四头肌
- musculus recto-urethralis ==> 直肠尿道肌
- musculus recto-uterinus ==> 直肠子宫肌
- musculus rectocavernosus ==> 直肠海绵肌
- musculus rectococcygeus ==> 直肠尾骨肌
- musculus rectouterinus ==> 直肠子宫肌
- musculus rectovaginalis ==> 直肠阴道肌
- musculus rectovesicalis ==> 直肠膀胱肌
- musculus rectus ==> 直肌
- musculus rectus abdominis ==> 腹直肌
- musculus rectus capitis anterior major ==> 头前大直肌
- musculus rectus capitis anterior minor ==> 头前小直肌
- musculus rectus capitis dorsalis ==> 头背直肌
- musculus rectus capitis lateralis ==> 头侧直肌
- musculus rectus capitis posterior major ==> 头后大直肌
- musculus rectus capitis posterior medius ==> 头后中直肌
- musculus rectus capitis posterior minor ==> 头后小直肌
- musculus rectus capitis ventralis ==> 头腹直肌
- musculus rectus femoris ==> 股直肌
- musculus rectus inferior ==> 下直肌
- musculus rectus lateralis bulbi ==> 眼外直肌
- musculus rectus medialis ==> 内直肌
- musculus rectus superior ==> 上直肌
- musculus retractor ==> 牵缩肌
- musculus retractor antennulae ==> 小触角牵缩肌
- musculus retractor capitis ==> 头牵缩肌
- musculus retractor oculi ==> 眼球牵缩肌
- musculus retractor pedis ==> 足牵缩肌
- musculus retractor penis ==> 阴茎牵缩肌
- musculus rhomboideus ==> 菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus anterior ==> 前菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus capitis ==> 头菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus externus ==> 外菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus internus ==> 内菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus minor ==> 小菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus profundus ==> 深菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus superficialis ==> 浅菱形肌
- musculus rhomboideus thoracalis ==> 胸菱形肌
- musculus rotator ==> 回旋肌
- musculus sacrospinalis ==> 骶棘肌
- musculus sartorius ==> 缝匠肌
- musculus scalenus ==> 斜角肌
- musculus scalenus anterior ==> 前斜角肌
- musculus scalenus medius ==> 中斜角肌
- musculus scalenus minimus ==> 小斜角肌
- musculus semimembranosus ==> 半膜肌
- musculus semispinalis cervicis ==> 颈半棘肌,颈半棘肌
- musculus semispinalis thoracis ==> 胸半棘肌
- musculus serratus ==> 锯肌,锯肌
- musculus serratus anterior ==> 前锯肌
- musculus serratus posterior superior ==> 上后锯肌
- musculus soleus ==> 比目鱼肌
- musculus sphicter urethra ==> 威尔逊氏肌
- musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae ==> 肝胰管壶腹括约肌
- musculus sphincter ani externus ==> 肛门外括约肌
- musculus sphincter ani internus ==> 肛门内括约肌
- musculus sphincter pupillae ==> 瞳孔括约肌
- musculus sphincter urethrae ==> 尿道括约肌
- musculus spinalis ==> 棘肌
- musculus spinalis cervicis ==> 颈棘肌,颈棘肌
- musculus spinalis thoracis ==> 胸棘肌
- musculus splenius cervicis ==> 颈夹肌,颈夹肌
- musculus stapedius ==> 镫骨肌
- musculus styloglossus ==> 茎突舌肌
- musculus stylohyoideus ==> 茎突舌骨肌
- musculus stylopharyngeus ==> 茎突咽肌
- musculus subclavius ==> 锁骨下肌
- musculus subscapularis ==> 肩胛下肌
- musculus supinator ==> 旋后肌
- musculus supraclavicularis ==> 锁骨上肌
- musculus supraspinatus ==> 冈上肌
- musculus suspensorius duodeni ==> 特赖茨氏肌
- musculus tarsalis inferior ==> 下睑板肌
- musculus tensor tympani ==> 鼓膜张肌
- musculus tensor veli palatini ==> 腭帆张肌
- musculus teres ==> 圆肌
- musculus teres major ==> 大圆肌
- musculus teres minor ==> 小圆肌
- musculus thyreohyoideus ==> 甲舌骨肌
- musculus thyroepiglotticus ==> 甲状会厌肌
- musculus thyrohyoideus ==> 甲状舌骨肌
- musculus tibialis posterior ==> 胫骨后肌,胫骨后肌
- musculus trachealis ==> 气管肌
- musculus tragicus ==> 耳屏肌
- musculus transverso-spinalis ==> 棘横肌
- musculus transversospinalis ==> 横突棘肌
- musculus transversus ==> 横肌
- musculus transversus auriculae ==> 耳廓横肌
- musculus transversus linguae ==> 舌横肌
- musculus transversus nuchae ==> 项横肌
- musculus transversus perinei profundus ==> 会阴深横肌
- musculus transversus perinei superficialis ==> 会阴浅横肌
- musculus transversus thoracis ==> 胸横肌
- musculus trapezius ==> 斜方肌
- musculus trasversus abdominis ==> 腹横肌
- musculus triangularis ==> 三角肌
- musculus triceps ==> 三头肌
- musculus triceps brachii ==> 肱三头肌
- musculus triceps surae ==> 小腿三头肌
- musculus unipennatus ==> 半羽肌
- musculus uvulae ==> 腭垂肌,悬雍垂肌
- musculus vastus intermedius ==> 股间肌,股中间肌
- musculus vastus lateralis ==> 股外侧肌,股外肌
- musculus vastus medialis ==> 股内肌
- musculus ventricularis ==> 喉室肌
- musculus verticalis linguae ==> 舌垂直肌
- musculus viscerum ==> 脏肌
- musculus vocalis ==> 声带肌
- musculus zygomaticus ==> 颧肌
- musculus zygomaticus major ==> 颧大肌
- musculus zygomaticus minor ==> 颧小肌
- MUSE, monitor of ultraviolet solar energy ==> 太陽エネルギー紫外線モニター
- museum fatigue ==> 博物馆疲劳症
- museum of anthropology ==> 人类学博物馆
- museum science ==> 博物馆学
- mush ==> 噪声
- mush area ==> 不良接收区
- mush coil ==> 散下线圈
- mush winding ==> 散下绕组,分布绕组
- Mushet('s) steel ==> 马歇特钨钢
- mushing error ==> 颤噪误差,干扰误差
- mushroom anchor ==> 蘑菇形锚
- mushroom apparel flammibility tester ==> 蘑菇式服装易燃性试验仪
- mushroom bed ==> 蕈圃,蕈圃
- mushroom bit ==> 杯形车刀
- mushroom body ==> 蕈形体,蕈形体
- mushroom button ==> 菌形按钮,菌形按钮
- mushroom catheter ==> 蕈头导管,蕈头导管,蕈头导尿管,蕈头导尿管
- mushroom cloud ==> 蘑菇状烟云,蘑菇状云
- mushroom construction ==> 蘑菇式结构,蘑菇形结构,菌形结构,菌形结构,板柱结构
- mushroom fly ==> 尖眼蕈蚊
- mushroom follower ==> 菌形从动件,菌形从动件,菌形随动片,菌形随动片,曲面随动件
- mushroom hair style ==> 蘑菇式
- mushroom head push button ==> きのこ形押しボタン
- mushroom head screw ==> 菌头螺钉,菌头螺钉
- mushroom hothouse ==> 蘑菇栽培室
- mushroom ironing press ==> 蘑菇式压烫机
- mushroom mite ==> 蕈螨,蕈螨
- mushroom poison ==> 菌毒,菌毒
- mushroom powder ==> 蘑菇粉
- mushroom reinforcement ==> 环辐钢筋
- mushroom rivet ==> 扁圆头铆钉
- mushroom rock ==> 蘑菇石
- mushroom shell ==> 伞形壳
- mushroom spawn ==> 菌砖,菌砖
- mushroom suction valve ==> 菌形进气门,菌形进气门
- mushroom type ==> 蕈伞型,蕈伞型
- mushroom type shell ==> 蘑菇形壳
- mushroom valve ==> 菌形阀,菌形阀
- mushroom ventilator ==> 蘑菇形通风筒
- mushroom workers's lung ==> 蘑菇工人肺
- mushroom-head rivet ==> 大平头铆钉
- mushroom-like growth from the eyelid ==> 眼胞菌毒
- mushroom-shaped gland ==> 蕈形腺,蕈形腺
- mushwound coil ==> 散绕线圈
- mushy ==> 多孔隙的
- mushy concrete ==> 浆状混凝土
- mushy consistency of concrete ==> 混凝土流态稠度
- mushy freezing ==> 糊状凝固
- mushy fruit ==> 软果
- mushy road ==> 松软道路
- mushy stage ==> 固液态,浆糊状态
- mushy winding ==> 软绕组
- mushy wool ==> 干草毛,枯燥羊毛
- music ==> 音乐
- music broadcast ==> 音乐广播
- music desk ==> 音乐控制台
- music fidelity ==> 音乐保真度
- music hall ==> 音乐厅
- music line ==> 传音线路,条痕,条纹
- music rack ==> 谱台
- music room ==> 音乐室
- music studio ==> 音乐播音室,音乐室
- music synthesizer ==> 音乐合成器
- music wire ==> 琴弦,琴用钢丝
- music-pickup microphone ==> 音乐用传声器
- music-stand loudspeaker ==> 谱台扬声器
- musical acoustics ==> 音乐声学
- musical alarm clock ==> 音乐式闹钟
- musical arc ==> 音弧
- musical clapping board ==> 搭板
- musical clock ==> 音乐钟
- musical echo ==> 音乐回声
- musical interval ==> 音程
- musical loading ==> 音乐负载
- musical movement ==> 音乐机构
- musical murmur ==> 音乐性杂音
- musical power ==> 音乐功率
- musical quality ==> 音品,音色
- musical scale ==> 音阶
- musical sound ==> 音乐声
- musicology ==> 音乐学
- musicotherapy ==> 音乐疗法
- Musily silver ==> 穆西利特殊型锡铋汞合金
- musk ==> 麝香=>ムスク,麝香(じゃこう)
- musk bag ==> 麝腺,麝腺
- musk gland ==> 麝腺,麝腺
- musk ketone ==> 麝香酮,麝香酮
- musk onion ==> 麝香葱,麝香葱
- musk rose ==> 麝香蔷薇,麝香蔷薇
- musk seed ==> 木槿籽
- musk thistle ==> 麝香飞廉,麝香飞廉
- musk tibetene ==> 西藏麝香
- musk xylene ==> 二甲苯麝香
- musk xylol ==> 二甲苯麝香,麝香二甲苯,麝香二甲苯
- musk-deer ==> 麝,麝
- musk-ox ==> 麝牛,麝牛
- Muskat equation ==> 马斯格脱方程式
- Muskat intercept ==> 麦斯盖特截距
- Muskingum routing method ==> 莫司金干洪水演进法
- Muslim architecture ==> 伊斯兰教建筑
- Muslims' canteen ==> 清真食堂
- muslin yarn ==> 麻纱
- mussel gold ==> (色料)淡菜金
- mussel poisoning ==> 蛤贝中毒
- must not-touch ==> 不能接触
- must spray with stomach poisons ==> 应当喷胃毒剂
- must-operate value ==> 必作值
- must-release value ==> 必释值
- must-run generation ==> マストラン電源
- must-run unit ==> 强制运行机组,为满足系统安全稳定运行的需要,某一或某些时段不管机组是否竞标成功都必须强制运行的发电机组,相应的发电功率为强制运行出力,其价格依据市场规则确定
- Mustang ==> 野马
- mustang cattle ==> 野牛
- mustard ==> 芥子气
- mustard bath ==> 芥末浴
- mustard black ==> マスダードブラック
- mustard crop ==> 芥菜作物
- mustard gas ==> 芥子气=>イペリット
- mustard gas keratitis ==> 芥子气角膜炎
- mustard green ==> マスダードグリーン
- mustard insect ==> 芥菜虫
- mustard oil ==> 芥子油
- mustard poultice ==> 芥子泥罨
- mustard seed ==> 芥子
- mustard tuber preserved chilli ==> 鲜榨菜
- mustard-gas poisoning ==> 芥子气中毒
- muster ==> 集合,収集
- mustine hydrochlcride ==> 盐酸氮芥
- musty on the flesh ==> 皮上霉菌
- musty-odour egg ==> 霉味蛋
- musuli interspinales lumborum ==> 腰棘间肌
- Musée du Louvre ==> 卢浮宫
- Musée Rodin ==> 罗丹博物馆
- mut ==> 螺母
- MUT, mean up time ==> 平均動作可能時間
- muta-aspergillic acid ==> 变曲霉酸
- muta-rotation ==> 变旋光
- mutable gene ==> 突变基因,易变基因
- mutagen matter ==> 诱变物质
- mutagenic action ==> 致突变作用
- mutagenic action of carcinogen ==> 致癌物的诱变作用
- mutagenic agent ==> 诱变剂,诱变因子
- mutagenic carcinogen ==> 诱变致癌物
- mutagenic coefficient ==> 致突变系数
- mutagenic effect ==> 诱变效应,变异效应
- mutagenic factor ==> 变异因子
- mutagenic radiation ==> 致突变辐射
- mutagenic test ==> 致突变试验
- mutant ==> 突变异种
- mutant bacterial product ==> 突变型细菌产物
- mutant character ==> 突变性状
- mutant flies lack magnetic sense ==> 磁気を感じないショウジョウバエ変異体
- mutant gene ==> 突变基因
- mutant site ==> 突变位点
- mutant strain ==> 突变株
- mutant variety ==> 突变种
- mutated gene ==> 突变基因
- mutation ==> 突变,突变子,变种=>突然変異
- mutation fixation ==> 突变固定
- mutation frequency ==> 突变频率
- mutation index ==> 突变指数
- mutation pressure ==> 突变压力
- mutation rate ==> 突变率=>突然変異率
- mutation theory ==> 突变理论
- mutational breeding ==> 突变育种
- mutational equilibrium ==> 突变平衡
- mutational load ==> 突变负荷
- mutator gene ==> 增变基因
- mute ==> 口の利けない人
- mute control ==> 静噪控制,静噪控制
- mute pulley ==> 导向皮带轮
- muted stripe ==> 晕色条纹
- mutilated body ==> 肢解尸体
- mutilation ==> 损坏,残毁
- mutilple output switching function ==> 多输出开关函数
- muting circuit ==> 静噪电路,静噪电路,噪声抑制电路,镇静电路
- muting sensitivity ==> 低灵敏度
- muting valve ==> 无噪管,无噪声管
- mutiple camber ==> 多段曲面
- mutli-roll bridle ==> 多辊张紧装置
- mutli-thread processing ==> 多线处理
- Mutoujing basin ==> 木头井盆地
- mutritional treatment ==> 营养疗法
- mutton rule ==> 破折号
- mutton sheep ==> 肉用羊
- mutton tallow ==> 羊脂
- mutton type ==> 肉用型
- mutton-wool sheep ==> 肉毛兼用羊
- mutual acceptance ==> 相互承兑
- mutual admittance ==> 互导,互导纳
- mutual agency ==> 相互代理
- mutual alignment ==> 相互位置
- mutual assimilation ==> 相互自化作用
- mutual backup reliability concept ==> 相互バックアップ信頼性概念
- mutual branch ==> 共分支
- Mutual Broadcasting System ==> (美国)相互广播公司
- mutual capacitance ==> 互电容
- mutual capacitance attenuator ==> 互电容衰减器
- mutual capacity ==> 交互容量
- mutual characteristic ==> 互特性,屏栅特性
- mutual check of financial discipline ==> 财政纪律检查
- mutual circuit ==> 双向通话电路,互通电路
- mutual coherence function (MCF) ==> 互相干函数
- mutual complements in economy ==> 经济互补,经济互补
- mutual conductance ==> 互导,跨导
- mutual constraint of variational form ==> 变分形式的相互约束
- mutual cooperation ==> 相互合作
- mutual couple factor ==> 互耦合因数
- mutual coupling factor ==> 互耦合系数
- mutual cross ==> 互交杂交,交互杂交
- mutual currency account (MCA) ==> 相互通货帐户
- mutual currency holding ==> 相互通货持有
- mutual current account ==> 相互往来帐户
- mutual deposit premium ==> 相互存款保险公司
- mutual exchange reaction ==> 互换反应
- mutual excitation ==> 互激励
- mutual exclusion ==> 互斥,互斥现象,相互排斥
- mutual exclusion rule ==> 互斥规则
- mutual exclusive call ==> 互斥调用
- mutual gift ==> 相互赠与
- mutual indemnification agreement ==> 相互补偿约定
- mutual inductance ==> 互感系数=>相互インダクタンス
- mutual inductance attenuator ==> 互感衰减器
- mutual inductance particle velocimeter ==> 互感粒子测速仪
- mutual induction ==> 互感=>相互誘導作用
- mutual information ==> 交互信息
- mutual inhibition competition ==> 相互抑制竞争
- mutual insurance ==> 相互保险
- mutual insurance society ==> 相互保险社
- mutual interference ==> 相互干扰,互干扰,互相干扰
- mutual interlocking gear ==> 互锁机构
- mutual leakage reactance ==> 相互漏れリアクタンス
- mutual loan society ==> 联合信贷公司
- mutual modulation ==> 互调制
- mutual pathologic influence ==> 病理上的相互影响
- mutual precipitation ==> 互沉淀
- mutual reactance ==> 互电感
- mutual reactor ==> 耦合电抗器
- mutual repulsion ==> 相互推斥
- mutual resistance ==> 互导的倒数,互电阻
- mutual savings bank ==> 相互储蓄银行
- mutual serving credit ==> 相互透支额度
- mutual share transfer ==> 相互转股
- mutual solution ==> 共熔
- mutual solvent ==> 互溶剂
- mutual stock ownership ==> 联股
- mutual surge impedance ==> 互感波动阻抗
- mutual swing credit ==> 相互透支
- mutual synchronization ==> 相互同期
- mutual trading credit ==> 相互贸易信用
- mutual transfer function ==> 互感应转递函数
- mutual-complementing code ==> 互补码
- mutual-correlation function ==> 相互相関関数
- mutual-induction ==> 互感应
- mutual-induction protector ==> 电磁铁线圈的屏蔽罩
- mutualism ==> 互惠共生
- mutuality of objectives ==> 目标间的相互关系
- mutually affecting analysis method ==> 相互影响分析法
- mutually coupled coils ==> 互相耦合线圈
- mutually exclusive alternatives ==> 互斥方案
- mutually independent random variables ==> 相互独立的随机变量
- mutually independent variables ==> 相互独立变数
- mutually monotonic ==> 互单调
- mutually non-soluble liquid ==> 不互溶液体
- mutually soluble liquids ==> 互溶液体
- mutually-synchronized system ==> 相互同步系统
- MUX, Multiplexer ==> 多重変換装置
- MUX, multiplexer (multiplexor is also available) ==> マルチプレクサ
- Muxiang Bing lang Wan ==> 木香槟榔丸
- muzzle bell ==> 套口,承口
- muzzle brake ==> 炮口制退器
- muzzle print ==> 鼻纹印
- muzzle velocity ==> 炮口速度,喷口速度,出口速度,腔口速度
- muzzle, embouchure ==> 炮口
- mV, Millivolt ==> ミリボルト
- MVC, minimum variance control ==> 最小分散制御
- MVNO, Mobile Virtual Network Operator ==> 移动虚拟网络运营商=>仮想移動体通信事業者
- MVP, master verification plan ==> マスタ検証計画
- MVP, MOS-1 verification program ==> MOS竏窒P検証実験参加
- MVR, master verification requirement ==> マスタ検証計画要求条件
- MVS, multiple virtual system ==> 多重仮想システム
- MW mud weight ==> 泥浆密度
- MW response ==> 出力応動
- MW, microwave ==> マイクロ波
- mW, Milliwatt ==> ミリワット
- MW, momentum wheel ==> モーメンタムホイール
- MW-kilometer method ==> 兆瓦公里法,一种输配电价的定价方法
- MW-mile method ==> 負荷距離方式(電力自由化)
- MWA, maintenance work area ==> 保守作業領域
- MWA, Momentum wheel Assembly ==> モーメンタムホイール組立
- MWA, momentum wheel assembly ==> モーメンタムホイールアセンブリ
- MWARA, major world air routes areas ==> 主要世界航空路区域
- MWD measurement while drilling ==> 随钻测量
- MWD, mega watt demand ==> 要求負荷信号
- MWDE, momentum wheel drive electronics ==> モーメンタムホイール駆動回路
- MWG, Maintainability Working Group ==> 保守容易性作業部会
- MWG, Maintenance Working Group ==> 保守作業部会
- MWI, Many-worlds interpretation ==> 多世界解释=>エヴェレットの多世界解釈
- MWS, microwave spectrometer ==> マイクロ波分光計
- MWS, mini work station ==> 小ワークステーション
- MWS, mobile work station ==> 移動ワークステーション
- MWSF, molecular wake shield facility ==> 分子ウェークシールド施設
- MX Mexico (Flag) ==> 墨西哥(注册)
- MXX, materials experiment ==> 材料実験
- myasthenia reaction ==> 肌无力反应
- myasthenic crisis ==> 肌无力性危象
- myasthenic syndrome ==> 肌无力综合征,类重症肌无力综合征
- myasthenic-myopathic syndrome ==> 肌无力-肌病综合征
- mycalex ==> 云母块
- mycelial cushion ==> 菌丝层,菌丝层
- mycelial filament ==> 菌丝体断片,菌丝体断片
- mycelial plaque ==> 菌丝毡,菌丝毡
- mycelioid colony ==> 菌丝状菌落,菌丝状菌落
- mycelium ==> 菌丝体(复数mycelia)
- mycelium fan ==> 菌丝扇,菌丝扇
- mycelium mat ==> 菌丝体丛,菌丝体丛
- mycelium plug ==> 菌丝栓,菌丝栓
- myciguent neobiotic ==> 新霉素
- mycobacteriosis of skin ==> 皮肤分枝杆菌病
- Mycobacterium lacticola ==> 乳分支杆菌
- Mycobacterium leprae ==> 麻风分枝杆菌,汉森氏杆菌
- mycolic acid ==> 霉菌酸,分枝菌酸,分支菌酸
- mycolipenic acid ==> 霉脂酸
- myconucleo albumin ==> 霉菌核清蛋白
- myconucleo-albumin ==> 霉菌核蛋白
- mycophenolic acid ==> 菌酚酸,菌酚酸,麦可酚酸,霉酚酸
- Mycoplasma orale ==> 口腔支原体
- mycoplasma-like body ==> 类支原体小体
- mycoplasma-like organism ==> 类菌质体生物
- mycoplasma-like organism(MLO) ==> 类支原体
- mycoplasmal pneumonia of pig ==> 猪原体肺炎
- mycorhiza formation ==> 菌根形成,菌根形成
- mycorrhiza ==> 菌根,菌根
- mycorrhiza fungi ==> 菌根真菌,菌根真菌
- mycosis cutis chronica ==> 慢性皮霉菌病
- mycosis of brain ==> 脑真菌病
- mycotic arthritis ==> 真菌性关节感染
- mycotic arthropathy ==> 真菌性关节病
- mycotic colitis ==> 霉菌性结肠炎
- mycotic corneal ulcer ==> 霉菌性角膜溃疡
- mycotic dermatitis of sheep ==> 绵羊霉菌性皮炎
- mycotic fistula of nasopharynx ==> 真菌性鼻咽瘘
- mycotic granuloma ==> 霉菌性肉芽肿
- mycotic granuloma of brain ==> 真菌性脑肉芽肿
- mycotic infection ==> 真菌感染,霉菌感染
- mycotic infection of bronchus ==> 支气管真菌感染
- mycotic infection of chest wall ==> 胸壁真菌感染
- mycotic infection of stomach ==> 胃真菌感染
- mycotic intertrigo ==> 霉菌擦烂
- mycotic pericarditis ==> 霉菌性心包炎
- mycotic pleural effusion ==> 真菌性胸膜渗液
- mycotic spore ==> 霉菌孢子
- mycotoxin ==> 真菌毒素
- mydas fly ==> 拟食虫虻
- Mydrim limestone ==> 米德里姆灰岩
- Mydrim Shales ==> 米德里姆页岩
- myelin figure ==> 髓磷脂象
- myelin repair ==> ミエリン修復
- myelinated fibre ==> 有髓纤维
- myelinated nerve ==> 有髓神经
- myelinic figure ==> 髓鞘状
- myelo-optico-neuropathy ==> 脊髓视神经病
- myelodysplastic syndrome ==> 脊髓发育不良综合征
- myelogenous leukemia ==> 粒细胞性白血病
- myelography with iodide oil ==> 脊髓碘油造影
- myeloid biopsy needle ==> 骨髓活检穿刺针
- myeloid form ==> 脊髓型
- myeloid insufficiency ==> 骨髓功能不全
- myeloid leukemia ==> 骨髓性白血病,粒细胞性白血病
- myeloid metaplasia of bone marrow ==> 骨髓髓细胞样化生
- myeloid reaction ==> 骨髓反应
- myeloma multiplex ==> 多发性骨髓瘤
- myeloma protein ==> 骨髓瘤蛋白
- myelomonocytic leukemia ==> 单核细胞性白血病
- myelomyces medullary carcinoma ==> 脑样癌
- myelopathic muscular atrophy ==> 杜-阿二氏病,脊髓病性肌萎缩,脊髓性进行性肌萎缩
- myeloproliferative disorder ==> 骨髓增生性疾病
- myeloproliferative syndrome ==> 骨髓增生性综合征
- myelotomy hook ==> 脊髓切开术用钩
- myenteric reflex ==> 肠肌反射
- myiasis of nasal sinus ==> 鼻窦蝇蛆病
- Myklestad method ==> 莫克来斯塔德法
- mylabris radix asparag ==> 斑蝥
- mylar ==> 聚酯薄膜,聚酯薄膜,聚酯胶片,聚酯胶片,聚酯树脂,聚酯树脂,涤纶薄膜
- mylar capacitor ==> 聚酯树脂电容器,聚酯树脂电容器
- mylar tape ==> 聚酯磁带,聚酯磁带
- mylar-faced acoustical tile ==> 聚酯薄膜面吸音板
- myleran tablet ==> 马利兰片
- mylikes chocolate ==> 麦丽素巧克力
- mylis ampoule ==> 麦力斯注射液
- mylius test ==> 碘曙红试验
- Mylius test ==> 米留斯试验
- mylohyoid line ==> 颌舌线
- mylohyoid ridge ==> 颌舌嵴
- mylonite zone ==> 糜棱岩带
- mylonitic structure ==> 糜棱构造
- myo-edema ==> 肌耸起
- myocardial ==> 心肌的
- myocardial atrophy ==> 心肌萎缩
- myocardial bioelectric current ==> 心肌生物电流
- myocardial biopsy ==> 心肌活检
- myocardial contraction force ==> 心肌收缩力
- myocardial contractive power ==> 心肌收缩力
- myocardial damage ==> 心肌损伤
- myocardial degeneration disease ==> 心肌变性病
- myocardial depressant factor (MDF) ==> 心肌抑制因子
- myocardial disease ==> 心筋疾患
- myocardial displacement transducer ==> 心肌位移传感器
- myocardial electrode ==> 心肌电极
- myocardial eventration ==> 心肌膨出
- myocardial fibrosis ==> 心肌纤维化
- myocardial hypertrophy ==> 心肌肥大
- myocardial infarct ==> 心肌梗塞
- myocardial infarction ==> 心肌梗死
- myocardial ischemia ==> 心肌缺血
- myocardial membrane electrode ==> 心肌膜电极
- myocardial necrosis ==> 心肌坏死
- myocardial oxygen consumption ==> 心肌氧耗量
- myocardial pace making electrode ==> 心肌起搏电极
- myocardial reserve ==> 心肌储备
- myocardial rupture ==> 心肌破裂
- myocardial scanning ==> 心肌扫描
- myocardial tension transducer ==> 心肌张力传感器
- myocardial visualization ==> 心肌显影
- myocardial weakness ==> 心肌衰弱
- myocarditis virus ==> 心肌炎病毒
- myocaridal infarction of rigbt ventricle ==> 右心室心肌梗塞
- myoclonia fibrillaris multiplex ==> 肌纤维颤搐
- myoclonic reflex ==> 肌阵挛反射
- myoelastic fiber ==> 肌弹性纤维
- myoelectric apparatus ==> 肌电仪
- myoelectric hand ==> 肌电手=>筋電義手
- myoelectric potential ==> 肌电位
- myoelectric signal ==> 肌电信号=>筋電位信号
- myoendothelial junction ==> 肌内皮连接
- myoepithelioma of salivary gland ==> 涎腺肌上皮瘤
- myofascitis of back ==> 腰背肌肉筋膜炎
- myofunctional therapy ==> 肌机能性疗法
- myogenic paralysis ==> 肌原性麻痹
- myoglobin ==> 肌红蛋白=>ミオグロビン
- myoid cell antibody ==> 肌样细胞抗体
- myoinositol monophosphate ==> 一磷酸肌醇酯
- myoma of bladder ==> 膀胱肌瘤
- myoma of ovarian round ligament ==> 卵巢圆韧带肌瘤
- myoma of testis ==> 睾丸肌瘤
- myoneural disorder ==> 肌神经障碍
- myoneural junction ==> 肌肉神经接点
- myopathic spasm ==> 肌病性痉挛
- myopathy of vegetative nervous system ==> 植物神经系统肌病
- myopic eye ==> 近视眼
- myopic lens ==> 近视眼镜
- myopic reflex ==> 近视反射,魏斯氏反射
- myosin ==> 肌动球朊,肌凝蛋白,肌球蛋白=>ミオシン
- myosin mono clonal antibody ==> 肌浆球蛋白单克隆抗体
- myosinfibrin ==> 肌浆球蛋白纤维
- myosinogen ==> 肌蛋白,肌浆蛋白
- myositis ossificans of quadriceps femoris ==> 股四头肌骨化性肌炎
- myositis ossificans progressiva ==> 进行性骨化性肌炎
- myotatic irritability ==> 肌牵张应激性
- myotatic reflex ==> 肌伸张反射,牵张反射
- myotonia motor neuron ==> 肌紧张运动神经元
- myotonic potential ==> 肌强直电位
- myotonic syndrome ==> 肌强直综合征
- myotubule system ==> 肌管系统
- MYP, MHI Yokohama Power ==> MYP
- myrcia oil ==> 香叶油
- myriabit memory ==> 万位存储器
- myriad ==> 万=>無数,ミリアド
- myriad existing problems ==> 数え切れない既存の問題
- myriad growth opportunities ==> 計り知れない成長チャンス
- myriadmeter ==> 万克
- myriametric wave ==> 超长波=>ミリアメートル波
- myrica oil ==> 月桂油
- Myricaria platyphylla ==> 心叶水柏枝
- myricetin cannabiscetin ==> 杨梅黄酮
- myricinic acid ==> 杨梅酸
- myricyl alcohol ==> 蜂花醇
- myringectomy ==> 鼓膜切除术
- myringitis ==> 鼓膜炎
- myringo-camera ==> 鼓膜照相机
- myringodectomy ==> 鼓膜切除术
- myringomycosis ==> 鼓膜霉菌病,霉菌性鼓膜炎
- myringoplasty ==> 鼓膜成形术,鼓室成形术
- myringorupture ==> 鼓膜破裂
- myringoscope ==> 鼓膜检查镜,鼓膜镜
- myringotome ==> 鼓膜刀,鼓膜切开刀
- myringotomy ==> 鼓膜切开关,鼓室切开术
- myristic acid ==> 肉豆蔻酸
- Myristica fatua ==> 野肉豆蔻
- myristica oil ==> 肉豆蔻油
- myristicic acid ==> 肉豆蔻醚酸
- myristy alcohol ==> 肉豆蔻醇
- myristyl alcohol ==> 肉豆蔻醇
- myristyl chloride ==> 肉豆蔻酰氯
- myristylpicolinum bromide ==> 消毒净
- myrmecophilous plant ==> 适蚁植物,好蚁植物
- myrmekitic structure ==> 蠕状构造
- myrrh ==> 没药,没药树=>ミル,没薬(もつやく)
- myrrh oil ==> 没药油
- myrrholic acid ==> 没药酸
- myrtan extract ==> 桉树栲胶
- myrtenyl chloride ==> 桃金娘烯基氯
- myrtle ==> 桃金娘,桃金娘科植物=>マートル
- mystery ==> 未解明なこと,謎の事柄
- mystery snail ==> 神秘螺
- Mystox formula ==> 麦斯脱配方
- mytelase chloride ==> 肌舒能
- Mytton flags ==> 米顿板层
- myxedema face ==> 粘液性水肿面容
- myxoid cystoma ==> 粘液样囊瘤
- myxoma of lung ==> 肺粘液瘤
- myxoma peritonei ==> 腹膜粘液瘤
- myxoma virus ==> 粘液瘤病毒
- Myxomycete ==> 粘菌
- myxosarcoma of bladder ==> 膀胱粘液肉瘤
- MZ, Machine-building Factory (Mashinostroeniya Zavod) ==> 機械製造工場
- Müller's glass ==> 玻璃蛋白石
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